#gauss gun
deletedlulla · 8 months
New ref for the space dog has been created!! She even got her tail back!
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keighanweylan · 19 days
Small rant, but can Warframe players agree Gauss and Titania mains need Thermal Sunder taken away from them in casuals until they learn the meaning of the word 'fun'?
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agbpaints · 1 year
Dump truck ass mech isn't real it can't hurt you
Dump truck ass mech hurtling thru the air with a gauss rifle towards you:
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n4n0c0r3-blog · 4 days
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Hybrid Gauss Assault Rilfe
Hybrid Gauss Assault Rilfe Commission work
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doolallymagpie · 11 months
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that should read 3030 but MegaMek won't let you do that for some reason (even though the Matar was made during the Amaris Coup; regardless of whether it was a functional mech, it should be possible to build a pre-Wobby Lobby superheavy simply for that reason)
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cipheramnesia · 1 day
It's not easy to tell when animals are in distress which is why it's so nice to watch cats absolutely eat shit entirely of their own accord. The cat was fully sure it could make that jump and so was everyone watching and then it 100% gauss gunned itself off the other side of the table. Nothing was injured but dignity and pride. The cat is fine, it never landed on your placemats before and it never does again, one in a million shot.
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carionto · 9 months
The duality of Man, or triality? quadrality?
Alien to Human about New Human: Correct me if I'm wrong, but they appear abnormally large for your species?
H: Yea, he's a biggun alright, even without the EV suit I'd say... 7'3'', 310 pounds, bet he power lifts.
A: Umm... not to be rude, but, uhh... he seems, well... how should I put this...
H: Intimidating? Terrifying? Evil? Yea, if this station didn't have high screening standards I'd be totally pissing myself if he started walking towards me. The mohawk and eye tat totally make me believe he could snap me in two with a single glare.
A: I feel ashamed that my instincts are telling me to flee. I wish nature were easier to change.
H (shouting at NH): Hey buddy! Could you come over here for a minute please? You look awesome by the way!
A (whispering nervously): what are you doing?!?
H: Gotta overcome those fears somehow, I believe the best way is a direct confrontation.
NH approaches, somewhat slowly, looking around at all the other aliens in the station that are chatting, waiting around, or doing some work. He finally approaches A and H, and in a very deep and husky voice says: Um, hi, hello. T-thanks for the compliment, I, uh, was a little worried I would stand out too much here.
H: Oh you totally do, my friend over here is practically about to pass out from how much like a gothic viking of death metal you look.
NH: Oh no, I'm so sorry, I-I just grew up in Sweden-Delta and both my parents were huge into classic local music, so I just, uh... it's complicated. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone.
H: Hey, relax pal, we're all good people here. Anyway, what you here to do? I'm planning on starting a bakery, still testing out what kind of flour most species here can actually stomach. My friend here is on the team working on Moon theft preventative measures.
NH: Oh, that's cool. I'm here as an exchange student with the department of applied astrophysics. If all goes well, I can finish my Bachelors degree remotely and stay here as an intern with the head researcher.
H: Oooh, that's cool. (so cool yea that you're apparently half my age but oh well guess I'm a big fat time waster like my father before me and oh god change the subject before I get depressed in front of strangers) That's a real big bag you got there, carrying some super secret science things, eh?
NH: Oh, that... uhh... guess it can't hurt to tell, security vetted it already anyway.
NH proceeds to unzip the bag and hold up a large white piece of clothing with light blue rings and accents, alongside a strange white cap with what looked like small fins, and a curious little backpack.
NH: It's uhh... um... my... Ika... musume... cosplay.... (oh gods I can't believe I said it out loud again)
After a moment of awkward silence, NH slowly puts on the backpack and presses a button on it's strap, and suddenly numerous light blue colored tentacle-like appendages sprout out from the backpack and move in line with NH's movements.
NH: I, uh..., got my engineering friend to make them articulate and interface with my contacts. I can make them do all sorts of things, like make various shapes and animals with them, though works best as a shadow theater.
A now frozen out of confusion than fear:...
H: That's so
NH: (oh I know it's so lame, but I love that show)-
H: COOL! I don't know what a ika musume is, but those things look amazing. You said articulate? How precise can they be? I'd love to have something like that instead of my useless assistant. Poor lad can't make a piece of toast if his life depended on it...
NH: Y-you like it?
H: I LOVE those things. My daughter does cosplay too sometimes, but she makes her Dreadnought suits herself from scraps. One time the military came to our house and installed a limiter on the gauss cannon she found in a crash site, said it would otherwise start to generate small doses of radiation if used too frequently. But she replaced it with a handmade rail gun before the next convention. Do you go to those? Did you see a 7 meter tall hulking metal monstrosity with a bunch of candles all over? That was her.
NH: Oh, I think I've seen video of that, but no, not in person, I go to smaller events. I don't really like big crowds.
H: Oh yea, I get ya, you do seem a bit on the shy side now that we've been talking for a bit. Hey, no worries, like I said, we're all good people here.
NH: T-thanks, but I think I should be going now, the teacher is calling me over.
H: Oh yea, go ahead, didn't mean to take up so much of your time. Have a fun stay and I'm sure you'll ace that paper or theory? Or whatever astrophysicists do, you seem like a solid kid.
NH: Oh, uh, thanks. Good luck with your bakery. And you with stopping those weird people from stealing more moons. Bye.
H: Bye bye, come visit, don't be a stranger now, I'm set up just a short bit from the main lift on floor 14.
NH: R-right, I'll, uh, be sure to stop by soon.
A is finally able to process what they just heard and says: What was all that just now?
H: What? Just a friendly chat with what is apparently basically a kid. Man, this kid's got so much going on, while I'm almost 50 and I have an oven. Life, man, it can go in so many ways. Anyway, let's go grab a drink, I'm parched.
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425599167 · 2 years
Since Fallout: New Vegas is notorious for being buggy as hell, I think a compelling Watsonian explanation for it is that the player character was shot in the head, and brain damage is causing hallucinations. A lot of things start making more sense. Old World Blues is explicit about the bullets causing permanent changes.
This goes double for characters with Wild Wasteland enabled. Was there a gang of old women beating people up? Were those cyberdogs really playing poker? Maybe the miniature Deathclaw living in that doghouse isn’t real, and that’s why it isn’t dying no matter how much you shoot it.
Courier: Veronica, did we just fight a bunch of aliens?
Veronica: What are you talking about? They’re just some raiders.
Courier: Then where did this alien blaster come from?
Veronica: That’s a gauss rifle- a pretty high-end one, too- please stop pointing it at me.
That one Nightkin with the tumbleweeds: You want to buy wind-brahmin?!
Courier: Is he real?
Veronica: He’s real. He’s real and he’s robbing us.
This more I think about it, the more depth it adds to many of the Courier’s interactions with friends and enemies. Patching up ED-E after the robot got too damaged to know where it should go. Saving Rex from his failing organic brain. Helping Nightkin, especially Lily and Dog/God, suffering from their schizophrenia. Hearing Cass mention her heart condition, or getting Boone to open up. Christine struggling to read after her head was cut up in the Big Empty.
Stealth Suit Mk II: Starting combat... Just kidding!
Courier: Please don’t. *pulls out the Mysterious Magnum just in case*
Mysterious Magnum: *guitar chords nobody else can hear*
Courier: Shush.
A random coyote: *appears to be swimming through the ground*
Courier: Eeeeuuuuggghhh no no no NO. Arcade! Help!
It adds another layer of contempt for Caesar’s Legion and their anti-medicine stance. Caesar’s brain tumor appears similarly debilitating, but instead of recognizing that people need to aid each other to survive, he clings to his infallible image. He can only save himself using medical technology he outlawed, and he wouldn’t let anyone else be helped by it. The Courier has plenty of mixed feelings about gunning down Fiends who’ve taken too many drugs to know what they’re doing, and debates how much sympathy to show the Think Tank after witnessing their psychological decay.
The Courier is a brilliant, unstoppable force who needs friends to help navigate the strangeness of the wasteland.
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professionalscrublord · 2 months
WIPs of the previous Stone Rhino:
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Black primer, tan basecoat, brown cowprint pattern overtop. Took several coats to make the tan show well over the black, might not have needed as many with white primer. Although I liked the worn-out look the black undertone gave some corners.
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Streaks of white stone +gray shade, black pebbles +white highlights. What started off inspired by classic Chocolate Chip camouflage gradually morphed into a sort of spotted hyena desert sandbox thing.
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Many little black pebbles sprinkled about the big shiny ones now.
Gun barrels: -Rear is Night Scales metallic black + tiny bit of white, turned gray -Midsection is Rough Iron metallic brown -Front is Platemail Silver -Black inside Gauss barrels up top -White and then blue speedpaint in the LPL barrels
Jump Jets are Night Scales around the outside, then a very watered down white on the vents, followed by orange speedpaint after drying.
Used the Soft Tone wash on this sandy boy, I don't often get to break it out (Dark Tone wash usually looks better)
Cockpit is Gold+Green metallics mixed together, then just green around the side, came out looking like a beetle's shell :D
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silly-sobber-69 · 4 months
If you couldn't tell
I adore Izaack, and since he was unlucky enough to catch my attention.
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I have a fuck ton of HCs for him. Some very normal and nice. Others unhinged let's go❤️
1. He's German!
→ Yes I got that hc because of his last name Gauss having German roots. I like it, it fits him, he's lovely. I haven't decided on which part of Germany he hails from though. Maybe somewhere very green, hilly and open
(if Germany has places like that, I don't know much about Deutschland 💔)
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2. He can't swear
→ He can swear, he has the knowledge and ability for it, but he is unable because there's some other worldly phenomenon that's specifically targeted him so every time he swears it gets censored in real life, it gets BLEEPED out, offensive gestures also get BLEEPED out like he's on some TV show.
Got that government censorship brain chip on him fr/j
And yes everyone can hear the bleep. It freaks them out every time. Sometimes he'll swear just to make series of BLEEPs because it's funny
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Though in general he prefers to not swear at all, because he wants to keep a good reputation. Especially around kids and women. He might swear sometimes if he's trying to add a comical effect to a funny story. His swears get bleeped out still.
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3. He's a friend of Dorothy xD
→ Being a friend of Dorothy, is a slang for being gay. Basically people would ask if you're a friend of Dorothy, if you said yes, you're gay. It was a good way to find fellow queers.
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He loves Agnus :), they're secretly dating. Gotta keep reputations up you know! Love is nice but being able to pay bills is also nice and not something you can skip on xd. They'd get so bullied and hated for being gay back then augh poor meow meows.
4. He doesn't blink much
→ I like thinking that maybe he doesn't blink a lot, he doesn't need to perhaps. He definitely blinks but people don't ever catch him blinking, even if they did it's probably bumped out of their memory. So there's some small town rumor/joke that Izaack doesn't blink. He does blink if you look at him closely during one of his reports, it's just no one notices because they're just so focused on his blue blue eyes
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This is where we get a lil goofy mc silly a little evil if you will
5. He's a paparazzi
→He likes stealing photos of famous people, depending on if he isn't attached to the person (doesn't care for them) and how much money he gets, he is willing to pick doors and climb into windows for that illegal snap.
He mainly just exposes people's secrets for cash. He never reports the secrets himself because that's mighty Sus. He sells his collected data to other reporters who are struggling to find a scoop.
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No lock is too much a match for him!
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He has had his bad lucks however, sometimes he gets mistaken for a dopple ganger when intruding in a house, which is a good thing otherwise his reputation as a good man would be ruined! Usually he's absolutely seamless, but sometimes he gets caught and even shot (A lot of neighbors own guns for self defense) but he lives he always does
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It hasn't stopped him yet
There will be more for next time!!!
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luckyspacecadet · 4 months
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Meet the unluckiest ghost bear nova known to this side of the sphere.
So the Nova is tasked with intercepting an escaping recon/strike lance. Said lance should he easy pickings but the enemy is using stealth armour and evasive maneuvers (more on this later)
We hit the field and being pursuit.
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Following up on the pursuit, no viable shots are found but closing distance to begin dueling.
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Finally start getting into viable shot range.. and the metaphorical fan hath been struck
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An Upgraded Union dropship lands to pickup the escaping lance.
Ground attack Armament: 2x Gauss, 2x ER PPC, 2x ER Large laser, 4x LRM 20. And sits at level 10 with a base -2 to gunnery for being a dropship... So good luck hiding.
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So Timberwolf loses significant armour from Gauss, ppc, and laser fire.
Meanwhile a lucky gauss rifle goes through my mad dogs cockpit and he thankfully dropped the elementals that turn so they won't go up with him.
We pepper the enemy stinger but spite heaps of damage, the stinger doesn't quite go down and escapes via the dropship.
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The griffin wasn't so lucky - my viper jumps behind and misses 80% of his armament at point blank with pulse lasers! But the final ER Medium and Micro Pulse laser both strike the left rear torso, and drill through the engine with 4 crits. Engine destruction.
The vindicator then puts a sword through my CT and I'm dead... (Also more on this)
In the end the vindicator shuts down going out guns blazing and the bushwhacker also escapes despite heavy damage and most of the armament critted out.
We keep the vindicator and pilot as bondsman, but lost an Adder, Viper, and Mad Dog (although salvageable once we hose out the bloody nickel cobalt gauss shrapnel)
We called it a pyric victory only due to taking a prisoner, otherwise it'd be a loss for the clans.
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agbpaints · 11 months
Thanks to goonhammer throwing me down a rabbit hole, I discovered one of CGL's funnier experiments, the April fools TRO Caveat Emptor. It's free and available on Catalyst's website so I'd recommend going and giving it a read. It's got such wonders as the buster haulermech heavy gauss gun mod that needs to be plugged into the wall to fire, multiple industrialmechs generally stuffed full of tech they shouldn't be (like a Crosscut IIC with a 300 CXXL engine shoved in it), and an inscrutable mechtech named Biff McStrongjaw and his Phoenix Hawk that he stapled an Atlas's worth of armor to at the cost of any possibility of it ever moving (it has a literal top speed of 2 in-game, and it needs improved jump jets to go that fast because otherwise it's actually incapable of walking).
Stuff like this is amazing and I kinda wish other games studios would do it too. I've long maintained bad mechs are the most interesting ludonarrative part of battletech and this just play that to the fucking hilt
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n4n0c0r3-blog · 4 days
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Hybrid Gauss Shotgun
Hybrid Gauss Shotgun Commission work
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Jaune: Okay, Why are you making me fire the rail gun?
Ruby: It's a Coil or Gauss Rifle. Not a rail gun.
Jaune: What's the difference?
Ruby: Coil/Gauss mechanisms have, as the name implies, coils that go along the barrel - not a single thread coiling along, but many separate sets of coils. The coils engage in sequence as the projectile travels along the barrel, which is controlled by a computer system.
Ruby: Railguns use electrified Rails on either side of the barrel, and the Projectile closes the circuit, and then it fires using the electromagnetism of the closed circuit.
Ruby: Coilguns have a much higher initial production cost, as the computers systems and individual coils need to be manufactured before assembly, but this comes with the benefit of easier maintenance. Railguns, while far simpler to construct, have the projectile in direct contact with the barrel, which causes the barrel to wear out FAR faster than any other weapon, meaning it requires constant upkeep.
Ruby: The biggest issue to date is the sheer cost of energy. Thankfully we have Electric dust, because if we had to rely on something like chemical batteries, there would be almost no feasible way to make a handheld version.
Jaune: Cool. Again, Why am I firing it.
Ruby: It would take any else's arm off. Ready?
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Let’s Get Along, Even If Only for A Day
“He—No wait, that’s mine! Wha—“ I try to slap the hand away—a Grineer hand, I think—as it grabs at my weapons, roughly snatching the Nataruk slung across my back. I watch my squadmates, frowning as they seem to be rather unaffected by this, even as their weapons are taken as well.
“Chill, it’ll be fine. Here, you’ll be needing these.” I barely have time to turn towards the voice—a Volt—before two large objects are tossed my way. I catch one of them, a large gun, which is abnormally light. The hell kinda Rathuum is this? The other object, a bright orange ring, hits the ground and bounces a few meters away before falling onto its side. I walk over to collect it, mimicking the others as I place it around my Warframe’s waist. Suddenly, I hear Kela De Thaym, her voice projected over some sort of speaker.
“Hosers and Squirts, fill your weapons. Ah, stop complaining ya know ya love it.” I frown, my head tilting slightly as she slurs her words, her sentences stringing together as if they’re one. Why does she sound so…weird? I turn to the Volt, curious.
“Is she…okay?” They laugh.
“Yep. High as all hell, but she’s fine.” They turn to a nearby hole in the ground and I do the same. Some sort of liquid—is it acid? Some other toxic liquid?—suddenly starts spraying from it, and I jump back, startled. The others seem unfazed, and begin to remove the strange reservoirs from the tops of their guns, holding them towards the spray. I copy them, filling the cylinder before reattaching it to my gun. Still confused, I glance around as a whistle blows. 
“The fuck do I do with this?” This time, a Gauss responds.
“Same thing ya do with any gun: point and shoot. Good luck. Let’s get these fuckers.” With that, I notice a few Grineer Executioners running out into the arena, outfitted similarly to us, and my squad starts darting towards them. I notice a large, lumbering shape, quickly recognizing him. Executioner Nok. They’re a formidable opponent normally, and apprehension coils in my chest as I force myself towards them, not wanting to cower away from the unfamiliar combat. As I run, I misjudge a step, losing my footing for a moment as a spherical object rolls in front of me—what the hell is a floof doing on a battlefield?! That momentary misstep sends me right in Nok’s line of fire, and I wait for the stinging pain from whatever’s in the guns. But…nothing happens. The liquid bounces off of my Warframe, leaving a damp sheen behind, but it doesn’t start eating through the metal as I had expected.
“This is WATER?!” I accidentally shout, frozen in surprise. To my horror, not only do I hear a rasping laugh from my opponent, but the Volt shouts back, and I can just tell they’re smirking behind their mask.
“Yep! It’s meant to be fun! Relax!” I roll my eyes, glancing to Nok. They shrug, a pleased smirk on their face. They raise their gun again, but this time I’m prepared. I roll to the side, darting quickly around them—they’re slow, I remind myself, I can use that to my advantage—, and I finally aim the gun, pulling the trigger. A stream of water launches towards Nok, hitting its mark, leaving a splash of water right in the center of their chestplate. I stare in shock for a moment, as does my opponent, before they grumble, continuing towards me. I bound away, a laugh escaping me as I do so. Okay, this is fun. I dart around the arena, spraying the Grineer with water before quickly leaping away. Then, I notice a shape that’s smaller, quicker, than the others. Executioner Garesh, a former deserter with a seething hatred for the Tenno. I try to employ the tactics that have been working thus far, but he moves faster than I can shoot. Water splashes off of my Warframe as he lands shot after shot. I stumble backwards, finally falling into the shallow water beneath my feet. 
“Try not to do that, hm?” The Gauss—I still don’t really know who they are—sprints over, blocking Garesh’s escape route and hosing him down until he too tumbles to the ground. I jump to my feet, shooting back an indignant response.
“Yea, yea. Fuck off.” They laugh, and in a flash, they’re gone, already running to the other end of the arena. I smirk, propelling myself further into the center of the fray, where Executioners and Tenno alike dart and leap around, dodging streams of water. Kela’s voice shouts almost incoherently over the speakers every so often, though none of us really pay attention. I’m not keeping score, I don’t know if any of us are. Who cares who’s winning or losing? This is just fun. But, eventually all good things must come to an end, and that’s true of this strange ‘fight’ as well. The whistles sound, and a disgruntled voice echoes through the air.
“Bah! So you won this one. Best out of…how many have….” Kela trails off for a moment, before her enthusiasm is renewed, sending a shout through the arena that causes even her own Executioners to wince slightly.
“LET’S DO IT AGAIN, MEATSACKS!” An amused snort escapes me, and I hear a chuckle from one of my squadmates. 
“You all up for another round?” Three voices—including my own—respond enthusiastically.
“Hell yea, this is awesome.”
“Eh, sure. I don’t have anythin’ else going on.”
“Yep. Gotta show ‘em who’s boss somehow.” The joking tone from the Volt apparently reaches the ears of one of the Grineer, because before we can react, water splashes across their helmet. They laugh.
“Probably deserved that. I’m not wrong though!” A few slightly amused grumbles echo from the other group, though they busy themselves getting ready for the next round. We do the same, and for a moment, I just think about what’s happening. We’re…actually hanging out with the Executioners, a feat I’d never thought possible. I mean, not all of the Grineer want to kill us—the Steel Meridian and Kahl’s group prove that—, but the Executioners…well, there’s a reason they have that title. Kela hates us—well, I don’t actually think she likes most beings, but whatever—, and those who she chooses to be her subordinates generally share the sentiment. Maybe this gas leak isn’t a bad thing. I mean, sure, we’ll all go back to how it was once it’s fixed. But…maybe this shows that there could be a future where the Grineer and the Tenno get along. Probably not, a more cynical part of myself refutes. This is just one bright light in the middle of a blood-stained war that’s been going on for years. It would be stupid to think that a simple game can just…erase the tension and distrust and hatred from both sides. Yet, as the whistle blows to signal the start of the next round, as I bound towards the nearest Executioner, I find my mind wandering. If Kahl and the Meridian can work with us…A splash of water across my shoulder cuts off my thought, and I turn, quickly carrying out my revenge. Maybe we don’t need to think that far. For now, let’s just enjoy the moment.
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crusabre96 · 4 months
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Mustered up some courage to start painting again, this time it's some more S.T.A.L.K.E.R minis for my Zona Alfa/This is Not a Test warband as well as some elements for Spectre Operations which I started reading the rules for yesterday.
I'm usually able to speed through these models very quickly since it's often just a case of prime, paint webbing, smaller details, drybrush then shade and that's it.
The parts I use for these guys are as always from Anvil Industry's Digital Forge 3D Printable files with the exception of the Gauss Gun and the Javelin, those are from they're physical range.
In addition to these guys I have also been printing out some High Elf Fleets models from One Page Rules that I plan to use in an upcoming 500p game of Warhammer 40k 4th Edition against my regular opponent and his proxy Imperial Guard force, i'll be sure to get photos of that game once we play it.
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