#gahhh i love them sm!
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may i offer you some Fierrochase doodles?
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comradekiwi · 10 months
the thing is. the thing is I never see platonic physical intimacy/affection in shounen to the degree that I want to see it, like sustained hugs and cuddling and constant casual skinship, so power and denji’s sibling-level comfort with each other is so, so affirming to me. I adore it. and (manga spoilers) when power becomes that clingy with denji and denji allows it, cares for her bc he loves her she’s his family, it was everything to me. just hanging off each other (which they already did to an extent already!!!! i love this manga!!!!!) and denji even explicitly says it doesn’t feel sexual or “naughty,” and ik the context for why they were like that is god awful but honestly I was wary at first expecting it to still turn into female objectification AND THEN IT DIDNT. IT STAYED AUTHENTIC AND HANDLED WITH LOVE AND CARE. it remained a genuine, actual friendship between a male character (protag at that!!) and a female character (lead female too!!!). GAHHHH I LOVE M/F FRIENDSHIPS THAT ARE STRONG, FULLY PLATONIC, DEVELOPED, FICTIONAL M/M LEVEL FRIENDSHIPS GRAHHHHH it truly lets a story explore the sheer depth and value of nonromantic relationships. and I think chainsaw man does a lot with that theme anyway so yeah. yeah this is a great manga
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thalassic-p4rk · 7 months
some frames from a lil bjarki storyboard thing i just noticed has a bunch of mistakes so i wont post the full thing rn but here’s some silly eeeeeeeee
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bjarki is so adorable i love them so so much omfg they’re so damn PRECIOUS
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LOOK AT THEM *shakes u*
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soni-dragon · 11 months
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still not over the “you may experience side effects, like a compulsion to come back”
[ID: A drawing of Troy and Abed from Community. Abed stands on the left, facing downward while his right hand holds Troy’s hand by the pinky finger. Troy stands to the right, facing Abed and looking surprised. Troy wears a sailor hat, a grey hoodie, and blue jeans. Abed wears an orange flannel and blue jeans. The background is a light purple. There is a grey pigeon standing on the ground behind Troy. /End ID]
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tophsazulas · 4 months
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moodboard: gwen x leia (taylor's version)
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lordfreg · 1 year
I sometimes wonder what’s the chemistry between Tulip and Henry are like, hehe
Both pinning but oblivious I think. That would be cute.
Feel like Henry also is kind of an introvert and doesn't like physical touch, but Tulip loves to hug people, so he just kind of let's it happen teehee
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neuvistar · 1 year
Ass, tits or thighs for loucha and welt
You can choose other hsr men
Fluff of nsfw you pick
— featuring ┊ luocha, welt, jing yuan, blade, gepard x fem!reader (all separate)
— warnings / content warnings ┊ a lil short i think?? uh not proofread, tiny bit of titplay, mentions of thigh fucking??, slight body worship me thinks, mentions of face sitting, use of nicknames, nothing extreme just suggestive of implied suggestive themes! || 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
— a/n ┊good question, let’s decide this once n for all ! hope u enjoyed this i had fun sm fun writing it tbh ++ i loved writing jing yuan’s part its so cute 2 me
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LUOCHA lowkey seems like a thigh man, blud doesn’t care how big or how small he just wants you to crush him with your thighs. i mean come on i’m sure he probably likes the feeling of his hands trailing down your hips then to your thighs, giving them a nice squeeze while he’s at it. he seems like he’d enjoy times where you would thigh highs, thanking the aeons above for this lovely gift and beautiful sight. ++ when you do wear it jesus fuck his hands r always on your thighs, gently sliding two fingers in your black thigh highs you wore that day, pretty eyes gazing at yours to see your reaction.
maybe if he’s feeling a lil silly he’d slide his fingers inside you too, bonus points for that skull emoji idk man this goof just seems and LOOKS like a thigh man, i’m sure he’s a big fan of face sitting too since he’d love how your thighs cage around his head, holding them firmly as he eats you out like there’s no tomorrow. he just wants to get crushed by your thighs, i’m sure he’s someone that stays true to his word as well, “death by thighs is the way of a warrior” is what he believes. luocha just wants to savour the feeling of your thighs around his head, oh yeah his favourite place to kiss you is probably your thighs, surprise surprise!! that man has a huge thing for your thighs you don’t even know why, always complimenting you how beautiful they look too, you don’t mind though. but anyways, he loves kissing your thighs, such a sweetheart isn’t he?
WELT is expiring bruh one thrust n that fucker is already fading into thin air but itz ok cuz i like em expired (NAHH IM SO SORRY) but anyways he’s an ass man, i’m sure of it. that brunette loves ass more than you think, he’s a sucker for that fatty i know it, look me in the eyes n tell me he isn’t an ass man cuz he is n no one’s gonna convince me he’s not i don’t wanna hear it /j but back to business yeah he seems like an ass man, i think bro’s vv cool with it too like if you asked him “ass tits or thighs” he would give you a full description on why he prefers ass out of everyone of them, whenever you two make love i like to think that he prefers it if you take it from the back. why? well lemme tell you
he likes it whenever you take it from the back cuz he gets full view of your back and most importantly your ass, the way his hips snap against yours, hypnotized by the way your ass looks, giving it a lil squeeze too. oh yeah he’s probably the type to give ur ass little taps, like gentle ones but it isn’t perverted in anyway it’s just to get you moving, and maybe to also get a reaction out of you but yes no more explanation this manz is crazy for ass he would get hard at the sight of you in some tight clothing that makes your ass look nice wink wink. this goof probably snuck a lil glance at your ass when you were bending over one time, grabbing a pencil. let’s jus say, he got hard! cmon he just loves ass, he loves it sm bros probably fascinated over the jiggle physics of your ass or sumn cause gahhh dahum
JING YUAN i think he’d be vv sweet about these sort of things, he wouldn’t rlly separate things into things he liked or didn’t like, he loved everything about you. jing yuan would find you perfect in his eyes, he found you rather beautiful in every aspect, an alluring attraction he could not simply look away from, but he cared not for your body, for your beauty was the least of your features n it was everything else about you that he found the most attractive. beyond compare and without fault. but in all truthfulness, he loves titties stfu i’m not gonna argue with anyone else he’s a tit man and that’s final, it’s true it’s confirmed by me he’s apart of the tittie lover committee. but honestly, like i said he’d find every aspect of you beautiful (he’s a tit man trust he’s just in denial)
he would be so so sweet :( if u ever asked him what he liked abt u (ass tits n thighs yk) he would simply let out a deep sigh and kiss your forehead,
“why do you care so deeply about my opinion on your body?" jing yuan asked softly with a soft shake of his head. "does my opinion mean that much to you? i think you are a rather beautiful woman. that’s all, nothing more, nothing less. i do not look at you like a prize or a toy, my dove, for you mean more to me than your appearance. but since you are so concerned, i will say it. you are extremely beautiful in my eyes, i love everything about you. every part of your body, your facial features, your personality, everything. there’s nothing i can pin point, because i love everything about you, beautiful.” (he still loves ur tits though)
BLADE is indecisive with this sort of thing me thinks.. he’d choose all three but if you ask him why he did, honestly he’d pull up some shit like “because i desire them all and i get what i desire” or sum shit like that, he’s just a lil indecisive guys. but jokes aside, he would prefer your tits. he’s probably a tit man in my eyes! there’s just something about your titties that makes him stop and think about the decisions he made in life. the first time you guys got busy (if you know what i mean) blud would get all red for the first time asking if he could touch your breasts, and that special day.. he fell in love with the feeling of his hands engulfing your tits, the softness of your flesh was intoxicating to him almost.
he probably doesn’t care about size either, he just loves how his large hands engulf your tits as a whole, he loves the little whimpers you let out when he plays with your hardened nipples, twisting it gently as he feels your body jolt against his, pressing himself even closer against you. blade loves you and your body, he just can’t get enough of you because you’re so beautiful to him, he’s one lucky man to have someone like you. he’s probably into titfucking too, the thought of it makes me curl my toes tbh. he probably slides his dick in between the softness of your breasts, a moaning mess as he threw his head back, enjoying the feeling of your boobs around his cock. bonus points if he came on your tits afterwards, he fell more and more in love with you and your titties. he would probably cum on your tits like 99% of the time whenever you guys would have sex, you would scold him sometimes but cmon he can’t help it. he loves how pretty your tits look covered with his cum.
GEPARD last but not least the babygirl ever, most the babygirl of the babygirls, he would probably prefer ass ++ thighs over anything else. he tries to push these kind of thoughts away but he knows he can’t escape them when you’re right there all dolled up and pretty for him. gepard would blush seeing you in a short skirt, bonus points if you wore thigh highs or black tights along with it. i like to think tgat he would feel ashamed of himself for thinking such things about you, taking a quick glance of your thighs whenever you both use the stairs, seeing how your skirt would move a bit. jesus he didn’t even know you had allat back there, but you did. bless your parents. but honestly i don’t think he’d care about the size either, he just loves how soft they feel against his palm, huge fan of you taking it from the back too.
gepard is probably into thigh fucking too, grabbing your thighs and ripping your black tights, positioning himself in between them as he slides himself between the heat of your inner thighs, his dick also rubbing against your pussy too more bonus points for that. he would savour and take in the feeling of your thighs against his cock, loving how warm you felt around him. he’s such a huge sucker for that fattie n huge sucker for them neck crushers, if you sat on his face and broke his neck he would probably blame himself for being too weak to handle you like he should, speaking of that he loves it whenever you sat on his face, like i said no matter the side he’s diving into that pussy like it’s the pacific ocean, he doesn’t give two fucks if you’re too heavy your pussy is the ocean he’s gonna dive in 2nite (he’s practically asking u to break his neck atp skull emoji)
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kittykittyanon · 3 months
if we were irl friends:
Imagine us laying on your bed during a sleepover, it's late and night and we're snuggled together (i love physical affection) and if you're cool with it I would be lile twirling one of your curls with my fingers.
Suddenly I would say the most depressing shit like, "Sometimes I wonder if everyone in the world hates me but then I remember you, and realize that if everybody in the world hates me at least I have you."
Of course you would probably stare at me like 😧 "what the fuck Amor"
And then a few seconds later I would say the most inappropriate shit like the mood swinging teen I wm ,"The things I would let Leo do to me 😏😏" (which would be a joke btw)
woahzaz,, that was fast!! /pos!! and—
—OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH YESSSSSSSS. GAHHH!!! I LOVE THIS SM AMI!!! i was actually gonna add a bit related to this (deep talks, i mean) to the hcs but i didn't know if you were cool with it so i ended up scrapping it,, but now that i have confirmation i am ready to go WILD. (LETS GOOO MUTUAL LOVE OF PHYSICAL AFFECTION RAHHHHH) (other hcs here)
and i love those types of suggestive jokes,, they're so fun — especially when it's with someone who can match it LMAO
song for this: Thérèse by Maya Hawke!! and the other hcs gave me Warsh_Tippy and Zelda by Whatever, Dad vibes but i forgot to put it at the end of them (*ノ∀`*),,,, tags: @ziipzeepzop-eez cause you wanted to see it (*/▽\*) !!
imagine under the cut!!
we'd tuck into eachother, comfortably tangled in a nest of limbs; my head would lay on your chest, mindlessly scrolling though my phone on one hand, the other resting by your side. your hand in my hair, the atmosphere cozy and the lights off, room only lit up by the faint blue light emitting from my phone, it was a comfortable end to the day filled with excitement. your chest would rise and fall with each breath and i'd hear you sigh, the first sound you made in a while. perhaps you were thinking.
"sometimes i wonder if everyone in the world hates me, but then i remember you, and realize if everybody in the world hates me atleast i have you."
the room falls silent again. what? where did that come from? my thumb pauses mid-scroll, hovering in the air above my screen. my hand is still. yours is not.
despite the absolute bombshell of a sentence you dropped on me, my curls are still twisted and twirled between your fingers, undisturbed in their pursuit.
i don't know what to say.
"... there's no way everyone in the world hates you. you're not hate-able, amor." i'd murmur, a dry attempt at making you laugh. i don't think it worked.
"you're loved. and not just by me. anyone who says otherwise is factually incorrect and i will, uhm... commit... some sort of crime to stop 'em." that one pulls a slight amused huff out of you, and relief pools in, atleast i managed to get you to smile, "but... i'm glad you know i love you."
there's a pause, an intermission; your hand would rest in my hair and we'd be unmoving, still, content to sit in each other's company. a comfortable silence.
"the things i would let leo do to me..." you'd snrrk, and i'd hold back my giggles, but let a few slip through anyway.
"you when leonardo," i'd turn my phone to face you, showcasing a silly meme that made me think of you, and in moments we'd burst into laughter, filling the quiet of the room with a lighthearted atmosphere once again.
"anyways DONNIE WANTS ME FRFR 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤪🤪🤪🤪💥💥💥—"
taa-daaa!! that's it for this imagine :PPP eueuegdgejdgh it's my first time writing where it's with a hypothetical scenario and i'd have to use "would" so my apologies if there was an overuse of the thingy "'d" !! if you have any criticisms or things you noticed that i have to improve on,, pretty please share!! i wanna improve (ノ*°▽°*) !! ((and about the donnie thing,, that was a joke too LMFKAKAO))
for extra hcs related to this,,
we'd definitely have deep talks at the randomest of times. like we could be eating snacks while watching a show or a movie and the conversation (originally discussing said piece of media) would swerve into our beliefs and ideologies and we'd dig into our childhoods and how it affected us and our behaviors and just as quick as the topic derails it goes right back to being silly again
feels like the kinda friendship you can share anything in. like one of us could share a piece of jaw-dropping, tear inducing, heart breaking trauma or one of the most embarrassing things we had ever done and there would be zero judgement.
where if you're comfortable, then i'm comfortable, and we do whatever we want together without fear of weirding the other out.
"kitty, what's the meaning of life? why are we here? what's our purpose?" "i dunno. but i pet my cat, ate a sandwich, and i hung out with you. i think that's enough meaning for today." "oh." a moment of silence. "... wanna play just dance?—" "is that even a question—"
we wouldn't even be able to finish a song 'cause we'd laugh so hard we'd end up on the floor.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 7 months
Louie: fucking
Louie: fucking
Yakko: what are you doing?
Louie: Wakko forbade Dot from Swearing so I'm helping her out
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reanbowful · 1 year
pocky game with them (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)???
Hi anon! Gahhh this is too cute!!! Thank you sm for requesting this I love you so much!!!
“pocky kiss”
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if you play a pocky game with them
(ben, alex, jake, donald, wolf)
ben park / park humin
(you guys have to know that I was punching air while writing this knowing I won’t ever be able to have something like this with him)
The corniest, cutest, most beloved, disgustingly sweet couple ever.
You were on a date together with Ben-
Well, you were on a date with Ben. Alex and Gerard came to tag along.
The initial plan was for the three of them to go play pool as usual. But Ben being Ben, fucked up the timeline and you are already in Eunjang to go on your date with him.
Which was today.
So then Ben came up with the most Ben Park idea ever.
He decided that you two can get your date while him and his friends can still hang out. Two birds with one stone!
Obviously Alex and Gerard thought it was a horrible horrible idea.
But you shrugged and invited the two of them along, making them reluctant to reject your offer.
So that brings you all here.
Let me begin by saying how HEAVY you guys are on pda. And it’s even worse for both Alex and Gerard that you two are so unfazed with what’s going on around you. Namely how uncomfortable you two have made them feel.
Ben has his arm around you, looking like an overgrown puppy. Completely oblivious to the way Alex has been averting his gaze and Gerard slurping his water awkwardly.
You held out a pocky stick from your parfait in front of Ben’s face.
He took the sugary end into his mouth as you nibbled on the plain side. Biting quickly through the dessert and kissing you after he finished it all.
Gerard and Alex blushed when they see the interaction. It’s even worse that you and Ben merely wiped the edge of your mouth from the whipped cream and continued conversing like normal.
Finally after one torturous hour, your guys each bid your goodbyes as you have to leave for your cram school.
“I’m never going through that again.”
alex go / go hyuntak
It was a truth or dare game.
You were at his house for a sleepover, or as Ben calls it, an ‘Eunjang fun night’. You visibly cringed when you heard him say that.
But anyways.
You guys did what most high schoolers would do at sleepovers.
That’s right, reveal embarrassing stuff, and do embarrassing stuff for you guys to reveal later on at uni.
“Alright, y/n. Truth or dare.”
“Call your ex and tell him you miss him.”
Alex snapped at the dare that was rolled on Gerard’s phone.
“She’s not going to do that..!”
Oh, did I forget to mention that if you bail there will be a penalty?
You sighed at your boyfriend’s dramatic reaction and went to pick up a pocky stick.
“Alex, come here.”
Putting them in your mouth, you grab Alex by the back of his neck.
He yelped, but recovered quickly. Taking the other end and began to bite his way through the stick. His hands on your waist as you move to straddle him for a better angle.
When you’re done, Alex was still pouting. But with a light blush across his face.
You flicked his forehead, chuckling at his dramatic antics.
“Why so jealous, dummy. You know I’m yours.”
“Still. You can’t.”
“Yes, yes. What do you want me to do? Send a video of us playing the pocky game to him?”
jake ji / ji hakho
This scenario with Jake is just sooo fitting.
You guys are having a cooking date together at your house. Wanting to bake a cake for your mother’s birthday.
“Jake, we have all the ingredients, right?”
“Yep, I checked it already.”
“Alright, let’s start.”
(okay, you two are also arguably in nomination for cutest couple on this list right after Ben)
Tying each other’s apron, you rolled your sleeves. Grabbing the mixing bowl to start making the batter.
The whole afternoon consisted of you spilling flour all over the place, Jake accidentally cracking an eggshell into the batter, flour fight, hand mixing since the mixer mysteriously malfunctioned, getting tired hand mixing, double checking the recipe, another flour fight, switching with each other every ten seconds to mix the batter.
And finally, it’s done and in the oven. All ready to bake.
You smiled as you watch the batter rise in the oven, content that you could actually get it done. (neither of you have any baking experience)
You felt a pat on your shoulder and turned your head to the side, only to be met with Jake holding a pocky stick in his mouth at you. Pointing at it while gesturing for you to come closer.
You shake your head, complying to him for once. He did helped you with the cake and cleaning up after all.
Biting through the pocky stick steadily, he held you by the side of your face as he inches closer.
A ding broke the two of you apart.
You were turning to check on the cake when Jake brought you back to his lips. Making you smile, but still try to pull away.
“Jake, I need to check on the cake.”
donald na / na baekjin
“Stop smoking, it makes you ugly.”
“You say that and you have a cigarette in your mouth right now.”
You both have been trying to quit smoking for a while now (y/n has a tough life too, go easy on them), really feeling like you should start caring for your health these days.
So, it became your new year’s resolution.
But still, old habits die hard.
The two of you still find yourselves buying packs of cigarettes mindlessly and only remembering that you’re quitting after.
“Damn it.”
Naturally, you had to come up with some ground rules.
Opening the jar you guys keep in his office, you take a pocky stick out.
“Donald. Aaa~”
You handed him the end that’s covered in chocolate, putting the plain end into your mouth.
Donald pulled you onto arms as he took the stick into his mouth. Biting away since he knew you disliked chocolate.
You moved your body, sitting him down on his chair once the treat has disappeared into your mouths.
You pressed your lips onto him, tasting the residual chocolate on his tongue.
“Baby, what’s the point of this if you won’t even eat the damn chocolate?”
“Shh. I just need to develop a new addiction.”
wolf keum / keum seongje
It was during Ganghak’s school festival.
His class decided that they can use Wolf’s fame and good looks to rile girls into their booth.
The game: You have two minutes to try and make Wolf’s heart rate go higher than yours. Touching is prohibited, from both the player and from Wolf. If Wolf touches you, then the game stops and you win instantly.
Wolf sighed, the heart rate monitor beside him showing a constant 80-84.
So far, they were securing a great profit.
The guys were too damn scared to even approach the booth, and the girls don’t stand a chance with their stammering and stuttering every time Wolf merely look at them.
“Woah. Look at this booth!”
His eyes darted lazily towards you and your friend.
Damn girls again.
“Welcome to our booth. Entrance fee is 2000 Won. Remember, no touching is allowed.”
Hwangmo explained with a friendly tone.
“Y/N, you can do it, can’t you? I reallyyy want that camera, y/n, pleasee.”
You looked at the camera, it was surely a pretty nice prize for a school event.
“What happens if he touches me?”
“Then you automatically win the grand prize.”
“I’ll do it.”
Wolf is still eyeing you from his seat throughout the time Hwangmo sets the heart rate monitor onto you.
“You ready?”
Putting a pocky stick over your mouth, you leaned over towards him.
Wolf raised one of his eyebrows, but complied anyway. Taking the pocky stick into his mouth as you did the same.
With each bite, both of your faces grew closer to each other. And Wolf was doing fine, until he wasn’t.
As the room between both ends of the pocky stick decreases, his heart rate slowly increases.
It was probably around the three centimetres mark that his heart rate began to jump up like crazy.
102.. 117.. 125..
Can’t take it anymore, he held his hands up to your shoulders to stop you from advancing.
“Oh? He touched me.”
Hwangmo watched in disbelief as you walk away with the digital camera in your hand.
In his seat, Wolf can be seen covering his face with the palm of his hand. A shortness of breath and pink was adorned across his cheeks.
“I guess we’re closing in early..? I mean, the grand prize has already been taken-”
“Whatever, I’m out of here.”
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mr-stottlemonk · 2 months
I LOOOVE your blog, I'm watching Monk for the first time and I'm in love with Leland and Adrian <3 . Also I really love the aesthetic of your blog <3 I don't know if you have been asked this before but.. which stottlemonk scene would you say is underrated and why? :p
aww, hehe :3. THANK YOU DEAR <333. sksks, i'm ngl, i didn't try much with the aesthetic so i'm glad it looks pretty enough.
ohh!!! welcome to the fandom/series brain rot then <3!! i'm glad you're enjoying it; it's definitely a gem of a series that deserves all the love and attention!
It is so hard not to love both of them so hell yeah, join the club dear.
*long post so more under the cut!
i haven't been asked this! i think... but i'll answer repeat questions anyway, so no problemo there. ANYWAY, let's see... underrated episode huh. i have a couple actually: Mr. Monk and The Missing Granny [S02E13], Mr. Monk and The Other Detective [S04E01], Mr. Monk Stays In Bed [S04E03], Mr. Monk and The Big Game [S05E03], Mr. Monk and The Class Reunion [S05E06], Mr. Monk and The Bad Girlfriend [S06E04] and Mr. Monk and The Magician [S07E15].
Okay, let's dive into it. With Mr. Monk and The Missing Granny there's that scene where he's just finished taking his test (not really lol) and he's locked himself inside Leland's office. it's very short, if you blink it you miss (i just spotted it like,, a couple of days ago during a re-watch) but he's trying to coax Adrian to open the door and he, so very fucking softly, says: "Adrian." before launching into this small, supportive spiel -> his constant support, even in slivers, of Adrian is so freaking beautiful.
With Mr. Monk and The other Detective. it's more funny "guilty hubby energy" than cute. he looks so GUILTY giving the job over to Marty Eels. like, pls. like @s-misaki once said:
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the utter act of betrayal mixed with guilt he must be feeling towards Adrian lolol
In Mr. Monk Stays In Bed. I just liked the little scene of where Leland is Adrian's bedroom... that's it. lol. BUT THIS ALSO REMINDS ME. in Mr. Monk and The Very, Very Old Man - Leland was sitting in Adrian's bed and i'm just like??? ADRIAN?? he's sitting in your bed... gosh, i giggled sm. like sure, he'll probably change the sheets - but there's that hint of him always feeling like Leland is one of his 'safe' people. Physical Touch, closeness, sharing things is tough but it's there!!!
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the little football rugby match in Mr. Monk and The Big Game has like,,, quarter of my heart (the rest have been divided lol) - cause?? the?? trust?? teamwork?? is SO NATURALLLL. ahhhhh.
the main thing that blew my mind in Mr. Monk and The Class Reunion was how Leland drove all the way (sure, it was for a case) but i'm just,, he would go anywhere on earth for Adrian, wouldn't he. it's so freaking heart-warming idek (╥_╥)♥️.
Mr. Monk and The Bad Girlfriend,, that ep,, i swear. it was just. it was a good hint of how Leland sometimes DOES get fed up of Adrian and how Adrian always wants the best for Leland. it was equally heart-warming and heart-breaking. the underrated scene there though was how Leland shoved Adrian...
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it's a very raw moment where the both of them do not seem to get along at all because they want something good and dont see it right in front of them *cough*... and it's just,, Leland's words there: "I have what you want..."
like gahhh, it's visceral if you come think about it. they never want to hurt each other but sometimes what you want isn't what you get and you have to settle and look for something else to fill in the gaping hole :).
Mr. Monk and The Magician is simply me loving Leland wanting to toss anyone out the window and smash them in the face for even hurting a hair on Adrian or loosing sight of him. What a man, XD.
anyway, WOW. i feel like i rambled off your ear here (for sure lol) more than you likely expected me to >,>.
thank you for the ask dear 💕💕!!! i absolutely love rambling about every scene i can get my hands on <3.
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wspcal · 7 months
(Planning to draw more of them soon ✨)
What about more info on TR!David?
TYSM!!!! I'm excited to see more of your art!!!! (*^_^*)
it's not really info, but facts about TR!David !;
He makes a bunch of content, (which is mostly him ranting about others) but his profanity and accusations caused multiple of his accounts to be banned off apps
And, many people tell TR!David how his "outfit looks like a villain costume" which he looks at that as a compliment ✌︎✌︎
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wonhes · 1 month
hii,this isn't an ask but I just wanna say I am IN LOVE with your cloud 9 series. it makes me laugh sm and I wish i had a friend group like both of them!! the chats/tweets are so funny!!
gahhh thank u so much for stopping by and sending me this! it really means a lot, i love hearing about how u guys are enjoying the sceries 🥹🫶
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everythingne · 6 months
AHHHH HI LOVELY !!!!!! i just read the (technically) final chapter of marketing ploy and GAHHH I LOVE THEM SM !!!!! i’m literally emotionally attached to lando and ollie so i’m so happy u said u were gonna write more for them :) you’re seriously such a talented author and i will DEFINITELY be going back to reread 🫶
gonna write a few more tidbits (ones i have planned rn are ollie n lando when he wins world champion n some little domestic bits) im so so glad you liked it love <3<3
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
contininuing bc the last one got so longdjsje orz i got excited
ANOTHER SPIN-OFF !!! OH! draken and emma djsjdj kinda what i said about backgrounds being less than ideal and draken's is def. one of the top worst, most heart-breaking backgroundsdjsje like?? he was abandoned?? in a brothel? and raised there by the women who def. came and wentdjsje a lot of older female presences/change for a little kid. plus he skipped/dropped out of school. he probs felt inferior to emma's seemingly, on-the-surface normal, perfect life. hence why he never said anything. never acted on his feelings. he loved her so so much!! he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness for hers! AND THEN FINAL TIMELINEDJSJE OBV. WE SEE THEM TOGETHER ANDBDJSKE I WANT A SPIN-OFF OF HOW THE HECK MICHI AND MIKEY GOT THEM TOGETHER !!! I WANNA SEE THEIR WEDDING! WHO WAE THE BEST MAN?! THE GROOMSMEN?! BRIDESMAIDS?! MAID OF HONOR?! THEIR KISS AFTER THEY WED?! you know that glimpse of a happy future mikey told emma in seas.3? IMAGINE SEEINF THAY IN THE DRAKEMMA SPIN-OFF?! BUT EXPANDED ON?! YES PLS!
also also! yesssss!!!! i loved senju before we found she was a girl butdjsje WHEN ITBWAS REVEALED SHES A GIRL? AND AFTER WE SAW HER CHUCK HER IUMBRELLA AT SOUTH?! THAT WHOLE SCENE?! FCKING BADASS! step up, queen! just a simple teenage girl with simple, pure dreams wanting to live the fast life and experience what toman had. destiny rogers' song "tomboy" is so senju! fr!! aaaa
but tyy tyy aaa i'm still getting used to people being willing to stand in my corner and do kind things for me aaaa
OMG YES I NEED DRAKEN AND EMMA SPIN OFF !!! they were literally so cute and they were so tragic w/ how they never got to tell each other i love you, GAHHH IT WAS SO SADDD !!! and ur soo on the mark w draken vs emmas upbringing and the reason why he never truly confessed to her and then it was too late,,, grhagdhhfh,,,, i want more happy draken and emma, and DEFINITELY THE WEDDING !! ik mikey was bawling his eyes out w michi and that mitsuya helped make her wedding dress and draken's suit !! (he def snuck the dragon tattoo on the suit somewhere i just know these things)
honestly senju is such an amazing character i can literally talk abt her for ages !! i rlly wish she was introduced sooner so that we got more of her, but it was sooo nice to see good fem rep in something like tokyo revengers !! i feel like a lot of 'badass' fem characters in media r usually stripped of their femininity and are usually 'one of the guys ' (ex. black widow ) WHICH IS FINE !!! i have no hate for those characters !! i just really enjoy having a character like senju who embraces her femininity and is still kicking ass !! like i loved the little shopping scene w her and michi + the amusement park !! shes just a teenage girl who wants to have fun and get expensive things w her brothers card, but she also knows how to get down to business !! ahhh love her sm !
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earthlyangelbby · 10 months
🤣🤣🤣 I wenr to bed and I got ideas again rip, InsomNIA
So omh... Maybe eddie and listener on their first date in Christmas day and they're rewatching the gremlins? (I know he sometimes call them lil fuckers 😭😭😭😭😭) and maybe he forgot and remembers to give listener a gift, idk what it is- BTW they confessed feelings on Christmas eve 1985 after Eddie discovered their thrown love letter to him 👉👈 sorry it was sm info but gahhh 😳😳😳😳😳
Love!! I haven't forgotten you I've been sooo busy but expect this to be ready in the coming weeks ❤️
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