#gave 6 to my best mate and she loved them :)
loviingpedri · 2 months
tripling the fun -jude and jobe bellingham
prompt: three best friends take over the house by babysitting the bellingham boys’ two nephews and niece.
pt.2 here
bellinghams & fem!reader platonic friendship
warnings: grammar issues, all characters are fictional (except jude and jobe ofc)
click to help palestine
credits to owners for all images
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knocking on the door, anticipation grew.
you have grown up with jude and jobe, considering your parents and their parents were very close friends.
you practically were like their sister. you did everything with them. you were there at their biggest accomplishments or lowest levels.
the door opened to jude and jobe’s aunt, ready for dinner. recently, the bellingham boys recently had a new addition to their family, a little baby nephew. the parents had 3 kids, and one still being about 6 months old, it was a major hassle. they needed a little break, some time for themselves.
who else better to call? the famous trio!
the parents trusted you and the brothers very much. trust me, the babies were in good hands. (might be delusional, but we’ll see!)
“oh my goodness, thank you guys for coming.” the mom hugged all of you. giving you a little peek on the cheek.
suddenly, jude and jobe’s uncle appeared behind her. “you’re here! thank you guys. come in.” stepping into the house, you were met with cold air.
“i see the kids really love this house.” you spoke with a smile as you noticed toys were scattered around the floor. ending your sentence, jobe nearly tripped over a toy truck.
catching himself as you were frightened for him, the three of you burst into a laughter.
“okay mate, it’s not that funny.” jobe said while pushing the truck away from his path.
“jobe, how do you not see a bright yellow and green truck?” jude was dying from laughter.
“i’m really grateful that you took this opportunity. it has been quite awhile since my husband and i have gone out.”
suddenly, a huge commotion was made. all eyes going to the stairway, you could see a little boy about the age of 6 running down the stairs in a little dinosaur onesie.
“there’s my little guy!” the boy ran into jude’s arms into a tight hug.
“i knew it! i knew you were coming! i heard your voice.”
“did you really?” jude fixed his onesie and gave him a little pat on the back.
then, you heard a door slam. staring at the stairs once again, you could see a 4 year old girl in a pink princess dress with a tiara and wand, strutting down with a bright smile (and one missing tooth).
“all hail the princess.” jobe spoke as she slowly walked down with her head held up high. smiles appeared on everyone’s faces, except her brother’s. she only earned an eye roll from him.
finally reaching downstairs, you curtsied to her as jude and jobe did a little bow.
breaking character, she did not hesitate to run to jobe. giving him the biggest hug he has probably ever been given.
“i think the baby is still asleep. the formula is already prepped since he should be waking up soon. we have to get going, good luck guys!” quickly grabbing her purse and getting the hell out of there with her husband, it was time to finally have some fun and bonding times.
“alright kiddos, what should we do today?” jude put down his nephew and immediately patting his head for reassurance.
“we should build a castle!” jobe, also putting down the niece, agreed.
“what kind of castle?”
“castles are for losers!” her big brother snarled at her.
“now, dinosaurs may be big and strong, but they are certainly not rude.” you bent down to his level. he crossed his arms, but unexpectedly, you started tickling him.
“tickle attack!” jude yelled as everyone was tickling the dinosaur and princess.
all laughter came to a quick stop. cries of a baby were echoing throughout the house. jude and jobe were no professionals for caring for a child under 1, therefore both synchronized to look at you for help.
and to be honest, you wanted to hold that baby forever. your motherly instincts kicked in. running up the stairs, you could not wait. meeting the little guy at just 2 months old, he was probably the most adorable baby you’ve ever seen (maybe because he looks a little like baby jude, but we’re gonna ignore that fact).
slowly and gently opening the door, you were met with a baby with a small tear falling down his cheek, but having the brightest smile as soon as he saw you. your heart melted.
“aren’t you the cutest,” you picked him up and could see his chubby face and rolls on his arms. “the baby fever is really kicking in.”
wiping the little tear, you placed his head on your shoulder as you walked down the stairs. putting your hand on his semi-bald head to create a shield just in case, jude and jobe lit up to seeing him.
crowding the little one, jude took him into his arms as you prepared the milk. in the kitchen, you were met with a little princess eating a sugar cookie (jobe couldn’t say no to her).
“hello your royal highness.” you gave a smile to her as you grabbed a little bottle.
“hi y/n. how’s it going?”
“it’s going great! how’s your cookie?”
“it’s good. you should be a mom.”
the statement created a pause for you. the measuring cup filled with formula almost fell on the counter.
“sorry ma’am, but what?”
“you should be a mom.”
“oh no thank you, it is definitely not for me.”
“well you definitely need a boyfriend. i have one! his name is james, he’s 6. i like them older.”
“hold on, you’re talking about your brother’s friend?”
“yep! that james. he’s so dashing. you know you should get with jude.” a frown appeared on your face. kids are full of creative ideas, but this was not on your bingo card.
“i really appreciate your feedback, but i need time to review this information.” jude suddenly appeared in the kitchen, giving you a scare.
“what are y’all talking about?”
in panic, you shouted “nothing!” which created high suspicion. the princess got off the chair after finishing the cookie, and walking off with jude.
finishing on making the bottle, you weren’t sure on what you were about to see, but it was definitely a sight.
jude and jobe bellingham were in pink and purple tutu’s and tiaras. you gasped at the sight.
“y/n, please don’t laugh.” jobe pleaded, sensing his embarrassment already.
“who said i was gonna laugh?” you picked up the baby trying to hide the fact, you were gonna laugh. sitting on the couch to feed him, the boys were being ordered around.
“alright, what’s next to protect the precious princess?”
“it is i! the knight! and i have come to destroy this kingdom!” the once dinosaur jumped out from the hallway holding a fake sword and shield.
the princess let out a tiny scream.
“uncle jude! protect the castle now!” jude nodded in agreement as he picked up a fake sword and play fighting with the knight. tutu’s were dropping and tiaras were falling.
“meanwhile you, uncle jobe, you should totally dance with me.” hiding your smile with the bottle, jobe didn’t really have a choice.
the house was chaotic. a ballerina and knight were battling it out, jobe and the princess were turning and spinning. jobe even had a little purple magic wand as his prop for his dance recital. you were glad you could lay back with a baby who did not give any trouble.
the fun continued to grow as the night went.
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mercurycft · 9 months
## lucy bronze x reader!
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Hello everyone! I’ve been working on this idea for a little while.. its definitely not my best work but i really liked writing this! Enjoy! Love always- RG! x
part 1 of 2! read part two here 2,603 words - this part is mostly build-up!
The final stretch of the last training session before a break was always the worst, ending with all the girls heaving and sweaty as they piled back into the team changing room. It was Friday, and plans for the evening were already being finalised by the time you entered the room and made your way to your usual spot. Tucked away into the corner, happy to sit down and take off your boots before you heard your name hollered from within the fuss of conversation.
"Oi! Y/L/N, drinks at 8. You get no input or choice..." The voice belonged to Mary and was followed by a hound of laughs from around the room. Drinks were never your go-to, much preferring a takeaway and crap tv in the comfort of your own home. The girls knew this, so instead of asking - they would tell. You knew better than to fight it, laughing with them and nodding before throwing the group a sarcastic double thumbs-up as you placed your boots into your kit bag.
"I'll be there, Pre-drinks at Tooney's I'm guessing?" That was always the plan, meet at Ella's and either walk or get an Uber to wherever the group had decided to spend the remainder of the night. Your question was met with a couple 'obviously's and 'you know it's from the girls, who had now dispersed around the room and started packing their belongings away. You were packed up first, as per usual, and were sat chatting as everyone finished changing. Once everyone had grabbed what they needed and conversations were stalling to a halt, everyone made their collective way through the hall and out towards the front of the building. You, Ella and Alessia led the way, arms linked and phones in hand, already discussing the 'dress code' for the evening.
By the time you had finally made it home, battling through the usual city traffic it was nearing 4pm and all plans for an unrushed evening of preparing were out the window - so after dumping your bag in the kitchen you headed straight for the shower.
The next two hours were spent rushing around your bedroom and flat, drying and styling your hair before applying your usual 'going out' makeup. Next came the clothes and after 6 failed attempts at outfits you had created in your head and two stressed glasses of whatever wine you had in the fridge, you settled on wide-leg jeans and a strapless bodysuit paired with a pair of comfy heels which gave you an extra couple of inches. After packing the essentials into the ridiculously small-seeming bag you had chosen and grabbing a jacket, you were finally ready to head out the door.
The journey to Ella's house wasn't long, 10 minutes at most, and the weather was in your favour - the sun starting to set and a gentle chill creeping through your clothes just as you had arrived at her front door. Holding a bottle of cheap wine close to your side, you rang the bell and waited, soon to be greeted by Alessia and ushered inside - music was already blaring from the kitchen where a few of the girls loitered. Ella grabbed the bottle from your grasp, pouring you a generous glass and placing the remainder into her fridge. "You look fit, mate!" She exclaimed as she turned back to you and passed your drink.
"Oh stop it, look at you Tooney." You said, holding your hand out towards her and feigning a dramatic gasp, you both fell into a burst of soft laughter and moved to join the rest of the group. You said your hello's, exchanging genuine compliments and stationed yourself by the sink, bringing the glass to your lips as the doorbell chimed through the house.
"Fucking hell, Luce! Didn't want to leave the rest of us a chance to pull then?" Ella squealed exasperatedly, throwing her hands up in fake annoyance and stomping back into the kitchen. You straightened up at the mention of the older right-back, taking another sip of your drink as she emerged into the room and said her hello's.
By the time she made it to you, you were sure you could draw her from memory. Watching her closely as she worked her way across the room - you noticed how the white shirt she wore was clinging to her arms and chest in all the right places, tucked neatly into a pair of slack-like trousers which sat loosely around her ankles to reveal a pair of crisp airforce. Before you could react she was in front of you, pulling you in with a gentle hand on the back and a warm smile, giving you a friendly cheek-to-cheek kiss and hug then pulling away and moving back into the centre of the room and retrieving her own drink.
She looked good and she was well aware, which made it so much harder to look away. Having to try your hardest to remind yourself of where you are and who she was. Her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose, with her hair pulled back into her usual bun. You had always found her attractive - how could you not? She looked as if she had been carved by the Gods themselves, with smooth olive skin and muscles that put everyone else to shame.
You had always gotten along well, laughing and joking across the pitch during training. Sometimes meeting her eyes for a moment too long during conversations or humouring the lingering touches when you brushed past each other in social settings. Though nothing had ever come of it, that didn't mean you didn't enjoy the warmth of her hands on the small of your back or the way you seemed to fall into her eyes and stumble on your words when she would catch you off guard and today was no exception. You couldn't help but watch her as she worked the room, engaging in conversations.
When the last of the girls had arrived, the house was buzzing with the type of giddy excitement only alcohol could provide - everyone was a few drinks down now and it wasn't long before you were sat in a taxi heading into town.
10pm rolled around and the drinks were flowing, empty glasses scattered across the table which a few of the girls sat around. Some were stood at the bar, ordering the next round and a few more occupied a section of the dancefloor. You, however, found yourself perched on a bar stool with a drink in hand, ear forward as Lucy told you a story about one of her former teammates. Trying your hardest to pay attention, but too focused on how close together you were.
You could feel her breath on your ear as she tried to speak over the music that rattled through the room. Her hand was placed just above your knee for leverage as she leaned over you and it was all you could think about. The smell of her perfume flooded your senses, disorientating the logical side of your brain which tried to scream through the cloud of subtle arousal that sat heavy behind your eyes. 'This is so unprofessional!' you were aware and you knew deep down this could ruin you - but the sweet smell of her skin was intoxicating.
Your train of thought was interrupted as your eyes refocused, grounding you back into the moment. Realising she now stood away from your ear, instead looking at you with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk across her lips. shit. caught red-handed. You stiffened when she leaned back towards your ear, "Am I boring you Y/L/N? Did you even hear what I said?" You hadn't. but she wasn't asking, she was taunting.
She watched you struggle for an answer, pure amusement plastered across her face. Putting you out of your misery she leant back in, this time pushing you further into your pit. Lips pressed cautiously against your lobe, "Strike one, darlin'." She muttered and you were sure you could feel her smirk against your ear before she departed entirely and you lost her in the crowd of bodies around you. strikes? what strikes? You wondered silently to yourself, bringing your drink to your lips as your eyes scanned the dark room but she was already gone.
An hour later you found yourself on the dancefloor surrounded by your friends, who were all individually butchering an Amy Winehouse classic. As the song wrapped up to an end, you were pulled into a loose group hug - maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was just the love you felt in that moment, but you couldn't explain the warmth that coursed through your veins as you looked at your people.
Before long a new song began, a low beat bounced off the walls and wrapped around the bodies on the floor. You didn't know the song but remained with the girls, swaying to the beat and laughing at some of their horrific dance moves. As the song hit the chorus you and Mary gravitated towards each other, dancing and laughing as you stood in front of her and attempted an awful twerk and grind move to the beat with her hands placed firmly on your hips. Both of you played into your roles, spilling your drinks as you did so and adding to the already sticky floor.
It wasn't unusual for the team to dance like this and it was very rarely serious when one of you was pressed back up against another, but today it felt different. One specific set of deep eyes stayed locked on your movements as Lucy watched from the opposite side of the group, tongue rolling along the inside of her teeth when you finally made eye contact from your compromising position. Through the darkness you could see her lips moving; she was talking - or at least mouthing something towards you. You couldn't connect the dots until she lifted her hand in front of her, showing you two fingers. "Two strikes."
What would happen at three? And why were you excited to find out?
It was nearing 11 now and you stood at the bar, almost too close to a woman you had just met - sipping the fruity drink she had ordered you. Normally you would think twice about talking to someone at a bar, but tonight’s circumstances made it a thrilling game and you couldn’t wait to play. You knew she was watching, feeling her eyes bore into the back of your head but paying little attention while you focused on the task at hand. Lucy was standing a few feet behind you, between Ella and Leah who were trying to talk over the music. Lucy wasn’t interested though, her attention fixed on you and your new friend. Gripping her drink so tight she was sure it might shatter as she watched you lift a sly hand up and rest it on the stranger's shoulder. Lucy couldn’t pinpoint the feeling, internally confused at the sudden jealousy that burned deep in the pits of her stomach. Just as you were starting to think she had lost interest, a body was pressed to the side of you, pushing a wedge between yourself and the woman whose name you couldn’t even remember.
The game was no longer fun when Lucy ushered you around the room to say your goodbyes, excusing you both from the function. A few of the girls started to protest but she was quick to respond with “Y/N’s not feeling 100%, said I’d make sure she got home okay.” And that was enough for them. She held you close as you walked out into the street, whispering a small but steady “Third and final.” as she pulled you into a waiting taxi.
The pair of you didn't even make it through the front door before she pounced, your key still in the lock when she had you pinned between her frame and the door. Her hands sat heavy on your hips, eyes locked on yours. "God, you've been drivin' me mental all night.." she groaned, scanning your features.
"Do something about it then," You pushed. This was new but unbelievably exciting, you had never seen her like this. Before you could speak again her lips were on yours. Rough and urgent, like she was scared someone would rip you right out of her grip. "Inside," You managed to mumble against her lips, unlocking the door and pulling her inside - not wasting any more time to attach your lips together again.
This time was different, a rage of hunger alight in the depths of your stomach. Your hands sat on the nape of her neck, lacing through the small amount of hair that had fallen from her bun throughout the night. Her hands couldn't settle, exploring your figure and fisting at the fabric that separated skin from skin. Somehow during this you had travelled through the hall and were now fighting through your bedroom door, shoes and jackets kicked off and discarded around the flat - highlighting your erratic path.
Once inside the safety of your bedroom, things seemed to slow. The initial hunger and speed now dimmed into lust. Yearning. She pressed rough but calculated kisses down your jaw, lingering below your ear for a moment before moving across your collarbones. The feeling made you shudder, holding her head in your hands.
She had you stripped in minutes, now pulled tightly against her in your underwear. "Jesus Christ Y/L/N are you trying to kill me here?" She murmured, thumb caressing the lace across your chest, tracing the shapes for a second before her eyes met yours. A moment passed and you were growing impatient, inhaling deeply when the pad of her thumb found your nipple through the thin fabric and circled gently. You could tell she was enjoying this, watching you shift your weight from side to side as she slowly broke you down.
"On the bed." You were quick to obey, laying down in front of her - on display. She made her way towards you, situating herself above you and lifting your legs to bend and sit beside her hips. She kissed you deeply, hands latched onto your thighs. The world seemed to melt away around you and all you could think about was the throbbing between your legs.
"Need you," You managed to croak out, hands pulling at the fabric of her trousers - desperate for some form of friction. She let out a cocky scoff from above you.
"I'm not sure you deserve it, love. Haven't been behaving, have you?" She spoke rhetorically, tutting and raising her hand to toy with your bottom lip. "And only good girls get rewarded.." She added lowly as her hand travelled down from your face, tugging at your bra and moving to take your nipple into her mouth. You let out a small moan when you felt the warmth of her mouth on you, legs constricting around her and your back arching into her touch.
You writhed beneath her as she moved between left and right, her hand now finding its way to your underwear. She had two fingers pressed against your clit through the fabric, letting out a soft hum against you when she felt your arousal through the barrier. "Got you all wet for me, hm?"
"Please," You whimpered, lifting your hips up towards her hand. Desperate for some relief for the ache, eyes glassed over with desire.
"Begging for it already and I'm only just getting started. What a shame.."
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ravencoloredroses · 1 year
First Time
Nyx x Reader
Summary: Nyx and Reader are together, but they’ve never been together……
Word Count: 3,787
Warnings: SMUT
A/N: Thank you for reading!! Please let me know what you think! <3
Nyx’s POV
I have no idea how to tell her. The love of my life, my mate, my everything. I need to tell her why I haven’t tried to take the next step in our relationship. We’ve been together for around 6 months and they’ve been the best months of my life. When I was a little boy, I was infatuated with the concept of mates. The idea that there is someone out there perfectly made to be with you and you to them. I asked a lot of questions, but no one ever went into detail. No one ever mentioned that the bond must be accepted and they certainly didn’t mention how it was accepted. That’s the part that worries me.
Y/N and I have never talked about sex before so we don’t know each other's pasts. I have never done it before, but nobody knows that. Not even my family. When they sent me away to Windhaven I was given ‘the talk’. Really all we talked about was that it would be best to take a contraceptive tonic. My dad has been giving me bottles of this tonic because he thinks that I’m sexually active. Unbeknownst to him, I have a stockpile of the bottles under my bed because I’m too embarrassed to tell him the truth.
My first kiss was with Y/N, but nobody needs to know that either. I try not to think about the fact that I might not have been hers. And if I wasn’t her first kiss then I might not be the male to take her virginity. The thought of her being with another male upsets me, but if that’s the case then there’s nothing I could do to change that. I’m terrified of doing something wrong, of disappointing her. Sex is a very intimate experience that requires a lot of trust and if she gave me her trust just for me to fuck it up, I would never forgive myself.
That’s why anytime our kisses deepen or our touches get more sensual, I stop. I have to physically restrain myself before I do anything I’ll regret. I know that she notices, but she’s too kind to say anything, so we don’t. I need to grow up and ask for help.
“What are you thinking so hard about?” My uncle Cassian playfully whacks the back of my head to get my attention.
“Nothing.” I sigh.
“Uh-oh…. That doesn’t sound like nothing.” He plops down on the couch next to me.
“Is this about Y/N?” Uncle Az asks as he sits down on my other side. When I give him a shocked look he clarifies. “I know you guys haven’t accepted the bond yet. I just figured that’s what you were think about.”
Uncle Cass gasps. “You haven’t accepted it yet?” I shake my head.
“I want to. I really want to. But I’m scared.” I admit. I look up to see both of my uncles have confusion written all over their faces. “I’ve um- I’ve never..”
Uncle Az releases a knowing sigh. “You’re afraid that you’ll hurt her.” I nod aggressively, thankful that he didn’t make me finish my sentence. “Have you talked to her about any of this?” I look down at my hands to hide my embarrassment. “Then that’s step one. You need to talk with her. You need to talk about what you’re comfortable with. Set boundaries and limits for certain things.”
I nod in agreement. Of course I know that I need to talk to her, but then what? “What’s step two?” I ask.
“You decide what step two is after you talk to her. Step two could be to just go for it, or it could be to take it slow and have more conversations about it. It all depends.” Uncle Cassian answers. “You- You do know how it works, right?”
I glare at him. “Yes. I know how it works.”
He holds up his hands in defense. “Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure. No one’s first time is good, so don’t worry about it too much.”
That is exactly what I’m worried about. “I want it to be, though. I want it to be special. She deserves it.”
Uncle Az gives me a small smile. “It will be special, Nyx. I promise.” He stands up from the couch and begins to walk towards the door, Uncle Cassian follows.
“W-Wait!” I run up to meet them. “Can we… keep this just between us?” I ask tentatively.
“You don’t want your dad to know you’re a virgin?” Uncle Cass asks with a raised eyebrow and I shake my head. He cracks a smile, “Okay then, your secret is safe with me….. and Nesta.” He spits out the last part and quickly runs away.
Uncle Az turns to place a hand on my shoulder. “I won’t tell anyone, Nyx.” I knew he wouldn’t, I was -and still am- worried that Uncle Cass would tell everyone. “Oh, and I would start taking those tonics under your bed by the way.” He says with a wink as he walks away.
“How did you-….. Nevermind. Thanks Uncle Az!” I yell out to him, but he’s already gone. Leaving me alone to plan out the conversation I’ve been putting off.
Reader’s POV
I’m laying down in bed thinking, like I have been for the past 3 hours. Nyx has been acting weird around me lately. Every time we start to get intimate, he pulls away. We’ve never talked about it and I’m starting to think that it’s because of me. I’ve never had sex before. I’ve never even had a boyfriend before. Nyx was my first kiss and he’s going to be my first in a lot of things, but I’m a little nervous. Actually, I’m terrified. They say your first time is painful, some people actually bleed! I know Nyx would never intentionally hurt me, but it sounds like it’s inevitable.
I haven’t told Nyx that I’m a virgin, so he probably doesn’t know that I’m nervous about it. He’s probably stopping us from doing anything intimate for a completely different reason. I just hope that him second guessing our relationship has nothing to do with it.
I’m pulled away from my thoughts when someone gently knocks on the door. “Come in.” I say, sitting up as Nyx slowly steps into our room. “This is your room too Nyx, you don’t have to knock.”
“I know, but I didn’t want to barge in on you.” He says, moving to sit down next to me. He grabs onto my hand and brings it up to his mouth for a kiss. “How was your day?” He brushes hair out of my face while he waits for my response. I don’t give one. Instead, I reach up to pull his lips down to mine. It starts out sweet and soft, like always. I feel him smile into the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck and play with the back of his hair.
I lift my leg over him to staddle his lap and his hands find their way to my hips. I lightly bite down on his lip which causes him to moan into my mouth. Nyx stiffens below me as I move to start unbuttoning his shirt. He breaks the kiss and opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but nothing comes out. I feel absolutely mortified so I climb off of him and make a break for the bathroom when he grabs my hand to stop me. “Y/N, please don’t go.”
I turn around to look at him and wipe away my newly fallen tears. “It’s okay Nyx, I understand.”
He tightens his grip on my hand when I try to turn back around. “No, it’s not like that. I promise. I- I just want to talk before we…”
I nod and move to stand between his legs. “Do you not.. want to be with me in that way?” I ask, bracing myself for his answer.
“I do. I absolutely do, Y/N. I love you so much and I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’ve never…. been with anyone like that before.” He looks up at me from under his lashes to see my reaction. My mouth hangs open as I try to comprehend what he said.
“Yo-You’ve never….” He shakes his head and I released a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Knowing that this will be both of our first time is so comforting to me I can’t even describe it. “Me neither.” I say with a smile.
Nyx blinks up at me, shocked. “You’ve never?” I repeat his head shake from earlier and then he repeats my breath release. “Oh, thank the Mother.” He laughs out and leans his head forward to rest on my chest. I cradle the back of his head while pressing a kiss into his hair. We stay like that for a while, just embracing each other, and then Nyx pulls back. “Do you still want to? I’m sorry I ruined the mood.”
I stare down at him, deciding to tell him the truth. “I’m scared.” He grabs both of my hands and runs his thumbs over my knuckles.
“We will go slow. I promise to be gentle, but the second something doesn’t feel right or you just want to stop, tell me. We will stop immediately, no questions asked.” He presses a kiss to both of my hands. “We’re in this together, my love.”
I lean down to press his lips to mine, then it’s my turn to moan into his mouth as he pulls me back down onto his lap. We’re back in the same position we were previously, but the feeling is different. This time Nyx isn’t stiff underneath me or restraining himself. This time his hands are roaming anywhere they can reach on my body as mine do the same.
I pull away for air, but my lips don’t want to stop. They move over to his jaw, down his neck and then over to the other side and back up. All while Nyx blesses my ears with his soft moans. I hadn’t noticed before, but his bulge beneath me has become very obvious. I begin to rock my hips back and forth, trying to create some type of friction. Nyx removes his hands from my body and I begin to panic until I realize what they are doing instead. Starting with the top, they begin to unbutton his shirt.
I place my hands over his and he looks up at me confused. “Let me.” I smirk at him as my hands fly to his hair and I kiss down his neck once again, but I keep going lower. I take my time around the base of his neck, making sure not to miss a spot. Nyx starts to lean backwards on the bed which grants me more access to his chest. My lips move down to his collarbone and I have to tear my hands away from his hair in order to undo the first button on his shirt. I slowly move down his body leaving a trail of kisses. When I get to the last button, I look up to find Nyx watching me intently. I smile at him as I make my way back up his chest and place my lips on his again.
He sits us up without breaking our kiss and removes his shirt. My hands run along his chest, over his shoulders, down his back, anywhere they can reach. Nyx tugs at the bottom my shirt and begins to pull it up over my head. Once it’s off, he gently flips us over so he’s laying on top of me. I try to pull him back down to kiss me, but he doesn’t budge. He stares down at me and moves a strand of hair behind my ear.
“You are so beautiful.” He whispers, continuing to brush my hair away. We stare at eachother for a moment, trying to catch our breaths, until his hand reaches around my back to unclasp my bra. He pauses to look at me for permission. I nod. He flings my bra onto the floor to join the growing pile of our clothes.
Nyx kisses behind my ear, my jaw, down my neck and then he closes his mouth around my breast. I press up into him when his tongue flicks my nipple. He uses one hand to stabilize himself and the other begins to move towards my pants. I feel my underwear becoming wet, which isn’t a new feeling, being with Nyx has left me wet plenty of times, but it’s never been this intense before. His mouth releases my breast and he leaves a trail of kisses down my stomach then stops right below my belly button.
Nyx positions himself between my legs and looks up at me as he begins to undo my pants. I lift my hips up so he can tug them off. Just as I suspected, my underwear are completely soaked. Nyx obviously sees my drenched panties, but he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he slowly -torturously- removes them too, leaving me completely bare before him. He’s eye level with my pussy now. I feel so exposed, almost embarrassed, until he places a kiss on the inside of my thigh. I meet his eyes as he kisses closer and closer to my pussy. When he finally presses his lips gently to my center, I squirm from the sensation.
I lay back down, but my eyes stay locked with his. Nyx reaches a hand up to lace his fingers with mine. This already intimate position immediately intensifies just by us holding hands. He squeezes my hand gently as he continues to press kisses into me.
His mouth covers my pussy completely, his tongue moving around as if he’s trying to memorize every inch of me. I try my best not to squirm, but the sensation is too fucking good. My unoccupied hand grabs onto his hair and I start to grind down on his mouth. My moans are escaping my mouth with no warning. No doubt everyone in this house can hear me, but I don’t fucking care. All I can think about is Nyx. How his tongue is pumping in and out of me, how his hand is still tightly interlocked with mine.
Without warning his other hand meets his mouth and he slides one finger into me. My back arches up at the sensation and I release my grip on his hair to grab the sheets next me. His tongue moves up to work on my clit and another finger joins the first. “Don’t stop! Oh my God, don’t stop!” I scream out and Nyx picks up his pace. His fingers find the magical spot that makes my body go numb.
I have no control over my body. My legs are violently shaking, my mouth is making noises I’ve never made before and my eyes are rolling back as Nyx pushes me over the edge. He draws out my orgasm, leading me through wave after wave of pleasure. After what feels like forever, but also nowhere near enough time, Nyx slides his fingers out of me and places a kiss on each of my thighs.
I finally open my eyes just in time to see Nyx place his fingers -drenched in me- into his mouth and moan at the taste. I watch him lick his fingers clean while his eyes never leave mine. Only when he sits back do I see that his bulge is practically begging me to help it, to set it free.
I try to sit up, but everything hurts in the best way so I stay where I am and watch Nyx. He’s looking at me with a look filled with love that I’m sure I match. He gives my hand a squeeze and then let’s go to unbuckle his belt. He stands up to shimmy off his pants and underwear, leaving him as bare as I am. His body is breathtaking. I want to memorize every inch of him. My eyes leave his to move down chest, over his torso and then his dick. I knew Nyx was gonna be big, his wings are fucking huge, but I’m actually concerned at his size. It might not fit.
Nyx pulls me out of my thoughts by rubbing his thumb along my cheek. My hand flies up to rest over his. “Y/N, look at me.” I do. “I’m gonna be here the whole time. It’s going to be okay. I promise.” He kisses me softly and I smile at the taste of myself on his lips. I nod at his words, but the thoughts don’t leave immediately.
“We‘ll go slow, okay?” I nod again and pull his hand off my cheek to lace our fingers together once more. Nyx climbs over me and lines himself up at my entrance. He drags himself through my folds, coating himself in my wetness. I take in a deep breath and prepare for him to push into me. We both moan at the feeling of finally connecting. My eyes never leave his as his tip slowly enters me. The pressure is almost too much to handle and the pain is noticeable, but bearable.
“Dear God, Y/N.” Nyx moans into my ear. “You feel so fucking good.” I kiss him as my response since I can’t really form words right now. He slowly sinks into me inch by glorious inch. When he finally bottoms out, I moan so loud I hear it echo off the walls. I lean my head up to see where we connect. We look fucking perfect. Like a painting that I’d want to look at for hours.
I rest my head back on the pillow and meet Nyx’s eyes again. “Can I move?” He asks, giving my hand a squeeze. I nod and he kisses me as he starts to slowly move. Agonizingly slow, he pulls back out of me almost all of the way and then pushes back in. The pain doesn’t necessarily go away, but the majority of it is replaced with pleasure. Nyx rests his forehead on mine as his pace quickens and our heavy breathing synchronizes.
Every time Nyx thrusts, I feel my muscles constricting which just makes everything feel so much better. “Fuck, Y/N. I’m close.” Nyx moans, giving my hand a squeeze.
“Me too.” I manage to whisper back.
“Together?” He presses a kiss to my forehead.
“Together.” I moan out as Nyx picks up his pace and his hand snakes down to rub my clit. That was what pushed me over the edge for a second time. I feel him follow immediately after me. Everything begins to blur but Nyx and I. All I can see is him. All I can feel is him. All I can hear is him. And I don’t want it to end. We ride our highs together, drawing this out as long as we can.
Nyx collapses down on top of me and I cradle the back of his head. I press kisses onto his shoulder as we try to catch our breaths.
After a moment, Nyx rises on his arms to look at me. “Is it okay if I pull out?” I wipe some of the sweat off of his forehead before I nod. We both look down to where we are connected and I hold my breath as he pulls out of me. It hurts a little when he does, but nothing I can’t handle. When he’s finally all the way out I release a sigh.
No blood.
Nyx sits up beside me and pulls me into his lap. He wraps his arms around me and lightly strokes up and down my back. “I love you so much, Nyx.” I say when I can actually speak. My legs are still shaking and my breathing hasn’t fully calmed down yet, but I feel amazing.
“I love you so fucking much, Y/N.” I look up to meet his gaze and he gently wipes away my stray tears. He lifts me up and carries me into the bathroom. “Wait here.” Nyx says as he sets me down on the counter. He goes to the linen closet, grabs a rag then heads over to the sink. “Do you have to pee?” He says while getting the rag wet.
I look over at him confused. “What?”
“I read that it’s not a bad idea to pee after sex. I guess it flushes out any bad bacteria in your system.” He scratches the back of his head nervously. I never thought about it before, but it makes total sense.
“I’ll try.” I say, preparing to stand up, but Nyx comes over and picks me up before I can. “I can walk, you know.” I laugh.
“I know, I just don’t want you to have to.” He kisses my forehead as he sets me down on the toilet and leaves to give me some privacy. I finish quickly and hobble over to the sink to wash my hands. When I turn the water off I see Nyx come up behind me in the mirror holding a fluffy robe. “Feeling okay?” I turn to face him while he helps me put the robe on.
“Yeah. Better than okay, actually.” I throw my arms around his neck to pull him down into a quick kiss. Nyx bends down to pick me up again and walks back to the bedroom.
When he sets me down on the bed, I crawl under the sheets and watch him walk over to the other side to join me. As soon as we are both under the covers, I snuggle into his side. “I can’t believe we waited 6 months for us to do that. Think of all the mind blowing sex we could have been having.” I joke after a moment of silence. Nyx laughs so hard that our bodies shake.
“Yeah, that’s true…” His tone becomes serious. “We will have lifetimes together, there is no race for us. I would have waited centuries for this moment.”
“Me too.” I have so many things I want to say to him, but he’s right, we will have lifetimes together. There will be other perfect moments like this one. So, I move closer to my mate's side as my eyes become droopy.
“Yes, my love?”
“I don’t think I can go to training tomorrow morning….”
He laughs quietly. “Then I guess we will just have to stay here.”
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lateatnewyork · 8 months
Listen- I had an idea. I was thinking about a Lucien Vanserra and the reader feeking the bond snap? But Lucien feeling like he's not worthy of her but she tells him how pretty his eyes are? Even with the scar? I was thinking of adding the prompt 32 angst and 12 fluff maybe.
Scars and All
Lucien x Archeron!reader, Helion x reader (father, daughter dynamic)
Warnings: angst, swearing, fluff
Prompts: Fluff- “I wish you could see the way I see you,” Angst- “You… why did it have to be you?”
Summary: The youngest Archeron sister has always been ignored and rejected by everyone. When she finally finds her mate in the Day Court who thought her heart could’ve broken more at the rejection of someone who was made to love her?
a/n i legit could not find any good headers for this so i downloaded 6 billion of them from pinterest, my sister had made this dress for herself and i had direct access to it thats why the description is so long 😭 im trying a new thing with describing facial features and stuff like that more lmk if u like it or not. ✨ not edited ✨
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There was a ball in Day Court, almost all high fae were invited, and as the sister in law to the High Lord of Night Court it was compulsory for all of us to be there.
The dress I'm wearing is a masterpiece of intricacy and elegance, designed to captivate and command attention. Crafted from the finest materials, it combines delicate silk and ethereal lace, creating a harmonious blend of softness and sensuality. The color chosen is a rich midnight blue, reminiscent of the starry night sky that blankets the Night Court.
The bodice of the dress is a work of art, adorned with intricate silver and sapphire beadwork that accentuates the curves of the wearer. It plunges low, revealing a hint of the wearer's décolletage, while thin, delicate straps grace the shoulders, adding a touch of allure. The back of the dress dips in a graceful V, teasing a glimpse of smooth, exposed skin.
From the waist, the dress cascades into a flowing skirt, made of layers of diaphanous silk that sways with every step. The fabric is sheer and airy, allowing a tantalizing view of the wearer's legs as she moves, creating an alluring dance between modesty and seduction. The hemline is asymmetrical, with delicate lace trim that adds a touch of whimsy and femininity.
As I move, the dress catches the light, shimmering and sparkling like a constellation in the moonlit sky. It exudes an air of confidence and sophistication, empowering the woman who wears it to embrace her inner strength and beauty.
The dress wasn't my first choice though. My first choice was an indigo dress with a sweetheart neckline, that showed just enough of my cleavage to not be named as slutty. It had a slit that showed my whole right leg, but Elain had liked that dress after she saw it in my wardrobe, so I gave it to her.
She always got what she wanted.
I wasn't a type of feminine beauty like my sisters. They all had graceful features and beautiful dainty blonde hair. Nesta and I were the most similar with our sharp features.
But that's where the similarities ended.
My hair was a lustrous cascade of ebony strands, shimmered like a moonless night sky, reflecting an ethereal sheen with every subtle movement. Its glossy surface captured the light, revealing depths of darkness that held an irresistible allure.
Once I had slipped my heels on, I headed down the stairs where everyone else was waiting for me. My lips curved into a sly smile when everyone's attention was on me, glancing over the room, my eyes stopped at Elain. Her dress (my dress) was falling at all the wrong places.
She wasn't as curvy as me, Nesta and Feyre. I don't get why she would want the dress, it's obviously not fitting her properly. Ignoring Elain's incessant huffing, I head to Nesta and Cassian.
“You look absolutely breathtaking tonight, sister,” I compliment, giggling.
“I love this dress on you,” she gushes.
Nesta was my best friend, my confidant, the sister who cared for me.
“But I would’ve loved to have seen the other dress on you,” she continues. “You shouldn’t have given it to Elain,”.
“Oh it’s fine, look at the absolute beauty I have found instead,” I reassure.
“Elain are you sure you don’t want to change your dress,” Feyre asks.
Nesta and I snicker behind our hands, Elain turns around towards us and I watch in glee as her faces turns into a scowl.
“I’m fine can we leave already” she snaps.
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Cassian winnows Nesta, Rhysand and Feyre, Azriel and Elain, while Mor winnows me.
Landing outside the day court palace, I mentally take in the beauty of the place. The sandy blocks making the palace and the beautiful candles hung at every corner. There truly is no darkness.
I look down at my dress, skepticism glazes over my face. I shouldn’t have worn such an eye catching dress.
How was I meant to know that there would be lights everywhere?
Cauldron fucking boil me.
After some mindless chatter with Feyre about how excited she is to show me her paintings. We’re escorted inside to see the High Lord of the Day Court lounging on his throne, looking like the childish playboy he is. Even though he was centuries old.
His beauty was otherworldly, the way his onyx locks cascaded down his back like they were paid to do so. Piercing amber orbs stared down at everyone. Clad in only a white fabric that was draped over him, he had an easy going presence to him. The sharp points of his golden crown glinting under the bright lights.
But the vision next to him put the Night Court stars to a shame. He was the sun personified. Tan skin, lighter than his father’s but darker than mine. Auburn red hair, similar to his father’s in length, rested along his back. A scar ran from just above his eyebrow to his jaw. His eyes met mine, maroon and golden. His features picked apart weren’t attractive but somehow together on him, he looked like a god.
My breath caught in my throat as my eyes blurred in and out of focus. Once they went back to normal I saw a single golden thread tugging. My eyes followed the thread back to Lucien.
I ran outside. Mother’s tits, I found my mate.
I gave an experimental tug on the bond revelling in the feeling of being complete. Tugging on it again, I let him know I wanted to see him.
Sitting there on the roof, I waited for five minutes, then ten, soon twenty and as quickly as my hope had been born it had faded away. But still remnants of it remained, maybe he couldn’t get away so soon, after all he was the heir to the Day Court.
Holy shit, he was the heir to the Day Court, what if he wanted nothing to do with me?
My thoughts spiralled one after the other.
A throat cleared behind me. Turning around to look at Lucien, I beckon him over.
“I’m Y/N, I already know who you are so introductions won’t be necessary” My attempt at a joke fails.
Finally taking a closer look at his face, I take in the pained expression. “Are you all right?” concern laces my voice, I stand up and whisper, “Have you had enough to eat you look like you’re about to pass out,”.
I’m about to leave and grab him some food, when he speaks, “You… why did it have to be you?”.
I freeze in place, I don’t dare to turn around. My mind flashes with memories of Feyre not wanting to teach me archery because she was busy, or how the boys at Rita’s never even looked at me, or how Elain took it upon herself to make me hate everything about me, or how everyone had their other half and I had just found mine. But not even a full hour of knowing me he hated me.
And somehow after all those years of rejection, self hatred and jealousy my heart broke one last time.
I assume he could feel it through the bond, as I wasn’t all that used to blocking people out of my mind yet.
I run down the stairs to get off the roof, to get as far away from him as possible.
Finally, finding an unoccupied balcony on the opposite side of the palace, I settled there, sobbing my broken heart out. The kohl from my eyes streaming down my face. My fingers red from rubbing my stinging eyes.
I looked around at the material of the dress pillowing around me. Such a waste of such a breathtaking dress.
Soft crying filled the room, my ears were ringing as I hadn’t heard the High Lord of Day Court enter.
“My dear, may I ask what’s wrong?” He asked, worry evident in his voice.
Gasping I stood up and did a sorry excuse of a curtesy, “High Lord” I bowed my head.
“Helion is fine,”
He sat down right next to the place where I was sitting. His muscled arm gently tapped the spot beside him as an invitation.
I sit down, smoothing my skirts out.
As if he can sense the awkwardness he clears his throat and says “We can stay quiet or we can talk about my son or your mate?”.
My eyes widen in shock. “How do you know me?” I mutter out.
“Sunshine I’m the High Lord of Day Court and unbeknownst to you, Rhysand talks a lot about you during meetings so most of the high lords consider you a little sister, but for me you’re like the daughter I never had,” he confesses.
A man I had not met before today, considered me his daughter, and six other high lords think of me as a little sister. My eyes well up in tears, my father had been one of the only people other than Nesta to ever truely care about me. And I had cried for months when he died.
To have someone think of me as their daughter again brought out a fresh wave of tears.
As if reflex, my head rests against Helion’s shoulder, we gaze into the night sky, in a comfortable silence. A strong hand reaches out and softly taps my head in a soothing rhythm.
“It’s ok sunshine.” he whispers.
After a while my tears stain my cheeks, Helion speaks up “I think you should give your mate another chance, I think you’ve mistaken his intentions,”.
Taking in his advice, I wordlessly stand up and hug the high lord. “Thank you” I breathe out.
Pulling away, I walk through corridors in search of Lucien.
A hand grabs mine and pulls me into a dark corner, while another hand muffles my screams.
I’m about to put the training Cassian gave me into use when I see a familiar pair of mismatched eyes.
“You can’t scream, I just wanted to talk to you,” he pleaded. Once his hand reluctantly leaves my mouth, I nod as a signal for him to keep going.
“When I said what I said before, I didn’t mean it as if you weren’t good enough for me,” he started. “I meant it as I didn’t think I was good enough for you.” My eyes soften at his words. “I mean yes I am devastatingly handsome,” I roll my eyes at his smug words, unable to hide my own smile when his lips twitch upwards.
“But I don’t think I could ever be good enough for you, a thousand lifetimes over,” he whispers, impossibly close to me but at the same time painfully far away.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, Lucien,” I mumble cupping his cheek. “Please have me,” he murmurs.
I grab his face gently and fuse our lips together.
“I’m yours, if you’re mine,”
a/n i’m sorry girl dad!helion is just too good to resist and like imagine being like a little sister to all the high lords (instead of heron it’d be eris), hope you like it anon 🫶🏻
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Hello. I hope all is well. I love your work. I was wondering if u could write something for me.
So reader and azriel are mates and az is really protective of her especially near a male he is not familiar with. And when he sees her with eris is so damn protective but reader and eris are childhood best friends. Something in that plot. I don't really know but this is the main gist. Thank you and have an amazing day!
Azriel x f!Reader
Warnings; angst, swearing.
Thank you! <3 Hope this is what you had in mind!
Untouchable. That’s how every male in Prythian saw you and not just because you were cold and feisty, they mostly feared the dark handsome Illyrian with the deathly glare that followed you everywhere. Your mate or as everyone else knows him the night court’s shadowsinger, spymaster, Azriel and sometimes God of death at least that’s what you have heard over the decades you two have been together. It wasn’t that Azriel didn’t trust you, he knew that you would never even look at another male, he just didn’t trust them and being raised in Illyrian camps where the females were considered breeding machines made him even more scared that someone would try to hurt you. The only two males he trusted with you were his brothers Cassian and Rhysand, anyone else would have to survive his iconic death stare in order to talk with you.
At first you thought it was really charming and always clung to his side to show everyone that you belonged to him but after nearly 6 decades it was getting really annoying and you knew that your biggest fight was coming soon, specifically at the ball Rhysand planned in Hewn city where your childhood best friend Eris would be. You and Eris met when you were 5 years old and spent the next 92 years clinging to each other until your family decided to move to the night court in fear of what Beron could do to you knowing how much Eris loved you. You still kept in touch with frequent letters, and you even visited him at his cabin in the Autumn woods twice. Azriel of course knew about this, yet his opinion about Eris wasn’t good and you knew that he would be furious if he saw you together.
“Are you ready?” your mate’s deep voice chimed from the hall.
“I’ll be there in a sec” you shouted and hurried to put your heels on.
You had decided to wear a midnight black sparkly gown that had a split that reached to your hip, the upper part hugged your body like second skin and had a cut that ended just bellow your breasts.
You walked into the dining room where Azriel, Cassian, Nesta and Mor were waiting. Mor saw you first and whistled.
“Damn girl, if you ever get bored of him, you’re welcome in my bed” she spoke and you blushed.
Azriel gave her a vulgar gesture and turned to look at you. His breath hitched and a rosy shade appeared on his cheeks.
“You look amazing” he said and opened his arms in a silent invitation.
“Thank you” you replied and walked into his arms before giving him a soft kiss.
“Alright let’s go” Cassian said, and Mor offered her hand to winnow you.
The huge throne room was decorated with expensive stones and the best musicians in Prythian were playing on top of a dais at the right side.
“This screams Rhysand” you rolled your eyes and Nesta snorted.
Mor guided you next to the throne and the three of you waited for Rhysand and Feyre to make their appearance. They arrived a few minutes later and walked to the throne smirking at the sight of everyone bowing. Azriel and Cassian were walking behind them, their hands resting on top of their swords and their eyes scanning the room. The cold expression on your mate’s face made your knees tremble and you thought about all the things you would do to him tonight.
You’re drooling. Rhysand’s voice rang in your mind, and you blushed.
When everyone got comfortable in their seats you scanned the room trying to find your best friend.
“Looking for someone?” you span around and almost shrieked when you saw Eris there.
“Foxy you're here” you chirped and pulled him for a tight hug.
“Hey little mouse” he murmured in your hair and caressed your back.
“Cauldron it’s been so long since I last saw you” you said when you pulled away.
“I know! I guess Azriel doesn’t allow you to visit me.” He teased you.
You scoffed and shook your head “I don’t ask for his permission.” “He is glaring at me” Eris nodded to the direction, and you glanced at your mate, he was gripping the handle of Truth-Teller so hard that his knuckles turned white, and his face was even colder than before. When your eyes met, he marched to you, his hand instantly went to your waist, and he pulled you closer.
“Lordling” he said as a mock.
“Little mouse I suggest putting a leash on your guard dog” Eris smirked, and his eyes flashed with mischief.
Azriel growled and pressed you harder on his side while his shadows floated around you protectively.
“Enough, both of you.” you scowled at them and turned to your mate.
“Eris is my best friend, and I will spend some of my time here with him catching up.” Then turned to Eris “Azriel is my mate, and you will speak to him with respect.”
“Alright” Eris said and offered you his hand to guide you away.
Azriel’s eyes moved from Eris’ face to his hand, and he tightened his hold on you.
“Then I will stay with you” your mate gritted his teeth.
“Az…” you tried to reason with him, but he shook his head and his shadows engulfed both of you. When the darkness disappeared, you were back into your shared bedroom.
“What the fuck did you do?” you yelled and clenched your fists.
“I’m keeping you safe, we can’t trust him” Azriel’s face was red now and all the veins in his neck popped as he screamed.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you threw your hands in the air “He is my best friend! My. Fucking. Best. Friend.”
“And I. Don’t. Fucking. Care.” He copied you.
“You’re unbelievable” you scoffed and opened the closet taking out some of his clothes. “What are you doing?” he panicked.
“You’re not sleeping here tonight” you grabbed a bag and started filling it with his clothes.
“This is my room” he stated, and you paused.
“I thought it was our room but okay I’ll go” you took his clothes out and started putting yours in the bag.
“It is our room I meant that it used to be mine” he sighed and pushed his hand through his hair.
You shrugged and entered the bathroom to gather your stuff.
“Are you serious right now?” Azriel raised his voice and followed you into the bathroom.
“Yes I can’t be with you tonight or ever again. If you can’t respect my choices, then I think we should end this now.” Your heart ached at your words, but you ignored it.
“I just…” his voice broke, and a few tears escaped “I only wanted to protect you” he stared at the ground. He looked so defeated and vulnerable, like a small child.
“Azriel… I don’t mind when you act like that with strangers, but Eris is like a brother to me, how would you feel if I kept you away from Cassian and Rhys?” your voice was soft now.
“Cauldron I’m awful” he breathed and rubbed his face.
“No you’re not… I know how they treat females in the Illyrian camps, and I get your fears, we just need to find a way that will make us both feel comfortable” you cupped his jaw and caressed his cheek.
“You’re right. Would you like me to take you to the Autumn Court tomorrow?” he asked, and your eyes widened. “I would love that!” you grinned. “Okay then.” He gave you a tight smile. You could see how uncomfortable he felt by the way his shadows slithered around him.
“You can invite Cassian and stay close if you want to check on me” you offered and noticed how his whole body relaxed.
“Thank you” he smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I’m so sorry for the way I acted” he mumbled and kissed your head.
“I forgive you” you said and kissed his chest.
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ninthcircleofprythian · 2 months
Part 7 - Putting on a Brave Face
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Series Summary - Not having a mating bond didn't stop the love Azriel and Celeste have for each other or their commitment. When an unknown magic lingering from Celeste's past causes her to lose all memories of the last century, will they be able to rebuild their life without a bond tethering them together?
Word Count - 6.2k
Warnings - general angst/anxiety, light swearing, canon typical fighting, memory loss.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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“Why didn’t you tell me?” Celeste stared pointedly at Nesta. The breakfast tray that Elain had just brought up was laying over her outstretched legs in the bed. The taste of the bile from last night still lingered even after brushing her teeth. Her stomach gave a needy rumble and Celeste knew she should eat something. 
“Celeste, honey. I’m so, so sorry.” Nesta started from her position in the chair at the bedside. “I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. I promise. We just didn’t want to overwhelm you so soon after waking up. You were so terrified and we didn’t want to scare you even more.”
“Who is ‘we’?” Celeste asked with a narrowed glare, the piece of toast she had been nibbling now abandoned. Nesta sounded genuinely upset at the thought of hurting Celeste by withholding information but she couldn’t let go of that nagging suspicion. 
“Well, all of us. Everyone who cares about you.” Nesta dropped her gaze from Celeste’s face and started down and her hands in her lap. “This is all new to us too, you know. We were just trying to do what we thought was best.”
Celeste tried to hide the annoyance from her face. 
New to them? They aren’t the ones who woke up with no knowledge of their life.
Another look at Nesta and she calmed her flare of anger. It was obvious she was trying to be a good friend here and there was genuine worry written across her face. She had been nothing but kind to Celeste since she woke up.
“Is there a reason that knowing Azriel is my husband should scare me?” She asked.
Nesta’s chin shot up to look at Celeste once more. “What?”
“You said that you didn’t want to scare me more. Is there a reason I should be afraid of him?”
“No. No, of course not.” Nesta’s countenance softened, her mouth quirking at the corner. “But you did wake up thinking that he and Cassian were guards here to haul you off. I didn’t think  breaking the news that one of them was your husband would go over very well.”
The explanation sounded perfectly logical. Celeste was sure that she would have indeed taken it badly finding that out so soon after waking up. She didn’t exactly take it well when she found out last night either. 
“We weren’t trying to actively keep you from knowing.” Nesta continued when Celeste remained quiet. “I just hadn’t exactly discussed with Az how to go about doing it yet.”
“Do you need his permission to tell me things?” That ugly suspicion rose up again full force.
This time Nesta scoffed. “I don’t need his permission to do anything,” she said seriously. “His or anyone else's. And neither do you.”
Reaching over the bedspread to grasp Celeste’s hand she carried on. “I know why you are thinking the things you are, Celeste, but it’s not like that here. That isn’t your life any longer. You are safe here. Safe and loved and free to do whatever you want. No one is going to punish you for anything you do, I promise.”
“What do you know of my life before?” There was no malice in her question.
“Enough. You’ve told me a lot of it, but I’m sure there are things you haven’t told me. And that’s ok. It’s your story to tell. But I know how you were treated and the punishments that were inflicted upon you. Those things will never happen here. Not to you or me or anyone else. I wouldn’t stand for it.”
Celeste briefly thought about how easy it was for Nesta to say that. It was easy to say you wouldn’t tolerate something until it was happening to you. Until you had no choice and no way out. She knew first hand that a person would tolerate a lot of things they disagreed with if it meant staying alive. 
The room remained quiet as Celeste continued to pick at her food. Nesta didn’t push or prod any further. 
“Is he kind?” Celeste’s voice broke the silence. “You said Cassian was like a giant puppy in battle leathers. Is Azriel like that too?”
Nesta’s laugh rang through the room as she threw her head back. “No, I wouldn’t say the same thing about Az,” she gathered her breath again. “Cassian likes to joke around. He teases and pokes and tries to make people laugh. And drives me crazy most days. But Azriel is different. He’s the quiet one. Stoic. He had a rough start in life and he can be very hard to read until you know him and even then it’s not easy.”
Nesta paused as she gave Celeste’s hand a gentle squeeze. “But he is kind. He is one of the kindest males I have ever met. He has always been one to do anything to protect those that he loves.”
Celeste studied Nesta’s eyes as she relayed her answer. Her gray eyes were clear and genuine. She could tell that she believed wholeheartedly everything she was saying, but that didn’t stop that wiggle of doubt from creeping in. 
“He would do anything for you, Celeste. He loves you, truly.” Nesta’s eyes never broke contact.
Instead of the wiggle of doubt, Celeste felt a sensation she wasn’t familiar with. It was small and not insistent enough to latch on to. Just a quick flashing flicker in the middle of her gut. 
“I’m sick of this bed.” Celeste changed the subject. “I want to get up. I feel fine.”
After dressing in another pair of those impossibly soft pants and a shirt that was definitely hers this time, Nesta led her out of the bedroom into the hall. As they began making their way towards the stairs she pointed out the library Celeste had discovered last night. 
“We usually hang out in here. We could sit and read if you want.”
Celeste surveyed the room from the doorway where they stood but her attention was focused on the door just a few feet away. The entrance to the office was closed fully this time and the murmur of voices could be heard behind it. 
“Or we could sit outside.” Nesta continued when she didn’t answer. “Some fresh air maybe?”
Celeste tore her focus back to the woman next to her. “Yes, fresh air. I think I’d like that.”
They made their way down the stairs and headed for the front door. Before they could cross the entirety of the entryway a boisterous voice rang out behind them. 
“Nes,” Cassian called as he trundled down the stairs. “I’m heading out after lunch. I have to meet Rhys. Do you want me to carry you home or are you staying here?” He turned to Celeste. “Good to see you up and about. Feeling better?” A wide unfeigned smile spread across his face.
Nesta watched Celeste as she just nodded at his question with a downcast look. “No, I think I’ll stay. But carry some food with you to Feyre would you. Elain cooked enough to feed an army.”
“Or for the General Commander of an army at least.” Cassian smiled at his own joke but it fell flat on his audience.
Celeste wasn’t listening, as she had raised her gaze, she spotted another figure still making his way down the stairs. Azriel, reaching the entryway floor, didn’t approach their small gathering but instead left a wide berth as he sidled past them toward the back hallway. His eyes locked solely on Celeste.
Her heart began to pick up rapidly as the thought of stumbling upon him last night sprang forth and her body jolted into action, taking an involuntary step backwards. His eyes still hadn’t left hers, his brows furrowed inward as he flinched at her movement. 
“Are you going with Cas?” Nesta asked after him. 
“No.” he replied meekly, turning away from them.
Celeste followed his movements as he retreated, Nesta’s earlier words ringing through her mind.
He loves you, truly.
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The next few days progressed in much the same quiet way. Celeste normally tucked herself into a book or sat placidly outside watching people pass by out front, Nesta a constant by her side. Her interactions with Azriel were hardly more than a meal shared with others or a quick passing in the hallway. She had poked around in every room by now and even though there were signs of her presence all around, it still felt foreign in her mind. The clothes in the wardrobe were definitely hers. The official letters and correspondence in the library desk were penned in her hand. The small trinkets and style of decoration all throughout the house were definitely her taste. She hadn’t gone delving too deeply though, not wanting to find anything too damning in the presence of her friend. But so far she had found no sign of her past self in these walls. The only self she knew now. 
Nesta. My friend. 
Confusing as it was to have no memories of their friendship, it still felt right to call Nesta her friend. She had been nothing but kind and straightforward with her since her whole world had been flipped upside down, doing her best to help her navigate through. Celeste was especially relieved to find her close by at night the few times she had abruptly awakened from more dreams. They were never fully materialized, just snippets portrayed randomly in no particular order. But they were enough to get her body flooded with adrenaline and jolted from sleep. 
“Smells like Elain is at it again.” Nesta’s voice broke through her wandering thoughts. “Let’s go down before it gets cold. I’m starving.”
They settled down to eat in the dining room along with Elain, who had joined them for many of the meals since she had cooked a fair number of them. Cassian heaped his plate full across the table from them, a nod of thanks in Elain’s direction. His presence during the day was nearly as constant as Nesta’s, stopping in after training and his official duties before retiring to the House of Wind at night. The final member of their lunch party rejoined them, Azriel settling himself back into his chair after seeing Rhys out. 
“Well that’s good news then.” Cassian said referencing the news Rhys had just brought them regarding Helion’s response. “We just might have some answers tomorrow.”
Cassian’s wink in Celeste’s direction made her slightly uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as it would have a few days ago. Cassian was quick to laugh and hardly ever without a smile or a joke. His easiness in any company had done a lot to begin melting Celeste’s persistent worry.
Helion’s impending visit had a tangible tension hanging in the air however, mostly radiating from the opposite side of the table. The charged atmosphere had Celeste on edge but she didn’t quite feel the same way about the news. She wasn’t allowing herself to get her hopes up only for them to be dashed. 
“Are there always this many people in and out of here?” Celeste piped up, changing the subject. 
Cassian smirked. “You can kick us out anytime you like, you know.”
Azriel’s hard glare in his direction had him smirking at his plate instead. “Not normally this frequently, no.” Az answered as if it took some effort to keep his voice even.
“Often enough that Azriel keeps threatening to move though.” Nesta’s mouth perked up into her own smirk at the Illyrian across the table. Another hard glare in her direction didn’t break her gaze though.
“What?” she challenged. “We all know you secretly love it, Shadowsinger.”
“Enough.” Azriel snapped harshly.
The sharp change in atmosphere had Celeste freezing with her fork halfway to her mouth. She remained still as her eyes darted over the rest of their company. Elain’s eyes went wide for a split second before she straightened her napkin in her lap. Cassian and Nesta exchanged a quick look between them before Cas shoved an elbow into Azriel’s side.
“Don’t worry,” he directed at Celeste. “Nobody’s moving anywhere. I simply won’t allow it. I’d starve if that happened.”
“The house can conjure anything you want Cassian. You aren’t in danger of starving.” Nesta quipped. 
“Yeah, but it doesn’t listen to me. You two have that in common.” Another smirk graced his face and with Nesta’s answering crack of a laugh the tension was broken.
For everyone but Celeste that was. She risked a glance at the figure across from her. The tension rolling off of him had his shadows flowing over his shoulders in waves. The name Nesta had called Azriel had her attention drawn to those strange wisps that she had noticed he was never without. She had caught them a few times slowly drifting over her skin whenever she was close enough, which wasn’t often. She had wondered what they were and where they came from, asking Nesta once.
“I don’t really know what they are. They just — are," she had said. “I don’t think he’s ever explained how they came to be or if he even really knows himself.”
It was Azriel’s observance that she was staring that shook her back into the present. Dipping her head towards her plate, Celeste pushed her food around with her fork, no longer hungry but not wanting to offend Elain. 
The chatter that had accompanied the meal at the start was now just a quick remark here or there, mainly between the sisters and Cassian. 
“What would I be doing now if things were normal?” She asked during a lull in the conversation. “Like during a typical day?”
The word normal seemed to rub against the already tense aura around Azriel, his wings shuffling before he pulled them in again. A scowl flashing across his face. 
“Seeing patients, I suppose,” offered Nesta. “It all depends on the needs of the day and the rotation schedule and things like that.”
“You’d be in the clinic.” Azriel spoke. His voice was much calmer now but his body and face still tense. “It’s your clinic rotation this week.”
“Clinic? Where’s that? I thought I did house calls?” Celeste hadn’t asked for a lot of information about her usual routine outside of the healer abilities she had no memory of acquiring. She had tried once or twice in secret to pull forth whatever force should be within her but found no answering magic.
“It’s downtown.” Azriel answered her again, now pushing around his own food on his plate. “You do house calls mostly, but all the healers do clinic rotations for a week at a time.”
“It’s for patients that need round the clock care or more specialized treatment.” Nesta added. 
“Could I go there? I’d like to see it. Do you think they would have something for me to do?” Celeste looked toward Nesta hoping she’d volunteer as her chaperone. “I’d like to feel useful and get out of this house for a bit.” 
The clank of Azriel’s fork dropping to his plate made everyone jump. With another uneasy ruffling of his wings, he excused himself from the table. 
“I’m sure they could always use an extra set of hands somewhere.” Nesta answered smoothly as she gave a nod to Cassian. “I can take you if you’d like.”
“I’d like that very much. Thanks, Nes.”
It was the first time Celeste had used her nickname since this whole ordeal had begun. The small smile she gave her friend was heartwarming and bright.
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“Leave it to Az to be such a neat freak.” Cassian quipped to himself as he sifted through the wardrobe. The clothing on the hangers was precise and neat, training leathers arranged by season, shirts ordered by type and color. Even the casual loungewear pants were neatly folded into thirds and stacked by color on the bottom shelf. “I bet he folds his socks too.”
With a flick of his fingers against the handle of a drawer he gained his answer. “Yup.”
Cassian gathered the haphazard pile he had tossed behind him as he selected items and tossed everything over one arm. Marching down the hall past the stairs, he didn’t even knock on the closed door he was headed for.
“Brother. Buddy. Pal.” He said jovially as he made his way across Azriel’s office and dumped his armload on the desktop. “Get dressed. We’re going on a field trip.”
Azriel eyed the pile of leathers in front of him with his neutral stoicism. “I’m working. Something you should be doing as well.”
With a sweep of one arm, Az deposited the pile onto the floor beside his chair and made to gather the stack of papers that had been strewn across his desk. 
“I know for a fact that you have deferred everything but your daily reports until further notice. The reports can wait. Our little field trip however, can’t.” Cassian’s lighthearted voice relayed his words but his eyes carried a hint of warning.
“Not now, Cassian.” Azriel countered with a warning of his own.
“Yes. Now.” His tone was no longer light.
Holding Cassian’s stare, Azriel didn’t respond. But when he moved to grab the fountain pen from its holder and continue on with whatever task he had in mind, Cassian took action. One large palm deposited itself over top the stack of papers as he leaned in closer to his brother across the desk.
“You scared her down there today. Not as much as you could have, but you still scared her.” Cassian’s voice carried a deadly timbre that most people only associated with the Spymaster. “I know that wasn’t your intention but given her history I don’t think you want to find out how easy it would be to go too far.”
Cassian straightened himself to standing, tugging at his own leathers to adjust them. “So you can sit here and brood and deal with the consequences or you can get yourself dressed and get your ass out the door.”
A deadly rumble of a growl came straight from Azriel’s chest. It was the realization of scaring Celeste that did the trick. The thought sickened him to his core. 
“Fucking asshole.” Az grunted as he pushed himself up and bent to gather the pile from the floor.
“Yeah, yeah. Fucking asshole, Illyrian bastard, ‘Ow, Cas you’re on my hair.’ I’ve heard it all before.” Cassian smirked as he mimicked his mate, his jovial attitude returning. “Get dressed. Time’s wasting.”
Less than an hour later, the two winged warriors touched down from flight into an open clearing deep in the Night Court woods. As Azriel shuffled his wings, Cassian rounded to face him.
“Well, let’s get the ball rolling. I’d like to be back in time for dinner.” He said, cracking his knuckles in a fist and rolling his shoulders. 
Azriel’s body was taut with energy, his shoulders practically hunched to his ears with tension but the deepening glower towards Cassian was the only movement he made. 
“Don’t make me tie you up and kidnap you until you are ready to cooperate.” Cassian winked. “I’d hate to resort to such measures.”
The growl that echoed through the trees had Cassian crouching slightly into defense, prepared for the blow he was sure was about to come. But nothing followed except for the groan of leather as Azriel gripped his damaged hands into fists at his sides. 
He waited one beat, then two. The shadows were creating a small breeze with all the whipping around they were doing between them, but Azriel remained motionless. 
“It’s for your own good and you know it.”
Azriel didn’t want to be here. He didn’t care if it was for his own good like Cassian said. He didn’t want to play this game, he just wanted to be left alone. He wanted to stew in the roiling thoughts inside his own head that he had always been prone to escaping in. That escape felt comfortable and familiar even if the thoughts themselves were eating him from the inside. 
“Take it out on me now. Or keep on like you are and you’ll have her running scared,” Cassian remarked, no tease within his tone and with a dangerous glint in his eye. “Straight into the arms of the next male to warm her bed.”
There was no warning growl this time. In the blink of an eye, Azriel lowered himself and lunged straight for Cassian’s hips in an attempt to tackle him. With a swift dodge, Cas managed to miss the grab but he wasn’t quick enough to maneuver out of the path of the wing that slammed his shoulder and spun him around. Before he could even plant his feet to defend himself, Azriel’s fist met his cheekbone, snapping his neck viciously to one side. 
A wet rattling cough sounded as Cassian spat blood into the grass. “Ok, I probably deserved that.” Without wasting another second he was immediately on the defense. Azriel was pure fury wrapped in shadow as he struck again.
“I would never hurt her.” He gritted out through clenched teeth as he snatched Cas’s leathers at the shoulders and swept his legs out from under him with a sweeping kick. Pushing even more force through his arms, he slammed Cassian on his back onto the hard ground and topped it off with a punch straight to the gut. 
Cas wheezed as all the air left his lungs. “I know,” he coughed out winded before Az landed another strike to his already swelling jaw. Kicking out with all his might, he managed to hit Az squarely in the chest, tossing him back to land on his backside. 
Azriel was on his feet again in a flash. Around and around they brawled, occasionally grappling on the ground after one of them had been pinned. No more words were needed, just the sounds of their exertion and growls of injury rang through the clearing. 
Eventually Azriel had Cassian pinned on his back, knees planted firmly on top of his shoulders. As he pulled back his arm preparing to land another blow he suddenly lost all steam and tucked in his wings as he flopped to the side, rolling onto his back. Azriel lay there, gasping for breath through a busted lip and one working nostril, the other clotted with blood and well on its way to being swollen. Cassian remained beside him sprawled out on the grass, silent.
“I scared her.” Az broke the silence, staring above him toward the sky at the tree tops. 
“It can still be fixed.” Cassian replied, still unmoving.
Even Azriel’s shadows were tired, laying perfectly still like a cloak tossed over his front. His heavy sigh had them scattering like the seeds from a wishing flower. 
Az rolled his neck to peer over at his brother. “What if it can’t be though?”
“She’ll come around. She just needs time.” Cassian swiveled his own gaze to his brother. 
“Not just that. I mean her memory – what if,” Azriel paused, gathering his shortened breath as that chasm deep inside him spasmed. “What if it can’t be fixed without a mating bond?”
Cassian pushed himself up to sit. “What? Az, brother, this didn’t happen because you two don't have a mating bond. Don’t think like that.”
“But what if it can’t be fixed without one? Remember what Feyre told us about under the mountain? When she died, she held onto that bond and that was before she even knew it was there.” Azriel’s throat felt like it was closing up and the shadows began their swirling movements once more as he pulled himself up to sit as well. “What if I were able to give Celeste her memories back with a bond?”
Cassian ran a rough hand through his disheveled hair. This wasn’t his forte. He was the Lord of Bloodshed, a slayer of enemies. The intricacies of magic wasn’t something he had the confidence in to give Az the answers he wanted. 
“Helion will be able to tell us something surely. He is the SpellCleaver after all.” He sighed.
The birdsong had returned to the clearing after their raucous battle and the lull in conversation amplified their songs. Azriel sat hugging his knees, staring unfocused at the ground before his feet. He was trying not to pin all his hopes on the outcome of Helion’s arrival, but if he couldn’t get any information from him, Az was at a loss. He felt like he was failing his wife, his sweet Celeste. Due to her history and where her mind was stuck in time, she had woken up terrified of him. He didn’t know what to do with that. The urge to comfort her, to take her into his arms and assure her she was safe, was all he could think about. That would only terrify her more. She didn’t know him and finding out he was her husband had made the whole situation worse. He was a stranger in her eyes. 
“I think she was relieved.” Az choked out past the tightness of his throat. “When I told her there was no mating bond. I’m a stranger to her Cas.”
“She needs time.” Cas repeated his earlier sentiment. “She has had a lot of information thrown at her in a short amount of time. It’s not just you who feels like a stranger to her. It’s not just all these new faces she woke up to. She probably feels like a stranger to herself too. To find out she has a life she doesn't remember? To not have any recollection of all the choices she made that led her into that life? That’s got to be a serious mind fuck. She doesn’t know who that Celeste is.”
He had spent so much time grappling with how to reconcile the fact that they were all strangers to her that Azriel hadn’t really considered she was also a stranger to herself. He had focused so much on her fear and his grief that it didn’t click until now. 
“What if this time she chooses differently?” Az’s voice hardly above a whisper as that chasm yawned painfully, stealing his breath away. “What if this time she doesn’t choose me?”
“She hasn’t run yet.” Cassian answered with a soft smile. At his brother’s apparent confusion he continued. “Celeste could have run for the hills as soon as she realized the situation she was in. She trusts Nesta now, she could have begged her for sanctuary anytime in the past few days. She could have left that house for somewhere she felt safer already. There are a thousand choices she could have made since waking up that she didn’t make. Something inside is telling her to hold out and see where she lands even if she doesn’t realize it yet.”
Azriel contemplated his words in silence, the look on his face told Cassian he wasn’t quite convinced.
“Do you still love her?” He asked.
“Of course I do.” Az scoffed.
Cas nodded knowingly at his answer. “The Celeste you fell in love with is still there. And the Azriel she fell in love with is still here too.”
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The day had progressed much faster than most of the previous ones. Probably due to the fact that Celeste had actual tasks to complete instead of roaming around the townhouse. Nesta had graciously accompanied her to the healer’s clinic earlier that morning before jetting off to do some much needed errands. Celeste felt a bit like a burden for having taken up all of Nesta’s time over the past week. She was still sleeping at Celeste’s side, although now at least she had moved from the armchair into the more than ample bed. 
She hadn’t recognized anyone upon arriving at the clinic, hoping to at least see Marin or Selah who she had been acquainted with in the couple days after waking up. The faces were all new to her however, but they all knew her considering she was their boss. The title felt strange to Celeste, the thought of managing so many people and schedules and needs was overwhelming. Quickly though she was set to task and was able to set her thoughts to the job at hand rather than her own swirling thoughts.
A positively tiny healer by the name of Elora had suggested that Celeste could start on inventory since it was due to be done in the next month or so anyway. She was provided with a list, strangely written out in her own hand, and shown to the back room. 
The walls were filled with glass fronted cabinets and open shelving of all kinds. Mismatched in color and height, they were arranged in whatever way could be fit. Deciding to start from the left most side of the room she began. By lunchtime she was no further than the third cabinet down, the depths of the shelves inside each cabinet seeming to hold a neverending assortment. It didn’t help that healers were constantly in and out of the door in search of their needed items causing Celeste to backtrack and amend her previous counts. 
Just a couple hours later, she tucked the list back into the office that she was told was hers and set herself on the bench outside to wait for Nesta. She had said she would return by now to walk her home but she was still nowhere in sight. The sun warmed Celeste’s skin and the sounds of the movements of downtown lulled in the background of her thoughts. With no task to complete now they had begun ramping back up to full swing. 
Slipping in the door once more, she found Elora and pulled her aside. “Would you please let Nesta know I headed back already.”
Elora gave her a wide eyed stare. “Are you sure? She might worry.”
“I can make it back home on my own,” Celeste answered politely. “It’s really not hard. I remember the way.”
Elora just gave her a nod and went on to her next patient.
Celeste did remember the way, at least she was pretty sure she did. Once she got out of the downtown proper she knew it was just a curving road along the outskirts until she reached her street. She eyed the posts on the corner closest to the clinic and pulled at her memory of earlier this morning. 
Yes, we definitely came from that street. And then a right at the next one I believe.
Confident in her path, Celeste set out. It wasn’t long before her thoughts began getting louder and she found it hard to block them out completely. Letting herself pick them apart a little at a time while she took in her surroundings, she carried on over the cobblestones. 
First and foremost in her mind was the incident from when she had wandered the house. Stumbling upon Azriel by surprise was bad enough, but the revelation that he was her husband still made her reel if she thought about it too long. She had not spent much time in his company outside of shared meals and so she hardly knew anything else about him other than what her friends had relayed to her. She had found that Nesta’s words still rang true. Stoic? Check. Kind? As far as she could tell, but she had spent zero time alone with him. Truly loved her? 
She shook that thought away before she could pry at it too deeply. Celeste couldn’t stomach the crawling feeling that it gave her in her gut. It wasn’t that Azriel was bad looking, he was actually quite beautiful. But love? How could anyone love someone so damaged as her? She was afraid to be alone, afraid of males in general, afraid of getting hurt. How could that attract love?
That is the old you, the you from before. You are a different person now, you just don’t remember.
Celeste shook that incessant thought from her brain once more. She didn’t feel like it was the old her. How could it be? How could she now be a different person if she didn’t remember anything about becoming that person?
That spiral of a thought made her pause before letting it slip away. Her brain was fuzzy with too much thinking and she glanced up at her surroundings once more to make sure she was still on the right path. But she wasn’t. Or at least she didn’t think so.
The building before her wasn’t once they had passed this morning, or was it? The gray stone front and full holly bushes out front were generic enough but also oddly familiar. She spun around to take in the rest of the street but before she could get enough of a look, a voice called out to her.
“Celeste!” Nesta called out breathlessly. “Gods spare me!” she gasped as she bent over, hands to knees catching her breath. “You scared me to death, I’ve been running around for three blocks looking for you.”
“Sorry, Nes.” Celeste replied sincerely. “I really thought I could get myself home. I guess I got distracted.” She flashed Nesta a lopsided smile of apology.
“It’s alright. I found you. Thankfully before I had to employ help.” She panted as she righted herself. “Azriel would have never forgiven me. Let’s keep it between us ok?”
At the mention of Azriel, Celeste’s smile faltered and she gave Nesta a quick nod. Nesta’s gaze had shifted before she could see it however, drifting up to the building they still stood in front of.
A frown of thought appeared across her face as she looked at Celeste once more. “Did you mean to come here?”
It was Celeste’s turn to frown. “No, I got distracted and I was just trying to figure out where I was.”
“Strange.” Nesta said wistfully.
“Why is it strange?”
“Just that you would end up here without meaning to. You used to live here. You don’t remember anything about that at all?”
Celeste peered at the building once more trying to unearth that earlier feeling that it looked oddly familiar, but the feeling slipped through her mind like smoke as she tried to grasp at it. 
“No. Nothing.”
“Yeah, you lived here before you and Az were married. I’m pretty sure it was the only place you lived in Velaris before you met all of us.”
Celeste remained staring at the building, trying to imagine herself walking from the lobby doors and carrying out her day to day life, but she had so little idea of what that life actually looked like.
Nesta saw the thick look of concentration on Celeste’s face. “We can go up and see your old apartment if you want. Maybe it would trigger something for you.”
They had been trying unsuccessfully over the past couple days to see if random things could pull forward any of her locked memories. Nesta had even had her read books they had finished hoping maybe even just the plots would ring a bell. 
“We can’t just go knocking on people’s doors asking to peruse their home, Nes.” Celeste giggled at the thought.
“We don’t have to,” Nesta started. “You own the building, you can do whatever you want. Besides, your old apartment is an office anyway so we wouldn’t be barging in or anything.”
“I – own the building?” Celeste stared at her, openmouthed. “And why is my apartment an office? I’m so confused.” 
“Well, technically Az bought it for you. And It’s not just an apartment building anymore. It’s a sanctuary for females escaping violence.” Nesta’s face softens. “You wanted to put it to good use. So you made it a place where they could transition safely into a new life.”
Tears sprang immediately to Celeste’s eyes. This building before her was the start of a new life for others like her. She did this.
“Did-” she choked out. “Did Azriel buy the building so I could do this?” She gestured with her hand toward the building front.
“Well, not exactly.” Nesta’s face twisted as she hesitated. “I don’t know if it's my place to tell you.”
“Whose place would it be Nes? This is my life we are talking about. I want to know.” Celeste demanded.
“I know, honey. It’s just – it feels so personal. But you are right. It’s your life.” Nesta’s face softens as she sighs. “Az bought you the building a few years after you two got together. Even after you moved in with him, you kept secretly renewing the lease on your apartment. You didn’t want to let it go. When it was sold to a buyer who was going to demolish it, Az doubled their offer and bought the building.”
The apparent look of confusion across Celeste’s face had Nesta reaching out, placing a gentle hand on her elbow. 
“You always wanted to make sure you had a place to go. If you ever wanted to leave, you didn’t want to be stuck. He knew about the apartment the whole time, so when the building was being sold he made sure you would always have it.” 
Celeste’s tears were back with a vengeance now, leaking steadily down her face. This revelation rocked against all the previous thoughts in her mind, the fear since waking, the suspicion of Azriel, the worry that her life wasn’t what it seemed. It shook her to her core. 
She turned to Nesta, eyes still glistening. “There’s one more place I want to go.”
Taglist - @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria @chairofchaos @pit-and-the-pen @prythianpages
@weekendlusting @sarawritestories @ceoofyearning @i-am-infinite @tothestarsandwhateverend
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
Chapter 7
CW: a good amount of angst, reader finally is letting neteyam in and realizing how she does truly love him too, physical contact, neteyam suffering while holding back from mating w/ reader, mentions of sex, yearning, sexual language, reader and neteyam acting like a cute couple, playful flirting, reader is more vulnerable with neteyam, a lot of fluff, reader feels guilty about the way she's been treating neteyam. Tell me if I'm missing something important!
Sorry for taking long to update, my angels 🥺🤍 unfortunately I'm going through a tough path in my personal life rn and bc of that I fell on a horrible depressive episode that I'm still on. So, my motivation to do stuff is very low at the moment and as I have to deal with my adult responsibilities that I can't run from bc nobody can, rn the best I'm able to do is focus the tiny bit of energy I have onto getting them done. I won't be able to update my fanfics as fast as I used to for some time. Can't say how long, it's not under my control currently, sorry :( But I LOVE writing, it's a great escape for me, from life problems and stuff, so, I really do not plan on stop writing fanfiction. I promise! Don't worry too much. Some of the upcoming chapters of this fanfiction, for example, are already saved on my Google Docs. I'll take longer but I won't stop updating. Anyway, I'm a tiny bit (ok maybe much more than that lol) insecure about this chapter but I hope y'all like it. Seeing your comments about the fic would make me incredibly happy. I'm needing some serotonin right now 🥲 Thanks for reading my writings ♡
Not proofread. Sorry if some parts are a bit messed up. I'll proofread it as soon as I can <3
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Chapter 6
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowin' my pride
Standin' in front of you sayin' I'm sorry for that night
It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you
Back to December (Taylor Swift)
You inclined yourself slowly and sheepishly in Neteyam's direction, still feeling guilty for the way you had been treating him before. Neteyam sensed your self doubt and quickly swept you off your feet, taking you inside his arms, so he could finally get the hug he had been dying for, so he could finally feel your small body against his bigger one. His big hands were now under your thighs, securing you in place against his warm body. That closeness, his touch… it all felt incredibly good. You cursed yourself for pushing him away and postponing that moment. To think you could have felt that before and you didn't… "Stupid girl" you thought.
You were now really far from the ground but you felt safe. Now you knew Neteyam would always protect you. He would not let you fall and get hurt. He was not and had never been a threat to you. There was not and there never was any reason for you to be afraid of him.
"Oeyä yawne…" (my beloved) "You feel so soft and tiny… Eywa… Nga yawne lu oer" (I love you) His voice was choked with emotion as he held back tears of joy while he hugged you as tight as he was able to - without hurting you - and you rested your head upon his shoulder. Your nose was hovering over his neck and you sniffed his skin, smelling his natural, cozy scent. It was intoxicating, drawing you in, making you wanna stay like that forever. 
You breathed in deep and relaxed inside his huge arms that held you for the first time but still strangely felt like home, like you had felt them around you a thousand times already. If you believed in past lives - which you didn't - you'd explain this odd but amazing feeling as you having found your soulmate again, in this current life. There was no fear of Neteyam inside of you anymore. You only yearned for more and more of him, only a burning affection kept your whole being warm, just like his massive body did too.
"There's still something I need to ask of you, if this is gonna work out between us." You said, breaking the hug for a while to look him in the eye
"Say it, yawne."
Neteyam was still so utterly happy that he did not even seem to be shaken by that, which he could have been
"You know why I pushed you away. First of all, finding out an alien double your size has been stalking you is freaking unnerving." You still gazed into his eyes, wanting him to pay attention to your words "Second, you acted like a creep. At least compared to the way human guys act around girls they're interested in. I don't really have any experience dating na'vi boys, you know?" You choked a little as you were trying hard to hold back laughter
"Ouch…" Neteyam playfully pretended to be extremely hurt by your previous statements. He chuckled "In my defense, I'd say my instincts are to blame, not me, exactly." You gave him a death stare, but in a playful manner too "When I saw you, I knew you would be the perfect mate for me and I had to make you mine. Everything about you rubbed me just the right way."
You smiled. He was being silly and so sweet. You just could not resist it.
"By the way, when did you see me for the first time?" 
Neteyam seemed to get shy after that question. You wondered why.
"I fell in love with you while you were in your Avatar body, yawntu. That's when I first saw you." Neteyam looked up at you again, smiling but showing no teeth
"You what?" You questioned him, a bit shocked but you could not bring yourself to be mad at him, though. Imagining him hiding behind trees and up in branches to watch you silently seemed adorable in your eyes, now. 
And yes, you knew it sounded crazy, to find someone who used to literally stalk you adorable, but nobody said that anything that was happening to you right now made any sense. Not even you would try to.
"How did I never notice you were around?" You shook your head in disapproval of your distraction back in the forest.
What if it had been a na'vi who did not trust you a single bit to even let you Dreamwalk freely, without grabbing you by the arm and taking you to the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk? Some na'vi hated humans to that point. And, as you always said and always would say, you had a great empathy towards them and could imagine yourself feeling the same way if you were na'vi. You could never bring yourself to judge them as harshly as way too many humans did. You knew they were not the villains of the story. But still, what if that na'vi tried to hurt you? You felt tense at the thought.
Neteyam noticed your uneasiness and tried to calm you.
"Don't worry, yawne. I'm a great warrior. A big part of being a good warrior is being really focused on one's mission and knowing how to get by as unnoticed as possible. So many other humans in their Avatars and even many, many na'vi wouldn't notice me, either."
Neteyam still wanted to call those other humans "demons in false bodies" but he was not going to. He knew it would hurt you and make you feel like he was talking about you too. But he was not. Whenever he had called you "demon", it never meant the same thing as it would mean if he was talking about any other human. But he knew it would be hard for you to understand. So he promised himself that he would never call you "demon" again. After that eclipse night when the both of you were talking in front of your bedroom window, he realized how much it hurt you when he called you that. He hated himself for bringing you pain. And his heart hurt so badly when he thought about the possibility of you pushing him away again. It made him want to hold onto your small, frail body tightly and say "Please, don't leave me! I can't be without you again… Please…"
"If you say so… I still think I should've been more careful, though." You say, still feeling a little nervous and thinking that maybe you had not been the best student when attending to your classes about na'vi behavior and that maybe you didn't pay enough attention to warnings they may have given about being mindful of your surroundings when Dreamwalking 
"I promise it's okay. It was not your fault, yawntu. I'm just good at what I do." His smile clearly showed he was proud of being a good warrior
"Ok, then." You smiled back at him and the both of you laughed a bit.
Suddenly, he stopped smiling and his gaze dropped to your lips, that were not that far from his own lips, if it wasn't for that damn oxygen mask. You felt like he wanted to kiss you. The moment was awkward but in a good way. He could not kiss you with the mask on, so, instead, he smiled at you once again and looked down at the floor, bashful.
You touched his huge, gorgeous face and he looked up at you again "So, about what we were talking about before… Just try to be a little less… upfront about what you feel for me. I mean… sexually. I love that you want me this much because I want you too, Neteyam. A lot, actually. You're… really freaking hot." He smiled, blissful, and his cat-like eyes sparkled as he heard that, his ears perking up. "But you're a bit too much, at times. If you could just tone it down a bit…" Neteyam looked a little ashamed and insecure, so, you rubbed your thumb on his soft skin, to reassure him you still longed for him too "At least while I get used to your na'vi nature, it would be great. Please, try to understand me… It's a whole new world I'm just now discovering. But it doesn't mean I don't love you and don't want you and it doesn't mean you should feel insecure." You smiled gently, showing no teeth. 
Neteyam looked a bit sad again after you finished your sentence and you totally understood why. In his na'vi mind, you were practically rejecting him. That was who he truly was, animalistic and a bit too much to your human standards. He must feel like who he is was not enough or good in your eyes.
"Hey" You cupped his face again "I wanna do something. Just let me take this mask off, first." You wanted to reassure Neteyam of your feelings for him by giving him a kiss.
"Yawne, no! You can't breathe without it. You could die really fast! I'm not gonna let you do it."
"So you don't want a kiss, Neteyam Suli? I thought you'd want it, judging by the way you have been stalking me and by our interaction that night, outside my bedroom's window." You teased him and his face lit up
Neteyam gave you an excited smile. The way his full lips curled up as he quickly pondered about the pros and cons of your offer was so beautiful, almost hypnotizing.
God, you really were in love with that na'vi boy, weren't you? There's no going back now. He's holding your heart in his big, weird but cute, alien hands.
"I guess if we make it quick-"
"Shut up, Neteyam." You interrupted, chuckling playfully "I know you're dying to feel my lips on yours. Just help me take this mask off already." It was a bit hard for you to take the mask off while holding onto his shoulders. You knew he would not let you fall but still you wanted to still feel a bit of control and keep holding onto him too.
Neteyam got surprised by your boldness, since he did not see it coming, and he could only think about how freaking amazing it would feel to finally taste your lips, so, he did as you asked - leaving the mask hanging on your neck by the strap it had - and you rapidly held his big pretty, blue face, brought your lips to his and placed the most tender of kisses there, pressing your mouth against his mouth softly but with so much care, trying to let him feel how much you desired him too. His lips were velvety, warm and so incredibly good to kiss. God, you did not care that you were risking dying from lack of oxygen. You wanted that alien boy so badly.
Neteyam's still tense demeanor soon turned into a calmer one as he kissed you back. His hold on you got tighter as he felt your sweet soft lips on his. He felt so incredibly hungry for you. How could he not be? Your kiss was the most delicious thing he had ever felt in his whole life. You both shared saliva and wet each other's lips with each time your lips parted only slightly and came together again. Your soft skin made him want to squeeze you and never let you go again. Neteyam wanted to cuddle with you, wanted to wrap his tail around your small body in a possessive way to let you know you're his and that he would take care of you, hunt food to feed you and protect you from anything that could ever hurt you.
It was getting harder and harder for him not to lay you on the ground and press his body against your tiny one and make love to you right there but he knew that, thinking rationally, that was not a good idea at all, as the both of you were just outside a laboratory full of humans and you two could easily get caught and be in danger.
Even though Neteyam craved your body insanely, now even more than before, as he was finally feeling you close and tasting your lips, he was trying to take it as slow and gentle as he could because he wanted to respect your limits instead of scaring you away again. He understood you were human and your race acted in a very different way when it came to relationships. He still thought it to be a dumb way to lead things but it was you who was asking him to act differently and he loved you with his whole being. He could not bring himself to say "no" to that request. He knew it would be temporary and you soon would give into the na'vi that lives inside of you when it came to mating too. For you, Neteyam could wait. He knew things would soon change for the better. You were now in his arms, as the two of you kissed. You were no longer afraid of him. That was everything he needed at that moment. Things were already so much better.
Neteyam noticed you were having more and more trouble breathing, so he got worried and quickly put your oxygen mask back on.
You gasped for air and breathed in so much oxygen once you had your mask on that it might have been funny to watch, though Neteyam did not laugh. On the contrary, he seemed way too serious, way too worried about your safety. You wanted him to relax a bit.
"See how much I love you? I risked dying just to give you a kiss." You tried to speak normally but what came out of your mouth was a hoarse whisper instead, as your lungs were still in need of more air. A weak smile was adorning your lips as you struggled but still managed to let out a frail chuckle
"Don't say that, oeyä tawtute, please." Neteyam told you, trying to stay serious but still letting out a chuckle as well
"See the sacrifices I make for you, Neteyam?" You tried to seem mad at him at the beginning, only to start laughing shortly after, now that you finally had enough oxygen in your system to be able to let out an actual laugh, even if it still sounded weaker than your laughing would sound in another situation
He smiled big and teased you "Skxawng." (moron)
"But you love me." You closed your eyes while smiling, full of yourself
"I do." You opened your eyes to look at his face "More than you think, yawntu."
Your heartbeat accelerated intensely and you blushed. Neteyam found your blushed cheeks adorable. He looked at you so intensely, like he was holding the most precious thing in the world in his arms.
Neteyam knew he had just fallen even harder for you now that you both had kissed. He could not wait until he could be alone with you in a safe place and get to explore your body with his hands and kiss you all over. He almost got hard just thinking about that but he tried his hardest to whoosh that away. Neteyam was scared that feeling his bulge would be too much for you at that moment, specially since he knew he was much bigger than the human males you were used to. You might feel uncomfortable because of that difference and the sudden intimate feeling of his hard big cock against you and want to get out of his arms. Neteyam did not want that to happen. He needed you there a bit more, he was not ready to let you stand on your feet yet. And he was so afraid of you not wanting him close anymore, he was so afraid of perhaps ruining what you both had now. It was far too special for him. He could not let his sexual instincts ruin that. The time would come when you would let him in completely, when you would grant him permission to be inside of you and show you how much he craved your pussy, how much you messed with his head and awakened his most intense desires. Until then, he would wait and take baby steps. For you, he was capable of waiting for ages, though he hoped so strongly it would not take long.
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vivid-ink · 1 year
"To Know You Again"
Chapter 6 & epilogue - From Now Until Forever
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Pairing: Neteyam x fem!Omatikaya OC
Summary: “Do you remember our last night here? The night before my family left?” The warm, rumbling timbre of Neteyam’s voice washed over her. “Yes,” Naia whispered. How could she forget?... She had replayed the memory of his lips over and over numerous times. One corner of Neteyam’s mouth lifted in a small smile as his eyes tracked over the delicate bridge of her nose and over her steadily flushing cheeks. His gaze stopped to rest on her lips, “You gave me something that night. I think it's time I returned it."
An exploration of what if Neteyam had to leave a girl he was close to behind when his family fled to the reefs to seek refuge. AU - Set 7 years after TWoW, exploring the many emotions and the eventual romantic reunion between Neteyam and his love.
Warnings: Adult content 18+, MDNI Content: Romance, drama, angst, fluff, sexual content, smut, soulmates, bonding. Word Count: 10.4k
Previous Chapter 5 - Doubt No More Series master list HERE
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Warmth. Sublime warmth was what Naia felt all around her and within her as Neteyam flew them both back to High Camp on Tompa’s back: The warmth of the daylight kissing her bare skin; the warmth of Neteyam’s chest against her back; the warmth overflowing in her heart and soul after the most perfect night in his arms as his mate.
Tilting her face to her left, Naia nuzzled the skin of Neteyam’s bicep, loving the new scent that now seeped from his pores as well as hers. It was their scent now; a delightful combination of his scent and hers etched into their beings forevermore like a marker that they would both recognise anywhere going forward. It was commonly referred to as the mating scent and it was strongest in the days immediately after a mated pair had sealed their bond before Eywa.
They had stopped by a river spring prior to heading home to wash each other and rinse off the obvious evidence of their night in paradise, but their mating scent would still be evident to anyone in the vicinity like an unspoken declaration of their new union.
“We’re nearly home,” Neteyam murmured by her ear, “Shall we go to your family’s shelter first? Your parents will still be worried.”
Nodding in agreement, Naia turned her head with a query, “Although, I thought you said you’d told everyone that you’d found me so they knew I was alright?”
“Yes, but you know what your mother is like. She won’t stop worrying herself sick until she’s seen you with her own eyes.”
Naia snorted out a laugh and then immediately felt bad. Her mother was prone to being overdramatic, but Naia acknowledged that she would have caused her mother great concern with her prolonged disappearance yesterday. It was definitely best that she checked in with her parents first thing before seeking Mo’at out.
“And then we’ll go to the tsahìk to be blessed?” Naia asked.
A husky chuckle rumbled through Neteyam’s chest and he pressed a kiss to the side of her face, “Yes, my love, then we’ll go to my grandmother to have her bless our mating.”
It was well past the break of dawn now and the clan would be well into the swing of the day with chores and activities. Neteyam’s long-distance patrol had been gruelling the day before and it had been agreed amongst the warriors that today would be a day of rest for them. However, today was technically a work day for Naia.
Suppressing a tired yawn, Naia hoped to herself that the news of her mating to Neteyam, and her re-acceptance of her role as tsakarem, would be good news enough to tamp down any aggravation that Mo’at might hold towards her for her abandonment of duties yesterday and her no-show to work today. Naia’s yawn spawned one of Neteyam’s own and she giggled at the happening.
He nipped the point of her ear playfully, “It’s your fault I’m so exhausted, woman. You thoroughly wore me down last night.”
Naia narrowed her eyes at him with a sassy pout. Three times in a night after a long day was impressive, she supposed. The wicked part of her mused that she was going to thoroughly enjoy testing more of her mate’s limits in this area in the near future.
“We’ll see your parents and my parents, and then just take the day off to rest. We both need it. The rest of the clan can wait. I’ll tell my grandmother not to make any formal announcement for a couple of days.” Neteyam stated, urging Tompa towards High Camp as the familiar floating mount came into view ahead beyond the mist.
Swiftly alighting once they had reached their destination, Neteyam and Naia both thanked Tompa before sending the ikran on his way back to the rookery where Naia’s own ikran was surely awaiting her mate after a long day and night away. Feet firmly back on home ground, Neteyam smiled affectionately at Naia, instinctively holding a hand out to lead her to her family’s shelter. Naia’s hand slipped without hesitation into the larger warmth of his and flutters erupted in her belly as she once again marvelled at how handsome he was, how perfect, and all hers.
They passed several others on their way who gave relieved smiles and kind waves at the sight of Naia, all of which she returned somewhat shamefacedly. Neteyam had told her that Tarsem had mobilised most of the able-bodied yesterday in their search for her. Scout parties had taken to the skies, others had patrolled the forest floor on pa’li, while the rest had scoured the nearby cave systems around High Camp on foot.
Great Mother… all over one misunderstanding and a severe overreaction on her part…
Naia felt Neteyam squeeze her hand reassuringly and she breathed a quiet sigh. She just wanted to see her parents, share the news too with Neteyam’s parents and then spend the rest of today doing sweet, blessed nothing (preferably with Neteyam by her side). This was a sentiment she knew Neteyam shared too, judging by the darker rims around his eyes and his heavy eyelids.
Reaching the cloth-draped threshold of Naia’s home, however, any wish the pair had of a discreet return evaporated in the next instant when seven, no, eight pairs of eyes turned to settle on them as they parted the flaps to enter.
Naia froze in her tracks and she felt Neteyam bump into the back of her, before she heard him suck in a surprised breath at the discovery.
There were eight people crowded in her family’s living area. Ayepni and Tulut were expected, being Naia’s parents, but Jake, Neytiri, Mo’at, Leylani, Tarsem and Tupou, most certainly were not. Eight pairs of golden eyes were accompanied very quickly by their eight twitching, sniffing noses as they all undoubtedly scented the reason for Naia and Neteyam’s belated return to camp.
Naia wished the ground beneath her would open up and swallow her whole.
Eywa, she was so tired… She did not want to face so many people right now, Naia’s petulance grouched. With an almost inaudible groan, she began to turn away from their unexpected audience, trying to push past Neteyam to leave, “Let’s go.”
However, Neteyam stopped her with a gentle hand around her waist. He gave her a consoling look with a cock of his head, “Your mother, Naia.”
At his reminder, Naia turned on heel and sought out her mother’s form, finding her in the middle of the gathered circle next to her father. The older woman looked distressed, her eyes puffy and her cheeks wet.
Ayepni sprang to her feet with a cry and she hastened towards Naia with her arms outstretched, “Oh my daughter! We were so worried, Manaia!”
Naia received her mother in a tight embrace, apologising profusely and attempting to calm her mother’s sobs, “I’m sorry, sa’nok. My actions were rash yesterday. I’m sorry I worried you and sempu.”
In a flash her mother’s tone turned scolding, “You worried everyone, maite! Not just your father and I!”
Forced now to acknowledge the unanticipated assembly of people in her home, Naia lifted embarrassed eyes to them, “I apologise for the inconvenience I’ve caused. I wasn’t thinking straight.”
Ayepni was busy checking Naia over now, lifting her arms and circling her daughter’s torso, clucking at all the scrapes and cuts. She stopped to peer intently at a few bruises on her neck and collarbone, which made Naia squirm uncomfortably because she knew full well that those bruises were not in fact bruises at all, courtesy of Neteyam.
Slowly, the gathered group all rose to their feet, encircling the pair of them and ushering them into the space. Leylani was next in line to give Naia a hug, and Neteyam saw his mother and grandmother were close behind her.
Catching his father’s eye, Neteyam greeted Jake warmly as his father pulled him into a strapping hug. Neteyam took the opportunity to whisper a question by Jake’s ear, “Uh, why is everyone gathered here, Dad?”
Chortling softly, Jake nodded towards the spread of food on the floormats behind them, “Well, Ayepni was worried sick and so she did what she does best and busied herself with cooking. Leylani was here most of the night consoling her. Your mother and grandmother came to check in with them this morning, and Tulut invited them to stay for first meal.”
Neteyam’s eyes flickered to Tarsem and Tupou then in a silent extension to his original question and Jake continued, “Tarsem and I have reprimanded Tupou this morning. He’s here to make his apology. We figured you and Manaia would return here first thing.”
“Right, I see.” Neteyam breathed with a deep inhale and exhale at the irony of the situation. It was the exact opposite of the quiet return he had hoped for.
Tulut stepped up to Neteyam and gripped him firmly on the shoulder. He was a man of few words and also one of the few people Neteyam felt a little cautious around in life. Tulut was a master craftsmen and weaver who was well-respected among the clan for his work, but it was his position as Naia’s father that intimidated Neteyam.
“Our thanks to you, Neteyam, for bringing our daughter home safely.” Tulut stated in a genial tone, his shorter stature not making Neteyam any less nervous around the man, “Though, perhaps I should be addressing you differently now, son?”
Crouching immediately down onto one knee in a sign of deep respect, Neteyam took Tulut’s hand and brought the knuckles of it to his forehead and pledged, “It is an honour to have Naia by my side, sir. I promise you that she will want for nothing and that her safety and happiness are my utmost priority.”
Tulut gave an amused cackle and pulled Neteyam to his feet. Fighting not to be overwhelmed by his own humour, Tulut uttered between hoarse laughs, “I’m not worried for Manaia. I know she is in good hands, mated to our future olo’eyktan no less. However, my daughter is a handful like her mother is, with a tongue sharp like a whip, and a temper that could rival the fiercest of tempests. You’ll need an arsenal of skills to weather those storms, son.”
Jake laughed along with Neteyam at Tulut’s words, “All women are storms, but there’s immense beauty in their peril and strength. Your daughter is warmly welcomed into our soaia, Tulut. It has been a long time coming.” Jake jostled Neteyam lightly with his words, his eyes twinkling with meaning as he teased his son.
Tulut appeared to catch on to Jake’s meaning perfectly and he smiled at Neteyam, whose ears were fidgeting self-consciously after his father’s quip. He caught the younger man’s eye again and spoke, “I have never seen Manaia so happy as she has been in recent weeks. Likewise, there has only ever been one in her heart. Welcome to the family, Neteyam.”
Naia was not far from Neteyam, slowly disentangling herself from yet another one of Leylani’s very excited hugs. Leylani pulled Naia into a little nook, almost bouncing with glee, “Oh, my heart is so full for you and Neteyam, sister! Congratulations!”
“Thanks, Leylani.” Naia replied and her expression turned contrite again as she clutched at Leylani’s hands, “I’m so sorry for the way I reacted yesterday. I shouldn’t have thought the worst of you like that without clarifying. You’ve always been good to me, and I feel like such an ass now.”
Leylani waved Naia’s apology away with a good-natured scoff, “I’m just glad you’re alright.” She leaned in closer to Naia then, “Do you need moon-tea? I have a fresh batch that I just brewed the other day back at tsahìk’s hut.”
The question caught Naia off-guard and she blinked a few times while Leylani’s words sunk in. Moon-tea. She had not even thought of it or considered the possibility when she and Neteyam had sealed their bond last night.
Her surprise must have been evident on her face as Leylani felt the need to expound further, “The mating bond opens your body to conception, sister. I have the tea if you want it.”
With a small and wistful smile, Naia realised she did not want the moon-tea. There was no guarantee of course that she had conceived after last night, but the possibility was there. Everything happened in the Great Mother’s time as she willed it, and if Eywa deigned to bless her and Neteyam with a baby then Naia would gladly accept the blessing. “Thanks Leylani, but I’m alright.”
Leylani’s only response was another happy squeal and another bone-crushing hug that stunned Naia considering how petite the other girl was.
“Well, I suppose congratulations are in order!” Tarsem boomed over the throng of speaking voices. He had a vessel of drink raised like a toast to the good news, but he lowered it then and nudged his son forward, “But first my son has an apology to make.”
Neteyam moved to stand by Naia’s side as Tupou skulked up to them. The young warrior’s face was stony and his head was still held high, but Neteyam could see the cracks of shame in the surface of his haughty façade. Naia scowled at Tupou, unimpressed, but she wisely kept the multitude of sharp retorts waiting on her tongue to herself.
Tupou dropped to one knee before them, one fist placed on the ground next to him, “Please accept my apology, brother Neteyam. I broke the confidence you asked for and my actions have caused unwarranted harm.”
Pursing his lips, Neteyam regarded Tupou with a calculating stare, “It’s not me you caused the most distress to with your loose mouth, brother.”
Half-heartedly, Tupou’s eyes shifted to meet Naia’s before he dipped his head out of necessity, “I apologise, Manaia. Your feelings were an unintentional casualty.”
Naia ground her teeth where she stood, thinking that she had never heard an apology less sincere. But she muttered her quiet acceptance through gritted teeth nonetheless and reminded herself that the fault was not entirely Tupou’s. Neteyam had hidden the truth from her too.
Tupou unfolded himself to rise to his feet again, and his gaze shifted deliberately between Naia and Neteyam. With a telltale twitch of his nose, he spoke, “I assume, since you’re both mated now, that this means Manaia has reclaimed her position as tsakarem?”
A soft huff of disbelief puffed from Naia’s lips at the blunt and tactless nature of the question. She had not wanted to share the news of her re-acceptance with the clan for a couple of days yet, and she bristled at the way Tupou had thrown her out in the open in front of everyone, “By Eywa, this is so typical of you, Tupou. Still only concerned with your own agenda?”
As expected, Tupou met Naia’s rising annoyance head on and he spat, “I would just like to know where I stand. After all, I’m only making a logical conclusion based on your happy news.” His nose wrinkled visibly again as he scented the air.
A warning hiss and growl rumbled from Neteyam who took immediate objection to the erroneous implication of Tupou’s words, “Take care, brother. My intention to mate Naia was never in question. It was always the reclamation of my birthright that was dependent on Naia’s choice, not the other way round.”
Tupou’s lips parted, no doubt preparing to hurl another rebuttal, but Naia’s weariness had caught up to her and she just wanted peace. Exasperated, she interrupted and hissed at him, “But yes, Tupou, I have decided to re-accept the role of tsakarem. Eywa forbid we ever have you as olo’eyktan with poor Leylani doomed to your side as your minder and keeper for eternity!”
A loud and amused snort perforated the mounting tension in the air, and whatever tautness that remained quickly fizzled out as all eyes turned to see Mo’at’s wizened form quaking with laughter at Naia’s words, “Minder and keeper, hah! That’s a good one, Manaia.” The tsahìk’s eyes shone with mirth as she took in Tupou’s sullen expression at her laughing at his expense and she cajoled him, “Ah Tupou, don’t look so glum, child. You got your wish after all, did you not?”
“Sa’nok, a blessing for the happy pair, perhaps?” Neytiri suggested, moving to stand by Neteyam. She gave his cheek an affectionate stroke, noting the darker circles around her son’s eyes.
“Yes, come! A blessing and then some food and rest. You must both be drained after yesterday’s ordeal.” Mo’at agreed, swooping around the group and gesturing for Naia and Neteyam to kneel in the middle.
Neteyam’s ears caught the tail-end of a crass joke that Tarsem, Jake and Tulut were whispering between themselves; something about a particular part of him being well-drained indeed. Neteyam shook his head with a smirk. He took Naia’s hands in his and he guided them both down to their knees, facing each other. He could see Naia was uncomfortable with the audience.
Naia bit her lip as she knelt, preventing her words of protest from spilling. She had wanted an intimate blessing ceremony with just Neteyam and Mo’at. However, nothing about this morning was turning out the way she had envisioned. She was exhausted and everything around her at that moment just felt overwhelming.
Until Neteyam gently took her chin between his fingers to bring her attention back to him.
Naia’s eyes focused on his beautiful face and the tender smile playing across his lips mollified her frazzled senses.
Neteyam enveloped her hands in his and he breathed, “Just look at me, yawntu. Only me.”
Mo’at’s chanting filled the air around them, but the sound was dulled to Naia’s ears as she allowed herself to drown in the singular sight and scent of Neteyam. An idyllic smile stretched across her own lips. He was her world…
Most people would call her foolish for centring her happiness around one person, but for Naia, the habit was not new.
Neteyam had always been and would always be the focal point of her universe.
There were many things that Naia was learning and rediscovering about Neteyam now that they were mated.
They had been gifted their own home shelter shortly after returning to High Camp together that morning several weeks ago. Waking next to the warmth of his body and falling asleep in his embrace every night was bliss, and Naia knew she would never tire of the meaningful monotony.
Now that they lived and breathed daily life together, Naia learned that Neteyam was incredibly particular about certain things like the way the drink vessels and food mats were stacked on their shelves. It was imperative that they were stacked in size order from largest to smallest, running from left to right. Their sleeping mats and bedding also had to be neatly rolled and made up every morning. And Neteyam was prone to being what Tuk had taught her was called ‘hangry’ in their family, if he was hungry and last meal was still not quite ready.
Hangry Neteyam was a slightly surlier version of himself that had somehow lost the ability to speak in proper sentences and would only respond in a series of monosyllabic huffs and grunts. Naia found this side of him more amusing than anything else, but she still made sure there was a supply of fresh fruit and dried meat strips on hand for snacking on nonetheless.
The one thing, though, that Naia had discovered about her new husband that both surprised and thrilled her was that if she had thought Neteyam frisky before, during their evenings spent together, he was even more so in the mornings.
Naia swallowed back the small moan that tickled in her throat as Neteyam’s lips grazed the sensitive skin where her neck met her shoulder. She kept her eyes closed, continuing to pretend like she was still asleep where she lay on her side. She felt one of his warm hands stroke down her upper arm before his brazen fingers reached for the swell of her breast, the pads of his fingers toying with her quickly stiffening nipple.
It was a game they played most mornings. Neteyam would ease her awake with his secretive caresses, his smooth lips finding purchase on her neck and chest, while his hands stroked and roamed over her and inside her. All the while Naia would play the sleeping beauty, moaning softly in faux slumber until his touches stoked her desire past the point of being demure and she relented to their morning passion.
Truly, there was no deceit in their sport. Naia knew that Neteyam was aware she was awake because the first thing he always did was join his neural queue to hers, forming tsaheylu.
Good morning, Naia greeted through their bond. She rolled slowly onto her back and hooked a knee over Neteyam’s hip, consenting to his touch as his hand snaked its way down to the apex of her thighs. His fingers found her quickly growing slippery with want and a desirous growl sounded from Neteyam, muffled only by the fact that his face was pressed into the crook of her neck.
Afforded their own privacy now in their new home, they slept bare against each other most nights. There was no need for clothing when they were so in-tune with each other; when their hearts beat in time with each other’s and they kept no secrets.
Neteyam was extra restless this morning and he was impatient. Naia could sense it through their bond and she knew it also from the insistent press of his erection where it was attempting to find some friction against one plump cheek of her bottom. Beneath his intense desire though, Naia found an undercurrent of anxiety at what the day ahead would bring.
Of course… today was the day they would be formally presented to the clan as heirs to the leadership…
Opening her eyes so she could look at him, Naia kissed the crown of his head where he was busying himself with the plush softness of her breasts, and she teased, “Hey, my eyes are up here, skxawng.”
Neteyam snorted and ignored her request, choosing instead to enclose his mouth over one of her nipples in a hot, hard suckle that made Naia gasp and arch against him in pleasure. In a playful mood, however, Naia squirmed and pushed away from him to roll into a sitting position. She turned to look at him, finding him watching her through eyes of molten gold, his lips pursed into an unimpressed pout at the distance she had put between them.
“Come back here.” Neteyam patted the bedding next to him, where he still lay on his side with his head propped up on an elbow.
Naia was in a playful mood. Some mornings she eagerly surrendered to him, but where was the fun if she always acquiesced without some resistance? Eyeing him impishly, she reasoned, not untruthfully, “We don’t have time. The ceremony is due to begin after first meal and people are already eating.”
The lively sounds of the other clan members going about their morning outside their shelter was testament to Naia’s statement, but Neteyam was not swayed, “I know what I want for breakfast.”
You. The unspoken word was a titillating thrill down their bond and Naia had to suppress a pleasurable shudder.
“Well, that won’t fill my belly.” Naia remarked nonchalantly, shifting onto all fours to crawl slowly away from him.
“Oh I’ll fill your belly, just not in the way you mean.”
Neteyam’s racy retort made her nipples harden in want, and the pulsing ache between Naia’s thighs reminded her that it was not just her belly that was hungry.
Oh they had time, if they were quick…
Naia threw him a puckish look over her shoulder while she continued to slink away from him on her hands and knees. She lifted her tail in a suggestive curl away from her bottom, deliberately baring herself to him.
Neteyam pounced in the next instant.
Strong hands clutched at Naia’s hips, pulling her backwards towards him. She gasped in delight at the action. She rather enjoyed it when he was a little rough with her in bed. It was a sexy contrast to the gentle and noble side of him that she normally saw, and the notion that it was her that made him impatient like that was extremely arousing to her.
Neteyam pulled Naia’s bottom flush against his pelvis as he knelt behind her. He leaned down over her, one hand supporting his weight while the other moved to curl around her shoulders, pressing her slender back against the front of his muscular torso. He began to rock his hips against her, enjoying the way his throbbing erection smoothed over the flat of her slippery folds while he attempted to position himself to enter her.
Naia moaned wantonly at the contact, each stroke of his cock running past her sensitive flesh. Her core ached for him to fill her though and she angled her hips gently, arching her back to push her bottom out towards him. His cock finally found its seat at her entrance and Neteyam sheathed himself to the hilt with a single, hard thrust.
The groaning exhale that Neteyam let out was in perfect time with Naia’s inhale of pleasure as the physical and mental sensation of being joined washed over them. Making love like this with tsaheylu would never get old. But they did not have the time this morning to be languid in their enjoyment of each other.
With the arm around Naia’s shoulders serving as leverage, Neteyam set a punishing rhythm of thrusts that knocked the breath from her lungs in short, clipped puffs. His hot breaths ticked her cheek as he panted and grunted, and Naia let her head loll back against his shoulder as she moaned indiscriminately, “Oh Neteyam,”
Neteyam’s thoughts were a chaotic stream in the mental bond they shared; tender compliments, pledges of eternal love, his physical pleasure … You’re so beautiful, my Naia… feels so amazing… my love, I love you… I won’t last long… want you so much.. mine forever…
Naia loved this position. It was her second favourite after being front-to-front with him, and only because she could not easily kiss him like this. She could feel all of him like this, his cock reaching and filling her to its full capability, hitting a sweet spot inside her that made her toes curl in delicious pleasure. It was no issue that Neteyam would not last long today. Through their bond, his pleasure was hers and vice versa. Naia was hurtling towards her own peak at the same startling pace.
“Naia,” Her name fell from his lips in a pleading whimper and Naia could feel him teetering on the edge, stubbornly waiting for her to succumb first. She gave him a mental eyeroll, knowing full well that it did not matter. They always reached their peaks together now when they were bonded in tsaheylu. No matter who reached ecstasy first, succumbing to it always triggered the other’s climax simultaneously.
Deciding to grant them both the rapture they both hungered for, Naia reached down with a hand to caress the sensitive bundle of nerves at the juncture of her thighs. It was the last little push they both needed and they surrendered with a rhapsody of cries to the height of their mutual pleasure. 
Satiated and wilted from the climax, Naia sank down flat onto her front with Neteyam half atop her still. She hummed happily, enjoying the heavy weight and warmth of his body over hers. The moment was short-lived, however. The instant Neteyam’s growing drowsiness fed through to her, she wriggled to free herself from beneath him, remembering the upcoming ceremony that was now even less time away than before.
“Neteyam!” Naia hissed, intending to sound firm and failing when an amused chuckle ruined her attempt, “There’s no time for a lie in. We have to eat quickly, then wash and get ready!”
“We don’t need to eat now. We can eat after the ceremony.” A sleepy drawl from Neteyam.
“Well, I’m hungry. So I’m going to fix myself something without you.” Naia declared, successfully twisting herself free from beneath his weight and slapping his hand away when he made a half-wakeful attempt to reach for her again. She sat upright and sighed with a shake of her head, knowing what would wake him properly.
Reaching for their joined queues, Naia separated them and the now-familiar tingle and shudder of their bond ending washed over her. It was not an unpleasant sensation, just wholly unique and different in what it was to anything else. She knew the sensation would have broken Neteyam out of his dozy stupor and sure enough, she found his eyes open and alert when she glanced down at him again.
“The future olo’eyktan can’t be late to his own presentation ceremony.” Naia said, “That wouldn’t be a good precedent to set.”
Grinning mischievously as he rolled into a sitting position, Neteyam chortled, “Ah, that’s an easy fix. I’ll just tell them I was satisfying the needs of my wife. All the men will understand and all the women will approve.”
An indignant shriek sounded and a plump bolster roll was thrown.
Neteyam only just managed to duck out of the way of it, laughing.
The stagnant air in the enclosed space of the ceremonial tent felt stifling. The weather was not hot, but Neteyam’s skin prickled in discomfort and his heart palpitated at a quickened pace in his chest. The ceremonial tent sat at the back edge of the platform where clan rituals were conducted, and the excited chants and songs of the gathered Omatikaya clan outside could be clearly heard beyond the heavy entry flaps.
Neteyam licked his lips, tasting the earthy tang of the purple and yellow ochre that had been painted by his mother’s gentle fingers over his forehead, cheeks and lips. Matching patterns and stripes of paint adorned his chest, shoulders and back, and a blue-feathered armband hugged his left bicep. His warriors’ cummerbund was snug around his midsection and his hunting dagger was secured at his hip, next to his songcord that trailed down alongside a woven loincloth of regal blue.
Neytiri could sense her son’s nerves and she reached up to stroke his cheek, marvelling at how her firstborn son, her baby, had grown. He was fulfilling his destiny today, formally stepping onto the path of impending leadership that was his birthright, “I’m proud of you, son. Your strength of heart and your wisdom has led you here today. I cannot wait to see you walk on your path of greatness. I love you so much.”
Embracing his mother, Neteyam pressed a kiss to her temple, “Thank you, sa’nok. I wouldn’t be who I am without your or Dad.”
His grandmother hovered in the foreground, an expression of warm approval dancing across her wizened features. Mo’at dipped her head at him with a smile.
A cool hand came to rest on Neteyam’s shoulder and he turned to acknowledge Naia, who was dressed in her own ceremonial garb. The royal blue of her swirling chest piece and loincloth matched his own, and purple and yellow ochre had been swept across her face and torso in a matching theme to his. Eywa, she looked breathtaking…
“What a striking pair you make.” Mo’at pronounced sincerely, coming forward to tuck a stray beaded braid behind Naia’s ear, “Come now. It is time to face our people.”
“Wait, ah, can I have a moment alone with Naia?” Neteyam stammered, “There’s something I need to do before we head out there.”
Both Mo’at and Neytiri pursed their lips at him and they never looked more like mother and daughter than in that instant, united in their mutually unimpressed state. Neytiri clicked her tongue and stressed, “We’re already running late.”
“It’ll be quick. We’ll be out there momentarily.” Neteyam placated with a sheepish expression.
As the two older women swished out of the draping entry flaps, Neteyam turned on heel to his satchel in a corner. Searching through its contents, he found what he was looking for and he gently extracted the delicate article from its depths; his soul gift.
Returning to Naia with it in his hands, he heard her gasp and he grinned at her. He had spent several furtive evenings over the last few weeks fashioning a new cord for it, repairing it and also improving it. Where the iridescent and looping pendant previously hung from a single woven cord, Neteyam had now woven three strings from leather-hide and attached the pendant to their centre.
“These cords won’t be so easily sawn through like the last one.” Neteyam stated candidly.
A twinge of guilt stabbed in Naia’s gut and she apologised for her previous actions, “I’m sorry I cut it off last time. It’s beautiful, Neteyam.” She cupped the pendant in her hands and she pressed a kiss to the precious piece of jewellery that was a symbol of everything that they were to each other. She gathered her hair in her hands and instinctively turned away from him so he could affix it around her neck.
Naia noticed that Neteyam had also made the cords shorter so that the pendant did not dangle as low as it previously had. She felt him fasten it around her neck, tighter than before but not so tight that it was uncomfortable. The three woven cords sat flush against her skin and the pendant sat high over the hollow of her clavicle.
Finishing his handiwork, Neteyam came around to face her again and he cupped the back of her head with one hand, pulling Naia in for a slow and searing kiss. Pulling back with a soft smack of their lips, he rested his forehead against hers, “It won’t leave your neck ever again, Naia.”
“Never.” Naia breathed, “From now until forever.”
A thumping percussion beat began from beyond the intimacy of the moment they shared and the clan’s chants of anticipation grew.
Naia stepped back to regard her mate in all his handsome glory. She held her hand out to him, “We should go now. Ready?”
Neteyam’s throat bobbed in a tight swallow and Naia did not miss the clenching and unclenching of his jaw. He was nervous and alone with her now, he let the confident mask he wore fall. Uncertainty coloured his face and he fixed wide, gold eyes on her.
“Hey, it’s alright.” Naia soothed, stepping up to him again and smoothing her hands gently up his chest to rest on his shoulders, mindful not to spoil the dried pattern of ochre on his skin.
“What if I disappoint them? What if I’m not the leader they expect?”
“Listen, can you hear the people outside? They are rooting for you.” Naia assured, “You’ll make mistakes, make bad calls from time to time, because you aren’t perfect. But no one is perfect and you’re not expected to be. This is your birthright; you are the true heir to this leadership. I know that as long as you let the Great Mother guide you that this clan will back you like they backed your father before you.”
A crooked smile tugged at one corner of Neteyam’s lips and he took both of Naia’s hands in his, “And I have you by my side. Spoken like a true tsahìk in waiting.”
“We’ll do this together.” Naia squeezed his hands, watching as he took a deep breath and steeled himself.
“Alright, let’s get this ceremony over and done with.”
Naia grinned and parroted the advice he had given her a few weeks ago back at him, “Just look at me, yawntu. Only me.”
Parting the draping flaps of the ceremonial tent with an arm each, Neteyam and Naia stepped out onto the platform and the gathered Omatikaya clan broke into a chorus of jubilant cheers, howls and ululations.
Warmth flooded Mo’at as she surveyed the pair of them, the exultant greeting of the clan ringing in her ears. The picture of Neteyam and Naia before her was a familiar one. She had seen this very picture in a vision many years ago, even before the return of the sky people.
Back then it had seemed like nothing more than a pleasant dream, especially when her daughter’s family had been forced to flee to the Metkayina, and then even more so when the Long War beset them all with uncertainty and strife. Mo’at had forgotten all about it actually until that fateful day not long ago when they came home to the clan, when Neteyam had returned looking like the long-lost prince the Omatikaya needed.
Neteyam and Naia raised their clasped hands above their heads between them, their free hands also punching skyward in fists. The Omatikaya clan’s cheers thundered even louder and Mo’at smiled to herself.
The roar of approval had never sounded so irrefutable.
 Epilogue – Six moons later
“You haven’t eaten anything, Manaia. It’s a long journey ahead and you must keep your strength up to fly.” Neytiri remarked, her amber eyes tinged with concern as she held a niktsyey (food wrap) out to her.
Naia swallowed the biliousness that crept up her throat at the smell of the warm little parcel and gratefully accepted it nonetheless, “I’ll take it along for the first part of our journey. I don’t feel like breakfast currently.”
Neytiri cast her a gentle smile, “Neteyam told me you’re not fond of deep water. It is truly beautiful out in the reefs and Neteyam will be with you always. Don’t worry, we’ll look after you.”
Nodding and projecting an air of confidence, Naia tucked the food wrap into the satchel she had slung over her shoulder and tucked its flap shut. The smell of the food dissipated and she took a shaky breath in. Ordinarily the smell of niktsyey would made her mouth water, but in recent days, anything food-related made her stomach turn.
She was content to let Neytiri think her queasiness was due to her nerves about their imminent visit to the Metkayina and their oceanic home. It was true, after all, that Naia was anxious about being surrounded by so much water, but that was not the reason for her nausea. Naia had a fair inkling of the real reason, but their trip to Awa’atlu was for a joyous occasion and she did not really want to draw any attention away from the fact. Plus, she was still not fully certain.
Lo’ak and Tsireya had welcomed their little one and it was time for the family to meet the new baby. Jake and Neytiri were understandably excited to be grandparents, as was Tuk, who had spent the last week in the lead-up to their trip raving about being an aunt. Neteyam was less forward with his enthusiasm, but Naia could tell he was very happy for his brother.
Naia smiled as her husband approached her and he enveloped her in his arms. Pressing a kiss into her hair, Neteyam murmured, “You good? The ikran are all packed and we’re ready to go.”
Tucking her face into his neck as she hugged him, she inhaled several deep breaths of his scent. Neteyam always smelled good to her, but she was especially appreciative at current of how his scent seemed to relieve the rolling nausea that plagued her. “Yeah, I’m good. I do feel a little bad that Lortirea and Tompa will be away from their babies for an entire week though.”
“The young ones are four moons old now. Ikran mature quickly and they’re already flying. They’re practically toddlers now, by our standards.” Neteyam chuckled, “I’m sure they’re a handful. For all we know, maybe their parents will be glad for the break away from them?”
Naia laughed at the memory of the baby ikran. Lortirea and Tompa had brought them back to the rookery to introduce them shortly after the babies had hatched. Naia had been utterly enamoured by the little creatures who looked like adorable miniatures of their parents, with their soft wings and tawny eyes that had appeared a little too large for their heads. Unable to fly at that age, they had clambered all over her lap, demanding pats and scratches.
“A week surrounded by water.” Naia muttered, stepping back a little so she could peer into Neteyam’s eyes. She regretted her uneasy tone immediately. He had told her so many stories of his family’s time in the reefs; of the people, their customs and the magnificence of the ocean environment. She knew he was excited to show her this part of his life. Her apology was swift on her lips, “Sorry, I’m just nervous about diving.”
Neteyam placed a hand under her chin, “You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with, OK? If you don’t want to dive under then we’ll just stay on the surface.”
“No, I want to see this underwater world that you lived in for so many years.” Naia pressed, heartening herself more than anything else. She placed a hand over his heart, “All those years you were gone and I used to wonder what you were doing, what the world around you was like. This is my chance. The Metkayina are a part of you too.”
Jake was calling out to the family now, announcing that it was time for them to depart.
Neteyam pressed a kiss to Naia’s forehead, noting absently that her scent was a little different than usual. She still smelled like she always did, but there was a sweeter note to it. “You sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, Neteyam, I’m fine. Just a bit tired.”
Naia knew from his doubtful expression that he was not convinced and she gave him one of her emphatic eyerolls to reassure him that she was fine, sass and all.
“We’ll break throughout the journey. Stay close to Tompa. And make sure you eat that niktsyey soon.”
“Yes sir,” Naia quipped sarcastically, earning her a shake of his head and a chuckle in response. Her nausea roiled in her belly again at the thought of the food wrap.
There was no time now, but she would see Mo’at as soon as they were home after their trip to confirm if her suspicion was right.
To say that Ronal was intimidating was an understatement. The Metkayina tsahìk was a silent force to be reckoned with.
Neteyam had warned Naia that Ronal was aloof with strangers, but she had not been prepared for the woman’s odd demeanour which seemed to vacillate between taciturn and tender at points. Their initial greeting the previous night had set Naia on edge.
The journey to the reefs had been a gruelling day-long flight on the backs of their ikran. It was well past nightfall by the time they had reached Awa’atlu. Ronal had embraced Neteyam openly with all the warmth of an aunt welcoming a nephew she had not seen in a while, whereas she had regarded Naia with calculating eyes and even given her a good sniff before frowning at her.
Exhausted and extremely queasy, Naia had gladly turned in to bed when the two families had completed their greetings and pronounced that they would reunite in the morning for a proper reunion. Blessedly, Naia had slept well and she had arisen in the morning feeling much more refreshed than she had in days. The crisp seaside air also appeared to ease her biliousness, which was a pleasant boon.
However, the moment the breakfast food was brought out, her belly began its roiling habit again.
“You know if there’s one thing I did miss about this place, apart from the people, it’s the fresh seafood!” Jake crowed cheerfully, tucking into a platter of raw, cooked and dried fish.
The rest of the Sullys appeared to agree and when Neteyam returned to her side with a well-piled wooden bowl with an assortment of food for them to share, Naia had done everything she could to tamp down the urge to wretch at the smell.
“Try a piece of this fish, it’s delicious when it’s dried and cured like that with sea salt.” Neteyam encouraged, handing her a small piece.
“Yes, and let us know your verdict. I daresay our fare of food is quite different to what you’re used to back home in the forest.” Tonowari added with a deep chuckle. Jake and Neytiri were smiling at her too with urging eyes and Naia found herself in the impossible position of not wanting to wretch if she ate and also not wanting to be rude by refusing.
Fortifying herself, Naia took a nibble of the dried fish, chewed quickly and swallowed with as expressionless a face as possible, “Thanks, it’s umm, it’s new.” Her stomach immediately churned and she swiftly reached for a piece of orange fruit from Neteyam’s bowl, popping it into her mouth and letting the juicy burst of flavour wash the salty and fishy tang of the fish from her tastebuds before it threatened to make its way back up.
Tonowari boomed with laughter at her reaction and Naia was glad for the Metkayina olo’eyktan’s light-hearted nature. She smiled guiltily and reached for more fruit from Neteyam’s bowl. Fruit was good. She could stomach fruit.
Naia’s gaze met with Ronal’s where she sat perched by her husband. The woman did not appear to share her husband’s mirth and though her eyes were once again calculating, they were not unkind, just astute in a way that made Naia feel like she was she being looked right through.
Maybe it was a tsahìk thing. Mo’at had often made her feel the same way, though Naia had grown close enough to the Omatikaya tsahìk now that she no longer felt uncomfortable in her presence. She vaguely wondered to herself if she would be the same in time to come when she took on that mantle.
“Naia,” Neteyam’s voice was soft by her ear.
“Hmm?” Naia turned to her mate to find him scrutinising her through concerned eyes.
“What’s going on? And don’t say you’re OK. You’re clearly not yourself.” Neteyam uttered under his breath, continuing to eat in order not to draw attention to themselves. “You’re normally a really good eater and I’ve never known you to be fussy.”
“I just don’t feel like food, but you need to trust me on this, there’s nothing wrong. I’m perfectly healthy.”
“You’ve barely eaten more than a few bites here and there for almost the last week. You’ve been like this since before we came here. It’s not the food here that’s making you like this.”
Naia felt irritation flash through her and she picked a small piece of cooked shellfish from his bowl and ate, cocking her head at him with an expression that challenged him, “Happy now? I’m eating.”
The shellfish rebelled the entire way down her throat though and she only barely suppressed the gag that came after it.
Neteyam’s jaw clenched and his lips pressed into a thin line, utterly unconvinced. “Maybe you should speak to Ronal, get her to look you over-”
“I’m tsakarem, Neteyam. A tsahìk in waiting.” Naia hissed in a whisper, “I think I should know if I was unwell, and I’m not-”
“Manaia, come sit with me.” Ronal’s voice called, and Naia almost flinched at the uncanny timing of it. She and Neteyam had been fairly quiet while they squabbled, so it was unlikely that the tsahìk had overheard them.
Naia looked to where Tonowari and Ronal had been sitting and was surprised to find that Ronal was no longer by her husband’s side. Glancing around, Naia found her perched by the marui’s entrance on the far side. Shooting Neteyam a hesitant look, Naia rose to her feet and made her way past the rest of the gathered family, holding her breath as she passed the platters of seafood.
“Come, sit.” Ronal said, patting the soft mat beside her.
Naia did as she was told, folding herself down alongside the woman. There was a cool sea breeze blowing through the marui entrance and she took a deep and languid breath of the fresh gust, gratefully letting it temper her queasiness.
“Better?” The tsahìk asked, and Naia turned puzzled eyes at her. Ronal chortled at her confusion and simply shook her head before gesturing to the ground before her, “I think you’ll find these things a little more palatable for the time being also.”
It was only then that Naia realised there were two small platters of food laid out in front of her. There was a colourful variety of sliced fruit on one and a range of plain, flat crusts on the other. There was also a small vessel of cool water. Before she could verbalise her thanks, her belly rumbled appreciatively.
“Thank you, tsahìk.” There was little doubt now in Naia’s mind that Ronal had likely surmised the truth of her condition for herself. Plucking a single crust from the platter before her, she took a tentative bite and was relieved to find that her body welcomed the crunchy plainness of it.
“So, you are the girl that Neteyam had to leave behind.” Ronal’s tone was affectionate and there was palpable warmth in her eyes as she regarded Naia, “Many years their family spent here as part of our people and yet Neteyam never truly considered staying for good.”
Naia glanced up at Ronal, not really knowing what to say in response to her remarks. She helped herself to more fruit instead.
Ronal continued, “You know, once the family had integrated into our way of life and proven themselves despite their differences, both Neteyam and Lo’ak became somewhat sought after by the women. They were different, exotic. There were many good females here who wanted to gain Neteyam’s affections, especially after Lo’ak and Tsireya made their romantic association known. But Neteyam refused them all.”
“Well, I’m glad Neteyam came home. Our clan needed him. You should have seen the moron we had as our replacement successor.” Naia snorted with a laugh.
“And you needed him too.” Ronal added, and her face was pensive, “I see now why Neteyam never found a home here. There is a way about the two of you; a blessed connection forged by Eywa that existed long before he ever came to us at Awa’atlu. You are meant to be. I am happy for the both of you and I hope that your clan thrives in time to come under your leadership.”
It was an odd conversation to have with someone she had never met until now, but Naia felt strangely at ease. She smiled at the older woman, feeling comfortable enough for the first time since she arrived to hold her piercing blue gaze, “Thank you for your kind words. I never forgot Neteyam, and every day I thank the Great Mother for bringing him back to me.”
“Yet, you’ve not told him your news. You’ve not told anyone.”
Naia swallowed her mouthful of fruit, and licked her lips uneasily, “It’s only really become clear to me in the last few days, and I want to check with Mo’at first to be sure.”
Ronal graced her with another warm smile, her voice quiet so their conversation would stay between the two of them, “Well, if you’ll take confirmation from me as tsahìk, I am certain of your condition. I can scent it on you and you are displaying all the signs; nausea, food aversion, fatigue. You are with child, Manaia.”
A bright feeling of joy burst in Naia’s heart. She had been more or less certain of her pregnancy, but the confirmation from Ronal was a welcome assurance. “I don’t want to tell anyone until after our visit here is done. This is Lo’ak and Tsireya’s moment. Their son is beautiful and I don’t want to take away from this celebration.”
Ronal tilted her head slightly at her response and Naia thought she saw a flicker of respect in the woman’s eyes.
“At least tell your husband.” Ronal urged, gesturing with another tilt of her head towards Neteyam who had made his way over to Lo’ak and Tsireya to get to know his new nephew.
Naia watched with loving warmth swirling in her belly as Lo’ak carefully placed the little bundle of waving fists and chubby legs into Neteyam’s arms. The baby was beautiful and Naia marvelled that she and Neteyam would soon have a little one of their own. Little Akahata had his father’s darker cobalt colouring and bright amber eyes, but his other features were of his mother’s Metkayina heritage. Softer, swirling stripes marked the baby’s torso, complete with a tiny, paddle-shaped tail.
“Jake and Neytiri have raised their children and taught them well.” Ronal affirmed favourably, “Neteyam and Lo’ak are strong husbands and they will be good fathers.” She placed a gentle hand on Naia’s shoulder and she urged again, “Tell Neteyam tonight, he should know. He’s already concerned about your wellbeing and he will worry himself this entire visit unless you give him an explanation for your behaviour. I will keep your secret from the others until you are both ready to share it.”
“I will, tsahìk. Thank you for the milder food.” Naia breathed gratefully, already feeling much better than she had previously thanks to the suitable food in her belly.
“I will prepare your food for you for the duration of your stay here.” Ronal declared kindly, holding a hand up when Naia was about to protest, “No arguments. You must eat what you can stomach, child. It is not trouble at all.”
The cool seawater rippled about her thighs as Naia gingerly waded into the ocean after Neteyam. It was after eclipse now and if Naia had thought Awa’atlu was beautiful in the day time, it was absolutely breathtaking after dark. The fine sand was phosphorescent beneath her feet and shoals of bioluminescent fish darted and swam about in the water around them. In the distance, the coral reef was a spectacular display of life and colour, the gentle waves rippling in the evening zephyr that blew.
“Are you sure you want to go out to the cove tonight?” Neteyam queried, turning to face her, apprehension etched over his handsome face.
Naia was getting rather sick of his fretting and fussing over her, and a part of her felt relieved that he would soon know the truth.
“For the last time, I’m fine. I said I wanted to go, didn’t I? Ronal told me it’s beautiful after eclipse and encouraged me to go tonight.”
“Yeah, but you got seasick this afternoon just swimming. I’ll ride gently on the ilu but it might still be choppy on the way there and-”
Naia silenced him with a kiss, “Call the ilu, Neteyam.”
With a resigned sigh, Neteyam emitted several whistles and clicks to summon an ilu.
Naia had succumbed to her nausea and vomited earlier in the day after a swim out into the reef, but it was not due to seasickness. She chortled at the memory.
Neteyam had been right about the beauty of the sea. They had not ventured beyond the safety of the reef and Naia had not dived under, content to just swim at the surface, but the myriad of the Great Mother’s undersea life had been stunning. It was an experience Naia would never forget.
An ilu responded to Neteyam’s call almost immediately, the friendly creature swimming up to the pair of them with a series of clicks and trills. Rewarding it with several fillets of fish, Neteyam patted the creature’s head and was about to mount it when it gave a low, burbling trill at Naia.
The ilu cocked its head to the side, regarding her with its set of four eyes. Its mouth was ajar as it emitted more squeaks and clicks and Naia thought it looked like it was grinning toothily at her. It dipped its head then to softly press its snout against her belly with another low burble, rubbing its head gently against her abdomen before raising its head to meet her eyes again.
No words were spoken, but no words were needed. Naia understood the ilu just fine and she stroked its smooth, muscular neck in thanks.
Neteyam mounted the ilu and deftly pulled Naia up to sit on its back in front of him, “What was that about?”
Naia shrugged nonchalantly, taking hold of his forearms and grinning shrewdly to herself, “No idea.”
They rode at the ocean’s surface, submerged only up to their waists on the ilu’s back. The creature certainly understood the assignment to swim gently and their journey to the Cove of the Ancestors was a smooth glide. Naia relaxed against Neteyam as they rode, one of his muscled forearms secured firmly about her waist to keep her from sliding off.
The glow of the Spirit Tree in the sacred cove could be seen under the water from a distance away. Naia straightened with a gasp as they approached the formations of floating rocks that hovered over the cove, which reminded her so much of Iknimaya back home in the forest.
“This is it. The Spirit Tree.” Neteyam whispered by her ear, both of them ducking their heads under a low-hovering rock formation to enter the sacred cove.
Sheltered from the currents out in the reef, the seawater in the cove was calm and clear, affording them an unimpeded view of the hallowed underwater tree that was the Metkayina’s gateway to Eywa.
Naia pressed the fingers of one hand to her lips, filled with emotion in the presence of their Great Mother. There were no words of adequacy to describe the magnificent tree beneath her. It blazed and pulsed with the essence of Eywa, its large, feathery fronds lilac and luminous.
“Not often you’re speechless.” Neteyam joked quietly with a nuzzle and kiss to her cheek.
Naia’s eyes were watering and her emotion was a lump in her throat. Her skin prickled in the nighttime air and she swore she heard the whispers of the Metkayina ancestors swirling about the points of her ears. Though she was not connected to the Spirit Tree, she could feel Eywa all around her and a pleasant heat filled her lower belly.
It was time to tell him.
“This place is so beautiful. I have no words for it.” Naia murmured wetly with a delicate sniffle.
Neteyam embraced her from behind, wrapping both of his strong arms around her. He pressed his cheek to hers and breathed, “I came here often during the Long War. I thought of you, prayed to Eywa to keep you safe. I always wondered how you were and what you were doing. Part of me wished I could speak to you through the Spirit Tree, to bridge the distance between us and communicate.”
Naia giggled and turned to kiss him, her lips finding his warm ones and instinctively slotting against them, “I did too, at the Tree of Souls. But that feels like a horrible lifetime ago.”
“Do you want to swim down there?”
“No, that’s not why I wanted to come here.”
Neteyam’s forehead wrinkled in question and he waited for Naia to continue.
Flutters of nerves sprouted in Naia’s gut and she mentally chastised herself for being nervous. It was silly to feel so when she knew it was good news she had to share.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Naia began, “I wanted to come here to thank Eywa for the blessing she’s given us.” She clasped hold of Neteyam’s forearms and gently pried them from her waist. Taking his right hand in hers, she settled it over her still-flat belly, just below her navel, “Neteyam, you’re going to be a father.”
“What?” Neteyam gawped.
Laughing wetly, she turned her head to look at him again, “I’m not unwell and I’m not seasick. I’m pregnant.”
Neteyam still appeared dumbstruck, his mouth agape and his eyes wide with surprise. Naia giggled at the sight. It was not an expression that he often wore at all. But his lips stretched into a beaming grin then, teeth all on display and a warm laugh of elation followed. Still bonded to his ilu, the creature expressed his joy too, squawking and clicking and flapping its flippers against the water’s surface.  
“We’re having a baby?” He asked, absolutely brimming with excitement.
“Yes, Ronal confirmed it to me this morning.”
Neteyam’s arms encircled her again in a tight squeeze, his lips repeating prayers of gratitude to Eywa in-between the kisses he was showering over Naia’s face while she squealed with laughter. Remembering moments later, amid his delight that Naia was pregnant, he loosened his crushing embrace and settled one of his palms on her lower belly with an apology, “Sorry.”
“We’ll have our own little one soon.” Naia beamed, her tanhì twinkling bright against her skin, “A perfect little half of you and half of me.”
“You have made me the happiest man alive, yawntu.” Neteyam said, twisting his head down so he could kiss her again, “I love you so much, Naia, always.”
“I love you too. From now until forever.”
Author’s Note: THE END! Thank you so, so much to all of you who are still with me here at the finishing line. I’m sorry again that this last part took so long. I really thought I’d lost my drive to write over the last few weeks, but it came back to me this past week and I was able to churn this out. 😁
This is Neteyam and Naia’s happy ending, and I hope that it brought warm fuzzies to you. I’m thirsty for your thoughts and comments as always, so please do not be afraid to share them with me. Reblogs and likes are massively appreciated too. 🥰
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tonowarii · 2 years
"Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to."
rotxo x fem! metkayina! reader
requested?: yes | no
wc: 1.1k
warning/s: angst at first, best friends to lovers, fluff
note: all thanks and inspiration goes to my bestie @sageislostinspring, rotxo needs more love!
gif is not mine, credits to the owner!
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Rotxo and you had became entangled in each others lives since you were both five years old, you didn’t know- or perhaps forgotten on how it happened, but you were glad it did.
How could you not be? Rotxo was a kind, caring, and overall, a sweet boy. Of all the times you've spent together he could read you like a damn book just from a micro change in your expression.
Sometimes you would tell him a random fact about yourself; favourite flower would just slip past your mouth, then weeks later he comes back from his training carrying the exact description of the flower you had told him, saying it made him think of you.
It was endearing, but you had liked to think his actions were nothing more than him being a good best friend. That was it, nothing more, nothing less.
But as you grew into teenagers, then came in the changes.
At first you had found yourself thinking of him more than usual, when you'd get a glimpse of him you automatically had a smile on your face on the way to greet him. Not just that, you admired him more, finding ways to slip compliments in your conversations.
You found yourself making ways to just hang out with him whenever he was free, since he was officially a free-diver and a hunter now.
Every time you sat beside one another- engaged in conversation, every brush of his hand or even his thigh on your skin would send your heart into a frenzy.
It left you forcing yourself to act normal on the outside when in fact you had just realized what it was; you had fallen in love with your best friend.
You had a good streak of keeping your feelings towards him, denying it at first, but now you’ve come through a whopping 6 months.
Overtime you heard the chatter around you, the young men were bound to find mates already. There were many fine young men in the clan, some had already chosen, some are yet to choose.
Like Rotxo.
Funny enough, that was the one topic you never bought up to him. Love.
Now you had cursed yourself into the habit of thinking what it would be like if you were with him- if you were together- or even sometimes married, daily. It would come in little scenarios that would send your cheeks darkening and fighting a wide smile on your face.
Sure, back then you remembered joking back then as kids that you two would marry the other since no one understood the other best than them.
But that was in the past, things change whether we like it to or not. Every time you find Rotxo greeting other girls, it left a sting in your heart.
Of course, few of the Metkayina had also fancied you, but no one had your heart quite like Rotxo did.
The only one you ever told your feelings about Rotxo was Tsireya, Aonung’s sister and Rotxo’s other best friend.
Tsireya was happy when she had found out you had harboured feelings for the young hunter, but you were quick to shut it down, saying that she probably shouldn’t be too loud and that he might not even see you in that way.
But as time ran, you almost found yourself running out of patience on dealing with your feelings that you just wanted to explode. Rotxo noticed your change in behaviour, prompting you to ignore him often than you liked.
This saddened him of course, but he never prodded, he only gave you time to come to him yourself.
And there came a time when you finally did- exploding.
It was in the night when you had made up your mind, you were finally going to tell him how you felt, and you were going to take his answer like a champ, whether good or bad.
But now as you stared at him as you just explained how you felt all these years, adding on how you’ve just been waiting for him to make a move while you kept on giving him signs- he still didn’t.
But that was just because Rotxo had also been thinking of the opposite of your actions, just actions of a best friend that he too had fallen in love with.
Yes, he tried talking to other girls to get rid of his thoughts of you at first, but it only worsened as he hated how it felt- it felt like he was cheating on you when the two of you weren’t even together! It’s crazy right?
So, hearing the words that came out of your mouth stunned him, leading him to stare at you in a dumbfounded manner, eyes wide, mouth agape.
You had feared you had already taken a spear through your friendship, tearing it apart as it also began to pierce through your heart.
Gulping, you tried to fight back down the tears of embarrassment, he was about to reject you and you just had made a fool of yourself in giving him this opportunity.
In an attempt to fix whatever debris of friendship you had left, you spoke.
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the guy I just confessed my love to."
You spoke, voice cracking. You wanted him to let you down once and for all, but your heart also ached for his comfort. It was maddening.
Rotxo loads for a moment, slapping himself mentally as he realized he was just staring at you that had you taking it the wrong way.
“What are you talking about?” He asked- okay that was a little too stupid.
“I never should’ve expected that we could’ve been something more- it was very dumb of me, I’m sorry.”
No, no you were not dumb, to him, he himself was the one who was dumb in not catching up on your signs sooner, but now as you stood in front of each other, electricity sparked in his veins as he shook his head, grin on his face as he grabs both youf wrist, pulling you to him.
“You are not dumb, (Y/N)! I have been in love with you for the longest time! I’m the one who’s dumb considering I haven’t noticed your hints before! But now, no hints or any other bullshit- I know I love you. I’m sorry for taking too long.”
A fresh wave of tears rolled down your cheeks, but this time it was joy, a dream come true.
Rotxo move his other hand to cup your cheek, wiping your tears.
“What?” You replied, taken aback by his confession, thinking you had made if all up.
He chuckles, face coming closer to nudge his forehead against yours.
“I said let’s be dumb together,” He joked, but in his next line his voice softens as he pulls his face away, looking at you.
“I’m in love with you too.”
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the-mad-starker · 7 months
Starker Fluff: LUV U, from Morgan💗
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For @starksvinyls in @starkerfestivals Starker Valentine's Day Exchange 💗💗
I chose this prompt!
Prompt: Their kid’s first valentine’s day in grade school and them helping prepare
I hope you like it and that my fluff was sufficient 🥺 I don't write fluff much but I had fun writing this!! And of course, the hardest bit was finding a title and I finally went with this 😱 the LUV U, from Morgan💗 is supposed to be towards the entire starker fandom cause I love you guys 💗
Rating: G
Notes: Omegaverse, married starker, mpreg (Peter is currently pregnant in the fic), domestic fluff
WC: 2662
(AO3 Link)
Tony Stark, perusing down the aisle of a local Walgreens? More likely than you think. Especially when he's being led by the hand by his 6 year old daughter, Morgan.
The little alpha girl was determined because she had seen the softest, prettiest blankets and had wanted to get them for her best friends.
“There! There!” She did a kind of hop skip, jerking impatiently in place because of her grip on Tony’s hand.
For such a little girl, her grip was strong but even then Tony just grinned and hurried along. Once they were close enough, Morgan let him go and eagerly reached up on her tippy toes to get the large throw blanket.
Tony could've easily gotten it for her but she was at that age where she wanted to do everything by herself so Tony let her when it was possible.
The blanket was almost bigger than her, a cute turquoise blue that was decorated with cute candy hearts. Once Morgan had it in her hands, she rubbed her face against a candy heart that said “LUV U.”
“It's so soft,” Morgan marveled, “just like Mama’s nest blankets.”
She ran her little hand over the blanket’s surface and looked up at Tony with those honey brown eyes she inherited from her mama and Tony’s mate, Peter.
“Do you think they’ll like it?” she asked with all the seriousness a 6 year old was capable of.
Tony knew a simple yes wouldn't do it so he bent down on a knee and held out a hand.
Morgan offered it to him and Tony took it. He ran a critical eye over it and let out some serious sounding hmm’s and ahh’s.
The blanket was soft and warm, the fabric especially tailored to omegas and meant for their nests. There was even a little pouch area where an alpha could insert an included heart candy shaped pillow. An alpha could scent the pillow and it could be inserted into the pouch so that the alpha’s scent could soothe the omega it was given to.
It was a popular gift given by alphas for good reason.
Of course, the price for it reflected that but money had never been an issue. He could easily get something of much better quality but this was the one Morgan wanted to give. And so, it was the one they were getting.
It really was a cute gift and even though Morgan and her besties were far from the ages where such gifts were really intended for, blankets were common gifts given between friends. Besides, just because it was tailored to omegas didn't mean alphas couldn't receive it as gifts too. Sharing scents between friends was a common gesture of affection, after all.
Overall, Tony thought it was a thoughtful gift for Morgan’s best friends.
“They’re gonna love it, Morguna,” Tony announced, showing his approval.
Morgan gave a large smile and proudly said, “I like it too! And look! There's a few different colors!”
Morgan took back the blanket with a happy smile and Tony smiled too, infected by her enthusiasm.
This time, Morgan watched as Tony pulled a few more blankets, each color getting the young alpha’s approval.
Once their main objective was secured, they checked out the rest of the aisle. Besides getting her besties their gifts, Morgan was also handing out Valentine's Day cards along with a small little gift baggie.
The Valentine's Day aisle was full of gifts. Fuzzy blankets, slippers, and of course, lots and lots of chocolate and candy. Across from the gifts was an aisle completely full of plushies of various sizes.
Tony had the pleasure of helping her load their little basket with goodies to make for goodie bags for the rest of her classmates. For the most part, he indulged Morgan’s choices, especially since she mostly went for cute pencils, stickers, erases, and mini notebooks. They were sold as sets, all intended for the little goodie bags that the Stark family would be setting up.
The little Valentine’s Day cards that sported the Avenger’s faces were ignored. Morgan had seen so much Avengers merchandise that she was mostly immune to it. Plus, for some reason they always made Iron Man’s face a little funky.
Instead, Morgan’s eye was caught by cute little animal themed Valentine’s Day cards which she happily put into the basket.
Tony did turn a blind eye to the little Spider-Man and Iron-man pair of plushies she snuck into the basket. It wasn't exactly easy to ignore when they were as big as her arm.
“For Mama and Daddy,” Morgan told him anyway. Then she held up a squishmallow of Spider-Man that was the size of her hand and asked, “For Morgan?”
Tony was supposed to be the stern parent but he quickly melted to Morgan’s puppy eyes. “How can we have a Spider-Man and Iron-man without a little baby Spider-Man?”
At Tony’s comment, her eyes lit up and she quickly went back to where she found the baby Spidey, only to come back with another little Iron-man of the same size.
Tony should've known and yet, when she looked up at him, offering the toy with the question, “For baby Benny?” Tony could only melt at her request.
Even mentioning the baby that Peter was carrying had Tony turning into a pile of mush. The baby in Peter’s belly was, according to Google, the size of a papaya at week 21. Their second pup, Morgan’s little brother that she was already spoiling.
Peter often blamed Tony for it, but they both knew that their little Morgan was just a thoughtful and excited Big Sister to Be.
“Of course, baby girl,” Tony smiled wide, lowering the basket so she could put the toy in. “We can't forget baby Benny.”
“Course not!” Morgan nodded oh so seriously, a satisfied smile on her face.
While they waited in line, Tony took a quick picture of their haul and sent it to his mate. Peter’s exasperated but fond response had Tony grinning.
My Love, My Mate, Hubby ❤️
We’re going to have a whole room dedicated to plushies of us and the team, aren't we? 🧐
Tony Stark
Guess I shouldn't spoil what Pepp and Rhodey got the kids.
The conversation ended there as Tony and Morgan were next in line. A few minutes later, the two left and returned home.
There were plans. Plans which involve Morgan going to bed at 8 PM, the latest, but of course, things never panned out the way they wanted.
Morgan was too excited for Valentine's Day and even more so when they returned to find cupcakes waiting for them. Tony and Morgan had gotten the goodies while Peter had gotten the bags and cupcakes.
What followed was a night of chaos, as Peter, Tony, and Morgan worked together to put the goodie bags together.
Between the two of them, Peter was the genius as he set up the empty goodie bags on the table. Tony was regulated to organizing the packs of stickers, pencils, and erasers.
Their Morgan was fairly popular but she only called maybe two other kids her besties. For these, she personally picked out their stuff, but for the rest, Tony took over.
It was messy. It was a little chaotic.
Tony could've easily just gotten some grunts to do this or even easier, just bought some standard goodie bags. But as he was dropping pieces of candy, one by one, into each bag, he couldn't help but watch his two favorite people.
Morgan and Peter were across from him, working on the cards.
“This one for Parker?” Peter held up a card with some cute little frogs and read the front, “I hop we stay friends forever!”
“Oh!” Morgan giggled at the words and nodded. “Yeah, they’ll like that! They like frogs!”
Morgan took the card and focused on writing her classmate’s name with Peter’s supervision.
“P-A-R-K-E-R,” Peter instructed gently.
Morgan’s pencil was steady as she wrote and she echoed back each letter.
“...K… E…R!” She cheered as she finished. “Like this?”
A sweet smile crossed Peter’s face and kissed the top of Morgan’s head.
“Good job, baby.” he said then smiling down at the name, he added, “Did you know Mama's last name used to be Parker?”
Morgan looked up at Peter with a surprised look.
“Your last name’s Stark though! Like mine,” she said, 100% confident.
Peter just laughed and smiled. “Yeah, it's Stark now but before I met your Daddy, my name used to be Peter Parker.”
Morgan’s mouth formed a little O as she thought about it.
“I like it,” she decided, “But I like mama as Peter Stark too.”
Peter laughed again before agreeing wholeheartedly. “I like it too.”
Their laughter and soft giggles had Tony looking up, pausing in his own task. He had caught the tail end of the conversation and couldn't help the warmth that spread throughout his body as he looked at them. His pup. His mate. This moment… It was just part of their daily lives. It wasn't even Valentines Day and all they were doing was preparing for a little kid party.
A moment in time, something normal, and just every day. And yet… Tony felt like he could capture this moment, have it become one of his core memories. Morgan and Peter, their heads bent low as they worked together. Morgan’s little fingers curled around a pencil while Peter watched her, one hand on his pregnant belly, and the other fiddling with another Valentine's Day card.
“Love… M… o… r… g… a… n…!” their daughter cheerfully completed the card.
Morgan then looked up, as did Peter.
“Tony?” Peter asked curiously. He arched a brow even as Morgan reached over to hand the card to the alpha. “Anything wrong?”
He took a second to reply, just taking in the sight of Morgan looking at him curiously and Peter’s familiar and much loved face.
“Absolutely nothing, sweetheart,” Tony replied.
He took the card and continued putting the goodies in the bag. This time, he focused so they could get everything done in time. Even then, he had one ear listening to his mate and pup and occasionally, if he looked up and watched them joke around and write the cards, no one would blame him.
Truly, there was absolutely nothing wrong in his world.
His heart was full and he was not lacking anything in the world when he had these two– his family, his loves. His smile only grew wider when he thought of baby Benny.
There was absolutely nothing wrong and everything right.
After they finished, they were left with several neat rows of goodie bags, each one tucked by hand written cards by their sweet alpha girl. They made sure to praise her. Morgan had inherited Tony’s busy mind so being able to sit down for the hour was an accomplishment. It helped that Peter coached her and kept her attention by engaging her about her classmates.
Once dinner passed and then bedtime, Tony carried their kid to get washed up and from there, Peter took over.
Tony caught a glimpse of them, Morgan squealing as she ran into her room. Her arms were full of the plushies that were bought earlier, as well as the little heart shaped scent pillows for her best friends.
Peter tucked Morgan into her own big girl bed. There were a few blankets from their nest because even though Morgan was a big girl now (her words, not Tony's), she still couldn't fall asleep without the scent of her mama and papa. Tony hadn't protested the loss of their stolen blankets. He may even shed a tear when the day comes that she no longer needed or wanted to be scented by her parents but that day was somewhere far in the future.
By the time Tony came by, Morgan’s eyes were sleep heavy. They only fully close once Tony and Peter each give her a kiss on the forehead, exchanging “I love you”s and sleepy good nights.
Tony left the door open a crack and led his mate to their own comfy little nest with an arm around his waist.
When the lights turned on, Peter let out a soft little gasp when he was met by a huge bouquet of roses set by the bedside table.
“Oh…” He turned a pleased little smile towards Tony. “You know I don't need roses, Tony.”
Since Morgan was born, it felt like sometimes there was a fast forward button pressed on their days. There was just so much to do and so much to plan for. With the arrival of baby Benny, it would only get busier. And yet, Tony was determined to do his best to show how much he loved his mate and to do even these little things like get his roses whether it was Valentine's Day or not.
Tony hummed and wrapped his arms around his mate’s waist.
“I know, darling, but you deserve them,” Tony said. His hands slid towards Peter’s belly and he gently caressed the small bump there. “You're my partner in crime, the omega to my alpha, the mother to my kids– I love you, Pete. You've given me so much, let me give you flowers once in a while?”
“You give me so much more than just flowers, alpha,” Pete said in return. He cupped Tony's face in his palms, and the kiss they shared was as sweet as chocolate.
Tony sighed in contentment and breathed in the scent of his mate, his home.
“Wait– wait, don't distract me,” Tony huffed, pulling away to Peter’s surprise. “I have another gift for you.”
“Oh?” Peter questioned.
“Yeah, sit down,” Tony told him and Peter, with a healthy amount of curiosity, did as he was asked.
He only understood when Tony knelt down and took a hold of his foot, one hand cupping the sole whole the other rested on top.
“Oh!” Peter gasped, almost melting back into their nest of pillows and blankets.
“I learned a new thing,” Tony said as he massaged his mate’s aching foot. “I know it was around this time that it got particularly hard when you had Morgan and I felt bad that I couldn't help before… So just lay back and relax, babe.”
Peter had no complaints and by the time Tony was done, he had a fully relaxed mate cuddling into the pillows.
Inside him, Tony’s alpha was very pleased at being able to relieve some of Peter’s pain. He was even more pleased when he came into the nest and spent some time with the baby.
He caressed his mate’s pregnant belly, talking to baby Benny and peppering kisses on Peter’s belly. His soft words were mixed in with soft hmm’s from Peter and those words turned into a wordless pur when the omega started running his hand through Tony’s hair.
“Goodnight, baby Benny,” Tony whispered and pressed one more kiss to Peter’s belly. “Be good and let your mama rest, okay? You can go nuts when you come out, Papa will take care of you.
Peter chuckled, the soft laugher making his belly quiver beneath Tony’s touch.
“You say that now, but remember when Morgan came? You were a mess,” Peter teased him gently.
Tony kindly didn't mention that they had both been a mess as new parents but they had eventually found their way, hadn't they?
Morgan, being a great kid, was evidence of that.
Tony settled behind his mate, spooning against him so he could continue petting the soft skin of Peter's belly.
“I’m a pro now,” Tony protested quietly. “And I'm sure Benny will be a little angel.”
“Mhmm…” Peter murmured, already slipping into sleep. Tony nuzzled in close, kissing the spot right behind his mate’s ear.
He fell asleep to the sound of his mate’s purring, feeling content with his lot in life.
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holylulusworld · 10 months
After the rain
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Summary: You run into an alpha.
Pairing: Alpha! (AU) John Winchester x Omega!Reader
Warnings: fluff, meet cute, May–December romance, flirting, a/b/o
Written for: Winter Break Advent: Day 5 - Meet Cute (couple)
Written for: @j3bingo (former JDM omega verse bingo): Square 6: Free Space – Meet Cute
Written for: @anyfandomfluffbingo: Square 8: The Olive Theory
Words: 1130+  
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It wasn’t in your plans to lose your composure in public and cry. Especially not at a wedding that isn’t yours.
Maybe it’s because you watched your ex gets all cozy with your best friend, or the fact that now that your cousin is married you are the last unmated omega in your family.
You never gave much about tradition and getting married or mated before turning thirty. Some omegas even freak out if they don’t find a mate before they turn twenty. You never were this kind of omega.
But now that you sit at the table, cheering for a cousin you haven’t seen in years, tears roll down your cheeks.
“Aw, you are moved to tears from the speech,” your aunt coos. She smiles and pats your hands. Your aunt is proud of her daughter, and you don’t have the heart to tell her that your tears have nothing to do with your cousin’s wedding.
“It’s a,” you choke on your tears, “very moving speech. I’m sorry.” You lie and give her a cracked smile. “She must be very happy.”
“My dear, I’m sure you’ll find your mate,” she says. You know that your aunt means well, but she just added another stab to your vulnerable heart. “The right young man is waiting just around the corner.”
You’d like to roll your eyes at her words. Your mate doesn’t wait around the corner. And you won’t meet him at any moment. “Sure,” you say, and force a smile on your face.
“Where are you going?” She asks when you get up from your chair. The speeches are over, and people are busy stuffing food into their mouths.
“I need to use the toilet,” you whisper. “I’ll be right back.” Another lie easily rolls off your tongue.
The truth is that your stomach churns, and you’d like to throw up watching your ex-boyfriend nip at your friend’s neck. If you don’t leave the room now, you’ll do something you regret.
It’s worse enough that you cried. You won’t give them the satisfaction and watch you lose control. Even though you’d like to scratch her eyes out.
You try not to run out of the room but walk fast enough to struggle not to slip on the floor. Goddamn high heels. Why did you have to choose the most uncomfortable shoes you own to wear today out of all days?
“Fuck,” you almost made it out of the room when you slip and end up face first in someone’s chest. “Great. My fucking luck!”
“Watch out, doll,” he easily helps you steady your wobbling legs. He gives you a warm smile and chuckles as you stare at him with wide eyes. “You good? Did you hurt your ankle?” His eyes drop to your feet, and he shakes his head at your choice of shoes. “These shoes are no good. You could easily break your neck.”
“You are telling me,” you huff. “I had to wear them because of the wedding but-“ you lean closer to whisper in his ear, “I’m hiding a pair of sneakers in my bag.”
He smirks at your admission. “So, do you often run away from weddings to crash into people?”
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you splutter as you take your time to drink his appearance in.
The man catching your fall is very handsome. Sadly, he’s older than you, at least twenty years. His salt’n’pepper beard, the grey in his hair, and the lines around his eyes tell you so. Which means that he’s likely married or at least mated.
You sigh. This is not the right place nor the time to mourn the loss of a man you didn’t have in the first place. “It’s fine. I love getting run over by a pretty dame. How about I help you get a drink? You look thirsty. I guess I’m too hot to handle and you need water.”
Giggling at his corny pick-up line you consider him. “If you invite a lady for a drink, it should be at least a Martini.”
“Dry or extra dry?” He cocks a brow.
“I guess in your presence no woman stays dry,” you bluntly reply, making him chuckle. His cheeks turn pink, but he plays it cool. Damn him. He makes you drop your gaze to look at his hands to search for a ring.
“Cute,” he remarks. “I bet you taste even sweeter.” Oh, he’s a player. “Name’s John, doll. What’s yours?”
“Y/N,” you hold out your hand and give him your sweetest smile. If he wants to play, who are you to tell him to stop? “Nice to meet you, John.”
“Dito, sweetness,” he shakes your hand and holds it a little longer than needed. His thumb brushes over your skin, making you shudder. “Now, let’s get you a drink. We want you to stay hydrated.”
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“What are you doing?” He watches you take the olive picks out of your drink to place them on a napkin. “Don’t waste them.”
Your eyes widen when he takes the olive pick to drop the olives in his mouth. “You like olives?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles and flashes you an irresistible smile. “You hate them, I assume.”
“Yes and…I mean…” You lick your lips as John takes a sip of his drink. “Did you ever hear of the olive theory John?”
“No.” He cocks a brow at your question. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”
“It’s…forget it.” You shake your head. “It’s nonsense.”
“It was important enough for you to mention it, Y/N. Come on, tell me about it. I don’t want to get my glasses out to search for it on my phone.”
“Okay,” you lick your lips. “If you laugh about me, I’ll go.”
“I promise not to laugh, doll.”
“There was this show. It’s called…” You clear your throat. “That doesn’t matter. There was this cute couple. One of them hated olives, but the other one loved them. One of their friends developed the theory that this fact makes them a great couple. A perfect balance, you know.”
John nods thoughtfully. He looks at the abandoned olive pick, considering your words. “I’m much older than you, doll. Do you know what you get yourself into when you tell me things like that?”
“No, but enlighten me,” you take the glass out of his hand to take a sip. “It’s only a theory from a TV show.”
“Hmmm…maybe we should test the theory,” he takes the drink out of your hand to down it. “How about we get out of here? We could go for a walk.”
“Maybe after you got me another drink,” you lean closer to run your hand over his hand. “I’m not a girl for one night.”
“Of fucking course not,” he grins. “You’re a keeper…”
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suikamelon6 · 1 year
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So yesterday, @moderndaylestat and I attended the Newsreader S2 premiere event and got to meet Sam Reid in the flesh.
It was surreal because first I didn't know until the day before that Sam wasn't in Prague. I thought the premiere would be attended by Newsreader Melbournian' actors. We got confirmed tickets after midday so before that it was unsure that we would even get in.
Afterthoughts about Sam and the event:
I've not been in big indoor gathering for a long time (health related). So I had a mask on, CO2 monitor in my bag etc… and was glad I went. It felt safe and as for Sam related content, it couldn't have gone any better honestly. I've never met a celeb before. And never was motivated to go meet one. Nervous, shy… Would most of you know what I'm talking about?
The Newsreader Q&A was very interesting! Emma Freeman & Sam are like best buddies. Sam really appreciates how she was like an encyclopedia of what everyday of the shoot gonna look like. All the info kept in her head. I feel so excited for Emma's IWTV S2's! We are so lucky!
I got Emma to sign my manky old copy of IWTV book. She was so nice and surprised that I wanted her signature. So I said you are gonna give us two full episodes of IWTV S2! Of course I want your signature. She said she's so excited about that. And will go to Prague soon with Sam and crew members. (I don't know together or not). Sam and Emma seem to be such good mates, giggling on stage a lot!
Then it was our turn to talk to Sam. He asked if we liked the ep 1 of S2 of The Newsreader. Of course! Then he signed my old book, which he flipped around appreciating that it's a 20 yo yellowing copy!
I gave him 3 printed arts one of them of Lestat and Amel (like below but in the art print version it didn't have the speech bubble). He asked, "Is this book Armand?" I said "No, it's Amel actually." And he was like "OH! Amel!" Like happily surprised, didn't expect that.
I love him for being the biggest VC nerd who needs no explanation who Amel is!!! And I know he knows which books these scenes are from as well. We got so lucky to have Sam as Lestat. He really loves VC.
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I said my wish is to see all these scenes with him in them. He said "That'll be a few years yet." So I said, "Yes, good luck with S2 and keep going!" I don't know what I was saying honestly.
#SamReid smiles a lot. When he knows it's your turn, waits and looks at you to come over with these deep blue eyes, talks to you like he's not in a hurry, looks he's elated that a single fan likes his work. His voice makes you relaxed.
And #SamReid is so polite and doesn't come too close or initiate hand shake or hug unless you do. A gentleman. Says thanks and nice meeting you like he means it. Takes photo without fuss. A dream of celeb. I don't know what others are like but he's so sweet.
Looking back, I wished I ask him why he looked so sad in that giant poster! I hope when the IWTVTWT moots here get to meet Sam and the boys, you have the intelligence and sense to write down your questions first!
After Sam left, @moderndaylestat and I had fun talking about writing fics and how it sucks 6 hours of our lives or the whole weekend without noticing… how beautiful it is in your head, but to get it on paper is something else.
Also we talked about Helen, Dale and ____'s possible threesome? Obviously good behaviour didn't last. We talked about top/bottom and totally makes sense for Helen/Dale/___ poly relationship!
Sorry about the incoherent thought vomit, hope some of this make sense.
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With the Random Hobie HCs Post, I'd like to add that he probably advocates heavily for education in general. He absolutely holds little meets for students where they can learn history that they'll never find in the textbooks.
He would absolutely make sure students get the uncensored version of history. He's absolutely a strong believer of "if you don't know history, you're bound to repeat it"
He also makes sure to include the good parts of history as though to say "this is what it could be".
Overall you got my brain smiling at the idea of Hobie being a reader tySM
Teacher!Hobie Headcanons
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No wonder he's so good with MayDay.
Like imagine, Hobie is strolling along and hear Peter foreloin that MayDay is having trouble with her shapes and colors. And MJ really wants to start her ahead on early pre-k. Get the big Parker brain going and all. And Peter's so frustrated and is he doing this dad thing right and maybe- Then he walks past a room while complaining to Miguel, only to see Hobie and MayDay sitting there with cards, practicing shapes and colors. She's delighted, it's like a game to her, and she's bright eyed and reacting. Hobie doesn't stop to acknowledge Peter and Peter doesn't interrupt, but he's so incredibly happy. He later tries to thank Hobie, but Hobie is like 'My pleasure, mate. Great kid."
He probably gets it from back home in 138, where he's more often 'Hobie'. I could see him in his time off, hanging out with local organizers.
Spider-punk sneaks in and steals books that are set to be burned or destroyed, and Hobie passes the books on to them.
I HC he tells the best stories, so the kids will sit around and hear stories of revolution, and indigenous people fighting for their land. Or about hippies protecting old forests. Or Black Panthers on the steps of the court house (*cough* Di *cough*)
But of course their favorite stories are the ones about Spider-punk. Hobie has told him that Spider-punk is his best friend and 'not to tell anyone'. And they make sure to keep his secret locked tight.
He tells them heroic stories of Spider-punk kicking the cops asses, and the kids all cheer - because it makes them a little less afraid when they see the pigs in the streets.
Some stuff can be hard to explain to them, or tell them - because history isn't always pretty. But they know they can ask questions and Hobie will always be kind. He always has an answer, never an 'I don't know', instead a 'I hope to learn that one day too'.
They really admire him. Sometimes hanging around the organizations and communist groups he'll read by himself, and the kids will see and run and grab their own. Sitting around him for impromptu reading time.
Even the teenagers the pass off to him. Kids like Gwen.
13 - 16 year olds, runaways looking for a better life, kids who lost their parents and are angry, ready to fight for the cause. Or sometimes, kids of cops, disgusted enough to wake up and leave.
Sometimes they're scared or quiet. Hobie always helps them open up, always figures out what they're willing to fight for. And some of them are angry, loud, some don't trust them. But he can get on anyone's good side. He understands the anger, he knows how to direct it.
Soon they just follow him because he leads by example. Everyday he comes in and ten different people are ready to talk to him about the recent developments on the fight for freedom in South America, or a recent anarchist rally over in Ireland.
Hobie loves it, because he loves people and he loves being a teacher.
Even at Society
Pavi probably didn't know much when he joined. He knew Gwen and Hobie very well, and he's been Spider-man 6 months, so he had to have joined maybe 3-4 months into being Spider-man, or even earlier.
He was probably so green, now look at him. How many 'bits of advice-' do you think he gave Pav?
If you're a new recruit with mechanical webshooters, he'll casually ask to see them - compliment their worksmanship, give you some new ideas. Or try to help out in little ways. Sewing kit in his vest for patches and rips in Spidey-suits.
Imagine learning how to Spidey-quip from Hobie!!! And having him be your hype-man during jokes in battle!
Just like he throws Pav in ATSV, Hobie throwing a Spider-person so they can get the last attack in.
Or even just helping around campus. He'll walk people to the food court if they're lost and looking for it. Or stop and talk to people who look like they need help with something.
Pulling others aside and asking if they need someone to practice training with, telling them 'Don't worry, you'll get it'.
I BET HES A MENTOR like Jess or Peter! Having him as a mentor would be so cool. Him lazily checking in on your during missions from his houseboat cause - hey he gets to work from home? cool.
Always defends you to Miguel.
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Rose Tyler x fem!reader
Pronouns: gender neutral. Y/N Used
Reader is implied to be autistic
"Rose, where are you going?" I said while she was basically dragging me.
"I gonna show you a friend, I met him a while ago, before I met you." she looked at me and smiled, then put a piece of bleached hair behind her ear.
We continued to walk for about 5 minutes until we came across a blue box that is a 'public police call box'
"Umm, Rosie, what are we doing at this box?" I quirked my brow in confusion.
She pointed at the box. " My mate is in there, love"
She then opened the box's door and walked in with me. There was a tall man, maybe 6 foot, I don't know. He was wearing a a brown suit, and he was standing at a control table. He looked up at us and smiled. "Hello Rose, who've ya got there?"
"This is my partner Y/N, we started dating recently." Rose then gave me a kiss on the cheek. I get a bit frustrated and cover my face with my hands. Rose giggled to herself.
The man raised a brow at what she said. "What about Micky?"
Rose's smile fell. Things between them did not go wel, it was really messy. Some mean things were said on both sides. I grabbed Rose into a hug.
"He's not in our lives" was the only thing I said as to not say anything I would regret later. Rose and him may not be on good terms, but she still cares about the guy, and I respect her choices cause she's my sweet Rose and nothing can change that.
"Oh, sorry to hear that," the man said with in a tone of sad.
"It's fine, Doctor, it's for the best," Rose signaled to stop hugging her. When she let go, she had a bit of her mascara running down her face. I carefully wiped it away since I didn't want to mess up her make-up.
"Thanks, babe," Rose whispered and sniffles. I gently grabbed Rose's face, "Of course Rosie," I then kissed her forehead.
I then looked at the man, "So your name is Doctor..?" He lifted his head and looked at me
"Just Doctor"
"Rosie, the lot you hang around is weird." I looked at Rose, who is now standing next to me. "I hang around you a lot," Rose looked me in the eyes when she said that.
"I know, I'm very weird." we both giggle
"That's why I love you"
Rose and I both walked up the stairs and over to The Doctor. "Nice to meet you, Doc." I stuck my hand out for The Doctor to shake, and he did.
I looked around and realized.."IT'S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" I was still holding The Doctor's hand.
"This is The Tardis, which stands for 'Time And Relative Dimension in Space', it's basically a time machine."
"Rosie, you didn't tell me your mate was a time traveler!" I looked at Rose with a huge smile on my face
"They're a huge nerd for what you call it -" "Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff," the doctor said, answering Rose's question.
"Yeah, that stuff".
"How did you acquire this?" I squeezed the doctor's hand extremely hard out of excitement.
"Could you stop crushing my hand"
"Oh, sorry," I let go of the doctor's hand and put my hands behind my back out of embarrassment.
"I'm a Time Lord," the doctor smiled.
"Are you an alien?"
I gasp in excitement. "Really? I love aliens. They're a special interest of mine. Ever since I was little, " I flung my hands up and down. Stimming.
I didn't know how to end this soo I just posted it
Hope you enjoyed it
Also, birthday tomorrow!!!
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castleaudios · 1 year
Beth's confession/latest audio made me wonder (both angst and not): 1. Has anyone ever stopped being Mates? Like, bonded together, then one or both parties decided to separate? Or is this something that Shifters are fairly instinctual/otherwise connected with that it would never happen? (Even very rarely) (To clarify: I do not mean if one member dies, obviously that happens and it's very sad)
2. If they do - what happens then? I'd imagine that fucks with the Pack quite a bit.
3. Has anyone ever had multiple Mates? Poly or otherwise (like a Widow/Widower finding a new Mate later in life)?
4. We gotta hear about how it went with Beth telling everyone about her and Seer lol Please indulge
5. Can you tell us more about Simon, Ro, and Claire "taking Seer aside" to let them know they're family? Or is there a possibility of this being an audio in the future? It's just really sweet and I'd love to hear more <3
6. How the fuck did Seer convince Claire to go hang out with them, workaholic that she is? XD (Oh god, was it cause Ranger left her spiraling a bit and she finally admitted she could use a break? :o)
Yes, sometimes mates will separate if things come to that. They are allowed to separate, there's no law or social expectation preventing them, but it is still a very rare case all the same.
If and when that happens, it does disrupt the pack quite a bit, and often one of the pair will leave the pack entirely. Things do settle after a bit, but not without some ripple effects within the pack.
Yep! Poly couples do exist within mate structures. And people can take a new mate if their previous one passed away, though it's more common for people to stay mateless, usually.
The pack was ecstatic! Though many already figured those two had chosen each other as mates, they just hadn't gone public with it. Simon was so proud!
After dinner one night at Simon's place, he pulled them off to the side while Beth was setting the table. He sat them on the sofa and gave them a proper welcome into the family. All fatherly pats on the back and a soft "Welcome home, kiddo" for good measure. Ro caught Seer after they came to a pack meeting and tried roping them into a scheme with Tristan so that was all the welcome the needed. And Claire was the last to do it. One night she and Seer were waiting at the Den while Beth was running late from work. The two sat together on the couch and Claire welcomed them as an honorary pack member.
Seer definitely called her out on working too hard after they caught Claire pulling an all-nighter. Plus a little guilt tripping goes a long way in the "Ya know, I feel like I'd be a real member of the pack if I got to spend time with my pack's Alpha, plus I don't feel like I'd be. good mate if I didn't get to know my mate's best friend." type way. It worked exceptionally well
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justyanle · 2 years
hello! i saw that u write for avatar and i was wondering if u could write something about lo'ak x f!na'vi!eeader please, maybe the 'she fell first but he fell harder' type? cause i have watch a lot of romantic movies and i really just want a cute idiots in love fic
Can't Help Fallin' in Love
(Lo'ak x f!Reader)
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The young Sully boy had piqued your interest the moment you had seen him on the sands of your home, he later realizes that you were brighter than daylight and the glows of Pandora at night.
CW: Small make out, kissing, angst if you squint, mild language, fluff, Lo'ak x F!Reader oneshot
Watching from afar, you kept your stare on the newcomers that had just previously landed on your clan's white sands, making the surrounding foggy due to the small flying particles that had resulted in their landing, the family of 6 was accompanied by their Ikrans, mountain banshees that have a master in the forest.
You have taken a closer look at the family, stepping through the crowd surrounding them, indulging in their interesting features, specifically the younger one, his semi-toned body uncomfortably shifting when your mother had laid another sentence with venom in her tongue, his face was toned - hollow cheeks his big eyes slightly wider apart, his lips are plump and moisturized, he's really cute.
While you were too captivated by the boy, your mother was practically cooking them on the spot, humiliating the family that derived the forest.
"These children are not even true Na'vi!" she held up the hand of the teenage girl, practically announcing she had another finger, making people hiss protectively, interpreting it as a threat.
"Yes we are!" she uneasily replied, pulling back her hand, Ronal moved over to the youngest son, "They have demon blood!" she raised the boy's hand as he could only look down in shame.
You felt pity for the boy who you found cut, "Ma, please stop and discuss this properly with father." you have gently stated to her fearing she would, at her side trying to get her to stop. She turned her gaze to you, the judgement in her eyes lessened, leaning her head down softly, she was once again next to her mate.
You have now backed away from the situation, smiling at the boy you couldn't take your eyes off of earlier, flashing him a soft smile as a way to be friendly.
He gave you a small mouthed grin in return followed with a "Hey." greeting you, or maybe, a thank you for saving him from your raged mother.
You could feel the butterflies spreading throughout your body, his voice was like your favourite song stuck on replay with the best part playing.
"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us, treat them as our brothers and sisters - but they do not know the sea, they will be like babies taking their first breath, teach them our ways so that they do not suffer the shame of being useless." The Olo'eyktan, your father, announced to the flock of Metkayinans around the Sully's and your family.
"What do we say?"
"Thank you!" The youngest cheered gratefully.
Followed by Jake Sully's wife and their older children.
"My daughters, [Y/N], Tsireya, and my son Aonung, will show you our ways." The ridiculously tall Na'vi gave his statement to the unfamiliar newcomers that have arrived in your clan.
"But father-" Aonung tried to protest against his father's sudden decision. Getting a glare in return.
Stepping forward to the new Na'vis, "Come, I'll show you our village." greeting them with a grin, leading them to their new home and also stopping the possibly escalating argument between your brother and your father. Tsireya was following you, leading the trailing family behind the two of you to an available and spacious marui where they could safely settle their big fortress in.
"I hope this is enough, sir. Me and Tsireya would be honored to teach your lovely family our ways later already if you wish." You charmed with a smile, standing at the side of the marui to let the family take in their new environment.
"Yeah, yeah, this is great, right guys? This is perfect," The father reassured his family before turning back to you and Tsireya, "this is more than enough, thank you." former Toruk Makto spoke as they all settled in.
"Please do not hesitate to call for me and [Y/N] when you guys are in need of help, we're never too busy to accompany you guys." Tsireya reminds the Sully's.
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A few hours had passed and it has finally set to noon, you were having a refreshing bathe in the salty seas of Awa'atlu, having a chat with your siblings Aonung and Tsireya, along with Rotxo.
However, all that had ended when a sudden splash joined the conversation. Looking back at the source, spotting the two Sully daughters, followed by their brothers.
The group you were currently with gave a basically telepathic nod, implying that you guys should swim closer to the siblings.
"How are you guys liking it here?" Tsireya asked, Aonung's eyes basically rolling to the back of his head due to the concern she displayed for the new family he obviously didn't like.
"We're doing well, still getting used to the water y'know?" Neteyam replied to Tsireya with a bit of upset in his voice, wanting to go home.
You added onto their exchanged words, "How about, let's just go for a swim first around the reefs, to help you guys get more familiar." suggesting the kids that were unfamiliar to the waters of the Metkayina clan.
A series of agreements left the throat of the new children.
You and your siblings, including Rotxo, had dived down the deep coral waters the same time the Sully kids did but due to your physical development and enhances of your bodies, you guys got a head start.
Waiting for the Sully's, under the water, "Come." Tsireya signed. The Sully brothers could only look at each other with lost looks on their faces - Tsireya had instead gestured a moment for the kids and your newfound crush to trail behind you in the water.
They rose to the surface frequently, needing their breath, Aonung and Rotxo were once picking on the unique kids again, "Stop! They are learning." you signed.
The four of you had quizzically glanced at each other as you raised to the surface with the forest Na'vis, looking graceful and effortless from the long breath holding you Metkayina kids have just performed.
The youngest was rubbing her eyes trying to wipe off the excess salt water from it, "You're too fast, wait for us." She whines.
"You are not good divers, maybe good at swinging through trees- Aonung's laugh and teasing being cut off by your hard hit on him.
Neteyam spoke up "Come on bro, we don't know what you're saying. We don't speak this," he lifts his wrist and wiggles his 3 fingers around, "finger talk." finished Neteyam.
"I will teach you." Tsireya stated, blinking, the second eyelid followed due to her Metkayinan anatomy.
"But where is Kiri?" Rotxo questioned, glancing around for any clues of the girl.
"Who?" Aonung asked, clearly not giving in any effort to even get to know the Sully kids.
"Kiri. Where is Kiri?" The questioning boy answered once again.
Looking around, the group you were in had finally found Kiri, seeing her surrounded by the small aquatic animals.
You swam into her view, "Kiri, come, we will now try to teach you guys the basics of our clan." you signed, fetching her as she trailed behind you, swimming to the surface.
You and the other Na'vis have successfully gotten to a shallow area, being sat on a wide rock that was enough to fit you guys onto it.
"Let's try breathing, it is very important. I don't want you guys to panic when you are underwater.' You said, taking a seat on the hard surface, everyone else trailing behind you and also taking a seat, imitating your previous action.
The time has passed for a good hour, trying to get the Omaticayan kids to comprehend the breathing better.
"I never knew that something such as breathing can be as hard." Lo'ak sighs out, starting to lose hope in improving.
"No," you shifted closer to Lo'ak, placing your teal-er, colored hands on to his chest. "it's easy, Lo'ak." You stated, telling him to repeat technique you had been teaching along with Tsireya for the past hour.
"Lo'ak, your heartbeat is fast, try to calm down."
What you had failed to notice is that he basically had his eyes locked on your beautiful face, the sunlight softly kissing the textures of your skin, your cheeks that would often puff up when you let your breathtaking smile take part on your face.
Damn. He thought.
He knew you were good-looking, often having young Metkayina boys fall to their feet with their eyes as wife as the planet of Pandora, mouths basically being pulled down by gravity with it's whole might. You're beautiful, he acknowledges that, but it's not enough to ignite a spark towards you.
That's what he at least thought though.
Months had passed since they first arrived to your home meaning the family had grew closer and more knowledgeable to your culture. Lo'ak still had messes though, like the wrong positions of his fingers while you were teaching him the sign language, his breath still as rigged as the first day, and random slip ups on his Ilu.
Though, you were basically blind for not knowing that he had been making all those mistakes on purpose, wanting to grow the bond between your friendship stronger. Resulting in his family to keep on teasing him until he would practically already have a scowl on his features when he sees one of his loved ones approach him.
"Aww, Ma Jake, our Lo'ak's all grown up! We're growing too old already."
"Go for it, son, she's a great kid."
"My little bro, attracting all the women with the looks he got from his brother."
"Oooh! Lo'ak's got a crush! Lo'ak's got a crush! I'm gonna be an aunt! I'm gonna be an aunt!" the child teased in a musical tone.
Denying all of the allegations of being in love thrown at him by his family, he knew for himself that he didn't like you, of course he knew how insanely beautiful, breathtaking, blooming and lovely you were, he just - wait. What?
The longer you stayed with him the more you had grown to feel your longing for the reckless boy, he would often hold you close to "keep you out of trouble", hold your hand when you were playfully fighting each other in order to stop you, his tender hands never failed to make your heart's pace beat the speed of a Skimwing rushing to attack.
One afternoon, you have led Lo'ak to an island with one of the greatest views of the orange and pink hues of the sunset, the place that the two of you had gone to was usually a romantic spot for young Metkayinan couples to have their date on, under the fading light of the sun.
Fortunately there weren't any other figures that were with you two, giving the perfect opportunity to sit on the white sands of the island Lo'ak was unfamiliar with, him taking a seat next to you.
"I really have to thank you for all the places you've brought me to this week [Y/N], I never knew that Aw'atlu was this big, especially the small islands! Great for island hopping!" Lo'ak rambled, continuing on with his fascination towards the lands on the water the two of you explored.
"-Oh and! I remember this place, this is where me and Payakan were close to, we were just messing around in the water for hours, chatting, y'know?" The Sully boy added onto his rambling, specifically leaving out the part where he practically talks his tongue off to Payakan about you, sharing his experiences with you that made him giddy, Payakan often teasing his spirit brother about the so-called "crush" on you.
He still remembers the scenario like yesterday,
"No, bro! I swear I don't like her! She's just really sweet Payakan, it's practically impossible not to be finding her nice, almost everybody does so, it's just admirable."
Your giggling snapping him back to reality from his gaze of remembering. The toothy grin finally leaking onto your face, making his heart race like the first day you made his heart practically try to jump out of his chest.
"Pull yourself together, Loak. What the hell are you feeling?" He thought, his breath becoming hitched and shaky at the sight of your beauty.
And there it hits him like a bullet going through his chest, specifically directed at his heart. He was subconsciously failing at learning the Metkayina ways so he could get an excuse to spend more time with you. The sign language he messed up? Done by his subconscious to feel your hands correct his. It wasn't that his heartbeat was beating hard and fast due to the fear of failure, it was the thought of you - the fluttery feelings he would be experiencing whenever you're around or just simply mentioned. His body was practically looking forward to messing up without him even realising it, just wanting you to offer him a ride with your Ilu, having your body flushed against his, keeping you enclosed and near him.
The realization is sinking into him, he's falling in love with you.
He's in love with you.
He was too blind to even realize that he had already fallen too deep in love with you before even gaining consciousness that he was.
"You're perfect." He accidentally spills the words. Eyes widening at the sentence he suddenly let out, wanting to take it back due to the fear of you rejecting him but he didn't want to hurt your feelings, not the slightest bit, especially in this romantic setting you two were in.
He leans in closer, repositioning his whole body to finally turn to you, gaining a burst of confidence, he enveloped your hands in his, "I said, you're perfect, [Y/N]" he passionately announced, bringing your hands that were in his, bringing it close to his delicate face, giving it a kiss.
"Lo'ak, you're perfect." Reciprocating what he said, he practically prances on you, eyes wide in shock and disbelief that the woman he has been dreaming of for months liked him back, giving you a sweet laugh with his arms around you.
Looking into his eyes, you were practically sending him a message with yours. Intimate mind-reading practically happened, he snaked his arms to your waist, yours lacing at his neck.
He gives you a last look with his shining golden eyes, asking you if he really can do this right now.
Instead, you leaned in first, your plump and blue lips had now made conflict with his, the two skins practically mending into each other, your hand was now on his cheek, pushing his skin more into yours, if possible.
Things have quickly escalated now the tongue of yours was practically dancing with his, leaning to the side to keep the kiss deeper, exploring one another's mouths. His kisses were now strolling down your neck, giving dewy bites here and there mixed with sucking. You pulled his face to yours once again, giving him a peck on the lips and delivering a smile.
"[Y/N], I want to court you, please." His eyes giving a plead while looking into yours.
"Of course Lo'ak, I want you to meet my family, be one of us."
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I FINALLY FINISHED THIS GAHDAMMMM, I WAS STRUGGLING SO HARD THINKING OF HOW TO MAKE THIS OUT BUT I FINISHED IT AT LEAST 😭 i had taken a bit of a few inspo from me and my semi crush's inspo, cus he keeps holding my hands, hugging me, basically touching me any chance he could bruh got me squealing and shi, reqs are open <33
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