#gay people goin random shit
emosarea · 1 year
Me and my mates in a arcade with a TOY BABY NOT REAL!!!
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zombholic · 2 years
Hola I’m bugging you again 🤪
Can you do a fluff Ellie x reader where they are night swimming and get caught making out in the pool by someone of your choice 😭💀
Anyway slay
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𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘴 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘮𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘯 𝘢𝘶 !
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“who goes swimming at night?” you held your towel close to your chest. ellie had managed to beg you to come out and swim with her one night at her place, you were reluctant, definitely scared that your parents might catch you sneaking out.
“you could’ve just asked them to have a sleepover here dumbass” she sat at the edge of the pool with her feet in the water “ellie, have you met my parents before?” you two laughed as you placed your towel on one of her pool chairs.
walking over to her, you took a seat criss crossed right next to the brown haired gay girl “put your feet in, it’s not that cold” she said as she splashed her feet around “nothing is ever cold to you” you slowly sunk your feet into the very cold pool water, taking fast breaths from how cold it is.
“not cold my ass, i should drown you” you scooted over closer to ellie, leaning a bit back on your palms “you can’t even swim, you will literally drown trying to drown me” you snorted at her response, she was right.
it went silent, a comforting silence between the two of you. admiring how the water reflected the full moon, the air was calm, the only lights on were the ones around the pool. running your fingers through your hair you turned to look at els, you guys had this weird romantic thing going on but since both of you were too scared to say anything to the ruin the friendship y’all just ignored it.
“i’m jumping in, if your ass isn’t inside the pool in five minutes i will drag you” she slipped out of her shirt, now only in her sports bra and swimming trunks “you look like a little boy” your comment earned a ‘fuck you’ from ellie with a laugh following.
deciding to finally just get into the water you got up and cannonballed into it, quickly rising up and pushing your hair back, laughter erupted from both of you “you’re so dumb, joel could’ve heard that” you leaned back against the edge of the pool, hands moving with along with the water.
“i’m hungry” you looked over to ellie who was swim walking(?) towards you “we just got in the pool” she flicked your nose “well i’m hungry and you better feed me cheesy fries” you innocently smiled at the girl “you want cheesy fries at three am?” you nodded to her sarcastic question.
“don’t move, there’s a bug on you” ellie raised her hand ready to swat whatever beast was on you “get it off i swear to god-“ both her hand pushed your head underwater, dunking you.
rising back up quickly you gasped looking at her “bitch!” you laughed splashing viciously at her face causing her to grab your wrists tightly “i’ll dunk you again�� she smiled pulling you closer to her “i don’t like gay people, get away” you rolled your eyes jokingly at her “you’re literally a lesb-“ “shut up” you pushed her face back.
“i’ll bite you fucker” ellie placed her hands on your waist, your hands moved up to fix her hair “it’s literally one of my kinks” you let a snort “you’re so gay” she slurred out ‘gay’ “i should drown you” “do it, no balls” both of you bickered random shit to each other.
ellies hands now placed on your face, cupping it, her eyes looked much more green in this light, you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she looks “you have really pretty eyes” you gave her a small smile, seeing at red crept up her face “you have a really pretty face” her thumbs rubbed your cheeks so softly.
“might as well kiss me at this point” you joked but guessing ellie didn’t take it as one she leaned down and pressed her soft lips against yours, you instantly melted into her.
“what in the hell is goin’ on here?” a thick southern accent loudly said causing both of you to jump and turn around to see joel half asleep.
“y/n, let’s go, gotta take you home and ellie, i better see your ass in bed” surprisingly he didn’t seem so mad just annoyed that he was woken up.
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dia-smthidk · 3 months
I love how for the mafia blogs, so far the trends are
Dia: people gaslighting him or just gate keeping to piss him off even though he saw the person they were gatekeeping about lol
Rabid: People being gay and making me wish I was in a relationship (/silly)
Bun: Just vibin (which consists of killing the cringe boi)
Dash: killing the cringe boi and honestly giving no fucks about anything
Moshie: Floffi chaos, Kez is fine though
Kay: people throwing random shit, asking about rabid, and also ✨angst✨
All of our mafia variants are having so much fun
there’s some language stuff goin on at the m!Dia blog teehee
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 10 months
Animaniacs Headcanons
I recently came upon my 5 page Harry Potter HC google doc so I thought I would do it for one of my most recent Hyper fixations
- Hello Nurse Mindey and Katie Kaboom's Moms Sister - the mime creeps Wakko out, - Slappy basically adopted the Warners as her grandkids - all the Warners share traits with the animals they described themselves as in the "what are we" song - Wakko is partially colour blind - they also shake themselves dry after swimming, gating rained of etc - Dot sometimes can't handle water - Dot's claws grow the fastest and the longest out of all the Warners - Yakko bounces when happy - Yakko has really sensitive hearing - Wakko has pretty bad sensory issues, but they're calmed by their hat, - when having a but of a sensory overload Wakko tucks their ears into their hat to cancel out the noise - the Warners have a three teir bunk bed, and whever Dot can't sleep she usually alternates on which brother she goes to for comfort - when it's Yakko, he usually tells her a story and sings a song - and When it's Wakko they usually just Let Dot sleep in their bed and provides sufficient hugs - Wakko has read the whole Riordenverse multiple times - and Wakko hot Dot to read them too - Yakko is not much of a fantasy book fan but - Wakko is ambidextrous - Wakko is really good at physically demanding tasks - Yakko is the Brains of the trio, Wakko is the Brawn and Dot is the Beauty - Wakko prefers Skirts to pants - Dot goes out with Wakko to buy dresses, skirts etc, - Dot and Wakko act like twins, since their only one year apart in age they just treat eachother like twins (people also ask them if they're twins and they just say yes, cause it's funny) - Dot is really good at embroidery, cross Stich etc, and she makes little things for her siblings - Wakko and Dot once went as Dipper and Mabel for Halloween (Yakko went as Grunkle Stan) - sometimes all three Warners just pile on top of each other on Yakko's bed and sleep there - Hello Nurse is Basically the Warner Sibs mum - Minerva and Hello Nurse have a bit of a thing goin on (crack ships my beloved) - despite being severly lactose intolerant Yakko just doesn't care, he'll eat cheese, chocolate etc - on a separate Halloween Wakko and Dot dressed as Leo and Piper - Angelina fell first William fell harder - if the Warners were humans they'd be half British and half from Warnerstalk (Germany) and have Vertiligo - Angelina is German but has an American accent (VC Taylor Swift) - William is British and has a British Accent (VC Weasley twins) - Angelina is an only child and William has two siblings - Dot loves Musiums - after Pink Dot's favourite colour is yellow - Yakko's favourite colour is Lavender (this might be canon idk) - Wakko likes alot of the cool colours like blues, greens and Purples - Yakko is dog shit at math and I will die on this hill - Wakko is actually really good at it and helped write the Multiplication song - Dot is semi tiktok famous - Yakko gets into random fights with people on Twitter? X? idk anymore - Wakko streams of YouTube and Twitch - the Warners have a pretty big YouTube channel - Wakko is a really good cook - Dot can't cook for shit, she has burnt Water for Spielberg's sake - all three Warners love the Owl house - they dressed up as both the Blight kids (Y: Ed, W: Em D: Amity) and the Noceda kids (Y:Hunter, W:Vee,D:Luz) - Wakko has a mild Cat allergy - -all the Warners are Ace - Yakko is Pan, Wakko is Aroace and Dot is Bi -Wakko is Non-binary & uses They/them Pronouns -Yakko is a Demi-boy & uses he/they pronouns - Dot is the only Cis Warner Sibling (you could say that she's the Warner Cis-ter) -Hello Nurse is a Lesbian - Dr Scrach'n'sniff is Trans-masc & Gay -Hello Nurse & Dr Scrach'n'sniff co-parent the warners
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sparrowinkk · 2 months
ask game thingy: 1, 3, 12, 28, and 38!!
ooo ty for the ask!
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
hmm id have to say:
I moved to Scotland from the US when i was 10. This has resulted in me having a bit of a identiy crisis lmao
Probs my friend group in high school. We were the gay weirdos and if I had not been able to find a group like that, idek where I'd be
horse games! Ive played alot of horse games growing up and they helped me realise that that was what i wanted to do with my life :3 (get a career in horses)
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Twilight. Ive seen it a billion times, i could a watch it a billion more
Avatar (blue people). Its just the world building man THE WORLD BUILDING
LOTR triology. Somehow, put all 3 extenaditions (wow i cant spell) editions onto 1 cd and id be set.
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
oooo this is hard. This is kinda specific, but if your coming out of high school and feel the need to go to school or figure all your shit out immediately, its okay if you cant or dont want to. Its okay if you have no fuckin idea where life is gonna lead you. You will figure it out, just give yourself time.
When i left, i had no idea what to do with myself and i couldnt afford school. 1 year later, i realised theres college for horse stuff! I'm so glad i couldnt get into uni cause i would have ended up in a course that i would have hated. High school was rough, i would not have been happy in uni at the time.
28. do you collect anything?
I try not to clutter my space to much or just have lots of stuff, buttttt i like to collect random bits of paper and put them into my journal! Receipts, tickets, cards, random stickers, something i found on the floor, that shit is goin in there!
38.fave song at the moment?
ah im so glad you asked this question. I'm the kind of autistic where ill listen to the same song over and over and over and during all of the booping yesterday i listened to this all day:
I accidentally found it, idk what its from. But my brain went 'yep, this is it.'
ty again for the ask!! <333
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hurgablurg · 1 year
owl house finale!
HOLY SHIT!!!! That knocked my socks off and really made my week!
at first i was like “aw man collector why are you willingly traumatizing people” and then its like oh, right, they’re a dumb little kid
i was SO hyped for Belos to pilot the entire island and get the shit knocked out of him on an epic scale by on reflection that would’ve killed EVERYONE, so it’s good that it didn’t happen. Props to Raine for surviving that much suckage AND breaking free AND taking the initiative to try to kill him!
I want to know King’s dad carnally. Let me talk to the agender possibly-hermaphroditic giant demon dilf. PLEASE. Wait no where’s they goin-
Luz took a LOT of aesthetic influence from her goth girlfriend for that Titan-magic form, and she is soooo valid for stealing that drip. mismagius-lookin’ ass gen z
collector learning FEELINGS and about DEATH even though the lesson about death was kind of subverted by Luz coming right back? i dunno, there was also trauma involved so maybe that will stick with him
oh and also suck it anne-clone theorists, souls are REAL. and if i had a dollar for everytime a disney show protagonist spent their body to stop an impossibly-strong threat and were later given a new meat-suit by god, i could buy a sodie-pop.
goooooooood i love “where are they now endings”, especially when everyone is still TOGETHER.
i love the credits just pausing over the disney legal stuff and branding part of the credits like “oh. you’re still part of this. whatever.”
Fantastic fucking series, fantastic fucking episode!
hey wait aren’t the rest of the collectors still out there...?
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The Two Faces Of January
Whatever my reactions are to this, blame @raven-rk they told me to watch it. Also if anyone wants to send me recs of oscar isaac movies to watch (or any movies?? you want my gay ass to react to??) go ahead and suggest em, I'm all ears. You too, can be responsible for an unhinged reaction post
All I know about this movie is the one sentence description on HBO MAX and that Oscar Isaac is in it let's GO motherfuckers
Oop there he is
Oh look its Aragorn
Everything Oscar is wearing rn? slut behavior
Rydal is a cool name, stealing that
Oh he's a sneaky little man
I wish smoking weren't so bad for you, it's so damn aesthetic
Idk why Chester doesn't trust him, I mean he doesn't even know Rydal scammed him with that bracelet
Wait does he not trust him cuz he's a person of color. Is this mf just straight up racist. I wouldn't be surprised but still lol cmon bro
Who's this rando
Nice of him to try and return the bracelet he scammed em with lol
Oh shit we fightin'
Oh damn did he kill him?
Oh fuck yeah he ded
Oof, dad passed away only a MONTH ago? Poor guy
Is anyone gonna tell Colette what the hell is goin' on
Love this guy scamming rich people, you go Rydal
I enjoy the aesthetic of this movie a lot, lots of yellows and browns, makes the cooler colors pop well
Cool that he knows so many languages! I like Rydal so far, he's interesting
Oop Chester is d r o n k
Hope Chester doesn't still remind him of his dad, cuz then his dad would be an asshole...
Oh the intimacy of sharing a cigarette... Again, really wish it weren't so bad for you
I've said it once and I'll say it a million times over: men are always prettiest when they're a bit disheveled
Oop he knooooows
God that bus is fuckin banger, I wanna turn that into a mobile home
Chester you mf, blackmailing Rydal like this
Oh Colette is adorable
Also Rydal's hair rn... Slut shit. Whore behavior
Rydal you sweetheart, standing up for Collette like that
I see it, 100%
Ok I hate Chester but his bedhead is 10/10
Jesus this guy has a real drinking problem
Oop Rydal to the rescue
Shiiiiit their pictures are in the paper
Why does this random kid think she can just take people's sunglasses???
Oh they just walkin there huh
Love Zippo lighters, I can do a couple tricks with those, it's quite fun
Ohhhhhhh no....
Wait is Rydal dead too? Did he fuckin kill Rydal? I thought he just knocked him out...
OH GOOD he's okay. He'll be pissed when he finds out about Colette tho
FUCK people saw Rydal leaving those ruins, they're gonna think he did it
Love it when people breathe smoke in the face of someone they hate, fuckin great. ONCE AGAIN, REALLY WISH CIGS DIDN'T KILL YOU
Hell yeah Rydal blackmail the shit outta him
SHIT fuck shit fuck they're looking for Rydal
Pfft hahaha he's like "if I get caught you're comin' down with me"
Oh damn he called him dad. Yeah his dad must've been right shit then
I forget airports didn't always have nine miles of security to get through
Called it, poor guy had a shit dad
Of COURSE Chester's out here like "forgive your dad everyone expects too much from dads, I hated my dad too"
Hell yeah get tf outta there Rydal
Aw dammit they got him. Hope he can get that confession he needs to be freed
Admit it, do it motherfucker
Ah shit he runnin
Dammit I really hope he can get this fuckin confession outta him...
THANK YOU God the one good this Chester does in this whole movie
It's the breaking the cycleeeee, Chester hated HIS shit dad and Rydal hated HIS shit dad so now Chester's gonna be a not shit dad in his last moments mmmmmmmmm
Looks like he really does remind him of his dad in the end. And he went to his funeral in return for the confession
Interesting that he buried the bracelet with Chester instead of Colette. Something something, the immortality of fatherhood and metaphors about breaking cycles and literally burying his previous life and crimes with a man who embodied everything he hated, something something
That was a good movie I quite liked it! Good foreshadowing with the "he reminds me of my dad" comment at the very beginning. Viggo plays a great bad guy. Featuring Slutty Oscar, drunk off his ass Viggo, and poor Kirsten who did not deserve any bad things to happen to her ever, and yet they did
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agapeeternal · 1 year
Fairly early in his career, he said he didn't want to kiss a guy with tongue for Project X. To be fair, that was 10 years ago. To my knowledge, that's the only for fact thing.
Since then, some have tried to attribute a blind item (they don't name anyone) from 5 or 6 years ago on a random gossip site to him for getting into it with a drag queen at a drag show. I find it hard to believe no one in the crowd or show would have said something or posted something at this point. Particularly at the TGM height of popularity. We know how people can be with blind items, so it is what it is.
At this point, my younger dumber ass has grown enough to know not to buy into things without actual evidence on the internet. Particularly once the internet decides to dislike someone. Otherwise, if what the internet says is true, he's also very close with at least 2 closeted gay people. Actually make that three.
Yeah, 10 years is a long time and a long time for someone to possibly grow. I know I’ve grown an changed a lot in that time and I’m only a year younger than Miles.
Ugh I’ve had my fair share of dealing with blind item 😒 After TGM no one’s saying anything then I’d take it with a grain of salt. I mean, if that shit was gonna come out, it would’ve by now lbr. Look at this shit with Glen goin on.
Yeah I’ve learned to be skeptical of damn near everything on the internet at this point, I’m so jaded. Huh…who’re they supposed to be? If you’re okay with sharing it.
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whatsupspaceman · 4 years
What your avatar-sona says about you!!:
The Buried
- you bought a weighted blanket out of curiosity and now you can’t sleep without it
- made potions out random shit in the backyard as a kid
- gotta wear layers!!!
- have eaten an assortment of things you found outside on dares
- as nice as chilling in a soft pile of dirt sounds you still hate elevators and being trapped
The Corruption
- don’t you just want to be fully consumed by what loves you?
- obviously gay for jane prentiss
- thank god you don’t have trypophobia amirite
- touch starved
- traps spiders under a cup and takes them outside
The Dark
- hate the summer, heat, humidity, and wearing shorts
- you’re probably trans
- “hey what if we did actually destroy the sun thou-“
- running through the dark halls after you turn off the light in the basement is kinda exhilarating tbh
- stays up to ungodly hours bc the night is just so much more peaceful
The Desolation
- you’re a lesbian
- you stuck sticks in campfires just to wave them around and see the sparks
- probably got yelled at by an authority figure for literally playing with fire
- you’ve burned yourself cooking so many times because you get cocky and for some reason never wear oven mitts?? you always use random jackets or towels to take shit out of the oven Why.
The End
- grim reaper aesthetic and/or classic goth
- just wants some peace and quiet
- halloween is your favorite holiday
- takes naps whenever anything goes remotely wrong
- introverted, quiet, want to live in a witches cabin in a nice secluded wooden
The Eye
- we get it you’re gay
- you got bullied in middle school and would escape to the library to read books at a voracious pace you haven’t been able to replicate since
- you know so many obscure facts but you have the insecurity that it’s all surface level knowledge and you don’t actually know shit
- gifted child syndrome
The Flesh
- are you ok....
- tired of having a physical form but also put so much effort into your appearance
- idk the flesh kinda grosses me out you’re on your own for this one
The Hunt
- you like archery but you’ve probably only done it like twice
- every once in a while you get the panicked urge to run away and try to make it on your own in the woods bc wouldn’t that be simpler?
- weird kid. definitely pretended you were an animal 6/7 days of the week.
- also probably growled at people you didn’t like. you Probably grew out of this
- camp counselor aesthetic
The Lonely
- :/
- you’re also gay
- please take care of yourself
- you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that you might never be loved and known truly, but you will, once you find the right people. don’t give up!
- *mitski’s nobody on repeat*
- *also write me letters by the hot freaks on repeat*
- you are a tender soul and hopeless romantic but also like. haha is love even real
- once again don’t give up!!!
The Slaughter
- you’re one of those artists that draws either really aesthetic or really cutesy type gore
- you like knives. you own and carry around a switchblade not because you think you might actually Need the protection, but because it makes you feel cooler. also it makes you feel like a threat.
- you like vampires, and fangs, and anime
The Spiral
- flamboyant and trans
- you probably have adhd
- your main motivation is: you know what what if Other people felt like they were on the verge of going crazy for once? huh??
- “i saw this shirt at a store and the colors literally gave me a headache so of course i bought it”
-another really weird kid. you definitely make art and sometimes it’s the only way you can express what’s goin on inside your head
The Stranger
- you don’t know how to describe yourself that’s why you take so many personality quizzes
- *stares in the mirror* who is that other dog. i don’t like them.
- “haha i don’t have a personality i’m just an amalgamation of everything i’ve ever liked and stolen it”
- hush you Do have a personality. clown
The Vast
- you were obsessed with space and astronauts as a kid, obviously.
- you had your first existential crisis about space and the meaning of life and how small we are at a very young age and it changed how you think about the world
- just a little tastey hint of nihilism
- skydiving!! sky!! diving!! and rollercoasters
- you get flying dreams n wish you were a bird
The Web
- pretty likely to believe in fate
- less likely to believe in free will
- every time you get into a piece of media you have a wall of red strings and theories about plot and predictions
- over analyze everything
- also you have anxiety
- you can’t write Anything until you plan out every single plot point and character arc and scene and shot. i admire your resilience and commitment.
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worldsfirstgayknife · 3 years
christmas present to myself; infodumping about knickle
OK SO first of all their surface level dynamic of 'two gamer bros, one is grumpy and one is goofy' is already excellent. i can make so many gamer jokes. i can make so many bro jokes. its amazing.
but their FULL dynamic makes me go bonkers and become gay. 'two bros. one is an emotionally repressed jerk with a secret soft side thats trying to better himself. the other is a goofy and ditzy gamer whos mellowed out due to a traumatic experience and is trying to recover. the jerk cares about the gamer to a degree he hasn't shown to any other character on the show, and the gamer, due to the advice given to him by the jerk, has been able to make an effort towards moving on from his old friend that sent him into a depressive spiral. they also play video games together' like THATS SO GOOD *passes out*
i started liking knickle before episode 13 + 14 came out when the only meaningful connection they'd really had was the scene from episode 7. it was mostly me being like "knife was nice to him and seemed to genuinely care about helping him even though he usually doesn't do that. kinda gay ngl." which was pretty awesome of me. but now that knife berated taco about abandoning pickle and asked mic to say hi to pickle on his behalf... that scene was definitely not a one off thing of him doing a random act of kindness. he cares about the pickle and still thinks about him.
AND IT MAKES SENSE THAT HE DOES!! knife is the most critical of the show and takes the most note of the way that it affects people. and pickle is arguably the character that has undeservedly been hurt the most by the show. knife is like you deserve better than the world has given you bro. i love you bro. but even besides knowing and caring about what pickles going thru, given that they hung out together inbetween seasons and that he wanted to say hi to him, knife seems to just. genuinely like pickle and enjoy his company. which is probably more reason why he would care about helping him out. cries.
so besides the fact that knife genuinely cares about and wants to help pickle, he's also benefited from being so willing to do so. the episode 7 scene was the first time in the show he had extended kindness to anyone, and in the two other notable times he's extended kindness and given advice to people... id argue its because they reminded him of pickle?
my friend rib did a sick knife analysis which kinda goes over this but like. knife notices suitcase distressed over the way shes been treated by her alliance. kinda like pickle. and its even more more obvious with mic, he's more adamant about mic getting out of the alliance because he knows what SPECIFICALLY taco did to her last alliance member, and doesn't want her to do that again. but he can never seem to be as genuine as when he gave more direct advice (albeit as a metaphor) to pickle. his advice to suitcase is very vague (wtf does make your presence known even MEAN bro) and their conversation is more him pointing out the behavior of the alliance that he thought was apparent. and with mic, he sees his efforts as favors, and a combination of spiting taco and keeping mic from going thru what pickle did. pickle is where knife's advice character arc started, and pickle is where it's presumably ended (is that what you said to pickle, say hi to pickle for me). pickle makes knife want to be a better person. cries again.
and though theres less to say and analyze since he hasnt. had any frickign lines for 6 years (im so excited for letters to get a comic dub you have no idea), pickle has benefited from knife being there for him and giving him helpful advice. he replaced the photo of him and taco and has been more willing to forgive and trust, like with balloon, and if not for knife, there's... no telling if anyone would've noticed what he was going through and tried to help him, or if he'd be willing to open up to OJ after the events of episode 7 kept him from doing so. which makes me so frickin sad man.
and this is jsut me projecting and being soft. but. the thought of, after all the shit he went through on and after the show, after being pushed aside by everyone, pickle getting to be with someone that changed for the better and cares about him from a place of genuine compassion? as opposed to taco, who changed for the worse and only pretended to care about him for her own gain? holy moly im gay. pickle deserves a happy ending after being treated so badly, and knife deserves one too. and i think it would be so sweet if a happy ending for them meant they'd have it together.
THIS IS MOSTLY JSUT MY DUMB THOUGHTS ON THE CONTENT IN THE SHOW rather than like. headcanons like a normal person. oh god. basically despite them being apart they care about each other, make each other better people, and their relationship makes for plenty of fun and comedy as well as a lot of tenderness and mutual love + support.
also ive honestly? kinda come to terms with it maybe being harder to get into knickle due to the lack of content in the show. and its definitely my favorite partially because i love overanalyzing stuff and take a lot away from things that are implied or subtext. which is also partially why i love pickle, hes has a lot of cool emotional stuff goin on that hasn't really been explored and i find a lot of joy in thinkin about him!! anyways if you read all of this i am so sorry
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lampoest · 3 years
Unfiltered thoughts watching mission impossible rouge nation inspired by @chaotically-cas
(sorry its so long my brain is all over the place)
this is also part 14 of me watching it every day :/
why is brandt first to speak
starting out with "shit" good call benji
brandt man we get the package is on the mcfucking plane
badass luther 10/10
nervous benji 10/10
that one sound effects sounds like the discord notif
why he in a fancy suit
*jumps on a plane with almost no plan on getting inside*
why did tom cruise think this was agood idea?
but like why would benji even open the ramp?
how is he not winded from that?
classic ethan
THE INTRO 1000/10
wait you can already see lane in the record shop.
how do they tell the agents these little convos?
also damn way to give it away
what if someone just looked in that room and saw the secret message?
also how did the disc get changed? because the imf definitely didnt make that
and how did lane know where he was going?
speaking of lane---
dang that man is pretty
he always sets guns down carefully
i can only see alec baldwin as trump from his snl skits so i dont take hunley seriously ;-;
damn brandt needs to step it up. man keeps letting himself be inturrupted
bruh the imf is only luck
why did no one resrict his legs?
also why is janik such an asshole?
dang she cool !!
why does it take janik so long to get that gun?
bravo-echo 1-1
this man is bleeding but decided instead of taking care of his wound he calls brandt.
i like how you actually see ethan worried and confused trying to plan his next moves. he is rarely caught off guard so it's refreshing to see his more human side
hunley spitting accusations damn bro
also a big fuck you from ethan to hunley
dang ethan is good
brandts little hidden smile
and ethan leaving trails
bitch how you sketch that good???
youve won, your way out of a job
benji is good
my little brandt x benji shipper in me is happy
simon pegg is such a good actor
the first time i saw this i was like: aww noooo
all dunn with that
i cant tell if that was ethan
it just looks like youre talking to yourself thats more sus than using a phone
want drama? go to the opera
ok but like if you look like that im sorry you are a bad guy. thats like a stereotypical bad guy face
you can see ethan in the background of that scene
flute gun flute gun
oh no benji is in the closet. dont worry man we love you
if i were there and i just had a good vantage point i could find lane in an instant
ooh ilsa pretty
pipe gun
also pamphlet computer
those key things are cool and plausible
spiderman spiderman does whatever, ethan hunt can?
a W O M A N
what W O M A N?
reminds me of a marshmallow gun i made out if pvc pipes.
why does she not put that thing back?
also the dude loads it and then later it is unloaded
dang that guy is pretty tall.
ethan is so tiny
dis bitch is like uhh gimmie a sec to catch my breath mate
why he only dropkick people?
only 30 mins in ?!?!
the cinematography is exquisite
yes benji goin sicko mode
*gets shot* just a flesh wound
bruh i would've been so startled at that
i love how confused he is at that
ilsa saves ethan once again
they did this on the first day of filming
ah yes random package in car = not bomb totally
if she tried to shoot benji then yes she is a bad person
but she didnt try to, she could've easily but didn't
benji being paranoid
she could just say the dude's name
benji being scared
hunley jumping to conclusions
brandt actually cares yeey
why di they approach from different sides of the street they were in the same car.
benji was far away from the sparks why he flinch?
friendship goals
oop plot dump that only mission impossible can get away with
why this mf's voice so smooth
lane is struggling with chopsticks
also lane :))))
ive chocked on my water so many times watching this scene
lanes voice :))))))
this man dont know what personal space is
gotta look up these peeps mbti types
casablanca references
also benji is wearing dollar store lookin glasses while ethan is wearing some fancy glasses
luther is top notch
as much as i dont like jeremy renner he delivers these lines really well
because atlee is a bitch
oh honey please, impossible is a walk in the park
benji just wants to wear a mask
id be so nervous walking through those
personal wellbeing who?
why not bring a plastic bottle full of air?
tom cruise can hold his breath for 6 minutes and he learned to do so for that scene
luther big brain
damn cctv
why did they need to break in while benji was going in?
das sus but ok
also isnt et voila french?
she just randomly tapping the ipad
benji being stressed
if he missed the exact center
i want one of those to open my locker's lock
if he just went with the current and didnt try to force his way against the water ilsa wouldn't have had to save him
imagine if he put the wrong one in-
she is breathing heavily to over saturate her body with oxygen so she can hold her breath longer
see ilsa makes it out without well and she went with the current
no you didn't
you gave her a false sense of security
ethan's confused face for the next like 10 mins is great
why does that one man look like sean ambrose?
the facial acting in this
the glare yesss
vrrrm vrrm
hey its you !
drivin like a grandma
shit !
benji just screaming
im convinced that ethan is indestructible
no you didn't survive that
ethan didnt just-
also why didnt benji just tell ethan he made a copy ???
dont shoot and drive kids
high speed motorcycle chase with no helmet or leather. tom cruise, how?
i wanna learn how to drive a motorcycle
the lighting
ofc brandt would be the person why sits backwards on a chair. fkn bi vibes
benji to the rescue
fuck off atlee
i am so proud of us ...
the lines are done so well here
benji lookin like how i look when my parents argue
im too fucking gay for this movie-
once again no personal space
*inhales* :))))))))))))))
ive like memorized the entire script of this including the music
1 man performance of m:i5 ???
benji's outfit
also i love how youre able to see the characters in the background. props for the attention to detail
i need that haircut because his hair is lookin A+
fuck you atlee
ilsa spitting straight facts
uhh ilsa he still loves julia
speak of the devil-
actin sus
his posture shdhskhsj (i cant be talking though)
0 personal space whatsoever
why does everyone have the same haircut in this???
simon mcburney pretending to be hunt prentending to be atlee
manipulation !?
the syndicate you say ? i know a thing or two about them 😼😼😼
damn though renner delivers these lines really well
a black tie? how informal. ..
complimenting hunt right infront of him
but he really didnt
i never realized that they were on the clock for this
the lil head nod though-
is it bad that i hate atlee more than i hate lane?
ethan big smart wrinkle brain
janik just reading a fucking magazine
ethan has a photographic memory
oh look its benji :)))
lane :))))
ethan being tough
it must be aquward to get the low angle shots
lane is running out the clock to put pressure on ethan hmmm big brain
it isnt working though :\
damn he so cocky that hes telling the villain his plan
ill give you 1/5 of the money you wanted to get my bf back
ok but like does tom cruise just not age?
kill the woman
ugh i hate janik
the trust that is shown between those two is great
yes the score and the chase are so great
also this man really hates windows for some reason
fuck off janik
sneaky sneaky
yeyy janik is dead
once again dodging bullets and hating glass
couldve killed him but needed him alive
the glass box
badass ethan
all the pretty men assembled
lane really let himself go aster this
dang though lane is my favorite villain ever
i like how for once the girl and the guy just are friends instead of romantically involved
eyy the callbacks to how the movie started.
welcome to the imf
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bittywitches · 4 years
A random Dialogue I came up with in my head while trying to fall asleep the night before. // G.D
Been having trouble writing lately and ended up just daydreaming (night dreaming?) abt Grayson one night, so I thought I’d try and just get it out and write something. Enjoy :)
You’re sitting in your bedroom, laying on your back with your laptop sitting on your stomach. You’re cuddled up with your jumbo-oversized teddy bear, your head resting on it’s furry stomach and your elbows lazily resting against it’s fat squishy legs. A google doc is opened on your screen, and you’re trying to half-assedly write a response for your final project on why Duke Orsino actually was gay in Twelfth Night, along with many of the other supporting characters, despite what most old white bardolators may tell you. 
You feel a vibration near your leg, and you tilt your head to the side to see someone calling your phone. You pick it up, and your eyes widen when you see that it's a facetime call from Grayson Dolan. This was, of course, a shock, considering you and Grayson weren’t even that close friends, you only occasionally texted each other anymore, barely ever called, and literally NEVER facetimed. You guys had barely spoken to each other since quarantine had started, so it was definitely a surprise. 
Your eyes flicker to your laptop screen, seeing that it’s around 9pm. Not too late that it’s sketchy or anything, but still pretty late for it to be strange.
You place your laptop down beside you and situp, leaning back against your headboard, quickly tying your hair up into a quick messy bun to make yourself look somewhat presentable. You slide the green phone icon across your screen.
Grayson’s face appears on your phone. He’s wearing a cute oversized fuzzy hoodie. His short hair is a bit frizzy, and it still takes you by surprise because you’re so used to seeing his long flowy locks.
“Heyy,” Grayson says, smiling at you. From behind his screen, Grayson sets himself down onto the living room couch, laying back on the arm.
“Hey.” You respond.
“What’re you up to?”
“Uhh, not much. Just working on final assignments and whatnot.”
“Oh, yea, school’s almost over for you, right?”
“Yep, just a few more weeks.”
“Bet you’re excited to finally get time off.”
You chuckle. “Yeah, tired of being stressed all the time.”
“Makes sense.”
An awkward silence fills both your rooms.
“Soo…” Grayson lays his head on the side of his couch.
“What’s up? Why’d you call?” You ask him.
“Oh, no reason. Just bored and felt like talking to someone.”
“Ethan not home?”
“Nah, he went out skateboarding with some friends.”
“This late?”
“It’s not that late. Just went to the park nearby.”
“Sounds fun. You know, I’ve always wanted to learn how to skateboard.”
“Mhm. Maybe E can teach me sometime.”
“Hey, I know how to skateboard too. And I’d definitely be a much better teacher.”
You laugh. “Alright, next time we meet up you can teach me how to skateboard.”
“It’s a date.”
You both give a lighthearted chuckle, but then things turn quiet again.
“Erm, hold on.” You place your phone down on your bed. 
“Where’re you goin’?”
“Gonna put my phone on a pillow so I don’t have to keep holding it,” You say, grabbing your nearest one and doing your best to balance your phone on top of it.
“Is that a giant teddy bear?” From the angle of your phone, Grayson can see your big stuffed animal sitting behind you. 
“Haha, yea.” You lean back down on it briefly to give him a better idea of the size. “He’s my cuddle buddy.”
“That’s cute.”
“Our relationship has gotten a lot stronger since quarantine started.” You peck the bear on the nose. Grayson laughs.
“I’m happy for you guys.” You giggle, sitting back up. 
“Why thank you.” You turn your attention back to your laptop quickly, and Grayson follows your line of vision.
“So what subject is this final for?”
“English.” You sigh. “Which sucks, because I’m shit at it.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Oh but it is. I always do incredibly bad, I’m literally the worst.”
“Well you’re definitely not the worst, because I exist.”
“Well yeah but it’s not your fault that you can’t read.”
“Hey, I can read!”
“Sorry, It’s not your fault that you’re ass at reading. It is however my fault that I can’t write for shit.” 
He laughs. “Fine, sure.”
You giggle. “Sorry. Just a bit stressed.”
“No big deal.”
Silence again. Usually now would be the time you’d make some excuse and cut the call. But for some reason unknown to you, you didn’t want to do that. You want to fill it.
“Oh, I watched your guys’ last video.” You raise an eyebrow at him. “Tell me you guys weren’t just trying to look like douchebags with your literal 100 grand.”
“Aughhh,” He groans, rubbing his face with the hand not holding his phone. “I swear we really weren’t.”
“I realize that it may not look like that,”
“Oh really?”
“Considering we actually had wads of cash,”
“But we weren't, I swear. We just thought it’d be funny for a stupid little video.” 
“Okay then.”
“Not judging.” 
“Since when do you watch our videos anyways?”
You gave him a side-look. “What do you mean? You think I don’t?”
He shrugs. “Dunno. Just assumed…”
“You’re my friend. ‘Course I do.”
He smiles.
“Plus they are pretty fun. Like to have them on in the background when I work sometimes..”
“No way, really?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“I mean, all the ones since quarantine we’ve had to be pretty creative with. Since we’re stuck at home and all.”
“You guys don’t give yourselves enough credit. I love what you come up with. It’s cool to just listen to you both ramble about stuff.”
“...Are you saying you also listen to the podcast?”
Your eyes shoot back to him. He was actually joking, but seeing your guilty expression lead to the smug sort of look on his face.
“You guys have very satisfying voices, okay?”
“Shut the fuck up!” You laugh, and he does as well.
“Either way, thanks. It means a lot that you do. I never really know if people we’re friends with like our stuff, so it’s good to know that at least someone does.”
You smile, and he returns it. 
You suddenly hear a ding coming from his side.
“Oh shit almost forgot about my toast-” You see Grayson’s phone wobble as he gets up to head for the kitchen.
“You know it.” “Dang, I don’t think I’ve had avocado toast since…” You pause. “Huh. I guess since I accidentally ran into you at that one restaurant and we happened to get food together.”
“What-” He rights the phone so it’s facing him again. “That was ages ago!”
“Yea, I know.”
“That’s unacceptable.”
“You may think so.”
“Alright, so after I teach you how to skateboard, I’m gonna have to take you out for food.”
You laugh. “Is that a set in stone thing?”
“Oh definitely.”
He sets his food down on a table, and you watch as he tries to balance his phone up against something. He sits down, then takes a bit before looking back up at you.
“So when’s this due?”
“Uhh, tomorrow night.”
“You almost done?”
“Er..” You look at your half written page. “...sort of.”
“So no,” he chuckles, and you do too. 
“I’ll finish it, don’t worry.”
“Didn’t say I was.”
“Well that’s ru-”
“Because I know you’ll finish it,” He interrupts you, and you roll your eyes. “You always do.”
You sigh, setting your elbow down on your knee and resting your face on your hand. You watch him silently for a bit, and he takes a few more bites before realizing your eyes on him. 
“What?” He says, food still in his mouth.
“Yea, just… kinda just miss you.” You finally blurt out.
He stops chewing suddenly, and looks at his phone with a very intent look. He expects you to say more, but you don’t, looking back at your laptop screen.
He swallows, then sets his toast down. “Kinda just miss you too.”
You smile, trying to hide it by squishing the palm of your hand into your face, not taking your eyes off of the illuminated laptop.
“Why don’t we hang out anymore?”
“Because we’re legally not allowed to.” You finally look back at your phone, grabbing it from it’s pillow stand and then flopping down onto your bear’s belly.
He rolls his eyes. “No, smartass. Before that.”
You shrug. “Dunno. We never really did to begin with.”
“Sure we did, there was the restaurant, and…” He trails off, looking far away at some corner of the room.
“I mean we hung out with other friends. And we talked sometimes.” You shrug again. “Not really much else though.”
He runs a hand through his short hair. “Why not?”
You laugh. “Bro, I don’t know! You never asked!”
“Well I fuckin wanted to!” He rubs his face with both his hands as he chuckles. 
“Really?” Your laughter dies down now, a softer tone taking on your voice.
“Duh, of course.” He tilts his head as his soft eyes look at you. “You’re really fucking cool, and I really wanted to get to know you better, but it felt weird to just randomly come out of no where and be like ‘hey, wanna hang out?’ like that shit usually comes naturally, yknow?”
“Well, we don’t really hang out in the same circles, so I don’t know how it would.”
“Yeah, but I thought maybe…” He sighs. “I don’t know. I didn’t even know if you wanted to be friends or anything, so..”
“Well that’s frustrating.” You slump your shoulders down, relaxing more into your bed. “I really wanted to be friends. Just didn’t wanna seem fucking… annoying or anything.”
“Oh my god why are we like this.”
“I don’t fucking know!!” You both burst out laughing, and you momentarily drop your phone to rub the tears out of your eyes.
“Okay, it’s settled then.” You hear his voice and pick your phone up off your stomach to face it towards your face again, now sitting up. 
“What is?”
“After quarantine and everything is over I’m definitely taking you out for food and skateboarding.”
You grin. “Okay. Sounds amazing.”
“Great.” There’s quiet again, but it’s not awkward anymore, both of your gleeful grins speak volumes over it.
You giggle. “Okay, I should go. Should probably actually try and get this thing done.”
“Right. I’ll… call you tomorrow?”
You bite your tongue. “Yeah.”
“Okay, bye.”
You cut the call, and let your arms fall down to your sides as you fall back on your bed and grin up at the ceiling. You squeeze your eyes shut, just breathing in and out to calm yourself down from the little rush. Though the buzz of your phone once again catches your attention. 
You get up and look at it, seeing it’s a text from Grayson. 
Grayson D.: Just realized you probably don’t have a skateboard…
You bit your lip, and flopped down onto your belly now, your legs up in the air as you text him back.
Y/N: You’d be right 😅
Your eyes eagerly watch the three dots bouncing on the screen.
Grayson D.: Would you wanna borrow one of mine?
Y/N: I’m totally good with getting my own, but idk where
Grayson D.: Well there’s this shop near my house…
Assignment long forgotten, you and Grayson end up talking well into the night.
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noonmutter · 3 years
Kinky Questions, Go!! ALL 50! At least the ones you haven't gotten yet.
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
"Yes. If I gotta pick one, couch. Th' dryer's noisy an' I like bein' able t' hear th' other person.
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
Answered here!
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
(I actually don't know any ingame fiction to draw an answer from here, sorry. <.<)
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
"Pullin' me int' you. Up, down, chest-t'-chest, back-t'-chest, whatever. Not often I get manhandled, y'ken?"
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
"I mean, never say never, but somewhere it'd take some real convincin' t'get me t' do it? Th' meetin' space at th' center o' th' Dreamgrove. I'd sooner set my 'air on fire than fuck where th' statue o' Malorne might watch me, an' Remulos would not approve."
(Rest below the cut! Yes I did do all of them!)
6: The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when:
"...Wakin' up in a pile o' people after an especially long bender, none of 'om I recognized, an' not one stitch o' clothin' anywhere in sight except fer a gnome-sized miniskirt. An' there were no gnomes in th' pile! "Days like tha' are why I don't fuck drunk anymore."
7: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
"Tenderizin' steak." Sigh. "Pretty sure it was th' smell o' th' raw meat, mostly.
8: What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Handcuffs, Rope, or Other [if other please explain]:
"With my bare 'ands, or with my teeth 'oldin' somethin' sensitive. Wolf's snout kin fit all th' way 'round most people's throats without actually bitin' down as long as I get th' canines all th' way across, an' as long as neither of us move too terribly much, it's great fun."
9: What is the fastest way to make you horny:
"Hook a finger in my collar an' pull me t' yer eye level. Trouble is, if we're not already pretty damn close an' y' start grabbin' at my collar, I might punch y'."
10: Top or bottom?
11: We were about to ____________ but then ______________ [example: we were about to have sex but then his mom walked in] "We were about t' sneak off t' start our 'oneymoon but then I tripped through a portal some jackass dropped in th' middle o' th' weddin' party an' 'ad t' fly all th' way back first.
12: Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?
"Sometimes it's enough, sometimes it's a start, sometimes it's not even th' point. Really depends on th' mood at th' moment, dunnit? I like t'go as many rounds as either of us kin stand, most o' th' time, but I def'nitely find plenty o' value in just one long, slow go tha' ends when it ends.
13: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
His expression was less jovial than for most of these questions. "Th' collar I made for Vandy."
14: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
"Squigglebird. Long story."
15: Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex:
"Like th' noises it makes a person make--vocally, I mean--an' th' views it gives o' th' person I'm goin' down on an' th' person tha's goin' down on my. Don't like th' taste all tha' much, really 'ate some o' th' noises yer lips an' throat make if yer a li'l overzealous."
16: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
"Li'l inflatable toy thingie in m' backside. Felt alright fer a while, cuz I mean it wasn't like it was th' first time I'd 'ad anythin' in there, but ah... she kept goin' past my willin'ness, an' it got pretty damn uncomfortable pretty damn fast. I might be willin' t' try it again but not without a lotta thought b'fore'and, an' not with my 'ands bound.
17: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
"Yeah." He shrugged. "Tasted like cum. Nothin' special."
18: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
"I mean, if y'both agree to it an' y'don't fool around with anybody else, then yeah it's fine. Overwhelmin' majority o' th' time, I wrap up, even with m'wives."
19: Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?
"...I din't 'ave any teachers I thought were sexy? My first shan'do was a 'andsome elven woman 'o could arm-wrestle a grizzly an' win, but she wasn't wha' I'd call sexy. Too gruff, too keen t' be alone."
20: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
"Not somethin' I really think about in advance, t'be honest. Cook or no cook, food just kinda 'appens on a whim."
21: How big is too big:
"Can't get my mouth 'round it is usually a problem. Length isn't so much a concern, just means y' won't get t' bury it all th' way after a certain point unless y' want me dead."
22: One sexual thing you would never do:
"Mess with any bod'ly fluids besides cum. I tried real 'ard t'understand tha' one an' I just can't, sorry. Gross."
23: Biggest turn on:
"Depends on th' person; wha's 'ot from one is wierd comin' from another. Pickin' out of a hat? When Val'rin says somethin', then rolls 'is eyes up t' look at me an' tacks on a plaintive li'l 'Sir?' at th'end."
24: Three spots that drive you insane:
"Pretty much anywhere on m' throat, th' undersides o' my wrists, an' my 'air. Partic'larly yankin' on it. Just... don't come up an' do it outta nowhere. Like with m' collar, tha' shit'll get y' punched an' I'd argue y' prolly deserve it."
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
"Most times aren't really tha' bad, Iunno... middle of a warzone I guess?"
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
"I'm kinna suspicious of anybody 'o doesn't. Wha' kinna person doesn't love tha' kinda instant feedback? Tell me I'm doin' a good job, tell me 'ow t' do a better job, tell me just 'ow blown yer mind is by losin' track o' words, sing me a song."
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
"Really dunno why I thought it was a good idea t' let a blindfolded guy toss me anywhere, least of all into a bed with a solid headboard on it."
He touched the back of his head in remembered pain.
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
"When yer chafed an' still 'aven't finished cuz yer too damned raw and desensitized t' get off, it's prolly time t' stop fer a while."
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
Answered here!
30: Bald, landing strip, Jumanji:
"Landin' strip, ideally. I kin deal with whatever but tha's th' most convenient amount. Less potential fer mess."
31: Is it good sex if you don’t nut?
"What a bizarre question, 'course it is. Shit, sometimes tha's 'alf th' point."
32: Fill in the blank: “If they ____________, we are fuckin”
"Bite my neck 'r pin me t' a wall."
33: What your favorite part of your body:
"My 'air. It's gotten damned difficult t' take care of, but th' tradeoff's pretty worth it."
34: Favorite foreplay activities:
"Touchin'. Just... touchin'. Runnin' my fingers real light an' soft across ev'ry...single...inch...of a playmate's body. Learnin' th' curves, th' blemishes, th' scars, th' ins, th' outs, th' sensitive spots, th' ticklish bits, th' fav'rites all by touch. I kin do tha' fer hours if they'll let me."
35: Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math that's “greater than, less than, or equal to]
"Does not equal. Th' two kin be completely unrelated t'one another an' tha's perfec'ly fine. They kin en'hance each other when they're both involved, but they aren't incomplete without one another at all."
36: What do you wear to bed?
"If I kin get away with it, nothin'. I run 'ot these days, it's real easy t' overheat if I wear stuff t' sleep.
37: When was the first time you masturbated:
"Gods, Iunno. Thirteen? Fifteen? Somewhere in there."
38: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
"Not tha' I keep fer very long. I make 'em an' send 'em t' people tha' I made 'em for, then I get rid of 'em cuz I don't wanna watch m'self wankin' or whatever."
39: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
"So many times, gods alive. Last time was a few days ago, if y' count th' back acres on our property as outside enough."
40: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
Leon just kinda snorted. (See previous answer!)
41: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
"Sev'ral times, an' I would 'appily do so again with th' right people. Fun, but occasionally tricky t' figger out."
42: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
"Most o' th' time I'm very borin' an' just stick t' my 'and an' maybe a dildo, but I got one o' those vibratin' sleeve thingers not too long ago tha' I've been meanin' t' try out..."
43: Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school?
"No, an' maybe. If I were still workin' in a kitchen where other people 'ad t' work an' there's food ev'rywhere, it'd be an absolutely not. I work in a private workshop by th' 'ouse now, so I kin get away with it more, long as 'm careful. Thus far I 'aven't been so tempted tha' I couldn't make it back in th' house first, though."
44: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
"Never been in one, be willin' t' try. I've 'eard 'ow tiny those bathrooms are."
45: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
"...gonna 'ave t' ask me that'un again in a few months when I know more songs, sorry."
46: What is something nonsexual that makes you horny?
Answered here!
47: Most attractive celebrity?
"Do th' Tarts count as celebrities? I'm not even gonna try t' pick one, but tha's all I got."
48: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
"Not a big porn-watcher in gen'ral, my life feels like a goddamned romance novel as it is. Not often I need more'n a couple o' particularly fond mem'ries."
49: If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now?
"Four days."
50: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
(Hard to answer this one since the internet at large isn't really a thing in WoW, at least not in a widely-accepted enough way for me to answer it...)
51: What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny?
"Put-downs. Don't call me slut or boy or bitch--gods, especially not bitch--or th' like if y'want me t' go 'ome with y'."
52: Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?)
"Not tha' I've seen."
53: Do you like giving head? (why/why not)
"Like givin' it cuz it makes m' playmate feel real nice, don't like th' flavor s' much."
54: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
"Doesn't make a dif'rence t' me, aside from most tattoos bein' pretty."
55: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
"Done it, though I'm not a fan o' th' phrasin'. They put some trust in me, I din't take anythin'."
56: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
"Nothin' spicy. Period. Just don't. It's not worth it."
57: Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see?
(Another one that doesn't really have an answer in this context.)
58: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
Leon burst out laughing and pointed at the full-size steamer trunk at the foot of his bed. "Tha's not even close t' all of it, either. Gods alive, wha' a question t' ask me!"
59: Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day?
"Wouldn't give 'em unrestricted access t' anythin' private o' mine fer a day. If it's tha' private t' begin with, it's cuz it's my safe 'aven, an' they respect tha', same as I do their private stuff."
60: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
"A li'l bit if it came outta nowhere, but I've talked a fair bit about wishin' I could get rid o' some o' my scars. It's not somethin' I wouldn't consider tryin'."
61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
"Pretty 'appy doin' th' latter as it is. Don't think I'd wanna try th' recorded stuff, it seems like it'd be really awkward t' do tha' fer a cam'ra crew an' with somebody 'o ain't really enjoyin' it."
62: Do you watch porn?
"Not really. Most of it's not int'restin' t' me."
63: How small is too small?
"'Too small' is 'ard fer me t' quantify. I 'aven't found anythin' too small fer me t' work with some'ow."
64: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
Bit of a flat look. "Worgen."
65: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
"Me an' th' guy 'o fucked me on th' fence out back shared quite a few kisses b'fore, durin', an' after. Mostly they meant 'fuck yer hot.'"
66: Would you switch phones with your significant other for a day?
"I mean, I could. Nothin' on there I wouldn't want any of 'em t' see. Be a bit inconvenient though."
67: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
"Frankly I'm more comfortable tha' way than otherwise. Spent too long with a big ol' poof o' fur around m' crotch t' be comfy with most undies. Same reason I'm not overly fond o' shoes either."
68: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
"Purely in a logistical sense, yeah. I kin still go t' town an' do thin's right, but it's... sloppy. Those 'airs seem t' WANT t' get in yer mouth, an' all tha', an' it's just so much messier overall."
69: If you could give yourself head, would you?
"'O says I can't?"
70: Booty or Boobs?
"I am very much an ass man."
71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
"I do, but I didn't. Namin' it seems strange."
72: Have you ever been on an official date?
"Sev'ral, but all of 'em only took place in th' last few years. Never when I was growin' up."
73: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
"No, an' I never will, an' you kin quote me on tha'."
74: If you were a stripper, what would your name be?
"I 'aven't th' faintest idea 'ow tha' works."
75: Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
"Nope. Never 'ad th' opportunity, an' I think I'd rather throw up on th' floor an' eat it."
76: How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed?
"Sweet, I'm gettin' a new bed!"
77: What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina
"Assumin' we're not talkin' about my own bits... 'That's not gonna fit!' fer a dick, an' 'This is a lot less sexy than th'other lads made it out t'be' fer a cooch."
78: If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?
Answered here!
79: Oral, Anal, or Vaginal? 
80: What’s the first thing you look at on someone of the opposite gender?
"Their face. Also 'ow they carry themselves. But mostly their face."
( @pinpep @shckaewynn @valarin-sunstorm for mentions )
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Doubt Quiets
Since the jomike part of the Reincarnation AU is going to happen but not for a long time, here’s something as a kind of holdover that is in that universe but won’t be in the main fic when I get to writing that.
@gendistic42 this one’s for you! Hope you like it!
Tw: referenced suicide attempt and internalized homophobia.
Jojo was absolutely terrified, but he was doing this, anyway.
He had to do this. He couldn’t back down now, or he would never get the courage to try again.
He’d only gotten this far because he was riding the adrenaline he’d taken from that rooftop.
God, he didn’t know how Jack had gotten there in time to talk him down, stop him from jumping. He must have gone about a million miles per hour above the speed limit.
Jojo was glad he did. That was one thing he hadn’t expected.
It was kind of surprising that Jack was trusting him to be alone this soon, but he was glad about that, too. He needed to do this for himself, by himself.
Jojo adjusted his grip on his flashlight, climbing higher into the tree in the Guzman family’s front yard. Only one bedroom had a window facing the front yard of the house, and he knew for a fact that the boy who occupied it used this tree to sneak out sometimes, so hopefully, Jojo could use it to sneak in.
He was high enough off the ground for the second time that night that a fall could at best seriously injure him, and that was making his hands shake enough that he had to concentrate doubly hard not to fall.
Oddly, this kind of fear felt... familiar. But along with it was a fierce determination, a drive that said this was something he needed to do.
Hesitating only for a second, Jojo reached out and knocked on Mike Guzman’s window.
No answer, but that was probably reasonable considering how late it was.
Jojo knocked a little harder, still hoping he didn’t wake the whole family.
There was a space where he wasn’t sure if he was going to knock again, and then Mike opened the window, looking about 150% confused.
“You’s scared the livin’ shit outta me,” he admitted, “Jojo? What’re ya doin’ here?”
“You belong together,” Jack had insisted, “I can’t explain how I know, Jojo, but... God, I just know! You’s meant to be together, and ya both want it and I promise it’s not wrong to want that. You trust me, right? You and Mike are meant to be.”
Jojo took a deep breath. If there was any chance he could’ve backed out before, it was definitely gone now.
“I had to see you. Can I come in?”
Mike still looked confused, and maybe a little worried, but he nodded and reached out to help pull Jojo in the window, then over to his bed so they could sit.
“What is it?” he asked, seeming more worried, now, “Not that I don’t condone climbin’ a tree in or out a window in the middle of the night, but... well, for you, it’s weird. Are you okay? You’re shakin’.”
“I’m...” Jojo sighed, “God, where to start?”
He’d looked away, being extremely nervous, and Mike reached out to turn his face back toward him with a light touch on his chin.
“How ‘bout the beginning?” he suggested gently.
The beginning? Where was the beginning, exactly? When Jojo had moved from Harlem and wound up meeting the best friend group he could have asked for? How they felt like family right from the first day and how it was like they knew him and he knew them right away, from very the first second he met them?
How one boy had been all of that, but dialed up off the charts?
Jojo had known Mike from the first moment he met him. And not ‘known’ as in, he knew his name or his favorite color or whatever small talk they exchanged.
As in, he knew Mike. Knew who he was in his core. And as much as Jojo had tried to deny it, that very first moment—the first time they made eye contact—was like the universe punched him in the stomach and said this is one yours.
As they became friends, that feeling only intensified, growing stronger and stronger. It felt like he was home every time Mike said his name. It felt like the earth shook when he smiled at him. It felt like Jojo had the entire world in his arms when they hugged.
He hadn’t been able to deny his feelings forever, no matter how hard he tried.
Plus, the dreams hadn’t helped, but Jojo was still trying not to think about those.
He dreamed of his friends a lot, and Mike was no exception. Sometimes, it was just normal friend stuff, fun random things with a few other people. Sometimes it was a terrible kind of nightmare where they got hurt or worse.
But more and more often lately, the dreams were more... heated. Of time stolen in alleyways and on fire escapes, or quiet, slow kisses while cuddling in a bunk bed at night.
Those were the dreams Jojo had tried the hardest to forget, feeling that they were wrong even though he couldn’t control them.
Long story short, however nauseous it made him feel with anxiety, Jojo was tired of denying his feelings. Of pretending one person didn’t make him forget to doubt himself.
Maybe that was a good place to start.
“It’s a long story,” he said quietly, “And you’re gonna... you’re gonna wanna interrupt me, but don’t. I need ya to shut up and let me say the whole thing. Okay, Mike? Promise?”
Mike still looked worried, but he nodded.
Jojo took a deep breath.
“My whole life, I felt like there was somethin’ wrong with me,” he began, “Ever since I was little, it was like I was searchin’ for this thing I knew I was supposed to have, only I didn’t know what it was. All I knew was there was a piece of me missin’. Maybe more than one, but then...”
Jojo smiled, thinking of the memory.
“Then I met Elmer and Buttons in math class. For the first time in my life, I felt like some of the holes in me might be filled. Our friends became the kind of family I always wanted. One where I didn’t hafta be afraid of disappointin’ anybody... but I still doubted myself. I still doubt myself. All the time.”
Mike looked like he wanted to say something, but true to his word, he stayed silent.
“There’s a part of me that says every little thing I do is wrong,” Jojo admitted, “I don’t trust myself. I never have. So how could I trust my... my feelings? My feelings for you.”
Mike’s mouth dropped open in surprise, but he didn’t speak, clearly fighting the urge.
Jojo loved him for that. For keeping his word even though he clearly didn’t want to.
“I was raised to believe it was wrong,” he explained quietly, “But I couldn’t fight how I was drawn to ya, Mike. You filled in more spaces than anybody else. And maybe I’m... maybe I’m just tired of fightin’ it. I am tired of fightin’ it. There’s no way out of this. How I feel ‘bout you.”
This was going to be the bad part, but he knew that Mike deserved to know.
He’d find out eventually, anyway. Better that Jojo was the one to tell him.
“I couldn’t deal with it. Like I said; there’s no way out. So I... I tried to take a permanent one.”
“Jo...” Mike grabbed his hands, clearly having forgotten his promise to let Jojo talk, “Please tell me you ain’t talkin’ ‘bout...”
“Jack found me on the rooftop of the school,” he whispered, “If he hadn’t talked me down... I woulda splattered myself on the sidewalk.”
“Ya said you’d let me finish,” Jojo reminded him.
Mike still looked uneasy, but he shut his mouth.
“He told me lovin’ you ain’t anything to be ashamed of, and...”
Jojo had to take a deep breath before continuing.
“I do,” he said firmly, “I do love you. And I never thought I believed in love at first sight before, but... but I loved ya from the first second I met ya and I didn’t even know why. I still don’t, but... I know ya make the doubt in my head quiet. You’s the only thing that makes it quiet.”
There was a couple seconds of silence before Jojo realized his mistake.
“I’m done,” he said quietly, half-terrified of the other boy’s response.
But the doubt in his head was quiet right now. Because of Mike. He usually couldn’t trust anyone not to hurt him, but he trusted this boy he loved enough to believe he’d be careful with his heart.
Still, the silence was making him uncomfortable. He didn’t know why Mike hadn’t said anything yet.
When Jojo looked up, he was shocked to see that he was crying.
“Hey, Mike, it’s okay.”
Mike laughed, but he let him wipe the tears from his face.
“You’re comfortin’ me? You’s the one what almost jumped off a fuckin’ building, Jo. I... fuck, I’m so glad Jack stopped ya.”
“Me, too,” Jojo admitted.
Shivers ran up his spine as Mike trailed his hand from Jojo’s, all the way up his arm, over his shoulder and up to rest on his cheek.
“I knew you somehow the second I saw ya, Jo,” he whispered, “And I... I think I started fallin’ for ya that same day.”
Something in Jojo already knew that, some part of him thought he’d even heard it before, but a larger part was feeling nothing but happy surprise.
“Ya mean ya actually... actually love me, too?”
“Yes,” Mike laughed, having to wipe tears out of his eyes again, “God, yes, I love you, too. I knows ya ain’t supposed to say that when you’s only a teenager, but I love ya more’n I can say and I have since the day we met.”
Dang. Now Jojo was crying, too.
A part of him was still terrified, wanting to run, screaming at him that all of this was wrong, because as much as he wished he could believe the others when they said being gay was nothing to be ashamed of, you couldn’t unlearn a lifetime of toxic teachings from your blood family and church after just a couple months short of a year with a family that was your choice.
Mike took a shaky breath, clearly trying to hold back another sob, “I don’t wanna imagine what I’d do if I lost you, Jojo.”
For some reason, that sentence made Jojo flash to a world where he didn’t have to imagine losing Mike, because he had. He’d seen a world like that in his worst nightmares before.
He shoved those images away, grabbing onto the front of the other boy’s shirt to ground them both.
“I’m right here. Shh, Mike. I’m right here. I ain’t goin’ anywhere.”
Mike leaned in closer suddenly, and though it caused all kinds of wonderful butterflies, knowing what he was about to do, there was also a burning, undeniable terror.
The kind that still came whenever he did anything his parents wouldn’t approve of.
Mike stopped at the last second, just barely a breath away.
“You’re shakin’.”
Jojo was shaking, all the way down to his soul, and he couldn’t decide if it was from the good kind of fear or not.
“I guess I am,” he said breathlessly.
He could feel the heat coming off the other boy’s skin.
“Can I?” Mike asked, his voice barely even audible.
Jojo was still absolutely terrified, but he knew what he wanted nonetheless.
“Yes,” he whispered.
Mike hesitated for a second more, waiting to see if Jojo was sure.
“It’s okay,” he mumbled, “This is okay.”
All this felt... familiar, for some reason, but Jojo couldn’t think about that right now.
Because Mike was digging his fingers through his hair, kissing him deeply and desperately, as if trying to fit a million overpowering feelings into one single, blissful moment.
Hell, Jojo was trying to fit a million overpowering feelings in here, too. He was still working on believing this was real.
He was still trying to wake up his heart. To stop his hands from shaking as he balled his hands into fists in the other boy’s shirt.
To figure out why the fact that this kiss was definitely their first didn’t feel true.
“Still shakin’,” Mike observed when they broke apart for air.
“It was cold out in that tree,” Jojo deadpanned, and they both laughed.
Mike ran his fingers through Jojo’s hair with a small smile, and Jojo leaned into the touch. It felt good. So good.
“Well, next time, don’t let it get so bad that ya gotta rush over here so fast. Call me when it gets bad enough that ya almost...” his face turned serious again suddenly, “Jo, I can’t lose you. I ain’t that strong.”
Jojo tried to take a deep breath. He felt a little nauseous, thinking of the view from the rooftop that came with any thoughts of Mike trying to talk to him about this.
He knew he couldn’t pretend this didn’t happen forever, but for now, he wanted to.
“Can we talk ‘bout this in the morning?” he asked, “I gotta sneak back into my house, anyway—my folks can’t know about... this.”
Mike pulled him back down on the bed when he tried to stand up to leave.
“I’ll let ya put off this conversation on one condition.”
Jojo tilted his head, “And what’s that?”
“Five more minutes?”
That cheeky smirk did more to him than it probably should, but Jojo definitely wasn’t complaining.
It felt wrong that he still couldn’t kiss Mike, himself. Like the limits he accidentally had from a very homophobic childhood shouldn’t be there, but were.
Still, he knew he definitely wanted to kiss Mike again, even if part of him still wanted to run away and/or throw up.
“Ya said ya wanted five more minutes,” he said, “Are ya ever gonna kiss me again?”
Jojo wasn’t sure where that kind of almost... flirting banter came from. He hadn’t thought he knew how to do that. He’d never had a boyfriend, or even a girlfriend. Hell, as a theatre nerd, he didn’t really flirt with anyone.
But this kind of banter with Mike? It was easy. It was instinctual, like they’d done this a hundred times before instead of never.
Mike snorted, “Ya really want me to, love?”
“I really do.”
They both laughed, and then Mike’s lips were on his again, and Jojo didn’t have time for doubting himself or that this was morally right, because he was so in love that the fear was quiet for now.
Jojo was sure he would doubt himself plenty, later, but for now, he could love and feel and want and not care about possible consequences.
“Oh. My. God.”
Jojo realized that Ike was standing in the doorway and promptly wanted to die.
Mike looked like he wanted to die a little, too, but he was still finding a way to smile awkwardly.
“Hey, brother. How’s it goin’?”
“I heard talkin’,” Ike responded with a shit-eating grin, “I figured you’d snuck someone in, but I didn’t expect to find ya makin’ out in the dark with Jojo de la Guerra. God, Mikey, if Mom and Dad knew ‘bout this—“
“I’d be totally dead,” Mike interrupted, “I know. Got anythin’ relevant to say?”
Ike shrugged, “Just that Sniper owes me five bucks. Hi, Jojo.”
“Hi,” Jojo mumbled, “Uh, my folks can’t know ‘bout this, either.”
“Relax. I ain’t a snitch. That said... I ain’t gonna tell ya what to do, but you should probably go home soon, ‘fore anybody suspects anything.”
Jojo nodded, still avoiding eye contact, “I probably should.”
“Oooookay. Have fun. Night.”
Well, at least it was easier to breathe, though still awkward once they were alone again.
Mike smiled softly, then gave him one more sweet kiss and stood up.
“You should go. Don’t want your folks missin’ ya.”
“They won’t till mornin’,” Jojo said with a shrug, “I’s got plenty of time to get back.”
“I still don’t wanna take the chance ya get caught,” Mike said firmly, “Ya couldn’t even tell ‘em ya had gay friends—better not to risk it.”
The thought of what his parents would do if they ever did find out made Jojo’s stomach turn, but he swallowed that feeling and headed for the window, turning on his flashlight.
“I’ll be watchin’ to make sure ya make it down alright,” Mike said.
Neither of them was moving from just standing by the open window, letting the cold air in the house.
“I love you,” Jojo said, sitting on the window sill to reach for the nearest tree branch.
“I love you, too,” Mike responded, “That don’t change the fact that ya gotta focus on the tree climbin’.”
Honestly, Jojo was anything but focused right now, but he managed to make it down the tree safely.
He could still see Mike watching, if he looked up, in the light of the street lamp.
Street lamps have always been good lighting for him.
Huh. What a random thought.
Jojo waved goodbye, and waited only long enough to see Mike wave back before turning to walk home.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Steve and Billy are hanging out at Cherry Lane and Steve goes on Billy's computer while Billy's in the bathroom to look something up and accidentally pulls up the page he had open the night before which is a porn hub search for "brunette twink". Steve contemplates whether or not he should keep it to himself (and whether or not he gets caught by Billy is up to you
No smut, but vague descriptions of porn (I just say the titles of videos but they use a lot of sexual buzzwords lol).
Steve’s computer went dark.
He was sitting on Billy’s bed as they did their homework. Steve was plonking through an essay, Billy taking “breaks” from his math to read it over his shoulder and offer up suggestions.
He slammed random keys, trying to make it not dead.
“Fuck.” Steve looked around, grabbing Billy’s laptop from its place charging on the nightstand. He opened it, squinting as he poked in his password.
He blinked as it opened up to pornhub, specifically gay pornhub. Steve knew Billy was gay, knew he had to be in the closet for his own safety, so that didn’t shock him. He hadn’t told Billy about his own attraction to men, of his attraction to Billy.
What took him aback were the videos, all listed under the search for brunet twink. He stared at the videos, these dark haired guys getting fucking railed.
He pressed the back arrow, kinda, kinda interested in what else Billy looked up.
It switched to a video under the brunet twink search, one entitled Cute Twink Gets Spanked and Fucked. Steve stared with wide eyes, clicking the back button again.
The next video was called Femboy Rimmed Before Taking it Raw. Back. Bratty Bottom Takes Daddy’s Hard Cock. Back. Stud Breeds Skinny Twink.
He kept clicking back through videos. Not only were there a fuckton of them, like Jesus Billy, who watches this much porn in a fucking night, they all featured some beefy guy absolutely pounding into a cute brunet twink. A cute brunet twink that kinda, they all kinda looked like Steve.
Was he a twink? He’d never really thought about it, didn’t know all the classifications outside of twink and bear really. He wasn’t as skinny as these guys, had more lean muscle, broad shoulders. But he did have a small waist, and he always thought his hips were a little feminine, his ass. And of course, compared to Billy, who’s all broad, thick muscle, he supposed maybe, maybe he was a bit of a twink. And their smooth skin did look as pale and soft as Steve’s.
“What’s up, Stevie?” Steve startled, blinking up at Billy, slamming the laptop shut.
“Uh, nothing. My, my computer died so I, I borrowed yours.” Billy picked up the laptop, tugging it out of Steve’s tight grip with one eyebrow raised.
“Well, let me see what you’ve written so far.” He opened it, furrowing his brow at what was on it. “Why were you goin’ through my porn from last night?” Steve shrugged.
“Just, was lookin’. Are they, are they all from last night?” Billy laughed sitting down heavily next to Steve, clicking out of Femboy Bubblebutt with Cumshot.
“Dude, I’m stuck in this shitty hick town, that has no fucking queers in it. I haven’t gotten ass in months.” He put the laptop on Steve’s knees, opened to Google Docs. “Finish your essay.”
He went over to the couch he had squished in his room, kept doing his homework like Steve hadn’t just found out that Billy watches porn with guys that look like Steve.
He couldn’t focus on his essay, kept stealing glances at Billy, kept thinking about the videos he saw, thinking about him and Billy in those situations.
He realized he was actually getting kinda hard, picturing Billy slamming into him, filling him up, covering him in cum.
Billy stood up, stretching his arms above his head, making his shirt come up a little but, exposing the soft trail of hair that lead under his jeans. Steve stared at it.
“You haven’t written a damn thing, Pretty Boy.” Steve blinked, flashes of one of the videos, of Pretty Boy Throat Fuck.
“Sorry I just, you know my brain. Get all. Distracted.” Billy smiled softly at him.
“What, gay porn throwing off your delicate straight boy sensitivities?”
“Just the sheer amount of it. You really watch all those videos in one sitting?” Billy laughed, flopping back on the bed.
“I mean, I’m not like furiously whacking off the whole time. I like to kinda get myself pent up, makes for a good orgasm.” Steve could feel his face going hot. He thought about Billy getting himself pent up, figuring Steve until he cried and made a mess of himself until he felt he was hard enough to get going. He made a little hmmn noise in acknowledgement. Billy kicked him lightly.
“Why you bein’ so weird, Stevie?” Steve shrugged. Billy kicked him again.
“Just, didn’t know you had a type, is all.” It came out way harsher than he meant it, but he, his mind was reeling.
“Jesus. You gonna be so judgy about it, stop fucking asking.” Steve closed the laptop. He sighed heavily.
“I’m not being judgy-”
“No, you are. You knew I’m gay, but this is the first time you’ve actually had to face it head-on. If you’re fucking, disgusted by me or something, then just get the fuck out, because I don’t need that from you-”
“I’m bi.” Billy sat up, staring at Steve.
“Don’t bullshit around with me.” Steve looked down at the floor, knew Billy used bullshit on purpose.
“I’m not. I, I like guys. Too. In addition to liking girls.”
“Yeah, I know what bi means. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’ve never told anyone.” He whispered it to his socked feet. “I just, I’m not being judgy. Just didn’t know you had, had such a strong type is all.” Billy was giving him a weird look.
“Seriously, Pretty Boy. What’s going on? Most people have types.”
“You’re type is me.” Billy clenched his jaw. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“You’re actually really not. I don’t, I don’t really have a type. Just kinda fucked around, whoever was down for it. But then, then I came here, and I fucking, I fucking met you, and, and I’m pretty much obsessed with you.” Steve’s stomach was fluttering.
“So you, you watch that kinda stuff, and you picture me.” Billy stood abruptly, pacing in front of the bed.
“Look, I’m sorry. You’re probably totally grossed out, and I get it, so you can, you can punch me in the face if you want and storm outta my life, but-” He didn’t get to finish.
Steve stood up, pulling Billy in by his t-shirt, slamming their mouths together.
It was awkward at first, Billy was rigid against Steve, and just as Steve was about to call it a loss, pull back and apologize, Billy arms came up, wrapping tight around his waist. He moaned into the kiss, started moving his mouth with Steve’s, licked into his mouth, made Steve shiver and whine. He bit Steve’s bottom lip gently before pulling back.
“Shit, Stevie. Been wanting to do that since I saw those pretty lips a’ yours.” He planted a wet kiss to Steve’s cheek. “If all it took was you findin’ out that I jack of to thoughts of you, woulda told you way sooner.” He was grinning, arms still tight around Steve’s waist.
“Yeah, coulda made those thoughts come true a long time ago.” Billy groaned, planting his face into Steve’s shoulder.
“Don’t tempt me like that. I’m about two seconds away from just having my fucking way with you.” Steve pressed a kiss to the side of his head, leaning to breathe into his ear.
“Dare ya.”
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stellarxdeath · 4 years
3. rant. just do it + 11. what unusual talent do you have?
3, rant:  OH BOY HERE WE GO
Let’s talk cringe culture for a second, and specifically how it’s impacted me. I’m going a little off-hand here, but oh my FUCKING god we need to completely deconstruct the concept of what we as people and creators consider “cringe”. I am literally 100% for doing whatever the hell you want, just as long as it’s legal and safe. You wanna make a Mlp rainbow alicorn? fucking go for it. You wanna wear vampire teeth and dress in all black? You live your best goddamn life. You wanna simp over slashers? Me too bud, lets do it together. Do what makes you happy, and always remember you owe no one an explanation. 
Cringle culture has definitely been something I’ve had to break free from. It controlled how I thought, what I did or said, what I shared online and with friends. I held myself back from creating the things I wanted, and doing the things I love. I was so overly-aware of what powers my characters had, frantically trying to balance out pros-cons to appease what I thought other people wanted. I avoided certain shows, sometimes even shitting on them when I had no clue what they were about. I judged real life people without even knowing them.
This isn’t to say I am completely judge-free. I’m human, I still have a tiny little asshole living in my brain that hates everything. But saying “fuck it” and just going wild has been one of the best things I’ve ever done in my teenage life. I love dark shit, I’m here for all the character drama, I’ll make all my characters gay. You can’t stop me. 
So, TL;DR fuck cringe culture, you are the rulers of your own universe, go shit out a rainbow and call it shadow. Love yourself. 11: What unusual talent do I have? So, ignoring the fact that talking about myself in a positive manner is weird; I somehow manage to whip up a 75% complete (kinda janky) Character in the timespan of an hour. My brain is full of nothing but stories of characters like this. I cannot stop it, the hyperfixation is real. Thank god it’s not damaging, because holy shit, there’s a lot goin on in my funk little skull.
ty for the questions! Feels good to type random shit.
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