#get paid doing social media tasks
iamfit100percent · 1 year
Get Paid Doing Social Media Tasks , online earning jobs
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blkwag · 2 years
happy friday!!!!! what are ur plans for today? 💖☺️
happy friday!! ☺️💗 i plan on doing a bunch of work today 😭 i have a lot of stuff that i need to tackle before next week so i'm gonna have a busy weekend
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pitchsidestories · 7 months
You belong with me II Alanna Kennedy x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1516
a/n: we combined two requests for this oneshot, hope you guys like it !
As the social media manager of the Australian national team, you never got tired of working with the players to create new content together.
In that moment you were already focused by placing the big camera on the tripod in front of you, after that was done you looked up to Mackenzie Arnold, your girlfriend’s best friend, humming:” Ready?”
“Yes, fire your questions away.”, the goalkeeper responded smiling brightly at you.
Satisfied by her okay you clapped into your hands: ”Alright, let’s start.”
“Yes, please.”, the brunette nodded happily. You two were suddenly interrupted by Harper, who was running excitedly into the open arms of the player: ”Macca!”
“Hi Harper and Cait.”, Mackenzie greeted the intruders warmly.  
Noisily Caitlin Foord wanted to know from both of you:” What are you two doing?”
“Recording a video for the Matilda’s Instagram?”, you replied shrugging, because it was quite obvious for everyone to see what was going on here. 
In good spirits the goalkeeper explained:” It was supposed to be a quick round of questions.”  
“What questions?”, Katrina Gorrys’s daughter asked big eyed. Casually
Mackenzie shrugged her shoulders:” Just random questions?”
“Like?”, the toddler pressed on stubbornly.
Her curiosity was endearing to you, that’s why you patiently answered her:” Like who’s her favourite roommate and what’s her favourite food in camp.”
“It’s so obvious. I’m her favourite roommate because Lani sneaks out to be with you at night.”, the Arsenal forward said with a cheeky grin on her lips.
With a frustrated sigh you interrupted the conversation you have been filming since Harper appeared a few minutes ago:” Cut!”
“I thought we didn’t even start anyway.”, Mackenzie giggled confused.
Sheepishly you told her:” I already hit the record button.” “And she’s getting paid for that.”, Caitlin teasingly rolled her eyes at you.
Groaning you hid the face behind your hands: “Girls!” “What?”, the forward threw up an eyebrow.
Meanwhile Harper who realized you were filming them was now in her element, clapping her hands like she was the director of this set, exclaiming delighted:” And action.”
“See, they should pay her. She’s carrying our social media appearance.”, Caitlin remarked amused.
To your defense came Mackenzie who pointed out to one of her closest friends:” She does, but y/n always makes you look good in photos as you said earlier.”  “She does.”, the Arsenal player admitted.
Clearing your throat, you draw back the attention to the task which lay ahead of you all:” So who’s your favourite and worst roommate in camp.”
“They’re both going to kill me. Caitlin and Alanna but I’m not saying who is which.”, the goalkeeper responded with a wink to the camera.
You bit back a laugh and continued; “Okay, next question. What’s your favourite part of the training camp?“
Without missing a beat, Mackenzie answered; “Seeing the girls.“
“Awww!“, Caitlin cooed from somewhere next to you with a smirk.
The goalkeeper made a dismissive hand gesture in her direction; “Shut up. I’m talking about Mini and Harper!“
“Rude!“, Caitlin complained, laughing.
You shook your head at the two football players; “Girls, please!“
“Focus.“, Harper said as strictly as possible for a toddler and pointed her finger into Mackenzies direction.
You smiled at the little girl; “Thanks, Harper.“
Mackenzie looked at Caitlin in disbelief; “Can’t believe we’re getting called out by Harps!“
“She’s already a social media pro.“, you shrugged. Caitlin grinned; “We can tell.“
The filming was again interrupted by Katrina; “Oh, here she is!“ Harper immediately ran into her mothers arms who gently picked her up.
“Harper was in safe hands, Mini. I’m a keeper.“, Mackenzie commented, smiling about her own joke.
Caitlin rolled her eyes; “Worst joke ever, Macca.“ “Shush it. Time to go back to filming.“, the goalkeeper decided and you were more than happy to comply.
After you managed to film the video without any further interruptions, Alanna was impatiently waiting for you. With her arms crossed over her chest, she was playfully pouting; “You did a video without me?“
“It was Maccas turn.“, you explained matter-of-factly.
Mackenzie who left the room right behind you winked at her friend; “Yes, and it was fun. Even though Harper stole the show as usual.“
“She did.“, you agreed with a laugh. Alanna pretended to be shocked; “Rude.“
“Jealous that your girlfriend didn’t work with you today?“, Caitlin teased, closing the door of the hotel room that you used to film.
Unimpressed, Alanna shook her head; “She only does videos with you, guys.“
“So that’s a yes.“, Mackenzie concluded with raised eyebrows.
You eyed your girlfriend from the side while you remarked; “I mean at home she only takes photos with Leila recently. So it’s fair.“
The defenders jaw dropped open; “Don’t start with Leila now. You never want to be on my photos.“ “
Well, you never ask me.“, you continued.
Alanna retorted; “Don’t distract. You also never ask me to be in your little videos.“
“That’s something different.“
“Not at all!“
“We’ll talk about this later.“, you ended the discussing while fondly rolling you eyes about your girlfriends teasing.
“Fine.“ Your small dispute attracted some of the drama-loving Matildas.
Mary Fowler looked at you with curious eyes; “Trouble in paradise?“
“Yes, Mary. Obviously.“, Alanna shook her head, laughing. Kyra Cooney-Cross grimaced; “Trouble? No way, that’s our thing.“
Steph Catley shot her an inquisitive look; “What did you do again that we haven’t noticed yet?“
“What are you talking about, Steph?“, Alanna asked.
“Talking about Kyra. I think she was onto some mischief again.“, her fellow defender explained without taking her eyes off the younger player.
“I’m going to bed now. Good night, girls.”, you announced.
“Lani is she still pouting because of the Leila photos or is this just a thing you love to tease eachother with?”, curiously Mary turned to look at your girlfriend, expecting a dramatic reply.
“No, we’re just making fun.”, Alanna reassured the younger forward. 
“You two are such weirdos.”, Steph commented smirking.
Unimpressed by the teasing of the fellow Matilda’s she shook her head:” We’re cute.”
“Sometimes.”, Mary admitted.
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes: “You’re too young to have an opinion.”
“Rude.”, the younger player scoffed playfully.
The evening went on as usually, but Alanna decided to say goodnight to the team because she wanted to see you desperately after your dispute earlier.
When she came into your room you were already laying on the hotel bed, the only thing you were wearing was an old jersey of your girlfriend which was big enough on you to cover all the important parts. “Hi love.”, you hummed.  
Noticing your sleeping clothes Alanna lifted an eyebrow:” What are you trying to do?”
“These are my normal sleeping clothes.”, you answered innocently.
“You never sleep in my jersey.”, the Mancity player remarked. 
“Okay, fine, maybe I wanted to show you that I belong to you.”, you sighed.  
The blonde nodded slowly: “I do hope so.”  
“And you belong to me.”, you concluded with a seducing smile.
“I do?”, Alanna asked grinning while letting her eyes glance over your whole figure taking it all in.  
“Yes.”, you replied confidently, now looking at her the same way she did a few seconds ago.  
“I see.” cheekily she took your camera from the nightside table, I think it’s time for a couple photo.”
“Fair enough, through the mirror?”, you suggested beaming.
Shrugging her shoulders, Alanna agreed to it: “Fine. If you want it artsy.”  
“I do.”, you told her.
“Of course you do.”, the defender smirked at you. 
After a couple of tries to take the photos, you looked up to her:” Thanks, it turned out really cute, don’t you think?”
“Yes, I love it.”, she said equally satisfied with the photos and the pretty picture you two made together.
For a moment your girlfriend hesitated before adding:” Can we post it?”
“Great.”, Alanna kissed you, afterwards she quickly posted it, the rest of the evening her focus was entirely on you.
The next day you were back taking photos of the Matilda’s during their training.
“Look who’s coming now.”, Hayley nodded in the direction from where Mackenzie, Alanna and Caitlin were arriving on the pitch side.
Immediately you were blushing, remember the night you had with the blonde defender, while taking a photo of the trio:” Name a better trio, Hayley. I’m waiting.”
“The powerpuff girls.”, the forward laughed. 
Jumping on to your back Kyra almost screamed into your ears:” Charli, Mini and me!”
“Nirvana.”, Ellie giggled.
“I shouldn’t have asked.”, you mumbled but couldn’t help to smile at all the answers the player had given.
“Don’t forget the Jonas brothers.”, Charli winked at you while pulling the young Arsenal midfielder away from you.  
“I’ll make this the next random question for a video.”, decided.
The Tottenham player immediately supported your idea:” You should.”
Meanwhile Alanna was hugging you from behind, whispering:” As long as you think we’re the best trio.”
“Always.”, you replied, turning around to kiss your girlfriend on her lips ignoring the howling noises Caitlin and Mackenzie made.
You were never more certain that you and Alanna belonged together.
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starryknight-tarot · 9 months
𝓐𝓭𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Howdy my beautiful souls✨ I'm officially back! It feels like it has been forever since I last worked on a pac for y'all! Thank you all for the messages wishing for my health, I am feeling much better. Today we will be looking into advice you need to hear! I might be a little blunt so keep that in mind. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Credit to @chachachannah for the divider!
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Pile 1 Cards: Ace of Pentacles rx, Page of Swords, The Devil, The Star, King of Wands, Seven of Cups, Two of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles Back of the Deck: Page of Wands
There is a lot to go over here Pile 1, you may have been going through it recently or things may feel pretty chaotic for you right now. For you guys, there are somethings you may be turning a blind eye to and opportunities you haven't been taking. Right now you need to take some time to plan and TAKE ACTION! Think about what you want and what you need to do to accomplish this task. And while this is time for action, be careful not to overwhelm yourself with responsibilities, or rush into anything without properly thinking it through. You may be putting yourself down, thinking whatever you want is impossible or out of reach, it isn't. In fact, I heard it's right in front of you or hidden in plain sight. There may be negative affirmations that you are either hearing from yourself or someone else and it is only pulling you further from your goals when you listen to these words, absorb them, and view them as fact when they aren't. You need to keep in mind the power of words and how they can not only effect you, but the people around you. I heard "when you go around with a loser mentality, you are only going to get a loser result" so even in situations where you feel like you are going to lose or that something won't be successful, you need to try to think positive anyway. I know that isn't the easiest request, however, actively reminding yourself of your positive affirmations and staying determined to keep trying when things get hard can take you further than you ever thought you could go. Use your creative brain and I heard be willing to use your heart in certain situation. With the Seven of Cups, there may be a situation or even a person around you that isn't what you think. Be aware of signs that things don't entirely add up or make sense. For some of yall, this is going to be about a travel destination or someone may be offering something that isn't real. With the Devil energy, you may have an unhealthy addiction to something, for some of you I am hearing your phone or social media (who isn't now a days). You may have been consuming too much media and it is really taking a toll on you. Whatever the addiction is, this can go two way for you, you can take the proper action to help yourself or keep hurting yourself by not getting the help you need. Pile 1, you have so much potential and abundance that can be coming your way if you would just believe in yourself!
Advice Cards:
Be bold. It's time to lead forward!
Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspect of your life
It's time to challenge old beliefs!
Release all attachments that do not serve you
Complete the project or task. Something is calling for closure
Create an internal structured frame of reference and stay focused
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2 Cards: Knight of Swords, Temperance, The Empress rx, Nine of Swords rx, Knight of Wands, The Emperor, Ace of Wands rx Back of the Deck: Ten of Wands
For my Pile 2, we need to talk about how you see yourself and your own self-confidence. I actually feel like this group is divided into two groups, some of you need to work on your confidence and how you interact with yourself. You may be putting yourself down and you need to stop it! You have wonderful energy Pile 2 and deserve love and compliments just as much as others! You just need to see what everyone else sees. You are refusing people because you may have been taught that complimenting yourself shows signs of selfishness and narcissism, something along those lines. It isn't true, you are talented and strong and deserve all the compliments and praise you receive! For the second group of you, I actually want to say to keep it up and don't give up! You may feel a little out of inspiration and creativity but you may just need time to process your thoughts and really figure out what you need to do! Stay confident and positive in your work! I heard this confidence and outgoing nature is your greatest ally. In the moments that you feel like you can't get anything right and things seem impossible, remember who you are! You are that bitch! The sky is the limit for you Pile 2. You can do it, you just need to trust in yourself, beware of last minute nerves that sneak up on you and make you doubt yourself. Also don't be afraid to take bold action and maybe even trying your hand at a leadership position, you have what it takes you just need to believe in yourself. I think that is a big message here for my Pile 2s, believing what you want is possible and just doing it. I know that sounds like a hard task but I really feel like for my Pile 2s, you guys don't even realize your potential and it almost physically hurts me. Some of yall also need to take a step away from worrying about your appearance, it is only hurting you in a really unhealthy way. My Pile 2s are so beautiful inside and out and shouldn't forget that. You may need to work more on your divine masculine energy, regardless of your gender. (There is a little similar energy to Pile 1 so if you felt called, please do read Pile 1)
Advice Cards:
It is time to take appropriate action
A rite of passage allows you to move forward into new realms
Weigh your situation carefully
Give yourself your own approval
Create a plan and take the first step
Give up resistance in your current situation
Channled Songs:
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Pile 3 Cards: King of Swords rx, Nine of Cups rx, Page of Wands rx, Nine of Wands, Two of Swords rx, King of Pentacles, Four of Wands, Eight of Wands rx Back of the Deck: Five of Wands
I think for my Pile 3's, you need to stop being so strict on yourself, I am also hearing that you need to surrender to something. There may an event or situation that you have been avoiding for a long time now and spirit is saying that it's time to face this and accept the result. This may be something that you feel pushes you farther from your goals or you are just afraid of the unknown of the situation, something along these lines. I am hearing that even if the situation seems like it is bound to end badly, the result isn't going to be as bad as you think, it may even end with a pretty good result! I am also getting that for some of you, you are going to or are currently facing a tough decision that is making you stressed and anxious, especially if this decision feels really important, I think spirit wants you to follow your heart with this decision. With the King of Swords, I feel like following what seems logical in this may have a more harmful result then you would have liked. But also remember that you have time, with this decision but also just in general. There is time, life feels like it moves very fast but it may help you to take some time to slow down. I am feeling a breeze and I'm seeing you in nature, feeling a nice breeze blow through your hair. You may want to connect with nature more, I am hearing for some of you, you may just need to take a little walk. I feel like for my pile 3's, you may want to be more generous with yourself. If there is something you have been thinking about buying, buy it. If you have something you've felt would be selfish of you, be a little selfish. I think you need to spoil yourself a little more. I am hearing especially going into this new year. Life is too short not to take some risks is what I am hearing. I'm also hearing some of you need to be a little more delusional lmao. Some of yall should listen to some subliminals, this might be a little helpful in some of your situations. I also want my Pile 3s to beware of conflicts with others, I am hearing some of you could be nicer to the people around you or that you may need to work on admitting when you are in the wrong.
Advice Cards:
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Align your body, mind, and spirit with your heart
Create a plan and take the first step
It's time to realize the blueprint of your soul
Be aware of your inner messages
Be adventurous. It's time to go for it!
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4 Cards: Page of Swords, Four of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Hanged Man rx, Knight of Swords, Justice rx, Nine of Swords rx, King of Swords Back of the Deck: Nine of Cups
There is a lot of swords energy for this pile! The swords has a lot to do with communication and possible conflicts in that. I think for a good amount of this pile, you guys need to work on how you communicate but mostly with how you communicate with yourself. I feel like you guys may be putting yourself down and saying things to yourself that aren't even true, and some of you even know that they aren't true. You guys need to realize that you are stopping yourself from achieving things, I don't care how many excuses you may have. Some of yall are manifesting and trying to say all the positive affirmations to bring the things you want to life, however you are forgetting that positive affirmations are only a part of manifestation. One of the most important parts is to actually put in the work to get the things you want. The things you want aren't just going to fall into your lap, you need to push yourself and try new things to get what you want, even if it seems scary at first. Like, I feel like you guys may be telling yourself things to delay taking action on your passions and it's not bringing you any closer to your goals. Which is sad because we have the Nine of Cups at the back of the deck, your dreams are a reality and can come true! For some of you I feel like it won't even be that far from you but you are delaying it! I can see the visual of you feeling like you have chains attached to your legs, these chains representing your past, family, doubts, all of it, they feel so heavy and scary. But what you don't realize is that these chains aren't holding you down at all, you have the power to push through and move forward. I am also getting for some of yall, you may have just went through a bad breakup or ended some sort of relationship, take it how it resonates. But I feel like a lot of you are holding onto this person and want some sort of closure from them, and spirit is saying that there just isn't going to be some closure, at least on their end. Sometimes we meet people, and they break our hearts and some people don't have the emotional maturity to deal with it in the rights ways and that person isn't you. It can feel empty and sad not to get closure on some relationships but what's stronger and harder is to know to walk away when things are getting bad. There will be people that come into your life that will treat you better, that person just wasn't that person. You guys need to remember that you are smart and wise and soooo powerful!
Advice Cards:
Hold your life from a sacred viewpoint. Witness the universal picture
The issue at hand is about reflection. What is the mirror showing you?
Put your tasks and goals in order
Something you've planted is coming to harvest. Results are forthcoming!
Boldly imagine what you can do and be
You are ready to receive your fortune. Be miracle minded!
Bring something new into your life!
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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nanowrimo · 6 months
When Is a Small Press a Good Fit?
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When it comes to publishing, many writers will think about big publishers first. However, there are a lot of different publishing options out there to explore. NaNo participant and author, Clara Ward, talks about their experience publishing with a small press and gives you questions to consider while you think through your publishing options!
NaNoWriMo inspired me to write. Signing with a small press gave me the support I needed to publish a book I love. 
I’d published books before—starting with NaNoWriMo sponsor deals in the early days of online publishing—but I never had the right skill set to promote those books. As a result, they never truly found their audience. 
In November of 2020, I poured my heart into a genre-blurring near-future tale of sailing across the Pacific and building a neurodiverse, queer, and possibly magical chosen family. In 2021, I titled it Be the Sea and asked myself: What am I going to do with that?
1. Are you looking for fame or family?
Small presses are as varied as the people who form them. If you read widely, you may already have a treasured book on your shelf from your publisher-to-be. Try asking NaNoWriMo friends who share your interests if they’ve discovered any surprising or emerging sources for great reads. (At the very least, you may find books you’ll love in unexpected places!)
Admittedly, a small press doesn’t have a fortune to spend on paving your path to fame. But I have never felt as seen as when my soon-to-be publisher, E.D.E. Bell at Atthis Arts, wrote back, “I’m really in love with what you are doing and would like to talk about it.” 
2. Do you have the bandwidth for working with others?
Even with the most supportive small press, you may have to push outside your comfort zone. I know authors who love the absolute control and freedom of self-publishing. For a time, I felt very comfortable just posting my NaNoWriMo fanfiction novels on Archive of Our Own. At most, I had one or two beta readers to offer feedback on those works. Whereas E.D.E. told me in one of our earliest conversations that in addition to our three rounds of editing we’d need “a good number of betas” to cover the range of topics we were working on together.
I was delighted! I knew what I’d written was ambitious, and I welcomed all the feedback I could get. But it turns out, each extra person in a process adds new challenges and delays. I had to stretch my empathy as well as my publishing timeline because, to quote E.D.E. again: “It’s a lot of emotion (as well as brain cycles) to go through...” Outside perspectives will only improve your writing if you are willing to work with them, to truly listen and learn.
3. Can you handle the two-way commitment?
No form of publishing is easy. The myth that authors write while others handle business and promotion is not true at the top, and certainly not with small presses. In my experience, working with Atthis Arts was like joining a team or chosen family. Beyond certain paid tasks, such as editing and sensitivity reading, I discovered a community of authors who freely offered coaching before my first public reading, social media boosting, tips for author webpages, and an extra pair of eyes on letters requesting bookshop readings or other events. While not all small presses work the same way, this supportive culture proved to be an excellent fit for me. Naturally, I wanted to give back whenever possible.
Small presses can only succeed with community. This month, as I promote the launch of Be the Sea at bookshops in Mountain View, Davis, and Sacramento, I will be introducing many Californians to my Michigan-based small publisher, Atthis Arts. When I stand up as a panelist at Norwescon in Washington state or at various science, library, or Pride events later in the year, I’ll be promoting more than Be the Sea by Clara Ward. I’ll give back by sharing my appreciation for small presses, the supportive and inclusive practices they can normalize, and the opportunities they open up for future writers and readers. 
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Clara Ward lives in Silicon Valley on the border between reality and speculative fiction. Their latest novel, Be the Sea, features a near-future ocean voyage, chosen family, and sea creature perspectives, while delving into our oceans, our selves, and how all futures intertwine. Their short fiction has appeared in Strange Horizons, Decoded Pride, Small Wonders, and as a postcard from Thinking Ink Press. When not using words to teach or tell stories, Clara uses wood, fiber, and glass to make practical or completely impractical objects. More of their words along with crafted creations can be found at: https://clarawardauthor.wordpress.com
Photo by Hümâ H. Yardım on Unsplash
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graychrissy · 9 months
🌊Digital Detox + Egyptians lucid dreaming method 🌊
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Idk what to put on the title of this post so I wrote digital detox and I have copy pasted the main lines.
In the ancient Egypt the Egyptians use to have lucid dreaming alot and it was extremely easy for for them not just Egyptians but it was also mention ancient Indian scriptures.
You’re probably wondering ‘what’s the secret’? The real problem is often NOT your technique. It’s actually another issue that no amount of techniques, articles, reality checks, supplements or uncomfortable masks is going to fix. It’s your ‘inner game’. Specifically, your subconscious motivation and reward circuits, and ‘dopamine cycle’. Travel in your mind for a second, to ancient Egypt.
There were no smart phones, internet connections, computer animated action movies or virtual reality headsets.
Your brain back then would have produced a healthy amount of dopamine as a reward for pretty basic things like eating, working, exploring, and taking some time to relax or meditate
Now our average attention spans are literally less than 7 SECONDS. It’s probably a lot lower than that, and It’s declining every single year with the rise of new, highly addictive and stimulating social media apps and platforms. When was the last time you meditated for over 90 minutes? Have you ever? I’m not saying you have to do that to lucid dream, but this sort of practice was very common 5000 years ago. In fact, it was weird NOT to do that. And herein lies the main problem.
Your brain is ‘fried’ with an overly stimulated dopamine pathway. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that stimulates the feeling of WANTING to keep doing something. It’s the reason you keep scrolling through Instagram, or keep refreshing your Facebook feed to see if there are any new comments or notifications. But it’s also the SUBCONSCIOUS reason you aren’t able to lucid dream easily. In the last decade especially, there have been billions of dollars spent by big tech to essentially ‘addict you’ to their platforms. Why? Money. The more time and energy you spend on platforms like that, the more money they make. So the task has been given to artificial intelligence. The AIs often just get trained and told a few basic things: 1: Get people to spend more time on the platform 2: Get people to keep coming BACK to the platform as often as possible The ‘AI’ pays almost NO attention to what that would do to your mental health, attention span, motivation, emotions, or really anything else. Much LESS attention is paid to the effect it has on your ability to focus, or do things like, say, lucid dream. Now, the ‘dopamine cycle’ is one part of the problem, but it’s actually pretty easy to fix. There are several little pieces to what I call the ‘modern brain puzzle’. Things that just weren’t a problem 5000 years ago. You can see some of this playing out in children today. On average, children or people under the age of 15, find it MUCH easier to lucid dream than adults do. It’s because at that age, their dopamine system has not been damaged too much. This is of course changing now, as more and more children are having access to smartphones, but it’s an interesting point. In fact not only does the dopamine problem affect your ability to lucid dream, it also affects your ability to WANT to lucid dream (consciously and subconsciously). Specifically I’m talking about your motivation and focus. And you guessed it, there’s your number one cause of problems when trying to meditate, practice techniques like the WILD, or recall your dreams.
After reading this paragraph or stanza whatever,I noticed something,as a kid I had lucid dreams alot with just putting intentions.
My first lucid dream was at around 7-8 years old,and I was sinking when I realised I was dream and I tried controlling my dream and even succeeded,and I was probably there for about 10 minutes playing with underwater creatures and mermaids.
And till 7 grade I use to have alot of lucid dreams but after that I was allowed to use phone and so I was always invested in phone like all the time. By the way lucid dream was pretty normal for me and I pretty much forgot about it and never really paid attention to lucid dreaming. And then I rarely had any lucid dreams, probably 4 times ever since 8 grade and I've noticed every time I lucid dream it's always whenever I don't use any social media.
In 9 grade my phone was taken again because my mother noticed my social media addiction. And after few months I again start to lucid dream for fun easily and effortlessly but during COVID I was again allowed to have my phone and then a new laptop so now my life was revolving around social media again and for the past few year I only lucid dream whenever I don't get to use my phone more then 2 days.
Idk bout y'all but I wasn't allowed to use phones or laptop till 8th grade so the only thing I knew was TV which I only watched after coming home so like my mind was most of the te bored because I didn't had anything to keep it entertain which made it easy for me to observe around looking for things to do.
So how can you reverse the ‘dopamine problem’ and several of the other issues modern life has created? By the way: This is NOT about destroying your phone and going back to live in a cave. There are actually several powerful habits you can install, that will let you KEEP using your phone, laptop etc, but without these harmful effects. Here’s the simple solution to more lucid dreams: 1. Reverse engineer your life and remove distractions, manipulation, ‘dopamine hijacking’ and harmful blue light exposure from your daily routine (along with some other ‘problem patterns’) 2. Get inside your subconscious brain and rewire yourself to WANT to practice lucid dreaming, and to effortlessly do reality checks at the right time, without even trying 3. Learn powerful ‘all day awareness’ and ‘lucid living’ techniques that give your brain superpowers in the fight 4. On top of THAT foundation, learn the most effective techniques and concepts, use our tools to stay motivated, and experience lucid mastery within 14 days. Let’s dive a little bit deeper: First, you have to ‘reverse engineer’ the problem. This can be complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing, but we’ve laid everything out step by step for you. If dopamine addiction is part of the problem, we have to break that addiction first. Then comes your mindset, and your motivation pathways. You need to actually feel GOOD when you practice these things. I see so many people saying they’re struggling to remember to do reality checks, or they just don’t want to wake up at ‘weird times’ to practice. Don’t worry, you won’t have to. It will feel good, and you’ll ENJOY practicing these things. Next, your subconscious mind. It’s SO important to fix your internal beliefs about lucid dreaming, because the chances are you have ‘internal blocks’ about becoming lucid. They’re easy to pick up, but a bit harder to ‘unlearn’. The system shows you how to ‘unlearn’ them, and install new, powerful and self affirming beliefs into your mind. This gives your brain lots more motivation to keep trying. Now, one of the most common things I hear people say is that they can’t REMEMBER to keep doing reality checks. It’s linked to the dopamine problem we mentioned earlier, but it’s also connected to a few other psychological principles that we’ll get onto. We’ll give you a new framework to ENJOY reality checks, remember them without any annoying reminders, and actually get them to SHOW UP in your dreams, 9 out of 10 times. And then finally, we’ll build the most effective techniques, methods and concepts on top of that new, strong foundation. Of course, I’m simplifying this here, but that’s the outline.
Here are some videos that may help.
If you want to know more about it or get the steps to lucid dream you can buy the book or go through a long step to get it for free but the procedure is very long and probably only for Iphone user.
You find some good articles ways to do the 'reverse dopamine' thingy.(I donot trust my research on this topic cuz I got confuse)
You may use Adambja's tape to reprogram your subconscious and this hacking the matrix tape the comments under the video was so good and I found this tape on someone's success story. You can use this two tapes to reprogram your subconscious and of course psych-k.
This is pretty much all you need digital detox,observing your surroundings and subconscious reprogramming to change your belief or assumptions.
And this will make you even more motivated that you are working on your goals as many of us have the access of devices it's hard for us to keep up with all this method and it's not like we are always busy if we are we wouldn't be scrolling through Tumblr and Pinterest all the time. If you read the the copy pasted part you'll see what I mean.
Edit: I forgot to mention it 🥲 if we follow do this we CAN HAVE lucid dream everyday.
Egyptians lucid dreaming tea
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This will be quick,so I went to my aunt's place with my mother and my aunt's ran out of tea powder/leaves so she used her daughter's blue lotus tea and after getting home I took a nap and I HAD A FOKING LUCID DREAM,so basically I didn't knew that it was the tea until I was doing some research on LD and found out that in ancient Egypt they use Blue Lotus tea and I found some review about it on YouTube and people had very vivid dreams aswell. This tea basically put you in REM which y'all probably know about.
But I don't like tea😐,so if anyone have interest you can try I honestly want to but my hate for tea is on top on the list of top 5 things I hate,you can find them online people even use Blue Lotus in vape😐not encourageling y'all to smoke but if anyone does you can.
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it's time now. it's time to imagine the brightest future you can, and talk about it.
a future where people only work 8 hours a week and everyone's basic needs are met. a future where we are more connected to nature and eat seasonal, local produce. a future where you look out for your neighbours and they look out for you. a future where you actually know who your neighbours are. a future where everyone is just a lot more relaxed and able to do whatever they want to do - this 8 hour working week has given people their lives back and now they're able to make community events, work in community gardens, sing and dance and spend time with their kids, play whatever sport they want, travel, read, create art and music.
People are interacting with each other in good faith again because money as an ulterior motive has all but disappeared. Cus you see a few decades ago they made profits illegal. All money has to be put back into the company and CEOs can take home a salary only, no bonuses and it can't be more than 3x what the lowest paid employee makes. You can go to jail if your company is found to make profits, advertise on a large scale or pay its high ranking members more than what's allowed.
Jail still exists but mostly people go in for financial crimes (greed still exists); drugs are decriminalised and available to use safely. people are not as desperate now so there's been a massive reduction of violent and petty crime and most of the people who still do this are teenagers who get away with a slap on the wrist. police are not armed anymore and are heavily penalised if they abuse their power or hurt a civilian, and their role is more that of mediator, signposter (to community services, social services, and free and accessible healthcare including for mental health) and security. together with the former military they make up an "emergency task force" which are called upon in times of need and crisis, for floods, fires, other such disasters.
the stock market completely collapsed after profits were made illegal and people had to find other ways to figure out what a company was worth: such as how they treat their staff or how accessible their processes are. as a result of this, as well as more widespread disability thanks to Covid and an ageing population, accessibility is fucking incredible now. most places are accessible to the vast majority of disabled people even without them having to ask for a single thing. If they have to ask, accommodations are made quickly and without fuss and this is completely normal now. disabled people are more visible than ever in public life and this has led to a generally kinder, more tolerant public life.
Everything is slower now. Social media as we know it died decades ago and Internet 4.0 is efficient, will find you accurate answers and the websites you're looking for very easily and fast. there's monopoly laws restricting how large companies operate online. online ads are all but illegal - there's "phone book" esque pages where you can promote your business or service and that's allowed but not anywhere else. Lots of people are still annoying and some of them are still cruel but overall living together as humans has gotten so much more chill. We've tackled climate change and reversed much of it, now it's a global day of mourning whenever a species is found to be extinct through human intervention. these days used to happen much more frequently but it's very rare these days. Most everyone gets the day off and is encouraged to read about the lost species or hold themed funerals. Globally everything has gotten better - there's much more global equality now after a bunch of western/formerly colonising countries almost self destructed and then instead decided to own up for colonialism, pay reparations to a lot of countries in Africa Asia and Latin America, as well as indigenous nations of North America, Oceania, even in Europe. The USA doesn't exist anymore instead its a whole host of separate nations all managed by the native people whose land it is. The UK doesn't exist anymore. England is still sad about it but Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Cornwall are called Cymru, Alba, Eire and Kernow again and they've formed a Celtic Union for better collective bargaining power in the EU (which still exists, somehow. Its better now. England may still be out of the EU I'm not sure). Migration is common and foreigners are welcomed into any country with open arms.
I may try to write something about this. I have a vision for a future and it's so lovely. Here, on earth, with the starting point being now. We have a lot to work with and only a few changes could make such a difference. Demilitarisation, UBI and maximum working hours, greedy financial practices made illegal. Conservation and education on local plants and nature and food. Community building on every level. Giving people their lives back.
This is all extremely possible. If it were up to me, very little in society would be left unchanged but it would all be people friendly changes. changes that aim to support the poorest and most marginalised, changes that aim to punish greed and exploitation. It's a work in progress of course. But I have a vision for a better world and dammit if I'm not going to share it with you.
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tsukimefuku · 6 months
Photo, motto!
Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi are shocked to learn you have no social media accounts, and decide to change that. However, things don't go as planned.
wc: 1.6K
tags: jujutsu kaisen, just crack honestly, slow-burn Nanami x OC/Reader, some fluff if you squint, the chaotic trio being chaotic (I love them).
This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU". A sequence of short stories and one-shots related to Nanami x Reader x Higuruma. To see the ever-growing list of one-shots and short stories, please visit my masterlist :) 
Disclaimer: these stories are NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
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You were lazily flipping your finger on your phone's screen while you read an article on hydrangea's colors. Every time you flicked your finger, the phone took quite a few seconds to respond, rendering it a nearly daunting task. The thing was ancient by this point, but since you weren't much tech-savvy at all, you never bothered to get a new phone in these last 6 years.
The class was finished, and the first years were blabbering on about something. More specifically, Yuuji and Nobara were having a pretty heated debate about the best 'filter' — whatever the hell that was — to use on a photo before posting it, and Megumi sighed, refusing to break the tie between the two of them.
"Sensei!" Nobara exclaimed, pulling your attention.
"Hm, what?" You asked, having your eyes still glued to the screen of your phone, annoyed at how slow it was.
"We want to know if you find that a feed with no-filter photos is better than a feed with heavily edited photos!" Yuuji chirped in. "No filter is clearly better, real and all!"
"Are you two really going to harass sensei with that nonsense?" Megumi asked, annoyed.
"Of course! And just so you know, I want my pictures to look pretty, not realistic, duh." Nobara answered, not realizing Megumi had used the word nonsense.
"Oh, I can definitely tell that from your feed!" Yuuji replied jokingly, prompting Nobara to pull him by his collar, ready to sucker punch his face.
"What are you guys on about?" You finally asked, looking up. "Filter? Feed? What?"
They stopped for a second and the trio looked at you, perplex.
"You don't have a Picgram* account?" To your surprise, the one to ask that was Megumi. Even with the nonchalant facade, he was still a teenager, after all.
*Yes, I'm avoiding saying other social network names in this, sorry about the cringe.
"The what now?" You asked, earnestly, having Yuuji and Nobara look shell shocked.
"What do you mean you don't know what it is?" Nobara inquired, incredulous. "It's just the most famous social network in all of Japan!"
"Oh, I don't care much about those. I just use my phone for texts, calls, taking pictures, read, listen to music, and that's about it."
"Ah, sensei, you must create an account, then!" Yuuji said, spirited, releasing himself from Nobara's death grip and frolicking towards you.
"Hm, okay, I guess. Good luck trying to do anything on that phone, though" you said, having him sit beside you. After Yuuji took your phone on his hands — cracked screen, unkempt as hell, and clearly in overtime duty, his face contorted in horror.
Nobara came and stepped towards you both, taking in the decrepit state of your smartphone with her eyes.
"Sensei, maybe you should get a new phone?" Yuuji inquired, gently.
"Not maybe. Surely. This is just about to crumble to pieces" Nobara noted.
Megumi crept up behind the other two students.
"Oh, come on, it's not that bad" you replied, scratching your head.
"It definitely is" Megumi stated, unprompted. "Jujutsu sorcerers are well paid, sensei. You can afford one."
"It's not that I can't afford one, Fushiguro, I just don't need a new phone" you replied, lifting an eyebrow in annoyance. "Just get on with it and do the thing."
"Eh, fine, fine!" Yuuji replied, opening your browser app. He basically set up your account, followed his own and Gojo's accounts, and then motioned himself by your side to show you how it worked.
"So, here are your messages" he pointed to the corner of the screen.
Obviously those were the text messages, that was a worldwide used icon since the nineties.
"I figured out that much, Itadori" you answered, asking yourself when did these teens begin thinking you were so technologically inept.
He cleared his throat and said, "sorry". 
You saw a message coming in from Gojo. Upon clicking, you and Yuuji waited for a few seconds until it opened. It was a greeting dog sticker. Of course.
"Well, and how does this work?"
"Down here, you can pick a photo to post, and you basically follow people on the app to see the photos they post, comment on them, give them a like and things like that!" Yuuji answered.
"Hey, Yuuji, did you have sensei follow me?" Nobara asked.
"Let me show her how to post a picture first" he lied, pressing on the plus icon.
When he pressed it, multiple images of flowers and plants appeared, having some landscapes sprinkled across your photo library.
"Oh, these are beautiful!" Yuuji said, delighted.
"Let me see!" Nobara exclaimed, butting her head beside Yuuji, and gasping. "Oh, the flowers, they're pretty!"
"Oh" you huffed out, smiling, slightly embarrassed. "Thank you, I guess."
Then, Yuuji and Nobara went silent for a moment, something very uncharacteristic for them.
"Hm?" You hummed.
They both seemed to be slightly blushing and said nothing.
"What is it?" Megumi asked, butting himself on Yuuji's other side and widening his eyes a little. "Oh. Uh..." He began, "I-I've been to that bakery, it's very good."
What the hell?
You got up and stood beside them, realizing that they had caught you red-handed. 
On the screen, was a picture you had taken of Nanami in one of your missions, clearly without him seeing it or noticing you did so. He just seemed so satisfied and happy munching on his ciabatta sandwich that you just had to take a picture of that.
"H-hey, just-" you stuttered, blushing violently. "Students, stop messing on my photo library!"
"I'm sorry!" Yuuji said, fumbling your phone back at you. It fell on the table, and when you got a hold of it again, your blood ran cold.
The photo had accidentally been posted.
"Uh?! Posted?! What?!" 
The trio paled in an instant.
"I- I'm so so so sorry, oh my-" Yuuji was stuttering, completely mortified, hands covering his mouth.
"God..." Megumi said, sighing deeply. "I'll be outside waiting for you guys to finish this."
"Itadori, stop. Stop talking" you stated, inhaling deeply. "Nobara, please delete this" you said, handing her the phone.
She tapped on the screen, first delicately, then stronger, following a sequence of angry, nervous taps.
"W-what? What is going on?" You inquired, also mortified.
"It's frozen" she answered. 
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Gojo was reveling on a matcha ice cream while he roamed the streets of Tokyo.
As the sorcerer walked, he got a notification on his phone. Upon checking, he realized you had followed him on Picgram, and promptly followed you back, sending his classic dog greeter on your DM's.
Given that he wasn't doing much, Gojo decided to doomscroll for a while, checking out the feed for some minutes, and realized there wasn't anything particularly interesting.
After refreshing, however, a photo of Nanami, that had clearly been taken without him noticing, appeared on his feed.
Checking the profile, Gojo realized you were the one to post the picture, and took a print-screen of it as he laughed mischievously to himself.
Oh, this is going to be fun, he thought as he opened his text messages with Nanami.
GS: Hey, Nanamin!
NK: Don't call me that. 
GS: I have something for you.
NK: ... What?
You and Nanami were at the usual bar for yet another drinking session after work. He had just told you about his mission for the day, and you were about to tell him about the students' debacle, just before stopping in your tracks. 
You were both silent for a few moments.
"So, do you remember that bakery? The one that has a great ciabatta with pesto that we went a few weeks ago?" He inquired, lifting his glass of whiskey to take a sip.
You looked at him suspiciously. "Yes, I remember."
"I think we should go there tomorrow. I wanted to try the newer options from the menu, their bread is exquisite" Nanami answered, still holding his glass up.
"Uh, sure, I guess." This is very sus.
"Maybe..." the ratio sorcerer said, gravely lowering his glass on the bar counter, "we should also take a picture, their food is very well presented, after all."
Oh, no.
"Nanami, I'm so so so sorry! I just thought you looked so happy with your sandwich, it was an accident, the first years are relentless, I didn't mean to-"
Nanami was clearly amused hearing your apologies as he nonchalantly took another sip from his drink, unwavering.
When you were done blabbering, Nanami held the urge to smile, as he resumed speaking.
“What was that you used to call me back at Odate?” The sorcerer asked, filled with satisfaction, ready to deal the killing blow with no mercy at all.
"Oh, come on, Nanami! Please don't." 
Your pleads fell on deaf ears.
"Oh, I think I remember” Nanami said, vindication from ten years of teasing stewing under the monotone of his voice. 
“Don’t you dare, Nanami...” you warned, vermilion face pulsing with embarrassment.
“You used to call me ‘stalker’" he stated, highlighting the last word, before he proceeded. "So, how does it feel to actually be one?”
“Nanami, come on, I'm not a stalker! Ugh” you sighed, covering your face in shame.
This time, he couldn't hold the amusement grin.
You grunted before proceeding. “Guess I’ve earned this one, but come on, that was ten years ago! How did you hold on to that grudge for so long?”
Except it wasn’t a grudge. Well, maybe just a little bit.
I need a new phone.
End notes:
This one was so fun to write. About the "stalker" thing, it's referring to my mid-long fic, Sand and Snow (you can check it out here), given that reader is based off of my OC from S&S :) Hope you had fun! xoxo
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I'm not going to say we should take every single thing official Netflix accounts post as gospel, because obviously they are not run by the Duffer Brothers themselves.
But to be clear, these people are hired by Netflix and there's more to it than just random interns scheduling posts. The people running these accounts are not the same people designing the posts made there, just like the people designing those posts have higher ups telling them what to do/not do in terms of the content they are creating. And there are plenty more levels that go beyond that, which eventually does lead to the Duffers and producers of the show, who do have a stake in how the show is promoted on a basic level to best align with their intentions and all the revelations still to come.
It is common knowledge that the Duffers work with Netflix marketing directly on a consistent basis to get their vision across, and that carries out in promotion with posters, merchandise, social media, etc., because it's really important in ST case (with it being a show made by nerds that love easter eggs), that they foreshadow what is still to come outside of the show itself.
When it comes to social media, the core purpose of those accounts is to encourage engagement for Netflix's user base, ideally ensuring they tune in to whatever is being promoted (and more), but it’s also more than that, in that it’s even more based on data and other factors.
What this leads to is the people in those less major decision-making roles, like graphic designers, simply being advised what to create, based on the information and content they are given to work with.
And so these accounts going from promoting byler subtly for years, to blatantly posting about it post-s5, is actually very, very intentional, going beyond a simple Netflix intern. It’s orchestrated by those in management positions, being advised by those in the ST production to do things a certain way, so that when all is said and done, we are able to look back and find tiny little things that point to it.
Byler can't be something they NEVER talked about even once on social media, only to have them end up being endgame with them posting about it forever afterwards when it's all said and done. It doesn't work like that, at least not in ST case. We're talking about a production that costs hundreds of millions to make, as well as being the most talked about mainstream series of our generation.
They have an obligation to make their story feel not only satisfying on its own, but to also promote the show in a way that makes the viewer feel this whole well-rounded experience, outside of the show itself as well.
And so when ST came out in summer 2022 and Netflix Geeked was making posts about it non-stop, that wasn't a rogue, low-paid Netflix intern doing whatever they wanted. That was multiple people with a job given a task and following through with it at their advisers discretion. Regardless of where it ended up, it started at the top with the Duffers informing higher ups in marketing that Byler is something that will happen, along with other revelations that they want to inform marketing about, so they can take the steps to plan ahead and create content that matches the Duffer's vision, most often to act as a foreshadowing device for the story still unraveling.
Remember when Netflix Geeked made a post acknowledging that Will the Wise drawing in El's room back in s3?? A very well known byler easter egg that only we know about??? That wasn't some ga intern watching the show once and them spontaneously coming up with content to create related to that drawing and posting about it themselves. That was very likely someone associated with the show giving suggestions to marketing, with a few of them being very incriminating in relation to byler, but with most being casual in relation to the show overall.
Just like I said in this post about how Noah didn't tweet about byler or mention it multiple times at cons unprompted bc he was feeling quirky. He was being advised to...
And look what Netflix did to that tweet Noah posted that was clearly a stunt in an of itself.? They broadcasted it and made a cheesy ass edit out of it... And it's bc several people behind the scenes were advised to make content like that specifically.
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I mean, if you actually look at how social media promotes byler (if and when it does), it's arguably in the exact way that the Duffers want it to be promoted?. Just enough. Not too little. Not too much. I would argue if the Duffers had no say whatsoever in how the show was promoted, then we'd either be seeing byler constantly or we wouldn't see them at all, instead we see social media sort of dance around it, which tells me they are following the exact approach the Duffers themselves follow... because they were obviously given the instruction to.
And so seeing an account like UK Netflix, an account that as of recent has really went all out with posting Queer content since Heartstopper released, has also notably made really incriminating posts about byler over the years, but especially as of recent. And that's in large part because of what I've stated, but also based on data.
If higher ups in marketing at Netflix know about byler, then they are very likely pushing people lower on the payroll, doing more simple tasks like graphic design and social media management, to make connections to ST with other shows like Heartstopper, Sex Education, Young Royals, etc. And this is because if byler IS going to end up being this huge Queer love story, data is telling them to make these connections sooner than later, so that the eventual revelation will be a smooth transition amongst other content just like it. This works in Netflix's favor at the end of the day, which is the whole point of all of this.
Not saying you should take the most casual of Netflix posts as byler endgame proof if that's what you're asking. But to say that these accounts have NO association with the Duffer's and ST directly, therefore we shouldn’t even appreciate anything they post if it points to byler, is sort of over-simplifying things.
It's not like s5 is gonna drop and all of these interns are going to be like OHHH okay now i'm a byler so i'll post about it... Going into s5 they're going to be making some very side eye posts and it isn't going to have anything to do with them being an intern without any say in things, its gonna be about them getting a task list and following through with it bc it's their job.
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eksvaized · 10 months
[ 𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖔𝖓 ] — 2
>> Ghost x Reader, part THREE
>> 18+
>> this was inspired by the tv show 'you'
Simon last spoke with you three and a half days ago, which roughly equates to 72 hours and 720 minutes.
By the time he paid for your coffee, learnt your name and had a brief conversation with you, the weather had cleared up. Despite the diminishing force of the wind and the encroaching grey clouds, you decided to tempt fate and venture out. You said goodbye to Simon, your hand brushing down his arm as you offered him a small smile, before leaving the coffee shop, hoping to get home before the rain started pouring.
The first night he came home, he tossed and turned in bed before falling asleep, desperately attempting to erase thoughts of you.
He kept his hands occupied the next morning too, doing one thing or another, but when he would least expect it, you would pray your way into his head, your face engraved in his memory, as he recalled the innocent look you gave him, and how your cheeks flushed with colour as you thanked him for saving you, promising that you would find a way to repay him.
He neglected his phone for two days and even refused to sit in his office and look at the computer. However, he ultimately gave up and after promising himself that he wouldn’t do anything harsh, he made himself a cup of black coffee, over-sweetened of course, he began looking for you.
He only had your name, so it was difficult, almost an impossible task. But not for him.
He had to scroll endlessly, refresh the page every so often and then check out every single profile on every single social media, but he was a man who never gave up, who always finished his task, and eventually, after hours of sitting in his office, he found you.
Most of your stuff was private; Simon had to find a way around it.
He didn’t want to use his own account, which was old and neglected because he wasn’t a big fan of posting and letting everyone know every single detail of his life: who he was, what he liked and what he did.
He set up a burner account. There was a slim chance you would accept his follow request, but after a day of waiting and checking his phone every five minutes, a notification popped up.
Apparently, the fact that his account didn’t have a picture or a proper name didn’t strike you as odd and you added him.
Simon stayed up all night analyzing your photos. Apart from the fact that you loved to document every second of your life, nothing stood out too much.
You posted about your trips. Every time you went out with your friends, whether it was a night out in a club or a brunch at your favorite restaurant, taking a picture was mandatory, and you later would upload it with a caption underneath.
Simon suppressed a low chuckle as his eyes skimmed the words on the screen. He had a dry sense of humor, yet he thought you were adorable and witty, even if your jokes only consisted of silly puns.
He was completely smitten with you, although you still were just a stranger to him, a woman he happened to run into on a cloudy fall day. The voice in the back of his head kept urging him to take a break, to slow down and take a breath because if he kept going at this rate, his fixation was going to transform into a poisonous obsession.
He emptied his mind and allowed the darkness to swallow him, as he continued to act on his impulses.
Simon made sure to look up all your friends as well, but again, he couldn’t uncover anything useful besides that your two closest girlfriends and you had a habit of going to your local nightclub every other Friday.
He found the address of it and jotted it down on his notepad in a messy handwriting, thinking this could come in handy. Maybe the next time you see him, it will be in a crowd, while loud music blasts from the speakers, and you will be tipsy enough to gather your courage and approach him to say hello.
Simon was ready to go to bed. He rubbed his eyes, which were strained from staring at the screen for too long, when he scrolled just a little bit further and stumbled upon a picture of you with a man, his hand securely wrapped over your shoulders, drawing you in close as he pressed his lips to your cheek.
Anger. Jealousy. Confusion.
That was all he felt. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, causing chaos within. He didn’t know you. You two were strangers, and he had no right to be possessive of someone he had just met, but his infatuation with you drove him to act irrationally.
If he thought he was done for tonight, he was mistaken, and now he had a new target to investigate.
Unlike your profile, which was private, the man in your photo had all of his accounts open to the public.
After doing some digging and finding some very old posts and pictures, he discovered that Matt – that was his name – was your ex-boyfriend, your high-school sweetheart with whom you separated after you moved to a different city.
You and Matt hadn’t seen one other in a long time, but his last photo indicated that you two went out to dinner recently to 'catch up', and he seemed to be back in your life.
Simon wanted — needed — to know more, but there was only so much information he could gather while sitting in front of a computer.
He lit a cigarette after he dragged himself into bed, knowing that it would help him think clearly and unwind.
He knew he had to come up with a plan, to find a way to get to know you. There were a million questions in his mind, but one thing he was certain of: he had plans for Friday night, and it included him for the first time in a while, going out and stepping his foot inside some dingy nightclub.
Simon went through your profile again before closing his eyes, looking at your photos, looking at you. Despite his frustration, the sight of your face, your smile, those lovely eyes of yours peering at him through his phone screen, caused a sudden surge of heat throughout his body.
As his craving for that sweet release grew, a fiery sensation ignited in his abdomen. It was wrong and vile, but his hand slid down his torso and into his boxers as his imagination conjured promiscuous scenarios, which included you, on top of him, rolling your hips against his and whispering his name, your voice barely audible as you begged him not to stop.
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hprofational9 · 9 months
Maximizing Your Income: 25 Effective Ways to Make More Money from Home - Money Earn Info
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Get Over 2,500 Online Jobs. You may have already tried to make money online. Here is Some Information about Easy Job you can do from home. 👉 Offers for you
Freelancing Across Multiple Platforms: Expand your freelancing endeavors by joining multiple platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. Diversifying your presence can increase your visibility and attract a broader range of clients.
Remote Consulting Services: If you possess expertise in a particular field, consider offering consulting services. Platforms like Clarity — On Demand Business Advice connects consultants with individuals seeking advice, providing an avenue for additional income.
Create and Sell Online Courses: Capitalize on your skills and knowledge by creating online courses. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Skillshare allow you to share your expertise and earn money passively.
Affiliate Marketing Mastery: Deepen your involvement in affiliate marketing by strategically promoting products and services related to your niche. Building a well-curated audience can significantly increase your affiliate earnings.
Start a Profitable Blog: Launch a blog centered around your passions or expertise. Monetize it through methods like sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and ad revenue to create a steady stream of passive income.
E-commerce Entrepreneurship: Set up an online store using platforms like Shopify or Etsy. Sell physical or digital products, tapping into the global market from the comfort of your home.
Remote Social Media Management: Leverage your social media skills to manage the online presence of businesses or individuals. Platforms like Buffer and Hootsuite can streamline your social media management tasks.
Virtual Assistance Services: Offer virtual assistance services to busy professionals or entrepreneurs. Tasks may include email management, scheduling, and data entry.
Invest in Dividend-Paying Stocks: Start building a portfolio of dividend-paying stocks. Over time, as these stocks generate regular dividends, you can create a source of passive income.
Remote Graphic Design: Expand your graphic design services on platforms like 99designs or Dribbble. Building a strong portfolio can attract high-paying clients.
Web Development Projects: If you have web development skills, take on remote projects. Websites like Toptal and Upwork connect skilled developers with clients in need of their services.
Launch a YouTube Channel: Create engaging and valuable content on a YouTube channel. Monetize through ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing as your channel grows.
Digital Product Sales: Develop and sell digital products such as ebooks, printables, or templates. Platforms like Gumroad and Selz make it easy to sell digital goods online.
Stock Photography Licensing: If you have photography skills, license your photos to stock photography websites. Each download earns you royalties.
Remote Transcription Jobs: Explore opportunities in remote transcription on platforms like Rev or TranscribeMe. Fast and accurate typists can find quick and consistent work.
Participate in Paid Surveys: Sign up for reputable paid survey websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie to earn extra income by providing your opinions on various products and services.
Remote Customer Service Representative: Many companies hire remote customer service representatives. Search job boards and company websites for remote customer service opportunities.
Cashback and Rewards Apps: Use cashback apps like Rakuten and Honey when shopping online to earn cashback and rewards on your purchases.
Create a Niche Podcast: Start a podcast around a niche you are passionate about. Monetize through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and listener donations.
Automated Webinars for Digital Products: Create automated webinars to promote and sell digital products or services. This hands-off approach can generate income while you focus on other tasks.
Rent Out Your Property on Airbnb: If you have extra space in your home, consider renting it out on Airbnb for short-term stays. This can be a lucrative source of additional income.
Remote SEO Services: If you have expertise in search engine optimization (SEO), offer your services to businesses looking to improve their online visibility.
Invest in Real Estate Crowdfunding: Diversify your investment portfolio by participating in real estate crowdfunding platforms like Fundrise or RealtyMogul.
Create a Subscription Box Service: Develop a subscription box service around a niche you are passionate about. Subscribers pay a recurring fee for curated items.
Remote Project Management: Utilize your project management skills by taking on remote project management roles. Platforms like Remote OK and Home feature remote opportunities.
Making more money from home is not just a possibility; it’s a reality with the myriad opportunities available in today’s digital age. By diversifying your income streams and leveraging your skills, you can create a robust financial foundation. Whether you choose to freelance, start an online business, or invest in passive income streams, the key is consistency and dedication. Explore the strategies outlined in this guide, identify those that align with your strengths and interests, and embark on a journey to maximize your income from the comfort of your home.
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taraljc · 5 months
Somehow despite having watched The Gentlemen all the way through and enjoying it tremendously and thinking about it non-stop for 2 days it only occurred to me just now that the whole reason Eddie is made Duke instead of Freddy is almost certainly because the Duke and Duchess knew that Eddie would be able to handle Susie. And I do kind of love how the whole family embraces their new enterprise in positive ways that will probably lengthen Freddy's life by several decades because instead of doing so many lines of coke his heart is going to explode, he is now smoking every new strain of ganja that Jimmy comes up with.
I really genuinely wanted Freddy to die a horrible death in the first episode, and then by the end of it I was like ok Fredward, you can stay.
Speaking of ridiculous posh people, the three posh siblings calling each other increasingly bizarre pet names is so hilarious in part because Jack and Susan are such normal non-gangster names. And all the way through the way that Susie alternates calling people by their chosen diminutive versus full name when she's cross (she is the one to call Jimmy 'James' that one time she found out that he was in fact telling his new girlfriend where her super secret apartment was).
Anyway I have been thinking about a wish list of what I would like to see if The Gentleman gets another series and I think mostly it is this:
Terence Stamp.
Geoff taking over training Jack and him and Charly getting on like a house on, which would result in the use of 'my sister and your brother' in two very different contexts.
Freddy takes over Henry Collins' club, and ends up in a very stable threesome with Tamsin and Gabrielle's cheeky bestie.
Johnston tells Bobby Glass where the money Keith nicked is stashed, and that becomes a whole big thing.
Every time we see Susie at home, it's a different home. she has given up her penthouse and is moving from place to place after the whole mess with Henry Collins.
More JP, and especially his cousin riding that horse possibly permanently seeing as how we saw JP on one of those gigantic draft horses so clearly they have the means and the knowledge to keep it.
Sabrina and Geoff come clean to the boys about Charly and possibly Geoff moving into the manor, or Sabrina moving into the cottage which would involve a lot of hilarity given his menagerie.
at least one episode about the network of servants who actually know everything about everything because rich people treat their staff like furniture and say all sorts of things in front of them and there's no way Lawrence doesn't know absolutely everything that's going on at all times.
The return of the Gospel, whom Bobby Glass paid off with £8 mil and the promise of a segment of his business in exchange for never touching a hair on Edward or Fredward's heads.
Collins' accountant Thick Rick moving in with Tibsy at the newly renovated and gangster-free Faringbourne, and quietly and efficiently reorganising the entire back end of the operation so that the money laundering is all done in house rather than via preferred vendors who go insane on social media now and then.
One of Eddie's exes who is entirely less flexible (morally speaking) than the princess is now at the head of the Europol task force currently investigating Susie Glass' weed operation.
We find out why Blanket is named Blanket
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friendshapedplant · 6 months
[Video Description: Portrait video of Atticus dressed in cosplay, specifically Dracula from Hylics and Biker from Hotline Miami, as it shows off Cosgears Cosplay Planner App. Screen recordings of the app are also often used, showing off certain sections as they are brought up. Lo-fi music plays in the background. /End VD.]
Oh yeah I got hash tag sponsored to share about this app I use alot :0 Gettin paid to share this but tis all my own words and thoughts and experiences.
Aforementioned link since Tumblr doesnt work like Insta and I primarily made this for Insta lmao
Transcript and additional description details of the video under the cut!
Cosplayers! What are your methods for tracking and planning your cosplays? Notes app? Notebook? Spreadsheet? Your brain? (How do you manage?) If I may propose another tool, Cosgear's cosplay planner!
[Dracula cosplay pops up, poses to emphasize curiosity and then demonstrates examples.]
This website and app have been in development for around a year, and I've been using it just as long. Its honestly my favorite way to organize my processes. You've got a section for your basics, like the character, series, budget, and deadline, and of course a place to put your tasks like what to buy and what to make. I love that the tasks can be organized by what part of the cosplay it pertains to, like weapon or helmet or pants, whatever you want! Theres also a nifty view for just the things you need to buy, ideal for shopping trips so your list is all in one place.
[Dracula scrolling the app, some screen recordings as well.]
I've been using this app to help me work on Biker from Hotline Miami. Being able to go step by step through each piece has been so satisfying, and I can store progress photos in the app as evidence of my work if I were to ever do a cosplay contest! (Which I might be we'll see)
[Teaser of Biker cosplay from the back, shows off specifically stuff with Biker in app.]
Another fun thing you can do with those progress photos? Theres a built-in social media feed where you can post your progress, including sharing your techniques and materials! Progress photos on Instagram can be hit or miss for engagement, but in a place built around progress, it makes sense to have, and I've found some real neat work!
[Scrolls personal work in progress posts.]
On your profile, each cosplay has a page, where again you can add materials and techniques, as well as share links and even your shopping list. Good cosplayers don't gatekeep!
[Cosplay page for Biker, shows mentioned features.]
Or if you don't want to mess with any of that social media stuff? Totally fine, it's all optional. Cosplays can be made private, the Planner is your landing page, and hype can be hidden.
[Scroll profile and cosplays, shows hype hide setting.]
Final thing, this tool is constantly being updated and worked on. There's ocasional bugs and maybe theres things you'd like to see that aren't already around. There's a discord server for that! The Cosgear team is super open to suggestions and because of people like me, the community reference library requires sources for its images.
[More cosplay scrolling, show off references library for Link from Legend of Zelda.]
And I didn't even get to talk about the reference libaray! There's so many resources built into the app to try and make your process as streamlined and convenient as possible. Why not give it a shot? I'll have a link in my bio, go give it a look!
[Scrolls posts again, final shot is Dracula cosplay waving phone with cosplay plans at the camera.]
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nikethestatue · 7 months
Listen do you think someone is trying to fuck with SJM because she pissed someone off at Bloomsbury? Idk but her reputation at workplace is horrible and looking at how Bloomsbury has handled the HOFAS release... idek what to think anymore. She's the biggest name rn so her book getting uploaded on the internet for hours by an account that seems to have been made for this task alone and then BB promoting ACOTAR more than the latest release doesn't make any sense. And does hee editor even do their job? Do they hate her? I've a feeling that the first draft was better. It's just all so sus to me. I mean I could be thinking too much but with the TV show getting cancelled and her writing quality deteriorating, things aren't looking very good for Janet.
I dont know, but I think she is sabotaging herself pretty well.
She basically dumped her writing to go and work on this show, where she spent almost 2 years and it came to naught and she didnt bother with her fandom at all, not even so much as to hire a Social Media manager to keep engagement.
She is utterly silent for YEARS, she gives PAID interviews where people supposedly can ask questions which she then ignores.
Her overall reputation is that she is impossible to work with, doesn't take any criticism, everyone who was working with her on the show complained and said that she argued about every line. Her editors are non existent and quality of her books has been sliding.
If it werent for the stupid Gwynriels who kept that shit up for 3 years, praising that trainwreck of a book which is ACOSF, maybe things would've been different. But they've been screaming on every platform about Gwyn and Az, and it created unwarranted interest in the series and her writing, which obviously went into everyone's heads. Whereas the same Gwynriels havent even bothered with any of her previous books and are obsessing over a bonus.
The whole thing is just a mess, but I dont think that BB needs to do anything to sabotage her.
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nanowrimo · 1 year
Unlocking the 8 Secrets of Web Novels
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If you’re looking to try something new this Camp NaNoWriMo, why not a web novel? Participant Eitan Estheim talks about what a web novel is and how to get started on your episodic writing adventure! The act of writing has been with us for a long time, but that doesn't prevent us from learning different ways to approach it, especially when we take advantage of the new technologies that are emerging.
Web novels (and their variants) are original stories that are published on the internet in chapters, instead of offering the finished product from the beginning. They resemble self-publishing because the author takes care of the entire process (writing, editing, publishing, promotion), and fanfiction because they maintain close contact with the readers.
Generally, authors usually offer their content for free on the internet. However, some authors will publish in advance on Patreon to offer incentives and get monthly paid subscriptions as if it were the Netflix of books.
I've been doing this for a while now and, although I don't have the impact of other writers, that hasn't stopped me from learning a lot in the process. With this in mind, I'm going to tell you what I’ve learned, both on my own and thanks to others.
1. Choose where to publish your web novel. Nowadays, there are several platforms such as Wattpad, Royal Road, Tapas or Kindle Vella, among many others. Some are more suitable for romance and contemporary stories, while others highlight fantasy or litRPG. Keep this in mind before deciding where you want to start.
2. Be prepared. Unlike other ways of publishing a book, a web series requires regular updates. This means you need to create content frequently. As a result, many authors choose to have several weeks of chapters prepared. This ensures they can continue publishing while writing the next chapters, along with all the additional tasks that this entails.
3. Be realistic with your time. Referring to the previous point, we need to take a moment to consider everything we must do: write new content, make sure it's in good condition for publication (editing), promote on social media, etc. Many of us have jobs and responsibilities, so we must be aware of how much we can accomplish each day.
4. Every story is unique. What works for one author may not work the same for another. Some decide to publish short chapters from Monday to Friday, while others prefer to do it once or twice a week. Consider your situation and learn as you go to figure out what works best for you.
5. Take care of yourself. If you push yourself too hard, both in external obligations and in your own projects, you will reach a point where you will exhaust yourself (and that's if you're lucky). Just like in life itself, prioritize your physical and mental health, fulfill your responsibilities, and give yourself the opportunity to write under the best possible conditions.
6. Share your story. Maybe you're like me and prefer to dedicate your time to writing, planning, and editing because that's what you enjoy the most. It's understandable, but how will you get others to read your work? Get moving! Use social media, Facebook groups, and other methods because if you want others to value your work, you must make them aware of it.
7. Find your balance. Just like in any other writing project, there will be times when you write less and dedicate more time to editing or preparation. You may have periods where you write less, but that doesn't mean your productivity is lower; it just means there are other equally important tasks you must perform. Finding the right balance will allow you to progress in your short, medium, and long-term projects.
8. Take care of your readers. Remember what I mentioned about Patreon? It's not only a way for authors to receive some compensation for their work, but they also offer incentives to their followers. Most choose to offer chapters in advance, but they can also provide exclusive access to Discord/Guilded servers, EPUB/PDF files to continue reading on other devices, unlimited scenes, and a variety of other things. Just think about what you would like to have as a reader, and I'm sure you'll come up with many ideas. All of us here know how complex and exhausting writing can be, regardless of the project we're working on. However, it's equally rewarding to see our story taking shape and sharing it as if it were our own TV series. You just need to mold it in the way you desire and keep on writing!
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Eitan Estheim, a passionate web serial writer hailing from Spain, is a humble virtuoso of storytelling. From an early age, armed with nothing more than a trusty notebook, Eitan embarked on a literary journey fueled by lots of chocolate. His insatiable thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, as he tirelessly hones his craft to captivate readers. Eitan's web books, spanning fantastical realms and heartfelt LGBT dramas, written in Spanish and English, mark the beginning of his promising writing career. Follow his journey on Patreon! You can also visit his website, Tumblr, Instagram, or Pinterest. Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels
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blankdblank · 1 year
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The universe seemed to be plotting against you today. Phone didn’t charge overnight after a storm killed the power through the night, so you missed your alarm and woke up to your neighbor pounding on the door after your jerk of a boss tipped an intern $20 who called everyone in your building on their intercoms nonstop until they got you up. The power shut off so the dryer didn’t finish drying your clothes so now you’re in a slightly itchy pantsuit in bright fuchsia of all colors gifted to you as part of a bridal party a few years back. All on the first day of fall when you usually break out your still damp spooky themed but professional work dresses. Nearly late for the train the handle of your bag was just hanging on by threads and you stabbed your finger stitching it back into place with your emergency sewing kit.
You hoped to at least enjoy a cider on the way into work but here you crouched taking a five minute sob break in an alley when some jerk power walking with his briefcase whacked you in the ribs and you dropped everything including your favorite drink and had to gasp for air like a suffocating fish for a few moments. Sure a stranger helped you up but you were certain they also stole your favorite pen out of your pocket but left the ratty pocket journal you’d been trying to lose for weeks now but kept finding its way back to you.
Blind totally in your own misery to notice the slip of another thief aiming to take your bag not so snuggly pressed underneath your knees. As well as the bottle cap tossed from a fire escape above that hit the thief in the head snapping his eyes wide as saucers when he saw Batman and Superman both standing there allowing the miserable stranger a moment to resettle themselves. On his heel the thief turned to sprint away and the pair continued to sit quietly, Superman using his X-ray vision to peer through your bag and the cup now tossed into an open trash can along the wall to see what you had ordered.
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Up onto your feet you rose after collecting yourself. Hastily out of your bag a foldable compact was used to check your face and hasty eye shadow and liner job for the top eyelid that was the only hint of spooky spirit done while on the train. Then shut to be put away so you could now try not to break both ankles sprinting across three blocks of gridlock traffic and surely some hoods of parked cars to get to work unreasonably late.
Superman named your place of business off your ID badge, and after he’d checked on social media off the notifications on your phone inside of your bag he found a trend of friends from afar hoping for an update on your first day of your favorite season. Batman was hasty to go and hide himself to change inside the Batmobile he parked stealthily and strolled as Bruce Wayne into your work place to demand to see your boss right away.
Superman however with a check of his own found the best shop for the task all the way in Japan, bought a dress, some detergent. And in the blink of an eye inside a sink nearby was able to scrub the dress and then soar off towards the sun for a three second dry circle of the powering red star that gave him just enough energy to blast himself back down to Earth. To be just a sliver impatient to have the cider he had placed inside of a thermos cup the coffee shop you had just come from, with a black cat in a poofy pumpkin hat on it they washed for the task, so that when he flew off to your workplace it would still be hot. Right inside a window free side office Bruce was now bribing a worker to guide you into when you arrived he left the drink and dress then turned to soar off. Mere seconds passed and a lone peach rose was carefully cradled to be settled beside the gifts and a note that there was another surprise upstairs for you that he signed from a secret admirer.
“I’ve been told to show you to office H, that one.” A man from the front desk said just about as in shock who paid him to do so as about what you were wearing so out of pattern. You tried to step to the side and he pointed to the office making you huff, “Please, just go in there.”
“If I’m being fired I want to be fired at my desk!” You tried to argue and he shook his head.
“No firing, not from Mr Glump, someone else wanted you in there. Can’t say who, don’t ask me, just, they paid me 30 bucks to get you to go in there.”
“If there’s anything like a bucket of blood or a pie in my face in there I am going to be in the noon news, just know that! And I’m saying you’re my accomplice!”
He chuckled and said, “Nothing like that, just careful of the hinge and the ac, door’s been doing a weird wobble and there was this huge gust of cold air a bit ago. You really don’t need a rats nest on top of that outfit.” He said with a supportive tone seeing how frustrated you were.
“My power shut off last night and my spooky stuff didn’t dry.” You huffed and turned to storm like a toddler into the supposedly gusty wonky door having office.
No harder than normal the door eased open and closed after you entered and was about to turn in a circle unamused only to drop your bag covering your mouth to not squeak in shock at a dress you had been searching for patterns online to try and make yourself from the brand you adored but couldn’t afford and an adorable thermos you dropped your hands and hurried over to without realizing it. Just a whiff of the drink inside and freshly laundered dress drew tears to your eyes that obscured the note that wished you a great start to your spooky season and shared there was another surprise upstairs. You didn’t have to have any suggestion to get out of this outfit and the guy from the desk when he had come to check on you ducked inside to help you change real quick and ball up the pantsuit to dispose of himself at the sight of you in full seasonal splendor.
Arms loaded up with the gifts and rose tucked safely into the top of your bag upstairs you went, now a bit more confident and curiously excited thanks to a sip of the drink some admirer had left for you that you honestly would die happy even if it was poisoned inside the elevator. The doors did open though and even from across the floor you could see Bruce Wayne talking to your boss, both who turned to watch you cross the floor.
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“Miss Pluto, don’t you look festive.” Bruce said pleasantly and said, “I think I’ve earned the right to give the good news, I need a great mind like you at my company. Been searching for ages to head a new branch that has been floundering without a strong backbone to the team.”
“But, I don’t have the experience,” you parroted back the same excuse in a broken whisper that you had heard from five companies before this one took you three levels lower than your degrees should have granted you access to.
“Well you’re about to get some. Surely over qualified for record auditing and number crunching other people’s design ideas for budgeting outlines.” He answered confidently, “My car’s downstairs you start five times your salary here. Even brought you a box,” off the desk to his side he lifted a box you managed to take hold of as well to blankly carry to your waiting desk to fill up your belongings between numerous glances their way. His grin lingered the entire time, even when he walked you back to the elevator. Inside which you got to see the reflection of the dumbstruck look on your face. “Should let you know the job is a fair distance from your place you live at now so Wayne Corps will rent you a place close by and will pay the move costs for helping me out of this bind.”
“Is this hell?” You asked now looking up at him and turning his head now with a dumbstruck look of his own. “I got hit by a bus or something and now I’m doomed to live the day I never got to finish but there’s some big trick of a trap at the end, right?”
That had him laugh and extend a hand that had been resting in the bar behind him to pat you on the shoulder. “You are most certainly not dead, can’t say this place must resemble hell by my guess. But no, no trick, no trap. My assistant actually went to school with you, Rebecca Rope.”
“Oh yay, she keyed my scooter thinking selling a muffin to her professor of a boy toy meant I tried to bed him after I beat her for top thirty of the class.”
He nodded, “Find a new assistant, adding that to the list.”
“What?” You asked and he nodded his head to the side when the doors opened again.
“Keeps hassling me about my pocket squares and my ties, been meaning to have a talk with her. I can move her to Buckley’s floor, he could use a wardrobe overhaul and is just enough of a slug she’ll have to focus on her job. Can’t tell you how many meetings I keep missing since I hired her.” The end of the sentence accented with a smile your way.
“Did they fire you?!” The front desk guy practically shouted across the lobby and Bruce looked at you.
“Friend of yours?” Bruce asked and you gave a questioning nod and shrug combination. Then looked to the guy asking, “Want a new job?”
“Hell yes!” The guy said taking off his name tag to hurry across the lobby to accept the card Bruce offered him.
“Email your resume to that address and take the day off. Have you the details by two and you start tomorrow.” Out of the building Bruce guided you to his waiting sports car where he accepted your box to put inside the trunk on his way around the car he’d opened the door for you to climb into and closed when you’d gotten in. Not a minute later after a few grins for the people who snapped a few pictures on their phone of him he got in himself and turned over the engine to drive you across town sharing all the information of the new job. All the while he had a grin on his face seeing you cradle and gently spin the rose his friend gave you between your fingertips now your thermos was settled into one of the cup holders between sips you timed to not scald yourself on the still hot drink.
“Did you..?” You asked when he parked inside the parking garage he drove you to joined to his company. The timid tone had his smile widen and he shook his head.
“No. Someone far warm hearted and kinder than me sent that. And if I can spoil something a bit,” he said at your timid nod. Leaning in an inch to help you undo the seatbelt you’d had trouble putting on as so many of his pretend dates did since buying this extravagant took to play to his playboy reputation for the press, “I would say there are a few more surprises to come from that warm hearted admirer of yours.”
“So,” awkwardly you eased your arm out of the belt continuing to ask your main focus and not why he’d undone your belt for you, “Do they work here?”
“Nope,” he answered with his grin still in place.
“But you know who it is?”
“Yes.” And he nodded his head to the door behind you, “Let’s go meet your new team.” Climbing out himself for you to follow and head to the trunk when you’d carefully shut your door to ask him, “So, you know who it is, and they don’t work here, did they put you up,”
“Nope.” He cut you off closing the trunk in a settle of your box against his side. “And you won’t get their name out of me. Noticed you were way overqualified where as the head of this department is not very qualified at all. It’s just your lucky day.” Around you he walked and you let out a squeaking puff of air.
“Oh it most certainly is not.” You said widening his smile as you followed after him and most of your things and you tucked your rose back safely into your bag.
“If you say so.” He replied when he got to the elevator to press the button there to call it to that floor. All day it seemed to be like something out of a dream. Two hours meeting the team and then the next three looking at virtual showings of listings nearby then four physical trips until you decided on the place Wayne Corps booked movers to help you pack and move this weekend so you could start next Monday. With a half week’s pay already printed in a check Bruce signed without so much as a flinch at the staggering amount after nearly blowing you over by saying he was paying the place outright for two years in your name so you wouldn’t have to worry about rent after swapping jobs so swiftly.
Back atop your bed you stared at the bank app on your phone warning to log you out for inaction only to drop the phone entirely and painfully at the corner onto the top of your foot due to the intercom buzz triggered flinch your body gave at the startling sound. Once again you double checked the app and shut off the display of the phone you fumbled off the ground into your hand again to carry with you on your hobbled path to the door to see who it was.
“Who is it?”
“Flower delivery.”
“Flowers?” You asked yourself and buzzed them up to soon be at your one seater table of a waist high bookshelf staring at the flower arrangement that hah another note in the same hand writing inviting you to dinner and a sleepover the next night.
Nervous beyond words you entered a place you knew like the back of your hand. Only to go the one place you were restricted, the private dining floor the rich and exclusive had booked for well into the reach of eternity and beyond every time you tried to just get a quote of what a night inside the best museum in town, and in your mind the world.
The whale shark shaped sleeping bag you rarely had the chance to use had been handed over same as your bag of necessities when you’d passed through those elusive doors. People you justifiably shouldn’t recognize, the rest of the Justice League, minus Bruce, all out of their armor, filled the rest of the tables in pretend couples or groups to ensure your date had the best shot with privacy amongst his closest friends. The one person alone, spectacle, cotton shorts, cow slipper and flannel clad sizeable but slightly hunched wall of a man gave you a timid grin with peach rose in hand to signal he was your date.
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“Hello, thank you for showing and saving me from spending the night alone with this bunch.” He said sweetly widening your grin as you reached out to accept the rose from his extended hand.
“Same hat,” you felt yourself saying aloud and not just in your head at the matching baggy flannel you had on to go over some comfy sweatpants you tugged up to your knees. The strict no heels or fancy dress dress code rule to the night granted you a slightly frightening chance to show off your pj’s and Marvin the Martian head slippers to a complete stranger inside a room of strangers. “I, mean, I’m not exactly the person people picture when saving people comes to mind.”
Widely he smiled at you only making your heart beat faster than it already was and offered a hand, “Same here. Clark Kent.” Into his hands yours rested without pause and he felt your pulse jolt even faster.
“Clark Kent?!” You questioned loudly stirring a few subtle glances your way to see how this blind date might turn depending on how you knew their friend they’d be down to burst out of here if need be to spare him an awful night. “Writer of the piece on when Lex Luthor tried to buy off the train companies and set off that near catastrophic day trains started raining from the sky, Clark Kent?!”
Instantly he was blushing and stammered out of his widening smile, “I, yes..”
“I have all your stories in a notebook in my bag! How you haven’t won any awards over that Lane lady is beyond me! You write circles around her! I mean what does a guy have to do to get some recognition around this town, slap on a primary colored suit of armor and stop an atomic spaceship aimed at the planet?!” Awkwardly he chuckled in the ease of your hand out of his loosening grip so he could fidget with his glasses and sleeves only making his friends fight harder to not smile dumbly at this twist of the evening. “I wrote so many letters because of that last award, if they don’t name you for the Jupiter award in two months I will be on the news striped shirt, fake mustache and all stealing that statue and engraving your name onto the side of their damn building over Lane’s.”
“I’ll do my best to forget you said that to help your alibi.”
“Oh they’re not catching me, I know some people and places to send it to they won’t ever find it.” Green Lantern took a big swig of his drink to cover the cough he gave to conceal his chortle at what you said while a few others took their own measures of tries to distract themselves to keep from reacting loudly to spoil things.
Feeling hotter than the sun his face was still slightly red as Clark cleared his own throat to joke, “Well, all of this, off the record, very touching. Have to say it’s the nicest thing I’ve heard all week. Thank you, I just, thank you.”
“Well you are very much welcome Mr Kent, don’t know how I managed to get a second of your attention, but at least I get to put a face to a name if you change your mind come sunrise.”
Again he chuckled at your ease up into the empty seat meant for you, “Oh I’d just bribe Bruce to have Superman turn the Earth the other way to keep the sun from coming up. Heaven knows Bruce has him on speed dial having been kidnapped so often.”
For how cocky that must have sounded in his head mid internal panic it was too much to say the quick giggle you tried to clear your throat to stop before you turned into a giggling mess had his worries ease. Then even more when you joked back, “I’m sure the man in the cape is not going to jump at Bruce Wayne snapping his fingers or smirking his way.”
“No,” Clark chuckled out, “But, for letting me have an incredible night with you, he just might be tempted to break a few rules and let Bruce be the hero.”
“Bruce Wayne couldn’t help himself out of a paper bag, not sure how he’s some big corporate genius at all for how often he plays damsel, no wonder some of his departments are in shambles.” Clark chuckled again. And let the shift to the evening ahead at the final headcount for the tables had the doors locked take the conversation with it as the men in charge named the first snack course. That would lead into a quick tour of a special area of the museum heavily detailed beyond the usual tours that would be followed by the start of a five course five star meal. The entire time he could feel his skin tingle with excitement for every elated comment from your smaller but just as museum enthusiastic self that he almost wasn’t able to get to sleep in his shark shaped sleeping bag so he could wake up for the following breakfast and next leg of the tour ending in a trip to the gift shop.
“You free this weekend?” You started to ask but cut him off when his mouth opened, saying as it dawned upon you again. “No. I’m moving this weekend, um…”
That had him chuckle and he said, “How about dinner, Tuesday, somewhere reasonable and not an overnight date so you can get back to your own bed afterwards?” Adding on as a joke afterwards, “Eventually I’ll earn my way up to a brunch.”
“Dinner sounds like fun, but careful Mr Kent. You might slip up and find yourself sharing a breakfast with me one day.” Awkwardly again he chuckled and watched you turn to head to the bus that was aimed at the bus stop on the corner.
“I don’t have your number.”
“Oh I’m certain you could flag down Superman and have him shake it loose from Bruce Wayne since you all seem to be in cahoots.” Again he chuckled, not just at the joke but you muttering under your breath in question of what you’d said, “Cahoots?”
“I just might do that.” He called out catching your grin his way in the turn to head back to your seat once you’d climbed into the bus.
The group behind him waited for the bus to pull away and Aquaman inched over to subtly ask in a low tone, “You really don’t have her number?”
“Bruce said he’d send me a copy, wanted to get it from her myself.” Making the fellow hero beside him chuckle in amusement of Clark’s lingering grin.
“Then you just might want to hurry and go find your cape,” Hawkman teased. “Letting her walk away like that.”
“Oh I’m working on a plan,” Clark hummed in a turn to head for his parked car in the garage nearby.
Come the day you moved in though an odd set of winds for the couple hours after the moving crew left and you tried to settle everything ended to a knock on your balcony door. Instantly every inch of you tried to leap into panic mode. And still the first to die in a horror film side of you still turned and about melted to jelly at the layer of shark plushies across the blanket weighed down by pumpkin themed candles out underneath the stars.
“What?” You squeaked to yourself in a move closer to let yourself out onto the balcony and find the business card there. Out from underneath one of the pumpkins you curiously lifted what looked to be Bruce Wayne’s business card that you turned over in hand and giggled to yourself seeing Clark Kent’s name and phone number.
As many as you could carry you lifted the plushies to get them safe inside only to see in paint across the blanket. ‘Just in case you need a wingman for Jupiter Awards night, I’ll bring my own mustache’ all around a fake mustache taped there that had you start to giggle, on the other side of which was a number labeled for emergencies.
More than a bit tipsy and fumbling for your phone inside a far too small to be troublesome clutch purse hooked on a strap to your elbow you teetered to the edge of the dock where a yacht had been parked. A sight that had Bruce still aboard in the middle of a flock of models bring out his phone to whisper a message to his capes friend in a dove second call nobody could link to anyone but the name ‘Butler4’.
Wind once again kicked up behind you urging your body to dumbly turn and glide your heels right off the end of the dock. No source of the wind was seen by your now wide eyed self that within seconds was swept up safe and secure in the arms of Superman who kept his newly named girlfriend, who he couldn’t attend an evening event on the water with as he had to help Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel with some ladies setting man eating unicorns loose in California, flush against his chest to make you feel safe and to not panic.
Safely he landed on the balcony and helped you to bring out your keys to have him let you both in to get you safe on top of your bed. Silently and gently he helped your bubbly giggling self to take off your heels and into a warm sweater over your silk dress Bruce helped you pick to really drive home for Clark in pictures what he’d missed at the first event you’d tried to invite him to for work, of which Bruce said there’d be many.
Snuggly he tried to tuck you under the covers only to pause when you lifted both hands, fingers in rings like lenses on glasses. Even when he wished he could stammer some excuse, though lost for words he simply felt his eyes clamp shut when his body melted into the kiss you rose up to plant onto his lips. Just a few moments but enough to stop the world for years the kiss lasted, abruptly leaving him yet again in silence to the gentle stroke of your hand along his cheek to a content hum of a parting. Just a blink after sleep became the obvious goal as you’d body tucked to the side to nestle into bed under the covers he adoringly adjusted around you to make sure you kept warm.
“I’ll leave some water and an aspirin by your bed,” he finally was able to whisper at the final touch he added to your bedside table on his way to creep out, locking the balcony door behind himself only to realize halfway on the flight home he’d taken your keys with him.
“Mmm,” you grumbled and peeked out of your covers to reach for the waiting pill and water there beside your bed.
Stirring from sleep the sound of someone in your kitchen had your stiffening self spoken to lovingly, “Flapjacks and some eggs coming up. Bruce called me about your dock time, said you needed a ride.” Onto the table he’d helped you pick out a few weeks ago Clark set the food and came around the counter out of the kitchen to head to your room smiling as he had you in his sights again even with pillow indents on your face and hair half a frizzy poofed up mess.
“Bruce called you, back from Kansas, hmm.” His smile grew the closer he came to help you out of bed, but flinched when your hand rose to lift his glasses off his nose and up over his forehead. “Now I want you to be honest with me, Clarky shark, is my boss blackmailing you with this information?”
Smirking at the insinuation and adorable nickname you’d given him reminding him of your first date he hummed back playfully, “Much as I’d love to say no, I am curious what you might plan if I said yes.”
“Well, for one thing, we’re gonna need those fake mustaches again.” you hummed back in a lean in to close the distance and plant your lips onto his for a welcomed good morning.
When it ended he tenderly stroked your cheek, “Come eat breakfast.”
Shaking your head made his brow rise then fall after you said, “I told you you’d slip up and end up at breakfast with me.”
Lowly he chuckled and leaned in to steal another sweet kiss, “Yes you did, and come eat before it gets cold.”
“Well I have Superman’s number, I could just call him to turn the Earth the other way and make it warm again,” you teased and he gave you a playful growl brushing the blankets up to scoop you up into his chest again to carry you to the table. Smiling wider each step to the glide of hands around the back of his neck and lips peppering kisses to his cheek, knowing deep inside his heart he’d turn the world back a million times for countless more years with you in his arms and stolen breakfasts together.
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