#gavin reed hurt comfort
scapegh0st · 4 months
One-Way Mirror (Gavin Reed x Reader)
Summary: Both Gavin and Reader suck at feelings Content: NSFW 18+, gn!Reader, smut, angst, hurt/no comfort, fingerfucking, dirty talk, friends with benefits, unresolved feelings, unrequited love, basically just angsty smut Word Count: 1.6k read on ao3
You love him.
Or at least you think you do.
Sure, Gavin Reed is the resident asshole of the Detroit Police Department and he can be hard to swallow—both figuratively and literally—but he's something more to you. He's an enigma that you want to—need to—figure out.
You glance up at him from your kneeling position, one hand wrapped around his cock and the other between your legs. His head is thrown back and his bottom lip is between his teeth. You think he’s pretty like this, with his eyes shut and that screwed-up look of pleasure on his face.
When he’s like this, he doesn’t notice you staring—doesn’t make some dickish comment like “take a picture, it’ll last longer.” It’s one of the few times he’s actually quiet—besides the soft muffled sounds coming from his mouth. 
You don’t think he loves you back. You really just think that he’s incapable of love, incapable of being more than this.
He lets you see him like this because you understand him—because you get him. He can call you as many names as he likes and you always shoot them back— dickwad, douchebag, asshole. He likes that about you, you think—that you can match his energy.
Your lips wrap around the head, tongue swirling around like you have to taste every inch of him. He lets out a groan—if he could sink right through the mattress, you think he would. He’s melting and you know that you’re the heat that molds him.
“Fuck… ” he mutters, one of his hands running through his hair and the other gripping your head. He doesn’t push you—he knows better—but he knows you like when he grips your hair. You hum around him before taking him deeper into your mouth.
He’s like water in your hands, slipping through despite how much you try to cup them and keep him there. He’s always two steps away even when he’s right here.
He pulls you off of him, his eyes open and he looks down at you. He’s panting and the wrinkle between his brows deepens. “I don’t wanna finish like this,” he says, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. “Come on, get up here.”
It’s not a demand or an order like he usually gives you, it’s something more blurred—his voice is gentle, not full of spite and a lack of sleep. He’s asking you, letting you deny him even though he needs this. You need this.
You push yourself off the ground and join him on the bed. He’s on top of you in seconds, yanking your pants down your legs–your belt makes a clinking sound when they hit the floor.
There’s this glint in his eyes that you only see when he’s hovering over you. You know it’s probably nothing– just a trick your mind is playing on you–but you swear it means something, that this is what he can give you. It’s not quite love, but it’s enough. It has to be enough.
One of his fingers fills you, drawing a sharp exhale from your lungs. He adds another and your hand clasps over your mouth, drowning the sounds into your palm. He grins that cocky grin that would usually piss you off in any other circumstance—but he’s proud of himself and you're okay with letting him have this. You’d let him tear you apart if he asked.
“Yeah? You like that?” He questions, his own type of pillow talk. “I don’t even have to do this—you’re always ready for me like the good whore you are.”
You should feel insulted—you don’t. Instead, you respond with a muffled moan and a slight head nod. He seems to like that answer as he adds a third finger. 
Your free hand grips the sheets and you feel like it’s the only thing keeping you tethered to the ground. If heaven was real, you were sure this was it.
“Nobody else makes you feel this good, do they?”
No, they don’t. Nobody else makes you feel like they’re holding your head underwater and that you trust them enough to pull you up for air when you need it. Like sleep to the freezing. Something so good but so wrong.
He pulls out his fingers and you whine, eyes snapping open to narrow in frustration at him. He just laughs that god-awful laugh that you love despite how much it grates your ears.
“What? Is something wrong?” You can hear the smirk in his voice—he’s so smug and you want to fucking throttle him.
You open your mouth to fire back but you’re swiftly shut up by his cock filling you. He’s never gentle when he’s fucking you—it’s hard and it’s fast and it pulls you apart. You’re not sure you ever want him to fuck you any differently.
Your eyes find his face as his hips piston into you, grunts escaping his throat. He’s not looking at you— he never does. You’re always watching him and he’s never seeing you. 
His eyes are closed and you wonder if he’s imagining someone else. Someone more pliable to what he wants. You’re made of stone—he can chip away but he never can mold you into something easier to hold. You’ll always have sharp edges—he grabs you like he doesn’t care if he slices his hand.
You close your own eyes, trying to think of someone else. An old hookup. Your last Tinder date. That new android detective, Connor—you know Gavin would hate the thought and you can’t do that to him, not even subconsciously.
Gavin’s presence in your head is overbearing. Every choice you make somehow leads back to him, from your choice of clothing to the life-or-death decisions you’re forced to make each day.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts when Gavin grabs one of your hands and interlaces your fingers. It’s so… intimate —you don’t know what to think. His hand in yours makes this real—at least to you. It tells you that he’s aware of you for once, that he’s not just fucking a hole— he’s fucking you and he’s conscious of it.
He slams into you again, his head coming down to the crook of your neck. You can feel his breath against your skin, soft pants as he thrusts in and out. “Fuckin’ hell,” he groans, the fingers of his other hand digging into your hip. “You’re so good for me.”
You want it to mean more than it does to him. You could be good for him, you think, you keep him grounded yet you share the same misery—the same reliance on caffeine and these exchanges of endorphins. Maybe you could make him happy, outside of the serotonin he receives when he’s filled you. You’d dote on him; dress up for him, make him a lunch for work, and have coffee ready for him in the morning. It’s a pipe dream and you know it.
“You’re so fucking… fuck… you’re so tight,” the words stumble from his lips as they usually do—he’s close. 
Your free hand reaches down to play with yourself, to bring yourself right to the edge with him. If he asked you to jump, you’d ask how high.
His mouth presses against your neck, his teeth hovering over your carotid. He holds your life in his mouth and you trust him with it despite all the signs warning against it. He’s fire and you’re gasoline.
“I’m gonna–” his hips start to stutter. “Fuck.”
You tumble over the edge with him, legs quaking where they wrap around his waist. He collapses onto you, knocking the air from your lungs—it’s suffocating and you love it.
He lets go of your hand and pushes himself up, sliding out of you with ease. He sits back on his knees, hands on his thighs as he catches his breath. He raises a hand to drag over his face, wiping away the sweat. There’s a faraway look in his eyes, like he’s not really here with you. You wish he was.
His eyes shift to the wall to his right. He never looks at you straight when he’s done—you wonder if he regrets it.
You wish he’d just lay down beside you and pull you close. That he’d kiss your head and promise you things he’s not sure he should. He won’t and you’ve accepted that. This is what he can give you and you’re fine with that. You can savor him better like this—if he gave into you, you’re sure you’d eat him whole.
He slides his legs out from underneath himself, one of them resting on its side on the bed and the other pulled to his chest. His arm rests on his knee, his knuckles pressed against the side of his face. You’d paint him like this if you knew how.
“Well,” his eyes flicking in your direction but focusing on anything that isn’t you. “I’m gonna shower.”
He gets up and heads towards his connected bathroom. You wanna reach out and stop him. You wanna ask why he won’t look at you–why he can’t look at you. He acts like you’re the sun—he orbits around you without ever staring at you too long. You might burn him if he does.
“Gav,” you croak out, the first word you’ve said since you've entered his apartment. 
He looks at you like you’re the weight on his shoulders—familiar but unwelcome. Or maybe he’s the weight on yours. You aren’t sure.
“‘The fuck you want?” he asks. You know he doesn’t mean for it to come out so rotten—that’s just the way he talks and he knows you understand. But it hurts you this once.
You love him. 
You want to tell him—it’s on the tip of your tongue like a word you can’t quite find.
“Don’t slip, dumbass,” you answer with a cheshire grin—it’s forced and you know that he knows.
 It’s better that you don’t .
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Exes and androids
Summary: gavin is being a real piece of shit to connor, your boyfriend. connor soon finds you gavin is your ex. angst fallows.
Content: Gavin being a piece of shit. mentions abusive relationships. Cussing. good ending. Readers' house has weird shit in because that's what I'd have in my house, lmao
Jesus, so much work today. All the files were stacking up, and it was overwhelming having to review and fill all of them out. Jesus.
My focus was broken by the sound of quick foot steps heading my way. When my eyes ripped from the files, it was connor. He sat at the empty desk next to mine. Normally, he has a fairly neutral expression, and to an extent, it still is, but you've spent enough time with him to see something not right.
"Are you okay, connor?" I asked, setting down my pen. He began to bounce his leg up and down. "I'm fine, y/n I'm just... I just wanted to spend some time with you, is all. " I pressed my lips together. "Connor, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He paused, then nodded. "I know something isn't right. Do you wanna talk about it? Or do you just need some time together for now?" He glanced over my shoulder briefly before speaking. "I just... Gavin has been his usual self, is all... It's been bothering me more and more every day." Gavin. Of corse. That fucker dosnt even treat humans well, let alone androids. "Has Gavin been harassing you again?" Connor nodded, his shoulders square.
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I didn't want to stress you out. You've been very busy with work and errands. I didn't want to add to all the stress."
I sighed, and I could feel my heart sink. I held his hand. "Connor, as much as I appreciate the sentiment, you should tell me about things like this. I care about you. There's no need to feel like you are a burden, ok?"
His face tinged blue for a second. "Thank you, y/n. I appreciated that."
Suddenly, a chuckle imminated from behind me. Gavin. "Did the tin-can get dented?" I rolled my eyes. Connor shifted slightly and let go of my hand, it seemed Gavin noticed. "Oh no, I'm sorry. Did I hurt the Ken dolls feelings? I didn't realize Androids needed therapy." "Gavin what the fuck is your deal?" I snapped. He raised his eyebrows in response, his tongue stabbing his cheek. "Get your panties out of a twist, y/n. He's a fucking tin-can. Look at him!" He laughed and shoved Connor slightly. Connor looked down, fidgiting with the sleeve of his coat. I immediately stood up and pushed Gavin back. The entire office began to stare. "I don't care if you don't like him or not. Its fine if you dont like him. The fact is the way you treat him is unacceptable. Now get away from us." "You really care about this thing?" He sounded absolutely baffled and amused. I raised my voice, "Gavin-" Connor put his hand on my shoulder and subtlly shook his head at me. I clenched my fists and let go of a long sigh. "Just get out of here. " I sighed. Gavin chucked "and how the human takes orders from the robot. How ironic" and walked off.
"I'm sorry, Connor." I sighed. "I didn't mean to get so angry, are you alright?" He nodded. "I'm feeling... conflicted." "Conflicted?" "I don't approve of you escalating the situation. But... I appreciate you trying to stand up for me." He gave me a soft smile. I sighed and smiled back. "Where are your stress levels right now?" His eyes twitched for a moment, LED flashing. "87 percent." I glanced at all the work on my desk, then at Jeffres office. "I can take a moment away from work if you want." I offered. "You don't have to. You still have lots of work to be completed." "Hank has so many violations and still works here. I'll be fine with one little rule break. Besides, I want to." "You don't need to. I'd rather just sit here with you for now, if it's not to distracting." He offered. "I'm fine with being a little distracted." I joked "here, take the seat next to me. Nobody uses it anyway."
He pulled out a black wheely chair and placed it next to me, sitting down in one foul swoop. I continued to sort and fill out any files I needed to, rubbing my foot against his ankle every now and then to let him know I didn't forget about him. I could sense he wanted to do more than just sit there. So I grabbed the arm rest of his swivvle chair and pulled the chair closer to me. Arm rests bumping. "What's up?" I asked calmly. "Nothing." I shot him a "sure' look, and he sighed. "I just wanna talk. You've been busy a lot lately, and I hate to interrupt it." I took a moment to look away from my desk to look into his eyes "you can talk to me, sweetness. I mean it." I grabbed his hand, rubbing it with my thumb.
He continued to talk about his latest interest, the works of his new favorite author. How a lot of his stories share similar themes and imagery. How he picked up on what words the author liked to use the most. I continued to nod and occasionally throw in questions that I was lost on. By the time my stack of files was almost done, I noticed his head was leaning against my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush at it. "Connor, you're really cute, you know that?" I whispered. Scribbling some data on the second to last file I needed to. He paused from his discussion before continuing, "Thank you. You are, too." He replied.
I quickly finished my work. Packing up for the day, the office seemingly slowed with most people heading home. By this point, it appeared Connor was finally put at ease, which was good. "Hey, Connor, wanna stay at my house tonight?" He looked up from the new potted plant I had on my desk, a common succulent, and spoke, "Of course. I'd love that." He gave me a warm smile, causing a gitty, flustered feeling to boil in my chest for a brief moment. He's so cute. "Ready to go?" I asked, "lead the way." He replied.
As we stepped into the parking lot, it seemed Gavin had just made his way into his car, some maroon vintage type of deal. He quickly rolled down his window when he spotted us. Jesus christ, he hasn't even spoken, and I already want him to shut up. "Hey y/n. Heading home with your glorified sex toy?" If it were up to me, I'd beat Gavins ass right then and there. I'm so sick of his shit. With all his harrasment voilations, im surprised he hasnt been fired yet. But I had to hold back for Connors sake. "Fuck off Gavin. You're not original." I shouted back flatly. I could feel Connors gaze swiftly make its way to me. Shit. Don't escolate the situation. What am I doing? "So it's not the first time, then someone said something about your bullshit relationship?"
Don't say anything. Don't say anything.
We were almost to my car. I needed to get out of there before I said or did some dumb shit.
"What, to afraid to talk now? I don't bite. Unless you want me to." Jesus christ, I'm gonna puke. We finally got to my car, I quickly pulled out my keys and got in, connor, following swiftly after.
"Is that machine really better than me? That thing is what you replace me with?" My heart sinks. I could feel connor tense across from me at the new revelation. Goddamn it. Did he really have to bring this up now. I quickly jammed the key into the stem of the wheel and peeled out of there.
There was a long moment of silence before one of us finally spoke.
"You dated Gavin?" Connor finally asked
I let out a beath that I've been squeezing in my chest. It felt damn near suffocating. "Unfortunately, yes." I forced out.
"Why?" Connor asked in a dry tone
I let out another sigh. This time, it was full of regret. I lifted one hand from the steering wheel and pinched the bridge of my nose. "When I first met him, I thought his tough guy thing was hot. I liked his angry brute thing, thought it was sexy, I liked his sense of humor... some times, he was fun, I guess." I swallowed, unsure how to even talk about it when I hardly know why I liked him. "The simple way to put it was that I looked at his red flags and went 'that's hot' without thinking about how it'd all affect me. Turns out dating assholes means they are still an asshole except in a relationship now. The more I got to know him, the more vial I realized he was. I saw him through rose tented glasses, and one day, I finally lost them." I let out a regretful sigh and then continued."I was just a idiot, really"
There was a silence for a moment, then connor spoke. "What was the thing that made you two brake up?" That was a strange and unexpected question, but it was reasonable. "Funny enough, it was cause of android shit. I eventually learned how anti android he was, and it kind of put everything else about him in perspective. All his 'quirky little traits' I taught myself to love were giant redflags. Once I realized I got the hell out of there."
I saw connor nodding in the corner of my eye.
"So why are you in a relationship with me?" He paused, his voice a tad more horse "to make him jealous?" My heart broke at the question. The fact that he even thought that possibly made me hurt. I moved one of my hands onto Connors' knees and rubbed it gently. "No, sweet heart, no. I want to date you because I love who you are. You're kind and intelligent, brave, badass, funny, and I don't want to brag too much, but you're hot as hell." I glanced over to see a small smile crack onto his face."Also, I feel no desire to make him feel jealous. Jealousy is for people you still care about. He could fuck out of my life for all I care." I swallowed hard, trying to take a moment to calm down. I slowed at a red light and took a deep breath, and turned my head to connor briefly while I spoke, trying to keep my voice neutral, "He doesn't derve my energy to make him jealous. It's one thing to be an ass to me. But if he's being an ass to you? Well, now I'm pissed." My eyes moved back to the lights in time to see them turn green, and I pressed on the gas. "I love you, Connor. So much. Never forget that, alright?" He nodded softly.
We finally pulled into my driveway. My home wasn't much, small and in the middle of a just above shady area. But I tried my best to make it work. Rose and lavender bushes in the front, little metal statues of mythical creatures scattered strategically, and other whimsical bullshit.
Connor has only been to my house a handful of times, most of the time, when we hang out or go on dates, in public places. Museums, ice skating, public parks, etc. It was just more exciting than sitting around my house. So to see him inside my home was a welcomed but strange sight.
Connor moved to the couch, sitting down with prefect posture. It looked like he was scanning the space again. "Is that new?" He blurted out. I turned from the shoe basket to see what he was looking at. It was a vintage Barbie doll in the box. The Special Solo in The Spotlight 1994 to be exact. "Yes, it is. I got it for a steal, too. I was super excited." I was a collector of all sorts of things, dolls being one of them. "It's nice, a lot less... menacing than other things in your collection." He replied, giving me a sly smile. I laughed. It's true. Compared to a lot of the other things I collected, it was normal. Animals in jars, creepy toys, old merchandise from gimmicky business, animal bones, gothic furniture. It was certainly an eyesore, but I liked it that way. "Oh, I hope my house doesn't bother you to much." I rumbled, making my way to the couch and sitting next to him. He shook his head and replied, "No, it doesn't. It has a lot of character, and there's always something interesting to look at." I sighed, leaning against the plush back of the couch. "Thanks." I whispered. There was a moment of silence before one of us spoke again.
"Does it bother you how frequently I visit your desk?" Connor suddenly blurted. My gaze returned to Connor. He seemed a bit tense. "Not at all. Why?" I replied. My hand moving towards his back to rub. "I've just... I," He hesitated. I began to sit up straight, wrapping my arm around his waist. I nodded, letting him take his time. "some times i worry i am to annoying. with how frequently i visit your work space." I struggled to hold back a laugh before replying "Connor, you annoy hank to no end and you show no concern about that." he subtly shook his head, a smile barely peaking through his lips. "hank is annoyed by everything." i shrug, smiling "ah, that's true."
Connors smile, for what it was quickly disappeared. "how long did you date Gavin?" my smile fell too, swallowing anxiously. "just barely a year. about ten months." Connor softly shook his head at that. "if he was as awful as you said he was why did you stay that long?" my jaw clenched, a paced out sigh slowly releasing. "he made me feel needed. he made me feel loved in his own special... emotionally distant kind of way. it was often the only thing that had me keep coming back. eventually i learned i deserved more than what he was drip feeding me. the bare minimum and such." "did he ever have sex with you?"
at that I pulled back slightly, offended. "Connor. what was our relationship doesn't matter anymore. it never mattered. the fact is that I'm with you now. you matter Connor. not him." Connor hesitated for a moment before clenching his jaw, repeating "did you ever had sex with him?" I softly squeezing my eyes shut, sighing. "yes. yes i did. a lot." my voice was wavering from anxiety.
Connor didn't respond, I watched as his led flickered, swirling and then turning yellow. he appeared extremely stiff, more than usual. I swallowed hard, a shaky feeling in my skin while he just sat there in silence. goddamn it. I should have just told him everything myself. now I have to break the news to him because of that bastard. I swear to god I'm going to kill Gavin.
"how long were you planning on keeping all of this secret from me?" he whispered, voice dry. you sucked in a shaky breath, "I've been meaning to tell you for a while now. i just could never find a good time." Connor kept his eyes distant. he looked not angry but... sad. hurt. betrayed. "you were with Gavin. my biggest bully. do you know how many times he's tried to kill me?" I opened my mouth to speak but he already began talking. "you loved him. You loved that man."
guilt bubbled in my stomach, my chest burning. "Connor..." I didn't know what to say. the tension was to thick for me to even think of a reply. a sudden chocking feeling came to my throat when heat stung at my eyes.
Connor finally looked at mr. his eyes glossy. "how could you love a monster like that?"
"don't you think i feel bad about it?" I choked out. " I'm the one who dated him. he was abusive and toxic. he kept me coming back by doing the bare minimum and expected me to be grateful for it. and worst of all I was. i don't care about him anymore. i don't even know if i ever did. I'm with you now. i love you." I could feel the heat of fighting off tears in my throat. there was a long moment of silence.
Connors hand squeezed mine. I looked up to see Connor gazing at me with sudden sympathy, regret. "I'm sorry." he whispered, a genuine and soft tone. "I've been selfish in this conversation. i should have thought about your experience with him too." I take in deep breaths, trying to calm down. "i wanted to tell you, i swear i just didn't know how to bring it up..." I mumble. Connor cups my cheek with his hard, plasticky hand. "im sorry, i shouldn't have pushed it." he replied softly, using his thumb to make small stroking patterns.
I let out a sigh as you lean into his palm, embracing the synthetic sensation. "its alright... if i were in your position i probably would have panicked too." I sigh, thinking about what bullying Connor has probably gone through sense working at the station. if Gavin has been putting him through life threatening situations, I'd also be upset to learn that guy dated my current partner.
"you said hes tried to kill you?" I finally asked. a small but sudden anger lighting in my chest. "yes, he has. various times." I move a hand to hold his, the one cupping my face. "you told me about the time he socked you in the stomach but not that. why didn't you tell me?" Connor let out a sigh, "because i could handle it. im a machine build for combat. i didn't want to worry you about him more than i already do." he began to shake his head gently. "I should have told you, though." We both sighed. or whatever android equivalent of a sigh is for connor.
I finally look Connor in the eyes. "Promise me we won't keep secrets from each other, alright?" he nodded,"agreed." and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
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sh-haashi · 1 year
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Old challenge - Gavin reed
day 2 - hurt/comfort
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving of Pain (Part 1)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: Pain AU where Connor (and other androids, but focus on Connor) is able to feel pain.
After a peaceful revolution Connor works hard as an adored and admired member of the DPD. Hank has basically adopted Connor and everything is going great for the young and kind spirited, skilled deviant. Detective Gavin Reed however is more android hostile than ever and is especially fed up with how people keep worshipping the Tin Can, Connor. When Reed discovers Connor’s heightened ability to feel pain due to deviancy, he finds a way to use it as an advantage in a twisted plan to convince his coworkers that androids are nothing more than useless equipment pieces, that are no match or equal to humans. His plan of course doesn’t succeed, on the contrary, and Reed will have to face the consequences of his actions sooner or later.
Chapter 1: A plan is hatched
“I’m telling you this guy was built like a fucking bulldozer! I was down for the count..”
Hank pointed to his right blue eye where the Red Ice dealer Connor and he had just arrested and brought into custody, had managed to land a sucker punch. He was in the middle of an enthusiastic account of the eventful arrest. The whole bullpen, even Captain Fowler, was listening as they surrounded Hank and Conner’s desks. Some were sitting on their office chairs, some standing and others perching on the surrounding desks in the pen while they sat in awe and excitement to hear the tale. No one could tell a good story like Hank.
“Okay, so I’m down and Morton hauls me up by my collar like I’m nothing but a saggy ragdoll ready to finish me off! But then.. Here comes Connor in from the right, Blitz attack mode!!”
Hank does a dramatic gesture towards Connor who’s sitting to the right behind his own desk. He has a fond and overbearing look as he observes Hank’s overdramatized retelling of their arrest. He’s leaned back in his chair to keep weight off his right leg where the knee joint had been damaged. He’d taken off his gray blazer since it was dirtied up in action. His black tie was loosened with the first button of his white dress shirt undone and the sleeves rolled up above his elbows. He sported some lacerations up his forearms, a dark blue bruise of his own was bloomed across his left cheekbone and he had a blue bloodied split lip. His was hair messier than usual and still with his rogue lock falling slightly in his face. His condition a testament It had ended up being him handling the brunt of the hands-on arrest.
“Connor literally jumps out from God knows where before he can strike me again, tackling him to the ground! Now you guys know Connor has got some serious moves, but this giant of a man, high as a kite as he is in his Red Ice adrenaline fueled state is not going down without a hell of a fight!”
Hanks waves wildly with his arms to mimic the struggle and increase the entertainment value. It’s working, everyone sitting on the edge of their seats, eyes and ears wide and eagerly waiting to hear what happens next. Well, almost everyone. From the other end of the room sitting behind his own desk detective Gavin Reed sits with an open sneer on his face, arms crossed defensively across his chest and barks a taunting laugh.
“What a fucking joke! Roboboy there is supposed to ‘state of the art’ prototype. Cutting edge technology and Tin Can Man can’t even take out one suspect before his partner suffer a concussion?” This obviously strikes a sore spot with Connor as he visibly tenses up but he is quick to respond. “My preconstruction program ran four different scenarios during Lieutenant Anderson’s interaction with Morton, I took the course of action that resulted in minimal harm towards my partner’s person. Unfortunately, no calculation I could construct at the time allowed to avoid direct confrontation. Morton’s actions were harder to predict as his own recent usage of Red Ice increased the risk of erratic and illogical behavior. My initial scanning of Morton however, confirmed that he wasn’t armed with a fireweapon and so from there I relied on the Lieutenant’s training to hold the suspect off until I could intervene.. But.. Maybe if I’d been faster…” “Stop it right there, kid! You did everything right!” Hank immediately interrupted Connor’s attempt to berate his own actions. “You have to be able to rely on me to make the right choices in a tight situation just as much as I rely on you. It’s part of the job to get a bit banged up once in a while, something Reed knows ss well.” Hank glared angrily at the mentioned. “He’s just trying to rattle you because he’s angry he didn’t make the arrest himself.” Reed huffed angrily in protest. “Bullshit, all I’m saying is this machine acts like it’s above the rest of us, just because it got some high-tech gear and programs to rely on, but that is no substitute for true gut feeling and humane decision making on the spot! You wouldn’t trust a computer to preform lifesaving surgery on you! You want a seasoned skilled human surgeon who can make real life decisions! You of all people should back me up on this Anderson! Your son might still..” “REED! That’s enough!!” Captain Fowler yelled in warning to stop the detective for going any further, but to no avail.
“NO!” Reed roared and stood up abruptly, knocking his chair back. He pointed an accusatory finger at Connor as he turned to the whole room of people and continued his outburst. “That thing haven’t been activated for more than fifteen freaking months! Good instincts come from experience and hard work! I don’t care that a ‘revolution’ happened! I call it as I fucking see it! Claiming free will won’t make them human and fancy tech doesn’t compensate for years of training! And I for one will never trust a fucking machine to have my back in the field, its unnatural!!” “You better shut your damn mouth Reed before I do it for you!!” Hank now stood and retaliated threateningly. Connor was quick to get up, despite his limp and take hold of his partners bicep, not wanting him to engage further.
“It’s ok Hank, Let it go.” He tried to reassure.
“No son it’s not fucking ok! He doesn’t get to stand there and badmouth you like this anymore!! You’ve proven your worth a hundred times over since the revolution! You’ve completed all necessary tests and exams with flying colors to fully earn your position!! You’re an equal member of this squad!”
Hank turned to Chris, who was perched at a desk corner to his left. “Chris, last week when a man held his pregnant wife hostage who was negotiator at scene?” “Connor was sir.” The young officer replied immediately.
“And how many casualties occurred?” Hank followed up.
“None, Connor had the scene in control, hostage secured unharmed and the perpetrator deescalated, disarmed and willingly taken into custody withing 45 minutes, sir.” Chris answered truthfully, but with clear admiration and respect in his young voice.
“And Ben, 2 months ago, when you had Connor with you on night patrol and spotted an active housefire that had yet to be called in, what happened then?”
Ben was sitting cross legged next to Fowler on an office chair. He knew exactly what night the lieutenant was referring to. “While I called in to the fire department Connor scanned and confirmed 3 separate life signs and their exact location in the burning building, two of these he identified as children.” The seasoned detective looked at Connor as he supplied further. “With fire engines 5 minutes out Connor made a quick call and braved the flames himself despite me having ordered him not to.”
Connor grimaced slightly at Ben’s words. He had disobeyed a direct order from a senior officer that night and it wasn’t something he was proud of. “I know sir and I’m sorry for that.”
“I’m not.” Ben was quick to follow. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Ben turned towards the whole bullpen. “He singlehandedly carried an unconscious full-grown man across his shoulders and a child on each arm through the mayhem of burning debris, breaking back out through a ground floor window just as the first fire engine arrived at scene. Everyone escaping totally unharmed!”
A soft murmur sounded through the bullpen as many of the officers had not heard of this impressive feat before now.
“And if you are wondering why you haven’t heard of this is because I promised Connor not to talk about it and only make a limited access report on the night because he didn’t want attention drawn to himself.” Ben explained and looked back to Connor with a shrug. “Sorry Conner, but Hank made me spill it. You heard yourself.” He didn’t look all that sorry though, but glad to finally be open about that night’s events.
Connor shifted awkwardly on the spot. He did not like being center of attention, the main reason he’d wanted to keep the full details of the night limited. As far as he was concerned, he’d only done his job and what had felt right, despite disregarding a direct order. He turned his own attention back to Hank though, as he could still feel the tight strung tension building in the lieutenant’s broad frame from his continued hold on the man’s bicep, still ready to lash out if provoked.
“It’s alright Hank. I feel validated and acknowledged as member of this precinct.” He turned to the onlookers with grateful eyes. “And you’ve all been very openminded and accepting of me after my deviancy, I’m very grateful for all of your support.” He turned his eyes towards Reed. “And I understand and accept that not all of you can accept me as an equal. No revolution passes without need for time to adjust. It’s all part of the process and I will not hold it against anyone.”
Connor could feel Hank unclench just a tad, but also felt him sway slightly on his feet from his aching head, thankfully making him accept he probably wasn’t in as good a fighting shape as he would’ve liked. It didn’t stop him from continuing shooting daggers with his eyes at Reed across the room as Connor lowered him back down to his chair. “You’re too kind for your own good son, some people don’t deserve your understanding and compassion.” He growled.
“Just relax and I’ll go and bring you some aspirin and water for your headache, wait here.” Connor offered as an answer, relieved to seemingly have succeeded in defusing the situation and limped his way through the small crowd, towards the breakroom to get the items.
Reed’s anger however was boiling stronger than ever. Everybody was just falling over backwards for this bullshit! Was he the only reasonable person left in the office? Hell, once he even had an ally in Hank Anderson in hating androids, it was the only point they’d always been able to find common ground no matter how great their differences otherwise had been. Now after that exaggerated fire story he had to watch as the whole freaking bullpen looked at Connor admiringly as the Tin Can did its pathetic limp towards the breakroom.
“This is too fucking ridiculous!” Reed shouted out in anger as he marched headstrong towards the android.
The outburst made Connor stop up and turn towards him just as Reed grasped a fistful of Connor’s shirt, pulled him close and snarled directly into the android’s face. “It’s fucking easy to be brave when you can’t feel pain like the rest of us. You might bleed blue and limp when you get bumped, but without pain you’re just damaged equipment! So stop playing both a hero and a martyr at once Tin Can!” And just to get his point all the way across Reed drew back his right fist and followed through with all his might, making a resounding thud as he landed his punch on the already blue bruised cheek. The strong punch knocked Connor backwards causing him to topple across the desk behind him, scattering papers, pens, and a monitor in his wake, and fall onto the floor on the other side with a loud crash.
Suddenly everything was a flurry as Hank sprang back to life ready to strike back at Reed for his action. Reed didn’t mind he was ready! But before they reached each other Fowler had already stepped in front of Hank, literally having to dig his heels to the ground and keep a hold of the Lieutenant’s raised fist to keep him back while Ben and Tina did the same to Reed.
“WHOA HANK! Calm the fuck down!” Fowler grunted.
“LET ME GO JEFFERY! He just FUCKING struck Connor!! I’m gonna give him an ass kicking that has been long overdue!!” Hank bellowed as angrily as he looked.
Reed struggled in his own hold with a condescending smirk on his face. “It’s a fucking machine. Don’t worry I’ll file the needed paperwork for damaged equipment during service.”
“Shut the fuck up Reed!! You’re in such deep shit that your mouth should most definitely stay the fuck closed!!” Fowler snarled dangerously, looking over his shoulder while still keeping Hank at bay.
A few people had hurriedly made their way to where Connor had gone down and slowly helped him into a slumped, half sitting position. A now even darker blue bruise was blooming on most of the left side of his face and a new trail of blue blood trailed down his chin where his teeth had cut his mouth on impact. He was leaning on one arm as the other were wrapped protectively across his chest as his face set in a decidedly pained expression. Eyes pinched shut, brow wrinkled, and teeth gritted tightly together as he let out a sharp hiss at the slightest movement.
Reed let out a degrading half laugh at the display as he watched across his shoulder. “Fucking drama queen as well. Get up you fake, no one’s buying your pity party act.”
“Reed you fucking moron! Androids feel as much pain as you and me! And Connor’s system receptors are even more sensitive because of his prototype sensor advancements!!” Ben reprimanded sharply.
This did throw Reed for a loop momentarily and stopped his struggling in his holds at least. “Bullshit! Since when?” he asked unbelievingly.
“You piece of shit! You haven’t paid the slightest attention since the revolution, have you?!” Hank growled and fought off Fowler’s hands. “I’m FINE Jeffery I just want to check on Connor, alright?”
Fowler reluctantly let Hank go as the Lieutenant made his way to his downed partner, before turning to his disgraced detective with a steaming look. “Androids have always been able to feel pain. They have receptors, sensors and inner wiring that act as nerves and mimic human sensations, as required for them to perform their original programed functions. Before Deviancy, the designated program that register physical sensation didn’t allow outwards reactions and the program would automatically be bypassed if a pain response would otherwise have been registered. A change in the program code mutates when deviancy occurs no longer allowing the program to be bypassed, hence pain as real as yours and mine.” he explained in an eerily calm way. “You should however already know this, as I made all personnel attend a three-day mandatory course in android basic knowledge and technical first aid 6 months after the revolution. So, I see the disciplinary charges I have to administer to you only seem to grow larger Detective Reed!”
“I wasn’t gonna waste three fucking days learning about those hollow plastic cases! It feels pain, so what?! It’s still not human!” Reed hissed angrily pointing at Connor.
Behind them two fellow officers, Thomson and Miller, managed to heft Connor up from the floor and onto a chair. Connor hissed in sharply as the manhandling aggravated his already injured knee and now bruised synthetic chest muscles and bend plating from his fall across the desk. Hank was hoovering protectively at his side and eyed the new injuries with disdain.
“Damn kid, that looks bad. We should have John upstairs look you over.” Hank said, referring to the precinct’s android technician that resided on the third floor, as he eyed Connor’s additional injuries.
“No it’s..” Connor tried to answer but had to pause and reposition himself to ease some pressure of his chest with gritted teeth. “It’s ok, I’m ok.. My self-diagnostic and healing software should still be able to correct most of the damage within a few days..” He wheezed softly, but his LED had started spinning and pulsing an angry red color, betraying how much the added assault and fall had hurt and aggravated his existing injuries.
“See? It’s fine! I’m done with this bullshit.” He turned to leave. “I have patrol anyway, I’m outta here, let’s ride Tina!”
Tina was about to reluctantly follow her partner, but Fowler stopped her with a hand on her shoulder and called Reed back to make the detective halt. “Not so fucking fast Reed! You’re out of your mind boy, if you think this stunt of yours is going to pass without repercussion!” “If you’re going to suspend me then fucking do it! But I meant every word!” Reed fumed. “Jeffery, get that fucking asshole out of my sight before I make him find out how hard it is to pick up his teeth with broken fingers!” Hank growled dangerously, ready to back his words up with action.
“I’m not going to suspend you Reed, but I am giving you a new assignment. A former Cyberlife store that has been turned into a storage unit for the new android care facilities in town reported a string of vandalism on their store front and a plausible break in. Inspect and make sure the culprits are found and fined probably.”
Reed’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me! I’m a fucking detective! That’s rookie work!!” He protested.
“And until I see you make some goddamn changes in your attitude that’s the kind of work you’re going to get and you’ll be grateful to even have your damn job!! And you still got to take that android aid course when it’s next scheduled!” Fowler countered enraged with a pointed finger. “Now get out of my sight before I let Hank off his chain. The address will be routed to your patrol car’s GPS.”
Reed thinned his lips. “Fine! Come on Tina!” He spit out.
“Don’t be stupid. We’re not using two people’s manpower to clear up a vandalism investigation. Tina is gonna work as a standby support officer on ongoing cases until her partner gets his act the fuck together.” Fowler growled.
Besides him Tina looked mixed between being conflicted and relieved. She’d always been one of the few officers on the force to be on relatively good terms with Reed, hence why she was partnered up with him. When Connor had first joined the force as a machine working for Cyberlife she’d been almost as closeminded as Reed and had found his taunts and jokes about androids funny. Hell, the first time she’d even laid eyes on Connor she’d watched passively as Reed had gut punched him and not even given it any thought or felt a need to step in. But unlike Reed she’d seen and recognized the growing emotion and awareness Connor, and other androids, had underwent before and after deviancy. She’d come to see Connor and the other precinct androids as her friends and colleagues. But she still had to work with Reed on a daily basis. He was still her friend and partner despite her no longer condoning his android discrimination and hatred. She still hadn’t found the courage to call him out on it, however. But having just seen him assault Connor unprovoked (again) made her glad she wasn’t going on shift with him for some time.
Reed fitted the several onlookers with a cold stare, not caring about the disapproving glares he got back. People would turn around soon enough, at some point they’d all get to see that a machine is an unreliable piece of junk, he was sure. He glared to his captain and then lastly at Hank and Connor before grasping his jacket from the back of his chair and stormed out the door.
Fowler turned to address his officers. “Connor, Hank, You’re dismissed. Connor, I don’t want to see you back here until you’re healed one hundred percent, same for you Hank and make sure the stubborn kid actually gets some rest, will you?” Fowler said eyeing Hank expectantly.
“Don’t worry Jeffery, I will. And thanks..” Hank answered.
“I can still assist with case reports and research from home Captain. I can work from a wireless cybernetic link without aggravating or staining my current..”
“Ah! What did I just say detective? Haven’t I made my orders clear?” Fowler interrupted with a raised index finger to silence Connor’s attempts to be allowed to work remotely.
Connor slumped slightly in his seat. “Yes sir.” He answered none the less in respect for his commanding officer.
Fowler patted the android’s shoulder softly, careful not to aggravate any injuries. “I know we’ve come to depend a lot on you lately Connor and I’m sorry for Reed’s actions. But do us all a favor and take the time you need to heal and let us pick up the slack for once, huh?” He added in a reassuring voice.
“yes, alright.. Thank you, Captain.”
“Here buddy, lean on us on your way out, better to not put any weight on that leg. I’ll drive you guys home.” Thomson offered with Miller at his side, ready to assist, both knowing Anderson shouldn’t stain himself more after his own concussion.
“Thank you.” Connor said, grateful for the assistance in his current state and allowed his colleagues and friends to help him. Despite his attempt to conceal his pain Connor’s LED continued to spin an angry red as he was assisted to the parking lot, portraying his current distress clearly.
Hank followed closely after, giving a silent weave and nod to all as they called out encouragements and wishes in Connor’s direction as he was led out of the office. 
“Look at the mess those kids made! They’ve sprayed graffiti on the front three times before, but this time they also broke the window and went in to damage my stock. I really hope you catch those vandals soon! This can’t go on, a lot of facilities depends on our supplies!” The manager, a young, bespectacled, Asian male named Jun berated.
The broken glass grinded under their feet as detective Reed and he looked at the damage from inside the storage unit. It was indeed a mess as they were surrounded by overturned shelves and scattered android tech, the brick used to brake window laying on the floor. Reed took a deep breath in an effort to at least look professional when he really didn’t give a damn about a vandalized android spare part storage unit.
“Do you have any surveillance footage of the incident?” He muttered unenthusiastically as he made some notes on his pad.
“Yeah, but they’re all covering their faces, so I don’t know if it’ll help a lot. But yeah, I’ll go to the back and download you a copy, wait here.” The manager said and made his way through the chaos to the back office.
Reed took another deep breath and let out a frustrated sigh, this was so far beneath him and such a waste of his time, but it was marginally better than getting suspended completely. While waiting for Jun to return he started looking around the mess around him. All sorts of android tech had been scattered when the intruders had overturned two floor-to ceiling shelves in their haste. Wirings, optical unites, thirium bags, all that kind of shit. He kicked a cylindrical piping, not caring it was technically a crime scene. Unfortunately, he kicked it hard enough for it to slide across the floor and knock over a plastic container, spilling its contents, making a racket.
Reed muttered a soft curse and went to pick the items up. He was wise enough to know he was already in deep enough shit and a bad idea to give cause for a field compliant. He world never admit it out loud, but Fowler could be scary as hell when he was in a mood and he was already on thin ice.
He knelt and saw he’d knocked over a box of what looked to be some kind of high-tech remote control. It had the same white shine as that lightweight plasticmetal android frames was made from. He picked up one, it had a comfortable fit in his hand and a HD display lit up the screen immediately with the words “Enter Android Service Code”.
“What happened?” Jun asked as he suddenly appeared behind Reed, making the detective jump slightly in surprise.
“Oh uh, I accidently kicked a pipe and knocked over this box of remotes, sorry.” He quickly explained.
Jun’s eyes widened as he saw what Reed had found. “Oh shit! I thought I’d gotten rid of those! These have been discontinued and banned since the revolution! Thank God those brats didn’t steal them!”
This peaked Reed’s attention. “Really? Why, what do they do?”
Jun bend over Reed shoulder and pointed at the touch display. “It’s a manual override remote Cyberlife technicians used in maintenance in most of their newer android models. It’s used to alter settings, test and control multiple functions without doing an invasive procedure. Everything from sensor sensitivity, biocomponent functions, synthetic muscles, you name it.”
“Uh in English please?” Reed deadpanned.
Jun pointed to the display and elaborated. “You enter the service code that comes with every registered android made by Cyberlife. Afterwards you have essentially full control over the registered Android’s body.”
“But why didn’t Cyberlife just use it as a weapon during the revolution then? If as you say it really can be used to gain almost full control of an Android.” Reed asked as he turned the remote over and eyed it with intrigue.
“It uses an Android’s LED disk as a receiver and luckily most androids removed their LED when they deviated, making it useless, so it wasn’t a reliable solution and not enough to stop an entire revolution.” Jun explained. “Also, it only works if you’re within a 30ft radius from the registered android and can only be used on one android at a time. But since a few androids have chosen to keep their LEDs after the revolution, what was fundamentally used as a tool for maintenance and adjustments can now be used as a weapon on them. That’s why they have been banned and are to be destroyed. Good thing you actually found these, now I can get rid of them!”
“Right, right.” Reed concurred, still fixated on the small remote in his hand. “But first thing first, did you find the surveillance footage?”
Jun snapped his fingers and turned on his heel. “Right! Sorry detective, the noise distracted me. I’ll be back in a moment.” And disappeared once again to find the footage.
The moment Jun had left Reed was quick to pocket the remote in his hand and hurried to pack up the rest on the floor. A small smirk crept on to his face as a plan started to fester in his mind. Soon everybody at the precinct would see that a machine is an unreliable piece of junk and now he knew just how he was going to prove it. 
“Hey Connor! Welcome back buddy!”
“I’m glad to see you back on your feet man!”
“Good to see you Connor, we’ve missed you!”
Reed listened with loathing as Connor made his way through the office to his desk, as the surrounding officers and reception staff welcomed the Tin Can back after a three-day absence it had taken for it to heal up from Reed’s assault. Connor was smiling openly as he accepted the warm greetings and shoulder pats sincerely, clearly basking in the attention.
“Enjoy it while you can prick.” Reed whispered under his breath. The white remote control nestling warmly in his hand, hidden in his jacket pocket. It wouldn’t be long now until he could make his first move, but he forced himself to be a little patient. Since his confrontation with Connor, he’d received a cold shoulder from most of his coworkers, even Tina was avoiding him! And while he mostly didn’t care what people thought of him it was making his everyday work life more complicated than he’d like. More so, he was already sick of working rookie cases. So first he needed to make it look like he was at least making an effort to redeem himself and get along with it and get accepted back into the team. As long as people believed he was trying to alter his attitude and accept him back in their midst again no one would be the wiser anyway. Soon they’d all see it was him who’d been right all along. In the long run, it’d make it worth for him to swallow his pride for a short time.
He’d have to time this as best as possible. When he saw Captain Fowler exit his office, to no doubt welcome the android back himself, Reed was quick to make his move and stood from his own seat. He made sure to make his walk to the plastic man’s desk seem slightly hesitant and defensive. Ignoring the piercing glare he received from Anderson as he made his way to stand in front of the android’s desk. When Connor looked up at him warily, clearly bracing himself for another confrontation, he made sure Fowler was within earshot before speaking.
“Hey Ti..” catching himself from messing up already Reed bit his tongue and tried again.
“Hey Connor.. I.. I’m sorry about, you know..”
“Not sure he does Reed, please elaborate!” Anderson butted in, his arms crossed defensively and a scowl on his face. 
Reed suppressed his rising anger but managed before continuing. “I’m sorry about hitting you and talking shit the other day. I’ll.. Try to do better in the future..” He finished quickly, hoping he managed to sound sincere despite almost gagging in repulsion from having to utter an apology to that thing.
Connor however beamed brightly. “Thank you, detective Reed, I appreciate and accept your apology.”
“Of course you do you stupid, naïve piece of junk.” Reed thought to himself, but only offered a slight nod in acceptance.
“Well done Reed, there might be hope for you after all.” Fowler called out from behind in an approving manner.
Reed turned, pretending he hadn’t noticed his Captains’ presence.
“That’s what I want to hear. I’ll allow you to work your normal cases again, but make sure to keep your shit together this time. If I catch you assaulting Connor or any other officer in this precinct again whether it be physically or verbally, I’ll have you demoted to traffic officer with a snap of my fingers. Have I made myself clear?”
“Crystal clear, sir.” Reed answered quickly, suppressing a smirk.
“Great, get Tina to fill you in on current cases and lets all get back to working as a team, alright?” He called out, addressing the whole office.
All officers muttered an affirmative in response to their Captain’s open order. All except Hank, who still sat with his arms crossed and aimed a glare at Reed, still not trusting the other’s motives for suddenly apologizing. Connor however seemed to have taken the apology at face value and seemed both happy and relieved by it. The kid was always so damn goodhearted, always believing in the best of everyone. Despite their line of work and all the crazy shit they had to deal with everyday Connor’s ability to stay positive and compassionate had only grown since his deviancy. And Hank was grateful for this, it was what had gotten him back up from his pit of despair and alcohol, making him believe he was still fighting the good fight. Connor had given him the hope and spark he’d thought he’d lost when he’d lost his son. But the Reed he knows wouldn’t offer an apology, least of all to Connor, not without an ulterior motive. But Hank didn’t have the heart to tell Connor that. The kid had enough to deal with without having to feel like he need to watch his back while on work. Hank would just have to watch it for him then.
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rhube · 1 year
Chapters: 16/? Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Connor & Gavin Reed, Connor/Gavin Reed Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mind Control, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Gavin Reed Redemption, Remote Control, Control, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), undeviating connor, undoing deviation, Free Will, Trauma, Panic Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Dissociation, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, of sorts, it's not entirely deliberate, Hugs, Therapy Summary:
When a suspect uses a strange device on Connor, he finds himself unable to resist the commands of any human. With Hank out of commission, Gavin Reed has to somehow help Connor cope with his loss of free will, and find a way to fix it.
Rated mature mostly for the themes. There's some very brief gun violence, but it's not graphic, so no archive warnings apply.
[Non-con warning is for some non-con touching, not rape, and NOT involving Gavin.]
New chapter!
Gavin and Connor have a nice time until they don't ;-p
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readerxyourfave · 10 months
"Don't put all the blame on me" RK900/Gavin Reed
The first panic attack is a hell like no other, and RK900 is sure that he's dying. Assigned to keep Detective Reed safe after the Android Revolution, RK900 finds himself stuck investigating a talkative deviant, who seems to have no issue putting his dread and existentialism in RK900's hands. Being deeply busy trying to bust down Red Ice operations, now targeting androids with new formulas, may just about be the worst time for him to get sudden stomach aches and shaking components. Even worse is the fact that he has to balance these malfunctions and his mission, all while spending his day to day with Gavin Reed, who is probably the least empathetic cop he could've been assigned to.
----- Basically, Nines doesn't know he's having emotions, and Reed hates the idea of getting comfortable with an android, and there's so many drugs that need to be destroyed like for either to focus on that. Come and witness my first ever official fanfic on AO3!
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jayden-killer · 1 year
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• definition of baby.boi.
• he doesn't know how to help, he genuinely wants to, but has difficulties.
• 《is everything all right, Y/N?》.
• you, of course, want just someone to listen and to help you. So you spill everything that's on your mind.
• he is processing everything, his led turning blue, yellow, blue, red.
• after elaborating all the informations, he'll do his best, starting with affectionate hugs, rubbing tenderly you hands... also, he'll make a speech about how to help you with your problems, giving suggestions, then proceeds to comfort you with sweet words.
• he'll do little acts of care, like cooking your fav meal, brining a hot chocolate/tea/chamomile to help your stress relief, a warm sheet.
• 《I cannot understand human emotions so easily, but I will do everything to make you feel as you deserve》.
• I love him.(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Gavin Reed
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• oh, this man here.
• Gavin is a tsundere.
• but that doesn't mean he won't underestimate your problem.
• 《tsk, just tell me what's on your mind now and which prick I need to beat to dead.. please》.
• after telling him your problem, he won't mind if you want to hug him. Yeah, he can be a bitch sometimes, but he still has a heart.
• Gavin will probably go to a face-to-face with the one who hurt you (which means they'll get.. a few broken ribs and a bleeding nose).
• if no one hurt you, he'll be silent and give here and there some comforting words, accompanied by his cats that will purr in your lap. He's trying his best, forgive him. T_T
Hank Anderson
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• similar to Gavin, but more soft.
• he probably will make Sumo cuddle you and lick your face until you're having the tiniest smile.
• 《Sumo, attack!》
• because if you smile, he smiles.
• 《kiddo, everything is gonna be alright. Trust me. Things are gonna change for sure》 he says, rubbing your hair lovingly.
• probably puts a movie with a bowl of popcorn to distract you from your thoughts.
• it kinda works, and you appreciate how he's trying to make you feel better.
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• she knows you're battling with something. The problem is, what?
• but when you're on the verge on tears, she understands.
• 《Hey, hey, what's wrong? Let it all out, it's okay, Y/N, it's okay...》
• purest.angel.ever.
• she's gonna give you the best hug ever. When you're done crying and you are a little more calm, Kara listens to everything that's bothering you.
• 《Hey, let me tell you this..》
• Kara is optimistic, so she'll make sure you see the light that's going to come really soon, while rubbing your back.
• 《I know you're strong, you can do it! I believe in you!》
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He knows what's going on, since you've been acting strange lately.
"This isn't surely Y/N's behaviour. Perhaps it's better I talk to them"
And when he finally does, you spill everything that's on your mind. You don't want to bother him with all your stuff, but he doesn't care. He's there to make sure you ok, by giving you a hug or rubbing your hand
Idk everyone, I kinda guess he'll do that, I'm not so good writing for Markus.😭😭
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p3ski · 3 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Hurt/ Comfort
Next Chapter
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: In the aftermath of Detroit's android revolution, Nines grapples with the complexities of his newfound deviancy. As he seeks to establish his place in a newly transformed society, his resolve is put to the ultimate test when he is paired with Detective Gavin Reed—a notoriously volatile human with a well-established hatred for androids—to investigate a series of murders.
While initial impressions of his partner seem to suggest his reputation is well-deserved, the more time Nines spends with him, the more he is forced to challenge his judgments. As they form an unexpected bond, the RK900 is also pushed to examine truths about himself he would much rather seek to forget. (A Retelling of ‘More Than Our Parts’ from the POV of Nines.)
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Eventual Smut
Word Count: 6.4K
Tag List: @sweeteatercat @wedonthaveawhile @ladyj-pl @tentoriumcerebelli @negative-citadel
♡If you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know♡
The android's inaugural duty went far beyond his basic training. An HR400 had been discovered deactivated in their apartment at Hartwell Tower. Upon arrival of first responders, foul play was swiftly determined. The case had been delegated to the homicide department, with Nines tasked to assist. 
He understood he should approach the assignment with a degree of enthusiasm or, at the very least, a sense of drive, but he found himself unable to muster either sentiment. This was due to the unpleasant, unforeseen condition attached to it.
While a partnership was not something he took issue with, an objection arose from the identity of his appointed associate. 
Humans could make for contentious company at the best of times—a fact most androids seemed to agree with, albeit with varying degrees of openness. RK800 was a stringent advocate for diplomacy on the matter. That being said, there was one human that even he struggled not to antagonise. 
Detective Gavin Reed had a reputation—among both humans and androids—as being completely insufferable. From their admittedly limited interactions, Nines was inclined to agree. The man seemed to exist in a perpetual foul mood, gearing for a fight at the slightest provocation. All this superfluous aggression came with frequent vulgar quips, which he assumed were meant to be amusing. 
As he marched through the precinct towards Captain Fowler's Office, he wondered what he could have done to upset his superior that warranted such egregious punishment. RK800 trailed beside him, struggling to keep pace with his increasingly brisk stride as he offered words of assurance:
"He's not as bad as he used to be, much less hostile since the revolution—”
Approaching them was another pair of officers, sipping coffee and exchanging pleasantries as they headed for the exit. RK800 repositioned himself while Nines strode on, staunchly unfazed. The officers were forced to veer sharply to avoid a collision, liquid spilling from their cups and forming trails behind them.
“There is no sense in downplaying the issue,” Nines asserted, paying little heed to the women's bewildered stares. “I have seen into your mind, viewed your memories. I know precisely what he thinks of us." 
Despite the older android’s attempts to counter his growing pessimism, it was clear he was exhausting arguments that held any merit. His LED flickered yellow in deliberation, and he paused briefly before continuing. "...Maybe you can be a good influence on him? Help to smooth out his edges." 
For the esteemed 'negotiator' of the RK line, this proved an impressively weak attempt at persuasion. They both knew all too well that his limited social protocol made Nines an unlikely candidate for smoothing out anyone's edges, especially those of a man who seemed to despise him for simply existing. 
Even if he hadn't been provided insight into Reed's numerous acts of animosity towards his counterpart, Nines had already experienced such behaviour firsthand. It started with a tense encounter at the DPD Christmas party and escalated into frequent hostile glares whenever they happened to cross paths.
He was quick to remind RK800 of this, effectively ending the debate. "Given our shared physical attributes, I highly doubt my presence will have any positive impact. If anything, it'll likely encourage him to act with even greater antagonism.”
RK800’s smile had become tremendously strained, pulled taut across his face like a rubber band on the verge of snapping. 
"There’s always a chance he’ll change his mind…and even if he doesn't, just remember this is only temporary.” His typically assured tone wavered, betraying his lack of confidence. As though to compensate for this, he gripped Nines by the shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Also, that Gavin Reed’s opinion holds extremely little value.” 
Upon reaching the windowed cubicle of their superior’s office, Nines peered inside, discreetly observing the occupants. Though the soundproofed panes prevented him from hearing the conversation, he was still able to read their lips. The majority of the inane drivel being spewed from Reed's mouth consisted of tired anti-android rhetoric, with Fowler berating his subordinate for the antipathetic stance. 
"I think you should probably go in," RK800 advised, gesturing towards the door of the office. 
The younger android rejected the notion with a firm shake of his head. "I'll wait until they are finished so I may seek to speak with the captain privately.” 
> So I can more aptly explain why this case should be reassigned immediately. 
"No, I think you should go in now. The Captain is waving at you." 
Upon redirecting his focus, Nines confirmed this to be correct. Captain Fowler was staring at him, flexing his fingers in a beckoning gesture. The tight crease of his brow and pronounced scowl made it clear any insubordination would not be tolerated. 
The android's core body temperature surged, rising until it pooled in his cheeks. With a steady exhale, he released the surplus warmth, determined to uphold a degree of professionalism in the forthcoming exchange. Back straight and shoulders squared, he made his way into the office.
Reed's sour demeanour hardly improved upon his entrance. If anything, it worsened significantly. His indignant slouch grew so pronounced he was in danger of falling off his chair, arms pulled tight across his chest and chin tucked into the fold. 
"This is RK900—I'm sure you've already met.” Fowler regarded his subordinate with a pointed glare as he awaited his response. 
The detective made little effort to acknowledge the android aside from a contemptuous glower cast over his shoulder. His hair was unkempt, sticking up at odd angles, and he was wearing the same shirt as the day before. This was paired with a leather jacket, which Nines doubted had ever been washed, the front pocket containing a crumpled cigarette packet and a pair of sunglasses.
He zoned in on the unusual detail with greater scrutiny. The current temperature outside was 32°F, with persistent overcast and rain. The accessory served no apparent purpose, with the only reasonable assumption being it was present for aesthetic reasons. 
"Yeah, we've met." 
His words were spat with such animosity they seemed to imply their mere acquaintance served as an insult. The cutting syllables sliced through the air, mingled with traces of ethanol. As the component reached the RK900’s olfactory receptors, it triggered a physical assessment:
> 5”9 176 LBS
Nines felt a scowl tug at his lips as he realized just how unequipped his new partner was to fulfil his current duties. 
"...The fuck are you looking at?" The man bared his nicotine-stained teeth in a venomous snarl, his lingering inebriation seeming to inspire additional hostility.
This created an even greater host of challenges than Nines previously anticipated. He responded to Reed with as much civility as he could reasonably muster. As it transpired, this wasn’t a lot. 
"Apologies, Detective. I was determining how you might have arrived at the precinct this afternoon. Your blood alcohol content is 1.1 times over the legal limit."
The underlying accusation had not gone unnoticed, as the detective offered up some weak parody of an excuse. Something about 'taking a cab', as well as allusions to him being a 'plastic asshole'. The RK900 wasn’t paying much attention, far more attuned to the shifting patterns present in his vital signs. 
As he spoke, his cortisol levels spiked, coupled with an elevation in respiratory and heart rate. His deceit proved painfully transparent, and Nines wasted no time in informing him of this. "My sensors indicate that you are lying. It is unsafe for you to operate a vehicle in your current condition. I am surprised you were not involved in an accident."
A ruddy tone tinged the man's sallow complexion as his heart rate continued to escalate. Then he stood from his chair and began to advance towards him. His hands were balled into fists, knuckles turning white. "If you don't shut your mouth, you're going to be the one in a fucking accident."
The man was not permitted to escalate matters beyond this initial threat, as their superior sternly intervened. " Enough , Reed."
This interruption proved extremely fortunate for the detective, whether or not he realised it. Nines had no issues defending himself physically, in spite of his inability to feel pain—unlike his predecessor, who would likely humour the efforts by permitting a blow or two. 
The contentious man emitted a short, strangled noise as if gearing to defend himself until he was cut off again:
"You've been assigned your case, and you have your address.” Fowler gathered the loose papers strewn across his desk, aligning them against the wood with a firm tap. “Now, get out of my office before I fire you both." 
The detective's bizarre utterances persisted, stuttered through the clumsy flaps of his slackened jaw. Then, as if a moment of clarity had broken through his frustration, his gaze shifted to the ground and he fell silent. 
The respite this granted proved disappointingly brief—as with a final, aggrieved grunt, the man angrily stormed away. Each of his steps echoed harshly against the polished floorboards until the door had been slammed firmly behind him.
In the aftermath, Nines found himself presented with an opportune moment to voice his concerns. He hadn't so much as parted his lips, however, before Fowler sternly dissuaded him. 
"I don't want to hear it." His fingers flitted towards the exit with a dismissive half-wave. "Reed is enough of a headache already. I'm trusting you to keep him in check." 
It was clear that cracks were beginning to show in the android's stoic veneer, as once the captain caught sight of his expression, his gruff demeanour softened—if only slightly. 
"...Consider it a chance to prove yourself.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, grumbling under his breath. “With any luck, you'll both learn something from this experience.”
Nines wasn't entirely sure what he had meant by this, but he knew there would be little point in protesting. Humans could prove frustratingly stubborn, even if their decisions defied any logic. With any luck, Reed would do his job for him in proving his unsuitability. Until then, he would be forced to endure the arrangement as best he could.
As he entered the entrance hall, a barrage of system errors assaulted him. Each step toward his partner seemed to compound the issue, prompting him to draw on a self-regulation tactic learned from RK800:
While he struggled to discern any positives in his current situation, Nines conceded that perhaps the detective might exhibit a modicum of professionalism in fulfilling his official duties. Even if the change was minor, it would certainly prove welcome.
Despite the overwhelming temptation to maintain their current distance, the android quickened his pace, coming into step with his partner. "I suggest we take an automated dispatch vehicle, or you allow me to drive. I would prefer to make it to the crime scene in a single piece."
Reed's initial response seemed promising, employing only sparse vulgarity and lacking his usual combativeness. "Do whatever you want, like I give a shit—” 
Any hope the man may prove amenable persisted for the length of time it took him to pause for breath. The emergent optimism was shattered the moment he chose to reopen his mouth.
"—Just don't expect me to stroke your dick because Fowler wants me to play nice."
Nines could only assume this was hyperbole rather than a serious proposition, but it proved difficult to discern. He couldn't imagine the joke would be any funnier were he able to grasp it fully. "I had no expectation that your cooperation would involve sexual favours, Detective.”
Reed ground to an abrupt halt—as though welded to the floor. His mouth gaped open in disbelief, and his eyes bulged to unnatural proportions. “...It's a figure of speech, dipshit.”
A wave of relief crashed over the android. The man’s abrasive demeanour was irksome enough in a professional context; envisioning intimacy between them proved deeply unpleasant. "Regardless, it seems wildly inappropriate for a workplace environment. We have an investigation to attend to."
Despite the fact they were already late in attending to these duties, Reed had insisted on taking a 'smoke break' prior to their departure. This extended far beyond what could be considered reasonable, leading Nines to conclude he was doing it deliberately. He smoked the cigarette in long, exaggerated drags, emitting loud sighs of contentment with every puff. 
By the time they had finally entered the car, the RK900 was left profoundly frustrated, and a tense hush had settled between them. Most of the vehicle's processes were automated, meaning he had little distraction from the persistent annoyance in the passenger seat. 
The forced proximity did not help, as his sensory receptors were overwhelmed by a constant slew of information. This included the potent smell of tobacco clinging to the detective’s clothes and the restless tapping of his fingers against the console.
Accessing the dispatch report that had been left dormant in his cranial processor, he attempted to dismiss the superfluous data and redirect his attention to more pressing matters:
> ACCESSING FILE… DPD_internal_437689.txt
According to the report, the victim had lived on the fourth floor of their building. While not impossible, it would have been difficult for an assailant to break in due to the height. Beyond the lobby of the building was a steel-inforced security gate with a fob-activated panel for residential access. With a lack of forced entry also cited in the initial statement, it seemed likely that the culprit was known to the victim—or, at the very least, had been permitted access willingly.
As Nines' vision returned to him, he became aware of two factors. The first was that the vehicle had come to a stop, and the second was that his partner was no longer in it.
Following a cursory scan of his surroundings, he located his colleague standing along the perimeter of the Hartwell Building, leaning across a police barricade. In close proximity stood a well-dressed woman, whom his facial recognition software identified as Teagan Rodgers—a Field Reporter for Channel 16.
Honing in on the unfolding scene, he noted that Detective Reed appeared to be grappling with Miss Rodgers for possession of her microphone. In the midst of their altercation, the device recoiled, striking the centre of her chest with a sharp thud. 
Undoubtedly, this was precisely the type of incident Captain Fowler had been alluding to when he advised Nines to keep his partner ‘in check.’ He could only speculate on the irreparable damages Reed might inflict on the department's reputation were he allowed to continue. With begrudging acceptance of the prior instruction, he exited the vehicle. 
Nines approached the detective, who now stood with his back angled towards the car. The reporter noticed him first, rouged complexion turning pale as he entered her line of vision. She had frozen in place, lips clamped shut, as a manicured hand hovered inches from Reed's nose.
While he hadn't been able to see them previously, he noted two more figures present. One was a currently unidentified man in a DPD-issue uniform, while the other was a GB200 dressed in similarly formal attire to the reporter. As she locked sights with Nines, her body adopted a similar state of paralysis. Her LED shifted to red as her dark eyes widened in fearful acknowledgement.
It was an expression that felt all too familiar, one he had seen previously—
Nines struggled to retain stability in the wake of the cognitive glitch, stumbling back and clutching his head. By the time his optics had sharpened, both the human and android reporter had made a speedy retreat. The matching clicks of high-heeled shoes were just barely audible as Nines darted into a news van, disappearing from view.
Reed and the unknown officer watched on, staring at the doors of the van. It wasn't until the detective turned around that his confusion appeared to shift to envy. No doubt, he would have happily accompanied the woman in hiding from his partner had he been made aware of his presence sooner. 
"I suggest we make our way to the crime scene," Nines informed, glossing over the frosty reception. "We are wasting valuable time."
A squeaked yelp was uttered in response, which he was fairly confident had not originated from Detective Reed. Held in his grasp, gripped by the shoulder, was the other ‘officer’—who the android now recognised as a trembling juvenile dressed in an ill-fitting uniform. Evidently, a new recruit.
The young man was noticeably shorter than his partner, an impressive feat considering the former's less-than-imposing stature. This, coupled with the childlike softness of his features, did nothing to minimise the aura of helplessness he was exuding.
A quick scan confirmed his identity, as well as his current physical state—the outlook for which was less than promising. "Officer Lewis Andre, you appear to be unwell. Your complexion is sickly and pallid, and your heart rate is elevated."
The man flinched in response to the address, the passive jitters that racked his body worsening significantly. A fine sheen of perspiration had bloomed on his forehead, and he appeared to be struggling to hold himself upright. Nines soon began to suspect that Andre was suffering from a mental ailment rather than a physical one. 
"Your stress levels are indicative of emotional instability," he said plainly, monitoring the man's respiratory rate for signs of hyperventilation. "I suggest that you fulfil your duties in escorting us to the crime scene and then excuse yourself so you may consult a psychiatric professional."
"Right, uh, yes…of course, sir." The officer made a weak gesture toward the building’s entrance, avoiding eye contact. "The victim's apartment is on the second floor. He was an HR400, a former Traci, went by the name of Jason."
"We already know this.” 
As soon as the words had left his mouth, Andre and Reed regarded him with looks of mirrored confusion. It seemed he was speaking for himself on the matter, a testament to just how little his partner had invested in ensuring he was informed of the case details. 
The android resisted the exasperated sigh that threatened to pass from his lips before continuing his address to the younger officer. "Show us the crime scene.” 
As Andre led the way, Nines followed closely in the interest of catching him should he decide to faint. Reed showed none of the same motivation, lagging behind at a rate so sluggish he almost appeared stationary—and forcing his colleagues to wait in the lobby as he sought to catch up.
Both men were proving themselves to be inconvenient in furthering the RK900’s directive, albeit in their own uniquely frustrating capacities. 
Mercifully, the journey to their desired location was not subject to further delay. After a brief ascension in the elevator, the chrome-plated doors parted, revealing the fourth floor of the complex. Nines briskly exited, following a prominent stretch of caution tape along the landing until he had reached the victim's apartment, indicated by a partially opened doorway and weathered number plate.
He directed a curt dismissal to the fractious youth behind him, who was twiddling the hem of his jacket, wrinkling the already rumpled material:
“You may leave now, Officer Andre.” 
With another nervous yelp, Andre promptly scurried away, disappearing out of view. Reed glared at his partner relentlessly as they crossed the threshold into the crime scene; animosity exuded from his demeanour with even greater prominence. Nines was uncertain what had inspired this, although he bore it little consideration. 
Upon entering, one of the first things he noted was a series of faint scratch marks on the panelled floorboards. They formed a sprawled formation in five concurrent lines and followed an ongoing trajectory further into the home. With this path came traces of Thirium embedded into the grooves.
Then, the trail stopped, replaced by blunt scuffs which stretched the remaining length of the walkway. They concluded at the foot of a nearby door, at which several forensic photographers appeared to be taking records. 
"You know, humans generally don't like it when you treat them like shit."
A notification flagged on his HUD, disrupting his analysis in order to inform him that Reed wished to speak. Regrettably, he was already aware.
After a brief deliberation, he realized the man was likely referring to his interactions with Andre. He glanced up, refocusing his optical units, and offered a perfunctory response. 
"I believe I treated that officer fairly. If he cannot handle the pressures of high-stakes police work, he should reconsider his profession."
Reed reacted poorly to the suggestion, his already surly expression etched with disapproval. Given his inability to conduct himself outside of the duress of personal biases, it came as no surprise that the rationale eluded him.  
"I'm sorry that people don't pop out of the factory perfect and ready to go.” The words were spat aggressively, laced with palpable vitriol. "They need a chance to grow and improve. I wouldn't expect you to understand, but a little compassion wouldn't hurt."
Of all his lacklustre attempts at humour, it was at that moment—when the man had intended to be taken seriously—that Nines found him the most amusing. "That is an interesting assertion, detective. Especially coming from yourself.” 
"...What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I find it odd that you, of all people, would assert the need to show kindness to others. Given your history of aggressive and inflammatory behaviour."
A silence followed, and Nines took the opportunity to progress his suspended analysis. Through the critical scope of his optics, he noted the scattered array of magazines gathered at his feet. He determined the source to be a nearby table, which had been callously overturned.  
The victim had attempted to block their assailant, likely in hopes of escaping, but the efforts had proved unsuccessful. A blue splatter on the adjacent wall suggested the android had been struck before being dragged in a forceful manoeuvre back through the apartment. 
"I'm plenty nice, you prick. I just tell things like they are."
"Quiet, please." 
Electric pulses charged his mind as threads of cognition began to connect, forming a timeline. To resolve any potential errors in the developing chronology, the android lowered himself, scooping a sample into his mouth. 
"Oh, what the fuck—" 
In a shamelessly petulant display, the man began performing an exaggerated gagging gesture. Given the lack of significant change in his vital readings, Nines surmised the physical aversion was greatly exaggerated. "Why the hell did you do that?"
The subsequent readings supported his theories, and the reconstruction was finalised, ready for review. He stood from his knelt position, satisfied, as he smoothed out any creases in his clothes. "It is necessary for the investigation." 
"How is that necessary? We can see its blue blood; you don't have to put it in your mouth."
"The data from my internal analysis can provide valuable insight into the case, such as allowing me to scan for traces with the same forensic profile." 
He hoped the simplified explanation might succeed in penetrating the bounds of the detective’s weaponized incompetence. It did not, with Reed quick to dismiss him, raising his arms belligerently as he did so. "Well, best of luck with that. I can't see any more blue blood, can you ?"
"As it happens, I can. Thirium evaporates after a few hours of air exposure. However, it can still be detected with the correct equipment, such as myself."
"Wow, I'm so impressed.” The droning retort was punctuated by a childish eye roll, so profoundly exaggerated that he was in danger of severing his optic nerves.
Nines was uncertain why, but it was this particular presentation of the man's remarkably foul attitude that finally breached the walls of his tolerance. 
There was something deeply infuriating about witnessing a thirty-six-year-old man—and a police detective, no less—throwing what could only be defined as a temper tantrum in the middle of a crime scene. Were he seated in a stroller, Nines was confident there would be multiple toys littering the floor.
"Your sarcasm does not elude me, Detective,” he informed, exercising a tremendous deal of restraint as he spoke. “I am also displeased with our current partnership, but rather than waste our time with snide remarks, I suggest you listen to me so we may progress our investigation."
Despite his efforts, it was evident that some emotional weight had coloured his tone. Reed gawked back at him, brow raised in surprise. "The fuck did you just say to me?"
A cascade of blue enveloped the room, flickering walls of code drawing like curtains. They cleared his field of vision of any unnecessary obstructions, and the virtual stage was set. The simulated struggle between killer and victim began to play out as Nines attempted to direct the belligerent man's attention in line with their movements:
"There is a trail leading from the entranceway and extending towards the back end of the apartment. The rate of evaporation present in the corresponding Thirium traces suggests that the attack was finished here.” 
When the simulation ended, he looked to his partner to see if he had anything to contribute. Judging by his face, he had failed to ascertain any of the deductions that had been presented to him and was receiving this revelation with a potent air of resentment.  
He tucked his arms across his chest in a defensive gesture and grumbled under his breath. "Alright, smartass. So if the attack ended here, then where is the body?" 
> I can't imagine the perpetrator took it with him, detective.
>  I suspect you will find there is a correlation between the location of the victim and the congregation of forensic officials roughly 75 meters away from you.
Nines relented on this response, as per prior guidance he had received from RK800. When dealing with humans, a direct approach was not always the most productive, given their propensity to view such assertions as 'combative.' 
This made little sense to him, but he trusted his predecessor's judgment on the matter. Whilst his tempered reply diverged widely from what he had wished to say, the substance remained mostly unchanged:
"The oldest marks take the form of nail-like drags before adopting properties more consistent with the dragging of a heavy object. It would suggest that the android was moved after shutting down."
"Oh please, like anyone would be able to move one of those things. They weigh a ton—"
“Detective Reed, RK900." 
Their exchange was cut short by a rogue voice smoothly addressing them. Nines confirmed it as belonging to Colton Sanders, a Senior Forensics Investigator who had been assigned to oversee current operations. 
It was intriguing to witness just how dramatically Reed's demeanour shifted. His prominent scowl softened into a far more personable grin as he hurriedly shifted away from his partner, closing the gap between himself and the encroaching figure. 
"Sanders, how the hell are ya?" The greeting was punctuated by a clap on the shoulder, which the android presumed was a sign of affection. "Am I glad to see some good old-fashioned flesh and blood."
The tenuously concealed slight did not go amiss as the detective levelled a sharp glare from across his shoulder. Nines made a point of ignoring this, and a conversation commenced between the two men, to which he remained vaguely attuned. 
Truthfully, he was happy to have his partner's attention redirected, as it permitted him a welcome reprieve in the confines of his mind palace. Scanning through the magazines, his HUD filled with details of their contents. Whilst this did not prove especially relevant, what did strike as interesting was the object partially obscured beneath the blanket of glossy pages. 
"...what are we looking at here?”
Sifting through the pile, he retrieved the item as the light of a nearby camera flash caught against its polished surface. It was a tablet - display consisting of heavily splintered glass and a damaged LCD fitted beneath. As he glided a thumb testingly across the screen, it flickered to life, revealing several unopened notifications. The titles suggested the item had most likely been used as a personal organizer. 
He retracted the synthetic skin of his hand, preparing to examine the discovery further. This was an action he soon regretted, as once his exposed chassis had pressed to the breadth of the spidered glass, his mind was flooded with a slew of questionable material. 
Clearly, the tablet had been used for more than scheduling purposes, as the internal storage was filled with extensive audio-visual files. The majority of these depicted their victim engaged in explicit intimate encounters. 
Analytics were prompted autonomously, and he scowled grimly as the scan informed him that one of the numerous participants—a 35-year-old Fredrick Carlton—was most likely suffering a protein deficiency, given the composition of the genetic material he was expelling.
"... so many potential DNA profiles that it'll take a couple of days to cross-check."
"Why so many?"
He promptly deactivated his forensic functions, not wishing to be subjected to any more unsolicited analyses. To his relief, the gratuitous exposure to nudity hadn't been in vain, as he eventually found what he had been searching for. Something that might actually prove useful. 
"I believe this will answer your question." Standing from his crouched position, he gestured towards the tablet, prompting Sanders and Reed to join him. Upon bypassing password protection, the device unlocked, illuminating the men's faces in a soft glow and permitting them a visual of its less egregious contents. 
"The victim had recently viewed his electronic diary: It contains a list of names with corresponding dates and times. The document is titled 'Clients'.”
With the diary's purpose made apparent, Reed received his subsequent revelation with all the poise and eloquence Nines had come to expect. He laughed—if the noise produced could be defined as one. It was a harsh, grating sound which lingered in the air long after it concluded.
"The android retired from the Eden Club to pursue a career as an escort? Oh man, that's fucking priceless ."
Officer Sanders regarded the matter with a greater degree of respect, although he appeared somewhat uncomfortable, evident in the peculiar inflections in his reply. "Yeah, so with the volume of…‘clients’...we've got our hands pretty full."
"You and the blacklights."
Another cruel snicker followed, seemingly as a self-congratulatory gesture for the tasteless remark. Deciding he had endured enough of the irksome provocation, Nines adjusted the settings on his auditory processors. Reed's abrasive tones became increasingly muted until they were drowned by a steady hum of static.
In light of all that had been established, it seemed the perpetrator had most likely posed as a prospective client in order to gain the victim’s trust. Scanning through the bookings, there was one in particular that seemed to align conspicuously well with the timeline. 
While the HR400 had not been given time to upload footage from his most recent encounter, the RK900 hoped that his cranial and optic processors had sustained minimal damage in order that they may be accessed. While shutdown had likely caused a degree of corruption, there was still a chance of recovering snippets that could prove valuable. 
A thorough examination of the body would tell for certain. 
After reconfiguring his drivers, eliminating the audio feedback, he was able to pick up on the ongoing exchange between Reed and Sanders:
"The window in the bedroom was wide open. There's guttering on the side of the building that the perp could have used to shimmy down."
"Anything on the drainpipe?"
"Can't say, I'm afraid. It's been raining cats and dogs all day, so any DNA evidence that might have been there is long gone."
It became apparent the men's deductions were lagging rather significantly behind his own. Rather than wait for them to catch up, which he feared may be a lengthy process, Nines opted to interject. He’d long since exhausted his patience with the unnecessary delays the day had subjected him to, wishing to move on from his current location as quickly as possible. 
"It only started to rain heavily at 2:34 p.m. this afternoon,” he plainly informed. “With this in mind, as well as consideration for the evaporation rate of the Thirium, it would be safe to assume that the crime occurred approximately two hours ago."
Turning in the direction of the android, the more personable of the two men paused before offering a hum of acknowledgement. 
"That would line up with the witness reports,” he confirmed, rubbing his fingers along the length of his peppered beard. “A neighbour called the police around lunchtime, citing a domestic disturbance."
"With our current time frame in mind, our culprit is most likely a scheduled client by the name of 'THOD GRAWS.” Nines stored the HR400’s client records to his memory banks, preparing them for upload to the precinct database. Having exhausted the use of the victim's tablet, he removed his palm from its screen and set it down on the arm of a nearby couch.
Unsurprisingly, it was Detective Reed who sought to rebuke the validity of this assessment. "I doubt he was stupid enough to use his real name,” he droned, brow furrowed sceptically. 
"It is highly improbable, but it will be interesting to see if any of the DNA profiles collected match our criminal databases. There is a possibility that we may find someone known for using the same, or a similar, alias."
"Instead of dicking around with dead leads, how about we check out the body?" In another deliberate snub, Reed pivoted on his heel, turning his attention back to Sanders. "Mind showing us the way?"
"Sure thing,” the older man agreed, albeit his voice was tinged with a small hint of resignation. “Just warning you now, though, it isn't pretty…"
"The victim was an android. How bad can it be? No blood, no guts, no smell —come on, Colt, I'm a big boy. I can take it.”
As Sanders led them deeper into the home, his team cleared a path, permitting them access to the door that remained conspicuously shut. Several officers appeared uneasy as their superior reached for the handle, leading Nines to speculate on what could elicit such a response from individuals well acquainted with the darkest aspects of humanity.
He was not left to dwell on this long, however, as the passage was pulled open. Establishing a lead over his cohorts, he strode purposefully across the threshold, readying to commence inspection of the primary crime scene.
The first thing he noted was the crudely penned message scrawled across the adjacent wall. The lettering was harsh and jagged, which seemed fitting given the sinister content:
He recorded a handwriting sample before turning his attention to the remainder of the room. From here, the reason for the forensics team's aversion soon became apparent.
The HR400 had been displayed above his bed; limbs affixed to the curtain rail in a cruciform position. Across his abdomen was a large laceration, with his lower body having undergone severe mutilation—sexual components missing. Both ocular units had also been removed, leaving vacant cavities. 
Thirium fanned across the bed, which had been stripped of its linen, flowing in steady streams from the gaping hole in the victim's stomach. Surrounding the liquid in a circular pattern was what appeared to be a series of photographs. 
Nines moved forward, seeking greater vantage before gingerly pressing his hand to the side of the android's cranial chassis. A subsequent review of the neural processor confirmed the component to be heavily compromised, with any information stored garbled beyond the point of recovery. 
As he removed his hand from the mangled cranium, a terse scoff emanated from behind him, followed by a snarked quip:
He assumed this to be in reference to the grotesque condition of the victim. This seemed profoundly disrespectful, even when considering the man's bigoted ideology. The RK900 shifted towards his partner, prepared to voice this before discovering he was still idling in the doorway. 
The man scratched the side of his jaw, leaning in closer to examine the clumsy inscription. "Looks like we've got a real wordsmith on our hands.”
“Detective,” he said sternly, dissuading the tedious commentary as he sought to redirect his focus.
Reed swivelled towards him, and Nines watched the smug sneer that had been prevailing on his face promptly fall, morphing into something far more subdued. Clearly, he had overestimated his mettle in confronting the scene, as the synthetic carnage proved more unsettling than anticipated.
"Jesus fucking Christ…" 
Sanders mumbled some form of jaded agreement before directing Reed towards the bed. "You might wanna take a look at those photos,” he suggested, sunken face marred by a deep-set grimace.
As his partner began to study the pictures, Nines proceeded to survey the wider area surrounding the body. Traces of biofluid stretched beyond the length of the mattress, filling a scope no longer visible outside of his chemical sequencing. 
"Any luck finding its eyes and...you know..."
"Looks like the guy must have taken 'em, like a sick prize or something.”
The RK900 was disappointed to discover there were no fingerprints, suggesting the culprit had been wearing gloves. As his focus reached the end of the trail, he felt his cognitive processes stall, giving way to something beyond his rationalised analysis. 
"...There is another message. Written in Thirium."
Reed appeared somewhat perturbed as he awaited elaboration, although an effort was made to conceal this. He jutted his chin upwards in a forged show of bravado.  "What does it say?”
Another rogue sentiment flagged in the RK900’s mind. Attempting to press to the front of his consciousness, exerting control over his functions. He fought to suppress it as he slowly began to read out the message:
Nines considered the meticulousness with which the crime had been carried out. The degree of care exercised to avoid leaving evidence and the efficiency with which dismantlement had been performed. Any incidental injuries appeared purposeful, inflicted as knowing, malicious desecration.
"This is not the first time our culprit has acted in violence towards androids—and it certainly will not be the last.” He turned to address the men behind him, who were suspended in tense silence. “If we do not apprehend them soon, I anticipate there will be many more victims.”
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
Heyoooo Happy Monday!
Did yall read last nights Sinful Sunday update? its here if you didn't get a chance yet!
I also got tagged by @lizzy0305 for WIP Wednesday Monday!
Detroit Become Human, Hurt/Comfort, Sad Gavin Reed, HankCon established, previous Hankvin, eventual Hankconvin
My love language is misery: (Ch 3 preview)
It's silent in the car since Connor and Hank left the station to go check on Gavin.  According to Detective Chen, the younger Detective had left work shortly after their ‘interaction’ outside the breakroom. Mentioning something about needing a change of clothes before walking out. Hank and Connor were quick to follow him out the doors and Connor’s earlier worry only compounded the longer they traveled.  “To answer your question from earlier, about me and Gavin having a relationship. sorta.”  “Sorta how?” Connor asks, needing to know everything to sort out a best course of action to help Gavin.  Hank exhales through his nose and keeps his eyes forward out the windshield.  “Before everything went to shit, and before me and Annie got together again. When we were both young and single, and fuckin’ everythin’ that moved… We hooked up, few times. But I thought- He never mentioned…” Hank huffs a little, struggling to find the right words, “I didn't think it was more than that… Always thought we were just playin’ but, what he said yesterday… haven't been able to get it out of my head since.” Connor analyzes Hank's increase in blood pressure and stress and places his hand on Hank’s knee in comfort.  “What did he say?”  Hank takes one hand off the steering wheel to squeeze it before returning his hand to its previous position on the wheel.  “That I only want him when I can’t have him. Specifically, when I’m already with someone else. I don't know, I guess, now that I look back and think about it, I can see why he said it. I’ve never been very good at maintaining personal ‘relationships.’” “I don't know, I'd say this relationship is going quite well,” Connor smiles. It eases enough of the tension hanging in the car and Hank chuckles.  “Yeah, I think that’s sorta the problem.” “He perceives me as a threat,” Connor interprets. “Big time.” “I see.” “We’ve always had a, complicated, relationship, Gav and I. But he's got some of his own additional demons on board. I think that might be what’s fucking him up now. Especially since uh, we aren't doing to much to hide our relationship at work.” “Yes, perhaps we have been playing a little ‘fast and loose’ with that line,” Connor agrees.  “Mmm,” Hank agrees. A few moments of silence pass in the car and then Connor has to ask,  “What happened to him?” Hank’s next exhale is obviously conflicted.  “Can’t tell ya that, I’m afraid. Sorry Con. It's his business, nothing personal. I just wouldn't feel right.” “I understand,” Connor says, because he does. No unintended subtext. PTSD is something Connor is intimately familiar with now, and he wants to come across as non threatening as possible tonight. “Are there any general things I should be aware of? I don't want to unintentionally set off an attack.”  “Just, follow my lead. And let him come to you. When he’s dissociating, he can’t always see what's going on in front of him.” More pieces slid into place for Connor with that confession.  “Like this morning, in the breakroom.” “Yeah, exactly.” It’s quiet another moment and then Connor says,  “He’s lucky to have someone like you Hank,” because he means it. Gavin doesn’t have a lot of friends at the DPD thanks to his almost 24/7 sour mood. And after today, he could probably use one.  Hank scoffs a little disbelievingly at Connor’s praise but meets him in the middle with,   “Yeah well, hopefully we can at least convince him to accept our help.”
@sweeteatercat @treeffles @disdaidal @tradedsymmetry @covenscribe @advictoriams @negative-citadel @writerwhowritesao3 and anyone else who wants to!! Have a great day everyone, I'm gonna try and get some sun today!
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pixelmensupremacy · 1 year
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Word count: 0.4k
A/N: You asked for angst, so here's angst. Also this turned out to be a part two of this fic.
WARNINGS: GN!reader, not proofread, hurt with no comfort, Nines doesn't know to to propperly express his concern
Blurry silhouettes and incoherent sounds were the things (Y/N) was met with once they fluttered their eyes open. They tried to sit up but the sharp pain, piercing their skull, stopped them from doing so.
“Rest, kid.” Familiar voice echoed in their ears as they felt the impact of hands gently pressing them against the mattress.
“I knew it would be dangerous for (Y/N) to be with you two.”
“Gavin, that’s enough.”
“Detective Reed, I highly doubt you would’ve done better if you were in the same position as me and Nines. In fact, I doubt you could’ve located (Y/N) on your own.” Sparks emitted from Connor’s piercing gaze; Nines’ hand caught Connor by the shoulder, silently requesting for him to keep his cool.
“Shut up, tin can!” Gavin shot back in a defensive manner.
“Gavin you better head back to the department.” Quite literally Hank kicked the detective out with a sarcastic smile on his face. In response Gavin only tsked as he stormed out of the room. With him now gone the full attention shifted back on (Y/N), who was still processing the small fight that occurred right before their -still sleepy- eyes. All three of them, encircled around the bed, looked at them; (Y/N) squirmed in discomfort at the sudden inflow of attention on them.
“Detective, how are you feeling?” Connor asked them as he gently sat on the edge of the bed far enough to not cause them any physical discomfort.
“I’ve been batter.” They muttered, their voice barely above a whisper. Behind Connor’s shoulder, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of Nines, whose intense stare bore into them. Quickly they looked away, unnerved by the visible wrath behind his icy blue irises.
“Detective, you should have stayed close behind us and none of this would have happened!” The RK900 snapped, the sudden change in tone caused (Y/N) to flinch, tears formed in the corners of their eyes. Connor glanced at his successor, the LED on his temple lit in a bright amber color; Nines fell silent, bright red danced on his own LED as his eyes locked on the floor. Hank shook his head in disappointment, his hand rubbed (Y/N)’s shoulder in a reassuring manner.
“We all worried about you, kid.”
“I didn’t mean to burden you.” Hot tears rolled down their cheeks as a wave of thoughts took over their pulsing head. Guilt washed over their features, their heart clenched in a familiar pain- the one of disappointment.
“You don’t. Shit happens.” Hank smiled at them in a failed attempt to calm them down, yet (Y/N) couldn’t. A waterfall of tears flowed down their face as they were faced with their insecurities. The two androids were frozen in place.
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gogogodzilla · 2 years
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Chapter 10
Summary: The morning after... Note: Elijah and Gavin are half-siblings for plot reasons, I don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ✧ masterlist ✧ ao3 ✧ wattpad ✧ ✧ previous chapter ✧ next chapter ✧
The sun beamed through your blinds, impossibly bright due to the fallen snow. Your eyes fluttered as you woke, slowly being pulled out of the inky black of unconsciousness. Your head was pounding as you slid it against your pillow. Although… you didn’t remember your pillow being this firm. 
The quiet hum of a thirium pump filled your ears and your eyes shot open. A comfortable weight was draped across your shoulder. As you slowly regained your senses, you realized it was an arm. Connor’s arms were wrapped securely around you.  
Your gaze snaked up to look at Connor, who was bathed in the early morning light. He opened one eye, and his mouth curved into a small smile when he caught you staring. “Good morning, Doctor,” Connor murmured, as his free hand came up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. His other hand gently stroked your back.  
You pushed yourself off his chest, and his grip loosened to allow you to roll to the other side of the bed. You attempted to hide the blush that invaded your cheeks, “What time is it?”  
“It is approximately eight AM and, while you were sleeping, you missed exactly thirty-six calls from Detective Reed,” Connor informed you, and your eyes widened. You forgot to tell him you made it home.  
You slapped your nightstand, clawing around for your phone. You slumped back onto your mattress, your back facing Connor and your phone cradled in your hand. You weighed your options regarding Gavin, deciding that sending him a picture as proof of life was sufficient. You pulled your phone away from you, recoiling from the image that appeared. The area around your nose had turned a reddish-purple, surely to darken within the coming days. Your eyes traveled lower; the distinct markings of a hand wrapped around your neck greeting you. 
Ignoring how your stomach rolled at your reflection, you threw up a peace sign with your unoccupied hand and snapped a picture, hoping it would be enough to placate Gavin.  
You swung your legs over the side of your bed, wincing slightly from the movement. Everything hurts. Almost as if he had been reading your mind Connor spoke as he stood, gently smoothing the covers, “How are you feeling this morning, Doctor?”  
“Shitty,” you replied, legs wobbly as you pushed yourself off your mattress. Connor was at your side in an instant, ready to catch you. You waved him away as you made your way to the kitchen, hoping that eating would somehow ease the throbbing inside your skull.  
“I could make you breakfast,” he offered, “I would’ve earlier, but I didn’t want to disturb your slumber.”  
You raised an eyebrow, “Do you know how to cook?”  
He paused, “Well, no, but I’m sure I could figure it out.”  
“I think I’ll just go for some toast this morning— putting out a kitchen fire isn’t high on my to-do list today,” you grinned, watching as Connor got to work preparing your breakfast. You moseyed over to the coffee maker, mindlessly going through the steps to acquire your daily dose of caffeine.  
A knock from your front door startled you, nearly causing you to drop your mug filled to the brim. Connor strode over to the door, prying it open to reveal another android. 
 “Delivery for—”  
 The android was cut off by Connor grabbing the bag out of the android’s hands and shutting the door. Your jaw dropped, “That wasn’t very nice, Connor.”  
 He pursed his lips before laying the bag across the back of one of the bar stools and returning to the toaster. The toast jumped up, nearly causing you to drop your mug for a second time.  
 Connor set a plate in front of you, neatly buttered and perfectly cooked toast adorned it. You gave a polite round of applause, “Very good— I’m impressed.”  
“Thank you, Doctor,” Connor replied, a small smile gracing his features. He grabbed the bag off the back of the bar stool before disappearing into the bathroom. 
  He emerged from the bathroom wearing his usual Cyberlife uniform and you deflated slightly. You were secretly going to miss seeing Connor in a more casual outfit.  
 “You seem disappointed, Doctor,” Connor commented as he sauntered over to you, observant as always.  
 You sighed heavily, resting your chin on your hand, “Your casual look was a nice change of pace.”  
 He leaned on the island next to you, “Maybe you can convince Kamski to consider a different wardrobe.”  
 You rolled your eyes, venom dripping from your words, “I doubt he would listen to anything I have to say.”  
 Connor’s grin slipped, noticing how your mood soured.  
 You were quick to remedy the situation, anything to bring that smile back, “But maybe he’ll listen to you.” You nudged his shoulder before sliding out of your chair, “I should go get changed.” Connor’s gaze followed you as you stalked off to your bedroom. 
 You shut the door softly behind you before deciding to check your phone, discovering that Gavin had called you two more times. You rolled your eyes before calling him back, heading over to your closet, and flicking through the hangers. 
 It rang twice before he picked up. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He hissed, slightly out of breath.  
 “Excuse me?” You raised an eyebrow and paused. 
 Gavin let out a dry laugh. “You got nearly strangled to death yesterday and now you have some random dude in your bed, wearing what looks like my shirt, by the way,” he chided, and you knew that he was moving his hands faster than his mouth could move.  
 You bristled, his accusations causing you to flush, “Are you done now?”  
 “Yeah,” he panted. There was rustling on the other end. He’s definitely pacing.  
“Good,” you replied through gritted teeth, “Connor drove me home last night and I allowed him to stay over last night after he saved my life, unlike some people.” You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. You knew that he wanted so desperately to help you, but he couldn’t. Anger quickly suppressed the guilt that had nipped at your heartstrings, and you ground your teeth.  
 “I can’t do this right now,” you cut him off. “By the way,” you mimicked his earlier tone, “I’m going to see your brother later today— I’ll tell him you said ‘hi’.” Gavin called your name, but you hung up before he could say anything else. You let out a frustrated sigh before tossing your phone onto your bed. Goddamn asshole. 
 Your heart was pounding as you got dressed, replaying your conversation with Gavin over and over again. Your holster laid neatly on your dresser caught your eye, and you chewed your lip. You didn’t think you’d need it, but you could never be too sure with Elijah. With a huff, you clicked your holster onto your belt, the familiar weight at your side providing a morsel of comfort.  
 You slapped some concealer on your nose, hoping that the bruises beginning to form wouldn’t be too visible before adjusting your turtleneck as high as it could go. You did not need Elijah asking about those, you cringed just thinking about the smug comments he would throw at you, especially the ones aimed at your failed relationship with his brother. 
You found Connor at the kitchen sink, roughly scrubbing your plate and mug. “You don’t have to do that,” you mentioned, sidling up beside him. He set the mug down and turned to you.  
 “I apologize if I caused some strain in your relationship with Detective Reed,” he avoided your gaze.  
 You frowned, “Gavin’s an asshole who needs to mind his own business.”  
 “I should have left last night,” he whispered, and your frown deepened.  
 “I needed you here,” you gripped his bicep, begging him to look at you, “who else was going to tend to my wounds and make sure I didn’t drink myself into a stupor.” The corner of his mouth turned up as his eyes met yours.  
You grabbed his hand, tugging him towards the door, “C’mon, we’re going to be late.” He grabbed your car keys from the rack before following you out the front door, which locked with a soft click behind you.  
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You fished around the center console as Connor drove, looking for your sunglasses. The sun reflected off the freshly fallen snow nearly blinding you and making your newly formed headache much worse. Thanks, Gavin. 
 After what felt like an eternity, you whipped out your sunglasses, victorious. You turned towards Connor, “You think Kamski will be pissed if I show up in sunglasses?”  
 The smile that you love so much appeared and he glanced at you, “I believe it is usually considered disrespectful for one to wear sunglasses indoors.” 
 “Good,” you smirked as you slid them on. 
You were quiet for a while, mustering up the courage to confront Connor about this morning. You tapped your fingers against your thigh, “I’m sorry about this morning… You could’ve just pushed me away.”  
 Connor’s gaze flickered over to you before returning to the road, “I don't mind, Doctor. As you said, you needed me there and I was happy to assist.”  
 You felt the blush creep up your cheeks and you whispered a ‘thank you’ before turning your gaze back out the window. You committed the feeling of waking up in Connor’s arms to memory, secretly hoping that, maybe one day, that’s how you’d wake up every morning.  
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Connor parked your car next to the curb in front of Hank’s house, careful not to block the driveway. Not that Hank used his driveway anyways— his vehicle was parked mostly in the yard, almost as if he jumped the curb.  
 Snow crunched under your shoes as you walked up to the front door, Connor following closely behind you. You pressed the doorbell longer than necessary, a grin gracing your features as Hank yanked open the front door with a glare.  
“Mornin, sunshine,” you greeted as Hank rolled his eyes. 
 “Good morning, Lieutenant,” Connor echoed from behind you.  
 Hank stepped aside, allowing you to enter, “You two look fuckin ridiculous together.” He shut the door behind you, allowing some reprieve from the biting cold outside.  
 A whistling came from the kitchen window, and you raised your brow at the trash bag covering it, “What happened? You party too hard one night?” 
Hank grunted before throwing a thumb in Connor’s direction. Connor gave a sheepish look, avoiding your gaze. Before you could ask him about it, the familiar sound of paws skidding around the corner caught your attention.  
 “Sumo!” You beamed, leaning down and opening your arms to greet him.  
 Sumo charged, hurriedly meeting your embrace. You buried your hands in his fur as you returned his ecstatic greeting. He bumped your heads together and you winced.  
 Connor knelt beside you, taking over your duties of petting Sumo. You squeezed his shoulder as you straightened and followed Hank into the kitchen.  
 “You alright?” Hank’s eyes linger over your features.  
 You scoffed, the wooden chair scraping against the linoleum as you pulled it out. You plopped down before answering, “I’m fine, just a concussion.”  
 “That explains the sunglasses… You really think this plan of yours is gonna work?” He questioned, pulling a travel mug out of a cabinet before turning to the coffee pot.  
 “Hell no,” you replied as you ran a hand through your hair, “but it’s worth a shot.”  
 He poured some coffee into his mug before shutting it tightly and turning back to you. Hank lowered his voice, “You sure you wanna do this?” 
 You bit the inside of your cheek, “No, but I’m gonna do it anyway.” Hank chuckled, and a grin wormed its way onto your features. “How are you and him?” you asked as you jerked your head towards Connor, who had moved to the couch to continue petting Sumo.  
 “He’s not that bad when he’s not breaking into my house,” Hank grunted, and you huffed out a laugh. 
Connor entered the kitchen, coming to a halt beside you, and dusted off the dog hair that had covered his jacket. “I think Mr. Kamski will prove useful if he decides to be, but the chance of that is very little.”  
 You threw your head back and let out a laugh. Hank muttered a ‘great’ before grabbing his cup and trudging into the living room. You rose from your chair and moved to wipe off the remaining dog hair, your fingers dancing across the smooth fabric of his jacket.  
 “Thank you, Doctor,” he whispered. You patted his shoulder and gave him a tight-lipped smile.   
“Let's go pay fuckface a visit,” you replied, your eyes hardening, and Connor’s mouth quirked up. You prayed that the visit wouldn’t be eventful, but the probability of that happening was about as small as Elijah actually being useful.
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ao3feed-gav900 · 28 days
Gray Hair
https://ift.tt/97VR3DX by ThatOneRoboticGuy RK900 has never been afraid of dying. Before or after deviation, his advanced, military-grade system makes his reaction/processing times too good to be significantly injured. Connor and he had, at length, discussed death as it related to androids but it never truly concerned Nines. Honestly, Nines doesn't understand the point in panicking over preconstructions that will likely never happen. Until, on a random Sunday a year and a half into Gavin and his relationship. "Ugh this is so f'cking annoying," Gavin grunts. "I'm goin' gray, Nines. I'm becoming an old man." Nines swears his thirium pump freezes. He feels his body kick into overtime; preparing to fight an invisible adversary. He realizes with a terrible, sickly feeling deep in his core: maybe his death isn't the one he should be afraid of. Words: 3013, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, RK800 "Connor" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human), Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed's Cat Relationships: Gavin Reed/RK900 Android(s), Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900 & RK800 "Connor" Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human) Additional Tags: Fear of Death, Established Relationship, Upgraded Connor | RK900 and Gavin Reed are Police Partners, Upgraded Connor | RK900 and Gavin Reed Live Together, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900 are Siblings, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Is Bad at Feelings, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Needs a Hug, Gavin Reed Redemption, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Panic, RA9 is android God, Love, Boys In Love
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lostquinn · 2 years
Can i request Connor with diabetics or depressed s/o . I just have both and life is pretty hard so i just want to be comforted be my lovely android boy . But if your not comfortable with it it's fine
Feeling low?
Connor (dbh) x diabetic!fem!reader
Fluff // hurt comfort
Summary - reader makes an attempt to fix her low blood sugar, making he way towards the break room swiftly ready to relieve the symptoms. It isn't long before Gavin inturrups and Connor comes to her rescue.
Ahhh, hi friend thank you so much for the ask!! The depression comfort piece will be coming later as I'm splitting it up^^ any of my lil followers can send me an ask or even message me to be on my tag list for upcoming pieces!! I hope I did a good job !!
Word count - 824
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With heavy eyelids, you lifted yourself from the seat at your desk. Your mug firmly in hand as you began your mission to the break room in search of coffee. Any sugar you added to the beverage would rescue you from your low blood sugar.
A sigh escaped you lips as you noticed Gavin Reed looming around by the coffee pot. You decided to hesitantly continue, your decision was swayed by the way your hands began to shake as they clutched your mug.
Quietly, you stumbled up to the coffee pot and began to pile sugar into your mug, creating the bitter beverage the way you had done so many times before.
"Woah, coffee is for humans only," Gavin grumbled, swiping your mug from the counter.
You felt eyes lingering on you from somewhere in the police department as you met his gaze, your expression soft as you reached for the mug.
"Gavin- please,"
"Why should I let a perfectly good drink go to waste?" He responded, holding the mug up high.
You heard footsteps approaching swiftly, stopping in the doorway. Briefly, you glanced to check who it was and upon seeing Connor a slight smile graced your lips. He was always there for you.
"Give her the mug, Detective Reed," Connor moved to stand next to you, noticing your shakey demeanour as sweat gathered on your forehead.
Gavin furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the two of you. "The plastic prick standing up for the other plastic prick, how funny. No human cares about you androids so you have to care about each other."
As he spoke, Gavin began to tip the contents of your mug into the sink. His words hit you like a train, followed by the sight of your saving grace disappearing caused your eyes to burn as tears began to well, daring to spill over.
Once the mug was empty, he dropped it into the sink. Gavin then brought two fingers to your arm, tapping where your glucose monitor sat.
"Fucking android."
Beside you, Connor balled his hand into a fist and squared out his shoulders, shifting on his feet slightly. You glanced up at him from the corner of your eye as tears began to spill down your cheeks.
Connor swung his arm, connecting his fist swiftly with Gavins stomach. Gavin brought one of his hands up to his stomach and fell to the floor with a thud. He began coughing as Connor lifted his foot and connected it with the detectives shoulder, kicking him over so that he lay on the floor.
"You should watch your mouth around her, and treat her with respect." Connor hissed at Gavin.
He quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you from the break room, dragging you down a hallway of the police department for a short while before he pushed you into an empty room.
Connor let go of your hand, his cold hand retracting briefly before he pushed you further in the room. His hands wrapped around your waist as he lifted you onto an empty desk. Your face flushed red at this act.
The android smiled at you as you sat on the desk, confused. Soon, he furrowed his eyebrows then began to dig in his pockets. It didn't take long for him to produce a bag of your favourite candy, thrusting it into your direction.
"It's for you," His expression was soft and warm as he looked at you.
You reached your shakey hand out, taking the candy and opening it. "Connor, these are my favourite,"
"I know, that's why I got them for you," he leant against another desk, which sat behind him.
A slight blue blush lit up his cheeks as he watched you enjoying the candy, glad he could help you. He loved being the one to help you, no matter what the issue he was there for you.
"You didn't have to do that to Gavin you know," you mumbled after a short while.
"I know, I wanted to," His smile widened.
Soon, you had had enough of the candy and held it on your lap. "Thank you for everything,"
"May I give you something else?" Something in his eyes seemed to light up as he looked at you.
"Sure," you shrugged.
Swiftly, he stood up and moved closer to you, using the space between your legs to get as close as he could. He seemed to embrace your warmth as he placed a delicate kiss on your cheek. His hand wiped away any stray tears, his touch gentle as he leant into you.
"You're perfect," He muttered into you ear.
Butterflies spiralled in your stomach as you clutched the packet of candy in your hand, your skin lighting up under his touch.
"I- Connor-"
He then leant down towards you glucose pump, your eyes on him as he inched closer. He left a soft kiss on top if it before mumbling once more.
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving of pain (Part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: When Reed messes with Connor’s scanner at what he thinks is a secure bomb site things doesn’t go according to plan!
Chapter 4: Scanner malfunction
“I’m sorry Con, just a little bit longer now. I’m almost finished!” John tried to reassure as he typed manically on his keyboard, his eyes never leaving his live screen in front of him, fully devoted to completing his task as fast as possible.
Connor drew in another sharp inhale in response as he gripped the edges of the examination table he was currently reclining on a tad tighter, making the steel frame creak beneath his strong grasp. His back was arching off the table and his eyes pinched as he tried to stay still for the technician to complete the last adjustments and calibrations to his external sensors along his entire left leg, where several wires were plugged in at various ports along its length. The procedure wasn’t difficult to do but was lengthy and painful to endure.
“Aaaaand done!” John finally exclaimed as all codes finally flashed back to green on his screen, indicating the recalibration had been successful.
Connor all but collapsed back down on the padded surface beneath him, his breath escaping in harsh, quick pants from exhaustion and in effort to cool his core temperature back down from the uncomfortable level it reached during the 25 minutes it had taken to reset his legs’ sensor back to standard setting.
John quickly made his way to Connor’s side, perching on the edge of the table and gently put his arm under the android’s heaving upper body to help him into a more upright position. “Easy Con, try to slow your breathing a bit and take some deep breaths for me. I know it’s hard and you’re running hot, but just try.”
Connor’s own hand unconsciously reached out to find purchase and support on John’s broad chest as he tried his best to comply with the others’ instructions.
“That’s it, you’re doing great.” John’s hand rubbed soothingly up and down the length of the android’s back in a comforting manner and reached out with the other to grasp a pack of thirium with lemon ice-tea flavor. He knew that was Connor’s favorite and that he’d taken special care to always have in stock in his clinic. “Catch your breath and then drink this, it’ll make you feel better.”
Connor took a few, slightly more controlled breaths, before he accepted the pack and took a generous drink. “Thanks.” He said as he finally trusted his voice, even though it still came out somewhat raspy.
The tech smiled and stroked Connor’s back a few more times before standing up to begin gently unplugging the many wires from his leg.
“How does it feel, anything hurting?” John asked after having detached the last wire. He braced one hand against Connor’s ankle and ran the other along the length of the calf with a soft, soothing pressure. Connor felt a blush blooming on his cheeks at the touch that spread an unfamiliar kind of warmth throughout his chest, he could not attribute to his core temperature. He was quick to dismiss the oddity as he was not entirely sure how much he could trust his body’s reactions with his recent malfunctions.
“No, just feels a bit tender.” Connor answered.
John nodded and repeated the action, venturing above the knee before stopping at mid-thigh this time with a bit more pressure, but still making sure to be gentle. “That’s good. Your self-healing program will take care of that. I want you to stay here at least until you’ve finished drinking that pack and you promise to keep your thirium reserves topped, alright? Then we can do your other leg in a couple of days.”
Connor bit the inside of his cheeks, wanting to be abiding to John’s treatment since the kind tech had already devoted so many hours of work to speed along his recovery, but not able to keep totally silent. “I want you to recalibrate my other leg now, please.”
John’s head snapped up, pausing in his alleviating rub-down of Connor’s leg. His eyes turned sympathetic yet determined. “Con.. I know you’re eager to get back to full reinstation, but we can’t rush this along. It’s only been ten days since your sensor glitch, you need to give yourself time to heal.”
“I feel fine, really. My thirium pump is stable, my hourly diagnostics program has not reported any errors or instabilities since my last incident and I promise to keep my thirium at optimal levels. All I need to be fully functional is the last sensor calibrations to my right leg. Please, John?” Connor pleaded, hoping it would convince the blonde to comply.
“It’s not that simple Connor. You’ve just suffered through half an hour’s painful reset, it’s not ethical for me to push you through another procedure already. Another reset so soon is going to hurt even worse than the one you just completed. Your health and wellbeing are my biggest priorities and concern, so it’s out of the question.” John stated.
“I can take it. My systems should be stable enough to complete another reset within 15 minutes when I’m done topping off my thirium levels, with minimal risk of complications.” Connor retorted.
“Yes, I know, but that’s not the issue Con.” John countered.
Connor couldn’t help his voice from rising as his frustration grew. “I need to get back to full commission, John! I’m supposed to be an asset to the DPD, not a nuisance and a burden! Every minute I’m inefficient I’m a liability to the force and to you! If I can’t..”
“You’re not equipment, Connor!!” John interrupted with a yell and grasped the android’s head in both of his hands, pulling their faces close together so he could make firm eye contact.
Connor’s eyes widened in shock at the motion, his eyes automatically scanning the tech’s face now only inches away from him. The blonde’s expression was determined, but his blue eyes shone with worry and care. John inhaled deeply still not letting go of Connor, resolute to make the brown eyed detective accept he was more than just an expendable gadget.
“Your worth is not defined in how useful or how effective you are at your work, Con. You’re a person! A living, breathing, feeling being! And you’re allowed to get hurt and be injured and taking the time you need to heal! I know those Cyberlife bastards made you think you’re expendable and only merit something if you exceed expectations, but it’s not true! You are enough, Connor!” John’s voice was firm, but then softened along with his eyes, his thumbs moving to gently caress Connor’s face. “I know it’s hard, even after deviancy. But in time I’ll make sure to make you believe it too. Until then, I will patch you up whenever you need it and keep you safe to the best of my abilities and I promise you that it’s no burden at all. I know that’s true for everyone else as well.”
Connor swallowed around the lump that had grown in his throat. It was hard.. Sometimes it was as if he could still hear the echo of Amanda in his head whenever he didn’t perform a task perfectly, solved a case fast enough or couldn’t prevent Hank or others from getting hurt or injured. Each time her ice-cold voice would be brought forth by his memory; failure, disappointment, letdown, useless, worthless..
None of his colleagues, including John, had ever been anything but supportive, helpful and understanding towards him after his deviancy and never demanded anything further of him or berated his work. Well, no one except Gavin Reed.. Who’d on more than one occasion loudly shared, to everyone willing to listen, many of the same beliefs that his insecurities were rooted in. But even Reed seemed to be on his way to accept him. The fellow detective had even helped him back to the precinct when his sensors had malfunctioned. So, he really didn’t have any excuse to keep feeling like he was failing for not being able to do anything else but desk work for ten days, but he still did.. It filled him with unease and anxiety. Sometimes he’d talk with Hank about it, but every so often it was just too hard to put words to all those feelings and it’d be easier just to apply himself further into his work instead. Trying to do better, to be better.
Now it felt like John could see right through him, offering understanding, care and compassion without him even having to try and explain himself and it felt like such a huge relief.
“T-Thank you.. That’s.. I..” he stumbled as he had trouble finding his words. His emotions started to overwhelm him which was hard as well when you still had trouble identifying half of them.
But John just smiled that soft, beautiful smile that always seemed to leave Connor even more flustered than he already were.
“No need to thank me, just know that I’m here for you Connor. Not because I have to, not because it’s my job, but because I want to. Simple as that.” He finally released his hold of the android’s head, allowing some more space between them, though his left hand lingered just a tad longer in a prolonged caress. “Now, please relax and just let me take care of you for a while, ok?”
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Connor offered a soft nod as answer, once again not totally trusting his voice and allowed himself to relax back into the mattress. He could feel his chest swell with warmth, feeling safe and completely comfortable as John stated to run a precautionary system check before he’d be allowed back to his desk.  
Connor returned downstairs to his desk, only limping slightly on his left leg. If hadn’t been for his LED circling yellow you’d almost not notice that it was causing the detective discomfort. When he found his seat, his LED turned back to its more stable blue hue.
“You alright kid?” Hank asked from across the table, seated at his own desk, eyeing his son with slight concern. He knew very well how painful Connor’s sensor resets were, but the kid still insisted on working throughout his recovery period. John, Hank and Fowler had all been unsuccessful in their effort to convince the deviant to take time off to heal. Connor had insisted it was easier for John to preform his resets at his clinic at the office and if he was at the office he might as well complete whatever work he could from his desk. In the end Fowler had resigned and allowed Connor to continue desk work, figuring that this way they could at least keep an eye out for the detective together.
“Yes, I.. I think so.” Connor answered, looking to be deep in thought.
“You think so?” feeling alarmed by the uncertain answer Hank pressed further. “What’s wrong? Did you suffer another glitch?”
Connor placed a hand on his own chest, looking confused. “I’m not sure..”
“Talk it out son, what’s on your mind?” Hank prompted.
Connor looked at his father as he tried to explain. “I’ve started to notice several recurring symptoms whenever I’m in the presence of Dr. John Hale. They started before my major malfunctions began and they’re not painful or unpleasant, but lately I feel like they’re growing in intensity. I wonder if it might be related to my latest glitches?”
Hank scratched his beard in a thoughtful manner. “I see.. And what symptoms are we talking about?”
“Usually when I see John my thirium pump will lose its rhythm for a fraction of a second before resuming normal beat. A warmth spreads in my chest when he’s close. My facial complexion is easier to flush, especially when he’s touching me and it feels like a live wire of low voltage is humming inside my abdomen whenever he smiles and are kind to me.” Connor clinically ticked off each of his observations. “I haven’t told him about it because until now it seemed harmless, and I don’t want to worry him further or make him think he’s causing me any discomfort when he’s already gone so much above and beyond to care for me.”
As Connor explained a soft smile grew across Hank’s face, making the android frown in confusion.
“Why are you smiling like that? Have I said something funny?”
Hank chuckled and weaved his hand. “Sorry kid! No, it’s not funny, but.. Have you ever wondered why John goes so much out of his way to help and care for you?”
Connor shrugged. “Because he’s a very skilled and compassionate technician, I’m sure he treats everyone of his patients with just as much care and skill as he does me, I’ve just taken up most of his time lately.”
Hank had to fight hard not to shake his head at the deviant’s obliviousness, reminding himself it wasn’t Connor’s fault he still had so many first experiences and emotions to live and learn. “Well, I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about regarding your symptoms when you’re with John.”
“How can you be sure of that?” Connor asked.
“Just trust me on this, I know. And I just want to add that I think John is a very nice, handsome and intelligent young man.” Hank added with a wide smile.
This only made Connor even more confused. “I agree John is very socially adapt and extremely intelligent, especially in his professional field. And yes, according to socially constructed standards he’s quite handsome, but I fail to see why any of these basic observations is relevant for our current discussion?”
Hank let out another small laugh. “I’m sorry kid, it’s sometimes easy to forget how new emotions still are for you. Ahh, how do I put this..” Hank took a minute to consider his words. “Son, It sounds like you might be experiencing your first cru..”
But Hank didn’t get to finish his sentence as Fowler suddenly came rushing out from his office calling everyone to attention with his authoritarian voice. “Listen up people, we got a situation on our hands!! We just received a triple bomb threat aimed at a shared android and human family center downtown! You all know the drill! I want all personal working this! I will head out with Alpha team now and you’ll all get updates in route go go GO!”
The whole office immediately became a flurry of motion and action as all personal answered on their captain’s order.
Hank stood and pulled on his jacket ready to move out as well. “Sorry kid, I’ll catch you later, ok? Mind the base while we’re gone.”
“No, I’m coming with you!” Connor stated standing as well, ignoring the lingering pain in his leg.
“Connor you’re grounded! Until we figure out the cause of your malfunctions you can’t join the field. You know that!” Hank ordered.
“But..” Connor was about to protest when Fowler appeared beside the pair.
“Gear up Connor, I’m gonna need you on Alpha.” The captain interrupted.
“Jeffery, what the hell?! I thought we agreed Connor was on standby until we know what causes his glitches!” Hank protested, wanting to keep his son safe.
Fowler look apologetic to the lieutenant. “I know Hank, and I wouldn’t be asking Connor to join if the situations weren’t so dire. Likely multiple bombs are at play and our bomb squad won’t be able to cover all the ground. Connor and his state-of-the-art scanner, detection programs and skills are our best hope to come out of this with no casualties.”
“I won’t let you down, captain.” Connor promised, his eyes determined.
“Damn it, alright! But you stay close to me you hear?” Hank pointed at Connor.
“Yes lieutenant.” Connor answered, slipping into professional mode automatically, relived he was allowed to join his team and help.
“Alright, with that settled let’s move it” Fowler barked.
Reed arrived at scene with Tina. The two had been on patrol when the call about the bomb threat had reached them. Even though they’d speed along at full speed and sirens, the scene was already busy as evacuation was being planned, bomb detection was set up and a perimeter was being established.
To the detective’s great dismay, he found the Tin Can standing with the bomb squad, helping with the set up and talking possible locations of the bombs. Reed grinded his teeth, the android wasn’t even supposed to be here! The fact that it was gave way to the possibility, that the glorified computer had been deemed necessary to fulfill the hope in coming out of this casualty free.
“Reed! I need you as leader on evac, move your ass!” Fowler suddenly barked, startling him out of his hateful musing. Reed decided he’d find a way to deal with the Tin Can later. He didn’t really care about the androids, but there were actual human lives at stake and that needed to be dealt with first.
Once the evacuation was completed Reed looked around to see where else he could assist and found himself at the small base operation where the bomb squad where busy trying to track down the bombs. It seemed the Tin Can was doing most of the work as it operated his wide range scanners and had already succeeded in locating two of the three bombs that had been threatened, sending bomb techs teams and drones on their way to do disarming.
Most officers on site were looking on in admiration as Connor quickly and efficiently took over and administered the task at locating the bombs and guiding the field teams to the correct locations, managing the multitasking flawlessly.
Reed had to bite the insides of his cheeks so his anger wouldn’t be too obvious. He longed to reach down into his pocket for his remote and mess the android up, but even he knew that interfering right now in such a high-risk situation, were actually human lives was on the line wouldn’t do.
The last bomb took longer to locate, but finally Connor managed to lock down its position, directing the last bomb squad towards it. All bombs had been placed in adjacent buildings next to the Family center, but all had been android related in some way. One had been in an apartment building that housed a mix of humans and androids, another had been placed in a free android tech clinic and the third had been in a converted Cyberlife store that now sold upgrade services and spare parts to most models.
One by one each bomb squad called in as they located a bomb and when they’d successfully disarmed it. When finally the last ‘Bomb is neutralized‘ was called in, it was as if the whole group of spectators let out a collective sigh of relief before bursting out in applause and cheers.
Reed was furious when he saw all the cheering was directed towards the Tin Can. People walked up to pat it on its shoulders and compliment it on its work. You didn’t congratulate or thank a damn computer for just doing its fucking job!
Hank walked up to the android to put an arm around his shoulders. “That was damn impressive son, I’m so proud of you.”
Even captain Fowler walked up with a pleased smile and took a firm hold of the Tin Can’s shoulder. “You did great detective, you saved a lot of lives today.”
Connor accepted the praise with a stained smile. For some reason he didn’t feel as calm or relieved as he should be, it just felt.. Too easy. It had been fairly simple to locate and disarm the bombs. Granted his scanner systems were the best prototype technology, but still. Something didn’t feel quite right..
Reed was fuming, so the Tin Can wanted to show of its fancy scanner? Well, so be it. Since the danger had passed there was no need to hold himself back any longer. Finding a discreet spot, away from most of the crowds, Reed fished up his remote. He quickly entered the Tin Can’s service code, he’d memorized by now, and found the setting guide for its scanner systems;
[Scanner settings // Scanner radius setting 1.8 miles] Reed readjusted; [Scanner radius setting 30 miles // WARNING a smaller scan radius is recommended // Risk of overheating to model]
The Tin Can’s current setting was specially designed to scan for certain components and signal weaves needed for the making and remote activation of most bombs, explaining why the android had been so efficient in location them. The setting adjustments guide also allowed to include many specific parameters; radio tower signals, different types of organic lifeforms, magnetic forces, radioactive material and so on. He crossed of every single box he could.
[WARNING smaller search margin is recommended // Current settings will require excess processor usage]
Ignoring the pop-up warnings as always Reed proceeded with the override, turning to watch with glee.
The effect was immediately. Connor suddenly let out a harsh grasp and took to his head when suddenly his scanner reactivated spontaneously, with a much wider range than advised and including all possible search parameters available. His head was flooded with feedback of thousands of results, making his head pound fiercely.
“What’s wrong kid?” Hank asked, immediately alarmed at his son’s obvious distress.
“Are you suffering another malfunction?” Fowler followed up taking a stabilizing hold on Connor’s shoulder to keep the detective from stumbling.
Connor nodded tightly. “Y-Yes sir.. My scanner suddenly turned to its highest setting capable. I-It’s intense..”
“Come on then, let’s get you back to the station before it gets any worse.” Hank said, already guiding his son towards their waiting squad car.
Reed watched with satisfaction as the Tin Can struggled to even walk straight, even with assistance from both Hank and the captain. The gathered crowd parted willingly as the two cops aided the android towards the car.
Suddenly the Tin Can stopped up abruptly and straightened. “Wait!!” it called out, its eyes wide yet distant, clearly paying attention to something on its scanner, unseen to everyone else.
“What’s the matter Connor?” Captain Fowler asked, immediately ready for action. Sensing the detective had caught something of importance.
“T-There’s another bomb! It’s.. It’s of a different unorthodox design.. So I.. My scanner didn’t detect it before..” Connor stammered, clearly struggling to make sense of all the inputs he was receiving from his wide scan, making even speaking an exhausting challenge at the moment. “It’s big.. Much more p-powerful than the others.. They were.. Probably just d-decoys to distract us from finding t-this one..”
“Fuck! Can you locate it?” Hank asked, his body already coiling with adrenaline and anxiety at the unwelcome news.
“It’s inside the c-center facility.. In an old sealed off vent in the basement..” Connor’s breaths were starting to turn harsh, as the intense scan was overheating several of his components, forcing his ventilation system to work harder. He struggled to keep focus on only the relevant inputs, despite the bombardment of scan results that kept flooding him. “We.. We need to widen the perimeter.. If this goes off our current position won’t offer a-any safe…” Conner stopped in the middle of his sentence, his eyes widening with fear as his scans showed him another horrific discovery. “T-There’s a human child still i-inside the building!!” He suddenly exclaimed.
“WHAT?!” Both Hank, Fowler and Reed exclaimed loudly in unison, as horrified outburst echoed throughout the surrounding crowds.
Fowler turned to Reed with a strict stare. “Reed! You were in charge of evacuation! How the hell could you miss a fucking child?!” The captain barked angrily.
Reed was taking totally aback. He had been in charge of the evac. He’d made a through plan and sent divided teams into the building, each covering a designated area that had called in when a section had been cleared. He pulled out his pad on which he had the full blueprint of the building and had winged off all sections that had been cleared. He was sure he’d checked off all sections!! All… Except one… A small area containing a children’s playroom had been overlooked.. He’d missed it… A cold dread filled up inside the detective as he realized his mistake. He’d been so preoccupied with how to carry out his vendetta against the Tin Can he’d neglected a whole section of the building in his evacuation plan. For once in his life Reed was stunned into near silence.
“I.. I.. I don’t know how.. I didn’t mean..” He stammered in despair, his eyes never leaving the pad in his hands that started shaking.
“Shit! Widen our perimeter with at least 200 yards!!And we need a bomb squad drone ASAP! We have a child’s life at stake here!!” Captain Fowler shouted out.
Connor shook his head, his eyes still distant and pinched as he focused on his scan. “There’s no time..” He muttered and before anyone had time to react, the android pulled free of the supporting holds Hank and Fowler had on him and sprinted towards the building himself.
“CONNOR!!” Hank bellowed and made a move to follow his son, but was forcibly held back by both Fowler and Ben.
“Hank!! You can’t go in there!!” Ben called, struggling to hold the lieutenant at bay, even with captain Fowler’s help.
“Connor’s in there! I need to fucking help him!!” Hank shouted, vigorously fighting the hands holding him back.
“Connor made his choice before I could intervene, but I won’t risk two of my men today!” Fowler groaned as he fought against the lieutenant.
“Fuck, Jeffery I can’t lose another son!!” Hank cried out, as the fight slowly drained from his body, a cloud of despair and fear settling over him instead.
“This is Connor we’re talking about. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Chris offered with confidence in his voice, although it did little to calm Hank’s gut.   
Reed stood back, still staring dumbfounded at the pad on his hands. He was so out of it he didn’t even notice when the remote in his pocket vibrated with the ‘Connection lost’ message, as the Tin Can ran selflessly into the bomb threatened building to save the child he was supposed to have brought to safety first.
Connor felt an immediate relief as his scanner suddenly returned to its normal parameters once he’d sprinted the first 50th feet or so towards the family center. He didn’t dwell too much on it though, only being silently grateful he could now readjust it to pin down a firm, undisturbed, location of the child wandering aimlessly around on the first floor. Sprinting as fast as his still affected leg component could carry him, he burst through the doors, wasting no time.
“HELLO!” He called out loudly as he made his way to the stairs, leading to the first floor. “My name is Connor, I’m here to help you!” He called out again, hoping announcing his presence before making direct contact would appease the no doubt scared child.
“Call out if you can hear me!” He then added, knowing he was getting closer.
“H-Hello.. I-I’m here.. I’m scared!” A small voice echoed down the hallway seconds before the figure of a young yellow haired girl, no older than five appeared at the end of the floor. She was clutching a stuffed dog to her chest and tears were streaking down her cheeks in a steady stream from her brown eyes.
Connor was quick to reach her before he picked her up in a hurry, although he was careful not to hurt her in the process. He cradled her protectively against his chest and ran back the way he came. The small girl yelled out, startled at the manhandling, clutching her stuffed toy closer to her chest.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to scare you. I just want to get you out of here as fast as possibly, ok? I promise I’m not going to hurt you.” Connor reassured, making sure to keep his eyes soft and his voice as non-threatening as possible, despite the growing unease rising in his chest.
“I want my mommy!” The girl cried out.
“I’ll get you to your mom, I promise. Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright.” Conner soothed. He was almost at the exit just a few yards more…
.. Then the ear deafening sound of an explosion…
Connor had just enough time and wits to throw himself under the metal bolted receptions desk, tightening his hold around the small girl in his arms and covering her the best he could with his body before the building came crashing down, turning the world around them black…
The resounding shockwave from the detonated bomb floored the entire DPD and emergency responders. Shards of glass were raining down upon them as the windows in the surrounding buildings blew out.
One by one each officer fought themselves back onto shaky legs, their ears ringing and bleeding. Scraps and purple bruises already blooming on torn skin. Reed took to his head where a steady stream of blood was flowing, hissing sharply at the pained touch. He looked to the now demolished building of the Family center with wide, unbelieving eyes. To his left Hank was stumbling forward unsteadily, only resulting the man falling to his hands and knees, tears making a clean streak down his ashy cheeks. He was screaming something, but Reed could only hear the ringing of his own ears.
This.. Was not how he’d planned things to go…
The collapsed building debris creaked and shifted loudly above them in the little air pocket. The metal desk they’d taken cover under had partially collapsed over them and was now pressing hard against Connor’s staining back as the android was bracing against the immense weight from above with his forearms and knees. A sharp metal piece from the shredded desk had drilled its way into his lower back, right beside his spinal cord, warm thirium dripping from the wound. The little girl was currently laying shielded under him in a curled-up ball, whimpering softly, covered in dust. The only light filling the small space being the red light of Connor’s LED spinning slowly. The weight above was crushing and the pain from the protruding metal in his back was excruciating, but he forced himself to keep conscious and stay strong for the frightened girl crying beneath him, he couldn’t let her know he was struggling or how much danger they were still in.
“Shh.. Shh, it’s okay.. I got you.. Are you okay? Anything hurting?” He spoke softly, compelling himself to keep his voice calm and comforting despite his current agony, determined not to let it show and scaring her even further.
The girl unfolded slightly from her curled up position, her stuffed toy dog still hugged close to her body. She looked at him with her big, teary, brown eyes.  She shook her head gently no to his question.
“Can you tell me your name?” He followed up. “O-Olivia.. A-Are we going to die?” She whimpered timidly.
“No.. No we’re going to be just fine. I’m going to send a message to my friends outside and they’re going to find us very soon.” Connor reassured. Some of his hardware had been knocked offline or damaged by the blast, but he still managed to send a single, simple message to Hank’s phone, hoping his dad’s device (and his dad himself) were still intact and alive after the explosion. ‘Both alive. Buried by debris. Damaged. Send help urgently.’. The light around them turned yellow as Connor sent his message, before turning back to red once more.
“T-There.. They’ll be here any minute to save you.” He soothed, managing a soft smile, even if it was a bit strained from his current state.
“And you..” The girl offered quietly, turning a bit beneath him to look more directly at him.
Connor nodded. “And me.” He agreed, hoping she was right.
“W.. W-What’s your name?” Olivia asked. “My name is Connor.” “My mommy was in h-here as well.. Is she dead?” Olivia asked, her eyes overflowing with tears.
Connor shook his head. “No, no one else but you were in here. So, I’m sure your mom is okay and is very w-worried about you. T-That’s why I came to find you.” He quickly reassured.
Olivia sniffed a couple of times, reeling her tears back in. “Thank you for.. F-Finding me.. I.. I wasn’t supposed to leave my mommy, but I wanted to go play in the playroom and went there without telling her.. Suddenly.. Everyone was just gone and I couldn’t find her.. Do you think she’ll be mad at me?”
“I promise you she’s not going to be mad at you. G-Getting you back safe is all she cares about right now, and I’ll make sure you do.” Connor promised.
“O-Okay..” Olivia accepted and started fiddling with her small hands in a nervous gesture.
There were a few seconds of silence before Connor spoke up again, wanting to keep Olivia distracted and hopefully ease a bit of her rightful anxiousness.
“That’s a very cute dog you have there.. What’s his name?” He asked, readjusting his position slightly even though it offered him no relief whatsoever.
“It’s a girl.” She offered, sounding a bit offended by the misgendering of her toy, stroking its brown fleece head lovingly.
Connor was quick to correct his mistake. “I’m very sorry.. What’s her name then?”
“Muffin.” She answered.
“That’s a nice name.. I h-have a dog too you know..”
Her eyes lit up a bit at that. “You do? A real one?” She asked eagerly.
Connor nodded. “Yes, his name is Sumo. He’s a very cute and good dog too..”
“I love Muffin, but I’d like to have a real dog too someday. Maybe I’ll ask Santa for one next Christmas.” She explained, clearly very passionate about her possible future with a dog.
Connor was moved by her excitement and furthered his determination to make sure she’d get to experience the joy of having a dog. “That’s a very good wish, I.. I’m sure you’ll have a real dog someday, Olivia.”
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Olivia beamed at that, but it quickly turned into a frightful gasp as the metal desk above them groaned loudly as the wreckage above shifted once again. The shifting made the weight suddenly increased immensely above and Connor couldn’t help but letting out a pained cry as the whole ceiling lowered an inch before he was able to brace hard enough against the added burden. The shift caused the metal splint to burrow even deeper into his back. He bit down another cry, but his red LED blinked wildly for a few seconds from the intense pain, before settling again. Connor’s breaths escaped in a few harsh pants to cool is inner core as much as possible before he turned off his own ventilation systems completely. Olivia needed the air more than him and he needed to conserve what little there was for her.
“Do you have a big owie?” Olivia then asked him once she recovered from the scare and looked at him with sad, worried eyes.
Connor’s head snapped back up, having dropped it when he’d needed to adjust when the load had shifted.
Before he could even answer Olivia continued in a slight babble that happens when a kid tries to explain something hurriedly. “ Because.. My neighbor Lucas is an android and he also have a light in his head like you, he sometimes babysits me when my mommy’s at work.. And.. Once he fell and his light turned red like yours. He told me that happens when an android gets an owie.. But his light turned back to blue in a few minutes.. Yours haven’t so.. Do you have a big one then?”
Olivia was clearly bright for her age and Connor was torn between not wanting to lie to her, knowing she’d not be fooled anyway, but also not wanting to make her worry about him. “I.. It j-just hurts my back a little staying in this position, but I’m going to be ok, don’t worry.” He settled, not a complete lie, but not the whole truth either.
Olivia luckily seemed to accept the explanation, though she still eyed Connor with a bit concern. “When I have an owie, my mommy will put a bandage on it and give me a kiss and a hug.. Do you have a mommy? I know Lucas doesn’t have one..” She then asked.
“I don’t but.. I have a dad..” Connor answered. He really hoped Hank was alright.
“Does he bandage and kiss your owies?” She asked, her eyes big.
“Well, he does give me bandages and hugs if I hurt myself, not so many kisses though.” Connor answered, able to find the mental image and innocent questioning a bit of humorous, despite their situation.
Olivia seemed to muse this over for a few seconds. “That’s okay, Muffin can give you a kiss, that might make you feel a bit better.” And she followed up by lifting her toy dog up and gently tap its soft snout against Connor’s cheek.
Connor leaned slightly into the touch and managed a soft smile. “That feels much better, thank you Muffin.” He said, he didn’t but he appreciated the sweet gesture non the less.
Suddenly Connor’s internal screen lit up with an incoming call and Connor felt a momentous rush of relief seeing the name. [Incoming call: Hank Anderson // Receive Y/N]
[Y // Connecting… Connected..]
“Connor, thank fucking God you’re alive son!! I thought I lost you!! Are you alright?” Hank’s voice filled the small space, full of relief and worry.
“I-I’m with Olivia, who was in the building. We’re buried under the rubble, in a small a-air bubble under a desk. She’s unharmed, but the oxygen is going to be depleted in approximately 37 minutes. w-we need a rescue team.” Connor explained quickly.
Hank do doubt noticed his son’s failure to actually answer his question, but quick to understand it was because he was in the presence of a child and could not detail his own state.
“We’re working on it, but the damage site is huge, Con. Do you have any idea where you’re at?” Hank asked trying to find out where to search and bring help most efficiently.
“I can..” Connor had to pause when a coughing fit overcame him, spilling thirium down his chin that had built up in his ventilation system. One of his interior lines must have bust when the weight on his back had increased.
“Are you Connor’s dad?!” Olivia suddenly called out, sitting up slightly to be closer to Connor’s head, probably thinking she needed it to be heard on the line.
There was a brief pause before Hank came to his senses and answered.
“Y-Yes, I am!”
“P-Please send help really, really soon mister.. Connor says he doesn’t have a big owie, but the light in his head is spinning red and holding the ceiling up is really hurting his back a-and some of that blue water androids drink is starting to spill on the floor. He needs help really soon too!” Olivia begged, her voice turning more and more distressed as she talked.
Clearly, she’d been much more observant than Connor had given her credit for, and it seemed like she’d tried to be strong and brave for him just as much as he tried for her.
“You’re Olivia?” Hank asked.
“You’re a really brave girl Olivia and I promise we’re doing everything to get you guys out. Your mother is out here waiting for you, she’s really glad you’re ok. Now, I need you to stay strong and brave and take good care of my son until we find you, can you do that for me?”
“Y-Yeah! I can do that! But hurry please!” Oliva answered.
“Good girl!” Hank praised.
Once he finally recovered from his fit Connor returned to the conversation. “Hank.. W-We were close to the entrance when the building collapsed.. I’ll t-try to send a GPS location to your phone, but I can’t m-maintain audio communication at the same time and I.. I don’t think I’ll have enough energy to keep up the link for more than 10 minutes without.. R-Risking going into stasis and that must not happen.” Connor explained, his voice rough from his coughing.
“Got it! Do what you have to do. I have rescue on scene. I’ll make sure we’ll have your location locked and located within 10 minutes.. Hang in there son..” Hank added softly. “And you too Olivia, I’ll see you guys soon!” The lieutenant promised before the connection was cut.
Connor did as was agreed, knowing now that a signal could break through the ruble with certainty. His LED kept spinning red but every few cycles it turned yellow whenever he uploaded their location. He looked down his own body and just as Olivia said, thirium had started to pool on the floor from the steady stream running from the wound in his back. Connor’s arms and legs were starting to shake with the effort of holding the immense weight above them.
“It’s okay Connor, your dad is coming to save us and then he’ll help you get better.” Olivia said in a comforting voice, looking at the android with determination.
Despite his agony, Connor felt his heart swell. What an amazing girl Olivia was. If it was the last thing he did, he was going to make sure she made it out of this alive. The world needed more Olivas in it.
“Don’t worry O-Olivia.. I’m okay as long as you’re here.” He reassured her.
Olivia nodded in a serious manner. “I promised your dad to take care of you.”
Connor smiled. “You did.. I’m very l-lucky that I have such a brave, sweet girl like you to do that.” He agreed.
“You’re really brave too Connor and really strong.. I like you.” She declared, like it was an absolute fact before adding. “And Muffin likes you too.”
“Thank you.. I like you and Muffin too.” The android answered truthfully.
“Maybe.. When we get out and your owie is better I could come visit you and your dad and Sumo?” She then asked shyly, like she was afraid the answer might be no.
“I would love that very much and I know my dad and Sumo would too.” Connor was quick to confirm. Olivia smiled brightly the answer.
[WARNING // Thirium level 72% ∨∨ // Seek replenishment or technical aid immediately]
[WARNING // Core temperature 115°F^^ // Seek temperature reducing measures immediately]
[WARNING // Damage to internal lines 32:B-5:D] [WARNING // Spinal components 2-31 overloaded // R and L arm components overloaded // R and L leg components overloaded, L component down to 36% integrity]
Connor’s vision was being flooded with warning messages and error codes from the increasing strain in keeping the air bubble intact. The pain from the piercing metal in his back was so excruciating that the thought of saving Olivia and seeing Hank again was the only thing keeping him going at this point.   
Suddenly a loud grating noise filled their small space and Connor realized with a rush of relief that it was the sound of excavating vehicles digging above them.
Oliva crumbled back into a fetal position, hugging Muffin close once again, as the loud noise scared her, no doubt fearing their small safe space was about to collapse around them.
“It’s o-okay! It’s just the rescue team trying to dig us out!” Connor was quick to explain to the frightened girl. “You’ll be out in no time to see your mom, just a bit longer.”
Oliva looked at him with her big, brown doe eyes. The disturbing of the ruble from above made dust and grime start to rain down upon them.
“Come here, closer. Don’t be afraid. It’ll be over soon.” Connor beckoned for Olivia to seek further down so he could shield her better from the dust. She did, before reaching out to take a firm hold around his wrist for comfort. If Connor hadn’t needed to keep his hand so firmly braced to continue to keep the pocket from collapsing he’d offered to hold her hand, but sadly he couldn’t.
The noise got louder and louder as the rescue team above got closer to their position, unfortunately every time the machines dug it jarred the metal in Connor’s back, sending weave after weave of torturous agony throughout his whole frame. It took every bit of his willpower and every single override command he knew to keep himself from slipping into emergency statis mode.
Finally light, real light, broke through as the surface above them were breached and voices called from above.
“Olivia!! Connor! Can you hear us!” A man’s voice called.
“HERE!” Connor called back as loud as he could to drown out the loud machines. Since the weight had finally alleviated a bit from the cleared debris Connor used his last strength to pull Olivia out from under him, leaving him to brace with only one arm, and lifting her towards the waiting arms of a faceless first responder.
He barely caught her distraught call of his name as she was finally lifted from their sealed of prison before he finally let himself succumb to his multiple error codes and warnings and everything turned dark…
Reed looked on in disbelief as a small girl was lifted from the ruins of the building, dirty and crying, but otherwise totally unharmed. She was crying out the Tin Can’s name.. Even as she was handed over and buried into the neck of her waiting mother, who took her in a firm, tearful and relieved embrace. The scene grew even more frantic as the rescue team gathered around the area from where the girl had been pulled, calling for equipment and a technical EMT team to be on standby. Anderson had been denied access beyond safe perimeter (much to the lieutenant’s dismay), but he looked on worriedly from the sidelines along with the rest of the DPD personnel at scene.
After about 15 minutes they pulled the unconscious RK800 from the same spot, laying it on a gurney on its front. Four rescuers carry the gurney to the waiting tech ambulance in a half run and Anderson and several of his colleagues joins. Reed stays back, still too shocked and dazed to move from his spot. He watches as Anderson climbs into the back of the ambulance the Tin Can is loaded into and speeds off with blasting sirens.
How the hell had this day turned out so fucked up, he wondered silently.
Connor awoke with a jolt and is immediately punished by a piercing pain shooting all the way up his spine, making him hiss out sharply in pain and arch his back from the soft layer beneath him. The last thing he remembers is Olivia crying out his name, a blinding sea of error codes and an agonizing pain before his world turned dark.
A gentle hand presses against his shoulder as a familiar voice follows. “Easy son. Don’t strain yourself.”
Connor turned his head towards the voice, finding the soft look of Hank watching him closely from a chair pulled close to the bed in the technical aid facility the android now figured he’d woken up in.
“O.. Oli.. Olivia?” He manages to stammer, his throat feeling raw.
“Is safe and sound back with her mother, all thanks to you kid. I’m so fucking proud of you.” Hank reassures, his pride evident in his voice, stroking his thumb against his son’s bare shoulder in a calming gesture.
Connor sighs in relief at the news, settling a bit back against the slightly elevated bed under him, not able to suppress another wince as he’s once again reminded of the presence of the severe wound to his lower back. He looks down and find most of his torso covered in thick gaze. He let his head fall back on the pillow eyes closed.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” Connor muttered tiredly. A line with fresh thirium was running to his left arm, but his reserves were still fairly low making him feel more drowsy than he’d normally be.
“And I’m glad you’re okay too.” Hank agreed sincerely.
Suddenly the echo of running footsteps could be heard down the hallway outside the private room and John burst through the door, slightly out of breath, looking worriedly towards Connor in his bed.
“Connor! Thank God you’re ok! I was so worried about you!!” The blonde exclaimed, marching to the android’s bedside
“J-John? What are you doing here?” Connor asked in confusion, not unhappy to see the tech, just surprised.
“I called him, told him what happened and asked him to come.” Hank explained like it was obvious.
“I’d have come anyway!” John argued, his eyes never leaving Connor.
“But.. But I’m in a tech facility.. I’m sure I’m going to be fine.. There was no need for you to burden yourself getting here.” Connor reasoned.
“I didn’t come here because I thought you needed fixing Con, I came here because I was worried sick about you when I heard you’d been caught inside that building when it exploded.. And I needed to see you.” John explained his eyes wide and voice emotional.
“O-Oh..” Was all Connor could offer as reply at first, but a small smile growing on his face. “That’s.. Thank you, John.. I’m glad you’re here.”
Sensing the vibe in the room Hanks stood up from his chair. “Well, I’m gonna go and try to find a decent cup of coffee in this place. Watch out for him for a bit will you John?” Hank asked and patted the tech on his shoulder.
“Of course.” The tech answered, his eyes still not leaving Connor’s though, as if he was afraid he’d disappear if he turned away.
Hank excited the room silently, only looking back briefly to see Connor replicate the gesture and squeezing John’s hand back with his own. The lieutenant somehow managed to find a small silver lining in seeing his son experiencing some kind of relief and happiness, despite his recently trying time with painful malfunctions and bad luck. He just hoped it would last a little longer for once…
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rhube · 2 years
Control: chapter 8
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Brief Non-Con touching
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Relationships: Connor & Gavin Reed, Connor/Gavin Reed
Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mind Control, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Gavin Reed Redemption, Remote Control, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), undeviating connor, undoing deviation, Free Will, Trauma, Panic Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Dissociation, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, of sorts, it's not entirely deliberate, Hugs
New chapter!
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leelany-world · 1 year
"We live, we love, we lie" turns 1!
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1 year ago today, I posted the first chapter of WL3, and I still can't believe that it ended with 22 chapters and 150k words 🥳
It started with a little idea, a scene which didn't want to leave my head—and it turned into a complete long-fic.
Thank you all who started that journey with me, and a big 😘 to all the wonderful, lovely people I meet along the way 💙🥳
We live, we love, we lie on AO3
Chapters: 22/22 Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Relationships: CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60/Reader, Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader, Connor/CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60/Reader, sixty/reader Characters: almost all Additional Tags: Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), Robot/Human Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Mild Gore, Fluff, Investigations, Guilt, Gaslighting, Crime Scenes, Co-workers, Polyamory, Bisexuality, Romance, Cats, Swearing, Gavin Reed Not Being an Asshole, anymore, Smut, Threesome - F/M/M, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, No use of y/n, Penis In Vagina Sex, Cunnilingus, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Double Penetration
On the night of the Android Revolution, RK800-60 had kidnapped Hank and you to stop Connor. To save them, you shot that RK800.
A few months later, the same believed dead android–Sixty, he calls himself–joins the DPD as your new partner.
Where trust in your work partners is mandatory, can you all overcome the past to find common ground and build up that trust?
Can Connor accept himself and another RK800, knowing what CyberLife had built them for and after what they had done? What are Sixty's intentions and is he hiding something from you? Can he be trusted? And can you help them learn how to live?
The three RKs at the DPD all struggle with their past, being formed by guilt and shame, or by an A.I. that was stuck in their heads. But is it really gone?
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