#geralt pov fic
spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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This was supposed to be part of a 'Ciri starts to realize that (while it's obvious that Jaskier is in love with Geralt) this is not as one-sided as she thought it was' comic (or like in short, when you find out your dad has two hands) but then I decided to colour that panel and made it separate 🙈 also a Ciri under the cut:
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She's going hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Incessant babbling, day and night. Constant fucking humming and grating outbursts of half-baked songs with bastardized lyrics. The bard is—superfluous would be an understatement. More like pretentiously poncey and purposely pig-headed just to piss me off. And a liability, to say the least. He's a goading, impudent Puck, yet shite with a sword and can't even fight with his fists to save his own featherweight arse. I mean, the moron can't weigh more than a sack of grain, for fucks sake. In fact, I'm surprised a strong gust of easterly wind hasn't blown the idiot all the way back to Oxenfurt. Oh, and to rub salt into that wound, despite his puny stature the gannet puts food away like a damn ogre, therefore munching through coin as if there's no tomorrow, no warm bath to pay for after having to wash in murky lakes for weeks, no dry room at an inn needed for a well-earned ale and a plate of pie and at least a night's decent rest.
He's incorrigible. Flashy. Unnecessary.
The bard is a Nobleman's trophy bird—a fucking Peacock of a man.
And yet.
When we part ways and he is gone, the absence of his noise is a troublesome thorn in my side. It's like a river run dry when all you needs is a skinful of water. All the wild sounds slightly out of tune; the night owls lamenting the sound of that surely enchanted lute, the mourning Mocking Jays mimicking his voice having stolen and butchered his song. I feel unchallenged. Unmoored, even. Having only myself once again to worry over and to protect, seems somehow more of an effort—a chore, almost. All food tastes bland. My appetite in general, it wanes. Everything is wrong. Even drinking away the day at its end is so much less appealing. Bathing without soft hands smoothing warmed lavender oil through the strands of my dirty hair? A pointless waste of funds. And a soft bed for the night, all alone? These days, I strangely find it a sort of soft torture.
Yes, a Peacock preens and parades and is as vociferous as it is vexing.
And but.
It's intelligent. Cunning. Majestic. It is exquisitely beautiful. And in the dead of night, when I hear its call carried on the breeze, it is somehow a tonic. The dazzling bird of such brilliant colour laments its mate: another Peafowl, this one with a plumage of pure white. And, once together again, they are the most perfect of contrasts. They are whole.
Roach brays and nods her head, shakes out her mane a little.
It seems this witcher may have been thinking out loud again.
"Hmm," Geralt agrees sheepishly, and rides on.
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yvonne-silver · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 #3. Hair’s breadth from death: impaled
The fight has been going on too long. Geralt can feel it, with years and years of training, that he’s cutting it too close this time. This creature, huge, with snapping pincers and too many sharp stabbing legs, has been keeping him at bay for more time than his potion allows. But Geralt can’t be the only one getting tired. All he needs is an opening.
When he finally finds the opening in its defence, Geralt doesn’t hesitate. Even as he feels his potion starting to wear off, he forces one last burst of strength from himself, plunging forward and thrusting his sword forward into the centre of the soft round body. The creature screeches, quivers, and finally lies still, leaving Geralt alone with with his ragged breathing.
Geralt leans forward on his sword, slowly catching his breath. It had almost been too close, this time. He can feel the potion leaving his system, his heightened senses dimming, the dulled pain starting to make itself known. He needs to get back to Roach before that happens. Geralt goes to sheathe his sword but finds himself hindered. He looks down.
There’s a black cylinder, almost as thick as his underarm, sticking from just below and to the left of his midriff. His eyes follow it forward to where the appendage attaches to the thorax of the creature he’s just killed. With a grunt he manages to twist a little and look over his shoulder, to see the rest of the leg extend out behind him.
In his last, desperate charge, he hadn’t even realised he’d been impaled. He must have charged up the full length of the creatures limb, reaching its heart, but trapping himself in the progress.
Along with the realisation comes fresh awareness of the pain. Geralt stabs his sword back into the dirt and leans heavily on it, its support the only thing keeping him from falling to his knees. His shaking fingers trace the edge of the wound, feeling the smooth platelets of the appendage where they’ve torn through him. As the potion and the adrenaline wears off, the pain will only get worse. He needs to act now.
Still using his sword for support, he looks behind him. There’s at least a spears-length of leg behind him. Going backwards would be slow and painful, not to mention he’s not precisely sure what the plating situation is of this creature’s limbs. If they’re plated instead of perfectly fitted, they might function as barbs when going backwards. That means he’ll have to make a way forwards.
He looks at the length of leg protruding from him. There’s a joint a little ahead. If he can hit that just right, he should be able to cut the limb free, and slide off the end of it. He positions his feet a little firmer, wincing at the strain each movement is putting on the wound. With a grunt, he lifts the sword over his head, aims and swings down.
The impact sends a screaming pain through his torso. The sword glances off the hard shell, nicking against the joint before skittering away from his weakened grip. His vision darkens for a moment and his knees buckle. The only reason he doesn’t fall forwards into the mud is that he’s still impaled. As it is, he sinks slowly to his knees, his hands wrapped around the appendage sticking out just below his ribs.
When he’s kneeling on the wet marsh, Geralt takes a moment to steady himself against the limb. The pain is clouding his thoughts, and so is the exhaustion. Yet he can’t afford to pass out, not in this precarious a situation.
Geralt takes as deep a breath as he can manage. Then another. He takes stock of his situation. He still needs to cut himself free before he can think of doing anything else. Can’t move until he’s free. Can’t bandage the wound until it’s clean. Can’t even reach his supplies unless he gets off of this limb. And to do that he needs his weapon.
He looks up to see his sword lying in the mud to the right of him. His brow furrows. That’s too far. He can’t reach that far. But what other option does he have? He grits his teeth, wraps his left hand around the appendage for balance, and reaches out with his right hand.
The fresh pressure sends pain lancing all up his left side. He screams, reaching with all his length, fingertips stretching as far as he can go.
He doesn’t reach the sword.
He sits back, his energy spent for the moment. Swords a no go. He wraps his hands around the protrusion, bows his head as if in prayer. He needs a moment. Just a moment. Then he’ll figure something out.
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smolalienbee · 1 year
tomorrow. i post.
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vulpinesaint · 2 years
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oh my GOD this thing is long. everybody go read my season 2 kaer morhen rewrite <3 we are bringing horror atmosphere and emotional catharsis and eskel content and there's more to come! it's a party bring all your friends
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snickety-lemons · 2 years
Iiii will pick, #1 WIP for this which is Poison.
🧩 - most important scene?
Soooo, most important scene would have to be right in the middle - where Geralt makes a spontaneous decision to do something that he's never ever done before and will change his relationship with Jaskier for either the better or the ultimate worst at this point. Like you see the lead up to him thinking to himself that he has to attempt to fix what's been broken, you see him thinking he has to make some kind of effort but it's this moment that to both him and the fic is the physical turning point; and to put it rather dramatically - in a sense, the life or death of the rest.
⏰ - how much time was spent on this WIP so far?
A hell of a lot of it, oh my godddd. It's been in draft since July and I'm only just really getting into it, lately. Like I'd do bit by little bit at first for a while but I've had some burst of muse recently so it's actually going further. It's a v e r y slow, very difficult road doing a Geralt POV for once - something like trying to drive a truck out of really really REALLY deep mud, sksk, but I'll get there. Hopefully, soon. And this one's actually gonna be a fairly short one but sometimes that's just how it goes.
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gummydummy19 · 1 year
A year in apartment 6B
Summary: You find an ad for your dream apartment and decide to give it a go. Apartment 6B is everything you've ever wanted: high ceilings, an open floorplan, and a 6ft4 grumpy army captain...
Warnings: (every chapter will have separate tags so please read those too!) fluff, angst, smut (holy trinity), grumpy Sy, roommates to lovers, slow burn, jealousy,...
A/N: Im so super duper excited about this!!!! I hope you guys enjoy it and please feel free to leave feedback anytime :) Some of these chapters might be regular fic length while others are gonna be just drabbles. If anyone has a request for this AU please let me know and I'll see what I can do :)) <3
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apartment 6B floorplan
Month one (May): Moving into 6B
After finding your dream apartment in the paper, you decide to take the change and move in.
Month two (June): What dreams are made of
You have a very interesting dream about Syverson...
Month three (July): Letters to Juliet
You decide to write a letter to Syverson
Month four (August): Laundry day
You've been so caught up with work and stuff that you've gotten behind on your laundry....maybe you can borrow something from Sy's closet? just this once? What he doesn't know can't kill him, right?
Month five (September): Early bird
Sy comes home from his tour early.
Month six (October): Army nurse
Sy is too grumpy and proud to ask for help, so you do what needs to be done.
Month seven (November): shower me with love
Sometimes, a cold shower is needed.
Month eight (December): Sticky fingers (coming soon)
Sy notices some of his hoodies have gone missing. What on earth could you be doing with all those hoodies?...
Month nine (January): Night owl (Sy's POV)(coming soon)
Sy went out for drinks with his friends and comes home late.
Month ten (February): Date night (coming soon)
Your neighbor Mason from the apartment above you asked you out on a date...
Month eleven (March): baby, please don't go (coming soon)
Tension gets high in apartment 6B
Month twelve (April): a year in apartment 6B (coming soon)
It's been a year since you moved in and a lot has changed...
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avixenk · 4 months
Need help looking for a fic that's part of a series, specifically I'm looking for the first part. They're not together in the first part, they slowly get together in the second. I think it has two chapters, the first being from Jaskier's pov and the second is from Geralt's. The memorable parts are from Jaskier's.
Jaskier is at Kaer Morhen. Geralt comes to his room to talk idk what about. Jaskier goes off. "I loved you, and you wore me down." The ending Jaskier tells him to leave because he's about to breakdown crying and he doesn't want Geralt to see but not for like noble reasons, more like you don't get to see me like this anymore. Geralt doesn't leave at first and Jaskier has to tell him again forcefully and adamantly before he does. And then he breaks down sobbing/yelling. In Geralt's pov when Jaskier tells him he loved him, he fixates on the "loved" part. He hears Jaskier's breakdown from the other side of the door. The entire vibe of the chapter is "oh, this is actually worse than I thought."
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 8 months
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Puppy love
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Starring: Dad!August, Mike, guest appearance; Syverson
Summary: August is not happy when his daughter first starts dating 'that Syverson boy'.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: Fluff, overprotective dad!August, family drama, teen angst, super-duper unreasonable parents, and vague mentions of teens having sex, I guess that needs a warning or something?
A/N: And now for something completely different... Written from August's POV. Unfortunately, he got married, and they had a baby, and unfortunately the baby was a girl, who is now unfortunately 16 years old, and unfortunately wants to date boys, who unfortunately happens to be the son of his college rival; James Syverson. 80% of this fic is just August being on the verge of having a fucking heart attack because of teen shenanigans. And they're not even that bad.
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @littlefreya @mayloma @summersong69 @livisss @winter2112rose @changenameno @wa-ni (still not allowed to tag you, sorry :( )
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“Daddy, come on, it’s just a date!”
“Princess, you’re too young to date.”
“Oh my god! Mom!” She stormed out of the kitchen, and you foolishly thought you could pick up the paper again. “Please talk some sense into dad!”
And there she was again. Both of them, even. You sighed and put the paper back down.
“August, for the love of God, she’s sixteen! She can date!” Your wife put her hands on her hips — you hated it when she did that.
“Not with that...” You struggled to find the words without letting the entire house in on why exactly you didn’t approve of this boy. Other than him wanting to do unspeakable things to your daughter, of course.
“He’s a sweet kid,” your wife said, rolling her eyes — you hated it when she did that, too.
“He’s a Syverson!” you blurted out. “She’s not going out with the son of that sleazy, good-for-nothing son of a—”
“Only if you can say it in church, August!” You didn’t even go to church! Neither did your wife, but it was her go-to way of keeping you from swearing, and as much as you hated to admit it, it worked.
“Junior can forget it,” you hissed through gritted teeth.
“Go get ready, sweetie,” your wife said to your daughter. Your blood was boiling. Did you have absolutely no authority in your own damn house? Not usually, no... “I’ll have a chat with your father.”
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“So, you want to take my daughter out?” You took pleasure in staring the boy in front of you down, and you were pleased to report he was scared to death. Or at least he had the decency to fake it.
“Yes, sir,” he said, swallowing audibly, “we’re going to see a movie. I’ll have her home by eleven.”
“Ten,” you replied brusquely.
“Dad!” your daughter squealed as she came down the stairs. “Can you be normal for like... Five seconds? Mom! He’s doing it again; he’s ruining my life!”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, princess!” you scoffed.
“August, that’s enough!” You glared at your wife, who turned to the boy in front of you.
“You two have fun,” she said. “Bring her back in one piece, James.”
“Eh, it’s Mike, ma’am.” He didn’t look at her as he said it.
“I’m sorry?”
“My middle name is Michael. I’m not overly fond of the whole ‘Junior’ thing,” he admitted. “Anyway. When is her curfew, exactly? I really don’t want to get her in trouble.”
“Then leave—ow!” Maybe you deserved that kick in the shins.
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“She’s late,” you grumbled. “And I mean he brought her home late.”
“Oh, August, please! They’re right outside, you can hear them!” She rolled her eyes at you again.
“There’s too much giggling if you ask me,” you sneered. And right when you said it, the giggling stopped — which was far more disconcerting, as far as you were concerned.
“August, don’t,” your wife sighed as you got off the couch and walked towards the front door.
“That’s quite enough, young man,” you snapped when you pulled the door open and were met with the unpleasant sight of the Syverson boy harassing your precious little girl. That had to be it, right?
“Dad, oh my god! Stop embarrassing me!” She let out a frustrated scream and turned to Mike. “I’m so sorry, Mike... I’ll see you Monday, okay?”
As soon as the door closed behind her, you knew you were in for it.
“Dad, you are certifiably insane, okay? It was just a kiss, for fuck’s sake!”
“Language, young lady!” you tried, but you were fairly sure you’d find no backup in this case. Your wife was staring you down from the couch in the living room.
“No, dad,” she yelled. “You’re nuts. That’s it. Why can’t you just be normal? Why do you have to be crazy? You just totally humiliated me, like...”
“Princess, I’m just trying to protect you,” you said as you reached out to pull her into a hug, but she pushed you away.
“Daddy, I’m serious! We went to the movies, we had a really nice time and then he drove me home and so what if he kissed me? Like, you didn’t have to show up like that, acting like a complete psycho. It was beyond cringe! I’m literally mortified, like what were you even thinking?” She sighed dramatically and threw her hands up. “Whatever. I’m going to my room. Stay out of my business!”
“Well, that went... Well,” you said as you sat down on the couch, with the — admittedly false — hope of getting some sympathy from your lovely wife.
“No, August, it did not.”
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“Ok, so, we’ll be in my room,” she said, already tugging Mike along towards the stairs, and before you could say anything, they were gone.
“Hold on—” you started, but your wife grabbed your elbow, calming you down slightly. But only slightly.
“Let them,” she sighed, the sound cutting through you like a knife, “remember when we were young?” She wrapped her arms around your neck and kissed you, and it took everything to not push her away, knowing where her mind was — with her sixteen-year-old self, in her bedroom, fooling around with her high school sweetheart: none other than James Syverson.
Yes, James Syverson senior, the father of the boy who was upstairs with your daughter right now... The man who had beat you for captain of the football team. Twice. The man who had made a pass at your then-girlfriend when you were years into dating her and she was wearing your ring and your jacket with your name on it. Twice. Was it really so weird that you trusted his son about as far as you could throw him?
Soft lips on your neck pulled you away from your thoughts. “Try to remember that I married you?”
You smiled at her before leaning in for a kiss, wrapping her up in a tight embrace. “I’m a lucky man.”
“Ew, gross. Can you, like, not?”
A devilish smile played at your wife’s lips for a moment before she kissed you again a tad too theatrically.
“Oh my god, stop it! You’re old!” The look of disgust on your daughter’s face was absolutely priceless. “This is a kitchen! It’s a communal space!”
“So is the porch, princess,” you replied.
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“How many times do I have to tell you two; this door stays open—oh for the love of God! I don’t need to see that!”
“Then by all means, dad, leave the door closed!” You caught the pillow she threw at you, and Mike made a point of moving as far away from her as the bed would allow while mumbling an apology.
Your wife had been right — which you were never telling her, which didn’t even matter because she already knew, anyway — and Mike really wasn’t a bad kid. That didn’t mean you were okay with him feeling up your daughter, though. Or worse.
“We’re not doing that, princess. Nice try though.”
On your way downstairs, you were fairly sure you heard the bedroom door close again and you sighed.
“It’s okay, love,” your wife said as she wrapped her arms around you.
“It’s not,” you sighed. “I wish that boy would keep his filthy paws off our daughter.” Was it genuinely too much to ask for her to find a nice, non-hormonal boy her age who only wanted to sit next to her on the couch and hold her hand under strict parental supervision?
“Yes, August, that’s entirely too much to ask,” your wife snickered. You hadn’t even realized you’d actually voiced your thoughts. “Boys like that don’t exist. I remember you when you were eighteen… We were doing much worse things than they are.”
“But we were in college. Can’t we just… ban him from the house?” You slumped down on the couch and took the cup of coffee your wife was now holding out to you.
“We could,” she said, and for the first time, a smile appeared on your face that she managed to wipe off immediately: “But I’ve seen the inside of that car he drives.”
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It had been an interesting phone call, at one o’clock in the morning, from your daughter’s best friend’s mother, asking if her daughter had come home yet.
“How would I know that?” you had snapped at her. Surely, she didn’t expect you to know who was in her house in the middle of the night? It was her house…
“Because she’s staying with you,” the concerned mother had answered.
“Ah,” you answered, grabbing your wife’s shoulder and shaking her until she was awake. “We were under the impression that our daughter was staying with you.”
Your wife had called Mike’s parents, who had also established that their son was not where he was supposed to be.
Long story short: Everyone was in serious trouble.
And now you were on your way to some club, your knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel so hard, and you barely managed to stifle a yawn. In the passenger seat, your wife threatened to drift off to sleep. The only reason you had taken her with you was so you wouldn’t make a gigantic scene — no matter how much that was exactly what you wanted to do.
Syverson and his wife were already there, attempting to convince the bouncer to let them into the club without paying some ridiculous entrance fee, while your daughter’s friend’s parents stood off to the side, looking more and more nervous by the minute.
Your wife walked to the door. “Now you listen to me, pal,” she snapped. “My daughter is in there and if you don’t want me to get everyone here fired and then sue this place to high heavens for letting minors in, then you let us go in there and look for her right now, or so help me God!” She could be impressively scary, you noted as a smile slowly grew on your face.
She paced back to you and scowled at you when you kissed her on the forehead. “What the hell was that for?”
“You’re beautiful when you’re angry,” you said.
Your kids were, indeed, inside. They — your daughter and Mike, at least — were unlucky enough that you were the one to find them. Dancing. If you could call it that — and you quickly decided that you absolutely couldn’t call it that.
The music — again; if you could call it that — was incredibly loud, giving you a headache on top of your already particularly murderous mood, and you held on to your last shred of self-restraint with all your might to make sure you wouldn’t genuinely murder your daughter’s… boyfriend. Even just thinking the word made you want to punch something. Him, preferably.
Mike spotted you first, and you felt an overwhelming sense of pride when his face morphed into an expression of complete and utter terror. He also had the common sense to step away from your daughter immediately, who looked up around at him when she felt Mike suddenly disappear from behind her. He pointed at you, and she turned around again. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. Good.
With a single finger, you beckoned them both to come over, and when they were standing in front of you, you dragged them both outside.
“What were you thinking?” your wife snapped at your daughter, who looked up at you.
“Daddy, I…” You just shook your head and let your wife handle this.
When she was done — your daughter was now grounded for a month — you turned to Mike: “And your involvement in this was…?”
“They wanted to see the DJ, and I… I told them I could sneak them in. It was stupid and irresponsible—”
“Not to mention illegal.”
“—yes, that too. I’m sorry.” Mike looked down, clearly doing his best not to tremble visibly. He failed. Good.
“How’d you even swing this, James?” Mike’s dad wanted to know, his wife standing behind him, clearly trying very hard to keep her mouth shut to prevent herself from saying something she’d regret.
“It’s Mike,” Mike corrected.
“Not when I’m this goddamn mad at you it isn’t, son.”
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“Hello, mrs. Walker,” Mike greeted your wife while handing her a bouquet of flowers. You rolled your eyes, even though you had no reason to. He handed a second bouquet — it was just a handful of daisies — to your daughter. “Thank you for the invitation.”
It wasn’t exactly n invitation you’d been all too excited to extend, but alas. Here he was again. Maybe grounding them hadn’t been such a good idea (even though you’d laughed at Syverson’s idea to have Mike’s punishment start two weeks later than your daughter’s, so that they’d have to go without each other for longer), because now they were just unnecessarily and inappropriately touchy.
“Thank you, Mike, these are lovely,” your wife said as she handed you the flowers. “August, darling, could you put these in a vase, please?”
You were glad to have something to do. “Of course, my angel.”
“Gross,” your daughter said while rolling her eyes, and you glared at her, biting your tongue to keep yourself from making your sarcastic remark.
“Eh,” Mike shrugged, “my parents are worse. I think it’s sweet.”
You watched over the edge of the newspaper while Mike helped your daughter set the table, while your wife continuously glanced at you in her signature ‘I told you so’ kind of way. You had already tentatively agreed with her that he wasn’t a bad kid! What more did she want?
Dinner was unbearable, and your wife had to warn you more than once to stop cutting your food so hard you nearly sawed your way through your plate on more than one occasion, and you gritted your teeth as you tried to focus on your dinner instead of watching the two lovebirds. At least they were trying to keep it decent, which was much appreciated, but it didn’t necessarily make things much easier for you.
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“What did you tell her?” you asked your wife — calmly, you hoped — when your daughter slammed the door behind her after an unusually quick escape from the house.
“Not much,” she answered. You knew for a fact she’d been pretty on top of the sex ed stuff for years now. “A reminder that she shouldn’t do things she isn’t ready for. And to use protection.”
“Hmm.” Whether you were finally getting used to the idea of your daughter going out with Michael Syverson, or your wife and her relentless support of their relationship had finally worn you down, you didn’t exactly know.
“August,” she said as she sat down next to you and leaned into your side, “I know you’re trying to protect her, but you can’t stop this. It’ll happen sooner or later. Sooner, rather than—”
“I know,” you growled.
“You were sixteen when—”
“I know.” It hurt to clench your teeth the way you did, but it was all you could do to stop yourself from screaming. “If he hurts her…”
“She takes after you, dear,” your wife chuckled. “He doesn’t stand a chance.”
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“He asked you to where now?” Your eyebrows shot up a mile and at least a month’s worth of acceptance disappeared like snow in the desert when your daughter told you the news that Mike had asked her to prom.
“Prom, dad. You kn—”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you don’t have—”
“Senior prom, dad. His prom.”
“You’re a sophomore,” you grumbled, your eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Yes, dad, Mike asked me, a sophomore, to go with him, a senior, to his senior prom, which I wouldn’t be able to go to unless I was invited by a senior. Like him. Can you exit psycho dad-mode for three seconds? Can I please go?” Your wife had been right when she said your daughter took after you in many ways, but damn if she didn’t have her eyes. And you were powerless against those.
“Yes, princess,” you sighed softly. “You can go.”
She wrapped her arms around your neck, and for the first time in months you saw a little more of your princess and a little less of the teenage monstrosity she’d grown into over the past few years. Apart from the horrible shrieking in your ear, that was.
“Can you do me one favor, please?”
“Tell me you’re not asking to approve my dress, or whatever?” Ah, there she was again. The monstrosity.
“Take your mother shopping for it. She’d like that.” And, hopefully, she’d come home with something halfway presentable, at least.
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The doorbell rang at seven o’clock on the dot. At least Syverson had bothered to teach his boy some manners. He handed another stunning bouquet to your wife — which might have been more impressive if his mother hadn’t owned the flower shop in town — and nervously fidgeted with the box that held a rather beautiful corsage. No doubt also a courtesy of his mom.
“That’s a very nice tux, Mike,” your wife said with a smile in an attempt to diffuse the ever-growing tension in the hallway while you waited for your daughter to finally finish getting ready.
“Thanks, it’s mine,” he answered. “Dad has a ridiculously big family; I have a million cousins… lots of weddings.”
“Hey.” You all turned to the source of the sound; the voice of your daughter standing at the top of the stairs.
“Holy sh—” Mike cleared his throat — smart move. “Wow. You look… wow.” He rushed towards her to help her down the last few steps of the stairs.
“You look good too,” she said shyly.
“Not next to you, I don’t,” he managed — but barely.
As you watched Mike awkwardly trying to help your daughter with the corsage, memories of your own prom came flooding back to you, and you couldn’t fight a smile off your face. It wasn’t for lack of trying, of course, but the sight of them was simply too… adorable to stay mad about. Next to you, your wife grabbed your hand and squeezed it. She had tears in her eyes, you noticed, when she rushed past you to get the camera.
“Mom. Mom, stop. You took like four thousand pictures already, it’s enough. Enough! Please, let us leave, we’re going to miss the whole thing… Mom! Dad, tell mom she’s being insane!” Finally, you weren’t the one who was considered insane!
“I think that’s plenty, darling,” you said as you pulled your wife back and put a hand on the camera to get her to lower it. “Get out, you two, I only have so much to say around here. Have fun… but not too much fun.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” your wife added.
You rolled your eyes. “Like that narrows it down.”
“Dad!” your daughter shrieked before pulling Mike towards the door.
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Your wife had successfully convinced you that going to bed early would be best. You needed a distraction, after all, and if she was so kind to offer to provide you with one, who were you to refuse her?
It was nearly midnight when you woke up with her curled up next to you, to the sound of footsteps on the stairs. A set of footsteps too many, that was.
“August, don’t,” you heard next to you when you attempted to get out of bed to put a stop to these shenanigans immediately. What did she mean ‘don’t’? You were just supposed to let them… “If it weren’t for you, I’d have let him stay over the first time she asked. Going in there, guns blazing, is not going to make this go away. They’ll find another place. Another time. And I meant what I said about the backseat of that car… If you have any faith in the way we raised our daughter, then trust her.”
Falling asleep again was hard, but nowhere near as hard as not throwing Mike down the stairs when you ran into him a few hours later, when he was on his way to the bathroom.
“I’m dead, aren’t I?’
You took a deep, shaky breath to steady yourself before speaking. “We’ll talk about that over breakfast. I can and will promise you right now, that you’ll be in some real trouble if you sneak out before then.”
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“Coffee?” you grumbled when your daughter appeared in the kitchen the following morning, freshly showered, with Mike walking a step behind her.
“Yeah. Thanks,” she whispered as she sat down as far away from you as possible. You looked at the two trembling teens in front of you and realized your wife had been right — yet again — when she had said that if you handled this wrong, they’d never come to you if they were in trouble. Ever.
“It’s been brought to my attention that I may have been a bit… overbearing,” you said, ignoring the eyerolls from both your wife and your daughter. Mike just stared at the table. “And I’m sorry.”
You sighed as three jaws dropped in complete and utter bewilderment. “That being said… The two of you still broke the rules, and he stayed here without permission, which means you, young lady, will be grounded for a week,” you said, watching your daughter grab Mike’s arm. She looked hurt… “Starting tomorrow.” The two exchanged a surprised look and finally smiled.
“Does he have to leave?” she asked carefully.
“No, princess,” you said softly, “he doesn’t.”
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“Where’s that ruthless jerk I married?” Your wife wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close while you let out a deep sigh.
“He said ‘I do’,” you grumbled. “And he had a daughter.”
“Daddy?” Your daughter’s voice was soft and small. The hurt in it crushed you, although you had to admit you were relieved to have confirmation that Mike was upstairs in your shower all by himself, if you were honest. “Are you mad at me?”
You reached for her, and she hugged you — almost like she used to. “No, princess, I could never be mad at you.”
“I’m still your—”
“I know,” you whispered.
“Are you mad at Mike?” Her voice got even lower than before, and she avoided your eyes.
“No,” you answered truthfully. “Unless he hurt you in any kind of way, in which case he’s a dead man.”
“Did you forget you forced self defense classes on me until I was a black belt?” she laughed, wiping away the single tear that had escaped her eye.
“That’s my girl.” You couldn’t have fought back the grin if you’d tried.
Your daughter wrestled herself out of your embrace and made her way towards the hallway again, turning around in the doorway. “Ehm, does the door still have to stay open?” she asked innocently.
“I think we’re past that point,” your wife answered, ignoring your exasperated sigh.
“I’m proud of you,” she whispered as your daughter sprinted up the stairs.
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“Does she know you’re here?” It didn’t take you two guesses to figure out why he was at your door. You actually remembered the moment you knocked on the door of your then-hopefully-soon-to-be-in-laws all too well.
“She does,” he answered, thanking you quickly as you impatiently gestured at him to come in. It was cold out, and money didn’t grow on trees…
“Does she know why?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not here to ask for your permission, if that’s what you’re getting at,” he said with a smirk that brought out some residual feelings of wanting to smack him. “I’m actually looking for Mrs. Walker.”
“You’re right not to,” you admitted. “She’d kill you.”
“It’s a bit of a catch-22.” He laughed. “My dad will kill me if I don’t ask, so…”
“So it’s a matter of who you’d rather be murdered by.”
“I think I’ll take my chances with my old man,” he said. “At least he’s not related to you.”
Smart man.
You followed him into the living room, where you found your wife with her nose in the book she hadn’t put down for hours. As soon as Mike walked in, she slammed it shut and put it away.
“Michael, can I help you?” she said in an unusually quirky tone, with an unusually happy smile on her face.
“I think so, yeah,” he stammered. Those nerves were finally kicking in, huh? Good. “I… Eh… She told me something about a ring… eh… her, eh…”
“Her grandmother’s engagement ring?” she helped him along gently.
He nodded furiously. “Yeah. She said that, eh… When the time came, she’d eh… She’d like to wear it. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
“God, Mike, I think I’ve never seen you more scared of me than of August,” she laughed, and you gladly joined her, leaving the poor boy standing there with bright red ears and an uneasy smile.
“First time for everything, right?”
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Over the years, you’d been subjected to many a feminist lecture on outdated patriarchal values and whatnot, so it had come as quite the surprise to you when your daughter had come to you, asking you if you’d walk her down the aisle. Now that you were standing here, with her to your left, squeezing your arm so tight you feared it would result in lasting damage, you wished you’d declined, so that you’d just have been able to sit quietly next to your wife, instead of being here with no prayer of getting a handle on your own nerves.
“You’re nervous, aren’t you?” she asked, her voice taunting but with an obvious shakiness to it.
“You’re one to talk, princess,” you retorted, “I can barely feel my fingers.”
She relaxed her grip on your arm a bit, chuckling softly. “Will you behave?”
“Me? Always.”
As far as you were concerned, the walk could have lasted forever. You knew it had to end, and it did — way too soon — and all that was left for you to do was…
“I love you, daddy,” she whispered before you managed to move.
“And I love you, princess,” you replied softly. “Always.”
Then, you finally placed her hand in Mike’s. “She’s your problem now, son. And I have a very strict no-return-policy.”
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panur · 1 year
I... want a fic post mountain where Ciri and Geralt find jask early and they go to Nivellen’s as per the plan
and Jask has to see Geralt call this dude 'friend'
edit: PEOPLE IT HAPPENNED (but fee free to make more!
if somebody loved you, they'd tell you by now - Tallfroggie20 - Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon & Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Nivellen (The Witcher), Roach (The Witcher), Vereena (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Episode: s02e01 A Grain of Truth (The Witcher TV), Fix-It, Episode Fix-it, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, mostly hurt ngl, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bruxae (The Witcher), Friendship, Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Whump, Jaskier | Dandelion Has Feelings, POV Jaskier | Dandelion, Emotionally Constipated Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Examining what it means to call someone a friend, Rated M for violence and swearing but it's not super graphic???, Based on a Tumblr Post, Geralt and Jaskier have Divorced Energy, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, post-mountain, Post-Episode: s01e06 Rare Species (The Witcher TV) Summary:
A muscle twitches in the witcher’s jaw. He clears his throat. “We recently… reunited. He and I used to travel together.”
“And the moment I can get out of this storm, we will cease ‘traveling together’ once more,” Jaskier says bitterly. Traveling together. Ha. Geralt makes it sound like they were nothing more than acquaintances on the road.
To him, Jaskier supposes it was. Unfortunately, Jaskier’s own heart and mind never received the memo.
Nivellen raises his brows, glancing between them. “Ah. I’ve… prodded something, haven’t I?”
“There is nothing between us to prod. There never was,” Jaskier insists. “Continue your game. I rather enjoy watching Geralt lose.”
Or, Geralt had never called Jaskier a friend, not once in their twenty years traveling together. Now he returns to uproot Jaskier's life, Child Surprise in tow and mentions of an 'old friend' on his lips. It makes Jaskier want to scream.
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cherryblossomshadow · 2 years
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This summary is factually incorrect, but I saw this post and I just wanted to make a silly, low-effort meme about one of my favorite witcher fic universes. And now I'm off to go reread my favorite installments
The OG: With a Conquering Air by inexplicifics (@inexplicifics)
And an incredible Geralt POV remix: For the Asking by gremble (@abeautifulblog)
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
fic update Fit For Thrones ch 8
Oh this one ended up a little shorter than my usual but I was trying to avoid having one giant chapter and this is part of the solution, lol. It's more of the alternate POV of the earlier story, just wrapping up some ends.
Fit For Thrones ch 8 on AO3
The owl nearly crashed into Ciri, and Geralt reached out and caught it out of the air. Immediately it changed shape, and grew into a full-sized adult woman, who grabbed Geralt by the shoulders. “Geralt!” she gasped, clinging desperately. “What the fuck,” Morvran said, very quietly, and Outis murmured, “That’s Eilhart, she’s a polymorph,” and Morvran had no real answer for that so he shut up. He’d have to look up polymorph. He really should have finished researching the Northern mages.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
I wrote my first full Geraskefer (Geralt x Yen x Jaskier poly) fic! It's a..."it's not really unrequited, Jaskier is just a dumdum" fic. It has a POV chapter for each character.
It is below AND on Ao3 (5k words)
I wrote it as part of a fandom event with @witcherficwriters for @demeter918
When Jaskier fell in love with Geralt, it hit him hard and fast--like an arrow straight to the heart. Yen was different. Falling for her had worked like a poison, like droplets in his wine, building up in his body unnoticed, year after year until he was weak and unsteady.
That was the truth of the matter. But it all sounded so cliche.
His metaphors needed work.
Jaskier leaned against a large oak tree and picked at his lute. Every few notes, he stopped to scratch lyrics on his parchment. 
He needed something that rhymed with venom.
Jaskier was in a forest, by himself, half drunk. His heart ached in the empty place where his friends used to be. Once upon a time, this had all been easier. Simpler. He had known his role and had played it well. 
In the first several decades of his relationship with Geralt, Jaskier was the one who picked up the pieces. The witcher and the witch were always at each other’s throats, always scratching each other’s eyes out. When the fights were over and the dust had settled, Jaskier was always there with a pint and a friendly ear.
Then, after Voleth Meir, things changed. It had felt so odd, drifting away from Geralt, and being there for Yennefer during that cold, brutal phase when Geralt wanted nothing to do with her. Jaskier was the only one left in Kaer Morhen who provided her with any warmth. He was the only one who she could turn to.
If you asked an average member of the public to describe the famous troubadour Jaskier, you would be hard pressed to find someone who would use the terms reliable or constant. And yet? That was what he had been for them--his witcher and his witch. Jaskier had always been their port in the storm. 
And while it had certainly troubled him over the years to see his friends hurting, he found comfort in helping. And, if he were honest, he may possibly have felt a tiny bit smug. A little, itty bit superior. While they fought, he patiently counseled. While they scratched and hissed, he embraced and listened.
The childish, fickle poet got to play the hero.
It had taken the sting out of the unrequited yearning. 
But then the worst thing possible happened. Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg made up. And not just temporarily. 
They grew. 
They matured. 
Parenting Ciri together eventually brought them closer than ever. And about six months ago, Geralt and Yen had purchased a lovely home by the sea. 
Jaskier’s face screwed up like he’d sucked a lemon. He spat on the ground next to him. 
What rhymed with betrayal?
He had always understood that he was the friend, not the lover. It was true that both Geralt and Yen had kissed him at different points in their sordid histories. Each moment was burned into his memories for good. He was convinced that on his deathbed, the phantom caress of their lips would carry him back to the soil. 
But every kiss, every touch that strayed from the bounds of friendship, had always felt furtive. Stolen. They had never spoken of it, and Geralt and Yen had always returned to one another. 
Up until about six months ago, he thought he was fine with that. 
But this new home by the sea changed everything. It was physical, conclusive evidence that they would be settling down together. Making a life. A future. Without him.
After about a month, the dinner invitations began to arrive for him at Oxenfurt. He would sit at his desk in silence and stare at the curled up parchment, picturing sitting around the table with Yen and Geralt. His heart ached with yearning for them. But he would only get as far as imagining what it would feel like to see their clothing hanging together, to sit on the furniture they picked out as a couple, and to witness their contented smiles, before he grew sullen and resentful.
Dinner in the home he was not a part of. 
But he couldn’t say no. There was no rational reason to say no to generous invitations from cherished friends. So he decided to pretend he hadn’t received the invitations. He fled Oxenfurt for some conveniently timed walkabouts. They, however, knew he liked to hang around Posada, so an invitation had arrived for him there. So, Jaskier took off again. And again. And again. That was how he’d arrived where he was, on the outskirts of bum fuck nowhere, drunken and writing shitty ballads. 
He tried to play another stanza, but the notes slipped from underneath his fingers, and dropped like bricks, making a discordant sound. 
It was twilight. He looked at the empty wine flask at his knee. Shit. He may as well stop for the evening and stagger to an inn. Maybe the solution was to get more drunk. Yes Jaskier, he said to himself, that was a wise choice indeed.
“Master Jaskier!” A messenger boy popped out from the bushes.
Jaskier shrieked in surprise. The messenger boy was startled by his outburst, and shrieked in return. He was young, barely out of adolescence, wearing a hat pulled down to his prominent ears. 
Jaskier clasped his chest. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!” He shouted, affronted. “You rogue! You snot nosed, uhhhh,” his brain was foggy, so his voice trailed off, not able to come up with any better insult than uhhhh.
“I apologize sir!” the messenger pleaded, “but I’ve been tracking you for ages. You’re a tough man to catch.”
Jaskier swore under his breath. He thought he’d lost the little bugger. What happened to standards? What happened to work ethic? The messengers were rapidly gaining both, and it troubled him. You could barely escape a legal summons anymore, nor messages from your dearest friends.
“I have another message from Lady Yennefer of Vengerberg and Sir Geralt of Rivia.” He held out a cream colored square of paper. It was a lush envelope this time, affixed with a black and white seal.
Geralt and Yen had designed their own seal to affix to the envelopes and parchments that they sent as a couple. 
It was so very...
Jaskier eyed his lute, instead of the messenger boy. He just needed a word that rhymed with cloying.
The boy waved the envelope impatiently in front of his nose. The slight scent of lilac and gooseberries wafted towards him. Scent was a funny thing. A funny and powerful thing. This particular scent brought very specific memories roaring back to life. It brought back Kaer Morhen, in the wreckage of Voleth Meir, when his arms cradled the petite frame of one raven haired sorceress as she quietly pretended not to cry.
Suddenly, Jaskier felt like a complete ass.
He swiped the envelope, and sent the boy away with free advice to never ever fall in love. He sat back hard against the rock and opened the envelope, reading it against the dying of the light.
It was raining.
Yennefer had not planned for rain.
She straightened the silverware again and smoothed out the napkin. Damnit. She was turning into Tissaia.
“Why is he avoiding us?” she demanded. “We’ve sent him ten invitations by now. He’s gotten at least one, there’s no way he hasn’t.”
Yennefer couldn’t bring herself to speak her real fear aloud. Does he not want us? No. Of course he wants Geralt. Is it me? Does he not want me? A warm hand covered her own. She raised her eyes. 
“He’ll be here,” Geralt assured her.
They sat together, on either side of a table for four. There was one more place setting immaculately staged in front of the empty chair. Geralt and Yen sat in silence, listening to the rain tap on the roof.
“It is so rude not of him not to answer. He should at least say yes or no.”
“He’s an ass,” hummed Geralt. “But he’ll be here.”
Yennefer nodded. He would be here. He would. He would come and she would show him the house that they bought and decorated with care and love, and she would feed him the food that she and Geralt had made with their own hands. She would tell him about the town, how lovely and vibrant it was and how well he would fit in. And when he had seen everything this particular life had to offer him, they would make him a proposition. They would extend him an invitation.
“And what if he does come?” Yennefer blurted out. “What if he does come, and when we make our offer, he thinks we’re some kind of degenerates? What if he laughs, what if he--”
Geralt snorted. “Jaskier?” He laughed. “He’s the worst degenerate I have ever met.”
Yennefer swatted his arm softly. “Well, we aren’t. Not really.”
Geralt leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek. “You’re nervous. Don’t be nervous. And don’t read his thoughts when he gets here. He hates that. If the answer is no, then it’s no.”
Yennefer leaned into his kiss and sighed. The fireplace crackled. The wind ripped through the branches of the olive tree by the window, and it sent leaves flicking against the window. She turned and pressed her lips softly into his. Her eyes closed and she inhaled his warmth, his scent. 
Her dear witcher. Her Geralt. Finally they were getting the chance to rest together. To build a life. She let out a trembling breath as she pulled away and opened her eyes. She gazed at him fondly.
“This is all your fault, Geralt. I blame you entirely.” 
Geralt grimaced and gave her The Look.
“It is,” she insisted. “If you hadn’t brought that beastly little man into my life, if you hadn’t introduced us, if you hadn’t made him marginally more tolerable by your association with him, I would never have taken him more seriously than I ever should have.”
“Yen.” Geralt leaned towards her, looking patient and understanding. 
“He’s a bastard and I don’t even care,” she protested. “And what is more, I never should have.”
“Yen,” Geralt said again, like he was comforting a cranky child. 
It made her feel like a cranky child and her voice grew louder. “And I don’t! I don’t care! I haven’t. And what’s more, I don’t even care if he comes tonight. If he knocked right now, I don’t know if I’d even answer it, I’d leave him outside to drown, and catch cold, and it would serve him right--”
Her tirade was suddenly muffled by the sound of a bang on the door.
Yennefer and Geralt leapt to their feet, rattling the dishes. They stood, facing each other in the candlelight, the moment hanging in the air. Geralt smiled in that way that said I told you so. Yennefer grinned back at him.
The sorceress tore open the door.
There he was, ragged and sopping wet, dripping water onto her landing. The sight of his face after so long was overwhelming. 
“Hello?” he said, though he said it like a question. “You summoned a bard?” He laughed weakly.
“Well it’s about time. Come in,” Yen said. “You look like a wet alley cat, and you smell like it too.”
Jaskier stepped inside, water dripping onto the rug. He looked at her, and his eyes seemed to have gotten even more blue, if that were possible. They stared at one another for a tense moment. This was normally the moment in which he would either compliment or insult her lavishly. 
But he didn’t. He smiled tentatively and he seemed, well, Yennefer wasn’t sure how he seemed. Apprehensive? Nervous? She began to reach out with her mind out of habit. Geralt preferred for her to read his mind rather than to be forced to speak his, so she’d gotten into the habit.
But she felt Geralt’s urgent hand on the small of her back and she yanked her mind back like she had touched a hot stove. 
Jaskier opened his arms, and with a voice that sounded cheerful and forced, said “Well. Don’t just stand there, rejoice! The famous bard Jaskier graces your humble home.”
“Yes, and you look ridiculous.” Yennefer touched the sad soaking feather drooping from his hat. “I think it’s dead, bard.” She tugged on the top of his boots. “And what the fuck are you doing wearing these in this downpour? Are they rainwater collection devices?”
Jaskier yanked her into an embrace. It was cold and wet and jarring. It also made her heart leap with joy and her eyes prickle with tears. Geralt wrapped his arms around the two of them, and didn’t let them go until he heard Jaskier’s teeth begin to chatter.
Sometimes, when Geralt found himself in awkward social situations, he pretended that he was on a hunt. He would gather data with his senses instead of worrying about what he would say next.
This was one of those moments. Instead of letting the uncertain tension in the room seep into him, he looked around and gathered data. 
Geralt sat in his own dining room, at a teak table he had made with his own hands. The table settings had been done by a servant girl called Fiona who came over for a few hours on odd days. She had folded the napkins into birds. They were lined up like little soldiers, ready to absorb the detritus of dinner.
Yen sat to his right. She had on one of those soft gowns that she often wore around the house.  It was a crushed velvet green that made her look like she glowed from within. Whenever she wore it, he had to be careful how he touched her if he wanted to get anything productive done that day. The fabric was warm and flimsy and it drove him insane the way it slid under his fingers. It was a vulnerable, gossamer barrier between his desire and her bare body that felt like it could be removed with just one tug. Whenever she wore it, it was all he could do to keep the wolf in check and his hands to himself.
“I can’t believe you like these old things,” she would sniff. 
But she knew. She loved to provoke him, then trap him between her thighs. He loved that too.
He inhaled, and she smelled as she always did. The scent of lilac and gooseberries had grown to become the scent of home, calming him on contact. Beneath that scent was her beauty potions. She had spent twice as long on her face and hair that morning, though he’d known better than to call attention to it. It was her armor. Her arsenal. It was all in preparation for this; this battle with her fear of being rejected.
That was another thing he wasn’t allowed to speak, but he knew it to be true. Geralt always assumed rejection was imminent, so he was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t receive it. But Yen had more pride than he did. In some ways, she was more vulnerable, though if he said that aloud he’d lose his nuts. He understood though. He looked at her softly, as she faced off with his oldest, dearest friend, her fingers clenching her knees under the table.
Geralt had been trying to avoid really looking at Jaskier, but now he did. He had to gather data, after all.
His gaze settled on Jaskier, and he tried to empty his mind.
The bard had been soaked to the bone, so Yen had offered him a fresh change of dry clothes. It was perfectly logical. But now Jaskier sat directly across from Geralt, wearing the witcher’s clothes. 
The fireplace was directly behind the bard, which was a problem. Geralt’s tunic hung half off one of his shoulders, so the loose fabric was made transparent by the back lighting. The shape of Jaskier’s strong shoulders and the thick pelt he called chest hair was entirely too visible for the witcher’s comfort. The light from behind made his half wet hair look like a bedraggled halo, which, unfortunately, Geralt also found very charming. But most distracting of all was the scent. Jaskier had dried himself, but the subtle scent of fresh rain clung to his skin, mixing with the scent of Geralt. 
It provoked a territorial instinct in the witcher that he was trying to tamp down on. This was a delicate situation, and he didn’t need to add flame to the fire. But it was no use. When he looked at Jaskier in his clothes, a voice within him growled.
Mine. Fucking Mine.
Back in the day, Geralt had never gotten enough of Jaskier to sate him. They’d kissed and groped in the cover of darkness, but things had been so chaotic then. 
Everything then had been about Ciri. About survival. They were on the run from every power hungry bastard on the continent. There had been nothing left for what he wanted. When the dust cleared, he and Yen had made their way back to each other first. They were both focused on Ciri, after all. They had built their bridges. But he hadn’t meant to leave Jaskier behind.
Geralt looked at his friend now, and all he could think about was all the things he had never gotten to do. He’d kissed him. But had he kissed him properly? Tenderly? Like he meant it? Had he even paid attention? And what about all the places on Jaskier’s body that he had yet to touch or see in the beauty of daylight? 
“Don’t you think, Geralt?” Yen asked, voice sounding tense.
Geralt startled. “What, dear?” 
Shit. What had he missed? 
Yen smiled, tight lipped. “Don’t you think this is a lovely area, Geralt? A great place to live? Doesn’t it have a thriving artistic community with plenty of bards and craftsmen and artists around?”
Geralt smiled too. “Yes. Yes. Definitely.” He wanted Jaskier to want to live here, and it seemed like just the thing to say. “Lots of bards.”
But Jaskier looked pained. “Other bards, you say?”
“No.” Geralt blurted out. “No. None. No other bards anywhere.”
Yennefer sighed. There was an awkward pause and he could see the gears turning. She was changing tactics. “How about a tour of the house?”
Again, Jaskier smiled but looked pained. Geralt felt like they were torturing the man, but he wasn’t sure how. He understood Yen’s impulse towards mind reading sometimes. “Yes,” Geralt answered. “A tour.”
“No! No thank you!” Jaskier said, a little too loudly. “I can see it from here!”
Yen and Geralt had already pushed away their plates and begun to stand. They plopped back down again. 
Jaskier coughed and fiddled with his napkin. The little bird had long since unfolded into a shapeless mass, yet his napkin was still clean. Geralt looked at his plate. He and Yen had eaten their entire meals, but Jaskier hadn’t taken a bite.
“What’s the matter?” Geralt leaned forward and instinctively put his hand on the table, reaching towards his friend. Jaskier glanced at it and his face fell.
“I saw the room. When I was changing.”
“Your room?” asked Yen, her voice tight. “You don’t like it.”
Jaskier looked down at his napkin again, as he pinched and twisted it. “I do, it’s lovely. I saw that you put a lithograph up for each of my favorite bawdy houses in each of my favorite cities.” He smiled, and his eyes looked like they were growing wet. “And you put dried buttercups and music sheets.” He finally looked up at them. “It is so thoughtful and kind. You are the best friends anyone could hope to have.”
Yen leaned forward now too. She held Jaskier’s hand until his fingers stopped fluttering. Their eyes met. “Then what is wrong?”
Jaskier looked at Geralt and then back at Yen. “I wish the two of you weren’t so fucking kind. Because that means I must be honest with you.”
“Honest?” Geralt asked. “About what?”
Jaskier slipped his hand free of Yen and sat back in his chair. She returned her hands to her lap, so Geralt reached under the table and laced his fingers together with hers. They were clammy and nervous.
Jaskier looked at the ceiling. “I’m a selfish cunt.” He looked back at them, more confident now. “Alright?”
“Yes,” Yen agreed. “We know that.”
Jaskier continued as though she hadn’t said anything. “I am not worthy of your friendship. Because,” He drew in a slow breath, then released it, “I want more.”
“More?” asked Geralt.
Jaskier swallowed. “Geralt, I have all of these feelings. I tried to deny them. I tried to change them. I don’t want to feel this way.” He was speaking so fast now, Geralt was having trouble keeping up. “But I do. So I am not going to be able to come and stay here just yet, in this beautiful room, not until I can calm this beast in my heart, and can accept the love of your friendship without wanting more. It’s why I avoided your invitations. Instead of answering honestly, I avoided you, and now I must decline your hospitality for the foreseeable future. Because,” he tapped the table a few times, “I am a selfish cunt.”
There was a moment of silence between them, though the fire crackled away noisily.
Yen cleared her throat. “You want more? From who? Which one of us are you talking about? Me, or Geralt?”
Jaskier’s shoulders drooped. “Yes,” he said. “Yes.”
There was a longer moment of silence. It was a delicate, brittle silence, as they all sat, trying to grasp for their next words. Geralt finally broke the silence.
“Why don’t we take that tour of the house.” He slipped his hands around Yen’s waist. “Let’s show him the bedroom.”
Jaskier squeaked a protest. “Geralt, you weren’t listening, please don’t do this to me--”
But Yennefer was up in a flash, tugging him by the hand. 
Jaskier allowed himself to be pulled along because he didn’t want to fight with Yen. But when he stepped into the bedroom, his heart sank, exactly as he was expecting it to.
It was a lovely room. It reflected the elegance and taste of Yen, but it was unfussy in a way that felt like Geralt. The bed was large enough to accommodate a small army. They must have had it made special so they could be as acrobatic as Yen wanted to be.
Jaskier swallowed down the lump in his throat. They could both be so kind, and yet so cruel. He’d said he didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to see where they carried on without him.
Yen was still holding his hand. He focused on her, and immediately regretted it. He felt vulnerable. His eyes were prickling, his throat constricting. And despite his emotional turmoil, he still felt that old attraction to her.
How could he not?
Look at her.
Those incomparable, violet, doe eyes. The softness of her hands. The shameless grace of her low swooping neckline which, from his higher perspective, revealed most of her lovely breasts. They’d been in his mouth once, on his lips.
He cleared his throat and corrected his wandering gaze. “Yes?”
She stepped close. Too close. He became aware of his quickening pulse. He glanced nervously at Geralt. Geralt sat on the bed, leaning back on his hands. He didn’t seem concerned that the love of his life was a bit too close to his best friend.
Yen cradled his face, forcing him to look at her once more.
“Yes?” he repeated doubtfully, his voice cracking like an adolescent.
Yen pushed up onto her toes and gently tugged him down, just as she pressed her lips to his. They were pliant and petal soft, and before he could think, he moaned and clasped her slight waist, clenching her tight.
Yen, lovely Yen, pressed into his lips with her tongue. There was no mistaking this kiss for anything friendly.
Panic came roaring back, and Jaskier dropped her waist and stumbled backwards, covering his mouth. He was too ashamed to look at Geralt. “Geralt,” he croaked. “No. I mean. I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
His back hit the wall. Yen was looking at him like she did sometimes. Like she thought he was a fool, but she was resigned to it. She shook her head as though regretting all of her life choices. “Geralt?” she asked.
Geralt stood up from the bed, almost lazily. He stretched, giving Jaskier a moment to admire him too. He wore a tunic much like the one Jaskier had on. When he stretched, he revealed a sliver of belly. He’d been eating better, and he looked thicker than Jaskier remembered. He looked absolutely divine.
While Jaskier was busy admiring him, the witcher took three long steps towards him. The witcher was so large and broad, but he moved so gracefully that it made Jaskier’s head spin. 
Jaskier tensed. He wasn’t sure why. What would Geralt do to him? He lifted his arms in defeat.
But Geralt was not angry. He did not push him, or anything else Jaskier feared. Instead, the witcher looped his arms around Jaskier’s waist and spun him.
Jaskier felt the room spin and his body drop. Geralt was dipping him. 
He managed to relax and let himself be thrown backwards into Geralt’s arms. Then Geralt leaned down and their foreheads touched, their lips were so close together. 
Jaskier smiled tentatively and touched Geralt’s cheek.
Then, Geralt kissed him, fiery and passionate. It was just like some romance novel. Jaskier let himself go. He sunk into Geralt’s arms and pressed into his kiss. Some part of Jaskier’s mind was vaguely aware that Yen was watching them. 
When Geralt returned him to his feet, Jaskier was dizzy. He was giggling like a schoolgirl, and he was dizzy.
“Do you understand now, bard?” teased Geralt.
Jaskier touched his own lips and looked from Geralt to Yen. “Oh.”
It was all he could say. He was a poet, damnit. A poet.
Yen giggled too. She did that so rarely. It was a fucking gorgeous sound. A girlish, carefree sound that she so rarely made. “Moron,” she said, as she threw herself into his arms. 
Jaskier nodded, in a daze, stroking the small of her back and pressing a kiss to her hair. “I think I get it,” he said, his voice rough.
“There are three pillows on the bed, Jaskier,” said Geralt. He pointed at the bed. And yes, it was true. “There are three hooks by the door,” Geralt continued, “for robes and things--” his voice trailed off.
“We made you a room,” said Yen, voice muffled by being pressed into Jaskier’s chest, “just so you could have your own space if you want it. But we want you to live in this one, with us.”
Geralt draped his arms around them, encircling both of them. “You only need to use your room when you want privacy or need a break.” He kissed the top of Yen’s head. Then he kissed Jaskier’s temple.
Jaskier was never speechless. He always had something to say. But he could not quite believe that life would give him this blessing. After everything they had been through. After the pain, and torture, after the imprisonment, the loss.
He was really going to get to have this.
“Well,” Yen asked. “What do you say, bard? Cat got your tongue?”
Jaskier let his head drop onto Geralt’s impossibly round, impossibly solid shoulder.  ‘I accept,” he said. “I accept.”
Jaskier had, of course, had sex with multiple people at once. When he could afford to, or he was on someone else’s dime, he paid for multiple people to attend to him at the brothels. There were also those nights when he had several fans who wanted him after a performance, and weren’t averse to sharing. He loved the attention, that was no secret.
But this.
This was something new.
He had never made love to two people at once, not people that he would lay down his life for. And while he was aware that some people had more than two individuals in their relationships, he supposed it hadn’t occurred to him that Yen and Geralt might be like that, and for him of all people.
He was nervous at first. But when he saw that touching Geralt made Yen smile, and that touching Yen made Geralt’s eyes darken with lust, he relaxed. 
When Geralt and Yen asked him what he wanted, he was in such shock that he fell back into old habits. He grasped Yen’s thighs and ate her out like she was his last meal, though he had never done that with Geralt fucking him from behind. It was unspeakably sexy. It also made him feel important that two people like Geralt and Yen wanted him like that.
They learned how to move together, they touched one another, kissed one another, and rolled around together on the bed big enough for an army.
When they lay in the afterglow, Jaskier asked if he’d died and gone to heaven. It was truly difficult to fathom that he could have both. Choosing anything was the bane of his existence and it seemed too good to be true that it would not be required of him.
Geralt assured him that when Yen began to use his legs to warm her feet, he would change his tune.
“That’s the main reason you’re here, bard,” Geralt had said. “I was tired of being the foot warmer.”
That night, Jaskier fell asleep with a contented sigh on his lips. 
He was with Yen. He was with Geralt. He was home. Home at the house on the sea.
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
Good Girls Get Rewarded
Pairing: August Walker (1st person POV) X OFC
Word Count: 1238 words
Warnings: Stripper OFC, Smut, Oral (M receiving), Creampie, Hickeys, D/S dynamics
Taglist : @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha​ @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @elizabetharegina @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958
A/N: Just a quick little piece of pure filth
Story Masterlist
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The moment we crossed the threshold, our clothes started to come off. Her long coat was thrown over the back of the couch, along with my suit jacket, and my shirt was left somewhere down the hall. She managed to take it off me while I carried her through the house, using her ever impressive core strength to hold herself up without the help of her hands. It’s lucky she picked a dress with a slit in the skirt otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to wrap her legs around my waist.
When I set her down in the bedroom, my little kitten plants both hands on my shoulders and gives a sharp push. She’s far from having the strength required to move me if I don’t want to be moved but I’m not opposed to seeing what devilish desires she’s cooked up in her pretty little head. I let myself fall back onto the mattress, pulling both arms behind my head and unashamedly flexing my biceps as her gaze roams over my bare chest.
She is practically licking her lips as she pulls her dress over her head and tosses it aside. It’s my turn to look over her form, an appreciative groan unintentionally sounding from my chest. She looks damned good in her matching black lace bra and panties and she knows as much.
She plants a knee on the bed and straddles my waist. My hands immediately find her thighs, pulling them apart and forcing her hips lower. I never lift my hands from her body as we kiss, groping her ass then moving up her back to unhook her bra.
My lips are on her breasts the moment the flimsy fabric disappears. I have every intention to paint her skin with love bites and make sure that anyone who lays eyes on her tomorrow knows that she is owned by another man. I am the luckiest fucker in the world and I am not above admitting it. Though I know she wants to be mine as much as I want her to be, the jealous, possessive beast inside demands I stake my claim. It’s a good thing she likes it.
Two small hands wrap around my wrists, pinning my hands above his head. 
“I was good.”
I smirk. It’s a statement not a question. She knows she was on her best behaviour tonight which is why I’ve been indulging this little power trip of hers. The director was very impressed with the elegant, poised and breathtakingly beautiful woman gracing my arm at the gala. If anyone recognized her from the club, they didn’t have the balls to mention it which means I didn’t have to break any jaws.
“You were,” I confirm.
She isn’t wearing her regular makeup, instead opting for an event appropriate style that makes her look almost innocent. We both know she is anything but.
She wiggles her hips on the already rock hard member still stuck in the confines of my pants.
“I want a taste.”
Smart girl, trying to top from the bottom. Normally, I’d have her on her knees or I would have a hand fisted in her hair, never fully giving up control.
“Take me out, Kitten.”
She smiles victoriously and reaches to unbuckle my belt. I move further up the bed, lifting my hips to help her work my pants and briefs down my legs. My head settles against the pillow as she crawls back up the mattress. She lowers her mouth until her breath fans against my skin, making my cock jerk, but she knows well enough to wait for permission before taking things any further. I let the anticipation build until she releases a small whine.
“Put your mouth on my cock.”
She greedily swallows my length, making herself gag, but that doesn’t deter her. She lavishes my cock while keeping her wicked gaze locked on mine the whole time. I’m already really fucking close to blowing my load down her throat but I will not give her the satisfaction.
Reaching down, I pull her off and flip her onto her back. In the next second, her sexy little panties are torn in two and she’s screaming as I split her open. I’m big but she can take it.
Her hands claw at the bedsheets then my forearms, seeking something to hold on to as I pound into her at a furious pace. She’s so turned on, her juices drip down between her ass cheeks and smear over my thighs. On a different day I would be dying to get a taste of her sweet cream but tonight I’m on a mission to punish her as much as I reward her. Afterall, I can’t let her forget who is in charge.
One of my hands gropes at her breast while my other wraps under her thigh and twists her onto her side. The shift in angle causes a new series of moans to spill from her pouty lips and her fingers trail down her stomach in search of her most sensitive spot. I bat her hand away, growling in my displeasure.
“I didn’t say you could touch what’s mine.”
“Please, Sir.”
“If you’re such a good girl, use your words and tell me what you want.”
Her eyes narrow at me, attempting to look menacing but a particularly hard trust causes them to shut completely.
“Oh fuck!”
I don’t stop my assault, pinching her nipple between my finger and my thumb while I sink my teeth into her inner calf.
“Sir, I need to come. Can you please make me come?”
“I don’t think you’re desperate yet.” She’s close but I want her to beg and that was not good enough.
“Please! I want your fingers on my pussy and I want you to fuck me until it hurts. I want to come, please.”
I release her leg, leaning down to leave more hickeys along the line of her throat. I love when she styles her hair up. It gives me unobstructed access to mark her up and to drive her a little crazy.
“Good girl. Begging so pretty for me.”
I have just enough room to snake a hand between our bodies and press my thumb against her clit. My scalp stings where her fingers tangle themselves in my hair, holding on as I fuck her with abandon. I was close earlier with her devilish tongue against my shaft but now, balls deep inside the wet heat of her pussy, my entire body is on fire.
I feel the moment the coil snaps. Her entire body shivers, her walls pulsing around my cock and pulling me over the edge with her. I manage three more thrusts before sinking to the hilt and pressing my pelvis flush against hers.
We both remain still save for the heavy rise and fall of our chests as we catch our breaths. I’m the first to break the bubble of our post-orgasmic bliss, untangling myself from my bratty pet.
When I return from the bathroom with a damp cloth, she looks me straight in the eye as her hand reaches between her legs, using two fingers to scoop up some of my seed and licking them clean of our combined releases.
The action is so unbelievably filthy that it already has me sporting another partial.
“I was good,” she purrs. “Now I want to go back to being bad.”
Part 4
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astaldis · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thank you very much for the ask, @valandhirwriter!
This is a really tough question, it's almost like having to decide whether I love my son or my daughter more 🙈, impossible. But maybe some fics are a bit special for other reasons.
So, here they are: Let's start with the fic that brought me back into writing fanfic after more than 15 years of neither writing nor reading any at all, my very first Witcher fic:
Ashes to Ashes:
At the end of the Battle of Sodden Hill, a distressed Cahir looks at the burning forest. (Published: 2020-10-12; Words: 417; Chapters: 1/1). (I'm a bit proud of it, too, because it has some nice alliterations and other stylistic devices, I think)
This here is my longest fic so far, although it was supposed to have only 5 chapters. Then along came a couple of nice prompt events and it ended up with 18 🙈:
To kill or not to kill
On Thanedd Ciri is cornered by the black knight of her nightmares. And really wants to kill the man who, in her mind, is responsible for all the bad things that have happened to her, for everything she has lost. Wants to shove her sword through his throat until his feathers are soaked in blood...
This is the story of how Cahir comes to join Geralt's company (Cahir's POV, mix of books and S1-2 of the Netflix series, spoilers for Baptism of Fire, might have spoilers for S4, Published: 2022-08-05; Completed: 2023-04-08; Words: 58,316; Chapters: 18/18)
And the first ever fic I wrote for a prompt event, the Witcher Trick or Treat 2022. I was pretty proud that I managed to use all 11 prompts in one story in the correct order of the prompts and on the precise day. It was a lot of fun to write with some humour, a little whump, a pinch of smut and a scary monster song by our favourite bard:
Creatures of the Night
While Geralt's Hanza is staying in Beauclair, the famous fall event is coming up. An event the Witcher cannot refuse to take part in, even though he does have to dress up for it. However, not everything goes as planned and the members of the Hanza are in for some surprises. Blame it on the grape punch. Or is it the bard's fault after all? (Published: 2022-10-01; Completed: 2022-11-11; Words: 22,898; Chapters: 14/14)
Another first, my very first smut fic. No idea if it's any good, but I like it - well, it's Jaskier/Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ 🌊 😅.
Shimmering Scales and Stormy Seas
This is the story of Jaskier's first time. Decide yourself if it is true or just a tall tale. (Published: 2023-05-13; Words: 800; Chapters: 1/1)
Last but not least, there is my first crack fic. The little plot bunny came to me in the middle of the night, no idea where from. I find it pretty funny:
During their stay at Beauclair Castle, Geralt's Hansa play a game of cards. It soon turns out that not all the Hansa members enjoy it equally much, although Regis claims that it is both entertaining and enlightening. At least, Angoulême is having fun. (Published: 2023-02-26; Words: 1,125; Chapters: 1/1)
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Other stories are also special for the one or other reason, but, alas, it's already 5. So, this is it for today. Have fun reading!
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handwrittenhello · 1 year
might've been a nightmare
“Ugh, you and your contracts,” Jaskier complained. “Surely an hour or two won’t hurt?” “And when someone dies because of that hour’s delay,” Geralt said placidly, “will you be the one to tell the family? Or shall I?” Jaskier grimaced. “Yes, alright, I get it. A witcher’s work never rests, et cetera et cetera.” “Hmm.” “Don’t you ever want it, though?” Jaskier asked, plucking at his sweat-soaked shirt. “You know, a life lived without a little selfishness here and then is hardly a life worth living at all.” Geralt snorted. “They teach you that at Oxenfurt? Or does it come from being a noble by birth?” “Neither. It comes from the heart, my dear friend, a heart that has lived a long and experienced life.” “Jaskier, you’re twenty-three.”
Geralt takes on a contract that will force him to answer one question: will he choose the fate of one, or the fate of many?
Rating: M Word Count: 9134 Tags: Horror, Suspense, Case Fic, Monster of the Week, Angst, Injury, Developing Relationship, Mystery, set nebulously s1, POV Geralt of Rivia, Fluff, Humor, Banter, Soft Geralt of Rivia, (believe it or not despite those first few tags there ARE soft moments in this), Protective Geralt of Rivia, Self-Sacrifice, Jaskier Whump, Hurt Jaskier
read below, or here on ao3!
It was a swelteringly hot day. The height of summer in Velen was rarely pleasant, but a heat wave had been gripping the area for a few days now. Geralt subtly adjusted his armor in an attempt to allow a breeze to cool the sweat collecting on his back, but the air was deader than a necrophage’s dinner.
Any sane person would have long since abandoned their work in favor of taking a dip in a nearby pond, or napping under some shady trees. Geralt could afford no such luxury—there was always work to be done, and quickly in the summer, lest rotting corpses draw even more monsters to fight.
Jaskier, plodding along beside Roach, wiped sweat off his brow with a deep sigh. “Melitele’s heaving bosom, I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” he groused. “What do you say to a break? Let the sun use up the worst of its ire while we regain some energy? Perhaps cool off in a nice stream?” he finished hopefully. His cheeks and tips of his ears were pink with the beginnings of a sunburn.
“There’s a contract waiting in Mulbrydale,” Geralt reminded him. “We can’t delay.”
“Ugh, you and your contracts,” Jaskier complained. “Surely an hour or two won’t hurt?”
“And when someone dies because of that hour’s delay,” Geralt said placidly, “will you be the one to tell the family? Or shall I?”
Jaskier grimaced. “Yes, alright, I get it. A witcher’s work never rests, et cetera et cetera.”
“Don’t you ever want it, though?” Jaskier asked, plucking at his sweat-soaked shirt. “You know, a life lived without a little selfishness here and then is hardly a life worth living at all.”
Geralt snorted. “They teach you that at Oxenfurt? Or does it come from being a noble by birth?”
“Neither. It comes from the heart, my dear friend, a heart that has lived a long and experienced life.”
“Jaskier, you’re twenty-three.”
“So that’s twenty-three more years of experience enjoying life than you!” Jaskier paused to drain his waterskin, wrinkling his nose at the tepidity. “Blech. Anyway.”
“I’ll get you to be more selfish yet.” Jaskier wagged his finger at Geralt threateningly. “We’ll start small, and then before you know it you’ll have dropped the witchers-don’t-deserve-good-things act. Who knows, you might even dare to enjoy yourself now and then!”
Geralt only rewarded this with another hmm and handed Jaskier his own waterskin. Jaskier accepted, drinking deeply and wiping his mouth on his sleeve after.
“It’s a good thing I’m here to take care of you,” he finished, recapping the skin and handing it back to Geralt.
By the time they reached Mulbrydale, the sun had finally hidden itself behind the treetops, golden where it filtered through the leaves. Outside the town gates, a man hung lanterns to guide travelers in the coming darkness. “Ho, travelers!” he shouted when he saw them, raising a hand.
“Good evening, my good gentleman!” Jaskier cried back, as easy as breathing. Geralt would never know how he was able to flit among strangers so easily, how he fit in anywhere he went.
“Not as good as that, I’m afraid,” the man replied, drawing the gates open for them. “Best ye get a room at the inn and settle in quick, you hear?”
“What’s wrong?” Geralt rumbled, swinging his leg over Roach’s saddle and dismounting. He was quick to grab his swords as well, his palms itching in anticipation.
The man shook his head. “Couldn’t rightly put a name to it. People’re anxious, on edge. Won’t take too kindly to strangers making waves.”
Jaskier slung his lute case over to the side so the man could see it. “Ah, but do they know that the White Wolf has come to slay their beast? And that his loyal barker will regale them with the tale all night long should they wish? Come now, surely a little entertainment wouldn’t go amiss.”
The man shook his head. “I doubt you’d get more than sour looks out of this crowd, but on your own head be it.” He stepped aside to let them pass into town, and latched the gates closed after them.
Despite the early hour, not many people were out in the streets. There were no shrieks of children’s laughter, no wives gossiping over their washing, no farmers hauling home the day’s harvest.
“Lively place,” Jaskier muttered, kicking at a rock and sending it skidding down the dirt road. “What, did they all die of heatstroke today?”
Geralt didn’t answer. Jaskier was right—a town like this, though small, should have shown some signs of life. Spirits were usually high around midsummer—there ought to be festival preparations, or traders passing through, or even hog-wrestling competitions planned. Anything besides… this.
A dog came sniffing around the corner, nose pressed to the ground, ears back. When it saw them, walking along in its direction, it raised its head and growled, baring its teeth.
“Whoa there,” Jaskier laughed, throwing his hands up palms-forward. “What a good boy guarding his home,” he cooed. “We’re just passing by, don’t worry.”
The dog didn’t look convinced. It remained tense in its posture, hackles raised as they walked by—giving it a wide berth—and Geralt prepared to cast Axii should it attack.
It made no move towards them, and they were allowed to pass without incident.
“I’m normally good with animals,” Jaskier commented as they continued towards the inn, the Cock and Crow. It was lit brightly from within, the dull roar of overlapping voices drifting over on the wind—finally, a sign of life. “Maybe the poor thing’s been mistreated. That must be it.”
“I’ve seen you nearly get a hand taken off by the Baron of Vergen’s prized poodle,” Geralt remarked dryly. “You don’t remember?”
Jaskier flapped a hand. “Again, an anomaly. That thing was a vicious beast, Geralt, out for blood. Besides, you’re one to talk, Mr. Cats Hate Me.”
“It’s the mutations,” Geralt replied wearily, as he did every time the topic cropped up in conversation. “They can sense it.”
“They can sense you’re a sourpuss, you mean,” Jaskier teased. “You and that big scary face of yours.”
Geralt glowered.
“Ooh, yeah, that one.”
Geralt glowered harder.
Jaskier cackled and ran ahead, bursting into the inn with a flourish. Geralt followed at a more sedate pace, taking Roach to the stables, and arriving just in time to see Jaskier shaking hands with the innkeeper. She tilted her head and Jaskier took the stage, launching into one of his newer songs almost immediately.
A few heads turned to look at the source of noise, but by and large the patrons largely ignored him. Jaskier, never one to let a tough crowd bother him, pressed on.
Geralt turned to the innkeep. “Two rooms, please.” With the pay from the contract coming, they could afford it.
She clicked her tongue. “I’m afraid we only have the one. Two beds, though, if you like.”
“Fine.” He counted out the requisite coin onto the rough wood of the countertop. “And two meals, please, and a pitcher of ale.”
She took the payment, biting on a coin to ensure it was real—which stung a little, as it always did, these reminders of their distrust in him—but accepted it without complaint, handing over a brass key hung on a leather cord.
“First room on the left up the stairs,” she directed him, “and Magda will have your meals in just a tick. Magda!” she shouted, and a young woman poked her head out from the back room. “Two meals, quick as you please.”
“Got it, Sal,” Magda replied, wiping her hands on her apron. Geralt sat at the bar to wait.
Jaskier had since transitioned to some of his older work, likely in hopes of winning the crowd over with tried-and-true hits, but still didn’t seem to be making much progress. His lute case, propped open on the floor in front of him, had naught but a few coppers in it. Geralt would describe the overall mood of the crowd as annoyed at best.
Underneath the din of Jaskier’s playing, Geralt caught a few murmurs with his superior hearing—fucking twit, awful noise, can’t he just fuck off. He frowned. Jaskier hadn’t met with a crowd this bad in years, not since gaining popularity by Geralt’s side.
Sal placed two plates in front of him, interrupting his thoughts. “Here you are,” she said, following it with a large pitcher of ale. “Bring the plates back to the kitchen when you’re done, Magda’s off for the night.”
Geralt nodded his thanks, digging into his food while it was still hot. It was alright—chicken with rosemary and garlic, spices he rarely found while foraging, but overcooked and dry. The potatoes were too salty for his taste, and the carrots not cooked enough.
But any food that he didn’t have to prepare himself was a luxury, so he ate it without complaint and until there was hardly a morsel left on his plate.
He restrained himself from sucking the marrow out of the chicken bones, too, aware that anyone who saw would be rightly disgusted. He was content, anyway, since food hadn’t been too hard to come by lately, not with the land so glutted in summer.
He nursed his ale while Jaskier sang, in a rare good mood for once, contrary to the atmosphere of the other patrons. He wouldn’t say he was disappointed, exactly, when Jaskier packed up early and joined him at the bar, but he supposed he could’ve borne a few more verses without complaint.
“Don’t know what has gotten into everyone,” Jaskier muttered under his breath, sliding onto a stool, just loud enough that only Geralt could hear him. “Is it me? Have I got something on my face?” He looked at Geralt so earnestly, painfully young in that moment.
“Spinach in your teeth,” Geralt said, instead of voicing any of that. Jaskier of course had no such thing—they hadn’t even eaten any spinach in the last few days—but Jaskier still spent an embarrassing amount of time fretting and trying to catch a glimpse of his reflection in the inn’s spoons.
Geralt left him to his meal and went to go brush down Roach. He really ought to have done it earlier, but the extra half hour or so of waiting wouldn’t kill her.
The process was soothing, almost as good as meditation at centering himself and winding down for the day. He left her with plenty of feed and fresh water and went back into the inn.
To his surprise, he was greeted with dark looks from a few of the patrons, though none dared to make a move against him. Unsettled, Geralt retreated quickly to their room, where he found Jaskier already unpacking.
“Geralt, have you seen my quill?” Jaskier asked him, without turning around. “I swear I left it in the same pocket as my notebook, but…” he trailed off, digging around in his pack.
“No. Keep track of your own shit, bard,” Geralt grunted, sitting down on the furthest bed and pulling off his boots. His socks reeked after a day sweating in the sun, so he quickly shoved them in his pack and pulled on a new pair. What he wouldn’t give for a wash, but it was too late for that, probably. He’d have one tomorrow, after completing the promised contract, anyway.
Jaskier puttered about for a good bit more, still looking for his quill, before Geralt sighed and relented to helping him. He wasn’t tired yet, anyway, and didn’t feel like uselessly sharpening his swords or sorting his already-sorted elixirs.
The sneaky quill was hiding exactly where Geralt suspected it would be, in Jaskier’s own pack, though of course he only found it after Geralt had emptied his entire pack too.
Jaskier smiled sheepishly and accepted it, rolling it between his fingers, and set immediately to scribbling in his notebook. He hadn’t even sat down properly, perched awkwardly on the edge of the bed with one leg half underneath him, boots shedding dirt and dust onto the blankets. Geralt sighed.
The scratching of Jaskier’s quill was almost soothing, Geralt long since used to the sound of it in the background. He doused one candle, leaving the other for Jaskier to see by, and undressed and climbed into bed. A full night’s sleep was invaluable when preparing for a hunt, and Geralt was eager to take advantage of it.
With the light of the rising moon filtering in between the shutters, and Jaskier’s breathless humming serenading him, Geralt dropped off to sleep.
The call of roosters at dawn roused him, his eyes opening easily and smoothly as if he’d simply been waiting to wake up. Jaskier, of course, slept right through it, as he was able to sleep through most anything, snoring away despite how he insisted I don’t snore, Geralt!
Geralt sighed and dressed, pulling his hair back into a tie to keep it out of his face. He really ought to have brushed it, to get some of the dirt and oils out and lessen the chances of a snarling tangle later, but couldn’t find the effort. Jaskier seemed to have made it his personal mission to take care of Geralt’s hair, anyway, and Geralt expected a thorough washing and maybe even a lecture later, regardless of if he brushed it or not.
He splashed cool water on his face from the basin against the wall, not bothering to pat it dry with a towel. He enjoyed the way it evaporated on his skin in the humid morning air. That done, he wandered downstairs to the kitchens, where Magda was stirring a large pot of oats over the hearth. “Morning, sir witcher,” she greeted him, wiping her brow dry with a cloth. “Breakfast’ll be ready in a few minutes, if you’d like.”
“Thanks,” Geralt said, stopping in the doorway. “Anything I can help with?”
“Mm, I’m almost done, but if you fancy any nuts or berries with it, there’s some in the cellar.” She nodded her head towards a trapdoor set into the floor.
Geralt climbed down into the cellar’s cool dryness, a welcome respite from the heat of the kitchen. The cellar was truly full to bursting, the village apparently having had a prosperous season so far, but it didn’t take too long to locate a jar of preserved peaches, Jaskier’s favorite, and a sack of walnuts. Prizes in hand, he returned to Magda, who was ladling a few spoonfuls of oatmeal each into bowls.
She added the fruit and nuts and handed two bowls to Geralt, who handed over a few coins in return. When Geralt opened the door to their room, Jaskier finally roused, though that was probably more the fault of the oats’ cinnamony aroma than anything else. “Mmph, is that breakfast I smell?” Jaskier mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
Geralt handed him his bowl, sitting down on his own bed to eat. The food was good, and filling. Jaskier yawned his way through his own bowl, still waking up, but by the time Geralt was done, he had revived a little. “What were you doing up so late?” Geralt asked neutrally. It was no business of his when Jaskier went to sleep, but normally the bard was more conscious of the time when he knew he would be coming along on a contract the next day.
“It wasn’t that late,” Jaskier protested. “Just didn’t sleep well, I suppose. We can’t all wake up at the crack of dawn looking fresh as a daisy, Geralt.”
Geralt, who had notably never resembled a daisy in his life, gave Jaskier a flat look. Jaskier grinned.
“Be ready to leave in ten minutes,” Geralt ordered, snatching up Jaskier’s empty bowl. Jaskier got ready for the day—spending twice as much time doing his hair than anything else—while Geralt checked over his swords and elixirs.
When Jaskier finally declared himself fit for company—as if the workers at the quarry would care if his doublet were green or red—they set out on foot, leaving Roach behind for the day. Geralt was loath to work her harder than he had to in the summer heat.
The quarry was only a few miles from Mulbrydale, anyway, and it gave Geralt a chance to stretch his legs and warm up for the fight.
Jaskier walked beside him, composing some silly ode about the day—Geralt didn’t see any mares two abreast in the golden fields or orchards dripping with the ambrosia of summer, but they made it into his song anyway.
“Hoping to impress the miners?” Geralt asked.
Jaskier fiddled with the tuning pegs of his lute. “Maybe. They can’t be a worse crowd than last night,” he scoffed. “Besides, I find that the common folk appreciate songs that reflect the world they live in. It’s about finding beauty in one’s surroundings. I had a professor once who swore…”
Jaskier launched into a story, something about pastorals and creative license and natural rhyme schemes. Geralt let the words wash over him and trekked on.
The sun had fully risen by the time the tall spiked fence surrounding the quarry came into view. “That’s suitably menacing,” Jaskier commented. “Do you think it’s to keep something out, or to keep something in?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Wild dogs roam these parts,” Geralt answered.
Jaskier scowled. “Oh, you’re no fun.”
“It’s not my job to entertain.” Geralt threw a pointed look at Jaskier. “Now come on.” He pushed open the gates, creaking on their hinges.
The quarry was a hive of activity, concentric rings of stone jutting down into the earth at lower and lower heights. Ladders and platforms adorned the quarry at odd intervals, with workers scurrying up and down and to and fro. It was a hive of activity, buoyed by the sounds of picks striking stone and echoing calls shouted among the miners.
Their arrival drew the attention of a grey-haired man stationed in a tall watchtower off of the main path. “Witcher!” he called, descending the ladder. “Thank the gods you’re here. I’m Eryk, the foreman of this quarry, and I’m mighty glad to have ye here.”
“You have a contract for me?” Geralt asked.
“Yessir. Come on, I’ll show ye.” Eryk gestured for them to follow. He led them down the spiraling path, descending deeper and deeper into the quarry, climbing up and down ladders with ease that belied his age.
As they passed, miners would stop their work and openly stare. Geralt, long since used to it, ignored it, though their gazes burned on the back of his neck.
“We’ve been hearin’ noises, you see,” Eryk said, hardly out of breath. “Always at night, after work ends for the day. We think they’re comin’ from the old shaft at the bottom of the pit.”
“Delightful,” Jaskier muttered. Geralt fought a small smile.
“Can you describe them?”
“It’s a howling of sorts, though I’ve lived in this area me whole life, and t’ain’t no dogs nor wolves sound like that.”
“Hmm. Seen any tracks, any evidence of a beast nearby? Maybe fur or droppings?”
Eryk shook his head. “Nothing, though I reckon ye’ve better eyes than us.”
“I’ll take a look,” Geralt promised.
They were almost to the bottom, now, the walls of the quarry towering high above them. Down here, the echoes of pickaxes and shovels were amplified, ringing in Geralt’s ears like an avalanche. Dust covered everything in a thin layer, raining down softly like snow.
“And to think I’d just washed my hair,” Jaskier mourned, ruffling it and undoing all the effort he’d put in that morning styling it. A small cloud of dust rained to the ground. “Just watch, soon I’ll—”
He cut off as a bit of the rock shelf fell away beneath him, sending him scrambling to the side in a bid to escape a nasty fall over the edge. Geralt wasn’t quick enough to catch him before his foot landed wrong, sliding on a piece of shale and wrenching his ankle the wrong direction. “Gah! Fuck!” Jaskier yelled, pinwheeling his arms to stay upright.
Geralt lurched forward, snagging him around the waist and setting him down on more solid ground. “Fuck,” Jaskier cursed again, leaning forward to pull off his boot. “That hurt,” he groused, poking at his ankle, which was already starting to swell up.
Geralt crouched down next to him and grabbed his ankle, pulling off his sock as he did.
“Stop, that hurts,” Jaskier complained, ineffectually batting Geralt’s prodding hands away. Geralt felt no bones out of place, no grinding of cartilage or sharp fragments.
“Just a sprain,” he said, setting Jaskier’s foot back down. “We’ll wrap it, though there’s no snow or ice nearby to slow the swelling.”
“Nonsense, I’m fine,” Jaskier protested, struggling to pull his sock and boot back on. He levered himself up to standing despite Geralt’s attempts to keep him seated, bracing himself on the witcher’s broad shoulder.
“Jaskier,” Geralt growled.
“It’s fine!” Jaskier insisted, waving both him and Eryk off, who had noticed the commotion and doubled back.
“I swear, this place must be cursed,” he said, shaking his head. “First Davy almost took an arm off. Then it was Niklas, with that concussion, and now this.”
Geralt frowned. “Cursed?” Could that explain the strange howls at night? “Have you noticed any magical effects?” His medallion wasn’t humming, but there could be any number of reasons for that…
“Ach, ‘twas only an expression. Truly, I think some beastie must haunt our mine. The rest is just plain bad luck.”
“Lady Luck can be a cruel mistress indeed,” Jaskier chimed in, limping forward. Geralt fought off a headache at the sight. “I’ve always been clumsy, though, my good friend here can attest to that—”
“Will you stop moving?” Geralt growled, catching Jaskier by the shoulder. “You have a sprained ankle. You need to sit or it’ll get worse.”
“And I told you I’m fine,” Jaskier snapped, whirling on Geralt. “Just because I’m human doesn’t mean I’m a fragile doll, Master Witcher.” The vitriol in Jaskier’s words surprised Geralt. He pushed past Eryk and stomped off down the slope.
Geralt followed, and they soon arrived at the bottom of the pit. There was a small camp of sorts, with tents pitched in the middle surrounding a firepit, ringed by barrels and crates of supplies. Geralt counted seven smaller tents, and one bigger, sturdier structure behind the ring, tucked underneath some scaffolding. The ground was cracked and dry, though were it to rain, the dirt would quickly turn to sticky, sucking mud. There were planks of wood laid across the ground to walk on, uneven and rough.
Set against the nearest quarry face was the shaft Eryk had mentioned. It was barred with two doors made of wooden planks nailed sloppily together, which creaked on their hinges as Eryk unlocked and swung them open.
Inside was a typical mineshaft, dark, damp, and smelling slightly of burnt rock dust. But underneath, there was definitely the undercurrent of something rotting. Necrophages, definitely.
“I’m going in. Lock the doors behind me. They’ll be agitated, and you don’t want one getting out,” Geralt instructed, pulling a vial of Cat from his bag. He downed it in one, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline through his veins as his vision sharpened and the shadows brightened. “Stay here.”
“Geralt—” Jaskier began, as if to follow Geralt.
“No,” Geralt growled. “It’ll be too dark to see anything, and you won’t get very far on that ankle. Stay. Here.”
Without waiting for an answer, he strode forth into the mineshaft, drawing his silver sword. The doors creaked shut behind him, plunging the mine into shadow.
Geralt kept his senses primed as he ventured forth, listening for any scrape of claws on stone or any scent of rotten meat. The tunnel split into two paths ahead; following his gut, Geralt took the left, which showed more condensation on the walls and sloped slightly downward.
The ground was worn smooth underneath his boots by years of miners treading over it, but when he concentrated, Geralt could pick out thin notches scored into the stone. Four deep furrows and a fifth shallow one set apart—the typical pattern of an alghoul’s claws.
And caught in patches here and there on the walls, little tufts of fur—dark, fully mature. Fuck. Alghouls were even more dangerous than garden-variety ghouls, their venom more potent and able to pierce a Quen shield easily with the ridge of spines on their backs.
Geralt dug in his pack for another vial, pulling out necrophage oil. He dripped it along his blade, coating the metal to weaken and poison the beasts. As prepared as he could be, Geralt crept forward down the tunnel.
As he rounded a final corner, he heard it: the rumbling growls of a sleeping alghoul. Its nest was up ahead. Geralt didn’t dare hope for an easy fight, but perhaps he could gain the advantage of surprise.
The alghoul didn’t rouse at his cautious approach—a good sign. It had gotten complacent down here, untouched by predators. Geralt raised his sword to strike.
Then—behind him. A slight shuffling, a small scrape of claws on stone was all the warning Geralt got as a second alghoul launched itself at him, a screaming growl tearing its way out of its maw.
Geralt swung his sword up just in time to deflect vicious claws slashing at his throat. He threw out an Aard with his dominant hand, knocking it backwards into the wall, stunning it just long enough for Geralt to whirl around again.
The other alghoul had been woken by the commotion, and attacked him with no less ferocity. One alghoul was difficult enough, but fending off two would be a challenge Geralt hadn’t had in a long while.
The fight was a blur. Geralt fell into rote patterns of slashing, blocking, dodging. What made it more difficult was fighting in such a confined space—there was scarcely ten feet of space between the walls of the tunnel, and the rocky ceiling wasn’t much taller than him. He had to be conscious of every single move, every foot he placed and every attack he made.
One lucky strike caught the female of the pair in the throat. Hot, sticky ichor burst forth from the wound, staining the ground and walls black. It shrieked and gurgled in pain, lashing out with the rage of a wild animal, but its strength rapidly failed.
The second one, enraged by the death of the first, redoubled its attacks. Geralt cast Quen right before its spines caught him in the face. His shield exploded and he got away with only a small nick over his eyebrow, and it gave him the opening to thrust his sword out and up into its soft belly, rending it open from groin to skull.
Its steaming innards billowed out, the stench of death rapidly filling the cavern. Geralt caught his breath, wiping sweat off his brow—the fight had been long, and even deep in here the heat of summer still penetrated.
He cut off the front claws of the two beasts as proof of his kill, then set about destroying their nest. A gruesome sight greeted him: a pile of bones, some animal, some human, most with bits of flesh still hanging off of them. It reeked like all necrophage dens did, and Geralt held his breath as he kicked away bones and set everything aflame with Igni.
His work done, Geralt hiked out of the mineshaft, his eyes slowly adjusting to the searing light of outside. Cat wore off shortly before he exited, a rare blessing not to have to fight off a headache as he talked to the contract giver.
Eryk and Jaskier were still waiting outside when he pushed the doors open, and had been joined by a small group of miners. All were sitting on assorted crates and boxes, dragged over to form a half-circle.
Jaskier, ever the entertainer, was in the middle of a story, complete with wild gestures and probably more than a few tall tales. As soon as Geralt approached, though, he paused, greeting him with a joyous “Geralt!”
“You shouldn’t be standing on that ankle,” Geralt huffed, throwing the alghoul claws at Eryk’s feet. “I killed the beasts. Two alghouls made a nest in the western tunnel. Shouldn’t be a problem anymore.”
“Ye killed ‘em already, Master Witcher? My, ye work fast!” Eryk crowed, picking up the claws with interest and examining them. “Vicious beasties, they had to be, with knives like these!”
Either Eryk was genuinely impressed, which was exceedingly rare, or he was trying to stiff Geralt on payment and hoped that compliments would ease the sting. “We didn’t agree on a price beforehand.”
Eryk dropped the claws. “No. I didn’t think ye’d kill ‘em so fast, to be honest. What’s the going rate?”
Geralt hummed, tilting his head. “Normally I’d charge one-fifty for necrophages.”
“But?” Eryk prompted, savvy to the kind of hard bargain men on the Continent drove.
“But alghouls are much more dangerous, especially in pairs.” Geralt paused. “Three hundred.”
“I don’t have that kind of coin, Master Witcher, not with business so slow. Two hundred.”
“Two fifty,” Geralt acquiesced, which was what he’d been hoping for anyway.
“Deal.” They shook on it, Eryk grimacing slightly as some ichor rubbed off on him. He wiped his hand on his pants. “Thing is, though…”
Geralt sighed. “You don’t have the coin.” Of course.
“But I will!” Eryk promised. “There’s a shipment pickup tomorrow morning, a big order from Novigrad. Come by tomorrow and I’ll have yer coin for ye.”
As if Geralt had any other choice. And he’d so been looking forward to a hot bath paid for with his newfound wealth. “Fine,” he growled. “Tomorrow morning.” He turned to Jaskier. “Come on, bard.”
Jaskier limped his way over to Geralt. There was no way he could walk all the way back to the inn like that, and Geralt had little stamina left to carry him. Not to mention the indignity of it all, which Jaskier would surely protest.
An idea struck Geralt. “May he borrow a horse for the way back? He can’t walk on that.” Plus it would be insurance, an incentive to pay Geralt what he was owed the next day.
“Geralt, I’m fine—” interrupted Jaskier. Geralt ignored him.
Eryk frowned. “I’ve got but an old nag, not fit for much carryin’.”
“It’s not far. A few miles.”
“Fine, fine, but I’m not payin’ for ye to stable her.” He led Geralt and Jaskier to the side of the large cabin, where four horses were stabled. He had her saddled up quickly, and Geralt helped Jaskier into the saddle despite his protests. Once settled, he did look happier to be off his ankle. Geralt resolutely didn’t say I told you so.
Geralt led her up and out of the quarry while Jaskier rode, throwing goodbyes out to the miners. He’d made fast friends, it seemed.
It was late afternoon, nearly evening, by the time they arrived back at the inn, both their stomachs rumbling. In the excitement they’d both forgotten to eat lunch. When they got close to the inn, Jaskier dismounted, despite Geralt’s attempts to keep him on the horse. “I’ll see about a meal,” he said, shooing Geralt off to the stables.
Geralt hurriedly got the old nag settled and followed Jaskier into the Cock and Crow.
And just in time, because Jaskier, always pushing himself too far, reached his limit as he started up the stairs. “Shit,” he cursed as his leg buckled beneath him. Geralt caught him underneath the armpits and swung him up into a carry, ignoring his wriggling. “I can walk,” he said mulishly, just for appearance’s sake, because he very clearly could not.
“You shouldn’t,” Geralt returned bluntly, pushing open the door to their room and setting him on his bed.
He knelt and pulled off Jaskier’s boot, ignoring the way he pouted. It was a good thing Geralt had brought his pack with him; he reached in and pulled out some old but clean bandages.
“Aren’t you always telling me to be more careful with myself?” Geralt lectured as he wrapped Jaskier’s ankle. Jaskier crossed his arms with a huff.
“That’s different. You hunt monsters; I apparently have trouble even walking right.”
“It’s not,” Geralt argued. “A sprained ankle isn’t nothing, especially if you don’t treat it properly.” Surely Jaskier knew the dangers—permanent damage, or worse. And for a bard that made his living by walking around the Continent after Geralt… “What’s this about?”
Jaskier sighed and hung his head, caught out. “I didn’t want to be left behind,” he admitted. “I desperately need new material, especially if I’m to please such a fickle crowd as the one here.”
“Material for your songs? That’s why you’re being so stubborn?” Geralt could hardly believe it. He knew Jaskier went above and beyond for his craft, but this…
The thing was, Geralt was realizing, was that Jaskier wanted. He wanted to the point of idiocy sometimes, beyond all logic. He would injure himself further in a heartbeat, just to follow Geralt into dark places.
Geralt held his tongue and began wrapping Jaskier’s ankle, firm but gentle with his movements, despite how he wanted to shake some sense into the bard. Jaskier, in a rare show of wisdom, kept quiet, even when Geralt accidentally pulled too hard and jarred his ankle. “Sorry,” he murmured.
“’S okay,” Jaskier replied. “Thanks.”
“Keep your weight off it,” Geralt instructed, standing and brushing off his knees. “It’s the wrong season for ice or snow to bring the swelling down, but I may have enough herbs for a salve.”
“You don’t have to do that, it doesn’t hurt,” Jaskier said quickly.
Geralt gave him a flat look.
“Alright, it doesn’t hurt much,” he amended. “Besides, you need those for your potions and whatnot.”
Geralt ignored him—he was doing a lot of that lately, he realized—and rifled through his pack until he found the herbs he needed. Jaskier scribbled in his notebook as Geralt ground them up into a paste, tasting it himself afterwards to be sure he’d gotten the proportions correct. Then he scooped it up into a small tin he’d recently emptied out, screwing the lid on and tossing it into Jaskier’s lap after.
The bard fumbled to catch it, almost upturning his inkpot onto the bedcovers in the process. With a yelp he barely managed to catch both, throwing a look at Geralt that suggested he was unamused. Geralt grinned back.
He left Jaskier to his songwriting while he went downstairs to talk to Sal. She was running plates out to the patrons, looking thoroughly harried in the rush of the dinner hour. Geralt had wanted a bath, but decided to risk her ire by interrupting just then, and instead sat down at the bar to order a flagon of ale.
He let the scents of the kitchen and the noise of the crowd wash over him, sipping calmly at his ale almost as if in meditation. Normally a crowd like this would welcome Jaskier’s playing—Geralt wondered if he would risk facing them again tonight.
Likely not without new material, Geralt concluded, and ordered another ale.
In the corner, two men suddenly leapt to their feet. “You cheatin’ bastard!” yelled one, face red with rage, almost the same shade as his hair. “I want my money back!”
“Cheating? You’re the one that cheated, you lying fuck!” Saying so, he pulled his fist back and slugged the redheaded man in the nose. Geralt grimaced, his advanced hearing picking up the sound of cartilage breaking under the blow. Blood spurted forth.
Geralt made as if to get up, but was beaten by a broad-shouldered farmer intervening in the fight. “Stop it, you two! Brendan!” he hollered, catching another swing that was aimed for the redhead’s face. “What would your da say?”
Brendan shrugged the farmer off. “He wouldn’t say shit, because you”—he pointed an accusing finger at the redhead—“got him killed!” He lunged forward again, was only barely pulled back this time.
“That weren’t me, it were an accident!” the redhead protested, muffled through his hand covering his nose and mouth. “He just fell—”
“He worked at that quarry for fifteen years,” Brendan snarled. “He knew the paths like the back of his hand! He could climb them in his sleep!”
The quarry again. Eryk had mentioned accidents earlier, and Jaskier spraining his ankle… Geralt’s blood ran cold. Was it possible there was something more going on than just the alghoul infestation?
It was too late to return to the quarry, the sun already setting. When he went back tomorrow morning to return the nag and collect his payment, he would inquire further into these accidents, see if there actually was a curse laid on the place.
For now, he went back upstairs to join Jaskier for dinner, turning the day’s events over and over in his mind. Jaskier plucked away at his lute, shaping a new melody, bouncing lyrics off of Geralt, who honestly couldn’t tell the difference between most of the choices Jaskier offered. He lay on his bed and pretended to sleep.
Jaskier shook his head in response to Geralt’s grunts and scribbled notes in his notebook, before finally declaring his masterpiece complete.
“I couldn’t find very good rhymes for alghouls, so I don’t want to hear any criticism about my wordplay,” Jaskier warned, strumming the opening chords on his lute.
The song was catchy, Geralt had to admit. Even though he hadn’t seen the fight in the tunnel, Jaskier painted an exciting picture of Geralt slaying the ‘dual alghouls’, resulting in his glorious victory after only six verses.
“Bit too long,” Geralt offered when Jaskier was done.
“How would you know,” Jaskier grouched, cracking his fingers. “Thought you didn’t like music. Or my music, at least.”
“You said it, not me.”
“Bastard!” Jaskier yelped, throwing a pillow at Geralt’s head. “Take it back.”
“No,” Geralt grinned, easily dodging the pillow and the second one that followed.
“Take it back! Tell me my songs are the loveliest you’ve ever heard!” Jaskier insisted, clambering on top of Geralt and pinning him down by the shoulders.
Geralt deftly rolled them over, switching their positions so that Jaskier was beneath him and he had the advantage. “What are you gonna do now?”
“This,” Jaskier cried, craning his neck to lick Geralt’s hand.
Geralt didn’t react. He’d seen much, much worse. “Oh no,” he replied, deadpan. “Saliva. Disgusting. Whatever will I do.”
Jaskier slumped. “You could at least pretend I have some power over you. I deserve to win sometimes.”
“I’ll let you win when you earn it,” Geralt suggested, letting Jaskier up. “That’s better than a hollow victory.”
Jaskier snatched his pillows up off the ground, dusting them off imperiously. “Just wait, Geralt of Rivia. You won’t even see it coming,” he threatened.
“I live in fear every day of when it will happen.”
“Good,” Jaskier replied, then yawned. “I’m going to bed. Songwriting takes it right out of me.”
Geralt wished him a good night, not quite ready to go to bed himself just yet. He meditated to the sounds of Jaskier changing out of his doublet and trousers into sleep clothes and bedding down for the night, softening into his quiet snores.
Without meaning to, Geralt was soon lulled to sleep himself, still thinking about the quarry and its mishaps.
Jaskier claimed to be feeling much better in the morning, especially after applying some of Geralt’s salve and rewrapping his ankle.
Geralt wasn’t able to convince him to stay at the inn, despite his best efforts, and so Jaskier rode Roach back to the quarry while Geralt led the old nag. The heat had broken somewhat, and it was a pleasant morning for a walk.
Before they even reached the quarry, however, they were met with a man coming the opposite direction. When he saw them he stopped and waited for them to catch up. As they drew closer Geralt realized it was one of the men from the mines, a younger one—Tomas, he remembered.
“Good thing you’re here, witcher. I was sent to find you,” Tomas said, motioning for them to continue back to the quarry with him.
Somehow Geralt knew this was about more than simply his pay. “What happened?” he growled, spurring Roach into a faster walk.
“Ronan went missing last night. All his things are still here, but there’s no sign of him.”
“You checked inside the mine?”
The miner shook his head. “Folk’re too scared. There’s talk—accusations that you missed one yesterday.”
“I didn’t,” Geralt said stubbornly. He was sure of it, and even if he had, the nest was still destroyed. “Sure he didn’t just run off?”
“Ronan wouldn’t. He’s kept this job for ten years, almost. Longer ‘n I’ve been around, for sure. I can’t see why he’d give it up, especially without telling anyone.”
Ever eager to save Geralt’s reputation where he could, Jaskier leapt in. “I’m sure there’s an explanation for all of it! And I know Geralt. He won’t stop until he gets to the bottom of it. Like a dog with a bone, that one. Or more of a wolf, really,” he cracked, winking. “In fact, you can tell your foreman that we won’t be accepting any form of payment until this is solved.”
“Jaskier,” Geralt warned, as neutrally as he dared.
“Yes?” Jaskier blinked innocently at him.
Geralt sighed. “Take Roach and go back to the inn.” When Jaskier looked as if he were going to argue, Geralt cut him off. “I don’t want her anywhere near this.” Or you, he didn’t add, because Jaskier would get into a snit about Geralt patronizing him. “You want to help? This will help.”
Jaskier huffed, but dismounted and swapped horses with Geralt. “This won’t work every time, I hope you know,” he warned, slinging his lute onto his back. “I’m only agreeing to this because I’ve already gotten a song out of it.”
“Duly noted.” Geralt slapped Roach’s hind flank, sending her back down the road the way they’d come. He hoped the pit in his stomach that formed at seeing them go meant nothing.
He turned to the miner. “Show me where Ronan was last seen.”
Ronan bunked with his mining partner of six years, Marik, underneath a sturdy tarp against the western wall of the quarry. The men’s belongings were scattered in the manner of one without a permanent home but with too many possessions to keep tidy.
Tools in need of repair rested atop a barrel littered with candle stubs that sat between the two paillasses. Marik, it seemed, had a habit of whittling, judging by the small wood shavings that littered the corners and the row of small figurines that were displayed proudly on a small table to the side. Ronan’s side of the tent looked as if he’d just stepped out for a moment—blankets crumpled, a pair of dirty boots slumped beside the entrance.
“Marik would have seen him last,” Tomas volunteered. “I think he’s working on the south wall today—I can get him, if you like.”
“Please,” Geralt requested. There were very few clues here as to where Ronan could have gone. For all intents and purposes, it looked like he’d simply stepped out to piss in the middle of the night and never come back.
Tomas ran off. Geralt examined the dirt in front of the tent, keen witcher eyes searching for tracks that might tell him where the occupants had gone—but the quarry was a well-trafficked area, and the soil was too sandy and fine to hold tracks for long.
Tomas returned shortly with a red-haired man behind him, wiping sweat off his brow as he ducked under the tarp. “Master Witcher,” Marik greeted, dropping his pickaxe with a dull thud. “You can find Ronan, then? Or avenge the beastie what killed him?”
“I’ll try,” Geralt promised. “Tell me what happened last night.”
“Not much other’n usual, honestly. Went to bed ‘round when the moon was high, both of us. I dunno what time it were when I heard him get up, but it were late, I know that. Not a hint of light in the sky. I thought he were takin’ care of business, y’know, and tried to fall back asleep. But then I heard a scream—and it were no fox, no matter what they say. I know foxes, and it were no fox.”
Geralt frowned. Was it foolish to hope that he’d simply been dreaming? Or that Ronan had misstepped in the dark, twisted his ankle, and was waiting to be found somewhere unharmed?
“Did you see anything? Go looking for Ronan?”
Marik hung his head, skin coloring pink. “No,” he admitted, “too scared, I was. Thought it might come and get me if I moved.”
“It’s alright,” Geralt said awkwardly. “Can’t blame you.”
“I should’ve,” Marik moaned, and to Geralt’s horror, started to weep. Tomas pulled him close, guiding his head onto his shoulder. “I should’ve gone after him. He were my partner,” Marik sobbed.
Geralt gave them privacy and exited the tent, heading towards the tunnels. He cursed himself for not preparing more potions—he hadn’t expected another fight so soon, but any witcher worth his medallion should have been more prepared. He would have to make do with his swords.
Inside the mine there was no evidence of recent alghoul activity. No fresh claw marks, no pungent scent of rot, no picked-clean bones. The nest still lay destroyed, nothing more than burnt ashes. He nosed around the site for a few more minutes before giving up. Whatever had taken Ronan wasn’t around right now.
He hiked back out into sunlight, where he found Eryk waiting for him. The foreman wore a grimace and held a pouch in his hands, bulging with coin. Geralt’s eyes narrowed.
“Witcher,” he greeted wearily. “More ghouls, then?” He shifted on his feet, coin purse clinking.
“Don’t see any necrophage activity. Nest’s still destroyed.”
“I can’t rightly pay two hundred and fifty crowns for a job not done.”
“Nor would I ask you to. How about half now—I need to restock on potion ingredients, pay for another night at the inn for me and my companion. I’ll see the job done, find whatever took Ronan, I swear by my guild.”
“You’re an honorable man, witcher. Here.” He measured out half the promised pay for Geralt, pocketing the other half. “Will ye stay tonight? We could use a watchman. And maybe yer eyes would catch things in the dark we can’t see.”
“Let me go back to town and prepare. I’ll be back by sundown,” Geralt agreed. He had already been planning to keep watch overnight, hoping his presence would prevent another man vanishing.
“Aye,” Eryk said, and left. His head was bowed, heavy with the weight of the situation. Geralt wished he could do more.
After leaving the quarry, he headed back to town, to the marketplace. He bought some more common herbs and ingredients there, counting out a good amount of Eryk’s coin. It was enough to make several elixirs, as long as he supplemented it with a few things from his own stores.
As he left the market, a sweet smell caught his nose, and he followed it to a squat building with a sign labeled BERELDA’S BREADS. A bakery.
Geralt hesitated, weighing the coin purse in his hand for a moment. “You know, a life lived without a little selfishness here and then is hardly a life worth living at all.” Jaskier’s words echoed in his head.
He ended up buying two sweet rolls, and a pouch of a half-dozen balls of fried dough when Berelda offered them at a discount, given it was so late in the day. “I’ll only throw them out tomorrow, better you have them,” she reasoned. He popped one in his mouth on his way back to the inn, savoring the way the sugar melted on his tongue and flooded his mouth with sweetness.
He wasn’t sure what had him in such a good mood—perhaps the fine weather, and the promise of a good mystery to mull over? Either way, it was dashed as soon as he got back to their shared room. He’d been—anticipating Jaskier’s reaction, almost eager to face both his endless questions about what he’d missed and his joy at being gifted a treat. And maybe a little bit of vindication, too, see, bard, I do know how to enjoy myself.
But when he pushed open the door and saw only Jaskier’s unmoving form tucked into bed, his stomach sank to the floor. No overexcited reaction to be found here.
Moreover, it was still light out—barely suppertime, by his reckoning. And the bard wasn’t usually one for naps.
“Jaskier,” Geralt said, walking over to the bed and gently shaking his shoulder. His body jostled limply with the movement. Was he—? No, he was still breathing, just deeply asleep. Geralt checked, just to make sure. “Jaskier,” he called again, a little bit louder, and this time Jaskier groaned and buried his head into his pillow.
“What?” he asked, muffled by cloth.
“Are you feeling alright?”
“No,” he answered, and Geralt’s heart skipped a beat. “I was just woken rather rudely. What time ‘s it?” Oh. Just dramatic, as always.
“A couple hours to sundown. Why were you napping?”
“Dunno, I was just tired,” Jaskier answered irritably, finally rolling over and rubbing at his eyes. He looked decidedly rumpled, with sheet prints all up and down his face and neck and his hair rather unflatteringly sticking out on one side. And his eyes had dark circles under them, when Geralt looked. “Will you let me sleep in peace now?”
“Have you eaten?” Geralt persisted. He suddenly felt foolish—he wasn’t some stupid idiot courting a lover, bringing home sweets in hopes of wooing his beloved. Witchers didn’t do things like that. “I bought bread,” he said lamely.
Jaskier didn’t answer, and instead threw an arm over his face. Fine. If he wanted to go without eating, Geralt would let him wake in the middle of the night starving. He was grown and could make his own decisions. Even if those decisions pointed to something more worrying than simply a cranky companion.
“I’m going back to the quarry tonight,” Geralt informed him, sitting down at the table with his potion ingredients. Silence followed. “You shouldn’t come.”
Still no answer. Either he was already asleep again, or he was ignoring Geralt. Whatever. Geralt set to brewing a few doses of Swallow, a healthy amount of Cat, and while those were simmering, he distilled some blade oils.
He fell into a light meditation until sundown, when he would return to the quarry. But when he opened his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of Jaskier, out of bed now, standing in front of the window looking out.
“Stop walking on that ankle,” Geralt growled, fed up with the bard’s behavior.
He expected a reply of but the setting sun is so beautiful, such an alluring sight for a poet such as myself! or something equally inane, but Jaskier didn’t reply.
“The silent treatment? Really?” Geralt asked, standing up with the intent to make Jaskier sit down. But when he got closer, he realized that the bard wasn’t truly awake, his eyes half-lidded and unseeing. He swayed gently where he stood, uncaring of his swollen ankle or the cool breeze that skimmed along his collarbone and ruffled his hair.
Jaskier didn’t nap, nor did he sleepwalk, not in the five years Geralt had traveled with him. Something was very wrong. Geralt seized him by the shoulders. “Jaskier, wake up!” he almost shouted. Urgency curdled deep in his stomach.
Jaskier blinked slowly, once, twice, and then his eyes began to gain a little more life. “Hmm? Geralt?” he asked, coming fully awake. “Oh, fuck,” he cursed, and stumbled into Geralt, his ankle making its displeasure known.
Geralt caught him beneath the elbows, supporting his weight with ease. “Sit down,” he ordered, lowering Jaskier back onto the bed and kneeling in front of him.
“Was I… asleep?” Jaskier asked, having to clear his throat a couple times to get the grogginess out of his voice.
“You tell me,” Geralt replied, lifting Jaskier’s foot to check on his ankle. The bandage was loose, a swollen swath of black and blue peeking up around the edges. “Unless you thought this”—he held up Jaskier’s foot higher so he could see—“was a good idea?”
He winced. “Ow. No, I was dreaming…” he trailed off. His eyes were distant, unseeing. He sucked in a sudden breath as Geralt pressed too hard on a tender spot.
“Have you been applying your salve?”
“This morning, yes. Probably could do with another application.” He reached over to the table by the bedside, grabbing the tin of salve. He held still as Geralt unwound the bandage and spread some of the thick grease over the swollen area, finishing by redoing the bandage tightly. “Thank you. I honestly don’t know what came over me.”
“Dreaming of running from jealous spouses?” Geralt asked.
Jaskier huffed out a small laugh. “No, I don’t remember. It was dark, I think? It’s sort of fuzzy. I don’t really remember.”
Geralt wished he hadn’t promised to spend the night watching over the quarry. Someone should be here at the inn to make sure Jaskier didn’t go diving headfirst through any open windows while asleep.
“You know, I might go play. I’m feeling much better after that nap,” Jaskier proclaimed, as if he could read Geralt’s mind. “Oh, don’t give me that look. No dancing on tabletops for me. I’ll stay put in my seat, don’t worry.”
Geralt still doubted Jaskier’s ability to give a lowkey performance, but it wasn’t as if he could forbid the bard from playing. “Alright. I’m headed back to the quarry to keep watch overnight.”
“I hope that includes a significant increase in pay due to overtime. Oh, who am I kidding, you probably offered to do it for free. I know how you get with contracts like these.”
Geralt sighed. “I’ll be back in the morning. Lock the door and window tonight in case you get up again.”
“Yes, mother,” Jaskier sighed. “Now help me up?”
link to chapter 2 will be added here soon!
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