#geek homeschool
linyarguilera · 1 year
Esportes e jogos
Educação física
Estudando em casa com a barsa
Esportes e jogos
Educação física
Dentre os eventos de conçagramento universal, as competições esportivas são as que mais despertam interesse. Pessoas procedentes de todos os países acorrem a estádios como o de Detroit, nos Estados Unidos, para assistir ao vivo as partidas  dôo campeonato mundial  de futebol ou aos Jogos Olímpicos. Pela televisão, milhões acompanham as disputas torcendo pelos atletas de seu país, mas dispostas a reconhecer o gênio dos grandes capeões, independente de sua nacionalidade.
Esportes e jogos
     Para o humanista François Rebelais, “o propósito da educação não é apenas abarrotar de sabedoria, mas também adestrar a mente e o corpo”. Vista dessa maneira, a prática  de esportes representa um meio fundamental para atingir  o pleno desenvolvimento corporal e espiritual, segundo os princípios da célebre máxima mens sana in corpore sano.    Os primeiros surgiram, sem dúvida, do desenvolvimento de habilidades adquiridas no exercício da caça. Os outros estão estreitamente vinculados à imaginação e ao espírito de diversão.   Na Grécia clássica, berço das modernas concepções desportivas, por exemplo, denominavam-se esportes os entretenimentos ao ar livre, e jogos as competições atléticas organizadas. Na atualidade, tende-s e a considerar como esporte toda atividade que exige não só habilidade, mas também preparo e esforço físico, e como jogos as atividades análogas, porém mais sedentárias.
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch II (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of weight, implied eating disorder, Insecurity. No numbers mentioned.
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"Class isn't over yet, I haven't dismissed you!" The teacher's demands fall on deaf ears as the students pack up before the lunch bell rings, eager to see their friends. Your first three classes were relatively uneventful, the only entertaining thing being this ginger girl you've never seen before attempting to leave class without permission. Your eyes scan the hallways after you exit the classroom. Janis and Damien are the only people you can tolerate at this school, so they're the only people you ever seek out. There they are.
You make your way through the crowded hallway and purposefully shoulder-bump your target.
"What is wrong with you- oh you asshole!" Janis curses lightheartedly. She pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead while you stand awkwardly with your hands at your sides. Instead of waiting for his turn, Damien joins in and wraps his arms around you and Janis. "I missed you guys so much!" You manage to get out while still in the bone crushing hug. "Where were you this whole summer? You went completely, like, radio silent." Damien asks with a suspicious look in his eyes. "Sorry, I got grounded for the whole summer. My mom found my cigarette stash." You confessed. "Idiot. Anyways, did you see that new girl?" Janis switches topics and Damien chimes in, "Yeah she's, like, a total disaster. We need to save her." Their words are background noise to you. You're staring through Janis, zoned out. Damien and Janis give each other a look.
"Hey what the hell!" You whine as you rub your forehead. "You weren't with us man, your eyes were drifting apart from each other and everything. Pretty sure I saw a bit of drool dribble out-" you lightly punch Janis before she can continue. "Yeah I was! You were saying something about that new girl. I think her name was 'Caddy' or something.", you defend. "She's a disaster, we should probably help her." Damien stares at you. "Babe, I just said that." Janis stares between you guys before interrupting. "Anyways...let's go look for her!"
Janis and Damien were your best, and only, friends. You wouldn't know what to do without them. As such, you basically stuck to them whenever you could in school. Following them to the cafeteria, you take your seats at your designated table. You spot female Ed Sheeran standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria. She looks so stupid.
"Hey guys should we call her over?" You ask your friends. They stop their conversation and look at where you're pointing. Janis nods and yells out, "Hey ginger! What did you say her name was? Was it Caddy? Caddy!" The girl turns and points at herself, mouthing out a 'me?'. She comes over after we confirm and we all introduce ourselves. "...and that's Damien, he's almost too gay to function." Janis concludes. "So Cady, what do you think of the school so far?" You question. "Oh, I don't really know, I used to be homeschooled so I don't have much to compare it to." Cady replies.
You, Janis, and Damien all look at each other and back at her.
She raises an eyebrow.
You all begin going on about what to know about the high school: The best hiding places, teachers to avoid pissing off and such, and the various cliques in this school. "...and those are the sexually active band geeks. Don't walk too close, lest you get dragged into their never-ending orgy." You finish. Cady glances behind her and asks "What about them? They're kind of pretty." You all turn to see who she's looking at. "Oh honey, no no no, those are the plastics..." Damien goes on his little cautionary rant about how evil they are. You looked towards Cady and smiled while rolling your eyes.
While you're both giggling, your eyes lock onto Regina's...who is currently approaching your table. Perfect. "Hey, Gerard," Damien gives you a confused look at the name, "Who's this girl with you? Why don't I know you?"
You zone out looking at her when she turns away from you, gushing over Cady. You wish her attention was on you. Wait what- You're taken out of your reverie as Cady gets up and follows behind Regina towards her group. "Finally back to the present? What is up with you dude you've been out of it this whole day!" You shrug your shoulders at Janis and turn your gaze back to Regina. What's so great about 'Caddy' that caught the attention of Regina? You could look just as helpless if you wanted to, but you won't! Not on purpose anyways.
You get up.
"I'm going to the bathroom"
Janis replies while looking towards the plastics, "We'd come with, but we kind of want to see where this goes."
The sounds of her friends taking Cady through the requirements to be a Plastic fade as she makes her way to the bathroom. She had forgotten her pocket mirror and had to re-apply her lip gloss, duh. A stench that can only be accomplished by a high school bathroom gets stronger as she opens the door. She stops in her tracks when she sees you reapplying your mascara at the sink.
"Hey Brendon Urie."
You hadn't even noticed someone walking in.
"God, that's actually worse than Gerard." You look at her through the mirror.
She moves a bit closer, "You look so familiar."
"Must've seen me in your dreams," You say while awkwardly winking at her.
She raises an eyebrow, "No, I know you. I swear I do!"
"Well yeah, I'm the one and only Gerard Way! Lead singer of My Chemical Romance-"
"Enough," She rolls her eyes.
You finish up and make your way out of the bathroom, cautiously walking around her with your arms up. "You'll figure it out. Don't worry, Blondie."
She watches you exit the bathroom.
"Oh my god! Regina, remember this?" Regina glared at her mom as she continued trying to seem cool to her friends. She's known them for years! Why does she keep doing this? Cady looks at the book in Mrs. George's hands.
"What is that?"
"No way! We used this book to make fun of the freaks in our school. We'd tape photos of people then write down insults-"
"She understands, Gretchen. Can you get us some snacks, Mom?"
As Regina's mom walks out of the room, the girls are looking through the various insults in the book. They eventually land on a page with a picture of you and Janis.
'Janis, Pyro Lez' 'Y/N, puts in 110% effort because she takes up 110% of the room.'
Cady's eyes widen. "That's not even her." She says while looking at the picture of you.
"I think she moved schools, wait how do you know her?" Gretchen stops what she's doing to ask.
"I sit with her at lunch"
"What? There's no way, that Gerard Way girl?" Regina chimes in and moves from her spot at the mirror to look at the picture.
"Woah, did she just melt off half her body weight since freshman year?"
"I'm so jealous." Karen adds.
Regina stares at the picture of you. So that's why she knew you.
You, Damien, Janice and Cady are all gathered around at your locker. "...and it's just a collection of insults, basically." Cady had been giving a summary of the events from the previous day.
Janice's eyes go wide. "Does it say anything about me?"
"Uhm, nope. Nothing about you."
"Ugh, those bitches."
You didn't want to ask if you were in it. You had an idea of what the insults towards you could be, and you'd rather not have your suspicions confirmed.
The bell rings, interrupting the powwow. You all bid each other goodbye, and make your way to your classes. PE was your next period, and you couldn't wait. It was a break from all the thinking you had to do.
You head towards the gym after switching into your exercise clothes. Most of your clothes were oversized and baggy, including your gym ones. You hadn't really upgraded your wardrobe since you lost weight. Everybody was already in, gathered in a circle, so you pushed yourself in, not paying attention to who you were standing next to.
"Alright! Today, we'll be playing soccer! Or football, as some of you may call it." The PE teacher announces, mumbling the last part of his sentence. "We will work in pairs today, so find a pair. Or partner, I mean. Whatever, just get moving."
"I can't believe they assigned that guy to teach us Sex-ed." Was someone talking to you?
You look behind you to find Regina looking down at you with a...genuine smile on her face? That can't be right.
"Right! He gives off the same vibe as those Reddit incels."
"That's so funny."
Are you having a normal conversation? With the queen bitch?
"What did you call me?"
Oh shit, you said that out loud.
"Whatever, you wanna pair up? None of my friends are in this class, and you're the least annoying one here."
Thanks. You look around to make sure there are no other possible options. Regina rolls her eyes and grabs your arm, pulling you to an empty spot.
She was actually decent at football. You guys were practicing passing to each other while running and you were starting to feel lightheaded.
You waved to Regina, "Hey, I'm just going to get a sip of water."
"I'll come with."
"You should play football more often, you're more tolerable like this."
"Bold, are we?"
"I mean, I basically just called you a bitch and you haven't punched me in the face. So I'm right"
She laughed! What is up with her?
Regina enters the locker room and spots you with your shirt halfway up. You really did lose half your body weight. Guilt pierces through her. Freshman year Regina was cruel. Somehow crueler than she is now, and fat girls were just easy to bully. Did you drop weight because of her?
Your shirt had gotten snagged on both your necklace and bracelet. After watching you twist and wriggle around for a while, Regina deems you sufficiently embarrassed and walks towards you to help you out.
You feel someone pull your shirt up and off of you. You had made sure to go into the locker room after everyone had already left. So when you were finally free of your cloth prison and came face to face with Regina. You felt nauseous. Of everyone!
She looks you up and down and suddenly you're more self conscious than you've ever been. Wrapping your arms around your stomach, you mumble out a 'Thanks' and put on your other shirt then hurriedly pack up and rush out of the locker room, leaving a guilt-ridden Regina behind.
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demvalhaken · 2 months
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I decided to make Satan more brown and not your stereotypical kinda guy. Also, I need a Lucifer design because right now we have purple/pink goober
I’ve been kinda hit with the sickness of artblock again because of how many things I need to design but don’t want to
I imagine Satan and Lucifer being rivals, but that’s just me
I don’t why but I kinda tried to make Lucifer look like the sky of Pride, which is purple at night and blue at day. Completely unrelated but at night there’s three bright glowing stars and at day, four stars. This is from the Purgatory of The Divine Comedy. They represent the cardinal and spiritual virtues! I think that’s really cool, because if I ever do make a purgatory, the stars will be shining from there into Pride and maybe Treachery. In the actual story, Dante goes from Treachery and into Purgatory, but Purgatory is one step closer to Heaven and Pride is the highest ring of Hell. So just picture that in your head if you can.
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Hehe, Bael’s mother. Her name is so hard to pronounce, it’s great on paper though. Curse you Alrofes. I’m not even gonna reveal wtf she is because that’s for future Dem to decide.
Not much to say about her other than she’s protected by Satan because if anyone knew what she was, she would be killed on sight. You can make assumptions on what she is because she’s literally a freak of nature (With love)
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I didn’t colour her eyes like Alrofes’s because it just didn’t look right. Also she now has finger glove markings because I thought it was really cool and it started as a little headcannon on what her hands could look like. I ate with her design btw! I don’t know what past Dem was on, but she cooked a 3 Michelin star meal and got a 20/10 by Gordon Ramsay himself. Okay, I’m joking. She’s such a silly goober who has 0 social skills, she was homeschooled. Why is King Bael of the Ars Goetia a woman, I don’t fucking know!!! It’s been like this for absolutely no reason!!! I need to learn how to stop making ocs that are woman and draw an actual man for once, damn
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My dinner, the tape is holding back the entire universe
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Okay bye I need to stfu before I start geeking and tweaking
Eat this up and stay a menace to society, I have like one week and six days before I go back to school and I need to see some actual people in my life.
Look out ladies, here comes Dem!!!
Edit: Guess who’s getting her school shit done, we bouta be back in Hell fr
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dozing-marshmallow · 3 months
Hey pookie, could you do a Cody and Ezekiel x coquette (thicc) reader please. That would so make my dad since it's been very off. I hope you have a nice day
-Lover Anon
Heyaa my love, sorry I couldn’t post this sooner, I hope you’ve been doing much better since you requested and hopefully you enjoy this.
For future reference, please don’t call me pookie. The term makes me feel very uncomfortable. Thank you! ^^
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You and the other contestants from the show decided to go on a nice shopping spree since Chris was too much of a dick to allow it back in New York City.
Alas you stood in front of a huge store, too nice to go in solo.
Looking around for any nearby assistance, you found two of your fellow contestants, standing around, not doing anything other than ogling mannequins.
So a grin curves on your glossy lips as you sweetly call,"Cody! Ezekiel! Can you come here please?"
They hurry to you, Cody being more enthusiastic,"Yes milady?"
“I need your help! I want something new to wear!” you chirped your dilemma.
"Did you hear that, Ezekiel? A hot girl wants our help!" the geek excitedly reiterates to his companion.
Said man flashes a smile of his own and finger guns,"Leave it to the Zeeke Master."
“Just so you know, I only called you both because you two were the nearest. Don’t let this get to your head.” you hummed, making a head start into the girls’ aisle. The cutesy style of the store finally got to the two as they furiously blush for different reasons.
“Girls...” Ezekiel scoffed as he follow you,“Why do they care so much about clothes? I’ve worn this thing for the last five years!”
Cody takes a sniff and grimaces,“Yeah... I believe that.”
An hour passes and you guys were still stuck at square one.
“How about this, eh?” the homeschooled contestant suggested at some point, holding up a salmon pink cardigan.
You take one look at it, and your face tightens at the thought of putting it on your body,“What size is that?”
He checks the label,“Uhh... It says M yo.”
You cock your head sceptically,“Medium? Is there no L? Or XL?”
Cody looks through the hangers of that particular cardigan, nervously beaming,“Uh... Looks like this was the only size.”
“Seriously? And you guys thought that would fit me?” you hmphed unimpressed,“I need you to have your best owl eyes for me, okay? Thanks!”
Before Ezekiel threw the cardigan back over his shoulder, Cody pulled him in for a secret,“Hey... I saw somewhere online that when girls wear something that’s a size too small for them, they look as hot as if they’re just in a bra!”
“Aw man! Why’d you not say that before? We coulda seen something great!” Ezekiel groaned, yellow stuck between his teeth.
“Guys!” the familiar voice of femininity yelled for them.
“Coming!” they both yelled back in response.
Seven hours now. And you’re still going. Not once pausing for a break or food.
Whether it was intentional on your part or not, it seemed like you were gonna stay in here after closing hours.
Until suddenly, you declared,“I found it! I found what I was missing!”
The boys immediately raced to your side, buzzing with curiosity,"What was it? What was it?"
“This!” You squealed, holding up-
A necklace.
That small thing they could have made in the time they massacred rummaging in this girl shop.
The two had to take a break from reality when they saw that small thing in your hands.
“Are you serious? We spent hours just for you to pick something that’s barely noticeable?” Cody asked in disbelief.
“For real? You made me touch all that pink stuff for you to pick that puny thing? Not cool, man.” Ezekiel scoffed, crossing his arms.
“Lady! And this is just what I needed! It's so dainty!" you squealed, admiring yourself in the mirror,"This will go so well with my outfits!”
The boys sigh exasperated at the same time. You couldn't have just gone to a jewellery store when none of the clothes matched your liking?
Witnessing their reactions in the reflection, you decide to reward them with a kiss on their heads.
“Thanks guys! Your help's like, really appreciated. Maybe you both can help me find a wedding dress when the day comes!”
Their exhaustion melted when they felt your lips against their temples, successfully able to glance back at each other with optimism for their future errand.
“Well, that’ll be easier, right?" Cody fixes a shaky smile.
Ezekiel snorts,"I mean. It’s a white dress. They’re all similar anyway.”
“Oh no! I’m not going traditional, boys!” you merrily announce, arms high in the air,“I’m gonna have a pink sunset themed wedding!”
The optimism of both boys cut off as they could only glance back at each other with the alarm of the new knowledge circulating in each of their widened eyes.
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same-name-supremacy · 11 months
Opal- The Funniest Girl around
Glenn- The Loner
Heath- The Ringleader
Danika- The Delinquent
Leshawn- The Brother with the ‘Tude
Ginnifer- The Party Girl
DJ- The Sweetheart
Lincoln- The Dumb Prince
Bryson- The Surfer Guy
Trin- The Cool Girl
Harriet- The Dweeb
Corey- The Type-A
Seth- The Geek
Jody- The Wannabe
Issac- The Psycho hose Beast
Taylor- The Jockette
Sam- The Boy next Doors friend
Kam- The Boy next Door
Justine- The Eye Candy
Noelle- The Schemer
Evan- The Bully
Elizabeth- The Homeschooled Girl
Alejandra- The Archvillainess
Simon- The Obsessive Uber fan
Yeah I swapped some of the labels around. So uh YEAH
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melancholypancakes · 7 months
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(disclaimer: this is all fanart and fanmade and my OCs aren’t canon to TMNT or rottmnt)
Emily Mochizuki (エミリー 望月) is a teenage girl with short blonde hair, best friends with April and a dark secret past.
Emily grew up in Japan, Kyoto with no father, she was raised by her mother Kayda leader of the Dragon clan.
Emily wasn't fond of her classmates due to being Hāfu (half Japanese-half American in her situation)
Being raised in the dragon clan, she was homeschooled and taught Kuji Kuri, Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Kenjutsu, Sōjutsu, Bōjutsu, and Ninjutsu.
The teachings were brutal and Fierce, almost to the point of abuse.
Emily was one of the few Kunoichi including her mother.
All Emily's life she was taught discipline, concentration, caring for others was a sign of weakness, and yōkai (mutants) were enemies.
Emily couldn't see that, however, they weren't hurting anyone and the yōkai had normal lives just like humans...so how could they be our enemies?
Emily had thought they were doing good for humanity, she thought her mother held justice and morals but it was all a façade...
Her life was a lie, her mother, her goals, they weren't doing good with humanity.
They were killing innocent people yōkai or not, her mother was evil, selfish and only cared for herself.
Emily couldn't kill anyone, nonetheless a helpless yōkai child.
At the age of thirteen, Emily abandoned her clan and fled her homeland.
With a few deals, she managed to get to New York City where her estranged aunt and uncle lived.
Her arrival was not expected, as Katsuki and Haru did not know having a niece.
Katsuki, her aunt was an identical twin to Kayda.
Her aunt was the exact opposite of her mother, she was a chubby woman who owned a tea shop, sweet, kind, and caring towards others and her children.
When Emily introduced herself and told her situation, Katsuki wasn't surprised at her sister's manipulation tactics but shocked at how Emily was treated.
Katsuki left that life behind much like Emily, she was willing to have Emily live in her household and knew she loved America and her cousins.
Who knows maybe she'll make some friends...
At the start of freshman year, Emily was really nervous about meeting people nonetheless talking to other kids she didn't know.
Her cousins often teased her but mainly her eldest cousin, Asuka.
"weird", "loser", and "noob" were little words for fun to tease her even though Emily had no idea what half of that meant.
Since Emily only knew Japanese she was taking English in school.
She ended up befriending April O'Neil when they bumped into each other on the first day of school.
Emily was really shy but managed to talk to April and asked if she could help her around the school building for directions.
Emily is a love interest and best friend to Leonardo, Emily has a HUGE crush on Leo, they don’t act on their feelings til late season 2 & movie.
However, as for Gwen Aguirre she is a Hispanic teenage girl and a online friend of Donnie and only appears in late season 1 & season 2
She lives in New York with her parents brothers and sister, not much is known about her.
Gwen is a hipster, gamer girl, comic book geek and has a long history of toxic ex boyfriends and girlfriend.
Gwen is a love interest for Donnie but doesn’t get with him at least til mid season 2
Facts: originally Emily was going to Hispanic, an alternative version of Irma, April’s friend from (1987) version and she was going to be a damsel in distress instead of a female ninja with a dark past.
I did the opposite of turtles having a crush on a human girl like April, on other media plat forms of TMNT. Instead it’s Emily who has a crush on her mutant turtle friend Leo and honestly it’s cute 🥰
Gwen is basically Ramona flowers from Scott pilgrim vs the world ;) dyes her hair every other day
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tokkkkiii · 2 months
When you're the biggest geek, but she still flirts with you like you're not a homeschooled loser
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phoebepheebsphibs · 5 months
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter !
I’d love to get to know you better! :) But uh- I totally get it if you’re way too busy! You’ve been writing like crazy lately! Speaking of- I LOVED your double mutated Mikey sketches!!! 😁 You’re really good at drawing him even when he’s feral!
~ Melissa
Awww, thank you! I’ve been hyperfixated on him a lot and keep getting distracted by the next update for the story rather than work on other stories like Hide and Seek or Until I Found You or the TMNT AU Comp Sketches lol…
Fact #1: I was homeschooled my entire life. I was even homeschooled for half of my college experience! (Quarantine lol)
Fact #2: I am a giant greek mythology geek. I found out that I shared a name with a greek/roman goddess when I was like 8 and have been hooked ever since! That was the main reason I got into the Percy Jackson books!
Fact #3: I was a part of a drama troupe from age 7 to age 18 before I aged out and had to go to college. We did two plays per year, a spring performance and a winter performance. My first play was Peter Pan, my first lead role was Lucy Pevensie from The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe, my favourite play was probably Beauty and the Beast, and my last role was Mary Poppins in the Jr. Broadway musical.
~ Phoebe
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rayrayor · 9 months
New Years Ask Game for fic writers
@mybrainismelted Thank you for the tag🫶
To close out 2023…
1) what fic did you have the most fun writing this year and why? Or, if you can’t decide, what was most fun about writing this year for you?
I think it’s a tie between All but the knot and Little Omega . Both are just that light hearted romp. Plus seeing my former barbarian as a toddler was just too fun.
2) what’s a scene/story that you finished and felt “wow, I really accomplished that, that actually went so well”?
The Legend of Mickey Milkovich :The Love Story of the Gallagher Husbands. It’s a very true and pure love story about loving yourself and loving your person in many stages of change. It’s a tribute to my husband. He does not read a lot of my stuff . This one was a lot for us. I wrote it while he was in surgery. It’s just a tribute to all the trans folks who live their truth.
3) What helped provide the most inspiration for stories, if anything? Was it poetry? A song on repeat? A gorgeous gifset? A walk outside? A book you read that made you want to change everything? Whatever it was! Tell all.
I see Mickey and Ian in a lot of poetry. I favor EECummings both in ‘I carry your heart with me’ and ‘spring omnipotent goddess’.
It’s deep and powerful love. It’s being devoured for love and beauty. They carry each other in different but consuming ways.
4) What is something you want to share about what you’ve written this year? A particular line, a comment that made you feel really good, a scene that was difficult to write — you get to choose! What do you wish someone would ask you about when it comes to what you’ve written?
I am writing “what keeps a man holding so long’ It’s a what if Ian waited, but what if they both got support for various issues. There is angst which is hard for me to write. The scenes of Ian setting boundaries made me cry as I wrote it. I want to go back and fix some grammar. I am proud for going outside my norm . I have them becoming dads in a very unexpected way.
What I wish people would ask? Hmm…I love feedback. All of you are helping me grow as a writer.Ask me anything. I would love to pair up for a story, I am a bit geeky and no nerve to ask.
And to start off 2024…
1) do you have any writing/creation goals for the year? What are they?
I want to continue the @galladrabbles. I checked out @callivich writing prompts and want to use at least 4 this year.
I was raised in a very weird homeschool thing as a kid. I get forensic chemistry but not commas. So I want to slow down and get better at grammar. Thank you @notherenewjersey ! They are a beta for me and I am learning so much. I appreciate the time given to my SBB . My goal is to replicate that care in new works.
Oh and commission more art !
2) is there a fic or idea that you’re really excited to be able to continue to work on in the new year (shout out to my fellow fic writing folks who take forever to finish wips, sometimes it’s nice to be able to continue working on something even if you wish you’d gotten it done! Now you get even MORE time with it!)
I am excited to get to finish ‘ what keeps a man holding so long’ and ‘all but the knot, part two’. I also decided to take two tropes I love and mix them. Irish mobster meets geek Mickey.
3) What’s something new in your writing you want to try/are going to try? A different writing style? Different fandom? Darker works? Fluffier? Longer or shorter?
I am very wordy …see for reference the large series ‘bringing home barbarian’ . I am working on shorts and cannon compliant stories.
4) what’s something you love about your own writing that you will continue to appreciate in the new year?
I love writing and I want to continue making people happy.
Hope everyone’s having a lovely kick off to 2024 — think it’s gonna be a good year ❤️
Tagging anyone up to play and @ms-moonlight-inn @redwiccanrobin @sam-loves-seb @sweetbee78 @sweetperversiongirl @jrooc @juliakayyy @gallavichgeek
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octonauts16 · 2 months
If The Octonauts Were Mean Girls. Chapter 1
Hi, My name is Peso. I just moved here from the Antarctic. I have never been to a new school before. So, it was time to say, goodbye to Antarctica and say, hello to High school.
"Welcome to Northshore High!" Principal Inkling smiled
Peso wandered the hallways of his new school, a place unlike any he'd known before. Having been homeschooled all his life, the bustling corridors were new to him. He entered his first classroom, where numbers danced and equations solved themselves in his mind – math, his strongest subject. Beside him, Principal Inkling was ready to introduce him to the class, a friendly face in a sea of new beginnings.
"Attention class, we're joined by a newcomer from the Antarctic," announced the octopus teacher with a grin that stretched from tentacle to tentacle.
"Welcome!" greeted the math instructor, addressing the polar bear.
Baffled, the polar bear sporting a snazzy red vest glanced up.
"Actually, I hail from Canada," he clarified.
The room swelled with an awkward silence as Peso, the penguin, perched on his desk. Peso was having second thoughts about this new academic venture; it appeared he was the first penguin these folks had ever laid eyes on.
As lunchtime arrived, Peso faced the challenge of finding a group to sit in the cafeteria, a space dominated by cliques. He had anticipated an easy task, but rejection met him at every turn, with glaring looks accompanying each denial. Left with no alternative, Peso resigned himself to eating alone in the bathroom, feeling isolated and wishing for acceptance from his peers.
A knock on the bathroom stall interrupted his solitude. Peering down, he noticed two distinct pairs of shoes. A voice with a Cockney accent inquired from outside, "You alright in there? You've been in quite a while. Is it explosive diarrhea, or did you ingest something that's causing it?"
Upon opening the stall door, Peso was met by an unlikely duo: a marsh bunny clad in grunge attire and an orange tabby dressed in the style of an e-boy.
"Who are you?" inquired Peso.
"I'm Tweak, and this is Kwazii; he's a bit too adventurous for his own good," she declared.
"I'm Peso Penguin. I'm New," he grinned, "And I—"
"Lost at sea and don't know where to start?" Tweak interjected, "No worries, we're not the usual school of fish, but we'll stick by you."
Together, they shuffled back to the cafeteria, still puzzled about where to begin, yet Peso was eager to dive into the social life of high school.
"You'll navigate this school like it's your own ocean trench in no time," assured Tweak. "Here you've got everyone from Freshmen to ROTC kids, Preppies, J.V. Jocks, Varsity Jocks, Emotional Eaters, Starving Seahorses, Mathletes, Burnouts, Sexual Active Band Geeks, and the greatest creatures you'll ever meet."
Kwazii and Tweak did their handshakes in agreement, pausing only when they spotted two or the trio of students—an otter and a polar bear. Tweak's expression soured, while Peso's face showed a storm of concern.
"Who are they?" Peso said,
"The Plastics," Tweak grumbles,
"The Plastics... who are The Plastics?" Peso inquired.
"They're teen royalty. If Northshore was us, we'd always be undercover," Kwazii explained.
Tweak gestured towards the polar bear donning a cottagecore outfit, who unsuccessfully attempted to sip his soda through his nose using a straw.
"That one there, that's Barnacles Polar Bear. He's one of the dumbest guys you'll ever meet," Tweak elaborated. "Kwazii sat next to him in English last year."
"He asked me how to spell 'orange'!" exclaimed the cat.
Next, Tweak indicated the sea otter with disheveled brown hair, clad in a Dark Academia outfit.
"That tall one, that's Shellington Sea Otter," Tweak described. "He's involved in everyone's business and knows everything about everyone."
"That's why his hair is so big and fluffy; it's full of secrets," Kwazii whispered conspiratorially.
Peso glanced at The Plastics' table, then back at Tweak and Kwazii, and decided to keep his distance, choosing instead to sit with some of the most remarkable creatures he'd ever met.
"May I sit with you guys?" Peso asked.
Kwazii and Tweak exchanged glances before turning to Peso.
"You can sit with us," Kwazii offered.
"Sure," Tweak agreed.
Suddenly, a girl spotted someone intimidating and panicked.
"TAKE COVER!" a girl shouted.
Everyone halted their activities, struck by fear as the person walked through the door.
"What's going on?" Peso queried.
"It's The Queen Bee herself! Don't look at her! Just don't!" Kwazii warned.
"Who?" Peso asked,
"Dashi Dog!" Tweak exclaimed. "DON'T LOOK AT HER!"
Despite the warnings, Peso couldn't resist gazing at the individual who instilled fear in the student body. It was a dachshund with striking red hair, dressed in a baddie outfit. Evil incarnate took the form of Dashi Dog... She might appear to be your typical self-centered, treacherous, doggy bone, but in reality, she was far more than that. She doesn't care who you are, she doesn't care how you feel. 
She was seated with her worker bees when Peso decided to head towards Tweak and Kwazii's table. However, before he could get there, Dashi's voice stopped him.
"Wait, who are you?" Dashi inquired, looking at Peso.
Peso was taken aback. He glanced around, wondering if she was addressing someone else, then pointed at himself, questioning if she meant him. Dashi nodded affirmatively.
"Yeah, come over here," Dashi beckoned with a friendly tone.
As Tweak and Kwazii attempted to persuade Peso to return to them, his curiosity got the better of him, and he sat down with the Plastics.
"Why don't I know you?" she asked with a smile.
"I'm new. I just moved here from the Antarctic," Peso explained.
"What?" Dashi probed further.
"I was homeschooled," Peso added.
"Wait, you've never been to a real school before?" Dashi asked, her smile widening.
Peso nodded slowly, and Dashi's smile grew even broader.
"Shut up... SHUT UP!" she exclaimed, still smiling.
"I didn't say anything," Peso responded, with a slight smile.
"Homeschooled, that's really interesting," Dashi remarked, crossing her arms.
"Thanks," Peso said.
"And you're really handsome," she complimented.
"Thank you," Peso replied, blushing slightly.
"So you agree," she pressed on.
"What?" Peso was confused.
"You think you're really handsome," Dashi smiled, then glanced at his necklace. "Oh my gosh, I love your necklace. Where did you get it?"
"Oh, this?" Peso touched his necklace. "Thanks, my Abuela made it for me."
"It's adorable," Dashi complimented.
"So, 'Fetch'," Shellington interjected.
"What is 'Fetch'?" Dashi turned to the sea otter.
"It's like slang from England," Shellington explained.
Barnacles looked on, confused, as he observed the penguin.
"So if you're from the Antarctic, why are you a bird?" he asked.
"Oh my gosh, Barny, you can't just ask people why they're a bird," Shellington chided.
"Can you give us some privacy for like one second?" Dashi asked,
"Sure thing," Peso responded with a nod.
As the Plastics deliberated, Peso exchanged glances with Tweak and Kwazii, who were puzzled by his new lunch companions. After a brief moment, all eyes were on Peso.
"Just so you're aware, this isn't a regular occurrence, so it's pretty much a big deal," Dashi stated emphatically.
"We'd be thrilled to have you join us for lunch every day for the rest of the week," Shellington announced, his smile wide enough to display the gap in his teeth.
Peso opened his mouth to reply, but—
"Great, see you tomorrow then!" Dashi interjected with a grin.
"On Wednesdays we wear pink," Barnacles added, tossing a casual reminder to the bird.
Chapter 1/Chapter 2
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tracybirds · 2 years
friendship is magic and i'm thinking hard about tracy fam and their relationships <3 this is simply a list of possibilities for me to use to pick and choose :D Named characters are background characters, then I'm listing the circles they run in
just some silly fun for a thursday morning, gonna go do dishes and maths now :D
Marion Van Arkel
Kat Cavanaugh
Asher and Finn
Toshi Murakami
tracy industries people
uni friends (the man needs people to geek out about maths with)
personally i don't think he kept in touch with any air force people but i guess there's them too
Cass McCready
online engineering community (as in Nutty's V.T. Green bc i'm never not obsessed with that fic)
art group
orchestra friends
jazz band buds (Virgil is in a jazz band and they meet up monthly for jazz band shenanigans)
Ridley O'Bannon
Tycho Reeves (trust me on this one, I know they didn't really interact but also trust me)
space fam (neighbours group chat but the neighbours are all in space.... they have a chess tournament once a year)
stingray fandom friends
astrophysics nerds
Robby Shelby
Buddy and Ellie Pendergast
enviro friends (*cough cough* @gumnut-logic's Raoul Island crew)
old swim team
WASP buddies
Brandon Barrenger
cavern quest / gaming friends
homeschool "pen pals"
Alan needs more friends the poor kid must get lonely :'(
Wayne Rigby
Andi Houseman
GDF buds that Rigby introduces her to
she has the whole tracy fam so it's a little different for her i think bc she gets to live with her best friends* all the time
a select few other science friends
his sister's acting friends that have adopted him (based on the linked headcanon)
Kip Harris (get it Grandma!!!)
i like to think she's in an aviation club
also doctor friends :D
give me a stitch and bitch for grandma lol
keeps in touch with all the kansas friends <3
Lee Taylor
Colonel Casey
Ned Tedford (once Jeff comes back and they go rescue this hapless man AGAIN, Jeff invites him back for dinner and they become good friends I'm holding onto this one)
air force buddies
rich people pals
Penelope's Dad (Hugh????)
*disclaimer that my personal interpretation of kayo is that she's a good friend who is like a sister and the six of them casually refer to each other as such but isn't actually adopted bc her dad by all accounts is still alive and all that and personally I found the way TAG handled that weird.... but my experience is that I call my two best friends sisters without a trace of irony bc our families were closely intertwined and i've known them since birth and grown up with them. I even lived with them for a time as a child when my parents couldn't look after me. That's what Kayo and the boys feels like to me and is obvs very influenced by my own experience of being sent to live with another family while growing up.
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mysimsloveaffair · 1 year
Do you relate to any of your ocs? If yes, why? 🚨 Send this to 10 simblrs you adore ❤️
Hey there! Thanks for the ask. I answered this question once before, but it was more of an overall response. This time I want to talk more about the sim I think I relate to the most.
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I'd say that I relate to Me-Me more than any of my other characters. Me-Me is definitely a science geek, as I've always been. She also tends to be an overachiever. I also have that tendency. Me-Me is very introverted and introspective. She won't always say if something is bothering her. She prefers to keep it to herself and try to work it out internally...only seeking out advice from others once she's practically figured it out for herself. I share those things with her. I mentioned before that she gives well-thought-out advice. People tend to approach me with their problems because I always try my best to do the same. Me-Me is a working mom, and I'm a stay-at-home/homeschool mom, but we'd both move heaven and earth for our children. And lastly, the people in Me-Me's life tend to believe that she always has it all together because they don't see her internal struggles. She doesn't receive much help with her issues because no one realizes she sometimes needs it. I can relate to that as well.
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starandsims · 1 year
About Me - Simblr Edition
This one was so much fun, thanks for the tag @tedsies!
Your 3 Traits: Geek, Creative, Clumsy
Your Aspiration: Bestselling Author
In Game World You'd Live In: Willow Creek or Copperdale
Favorite Townie: I don't know if I could say I have a "favorite" but I immediately thought of Felicity Usher, I think just because I started the Sims 2 Console Story Mode game over so many times
Most Used Pack: High School Years, Seasons, Parenthood, University
Favorite Decor Object: Honestly the hardest question on here, probably the little kids art supplies thing or the cup with the pencils in it
Something You Want In the Game: More education systems! Private school, boarding school, preschools (just any way for infants and toddlers to meet each other really), interactive elementary school, homeschooling, a better education career (I was so hoping High School Years would have a more primary/secondary level education branch instead of everything being about University)
What Color Is Your Plumbob: Light blue for inspired! I've done a lot of writing today!
Tagging: @smurfingg @hiraeth-sims @onestormeynight @antiquatedplumbobs @simssong @pleasanttaleswithkaityb and of course anyone who wants to be tagged you can say I tagged you!
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kolanaki · 1 year
Out of all the people that "defeated" their bullies, I think the way I stopped my high school bully is, by far, the dumbest.
I had gone to public school from pre-school to 4th grade before my parents put me into a chartered homeschool program. Part of it was due to bullying; both from students *and* teachers. My parents didn't really teach me, though, all I really did at home was the reading and writing stuff. I did have actual classes, but they were all hands-on learning experiences and such, with very little lectures and boring stuff sitting around "learning."
The program at the time only went to grade 8, though, so after that I was back in public school going to the local high school. It was a small town, so I still knew *most* of the other kids but there were new kids I never met that moved to town during our junior high years and many of them just hated me for no apparent reason.
Anyway, the first two years of school this one dude and his buddies would constantly fuck with me. Stealing my shit, literally stabbing me with push pins in the middle of class, trying to start fights, etc. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, and I agreed to fight in the city park after school. I had been in Judo classes and I wrestled with my brothers and my friend's older brothers all the time, I figured I could take him even though I really didn't want to find out.
After school I walk over to the park with two of my friends who are only trying to encourage it rather than stop it, and when I get there half the damn school is gathered to watch. Someone even had a fucking camcorder (this was before smartphones and HD video), recording the whole event. No turning back now... I'd look like a fucking pussy and just get bullied more.
Pigeon (the bully's dumbass nickname) starts talking shit, and allowing me to take the first swing. I do. He dodges, and I miss. Everyone laughs. I swing again, he moves, I miss. More laughter. I get pissed, *throw my fucking shoe at him* and miss. That's when he starts punching me. And that's when I started laughing. Laughing like I just heard the funniest joke ever.
He was weak as shit! His punches didn't hurt me *at all!* My little brothers hit harder than this shithead! Why the fuck was I scared of him? I wasn't anymore. He punched me in the head and it was like a tennis ball. He kicked me in the stomach and it was like my cat jumping on me. I didn't even bother trying to fight back. I couldn't! It was too god damn funny and all I could do was laugh.
"Stop laughing and hit me!" I heard Pigeon scream. He repeated it again and again, and each time his voice cracked just a little more. Eventually *he* ran off crying. The most bizarre day of my life being remembered as when I got *my* ass thrashed, but the dude who did it was the one who left weeping.
No one cheered. But they all did have a big laugh and giving me props. After that, I was always invited to every party. People seemed more interested in me, and I was constantly being engaged by the "cool" popular kids. Not like the way movies show, but I had a lot more people who called me their friend than I did before when I just hung out with my best friend and the other goths and geeks at lunch (which was like 5 people including me cuz it was a small school).
I don't know why I was thinking about it but I figured I'd write it down. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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mandysimo13 · 1 year
So. How we doin folks?
i ask because sometimes the unbearable weight of existence is getting to be too much. 
on paper, i don’t have a lot to complain about. i like the person i am, i have a wonderful spouse, i have a fantastic cat, i have a job i love where i get to geek out about history with people, i’m pretty healthy, we’re in a good enough position to hunt for a house.  
but. like. what’s the future going to look like? i live in the US and right now, it’s not looking like a fun future. 
every other week we have mass shootings. many of them at schools. this country claims to love children and want to protect children yet no one can agree on the big things that we know for certain will actually keep kids safe. 
there’s a mass campaign against censoring and limiting access to education. it’s even sponsored by corporations who claim to love and honor free speech! also, literal nazis get to teach their ideology to the homeschool kids and the state are just like “well, we can’t infringe on free speech” 
every day people are fighting for healthcare. whether it’s because they have cancer and treatments for that can literally bankrupt a whole family, or it’s a pregnant person fighting for their life because an ectopic pregnancy is threatening to kill them but politicians think that the pregnancy is still viable, or it’s people with chronic pain or illnesses being told “eh, sounds like a you problem”. 
anyone not white is terrified of increased violence against their person just for existing. native children keep getting used as political pawns in a genetic and cultural genocide. black people keep getting killed at an exponentially higher rate because of police and systemic violence. we’ve seen a rise in asian violence because of covid misinformation. 
queer people are begging every single day for the right to simply exist without fear of being told that their cries for freedom are “grooming” actions. the criminalization of things cisgender people take for granted like gender expression or gender affirmation is all part of a campaign to disenfranchise and eradicate an entire group of people. and politicians unashamedly came right out and said so themselves that genocide is their goal. 
this country likes to bill itself as a melting pot. a place where anyone can come and make their mark, improve their life, and be accepted for who and what they are. but that’s never really been the case, has it? rather, we’re a country that promotes itself as a diverse society and yet punishes any kind of diversity. 
it’s hypocritical. it’s disingenuous. and above all - it’s so goddamn tiring. 
i’m tired. we’re all tired. i’m tired of saying “there’s nothing we can do” because in same cases there’s really not. how do you change gun culture that’s existed since the birth of our constitution? how do you change the minds of people who are scared to analyze and be critical of what their parents and religious leaders taught them? how do you protect the things you hold dear when billionaires can swoop in and buy a politician who is supposed to be a representative of the well being of all, not just the few? 
it seems pointless. it seems futile. 
and yet...every day we get up, we keep ourselves informed, we try to do the right thing, we try to make our contributions for a better life, we vote, we harass our representatives, we march, we scream and cry
we get up. because we are stubborn and because we will not go quiet into that dark night. because we have no other option. 
today i rest, today i let it get to me. tomorrow i get back up and keep moving forward. 
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Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
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{Genderswap of Total Drama Main Characters}
“The class of full students, young thespians, and able teenagers are the decent schoolchildren of “Monarch Edgewood's College of Fine Arts” in Empire City, NYC. They’re spectacular children, dramatic youths, choir of children & club members, and artistic talented kids who’re aren’t spotless role models, perfect protagonists, and flawless characters but they’re always a unique characteristic and a special feature as all of them have noteworthy personalities and special stars in them as they’re the opposite numbers of Mademoiselle Bustier's Class & Mademoiselle Mendeleiev’s Class. The able students are recent acquaintances, current ally, and brand-new wonderful friends of Chloé Bourgeois as they’ve decided to make her a better person and look after her when she’s transferring to their immense educational institution. When Chloé realizing of what’s she have done from her previous life and unpleasant childhood of becoming unpleasant and vile witch towards her previous peers all because of being abandoned & neglected by her own self-important mother, hasn't seen her mom ever since she was a child in age of 6 and extremely had apathetic towards & lack of enthusiasm for her and as for her business-minded & financially savvy father don’t keeping her company & didn’t have to spend some time with her, Chloé come to decision to wanted to change, and becomes better person with fresh character & new personality. All of her current classmates started to let her join in one of their community therapy sessions and counseling group sessions along with behavior management sessions and several of decent teenagers and capable students to become acquainted with at “Harmony Grove’s Healing Group Center” and invited her to “The Academy Opera House”, their enormous theatre company to shows her real talents to the others. Despites finding her previous behavior, they’re giving her a chance and helping her with her own confidences, teaching Chloé how to become an independent female, gives her to feel to be free, showing her off every place in Empire City she’s never gone to before, and treating her like she’s never had before…. An extremely large and loved family she’s ever wanted with genuine connections & meaningful bonds as they’ve got subsequent chapters to bring her fresh lifestyle with extended and packed adventures she had never had before.”
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Joslyn Olina-Kani {The Eye Candy}-Lipstick Lesbian/Nice Lesbian/Girlflux/Demigirl, 16, Neutral Good 
Sebastian Hong-Ming {The Boy Next Door #1}-Demiboy/Transmasc/Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
 Vicente Jardim Esteves {The Boy Next Door #2}-Queer/Polyarmorous/Agender/Boyfuild, 15, Chaotic Good
Essie Daughtery-Templeton {The Homeschooled Girl}-Straight Ally/Birominatic Demisexual/Demigirl, 14, Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good 
Demi Lara-Mitchell {The Gentle Soul}-Polysexual/Polyarmorous, 16, Lawful Good
Levi Eaton {The Dumb Himbo}-Pangender/Demigender, 15, Chaotic Good 
Toni Talley {The Cool Gal}-Demigender/Demiromantic/Aroflux, 15, Lawful Good
Nora Barrueco {The Schemer}-Neutrois/Acesexual/Arosexual/Demisexual, 15, True Neutral 
Ira Wilder {The Wild One & The Psycho Hose Beast}-Transmasc/Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Neutral-Good
Ophelia Lynn {The Funniest Gal Around}-Genderflux/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Benjamin Hodges {The Sweet Geek}-Bisexual, 14, Chaotic Good
Easton Williams {The Big Bully of The School}-Achillean/Gay/Acesexual/Gay Bear Brotherhood/Transmale, 16, Lawful Neutral 
Genesis Hull {The Crazy Kind A Gal Who’s Love To Party}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Hezekiah Tomiju (Wealth & Longevity) {The Wicked Ringleader}-Straight, 16, Lawful Evil/Lawful Bad
Craig Roach {The Type-A Overachiever}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Neutral 
Glenn Blackburn {The Loner}-Birominatic Demisexual/Omnisexual, 16, Lawful Neutral-Good 
Carol Rhodes {The Upbeat Nerdy Gal}-Bisexual, 14, Chaotic Good
Sergio Shannon {The Huge-Supporter}-Omnisexual, 15, Chaotic Good 
Heidi Burks {The Great Whiz}-Omnisexual/Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Neutral-Good
Shawn McDowell {The Brother with 'Tude}-Omnisexual, 15, Neutral-Good
Bryson Gilbert {The Soulful Surfer}-Transmale, 15, Lawful Good
Tricia Humphrey {The Athletic Jockette}-Transfeminine/Transfemale/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Delaney Sears {The Delinquent}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Neutral 
Alexis Guzmán di Donato {The Diabolical Master}-Straight, 16, Chaotic Evil
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir (Belongs to and Created by Thomas Astruc)
Based on the Main Characters of Total Drama Island & Total Drama World Tour (Belongs to and Created by Fresh TV, Inc)
Main characters and The Drama Kids of 👑✨TALES OF GOLD QUEEN’S GOLDEN EMPIRE✨👑(Belongs to and Created by @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014)
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