#gen loss analysis
wizardpigeon · 1 year
on austinshow (?) in generation loss
(austin viewers pls forgive me if thats not the name he actually uses bc i do not watch him so idk im using the one they introduced him with and assuming its good)
i know a lot of people interpreted austins whole thing with the wife and kids as him being forced to lie by showfall but honestly the whole time my perspective
was that he was actively lying To The Viewers because he knew he'd have a better chance if he appealed to a wider audience/didnt reveal that he was gay,
like, i know he was introduced as
Austin Show | gay
but they cant see that, and the puzzler immediately calls him out for lying, and throughout the episode repeatedly asks him the names of his children and how many he has, which austin fucks up multiple times, so i assumed that he was intentionally trying to mislead the audience to protect himself, and showfall had the everyone prompt him as much as possible (and maybe got him to mention them more himself) in order to point out that something wasn't right about what he was telling us
now, i also want to point out, (and this is from another theory ive seen tying back to the mind control) that austin doesn't have anything on his head, and one theory i saw is that everyone else, barring sneeg until the hat, had something on their head in that episode,
ranboo with their mask
niki, vinny, and sneeg with hats
charlie and ethan with their glasses
rats with masks,
and jerma/puzzler with the prosthetics although that ones a bit more meta since based on charlies commentary it actually looked a lot more real/seamless in person than on camera
but austin isnt wearing anything, and hes arguably the most freaked out, like sure niki is sobbing but she switches the second shes in the spotlight she switches to being collected and upbeat, the only other person we see as visibly disturbed as austin is sneeg during the hat sequence,
throughout the entire carousel scene austin is looking around, visibly nervous, and like others have pointed out, he kept staring at frank, who since the reveal of the filter thing, everyones been pretty agreed on is probably like, a full on rotting corpse that they were just carting around,
so i think that while showfall had some influence on austin, his actions more than anything, they didnt have full control over his words, and they were definitely letting him see at least some of what was going on,
whether they were allowing him to lie and behave so nervously is anyones guess, it certainly makes the program more interesting, but the way he talks so desperately about his many wives and children reads to me as something a queer person would probably do if placed in some kind of saw esque game show where we had to appeal to the largest majority of viewers to survive
i like the way people have taken it as showfall stripping him of his identity, but to me, i read it as them outing him, which, also in my mind works closer with the theme of what fans/fan culture will do to "celebrities" (see kit connor with heartstopper however many years ago that was), and the fact that showfall outed him without care that his situation was dangerous just drives this further home for me
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girlboyzone · 1 year
nikis title being “nice” and austins being “gay” because thats all people see them as. ethans being “unemployed” because people refuse to see him as his own creator outside of projects hes in with his friends. showfall medias filter over the show only showed the contestants as the public saw them, and underneath was all the flesh and blood and guts and the other stuff the audience doesn’t care about. they only want to see what they know these people for, not for the people they really are underneath it all.
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moonfruito · 1 year
i can't stop thinking about genloss being a representation of being a content creator and how it relates to the last scene. "let me die. i don't want to keep doing this." the mask flashing on and off in morse code for sos. ranboo's asking for things to be over in terms of the performance that he's stuck in and wants to be freed from his role as a hero that everyone relies on, and simultaneously the person behind the performance doesn't want to keep existing with the pressure and responsibility of thousands watching him and waiting for him to entertain them. they're switching back and forth between the 'real' version of them and the performing version of them, and yet they're saying the same thing, over and over. because it doesn't matter which part of him is saying it. it's just a cry for help.
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mellohirust · 1 year
still can't stop thinking about just how unsettling gl!Ranboo's death was. we've seen so many die in gen loss by this point already. in more horrific cases, there's screams of terror. there's some sort of fight against it, an unwillingness. it drags on, and on, and on, and yet it's still played off as just part of this show. even in the more comedic instances, the show at the very least keeps going. you don't have time to linger on it. there's still life to be found. the music is still rolling. a mascot is still around to commentate such events. it's too late for the lives lost, but not for the rest, is what you want to tell yourself, despite how doomed you know they all are.
gl!ranboo, on the other hand, screams on behalf of his own demise, admitting defeat in their final moments, simply because if they were always destined to lose (they were) then they at least wish to do something on his own terms, even if it's finding peace in the worst way possible. it was the only choice, the only chance he saw left at freedom, and they were probably right about it. this is the instance in which the audience is given the decision to have blood on our hands, specifically (given the fact that in the midst of the carousel hostage scenario we could only ever 'save' one), and we listen. we give them the choice they can't make alone. we let him go. we watch him go.
it's a sudden action. it's so quiet. the music is gone. there's no struggle because it's too late for it. he's already detained. they've already cried out at the top of their lungs in anguish and struggled enough in far too many chains to ever dream of getting out of in time. it is hopeless, and it always was, but it's clearer in this instance now more than ever. for a moment, you want to think this can't truly be it. perhaps he'll be lucky, somehow survive a literal death trap. perhaps showfall is just putting this on, too, as part of their show. perhaps they'll let him go, the second this is all over, if he miraculously makes it out. we wished for their death, didn't we? could they really add him onto their cast, afterwards, going against our wishes? you know these are foolish ideas. you toy with them anyways. you are used to, by now, a show that keeps going. you want this show to keep going, even if not with gl!ranboo in turmoil.
and then the blood drips down. the credits roll. you sealed that fate yourself. there was never a good one that lied waiting for you. but you could have avoided any guilt you felt by simply never watching, like we'd been told from the start, and in the midst of that silence, you're never more aware of it.
holy shit.
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wra-1-th · 1 year
I’m gonna ramble.
Genloss is just. Holy fucking shit.
I’ll admit, the first episode lowered my expectations. I saw the content warnings, I knew it was a horror project, so I thought I knew what I was getting into. Gl ep1 was not that, until the very short scene with the tv, after which it reverted back to more of a video game/comedy show. It was interesting for the most part, but it didn’t feel like a horror project.
That scene showed what genloss was going to become. It said that what Ranboo was going through was a show for ‘their’ entertainment and it showed that this video game-esque show, with its challenges and goofy villains wasn’t just that. It was a horror project.
Then episode 2 came out yesterday.
Ranboo’s reaction to cutting into a living body in order to find a key was not the most excited. He was disgusted by the idea, but when Charlie started joking around and well, he wasn’t really human, he was more okay. He wasn’t hurting anyone, not really. It was just gross. Then his mask malfunctioned, and Charlie’s insides were no longer the green of slime. He was screaming in agony and that was Ranboo’s fault. Then nothing. Everything was fine. Oh look, a hot wheels car! Isn’t that just hilarious?
Again, he reacted perfectly humanely when he found out that he would have to choose who got to live and who had to die upon seeing the carousel. He had just spilled out a man’s intestines, and now he would be responsible for more pain? One of them was sobbing. He had to interview them and decide who deserved to live? What kind of sick horror was this? Did it really feel real though? The man’s children, oh so funny. The slime man’s back! What’s he joking about this time? Oh Frank, we missed ya buddy.
The villain’s really not even that scary.
Faster and faster he adapted to avoid what should have been horrifying. A woman shot dead. A man killed by an anvil. Someone was eaten. Still, Ranboo was emotionless. Even when his mask began blinking, someone was there behind the scenes to fix it. It was just comedy for ‘them’ after all. They didn’t want their Hero too scared. So he was desensitized to everything.
His words often came out as generic as a video game character. Well… that’s what he was, to ‘them’. Ranboo played along because he had no other choice. His mask controlled him, though I’m not sure if it controlled how he perceived everything or how everyone else viewed the game as well.
When the person in the TV finally contacted him again and managed to shut the mask down, however temporarily it would be, Ranboo experienced everything again. He saw everything. Even when his mask had flashed and he was able to snap out of the game temporarily, he didn’t see the full scope. The cameras, the microphones, the people just watching him.
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He is a pawn in their game, but now he’s beginning to realize that he may have his own moves he has to make.
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cheese-water · 1 year
Out of all the themes and messages that surrounded Generation Loss, the theory I can never fully immerse myself in is the one about the dehumanization of content creators. Don’t get me wrong. I’m well aware of its confirmation and canonization by Ranboo and other cast members, and I don’t think that anyone who believes or enjoys this concept is wrong for doing so. What am I, a hypocrite lmao? No, it’s that for me personally, it’s hard to view Genloss in that context without feeling weird, I guess. Here, let me give you an example:
Let’s look at the character of Sneeg in this mindset, since we have two episodes' worth of content from him to analyze. Right as he’s introduced, we learn Sneeg tried to complete Slime’s trials, failed, and was stuck in a cage while not being particularly angry about it. It's as if it’s understandable that he’s trapped, that it was his fault, and he knows it. And then, for the rest of the series, he acts as Ranboo’s funny sidekick, doing everything he can to get Ranboo, not himself, to the end. The only time Sneeg’s character shows any agency for himself is in episode 2, when he’s wearing the hat and, after reassuring Ranboo that he’ll come back for him, tries to escape the mall. But he gets caught, is forcefully brainwashed, and returns to his cynical yet helpful self again. So within the context of the audience's perception of CCs, Sneeg’s character only serves as a benefit to Ranboo, and without him (locked up in a cage), Sneeg is nothing, worthless even. Which to me makes the role feel so... icky.
Honestly, that’s probably why I don’t enjoy the dehumanizing cc theory all that much. It never fails to make me viscerally uncomfortable whenever I think about it for too long. “Wow, Genloss doesn’t have a happy ending and is supposed to make you uncomfortable? No shit sherlock.”Yeah, yeah, I know, but that interpretation is just too real for me. With the changing one’s perception leaves them with no choice or time loop theories, we can absolve ourselves of blame, since this is what Showfall wanted to happen. It's still not reassuring, but I’m used to not having control over what happens, be it social, politically, economically, etc. But by viewing the characters as their cc counterparts, their pain becomes so personal that we have no one to blame but ourselves for the suffering they endure. And while I know I wasn’t at fault for their trauma (I was a lurker on twitch, twitter, and tumblr at Ranboo’s "peak", so I couldn’t share my opinion even if I wanted to), I still feel a sense of responsibility knowing that I can’t do anything about it now. That I don’t know how to make it all better. I can’t stop random people from harassing Niki in the past, but I’m still ashamed that it happened at all. It’s like secondhand embarrassment cranked up to 1000%.
I want to watch Lex Cat’s video essay surrounding this topic so badly, but I have to wait until I’m in a good enough headspace because I know it will leave me feeling utterly desolate after. I haven't watched Ranboo’s playthrough of Killer Frequency, but I’ve been told that chat was a mess of people trying to help and others lying to him (telling them they missed something even though they hadn’t, saying that he picked the wrong options when they were right, etc.) and I believe them 100%. I know this because I was there for the late-night mining streams, having to sit through chat screaming DIAMONDS at Ranboo just for shits and giggles. No wonder Ranboo doesn’t trust us to pick the correct combination code for the mall exit when all we have done before is try to fuck him over.
If we choose to believe that Generation Loss was about the dehumanization of content creators by their fanbase, then all this tells Ranboo is that we, his audience, have learned nothing. If they view Generation Loss as Ranboo’s cry for help, a last-ditch effort to change their community, pleading, begging us to see him as a human being and not just a commodity, then why are we choosing to treat him exactly the same as before?
Maybe that’s why voting to kill Ranboo was so easy for me. I never viewed myself as their judge and jury, glowering over him as I decided his fate. As his blood began to pool beneath him, I felt more akin to his executioner, simply following the orders given from Showfall Media.
Maybe I was wrong to assume everyone felt the same way…
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mono-bloom · 1 year
Gen 2 Playlist Analysis
Now that we know exactly how important and foreshadow-y these songs are, I decided that I have too much free time so here’s my shitty prediction of the songs meaning on the Gen 2 playlist. This is not serious at all so enjoy the rambling of an insane man. Sidebar: I use the word “Showfall” as a collective term and for legibility and could be interchanged with Hetch(s)
Kaisarion by Ghost - It seems to be either talking about a lowly grunt of Showfall’s POV talking about the company, or could be a nod to one of the new characters, but seems very much a Showfall song. Confidence: 7/10
Spillways by Ghost - CHATS SONG OMG! This reeks of a song that taunts the viewer/listener for their choice at the end of Gen 1. Could also be about G1!Characters but considering the lack of CCs in later seasons, it is very much about chat. Confidence: 9.5/10
Faith by Ghost - Hetch’s song. The lines “I am all eyes, I am all ears, I am the wall” are so telling. It could also be Showfall song in general. I want to say that this is for a new villain, but I believe that there were multiple Hetchs in every episode, so it could be a variation. Confidence: 7.5/10
He Is by Ghost - Unknown Character that could either be working with or fall under the corruption of Showfall. This is a hymn almost. While this could be about “The Savior” from the games, I hold firmly that “The Savior” is a false savior and should not be trusted. Confidence 5/10
Kiss the Go-Goat by Ghost - Trickery. We’ve/The Characters have been tricked into something. “It ain’t always what it seems When you cling onto a dream”. There is a false reality at play that will kick us onto our asses. Osculum Obscenum, Kiss of Shame. Confidence: 8/10
Square Hammer by Ghost - This is what I feel is The Savior’s song. Nowhere is there evidence that The Savior is a holy and righteous figure. I don’t think we will get to see them in this Generation but they will become more prominent, possibly with a grave sacrifice (GL!Ranboo perhaps? “Hammering the nails into a sacred coffin”?) Confidence: 5/10
Crucified by Ghost - I am honestly not sure why this is here. It could be a callback to Gen 1, it could be showing us a pattern for Showfall, I’m not sure. Either way, it makes me curious. Confidence: ??/10
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright - This one is interesting. Depending on the lens you look through it could change the meaning. From the characters' POV, it could simply be a break of trust and/or seeing through the veil of Showfall and being re-indoctrinated, or it could foreshadow our own manipulation, trying to convince the characters to trust us. Confidence: 5-7/10
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears - Power struggle. I imagine we will see more moments like those we see in The Choices. The struggle between fighting against the tide and letting it guide you. I think this one is like a theme song for Generation Loss as a whole. Who’s right? Who deserves power? We don’t know, but we want it. Confidence: 7.5/10
Homage by Mild High Club - This is a character’s song. This is about someone with borrowed time that has let the tide guide them to their end. I can imagine the exposition with flashbacks of happy memories before they let the tide take them under. Tears will fall and we will be angry (/lh). Confidence: 6/10
Jesus He Knows Me by Ghost - The Founders’ anthem. These are the words of a seemingly omniscient, malevolent cult leader(s). Confidence: 9/10
 You’re at the Party by Lemon Demon - I’m not entirely sure if Gen 2 will follow the same idea as Gen 1 with this being a television show (the latest video on Generation Loss’s YT gives me hope that it is) but if so, this seems like a parallel to the moment GL!Ranboo wakes up at the end of episode 2 and realizes it’s all a game. A morbid, fucked up game, but a game nevertheless. Confidence: 6.5/10
 He Needs Me by Shelley Duvall -  This one is interesting. I feel that this one is about the cat-and-mouse game that is going on between us and Showfall. Showfall needs us to be a part of their show, to have us tune in and pay attention. To potentially be a weapon against their enemies, as shown in The Choice. However, we need Showfall. We need them to give us entertainment. And even though we kicked and screamed and cried over our Hero, in the end, we watched till the very end, and they saw that. We are in a loop. Confidence: 8/10
 Misery Fell by Tally Hall - I feel this one ties into the previous song and goes into more depth on the relationship we have with Showfall.
 Cannibal by Tally Hall - Once again, this is our relationship with Showfall, however, this is how we feel. We are trapped and being bled, but we are willing. We tune in and watch the show each and every time. This could also be about the protagonist of Gen 2, but the more information we get about Generation Loss, the less I think the characters matter.
This was so dumb and took me over an hour to do, and I’m not sure how coherent this even is but here it is lmao
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starlyte-writes · 1 year
I've been brainrotting over Gen Loss so here is my literal only complaint about the project (and honestly I'm just picky so)
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Text under cut for anyone that can't see the images :D
[Screenshots of a twitter thread made by me]
I know the one complaint of Genloss everyone has been giving is pacing but for me specifically it's the pacing of the third episode. Like the first two yes there were a lot of awkward pauses where voting went too long but you can't really do anything about that when filming-
-live, plus it can easily be cut short in the founder's cut. The third episode however I think should've been dragged out way more. I feel like there were several reveals/realizations that happened that the characters very quickly move on from and I wish they had reveled in it-
-a bit more. Ranboo's character especially was hardly given time to really question things as they were constantly dismissed by Hetch. While the dismissal makes sense, I wish Ranboo would've continued the line of questioning a bit more regardless to really convey that panic and-
-confusion. I personally really loved Ranboo's acting so I wish they'd been given the chance to show it off more. Similarly, I wish Hetch's character had been given more time to build. The third episode is the only one where he's really present, so it was the defying episode of-
-his character. If the episode had been stretched out further, suspicion could've been built at a slower pace, making the reveal heavier. Also, I really wish he had taken more time with his whole villain speech at the end. Villain monologues are such a staple in showing a-
-character's true colors by explaining their intentions to the protagonist and the audience. Normally they take so long it leads to their eventual downfall, but with Hetch it's interesting because no matter how long they could've taken Ranboo never would've gotten out of that-
-scenario. So I really wish Hetch had stretched out their victory, giving us more character and really building up the dread in the audience as well as Ranboo, who can't do anything but sit there and watch. Overall I just wish each moment was given more time to marinate before-
-moving onto the next sequence, though I will be the first to say pacing is so difficult with scenes where characters are in a hurry. Letting scenes stretch out while simultaneously showing characters are rushing is so hard and I have no idea how to do it, so I understand the-
-struggle. Even with the funky pacing the story was still so easy to be invested in and that ending really grabs you by the throat no matter how quickly you reach it. I loved the project so much, I'm just really picky with acting and pacing cuz I'm always critquing myself LMAO
Gen1 was absolutely fantastic and I can't wait for both the founder's cut as well as the future generations!! So proud of you Ranboo so excited to see what's next <3 <3 #genlosshelp
And sorry for the ramble I'm just brainrotting very hard [skull emoji]
[End of text]
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kaz-oooo · 7 months
I’ve already done music recommendations so, you can check out these posts (playlists and list of artists) if you’re looking for that specifically. But Wilbur made a lot of content over the years and idk, i figured I’d make a a list of recommendations for similar content to fill that void as well :)
Minecraft SMP’s (specifically DSMP)
The same SMP’s but other POV’s — I’ll just start with this cos it’s the most iffy. There’s plenty of enjoyment to be had with these fandoms still, and I personally don’t think we need to let the actions of a couple shitty guys ruin the silly Minecraft roleplay we all enjoy. That said, if you aren’t comfy watching these anymore that’s perfectly valid as well, especially since Wilbur’s character will be lurking around in the background of plenty of these. But yeah, we can also uplift other creators by watching the fun stories they made, especially those who got buried by bigger creators at the time. So Dream SMP, QSMP, Origins SMP, SMP earth, SMPlive all have content you can enjoy.
Different, completely unrelated SMP’s — hermitcraft, the life series, empires SMP (shubble was involved in this one, I’m planning on watching her POV when I find some time) etc. I’ve had plenty of people recommend these to me before, from what I’ve seen they’re very enjoyable :)
Hamilton — not even joking, if you enjoyed the L’manberg era of DSMP and you didn’t watch Hamilton, I’d heartily recommend it. Great music, lots of politics but all in a fun and silly way, also tragic endings!
Editor Wilbur ARG (I’m a massive ARG fan so I have tonnes of recommendations here)
Generation Loss — Ranboo’s very awesome Horror project that they’ve been working very hard on!!! Ranboo’s been teasing new content lately as well so that’s exciting
Analog horror series — Local 58, Gemini Home Entertainment, Mandela Catalog, Kane Pixel’s Backrooms videos, etc. All very good and spooky videos, definetely an inspiration for Gen Loss, and I know Wilbur enjoyed this content as well (though the editor Wilbur arg predates a lot of this genre) those are some of the biggest on YouTube atm, and some of my personal favourites, but there’s plenty more to find (I recommend channels like Nightmind and Nexpo who do analysis videos for all this horror and ARG stuff if you wanna find more)
Marble Hornets — gets its own category! One of the original analog horror genres (predated the genre actually) it’s basically one of the biggest and most comprehensive Slenderman series out there. There’s a LOT of content here and lots of lore and mystery (though a lot of the game clues have been lost to time) (Jack Manifold also reacted to this on stream, it was very chill and good fun)
Horror podcasts — Magnus Archives and Magnus Protocol, Malevolent and Archive 81 are some of my favourites, but there’s plenty more out there to find and enjoy :). Also very spooky with lots of mystery to involved, the Magnus Protocol is very new as well so great time to get into that!
Just Chatting / Geoguessr / other chill content
Geoguessr streamers / YouTubers — honestly I genuinely didn’t watch much geoguessr content outside of Wilbur’s streams so, I don’t have many recommendations here. I know Eret has been doing geoguessr streams lately and their content is very good and chill. Jacksuckatlife plays as well and last I watched he was fairly good at it (like similar skill level to Wilbur), otherwise Rainbolt is a geoguessr legend, he terrifies me a little ngl.
Other streamers — I think the thing with the just chatting streams is that we watch for *that specific streamer’s* personality. It’s hard to really make recommendations other than just saying go watch more of the streamers you enjoy. Personally I enjoy Phil’s hardcore streams, and Sneegsnag’s Crime Time the most, but there’s plenty of other people both in this MCYT space and outside of it that you’ll probably enjoy :)
Sorry boys (unlike horror I don’t watch much comedy so, sorry, this’ll be lacking)
Just Roll With It — Charlie Slimecicle’s DND podcast. I’ve only listened to a little bit of this but it’s really good and REALLY silly (oh, and emotional sometimes, gotta have a bit of angst y’know) Wilbur was a guest on a couple of episodes, but you can always skip past those if you want.
Tommy’s videos — so Wilbur features in a lot of the early vlogs and *minecraft but* videos, but Tommy’s content has always been good fun, his recent stuff is excellent as well! He’s been doing a lot of comedy content lately, specifically a live show so definitely check that out if you want :)
Smosh pit — not something I’ve watched a lot of, but I’ve seen clips of their try not to laugh videos and they’re definitely on par with the bat shit improv you get from Sorry Boys.
Game changer — again, not something I’ve watched much, mostly consumed through osmosis, but the show is funny, the cast is always silly and it’s a lot of fun all round
Whatever else Sorry Boys make after this — judging by some of the responses to Wilbur’s “statement” I think it’s fair to assume if Sorry Boys do continue making content Wilbur will be cut from the group. Of course don’t feel obligated to stick around if you don’t want to, but Wilbur won’t be compensated if he’s kicked and the rest of the guys are still fun :)
YLYL and similar goofy stuff
Just… other streamers again — Jack Manifold does YLYL streams with his friends. James Marriott does a lot of reaction videos as well, sometimes YLYL, sometimes reacting to content his viewers send in (like TikTok’s and break up texts), those are my favourites atm.
YouTubers — that niche between video essay and reaction content, people like Danny Gonzales, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, Pinely, all good fun YouTube channels that make good, silly, and easy to consume content.
Other gaming streamers and YouTubers — Slimecicle, Ranboo, Games Grumps, RT games, and SneegSnag all play a wide variety of games, they’re all relatively chill but none of them take the games all that seriously either so it’s fun and goofy as well :)
And of course Fanfiction!!!
I might be a little bias here cos I write myself but fic is created by and for fans and it exists to give you even *more* content about the stories you love, whether it be reimagining canon events or just dumping your favourite characters into a silly au.
I know a lot of authors (myself included) are feeling super conflicted and weird about writing Wilbur in the future. Plenty of authors have been moving onto new fandoms so if you find something you enjoy make sure you check out the author’s other work and who knows, maybe you’ll find some cool new fandoms that way!
And do the same for artists and other creators, or even go check out some of your mutuals fandoms, you guys might have more in common than you originally thought!
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blackbird5154 · 6 months
Fanfiction masterlist
Hey! I'm Blackbird, She/Her, and I'm a Ghost fic-writer and artist! I write texts in Russian and then translate them into English. If you are ready to use an automatic translator, here is my main account with all my works. For everyone else, I made this masterlist with my translations.
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The Third Advent [ru] [en]
Summary: After Papa Emeritus III was deposed and killed by his fellow believers, he laid in a coffin for five years. But nothing in the world lasts forever, not even death. After returning from the dead, Papa intends to take revenge on everyone who betrayed him. It's time to check the common statement that revenge is sweet.
Tags: Gen, Action/Adventure, Revenge, Resurrection, Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Character Death, Mysticism, Friendship, Romance, Character Study, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Majesty [ru] [en]
Summary: Just two words: a glove kink. If you don’t have it yet, now you will. Yes, THOSE gloves.
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, Smut, 18+, priest kink, hand kink, glove kink, petting, foreplay, soft dom
Pleasures of Hell [ru] [en]
Summary: Papa Emeritus has decided to give you a little lesson in arithmetic. It promises to be a long night.
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, Smut, 18+, Heartbeat Kink, Cunnilingus, Petting, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Manual stimulation, Mention of sexual trauma
Hide and Seek [ru] [en]
Summary: Something about Terzo's irresponsible attitude to work meetings. The fic is dedicated to the kink "silent sex".
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, PWP, smut, oral sex, silent sex, church sex, toe flirting, Papa is a little bit a dominant bitch but it won't be for long))
The stars go out at dawn [ru] [en]
Summary: This fic is written under the impression of the song by Spiritual Front 'Choose Death'. Please listen to it, it's just amazing.
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x Cirice, 18+, Angst, Loss, Farwell, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Love, Foreplay, Petting, Manual stimulation, Mention of Religion
Black Mass (In Freestyle) [ru] [en]
Summary: While researching materials on sexual magic, I came across what is known as “energy pumping”. Never has a ficwriter gotten better carte blanche on the justifiable use of the “orgasm control” kink. So… satanic sex instructor Terzo Emeritus at your service!
Tags: Papa Emeritus III x fem!Reader, PWP, smut, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Nipple Play, Begging, Orgasm Control, Cunnilingus, Oral Sex, Soft Dom, Manual stimulation, Foreplay, Overstimulation, Mention of Religion
Herodias [ru] [en]
Summary: These are musings inspired by looking at one particular music magazine cover. Warning: a realistic description of a severed head.
I also write analytical notes. It's important to me to not only fantasize, but to research the character!
Papa Emeritus III: The analysis of mythological references [ru] [en]
This analysis is based on the Prologue to Meliora written by Peter Bebergal. At first glance, this text may seem like a set of nonconnected paragraphs, as well as the music video "From the Pinnacle to the Pit" can be considered as a simple cutting of scenes from old movies. But together these two materials can shed light on the mythology of the Meliora Era and the story of Papa Emeritus III - his origin, background and motives. Let's try to understand how it happened that in the image of Papa combined three mythological characters: Prometheus, Icarus and Lucifer.
Some possible sources of inspiration for Meliora design [ru] [en]
It is known that when creating Meliora, Tobias Forge was inspired by the movie "Metropolis" and the art deco style of the 1920-30s. Here I want to share my findings of some borrowed elements in the third era.
Terzo: Observations and analysis
I noticed that there is a request in the community for a more serious look at Terzo. I decided to start posting my observations and some conclusions based on them.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
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I am always interested to hear your feedback and love to debate. If you have something you'd like to say, please leave comments. It helps to keep writing!
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grauline · 3 months
Can you explain how IWTV is southern gothic not just a gothic partially set in the deep south? /gen It barely touches on the genre themes even in season 1 but if you have takes on this it could be really cool
i'm no expert on literary analysis i'm just a reclusive southern ghoul with a tumblr blog but [gestures to louis de pointe du lac]
first and foremost louis is haaaaaunted haunted haunted. ^_^ i think i'm safe in saying that's a significant part of his character. he can move from new orleans to paris to san francisco to dubai but does not magically leave his history or his mortal trauma behind. even when his accent neutralizes and his memory is tampered with he still carries it. paul's death subtly follows him (claudia's play, the chirping of birds just before he throws himself into the sunlight). there's a magnolia tree in his penthouse, an offering from armand, the state flower of louisiana.
to say the series "barely touches" on the genre themes is surprising to me. loss, innocence, isolation, madness, marginalization, the ugly realities of racism, blurred lines between villains and victims, death and psychological torment against a backdrop of a decaying era... it's all here, isn't it? maybe someone more articulate could back me up. maybe i'm just being silly :)
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iww-gnv · 1 year
Many U.S. entertainment industry workers have strong concerns about if and how generative AI technology will affect their role, company, industry and broader cultural environment, according to an exclusive Variety Intelligence Platform survey conducted by YouGov. Over a third (36%) of entertainment workers surveyed in late June were “very” or “somewhat concerned” about the impact gen AI will have on their own jobs. For context, respondent awareness of gen AI is high, with 87% at least aware of tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, while two-thirds (65%) claim some knowledge of the technology (explored in depth in the recent VIP+ special report Generative AI & Entertainment). Among generative AI’s possible negative outcomes for the industry, the majority of professionals were either “very” or “somewhat” concerned about IP infringement across copyright, trademark and right of publicity; job losses due to employers’ use of gen AI; and cybersecurity and data privacy.
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girlboyzone · 1 year
btw, the fact that its canon that all the contestants/characters are past winners means that its likely charlie was the last winner, with sneeg before him, and then everyone on the saw trap, and then jerma might’ve been the first, which is why he played the mastermind.
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It has been such an interesting ride seeing different people's INTENSE emotions toward Volo and Kamado both good and bad. It shocked me so much how many opinions people had about them. When I'm playing an rp game I'm always kind of a go with the flow person who only really cares about npcs after all is said and done(with rare exceptions) because my brain can't balance story and "the grind" at the same time and MAN was I grinding. The story analysis is always a separate ordeal with me upon a replay or me watching someone I know play through it. So if you want the pov of a main character who literally could not read the room or intentions(false or otherwise) that's me.
So my first playthrough perceptions of Kamado and Volo were "Big boss who gives my boss big progression missions to give me so I can go to new areas" and "wait who are you? Bro, why are you even here? Stop following me. I literally don't care!... Who are you again?" respectively.
And when shit hit the fan my response to Kamado was "Ok? It will suck to not be able to change my hair, but I literally have only been in my room like once to change my eye color. :/ So your loss I guess."
With Volo it was like "oh it's this guy again. *reads name I forgot* Volo, my dude, why are you like everywhere? I don't want to buy your shit." Then he proceeds to kick my ass. That got my attention at least. <- person who didn't play gen 4 and didn't know Cynthia outside of art.
qkjqhq ok it is very funny to imagine a protag who was VERY deep into the arceus-mission grind-out-these-quests (since the quest system is like. literally in-game on your arc phone) and did not even register anything else going on. ok yeah sure whatever kamado can you stop talking uhh (squints) vo.. volo? what do you need. something something plate? hang on let me check to see if my god phone approves of- oh look beep beep a quest objective. yeah sure i can do that let's get a move on
anyway i think we are sort of polar opposites in this regard bc i. can't NOT think abt my protag and the story while playing any game. i'm the rp build person it's my one weakness. in my first (fully blind) pla runthrough i picked up the baneful fox mask and decided i was playing a straight-up zorua who managed to con their way into jubilife by pretending to be a very weird child (love ya wish <3) and then got VERY attached to everyone including kamado during the course of the story. second and third (current) runs were just akari and rei the default protags. i guess this maybe isn't that surprising considering i also just admitted to trying to keep my protag on a decent sleep schedule. it's called immersion
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accirax · 17 days
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 20)
At long, long last, it's time to crown a champion! Will Jake rise up to a heroic victory, or will it finally, in a sense, have to be Riya? You probably know what I'm going to say, but, let's dive into it anyways! One last time... :,)
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings, the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Ally's Elimination
Current Score: 78 acquired/115 total
(Points versus @venus-is-thinking: 29 acquired/41 total)
Bench Points: 9/15
It's pretty funny that, after how well it appeared I was doing with the bench points last time, I only got 1/5 remaining people correct. But, really, how was I supposed to predict that Gabby and Ellie would go to Riya's bench because it had more space on it? And why was Grett out here supporting Riya anyways?!?!
On to the more important part, well, I guess it still wasn't yet Riya's time. I've already spoken on how I thought that the challenge could have been framed better (Riya's lack of jewels still haunts us all), but also why taking out Ally instead of Riya could benefit her character. I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see Ally and Jake duke it out at the end, but hopefully ONC will be able to pilot these pieces into better conclusions for both Ally and Riya. Also Jake, but I think his fate was pretty locked no matter who he was dueling.
Trailer Analysis
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Hey, there's Hunter supporting Ally post-loss like I wanted him to! Setting up/bringing back the drawing from the Loser's Motel is a super cute additional detail. I'm guessing this scene will happen very early into the episode, given that it's a direct follow up to what just happened at the end of last episode, and Ally has things to do later on. And Tess will come join them too! With Ally's confiscated games! Very nice.
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LMAO, that's what happened to Emily? Quick turnaround on those bandages, girl. I wonder if Trevor will at all try to redeem her here.
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Jake will pick up Ally and Tom as helpers, and Riya will pick up Ellie and Alec. It makes sense that Alec is helping Riya (from a writing perspective); they still have some emotions left unresolved that I imagined this episode might want to tackle.
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I'd say this was the Jake supporter zone, except then I don't know how to justify Grett being there. I mean, I don't understand why Grett would want to support Riya, but she evidently did, so I don't know what would have caused her to change her mind so fast. Nearly killing Jake, James, Ally, and Fiore doesn't count.
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Also, it seems like Gabby and Fiore were missing at some point in time? There might be a scene not included in the trailer of Gabby talking to Ellie and Fiore talking to Alec. Weird that we wouldn't have, like, Hunter/Tess/Ally or Aiden/Tom at the same time, though.
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So, my best guess is that it's a "last man standing wins" type of challenge? Like, if you get hit by the colored arrows (of the opposite team's color?), you get eliminated. The helpers are supposed to protect their champion, but they can get eliminated as well. I don't know if that fully makes sense, but it seems viable enough.
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This could go to show that all of the helpers will be eliminated before Jake and Riya (as to be expected). Wait, why is Gabby wearing gladiatorial clothing now???
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Finally, more Jake/Ellie beef. I missed that this season. (/gen)
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I don't think these guys are guys that we know, but it would be funny if they were. Or, even funnier, they're contestants from Season 4.
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Oh my god, you two, get a room. (/ref)
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Literally everyone comes to align themselves against Riya eventually. I wonder if that can be some sort of a learning moment for Riya.
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RIP Tom.
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"Since no one is interested, I'll be picking someone random out of this jar. ...Alec, you're up!" "...Fine." "You can finally pay your alimony!"
Well, thank you, ONC, for including this scene to help us understand how the teams come to be. Here's my guess: as the person who placed first in the last challenge, Riya gets her first choice of bench helpers. Nobody wants to help her, until either Kristal reveals that helpers will be paid or Riya tries to bribe contestants forwards herself. Ellie, always looking for a quick buck, agrees to help Riya. Jake then picks Ally, as a show of good will towards his fallen competitor and in hopes of finally fulfilling Connor's wishes. Riya's turn again, and no one is falling for her bribery (interesting if true for Alec). This scene occurs, and Alec is forced to help Riya. Afterwards, Jake has his choice of multiple strong contenders, but with the urging of everyone on Jake's bench (who know that Tom wants to confess to Jake), Jake picks Tom.
Power Rankings
We're going backwards this time to ~conceal the mystery~. For all of two seconds.
#2: Riya (2nd Place)
I mean... after everything that's happened, maybe I should hesitate more in putting Riya at second place. After all, she's dodged, like, five straight weeks of me trying to sabotage her to the bottom, just to crawl all the way back to where she ended the last season. She has to, statistically, be the best player in DC history at this point. Maybe she would come through with a win.
Realistically, though, I know that that shouldn't happen. With the prize at $3 million and with the return of any of these characters fully unconfirmed (outside of the tomjake miniseries), I would hope that ONC would be smart enough to realize in advance how mad it would make everyone if Riya was the All Stars winner. As far as I can tell, the main people rooting for her at this point are either A) rooting for Ellie or Alec to get money, or B) just rooting against Jake.
No, it makes far more sense for Riya to come in second place yet again, and realize that, no matter if she plays the game as an underdog-turned-villain or a Queen Bitch from Day 1, she'll never be able to win because of the same reason she wasn't able to win Season 2: connections with people. Riya lost Season 2 because her cruelty and villainy caused Connor to turn on her, and thus lost her a ton of time (and pride) in the cave. This time, her two "supporters" will only be there for facetious reasons, and be unwilling to really take an arrow for her-- or at least, far less willing than Tom or Ally would be for Jake.
And you might protest that Ally would definitely be willing to let Jake get shot, and I hear you, but I also think that's part of the point. It's not like Riya is up against someone like Ashley or Tess, who probably would have been loved and supported by all the contestants up through the finish line. Instead, she's up against Jake, who easily started this season with more enemies than friends, but also managed to convert many of those enemies to friends along the way. Tom, who he had a rocky relationship with; James, who he voted out first; Aiden, who was caught in the crossfire of his jealousy; and even Ally, who initially hated his guts for how pettily he acted over Ashley. It's not just that Riya is up against some saint, it's that she's up against someone who could have been as hated as her, but decided to put in the work to be a better person and try to reforge the connections he burned when he was following solely his own internal compass. Jake is a winner because he's a hero, and he's a hero because he tried. Riya has never tried, and that's why she'll never win.
That being said, there is a compelling narrative to be had if ONC did decide to let Riya win this season for whatever reason. This comic, though a bit outdated compared to what actually happened, does a good job of showing how Riya could still get her karmic comeuppance despite winning the money. (Thank you to @/sapphireroses282 for showing it to me! Also, @/brieflykay, your style is really fun and I like your expressions.) I think the universe will have that handled without Riya needing to win, but it just serves as another example of how you can't call an idea "bad writing" until you see how an author actually plays the scene out.
#1: Jake (1st Place)
If the Power Rankings were actually based on who we thought was going to win the season at any given point in time, Jake would have been at #1 for weeks now. Even if there were times when I thought he plausibly could have been eliminated, I never really thought it would come to pass. And that's because he just makes so much sense as the winner of the season.
When Jake started this season, he was as everyone reported: selfish, whiny, and jealous. One could argue that Jake only did as well as he did in Season 1 because of his strong alliance with Tom and Miriam, who carried him through close to the end. At the beginning, everything stayed the same, with Jake voting emotionally to take out James, but everything also changed, as he was separated from Tom and Miriam was taken out early.
And then he did SO much. I know I've said it at least once before, but this truly was the Season of Jake. He formed a strong friendship with Ashley, but unlike in Season 1, he had to endure the thought of his alliance choosing to work with someone else over him. He was the bigger person in his talks with Tom about why their relationship wasn't working. He patched things up with Aiden, having to admit to his faults, and made a genuine friend. He fought with Ally, yes, but by the end of the season he never voted emotionally to take her out, instead learning about the importance of strategic voting and alliances.
It was hamfisted, sure, but James was right last episode in pointing out how much Jake has changed. He's still Jake, but he's also nothing like how Jake was before. He's the version of Jake that can win a season.
...As long as you ignore that weird relapse in Episode 19. Inconsistencies in DC writing, whatcha gonna do? (/lh)
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corviiidaee · 1 year
generation loss generation 2 playlist analysis !!
hello !! this is my first actual post so sorry if there's any weird formatting ! i have not seen anyone analyze ranboo's playlist for generation 2 yet so i figured i'd fill the gap !!
now some history, i am a ghost fan and have been a ranboo fan since 2020 so it's really cool to see two things collide !! i re-hyperfixated on ghost at the start of their current tour and it lined up perfectly with the release of generation 1 to get me back into watching ranboo too !! to see him add these songs to the generation 2 playlist set my brain on fire, so this is exactly what that fire looks like
i am primarily a ghost fan out of the songs chosen on this playlist so i am going to have a lot more to say about the ghost songs and if i say something wrong about the other songs or anyone has anything to add please feel free !!!
*NOTE: ghost is an inheritly satanic band, it's their whole theme. if that or religious themes in general make you uncomfortable, please do not read this analysis !!!!
here is the link to ranboo's playlist if anyone wants to follow along :D https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1XubFgT0bpuQDSwlLrZGTP?si=134b2fff3ba24375
kaisarion by ghost: kaisarion is about an old mathmatician and astronomer named hypatia. she got stoned to death by the christian church because they thought she was a witch for being an intelligent woman. basically the destruction of things you don't understand and don't bother to. also tobias forge, lead singer of the band, has stated that the song is like a violent start to a new empire, a call to arms of sorts. the burning away the past to build something new.
spillways by ghost: spillways is about how if the darkness in you is put behind a dam, it will always find a way to come out, through the spillways of your own soul. the darkness will never go away but through accepting it exists you can be greater than it.
faith by ghost: faith is a song from the perspective of satan watching the world fall to the black plague. this song can also be viewed as the people dying because they thought that god would save them so they did nothing to prevent their infection. i will get back more to this theme in the later songs, especially to misery fell.
he is by ghost: he is is basically just a satan worship song disguised as a regular worship song. take that as you will !
kiss the go-goat by ghost: linking this song coherently to the rest by far stumped me the most because of the vibe of the song (iykyk). but i have produced two links: the creation of the anti-christ and something not being what it seems to be. the chorus says, "it ain't always what it seems when you cling onto a dream, it ain't always there to please you". so something that the protagonist is connected to, which i will discuss later in the other songs, is not what it looks like. there is an evil inside it.
square hammer by ghost: the song's title can be interpreted as "truth hammer" because of being "square" with someone. the album it's connected to, meliora, is the third record produced by ghost. all three albums to that point had an overarching theme between them, meliora being the reign of the anti-christ on earth. square hammer is encourging the people to look to satan instead of god and to swear to the devil and the anti-christ. the devil and the anti-christ in genloss gen 2 will be likely not directly the devil because that is way too on the nose, but i have a feeling this overseeing entity referenced by the devil/the anti-christ will act similar to hetch.
crucified by ghost: this song is actually originally by another swedish band army of lovers and ranboo has sent their version of the song before in the genloss ranmail !! this is just the version he put in and i know better, but both songs obviously have the same lyrics. the name of the song pretty much says all the song needs to say, so that's all i have to say about it !!
another believer by rufus wainwright: this song is originally from meet the robinsons but i'm gonna be honest i know nothing about this song and genius has nothing to say but from the title you can pretty much assume the meaning !
everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears: everyone has heard this song but this is also one that i think the meaning ranboo went for is already stated in the title of the song !!
homage by mild high club: homage is also pretty self-explanatory !! the connection i can see is "someone wrote this song before and i can tell you where it's from" meaning an event happening in generation 2 is probably not the first time it has happened.
jesus he knows me by ghost: this song is originally by genesis but the ghost cover was added to the playlist again so that is what i will be covering !! the song is a satire on tv preachers who will try to sell you the idea of religion and god for profit, which means they do not follow what they preach.
you're at the party by lemon demon: this song is about a supernatural entity inviting you to the part of the afterlife and i'm gonna be honest i don't think that's the meaning ranboo wanted us to get so i'm going to look at some of the specific lyrics instead ! in the refrain the song says "(wake up, wake up) and it's a place you've seen before ... a place you've seen before you were born". so this relates back to my interpretation of homage, the place and story we will see in gen 2 has happened before. the bridge also says "you're at the party, you're not alone" so this again refers to the overseeing entity.
he needs me by shelly duvall: the song basically says exactly what the title means again, but you can interpret this using the other songs i have already explained. the protagonist of gen 2 is likely being manipulated by the overseeing entity.
misery fell by tally hall: misery fell tells a story about a town who was unhappy with their lives so they gave up their knowledge and experience to get the things they dreamed of and experience bliss. they had turned to a religious entity for any happiness. the chorus says, "town without love too much faith in above?" so the people in this town have devoted their lives entirely to their new religious entity.
cannibal by tally hall: this song is again exactly what it says but this one scares me a lot !! we can look at the metaphoric meaning rather than the literal meaning of the word though. the chorus is "i am the willing victim of a cannibal, she rips out my bones like i'm an animal. and right when i'm feeling like my blood is drained, she calls it a game, but the wound she leaves is unmistakable". again, the manipulation of the protagonist theme comes back. they have been subjected to this pain by this entity and they think it is normal but it is definitely taking a major toll on them. the entity thinks nothing of it however.
that's all i have to say for now !! and like i said before, if you have any additions please feel free to add :D and do not take this as concrete evidence of anything that will happen in generation 2 !!!! this is just my ramblings !! take it as you wish !!
and if you like the vibe of 80s rock go listen to ghost !!!!
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