#gay men be the death of me what else is new
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the way alex is fucking blushing, an uncharacteristic look on his face
the way alex looks down, as henry looks up
fellas i don't think I'm surviving this im gonna be frank with you
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theres-a-body-here · 7 months
Recieving a love letter
Part two
You decided that the best time to give it to them (pause) is during a trial
Characters: Oni, Trapper, Deathslinger, Mastermind, Cannibal, Ghostface Warnings: Internalized Homophobia, Death, some spice Male!reader
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The Oni - Kazan Yamaoka
Impossible... You're both men
Kazan cannot accept this
This simply wasn't acceptable during his era
He immediately smashes your head in with his Kanabo on instinct
Gay panic defense
The evil has been dealt with, Kazan lets out a deep exhale
But...his eyes wander to the letter, still within your cold, stiff grasp
Advantages come from all angles... Don't they?
Kazan takes the letter, convincing himself he'll use whatever information he finds inside against you
It smells like you... Not that he checked
(He did)
A red wax seal holds the letter closed
Kazan looks closer
You had carved his family crest into the wax
Something foreign invades his body, something other than rage
It's nervousness
He opens the letter, making sure to keep the seal intact
For no reason in particular
(He's pocketing that mofo)
Instantly, he's impressed by your penmanship
So organized, clean, and sharp
But its contents are even more eye catching
The love letter is short and sweet
But what follows is even sweeter
A haiku
Kazan feels his heart skip a beat
He checks it once, then again, and one more for good measure
Yep, no mistakes
The loud pop of a gen echoes through the trialground, snapping him out of his trance
Kazan whips his head all around, looking for witnesses
Finding none, he pockets the letter
He stares at your lifeless body, feeling something else flutter in his chest
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The Trapper - Evan MacMillan
Evan stares at you as you hold your letter out for him to take
After a long, uncomfortable silence, he takes it
He brings it to his face, inspecting it through the holes of his mask
Evan has absolutely no idea what to do here
He looks back at you
"Do you...want me to fuck you?"
Romantic gestures are new territories for Evan, so he honestly thinks this is just your way of asking for dick
Whichever the case, he has a job to do
He puts you down without hesitation and hooks you up, leaving without a second glance
He's still holding the letter
Part of him wants to rip it up, and the other is curious to know what you wrote
He sloppily tears the letter open, reading it hastily as he walks to the next gen
Evan stops when he reads a bit more
You weren't asking for a ball slapping, eye watering, toe curling, deep dick fuck...
You were asking for his heart
You wanted all of him, hooks and all
Okay now he feels a bit bad
Evan reads some more
You actually drew a portrait of him within the letter, saying you learnt of his knack for art from Philip
Now he feels even worse
He lets the others save you without hiccup
In fact, he basically leaves for alone for the rest of the trial
He stops chasing and hurting the others occasionally to stare at you from afar, observing that focused look on your face as you work on gens or heal a teammate
Evan feels butterflies and he no longer has the strength to swat at them
It doesn't matter if he kills all your friends or if they opened the gates and left; Eventually, you're alone with him
He holds your letter out, watching as confusion sets on your face
"I'm dirty and sloppy... I'll ruin it"
He sounds vulnerable, waiting for you to respond
You curl your hand over his, folding the letter into his palm
"I want you to keep it," you say softly, as of talking to an apprehensive deer
He doesn't know what to say
Whatever he was going to respond with gets stuck in his throat as you lean in to kiss the cheek of his mask
He watches as you leave through the exit gate, glancing down at the letter in his hand
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The Deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
Obviously you're joking... Right?
Cuz there's no way you'd be attracted to someone like him— Old, beat-up, and grumpy
You'd have to push him some more if you want him to accept the letter
Convince him you're being genuine
Eventually, he gives in and takes the letter from you
He glances around nervously, like he's expecting the other survivors to jump out and laugh at him for falling for the joke
He opens the letter, stunned when he sees there's actually things written inside
A blush creeps into his face as he reads, only deepening when he reads more
After he's done, Caleb can't even meet your gaze
After a few moments of silence, he speaks
"I can.....uhhh....keep this... right?"
Talk about awk as hell
Even after the trial, he lies awake thinking about it
Caleb rereads the letter over and over
You're gonna have to be the one to seek him out outside of trials since he's way too embarrassed now
"Yer serious 'bout this, ain'tcha?"
He decides to let his guard down just a bit to let you in
Be prepared to give him lots of reassurance
"Yer sure ya ain't mistaken?"
Caleb isn't one for words, so instead of writing you a letter, he makes you trinkets out of scrap metal
If you kiss him as thanks, he'll actually die on the spot
So please don't... unless you're evil as hell
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The Mastermind - Albert Wesker
Wesker makes you kneel as you give him the letter
After snatching it out of your hands, he scans it meticulously
"I see you've made eleven spelling mistakes"
He enjoys the way you tense up instantly, like a puppy waiting to be put on punishment
"How adorable"
He ALLOWS you to watch him put the letter in his inner coat pocket
He would never admit it, but this certainly boosted his ego to new heights
Albert lifts you off the ground and tosses you over his shoulder
He carries you to the basement
"Stay here while I deal with your companions"
He leaves to kill the rest of your friends
After every hook, he pats his chest to make sure the letter is still there
He'll deny he ever did that if you ask him though
Once he returns, Wesker will bombard you with questions, expecting an answer within 5 seconds or less
What took you so long? What do you like most about him? Would you choose him over your friends? How can you satisfy him?
He loves how easily you crumble under his interrogation, blushing and stammering like a fool
Once he's had his fill, he picks you up again
He carries you to hatch
Before he lets you go, he grips your chin and makes you look at him
"I suppose I ought to leave you with something"
Wesker reaches into his coat and pulls out a pair of sunglasses
"I hope you can explain this to your allies," he chuckles
Before you can protest, he puts them on you and drops you into the hole
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The Cannibal - Bubba Sawyer
Freezes in place and gasps when he sees you hold out your letter
He lets out a happy squeal before dropping his hammer and chainsaw to the ground
Bubba takes the letter from you gently, treating it like glass
He immediately plops onto the ground
He tears open the envelope carefully and take out the letter
He's completely forgotten about the trial
He reads the letter, shaking with excitement
It's sappy, sweet, and everything he's ever wanted
Even when the sounds of popping generators ring through the trial grounds, Bubba doesn't take his eyes off the letter for a second
He occasionally stops reading to either make a sound of happiness or cover his face out of embarrassment
Once he's finished, Bubba will stand up and pull you into a bone-crushing hug, lifting you up a bit and swaying you around like a ragdoll
You're definitely leaving this trial unharmed
He grabs your hand tightly, marching over to the hatch or exit gates and lets you leave with a goofy wave
The Entity doesn't even punish him for it since his joy was so great it made up for the lack of bad emotions from the survivors
He immediately works on writing a letter for you after the trial is over
The next time you see him, expect another bear hug followed by a letter being shoved in your face
It's messy, sticky, and covered in glitter
Crudely drawn hearts cover the inside as the letters are shaky and almost intelligible
But you can tell Bubba put his whole heart into it
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The Ghostface - Danny Johnson
Instantly smug as hell
"Oh, what's that? That for me?"
He takes it from you and immediately tears it open, tossing the envelope behind him nonchalantly
His mask moves as he visibly reads through the letter, occasionally chuckling and shaking his head
Danny finds this scenario so fucking funny— A survivor having a crush on a killer
After he's done, he looks up at you
"Do you have daddy issues or something?'
He laughs loudly when he sees a hurt expression flash across your face, walking over to wrap an arm around your shoulders
"I'm just messing with ya, cutie"
Danny marches over with his head high to one of the hooked survivors, waving the letter in their face
You stand to the side awkwardly, unable to meet your friend's bewildered look
"Your homeboy is down bad for me. Whaddya think about that?"
The survivor grits their teeth struggling to keep the Entity's claw from puncturing their chest
"I think....Gah!...they.... have daddy issues...fuck!"
You're never living this down
He goes around the map showing off your love letter to the others
After he finishes gloating, Danny hooks you
What? He's the Entity's favorite! He can't his reputation be tarnished
Outside of the trial, he follows you around like a shadow
He deadass interrupts your conversations with the others to tell you he wants attention, and you'd better deliver
Your love letter was basically an invitation for him to claim you as his own, whether you regret it or not
You're his now
Like a housecat that swats at others who get too close to their owner
"That kiss factory better be open, pookie"
He says shit like this in front of any survivor or killer
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mhsdatgo · 9 months
By the way, you can say you hate characters and STILL admit that they were abused or harassed. There's literally nothing wrong. Denying it or romanticizing it because of a strange kink of yours won't make your hate any less evident, trust me.
Rhaenyra was abused. She's continuously taken advantage of, and brushed away the moment she isn't needed anymore. And she experiences this first hand with her own father, who completely ruins motherhood for her when she grows up watching Aemma get impregnated and either miscarry or have the baby be stillborn or die in the cradle. If Viserys had been by her side as a supporter to her claim since the start, he wouldn't have gotten Aemma pregnant again and again in the pursuit of a male child. He wouldn't have married Alicent for the same reason. Even after, the only reason why he still stands by her side, and it's time the fandom accepts this, it's solely because of his grief and guilt, because Rhae is the only remnant of Aemma.
And there it starts. Firstly, groomed and left alone naked and alone by her uncle in a brothel. Secondly, slept with Criston Cole (although she did coerce him, that's still a literal TEENAGER) then she's married to a gay man and still approached super young by her new bodyguard and just one year later she's started giving birth to his children. (Side note: FUCK Rhaenyra x Harwin. FUCK with reverb. With hard K.)
And up to this point, most fan agree that she's had a shitty life, although I don't agree with some of her choices. (like her treatment of Criston Cole and the bastards, not because I'm some kind of bigot, but because passing bastards as trueborn in THAT precise world sets them up for failure, not being legally deserving of a thone DOES NOT mean me hating them. That's for another post.)
To top it all off, she meets her uncle again, and there starts the fanfic self insert. They have sex on a beach the day of Laena's funeral, the only one of the three wives he's ever been canonically loyal to (FUCK you writers) and fans think it's soulmates meeting again or sum shit. They subtly threaten Laenor to fake his death or actually die (that's what they were trying to do, cope harder) and marry mere days after the death of Laena.
Yes, all cute and romantic (for Dumbnyras twats) but literally, has it done anything good? For Rhaenyra or like, anyone else? It just brought Daemon closer to the line of succession. Literally. That's all the good it has done.
Fast forward to ep 10. How do I even start with this? Only Jace seems to be on Rhaenyra's side. It's clear he only obeys to Daemon out of fear and is scared to talk back to him. Meanwhile, he COMPLETELY disregards his wife's, and by his faction's loyalties, QUEEN's, orders, he ignores her wails of pain as she miscarries their daughter out of pure shock and grief for her father's death. He lashes out and chokes her on the same day and people still see him as the malewife to Rhaenyra's girlboss. They're always ready to do award-deserving mental gymnastic to justify this man.
"He was planning war because he wanted to distract himself!!!!" "He only choked Rhae because he was mad at Viserys, he'd never hurt her!!!!!!"
Fuck off. Coming from probably Rhaenyra's #1 hater. Fuck. Off. Don't say you care about her place in the view of men when you're ready to justify shit like this.
This is the same man who runs off and has an affair with a teenager, and then prefers going on and having a badass death instead of joining his wife and children who need him in King's Landing.
Do I like Rhaenyra? No. Do I think that, because of this, she's never been abused, or exploited in any way, in her life? ALSO no. My distaste for her character has NOTHING to do with Viserys, Criston, Daemon, Harwin or literally ANYONE ELSE in her life.
Alicent Hightower time, baby.
My mother, my aunt, my grandmother, my entire bloodline, my Roman Empire. And more. To anyone who thinks of her as nothing but a bitter/jealous girl, go read @feretrumdulcia 's post about this matter cuz there's literally no one I've seen that words it better. (And bub if you're reading, long live you and the way you think.)
Anyone who can read this and argue that Alicent is envious/jealous or bitter, honestly needs to take the heart shaped sunglasses off, get off tumblr and Ao3, learn what media literacy is and start learning how to possess a crumble of it. To us it makes sense to synpathize with both, because we've seen the big picture. To Alicent, Rhaenyra gave her virtue to the man that almost killed her brother, and chose to believe she did not out of trust and maybe nostalgia for her friendship and easier times, only to have her father be blamed and taken away from her as a result.
She has four kids in the span of, how much? Five, six years? Seven at best? Helaena and Aemond are NINE MONTHS APART. Viserys didn't even let her rest after she gave birth to her daughter. And I'm convinced 100% that he kept her as Idk some whore he didn't need to pay for because it's stated that he never wanted Aegon but the son he butchered Aemma for. Why keep on bedding her and forcing children on her when you'd never get what you want from her?
Throughout the series she's called bitter and downright a c*nt for this and that reason. She tries convincing Viserys that Rhae's children are CLEARLY bastards and she's setting herself and them up for failure by committing treason and putting them on the throne? Nah, power hungry, jealous, bitter. She marries Helaena to Aegon as a last resort because she's Valyrian and probably would've received proposals worse than the ones Rhaenyra made that would eventually convince Viserys to give her away? Hates her daughter, abuser, shitty mom. Rhae's sons slit her son's eye out instead of running when they had the chance and she rightfully lashes out? Nah, crazy ass, for the dungeons. She gives money and moon tea to her son's rape victim to ensure she gets a way out and isn't forced to have a baby she doesn't want? Bruh, rape apologist. She goes to Aegon and RIGHTFULLY disciplines him? Abuser. Forced to show her feet to a rancid filthy man to know where her son is? Upholds the patriarchy, hypocrite. She convinces Aegon to start fighting for her family because it's either them or the Blacks and he needs to start putting his life together and fight for them, so she crowns him and makes him King? Treason, deserves death, long live the brothel queens.
Somehow, it is ALWAYS HER FAULT. And those few that admit how wronged she was make fun of her.
CAN SHE FUCKING WIN?! Or y'all just hate her because she isn't Valyrian?
Btw almost all of these arguments are the same for Book!Alicent who I personally believe to be FAR MORE than just a bitter stepmom that hates her stepdaughter. She arguably has more reasons to start a coup against her in the books without that prophecy shit.
TLDR; It's OKAY to hate characters and admit they're abused and taken advantage of at the same time. You don't have a moral high-ground on no one because you hate or love a character instead of the other.
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malertop · 7 months
Poly! Billy Loomis x Stu Macher x Male Reader pt.2
Warnings?: in part 3
Notes?: English is not my first language if you guys don't know,so I am SUPER sorry if it's bad.
Roles: Powerbottom!Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x Sub!Top Male Reader
Kinks?: asshole being called boypussy,cunt,sloppy hole and more,fingering,handjob,blowjob,daddy kink,extreme sex,powerbottoms being extremely needy,eyes cross and roll will be mentioned, head roll and idk (some are for part 3)
The story in short: So let me get this quickly if you don't wanna read that,you were at Stu's party (not the killing one) and since they always left you alone after like just 10 minutes of hanging out with you you invited Randy for company,you have been ditching them sometimes for Randy and they tried to calm down and just forget about it but now that you are hanging out with him at Stu...YOUR BOYFRIEND party and ignoring Billy..WHO'S YOUR BOYFRIEND TOO they started getting really pissed about it,so they had a "little" talk with you and Randy and as their revenge for you ditching your boyfriends...WHO YOU TURNED GAY AND BI they needed to do and did an revenge on you..so you just took their little beautiful virginity,and they stole yours.
Gif:Not Mine.
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"Hey guys what are you doing here all alone?" Randy got interrupted as he turned his head to look at who interrupted him,it was Billy and Stu who were walking towards them.You sighted as you saw them because you knew they would want something so you decided to ignore them as you looked back at Randy you already saw the two boys right beside him as Billy was opening new can of beer and Stu taking already a sip of his,as you quality told with your eyes to Randy to don't answer them which they saw because they looked at you when you did that which you didn't notice but Randy thought he should answer and said "Nothing we are just talking,or more Y/N but it's great to have a conversation with him" "Aw,thank you so much Randy..that was really nice and sweet" you answered with the sweet tone in your voice,but Billy and Stu just wanted to stab Randy until he dies,there was quite silence until Stu broke it "So...Randy ma men! Is it true that you still got a little thing for Sidney" Stu said as he smiled,You looked at Stu with his smile then you looked at Randy who was starting to sweat and then at Billy who just watched Randy with a death stare eyes,as you were about to speak up Randy answered "Y-Yeah...I mean...I guess..I..I do.." then Billy eyes winded and he took a look at Randy as he heard his answer, Stu did a giggle and laughed as he said "Did you really just admit it?In front of her boyfriend too!how can you be so pathetic,man you are so fucked up " and then you looked at Billy who was slowly approaching to meet Randy's face closer as he slowly moved "you know what else has a little thing for you..the door...so why don't you two meet and you get the.fuck.out" Billy siad slowly as he also threatened Randy,who now got up as you looked at him his body was all sweat and he didn't wanna leave you but he had no other choice "Y/N...I-i gotta go to the store but i completely forgot" he said as he was slowly leaving facing you "But-" as you were saying he ran off...there was a complete silence and you were the one to break it "why did y-" as you were saying Billy grabbed your arm and started started to lead you out of the kitchen,he was leading you upstairs as Stu was right behind you.He opened the door and as he entered he pushed you on the bed and he layed as Stu locked the door "Ow,what was that f-" as you were saying Billy pinned you against the bed and the wall and started kissing you right away,his kiss was slow but rought,your tounge met his as you two kissed and Stu was watching.Billy pulled away and then looked at his jeans because he felt something and he saw himself being turned on and then he slowly upped his head as looked at you again as you were breathing for some air but that quickly ended as Stu shoved his lips to meet yours
*After 20 minutes*
"Oh!Shit!Y-Y/N!~"Stu grunted as you were giving both of them hand jobs which they reached you just...well before 15 minutes to do,but Billy was silent as you were stroking both of the boys cocks,then Billy gasped "Oh!Oh shit!i am about to cum~" Billy said as he then grabbed male reader's arm to stop him,he was panting and then looked at the male reader and back at his arm as he slowly got an idea in his mind which made him smirk,Billy then looked again at male reader with his smirk and said "put your fingers inside me."
(Thank you for reading!if this hits 100 likes,reblogs or whatever I will do the last part,also I apologize for this being so short but i am writing this at school and yeah..HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY AND SEE YOU AT PART 3!)
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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Know Thine enemy
I am not a Jew and I’m not a citizen of Israel. I haven’t even visited Israel. I don’t trace my religion back to a holy site in Jerusalem and I don’t have a problem with Arabs or Muslims or Christians. I’ve read about Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon; the Umayyads, the Abbasids and the Ottomans; I know about the British, the Balfour declaration, Ben Gurion and Golda Meir. I know a bit about the Six-Day War and the Intifada. I might not have any personal stake in the Holy Land, but humanity certainly does - and I’m a human being.
The women, men, children, elderly people and soldiers who were kidnapped, tortured, raped, humiliated and murdered on Saturday by Hamas in sovereign Israel were human beings too.
Those who did it to them are not.
Imagine what kind of rational and ethical gymnastics you have to do to justify the cold-blooded murder of teenagers at a music festival; or watching a child, perhaps 5 years old, being prodded with a stick and made to cry for his mother in Hebrew while children of a similar age laugh and mock him? We don’t know that child’s fate and for all we know what followed may have been much worse. It’s depraved. To even enter a conversation about these disgraceful facts with a rehearsed retort about territory or Gaza being an “open-air prison” reeks of moral bankruptcy.
If you wail and scream about your land, dignity, rights, oppression and poverty but are willing to murder, rape, kidnap, torture or humiliate children; then I don’t have to listen to your reasons. When the video footage, photographs and stories of Saturday’s carnage come not from "Israeli propaganda” but from the Hamas terrorists themselves, then how am I to read anything else into it but that you want credit for these atrocities? You want me to know you did it. You want me to know you are proud of it. You want me to see you for who you are. Well, I do.
So, if you swarmed the Israeli Embassy in London, waving Palestinian flags and calling for genocide; if you went down to Times Square to celebrate a victory for decolonisation against “apartheid Israel”; if you sang along to “gas the Jews” chants at the Sydney Opera House or hung a “one settler, one bullet” Palestinian flag over Grayston bridge in Johannesburg then you’re telling me who you are. Well, I see you - and you’re my enemy.
I’m one of those people who believe civilisation is a real thing, and I’ve resisted the poison of moral relativists in the humanities departments of universities across the west who think that being nuanced about the idea of civilisation versus barbarism is a signal of intellectual prowess or critical self-reflection. Upon even a cursory investigation of these people or their positions, you will find every sign of pedestrian intelligence and self-absorbed navel-gazing, combined with a fetishisation of victimhood and always concomitant humourlessness. They too, are my enemies.
It is always interesting to note that only western liberal democracies tolerate and give succour to the most heinous arguments and positions in public protests. You couldn’t picket on the side of quite laudable things like education for girls in Taliban Afghanistan, gay rights in Syria, or against the death penalty in Saudi Arabia. The Ayatollahs of Iran wouldn’t allow women to protest the hijab there under threats of violence. But London, New York, Sydney and even Johannesburg will embrace marches where people actively call for genocide. This is not how allies behave.
Perhaps when the dust has settled we can examine the insidious links between Anglo-American leftism and antisemitism, between Europe never reckoning with what happened in the holocaust and their growing Muslim populations, and between ignorant regimes like mine in South Africa and their determination to stand alongside the worst human-rights abusers in the Middle East.
For now, it’s no big mystery that this has nothing to do with the existence of the State of Israel and everything to do with Jew-hatred - that great, festering wound in the side of humanity from which all prejudice flows. It has been there for thousands of years and every time we think it has healed, some monstrous collective claws it open again.
Hamas aren’t hiding the ball. Their leader, Ismail Haniyeh, safely skulking in Qatar, made this clear. He celebrated dead Jews, not territory won, nor Gazan lives saved.
I’m afraid there are only two sides in a war - your allies and your enemies. On September 11th, 2001, I knew whose side I was on. I feel the same today.
Gareth Cliff
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cosyvelvetorchid · 3 months
saltommy: just a means to each of our ends.
Thanks for the prompt!
This is actually part 1. Part 2 will be written from another prompt that's been sent. They both work so well together I figured I'd write them together.
As always if you have a bucktommy or saltommy prompt you can send to my ask .
Thanks 🩶
Though this was the first time anything physical had happened between them, it probably began around 2 years ago.
Sal had made a comment at the dinner table about Tommy being into Team Jacob, and Tommy had thrown him a kiss face in response. They'd both laughed at the silliness and and that was the end of it.
Until a week later when Sal had made a comment about his giant dick and Tommy had joked that his was probably bigger.
"Prove it." Sal had said in a tone that Tommy couldn't tell was joking or not.
"You just want to see my dick." He'd replied with, erring on the side of it being a joke. Sal had laughed but there was a look Tommy was sure he saw but ignored.
It carried on like that. They'd each make stupid comments or jokes about each other and usually they'd laugh. But in recent months they'd increased in amount and intensity. Each followed less by laughter, and more smirks with a little more extended eye contact. It was verging into into the flirting territory. Possibly. Tommy wasn't sure.
Tommy was gay. Though he'd accepted it in himself, nobody else knew about it. There was no way he could have come out when Gerrard was at the helm, and with the ever revolving door of Captains they'd had over the last 2 years, he never got to know or ever feel it was safe to come out. But then there was Sal. Sal had never indicated that he was anything other than straight. He'd only recently broken up with Gina after 6 years, though he had been cagey as to why.
Then it happened.
They'd had a long arduous shift. It took five stations almost 18 hours to put out the apartment block fire. There were multiple deaths and numerous injuries. By the time the team got back to the station both Sal and Tommys adrenaline was still up.
"I feel I need to peel my entire skin off. It's so gross." Sal said, hanging up his turnouts
"Tell me about it," Tommy agreed. "I'm going to take a shower."
"I'll join you."
"You wish." Tommy winked at him. Sal smirked.
Tommy grabbed his wash bag and towel and headed into the showers. He stood under the hot water and let it wash over him, ridding his body of the stress of the day. There was movment behind him and he turned to see Sal pulling aside the curtain and stepping into the cubicle. He was naked. Tommy's eyes immediately drew downwards and realised Sal had definitely not been lying about his size.
"Sal, what are you-" Before the thought had finished, before his brain had even begun processing what was happening, Sal pushed him against the wall and shoved his lips onto Tommy's.
Tommy had no brain capacity to resist and immediately grabbed at Sals neck as he pushed his lips into Sals. A moan came from Sal as he pushed his whole body against Tommy's and their dicks touched.
Tommy wasn't new to the feel of another man, he'd had numerous anonymous hook ups at gay bars miles out of the city where nobody knew him. But none of those men excited Tommy as Sal was right now.
Sals mouth was warm and wet. Despite his hard and strong exterior his lips and their movements had a softness to them. When they dragged down Tommy's neck he couldn't help shutting his eyes and breathing heavier. When they met the sweet spot at the base of his neck he let out a low groan. He felt Sal smile against his skin. He moved back up and took Tommy's mouth with a filthy kiss.
Tommy's hands were all over Sals neck, his strong shoulders and muscular back. His fingertips grazed the edges of each of his muscles as they made their way down. He grabbed at Sals ass and pulled him closer to him. Sal reciprocated, grabbing one of tommys ass cheeks with one hand. The other holding the back of Tommy's neck.
His brain was short circuiting. He'd fantasised about what this would feel like and it was nothing as electrifying as this. He knew that it wouldn't be a serious thing between them - they were best friends. Best friends who worked together every day at that. He loved Sal, he trusted him with his life.. but he wasn't in love with him. And even if he was he was emotionally intelligent enough to recognise that anything more than screwing around would likely lead to something bad. This was just a means to an end for both of them. A way to shake off their shitty day. And he was okay with that. More than okay.
But right now Sals hand was sliding down Tommys stomach and that was all he could think about. When Sal grabbed them both and started running his fist up and down Tommy thought he might have a heart attack there and then. A loud moan came from his throat and Sal loved it.
"You like.. this?" He whispered into Tommy's ear; his voice strained from the fire filling up both of them. Tommy had never heard Sals voice that low and thick. He tilted his head and kissed him hard. Hard enough that they both stepped backwards and sals body slammed into the opposite wall with them both letting out matching grunts.
Tommy kissed down Sals throat and found he had an identical sweet spot at the base of his neck. Tommy sucked on it and Sal squeezed their cocks tighter in response. He sped up and neither of them could control the breathy groans coming from them.
"Fuck!" Sal called out. Completely forgetting that they were in the stations shower room. Anybody could walk in at any point but his brain had one thought and it was Tommy sucking on his skin. Tommy's mind was the same. The feel of Sals large hands around him was the only thing he could focus on.
Tommy's cock began to pulsate and Sal's reciprocated when he felt it. Panting and panting and panting filled the room, punctuated with growls and groans.
"Shit.. sal.. I'm gonna.." Tommy whimpered. Sal began shaking in response. He was close too. So unbearably, almost painfully close. Their foreheads were stuck together, their lips an inch apart breathing in every breath and sound the other made. Tommy had one hand on Sals hips gripping him tightly and the other on the wall above Sal to stabilise himself. Sals free arm was wrapped around Tommy's neck to stop himself from buckling.
Faster and faster, his hand moved. Harder and harder. Neither could hold on anymore. As Tommy exploded, he kissed Sal again, grunting into his mouth. His tongue tasted every inch of Sal's as he released all over Sals hand and chest. Feeling Tommy all over himself was enough for Sal, who then came hard and fast with a cry.
"Jesus fuck!"
They stayed still as Sals hand slowed down and came to an eventual stop. He let go of them both and dipped his hand under the still running water to rinse his hand. His eyes moved to Tommy's and they looked at eacother for a moment. Neither of them knew what to say. It seemed to occur to both of them at the same time that they were standing confused and naked. Sal laughed first and Tommy quickly joined in.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi, it's KY here :)
How is everyone feeling about the Taennie news? Knetz have fully accepted the truth and moved on, I suggest I-fans need to do the same. (Jennie is known for having dating news come out regularly, so it's not a big deal for BP fans. For Armys, the sane ones, we've known for a while now haven't we? It's not a shock anymore.)
I read the comments on my previous ask and don't worry! I will not be sharing anything sensitive whatsoever. I find it funny when other shippers say things like "How is it possible that K-fans can keep things to themselves?" I don't think I've seen anyone else address this yet so let me tell you why.
K-Jikookers are mostly queer. Yes, you read that right. Unlike other shippers, who are straight women that self-insert as one of the members (like they do with TK) we support them as a couple. This means that we don't want to date either of them, and we don't self-imagine as their partner - we know that they're unavailable because they're exclusive to each other. You get me? And we know first hand how terrible it is to be queer in a conservative society. There are actually very few real romantic shippers in Korea, (again, KM is the only romantic ship that has a substantial fanbase) simply because it is so hard to accept two men dating. This is why you will see K-Jikookers on Twitter all being close friends/meeting up in person, because they are kindred spirits. I think it might be hard for westerners to really understand. How do I emphasize this more? The older generation in Korea, anyone older than 30+, is deeply homophobic, to the point where they see anything LGBT as western influence and pervasion. Being American, I know it's hard to grasp that level of homophobia - it's not hate comments about your sexuality or people refusing to sell you a cake for a gay wedding. It's social death, rejection, parents disowning their children, getting fired from your job. I'm not kidding. Do you think us, as queer fans who love and support KM, will willingly out them?
We would never, ever, ever do that, because we know the repercussions. Some Jikookers like to fantasize about their coming out, and I want you to understand: the K-side is terrified of that day. Yes, we all think it will happen in due time, but we are very very scared. You think the hate that JM is getting now is bad? You think people sending food to JK's apartment is bad? Nope. You haven't seen anything yet. You understand what I mean, right? Their coming out will not be a cute post. It will be a carefully orchestrated move complete with a legal and PR team. If/when they are out, their lives will be in immediate danger. I truly believe they will leave the country for a bit, maybe even months, maybe a year. There will not be any public sightings, fan meets, concerts. KM know this very well too. I'm sure there's already a plan in place for it.
And anyone searching for KM evidence on K-Jikookers social media, I would say don't bother. It's almost impossible. The white day photo leak was a massive mistake, and I know exactly who leaked it because they were removed from all group chats immediately. K-Jikookers were very very angry with them (and also cussing out foreigners...please, we all need to keep our mouths shut and keep stuff within our own circles.)
KY has spoken. We appreciate your services and await your next drop in.
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I too, the Jikookers that I know, I have never seen them self insert themselves. Those are y/n idiots who do this shit. Not even in private spaces do I see this happening. We support them as a couple, despite how hot we may find them. We understand and believe they only have eyes for eo.
We appreciate the commercial break KY. Now back to the headline
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Hi. I'm Adam. Adam Stanheight. 26 years old. He/Him, what else do I say... I got no goddamn clue what I am. Bi? Gay? Pan? Don't give a shit. Women are cool. Men are fucking great. Like all those kinds of people. I'm that one guy, you probably know me, from that fucking bathroom shithole or whatever. It fucking sucked. ...And now I'm here. Posting on some random website I thought was interesting, plus it's full of freaks to make fun of. What will I post exactly? No fucking idea. Cats, photos I've taken, maybe some death threats to Jigsaw... By the way Jigsaw go kill yourself. Old Prick. Anyway. Do whatever. I really don't give a shit, you wanna talk? Talk. You wanna send memes? Send memes. Make sure they're fucking funny. You wanna whine to me about how sad your sorry life is? Go right ahead. I'm not a therapist so I'll probably laugh in your face.
Everyone shut the fuck up we have a fucking art fridge now this is a new addition yes I’m serious
Art 1. (Mr Millipede ily /p)
Art 2. (Aka me kissing billy its canon)
Art 3. (Smiling friends… smiling friends save me…)
Art 4. (Me and the HOMIE!!! A COUPLE OF BFFSSS!!! Unless… WHO SAID THAT!!!!)
By the way look at my cool ass cat. Her name is Mabel.
Frowns... Hi chat... It's me... Dew... Sighs....... I have been uncovered from the depths of hell.... sad face emoji... but hi :,]
I'm sure all my mutuals will come swarming so i'm not gonna go thru the whole junk ab pronouns or whatnot ugh... he/him just in case. also don't be weird. I am an adult and yeaes ... so yeah if i see age below 18 i will nawt be doing weird 18+ stuff BITES OWN ARM OFF
But heeeeeyyyy, I'm a chainshipping, rustynailshipping and yapping FREAK so i made this to hopefully hang out w chatters... but also i wanna bother the fuck outta apprentices and other people sorry not sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erm.. what else... my writing of Adam will be that he's trans!!!!! Omg ur transgener... That is so cool... He has top surgery but not bottom surgery,, guh... girl queen pussy boss....
AAAAnd I think I'm gonna let a bit of my chaos out so expect poootentially sooome sexual schtuffs?? Yours truly has some sillies in mind as a hypersexual loser like myself... I won't make it his whole personality tho idk :P
How did Adam get out of the trap? I don't fucking know and I am too goddamn lazy to think of it rn. I'll post tho when I actually can think , puts splinters in my eyes
Tags... lame. Whatever yapyap i'm a loser and i like 2 b fan see
|📸| ~ 𝑴𝑶𝑫 𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑲𝑺. - ya boy is yapping
|📸| ~ 𝑨𝑫𝑨𝑴 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑺. - ask replies ofc
|📸| ~ 𝑨𝑫𝑨𝑴𝑺 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺. - hes talking to people waoah,...
|📸| ~ 𝑨𝑫𝑨𝑴𝑺 𝑹𝑨𝑴𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺. - he's talking!!!!! just for fun
|📸| ~ 𝑷𝑯𝑶𝑻𝑶𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑯𝑺. - beginning to roleplays perhaps idk i just like to have them
anyway erm... face reveal!!!!
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Hello ✨️
Long time i don't enter in tumblr, but asap i came back only one question matters: what BLS are your currently obsession!?
Anon, this is where my slutty personality really shines because I can be obsessed with MANY shows simultaneously, and the current roster of airing BLs is keeping me entertained and satisfied.
But before I get into BLs that are currently airing, let's revisit the ones that just finished, yet are still constantly on my mind, so I'm going through their entire history on Instagram, liking their posts from 2013, and saving screenshots onto my computer:
Laws of Attraction - Building a Shrine level of obsession
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I'm always thinking about this cute-ass bitch lawyer.
Jun & Jun - Anonymously Sending Love Notes level of obsession
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I need more of my two dads. RIGHT NOW!
Love Class 2 - Scheming with My Friends level of obsession
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I didn't know how much I loved it until it was almost gone, and now I'm trying to break it up with its current partner, so it comes back to me.
Now for the currently airing ones:
Kiseki: Dear to Me - Breaking into Its House and Putting Rose Petals on the Bed level of obsession
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I can't be normal about this show. It's Taiwanese. It's about a gay mafia. It has younger guys in love with older guys, and those younger guys are ruining their whole lives for their older guys. Throwing away their entire futures for these men. Being trash in public for these men. GOING TO JAIL FOR THESE MEN! I. Love. It!
Dangerous Romance - Getting Its Name Tattooed on My Chest level of obsession
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My mutuals hate this show, and I'm glad because it means there are fewer people to fight with for its attention. If more people liked it, I would convince everyone else it sucked, just so they would stop watching it, and I could have it all to myself. That's the level of obsession I have for this show. I want it isolated and alone, just to ensure its dependent on me and can never leave me. Nobody else. Just me. *blinks*
Hidden Agenda - Bunny Stew (aka Fatal Attraction) level of obsession
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My obsession with this show is as unhealthy as Joke's obsession with Zo, and homie is OBSESSED with Zo. Joong plays quietly unhinged so well that I want him to play a serial killer because something about Joke's eyes, even when he says he loves Zo, just screams "if I can't have you, nobody will" and I want more of it. In my mind, Joke killed Puen and was *this* close to killing Nita when she smiled at Zo during her party. If Joke's dad says anything about his relationship with Zo in the finale . . . *finger across throat*
Naughty Babe - Recording Us Having Sex Just So I Can Listen to It Later When I Miss It (aka Only Friend's Nick) level of obsession
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Indulgent Daddy Yi is my favorite daddy, and Max looks ridiculously attractive in this show. It has color coding and changed the dog attack from Cutie Pie into a TIGER ATTACK! Diao's family is trying to kill him, that new secretary is sus, and Lian and Yi definitely fucked each other in college. How could I not be super duper creepy about this show?
Shadow - Praying to God and all the Santos to Bind Our Souls Together level of obsession
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I'm already thinking about the ways I'll have to repent for the sins I'm going to commit when this show comes out. I have waited for.ev.er for this, and I'm getting it for gay Christmas (Halloween). I'm willing to eff with los espookys for this, so I'll be death-gripping my rosary the whole way through, but I'll do anything for gay catholic boys. ANYTHING, including breaking 9 out of the 10 Commandments. Gotta keep the Sabbath holy, though. Even God took a break from being obsessed.
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my-cabbages-gorl · 7 months
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Delicate by @my-cabbages-gorl
Genre: Hurt/comfort, Romance Rating: Teen audiences & up
Some tags: Zukaang, one-shot, aged-up (Aang is 24 & Zuko is 27), just two men in love being messy as hell, fellas is it gay to find solace in the lips of the man who betrayed you and lead you to you your death
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt Broken Moonlight
Read below or on Ao3
The dusty purple curtain of evening settles over the sandstone roofs of Ba Sing Se. From their balcony in the Earth Kingdom palace, the night hums at a placid, noiseless distance. Aang used to dread this yearly week of pacifying nobles and politicians. By the eighth annual summit, after the dam broke and the Firelord now shared his bed, that—along with almost everything else—changed. 
By now, the frenzied, diplomatic commotion of the annual Four Nation Summit has become somewhat of a predictable routine. But this year, even in the quiet of the usual sanctuary of their shared chambers at the end of an exhausting day, something ticks uncomfortably behind Aang’s dark grey eyes as they trace the golden alleys, glittering with life, slashing across the night in Ba Sing Se. 
Channeling his seismic sense, he notices a stammering hitch in Zuko’s breathing as he enters silently through the heavy stone doors and bends flames alive to light the torches lining the room. Without turning to see whatever practiced, placated expression he wears on his face, Aang can feel there is more than broken moonlight hanging between them. 
“You were excellent today, your highness,” he offers over his shoulder with his arms crossed and back still to Zuko. Amusement that usually soothes somehow prickles Zuko uncomfortably. 
“As were you, Avatar Aang,” his hot breath and scarred hands closing around him—joining him to watch the distant vibrance humming below the palace in the dark. The severe set in Aang’s shoulder stiffens at Zuko’s touch. 
In the last two years of their new relationship, it’s been Aang who finds a stoic and cold Zuko alone in their chambers and works to pry him open, offering his love as a tether to rescue him from the depths of himself. Tonight is different. Zuko tries to remind himself what Aang would say in these moments. 
“You seemed distant today. Is everything—are you...” his voice trails off into the deep blue of the night, intertwining with the static buzzing between them. 
A steadying breath rakes through Aang as his eyes shift sidelong to take in Zuko’s knit brow. “Yes. I mean, no. It’s... complicated.” his voice shakes in the way it does when he’s pretending that he isn’t about to cry. 
“Aang, talk to me.” Zuko’s softness washes over Aang as he steps around him to look up into his eyes. Lavendar moonlight smoothes the exasperated lines of Aang’s face. His palms find Aang’s cheeks—thumbing away the moisture beginning to sting the corner of his eyes. 
“I don't know what I can say, Zuko,” his head shaking gently into Zuko’s touch, a gentle sob shuttering his shoulders as his grey meets Zuko's’ gold. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I-,” another shake in his frame lurches him forward and deeper into Zuko’s touch. 
“Aang,” there’s a sternness in his gilded eyes, filtering through his whisper, “I love you. I’m here. I can take it, whatever it is.” 
“Being here in the Earth Kingdom palace, with you, now,” there’s a hitch in his breath, his words taste strange in his mouth, he’s not sure the rest is worth saying. But he wanted to try, "I was dead, Zuko.” 
The truth and darkness of his words slam down over them like a slab of concrete. Every point of contact between their bodies feels like it's frozen, but somehow—burning. 
“I hated you so much,” he manages between the gasping, sobbing breaths that are coming now. He slams a fist against Zuko’s chest, but he doesn’t flinch. He just nods, tears forming in his eyes. 
“I hated you, Zuko, I hated you,” his cries choke him as Zuko wraps his arms around him, holding him through every wave. 
They remain this way for moments that stretch on into minutes. Whispering I’m sorry and I love you like the words to a hauntingly familiar song. Two lovers, alight with the tortured work of forgiveness in the dead of night. 
When they pull apart, this time it’s Aang's hands that find Zuko’s jaw and pull his tear-stained face up to his. His eyes taking in the pained set of Zuko’s brow before crushing their lips together—moving his mouth against Zuko’s in a wild, desperate erraticism. 
“Aang,” Zuko pants through the thick haze of desire overwhelming him as Aang’s fingers rake through his hair and he feels his hands prying open his robes, “I’m sorry,” his breathing growing heavier with every frantic kiss. “I’m so sorry” The sound of his moans mingling with shame slows the motion in Aang’s body. He pulls his face away, the sight of Zuko’s untied robes, his bright pink lips, and disheveled topknot stabbing him with remorse. 
“I- sorry, I shouldn’t have,” his stormy eyes, purple and flush with need in the moonlight, fall towards the ground as his hands slump down to Zuko’s waist. 
“It’s okay, Aang,” his fingers finding Aang's, "I’m the one who should be... sorry,” he looks down at their bodies still pressed together. Sorry feels pointless. Sorry will never be enough.
“You've been apologizing for ten years. When will I just,” a breath he didn’t know he was holding puffs through his lips impatiently, “...get over it?” he sounded exhausted. 
“No one’s asking you to get over it, Aang,” the silence stretches on between them, but it’s not uncomfortable. Zuko fills his lungs with the evening air before saying, “I’m not asking you to get over it,” their eyes meet again in the anguished purple of the darkness, something sanguine and unspoken settling over them. 
Before he can say anything else, Zuko pulls Aang into his arms, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck and curling his head into his chest. His lips rest on the blue of Aang’s arrow, breathing in the sweet sandalwood of his skin like a healing tonic. 
And there, in the dusty indigo of the night, for what feels like the millionth time, he prays a prayer of thanksgiving to Agni that the man in his arms is still breathing. And that after everything, he’s still his.  ~ This is my first @flashfictionfridayofficial submission, and I had SO much fun writing it. Shoutout to @theavatarandthefirelord for being my inspiration to write fff and to write more Zukaang in general. Generally leaning way more into angsty as hell and messy as hell Zukaang - hope ya'll enjoy!
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faithandfairies · 18 days
I'm watching the new Interview with the Vampire series and honestly, I've read and seen a lot of vampire stories (mostly read) and this one, this one is everything I've ever wanted a vampire story to be.
Now I'm partial to werewolves, shapeshifters, as in if I was ever a mythical creature I would want to be a shapeshifter, be able to shift into anything I can think up. But I've always been fascinated with vampires.
Vampires as mythical creatures are inherently erotic, passionate, mesmerizing. The way they feed is inherently erotic, passionate and vulnerable. It involves having tastes that society frowns upon as they experience extasy while often bringing extasy to the person they choose to feed from. It's inherently queer-coded.
Even when I didn't know I was gay, this creature appealed to me because it was.
But no vampire story I ever read or saw went there. Had the courage to fully go there. Until this new version of Interview with the Vampire.
Even in the 1994 movie the queerness was implied. Lestat turns Louis on their first meeting but only because it's the only way to keep him alive. And everything about the encounter, the feeding, is gay.
In this new one they actually give us a clear juxtaposition between Lestat feeding on Louis versus Lestat feeding on everyone else.
With everyone else, it's a quick hunt. Unceremonious. Predatory to the max. He has no care for his victims. Spares no thought for them. They are beneath him. He tears them apart. Slaughters them. It's excruciatingly painful for the victims and not quick enough, however quick it is.
With Louis, he hunts him slowly. It's a dance. The way men chase women. And initially he gives him a choice. Or maybe the illusion of one. And when he does taste him, he does so slowly, it's sensual and vulnerable and they are both in extasy, both completely naked after a make-out session that Louis initiated. It's as careful as he can be and afterwards there is aftercare. As they are both at their most vulnerable, Lestat takes the time to heal the marks he caused, with his blood, which in itself gives the impression that he's marking Louis as his.
The whole thing, from the make-out session to the feeding and the extasy and levitation to the aftercare reads like a mating ceremony. It's such a stark contrast to Lestat's other feedings. Because from Lestat's words you get that he chose Louis, singled him out. But then he pursues Louis until Louis chooses him in return.
Even with the sex, Lestat is not interested in Lily. He barely touches her, only doing so to give the impression to Louis that he's interested in her. When he's actually there because his romantic interest is in Louis himself. Every look and touch from Lestat directed at Lily is distracted by and actually focused on Louis, until he can get his hands on Louis himself with Louis wanting him as much as he wants him. Lestat is there because he wants Louis. Nothing else. Everything he does is driven by that single(-minded) want.
In the 1994 Interview with a Vampire Lestat also turns Louis because it's convenient. Lestat needs a home, or wants one, and Louis has a huge one to his name.
In the new version Lestat is also looking for a home and then Louis himself becomes his home. He tells him so. He pretty much tells Louis he was looking for a mate and found one in Louis and is looking for Louis to want him as his mate in return.
It reminds me of this fic I read where a vampire falls in love with a human and chooses him as his mate without him fully realizing that's what's happening. The vampire then gets rejected by his chosen mate and instead of pushing his chosen mate to choose him in return, the rejection forces him into hibernation and inevitable death until the mate realizes what happened and chooses him in return.
If you consider Lestat choosing Louis as his mate and Louis then rejecting him, which he does, first by not going back after their first mating session, then by physically pushing him away when Lestat shows up pretty much to claim him, then by trying to choose Lily over Lestat and then confessing to a priest that he's sleeping with the devil and needs help to get away from him, effectively insulting Lestat and verbally rejecting his love in hearing distance after he's done so every other way, then it stands to reason that Lestat might be going mad with lust and desperation and hunger for Louis, if his intent was to mate Louis, then keep him human and feed off of him.
It doesn't make it romantic though. Because they don't sugar coat Lestat's inherent predatory nature. He is a predator. He is possessive. He killed Lily because she couldn't satisfy him and because even when Louis clearly wanted Lestat, for a brief moment, he chose Lily, to pleasure Lily, over him.
He approaches Louis at his most vulnerable, after his beloved brother's death. He puts his hooks into him and doesn't let go. It's selfish. If he did mate Louis everything he does after is about self-preservation. For all we know he put the thoughts in Paul's head that made him kill himself in the end. He isolates Louis. Doesn't allow him to go to anyone for help. Kills anyone he tries to get help from. Anyone he tries to choose over Lestat. At one point it's unclear if Lestat is really in Louis' head because he's a vampire or simply because Louis' is in love and lust with him and is going wild with thoughts of him of his own accord and unable to accept his own wants and needs. Either way it's not romantic. It's a toxic nightmare. And it's everything I ever wanted a vampire story to be.
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hyunjinbiased-blog · 3 months
More than anything Dead Island 2 Bruno x FtM reader
Ok so before we begin Trigger Warnings this fic includes use of the f slur and t slur as well as alludes to 18+ actives reader discretion is advised.
Tag list @brunos-wife360 @amdaspoon
Bruno sat the bed in his room at the Sterling Hotel, waiting for his boyfriend to come back from talking to Denise. He was lucky that he was able to find Dante after they were separated when the evacuation flight crashed.
The door to the bedroom opened and in walked Dante, his normally bright green eyes were dull and his short raven hair was messed up. His skin, which was normally a pale porcelain was now pink and stained with the markings of dried tears.
"Mi amore, what happened?" Bruno asked as Dante buried his head in the crook of Bruno's neck.
"I was having a very pleasant conversation with Denise when Jimmy walked over and started yelling at me about how i wasn't pulling my weight around here and that just because I'm a trannie doesn't mean I can be a free loader" he replied.
As soon as those words left his lover's mouth, Bruno felt anger like never before. His mind was racing with ways in which he could beat Jimmy up without being caught. Noticing the change in his boyfriend's breathing, Dante maneuvered himself so that he was looking Bruno in the eye.
"Bruno, don't worry about it, don't do anything stupid ok, all I need you to do is hold me" Dante said as he ran his hand up and down Bruno's back.
After a while, Bruno's breathing returned to normal as he counted backwards from ten under his breath, which in turn caused the Koala known as Dante to giggle. This in turn caused Bruno to giggle and soon the duo where trying to keep their laughter down as to not wake anyone else staying in the safe zone up.
After catching their breath the two young men looked at each other with love and devotion before leaning into the other for a kiss. The kiss seemed to last forever as it grew heated and Dante soon found himself laying under his lover, who was fit snuggly in between his legs.
●●Time skip after sexy times●●
The pair lay naked under the thin covers. Their body's had a layer of sweat and sweet kisses were exchanged as exhaustion quickly took a hold of them. Soon enough Dante found himself fighting to stay awake as Bruno whispered sweet nothings in his ear.
As soon as Bruno felt Dante's breathing even out, he carefully removed himself from his partners death grip, found his clothes and quickly and quietly made his way out of the room and over to where he knew Jimmy Montana would be.
"Oi Montana!" Bruno yelled as he saw Jimmy standing on the balcony that over looked Venice Beach.
Jimmy looked over his shoulder when he heard his name being yelled by the Docs new toy.
"What do you want fag?" Jimmy asked as he stumped out his cigarette. His attitude was blasé and uninterested as Bruno made his way over to him.
"Well, friend, I just want to know why you think it's OK to say what you did to mi amore, eh, jefe? I don't remember seeing your name on the chors list that Tisha created, what do you even do here except lounge around in that stupid chair bitching and complaining?" Bruno asked as he pushed Jimmy backwards and further towards the edge of the balcony.
"Why, did she come to you crying or something?"
"No, but he did tell me what you said and now you have the balls to stand in front of me and purposely misgender him. What's your problem jefe?"
"She still has a pussy right, then she's still a girl, also how can you claim to be gay when your "boyfriend" still has tits?"
At that Bruno lost control, before he could comprehend what he was doing he had Jimmy pinned under him, nose bloody and trembling.
"You can insult me all you want but if I hear you talk about my boyfriend like that again, scratch that, if I hear his name leave your pathetic mouth I will show you just how loco I can get, do you understand friend?" Bruno asked Jimmy as got off of him.
Jimmy didn't say anything but slowly nodded his head, wincing in pain as more blood gushed from his nose.
With that Bruno turned around and made his way back into the hotel lobby where he bumped into Dr Reed, who gave him a small knowing smirk before entering his office.
Bruno finally made his way back to the bed where his boyfriend lay sleeping and carefully slid back into bed wrapping his tattooed arms around the man of his dreams.
Bruno made another promise to himself that night. No matter what he wouldn't let anyone else say anything negative about Dante and he'd make sure that he spent every moment the two shared showing him how much he loved and cared for him more than anything.
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gaypyro · 11 months
Rating the New Champions Variant Covers
So marvel recently revealed a bunch of Varient Covers of "What if every hero had a sidekick/youth counterpart" and while I love most of the designs, some definately are better then others
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I hate the Vision Design and I dont know why. Something just feels fundamentally off about it/ Maybe its the fact its a pitch white, skintight 8 year old? Maybe its the posing? The Debris? IDK Man is feels weird.
These two get paired together for a single reason
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It's just Billy and Teddy. I love Billy and Teddy, their some of the only actual Gay Men in Marvel, but come one guys. Certainly you can do a young Dr. Strange and Young Hulk thats different? Strange goes higher if only because I like the art more, the Young Hulk I just dislike entirely
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Speaking of uninspired, the only reason Miles is above Billy & Teddy is that at least shes a different gender then her mainline counterpart. Other then that its probably the laziest design here. Also, you may notice the webbing seems off, that will be a recurring trend here where limbs or background elements were layered improperly or something.
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I actually really like this character design. It looks like a fun character in a superhero elementry school spin-off book. The only issue um... thats Storm. Its the next gen Storm and she's white. That's basically my only issue, and why shes above the 3 I actively somewhat dislike designwise, but... Storm is one the premiere Black Superheros. Having her next gen counterpart be white feels so weird. I
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On one hand, I can 100% see normal Deadpool wearing this. On the other, the My Boy adds way to much charm for me to rate it with the other uninspired ones, and at least I dont feel like its whitewashing anything. We are at the point where I'd unironically love to see any of these designs in a book, even if its an Elseworld instead of main universe one.
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Teen Female Wolverine has been done to death, but I do like how this one goes for a more monstrous Angle compared to Laura and Gabby. The tattered, beast up costumes, beastial feet, large Ponytail giving off the deelling of a mane, nasty looking teeth, and BONE CLAWS very much makes it feel more like a feral forest mutant then the more clean, assassin design Laura had.
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The big thing I like here is it isn't a reimagining of Carol Danvers current, captain marvel outfit, but her Miss Marvel ones. We already have Kamala for a new gen version of Carols current design, so a reimigining of the old one, in a way that doesn't feel super fetishy is nice. First I thought it was a dude, but it might be a girl? Unsure.
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I really love this design, but it doesn't really scream Black Panther... and I honestly dont care. I love bright colors, makes my brain go byr, and the fact she has a completely different powerset most likely intrigues me.
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I have a weakness for fishpeople of all types ok? I find the designs naturally appealing. Even still, Starlord's Chibi Starfish Successor is neat, but not amazing. The ideas done a lot better later on.
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He looks like he is having so much fun with his Mentor. I also like how, unlike everyone else, Black Cat's Apprentice is kinda chubby. I don't know man he just seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang out with at college.
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Whats better then a succesor to one hero? a Succesor to TWO HEROES! The Captain America Succesor I feel very much has some elements of Wasp design, and I always am down for High Tech Wingspans even if they weren't intentionally going for it.
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Instead of being the Scarlet witch they made her the Magenta Witch. All in all I just really like the sorta sorceror design, especially the chosen color scheme. Also ghostly mystical fire is fun you should follow it into the swamp.
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Listen I love this design. Its in the top 10 for a reason but man... that arm. Every time I see the image I cant help but notice how insanely small his arm is, like he was supposed to have both arms resting but they decided "Have him twirl a stake so people know its blade."
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Moon Squire is here to kick ass and pass third grade math! I just like the Cowl mixed with baseball cap design lol. Moon Knight always fucking kills it with the drip though so im not surprised.
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A Friend told me It's Gwen Tennyson cosplaying Magneto and now I cant not see it. I do like that shes implied to have a different powerset then Eric as well, always fun when they did that.
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The better Chibi Venom. Only missed the top 5 since I dont think he'd be able to carry a book as the main protag, he is the perfect sidekick though. Just this mildly creepy cutie pootie handing with the fairly creepy Symbiote. After Extreme Venomverse shouldn't be surprised the Venom varient is amazing, but I am suprised thats the direction they went.
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If Next Gen Storm and Next Gen Moon Knight are in the Elementary School book, Wee-Hulk is the main god damn character. She's just a very fun little kid hulk, I especially love how shes doing the Iconic "She-Hulk holds a Car Above her head" pose with an electric scooter.
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Listen, Non-Binery Latin America Iron Man with the Criminally Underused Grey Armor design is great. They gpt Green Hair, Pronouns, and the backing of Americas #1 Arms Dealer, ready to take on the world!
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The Thing has become one of them Yancy Street Kids, and the Fantastic Four are his gang. I just love the design, Spiky Rock person is always a favorite of mine.
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Miku Ghost Rider. On Roller Skates. With a fucking Hellfire Flail. I am imagining she has an entire like, Magical Girl Transformation Sequence whenever she transforms, just with a lot more demons and fire then normal.
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Listen, I get it. Legs dont bend like that. She is objectively less creative then the last 3 or 4. But, I like Crows. I like Ravens. I like Thor. And this Thor looks like she wont take any of Odins BS when he goes shit dad mode.
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bonksy-boy · 1 year
aftg as things my friends and I have said
Kevin: “what do we drink to avoid?” “problems.” (wymack then kevin) “i’ll throw a tin of beans at you if you cry.” (also could be andrew) *sigh* “just one more hour.” “what are you drinking?” “as much as i can, as fast as i can.” “oi, i’m a functioning alcoholic thank you.”
Aaron: “have some grapes you fruity little freak.” “i need some men who aren’t gay men.” “if someone gets his cock out, kick him in it, don’t suck it.” “biologically shut the fuck up.” “don’t worry, i’m only into females.”
Andrew: “and i want to be six foot tall darlin’, but we don’t get everything we want.” *looking Kevin in the eyes* “we’re going to fight one day.” “suck your mum” “what mum?” (neil then andrew) “do that again and i’ll drop kick you.” “no affection. only nicotine.” “hmm methinks someone is talking bollocks.” (anytime neil lies) “i wanna make napalm.” (unprompted, out of nowhere) “vehicular genocide: line em all up and go.” “we have this cool little crime called murder.” “the only one shorter than me in this family is the baby and he needs to stay that way.” “the two important things in life, family and this knife.” “be a lamb and bit down on the ‘shut the fuck up’ stick.” “nepobaby.” (at kevin)
Neil: “i cause the problems, i don’t solve them.” “you might be fast, but vengeance is faster.” “why are you homicidal when you’re high?” (at andrew) “you need to stop drinking then driving.” “whyyyy :(” (neil then nicky) “do you have a death wish?” “yeah.” (andrew then neil) “fellas, is it gay to have another man’s fingers down your throat?” “he gave me a very dodgy stick n poke while i was tied to a bed.” “the horrors are endless but i stay silly.” “if i don’t feel like i’m being hunted for sport, i’m probably not having a good time.” “what way do you swing?” “not your way mate.” (nicky then neil)
Nicky; “i don’t have a pussy but i do have a bussy.” “i’m obsessed with being sexually immortal.” “i play minecraft at 2am and still get sex but maybe that cause i have a cool username.” “god this game.... i’m going for a stress piss.” “i feel a bit silly explaining why torturing gay people is unethical.” “doing shots of tequila feels like you’ve just sucked off the human torch.” “if all else fails, i become a male prostitute.”
Matt: “mitsubishi is the nokia of the car world.” “dead on impact? no! it’s the declaration of independence!!” “right, you’ve got to leave estonia alone, it’s only a little country and historically had a bad lot of it. pick on someone bigger.” “wait so who’s on team gay?”
Dan: “i’m not just female, i’m an interesting female.” “good news and bad news... actually it’s just bad news.” “a coma sounds so relaxing right now.” Renee: “if it’s good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for you.”
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By: Ben Appel
Published: Dec 26, 2023
In 2021, Harvard evolutionary biologist Carole Hooven stated on a television news program that there are “two sexes” and that “those sexes are designated by the kinds of gametes we produce.” She added that “understanding facts about biology doesn’t prevent us from treating people with respect” when it comes to “their gender identities and use [of] their preferred pronouns.” Afterward, a Harvard graduate student, in her official capacity as director of the Human Evolutionary Biology Department’s Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Task Force, tweeted that Hooven’s “dangerous” and “transphobic” remarks made the department unsafe for transgender people. The Graduate Student Union took out a petition against Hooven, and, since no one would agree to serve as her teaching assistant, she had to discontinue her popular lecture course. This past January, under duress, Hooven retired from her position at Harvard.
More recently, I heard Hooven speak at a conference in Denver. She talked about academic freedom and her dedication to creating a just society. She said something I believe: that the truth is the way toward true social justice, and that the truth is what ultimately alleviates human suffering. After Hooven left the stage, I tweeted my thoughts about what she said, concluding, “Yep, I’ll die on that hill.” A Twitter user, in a now-deleted series of replies, responded, “Wish you would then. And quickly.” Later, this person elaborated, “Cis white conservative gays can all d*e. Please do, no one likes you.”
This might be the first time I’ve been called “conservative” for voicing my support of the truth and social justice. Right-wing homophobia is nothing new, though the enmity for “cis white gays” like me from the other side of the aisle has sadly also become widespread online. Here’s a very small sampling:
“[C]is white gay men are the weakest links and idc who knows it.” — @ann_forcino.
“ur rave wasn't ‘100% queer joy’ it was a warehouse party full of white cis gay men who want to dance and fuck each other lmfao [...] “that's not queer joy, that's f^g joy.” — @Maxies_back
“Chelsea and Hells Kitchen, more so than other neighborhoods in New York, produce nothing better than prissy, entitled cis White Power pretentious gay men, who don't respect diversity, or the rule of law.” — “LGBT for Change”
“Maybe they were right all along and white cis gays really do go to hell.” — Jerry Falwell @obssdwmlp
“Behind every bad man there is an even worse cis gay white man.” — @ANIMETWTDNI
“We need to realize that gay cis white men are still cis white men.” — @pettypiedpipertake
“Maybe homophobia against cis white gay men is valid.” — @heartIwin
“Noah Schnapp is also evidence that gays will truly go to h£ll. especially a cis white upper class gay like i genuinely, genuinely mean that and i’m sorry if that comes off as problematic.” [Schnapp is a 19-year-old Jewish gay actor who has spoken out in support of Israel in the wake of the October 7 2023 terrorist attacks.] — @brat6z
 “I love it when white gays erase the trans and black side of this flag [...] You faggots deserve to get hatecrimed to death.” — @daredevilshill_
Writing for The Nation in 1994, the gay playwright Tony Kushner argued that homosexuality and socialism are intrinsically linked. Homosexuals, he wrote, “like most everyone else, are and will continue to be oppressed by the depredations of capital until some better way of living together can be arrived at.” Kushner lamented the growing number of gay activists, like Andrew Sullivan and Bruce Bawer, who advocated a more pragmatic approach to equal rights. The radical contingent of the LGBT community has long pejoratively described these types of gay and bi people — those who prioritize marriage equality, the right to serve openly in the military, and peaceful inclusion in Western society — as “assimilationist.” Real gay liberation, the radicals argue, will result from razing Western civilization and its capitalist, cisheteropatriarchal system and rebuilding it in their utopian vision. Like the gay journalist Donna Minkowitz once said to Charlie Rose, “We don’t want a place at the table — we want to turn the table over.”
The thing is, the pragmatic approach won. Today, gay, lesbian, and bi people get married, serve proudly, have jobs, own homes, and raise families. Like black civil rights leaders who preached nonviolent protest and a politics of respectability, discerning LGBT activists took the long view. We don’t want to exist on the margins of society, they insisted, we want to participate in it. LGBT people, just like black Americans, are a vital part of the fabric of this nation.
But the radicals haven’t taken this defeat lying down. After the 2015 Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which made marriage equality the law of the land, the radicals pounced. “You got what you want,” they seemed to say. “Now it’s our turn.” LGBT rights organizations, either under the influence of impatient extremists or in an attempt to stay relevant (i.e., donor-worthy), refocused their missions to a form of revolutionary activism that purports to fight on behalf of trans people but in practice agitates for a revolt against Enlightenment ideals, liberalism, capitalism, and even basic biology.
Every LGBT organization seemingly became an extension of a university Gender Studies department, whose purpose was not to produce new knowledge but to interrogate — or, in their academic lingo, queer — existing knowledge which they spuriously associate with “whiteness”, colonialism, and Western patriarchy. Alongside this, a new social hierarchy of disadvantage was erected, where everyone was in competition to be the most “marginalized” — and therefore deserving of resources, a voice, and power in the revolutionaries’ value system. According to that value system, being gay or bi seemed to matter far less if one were also white, cis, and male, and therefore deemed to be in cahoots with the oppressors.
In 2017, while I was a student at Columbia University, I interned for GLAAD, one of the largest LGBT organizations in the US. Not only had their mission absorbed this new orthodoxy, it had filtered down to the interpersonal level. On campus and at GLAAD’s offices, I was regularly called “cis” in a kind of sneering, vitriolic tone that reminded me more than a little of the bullies who called me “fag” in middle school. The oddest thing was that much of the vitriol was coming from people who didn’t seem to be LGB, or even T, but who identified only as nonbinary or “queer.” Many of the people I encountered seemed to be profoundly homophobic. Any gay or bi man that didn’t at least adopt he/they pronouns, especially if they were white, was considered assimilationist, right-wing, traitorous upholders of the evil sex binary.
I never quite got used to being eyed with suspicion by other activists for my normative, gender-conforming appearance, or the constant bad-faith interpretations of anything I said. The only cis white gays spared this unfairly cold treatment were the ones who made a public show of being self-hating — the ones who renounced their “cis white gayness” and frequently apologized for their white privilege.
It was alarming to be on the receiving end of such vitriol simply for being myself — for not shaving one side of my head, painting my nails, piercing my septum, and adopting plural pronouns. It was alarming especially because so much of the hate I received when I was young came precisely because I was way too sex-nonconforming (in fact, in middle school, my classmates would often ask me if I was a boy or a girl). I wondered if my peers cared that I had been mercilessly bullied as a gay kid, or that I had worked on a trans rights anti-discrimination campaign when they were barely teenagers. I knew that my volunteering for marriage equality wouldn’t earn me any points, since marriage was to them an antiquated Western institution and part of an “assimilationist” agenda. This attitude has become so entrenched in LGBT activist spaces, I suspect it partially explains why support for same-sex marriage among Gen Z Americans has dropped from 80% in 2021 to only 69% in 2023.
Last year, I got a little more clarity about this issue when I came across an article, also written in 1994, by Stephen H. Miller. The publishing journal, Heterodoxy, titled it “Gay-Bashing by Homosexuals,” although Miller’s original title was “Gay White Males: PC’s Unseen Target.” In the late 1980s and early 90s, Miller chaired the media committee of GLAAD’s New York chapter. In fact, Miller came up with GLAAD’s mission statement, which was to “fight for fair, accurate and inclusive representations of gay and lesbian lives in the media and elsewhere.” In the article, Miller wrote that he was “purged” from GLAAD in 1992 because he objected to the rising political correctness and censoriousness in the gay, lesbian, and bisexual movement. Similar to the cultural shifts of the past decade, Miller recounts how activist organizations began prioritizing race and gender (and of course, the Correct political views) over individual merit. New staff members had to attend “endless sensitivity sessions” which “identified white men (whatever their sexual orientation) as the oppressor class.” Suddenly, it seemed like there was more antagonism towards the “white males” within the LGBT rights movement than without. Miller, who described himself as a “political moderate who believed in dialogue with the straight world and a good-faith search for common ground,” found himself “shunned.”
The race and gender quotas that LGBT rights organizations began adopting, Miller wrote, included weighted voting that favored women and people of color. For example, after regional delegations of organizers for the 1993 March on Washington for LGB rights failed to achieve their quotas, it was decided that women’s votes would count for three votes apiece and non-white votes would count for two votes apiece. That decision — and the many others that have since followed in LGBT activist spaces — calls to mind some dark and creepy moments from American history best learned from rather than imitated.
Of course, this also raises the question: Who decides who is a person of color and who is white, and how? Will they apply the one-drop rule, the early 20th-century legal principle that deemed any American with even one black ancestor (“one drop of black blood”) as black? I suppose that would be illegal since the Supreme Court outlawed the one-drop rule in its 1967 Loving v. Virginia decision. And yet, I’m not surprised by these backward tactics. It was Ibram X. Kendi who recently wrote, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” Around and around we go.
Then as now, as Miller wrote, anyone who challenged this illiberal orthodoxy was “deemed racist and sexist” and accused of harboring the belief that “white men are the main victims of discrimination.” Naturally, Miller notes, such accusations serve to discourage people who sense this hostility toward gay white men from voicing their dissent.
Then after AIDS decimated gay and bi male activist communities, lesbian radical feminists moved in, and a “critical attitude toward men, male sexuality, and ‘the patriarchy’” became the norm. “Male solidarity, once a hallmark of gay liberation, is now anathema.”
A direct line can be drawn from this upheaval in the early 1990s and the divisiveness in today’s LGBT activist spaces, where “cis gays” — and, in particular, “cis white gays” — are seen as upholders of villainous Western cisheteropatriarchy and its henchman capitalism. These modern activists are sure to include “white” not only out of an animus against white people, but because they assume that all people of color are helpless victims of Western capitalism who, because of their oppression, invariably hold the “correct” far-left politics. In his aforementioned article, Kushner invoked Oscar Wilde, quoting “A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at.” He added that he is “always suspicious of the glacier-paced patience of the right.” Writing for The Advocate, the gay writer Bruce Bawer responded that he and so many others are “impatient with models of activism that involve playing at revolution instead of focusing on the serious work of reform.”
This anti-“cis white gay” attitude proliferates in LGBT media as well. “White Gay Men Are Hindering Our Progress as a Queer Community” was the title of an article published in the magazine Them. “You had your time — now, we have other things to fight for,” read the subhead. “Let's Talk About People That Aren't Young Cis White Gay Men,” a HuffPost article was titled.
I could go on and on.
A few years ago, I attended a conference for LGBT journalists. There, I met a young, white, gay writer who would go on to work for a progressive news outlet in New York. He said his upbringing in a Southern state had made him racist, but since then, he has “trained” himself to be attracted to black and brown people, and now black and brown people are the only types of people he wants to sleep with.
If this is the “progressive” strategy for combating racism, I want no part of it. And any liberal cis white gay person who opposes racism won’t either. This is racism, operating under the guise of “anti-racism”, plain and simple. It attempts to end inequality by inverting it and, in the process, is attacking the foundations of the principles that have enabled the remarkable progress our society has made in transcending bigotry and prejudice. I only wish more people who saw this dogma for what it is were unafraid to voice the truth about it.
Homophobia and anti-gay hate are alive and well as progressive virtues.
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s1utspeare · 2 months
The Long-Awaited: WILLIAM WATCHLIST UPDATE!!!!!!!!
hello beloved members of the William Community! It's been a while since we've had an update as to what William is doing in his latest film projects!!! And I gotta say, we're all in for a surprise here!
Once again, this is the William Watchlist, where I watch all of William's filmography, so you don't have to!
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Faces in the Crowd (2023)
Williams back, and he’s having a myriad of queer-coded relationships with men!!! If u liked seeing Zhu Yilong get his shit rocked by a zaddy with a gun, you’ll love seeing William get his shit rocked by a zaddy with a gun, cause that’s basically all this movie is.
Faces in the Crowd is about a lil guy named Jiadong who is in the Chinese army and is hunting some communists bc that’s what they do in these movies. He teams up with his old zaddy who was a communist and then decided to have money instead, and they work on tracking down a communist who looks shockingly like bai yu. William runs round and shoots a gun (except he’s. Shockingly bad at it) and learns about communism
What I don’t get is why they keep having william do rom coms bc every time he’s in a rom com I forget he can actually act sometimes. Anyway he’s stupid in this like most of his other shows, but I really enjoyed watching it!! Definitely the best out of his three 2023 projects
TW: there is a sexual assault scene; nothing super graphic, but be aware!
Overall Rating: 9/10 there wasn’t really anything super new or original here. Also the final fight was ???? William outran a machine gun and then got set on fire but he lived
William Rating: 8/10 he’s JUST about to get to the point where he’s a little too old to keep playing characters in their 20s, so I don’t quite buy the naivety thing from him anymore and he kinda hams it up with that one in this. Otherwise he’s fantastic, lots of action and running around and making men fall in love with him by using his cow eyes and pretty smile
Literally Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ William what the fuck. What the actual fuck.
Y'all know me, I love a drug cartel-action heist-undercover agent shebang as much as the next girl but HOLY SHIT. This is a particularly good genre for William and he likes to do them, so there have been a few but this one. Crossed a lot of lines. And I'm not really surprised it hasn't been allowed on any streaming services.
The plot is that William is a cop but no one at his job likes him, so he gets blackmailed into going undercover in a drug cartel. William's really good at going undercover in a drug cartel. He is a little too good at going undercover in a drug cartel, which leads to a falling out between him as his boss who he is in gay love with. You can kinda get the gist.
What you can't get the gist of are the trigger warnings that should be on this movie! So, I highly do not recommend this film if you are triggered or made uncomfortable by any of the following: extreme violence, blood and injury, major character death, extreme violence against children, sexual assault, drug use, drug overdosing, police brutality, and William's superhumangift tattoo being on full display the whole time (seriously though, this movie shows a lot of shit so definitely go into it with that in mind; I can always answer any specific questions if u have them!).
Overall Rating: 8/10 like it was really well-plotted and it was very well executed in terms of acting and script but it was. A Lot.
William Rating: 8/10 where did this boy learn how to act???? cause he's acting in this. Minus 2 because his ass is way too good at acting a little stupid and a little gay and making old men fall in love with him.
A Date With The Future (2023)
This show is fucking stupid oh my gosh. So so stupid. There are some great bits, like william being in a very homosexual relationship and also aroace coded, and he’s cute with a dog, but everything else was BAD
plot is that a girl named Xu Lai gets trapped in a building during an earthquake and william saves her so she falls in love with him and then harasses him at his workplace. William is like “I am not interested in dating never have been never will be” but then she has a dog and he really likes dogs so I guess they’re gonna fall in love?? It’s ridiculous all of it. Xu Lai is also sooooooo fucking annoying like girl stop stalking him!!!!!
But huge fan of william being aroace! Also for some reason they kept having the firefighters do sexy rain scenes??? And made them do like three stupid little dances and william looks like he’s the only one having any fun
Overall Rating: 4/10. It’s just really not good or interesting!!!!! williams a goofy goober tho so that’s fun
William Rating: 5/10 he’s cute and stupid but he could have done something way better than this. Literally anything
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