#gendered insult
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Straight white men community VICIOUSLY assaulted by 1 entire movie not catering to them. Yeah it's the Barbie movie what's your point.
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gideonisms · 4 months
nge is one of many shows in which the way women are portrayed gives me like a soul deep cringe however unlike many of the other shows that inspire this feeling I do think there's something interesting being explored there, genderwise. Like I don't think misato's complete focus on her father is actually an accident or that ritsuko's desperate need to be of use to gendo even though he despises her is an accident. Those things are paralleled with other situations in the narrative and taken together with the way gendo and eventually shinji treat rei and asuka I do think there is a point to all of it. but my god each one of these women would be justified to crush most of the men in their lives with a giant robot if they wanted
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rowiewritesstuff · 8 months
Yandere Adam X Seer/Psychic Reader
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I will more than likely edit this bc I'm supppper tired rn while writing this. Also oops super long
MIGHT Make a Demon or Angel version bc uhhh yes?
Thisss will obvs have a little misogyny in it. It’s Adam. Also this has SPOILERS so don’t read if you haven’t finished the show pookies QwQ
This also has some semi-offensive words so as always, if you can't handle it don't read it.
Yandere Adam X Seer/Psychic GN Reader
You were a friend of Charlie and Vaggie’s. You don’t know how exactly you got to hell as a human, but the two women were more than happy to take you in. They protected you from a lot. You’re incredibly sweet, friendly, and shy so you were an easy target for the residents of hell. 
When Charlie and Vaggie decided to go to heaven to make an appeal to the court you went along. You thought maybe the Seraphim could help you out and get you home to your universe. 
For your privacy, you wore a hood to hide your humanity. Everyone believed you were a demon.
When Emily was showing the three of you around Heaven you accidentally bumped into Adam. The others didn’t notice you left behind. You saw a flash of visions- Exterminators were destroying sinners left and right, and Adam was above them all, laughing. Then you saw something else- Adam’s death. He was beaten by Lucifer and then finished off by Nifty, a small resident of the Hazbin Hotel. 
You fell to your knees to take a breath after seeing such a vivid vision. You didn’t notice Lute’s confused face or Adam’s confused anger. Adam couldn’t comprehend what he saw for a moment, but the pieces slowly clicked- he was dying. What was this? Was this a stupid demon trick to throw him off of his plans?
Adam grabbed you by your arm, bringing you right next to his face. “The fuck was that?”
You were frozen- what did he mean?
“I’m fucking talking to you, bitch!” Adam snarled. He threw you against the wall, and Lute was horrified at the stares they were getting. She quickly whispered something you couldn’t hear to Adam. Adam looked around and growled in irritation before looking at you. “I’m not finished with you.” Adam and Lute then flew off.
“There you are!” Charlie grabbed your arm. “Isn’t this place just great?” She paused as she saw the tears in your eyes. You hadn’t even realized you started crying. “What’s wrong?”
“N…nothing, Charlie. I’m okay.” You smiled. “Just overwhelmed by Heaven.” You weren’t sure why you had lied. You were normally so honest all the time.
Hours passed and you were in your temporary room the Angels gave you. It was down the hall from where Charlie and Vaggie were staying. 
You were reading when you heard someone barge in. You whipped around to see Adam with a cool glare on his face. Lute was standing behind him. She clearly didn’t understand what was happening, but she was loyal to Adam. Whatever he did, she’d support it.
“What do you want?” Your words trembled as you spoke them. You stood from the bed quickly. 
Adam stalked over to you and got so close to you that his breath hit your face. “I want to know what the fuck you did to me.” 
“I…what are you talking about?”
Adam punched the wall next to your head. A hole was left in the wall. “Don’t fuck with me! I could kill your pathetic demon ass!” He was getting more angry and it showed. He hated that he couldn’t see your face under your hood. 
“I told you, I don’t know!” A small sniffle came from you. Adam growled and ripped your hood down. He and Lute were shocked. A human? In Heaven?
“The fuck? What kind of bullshit are you pulling?” He pulled on your cheeks to see if it was a disguise. Eventually, after about thirty seconds of pinching and pulling on your skin he realized you WERE a human. Adam was conflicted- he hated sinners, yes, but not necessarily humans. “Why the fuck were you in hell in the first place?”
“I-I don’t know.” You fought the tears building. “I..there was a portal thing. It sucked me in and I landed in Charlie’s hotel.” 
Adam frowned. He, in his long time being an Angel, had never heard of something like this happening. “Look, just tell me what you did to me.” Adam insisted.
“I…I really don’t understand what you mean.” 
“When you bumped into me earlier - fuck you by the way- I saw myself. I was… dying. To a fucking demon.” 
You paused. He couldn’t have seen it…could he? Maybe it was because he was an Angel… you didn’t understand. “I think… you saw my vision.”
“Your what?” Lute chimed in, irritated she didn’t understand anything. 
Charlie told you to keep it a secret…but they were angels. You could trust them, right? They couldn’t be bad. So you naively explained everything- when you touch someone or something, you can (not always) get visions of important things that happened with it. While you explained Adam had to hide his shit eating grin threatening to grow on his face. 
You were perfect- you could help him destroy those demon bastards permanently. Now…he just had to find a way to keep you here.
Adam pretended to be your friend. He told you about how nice it is in Heaven. It was much safer up here than in Hell. “You’d fit right in, doll- you’re super cute.” He teased you. You had no clue that he was manipulating you. You normally didn’t get compliments like that so it made your cheeks flush a deep color. 
Later on during the trial Adam had one of his Exterminators keep you busy. That didn’t work forever though, and eventually you got to the court. Adam and Lute were saying cruel things about Angel Dust, Charlie, and Vaggie. You watched, unsure of what to do. Adam hadn’t noticed you when he pushed your friends back into hell. You ran to the portal to join them when Lute stopped you. Her Exterminator mask had a cruel grin on it. 
“What is the meaning of this, Adam?” Sera asked. She was more curious than angry. 
“This one here… is a human.” Adam ripped off your hood. A collective of shocked gasps rang out through the room. Everyone wondered how you got to heaven. “They came up from Hell with those demon bitches. We can’t just let her go back to hell- she doesn’t belong there.” Adam grinned viciously. 
“What? You can’t decide that for me!” You try to get out of Lute’s hold. Emily went to defend you but Sera interjected first. 
“We cannot make them stay here if they want to go, Adam.” The other Angels in the chamber muttered in various degrees of opinions.
“They’ll get fucking stabbed down there or some shit. Humans don’t belong in hell, and this human is probably so confused for the mix up it’ll go batshit if we don’t help them out. It’s the right thing to do.” Adam grinned. You could almost see the slime coming from his words. 
“Look, just send me back to my friends!” You struggled frantically. You did seem confused and upset to the other Angels, so they were inclined to agree with Adam. 
After Adam so graciously offered to look after you, Sera hesitantly agreed. After all, Adam was the first human- he would know what one needs. 
You were locked away in Adam’s penthouse, constantly guarded by at least one Exterminator. 
Adam forced you to give him information in exchange for your friend’s lives. If you disobeyed, well, he could send an Exterminator early to kill one of your little hotel friends.
“Now,  be a good little human and tell me all about this Carmilla whore. Otherwise, I’m thinking that crackwhore would be a good first kill this year.”
You gave him everything he wanted to know, having no clue that the hotel and all of your friends were already long dead. You’d helped Adam evade death, and he wouldn’t waste it.
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playfully-sadistic · 8 months
Body writing, but it's all the fun little bible verses that remind you how much of a depraved, damned sinner you are, and you're tied down to a table that, merely coincidentally of course, quite resembles an altar - and after it's all properly written down on that seductive body of yours (you whore), we'll seal the words with hot wax to really leave an impact on you.
Quite the little ritual it would be, I'm sure. Not much of a lesson for you though - a quick touch between your legs, opening up so easily for anyone pleading access (you slut), would suffice to prove that, wouldn't it?
Some sheep are far beyond saving... So maybe, ravishing you, enabling your sinful ways, would be more of a merciful act in the end (you tempting little devil)?
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chaos-in-one · 4 months
"Theyfab" is such a fuckin gross word and I wish it would fall out of public use already
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Been talkin on my discord server with some friends about a DC A/B/O au. But like, Gotham just says fuck gender.
Like they just straight up are mixtures of dynamics or change, depending on their mood, because there's so much chemicals everywhere along with so many curses in Gotham. Like they are straight up messed up down to a biological state. There is a reason that no one wants to go to Gotham and why they leave them alone for the most part. Like people even moving there eventually start to lose their dynamic or starts shifting as well, and it freaks people out.
Not to mention that Gotham horrifies those that believe they should still follow 'traditional' norms. Omegas are often far more violent and larger than the alphas, bettas egg on others instead of calming them. Or at least that's what Outsiders always see.
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
It's just... odd to me, I suppose, going from "what is in my pants is completely irrelevant to most anybody else's life" to the expectation that you must be completely open, essentially, about what is in your pants.
I think a lot of people understand the general idea of why it's bad decorum to demand people offer explanations for private information like this, but they don't analyze exactly why it's bad besides, "asking directly is just rude" and not "asking in any way still enforces the often violent nature of gender and sex, and putting people in the 'right box' is a part of that violence."
It's especially odd when seeing other trans people enforcing the idea that "what's in your pants?" is a genuine, good-faith basis for interacting with others.
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ssruis · 1 month
Every time I think abt toyas relationship to the tenmas I wanna throw up he loves them so so so much. And what if the bright spot in your depressing childhood is two over excited blond ppl who love you just as much & this bond carried you through hard times. & he’s so much quieter in his affection than them but it’s so obvious to those who know them in how much work he also puts in to making them happy.
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Toyas 2024 4koma my beloved. I died and never recovered. Look at how much closer he’s gotten to saki!!!!! Saki getting out of the hospital and seeing him again and going tsukasa stop hogging him.
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s0fter-sin · 6 months
i love that they made morph non binary, obviously it makes sense for a born shapeshifter to have no innate sense of gender but it also means they gave mr “manly man smokes cigars and only drinks beer” wolverine a non binary best friend
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snowflake-hedgehog · 7 months
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Silver really out here trash talking little kids. Dude has no mercy.
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sumerianlanguage · 4 months
Hi, are there any derogatory names for a male prostitute in Akkadian or Sumerian? How would I write that in Cuneiform? Doing a bit of creative writing and found myself in need of these answers. I've seen a few words on the internet, but wasn't sure if each of them had very specific roles or contexts, like Kulu'u or Assinnu
Hello! The generic word I know for "prostitute" in Sumerian is basically gender-neutral: karkid 𒋼𒀀𒆤. It appears most often in literature referring to women, but sometimes is specified as a geme-karkid "female prostitute", which implies the term can be used for either/any gender. Presumably you could use a term like nita-karkid 𒍑𒋼𒀀𒆤 to specify that a prostitute is male, but I don't know of such an example in literature.
Instead, the term I've seen translated as "male prostitute" in the ETCSL is sangursang 𒊕𒌨𒊕, which is more often translated "eunuch", in the role of either a prostitute, powerful servant, or cultic performer. These roles overlapped for eunuchs in Sumerian society, and a given text is often unclear about which role is being referred to by this term.
The main euphemistic terms for "prostitute" vary: suhurla 𒋦𒇲 "(the one with) done-up hair" isn't specifically gendered, but tilla 𒊩𒀭𒀸𒀭"market-woman" is written with the "woman" sign 𒊩 to distinguish it from tilla 𒀭𒀸𒀭 "marketplace, crossroads, street".
As for derogatory terms, I don't know of any that would be specifically derogatory (for either gender). Prostitution was not seen in the same negative light in Sumerian society as in many modern societies, though I guess almost any term can be positive or negative depending on tone, context, and the like. I hope that's helpful!
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playfully-sadistic · 23 days
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Clean them up, bitch.
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
new jash twitter photo :0
[photo for ones who do not have the app]
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aimseytv · 2 years
every time someone comments on my tiktok “nice lisp” i genuinely get confused on whether they are expecting me to respond as if i wasn’t already aware i had one. do they want a cheeky “wait.. what?” or a “I HAVE A LISP?!?” or even a “no. no. it can’t be”
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celestialrealms · 2 months
I've been thinking about this Asmo chat so much
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Anyway, Asmo dressing Diavolo up in pretty dresses and telling him how pretty he is ^_^
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mintharasthrone · 6 months
please just get rid of the fucking rainbow at this point
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