#gah i hope you have enough to work with here?? lemme know if you need me to change or add anything!
nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.X
Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
AO3 link
Mabel, though a bit salty that her uncle would send her away from battle, quickly saw the chaos raining down on Earth and formed her own plan: find dipper and work together to save the world. Simple enough. So she used Gompers the giant goat to gallop across the valley and through the woods to Thebes, where a big goblin was smashing buildings and weirdness was torturing the Greek city, creating an apocalyptic atmosphere.
Mabel remembered where her brother’s house was and heard an old man yell as Gompers approached. She stopped the giant goat and gasped at who was at the entrance. In armor and a red cape, someone who looked a lot like her Grunkle Ford was staring at her with brown eyes that matched her own.
Stan smiled nervously and stepped forward. “Hi… Mabel, ri-...”
“GRUNKLE STAN!” Mabel cheered with tears streaming down her face and she jumped down into his arms, knocking him to the ground, but Stan just laughed and hugged his newfound niece. “I can’t believe it! I get to meet you! Hi! I’m Mabel! Hi!”
“Well, hey there, pumpkin.” Stan greeted as he hugged her and petted her long brown hair. “Grunkle, huh? I love it! Alright, lemme look at you.” He gently held her by the shoulders and grinned at the blushing muse. She glowed golden, her skin a slightly bright hue than his thanks to being immortal. “Holy Hera, you’re beautiful. You look like Ma, bless her soul. Wow… just, wow.”
Mabel brought him into another hug and whispered, “Thanks. I… I never thought I’d get to see you.”
“Mabel?” Dipper said weakly as he leaned against the doorway.
Mabel and Stan gave him their full attention, still completely ignoring the devastation taking place around them, and Mabel cried freely as she looked at her twin. “DIPPER!” She got off her knees and ran to him. He graced himself for impact, but was happily brought into a tight hug that lifted him off his feet. Clearly she had some god-like strength, too.
“Mabel… it’s great to see you…”
“I missed you, I missed you, I MISSED YOU!” Mabel yelled happily and sat him on his feet. She looked back at her great-uncle, who was on his feet and joining the niblings, and she reached out a hand for him and held Dipper’s hand. “Look at this! We’re a family again! So… how do you like each other?” She asked excitedly.
Dipper shrugged. “Fine.”
Stan chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re not still… mad about me not telling you, are you?”
“Wait… oh.” Mabel said and let her boys go and took a step back to let them talk.
“I’m just…” Dipper gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead, his head grazing over his birthmark that looked like a kitchen dipper. “I don’t understand. Why? Why didn’t you ever tell me? Were you… Are you really that ashamed to be family?”
“No.” Stan quickly said. “No, Dipper, I… I’m proud to be your family. I am so proud of you, hero or no hero. I… I just didn’t know how to tell you. I almost did when we first met, when this scrawny but strong and smart twelve-year-old came to my doorstep, desperate to become a hero only so he could have a family again, but… I decided you were better off not knowing. You were already dealing with so much, knowing you had an uncle who was a total failure didn’t need to be one of them. 
“I’m sorry.” The old trainer of heroes said woefully. “I wish I had told you. I wish I had been more honest with you. But… kid, it doesn’t matter if I’m your uncle or not. Nothing’s changed. Not really. I’m still so proud of you and I’m still gonna do everything I can to make sure you two aren’t ever separated ever again.” Stan swore, pointing at Dipper and Mabel. “Even if it happens tomorrow or thirty years from now, I swear it’ll happen. But no matter what, you’ll always have a family, Dipper. We’ll always be a family, god or no gods, blood or no blood.”
Dipper let this soak in, then sighed and swayed a little. Really, if it wasn’t for everything going on, the big reveal probably wouldn’t have been as devastating, it was just a lot at once. “Yeah… Yeah, we will…”
Mabel’s smile dropped at seeing how pale and sickly he looked, and she rubbed his shoulders and was much more gentle with him. “Whoa, hey, what’s wrong?”
“He traded his strength away to that Bill guy.” Stan informed.
Mabel turned to look at the big goblin tearing up the city. “I’m guessing that’s why.” The young muse cracked her knuckles and grinned excitedly. “And here I thought I was gonna miss a fight! Stan, you look after Dipper, I’ll handle Ugly.” And she ran down the street for the monster.
“Mabel, no!” Dipper called after her, stepping towards her, but he tripped over his feet and Stan had to catch him.
“Easy, kid, easy. Your sis can handle this.” Stan reassured. “Check it.”
Mabel ran past people who were trying to get out of Eight Ball’s way. She slid to a stop at the town’s circle and whistled loudly. Eight Ball looked down and laughed. “A little girl?! Aw, what, are you gonna dance for me?”
Mabel growled and sneered a sly smile. “If it’ll make you happy… let’s dance!” And she pulled out her duel sword from either hip and plunged them into a green foot that was almost as big as her.
Eight Ball yelled and kicked up, sending Mabel up in the air. The goblin quickly swatted her and she was thrown against a stone wall and slid down painfully, but she staggeringly got up and resumed the fight.
“Ouch! That’s it, pumpkin, shake it off!” Stan coached.
Dipper pulled himself away from Stan and moaned, “I gotta help her…”
“Kid, you’ll die without your strength.” Stan said firmly and made Dipper sit down on a step of their home. “Just breathe and rest, okay? You’ll get your strength back in twenty-three hours.”
Dipper held his head. While so weak and in pain, it was hard for him to think. His mind was so stuffed and so full but so low on energy that he was driving himself insane, but those words created a clear path of thinking, and he shot up as an idea came to mind. “Or if you’re hurt.”
Stan raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah.”
“The deal’ll break if you’re hurt.” Dipper explained and looked around. He saw Pacifica guiding children into a house where they would be safe, and he whistled. “Paz! C’mere!”
The blonde woman looked ashamed, but did as she was told. She slowly approached the scowling old man and the weak young man as she nervously played with her hair. “Listen, I…”
“No, you listen. You owe us a favor.” Dipper panted, weak from the effort of whistling.
“Uh, okay.” Pacifica agreed.
“Punch him.” Dipper said, jabbing a thumb at Stan.
Pacifica shrugged. “Okay.” And she gave him a sharp left hook.
“GAH!” Stan held his cheek and rubbed. “Woman! That hurt!”
“Good!” Dipper laughed, his color instantly returning and his stance getting stronger, grinning with pride over his own cleverness. “You got hurt! The deal’s off!”
“YES!” Stan cheered and punched his shoulder, having no effect on the young hero with god-like strength. “That’s my little conman! NOW GO BEAT UP THAT GUY WITH YOU SISTER!”
Dipper nodded and ran off into battle. 
Mabel was doing a very good job of fighting off the monster, but the fight was at a stand-still. At one point the muse was in the clutches of Eight Ball, both hands trapping her as she squirmed and pulled. “I’m gonna bite your head off!” He roared.
“LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!” Dipper demanded, grabbing a lit torch, jumping off a tall building, and smacking Eight Ball in one of his weird eyes with the fire.
“GAH!” The monster dropped Mabel, who recovered by doing a flip and landed perfectly with a bend of her knee. Dipper jumped down beside her and they both smiled proudly at each other, only allowed a moment before eight Ball had recovered and roared, but one sly glance at each other and the fallen god and the young muse were ready to do battle.
They pounced on the goblin, Dipper throwing punches and Mabel using her duel swords, and they fell behind a large mountain with the beast. Stan and Pacifica gasp, the battle out of sight, and three voices yelled when large rocks from the side of the mountain fell. The audience ran closer, but stopped as they heard rustling. Preparing for the worst but praying for the best, Dipper and Mabel slowly emerged, a bit dirty but healthy nonetheless.
Stan hollered with joy as his chest swelled with pride while Pacifica clapped politely. “THAT’S MY KIDS! Alright, alright! I’m so proud of you guys!”
Dipper and Mabel grinned, but the brother looked up at the dark clouds seriously. “Bill’s still out there…”
“OH NO!” Mabel smacked her forehead. “I almost forgot! More monsters were attacking Olympus! Grunkle Ford needs our help!”
“You two go help Sixer.” Stan said and jabbed a thumb at the broken city. “I better help these guys out, tell the press what’s going on, the usual stuff.”
“You sure?” Mabel asked. “We could use your help.”
“Nah, you don’t need me.” Stan chuckled. “You both just took on a monster with your bare hands like it was nothing! Now go save the world!”
Mabel and Dipper grinned, excited to kick that demon back where he belongs, and the muse whistled for Gompers. As soon as he arrived they got up on him and galloped for the home of the gods, ready for Round 2.
“What’s our status?!” Ford asked his best friend.
“Everyone’s bein’ turned t’stone!” Fiddleford yelled as an eyebat shined a beam down at him. “Even me!”
“NO!” Ford threw his last bolt at the eyebat, but it swerved out of the way and scooped up Fiddleford’s frozen body.
Ford looked left and right, waiting for an idea to come to him, but he was too clouded with anxiety and worry that he failed to notice the huge, now three-dimensional demon behind him. “Fordsie, I’m home.” A shrill voice sang.
“Bill?” Ford breathed, his eyes narrowing in anger and he shook with rage. He should have listened to Mabel and knew he was behind this. He growled like an angry bulldog and tried to throw a punch, but with a lift of a finger Bill had total control over Ford’s body and made him float lifelessly in front of him.
“Well well, looks like you truly are as dumb as you look. Tell me, did you really think such a powerful being would ever be friends with a six-fingered monster?” Bill laughed evilly and moved two arms close, creating lava and ice to work together to encase Ford in a stony prison. “This dimension is mine, Sixer, and it’s all thanks to you.” He said as Ford climbed and crawled to try to escape, but was steadily being encased, like quicksand. “Now all I need to do is make sure those brats stay out of my way.”
“NO! NO!” Ford screamed. “NOT MY KIDS, YOU CA-…” And he was completely covered.
“I’m the one giving orders now, Freak.” Bill sneered and sat in his new throne the eyebats had made for him, made entirely out of gods and goddesses. “And I think I’m gonna like it here.”
“Don’t get too comfortable, Bill!” A voice yelled and Bill turned red and left his throne to see behind him.
Bursting on top of the mountain, Gompers carried Dipper and Mabel, who hopped down and scowled up at the mean triangle.
“WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?! No, no no NO!” Bill roared. “Eight Ball had ONE job to do! UGH! Henchmaniacs, TAKE THEM OUT!”
The twins nodded at each other, agreeing to the plan, and Mabel gave Dipper some cover by hopping over the monsters and attacking the eyebats, stabbing them like they were meatballs. Dipper quickly hurried to the throne made of stoned gods, and used his god-like intelligence to know which god to pull loose.
After a quick analysis, Dipper gently pulled out a dark-skinned goddess with a red dress, the goddess of summer and romance, one by one all of the victims were unfrozen and the throne fell apart. Freed and ready for battle, gods pulled out their weapons and helped Mabel attack the monsters now that all of the eyebats were dead.
“YA HOO!” Fiddleford hollered and smacked little Teeth with a banjo. “Thanks, Mason!”
Dipper grinned and quickly climbed over the large pile of rock. At the top, he tore the prison apart and freed Grunkle Ford. The men had a moment much like Stan and Mabel had, simply looking at each other, until Ford blinked his eyes dry and put a six-fingered hand on each of dipper’s shoulders. “Thank you, my boy.”
Dipper felt like throwing up, but in a good way. He and Ford looked down at the glorious battle of gods defeating the monsters, and they quickly joined in.
One by one as monsters were defeated, Dipper used his super strength to pull them behind them, gathering unconscious, sagging bodies until he and Mabel were at the entrance of Olympus with their gain. Mabel swiped the Golden Rope of Truth from the goddess of summer and romance and the twins worked together to tie up the minions in a heap, and Mabel held them still while Dipper kicked so powerfully they flew all the way to the ocean and down through the little hole in space-time, which sealed instantly.
Mabel pounced on her brother, who scooped her up and hugged her tightly as everyone cheered over their victory. Ford was by their side, ruffling their hair and smiling with brown eyes full of love. “I’m so proud of you both.”
Dipper could feel all his dreams coming true, but a shrill voice rang through the dark clouds as a golden triangle fled. “Thanks a ton, freaks! But at least I got one swell consolation prize! A friend of yours, who’s dying to see me!”
The three gasp over fear of losing their missing family member forever. “STAN!”
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aka-irish · 3 years
Apex Legends: The Top Predator Part 5. Predators to Prey
A blue portal opens up in the center of King’s Canyon. *Thwapew* and in a flash of blue light the Legends all appear lined up, hands on their guns as they await this new foe. The electronic banners in the canyon flicker as the Doctor Traxler’s face appears once more. “Bravo, Legends. I’m glad you made the right choice. I wouldn’t have wanted to set those bombs off, anyway, but I needed an insurance policy. With that said, I wanted to test our new toy. Please...accept my boy as you have any other legend. He does have a bit of a temper” The doctor snidely remarks, a huge grin on his face. The months of laboring research and creation finally coming to fruition for him. “We will stop you” yells Wraith, a finger pointing up at the monitor. “Oh, I doubt that” replies the doctor. “And even if you do, you won’t stop us, for as the wheels turn, we do our part. Now. “The doctor turns to off screen. “Release Darwin!” commands Traxler. “Sir!” says a soldier before hitting a button. A whirring from a door can be heard and the glass tank is released through a hatch in the floor as it launches down from a ship. The Legends look up and in a few moments a large metallic container can be seen descending from the sky. As it approaches the ground below rockets kick in to slow the fall. Upon landing it begins smoking as the air pressure begins releasing, and upon opening, the glass tank can be seen with Darwin in it. The tank drains and opens and the large body falls out onto his knees inside the metal hatch. “Hrr..hrrrr.hrrrr” a mix of deep breathing and seething can be heard coming him, as his powerful lungs expand and inhale for the first time on their own. The muscles twitch and flex as he begins to stand up, his massive frame almost too overshadowing the tank behind, making one wonder how he could have fit inside it. He stands up and eyes the legends. Steel grey eyes locked on the band of warriors as his teeth grit. “HrrRRWAAHHHHHH” roars the abomination of man. “Play nice, Legends.HAAHHA” the doctor laughs before his signal cuts out and the monitors display the fight. Darwin steps forth. 
“Hmph” Crypto quickly breathes as he throws out Hack “I’ll keep Hack open to provide any data scans in case things go south.” states the Korean hacker. “Good” replies Bangalore. “Oh my God, enough talking. Let’s bake this freak. RAPIDO!” bursts out Octane as he injects himself with a stim and charges the creature solo. “SILVA, NO!’ cries out Lifeline as the daredevil runs full speed at Darwin. “Catch me if you can, pendejo! Octane aims his mastiff shotgun at the beast of a man and he begins to unload a buckshot. The spray from the powerful gun land directly at the chest of the 6′6 bald, monster. *Tink* a small shield absorbs most of the shots. “Shielded up, eh? No matter. I’ll whittle you down, you can’t catch me” says Oct as he stims up again, the brash stuntman remarks happily, loving the thrill of the challenge. Darwin lashes a monstrous arm out, swinging at the speedster but he misses. “Oooo..gonna have to do better than that. yehehehahahah!” he laughs. Darwin swings again, misses, but becomes a bit closer. Octane fires another shot, the bullets once again absorbed by the energy shield. Darwin leaps at him and Octane slides under him. “Those muscles make ya slow, haha!” He jumps up and throws a kick at his face. The robotic legs kick off Darwin’s face, not even staggering him. “GRAHHHHHH!” he roars in annoyance as he lashes out once more. BA-THOOM BATHOOM BATHOOM, one of Darwin’s massive hearts begins to thunder and accelerate...BATHOOMBATHOOMBATHOOM, the second heart begins to beat faster and harder. As the two other hearts begin to catch up and speed up, Darwin begins moving even faster. He throws a wild punch as it grazes Octane’s mask. “The hell?” he wonders, the sudden surge in speed surprising him as a second fist connects to his stomach. “GAH!” he cries out in pain, never having been hit with such force in his life. He gets sent flying back as he coughs up blood in his mask. “HKHKHKHK!” he can’t breathe in the mask as he chokes on the blood. Darwin accelerates towards him, the added hearts pumping so fast in a way that his body is able utilize more oxygen to speed up his muscles to match even Octane. A blue portal opens up instantly between Octane and Darwin as a blue energy shield pops out to absorb the force. “Tch..you’re a strong one, huh” Gibraltr pops out of Wraith’s portal with his shield up. Wraith, having led the portal, grabs Octane and jumps back through, leaving the human fortress to fight the behemoth of Pinnacle. Gibraltr smiles as he his shield up and Maori club in his free hand. The shield absorbing the angry blows of Darwin and he counters with a massive club strike the face in an opening. The energy shield again absorbing the blow but the mighty Makoa, even being able to chop trees in a single stroke, merely knocks the monster’s head back slightly. BATHOOMBATHOOMBATHOOM, the powerful connection of hearts begin to surge again as Darwin throws his blows faster, as he starts to overwhelm Gibby. “Damn..I’ve never faced anyone like you before” Gibby says with a smile on his face as his wild side starts to show. “GRAAHHHH!” Darwin screams. The massive fists colliding with the shield as it shatters. Makoa reaches behind and pulls out his favored Eva-8 automatic shotgun, he points it point blank at Darwin’s stomach and begins pumping in all 8 rounds. Each explosive shot manages to push Darwin back for some space, but the shield reduces the damage once again.
 Meanwhile, Wraith having appeared back with the group puts Octane down by Lifeline. “He’s hurt bad. Whatever that thing is can throw a punch” points out the Voidwalker. “I got him. Go help, Makoa” says Lifeline as she hooks DOC to him to help heal him. Wraith nods before heading back to the portal and jumps in. She ports back out just as Gibraltr gained some space with his EVA. “I don’t know what kinda shield this thing has, but my gun ain’t cutting it Wraith” Gibby remarks as he loads a new drum into his shotgun. Wraith just nods as she finally confronts the nightmare from the base. She pulls out her alternator and leaps in, flipping over the charging monster, firing rapid shots as the bullets just burn through in the shield, Gibby combining with her his Eva. Darwin staggers around, clearly feeling some pain but showing little to no effect of slowing down. “AYE! GET BACK, MATES! FIRIN’ ME KNUCKLECLUSTER!” yells Fuse as he rushes in, firing his signature grenades. “HRUUUUUUUUU!!” Darwin yells in pain at the explosions. “Let’s see how you deal with Salvo’s finest!” smiles the Bonecage Brawler. His 30-30 repeater locked right onto Darwin. The charged shots clinking against the energy armor. “Bloody hell, what’s this?” he questions as Gibby and Wraith both fire. “We don’t know. It’s not an Evo shield I’ve ever seen. “Well..just keep firin then” Fuse’s face turns serious from the fun loving fighting expression that he is known for. The Legends seemingly having the monster on the ropes for the moment. “Why can’t we go in? Lemme at the brute!” blurts out Rampart. “Because, we don’t know what he can do and look what happened when one of us charged in. Silva is out of commission in almost one hit. Guns don’t seem to be working all too well either. As Wraith, Gibby and Fuse continue their advancement, Darwin swings wildly once again. BATHOOMBATHOOMBATHOOMBATHOOM, his hearts accelerating even faster, he charges forward and lands a massive fist to the face of Gibraltr between reloads, ignoring the shots from the other two. “AGH!” Gibby screams out in pain as he flies back, blood spraying immediately from his nose. Lands on the ground with a hard thud. ‘AGHRAARUUUU!’ roars Darwin again, as he swings around and turns his attention to Wraith and Fuse. Gibby staggers himself, the normally proud and happy disposition on his face is turned to, for the first time in a long time, doubt. “Damn” he whispers under his breath and he charges again. *click click click* Wraith’s gun clicks. “Oh no..I;m out” she thinks to herself. She pulls her kunai. “I’m going to phase guys!” she teleports as she ports around and jumps up to climb his distracted shoulders as she goes for a stab to his neck with her kunai. The blade bouncing off the shield...”oh no..” she stutters as Darwin reaches up and powerbombs her into the ground so hard it almost cracks. “Ghuhh!” Wraith bounces against stone and sand as the air immediately leaves her lungs, her body wracked with pain. 
Aboard the Pinnacle ship, Traxler looks on in intent amazement at his creation. The metallic doors open as Colonel Braxton makes his presence known. “You’ve done outstanding work, Doctor” remarks Braxton, his hands held behind as back as he watches the carnage of Pinnacle’s creation. “It really is incredible, isn’t it, Colonel?” questions the sociopath. “We have really done it, we have created the perfect soldier. We have played God here and are winning” he follows up, putting a hand on the Colonel’s shoulder. “And none of it would be possible without your leadership, sir. I hope we may continue to do business with each other.” “And I as well”, replies Braxton as both return to their gaze to the battle below. “Wraith is down! Horizon, retrieve her as quick as possible. Gibs! How is it hanging in there?” questions Bangalore amidst the chaos and commands. Gibraltr throws his dome shield over Wraith as he knocks the even bigger man back out of it. “Not good, Anita. This thing is tough and I don’t know how much more we can hold off” he admits through gritted teeth. A gravity disk is thrown by Wraith and sucks her up to her the Scottish scientist that is Horizon. “No dyin today, deary. We can take a wee nap later” she caringly mutters to the downed Wraith. “And up” Horizon launches another disk and floats back up to the group, landing softly and laying her down by Octane. “Horizon...Wattson...Valkyrie...Caustic, we need to hit him with everything we have, but it’s going to take and timing and work. Ajay, you continue providing care to Oct and Wraith. Loba, Mirage, I need you to go help Gibraltr and get Fuse back up here, we need his Motherlode. We only have one shot at this, guys” Bangalore sternly states before turning to look at Rampart. “P, can you set Sheila up and provide some suppressive fire?”she asks the modded machine gunner. “Can do, girl” Rampart whips around her massive minigun before slapping it a couple times. “Alright, girl, we got a big, mutant skull to crack.” she jollily chortles before running off to set up. “Mirage to the rescue. Dupes deployed” yells Mirage as he charges after the creature, his dupes appearing and running at it. Loba tosses her ring and lands in behind the creature as it continues to throw massive fists with Gibraltr. “Take this you sonofabitch” Loba roars through her teeth as she pulls out the R-99 and begins unloading the rapid clip at Darwin. “GAAAHGRRUUUUHHH” it yells as it now has dupes, Gibraltr, Mirage and Loba fighting. Loba flips between fists and kicks as dupes disappear from being hit while Mirage sets back, unloading his signature Wingman. The high caliber rounds knocking back the beast as it staggers but still seems unaffected due to the modded energy shield. “Bullets don’t see to be working, guys” Mirage remarks as he sends another dupe, Loba continuing to leap and unload clip after clip  with Gibby jumping in with his shotgun. “Fuse, return back” commands Bangalore over the earpiece. “Right” he returns and starts running back, catching the gaze of Darwin. “RAAGHH” he roars as he charges after him. As he does, a hailstorm of bullets comes from atop a cliff as Rampart rains down SHEILA at him. “Take this ya bloody bastard HAHAHA” she laughs manically in delight at the fight. As the barrage of high-caliber bullets hit him, the shield seems to almost crack. 
“Good, P. Keep it going” compliments “Rest of you, GO!” screams the former IMC soldier as the remaining legends rush down the hill. “Gibs, Mirage, and Loba. Get back!” they hear Bangalore bark. Mirage dupes, and Loba jump drives away. Bangalore launches a smokebomb at Darwin, it explodes confusing the almost frozen monster with Rampart shooting him. Rampart stops as Valkyrie flies by, dropping her missiles to stun him for a few moments. “Deploying fences” excitedly states Wattson as she slides down, putting up a square of super charged fences around the monster. “RAGHHHH” Darwin can be heard screaming inside the smoke cloud, lashing out but cringing back in pain due to the electric posts of the genius Ms. Paquette. “Singularity deployed” yells Horizon as she throws NEWT at him. The device opening and unleashing the gravitational pull, keeping Darwin centered. “Droppin the motherlode” as it’s Fuse’s turn to pull out his cannon as he launches the flaming ring over Darwin, the shield absorbing more and more damage, but despite that, Darwin can feel the heat and charge, yelling out in pain. “Gas grenade” calmly states Caustic as he throws his gas grenade. It explodes on contact, releasing the venomous mist inside. The powerful lungs of Darwin inhale the spray and begins choking, his lungs and extra hearts working overtime to metabolize and compensate for the poison. “Bangalore up top pops up a can of her rolling thunder before launching it. “Everyone, get in Gibby’s shield. We end this now” she yells. Gibraltr throws up his dome shield as the signal flare calling for the missiles to drop and line the ground around Darwin. “RUUUUUUAAAAHH!” he screams in the searing agony of the combined ultimates of the Legends. The missiles detonate leaving Darwin to get caught in the explosions, his energy shield reaching maximum capacity and finally cracking, as dust and sand, and gunpowder fills the air, engulfing him. Gibby’s shield finally fading. “Did we win?” asks Mirage, the other legends staring sternly at the dust cloud. 
“Sir, Darwin’s shield has been cracked!” a soldier at a monitor reports out. “And how is Darwin?” calmly asks the doctor. “He appears to have sustained minimal damage, but damage nonetheless” he reads back. “To be expected” states the doctor. “These are the legends after all, but I think it’s time we end this. Activate Darwin’s Cardiac Connection ultimate and drop the Devotions kit” he orders. The soldier nods as he pulls open a switch and hits the read button over Darwin’s screen. Another soldier pulls a lever as a container is launched from the drop ship, plummeting towards the arena. BATHOOM...BATHOOM...BATHOOM, Darwin’s three extra hearts begin beating in different rhythms. *Thoom-thoomp..thoom-thoomp...thoom.thoomp..THOOMthumpthump...thoomthom* Loba winces immediately yelling out in pain as she drops to her knees, hands clutching at her breast. Darwin’s 2nd heart *thoomp-thmp--thoomp-thmp..thmmpp..thmppthmp..BUMP* Mirage drops to his knees, clutching his chest, seething in agony. *BMPBMPBMP..bmp-bmpbummppthump* Rampart falls from SHEILA, hand almost ripping at her shirt. Darwin’s hearts beat rapidly and flail while the hearts of the three legends match them. “What’s going on!?” yells a confused Bangalore. Valkyrie puts an ear down on the convulsing Loba’s breast “THOMMP...thoompthumpthump...thmph......thmph” it’s like shes having a heart attack!” she cries out. “What the hell!? Is this thing still alive or did they cheat us again!?” Bangalore looks as the dust finally settles, and there is Darwin still standing, clutching an arm, cuts across his face, and body, blood dripping down an arm.” RAAAAAHHGHH” he roars, angrier than ever. The previous drop package from Pinnacle lands down in front of him. It opens and out pop two, fully kitted devotions. “Heheh..eheh” breathes out Darwin..almost as if he’s laughing. He reaches in and grabs the guns and aims them at the still standing Legends. Darwin pulls the trigger as the devotions fire their super heavy and powerful spray of energy rounds. The bullets shredding the shields of the Legends and knocking them. “GAH! aGH!” they can all be heard screaming except for one. The whole team, tired and exhausted from their almost fruitless efforts. Lifeline and Crypto, having been support run down, charging the monster as he shoots them down almost as quickly as they came to attack. Bangalore stands atop from her position...eyes wide and stunned at the events that transpired. The heroes...the Legends..the comrades and fighting family before her, all taken out by one person..one thing. She walks down the hill towards Darwin, the devotions hanging at his sides still smoldering before dropping them. She stands toe to toe with him, staring up at his cold, souless yet vicious, steel eyes. “Bastard” she mutters before aiming her G7 Scout at his face, he swats an arm at her, the massive fist connecting with the side of her head. She gets sent several feet away from the impact. 
The drop ship lands and a hatch opens before extending a walkway. Doctor Traxler and a few soldiers, armed with guns up, follow him out as they head towards Darwin, a sick smile spread across his face as he looks at the fallen bodies of the Legends that lay at his feet. “I’d say our experiment was a success, Colonel” cockily states the Doctor. “Good. Bring him” responds the Colonel. “Very well” says Traxler as he directs his attention to the soldiers. “Begin the retrieval process” he barks out as the soldiers head towards Darwin, wrangling him towards the ship. Traxler looks down at the nearly unconscious Bangalore. Anita looks up, and through foggy eyes, she sees that smile before he heads back to the ship. All she can hear, aside from the ringing in her ears, the ship engines firing up and the slow thudding of her own heart beating as she finally slips into unconsciousness. 
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
stray kids as anime boys: bang chan [part 1] [part 2]
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✎ᝰ┆bang chan as the sports captain
(feat. stray kids && some of the 97liners)
this is the only role I am 100% convince chan will be in an anime
u can't change my mind ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ
S O let's get into it
what sports captain is he??
the question should be what sports captain is he not 
d-does that make sense?? HDHS U GET WHAT I MEAN
look chan is build™ with muscles (and brains) he's gonna use those muscles
for s p o r t s
"chan u can't join all the sports club"
“watch me felix”
ya boi tried out for every sports club available in school and he got into to every one of them
THANKFULLY felix made him reject some(most) of them bc chan already doesn't sleep enough
everyone say thank u felix
so chan is in the volleyball and basketball club
and he's the volleyball captain!!!
chan is the secret weapon lemme tell u that
his spikes?? they can BREAK A WALL
so if u see chan practicing spikes pls be careful
avoid him
avoid the gym in general
unless ur asking for a concussion SKSKS
no joke there's a dent in one of the gym's wall bc he spiked too hard
his excuse was "bambam ur supposed to block it!"
so how does that apply to u dear reader
well, ur not a huge sports fan
u rather stay at home and watch netflix than go under that cursed fireball u call a sun
but yk who is a huge sports fan???
ur best friends chaeyeon and lisa!
well technically bc chaeyeon is dating jaehyun who's also on the volleyball team
and lisa swears she doesn't but obviously she's there to look at jungkook
"y/n! there's a game after school today, and you're coming with us to watch it"
"just admit u wanna look at jungkook and go"
mama chaeyeon saves the day, "alright children no more fighting" 
"FIGHT ME LISA" (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ
in the spongebob narrative voice 2 hours later
u find urself in sandwiched between chaeyeon and lisa, sitting on one of the gym's bleachers
chan and the boys are down there warming up
and u can't help but drift ur gaze to a certain (crispy)blond hair boy, who's stretching at the moment
maybe u were starting too long, but lisa nudges ur elbow with a sly smirk
"ohohoho y/n, what do u see??"
u shove her elbow away and glare at her, "ur about to see my fists in a minute"
the entire game ur gaze was set on chan and u don't even know why
jokes on u reader, it was the anime magic kicking in
up until the second half of the game, u had the sudden need to go to the bathroom and who are u to deny ur bladder dhhshd
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," you tell lisa and stood up to squeeze ur way out of the bleachers
ur earbuds almost burst due to all the screaming dhshhd
but hey! u successfully made it to the end
\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
u make ur way towards the exit when u hear lisa and chaeyeon scream your name
and suddenly the world went black
y/n?? y/n??? oh my god she fuckin dead
maybe u regain conscious for a few seconds bc the last thing u remembered was a pair of feet running and the scent of someone's sweat mixed with cologne
yk the typical anime shit dhsjdjs
when u wake up, ur laying down a bed and ur in a room where u don't recognise
"holy shit y/n, you're awake! lisa go get the nurse!" chaeyeon exclaims from beside you and you hear the door close
you squint your eyes, trying to adjust from the bright light
chaeyeon's face comes into view and she has a worried expression on
"w-what happened?? where am I??" you ask she helps you sit up on the bed
"you're in the nurse's office!"
"why,,, am I in the nurse's office?" you furrow your eyebrows at chaeyeon
"well you see—"
the door slams open to reveal lisa and the nurse
"oh good, y/n you're awake," the nurse smiles at you
she walks toward you and gently grabs your chin with her gloved hand to examine your face
"fortunately nothing is broken but that's gonna leave a bruise on your forehead for a while, you took quite a hit."
"a hit???" u furrow ur eyebrows even deeper if you could sjdjsk
"yeah! you got hit by a volleyball!! you should've seen what happened, the ball went flying like WOOOSH at you and BAM u were knocked out!!" lisa explains with many hand gestures
"it was a good thing that chan boy carried you here, you were out cold," the nurse adds.
Σ(゜゜) c-chan???
u don't even notice your face starts to heat up until the nurse looks at you with concern again
she places her hand against ur forehead and says, "oh my, you're heating up, I think you got a fever coming—"
"no! no, I'm completely fine!" you reassure the nurse
you bring your hands up to your cheeks and rub it harshly and slap it a few times in hopes the redness will go away
the nurse let's you stay in the office for awhile, thank god school was already over
lisa and chaeyeon, like the best friends they were, stayed with u and walked u back home
the next morning when u wake up—
"y/n hurry up you're gonna make us late!!"
in all honesty u should be thanking hyunjin for saving u from the future regrets
otw out of the bathroom u curse at hyunjin, who sticks his tongue out in return, and grab one of ur beanies from ur dresser and slip it on
"why the fuck are you wearing a beanie in the middle of summer??"
"it's called fashion hyunjin, look it up"
(hyunjin, snorting) "please, we all know I'm the fashionable one in this family"
so yes, u walk into school with a beanie on ur head, in the middle of summer
it definitely caught weird looks from people because again, why the fuck are you wearing a beanie in this heat???
it's equivalent to having a "I'm stupid" sign taped on ur forehead
u walk into class, already tired from everything and everyone and first period hasn't even started yet!
what a mood
chaeyeon looks at you weirdly and opens her mouth to ask but you stop her
"don't. a lot of people already asked," you groaned, pointing at the black beanie on your head, specifically the spot where u got hit at
chaeyeon looks at you with sympathy and pats your head
when lunch rolls on, lisa basically slams into ur classroom
"why are u wearing a beanie??"
"because I can and it's a free country!!!" u snap at her
"geez fine," lisa puts her hands up
(lisa, mumbling under her breath) "someone woke up from the wrong side of bed today"
"OKAAAAY let's go I wanna get pizza bread before it's gone," chaeyeon interrupts aka stopping another fight from happening by hooking her arms through yours and lisa’s* (¬、¬) hnnggg u win today jung chaeyeon
u turn to walk out of the door when u stop in your footsteps
y/n's forehead:
brenda the bump: it's a free real estate
the three of u stop and stare at chan
like hullo, why u here???
chan coughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck. "um, can I speak with y/n?"
chaeyeon and lisa exchange a look and shrugs, "yeah sure," they say and pushes u out of the door
and u stumbled into his arms
again, the anime shit™ working its magic
u immediately push urself off chan and clasp ur hands behind ur back while chan takes a few steps back
"so,,," you start
"oh right! uh, I'm sorry for yesterday, hitting u with the ball and everything"
"oh! it's fine, it really is!" you assure him
"no, it's not! lemme treat you to lunch, it's the least I can do," chan says
"nononono you really don't have to!" you shake ur head at him
"please!" he begs, "I hurt you and I should do something for you"
"JUST SAY YES" lisa yells from across the hall
you whip ur head towards her direction and flip her the bird
chaeyeon mouths an apology and drags lisa away, but her laughter rings through the empty hallway
you turn back to chan who's looking at you with pleading eyes
"pleaseee" (´・ᴗ・`)
"but!" u wag ur finger at him, "ur only allowed to buy me chocolate milk"
"yes!!" he cheers and drags u off to the school's convenience store to buy you a bottle of chocolate milk
u thought he was gonna get u the cheap one but nO
secondly, if u thought this was a one time thing
it soon becomes a regular thing and every morning, there is a chocolate milk on ur desk with a cute stick it note saying "good morning ♡´・ᴗ・`♡"
and everyday after school, chan walks up to u and ask "hey y/n! did u get the chocolate milk?"
and he will pout if u show him the untouched bottle of milk
so u make sure that u drink it during lunch where he can see u drinking it
and it makes his insides all mushy and squishy
and that escalates to him waiting by ur locker every morning!!
he waits for u by ur locker and when u walk in
he fucking beams at you
the sun who??? u only know a bang chan
he hands u the chocolate milk and greets u
"good morning, y/n!"
and ur hearts does it usual schedule bang-chan-caused-flips
"I thought u hated these things??"
"well I do but chan asked me to come so—"
(lisa, wiggling her eyebrows) "oh chan huh"
so here u are again, sandwiched in between lisa and chaeyeon
o wow ur feeling a sense of deja vu
chan spots u in the crowd and runs over to u
"try not to get hit by any balls this time," he grins as he ruffles ur hair
"friendly reminder, I got hit by a ball from you," u retort and smack his hand away
the coach whistles for chan to get into place and u grab onto his arm, shocking both of u
o wow u got bold moves there reader
"uh, good luck out there," u smile at him
chan's heart doubles over in LOVE and smiles back at you "thanks!"
he runs back to the team, who are all looking at him with a sly look
"so when are u gonna ask y/n out?"
"i'll purposely aim the ball at ur head mingyu"
tbh u don't even know much about volleyball and all u see are balls being hit back and forth
im writing the match based on what I've seen my school's team done and it may be inaccurate pls correct me
sometimes u involuntary wince when u see chan spikes and the ball bounces off the floor bc the other team failed to block it
u pity the floor
it's the last match and both teams are tied
chaeyeon is gripping onto ur arm for dear life bc out of the three of you, she's the only who understands the most about volleyball
both teams are fairly powerful
they have a really strong setter aka lee hyunjae
boy may not look like it but he's strong!!!
the coach whistles and jaehyun serves the ball
jacob from the other team returns the ball and it goes flying across the net
in a blink of an eye, chan yells "mine!" and he spikes the ball with force* hyunjae rushes to block it but misses by a milimetre and the ball bounces off the floor
the entire gymnasium erupts into cheers
and u are pulled up from ur seat by a screaming chaeyeon
they won???
chaeyeon runs down to congratulate her boyfriend and u follow in suit
but u run straight into chan's arms to hug him
"congrats!" u squeal as he lifts u off the ground and spins u around
when he sets u down, the both of u finally realizes the position ur in and back away from each other awkwardly
"ahaha,,, congratulations!!" u tell him
chan grins at u "what can I say, ur my lucky charm"
ur cheeks start to heat up again and chan laughs
the rest of the team comes over to drag chan to the changing room, leaving u alone with lisa and chaeyeon
once the boys disappear behind the doors, the two girls turn around to look at u
"what was that???" lisa asks, referring to the hug between u and chan, as she whacks ur arm
she tryna whack the answer out of u HDHS
"it was a hug! nothing more!" u say, more like ur trying to convince it was nothing more
"that was not just a hug," lisa mimics ur voice "that was one of those couples hug chaeyeon and jaehyun does!"
(chaeyeon, pipping up from the side) "she's right!"
"he totally likes you!" lisa smirks at u
 "no he does not!"
"uh yes, he does! jaehyun says so!" chaeyeon says in a matter-of-fact tone
"and you—" lisa points her index finger at u "—like him too!"
before u can continue bicker and PROVE THAT U DO NOT LIKE BANG CHAN
jaehyun comes into view and says "hey y/n, chan is waiting for u outside, he has something to tell u"
[ part 2 ]
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The Fall of Haiji Towa.
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*Kibin takes a heavy swing and knocks one of the guys into two others. As soon as she does, everyone else starts to charge.
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Tch...Like a moth to a flame...It’ll take more than a few insects to stop me!
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Piss off! You don’t even stand a chance girl!
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I’ve been told that I’m not allowed to kill you assholes...But to be honest, you aren’t worth the effort in the first place...!
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Now just lay down like the good dogs you are!
*Kibin rushes towards the thug nearest to her, and pounds him to the ground. As he tries to get back up, she kicks him in the face...
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*The kick is strong enough to send him hurtling towards the roofs edge. But before he can make it, Kibin throws a dagger and pins his shirt to the ground, catching him before he falls.
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Be careful. If you fall from this height, you really will die...!
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Bitch! AACK!
*A second goon runs at Kibin, attempting a wild haymaker. Kibin blocks the blow, grabs him by the face and slams his head on the ground, proceeding to then pound it unmercifully until the guy is out cold.
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I guess it’s just you left, huh?
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Uh...! AH...!
*The guy is shaking in fear as Kibin slowly draws closer to him.
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Welp, time to say goodnight!
*She breaks out into a run and leaps into the air, sandwiching the guys head between her legs. She then lurches forward onto her hands, lifting the guy up in the air and then spins around. She lets go and throws him a considerable distance.
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Hey! Kurafto!
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Got it!
*While the man is airborn, Kuripa runs and pummels his face, knocking him down.
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Damn...How I wish that were me, squeezed between your legs...
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Well, you COULD be...If you want to be knocked out.
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Nah, I think I’ll pass...
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Anyway, you get those guys over there, I’ll take these ones here.
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You’re the boss...!
*Kibin does as she’s told and heads towards another group of enemies.
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*One of the thugs he prepares to fight tries to jump kick Kuripa, but he ducks out of the way and the thug falls down. He stomps on his face to stop him getting back up.
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Hey, can you taste test this for me!?
*The next enemy runs at Kuripa, to which he swings his sword and slices his stomach. As he clutches it and falls to his knees, Kuripa flips the sword around and rams the hilt into his mouth. He then stomps on it, dislocating the mans jaw!
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Bastard! Take this!
*The last thug near Kuripa runs at him brandishing a knife.
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Sorry, but I’m the only one who’s allowed to study the blade here...!
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*Kuripa dodges the knife, and punches the man in the face, disarming him in the process. After being stunned briefly, the man takes a wild swing, but Kuripa grabs his dagger and stabs it through his hand.
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Well...That’s the end of that...at least for me...
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Stay away from me you crazy bitch!
*Genocide Jill runs at one man and climbs on top of him, circling around and kicking several guys around them in the process. She then leaps off him into the air and throws her genoscissors, pins him to the ground, and lands knee first on his face!
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I was told that I wasn’t allowed to kill you guys...
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But I can definitely make you see the light just a little bit!! KEHEHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
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Get away from us! HELP! SOMEONE!
*Jill cartwheels towards one man and practically slashes his chest open, backflipping towards another and doing the same. She then spins around and throws her scissors towards another man, which they pierce right through his shoulder.
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Sorry man, but I still need these...
*She violently plucks them out of him as he falls to his knees.
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Yasu! Come on!
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Huh!? What the fuck!? How is this bitch so strong!
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Nice job Kanonball! Hold ‘em there!
*Kanon gets behind one of the thugs and holds him. Hiro gets a run up and smashes him around the face with his baton.
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Here! Lemme get this one for you!
*No sooner do they knock out the one guy, Hiro charges towards another and tightly wraps his arms around his waist.
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The hell man! Get off!
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Got it!
*Kanon takes a run up and, using Hiro’s back as a stool, roundhouse kicks the apprehended man in the face.
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Hey! Assholes!
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Aw come on! Why do we always get stuck with the big guys!?
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Don’t worry, I got a plan!
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*Kanon runs and weasles her way around the heavy swings of the large thugs, and then once she’s behind him, sticks something to his back.
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Now then...
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*Komaru surprisingly whips out her hacking gun and aims it at the man. She pulls the trigger and he is actually hurt by the blast!
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Wait, what!? I thought the hacking gun didn’t work on organic beings?
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I stuck a device on his back that runs a small electric current through his body, without him feeling it! The same electric current that runs through the Monokuma’s...!
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The hacking gun will work now if I stick it to him.
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But...won’t it only work on the one guy then?
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True, but that’s all I need!
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*Kanon fires a link bullet at the large man.
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H-Hey! What the hell is going on!? I...I’m not in control of myself!
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Oh! I get it now!
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Dude! What are you doing!
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I don’t know! Move out of the way!
*Using the link command, Kanon gains control of the large man and makes him attack all the others. He takes them down with relative ease.
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Careful. I’m almost out of juice...
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Ok, I got this.
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*As soon as the meter runs out, Hiro runs up and bats him round the face.
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Jill! Hey! Stick this to him! Ok!?
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Got it!
*Komaru hands Genocide Jill the same device Kanon used.
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Get back, you psycho!
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I only see one psycho here motherfucker, and for once, it ain’t me!
*Jill serpentines as Haiji pulls out a machine gun and aims at her. She dodges the line of fire and gets around him, sticking the device to his back.
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Good job! Now get out the way!
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Got it!
*Jill leaps out of the way, and Haiji turns to face Komaru.
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Die you bitch!
*Haiji runs to his left while Komaru also runs to her left, both of them taking aim at each other. As they start running, Haiji opens fire attempting to riddle Komaru with bullets.
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*Komaru aims with her hacking gun and shoots Haiji’s arm that holds his gun, knocking the Towa Group captain of balance.
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Oh crap!
*In response, Haiji reaches into his pocket, and to Komaru’s horror, pulls out a grenade. 
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*He lobs it, but thankfully, Komaru leaps out of the way. 
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*After rolling on the ground, Komaru gets on her knees and fires the gun at Haiji’s leg. 
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*He falls over mid run.
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*Haiji slowly clambers to his feet and grabs his machine gun, yet again aiming at Komaru.
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*Before he can fire, Komaru shoots him in the shoulder.
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*Komaru draws closer to him, and Haiji backs away until he reaches the buildings edge.
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I don’t want to kill you. So just give up already...
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*Haiji finds himself surrounded by the rest of the gang. All his men have been taken out...
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Haiji...It’s over...
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Then...it’s over for all of us...!
*Haiji suddenly reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a detonator!
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Say goodbye to your adorable kids!
*With gusto, he presses the button.
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*He turns around to look towards the hospital. It is still intact.
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WH-What the hell!? WHAT THE HEEEEELL!?
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I bet you’re confused...so I’ll explain to you...
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Before we even headed out here, I asked our allies a favor.
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We had an entire small army at our disposal, so did you think it weird that only of us raided this building?
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That’s because some of of the guys were busy disarming the bombs...! And the rest were evacuating the hospital just in case that failed!
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Face it Haiji! Your plan is doomed to fail! You’ve lost, so give up...
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No...No, not yet...!
*Haiji reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pistol, aiming straight at Komaru.
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Not all hope is lost! I can still kill you!
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So you DO still rely on hope, after all this...?
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Hehe...I don’t care if this is the end! If I can kill you I can be taken in quietly!
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I’m not a coward anymore! I won’t run! Even if this fails I-!
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UGH! A-Ah...aa..
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*The rest of the gang stare in horror...
*As they see Kuripa run his sword...straight through Haiji’s chest...
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If you won’t run away...well...
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In the very least...you can tell those people in hell that you died fighting...
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*Kuripa steps back, and gives Haiji a strong kick to the chest...!
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*And he falls...a long fall...slowly, but surely, approaching the ground at a constant speed...
“And then...
*He is left as nothing but a lifeless, puddle of blood...
//Haiji Towa...has died.//
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wickednerdery · 4 years
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Title: Out of Time: Time to Make a Deal Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Loki x Stark!OC Rating: Mature Summary: “You pick your friends poorly.” Notes: Continuing my strange little foray into cyberpunk with Loki on a futuristic Earth (after his escapes with the Tesseract in Endgame?). This one actually has violence and bit of gore, so head’s up on that one, haha!
Masterlist - Previously
The shurikens burst into metal flakes, flutter to the ground. Loki smiles, victorious, until he catches them moving in the dim light. Like a thousand insects they scurry, then fly at Cyno and him like locusts. Loki feels them slash across skin, slip between lips and up nostrils, until he gags on the taste of metal and blood. Cyno tries to cover his face, scrambling to unroll mask built into shirt, but soon falls to a seizing heap. Loki drops not long after, overwhelmed by the strange weapon.
...So this is why so many wear masks…
Loki wakes in a nicer location than he expects, which is a plus. Though he’s alone, no sign of Cyno, and there’s a constant itch under his skin. He shifts, tests the chains holding him to the bolted chair, and breaks out in sliver-cuts as the metal under his skin breaks through. Fuck. His eyes dart, take in the room. He looks out the window, only to realize it’s a false view; it’s not a window, but a screen. There are no windows.
“You pick your friends poorly.” A man’s voice breaks the silence.
The god smirks. “You’d be amazed how frequently that’s the case.”
“I doubt it,” the other smirks back. “Cyno owes me a lot of money.”
“And this is my problem, how?”
“You’re his new employer, instead you pay me now.”
“I’ve no way of paying him to start, so I’m afraid you’re out of luck.”
The man approaches, sets large, gloved, hand over Loki’s nose and mouth. He holds it there, cutting off Loki’s air, but that’s only the side effect. Loki can feel the metal bits pulling together inside him. Magnetizing and reforming towards the back of his throat until he gags. He gags harder as the glove over his face suddenly dives into his mouth. Loki vomits as the man pulls the first, partially intact, shuriken from out of him. He vomits again, this time with blood, as more pieces come up. In total, nearly two shurikens come up.
“There’s a shipment coming in from Nagoya. You and Cyno will bring it to me here and the debt will be forgiven.”
Loki spits out another bloodied metal point (three shurikens), then looks up. “Might I know what the shipment contains?”
“No. Look for the IronMan mask on the crate.”
“Of course.” Because who else? 
The man smiles suddenly. “You heal quickly, like me.”
“And who are you?”
“My name is Akihiro. You are?”
“Loki.” He drops the Asgard bit, no one seems to believe him anyhow.
“Perhaps, in other circumstances, we would work together willingly.”
“One never knows.”
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The water tingles along Ana’s new flesh as she swims laps, losing herself in the repetition. She runs through ideas, ways to contact Loki once he’s found again. There’s a rush when Tony buzzes her implant with a notification, but as she surfaces she hears him announce a call. Ana pulls herself from the pool, presses wrist to accept. The hologram appears over the pool, she doesn’t bother hide her body or her displeasure at the face. “Orly.”
“I’ve...” He takes in the view, fit female body in burgundy bikini. Much better than the usual business suits or formal gowns he saw her in. “...Caught you at a bad time.”
She sighs. “What do you want?” Besides Stark International, of course, he always wanted that.
For all her attitude, he only sees her as unprotected, vulnerable, as she drips by her pool. “I was merely calling to see how you were. I heard about the assassination attempt, of course.” His eyes drop to where he imagines her skin patch, but she only seems to arch to show it off.
“Yeah, well, you know what they say.” She shrugs, unwilling to shrink from his gaze. “If you’re not making enemies, you’re not getting ahead.”
“Yes, yes, but to try and kill you. It’s terrible. You should  be more careful.”
She snickers. “Thanks for the advice.”
“You know, if we were to work together, it would be safer for both of us. Imagine, Stark International and Oscorp-Alchemax, working together. Building a better future, together.” Ana groans, Orly presses. “With your technological abilities, your nano tech, and my skills in chemical and genetic manipulation we could have an empire.”
“I already have an empire, I don’t need you. Thanks for the well wishes though.” She disconnects the call, lays back with legs dangling in the water. “Arrogant prick.”
“Fucking bitch, hope the next one kills you.” Orly turns to examine CCTV of floating docks. “Cyro? What’s your position?”
“You mean, am I at the docks?”
Orly sighs. “Yes. That is what I mean.”
“You have the cameras, you tell me.”
The next sigh edges toward growl. “Never mind, just tell me when it’s done.”
“Will do.” The moment his boss disconnects, Cyro sighs. “Fucking 404 Corp Wolf.”
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“You do realize, at best, Akihiro intends to kill us once he has what he wants,” Loki says.
“Yeah. I do.” Cyno wheezes through bandaged nose. He’d let Loki heal him, took a strip to kill the pain, but had yet to clean up the remnants of the break itself.
“We could just kill him. Perhaps the shipment is valuable, we could spilt the profits.” Loki smiles. “Better yet, you could take the whole thing, consider my half payment for services to-be-rendered.”
“Akihiro doesn’t work that way, he’s a mutant. You could cut his head off, he’d just grow it back.”
Loki opens his mouth to counter before the words sink in. “You don’t see a way out.” It’s not a question, just a sad realization.
“Then I suppose we’ll have to do this then.” 
Loki says nothing, but refuses to give up so easily. There isn’t a problem in the universe that one can’t find their way around if they’re clever and persistent enough. And besides, he’s more interesting things to do than die tonight.
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Gah, another one finished, yay!! LOTS of new characters, I know, but you’ll get to know them over time, don’t worry. (Though Akihiro is, in fact, a Marvel comics character, he just usually goes by another name, lol!) While I’m still figuring out the plot as I go, I’ve got ideas, I’m not just floating in a sea of randomness anymore...I think...and hope, lol!!
Still/Always playing with this one, feel free to share ideas/thoughts/suggestions!! 😉
Tagging: @lady-crowned-with-stars​​​​​, @beccaliciooouuusss​​​​​, gravitational-anomaly, @fuckthatfeeling​​​​, @v-2bucky​​​​, @ultrarebelheart​​​​, @tarithenurse​​​​ @latent-thoughts​​​​ @chibiyanai​​​​ @lukeevansandjdmobession​​​​ @sweetfictionalworld​​​​ @ladyfluff​​​​ @theangelsfightwithdevils​​​​ @holykryptonitekitten​​​​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​​​​ @michellearel1​​​​​ …If you wanna be added, just lemme know!!
Gifs made off ones I found on Google, then combined myself.
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pretty-volatile · 4 years
Thursday, September 10, 2020 5:53 am
Wow, only 1 month and 7 days first of all til my 5 year anniversary with my partner!!!! WOWOWWWW!! so excited. Very stressed financial wise though because I hope I have more school shit and work shit and money shit figured out by then so we can at least have a special night even if that means spending money to stay indoors but make it romantic n shit. Tbqh I wish I could've proposed this anniversary but I don't have that kind of money for a ring and this pandemic really puts a damper on trying to make it a super romantic and memorable and special thing, ya know? So I guess I'll have to wait a little longer. But we're practically engaged to be engaged so like I'm not stressing XD
I still have to get school shit together. I really need my student loans to survive, bro. It's sad but like woe is me, tis my life rn.
Really need new glasses and FML my glasses prescription expired last month.
Really need to renew my ID.
Dad is still down to get me a new phone (I've had this one for 5 years, pre-college) but i have to transfer all my shit onto a separate SD card bc this phone can't open. It doesn't have a chip but for some godforsaken reason I'm have difficulty even being able to access it on my laptop so I gotta do that too so I can get a new phone.
Probably should get flu shots.
Ah, yes. Mental health. Hmm. Fuck that. Fuck my brain. It's so goddamn complicated. It's like I'm fine and then I'm not. I'm good and then I'm shit. And like it's literally never the same. Idk how to describe it. Things can be familiar, but shit never stays the same. At least not when I want it to. But then it changes again. Ugh. So my symptoms from this summer are way different from last winter and even more different than last summer but it's like on this broken, raggedy, record that plays the same thing but each time it passes there's one instrument that's off-key, and that instrument is my brain. I am off key. My symptoms are the piano keys. They play my disorders and my moods and more often then not it's just keysmashing wobfwondlabdkfndlwnalaxowjfnwpns
Thank you thank you I'm here all week
But yeah I know I should go back to my psychiatrist/therapist, but I'm really nervous and anxious. And my ADHD/executive dysfunction more specifically really fucking sucks and my anxiety and my paranoia, which are like all the more reason to fucks go but they're the reasons I can't go or that I'm scared to. Ugh. That and not knowing wtf I'm even feeling or what I'm experiencing. I can't tell if I'm in a depressive mood, I'm not manic, but I'm not suicidal but I'm not like happy but I guess I'm empty rn but also appreciative of my partner and the time with them. Idk I'm weird.
Also picked up on another fun psychosis thing I do lololol somebody here likes to think things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, have something to do with each other. Edit: lemme elaborate, I sometimes unintentionally think I caused something to happen or something that I did caused another thing which caused another and thinking that they all have something to do with each other. Please don't feed into my delusion, I know about the butterfly affect and strongly believe in it but sometimes it feeds into thinking I caused something when I absolutely did not. Or that one thing cause another when it in fact did not.
I fucking hate my brain bc how is it that I can have BPD, bipolar w/ psychosis, ADHD, OCD, (C)PTSD, and OSFED but also still heavily HEAVILY relate with fuckn schizo-affective or ASD or PPD, like ha, am I really that fucked up ooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr? It's like either I'm fucked up cause I'm right or I'm fucked up for thinking all this shit, either way I'm fucked hahahahahahahaha hahahahah fjjeicjjwosbfoenwpndkcor
I have a friend with possibly beginning stages of schizo and I heavily relate and we also share some other disorders/symptoms so it's just making me reflect on what I'm experiencing and I just keep going through this cycle of it's not that bad....to...or is it....hmmm....or is it bad enough?
Do I suffer enough?
Am I in pain enough?
Am I drifting away?
Gah, ugh. Fuck.
Fuck my brain.
Edit: Oh yeah and fuck ADHD and bipolar. Okay thanks I'm out
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Things I’ve heard high schoolers say pt 1
-Person:I don't want to go to college. I want to join a rock band.
-Person 1: A dangerous pogo stick
Person 2: Do you mean a jackhammer?
-Person 1: I only have five minutes, what can I do in five minutes!?
Person 2: Masturbate
Person 3: Dab
-*Person 1 snaps fingers in a Z formation and points* No.
-Person: It's the computer Jesus.
Person: I’m okay with being the human embodiment of a cookie recipe.
-Person: Her eyes were as blue as... the color blue.
-Person: angrily clicks pen
-Person: Fight me *said while dabbing*
-Person: Did you just assume the gender of that table?
-Person: How does that child have popcorn! It's Wednesday!
-Person: Yo no speako Shakespearean Englisho.
-Person: I AM looking at an AC! *shouted across campus during finals week*
-Person: You fancy English tomboy! *shouted during an argument*
-Person: The salt the salt it burns! *followed by horrendous screaming and someone collapsing on the ground*
-Person 1: It's spiky.
Person 2: Depression?
Person 1: No a porcupine.
-Person: I don't know what fake tan you put on, but you’re not brown. *Indian girl to another Indian girl when one thought a food was spicy*
-Person: Thicce. When she thicc but she French. *pronounced thick-ay*
-Person: Everything's breaking and falling apart. *cue a chorus of 'my life' and 'same'*
-Person: I searched up the word 'search'. Nailed it!
-Person: *to the tune of making my way downtown* Make a meringue right now.
-Person: Legiterally. *legit +literally*
-Person: See, the problem is, I don’t want to.
-Person: We're boycotting Amazon. Siri play despacito.
-Person: Dishwashers are just machines from the evil overlords. You don't do the dishes, the dishes do you.
-Person: It makes me want to dig my own eyeballs out of my sockets and eat them but I'm fine.
-Person 1: Is this strawberry jam?
Person 2: Yes
Person 1: Ehhh I'm allergic but it's fine.
-Person: You human bobby pin.
-Person: Technically, Fire trucks are just giant water guns.
-Person 1: But what happens if you take helium and sulfur hexafluoride at the same time?
Person 2: You die.
-Person: I want to breath fire like the dragon that I am.
-Person: (girls name)! Stop trying to graph life!
-Person 1: Great I’m a pterodactyl with 3D printers for ears.
Person 2: Oh my god it’s me!
-Person: I will consume your soul!!!
-Person 1: Did you just fall and accept it?
Person 2: Yes.
-Person: Dang. Life is just crunchy.
-Person: I relate to that shoe, because I am also alone in this world.
-Person: Being alive is to0 much of a commitment. TBH I have enough commitment issues as it is and I’m just not fully committed to this whole life thing.
-Person: Swiper no swiping! *shouted as another student tried to steal their water bottle
-Person: (persons name), you either have to solve the problem, or you have to stop whining and ignore it. That’s how life works.
-Person: I want an emotional support komodo dragon to emotionally support me by killing my enemies.
-Person 1: Move the table by (mans name).
Person 2: What? Physically?
Person 1: No, mentally… of course physically (person’s name)!
-Person: What do they speak in Brazil? Brazilian?
-Person: I’m  not going to have five kids fuck you buzzfeed.
-Person: How many calories are in a Pringles container? Cause I just ate all of them.
-Person: I could listen to him say penguin forever. If someone ever says penguin as good as he does I’ll just….
-Person: And then his reply just savaged me yeah!? I just want him to like me.
-Person: Me watching my life fall apart like ‘that’s a shame’.
-Person: Carry yourself upstairs! For gods sake (person’s name) it’s not that difficult!!
-Person: Do I look like the basic gluten free white bitch? Okay I thought so.
-Person: How could I give up on life when I never even lived it in the first place?
-Person: Have you ever gotten into a TED talk spiral? Like just a spiral of knowledge and inspiration?
-Person: You don’t know true fear until you almost drop your laptop without its case.
-Person: So they just yeet you into the water when you die.”
-Person: And in that moment she made four very straight girls turn gay for five seconds. That’s how fine she was.
-Person 1: Why is the sky screaming?
Person 2:It probably has cramps.
-Person: I’m here, I’m queer, and I shall be scoping you my dear.
-Person: You. 20-20. Vision. Person. Gah!
-Person: I guess I’ll just phase through the walls.
-Person: He has the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair.
-Person 1: Not even sarcastically though, why do you care more about my life and health more than I do?
-Random Girl walking by: same though
-Person: Wait are potatoes a fruit?
-Person 1: Come on (person’s name), chop chop!
Person 2: I’m chopping!
-Person: I thought I ran into (boys name) but it was actually just a bench.
-Person: Are streptsils supposed to burn?
-Person: Does static electricity work here?
-Bro 1: Close your eyes bro
Bro 2: Okay bro
Bro 1: What do you see bro?
Bro 2: Nothing bro
Bro 1: That’s my world without you bro
Bro 2: Bro
Girl: I swear to god if you two do that again… *insinuating that this wasn’t the first time they had done so*
-Person 1: And how do you exactly get to the sketchy parts of London?
Person 2: Google maps.
-Girl in a dark room to roommate: Well you know what? *Turns on light* well fuck you I hope your eyes burn.
-Person: Oh my crapety crap crap.
-Person: Oh yes, we love a spiky shistar
-Person: Tbh no one else can hate me as much as I hate me sooo yeahhh
-Person: So I guess I’m just gunna dab and pretend like everything’s okay then cry later.
-Person 1: Well you’re... fricking... stupid.
Person 2:Wow language.
Person 1: I’m 15 I can do whatever the frick I want!
-Person: *shouting*I don’t have energy for this today!
-Person: I didn’t know the lady was not wearing garments.
-Person: That went from getting water to doing drugs. That wasn’t a jump at all.
-Person: I am a bright and colorful piñata and god is a 13 year old birthday boy whose parents have just announced their divorce.
-Person: Oh my god I just got a message! *pause* Never mind it’s just my cellular company
-Person: I only know how to express love in either dramatic, multi-page, 19th-century-style love letters or single memes presented without commentary so jot that down
-Person 1: As a member of the stop the bull community I kindly request for you to cease this activity.
Person 2: Oh yah? Well as a member of the START the bull community I wanna ask you to umm BACK OFF.
-Person: I’m feeling very third wheel. You and (boys name),  (boys name) and (girls name), (girls name) and 8-ball.
-Person: My entire life is the ‘awkward YouTube phase’.
-Person: Sliding into (girlfriends name) dms like *proceeds to perform a giant sock on hardwood floor style slide*
-Person: (Teacher’s name)’s voice just puts you to sleep. If you need to take a nap, just listen to a recording.
-Person: And then there’s me, having a mental breakdown over a water bottle.
-Person: Like girl, I know you’re thirsty but just drink some soda.
-Person 1: I’m sad lemme have some.
Person 2: Who broke up with you this time?
Person 1: HEY!
-Person: Excuse you, I’m always ashy.
-Person 1: 3/8 people on this group chat aren’t straight. That’s 0.375. Quick maths. Who needs to pass the math final when you can calculate the amount of gay in the group chat?
Person 2: Politicians use statistics to argue their points anyway so you need it in life.
Person 3: That was intelligent, (Person 1) you’ve been outplayed.
Person 2: Me in the face of the apocalypse.
-Person: God I miss Lagos, even the bumpy ass roads. at least Lagos had LESBIANS.
-Person: Does anyone else want to pretend their okay with me? No?
-Person: 8-Ball Bitches!
-Person: Attack! *Squeals as she’s squirted wit a water-bottle* Ahhhh you fricking fudger!
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Plunderer 1 | Hanako-kun 1 | Richard-shi 1
Plunderer 1
It seems…there was some kind of promotional showing which I missed the boat on? Well, that’s why Plunderer is on my winter visual, anyway. (refers to coverage on Animanga Spellbook)
My mother was watching Hatena Illusion earlier today – I didn’t go to watch much of it, since that would spoil the surprise for when I tackle it later – but the one thing that annoyed me was the high-pitched girl voice, as it does. I bring it up because it’s pissing me off here too.  
Okay, when you se CGI in the first few minutes of a show…that can’t be good. At all.
Hina’s Count is in her inner thigh, because she needs to flash everyone while she advances the plot. Thanks a lot, ecchi show. (words dripping with sarcasm)
Um, call me “feminist”, but why was the assumption she was looking for a boyfriend first up??? Can’t girls survive on their lonesome???
*facepalms* Why is the focus on Hina’s thighs when she’s being asked for money?!
Gah…faced with boobs, nosebleeds and thighs…this is ecchi paradise. Not a place I’d like to be, really.
Kanji are rare, huh? Must be a non-Japanese or Chinese place.
This hat…Hina’s hat. It’s pretty rare to see that style of hat in an anime.
Lemme guess, the Ace is that pervert *points at Licht*. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were.
This star guy is probably a fake. You can tell from Nana’s reactions.
Ohhhhhhhhhkay, can we not…? This is basically sexual harassment.
If this guy were so high and mighty, couldn’t he just steal the Ballot with those Abyss hands of his…?
*shrugs* Why should I give a s*** about this guy anyway? I already guessed Licht is going to be the Ace…
Lemme guess, the “negative” is also fake.
This action scene isn’t very good…
See? I knew it. I’ll f*** off now. (Yeah, I should probably phrase it better than that.) I’ll pause it until I can hear Ume, then drop this show like a hot rock.
Hanako 1
I was put off by the title and the style of the characters, but the reviews were good, so I’m here.
The shadow aesthetic reminds me of the one episode of Utena I watched.
The Hozuki aesthetic is very striking! It reminds me of Ranpo Kitan.
What’s up with the perverts today? *points upwards at Plunderer’s Licht* Also, those magatama hair decs Nene has are pretty interesting. (Note if I randomly bring up someone’s name without having to have learnt it, I probably read the promo stuff and/or reviews.)
Well, in the context, it is “high hopes”, but the characters just mean “expectations”, so they’re not that high, so to speak…
LOL, this (Nene) is basically me and my seasonal husbandos.
Oh, I just saw Minamoto passing by and Nene didn’t even notice it! LOL! Update: Turns out it’s just a guy who has red glasses but otherwise looks like him.
Lemme guess…she’ll bump into him from around the corner. It’s a shoujo cliché - c’mon, you can do better than this, show!
Did Nene turn into a fi-wait, that would mean this is the second time in anime that’s happened since Classicaloid! *eyes sparkle* Amazing!
A-Aw, Nene…? That’s…so cute!!!!!!! Gah! I wanna support you!
That action scene relied on shaky camera a bit, but it was better than I was expecting for a show like this (a Hozuki-style supernatural romance).
I thought this was gonna pull a Noragami and Hanako wanted Nene’s soul, but nope. Just her labour. Guess this is another In/Spectre, huh?
The preview blended so seamlessly into the episode I couldn’t tell which was which and I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing…
Oh, Akari Kito! Nezuko’s VA.
Lerche, huh? Makes sense. They did do Ranpo Kitan, which has much the same aesthetic.
The actual preview was…more interesting (i.e. more like a comedy TV short), which is a lot less impressive than the thing I thought was a preview.
Richard-shi 1
This is the 3rd entry on my hype list. ID: Invaded made 2nd by debuting beforehand and 1st was a spinoff to an established premise (Magia Record), so I hope I was putting my support in the right place.
The scenery is nice in this show.
The pun is that Seigi = justice, so the ep title could be “justice of the pink sapphire”.
I was using the spelling of Richard’s name from ANN when I put this series on AniList, so I didn’t expect it to be “de Vulpian”.
The joke (Hero of Justice) is that Seigi Nakata is kinda like seigi (no) mikata (ally of justice).
Wait, why, whatttttttttttt?! Who keeps jewels in their fridge?!
It turns out Takadanobaba Station actually exists.
Education major? No wonder she’s so trusting…likewise, economics is probably why Seigi is so black and white on his morals (although Richard did just throw that back into his face earlier). Update: I say that because in order to succeed in education, you need to be sociable and trusting of parents, colleagues etc., while economics is very numbers-based (even if the people behind it may be money-grubbers).
LOL, that “Tfantasy and Co.” was so clearly a parody on Tiffany and Co.
This thing about records reminds me of how hackers (or crackers) can resurrect most things if they have enough to work with. It makes me feel nostalgic, to think about IT like that again.
Is it just me, or is there CGI in this show…?
Padparadscha…the only thing I remember about that stone is that it’s got lotsa holes in it (from Houseki no Kuni). Hmm, I can see why Richard thought it was a pink sapphire, though. Update: Then again, the link says padparadscha can be a sapphire too and the bit just after this says padparadscha is a sapphire of a certain colour. (Richard was only saying it was pink – and thus less valuable than the padparadscha - to ascertain Seigi’s motive, as he says.)
The quality of animation that occurred when Seigi was crying…it’s a bit worrying in comparison to some other shows (*thinks about Eizouken*).
I completely was able to predict Richard had the buns for Seigi to share with Hiromi.
Y’see? Words don’t lie, but they have a lot of nuance to ‘em. I say that because when I was researching Richard to submit his info to AniList, I discovered his foreign looks are because at least one of his ancestors was British with Sri Lankan heritage.
LOL, I like how Richard dismisses all the other royal milk teas. He’s just a little bit snarky, but not too much.
Update: Oh yeah, Shouko’s name has the character for “crystal” in it and it can alternately be read “Akiko”.
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panickypeachboy · 6 years
RULES: Answer the questions you’ve been given, then write your own and tag 11 people. 
//Under le Read More, because 11 answers for 11 questions is long!
1. What’s your favorite thing about your muse(s)?
Oh goddess I’ve answered this twice already, but here’s me gushing over his clothes, cuz the face is just cute. There’s just surprisingly okay/good design with Momotaro that is overlooked because of all the pretty ladies that do the fan-service.
2. What’s your least favorite thing?
About Momo? Or ever? I would say losing close friends, over drama. That’s impacted me a lot, and why I can get really anxious over rping. But if you mean an actual object/show, then disposed (but there’s still notable remnants) food. Y’know the stuff in the trash. I’m allergic to bananas and that’s the most common thing rotting in the there. Makes it real tough to breathe, particularly when it comes to class too.
Don’t worry, I do have an inhaler for those sorts of things but...it’s only one inhaler and I end up mixing up where I last placed it. I just hope to the goddess that I don’t have to deal with a disposed peel during class...
3. Seeing how they’ve lived their lives - if you were in their shoes, what would you do differently?
Honestly, I’m not too sure. I would’ve said I wanted to speak up against the others (i.e. bullies, the girls) more often, but that’s just against Momotaro’s nature...and how Japan culture works. Also I would totally try to (re)tame Momotaro’s mutated friends. Come on, that Chimera is awesome! Let the boy have an awesome steed!
4. How independent is your muse(s) from your control? How much do you approve of their actions? 
Hoh boy, usually I’m like “Momo no”, so that’s pretty clear that I don’t have all le controls over him. He’s simple minded so there’s not much I would need to fuss over, I suppose. HOWEVER, I do have to restrain ourselves from doing too much in the subject of triggers/pstd, because I’m still learning about that...and not many folks are fine with muses suddenly attacking their precious muse just because they tried to be affectionate.
5. If you were friends with your muse(s), what would you do together?
We’d probably go visit animals at shelters and zoos...and befriend the crud out of them. Help care for those buggers, if possible! Also I would try to learn how to cook with Momo too, if he had my headcanon-trait of being a good cook.
6. What’s one of your favorite fandoms, and why?
H.ow to K.eep a M.ummy is one, out of the sheer fact that no one has produced r34 of it yet...or at least something that’s easily found. Also the fans are pretty cool with their enthusiasm and arts. I’ve seen some cute plushies of the main critters that are fanmade! ...I probably ruined that streak didn’t I?
Also the anime is adorable, and I look forward to reading the manga. I just don’t like the heavy focus on the protagonist. I wanted to learn more about the other peeps in the gang, AND THEIR MYTHICAL FRIENDS. Especially the baku and dragon.
7. Are there any fandoms that you want to interact more with? Any AUs that you haven’t gotten a chance to try out yet?
Utapri, and kinda Idolm@ster??? I don’t know I’m working on interacting with folks in this fandom because they’re neato folks, and I fallen in love with the idols! Gah! I had this headcanon for the longest time that Momo’s guilty pleasure is idol music, but he’s only remember how melodic the voices are, and not the names or faces! It would be really cool to well, have the boy be weak but not in a depressed manner, ya know? Actually I wanna see more muses fangirling over each other, particularly if one has a publicly known job.
An au I haven’t tried out yet is actually...Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I did rp Momo as a pokemon...ONCE, but nothing mystery dungeony. Just a “what if he was reborn as a pokemon” or “experiment gone wrong” thing, and he had a human trainer too. Now I wanna actually find a better Pokemon to suit him and do them mystery dungeon stuff...maybe someday. There was this cool group verse!
That and I wanna try out a verse where Momo is a live-in servant/butler. Seriously I gave him too many traits that fit that sort of job...and I watched too much gakuen babysitters which has the amazing Saikawa. I hear Black Butler is cool too.
8. What was one of your favorite video games as a kid?
Lemme see, Melee is VERY popular, but I loved fooling around in that game, not being a competitive smasher with all them wave dashes. Actually there’s a fair amount of games I liked that are still popular amongst the internet so let’s go something more obscure:
Mario Party 3
Dunno how the fam got it, but that was the game me and my sister played a ton of as kids, and we still came back to it when the Gamecube was around. It was part of our like strange pseudo rping thing to jump around the games to emulate the activities our characters partake in. Start in smash bros, kick some rivals butts and go on adventure! Then visit Mario Party 3 to celebrate with a giant pizza! Oh no, we need to collect some goodies, let’s go do a round on one of the boards! Kick the impostor star’s butt again! Jump to another Mario Party to run through the dungeon and ride the bus! It was kinda our way of playing pretend...I think. Good times, which is why I see the appeal in rping, ya know?
9. What’s the best song you’ve heard for the first time in the past few months?
S.O.S, by Weaver. Holy cow it’s catchy, but like so amazing in its beats. A close second would be Nijiro ⭐ Over Drive! by Otoya Ittoki...I mean his va. I love me some energetic beats man.
10. What’s the best meme you’ve found in the past year?
Okay maybe it’s not exactly a meme but it can be a culmulation of memes...of sorts... Anyways, there’s a channel called “ColeyDoesThings” and she has a series of videos where she visits a room containing a representation of a fandom...represented by her donning various personas based off of personalities found in a fanbase. This series is called “Entering the ___ fandom”. While she can’t catch all the quirks of a fandom (because some are so freakin huge), this woman catches a lot the traits I’ve seen in the places she visits. It’s hilarious to me at least.
I highly recommend the Ship Wars video, at the very least!
11. Is there something you’re looking forward to in the next few months?
Yes. Hatchimals Season 3...oh okay, not a lot of folks are into the collectible toy things. Fair enough, YouTube has fostered the growth of creepy toy channels! I am hyped for obtaining Bayonetta for the switch sometime soon, the end of the semester...I think Blade Strangers is coming out within that time period and I’m hyped to see Curly Brace in that games! Also MORE AMIIBO. That’s all I can recall, at the moment.
Eleven questions for everyone else!
1. What’s your favorite toy from childhood? Do you still have it around?
2. Do you like to collect anything? If so, what is it?
3. Who’s one of your favorite YouTubers?
4. How did you first encounter your main muse?
5. Are there any headcanons for a muse that is related to a trait/experience of yours?
6. What’s your favorite thing to look up when it comes to researching for your muse?
7. Are there any characters (or muses) that influence your muse?
8. What is your favorite, very random, headcanon for your muse? Like something that seems improbable in canon, but is too hilarious/good that you gotta keep it?
9. A memorable, but sweet moment in rping? Could be a thread, or having fun with another mun ooc, or whatever!
10. Are you more keen on rping older muses, or younger muses? Are you fine with rping your muse at different ages?
11. What’s your favorite meme-related song? (i.e. Caramelldansen, Numa Numa, Levan Polka, Momotaro, Kobini Store, etc.)
Tagged by: @notevenjupiter, thanks a lot!! :D Tagging: @maracanight, @ultimate-impostxr, @plumeriaxskull, @patixntia, @gattaimuses, @pinkdressed, @yesfxckyxu, @inkybluez, @embersiisms, @niji-iro-melody, @zoolinguistics, @queenxfjustice, @ahogedetective, @hopeprevaiils, @jabberwockis-lupus, but anyone can do this, or not!
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ladylillycrawley · 7 years
TMNT “Ghost of a Chance” FF Chapter 25 review
Got another review in the books, YAY ME!! :3 Enjoy guys!
Credit of story: @suthnmeh & @violette-aner
Direct link to GoaC chpt. 25: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11258484/25/TMNT-A-Ghost-of-a-Chance
-Ok, the chapter starting off with April’s day post ghost intervention? Yessh, talk about a rough… I did feel super bad for her when she talked about the bad events that happened throughout her day. Been there, done that girlfriend.
-Oh boy… The part where she accidentally left her homework and laptop at Donnie’s lab? Worst. Nightmare. Ever.
-Although, I did wonder why the heck Kirby sent angry text and missed calls when he knew she was staying at the lair. But then I remembered that since he’s been super antsy and anxious lately, so I guess it makes sense. 
-April worrying about Donnie from the night before: UGH protective April is my spirit animal right now!
-Casey’s entrance with all them bruises: can you say ‘typical teenage hockey boy’? 
-Casey bringing in alcohol to school… and then agrees to go to the library with April… Boi… I honest to goodness don’t know what to think anymore XD
-“’And then express-date. With ‘Moose’.” He wiggled the backpack again, the liquid contents sloshing quietly. April crossed her arms, and said squarely, ‘No Moose’.” – HAHAAAA yes! OMG I love how she keeps that lovable train wreck in line!
-That part where a piece of eraser got shot into her mouth made me shudder. Literally. That’s so gross.
-Confession.. Since reading this chapter, I actually used Casey’s “What’s your beef” comment… I learned my lesson afterwards. Never using that kind of comment in the heat of a discussion ever again.
-Damn Casey! That comment about April having to chose between normal life vs. kunoichi/psychic life? Low blow bro.
-Actually, I want to elaborate on that last point. So about April choosing between two totally different lives. Who the heck says she has to choose? Can’t she do what she said to Karai in chapter 2 and write out the chapters of her life on her own? Granted, she is only 17 and isn’t technically a legal, autonomous, adult in American laws yet, but still! Why force it? And for Casey to give her an ultimatum like that? Dude, if it was the other way around, I’m sure Casey would feel the same way that April’s feeling at the moment. Not cool. Though he is hurting, that was super uncalled for.
-OOOooooo…. That moment between April and Master Splinter nearly brought me to tears. I am super close to both of my parents and to see this side of Splinter was so sweet and touching. I love how, out of the very few adults present in her life, Splinter seems to be the only constant in her life. He may not be perfect and she does have her dad whom she loves, but I adore how Master Splinter tries to show her that he’ll be her sounding board when she’s ready. And if there’s one thing that April definitely needs in her life at this moment, it’s that.
-“You are Hamato. Whatever happens, know you can always count on your family’ - Oh my heaaaaaaaart!! SO! MANY! FEELS!
-“Michael, put that down!” – Pfft lol love that easter egg you guys threw in there!
-Ouch. Poor April. Getting dropping a showerhead and getting sprayed is no laughing matter. I’m a klutz by nature so I know the feeling.
-Oooooh April finding out about her laptop and then Donnie trying to make her feel better? Cuuuuuuuute!
-April hugging Donnie because of her gilt… I might as well just stop reading/reviewing just so I could read this section over and over again ‘cuz it makes me so happy. So sweet!
-OHMAGAWD then her smooshing her nose against his plastron bit nearly put me in a fangirl coma!
-I love how you guys made Mikey go from jokester bro to ‘no one messes with my unbiological sister’ to ‘lemme feed you’ mode in seconds. It just fits him no matter what TV series or fanfiction story he may be in.
-Sassy Donnie correcting April gives me life. Just saying. 
-“It is too much. I mean, two years ago I was just April, just your regular high-school nobody, and all of a sudden I’m this… Kraang McGuffin with superpowers who’s also a ninja wannabe. And I don’t know which version of me I like least, to be honest.” Ok… Let me stop there for a sec. First off, BRA-VO! That part right there, that’s me every freaking day. No joke, the first time I read this part, I swear I had to read it nearly four extra times because I was like, “I feel like I’m reading my own mind being played out on fanfiction… Weird”. Here’s the thing though, this is why I love April in this story. She’s playing multiple parts, working hard, and doing all of this to the point of it being unbearable, almost debilitating. And I get that. What saddens me a bit about this is that when she continues on to loosely explain herself to Donnie, it seems that she feels that she’s alone in the midst of it all. Which isn’t true, and I do hope that she both realizes it and that she’d heed Splinters advice about remembering that she can count on her family. No matter what. Ugh… such good stuff… Ok, back to the rest of the review!
-[Slow yet meaningful clapping] Thank you Donnie! Way to get that girl back to her right mind by telling her she can’t give up. Yes yes yes!!
-GAH I’m a puddle now… The part where Donnie allows her to look in his mind? And her response? The hand squeeze? Her admiring his hands??? My shipper heart is swelling big time. Bias I may be, these two will be the death of me and I’m ok with that TwT
-Lets be real though, Michelangelo secretly shipping Apritello is just stinking adorable. Like, adorable enough that it could melt both cold hearts and icecaps in my humble opinion.
-No no no no no no no no Raph… I get that you’re just trying to look out for your bro and BFF but… Nooooooo…
**Ok… That chapter had me in all different direction: sad for April, disgruntled about Casey, happy sobbing about Sensei’s words, giddy about Donnie and April lil moment, and peeved that Raph might do what I think he’s going to do… SO GOOD! Great chapter, great interactions, great everything! Nicely done and keep up the fantastic work! I should have the next few review’s up soon!
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Fic Writers Week Day 3: Small But Mighty
Shine a spotlight on the new/underrated fics you’ve read or written.
Yeeessss it’s rec time! I know there’s also the last day to rec fics in general, but I love the idea behind this day a lot too! There’s so many beautiful fics that I’ve read which don’t receive the amount of recognition/kudos that they deserve! I can’t wait to spread the word about them! Since this might be a longer post, I’m putting it under a read more! Enjoy <3
Also, I want to encourage people to try reading new fics as much as possible! While fic rec lists are a good source to start and get ideas about what to read, often times people rely on them too much, and then overlook newer fics which are just as amazing! So every once in a while, remember to check the ship tags on ao3 for newly posted works, that way you don’t miss any hidden gems! 
Alright, let’s get into it! 
in a flash (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, G
He sees a red beanie covering messy black hair, a soft and boyish smile lit up by the sunlight, and a gray cat.
Okay so this kurotsuki fic definitely needs twice as many kudos/comments, because the writing was downright phenomenal! It was so beautiful and made me feel warm inside all throughout reading it, I couldn’t get enough! The characterizations are excellent, and the whole mood of the fic is so cozy and wonderful. Please check it out if you love kurotsuki! Also make sure to follow @cawnvictofmurder on tumblr! 
a haunting in tokyo (ao3) -- Daisuga, G 
This wasn’t the first time Suga had claimed their apartment had been haunted. However, it was the first time he tried to do something about it. Daichi, as always, is nothing but supportive.
This fic was short, but unbelievably sweet! I loved the mix of domestic daisuga fluff with paranormal shenanigans lmao, it was just a super enjoyable fic which had me giggling constantly. I don’t read much daisuga, but it was definitely a treat, and I’d recommend the fic to all! Please also make sure to follow @bishounen-curious <3
Starved (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
Kei can’t make it this week. Next week, maybe, he’ll be here but Tetsurou is all out of patience.
Prompt: “I’m tired of being your secret.”
@ivyfics has too many amazing fics which deserve more attention, but this one I feel especially needs to be read. The writing and emotions are just...incredible, I reread this fic so much because I’m in awe of how well it’s written. It’s the perfect mix of angst and relationship development, and I super appreciate that it’s from Kuroo’s POV! Please check it out if you love kurotsuki! It’s worth the read (and reread lol) ^^ 
Where to Start (ao3) -- TeruShira, G
It's the second date Kenjirou has been on and he can feel Yuuji already figuring him out. He wants to be the boyfriend he wants Yuuji to have, but he doesn't know where to start.
Alright so this author in general just needs more love, yeah TeruShira (or any Shirabu ship really lol) is a rarepair, but gah trust me, after you read this fic you’ll be hopping onto the shipping train so damn fast. The characterizations are so realistic and interesting, and the interactions between the pair are so fun and touching. Please check this fic out, as well as all of SilverAmoebasquid‘s other works! 
A God for Every Season (ao3) -- Matsuhana, T
Mortals have all kinds of foolish tales, like how Hades and Persephone's annual reunion causes the seasons. Matsukawa knows better.
Alright, I don’t have time to get into this because for this fic, I can honestly write a 10 page essay about how much I love it. So lemme just say, the writing and the romance is top notch, like...wow, words cannot describe how beautiful the writing is. You seriously need to read it in order to understand. I also love mythology aus, and this delivered! The retelling of Hades/Persephone reuniting was so creative and enjoyable, I want to reread it all again just from typing this lol. @90stimkon did an incredible job with this fic and all their fics, so please check them all out! <3 
Waiting for Spring (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, NR
Kuroo had only ever been enamored with a person in his lifetime once. And then "The Dream" happened. Everyday, he dreamt of the neighborhood where he lived, and he always saw a stranger with short blond hair, a tall stature, and black-framed glasses in his dreams. He didn't know who he was, but he was determined to find out.
Kuroo had only ever been enamored with a person in his lifetime once. And then "The Dream" happened. That was the second time.
This fic isn’t exactly recent but I’ll never stop reccing it until it’s been read by everyone lmao I swear! It’s a bit on the angstier side, and there’s a warning for mental illness mentions, but it’s a gorgeous fic. It explores Tsukishima’s emotions and character so well, Kuroo’s too! The details about mental health and Kuroo’s feelings/situation are great, it’s definitely a dream fic which flows into reality so well! I loved the ending, I loved the whole fic, so please give it a shot! 
24 Hours (ao3) -- Iwaoi, E 
Iwaizumi, a special investigations agent, finds himself falling in love with someone who may already be dead.
@serviceace is an amazing writer, and this crime au has got me so hooked! If you like crime mysteries and detective!Iwaizumi, this is the fic for you! It’s ongoing, but each chapter is so interesting and fun to read, and the questions keep me on the edge of my seat! Please go read this fic if you’re a sucker for iwaoi and police aus, as I am ;) 
To The Skies (ao3) -- Kacchako, M 
It was supposed to be a typical evening for Bakugou Katsuki. A masquerade ball, a night of serving the royal family as he always did. But when the party goes horribly wrong it's up to servant boy Bakugou to rescue the princess, Uraraka Ochako. His rescue mission is about to change both of their lives completely, and eventually Uraraka will want to reclaim her throne.
Now, older, the two reunite, realizing their lives have gone in very different directions. Ochako, part of the Resistance against the horrible Academy, and Bakugou, a famed sky pirate, traveling the island clusters to find various bounties. Together, they fight to take back the home they once knew and loved.
Okay y’all, lemme tell you, if you love Kacchako, you need to read this! The idea is so damn original, and Rache’s writing is A++ as always. The world she builds and the character relationships that she crafts are so well done. This fic seriously deserves more attention, so please go read! <3 Also follow her writing blog on tumblr @emeraldwaves ! You won’t be disappointed! 
Tacky Shoes and Movie Tickets (ao3) -- Bokuaka, T
Akaashi deals with a lot of stupid people.
He isn't yet certain if Bokuto falls into that category.
In which Akaashi is the manager of a movie theater, Bokuto is the new hire at the shoe store downstairs, and the two of them get along much better than Akaashi could have anticipated.
Okay so I was super surprised that this fic didn’t have more kudos! It’s so light hearted and funny, not to mention perfectly sweet! It’s ongoing, but I can’t wait for more. @worthlesspride writes some of the best bokuaka out there, it’s so fluffy and heartwarming, not to mention the writing flows so well! Please read and support it! 
Alright, so I’m going to do some self promo because why not? This day is for fic writers too after all lmao. 
Perfectly Aligned (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
Kuroo didn’t know how he’d made it back here, standing beneath the glistening war machines known as Jaegers. He was the definite outsider, not just at the Shatterdome, but in this world. The world of Jaeger pilots had long since closed its door on him, and now here he was, knocking once again. However, maybe this time, he wouldn’t be alone.
Just a good ol’ Pacific Rim AU. I really loved playing with this universe, and tbh it’s probably some of my best writing?? It didn’t get much attention because I posted it during a busy exchange week, but I’m definitely proud of it and hope more people can read it! 
Ceaseless (ao3) -- Kiyoyachi, E
The life of an assassin isn't an easy one. Devoid of morals and full of the criminal underworld's grime , it's a job Kiyoko has always been weirdly perfect at. She's long stopped thinking about why, but just because she kills without remorse, doesn't mean she doesn't have her own attachments.
I’m including this one because f/f ships do not get nearly enough attention as they should. I live for f/f content, and I hope I can read a lot more in the future and introduce ppl to it through fics like this! This fic did not get many kudos, but I think it was actually pretty good writing/smut, so please give it a try if you like kiyoyachi! 
Let My Love (ao3) -- Kurotsuki, T
For Kuroo, finding love was all about patience. He had no problem with waiting for the right person to come along, no matter how many awkward dinners or weddings he had to endure as a single man until they did. Regardless, meeting Tsukishima was something he’d never been prepared for. The feelings were overwhelming and intoxicating, ones he was sure he’d do anything for. However, it seemed his endless waiting wasn’t over.
While this fic isn’t short on kudos, I feel like it gets overlooked when compared to my siren au for kurotsuki. While this fic is a bit angstier than Slipping Underneath, it’s one of my most favorite that I’ve ever written. Writing slow burn is a challenge, but I think so far I’m doing well lol?? I love writing this fic, so if you want, I hope you can also enjoy reading it! <3
I Search Through the Crowd (ao3) -- Iwaoi, T 
It wasn't uncommon to believe in reincarnation, most people did, but it wasn't some flippant thing. Only people with the strongest of bonds were reincarnated, or so legend put it. Hajime could be dense sometimes, but he didn't miss the meaning Tooru was trying to convey.
"I'll find you."
Lastly, this was my first iwaoi fic, and I was really proud of it even though it didn’t get much attention. It was a struggle to write, but overall, I’m super happy with the result, so I hope you guys can get the chance to read it! I hope I get to write even more iwaoi in the future too! 
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Flying high - The teaspoon girl pt 7
A witch turns Y/N into a teaspoon sized woman, and Sam and Dean has to make sure she doesn’t get squashed – and find a cure.
Word count: 3340
I’m sorry this part has taken so long. Unforeseen stuff happened (1,5 weeks in hospital among other things), but hopefully you’ll forgive me the delay.
This is the last part of this series. Hope you have enjoyed it. If you have, please let me know: I love hearing from you guys. Also let me know if you want on – or off – my tag list.
From part six:
“It’s too heavy. You won’t be able to carry it back to the window.”
She thought for a bit, then tugged on the string in the hood. “Tie this around me. That way you can pull me back.”
“That’s… actually a great idea,” Sam agreed, offering his thumb up for a high five. “You’re a genius!”
She blushed, but puffed up, taking every bit of praise from Sam to heart, feeling bigger than she had in ages.
They needed two attempts before the folder cooperated, but finally Y/N managed to get a good enough grip on the slippery paper, clinging to it with both arms and feet as Sam pulled her back to the window.
As Dean flipped through the information, tutting and shaking his head, Sam lifted Y/N up so she was level with his face. “Seriously,” he said with an adorable smile, “we couldn’t have done this without you.” He leaned forward and touched his nose to her head. “This will give us just enough time to get everything done before we have to hide again.”
“Nah, it was nothing,” Y/N said, but the smile on her face never faltered. The feeling of being needed expanded in her chest.
“Um, guys…?” Dean interrupted, pointing to the road. A set of bright headlights moved slowly in their direction. “Time to make ourselves scarce.”
Sam dropped Y/N into his pocket, and Dean picked up a piece of paper that had fallen to the ground, and they made their way quickly, but silently, back to the car.
Almost back to the motel, Sam put his hand over the pocket, pinning Y/N to his chest. “Sit still, please. It tickles when you move around like that.”
“What? I’m not moving.”
“Well, whatever you’re doing… it tickles,” he said, letting her go.
Frowning, Y/N folded her arms across her chest and slid down to the bottom of the pocket. “Sorry. I’ll just not do what I wasn’t doing. Or you could just let me up on your shoulder.”
She would never get over that weird, slightly scary feeling of having a huge hand loom over her and block the light before picking her up and lifting her through the air like a swing – even if that hand belonged to Sam Winchester, and she knew it would never intentionally hurt her. But she had never been one for rollercoasters and amusement parks, and that dip in her stomach always made her slightly queasy. And she really didn’t wanna throw up in Sam’s hair.
But once on his shoulder, the nausea disappeared, and she enjoyed the feeling of freedom. And the warmth from Sam’s skin, and his intoxicating scent, of course – she alive and breathing after all.
Back at the motel, Sam put her down on the table, and picked up the folder they’d so kindly relieved the police of. As he paced back and forth to get rid of the nervous energy in his legs, he flicked through the report. “Jeez,” he sighed. They could at least  use good pictures. And… Have you seen this, Dean? This isn’t even… ‘…with psychopathic tendencies…’ Who wrote this? Oh… at least they got something right: ‘highly intelligent, and dangerous’…” Sam burst out laughing. “You think they have a template where they just fill in key words?”
Dean didn’t really listen to his brother’s outburst. He was more interested in what was going on on the table. “Hey, Sammy, will you shut up for just a second?” Sam’s mouth remained open, like he was about to give his brother a lethal rant, but before he could even think of a fitting insult, Dean continued: “Take a look at this.”
Four eyes were locked on Y/N, who huffed and threw her arms out to the side. “What?”
Dean didn’t answer her. Instead, he picked her up and weighed her in his hand before passing her to Sam, who blinked and bounced her up and down. “Huh…”
“Will somebody tell me what’s going on?” Y/N clung to Sam’s thumb as he sat her back down.
“Um,” Dean hummed, struggling to find the right words. “Please don’t take this the wrong way, Y/N, but you feel heavier. I mean; you probably only weigh an ounce and a half right now, but I’m pretty sure you weighed closer to one this morning.”
Sam nodded. “You know, I think you’re growing. Look, yeah, you can reach to the top of the fake plant now if you stretch.”
Her eyes sparkled with the thought. “Really?”
“Really,” Sam beamed at her.
“It’s definitely going in the right direction. But it’s going slow,” Dean added.
Y/N’s shoulders slumped forward. Sitting down on the table with her legs crossed, she sighed. She was so tired of being small, of being useless.
“Shit, no, no, no, no… You’re shrinking again. Look, Dean!” Sam put his hand on her shoulders as if that would stop the process, pulling her to her feet in one swift motion.
“Great! I can’t even grow properly!” Y/N’s voice was flat and weary, and she rubbed her eyes with long, slow movements.
In a whirlwind of arms and legs and swears, Sam gathered his laptop and the bowl, and threw on a clean flannel.
Dean and Y/N followed him with their eyes. “Hey, where are you going?”
“The internet café. There’s no fucking signal here.”
“Yes, Dean, now. We solved the case, and now it’s time to focus on her,” he said, pointing in Y/N’s general direction. “She’s waited long enough, don’t you think?”
“Here,” Dean nodded, tossing the car keys to Sam and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.
“Drive carefully,” Y/N added with a small wave of her hand, sinking back down on the table, hiding her head in her hands.
When Dean came back, almost an hour later with steam billowing through the bathroom door, she’d had more than enough time to sink deep down into the darkest corner of her brain. “Look at me,” she muttered, not particularly caring to hide her misery. “I’m useless. Only thing I’m good for is a quick snack for the diner cat.”
“Hey now, that’s not true,” Dean said, surprising her with the tenderness in his voice. “You’re the reason we got our hands on that report, remember? If we hadn’t, we’d be so screwed now. The authorities –“ he spat the word as if it tasted vile “– would be on our tail, or at the very least, the sheriff would’ve noticed us. And I’m not in the mood to punch his greasy face, though,” he added with a wink, “he deserves it. He was an asshole.”
A small smile spread from Y/N’s eyes, and she nodded slowly. “You’re right. But still, I’m not much use like this. Gah! I just wanna be me again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super grateful for all you help, I really am, but it does something to a girl having to be dependent on someone even for the most trivial stuff. Like… like getting out of the goddamn bed!”
“I know, I know,” Dean replied. “It sucks. But we’re working on it. Sam’s easily the smartest person in this town. He’ll figure it out. We just gotta make the best of things until then.”
As if on cue, Dean’s phone rang. “Talk to me,” he said, holding the phone with his shoulder while he opened a new beer. “Wait, hold on. Lemme put you on speaker. Bet Y/N wanna hear too.” He put the phone down on the table.
“Yeah,” said Sam. “Hey, Y/N. It was a challenge, but I managed to translate the writing, the spell – I think.”
Dean pulled up a photo of the cracked bowl on his laptop and squinted at the pattern around the edge. “I swear, he’s like the biggest nerd out there,” he whispered with a scrunchy smile. Y/N giggled silently.
“What?” Sam asked. “I didn’t hear you.”
“Nothing. Go on.”
Y/N could picture the perfect bitchface Sam must have given his phone, because his voice was short and hard when he spoke again. “Right. The first two symbols are just for strengthening purposes. To make sure the spell sticks, I mean. And the rest… Well, it’s not perfect,” he said, his voice becoming more and more apologetic. “The language is formal and stilted, but I think I get the gist of it.”
In the background they heard the sound of papers rustling and a pen scratching over a hard surface. “This is what’s written on the bowl. Kinda hard to copy because of the chipped paint and crack from where it hit the floor, but…”
“Yeah, yeah. What does it say?”
“Right, so… this is what I’ve come up with:  The beginning says you who receive – or it could be steal, no, I’m pretty sure it’s receive this blessing – or it could be curse, apparently they used the same word just with different pronunciations, will stay in your mind’s- brain?, not sure about that one, dimensions. That last word could be an abbreviation, and in that case it’s about making sunflowers grow…”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Y/N said with a weak smile that didn’t reach her eyes at all.
“…so I doubt it is,” Sam continued, too excited to pay attention. “But get this: I did a bit of digging and found a similar line in a novelty spell from the 70’s.”
Dean growled. “Goddamn hippies!”
“Yeah. So it’s a growth spell – or more specific: a shrinking spell. That much we knew, right? Says here on the website that the effects last until the receiver has grown back to his or her original size.”
“Great! How do we do that?”
“Don’t say.”
“What?” Dean turned towards the miserable outburst from Y/N. “So I’m stuck like this?”
“For now. But we’ll find a cure. I promise.”
“Jesus!” Dean sighed, shaking his head tiredly. “See? This is why I can’t stand witches. At least with a werewolf you know it wants to eat you.”
Sam agreed. “Uh-huh, but now we know what we’re dealing with, sorta. But listen… I’ve copied down as much as I could, we can go over it again when I get back. Three heads think better than one.”
“Sure,” Y/N groaned. “I guess.”
“Hey, Sammy? Pick up some food on the way back, will ya? I’m starving.”
Sam chuckled. “Always thinking with your stomach, huh? Yeah, I’ll see what I can find. The diner’s closed I think, but maybe there’s a Domino’s or something.”
With the promise of something to fill his growling belly, Dean plopped down on his bed and switched on the TV. Y/N decided to smarten up a bit before dinner.
About ten minutes later, though, she was in trouble. “Uh… Dean, can you help me please?” There was almost no power in her voice, and the fact that she was stuck in a Barbie dress didn’t make things easier. With every wriggle, the velcro ate a little more of her hair, and it was beginning to get painful.
She tried one last time: bent her neck even more, the awkward angle starting to sting seriously. “Hey, Dean,” she said again, with more force this time. Still no reaction. Was she really that invisible? “Yo! Dean! A little help here? Before I choke to death in a frilly dress!” she bellowed, breathing hard to keep the volume up.
Dean whipped around, knocking his silver knife off the bedside table, worry in his eyes and a half-chewed pen still in his mouth. “Jesus Christ, Y/N! What happened?” he muttered, hurrying over to help her.
“Got stuck is what happened,” she replied, combing through her hair once he’d untangled her from the dress.
“I can see that,” he chuckled. “You said you’d rather be dead than be seen in that dress, if I recall correctly.”
“Yeah, well, I wanted to dress up a little.” Pouting, she pulled the dress on properly, and motioned for Dean to close the velcro. “It’s nice to… I don’t now, feel pretty sometimes, you know.”
Dean stared at her. “Okay, who you tryin’ to impress? I know for a fact it ain’t me. Only one who isn’t here is Sammy, so…”
Willing the heat away from her face and failing spectacularly, Y/N stuck her tongue out. “Shut up!”
“Oh ho!” He grinned so widely his cheeks threatened to split, voice filled with glee, and he gave her a cheeky look. “It suits you. The dress. But you know you don’t have to dress up for Sammy to like you, right? He’s pretty much doomed already.”
“ ‘m not doing it for him,” she protested, but the butterflies in her belly told her otherwise. And Dean’s statement, however fake it might have been, made her feel warm and fuzzy inside, like she was floating on air.
“Holy shit!” Dean exclaimed, any humour instantly gone from his voice.
“What?” The elation deflated, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable.
“You just… I mean, maybe this is… Gotta go double check.” He returned tot the table and sifted through the notes Sam had left behind, muttering to himself. “Phone… Where did I put… Sam’s gonna go ballistic… So obvious! Come on! Where…”
Y/N ignored the rest of his muttering. It made no sense anyway. Instead she swirled in front of the hand mirror she’d convinced them to put up. Dean was right. The dress was a bit too big, but it suited her.
“You’re adorable,” Dean said, keeping his distance so he wouldn’t get hurt.
“So you’ve said…” Y/N replied with a lopsided smile. She was surprised she didn’t mind him saying so as much as before. Maybe it was the promise of a cure looming on the horizon, or maybe it was the feeling of the frilly dress swishing around her ankles, but she felt good.
“It’s true,” Dean continued, daring a few steps closer so he could sit down. “And Sam is crazy about you – uh, he’s probably gonna kill me for saying it – I mean it,” he added in response to the sceptical look she gave him. “Hell, even I would give it a go if you weren’t so damn annoying all the time.” Dean winked and leaned back just as Sam came back with two large pizza boxes.
“You’re not helping, Dean,” Y/N replied with a sad huff. “I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but lying like that…”
“What’s he lying about now?” Sam asked over his shoulder, fetching napkins and something to drink.
Dean crossed his arms over his chest. “Not lying,” he said indignantly.
Y/N became a mosaic of pink splotches, and her skin burned like she’d been dipped in chilli powder. “Uh… he was just trying to make me feel better about this whole situation,” she began, stuffing a tiny piece of pepperoni in her mouth to delay the inevitable humiliation. “By kinda *munch* implying that you *munch* uh, arecrazyaboutme.” She finished silently and as fast as she could get the words out of her mouth, and took a long drink to hide her embarrassment and disappointment; despite her best efforts, what Dean said kindled a small flicker of hope in her, decimating her hard work at keeping her own feelings under wraps.
“Not implying anything. Also: not lying,” Dean repeated, stuffing his face with pizza.
Sam sat completely still for about three whole seconds before carefully putting down his slice and wiping his hands clean. His mouth twitched, and his skin was becomingly pink, and the look he gave his brother contained both daggers and poison.
“My brother is an excellent liar,” he said, silently communicating a I’m gonna kill you later to Dean, “but on this occasion he told you the truth. I am very… you mean so much to me. However,” he added with an apologetic smile before returning with another hard glare at Dean, “this was not the way I wanted you to find out.”
Dean just grinned and nodded sideways at Y/N, clearly wanting Sam to notice, but he didn’t. He was too preoccupied with gnawing on his thumb and looking anywhere but at her.
With a wave of his hand, Dean stopped Sam. “Say it again.”
“What? That you’re a liar and– ?”
“No, no, the… the other one.”
The rosy pink spread further over Sam’s face and down his neck. “Um… That Y/N is –“
“No, not to me, you dumbass. Say it to her.”
Y/N looked between the two of them, understanding next to nothing, and liking it even less.
Sam looked like he was about to die of embarrassment. “Christ! Um… Y/N… I really… REALLY like you, and I wanted to, um… Holy shit!” he interrupted himself, gaping at her.
Y/N was growing. Slowly at first, but with every word Sam uttered, she gained a little height. Soon she had grown three inches and the dress she was wearing was starting to split in the seam.
“Here.” Sam offered his flannel shirt, placing it gently around her tiny shoulders, almost drowning her in soft plaid. “That dress was cute on you, but I think it’s a bit small now,” he said with a wink.
Excitement coursed through Y/N. Sam was flirting with her – actually flirting, and she was growing, feeling more and more like her old self again. It was a high that kept her floating on clouds. Right now she could take anything the world could throw at her.
Growing bolder, Y/N scooted to the edge of the table and put her hand on Sam’s. “Things don’t always happen according to plan, you know. Maybe we should thank Dean –  I had planned on pining after you for the rest of my life, because how could you possibly have feelings for someone like me?”
“How could I not?” he replied, ignoring Dean’s irritating and exciting coos. “You’re brilliant. You’re smarter than me, and Dean (Hey, speak for yourself!), I love talking with you. Whenever you start on a topic you’re excited about it’s like you’re bubbling: always bouncing up and down and waving your arms around. It’s adorable. No one has taught me more stuff than you have. And you’re funny as hell. How many crappy motel nights disappeared into fits of laughter? And your laughter sets fire to my soul. You keep me above the water, Y/N.”
As he spoke again, she grew faster and faster, beaming from his praise, and savouring the butterflies in her chest.
“Be careful so she doesn’t outgrow her size,” Dean muttered with a bright smile, but nobody listened to him.
Sam shook his head gently. “You challenge me and make me laugh, and you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Don’t think I haven’t noticed when you stand in front of the mirror and criticise every inch of yourself. Please stop doing that! It breaks my heart, seeing you so insecure. But now… Not a day will pass without telling you how much you mean to me, and I hope you will listen. Listen and believe it. I can’t lie to you, and you know it.”
When finally stopped talking, Y/N looked up. Her eyes were shining brightly, and she gave him a sly smile, jumping down from the table, quickly buttoning her shirt. She bent down closer to him. The heat from his skin caressed hers, and she exhaled slowly as he came even closer. In her chest her heart beat so hard she could hear it clearly.
“Ew!” Dean exclaimed, blowing a raspberry and getting to his feet, grabbing a slice of pizza. “I definitely didn’t think this through. You’re gonna get all lovey and gross now, aren’t you? I’m gonna go hide in the bathroom until it’s over. Come get me when it’s safe.”
Sighing, Sam leaned back in his chair. “Way to go, Dean. You’re gonna pay for that,” he added menacingly before pulling Y/N down on his lap and putting his arms around her. He couldn’t resist burying his face in her hair like he’d dreamed about so many times. “Let’s just eat the pizza while it’s still warm-ish. And then you can go book a room for yourself. I don’t want you here to interrupt anything else.”
Dean faked a look of disgust, making Y/N giggle loudly, and just to be evil, she left a trail of feathery kisses down Sam’s neck. “Yeah, Dean. Get your own room. But first: where’s that beer you promised me?”
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Carly & Ali
Carly: heard from drew? Carly: long shot Ali: Ha, good one Carls Ali: God no Ali: he's AWOL? Carly: yea Carly: gimme calebs number? Carly: longer shot Ali: 'Course but doubt they're chillin' Ali: and he might act like saying his name invokes him to pop up like a demon but you know Ali: Have you spoken to Meena? Surely he's keeping her in the loop Carly: shes not picking up Carly: to me Carly: same as my mum and dad Ali: That's not like her, she's probably just busy, keep trying Ali: As for your 'rents, where have they gone? And why do you need Drew so urgent? Gah, sorry, so many questions Ali: Just go with this one, are you okay? Carly: ive been trying ages Carly: shes not on spanish time idk why she cant answer Carly: idk wot to do Carly: how do i get it to stop ?? Ali: Spain's only an hour ahead of us anyway, not an excuse Ali: I'm 8 hours ahead and I've managed Ali: get what to stop babe Carly: the crying Carly: i cant think Carly: its all it does Ali: You've had the baby Ali: how long ago? did you go to the hospital? you need to if you haven't, like now Carly: what Carly: why would i go there Carly: its over with Ali: Because you both need to be checked over Ali: its really important Ali: have you birthed the placenta? Is it all out? If not you could die Ali: Never mind if there's anything wrong with the baby Ali: Call a cab and give me your deets, I'll transfer the money now Carly: that alien shit Carly: yea Carly: it screams healthy Ali: that is a good sign but there could be something you're missing, maybe that's why its screaming? better safe than sorry, they're not allowed to ask you about shit unrelated, so if you're high, sober up and then go, yeah? Ali: When did you last do a feed? Have you been able to? They'll show you how, it can be tricky Carly: id scream if i was born here Carly: gonna be stuck Carly: sober up? i need more Carly: shit hurts dont need to tell you Ali: They'll give you stuff at the Hospital Ali: why do you think anyone goes? Ali: and fo free baby gurl! please Carly: i cant Carly: gotta be hear for when my mum rings back Carly: & drew might come Ali: Give me your mums number and I'll tell her where you are Ali: then she can ring the hospital and they'll let you know Ali: I bet Drew has a key, no? Ali: Leave a note Carly: he left it when he went Carly: threw it at me Ali: Oh bab Ali: I'm sorry Ali: but you gotta focus on you Ali: and the baby now Ali: Not him, he knows where you are Ali: I can text him if you want, or try to call Ali: I swear nothing bad will come out of it Carly: but its his Carly: and i am Carly: he should be here Ali: But he isn't Ali: maybe he'll come back but you gotta keep going 'til he does, alright? Carly: i need to find him Ali: Not right now Ali: next step Ali: he's not lost, he doesn't want to be found Ali: i know that's harsh but its the truth Ali: he'll come back when he's ready, alright? Carly: what about me Carly: im not ready Carly: he doesnt care Carly: why should i Ali: he cares about himself Ali: AT LEAST do that Ali: if you can't the baby then the people at the hospital will help with that too Ali: you can't just leave it Ali: boy or girl? Carly: its a girl Carly: another one Carly: hes gonna be mad Ali: I don't think he's salty about not having a male heir babe Ali: If you really won't go...I'll do my best to tell you what I know and I'll send you links Ali: we'll do our best health check and then you've got to try to feed her, yeah? Is that okay? Carly: mad that shes here Carly: i said i wasnt having one Carly: you want me to read? cant hear myself think Ali: But you were Ali: and if you were doing it without protection then he was fully aware it was a possibility Ali: I'll voice memo you then Ali: it'll stop the crying Carly: he says its not his Carly: maybe not Carly: idk Carly: its got blood on it but could look like him when thats gone Ali: He said that to me when it definitely was so kind of his go to Ali: but even if it isn't, doesn't mean he has to be a dick to you about it Ali: Its not right regardless Ali: Especially not when you're alone Carly: how do i make it sleep Carly: im tired Carly: should i sing? Ali: That might help yeah Ali: Skin to skin to, that's comforting Ali: Lemme break down how you feed it, yeah? Hold on Carly: i cant pick it up what if i drop it fuck no Carly: gotta stay where it is Ali: You won't Ali: its your baby, its safer with you than it is on the floor Ali: get a towel, that'll keep it warm and put it to your chest Ali: [Sends 38 sec video] okay, if that's easier this vid shows you how but I'm here to talk you through Carly: all the towels are wet Carly: it can have my tshirt thats warm Ali: Good idea, see Ali: you know what you're doing Ali: you've got this Carly: its too small Carly: i have to put it back down Carly: ill hurt it Carly: fuming about me coming near it Ali: She's just hungry and confused Ali: Understandable, right? Dunno about you but I'd be pretty fucked off too if I'd just been pushed out my nice comfy home of the last 9 months Ali: You'll be her best friend in my time at all Carly: id put it back if i could Carly: whyd you wanna do this 3 times Ali: 'Cos I'm a bossy bitch and I want underlings to do my bidding and I get to tell 'em what to do Ali: speaking of, time for your masterclass Ali: get her and get comfy on the sofa or your bed or wherever is bed Ali: best Carly: k Carly: shes heavy wtf Ali: That's good! You did a good job cooking her then Ali: and if she's a lil chunk, this should be easier Carly: shes small but im sleepy Ali: you can both take a snooze when this is done, usually conks 'em right out Ali: is your tiddy out? Carly: knew you fancied me Ali: you know Ali: getting in there while your defenses are down Carly: im single Carly: you too Ali: Lets do it mama Ali: cutest fam ever? i think so Carly: shes not cute like yours Carly: weird coloured thing Ali: she's probably covered in the gunk and pink from screaming her head off Ali: no ones finest hour i bet she's beautiful Carly: ill get it to take a selfie Ali: yay! get it on the nip 'cos i gotta see my boo too 😍 Ali: line her nose up with your nip, kinda tickle her top lip with it, she should open her mouth wide Ali: then you can shove it in Carly: done that before Carly: weird Carly: [Sends pic of tiny baby Indie] Carly: does she look like him idk Ali: Definitely Ali: Looks a bit like Edie Carly: ill send him the pic Carly: probs should take a better one Carly: how do i look? Ali: Like you've just given birth Ali: so a goddess Ali: but a knackered one Carly: youve got a fetish Carly: cant trust that Ali: me??? Ali: didn't impregnate myself Ali: look at Caleb! Carly: and drew Carly: wont see him Ali: Clearly its his thing too Ali: but he's more about the before than after yeah Ali: he can't stay away forever Ali: he wouldn't leave Meena Carly: youre smart Carly: if i go there he cant avoid me Ali: Exactly Ali: Camp out Ali: Ana will help you with the baby shit if you like Carly: why Carly: she doesnt know me Ali: Because she's a good person Ali: plus she's a social worker, it what she do Ali: and she knows Drew better than most, she raised him Ali: worth a shot Carly: shes not his mum Carly: but she can take this kid Ali: yeah she's better than Ali: is that what you want? Ali: she'll discuss it with you, make sure you both get what's best Carly: im not talking to her Carly: she can take it or not Ali: No one will just take her with no questions asked Carls Ali: for your welfare and the kids Carly: im not answering a social workers questions Ali: They're not entitled to judge you Ali: She won't Ali: and as far as drugs are concerned, if you want to give the baby up then literally none of their business at all after that Ali: and if you did decide to keep her then they work with you Ali: they're not gonna just shop you, it ain't like that Carly: make me go to rehab is how its like Carly: fuck no Ali: They can't make you Ali: there's no point Ali: you can only get sober if that's what you want Carly: my mum and dad'll make me Carly: i know theyre gonna Ali: well, where the fuck are they now? Ali: if they're so concerned about you they'd be here Ali: actually supporting you Carly: theyll come when they find out about her Carly: i never told them Ali: Good, I hope they do Ali: but how did that happen Ali: how could I see and they didn't Ali: or Drew Carly: they dont come back Carly: drew did see thats why he left Ali: yeah but they must talk to you Ali: your mum has obviously been there how did she not clock something being up Ali: and not soon enough in Drew's case Carly: i call them if i need money Carly: they gotta think its why im calling now Ali: When do they call you? Carly: if i call and they didnt pick up Carly: unless theyre busy Ali: I see Ali: how's she doing? done feeding? Carly: sleeping Carly: how are yours? Ali: best feeling ever, right? Ali: much the same, its late here Ali: I'm pulling an all-nighter lowkey, finishing up some work Carly: i miss junie Carly: whatever your on for it gimme some Ali: i'd be creepy and snap him sleeping but no doubt the flash would wake his highness Ali: he misses you too, i'll get him to facetime Carly: aw Carly: go work bitch Carly: i shouldnt kept you this long Ali: don't be daft Ali: queen of multitasking Ali: and not just junie who misses you is it Ali: #massiveLESBIANcrush Carly: my tits are gonna go down Carly: snap me up now Ali: Trying, like Ali: make it facebook official Ali: that'll get the lads attention ey Ali: why else do it Carly: yea Carly: my parents too probs Carly: lapsed catholics Ali: be on the next plane over to get you back on the dick like Ali: i'll get on it #longdistancelesbians Ali: my ex gonna be so mad Carly: mine too Carly: wtf am i gonna do Carly: I dont want him to be an ex Ali: even though he's fucked you over like this? Carly: i fucked him over first Carly: i lied Ali: not really Ali: if anything, you lied to yourself Ali: but you didn't wanna hear it, couldn't Ali: and that makes sense Carly: cant block it out any more Carly: fuck Ali: it gets really real really fast Ali: doesn't it Ali: but you have got this Ali: i've got you, however i can, yeah? Carly: i dont want it to be Carly: i dont want it Carly: i cant do this Ali: okay, that's okay too Ali: but she isn't going to just go Ali: whether it was getting an abortion earlier or what you have to do now Ali: you have to do something Ali: there's no quick fix for it Ali: ana can get you in touch with the right people who will make it as easy as they can for you and her Ali: or my mum Carly: if i leave her she'll get found Carly: why does nobody ever call me back wtf Ali: Yeah but they'll still try to find you Ali: or Drew Ali: and his DNA will be on the system so Ali: and I reckon if they got to him, he'd sell you out Ali: when's the last time you slept? Carly: idk Carly: what day is it Ali: Tuesday Carly: sunday Carly: saturday Carly: idk Ali: fuck girl Ali: you shoulda been banking up on it before Carly: ha Carly: easy fix Carly: need my dealer Ali: not if your gonna be breastfeeding Ali: unless he gonna bring formula too Carly: i can go myself for that Carly: get a car Ali: you getting enough cash in, yeah? Carly: ha no Carly: no student loans for this bitch Ali: you'll have to look into getting help with that Ali: there's funds and shit, i'll find out the info Ali: that or tap Drew up for child maintenance Carly: yea cos hes declaring his earnings Carly: i wish hed talk to me Ali: exactly, bribe him like Ali: he's got a lot to lose Carly: hed never forgive me Carly: i cant Ali: but you can forgive him for all he does? Ali: got it bad honey Carly: yea Carly: its fucked Ali: is there anything he could do to make you stop loving him Carly: idk Carly: why Ali: cos you'd be happier if you didn't Ali: right Ali: like, he treats you like shit Carly: i wasnt happy before Carly: & he hasnt this whole time Carly: it got bad Carly: me too Ali: but you could be Ali: you don't have to give up hope of ever being Ali: and he did for the majority of the time though, that should outweigh the good Carly: with what Carly: this kid Carly: im not you Ali: no Ali: of being happy Ali: with just you Ali: or someone else who treats you better Carly: i dont have a job or friends here and i live in a caravan Carly: not gonna happen Ali: you can get both Ali: you're cool Carly: ha Carly: youre dreaming Carly: fucked the allnighter Ali: i'm not the only one Ali: and why not? Carly: drew says im a junkie Ali: what does he know Ali: and anyway, functioning junkie Ali: shits possible Carly: he knows me Carly: he loved me til i fucked it Ali: you haven't DONE anything Ali: a baby happened to you BOTH Ali: you're both reacting, right or wrong now, whatever Ali: and he probably still does but Ali: love ain't always enough Carly: why are you my friend? Ali: I said, you're cool Ali: funny, smart, nice, you already know i fancy you so no need to kiss arse any more, yeah? Ali: you're SO friendable, babe Carly: shoulda fallen for you Ali: yeah well, the tragedy of being straight and feelings not following logic Ali: sometimes, you gotta fuck feelings tho, do right by yourself Carly: i dont feel anything when he isnt here Carly: nothing happens Carly: cept today Ali: make stuff happen Ali: its only chaos darling Carly: youre not here either Carly: what am i gonna make happen on my own Carly: this shit Carly: idk Ali: what do you wanna make happen Ali: anything, however unlikely you think it is Carly: i want him to come back Carly: my parents too Carly: but none of them are Ali: can't control other people nah but you can do all YOU can to make it happen Ali: what would make him come back? who would he wanna be with? and you can try to talk to your 'rents and tell them what is up...longshot but maybe they don't realise how shitty they're being Carly: they're not Carly: theyre busy Carly: and im not a kid Ali: busy with what? Ali: living it up in spain? Ali: they kept you, you're their kid for life Ali: they don't get to peace at 16, 18 whatever the fuck Carly: they didnt vanish Carly: i know where they are Ali: yeah but they should be here rn Ali: you need them Ali: maybe if you ask, when they answer, they will come back Ali: i'm not slagging on 'em, its just facts Carly: i dont want to go live in spain Carly: fact is theyll try and force me Ali: well, they can't make ya, tell them why you wanna stay here Ali: they could still be supportive Ali: even if they're not physically with you every day like Carly: they wont let me stay for him Ali: okay...make something more parent friendly up then Ali: what they don't know won't hurt 'em Carly: youre so smart Ali: so i've been told Ali: with varying levels of sarcasm Carly: yea Carly: same Ali: You are though Ali: One of the many reasons we get along Carly: youre such a mum Carly: bigging me up like Ali: s'what i do best right Ali: shoulda been a cheerleader, fucking irish schools not letting me shine Carly: thats what schools do best Carly: be shit Ali: true dat Ali: even if my uni is pretty swish Ali: and full of nerds like me Carly: looks it Ali: still, miss the homeland like Carly: switch places Carly: shes crying again what does she want this time Carly: headfuck Ali: think its a bit too early for her to have shat, maybe wee but Ali: probably wanting her next feed Ali: you do it roughly every 2 hours for the first month Carly: ffs Carly: howd you get anything done with 3 of them Ali: ask myself the same question Ali: luckily they're not all on the tit 'cos form an orderly queue lads Carly: not getting my tit out again Ali: its that or formula run to get her to stop crying Carly: i cant put her in the car Carly: she'd fall out Ali: that solves that then honey Ali: get 'em out get 'em out get 'em out Carly: perv Ali: 🤷 Ali: single mum, gotta get my kicks where i can yo Carly: get fucked Carly: not offering Carly: one of the nerds would be up for it Ali: no need to tell me Ali: desperation station Ali: bless 'em Carly: do you go to class with your shoulders and knees out Ali: its boiling here, not even trying to be a shameless hussy Ali: can't be swooning erryday, got places to be, shitty bums to wipe Carly: yea Carly: cant steal that excuse myself Ali: sadly not Ali: can use breastfeeding though Ali: you're just out here feeding ya kid, looking hot as a by-product, fight me world Carly: don't Carly: how is this happening Carly: im looking at her and idk Ali: i can't believe you did it all by yourself Ali: you're a right tough nut Ali: but you don't have to keep doing it alone Carly: but i have to do something Carly: wtf Ali: yeah, keep both of yas alive until you figure out your next step Carly: make it sound simple Ali: 'course Ali: i'll allow you some melodrama but i can't claim hormones as hard Carly: u can Carly: and homesickness Ali: alright, lets have a good sob Carly: this kids done enough Carly: has you beat bitch Ali: rude Ali: already winning fresh out the womb Carly: what you naming it Carly: said you would Ali: you're serious? Carly: idc Ali: probs think on that a bit longer, whether you wanna name her or nah Ali: but my lists be ready don't fret Carly: k
0 notes
Dean’s 2 talks with Mary:
Lemme freak out over this scene before I dissect it line by line. I replayed this stuff a good 10x bc I was so damn elated that Dean stuck up for himself & Mary sure as hell needed to hear these things. Jensen did a phenomenal job. I loved every second of it.
Mary: Just hear me out, please.
Dean: wow, just wow.
Mary: Dean, what the BMOL are doing, what we're doing, it's a better way. Look, I'm not blind to who they are or what they've done but…
Uh yeah actually ya are blind to what they've done bc you don't know all the people they've killed & ignorance isn't an excuse. You got in bed with these guys, you should have looked into 'em. You don't want to know bc it'll mess with what you want. 
Sam: When? When did you start working with them?
Mary: Before the lake house. It wasn't Wally. They brought me that case.
Try a lot before the lake house. Y'all were pretty damn cozy by then.
Dean: You were running an errand for the brits, you kept it from us. Cas almost died.
Sam: A hunter got killed.
Mary: You think I don't know? I'm the one who burned his body. I'm the one who told his wife. I watch him die every night.
Dean: Good.
Actually Dean, you ALL almost died. That prince of Hell was abt to take you all out bc of your mom's sticky fingers. Cas was just the one who got seriously hurt. What happened to your explaining, Mary? This shit sounds like defensive justifying your actions, making it abt you & trying to garner sympathy. As Dean said, good. Any guilt you're having is well earned.
*scene intermission *
Mary: I'm doing this for you. I'm playing 3 decades of catch up here.
But what does the former have to do with the latter? Again you're straying from this promised “explanation” & trying to manipulate the convo to gain pity for yourself. And I’ll leave Dean to deal w the 2nd part of that bullshit.
Dean: And we're not? How do you think this has been for us? We're your sons. And you've been gone, our whole lives. You've been gone. You said that you needed time. No, you said you need space. So we gave you ur space, but you didn't need just space, no you needed space from us.
Mary: That's not true. Dean I'm trying...
Ok so ur just gonna totally ignore his question, cool. Dean isn’t gonna push the issue it seems but I still wanna know. How do you think it was for them? Have you even thought abt it? Do you give a shit?
Dean: How about for once you just try and be a mom!
And BOOOOOM there it is!!! Your benefit of the doubt adjustment time was waaaay long enough, mother Mary. Abt damn time someone said it. All the bonus points that it was Dean who got to.
Mary: I am your mother but I am not just a mom & you are not a child.
It's interesting to me here how Mary differs from what Dean said. Dean told her to try being “A” mom, implication being act like a mom/do motherly things. But Mary says I am “YOUR” mother, implication that she birthed them. There's a fuck ton world of difference b/t being a mom (as Dean requests) & being a mother (that Mary answers back with) Birthing children makes you what Mary is defending herself to be. Actually being there for them & loving them is what makes you a mom, what Dean is, perfectly reasonably, asking for.
Now onto the 2nd part which is several levels of ridiculous. Who the hell said anything abt her being JUST a mom? Stop putting words into his mouth. And telling him he isn't a child...now THAT sounds very childish. But again, stop putting words in his mouth. Also how fucking dare you, bitch. You have your beloved John's journal & you KNOW Dean didn't even get that chance when he WAS a child.
Dean: I never was.
THERE IT IS. Thatta boy. Call her on her shit. You’re still being too easy on her, but ur a better person than me so...
Dean: So b/t us & them…
Mary: It's not like that...
Dean: Yeah Mary, it is. And you made your choice. So there's the door.
Oh how much I LOVED him calling her Mary. Being called mom shouldn't be smth just expected no matter what. Bitch hasn't earned that. Gah, ik how much it must have hurt him to do but seeing Dean kick her ass out was satisfying as fuck.
Onto talk 2...
Dean: It's not your job to make my lunch...kiss me at night. We're adults. You're gonna make your own choices even if I don't like 'em. Even if I really really don't like 'em. So that's just smth I'm gonna have to get used to.
Alright, there's a lot to be said abt this. I've seen a lot of anger over “Dean apologizing again” I understand why it's being looked at that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed off abt this dialogue too but I'll get to that. To me, this wasn't an apology in the strict sense of the word. It wasn't him saying he was sorry, it was him laying things out there, making it completely clear what he meant before abt the mom thing. (since apparently she is that dense so he needs to spell it out for her) 
Now the reason it infuriates me & why imo it's being dubbed an apology is this; as per fucking every single time it is DEAN who has to be the bigger person. As always it's DEAN who is having to smooth things over. As always it's DEAN putting it out there that he's willing to accept & love someone unconditionally. Don't get me wrong, these are things that make up the big beautiful heart this boy has & I never want him to lose that, but as someone who loves him it PISSES ME OFF. Dean won't be petty so allow me. Why does it always have to be Dean? Why does he always have to swallow the shit? Why does he never get to just freely express his thoughts & feelings w/o needing to back track/suck it up later? Why is it always Dean who has to see & understand everyone else's point of view but nobody bothers to do the same for him? Can't we have that for Dean even ONCE? Of all the times this shit has happened you would think the ONE damn time it could've happened would be from his mother, but no, he can't even have that. So while I don't see it as an 'apology' I'm still just as damn enraged over him even having to give this little speech at all. MARY was in the wrong. MARY should have been the one to patch things up...and not to mention bc who expected Dean to get an I’m sorry but Ima do it anyway; WHERE IS MARY’S I’M SORRY??? HUH? And we’ve had enough damn examples of Dean ‘I will love everyone unconditionally’ Winchester. It’s beyond over damn due that we get some examples of him getting unconditional love back ffs. On the plus side at least Dean still stood his ground that he didn’t like her choice. He won’t do it, but we can give a huge I TOLD YOU SO later when this goes to shit.
Onto a different side of this rant. The fact that what Dean said is just utter nonsense. WHERE did this shit even start? Sam has said similar. I've seen some fandom say similar. The show is obviously trying to push it but WHY. It isn't black & white, all or nothing like the writers are trying to portray it. Oh either Mary is cold, distant, abandons them or she stays home, bakes them cookies & wipes their snot. Where the hell does that reasoning come from? Who even thinks it's reasonable to think that's what Dean would want? It's one of the more asinine things these writers have done & that's on a list of a LOT of competition. They're ridiculous. They're going so far 'this' way to try to show how oh so not sexist they are by having this bad ass career woman, kids be damned, & we are inclusive of the ladies but all it's doing in reality is making Mary look like a cold hearted selfish bitch. Of course she isn't just a mom. Nobody's expecting that. But she isn't even being a mom AT ALL. She's awful & the fact that the show is trying to have the narrative be in HER favor & making her sons just deal w it & see it her way & making THEM seem like the unreasonable ones (mostly Dean) is srsly sending a terrible message to the younger viewers.
Children plz, listen up, you do NOT have to love & accept your parents just bc they're your parents. If they hurt you you have every right to express that & call them out on it. If they disregard your feelings & continue to hurt you, you have every right to show them the door. Parents do NOT have the right to treat you like shit with the justification “I'm your mom/dad so I can treat you however I want & ur supposed to allow it” Blood does NOT make you family. That's complete truth. You DO need to earn that by being there for & loving someone. “They're family, they're supposed to make you miserable” IS WRONG. If 'family' truly makes you miserable it's called a toxic relationship & you need to srsly think abt whether it's worth it to keep the r/s going. If you hope it's salvageable & want to change it then go for it & try but if not then there is nothing wrong with cutting ties with blood family members. As heart breaking as it is, the truth is some of us are born to parents that are lives are better WITHOUT. Allowing them to continue to abuse you, be it mentally or physically, by brushing it off with “they're my mom/dad” can & will cause lasting damage./psych rant.
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Grimoire of Zero 1 | The Royal Tutor 2 | SukaSuka 1 | Tsukigakirei 2 | Kado 2 | Twin Angel Break 2 | Boku no Hero Academia 16
Grimoire of Zero 1
I mistook this as Re:Zero at one point (because of the Zero Kara Hajimeru… start of the title). However, despite my having never seen Re:Zero, I’m always open for a good fantasy title.
At least this show is funny, that’s for sure.
Eh, this plot seems like Bungou’s a tad – if you think about why Atsushi was hunted down and such – but then who’s going to be Zero in a Bungou Stray Dogs x Grimoire of Zero AU?
This seems a little cliché in how it handles its humour, but I have a feeling it’ll go above and beyond.
What struck me was that they chose the name Plasta as the capital’s name. A capital city called “Plaster”, pretty much, LOL.
The ED reminds me of Flip Flappers and the book motif reminds me of Deltora Quest, so it’s quite the nostalgic feeling. It’s a keeper, although if it becomes an endless bore of a quest then it may hold less potential than I think it does.
The Royal Tutor 2
It seems Bruno is one prince everyone with a strict study regimen’ll relate to. (Or at least, those who’ve had a strict study regimen at least once in their life.) Even if this is an exercise in drawing out humour to the fullest, it’s relatable and that’s part of what gives this show its personality.
I haven’t seen anyone this enthusiastic to have a master since Yotaro (SGRS)! LOL.
Heine used watakushi. He’s very polite.
Yeahhhhhhh…this, as you may know from how I treated Love Tyrant and Armed Girls, is not going to go down well. Just when the show had gained my favour, too…
I think the girls might’ve referred to Heine as Heinecchi. Update: My mistake, it was Heine-chan.
Behoove? Welp, I learnt a new English word from the subs. It’s not every day that happens, although I tend to pick up cultural things a lot from subs (hence these notes).
Creepy CGI door is not to be taken lightly too. The camera angle was a bit weird there, to boot.
Eeeeeeee! Kai is the one I want to know about the most! (Not just ‘cos he’s handsome, mind you. It’s because he doesn’t talk.)
Shadow? A name for a white dog? Doesn’t make much sense, but it makes me laugh, so okay, I’ll take it. *beams*
Just antisocial, eh? All the more reason to like ‘im.
SukaSuka 1
There aren’t too many promising debuts this season (I only really have my eyes on BnHA, Kado and The Royal Tutor at the moment) because “shows potential” is very different to “I want to keep watching!” for me, but maybe SukaSuka will do the trick.
Why does every fantasy world these days involve animal people? Who knows?
Intereting to note there was Scarborough Fair in English (yes, I had the volume on this time). As a side note, the song was sung by a Tamaru Yamada. (Around when the juggling Pac-Man appears, there’s credits for it.)
I would’ve asked where she was going if she said she had to go, mate. Ask her!
Ny…troll girl is pretty typical for this kind of anime, but Willem seems like he could be a spanner in the works.
Butt shot no. 1.
That oddly placed camera angle (the one where you see into the room from the window) was weird. Seriously though, how does Willem know Nyllathgo (or whatever troll girl’s name is)? Update: her name is Nygglatho. It was close, but not quite it…
Reptrace appears to be a made up cuisine.
I can only see the kids as shippers in the making, but I guess that’s YoI’s fault…?
I remember from pre-show material her katakana name is Kutori, so I’m gonna go with that spelling.
Lemme guess: it’s because the weapons are the kids?(!)
Well that was new: I can normally guess a new point for a show that plays it safe like this, but Kutori is a weapon too? That I didn’t guess. That automatically means I keep it on, at least for another week.
Tsukigakirei 2
Tsukigakirei is sitting somewhere pretty high on the list of “shows to go on hold this season”, so it’ll have to perform well to not have to get that treatment. Considering I can be fairly strict with my 5 show quota, I need to put 2 shows on hold (since out of 8 shows, the third is Kenka Bancho Otome, which automatically goes out of the running), 1 if I use a space I just freed up.
Was the live action OP really necessary? Considering this is anime, it is a bit odd. (Then again, didn’t I raise that gripe with Kado too?)
I don’t normally think about staff much unless they’re familiar names, but Seiji Kishi is a name that’s come up before – with Rampo Kitan.
It just so happens the girly boy is the one with the horns on his headband…for some reason, I find it suits him, since he’s the devil’s advocate to Kotaro. Also, why isn’t Kotaro wearing his headband?
Hey, this feeling. I’ve never really participated in these sport days (if I was forced to do stuff, I’d shotgun shotput since no one really took it), but I know the feelings around them real well. Once again, Tsukigakirei excels in recreating a teenage experience…
I has a small sneaking suspicion Akane’s toy would have gotten lost, and it seems like that’s coming true.
I laughed a really derpy laugh at devil’s advocate boy liking the teacher. Even though I had a small squick moment that it may have been romantic, suki is quite the broad term compared to how Akane and Kotaro’s romance is laid out so…it can’t be said for sure that the boy’s “like” is romantic, too.
That pink thing is a potato mascot?! I’m not angry, just hella surprised – that pink thing is so not a potato.
I gave a little “aw!” at when Kotaro told Akane she was fine the way she was. Now there’s a sentiment I can get behind.
Why does he box the light string? I don’t get it…but at least it makes him more dynamic than, say, Haruki (Sagrada Reset).
Haneteru-kun? So that’s how you say it in Japanese?
The style of the ED is unique, that’s for sure.
I think Tsukigakirei just proved itself. Sure, it���s not a complete “turn genres on its head” sort of thing, but it’s competent at what it does, and that’s all it needs right now. That’s all it’ll ever need. Then again, that does beggar the question: what goes on hold instead? There’s only one way to find out…
Kado 2
I was surprised to find out Shunina was voiced by none other than Akoya (Takuma Terashima)!
The OP is a rather odd choice (in regards to the music), but it does at least set the atmosphere well.
WPAN? I know of LANs and WANs, so WLAN makes sense (kind of), but not that…Okay, I learnt something.
“…we’re touching the ground…”
When the plane looks better than the characters…you know you’re doing CG wrong.
I want the OST of this, that song when Shindo touches the bottom of the cube really creates the feeling of a “foreign space”.
Erm, while Shindo and Shunina are negotiating, Shunina seems to have forgotten he’s buck naked…? Not that I mind, and it completely makes sense for an alien like him, but…yeah. He’s naked.
Base 10 = decimal, base 16 = hexadecimal, base 2 = binary. Shunina seems to be expressing the time in binary, but time is in base 60 (because 60 seconds = 1 minute and so on, so forth).
That bread doesn’t look too appetising, LOL.
I know Kado is much prettier flat, but when it’s just slow pans…you can tell they skimped on the budget. CGI is costly, sure, but…make sure you have proper budget before you make an anime, people, please. (On the other hand, I like 2D!Shunina.)
Is there any significance as to what order people appear in the ED?
Kado’s been my top contender ever since episode 0. While it does have its visual flaws, it’s an intelligent anime that takes its time to explain things and build suspense.
Twin Angel Break 2
I ended up keeping this on because I have no access to Twin Angel: Twinkle Paradise…
I never knew Sumire was such a sucker for her brother…I’ve never seen such a trope in magical girl shows before, and normally when you see it in anime, it’s a dude lusting after his younger sister, not the other way around. Just another sign this is aimed at pachinko-playing guys…
Gah! Fanservice shots! In my magical girl anime! *points* Another sign this is for dudes. By the way, ari can mean ant.
People don’t move like conveyer belts when solving maths problems.
Welp, such is the mark of a society that wants extroverts…
Meguru appears to have a red bean bun, although I’m not sure of its name aside from “red bean bun”.
Wait, where’s the ball?!
I always thought “Pochi” was a common name for a dog in Japan, kinda like the Western world’s “Spot”. Or “Hachi”, if you want your dog to be like Hachiko.
An event about animals at Tokyo Big Sight? Well, I’ll be. Wonders never cease in this show.
During the pan, the screen seems to jolt a bit. It’s kinda awkward for a show that is otherwise good visually.
Who has a porcupine as a pet? Sometimes I can’t tell if this show’s for little girls or older men…Well, Google says it’s possible to have a porcupine as a pet, but still I bet a pachislot-playing man wouldn’t know you can have a pet porcupine.
I was most displeased when I realised Sumire has a Gainax moment in her transformation sequence. Yet another fanservice spot to add to the growing list of annoyances in this show…
Geddit? It’s Me-ari?
It’s the ol’ duplication trick. Saw it in Smile Precure, so I guess I’m kinda numb to it already.
I was not expecting that for the ED. I really didn’t.
Well, I’ve had enough gripes about this show. It’s going on hold so I can figure out my feelings about it. That being said, there’s a lot of “middle ground” anime this time - if SukaSuka or Grimoire of Zero don’t get the boot from their next ep, I’ll have to deal with 6 simulcasting anime and leave the space open. (Luckily, there have been so many full seasons that I have a little too much bingewatching material available, regardless of whether I have the space open or not.)
Boku no Hero Academia 16
Not sure if chicken race means this or actual chicken racing, since Google tells me actual chicken racing exists.
I’ve wanted to know more about Tokoyami for a while, so here’s hoping for character development!
A-ha! Exploiting landmines’ propulsion – not many would think of that, but Midoriya certainly would.
All Might, Thirteen and Present Mic ganging up like that looks ridiculous, but it’s hilarious and helps to break up the suspense. *thumbs up*
*laughs* Oh man, this is what makes this show so good. It manages to strike hard and well with both its humour, strategy and action – it never misses one beat. That’s the spirit, Boku no Hero Academia! Keep going just like this!
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