kad-dala · 5 months
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My take on basic Mandalorian triage terms and symbols
Shupur'sur - damage list, triage,
Ge'tal - red, DAR'KYR'JII not yet dead/urgent,
Shi'yayc - yellow, SHUPUR severe trauma,
Vorpan - green, KADALA injury,
Ne'tra - black, KYRAYC deceased,
Feel free to add on and comment
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76historylover · 1 year
Mal Practice
Today, Mal was in naval bridge when she felt a rebel fleet of around 20 ships hyperspaced in. She was able to get some TIEs up in the air, have ground troops fight the rebel presence in the courtyard and main hangar bay, and eventually win against them. A Terror Trooper named Issac has been popping up to scare and break her down, telling her that her significant other (Shock Commander Chris Crunch) would "make a fine experiment" and to "enjoy the time you have left with him". Frightened by this, she asked a Shock Major about how the Terror Trooper was threatening Crunch. The Major said to her that there was nothing that he could do and that orders are orders, to let the trooper be. She huffed her way back up to naval bridge. Lieutenant AXOS Pride got word that an Imperial General was visiting the base. Mal and Pride went down to greet the General, as well as the Terror Trooper. While they were walking, Mal told him that she didn't trust him at all and that she would figure out what he was up to. The Terror Trooper ignored her words. Then brief was called- Naval was able to triangulate the position of the rest of the rebel fleet hyperspacing away. The 501st Commander Belial was also kidnapped by the same rebel force and tortured. All troops went to MHB, loaded up in the LAAT and prepared for combat. Mal was selected as ground command for the mission. They were able to get Commander Belial back and defeat the rebels, but Belial's condition was decreasing. He and the rest of the troops were rushed back to base. Mal was pulled out of debrief to conduct surgery on Belial- he had four degree burns everywhere, broken ribs/bones, shrapnel wounds and internal bleeding. He was fading fast. Mal was able to save his life with the help of other medics, but Belial lost a leg and part of a rib. Mal also proceeded to have a PTSD flashback in the middle of the surgery and had to step back to let other surgeons help. With Toast (a Shock Medic) helping her calm down, she exited the operating room, took off her scrubs and proceeded to talk with the Mandalorian on base (Soren Verburyc [Loyal] Ge'tal [Mandalorian clan name], who is from the Old Republic time and was recently unfrozen out of carbonite) about what she was experiencing- the flashbacks, the nightmares, feeling like she wasn't herself. Soren attempted to comfort her and advised her to be stronger in the face of fear. Mal agreed. She saw the General in medbay and proceeded to chase after him, learning from earlier that he was the one who sent the Terror Trooper down to strike fear into her heart. The General got in his plane with his Disciple and Mal proceeded to give them clearance to leave, but not before shouting at them that she knew that they were up to. Big mistake. The Disciple came back dressed as a stormtrooper and complained about a sprained leg and bruise. Mal told him to come to medbay with her. They proceeded to walk together, the stormtrooper going the opposite way. Mal followed him to tell him that medbay was the opposite way and proceeded to have a powder blown into her face which made her permanently forget the past 24 hours.
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fionajames · 3 months
Can I please please request a little thing about echo x female reader please 😭 like it’s not a slow burn and it’s established and it’s fluffy because I can’t take the angst at this time of the month (iykyk) I BEG OF THEE 🙏🏻 answer/write it whenever don’t feel pressured. love you, ka’ra ❤️
cold and cookies - echo
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Echo rolled his shoulders back and yawned, wincing as his breath warmed the surrounding air, a sharp contrast to the coolness of the planet. The cold climate was a reminder of you, and that was something that he cherished.
Any time a cold breeze would brush over his skin - no matter the planet - he was reminded of your home. Today, the planet was the one you lived upon, and he was quickly walking to your house.
Hunter followed by his side, your best friend through fire and flood. He was how Echo and you had met, after he’d been embarrassingly rescued by you and your steed. Hunter had been captured by Separatists and dragged away to their base, but he’d never made it there. 
Echo and you were - as Crosshair claimed - two fools in sickening love. 
Echo had never had an issue with the title as that would be rather hypocritical of him, especially now as he walked to your house with a giddy grin. With each step, snow squished under his boot and ice nipped his skin. The snowy planet was beautiful, but deadly cold.
“Good morning, Hjiu,” Echo called to an elderly woman setting up her stall in the town centre. She gave him a kind smile, greeting both of them and insisting they bring you along to the market.
Echo picked up pace when he spotted the front door of your house, pulling his helmet off and holding it under his arm, the biggest grin plastered on his face. He knocked on the door quickly, the knock itself monotone and unrevealing. 
You lifted your head as a knock rang through your house, a brow quirked at the sound. You weren’t expecting anyone. Perhaps it was Hjui, or the kids who begged you to play with them.
You strolled to the door, hand grasping the cold doorknob unbothered. Twisting it and opening the door, your eye immediately lit up. In front of you stood Echo, his grin so big and cheerful he practically glowed.
“Echo!” You cried, lunging forward and wrapping your arms around his neck, burying your face in the crook of his neck, ignoring the armour painfully digging into your own neck. He murmured a sweet nickname as he returned the hug, kissing the top of your head and spinning you around.
You giggled as he twirled you around in the air before pulling you into his chest, his grin only growing. Hunter watched with a soft expression, pleased his brother had found his other half.
Once Echo finally let go of you, you hugged Hunter quickly, having missed your best friend almost as much as you’d missed your boyfriend. Echo didn’t let you leave his side for longer than a minute as he pulled you back, pressing a soft kiss and to your forehead like a whisper.
A promise, not to let go.
Which was kept, as he dragged you to the market and didn’t let go of your hand. After an hour or two of waking around the market, you dragged the squad to your house with promises of cookies and hot chocolate.
Even Crosshair came relatively willingly, ever so soft for his brother’s sunny girlfriend. The squad had long ago adopted you as one of their members, arm in arm with them until the end of time.
They sat in your kitchen, Tech assessing the temperatures for the next few days. The boys despised the cold weather of your home planet, but had all silently agreed it was worth it to come see you.
To Echo, you were his girlfriend, his soulmate, his other half. After the Citadel, everything seemed dark, and then you bounded into his light and shone light on his situation like an angel from above.
You were Hunter’s best friend, a platonic soulmate if you will. You too could spend hours playfighting and then play board games. You were two sides of the same credit.
To Tech you were his sister, woven into his life by his brother. The same went for Wrecker and Crosshair, unaware they’d become so attached to the girl from the frozen planet. 
You smiled as the squad fought over the last cookie, reaching over and grasping it in your hand. Gently breaking it in two, you gave one half to Echo before eating the second yourself. You laughed as they continued to bicker, unaware there was nothing left to fight over. 
Echo wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and placing a featherlight kiss to the side of your neck. He chuckled softly at the scene ahead, drawing the attention of his brothers. 
They spotted the last bite of the cookie in your hand just as you ate it, silence filling the air as you swallowed it. Wrecker lunged forward and grabbed you in a bear hug, laughter and shouts filling the air as you squirmed in his grasp.
An hour went by quickly as you play fought with the squad, ending with you triumphantly holding a pillow over Hunter’s face as he laughed. Echo scooped you up and carried you to your room, soothing you through your fit of giggles. 
“Goodnight, cyar’ika,” he told you as he tugged at the hem of his shirt, still unused to the civilian clothing. Echo leaned over to kiss you, smiling widely as he relaxed by your side.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!! PLEASE SEND REQUESTS!!!!!!!!
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techs-goggles9902 · 26 days
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i was wondering if, perhaps, you could do a one shot with Hunter where 'reader' is sick???? pretty please??? 🥺🥺🥺
More than sniffles (Hunter x GN reader)
Warnings: coughing, cursing in a fictional language
Word Count: 393
A/N: FINALLY A REQUEST!!! Sorry it’s kinda short but I personally like shorter fics because I don’t have the attention span for really long ones. Lmk if a part two should be made or if I should just make one with a bunch of different characters 🤭
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Hunter woke with a sharp inhale, his eyes darting around the ceiling. Sunlight filtered through the translucent curtains paints the walls a pale orange. He turns his head to face your sleeping form beside him.
Your back is to him as you’re curled up on your side. Your breath whistles slightly as you exhale through your nose.
“Cyare…” Hunter whispers, cutting through the quiet of his home located on one of the upper levels on Pabu. You stir but don’t wake, further worrying Hunter. “Hon… something smells off…”
His gaze drifts back up to the ceiling as he sniffs the air, trying to figure out what the scent is. Sitting up, he moves to rest his hand on your shoulder to wake you but freezes just before he touches you. Hunter’s enhanced senses detect your fever before making contact.
“Cyare.” You feel his hand tenderly curl around your shoulder to roll you onto your back. “Osik, you’re hot.”
“‘Course ‘m hot… ‘m gorgeous,'' you murmur as your eyes flutter open.
“Not what I meant…” Hunter can’t help but grin at your feverish speech. His calloused palm comes to rest on your forehead. “You’re warm.”
A low groan escapes your throat as Hunter’s loving gaze locks onto your own. The backs of his fingers glide down your temple to feel your cheek. Your shoulders heave and Hunter acts quickly, rolling you over onto your side just as a hoarse, mucusy cough erupts from deep into your chest.
“C-crunchy cough…” You cough to the point that tears spring into your eyes. Hunter rubs your back, whispering, “Let it out, babe… Let it out…”
With a raspy inhale, you sit up and lean forward until your forehead touches his shoulder. His hand glides up and down your back in a steady motion.
His hand reaches the nape of your neck, his thumb tracing the line where your hair ends and skin starts. He adjusts your pillow to prop you up a bit before gently helping you lie back against the headboard.
“Stay here, okay? I’m gonna get you something for that cough.”
“Don’t forget the fever…”
“How could I forget that, mesh’la? The heat’s radiating off of you.”
You let out a quiet scoff, leading to another coughing fit. Beads of sweat coat your forehead.
“Don’t worry, cyare. I gotcha… I gotcha…”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 (<- your man) @dangraccoon @skellymom
Dividers by @ saradika
Please let me know if you want to be taken off or added to the taglist!
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constantlymisspelled · 10 months
Mandalorian Armour Colours
Armour Colour meanings and Classifications
Perhaps it's a little ridiculous, but with more and more fans wanting a full comprehensive guide to colours, and my own frustration at not being able to find the fanon colour charts of old, here we are. For both your sake, and mine, please don't be upset if anyone doesn't utilise this guide, it is after all a guide, and only a fanmade compilation. If anyone has any criticisms, that's what edit is for, and if you want further definition, do not hesitate to let me know in the comments.
The Classicly Accepted;
[This section is the clolours accepted by Canon Media, both Disney and Legends. I will include a colour swatch and the Taubman's pallet code for ease of use. If there are colours you wish to see evaluated, or meanings you wish to infer, let me know.]
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[The tiles above are literally the closest I could find to Jaster's colour, and to Boba's visor colours. The left is Red Alert, T12 26.H5, and the right is Crossfire, T15 196.6.]
Red - Ge'tal
'Honouring a parent.' This colour has been seen on the edge of Boba Fett's visor for years, and has been a staple Mandalorian colour for a long time. Honouring a parent is considered acceptable in most forms of Mandalorian Society, hence its widespread use. Honouring does not have to mean morning, and when some Mandalorians move past the grief of a lost loved one, or parent, they move to change the greys to reds, or oranges, in remembrance not of their death, but the life that family member - usually a provider in this case - had lived.
White - Cin
'A new start/Clean slate.' The literal translation for the phrase describing white on armour (Cin Vhetin) is 'White field,' or 'Snow Covoured Field.' It creates the notion that you are starting over, as winter has come, and it covers all that you used to be, allowing you to completely restructure yourself before spring arrives to thaw it, as a totally new person, with new honour and oaths to fulfil. Often associated with adult adoptions, or redemption vows completed, signifying new life.
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[The image above features Jaster as he was in the first issue of Jango Fett - Open Seasons. It is accessible (the pic) on wiki, and I'm pretty sure the comic is available on most comic archives. Jaster's colour are, famously, dark grey, black, red and the yellow Haat Mando'ade Crest.]
Black - Ne'tra
Justice - the colour of Mandalorians whose moral code is unshakable. A notable wearer of this colour is Jaster Mereel himself. Most kute are often this colour, or dark blue (navy) and in most cases that is for cost reasons, and to prevent staining. However, black is the colour of night, and of Death - an important concept to all Mandalorian Sects - and creates a sense of uniformity amongst even the most visually different individuals. Justice, Death, and all that this might entail is a corner stone of Mandalorian culture and perception. One cannot live if they do not accept that Death is a possibility. Black can denote serving of justice, seeking justice, or preserving it.
Grey - Genet
'Honouring lost love, or mourning a lost loved one'. The separate shades of Grey have meaning in some Clans and Houses, but across most of Mandalorian Space, Grey is to signify the passing of a loved one. It can even be worn if either a Clan has been lost, or if a member has been excommunicated. There are also occasions of possible ven'riduur wearing the colour when another warrior gets there before them.
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[The above image is the reverse of the New Zealand Free State of Niue's reverse coin. Gold does not promote prestige in Mandalorian culture, but danger. If dressed in gold, one is to be weary.]
Gold - Ve'vut
Vengeance, a common place, and important part of Mandalorian Culture and Law. Methods of vengeance are protected and controlled by Mandalorian Law. Acts that go from vengeance to Revenge can face serious consequence. Outsiders that meet warriors in this colour are warned to practice caution. A Mandalorian's wealth is not decided by the colour of their armour, but of their actions, and gold denotes a thirst for vengeance, in a control, personal manner.
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[The image to the left is Nocturne Shade, T15 139.6, and the image to the right is Bright Cerulean, T15 138.7. I included a vivid and deep blue to show the scope of what is considered baseline, before entering Light Blue, Sky Blue, or Navy. I chose as close as I could to Jango Fett's armour, and both Paz Vizsla, and Vizsla House.]
Blue - Kebiin
Reliability, a warrior and Mandalorian who is secure in who they are, what they are capable of, and what they have to offer the galaxy. Warriors in their prime often wear this colour. It is often taken as a show of subtle faith and loyalty to whichever leader these particular Mandalorians serve. Blue is also often worn by mercenaries and Journeyman to create a sense of calm and trust between them and their charges. Blue is often seen as a solid, and dependable colour, and associated with leadership, and their support. Blue is the colour of the Mandalorian Protectors Universal Sigil. Parents who are raising children alone also wear this colour, as a way of reinforcing the belief that they can care for their child alone - a rare occurrence in Mandalorian Space.
Orange -
lust for life, shereshoy
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[The colour to the right is literally as close as I could get to Boba Fett's armour. The image on the left is Irish Stone, T15 164.7, and the right is Deep Veridian, T10 54F-2.]
Green - Vorpan
Duty - often considered the workers' colour, green represents hard work, and deep commitment to a cause, a task, an ideal, or an action. Many members of the Fett House predominantly wear this colour as a nod to their humble beginnings, and many farmers and tradespeople wear some small segment of green to denote their occupation. The kind of green, and the way it is worn can also denote different trades and employment types, although like with most colours, each mandalorian is ultimately able to make decisions for themself on what their colours mean to them.
The Observed and Official Greater House uses;
[This section is for Fanon, or non-official colours. The Mandalorian Mercs and other cosplay groups have commonly accepted colour codes, as do some sections of the Fanfic writing community. If anyone has any colour ideas, do let me know, and feel free to leave a link to other colour charts in the notes! It's my ambition to make sourcing knowledge on Mandalorian culture easier and easier for newer fans.]
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[Image for Beskar Silver was taken from the Etsy Adds for Beskar Ingots. There are multiple companies and craftspeople that make these - vey cool! I can not let myself buy any. I can not!!!]
Silver - Beskar
The Colour of unpainted beskar, the associated meanings are either that you have not had the chance to paint it, or if you are in full, evidently in use armour, that you have no right to wear paint. It is the assumed non-colours of the Silver Children (An Elite Group of Mandalorian Ori'ramikade) and the Naasaade (the Nameless Society, a group of Mandalorians who have either been put towards the path of redemption by order, or by choice) and of many bounty hunters of the Outer Rim who seek to keep their clan affiliations a secret. It is widely believed that if any Mandalorian is to have honour, it is one in silver, as it infers that this particular Mandalorian will do all that is possible to be seen as honourable once more by themselves, others, their clan, and the Ka'ra.
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[The image on the left is Blue Booties (I know right?), T15 142.1, and the image on the right is Reflection, T15 142.2. I included an eggshell blue, and a powder, almost greenish pale blue. I even checked the definition of Cyan for you. Essentially, really light teal, like, really light.]
Cyan, or Sky Blue -
'New Love', often used as the symbol of engagement. Most Mandalorians cannot afford to exchange and modify pieces of their armour from one partner to another, and so instead of this practice from the eras of battlefield weddings, most unmarried warriors are encouraged to carry a small vial of this colour paint instead. This is a practice seen more amongst the traditionalists, who believe in earning armour on your own merit, and not upon the backs of others. Other methods of using this colour is in Cyan Beads upon your kute, or the addition of decorative cord upon a warrior's shoulder to denote engagement, or new marriage.
The Two Shades of Purple
[Purple is a difficult colour. Caught between red and blue, and having so many varied shades and meanings across both Mandalore, and the fandom, I've done my best to create the general feel of what purple means to a culture obsessed with living life to the fullest, and honouring your oaths.]
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[Image on the left has Imperial Violet, T15 211.4, and the image on the right has Purple Statice, T15 210.5. I grabbed both a warm and cool variety for those of you with colour schemes to match. Purple is a colour often associated in fandom with chance, hope, and luck.]
a) Lavender, or Violet
The colour of luck and chance, Violet and Lavender are supposed to be a sign of recognition and faith to the old Mandalorian God and Spirit of Luck, and although belief in the Gods has long since faded, folklore still holds most shades of lighter purple as the colour of chance, change, and good futures. It is a common colour for new parents wishing to do right by their children.
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[Image on the left is Imperial Purple, T15 213.7, and the image on the right is Royal Indigo, T15 130.7. Again, I have used both warm and cool shades to allow as much versatility as possible with colour palletes.]
b) Indigo
Often considered the colour of hope, Indigo and its shades are often used to mean the same things as other shades of purple, and when paired with colours such as Cyan, and Teal, or even most forms of blue, is meant to inspire a sense of gratitude, or gratefulness for victory, present peace, currently good fortune and such, whilst lighter shades are meant to bring said fortune.
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[Image on the left is Tapestry Teal, T15 153.6, and the image on the right is Lagoon Teal, T15 153.5. Both Teals are on the lighter side, but you can absolutely go darker in this colour and have the same meaning.]
Teal -
Considered the unofficial colours of the New Mandalorians, the colour was originally worn only by medics, emergency workers, and those who had retired from active combat. It was supposed to be the colour of those who had seen violence, and stood up to atrocities in the name of peace. It is now considered a cowards colour amoungst Kyrtsaade circles, and New Mandalorians forbade its application in armour as a falsehood and a breaking of the Healers Code. However, Traditionalists and Way Followers still view it as the colour of choice for more reserved, shrewd verde who fight as a last resort.
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[images above are to the left, Minty Green, T15 165.3, and to the right, Sherbet Lime, T15 167.3. Once again, included a warm and cool option.]
Light Green -
'Lust for peace', 'The Guardian', or 'Peace Keeper's Colours'. Often used by warriors who practice non-lethal forms of combat - guards that utilise stun batons and blanks instead of live ammunition. Under the New Mandalorians, it became indistinguishable from Teal and its meanings, but in all other forms of Mandalorian culture, Light Green is used for warriors and guards of sacred r special places, such as schools, hospitals, or the water ways. Light Green is a deeply respected, and widely used colour, even if its meaning has been watered down and misinterpreted by the galaxy at large.
Yellow - Shi'yayc
Dark Green
Dark Blue
Maroon and Burgundy
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[I couldn't pick one... Image above contains Baby Girl, Pigtail Pink, River Rouge, Spring Pink, Jaguar Rose, After the Dance, Flamenco Fire, Turkish Delight, Pink Flambe, Pink Clay Pot, Bold Flame and Strawberry Splash. The codes are found on Taubmans website.]
Pink -
Respect, Knowledge, and Respected. Interestingly, pink in Mandalorian Space is a colour of status, as a unification of white and red, it combines the ideas of horouring those that raised you, and your new beginnings, and the outcome became the colour pink. Different shades mean different things in the more secular coverts, but it is important to note that field archivists, officers, and journalists have a tendency to wear at least some pink.
Additional Colours and Varieties;
Mattes and Gloss
Symbols of the Mandalorians;
The symbols used in Mandalore are vast, and complicated, and often the colour can change the meaning of the symbol. Colour is, as always, up to the discretion and particular tastes of the Mandalorian in question, but there are common associations, and symbols mandated for use by specific beings.
[Extrapolation will be added]
[Wrote this for my own use, and as a guide on mainstream Mandalore and the subsects we might actually see in Disney media (can you see me distancing their bizarre writing from myself? can you??) after all, the official website lists Din's armour as grey? What?? Bro, no.]
The only copy of the old Fan Canon List I could find:
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[Fanon List in image is as follows; Purple - Luck, Pink - Respected or Respecting Someone, White - Purity, Brown - Valor, Maroon - Power, Light Green - Lust for Peace, Scarlet - Defiance, Silver - Seeking Redemption, Yellow - Remembrance, Teal - Healing.]
Found on Pinterest. It used to part of one of the cosplay forums, but I can no longer find it. It runs off old canon. There are some issues with the list, but ah well.
Mandalorian Mercs Forum; [here]
They're rather official, and a great deal of their stuff is incredibly helpful, but I find their website hard to navigate. Probably just me though.
Mandalorian Wikipedia Colours; [here]
It doesn't have any of the extended fanon colours, but it dos have an in depth expose on what colour canon and EU Legends has provided us with.
Mando'a Translator; [here]
Not entirely sure how well it works, but it does simple words fine. Its sentence structure is terrible, just like all translate apps, so be warned.
Mando'a Dictionary and Forum; [here]
This Mando'a dictionary has got to be the most comprehensive I have found, however there are still mistakes. The only reason I know that is I printed the whole thing and read it like some kind of nerd.
Mandalorian Colour Definition found on Tumblr;[here]
This one is made by another user, I am unsure of their sources, but it matches closely with a great deal that I have found, so it’s pretty accurate so far.
Another Handy Mando'a forum; here
If there are any other helpful websites and links you can think of, let me know. The Codex will have reference to this chart at some stage, but I'll get to that later. I'm just religiously ignoring the Mandalorian Cookbook I started whilst sick last year. You never hear of it, it never existed.
[I will update this as I make further research.]
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keldabe-kiss1 · 1 year
Mando'a Lesson 2
Su Cuy'gar! Olarom Anade!
(Hello, welcome all)
This lesson will be on some of the basic colours I know.
English || Mando'a || pronunciation
Colour || Sal || Sa-lay
Red || Ge'tal || ge-TAHL
Blue || Kebiin || Kay-been
Yellow || Shi'yayc || she-yaysh
Black || Ne'tra || NAY-trah
White || Cin || Seen
Gray || Genet || Geh-NET
Brown || Daryc || DAR-eesh
Green || Vorpan || VOR-pahn
Gold || Ve'vut || vay-VOOT
Violet || Saviin || Sah-VEEN
I'm sorry I've been inactive recently! I've been busy on my main account, N'eparavu takisit
(I'm sorry)
Anyways, here is the recent lesson, and remember, if you have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to drop an ask and I can try anwering it to my best ability,
Thats all for today, ret'uryce mhi, ner habire!
(Goodbye, my students. )
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arc-77 · 10 months
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LEGAL NAME: Designated ARC-77 by his cloners. Given the mononym Fordo by his trainers. NICKNAME[S]: Captain, Commander, Commodore. The Dark Trooper. The Scourge of Sundari. Ge'tal Kom'rk for his red hand. An assortment of other epithets in Mando'a. Derisively referred to as the "dog" of the more prominent Imperial Officers he has served under, such as Director Orson Krennic and General Rom Mohc. DATE OF BIRTH: ~32BBY. GENDER: Male. PLACE OF BIRTH: Tipoca City, Kamino. CURRENTLY LIVING: Raider-Class Corvette Impetuous, Death Trooper Academy on Scarif. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, Mando'a. Learns others according to need, like Huttese and Shyriiwook. EDUCATION: Kaminoan flash-training. Advanced military training by Jango Fett and the Cuy'val Dar. Self-taught in a wide variety of further topics in his free time, and is capable of absorbing and internalizing information like a sponge. Later receives a formal education in the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, graduating with distinction around 14 BBY. HAIR COLOR: Black. Later salt-and-pepper, with greying starting at the temples. Maintains a short, slightly curled hairstyle akin to Jango Fett's for most of his life. EYE COLOR: Brown. Experiments with other colors later in life, favoring piercing colors like the Sith's red-yellow. HEIGHT: 6'0". Later 6'5" post cybernetic modification. WEIGHT: 200+ lbs of muscle. Weight increases post cybernetic modification with the addition of a phrik-alloy skeleton, power cell, organ replacements, etc. However, micro-repulsorlifts allow him to compensate for this and even "reduce" his weight further should the need arise.
SIBLING[S]: His fellow Alpha-Class Advanced Recon Commandos. They are the closest thing he has to family. PARENT[S]: His prime clone/genetic template and mentor, Jango Fett, but this relationship was not familial in nature. Numerous members of the Cuy'val Dar served a similarly influential role in the development of his personality. RELATIVE[S]: None. CHILDREN: None. Served as mentor and trainer for many Clone Officers and later nearly every Death Trooper. PET[S]: None. Utilized several customized ID-series Seeker Droids over the course of his career.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual. Predominantly heteroromantic, no romantic interest in men. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse/AU-dependent. SINCE WHEN:
tagged: @mpiremoff
tagging: @holonetnews @majordallows
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mandogab · 2 years
Peaceful family evening
The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work – Tiana, “The Princess and The Frog”
Fennec closed the door quietly, hearing her fiancé's hushed voice coming from kid's room. She put down her keys and threw off her jacket, carelessly hanging it on the coat rack before pulling on her shoes, not bothering to stack them evenly on the shelf. Usually she was the one who put everything in its place in a certain way, but this whole week had been extremely exhausting, and all she wanted was to rest, maybe in the arms of her beloved, or maybe in a warm bed with his calm breathing. It didn't matter, she was glad to finally be home.
“Fennec!” She suddenly heard Grogu shout, who quickly appeared in the hallway, followed immediately by Din, with a kid's book in one hand and socks in the other. The woman smiled weakly and picked up the four-year-old, who was bouncing right next to her, stretching his arms up in the air.
Din walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then quickly put the socks on his son's bare feet. Sometimes that was the hardest task of the entire day, but right now the little guy was too focused on Fennec to pay attention to what his dad was doing.
“I thought you were going to bed,” she said quietly, in a really tired voice. Din looked at her worriedly and stretched his arms towards her to take the kid from her. Grogu wasn't thrilled about it, but he didn't protest.
“In a way. I was hoping a story would help,” he laughed, lifting the book.
“Little Green Frog,” she read the title. “Again?”
“I love it!” Grogu exclaimed, then grabbed the book.
“Isn't that the book we bought when the three of us first visited the bookstore?” She asked, walking into the kitchen. Their apartment was small and the kitchen was a combination with the living room.
“That's right.”
“It's about a frog! I love it!” Grogu smiled.”
Din sat him down on the couch and walked a few steps to stand beside Fennec. He placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling how tense she was. She sighed quietly, resting her hands on the tabletop.
“What's going on, Ge'tal?”
“Nothing, it was just another hard day. I'll be fine,” she said quietly and sent him a gentle smile. Her words, however, didn't reassure him.
“You're taking on way too much, you should take it easy, slow down a bit. Your work is not going away, honey. You're doing great,” he replied.
“It's not just the work, Din,” she sighed, then focused her gaze, unable to look him in the eye. She hated it, when she felt she was giving up. She had always been a role model, always doing her best to please as many people around her as possible, always giving her best. But lately she's been feeling worse and worse, and the onslaught of responsibilities has only made her feel worse.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked quietly.
“Not today,” she said.
“Fine. We'll come back to it when you want, okay?” He asked and reached for her chin to lift it up gently. She looked up at him and smiled slightly.
“Fennec is feeling bad?” Grogu asked quietly, suddenly appearing behind Din. There was a chance that he had heard their conversation, though he might not have understood everything, especially the signals that Fennec was sending, which Din had learned to read over time. “When I feel bad, daddy makes me cocoa and we watch a movie together. Can we watch something together?”
Fennec couldn't say no to him as he looked at her with his big eyes, dressed in his green pajamas, holding his favorite book tightly. She nodded, and the little boy ran to his room, presumably to take his loved mascot, a green frog that had been a gift from Fennec when they met.
“He has you wrapped around his finger,” Din remarked.
“Look who’s talking,” she muttered.
“You two choose a movie and I'll make some tea.”
Fennec sat down on the couch, putting her feet up on the pouffe and stretching comfortably. The choice was limited; it should be a children's movie. The woman smiled, knowing that the choice would once again fall on one of Din's favorite movies (though he would never admit it out loud).
Grogu returned moments later, dragging a frog blanket behind him. He stood in front of Fennec and pulled it toward her. She looked at him for a moment, unsure of what she should do, but she grabbed the blanket, then reached for the four-year-old and covered them both with the soft material.
“When I'm sad, this blanket helps me because it's so warm,” he said quietly, snuggling up to her. She smiled and kissed him on the head.
“Thank you, Grogu.”
Din came up to them moments later with three mugs of hot tea and a bowl of popcorn.
“So... The Princess and the Frog?” He asked, sitting down next to Fennec. She rested her head on his shoulder.
“Yes!” Grogu was happy.
“All right. Won't you be afraid?” Fennec asked, remembering the scene from the movie.
“No, I have you to hug me when I will need it.”
Din smiled and crossed his gaze with Fennec, who reciprocated the gesture. Under the blanket he found her hand and shook it lightly.
The thoughts in her head quieted for a moment, and she focused on what was most important to her – a family.
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This is special gift for @novemberrain221​ 💚
My dear Friend, I hope everything in your life will get back on track and be better soon. I'm here for you. I wrote this short story because, as you know, I've been feeling bad myself lately. I thought about it for a short while and decided to create it for you. Take a break, rest, give yourself time... 
I believe in You! 💚
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mandalorianmercs · 4 years
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Reliable transportation is a priceless asset this day in age, if you had a camtono full of Beskar to pay for a new ride, what Vehicle would you be speeding home to your covert in?
Ge'tal Vheh Clan
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syntymatitahna · 5 years
Hamlet's soliloquy o'r Mando'a
Cuyir, ra nu'cuyir, ibac tionas:
To be, or not to be, that [is the] question:
Meh ijaat'shya o'r mirde atiniir
If [it's] more honorable in [the] thoughts to endure
goore bal beviine b'ori'suumyc ka'ra,
[the] throws and lances of outrageous stars
ra jurir besbe'trayce ram'or naysol uraktose
or to carry weapons to attack too many difficulties
bal ti akaan rohakar val: ramaanar, nuhoyir
and with war to defeat them: to die, to sleep
dar; bal de nuhoy, sirbur mhi kyri
no more; and by sleep, to say we end
aaray be'kar'ta, bal ta'raysholan nyne
[the] pain of [the] heart, and [the] thousand hits
meg loras juri? par ibac nari
that flesh carries? for that act
solus vercopaani ruusaanyc. Ramaanar, nuhoyir,
one wishes devoutly. To die, to sleep,
ret haa'tayli vercopase; elek, ibac chaab,
maybe see dreams; yes, that [is the] fear
jorcu o'r nuhoy be'kyr'am, tion'meg haa'ite ret olaro,
because in [the] sleep of death, what visions may come,
sha ca'nara mhi ba'slana cuun ramaanla baare,
at [the] time we leave our mortal bodies,
(enteyo) dinui(r) bah mhi jorbe mirdir. Ibac mird
(must) give us a reason to think. That thought
ukoro chaashya urakto oya
pushes further [a] difficult life
jorcu tion'ad jorso'ran nyne be nu'baatyc ca'nara
because who shall bear [the] hits of uncaring time
ne'serim narise be tsad droten, chayai b'ori'jaon'yc adat,
[the] incorrect acts of the Republic, [the] teasing of self-important people,
kad'la aaray be paguur be'cyare, n'iviin'yc tor,
[the] sharp pain of a love's dislike, slow justice,
duraan be te naak'ade, bal tette
[the] scorn of the pacifists, and [the] kicks
meg di'kute dinui bah ruusaane,
that fools give to reliable ones,
meh kaysh lise te'habir uraktose
if one can remove difficulties
ti nu'hukaatyc kad?
with an uncovered dagger?
tion'ad ret jorso'ran uraktose,
who might bear [the] difficulties,
oritsir bal onidir chur haryc oya,
curse and sweat under tired life,
meh nu'jorcu chaab be nakare suum kyr'am, -
if not because [of a] fear of unknown things beyond death, -
ibac nu'mar'ey'la uvet, teh briik be'meg
that undiscovered world, from [the] line of which
naasad verd yaimpar, - mirshe tionir,
no warrior returns, - [the] brain questions,
bal mhi jatne emuuri (yaim'la) dushe mhi gana,
and we prefer [the] (familiar) bad things we have,
bal n'eyayti at ashise meg mhi nu'kar'tayli.
and don't flee to other things that we don't know.
mirdir gotal'u mhi an hut'uune,
to think makes us all cowards,
bal jiriad sal be mirde gotal'u nu'jahaala
and [the] ghastly colour of thoughts makes sick
ge'tal sal be nasre,
[the] red colour of resolve
bal nare be ori'munad bal ori'kando,
and acts of great height and weight,
ti mirde, val shonar amu be'chaaj teh jate'kara
with thoughts, their waves change wrong/far from [the] right course
bal dar'gana gai be nari. Luubid jii,
and no longer have [the] name of action. Enough now,
ogir copyc Opelia? Mesh, gedet'ye ke'partayli
there [is] lovely Ophelia? Beauty, please remember
an ner nu'serime ti gar suvar.
all my wrongs with your understanding.
Sol'johayc de Hamlet © 2019 by sootnose is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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An cuyir biaye bat Evaar'la Simir b Tuur/ A ku'nr o'r cin pabida chur miai/ Ni copaanir at cuyir ti gar/ Cuyir ti gar/ ca bal tuur/ Naas am bat Evaar'la Simir b Tuur/ Bat Evaar'la Simir b Tuur/ Ni malyasa'yr cuyir ti gar tug'yc/ Ni malyasa'yr cuyir ti gar tug'yc/ Chur a tal ge'tal ca'tra/ A asalr ganar joruur o'r ne'tra bal cin/ Irud be'ktahya, gaanader kisol/ uer'atr sirbur, sirbur/ Sirbur bic b gatle, bic b gatle/ Bal mhi liser shukur adol/ Ba'hak shuk o'r t'ad/ Mhi liser cuyir solus!
I love New Year’s Day!  Say what you want about U2, but that song slaps.
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mandowords · 6 years
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fionajames · 4 months
Do you think you could write a little Codywan story?
Moonlit Dances
A/N: Hey, Ge'tal!!! Sorry this took so long. This is just a smol little Codywan fic with a twist of that series I'm writing: Ethereal (pt. 1 here). Enjoy! Send requests please!
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Moonlight seeped into the room through the huge windows, bathing the tiles in a silvery glow. Obi-Wan cracked his knuckles with a sigh, moving to sit by the piano. He ran a hand over his cleanly shaven face for the millionth time, wincing at the unfamiliar smoothness of it. He’d finally shaved his beard off to match the length of his hair, which licked at the back of his neck tauntingly.
He placed his fingers on the keys of the piano, breathing in deeply as he relaxed. He pressed his pointer finger down on a C, closing his eyes as he began to play. The music floated effortlessly from his fingers, the melody increasing as he played.
When Obi-Wan came down from the climax and played the ending, he felt someone rest their chin on top of his head, arms wrapping around him from behind. “Hello, cyar’ika,” a voice murmured in his ear before a kiss was placed on his jaw.
Obi-Wan tilted his head back to gaze into Cody’s eyes, smiling wildly upon seeing his Commander. He reached up to play with the black wisps of hair growing over Cody’s forehead. It was still funny to see Cody in clothes and not armour, but Obi-Wan loved it.
“Hello, darling,” Obi-Wan replied, pecking his lips softly before standing up from the piano carefully. He stepped to the radio, turning it on with a smile. As the soft violin and piano music danced in the air, Obi-Wan reached out to grasp Cody’s waist. “Dance with me?”
A blush coated Cody’s cheeks as he glanced around the room before nodding. “I don’t know how to dance,” he admitted quietly as his General moved his hand to rest on his shoulder. Obi-Wan moved them gently, smiling at his lover.
“Then I shall teach you.”
Cody wasn’t sure what they were doing, or if it was even a dance. What he did know was that he loved Obi-Wan’s smile when he anticipated a step, his laugh when he messed up, the hum he let out when Cody began to understand. He loved everything about Obi-Wan.
The moonlit room seemed to be trapped in time as the song continued on and on and on, providing solace to the two men. Cody moved to rest his chin on Obi-Wan’s shoulder and he closed his eyes, breathing in the familiarness of his General.
There was something about dancing in the moonlight together that pulled the two closer, as though more of the strings connecting them were being sewed. Cody felt at peace as he moved with Obi-Wan, anticipating each step subconsciously and relaxing as it continued.
When the music finally wound down, Obi-Wan moved to press their foreheads together, kissing him softly. He murmured the three words Cody had heard often, but would never get tired of hearing. 
They continued to dance in the silence, the moonlight the only song they needed.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Take care! Love y'all! Send requests please, I beg thee!!!!!!
(Taglist: @skellymom)
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techs-goggles9902 · 3 months
Hello! a couple things
1 youre so freakin awesome and i love your writing
2 what does your nickname ge'tal mean?
3 are you willing to write something sweet and fluffy for fives x reader x echo?? like theyre not dating each other just both dating reader and its all lovey and completely okay w everyone if not maybe just echo x reader? 👉👈
Mr. Echolocation (Echo x GN!Reader)
Summary: Echo’s on leave (thank Maker)
Word Count: 484
A/N: Hi!!! I wish I know who you are, anon!! 1) THANK YOU 2) Ge’tal means “red” in Mando’a and my pookie bear Jamie AKA Ka’ra named me that 😊 3) okay, I spent a long time simmering on this. I’m comfy writing it but I’m not sure how and I don’t want to give you a crap story so I chose the latter option 🥺 I’m sorry though!!! I’ve been dealing with stomach and leg issues so I’m really sorry I took a while to answer :(
Requests are open! See Masterlist for details!!!!
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Echo’s fingers drum against his chest softly, the only sound other than your quiet snoring. He returned from his latest mission yesterday afternoon, spoiling you with so many loving kisses.
His hazel eyes drift over to you. The gentle curvature of your figure nestled beneath your bed sheets brought a warm feeling to Echo’s chest. He slowly turns onto his side to face you, bringing his warm hand to your cheek, brushing over the bone.
“Cyare… are you awake?” He whispers, soft enough that if you were still sleeping, he wouldn’t wake you.
“Mmmm… no,” you reply, your voice laced with sleep. Your eyes crack open to find Echo’s staring at yours through the darkness.
“Oh, okay,” he grins, his thumb brushing over your soft lips.
“Mr. Echolocation, it’s barely tomorrow… why’re you awake?” You ask as he pulls you closer and curls a leg around your own.
“I didn’t wanna sleep… ‘cause then I’ll miss out on time with you,” his eyes look so innocent, his eyebrows just barely knitting together and turning up in the middle. His little pout that always makes you fold during arguments or spats.
His gentle fingers gliding along your soft skin, down your cheek, tracing your Adam’s apple, tugging slightly at the collar of your sleep shirt.
“You may be here today, gone tomorrow… but it’s the fact you made it home, no?” You groggily mumble, this time pulling him closer and burying your face in the warmth of his neck.
“Yeah… home to you.’ He presses a kiss to the top of your head, your hair ticking his lips.
“Go to sleep… we have tomorrow to have fun.”
”Is that an order?”
”Yes, it is, Mr. Echolocation.”
A soft chuckle leaves Echo’s lips as his breathing becomes more and more even and quieter.
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How you managed to escape Echo’s grasp, you have no idea. The man barely moves in his sleep, his arms never releasing you throughout the night. You would’ve stayed in bed longer, just to watch him get quality rest for once.
The way his ARC Trooper expression softens in sleep, the tight muscles finally smoothing back into his skin, makes your heart melt. Even thinking about it makes a small grin creep onto your lips as you stand at your stove to make breakfast - real breakfast.
You’re so lost in thought you don’t hear the soft footsteps behind you. You only come out of your trance when you feel Echo’s arms snaking around your waist from behind, his chin resting in the crook of your neck.
“You left me, cyare… wake me up next time.”
“No, you need the sleep, Echo. Plus, you’re cute in the mornings.”
”What, I’m not cute all the time?”
”Oh, you…”
His gruff - yet warm - chuckle sends a ripple down your throat and through the vertebrae of your spine.
“I love you, cyare.”
”I love you, Mr. Echolocation.”
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Cyare = beloved [sha-rey]
Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom @isthereanechoinhere96 (<- in case you come back and youre interested:)
Dividers by @ saradika
Lmk if you want to be taken off or added to taglist 🫶🏽
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kengoa · 6 years
Was tagged by @cystemic​
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!!
I’m doing this for both Vient and Fane
Name: Fane Oxi
Alias(es): Shadow, Agent 86, Mahue,
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Place of birth: Balmorra
Spoken languages: Basic, Huttese, some Binary
Sexual orientation: He thinks Bi, but he’s not sure yet
Occupation: Imperial Agent, just a basic eyes on the ground guy for ciphers
Eye color: Golden color
Hair color: White
Height: bout 4′10″
Scars: On his back mostly on the area around his spine
Color: blues, lots of blues.
Hair color: redish colors so far though he could never pull it off.
Eye color: anything works
Pastime: people watching, drawing (he’s not very good at it)
Food: Chocolate, sweet fruits, cake
Drink: anything nonalcoholic
Books: Tales from Wild Space
Passed university: no, he’s never gone
Had sex: yup, sometimes for work
Had sex in public: not yet
Gotten pregnant: thank goodness no
Kissed a man: yup
Kissed a woman: yup
Gotten tattoos: no
Gotten piercings: one time so he could look like a pirate
Had a broken heart: yes
Been in love: yes
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes, waiting for trouble to pass him when he was almost caught.
A virgin:no
A cuddler: yes
A kisser: yes
A smoker: no
Scared easily: slightly, it depends on what it is
Jealous easily: ...no
Trustworthy: yes
Dominant: not really but if he’s pressed to do so he’ll act the part
Submissive: mostly
Single: He’s with Muhren
Wanted to kill someone: more than a few times
Actually killed someone: many times over, gotta cover up his ciphers tracks and silence leaks
Ridden a beast: yes, and its a bit scary
Have/had a job: he’s an agent so yup he’s making that agent pay with it
Have any fears: loosing people that he cares about
Sibling(s): none
Parents: Alma Harllega (deceased),  Ikain Harllega (Republic Commander) ; Fane has no memory of them
Children: nope
Pets: none, but he would want one
Name: Vient  (Gramin) (Vutt in Awkward Reunion)
Alias(es):  Ge'tal (in Awkward Reunion)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Place of birth: Dromund Kaas
Spoken languages: Basic, some Sith but its lost on him as he gets older
Sexual orientation: Gay
Occupation: Jedi padawan (Head of House Vutt)
Eye color: Orangish Gold color
Hair color: Black
Height: bout 5′
Scars: on his nose from his mother (a force wound, blaster scaring in Awkward Reunion)
Color: Green
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: blues and greens
Pastime:  starship model making
Food: Savory meats
Drink: Black tea with milk and sugar
Books: Ancient Starcharts
Passed university: nope, he’s never gone
Had sex: no (unless its an au )
Had sex in public: nope
Gotten pregnant: double nope
Kissed a man: yup
Kissed a woman: nope
Gotten tattoos: no
Gotten piercings: nope
Had a broken heart: nope
Been in love: no (yes)
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes, his early years at Temple he had a hard time adjusting and ended up staying awake because the time difference.
A virgin:yes (no)
A cuddler: yes
A kisser: yes
A smoker: no
Scared easily: slightly, it depends on what it is
Jealous easily: no
Trustworthy: yes
Dominant: no
Submissive: yes
Single: yes unless in au verse
Wanted to kill someone: no (au verse yes)
Actually killed someone: yes on accident
Ridden a beast: nope he thinks it might be fun though
Have/had a job: no unless in au verse
Have any fears: being in trouble with those above him
Sibling(s): Kekssan (his half brother by his mother). Rin, Val (half brothers on his father’s side)
Parents: his mother Mayta, and father  Lord Gramin
Children: nope
Pets: Mar, though she adopted him
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legacy-lycanthrope · 7 years
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Spidey and Vaar'ika Ge'tal chilling at ECEE! #ECEE #Cosplay #mandalorian #mando #spiderman (at Edmonton Expo Centre)
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