#george's cover of “if not for you” is also fantastic!
nikidontsurf · 9 months
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GEORGE HARRISON and BOB DYLAN rehearsing "If Not For You" for the CONCERT FOR BANGLADESH, July 1971
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wutheringmights · 2 months
I finished rereading The Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce a couple of days back. I already talked about the first book in a post that garnered more attention than it deserved. I guess we were all happily reminiscing about the menstruation scenes together, or Tortall fans are so starved for content they (we) will reblog anything.(Understandable. I too am starved for a thriving Tortall fandom.)
I'm too lazy to make separate posts about each book, so we're just going to do a mega post covering the second, third, and fourth book.
Unlike last time, I will be giving a little criticism to this series. I still love it endlessly, but there were a few things about the prose I thought was interesting that I want to talk about a bit.
So, without further ado~
In the Hand of the Goddess
I think this one is my favorite one, despite how rushed the plot it. It contains all of my favorite plot points, like awkward romances with George and Jon, attending knight lessons, and a little summer war. Fun stuff.
But it definitely feels rushed. I really wish someone told Pierce to make this a 12 book series, expanding on Alanna's years at the castle. It would have gone so far to better develop the romances and the friendships in these books.
I am fascinated by what Pierce chose to skim over. Characters would die or kiss for the first time off screen, with the prose resuming with Alanna reacting to it. It demonstrates an understanding of character work that I personally adore and try to emulate in my own writing-- the real bones of a story being in how characters respond to fantastic events as opposed to the fantastic events themselves.
Also, the whole veil spell Roger cast in objectively stupid, and I mean that in the most affectionate way possible. You're telling me that Roger used magic to make Alanna lose interest in doing anything about the obviously evil things he was doing? That's fucking hilarious. You know an editor came back to Pierce and asked her to come up with a reason why Alanna wasn't just going to spring into action at the first sign of Roger trying to kill her, only for Pierce to come up with this. It's so silly. I love it.
Woman Who Rides Like A Man
Did this book age poorly? Yes, but not as badly as I remembered. That's not a stirring defense, and it's really not meant to be.
The Bahzir are a mess of Orientalism, and Pierce definitely deserves criticism for not only the way she wrote them but for the ways in which she frames their cultural practices as something that needs to be fixed. Having Alanna want to force them to change their culture to suit her beliefs is not a great look for both the character and the writer. And that's not even getting into the whole assimilation plotline.
But I did enjoy Pierce's attempts to expand on the definition of womanhood, especially as a part of Alanna learning to embrace femininity. There is this running thread in these last two books of Alanna learning about all the different ways to be a woman and choosing for herself what her gender means to her. It's not done particularly well, and anyone looking for a revolutionary examination of gender roles and identity is going to be sorely disappointed. But there's an attempt here that I can't help but appreciate.
This book is also where Pierce starts to slow the plot down, which lends it to having the most reasonable pacing out of the bunch. That being said, it's also the book where the lack of development for a bunch of the side characters start to hurt. I really wish Gary or Raoul joined Alanna in the desert. Raoul gets his moment in the sun with the Protector of the Small books, but Gary remains largely forgettable. In fact, I spent this entire read-through convinced this man dies at the end of the last book, if only because I can't remember where he appears in any of the other books.
Lioness Rampant
This book somehow has the improved pacing of the third book while still feeling rushed. The quest for the Dominion Jewel really should have been it's own book, if only to give Thayet and Buri more room for development. Thayet in particular really needs her moment to shine, especially when she continues to be an important character in the other series.
But do you know who did get a lot of screen time? Liam.
Remembered shit about this guy before going into this book. I could only vaguely recalled disliking him as a kid, but not as much as I venomously hated Jon. (Speaking of which-- I love the way this man is realistically shitty. Him getting dumped by Alanna is always my favorite scene.) But Liam? Fuck that guy. Holy shit. I give full applause to Pierce for portraying the important milestones every girl goes through growing up, which includes having a situationship that is so shitty that it becomes essential character development.
Roger's return feels very... cheesy? I think Alex should have stepped up to be the final villain on the story. Unlike Roger, Alex was Alanna's friend. They have history. The betrayal would have imbued that final fight with so many more emotions than it ultimately had. I also would have liked Alanna to have at least meaningfully talked to Alex sometime before the climax.
Honestly, it's impressive how reactive Alanna is as a character in the last half of the book. She doesn't seek out how to stop Roger's plan, or fix Thom, or anything. Other characters make plans and she just... waits for something to go wrong.
That being said, by virtue of Alanna's relationships with George, Liam, and Jon all happening sometime in this plot, this book becomes a good place to look to get the full berth of how Pierce handles romances. Which, I love her approach. The romances are never over the top or, for lack of a better word, too romantic. It's very down to earth, with characters dating, marrying, or breaking up for realistic reasons.
Jon and Alanna were friends who broke up because they had different life plans. Liam and Alanna broke up for having fundamentally different values. As much as I bitch about how shitty Jon and Liam are, they're not cartoonishly evil. They're just a little shitty the way most of your exes will be. Jon and Liam are men could find love with someone else. They just aren't suited for Alanna.
Meanwhile, the most romantic things George does are wait for her and be supportive. He doesn't fight or get territorial. He makes his feelings clear, then waits for Alanna's cues. Alanna definitely loves him, but she ends up with him in the end because their lifestyles and core beliefs meld together. There's no grand romantic gesture or whirlwind affairs. They are just a good pair.
I have read stories with far heavier focuses on romance, and none of those couples feel as perfect as Alanna and George. Those stories prioritize all the gooey moments over showing why the main couple should get together. For how little romantic interactions they have, you believe these two could have a successful marriage. Perfect stuff.
Over all, I really enjoyed rereading these books. For all my griping, I still love the story. I love Alanna. She's a character who is fundamental to my soul. No matter where I am in life, I will always want to open these books and find her again, to walk back into Tortall and join her on her quest to be a lady knight.
My copies of the series come with forewards from a previous edition. In one of them, Pierce wrote that this series started off as an adult fantasy story that was much darker and edgier. I need to know what that story looks like, what happened in it. Pierce can claim as she wants that she hardly remembers what it looks like, but I refuse to believe that. Release the unedited first draft, Pierce. I am begging you.
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abouttofillhisshoes · 2 months
Falling for you - M.H x Reader // pt. 8
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A/N: i'm getting sort of sad now that the end has come. Thank you @beforeyougo-turnthebiglightoff for being an absolute legend and beta reading everything and being mental in my dms for the majority of it. @vinylandcoffeecollection and @sugar-coat-it you lot have been so nice to me this entire time and made me feel welcome and like i wasn't doing everything wrong, you're absolutely amazing❤️ This chapter is NSFW minors do not interact. Also terribly sappy and sweet cause i can't help myself.
wc: 4k
The light breeze made wrappers fly through the air, George chasing after them, ever the eco conscious one. Matty laughed, rolling his eyes before biting into his burger, sauce covering his face. The five of you had ended up where you always did: The McDonalds parking lot. It was almost sad, with Caroline's having too many horrible memories connected to it, the only place that felt nice was a parking lot next to the highway. 
Sometimes, you’d go to your respective houses, but with Mattys place being far too posh for Ross’ taste, and Hann and Ross’ flat feeling quite cramped when you all piled in, the great outdoors was your only option.
George had somehow found another shopping cart on the side of the road, and was now sitting in it with you, your legs draped over each other as you shared a spliff over burgers and ice cream. Matty, not being able to ask for the spliff like a normal person, started making grabby hands at you, his mouth filled with bits of food. You roll your eyes, handing it to him reluctantly. 
Hann was going on about his girlfriend (well, now ex-girlfriend) and how much he missed her. She had broken up with him a few days prior, stating he “acted like a single mother to his friends”, calling him weird for not answering her calls the day Matty had finally come back from his ‘bender’.
Matty was making his weird food-eating sex noises again, and Ross groaned, closing his hands around his ears, trying to muffle the sound. You giggled at his reaction, Matty turned to you, giving you a subtle wink. 
“You look nice today, have you done something with your hair?'' The question came from George, his eyes trying to figure out what you did. “I straightened it properly, you like?” he nods, turning back to the floor of the shopping cart you were both in, picking up his milkshake and taking a sip.
“Oh for fucks sake Matty, you got your fucking hair in my food.” Hann holds up a blonde strand, clearly belonging to Matty, the curl pattern giving him away. Matty just shrugs, blowing Adam kiss before turning to you. His eyes pierce yours, and you can feel your heartbeat speed up. 
“Cunt.” Adam mutters to himself before trying to throw the hair onto Matty, failing miserably. 
“Let's go to the lake, I fancy a swim.” Ross pipes up. You immediately agree, the weather was warm enough and a night swim sounded fantastic right about now. George whined about how unsanitary the lake was, but everyone knew he would be the first one in it the moment you got there.
The walk there was calm, Ross and George leading the way, with you and Matty right behind them. Adam was trudging along beside you, loopy and tired and hungover. You take a stab at him for acting like an old man, and he shoots you a glare that shuts you up, holding your hands up defensively as he turns back to stare at the ground in front of him. 
The field was slightly damp, the grass wetting your back as you laid down on it. The sounds of crickets and trees rustling filled your ears, and you see Matty walking towards you. He had taken his shirt off, nipple piercing on display. 
“Jesus, is that a nip ring?” you hear Ross comment, hiding his laugh behind his hand. 
“Yeah, this one is an aspiring piercer.” he gestured to you, and you nod at Ross, confirming that you had done it for him. It was almost healed at this point, and you were begging him to switch it to something pink and girly. He tried to fend you off, but eventually agreed to let you swap out the black ring for a pink one. 
“It would look so good on you, I promise.” you assured him, your hand grazing over his chest. As long as you kept doing that he'd let you do whatever you wanted to him.
Peeling off your shirt, you lay back down onto the grass, patting the space next to you while looking at Matty. He grins, spinning around and letting himself flop onto the ground, his head immediately resting on your chest. The soft curls of Mattys hair brushed against your face, tickling slightly. 
“Get in the water and stop lying there like a bunch of pricks posing for a summer edition of Vogue!” The yell comes from Ross, who was already knee deep in swampy lake water, waving his hands over his head as he flung insults at the both of you. Like second nature, two aggressive middle fingers fly up, telling him to promptly go fuck himself. 
The sun had set, stars littering the sky, lighting it up. Your legs had started to go numb from the weight of Mattys body on yours, so you had decided to switch places. Arms draped over each other, he held you close as you watched the stars sparkle.
“I want you.” The words sound nonchalant, almost disguising their meaning as they leave Mattys lips. A laugh escapes you, and you trail a hand up his chest, tracing the indents of his ribs. 
“Alright, i'm going to the shop for some booze,” you announce, getting up from Matty. From the water, George shouts at you to get a bottle Tequila, with Adam not far behind, asking you to buy him a pack of his fags. You commit the requests to memory, kicking Matty lightly, motioning for him to get up. He quickly does, his hand intertwining with yours as you walk to the road that was maybe a few hundred meters from the edge of the water. 
Once you were out of their earshot, Ross pipes up: 
“D’you reckon they're shagging?” his question sounds more casual than it actually is. George shrugs his shoulders, going back to fixing his shorts. 
“I’d bet money on it. Have you seen the way she looks at him, or the way he looks at her? He's whipped.”
The knowledge hangs thick in the air, not as uncomfortable as they thought it would be. It was fine, they concluded, even if a bit weird. 
Meanwhile, Matty had you pressed up against the wall of the alley next to the corner shop, his hands clawing at your tits with such an intensity, you’d have thought he’d been celibate up until this moment.  
Not caring if anyone saw, you run your hands up his chest, looping your finger through the piercing on his chest, playing with it. He never failed you, eliciting just the reaction you were hoping for. A pathetic moan, and his hands tweaking your nipple in retaliation. 
He taps your shoulder three distinct times, a provocative grin spreading onto his face. A desperate hand grabs his wrist, and you lead him into the shop, quickly rushing past the cash register in favor of the one stall bathroom you knew was in the back. The fluorescent lighting made your eyes burn for a second as you locked the door behind you, turning back to face Matty. 
If heaven could be cultivated into one image, it would be the one standing right infront of you. Messy hair, wide eyes and a naked, sweaty chest graced your line of sight, wasting no time to press him against the sink, the ceramic digging into the small of his back. The kiss is all teeth and tongue, with him licking into your mouth in a way that makes you slightly dizzy, your knees buckling beneath you.
A wave of pure adoration washed over you as he pulled back, his eyes darting over your face, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Such a sweet expression on the face of someone who was currently grinding onto you like his life depended on it. You could feel him growing harder the more you kissed him, sharp nails raking down his back, leaving raised scratch marks that reflected off of the mirror behind him. 
“You want me, yeah?” you quote his words back to him, his eyes screwing shut in pure ecstasy as you reach a hand down his loose basketball shorts, ghosting over his underwear. His hips buck forward, a moan leaving his lips as the pressure increased. A wet patch formed on the front of his boxers, his cock leaking into your hand. 
An idea pops into your head, and your hand leaves his pants, opting to grab his waist. He whines at the loss of contact, burying his head into your shoulder. A yelp of surprise sounds from him when you flip him around, pressing his front to the edge of the sink, making eye contact in the mirror. 
Your hands move over the expanse of his chest, watching his face closely as he hangs his head, trying to catch his breath. 
“Look at yourself,” you tell him “If you don't, I'll stop.” your voice is firm, and his eyes snap up to meet yours before landing on his own reflection. 
A sigh leaves his parted lips as your hand finally travels lower, the tent in his pants now painfully obvious. The cool air of the bathroom made his nipples hard against your fingers as you ran your other hand over them. 
“Please- i've done everything you wanted.. please.”  his voice cracks slightly as you squeeze him through his underwear, his cock pulsing in your hand. Your movements are slow as you take him out of his boxers, collecting beads of precum at the tip before smearing it back down.
You hold your hand out, Matty looking slightly confused when you do. A raised eyebrow makes it clear what you want him to do, and he spits into the palm of your hand, making eye contact with you as he did. Matty knows what he does to you, no matter how badly you try to hide it. A grin makes its way onto his face, quickly transforming into a blissed out expression as you speed up, thumbing his slit as he lets out a low moan. 
He listened, never letting his eyes leave his reflection, though occasionally they flick over to you, your pupils completely blown out, watching every little move he made. He looks absolutely beautiful, like putty in your hands, you mold him with your words.   
It was moments like these that made your heart swell up at the sight of him, fucked out and begging for even the smallest touch. One of his hands slam against the glass of the mirror, holding him steady. The faster you move, the more he reacts, filling the small bathroom with groans and pleas, the sounds reverberating off of the walls.
The mirror has not been a coincidence, no matter what you led him to believe. Reaching into the back pocket of your shorts, you feel around for a certain familiar object. The camera. You didn't know what it was, but whenever he was like this, twitching under even the slightest brush of your fingers against his cock, you felt the urge to immortalize the moment.  
His eyes widen when he spots the lens in the mirror, reflecting the light of the lightbulb above you. His mind was fuzzy, and honestly, so was yours. Your fingers fumbled a bit, missing the shutter the first time. Even if he played dumb in the moment, he knew you kept the photos of him close to you, so he always made sure to give you what you wanted. 
A sly grin, half closed eyes, maybe even parted lips with a hint of tongue between them. Sweat needed on his forehead, dripping down his face and onto his chest, and he could feel him throttling towards his orgasm. 
A flash. 
A particularly harsh tug of his cock makes his mouth fall open just as the picture is taken, the expression on his face one of pure ecstasy. Your core flutters at sight in the mirror, even letting out a small moan as his eyes meet yours. 
This time, he’s ready, his head tilting back, showing off the numerous hickeys you had left days before, slightly faded but still visible. His hair is thrown to the side, tangled and unruly, blonde, grown out highlights peeking through the mess of curls. He parts his lips, on purpose this time, letting out an exaggerated moan.
Your hand had now left his cock, a groan of protest coming from Matty as you shush him, your hand tracing up his chest and settling around his throat. Squeezing experimentally, Matty whimpers at the sensation, nodding vigorously to get you to do it again. You do, tightening your grip. 
This picture is your absolute favorite. Your hand is small around his neck, yet still overpowering him. The way he looks at you in the reflection convinces you an actual angel has been plucked out of heaven and handed to you in the form of Matty. His hands clutch the edge of the sink, head thrown back once again. 
Deciding you had given him enough, you reach back down, squeezing his cock just like you did his neck not three seconds earlier. 
“I didn't think you’d be kinky like that, hm?” He tries to seem cocky, but his voice betrays him. He can't control the shakiness of it, the way his breath catches in his throat whenever you change up your rhythm, throwing him off. 
“Didn't take you for such an attention whore either, did I? I guess we’re both full of surprises.” you retaliate, and you know he’s almost there, the way his thighs tense and his cock twitches in your hand a telltale sign.  
“I’m so close- fuck.” He’s asking for permission, you know he is. His eyes find yours in the mirror, and you nod.
“Go on, Matthew, you know you want to.” you urge him, hand speeding up as his legs buckle underneath him, the only thing keeping him upright being the ceramic of the sink his hands are holding on to.  
He comes with a cry of your name, shuddering in your grasp, ropes of cum painting the white of the sink. Small, short gasps leave his mouth as you work him through his orgasm, only letting up when his hand goes to grab yours. 
Matty turns around, planting a kiss onto your wet lips, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling flush against him.
“You got to show me those pictures sometime.” he gestures to the forgotten camera hanging off your wrist, along with the polaroid tucked into the band of your pants. 
“No fuckin way-” you giggle “knowing you, you’d probably add them to your personal wank bank.” His eyes widen in offense, slapping the side of your arm in protest. 
“I know you think I'm just some egomaniacal tosser, but look at me!” He points his index finger to his chest. “How could you not?” Another laugh escapes you as you roll your eyes at his proclamation.
The walk to the counter post bathroom sex was nothing but awkward, with the cashier eyeing you as you walked up to the front to pay. Matty takes out a wad of cash, slamming down a twenty and grabbing the stuff off the counter, quickly spinning around to leave.
The other three questioned why you were gone so long, but really, they knew why. That conversation was one for another day. 
It had started to rain shortly before you got home, your clothes being completely soaked through as you stepped through the front door. Matty groaned as he took his shorts off, laying onto the couch in exhaustion. The two of you had booked it down the street the last few hundred meters, neither of you fit enough to get out of that sprint alive.
The heat was cranked up, warm blankets covering you as you snuggled up to each other, Amy Winehouse played softly in the background, the vocals calming you as you talked softly. Matty held you close to his chest, his breathing regular as he stroked your hair, running his fingers through it over and over. 
You wanted to freeze this moment in time and relive it forever until you died. The gentleness of his hands paired with the hoarse but small sound of his voice made your insides melt. Looking back, this was truly a long time coming. 
But what was ‘this’?
The two of you hadn't talked yet, blatantly ignoring the elephant in the room. Your feelings for each other were undeniable, but what then? What did that mean to you, but more importantly, what did it mean to Matty?
The next few moments feel like a dream. His hands wrap around the base of your neck, pulling you up. He kisses you, sweet and innocent, almost chaste as his lips move with yours. He pulls away quickly, eyes darting over your face before settling on your. A small sound escapes his lips, and you can see him hesitate. 
A deep breath.
“I love you.” 
The words hit you like a freight train. His eyes search yours for a reaction, wincing when you remain expressionless. That is, until you speak. 
“Fucking idiot.” it sounds harsh, and you can see him deflate.
“I love you too.” his fucking angelic smile graces his face, and you pull him in for another kiss. The feel of his hands on yours makes your heart flutter, your heart swelling up with love. 
“Does this mean-” he cuts himself off before starting his sentence again. “Can I be your boyfriend?” His voice is small, and you can tell he feels slightly insecure.
“Only if you promise not to wank to those pictures.” you burst out into delirious laughter as he pulls you back in, he grasps your face, mushing it against the palms of his hands.
“Only if you promise to stop taking my fucking clothes, jesus christ” he tugs at the shirt youre wearing. His stupid blue Barcelona shirt. 
Kisses litter your face, and the blanket starts to feel warmer, like you were trapping heaven itself under the covers. It sure felt like it, with Matty looking at you with an expression so filled with love and adoration you thought it might spill out of his ears.
In a way, you knew it would end like this. 
You and Matty
Matty and you 
“What are we?” you ask, repeating his question from so many nights ago. 
“I'm yours, forever.” he answers, his hair falling into his face as he looks down at you. 
You and Matty, forever.
// THE END //  
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We Can Share
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Anthony Lockwood x f!Reader
Warnings: None this pretty much fluff only :) 💖💖💖
Summary: Lockwood and Y/N have to stay overnight in a hotel for a case, which is not the biggest problem until the room only has one bed
A/N: I hope you guys like it :) 💖💖💖 I wasn't sure how to feel about it and it is a little cliche but I couldn't get it out of my mind also :') 💖💖💖 Also sorry if updates are slow :') 💖💖💖 Hope you have a great day :) 💖💖💖
"So you're telling me they didn't have a cheaper room", she frowned, chasing after him.
He didn't look back, crumpling the receipt into his pocket, "Yes".
The straps of her bag weighed down on her shoulders, pulling her down close to the ground, as they walked up yet another flight of stairs. Her feet ached. If this hotel was so brilliant why were all the elevators broken ? It was probably because the location of their next job was far out of London, next to the middle of nowhere. She probably should have seen it coming when the train station was just a misshapen shack that was barely standing. George and Lucy had rather conveniently decided to sit this one out, something about providing assistance remotely. She rolled her eyes.
"Remind me again why we took this case", she groaned, finally catching up to him.
He chuckled, shaking his head, "They are paying us highly for our services".
"Mmhm", she closed her eyes, leaning against the wall. Money. It was the denominator of every fraction in their lives. She longed for a time when they wouldn’t be so dependent on it, to the point where they put their lives on the line just for it. It was a harsh reality, one they were used to, but if anything she could at least thank it for the people that had come into her life, for him.
"Oh come on it's not that bad", he grinned widely, readjusting the bag on his shoulder before handing her a dull looking iron key.
She gave him a pointed look, “That's what you always say"
"But is it ever a lie", he raised a brow. She couldn’t help but smile. It was never awful, not even subpar, not if she was with him. He just knew all the right buttons to press with her, granted he also knew the wrong ones but it didn’t happen often enough to be a concern. He was reckless and overconfident, but he was also sweet and funny. It was hard for her to not have a good time when they were together.
"No, but I am allowed to miss the comfort of home", she grinned. She twisted the key through the lock, swinging the door open.
"Well, you'll be there soon enough", he laughed.
"Oh", her smile faltered. The room itself was relatively normal, no expensive sheets or fantastic views. It was clean and tidy, the covers folded in neatly under the mattress. The only problem was that there was only one bed. She thought this only happened in books, but the universe decided to prove her wrong this one time and of course it had to be with him. She chewed her thumbnail. It was already too late for them to request another room. She wondered what to say. Who would even know what to say ? No one, because no one ever ends up in these kinds of situations, except her apparently.
"Right, this is fine, you take the bed, I'll take the floor", he dumped the bags haphazardly at the foot of the bed. He was already gathering some pillows off the bed.
She felt a twinge of sympathy and maybe something more. Call it a careless decision. In the moment she felt brave, or maybe she was just desperate, she wasn’t sure. Yet she was aware of the consequences, even as the words spilled out, “Don't be ridiculous, we can share".
"I- Only if you're alright with it", he was surprised. She couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad one. If she was being honest she was surprised too. It would have been easier to let him stay on the floor, kept a solid barrier between them. What had she gotten herself into ?
It was dark when all the lights were turned out. Fortunately, she was quite accustomed to the dark. It didn't scare her. What scared her was the fact that she was lying in a bed with a boy next to her, a boy that she hasn't been able to stop thinking about for the past 6 months. It was not the most ideal situation, but she figured they'd been stuck in more compromising positions. Yet, her heart was still pounding like she'd run a marathon and she was working a little too hard to keep her breathing quiet. They had always been close, even from when she had first joined the agency. She had always summed it up to them being a good team. That was until it developed into something more elaborate. When had things changed ? When had they become complicated ?
"Are you comfortable ?", he turned towards her, whispering.
"Very", she hoped she sounded confident. Her hands were clasped together tightly over her chest as she stared at the ceiling. She refused to look at him. She just might explode from anticipation alone.
"You're practically falling off the mattress", he scoffed. So maybe she had forced herself to be at as close to the edge as she could without falling off. It was only to put a respectable amount of distance between them, so she could manage the night with some semblance of relaxation. She had been hoping that he would be ignorant enough for her plan to work, but he seemed to be the exact opposite. She sighed. This was going to be one of those long nights.
He wrapped an arm around her waist, "Come on".
"No I-", she pressed her lips together. Her body went rigid as he tugged her closer to the middle of the bed, closer to him. She felt overtly self-conscious, choosing to concentrate on breathing in and out, instead of the fact that her back was pressed tightly against his chest. It was a more difficult task than what she had anticipated, especially when the warmth from his body spread to her. Her confidence faltered, and she felt herself relax into him, “This is nice, actually".
"Surprising isn't it ?", his tone was sarcastic, but his hand still rested comfortably over hers.
She was confused to say the least. They were always close, but sharing near-death experiences could do that to a person. Still, the last few months had been different. His touch would linger a little longer before he pulled away hurriedly. She would feel his stare in a crowded room, but he never met her eyes. Maybe it would have been simpler if she had been more forward with him, but she hadn't, and it put her in a vulnerable position. She could have gone to sleep, but she didn't, "Lockwood ?".
"Yes ?", his hot breath left the hairs on the back her neck standing.
She pushed herself to sit up, "I can't keep doing this".
"Doing what ?", he mimicked her position. His brows were furrowed and he sounded unconvinced.
"This", she groaned, throwing her head onto her knees. Why was this so hard for him to understand ? Why was it so hard for her to tell him ? Why wouldn't her heart stop pounding ?
She took a breath in, "We always act like a couple but somehow we're just friends, I just- I need- I-". He watched her closely, eyes dropping to her lips, before pressing his against them. He tasted faintly of honey and tea. She was quick to respond, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and tugging him closer to her. Her racing heart finally seemed to slow. She felt relieved and desperate all at once. She hoped he felt the same too, and to some extent he must be, seeing as he was kissing her like she might disappear if he didn't.
"Was that a good enough answer for you ?", he chuckled, pulling away.
She was breathless, but stood by a nonchalant facade, "Well you didn't really say anything".
"What? I was trying to make a romantic gesture?", he pressed his lips together, falling back onto the bed. The springs creaked under the sudden weight.
She giggled, smoothing his hair and patting down the stray strands that were sticking out, “Just kidding".
She lay down on the bed, settling into his side. She wondered if this was just a dream, and that she would eventually wake to a version of him that was unaware. The thought alone made her eyes grow wide. Well, it wouldn't hurt to check she thought. She poked him harshly in the side, "Just so you know, I really like you".
He only grinned, "Thanks, I really like me too".
She hit him across the chest, "I hate you". Only Anthony Lockwood could be that big-headed. At least she could be sure that this was reality. Where he had gotten his ego, she would never know, but at least she could go to sleep in peace.
"Don't worry I really like you too", he laughed, softly pressing a kiss against her temple. Though, she thought, when he wanted to, he could also be sweet.
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muzaktomyears · 4 months
When we met the Beatles they were undressed and dripping with sweat
That day the Beatles were playing, all kitted out in black ties, white shirts and black trousers. It was so hot and crowded in the Cavern that, as usual, sweat was dripping off the ceiling, but we didn’t mind. The Beatles’ rhythm and harmonies were so tight and focused that we couldn’t stop dancing. They played covers of Barrett Strong originals, like Some Other Guy and Money. They did a raucous version of Twist and Shout, and wild rock’n’roll songs like Chuck Berry’s Roll over Beethoven and Little Richard’s saucy Long Tall Sally. More than ever, we wanted to be up on stage like them, playing our guitars and making the crowd rock.
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After the set Wooler [Bob Wooler, the Cavern’s compere and DJ] said, “Come on, I’ll take you to meet the lads.” It was so exciting. He grabbed us and we threaded through the audience backstage where George Harrison was standing in the corridor talking to a very good-looking blonde girl. He was wearing a fantastic black leather coat, and later walked out of the Cavern with her, already like a rock star.
In the dressing room John Lennon and Paul McCartney were in their undies, getting changed. They were drying themselves with towels because they had just come off stage and were dripping with sweat. They were very handsome. Apart from our brothers, we’d never seen men in underpants before, so us four teenage girls just stood there staring at them. They were very down to earth, and Paul was particularly kind.
“Hiya girls, y’all right?” he said, while John sat there looking at us in a way that was direct and penetrating.
Bob Wooler told them, “This is the Liverbirds, they’re gonna be the first all-girl group.”
“What a great idea,” said Paul, but Lennon was sarcastic. “Girls don’t play guitars,” he said.
After we left the dressing room we huffed, “The cheek of it! We’re going to prove him wrong.” Years later we found out more about Lennon, that although he often made sardonic comments he was also sensitive and intelligent, an artist who regretted his disdainful treatment of women in his early career. “We can’t have a revolution that doesn’t involve and liberate women. It’s so subtle the way you’re taught male superiority,” he said in 1971, in an interview with Tariq Ali and Robin Blackburn for the underground paper Red Mole. It’s clear his feelings about women evolved, but we also wonder if what he said that day in the Cavern dressing room was meant to test us, provoke us into making a success of the band. If so, it certainly worked.
from The Liverbirds: Our Life in Britain’s First Female Rock’n’roll Band by Mary McGlory and Sylvia Saunders (source)
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nocturnus33 · 8 months
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I loved Here's looking at you kid when I read it, especially how the inner life of each character is developed. So when I finished reading it, I knew I had to bind it sooner or later. Seeing the fantastic job @chaoticbindery did encourage me even more. What I love: Not to mention the beautiful typesetting of @chaoticbindery I'm also happy with the monogram that includes Blaise and George's names.
What I learned: It's the first time I've done a larger, more complex design on HTV.
What I need to improve: I have to be careful not to overheat the cover: I noticed the letter H was crooked, that happened because when it was ready, I realized that not everything had transferred well, and I applied heat again, but I wasn't very careful.
Still, I like this one.
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emlovslennon · 6 months
could u maybe write about george x reader where they are enemies/rivals to lovers. The reader is also an artist in Liverpool and the Beatles and her perform at the same gig.
YES this is such a cute idea!! I definitely need to make more George content and realized I’ve made 0 Paul oopsie daisy😭😭
You were 18 and an upcoming artist in your local Liverpool scene, you’ve wanted to perform ever since you were 5 years old, and you were doing quite well for yourself. Well, that was until a new a group came along, they called themselves “The Beatles” which you thought was a ridiculous name, I mean come on, a bug of all things? They were “stealing your shine” as you’d like to call it, when, in reality, you were just jealous. You did, however, have somewhat of a rivalry when it came to you and their guitarist, George Harrison. You were both the same age and extremely competitive. It didn’t help you and him were both performing at the same venue, “The Cavern Club” where you two both started out. You had to admit, it was your favorite place to perform, but you couldn’t but feel abnormally anxious. I mean, what if everyone is only there for them and not for you? You felt completely irrelevant. As you sat backstage, fidgeting with your fingers trying your hardest to not have a panic attack, 4 boys who you recognized immediately walked into your dressing room, including George.
“What the bloody hell are you guys doing in here? I could have been naked!?” You yelled angrily. The boys just seemed to laugh it off, bastards.
“Oh, calm your knickers, y/n. We just came in to tell you good luck, no need for such an attitude.” George said, he was cheeky, that’s for sure.
“Well, thanks. Now get out.” You replied, pointing at the door, the other boys snickered and giggled as they walked out, but for some odd reason, George stayed.
“I meant you too, Harrison. Get out.” You said, louder, George just chuckled.
“Alright, alright.” He laughed as he waltzed out of the room. As much as you couldn’t stand him, you slowly felt a blush cover your cheeks, you’re lucky he left before he was able to see it.
The show finally started, and there was about 170 people attendees, it wasn’t the biggest venue, but in your mind, that’s a hell of a lot of people. The boys were on first, so you had some time, you just decided to look from backstage, and you just sop happened to be on George’s side of the stage. Which no matter how much you hated to admit it, you weren’t complaining.
They were on a good hour, your eyes were glued to George the entire time, and, to your surprise, he even turned and winked at you a couple times, along with a smile or two. If your blush wasn’t visible then, it sure was now. I mean, it pretty much felt like he dedicated the song “that’ll be the day” which was a Buddy Holly cover, to you. That’s a lot. Unfortunately, they all went off the opposite side of the stage. You knew that meant one thing, you were next. Your heart was racing and you knew had to perform the best you could, you knew it wasn’t a competition, but it sure as hell felt like it.
“And now, ladies and gentlemen, give a warm welcome to the lovely y/n l/n!”
You walked on a stage with a smile on your face and waved, the crowd cheered and you could even hear some whistles, but you ignored it. You slowly grabbed the mic and got yourself ready to perform. Your biggest hit was a cover of Connie Francis’ “Stupid Cupid” it was a fantastic song and it fit your vocal range perfectly.
(It’s such a good song stream it LMAO)
You also went on for a good hour, your voice was starting to get strained and sore and you couldn’t possibly wait to get off the stage, you turned to your right and saw the boys watching you, Paul gave you a thumbs up while George blew a kiss. Your blush was visible now and you knew everyone was noticing. After you performed your final song, the crowd cheered for a good minute and the announcer gave you a quick hug and a “good job” before you went back stage, as soon as you were out of view from the crowd, George swooped you into a hug, you knew you should push him away, but you didn’t, you just couldn’t.
“Wow, y/n. I gotta say, you have the voice of an angel.” He praised, putting your hand into his, your breath hitched.
“Oh, t-thank you, George. You do too.” You said, completely flustered, you looked down out of shyness, not being able to look him in the eye. He slowly grabbed your chin with his fingers and made you look up at him, as he looked you deep in the eyes, asking for permission to kiss you. You leaned in slowly until your lips connected into a slow, passionate kiss. Well, that was until the boys gave out numerous “oooo’s” and “I knew it’s.”
“Hey, would you wanna go on tour with me and the boys? It’ll be worth it, I promise, I don’t wanna be without ya, y/n.” He said, squeezing your hand slightly. You nodded eagerly as the boys cheered.
Maybe The Beatles weren’t that bad.
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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A style selection, 1956-1969.
A continuation of sorts from this post.
“[George’s] idea, which he ordered [in Liverpool in the 1950s], was a four-button jacket with cloth-covered buttons. Two breast pockets which were slitted (jetted) and in the shape of a bird in flight, the two side pockets corresponded. The cuffs had to be folded back with a cloth-covered button. His trousers had no pleats in the front, not normal in those days, and he was by far the very first person to have two slits at the bottom side seam of the trouser and he wanted them folded back with cloth covered buttons to match the cuffs on his jacket. The workshop queried the order when they received thinking we had gone bonkers. George got his suit and was pleased with the outcome. Later lots of guys were walking about town with cut back cuffs and side seams on their trousers, but George was the first.” - Rollo Torpey, The Beatles and Me (2015)
“At Iris’s 14th birthday party, I remember George turned up in a brand-new, Italian-style stuff with covered buttons. He looked very grown-up.” - Violet Caldwell (mother of Iris, and Alan, a.k.a. Rory Storm), The Beatles Monthly September 1965
“[George’s mother Louise] took an unusually benign view of George’s luminous pink shirts, yellow waistcoat, and drainpipe trousers.” - Pete Shotton, The Beatles, Lennon, And Me (1984)
“Going in for flash clothes, or at least trying to be a bit different, as I hadn’t any money, was part of the rebelling. I never cared for authority. They can’t teach you experience; you’ve got to go through it, by trial and error.” - George Harrison, The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (1968)
“At the Institute, George was known from the beginning as a way-out dresser. Michael McCartney, Paul’s brother, was a year below him. He remembers George always having long hair — years before anybody else did. […] ‘George used to go to school with his school cap sitting high on top of his hair,‘ says Mrs. Harrison. ‘And very tight trousers. Unknown to me, he’d run them up on my machine to make them even tighter. I bought him a brand-new pair once and the first thing he did was tighten them. When his dad found out, he told him to unpick them at once. “I can’t, Dad,” he said. “I’ve cut the pieces off.”’” - The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (1968)
“I’d started to develop my own version of the school uniform. I had some cast-offs from my brother. One was a dog-toothed check-patterned sports coat, which I’d dyed black to use as my school blazer. The color hadn’t quite taken, so it still had a slight check design to it. I had a shirt I’d bought in Lime Street, that I thought was so cool. It was white with pleats down the front. and it had embroidery along the corners of the pleats. I had a waistcoat that John had given me, which he’d got from his ‘uncle’ Dykins (his mother’s boyfriend), Mr. Twitchy Dykins. It was like an evening-suit waistcoat — black, double-breasted, with lapels. The trousers John also gave me, soon after we first met — powder-blue drainpipes with turn-ups. I dyed them black as well. And I had black suede shoes from my brother. […] That outfit of mine was very risky, and it felt like all day, every day, for the last couple of years I was going to get busted. In those days we used Vaseline on our hair to get the rock n’ roll greased-back hairstyle. Also, you were supposed to wear a cap and a tie, and a badge on your blazer. I didn’t have my badge stitched on, I had it loose. It was held in place by a pen clipped over it in my top pocket, so I could remove it easily, and the tie.” - George Harrison, The Beatles Anthology (2000)
“He was always a pretty snappy dresser, and he did always like that waistcoat look. And he used to wear a V-neck Fair Isle jumper. Sometimes he’d be a little too outrageous, like purple trousers with bright green, but it was fine. Everything seemed to be fine then.” - Pattie Boyd, interview for the British Beatles Fan Club
“The boys are wearing all sorts of fantastic clothes for their film and introduce a very new, unusual gimmick. If they’re wearing corduroy, for example, then they have corduroy boots to match. If they’re seen in velveteen suits, then they’re coupled with velveteen boots. George first thought of the idea two years ago, but when he put the idea to a local bootmaker, he told him it couldn’t be done. Well, that’s one cobbler that’s been proved wrong.” - The Beatles Monthly, June 1965 (x)
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morrak · 7 months
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 133
Two journal articles planned soon; one coffee and one some real specific information science wonk. Today, plant book. Playing the hits.
The Tree Identification Book (A Photographic Field Trip Designed for Easy Reference, Teaching or Pleasure — With Over 1500 Illustrations) (A New Method for the Practical Identification and Recognition of Trees) (‘companion volume to The SHRUB Identification Book’) (originally 1958, though this is an undated reprint; call it 2010). Words and structure by George W. D. Simmons, photographs by Stephen V. Chelminski, and publication out of Quill in New York.
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Apologies for the canted rear cover photo. Woe presides.
The How
Alike to Pts. 128 & 132. You know the drill.
The Text
Part I comprises pictorial keys for genera, which reference the hybrid text-photo (approximately) species-level ‘master keys’ of Part II.
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Unlike last week’s feature, this one’s title doesn’t make geographical claims, though its intro does: ‘a region roughly bounded by Maine (extending into Canada), west to North Dakota and south to Texas and along the Gulf of Mexico to northern Florida.’ It also outlines several exceptions to that region, which mostly apply to large, (sub)tropical, or recently introduced genera.
~1,500(!!!) photos do most of the heavy lifting, but the organization and frequent annotations are what make them work. Brutally good. Very easy prose to read; the intro and appendix are advice I wish I was smart enough to give.
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The Object
Many of the ~1,500(!!!) photos are at life size. All are to given scales. All are fantastic. This is not the sort of oops-we-made-an-art-book that, say, Moore’s Foundations is, but that’s not the point — there are (printed) edge tabs, there are carefully narrow margins, there are hundreds of hand-arranged pages.
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The Why, Though?
Two reasons.
First, because it came with a free American elm leaf for my American elm leaf collection.
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Second, because I have been looking for this book for a decade. Not this book, exactly (though in retrospect this book, exactly, is a fit and a winner), but one like it. I do a pretty good job recognizing plants in the 0.1–1 m range, but trees other than the ones I grew up with are a weakness of mine. Frustrating; a shame.
While this isn’t seriously a text for identification — those exist, and in greater quantity — that’s not what I need yet. Recognition comes first, and that only comes from learning the small details that with experience turn into overall feel (read also jizz, if you must). For where I am in time and space, this is a fabulous, if common, treasure.
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I left my panties at Malfoy manor.
When I woke up this morning, It was so hot that our skin felt fused together. With Draco being little spoon I was able to peel myself away from him without alarming him. I slowly made myself down the loft stairs to the bottom and search for my clothes in the darkness.
I decided to walk home before school so I can put on fresh clothes, so I got up before five. As I made myself down the driveway I notice that security had arrived. I prepare myself to make up an excuse but the gate opens without me saying anything.
Now, here I am on the side of the country road doing my very first walk of shame as the morning commuters swerve pass me. In my school girl outfit and my thirty kilo book bag. I'm starting to think I think of myself way higher than I should. This is a very humbling experience.
The sky is almost completely lit when I finally make it home. My mother has left but the mirrors are still fogged up in the bathroom so I'm assuming she has just left. She's always in a hurry to leave because she tries to get every second of sleep she can. I swipe my hand across the mirror clearing only enough to see myself for the first time since losing my virginity. I graze my hand over two purple marks Draco has left on my neck. They're faint, but still noticeable. I feel embarrassed. How am I suppose to explain this to my friends. I hop straight into the shower. Leaving my clothes and book bag by the hamper.
I get out only when the water starts to run cold. I head straight into my room trying not to look at my self in the mirror. After putting on a fresh uniform, I decide to put on some make up. Placing two red dots on the hickeys to make it look like a vampire bite and some dark eye make up.
I walk toward the science wing where the Botanist Club meets in the morning. I feel stupid with the amount of makeup I have on. Neville is the chairman and has been in it with Luna, his vice chairman, since first year.
I love walking in the science hall. It's covered in vines and colorful flowers. The floors also has the periodic table painted onto the floor by the art club from years ago.
When I look out the garden windows I see Neville leading the club back in from the green house. Luna sees me before I see her. They're both wearing their matching costumes. Neville has a pink flower on top of his head with a couple of white thorns made out of paper stuck to his school vest. Luna has a bunch of deep purple leaves stuck to her with a couple of whit flowers, along with the rest of the club that are dressed as flowers. Luna waves at me dreamily while walking towards me. After seeing Luna at Neville's party everything about her makes sense. Luna's not ditzy, she's a stoner. She's always high.
"Wow Maisie, you look fantastic!" Luna pulls me in for a hug. She smells like dirt, but not in a gross way, in the earthy way.
"So do you Luna! The whole plant squad looks adorable!" I say.
"Thank you! It was all Nev's idea of course!" Luna turns and waves at Neville and he waves back. The first bell rings and Luna and I head for class. "You're coming tonight, right? I hear Cormac was invited but Neville never got an answer."  I nod. Oh god. I forgot about the whole Hermione and Cormac secret. I completely judge Hermione for hooking up with her peer and I had done the same exact thing. 
"Hey, do you want to go to Blaise Zabini's Halloween party Saturday." I say as we turn down the History hall. It's not as decorated as the science wing but its covered in some historical documents and quotes. Nothing special.
"I was invited and it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Plus, they probably wouldn't mind you being there especially Theo." Luna rolls her eyes.
" I heard they do coke at those parties or at least, that's what Fred and George said. Pansy Parkinson did a line of space dust and stripped naked in Goyle's fountain...at a Christmas party." Luna recalls."So yes, I want to go. Who invited you anyway? Draco Malfoy?" Luna says softly as if saying his name will summon him.
"Yeah he did. The tutoring thing has brought us back as friends I guess." I say.
"Oh yes! I remember you two being close in like primary or something. How weird..." Luna says as the second bell rings. Luna and I split as we head to our separate classrooms.
My first class of the day is history with Professor Moody. He's a crazy guy but I'd easily say one of my favorites. He's a great teacher and the perfect teacher to wake me up early in the morning with his loud voice.
I sit close to Moody's desk in the front. We usually talk at the end of class or have small debates. I pull my books and pencils out as the rest of the class floods in, Including Moody.
"Almost didn't recognize you there Maisie!" Moody Laughs. "That Vampire bite almost looks real" I look down and my ears start to feel hot. Moody turns to the board and starts to scribble something on the board. I'm lucky to be a good listener because Moody's hand writing is exactly that, scribbles. I don't want to blame it on his eye patched eye but I always thought that was why.
More students fill the room, including Theo Nott who has his lacrosse stick hanging half way out of his bag. Theo scans the room before meeting at me. He walks towards me and sits down. It's not really unlike him to sit next to someone like me, so he can cheat off us. I won't allow it! If he'll just ask me for help I'll at least think about it...
"Here." Theo holds his hand out like there's something in it. I look up at him and he shakes his head. I hold my hand out and he drops a white origami bird in my hand with 'open me' written on it. I start to open the paper ripping it occasionally.
I look up at Theo and he shrugs. I stand up and walk up to Moody.
"I...uh...need to go talk to Head Mistress Afults." I say. The bell rings and the last late students walks in. Moody nods and I walk out the class to the forbidden hall way.
It's not as scary as you think it is. It's just an abandoned hall way with empty class rooms. We were told it was forbidden first year but mostly because no prefects are available to watch it. I go to this hallway all the time to tell the truth. When the art classes do their yearly paint of the tree in the courtyard I come in and sit in one of the classrooms for the week.
When I reach the corridor I see Draco at the very end. As I get closer Draco, his costume becomes more apparent as he turns to me. A vampire. His long cloak flows behind him as he paces across the hall, and as he turns to face me. I feel his eyes wander over me. Draco lifts his eyebrows and smile.
"Maisie Waters, skipping class... never saw that coming." Draco teases. Draco holds his hands out for me to grab. I look down at his long fingers stretched out towards me. They're decorated with silver snake rings with emerald eyes. I look up at Draco's gleaming eyes. He's smiling at me and I can't help but to smile back. I grab Draco's hand firmly and step closer to him. "You left so soon this morning."
" I tried not to disturb you." I say quietly.
"You didn't disturb me, that's the problem. I want to be able to walk you out next time." Draco says sternly. Next time? "And maybe next time I can help you find your panties." Draco reaches under his cape and pulls out my pink Monday knickers. I feel my face turn hot. I reach for them but Draco snatches them from my arms length. "Oh no Mai, they're mine now."
"Oh god, Dray." I mumble. Silence falls on Draco and I. "Draco why did you call me out of class..."
"Just wanted to make sure you're okay..." Draco trails off. "And to make sure we were on the same page about what this is...."
"This? You mean you want to keep it a secret." I hiss. Draco says nothing. I let go of his hand letting it swing to his side. "I wasn't going to tell anyone. You arsehole."
Draco crosses his arms in front of himself and looks at the ground. "I'm not trying to offend you Mai-"
"-Well you did." I say backing away from Draco. I throw my hands up and let them hit my sides as I walk away from Draco. What a dumbass, and I'm not even talking about Draco.
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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What a crappy week this has been, and I’m not talking about the election results.
First I got news of Kevin O’Neill (Marshal Law, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) passing a few days ago.  Then I learned that Carlos Pacheco Perujo passed away this morning.
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Carlos Pacheco, a Spanish artist, spent a long time working on this side of the Atlantic for both Marvel Comics and DC Comics.
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Although he had been doing work for Marvel since 1995, the first book I remember seeing Pacheco’s work on was the 12-issue Avengers Forever.  I initially picked up the book because it was written by Kurt Busiek, who was doing a bang-up job with George Perez on Avengers at the time.  I liked the story, and was very impressed with the artwork.
This was also the first time that Pacheco worked with inker Jesus Merino and - like Kirby & Sinnott, Swan & Anderson, Adams & Giordano, and Byrne and Austin - it was a match made in Heaven.  Merino would continue to be Pacheco’s regular inker for many, many years afterward.
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Pacheco also had runs on Fantastic Four and X-Men.
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Of course, with me being a DC guy, I was very excited when PAcheco moved to DC tin 2003 to draw a 96-page JLA/JSA crossover, Virtue and Vice, wherein he depicted the entire roster of each team.
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Pacheco also drew covers for several issues of the JSA’s own book.
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He then teamed with writer Jeph Loeb for a few issues of Superman/Batman.  
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Then he joined up again with Kurt Busiek for (most of) a year-long run on Superman.
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Busiek and Pacheco teamed-up again for their creator-owned series Arrowsmith.
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Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines, the second volume in the series, finished up earlier this year.  The trade paperback collecting the series was released in September, at around the same time that Pacheco announced he was retiring from comics due to being diagnosed with ALS.
Despite the dire news, I was hoping we’d have more time to spend with him. As is always the case with someone you love and admire, they always pass away far too soon.
Rest in peace, Carlos.
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abiiors · 1 year
George is black cat bf and golden retriever gf coded <3 (do what you will with that)
Sorry it took me so long to do this and also this is so sappy but I hope you like 💞
I’m already saying this but I’m gonna write a smutty part 2 for this 
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George is content sitting in the corner of the room tonight. 
He leans back on the leather sofa, feeling quite at home in his expensive and stylish suit and sips on some Scotch. People mill about around him; chatting, engaging in small talk (the horrors) but his eyes are focused on the person at the centre of it all. 
You flit around from one person to the other and then to the next. They’re all here for you after all—your adoring fans and critics alike, here to get their book signed and have a chance to meet their favourite author. Most of them are young people, girls just entering their twenties and boys who are the literary types. Some of them have tried to chat with George too. 
To his credit, he’s done a great job of blending in with the crowd, just another fan but he does get recognised every once in a while. He smiles and nods, says a polite hello but makes sure to tell them that he’s just there in support tonight. 
The small bookstore is decorated in the colour scheme of the book—A soft pink and red, hints of teal and gold but they just barely peek through. He’s read this book now, more times than perhaps even your editor has. He has been here for all the drafts, for all the frustrated tears and the whoops of joy. He has been there to drag you back to bed when the kitchen light is still on at 3 am and you’re hunched over your laptop, or neck-deep in research. He’s been there through your indecisiveness between two cover designs and your countless attempts at taking the perfect author photo and now here he sits tonight. 
Every time he looks at you, at the brilliant joy on your face, he feels the ball of pride in his chest grow bigger. 
Halfway through the conversation you’re having, your eyes wander over to him. He is, of course, already looking so he just smiles wider and raises his glass in cheers. The smile slips a little when he sees you looking apologetic. He’s about to indicate something when he sees you excuse yourself and run over to him. 
The gorgeous purple dress he’s helped you pick out sways and swishes perfectly every time you move. And now as you get closer, he’s once again in awe of how well you’ve carried yourself this evening. 
‘Sorry, sorry,’ you pant a little, ‘I’ve practically abandoned you all night, I’m so sorry.’
The apologetic smile is back on your face and he all but pulls you down on his lap right there. 
‘Baby, don’t apologise,’ he extends a hand for you to hold, ‘it’s your event!’
You grab a hold of it gratefully and sink into the sofa next to him. It’s been a fantastic evening but it’s also been tiring, to say the least. The drink in his hand looks delicious and he wastes no time handing you the glass once he sees you eyeing it. 
‘Go on,’ he signals, ‘you look like you need a breather.’
This is how it goes. He offers a drink, offers to listen to whatever you have to say; be it after a frustrating day of work or right in the middle of a bustling event. There are several tangents to your stories, there always are. Incoherent thoughts that need to be all brought together first before they can be streamlined. 
‘I just,’ you take a sip and let it rest in your mouth for a second, ‘I can’t believe it’s out into the world you know? I worked so hard on it.’
‘I know you did,’ he encourages. 
‘I don’t want to let go of her,’ you confess. ‘All the nights I spent doing research and all the revisions and new drafts. It feels like this book is a part of me and now that she’s finally out into the world, I’m gonna have to let her go.’
George rests a hand on your knee. He knows this feeling perfectly well; he knows what it’s like to feverishly work on something, to dedicate all your waking hours to one thing before it’s finally time to put it into the world. He knows the bittersweetness that comes with it. And he feels a new kinship when he sees it on your face tonight. 
‘It will always be a part of you,’ he says quietly, ‘even when you start something new, even when your next project consumes you.’
You consider his words, let them mull over as you take another sip. 
‘God, you’re so wise,’ you tease. 
That makes him laugh. It’s deep and rich, his first real laugh all evening that goes beyond polite smiles. ‘It’s all the weed,’ he whispers conspiratorially. 
‘You’re right, though. I—’
‘Sorry, excuse me?’ A sheepish-looking guy cuts in. ‘I was just wondering if you were free for a photo?’ He extends a hand in greeting, names the literary magazine he’s from and George watches the recognition dawn on your face. Along with the excitement. 
You’re already turning to him, about to say sorry but he interrupts quickly. ‘Go. Be a social butterfly.’ Then he leans forward and presses a soft kiss on your lips, ‘I’m so proud of you,’ he whispers, ‘and I’m right here.’
You smile gratefully and hand his glass back to him and just like that you’re off with the guy chatting animatedly about something or the other. The glass in his hands is almost empty now. He realises that you needed it far more than he thought. 
He traces a finger over the small lipstick smudge on the rim and smiles to himself. He doesn’t mind being left in the corner for one night. Actually, he’s perfectly content just watching you shine from the sidelines.
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Hi! Do you have any headcanons about the townspeople's reactions when they first heard that the farmer joined the adventurer's guild?
Ooh this is interesting one! I had a lot of fun writing this headcanon. But I didn't expect the headcanon to be so huge! Well, I write about everyone in the valley, so it's fair enough, I guess... Thanks for your ask! Hope you enjoy the headcanon!
Digression: Given that Farmer just joined the Guild, I'm guessing they don't know Farmer that well yet, so this would be their very first reaction.
SDV and SVE townspeople's react to the news that Farmer has joined the Adventurer's Guild:
The mines are full of various gems. So if Farmer doesn't mind, they could bring some Emily to meditate on. She will make someone in return, of course! Maybe sew a warm and comfortable suit for long adventures?
Well, if swinging a sword is more interesting than being a farmer or fishing, then who is Willy to disturb the youth? Although, maybe with the help of an adventurer, an old fisherman will be able to catch rare fish in dangerous caves?
Are you going on long trips? Make sure you stock up on food. Leah can help them with simple snack making, just a few hazelnuts and berries are enough, there are plenty of them in the Valley.
Well, if the Farmer is happy to be an adventurer, then why not? Robin wishes them good luck and offers to go to her workshop on the way to the Guild to say hi. Maybe they look at some new buildings upgrades on the farm, or will become Sebby's friend?
Oh dear, it must be cold on top of the mountain and in the mines. Maybe Evelyn could make them a warm scarf or hat? It would be terrible if they caught a cold.
Who? Adventurer? George doesn't care who they are, as long as they don't block his TV show.
Fantastic, Andy thought. So instead of cultivating a huge area with fertile land that any farmer would dream of getting, they moonlight as a monster hunter in that Guild? Andy is pissed off. Like, If you want to be an adventurer - sure whatever, just sell the land so real farmers can use it.
Linus knows that everyone chooses their own path in life. But Farmer, in the early days of Linus's acquaintance, treated him politely and without prejudice. So Linus would be sad if another grave appeared in the cemetery near the railway. He will never forget Getra...
Wow, they got accepted into the Guild? This is awesome! Abigail would also like to become a member of the Adventurer's Guild too, but her parents will freak out.
Since the Farmer, as an adventurer, will descend into the mines, Demetrius recommends paying attention to various crystal formations and stones. If the Farmer wants, then let them bring him a couple of crystals for research, he will pay for their discovery.
Well then. It is unlikely that, apart from food, Caroline can advise something in her husband's store. But let them come in, at least just warm themselves near the fireplace, or pray at the altar of Yoba.
So they will be constantly covered in dirt and monster blood? Eew, stay away from Haley. She doesn't want them to stain her beautiful new dress.
Come on, young adventurer! In the Saloon, Gus always has delicious food, cold ale and warm beds. Don't forget to tell him if you have any allergies.
Oooh, Vincent is already starting to throw a bunch of questions at them. Have they already fought monsters? Will they show weapons? Do these monsters have long fangs? Jas is more restrained than her friend, but her eyes also sparkle with interest in listening to them.
Aren't they too frail for such adventures? Look, Alex doesn't care, but he believes that without any physical training they will not be able to hold out for a long time.
Susan heard how many brave warriors became crippled or died in battle with monsters. The cemetery next to her farm and Marlon who often goes there is proof of this. So please be careful sweetie, and don't forget to take time to rest.
And Elliott is just thinking of dedicating the next novel about a brave adventurer who fights a huge monster for the hand of hero beloved. Don't forget to tell him something interesting over a glass of ale! Maybe he can find inspiration in their stories.
Oh, there's another adventurer in our Valley? If they come across any artifacts in their adventures, come to the museum. Gunther will find something to repay for the find.
Adventurer, you say? And how much do they earn? Enough to give Old Pam a mug of beer at the Saloon?
JojaMart always has tasty and cheap food to go for long hikes. Doesn't spoil, cooks quickly, very tasty and nutritious, we cares about our customers! So come to Joja, Morris will help you choose what you want, and don't forget the 20% discount coupon!
If they have an extra gold bar or a diamond lying around in their adventures, then bring it to Maru, she will need them for the next inventions!
Wow, Victor read so many books about different Guilds around the world! He hopes that the Farmer, as a full member, will tell about the famous warriors and magicians of the Guilds. Oh, they don't know them yet? Well, okay...
Hmm, given their connection to forest magic, Magnus isn't surprised they followed in the adventurer's footsteps. Guilds and mages have worked side by side for many years. At least he knows, looking into the future, that the Farmer will definitely not die until they brings the iridium bar to the wizard. Ok, that's a pretty cynical thought on his part...
Cool, and? Honestly, Sebastian thinks it's pretty cool, but don't expect reaction from him. He barely knows them.
O-oh, alright... It's their choice. Just please don't show Penny any parts of the killed monsters, she's too sensitive and doesn't want to ruin her appetite.
Jodi keeps an eye on her sons so that they, too, don't go down the dangerous path of adventurers. It's so scary there, and all these monsters! Not to mention the dubious diet and the inability to wash normally in constant trips.
Sweetie, are you sure that's how you want to earn your living? If they go to the Guild believing that they can get rich there, they better contact Olivia. She can help them earn a lot of money in the stock market.
Merciful Yoba, please, be careful. Harvey may be making money as a doctor, but he wouldn't want to see Farmer dying in a clinic. Patients who die right in the doctor's arms... This never goes away from memory.
Do they really think it's important for Shane to know who they've become? If they don't put a mug of beer in front of him in the Saloon, they can go to hell with their fucking Guild.
Lewis expected a new farmer to come to the valley, not a new adventurer. Oh well, they know better...
Pierre, in addition to seeds and fertilizers, also has delicious and fresh vegetables and fruits that will not spoil for a long time and will be a wonderful camping dinner! Everything is natural and of the best quality, not like Joja... Even Marlon buys here, so don't miss the opportunity!
Hey, that's actually very cool! Sam, as a child, once thought he would also go on adventures, but playing the guitar is more dear to him.
Yeeep! Don't scare Sophia like that anymore! They are covered with dust and something green. Is that the blood and slime of monsters?! Eeeeeeeew!!!
...Kent has known so many horrors in battle, and they want to fight monsters in a fit of altruism? Trust him, slimes and golems are not monsters. What he learned in this damned war... That's where the real horror is.
Well, your choice. If she has an extra glass of milk or cheese, then Marnie will generously share with them, adventurers probably often starve because of the inability to buy normal food. At least that's what she heard...
Another adventurer, another sword. For Clint, it's more work in the forge, and more dull thoughts.
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pluckysidekick · 1 year
So no trailer this week with two and a half weeks to go, le sigh. We did see ads from local stations (using old promo photos), and we got what appears to be the Nancy Drew 4.01 title and description. Read on for that and a bunch more show and cast bits from the past week.
“The Dilemma of the Lover’s Curse.” They’re hitting the curse head on, which I like. Two different sites posted the title along with an episode description that came right from the season 4 description we got back in January.
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Now that we’re so close, the reality of Nancy and Ace having potential love interests is sinking in. We know that Nancy will not risk Ace’s life as long as there’s no solution to the curse. I’m still hopeful for lots of Nace scenes, with plenty of delicious angst. Curious how this squares with Kennedy’s discussion of Nancy and Ace’s emotional openness with each other - I still expect Ace to figure out the curse quickly.
I’m also super hyped about the sins of the town’s past, the multiple supernatural mysteries, and the stories for the entire crew. May 31 is so close I can taste it.
Scott Wolf gave us some insight into S4’s resolution for our beloved characters in a new interview - it was a big deal for them to know it was the final season ahead of time, the season will cover the things that are most important to us, but “not every resolution is going to be satisfying for everyone.”
Glad to hear they planned real resolutions for everyone, terrified about them not all being satisfying. I’m absolutely expecting Nace endgame, but I want good things for all of our family. They’re keeping us on our toes…
We saw lots of our cast this week - Kennedy made a surprise appearance in an Arizona bookstore with her author parents (note this pic is with her mom and the bookseller, not McDad), Maddison was in Paris and England with her Versailles cast and her family, and Riley is appearing in another episode of Station 19 this week.
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Alex has been on vacay in Italy and France (Hannah captioned the first photo “Alex doesn’t like PDA. So I fixed it” ☠️). Alex’s new show High Desert premieres this week on Apple TV. There’s a new in depth, spoilery review at AV Club. According to the article (spoiler alert), Peggy (Patricia Arquette) is “no longer speaking to her grown son.” We won’t see Alex until episode 6 - could he play Peggy’s son?
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Leah’s show Matlock was picked up for the fall (watch the trailer), and she’s celebrating in Mexico with her bf.
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Meanwhile Queen Charlotte is another huge hit with fantastic exposure for Tunji - check out the in depth Tatler profile on our favorite Scotsman, where he draws an interesting parallel between Charlotte & George’s and Harry & Meghan’s experiences - and admits he’s never watched Bridgerton.
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In more show news, the Nancy Drew writers’ request for fan input has generated tons of great questions but only chaos from the writers so far - no real answers yet.
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Speaking of chaos, Kennedy stepped into the fray to drop four songs from her S4 playlist. “The Winner Takes it All” (no more ace to play), “all my ghosts” (all my ghosts are with me), and “Thinking of You” (cause when I’m with him I am thinking of you) are killing me, the pain. “Big Poppa” has me thinking about Nancy under some kind of spell a la Burning Bride (as she described Episode 2) hitting on everyone in sight - “mackin’ hoes” while “my crew’s behind me.” Now in honor of “Big Poppa”, what if it’s Ryan!?
Finally, two more cast members were added to IMDB - Fred the car towing guy is back for 3 episodes (3, 5, and 13), and there’s a new security guard in Episode 9.
You get a gold star if you made it to the end. Another week, another wish for a trailer and new photos. I’m busy wrapping up The Space Between - expect the thrilling (I hope) conclusion before the season premiere. Also planning a fluffy epilogue, I at least can promise satisfying conclusions for everyone!
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uispeccoll · 9 months
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Images: Left, Photo of Creativity Explored community in front of entrance. Right, Creativity Explored artists Ruthie Freeland, Eddie Hippley, Michelle Kunard, and Vernon Streeter (counter clockwise from top left)
Creativity Explored
Founded in 1983 by Florence and Elias Katz, Creativity Explored, a studio-based collective in San Francisco, sought to create a space which fosters the creative expression of artists with disabilities. Creativity Explored has supported the careers of hundreds of artists since its foundation through means of training, offering supplies and resources as well as exhibition and sales opportunities. With the belief of centering the personhood and agency of the artists within the collective, the voice of disabled artists has come to the forefront through their work.  
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Images: Cover, inside and zines from the Whipper Snapper Nerd first edition held in UIowa Special Collections.
In 1994, two volunteers at Creativity Explored – Harrell Fletcher and Elizabeth Meyer – began collaborating on a zine series titled Whipper Snapper Nerd. Each issue of the series has been devoted to the work of one artist from Creativity Explored and includes reproductions of their work and an interview. Here in the Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive housed in Special Collections and Archives, we are fortunate to have the first copy of a limited edition set of Whipper Snapper Nerd. Included in the collection are the first four issues of the series centered on artists Barbara Doehrman, John Patrick McKenzie, Jimmy Miles, and Michael B. Loggins. Due to the relationship Ruth and Marvin Sackner had formed with Creativity Explored, this first edition of the collection also included additional pieces from artist John McKenzie and another zine from Michael B. Loggins.  
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Images: Left, inside front cover of zine featuring the art and photo of Jimmy Miles. Right, inside front cover of zine featuring the art and photo of Michael Loggins.
A true highlight of each issue of Whipper Snapper Nerd are the interviews between each artist with either Fletcher or Meyer. Through these interviews readers get an insight into the interests, beliefs, and processes each artist has that translates into their work. Here the artists discuss their experience creating at Creativity Explored as well as any topic that should come up. The artists are honest, poignant, funny, and at times even blunt – it is fantastic. We learn that Barbara loves The Brady Bunch and cats. Jimmy doesn’t like questions, but he does love drawing planes. Michael loves hearing people laugh and has found the perfect jokes to tell his girlfriend Hope. John doesn’t like Linda Ronstadt or John Lennon but loves Curious George.  
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Images: Left, inside front cover of zine featuring art and photo of John Patrick McKenzie. Right, inside front cover of zine featuring art and photo of Barbara Doehrman.
Outlets like Creativity Explored are invaluable to a community which has been underrepresented and invalidated. Art is a universal language and allows freedom of expression and creativity that holds special importance for those with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Creating a similar space for disabled artists locally, Systems Unlimited, developed an arts center to promote radical inclusion through art in Eastern Iowa. Here, artists are supported and empowered to contribute to a creative community not only in Iowa but beyond.  
Did you know? 
Up to 1 in 4 (27%) adults in the United States have some type of disability 
More than half of all adults with both cognitive and mobility disabilities reported mental destress 
Engaging with art has been found to increase psychological health, boost self-esteem, reduce PTSD symptoms, and enhance communication skills.  
At the University of Iowa, we also have services at the student level [UI Students for Disability Advocacy & Awareness (UISDAA)] and institutional level [Student Disability Services (SDS)]. 
-Kaylee S., Special Collections, Olson Graduate Assistant. 
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allylikethecat · 1 day
ALLY! i am returning to your tumblr asks once again to ask you why you insist on causing myself and fictional!matty so much distress. this ducklings update was equal parts brilliant and devastating - fictional!george ??? seeing him like that????? HELLO ANGST. this was so good i cannot wait for more .
p.s. in the next updates i beg pls provide fictional!matty with lots of cuddles we both really need it xxxx
p.p.s hope you’re enjoying the secret history! i have just purchased the familiar and am debating on picking it as my next read!!!
- 💌
Hello My Dearest 💌 Anon! It is such a pleasure to hear from you! I am so very sorry that it's because I caused you distress though 😭
Poor Fictional!George is WRECKED he feels so guilty and is just so distraught he's seeing Fictional!Matty like this. He feels like it's his fault he's pregnant and also knows that his freak out earlier is what caused Fictional!Matty to go on a bender. He just wants to fix it but Fictional!Matty is drunk and also he doesn't know how. ☹️
I'm out of outline currently so I'm not entirely sure how the next chapter is going to shape up BUT I will take the cuddle request under consideration 🫡
The Secret History!!! I finished it last week (?) maybe it was two weeks ago now ANYWAY my official review can be found HERE. I liked it, but it wasn't necessarily one of my favorites. I have however read four more books since then - Gild, Glint and Gleam by Raven Kennedy which are the first three books in the Plated Prisoner Series, a retelling of the story of King Midas. They weren't the best books I've ever read, but like reality TV I couldn't but them down. I just finished God of Malice by Rina Kent today, (a dark romance) and while I did enjoy our MMC who was very much the bad guy in the story / a villain the FMC was kind of boring and annoying - however I'm excited to read the rest of the series which will focus on other couples that were introduced and already seem much more interesting lol
You'll have to let me know what you think of The Familiar! If you're a historical fantasy fan I think you'll really like it! Plus the book itself is just so pretty? I love the cover / the end pages / sprayed edges.
Thank you SO MUCH for reading and sending in this ask!! I always smile when I see you in my inbox! Thank you so much for the continued support and the book recs! I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday and a fantastic rest of your week!
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