#genshin impact one-shot
┃­ Patin à glace
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✉ - Evénement du Calendrier de l'Avent 2022.
「 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 」 ▹ Tartaglia
─ ­ ­ 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 ▹ One-Shot
─ ­ ­ 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴 ▹ Fem!Reader | Première amour | Se déroule avant la tram du jeu | ♥ Crush réciproque | ♥ Douceur | ♥ Fluffy
─ ­ ­ 𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚁 & 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 ▹ R.A.S. A part que Tartaglia est magnifique dans son uniforme des fatuïs, je simp dessus depuis le teaser avec l'enterrement de Rosaline.
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Tartaglia ─ ­ ❝ 𝐉𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐞 ❞
Le vent s'amusait drôlement avec tes [L/C] cheveux [C/C] alors que le froid hivernal gelait, ou du moins glaçait le bout rougit de ton nez. Pourquoi faisait-il si froid ? Peut-être, car tu te trouvais au royaume même de l'hiver permanant, l'ennemi naturel de ton corps surtout avec toutes ses couches de neige à perte de vue. À chaque pas, tu te demandais si un jour tu n'allais pas disparaître sous l'épais manteau blanc, comme un taupiqueur dans son trou. Bien que tes pas tassaient l'immense étendue blanche, c'était un combat de tous les instants pour ton gabarit, ne voulant pas finir lamentablement la tête la première dans la poudreuse. 
Un peu râleuse sur les bords, à cause de ton accompagnateur qui se moquait royalement de ta difficulté à avancer dans ce paysage enneigé, un sourire railleur au coin des lèvres, alors que tu ne pouvais t'empêcher de redécouvrir les scènes calmes de Snezhnaya de ton enfance. C'était le regard brillant que tu admirais le décor naturel de la région, appréciant sa couleur pure et enchanteresse. Du coin de l'œil, tu apercevais les couches de neige perlant des branches de sapins sous son poids, ou encore les plaines complètement uniformes où à l'orée de leur entré se cachait de petits animaux au pelage polaire immaculé. Ça faisait si longtemps que tu n'avais pas mis les pieds dans cette nation, et même si tout semblait comme avant, tu avais cette impression que tout était différent, comme venant d'un autre monde.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Tu as la tête dans les nuages, [T/P]. Heureusement que je suis là pour te protéger. » Se moqua le roux alors qu'il t'attrapait le bras d'une main, manquant de te prendre une branche pendante un peu trop bas. « Tu ressembles à une enfant, à croire que tu n'as jamais vu de neige. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Moque-toi. Quelle chance ai-je d'avoir un homme aussi fort à mes côtés. » Lui lanças-tu un sourire aux lèvres, légèrement moqueuse, vous voyant toujours comme des enfants, même si son regard océan te semblait très différent d'avant. « Il n'y presque pas de neiges à Sumeru, je te ferais dire Ajax. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Si tu n'étais pas partie pour tes études, ça aurait été ton quotidien... »
Ses mots furent pratiquement étouffés par l'épaisse écharpe rouge de son uniforme au fur et à mesure que sa voix faiblissait. À tes yeux, il te semblait presque bouder, pourtant la vérité était toute autre. Un sourire attendri se plaça sur tes lèvres, bien caché par les rebords large de l'écharpe prêtée par ton ami. L'homme semblable à un renard se contenta de hausser les épaules, passant à autre chose comme si ces mots n'avaient pas besoin de réactions, tandis que ton regard [C/Y] commençait à le détailler, remarquant à quelque point il ressemblait à son lui enfant. Même si dans ses habits, il te semblait plutôt majestueux ou du moins mature. Sans que tu ne t'y attendes, Ajax te tendit sa main gantée de cuir noir. Ses yeux océans, légèrement ternes, ne te ménagèrent pas, t'incitant à la prendre en te fixant avec intensité.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Nous sommes presque arrivés. » T'apprit le jeune homme, tournant un regard en direction du lac où vous vous rendiez. « Évitons de rester trop longtemps sans bouger, tu ne voudrais pas devenir un glaçon... »
Sa voix sérieuse, calme et prévenante te fit presque rougir, enfin, si tes joues n'étaient pas déjà rosées par le froid mordant de l'hiver. Sans le faire attendre plus longtemps, bien qu'il ne te regardait pas, tes doigts incertains glissèrent sur les siens, laissant une faible chaleur t'étreindre alors qu'ils firent sursauter ton ami. Qu'était-il arrivé à ton Ajax enfantin ? Où était passer l'enfant espiègle et légèrement bagarreur sur les bords ? Déstabilisée par sa subite maturité, vraiment séduisante et loin de t'en plaindre même peu habituée, tu te sentais légèrement timide face à lui. Et, ce fut bien pire quand son bras s'enroula autour de ta taille et que son autre main retira les épines d'un pin emmêlées à tes cheveux.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Ne t'éloignes pas de moi, d'accord ?»
Son visage te semblait si proche et sa voix si adulte alors qu'il venait toujours de murmurer ses mots à ton oreille, son souffle glissant sur ton lob. Il était devenu un homme. Ton regard s'arrondit de surprise, retenant ton souffle tandis que tu hochas la tête dans un réflexe incontrôlé. "Ajax était devenu un homme", c'est à ce moment-là que tu percutas, te prenant la réalité de plein fouet. C'était évidant, pourquoi ne l'avais-tu pas remarqué plutôt ? Ces mêmes traits que tu avais pris pour acquis avaient tant changé et sa carrure s'était développée. Ta main dans la sienne, le tout jeune exécuteur reprit son chemin, gardant précieusement ce contact qui vous reliait ensemble au cœur de cette forêt millénaire.
Du coin de l'oeil tu l'observais, pourtant, tu ne remarquas pas ce sourire enfantin qui couvrait adorablement ses lèvres depuis le moment où il avait vu ton air changer. Depuis combien de temps attendait-il cette expression sur ton visage ? Il ne comptait plus. Un feu chaleureux et longtemps oublié s'était bousculé dans sa poitrine dès l'instant où il t'avait vu descendre du bateau et mettre pied à terre. C'était aussi exaltant qu'un combat, voir même bien plus excitant, et l'incertitude qui nouait son ventre l'était d'autant plus aussi, mais comme pour tout ce pourquoi il s'était battu, il gagnerait ce combat aussi.
Les bottes couvertes de neige, les cheveux poivrés de flocons blancs, vous arriviez enfin devant le petit lac gelé. Le lieu était tranquille, encerclé d'arbres et de fougère, comme s'ils s'agissaient d'un paysage secrètement bien gardé par des créatures féeriques. Un endroit parfait pour un rendez-vous romantique. À peine cette pensée te traversa l'esprit, que tu te sentis rougir comme une adolescente avec son premier amour, ce qui n'était pas loin de la vérité, serrant sans faire exprès la main d'Ajax.
─ ­ ­ ­ « [T/P] ?» T'interrogea le jeune homme à ton geste incontrôlé, légèrement soucieux.« Quelque chose ne va pas ?»
─ ­ ­ ­ « Non. Non. Tout va bien, j'ai perdu l'équilibre à cause de la neige. » Marmonnas-tu gênée, essayant de cacher ton malaise. « Allons-nous pêcher, comme avec ton père ?»
─ ­ ­ ­ « Pas aujourd'hui, nous allons patiner. » T'apprit ton ami qui avait toujours été imprévisible, te laissant pantoise devant ses révélations, incertaines de comprendre son idée. « Teucer veut apprendre à patiner. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Oh. Et tu ne veux pas te ridiculiser devant ton petit frère, c'est ça ? » L'interrogeas-tu à moitié en plaisantant, le regard faussement moqueur en le regardant dans les yeux. « C'est assez mignon. »
Le temps changeait les gens et les éloignait, mais pourtant entre vous, c'était comme si tout pouvait être naturel tant que vous restiez honnête l'un avec l'autre. Même si toutes ces années vous avaient séparé, vous preniez silencieusement le temps de vous redécouvrir l'un comme l'autre, acceptant ces nouvelles expressions et cette évolution de l'autre sans jugement. Ajax ne trouva rien à redire, se contentant de réfréner son évite de caresser tendrement la rondeur rougie de ta joue, bien trop adorable pour son propre bien, sa retenue à deux doigts de fondre dans ce désert de glace. L'océan de ses yeux te sembla immense, comme une éternité sans fin, alors que pendant quelques minutes dans toute votre vie, vous profitiez du regard tendre de l'autre, sans vous soucier d'être surpris.
Ce fut le feulement doux d'un renard des neiges qui vous ramena à la réalité, câlinant de sa truffe la jambe du natif de Snezhnaya, cherchant pour une raison quelconque son attention. De nouveau coupé dans sa contemplation, Ajax laissa son sac tomber par terre, retirant avec précaution deux paires de patins à glace bien évidemment solidement protégé pour ne pas vous couper avec leur lame. L'une trouva refuge dans ta main tandis que l'autre resta dans celle du roux qui s'installa comme un enfant dans la neige pour les enfiler. De ton côté, tu fus un peu plus "exigeante", prenant place sur l'une des souches au bord du lac gelé, observant un instant l'étendu brillante à la lueur du soleil, tu te perdis dans tes pensées. Ajax termina bien avant toi de lasser ses patins, alors que tu n'avais même pas encore commencé, lui tirant un sourire, presque comme s'il s'y attendait.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Dit donc, tu ne sembles pas très coopératrice aujourd'hui, belle jeune femme. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Belle jeune femme ? » L'interrogeas-tu, ces mots ayant directement percuté ton esprit, surprise de les entendre de la bouche de ton ami. « Attends, tu as déjà terminé ? Mais comment ? »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Contrairement à toi, je ne me laisse pas distraire. » Te taquina-t-il, prenant un de tes futurs patins en main. « Laisse-moi faire. »
Faussement vexée par ses insinuations, toutes sauf légitimes, tu le laissas faire. Il ressemblait à un prince charmant, un peu comme celui dans Cendrillon, enfilant délicatement tes nouvelles chaussures pour les lacer à la perfection, sûrement à cause de ses frères et sœurs. Tu ne pus empêcher un air tendre prendre place sur ton visage, observant de tes yeux [C/Y] son profil concentré, le trouvant particulièrement séduisant pour une quelconque raison. Aimais-tu l'Ajax en uniforme un air sérieux au visage ? Bien plus que tu n'osais l'admettre. Tes doigts gantés glissèrent dans ses mèches rousses, figeant instantanément l'exécuteur sur place, alors que dans un geste délicat, tu les agitas pour en faire tomber les quelques flocons s'y étant logés. Prise dans ton action, tu ne remarquas pas le regard océan du jeune homme se redresser jusqu'à ton visage, ayant terminé de lasser tes patins à glace. 
─ ­ ­ ­ « Aurais-tu une dent contre ma magnifique chevelure, [T/P] ? C'est de la persécution. »
─ ­ ­  ­« Il y avait des flocons dedans. » Te défendis-tu, amusée par sa remarque, bien qu'assez embarrassée d'avoir été prise sur le fait. « Est-ce de la persécution de prendre soin de toi ? Ou serais-tu en train de m'accuser injustement ? J'attends des excuses jeune homme. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Excuse-moi, excuse-moi. ~ »
Vous étiez comme des enfants, gloussant comme des adolescents alors que votre complicité revenait comme avant votre séparation. Pour te prouver sa bonne foi, le roux embrassa tendrement la rondeur de ta joue en signe d'excuse, replaçant ensuite correctement ton écharpe aussi rouge que la sienne, veillant à ne pas tirer une de tes mèches [C/C] dans le processus. Maintenant tous les deux prêts, les protections des patins retirées, il était désormais temps de rejoindre la glace épaisse du lac, pouvant sans problème supporter le poids d'une flopée de chef brutogivré en train de danser leur meilleur flamenco.
Échangeant un regard incertain, Ajax fut le premier à rentrer sur la glace accompagnée d'un équilibre approximatif comme seule arme. Tu aurais bien ri en le voyant faire si tu ne te trouvais pas exactement dans la même situation. Puis ce fut ton tour. Prenant ton courage à deux mains, tu posas tes patins sur le sol lisse, glissant dessus presque instantanément. Vous vous sentiez tous les deux comme des faons venant à peine de naître et tentant de diable sans préparation au préalable. Il vous fallu quelques minutes d'adaptation, maîtrisant parfaitement la "T pose" comme vous l'aviez si bien appelé, avant d'arriver à glisser sur l'étendue gelée de votre plein gré.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je ne pense pas qu'on soit fait pour ça... » Marmonnas-tu manquant de t'asseoir de façon non-désiré et violente sur la glace. « Peut-être devrions-nous influencer ta mère et Teucer sur autre chose, comme de la luge par exemple. C'est bien de la luge. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Complètement d'accord. Pêcher sur glace est bien plus divertissant et moins dangereux. »
Vous le saviez, l'un comme l'autre, vous saviez votre niveau catastrophique sur la glace avec des patins désormais, manquant de faire plus d'une fois un câlin au sol. Maintenant, le plus dur vous attendait : " Sortir du lac gelé sans tomber". Autant dire que le combat était loin d'être gagné d'avance... Bien plus à l'aise que toi sur la glace, Ajax passant par-là, attrapa délicatement ton poignet pour t'amener jusqu'à lui dans un geste assez lent. Dès que tu fus à sa portée, ses bras s'enroulèrent chaudement autour de ta taille, soupirant de soulagement une fois complètement stable sur la glace. Votre équilibre durement gagné, un sourire pour l'autre, vous aviez enfin un court instant pour vous détendre, chaleureusement en sécurité dans votre étreinte. C'était apaisant de t'avoir enfin entre ses bras après que tu aies disparue pour l'académie, il était si content de te revoir, que tu sois enfin de retour auprès de lui et il ne put s'empêcher de l'exprimer.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je suis heureux que tu sois rentré. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je suis heureuse d'être de retour. » Soufflas-tu avec émotion à deux doigts de fondre dans sa tendre étreinte, bien plus affective que celle entre deux simples amies. « Tu m'as manqué, Ajax. » ­
Ta confidence ne tomba pas dans l'oreille d'un sourd, apportant un éclat de sincérité et de joie dans le regard tantôt terne de l'homme que tu aimais. Tu te devais d'être honnête, si quand tu étais partie ton amour brûlait pour l'enfant qu'était Ajax, pas une seule fois la flemme s'était éteinte, pourtant, tu avais fait tes classes avec Al-Haitham ou encore Kaveh. Même aujourd'hui, délicatement étreinte par l'un des hommes les plus dangereux de Teyvat, l'un des onze exécuteurs Fatuï, tu ne pouvais que l'aimer. Au plus profond de toi, tu en avais conscience, ton amour était presque aveugle pour ce renard addict aux combats et au frisson du défis quitte à mettre sa vie en danger.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Ajax, je suis désolée d'être partie aussi loin, mais je devais - » 
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je comprends. »
Son regard océan plongeant dans le tient te laissa sans voix. Est-ce vraiment Ajax en face de toi ? À deux doigts de te croire dans un rêve, tu fus soufflée par la bienveillance et l'amour essayant de réveiller son regard terne, bien qu'une pointe de tristesse veillait en fond. Tu ne pus empêcher un sourire tout aussi triste de prendre place sur ton visage caressé tendrement par l'une de ses mains gantées, ne sentant presque pas la morsure froide qu'elle apportait. Si le temps vous semblait suspendu, loin de cette forêt ou encore du froid abyssal de Snezhnaya, son regard glissa inconsciemment sur tes lèvres. Ce feu ne s'était jamais éteint dans son cœur, même s'il avait essayé de l'étouffé, il ne pouvait plus se tromper et ignorer la chaleur brillante dans chaque recoin de son être. Il avait besoin de toi et il en brûlait de passion. Tes lèvres rougies par le froid ne l'aidaient pas, voulant les réchauffer des siennes. Sans même s'en rendre compte, il les quémandait presque, cachant son courage derrière sa retenue pour ne pas y céder, essayant de garder son désir muet.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Ajax. » Murmuras-tu presque submergé par le regard inconsciemment intense de ton premier amour. « Je le veux aussi. »
Fébrile à ta réponse, le jeune exécuteur s'interrogea à tes mots. De quoi parlais-tu ? À peine il rencontra l'éclat [C/Y] de tes yeux, la réponse lui fut aussitôt plus que claire. Il avait ton consentement. Fiévreux, il céda à votre envie commune, posant sans hésitation ses lèvres sur les tiennes, goûtant à la fraîcheur de tes croissants de chaire qu'il avait tant attendu. Si au début votre échange fut tendre et remplit de timidité s'assurant bien que l'autre le voulait aussi, celui-ci devient rapidement bien plus passionné, vous submergeant de chaleur, ravageant vos cœurs de passion. Tu te sentais fondre à chacune de ses attentions, accueillant son muscle de chaire entre tes lèvres avec un délice non contenue, jouant avec sa chaleur ardente. Tu n'aurais pas pu rêver mieux comme premier baiser, qui se métamorphosa en une pluie, dégustant tes lèvres comme s'il ne pourrait plus jamais le refaire.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Ajax, une sec - »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Je suis désolé, [T/P]. Encore une fois. »
Comment avait-il pu résister à t'embrasser pendant tout ce temps ? Le jeune exécuteur l'ignorait et ne voulait plus s'en rappeler. À peine avait-il prononcé ses mots, que ses lèvres se perdirent une nouvelle fois sur les tiennes, les caressant avec une délicatesse sans nom, t'emportant avec lui dans une spirale ardente d'amour. Sa main glissa le long de ta joue, observant de son regard océan ton visage rougi par sa faute, ça faisait si longtemps qu'il souhaitait faire ça. Bien décidé à profiter de son nouveau statut pour te câliner longuement au coin du feu dans l'intimité de son appartement, il ne vous restait maintenant plus qu'une chose à faire : "Arriver à sortir de cette patinoire". Une dure épreuve, autant pour lui que pour toi, mais la chaleureuse récompense qui vous attendait au final valait bien plus que ce défi des plus glissant.
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Masterlist ・ Christmas Calendar 2022
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hydrodragons · 6 months
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furina imitating her fellow archons 💙
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r4izx · 2 months
Worth more than what you take me for.
ayato x gn!reader
summary: in which he had to choose between two people including you, in a life and death situation.
disclaimers: swearing (there's like one lol), kidnapping, ooc traveler.
4,032 words and 21,895 characters.
a/n: dayum. this took a while and i did not expect to write this much.
you've known ayato since childhood. your parents has been serving their clan for generations, being one of their most trusted allies. and you're no exception.
growing up with people with high authorities was such a privilege. you remember when you first met lord ayato and lady ayaka. they both were very the same yet so different. so elegant, disciplined and was well mature for their age. you felt some kind of barrier between you and the siblings but they turned out just as kind as they look. they were easy to converse with. naturally, after some time of serving them, you would have gotten closer. and in fact, you did. although you thought, you and ayato's relationship was... rather special.
for some reason, ayato treats you very differently compared to others. not in a bad way. he often calls you to his workplace, make you sit there and drink tea with him. he takes you out to go eat dinner at uyuu restaurant when you both have finished work. he requested you to be his personal assistant while ayaka had thoma. and because of this, you get to spend more time with him than anyone else. at the beginning, you always thought ayato would be a cold and strict person. but it turns out to be quite the opposite. okay- maybe he is more quiet and colder than others, but that's towards other people. especially to those he only has business with.
ayato is surprisingly different to what you originally thought. he would try to match your humor, often speaking informally like the way you would around your closest friends just to match with you. lately he's been spending his free time with you too. he noticed you liked tea a lot, much like him. so both of you had made it a habit to have tea at the estate's balcony while the sun is going down. watching the sunset together. it felt really romantic for you- but you quickly shook your head and remembered that to him- you're just his work partner. but is that really the case for him? because he was much more observant than you thought. especially about you. he notices any slight change in the mood with you. so there was a particular day when you were gloomy because of being so tired. but he noticed this immediately.
"Shall we take a break?"
-- and you don't know why but your heart skipped a beat when he said that. you thought it was funny-- how he would do all of this for you. and at times like these, you start to feel like a special person to him. just because he always relies on you compared to others. you thought you were special to him. until she came.
who is she? she looks so... bold and pretty. just one look at her and you can already tell she has a strong personality but has a gentle aura. her blonde hair swaying so glamorously in the wind. her otherworldly clothes making her stand out among people. the way she moves makes it embarrassing to stand beside her. she seems so... perfect in everyone's eyes. unfortunately, that includes ayato's. you don't remember having a guest in ayato's schedule when you were fixing it, so why's she here?
you found out the answer really quickly. everyone at the estate has been talking about her and... ayato lately. you don't know why though, which is weird- because as his assistant you should be the first to know about things regarding him. it's even weirder that ayato had not summoned you after work has ended. 'is this where our afternoon tea sessions end?' you thought to yourself. so you found it upon yourself to just be straightforward and ask others what's the gossip all about. luckily, there was another servant nearby. she quickly leaned closer to you and whispered.
"h-haven't you heard?... it seems that lord ayato had taken a liking to lady ayaka's guest."
you were surprised. really. it wasn't even his guest yet he bothered to entertain her. just who is she?
"who-... who is her lady's guest?" you nervously questioned.
"I heard it was... the traveler? was it? lord ayato visited her personally! they're just so perfect with eachother!- i can't help it." the servant squeals in excitement, contrary to your look in horror. you try not to make it obvious though. but you shouldn't even be feeling this way. why does it hurt? there's a sharp feeling on your chest that you just can't get out of. it just hurts to know the reason why he stopped your afternoon tea sessions, dinner hangouts, or just even talking with eachother is because of another girl! you were in no place to get frustrated since you were just a servant. nothing more, nothing less. to him.
you only see him through work now. the urge to invite him to a tea break and have a conversation with him while watching the sunset is getting stronger everyday. and who are you to resist?
"lord ayato... wou-" before you could even finish your sentence, he stopped you. your heart was beating so fast. 'oh no. did I do something wrong?' thoughts like these were circling through your mind.
"i told you to just call me 'ayato' y/n"
--and he chuckles a bit at the end. and so do you. you felt so... relieved. your worries instantly washed away. you felt at ease knowing that you are special to him. i mean- he doesn't do this with others does he?
"ah- my bad... but as I was saying, would you like to have some afternoon tea break with me? I mean, we used to do that everyday but it has been a while since we last did soo..."
and at this point you were so sure he wouldn't decline. he's been less busy this week, what could he possibly do that's far too important to even refu-
"my apologies, y/n. i've already scheduled a tea break with someone else this afternoon. maybe next time if i have the time. i promise i'll make it up to you. however, you could accompany us if you would like." and your mind. empty. the world seems like it stopped for you. not only was your only time to hang out with him gone but you were also replaced. all this time... he was with someone else. you had a gut feeling of who that someone else might be. but you couldn't hold a grudge, you have no right to.
"i-... i look forward to it." nope. you absolutely don't, look forward to it. that day will eventually come though. you just didn't expect it to come, three days later. how quick. you were filled with mixed of different emotions. you hate to admit it- but... you are jealous of who this person might be. but at the same time you're glad to just see ayato again! sadly, for work. when he summoned you, you thought-- 'oh is this finally it? will we finally hang out together again?' until you realize it's just that you will just accompany him to go to a somewhat date with someone else. compared to you and ayato just drinking tea at the estate's balcony, he had prepared so much as to have tea and snacks at the shore. alas, you could finally meet this person. once again. as you realize it was her. the traveler.
"traveler, did you wait long? i'm sorry, you could've ju..."
and their conversation went deaf on your ears. the ayato kamisato. speaking informally, and giving out tea invitations to the traveler. when it used to be you... why are you feeling like this? isn't it obvious. the traveler is way prettier, stronger and better than you. comparing yourself to the traveler is already such an embarrassing thing to do. no one could compare to her. she's out there defeating monsters and fighting archons. while you're here holding a grudge on a person who doesn't even know you just because you're jealous you were easily replaced. but who were you to be replaced when you weren't even his to begin with. this is why you feel guilty. because you think that you have no right to feel this way. it's just now that you realize how much of an overthinker you are. however your thoughts were cut short when you hear ayato calling out your name.
"y/n, i'll go to to the comfort room for a bit. please entertain the traveler while i'm away."
he says.
"understood." and so you take a seat at ayato's chair before. and despite not wanting to have a talk with the traveler, it is still your duty and you would not abandon it for just some mere feelings.
"greetings, i'm y/n. it's a pleasure to meet you traveler." you bow slightly and give the smile you usually show to guests. a smile you practiced countless of times infront of a mirror. "you might have not heard about me though. so allow me t-"
"oh i know. you're ayato's personal assistant. he mentioned it to me before." the traveler states. and you were genuinely shocked but also... curious.
"is that so?... then, has he said any other things about me before?" you nervously asked. though the nervously part may not be obvious to others. the traveler sees right through this. and she giggles. but nods. "would you mind serving me some tea? the tea ayato has been serving me is delicious however i've tasted it countless of times from our past tea parties. so I would like to have a different flavor this time."
the word 'countless' implies that they have been doing this for a while now and you already know that. but it still stirs a feeling of jealousy inside you.
"of course. luckily i brought a different tea flavor for myself as well. let me go get the ingredients from my bag." you return after brewing the tea and pouring it into the cups. how thoughtful that the traveler had already prepared the cups for you.
"this tastes a lot like lavender... melon." the traveler says.
"hm. because it is. you have a great sense of taste." you reply. from this point and so on, you don't really know what to talk about. the atmosphere is really awkward. but you still try to strike up a conversation because she is a guest.
"s-so... what brings you here to the kamisato estate?" you ask. in which the traveler replied with "originally, ayaka invited me. and ayato next." you don't know if it's just your eyes playing tricks on you or did the corner of her mouth raise upwards for a bit. you brush it off. maybe the grudge you have on her is going too far. i mean, it's not like you hate her though. but it's also not like you like her.
by now you've almost finished your tea. same goes for the traveler. you only had to endure a little bit more of this atmosphere and her because ayato should be back soon. so you lowered your guard and relaxed a bit. this whole time you only stared at your teacup, but it wouldn't hurt to take a glimpse at the traveler right? so slowly but hesitantly, you lift your eyes up to see her. already staring at you. but you couldn't break away from the eye contact. especially because she just asked you something you're also asking yourself.
"y/n. tell me. do you like ayato?"
despite having a smile on her face as she asked this, her tone was rather cold. it sent shivers down your spine. you don't know why she's asking this. but you also don't know the answer to that question.
...do you like ayato?
that was the last thing you said before you went unconscious. before that, your vision went blurry and your head was getting dizzy. how could this be? all the years you've spent serving the kamisato clan, this has never happened.
a loud ringing on your ears forced you to wake up, you could hear numerous voices as you slowly opened your eyes. your vision was still blurry but you could figure out that someone was huge was standing before you.
"it's awake."
'it's? what do these people take me for'. --is what you would have thought when you realized you've been kidnapped and the kidnappers are a group of nobushis. you look at your surroundings, counting just how many they are until you finally notice someone beside you. the traveler. she's still unconscious. looking at her made you realize that you're also tied up and is unable to speak. screaming is no use. you seem to be in a... cave? you're not so sure because you don't remember a cave this huge at inazuma. you try to recall what happened and why you ended up here until you heard something a nobushi said.
"ya think he's coming here?"
"i heard he fancies these two. of course he will."
he? who's he? considering they kidnapped you and the traveler, don't tell me they're talking about him. not lord aya--
"oh well look who's here."
your eyes widen in shock when you turn to the direction they're facing. he's standing right there. ayato kamisato has come to save you. ...and the traveler. something moves beside you and you see the traveler, already awake, with tears in her eyes. isn't the traveler supposed to be strong and mighty? you don't understand, how were they able to kidnap her. in what situation was she in for her to become so vulnerable and be captured? i mean before all of this she was only with you-- !! your eyes widen. you saw ayato, ...glaring at you.
why was he glaring? you were in a pitiful situation right now, yet he glares at you as if you commited a crime. you can't believe it but... 'don't tell me thinks... i poisoned the traveler.' archons. he definitely thinks just that. the way his eyes softens as he looks to the girl beside you confirms so.
"give us the document. maybe we'll let both of them go." one of the nobushis spoke up. documents? what documents are they talking about? you handle all the documents for ayato, could it be he's been keeping something from you? are they comparing lives to a piece of document? surely ayato would-
"no. ...who sent you?" his voice cold as ice. the world has been surprising you a lot today. how important could that document be for it to be able to compare to a person's life. "straightforward i see... too bad, if you don't give us the documents any time we'll kill both of your precious little friends and this place will blow up soon." one of the nobushis spoke up again, it was the same guy as earlier. normally, ayato would be able to beat a few nobushis on his own. but he's way outnumbered right now. for some reason he knows that you and the traveler was taken here, yet he still came alone. you look beside you and see that the traveler is now crying. compared to the mighty traveler you seem to be too calm. you shouldn't be, in a situation like this. is it because ayato is now here? although he probably hates your guts already. but you just trust him way too much.
"...not giving in eh? then let's see..."
the nobushi paused for a moment, seemingly thinking about another way to make ayato give in and for them to gain something out of him. the nobushi smirked.
"...if you give us some mora... we'll let ya choose one of them to go with. give us the documents, you all can go home safe and sound. give us none and... you'll die with them." and finally, you felt... fear. your heart was racing. you didn't know it was this bad. earlier you already knew that you're this close to death's door but you weren't panicking at all. you also don't mind dying if it was for ayato. from an early age you already knew that you had to serve and protect their clan no matter what-- even if you have to pay the price of your own life. so why panic now? is it because the nobushis are going to far with their negotiations? is it because you're knocking right at death's door? or maybe it's because you're afraid that ayato will abandon you. choosing someone else, right infront of you in a critical situation like this. but surely he wouldn't, right?
" ...traveler," he throws a pouch of mora to the ground towards the nobushis. you remember when you both were strolling around at inazuma city after dinner. when he mentions that ever since he saw you looking through the stalls but not buying anything, he figured he'd buy them for you. so he always carried a pouch of mora. for you... and not for anyone el-
".. let's go." what? are you hearing things right? but judging by the way they pull the traveler and untie her, it seems that you are. but you wish you weren't. it turns out he really would choose someone else. the traveler lunges to embrace ayato. seeing ayato slowly hug her back, patting her back to calm down her tears and letting her cry on his shoulder just made your broken heart break even further. you get it. with the traveler's back facing you as they embrace, you take a glimpse of ayato until his gaze lands on you.
" ...y/n..."
his tone was somewhat... soft. you assume on a lot of things and right now you don't wanna expect but, you are. is this his last words to me? is he telling me he's sorry? is he gonna tell me how he regrets doing this? and that he never really wanted this to happen? and that i'm someone special to him, viewing me more than just a serv-
" --how dare you."
...and his gaze turns dark. what for? you didn't even do anything. his eyes glares at you as if you both were never friends. or maybe you were never really a friend to him. and he always thought of you as a mere servant. just like the rest. you were just- too naive. so foolish. thinking you were special. special just because he went looking for you and bought medicine and special rare tea in a day when you were sick for work. special cause he always invited you for tea breaks, conversing with you and only you. special because he always relies on you, and you allowed yourself to be relied on, --when you had no one to rely on for yourself. was those years of being with him nothing for him? was it that worthless in his eyes? that you could just be replaced and abandoned any time? you thought you were someone special in his life when he treated you differently compared to others.
but what about the way you treat him?
you treat him as if you were nothing without him. because he was everything to you. you were only this happy with him. only him. if you think of the most memorable memory you've ever had, it would include him. the day you first met him, and today. the last day you're seeing ayato. you watch them slowly turn their heels to leave. and all of a sudden you spoke. you couldn't help it, you spoke without even thinking. and now you don't know what to say. or maybe-- you just don't want to say it.
"a-ayato..." 'did you ever think if me as more than a friend?'... heck- more than a worker even. you wanted to ask just that. but you wouldn't. cause you couldn't. "...thank you, but I did nothing wrong." you say as you smile. that was your final words before the traveler and ayato takes more steps towards another path, probably leading to the exit. you hesitantly and slowly lift your eyes up to take one. last. look to ayato and... the traveler. and last time your eyes were playing tricks on you, but now you realize it wasn't. cause she was smirking again. smirking at you. leaving you to death.
anger. shame. resentment.
fury rises inside of you. you were raised to be patient with others. it was your job. so you've never felt this way for someone before. you wanted to scream but you couldn't. all you could think about was the traveler.
...the traveler!! the traveler!! the traveler.
it was all because of her that you're in a state like this. ever since she came, things changed. she was the person ayato replaced you with. the person he chose to spend the rest of his life with. and the reason why he threw away all of his memories with you and treated you like nothing. he chose a girl he just met instead of a childhood friend companion who has done nothing but pledge loyalty to him. now that you think about it... for ayato you would risk your life for him, die for him even. but he wouldn't do that for you. he only showed up for the traveler when you thought he came to save you.
it felt like your world was crumbling right before your eyes, watching them walk away, leaving you to death. you could mean that literally since anytime now you might be reduced to nothing but also... ayato is your world. to you he is everything. growing up with him, growing with him. he really is that special to you.
too bad,
he doesn't even see you as anything more than a servant. to him you were, not. special. at. all.
their footsteps has slowly faded away. they left. they've left you. behind, to die. it seems... this is it. you hear the nobushis chuckling and talking amongst eachother,
"geez... what a show! anyway.., are the preparations complete?"
"really? then we could go!"
"where did she say we would meet her again?"
"that bitch... making us do all of this. if it weren't for the mora then I wouldn't have agreed."
her? who's her? who's she? these thoughts seem all too familiar, and once again, you got your answer quickly.
"oh the traveler asked us to meet her at jinren island." a nobushi replied. just when you thought your hatred for her couldn't get any worse. however your thoughts were completely cut off when the nobushis all started leaving you. not even batting a single eye. you remembered them mentioning something that would leave you to ashes here. what was it again? if you recall quickly it was probably a-- "a bomb," --a nobushi says to you. as if he could read your mind. "a few minutes from now, once we all leave, this place will get wrecked. including... you." the nobushi laughs. you have never been this lonely before. i mean, you always had ayato beside you. but now that he personally left you for someone else- who do you have now? you have no answer for that. or maybe it is the answer. nothing. no one is there to help you. your reason to live is gone. atleast, you served your life's purpose before you die. you were never really that close to others including your family because of ayato. so you have nothing to lose now. but... you wish you could atleast take revenge on the traveler... even though you hate that idea. revenge isn't something you would even consider but.. the traveler is a different case.
today has given you particularly a lot of last things. like your last thoughts just now. before feeling a strong burst of energy and the brightest light you've ever seen. and everything turns dark.
...your eyes are closed and you can't move your body. but you're hearing something... footsteps? oh, a voice.
" ...how pitiful,"
you fall into deep sleep once again after feeling such an electrifying strike on your back.
... just who was that?
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saintkunii · 5 months
Weighted Blanket
PAIRING. Diluc x F!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: smut, morning sex, pronebone, crossposted from ao3 (I'm reposting my old works here again)
WC: 1.5k
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You're drowning in a sea of red, limbs trapped under a heavy weight. You couldn't move your arms, you could barely move your legs, it's too constricting for you to even lift a finger. Groggily, you stir in an attempt to break free.
"Diluc…" your voice comes out hoarse and whining, forehead crumpled in a frown as you pull your arms from underneath your husband's hold, caging you as he lays on top with his face nestled against your neck. His arms are on your sides, so close that he doesn't even leave any space for maneuver, too close that the warmth of his every exhale almost lures you back to sleep. The cold weather makes him an even effective personal heater. 
The vibrations of his chest as he hummed in response tickled your skin. He feels so comfortable in his position as he stays still at the cost of your own personal space and possible asphyxiation like he has no plans of moving anytime soon.
Diluc gets especially clingy in the morning, in the haze of a peaceful dawn. It’s not an unusual occurrence and as much as you love him and the thought that he can relax in your presence, you'd rather not want to die in his arms no matter how honorable it seems. 
Crushed to death by a dashing man doesn't seem too good as your obituary. 
"...luc" you called out again in a more slightly irritated tone. "...hmmvy." 
You try to convey that he's crushing you with his weight but the sleepiness slurred your speech.
He nuzzles further into your neck, nose brushing against your skin and he inhales.
You wiggle in place trying to escape again when you feel him tighten his grip.
"Stop moving…" he whispers, tone heavy with sleepiness as well as he presses some kisses on your neck. 
For what felt like forever, you're finally granted amnesty from the burden of your husband as he rolls aside without breaking his embrace. He presses your back against his chest as you turn to your side to doze back again to dreamworld. 
Silence falls once more. Only the sound of your soft breathing can be heard and the tickle of the grandfather clock that lays a couple of feet away. 
If only it was that easy. 
Diluc seems to entertain another plan as he slides a hand under your shirt, rough and calloused palm circling your stomach before it trails upward to your boob, squeezing it with barely any strength. It's like he's toying with it, fondling so softly and taking his time as you snore in your sleep. With your feet tangled, he pushes his thighs up bumping it against your ass and he couldn't help himself from grinding his hips, slowly and lazily rubbing his cock against the fats of your flesh.
You relax comfortably in his robust arms, tethering between dreams and reality as warmth blossoms on your abdomen. A sigh leaves your lips when you feel him behind you. 
It feels so cozy to lay perfectly like this on a sunday morning. A day where both of you have no need to be up early. 
Drowsiness kept your eyes shut but you swore you felt your husband on your neck again, his chapped lips planting kisses everywhere he touched. His lips would stay on your skin for a while there as he breathes down on the curve of your neck. 
The gentle rocking of his hips only spurned you on, succumbing you to his intentions. With your eyes still closed, you covered his knuckles with your hand, interrupting his kneading, and brought it down to your sex where he cups you through your flimsy shorts.
Diluc dips his finger through the bands of your shorts and slides to the entrance of your hole. 
You're a little wet. Not enough for him so he gathers up some of your slick, spreading it within your folds as he deliberately swipes your clit.
He draws out a sigh from you at the contact, almost a moan, probably a whine too as he massages, softly and casually.
The nonchalance almost made you forget about the growing hardness pressed closely on your bum. 
You blink a few times, head turning to your side. Like you, he's barely even awake.
Even as he feels you stir, he only cracks an eye at you and latches on your lips, mouth hot and sloppy as he parts them.
Diluc is a gentle soul, the thought of you warmly snuggled in his embrace has him spill his entirety in your caress.  
Not a word is exchanged. You didn't have to as you talk with your body. He's familiar with it, knows all the places that make you squirm in heat, has unlocked all the areas you're not even aware could make you melt. He had done this countless times and yet he could never really satiate his hunger to feel more of you, to make you feel whole, and to see you at your most vulnerable state, laid bare for him to worship. He knows just where exactly to touch.
You hum against his lips when he pokes a finger inside you, loosely stroking your walls at a snail pace. He drags it, unbothered by your thighs clamping his hands.
He's patient in his ministrations, kissing your supple lips in fervent fashion laced with the haziness of morning. He taps and rubs almost like he's scraping your insides. The pleasure running all over you brings you in and out of your drowsy state, waking you every once in a while. From the sighs he hears from you, Diluc can tell you're quite enjoying this yourself even if you're merely reacting from his actions out of instinct. 
A soft gasp comes from your mouth when he joins another finger in, scissoring you as he stretches you out slowly. Heaving more than ever, his breath becomes more laborious, panting in your kiss and his strokes pick up pace, dizzying, electrifying, heat pools in your legs as you gush around his fingers.
It's hot. Your whole body trembles as your tongues crossed, saliva joining in your messy kisses, tongue to tongue proding each other's mouth.
You're almost there. The ghost of your climax hovering just around.
But before you catch that relief, he pulls his fingers out, pushes down the garters of his boxers to free his erection, and you whine at the lost contact.  
You arch your back towards him, ass rubbing against his hips in anticipation. Using your fingers, you stretch yourself wide open for easy access to your husband. 
You feel the burning touch of Diluc's tip pushing past your entrance. His cock throbs as he sinks deeper into your cunt, bottoming out with one languid stroke that has you stretching your toes at the intrusion. He groans, quaking as he puts his weight again on you, pressing you until you lie on your stomach, face buried against the sheets, and keeping you closer to him. His legs are on your side trapping your thighs.
Soaking in the high of your whines and breathy gasp of his name from your lips, he moves his hips in a tender roll, slow and careful but with more focus on your sweet spot. 
He nips along the column of your spine. Affectionate brushes of his lips spill from his being as he marks your nape with his bites that you shiver. He pants raggedly along your neck as he fluidly pushes forward inside you and out again, carving deeply into you.
The delicious stretch of your hole got you sucking him in that it's all you could think about. The feel of his touch, the weight of his body on you, skin slapping skin. 
Diluc's rough palms come to your hips and ruts into you, drawing a deep guttural sigh once in a while as you lay weakly under him, your hands fisting the covers as it drowns your ecstasy. You're so tight in this position, pulling him even further in at how easily he can reach your gspot like this. Every hit makes you roll your eyes in euphoria, and arc yourself to the mattress at how good he feels, spasming around his length that sets him off the edge.
He hastens, rocking his hips with more shallow thrusts and fucks into you even more deeply, drilling his cock inside completely covered in your slick. With every thrust he punches out your breath from your lungs.
You're losing your mind, completely overridden by the sensation of his veiny cock rubbing along your walls. You can almost feel your climax. It hovers around you as your abdomen tightens and heat stretching all over you.
Diluc twitches forward with more fervor at your signs and slaps his hips against yours more frantically, his breathing erratic and cuts short with his pacing. With a low mewl from you, your knot comes undone as you get your release, his hips thrusting into your twitching cunt. He stutters in his ruts and hot white of cum spurts inside you, releasing his load inside your warmth. It drips down into the bed, making a mess of the covers. 
Muscles relaxing, Diluc bends down to kiss you, sighing into your mouth as you feel him soften inside you, twitching as you spasm. And with a hum, you feel his lips curve into a soft smile. 
"Good morning."
You let out a chuckle. 
"Good morning." 
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tetsuskei · 2 months
lust for life - zhongli [nsfw]
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synopsis: your first time with the geo archon leads to a riveting adventure that you never dreamed of, but also don’t regret
notes: this is the first time i’m writing for zhongli and genshin, so please be nice. i apologize for anything potentially ooc. i’m learning. :]
warnings: praise kink, dragon tendencies (?), unprotected sex, pet names, zhongli is called morax, lana del rey song title, body worship, liyue archon quest spoilers
word count: 2.4k
interactions and comments appreciated!
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being in a relationship with zhongli is exhilarating. it is calm and a rush all at the same time. invigorating, perhaps.
liyue, the city of contracts, is always bustling with something new and exciting each day. the harbor specifically hails as a place that showcases the customs and traditions in the most beautiful ways.
the smell of freshly made grilled tiger-fish and chopped suey perfuming the air, and the shine of the beautifully crafted kites the nice old lady sells only make up a few traits the harbor carries. there’s also the bustle of the shops, selling different types of flowers and fruits and jewels ranging from jade to lapis.
as much as liyue is your home, there couldn’t be a better place of solace than in your boyfriend.
over the course of knowing him, he’s taught and shown you many things. and one of those things just happens to be the way of love. you have never been that involved before in a romantic relationship before he came along. but once he did, you could barely remember what life was like before him.
being that zhongli is now ‘mortal’, there are many things about him that still stand out from regular human beings. of course, this all makes sense when considering his reptilian nature at hand.
his eyes, a piercing aurelian color are a stark contrast to any other pair you’ve seen. they closely resemble two pieces of raw cor lapis.
the man is large—not necessarily very muscular, but lean and slender in all the right ways. he’s also a lot taller than the average person, having you crane your head up at times just to hold decent eye contact with him.
you often were bashful and easily embarrassed in front of zhongli, but he only ever has been very understanding and patient. a wise and well respected man with an eclectic taste for history and knowledge. there’s nothing about him that isn’t amazing.
“is this okay?”
zhongli’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. the gravel of it warms your tummy and sends shivers down your spine. his eyes seem to be looking through you in tantalizing yet understanding way.
“you seem conflicted over something. what’s troubling your mind, darling?” he inquires, tilting his head to the side. his obsidian locks, ends dipped in pure bronze, cascade down his back beautifully and you wonder if there’s ever anything this man does that could be deemed unattractive.
he asks these questions all while kneeling in front of your leaking cunt. like your nude body isn’t completely visible and vulnerable before him. but murmurs of your beauty and rarity cause you to relax and confess your thoughts.
“i just—“ you pause, apprehensive, “i’ve never done this before.”
there’s a look that flashes in his eyes, but only for a brief moment before changing to contemplation. “ah, i see.”
heart racing, you think that he’s about to pull out of the moment you two share. that he’d judge you for your lack of experience.
the feeling of a gloved hand on your cheek makes your heart skip a beat. “there’s nothing to be worried about. i will make extra sure to go at your pace. as long as you still trust me to lead, of course. i will make sure you’re comfortable, dearest.”
zhongli kisses the inside of your thigh, peering at you with subtle glee. to tell the truth, his mind can’t help but think of all the ways he’d tease and break you. but you don’t need to know that—at least not yet. when the time comes he’d explore that. for as long as he’s lived, waiting is something that doesn’t concern him. your wellbeing will always come first.
“okay…” you breathe, spreading your legs more for him at his request.
“always so precious and good for me, are you?” he hums with delight. your face blooms with heat but you nod meekly.
he continues, “you’ll tell me what you like, yes? while i eat this cunt out?”
your boyfriend’s blunt words strike your heart (and core) all at once.
zhongli squeezes your thighs in warning, “i need a verbal response, or i will stop.”
“yes, li.” you murmur, sending him a nervous grin.
“thank you, my love.” he smiles before moving over you. a ghostly sigh leaves you as his hands caress you hips, holding you in place with little effort.
his tongue, unusually long, sneaks out and swipes at your core. there’s a hum of satisfaction once your essence hits his buds. after tediously circling the outside of your leaking hole, it plunges forth within you.
even with it being the first time, you’re sure the wet muscle reaches places that no one besides him ever will, and you gasp, hands moving to grasp anything to ground yourself.
“z-zhongli—!” you stutter, words and lungs failing you all at once.
zhongli entwines your hands, squeezing gently to calm you. his free hand, however, only moves over your clit to rile you up further.
he hums again, satisfied with what you gift him when more of your juices evade his tongue.
“it’s been a long time since i’ve tasted something this sweet.” his lithe fingers continuing their motions as he attentively watches your reactions. “i think my tongue will always remember the way you taste.”
your hips have somehow found a way to ride his tongue and he assists by nearly having you fuck yourself on his face.
“i-i-!” you’re unable to warn zhongli of anything as you feel yourself succumbing to a realm of euphoric pleasure, seizing in place. your eyes roll back, and you find yourself facing a blinding light. you wonder if you’ve just died right now and then.
but as soothing hands caress your being and plant kisses on your cheeks, you realize you’re very much still on teyvat.
“ahh, so that’s what you look like cumming.” the archon’s eyes gleam and a hungry look flashes in them. “who knew how beautifully ravishing you’d look.”
not a moment passes before his fingers are on you again, and he slides in two digits.
“i’m sensitive, li! please!” you whine, hands grabbing his wrist.
“you’re doing so well though,” zhongli praises, his tone sweet like nectar. his normally stoic expression to no surprise, is nonexistent with you. the only visible look is love and adoration. “you can cum again, hmm? don’t you think you deserve it?”
tears slip down your face as you nod frantically, “yes!”
his eyes brighten at the way you squirm and try to conceal your whimpers. it’s only then does he realize he must toy with you even further.
the fingers that stilled themselves move again. the sound of lewd squelching filling the room. zhongli doesn’t know how much longer he can hold off before fucking you. the smell of your arousal is overwhelming, to say the least. and dark thoughts of wanting to breed you start to consume his mind.
regardless, you still needed to be prepared to take him. it would be no good if you were uncomfortable.
he works to bring you thus forth to another orgasm, his hand skilled and dexterous as it seeks to pleasure you.
“feels so good li! r-right there!” you gasp, arching up to follow his movements.
a hand soothes your hair and you feel his lips kiss your forehead. “relax dearest, you’re tightening up. just let go.”
it isn’t long before you’re cumming again. losing strength, you collapse fully on your back. you hear your boyfriend chuckle as he sucks the gloves of his fingers clean from your essence.
after giving you time to recover, zhongli gently runs his hands over you.
“darling, why don’t you help me undress. hmm?” he coaxes, moving back to begin to peel off his robes.
you sit up, wobbling as you kneel in front of him and he drags your hand up to his collar.
zhongli leans down, kissing you on the lips. he tastes of whatever tea he’s recently had. and of, well, you.
soon, your boyfriend is undressed, and archons (albeit, him himself) could only tell how it is possible for someone to be so beautiful and handsome, his figure lean and muscular in all the right ways.
it makes you feel weak in the knees how easy it is for zhongli to command attention and control. the way you’re pliant to his will because of how strong he is, allowing for him to hold your jaw in place as his tongue explores your mouth.
the feeling of something heavy and hard against your stomach makes your heart drop. there is no mistaking what it is.
as if sensing your distress, he pulls back from you. “what’s wrong, dear?” he grabs himself, stroking leisurely as he eyes you with quiet mischief.
you swallow, eyes having trouble leveling with his, “w-will it fit?”
you’re cute. too cute, for him. “of course darling,” he taps the head on your drenched clit, the tip catching easily onto your entrance.
“you were made to take me, after all.”
there isn’t anything else said once he sheathes himself fully inside of you.
shared moans fill the room as you both stare at each other for a moment. zhongli is hot and throbbing inside of you, and that alone has you cumming again.
“goodness,” he huffs, composing himself, “you are more sensitive than i thought.”
“no need to apologize. it’s perfect. you’re perfect.” zhongli murmurs, kissing the corner of your mouth.
“i’m going to move now, love.” he warns, voice soft.
you nod solemnly, squeezing his hand as a sign of goodwill.
it’s all odd at first, with how full you are, but eventually the discomfort becomes more pleasure than anything else. the way his cock is stroking your walls, hitting every crevice with a kiss, soon has you keening.
grunts fill your ear as zhongli’s pace slowly picks up over time. you think you might be somewhere in the clouds above mt. tianheng.
your boyfriend’s frame cocoons your own. he fucks you like he’s yearned you for eternity. as if he’s been preparing for this moment. his hips move like flowing water, skilled all around.
zhongli’s sharp canines bite into your shoulder, a low growl leaving him as he marks you. he doesn’t mean to blemish your beautiful skin, but the primal part in him can’t help himself.
your moans are like a melody to him, and he thinks he may drown in them and the way that they sound. he starts to think that maybe you yourself are some deity or maybe a siren with the way you have him under your spell.
“li, please, go faster!” you beg, looking up at him with wet eyes, “i-i can take it, i promise!”
“are you sure that’s what you want? i won’t be able to fully hold back if you ask that of me.” he warns.
“yes, please!” you whine, “please, morax!”
before you know it, he’s kissing you again, the sweet taste of him elevating your focus away from the now ruthless snap of his hips.
he gifts you his fingers in your mouth once his lips move over your collarbones and breasts, tongue wrapping around the sensitive nub while his free hand twists the other.
“you must be a gift from celestial to feel this good.” zhongli moans. he’s holding you in his lap now, moving you up and down his shaft just how he likes.
“have you got one more for me, love?” he pants, “then i’ll take care of you and let you rest.”
you find yourself crying out for morax repeatedly, and it sendings an unknown exhilarating feeling down zhongli’s spine. maybe because it’s the thought that no other god could save you but him.
“m’cumming!” you cry, once again clamping down on the man with a vice like grip.
zhongli shudders, trying to keep his focus on you coming undone, “i don’t think i can hold back much longer myself. where—“
“inside. please cum inside me!” you wail, twisting your legs to lock around him.
“fuck,” he curses, not meaning the slip of his tongue. but that’s just what you do to him. “a-are you certain? do not say things based on what you think i wish—“
zhongli does not expect for you to pout up at him with big, wet eyes and say, “you don’t want to cum in me?”
frozen, he blinks slowly at you. then, there’s the sound of a dark chuckle, almost inhumane. “you don’t know, do you?”
“how i’ll give you anything you want? you can ask for the stars and they’re yours.” he groans, hips erratic again. he’s smothering you with his mouth again, moving everywhere to kiss every inch of you. your legs are folded up and placed over his shoulders, pressed tightly against yourself.
he swears, “i’ll cherish and love you till death. contract or not, i vow to never break that word.” even in the afterlife.”
“that being said, i’ll cum in you as many times as you want.”
you cum at his words, sobbing from the tsunami emotions and feelings that’s hit you.
it isn’t long before zhongli follows, an exceeding large warmth and throbbing as he spills himself into you.
he holds onto you tightly, refusing to move until he’s sure that his cum has settled within you.
slowly pulling out and putting your legs back down, he examines you fully. “are you alright?
the smile you give is hazy. “golden.”
“don’t leave.”
he frowns, tongue clicking, “darling, you must let me clean you up at least. i can’t bear to leave you—“
“just for a moment!” you pout, burying your face into his damp chest. “i promise.”
“a moment.” he repeats, chuckling. soothing your hair.
in all honesty, a part of you liked having him leak down your legs, and maybe he enjoyed it to. for him, in all the years of his life he’s never felt a love like this before. he just did his best to show appreciation.
if this is how he’d sing words into your ears, how his affection would wrap around, you would very well get used to this. to a routine.
but then again, a zhongli without surprises doesn’t seem fitting for you at all.
after all, ‘normal’ isn’t even as common as we think it is.
tagging my beloved @hwaitham. thank you for always supporting me and for being so loving and welcoming. <3
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snaillock · 6 months
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★-barou shoei, sae itoshi, rin itoshi, nagi seishiro, (wc) kunigami rensuke | megumi fushiguro, choso kamo, maki zenin | lynette, ALHAITHAM, scaramouche, shenhe
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yaeggravate · 3 months
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Frostflower Dew This Lantern Rite gift that Shenhe received is a set of elegant formal attire that her master, Cloud Retainer had commissioned for her. Red ropes still adorn her arms, but the bitter cold in Shenhe's heart has faded.
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naomeii · 5 months
Help I had a funny idea 💀
Imagine Childe wanting to spar with adeptus!reader and they accept, they win and Childe invites them to a treat for winning. Zhongli sees this and gets kinda jealous. When reader arrives to their shared teapot they see Zhongli in his dragon form huffing and puffing in his nest.
Just a jealous giant noodle 💀
Jealous Noodle!
—Pairings: Zhongli x Adeptus! Reader
Content : Slight jealousy, FLUFF (drabble)
After the treat, Y/n returned to their home, only to find Zhongli in his dragon form, huffing and puffing in what seemed like a self-made nest. Concern etched across their face, Y/n approached Zhongli.
"Rex Lapis, what happened? Why are you in this state?" Y/n asked, genuinely worried.
Zhongli sighed, a cloud of warm air escaping his dragon nostrils. "Oh, nothing of consequence. Just... observing."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to the story. "Observing what, exactly?"
Zhongli's eyes flickered, and he replied, "Perhaps you should ask Childe. He seems to have a way of attracting attention."
Y/n couldn't help but notice the undertone in Zhongli's voice. They leaned in closer, their eyes narrowing playfully. "Jealous, aren't you?" they teased.
Zhongli grunted in response, a huff escaping him. Y/n chuckled mischievously, gently stroking the scales on Zhongli's snout. "It's okay, you know. You're still my one and only dragon."
Zhongli remained stoic, but a hint of amusement glimmered in his eyes. Y/n continued to tease, "Is the great Geo Archon jealous of a little spar with Childe?"
With another huff, Zhongli admitted, "I am not jealous. I am merely... contemplative."
Y/n grinned, cuddling against Zhongli's warm dragon form. "Contemplative, huh? Well, I think someone might be a bit jealous, but that's alright. I'm only yours and no one can change that"
Zhongli let out a resigned grunt, realizing that, even as an archon, he couldn't escape the complexities of mortal emotions. As Y/n nestled against him, Zhongli couldn't help but find solace in the warmth of their affection, even if the night held a hint of playful jealousy.
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┃ Espèce d'idiot
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­­ ✉ - Demande faite pour le Horroctober 2022, Prompt n°3 : « Je peux te sucer ? » // « Le sang ! LE SANG ! Je suis déguisé en vampire !»
─ ­ ­ 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 ▹ One-Shot
─ ­ ­ 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴 ▹ Fem!Reader | ☆ Happy Ending | ♥ Angst ⇢ Fluffy | Débordant d'amour | Taquineries
─ ­ ­ 𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚁 & 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 ▹ Agression par un méchant pas gentil.
Note ­ ­ ▹ Je sais qu'avec le titre on pourrait penser à un Tartaglia ou à un Itto, mais non, c'est un autre gamin, soit Heizou pour cette fois-ci. Sachez que ce One-shot ne ressemble pas du tout à mon idée de base, entre le brouillon et l'écriture, j'ai vu la Nonne donc...
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Heizou SHIKANOIN ─ ­ ❝ 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗾𝘂𝗲 ❞
La nuit était tombée, les feuilles des arbres se balançaient tranquillement à la brise fraîche de l'automne. Les rires d'enfants s'étaient tu, seuls dans la nuit raisonnait les voix portantes d'adulte un peu trop ivre, dans une cacophonie déroutante quelques fois accompagnée par le fracas récurent de quelques verres s'entrechoquant. Les bars-restaurant, au cœur d'Inazuma décorée pour l'occasion, encore bien plein à cette heure de la nuit alors que lentement, Halloween mourrait, les lanternes oscillantes bientôt arrivées à leur terme. Les fantômes étaient désormais cessés d'errer, retournant dans leur lieu de repos, laissant les vivants vivres en paix. Enfin logiquement... Si la capitale était encore débordante de vie et de couleurs, le sanctuaire de Narukami, quant à lui, se trouvait complètement vide, dépourvue de ses prêtresses et de ses visiteurs.
Seule dans ce froid glacial, un habit traditionnel de prêtresse sur le dos, de courtes et fausses oreilles de renarde sur le haut de la tête, tu t'apparaîtrais à rentrer. Il était si tard et il faisait si sombre, mais tu n'avais pas eu le choix... Kidnappée plutôt dans la journée par Yae, n'ayant presque pas pu participer aux festivités, la jeune femme à la longue chevelure rosée t'avait fait travailler pour elle. N'aurait-elle pas pu le faire elle-même ? Non. Bien sûr que non, voyons... C'était à toi de tirer et lire les cartes aux jeunes couples en quête de réponses sur leur futur ensemble, disant la bonne aventure à des touristes venus à Inazuma pour les fêtes. Tu n'avais pas eu le choix ! La renarde n'ayant jamais été une personne à qui tu pouvais dire : « Non ». Qui pourrait lui dire : « Non. », sans voir peur des horribles représailles de la kitsune ? Tu tenais encore à la vie et à la tranquillité de ton sommeil...
─ ­ ­ ­ « La journée a été longue... » Soupiras-tu en t'étirant le dos, craquant légèrement sous l'effort, mais tu étais tout de même contente de ton attraction ayant eu la chance de croiser Gorou, bien que très craintif bien que très craintif pour une quelconque raison, accompagné de Kokomi, ou encore Beidou accompagnée de Kazuha. « J'espère qu'il s'est amusé lui au moins. Hier soir, il ressemblait à un petit gamin guettant la veille de nöel... »
La fatigue jouant doucement sur tes nerfs et peut-être aussi cette atmosphère lourde remplie de silence, tu te sentis obligé de parler à voix haute comme pour te calmer. Ton sac en bandoulière sur ton épaule, la nuit pouvait être effrayante seulement éclairée par la lueur de la lune, les arbres quant à eux, s'agitaient avec la brise, créant des ombres fantomatiques sur les murs et le sol du sanctuaire. Il te fallu tout ton sang-froid pour ne pas laisser sortir un hurlement de peur en apercevant sur ta gauche une ombre bouger, n'étant que celle d'une branche d'arbre. Pourquoi devais-tu rentrer seule ? Pourquoi cet idiot de Sherlock Holmes en carton n'était pas foutu de venir te chercher ? 
Le maudissant de long en large, tu ne pus rester en colère trop longtemps contre lui, attendrit par tes souvenirs de la veille, le voyant encore avec son sourire de chat malicieux sur les lèvres. Il était comme un poisson dans l'eau, sûrement accompagné d'Itto pour ce festival, tout aussi gamin que lui à cette période de l'année. Tu avais de la peine pour Shinobu forcée de surveiller ces deux enfants. Enfin, Heizou avait ce don d'être trop intelligent et peut-être aussi un poil trop taquin, heureusement qu'un bon fond coulait à l'intérieur de ses veines... Sinon Inazuma aurait du souci à se faire. Tes pensées tournantes autour de ton amant, tu te sentais plus sereine en traversant le sanctuaire, faisant craquer les lattes en bois à chacun de tes pas. 
Non pas que les passerelles soient mal entretenues ou en mauvais état, mais d'après Yae : « Ce bruit rendrait la fête d'Halloween plus palpitante ». La raison était non pour ton cœur et oui pour son amusement mesquin. En l'écoutant, tu avais décidé de ne pas chercher plus loin, ne voulant pas empiler plus de conspirations sur ton dos, tu en avais déjà assez avec le détective. Alors que tu descendais enfin de la passerelle, ton regard fut attiré par un objet brillant sur le sol, juste à côté d'une des boîtes à offrandes du sanctuaire.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Est-ce que quelqu'un l'a perdu ? »
Intriguée, pour ne pas dire curieuse jusqu'au bout des ongles, Heizou déteignant légèrement sur toi au fils des années de vie commune, tu t'approchas de l'objet. Un mauvais pressentiment se réveilla au plus profond de toi, te prenant aux tripes, amenant une boule d'angoisse au fond de ton estomac. Ta respiration accéléra, mais ton regard [C/Y], lui, ne put se détacher de l'objet pitoyablement posé sur le sol. C'était si calme, pourtant l'atmosphère te semblait si lourde, presque à deux doigts t'emprisonner de sa densité, de te noyer sous son épaisseur. C'était beaucoup trop calme, aucun feulement d'hibou, aucun glapissement de renard, la nuit te semblait tout d'un coup beaucoup plus oppressante. La chair de poule te collant à la peau, le cœur battant, ton corps te criait de t'enfuir, mais tu étais comme figée, tes yeux ne pouvant quitter la brillance du bracelet. 
Était-ce à cause de lui ? Tu déglutis sans t'en rendre compte, la gorge sèche, presque pâteuse. Était-ce ton imagination ? Peut-être à cause des histoires d'horreur de Yae durant ta matinée t'ayant rendu parano ? Tant bien que mal, tu te rassurais... C'était vain.
Ton corps se tendit comme un arc quand le bruit d'une branche écrasée raisonna juste derrière toi, complété par des feuilles mortes piétinées avec lenteur. Le vent, n'est-ce pas ? Ou peut-être un animal ? Ou une branche d'arbre chutant vers le sol et rebondissantes plusieurs fois ? Non. Tu te mentais à toi-même. Au plus profond de toi, tu savais ce que c'était et surtout, tu savais qu'il n'avait pas de bonnes intentions. Tes poings se serrèrent avec force, tes phalanges presque blanches sous ta fermeté, l'adrénaline pulsant dans tes veines. Il te fallu toute la volonté du monde pour fermer tes yeux, te détacher de l'emprise maladive qu'avait ce bracelet sur toi. Un artefact spécialement laissé par l'être se rapprochant derrière toi.
« Si mignonne. », ne put s'empêcher de penser la créature, se léchant les lèvres à ta vue. Tes cheveux [C/C] tombant derrière toi attrapèrent son regard. Devrait-il t'attraper par ici avant de te tirer en arrière pour voir ton visage tordu par la terreur ? Sa bouche se coupa d'un sourire de fou-allier, torturer par le plaisir divin que lui procurait la chose. Sa respiration rapide, excitée par ses propres envies et pensées, l'ex-détenu jubilait de passion, s'approchant avec lenteur de toi. Son regard or luisait dans la nuit, ses bras étaient sales, tuméfier de blessures purulentes et d'ecchymoses verdâtres. Plus il s'approchait plus ses mains le démangeaient, tremblaient, prêtent à te sauter à la gorge. 
Pourtant, il s'arrêta un instant, son regard fixer sur ta main dont l'un de tes doigts était serti d'un anneau d'or bien rare. Quelle chance avait-il ! Les Archons semblaient lui sourire ! Il t'avait reconnu, toi, la merveilleuse compagne de son bourreau, celui qui lui avait brisé tous ses plans, qui lui avait volé sa merveilleuse collection de poupée. Se grattant la peau du cou jusqu'au sang, c'était un détraqué, tenant sous ses yeux fous sa vengeance. Un rire sinistre s'éleva derrière toi, la peur te glaça le sang tandis qu'une main à l'odeur nauséabonde se posa sur ton épaule, la comprimant avec force. Un souffle chaud se répercuta contre ta nuque, imprimant un frisson de dégoût dans tout ton corps, alors que sa voix grasse se mit à glisser au creux de ton oreille.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Tu ne pourras que t'en prendre à ce cher détective... » Grinça-t-il, serrant de toutes ses forces ton épaule amenant une grimace de douleur à ton visage. « Que devrais-je te faire pour qu'il devienne fou ? Qu'il soit si pitoyable ? Qu'il soit rempli de désespoir et de haine ? » Demanda-t-il d'une voix railleuse alors que sa main glissa sur ton bras couvert du kimono que tu devais rendre à la kitsune une fois propre. « Et si je commençais par déchirer tout ça ? »
Ton sang ne fit qu'un tour. Sa prise moins ferme sur ton corps, l'adrénaline courant dans tes veines, tu t'éloignas de lui avec rapidité. Ton poing partit tout seul accompagnée du poids de tout ton corps. Tu te sentis comme flotter devant la scène tandis que trop surprit par ton geste, que tu te sois défait de l'envoûtement, le repris de justice ne put esquiver ton poing s'écrasant sur ton nez. Tu ne perdis pas plus de temps, enchaînant un autre coup s'abattant sous son menton alors qu'il était complètement désorienté, finissant de l'achever d'un crochet contre sa tempe. Son corps tomba dans un bruit sourd sur le sol, tes mains tremblèrent, regardant avec horreur le couteau tomber à ses côtés dans un bruit métallique. 
Que venait-il de se passer ? Qu'avais-tu fait ? Que se passait-il ? 
La panique prenant le dessus, la respiration irrégulière et le cœur tremblant, ton adrénaline retombait violemment devant le tableau sous tes yeux. Ton poing te faisait mal, ta tête te faisait mal, ton corps te faisait mal et tu tremblais de la tête au pied. Où était Heizou ? Il fallait que tu partes et le plus vite possible. Reculant avec précautions, tes jambes menaçant de te lâcher à chacun pas, tes deux mains s'enroulèrent autour de l'anse de ton sac. Ne lâchant pas ton agresseur des yeux, de peur qu'il se relève dès que tu lui tournerais le dos, tu fis des petits pas, un par un, en reculant. Prenant tout doucement, le chemin pour redescendre du sanctuaire complètement vide. 
Ton self-control t'empêchant de t'effondrer, ta volonté faisant le reste, sa silhouette disparu petit à petit de ta vision. Quand il n'apparut plus à l'horion, ni une, ni deux, tu te retournas hâtivement, descendant aussi rapidement que le permettait ton corps de la montagne. Tes jambes tremblèrent, te forçant à t'appuyer contre la roche et tes poumons te firent mal, mais il était enfin là. Tout sourire, ses cheveux bordeaux en désordre, son magnifique regard brillant de vie, il gravissait les marches en face de toi. Aussitôt ses yeux émeraude rencontrèrent les tiens, que tout le stresse noyant ton corps s'évacua comme il put. Tes jambes cédèrent, de chaudes larmes roulèrent le long de tes joues alors qu'en panique, le jeune homme courut pour te soutenir.
─ ­ ­ ­ « [T/P] ! »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Tu es là. » Pleurnichas-tu, la tête nichée contre le haut noir de son déguisement, tes bras entourant son tronc. « J'ai eu si peur. Pourquoi tu n'étais pas là !? J'étais toute seule. » Sanglotas-tu, tremblante dans l'étreinte de ton homme décontenancé, faisant de son mieux pour te rassurer, en te caressant les cheveux, te serrant d'une façon protectrice contre lui. « Il m'a touché. Il a dit que c'était ta faute. Qu'il voulait que tu sois rempli de haine. »
─ ­ ­ ­ « Mon amour... » Murmura-t-il d'une voix douce, son sang bouillonnant dans ses veines. Tu avais besoin de lui, mais dès qu'il en aurait l'occasion, il referait avec plaisir le portrait de cet enfoiré. « Je suis là, maintenant. Il ne pourra plus rien te faire. »
Il n'avait rien eu à dire de plus, son regard émeraude parlant pour lui tandis que de l'une de ses mains, il caressa ta joue, chassant les larmes ruisselantes sur ton visage. Ses yeux ne quittèrent jamais les tiens, assit à même le sol, sous l'un des cerisiers de la montagne, il te laissa chevaucher ses cuisses. Ses lèvres se posèrent tendrement sur les tiennes, chatouillant ta langue de sa chaleur, amenant à votre baiser un goût salé. Tu pouvais faire ce que tu voulais de lui, Heizou restant à tes côtés, chassant tendrement tes larmes, picorant les lèvres, caressant le haut de tes cheveux et accueillant ta tête au creux de son cou. Tes larmes se calmèrent petit à petit, laissant le temps filer avec calme et lenteur, bercés part la brise automnale. La fatigue prit bien vite le dessus sur ton corps, le laissant lourd dans son étreinte chaleureuse.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Mon amour ? » T'appela tendrement le détective, captant ton attention, bien décidé à te changer les idées désormais bien plus calme qu'une demi-heure plutôt. « Je peux te sucer ? »
Son sourire était magnifique, faisant bien évidemment référence à son magnifique costume, devenant un vampire pour la soirée. Il attendait sagement ta réponse, regardant ton visage rempli d'incompréhension, un délice pour le fauteur de troubles. Contrairement au détective, tu étais loin d'avoir remarqué son accoutrement, ses mots ayant un tout autre sens dans ton esprit. De ses émeraudes pétillantes, il te fixait dans la nuit alors que ton côté, tu te sentis rougir de la tête au pied, détournant le visage du sien. À croire que ton rougissement était contagieux, Heizou sentit à son tour ses joues chauffer très légèrement, cachant son visage contre épaule un sourire bien heureux sur les lèvres.
─ ­ ­ ­ « Le sang ! Le SANG ! Je suis déguisé en vampire ! » S'exclama le jeune homme s'empêchant de fondre devant ton expression des plus adorables, bien timide devant lui. « Mais je suis content de voir que tu vas bien mieux pour avoir ce genre d'idées perverses, mon amour. »
Un sourire comblé au visage, légèrement taquin sur les bords, ton amant déposa affectueusement ses lèvres sur ta joue alors que tu criais son prénom en seule réponse. Rouge de honte, tu cachas ton visage au creux de son cou alors que le détective ne put s'empêcher de rigoler à gorge déployée. Il était heureux, heureux que tu ailles bien, heureux d'être arrivé à temps, heureux de t'avoir à ses côtés, et surtout, heureux d'enfin pouvoir t'avoir rien que pour lui en cette fraîche soirée. Sa main caressa le bas de ton dos alors qu'il te regardait avec une tendresse démesurée. Quand enfin tu émergeas, tes lèvres emprisonnèrent les siennes dans un doux baiser, les étoiles veillant sur vous.
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PS : Quand les ninjas du Shuumatsuban passèrent tôt dans la matinée, ils retrouvèrent l'évadé encore évanoui sur le sol. Tout porte à croire que [T/P] cache une sacrée force sous ses airs calmes... 
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His Favorite...
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Carrying a tray into the room, you sat it down on a nearby nightstand and hovered over Kuni’s body. He was stubborn, always trying to sleep in when he knew it would be either Miko dragging him to come fulfill duties with his mother, or the more desirable option, you.
He wants you to come and wake him up in the mornings. He wants to feel your gentle shakes and those fingers fixing his hair so he can wake up and see your face looking down at him. He wants to feel your nails gently scratch his head as you call out to him with that voice of yours he finds himself stopping to listen to. Even if Miko has him in a headlock, he’s not budging til he hears you ask him to do it, with that teasing tone you have as you–
Was that tea being poured? His eyes opened from the sound, he saw you there, hair slightly disheveled as you bent over slightly to pour tea. Your casual attire was draped over a large warm scarf you could honestly use as a weirdly shaped blanket if you wanted too, it was common to see you wear extra layers while in his room though, due to how cold he preferred the temperature. When you heard the shifting of sheets and blankets, you peered over your shoulder, “Hm? Sorry, did I wake you…?”
The young man shook his head. “No… That’s what you’re supposed to do…Though..” He cracked his fingers as he stretched. “Why are you making tea so early, shouldn’t you wait til lunch or…” He dragged on the ‘or’ waiting for you to respond. Though all you did was shake your head, “Not today, Lady Yae told me you could have off today, as she was having problems and needed to see Lord Shogun…” You stood there for a minute with your pointer on your chin, trying to figure out what she may have needed, quickly breaking out of your trance with a thump from the room above you.
Which just so happened to be the Shogun’s room.
Kunikuzushi waved his hand, “Don’t mind that.” His face looked slightly disgusted, he then shook his head and outstretched his arms. “Forget about the tea, come here.” He said in a monotone voice, his fingers stretched outwards as well, showing his desperation for the moment he was so craving. Setting down the tea pot, you smiled and removed the scarf, placing it on a nearby chair as you walked towards him. Once you got close enough, his arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you close to him.
With some scrambling and a minute later, your body straddled his waist, rocking back and forth on it with your thighs on either side. “Is this how you want to spend your day off..?” You asked, laughing slightly as his hands continued caressing your hips. “Everyday is a day off for me if I complain enough.” The man quickly snapped back, looking up at you and that slightly smug smile you had adorning your lips.
You knew you had him wrapped around your finger.
He was always so needy, from that first time he expressed his want and need for you. He looked forward to those kisses in the morning or those small promises you gave him whenever he gave Miko or Raiden a hard time. He was a grown man who threw child-like tantrums, gaining this mentality when Ei set him free, but quickly reeled him back in when she found what had happened in the time he had left her eyes. She pampered and smothered him, not wanting him to feel unloved again, he didn’t care much til Miko introduced you three years ago.
Just like his mother, Kunikuzushi got his own fox envoy to toy with. Though you were oh so much calmer… Just what he needed to directly contradict his personality, now here you were. Door locked and your needy lord with his face stuffed between your chest and he desperately suckled on your skin, trying his best to make marks and claim you as his so everyone else knew to stay away.
The childish puppet couldn’t get enough of how your fingers caressed his cheeks, bringing his pouting lips away from your face. Lowering your own and pressing a soft kiss onto them, peppering his face with them until he suddenly pulled away and lifted up your shirt a bit, biting and nipping on the skin underneath. Surprised squeaks and squeals left your mouth as he started this, though it didn’t surprise you much as you knew he desired to be as close to you as possible.
Pulling back, he wrapped his hands around both of your thighs, looking up into your eyes. “I don’t want you leaving this bed today, it’s my day off anyways, not yours.” That smug smirk crept onto his lips for a moment, it probably lasted longer but you really couldn’t tell since he shifted your body up, core just over his face. He nuzzled his nose right onto it as well, tongue pressing against that wet spot you couldn’t hide no matter what. “Let me have a taste…” His hot breath moistened the area, making your thighs clamp around his face. “Your lord demands it…”
Letting out a breathy sigh, you swallowed, knowing you were going to have to prepare yourself to keep quiet if you didn’t want Miko to give you an earful tomorrow. “Of course, my lord deserves it…” You caressed his hair, “Don’t get carried away, who else is going to wake you up tomorrow?” You caught him off guard with that, his cheeks reddened, of course you couldn’t see that but he still felt it on himself.
His nimble fingers moved your underwear to the side, without any time to waste, his tongue instantly began its attack on your hole. A relieved sigh escaped your lips, making you hunch over as you felt his tongue do as it pleased as you dripped all over it. You heard hums of delight and appreciation, felt them as well as they vibrated throughout your lower half. Body feeling every single movement he made, you let out a small yelp as you felt your legs shake and practically collapse on yourself.
Your hole drove deeper into his mouth, yelping as your hands planted themselves above his head. “So–sorry! I lost my balance–”
Without warning your lips out a number of noises combined into one, feeling how breathy moans climbed out of your throat. His tongue delved deeper into your core, his hands having a tight grip on your thighs, trying to desperately pull you closer and closer. When trying to raise yourself, his fingers climbed, digging themselves into your ass and bringing you down with more force. Your body twitched and swayed with each flick and desperate suck his mouth did to pleasure you.
Was he enjoying this? Most definitely, he was getting everything he wanted on his day off. His bed and a sweet treat for him to enjoy all for himself. By pure accident, you grinded against his tongue, his hips bucked and you knew you were over with for the next hour. “If you’re so desperate just say so…”
His eyes peered up at you for a minute, where he was able to gaze at your flushed cheeks and worn out expression. “Right…” He teased, “You can’t speak for yourself, pathetic..”
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thatdeadaquarius · 6 months
imagine if reader is given an ancient scripture from around the time humanity founded out how to write and do the alphabet (somehow it was preserved so well that you can still see the words with no issue)
and it's the most heart wrenching, soul crushing, tear inducing, hyperventilating, sanity disappearing angst, misunderstandings, hurt/no comfort, it gets worse but never better, major character death, unrequited love story to have ever existed in teyvat.
and after reader goes through the whole thing, they can barely talk or breathe properly with how much they're crying.
(even better, it was smut not angst and reader is staring ar the scripture, jaw dropped to the floor with shaking hands.)
STOP- I avoid fanfics like that at all costs 😭 id stop reading it after the first angsty event LMAO
Im like... too emotionally affected by fanfics, esp angst ones 💀
Its just, ppl who write closer to my generation or just very psychologically honestly, are like fucking deadly writers. Got my day ruined and shit w/just fanfics 😭
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Short! Headcanons-ish
Stars: my first of the Fontians!! Fontainianes? Fontainains?? u get it
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: sobbing, discussion of vague smut/NSFW book at the end, okay for Teen/Mature audiences, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
no but it’d be hilarious if u got this crazy like hand-width deep tablet for each “page” of the book, like how every novel or info in genshin is like one page at a time 😭
Sumeru and other international academics are literally constantly harassing politely requesting your translation of these and sending them to you in whichever country you’re visiting at the moment
Fontaine was even more complex and pretty in real life than it could ever be in game and i can def see you at like Neuvillette’s office or a nice french fontaine cafe and just WHAM
huge ass tablet bc as much as the fic tortures you, you have to know what the fuck happens to these miserable idiots
Neuvillette, Clorinde, and Lynette are all the type to immediately try and dissuade you from reading it again, bc from their point of view you just pull out this huge old rock and start sobbing quietly about 10 mins into the read every time 😭😭
(unsurprisingly, Neuvillette would even go so far as to get the Marechaussee Phantom to sneakily steal ur most recent tablets of the story to hide them, which sucks for you LMAO)
Freminet, Wriothesley, Navia, Lyney, and Furina,all frantically try to distract you, and also theyre in order of who would be the most dramatic w/it lmao
Ur tears absolutely are top priority to Neuvillette and Furina so when they inevitably find the memories in them (and the traveler too maybe)
of what the story is about, except its like all the feelings and stuff, so like its the best “translation” they get of the book so far, u best believe it rains for a week straight
it started out as a light drizzle, but as Neuvillette “read on” in ur tear’s memories if got worse HAHA
mans is out here trying to convince himself like, “this is a classic tragedy from eons ago, its about a human romance, im definitely unaffected, though im glad i could figure out what ails My Majesty so”
meanwhile the story gets worse and its just like that meme “ohHHhhhHH its got a little kiicckkk”
Neuvillette nearly floods the streets by chapter 5 when the miscommunication happens and then they cant get in contact with each other to fix it lmao
ur in fontaine and while yes drinks were popular (like obv fonta)
business is rlly booming bc now everyone you know (like the Vision-users or archons Neuvill, etc) all have develop this habit of having a water bottle or drink on them to offer you when u start reading to rehydrate you 😭😭😭
Navia, Clorinde, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Lyney, Lynette all have a handkerchief on them at all times too 😭😭
Good God-
the moment you translate the now instant Shakespearean-level tragedy classic, it is a known tear-jerker thruout all of Teyvat,
like theres trigger warnings and age limits and shit 💀
on another note,
if its smut,
ur desperately combing thru all the tablets and wall carvings and cave paintings to try and lowkey cover it up LMAO
and its not like a story with a smut scene either, its like what anon said,
just fully like the ao3 tag “Porn What Plot/Porn With Plot”
not u yanking the tablets out of Neuvillette’s hands when he curiously picks them up one time lmao
(he is now invested in getting these translated too bc of ur reaction lol)
consider supporting me with an iced coffee? :0
Spooky Season! Spooky Season!! Spooky Season!!!
still not dead btw
just got hired at my new job so ive been training and busy!! :)
im a host at Olive Garden lol its weird and kinda hard, my feet hurt a lot and i havent had a full shift yet ;-; its a brand new one so it opens the 23rd
dw that eldritch one shot is still coming btw, just talking with betas and editing it now lol
hope if you read this you have a great upcoming weekend!!
Safe Travels Anon,
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cheriecelestial · 3 days
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I Am Going To Live With A God Who Has The Highest Likability..? (oneshot 18+)
好感度MAXな神様と 同棲することになりまして…?
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jhuzen · 11 months
terms of service [m.reader]
what do you mean it’s been a whole week since i said i’d post this? pretty sure today is still tonight. anyway, this is based on this godly ask! this is… extra long. i’m sorry i got carried away 😭 it’s honestly going to be a lot longer if i didn’t cut out some scenarios. jadiksodc.
𖦹 nsfw, top reader, virgin haitham i literally have no idea what else to say.
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“Have you ever even gotten laid?”
Alhaitham’s eyes stopped at the last sentence of another book he’s buried his nose into. The night was quiet — save for the sounds of the burning embers from the campfire as well as the snores of one tiny fairy that laid beside you. The nights are cold in the desert, but it sure was enough to keep him awake. He’s been searching for ways to solve the problem with the suspicious Grand Sage, and you were kind enough to help.
You were revered across all lands apparently — even reaching the isolated Inazuma before the vast Sumeru in the first place. And while Alhaitham has every confidence in his own knowledge and meticulously calculated strategies in solving problems, he wasn’t one to take away credit from you, who protected him and fended off any other Eremites that tried to cut off his plan.
He found you reserved, keeping to yourself while the tiny floating chatterbox spoke for you like she was your advisor. You did find yourself talking to him at times, but most of it was either your agreements in his plans, your little snide remarks when he did something that both you and your flying companion considered as remotely pretentious. And quite frankly, he did not want to expend any form of effort to defend himself. If that’s how he came across to you, then so be it.
However, even with the limited time that he’s known you, he never pegged you for someone this… sheer.
In fact, he never expected it so much that he even did his own version of a double take, looking up at you with eyes that brimmed with curiosity and slight surprise. And yet, there you were, casually polishing your sword so diligently, tongue sticking out in determination with your brows furrowed in concentration.
Like you never asked him such a… question.
The scribe had half a mind to ignore your sudden query — chalk it up into a auditory hallucination and continue on with his reading. But his mind knew better; that if he left it at that, he would be perturbed until the end of his days, and Alhaitham is a practical man, meaning he’d rather get the trouble you suddenly placed on him out of the way than go through such feelings.
Alhaitham narrowed his eyes, were you now planning to pretend like you never asked the question in the first place? He cleared his throat, “You said something. And I think I misheard. Care to repeat?”
Your gaze met his before blinking, “Oh. I was just asking if you’ve even ever gotten laid in the first place,” you laughed while you turned back to your well-groomed sword, continuing to polish it with refined movements. “Sorry, it’s an out of the line question, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” he curtly replied, but even he could not extinguish the sudden curiosity that rose from him. “Though why even ask me that question seeing that you’re fully aware the invasive nature of it in the first place? What spurred this on?”
“Hm? Oh, nothing much, really. It’s just that you’re good looking but you seem to be the type to not… invest your time in those activities.” Alhaitham wonders where all that cutthroat honesty goes every time you go radio silent within the last few days, barely letting out a peep to talk to anyone while Paimon did the talking for you.
Alhaitham scoffed nonetheless. It was such a shallow reason for you to ask that. Surely pure aesthetics is not a prerequisite to have sex. “Is it a requirement to engage in such activities if I am pleasing to look at?”
Your lips turned up in a cheeky smile as you tore your eyes away from your blade, looking up at the stoic scribe with a mischievous mirth glinting through your eyes, “Well. You eat with your eyes too, right?”
A laugh escapes from your system when Alhaitham instantly made a face. He’s not stupid (far from it really, and the entire Akademiya knows) — he knows the preconceived notions to these play of words. He reeled back at the innuendo, partly taken aback. Just what on earth have you been thinking despite your persistent silence to come up with something as crude as that?
He composed himself, eyes averting from yours and looking back down to resume his reading; but his mind was far from the focus he always maintained when occupied with books.
Alhaitham chewed on his bottom lip discreetly before giving an answer he deemed relatively satisfactory, “…I have no interest for such things. And don’t things like these need to have prior connection in the first place? I’d rather not have attachments to someone. It’s far too bothersome.”
“Oh so that’s why,” you hummed, this time your attention fixated in refining your sword handle. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt to experience new things. And I can even help you. No strings attached.” You offered in a light jest, followed by a chuckle after.
It was a joke offer, of course. You of all people knew that when Alhaitham didn’t want something, he will steer clear from it. However, you only found him remotely interesting because he was so bloody shady in the first place. He was supposed to be an honorable scribe, being held at such a high position, and yet he was dubious enough to even make you buy forbidden cans of knowledges, and even with the partnership you’ve got going on now, you’d find yourself unable to sleep so freely without so much as expecting him to suddenly jump on you.
You simply found him interesting. And true to your love language (that your little traveling companion is often the recipient of), you couldn’t help but tease him, a little prying at something as intimate and private as his sex life (which you now knew to be nonexistent). Just a little jest to mess with him for your entertainment. That’s all.
However Alhaitham had much different perception to your lighthearted teasing. You… were offering him something so intimate as sex with no strings attached. While anyone with a right mind could quickly brush it off as a mere joke with no promises — Alhaitham was quick to entertain the thought of doing it with you without having to suffer the consequences of being in a relationship with someone.
No strings attached, huh. He pursed his lips, eyebrows knitting a little as he mulled over what seems to be an option (though there never was as it was only a joke from your end).
The thought enticed him. Of course, he was doing this for academic purposes and to satisfy the now insatiable curiosity that you placed upon him like an irreversible curse with one specific cure.
He stole a glance from where you sat as he recalled the many times you’ve managed to smooth talk your way into certain situations back in Port Ormos. Exuding confidence and sharp wit, along with a charming face that no one can say no to — also with your… beliefs earlier, Alhaitham was quick to deduce that you are a man whose had plenty of experience in sex. You were most definitely the kind to frolic around with anyone that suits your fancy, especially with how easily you offered to help him like it’s a simple favor from a colleague and nothing more.
The silence that engulfed your group (again, subtracting the snores from Paimon) soon broke when Alhaitham decided to go head in for the kill.
There was a sense of satisfaction that flooded his system when you looked up with a confused look on your pretty face.
Alhaitham cooly brushed off the flustering feeling that slowly nestled into the pits of his stomach, his stomach knotting in anticipation at the thought of taking you up on your generous little offer, “I agree to what you’re offering,” he refused to look at you, continuing to read the words that were barely coherent in his mind now, trying to look as composed as possible. “Just to satisfy certain questions from this sort of activity of course.”
You tilted your head at him, cocking an eyebrow, “Right… so you want to have sex?”
He coughed, “For research purposes.”
“If I had a mora for every time I heard that excuse, I wouldn’t worry about Paimon’s endless appetite by now,” you laughed. “But knowing you, you’re probably telling the truth.”
You were met with a silence from the scribe. Make no mistake however, he was stewing in absolute embarrassment — only glad that his headphones were able to cover up his ears that are sure to be burning up a bright red hue.
“…Are we doing it now?”
He sucked in a sharp breath, “Absolutely not. We have a mission, traveler. And doing such a thing outside… is sure to provide a less than stellar experience.”
You huffed out a laugh before stabbing your blade on the ground, “Man, you really are a virgin. And you have no idea how many freaks are out there that can do it outside even in the midst of a thunderstorm.” It was an exaggeration, but the look of mortification that was plastered on Alhaitham’s usually unfazed face was all the more entertaining. “Anyway, if you’re really serious, then who am I to back out? We’ll finish up this mission quick and then you can ring me up any time.”
Alhaitham could only give a strained nod before finally finding the words on his pocketbook a little more understandable as his mind cleared.
The last grueling days was nothing short of eventful, to say the least. You were somehow able to pull off in fighting an all too big of a god’s body with the vengeful puppet inside. You freed Nahida too, kicked Azar off of his position and destroyed the beloved Akasha that the people of Sumeru found themselves completely dependent on. It was like a blur, with you constantly on the run to ensure that every plan works in your favor, though you weren’t one to take away from Cyno and the rest — with their dutiful cooperation.
And now, you were hailed as a hero in Sumeru much like your past adventures in the last three nations, awarded as Buer’s first Sage added in the roster of your many, many titles. You were celebrated around and all you’ve ever wanted was to go inside your beloved teapot and sleep.
And that you did.
The next days were spent in leisure around Sumeru, getting along with anyone in the vicinity, often offered goods for gratitude. Paimon accepted every single food and you soon found yourself in need to build another display bedside table to decorate with trinkets you’ve received. It was relatively normal for you at least.
And the same could be said for Alhaitham. He can finally do his job with little to no inconvenience now that Azar and his corrupted lackeys aren’t around, banished off to the forests to do whatever is needed to compensate for their misgivings. The boring but doable work on a high pay returned and Alhaitham was at peace.
Up until Lesser Lord Kusanali came to his office, and with the tiny pitter patter of her feet against the cold floors of Akademiya, she walked to his desk with an expectant smile plastered on her adorable face.
Suddenly, Alhaitham was the Acting Grand Sage.
Great. More work for a considerably smaller increase in pay. How… productive and worth it.
And perhaps, that’s how you landed yourself in the confines of Alhaitham’s home in the dead of the night — at his request. His roommate was off and a few days prior after suddenly getting dragged into assisting him in catching another unhinged research with far too much talent yet little intent in seeing the bigger picture, he had asked you to come meet him at night. And he made it very clear to you that you come alone.
You were already aware of the Acting Grand Sage’s insinuation at this point. You’ve been through enough worlds and mingled with enough people to know the universal sign that is “come here alone tonight”.
Well, either you get laid, or… you will be laid in a coffin the next day.
Now here you sat, smiling a little as you sipped some water, watching Alhaitham dry off the droplets of water from his hair after a late night shower. You opted to look over some files strewn across the table to entertain yourself, trying to make sense of any of his work. Judging from the complicated nature of said paperwork, you figured he was already raring for some release. Or at the very least, a change of pace in learning something new other than the onslaught of mad researchers from Akademiya causing trouble for him to fix.
“I have some terms,” Alhaitham suddenly voiced out, pulling you out of your trance as you looked at him inquisitively. You nodded, letting him go on. “Nobody gets to hear a word of what will transpire tonight.”
“…I don’t think I even want anyone to know in the first place.”
He nodded before walking back to some shelves, “Also,” he grabbed a book and tossed it on the table, perfectly sliding towards you with the cover face up. “I’ve done some reading just to know what to expect.”
You huffed out a breath, disguising a genuinely amused laughter. Couldn’t your one night stand get any cuter? He wasn’t even trying too. He was so earnest and so serious, it was hard not to devour him right then and there. You placed your glass of water down the table sauntering up to him, grabbing the lecherous book that he apparently used to come into the battle prepared.
Alhaitham’s eyes widened as you wasted no time in closing the gap. His ears effectively reddening in a split second when he could feel your crotch rub up against his from the sheer proximity that you and the scribe had. There was even barely any room to breathe in the first place. His lips quivered a little as he looked to the side, avoiding your piercing gaze.
You tapped the corner of the book’s spine on his lips, while yours turned up in a sly grin, “Cast aside any expectation that this book have taught you, smart guy. I believe there is merit in learning from experience.” You tossed the book back as your lips latched onto the skin of his neck. You took a deep breath, inhaling the pleasant scent of his body wash. You could feel and hear him shiver from just that action alone, spurring you on to be bolder.
Of course Alhaitham knows that experience is a far better teacher than anything else. But how could he learn anything when the experience itself is detrimental to his sanity as he tried to comprehend your ministrations, from the way your hands were quick to attach themselves onto his narrow waist, your lips slowly mapping and conquering every inch of the skin of his neck, abused with bites that left bruises darker than the decorative rugs in his home.
You pulled away and he was left completely red, you leaned back to admire the work you’ve done on his neck and his collarbone, adorned with splotches of red from the abuse of your mouth.
But before Alhaitham could even recover, you went back in, but this time with your lips on his, “Try to keep up, smart guy. Here’s a crash course on how to kiss someone.”
Alhaitham could barely breathe, but even in the sweet suffocation, he tried to keep up with your lips. You made a mess out of him, your mischievous tongue dragging from the inside of his mouth to his lips to wet them. His jaw hurt and he was out of sorts, with drool dripping down to his chin while you sucked on his tongue, your hands under around his chin to keep him in place. He could only grab onto your shoulders, fingers squeezing against your flesh so tight while he closed his eyes shut, his chest heaving from the breathlessness when you refused to let up on him.
It was already dizzying — he knew you were aggressive on the battlefield, but had he known that you would be like this too, a little warning would’ve been nice.
And before he knew it, still with your lips latched onto his, he started to respond to your advances. Miraculously even with his clouded mind with that lusty haze, he was able to learn from your little techniques, kissing back with need and urgency, and you gladly welcomed him, letting him bite your lip as a test, return the favor as he sloppily sucked your tongue off with the charm of an inexperienced kisser.
It was a mess as you and him stumbled over to the his bedroom, with poor Alhaitham barely noticing until his back landed on the soft mattress of his bed. His eyes were glossed over, clearly in a daze as you pulled away, chuckling at the sight of the infamous stoic scribe who normally looks so put together come undone and become a complete mess with just a simple make out session.
You swiped a thumb over his wet lips, dragging it across his cheek and watched in delight when he slowly gained a bit of clarity.
“We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet, ‘Haitham.”
Alhaitham only scoffed, “You kiss so aggressively. A warning would’ve sufficed.”
“Aw c’mon. It’s just a little warmup,” you tugged into the hem of his shirt and he quickly got the hint, helping you take them off. You only watched in fascination as his body came into view. That tight shirt that he always wore doesn’t do his body justice. He was sculpted so perfectly that even you had to pause for a second to take in his beauty.
The scribe wasn’t fond of your ogling however, “…What?”
“Nothing… it’s just…” you couldn’t even resist the way your hands immediately gravitated towards his chest, palms flat against his pecs before steadily moving them to yours, comparing your sizes. “…Wow. You’re bigger than I am.”
“Do I get a trophy for that then?” Alhaitham quipped without missing a beat.
Unfortunately for him, you were quick-witted, cruel, and knew how to show someone a good time. And you gladly indulged his little jest as you bent down, cupping a hand around one chest, thumbing at his hardening nipple while you gave soft kitten licks on his other swollen bud. An electric feeling jolts through Alhaitham’s system and he could feel himself twitch against the restricting fabric of his pants.
You smirked against his skin, teeth grazing his sensitive nipple, making him jolt and grab onto the back of your head. You raised yourself, watching unabashed while Alhaitham tried to cover up his reddening face. Either this situation was embarrassing enough on it’s own or perhaps he was embarrassed that he liked what you did.
“D-Don’t… look at me like that,” came Alhaitham’s weak protest, voice shaking as he tried to avert his gaze.
“Getting all shy now?” You tilted your head, looking at him with so much amusement. You did not have an ounce of regret for offering jokingly in the first place. To see the hardheaded scribe fold like a shy maiden was something you never knew you needed. “Come now, Alhaitham, it’s not something to be ashamed about. Focus up, buddy. You said this is for research.”
“Quit… i— ah~! Quit it—!” He moaned in between hisses as you shifted your position, with one knee pressing up against his erection with much pressure. It was as if the soft spoken yet courageous hero revered across the lands suddenly disappeared — replaced by this mischievous teasing deviant that toyed with him so shamelessly.
“You make it so easy to tease you,” your hands slowly dragged themselves to the waistband of his pants, tugging at the band and snapping it against his skin. “Is this why our scribe— oh, sorry, our Grand Sage has to keep that no nonsense facade? So they won’t know that you’re just an adorable little boy?”
He clutched onto your wrists that threatened to free his cock from its constraint, “It’s Acting Grand Sage… and it’s not a facade— are you always this chatty when having sex with someone?”
“I’m just trying to get to know you,” you flashed him a grin and his grip on you slowly loosened, a wordless green light to finally see all of him. You obliged his little permission, tugging down his pants and stripping them off of him with little effort. Alhaitham made a subconscious effort of trying to shield himself from your prying eyes — never had he felt this vulnerable before, he could feel his entire body heat up just from the way you looked at him.
Meanwhile you were admiring every groove and curve that sculpted itself into this man’s body. You would most definitely be the envy of the entire Sumeru City had they known that you were the first man to have ever seen Alhaitham this way. Suddenly, the Acting Grand Sage’s term of not wanting anyone else to know about this engagement seemed so tempting to break.
You positioned yourself in between his legs, keeping them apart when Alhaitham so much as tried to close his legs on instinct, you cupped a hand around the base of his cock and relished in the tiny little yelp that left Alhaitham’s mouth, his back arching up in surprise.
“Already so hard, you truly are enjoying this,” you taunt, as if you weren’t feeling the same uncomfortable feeling in your tightening pants. With one hand, you dug into the pocket of your trousers, bringing out a packet of slime condensate and tearing it open, squeezing a handful on your fingers. “I think you know what this is for.”
Alhaitham only nodded, suddenly meek as the insinuation made its presence known. He read a lot for the sake of satiating the gnawing anticipation within him the moment he agreed with your little offer. Alhaitham, after all, never did nurture the bad habit of coming into a situation completely clueless and in the dark. But there was something far more dizzying at the feeling of your touches that could make him feverish, overtaking his senses like a fever dream that he could feel the whole way.
He shivered as your fingers pressed against his rim, drenched in cold lubrication. He lifted his hips out of instinct, his body slowly being compliant to your actions, readily following your bold lead. You took note of his actions, watching the way his chest heaved up in a frantic pace, clearly overwhelmed in anticipation.
“Try to relax,” you ought to soothe his anxieties. Sex isn’t something to be afraid of, after all. It’s meant to be enjoyed by the parties involved. He only nodded, a little strained but it was enough.
An uncharacteristic wail leaves Alhaitham’s mouth as you plunged two fingers inside him. He was warm, his walls already clenching around your digits that were barely even halfway inside. He shifted, hips wriggling at the discomfort. You distracted him from the sensation and slowly worked your other hand around his erection, pumping at a gentle pace.
Alhaitham felt breathless, the haze in his mind continuing to muddle any form of coherent thought that he tried to make. He whimpered quietly as the embarrassment slowly flooded in. He could barely gather himself as you’re jerking him off while fucking him with your fingers, any sense of awareness leaving him bit by bit, replaced with the unencumbered lust that you were holding over him with your ministrations.
“Feels good?” Your words barely registered in his usually sharp mind. He nodded frantically, hands clutching the sheets underneath him. It felt all too good, with your precise hands, from the way you prod around his gummy walls to how you teasingly thumb at the slit of his cockhead, it was an overwhelming pleasure that Alhaitham was suddenly being exposed to.
You weren’t any better. Who knew Alhaitham could look so erotic, his body almost close into going in an autopilot as he responded to your touch with little to no shame. The whimpers and cries that echoed in the room were music to your ears, a blessing to indulge yourself in.
It was hard to hold yourself back from just fucking him into oblivion, and your sentiments wee shared as another cry left Alhaitham.
“M-More~” he whined, completely insatiable as he yearned for something bigger. Your fingers weren’t enough. He needs to feel full, something that could stretch him out until he could barely think. He opened his eyes, bleary with lust and carnal need in comparison to yours that were gleaming with concentration and hunger. “M-More please~” he parroted, unable to find any more words to beg you.
You could feel any form of restraint leaving you as his pleading reached you, already shooting straight down to your dick that twitched in anticipation and raw excitement. You immediately pulled your fingers away, shivering at the moan that you drew out of the man underneath you. Your hands quickly worked to free your own cock, hard and throbbing as it slapped against your stomach. There was a sense of satisfaction that washed over you at the way Alhaitham’s eyes grew wide when he saw you, like a cold water drenching him and pulling him back down to reality.
“Is… that even going to fit?” Alhaitham’s sudden reluctance was all the more endearing, making you laugh.
“I prepared you, didn’t I? But hey, the confidence solely lies on you. If you think you can’t handle it, best we quit ahead.”
He swallowed a lump down his throat before looking at you with a much more determined gaze, “I— N-No… I need to see it through.”
“You can hold my hand if you want,” you offered, lending out your own hand. Normally, Alhaitham would swat it away but did otherwise as he held yours, feeling feverish all of a sudden at the intimacy.
He could feel himself shrink as you positioned yourself in between his legs, towering over him with a reassuring smile. His thighs quivered around you while you lined yourself up in his entrance. He shuddered as your cockhead slowly rubbed up against his entrance, making him writhe in anticipation. Alhaitham met your gaze, suddenly considerate in contrast to your teasing self earlier.
“Don’t think too much of it,” you reassured him one last time. “Just ride out everything that you’re feeling.” You said and he nodded, soaking up every word of yours as he took a deep breath.
Alhaitham jolts at the sudden intrusive feeling once you ease yourself inside him inch by inch. He was quick to clench around your cock and you stopped, heaving a shaky sigh as the feeling of his warm walls around you bring you complete and utter bliss.
“Fuck… so tight, ‘Haitham,” you breathed out, a pleased hiss from your lips with every pulsating clench his walls made around your cock.
The scribe could barely process the feeling as he slowly took you in, his hole squeezing your length while you continued to push inside until you’re buried to the hilt. His hand squeezed around yours tightly as he tried to take in your words earlier and ride out any form of sensation that racked through his body. He could already feel the numbing pleasure rake in his system as the overwhelming sensation continued to eat away at his sensibilities.
You stilled yourself as you watched every expression Alhaitham’s pretty face contorted into. You only swept away his fringe away from his forehead that’s already dotted with beads of sweat and continued to observe him. You’ve never been this considerate when it comes to fucking someone, but given the fact that Alhaitham was just far too adorable, you made a conscious effort to be more gentle in his first time.
It didn’t take long before Alhaitham slowly rolled his hips, in terrible need for some more friction, “Y-You can move…” he stammered, still with his hand clutching onto yours so tightly.
You grinned a little before drawing your hips back and giving a testing thrust, pushing out a choked moan from the scribe, to which you greedily indulged in. Leaning in, you only gave a quick kiss on the shell of his ear before whispering;
“Don’t fall in love now.”
Alhaitham merely scoffed at your little taunt.
As if he would.
Miscalculations are rare in Alhaitham’s lifetime. Often times he’s mapped out every single action to consider to ensure a smooth sailing plan that he has to execute. Failure was a rare occurrence in the scribe— sorry, the Acting Grand Sage’s roster. He has yet to achieve a failure so spectacular that it puts his roommate to shame.
However, the way his eyes lingered on your form while you went about your day while you extended your stay in Sumeru was quick to tell him that the very idea of a miscalculation may not be so far-fetched in the first place.
And he absolutely loathed it.
It had been days since his… little research that you aided him in. Days since he felt the wonderful bliss of the mind numbing pleasure that only left his mind completely broken and incoherent. Days since he could feel the way your hands roamed around with such preciseness that every touch you left on him left him completely breathless. It had been days.
So then why? Why does he feel the same exhilaration whenever you were in the vicinity?
Why could he not push the thoughts of that night in the back of his mind? It was a skill he mastered that procured his unbothered persona. But the memories persisted like a parasite, latching onto his poor mind as it replayed the same night over and over again;
“H-Hah~! T-Too much already—!” Poor Alhaitham slurred, words barely able to convey while he held onto your hand for dear life, his eyes rolling at the back of his head while you pounded into him without an ounce of mercy. The bed creaked so violently under your movements, and his body shook in overstimulation.
“Just a little more, baby boy, one more, yeah?” You licked your lips hungrily, a predatory gaze flashing through your eyes as you devoured your prey.
Alhaitham winced as he slowly arched his back, suddenly feeling restless in his usual seat outside of Puspa café. Of all places, why couldn’t you have decided to chat with the nearby vendors. Where he can hear you and bury his mind into a delusion of bliss after hearing those sinful sounds from you when you bedded him that night. It was torture.
It was like a siren’s call, beckoning for him to give into his temptation. Except it was an excruciating thing to experience, drowning in that voice of yours that he could no longer hear normally.
“Oh! Isn’t that Alhaitham there?” He had to hide another grimace as the familiar shrill voice of your traveling companion echoed.
“So it is, let’s go say hi,” you smiled while you walked over to him, inviting yourself in without an ounce of embarrassment, like you didn’t make a mess out of him that particular night. “Been awhile.”
He could only stiffly nod before turning back to his book, “Mhm.”
“Yeesh! You’re just as cold as always! Hmph! Well, whatever. Paimon is going to get some food for herself.”
And just like that, there was silence in both of your company.
“Hey, you look really tense,” you frowned in concern and Alhaitham only continued to read into his book with an absent concentration that only served him to read the first lines of the paragraph over and over again. “I didn’t scare you now, did I?”
Alhaitham shuddered as the feeling of your touch slowly took over when your hands grazed by his shoulder in an attempt to console him. And the hauntingly addicting touches of yours continued to resurface in his mind.
A wanton squeal escapes Alhaitham as your fingers dug deep into the skin of his waist. He had little to no escape with the way you held him, hands completely sinking into his supple flesh to keep him in place. There was a rush of excitement that flooded Alhaitham’s system when you took hold of him in such a manner — possessive and almost desperate.
His already spent dick twitched at the notion, the very idea of you being all over him and wanting no one else but him. He wanted you to feel the same feeling that slowly poisoned his thoughts — that you would enjoy him just as much as he was enjoying you being so deep inside him.
He panted, short huffs leaving his wet lips that you vigorously licked, kissed, and bit until the both of you could taste his blood. He was a mess, from the marks on his collar down to the way even your fingertips made their bruising mark when you manhandled him.
Suddenly those touches burned through his skin, like you left them there just seconds ago. He was slowly feeling feverish. He could still remember which parts of him you touched, the way the uncomfortable feeling of your grip pressing against his soft skin was enough to get him on a state of frenzy.
You were far too intoxicating.
And without even an ounce of warning, he was suddenly met with your skeptic expression, clear as a day as you drew yourself nearer to his side, with your face a mere inch away from his. He could feel your even breathing, and could see those heavenly eyes of yours that peered through your thick lashes as you continued to put him on the spot with your own form of scrutiny.
“Tell me the truth, I didn’t scare you away from what happened nights ago, did I?”
He resisted the urge to swallow thickly — you may not be as smart as he is, but you were perceptive, already proven by the mere fact that you were quick to guess that his strange actions towards you did indeed stem from that amorous engagement you and him explored. Unable to focus on your minuscule concern, his gaze drifted down to your lips that formed into a frown, with your bottom lip jutting out a little in a very subtle pout.
Those lips. That mouth that often spoke of every proclamation and promise to aid whoever was in need of help, no matter how annoyingly minuscule the requests are.
His ears burned under his noise-cancelling headphones, finding himself completely unable to shut out the loud thrumming of his heart against his chest.
Who would’ve thought that mouth of yours were just as capable of delving into something incredibly lewd — that mouth that spoke valor suddenly speaking in the most flustering taunts that drove him over the edge.
Sobs spilled out from Alhaitham’s quivering lips, tears already flooding his ducts while you rutted into him like a dog in heat. The desperation in your thrusts were pushing up against his nearing release as your cock continued to abuse his prostate.
The overwhelming pleasure didn’t help as you busied yourself on his chest. You couldn’t leave it alone, your mouth already latching onto one of his sensitive and perky buds. Your tongue swirled against his swollen nipple and tore out another loud moan from the scribe. He was helpless against your ministrations. He could feel his stomach stir despite the fact that he was so sure he couldn’t cum anymore.
His hand shakily raked through the back of your head, biting his lip to keep himself composed.
You swiped your tongue against his nipple, looking up at him with a devious smirk, “Are you sure nothing’s coming out of these?”
“‘M… not a woman—” he protests in a weak voice, raspy from all the screams you drew out of him from coaxing orgasm after orgasm from him. “S-Stop saying that…”
“Getting embarrassed again?” You grinned, drawing your hips before snapping back into him, making him whine from the raw pleasure. “Aren’t you just the cutest~”
He isn’t. He’s far from such a description. Alhaitham knows that well. He was the intimidating figure of Akademiya, with his unbothered stoicism that could leave anyone scampering without the intention of screwing him over in the first place. But he hates how you’ve rendered him completely useless with just your words and subtle touches that quickly disarmed his guard that he put up several times already.
He loathes the mere fact that he couldn’t get you out of his head. Surely not all people that go through one night stands invoke such feelings of warm fondness towards someone they aren’t meant to be attached to. He’s not supposed to feel flustered just at the mere sight of you. He’s not supposed to feel vulnerable with your smiles. And he’s not supposed to feel the tempting submission with every touch you left on his body.
Alhaitham was quick to push your face away before running a hand through his own with a begrudging sigh, “…I am currently undergoing through a crisis. Please let me acquire some space for a good few minutes.”
He hates your dichotomy — from your ridiculously odious attitude when you fucked him, to your sudden gentleness when you were done and even the subsequent days after that.
You nodded in understanding (something he’d grown to fondly hate as well) with a patient smile, “Of course. How ‘bout I go get us some baklava? My treat.”
Your offer was oddly reminiscent of your aftercare too.
“Hope you can forgive the roughness. It’s your first time too,” he paid no heed to your apology. In fact, you’ve nothing to apologize for when you’ve granted him such a good fuck for his first time. He only relished in the feeling of your ghostly kisses against the bruises you made on him. “I’ll go get you some water. Need anything else?”
He was already dozing off by then.
He waved you off, more than eager to get you out of the way as the realizations slowly linked themselves in his constantly running mind.
Alhaitham dragged a hand over his face, repressing the urge to groan when he remembered your little taunt before this all happened.
“Don’t fall in love now.”
And damn it did he fall hard.
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