#gemini reading
highpriestess13 · 7 months
Gemini Reading
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Gemini, you can finally find peace! You’ve came such a long way and now it’s time for you to stand strong and be at peace! All that you had to go through and experience wasn’t just a waste, it was for a reason… “test of strength” is what I’m hearing. You guys have been very resilient and will never back down from a fight. Your troubles, sorrows and worries are now gone, there’s no point in taking them with you on this next journey. Where you’re leaving from has been pretty dark but you’re coming out of that and moving to more calmer waters. The burdens and responsibilities are no longer yours to take. “Bag Lady” by Erykah Badu is coming. You can’t carry all them bags with you whether it’s literal or figuratively. You need to pack light… in all honesty all you need is YOU. You’re standing on firmer grounds and your protecting your energy as you should but your team and ancestors gotchu so don’t worry. You’re this precious little lamb while your team is the lion lol. This could also be a goddess’s energy around you too. You’ve fought for way too long and now it’s time for someone to fight for you but one thing I will say, is those scars you still have is what’s making you this super badass even if you don’t feel like one! Listen to more songs that make you feel confident and badass… you can thank me later 😏.
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
could you do may 30 please? ♡
Language Of Birthdays: May 30 - Gemini
The Day Of Nimble Time
The drive for freedom and independence works both positively and negatively for May 30 people, but free they must be. They may have a great deal of difficulty keeping to the same routine year after year -their longing for sudden and extreme change will cause them enormous frustration if suppressed. Often May 30 people wish to be responsible, trustworthy and dependable, but although they may try repeatedly, they have great difficulty carrying commitments through. Those born on this day can best make a contribution and express themselves through freelance work, individual initiative and personal vision.
May 30 people often draw the anger of those whose expectations they disappoint, but it is unfair to blame those born on this day for malice aforethought or cunning since change and impermanence just come naturally to them. Indeed, their moods, if they are men, can shift in a split-second. Women born on this day may be capable of an amazing balancing act of simultaneous activities—for example, running a household or business, leading a secret life and dreaming up new projects all at once.
May 30 people must beware of making commitments they cannot keep. With only the best intentions they blithely promise the moon, figuring always that if trouble arises later they can get out of it. This is the kind of fatal miscalculation that plagues less highly evolved May 30 people unless they get a grip on their reality factor. They must learn that some of the people they meet will take what they say dead seriously and hold them to it later. In the same way, irresponsibility with money must be curbed, or it can bring great hardship to their families. Those with such a propensity for ruin should limit their horizons, take one small step at a time, and build slowly and surely.
Speed is the forte of May 30 people, but it may too often be of the frenetic variety which spends itself in nervous energy. Quickness, however, combined with self-assurance and a naturally youthful and childlike attitude toward life makes many born on this day irresistibly attractive. The snap decisions May 30 people make often take people by surprise. When these surprises are pleasant they are of course welcome, but after a while friends may begin to turn a wary eye on the latest May 30 scheme or endeavor. On the other hand, the ideas of those born on this day are advanced, their approach convincing, and their ambition and drive powerful. Indeed, others may find them intimidating.
May 30 people usually head for the top and will get there unless their own ability to produce chaos sabotages them. Moderation, the most difficult thing for these hard-driving people to grasp, is essential for their success in career, love and family life. May 30 people are very precise workers and good with their hands. When they excel technically at what they love to do, it provides them with the necessary grounding they so desperately need.
The greatest health challenge for many May 30 people is keeping an overactive nervous system under control; tranquilizers may be attractive at one time or another, but should be avoided because of addictive effects. At some point in their lives, preferably early on, May 30 people should submit to some form of mental training, either spiritual or psychological. By their fifties, if not sooner, those born on this day must learn to heed warnings from their bodies and health suggestions from others. Often May 30 people begin life strong and possessed of good health, but wear themselves down—use of tobacco and alcohol can accelerate such a decline. As far as food is concerned, the tastes of May 30 people lean toward the basic, sim- ple and pure. Learning how to cook is strongly recommended for these speedy Geminis. as well as highly varied and occasionally exotic dishes to keep them from getting bored.
Keep your nose to the grindstone, and avoid distractions
Beware of idle si hemes and frivolity
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d4rkpluto · 1 month
ᴛʜᴇ 0° ɪɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ - ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ɢᴏᴅ
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paid chart readings are closing this sunday 23:59 :)
involves my own research along with the help of janduz.
paid chart readings are being closed tomorrow 23:59, keep in mind on sunday there'll be a sale for everything, make sure you get a spot before someone gets yours!
+ includes venus persona chart + feminine archetype readings
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♇ the 0° in astrology is about countless possibilities, so much potential and opportunities. it is about everything that exists and everything in everything. boundless potential of someone. something that can be perceived as omnipotent.
♇ the 0° is a critical degree whenever it's associated with a cardinal sign [aries, cancer, libra and capricorn].
♇ 0° in aries - a critical degree. person becomes more independent, assertive and competitive. being someone who can face trials and tribulations. social cues is important for person, can be very self-disciplined or impulsive.
♇ 0° in taurus - other-worldly beauty. great at cooking or baking, and can be very fierce and stubborn. could come off as very bratty and possessive. very stubborn people.
♇ 0° in gemini - the ultimate chatter-box. very intelligent, fast and a quick-thinker and very creative. unlimited ideas, could be a twin. believer of a superior existence. protective over siblings, likely has a good or cordial relationship with them, could have twins.
♇ 0° in cancer - a critical degree. inevitable legacy or will, making a name for yourself. could have large breast. marrying + making a family; could be very traditional and even conservative. having a child is low-key inevitable.
♇ 0° in leo - fame degree. boundless potential to become popular. very generous people and can be very talented. though there could be moments when they are selfish. brilliant hair, could have a God-complex, could be very childish.
♇ 0° in virgo - can be very critical. talented/skilled employee. knows how to research well, which could mean they could be potential stalkers. sociable and knows social etiquette, can be people who think about their physique too much.
♇ 0° in libra - can be very stylish, excellent at make-up, easily likeable, people pleasers, but can be diplomatic. the degree is critical in libra. could find themselves becoming leaders and mediators. very strong beauty, can be problem solvers or very indecisive, and sometime they could be self-righteous and judgemental.
♇ 0° in scorpio - financially and sexually driven people. very secretive, can be mass-worshiped. continuous transformation, could look different a lot. can be combative, very psychic and could be prone to getting into accidents.
♇ 0° in sagittarius - very intelligent people, can be very instigative, could love arguments and debates. others can find them really funny; having great vision of the future and can be a great envisionists, directors, designers and producers. secret family, babies out of wedlock. could become a priest, or be successful in law or mathematics.
♇ 0° in capricorn - great business people, excellent with coming up with new ideas. critical degree in capricorn. respected by those around them, very intelligent individuals, could have a successful business.
♇ 0° in aquarius - geniuses. new ideas every second. can be people with a God-complex, very independent, and have the ability to be famous, influencing others and can gain much wealth.
♇ 0° in pisces - dreamers, and intuitive, psychic and prophetic people. can be very kind and communicative or very shady. can gain success through the arts or in business. should be careful of not falling into delusional episodes.
♱ 0° in sun - youthful soul, has a very big destiny. can be very authoritarian, or can have people like that in their lives. fame and attention could come to them very quickly.
♱ 0° in moon - very sensitive and secretive. can be naive but empathetic towards life. follows the heard, a good friend, can be very intuitive, creative, especially with music, can attract fame as well.
♱ 0° in mercury - very smart people, skilled hands, chatterbox. very funny. twins in the family, success with marketing. could get good grades easily. psychic and writers, can be combative, guides to other people and mischievous. try not to fall into the habit of stealing.
♱ 0° in venus - true lovers, figuring out style. mediators, success in beauty/fashion related things. can be naive and stubborn, or could have sisters or female relatives like that. meaningful relationships with women, marrying someone who is wealthy/famous, and can get easily irritated.
♱ 0° in mars - unmatched ambition. being people who are competitive, work hard and play hard. being those with strong relationship with men, if underdeveloped could want validation too much. anger issues, playful and dominant and bed. fame within sports.
♱ 0° in jupiter - can mean abundant person, joyful person. easier life, likely to be kind and wealthy or have a spouse who is one. can be flamboyant and anointed. easily gifted and intelligent people, funny and can be easy to talk to. fame can be reached by teaching, publishing, trading or even directing. can be too greedy.
♱ 0° in saturn - their craft and hard-work being respected, much responsibilities. ability to gain wealth, building a foundation, becoming less restrictive; confident with life-path and can be someone who is admired by others. could speak of getting your family out of poverty.
♱ 0° in uranus - ability to do anything. achieving fame online. a popular friend, geniuses and thinking out of the box. can be someone who can be a leader, a rebel, a humanitarian and could like helping communities.
♱ 0° in neptune - can have a huge God-complex, victim complex or martyr complex. could fall into religious and spiritual psychosis. can manifest things really easily, very psychic dreams as well, can become a superstar.
♱ 0° in pluto - transformative people. can be people who are easily influenced, or can become influencers. strong power, head-strong people and have the ability to make much money, excellent at sex.
♱ 0° in north node - people with this can have a huge destiny. the magician, can make anything come true. can have a strong temper and can be very vengeful, much people around them might think they're soulmates with the native.
♱ 0° in black moon lilith - can easily impact other people. very charismatic, turning people against each other; being in their head too much, sex symbol, very sexual and can be into black magic.
♇ 0° in the first house - likely to be popular, have the potential to be famous. these people can have so much charm and charisma. could look different a lot, very handsome faces.
♇ 0° in the second house - money-makers. can mimic really well. excellent cooks or singers. can make a business out of anything. can have a commanding/mature voice. very pretty people.
♇ 0° in the third house - persuasive, can be funny people. can be people who can write really well, can talk a lot and can be people who can read through people, or read people in general. this can imply that someone can be a really good thief, and could know how to guide people.
♇ 0° in the fourth house - money maker, can make a name for themselves. motherly and protective over loved ones, and can be people who are leaders, great designers and beautiful children.
♇ 0° the fifth house - fame! beautiful children and can be people who are very talented. glamorous and flamboyant. this degree can mean talent can be built very easily with them. could have much lovers as well.
♇ 0° in the sixth house - very hard-working people. can easily win against competition. are naturally competitive against other people. very observant and snarky, can be organised and strict about schedule. can easily build a skill.
♇ 0° in the seventh house - easily gets into relationships, likely likeable people, could easily influence others and can be people who know how to others wrapped around their fingers. charmers and flirts, can be low-key critical.
♇ 0° in the eighth house - money-makers, adaptable people. moving in silence, and can get secrets from other people easily. can make a legacy for themselves, and can be people who find it easy to explore their sexuality. great in bed.
♇ 0° in the ninth house - intelligent people, travellers and can be people who guide others. admired, kind and funny, but can be very straight-forward. very inventive people and creative. talented in trading, could have a God-complex.
♇ 0° in the tenth house - critical degree here, only a bit as its the house and not the capricorn sign itself. can become famous, easily liked or respected by other people. having a good connection with a parental figure, or becomes a good parental figure. can be people who are ambitious, goal-oriented for their legacy and dream home, could have a member in their family who is famous.
♇ 0° in the eleventh house - can easily make friends, humanitarians, can find themselves to be a leader of a friendship group. wealthy people. a best friend. popularity online or in their community. having a big audience, they can be trendy and authentic people. another indicator of having a God-complex.
♇ 0° in the twelfth house - very psychic people. fame, humanitarians and empathetic. can be people who are clairvoyant or have a clair. can get intuitive downloads, vivid and lucid dreaming. having much secret admirers or enemies, even stalkers.
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degree theory masterlist
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msmysticfail · 4 months
astrology notes
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Generational planets such as Pluto, Uranus and Neptune in the 1st house can indicate great fame, since these planets have to do with large crowds of people, causing the native to attract or exert great influence.
Mercury in Aquarius/11th house be careful not to become what you most fear becoming: dogmatic. No matter how formed your opinion is, don't let it become fixed to the point of being your greatest truth.
The 3rd house is very elastic, the one who will define its energy most precisely is the sign in it.
Moon/Venus/Mars in Scorpio/8th house, go practice the Law of Attraction, you have a very powerful aura, you are wasting time if you don't use all this magnitude to get what you want.
You know that Mercury in Scorpio/8th house person you teased? Good luck trying to hide anything from them, in love or hate they will discover your secrets and, if hurt, they will use it against you.
12th house placements, please stay more in touch with the people you love, they miss you. If the distance you maintain is self-imposed, don't forget that the people in your life love you, that they want to have a little more of your physical presence.
My dear Leo, be careful with who you spend your affection with, you give so generously, be careful not to give it to the wrong people, the ones who are secretly jealous of you, who talk about you behind your back. Your heart of gold can "rust" in the wrong hands.
Aquarius placements, get ready, because the definitive entry of Pluto in Aquarius on November 19th of this year until 2044 will be the craziest years of your life. Get ready, there are a lot of big profound changes coming.
Mars in Pisces would do very well if they worked with their mediumship, whether in tarot or astrology or in art.
10th house placements always attract 2nd house placements people, it's incredible. They generally get along very well, they understand each other, they can be very good friends. The 2nd house supports the ambition of the 10th house, the 10th house values ​​and pampers the 2nd house.
Taurus, stop crying for that man/woman, you are so beautiful, independent, attractive, don't let him have that power over your heart, woman. You deserve more. Let go, even if it hurts, something better won't take long to appear, don't lower your level, raise it.
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tarotwithavi · 5 months
Jupiter and where you will meet your future spouse
Jupiter signifies husband in a woman's chart.
This is not certain as we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only
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Jupiter in Aries/1st house : They may be similar to you in some sense, may have the same upbringing. They may be atheletic, go gotter and active. They may come up to you, you may bump into them or you may meet them when you will be standing up for yourself and doing something for yourself. You can also meet them at a sports event, competitive events etc.
Jupiter in Taurus/ 2nd house : They can be highly stable and very calm and mature. They will be the shoulder you can lean on anytime. You guys can meet them in a restraunt, a really luxurious place or art galary. You can also meet them a financial institution like bank or something related to finance, art or culture.
Jupiter in Gemini/3rd house : They can be very chatty and intelligent. You can meet them through your siblings/friends or while on short trips. They can have a close relationship with their siblings. You can meet them when you will be engaged in activities such as public speaking, writng, local communities,coffee shop etc. They can also be your neighbour.
Jupiter in Cancer/ 4th house : One thing with this placement is that they will be like a parent to you. very caring and family oriented. You guys can meet them through maternal figure, either your mother or their mother. You can also meet them in a home enviroment. They can also be a homebody.
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Jupiter in Leo/5th house : They can be popular and attract a lot of attention. You can meet them through a celebration like a birthday party, wedding ceremony etc. You can also meet them in movie theater, concert, an event. You will most likely meet them in summertime or in daylight. They can be extroverted and they seem to have nice hair.
Jupiter in Virgo/6th house : They can be health consious or they take good care of themselves and the way they look. They will be helpful and will offer to help in evertything they can. You can meet them through work, in school, in gym or even in hospital. Acts of service can be their love language.
Jupiter in libra/7th house : They can be highly social and can have a bigger social circle. They can be a businessman, salesman or might be woking in marketing. There will be equal give and take in the relationship. You can also meet them in councelling sessions, collaborative events, art exibitions etc. You can also meet them through mutual friends.
Jupiter in Scorpio/8th house : You will meet them when you will be going through an intense transformation. You may also be going through some kind of loss. You can also meet them through reseach and investigation work. spiritual place, occult, nightclub, money and inheritance related matters etc. You can also meet them while getting therapy.
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Jupiter in Sagittarius/9th house : You can meet them in collage, educational institute, spiritual place or when you will be getting higher education. They will be highly educated and will act as a teacher or they will be teaching you a lot of things. You can also meet them in foreign lands or in long distance travel. They can be a teacher, professor, guide etc.
Jupiter in Capricorn/10th house : Okay so this placement can signify a arranged marriage or marriage of convinienve. You can meet them in an arranged setting. You can meet them through your father or they can be your boss. This placement also signifies an marriage that is considered ideal. In most cases the couple can work together or have a business together.
Jupiter in Aquarius/11th house : You can meet them through dating apps, social media, social event, charity event. You can also meet them through someone like an old friend. They can also be your best friend. Most people with this placement can get an unconvemtional spouse. They can have really unique personality or can be a rebel. You can meet them after 30.
Jupiter in Pisces/12th house : You can meet them in faraway lands. However this placement can create some kind of illusion, you may put them on a pedestal or you will meet a lot of people who you think are your fs. They can be into music or can be a musician. You may also get dreams about them. You can also meet them at a spritual place.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 7 months
🌆⚡️Mars in the signs⚡️🌇
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open.
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◆Mars in Aries: Mars it's at it's domicile in this position which means it doesn't shy away from conflicts, they don't need validation or for others to agree with them, they are their own boss and make their own rules. This position is a force to be reckon with, although they are rulebreakers and impulsive by nature, they will conquer everything they set their mind to due to their incredible will power and independence.
◆Mars in Taurus: this is such a goal-oriented position; they take their time but always accomplish their goals. They value patience and stability, this individuals don't get bother easily, but this doesn't mean they don't know how to defend themselves; they certanly know how to bite if you mess with them or those who they love. They can be really fond of personal possesions.
◆Mars in Gemini: this Mars is always changing their plans, they can get bored easily. This individuals are incredible quick with words, this their weapon; they make excelents politicians and public speakers due to this. Mars in Gemini is adaptable and like to be busy, probably has more than 1 project in mind.
◆Mars in Cancer: this natives are very moved by their emotions, they listen to their heart reather than their mind. This are passive beings that shy away from conflict but this doesn't mean they are weak; they power lies in their persuation and tenaciousness. Mars in Cancer is understanding and caring towards their love ones.
◆Mars in Leo: ambition is what defines this Mars, they are idealistics and want to leave their mark in the world. This natives are born leaders, people are drawn to them. Although they can have a big ego that sometimes can get in their way, they know how to work hard to get what thry one once they set their eyes on it.
◆Mars in Virgo: they are productive and goal-oriented. They have perfectionist tendencies that make their work remarkable, although this can lead to them pushing themselves to the edge. Resting can be something challenging for them because they feel the need to always be productive.
◆Mars in Libra: this position doesn't like conflict, they have a tendency to over things due to their indecisiveness. They like to fight for what they believe, fairness and justice; this positions can indicate activist and humanitarian work. This Mars are loyal and know how to compromise to the causes close to their heart.
◆Mars in Scorpio: this position like to challenge themselves and others; they make great opponents not because of their rage but because they want to make changes in those around them. This Mars tends to be attracted to taboos and supernatural stuff, things that maybe scares other.
◆Mars in Sagittarius: their are optimistics and adventurous, they like to try new things and get new projects, although they don't always follow through due to their restless nature; they want to try everything. They can be seen as brutally honest sometimes, it's their "tell you how it is energy" that can upsets others and make them seem as somewhat non-emphatic. Mars in Sagittarius is an individualistic.
◆Mars in Capricorn: this individuals love control and tends to attract lots of recognition, they like to be the best at things. They work hard for what they want due to their drive for success. Mars in Capricorn is strong and productive, get the job done but tends to have workaholic tendencies.
◆Mars in Aquarius: they are rebels at heart. This individuals tend to be misunderstood by others, they play their own rules and get things done their own way. Independent at heart, they prefer to work alone and have a creative nature. They are clever and open, although sometimes it's percieve as cold by their peers.
◆Mars in Pisces: they "go with the flow", don't like be rushed or question. This individuals are constanstly changing their goals and have a really pacific nature to them. They are at their happiest in enviroments that allows them to express themselves without being judged. This is a position that indicates artists and creatives individuals.
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8thhousekat · 1 month
🩷Moon sign observations🩷
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Aries moons: I’ve noticed that a lot of Aries moon people tend to have a certain interest that they are very very passionate about🙏 they also are very protective over their loved ones if you think no one has your back that one Aries moon family member or friend does they also may be addicted to drama❤️❤️
Taurus moons: the most loyal and caring people I’ve ever met they always find a way to make you comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations haha they also can get irritable when they are hungry or when they are stressed they may over indulge in food or things that may be comforting to them.
Gemini moons: a lot of them tend to always need to be doing something to keep them from overthinking and spiraling. They always know everything about everyone even people that are just acquaintances. They overindulge in media haha and they might have multiple things they are interested in or were at one point and it is the most random hobby ever they also may struggle with being anxious or having a lot of anxiety due to always asking why or making hypothetical situations in their head(this is my moon sign😭)
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Cancer moons: they are always so caring they might accidentally parent their friends and family but it’s because they care about them so much. I’ve noticed that a lot of cancer moons that I’ve met are old souls they could appreciate antiques and older music🙏they are very practical at times and they always seem to know the right thing to say when you are upset
Leo moons: Leo moons just light up rooms when they smile their humor is immaculate. They also might have a tendency to hold grudges on certain people. A lot of Leo moons I’ve met have a very chill demeanor but once they get comfortable they really show their personality❤️ they are surprisingly stubborn too and have leader characteristics people just listen to them
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Virgo moons: they are so anxious :( but very stable a lot of them might get stomach issues due to anxiety they also could stress clean😭 they get stressed out in unclean environments. Also might have a tendency to want to fix people or give solutions when someone is upset (this isn’t because they don’t care it’s because they want to help) virgo moons tend to be stuck in-between their head and their heart they also have very beautiful skin they take very good care of themselves and others.
Libra moons: you guys are so diplomatic and conflict adverse at the same time haha I’ve never met a libra moon who didn’t want to keep the peace. They are so sweet and they always seem to know what to say to make people feel better. They also might get stuck in situations due to getting attached easily. Libra moons also might have a hard time being alone because they just want to be loved😔 I love you guys sm
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Scorpio moons: you guys are detectives on a monocular level you always seem to know how to get things out of people a lot of my friends are Scorpio moons and their dark humor is so fucking funny. They also are emotional even if they try to hide it they have huge hearts and care about their people. They love horror movies/games and When they are mad they might struggle with revenge fantasies and explosive anger. Very secretive about non important things like their playlists or their favorite food but non the less they are extremely loyal people so don’t hurt them or you will never get back in.
Sagittarius moons: they have so much energy and knowledge they are little adventurers they always have some funny story to pull out of nowhere you know when a Sagittarius moon loves you is when they take you on their little trips even to the gas station haha they love to express themselves through their style and they are so accepting. A lot of Sagittarius moons teach themselves about things they absorb information very quickly and could easily understand how things work
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Capricorn moons: they are very hard working and prone to burn out very loyal they might have a tendency to be pessimistic and go through depressive episodes:( they all need hugs haha some of them might be a bit grouchy at times and get frustrated when there’s lack of effort from the people they love. They really like food that reminds them of home. The cap moons that I know are very good at saving their money. But when they are stressed they over spend. Kids also really like them for some reason haha same with cancer moons
Aquarius moons: these people aren’t afraid to be themselves they are they are very much you see is what you get type energy. they are logical and intelligent but they also are very goofy at times they might have a hard time making friends due to fear of letting people in but once they let you in they are amazing friends and people to be around. They also could have a hard time with being emotional around others can be stoic at times.
Pisces moons: they are so sweet and delusional haha pisces moons love romance and daydream a lot they also could have very vivid dreams. They are kind and caring and also have a savior complex like Virgo moons😭 a lot of Pisces moons I know have this ability to get people to open up to them they can be too trusting. Some of them might say white lies 😭😭 but at the end of the day they just want to be accepted the same way that they accept others
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these are just my observations on the moon signs if they aren’t accurate to you then that’s okay🩷🩷 Thank you for reading 🩷🩷 if you would like a free natal chart reading just comment
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astroismypassion · 10 months
Astrology observations🧑‍🎄🎄🧑‍🎄
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
🎄 Scorpio in the 12th house, Mars in the 12th house and Aries over the 12th house natives often crave salty foods late in the evening.
🧑‍🎄 12th house also shows what you are like and like to do before bed or right before falling asleep.
Aries over the 12th house: getting into an argument right before going to bed, light work out, drinking a hot drink, you probably take extra care on your skin on your face especially
Taurus over the 12th house: eating before bed (especially sweets and fruits), preparing clothes for the next day, you probably have a very set bed time routine, drinking a cup of tea, putting on lip balm, listening to music
Gemini over the 12th house: journaling before bed, sending a message to your siblings, a close friend, scrolling on social media, reading a book or news, watching a documentary or news on TV, putting on hand cream, watering the plants, doodling, listening to a podcast
Cancer over the 12th house: spending time with your family members, especially mum, watching movies, eating something home cooked, looking through your photo album on your phone, drinking hot cocoa, warm bath or spending extra time in the shower, listening to music, texting your close friends/family members, using body lotion, drinking a glass of warm milk
Leo over the 12th house: spending time on your hobbies, interests, texting your crush, brushing your hair, warm bath before bed, listening to music
Virgo over the 12th house: reading before bed, reading the news, going through your planner, planning activities for the next day, journaling, gratitude journal, watering plants, doodling/drawing before bed, listening a podcast, stretching, yoga, watching animal videos
Libra over the 12th house: eating before bed (sweets, fruits), doing self-care (putting on a mask) or washing off make up, picking clothes for the next day, putting on night cream, putting on body lotion, putting on lip balm, drinking a cup of tea, colouring a colour book
Scorpio over the 12th house: light work out before bed, meditation, masturbation lol, drinking a hot drink, shaving, you like to be on your own in your room
Sagittarius over the 12th house: reading (but in a foreign language), watching a documentary, eating foreign food, putting on a sleep mask, using Duolingo and practising a language,
Capricorn over the 12th house: going through your planner for the next day, spending time with dad before bad, scrolling through social media, talking to your parents, drinking warm water with lemon, taking more time on your dental hygene
Aquarius over the 12th house: sending a good night message, stalking other people online lol, reading about astrology, guided meditation for sleep, putting on sock because you’re probably cold, charging your phone and other devices, spending time on your tablet
Pisces over the 12th house: watching a film directly in your bed, reading pick a card/tarot readings, watching anime, animated films or cartoons, conscious breathing exercises, guided meditation for sleep, putting on socks, yoga, stretching
🎄 You might not be as compatible as you think with other signs of the same modality as yours. So if you are a Cancer Sun, you might not get along so great, especially in partnerships, with Aries, Libra, Capricorn Sun, so other Cardinal signs. Same goes for Fixed signs, if you’re a Taurus Sun you could not get along that great with Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio Sun, since both might be too dominant and wanting to lead.
🧑‍🎄 When there is Moon conjunct Venus in Synastry, the Venus person tends to lead and the Moon person follows, because they let go off control due to feeling safe around Venus person.
🎄 I noticed the person most likely wanting to marry you has their personal planets (especially Sun) conjunct your Jupiter sign and not the other way around. So if you have Taurus Jupiter in your own Natal chart, Taurus Suns might most likely want to marry you, but it could also mean you might not necessarily want to marry them or see them as your ideal partner. If you have Aquarius Jupiter this doesn’t always mean you will want to marry an Aquarius Sun, but they might be the one wanting to marry you.
🧑‍🎄 You might consider someone your life partner or wanting to marry them if your Jupiter falls into their 1st house in Synastry. You might really see a future with them and this has potential for a long-term commitment.
🎄 Ex partners are most likely to describe you by your Moon sign after a break up. For example if you have Aries Moon in your Natal chart, your ex could describe you as “unsupportive”.
🧑‍🎄 When there is Sun conjunct Saturn in Synastry the connection could ver much feel “right person, wrong time”.
🎄 8th house shows your desires, 12th house your hopes, desires for the future, 11th house shows aspirations and Ascendant shows the pursuit of your innermost desires.
🧑‍🎄 People who have Moon conjunct Venus in their Natal chart often attract a romantic partner with Cancer Moon or Taurus over the 4th house.
🎄 Capricorn Rising might since childhood transform every hobby into a full-time career. For example, if they loved writing as a child or journaling, they might become an author as an adult.
🧑‍🎄 Cancer Suns really judge a person’s character based on what feeling the person gives them. So based on how they feel around you.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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sakurapandadreams · 3 months
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer. MY BLOG
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🍚 Aquarius risings will listen to everyone [again this is rare too] but will always do what they want at the end of the day.
🍚 Gemini moons faces always contradict the things they say, like they have a cute face and then they roast you with that face.
🍚 Mars in Sagittarius is very particular about discipline or routines or their into sports.
🍚 I have seen alot of Taurus people are good at selecting aesthetic things for interiors of the house whilst libras are good at selecting clothes, accessories etc.
🍚 I'm convinced there are two types of Aries Moon people :
Type 1 - These people are very straightforward and brutally honest like they have no filter they will say things to your face instead of criticizing behind your back.
Type 2 - Will make you feel comfortable around them first then excluded you when in a group. And these people will spread wrong rumors about you to others. Also have gaslighting tendencies.
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🍚 Be it Tumblr, Insta or YouTube people keeping making separate posts on Scorpios [either they rant about them or shower their love on this sign]. It's like "you can hate them or love them but you can't ignore them". They embody this energy in truest sense.
🍚 The sign you'll have the toughest time getting along would be the sign ruling the eight house in your chart.
🍚 Seventh house stellium means your more attached to your friends than they are to you.
🍚 Mars in the 4th house people seem very chill to the outsiders, wait till you get home.
🍚 Saturn in the 3rd house 🤝 not being able to show affection to their younger siblings.
🍚 Mercury in the 7th house is a mediator in truest sense they perfectly understand it takes two to Tango.
🍚 Venus in the 7th, 5th or 12th 🤝 Secret admirers [or as I like to call it fan following 🤭]
🍚 4th house doesn't just talk about family it also talks about places that make you quite comfortable [now that can be a library or a coffee shop 🙃]
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This is my first post y'all 😁 if you like such content you can follow me.
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sagstelliums · 1 month
What do boys say about you (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that they say you reject people a lot or you’re intimidating and they’re scared of you rejecting them, they say that you’re patient or they know they have to be patient with you. They say that they don’t think they have a chance with you, they’re cautious of you and they think you can be impatient sometime. Signs- Sagittarius/leo. Initials- Z, D, W, K
Pile 2
I see that they say you’re distracting and they desire you, they say that they like being around you and some of them miss you. They say that you’re not paying attention to them and you’re busy focusing on your self growth/goals, they’re saying that sometimes you look sad or unhappy/lonely. Signs- Taurus/capricorn. Initials- H, N, M
Pile 3
I see that they say you’re stressful or you have high standards, they say that you’re a hard worker. They say that you don’t mind leaving people behind and letting things go so you can have a new beginning, they say that you’re strict and you have string boundaries. They say that you’re good at mirroring others/matching energy, they say that even though people lust after you a lot you don’t lust after others/you play hard to get. Some of them think you’re their twin flame or karmic, they say you’re financially stable. Signs- Leo/pisces. Initials- U, O, V, X, R
Personal readings always available
Pngs by @whimsigothwitch @l0velykuromi @dollhousegirl Divider by @baexywth
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
Hii ☺️✨ I rlly like your content and I was wondering if you could do a 25th of May for your language of birthdays series. Thankssss
Language Of Birthdays: May 25 - Gemini
The Day Of The Bold One
Whatever their degree of sophistication, May 25 people are fighters. They may be devoted to protecting a cause, an idea, their country or family. Yet in no way are they archaic or conservative in their beliefs, remaining up-to-date in their attitude toward the world. Those born on this day value money, clothes, all the outward trappings of life, yet understand that they are merely the facade of a deeper spiritual life within. Above all they recognize that freedom from tyranny, both for the individual and the group, is of the highest importance. Since those born on this day are attuned to the rhythms of the world around them, they are able to survive social change, sometimes going with the flow, sometimes removing themselves. Their friends and family will find that they are charming and agreeable only to a point, however. They will never compromise their opinions, even if it makes them unpopular.
May 25 people are philosophically oriented. They have clear ideas on a wide variety of subjects, and these ideas are usually part of a larger, more universal code. This may be a code of conduct or belief, or both. Not only do those born on May 25 hold themselves to this standard, but may expect everyone else to follow it as well. Those born on this day can be extremely unforgiving to those who cross the lines of decency. Honor and personal responsibility are immensely important to them, and their expectations are correspondingly high. They must learn, however, to be more forgiving and tolerant in their treatment of others.
May 25 people are not just mentally oriented, but markedly physical as well. Unfortunately, their emotional side may be a bit repressed or, if damaged in childhood, severely blocked. They value affection but find it both difficult to express and accept. Since their self-trust is not the highest, they may also be loath to trust others. Whatever they do—be it art. sport, sex. or work—is beautifully crafted or executed, but unfortunately can also lack feeling. Indeed, some born on this day take pride in themselves as cool personalities who are not given to displays of emotion.
What those born on May 25 must constantly fight is their fear of rejection. Learning to be less fearful in general is important for them, no matter how forceful they may seem on the outside. Building a foundation of self-confidence, perhaps slowly over the years, will guarantee them success in the world and keep them from sabotaging their own plans. Those born on this day must find a way to live by their code of ethics without paralyzing themselves in introspection or self criticism; their ideals should find expression in pragmatic ways. Otherwise. May 25 people run the danger of becoming unrealistic about what they believe, and a bit out of touch with their true needs.
May 25 people usually have very developed ideas about their health, particularly their diet. For this reason it is difficult to give them advice on the subject. Those born on this day have a need for affection which is belied by a cool exterior. Those few people who can approach them emotionally not only bring much-needed warmth but can also make suggestions regarding their sleeping and eating habits, and function as a mirror of objectivity. Low-key personalities born on this day need to be pushed a bit to express themselves. Such expression, whether in a form of creativity or simply conversation, reduces the propensity here for psychological frustration.
Work very hard on being less judgmental and more forgiving
Think things out carefully before setting out on your path; avoid rash or angry decisions
Being cool is not always the coolest thing to be—recognize the value of being vulnerable and emotionally open
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d4rkpluto · 28 days
ᴛʜᴇ 1° ɪɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇ
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involves my own research along with the help of janduz.
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♱ the 1° is the first degree to belong to a sign, which is aries. this degree specifically means being in unity for something, being a singular, and individual and being the divine. it speaks of the possibilities that can be reached, taking control of the future and embracing changes, where you are innovative, in risk and doubtful. it is a degree of the universe and being a trendsetter.
♱ 1° in aries - pioneers, trend-setters, dare-devils. they're willing to grab any opportunity they come across, they see the potential in themselves and everything along with other people. they're confident but can be very arrogant and even too violent/aggressive. they like to take the control of their lives, hate it when other people tell them what to do.
♱ 1° in taurus - divine beauty, can be stubborn to embrace changes, this could make them be considered as bratty people. could over-spend and are likely good at cooking, unique way of creating/embracing art. independency with money, possessive as well.
♱ 1° in gemini - can be very mean people, could make people do whatever they want. pretty hands and trendy people. though they might follow the crowd too much and be very anxious. intrusive thoughts and doing things impulsively, indicator of being popular online. beautiful siblings or children.
♱ 1° in cancer - protective over family, willing to do anything for them. a momager, or has one. sometimes can be lazy; could come from a well-off family or could make it happen for theirs. could be the first to move out or could move out really young. great mother, and doing something different to what family expected. emotional outbursts.
♱ 1° in leo - very arrogant and prideful people. known for something specific. can be very optimistic and wise. likes to be challenged, and challenges a lot of people, could change a lot, and has much passion for stuff, the type to make their passion into a job and can succeed.
♱ 1° in virgo - has many skills, being very competitive, can be honest people and very anxious. can achieve success in many ways/work-fields. sport/health oriented and can be religious. the type to realise their destiny is their own, and other people might find it hard to have the native with this degree listen to them. spiritual healing is important.
♱ 1° in libra - dresses like a goddess, like to be spoiled. generous and gentle, likes to please people and be liked by others. a popular person in their friendship group, popular in general. likes to feel like they belong into a friendship group. learning how to be dependent on themselves.
♱ 1° in scorpio - generous. could lead or join a cult, a magician, a survivor, being a successful person, wealthy. other people might copy them a lot. they inspire a lot of people. they're popular and magnetic. can be obsessed with wealth, the type to betray others over it.
♱ 1° in sagittarius - creative people, other people could look up to them. divine knowledge, can be very stubborn, active and direct. likes to be the centre of attention, could get in trouble a lot and can doubt beliefs, specifically systematic religion.
♱ 1° in capricorn - owning a company, very intelligent and clever. being a leader, the oldest relative/sibling. confident, might have authority doubt them and their beliefs. they oversee a lot of stuff, they could sometimes feel like they have the entire world on their shoulders.
♱ 1° in aquarius - innovative and unique people. popular people in their group, the face of a group. successful and wealthy people. intuitive/psychic people. known online or in a community. first to do stuff and having others follow their ideas. divine knowledge.
♱ 1° in pisces - very magical people. psychic dreams and divine energy, can be very insecure and doubtful. sacrifices a lot and strong ancestors/ancestry. believes in strong principles and morals, and can be people who can be lazy and care free.
♇ 1° in sun - definitely being someone who gets much attention, and can be unsure with what they want to do in life, they inspire other people to creative. having divine aura and likely can have a respect father figure, or they're the person who is respected, can be given lots of opportunities. native can be explosive.
♇ 1° in moon - beautiful people. intuitive/psychic people. "divine woman" and divine wisdom. might follow the heart too much. can be explosive and has unpredictable feelings. beauty spots and having the need to belong to a tribe.
♇ 1° in mercury - very straight-forward people. can be excellent at marketing, and are popular people online if they try. can adapt to new situations easily and might have the habit of speaking over people, loud relatives and a clair. can be very articulate.
♇ 1° in venus - normally the one to initiate the first move. other people could want to copy their style or their beauty. likes to make money and be around friends. face of the beauty standard/conventional beauty, divine beauty but could get insecure easily. can do risky stuff related to beauty like botched surgery. likely to have envious friends. can imply of having a beautiful spouse.
♇ 1° in mars - explosive anger, likely to get into arguments with men/the same sex. very competitive and are likely to get into accidents, be careful with cars! though could have an infatuation with cars. "you only live once" attitude and can be very confident and controlling. can be aggressive as well, depending on the aspects. can imply having a beautiful husband.
♇ 1° in jupiter - very creative people, innovative and directors. could have a God-complex, could be worshipped or could worship others. can be someone with a strong belief/moral system. could have a high horse and can be someone who takes control of their lives. can make many possibilities for themselves and can be very direct.
♇ 1° in saturn - could like to be alone. leader of other people. owning a business. politicians/strong political views. struggle to believe in themselves and being someone who has controlling authority figures around them. can be one themselves; respected people.
♇ 1° in uranus - first to do something and could appear as other-worldly to other people, whether it be aura or features. something about them stands out. popular friendship group, unpredictable/doing stuff on the whim. psychic people. car racing, likely to embrace changes or bring them to other people.
♇ 1° in neptune - clairvoyant or has another clairy. always in their mind. maladaptive day-dreamer. doubts themselves a lot. beautiful person, can get walked over, can be someone who is one with the universe. can be unsure with how they look, very dreamy people.
♇ 1° in pluto - fiery person and mean. possessive and has a specific life path. always aiming for opportunities and can be someone who can be arrogant and conceited. stubborn to embrace changes but life is working hard for them to listen and go through stuff. much influence and popularity. could be prone to accidents.
♇ 1° in north node - very bright path. fame indicator. first to accomplish something. hot-headed. scars on the face and distinct features and can be someone who likes to be dominant. they see the potential of other people, the type to take on any path they want.
♇ 1° in black moon lilith - could be known for something specific, can be hated on. could surprise everyone by doing better than expected. slut-shamed and having dangerous beauty. Dark Goddess like beauty. vengeful and can be against authority. indicator of from rags to riches.
♱ 1° in the first house - divine beauty, structured faces and prominent cheekbones. confident person, sees possibilities every where and can be an opportunist and innovative. they can be very head-strong as well. taking direction of their own lives.
♱ 1° in the second house - beauty indicator, always finding a way to make money. family-oriented, can adapt to different financial changes, nice/divine singing voices. great money-makers.
♱ 1° in the third house - main sibling/cousin, pretty relatives and pleasing or direct voices. might have a lot of siblings/cousins. might've had to change schools a lot. popular on the internet, nice nails ideas. but can be hesitant when it comes to do things. but can sometimes say whatever is on their mind.
♱ 1° in the fourth house - main family member. mother is top-dog or doubts herself. native could get embarrassed easily. religious/active family. supportive family and can sometimes be the black sheep family member. beautiful home, could be ancient or historic.
♱ 1° in the fifth house - performers. karmic children and love life. broadway or influencer. beautiful children and also someone who is generous and sympathetic. ego can get them into trouble, main child in the family, could be someone who wants everything.
♱ 1° in the sixth house - competitive people or has competitive enemies. can be someone who is spiritual/religious. can be a person who wants to make it, can be someone who is anxious. could doubt their own skills, might change workspaces a lot, loves/close to pets. could live a risky life or do a risky job.
♱ 1° in the seventh house - risky relationships. can be an insecure person. someone who gets hesitant with relationships, likely to believe in soul-mates. successful spouse and being someone who wears the pants in the relationship. could be obsessed with romance. can easily get partnerships, could like to feel like they belong somewhere.
♱ 1° in the eighth house - be careful with finances and drugs. could be obsessed with sex. can find out secrets/information about other people easily. can change their life around easily, could be protective over friendship groups, over themselves. could have religious psychosis; lucid dreams and shifting. likely to be in a cult.
♱ 1° in the ninth house - cult indicator. can be a leader or preacher for/to others. having adventures around the world and can teach people new information. parent might've been a priest and could be very spiritual and taking life in their own hands. could have unique opinions and can be someone who appreciates other religions ad cultures.
♱ 1° in the tenth house - having a career they want and not following what other people want them to do. ceo energy and competition in the work-space. much responsibilities and can be the face of a company or a product. any career can suit them, they're confident but needs to learn how to take the leap of faith.
♱ 1° in the eleventh house - internet famous. loved on the internet and can be people who are seen as a Goddess or teacher. can be seen as someone who starts new trends. unpredictable future, unsure of what to do. finds new way to make more money or friends. karmic/soulmate friends, but could be paranoid of them.
♱ 1° in the twelfth house - spiritual psychosis. anxious person. mind can be their own enemy or even fame. manifestors and feels like they have to teach or protect everyone. hesitant people. another indicator of shifting and lucid dream; can be a victim of bulling. expressive eyes. can stall a lot.
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degree theory masterlist
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cosmicplexus · 5 months
Random Astrology Observations
✨Moon risings/Moon in 1st house natives can't hide their feelings and almost always unintentionally communicate their feelings through their eyes.
✨20° Venus or Mars placements are renowned for mystery.
✨Pisces Venus and Leo Venus alike tend to be more in love with the fantasy of love than actual people.
✨ Jupiter in 10th house is amongst the birth chart "jackpot" placements. Lucky...
✨ Jupiter in 9th house, Jupiter in 12th house,Jupiter at 9°, 21°, 12° and 24° can manifest for things easily as they have an abundance in spirituality.
✨Natal moon conjunct Neptune softens the Moon regardless of the moon sign.
✨For all their "superficiality", Libra placements are actually very intelligent.
✨Of all the earth placements, Taurus placements are the least boastful even though they're just as materialism oriented as Virgo and Capricorn placements.
✨ Capricorn Moons are unarguably the most reliable people.
✨The degree our Jupiter is at easily tells us how to cultivate and materialize our luck.
✨Gemini Moons could go a lifetime without any fixed beliefs/ideals.
Hi loves. I'm truly grateful for the love you guys have shown me🤍✨ I'm currently responding to inbox requests and I hope to get to all of them as quickly as possible.
The pricing catalogue drops soon. I'd love to keep doing readings for free but I'm a student trying to raise money and would truly appreciate the support from you guys. I have been doing professional readings for years so trust it'll be worth your money 🤍✨
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tsublue · 2 months
Asteroid Aura in Astrology (1488)
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All Rights Reserved to @tsublue
What does the asteroid represent?
The name of the asteroid can be much of an explanation. It’s the energy you may give off to other people and what their first impressions of you could be.
Please do not take astrology as something you “have to act” like or blaming problems on placements. Astrology is a tool of self discovery and development.
Please do not copy, rewrite, repost etc posts. If needed to reference or use parts always contact the autor and always give credit.
Aries - 1, 13, 25 deg
At the first impression you can come off as someone competitive, feisty and passionate. You can also seem to people as someone really outgoing and fearless.
Taurus - 2, 14, 26 deg
At the first impression you can come off as someone a bit untouchable and expensive, yet really clean. You have a caring aura and seem to be dependable to people and that may leave you with lots of responsibility.
Gemini - 3, 15, 27 deg
At the first impression you come off as pretty sociable and someone with a big social circle and knows what they’re doing. You come off as flowy and can offer an helping hand anytime, especially to new people in a social environment.
Cancer - 4, 16, 28 deg
At the first impression you’ll have a really calm presence and can look as if you’re really relaxed with your inner world and are comfortable with what you are or have and don’t need to prove anything. You do incredible work and are basically all an employer can ask for and more. Your warmth can really make people around you comfortable.
Leo - 5, 17, 29 deg
You come off as someone with a wide imaginative world who has incredible ideas and is ready to share them immediately and has a good voice to do so. You get things going as time pleases and have an amazing work persona with a strong inner world. Closed off people can be thrown off by it at first, but you’ll prove yourself and others.
Virgo - 6, 18 deg
You come off as you are here to get things done and nothing else much. You have incredible work ethic, but need to plan it out so it won’t be too excess, for your own well being. Everything has to go by your plan and word or it won’t work out. You’ll feel this especially during a deadline or a crisis. People are really appreciative over you even if it’s not physically shown out loud.
Libra - 7, 19 deg
You come off as someone with insanely creative ideas and warm persona. You are good at voicing your ideas and know what to do in order to achieve something, even if you doubt yourself. You have charming nature which can attract people to focus more on you as for inspiration and more. You are most likely first one to get paired up or get a work buddy because people enjoy being around you and you have amazing team work skills.
Scorpio - 8, 20 deg
You may come off as someone a little mysterious’, but have a really warm persona. You are amazing at taking the word ‘no’ and fixing yourself for the better for the next time. Your presence is powerful which people want to give you respect in order to be liked or tagged along. Little like Kris Jenner if you’d like to take it that way.
Sagittarius - 9, 21 deg
You come off as really friendly and down to earth. You can corporate any idea from others into your work. even if you don’t favor it that much you’re a good sport and know how to handle it. You can be a perfectionist in projects and have an ideal image made out in your head before starting something. Even if you know how to accept the ideas of others, it can sometimes come off as blunt and strange, but everyone knows your heart is in the right place.
Capricorn - 10, 22 deg
You can come off as someone who really knows what they’re doing even if you don’t. You are ready to give an helping hand or a tool anytime anyone asks. Even if your creative world is not always working to the maximum, you’re excited to tag along for any project. Thanks to your amazing thinking, practicalizing & caution skills you’ve really earned a firm spot.
Aquarius - 11, 23 deg
You can come off as someone who really knows how to solve difficult and electronical issues which makes many come to you for problem solving. You have an incredible helping hand. You can come off as distant or not interested in a conversation which is not always true. You love designing things that go out the norm and go outside the box which can bring you success.
Pisces - 12, 24 deg
You can come off as someone who doesn’t really think their ideas through which can make people not always listen to you. You got incredible creative skills that you can incorporate anywhere and everywhere. You have a friendly presence and come off as someone who really gets it which can make many open up to you. You may have an attractive or calming voice which can make people really listen to you.
Yours truly, Tsunami
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations: Part 3🎀🩷
Mars aspecting the ASC can give the individual a dominating demeanor, but also mainly depends on which aspect. Ex: Harmonius Aspects (trine/sextile)=Straightforward, honest, stand their ground, strong boundaries, not one to be pushed around. Harsh Aspects (square/opp)= Aggressive, domineering, rude, blunt, obnoxious.
(TW: Death) Your 8H sign and planet may tell you how you pass away. Ex: Gemini moon in the 8H= Lungs, breathing problems, asthma. Moon= emotional turmoil, stress, heart break etc
Asteroids like Medusa (149) or Aphrodite (1388) can show you what people envy about you, what they admire, where they may attempt to bring you shame etc. Ex: Medusa in the 1H can attract envy over their appearance, their aura and demeanor. People could attempt to “humble” these individuals often. Aphrodite in the 2H can make others admire your money, your possessions, may wanna know how you have what you have so they can have it too.
Aphrodite (1388) can result in people not just admiring wherever the house it’s in, but also being malicious and petty over it since they feel they deserve it more.
Lilith in the houses is similar to this, and can result in those around you being annoyed when you do things in regards to the house and sign it is in. Ex: Sagittarius Lilith in the 2H= people could be upset when you relax, when you have fun, when you don’t play by made up rules and standards, when you’re genuinely happy, when you have nice things, when you take a break, when you indulge etc, because they have this mindset of “I never got to do that/have that, why should you”. Lilith in the 1H= people getting annoyed that you may be beautiful and they’re not, painting you as a villain because you’re pretty.
Cancer moons are surprisingly really good with holding boundaries with people in their lives. These people can be lover girls/boys, for sure; but they refuse to let people take advantage of them. Their love, effort and care is reserved for those who will appreciate them in return.
(TW: Mental Health) Take this with a grain of salt since it’s just an observation and not a fact, but those I’ve met with a combo of Scorpio/Gemini in personal planets in a chart are usually diagnosed with BPD, while those I’ve met with either Virgo/Aries/Gemini in a chart combined have usually been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder/OCD. 12H and 8H stelliums I’ve also met have had some sort of mental illness such as BPD or Schizophrenia.
Jupiter in the 1H, Sag/Pisces risings and/or Jupiter aspecting ASC/personal planets usually manage to get out of difficult situations easily. These people easily attract the help they need, the resources to do what they need, the money to get them where they want to be; very easily. Even when people with these placements/aspects get in trouble they usually manage to make it out very easily as well. Jupiter blesses and makes lucky anything it touches.
People think that Mercury in the 1H might usually talk alot about themselves, and while that may be true; it’s also true that they simply attract people who love to know about them and ask questions in regards to them. Mercury 1H individuals seem to be interesting to others and peak others curiosity about them. Others find them fascinating, thus constantly asking questions about them.
On the other hand, Mercury 3H individuals may be very close with their siblings, or their siblings can be popular/known/famous which could make the 3H person known for their siblings. This results in the 3H person consistently hearing about their siblings, getting asked questions or discussing topics in regards to their siblings. Same thing with school, this person may have either really good or really bad grades in regards to school so their main conversations with others could be in regards to school topics.
A Virgo rising individual at their worst can be obsessed with popularity/attention/validation (Leo 12H) amongst their peers. They may not come off that way, and they themselves may not even know that they secretly love being in the center. Without realizing, they subconsciously try their hardest to be the best at everything, the smartest, the prettiest/handsomest, and when at their lowest they have no issue with taking down others who they deem threatening to their spotlight. They can also be secretly judgmental of those who they deem to be lesser, or not as attractive than they are.
Similarly, I’ve noticed Scorpio Risings at their worse can be very jealous and insecure individuals as well when it comes to appearances/validation. I’ve noticed this in women with this placement mostly, but when they’re at their lowest/undeveloped, they’re the type to only be friends with or surround themselves around people they think are worse than they are whether appearance, status, popularity wise etc. Undeveloped Scorpio rising females can be very competitive and refuse to have someone who’s possibly better than they are around them, since they don’t want to be compared to the other person or not chosen/not the favorite.
Libra moon’s are the people that start the drama and then say “I don’t like drama” lol. What they really mean is they love it, as long as they’re not involved
If you find that you always have bad experiences with those whose signs fall in your 11H, check your sidereal chart. Odds are your 11H sign in your western chart is the 12H sign in your sidereal, which would explain the bad experiences.
Aquarius women are always so successful in everything they do, I’ve rarely met an Aquarius woman that doesn’t have their shit together in every category. They’re giving face, body, money, career, healthy love life and social life etc. The men on the other hand…
Yes, those with Saturn in the 7H have a hard time finding the one. They go through years of cycles and repetitive situations in love but those who find their person find their FOREVER person. People with this placement may be the last to be in a relationship/get married amongst their peers, however they’re usually the happiest and most successful once they do compared to friends or family who just hurried up and settled and usually separate/divorce. Saturn 7H’s standards and boundaries may also seem to high or unrealistic to those around them, but they’re just asking for bare minimum. It only seems that way to others around them because they were raised in a group or environment that had no standards low key.
The good thing about 2H stelliums is that you attract money, possessions and success super easily. The bad thing is that those around you could ONLY see you as your success/money, and may try to bleed you dry of what you have and take advantage. Strong boundaries and not being overly giving is recommended with these placements.
Mars in the 12H can attract people who are secretly aggressive or hostile towards them. They may never know someone is holding a grudge on them and they may attract secret animosity or competition as a result. May have issues with male figures in their life and won’t even know it.
Jupiter in the 6H, especially with Cancer or Libra there; get along with animals sooo well. These are literal pet whisperers and it’s rare for them to not have at least 3 cats/dogs. They love animals more than people sometimes.
Part 4 will be out soon. 👏🏻
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msmysticfail · 2 months
astrology notes
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Mars or Chiron in the 6th house in the Solar Return may indicate your skin becoming more oily than normal that year, you may develop acne at more acute levels, due to the number of problems you are having to solve or everyday situations that are demanding a lot from you. You can develop acne due to stress, issues that cause emotional discomfort and that directly affect your skin.
Chiron transiting through the 8th house, or in the Solar Return, is the moment where you feel strange, you don't know where the pain/discomfort you are feeling is coming from, and that discomfort won't go away. It’s almost as if you are emotionally vulnerable, “in the flesh”. Usually you are coming from some emotional loss and at that moment/year is where you feel extremely shaken up inside. Stay strong, warriors, and look for a psychologist.
Venus or Moon in the 5th house, if not aspected by difficult aspects from Uranus or Saturn, may love the idea of ​​getting pregnant, or of generating something within themself that will be just like them/reflect them, be it an artistic project or literally a baby.
Venus aspecting Saturn, I know it's taking a while, I know everyone has had that delicious love, that pleasant romance and you internally wonder if it will happen to you. Yes, it will, be patient, I know that in terms of love things can take time for you, but Saturn wants to give you something of quality, he wants to teach you to look at your own worth (Venus) first before giving you something that matches your level. You matured before the time, but your values ​​are solid and unshakable, you are worthy of everything your heart desires.
When the Sun and Moon move through houses that are in opposition to your natal chart, you feel strange, you don't feel strong enough, you feel that things aren't “right” that day. For example, Sun in the natal 10th house with the current Sun transiting through the 4th house. Moon in the natal 2nd house, current Moon transiting through your 8th house.
Moon in the 8th house, you are most of the time going through some internal emotional crisis, I want to give you a hug. You are strong, remember that. Stop being paranoid, ok?
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