#gena chambers
uu-tella · 5 months
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Happy Birthday GINA!!
This is entirely based on this extra explaining that Gina and Ichico chose Tella's new uniform. I like to think that Gina uses Tella as a living mannequin to play dress up with (and he can't really say NO, can he?)
Art by: @lovethedanielhd
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iheartginachamber · 5 months
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ayanarts-01 · 11 months
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doomed yuri
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gallade-x-treme · 11 months
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world's most tragic senior citizen hentai 😭
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popizdyao · 5 months
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Джина ♥
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meowunmeow · 8 months
Sean x Gina must look INSANE to anime-onlys or people who haven't reached the 101st loop part of the story.
Like... Isn't Gina dead? Heck, isn't Sean ALSO dead?? And Gina is a full on elderly while Sean is probably in his early adulthood at most.
Little do they know of their dimwit duos dynamic...
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youwind · 1 year
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aqua-the-smiter · 4 months
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Here it is! Part 3, the last one. I wasn't planning on it initially, but it felt incomplete otherwise. I wanted to give it a nice ending at least.
Selkie!Ferrus x Argena Seeva Some interesting happenings over the winter months SFW Very much inspiring by this song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR7QTKe1D7Q Iron Hands dividers by the lovely @squishyowl
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He was indeed there the next day. And the next. By the turn of autumn Argena’s visits to Ferrus had become something of a daily thing. Not always, but when weather and duties permitted, more often than not they were there together. The flagging system they had wasn’t perfect by any means, but it worked. If he was there, he would leave a shell on a flat rock up the cliff. That way she wouldn’t have to climb all the way down for nothing.
Ferrus had to admit, he liked having her around. He remembered telling his brothers how he was fine being completely alone. That he could probably go until the end of time without talking to anyone. Which had not necessarily been a lie, but if he was forced to be honest, at least to himself, this was far preferable. Gena was a lovely woman. Sweet and lively and skilled. Sharp as a blade too, and eager to learn from him. She liked hearing about his travels, and about his immensely strange family. He was a little smug that she would take his side most of the time when he told her about their arguments, although she was perfectly willing to call him out if she felt like it.
And she wasn’t wrong either. He had been much more cold and callous in his youth. Not anymore. He still had some of it in him, but he’d long since realized that kind of thing did not make him look “cool”. He just looked silly, acting like that. Although his temper remained. Maybe not as quick to flare to its hottest, but it didn’t take long. She was good at calming him down though, he noticed on the few times he’d lost it around her. A gentle pat on the arm and a few soft words. Like cool water tempering hot metal. Her company had quickly become something much looked forward to. And was rapidly blooming into something a little stronger.
Her selkie lived in a cave further down the beach, where the cliffs were higher and more sheer. She had to cling to his back as he clambered up the stone with surprising grace for a man of his height and weight. During high tide the beach was covered altogether, and he’d had to carry her over the rushing surf. 
It was clear he’d been working on it for sometime. The main cavern branched out into two separate rooms. In one he stored a good stock of food in barrels and crates he’d scrounged up from somewhere, fish and shellfish preserved in salt. He could easily catch his own, either in or out of seal form, but he’d long since learned the value of taking precautions. The middle chamber held his bed, a fire pit, a few chairs and a low table. That was covered in wood shavings and carving tools, so metal work was not his only skill. The last one contained his much prized anvil, forging tool and a supply of metal. 
“Nice place.” She’d said the first time he brought her in, looking around.
“It’s not much, but I’m happy with it. Some of my brothers prefer opulence, although I could never see the appeal.” He shook his head. “They live in it, you make it.” Gena told him, admiring a few of his finished pieces sitting out.
They spent hours together working around his home or talking. He talked a lot about his brothers. Which made sense, as he’d been close with them for most of his life until recently. Apparently they weren’t all selkies, like she had initially thought. Leman was a large blond wolf, Roboute was a pegasus (a winged horse), Sanguinius was a harpy (some hybrid between a human and a bird). He had a brother named Magnus who was a sphinx, and the best mage among them by far. The twins, named Alpharius and Omegon, were sea serpents. Vulkan was a dragon, and there was another metalworking brother named Perturabo who was a gryphon.
“What was Fulgrim?” She asked. The two were sitting in the mouth of the cave, sucking the meat out of some cooked scallops she’d collected.
“He was a naga. Lower half was a snake, the upper was human. All my brothers have that in some capacity, actually. But as it happens, he has been turned into something else by Father. He was none too pleased about him stealing my sealskin, apparently.”
“So he didn’t get off scot free? Good.” Gena nodded her approval. “Your father seems sensible.”
Ferrus cracked open another scallop with his back teeth and spat out the excess shell. “He is. Tends to be hands off for the most part, but he steps in when he needs to. It’s difficult to keep all 18 of us from tearing each other’s throats out sometimes.”
“If all your brothers are their own thing, what about you? Are you still a real selkie? Do other selkies dislike you?”
“Of course I’m still a real selkie.” He huffed. “And I get along with them just fine. They see no difference in me aside from my size in human form, and they don’t mind that. Truthfully, I consider them more ‘my kind’ than my brothers.”
“Aww, that’s sweet.”
“I am grateful for it, yes.” 
“Even if it is a bunch of seals for family. Still weirder than mine.”
Now it was his turn to grill her. “You said you had siblings too, if I recall.”
“I do, but by your standards they’re nothing to write home about. My older brother Brendan is perfectly fine.Not as talented as me though.” She said with a smirk. “And my little sister Lillian does nothing but get underfoot and drive me mad.”
“Just remember it could always be worse.” Ferrus replied.
They got into the habit of giving each other small gifts. Ferrus would send her back with small treasures he’d found while diving in seal form. Iridescent shells, small gold coins and jewels from shipwrecks. Once he’d even presented her with a huge chunk of mother-of-pearl, which was easily her favorite. In return she usually brought him more practical things, utensils, pieces of wood and metal, cloth, etc. Not always though. Once she presented him with a gold armband she’d worked on in secret for a couple of weeks. It was beautiful, engraved with knotwork, and the words that adorned the tattoos on his upper arms that cut them off from the rest of his skin.
 Needless to say he was quite pleased with it.
“Làmhan iarainn. Hands of iron.” He translated as he slipped the band on. “Thank you, Gena.”
He smiled at her then, and she felt very pleased with herself. “You’re welcome. Are they?”
“Are what?”
“Your hands. Are they actually…y’know. Iron? They feel normal, aside from being so big.”
“There’s your answer. But they may be less normal than you think.” He winked at her, but didn’t elaborate.
Summer however, turned to autumn and winter, thus cutting their visits down. Both due to the weather and the increase in workload. Autumn might have its rains and chill  but winter was even more unkind with heavy snows, biting winds, and cold claws. Even when she did have a moment to spare, she would find that more often than not, the rock was barren of his shell. She didn't know what selkies did through the winter, but she assumed even he needed food and warmth to last him through it, no matter how extraordinary he was otherwise. So as much as she missed his company, she understood his absence. Her family noticed her somewhat dour shift in demeanor, and her sister had taken to asking her if her sweetheart had deserted her.
It was an effort to not thump Lillian for that.
What her family knew about Ferrus was little and less, and she intended to keep it that way unless something out of pocket happened. But that was just fantasy on her part, she was sure. Her good reputation had kept anyone from asking too many questions. She didn’t outright lie, just gave slivers of the truth.
To keep herself distracted she set to work on weaving a tartan for the selkie. She had long accepted his lack of clothing and it made sense. But still, she thought he might appreciate one, just in case. She’d make sure to buy extra materials, because it would definitely need to be big, and found snatches of time to work on it between her other chores.
It would have been an uneventful winter otherwise. The snow was bad but not devastating, and in between bouts of it she even found a few spare moments to head down to the beach and see if Ferrus had left his shell. It was on one of these treks she discovered just what had become of his most loathed brother.
That blasted horse wasn’t there, thankfully.
On the trail from her home to the moors and the shore there was either a very large pond or a very small loch, depending on who you asked. In the middle of it was a small island with a huge old oak tree growing in the center. And in that large pond or small loch there lived a peculiar white horse. 
Argena hated that horse.
He was beautiful, of course. His coat as white as the snow and his hooves black like polished onyx. His mane and tail were long and silky, and flowed like the foam of a rushing torrent. Everyone assumed he was a runoff of some farmer or warrior or what have you, and nobody understood her wariness around him. Many people had tried to capture him, only to be met with empty hands when he either disappeared or flung himself into the water and swam beyond her reach. He gave her the creeps.
Especially when he would stare at her from the far shore. Fox would always snort and lay her ears back when he was around. Argena would’ve swore on her life that the bastard was a kelpie. The only thing that didn’t make sense was why he never seemed to eat anyone. He’d certainly had the opportunity. 
But today, he wasn’t there. At least, not in the form she recognized him as. The snow was falling gently, and the sky was a flat, dove gray. 
No, wait, there. Not in his usual spot, instead sitting on a fallen tree near the path. And not a horse at all, not this time at least. He was a remarkably handsome, pale young man. A little too flawless, actually. It was uncanny. His long white mane and tail had become long, crystal white hair tangled with green strands of water plants. A few waterlilies stuck out here and there. His eyes were the purple of amethysts.
Her hands gripped the reins tighter and she tried to ignore him. She recognized him for what he was, of course. If the water plants in his hair hadn’t tipped her off, it was the fact that it was still dripping wet despite the cold that surely would’ve frozen it. But more than that, he was a one to one with Ferrus’s description of Fulgrim. She wanted no part of that.
But he studies her with those glittering eyes of his. His eyelashes were white too, she noticed.
Don’t look at him.
“Are you going to your selkie again?”
Her blood ran cold, and she pulled her cloak tighter around herself. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She refused to be afraid of such a petty jackass. Even if he wasn’t actually Fulgrim, which she doubted.
“Oh don’t play coy with me.” He unfolded himself and stood up. “You smell of forge smoke and sea spray whenever you come back.”
“And since when was I ever of interest to you? You know I’m too smart to let you just lure me in and eat me.”
With that, he exploded with a very indignant and horse-like snort. “I have never eaten anyone.”
Aha. Gotcha. “So you’re just here spying on your brother despite his wishes? I believe he made it quite clear that he never wanted to see you again?”
That made him shut down for a moment. “I am not spying on him.” He started, deciding it would be better to make at least a somewhat favorable impression on her, rather than continue to dig himself a hole. “Father turned me into this abominable horse monster, and I decided to come here until he decides I’ve been chastened enough.”
If nothing else his brother had certainly found a pretty thing as a playmate. Sharp too.
“And yet you decided to bed down in your brother’s home territory where he would most certainly return one day.” Gena said with a curl of her lip. “You really are as shameless as he’d told me. Seems you’ll be stuck like that for a while yet, since you clearly haven’t learned your lesson yet, Fulgrim!”
Before the kelpie could respond she’d spurred Fox on into a gallop. Not the safest in this snow, but she wanted to be away from him.
“And put some bloody pants on!”
Fulgrim sat there sulking for some time. A raven landed on a branch next to him. The crawling sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“She has a point you know.” Corvus said, shaking snow off his tail feathers.
“Shut up!”
Ferrus hadn’t been there, so in the end she’d settled for leaving him a note on the rock, setting it in the small box of things she’d brought for him. Her little supply runs, and while she usually missed him taking it, the next time she came back the box was always empty. It wasn’t anything much, just some small dried foodstuffs she could spare, a needle and thread, and soap. 
But it seemed she was fated to spend the rest of the winter without her selkie. And she felt his absence sorely. It seemed the old saying of “distance makes the heart grow fonder” was well and truly accurate. Her heart had grown very fond of him over the months.
Actually, it was a little concerning.
It wasn’t just fondness. It had taken her much time to come to this conclusion, but now she was sure of it. She loved Ferrus, loved him and wanted him to know that she did. There was no way to know if he felt the same, but holding her blossoming feelings all winter was really starting to prickle. She’d only made one more trip down to the shore after her run in with Fulgrim. Sure enough, the box was empty, but Ferrus had once again been absent. It was starting to drive her nuts.
But it was spring now. The snow had long since melted into patches. The air was full of birdsong again, and the scent of freshly blooming flowers. People were beginning to gather outside again going about their work as the retreating cold allowed. It was nice.
Moreover, it meant she could see Ferrus again and give him the completed tartan. 
Riding past the very large pond/very small loch still made her shiver. Although she didn’t see any sign of Fulgrim, she doubted he was gone. And just because she couldn’t see him, doesn’t mean he couldn’t see her. The thought made her shiver.
Her mood rapidly approved upon reaching the rock. His shell was sitting there. The snow and ice encrusting the shore had long since melted away. And when she looked out over the water…
Yes! There he was! Swimming in seal form. He leapt out, more graceful than any dolphin despite his side, a huge fish clamped in his strong jaws and sharp teeth. Then disappeared back under the azure water. Quickly, she made her way down to the stretch of sand waving to him with her free hand the next time he surfaced.
He just about flung himself onto the beach, slithering upwards in that goofy caterpillar-esq way that seals had to on land. Even a seal as regal and majestic as him, because despite obviously having the looks of a predator, his seal form was undoubtedly a noble creature. Then the sealskin came off, draped in its usual place around his shoulders. The golden armband she’d made for him was still there. His silver eyes shone as he swept her into a tight embrace.
“Gena!” He held her as tight as he dared. “Father’s teeth! You’re alright!”
She hugged him back with the arm that wasn’t wrapped around the huge tartan. “Of course I’m alright. I was more concerned about you. Where were you all winter, you big lug?”
“Me? Swimming mostly. Traveling around, getting a lay of things. I’m not the one to be worried about. You met Fulgrim. And he’s a kelpie now no less! It could have been so much worse. I’m glad you’re safe.”
“What? You were worried about little old me?” She teased. “It was nothing, honest. He gives me the creeps for sure, but he seemed so petulant. He didn’t come off as threatening either. Just…weird.”
Gena felt his strong arms tighten around her. “All the same. I’m happy you’re safe.”
Her note had just about stopped his heart for a few moments. Especially after what he’d been pondering all winter. That being, the future of their association. But this, seeing her now, seeing her safe, and the warmth of relief and joy he felt at seeing her was all the confirmation he needed.
She really did look beautiful today. Her long, wavy black hair rippled down her back and over her shoulders, her golden eyes and sweet face bright with happiness at seeing him again, her fair skin given a rosy tint by the warming spring sun. He was happy to see her too.
His home hadn’t changed much since she’d left. The two sat near the mouth of the cavern again, eating chunks of slightly charred fish and shellfish off a wooden board. Ferrus, contrary to her worries, had been overjoyed with the tartan, and now wore the kilt as any proper Scotsman would. It looked good on him too. The black contrasted nicely with his pale skin, while the interweaving lines of gray, gold, and blue helped offset the otherwise gloomy coloring.
“It’s good to see you again. I confess I was wondering if you would be back.” The selkie admitted.
“Of course I would come back. You’re my friend.” Gena assured him, patting his knee.
“Yes, well…good to hear. I’m glad you did.” 
He seemed a little off
“I hope Fulgrim was the only strange encounter you had.” He said, almost prompting.
“He was, yes. Aside from my family being their usual selves. Why do you ask?”
“Aside from being concerned for your wellbeing? Well…there is something I’d like to ask you.” He said slowly. Hesitantly, even.
“Oh? Go ahead, ask.” She reached up and patted his cheek in reassurance.
His face colored slightly. “Well...alright. This might be sudden, but I…I would like your permission to court you, if I may.”
That made her freeze for a moment. Slowly, she brought her eyes up to meet his. “Court me? As in…”
“Yes. Like that. I love you, Argena.” Ferrus admitted. “I have been pining after you all winter and have only recently come to understand why, exactly. But it’s not something I can lie to myself about. I’ve been wondering if I should ask you. If it would ruin things between us. In the end I decided I would, and leave it up to you what you wanted to do next.”
“You’re very sweet, Ferrus.”  Gena smiled up at him, and placed her hand on his. “I never thought I’d see a man as big and strong as you so nervous.”
“This is an important thing I’m asking you. We could be married.”
“I’d like that. Being your little mortal wife.”
He snorted. “Don’t put it like that! You’re more than that to me. Although I suppose that does bring up an unfortunate aspect.”
“You’d probably outlive me by several centuries at the very least. Yes, I know. I don’t mind. I’ve been doing some thinking over the winter too, you know?”
“Of course. But I mind. I don’t want to outlive you. Have you for some decades and then not. You’re precious to me beyond words Gena.”
Now it was her turn to blush, and she rested her head against his side. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. That was as much of a yes as anything else she’d said. “You know, it reminds me of a story my grandmother told me once. Her mother-my great grandmother-buried a sealskin underneath an old oak. She said whoever dug it up and put it on would have a new life as a selkie.”
“Do you believe it’s true?” Ferrus asked, suddenly hopeful. 
“Is it possible for a selkie’s skin to pass on that kind of power?”
“It is. But only if the selkie dies in human form or otherwise abandons the coat. Which is possible, and doesn’t even require something terrible happening. Not every selkie who weds a human does so because he or she is forced. Burying the sealskin somewhere very safe and secure is a way to also bury the call of the sea if someone feels they’re not strong enough to resist it. Not always, and it’s not something I would do. But it’s not out of the question. Do you know where this oak is?”
“It’s on a little island in that small loch where I met Fulgrim.”
“He won’t be a problem.” The selkie swore. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
It felt like flowers were blooming in her heart. “It’s all just like that song you were singing when we first met.”
He smiled at the memory. “It does, doesn’t it? I still have to sing you the rest of it sometime. After we find that sealskin. If that’s what you want.”
“Trust me Ferrus, I don’t think there’s anything I’ve wanted more. I love you, my fair selkie.”
She reached up and placed her hands on his cheeks. He leaned down, and she pressed a kiss to his lips.
Fulgrim, indeed, turned out to be no problem at all. Ferrus surprised her the next day with the sealskin. Just where the story had said it would be.
“It looks just like yours.” Gena told him. Dark gray on top, light gray on the sides, dark speckles. “And what about your brother?”
“We exchanged a few words. He will leave you alone. In fact, he’s going to leave this land entirely. And he’s fully aware that I still despise him.”
“Thank you, Ferrus.” She hugged him tightly around the hips. 
“When you feel you’ve spent enough decades here, tell me. We’ll go back to the sea, you and I. That sealskin is the real thing, I can feel it. Until then, and after, I am yours.”
“And I am yours.”
In the end there wasn’t much fuss made about Gena’s strange new betrothed when she finally brought him home. Ferrus was impressed with how clever she’d been, spinning a tale about a shipwrecked sailor she’d nursed back to health and fallen in love with. There was a grain of truth in it, as in all the best lies. He’d had to use a bit of his own magic as well, mostly to lower his height so he was not so freakishly tall compared to the humans. He was still a respectable seven feet, but that could easily be written off as just rare luck with his ancestry. Moreover, he had proven himself a dab hand in the forge, so clearly she was not marrying a good-for-nothing.
The hoops to jump through had been numerous but worth it. Especially now.
“He’s beautiful.” Ferrus said, his silver eyes full of fatherly love as he looked down at the little boy in his wife’s arms.
Little Melor looked just like him. It was uncanny. Except for his eyes. Those were beautiful and golden, just like his mothers. He kissed Gena on the cheek as she rested against him.
“He’ll be as handsome as his father when he grows up.” Argena agreed, tapping their little son on the nose. The babe giggled.
Underneath his swaddling was a tiny sealskin. He’d come out wrapped in it. Ferrus had assured her it would grow with him. A selkie’s skin would always fit. It was a very rare occurrence for the union of a human and a selkie to produce another selkie, but it was possible. Evidently, Gena already had good luck with selkies.
“You want to hold your pup?” She asked. “You haven’t gotten to as much as you’d like, I think.”
In short order Melor was handed off to his father. The baby was still absolutely tiny in his father’s arms. Despite being so big Ferrus held him tenderly. He wriggled a bit.
“A little restless.” Gena noted. 
“A little.” He agreed. Then he began to sing.
Once a fair and handsome seal-lord lay his foot upon the sand For to woo the fisher's daughter and to claim her marriage hand. "I have come in from the ocean, I have come in from the sea, And I'll not go to the waves, love, lest ye come along with me."
"Lord, long have I loved you as a selkie on the foam. "I would gladly go and wed ye and be Lady of your home But I cannot go into the ocean, I cannot go into the sea. I would drown beneath your waves, love, if I went along with ye."
"Lady, long have I loved you: I would have you for my wife. I shall stay upon your shoreland though it robs me of my life. I will stay one night beside you, never go back to the sea, I will stay and be thy husband though it be the death of me."
"Lord, I cannot go and wed thee all to watch my lover die! Since I'll not be left a widow I have a plan for us to try: Let us speak with my grandmother who's ever dwelt beside the sea. She may know some trick or treasure that I may wed my fair selkie."
So they've gone to her grandmother's little cottage by the sea To inquire how a maiden can be wed to her selkie. For the selkie's watery kingdom would surely rob her of her breath But to stay on land past midnight, it would surely be his death.
"Lord, I know not how to aid you – you may never live on shore. For your kind to live 'til dawning has ne'er been seen before. But my mother had a seal-coat that she buried 'neath a tree For she told me that its wearer would become a fair selkie."
So they've journeyed farther inland though the seal-lord's getting weak And she's shouldering the shovel to unearth the thing they seek. At the rising of the full moon underneath the elfin oak She's unearthed that very treasure of which her grandmother spoke.
And just before the stroke of midnight they have made it back to sea And she's donned that magic seal-coat and become a maid selkie. Now they've gone into the ocean, hand in hand into the sea, She has gone along -- a fair seal-bride for her selkie.
Melor cooed softly before finally falling asleep, peaceful and content to be held by his father. Ferrus held him gently, and held him close. His other arm was around Gena. She smiled, listening to him sing. He did it often for her, and she never tired of hearing it.
“You know, I think I’m going to be just fine not going back to the sea for a while.”
“And your family?”
“They can lump it. I’ll see them eventually. It’s not like another several decades will kill them. It’s been centuries. And I have more important things to think about. Thank you, Gena. For coming to see me that day instead of just running away. I expected you to.”
“How could I run when I had you in front of me? I’m glad I went down too. I have you, and you’ve given me something infinitely precious. Thank you, Ferrus.”
“Only for you, mo ghaol.”
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shelbeetaylor · 2 months
Chapter Twelve | Insult and Injury
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Theo had waited patiently and silently as the court physician examined Cass’s leg while the physician’s apprentice kept a wary eye on Evie who was inclined to curiously peruse the selection of books on the balcony. When Galen finally pulled away from his examinations, the knight shifted a bit in anticipation.
“Lucky for you, you’ll be fine with a bit of rest,” the old man said. Theo breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t caused or exacerbated any injury. “I don’t think I need to tell you to be more careful with your dancing–” Galen looked back at Theo– “or with your pursuits.”
Theo nodded, still wrapping his arms around himself despite the good news. 
“I’ll be able to resume dance then?” Cass asked.
“Just to be safe, I’d take a week off. But a couple days of taking it easy wouldn’t hurt. That means no training.” Cass made a face. “I need to go fetch some ingredients for a draught for you.”
Both Cass and Theo nodded in response and waited until the door closed behind the physician. Terran suddenly appeared beside them, an intrigued look on his face.
“What in the hell happened?” Terran half-chuckled.
“Terran, we need your help,” Cass simply said.
The apprentice’s smile faltered a bit. “Why? What’s going on?”
“We found the intruders,” Theo explained, “and we have reason to believe they’re after the queen.”
Terran brushed a hand over his mouth as he processed Theo's words. “What makes you so sure?”
Cass flicked her eyes towards Theo and he stopped before he could even speak. He knew that look, she’d used it so many times during dinner and court and practically any situation with her mother. He knew what that look meant. “All the evidence points to it being the most likely scenario.”
“And why do you need me?”
Cass smiled a terrifying smirk, and the apprentice began beaming right back at her. 
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Gena had almost finished putting away the laundry she was working on when the door to Cassandra’s chambers creaked opened.
There in the open doorway was her mistress being stabilized by Terran as she limped towards her bed. Gena's stomach immediately started turning, and she dropped the clothes she was holding to rush towards the two of them.
“My lady–!” Gena was abruptly stopped by Cassandra holding up a hand.
“I’m fine, just a little dance injury,” she replied with a half-hearted smile.
“More like a Theo injury,” Terran joked.
Gena looked between the two, confused and concerned, and Cassandra shrugged. “I can tell you about it later.” That didn’t make her feel any better about the situation.
“Uh, so here’s the medicine Galen wants you to take. The instructions are on the paper… and, yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Cassandra gave him a small smile, and Gena nodded a farewell. 
Her mistress let out a sigh through her nose and shook her head, but Gena just gazed at her. She looked so tired… deep bags beginning to form underneath her eyes, her movements more sluggish than usual, her eyes a bit bloodshot.
Gena half-heartedly listened to what Cassandra said. Something about a meeting the next night… she wasn’t sure. Cassandra realized halfway through her spiel that the maidservant was not quite hearing everything she was saying.
“Gena, are you listening?”
The maid fell out of her trance. “No, I’m sorry m’lady…” Cassandra pursed her lips, but didn’t say a word. “...Are you feeling alright?”
Cassandra seemed hesitant to answer, but she put on another one of her charming yet false smiles. “Yes, well, besides my newly acquired injury. Why do you ask?”
Gena was unsure if her face reflected how crestfallen she felt. “You just look tired, m’lady.”
“I assure you, I’m fine… though it has been an eventful day.”
The maid sighed through her nose and gave a half-hearted smile. It wasn’t a battle she wanted to fight, but she wasn’t thrilled to give it up either. 
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“The recent loss of Wystwillow is not only unfortunate, but it is detrimental to our success in this ongoing war.”
Cassandra was barely paying attention to whatever bullshit speech Valseras was giving at the war council. The man was an idiot. Instead, her mind wandered to the night previous. Cassandra had been working on her translations of Meridian– which were going horribly– and trying out some more spells– which failed miserably. Learning magic was harder than she thought it would be.
“You don’t look too well, princess,” Valseras said, ripping Cassandra out of her foggy brain. “Is there some sickness keeping you from focusing on today’s council?”
The princess flicked her eyes over to the imbecilic general, her mouth gently twisting into a snarl, and replied, “Truthfully it’s your half-witted and dull monologue causing my chronic boredom.”
While the general clenched his jaw in defeat, the queen gave Cassandra a warning look despite the twinkle of agreeance in her eye. Cassandra just smirked in response to it all, though the world was titling a bit. The victory was worth it.
“As I was saying, “ Valseras began again, attempting to recover from his public humiliation… again, “the rebels now hold two major cities in the south of Nevernia.” Cassandra didn’t even try holding back her eyeroll. “With them being our two most important holds on the southern part of the kingdom, I believe it is safe to assume our control of the south has been lost with the fall of Wystwillow. And thus, the loss of the south is extremely harmful to our war efforts–”
“Get to the point, Valseras,” Cassandra's mother demanded.
Valseras, thrown off balance a bit, nodded before continuing. “I believe the rebels will focus their attacks on overtaking Bellbury next.”
Cassandra's eyes moved towards Theo, who was next to the dipshit general. The knight shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his home, yet he stayed silent. She knew no matter how much Theo hated his family, who governed Bellbury, he still loved that coastline city. The idea of what happened at Wystwillow befalling Bellbury had probably haunted the back of his mind ever since that messenger arrived to deliver the news.
Bellbury being the next target wasn’t a completely insane concept. The city was Nevernia’s largest port city, and losing it would seriously hurt their access to resources, especially since their main trading center would be destroyed. Protecting Bellbury would be essential to regaining control of the kingdom.
“After Bellbury, Vale Serine would be next. The rest of the kingdom would fall shortly after.”
Cassandra looked to the map on the table, the figurines laid out to illustrate the current status of every soldier, fort, and city involved in the war. In that moment, the princess could have sworn that some of the pieces were moving slightly. 
“What do you think we should do, general?” the queen asked.
Cassandra and Theo shared a glance across the table because they both knew whatever was about to come out of Valseras’s mouth would be a bunch of bullshit.
“I believe we should gather our army in Vale Serine and prepare to intercept the rebel army before they reach Vale Serine. It’s too treacherous to cross the Never Peaks, so they’d have to enter through the valley.” Valseras began pointing at the map, and Cassandra watched the spires of the castle figurine beneath his finger grow taller and taller. “They’d have to enter the valley from the west, and we’d intercept here.”
Theo shook his head, rolling his eyes as he scoffed quietly, but the general must have sensed the disapproval from the knight that was half his age. Cassandra could no more prevent the smile spreading across her face than stop Theo from completely dismantling Valseras’s entire plan.
“That is the most rubbish I’ve heard in a war council.” Starting off strong, apparently. “You would leave our only port city– the only place where we can receive reinforcements, resources, and weapons from allies– to fall to the rebels' hands?”
“Now, Sir Theodore,” Valseras interjected, “don’t let your personal feelings and ties to Bellbury cloud your judgment.”
“Personal feelings and ties don’t need to be involved, it’s a stupid fucking plan.”
Cassandra stifled a laugh, almost sounding like she was snorting. Another glare from her mother. She should’ve started a drinking game by now.
Valseras puffed out his chest and glowered at the two. “If you’re so smart, then tell the council your genius plan.”
Black spots began forming around the corners of Cassandra's vision, but that would hardly stop her from taking advantage of this perfect opportunity to prove Valseras’s idiocy to the council. A good public humiliation was always a joy.
Theo began his counter argument. “We cannot leave Bellbury on its own. It’s too important to us. I suggest we split our troops, with a heavier focus on Bellbury. As General Valseras said,” Theo gave him a classic Theo smile, “the rebel army would have to travel through the valley to reach Vale Serine, so we’d know where they were headed a long while before they arrived.”
Valseras scoffed much louder than Theo did. “What does that have to do with anything?”
The table rocked back and forth as though it was aboard a ship, yet Cassandra was ready with her comeback. “It means, general, that if the rebels were to overlook Bellbury completely and head straight for us, then we’d have plenty of time to call in reinforcements stationed at Bellbury, subsequently trapping the rebel army in the valley and decimating their ranks. If they decide to attack Bellbury as you predict, then we are prepared to send aid if the troops stationed there so require it.”
Valseras’s face twisted up into a mix of anger, jealousy, and defeat. Cassandra hadn’t realized she was white-knuckling the table until she had to look down for a moment as the rocking became too violent. There was a faint ringing in her ears as she tried blinking away the growing blackness.
“I believe I’ve come to a decision,” the queen said after an indeterminate amount of time. It was hard to tell what with everything in the world shifting around her.
“Maybe you should check with your children first to make sure they approve of your plan,” Valseras muttered. It was becoming hard to hear with the dull buzzing growing louder, but it was certainly loud enough for everyone in the council including Theo and the queen to hear.
“At least Her Majesty can make competent decisions, unlike you,” Theo replied almost immediately.
Valseras’s jaw clenched, but he turned to Cassandra and said, “And what does the beloved princess have to say about it? It seems you always have something…”
Cassandra couldn’t hear the end of Valseras’s sentence as it faded into the background behind the ringing and buzzing. She reached for anything within her grasp to stabilize her body as it went numb. Her vision that was previously plagued by a constantly morphing world was almost instantaneously overtaken by blackness that was so warm and inviting, and she couldn’t help but fall into its embrace. 
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Watching his best friend crumple to the ground was one of the most horrifying things he had experienced, and he had seen a lot of horrible things in his young life. One moment she was being her usual self– throwing around witty comments and smirking every chance she got– and the next… The next she had grabbed onto the table violently in the middle of Valseras’s comeback as her eyes rolled back into her head, and her body went completely limp.
Theo literally dove underneath the table to try and catch Cass, though her head had hit the floor before he was beside her. Without thinking a second time, the knight lifted Cass onto his lap and held her while Galen too hobbled his aging body over to the princess as fast as he could. 
“What’s wrong with her, physician?” Queen Ginevra asked only mere moments after Galen began his examination. 
Theo looked up at the old man whose face seemed to show a mix of concern and disappointment, but he simply replied, “I cannot be sure, Your Majesty, but I think it best to return the princess to her chambers and examine her there.”
“We will resume the council after you take your leave, then.”
Theo hid his grimace as best he could, though the physician looked at him with his all-knowing eyes and pursed his lips. “I will need some help transporting her.”
“That’s fine,” the queen said a bit too casually for Theo's liking. “Whoever misses the rest of the council will be informed of the happenings.”
Bastien and Godfrey were immediately taken to Cass’s sides, and Galen returned to his feet with the help of the latter. Bastien knelt down next to Theo, a comforting hand on the other’s shoulder, and lifted Cass off of Theo's lap. Something in him hurt as he was freed from the princess’s weight, and he stood with numbness buzzing through his body.
“Typical. She can’t make it through a council– war or otherwise– without pulling some sort of dramatics.” Valseras was barely able to finish his thought before Theo leaned over the table and grabbed the general’s shirt.
“Do not say another word,” he breathed, inches away from Valseras’s face. “You have no right, and you have no idea what’s going on.”
Theo wasn’t even stopped by the queen for a reprimand as he let go of the general and walked out of the war room. 
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By the time Theo had reached the princess’s chambers, Cass was already neatly laid onto her bed as if she had been there the whole time. Her dark waves were sprawled out on the pillow beneath her head, and she lay so still it was almost as if she was dead. It was the most peaceful Theo had ever seen her.
Genevieve stood at the foot of her bed looking over her mistress, hand over her mouth as Galen explained what had happened at council. Her lilac eyes were glossed over as if she wasn’t even listening to Galen’s words anymore, just lost in her concern for Cass. 
“Galen, have you any clue what’s wrong with her?” Theo asked.
“Yes, I believe I know exactly what it is,” the physician replied confidently. He walked over to the nearest nightstand and picked up a bottle filled with liquid. “And the untouched draught I made her confirms it.”
Theo didn’t need to be told what the draught was for. She’d been taking it on and off for years now. He simply shook his head, sighing loudly through his nose. If she weren’t so goddamn stubborn–
The door opened and in walked Terran, accompanied by Godfrey who went to fetch him. Terran gave a small smile as a quick greeting to everyone.
“I brought the medicine you asked for,” the apprentice announced. “And Godfrey told me what happened…”
Galen pursed his thin lips and nodded a thanks. “I’m sure everyone here has suspected it, but I’m afraid the princess simply collapsed from severe exhaustion and sleep deprivation.”
“Do you have any idea how many days she’s been awake for?” It was disheartening every time Theo had to ask this of Galen.
“I gave this draught to her three days ago.”
There were exclamations muttered by both Genevieve and Godfrey. Terran looked like he wanted to crawl inside a dark hole and not come out. Theo ran a hand down his face, unsure if he was more mad at Cass or at himself. 
There was a groan, and everyone’s heads snapped towards Cass. She had begun tossing and turning, whimpering a bit as her breathing became shallow. Genevieve rushed to her side, and Terran moved closer to Galen. Cass inhaled sharply as her eyes flew open, almost panting she was breathing so quickly. Genevieve began cooing soothing words to Cass as the princess looked around, unsure of her whereabouts. Theo had only ever heard Cass talk about her nightmares. It made him sick to see her experiencing them.
Once Cass had realized she was in the safety of her room, she looked about and noticed the four other people sitting there watching her awake. She sat up slowly, Genevieve’s hands still trying to comfort her, and she asked, “What happened?”
Galen was the only one brave enough to respond. “You fainted, my lady.”
“Fainted?” Cass’s eyebrows raised as if she believed she was incapable of such a thing.
“We brought you back here,” Theo explained, “to rest.”
“Rest–?” Cass turned on a dime. “You let me sleep!?”
“You are exhausted, my child,” Galen matched Cass’s anger with sternness just as terrifying. “You are making yourself sick by depriving yourself of sleep. I am prescribing heavy sleeping draughts that you will be taking until you are back in good health.”
The princess gave Galen a stare that would have made Theo submit from fear, yet the physician held her gaze in a way he would never have had the courage to. Cass clenched her jaw and flicked her eyes downward in defeat. 
“Fine. I shall do as you say.”
What followed next was detailed instructions that Genevieve was to make sure Cass followed until the physician deemed her in good health again. Theo hardly paid attention, instead wondering what she saw in those horrific few moments before waking. Could it have been the same dream? Maybe it was a hint to finding the assassins? Or was it a completely different, yet just as terrifying future? He wouldn’t dare ask with Terran around. Cass had made it very clear he was not to know of her dreams. He’d simply inquire later. But still… he couldn’t stop pondering the vision she had just received.
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-> next chapter
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14 August 2024
            Gena Rowlands has passed away at the age of 94. She had suffered with Alzheimer’s in the last years of her life.
            Rowlands is best known for appearing in The Notebook (2004) and even though I like Ryan Gosling, I’m not a fan of chick flicks.
            My favourite movie of Rowlands is a film called Hysterical Blindness (2002), she plays Virginia Miller the mother of Debby Miller (Uma Thurman). The film is set during the 1980s, Debby and her best friend Beth (Juliette Lewis) socialise at a local bar, where Debby falls in love with a young man named Rick (Justin Chambers) who has ‘Patrick Swayze eyes’. Debby believes Rick is the man for her, however, Rick just wants to use her for one thing. Virginia, , has a new man in her life Nick and the couple are thinking of move to Florida. Nick sadly dies of a heart attack, which devastates Virginia. Despite their troubles they go on and try to make the best of what they have.
You can watch this movie for free on YouTube so check it out.
#genarowlands #hystericalblindness #hystericalblindness2002 #juliettelewis #umathurman
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chrysomelidbeetle · 5 months
Counter Cricket
Counter cricket, sensilla sweeping, wiry and flux With femurs enriched and compact, muscles coiled, Tarsus filled with glass shards and broken bottles, Twenty thousand stars embedded in your compound eye, Claws curved in black crescents moons, Counter cricket, colossal hemelytra submerged in liquid glass, Gena slick and sclerotized, Tergite armor of protein and metal from Jupiter; Dorsal blood vessel split into an aorta and multi-chambered rock, Hemolymph leaking a chromatic mercury, Counter cricket with saran wrap wings, Counter cricket with an abdomen made of Swiss cheese, With an occiput caved in, epicuticle peeling like one peels a boiled egg; Counter cricket with your cerci of velvet ribbon, Thirteen abdominal segments like stacks of frozen butter, With a trembling thorax of cream cheese, Counter cricket, your thimble vertex slips between my teeth, Counter cricket, midlegs coiled like a rusted spring, Forelegs like plastic toothpicks, Counter cricket, maxillary palps of strange gods, Counter cricket, trachea soft and like the lost thistles of a brush, Eggs lined on the occiput; marbles on a slide.
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Our Teen Advisory Group members are big fans of modern books that are inspired by fairy tales! Here's our latest virtual display, featuring:
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter
Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell
Because You Love to Hate Me: 13 Tales of Villainy ed. by Ameriie
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron
Stardust by Neil Gaiman
The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter
Fables by Bill Willingham
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iheartginachamber · 6 months
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here's a gif of gina doing a cute lil dance showing her favorite manga book to naggy nico! uwu (she's a fan of fuuko's favorite manga too!)
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d3imoss · 6 years
LGBT book recommendations
Because it’s Pride Month, and because @jesse11441 asked for it and I couldn’t be bothered typing all this out over text.
(this is going to be a long post so recommendations are under the Read More)
Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (Becky Albertalli) This is the book that inspired the movie Love, Simon; it’s about a gay boy and his experience with first love, coming out and life in general. [TW- being outed]
Leah on the Offbeat (Becky Albertalli) Leah on the Offbeat is the sequel to Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, so please read that first if you don’t want spoilers! Follows a bisexual main character and her general experience. [TW- covers the topic of racism (challenged), biphobia, anti-fat remarks]
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (Becky Chambers) Follows a crew of various different characters from all sorts of alien backgrounds. It’s kinda queer, I guess? Idk, read it and you’ll understand. 
The Miseducation of Cameron Post (Emily M Danforth) Set in 1989, it follows the story of a young, closeted lesbian in small-town Montana who is then sent to conversion therapy. [TW- homophobic language/experiences, conversion therapy, drug use/underage drinking type thing, self-harm; it just generally deals with a lot of heavy topics]
Ask the Passengers (AS King) About a girl who’s trying to break free from the labels others place on her (she’s fallen in love with a girl, but isn’t sure if she’s really a lesbian.) She has to deal with pressure from family and friends to come out- whether that is saying she is a lesbian or that she isn’t- and would much rather just be. [TW- homophobia]
We Are Okay (Nina LaCour) An amazing book with lots of character development about a girl moving on from the death of her grandfather. [TW- depression, grief, loss of family members]
Everything Leads to You (Nina LaCour) A girlxgirl love story with elements of film. 
Every Day (David Levithan) A wakes up in a different body every day, but they fall in love with one girl and will do anything to stay with her.
Gena/Finn (Hannah Moskowitz and Kat Helgeson) A story told entirely in emails, comments, notes, drawings and other media of two girls falling in love (though that’s not all it’s about.)
Radio Silence (Alice Oseman) Great LGBT representation that isn’t directly about being LGBT- about a boy, a girl, another boy and a podcast (the podcast is not unlike Welcome to Night Vale.)
I Was Born for This (Alice Oseman) About a fangirl and a band, of which the lead singer/frontman of the band is a trans boy (also the fangirl is a Muslim girl.)
Carry On (Rainbow Rowell) Essentially a parody of the ‘chosen one’ trope, in which the main character is gay. Somewhat similar to Harry Potter.
History is All You Left Me (Adam Silvera) A very sad story about a boy recovering from an ex-boyfriend’s death.
They Both Die at the End (Adam Silvera) Another sad story about two boys who will die within the next twenty-four hours, and their attempts to experience as much as they can before they die.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Benjamin Alire Saenz) Two boys and a friendship of a lifetime.
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life (Benjamin Alire Saenz) A coming of age novel about a boy who was adopted by a gay man and his general experiences with life and the death of family members.
Queens of Geek (Jen Wilde) Set at a convention, this book has bisexual rep, POC rep, anxiety rep and autism rep. Also a great story in general.
Spinning (Tilly Walden) A memoir in graphic novel form about an ex-figure skater and her life (also she’s gay).
If I Was Your Girl (Meredith Russo) A trans girl dealing with life after transition.
Symptoms of Being Human (Jeff Garvin) Follows the story of Riley, who is genderfluid, and their experiences with life.
Seven Ways We Lie (Riley Redgate) This isn’t really about being LGBT, more about a school scandal, but one of the main characters is pansexual and does actually say this directly in the book!
Dreadnought (April Daniels) A trans girl becomes a superhero and has to deal with big-time villains but also peoples’ reactions to her trans identity.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson (John Green and David Levithan) Two boys with the same name meet, and their lives become intertwined in many ways.
More Happy than Not (Adam Silvera) Another sad story about a boy trying to find happiness after his father’s suicide (also, he’s gay.) 
Autoboyography (Christina Lauren) Two boys fall in love in a writing class- one is bisexual and from an accepting family, while the other comes from a super-religious, conservative family.
The Upside of Unrequited (Becky Albertalli) Molly has never been in an actual relationship, but she’s had many crushes in her time. (LGBT rep in this book is Molly’s mums, her twin sister and her sister’s girlfriend, who is pansexual.)
We Are the Ants (Shaun David Hutchinson)  A boy is abducted by aliens and given the opportunity to prevent the world from ending by pressing a button. Issue is, he’s not 100% sure he actually wants to save the world from destruction.
The Flywheel/Get It Together, Delilah! (Erin Gough) Delilah’s father has gone overseas and she now has to deal with saving the family, keeping her best friend Charlie out of prison and maybe getting a date with Rosa, the beautiful flamenco dancer from across the road.
Amelia Westlake (Erin Gough) Two girls create a secret identity in order to get things to change around their super-religious private high school. 
Finding Nevo (Nevo Zisin) An autobiography of Nevo Zisin, a queer, non-binary human. It’s a great book.
Bonus: This webcomic called Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, which is largely a fluffy story about two boys falling in love [TW- eating disorders.]
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gallade-x-treme · 11 months
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i would say that's a death sentence but that's exactly what he wants 🤣
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popizdyao · 1 year
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I love her sm 😣 yall don't understand
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