#gave my friends a whole ramble abt this the other day but it does actually piss me off that emo's not seen as a Real or
eggbagelz · 1 year
Hello music fan. Can you explain to me why emo is a childish subculture without saying that teenage girls like it? You have ten seconds.
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disruptivevoib · 7 months
I am very silly about the Eleutheromania and Lacuna AUs, I don't really have any specific questions but feel free to rant about either of those AUs :3
Eleutheromania is my so very beloved AU.
And I could say so much but. I have this ramble about Eleuthero!Whole, aka Clio. And loosely also Calliope, Eleuthero!Soul.
-- So thats under the cut!
So, I do often think abt trying to add more distinction between Clio in co-existence and Clio in fully formed Whole. Which are both things as of yet to be seen in the fanfic writing. But it will be seen, and thusly needs to be considered.
I know Clio in co-existence was very very apathetic.
He, universally, maintains that he is a loathsome person and pretends to accept this with a boastful ego but. He does absolutely hate himself.
So, I think that co-existence Clio is the more raw or realistic one.
When the self-aware loathing of Soul, the overwhelming seeping and creeping of emotion of Heart, and the harsh brutalist truth or moral/societal pressures of logic are all stripped away you ARE just indeed left with this thing writhing in misery because it cannot even really stand the idea of being where it is, being itself.
So, co-existing Clio accepts everything /he/ essentially does to himself because its what he believes he deserves. And on the vice-versa end, a fully formed Clio perpetuates the cycle because he also still believes its what /he/ deserves just.. backwards.
Where Callie has never inherently believed he deserved the treatment Whole gave him, Clio has only ever thought it was just that at least some part of himself be tyrannical over the other. Even in switching up because he was fully formed once more.
The distinction there is that he HAS all that loathing and self vitriol in him again alongside the misery of it.
On both ends he still puts up this face, and he still accepts the deserving nature of it all, but flips it into.. sort of.
"If I deserve it, and I am me, and they are me, they deserve it too."
A nonsensical and delusional mentality that at the end of the day, no matter where he is, he deserves to be, in some form, whether deeply subconsciously or right there at the surface level of basic thought, miserable.
Which likely stems from just. Who Clio is or became as a person. I do not think he has that many friends, and the ones he did have, obviously didn't notice he changed when Soul took over because by the time Calliope did so, he was already just *that* similar to Whole if only different in that he did not accept their sameness and delusionally denied the fact that he had become "himself" in a way by perpetuating the narrative that Mind and Heart are not people and that Whole is deserving of all the horrible things. Though he saw it as just because Whole did it first, regardless, they were both harming themselves.
I do think Clio likely did make songs still, and he threw himself into them for a time but idk if he ever actually did post them.
The inital concept was that, he did and such but.. ah. The evolution of the character and the disconnection I feel between him, or all of them as characters from source material or CJ as the artist, ahh blah blah. He never posts music he writes, or continues it.
He does enjoy creating, he just struggles to find a footing in believing anything he does is worthwhile- or even furthermore, that if he deserves to be miserable and self-sabotages so much... why would he ever properly pursue something that could make him happy when he is undeserving of that.
Which also side-ish note is yeah! Eleuthero aside from base root concept to me is pretty disjointed from the canon of CCCC. The AU is highly self indulgent and more an exploration of someone who struggles to even attach personhood to themself in a solid way, etc etc.
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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benjiwyatt · 4 years
do you have any ben/leslie headcanons! i love your posts abt them so much it's great to see someone get as emotional abt them as i am asjdkajhjd
i got this message and i was like "god, i dont really know if i have any headcanons" and then i opened my notes app and started typing and didn't stop for over an hour
i'm literally putting this under a break and organizing it into categories bc it's absurdly long
here it is
basically canon but leslie definitely had a crush on a young benji wyatt and followed the story religiously for the first couple months before she started college
ben is only slightly jealous leslie had ann go out with chris to try and get more money for the parks budget rather than leslie asking him out with the same goal. he knows it’s insane, unethical, and illogical but he’s still excited that he gets to spend the night with her on a date plus two other people even if it is to accuse her of bribery.
ann realizes early on that leslie was attracted to ben and teases her mercilessly about it. she thinks it’s absolutely hilarious that leslie wants to make out with "mean ben.” after april and andy’s wedding, she realizes it's more than just attraction and she lays off.
before ben can even think rationally about what he’s doing, he’s in line at bed, bath, and beyond with a crock pot in his arms, calling stephanie to ask her to send him their family’s chicken soup recipe
ann knew ben liked her from the beginning and was totally positive when she ran into him in the hospital asking for leslie’s room number while holding jj’s waffles and a tub of homemade soup.
ben realizes he’s falling in love with leslie when he is at city hall with her until 3am one night trying to budget for the amount of cotton candy machines she wants for the harvest festival. in his exhaustion, he naively believes her when she tells him she’ll go home in a bit so he leaves. he never gets a text from saying she made it home so he stops at jj’s the next morning and brings a takeout container of waffles and a coffee complete with an outlandish amount of whipped cream and sugar to the parks department. he finds her asleep in the conference room. he starts trying to convince sweetums to donate more cotton candy machines that afternoon.
chris had to have known ben liked leslie. he’s not an idiot. in the deleted scene from their wedding, they read out emails from their “tumultuous first week in pawnee” and chris writes to ben saying, “why are you so focused on leslie knope?” ben replies saying, “i’m not. whatever. shut up.” there’s no way chris is this oblivious. ben takes her out for a beer. ben pays out of pocket for a children’s performer to help her out. ben shows up on chris and ann’s date just because he thinks leslie might be there. chris can’t be this dumb. but when they take the city manager jobs in pawnee, he knows it can’t happen so he cuts ben off when he starts to ask about dating someone in city hall. he cracks down on the rule in front of leslie after the tom incident to hammer it in. he starts setting ben up on a bunch of dates to try and head it off. he sends them to indianapolis for the little league pitch because, realistically, he knows they’re the best bet for success but makes sure to interrupt their dinner and invites them to his apartment to continue to run interference the rest of the night. after their fights in 4.06-4.08, he hopes he won’t have to worry anymore. the next work day, they come into his office looking nervous and happy and he knows he’s about to lose the partner and best friend that’s been by his side for the past decade.
april and andy knew they were secretly dating. it went unspoken aside from a few implicit teasing remarks from april and a few suggestive attempted high fives from andy but leslie assured ben they wouldn’t tell anyone despite their ostensible behavior.
ben had commissioned the li’l sebastian plush for leslie after he had died but the toy shop didn’t finish it until after they broke up. he felt bad not going to pick it up so he did despite not being able to give it to her. he kept it for all those months and sometimes thought about getting rid of it but could never bring himself to do it.
when leslie made personalized copies her books for her friends with individualized annotations and notes in the bylines, she had two copies for ben. there was one that she gave him during their breakup that was very simplified and watered down where the note basically just said “i’m really glad you decided to stay in pawnee.” then there was a second copy that she kept while they were split up that was totally covered in notes and random thoughts she couldn’t say during their time apart. she gives him that copy when they get back together and it may or may not be the best gift he’s ever received.
april was much less abrasive with them during the break up because she’s a sweetheart and wants her friends to be happy.
the first time leslie admitted she was in love with him was during a long night of drinking and crying at ann’s house
ben craved the taste of sugar during their breakup because he got used to tasting the sweetness when he kissed her
ben found himself unable to sleep at night without the sound of leslie talking in her sleep to comfort him
april texted leslie the night of the halloween party to let her know that ben and andy were at the hospital after a fight and everything was fine and she didn’t need to worry. leslie was mad at andy for a few days after and he couldn’t figure out why.
the only photo in ben’s bedroom was of himself, leslie, and li’l sebastian at the harvest festival. if he got caught staring at it and crying, he would just say he missed li’l sebastian so much.
april and andy started having star wars and star trek movie nights to try and cheer ben up
ben and leslie got in the habit of having weekly game nights with april and andy during the campaign since they were all basically living together. it became a tradition that kept going as often as they could make it happen, even after the kids were born. they try to have game night at least once a month. april pretends to hate it.
one of my absolute favorite ideas about them is that she sleeps much better when he’s around to keep her grounded. after they get together for good, she starts getting closer to 5 hours of sleep a night.
another favorite involving leslie’s sleeping: ben is typically accustomed to tuning out incoherent nonsense that she babbles in her sleep but she also has some of her best ideas when she’s not busy trying to focus on a million different things. when he hears her coming up with legitimately good ideas or making speeches or having solid debate arguments, he takes out the notebook he keeps in his nightstand to record her thoughts and quotes. he revisits and revises the notes to strengthen her statements and make them more professional and less rambling but makes sure to keep her distinct voice apparent in them.
ben prefers pancakes to waffles but he will go to the grave with that secret
this isn’t a headcanon because nbc posted it but one of ben’s holidays on leslie’s calendar is watch synchronization day which is the day they celebrate syncing their watches to, as leslie puts it, “always be in harmony, like our hearts” which is just one of the sweetest fucking things in the world
leslie makes ben read and watch all the harry potters because he didn’t get into them when he first tried. ben is much more of a success than ann. she buys him a ravenclaw scarf for christmas.
their first fight as a couple was a historical debate gone awry
since ben clearly has some affinity for custom stuffed animals, he has some made for the triplets.
they’re both dog people but they adopt a cat because sonia and stephen beg for one and it does fit their busy lifestyle much better. they love the cat. they get a dog when the kids are older and life is slightly less hectic.
they both love striped shirts and sweaters so much that they have to make a conscious effort to avoid wearing them on the same day and matching
leslie makes sweets and bakes desserts while ben typically handles cooking the actual meals
i always loved the ann/ben dynamic in bus tour because there’s been such an obvious shift in ann’s attitude towards him in this episode. maybe it’s because she and tom just broke up and she just turned chris down again and she’s frustrated with relationships but i think it’s her realizing ben isn’t going anywhere. since the campaign is winding down, she realizes that things aren’t gonna go back to the way they were because ben is now part of this and he’s clearly in it for the long haul. ann’s definitely jealous that ben is just as important to leslie as she is and she now knows she’s never gonna get that full attention back. ann sits ben down to have a real “don’t you dare hurt her” speech after this ep and before win, lose, or draw. this is when he tells ann he wants to marry her.
they discover they both adore the princess bride after ben says “as you wish” to her one night and after that it becomes their movie.
the wildflower mural becomes a thing between them when ben says he considered that to be their first date, prompting leslie to tell him what the mural means to her.
ben puts banjo boogie bonanza on one of the mix cds he gives leslie at the beginning of their relationship
harrison ford movie nights start after they both reveal they had a crush on him as a kid. ben was obsessed with han solo and leslie was into indiana jones’ whole history teacher vibe.
they basically hate each other’s taste in music and stop exchanging mix cds once that becomes apparent that they aren’t gonna find much common ground. they both love tom petty, al green, and etta james and music in that vein though.
ben makes leslie watch game of thrones just to try to explain why he’s called her khaleesi. she gets into it, not so much because of the show itself, but because of how passionate her boyfriend is about it.
they start learning basic french during the s4 campaign because they think it will be useful to have a basic multilingual vocabulary for their political careers and because leslie confesses she has always dreamed of seeing paris. they study spanish next.
ben makes leslie watch the star wars prequels just so he can complain to her during them. he doesn’t think she’s paying attention and then he reads about midichlorians in the paper.
ann is also in on ben’s plan to sneak vegetables into leslie’s waffles.
they will sometimes jokingly refer to themselves as the “dream team” or “dynamic duo” because, despite chris’s absurdity, it’s true
i’m open to literally any origin of this because no matter what it’s perfect but i like to think that “i love you and i like you” started at some point in season 4 when, at some point, leslie went “i like you” and ben replied “you like me?” “mhm” “hm just like me?” “yes i like you. i love you and i like you. both.” “mmm i love you and i like you too”
i barely even register some of these things as headcanons since they just live so solidly in my brain
this might be my favorite ask ever thank you for loving benslie enough to ask me this and be genuinely interested
if anyone read all of this, i love you
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
both from afar
[leona kingscholar x shy!fem!half animal!reader]
anon asked: Hello~ Can I request for a shy!fem!reader x Leona please? And if you like, you can make the reader half-human half-animal too! ( Like Savanaclaw boys ). Thank you in advance!!
okay i had no idea how to properly describe that in the title and now there’s the confirmation! and holy heck leona is a popular boi, i have one more pending request with leona. y’all leona stans will be fed. 
"HEY, what are you looking at?” you felt your ear twitch and you felt your tail did a small jump. “hey jack-kun! nothing...” you nervously chuckled to brush his question off and slowly backed away from the wall. “your tail has been wagging the whole time. are you looking at leona again?” on instinct, you jumped and covered his mouth with your hands by practically slapping them on top of it. “jack-kun! s-shut up! who knows if he can hear you?!” 
here you were, (y/n) (l/n). a first year in savanaclaw who was already head over heels for the intimidating dorm leader, leona kingscholar. jack howl was basically your right-hand-man, your best friend. you would listen to your countless ramblings about the fellow dorm leader. he was tired of you at times but nonetheless he was still there by your side since day one since the both of you were childhood friends coming from the same place. “okay. okay.” he brought your hands away from his mouth. “and you’re not going to make a move on him?” he asked you. you bit the inside of your bottom lip. “jack you know me...i’m not really good at talking to other people.” he was the one who first approached you when you two were younger anyways. “you’re going to have to tell him someday you know.” he told you. “yeah...just not today.” you smirked and was going to turn around to your amazing senpai fly across the field on a broom. 
however this fantasy of your’s was cut short as you bumped into someone’s chest. “a-ah...sorry.” you whispered and looked up to face none other than leona himself. “ah! leona-senpai! i’m sorry! i didn’t see-” you were freaking out with your whole face flushed and tail visibly trembling. a full 360 degree turn in your personality from when you were alone with jack. “don’t worry about it.” he replied and started talking to jack. when they both were occupied you were basically dying from how embarrassed you were. you did not just bump into your crush! damn it (y/n)! you managed to look like a fool in front of leona-senpai and now he’s going to think you’re a total weirdo! he won’t be with someone like you! you can’t even tell him that you like him! you’re such an-
“hey (y/n).” you turned around and met leona’s eyes. you gave him a soft ‘mm’ and stood there fiddling with your thumbs. “wanna be my partner for ancient curses class?” your face flushed a hundred shades of red. “...what..?” out of all the people he could’ve chosen, he chose you? “i know you have a talent in ancient curses. so wanna be my partner?” you were dying over two things. one, he asked YOU to be his partner out of all the countless other students, and two, APPARENTLY HE PAYS ATTENTION TO YOU IN CLASSES! “uhm. yeah! sure! that’ll be great senpai!” you smiled as he started to leave. before he left however, he patted you on the head. “meet me in my room later at six okay?” you felt your heart drop. as soon as he was out of sight, you collapsed only to be caught by jack. “JACK! DID YOU HEAR THAT! HE WANTS ME,  ME TO BE HIS PARTNER!” you were squealing and just shaking jack. “BUT WHY OUT OF ALL PLACES DOES HE WANT ME TO WORK IN HIS ROOM?!” 
“quality time? i guess..?” jack spoke but he then chuckled. “have fun alright you two. make sure you actually finish the work and not do other things.” he left you there as a whole mess of a now dtysfunctioning being. it was several minutes until you had to go over to his room and work on whatever homework you had. it was just a small report, surely you’ll both get it done in fifteen minutes. ears twitching, tail trembling, you headed all the way to his room and knocked on his door. you heard a ‘come in’ and swung the door a bit too excitedly. “hey.” you chuckled but a small stutter could be heard. “come on, sit next to me.” he patted a spot on the bed next to where he was sitting. your face was red the whole entire time and your tail just couldn’t stop. at first you placed your books down on the bed and sat at the very edge. leona didn’t care however and just grabbed you and basically shoved you next to him. “okay let’s just get this over with-hey wait are you okay?” you looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “yeah...i’m fine. why?”
the next thing you knew, his face was literally inches away from yours. “your face is red...you don’t have a fever or anything right?” he placed his hand on your forehead and normally, you would react by flinching or jumping slightly but all you could do now was just freeze in shock. “i’m fine senpai...” you smiled and grabbed his hand and put it down. “you sure? don’t wanna just...rest or something?” you shook your head. “l-let’s just get this work done okay?” and so the next ten minutes was filled with awkward silence and the sound of pen writing on paper. it was extremely awkward but honestly you couldn’t break the silence. besides, you’d just make it more awkward for the both of you anyways. suddenly you felt a hand on top of your head. “eh?” leona was just placing his hand on top of your head and glaring at your ears. “you know your ears are really cute, right?”
“m-my ears...really?” he smirked. “you’re just cute in general.” you scooted quite a distance away from him and hid your face in your hands. “senpai...please don’t...” he chuckled. “it’s cute how you see me from afar in all our classes. you think i don’t notice you huh?” your eyes widened and you squeled. “aaaah! i’m sorry if it’s weird senpai! please don’t think i’m a weirdo or anything! i’ll stop if you want!” you rambled. “you’re not weird, (y/n). you’re just plain cute.” you finally had the courage to face him. “e-eh...really?” he engulfed you in a warm hug. “comfy...” you whispered to yourself as you relaxed into his embrace. “your tail has been wagging non-stop. are you really that happy?”
you felt like melting then and there. damn your uncontrollable and unconscious actions. “of course i am senpai! after all, you are hugging me.” he rested his chin on top of your head. “heh. cute.” 
i love how different leona can be in all the fics i write abt him lololol. gotta keep a consistent personality here gais. and i also feel like i can’t write titles related to the actual content whooopsieeesss. 
- a♕
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kuroopaisen · 3 years
@kacchand (i couldn't tag your main but i wanted to make sure you saw this fdlkjfdlkj) 
hello dear! i’m sorry it took me so long to respond to this dflskjfdlkfdj i decided to answer your ask in a text post so i can link my thoughts to yours more easily! also, i know i'm going to Ramble, so i wanted to be able to keep it under a cut sdlkfjd
Hi rowan!! I've just finished the final chapter of aot and I just wanted to ask your opinion on it!
(FR )
I'd also like to ask a follow up question about it, because it seems that I've come to a different concl. from many of my friends and I'm feeling dumb abt how i feel w it.
first of all (and i say this as sincerely as possible, and if i'm coming off as condesending please let me know hh), please don't feel dumb because you've come to a different conclusion :(
we all read media at different levels (i’ve been told it’s ‘not that deep’ before fdljkfsdlkj) and identify different aspects in it, so the fact that you've had a different experience to some of your friends is absolutely not a reflection on your intelligence. and if anyone's making you feel that way, drop their @. i just want to talk :) furthermore, you’re not wrong for responding to something emotionally, especially if it really... makes you uncomfortable, you know? 
i'm from the PH & I've put off determining whether i'm comfy w the manga til the last chap,,,, but is it wrong that I can't shake the feeling that it's a justification of japanese expansionism and genocide? ik this manga has always been in the grey area, and that's what I love abt it! It often shows that no choice they make is absolutely good or bad, and does such a good job at showing you how each complex character came to that understanding (role of environment, etc...) but this last chapter felt too positive abt the rumbling? Like it was justified because paradis was able to advance and there wasn't much choice? idk.
that's totally valid! some of the best think pieces on the show i read mentioned that the concern with the narrative is less "is isayama a nazi sympathiser?" (he most likely isn't), but if he's a imperial japan apologist. and...
well, let's just say that my father is british, and when i was trying to say that colonisation was bad, using british india as an example, he said "well, we gave them railroads." it's... it's uncomfortable and gross and i think it encapsulates how countries with imperial pasts tend to talk about them; even if they don't officially endorse it, there's often a lot of talk about how "well colonialism was good for this country, actually--"
and if the manga felt like it was justifying japanese expansionism, then chances are it had elements that very much did point towards that. i've had a lot of trouble grappling with reiner, annie and bertolt, because they've existed in this grey area of 'victim of oppression' and 'war criminal'; and their existence raises the question of "do people who commit war crimes simply do what needs to be done?" and by victimising them it... it plays into the whole nuremberg defense of "i was just following orders". it's making you feel bad for the people committing said war crimes (and similarly with eren, and all the awful things he's done). but i'll get more into this point later dsfkjfd
i haven't read the last chapter yet (and don't worry about spoilers! i've been approaching aot from a very... specific perspective anyway, so i actually don't mind spoilers -- i read a bunch of analyses of the series before i'd even watched it hh), but... i think if it came off as too positive about, you know... an awful thing that happened, then it absolutely makes sense that you'd feel uncomfortable?
the modernisation narrative in general is one that always skeeves me out. it's one japanese imperialists use to justify the invasion of korea (and even those infamous tweets from the one account purported to be isayama talk about how the population of korea boomed under japanese imperial occupation, which... stop.)
it's also commonly invoked in cases of development. certain members of society (usually the poor), just 'had' to die for the good of the future. who gives a damn if they consent to that? they have to.
similarly, the 'we had no choice' narrative. that's... a concerning one that crops up time and again with history apologists, the argument that "oh if x country hadn't done y, then someone else would've!" or that acts of aggression were done as pre-emptive self-defence, which is so... ugh. i just. i just hate it.
It also feels really weird w the ymir and the whole loving fritz thing. i wish we got to see more of her thought process and what conclusion she came to that led her to destroying the power of the titans.
i... hate this so much. i get that abuse is complicated and victims often have multifaceted feelings towards their abusers, but... most people would focus on that in their story? the story would be about that? but instead, it's just... a thing in the history of the world and that's... icky.
also having the genesis of the titans come from a slave girl in love with her captor... there's many levels of ick to it and i highly doubt it was handled with the appropriate level of grace and sensitivity.
honestly, this might be one of the things that pissed me off the most because of how... contradictory her backstory was with That One Chapter (you know, instead of ymir crying because she wants to be free or because she’s been trapped she........ wants to see mikasa kiss eren’s decapitated head? i guess? what the fuck?) 
idk...I just think that context is sometimes everything. and i understand that media can portray incorrect things,,,, and that isayama likely didn't intend for it to become a global sensation, but i guess i'm just uncomfortable w the right wing nazis getting a comfort book ahaha.
i totally get that! even if attack on titan is meant to be anti-fascists, the fact of the matter is... a lot of fascists love it. and relate to it. which is... alarming. especially given just how popular aot is worldwide.
it’s hard because before the ending, attack on titan did feel like it was more grey; i remember saying that i wouldn’t know how to feel about it until the ending because the story was either saying “the military is corrupt and war is hell”, or it was saying “the military is corrupt and war is hell, but it is necessary.” 
still sorting out my thoughts, but yeah. I think i'm having a hard time understanding what they really accomplished with the rumbling and how they gave eren a sudden lelouch role and a lot of how they made it out to be a happy thing? perhaps I'm too biased to see it fully but to me it gives a "woah. eren was a hero. he saved us from destruction. those people needed to die for us to achieve this temporary peace and new start". i suppose the rumbling gave them a levelled playing ground?
OH MY GOOOOOD okay. i haven't finished code geass. but i really don't like lelouch. i mean... i think i just don't like characters that sacrifice other people for a purported 'greater good' (i could write an Essay about how much i hate erwin smith looking at him is enough to send me into an unhinged rage), but where i'm up to in the anime, i don't like the direction they're going with eren? i mean, i've never liked eren, but... that whole "martyr for the eldians" is just. ew. especially when you see several eldian characters disagree and resist him. 
why does this one guy get to make choices for everyone else? because he’s sPeCiAL? fuck off 
sorry for not being coherent. maybe i'm basing this too much on feelings ahaha. trust aot to finish it's scandalous run with a scandalous end.
no omg you're being perfectly coherent :( also, if anyone's making you feel bad or stupid for how you experience media, they’re... definitely not as smart as they think they are fdslskjfdlk. 
i'm of that mind that, while media consumption is in part an intellectual exercise, it is inherently very emotional; narrative media tries to make us feel as much as it makes us think. that’s what stories are for, you know? intellectual analysis is well and good but what’s the point of a story if it doesn’t make you feel anything?
that's to say, i don't believe there's such thing as basing your opinion too much on feelings :') especially since it's your personal experience with a piece of media; you don't owe anyone 'objectivity' (which is always a farce when it comes to this sort of thing) or 'logical analysis', because nobody's got any right to criticise you for engaging with media the 'wrong way'.
tl;dr I feel like the mood was too celebratory abt the rumbling, and didn't entail enough on the tragedy so much that it felt like a justification for genocide and expansionism. how do you feel abt it's ending and the message it leaves? is isayama responsible to give a morally correct answer to the cycle of hatred? you're not obligated to answer! and sorry for the rambling.
hhh yeah i guess that’s the thing at the end of the day... is isayama responsible for giving a “morally correct” answer? no, but the way the ending plays out is very telling. 
like armin thanking eren? mikasa’s e n t i r e character boiling down to being in love with a mass murderer no matter how poorly he’s treated her? and one could argue that kind of ending is supposed to be unsettling, supposed to hint that the cycle will just continue, but...
framing is everything. and it’s framed like a Good, Emotional Thing, Aren’t We So Grateful Eren Did All Those Awful Things 
YI think I would've been fine if we got to see more of Eren's or Yif you have a different perspective on how eren is being portrayed please do share! I just felt really yucky watching armin say "thanks for murdering all those people for us" with love,,, I suppose he was trying to make eren feel better. ach maybe I'm just overreacting. idk. im dumb ahaha . i'll send this in anyway cuz I'd love to hear your take!
HHHHHHH i just hate eren and i never got him. i felt bad for him in the beginning, but he's always been too... violent for me. there was a very short period of time in season 2 where i felt bad for him, but otherwise it’s just been... ugh. the main three have always been the weakest part of the series imo, so it’s really not surprising they’re part of the reason the ending was so. bad. 
and... well, that one infamous quote pretty much sums up my issue with armin. he's supposed to be the 'intelligent' one, but he's hopelessly devoted to a homicidal maniac with whom he has a very artificial, unbelievable bond with.
at the end of the day, the "thank you for becoming our monster" thing just makes it seem like attack on titan's core message is "war is horrible, but it is necessary." it feels like it's justifying massacre. and while fiction is fiction, and sometimes it's as simple as that, i think something as politically loaded as attack on titan needs to be looked at with a critical lens when discussing what it’s trying to say or what it means. 
do i think it makes someone a Bad Person for liking aot or being attached to it in some way? no, because that’s dumb, and what media someone likes =/= their Moral Goodness TM. ofc trends are a thing and certain pieces of media appeal to certain types of people, but it’s a false equivalency that misses the point. 
but by that same breath, nobody is wrong or stupid or has Less Valid Opinions just because what they took away from it makes them uncomfortable. 
i’m sorry this is So Long i have so many thoughts about this dskljfslkj 
but at the end of the day, 
levi sexy
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jemmydoolz · 5 years
Edgar Has Always Been Kind of a Bitch
hi okay so it's a little after midnight but I'm posting a fic rn bc it's the first fic I've written in like,, a yr and a half and also I'm rlly excited abt it??
anyway battle buddies/fahc jeremwood angst based on ramblings in a gc
(warning for minor assault implications at the beginning, and brief mentions of a suicide attempt at the end)!!!
Fiona and Gavin decide that what Jeremy needs is a night of bevs, and, to put it simply, get wasted, so the crew settles on going to a club that Friday. Jeremy only has one or two drinks, but boy does he get fucked up.
Ryan’s sitting and talking with Geoff and Jack in a booth, sipping a diet coke. He looks over Jack’s shoulder to see Jeremy standing at the bar with a much taller, more intimidating man looming over him. The guy reaches out toward Jeremy, who leans away from the touch. Jeremy nervously laughs and his eyes frantically dart around for someone, anyone who might be able to help him.
“Hello? Earth to Ryan?” Jack waves her hand in front of Ryan’s face.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah. sorry. Hey, um, I’m gonna go home, I’m just not really feeling great,” Ryan murmurs as he slides out of the booth, already heading toward Jeremy.
“Um, alright, I guess? Drive safe,” Jack calls after him.
Ryan speeds up when he sees the man grab Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy’s face flipped through a thousand emotions at once when he saw Ryan approaching, but eventually landed on confused but grateful. He gave Jeremy a look that said just go with what I’m about to say.
“Hey, babe,” Ryan says. The man immediately drops his grip on Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy does his best not to choke on his own spit when he hears the word babe come out of Ryan’s mouth. He hadn’t heard it in so long, and he didn’t think it would still hurt so much.
“Oh, hey!” Jeremy turns to Ryan and reaches up to peck him on the lips. “Where’d Edgar go? It’s his birthday, I figured he would wanna hang out with his friends!”
Fuck. Mentioning something about their friend ‘Edgar’ was always code for I don’t feel good about this, let’s leave. Edgar’s birthday meant I’m having a panic attack, I need your help. Ryan wanted to punch the guy that was practically feeling Jeremy up. No—he wanted to fucking kill that bastard. He and Jeremy may have had a severe falling out, they may have suffered years of heartache and longing, but he still felt responsible to make sure Jeremy was safe.
“He said he kinda wanted to go home. He went to the bathroom while I found you. You, uh, just about ready?” Ryan’s eyes flitted between Jeremy and the other man, who cleared his throat and mumbled something about needing to go find his friends before walking off.
Jeremy and Ryan both sigh in relief once he’s gone.
“Wanna head outside for some fresh air for a minute?” Ryan asks, getting a meek, obviously shaken-up nod in return.
Jeremy says something that Ryan can’t quite hear over the music as they walk outside.
“Oh, nothing. It was dumb.” Jeremy shakes his head. Ryan has had enough experience to know that it was better to just leave it alone. They both wordlessly come to a stop and lean against the wall of the building a few yards from the door. Almost as if they had been working as partners for years. They spend a few minutes saying nothing, watching people on the street, looking at the stars in the sky. Ryan can’t help but study the intricacies of Jeremy, realizing that so many things have changed, but somehow almost nothing about him is different. Jeremy’s hair is just a tad bit more grown out than it ever was at the agency (also, it’s bright purple and orange, which is not exactly the most appealing color combination, but that’s a topic for another day), but he still runs his hands through it when he’s lost in thought. It’s curlier than it used to be, but maybe that’s just because it’s longer. He still clenches his jaw so hard it seems like he’s going to break his teeth when he’s scared. He still wears a tank top under his shirt, no matter how hot it is outside. His eyes still crinkle at the corners when he lets out a bark of laughter that Ryan still swears up and down sounds exactly like a squeaky toy. He’s changed, though. Ryan can see in his eyes that he’s become aware of reality. He knows the responsibility he carries, the heavy consequences that come with his actions, that death is around the corner at every moment.
“D’you- d’you want me to take you home?” Ryan says barely above a whisper, but loud enough for Jeremy to hear. “You can go back inside if you want, but I know you always used to want to go home and be alone after Edgar shows up.” Jeremy lets out the tiniest breathy chuckle.
“Edgar has always been kind of a bitch, hasn’t he?” Jeremy says as he looks away from the sky to meet Ryan’s gaze, and his heart falls apart all over again for the thousandth time. That fond look of reminiscence and joy was one Ryan donned frequently at the agency. “I- Yeah. yeah. I’d really appreciate a ride home. I’m just a little too drunk to drive, I think.”
“Alright. I parked just down the street. Penthouse or your apartment?” Ryan hadn’t even noticed that Jeremy did seem somewhat tipsy; his Boston accent slipping in occasionally and his words slurring the tiniest bit.
“Um, apartment,” Jeremy says. “D’you rem-”
“Yes, I remember where your apartment is, Jeremy.”
It’s only a few minutes into the drive to the other side of town when Jeremy pipes up. “I honestly didn’t really expect you to help me. I didn’t expect you to remember Edgar, either. I dunno why I said it, I guess just vaguely hoping you would even though it’s been, what, three years?” he pauses for a moment and just takes in Ryan's profile. “I always hope you remember things from then. I know it went to shit, but we still had so much fun. We made so many memories and did so much dumb shit there. But I’m glad that stupid fuckin’ place collapsed. All of it was complete bullshit. I just wish it all fell apart before we did.”
Ryan doesn’t know how to respond. So he doesn’t.
“All those meetings I had to stay late for? Fuckin’ useless. They served no purpose, and I don't know why I was forced to go to them. I feel like the only reason I had to go to those meetings was because someone was hiding something from me. It was obvious that so many things were kept from us.” Jeremy stops for a second to try to will away the lump rising in his throat. “I thought you were cheating on me. For the longest time. I still don’t know whether you actually were. You were always out on ‘special missions’ and shit.”
The moment Ryan hears Jeremy let out a shaky breath his heart breaks.
“Was it me? Was I not good enough? I promise I tried my hardest to be what you needed. I’m sorry if I wasn’t. All I wanted was the best for you, Ryan. Even now, I just want you to be happy. If you're happier with someone else, then that’s what I want. I don’t blame you, though. I don’t deserve someone like you. You deserve so much better than me. I would do anything for you, Rye. We were together for so long. We did everything together! I thought I was gonna marry you. I was saving up money to get a ring. I guess I was too stupid to see that you didn’t want me anymore.”
Ryan looks over to see the tears staining Jeremy’s cheeks reflecting the soft orange glow of the streetlamps. Is this really what Jeremy thinks?
“I was so in love with you, Ryan Haywood. I’m- I’m still in love with you. I love you so goddamn much it hurts sometimes. Every time I see you hurt, upset, angry, anything other than healthy and happy my heart aches. I’m sorry I wasn't enough. I promise I tried. Fuck, I tried so hard.”
With every sob Jeremy lets out, Ryan's heart breaks just a little bit more. The short distance left until Ryan pulls up to Jeremy’s apartment building is spent wordlessly. Jeremy’s clambering out of the car and reaching to grab the door when Ryan speaks.
“Hey, Jer, do you want me to walk you up? I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“No. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. I’ve already been a pain in your ass tonight, I don't need to waste even more of your time. I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything.” Jeremy sniffles and wipes his cheeks, giving a half-hearted smile before shutting the door and walking away.
Ryan sits there for a second, unable to process fully what he just heard. He starts driving without even knowing where he was going, and he’s so lost in his thoughts that suddenly he’s sitting in his car in front of the boardwalk along the beach and crying. He can’t believe anything he was just told—there is no way in hell that the brilliant, witty, talented Jeremy Dooley ever doubts his worth. It’s jarring to think that part of it was because of Ryan. He was going on extra missions because the agency was growing more and more demanding. For months they tormented Ryan with the threat of kicking out Jeremy. They said they’d do other things to him that Ryan doesn’t want to remember. Why did Jeremy never bring it up? Why did he just accept that Ryan had ‘moved on?’ Their lives were so intertwined with one another that Ryan never felt truly whole again. The only reason Ryan went with the break up was that he saw how distant and cold Jeremy had gotten. Ryan had assumed that, for whatever reason, Jeremy had changed his mind. He hated it, he was devastated, but he didn't know how to fix it.
Ryan decides he doesn’t want to go back to the penthouse tonight. He pulls up to the nearest crew safehouse, and suddenly things click.
Jeremy had always struggled with bad self-image and depression. He had gone to Ryan for comfort, which he was always more than willing to give. Jeremy was doing better. At least he told Ryan he was.
Jack had mentioned a while ago that when Jeremy first joined the crew, she had found him after a suicide attempt and barely left his side until he recovered. The only reason for it Jack had told Ryan about was ‘emotional trauma from a past relationship, that he didn’t really want to talk about.’
Ryan did that to him.
Ryan did that to him.
Ryan made the love of his life want to die.
The pieces left of his heart fall into more shards than there are grains of sand in this world.
He collapses onto the couch inside, too exhausted to even get to the bed. He knows he’s not going to be able to sleep, though.
To: Geoff
Dropped Jeremy off at his place, he was pretty drunk though so check on him please
To: Geoff
I’m staying at kung fu safehouse for the night
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baph0meat · 4 years
several years ago I asked you "tips on turning 21?" and you gave some damn good advice that helped me so much when i turned 21. so, got a tip for turning 25 and suddenly being very aware of the process of self-actualization?
[continued] “i asked my older sibling and they said "don't eat trash food" lmfao”
well i actually first off actually unironically agree w your older sibling -- it feels like a drag to get nagged abt it but genuinely switching from like. “hot pockets from the corner store every night bc i’m tired” to gritting my teeth and putting in the planning and time to cook for myself and eat in ways that were kinder to my body did a LOT for like, both just my overall wellness and also my fucking wallet bc trash food is literally so fucking expensive out the gate. there’s like. a whole BUNCH i could get into as someone who has worked in The Health Food Industry abt how a lot of what you’re paying for w processed food is convenience and immediacy and that a lot of times “Healthy Food” costs more in terms of time and preparation and getting WAY fewer calories per dollar in ways that aren’t feasible if you’re food insecure etc etc etc but i’m not getting into that i’m just gonna say: when you CAN, whenever you’re able, gritting your teeth and prying yourself up and over to the kitchen and not having trash food actually does do a lot for u overall.
anyway. cw for brief suicide mention as i talk abt this but i’ll try not to get too heavy abt it
i’m abt to turn 27 next month and have finally hit the point where my life has like... stabilized in a way i never thought would’ve been possible. (i got married, did i say that on this blog ever? hi, it’s me, ira, i got married to the coolest woman alive and moved to spain.) but the thing is i’ve said that every year. like, fuckin, on an absolute clockwork schedule once a year i’ve been like “hi guys wow things have been so crazy but everything in my life has FINALLY settled so i’ll be around a lot more” etc etc. so: your life is never settled and it is also always settling and eventually i have found i just stop noticing. i think also as things settle i’ve noticed i’ve started like, really getting struck by my life STRETCHING OUT in front of me, esp since i was suicidal for most of my life til now and like, i never had to THINK abt or plan for stuff, and now suddenly sometimes it’s like. even tho i’m so happy w my life now it’s still so exhausting sometimes to think abt doing this fucking forever lmao. forever! every day! life is so long and my brain is so small!
all this to say: never expect stuff to be Done esp a concept as huge as self-actualization and also expect to be tired. expect to freak out a little. i know we’ve all heard “nobody has it figured out in their 20s” and we’re like “yeah yeah cool except i look around and other ppl in their 20s seem to at LEAST have it more together than i do” and my solution for that so far has been oh my god stop looking in other people’s windows, ira. 
i’m getting really rambly and disorganized here so i’m just gonna post a list of things that have really, really helped me in the mid-20s zone and that made me healthier and happier than early-20s me
i don’t drink or use substances when i’m in a bad mood anymore. ever. even if i’m just like “lightly bummed out” -- total stop, total red light, no substance use. this one rule has changed my life entirely and i take it extremely seriously. i have to be happy and feeling good going into it, or i don’t take anything/don’t have any drinks, period. (i tentatively make an exception for this re: using weed to medicate anxiety but i personally still try to keep that a last resort.)
every time you feel like bitching about something you don’t like on social media, make a post abt something else that you like instead. every time u feel like saying something meanspirited or vague or unpleasant abt someone you can’t stand, find a genuine, wholehearted compliment abt someone you really like instead. i’m obviously not saying “never complain ever” but i’m saying only complain when it like.... matters, and take vicious, merciless inventory of when it actually matters bc it u might find that inventory doesn’t line up w your actions generally
related to that: be very cautious abt like, friend groups who bond over shit they hate instead of bonding over shit they like.
talk to yourself a lot. talk to yourself before you say or do things. ask yourself questions about how you’re feeling, why you’re reacting to things the way you do, esp if you’re feeling/acting negatively and feel lost abt Why. cultivate a relationship w yourself in a tangible, daily way so that you can understand your feelings and actions better
find something screenless that you enjoy doing every day. i’m not trying to sound like crotchety specter of Fucking Log Off but i am that and i think the internet is evil and i think it’s making our brains dribble out our ears in liquid form and finding offline things to fill my days up with every day and only coming online when i’m done with those things has probly done more for my growth as a person than anyone else. this place is evil
related to all of this, i guess: everything 21 year old you thought was super boring/would have refused to do if commanded is probably really really good for you and will make you feel better
that’s my advice happy birthday
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lunar-lair · 4 years
Uh,,ok so like,,,,,,,I had this? Idea? And I just wanted to know what people thought of it before I actually wrote it, so uh. Yeah
(Sidenote, this is basically an outline/bulletfic? Like it's Mostly fleshed out in terms of concept but that doesn't mean it's a full Fic yknow? I plan on...hopefully, eventually...writing this Fully. I just wanted to get input on just how off base my characterization is and shit...hehe. Also my excuse for any weird writing is that I wrote this in the bath and I was trying to go Fast so my water wouldn't get cold. Anyways notes over bye)
Named 'Cleaved Apart, Cleaved Together': abt The Split and how the two were separated (physically AND emotionally) and then how they bond again after Remus is accepted and the boys like,,,,,,accept each other as Bros again
At first I was thinking No Fusion but also like,,,I really like the idea of them fusing again on accident when they're really super happy or in sync
So after a Lot of bonding-chilling in the Imagination, just fucking around with each other, and even talking thru shit together-they finally manage it.
They were just in the common room with all the other sides, maybe setting up for a movie night or something?
They came rushing down the stairs, talking frantically together about a new idea they had while pushing each other lightly with every silly tease and making jokes about old shenanigans that only they could really understand
(Patton and Janus could remember days before The Split, when the two were one.
Janus could still remember them shouting not to be seperated.
Patton still hated the fact that it was basically his decision to keep them apart.
Thank the Lord they were close again.)
The two finally stepped into their usual spot in front of the tv, chatting with each other and the others
Eventually, they ended up talking about some stuff they'd made together. Some plans they'd been making together. They finally told a joke at the same time that got them falling over each other laughing,
And then it happened.
There was a flash of light and then-and then-
It wasn't King. It wasn't Creativity, the original.
But it was them.
Patton and Janus only sat there, teary eyed with dropped jaws, and Virgil and Logan began questioning what the FUCK was up, how are two sides fusing-?
And Roman and Remus sat there, tearing up before laughing a moment. 
Two almost-different voices right after one another, happier than any of them had ever heard them.
"We need to talk about this separately though, hm?" Roman, with a laugh.
Another flash and he was gone, replaced by the brothers again who shook their heads, in a bit of disarray.
"Was that ok?" They asked at the same time, staring at each other.
"We don't have to be him anymore...I mean, we're our own people now Remus."
"Yeah, but that was FUN!" Remus replied, throwing his arms around Roman.
Roman laughed. "Then maybe every now and then?"
And Remus just laughed back. "Why the Hell not!"
They finally turned at the sound of a sniffle.
Janus was crying, and Patton wasn't really much better. Logan and Virgil seemed bewildered, though Logan a little less so.
"Janus? Patton? I understand you remember original Creativity more vividly than we do, but I do not understand what elicited sadness. Are you alright?"
Janus gave a watery laugh, wiping away some tears. "God, I couldn't be better."
Remus and Roman stopped, their smiles finally dropping. Roman reached forward, arm just a few inches in front of Janus. "Did we...do something wrong?"
Janus smiled again and shook his head, tugging on Roman's arm. "Come here you dork."
Patton pulled Remus in along with them and they all ended up in a little cuddle pile, Logan and Virgil joining in too, on the outside, bc Bitch, We're Worried Too.
Remus looked up at them, just Confused. "Then what's up??"
Janus and Patton's smiles dimmed a bit, and Janus began with a sad smile; "It's...simply a long story."
"That long story short, though, uh…" Patton continued, rubbing a hand on his neck nervously. "Wellll...the Split was really scary…"
Janus chuckled. "Exactly. Imagine the friend you've known since you were born splitting into two all of a sudden with ear-ringing screams to match."
"And then, after that…"
"You...decided to split those sides of him...just because one wasn't as perfect as the other."
Patton looked down and held Remus a little tighter. "...that was...mostly my decision."
Janus gave him a Look that simply meant 'we've talked abt that Way too much dude' and moved on. "But either way...it was...well…"
"Neither of you remember it, but...you...didn't want to be split."
Janus smiled again, sweet as honey. "And even after all we did...you two still managed to stick together."
"And even if the person you make now wasn't who he used to be-and it shouldn't be, really-it was like…"
"...seeing two...old friends you used to know meeting again."
"Or seeing two pieces of a whole come together again to make something even more than what they started with."
Janus teared up a little again, gripping them a little tighter. "It's so great to see you two whole again."
Remus and Roman had memory upon memory of feeling...empty. Like there was a piece missing of them. Like nothing they made was quite right. And since they had started to bridge their gap, they'd finally felt that emptiness filling up.
Janus and Patton could remember so, so many times where the two of them had missed their brother, where they told them something wasn't right-especially in the beginning.
Even Logan had memories of trying to figure it out with Roman.
Virgil remembered plenty of days where Remus just seemed off, but couldn't explain what was wrong, and...no matter how little Virgil understood, he would sit with him and try to ward it off anyways.
Remus and Roman laughed, eyes teary, and locked hands between them all.
We're glad too."
And now for my myriad of Notes:
I was actually thinking of just some kind of melding shit for the fusion bc I thought it would be Cool but then I realized it was Thomas' brain so it'd probably look like the shit from SU. Big F :///
Sorry for any inconsistencies, I was giving .2 shits at the time and also In The Tub, so
Me, a bitch who has siblings but isn't very close to them emotionally: *shaking my phone wildly* hoW THE FU CK DO I WRITE BRO THERS INTERACTING S O F T L Y-
I'm Certainly planning on more stuff coming from Virgil and Logan, we can't leave them out
I'm Aware that 80% of this isn't canon, but,,,,last I checked we didn't really care here? So??
For the scene after Roman and Remus defuse, I'm honestly thinking more of smth where the two go to one of their rooms and talk it out and THEN go back to the commons to check on The Boys and o h sh it why are Janus and Patton crying-
Answer: they thought they'd fucked everything up for them but they didN'T! FUCK YEA!!!
Idk how to explain,,,Why they're emotional abt this actually
Like...idk. Um...they both care for both of them and didn't want them to be separated Permanently bc they Knew they didn't feel right w/out each other?
Ok that works
Anyways but uh
Then Logan and Virgil get to ask some questions and THEN we get to the part where Janus and Patton explain why they are In Tears
Also Logan wasn't as old as Pat and Jan when Creativity split, so he doesn't really...remember it
Virgil was probably Very New tbh
The opening scene is ABSO LUT ELY going to Extremely metaphorical and sad and like 'two pieces of a whole cleaved apart' yknow
Gotta make angst to make that fluff!!
Also don't ask me why Janus falls apart Even Harder than Patton does here man, I think he's just On The Mind and I'll make our dad friend more emotional in Post, I Promise
Also pls hmu if the shit I've managed to put here so far is So Out There it's Impossible, I've written Janus one (1) time and I have written Remus zero (0) times ok
Also Remus and Roman don't...really remember much of the split. They remember feeling whole and then empty and whole again, and they have some of OG Creativity's memories, but the Split and moments following are...Foggy. Rightfully so, aswell, tbh.
Also how I imagine it going is like,,,,the boys are split, they hang out for a bit, and then they're taken by their respective Parent(ish) and are taught Entirely Differently and therefore grow to dislike each other!!!!!!!
patton has oh so much to regret.
They could've been Brothers...
Oh my God they could've been Br ot her s...............
Patton and Janus at 3 am crying over the fact they separated the boys at the Split be like:
Anyways!! My whole point is that Hopefully any problems will be Fixed when I actually write it but I just wanted to get the concept out there and uh,,,,,,yeah
Anyways uh *shuts my door* yea that's that,,,thanks for coming to my ramblings ig
(I'm so sorry I can't put a read more, I'm on mobile,,,)
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Power Transfer
Also on AO3!
One for all is a power that has been passed down for generations. Turns out the most recent generation can afford to be a whole lot more liberal with his sharing. Also turns out sharing quirks runs in the family.
An AU where Izuku can share OFA full cowling with multiple people at once.
shared power ofa,
izuku giving aizawa 5% of one for all durring the usj or izuku giving toshinori 99% of OFA durring the last fight
cause consider the world never finding out about small might, all might retires but izuku knows
the rescue team all having the max amount of ofa they can use, which is around 2% each, cause a lil sparking team of heroes
izuku using kirishima to give bakugo some too n them using it to get away
izuku having two quirks is my favourite goddamn thing bc him being able to share his quirk but not having anything to share is great
he gives bits to allmight, like a constant 1% so he can teach classes and do press stuff
some rando wants to do an "all might" where is he now segment and it spans a good few months so izuku is continuously in the background just
conspiracy theory starts that izuku is a villain or allmights son
a villain and all might's son
izuku has no double toe joint but the doc cant find any evidence of a quirk? so he tells them izuku is either quirkless or has an invisible quirk. something subtle, or specific enough to have not activated by now
bakugo kinda,, is chill with izuku. he was waiting for izuku to develop a quirk till he judged him, but he never did so he kinda withheld judgement long enough for them to become decent friends
anyway, izuku likes to ramble about different things his quirk could technically be, bakugo likes to join in. they can go at this for h o u r s cackling about stupid hypotheticals
they workout together, they both do boxing and try out random moves they see on the internet on each other. they have a pile of gym mats in the woods like the weirdos they are
bakugo is like,, convinced izuku's quirk is actually an intellect up but he just shrugs
izuku has to grab something before he heads home so he takes the underpass and we get basically episode 1 from there. all might says no, the villain gets away, attacks Bakugo. izuku runs in, throws dust in the villain's eyes and pulls at bakugo's hands. all might jumps in, saves the day yada yada
some background for u about all might bc his past is a touch different here. during the battle with afo, afo was distracted. all might sustained the same injures but won more easily.
night eye never looks into his future because "my purpose is done, nighteye. let's live like everyone else, no fate of the world on our shoulders" he never looks into all mights future again at his request
they stay together
so instead of the big argument they go get ramen and get drunk because they don't have to be superhuman anymore, they can relax now
back to the main timeline-
so izuku is already fit, cleans the beach in 8 months, nighteye supervises
all might gives izuku the quirk 2 months before the entrance exam, nighteye is there to "oversee" (he wants to see izuku choke on a hair and laugh at this kid hes become pretty fond of)
also mirio! is izuku's bro because i love he
izuku eats the hair and gets the quirk like, instantly which?? is confusing nighteye and all might. nighteye has like,,, hidden behind a car because hes the only person with self-preservation
allmight touches izuku and the lightning climbs up his arm and he just pOofs out into swolmight. hes ShooK, so is izuku
anyway, he manages to turn it off and izuku is just standing there like "oh my god what the fuck"
"izuku,, what,, happened there"
",,,, one for all??? leaked out??? into allmight????"
"nighteye come over here."
"izukU nO"
nighteye is forcibly given a little of ofa and regrets a lot of stuff
anyway, izuku breaks an arm trying to use ofa and hes muttering trying to work out how to use it, nighteye basically says "well, think back to how ofa came about" and izuku is like ",,, what"
and nighteye screams because TOSHI YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?????? and allmight ",,, o o p s"
so izuku gets to hear the story of all for one while hes being driven to UA for recovery girl hes,,, really quiet for a second
"when did you fight him?"
"six years ago, april?"
",,, this has to be a coincidence"
hisashi went out on a "business trip" 6 years ago and they haven't seen him since. he calls, but hes never visited and izuku has this terrible feeling
because izuku cant calm down and because nighteye thinks this kid might be on to something they call tsukauchi and he agrees to meet them at UA
izuku gets treated, naomasa is in v quickly afterwards before he calls his dad he turns to nighteye, allmight and Naomasa
"i've never been able to lie to my dad. i thought he was just really good at reading me but,,"
"if hes afo he might have a quirk"
"yeah. so i'll just twist the truth. im good at that, but thats all i'll be able to do"
anyway, he calls up his dad and slaps this big grin on his face. the phone is on speaker
"hey dad!!!!" "izuku! is something wrong?"
"oi, cant i call my dad for no reason?"
"you, willingly calling someone? dont make me laugh"
izuku giggles despite himself
"anyway, you'll never guess!!"
"did youuuu,,,, hmmmm, meet all might?"
they freeze but izuku just laughs
"yeah,, but thats not the most exciting thing!!! my quirk came in finally"
"yeah! imagine the worlds most basic power enhancer, but i can share the energy! you have any idea where that could have come from?"
"no! i can't think of anyone in our family with a quirk like that! sounds crazy!"
naomasa looks grin, and mouths "liar"
izuku pales but keeps his smile
"do you think you could visit, id love to show you!! oh, maybe we could test it together! you always had the best ideas for my quirk notes"
"id love to izuku, but im stuck in america for the near future, you know it is. i'll see what i can do tho, ok champ?"
naomasa shakes his head again "lying" izuku looks like hes going to be sick. nighteye is pale, all might looks stunned. izuku grits his teeth but his voice is still light and happy
"i'm gonna make it into UA so you can watch me kick butt from america! you better cheer me on!"
"im looking forward to it. say hi to your mother from me."
naomasa nods. hes telling the truth. that makes nighteye feel the sickest
"love you izuku"
",,, love you too dad"
izuku hangs up the phone and retches into the bin. nighteye is shaking. all might storms out. naomasa punches the wall
izuku looks up with tears in his eyes
",,, does my mum know?"
nighteye wants to cry
"i dont know kid"
izuku tells katuski that his quirk finally came in! but,,, in the worlds biggest mess of a way
basically hes lying in bed, trying to work out why he can't use it without breaking bones but the people he shares it with can, he bolts upright
he runs out his door all the way to bakugos house and climbs in through his window, grabbing a sleeping bakugo by the shoulders
"IZuKU whAt tHE fuCK"
"my quirk!!! i was breaking bones because i wasnt modulating it!!!"
",,,,q QUiRK/???/?"
",,,, oh yeah oops"
mitsuki runs in with a frying pan ready to murder a villain but its just izuku
"carry on"
izuku doesnt tell him its ofa but he explains his quirk has finally showed up, bakugo asks him if hes registered it yet
"wait what? you, breaking the law? mister "i cant kill an ant because all might himself will call me a villain""
izuku, w the most shit-eating grin, explains that you only legaly have to register your quirk when it shows up, or after you are tested when you are five, whichever happens first so, legally, he doesnt need to register because it would be seen as voluntary updating
cut to the enterance exam
aizawa is holding the papers for the kids hes observing right then
"quirkless? that kid doesn't look quirkless"
and yagi sighs
"of course he didnt,,,"
"all might? do you know him?"
",,,, r i g h t"
“aizawa listen i have never seen young midoriya in my life ever”
basically, izuku is hiding the "transfer" part of his power from most people bc hes stubborn and thinks it could be useful
also,,, in this au shinso makes it in on hero points thanks
bakugo is about to rush the 0 pointer but shinso can see its going to fall on him shinsou yells
shinsou and bakugou are the type of friends that flat out have no love for each other but would punch anyone who says anything bad abt the other. like shinsou walks into school and bakugou s just
“dammit i thought u fucking died smh”
“i wish i did then i wouldn’t have to look at ur ugly ass”
in this au shinso and izuku bond when they are standing outside they door bc izuku looks like hes gonna fucking cry hes so scared and shinsou is like "wow big mood"
shinso is not shinson in this au! bc izuku is gonna do a soft
basically, quirk test? shinsou is s w e a t i n g bakugo looks a little worried for his new friend but no one would notice if they weren’t izuku
shinsou turns to him like "my quirk is mental im going to fa I L"
izuku grabs his hand and he feels this rush of energy, you can almost see it dancing along his skin. izuku grins
"i think you'll find you do just fine"
(izuku gave him like,, less than a full 1% but hes like doubled in strength and speed and hes??? shook?? bc whats happening)
aizawa is lost bc shinso has a mental quirk he shouldnt be doing this well, so he tries to cancel it
nothing happens and aizawa is so lost??? bc shinsou is kinda reedy and not super fit but hes placing solidly in the middle
and he noticing that shinso’s eyes seem to be glowing and so are they eyes of the kid coming in second and gives a big "hm,mmmm"
anyway, ball pitch, he cancels izukus quirk and turns to look at shinso, his eyes are dim. izuku looks sheepish but also like hes ready to throw down and its an interesting look
aizawa just sighs "you know what? just throw the ball."
izuku g r i n s and yeets it into next year using more of his quirk than he like,, really should have? to prove a point (his finger is bruised, not broken. he used 25%)
anyway aizawa shows the results, shinso is in the middle, izuku second, hagakure is last and sadly shes not getting expelled bc plot reasons – im sorry I have a thing against her shes perfectly valid probably im just still convinced shes the traitor even tho its totally a teacher
he calls izuku out on it but does admit he didnt say you couldnt help eachother, so its kind on him. shinso looks like hes going to pass out with relief
Hagekure is the traitor in this au though, 100%
during the camp she is at the pick up zone, hiding. izuku pulls bakugo out of the way, they all seem safe
she pushes izuku in through the portal as it closes
fyi afo takes her quirk and leaves her braindead in the nomu factory bc shes not useful anymore. also because now he needs to have a really awkward conversation with his son he was hoping to avoid
also usj? is really melodramatic
he gives aizawa 4% which is the max nighteye could hold without it hurting
aizawa takes a hit from the nomu and he reaches out his hand
izuku cries as he gives him an extra 4% and aizawa gets free but he can see bruises forming with every step his teacher takes
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dragimal · 4 years
ok this is like. MAJORLY self-indulgent, self-psychoanalyzing rambling so I’m putting it under a readmore, but my thoughts have been spinning in circles over this for like. practically my whole teen/adult life. and I just need to put it down somewhere
idc if anyone wants to read this or respond or anything, again I’m just basically trying to vomit out my thoughts until something makes sense
so like. anxiety. I know I have it, that’s the ONE Problems Disorder I’m 100% certain I’ve got, to whatever degree it matters
but that’s kinda the thing-- to WHAT degree, and DOES that matter? at what point can I say it’s a legitimate part of me, and at what point is it something negligible and unobtrusive?
b/c here’s the other thing-- anxiety is, in fact, a strong aspect of my self-image. it’s something I associate strongly with as a character trait, and I tend to relate to ‘meek’ characters
I know part of it is a defense mechanism. I had to make myself small, being raised by my mom. she’s a whole other rant, but essentially she’s a very defensively prideful person, and any attempt to steer a conversation towards your own accomplishments/needs/interests is met with a blank look and a swift topic change back to herself. (and god forbid u bring up her faults, that would guarantee manipulative guilt-tripping at best, screaming and crying at worst)
but there’s also another convoluted level to this defense mechanism. I recognized at a young age, on some subconscious level, that pride was/is my mom’s greatest downfall. so I internalized that as, “pride (and even more broadly, confidence) is bad and and a danger to those around you” 
not to be Homestuck on main, but Dave’s first conversation with Dirk struck me on a level of personal experience that few other pieces of media have ever hit, particularly this bit
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obviously the physical aspect of this abuse is beyond me, but the emotional manipulation, and Bro subsequently ruining a generally positive concept (the concept of heroism, in his case) hits incredibly close to home
my mom exuded confidence and always told me that confidence in myself over all else would save me, but she ultimately ruined confidence for me. I know there will always be this underlying thread of fear that if I’m not afraid-- that if I allow myself confidence-- that I will become like her. that I’ll hurt people with my pride
now this is all shit that I’ve known abt myself for a long time, and I know I’ve even mentioned some of this in passing before. but here’s what’s fucking me up nowadays: what happens when you cling to anxiety like this? what happens when you craft a disorder into your personality? where does subconscious reaction end and deliberate masking begin?
b/c here’s the other thing: I don’t truly hate myself. not rly-- not on the level I would say is dangerous or clinical. some of it may very well be real, but I definitely play it up. like play-acting at under-confidence
and it’s not like I don’t have pride either. I have tons of pride for various things I do or accomplish, namely academic studies, crafting/art, and just like working standards in general. when I can eloquently describe/argue my point, or accurately craft something to my inner image, I feel very real pride
but pride hurts. I feel pride, but equal to that is the shame I feel at feeling pride in the first place. it’s genuinely painful at times to accept a compliment without argument NOT because I necessarily disagree (tho there are definitely times where I DO actually disagree), but to accept a compliment is to admit I have pride in the thing being complimented, and THAT is unacceptable
and it’s not like my fear is unfounded either. I’ve hurt ppl w/ my pride before-- and this isn’t my anxiety making me self-critical, I KNOW this for a FACT. it simply comes with the territory of all that “gifted child” bullshit in school. yeah I was one of those. thankfully not a very outspoken student (the anxiety in my younger days was a lot more real and visceral), but I do still distinctly remember moments where my academic pride gave me an... inflated sense of presence over those that didn’t get the material, I guess u could say
I know there were times I made ppl feel small, due to my pride. hell, times I got overly, fearfully defensive of my knowledge or artistic skill to the point of talking over others and making them feel stupid. no one deserves to feel small, and it fucking tears me up to know that I did that to ppl. that I still knee-jerk react in that way sometimes, even now, and it still slips out
and isn’t that just proof that I can’t appropriately handle pride? that I’m not mature enough for confidence?
and it’s not even all about making myself small for others’ sake. half of it is this incredibly selfish knowledge that not living up to my own standards will fucking kill me if I let it
I feel like every ‘gifted kid’ experiences a chain events that starts at, “wow I’m so smart, I’m great at every subject!” and ends at, “christ I’m fucking garbage at literally everything.” we’re taught that success is in being able to do something well the first time (or at least quickly and with little effort), so if we’re not immediately good at something, we shut down b/c we were never taught that success is actually in the effort at the task
this has been talked to death by others so I don’t want to bother w/ it too long, but the critical thing to note is that there’s there’s this eventual sense of defeat in everything you do, when ur brought up w/ this mindset
I used to be somewhat competitive in certain things when I was younger-- the rare sports I played when I was RLY young, academics obviously, etc. or at least, competitive with my own personal standards, if not necessarily against other ppl. but every failure and mistake made me so upset that the angst was like. genuinely dangerous to my health
I used to play golf on a team in middle school, and every time I whiffed it I would get SO angry at myself that my dad literally told me that that level of upset would kill me someday and that I rly needed to stop
so I took that to heart and just. stopped caring
every time I whiffed it after that point, I was just like, “ah, well, what can ya do ¯|_(ツ)_/¯ ” this attitude definitely lowered my blood pressure, but it also rly killed my motivation to like... improve. b/c the thought of even trying to improve brought up all these feelings abt trying to meet my own standards of success, and how much it would hurt to fail
when u don’t set any standards u gotta meet, then when u fail u don’t rly fail, y’know? “well I didn’t even try, so it’s actually fine”
obviously I couldn’t give less of a shit abt golf anymore, but sometimes I wonder if my cold-turkey drop in confidence played a part in killing the interest itself? I know that sports and physical activity were never rly my thing in the first place, but did I perhaps give up so hard that I convinced myself that I didn’t even like those things in the first place?
I know it happened w/ academics at least: start to struggle with math? now I hate math. chemistry? that sucks too. etc etc
I kinda side-tracked here w/ all the talk of ‘gifted kid’ stuff, my point is that I have a vested interest in humbling myself-- to actively craft the persona of a meek, humble person
and I’ve been wondering if that, in and of itself, is manipulative. like, is it manipulative to let others think I rly lack THAT much in self-confidence? that I rly hate myself that much?
it certainly feels that way when I knee-jerk reject a compliment abt something I do, in fact, feel pride in-- when the shame at that pride is too much. but my friends don’t know it’s that reactive shame-- they think it’s that I rly don’t have confidence in that thing
but god, how do I even explain this fucking tangled, convoluted bullshit over my reaction to compliments? that I have to be small or I’ll hurt someone? that I do feel pride, and that’s the problem? what does that even MEAN to someone outside my own head??
and that’s not even to get into whether that manipulation is like, actually some subconscious tactic to get MORE compliments! am I fishing? when I make a post like this, am I actually just fishing for more compliments? is that what I’m doing??
I feel like I’m running in circles here, nipping at my own goddamned heels abt pride and shame and what is real and acting and does it even matter if nobody gets hurt?
do people get hurt? ppl get hurt when I allow myself pride, it’s happened before. but now I’m realizing that my self-hate may hurt ppl too-- my self-deprecation often goes too far, and it hurts the ppl who care abt me
how do I explain that self-deprecation is safe? a shield to hold back my pride? hell, it’s more accurate to say it’s a safe way to EXPRESS my pride in a way that ppl don’t detect. I acknowledge my faults, and if I frame it in a socially-acceptably comedic way, I get the pride of making someone laugh! it’s SAFE pride!
but is it? but is it, when it hurts ppl to hear me self-hate?
is there any way to feel pride safely?
I’ve never thought of myself as an actor, or as someone who can lie well (or at all). but can I lie, when I also believe the lie? is it a lie that I have anxiety? that I hate myself? that I have no confidence?
how much of me is real? how much does that hurt others? how do I carve out the parts of me that hurt others how do I make myself smaller in ways that are genuine and lasting and don’t hurt people??
I want to be small. I like being small. but am I small? or am I playing at being small?
I don’t know. I don’t know.
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(cashing in on that safe comedic validation babeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)
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necropsittacus · 5 years
for the ask thing, all the ones you have an interesting answer for
this is extremely long because I Love Oversharing so under a cut. thanks britta!!!
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?tea, black; i've tried putting extra spices in it but i think i'm not doing it right bc it gets grainy and weird? i don't drink coffee anymore for "hey maybe we should stop consuming this thing that makes us feel like we're actually about to die" reasons but when i did it was with a fuckton of cream5. are you self-conscious of your smile?yeah; less so since i actually brush my teeth semi routinely now, so they're less awful, but i still have a slight overbite and a residual habit of covering my mouth with my hand if i open it very much 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?either weird vent fanfiction that i never end up finishing, drawing in my notebooks, or i try to make the overly dramatic/pretentious thoughts that pop into my head into poetry (which i never end up finishing, go figure).9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?used to, but it's like. even besides insecurity about my voice and the fear that i'll be Too Loud and bother someone. the same internal barrier that makes it hard to speak out loud, especially if i'm not directly prompted to, applies to singing10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?usually side, and in the fetal position. occasionally back though13: what’s something that made you smile today?saw a chickadee!14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?god i don't know that's like. that's the fucking dream, for the future, but i hadn't gotten as far as daydreaming about *decoration* or anything of that sort. at the moment i tend towards covering things in movie posters and little trinkets i accumulate and toys and that sort of thing. i know i couldn't do sharing a room with someone else long term, it'd get stressy, so at least two bedrooms (or a bedroom and a pull out couch in the living room, that'd work), a little kitchen. no minimalism, but i might like having primary responsibility for Housecleaning sorts of things for my loved ones, or keeping things reasonably neat. just. something that feels like a proper home. safe. 16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?i am extremely boring and usually just do fettuccine alfredo. that said, cheese ravioli and pesto products are also very good. i just don't like super complicated foods with ingredients i don't recognize, or red sauce. red sauce is Sensory Bad.  17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?i mean i've been dyeing mine black since i was like 17 to the point that people think that's the natural color and i just let them, and honestly i'm very happy with thatred looked good on me, and i definitely like the way a lot of those super bright unnatural purples, blues, etc look on other people but it doesn't feel like "yes this is Correct this is what i'm Supposed to Look Like, this is the color it was *supposed* to be all along" in the same way, it just feels like i'm dyeing it a weird color for fun18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up."mola mola isn't a slur, right?"20: what’s your favorite eye color?idk about "favorite" but dark brown eyes are really pretty22: are you a morning person?i tend to be more productive and (assuming at least like five or six hours of sleep) more cheerful in the morning, but getting out of bed is a horrible struggle bc executive dysfunction and anxiety23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?tbh i HATE having those days, i don't like being super busy Either but i get really like bored/restless/I Am Going to Rip My Skin Off to Have Something to Do Please Let Me Out of the House if i genuinely don't have anything scheduled for a day? so i usually *make* obligations for myself, writing projects or something like that, if i don't have anything externally enforced. and go to the library or a cafe or something bc i feel more alive if i don't stay in my room all day24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?yeah26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?i mean i've only had them for like a year bc it turns out that wearing the same pair of shoes almost every day wears through them pretty fast, who would have thought? but black combat boots28: sunrise or sunset?sunset31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.they hurt but i p much only wear boots so i have to wear them all the time. also my feet are weird and fucked up and i don’t especially like looking at them. and then i forget to take them off to sleep so i just. wear them all the time except to shower. i like weird socks with like animal pictures or whatever but then i feel bad abt wearing them bc i wear out socks really fast for unclear reasons34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?ooh i had a lot!! most of them were sea mammals, a couple sharks i think? i had a couple rabbits when i was Really small but i don't remember them as clearlyi can't remember most of their names but they had whole like imagined stories and relationships to each other and shit, i definitely remember there was one stuffed orca that was almost as big as kindergartener me35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?oh absolutely!! i write mostly in pencil for ease of corrections and so it doesn't bleed through the paper, but i accumulate pens/weird ink colors/etc37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?see i *prefer* having my room be clean but it literally never is 39: what color do you wear the most?black. combination of "trying to be low effort goth" and that idk how to coordinate colors so all my outfits are either all black or like. black + one other color + possibly grey, bc i figure there's no way that could end up clashing horribly. also i only HAVE black pants anyway so like. 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?mm i know accident by christa wolf hit me pretty hard in some emotions, and that was recent44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?i'm not sure that's an emotion i have tbhwhen i'm happy there's this kind of anxious edge to it, not necessarily in a bad way, but "at peace" is. an odd concept for me. the closest i get is this sort of quiet not-exactly-negative melancholy if i'm not behind on anything and it's raining and everything's just sort of soft yknow? 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?marinara sauce. i hate that shit. i'll eat it on pizza or if i literally have to in order to get a meal and i can't physically handle not having one, but that's about it. also tomatoes more generally! i like ketchup but that's it. why do yall insist on putting tomatoes on everything all the time i Don't Like Them50: what’s an odd thing you collect?i keep all the toys i get out of kinder eggs and stuff like that. also i just have hyperempathy about inanimate objects and animals (and basically no empathy for humans most of the time, weirdly enough) and it's frequently difficult for me to throw things away because "well i'll be hurting it!" so uh. i just accumulate objects. i still have my old toothbrush somewhere55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?i straight up tried to kill myself to win an argument with mom once in high school. and i'm not talking like a mini fakeout attempt that wasn't supposed/expected to work, either, i did regret it but i was straight up prepared to die to get her to believe me 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?rambling/talking about your interests, emotional openness. if you like. send me things that reminded you of me/you thought i'd like, or initiate physical contact so i don't have to feel so weird/guilty about it, that's a very fast path to my affections. just being weird as shit. lots of little things, really. depends on the person a lot, though; either "person is Soft and Good and i feel like it's my responsibility to protect them" or "person is Kind of Scary/Edgy and i will attach myself to them and remain loyal no matter what and they appreciate it" are pretty consistent things, but those are a long way from the Only paths to my affection58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?awfully bold of you to assume i have a friend group and not just a disparate group of friends who mostly don't talk to each other. i AM semi consistently the weird vodka uncle though. 59: what’s your favorite myth?LOTS. that's not quite a fair question i can't pick one favoritethe volsunga saga does come to mind, though60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?i do!!! i thought i didn't because turns out the things they make you read in high school english are often Not Terribly Emotionally Resonant for me, funnily enough, but when i started reading russian poetry in college, and more mental illness focused stuff tbh, it was like Oh Shit This Is Really Cool. i really like vladimir mayakovsky!61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?when i was really small i gave my dad a  care bears coloring book for his birthday because for some reason i didn't process that other people didn't have exactly the same interests as me??62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?i drink either unsweetened green tea or monster energy drinks in the morning. depends how much of a disaster i'm being on that particular day. 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?all my music is online or haphazardly downloaded to my phone so there's. not really any way to organize that if i wanted to tbh. i make a lot of character or ship playlists that i'd put more effort into organizing if i ever got around to showing them to other people, but Also anything that isn't too embarrassing to risk anyone else seeing just gets put in one folder. i DO organize my books, though. i usually *forget* to put them back where they're supposed to go, but there is a proper order (everything from one author or franchise together, stuff like star wars or tolkien is together and in in-universe chronological order, stuff like that), and i get upset if people fuck with it67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?nice. it's very calming, and also bright sunlight hurts my eyes fjgshtf68: what’s winter like where you live?not very different from fall most of the time. climate change is making it more midwest-y, which i'm not sure if i'm happy about or not (snow nice, but summer is also progressing in that direction, which is unfortunate). somewhere between the 30's and 50's (fahrenheit), mostly pretty grey, it rains sometimes. it's not cold enough that i need to have a real coat, usually sweater+leather jacket is enough. my hands always hurt, though70: have you ever used a ouija board?yeah i used to do it with my brother sometimes. nothing ever happened tho76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?i need to write my paper proposal for nuclear lit and also draw some stuff for people that i've been putting off because my brain hates me and Catching Up On Everything I Should Have Been Doing a While Ago Is Scary77: pink or yellow lemonade?both? both is good78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?i have no real feelings on minions one way or the other but i have no interest in them and don't like seeing them all the time79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?someone i used to know was going to move away from their abusers and get a job and such, partly or mostly For Me, so we could run away and start things over together after i graduated. and then things blew up but. it was very sweet and sometimes i get emotional about the concept of that still 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?three white, one blue. i didn't choose it, it came with the dorm room. my bedroom in my parents house has really dark blue walls, which i DID choose bc i wanted a dark color and my brother already had red ones and i wanted to distinguish myself from him. 82: are/were you good in school?mmm more or less, yes i'm terrible at certain kinds of projects and at getting stuff done without pretty much devastating my physical ability to function pushing myself at the last minute. that said, i'm very good at tests, good at papers, good at language learning and bullshit analysis. it's just like. PLEASE don't give me "fun creative projects!!!" or start with the "oh well tests aren't a good way of measuring learning, here's some other stuff that will be easier for you!" thing. i *like* tests. tests make sense and it's just sit down for an hour and you're done. it's the other stuff that's hard also i'm so used to my mother's ridiculous standards that it's like. yes i am good at school, in that my professors keep telling me i am Very Smart and things of that nature. but also i am terrible at taking care of myself while i have school because me being good at school is to some extent reliant on my brain's false insistence that Everybody Else Has Perfect Grades and Is Killing Themselves Slowly To Be The Best, so clearly we need to do that too! and any sacrifice is worth it! so eventually i just collapse84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?yeah definitely, at some point. there's other things that are more pressing to spend my limited amount of non-parent-controlled money on right now, but i know i want like. some manner of thing referencing my chronic turin turambar (self dx) status, probably his grave inscription or a sword (or both eventually!). probably also a bird of some sort85: do you read comics? what are your faves?see i'll happily read comics if there's a franchise i'm already interested in that has comics as part of it, but i'm not like a Comics Fan per se. i tend to find them kind of overwhelming because there's just So Much content and i don't know where to start and i usually get distracted before i finish. i did really enjoy mtmte and the tdc creation myths comics89: are you close to your parents?nope! i send my dad animal pictures, and vice versa, and that's about the extent of it when i'm not staying with them for breaks. mom's...Difficult(TM) and dad i get along with fine but i don't really know how to text him 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?drowns. i want to be able to actually taste it.93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?my hair is too short to really have Different Styles. i just keep it combed pretty neatly bc that's the only thing i know how to do afngjdsgf94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?my friend emma @autisticsansamaybe people i care less about had them more recently but tbh if we aren't friends i don't know when your birthday is without being told96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?i have literally never updated this laptop because it does not have space for an update. this isn't even my fault. i have deleted *every single thing on it that is not important to make it actually run* in order to have enough space to update, and it STILL doesn't. 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?a few months ago i would have said 5 years into the past, because i Desperately missed aspects of how my life was at that part of high school--mostly having people i loved and who loved me, who wanted a future with me, and the certainty of that, that i wouldn't just be On My Own Forever post educational system--but now? future. high school fucking *sucked* in a lot of ways, and also i was a terrible person and i don't especially want to go back to that version of me. future is like...scary because yeah there is a decent possibility i'll just be pretty much totally alone and having to work a job i hate to keep up, but like. there is also a possibility that i'll have the things i wanted all along in a more stable context, yknow?
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mingyaus · 6 years
most h8td
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pairing lucas x reader
summary Sincerity. Honesty. When is it too much? You contemplate whether you’ve crossed a line with your soft mans bf lucass. 
genre fluff and only real angst if u think abt it too much
word count 1.2k
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“Wait why do you always talk so trash about him?”
“Him? Your boyfriend? Wait, I mean your ex-boyfriend? I told you it would never last.”
“Shut up. At least I was the one who stopped it.” Jihyo rolls her eyes and glares at you for bringing up the topic of her latest failed relationship. “But back to what I was saying! Your boyfriend. I don’t even know if I should call him your boyfriend though with all the bad things you say about him. Do you like him at all?”
“Lucas?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Who else are you dating? I swear to God, you don’t deserve this boy. If you knew all the hard work he puts into everything he does for you. You know that surprise party for your birthday? Yeah, he called me up multiple times trying to get all the details right. Once he did it during his like dumb two minute lunch break, like what type of boss gives a 2 minute lunch break? But he puts so much effort into your relationship and you just talk trash about him all the time!” She’s rambling, talking fast. It’s like she’s using your relationship to cope with the loss of hers. But you don’t blame her for being concerned. You really do trash talk Lucas at any opportunity you get, though she doesn’t know how you’re like when it’s just you and Lucas (which actually ends up with you two trash talking her ex or trash talking your exes).
“He talks bad about me too!” You try to think of a time, but huff. “Wait, nevermind. He’s too sweet.”
“Yeah, see. Treat him better before he leaves you.”
And that warning Jihyo gave stayed in your head for like two weeks when you finally decided to do something about the guilt that was building up in your stomach. That guilt ended up manifesting itself into cramps during the first day of your period. This day also happened to be one of the few days both you and Lucas were able to pull time out of your busy schedules to hang out together. Though your aching stomach and his deadline induced headache forced you two to stay cooped up in Mark’s (who last minute had to fly out to Vancouver for something he didn’t have enough time to explain to you, but he did have enough time to give you his keys and ask you to house/catsit) apartment.
“I’m sorry we have to stay here. Your place is nicer.”
“I know, it’s really nice.” He’s not being modest, but he deserves to brag because with all his hard work and networking skills he was able to be the first among your friends to get his own place. No roommates, no loans. He smiles taking a seat on the loveseat facing the coffee table with Mark’s 15-inch laptop serving as a TV screen. “At least, he stayed logged into his Netflix account for us.”
“I don’t think that was for us, but I don’t mind messing with Mark’s queue for our entertainment purposes.” You plop down sitting close to Lucas as he leans forward to create a guest account.
“I’m not that mean. That’s why I’m making this separate account.” He grins back at you as he searches for something to watch. You don’t argue like you usually would. It’s that guilt kicking in. And that guilt stops you from making a comment when Lucas finally chooses something, leans back, and starts grabbing your thigh in that freaky strangely non-sexual way he does with everyone.
The next time you say something aside from “Bathroom break!” is when your one of your legs has fallen asleep, and it’s all tangled up around his body because you two get so wrapped up when cuddling. On the tip of your tongue is “Get up, loser, I need to stretch my legs.” But you’re not going to say that because the guilt Jihyo planted in you, so instead you make up this other dumb excuse.
“Hey, can you just stand up, and can I just hug you?” You ask in the nicest tone you can conjure up right now. He shuffles trying to look into your face, and now some part of his body is rubbing against your dead leg and just making everything worse than it should be.
“Uh, but we’re laying down so comfortably.”
“But you’re just so tall and nice to hug.”
“Yeah, but I feel so comfortable with you like this.” Somehow, he gets his long arms around your torso and squeezes you tight.
“But I need a hug.”
“I’m hugging you right now.”
“It’s not the same.” You pout, and simultaneously try to shake your leg, but you can’t. “Please, just stand up.”
You two go back and forth whining at each other like this for a few more minutes until something that Jihyo would probably scold you for slips out of your mouth.
“You should just stand up and hug me because that’s what good boyfriends do.” You curse. You’ve broken this unsaid promise you made to yourself to be nice to Lucas for at least one night. He’s still looking at you and can clearly see your true frustrated expression.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He looks concerned, those sweet puppy eyes looking into yours.
“I—no.” You sigh, looking down avoiding his prodding gaze.
“What’s wrong?” And you explain to him the whole conversation about how verbally abusive you can be, and how the guilt has been affecting you, and how you’re starting to think you don’t deserve Lucas. He’s laughing a little by the time you're done explaining everything. “I’m not that good of a boyfriend.”
“Eh, I mean you are. You write me daily notes and when you can’t give me them physically you hoard them until you can fill an envelope to the max with them and mail them to me. Like who does that? Like who wants to pay for stamps?”
“Okayyy. I guess I am a good boyfriend.” You finally have the courage to look at him again and see his face smiling and bright as ever, obviously still overjoyed about the praise.
“Don’t let that get to your head.” You snap, but kiss him on the cheek showing the praise still stands.
“Okay, see.” He raises his eyebrows at you and pulls away so you can see. “You know your limits. You aren’t abusive, you’re just honest. I know you love me.”
You smile, and spend like a few minutes kissing him before feeling some tingling in your leg reminding you it’s asleep. “Wait, okay, I actually need to get up. My leg fell asleep, though I would still appreciate that hug.”
He shakes his head.
“But, Lucas! You’re supposed to be a good boyfriend.” You whine.
“I am, you just told me. Don’t tell me you were lying!” Lucas is mocking shock.
“You’re great, but I love your hugs.” He pulls you into a sitting hug, and you pull away, though no one can escape his long arms. “Your standing hugs.”
He pouts, looking at you sadly. Then he lets out a yawn, his breath hitting your face. As you’re cringing he gets up and you hear the bathroom door close. You get up, upset that he would get up without giving you that hug you’re now craving for real.
“Lucas! What the heck?”
“I guess I’m just a bad boyfriend.” You can hear the smirk in his mouth from his muffled voice behind the bathroom door.
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author’s note yeah, it’s kinda named after that jay park song, but i’ve never read its lyrics so idk if it has anything to do w it *shrug* :)
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ofprcngs · 6 years
BRANDON ARREAGA — Well, if it isn’t JAMES POTTER, the GRYFFINDOR superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re CHARMING and INCISIVE, but they can also seem pretty DEPENDENT and INEXORABLE. Sometimes people call them the SHEPHERD. Sure, they’re a PUREBLOOD, but that doesn’t define them. 
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i literally have 0 explanation for why i did this other than i’m in love with him. but also, he’s a mess, so jot that down. if you wanna know more about him ( protip: don’t ) then i recommend checking out his pinterest and then i dunno.... contemplate why i’m a punk ass bitch, i guess. enjoy this mess. plot with me. ily.
james henry potter ( named for two his two grandfathers, maternal and paternal respectively ) was born on april 4th, 1960 to two of the most loving parents a child could have.
fleamont and euphemia had been trying for a child for years. they’d been together for basically all of time, having been that typical good-looking, well liked couple in hogwarts that everyone always just assumes will get married ( spoiler alert: they did ), however had had to postpone kids due to fleamont’s brief stint as a professional quidditch player for eight years following their graduation. after that, they would try every month for a child, and after many years of disappointment, eventually gave up. it was during this time that fleamont developed the sleekeazy hair potion which only added to their immense wealth. 
finally at age forty-one, they were surprised with the arrival of james. obviously, they saw him as their miracle child, and as such he was pampered and completely spoiled from the moment he was born.
i cannot stress enough how much this spoiled upbringing shaped james into the person he is today. if you’re wondering why he was ever an arrogant prick, it’s because he was always used to getting absolutely everything he ever wanted. he grew up with money, he grew up with fame and with every bit of attention he could garner, and so it was really no wonder he was a bit of an asshole by the time he started at hogwarts.
obviously, james had a pretty cushy childhood, and as such, shit didn’t start getting real until he started at hogwarts. 
it took all of three seconds for the hat to sort him into gryffindor, and i guess you could say he pretty much considered himself to be the gem of the house. he was the absolute epitome of a gryffindor, basically considered him the poster boy and all but expected everyone to love him.
really did not help his ego to know that everyone did.
in typical sterotype-gryffindor fashion, james hated slytherin. he had always been taught growing up that purists were basically the root of all evil, and his father had had no qualms in lumping all these people in with the house of the snakes. james and his friends took a particular disliking to severus snape almost immediately for the poncy way in which he seemed to believe he was superior to all for his intelligence and his house status, and this dislike only grew when lily evans was tossed into the mix, too.
for basically the first four or five years of hogwarts, james really was that stereotypical arrogant asshole that he’s often made out to be. he always got everything he asked for, he was incredibly popular and incredibly intelligent, he had the most amazing friends and his eyes on the most amazing girl. he was set!! shit was good!!
shit was not good, though. definitely was not. 
despite having known of remus’ furry little problem since second year, things didn’t really start to settle in james how awful it was until third or fourth year. he hated seeing his friend in pain, he hated that he couldn’t help, and so he rallied the boys to put into action their worst plan yet!!!!
becoming animagi!!!!!!
it took fucking forever, obviously, but by the end of fourth year they did it!! we stan icons
except then in fifth year shit hit the fan again in just, like... so many ways
first, it was the whole severus ‘mudblood’ situation. honestly, james was absolutely furious. he’d always hated snape but this just made everything 1000 times worse. even if it had happened to anyone else, he would have been fuming. but for it to have happened to lily like... yikes. 
this was also a horrible time for james though because lily rejected him for the thousandth time. like, look, what a yikes thing to think when she was just called a mudblood, but frankly he was sick of being rejected and he was sick of being the asshole who kept pressuring her so that was the breaking point --- he gave up on her. 
and tbh, he changed a lot from here on out. grew up!! became a better person bc he saw how horrible snap was and decided he was sick of horrible people!! saw, recognised and acknowledged that just bc he was hot and intelligent and rich he wasn’t always going to get everything he wanted ( see: miss evans ) and just generally learned that oh shit the world doesn’t revolve around him!!!
oh and then there was that whole thing with sirius and snape and Remus the Werewolf and ohhhh boyyyy.... that infuriated him. 
he loves his bros so much and y’all know he would die for them, but to see his friend abuse remus’ pain and suffering for his own gain was heart wrenching. it just pushed him further to pull him in line, to realise that not everything was about games, or petty rivalry, or ‘ getting the girl ’ --- life  heartache and mistakes and it was never going to go the way he wanted it to.
now look, this isn’t all to say that james is now a Super Strict, Super Intense, Brooding Weirdo. he’s still a bit of a child, and he’s still a bit of an arrogant prick, but ultimately what wins out is his morals --- every time. he wants to lead the world to a better place, without war and without hate, he wants everyone to have the same opportunities he had as a kid and he wants nothing more than for blood purity to be eradicated.
get that shit outta my house!!! gross!!!!!!
now in his final year, james is always flipping between taking his role as head boy deadly serious and turning it into one big game of mischief. he’s still a marauder at heart, after all, and has definitely abused his power sometimes for the benefit of fun and games, but when it comes down to it, he can be very strict and lowkey paternal. the leader really just.... popped right outta him, it came to play and it came hard, and really you’d think he’s minister for magic with how serious he treats it sometimes.
i hate him.
he’s a lot less intense with his hatred for slytherin’s. he has come to recognise that not everyone from that lifestyle is going to be the same, not everyone who grew up a certain way or was sorted into a certain house is going to think with a deadly mind, and while he’s still a bit wary, he’s a lot more relaxed about it, especially as head boy ( gotta at least pretend shit’s fair !!! )
ok i’m so tired this is abt to turn into a rambling mess 
uHhhHHh he’s very dependent as in like... boi cannot go a week without his friends. he is used to having people to bounce off, that’s always the type of leader he has been, and as much as he would probably be amazing at anything on his own, he’s never really tried. too scared!! i hate him!!!!!
super unforgiving. like, if you have gotten on his bad side.... i’m sorry. it is going to be very difficult to return from there. his moral compass is pretty black and white, you’re either good or your bad, and if you’ve done something he considers bad wELL sucks to be you, i guess. sorry not sorry.
takes his quidditch very seriously tbh. so many people have told him he needs to be a pro like his dad, but he’s like haha fuck you i know what i wanna do ( hint hint: he wants to rule that goddamn auror office, make that shit far more efficient then he thinks it is now ). but srsly, he’s so intense abt the game and it really like... idk gets him in the zone, keeps him level-headed in amongst all this chaos. 
i don’t know what im saying anymore pls send help
uhhhhh he’s smart. i guess. straight a’s and shit idk. just very naturally intelligent, finds everything he does easy, like.. really is that asshole who is just good at everything he does.
i’ve run out of things to say, pls just love him
girlfriend: i hate to expose myself as a whole ass jily stan but... here i am i guess. but also, listen: he really thinks he’s over her right now. like, he truly believes his days of pestering lily evans are behind him. it was just a crush! it’s gone! ( spoiler alert: it’s not ) BUT he is so convinced that he has got himself into this relationship which is really just... a mess. like highkey it’s obvious he could never fully love her bc his Heart Belongs to Lily or whatever but he does care for her deeply and has tricked himself into believing it’s love. it’s hard, man. he’s confused. send help.
ex-girlfriend(s): more of above but like... less intense? or more intense! who knows, frankly.
childhood friend(s): i’d die for childhood friends. jake/gina dynamic? iconic. just anything, really.
odd friend: ok like... as i mentioned, he’s still kinda wary of slytherins and ppl who grew up in purist culture, but i would love love love to see someone who was one of the first to show him that not all those people are so bad. like someone from a purist family or the like who was just chill and friendly and actually befriended this asshole even when he was... well, an asshole. it’d be fun, ig. also if they eventually do end up recruited for the de’s bc of family stuff or whatever... bonus points.
rivals: i’m tired. you understand.
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bunbun206 · 3 years
Ok so continuing with my silly little mlp au rambles.
So Cozy Glow huh. Been thinking abt what I wanna do with her lately because I really, really didn't like how she was handled even though I think shes fine on her own. And like lots of changes would need to be made because her story is very tied to the friendship school which doesnt exist anymore.
So heres the basics of my idea: one day she randomly shows in ponyville and maybe the cmc run into her like in the show. So they start to play with her but they quickly start to get this very strange feeling that something is wrong. They try to ask her things about where shes from but she becomes very tense and flinchy. They figure out she probably has nowhere to go so they decide to tell an adult about it. They tell Twilight, who gets concerned after hearing about this kid who just showed up from nowhere and is acting strange. So she finds Cozy and offers her to let her stay at her place without asking questions because she figures whatever is going on she doesnt wanna talk about it.
The following days Cozy stays there and no one really says anything about it. She starts following Sunburst and Starlight around because shes bored and has nothing to do. She especially really likes Sunburst. Since hes already used to interacting with kids from the time he spent with Flurry, he doesnt find it hard to talk to her. He plays with her and tells her stories, he just kinda looks after her a lot. He tries asking her questions about where she was from and whatever happened to her but Cozy always shuts down immediately so he decides to stop bringing up the subject.
It soon becomes apparent that Cozy is having a hard time relating to other kids. She can get quite aggressive if things dont go her way and Twilight finds that concerning. So she and Sunburst start having little lessons with her to try and help her and it SEEMS to help, but just like in the show Cozy kinda misunderstands the whole point.
At some point, Cozy hears about the adventures Twilight and her friends have gone into. She becomes very interested and BEGS her to tell her stories about it. Twilight sees no harm in it, so she does. But the truth is Cozy is starting to develop a growing fascination with the concept of a villain. She doesnt say it, because even she can realize thats not gonna go over well.
She particularly gets really interested in Tirek. The whole idea of absorbing magic to become more powerful really fascinates her and she even starts to wonder what it would be like if she could do something like that. She starts to do some reading around Twilight's library and she realizes she could do something very similar by using some magic devices. So she gets to work and when magic starts to fade no one suspects her. Instead, they blame Tirek, which only makes her proud because he WAS her inspiration.
Theyre about to go pay the guy a visit when someone (probably Sunburst or Starlight) points out this isnt anything like Tirek actually. Ponies still have their cutiemarks and both pegasi and earth ponies are fine. So they decide to start investigating and find an explanation. Eventually as they start to piece things together, Cozy gets found out and they defeat her. Except she doesnt get sent to super hell, she simply runs away before they can stop her.
This kinda really fucks up both Sunburst and Twilight? They were both really invested in this child's development and then this whole mess happened. And now shes gone and they have no way to help her. Sunburst is especially devasted since he was the one who spent the most time with her. Something he really missed from the empire was Flurry. He was often next to her, taking care of her when her parents couldnt. He missed her a lot, and then this kid shows up and she looks up to him. It gave him a similar feeling and he really did care for her. It takes him a while to get over the whole thing.
Oh this seems like a great alternative way to use cozy and get her introduced to the main cast.
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daisy--sorbet · 5 years
and bc im in a talkative mood
lets talk abt the kh games i guess since i have a lot of love for this series
ive been replaying like. all of the games p much except for days and re:coded since sfjsdf they r not an option but
lets just. quick bullet points for all of the ones ive replayed recently
i forgot how weird the controls feel. it feels so stiff when you go from playing kh2/3/bbs back to the original. but i still love the game tbh bc its just. its such a fun lil time
except for monstro. fuck monstro. still my least favorite world of all time :/
honestly, playing this and beating it on proud mode gave me a lil hope for my abilities ngl like wow i guess maybe im not that bad at video games after all
atlantica is honestly one of my fave worlds from 1. i hate certain aspects of the swimming, but the little mermaid was one of my favorite movies growing up so i think just being able to fight shit w ariel is like. dream come true.
i dont really know if i have a favorite world overall, though. neverland is fun because of the flying tbh, halloween town’s atmosphere is rly good, and agrabah is still just. one of my favorite places bc of how much i love aladdin sfkjhsdf
traverse town i guess would have to be my favorite world? the music feels like home.
or 100 acre woods. it makes me so smiley. i love winnie the pooh. hes shaped like a friend and sometimes i really need a friend.
also i beat up tidus a lot so rip him i guess. i was like. level 10-12 by the time i left destiny islands so sdkjfhsdf sorry tidus, u were the easiest to get tech points from.
still the cutest version of sora/kairi/riku. kairi they did u so wrong in the following games :(
not my favorite sora, tbh. hes up there bc hes naive and a lil stubborn, but i think he falls behind...
kh re:chain of memories
this sora. hes angry, hes upset, hes stubborn, hes rash and impulsive and i love him to death. he feels so human in this one, and honestly???? i get what ppl mean when theyre like “re:com sora feels the most real” because he honestly does.
namine i love u so much oh my god????
the card combat system isnt actually too bad once you get used to it actually? i was extremely adamant about not playing this one bc i didnt want to learn the combat system, but... stickman sham’s videos literally pushed me to be like “okay sure, ill give it another go” and now im on floor 7
also stickman sham’s videos are just. so fucking funny sdkjfhsdfkh thank u for coming to my tedtalk
larxene could literally kick me down and threaten to kill me and id be ready to propose.
and then she’d kick my ass and id be like “hey axel, i also love u” 
im very biased against marluxia rn though because he was a pain in the ass to beat in kh2 but hes lookin to be a promising villain ig? :0
uhhh last comment but
hjo’s voice for sora in this game amuses me so much sfjkhsdkfh its just. so funny to hear him try to sound younger i guess??? idk
also this is the only game im playing on beginner because im not that great at it sfkshdf maybe one day ill get around to it, but not rn
probs one of my fave entries tbh? that whole beginning sequence with roxas just <333 i love him so much.
axel is still one of my fave characters and i think this game was what solidified my love for him. 
i think the bosses i had the most trouble with were xaldin and demyx. this is just me talking about non-optional ones though.
i read somewhere that like. the absent silhouettes, from easiest to hardest, are just: marluxia, lexaeus, vexen, zexion, larxene.
and i beat them: zexion, larxene, vexen, lexaeus, marluxia.
like. i struggled so much with marluxia holy shit??? fuck him :/
also i learned yesterday that the pride lands are optional???? wtf.
most fave world: either olympus, beast’s castle, or agrabah.
least fave: pride lands i guess
i dont rly have much to say here other than i rly loved most of this game
except for those FUCKING CARS.
kh bbs
i said quick bullet points but im a fool so
fave worlds: olympus, disney town, and neverland
least fave: none, tbh. its a really solid game imo even though it sorta falls victim to the “we cant talk to each other about any problems bc plot called for it” but the dynamics between the characters are just. v good. i love.
i question how anyone trusts xehanort when he looks like that, but also he’s supposed to be some esteemed keyblade master so i guess its more of a “i want your approval, even though u creep me out” than anything else
aqua’s route was honestly the hardest for me to begin with tbh. i had to grind for so long just to get her to to a point where she wouldnt immediately die. 
terras route was my fave, i think. hes just... rly fun to play as.
ventus is <333
i just really love this game, okay
uhhh fave d-link: none because i constantly forget about using them. but i guess if i had to pick, probably stitch bc of the ukulele part. its very cute.
ill ramble abt 3D, re:com in its entirety, and reverse/rebirth later skfjhsd
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