#george richmond
Favourite Napoleon painting?
Oh that's easy! Hands down my favourite is George Richmond's Napoleon Reading his Letter of Abdication, painted circa 1860-1875.
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A close second favourite is Napoleon Bonaparte in Tuileries on August 10th, 1792 by Maurice Réalier-Dumas painted circa 1888.
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And a third favourite, though really it's a second since the first two are truly tied in my mind is Jacques-Louis David's unfinished portrait of Napoleon from circa 1798.
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Thank you for the lovely ask!
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portraituresque · 7 months
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george richmond - self portrait
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George Richmond - Portrait of Μaharani Jind Kaur (1863)
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leecouchette · 3 months
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George Richmond's Napoleon Reading his Letter of Abdication, painted circa 1860-1875
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sesiondemadrugada · 11 months
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George Richmond.
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bishopsbox · 1 year
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source: bishopsbox
Charles Darwin, aged 31, four years after the Beagle voyage, in a watercolor portrait by George Richmond.
Charles Darwin, con 31 años, cuatro años después del viaje del Beagle, en un retrato a la acuarela realizado por George Richmond.
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scienceandpopcorn · 2 years
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source: bishopsbox
Charles Darwin, aged 31, four years after the Beagle voyage, in a watercolor portrait by George Richmond.
Charles Darwin, con 31 años, cuatro años después del viaje del Beagle, en un retrato a la acuarela realizado por George Richmond.
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dec0mposing · 8 months
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F. C. Lewis, Sarah Harriet Selwyn (1842) Stipple engraving and aquatint on india paper
Based off a painting by George Richmond
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thedalatribune · 10 months
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© Paolo Dala
The Creation of Light George Richmond (1826) The National Art Center (Minato City, Tokyo, Japan)
The Art Of Light
According to Judeo-Christian belief, God's first act was to create light. In the Old and New Testaments, light represents goodness and purity. Darkness, meanwhile, signifies destruction and evil. In the late 18th and early 19th century, religious art became popular again in Britain. Artists started using light and dark in their painting to represent profound spiritual themes. They often explored the interplay between the literal and metaphorical: flickers of light in the gloom suggesting hope amid suffering...
Tate Light: Works from the Tate Collection
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Aerial plates due to be shot in Portugal, China, and Brazil were curtailed (due to COVID) to filming sequences in the Scottish Highlands (for Hogwarts) and the Swiss Alps. Aerial DP and drone camera operator Jeremy Braben Associate BSC and his team from Helicopter Film Services filmed with Alexa Mini LF and Fujinon Premista Spherical 28-100mm zoom for ease of shooting with an anamorphic tweak applied in post. 
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undescribed1mage · 1 year
More Legoland fun facts: Ezra is (canonically) bi & poly !!
In old Atomic Vaudeville sketches, Ezra would appear with two St Cassians Students (pictured below) introduce them as his boyfriend and his girlfriend, and then act out something with them, according to his actor, & apparently, the most memorable one was them acting out Lord Of The Flies !!
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jt1674 · 23 days
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portraituresque · 2 years
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George Richmond, self portrait
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George Richmond - Abel the Shepherd (1825)
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wanderingmind867 · 8 days
Apparently Steve Gerber and Frank Miller had their own plans to reboot DC. Steve Gerber would take over Wonder Woman, Frank Miller would take Batman, and they'd share Superman. You know, I hate Frank Miller. But in this one case...god, I wish this had happened. Apparently Steve Gerber wanted to take Superman and Wonder Woman back to their Golden Age styles, ala William Moulton Marston and Jerry Siegel/Joe Shuster. And I would have read that eagerly. But no. Instead George Perez and John Byrne got control. And neither of them had the talent of Steve Gerber, in my personal opinion. So there's one massive missed opportunity of history.
Honestly, Steve Gerber probably could have pulled off Batman too. Considering his really nice deconstruction of batman with Nighthawk when he wrote The Defenders, I can only imagine what he could have done with the real character.
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behindthecrowns · 4 months
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When the Duchess and her daughter, May, returned home, the Duke of York was the first to welcome them in London, and he became almost a daily visitor at White Lodge. In the lovely gardens around the residence the future King George V wooed and won his boyhood sweetheart. It is said that it was in a secluded part of Richmond Park that the actual proposal was made.
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