#austin show gen loss
wizardpigeon · 1 year
on austinshow (?) in generation loss
(austin viewers pls forgive me if thats not the name he actually uses bc i do not watch him so idk im using the one they introduced him with and assuming its good)
i know a lot of people interpreted austins whole thing with the wife and kids as him being forced to lie by showfall but honestly the whole time my perspective
was that he was actively lying To The Viewers because he knew he'd have a better chance if he appealed to a wider audience/didnt reveal that he was gay,
like, i know he was introduced as
Austin Show | gay
but they cant see that, and the puzzler immediately calls him out for lying, and throughout the episode repeatedly asks him the names of his children and how many he has, which austin fucks up multiple times, so i assumed that he was intentionally trying to mislead the audience to protect himself, and showfall had the everyone prompt him as much as possible (and maybe got him to mention them more himself) in order to point out that something wasn't right about what he was telling us
now, i also want to point out, (and this is from another theory ive seen tying back to the mind control) that austin doesn't have anything on his head, and one theory i saw is that everyone else, barring sneeg until the hat, had something on their head in that episode,
ranboo with their mask
niki, vinny, and sneeg with hats
charlie and ethan with their glasses
rats with masks,
and jerma/puzzler with the prosthetics although that ones a bit more meta since based on charlies commentary it actually looked a lot more real/seamless in person than on camera
but austin isnt wearing anything, and hes arguably the most freaked out, like sure niki is sobbing but she switches the second shes in the spotlight she switches to being collected and upbeat, the only other person we see as visibly disturbed as austin is sneeg during the hat sequence,
throughout the entire carousel scene austin is looking around, visibly nervous, and like others have pointed out, he kept staring at frank, who since the reveal of the filter thing, everyones been pretty agreed on is probably like, a full on rotting corpse that they were just carting around,
so i think that while showfall had some influence on austin, his actions more than anything, they didnt have full control over his words, and they were definitely letting him see at least some of what was going on,
whether they were allowing him to lie and behave so nervously is anyones guess, it certainly makes the program more interesting, but the way he talks so desperately about his many wives and children reads to me as something a queer person would probably do if placed in some kind of saw esque game show where we had to appeal to the largest majority of viewers to survive
i like the way people have taken it as showfall stripping him of his identity, but to me, i read it as them outing him, which, also in my mind works closer with the theme of what fans/fan culture will do to "celebrities" (see kit connor with heartstopper however many years ago that was), and the fact that showfall outed him without care that his situation was dangerous just drives this further home for me
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orbmanson7 · 3 months
Masterpost of GenLoss BTS/Vlogs
For anyone wanting all the behind-the-scenes information and footage from the cast of Generation Loss: The Social Experiments, here is a full list!
Ranboo's "Generation Loss - Talking All About It" stream vod
-Ranboo, first stream after the show ended, explained some of the inspiration for the production, played some recordings of Charlie's towel performance, and showed some concept art and design photos of some of the props.
Vinny's "My Generation Loss Experience + Abandoned Mall Exploration" stream vod
-Vinny Vinesauce explained his part on the second episode of the show, showed footage he took from inside the mall while exploring the sets and abandoned areas, and showed behind-the-scenes footage of how the stunts for his death scene were made.
Niki's "Nihachu Reacts to Generation Loss" stream vod (clips channel only one available)
-Niki reacted to the first two episodes of the production, showed how she did her makeup to make it look like her character was crying, explained some behind-the-scenes stories, and talked about some of the audience's theories that she really liked.
Criken's "Behind The Scenes Stories from Generation Loss!" stream vod
-Criken (who played Hetch/Squiggles) explained his work on the production, reacted to the show, and showed some videos from behind the scenes and pre-recorded segments, including video proof of Ranboo's towel-throwing saga.
Sneegsnag's "Sneegsnag Reacts to Generation Loss Chapter 1" stream vod
-Sneegsnag watched and reacted through the first episode, explained a lot of behind-the-scenes plans for the first day's production, explained some interesting notes about his character, and showed the music inspiration he sent to Nathan Hanover when Nathan was making Sneegsnag's character music for the show.
Ranboo's "Generation Loss Behind the Scenes - Going Thru My Favorite Bits" stream vod
-Ranboo, second stream after the show ended, showed some unused cutscene videos (extra door scene, cooking contest commentary), showed some additional camera angles of shots in the show and some pre-show footage from practice runs of the first day's production.
Charlie's "Behind the Scenes: Generation Loss Episode 1" stream vod
-Charlie watched and reacted through the first episode, showed off some props he kept from the production, explained the differences between rehearsals and the actual show, and described some additional options the chat didn't choose during the live show.
Niki's "Gen Loss Finale" stream vod (starting at 3:25:10)
-Niki reacted to the final episode and described her initial reaction to the pre-recorded segments near the end of the episode.
Sneegsnag's "Sneegsnag Reacts to GeneLoss Part 2 w/ Ranboo and Slimecicle" stream vod
-Sneegsnag and Charlie watched the second episode together, both shared behind-the-scenes info and how many ideas were thought up only a day or two before the live production; Ranboo later joined the discord call to argue their case regarding the towel-throwing saga.
Charlie's "Behind the Scenes: Generation Loss Episode 2" stream vod
-Sneegsnag and Charlie's joint-react stream to the second episode, but from Charlie's stream, in case you want to watch that, too!
Sneegsnag's "Sneegsnag Reacts to GenLoss Part 3" stream vod
-Sneegsnag watched and reacted to the final episode, explained what he was doing behind the scenes during certain parts, and talked some more about his character.
Sneegsnag's "Generation Loss - Behind the Scenes (Vlog)" vlog
-Sneegsnag's footage of him, Charlie, and Ranboo exploring the sets before the live show, footage from the filming of Vinny's death scene, footage of Ranboo testing the box mechanism, footage from the second day's rehearsals with Austin, Ethan, Jerma, Niki, Charlie, Valkyrae, and Sykkuno, and footage from directly after the live show ended and folks were celebrating.
VidCon's "Generation Loss: How It Happened" Panel recording
-The panel recording from VidCon Anaheim 2023, featuring Ranboo, Jake (executive producer/plays the CEO of Showfall), Criken, Niki, and Sneegsnag; they showed some photos of the original ideas for the production and some set design process photos; Niki explained how she could see the chat reacting to her death scene from a monitor that was in that closet; showed some photos from the promotional work for the production (missing posters, merch photos, Times Square billboard); showed some of the video they made to send to the Emmys for nomination consideration; showed photos of them filming the pre-recorded door segments; showed photos of wardrobes and masks for different characters; showed pre-recorded footage of some scenes from the final episode; and played a teaser for the "next chapter" called Generation Zero: The Story of Lostfield.
TwitchCon's "Ranboo Generation Loss Panel TwitchCon Paris 2023" panel recording (clips channel only one available)
-The panel recording of TwitchCon Paris 2023, featuring Ranboo, Jake, Criken, Niki, Austin, and Sneegsnag; they showed some similar photos and footage as the VidCon panel, as well as some different shots, including some footage of them testing out the carousel for episode two and additional photos of the masks and wardrobe designs. They then answered some questions from the audience about their experiences and favorite parts of the show.
Sneegsnag's "Reacting to the GenLoss Founders Cut" stream vod
-Sneegsnag watched and reacted to the founders cut version of the show, adding some additional commentary about his character and behind the scenes information.
Prior to the Show:
"Last Stream Before Big Generation Loss Time!" stream vod
-Ranboo livestreamed while staying at the mall, explained some of the rehearsals they did for the ending scenes of the show and how excited they are for everyone to see it.
Here's the full playlist on Youtube, as well, for your convenience!
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lvndr-alt · 3 months
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A quick Generation Loss sketch page while I was watching the new Founders Cut! (Lvndr has other fandoms??? Terrifying.) I’m sosososisosos excited to see where things go 👀👀
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honkceasar · 1 year
Welcome to the Show!
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click for more details!! also individuals below the cut :^)
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I thought of this while rewatching the episode. I haven’t seen anyone else do it, so I took it upon myself to bring it to fruition.
Also, this is my first time making any kind of edit on CapCut, so please bare with me here.
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noxdemonart · 1 year
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Pt. 2 of Generation loss i my style! This time Austin!! he probably saw everything :(
pt. 1
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apology-or-marcus · 1 year
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iminseriousdebt · 3 months
Heyo! This is a little ramble I needed to make before the founders cut comes out!  yipee!
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So we can see in the above images the methods Showfall Media is using to control gl!Sneeg gl!Charlie and gl!Ranboo, they use an already pre-existing technology called an Electroencephalogram (EEG). Now this technology has been in use for decades, and essentially how it works is that it uses electrodes placed onto your scalp combined with a conductive gel to measure the electrical activity in your brain, these electrical signals are usually referred to as “brain waves” and these brainwaves can be subdivided into four categories, Gamma (greater than 30 Hz), Beta (13-30 Hz), Alpha (8-12 Hz), Theta (3.5-7.5 Hz), and Delta (0.1-3.5 Hz)
These different brainwaves are generally assosiated with different emotions, awareness levels, brain activities, etc. Now if Showfall Media has installed these onto sneeg, charlie, and ranboo, that means they have access to their thoughts and feelings, but brainscanning isn’t an absolute precise device, it still takes a lot of human effort and time to properly interpret the brainwaves. If Showfall somehow had a tool to easily interpret the signals they could much more easily operate, say, a live show. Lucky for them there is already a real life solution to this problem, kinda.
Its called Brain Generative Pre-Training Transformer, or BrainGPT for short.  What its goal is, is to act as an assist tool for human neurologists to use in real neuroscience cases and case studies, what it does is it uses a Large Language Model (LLM) full of pre-existing human research papers and other neuroscience knowledge too vast for human comprehension. And whenever a neurologist hands BrainGPT a prompt, (such as anomalous finding or to asses the fields understanding of a certain topic) , “would generate likely data patterns reflecting its current synthesis of the scientific literature”  (braingpt.org)
Now in regards to Generation Loss, what this means is that Showfall Media potentially has acces to this sort of technology, and would be able to use it in the production of their shows, now BrainGPT has a good way to go before its widely avalable. But in the genloss au, it can be far into development at this point, and be available for companies to use in whatever way they see fit.
Now reading and decoding brain signals is one thing, but to mind control someone is far beyond what is capable today, but Showfall Media has somehow developed technology to do so, the way I’m guessing they did it is that they produced certain brainwaves from the electrodes on the actors heads to give them the emotional reactions they needed for the show. I can’t exactly get into the technical stuff cause I’m not a neurologist, but its just a hunch on how I think they did it.
As for the mind controlling devices themselves, I feel there’s a more subtextual reason as to why those objects in particular are chosen as the devices that are central to the show’s operation. Ranboo’s mask has been a heavy emphasis throughout Gen 1 TSE,
Its been a central figure in not only generation loss’ marketing, but also ranboo’s marketing, because when you think of ranboo one of the first things that pops up is the mask, atleast in the wider public’s eye.
But these general associations not only exist with Ranboo, with Slimcicle you usually think of the wide brim glasses, with Sneeg its his backwards cap, and this is with the other cast members too when their introduced on the spinning carousel in episode 2. Furthermore, with Niki it’s that’s she's just so nice, with Austin its that he’s just a gay guy,  and with Vinny and Ethan these associations don’t really exist. So, with Vinny he's just the “hoarder”, and Ethan isn't even introduced. And then there's Jerma, who is relinquished to a goofy character with a weird voice and a strange sense of humour which sort of fits his public image.
But what I wanna mention with Ranboo’s mask specifically is that with the three images shown on the genloss twitter of the control devices, sneeg’s is just a hat, like theres nothing special about it, just a hat with electrodes on it, when you take it off he’s completely in control of himself. But, with charlie’s it’s a good bit harder to just take it off. His glasses are drilled into his skull connected to electrodes which are also implanted in his skull, with an additional feature of a speaker in his jaw. But if you remove the glasses, there would be a lot of bleeding and his vision would be impaired, but he would still be a free man.
But with Ranboo, poor, poor, Ranboo… Like Charlie, they have electrodes implanted on to their brain connected to a switch on the back of their skull (which also may or may not also be connected to their spine, idk its hard to tell). These sprout wires that thread through the mask and lead into their throat, and the mask piece itself is sewn shut onto their SKIN.
Now this makes me wonder, why is Ranboo so heavily guarded when the other are (relatively) easy to set free? Is it because Ranboo is an integral part of the show and therefore high risk? Is it because Showfall needed extra resources for the chat to be able to control them?... Or is it because Ranboo tried to escape so many times before that they were forced to disfigure them to such an extreme degree, and yet somehow, SOMEHOW, they are able to resist, whether it be tapping SOS on their hand when they're on full control mode or shanking a Showfall employee with a dagger, Ranboo, Resists. But Showfall will never let them leave. Or they will? Idk founders cut hasn’t come out yet as of writing this, anyway ramble over. You can leave now.
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lanaactuallyabanana · 3 months
generation loss rant + theories
i just randomly decided to scroll on twt so heres what i found
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these were posted on gen loss offical twt if you want to go look, it was a part of the like day or so before founders cut released
you would prob remember my old theories and rants saying theres prob something controlling him especially the mask
lets start off with charlies glasses (first pic)
those glasses were worn ALL THE TIME (i believe they werent taken off)
im screaming
basically hetch obviously couldnt have ranboo take off the mask, otherwise the experiment would fail (social experiment)
even if ran was able to take it off, they would still be controlled since its in their brain and their mouth
if they somehow found a way to get it off, he'll probably be dead/paralyzed/etc
theres a lil scribble saying "kill switch" brutha wha-
sneegs hat
i think the hat was the most obvious showing control from accessiories to showfall
like austin didnt have any and he was hardly controlled (calling ran and sneeg "sick" and going crazy after they had no reaction and remainded emotionless when ethan died)
im so confused how they took off the hat tho after sneeg went nuts and tried to escape on the saw seesaw thingy in ep 2
someone explain
hetchs signature -- look closely
see the h and e?
looks a lil like the og "GL" for genloss in the start when it was first annouced doesnt it?
im gonna make another rant about gen loss soon i promise
chronicle 0 edition????
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
Question: [tells story about her father who passed away shortly after the show ended and how she got her dog shortly before that and therefore on rewatch related to Sam with Miracle in the finale] During that episode my dad kept asking me, like, 'Oh my God,' - the question is lighter than the introduction, he asked me, like - 'that dog has such great chemistry with the boys, like how do they do this? Is that their dog?' He wanted to know what it was like, what it's like to have a dog on set?
Jared: Amazing. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad y'all had that together. With the dog who played Miracle, they're very well trained dogs, you know? They're trained - and we've had dogs in episodes throughout the years. And so the chemistry between an animal and an actor on set? Is really whether or not the actor or actress feels comfortable with whatever the animal is. Whether it's a horse or a dog or a cat or
Auudience shouts: a snake!
Jared: A what? A spade? A snake! Fuck that! [laughs] Yeah. So I have a chicken coop down in Austin, well, Gen and I have a chicken coop. And got a picture of a huge snake - maybe she'll post it or I'll post it - in our chicken coop laying on top of the eggs. Not eating them, but just waiting to see if, like, a rat came? To eat the rat. It wasn't a poisonous snake, but still would mess you up. I'm like, man, I dunno. But with Miracle, as a for instance, Jensen and I both love dogs, y'know? And so bringing a dog to set, it's like, 'Ohhh!' Like I'll walk down the street and someone's walking a dog and I'll be like, 'Can I pet your dog?!' Like who is this weird lookin' dude. And so it was more just, they introduce you first, and they teach you certain things - like they teach you how that dog has learned to come or to sit or to stay. And you'll do it in character, but the dog - dogs are all energy? Like they just feel if you're scared, they feel if you're excited, they feel if you're friendly. And I think Jensen and I were just so happy to be around a dog on set? Like I had to look at his face for fifteen years, I was like, oh, at least I get a pretty dog. I'm tired of Ackles. And so it was great, it was great to have that pup there. Thank you for sharing your story, I'm sorry for your loss.
Jared: What's up, Susan?
New Question: Hi! So did you just call me Susan? It's [?] on my pass and I [?] -
Jared: I know, that was the joke, because you crossed out s-a-n. You didn't get the joke! I just called Jensen ugly, I'm not being serious right now!
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thechaoticcheese · 1 year
Ok so like, while watching Ranboo's stream earlier and rewatching Gen Loss, I feel like GL!Sneeg might be a slightly bigger character than we thought. I'm not sure if anyone talked about this, but like, he was able to in a sense break the scene a little bit and get reprogrammed by Showfall Media DURING THE SHOW. He completely goes back into character which is carefree, but then near the end of Episode 2, he "kills" himself and GL!Austin Show. Now I know this is because GL!Ranboo needed to survive. Though, I wonder, if say, those whose bodies were recoverable, would be turned into the staff at Showfall. My first watch through, I kinda thought that seeing the line of staff cause one kinda looked like they had Sneeg's hair, but at the credits it didn't seem like it. Though it does make me wonder how much of what Hetch said is true.
Like how much can we trust Hetch? Where do they keep other entertainers/actors? Cause we only saw one floor, there has to be multiple areas right? And say like they do "die" during a show, they could reshow up again. Kinda like GL!Sneeg and GL!Charlie. I know there's a lot in the air, but like, it feels like either GL!Charlie and GL!Sneeg is important, it's just GL!Charlie is more prominent than GL!Sneeg.
Like any thoughts or add ons to this? I'm really curious if anyone thought the same.
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genlossneg · 10 months
i watched gen loss yesterday because i’m a huge jerma fan and i heard jerma was in it. i only somewhat knew who ranboo was. the pacing just seemed so bad, the cooking bit in ep 1 took 30 minutes and featured zero funny moments or important details. the whole show seems like it was not thought out much, but maybe my expectations were just too high, after experiencing the jerma dollhouse live. and there were so many things that just went nowhere or had no explanation. was i supposed to start with some prior knowledge?
jerma is the only funny character and obviously the only person who can improv. oh and slimecicle but hes unfunny. austin said one thing and kept saying that thing until he died. so boring. nobody was acting like how a real person might in these situations. i think its because some of them including ranboo are being mind controlled by showfall but bad acting is still bad acting even if you are acting as someone who is bad at acting.
the show just wasn’t scary at all too. i thought it would be a horror experience but i can’t take this seriously when none of the charcters do. nikki seemed to be the only person behaving how an actual person might in that situation on the carousel, but suddenly she is happy and fine? did she get mind controlled while i blinked?
what is this show trying to do? i honestly dont know. there are jokes, but few are funny (aside from jerma being the best character in the show). its called horror despite the fact that it is not scary. i cant take this seriously as horror media when none of the characters do. this is equivalent to the three stooges if they tried to present their act as a serious depiction of getting bonked on the head, and they were also not reacting when getting bonked on the head.
in summary jerma is funny and the show is bad.
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arisveah · 9 months
i feel like the way the episodes are set up in generation loss, charlie is the hero of gen 0, and sneeg will be the hero of gen 2.
charlie joins as several, closely controlled characters all three episodes, but he doesnt do anything to directly help ranboo figure something out (unless you want to count him as a cloth in the laser room). Hes got lots of screentime, but he doesnt have a consistent character- like a callback character from a previous series. hes also the only character that squiggles acknowledges by name before they introduce themselves.
Sneeg, however, is a consistent character that doesn't do much to progress the plot in the first episode, but is integral to development of lore in the second and third episodes. he feels like showfall is teasing their next show, especially because he has such a large presence.
I wouldn't be surprised if we got more of Austin or Niki, because of the way the way they furthered the plot with the lore.
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legendsmagazine · 2 years
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When looking at how ruthless the music industry can get, something that is often forgotten is the value of real, genuine friendship free of expectations of reciprocity. People pretend to like people they don’t, because they know that knowing the right people at the right time could save their careers if push ever came to shove. Because of circumstances like this, music-lovers of all kinds found themselves at least a little bit baffled when brooding alternative artist SAINT and UNDEAD’s very own Sebby Jones announced their US-wide „Holy Hell“-Tour. While fans of either artist were thrilled enough to sell out every venue within a few hours, people were still left wondering: How would Sebby Jones’ new age pop-punk mesh with SAINT’s ethereal laments? Is there a place for shows where Jones’ cheerful proclamation of nymphomania can be the pathway for SAINT mourning their perceived loss of innocence? I decided to investigate, making my way to the duo’s Chicago show on February 7th and can say: I came for business, but I stayed for pleasure. 
If you’re over the age of 35 and/or don’t have children, I don’t blame you if you don’t know who either of these artists are, although they’ve both built up an impressive body of work over the last year or two: 
SAINT is the chosen name of Saint Harper-Yamaguchi, a nineteen-year-old singer-songwriter from Walnut Park, known for their devastating path through life (seriously, it’s a crazy rabbit hole), culminating in an eventual adult adoption by Hollywod leading man Austin Harper (31) last year. The young artist managed to cement their way in the contemporary music industry with the release of their sophomore album „Perish“, which received universal acclaim from critics and audiences alike and allowed Harper-Yamaguchi to be awarded the Top Artist award at the 2022 Legends Awards, beating out industry titans like Madam Vivi and Elsa Bergström. 
The other headliner, Sebby Jones has been actively releasing music a little longer than his counterpart - the twenty-two-year-old London-native is a member of controversial Gen-Z rock band „Undead“, mostly known by mainstream audiences for their controversial lyricism and cutthroat fanbase. Unlike the notoriously reclusive SAINT, a lot of Jones’ fans love him for his extroversion and boisterous personality: He first made headlines for his shotgun wedding to fellow scandal-prone teenie-rocker FOXIE, followed by the release of his solo-album „The Freak Show“ in April of last year, catapulting him into the level of  celebrity required to be cast on the 2022-season of Dollhouse, where Jones yet again became a central character after pushing „Londylicious“-singer Londyn Pierce (26) off a balcony during a verbal altercation. After this, Jones went on to win the Top New Artist award to mirror Harper-Yamaguchi’s win from that same night.
The two unlikely collaborators met „around 5 or 6“ years ago while homeless, couchsurfing together and „building a bond that most people probably wouldn’t understand“, says SAINT. The night of last year’s Legends Awards incited the feeling of finally feeling like the two had won something after being handed nothing but losses in life, causing them to make the decision that if people liked to see them separately, their bond would only improve their individual talents.
The show lasted for about two hours and was jam-packed with music, crowd-interaction, fanservice and some genuinely touching moments - I don’t want to give everything away, of course, but here’s 5 of my favorite moments of the night: 
#1 The „Golden Age“ Performance
With the crowd still on a high from Jones’ performance of „Parents“,SAINT stepped onto a completely dark stage before only the floor was illuminated in a warm white light. „And I don’t wanna talk about love anymore / Cause it’s getting too much for me“, they introduced their newest single „Golden Age“ - a very personal hymn of reflection and emptiness, wrapped in a translucent bow of eerie sentimentality: „I’m so beautiful and it’s wasted on me / Because the taste reminds me, I hate what love’s turned out to be.“ The young artist’s wistful performance though, was what really drove the point home. In light of her recent breakup with Undead frontman Axel Parrish (21), Harper-Yamaguchi’s mournfulness feels real and tangible. In its core, the performance was a raw declaration of uncertainty, a very common feeling within the artist’s generation, showcased through SAINT’s lens - deeply evocative and bleak, yet laced with a deep determination to set out and overcome.
#2 The “Don’t Feel Like Feeling Sad Today” Performance
“To be honest with all of you, I feel shit sometimes. Life can be fucking shit, ya know? Bad days, bad months, bad years. And sometimes I feel proper sad,” Jones’ stated almost solemnly, his English accent as thick as ever as he stood centre stage. All eyes were fixated on him as the microphone was secured to the stand, an impressive swig of a beer housed in a plastic cup was taken, and then the guitar resting across his back was swung to his front as a cheeky smile appeared on his face. “But ya know what? I don’t feel like feeling sad today.” The plastic cup was launched above the crowd. As beer rained upon us, Jones wielded the guitar and the beginning chords of the unreleased song caused a wail of screams from the crowd. “But I think I’m too late and I’m sinking now / And I need somebody to pull me out.” The energy displayed within the performance by Jones was addictive, eager and it pulled us all in. As the chorus hit and the Englishman paraded from either side of the stage with the guitar, the crowd came to life even more as the warm light bled into a multicoloured array of positivity over us. “While all the people are cruel, you’re an hour away / Don’t feel like feeling sad today.” Over all, the performance exuded positivity, an absolute eagerness for happiness to rule and for all signs of negativity to fade into the dark. The way he displayed himself on that stage, I could feel the intensity from him as well as subtle undertones of desperation. The want and need for everything to be okay with the world, and perhaps within himself too.
#3 Duet Debut
Avid fans and Twitter users already found out about the fact that one of the promised „surprises“ for tour was the debut of an as-of-now untitled track that Jones and Harper-Yamaguchi perform together. Heavy guitar riffs typical for Jones’ signature style meshed together with a dreamy, glossy production finish that’s commonly seen in SAINT’s most hard-hitting tracks provide the framework for the long-awaited official collaboration between the two artists and give fans what they were asking for. The lyrics tell a story of starcrossed love, giving fans sufficient reason to go crazy with their theories: „Wide awake all night thinking about you / Do you think of me too?“ SAINT belts, sometimes overpowered by the strong instrumental, but it comes off as purposeful, as if her insecurity is being drowned out by the noise of everyday life. „I keep on losing track of time / Cause what’s the point if you’re not by my side?“ Jones questions, and I’m sure after seeing this powerful display of compatibility, fans wonder the same thing.
#4 The Rainbow Flag Moment
Something a lot of people who don’t necessarily listen to SAINT’s music can attribute to them is a series of tweets they made around the time the Legends Awards nominations were announced. They expressed frustration about the gendered categories that barred them as a gender-nonconforming artist from being nominated in some categories, which heated the discussion of inclusion of nonbinary performers in an increasingly diverse industry and cemented the 19-year-old as an important figure in the LGBTQ+ community. On the other hand, Sebby Jones’ band, Undead, has just very recently come out of a controversy concerning the use of misogynistic and homophobic language. When a pride flag was thrown on stage during an interlude, Jones eagerly picked it up, presenting it to the audience, which led to mixed reactions in the audience, with some boos ensuing and several people gesturing for him to hand it over to SAINT, who reacted with irritation: „We’re not doing this.“, they stated, taking over the mic to remind the crowd that Jones, who is bisexual, was also a member of the community and „shows people a lot more kindness than I do“. Jones appeared slightly shaken by the crowd’s reaction, but seemed equally happy for his friend’s support.
#5 The Encore
By the time the crowd was begging for an encore, I was sold - the two artists had taken all of us into their two deeply distinct worlds: Jones’ sensations of anger, fear and perseverance in a world that is inherently against you, juxtaposed with Harper-Yamaguchi’s mindset of hazy sentimentality, regret and yearning, as well as the realisation that to her, the scary thing about the world isn’t its hostility, but its indifference. The two forces bleed into each other repeatedly over the course of the evening, allowing fans of one of the artists to get to know the other, giving them a chance to understand who they are and why their bond is self-described as invaluable. I had reached the end of the show, being sure that this was my takeaway; that this concert experience was crafted in a way that allows two very different camps of young people to gain appreciation for the other, because their idols have always held this appreciation. And then, both of them returned to give us one last encore - as a professional, I thought I knew what to expect: A final collaboration tying their styles together before sending the crowd off; yet what we good was so much more unique than that: A true-to-the-source-material cover of actress Lucia Hernandez’ (22) 2009-blunder „Friday“. The crowd went wild (partly, as I found out later, because of a viral video that showed the two partying to the notorious bop at a karaoke-club a few weeks ago) and I was completely transfixed, quietly cursing at myself because this completely messed with the holistic picture I had of the show. I wasn’t sure what to make of it - but I couldn’t help but cheer along with the crowd, because SAINT taught me that nothing matters, and Sebby Jones taught me that sometimes, Friday can happen on a Tuesday.
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crashdevlin · 3 years
Another Second Chance 17- Everything Changes
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: Y/n and Danneel talk which forces Y/n to share a bit of truth with Nova.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 2934
Story Warnings: past cheating, Nova is not nice to Danneel, Nova is a very protective daughter
Danneel looks a little shocked. Not like she’s shocked to see me, but maybe that she’s shocked that I didn’t run away and hide. She shakes herself out of it and smiles back at me. “Hey, sweetie. I guess we had to run into each other eventually, didn’t we?”
I nod and look back toward the dressing rooms. “Yeah. Austin’s big, but not that big.” I feel a bit uncomfortable as I gesture at the dresses. “I’m getting Nova some nice stuff for the Out Youth Gala.”
“Oh, yeah.” She nods and fiddles with her purse strap. Seems she’s just as uncomfortable. “Jensen mentioned he was taking her. I told him I’d stay home for this one.”
"You don't have to sit it out. You could still-"
"It'd be pretty tense. Jensen and I haven't been able to be around each other for more than a few minutes at a time in...well, in years.” Well, that’s a confirmation of Jensen’s words that I never thought I’d get. “Besides...a young bi girl, she deserves to rub elbows with those people. I’ve already met most of them.”
“Thanks for...giving it up this year.” I want to rub the back of my neck. I want to hug myself. I want to tug on my hair a bit. I’m tense and I don’t like feeling like this. I don’t, though. I keep my smile and I stay polite. I learned this a long time ago.
“Of course, sweetie.” God, that makes me cringe.
“Can you…” How do I say this without sounding rude? “Not call me that?”
She nods, understanding immediately. “Sorry. Default. I…” She runs her fingers through her hair and lets out a soft scoff. “I’m not really good at this. I should have just walked back out when I saw you.”
“No, no, that’s…” I sigh. “This is awkward. For both of us. Last time we talked, I was so angry and sad and-”
“And now you’ve got Jensen back and everything is coming up for you.”
That hits a little bitter.
“Danneel...I…” I scoff and shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest.  “The fact that I’m with Jensen again has nothing to do with the upward mobility of my existence...and, you know, I’m sorry that you and Jay didn’t work out, but I stepped out after you got caught together. You had five years to get him back and make things work.”
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." She shakes her head. "No, well, I guess a little. I just always thought one day he'd stop pining over you and come home." Guess she's still in love. Jensen just isn't a man who's easy to get over, is he? "Guess that was wishful thinking."
"I tried, Dee. I told him...I told you. I stepped back at every opportunity so that I wouldn't ever be in the way of your love."
"I know. From the very beginning, you tried to stay out of the way but we didn't really want that."
I roll my eyes. "You both wanted to have your cake and eat it but that's not how the world works." Not my world, anyway. "That Happy Family Fantasy? I talked myself into that. I tried to be what would have made you and Jensen happiest, but I couldn't do it. Trying hurt me. That single night that ruined everything…and when I realized that it wouldn't ever work with me and him and you, I stepped away, just like I stepped away when I realized my involvement with him was harming your marriage. I did everything I could to make sure you didn't lose him and-"
"What do you think of this one, Mum?" Nova's voice stops me and I turn toward the dressing room. She looks gorgeous...and angry. "What's she doing here?"
"It's a free country, Nova. She can shop where she likes." I clear my throat, try to get the bitterness out of my voice. "Genevieve is the one who introduced me to this shop. I assume that she-"
"I expected Gen to have better taste in friends."
"Not the time for the attitude," I snap at her.
"I don't have an attitude." She crosses her arms over her chest.
"Yes, you do and you need to stop."
"I just don't understand why you're standing there, talking to the woman who ruined your relationship with Jensen last time. You can't just-"
"It's more complicated than all that, sweetie." Don't talk, Danneel. She's already about to go into fight mode.
"It's not," Nova practically growls. "It's not complicated. He was dating my mother and you were caught shoving your tongue down his throat. That's crappy but it's not complicated!"
"Nova. Stop!" Mom Voice better work. I don’t want anything to show up on TMZ about a fight between my daughter and Danneel in the middle of a damn dress shop.
"No!" She did not just stomp her foot and-  "What, you think that just because you let Jensen fuck around with her while you were married to him that she has to be okay with him fucking around with you?"
My eyes go wide as she leans forward, trying to intimidate Dee. My heart starts pounding and I step between them, look up into my daughter's eyes. "Go get your clothes back on. Right fucking now."
"But, Mum!"
"I don't know who you think you are right now, little girl, but I am your mother and you're going to listen. Go. Get. Changed."
She stomps as she heads back to the dressing room. My heart is still going a mile a minute as I turn back to Danneel. "I'm...sorry about her. She...thinks she knows things and she...does know some things and she's protective and…" I scratch at my brow. "She doesn't want to see me break again."
"None of us do, swee-...Y/n. She's not wrong to be upset at me. Jensen's still upset at me about it."
I shake my head. "No, he's not. Did he never explain to you…" He really doesn't talk to her anymore. "It's not that he's mad at you, Danneel. He couldn’t come back because he had to change. He had to stop being the man that would ruin his life over selfish desires. You were...you were a constant reminder of what that old man had done. He couldn’t come back...not on his own, anyway." I don't know why that last thought escapes but it does.
"What do you mean?" she asks.
"Did you try to get him back?" I don't know why I'm asking this. Why do I care? "You asked me five years ago if Jensen wasn't worth fighting for. Did you fight for him? Or did you just sit at home, hoping he'd crawl back to you eventually? Did you fight?"
Because if she fought, if she tried, and he didn’t come back, that means he's really done with her. He really became a different man and he doesn't need or want her. He became a different man who just wants me.
"Are we leaving?" Nova asks as she hooks the hangers on the closest rack and approaches with her arms still crossed over her chest.
"Yeah. Grab the blue dress you tried on, take it to the register." She rolls her eyes and grabs the dress, walking toward the till.
"It was nice talking to you, Danneel." I start walking away to go pay for No's dress, but Danneel's voice stops me.
"I did fight. I tried. He wouldn't hear it." I look at her over my shoulder. "He was too caught up in the liquor and the loss." She tucks her hair behind her ear and gives a sad smile. "I fought for him. I lost him anyway."
I hate to acknowledge the elation I'm feeling, but it's there. He’s really mine. He's really mine and I won’t have to worry about her stealing his heart.
"I'm sorry, Danneel." It's all I can think to say. I know that losing Jensen couldn't have been easy. I walked away and it wasn't easy to lose him.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I never should have-"
"Things were complicated. They're less complicated now."
She nods. "For you."
Shit, I can't feel guilty about this. "Yes. Things are less complicated for me. I hope things get better for you." I head for the register and I pay for Nova's dress. Danneel is gone from the shop by the time we turn around to leave.
"Mum, I'm sorry, I-" Nova starts as we walk toward the car.
"Shut up."
She scoffs angrily. "That’s so rude!"
"Get in the car," I demand, tossing her dress in the back.
"Mum! I said I was-"
"And I said 'Shut up'." I drop into the driver's seat and wait for her to get in and shut her door. "First off, how fucking dare you say any words out of my mouth are rude with the way you spoke to Danneel in there? How dare you try to lecture your mother on how to speak to you when you obviously don't know how to speak to a woman who you probably don’t remember meeting and who did absolutely nothing to harm you.”
She opens her mouth to argue, but I keep talking. “I am fucking mortified that you would talk to her like that. You don’t know her. You met her once when we brought your little brother home from Vegas and you have no right to talk to her like that. She might not deserve your fucking respect, but I am not raising a disrespectful little brat. You can have your opinions and you can even voice them but you have no right to make her feel like shit about something that she’s been hammered about and called a homewrecker about for five fucking years. You wanna be a feminist, you wanna lift women up? You don’t fucking attack them for a mistake she made in the past. She fucked up and hurt me but you don’t even know the extent of it, because you are my daughter. You are not my manager, my bodyguard, or my fucking knight in armor, Nova. You are my daughter and I love you for trying to protect me, but I had that interaction handled and I didn’t need you flying off the handle at her. You weren’t even that bad with Jensen and he did worse than she did!”
She’s got tears in her eyes...and I feel bad for hurting her feelings, but...I’m right. She went too far.
“And while this is not something I ever thought I’d be talking to you about, you seem to think you know something about something so I’ll tell you that it doesn’t matter that Danneel and Jensen had an open marriage because that wasn’t what muddled everything up at the end and made them so bold as to be fucking around with each other while I was in Vancouver.”
“What? You--did something...happen before that?”
Again, not a conversation I thought I would be having with her...definitely not a conversation I’m going to have with her when she’s in trouble. “Doesn’t matter right now. What matters right now is that you’re fuckin’ grounded until the Gala. No electronics.”
“What?!” she exclaims indignantly.
“Yeah and if you don’t take your punishment gracefully, I’ll extend it past the Gala, too. You’ll get one night and then you’ll be grounded again. You want that?”
“No,” she grumbles. Me either, No. I hate being the bad guy...but I’ve always been better at it than Nate.
"When we get home, I want you to gather up your laptop, game consoles, and the cable box for your TV and put them in the garage. You can read a few books for entertainment."
"Okay." She sounds so dejected but...it’s what I have to do to get the point across.
“I’ll talk to Dee,” Jensen volunteers. “I’m sure she’s not-”
I shake my head. “I just can’t believe Nova went so vicious...and I think I’m going to have to tell her what happened back then.”
“You don’t have to. She doesn’t have to know.”
“She doesn’t have to know. But...she knows enough to be judgmental and-” What if she judges me afterward? What if she judges me for pressuring myself? What if she decides that I was in the wrong? What if she thinks it wasn’t cheating because we had a three-way, even though they both knew I didn’t want them together without me? “It’s better if I’m honest with her. If she decides to hold the threesome against me, then that’s...well, that’s her prerogative, but I think it’s better for everyone if she knows the truth.”
“You want me there?” he offers and I bite my bottom lip. I’d love to have the support, but…
“No. I think it’d be a better conversation for just me and her. She’s still kinda defensive around you.”
“Okay. Let me know how it goes, okay?”
“Yeah, I will. Tell Dee I’m sorry.”
“I will. I love you, Baby Girl.”
“Love you, too, Jay.”
I hang up the phone and head for the kitchen. I make a cup of coffee and sit at the table to drink it. I start running through ways this conversation can go, pieces of dialogue in a story. The conversations never really go like they do in my head. But I rehearse them anyway.
I finish my coffee and head up the stairs to her room. I knock. She groans and calls me to come in. I walk in and sit on the edge of her bed. She’s slouching in the bean bag chair in the corner, a book in her grasp. “When I got together with Jensen the first time, he was still married. I know you know that.” I look up at her ceiling. “Danneel agreed to an open marriage...but Jensen fucked it up. He fell in love with me. So, I left. I started dating Tom.” She makes a disgusted sound, but I keep talking. “You know this. Whatever post or article you read, you know this, but you don’t know that I started hanging with Danneel after Tom tried to rape me. We got drunk and I kissed her.”
Nova’s eyes go wide. “I was shocked when I did it, too...and I immediately told Jay. I felt so guilty and confused and...as soon as I told him, he decided that I needed to sleep with her.” I lick my lips. “He was a bit selfish back then. Pretty much very selfish back then...and he wanted both of us again. He admitted to it...that he pushed for me and her to sleep together. I couldn’t...but he really wanted it, us together...so Danneel and I came up with an idea...all three of us together.”
“You slept with both of them?” she asked, her voice a bit squeaky and very judgemental.
“Just once. I woke up the morning after and I couldn’t...I couldn’t deal. I felt dirty. I’d pressured myself into doing something just for Jay and Dee and it was bad. It was bad for me. Dr. McCauliffe told me that I should tell them how it made me feel, but I couldn’t. Disappointing them was something I couldn't do. I probably would have convinced myself to do it again eventually...and it would have broken me even further. I would have let it happen because I didn’t care about my mental health. I cared about them."
I'm afraid to look at her. Is she judging me? Is she disgusted?
"They both knew I didn’t want them touching each other. Not without me. But they both knew that I was unlikely to let it happen again...that I was having trouble with the first time and it was going to be an issue to do it again. That's why they...did what they did. They didn't think they'd get caught. They didn't think it would destroy me if they did."
"That’s worse!" she exclaims and I look over at her. She looks livid. "They knew you were falling apart!"
I rub at the back of my neck and nod. "Yeah, but they really wanted-"
"What you wanted didn’t matter? What you deserved? I can't believe them!"
"There’s a reason I had to end it all, why I had to get five years of distance. There's a reason why Jensen had to become a whole new man." I lick my lips and sigh. "They both betrayed me, Nova. They hurt me and it's taken five years to get us all okay and that's why I can't abide the way you talked to Danneel, because she lost everything too. She was selfish and horrible and she lost everything over it. She doesn't need a teenage girl giving her all this attitude over it."
She looks away and scratches at the back of her hand. "She deserved it."
"You don't get to make that determination." I lean forward and take her hand in mine. "I know that my mental break and breakup hurt you, No, but I'm the one they betrayed. I'm the one they broke...and I've decided to forgive."
"But nothing. They've changed. I've changed. Things are better. Do you understand?"
She looks down and sighs. "I understand."
I pat her hand and stand. "You're still in trouble. But I love you, Nova."
"I love you, too."
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth @flamencodiva @wasabiwitteks @rainbowkisses31 @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661 @officiallyunofficialperson @dolphincliffs @mrs-meghan-winchester @gayspacenerd @foxyjwls007 @ilovefanfic86 @marvelfansworld @f-yeahfandoms @wonderlandfandomkingdom @hhiggs @sev3nruby @hobby27 @paintballkid711 @divadinag @thewhiterabbit42 @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark @cosicas-cuquis @superfanficnatural @letsby @supernatural-bellawinchester @onethirstyunicorn @swinchester27 @chalicia @screechingartisancashbailiff @death-unbecomes-you @dayasvalkyrie @paryl @wereallbrokenangels @the-american-witch @that-one-gay-girl @tatted-trina6 @sunshineandwings86 @lunarmoon8 @wheezyeds @vicmc624 @couldabeenamermaid @vulgar-library
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positivexcellence · 4 years
Walker star Jared Padalecki on how his new character differs from Sam on Supernatural
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: I know the idea for this all started with you, so how did it come about?
JARED PADALECKI: We'd already announced that season 15 of Supernatural was going to be the last, and it was at the same time of all the border migrations and families being torn apart. I read something talking about how some law enforcement officials couldn't bring themselves to put a kid in a cage and take their parent. They found themselves going, "I can't. I know I'm bound by my, duty but this just doesn't feel right." I remember reading it and going, "That's so interesting to me, I want to read more about this. I want to hear about who this person is and what drove somebody to go, 'I signed up to serve and protect, not to possibly endanger.'" They were bound by duty but also had their own moral code.
You didn't plan to act in this originally, correct?
Right. I did want to get out of acting. I didn't want to get out of the business entirely, but I was like, I need to figure out who I am, spend some time with Jared. Also I wanted to take some time after Supernatural to mourn and grieve Supernatural. But then I was like, if someone wants me to be in it, it'd have to film in Austin. If I wanted to film anywhere other than Austin, where my family is, then I would've stayed on Supernatural. The primary reason that Jensen [Ackles] and I both decided to let Supernatural rest, at least for now, was that our wives and kids lived in a different country and we'd see them four days a month sometimes. Then we realized Austin is the headquarters of the Texas Rangers. Then [my manager] Dan [Spilo] asked me if I had any showrunners I'd like to work with, and the first name out of my mouth was Anna Fricke. Dan said she probably had a deal somewhere, and sure enough we found out that Walker, the property, was owned by CBS studios and that Anna had a deal with CBS. It was kismet.
What was your relationship to the original Walker, Texas Ranger?
I wasn't a superfan but I grew up with it, I saw most of the episodes. It was part of growing up in Texas. It was huge all over, but it was certainly huge here. But this show is very different. It's not called Walker, Texas Ranger, and that's for more than one reason, but largely it's because this is not a show about a Texas Ranger who has a family. This is a show about a family man who goes to work as a Texas Ranger. It's almost like more Gilmore Girls than Supernatural.
How is Cordell Walker different from Sam Winchester?
He's a bit more Han Solo than Luke Skywalker. He's not necessarily the super-pensive, super-research-oriented, read-the-instruction-booklet guy. He's more a shoot-from-the-hip guy. He trusts his instincts. He's also very much a father and a widower. What drives him is trying to figure out how to exist as a father after having lost his partner, who was doing all the heavy lifting at home, and still having a job that demands a lot. It's a lot of what Jared was going through. I'd get home from Vancouver and [my wife] Gen had been with the kids for two weeks sometimes and I was like, "Where do I fit here because, I gotta fly back to Vancouver in 24 hours to film for another two weeks?" So I'm trying to do the best I can, but my kids are used to my wife. The parallel feels very real. But Sam and Cordell are both haunted. They both went through a terrible loss and they have a really difficult job. Sam, in a strange way, probably dealt with it in a healthier way than Cordell. Cordell probably drinks a little bit too much, and he's more caustic than Sam would be.
There's a larger mystery in the series of what happened to Cordell's wife, but will there be a more procedural element week to week as well?
We didn't want this to be like, "Hey, this is the first scene and there's a bad guy and he just stole a bunch of watches from a jewelry store, and we look for him and we find him and then we all toast and high-five at the end of the episode." Plus we can't high-five during COVID. We Zoom-toast. No, Walker being a Texas Ranger and needing to do the kinds of things that Texas Rangers need to do is very much a part of the show, and I think a lot of this first season is trying to show the audience how difficult it can be to care so much about your family and your friends but also have a very demanding job that could save lives if done well. There will be episodes where the Rangers get a case and they're called in because it requires a little out-of-the-box thinking that maybe other law enforcement agencies aren't allowed to do, so we do have that.
Most important question: In the trailer, there's a very impressive moment when Walker jumps a fence on horseback. Is that you on the horse?
No, that was not me. That is me driving the car, and that is me riding the horse and roping. I do ride horses. I'm not a black belt in horse riding, but I did spend a lot of time riding and roping [for this]. But we shot that early on. I certainly would've tried it, but I think their thought was, "We have a 12-day pilot, we don't want our lead actor/executive producer to go down with a broken foot on day 3." So my stuntman and our stunt coordinator did that part. I had a funny conversation the other day where someone was like, "You're not really a rodeo guy, so how can you play a rodeo guy?" I was like, "Listen, for 15 years I played a guy who hunted demons and who was Lucifer for a little bit, so I certainly have more experience doing rodeo-type things than hunting demons and vampires. I think we'll be all right." [Laughs]
Have you gotten used to the shorter hair yet?
It's weird. I'm getting accustomed to it. I've spent the last 20 years of my life in beanies. I'm wearing a lot more baseball caps and cowboy hats these days because otherwise I just look a little odd. I still love my beanies and I'm wearing one right now, but it's a lot less work, which is great. And I never, other than on set for Supernatural, I never did my hair anyways. So this is definitely a change. I love that it's a very obvious visual change from Sam Winchester. And feels different. I certainly feel more like a Ranger than if I had hair down to my shoulder, so that helps. I'm getting used to it.
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