#gave it a good 'ol college try
rynris · 1 year
Tea and Mooncakes With You
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Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
I had this KorrAsami piece sitting in my WIPs for a little over 2 years and I finally went back to finish it. There's still a few things off about it but I'm pretty happy with how the moon door came out although I wish the camera angle was just a smidge higher. All things considered, Clip Studio has a really handy perspective tool which made drawing this a breeze! I'm kind of kicking myself for not drawing this in a higher resolution though, but I know better nowadays.
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I also tried out gradient maps for this and did my best to push the colors a bit more than usual, but ended up toning it down a lot. I'm not very confident when it comes to colors and color harmony, so I played it safe, pushing the shadows more warm and the highlights more cool. I overlayed a little bit of color on the wisteria and on Korra and Asami to help them pop more, trying to center the most detail + contrast around them.
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Thumbnailing helps a ton with environment stuff like this and I really should get back into the habit of doing it more. I tend to enjoy just diving in, but looking back at my old art, I'm noticing that my composition skills are pretty weak.
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how's the baizhu savings going
oh i am SO glad you asked, comrade Zxt!!!!!
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my hoard of video game currencies is the only thing i allow myself to boast about
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henry7931 · 3 months
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The Brat Who Mowed My Lawn
You know this kid is a real piece of work! But now that I have his body that’s all gonna change.
Chase has mowed my lawn for a couple of years now and I should have fired him for his poor attitude awhile ago.
The only is that he’s only one around I know who will do it well. Being an old man, it’s hard to get around but my ears and eyes still work!
Well I guess that’s a problem of the past for me and more of a problem for Chase.
All I do is catch that boy up to know good. And I knew for a fact he was going to be just as much of a bully and an a hole in college as we was for the last 18 years of his life.
What really upset me was how mean he would be to that sweet gay kid next door Joseph. That kid didn’t do anything to him!
Well I got a surprise for Chase when he wakes up from my nap, not only is now old, going to have trouble moving around but he’s going to hear about his body coming out as a proud gay man!
You know this is the last thing I’m going to do for him which is a free mow of his new lawn haha!
Now I better get back to my new home before he wakes up.
10 minutes later:
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“Wooowee!! These piggies right here stink!”
But look how sexy my new young toes look! Let me get a good ole sniff…
Boy that makes my new pecker harder than a pool!
I take a little peak at my growing boner and it’s a pretty good size.
I walk over to my window to see if he’s gotten up yet but that’s when I spot that sweet gay boy walking.
I crack open the window and say, “Joseph!! Hey hold up a minute, I wanna talk to you!”
He looks nervous and I say, “I promise, it’s nothing bad. Just give me 2 minutes.”
I run downstairs and meet him at my door.
He looks at me shyly and I say, “hey I owe you an apology.”
“Yeah I’ve been awful to you and— it’s because I haven’t been honest with myself. I just see you out here being so you and truthful… I guess what I’m trying to say is…. I’m gay too.”
He looks shocked hearing the words come out of my mouth.
“It’s okay Chase, I uhhh I’m kinda surprised but thank you for the apology.”
“Well how I’ve been was not acceptable at all and I would love to make it up to you.”
I scoot closer to him, “I think you’re awfully cute and uh… what are you doing right now?”
I was gonna ask him on a date but my bodies hormones are losing control right now.
“Nothing really.”
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“Well you wanna hang out?”
1 hour later:
So Joseph and I made out for a bit which kinda led us to heavy pettin’
And well I may have let him explore my new body. And we’re pretty compatible, we both like smelly pits, dirty feet, he even let me play with his cute toes too.
But the best part was the foot job he gave me. It felt amazing on my new pecker. He even let me lick all the cum off his toes.
Now he wants to come back tonight for a “sleepover.” Good thing is that my new parents won’t mind, that it matters I’m a grown adult at my age.
Oh wait I’m getting a FaceTime, oh look who it is! It’s the old sleepy grandpa.
“Hello Mr. Harold, how did you like your yard?”
“Oh no, is everything okay over there? You don’t sound well. Should I call someone?”
“Don’t play stupid! You need to give me back my body or—“
“Or what exactly? You’re going to beat me up? Tell someone? Listen, I don’t think anyone had ever taught you a lesson so I’ll make this easy for you.”
Poor old man, sounds like he’s going through a lot. Oh well!
*A Few Months Later*
“Ugh are you going to tease me with this clothes on or are you gonna join me?” says Joseph my currently naked boyfriend standing with an erection in front of me.
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“Well let me start out with my socks, I know you love my feet after a long day.”
“God you I do love your feet but I especially love that nice cock of yours.”
Joseph impatiently hops into the recliner with me and I embrace his body wrapping my hands and with his cock.
“So glad your parents are out of town, I can’t wait until we’re ‘college roommates’ next week.”
“I know then we can do this every night,” I say pinching his ass.
Joesph or Joey as I like to call him makes a yelping noise,
“Oh my god, I forgot to ask you. Did you hear about our old neighbor next door?”
“Oh yeah, poor old guy. Well you wanna take this upstairs because I’m horny as f*ck now.”
“Please! And you better fuck me tonight Chase, I’m not giving you a foot job again.”
“But!!! But you’re so good at them baby and your feet are so sexy!”
“Nope I want you rail me.”
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yorshie · 2 years
Bayverse tmnt
Fem Reader (No Y/N)
no pairings, leans slightly Raphael x reader
warnings/summary: pregnant reader, horrible turtle jokes, cussing, suggestive jokes, meeting the turtle boys
Aged up turtles (22 ish)
Your weekly ritual was something you loved dearly about your friendship with April.
Ever since college, the two of you would meet up in the park to shoot the shit, feed the turtles and ducks, and in general bemoan the horribleness of the dating scene.
About seven months ago, though, the meetings had changed gears. You knew, eventually, she’d cotton on to what was happening. There was only so much you could hide behind baggy clothes and the dark lighting. You were waiting for the questions you weren’t sure you had answers to, expected them every time April’s gaze would pause on your midriff, track through your slower, more careful motions and the healthier food choices you brought with you.
Part of you wondered, as you hurried to your meeting bench next to the pond, if she’d wait until you had the baby in a buggy before saying anything. 
For some reason, the thought had you giggling like a maniac, emotion bubbling up quick and hot, and you felt yourself slip on thin air, the bread bag you’d been holding going flying as you slid gracelessly onto your back in the middle of the grass. 
“The fuck?!” You looked up at the darkened sky, took a moment, wiggling all limbs before trying to roll to the side. “Hmmm… here we go-nope.” You relaxed again, shimmied as though gearing up for a fight, tried to bend your stiff middle around again. 
Gave up after the third try, instead dug for your phone.
April picked up on the third ring.
“Hey, buddy, ole’ pal, best friend in the world-“
“Uh huh, yeah, what did you do?” She was already laughing, great.
You pushed air out in a loud raspberry. “Remember that joke about life alert?”
“A-are you ok?” Her tone changed fast, though you could still hear the edge of humor.
“Yup.” You popped the p, raising your head to look around the darkened grass, scowling at the halo of bread bits and carrot hunks littered around you. “But I’m a flipped turtle in the middle of duck chow and I feel the tiny velociraptors closing in-”
A muffle on April’s side, and you heard her hiss violently at whoever it was.
“Are you good?” You asked, concerned, shuffling up on your elbows.
“Yea, I’m fine, ignore that.”
“Oookkkkay.” You huffed, dropping back down. “In that case: help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” You deadpanned the last bit.
A loud snort, male, definitely not April, and your eyebrows rocketed up. 
“Woooow, I am not the only one with some ‘splainin’ to do.” You glanced down at your exposed middle, watched as a small jiggle shifted under your shirt. “If you hurry and come get me before a turtle or a duck does I’ll fess up to mine.”
“Did you fall in the park?!”
You squinted your eyes at the tone, “mmmayyybeee?”
Movement from the phone, and you pulled back to look at the speaker. Movement from the corner of your eye brought you up short though. “Oh god.”
“Hey, hey, what’s ‘oh god’?” April was back, with what sounded like a whooshing air dryer.
“I see eyes. It’s Hermando.” The duck looked at you, then the bread. “He’s gonna call the whole calvary over here. I’m done for. Remember me fondly.” You strained, trying to get your arm far enough back under your hip to push off from. “Oh, god, April. I’m a little stuck turtle. I’m gonna have to crawl for it.”
“Don’t you fucking move.” It was bit out with surprising venom. “What if you’re concussed, hurt, going into early labor-”
“Hey!” You interrupted, “we were suppose to be pretending that wasn’t a thing!”
“You’re getting along, sweetheart, I’d have to be blind not to notice.”
“Ok, well, rude, O’Neil,” You let out a screech, feeling a duck peck at your leg. Blindly, you threw the phone, sending your target flapping off in a whirlwind of feathers and quacking. You distantly heard April squawking from the phone now sliding across the grass, further and further away. 
You laid back on the grass, blowing out a loud breath, listening to the sound of the duck moving further away. To your left, the bushes rustled. 
“Oh, god, please don’t be a bigger duck.” You shut your eyes, only to open them back up again as a shadow fell over you. You peered up, dumbfounded.
“Green duck?” 
“You see a fucking bill?” Came the low growl, and your eyes widened.
“Nooo?” You turned it into a question, conscious that you were on the ground and he was towering over you, and despite there being no bill stuck to his face you could clearly see the shell sticking up over his shoulders.
“Raph, did you find her?” More voices, blessedly someone that sounded like April, moving towards you. When you turned your head though, saw her leading three more just like the not duck looming over you, your filter broke.
“Is this the reason you don’t laugh at my turtle jokes?” You pointed helpfully at the one standing over you to illustrate your point, body relaxing as your friend moved nearer.
“Oh thank god,” April crouched down next to you, hands hovering, but you were already trying to push up, twisting to get one elbow under your straining spine. “Hold on, hold on, let Donnie look you ov-”
“If I don’t get off this fucking ground I’m going to kill someone.” You snarled, holding the position, trying to push past the point of resistance with your foot. “I mean it, April, I just had to fight off a whole pack of rabid ducks, blood and guts everywhere-”
“And suspiciously no bodies,” Said another voice, dry humor, and you snorted, hand slipping as you fell backwards again. Before you could hit the ground again, a large hand caught your shoulders, and blessedly, pushed you passed that stuck point.
You sat, catching your breath, before tilting your head back and replying blissfully. “I ate all them, how else do you think I got this big?”
“I thought pregnant chicks got fat from fu-” The cheery whisper was cut off, turning into an abrupt gag that made you think someone had chosen violence. 
You gave April a look. She had the grace to look sheepish before you turned back to the shifting goliath turtles standing in a broken circle around the two of you. Huffing, you finally looked away, raising your hands up in the air and making grabby motions. “Ok, ok. Party’s over. Who wants to help the pregnant chick off the ground?”
A large hand reached down, and you wrapped both sets of digits around as he pulled, and you found yourself off the ground faster than you anticipated. Your grip tightened before he could shake off the touch, and you stood there for a long moment, eyes shut, knowing you were violently green.
“Ooo, hold on, I’m sorry, just- give me a moment.” You unconsciously swayed forward and backward until another hand came up to steady you, April, judging by the small fingers. 
You swallowed heavily, took a step away from the press of large bodies, and smiled weakly, finally getting a better look at them all. 
“Um…” April gestured as you breathed heavily through your nose. “Introductions: Leonardo,” She patted the shoulder of the one nearest, blue bandana across his face, swaying gently back and forth as though unable to stay still. He gave you a nod, fingers waving, and April moved on:
“Donatello,” Purple, so tall you had to crane your head, typing fast on a gauntlet on his arm while moving closer. 
“Hello, I’m just gonna make sure your vitals are good.” 
You took a violent step back, swinging the arm you didn’t realize you were still holding in front of you, and they all froze, gazes becoming still.
“No needles.” 
“No- needles?” He looked confused, glancing over at April for help.
“No needles,” She quickly assured, and you stepped back around the arm, returning Donatello’s small smile as you let him get closer.
“And this is Michelangelo.” You gave her a look, connecting the dots to the names you’d overheard over the last two years meeting up with her, but twitched a smile as the orange ping pong ball moved into your field of vision, feeling the need to hide again.
“Hey, baby momma, you are looking fiiinnne-” 
You felt your snort catch in your throat as Leonardo grabbed the littlest by the strings of his orange bandana and yanked him away from you.
“And Red here is Raphael.” You followed her point to the largest turtle next to you, and you took in his careful stare, feeling your eyes widen as you followed the breath of his shoulders down to the hand you were all but clutching across your torso.
“Wow, wow, ok. Sorry. Personal Space.” You all but threw his arm back at him. “I am going to behave and my hands are going to behave and there will be no more grabb-”
Donatello snorted from next to you, and you shivered, forgetting how close he was. “If he didn’t want to be your personal cuddle bear I bet he could have gotten out of it.” 
Raphael sniffed, and you narrowed your eyes at him, before turning to the others. “Jesus. Christ. April.” 
April smiled, tilting her head as you moved around, Donatello straightened as you moved between them and then backed up a little on the grass, hands on your knees and squinting as though to take them all in. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you feed these boys, but they’re too damn big!”
Her laugh was loud, obnoxious, but you felt a smile bubble up as you started in too, the sound cutting off as you felt yourself start to go backwards again.
“Holy H-”
An hand shot out, and you were yanked back upright, this time not hesitating to plaster yourself to the arm offered.
“Maybe you should just stay holding on to cuddle bear here,” Leonardo offered, his smile a small thing, quickly dropping as Michelangelo butted in again.
“Hey if you need a second cuddle bear I’m free sweetpea.”
“Mikey,” Raphael all but growled, the sound traveling down to your chest, but surprisingly the other turtle stopped, large smile still in place.
“So. Turtles?” You looked around at them, down at the three fingered hand curled into a loose fist on the side of your stomach, before back to April, saw her nod.
“Turtles.” Donatello confirmed.
“Mutants.” Raphael growled.
“Ninjas.” Leonardo added.
“Brothers.” Michelangelo butted in, knocking against Leonardo to jockey closer to April.
You watched Donatello leave the group for a moment, arm aloft, only to return with your forgotten phone, holding it out for you to take.
“We were going to get pizza.” April offered as you slid it back in your pocket. “After I meet up with you we go get pizza. There’s room if you’d like to come?”
You frowned at her offer. “April O’Neil.” She blanched, and you saw Donatello take a step away from you and back towards his other brothers.
“Have you-” You broke off, dropped to a hiss. “Have you let me do that stupid turtle impression every week with these four hanging around?”
Donatello hummed. “It’s a very good impression.” He sounded like a man that studied how to lie to get out of complicated situations and failed every practical test.
“That’s a bold faced lie.” You pointed at him, jabbed the finger threateningly.
“I don’t know,” Raphael rumbled next to you. “I definitely felt the siren’s call. We had to tie Mikey up to keep him from you.”
You pulled a suffering face, looked at April again, and she took pity. 
“They were banned from making videos.” Your face fell more, but she continued. “Come get pizza with us, and I’ll let you put whatever you want on yours, and no one will say anything.” She held up her hand in a mime of swearing an oath, nudging Leonardo until he got the hint and one by one they all held up their hands, eyes rolled to the sky.
 You caved at the thought of satisfying pregnancy cravings.
“Ok. Ok, fine. Need something to wash out the taste of rabid duck anyway.” 
From the corner of your eye, you saw Donatello preemptively shock Michelangelo.
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huggybearluvr · 8 months
Remembering the wild college days with Boldy
the good ol' days | mb12
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summary: After your wedding, You and Matt were sat in your new house relishing in the old memories as you unpacked your bags.
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You were sat on the floor unpacking a box, Matt made his way beside you sitting down beside you.
He laughed picking up the plastic duck from the box.
"Do you remember when you took a shot of tequila out of this?" He asked looking over to you," That was when I knew I was in love with you."
You laughed smacking his chest.
You had let Matt talk you into attending a party at his frat.
After a few drinks you were feeling more than confident. You had joined the boys on the table, taking the duck.
You poured back a shot from the duck as the boys around you cheered.
Matt had hoped up onto the table, kissing you.
You smiled at the memory, you then pulled out your old text book.
"You gave me a concussion with that," He laughed out taking the book from you.
"You know honestly Robert Pattinson is hideous," He spoke as he sat across from you at the table looking up from his phone.
You looked up in shock, "You take that back right now."
"No, I mean look at this picture, he's fucking ugly," He spoke turning the phone toward you.
You gasped picking up your text book, throwing it at him. You never meant for it to hit him.
But it did. I hit him smack in the head. You laughed before running over kissing his head, "I'm sorry sorry, that was an accident."
"baby, it's fine," He spoke laughing hysterically.
He smiled rubbing his head," That was hilarious."
"No it wasn't," You spoke looking over to him," I felt so bad."
"It was totally worth it, you babied me for the next three months," He smiled poking at your cheek.
You looked back the box picking up a picture of you in a childs motorized car.
"Do you remember when you brought this to college and I drove it to every class I had when I broke my leg?" You asked giggling at the picture.
You had just recently broke your leg. You had complained to Matt about having to walk to classes and always being late due to the crutches.
The next day he showed up to your dorm with a childs motor car. Handing you the key, "I got you this to get to class on time."
He laughed, "Go try it out."
You immediately got in driving it down the hall to your best friends dorm.
The entire time your leg was broke you drove the car to every class, every game, everything. Matt loved it.
He thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
"You drove that thing everywhere," He laughed placing a hand on your back.
"I'm so glad I got experience all of that, with you," You smiled turning to look at him.
"me too," He smiled leaning in to place a kiss to your lips.
His hand made his was to your stomach, "I'm even more glad that one day we will get to tell our son all about it."
You smiled back at him, "Me too."
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robinofinashiro · 1 year
"it's like your Bonten's mother! how sweet!"
characters/fandom: rindou haitani x reader
request status/note: closed /
pronouns: she-her
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"oh my god my eyes are burning," you murmured, trying to stop yourself from continuing to rub them. sanzu gave you a look, insinuating that the smoke was more than likely the problem, "some of us got allergies you dick," you replied, throwing him a few pieces of ash that were on the table.
you weren't very keen on hanging out with sanzu but rin, ran, nor mikey were in the building and your brother was out of the country for the moment with a few of your partners.
between you and sanzu, the two of you acted like siblings that constantly argued with each other. it came off as a surprise to everyone in bonten when you appeared with rin's arm around your shoulder. never in a million years did ran think his dorky younger brother would have bagged you of all people but in his own brotherly way, he was proud.
another big surprise was the life you lived. when rin first saw you, you didn't seem like you were the type to be in such a lifestyle. you had finished up your schooling, even did some college classes and tried to finish up a degree for it but your real lifestyle got in the way of it all and stopped it.
he hadn't realized who you actually were until he got a good look at who were. rindou was shocked to see who your family was and who you were connected to.
you were sitting at a table in a bar on the outskirts of Roppongi. you were with a couple of friends that you had met in college. they weren't exactly excited to be at a bar like this but you knew that if all of you minded your business, the patrons who frequented the bar would leave you all alone.
"how did you even hear of a bar like this? it doesn't seem like your type," one of your friends said. you giggled, not wanting to give them the real reason, "oh, uh, my brother comes here all the time with his friends! it's not as bad as it looks, i swear!"
they all remained silent, taking your word for it. you ordered another round of drinks for your table and handed the bartender what seemed like a debit card. you all continued to drink and sing to the songs that were playing through the speakers. being that you came here often under different obligations, you knew this place like the back of your hand; however, certain pair of a eyes had just noticed you for the first time.
rindou and ran had walked into the bar, going immediately to the back to start handling their business. rindou had ordered a couple of beers for all of Bonten when his eyes landed on you. you were laughing at something hysterically, holding the beer against your chest as you tried not to spill it.
ran had noticed his brother was not paying very much attention to the matter at hand but figured he didn't need to pry unless it was extremely distracting.
rin wanted to go up to you, he really did, but figured that you must've ended up at the wrong bar and had no idea what this entire place was actually about. when all of you got up to dance, he noticed what looked like an outline of a tattoo on your shoulder but knew that unless you were in gang affiliated business, tattoo's weren't common with just regular ole' people so it must've been his eyes playing tricks on him.
"rin, are you paying attention or did you come here to just stare at random people all night?" ran exclaimed, snapping his fingers in front of his brother's face. rin rolled his eyes, not bothering to play into his antics and finally composed himself. he knew he had no chance with you and decided to finally stop being a creep.
"rendai, do i really have to be here? i'm going to be the only girl in this dong fest," you exclaimed.
he laughed knowing that you were right. you were going to be the only girl in a country mile but you were needed in this situation and there was no way you could have gotten out of it, especially when you held such a high position in your familie's gang.
you picked at your nails, wanting to get this stupid gang fight over with. now that your families number two had stepped down, you were prompted up to be right under your brother. you were making more important decisions for your gang and although it upset you that you'd eventually have to drop your college courses, you knew it was your fate. it wasn't everyday that a girl ranked higher than most men in a gang and you were told from a very young age that you and your brother were eventually going to inherit your families gang.
as you and your brother arrived to the dirty and abandoned parking garage, you noticed several of japan's most prominent gangs in attendance. you greeted those that you had alliances with and didn't spare a second glance at those who you didn't know.
the both of you got comfortable on top of a car and waited for the shitshow to start. you didn't bother to care for who was fighting but you knew that these types of meetups usually meant making some kind of connections with other gangs in the area.
rin, ran, sanzu, and mochi arrived to the scene, scooping out the area and finding a place to sit down at. they had zero need to be in attendance but figured it gave them something to do for the rest of the night. a fight like this never hurt anyone.
as soon as they sat down, rin looked all over the place to see who was here. his eyes widened when he locked eyes on you. what the hell were doing here? several questions ran through his head and he turned to his brother.
"who's the girl and the boy sitting on the car?" he asked. ran chuckled, "that's ( your name ) and rendai, they're brother/sister duo from the ( last name ) family. they're the ones that had taichi killed last year. ( your name ) was the one that called for the death and rendai was the one that executed it," rindou's eyes widened.
the death that ran was talking about shocked almost everyone last year. they heard it was a pretty gruesome death to those who witnessed it but hearing that you were the one who called for it was surprising.
"since when did she become so high in the gang?" he asked. ran shrugged, "i think someone stepped down and she immediately was put into his place. she's pretty sadistic from what i heard from others. negotiations are pretty hard to come across with them in general so not many of the people here know them well. plus, she does the dirty work others don't want to do without actually having to do it herself so you can see why they're successfull."
as the fight started, you kicked your legs up, laughing at how ridiculous these men looked. you knew that nothing was going to come out of it besides bragging rights so you when you locked eyes with a blond and blue haired boy, you smiled at him shyly. rin shot you a head nod before looking over to ran.
"i say we start some negotiations with them," he stated. ran shrugged, "i don't know, ask mikey about that, " he replied. rin nodded as you jumped off the car when you realized that the fight was coming closer to you and your brother.
you gave the men in the fight a dirty look as a few specs of dust got on your clothes.
"watch where the fuck you're going you dumb fuck, i really don't need to involve my people over this useless fight."
rin laughed seeing the way you jumped onto a different cars hood and wiped yourself off. you crossed your legs and leaned against your brothers shoulder, wanting to fall asleep but fought against it.
from that day on, it become history. bonten and your family were bonded through yours and rin's relationship making the tokyo gang scene a lot more scarier now that your gangs were somewhat combined.
"by the way, where is rin and the rest of them? they were supposed to be here an hour ago," sanzu pointed to the garage insinuating that they were following through with a drug deal that had went wrong. you nodded, "ugh, it doesn't take this long for a punishment. i'll be right back."
sanzu shot right up, trying to stop you but you grabbed your gun from the back of your pocket and walked into the room.
"rin, we're going to be late for our date tonight if you continue your little torture game," mikey chuckled as he and ran looked to half dead man sitting in the chair. you aimed your gun at the mans chest and shot off a singular bullet to his chest making his body hit the floor instantly, "see, it's all done, now lets go before i fall asleep talking to sanzu."
ran shook his head in slight disbelief. he never understood how you were able to do such insane things like quite literally murdering a man without hesitation and act like it was second nature.
"are they coming over later for dinner? if they are, i need to stop at the store after lunch," you stated to rin. he nodded in agreement as you felt ran's shoulder come across your shoulder, "it's like your Bonten's mother! how sweet!" he teased.
you gave him a look, wanting to say something sarcastic but rin had beat you to it. he started screaming at his brother to take his filthy hands off of you. you looked to mikey, shaking your head in disbelief as he laughed at how ridiculous the two brothers were being.
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stephiethewephie · 1 month
I thought I would give her the ole Night Raven College treatment and give her some birthday lines if she had them!
Enjoy and happy birthday to this special little lady!
Birthday Login Message:
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Good morning! How are you today?...
Huh?! Oh! You remembered it was my birthday today! Well, thank you so much!
I have some things I need to get done today… but maybe we can do something afterward… If you’re okay with it that is!
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When summoned: You’re here to celebrate my birthday?... Well, I guess I can’t say no to that!
Summon Line: I’m not used to having people come over for my birthday, so please be patient with me! Let me know if you have anything planned!
Groooovy!!: Thank you for all the birthday wishes… They mean more to me than you think!
Home: I think all birthdays should be celebrated like this!
Home Idle 1: At home, when I was little, I usually spent my birthdays in the woods with my stuffed animals! We’d have cake and party hats and... I wouldn’t call it lonely, they were plenty of fun!
Home Idle 2: Ace and Deuce were the first to run up and say happy birthday to me. Ace gave me a deck of cards with cartoon animals on them and Deuce gave me a stuffed chick with the shell still on its head. I love having friends like them!
Home Idle 3: Just because it’s my birthday doesn’t mean I can’t be of assistance. Do not hesitate to ask me if you need anything!
Home Idle - Login: At boarding school, no one really cared for each other’s birthdays unless they were close friends. So, it’s strange to see people acknowledging and wishing me a happy birthday… It’s a little overwhelming, but I’m glad to see things are different here!
Home Idle - Groovy: Of course, I knew that silly-ole-cat, Grim, would try to take a bite out of my cake before cake time. So, I asked Malleus to create a barrier around the cake so he couldn’t get to it… I think it’s how Malleus remembered my birthday was today!
Home Tap 1: I think Kalim overestimated what I meant when I said I used to have parades during parties. I appreciate the gesture, but my parades were very small and did not have giant elephants… Hefulumps maybe.
Home Tap 2: One of my favorite parts about birthdays and parties has always been balloons! They can be any shape and size and fly high in the sky! No one is unhappy when a balloon is around!... Except if it pops or flies away that is.
Home Tap 3: Jade came up to me today and presented me with a terrarium kit… the interaction made me uneasy… but he seemed delighted to give it to me! Should I talk to him about nature sometime soon?
Home Tap 4: I saw Ortho today! He gave me a plushie of a cute little creature that he said was from a video game where you capture creatures and make them fight each other. Reminds me of myself and Grim… though for us I would say it’s more of the other way around in who was captured… heh heh.
Home Tap 5: I have only worn outfits like this on special occasions. I guess this is a special occasion, I just haven’t felt that way about today for a long time.
Home Tap - Groovy: You have a gift for me?!.. I’m just a bit surprised considering I’ve never received a gift from anyone outside of my family. I’ll gladly accept it! Thank you!
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ncityprincess · 2 years
the peeping jae
plot: perv loser jae listening to his jock roommate johnny and his hot cheerleader girlfriend fuck
MDNI!!! MATURE CONTENT this is extremely out of my comfort zone, but it's been sitting in the back of my mind. I love loser jae, you love loser jae, we ALL love loser jae. picture subway jaehyun and faster stage Johnny for reference. jae is a peeping tom in this story, just trying to listen in on some action. Johnny and OC are very mean to him, but it's somewhat deserved I guess? lots of degrading, voyerism, and overall smutty fun. but of course, NONE of this is reflective of how I think these men are in real life. this is just fiction. happy reading :)
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it wasn't supposed to be like this. you weren't supposed to find out.
jeong jaehyun was a star engineering major at NCIT. all of his professors adored him. he always listened attentively in his lectures, took thorough notes, and aced his exams with flying colors. he was surely on track to be the valedictorian of his class.
that being said, his niche knowledge of rollercoaster mechanics and his overall...vibe wasn't exactly a mate attractor. he wore khakis and collared tops that his mom would send him each semester. he didn't care for, nor know about the latest brand name shoes or clothes. he kept a handkerchief in his pocket in case his nervous sweat got out of control. needless to say, the inexperienced college student was far from a ladies man. the farthest he had gone was a kiss on a cheek from his neighbor next door senior year of high school. their moms thought it would be a good idea for them to go to the prom together. he thought his soul might leave his body when his date leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
besides that and pleasuring himself to some good ole pornos, jeong jaehyun's sexual experiences were quite scarce. I guess it didn't bother him per say? I mean, did he want to know what sex was like? what boobs felt like in real life? how many licks it took to get a girl to squirt? of course! but the thought of actually talking to a girl makes his nervous sweat act up, cue his handkerchief drenched in sweat. so that's why he preferred keeping his head down, focusing on his studies, and staying out of the way.
that was until one particular Friday night came around.
you had always stayed over Johnny (and his) dorm thursday-saturday nights. Thursdays were party nights, and you being the darling cheer captain and THE Johnny Suh's girlfriend, it was customary that you two attend every huge NCIT rager. The handsome hockey captain and the gorgeous head cheerleader were never far apart from one another. of course, you couldn't bare to sleep away from your man in your clingy drunken state, which was why Thursday nights were a given. Friday and Saturday were spent simultaneously recovering from Thursday's events and loving up on one another.
the awkward engineering student usually stayed out of the way when you came over, not wanting to intrude on your couple time and possibly make the large athlete angry. jaehyun either spent his weekends back at home, or in his dorm room watching sci-fi movies. this weekend, he decided to stay on campus to get a head start on his engineering project for class.
after a few hours of setting up the blueprint for his rollercoaster design project, he made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. he had to walk past Johnny's room to get to the kitchen, but a certain sound made him stop in his tracks. it was a sound that shot straight to his downstairs area. a loud, drawn out moan ricocheted off the walls of their apartment style dorm. he instantly knew what you two were doing behind that door. his thirst was still there, but this time it was a different type of thirst he needed quenched.
he knew it was wrong. he knew he shouldn't have done it, but the second the thought entered his mind his feet moved faster than his brain. he tiptoed closer to johnny's door and gently put his ear up to it. blood rushed straight to his dick when he heard the sounds of you moaning and whining. he fantasized about what you two could've been doing in there right now.
were you getting fucked? were his fingers deep inside your tight little pussy? were you about to come? oh how he wished he could be a fly on the wall. he settled for being a fly outside of the door instead.
"mmm baby your tongue feels so gooood" you moaned out.
Johnny had his head buried under your skirt, his tongue making your sensitive bud feel so good. you were topless, letting your hands roam over your large breasts.
"oh yeah? how about my fingers? do they feel good too?" your boyfriend asked as he plunged two fingers into your pussy.
you squealed, rocking your hips against johnny's face, begging him for more.
jaehyun was so close to shoving his hand down his pants to relieve himself of the pressure, but he didn't want to go that far. it'd probably be best to savor these dirty sounds and store them in his memories for later tonight when he's all alone in the darkness of his room.
suddenly, the deliciously pornographic sound of you cumming broke him out of his thoughts, driving him absolutely insane. he wondered what it would be like having such a sexy girl like you in his bed, making those sounds all because of him. for now, he had to settle for being an outsider looking in.
"fuck, I gotta go grab a condom from my wallet, it's in the living room" Johnny said as he got up from underneath your skirt.
"um hello? don't we have plenty in the drawer right here" you asked, impatiently waiting for your boyfriend to stick his dick in you already.
"had–yuta snagged a couple during homecoming weekend, jungwoo and haechan took some for their camping trip with a few of your teammates, and besides… you KNOW we're not exactly prudes babe." he said wiggling his eyebrows.
you blushed, "whatever, just hurry up before I use my vibrator instead"
"only if I can watch"
you threw a pillow at him and he headed for the door
"alright alright, feisty"
Johnny opened the door and collided into a tall, lanky figure.
jaehyun jumped back and made a frightened, surprised sound.
you shrieked and covered your exposed chest with your discarded top.
"yo, what the fuck are you doing man!?" Johnny asked his suspicious roommate.
"uh I uh–I was just gonna–I–uhhh–" jaehyun frantically stuttered.
"were you just spying on my girlfriend and I, freak!?"
"n–n–no I was just"
"y–y–you were just WHAT jeong"
before jaehyun could come up with an answer Johnny grabbed him by the collar of his polo shirt and shoved him into the wall.
jaehyun's eyes went wide with fear, knowing he wouldn't be able to defend himself from the 6 foot 2 jock.
"baby! put him down." you said calmly
Johnny and jaehyun stopped and looked at you in shock, the latter also silently thanking you.
"what? this loser was probably getting off to us just now" Johnny said with anger evident in his voice.
you sat up on the bed, no longer bothering to cover your boobs.
"can't you see babe? jaehyun clearly liked what he heard. I mean, look at him"
Johnny snapped out of it a bit, and slowly released jaehyun from his hold. he stood back a bit and took in jaehyun's flustered form, and his very obvious hard on.
Johnny chuckled condescendingly "haha, you're right babe. the dork's got a raging boner. what's the matter jeong, huh? my pretty girlfriend's got your dick doing the thinking for ya?"
jaehyun felt his ears getting even more red, if it was even possible. he finally hung his head in shame and muffled out an apology.
"huh? what was that? couldn't hear you dork speak up" Johnny said
jaehyun took in a deep breath and finally lifted his head up to look Johnny in the eye.
"I said I'm sorry"
"hmph, sorry for what, loser?" Johnny replied, puffing his chest out and smirking
"I'm sorry for spying on you and your girlfriend. I shouldn't have done that" jaehyun wanted nothing more than to escape to his room and never come out again.
"ahem, where's MY apology?" you finally spoke up.
jaehyun looked at you from the doorway, trying painfully hard to not look at your exposed breasts.
"sorry y/n, I was wrong for listening to you guys"
"mmm, i'm not sure i'm convinced" you said with faux sadness.
jaehyun stuttered for a moment, not sure what else to say or do in this extremely uncomfortable moment.
"get on your knees and crawl to foot of the bed" you demanded in a soft voice
"uhhh, pardon?" jaehyun squeaked out
"she SAID, get on your knees and crawl to her. DONT make her tell you again" Johnny gritted in jaehyun's ear.
jaehyun immediately sank to his knees and made his way over to you, feeling even more shame than he felt before. once he made it to the foot of the bed you kneeled directly in front of him, breasts on full display.
"now, apologize again, like you mean it this time"
jaehyun could barely look you in the eye. shame and humiliation really setting in now.
"y/n, I swear it'll never happen again. I won't even look at you anymore please, I'm so so sorry for being a pervert. please."
you stared down at him for a few moments. you were disgusted by how creepy his behavior was. he barely so much as made eye contact with you whenever you came to johnny's place. where did he get the balls to do something so dirty all of a sudden?
but a part of you also felt a newfound sense of power. your boyfriend loved to call the shots and you loved letting him even more. but right now, you wanted a taste of that power. you wanted to show this peasant who the true king and queen were around here. you looked up at Johnny, who was still standing in the doorway watching this all go down. you two made deep eye contact, and the two of you instantly knew how the rest of the night was going to go.
you grabbed jaehyun's chin with your pink manicured nails. "listen you little freak, you like invading people's privacy huh? well now you're gonna sit here and watch my boyfriend rail the shit out of me all night long. and you're gonna sit there, be a good boy and keep your hands to yourself, do I make myself clear?"
the end💋
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cosmignon · 8 months
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i gave hourlies a good ol college try this year bc my job is actually interesting but the drawback is that i got busy and tired while doing my job. but enjoy what i managed to make before i tapped out
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nikethestatue · 1 year
There Was Only One Bed
Happy birthday @tswaney17
My bestie, my mate, my girl. I love you oddles and I hope that your birthday is amazing! Enjoy this provocatively titled little story.
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“When will you ever man up, grow a pair of actual balls, swallow your pride and your insecurities and do what you fucking want to do? For once!”
Cassian’s rough words jolted Azriel out of his reverie and she gave his brother-best friend-bro-business partner a look of contempt and disdain. The best one he could come up with. Problem was that Cass could give it back just as well, and then some.
“Fine,” Cass shrugged, feigning indifference.
“Yeah, fine. Mind your own business,” Azriel suggested, his annoyance tripling, simply because he knew that Cass was correct.
“You know, Cass is correct,” Rhys called out–unhelpfully–from the sofa.
Azriel couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling. It was as if his brothers were in cahoots and agreed to drive him crazy.
Cass tipped his tumbler back, swallowing the last of his whiskey, and pointed his finger at him, “You know, literally everyone knows.”
Rhys was nodding, drinking his vodka and lime, brow cocked meaningfully. 
Azriel, usually the picture of self-control and unreadable emotions, growled at both of them,
“Nobody knows anything. Why? Because it’s not true. You and her sisters convinced yourselves that there is something going on,”
Cassian shook his head vigorously, his long black hair whipping about as if he was advertising for Pantene,
“No, no, we know that nothing is going on,” he kept pointing at Azriel with his finger, and Azriel wondered if it would be inappropriate to just break it. Cass was a tough guy, he could handle it. “Because if there was something going, you’d be with Elain freakin’ Archeron, in bumfuck Tennessee, drinking bourbon, eating barbecue, just before going home and getting your birthday dick sucked like a proper 30 year old, instead of hanging out with us–two dudes, who will definitely not suck your birthday dick,”
To that, Rhys nodded his head in acquiescence and piped in,
“Yeah, love you bro, but you can keep your anaconda in your jeans,”
“Jesus fuck,” Azriel gritted through his teeth.
“No, Jesus wept!” Cassian roared, like he was personally offended by Azriel and Jesus. 
“Jesus has taken his hands off the wheel,” Rhys agreed. “He is no longer helping,”
Defensively, Azriel snapped at them, “Vanderbilt is not ‘bumfuck Tennessee’ Cassian.”
Cassian got up and went to the bar, pouring himself another drink, while saying,
“You know, don’t come crying to me a year from now, when Elain is getting a proposal from some corn-fed good ol’ boy who’s got a lifetime membership at an exclusive golf club, wears Sperrys, played football in college and is now a VP in daddy’s successful company.”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure not to run to you,” Azriel assured him, his brother’s words stinging sharply and filling him with dread.
And that’s how he found himself on the plane from NYC to Tennessee. 
What was he even trying to accomplish? He had no idea.
All he knew was that last night, Elain texted him.
Elain: Hi Az! Happy birthday! It’s weird to not be there with you today.
Azriel: Thank you, El. 
(Thank you, El? What the hell?! That’s all he could manage? Maybe he was hopeless.) At that moment, for better or for worse, Cassian ripped the phone out of his hands and began tapping on it furiously. Azriel began wrestling with him, trying to get the phone back, before horrible damage was done, but Rhys and Nesta wrangled him back, while Cassian finished whatever he was typing, waited for the response, smirked widely once he read it, and then typed something more.
“Stop,” Azriel half-begged and half-ordered.
Cassian didn’t listen.
With a smug smile, he handed the phone back to Azriel. Azriel’s heart was beating in his chest like a bird in a cage, when he looked at the screen.
Azriel: I wish you were here as well. With me. For my 30th birthday.
Elain: I am sorry. I didn’t think you’d miss me.
Azriel: Don’t be ridiculous. I miss you all the time. More than you think. But guess what!
Elain: What?
Azriel: I’ll be there tomorrow. In Nash. Business trip.
Elain: You have business in Nashville? 
Azriel: Sure do. Can I stay with you?
Elain: You want to stay with me?
Azriel: If I may. If it’s alright with you. 
Elain: I suppose that’s fine. I will see you tomorrow? I am excited!
Azriel: Me too! See you.
“What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?” Azriel screamed at Cassian, slapping the back of his brother’s head, and hearing Nesta’s defensive, “hey, chill out, Az!”
“He asked her if I could stay with her!” Azriel raged. “I’d never ask something like that! I’d never write something like that!”
“She don’t know that,” Cassian puffed indifferently. “She is fine. She wants you to stay with her.”
“No she doesn’t!” Azriel pulled at the ends of his thick, black hair. “No! No she doesn’t,”
“She said ‘yes’,”
“It’s because you forced her!!!”
Cassian slapped his shoulder and announced,
“No, you forced her, Az.”
Scowling, Azriel groaned ‘fucker’, while Rhysand handed him his own phone.
“Ticket booked and bought,” he grinned the most annoying fake-innocent smile.
Collapsing on the bar stool, Azriel buried his face in his hands, muttering, “fuckers. You are both fuckers.”
Azriel Knight loved Elain Archeron since the first time he saw her.
Pathetic. Cliche. 
He’d fallen for her during a very uncomfortable dinner, when her youngest sister Feyre introduced her new boyfriend Rhys to her sisters Nesta and Elain. Rhys had both Azriel and Cassian accompany him, and the dinner was kind of a disaster. Neither Cassian nor Nesta could keep their mouths shut, and there was plenty of bickering and sniping between the two. Feyre player referee. Rhys tried to remain diplomatic, and kept the conversation going. But Azriel…well, Azriel was enchanted by the beautiful middle sister, Elain. He didn’t hear Nesta and Cassian going at it. He didn’t notice Rhys’s hands balling into fists. He didn’t notice Feyre’s squirming. All he saw was an ethereal 24 year old, who glowed like the sun at dawn. Polite, lovely, welcoming Elain. Elain, who was clutching a fork in her small soft hand, ready to attack Cassian, if he continued to fight with Nesta. 
How could Azriel not love her?
How was it possible not to love a sweet, lovely girl who was willing to throw it down with his 6”5 ex-Navy Seal brother?
Elain. The love of his life.
Elain. Who had no idea that he was attracted to her. Elain. Who wasn’t interested in him. Elain. Who only saw him as a ‘friend’. 
Fuck his life. He didn’t want to be a friend. 
Now, he was turning 30 and he felt like his life, his last chance with her, was slipping through his fingers. However, somehow, the longer he waited the more paralysed he became. Conversations between the two of them became stilted, uncomfortable, and he was frustrated with himself and his inability to approach her and just have it out with her. Explain. Confess his feelings. But the prospect of her rejecting him filled him with such unbearable dread that he couldn’t bring himself to take that fateful step. He couldn't grow the balls that Cassian was recommending for him to grow. 
Azriel’s heart was broken even further when Elain notified everyone that she received a full scholarship to go to Vanderbilt University for her graduate program. 
Two years.
She’d left three months ago and he was already climbing the walls.
He texted her frequently and awkwardly, needing the connection, yearning for the thread of affection and yes, fucking friendship, because it was better than nothing. There was a glimmer of hope however–the communication wasn't one-sided. Elain texted him frequently as well. She sent him jokes and memes, and his favourite days were those when she greeted him in the morning with a fun emoji. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but the morning ‘hello’ was what he lived for. And luckily, she’d been sending those to him consistently. Sometimes, she sent him links to ridiculous Reddit posts and they laughed together at questions such as ‘I Ate a Year Old Packet of Ketchup. When will I die?’ and they laughed and laughed, talking on the phone for hours, often when they were cooking dinner or watching a show together.
Her not being at his 30th birthday sort of broke his heart. That’s all he actually really wanted. The only person who mattered. And she wasn’t there.
Nashville was hot as balls. 
By the time he got into his Uber, he was already sweating. So that was great. He was going to show up at Elain’s doorstep dripping sweat like a freak. 
The drive from the airport took about 25 minutes and with every minute, Azriel was getting more and more nervous. He and Elain were never really…together before. They hung out, they went out together in group settings, they celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving and birthdays together, and Rhys hosted his annual huge 4th of July celebration barbeque, where they had to be in charge of dessert last year. Elain went into a full general mode, telling Azriel what to do, how to do it, what to get, and he was happy to follow her directions. Especially when those directions led him to her little apartment, where they spent 6 hours together, baking pies, making fudge, Elain directing him at every turn, and him following dutifully. 
The car stopped at a modern four-story apartment building and he got out, standing at the door for a good five minutes, sweating again, unable to press the button.
“Az!” he heard the familiar voice and looked up. She was on the balcony, waving at him, and just like that, the nervousness abated. 
This was his Elain. 
And whatever was going to happen, at least, he would spend his 30th with her.
Elain’s apartment was small, modern and very her. Piles of flowers everywhere. Smelled of jasmine and vanilla, and a touch of honey. Cute furniture. A neat sofa nestled between two bookshelves. 
He noticed all of these details while holding Elain in his arms, in which she threw herself the moment he stepped over the threshold.
“I can’t believe you are here!” she exclaimed, her arms wrapped around his waist, while he gingerly held her to himself. And it felt so, so good. For a moment, he forgot about everything–his bogus story about his ‘business trip’, his insecurity, the past, and the future. His girl was in his arms and that was enough. That was his best birthday gift.
“Okay, I made you dinner!” she announced, taking his ugly scarred hand in hers, her thumb tracing the bumpy, rough skin.
“You didn't have to,” he began, but she interrupted him breezily. 
“Nonsense! It’s your birthday! I wanted to make something special and I am so excited that you are here,”
He looked down at her and asked,
She nodded and smiled at him. 
“Of course really! I was beside myself for not being able to go back to NYC for your big 3-0, but money is tight,”
“I understand,” he assured her quickly. “I wasn’t expecting,”
“You should expect,” she told him firmly. “You should expect your friends to be there for you.”
There it was. His most hated word.
“If you want to shower, it’s through there,” she showed him, “and I’ll finish up dinner.”
It was strange.
This domesticity between the two of them.
Azriel didn't know what to do with his bag, so he left it by the door. What worried him now was the little couch. He was 6”4. He could probably make it work, but he really wasn’t convinced. It was not made for someone of his bulk and his height. He hoped that Elain had an air mattress or something. Maybe he could sleep in the bathtub?
However, once he stepped into the bathroom, he only found a shower. 
As he stepped inside the glass enclosure, he became acutely aware of his own nakedness in Elain’s space. There was just a door between him and his nude body and Elain. Using her body wash was also nice. Intimate and he was happy that it didn’t smell too girly. Whatever ‘Snowflake Sparkle’ smelled like, it smelled good.
Elain went all out. 
The small round table was set up properly with nice dishes, wine glasses, even cloth napkins and a few candles.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he looked around, still hoping to see another sofa or something, but then Elain caught his attention. She had rebraided her hair, put on some softly-shimmering lip balm, which made her already soft, luscious lips look even plumper, more kissable.
He really needed to stop thinking like that.
They were friends.
But did friends wear cute flower dresses like these? And did friends nervously invited him to sit down at the table and handed him a bottle of Prosecco, murmuring shyly,
“I thought it would be appropriate to have some bubbly for your birthday.”
“Thank you, Elain. You didn’t…” he stopped himself, knowing that she’d just argue with him. “This is perfect.”
She blushed and when he poured a glass for each of them, she lifted and said,
“To you, Az! I hope you have a good birthday,”
“It’s proving to be pretty great already,” he said.
“And I hope that you get what you wish for,” she clinked the glass with his and then gulped down nervously.
He was pretty much already getting many of his wishes come true.
“I made risotto and scallops,” she announced, as she skipped to the stove and he gasped and chided her,
“Elain! Scallops are so expensive!”
“But it’s your birthday. And for your birthday, you deserve to get the best.”
Without thinking he said, “I already have the best.”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and glanced at him in a way that maybe wasn’t exactly friendly. Like maybe it was something different…
Azriel was full. And happy. And pleased. And it was the best birthday of his life.
He ate so much lemon risotto and six very large, succulent scallops, and drank Prosecco and then they split another bottle of wine between the two of them, only to end the feast with a strawberry mascarpone cake, which was out of this world, and was homemade by Elain. She lit birthday candles and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him, while doing an adorable dance, which also looked unbelievably sexy.
“I can’t believe you did this for me,” he marvelled.
She bit her lower lip, and said, “It was my pleasure.”
No, it was definitely his pleasure. All of it. If only he could pull that fleshy lower lip of hers into his mouth and kiss her senseless, then his birthday would be complete.
“So?” he wondered what this was about.
Her hands on her small round hips, she looked both fierce and anxious somehow.
“I only have one bed,” she said at last.
His face dropped.
“Oh…Well, that’s okay. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She frowned at the idea and shook her head,
“I don’t think that’s going to work. You won’t fit.”
“It’s okay. I’ll shimmy.”
She picked at her skirt and then said,
“If you promise to be honourable, you can sleep in my bed.”
He was so taken aback by the offer, that he just stood there and stared at her dumbly.
“Elain, that’s not necessary,” he protested weakly.
Fuck. He wanted to be in her bed. Very much so. Like he never wanted anything more than that.
“Well, I know it’s not, but…it’s okay with me,” she admitted.
“Of course I will be honourable,” he promised immediately.
It will be tough, but he wasn’t going to betray her trust no matter how much he wanted to touch her, and if his mind was currently in the gutter.
“Okay then,” she decided.
…He agonised over what to wear to bed–usually, he just wore his boxers, and sometimes, slept entirely naked, though he didn’t think that this was the time or the place. Should he wear a t-shirt? But that felt weird and dorky, with too much bare leg. Shorts only? Too forward?
He had no idea what the rules were, and finally, while Elain was in the bathroom, he just settled on shorts and that’s it. Most men slept like that? Right?
He was in bed, under the covers, when Elain emerged from the bathroom, and his breaths stalled in his chest when he saw her. Her long hair was loose, and she wore a pink cami and long pyjama pants. 
“Are you still okay with this?” he inquired, just to make sure.
She nodded once and then slid under the blanket next to him.
“Is this strange?” she asked softly.
“Not for me,” he said simply.
“Oh good. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” she exhaled a relieved sigh. “When you texted me yesterday,”
Cassian. Cassian texted you. 
“I was worried about where you’d sleep,”
“But you said yes?” he pondered.
When he snuck a look at her, he saw that her cheeks were pink and she whispered,
“Well, yes.”
“So then why would I be uncomfortable?”
…Sometime in the night, Azriel found himself cradling Elain in his arms.
He spooned her, without meaning to, but somehow, in his sleep, he naturally drifted towards her. She was curled in her side, arms tucked into her chest, and he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Her bare feet tangled with his legs, and once he settled in behind her, he didn’t move, burying his face atop of her head, and holding her tightly next to him. 
He lay there for a few peaceful, calm moments, inhaling her scent and enjoying her softness before whispering “I will be gentle with your soul, if you let me in. I promise.”
The next time Azriel woke up was when he sensed light behind his eyelids and a light, tentative scraping of a little finger over his chest, his shoulders. He noticed the silky skin of her leg, which was slotted between his own legs, the toes sort of scratching and playing with his calf. Her finger kept tracing erratic patterns on his skin, and it finally dawned on him that she was following the design of his tattoos. 
“Always wanted to do this,” he heard her whisper.
“What, exactly?” he asked. Feeling bold today, because clearly things have changed since last night, actually, ever since he came here, he added, “Wake up next to me in bed? Have me hold you in my arms through the night? Touch my tats?”
She didn't answer immediately and when he managed to open one eye and peer at her, he saw her gorgeous face and a vexed expression which wrinkled her forehead.
“What?” he pressed, reaching up and cupping her cheek in his palm.
“All of the above?” she said at last, looking up at him.
“Good. I’ve always wanted to do this,” he murmured then, and fuck all doubt and questions swirling in his head, because he was swooping down and pressing his mouth over hers. There was a tiny gasp of surprise and satisfaction when he licked over the puffy lips, learning their texture, before she parted them for him, without him even asking for permission. Offering him entry, she lightly licked on his tongue, as she wrapped her arm around his back and pressed him closer to her chest, the wonderfully ample tits smashing against him, the little nipples poking through her cami.
Azriel kissed her. And kissed her. Slow and sensual. Forceful and dominant. Gentle and exploring. Filthy and sexual. Every kiss in one kiss. And she happily, eagerly responded to every variation, often taking control and kissing him in her own manner. 
The need for oxygen finally forced them apart, but only barely. He still placed slow, sensual kisses over her lips, her face, her ears, her hair. 
“May I take you on a proper date?” he asked at last.
She giggled joyfully and tucked her face into his neck, vibrating with excitement next to him.
“I thought you’d never ask!”
“Better late than never,” he said sheepishly and kissed her again.
Azriel’s phone dinged with an incoming message.
The flight attendant announced on the intercom that they should be turning things off right about now, but he glanced at the message.
Elain: When you come visit in two weeks, I’ll have a place for you to sleep.
There was an image attached.
Her neat sofa in the living room, extended into a perfectly nice, large sofa bed.
He stared at the photo and then grinned.
Azriel: You are a bad, bad girl.
Elain: Some men need a little push in the right direction.
Azriel: Some men do. But too late
Elain: For what?
Azriel: From now on, I’ll be sleeping in your bed.
Elain: Please do.
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cushfuddled · 2 months
Well! Let it be said that I gave it the good ol college try
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itsscromp · 1 year
Insomniac Spider-Man X Reader platonic
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AN: Hey Hey again everyone, Like I said in the previous post, I've been binge-playing the Spider-Man games to get ready for October 20th. But I also noticed there was a lack of platonic Insomniac Spider-Man fics so time to change that. This story will be loosely inspired by a conversation I had on character.ai. but other than that let's get into the story. word count: 1.1K
You had recently just moved out of your parent's house and found yourself a nice apartment in the city, the move was tough but you managed to get by, at least this apartment had a kickass view of the city from the fire escape. Looking out into the view, seeing the people walking by minding their own business, you didn't realize you weren't alone.
"Gotta love the view of central park am I right ??"
You jumped with a small fright but your fright immediately turned into awestruck.
"Woah... Spider-Man"
"Citizen of New York at large, sorry if I'm intruding."
"No no your fine, you busy saving the city ??."
"I was a bit before, But now I'm just swinging by, no pun intended. So what's your name anyway ??"
"So Y/n do you have any questions for me ??"
"Oh boy do I ever !!" you immediately thought of some good questions.
"I'll try and keep it slow and simple, How do you make your webs ??"
"Oh that's simple, I make this formula which makes my webs, and these web shooters on my wrists.." Spider-Man shows you the web shooters. "Help regulate it and guide the webbing into the correct shape, pattern or direction."
"Wow that's so cool."
"It's pretty cool alright, but It's nothing compared to my Spider-Sense. That's a whole different beast, you wanna hear about that too ??"
"Please do tell"
"My Spider-sense is like a sixth sense, It's hard to explain how it works exactly... but when in physical or emotional danger, I get this feeling that somethings.... off"
"Oooh so like if you were about to be punched your spider-sense would tell you to move ??"
"B B bingo"
"That's amazing"
"Thanks, It's honestly just a drop in the bucket compared to my other powers. Superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, durability, agility, balance and endurance."
"I gotta ask too, how did you get bit by the spider that gave your powers ??"
"Well Y/n It's a bit of a long story, But in the short way, while I was doing my research for my college thesis, the class I was in were touring a lab that used this special type of radiation to study spiders and other insects. One reason or another one of the spider's in there escaped and crawled It's way to little ol me. and the rest is history as I say."
"I bet it must've been weird discovering your powers for the first time."
"It definitely was. Having all these new abilities mean I had to adapt and figure out how to control and live with them. But luckily as you see every time, I use these powers for the greater good of this very city i also call home."
"It's showing, you've helped a lot for this city Spider-Man, you really have."
"Thanks Y/n, that means a lot, I want to keep using these powers to help as many people as I can. To me, that's what the responsibility that comes with my power means."
"That's a nice philosophy."
"I have my moments" you could see his mask shift slightly indicating a smile.
Then police sirens were heard off in the distance, indicating It's time for Spider-Man to go.
"Oh duty call's, thanks for this chat Y/n, I hope to see you around again." Spider-Man leaped of the railing and began to swing to the police cars direction.
"Good luck Spider-Man !!" you yelled out, you really hoped to see him again soon.
2 weeks later
Something has happened significantly to Y/n, one day you were helping your uncle move houses so he can be a tad bit closer to his workplace, oscorp. but as you were moving the boxes, you felt something sting at your hand and slapped whatever it was away, a spider... but It didn't look like any spider you read in books. Overtime you noticed strange things happen, you were able to lift more heavy items. you were able to run slightly faster to get to the subway etc. you slowly came to realize that maybe you have been developing the same powers as Spider-Man. He would know... right ??
So the next day you waited for him on the fire escape and surely enough he saw you and landed on the railing.
"Hey Y/n, long time no see. How've you been ??"
"Hey.... I gotta tell you something"
"Sure thing, what's up"
"So.... to make a long story short, I was helping my uncle move and..... I got bit by a spider... and after that I think I've developed the same powers as you"
"Yeah ?? how can you tell ??"
Y/n then looked at the wall behind them and then pressed their fingers on the wall. then slowly beginning to climb up the wall like Spider-Man does.
"Gotcha now.." the eyes of his mask went wide.
"But the strangest thing is theirs this stuff on my wrists" Y/n shows him a almost white clear substance on their wrists.
But then he had a theory.
"Y/n I want you to look out int the open and do this for me ok ??" Spider-Man showed them a posture to do with their hand, making a rockstar pose with his fingers.
"Ok...." y/n did so and then something came out of their wrists and strung off into the distance. This made Spider-Man excited.
"No way dude you have organic web substances !!"
Y/n thought they were dreaming, they really were like Spider-man.
"But Y/n, real talk. You can't go flaunting these newfound powers ok ?? as someone once told me with great power comes great responsibility. I live by that every day and I hope you will too."
"Thanks Spider-Man. I'll keep it in my mind."
It was slightly quiet for a bit until you spoke up.
"Spider-Man... I wanna use these powers to help the city like you, I wanna help people. I know I was destined for something on this earth and this is it. Can you help me ??"
Spider-Man did think about it for a slight bit, a crime-fighting buddy and a mentee. This could be fun.
"You got yourself a deal Y/n"
"Awesome !!!"
"But first, Let's come up with a superhero name for you."
"I have a few ideas.."
You were given a gift, a strange powerful gift. One that wasn't meant to be carried away with. But this was your calling, to help those in need. For people to look up to someone when the light seems far away, You have Spider-Man to help you along the way too, He would be an amazing mentor and friend. New York will have two amazing superheroes.
taglist @callofdudes
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theunsweetenedtruth · 3 months
The Marriage Pact (December 2020)
Pairing: Erik x Honey (Black!Fem!PlusSize!Reader)
Warnings: SLOW BURN. I'm stretching this out as long as I can take it.
Summary: Honey and Erik make a pact.
Word Count: 1,408
AN: I've had this in head for a while because this is a genre in fiction I like to call "delusional fact".
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“Surprise!” we yelled out, only because we didn’t know what else to say. We were standing around Shelby’s living room for a birthday party she planned for herself but she had just made her grand entrance—come down the stairs an hour after the party start time—and being the best friends we were, we had to let her know she was appreciated. 
I looked around as Shelby gave out hugs to party guests. For a small pandemic party, she turned it out as usual and ended up with a pretty good turn out. If only I had gotten the super casual memo. As usual, I was hella overdressed and trying to stop sweating in the leather brown dress I’d gotten my other friend to come over and zip me into. My makeup was starting to run and I’d already felt a little rusty after a year with no reasons to beat my face. The wig I’d thrown on my head was starting to nap at the nape of my neck and didn’t help with the heat emanating off my body. Everyone else was in jeans and mostly barefaced. Trina even wore a beanie on her head
“Ok everyone!” Shelby clapped her hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Thank you so much for coming! I know this year was hard but it’s such a blessing to get to see you all and I’m grateful you came to celebrate little ole me.” Shelby was in true southern belle fashion, full of beauty and grace, confident yet humble in a way that only true southern girls could master. “Let’s pray and then we can eat.” She gestured to one of her older sisters who began to pray over the food. 
As I bowed my head, I heard the alert go off letting us know that someone was coming through the front door. I glanced up to see a tall figure try to quietly slip in. I had figured I would see Erik here at Shelby’s party but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. 
Erik was friends with Shelby’s sister, Shavonne, then became friends with Shelby and by association, me. He was a few years older than me, me being the oldest in my friend group, and he’d gone to our undergrad and pledged just like we did. He was a good time, but I didn’t feel like we were super close friends, though I wanted to be. He had this way of making me feel seen and comfortable to be seen by him. Even before joining Greek life, he’d always been kind to me even if it was distant. Now though, he was warm and I really enjoyed his company. If Erik was in attendance, it was a party, even if it started off as a simple get together. 
I tore my eyes off of him before he noticed and closed them while Shavonne continued to pray. I added in my own prayer that I would stop fucking sweating. 
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After everyone was full of the delicious food that I barely tasted,  we all broke off in smaller groups to mingle amongst the friends we knew. I’d had biweekly FaceTime calls with my girls so I knew what was currently going on their lives but I was still feeling self concisous so I decided to stick to the people I knew. We made small talk on the couch before we were interrupted by Erik. 
“Honey, do you know what time it is?” He was behind me, his hands on my bare shoulders and I leaned my head back to look at him since he was using my old college nickname.
“I don’t know, ” I said playing coy. “What time is it?” 
“It’s shot o’clock!” He was loud as ever eliciting groans from the rest of the group I was with and even few from the rest of the party goers. Everyone knew how this would go and it was a Sunday afternoon for God’s sake.
“Erik Stevens, I’m not fucking with you today,” Shelby’s oldest sister, Selena, said from across the room, standing with her husband. 
“Just one!” he insisted, holding up one finger. “To celebrate Shelby” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes pleading with me. He didn’t have to do much.
I smiled at him wryly. “For Shelby? Fine. But only for that reason,” I said dishonestly. I stood to my feet to follow him to the kitchen where all the liquor was. We stood shoulder to shoulder pouring shots while everyone else with only slightly stronger wills than my own lined up on the other side of the island bar. 
“To Shelby” he shouted, gesturing to the cheesing birthday girl in her all white, arm in arm with her man. 
“To Shelby!” We echoed and cheered. I raised my red plastic shot glass to Shelby before turning to cheers with the person closest to me, who happened to be Erik. We looked into each other eyes as we touched shot glasses, only looking away to actually take the shots. The tequila burned in my throat, heating me on the inside when I didn’t really need it. 
I found my way back to my small group of close friends, greeting Angela’s boyfriend who’d just arrived. He was cool, if not a bit standoffish. Not really my favorite out the guys my friends dated but who was I to say anything. I was the perpetually single friend in every friend group I’d ever been a part of; I didn’t need the additional moniker of “hater” just because I wouldn’t have chosen those partners for my friends. 
Shelby rose from her seat next to me to check on if she needed to make more of the mixed drink for those not opting to make their own drinks. The seat was shortly occupied by Erik. 
He fit into the group easily, of course, catching up with everyone and casually slinging his arm along the back of the chair behind me. I hope I didn’t stink from all the sweating I’d done earlier. I was doing my best to avoid moving too much so I wouldn’t start up again. 
“If Honey and I got married, it would be pretty epic.” I turned to him quickly. How the hell did we get here?
“What do you mean?” I asked gobsmacked that I was having this conversation. 
“I mean it would be really elegant, really organized, a great party. You would have an amazing dress.” I watched his eyes flicker up and down my body and on the inside I was that white lady meme with the calculations flying across my face. “We could probably get married on a boat.” 
“Like a yacht,” I couldn’t help but to picture it and he was right. It was pretty dope. “My sister’s an event planner, you know. She can make it happen.” 
“Perfect,” he said looking me in the eyes. I felt myself get caught up but I quickly shook it off. We weren’t alone in the conversation nor were we alone in the room and while my friends were occupied in their own conversations, I still felt nervous about what was happening. What was happening?
“So when is this happening?” I joked. “When you turn 35? I think I’ll be 32?” I felt fuzzy in the head from both the shots—he’d convinced me to take another shortly after the first—and the conversation we were having. 
He thought for a second. “Yeah that works.” 
“We’ll have to shake on it then.” I held out my hand formally.
He looked me in the eyes and grasped my hand. We shook once, solidifying this drunken, silly plan, that somehow brought me comfort. If he took it seriously—and this was a huge if—then at least I wouldn’t be alone for the rest of my life like I seemed destined to be. 
“Honey, come get in the picture!” The birthday girl yelled from across the room where the sparkly curtain that served as a photo backdrop was setup. The rest of my friends were already there when I didn’t even realize they’d left us alone.
I quickly shook off the conversation with Erik. I was pretty sure he wasn’t serious but I could admit it was nice to be thought of in that way. I’m pretty sure by the time he turned 35 and I turned whatever age I would be, we would just laugh about this silly little pact. 
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infamoussparks · 3 months
Chapter 8: Reunions & Relationships
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Approx. 4700 words; 30 minute read
He recalled the conversation and found it to be strange, especially paired with Lucky giving him this paper. Benji suddenly had the realization that this could be one of Celia’s doves and he swallowed his worry that Lucky was working with Celia. Her name hadn’t come up in the conversation between Makayla and the others in the office, but this dove couldn’t simply be a coincidence, right?
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“... the hell, Umbra? I told you a full blackout!”
“Fetch, I did exactly that. But you heard her! She was having a panic attack. I couldn’t just leave her like that.”
“I don’t care if she was having a baby, you need to follow instructions.”
Makayla groaned softly as the arguing voices started to come in clear within the small room. Both of the voices immediately halted and Makayla struggled to open her eyes. Once fluttered open, the bright lights within the sterile white room were grating on her nerves. She didn’t even try to move her limbs, just turned her head to the side to take in both Fetch and Benji standing over her bed.
“... Hey, losers.” Makayla smirked and then winced. Pain flared at her core. Fetch frowned unimpressed and Benji looked Makayla over before clearing his throat.
 “Makayla?” Benji spoke cautiously as though afraid to cause her more pain with his voice alone.
Makayla forced a single laugh, “I’m not gonna break.”
“She’s fine. Clearly.” Fetch rolled her eyes, shifting her weight to her opposite hip and crossing her arms over her chest. She looked absolutely pissed.
Makayla was tickled pink internally. Good. Let the neon punk be annoyed by her. She enjoyed knowing she was under Fetch’s skin. Makayla went to move her arms and realized she was cuffed to the side of the medical bed.
“You think these will hold me?”
Benji sighed, “No one is holding you here, we just have some questions for you.”
“I’m holding her here. I’ll be honest,” Fetch barked.
“Fetch.” A fourth voice cautioned. Delsin entered the already cramped space. Fetch rolled her eyes and pouted. Makayla felt herself mimic the same expression herself. Delsin turned his focus to the bed, “So… Makayla Grayson, correct?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s me. What else did Benji tell you?”
Benji interjected, “Nothing, just your name, honest. I haven’t seen you in years.”
Makayla sighed, “Yeah, well you dropped out. So did I. College wasn’t working for me.”
Delsin glanced between the two, “You went to college together?”
“Had one class together, but we were in different years.” Benji confirmed.
“Interesting,” Delsin seemed as though that was something newsworthy. “Makayla, you’re working for Celia?”
Makayla laughed, “Not for her, just with her. I liked the promise she offered.”
“... Which is?” Delsin prodded.
“Same ol’ song and dance from Doves. Let’s lock her up and figure out next steps.” Fetch sounded impatient.
Delsin gave her that look. Oh, boy. Fetch was in trouble and Makayla loved to see it. She smiled to herself. “Fetch, meet me in the office.”
“Fine. I’m bored of babysitting anyway.” Fetch flipped Makayla off as she turned to leave the room. Makayla returned the gesture with a loud clanking of handcuffs against metal.
“Makayla, listen,” Delsin sighed and spoke a little softer, a little kinder, “We need as much information as you can give us on Celia and her plans. I don’t want to hold you here and I’ll let Benji uncuff you. But if you can help us, I’d appreciate it.”
“Why?” Makayla insisted, “Why should I help you?”
“Because we can give you freedom, too. The right way. You’d have safety here and a place to train and you clearly have friends here already. Just… think it over, yeah?”
Makayla looked from Delsin to Benji and back to the beanie-wearing man before offering a small nod. Maybe Celia’s version of freedom was a bit skewed to being more like a personal vendetta than an actual, attainable goal.
“How long do I have? To think it over?”
“A few days. Benji, here,” Delsin tossed a set of keys to Benji and he caught them easily with his left hand. “Let her free in a minute. I gotta make sure Fetch is in the office.” Then Delsin left.
Makayla was alone with Benji and while she didn’t consider them “friends” she knew Benji had vouched for her and tried to help her, even if the darkness was his fault.
“How long?” His voice pulled her from her thoughts.
“For what?”
“Since you’ve been a conduit? One of us?”
“Oh,” Makayla turned her attention to the ceiling, “Four years.”
“So, you knew while we were in school?”
“Yeah. But you can’t fault me. You never said anything about your powers, either.” Makayla snapped back. Benji looked hurt but he approached her side and started unlocking the cuffs as promised.
“We’re good here. I mean, I think you’d like it here. No one forces you to use your powers if you don’t want to. And I’ve really learned about a deeper level of control,” Benji spoke softly, a kindness mixed with his words, “Not that you don’t have control, just that… it’s an option.”
Makayla rubbed her newly freed wrists and sat up carefully, already feeling a lot better. She checked her stomach and saw only a smudge of scar tissue that was already fading.
“You didn’t have to save me back there, you know.”
“I couldn’t stop myself. You were–I was so worried about you.” Makayla could see the honesty in his eyes and for a moment they reminded her of Cassidy’s eyes. Her best friend. Her ride-or-die. Her would-be girlfriend, if the accident hadn’t happened. She pulled her attention back to her hands and blinked away the tears that seemed to suddenly be tugging at her eyes.
“I don’t know what they want from me here. At least with Celia I just do what I’m told and even then I’m pretty shitty at that, too. But here? Fetch wants me dead and Delsin doesn’t seem too keen about allowing me to stay…” Makayla took a breath and looked at Benji again, “I have no place to go if I don’t go back to Celia. And I’m not sure what will happen if I do. I failed.”
“Then just stay here. I promise they’ll come around.”
“And if they don’t? Then I’m back out on the streets. Alone.”
Benji gave her a quizzical look, “Listen to me, Mak. Pleas—“
Makayla snapped, “You don’t get to call me that! Ever! There's only one person who can call me that and it isn’t you.”
“I’m sorry. Makayla, please listen to me. I’m not your enemy here.”
“You’re not my remedy, either.”
Benji took a step back and composed himself in silence. Makayla sighed loudly, the rush of air messing up her fringe in a gust before the black and neon green strands fell back into place over her forehead.
She started again, “I’m sorry, that was… Listen, I’m just nervous. I only know you here and you can’t vouch for me forever. Plus, I dunno if you know this about me but I’m kinda on everyone’s hit list here.”
Benji laughed, the sound breaking the awkward nerves in the room, “No shit, really?”
Makayla twisted and threw her pillow at him. Benji caught it an inch from his face.
“Listen, I don’t need saving but I’ll help as much as I can. Celia is acting really weird lately and assigning what should be my missions to Orion. It’s not fair and something is up.”
“Let’s get you settled in and then I’ll tag along when you go to talk to Delsin and Fetch about everything, deal?”
“Deal.” Makayla smiled and suddenly felt relieved, like she had been holding her breath and finally surfaced. It was a weird feeling for her, but something told her she could relax here. Maybe she could even trust someone other than herself for once.
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“Remember to breathe, Dr. Hutch.”
The lessons were hard but Rosaline was pushing herself anyway. For Caly, she reminded herself. For Caly.
Originally Eugene had tried running a few simulations with her using his power to project holograms, but these didn’t seem to work with Rosaline’s magnification abilities. It was hard to unlock a more mental-focused power with something that demanded a more physical approach. But after a few more tries, Eugene had an idea and phoned a friend. It took a bit for them to arrive but when they entered the training arena Rosaline instantly felt a wave of calm and encouragement from them and now they were sitting cross-legged on the floor facing one another.
“Please, call me Rosaline,” Rosaline concentrated on her breathing as instructed, “Like in yoga class… I’m finding my center.”
Her teacher reached out and touched her hand, “Stop that. This isn’t yoga. I want you to focus on connecting yourself to your power, not your center.”
Rosaline took a deep breath and pulled her long, red hair into a messy bun atop her head, which nearly matched the size of the pink bun her teacher had atop theirs. They spoke like they’d taught people how to really connect to their powers all their lives, but something creeped into the back of her mind, like that was a lie or a façade somehow. Like maybe this was just how they taught themselves. And maybe that was enough. Rosaline didn’t need to see transcripts or a list of names of successful students, she just needed to make this work. For herself. For Caly.
“Okay, Garrett. Let me try it again.”
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Eugene sent an email. Another call for help. At first it bothered him to have to rely on others for help when he was a powerful conduit with connections, to boot. But it was these connections that were a boone to his power, not a fault of it. So now Eugene reached out unabashedly and continued to work while waiting on responses.
This response came at lighting speed. As expected. Childe was one with the Internet, after all.
They seemed happy to help and Eugene toasted his half-empty cup of coffee to them from his side of the computer screen.
“I just need to attack this from both sides. If we can crack this database wide open we’ll be saving a lot of conduits. I have a feeling Stratego may have additional facilities that we simply don’t know about yet.” SEND.
The reply came quickly. {I’m on it. I’ll be in touch.}
“I’ll drink a coffee for you, Childe. Thanks so much.” SEND.
{LOL! Thank you.}
With this being worked on, Eugene finally felt like he was making big strides instead of banging his head against the wall. Amazing what a small breakthrough, some powerful conduits and a few cups of coffee could accomplish.
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The meeting between Makayla and the Heroes went better than Benji was expecting. Fetch had seemed annoyed at first, but as she was taking in what Makayla offered, she started asking more questions and by the end of the meeting seemed to be a little more amicable toward the toxin user. Benji was pleased.
Now, Benji was alone in his dorm which felt odd after spending so much time with Caly in here. He was sort of at a loss on what to do with the silence… video games? Art? Homework? Nah, not homework. But his eyes landed on his desk anyway and zoned into the folded paper he had left there. The one from Lucky.
He picked it up from his desk and turned it over in his hands. It was an origami dove and he wondered if maybe Lucky needed help afterall. 
“Are you okay? Do you need help?”
“I’m better now, thanks. Take care of Caly. Good luck, Benji.”
He recalled the conversation and found it to be strange, especially paired with Lucky giving him this paper. Benji suddenly had the realization that this could be one of Celia’s doves and he swallowed his worry that Lucky was working with Celia. Her name hadn’t come up in the conversation between Makayla and the others in the office, but this dove couldn’t simply be a coincidence, right?
Benji was flicking at the folds of the paper when something told him to unfold the dove and he pulled it apart carefully. Inside on the paper was the following message:
Grasp your FREEDOM, now Consider this your invite Accept your calling
“Oh,” Benji whispered to himself after reading the note, “I need Makayla to tell me where to go… I need to warn Lucky about Celia.” And he started tossing things into an old backpack. This was his hero’s calling, he could feel it in his bones.
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“Benji? What are you doing here?” Lucky spun around running to Benji with a look of concern on her face. She grabbed him by the wrist and tugged him back into the shadows away from the entrance of the abandoned train yard. Benji thought she’d be happy to see him but her actions spoke louder than words.
“Are you safe? I unfolded the origami you gave me and I came as soon as I knew where to find you.”
Lucky gave him a puzzled look and moved her hand from his wrist to interlacing her fingers with his. Benji felt his cheeks warm and was thankful for the shadows for once in his life.
“Are you okay? Is Caly?”
“Yeah, Caly is fine. I’m fine,” Benji was trying to read her. Something seemed off but he couldn’t figure it out yet. It didn’t help that her hand felt warm in his and it was throwing his senses off. No one ever held his hand. This was new to him and it was really nice.
Benji shook himself to pull himself together, “Listen, Lucky. You may be in danger. That origami dove you gave me? It was one of Celia's, right?”
Lucky furrowed her brow, “Yeah, how did you kn–”
“Celia is using you for some self-important job. She’s going to hurt you once she no longer needs you,” Benji cut in, “You need to get out. Now.”
Lucky’s eyes searched his face. Benji wasn’t sure if she was finding what she needed or not. He just hoped she believed him.
“It may be too late for that. But you shouldn’t be here. If she sees you here…” Lucky’s voice drifted off and she quickly glanced over her shoulder as if she heard something he missed. “Good luck, Benji. You need to leave.”
Benji felt a rush of… something. Like a splash of water in his face. It was a strange sensation and he realized he had felt this once before with Lucky. She went to drop his hand and he grabbed her hand back quickly, holding it between both of his hands now. He was searching her face now and she looked slightly terrified.
“I’m not leaving you here. Come back with me,” His voice was a hushed whisper. He was begging her.
Lucky seemed to hesitate for a moment. It gave Benji a surge of hope. But then she glanced at their hands and she gently pulled hers away again, “I wish I could. I have to stay. For now.”
“Is she hurting you?”
Lucky seemed caught off guard by that assumption, “What? No. I mean, I can leave soon. I’ll find you again, I promise.”
Benji shook his head. He was not accepting this weird flow of words from Lucky. Something was clearly wrong and he decided to stay. What did Fetch tell him? Sometimes you gotta trust your instincts and choose the lesser evil. Let’s hope she wasn’t wrong.
“I’m staying with you, then. I want to see what Celia has planned for myself.”
“Benji I don’t think that’s a good idea…” Lucky started but noticed Benji seemed to have made up his mind. She sighed, “Keep your power hidden but ready. Something is changing and I’m getting nervous.”
Benji nodded as Lucky took his hand again and led him into the tunnel that held their small cohort of a team and Celia’s hidden base for Operation Freedom.
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The knocking was loud. Then louder still.
“C’mon, Benji! Open up! I know you’re skipping class,” Fetch’s voice was muffled beyond the dorm door. “I’m letting myself in on the count of three.”
Fetch counted as she found the key she needed and then she unlocked the door to Benji’s room. She was hoping the conduit was just asleep since he was now off babysitting duty and had just used a massive amount of power at her behest. So, when Fetch opened the door and found the room all but empty, she was very, very confused.
And then she noticed something on Benji’s empty desk. A piece of paper that had familiar folded lines which had been smoothed out.
Fetch entered the room and picked up the paper, reading the message inside before fisting it with anger that all but set her neon ablaze. She left his dorm room, closing the door behind her but leaving it unlocked and headed not back to the office, but to another dorm down an opposite hall.
Another loud knocking on a closed door but this one was quickly answered.
“Yeah, yeah, what do you wa–oh, Fetch.” Makayla raised a single eyebrow while standing in her doorway.
“We have a problem that I think you can help with,” Fetch held up the scrunched paper in her fist and Makayla looked from it to Fetch’s face before nodding quietly. “Meet me in the office, now.”
Delsin and Eugene were already in the office planning lessons for the upcoming semester when Fetch crashed that party with Makayla in tow. She stormed to the desk and slapped the paper down on the wood.
“We have a big problem. Benji is gone.”
“Gone?” Delsin read the paper and then looked to Fetch and passed the paper to Eugene to read over as well.
Makayla sat carefully on the armrest of the couch, as though she may need to bolt from the room at a second’s notice, “He’s with Celia. I know where her base is.”
“We are not going to her base. It would be like walking into a trap,” Delsin strategized.
“Smart. I see why people call you the ‘Hero of Seattle’,” Makayla seemed to relax a bit on her perch.
Delsin nodded and then leaned into her bubble, “That’s why you’re going instead.”
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Sweat beaded along her forehead as Lucky pushed her abilities and dodged an attack aimed at her head. She had been standing still with her eyes closed, tapping into her luck and relying upon it to guide her actions. It wasn’t a perfect dance, not yet anyway. But Lucky was determined to fine-tune this new skill.
“Too slow!” Her brother’s voice shouted from someplace in front of her, a noise like a razor upon glass alerted her to a new barrage of his mirror shards flying her way. Lucky dove left but as predicted, she was a second too slow and one shard sliced into her calf.
Lucky cursed under her breath, rolling until she sat up and could check the damage. It wasn’t a deep cut but she still frowned at being cut at all.
Orion approached her and stood over her, hands resting on his hips. “I told you to just fight me normally. This whole pushing your luck is going nowhere.”
“Stop being such an ass about this, Orion. I really want to try this. I think I can make it work somehow,” Lucky reached up to him and Orion grabbed her wrist to pull her to her feet while rolling his eyes.
The pain was sharp and sudden. Lucky gasped and glanced down seeing a shard driven up and under her ribcage. She blanched and stumbled forward into Orion’s arms. He held her gently, whispering into her ear.
“You trust too easily, sister. You need to build your pain tolerance before you try new tricks.”
“... Orion… Why?” She inhaled and held her breath, her fingers finding the shard before she wrapped her hand around it and yanked it from her skin. The pain caused tears to escape from the corners of her eyes and she pressed her bloodied palm to the wound as the shard fell to the grass at her feet.
Orion pushed her away from his embrace and ran his index finger under her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. “Anger looks good on you, Lucky. Ready to fight me now?”
Lucky narrowed her eyes, forcing celestial light into her hands. The one over her wound flared with pain as she focused on cauterizing the wound with the heat. She flicked her free hand upward to latch around Orion’s wrist, the burn registering as pain flashed across his features. Lucky smirked internally knowing she had bested her brother for a moment.
Orion yanked his arm from her grasp and immediately summoned more mirror shards to his aid with a flash of golden crescents flickering in his eyes. The shards flew like arrows loosed from an invisible bow and Lucky dodged them all gracefully.
While Orion pulled more shards from thin air, Lucky forced celestial light in his direction. It flew like a thrown sparkler, sparks flying and her aim true. As it reached close enough to Orion, Lucky clapped her hands together and the sparks of light exploded in his face. She was quickly disappointed as the smoke cleared and her brother appeared from behind a mirror shield he crafted to protect his face.
Lucky scowled but then she was hit with sudden dizziness and her steps faltered. A glance down told her the stab wound was still bleeding and that this mini skirmish needed to quit while it was just between the siblings.
Benji caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.
“Lucky!” He was looking her over quickly and then his eyes started fading into this blue-gray color and Lucky reached up one hand and cradled his cheek. Her touch canceled his call to his power and he looked back down at her.
“I’m fine. Don’t hurt him.”
“But he hurt you.”
“And I’ll do it again if she wimps out with our next sparring session,” Orion cut in standing before them both. His arm was sporting a burn mark in the shape of her hand and his face looked marked by small dots of burns. So she had hurt him with her attack. Lucky smiled to herself. “I’m leaving. Let Celia know I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“What? Where are you going?” Benji shouted after him as Orion turned and started walking toward the city.
“To the bar. I’m hunting for trouble.”
“I hope it eats you alive, brother,” Lucky called after him and then she moved to sit in the grass, leaning back against her hands to relieve some pressure from her wound. Orion scoffed and waved but never looked back.
Benji dropped to sit next to Lucky, his eyes still darting from her face to her wound. He looked concerned for her and she gave him a soft smile.
“I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“You aren’t healing?”
“Oh… Yeah. About that,” She shifted a bit and winced just a smidge, “My power is luck-based and that’s pretty rare to drain. So healing is a slower process for me. I will heal, it just takes a little longer than most other conduits.”
Benji frowned a little at that but then sighed softly, “What can I do to help?”
Lucky gave him her full attention and for a moment said nothing at all. No one had ever offered to help her before. No one had ever seemed to care. She searched Benji’s eyes but only found genuine kindness. Her heart fluttered for a moment in her chest.
“Stay with me?” He’ll get hurt if he stays, Lucky thought to herself, But he isn’t going to want to leave you, not like this.
Benji just nodded and scooted closer to her on the grass, “Yeah, sure. I’m here, Lucky.”
“Thanks, Benji.”
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The bar was a loud, public place with a thin haze from cigarettes and cigars lingering in the air. By the time Orion pushed through the doorway and approached the bar his face was fully healed and the mark on his arm had faded to a shadow of color. He asked for something strong and smooth and let the bartender work their human magic on a drink that met his requirements. He took a long sip from it before taking a moment to look around him and start to narrow in on a target.
A lot of people were keeping to themselves at the bar, or enjoying the company of friends at the few tables scattered throughout. A few people seemed to be running on liquid courage, while alone with a potential partner for the evening. But as Orion took another long sip from his glass, ruckus laughter pulled his focus and he narrowed his eyes at a man with a slight build and blonde, spiky hair. The man was not alone and he demanded an audience. Orion felt his pulse rise with the thought of stealing that attention for himself.
“... tell us about your new boyfriend, Luca…”
Orion smirked and finished his drink, slamming the glass on the bar before leaving his spot and heading for the blonde, a single, overheard name whispered under his breath, “Luca.”
The goal was simple: Push. If this guy was a conduit, push harder. Orion was looking for a fight and starting one in this crowded bar would be easy for him. A necessary release of anger, energy and power. He wanted to feel something tonight and either Orion would get his ass handed to him, or he’d get what he wanted–it was simply up to the tipsy, laughing blonde that was in his sights.
The night would be a smashing success either way.
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“What do you mean?” Benji asked Lucky curiously. The two had been up all night talking and the sunlight was beginning to creep into the space they were sharing within the abandoned train yard building. It had been easy to talk with Lucky about anything and Lucky seemed to enjoy his company, so he stayed. Benji was also sticking by in case her unpredictable brother came in and decided round two of fight club would start before Lucky was fully healed.
“I mean, I think something is going on between Celia and my brother. Orion has been really combative with me for a few days now and just the other day Celia gave him a ‘secret mission’.” Lucky put the words in air quotes, “I’m starting to suspect Celia has it out for me somehow.”
“You should come back with me. I’ll protect you,” Benji took Lucky’s hands in his own, “I mean, the warehouse will take you in. We have Makayla healing there now.”
Lucky gave him a quizzical look, her brows furrowed in a way that read as her trying to understand what he had just told her. “Makayla is staying at the warehouse?”
“Yeah,” Benji confirmed, “At least, I hope so. She seemed like she was done with Celia’s bullshit and now hearing a similar story from you… I think you may be in trouble if you stay here.”
Lucky held his gaze and Benji felt a strange pull toward her. The way the sunlight was playing off her light skin and catching on her dark eyelashes… He shook his head slightly to shake off whatever was washing over him at the moment.
“Okay.” Lucky gave him a curt nod.
“Okay, I’ll meet you there. As soon as I know my brother is back here safely, I’ll sneak out and find you.”
Benji tilted his head slightly and gave her a slight frown, “Why are you protecting him?”
“I’m not,” Lucky quickly answered, “I’m protecting you. You need time to get back to the warehouse and let them know that something big is coming and it’s going to get bad. If I’m right, Celia is priming Orion to fight by her side and knowing him as well as I do, well, he’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants out of this.”
“What does he want?”
“Control and power.” Lucky answered. “All of it.”
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eruden-writes · 19 days
Forced on a cruise sponsored by a dating agency, firefighter Kieran Reyne gave it the good ole college try. Until he realized he was matched with fire elemental, Cyndi Scaldris. A fireman with a fire elemental? Hah! His tune changes when Cyndi helps him against a succubus, but she's already decided he's missed his shot. What's a suddenly infatuated man to do?
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
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I kinda figured something was up when she canceled her tour all of a sudden a few days ago. 😔
Welp! I guess all of the rumors and speculations from fans ended up being true! 🥴
It's a shame, cuz I was rooting for them, and hoping that they finally found their happy ever after with each other again. 🥴 I always root for couples who seemed in love and who try to give each other a second chance. 🥹
Butttt....it seems as though the issues that were there in their relationship over 20 years ago never really got resolved.
I think two people can be wildly ATTRACTED to each other, and want to BE together, but they may not be the BEST suited for each other in the long run. 😔
The physical attraction may be there, but they don't bring out the best in each other, or their personalities aren't really all that compatible. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Personally?? If I were psychoanalyzing these two, I'd say that I think that Ben needs to work on himself and fixing his internal demons and personal issues (along with his addictions) FIRST before trying to get into any other relationship with anyone else again. Otherwise, he's never going to be a good boyfriend (or husband) to anyone in this state.
And as for her, I'd say that JLo just needs to work on just being SINGLE and happy being SINGLE, and enjoying her own company for at least a year or two, instead of continuing to jump from man to man, husband to husband, etc.🥴 Like, just be happy in yourself! You can stand to be single for a little bit. You're still gorgeous, you have lovely kids, like, just enjoy your singlehood for a little bit. Enjoy being DRAMA-FREE!! Not everyone needs to be in a rlshp all the time lol. 😅 It's harrrrd I know, especially when you're gorgeous. It's hard to be single lol.... I get it! LOL
But she needs to just focus on HERSELF for a change imo.
And for the love of God, DON'T ever go back to Ben!!! 😤 You two gave it the good ol' college try for a second time, and it just didn't work!
I personally don't believe in giving an ex a THIRD chance....no way. A second chance, yes...especially if we still love each other and have both worked on our personal issues that led tot he breakup. But a THIRD chance??
No way....
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Just admit that you two just simply aren't compatible and move on! 😤
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