#genuinely i need to be studied bc why am i smiling at this thought
cashmoneyyysstuff · 14 hours
just a thought !! but what do u think ‘suki would do if he accidentally hurt reader ? like an elbow to the nose or smth , bc i kid u not that happened with my bf today and he would not leave until i told him i was fine 😭 js thought that katsu wld be an internal emotion wreck ??!
wait i love this omg😭😭tysm for the ask anon this is so cute, your boyfriend sounds like a sweetheart !
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your nose stings.
you don’t really know how it happened, but you ended up getting decked in the nose by your boyfriend. accidentally, of course, said boyfriend would rip his own nails of before even thinking of hurting you. however, said boyfriend was also built out of fucking marble.
so it wouldn’t be surprising to say your nose hurt like a bitch.
“ow, ow, ow !” you whine, katsuki channels through confusion, realization and utter fear in about a millisecond. his hands smack against your face.
“holy—shit ! what the fuck’re y’doin’ ?!” his eyes scan all over your face like he’d shot you, and it honestly almost felt like he did. his hands grip at your cheeks. you wince when he presses his thumb to your nose. “ow—i was jus’ g’nna surprise you—ouch, katsuki !”
you pull your face out of his grip but he pulls you back, “stop squirmin’ an’ let me see.” he mumbles quietly, eyebrows furrowed hard. in focus or anger or worry but probably a mix of all three if you knew anything about him.
“holy fuck, why were you sneakin’ around like that, dummy..” you want to roll your eyes about him still trying to scold you, but the tone of his voice is different then when he usually does. he does sound genuinely worried so you want to reassure him.
“i was just trying to say hello.” you reiterate. “suki, i’m fine. it’s already starting to hurt less.” he ignores you and continues to inspect your face.
“nothin’ broken..” he mumbles to himself, thumbing at your nose a bit softer this time. you manage a snort.
“of course not, jesus, katsuki—”
“you’re okay, yeah ?”
“yes !” you giggle, gripping at his wrists. he pouts, studying your face. “it’s already starting to hurt less.”
he frowns even harder “i elbowed the shit outta you.”
“by accident.” you correct, “katsuki, it’s fine.”
“..you’re sure.”
“i’m sure.” you nod, smiling at him to reinforce your point. he squints, then sighs loudly. leaning in to kiss the bridge of your nose, copying the get better kisses you jokingly give him that he always scoffs at but insist you give him without fault. it hurts a bit, but you feel giddy anyway, your smile grows wider.
“don’t sneak up on me like that again, dummy.” he insists “i mean it.”
you cross your fingers together “promise.” you hum, he scoffs, you don’t think he can muster up a roll of his eyes right now since he can’t seem to be able of taking them away from you. he runs his thumb over your forehead.
“if it starts hurting or something, you tell me.”
“katsuki !” you groan, laughing. katsuki doesn’t look amused. not at all.
he growls “oi, i mean it.”
“i got it, i told you i am fine. you’re okay.” it seems that was the reassurance he needed. that you weren’t mad at him to boot. he exhales, shoulders dropping the slightest bit.
“…...you’re positive ?”
“katsuki, i swear to god—”
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eenochian · 1 year
Okay, this but with Makarov and it’s objectively more fucked up
I know myself well enough to know that I’d end up in the same situation 😭 “Watch me fall in love with a Russian man in a gulag” would be my video
Honestly a penpal situation sounds so interesting— but like. Exactly as you said. Make it more fucked up. Makarov escapes the gulag and comes to find you, reader has to deal with their “sweet” penpal suddenly showing up at their door. Reader never knew about the full extent of his crimes, just that he was spending life behind bars, and only finds out how “bad” he is after he escapes. Or, Reader jokes about getting married (“we talk so much, we might as well be married” y’know smth like that) and Makarov takes it literally.
I’m not saying I’d write/read that so quickly but if he broke out for Reader, and we got some obsessive Makarov… I’d fold 🫣
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mysticgalsworld · 9 days
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a timeless encounter
a/n: this is my first Leopold Mountbatten fic you guys !! i’m rlly excited but disappointed bc i haven’t seen a lot of fics under this tag :( im sad cause he’s my dream man and i NEED more of him (that’s why i made this 😋) anyways lovelies, as always i take requests but lemme know what you think💕
summary: as the owner of a small cafe in New York that you hate, you don’t expect anybody to change your mind. But the strange-dressed man who wonders into the cafe one day may change your mind…
warnings: Leopold Mountbatten x f! reader, southern! reader, not spellchecked
The line in the cafe is piled up. When you hear the bell ding tediously, announcing another customer, you almost groan. You keep your head positioned on the lady in front of you, half listening as she drones on about what she got last time.
You continue conversing, almost forgetting about the person who just walked in, when an accented voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Good day. I am Sir Leopold Mountbatten. How do you do?”
Your head turns to the side as you look to him. Surprised that he has walked to the front of the line, skipping about 10 waiting people, you almost scoff.
When you glance at him more closely and notice the strange clothes he’s wearing, your eyebrows crease. When he introduces himself and asks you, how do you do?, confusion rises to your face.
Keeping a calm, but confused face, you go to respond. “I’m sorry sir, there is a very long line of people waiting. Do you mind going to the back and waiting your turn?”
Leopold looks around, realizing the error he made. He turns back towards you with a sheepish expression on his face. "I apologize, I was not paying due attention."
He glances around, noticing the queue of people waiting. "It appears there are quite a few individuals waiting in line. I shall take my place at the end of the line. Do forgive my oversight."
You nod your head in confusion, agreeing to whatever he’s saying so he listens to you. You watch as he retreats to the back of the line. Shall? Do forgive? You think in your head as you question his strange choice of language. It’s nothing like the people in New York. You were lucky if you even got a thank you, which is nothing like the south, where you were raised.
Meanwhile you continue helping the female customer who’s still gabbing on about what drink she got from the menu last time. Still your mind wonders to the strange man who walked through the cafe doors.
Leopold patiently waits in line, studying the establishment with a mixture of curiosity and wonder, taking in the scents of hot drinks, the lone woman behind the counter.
As he waits, he can’t help but wonder what you think of him, your confusion evident in your expression. He glances at you every now and then, waiting for his turn to approach the counter.
Nodding as the woman finally decides what she wants, you move to take the next customer’s order. You continue this until the line dwindles down, the next person in line being the strange man.
Putting a small smile on your face, you’re sure he can read that it’s not entirely genuine due to your stressed and frazzled appearance.
“Hey sir, what can I get for you today?”
The strange man—Leopold was his name, right?—glances at you with a kind smile. “Good day. I shall have a cup of your finest black tea please, if you would be so kind.”
He glances across the counter to you, taking in your stressed appearance, his expression betraying a hint of concern.
You nod and jot down the order on your frayed notebook before telling him the total. He reaches into his pocket, retrieving a few coins to pay for the tea.
Looking up to him, your mind is baffled with curiosity and wonder. He notices your confusion and gives you a small questioning smile. Your mouth moves before your brain can tell it to stop.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”
His eyebrows furrow in surprise before he clears his throat gently. “Indeed, I travel from afar. I hail from the city of Albany originally... Why do you ask?"
Your eyebrows raise in surprise as you turn around to prepare the tea on the counter behind you. Glancing over your shoulder absentmindedly but still curious, you respond.
“The clothes. Oh and the accent. But you do know Albany’s the capital of New York? So that wouldn’t make you a traveler from ‘afar’… Or British.”
Leopold chuckles at your abruptness, amused by your observation. You zone in on his face, the small crinkle of crows feet in the corners of his eyes as he smiles widely. "Ah yes, my attire. I am quite well aware of Albany's status as the capital of New York. I was referring to the era I originate from. I hail from the year...”
He pauses, a little uncomfortable as the next words come out of his mouth. You urge him on silently, turning from preparing the tea to instead lean against the counter.
He continues with a slight gulp, “—1876. That is what I meant by saying I am not from around here."
Your body pauses as you lean against the counter. Hoping to not show a reaction, you go back to the forgotten tea, starting to pour it. Your mind is reeling, wondering if he’s being truthful or if he’s just a strange crackhead that managed to wander in.
Blinking a couple times, you place the pot down once you are finished pouring and turn to him incredulously. “1876. You’re from 1876.”
Leopold stands straighter at this, wanting to see your reaction and more importantly wanting to see if you’ll believe him. He tries to put on an easy smile, boarderline smirk to suppress his nerves. “Indeed, I am. I assume you do not believe me, my lady?”
Blinking rapidly, you turn back around to grab the ceramic teacup from the other counter. Grabbing it and placing it in front of him, your voice almost wobbles as you place your hands on your hips.
“You’re not goin’ through some sort of psychosis or somethin’, right? Or you’re not like a really good street performer in character?”
Leopold takes the mug daintily from the counter, lifting it to his lips and taking a sip as he nods. He hums as he takes his first sip of the tea, almost distracted by how good it is. “No, my lady. I assure you I am neither a person dealing with mental illness nor a skillful street performer. I am very much real, and am not pretending in the slightest. I can provide you with further proof if you require it.”
A teasing scoff comes out of your mouth before you can stop it. A small smile appears on your face as you cross your arms. “I don’t need your whole life story, hon. I just met you.”
Leopold nods a little, the tips of ears ears almost reddening as he almost doesn’t catch your teasing tone. When it registers, he can almost scoff at your comment, but can’t help himself from smiling at your wit.
You glance down at the glass counter, an idea popping in your head before you can stop it. Before your brain can tell your body to stop, you bend down and grab a blueberry muffin. Placing it on a small plate, you hand it to him with a soft smile. “Well I’ve always wanted a man from the 19th century to try my desserts. On the house.”
He accepts the blueberry muffin with a gracious nod. “I appreciate your generosity, my lady. However, I must insist you allow me to pay for it. It doesn’t seem right, accepting something ‘on the house.’”
You shake your head, biting your lip to hold back a giggle. Smiling widely at him, you lean back on the counter. “Please just take the muffin and sit down…”
Leopold takes his muffin, tea, and your instruction to sit down, and finds an empty table in a quiet corner of the cafe. He sits down, taking a moment to examine the surroundings, his eyes landing on you, busy at work at the counter.
Looking down at the muffin, Leopold’s stomach grumbles in response to the delicious scent wafting up to him. He takes a small bite, the sweetness of the blueberry muffin filling his mouth. He lets out a satisfied hum, savoring the taste.
Now wiping down the counters, you watch the customers eat peacefully as the full cafe comes to a lull. You turn to restock inventory and leisurely take customer orders, almost forgetting the strange man supposedly from 1876.
Glancing down at the wall clock that’s nudged in the cozy wall of the cafe, you sigh knowing that you need to clean this entire place before you can go home. While you know working at the cafe may be a dream for some people, you are too busy with the hope for something better.
Owning this cafe was just a enclosed way for your late father to trap you. After he passed, he left it to you instead of your mother. Since they had been divorced for a while it made sense, but it was his last wish to spite her. Now this place is just a constant reminder of the crippling debt, unpaid loans, and quitting employees he left.
Taking out your troubles on the counters as you go back to wiping, you barely notice a pair of eyes on you. Leopold watched you as you work, observing your routine in the cafe. The slight tick of his pocket watch indicates that it's getting late. He takes another sip of his tea, watching as the last few customers start to trickle out of the cafe. Once they're gone, he steps back up to the counter.
"Excuse me, my lady. You'll be closed soon, yes?"
Emerging from around the counter, you pass him and walk to the space filled with tables. You move gracefully, picking up empty dishes and cups that people have left. Leopold walks behind you, watching as you gather the dishes.
His mind urges him to take the dishes from your hands, anything to help make it easier for you. He stills, patiently waiting for his answer while holding his hands out to assist you. Absentmindedly you nod, not noticing his outstretched hands.
“Yep, in about 20 minutes.”
He nods, clearing his throat gently. His eyebrow raises curiously before answering. “I see. And you’ll be closing up and cleaning by yourself? Where is your waitstaff?” You sigh, your chest rising and falling with exhaustion before answering with a teasing lift.
“No waitstaff, I own it. Currently taking applications though if your friends from the 19th century wanna help out…”
A small smile played on Leopold’s lips at your comment as he let out a small chuckle. Your eyes lift to his, listening to the deep rumble of his chuckle. Through his small laugh he responds, “I doubt any of my acquaintances from the 19th century would be able to assist even if they wanted to. Their knowledge certainly won't be up to standard here."
You nod with a small smile on your own lips, noticing as the plates start to get heavier in your arms. You adjust them, wanting to continue your easy conversation with Leopold, but he easily notices your discomfort. He steps closer, his arms outstretched.
"Might I offer my assistance, my lady?"
Your arms, filled to the brim with dishes, quake. Before you even nod your head, he moves to take the dishes from your hands. The huge pile of dishes seem almost small in his huge hands. You have to stop yourself from gawking down at them, instead moving to a small closed door that leads to the kitchen.
Turning slightly to the man with a smile, you try to open the small doorway wide so he can get in easily. The door sticks, giving you a hard time as you try to open it. You speak over your shoulder to him, half embarrassed and half frustrated.
“Thank you so much—I’m sorry, this ole thing gets stuck all the time and it’s annoying when you carrying a load’a dishes.”
Leopold just nods, a patient smile on his face as he waits. You open the door with a harsh pull as you open it enough for him to pass. He looks to you with a question and you guide him to the sink where the dishes go. After he sets down the dishes, his eyes remain on you, an earnest and determined expression on his face.
"Is there anything else I can assist with? I am at your disposal, my lady."
You almost flush at his words, used to honey, ma’am, and even sugar from your hometown, but my lady seeming completely different. Wiping your hands on your worn apron, you shake your head with a smile.
“My lady, huh? You sure do know how to make a lady feel special… But no, I got it. You should be focusin’ on how to get back to the 19th century. Seems a more pressin’ situation to get back to where you’re from..”
Leopold grins at your response, standing with his hands clasped behind his back as he listens to you. He question softly, his eyes fixed on you.
“Perhaps it is a pressing matter to get back to one’s home, but what about yourself? Earlier this evening, you asked about my own accent, but now I am wondering about yours.”
Turning away from him, you go to the large sink. You turn on the water, starting to wash the dishes, not noticing Leopold coming beside you. You stare down at the dishes as you respond, “I’m from Georgia.”
He nods, humming with sincerity. He goes to open his mouth to ask another question, but you turn to him, holding up a soapy hand to stop him. “Y’know you don’t have to stay here, I can’t pay you. You should be goin’ on your way.”
He shakes his head with a neutral smile on his face. He stands with his hands clasped behind his back as he leans forward towards you. “Perhaps. However, I simply cannot leave you to close and clean the cafe by yourself. It wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me.”
You wipe your hands on your apron and they find their way to your hips. Your southern accent slips out heavily, frustration evident. “I assure you, I’m fine. You should be goin’ on your way Mr...” You pause, hoping for him to repeat his name.
“—Sir Leopold Mountbatten.” Leopold raises an eyebrow at your stubborn insistence, amused by your southern character. He continues, his voice lifting with a smile.
“And I have no doubt you can handle closing up on your own, my lady. But that does not mean you should have to.” He pushes off the doorframe, taking a step closer to you.
"Please, allow me to help. I cannot leave knowing you'll be here for the next few hours, finishing up all by yourself."
You almost smile at his insistence, but push it down. You walk past him towards the heavy, brown door which leads to the main entrance. You open the door with a grunt and hold it open for him. With a small smile, you place your hands on your hips. The twang comes out of your voice when you speak softly to him.
“Well, yes you can and you will. Thanks for the offer, hon…” Leopold looks at you with a mixture of disappointment and acceptance in his eyes. He nods, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"Very well, my lady. If you're certain you don't need any aid, I shall take my leave then."
He takes an unnecessary large step in your direction before pausing in front of you, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment. Without a word, he lowers himself into a deep bow, his eyes never leaving your face.
"Farewell, my lady."
Your eyes narrow with confusion as he bows, but you nod and laugh softly in response. “Bye-bye Leopold…”
You watch as he hesitantly walks through the door to the main entrance. He turns back to you with doe eyes, giving you another opportunity for you to accept his offer, then leaves when you shake your head with a smile.
Leopold gives a final wave before stepping outside, the heavy cafe door closing slowly behind him. He pauses for a moment outside, gazing at your silhouette through the glass, a hint of reluctance in his eyes.
With a resigned sigh, he forces himself to turn away from the cafe, his footsteps heavy as he starts walking down the sidewalk. He mentally scolds himself for his impulsiveness and foolishness.
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While you clean, you think of the strange man. You wish you accepted his offer. Or his telegram number.. you laugh to yourself at your stupid joke as you continue to scrub the counters.
Hours later, you finally finish. Grabbing your purse, you go to your house, and fall into a deep sleep. Filled with dreams of the 19th century and a man who is almost 150 + years older than me, you sleep more peacefully than you ever had before.
For Leopold, as the evening descends on the city, he finds himself unable to sleep. His mind is consumed with thoughts of the lady from the cafe. He tosses and turns in his bed, the events of the day replaying in his mind over and over again.
He wonders what she is doing at the moment. Is she asleep in her bed? Is she also lying awake, thinking about him? The questions plague his mind as he continues to lie in bed, struggling to find rest.
With a frustrated sigh, Leopold finally sits up in his bed. He throws the covers off and gets up, pacing restlessly in his room. The clock ticks loudly in the background, mocking his insomnia. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to ignore the thoughts of the lady that seem to be etched in his mind.
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As the next day approaches, you continue your routine. You get out of bed, your feet cold against the unwelcoming tile of your small apartment. As you walk towards the kitchen, you continue your morning routine; making breakfast, showering, changing, and leaving.
When you finally make your way to the cafe, your anxious and somewhat excited. Secretly, you hope the mysterious man from the past comes back.
As the sun slowly rises, Leopold has still not gotten any sleep. He spent the rest of the night pacing in his room, his thoughts consumed by you. Eventually, he gave up on sleep, seeing as he wouldn't be able to get any.
While he goes about his day, his thoughts still drift back to you. He finds himself missing the warmth and homeliness of the cafe. He knows that he shouldn't, but he can't help it. He decides to pay the cafe another visit, hoping to see you again.
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a/n: hey you guys, lemme know what you think pls !! i love Leopold so much so i am so excited to write more (he is my Mr. Darcy) also don’t forget i take requests.. anyways lemme know if u want a pt. 2 💕
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goldfades · 7 months
another jump then fall au thought. adam going on a long roadie (ie west coast teams) after being home with his injury. poor paloma is literally inconsolable bc her dad was just home and all of a sudden he's just gone for like a week and shes still to young to understand. and poor cece doesn't know what to do because no matter how much she tries the first couple days she wont stop crying :(
oh my god, YES!!! and cece just doesn't know what to do and is freaking out bc paloma has never given her a hard time until then
─ warnings mentions of overall exhaustion, babies crying (who would have guessed), and adam being a sweetie AND SOME CECE/ADAM FLUFF????!???!
─ wc 805
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Cece's head pounded as Paloma's cries rang throughout the apartment, her body sore and exhausted. She couldn't even hear her own thoughts at this point, Paloma was inconsolable. Adam had stayed home for the last couple of weeks because of his injury and Paloma had gotten so used to it but now that he's gone again, Paloma was devastated.
Cece tried every trick in the book to soothe her. She rocked Paloma gently, sang lullabies and even tried to distract her with her favorite stuffed animal, but nothing seemed to work. Paloma's face was streaked with tears, her tiny fists clenched in frustration.
She felt like she had failed Paloma and Adam, she thought that she could soothe Paloma even in the worst cases but she was quickly proven wrong. She tried everything and yet Paloma's cries only seemed to worsen. Cece's heart ached with a sense of helplessness as she watched the baby she had grown to love suffer in distress.
With a heavy sigh, Cece gently scooped Paloma into her arms, cradling her close. She whispered soothing words, trying to calm both herself and the inconsolable baby. As she paced the apartment, Cece's mind raced with worry and doubt. She questioned her abilities as a nanny, feeling the weight of responsibility bearing down on her shoulders.
As the night wore on, Paloma's cries slowly subsided, replaced by the rhythm of her breathing as she drifted off to sleep. Cece watched over her with a sense of relief, despite the aching she felt in her head. Cece held Paloma on her chest as she fell asleep, not wanting to risk waking her up and starting the whole thing again.
"I'm sorry she's been giving you a hard time." Adam's voice rang through the speaker of her phone, echoing in the bathroom. The phone leaned on her water bottle as Cece put on her make-up as Adam talked to her through FaceTime.
Cece gave Adam a tired smile. "No worries, it's all part of the job. I just feel bad because she's probably just as tired as I am, if not more. It takes a lot of energy to cry for 5 hours straight." Cece jokes as Adam's laugh echoed throughout the bathroom.
Adam studied Cece through the phone, she looked exhausted but she still managed to emphasize and smile. That was exactly why he liked her so much.
"You're amazing, you know that?" Adam's voice was filled with genuine admiration as he praised her. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Cece. You've been such a blessing to us."
Cece's heart swelled with warmth at Adam's words. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on her, knowing that she was appreciated made it all worth it.
"Thanks, Adam," she replied, her voice soft with gratitude. "I love being a part of your lives. Paloma means everything to me, and you do too."
He smiled back at through the FaceTime as she continued putting on her makeup. "Let me repay you, Cece."
"You already pay me, Adam, you don't need to-"
"I'm gonna Apple Pay you a couple dollars for a Redbull, okay? You need it." Adam's voice was teasing but she could tell he was trying to make the whole thing easier for her.
Cece couldn't help but chuckle at Adam's gesture. "You're too kind, Adam. But really, I'll survive. Just knowing that you appreciate what I do means more to me than anything."
Adam's smile softened, his eyes reflecting his sincerity. "I know you will, Cece. But I still want to do something to show my gratitude. And plus don't you have that Chem test tomorrow morning?"
Cece groaned at the mention of the test. "Fine, Adam you win."
With a playful grin, Adam nodded triumphantly. "That's my girl. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay? You work so hard, I don't want you burning yourself out."
"Thank you, Adam. You're too sweet, you didn't have to." Cece felt a rush of warmth as she heard Adam's words, her heart doing a little flip.
"I know, I wanted to."
Adam's gaze held a tenderness that made Cece's heart flutter. "Well, I appreciate it more than you know," she replied softly, her voice filled with genuine gratitude.
Before Adam could reply, Paloma's soft cries were heard from the bedroom. Cece's smile faltered slightly as she heard Paloma's cries, her whole body aching. "Looks like duty calls," she said with a sigh, already moving to attend to Paloma.
Adam nodded understandingly, his eyes reflecting his unwavering support. "I'll let you go then. Take care of our little princess, Cece."
Our little princess, that sounded nice coming from Adam. Cece's heart did another flip, her affection for both Adam and Paloma swelling in her chest. "I will," she replied, her voice filled with determination.
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jump then fall masterlist
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iocaisaint · 3 months
Azriel BC
Decided to come back to this (only doing the second half for my sanity)
"He aimed for the training pit, giving in to the need to work off the temptation, the rage and frustration and writhing need.
He found it already occupied. His shadows had not warned him.
It was too late to bank without appearing like he was running"
Why is this man rizzless, maybe he'd be less bitchless (gender neutral) if he interacted with people outside of the incestuous ass friend group! Also love the shadows being sentient and just doing whatever they feel like.
His shadows peered over his wings at her
The young priestess smiled--and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows. But she just hooked her coppery-brown hair behind an arched ear."
Az's shadows doing the heavy lifting is... Azriel my brother in Christ maybe it's time to resort to poetry.
Also I'm gonna bet exactly 2 cents that smile was directed at Az (and I say this with love because he's just...yeah) because there's no reason to have it questioned?
"Her head ducked, as if remembering it too. That he'd been the one who'd found her that day at Sangravah. "Happy Solstice," she said, as much a dismissal as it was a holiday blessing.
He snorted. "Are you kicking me out?"
Az is so....sir you wanted to be alone 5 paragraphs ago? You were genuinely bemoaning the fact that you couldn't run, the power of the mere presence of Gwyneth Bedara I guess.
"Gwyn's teal eyes flashed with alarm. "No! I mean, I don't mind sharing the ring. I just...I know you like to be alone." Her mouth quirked to the side, crinkling the freckles on her nose. "Is that why you came up here?"
Sort of. "I forgot something," he reminded her.
The amount of times in which Gwyn gives Az an out to leave in this conversation alone....take it!
Fine,"he said, and realized a heartbeat later that it wasn’t a socially acceptable answer. "It was nice."
Not much better. So he asked, "Did you and the priestesses have a celebration?"
LOSERRRRR (affectionate)
They call you shadowsinger. Is it because you sing?"
“I am a shadowsinger--it's not a title that someone just made.”
She shrugged again, irreverently. Az narrowed his eyes, studying her. "Do you, though?" she pressed. "Sing?
This genuinely got a chuckle out of me, gonna touch on this later.
"Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer"
I wonder if Azriel's shadows hold a conference about being attached to an idiot. You are a spy master, where are those skills of deduction???
"Then he flew to the House of Wind, knowing that if he slept in the riverside manor, he'd do something he regretted....He aimed for the training pit, giving in to the need to work off the temptation, the rage and frustration and writhing need"
"Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch"
Lowkey hate the "she's his peace" trope but I'm also not gonna ignore the writing on the wall.
"Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it.
But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly."
Wouldn't consider Gwyn a friend (fair) but the thought of her reaction to the necklace brings a smile your face which you have to consciously erase AND you have to bury that image you 🫵🏾 conjured up deep down 🧐
Not going to touch the most notable comparison "secret thing of lovely beauty" because it does not move me and when necklacegate happens I hope Gwyn throws that fuckass necklace into the Sidra a la Cassian and Nesta jumps Az for 3 chapters straight.
Also Gwyn light singer theories do not move me, I'd actually just end up loving her more 🤷🏾‍♀️
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Sorry I haven't been around much. Life's not been too bad. School has been a bit busy. Feeling stressed but at the same time super excited because it's just that much closer to my goal of getting into the profession I want and I just wanna get to the helping people part. Made a new friend, which is nice, feels a little less daunting when you have someone who's also going through the same stuff.
But the main reason I dropped by is because I saw that you weren't feeling all to well and I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and hoping things get better. It's a shit thing when you aren't feeling great but the isolation can sometimes be worse. I hope you feel better, my friend. Sending you all the love and light 🖤🖤!!
And NEVER feel the need to apologize for not being able to write requests. You, like the people sending the requests, are a person with your own life, feelings, struggles, etc. And I hope the people sending you asks in requests can understand that and exercise some compassion. (Remember, I am your friend and I would die for you in a heartbeat. If someone says shit, they can eat shit. [As in, I'll fight 'em if you need me to.])
On a lighter note THE BABIES!!! AH!! Seeing pictures of them show up on my feed always puts a smile on my face. So bloody cute they are. Also, super psyched for you and your new tattoo. I'm sure it's gonna look awesome👌🏽!
Alright, gotta go. I'll try to drop in more often just to say hi and catch up and stuff but even if there's silence from me for a bit, just know that I genuinely care for you, dude. Seriously, you are not only my treasured writer but someone I consider a friend. I found your blog and stories when I was feeling super out of sorts and reading your works on Alfie really helped me feel less lonely. Even more so when I started talking to you through asks where we could go feral over the man together and it was so 🥰 because honestly, I haven't felt like that with many people, to the point that I thought I never would. I really do hope you feel better, that you find small moments of respite in your day that put a smile on your face or even just make you feel a little bit lighter. But I know that's not always possible and that's okay too. You're allowed to feel what you feel and how you feel 🖤. Always sending you all the love, my dear friend, stay safe and I'll talk to you soon.
hi!!!!!! good evening!!!!! as always, I hope your uni is going well and it's not been too mentally taxing - but please ensure you're taking frequent breaks when you're studying and working!!!
its absolutely okay!!! I can wait lmao but I'm glad things aren't too bad. i get that! it was the same for me in college tbh, 4 years of it, you learn to eventually adjust to the chaos and hectic nature of things in your own way - so don't worry too much, you'll eventually settle! I'm so glad to hear you made a new friend!!! that's awesome!!! and it can absolutely help to have one or two people who you can really talk to about it tbh - I'm still friends w a few of the girls I met in college, and we talk regularly!
yeah, I'll be honest, it's mostly fandoms that are, like, larger tbh; like, Call Of Duty, Band Of Brothers, rdr2, etc. and it kinda sucks and it's kinda why I try and distance myself from those fandoms as much as I can (mutuals & friends being the exception, ofc), bc I just... like idk, it is really isolating, but it also brings out the festering things like self doubt - bc I see people interacting w other writers in the same places and I'm a bit like "oh. I'm not good enough, then.", which tbh, is bullshit. ofc I'm good enough. I'm a good writer lmfao but, yk, it's not good to feel like that, so then I start feeling less motivated and less inspired to actually write for those fandoms in terms of requests bc I'm a bit like "well, I'm not gonna get so much as a "it was great, thanks!", so why bother?", yk? it makes me feel... not CHEAP, but like... something very similar tbh. it's not a good feeling, either way, and I'd rather NOT engage w it and would rather focus my efforts elsewhere - like on fics I've currently got on the go, like Once We Were Close & Where You Belong (Next To Me), as well as requests that I actually DO feel motivated and inspired to write - even if it's just 100 words instead of 1000.
and thank you; sometimes I feel a little bit pressured to take requests that I don't want to bc either I don't feel motivated or bc I feel like it's a demand as opposed to a... request. but that's always come from other people, never you. it's hard, but yk, I'll get over it lmfao I always do. (and yes, 100% we're friends. I'd die for you, as I've said to others many, many, many times, admittedly dbvlykvkskg I would lay down my life and protect you at all costs 🫶🏻)
THE BABIES!!!!!! my 5 boys and my 1 girl which technically does mean I'm a #girldad lmao (nobody tell Gallipoli she's a python, she's my little girl, she's my baby!). Hanzo is the only actual baby I've got left tho, bc he's >1 month old 😭 the rest are all grown up :( even though I could've sworn it was yesterday that Red Baron could fit into the palm of my hand and still have room, I could've sworn just yesterday he was DEFINITELY NOT 118.8cm and 1400g. he just... got so big all of a sudden??? like, Spotify play Sunrise, Sunset from Fiddler On the Roof bc I'm GOING THROUGH IT.
but anyway, yeah, little baby Hanzo:
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takes after his daddy bc he's got a fiery (pun intended) temperament like I do 🥺🥰 plus: bc I already HAVE a scorpion tattoo, I don't ever need to get one for him lmao (although I do toy w the idea of getting one of Hanzo Hasashi from MK when I'm financially stable...)
please, feel free to pop by whenever you want - if this were a house, you'd have the fucking key by now 💀 just let yourself in whenever, my dude, you're more than welcome! but thank you, I'm honoured and incredibly grateful 🫶🏻
I'm glad that my fics have made you feel less lonely, especially in a time and society like today's where loneliness seems to only grow - I'm glad it made a difference 🫶🏻
DJGKDK YES!!! I'M ALWAYS DOWN TO GO FERAL!!!! ALWAYS!!!!! but I'm so glad you found safety here, really 🫶🏻🫶🏻 I love you. we may not share blood, but that matters very little.
and thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it means a lot 🫶🏻
sending the love right back at you more than reciprocated, my beloved friend!!! we'll talk soon 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
0 notes
HIHIHI I HAVE A REQUEST IF YOURE UP FOR IT KASJHDASKD i was wondering if you could do tsukishima, akaashi, and kageyama (you dont have to do all of them if you dont want to) with a s/o who loves giving affection but doesn't really take it *seriously* when they recieve it? like they think that the character is joking bc they could never actually be that amazing? (sry if this made absolutely no sense just ignore it if you want kaskjasd)
Warnings: potentially some swearing, Akaashi saying “good girl” which I do think deserves a warning, Y/N having some insecure moments, but all fluffy endings promise!
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Akaashi Keiji, & Kageyama Tobio, all with a fem!Reader
A/N: okay @lucyheartfilias-wife i know this took foREVER for me to finish and I’m so sorry xD but i kept going back and forth between ideas so this is what we ended up with! I hope they’re decent enough!! <3 Not of the following gifs are mine! Creds to the original creators :)
Haikyuu Masterlist
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Tsukishima Kei
If Tsukishima knew one thing, it was that he was a lucky boy. Somehow he had managed to make a girl who was probably made of sunshine and rainbows, like him back and somehow figured out how to keep you around.
Although he always had an annoyed look on his face when they did, anytime the team asked about you or mentioned you to him, he was always happy to subtly brag about you.
“Our little Tsukishima has grown up hasn’t he?” Sugawara laughed, slapping pats to the back of the tall first year. “You’re not blackmailing her are you?” Tsukishima just rolled his eyes in response.
“It must be nice to have such a pretty girl around!” Noya whined loudly, punching the wall angrily.
“It is,” Tsukishima smirked, enjoying the immediate anger that Noya tried to turn on him. Daichi held the wild libero back with an exasperated smiled, shaking his head.
“She’s really smart too isn’t she?” Hinata gaped, having only really heard of this girl that Tsukishima was dating but Yamaguchi said it was a girl in their class so she had to be smart.
“Anyone’s smart compared to you,” Tsukishima scoffed but shrugged. “She’s the top of our class.”
Everyone made sounds of excitement and surprise, the upperclassmen nodding in approval, “Who knew this salty bean pole could find someone smart and pretty to like him back?” Tanaka snickered and Tsukishima just rolled his eyes.
You hadn’t meant to overhear the conversations happening in the club room but you were just waiting for your boyfriend against the railing. To say you were a bit embarrassed was an understatement. And that embarrassment was probably written all over your face because when Tsukishima finally came out, his cheeks turned pink seeing your expression.
“What?” He asked after a beat, avoiding your eyes as he started to walk towards the stairs.
“You know you don’t have to lie to your teammates right?” You asked him eventually, giving him a small smile. “I’m sure they know you’re just being nice.”
For once, you had actually surprised Tsukishima. Normally he could tell exactly what you were thinking but this time, he actually stopped in his steps and looked at you like you had grown a second head in the last few moments.
“Lie?” He asked, tilting his head up in thought before scoffing a bit, “What part of what I said was a lie? For that matter, how much of that nonsense did you hear?”
The word nonsense rang in your ear repeatedly, echoing all your insecurities further into your subconscious, “I dunno, how much were you saying?” You retorted, glancing at him with a shrug. “Come on, I wanna get home before it gets too dark,” you decided when he didn’t answer right away. The two of you started walking, Tsukishima clearly deep in thought because for once on your way home, he wasn’t complaining about the boys or listening to music. He was just… walking.
“When did I lie?” He finally asked at your doorstep, as if realizing if he didn’t ask now, he never would. He grabbed your wrist before you could turn away and leave without answering him, tugging you closer so he could look right into your eyes (he could always tell when you were lying to him).
“What?” You squirmed a bit. You knew exactly what he was asking but did you really want to admit it?
“You said I lied to my teammates. What did I lie about?” His frown was tight, eyes as serious as ever. “I’ve been thinking about everything I said to them and I can’t think of a lie that I told. Was it about everyone being smarter than Hinata? Because I really was telling the truth.” The little smirk at the end made you feel like he was trying to keep this lighthearted. But the topic weighed so heavily on both your shoulders.
You could feel Tsukishima keeping your gaze right on him, and knew if you looked away, he might just get more upset. So you were forced to just look at him awkwardly, as if he was looking through your very thoughts.
“I asked you out didn’t I?” He continued when you didn’t respond right away. “Doesn’t that make you my girlfriend?”
You let out a little laugh, surprised that that’s what he had come up with after that very silent walk home. “Yeah, I suppose so,” you smiled, finally pulling your eyes away from him and staring at your hands as you fiddled with your fingers.
“So what-”
“They’re just being nice,” you tried to tell him awkwardly, cutting him off from asking one more time. “I’m not… I’m not everything they’re pretending I am. And you don’t have to keep up the charade with them.”
Tsukishima’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, what charade could you possibly be talking about.
“I know I’m not as pretty as your managers,” you explained quietly. “And I’m sure being surrounded by them all the time has got you having some high expectations and standards for girls. That’s why I was surprised when you asked me out… but I know it’s probably just cause we’re always together and we study together. I know I’m pretty helpful when it comes to schoolwork so-”
Tsukishima started laughing. Like genuinely, throwing his head back, from the bottom of his belly kind of laugh. Your eyes widened as you watched this normally cool and collected idiot snicker himself practically to death.
“T-Tsukishima?” You blinked, poking him a little to make sure he wasn’t just having some sort of weird seizure.
He finally ran out of breath, standing back up straighter than ever and hitting the top of your head (not as gently as he should’ve, how rude), “Listen here, shortie,” he huffed, leaning down slightly so you were forced to look at him. “I have high standards for anyone I even keep around me. The only one who’s exceeded my standards for dating though, is you.”
You watched him, blinking nervously as if he was going to laugh in your face again and tell you it was a joke.
“I didn’t lie to them, idiot,” he shook his head, flicking your forehead. “You’re way too pretty to be as self-conscious as you are.”
Words would never solve your self-consciousness, you knew this. But if there was ever a moment that would ever come close - it would be this one.
“Go inside alright,” he grinned at you, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead and shoving you closer to your door. “And the next time I compliment you, you better accept it.”
You couldn’t even retort anything back before he ushered you inside, gave you a cheeky wink, and started to head home.
You were still very bad at accepting Tsukishima’s compliments and almost felt tortured with how much he could try to get you to understand how much he loved you. So naturally, Tsukishima just did it more and more.
Everything you did became a compliment, just to make you all hot headed and make him chuckle. He would praise you for being one of the smartest people he knew after a test or assignment, he’d say you were the cutest person up on the stands after his volleyball games, would just shower you in aggressive amounts of affection (well aggressive for him).
And then one day…
One day you day you didn’t fight back as much. And Tsukishima just smiled because he would never say anything to you he didn’t mean.
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Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi was literally an embodiment of everything that someone could want. He was calm and wonderfully humble, his voice was like a mellow song that you could fall asleep to and he had the most amazing biceps that just made your heart flutter every time you saw them.
He was everything you could ever dream of which was both incredible… and not at the same time. It almost hurt to know that he was this unobtainable boy standing near you. Sure, you were dating - but how long until he realized you were beneath him? How much longer would it take him to realize that there was better.
You couldn’t hide these thoughts from Akaashi and more often than not, he’d give you a look like I know what you’re thinking, stop that, and then tell you he loves you before you just nod and smile and try to focus on something else. He’d let it go there, but he’d probably spend the rest of the day with you trying to convince you he really meant it.
But today he wasn’t next to you to read your face. Today, he was going to be down on that court, showing off his incredible reflexes and sports ability, and you would be up here. Blending in with the crowd. You were a filler character - something to fill the stands with and not be noticed. Unoriginal. Boring.
“Y/N!” Bokuto ran to you, grinning as wide as ever. “Look what I brought you!” He held up Akaashi’s jacket happily, waving it over his head as he jumped up and down in front of you.
You tried to put on a smile, as if you hadn’t just been spinning in your insecurities a few seconds ago. Your eyes focused on the jacket that Bokuto was trying to put on you, blinking as you came to the realization that he had 100% stolen this from your boyfriend without his knowledge, “Bokuto, won’t he need this?” You offered with a small laugh.
He shook his head with a grin, “He practically discarded it somewhere. I thought I’d come bring it to you! It would probably make him super happy to see you in his jacket! And you look so cute in our colours!” Bokuto declared, patting your head. You tried to start telling him that he should bring it back and that you weren’t really sure Akaashi would want you wearing it, but suddenly you could hear his coach on the court screaming from him to get his ass back down there. “Whoops! Gotta run! Cheer hard for us!” Bokuto gave you a thumbs up before running down.
You stood there for a moment, face feeling hot as you start to smell Akaashi’s scent on the jacket. How did he manage to smell this good all the time?
You could hear whispers from people in the stands, some people wondering who you were or if you were Bokuto or Akaashi’s girlfriend, since it was Bokuto who gave you the jacket.
All the ruckus from his coach made Akaashi actually look over, smirking a bit while Bokuto was getting scolded. He sheepishly made his way over, trying to seem all innocent to his best friend.
“Where the hell even were you?” Akaashi asked, throwing him a toss as the boys warmed up.
“Oh! Just dropping something off to Y/N for you!” Bokuto grinned, nodding in your direction as he received the ball nice and high.
Akaashi shouldn’t have looked over. But he did. His eyes locked onto you and saw you in his jacket and for a moment, he definitely spaced out. His whole brain was just thinking about you and nothing else and he didn’t knock himself out of it until Bokuto’s pass knocked him right in the head.
“Akaashi! Are you okay?” Bokuto laughed, knowing the pass had been pretty soft. Akaashi’s cheeks turn a bit pink as he shook it off, running after the ball.
You were wearing his jacket. And you looked so good in it.
After a complete win for the game, Akaashi was so hyped up to see you. You had worn his jacket the whole game and he had to avoid looking at you because you were just so distracting.
But now that it was over, he wanted nothing more than to swoop you into a hug and admire you. You gave him a huge grin when you caught up with the team, excitedly cheering them for their win and giving Bokuto high fives.
Akaashi watched you with a small smile on his face. You glanced over at him and gave a nervous sort of smile, noting there was a difference in how he was looking at you. “Oh! Here, you’ll get cold soon when your adrenaline stops pumping,” you said, pulling the jacket off.
“It’s alright,” he insisted, smirking a bit down at you. “You look gorgeous, I don’t want you to take it off,” he admitted with a smile, patting your head adoringly.
Your face gets all hot again, avoiding his eyes quickly, “Alright alright, Mr. High Off Of A Win,” you laughed nervously, poking at his chest gently. He raised an eyebrow at your dismissive behaviour.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t go spreading stuff that isn’t true,” you shrugged, shoving your hands in the jacket pocket. Sure, you liked the jacket but there was no way you were as pretty as he was making you out to be. Gorgeous? No way.
Akaashi’s eyes darkened slightly hearing this, taking your chin into his fingers and tilting your chin up so you were forced to look at him, “You think I’d lie to you?”
The question made you shrink inside, noting his hardened expression. He didn’t like it when you were hard on yourself, always made you notice all the little great things about you. But this wasn’t a private conversation, and people were starting to stare, which just made your face go even warmer. “N-No,” you mumble out shyly, trying to look away but he kept your gaze.
“Good girl,” he smirked at you, tapping your nose gently, “Now take the compliment. And wear my jacket more often, alright?”
You couldn’t help but nod at that point, Akashi smiling in his satisfaction before dragging you off for the team’s celebratory meal. The pit in your stomach that liked to tell you you were a filler character was slightly less intense now, after talking to your boyfriend. Akaashi had such an effect on you and there was no denying it. How could a guy like that be with a girl like you, you would never understand. But there was such an honesty in his eyes, and he was right after all, he wasn’t the type to lie about these things… so maybe. Just maybe. There was some truth to it.
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Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama wasn’t the best at noticing hints and subtle things, and honestly, he’d rather if people were just blunt and to the point with him. But with you, he knew that he would have to learn between the lines. It wasn’t because you weren’t great at communication (and let’s be honest, even if you were bad at it, Kageyama was in NO place to call you out on that), but rather, Kageyama understood that at some point in relationships, it was important to see what the other person wanted.
So when he started really trying to read you, he found himself almost discouraged by a reoccurring instance.
It was real subtle at first, and in that moment, Kageyama probably wouldn’t have noticed. But he probably just smile at you and press a kiss to your forehead, thanking you for always thinking of him.
“You’re always so thoughtful, Y/N. I appreciate what you do for me,” he told you, almost like he was thanking a teacher for their help on homework which just made you laugh.
“Don’t be silly, Kageyama, it’s just a milk box,” you insisted, giving a little wave to his teammates before he left.
But it wasn’t just a milk box and even Kageyama could see that. He had forgotten his lunch today and you had shared yours with him. But he always had a milk with his lunch and you didn’t have one, but he didn’t have the chance to actually buy one before he had to head back to classes. He didn’t think he had mentioned anything about the milk, or even hesitated to eat without it. But you had still gone out of your way to buy one for him and bring it to him after classes.
You had even apologized that it was later than he usually had his milk, as if you should’ve known to get it earlier. Kageyama was amazed that you even went and bought him one. He held the box in his hands for a moment before getting called over to start practice, promising himself to have the drink right after practice.
It wasn’t just that you brushed off his appreciation for what you did for him. Kageyama always felt something was wrong when he complimented you. So much so, he had to awkwardly ask his upperclassmen for help.
“Oh our little Kageyama needs help with his girlfriend hmmm?” Tanaka laughed, hands on his hips like he was some sort of relationship expert.
“I dunno why you’d come to us,” Daichi admitted with a smirk, leaning against a nearby wall as he considered the question. “It’s not like any of us are really all that experienced with girls.”
“But you know how to… communicate,” Kageyama explained, playing with his fingers as he shyly stared at the floor. “I’m just worried I’m… doing that thing that Hinata says I do. Where I think I’m complimenting her but I’m actually hurting her.”
Sugawara chuckled and threw his arm around his first year’s neck, fluffing up his hair playfully, “Aw! Little Tobio is growing up!”
“What kinds of things are you saying to her?” Asahi asked, offering Kageyama a smile as the blueberry boy tried to fix his now messed up hair.
Kageyama thought about it for a moment, not having to think that far back to remember an example. “This morning, she was wearing her hair differently,” Kageyama told them, gesturing towards his hair as if to act out how her hair was. “And I told her she looked very pretty.”
The boys just looked at him, as if expecting for there to be more. “Okay and?” Noya piped up, shrugging.
“That’s it,” Kageyama blinked. “Should I have said something else?”
“Why would you say something else, Kageyama?” Daichi raised an eyebrow, noting the distress in the setter’s eyes.
Kageyama huffed, remembering how you awkwardly turned away, as if he had said something brash, “She just said ‘you don’t have to do that, Kageyama’ and changed the subject. But I don’t know what she meant. Was… Was I not supposed to tell her? She did look very pretty but should I have kept that to myself?”
Sugawara gave him a sympathetic smile, “I think you did fine, Kageyama, don’t worry! Maybe she was just embarrassed.”
The others agreed, Tanaka explaining to him that some people were bashful when it came to their appearances.
“But she’s the most perfect being in the whole country!” Kageyama burst out, his forehead creased with concern. “Why shouldn’t I tell her?”
“Just in the country?” Asahi chuckled and Sugawara smacked his arm.
“Don’t tease him, I don’t think Kageyama has ever left the country!”
“Maybe she’s just not used to you complimenting her. Like how you weren’t too used to holding hands with her at the beginning of your relationship,” Daichi offered, remembering how red the boy’s face was you first took his hand at a tournament. He didn’t even know he had to hold your hand back and just had his hand staying there stiff.
Kageyama nodded slowly - he could understand that. It just took some time and then he was okay with it eventually. Now he would grab your hand out of instinct and it wasn’t something foreign to him.
After talking to his upperclassmen, Kageyama felt a little better. Perhaps it wasn’t his words then, maybe he just had to do it more.
But after a week of trial and error, Kageyama still couldn’t understand why you still seemed so uncomfortable. The day after consulting the second and third years, Kageyama had told you he really liked the way you hummed and that you had a really nice voice (he really did like it, it was his favourite thing to listen to).
But you just flickered your eyes away from him, offering a nervous laugh, “It’s nothing,” you mumbled before quickly asking him about his practice schedule.
So Kageyama thought maybe you just didn’t like talking about your singing. So when the two of you were studying, you noticed his laser focus wasn’t on his work but instead on you. His eyes were so trained on you, it was like how he was on the volleyball court.
“Kageyama?” You blinked in surprise, catching him staring at you. “Are you alright?”
“You’re really smart, Y/N!” He blurted out, a firm nod afterwards like confirming what he was saying. “I appreciate you always coming to help me work!”
But you just squirmed in your seat, turning your eyes back to your work, “I really don’t know all that much.”
It had been a week of this back and forth, Kageyama desperately trying to find what was going on. Was it him? Was he just not using the right words? Could he actually be being really rude and didn’t realize it? Was it his face? Was he supposed to smile more?
Finally, Kageyama felt like he was at the end of his rope. He didn’t know what to do now.
“The sunset is really pretty today!” You beamed as the two of you walked home from his practice. He glanced over and noticed the brilliant colours in the sky. It looked nice sure, but how could you understand that that looked pretty and you didn’t?
“I think you’re prettier.” He stated simply. Kageyama didn’t really know what lines were cheesy and what weren’t. But you did and your face just overheated immediately in response.
“K-Kageyama, don’t say things like that!” You insisted, staring to walk ahead.
“Wait!” Kageyama yelped, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you back to him. “What am I doing wrong?” he asked you desperately, his eyes wide and searching yours for some sort of answers.
You stared at him for a moment, confused by his words, “Wrong?” You repeated softly, noticing how upset he looked.
“I…” Kageyama’s voice faltered as he watched your eyes. “I keep trying to tell you how amazing you are. You do all these things for me, you help me when I’m upset and you always help me train. You throw balls for me and Hinata, even when you’d rather be at home. You call me during my jogs just to keep me company. You bring me milk when I forget mine. And you always compliment me when I’m feeling like I’m not 100%… so what am I doing wrong? Because everything I say to you… it doesn’t seem to work.”
Something in you clicked. Is this why Kageyama had been acting so weird this week?
“Kageyama… I do all that because I like you and I want you to be your best,” you explained softly. “And I compliment you because I mean it! Not because I’m trying to make you feel better. Or try to boost your self-esteem.”
There was something in your tone that Kageyama couldn’t place. What was that in your voice?
“Why are you sad when I try to tell you things?” Kageyama was practically begging you for an answer. He didn’t understand how to read things from your tone, he wanted to desperately to understand but he just couldn’t grasp it. “Sugawara told me that complimenting people on things makes them feel good… am I doing it wrong? Please just tell me, I’ll be better! I’ll be the best boyfriend!”
Your smile was almost sad and Kageyama’s heart tugged a little in his chest, “I don’t want you to say things because you feel like you have to say them,” you sighed softly, now avoiding his eyes. “I know my hair is a mess most of the time, I know that my singing isn’t some professional level shit, and I know I’m not the model kind of girl or those gorgeous girls who come to your games. I don’t need you to try and convince me otherwise…”
Kageyama’s mind felt like it was blowing up. What were you talking about?
“Don’t be so stupid,” Kageyama whined, huffing at you and poking your forehead, “You think I’m lying about these things? You think I say them because I feel like I have to?” Kageyama shook his head, taking your face into his hands. “I’m not the best with words, I know this. But you are…” Kageyama’s face twisted into a funny expression as he tried to find the words he wanted, “the most perfect thing. You’re like when I make a perfect set and the spike goes right past the blockers!”
You couldn’t help but smile as he went on talking about volleyball. You weren’t surprised - he often related things to volleyball to understand better.
“You… are the perfect jump serve. Seeing you is like I’m winning full sets at Nationals!” He expressed, looking at you with wide eyes in hopes you were understanding. “I’m not trying to make you feel better about yourself, Y/N. You are everything I could possibly want. You make me feel like volleyball isn’t the only thing that matters anymore. I want to hear you sing all the time and I love your hair no matter how you think it looks.”
Your eyes were welling up with tears as he spoke dramatically, looking up at the sky as if that would help him figure out his sentences better. When he finally looked back at you, he jumped back almost immediately in fear.
“N-No! Don’t cry! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have brought up volleyball again! I-”
You laughed and quickly shook your head, grasping his hands in yours, “Happy tears, Kageyama,” you explained softly, almost immediately burying your face in his chest as you drew him closer for a hug. “Thank you,” you whisper.
Kageyama wasn’t really sure what you were thanking him for but he hugged you tightly anyways. He hated seeing you cry and he would squeeze them all out of you until there was none left if he had to. ��You are very pretty.” He stated, pressing a kiss to your head.
And this time, you didn’t argue. You just stayed there in his arms, and listened to the genuineness in his voice.
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@scphiredrafts @aurumk @devilkittymusic @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @lucyheartfilias-wife @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @wolfishwriting @livy384
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myemye · 3 years
Playlist [Shoji Mezo x gn! Reader]
Summary: You and Shoji are studying in your dorm and he asks to put on some music. You hand him your phone and a speaker and he sees the playlists you have. [i’m shit at writing summaries]
[fluff; suggestive attitude; mostly Shoji pining over reader]
a/n: this is a new work and was not requested. Please feel free to ask me for requests bc I need inspo for things to write [unless y’all are fine with me looking through my playlists and finding songs to base scenarios on.]
Also in this work, the reader and Shoji are in an established relationship already.
Song: “Sex on fire” - Kings of Leon
Word Count: 0.8k
You’ve been sitting on your bed sitting with Shoji for hours today. You had suggested to go on dates with Shoji every weekend, and he complied, but he wanted to make sure you’d actually study too. Leading you two to be in this little predicament. Studying on Saturdays and doing date activities on Sundays.
Every. Weekend.
You two started studying at around 7 a.m. this morning. It seems early, but you’d get up at 6 a.m. every other day and start class at 7 a.m. so it wasn’t that big of a deal. It is now 11 a.m. and you decide that you need to use the restroom. Was it because you needed a small escape from textbooks and assignments? Maybe?
“Y/n wait,” Shoji says before you leave the room.
“Wow Shoji, needy aren’t we?” You sarcastically state.
“Well uhm not exactly,” Shoji responds with a slight pinkish blush on his face, “Can I play some music in here?”
“Oh yea for sure,” You say a little hurriedly because it turns out that you actually DO need to use the restroom.
You hand your boyfriend your phone and open Spotify and grab your speaker from a drawer.
The door shuts as you are now booking it to the bathroom before you piss yourself.
“UGH SERIOUSLY Y/N!” You scream to yourself as you just barely made it to the bathroom, “WHY DID I DRINK SO MUCH WATER?!?”
Shoji now sits alone on your bed skimming through the, what seems to be, hundreds, if not thousands of playlists stopping at the ones with intriguing names.
“Songs that remind me of Mezo” is what one says, with Shoji slightly flustered.
“They never use my first name,” Shoji thinks to himself, mind racing a million miles a minute.
“Songs to dance in the rain”
He lets out a small smile at the thought of you dancing.
“Songs that will never be overplayed”
This time Shoji lets out an actual laugh while he looks through this playlist. Its full of cheesy love songs and 2000’s electropop. “What a strange mixture of songs,” He thinks to himself.
“Songs to make out to”
Shoji’s eyes go wide and his jaw almost drops to the floor. You two are rather inexperienced when it comes to relationships, not to mention you two are in a fairly new relationship. You two have made out once, and it seems to be that this playlist was made at the beginning of your relationship.
“Did they want to make out this whole time?,” Shoji starts thinking, again at a million miles a minute, “Could I have been making out with them this whole time?!”
Shoji’s thoughts are abruptly put to a halt as you open and walk through the door.
“Hey babe, are you ready to keep studying?,” You ask.
“Uhm yes, I am,” Shoji responds with his small smile and pink tint.
“Oh wait, did you choose the music?,” You question.
“Uh yea I totally did,” Shoji responds nervously.
Shoji clicks on a random playlist, and you don’t question it.
“Uhm, Shoji darling?,” You call out to your boyfriend.
“Yes y/n,” Shoji responds to you.
“I think it's cool that you like early 2000’s pop punk too, but I don’t think it’s ideal for studying to,” You tell Shoji.
“Oh well uhhh,” He starts.
You cut him off, “Are you okay? Your face is very very red,” You inquire.
“Y/n, may I be honest with you?,” He asks you.
“Of course,” You respond back.
“Well I didn’t really look at the playlist I chose,” He says looking embarrassed.
“Then may I ask why, Shoji?,” You say with a comforting smile on your face.
“I saw a playlist on there that surprised me,” He tells you genuinely.
“Oh?,” You say, confused.
“It was actually this one,” Shoji says as he shows you the “make out playlist.”
“I-,” you start, becoming noticeably redder, “I wanted to make that for when we would need it. Kind of as a precautionary measure.”
“Oh,” He says, becoming more comfortable, and less embarrassed.
“You know we could use that playlist if you want,” You say avoiding eye contact.
“I mean… I wouldn’t be opposed,” He says back gazing deep into your eyes.
You both grab your things and gently setting them on the floor.
You scoot closer to your boyfriend, as he uses one of his many tentacles to press “play” on the playlist. You seemed to be the one to initiate the kiss, but if anybody asks it was a mutual thing. At first it was rough, and unorganized. After a little while, you both relaxed and began to feel out a rhythm of sorts. It wasn’t a perfect make out session, but it seemed to be pretty close. After a little while, Shoji actually tried to be bold and use tongue. It was by no means good, but hey, you have plenty of time to practice.
“Hey, i'm glad you saw this playlist and not the other one,” You say almost chuckling.
“What other one?,” Your boyfriend says quizzically.
“Oh it’s nothing,” You said as a small smirk crept its way across your face.
songs to f*ck to
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 4 years
If you still haven't reached ur 25 requests limit, can I ask for the brothers hanging out with MC at a party when an old flame (of the brothers) approaches them and they get overly comfortable with them but because their old flame is drunk and they don't want to seem rude in front of everyone they tolerate them for most the night until it's time to go home and their old flame insists on the brothers escorting them home, and they feel like they can't say bc they are drunk, so the brothers walk them home and as they walk back to the house of Lamentation they call MC to apologize for the night and let them know nothing happened between them and their old flame when they took them home but MC seems unbothered by it and replies "you don't have to explain yourself to me, after all we're just friends and you're free to do whatever you want." Genuinely unbothered, but the brothers are because they thought they were dating considering they've been on a lot of dates as of recently and expected MC to sound jealous, so they basically tell MC that they are dating and MC is like "you never formally established our relationship, and if you want to be my s/o you're going to have to ask me to my face." How would they handle the situation? I hope it made sense... I know my request is pretty long just to get that out but I hope it okay! Good luck!
I don’t even know what to title this so uhhhh… 
Brothers When MC Doesn’t Think They’re Dating but the brothers think they are dating and… we’ll just jump right in alright here we go 
These got really long so... under the cut! 
He didn’t expect to see them there, it had been so long he barely even remembered them until they came up to him. It had been decades… centuries even since he had seen the person, but when they came up to him he could tell they were visibly drunk. Now, Lucifer was an asshole, sure, but he couldn’t be rude to them, especially when everyone was watching him. He grinned and beared it, even when they were clinging to his arm, he didn’t brush them off. You weren’t around when it was time to leave and he thought that maybe you had just gone to the bathroom or something until his brothers told him that you had left a while ago. All he wanted to do was go back to the house and explain to you what had happened, but of course his ex would practically beg him to walk them home. He made it quick, making sure they got back to where they needed to be before zapping himself back to the House of Lamentation, making his way up to your room and knocking on the door and slowly opening it, seeing that you were already in bed. “That person… they weren’t-” You cut him off, laughing softly as you rolled your eyes at him. “You can do whatever you want, Lucifer. It’s not like we’re a thing.” He was confused, shocked even. The two of you weren’t a thing? “Of course we are.” You pushed yourself off the bed, walking over to him, staring him in the eye as you folded your arms across your chest. “If you really want to be with me, then you’re going to have to say it, not just assume it.” He smirked, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly in his own, his eyes serious as he stared deep into yours. 
“Darling, would you, officially, be mine?” 
Getting you to go to the party was something that he was immensely proud of. He had promised to stay by you the entire time, and he had stayed true to his word. Honestly, he didn’t want you to leave his side at all, he was always worried that your attention would sway from him, so he tried to keep you focused on himself. What he wasn’t expecting was for someone to grab his attention, not just his attention, but they physically grabbed him, pulling him away from you. He wasn’t like Lucifer, and he had his fair share of exes and flings, so it took him a while to remember who exactly they were. Their lingering lips against his neck sent the memory coursing through his brain, and he quickly pulled back with a flushed face. He didn’t want to be rude, but he also didn’t want to upset you. It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, he didn’t have it in him to actually be rude, so he put up with them, allowing them to drunkenly follow him around the party as he looked for you. “Oi, where ya goin’?” You were already heading out the door, not only that, but you were still smiling. Were you not upset at all that his ex was hanging all over him? That didn’t make any sense. When they asked for him to walk him home, he reluctantly obliged, he still had an image to keep up with the public, but the entire time his mind was on you. As soon as he dropped them off, he started racing back to the house, pulling out his phone to call you. “Y/N. Why’d ya leave early? I swear, they mean nothin’ tah me. Yer the only one for me, ya know that, right?” Of course, that wasn’t the only reason he called, he also wanted to make sure that you made it back to the house in general. He would have hated himself if anything happened to you. But he also needed you to know that there was nothing going on. “Oh… okay? I just went back to study, it was getting late. I didn’t care.” He froze up, his heart sinking a little. “Whadda ya mean ya don’t care? We’re datin’, right?” Please say yes. All he wanted to hear was a simple yes, to validate his own thoughts and his feelings. “Uhm… no? You never said that we were.” You were right, he hadn’t. He didn’t waste any time, quickly sprinting back to the house and barging through your bedroom door and pulling you from your chair into his arms. 
“Yer the only one I wanna be with, I want to be with ya all the time… whadda ya say?”
Parties weren’t his thing. Leaving his room wasn’t his thing, and if he had it his way he would just stay in his room all day with you. As life would have it though, Asmo had invited everyone in the house to a giant party the Levi didn’t even know what it was for. He was practically dragged out of the house, and the only reason he even allowed himself to be dragged out was because you were going. You looked amazing and he didn’t want anyone else looking at you, so he kept you close, his arm wrapped around you tightly as he moved you through the crowds, making sure that no one else even touched you. He heard his name, drunkenly called out from across the room and he tried to ignore it, smiling softly down at you, hoping that you weren’t mad at him. Then he felt something, someone, wrap their arms around him, causing you to pull away. “W-Wait, Y/N!” He tried to call out to you, but the music was so loud and you had already walked away. He finally looked down, realizing who the person was immediately and wanting nothing more than to grab you up and run back to the house, but he couldn’t. Lucifer would scold him for being rude, and he really didn’t want to deal with that, so he put up with it, putting on a fake smile all while internally screaming because you weren’t right there next to him. He was already irritated that he had to come out in the first place, you had gone off somewhere and he didn’t even know where you were at this point, and now his ex was asking him to walk them home. Of course, the one person that he’s been with within the last eon would be at the party too. He couldn’t say no though, it would cause an unwanted and unneeded altercation. He made it quick, pulling out his phone before even saying bye to them so he could call you. “Y/N… a-are you mad at me? Did you already go home? Are you alright?” He could barely even get the words out, he was worried and upset with himself for even letting this happen. He should have just stayed home, he should have just kept you there with him. “Why would I be mad, Levi? I’m fine. I’m about to go to bed.” Fine? You were fine? How could you be fine? Were you not even slightly jealous? Sure, you had no reason to be, but he would have been jealous if what had happened to him happened to you. “Well I… I just thought that… since we… you know… we’re… you’re my... “ He heard you laugh on the other line and almost died. “Oh… am I? Are we? You never told me that.” He didn’t know he actually had to tell you, he thought that he showed it enough. The rest of the way home he thought of how he would tell you, his heart racing so fast that it felt like it was going to burst through his chest at any moment. He felt like an idiot, an absolute fool for assuming that the two of you were already dating. He had to set things straight though, he needed you to be his. He walked into your room, his face already burning bright red as he sat on the edge of your bed, too nervous to even look at you as he spoke the words. 
“I-I really like you… Y/N… and… I want us to be… t-together….” 
Of course he was going to the party. He didn’t really mind if you went or not, but he wanted you to go so he could show you off. He had been telling all of his friends about you and they all wanted to see you, so when you agreed to go to the party he was beyond excited. “This is going to be SO fun, Y/N! You’re going to love it!” The party itself was honestly just a bunch of people at a club, and you weren’t sure if there was even an occasion for celebrating, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. His hands were on you the entire time, moving his body against yours to the rhythm of the music, and you were pretty sure that this was as close to sex as two people could get in public with their clothes on. The loud squeal rang in your ear from behind him and then you felt the force of someone running at him, pushing the both of you forward as their arms wrapped around him. He didn’t seem fazed by it, he kept his hands on you as he turned around, giving this person his famous Asmo smile as they pushed themselves closer to him, their lips trying so desperately to land on any visible skin which he quickly dodged each and every time. You quickly moved out of his hold and nodded to him. “I’ll be heading home now. Clubs aren’t really my thing. I’ll see you back at the house.” He turned to you, still dodging kisses and politely swatting away their lingering hands. He was trying to find any type of hidden emotion, maybe jealousy, anger, something that would show him that you were possibly upset by the way this other demon was hanging on him. There was nothing, and he assumed that maybe you were just trying to be polite. His eyes followed your form as you moved through the crowds of people, watching as you walked out of the club, walked away from him. At that point he didn’t even want to be there anymore which felt kind of strange to even him. It just wasn’t fun without you there, he felt no need to even be out. What was even more strange was when he actually decided that he wanted to go home, he wanted to be with you. He nodded to his ex, who wasn’t even really an ex, more like a one night stand, trying his best to be polite as he shrugged them off, only to feel them basically tackle him again. They wanted him to walk them home, of course they did, and he was forcing a smile now, quickly leading them out of the club and back to their place. He pulled out his phone, expecting a text from you, but for once, his phone had no notifications at all. He sighed heavily, making his way back to the house to talk to you. This wasn’t a conversation to have on the phone, he needed you to know what had happened, or more like, what hadn’t happened. “Y/N, are you asleep already?” He hoped not, and he let out a breath of relief when he heard your voice from behind the door, quickly opening it and walking in to sit next to you on the bed, smiling proudly when he saw that you were in the process of doing your night time skin treatment. “I know what you’re thinking, but, I promise, pinky promise even, that I did nothing with them.” You looked up at him, laughing quietly before shaking your head. “That’s not what I was thinking at all. I wouldn’t have cared, you do you Asmo.” You went back to rubbing the lotion over your legs, still laughing to yourself, but he didn’t think this was funny at all. He didn’t even know what could have been funny. “Wait. Am I missing something? Did we break up? I don’t remember…” You looked at him, your eyebrows raised and your eyes wide, trying to hold back from laughing even harder. “We were… never together?” His mouth fell open, did you really not know that the two of you were dating? He tried to remember asking you out, but he realized that he never actually did it. He takes a deep breath, finally letting out a small giggle as he places his hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly. 
“We’re together now, Y/N. There we go! That’s better, isn’t it? You have nothing to be worried about. I’m all yours!” 
Why he agreed to go to a party was beyond him. Someone must have asked while he was reading and he only agreed to shut them up, that had to be it, because he wasn’t having a good time, at all. The only thing, the only person really, that was keeping him from leaving already, was you. You seemed to be having a good time, and he liked seeing you happy, it made him happy as well. He was about to make his way across the floor to you, getting slightly antsy when he saw two demons come up to you and start talking, and, even though you didn’t seem scared or even bothered by it, he was. The voice, he knew it, and it made him physically cringe when he heard it, hoping that maybe they’d leave him alone, but he could hear that they were drunk and he knew they were coming right at him. Due to him being the Avatar of Wrath, many would think that he would have just blown them off, not really worrying about public image, but it was quite the contrary. Sure, he was annoyed, irritated, and the paper thin shred of patience that he had in the first place had finally completely disappeared, but he was very good at keeping his composure in situations like this. Plus, they were drunk so it would be useless and a waste of his energy to push them away, they’d just come right back to him. His eyes were trained on you the entire time though, and he wanted you to know that nothing was going on. The last thing he needed was an argument over this, so he pointed to the person before twirling his finger next to his temple, basically signing to you from across the room that they were drunk and crazy. Big brain Satan at work. What he wasn’t expecting was for you to give him a thumbs up, visibly laughing before pointing to your wrist and mouthing to him that you were going home. Why were you leaving? Were you upset? He tried to move away from his ex, but they moved with him and he was getting slightly jittery, wanting to follow you and make sure that you weren’t mad at him. “I have to go now.” He said sternly, but then they asked to be walked home and he couldn’t just say no. Well, he could have, but then he’d seem like a bad person and he didn’t want you to think that he was like that. He made it quick, not wasting a second before pulling out his phone and dialing your number, not even waiting for you to speak before he began talking. “You left early. Are you upset with me? I assure you, there was nothing between them and I. I just had to walk them home.” There was silence from your side for a couple seconds before you responded. “I was tired. I don’t know why you’re explaining yourself to me. It’s not like we’re dating or anything. I gotta go to bed now, see you in the morning.” You hung up the phone and he didn’t even know what to think, he wouldn’t have known what to say if you stayed on the line. He got back to the house, going straight to your room and turning on your lights, not really caring that you were already sleeping or that you seemed pissed at the intrusion. “What did you mean when you said we’re not dating? I thought we were. I took you on those dates to the library and the cafe…” He was honestly so confused. Were you using him? He wouldn’t allow that. You rolled your eyes, letting your head fall back on the pillow, groaning quietly. “You never asked, Satan. Assuming doesn’t count.” You were right… he hadn’t asked, but he wasn’t going to waste another second. 
“Y/N, I want you to be with me. My life without you would be like an empty book, all paper and no writing. Do you want to be with me?” 
The game had been won, it called for celebration. He was the star player, of course, so that made him the most sought out person in the room. Everyone was hanging on him, circling around him like bees around their hive, and he wasn’t bothered by it, apparently it was normal. He spotted you in the crowd, trying to shimmy through everyone and make your way to him. He excitedly waved to you, trying to meet you somewhere in the middle so you didn’t get trampled on, you looked so small in the sea of people, but he was so happy to see you, and you were the only person he was looking for. He was almost there, just a few more steps and he’d be able to grab you and hug you, and that only made him more excited as well as impatient. He wasn’t expecting for one of the cheerleaders to jump in front of him, not just that, but jump into his arms as well. He instinctively caught them, but once he realized what was going on he looked back to you. His mouth hung open as his mind went through what you might be thinking, but you only smiled, shaking your head and turning back around. Were you crying? He felt awful, terrible. This isn’t what he wanted at all. He wanted to celebrate his big win with you. “I’m sorry, I need to get back home. I’m pretty tired.” He spoke softly to them, setting them down on the ground, catching them before they could stumble over. Of course they were drunk. He didn’t have the heart to leave them alone, not when they weren’t in the right state of mind, but he also didn’t want you to go back home and assume that he was doing anything behind your back. The cheerleader had been an ex of his, and it only made the entire situation seem even worse in his mind, his thoughts were eating away at him. He needed to get home, but he couldn’t leave his ex there, not when they were drunk, someone might take advantage of them, and no one deserves that. “I’m taking you home, alright?” They didn’t even have to ask, he was going home and so were they, and then he would set things straight with you. He dropped them off, making sure they got into their house before sprinting, literally sprinting, back to the house. He knew he would make it there in a matter of minutes, but he didn’t want you to wait that long, so he grabbed his phone from his pocket and called you. “Hey Beel. How’s the party going?” You seemed so calm, which both made him happy and confused at the same time. He’s glad that you’re not upset but… shouldn’t you be just a little bothered that there was another person in his arms? “I’m actually on my way home right now. I didn’t want to be there if you weren’t there too. I wanted to celebrate with my (boy/girl)friend…” He heard the fridge close on your end and then the sound of a chair scraping across the floor before you started talking. “Oh? Who’s that? Was that the person you were holding?” What? Now he was more confused. Were you joking? He didn’t really think it was funny, it actually made him sad. “No…? You are. Aren’t you?” Silence, the silence was the worst part for him. Why were you hesitating? It was a simple question. Yes or no. “I didn’t know it if I was. You never said anything about it. If that’s what you want, I’d like it if you asked straight to my face though.” He ran through the front door, going straight to where you sat in the kitchen, a big smile on his face as soon as he saw you. 
“I’m sorry for not asking, Y/N. Would you like to go out with me?” 
The fact that he actually got out of bed to go to a party is wild, but once he got there he dragged you to the comfiest surface and laid his head on your lap and somehow managed to fall asleep, even with all the commotion going on around him. “Belphie, I have to use the bathroom.” Not just that, but your legs were falling asleep and you needed to stretch them for a second. He hesitantly lifted his head from your legs, whining quietly because now he was awake and you were leaving. He watched you make your way to the bathroom, making sure you got there without anyone stopping you or talking to you or even looking at you in general. The seat shifted next to him and he side eyed the person, letting out a disgusted groan when he realized who it was. He scooted over a little, trying to get away from them, but they only scooted closer. When you came back from the bathroom he was about to tell you that he didn’t know that person at all, even though they were touching all over him and saying his name, he didn’t know them. He thought you’d be upset, he sure as hell would have been if he came back and saw that, but you only nodded, smiling to the person and then to him. “Cool, you have company. I’m gonna go dance for a bit.” Hold up… that was… that’s not what he wanted. That was the complete opposite of what he wanted. “No no no no!” You were already too far to hear him, he didn’t like that at all, so he moved across the floor until he reached you, becoming more and more annoyed when the person followed behind him. They were like a leach, and he wanted nothing more than to tell them to get away but he didn’t want to cause a scene, not right now at least. “They won’t leave me alone…” He tried to whisper to you, but you only laughed, shaking your head. “You’re going home? I… I can’t hear you!” He heard you clearly though, and he quickly nodded, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the exit. He looked behind him, hoping that the person had been left behind and he’d be able to just go home and fall asleep with you. He almost jumped when he saw the person, not only that, but they were really close. Their speech was slurred and their breath smelt of Demonus as they asked him to walk them home. “Fine. Y/N, are you coming?” Please say yes, please say yes. You looked at him as if he was crazy, snorting quietly and shaking your head. “No thank you. I’m not into that.” You went the other direction, walking back towards the House of Lamentation as his ex dragged him down the street. It took him a bit to figure out what you meant, but about a block away from their house it finally hit him. He pulled his hand away from them, groaning even louder now as he pulled out his phone, calling you quickly as he walked faster, wanting nothing more than to get back to you. He heard you pick up, the sound of your breathing in his ear let him know that you were about to speak, but he wouldn’t let you, not before he said what he needed to say. “I just need you to know that I’m not cheating. I would never do that.” He saw their house coming up, practically pushing them towards it as he turned around, waiting for your response. “Oh… Well that’s… it’s not cheating, Belphie. We’re just friends.” He pulled his phone away from his ear for a second, giving himself a second to let what you said sink in. “Uhm, no we’re not. You’re mine, obviously.” “Yeah, no… you can’t just say that over the phone. You’re gonna have to come back and tell me that.” He hung up, making his way back to the house and storming into your room, pulling you out of your bed and dragging you up to the attic. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. Only mine… okay?”
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realcube · 4 years
comfort with the haikyuu!! boys hcs 💝
characters: kenma, bokuto, ushijima, tsukishima, akaashi
thanks to anon for the request (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
ALL AGED UP! (no mature themes though) (i just like the post-timeskip domestic dynamics)
tw// hurt! reader, swearing, mentions of death, fluff, angst if you squint
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Kenma Kuzome
bb has cat senses so he can tell when you’re sad
he can also tell bc you do the exact same thing he does when he’s sad, which is cuddle underneath blankets in bed, play animal crossing and blare lo-fi music to conceal your faint sobs
so when he walks into your shared room and notices you wrapped up in blankets on the bed, he does his best to suppress a snicker whicH HE FEELS SO BAD FOR HAVING IN THE FIRST PLACE
like he knows you’re sad but a part of his mind is just like ‘heh, (y/n) burrito.’ like you just look sO FKN CUTE!!
anyway, the first thing he always does when you’re down is approach you on the bed, sneak under the blankets and join to you to become a (y/n) & kenma burrito 
also, he might turn the speaker off depending on how loud the music is lol but if it’s at an okay volume then he’ll just leave it on and vibe with you for a bit as he desperately wracks his brain, trying to come up with something reassuring to say 
you usually comes up with the something basic like, ‘what’s wrong?’ but i mean, you don’t really mind - at least he’s making an effort and you know it must be difficult for him to think of things to say lol
depending on how sad you are, you might just tell him straight-up what happened or you might text him bc you don’t think you’ll be able to choke out an answer without bursting into tears again
then he’ll ask you if you want to be alone and act accordingly 
assuming that you say ‘no’ bc you want his presence, he’ll just recollect on the last time you comforted him while he was down and mimic it tbh
..you always comfort him so well 🥺 and whenever you console him, he always feels so much better so he just thought that maybe if he imitates you, then it’ll work just as well
so he started off by resting his head on your shoulder and whispering kind things in your ear just like you did to him, ‘you know i love you, right?’ , ‘i hope you feel better soon’, ‘do you want me to bring you some food?’
he’ll seriously do everything in his power to make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible 
and he’ll stay as a (y/n) & kenma burrito until you feel better or until the sun rises  ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰)
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Kōtarō Bokuto
i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again - he’s such an empath and so overdramatic
so when he comes home from work and you don’t run up to the door to give him hugs & kisses- he’s about to burst into tears himself
emo-mode engaged :(
his hair deflates as he pounces on you and wails, ‘(Y/N)! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHO HURT YOU?!’ (ಥ _ ಥ)
and the bitch dives on you while you are under the blanket, essentially scaring and suffocating you 
‘bokuto, get off me!’ you shrieked, wriggling out of his grip and out from under the blanket
 when he notices you had escaped the blanket with tear-stained cheeks, he felt even worse 
he threw himself into your arms, howling, ‘(Y/N)!! I AM SO SORRY!’
at this point all the blood had rushed to your head and you had kinda forgotten that you were sad for a moment or two
‘bo! you should know you’re own strength by now.’ you muttered, rubbing the underneaths off your puffy eyes
‘I KNOW!’ he wailed once more, burying his face into the crook of your neck
you sighed while rubbing his back, unable to supress a slight giggle, ‘bokuto..’ 
there was ages of silence between the two of you before he pulled away to look you in the eyes and asked, ‘(y/n), why were you crying before i got here?’
you’d explain the issue to him and he’d do everything in his power to solve it because the way he sees it, why should he try console you when he can just fix the variable that’s making you sad in the first place?
like, if you were just fired from your job, he’ll go full karen and he will call corporate to demand for your job back if you don’t stop him
or if your loved one died, he’ll become a fkn medium or study resurrection
or if you’re just stressed from exams/tests, he’ll just be like ‘why do you need to go to uni anyway?’
‘so i can get a qualification.’
‘why do you need that?’
‘so i can apply for a job.’
‘why do you need a job?’
‘so i can make money, so i don’t starve.’
‘you can have my money!’
you couldn’t help but chuckle at how much life-experience bokuto had, yet he will still so naïve; honestly, you couldn’t even tell if he was joking or not. ‘what if we break up?-”
“DON’T SAY THAT!” he gasped, instinctively tightening his grip on you
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
both you and ushijima’s pride did not allow y’all to cry in front of one another 
if you ever had to cry, you’d just run to the bathroom, lock the door, turn on the tap to drown out the sound of your sobs and just let it all out
and if he ever had to cry, he’d just do it in the shower
but like- you both knew when the other one had been crying because of their puffy, damp eyes but you both mutually agreed to not mention it
i mean, up until now y’all had both been able to flourish in the relationship while dealing with emotions on your own so why bother changing?
and if anything, you both felt more comfortable crying to yourselves
 that was, until today
you had cracked under the pressure of your job - you were simply sitting at your desk in the study room, doing some work then it all just came crashing down
ushijima had just stepped out of the shower in his towel and was currently wandering around the house in search of you, to inform you that he ran out of shampoo so it would be greatly appreciated if you were to add it to the shopping list 
but when he entered the study to see you sitting there by your computer, bawling you eyes out..he froze
like he had to do a whole double-take bc he wasn’t sure if he was seeing this correctly
your face was buried in your hands so you didn’t notice him at first but then you heard him awkwardly clear his throat from the doorway and your neck immediately jerked to look at him
it was quite embarrassing for the both of you, ngl
like he was standing there half-naked, staring into your red eyes in hopes that what he saw was just a hallucination
after what felt like hours of deafening silence, ushijima broke it by muttering under his breath, ‘uh, is everything okay?’
‘everything is fine, toshi.’ you replied, forcing a bright smile onto your face as you went back to typing, ‘did you come down here to tell me somethi--’
‘i can tell that there is something wrong.’ he stated, walking towards you while using one had to hold his towel in place and draping the other over your shoulders to pull you into his chest. ‘do you want to tell me?’
you let out a long sigh, resting your cheek against his chest while still staring at the many tabs you had open on your desktop 
but ushijima quickly fixed that by taking your chin in-between his thumb and index finger, then turning your face to look up at him, 
‘work?’ he hummed his assumption
‘yeah.’ you mumbled, quite surprised at how understanding he was being
but then again, ushijima obviously knows what it feels like to be overworked and burnt out too, so he was able to provide a lot of empathy in that sense
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Kei Tsukishima
ok a bit of tsukki slander but i feel like tsukishima would make it worse WEILUBRGBE
wait no well, he doesn’t make it worse but he doesn’t make it better either
like he’ll walk into the living room and see you curled up under a blanket on the couch, lightly sobbing from underneath- and he honestly doesn’t know how to act
this is the first time he’s seen you cry bc usually y’all keep your emotions to yourselves - you’re both v independent like that ( ̄︶ ̄)
anyway, mans thinks he can just tease the sadness out of you 🙄
‘awh, is my little couch goblin feeling sad?’ he said shakily, clearly intimidated by your figure lying on the couch, and you could tell he was nervous per his use of the nickname ‘couch goblin’
‘‘TSUKISHIMA, FUCK OFF!’ you barked, hastily wiping away your tears and clinging to blanket to prevent him from pulling it away, as the last thing you wanted him to see was your weary figure just so he could tease you about it 
‘bitch, i live here.’ he hissed, rubbing the back of his neck - feeling rather conflicted
on one hand, you seemed serious when you asked him to leave; plus, the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable by staying when you’re already sad
but on the other hand, he genuinely wanted to help
he’d feel bad if he were to just leave his s/o in tears when he could’ve done something to make you feel better 
‘do you really want me to go?’ he asked and for a change, not a hint of mockery or sarcasm was found in his voice
there were several moments of silence until you mumbled from under your blanket, ‘no.’ then proceeded to lift up your arm to allow him to crawl under the blanket and join you
he did so, pulling you against his chest so you could sob lightly against his cotton shirt while being engulfed by warm darkness
‘what could’ve possibly went wrong to make the evilest blanket demon cry?’
‘evilest blanket demon’ - that was definitely a new one, and you’d be lying if you said a small snicker didn’t escape your mouth at how monotonously he was able to deliver such a unique nickname
and after years of being in a relationship with tsukki, you’ve learned to find comfort in these nicknames considering they were a big part of how he expressed love 
in his vocabulary, ‘you’re so annoying.’ is equal to ‘i love you’
so him calling you an ‘evil blanket demon’ was, in his eyes, the highest and most sincere form of flattery
you eventually tell him what happened that made you sad and he just listens 
feel free to ramble on about anything/everything that’s worried you for the last few months bc he’s all ears 
he figured that other than make you dinner and hug you, that was the best thing he could do to help bc he was far from a romantic who’s good with words 
if he tries to console you verbally it would probably come out like ‘uh, don’t cry - i understand what you’re going through, i think, but like- cry if you want. this must be tough for you, to be honest.’
so he just listens to what you have to say and occasionally inputs a lil’ ‘mhm’ or ‘yeah’
he’s probably the most patient with you so you could stay sad on the couch for the next few weeks, as long as you’re eating the meals he delivers to you and you’re staying healthy, he’ll just let you mope until you feel better tbh
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Keiji Akaashi
boyfie material right here
i’m hardly an akaashi simp but he’s probably the best at comforting you while you’re sad tbh
because he’s literally been dealing with bokuto and his emo-mode for god-knows how long so he’s very good with reassuring people😌
also, i just know that this man can detect emotions so well- evEN THROUGH TEXT ISTG
he’d text you the usual ‘goodnight ❤’
and you’ll quickly wipe away your tears that were blurring your vision to reply ‘goodnight 💕’ 
then he’ll deadass text back like ‘i’m coming over. what’s wrong?’
HE JUST KNOWS!! don’t question it bc he doesn’t even have a logical answer lol
anyway, he’ll arrive and immediately begin with the reassurance before you even tell him what’s wrong 
‘you’re coping so well, (y/n).’
‘i’m so proud and i love you so much.’
‘is there anything i can do to make you feel better?’
‘would you like a hug?’
‘you’re beautiful, (y/n). i hope you know that.’
‘do you want me to get you ice-cream?’
a king- 👑
also, you weren’t embarrassed to cry in front of him either bc you had seen him cry before 
plus, y’all both established at the very beginning of the relationship that you’d both try be as honest and open with your emotions as possible
so now, you were both sitting beside each other on your bed while sharing a banana split that akaashi made (you put the sprinkles on though so you basically gave it flavour ✨)
akaashi is definitely the therapist friend to so he gives great advice 
but if you don’t want his advice and you’d prefer him to just listen, then he can do that too 
honestly, he’d do basically anything to make you feel better 🥺
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
Not me basically stalking this whole page bc like No OnE writes of Beastars and I'm starved
I love your writing honestly, thanks for doing God's works for us lmao 💕
When you have time could I request a sheep/wolf female reader (looks more like a sheep and only had wold teeth/ears) with Pina and/or Bill? Just like their initial reaction to them maybe and after they find out that she's technically a carnivore (even if she looks like a sheep)
Thank you!
Are you asking me to write for a wolf in sheep's clothing? Because it feels like you're asking me to write for a wolf in sheep's clothing and I am all about that life
Thank you so much! That makes my day ;-; I also got a bit carried away, so I hope it’s okay. Feel free to send again if I missed something!
“A new student?” Pina closed his locker, interest now fully on Els. Pina really hadn’t been listening that closely, but it wasn’t everyday the school got a new student. 
“Yeah! A new girl. She’s a sheep,” Els continued, going over the very few details she knew. It wasn’t much, but she was still excited about it. As she continued to speak, she quickly checked her phone. Pina could tell by her sudden expression that it was later than she anticipated. She needed to get to class.
“Why are you telling me?” Els gave him a look while slinging her bag over her slim shoulder. 
“Because you’re a total flirt! I don’t want you to make the school or the drama club look bad. I heard she may stop by the club after classes. Behave yourself, okay?” Pina just gave her a look as she retreated. He shook it off, he didn’t need some upperclassman lecturing him. It was well meaning, but when had anyone ever stopped Pina from doing what he wanted?
Your hand grips the handle of the door. You take a deep breath through your nose, letting it out through your mouth. You tried to anchor yourself, and prepare for the onslaught. Everyone at the school seemed really nice so far, but it wouldn’t take much for that to change. 
“You’re the new girl, right?” You jump, pointed ear flicking as you turn on your heel in alarm. You hadn’t even heard the male walk up behind you. Were you that much in your head? Usually your instincts were better than that. 
“Yeah,” Being a sheep meant you were pretty small, and it helped you talk to the ground so no one would see your fangs. You were really good at hiding them, you had to be. 
“My name’s Pina, you are?” You looked up at him, taking note of his shining horns and wool that fell just right around his form. He looked like he walked out of a magazine. 
“O-Oh! Y/N,” You offered a small closed mouth smile. Pina didn’t stop looking you over. Your alarm bells went off. There was definitely something up with him. Did he know? Usually people just assumed your ears were deformed or you were just bad at managing your wool which is why there were so fluffy. Was it your eyes? Your hands? You trimmed your claws between classes, so by all accounts you looked like an herbivore. 
“Nice to meet you. Don’t look so worried, pretty much everyone is tolerable,” He reached past you and walked in, letting you follow after. 
You’d been going to drama club for a while. Thankfully for you, everyone was super nice, if not al little eccentric or weird. It at least gave you a solid friend base, if nothing else. You often would eat with some of the members. Sheila even introduced you to another sheep named Peach. Though, more often than not, you’d find yourself with Pina at some point during the day. You had no idea how it happened, it always just...did. You had suspicions he had somehow orchestrated running into you. 
“What class are you studying for?” He tried to peek over at your book, having managed to peel his eyes away from his phone that pinged every few moments with messages, no doubt from the possibly many girls he had been dating. 
“Science,” He looked immediately disinterested, going back to his phone. He started texting again, at a speed most cheetahs would find impressive, but he continued to try and carry a conversation with you. 
“Okay, I have to ask. What’s your deal? Why did you transfer, and why did you end up in drama club?” Pina’s words would have been accusatory, or pointed, but his tone was so casual it was like he was asking about the weather. 
“My deal?” You froze, and tried to casually turn the page, but you had stayed still a few moments to long. You didn’t have to look over to know Pina was now leaned over, waiting. 
“Your deal. Like, Legoshi is a pervert, Sheila used to be a dominatrix or something...No one normal as you usually joins. So, what’s your deal? You’re so...normal,” You hands closed your book with a thunk! You adjust on the bench to turn over and look back at him, scooting away just a smidge. 
“Promise you wont say anything?” You looked serious, but Pina was unaffected. Instead he tapped his chin, seeming to think hard about it. 
“Sure, why not?” He smiled, that same charismatic smile that he had perfected. You didn’t know if it was genuine, but his words were. Pina was a flirt, but he wasn’t known for spreading or telling rumors. Plus, he was your friend, even if you didn’t know how you ended up being friends in the first place. 
“Well, I’m not a sheep, at least...not all sheep,” As you spoke, he leaned in, curiosity getting the better of him. His phone was now long forgotten, and not even the chirping from text alerts took his gaze away from you. You glanced around while mulling how to say what you need to say in your head. The coast was clear. 
“I look like a sheep but, I’m also half wolf,” As your spoke, you didn’t hide your fangs, and actually went out of you way to adjust your more pointed ears. 
“Woah,” You waited for the fallout. Waited for his expression to turn to disgust, or for him to ask if your wolf parent ate your sheep one. You wanted for all of the normal questions that came with the confusion and ager from finding out you were a hybrid, but it never came.
“So that’s why you’re weird looking,” You shot a glare his direction. At least he was honest.
“Yeah, I guess...So, you wont tell anyone?” Pina leaned back.
“Nah I wont tell anyone about you, as long as you don’t chew on me at practice,” he shoots you a smile. This one seemed actually honest. 
“Thanks...I really appreciate it” 
“No problem. Can I ask another question?”
“Sure, I guess,” You suddenly felt much more relaxed. It was like a weight had been lifted. 
“Do you classify as a carnivore or an herbivore? I’ve never met a hybrid before,”  You blinked, and fiddled with the corner of your book.
“Carnivore, technically. I have to take supplements since I’ve been eating the herbivore lunch. It’s not balanced for me”
“Oh! Well, that sucks,” He laughed and grabbed his phone again. “Just order the food you want. I’ll can always get you one, or ask Bill to get an extra. Or Legoshi, they’d get one for you,” He was so casual about it, you almost had to pinch yourself. 
“Hey Pina?”
“Thanks...for being so nice about it.” 
“No problem. You can’t help who your parents are, plus you’re more interesting than over half the school. It’d be a waste to stop hanging out with you over something so stupid.” 
“New student?” Bill held the door open for Els who snuck by, holding her bag. They’d just got done at drama club, and Els was eager to talk about the new student their director told them about. Supposedly she was a transfer from another school. The details weren’t specific but they were all pretty excited. Having someone from a new school could offer new perspectives, which could be great for the drama club.
“Yeah. She sounds like she could fit right it,” It’d be nice to have another girl in drama and another herbivore. After the incident with Tem, some herbivores were still cautious about carnivore students, so it was exciting this new girl was joining an interspecies club out of the gate. 
“I hope so. Just gotta make sure Pina doesn’t do anything overwhelming, we don’t need that kind of drama,” Bill did not need Pina to flirt with the new girl, and go and forget her name. Bill was honestly one to talk, but that was beside the point. 
“Well, we’ll get to meet her tomorrow!” Els smiled, and they waved goodbye to one another. She was in high spirits, and with a shove of her shoulder let herself into her dorm room. 
“See you tomorrow Els!” Bill waved and went to his dorm. A new girl huh? He wasn’t thrilled at the idea of more Herbivores to look after, but if they were even a fraction as cool as Els, they couldn’t be to bad. 
You took a deep breath, and your hand gripped your school bag tightly. You grabbed the door of the drama room and pushed it. It was a bit stuck, but nothing major. You did pretend to struggle with it in order to fit the persona you were following of being a basic herbivore. No one had to know about the fact you had a carnivore parent. 
“Hello! Sorry I’m late! I got a bit lost,” You walked in, smiling carefully, avoiding showing any teeth. Your slightly longer and fluffier ear twitched. Most students just thought it was some sort of deformity, and were polite enough not to talk about it. 
“Welcome!” A goat ran up to you, and quickly introduced herself. It took very little time for you to be introduced to everyone else. They all seemed nice, friendly. Juno and Els were quick to sweep you away from a flirty and curious Pina, and show you the ropes and the possible areas you could end up.
“This big guy is Bill, don’t worry, he’s not as big of a jerk as he likes to pretend to be,” Els fondly pat the large tiger on the arm, and he just gave you a smile.
“Nice to meet you,” Bill smiled your direction, but there was a moment where the look in his eye turned briefly to confusion, but it went back to normal almost as quickly as it came. 
“Nice to meet you too!” Maybe it was your imagination. Yeah, your imagination. 
Drama was really fun. Everyone was supportive, if not a bit quirky. Even out of drama club, they tended to stick together. Els, Sheila, as well as Juno, tended to stick close with you. Thanks to them, it wasn’t difficult for you to find a close group of small and honest friends. That also included Bill, on rare occasions. He stuck mainly with carnivores, but the rare times you were alone, he’d slide next to you. 
“Hey, you doing okay?” He had two meals in his hand. You wondered if he was meeting someone. 
“Yeah, I’m doing alright!” You set your supplements down. He eyed them for a moment and motioned with his head.
“It’s nice outside, we should go enjoy the rest of the evening,” You sat confused, but decided to follow him. Bill carried those two trays out and somehow still held the door for you. 
“Thanks, but why do you wanna eat outside?” You sat on a bunch, setting your try on your lap, and you opened your drink to take your supplements. When people asked, you told them they were just additional vitamins. 
“So you could eat this instead,” He offered the second tray he had been holding. You looked at him confused. 
“Why?” It was the carnivore lunch tray. You were a sheep, as far as anyone knew. 
“Because taking supplements suck,” He sat down, and offered the second tray again, “Take it, I want to eat my food too, kinda hard to do that with my hands full,” You set your other food aside, and took the offered tray, 
“So, you know?” Bill shrugged. He didn’t seem that worried about it. 
“Yeah. To be fair, Aoba figured it out first. He happened to see you yawn one day, spotted your fangs. Aoba has really good eyes, being a eagle and all. We figured you didn’t want anyone to know so we haven’t asked you about it,” You freeze. If Aoba knew, who else did?
“Aoba knows?” You looked shocked. You thought you had been so careful! 
“Yeah. Don’t worry about it. Only Aoba, Els, and I know. We didn’t want to bug you about it, but it’s been bugging me, watching you take those pills all the time. It’s better to just eat what you need instead of eating salads and hoping your “Vitamins” even it out. If you’re part carnivore, have some pride in it,” He spoke between eating. You were surprised, he seemed so okay with it. 
“Oh,” You didn’t know what to say. No one had treated you different, everyone was still super nice. 
“Promise you guys wont tell anyone?” You finally picked up your utensils, and began eating the lunch you should have been getting from the beginning. It was really good, but maybe that was just because it came from someone who accepted you. 
“Promise. We stick together, you’re one of us now,” He jokingly shoved your thin shoulder with his own, grinning. 
“So, what are you mixed with?” Bill asked, his food all but gone. How did he eat so much so fast? 
“Sheep and a wolf,” He laughed.
“Oh boy, I bet that must be a story,” He laughed, and you would bet he was trying to picture how that happened.
“Yeah,” You kept eating, finally relaxing. You didn’t even know you were tense. 
“If you ever need anything you can ask me, okay? Like I said, we all kind of stick together. I don’t mind buying extra food for you so you can avoid taking those pills,” He looked away, scratching his cheek. You got the feeling he wasn’t used to being sincere or so outwardly nice. It wasn’t a surprise, he frequently played the tough guy. 
“Thanks Bill.”
“You’re welcome” 
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bepp-ers · 4 years
“Ok. So ive read fanfics and headcanons of yandere!Diavolo basically getting with MC to annoy or make Lucifer jealous. What if MC feels like Diavolo is doing this and try to say no whenever Dia tries to ask them out? Hes the the future king and rarely gets told no. I feel like he wouldnt accept MC's refusal.”
Yandere!Diavolo x MC. Thanks beautiful anon for requesting. And it ended up being gender neutral because it just did. Also ever so slight Barbatos x Reader too bc i errr simp-- Enjoy lovelies! <3
TW: Kidnapping, warnings of physical abuse, deceit, emotional manipulation, Diavolo being a bitch
“Are you afraid?”
You were seriously annoyed. Living in the Devildom, fun right? 
Apparently not with the Prince around. Diavolo was nice, you supposed but very much arrogant. 
So here you were, faced with yet another proposition. 
“Look, Diavolo you’re nice but once again it’s got to be a no. Please understand that, I mean no disrespect.” You were a bit nervous, the way his eyes narrowed and his smug smile widened.
“Of course. But one day maybe you will give me a chance.” You forced a smile and turned to leave, wanting to return back to the house of lamentation.
“Oooh, MC you’re in a bad mood! What’s wrong?” As you walked into the kitchen to grab a drink, you heard Asmo quip at you.
“Nothing, nothing, I’m just tired...” You leant on the counter and sighed. “Come now, we both know it’s something more than that. You can tell me!”
“Fine, it’s Diavolo again.” “Eh? Again?” “Yep. He keeps asking me to be with him, and I’m almost certain it’s to make Lucifer jealous.” 
Asmo tapped his chin in thought. “Hm, well that is a problem. I can’t help you, although you’re super lucky to have the future King after you. Maybe Lucifer can help?”
You blinked. “Hey that’s not a bad idea. Thanks Asmo!”
You hopped down from the counter and left, to hopefully find some help on the situation.
Knock knock!
“Enter.” You quietly stepped into Lucifer’s study, where he was doing goodness knows what.
“Ah, MC. Need something?” You sank into one of the chairs and sighed. “I need you to talk to Diavolo for me.”
The scratching of the pen stopped at once and Lucifer fixed you with a look. “Pardon?”
“I meant what I said. I have utmost respect for Diavolo, but at the moment he seems... He won’t take my ‘no’ for an answer in being his partner. And he won’t listen to me, so I was hoping you could talk to him?”
Lucifer paused for a moment, taking in the information. 
“I see. So, you want me to discuss with Diavolo why you don’t wish to be his partner?” “Please.” “Very well. Next week’s student council meeting will--”
“I need you to do it as soon as you can.” Lucifer gave you a small smile. “MC, I appreciate the concern but I can assure you Diavolo means no harm. He is simply not used to being refused something.”
You stood up, and shook your head. “You don’t understand... Nevermind, it doesn’t matter.” 
With that, you left.
After closing the door in annoyance, you groaned, heading back to your room. It was unfair! No one saw the urgency of the situation!
‘Who else can I talk to...? Lucifer will only talk to him next week, and I don’t think any of the brothers would want to talk to him...’
An idea popped into your head, and you grabbed your D.D.D.
Scrolling through your contacts you clicked on a fairly unused one. 
Riiing... Riiing.... Click!
“MC. What a pleasant call.” 
“Hey, Barbatos. Listen, I need to talk to you about something, but I’d prefer to do it in person.” “That is completely fine. Would you like to come over tomorrow?”
You sighed in some relief. “Yeah, yeah that’s brilliant. Thanks.” “It’s no problem. I’ll escort you, if you’d like.” “Mm, thanks Barbatos. See you tomorrow.”
You hung up and grinned. Why hadn’t you thought of that before? Barbatos could help for sure... right?
In the morning, at breakfast you informed the brothers of where you’d be going.
“So what are you doing today, MC? You could come with me to Devil’s Kitchen-” “Or you could come buy a matching outfit with me for Devilgram!” “Yeah, or they could stay in and play the new game with me? Only if they wanted, of course-!”
You chuckled at the brothers bickering. “Actually I’m going out today, so I can’t join any of you.”
“Oh? And where are you going?” “To spend some time with Barbatos actually.” “Huh?! Why are you hanging out with that butler?” “Mammon, jealousy isn’t a good look for you.”
“I just thought I would, because I don’t spend much time with him. He’s picking me up soon.” “Oh! Is MC going on a date?” “I very much doubt that, Asmo.”
You gave Asmo a side glare and stood up from the table. “I just want to talk to him, that’s all. I’ve gotta get ready, catch you later.”
“Alright, see you guys later! If I’m not back by this evening assume I’m dead. See you!” You stepped out of the building with Barbatos and he gave you that oh-so-polite smile of his.
“MC, you look nice. So what is you wished to discuss?” With one graceful flick of his hand, Barbatos had both of you transported to the Demon Lord’s castle.
It wasn’t the first place you’d wanted to go to, but if the time was spent with Barbatos on his own then it would be fine.
“Well, actually it’s about Diavolo- No, before you say I don’t want to talk to him about this. Believe me, I’ve tried.” You leant back into 
Barbatos pursed his lips and glanced to the side. “I believe I know what this is about. Excuse my manners, I haven’t offered you anything. Some tea?” 
“Oh, thanks.” He nodded courteously and stood up, leaving for a moment.
You glanced around, taking in the grand carvings in the gold ceilings, and how everything from the paintings to the threads of the cushion you were leaning on had some air of royalty to them.
“Here you are MC. I hope it is to your liking?” “Mm.” “Wonderful. Now, about your concerns. This is about My Lord’s... advances, isn’t it?”
You nodded, and sipped your cup of hot tea.
“No need to say anything, I completely understand. My Lord is a wonderful demon, he’s just new to this kind of thing. But I understand why you are uncomfortable, and I will talk to him about it, if you’d like?”
“You will?” “Of course, I’d be more than happy to oblige. MC, are you feeling well? You look a little pale.” He suddenly commented, and you noticed a strange feeling in your temple.
“Ah- now that you mention it, I feel kind of... tired... Wait- Barbatos what’s in this tea...?” You trailed off, your delicate cup clattering to the ground.
“I’m so sorry, MC. Out of all the futures I’ve seen, yours was one of the brightest until you came here... I truly am sorry.” Remorse welled in his teal eyes and you slipped forwards, sleep overtaking you.
Gloved hands caught you swiftly, but you didn’t know what happened after that. You could only imagine Barbatos carrying you to the grand room, removing your D.D.D from your possession and glacing wistfully back at you as he locked the door.
“Ahh, you’re finally awake! It’s so lovely to see your bright eyes again.” ‘That voice, it can’t be...’
Your worst fears had come true. Here you were, just woken up in the lap of the demon Prince himself. ‘Angels save me...’
“What... Diavolo..?” “Yours truly. How do you feel, darling? Terribly sorry about getting you here, Barbatos was rather reluctant about the whole plan but seeing the future is such a nifty trick, eh?”
You scrambled out of his loose grip and hunched up to the head board, golden like everything else in this fucking castle.
“You- he- He tricked me! Let me go, you can’t keep me here!” “I think you’ll find I can, being the future King and all. Come now, what’s with that expression?”
You glared at him, eyes fixated on sending a look of pure hatred. “You’re a monster. I told you I didn’t want you. You can’t just kidnap someone if they don’t requite your feelings!”
“Can’t I? You don’t seem to be correct, this time.” “You bastard!” You cried, and jumped off the bed, sprinting towards the door. 
Of course it was locked, but that wouldn’t stop you from banging on it and screaming. “Barbatos, Barbatos please help me!”
“I’m afraid that won’t help you, MC. Barbatos is my servant after all, and a servant cannot disobey his master. As for you...”
You heard him stride across the room, and you turned to face him- only to wish you hadn’t.
“Are you afraid, MC?”
Diavolo’s usually wide smile had been replaced by a sinister grin, and he had changed into his demon form- a truly terrifying sight to behold.
“Not going to answer me? That’s okay, I don’t need you to.” You pressed yourself against the door, ready for some kind of agony, but it never came.
Instead, he picked you up and sat back on the bed, nestling you on his lap once more.
“I must say, it’s better when you don’t fight back.” You couldn’t move. You were genuinely paralysed. 
All you could do was whatever he wanted, evidently. 
“What... did you do to me...?!” “What an accusation, MC. I simply made the situation more enjoyable, wouldn’t you say?”
“The brothers will find me... The angels will find me too... You won’t get away with this..!” You hissed as he pressed gentle kisses to your neck, content.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. After all, they’ll be too sad to find that you left them, without even saying goodbye.”
“W-what?! I would never.... You cruel bastard!” Your eyes welled with tears, and he carefully wiped them away with his thumb.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You have me, right darling?” “I don’t want you!” “We’ll have to work on that, but that’s okay... but that’s okay, if it’s for you!”
“Don’t... don’t touch me.” He sighed, pulling you closer to his chest and ran his hand through your hair.
“I suppose if you keep denying me, there will be consequences, but I’m sure you’ll be a good little human and keep quiet, right?”
haha this was long. and i may or may not be working on yandere! simeon and solomon right now so uhhhh shhh. i’m not a huge fan of Diavolo but the dynamic is fun. see you soon lovelies <3 
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poptod · 3 years
The Old Gods
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Description: Jack has to get close to a powerful suspect. Jack also ponders upon his humanity.
Notes: genuinely didnt meant for this to get so long, my apologies, i just like writing conversations bc i never get to have them.  also! I hate myself so much for writing supernatural fanfiction in the good year of our lord 2021. its not my fault, it was the only show i could watch with my cousin that we both liked. anyway! lmk if you like it i could do a part two WC: 11k
The nearest library could hardly be called a library. A more accurate description would be a collection of books––a small collection––that could be read freely but never taken from the library itself. There was little need within the Winchesters to visit the library, considering they had one in their home filled with mythical lore, but the records of Kansas and neighboring cities and states were detailed thoroughly in the nearest library.
Jack knew a great many things; inherent natures and laws of the universe, the experience of power and of fear, both before him and within him. Many things he'd seen deserved to be feared, exposing him to dangers often unheard of amongst regular children.
Three months into existence, however, Jack liked to think he knew more than he did when he was born. This was because he'd spoken to more people, experienced more things, and learned select things about his mother, his father, his family, and strangers. Still, there were things that puzzled him––the age of the world was clear in his mind (4.543 billion years, four months, 22 days, 6 hours, and 52 seconds) but how humanity progressed into what they now were astounded him.
"Humans started as... these creatures with unending curiosity," Castiel explained to him, his hands folded neat in his lap but hidden by his too-long trenchcoat sleeves. "Ceaseless innovation. They started without language but they always had kindness. I think.. that's why God favored them, at least at first."
"So... kindness is a form of.. intelligence?" Jack asked slowly, his brow furrowed tight as he stared past his father.
"I believe so," he said, shifting in his seat. "Kindness drove these animals to building homes, to conversing with one another, to creating a better world for descendants they would never know. It's quite beautiful, actually."
"Am I a part of that story?"
Only half-human, only half-alive, only half the story, belonging to nothing concrete. Jack wasn't really human, leaving him alone in his species.
"Yes," Castiel said without hesitation.
Civilization first started off in a number of areas. The first book Jack found dealt with the fertile crescent northeast of Africa, where Mesopotamia brought forth a number of societies, of cultures, meshed together over the course of thousands of years. Sumerians were one of the first to build their cities, creating writing, the wheel, and the plow in their haven apart from the unpredictable and often violent wild.
But no––the next book Jack found stated that Jericho was the oldest city, west to the fertile crescent near the shore of the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. The citystate was independent from any other power, often becoming abandoned from raids only to return to high populations, as humans flocked back to the spring water that still poured from inside the earth to this day.
Over the rest of the day spent in the nearest library, Jack learned there was no single spot in which civilization was created and then spread from. The Nile in Africa brought forth Egypt, the Indus river in Pakistan birthed the Harappan civilization, and the two rivers Yellow and Yangtze in China created the first asian cities. From there villages, towns, and cities spread like mold across the earth's surface, eventually bringing humans to inhabit every continent and nearly every environment known on earth.
There were far too many things to know, and the strain of reading on his eyes eventually forced him to retire for the day. He hardly understood anything yet, but the librarian was understanding as to his prolonged stay, and wished him a good evening when he left. He beamed a bright smile despite the strange pain growing behind his eyes, and waved good-bye.
Dean gave him painkillers when he got back to the bunker after Jack thoroughly (and unnecessarily) described his headache.
"Humans are... strange," Jack said, his brow furrowed in deep thought. He rested his elbows on the table, leaning over an empty bowl of cereal.
"Not wrong, but, care to elaborate?" asked Sam, who was sitting across from him at the kitchen table, a newspaper and pen in his hand.
"Castiel said you created the first cities out of a desire to.. to protect each other, and to keep yourselves safe. And then the first thing you do when you meet other cities is to go to war with them."
Sam sucked in a sharp breath, leaning back as he set the newspaper aside. This would take a little more concentration than a passing ear.
"People are scared by things they don't know," Sam began only to be cut off.
"They don't know if it's dangerous. You didn't trust us, at first, either. We didn't know whether to trust you. Remember?"
"Oh," Jack said softly.
"Yeah. But you're right," he said with a long sigh. "It's strange. We're... strange."
"Are humans inherently good?"
"I don't think anyone is inherently good," Sam said, and Jack straightened his posture, suddenly confused by his claim. "Every person – every thing, every living thing has – has the capacity for good and evil. It's really just up to the individual to decide which side they want to give into."
"Am I a good person?"
"First off, you're not really a person," said another voice from the doorway.
Sam and Jack both turned at the same time, meeting the eye of Dean, who had yet to change out of his bathrobe despite it being 2PM.
"Second off, you haven't been alive long enough to be a good person," he continued as he entered, an empty coffee cup in hand.
"Dean –" Sam began, only to be cut off.
"What? It's the truth."
The coffee machine buzzed loudly once Dean pushed a few of the buttons, setting his cup beneath the nozzle. He muttered something to himself before turning back to the kitchen table.
"Anything strange in the paper?" He asked, leaning against the counter.
"Maybe," said Sam.
He grabbed the paper again, delving into the details of a nearby missing persons case that soon faded out of Jack's state of mind. His thoughts were still absorbed in his existence, in his beginnings, and how they compared to the beginnings of humans. At least with angels he knew everything; that was how angels were born. Knowing everything.
Jack remained seated at the table when Sam and Dean left, still stewing in his thoughts that he imagined would never go away. It was half an hour later when the two brothers returned, this time fully dressed, and packed up on their way to the car.
"We've gotta go find some local records," Dean said.
"So we're headed to the library," Sam finished, and the two gave each other odd glances at the coincidental synchronicity.
"I was there a couple days ago," Jack said, suddenly perking up. "Can I come with you?"
"Sure, just don't get in the way," Dean said with a dismissive hand, already leaving the doorway.
Sam pursed his lips, letting out a bitter, almost apologetic chuckle before he followed.
He liked the middle seat. It didn't have a seatbelt, but he wasn't sure what seatbelts were for anyways, and the middle seat allowed him easy access to see both of the Winchesters. Dean never spared a glance in his direction while he drove, but Sam offered awkward, curt smiles.
Technically Jack could just fly to the library in an instant, but the drive into town was pretty, lined with the colors of autumn. Recently winds had taken up a more brisk edge, marking the absence of birds that flew in packs overhead. He scooted to one of the window seats, craning his neck awkwardly to look up and out of the glass, grinning at the ravens flying through the orange and gold trees.
The librarian showed the three men where the records were kept, directing them towards missing persons cases when they requested it. While Sam and Dean thumbed through the records, Jack returned to ancient history books, studying art and images from Vedic India.
There, amongst the carvings printed on soft paper, he found something rather odd. He stood from his position on the floor, still staring intensely at the print as he walked over to the table Sam and Dean sat at.
"Hey Jack," Sam said as he sat down, gently placing the book on the table. He scanned Jack's hunched posture before he asked, "something up?"
"I found something... strange," he said, his brow still knotted neatly above curious eyes.
"Yeah well, join the club, kid," Dean said with a groan, wiping his face with his hand.
Jack opened his mouth to ask what they'd seen, but Sam answered before he could speak.
"There's been repeated attacks, kind of," he said, waving his hand vaguely. "Once every ten years a couple of kids go missing. Always two kids, always on the same day of the year."
"And another anomaly," Dean said, reaching over to a stack of papers and slapping them on the table in front of Jack.
Big, black words displayed the newspaper title, and below it, the date of publishing. January 4th, 1967. The main article dealt with a concert happening in a nearby city, and the image printed with it displayed a number of concert-goers, most of them in their teens or early adulthood. Hidden behind several other people, a familiar face appeared––the librarian. Unhindered by time.
"Is that..."
"Big boots over there?" Dean asked, pointing with his thumb in your general direction.
You were sorting through a stack of books, but as Jack looked down, he found you were wearing rather large boots. The ends of your pants drowned in them.
"Do you think they're related?" Jack asked as he turned back to the Winchesters.
"Possibly," Sam said with a nod. "Bit early to tell. But, uh..."
Sam trailed off as his eyes focused on something past Jack's shoulder. He, as well as Dean, turned to meet your eyes that quickly darted away once all three of them were looking at you.
"I think I have an idea," Sam said.
Dean and Jack curiously tilted their heads to the side at the same time, though when Dean noticed that, he fixed himself immediately.
"I think they have a thing for you," he said in a much quieter voice.
"Me?" Jack asked, pushing his finger into his chest.
"Yeah. You could get a little closer and see if something's up."
"Are you seriously setting up Jack with a fuckin' demon, for all we know?" Dean asked flatly, earning an odd look from Sam, who had never heard Dean protest putting Jack in danger.
"Dean, Jack's dad is a demon-angel thing. I don't think it's a big deal," he said.
That seemed to shut the older Winchester up.
"Hm," Jack hummed as he debated the idea. "I also found something strange."
"Oh, right," Sam said, clearing his head with a shake. "What was it?"
"It was also... the librarian," he said with a deep frown. "In one of the books."
He pushed forward the textbook, opening it to reveal the page in which he'd found your face. The stone expression was remarkably similar to your traits, from the curve of your nose to the positioning of your eyes, and the small, polite smile on your lips.
"I found it in the history section," Jack explained. "It says it's from Vedic India."
A quick Google-search later, Sam was reading out the age of Vedic India.
"According to this it says the Vedic age was approximately around 1500 to 800 B.C., so... about 2,500 years ago."
"Wow, this fucker's old," Dean snorted.
Sam shot him a look over the top of his computer screen.
Having found the information they were looking for, the Winchesters began to pack up their belongings and their scribbled notes, shoving them into their bags or into their many-pocketed coats. Jack, on the other hand, prepared himself for talking to you, hoping his ineptness towards social situations with humans wouldn't be too obvious. He swallowed through the knot in his throat, taking a shaking breath in an attempt to steady himself.
It didn't work.
"Dean, what am I supposed to say to them?" He whispered when they were already approaching the front desk, his palms growing sweaty.
"I don't know, their job or something? Something normal," he very unhelpfully advised.
"Thanks for letting us stay for the day," Sam said with a polite smile, handing back one of the printed out records you'd fetched for them from beneath your desk.
"Not a problem. You keep quiet. I like that in a reader," you said, smiling back as you glanced between the three of them.
None of them moved, and your expression turned to mild confusion. Dean had to jab Jack in the side to get him to speak. He opened his mouth to protest, but Dean motioned something to Sam, and the two of them quickly left for the car, leaving Jack alone while they 'situated' themselves.
"I, um..." Jack started before he was ready.
The silence felt wrong, but the silence after saying something was much, much worse. Whatever came into his mind first would have to be what he said.
"I like your job," he said, keenly scanning your expression for any hint of your thoughts.
You paused, clearly taken back for a moment, before you broke out into a chuckle, looking down to your hands as your face flushed.
"I like it quite a lot, too," you said with a grin, looking back up at him. "I've always been interested in becoming a librarian. Granted, I didn't quite imagine it in Kansas, but it is pretty here."
"Where did you imagine it?"
"Greece, actually," you chuckled, and he smiled as well, his heart thumping with a sudden haste. "I was heartbroken to hear the Library of Alexandria was burned down."
"The Library of Alexandria?" He repeated, tilting his head to the side again.
"Haven't heard of it?" You asked.
He shook his head gingerly. Was he supposed to?
No matter––you explained in full what the Library of Alexandria was, when it was created, when it was burnt, and the loss it caused amongst human society. He listened intently, frequently asking questions you were happy to answer. When Jack glanced out the library window, he found the impala gone, and realized Sam's plan had, in a way, worked.
"Are there.. any books about the library?" He asked once you completed your short story.
"Yes, but I don't want to hold you folks up –"
It was then you looked out the window as well, finding the two large men had abandoned the smaller.
"Oh where'd they go?" You said in a curious, high voice.
"Don't worry about that, I... have a bus," he said, earning a strange look. "I am... I ride buses."
A beat of silence passed.
"So the Library was in Greece?" He asked, and your earlier mood returned.
You brought him––with much excitement––to one of the rows in the library filled with simple textbooks for primary school kids. Other rows of your well-tended library were occupied by old books, their bindings worn and frayed at the edges from continuous use. Pages were turned yellow and were soft beneath his fingers, but despite their age they were rather hard for Jack to read and understand, meaning his discovery of children's comprehensible textbooks was a giddy one.
Jack wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to be looking for when it came to you. What counted as suspicious? You continued to speak with him even after the sun set behind mountains, that could be a sign you were trying to gather information on him, as well. That could also mean you liked him. Was your friendliness suspect?
"- and the Phoenicians were really only called that by the Grecians. The name came from the purple dye that they're famous for, some root word for 'purple people' in Greek is Phoenicia," you explained, moving your hands expressively despite the fact that Jack's eyes were set dead on the textbook on the floor in front of you. Paragraphs of words surrounded modern depictions of ancient people and their art.
"So what was their actual name?" He asked as he looked up to you.
"Canaanites. From the land of Canaan."
"... you know a lot," he said, looking back to the page as you chuckled.
"It's just memory," you said with a shrug.
"Can I... can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Do you know anything about mythical creatures?"
Surely this would reveal something, Jack thought––you might react poorly, in which case you could be the monster, or you might react in complete knowledge, which... could also mean you were the monster.
"A little," you said slowly. "Why do you ask?"
"I have an interest, in myths and monsters," he said, almost smiling again.
"Oh man, I have a show you're going to love."
Far in the back of the library, a hollow, steel door led to a small break room, the carpet inside being a dark, scratchy grey against his palms when he sat down. There were no chairs in the room, but an old TV sat on a cheap cart plugged into the nearest, bare wall. On the opposite side of the TV was a dull blue counter that stretched from the door to a window covered by plastic shingle curtains.
You snatched the remote off the counter, pressing a large, red button that had the television buzzing to life loudly. The screen sparked, static radiating around it as a thin line of white brought life to a Netflix loading screen.
After several minutes of waiting for Netflix to load and then typing a title into the search bar, a show called Myths and Monsters was before him. He let out a laugh as he realized what had sparked the connection––he'd literally spoken the title.
Would an ancient being or monster know how to work a TV?
Castiel could work a TV.
Kind of.
The first episode began to play and you took a seat beside Jack, crossing your legs neatly beneath you. A few minutes in, rain pattered lightly on the roof, followed by sudden winds that battered the now pouring rain against the window. Jack watched through the side of his eye as you smiled at the change in weather.
That was suspicious.
Late in the evening, when night darkened the land and heavy thunderclouds darkened the sky, he left the library. He stood in the threshold between the warm light on your desk in the otherwise dark room, and the falling rain outside. Yellow-orange streetlamps illuminated the sheets of rain and the nearby bus stop, but you still stopped him, holding the door open as you both stood motionless in front of one another.
"I have a car, I can drive you home," you offered, gesturing over your shoulder to a door in the back that led to a private parking lot behind the library. "I'm not sure if the bus runs this late."
Extended time with you would be good, and he imagined your face illuminated by dim dashboard car lights would be better than good––great. Beautiful. You had wonderfully warm features. But you couldn't know where he lived for a number of reasons; if you were the monster, that was giving away a hiding place, and if you weren't, you would wonder why he lived in such a strange place.
"Thank you, but it's alright," he said. "I like the rain."
A small smile stretched across your plush lips.
"So do I," you said, and the two of you bid good-bye, retreating into your respective dark.
He gave a thorough rundown of the events proceeding after Sam and Dean left, and the three of them––Sam, Dean, and Castiel––listened closely. Dean already filled Castiel in on the rest of the case, and the two brothers were eating at the long table in the bunker's library.
They stared at him in silence when he finished.
"Sounds like a regular kid," Sam finally said.
"Ah don't be so sure about that," Dean said, raising a single brow. "What did you say the monster probably was?"
"A – a fae, or something," he said.
"Fae's good at lying," Dean pointed out, earning a reluctant nod from Castiel.
"He's right. Fairies are remarkably good at acting," he said in his low, grating voice.
"So... what next?" Jack asked.
"We'll keep looking into the case more, and you can probably ask the librarian out on a date," Sam suggested, earning an agreeing remark from Dean. "You can keep them distracted while we search their house."
"Do we know where they live yet?" asked Dean.
"No, but it shouldn't be too hard to find out," Sam said.
Jack watched the brothers for a moment, his mind emptying of answers as to what a 'date' was.
"What's a date?"
"Oh Christ," Dean muttered, moving immediately to his feet and leaving the room.
Sam let out an exasperated sigh at his brother, turning to Jack to explain what a date was, what were appropriate date activities, and how he should act when asking you out and when being out with you.
"Okay," Jack said with a nod despite not really understanding. "What are dates for?"
"They're between people who are interested in.. getting to know each other," Castiel said as he took a seat beside Sam across from Jack.
"So... like when Dean and I went driving."
"No. Not like that," Sam quickly said. "Not like that at all. If – if a guy is interested in a girl, like interested in having her be his girlfriend, then he might ask her out on a date. It's a romantic thing."
"The librarian does seem to be interested in you, from what I’ve heard," Castiel said with a pointed look in Jack's direction.
"I think you've got a shot," Sam agreed, nodding.
Jack thought for a moment before he said, "okay."
A few days later––Dean insisted he only try a few days later, saying anything less was damaging his honor––Jack returned to the library, lighting up when he found you were still working at the small front desk, your nose buried in a large box full of papers. Large, round glasses were hanging off the tip of your nose, and you pushed them up to your eyes when they slipped further off.
The door clicked softly shut behind him when he entered, scanning the room as if there was another reason he was there. You watched him the whole time, continuing to when he approached you, something obviously on his mind.
"I was wondering..." he trailed off, losing himself in your bright, expectant eyes. When he realized he'd fallen silent, he added the first thing that came to mind––a lie. "... if you could show me where the... books are."
You chuckled before you said, "which ones?"
"Maps," he said, smiling as he came up with something actually substantial.
Of course, it wasn't asking you out, but at least it was talking to you. He would have to do that later, though he supposed he'd have to do it that day or he would be disappointing the Winchesters and Castiel when he came back to the bunker without even trying to complete their orders.
"We don't really have a maps section, but I might be able to help you if you tell me the time and place you're looking for," you suggested for him, and he nodded slowly.
"Yes. Please."
"So what are you looking for?"
"Oh. Right, uh.. Greece and Mediterranean," he said, repeating subjects from the last time you'd spoken.
"Mediterranean sea?"
He nodded.
"What year?" You asked.
"Uh..." he drew another blank, "two... hundred."
You seemed reluctant to ask the next question, but it was necessary; "before christ or after?"
"... before."
"Alright," you said with a soft snicker, moving around your crowded desk area and towards the bookcases.
Your stride slowed as you approached a certain shelf, shifting up onto the tips of your toes to reach the highest books. Jack thought of offering his help, but he wasn't much taller than you––if at all––and he didn't know which books to get down.
Four thick books ended up in your arms, and you heaved them over to the nearest table, letting them thump down heavily. You spread them out, flipping rapidly through the pages till you found the proper maps you seemed to have memorized within each of the books.
"This one's about 900 BC to 200 AD, so it's got a bit wider of a range. Includes the bigger cities. This one is.. 1500 BC to 300 BC, so a little bit within range, has a lot more cities," you said, moving from one textbook to the next while Jack stared at you, enamored by your plush lips.
He barely even noticed that you finished your explanations, nor your quick words mentioning you should probably return to your studies and leave him to it. But he reached out on instinct, grabbing your wrist and tugging gently, convincing you to turn back to him. Your eyes, still bright, retained that same patient expectancy as his previous evening with you.
"I... could you talk to me?" He asked, oblivious to the implications read clearly by you.
"About what?" You asked in return as you stepped subtly closer.
"About fairies."
You paused, your eyes widening slightly.
"The ones from Celtic folklore or... like modern media fairies?" You asked slowly, slinking down into a seat you situated to face him.
He did the same, his feet planted firmly on the floor as he watched you, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Just... the oldest versions of fairies."
You nodded, again slowly as you pursed your lips.
"Well the oldest mentions of them in literature actually comes from ancient Greece, from the Iliad, by Homer," you began, immediately using your hands expressively as you spoke. "Those weren't Celtic fairies, though. Greeks considered creatures like satyrs and such to be fairies, as well, so... generally fairies and the fae as we think of them now came from Ireland and Scotland."
"Where are they?" He asked with a head tilt.
You stuttered for a second, your eyes flying across the room until you stood, returning to the shelves. He watched with much humor as you read the book titles at a frightening pace, fingers flipping over the bindings till you pulled one down.
"Here, world map," you said, and though he didn't notice, you didn't comment on the oddity of not knowing where Scotland and Ireland were. Almost everyone knew where those two countries were; or, at least, the general area.
"In Ireland fairies are seen as simply... mythical people. Great warriors and poets, or witches, they're all considered part of the fae in Celtic culture. In Scotland, though, fairies are more dangerous, essentially being creatures that feed off humans in one way or another," you continued. "Like... banshees, those are Scottish, and jack o' lanterns."
"Jack o' lanterns?"
He'd heard of banshees before; they were mentioned a few times by the Winchester brothers.
"Not like the Halloween pumpkins," you said, but when you were met with further confusion, you slowly said, "...and you don't know what those are either, do you?"
He shook his head reluctantly.
You spent the next two, whole hours talking to him, going over any question he had no matter how much you thought he should've known the answer to begin with. Jack relaxed into that feeling, into that ease, while suspicion grew in your own mind. There was no one of his age and stature that didn't know the questions he posed. Still, you found yourself unable to pin any such wariness of manipulation onto such a polite boy.
Engrossed fully in whatever you had to say and rarely speaking himself, Jack absorbed a number of facts about the fae. About their trickery and mischief, about their magic, how different species had different thoughts on humanity. Considering the lengths you knew about other subjects, none of what you told him occurred to him as suspicious. You seemed, again, to be a dedicated––but human––scholar.
When at last he exhausted his questions, both on and off topic, he began a build-up of courage. Asking someone out for a case should've been much easier than this, or at least that's what he thought. Dean mentioned he'd done similar things for other such cases.
Jack's face scrunched up in deep thought despite the silence between you.
"Are you alright, Jack?" You asked.
"Oh. I'm... fine," he said, nodding his head in a way that didn't convince you all that well. "I – I wanted to ask you something."
You nodded, gently helping him along.
"I know we don't know each other that well, but... you.. interest me, and.." he trailed off once more. It was difficult to tell a lie that was technically the truth. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. On a date."
He expected a number of things from you––perhaps anger, perhaps embarrassment, perhaps shock, but you just chuckled, leaning back in your chair. His brow furrowed at your odd reaction. Were you laughing at him?
"Was that what you wanted to ask me when you first came in?" You said through your giggles, your soft skin glowing in the warm, early evening light.
"... yes," he said, huffing out his own chuckle as his eyes fell to the floor. "I'm sorry."
"There's no need to apologize," you said with a grin. “You’re the one who had to listen to me ramble.”
"So.. will you..?"
"Yeah," you chuckled, nodding. "I enjoy your company as well."
A smile made a permanent home on Jack's face as he returned to the bunker, his official mission having been successfully completed, and his hands still burning with the touch you left as he walked out the door. While most of the town smelled like baking pies and cinnamon cider, the bunker carried no such warmth, and smelled more like rotting leaves than anything else, though Sam lit a couple apple candles in his room. The scent filled part of a long hallway.
He found his fathers all sitting on a single couch, facing a television that had some sort of film playing on it through the static. Jack silently stepped round the nearest chair, taking a seat beside them, and watching on intently. A soft, high note hummed from the speakers.
Red, ratted curtains pulled way for sunlight streaming through dust-filled air. The wooden windowsill had a vase in which a single, molted flower sat, most of its petals having fallen off long ago. But that wasn't where the camera stopped; it halted above the image of two women tangled in sheets similarly worn down as the curtains were, requiring many patches over large holes. One had their face pressed to the other's neck, her nose nudging a sharp jawline owned by still sleeping eyes. Their limbs were knotted tight together, chest to chest, and a quiet, sleepy melody humming out of the smaller's pale lips.
Jack frowned. He'd never seen two people so physically close together. The nearest thing he'd seen was Dean and Castiel hugging, and even that was reserved in a way. This was pure trust––pure peace, and he found himself wondering if it was entirely fictional, or if such happiness could really exist in the world that at times felt poisoned.
Maybe it did exist if you found a way to smile that brightly.
He earned a whole other course of schooling once he announced their plan was successful. Dean clapped him proudly on the back, shooting a dirty grin that Sam countered with clean praise. Even Castiel seemed to be proud. Jack beamed at that, his heartbeat now pounding at the thought of three days from now; when he had planned the date.
In the meantime, the brothers stayed up for most of the night, though they looked much worse for wear that morning than Jack after he stayed up with them. Researching faes was actually a little easier than a lot of other monsters––there were many articles about them, and a deeply-engrained fear of changeling children had led to thorough documentation on the fae realm and its inhabitants. Jack was still a little slow at typing, so Sam captained the computer research, while Jack sped through the books in the bunker's library. Dean looked through articles and stories in newspapers searching for any hint of where they children might be kept if they weren't immediately killed.
The more he read about fairies, about their habits, their composure, and their lies, the less he could picture you as one. Originally a fairy brought to mind someone beautiful and fair, or someone like you, with dazzling eyes that could stop an archangel in their step. But the sharp teeth and wicked, wirey hair didn't sound at all like you. He'd felt your hands––once brushing over his––and there were no claws or stinging sensations that lingered in your touch. Still, the Winchesters probably knew better than him, and he pushed the feeling aside.
In the next evening, after Dean took a long day nap, Sam and Dean set to packing up their tools and tricks once more, tossing them into the back of the impala with the rest of the permanent fixtures. Jack watched as they did this, his hair still neat and clean despite not sleeping or washing up for two days.
"Can I come with?" He asked in the politest voice he could manage.
They were headed off to the library under the cover of night. After hearing about several back rooms Jack noticed during his time there, a reasonable question was posed––was there more information you could be hiding?
"Uh –" Sam began, only to be cut off by Dean saying –
"No. If we get found, that's fine, but if you're with us, we lose your relationship with her."
Before Jack could reply Dean climbed into the drivers seat, followed by Sam clambering in beside him. He had issues getting into the car at times. The engine stuttered to life, and Sam waved good-bye through the windshield as they pulled and drove the car away.
Jack frowned, his brow knitted together again.
"Bye," he said, but he was the only one to hear it.
Castiel would be back soon. He decided waiting in the library would guarantee he'd see Castiel as soon as possible, something he desired, as there were a number of new questions he wanted to pose to the elder angel. Thousands of years his senior, Castiel must've had answers––some sort of insight to some strange impulses, or simply comfort against 'wrong' thoughts.
Technically your library was private, meaning others weren't allowed to take your books away from the building, but you allowed him to take something home under the assurance of a guarantee. He would return it next time he saw you, a promise that clearly meant a lot to you going by the ease that overtook you when he said 'okay' with a signature, sweet smile. The only reason you leant the book to him was because it contained information you considered thought-provoking, thoughts about how humanity evolves, and how technological advances could change the actual anatomy of the human mind. Some of the claims seemed to him to be a bit of a reach, but others brought him interesting points.
The metal latch on the door let out a resounding click as the door swung open, Castiel standing behind with wild hair and a stunned look about him. He flung the door shut before running down the stairs towards Jack.
"Have they gotten back from the library yet?" He asked as he approached.
"No, they left..." he glanced at the clock, "a couple hours ago."
"Hmm," Castiel grumbled. "That's a long time for them."
"Should we go help them?" Jack suggested, setting your book aside as he stood straighter in his chair.
"No, we'll give them some more time. See what happens," he said before he set off, jogging into the hall.
Jack sighed as he slumped back into his seat, almost mourning the death of an easy excuse to go see your library. And Castiel left before he could ask him anything. Dean had a point, though––if they were caught and he was with them, that would ruin your relationship entirely, and that was something he, for some reason, despised.
It took another hour and a half before Sam and Dean were waltzing back in from the garage, tossing their duffel bags aside and shucking off warm, autumn jackets to side chairs. Something must've given away their presence, as Castiel was quick to reenter the main room.
"How did it go?" He asked.
"Like shit," Dean said, not even bothering to stop as he passed Castiel.
"We didn't find anything," Sam clarified. "Whole place was clean."
"Well.. maybe it's at their house," Castiel said almost gingerly, turning to keep his ever-vigilant eyes on the elder Winchester. "All the tools and... stuff."
"Yeah, that's what we're hoping," Dean said as he disappeared into the hallway.
"When did you say your date was again?" Sam asked, turning to Jack, who blanked for a moment before he answered.
"Two days from now," he said.
"Alright, well... we'll see what happens," he said with a nod, setting his hands on his hips. "Hopefully find where they might be hiding the kids."
Dean reentered with a bottle in hand, taking a quick swig as he settled down into one of the cushier chairs.
Jack's heart sped when his fingers began to fidget together, squirming restlessly in front of him. Questions still lingered on the edge of his mind, and answers from anyone would do him well, though he was well aware Dean would probably be reluctant to offer any advice to him.
"Could I ask you some questions?" He asked in the general direction of Cas, who happened to be standing right beside Dean. Castiel opened his mouth to answer.
"Sure," Dean said before he could speak. Castiel promptly shut his mouth after that.
"I know this shouldn't get in the way of the case, and it won't," Jack said as he took a seat opposite Dean. He and his brother shot each other glances. "I just have strange... thoughts, when I am around the librarian. Impulses, kind of."
Dean, who had raised the bottle to his lips, paused at those words and set it down instead, a decision that shocked both Sam and Castiel.
"What kind of impulses?" He asked in a flat voice.
"I want to... eat them," Jack said slowly, his brow furrowed deeply as he looked at the ground. When he looked back up, all three men were staring at him.
"You want to what??" Castiel asked.
"Like.. put my mouth on them...?" He tried.
"Wait – you mean kissing?" Sam asked as he shifted his weight between his feet.
"N... no, I don't think it's that," Jack said, though he was growing even less sure of himself with how they continued to gawk at him.
"You want to make out with the fairy?" Dean asked with a look that screamed 'unbelievable'.
"Maybe?" was the best answer Jack could offer.
Dean sighed, rubbing his face tiredly with his free hand.
"I don't want to.. encourage these thoughts," Castiel said, "but they might help on your date."
"So I should kiss them?"
"Maybe at the end of it," Sam suggested.
"And... how do I kiss?"
"Fuckin' –" Dean muttered under his breath as he stood, leaving the room with annoyance in his scowl.
The three of them––Jack, Sam, and Castiel––watched Dean round the corner and disappear.
"Ignore him," Sam said.
Sam, with some help from Castiel, patiently re-explained the happenings and ongoings of dates, from conversation topics to activities often done on dates. Sam assured Jack that he needn't do anything dramatic, over the top, or especially original, since Jack 'wasn't actually going on a date,' a phrase that made him a little sad for a reason he couldn't identify.
A bouquet of chocolate roses lay in his hands, the neon and florescent lights of the convenience store flickering and buzzing above him. Sam insisted a good way to start a date was with a gift––conventionally flowers, but the second Jack saw the chocolate roses he was entranced. He'd never seen candy in the shape of something real. Surely you would be delighted by the art, as well. Sam was less sure than he was, but allowed him to buy it with a chuckle, muttering something about how he wouldn't need to get chocolates anymore.
"Now remember," Sam began as he adjusted Jack's collar, "blood-soaked iron is what kills them, but since we don't have that right now, I think iron should hurt them."
"Forks, fire pokers, metal pipes... those usually have iron in them," said Dean.
"And if you get into a fight, just get out of there," Sam finished.
"No hanky-panky, either," Dean said.
"Dean," he hissed, slapping his brother's arm.
"What's hanky-panky?" Jack asked, furrowing his brow.
"Nevermind, just––be safe, have fun," Sam said with a smile, patting his shoulder.
The brothers dropped him off at your house before circling the block in search of a good vantage point. He took a shaky breath as he climbed your steps, soon rapping his knuckles on the plain, wooden door. It was a bit of a task trying to swallow, but he managed to push past his tight throat and put a smile on his face.
Footsteps sounded, growing closer until the door opened, revealing your wide eyes and the olive green silk you wore, draping elegantly from your chest down to your feet. A heavyweight scarf rested upon your shoulders. The warm light of the hallway behind you illuminated the loose strands of your always messy hair, but the sight still had his lips parting as he gasped softly. He felt suddenly out of place in his simple button-down, pants, and everyday jacket, shifting his weight almost uncomfortably as he found himself at a loss for words.
"You look... really nice," he said rather awkwardly, gesturing vaguely to your outfit with a dopey smile.
"Thanks," you said, chuckling. "You look nice too."
He stared for another moment before he suddenly remembered the chocolate and foil roses in his hands.
"I got these for you," he said as he handed them to you, scanning every inch of your reaction. "Sam told me to get flowers, but I think this is better, ‘cause then you get to eat them."
"You actually can eat roses! They just don't taste very good," you giggled, fixing your hair as you took them, a blushing smile still on your face. "I do like chocolate more, though."
"Oh, good," he said, his shoulders finally falling from their tense position. "I hope you don't mind walking. I don't know how to drive."
"I like walking, actually," you said as you walked past him, trotting down the front steps of your house. He followed along, his soft brown hair flopping like a puppy's ears over innocent eyes. "I like taking walks at night, but I don't take them a lot. It's kind of dangerous."
"A lot of people aren't very nice, or they're down on their luck and make poor decisions. I don't want to get hurt or mugged just because I like wandering around."
"Why would someone hurt you? You're such a nice person," he said with a frown.
"That doesn't mean anything," you laughed softly.
Food wasn't a particular attraction of Kansas, but few things were. The amount of restaurants in town was high, most of them serving a very similar menu containing lots of meat, barbecue, pie, and sometimes funnel cake. None were all that classy, so Jack took you to a place that Sam recommended––a nearly 24 hours open cafe whose kitchen was always open, and who hosted quiet, live jazz on select evenings.
You and Jack spoke of a number of things while you walked, none more interesting than any of your previous conversation topics, as you seemed to want to stay on the topic of him as a person rather than the history you usually rambled about. You asked who Sam was, which he explained as one of his fathers, at which point you asked who the second was. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should tell the truth or formulate a more normal-person lie.
"I... my mother died in childbirth," he said, his voice uncharacteristically low and quiet, murmuring with the sureness of his trust in you. "My father, Castiel, takes care of me, with his brothers, Sam and Dean."
"Oh. I'm sorry," you murmured, and he opened his mouth to give the usual speech––it's alright, I've gotten used to it––but you continued with, "it's an honorable way to die."
He paused to absorb your words. No one had ever said that before.
"Yeah," he finally said. "I guess you're right."
"So what's your father like?"
He sucked in a breath, forced to once again decide between a truth, a half-truth, and a lie. Like with most things, he took the middle road.
"My genetic father isn't... I don't talk to him," he said.
"But Castiel is good. He always tries to do what's right. I'm still trying to learn about this whole.. being-alive thing, from him."
"I think we all are," you chuckled.
You ended up ordering for him when you finally got to the cafe, standing in line for only a few minutes before you were looking for a table. He had trouble understanding the menu, often asking you what things were, and eventually you had to gently push him on to let the next people in line have a turn. If this bothered you, it didn't show.
Piano and saxophone played in time with one another, their rhythms and melodies dancing around the beat of the drummer. Scant, warm light shone from above, illuminating the haze of clouds drifting from smokers, most of whom stood in the corner, nursing the embers as they watched the musicians play. Jack tapped his foot to the beat against the dark oak floor.
You joined him a moment later, two coffees in hand and your coat draped over your arm.
"Have you ever been here before?" You asked as you took a seat, casting your jacket over the back of the chair after you set the coffee down.
"No, I don't really get out much," he admitted.
"How come?"
"I don't.. really have friends," he admitted, again, though this time much more reluctantly. He'd heard that generally people respected you more if you had friends.
"That's alright," you said, leaning back with a soft smile made only more alluring by the dim, red and orange light. "I've found it's more fun to stay in than to go out sometimes. Everything becomes the same after a while. You can drink at home, you can dance at home, sing, host parties..." you sipped from your steaming cup, ".. so, obviously, I don't go out much either."
"You have friends, though?"
"Not really," you chuckled, glancing down. "Books last longer than conversation, generally."
"Then... why talk to me?" He asked, attempting to meet your eye with that knot still tucked into his brow.
"Because you came to me."
Soon your conversation was halted by a server bringing out your food. You made sure to thank him as he left, before hungry eyes settled eagerly upon your funnel cake. Unwrapping the napkin, you set the orange cloth on your lap, revealing your silverware. Jack followed your lead, copying your motions near exactly down to you rubbing your hands together excitedly.
He'd never tried funnel cake before, leaving him to melt as he took his first bite.
"Good, isn't it?" You chuckled through a full mouth.
He nodded ardently.
The crowd began to thin halfway through your meal, turning thick conversation to quiet murmurs confined to singular tables in corners and shadowed areas. Jack still had yet to find anything incriminating about you, an answer that led only to other questions, ones that flew wildly around his head.
You didn't seem human––at least, not entirely. There were things you said that hinted to something else, a knowledge within that was a little too wide for the lengths of a human mind. That and your soul; what he could see of your soul was strangely colored, florescent holographic, and warped far more than normal people's usually were––almost as warped as Sam and Dean's souls now were. Bright, yes, but warped. Something had happened to you.
But there was nothing bad within you. Darkness tinted the edges, the edges so often scraped by the world around you––the world around both of you––but the center within, where your heart emanated, was clear. It was actually rather beautiful; you were rather beautiful.
He wished he could tell you without seeming strange.
"What do you think about most, Jack?" You asked, pulling him away from his thoughts.
He instantly stuttered, as what he'd been thinking about was you, but he couldn't say that.
"Just.. uh, my, uh.. my place in the world," he said, tapping the end of his fork on the old wood table.
"Like your job, or your purpose as a human?" You asked as you sipped from your third refill of coffee.
"My purpose, sort of," he said, his eyes flickering to the ground. "I have a lot of responsibility. My father thinks I'm very powerful."
Was that giving too much away?
"What does he want you to do?"
"He wants me... to stay alive," he said, earning a soft chuckle from you that had a smile spreading across his own face. "I think he wants me to be safe and happy."
"That's a wonderful goal," you said with a grin. "And there are so many ways to achieve that."
So far he'd only found ways to achieve the opposite––how to antagonize the world by existing, how his grandfather wanted him dead, how his genetic father would use him for any power grab he posed. If you wanted to feel at risk of dying at any moment, he knew a thousand ways to do it.
"I haven't really found any," he said quietly.
You paused before you asked, "do you want my advice?"
He nodded, hesitantly at first, but sure of himself when you smiled softly.
"Always be kind to others. Mind your own business unless someone is getting hurt, and if you have to get your hands dirty, do it for only a second. Then get the hell out of there and wash yourself clean for the next hundred couple years," you said.
There it was again. A hint of something more. In passing conversations Jack heard from strangers, no one spoke like they lived history. Not like you did. And he'd wager no historian spoke with the sense of memory that you did.
"Anything specific make you realize that?" He asked, unable to stop himself from chuckling.
You looked his age––sometime in your 20's––but you spoke like an 80 year old. Something about that facade appeared humorous to him. He also looked your age––sometime in his 20′s––but he spoke like a 10 year old far more than he liked to admit.
"Family drama," you said dismissively. "I've been steering clear for a while now."
Did fairies have families?
Well, if you were a fairy, you could just be lying then.
Jack frowned. If Dean or Castiel were here, they would know what to say and think.
"I understand," was what he said instead.
The impala was still parked near the house by the time Jack was walking you home, a sight that nearly sent him panicking. Sam and Dean wouldn't want him to do that. So he clenched his fists in his pockets, his shoulders tightening ever so slightly as he tried to slow his pace in a way you wouldn't notice.
But you did. Of course you did.
"You alright, Jack?" You asked, matching his pace.
"Yeah, I just..." what was something normal to say? Something he could back up – "I meant to ask you something, but I didn't ever... find the time to."
"What was it you wanted to ask?"
He shivered as a brisk wind picked up, the dry, orange leaves on the edges of the sidewalk passing quick by his feet in the breeze.
"Do you think everyone feels this lost in life?" He asked, barely audible above the wind.
"There's a little bit of you in everybody, just like how there's a little bit of everybody in you. You're capable of the same things that a murderer is just as you are a... a hero, or a martyr," you said, taking time to think before you spoke. "Humans are remarkably similar, you come to see after a while. And even Gods face these questions, these wonderings of their origins and their purpose, if their creations are everything they're meant for or – or if they're doing something wrong, and they should be doing something else instead."
He continued to stare at the ground as you walked slowly side by side, brought out of his intense expression by something soft flopping over the back of his neck. His heart thrummed as you stopped him there, turning him to face you, and looking him in the eye as you fixed your scarf on his shoulders. The effect was instantaneous––his shoulders relaxed and the stress fell from his brow, absorbed in the warmth of your gesture.
"Whatever you're going through," you gave him a pointed look, telling him silently to not deny this truth, "is worse and better than what other people go through. It may not be the best but it's probably not the worst."
Your advice, though insightful, didn't mean much considering his problems had to do with the continued life or prompt execution of the entire universe by a bitter, old man. But the main point remained; there were more painful deaths than his, just as there were better ways to die than he would or will. He may not be facing the best circumstances, but they could be much worse, and the fact that normal humans often asked the same questions he did was more of a comfort than he thought it would be. Perhaps he really was connected to his mother in that way.
The steps creaked beneath your shared weight as you both approached the front door of your house. You opened the door, stepping partway through the threshold before you turned to him, hesitation lacing your open mouth.
Behind you, Jack managed to spot two shadowed figures running across the hallway towards what he presumed to be a back door. His eyes widened imperceptibly and he pursed his lips, quick averting his gaze back to you.
"You're special, Jack," you said quietly, scanning him with a careful look. "Don't let bad circumstances own you. You only get so much time in this world."
"You're very kind," was all he could managed to respond with. "Thanks for... going out with me tonight."
"Of course. I like talking to you."
"I'm glad you do," he said with a sheepish chuckle, one you mimicked as you fixed your hair.
"I'll see you again soon?"
"Yes, I – oh," he interrupted himself, remembering your scarf still enveloping him, "this belongs to you."
"Don't worry about it," you said, taking his arms and settling them back down to his sides. "It's kind of cold out tonight, and I'm assuming you're walking home... aren't you?"
"... yeah," he lied, blood rushing to his face at the thought of taking a piece of you home.
"Then I'll get it back another time," you said, smiling.
You hesitated to close the door again, and instead you gingerly moved forward, raising yourself to press a single, soft kiss to his cheek, the edge of it just barely touching his lips. His mouth parted in surprise, but before he could say anything you shut the door.
He walked back to the impala completely starstruck.
"I don't think they're dangerous," Jack said, restating what he'd said earlier to Sam and Dean on the drive home––he just couldn't see you as suspicious. Strange, yes, but not murderous.
"If what you say is true, though, then this is quite likely a fae," said Castiel as his eyes flickered from Jack to Sam and Dean.
"See? Facts are facts, kid," Dean said, pointing to Castiel with a smile.
"Hexbags, crystals, actual photos with them from, like, 1890? And the amount of plants," Sam continued with a slight shudder.
"How many plants were there?" Castiel asked, frowning sternly.
"Too damn many," Dean answered for him. "The point is, we gotta interrogate that thing."
"They didn't do anything wrong!" Jack said, his voice tripling without his knowledge.
Everyone in the room reacted accordingly––stiff postures and sharp breaths as the golden light faded in his eyes.
"Jack..." Castiel began hesitantly, his voice quiet and low.
He barely uttered out an 'I'm sorry,' before he turned and left, disappearing down the hallway and into his room.
It took him nearly a whole day to leave his room, having spent most of the time alone to brood and ponder over his actions, and whether or not he was being manipulated by a fairy creature. He couldn't deny the fact that there was a chance he was wrong and he was under your control, thus landing him with the only sane decision, somehow; trust Sam and Dean.
Silence surrounded him as he padded through the bunker, headed towards the kitchens after not eating for nearly 24 hours. Technically he could live without food for much, much longer than that, even without sleep, but it wasn't a particularly pleasant experience.
When he reached the kitchen he also found it empty. In fact, the whole bunker sounded empty, leaving all the cereal for him. He smiled.
Sam and Dean returned before Castiel did, though after their return they hid away doing 'private business' in the basement area. Jack tried to ask what it was they were doing, but Dean curtly brushed him off, sending him back upstairs to go clean up the mess they left in the kitchen after a quick, midnight dinner.
As he was scrubbing the dishes, a door lock clattered in the distance, marking Castiel's return. Now that the fort was manned again, he could sneak off to see you in the morning. Castiel informed him that showing up at people's houses at midnight could be seen in a very bad way. He knew you wouldn't judge him, but he still didn't want to embarrass himself, and it was only a few more hours to wait till dawn.
He could fly. He could also ask Sam or Dean to drive him (while he could also ask to drive Baby, he knew the answer would be an ardent no), but the grey clouds promised rain, and the smell of rain hitting the leaf-covered earth pleasured his mind. With your scarf wrapped around him, he could avoid the cold as well.
His feet were a little tired by the time your library came into view, though still warm in the crisp air from fuzzy, woolen socks. The frayed edges of your scarf fluttered about chaotically in the wind as he noticed something rather odd––the library wasn't open. None of the lights were turned on, the chairs were still atop the tables, and you were nowhere to be seen. He had left the bunker a little early, but you always opened by 5AM at the latest, and it was 8 now.
For several minutes he hadn't a clue as to what to do, meaning he stood motionless in silence in front of the glass door, his head tilting slowly to the side in confusion. Maybe you woke up late––that would explain it. You were perfectly safe in your bed, dozing after a good night's sleep, completely unharmed.
But things rarely worked out so easily for Jack. Your home was empty, no sign of your disappearance left as your shoes, jacket, keys, and wallet were still left by the front door. In a sudden panic at the thought of your absence, the world around him flickered for a split second before he appeared in the bunker's war room. Knowing the usual fate of the people he cared about, you were probably being hurt, perhaps kidnapped by the actual fae who'd been killing the children, or lost of your own volition in a forest you wandered too far into.
"Castiel." Jack grabbed the angel's coat sleeve, stopping him on the way to the stairs. "I went looking for the librarian and they're missing."
"Missing?" Castiel repeated with a grimace. "Did you check the library and the house?"
"Yes, I couldn't find them."
"They might be headed for the children," he said, sending a pang through Jack's heart that he ignored.
"Is... is there a way to track a fae?"
"There's no spell I know of," Castiel said, his gaze falling to the floor as he scanned his mind. "But if it's a magical creature, it may carry a sort of... a sort of scent."
"A scent?" Jack furrowed his brow, wondering if something could carry your scent.
Something you'd been around a while. Something like your books, or your bed, or –
Jack jumped after he realized he was still wearing your scarf which, despite its' time with Jack in his room, still smelled of you. He shoved it into Castiel's arms, but he only gave him a confused look.
"It's their scarf," he explained.
Castiel spared him from the embarrassment of explaining how he'd gotten it.
He held the crumpled scarf in his hand up to his nose, intaking a deep breath with closed eyes. Jack hadn't ever heard of this kind of tracking, which was odd since he inherently knew most things about angels, but he would never distrust his father. What he did distrust was the churning feeling in his chest, as though a curved knife had impaled itself in him and twisted slowly through his skin.
Doubts pervaded both angels almost immediately as Castiel followed the trail. It led near to the stairs, but took a harsh turn and went into the hallway, leading them further into the bunker.
"Are you sure this is theirs?" Castiel asked as they hurried down the hall.
"Positive," he said, earning a sigh and a nod from Castiel.
They continued, this time less sure of themselves, as the scarf continued to lead them through the bunker, trotting down stairs till they landed in the base floor. Here the walls, ceiling, and floor were made of thick cement, allowing their footsteps to echo around the empty halls.
Jack picked up the pace and Castiel followed, running after the trail that ended right in front of the dungeon door. The torture room door, where monsters were locked up, and sometimes friends as well. A sort of fury was boiling in his blood despite his earlier acceptance of the Winchester's plan. Keeping you here in secret was never something he agreed to.
Without even fully realizing it, Jack was wrenching open the handle, the door whizzing open and slamming against the wall with a resounding crack. There, in the center of a pentagram, you were bound to a chair with thick, iron chains, your molted form flanked by Sam and Dean. The latter carried a knife in his hand, one covered in dripping blood. Sam whirled around at the sound of the door opening, meaning he was the first to see Jack's glowing eyes, and the suddenly panicked expression on Castiel's face.
"What are you doing to them?" Castiel growled with wide eyes, taking long, quick steps over in front of you. Without hesitation he undid the restraints, letting you fall down to the floor.
"Cas, they're a fae," Dean said, his tone stern and curt.
"No, they're not," Castiel replied, his own voice equally as sure. "I can't.. blame you, for not knowing this. You're only human. But it's obvious to me."
Sam opened his crossed arms, waiting for the angel to explain himself. Meanwhile, Jack regained his composure after being shocked by Castiel's actions, and made his way over to you, kneeling at your side. You'd been cut in a few different places––nothing too grievous, at least not by Winchester standards––and drops of your blood painted streaks down your sweaty skin.
"They're an Old God," Castiel finally said, but the words were followed by silence.
"We're just supposed to know what that is?" Dean asked gruffly.
"I thought your brother might," he said in a quiet voice.
Dean unfolded his arms, shifting his weight as he cast a glance to his brother.
"Old Gods are... ancient deities created by wandering bands of hunter-gatherers in your past. They got their power from their worshippers, not from Chuck, which... made them very different, to say the least," Castiel continued, still keeping his voice soft as he raised his hand above several of your wounds, stitching the skin back together with his grace.
"I've heard of hunter and gatherers," Jack said as he recalled some of the books in your library. "They wandered in bands of around 50 to 100 people."
He earned several unimpressed stares.
"Well – if they got their power from worshippers, how's this one still alive?" Sam asked after a moment of silence.
"I don't know," Castiel admitted. "I've never met this one before."
"Okay, just because they're not a fae doesn't mean they aren't the one that killed those kids," Dean said, interrupting their short conversation.
The iron knife still twirled in his hands; the only weapon against fairies. Jack kept a close eye on it as they spoke.
"An Old God would never hurt a human," Castiel said with such an intensity that no one had any choice but to believe him. “And besides,” he turned back to you, “they would’ve lost their powers long ago when humans stopped believing in them.”
Your eyes listed open while you lay in Jack's hold, the swirling image of your friend coming lazily into view.
"... Jack?" You mumbled, struggling to keep your eyelids up.
His gaze shot down to you, eyes widening at the sight of your movement.
"Hey," he said softly, hushing you when you tried to speak. "Are you okay?"
You mustered your strength to nod.
"I'm assuming you're an agricultural God," Castiel said after a moment of watching the two of you interact. "You look to be around 12,000 years old." He looked up to Dean and Sam. "That's how old agriculture is."
"Yeah, I know," Sam scoffed, but Dean remained silent.
"Do I really look that old?" You asked, laughing through your slurred words.
"Your soul does," Castiel answered.
You hummed weakly in response, drifting back into unconsciousness, your body going limp in Jack's arms.
Jack healed what remaining injuries you had, using it partway as an excuse to touch you. His palms set flat on the cuts, and with you far off in your dreams, you didn't feel the burn or the relief of his healing. He thought first to bring to his room to lay you on his bed, but Sam gently suggested that you should be put in one of their many spare bedrooms.
Castiel and the Winchesters attempted to take his mind off of you, but it wasn't long before he was back at your side, waiting for you to wake up again. He scanned your body constantly with his mind, searching for any hidden injuries he might've missed the first time around. The case remained unsolved, the children still missing and the culprit unknown. Your disqualifying left the Winchesters with no more suspects, but Jack couldn’t bring himself to worry about a creature that wouldn’t strike again for another ten years when you wouldn’t wake up to his voice calling your name.
It took hours until you stirred again, eyes fluttering into a half-open state as they fell to Jack. He had his head hung low, his elbows leant on his knees, and his hair drooping in front of his face.
"I was created in Turkey," you rasped out through a dry throat.
At the slightest sound his head shot up, eyes widening with a spark upon seeing your soft smile.
"It's a country, by the way," you mumbled, correctly assuming Jack didn't know the country, and only knew the bird. "At a place they call Gobekli Tepe, now. The people of the land would... would gather there, and share their cultured seeds, and the magic needed to make them grow."
"Simple water and sunlight," you said with a weak chuckle. "It was magic to them. Everything was."
You fell silent before you said, "I miss them."
"Were they different? From people now?" Jack asked.
"Very," you nodded assuredly. "But there are some people, nowadays, that remind me of them."
He chuckled quietly. Warmth spread from your touch when you reached forward, just barely gracing his hand with yours. He took the initiative, entangling your fingers together, and watching intently as your thumb ran over the back of his hand.
"You are a new God, aren't you?" You asked, narrowing your eyes curiously, with no sense of hostility.
"I'm... I'm a nephilim. Lucifer's son, actually, but I promise I'm not like him," he said, gripping you tighter.
"A nephilim?" You asked with a frown.
"The son of an angel," he clarified.
It was the first time he was able to tell you something you didn't know instead of the other way around.
"I've never heard of angels."
His brows raised in surprise.
"Really?" He asked.
"I haven't really kept up with the world as of recent. When did angels first appear?"
"I... don't know," he said after wracking his brain and finding no answer. "Castiel might know."
"Castiel.. Castiel, that was your father, right?"
"Yeah. The good one," he said, earning a chuckle from you that brought a blush to his face.
"He is another God?"
"Another angel, yes," he nodded. "(Y/N), I... I have so many questions for you."
"About what?" You asked skeptically, giving him a playful glare.
"About humans, mostly," he said. "I mean, I've already been asking you questions, but now I know you have a lot more answers than I thought."
"Yes, well, I do keep my memory stored in a mushroom," you muttered beneath your breath.
Jack frowned. Was that normal?
"Can you tell me about them?" He asked, just barely masking his eagerness.
"My people?"
He nodded, and you smiled softly, your eyes glazing over as you recalled thousands of years past.
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willowbleedsonpaper · 4 years
Ron was right
Theo Nott x Reader
W.C. : 3043
Requestd by @herstory-study​:  Ok I kid you not(t) another idea just popped into my head.. I hope you like it... the gist of it is Theo and the reader have that relationship where they are best friends but also dating but nobody can tell bc they’ve always been super close so I imagine like a bunch of pple (including the twins) have placed bets on whether or not they are dating and I just imagine one day they come back from a date and pple in the background are either groaning/cheering cause they got $ u can take it from there
A/N: I hope you like it, Puff! Feedbak and reblogs are very aprecciated. Happy reading.
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*Not my GIF. Credit to the creator.*
It had been a quiet day the first time Theo noticed you. Grey clouds move fast in the evening sky, the light breeze comfortable for every student out in the courtyard to show their house pride and wear their scarves around their necks. His friends talked about the Golden trio and what had they done that week to ruin their mood. Nothing new really. Theo never added much to those conversations, what was the point of complaining about something when you could ignore it. He too was bothered by Potter and his friends adventures and misadventures, but Draco and his friends weren’t the target. But that was just the way Theo saw it.
“Wait until I write my father,” grumbled Draco, sitting in the middle of the bench where Theo had been sitting with Blaise. “ Potter is going to regret it.” he said with a huff.
Pansy arrived just a second after he ended rambling, rolling his eyes as she sat on the grass without a care about her robes. She gave a pleading look at the other boys as she cocked her head towards the Slytherin prince. When neither one of them said anything she scoffed glaring daggers at both before she smirked “Draco darling, Why don’t you tell Blaise and Theo here what Potter did. I’m sure they’d love to hear it.”
Blaise’s protest died down on his tongue when Theo shut his book close “No need.” he said, looking straight in Pansy’s eyes “We saw it all.” 
And it was true, it was hard to miss one of their disputes when they shouted at each other, standing at opposite extremes of the hall as the crowd gathered to witness the latest drama between Slytherin and Gryffindor.
“Doesn’t matter if they know.” Draco said desperately, leaning to rest his arms on his knees “I already have a plan for them to know their place. And plan B in case that one doesn’t work.”
“Maybe you should try plan D for dumbass.” 
They all turned around to the large tree, their gazes lowering to the base of it. There you sat, an annoyed look on your face as you straightened your robes and stood. Your movements were sharp, taking your bag on your shoulder as you stormed away from them, all of them in a state of shock to even try to stop you. 
 “Who does she think she is.” muttered Draco, already jumping to his feet when Theo placed a hand on his chest.
“Leave this one to me.” he said lowly, his eyes never leaving your form as you walked away. Draco hesitated but gave him a slow nod as he sat back down. 
Theo smiled triumphantly, hiding his face quickly so no one would see him and his true feelings. He took off and ran after you, keeping enough distance so you would walk away from the eyes of his friends. 
He kept running, your back facing him as he came to a halt. “Hey!” he yelled, your eyes glancing back at him as you picked up your pace. “Wait, stop.” he yelled again, catching up with you as he stopped in front of you. 
“What?” you said sharply, looking down at his hunched form as he breathed heavily. You raised an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms over just your chest as you leaned back. “ Don’t tell me, Draco sent you to do his dirty work?”
“You…” he smiled, trying to keep in a laugh as he shook his head “You just called him a dumbass.”
You frowned, taking in the boy in front of you. Well kept brown hair, milky skin and the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, his smile reaching his eyes as he stood to his full height. 
“Aren’t you his friend or something?” you asked confused.
He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked around. “Even I can get annoyed at him.” 
You squinted your eyes, eyeing the boy before you looked up at him “Who are you?”   
He extended his hand with a smile, one you hesitantly took “Theodore Nott, but everyone calls me Theo.”
You raised both your eyebrows, shaking his hand with a nod “Right.” you said “Well, if you’re not here to avenge your friend…”
“I’m not.” he smiled as you mirrored his look.
“Maybe you’re not a dumbass.” you told him, staring into each other's eyes before you realized you had been in silence for too long “I’m going now.” you turned on your heel, resuming your walk to a more quiet zone where Slytherins weren’t complaining when his voice made you stop.
“You didn’t tell me your name!” 
You turned to see him with a smile, a glint in your eyes as you said “Goodbye, Theo.” He stared at you as you disappeared in the halls of the castle, breathing out a laugh as he returned to his friends.  
It was difficult to not think about you after that. Your two minute interaction had him wondering more about you, who you were, what did you like. He started to pay more attention to you after that. 
He thought getting your name wouldn’t have been a difficult task. He felt like the detective he read about when he was younger, sneaking in the middle of the night to behind his father’s back to read the muggle novel he got his hands on not a while ago, reading until his eyelids could barely stay open with only the moonlight to accompany him. He wanted to feel the rush of Sherlock Holmes, and he wanted you to be John Watson. But as he actually tried to get something about you without interacting with you he realized why everyone praised Holmes so much, it wasn’t an easy job.
You always seemed to be with someone, but in utter silence. Muttering a few words with the people around you as you always had something better to do. You were the mystery he couldn’t get out of his head, the thought that kept him up at night, the dream that had him drifting away as his friends talked. He wanted the honor of being your friend.
You worked on your herbology research, a pile of dusty books at your left side as you read the one opened before you. Your study partner was someone gathering more information, probably found someone and got stuck in the chat. Nothing new, really. You were used to initiating the study date with your partner and ending it alone. 
You felt someone walking behind your back. Expecting to hear your partner’s voice, your head snapped up at the sound of someone else.
“So,” said Theo Nott, taking the chair next to yours with a proud smile on his face “How are you, Y/N?”
You dropped your quill on the table, tilting your head with a curious look “Who told you my name?” you asked.
“It’s written on your parchment.” he pointed towards your handwriting on the upper part of the paper. “I got to say, it was difficult. Not many people really know you, you're like a ghost in the castle.”
“Maybe to the people you asked, I am very well known here.” you said daringly, and he nodded. “Well you know my name, you can leave now.” You took your quill back up, following the line you were previously reading with your finger when the thudding sound against the table made you raise your head slowly with a glare. “What are you doing?”
“Homework.” he said simply, opening a book as he silently began to read. Not once looking back to you, not saying another until he finished. Taking his things inside and wishing you goodnight, leaving the library without another word. 
It became a routine after you realized he wouldn’t give up. He would always show up, sitting on the chair he did that first night and working on his homework. There were times when you would get there and he was already sitting, books scattered all over the table until he saw you, moving his things to make some space for you. He didn’t bother you, so you allowed it. His presence  warm and welcoming as you studied, you even helped each other sometimes.
A year had passed by since that night, and you didn’t realize when you started to think about him as a friend. The only person you actually felt comfortable calling  a friend. He had been there for your happy days, your rough days. He took genuine interest in you. Telling you about him and his life, sharing his candy and food as you walked through the castle side by side. He asked you about your life before Hogwarts, how was your childhood with a muggle parent. You told him all about your past school, how you lost your friends through the years as you never got to see them and you couldn’t explain your sudden change of school and life. Theo became your best friend and you couldn’t be more happy. 
“What are you doing this weekend?” he asked you.
“I don’t know.” you shrugged, putting a raspberry in his hand as you ate one “Sleep sounds good.” you said with a smile and he laughed.
“Are you sleeping for two days straight?” he said in disbelief, and you scoffed hitting his face with another raspberry.
“Is that a challenge?” you dared, sticking you tongue out to him.
He scrunched his nose, catching the berries in his mouth until you stopped “Stop, your Gryffindor is showing.” he said with a fake look of disgust. You only laughed, shaking your head as you drifted back to his question.
“I’m not doing anything, then.” you commented, waiting to see what he had to say.
“Do you want to go to Hogsmeade?” he asked simply, your heart beating fast in your chest in both nervousness and excitement. But once you saw  the carefree look in his face your heart dropped. Why were you feeling that way?
“I don’t know.” you said, trying to put the hurricane of emotions inside you at ease “I’ve never seen the fun in going.”
“That’s because you’ve never been there with me.” he said with a smile, tilting his head with a sigh at the hesitance in your face “C’mon, Y/N. You’ve told me you have never been with your friends…”
“They’re not really my friends.” you corrected with your lips pursed “They hardly are the people I hang out with. They’re just there in a silent agreement of company.”
“Am I not your friend?” he asked and you knew you had already lost the small debate.
“You know you’re my best friend.” you said with a small smile, one he returned as he held your hand, a warm tickle in your hand where his skin touched yours. 
“Then it’s settled. I’ll go get you from your common room.” he said and you nodded, praying that the emotion flowing inside you was slipping in the look of your face.
Little did you know that Theo was feeling exactly the same. His stomach was doing flips inside of him as you smiled at him. He wanted so bad to tell you it was a date, that he had just asked you out on a date but you had just said it, that word that left a bitter taste in his mouth. 
You’re my best friend.
Maybe he had been in the beginning, but not anymore. Or maybe he was, but he didn’t want to be your best friend. 
Many had noticed how the Slytherin and the Y/H/H had grown closer over the past year. Theories of what was the core of their relationship were made. How did Theo Nott get close to you? Did you have a deal no one knew about. Where you friends, partners, lovers. No one knew, and neither did you. 
The weekend arrives and just as promised Theo walked you from your common room to Hogsmeade, hand in hand as you talked through the snowy streets full of students. 
You were oblivious to the crowded mess, talking inside a bubble no one could bother you. Not even the redhead pair that stared at you as you walked past them. 
"Are you seeing what my eyes are seeing, George?" 
"We wouldn't be twins if I wasn't, Freddie." 
"MAKE YOUR BETS, MATES!" yelled George from the top of the table in the middle of the Gryffindor common room. 
"Our lovely Y/N."
"Or lovers."
"With none other than Theodore Nott." 
They said, finishing each other's sentences with the invisible link the pair shared, that invisible string that made them shout the exact same words at the end. They wore grins on their faces as more bets were placed. 
"What do you think, little brother?" asked George jumping form the table 
"Friends or lovers?" 
Ron rolled his eyes, turning to Harry who was already making his bet with a smile in his face. Ron scoffed "I don't care about snakes business. They can be whatever they want." he said bitterly. 
"Someone jealous?" taunted Fred as Ron turned with a red face to his brother. 
He angrily pulled some coins from his pocket, slamming them in Fred's hands as he muttered "Lovers." 
You had the time of your life at Hogsmeade. Theo was right and you told him so when the sun started to set, a few stars shining on the sky as you walked back to the castle. He smiled, hugging you closely with genuine joy in his face as he promised to take you again on the next trip there. 
However the next day, the murmurs and eyes from everyone in your year followed you everywhere you went. 
You were never shy, but the constant attention had you on edge the entire day. Finding refuge in the far table of the library, hidden in between the shelves where the only source of light was if you had a candle with you. 
You stayed there until late, waiting until the library was practically dead, you doubted madame Pince was still there, but you could never know. You had made it to the end of the day. 
"What are you doing here?" Theo's shushed voice came from behind you, his eyebrows scrunched together as he sat next to you, closer than he usually did. 
"I'm hiding." you whispered. 
For a moment his stomach dropped at the thought that you might have been hiding from him, that he might have let something slip on your day together and you knew how he felt. But you started ranting about your day and the looks you received from everyone and he understood, he had gotten the same looks all day long. 
"Don't worry." he murmured, opening his arms for you and you leaned on his side. "Draco probably said something about you again. I'll talk to him later" he sighed and you chuckled. 
He looked down to you, a loving look in his eyes as you kept chuckling. How could someone be so breathtaking just by doing such mundane things like leaning against someone and talking? Since the first time he saw you he knew you were beautiful but, Merlin, now you were gorgeous. 
"He is never forgetting about that, is he?" you laughed. Staring at the table, you frowned when Theo didn't say anything. 
You turned your head up to him, finding him already looking back at you. You didn't realize when you had leaned so close to him, his breathing blowing softly against your face as you gazed into his eyes. The little flick in them waking up all the butterflies in your stomach as you could have sworn his eyes moved to your lips for a fraction of second. 
You froze, realizing what that could mean when you felt him lean closer to you, his eyes closing before someone cleared their throat behind you, making you jump apart from one another. 
"The library is about to close." said professor Snape, looking at you with a glare before he settled his eyes on Theo. "Take your friend with you Mr. Nott. Directly to your common rooms." he said painfully slow.
You both nodded, clumsily taking all your stuff as you walked around him and practically ran out of there. No one said anything, your eyes on the floor as he walked you to your common room. 
"I'm sorry." he said once at the door handing you your books, your hands brushing against one another, making the blush in your face deeper. 
"No, I… You don't have to apologize." you stuttered before the words left your mouth. 
Heavy silence settled again between both of you, the tension making your stomach turn as you wished your feet would move and get you out of there. Of course, they had other plans. 
Theo wished you goodnight in a mumble, turning around and walking away just as you dropped your books on the floor, calling his name. 
"Yeah?" he asked, never meeting your eyes. You felt your mouth go dry, your hold in his wrist loosening as you breathed heavily. You brought your hand up to his cheek, smiling as he leaned in. He had closed his eyes and you ran your thumb across his cheek bone, waiting until he looked back at you. You started to lean in, his eyes widening as he realized what you were doing. His smile widened, cupping your cheeks as he closed the space between the two of you in a soft kiss. His hands wandered to your waist, pulling you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours with a smile that reached his eyes. 
"Remember when I told you I wanted you to be my Watson?" he breathed out with a smile "Well, I'm not so sure anymore."
You chuckled, moving to kiss his cheek as you rested your head on his shoulder "Funny, I always thought Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were lovers." you whispered in his ear. He smiled at you, kissing you once more. 
Completely unaware of the audience not so far away, hiding behind a wall with wide grins. "Ron was right." 
TAGS: @fanficflaneuse​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @lupins-sweater​ @accio-rogers​ @gloriousrebelrunaway​ @slytherinprincess03​ @not-today-anxiety​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @infinity1o1​ @haphazardhufflepuff​​ @deafgirltingz​
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tottymatsuno · 3 years
Who You Actually Are (Osomatsu-san: Karamatsu x Reader)
Chapter 2:
Author: Roro (halfeviltotty)
Fandom: Osomatsu-san
Pairing: Karamatsu x reader
Category: hurt/comfort, character study, trauma fic
Rating: gen
Summary: A fractured sense of identity watching all at once.
Word count: 1700 or so
Warnings: blood warning, injuries, DID, mental illness, vague mentions of trauma
Commentary: karamatsu is really goin thru it huh EDITS IN FUNNIE KARAMATSU PICTURE BC THATS HOW IM ROLLING FROM NOW ON
| Oneshots | All Fics | Multichapter Fics | Entire Series>| Karamatsu Fics |
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| Choromatsu Part 1 | Choromatsu Part 2 |
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With crystal clear eyes you saw right through Karamatsu with a question instead of introduction. You plucked out a single rose and the red contrast against your skin was breathtaking. "Who are you supposed to be?" You twirled it with such a graceful flair and avoided hurting yourself in its thorns.
It caught Karamatsu off guard, why would you ask that. Your tone was neither cold nor overly warm, not much affection or derision. Just a simple question with your head tilted with those analytical eyes taking in each motion and expression that crosses Karamatsu's face.
Your genuine curiosity frightened him, as if you without a doubt thought he must be acting.
"W-who am I? Heh! Well my beautiful Karamatsu flower, I am your destiny! I am Matsuno Karamatsu, the 2nd brother, handsome, suave, a lone wolf who walks a shadowy path for redemption! Ah, my Karamatsu lover, do not get too close for this wolf will have no choice but to bare his fangs into your slender neck. I've got my eyes on my prey, and darling I won't let you go once you're in my Karamatsu clutch."
Karamatsu posed dramatically with each sentence and you just watched. When he was through speaking you clapped.
"Not bad, not bad at all." Karamatsu blinked at your response, "I can see your passion for this character Karamatsu, and your method acting is pretty good albeit a little rough around the edges. Which troupe are you with? I wouldn't mind work-shopping some dialogue with you. You wanna do a quick improv right now since we're both here?"
"You're pretty handsome so I'm sure you're popular in your troupe, but when we're done improvising let me take a couple head shots of you. I know the director of a local theater who has the perfect role for someone like you if you're not married to the Karamatsu persona. "
You smiled at him and Karamatsu suddenly felt embarrassed, you're so pretty. Beautiful even, to the point where Karamatsu lowered the bouquet of roses with his head cast downwards. He didn't even care that you said he was handsome. It did literally nothing for his ego in that moment, but did prove to him that Karamatsu doesn't know himself. He has never felt handsome once before in his life and had only been called that word by his mother.
It'd been a long week.
"I can't do this right now." Karamatsu said painfully with his voice so dried that it sounded very unlike him, far away and much weaker than Karamatsu could ever utter. How many times is this going to happen to him? Today wasn't the day Karamatsu wanted to confront these emotions especially not in front of a woman but the words overflow without consent as suddenly the world shifts into third person.
"Why doesn't anyone take me seriously? I try so hard to be myself and I get asked 'who are you trying to impress, Karamatsu-niisan?' 'why are you wearing that, Karamatsu-niisan?' 'can you do this for me, and that, I need your help Karamatsu-niisan!' 'it's embarrassing to be seen with you, Karamatsu-niisan!' day in and day out. Now strangers are asking me who I'm supposed to be?"
Karamatsu watched himself shout with such pity, Karamatsu in his old uniform on-looked while shielding the ten year old's eyes. All of himselves surrounded with unblinking stares forward and Karamatsu felt ashamed.
"Why can't I just be who I said I am? Why does everyone have to ask me why? Does it matter?! The answer is even I don't know! Who the hell even is Matsuno Karamatsu if I'm not him?! If I can't be him then who am I!"
Karamatsu felt the thorns from the bouquet pressed tightly against the thin wrapping of the paper. His hands shook violently.
All at once like he had been grounded midair, Karamatsu felt your hands wrap around the bouquet. There was blood dripping from a few puncture wounds. You stared down at him with genuine concern, horrified at the display. But your hands were soft and gentle.
"I think I made a mistake, Karamatsu-san. I'm very sorry for hurting your feelings like this."
The bouquet is slowly pulled out of his injured hands and Karamatsu can't help but to reach out to you. You should shy away, Karamatsu thinks once he has the ability to form his own thoughts.
"It's bleeding, don't let me touch you." His words didn't match his actions, you watched him with those analytical eyes and leaned forward. When Karamatsu's hands cupped your face he saw a bit of blood smeared on your chin.
You were worried for him and not afraid of him even in the slightest.
"It's going to be okay, Karamatsu-san. I'll take care of this." Karamatsu is then led to a store, his hands bandaged by someone who took delicate care not to hurt him. You listened when Karamatsu spoke and you took his words at face value.
Stop being so nice. The older child inside of Karamatsu pleads pathetically, I'll get the wrong idea if you're this nice. You haven't wiped your face yet, why not? You're supposed to avoid touching other people's blood, aren't you afraid? Don't you know my blood could make you sick? Your hands are so warm, stop touching mine. I'm scared.
Karamatsu was led to a bench on a busy street by his fingertips, so loud that it was almost impossible to ignore the sounds. A sea of people walk by, why are you holding my hand? Asked the ten year old inside of Karamatsu. You should only hold hands when crossing the street, you should know that by now. Girls like this are stupid for not caring, the ten year old concludes.
You haven't stopped talking, your voice carried on the wind's currents and the overcast late afternoon turned into a dark twilight.
Karamatsu finally listened.
"Karamatsu-san, that isn't a red shirt. It's a brown suit." He looked at you for a second and laughed, "Sorry, I didn't notice." There was someone laughing for him. Someone else was making his throat hum out a chuckle, someone who was pulling his muscles to form a smile, someone who's fingers in his cheeks. There has been someone responding for him, using his voice to carry on the conversation. Karamatsu consciously took the reigns back as subtly as ever, making sure you didn't notice the mask being transferred to another facet of himself.
"You don't have to try so hard, Karamatsu-san. Or at least not with me after this." With those words you stood up, dusted your pants off and grinned at him.
"I'll see you again, right?" Karamatsu just nodded once more in a daze.
And you did, you sought him out with those curious eyes. You taught him some acting methods Karamatsu found out years later were coping skills.
"I always wanted to be an actor, my Karamatsu girl!" Karamatsu told you and then it was.
You took candids of him and introduced him to your theater, with the first greeting out your mouth was, "I'm this guy's biggest Karamatsu fan! Please give a warm welcome to Karamatsu-san!"
At first he thought your kindness was pity, then he thought maybe you simply were just kind. Then Karamatsu noticed something about you too, that faraway stare. A rapidly shifting personality, moments of complete catatonic silence that seemed to strangle you mentally. Like you were watching things in third person too and were fighting to get back in control.
"Who are you?" Karamatsu asked you once while your hair laid across the bathroom floor, he only asked because you couldn't stop muttering "I can't tell if I'm not me."
Twenty minutes later you seemed back to normal, the tears wiped away, the episode quietly ended like it began and you were shocked to see your head. "Who did this?"
Karamatsu witnessed your surprise each time you saw your reflection, like you were meeting an overly familiar stranger each time. The subtle wide eye gasp, if he hadn't studied you so closely Karamatsu wouldn't have ever noticed. When you recognized not yourself or a representation of yourself in the mirror but a friend from long ago you would smile. Like you were smiling at someone you accidentally made eye contact with from across the room instead of your own face.
Karamatsu helped ground you just as much as you did for him. You taught him the skills for himself and when you needed him, Karamatsu would pluck you mid spiral and assist you safely to your senses because you needed it as well.
"I owe you so much, I'm not sure if this is okay to ask from you but will you go to the petting zoo with me. As a date?" Karamatsu extended the tickets out towards you which received him a strange look. You glanced down at his hand, and then to the other and then to your own.
You finished your cotton candy quickly, "Karappii? Why are you confessing?" You lifted your hand held in Karamatsu's own. "Isn't this our three month anniversary?"
"C-can I kiss you then?!" And you kissed him while waiting for your turn on the ferris wheel. Then again on the ferris wheel itself, then on the ride home, and then at home.
You helped him a lot. With every small indicator of something vastly unwell, a detachment from Karamatsu's own feelings you asked him to challenge that notion. His bravado slowly stopped peacocking and became true confidence, Karamatsu found himself understanding his thoughts better.
In return Karamatsu assisted with what he learned was dissociation, it was funny since the symptoms sounded familiar. Karamatsu had to adapt, not adjust. All at once he felt responsible for someone else's well being, roses can't fix things that are broken. Neither within himself or you.
You tried to manage him in his moments of forgetfulness, "Karamatsu isn't it Thursday?" therapy day. Karamatsu did the same for you. Two broken people trying to rearrange their image based off of what the other sees. "Have I always looked this way?" You asked with that clarity gone. "Yes, you've always been this beautiful."
"Is this okay? Am I still Karamatsu if I feel like this?" Karamatsu asked in one of many moments of vulnerability. Kintsugi, Karamatsu feels like kintsugi when handled by you.
"I think I fell for you that day we met, at first I really thought you were acting. But I realized you did exactly what you said you would. Once I was in your clutch, I knew I would never escape." You looked stunning two years later in your white dress.
On his wedding night, Karamatsu never cried so hard before. The ceremony ended and all at once it was just Karamatsu and you in the hotel room.
"You saved me that day, Karappii. I was planning doing something I couldn't come back from and there you were. I love you, my Karamatsu angel."
Four versions of Karamatsu have seemed to melded together at this point after all if he knows one truth about himself it's that Karamatsu is in love with you.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: I have been insecure about my curly hair lately and was wondering if you can you write something with one of the weasley twins where the reader is insecure about her curly hair and one of the twins makes her feel better.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @wildcat1434
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: So like, incoming fluff bc this idea was cute and sometimes I do be needing fluff, that's about it, enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The relationship between me and my hair had always been... Bumpy, you could say.
There were periods in which I would find it quite lovely; during those times I would let my curls free, showing them off with a proud demeanor, knowing my hair was unique. Those times began to turn less and less usual since the middle of third year, though they were still there.
However, after the summer prior to my sixth year, those moments had banished; I only wished to hide my hair, and my friends ended up noticing. They told me surely there would be a spell or potion able to change my hair.
As if they had summoned it, the next day in Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall introduced us to what seemed like my salvation; Crinus Muto, an advanced spell that modified the caster's hair with no restrictions.
My best friend advised me against using it, claiming it wouldn't help my insecurity— if only, it would worsen it.
I really wanted to do as she had told me and completely dismiss the spell's existence, but two nights after I had a big mental breakdown about it, caused by the most stupid thing ever.
"Is Weasley staring at you or am I blind?" One of my friends whispered, her eyes trained on the Gryffindor table.
I didn't even bother to look up, not wanting to know whether it was true or not, before responding with a quiet "You're blind."
"I mean, it's hard to tell with two rows of students between us but," She nudged me, urging me to avert my gaze from my dinner and redirect it to Fred. "it kinda looks like he's... staring."
Curiosity killed the cat, I guess. My eyes finally left my plate and were, in fact, met with Fred's brown ones. As soon as they met, though, he looked away, pretending to be focused on his food, just like I had been doing seconds ago.
"Of course he's staring." Hannah Abbot, who sat right in front of my friend, commented with her mouth full. "Have you seen your hair?" She swallowed her food, looking me up and down before adding, "No offense, but it's an absolute mess." My eyes opened widely in shock at her bluntness. "You should take care of it, really."
"Has someone ever told you you're an ill-mannered bitch, Hannah?" I heard my friend talking back at the younger girl while I got up and started to make my way out of the Great Hall.
Of course, I didn't see Fred shooting up and attempting to go after me; ultimately he decided to stay in his place, since he saw my friend walking out too.
I was very aware of all the pair of eyes that had been laid on me the very moment I entered the greenhouse where we would be doing the Herbology tasks.
When I had met my friends at the Hufflepuff common room that morning, I had received divided opinions about my straight hair. At first I had been very convinced that it looked way better than my curly hair, but seeing my friends' reaction, I wasn't that confident about it anymore.
I didn't have time to undo the spell before class, so I decided to go along with it and see how the day unfolded.
I took a deep breath, my eyes trained on the ground as I made my way to an empty seat; maybe there weren't that many people staring, maybe it was just my anxiety.
I finally gathered the courage and looked up, nervously scanning the glasshouse so I could shake off my fears.
There was only a couple of my peers staring, which would have put me at ease, if one of them wasn't Fred Weasley.
On top of it, of course, he wasn't even trying to be subtle, it was almost as if he wanted me to notice his judging eyes; I could feel his gaze on me for the entire class.
The instant Professor Sprout dismissed us, I shoved everything in my bag and left the greenhouse, thanking a couple of Gryffindors who complimented my hair on my way out.
Again, I didn't notice Fred leaving the class as soon as he could to run after me.
I threw my bag against a tree near the lake shore and, as I fell against it, I heard someone jogging in my direction.
"In a hurry to sit by the lake, Y/l/n?" I followed the tall ginger with my eyes while he circled me and sat down by me. "You alright?"
"I just needed a break from... People." I vaguely explained, focusing on the water instead of on the boy besides me.
"Understandable." He hesitated for a second before adding, "Do you want me to leave?"
"No, it's fine." I surprised myself at how calmed and collected I sounded, as if I wasn't chatting with my crush.
"What happened to your hair?" His genuinely curious inquiry took me aback, and I struggled to find something to answer.
"Why?" My heartbeat picked up, anxiety inundating me once more. "You don't like it?"
"It looks weird." Fred looked at me up and down with a grimace. "You don't... Look like yourself." I was about to enter fight or flight mode, but he seemed to notice, and panic made its way to his face. "But it doesn't matter what I think," he was quick to add, his eyes wide open as if he knew he had said something he should have not. "I mean— I think it shouldn't matter, if you like it, that's great— I mean, you don't need my opinion about that either!"
"Calm down, I understand." I tried to reassure him, before his rambling drove the both of us crazy. "Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded with pursed lips, surely afraid he would fuck up if he spoke again. "I've been very insecure about my hair lately— like, very." I sighed. "My best friend told me not to straighten it, but last night I got a not so nice comment and—"
"So that's why you left?" I nodded, tugging my sleeves. Fred went silent for a moment, and then cleared his throat and scooted closer to me. "I know this won't do much, but I really love your hair. Kinda reminds me of fireworks and streamers." He gestured around his own head, mimicking the fireworks' movement. "Dunno I think is fun and pretty awesome." I raised my brows at him in surprise. "Like you."
"Aw, that's very sweet." He offered me a sheepish smile as I felt my cheeks blushing. "It does a lot, actually." I confessed, fidgeting with my rings. "I guess I kinda needed to hear something positive about my hair."
"Well, whenever you need to hear something positive about your hair," he pointed at himself. "I'm your man." He winked at me and I let out a chuckle. "I can also tell you positive things about you in general, but that has a price."
"And what is it?"
"You'll have to let me buy you a drink at The Three Broomsticks this Saturday." I tried not to let panic slip through my recently eased demeanor; was he asking me on a date? "And give me a kiss after." He wiggled his brows at me and my face turned red. "the kiss is negotiable."
I casted my gaze down, fixing it on my shoes, not sure of what I was supposed to say at that. His foot tapping mine snapped me out of my thoughts.
"So?" My eyes traveled to him once more, only to find his studying me already. "What do you say, Y/l/n?"
"Well," I shrugged, trying in vain to play nonchalant. "Seems like an affordable price, so it's fine by me."
"I'll pick you up after lunch, yeah?" Before I could agree, he gasped, his eyes going wide. "I'm a genius."
"Come again?" I frowned, confused as his sudden frantic behavior.
"Don't mind me, love." He jumped up and jogged towards the castle, leaving me puzzled in there. I was about to grab a book from my bag when Fred rushed back, crouched down and pecked my cheek. "Your hair's amazing." He assured me. "See you!" My fingertips graced my now flushed cheek as he headed off.
I was finishing my lunch when two towering redheads entered the Hall running; while George, slowed down, Fred made a beeline to the Hufflepuff table, his casual clothes already on.
"Ready?" He asked breathless.
"Yeah— you didn't have lunch, did you?" I pointed out, getting up to stand in front of him.
"No, but I'll eat something later—" his eyes roamed over my carefully picked outfit before stating, "You look... very pretty."
"Why, thank you." I offered him a smile and looked over my shoulder at the Gryffindor table, where his friends were very attentive to all we did. "You sure you don't wanna eat something?"
"Hundred percent." He tilted his head towards the gates. "shall we?" He prompted to walk before him, and it was then that I realized he had his hands behind his back. Once we were out in the yard, he tugged my hand and made me turn to him. "I made something for you."
"You didn't have to." Was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard his words. Then the wording dawned on me; he didn't get me something, he made me something. "What is it?"
"So, you know that I told you your hair reminded me of fireworks and streamers?" I nodded, not quite knowing where he was going with that. "Well—" he then showed me what his back was hiding; a delicate, tiny firecracker with my name written on the side. "George helped me so I could finish it on time."
"I'm—" at my loss of words, I could only let out a happy laugh. "This is so cute— am I supposed to ignite it?"
"Duh!" I gently pushed his shoulder in response to his teasing. "Do you know how to do it?"
"I've seen you do it plenty of times." I admitted, grabbing the firecracker with one hand and my wand with the other; it looked so pretty, it was a pity I'd have to ruin it.
With a brief firemaking spell, the firecracker set off. Fred pulled me back slightly before it happened, though.
I was in awe at the beautiful fireworks before us, which looked like a color-changing, expanding version of my hair.
When the colors died out, I turned to Fred, whose attention was already on me, awaiting for a reaction. Surely, he was not expecting the kiss he got, but he didn't complain either; while my hands rested on his chest, his traveled to cup my cheeks before I could pull away.
"So you liked it?" He questioned quietly against my lips.
"I loved it." I whispered back with a wide smile. "You're a sweetheart." I pecked his lips before retreating. Holding his hand in mines, I made my way back into the castle. "We're not leaving until you have lunch."
"You are a sweetheart." He responded, following my lead without offering resistance. "By the way, your hair looks gorgeous." The corners of my lips twisted into a bigger smile at the sweet words he spoke only for me to hear as we went back into the Great Hall.
Maybe my hair wasn't that bad after all.
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