#general whinge
You have a train to catch. Get up.
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hazlantheelf · 9 months
How many pairs of fingerless mittens does a person truly need?
After knitting 5 pairs of fingerless mittens (presents) in the fortnight before Christmas, as a person who owns 3 pairs, surely I do not really want to knit another pair of mittens.
I have two projects on the go (admittedly, one project has been stolen by my sister) and a project lined up for when I finish.
I'm thinking of knitting some elbow length fingerless mittens. I'll probably have to make a pattern or just go with vibes.
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frumfrumfroo · 1 year
So it appears that Kathleen Kennedy is doubling down on Rey being Luke 2.0 space nun addition. And I've heard that no one else from the past films will even be in the Rey movie concluding that DLF has learned absolutely nothing. Now that A Reylo fic turned OG novel is getting it's own TV series and another well known Reylo fic turned OG novel is anticipated to be the next LOTR series. It sounds like they've either surrendered Ben Solo and the concept of Reylo to its community or couldn't care less due to their warped code of ethics until maybe their filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. And that's a BIG maybe for me. Any thoughts?
I mean, this is exactly what I said they would do barring some massive shake up. Except rather than no appearance at all, I'm sure there will be horrible CGI thrawls of past characters if they actually make this slop. They're not going to stop trying to legitimise this.
They clearly already decided they do not want our filthy reylo money and it's a question for the philosophers if that's because they're so staggeringly headass that they genuinely can't see the fortune being left on the table or if it's because they think we'll taint the franchise with our terrible girl cooties and drive off all the mouth-breathing manchildren who are apparently their desired audience.
The new disney entertainment monopoly seems terrified of romance, probably because a) aforementioned cooties and b) it requires sincerity and vulnerability, and God forbid we have any of that without quashing it instantly with a fart joke.
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burned-lariat · 11 months
OMFG - am I taking crazy pills?!
First of all, insider trading is not dependent on making the profit, it's dependent on the actual exchange. Carly and Drew committed the crime of insider trading when Drew tipped Carly off on an exclusive business move and she sold her stocks to support it. The exchange verifiably happened with MICHAEL as a part of it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Secondly, it's quite bold of Michael to say that Martin and his client caused pain to Carly and Drew and their families...when there would've been nothing to report had the crime not occurred??? Carly and Drew caused their own families pain by being stupid, but the man is a Benson and they act like accountability is a fate worse than death.
Seeing Benson fans talk about how Michael is "flexing his Quartermaine/Corinthos genes" by guilting and harassing Martin into breaking attorney-client privilege isn't the problem (tho it is scummy). It's the fact that he's doing this and then turning around and acting like he's this moral, upstanding guy who can do no wrong.
Fuck Michael Corinthos III. Period.
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buckera · 5 months
That one person on twitter that leaked that Buck was going to kiss a dude before the season even started, and that tumblr user that was leaking the pics also leaked stuff that made it clear it wasn't Eddie. I don't remember if they leaked that it was Tommy specifically, but knowing that bi Buck was coming there were some blogs that put two and two together and realised it was going to be Tommy as soon as it was confirmed he was coming back for more than 1 ep.
^for the prev anon
although mind you these "leaks" on twt should never be taken seriously, there have been some wild stuff going around there before during other seasons, that ended up being nowhere near the truth (and by that point I'm sure I had at least 80% of 911twt blocked and muted, so I can't speak on what exactly was said and by whom)
also again, even Oliver only found out about the story while shooting the backend of the cruiseship eps, all the writing, for this season especially, happens on the fly and very close to shooting times. according to Ryan they get the scripts two days prior at best and sometimes the night before so all the leaks coming out before are most definitely just reaching and trying to guess correctly based on vibes or some other info
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rahabs · 6 months
I have given up entirely on my birthday this year after today.
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tinyconduit · 11 months
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oh are we doing this again? are we pretending that there's a viable third option? are we gonna finally do that revolution then, guys? no? then what the fuck is your point
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always-a-mad-comet · 11 months
I think i might be losing the ability to walk
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dubiousdoctors · 2 years
unfair that the Brain Things have an effect on my body and the Meat Things have an effect on my head. extremely poorly constructed and I want to Get Rid of It but there is not a convenient way to Do That.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
Hospital was a very sobering experience because holy fuck. I forgot how weird I was. I don't mean this in a 'haha I'm so special way' but like, oh okay, I am just like that and I don't need to be worried about people being mean to me on Tumblr because I am genuinely just like this all the time. That's fine
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Come on people. Get it together. My name is right at the top of the chat window on Teams. There really is no need to spell it wrong when it's right there.
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hazlantheelf · 1 year
I'm testing a new air mattress tonight. Seeing as i had to add more air in after only a few hours inflated, I may wake up on the ground.
I may even make it to the morning before ending up on the ground.
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roseunspindle · 2 years
I feel like I started in isekai anime at the one I'm gonna like most (How a Realist hero rebuilt the kingdom) which seems to involve actual characters... as opposed to straight up tropes.. and it's enjoyable. I did like the wiseman's grandchild but it ended just as it started...
Also the comics The Greatest Estate Developer and Trash of the Count’s Family.
So many are just...way to pervy? I dunno...
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burned-lariat · 1 year
"I don't want to be that person-"
Have you tried offering a genuine apology? It's a decent start to not being a shit person, Esme. Maybe try it sometime!
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
"Fanfic isn't REAL literature, a lot of fanfic is bad quality, writing fanfic makes you a bad writer and reading it makes you a bad reader" okay. Regardless of if ANY of that is true: are people having fun reading it? Are they having fun writing it? Not all art is trying to change the world and not all art needs to.
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How high on the clingy/protective scale these boys are …
Dick: a solid 8.5/10.
A very clingy bean.
Dick would be attached to your hip 24/7 if he could but he couldn’t answer that makes him sad.
In the wise words of @obsessedwithromance on one of my recent posts; ‘if Dick was a dog, he’d be a husky.’
And he’d make a very vocal husky at that with how often he whines and whinges whenever you tried to move from his grasp, acting as though every attempt in removing yourself from his arms were an attack against his character. So he will take personal offence to you wanting to leave him out in the cold and desolate place that was your bedroom. 💀
‘Stop trying to get out of my arms.’ He moans, tightening his hold on you as he buried his head into your neck, locking legs with you for extra measure. ‘Dick, I love you but you’re being too clingy for me right now.’ You reply and had just noticed the error of your ways almost immediately and were about to explain yourself but it was already too late, for you had set Dick the human husky off.
‘Me? Clingy? I thought you liked it when I was clingy? Why the sudden change? What did I do wrong? Why don’t you love me?’ Dick began his tirade and you could only lay there and let him talk your ear off -and loudly might I add- about how you apparently didn’t love him enough, which was a bunch of bullshit, but dick was too in his feelings to listen to reason. You’ll have to kiss him to shut him up, there’s no other option.
So once he’s settled down, he’ll go back to cuddling against your back,smiling dopily while you could only congratulate for a job well done at defusing the situation form getting any worse. You love your dramatic human husky and you wouldn’t change anything for anyone.
Jason: 7.5/10 or a 8/10.
The only time you’re seeing this man be clingy as all hell if he’s in a particular mood and want your affection, which might as well be all the time with this man, or after a not so great nightmare.
He would wake up in a cold sweat and immediately look for you and hold you against his chest as though you were his personal teddy bear, only just until his breathing evens out and not so tense in the muscles. Until then he holds onto you tightly and familiarises himself with you in anyway that he could, whether that be counting your eyelashes, noting the different shades that make up your eyes and much more.
At least just enough to help him gain some sense of self and awareness that he was safe and sound from all harm.
Like Jaime, Jason would watch over you like a hawk as Red Hood without a shadow of a doubt, and Jason has his reasons to do so as he knows the type of people who litter the streets of Gotham at night like the back of his hand. He doesn’t want to subject you to that sort of life of constant fear of having to look over your shoulder in hopes that there wasn’t someone following you home.
For in his minds eye, he’s your sole protector and the one thing that stands between the scumbags of the street and you. Jason doesn’t take this position he’s given himself lightly, it’s unlike him to anyway, as your safety is his top priority and he’d do anything to obtain it; whether they way it’s obtained was morally questionable or not, he doesn’t care for as long as your safe, he’ll live to learn with having permanent blood on his hands.
Damian: 5/10 on a good day. 2/10 in general.
He’s not an overly clingy person. Protective? yes. Clingy? No. It’s just not in just nature and he can be very awkward going about it too.
Damian knows he doesn’t have to constantly survey you 24/7, he has more faith in you and your abilities then most. He knows that you won’t call upon him if at all when faced with a situation that you could easily resolve yourself.
However if you were to get hurt on his watch or otherwise, that’s when he gets slightly clingy and will attempt to be within any space with you possible. Damian shows care in a completely different way than most and will more or less act like a guard dog when it came to you.
This little dude will point his sword at anyone that comes into close contact with you while glaring at them, meanwhile you’re having to push the blade of his sword down and away from the poor victim, only for Damian to raise his sword back towards their throat once more.
‘Pack it in.’ You’d hiss.
‘No. You’re practically useless when hurt, so let me deal with this one.’ Damian said.
You purposely ignored the fact that he had just called you useless and instead pushed the blade of his sword down until it was pointing at the floor again. ‘He’s not even a threat, just a regular citizen. So you can stop it with the fear attics now.’ You told him in a hushed tone. Damian meets your eyes with a glare of his own. ‘How you can be certain he’s a harmless civilian? What if he’s a low life thug of an underground drug syndicate on the rise? You can’t allow yourself to trust every face you meet.’ He replies, not one to back down for anyone, not even you.
You sigh as you rubbed the sides of your head. ‘Well at least try not to cause more issue for your dad. I swear between you, Jason, Tim and Dick I don’t know who gives him the most grey hairs.’
Jaime: runner up for Dick’s crown with also a 8.5/10
He’s clingy in a sense that he fears of loosing you constantly.
Khaji-Da doesn’t make the situation any better as it only encourages Jaime’s Innate clinginess tenfold, and now Jaime can’t go a couple of minutes without offering to join you on wherever your going.
He just cares about you very deeply and wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he’d ever lost you despite having the ability to stop any harm from coming your way. So needless to say that you spend most of your time with him and his family is a severe understatement.
It’s not as though he doesn’t trust you, he wholeheartedly does, but that trust doesn’t extend to potential outside threats. Hell, he would even go as far as to watch over you as Blue Beatle, much to the behest of literally everyone that isn’t Khaji-Da because the scarab is just as clingy over you in a sense that you were Jaime’s mate and there for should be within close proximity to him at all times.
It’s endearing but I think it’s about time you told Kahji-Da to cool it on the whole threatening people you talked to with plans to eliminate them…
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