#get together to fiancé speed run
oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
You guys deserve to know I listened to Not Strong Enough by boygenius on repeat the entire time I wrote this. So you know. Keep that in mind.
He just keeps running. He can’t help it. Knows it will throw off his run at 4am with Roy.
The point of his current problems.
Jamie’s worked a lot in therapy in the past two years. He knows he has self worth issues. Some days he wishes he can’t look into himself and see what’s wrong.
What’s broken.
What’s been tossed around for years and handled without the care it deserves.
He keeps running.
He’s always run when things get complicated. Sometimes literally sometimes not. He’s not running with a plan. He’s in Colin’s neighborhood though.
He thinks fuck it and runs to his house.
He knocks without thinking.
A light flicks on. Shit he woke them up. The door opens and Colin is standing there. “Jamie? You okay?”
Jamie opens his mouth, he thinks about lying. Michael comes up behind Colin, “hey Jamie? Wanna come in?”
God bless Colin and Michael. They’re incredible.
They are all sitting in the living room, Jamie keeps shaking his legs, “can I ask you guys something?”
Colin and Michael look at each other, “Jamie if it’s about knowing your sexuality-” Jamie laughs. “No mate I’ve known I’m bisexual for years but thanks.”
Colin nods, “okay go for it then.”
Jamie takes a deep breath, he looks at Michael first. Less scary then seeing Colin react to this. “How did you two know you were it for each other. Like that you wanted forever.”
Michael smiles at him. “It was like waves, it hit me one day and then kept hitting me stronger until I was swept up into it.”
Colin blinks away what look like tears, six months married and they are still sappy as hell.
“It wasn’t really a sudden thing. It was like I adjusted everything in my life so that he came first. There wasn’t a question about seeing him in my future plans. He was just there.”
Michael looks a little surprised. He leans over and kisses Colin.
“You wanna explain more Jamie?”
Jamie blushes. “I think I feel forever about Roy but we aren’t even together. Fuck I don’t even know. It’s like I’m an Angel and he’s a God and want to worship him.”
Michael has slowly started smiling more, “Jamie if I may?” Jamie nods, can’t get much worse. “Roy has been worshiping you and in love with you for as long as I’ve known you both.”
“What??” “Michael!”
Colin lightly taps his leg. “What he’s trying to say is that we think you’ll be okay if you tell Roy you want forever.” “I said what I said.”
Jamie nods again, if feels like he’s been nodding to a lot of things recently.
“Thanks I’m sorry I woke you guys up. I’ve uh. I’ve gotta go.”
Colin and Michael hug him before he takes back off running.
He makes a detour to the park. It’s empty at this time of night. He sits on a bench. Curls his legs up. He can’t do this. He can’t be this person.
He was never allowed. His dad tried to ruin everything for him.
What if Jamie ruins this.
His phone lights up. Roy’s texting him.
Where are you.
Christ what time is it how long did he run for.
Sorry took off early for run. At the park near my house?
Be there soon stay in place.
God. Now he has to see Roy.
When Roy shows up he sits on the bench next to Jamie. “Where’s your head at Jamie?”
Jamie shrugs. Tucking his arms over his knees curling himself as close to a ball as he can while sitting up. “It’s here, just loud.”
Roy slides closer, he puts an arm around Jamie’s shoulder and pulls him closer. Jamie didn’t realize how cold out it was until he felt Roy’s body heat.
“Can I say something and you not be mad? Let me finish talking before you say anything?”
Roy nods, “course you can. It’s hard to be mad at you when you look this sad.”
“I’m in love with you. Want forever with you. Ran to Colin and Michael’s house to talk about how they knew. They just did. Roy I don’t know when it started but I just know I can’t stop it. I’m in love with you and it’s fine. It’s fine if you don’t feel the same. I just needed to tell you.”
Roy brushes the tears that fell off of Jamie’s face. “Good thing I feel the same then huh?”
Jamie felt the tears flowing down his face when he was talking but didn’t realize Roy saw them, let alone cared enough to remove them.
“The same? Roy you can’t. That’s crazy.”
Roy laughs. “Jamie I’m crazy, I haven’t done anything about it because I’m your coach. Didn’t want you to feel pressured. But I love you, I want forever with you too.”
Jamie risks a look at his face. He’s smiling. “Seriously?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Jamie nods, and suddenly he’s being kissed by Roy Kent. It’s maybe the softest kiss he’s ever gotten. He melts into it.
He pulls away. “You love me?” Roy touches his cheek, “I love you.”
Jamie leaps off of the bench, he starts spinning around he lets out a shout. “ROY KENT LOVES ME!”
Roy starts laughing and stands. “Jesus baby. Come on let’s go back to your place. I’ll cook.”
Jamie spins right into Roy’s arms. “You’ll cook for your.. boyfriend? Partner?”
“Future husband?”
Jamie smacks Roy. “We can’t just skip straight to that.” Roy takes his hand and holds it, there’s starting to be people out but clearly he doesn’t care. “Fuck straight, be my fiancé. We’ve known each other long enough, know everything about each other.”
“You’re going to kill me.”
Roy kisses him again. “I’m trying to worship you.”
Jamie blinks. Maybe this time he’ll be the God and not the Angel. “Let’s go home then fiancé.”
It’s Roy’s turn to whoop. He picks Jamie up with a spin and sets him back down.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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iamnotoriginalphil · 7 months
She Said What (Melissa Schemmenti x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Seeing Gary get down on one knee shattered you. Tasting Melissa on your lips put you back together again.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: none
It was like taking a knife to the gut, twisting in your intestines, leaving you gasping for breath. You weren’t meant to be there. Eyes darting around the room, you were desperate for escape. You couldn’t breathe. One step back, then another, you fled down the hall before you could hear the answer.
Gary had asked Melissa to marry him. And you, like an idiot, had fallen completely in love with her.
When it had been nothing but a relationship, kept on the outskirts, it was easier. Avoiding the break room on Tuesdays, not asking about weekend plans or prying to much into her relationship, you could keep your friendship with her devoid of any details. It was easier that way. You couldn’t be plagued of thoughts of the two of them together. If you didn’t think about it, your jealousy couldn’t run rampant, ruining your friendship with her.
Now though…
You’d be seeing the ring on her finger. You might be invited to the wedding. She might change her last name. It would be everywhere, in your face, reminding you how the woman you love was not yours to love. That your chance with her had slipped away.
Career day was a bust and you needed escape and yet you were trapped in your classroom with the kids, praying the clock would speed up and you would have your freedom. Right now, Melissa was somewhere in the building, a new sparkly ring on her finger, joy in her heart, desperate to go home and celebrate with her new fiancé.
You felt sick at the thought.
The bell rung and you thanked the mechanic who had come to speak to your class, shaking his oil stained hand. Sinking down onto your chair, you buried your head in your hands, letting out a long breath. You would have groaned if not for being in a place anyone walking past could hear. All you wanted was to pack up your stuff and go home, curling up in your bed and letting yourself give in to the pressure building behind your eyes.
“You look like you’ve had a day about as good as mine.”
You startled, looking up from the hands your head was resting in. Melissa was walking into your classroom, hands thrust into the pockets of her leather jacket. You blinked, trying to rearrange your face into something celebratory, not the despair you’d been feeling all afternoon. Stretching your lips into a smile, you felt it stiffen as you looked at her.
“Hey,” you said, “congratulations. I saw the feed. It was a beautiful proposal.”
“It was,” she agreed, resting against the edge of one of the student’s desks, much as she had at the front of her classroom when Gary got down on one knee.
“You must be so happy,” you said.
“Not really,” she replied with a small shrug.
“Well, not when you’re here with me but I bet Gary is waiting at home for you to celebrate,” you said, offering her a sheepish smile.
“He better not be. I don’t need another restraining order,” she said.
“Ha, yeah,” you said, “wait, what?”
She quirked an eyebrow up at you. You had no ides what was going on, on the back foot of the conversation so quickly. When her lips quirked up, you lost any words to try and fix whatever situation you’d found yourself in.
“Hon, did you see my answer?” she asked.
“Of course I did,” you replied, laughing uncomfortably.
She sighed, shoulders relaxing, “I said no.”
“What?” That was not what you were expecting.
“I said no. You know I have no interest in being married again. He didn’t listen no matter how many times I told him. We want different things,” she said.
‘So you…?” You didn’t want to assume after your last assumption had gone so badly.
“We broke up,” she said.
“Oh, Mel, I’m so sorry.”
You made your way around your desk, perching beside her. You found her leaning against your shoulder, soft hair brushing against you as you curled an arm around her waist. Her head rested against you, shifting closer.
“It’s better we realised. No resentment, no cheating, no attempted murder. A clean break before anyone could get really hurt,” she said.
“Still, it sucks,” you said.
“Yeah, it does,” she sighed.
“I really am sorry,” you said.
“Really? I always got the impression you didn’t really like him,” she said.
You stiffened. She drew away from you, turning those beautiful green eyes onto you. You tried to stutter out an answer, to refute her claim, to lie right to her face. But there was nothing. No words came out and you were left staring at her, anxiety swooping in your stomach.
“You were never comfortable when I talked about him so I stopped but I always wondered what was wrong with him,” she said.
“Is that why you said no?” Guilt curled in your stomach.
“Of course not. I really don’t want to get married again. Once was enough. I guess I’m just curious what you saw in him,” she said.
“I didn’t really know him,” you said, offering her a non-committal shrug.
“But you didn’t like him,” she said, not bothering to phrase it as a question.
“It was nothing about him. I’m sure he was fine. Nice even. And you loved him. He wasn’t a bad guy as far as I could tell,” you said.
“He’s not. But I thought we were good enough friends that you’d be honest with me,” she said.
Guilt again, washing over you, wave after wave. She was still looking at you, a small lopsided smile both sad and hopeful. You sighed, leaning into her again, not wanting those eyes assessing you anymore.
“It wasn’t about him. I mean sure, I thought you could do better but it was more to do with me. I didn’t want that to get between us and ruin our friendship,” you said.
“Can’t you just tell me what the issue was?” she asked.
“I don’t think that will make you feel better,” you said.
She hopped off the desk, moving to stand in front of you. You swallowed past a lump in your throat, averting your eyes down to your hands clasped between your thighs. With a forefinger, she tilted your chin up until you were looking back in her eyes.
“I can handle it, hon,” she said.
“Mel,” you sighed, not sure how to finish the sentence.
“It can’t be that bad,” she said, “unless he was the man who mugged your nanna.”
“I don’t think he was,” you said, giving her a weak smile.
“So what is it?”
The finger on your chin was practically burning your skin. You took a deep breath, anxiety making your fingertips tingle and your stomach roil. She was still watching you and you couldn’t tell what emotion it was swimming in her eyes.
“I didn’t want to hear about your relationship because… because…” You squeezed your eyes shut, “because I was jealous.”
“Aw, hon, you’ll find your guy one day,” she said, gently nudging you in the shoulder.
That was not the answer you were expecting. You peeked over to her, her smile softened as she looked at you. You shook your head.
“Not of your relationship,” you said, shoulders slumping, not wanting to keep the secret after coming so close to telling her, “of him.”
“What?” she asked, her smile slipping for a moment.
“Mel,” you sighed, “I’ve been half in love with you for a while now. And I’m sorry that it didn’t work out with Gary because I don’t like you hurting. I don’t want you think this is me trying to swoop in the second you’re single. I’m not that unfeeling.”
The smile had completely left her face, eyes widening and the shock evident. You could only stare at her, waiting for some kind of reaction. Mostly you were waiting to be told to get the hell away from her and never speak to her again. Her hands landed on your knees, fingers digging in as she gripped you hard.
“Hon,” she said, voice catching and you squeezed your eyes closed again, waiting for the slap, “can you look at me?”
You opened your eyes again. She was peering into your face, eyes swimming with an emotion you couldn’t name. Her lips were quirked at the corners, just enough for your heart to begin beating double time. Hands slid further up your legs as she lent towards you. You didn’t know what was going on and you were scared to move. Frozen under her touch, all you could do was stare back at her.
“I wish I’d known. I wish you’d told me,” she said.
“Would it have made a difference?” you asked.
“Of course, hon. If I’d known…” She shook her head.
“It’s fine. I won’t make it weird. We can still be friends. It’ll be like you never knew,” you said, panic beginning to set in. You were desperate not to lose her in all of this. This was like your worst nightmare coming to life before your very eyes.
“I didn’t just break up with Gary because he wanted to get married,” she said, interrupting you before you could continue rambling your reassurances, “there was a part of me that knew I had feelings for you. He couldn’t be my miracle when there was someone else.”
“What?” You couldn’t comprehend what she was saying.
“I wish you’d said something earlier, hon. If I’d known then Gary and I would have never gotten to this point,” she said. Her hands were still moving further up your legs until they were holding your hips.
“I don’t understand,” you said.
“Hon, I’m saying I have feelings for you too,” she said, a smile breaking over her face, bright and heartbreaking and everything you’d wanted to see for so long, “I know this probably isn’t the right time to say it but you’re hot and I like you.”
“You just broke up with Gary,” you said.
“I did. Doesn’t change how I feel about you,” she said, shrugging.
“This is an emotional rollercoaster.” Your lips stretched into a smile, small and soft and the way she seemed to melt at the sight of it only had you reeling again, “isn’t this too soon?”
“Yeah, probably, so we’ll take it slow,” she said.
“Look, I dunno how this is gonna go but I do know that I like you enough that I want to give this a go. I’ve been single for a few hours and I’m probably going to have to deal with stuff from ending my relationship with Gary so we’ll take it slow and figure it out together. Sound good?”
You thought about it, turning it over in your mind. You’d thought, in your wildest dreams, that if you were offered the chance to be with Melissa you’d grab it with both hands but coming right off the back of her break up it felt… tenuous. But giving it a chance might be the best thing you could do, if only to not have to think about the what if on your death bed.
“Slow sounds good,” you said.
She relaxed, as if she’d been bracing herself for rejection. The smile on her face grew more sure of itself, more playful as she lent in. You shivered when her breath hit your skin, and you looked up into sparkling green eyes. You felt your cheeks heat up under her gaze and blinked, trying to take in her beauty. Trapping your bottom lip between your teeth, you worried at it, breath frozen, watching her with wide eyes and racing heart.
“Must say, hon, you’re pretty cute when you’re nervous,” she said.
“Nervous?” you managed to squeak out, “I’m not nervous.”
“No?” she asked, drawing closer again, lips brushing the shell of your ear as she whispered, “are you sure?”
“Mel,” came out as a strangled noise, “this doesn’t feel slow.”
“Feels like I’m moving pretty slowly to me,” she replied, lips slow to press to your cheek.
A small noise came from your parted lips. She chuckled, drawing back far enough for you to see the way her eyes were smouldering as they focused in on your lips. You found yourself leaning toward her, drawn into her orbit, the gravity of her dragging you closer.
“I suppose one kiss isn’t so fast,” you murmured.
“I’m glad you agree,” she said.
Her lips pressed to yours, muffling a gasp. Arms wound around her neck, fingers burying themselves in red curls. Her fingers dug into your hips, hauling you closer until you were on the edge of the desk, her body caught between your thighs. Her tongue ran along your lower lip, teeth nipping when you moaned into her mouth.
If this was slow, you could get on board with it.
She drew back, making you whimper, fingers tightening on her hair. She placed one last chaste kiss to your lips before disentangling your fingers. The step she took back made you feel bereft before you reminded yourself that today wasn’t about you. You couldn’t imagine the emotional rollercoaster she’d been on that day. Your’s had been bad enough.
“Can we renegotiate this going slow thing?” she asked.
“No,” you laughed, no matter how much you wished you could, “we should go slow. I mean, what are your plans tonight?”
“Drinking wine until I don’t feel embarrassed that I turned down a proposal in front of Jalen Hurts,” she replied.
“Exactly,” you said, giving her an indulgent smile even as your heart raced.
She chuckled, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets, taking another step back from you. Your teeth sunk into your lip, swollen from her kisses, as you considered her.
“You might be onto something,” she said.
“But maybe, when the embarrassment has dimmed a bit, we can go out,” you said.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” she said.
“Great, well…” A smile was taking over your face, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I suppose you will,” she said.
Watching her back out of the room, all you wanted to do was reach out and pull her back to you. She paused in the doorway before she strode back to you, both hands cupping your cheeks and kissing you so thoroughly you lost any train of thought you might have been having. Nodding to herself, she turned her back on you, striding out. You watched her, dumbstruck, wondering how you’d somehow managed to get so lucky.
From the absolute travesty of seeing Gary propose to her to ending with the promise of a date and the taste of her still on your lips. You had no idea how you’d gotten so lucky.
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wonusite · 2 years
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pairing: mingyu x reader
summary: mingyu knows it’s wrong to lust after his fiancé’s daughter, but when he finds out you feel the same way, he no longer feels the need to hold himself back.
warnings: infidelity, age gap (reader is in her 20s and mingyu is in his 30s), daddy kink, voyeurism, fingering, masturbation (f & m), unprotected sex, oral sex (f & m receiving), 69, talking on the phone during sex, riding, backshots, creampie, pussydrunk!mingyu, overstimulation
read part one and two and three
a/n: this prequel to spoiled and worship and addicted was written bc daddy!mingyu has a hold over me like no other. minors dni!!
Mingyu remembers the first time he met you.
After almost a year of not even knowing about your existence, you unexpectedly showed up at your mom’s house on a cool summer night with your bags in hand. It was uncomfortable for him to witness his fiancé’s lack of enthusiasm at seeing her own daughter, especially when he saw how kind and beautiful you were. Mingyu had felt an instant pang of regret after you directed your pretty smile at him.
If he only had met you first...
According to your mother, you seldom came home. She briefly told him about how you always spent your winter and spring breaks with friends rather than at home. Apparently she was surprised that you had come home right when the school year was over since you usually went on a trip with your friends right after.
It didn’t surprise him, especially with the way she talked about you afterwards—coldly and bordering on disdain. To this day, he doesn’t know why you came home instead of escaping the hell that was your home, but he thanks the heavens every day that you did.
The allure you possessed was intoxicating. Mingyu was certain that you weren’t even aware of the affect you had on people, especially him.
He’s not sure why he doesn’t do more to put a distance between you two when he knows he’s extremely attracted to you. Maybe it’s because deep down, he hopes you feel the same way. It’s sick for him to feel the way that he does, but that was the thing about feelings. They were out of any one person’s control.
“You don't have to stay here with her.” His fiancé rolled her eyes as she clipped her earrings on and grabbed her purse. “She’ll probably be in her room all day.”
“It’s fine. We haven’t spent a lot of time together, so this will be a good thing.”
Your mother smiled a bit before she let out a deep sigh. “That’s sweet, honey. Really, it is. But you know she won’t be around a lot after we get married, right? Y/N will probably get a job in another city and start her own life.”
All the more reason to spend as much time with you as he could.
“She’s still your daughter, and I want to get to know her.”
“Fine, but don’t be surprised if she wants nothing to do with you. That’s how she is.” She tells him as she heads for the front door. “I’ll be back late.”
Mingyu stands in the same spot until he hears her car pull out of the driveway. He lets out a deep breath, feeling his chest fill with excitement at the thought of spending time with you. This was a good thing, he was sure of it. Mingyu slowly makes his way out to the backyard where you were laying by the pool. When he sees you, he thinks that maybe he should’ve listened to your mother and left.
You look over when you hear the sliding glass door open, heart speeding up when you see that it’s your mom’s hot fiancé.
Mingyu feels like his heart might spontaneously implode when you smile and greet him by his name. You look so good in your bikini that seems way too tiny for you. It leaves practically nothing to the imagination, and he has to maintain eye contact with you so his thoughts don’t run wild.
When you beckon him over, it’s like his feet are on autopilot. He sits so that he's facing you, and he’s careful to keep his eyes on your face. If he looks at your body one more time he’s pretty sure he'll get hard.
“Did my mom leave already?” You wondered as you sat up slightly.
“Yeah.” Mingyu swallows thickly. “You just missed her.”
You hummed, eyes raking over his muscular form. Even though he’s wearing a stupid polo shirt and ugly shorts, he still looks extremely good. It’s a true shame you could never have him for yourself. He’s so big, and judging from the prominent imprint you saw last time when he came out of the bathroom in a towel, you know he’s big everywhere.
“You don’t have to stay.” You say as you lay back down and close your eyes. “I promise I won’t throw a party or invite anyone over.”
It’s cute the way you sound completely serious, but also like you’re teasing him. Mingyu doesn’t care if you invite people over since you’re an adult. He knows you won’t destroy the house even if he doesn’t stay, but he enjoys spending time with you.
“I’m sure you won’t.”
You peek one eye open before letting out a small laugh. It’s the cutest Mingyu has ever heard, and he thinks he might actually lose his mind.
“What do you like about my mom?”
Your sudden question throws him off, only because he swears like there’s a whiny undertone to it.
When he doesn’t immediately answer, you peel your eyes open and find him staring at you with an odd look on his face. You raise an eyebrow, finding it very interesting how he couldn’t seem to think of one thing. It’s not right to feel such a deep sense of satisfaction, but you do.
It’s never been a hard question to answer before he met you, but now he couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Your expression doesn’t change even as you sit up fully and shrug your shoulders. “Never mind if you can’t tell me.”
You turn away to reach for the bottle of sunscreen sitting beside your chair, barely containing your smirk. Turning back, you hold out the bottle with an innocent smile. “Do you mind?”
Instead of waiting for his answer, you go to lay on your stomach. A wicked smirk stretches your lips when you hear his sharp intake of breath.
Mingyu grits his teeth because you’re wearing a fucking bikini thong. Your pretty ass is on full display for him, and he’s pretty sure if he was a more unhinged, immoral man he would fuck you senseless right now. The temptation is almost too much.
He slowly gets up and does as he’s told. Mingyu thinks rubbing your tender body might be a bad idea when his hands come into contact with your soft skin. It gets worse when you untie the thin strap of your top, humming about tan lines. By this point, he can feel his cock straining against his pants, and he’s thankful that you’re resting your head on your arms with your eyes closed because otherwise you would see exactly how good you look to him.
Just as he thinks he can maybe get through this without going completely crazy, you start letting out the prettiest sounds he’s ever heard. You’re letting out soft sighs and quiet moans of pleasure as he’s massaging the sunscreen into your skin. He bites his lip as he imagines what you’d sound like if he was splitting you open on his cock.
Mingyu stops at your lower back, feeling like his face was on fire. When he looks up from your body, his heart stutters after he sees you looking back at him. “Why’d you stop?”
It’s crazy the way you seemed genuinely confused as to why he wouldn’t rub sunscreen on your bare ass. Almost like you want him to grope it.
“You didn’t put some on my legs.” You said plainly, enjoying the way a blush rises to his cheeks.
Again, Mingyu does as you ask, unable to believe that he thought you actually meant you wanted his hands on your ass. What he doesn’t realize is that you do. Badly. The way he gently glides his hands over the back of your thighs makes you imagine how those long fingers of his would feel shoved inside of you. It takes all your will power to not rub your thighs together as you picture how good it would feel.
When he’s done, you only offer him a grateful smile. “Thanks.”
You watch him walk away, not missing the huge bulge in his pants.
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Mingyu thinks he might be going crazy. Every time you come around, it’s like he can’t focus on anything other than you. Sometimes he feels like you’re trying to tempt him in purpose, but when you turn those unsuspecting eyes on him, he thinks you could never.
Maybe it is all in his head. When you come down for breakfast in your sleep shorts and thin tank top, he can’t exactly say you’re doing anything on purpose because it is your house after all. And when you come home from a night out with your friends dressed in your flimsy tops, short dresses and skirts, he can’t think anything more of it either.
It’s crazy because sometimes he wishes that you were teasing him on purpose.
You weren’t too sure how this game of yours started, but now you were enjoying yourself too much to stop. Mingyu is so damn nice that he didn’t ever say anything to you or your mom. Not when you accidentally brush your ass against his crotch when you squeeze by him to get to the fridge, not when you find the smallest towel to walk around in after you shower, and not even when you play footsies with him at the dinner table.
It’s cute the way he tries to pretend it’s not happening, but it’s also so fucking hot the way he clenches his jaw and flexes his forearms in restraint. Part of you wonders if you can push him far enough to snap while the other person of you wonders if he’ll just spend the rest of his life pretending to be oblivious.
One night after you come home from the club, you find Mingyu in the kitchen. You smirk, feeling especially daring because of the liquor in your veins. Somehow, you felt like he was so close to snapping, and you wanted to see what exactly he would do when he did. You greet him casually, loving the way his eyes are glued to your body.
“Can’t sleep?” You ask as you lift yourself up onto the counter.
Mingyu shook his head, afraid that if he verbally answered you, his voice would give away how much he loved your outfit. Because he’s averting his eyes, he misses the way you smirk.
“Maybe it’s because you’re sex deprived.”
It’s hilarious how his eyes big out. Mingyu snaps his incredulous gaze to you, and it seems like a mixture of offense and something else you can’t place. You know he’s so close to snapping. All you do is push him a little further.
“Don’t be embarrassed.” You said sympathetically. “A lot of couples go through it. Usually, it has to do with stress and things like that. One person will always have performance issues, particularly the man—”
You’re suddenly cut off when Mingyu steps between your legs and pulls you flush against his body. Because of your position on the counter, his hard cock is pressing right against your clothed pussy. His eyes are completely dark as he glares down at you. It takes everything in you not to whimper as the arousal starts to gather between your legs.
“Believe me when I say that I have no trouble performing, sweetheart.”
Maybe Mingyu has lost his mind, but at this point he doesn’t fucking care. He can handle all your teasing, but if you’re only doing it because you think of him as some old man who can’t get it up anymore—
Your mother’s distant voice startles you both. Mingyu looks towards the stairs before he looks back at you. To his surprise, you offer him an amused grin as you gently push at his chest. He reluctantly releases you from his strong grasp. You slowly slide off the counter.
“I believe you.” You tell him in a singsong voice. “Sleep well.”
And just like that, you scamper off. Leaving him with the most painful erection he’s ever had in his life.
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It’s winter when Mingyu sees you again. After that night, you came downstairs in the morning and announced that you were going to move into the dorms. If you hadn’t acted completely normal, then Mingyu might’ve thought you were leaving because of him. But no. You hadn’t mentioned it again and still treated him kindly like you always did.
On the night of his engagement party, Mingyu finds out that his fiancé didn’t tell you about the event. He’s livid and in disbelief. Your mom insists that you want nothing to do with the event, but he doesn’t believe it. As he’s leaving his penthouse, he texts her some vague excuse about being late because of work and promises to be at the venue soon. She only texts him to hurry because the guests are wondering where he’s at.
Mingyu arrives to your house in record time. He probably seems crazy, but that’s the least of his worries. All he wants is to make sure that you were okay with not being at your own mother’s engagement party. He lets himself in and immediately goes upstairs.
Your door is slightly ajar, and just as he approaches it to knock, a soft sound makes him stop. He waits a moment before he hears the sound again, only louder this time. With a thick swallow, Mingyu quietly stepped forward and peeked into your room.
It took less than a second for his dick to get hard.
Directly in his line of sight was you, laying on your bed completely naked with your fingers stuffed into your pretty little pussy. The sight makes his mouth water and his mind go blank.
It’s frustrating to you, the way your fingers are circling your clit in desperate, needy movements. A cute pout settles on your lips when you realize it's not enough. What you really want is Mingyu’s large hands on you. Lately, he's been the object of your fantasies. You often think about him fucking you dumb and filling you up with his hot cum. Fuck. You could tell that he fucked like a mad man, and you wished he would rail you like you knew he could.
And so you let out a frustrated whimper, picturing how his way his long fingers would glide over your cunt, calculated strokes stimulating the puffy bud. A quiet sigh tumbles past your lips as your fingers roll your clit before you sink them into your walls. Soft moans sound through your room while you imagine the touch being Mingyu’s.
It doesn’t matter that it’s wrong for him to watch you like this. Mingyu is already reaching for his zipper before letting his thick cock spring free through it. He grips it, quietly moving his hand up and down to the sight of you fucking your fingers into yourself.
“Fuck.” Your moan was loud compared to the sounds you were making before. “Mingyu!”
His hand stills, and his blood runs cold. For a fleeting second he thinks you’ve seen him from where he was standing, but it doesn’t take long for him to realize that you’re calling his name in pleasure. He sees the way your eyes are screwed shut in pleasure, all while getting yourself off to the thought of him.
Mingyu swallows thickly, feeling his dick twitch in his hand. So, he wasn’t crazy. This entire time you had wanted him as badly as he wanted you. Fuck it. If you wanted him too, then he would gladly give you what you were both yearning for.
Your eyes fly open when you hear your door being pushed open. At the sight of Mingyu, your cunt involuntarily clenches around your fingers. You can only stare, wide-eyed as he stands there, with the biggest cock you’ve ever seen sticking out of his pants. You feel yourself get wetter when you realize he was watching you the entire time.
At this point, you don’t care if him standing in your room with his cock out is a figment of your imagination or a reality. You’re going to get him to fuck you no matter what. The thought makes you lick your lips in anticipation.
“Don't stop on my account, baby.” Mingyu says from the doorway, dark eyes drinking in the sight of you spread out on the bed.
It feels like it takes forever for him to approach you. He’s already discarded his suit jacket and unbuttoning his nice shirt as he walks over to the bed, finally letting you see the glorious form you know he’s been hiding under his clothes. His pants are off by the time you feel the mattress dip under his weight. Mingyu looms over you, eyes searching yours for any sign of doubt or hesitation. He’s only met with your lust-blown pupils.
His broad, meaty chest is pressed against your own until you’re basically pinned under his weight. All it takes is for you to tip your head up slightly for him to smash his lips against yours. Mingyu moans into your mouth as one of his big hands smooth along the back of your neck to pull you close while the other one trails between your thighs, rubbing your hot cunt.
You let out a wanton cry when his large hand comes down and swiftly delivers a hard slap to your wet pussy. He pulls back and smirks when he sees your expression. Mingyu repeats the action. “You’ve been such a bad girl, baby. Teasing me like you have.”
He loves how you look beneath him, grinding into his hand until he’s sinking two fingers into your wet cave. The sound he lets out when he feels how tight your cunt feels is almost animalistic. It’s so tight that he feels some resistance from the intrusion. Mingyu kisses you again and works to push you to your orgasm. He rolls your swollen clit with his thumb, swallowing all your whimpers and moans.
Mingyu’s pupils are blown wide with lust as he pulls away from you. His chest vibrates with a growl at the sight of your bliss-covered face. “You should’ve just asked for my help, princess.” He tells you as he starts pumping his fingers faster. “You have to know that I’ll do anything for you.”
Maybe it sounds crazy for him to admit that you already have him on his knees, but you seemed to like it because you clamp down tighter on his fingers. Your arousal is already leaking out of you and on to your sheets. It’s the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Fuck. Mingyu looks so hot like this, and his words sound so—
“Daddy!” You moan out before you could stop yourself.
Mingyu groans loudly before he yanks his fingers out of you. He starts kissing down your body, eager to get a taste of your sweet cunt. Just as he’s about to latch his mouth on to the place that’s aching for him the most, you stop him. The shy look you give him when he meets your eyes almost has him blowing his load.
“I... I want to taste you too.”
His cock twitches at your words, and Mingyu feels more turned on than he ever has in his life. He quickly gets on his back before yanking you towards him and positioning you until your facing his cock and your wet cunt is right above his face. He blows a bit of air against you, loving the sight of your pussy clenching around nothing. Mingyu licks his lips before he grips your ass and pulls you down on his mouth.
You both let out loud moans when his tongue enters you. With pleasure overwhelming your senses, you lick at his veiny cock, dragging your tongue up and down the length of it. Mingyu has the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen. So big and veiny and deserving of being worshiped. You wrap your lips around his throbbing length swirling your tongue around his fat tip.
The loud moan Mingyu lets out against your pussy drags a moan out of your own mouth. He laps at your juices, not believing he went this long without tasting you. That’s why he can’t help that he’s messy and eager in the way he eats you out, letting out low grunts and moans against your dripping cunt. Your tight even on his tongue, and he can’t wait until your hot walls are gripping his dick.
“Fuck, baby girl.” Mingyu groans, gripping your ass tighter, grinding your cunt into his mouth. “Such a sweet pussy.”
You hollow your cheeks at his words, bobbing your head up and down. Focused on making Mingyu feel good, one of your hands moves to fondle his balls, massaging them gently against your palm. You smirk around his cock when he pulls back from your pussy to let out a loud moan. Feeling proud that you could make a man as beautiful as he was let out such a noise, you continue on your quest to make him come, running your tongue over the vein on the underside of his cock.
Mingyu grunts into your sopping pussy, working his tongue over your puffy clit with strong licks. The squelching sound of your mouth on his cock paired with the sound of him fucking you with his tongue makes him moan into your heat softly. He relishes in the way your squirm against him, loving the feeling of your whimpers on his aching cock.
“You’re sucking daddy’s cock so good, baby.” Mingyu groans. “Such a good girl for me.”
When you suddenly come undone on his tongue, Mingyu drinks up your juices, moaning at the taste of your orgasm. In the back of his mind, he tucks away the fact that you love being praised. Apparently as much as he loves indulging you.
“Guh-Gonna come, baby.” Mingyu manages to choke out.
You bob your head up and down his length faster, swallowing around him a few more times before he thrusts into your mouth with a loud he whine. Thick spurts of cum paint your mouth white, and you swallow every last drop.
“Fuck, sweetheart!”
Mingyu’s voice cracks as his orgasm rips through him. With a few more ropes of his cum, you finally release his cock with a loud pop.
The sight of your clenching pussy is enough to make his cock twitch again. You notice this and get wetter when you see his big dick is still hard. Placing a small kiss on his bulbous tip, you get off of him and lay on your back, needing him to finally stick his cock in you.
“Fuck me, daddy.” You moaned as one of your hands trailed down your body to spread your swollen lips.
Mingyu wastes no time in positioning himself in front of you, the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. He grips your thighs and tugs you closer to him, the fat head poking at your lips and nudging them apart. You both moan, and Mingyu thinks he could come right then and there when you grind yourself against him.
Licking his lips, Mingyu grips his cock and starts rubbing the fat head of his cock against your wet folds. He smirks when he hears you aroused whimpers.
“Ah! Da-Daddy, please!”
“Please what, angel?” Mingyu demands, needing to hear you say you want him as much as he wants you. He slaps his cock against your quivering pussy with a low growl. “Tell daddy what you want.”
You feel like you’re inebriated with the way he slowly moves his hips back and forth, fucking himself between your puffy folds. Mingyu groans when he hears the soft mewls you let out at the feeling of his hard cock rubbing against your wet pussy.
“Say it.” Mingyu coaxed as he latched his hot mouth on your neck, licking and sucking at your skin until he leaves a mark. “Tell daddy that you want his cock.”
“I...” You babble, to lost in your pleasure to answer coherently.
“What’s that, baby?” Mingyu's voice is sweet yet demanding all at the same time.
Desperate to see you beg for his cock, Mingyu starts to push his tip against your hole, threatening to push in deeper.
“Daddy!” You whined wantonly. “Need your cock inside me.”
“Fuck, baby. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.” Mingyu groans as his cock throbs against your hot cunt.
He goes to kiss you again as he rolls his hips, slowly pushing his dick inside you. He groans against your lips, feeling dizzy at the constant clenching from your warm, tight pussy.
You moan out loudly. “Fuck me, daddy!”
The delicious stretch of his monstrous cock splitting you apart had you crying out when he finally fits his huge dick inside you, balls deep and pressed against you. It’s better than anything you ever imagined.
“You want me to fuck you, angel? Want daddy’s cock to stretch your tight little cunt open?”
At your loud whimper, Mingyu lets out a deep laugh. He trails his lips down to your neck, kissing different parts of your skin.
It’s almost embarrassing how fast and how hard you nod, but you no longer care, having already given in fully to your lust. “Please, daddy!” You beg cutely against his ear.
Mingyu can’t believe his wildest desire was coming true. After weeks of stripping his cock raw to the thought of you, he finally—finally—has you underneath him. Fuck. He’s going to ruin you.
You feel large hands grip your hips before Mingyu is suddenly fucking his cock deeper into you. “Look at you, taking my cock so well. Such a good girl for me.” Mingyu groans as he rolls his hips into you.
Fuck. He hadn’t even made you finish and you already knew this was going to be the best sex of your life.
Mingyu slows the roll of his hips and lifts a hand to cradle your face gently. He smirks when you stare at him with pleading, eager eyes. “Do you like having my cock stuffed inside you, baby girl?”
His thumb brushes over you bottom lip gently, and you can only answer him in a whimper as he pushes it past your lips. Mingyu groans when you suck on his thumb, loving how pliant and eager you were. It makes him want to spoil you and give you the world. His cock twitches when you release his finger.
“You feel good, daddy?” Your question comes out breathy.
Mingyu nods, driving his cock deeper inside you. “So good, angel.”
You moan out when his thrust become harsher and faster. The bulbous tip of his dick his ramming against your sweet spot repeatedly, making you feel like you’ve gone stupid from the euphoric feeling. Mingyu moans out when you beg him to go harder.
Going faster, harder, he relishes at how tight you get with each thrust. There’s a faint buzzing he hears, vaguely registering it as his phone. But he doesn’t fucking care. Mingyu knows it’s his fiancé calling to ask him where he was. He doesn’t even feel guilty that he’s balls deep in her daughter. You feel so good that it’s all he can think about.
“Your cock is so big, daddy!” You whine out as you grind your hips up to meet his thrusts.
With his ego inflated, Mingyu reaches down to rub his thumb over your swollen clit. He stimulates the puffy bud until your convulsing around his dick in a way that makes him go crazy. The hot smirk on his face grows wider when he feels your cunt get wetter. Loud, messy squelches fill the room as he fucks you harder.
“You love daddy’s cock, don’t you, baby?” He can’t get enough of you.
Somehow, you manage to nod as his cock reaches deeper now. Your eyes roll back and your mouth hanging open. Mingyu thinks he might come from the sight alone. The loud sound of your pretty moans make his cock throb wildly.
“Oh, fuck!” You cry out, feeling the coil in your stomach finally snap.
Your legs shake and tremble against Mingyu when he keeps fucking you. None of your partners ever overstimulated you, but it felt so deliciously good.
“Gonna fill up this little pussy of yours so that everyone knows that you’re mine.” Mingyu growls as he snaps his hips into you.
You moan loudly and clamp down on him tighter. It only takes a few more thrusts until he’s spilling his hot cum into your aching cunt. Mingyu gives you a few more shallow thrusts before he pulls out. His thick cum slowly drips out of your pussy and stains the sheets beneath you.
Mingyu looks so hot hovering above you, face flushed from his orgasm. You look down to see that he’s still hard, and it's enough to turn you on all over again. With your bottom lip caught between your teeth, you wrap your legs around his hips and use all of your strength to flip the two of you over. His surprised face makes you laugh.
“I want to make you feel good, daddy.”
His groan is so sexy that you don't hesitate to run your pussy along the length of his cock, lubricating it with your arousal. The lewd squelch of your folds spreading against his dick makes the heat in your stomach coil.
Mingyu grips your waist as you reach down to push the head of his dick against your soaking cunt. You watch his chest heave as the grip on your waist tightens. He watches with hooded eyes as you sink down on his cock, right walls gripping him just right.
He bucks his hips up into you impatiently, and you let out a prolonged moan at the feeling of his tip hitting you at a new angle. You lift yourself up and slam back down, loving the way he throws his head back with a string of curses. It spurs you on to keep up your fast pace, wanting him to come inside you again.
The sight of you bouncing on his cock makes Mingyu feel like he’s died and gone to heaven. Because that’s what your pussy feels like. Absolute heaven.
“That’s it, baby girl. Keep fucking yourself on daddy’s cock.”
You whine when he places a hand on your lower back and the other on your ass. He starts guiding you up and down his dick. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he slams into the spongy spot inside you with ease. Fuck. No one had ever gone as deep as he had, and you mentally curse yourself for not fucking Mingyu sooner.
When you suddenly come on Mingyu’s cock, it triggers his own orgasm. He slowly fucks up into you, loving your fucked out expression.
Mingyu lifts you up off his dick and settles you into a new position so easily like you weigh nothing. Now he has you face down and ass up into the air, exposing your dripping cunt to him. The sight of your pretty pussy oozing with his seed makes something snap inside him.
You cry out loudly when he shoved the entire length of his veiny cock inside you with no warning. Broken whimpers and moms tumble out of your lips as he starts fucking into you like a madman. Mingyu’s hands are on your hips, keeping you steady as your ass bounces back on his pelvis. Fuck. You’re so fucking pretty for him. He knows after having you he won’t ever be able to let you go.
The loud ringing of your phone doesn’t make him stop, but he smirks when he sees your mother’s contact lighting up the screen of your phone. Somehow, he’s able to reach for the nightstand where your phone is and grab it without slowing the unrelenting pace of his hips. You’re barely lucid as he tosses the phone beside your head.
“Answer it.”
He must be crazy. You think. And yet, his words make your walls tighten around his hot cock. Mingyu groans and gives your ass a hard slap. The rough movement has you moaning and causes you to buck up against his cock. His fat tip brushes against your sweet spot and makes your cunt flutter around him.
“Do it now.”
His demanding tone turns you on, and you immediately obey him despite barely able to contain your moans. “Hey m-mom. What… What’s up?”
You don’t have to look back at Mingyu to know he has a wicked smirk on his face. Clearly, he loves how you can barely form a cohesive sentence while he fucks you.
“Have you heard from Mingyu? He’s still not here.”
As you’re about to answer her, you feel one of Mingyu’s large hands reach around your body to rub circles on your sensitive clit. The feeling of his hand on your puffy bud makes you let out a stifled whimper. Fuck.
“I- ah!” You squeal at a particularly sharp thrust.
“What happened? What’s going on?”
“I stubbed my toe.” You manage to whimper out.
Mingyu smirks as he watches you bite back your moans. He keeps fucking into you, loving how your pussy keeps fluttering around him. “Cute.” He coos, voice dripping with rapacious desire.
“I haven’t heard from him.” You manage to tell her as her fiancé keeps fucking his huge cock into your weeping hole. “You… you always s-say how busy he is. May-Maybe suh-something at work came up.”
You don’t hear what she says because with another particularly hard thrust, you’re gushing all over Mingyu’s dick. He grips your ass and spreads your cheeks to see how your sweet cream coats every ridge and vein on his cock. Mingyu groans lowly before he slaps your ass. He reaches over to pick up the phone, barely catching your mom say to call her if you heard anything from her fiancé before he abruptly ends the call.
Mingyu loves how you cry out as he keep drilling his cock into your tight hole continuously and unapologetically. All it takes is for you to clench around him one last time for him to come inside you, filling you up with his thick cum once again.
Just when you think he’s done, Mingyu flips you over so you’re facing him. You love the way he looks at you like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. Which you are.
The entire time he kept his cock buried inside you, using it as a plug to keep his cum inside you. Slowly, he starts fucking it into you, loving the carnal sound how your wet juices and his cum being fucked back into you. Mingyu shoves his face into the crook of your neck. He licks and bites at your tender skin, wanting to mark up the tender flesh.
“Fuck, baby.” He breathes against your neck. “So fucking tight.”
Your arms had wrapped around him, keeping him as close to you as possible. The sound of his whimpers make you clench around him involuntarily. They’re soft and almost shy, like he can’t fathom the euphoric feeling that’s taken over his senses.
Mingyu’s grip on your hips is bruising as he starts plunging his throbbing cock into your warm, wet cunt. It’s dizzying how his fat tip hits your cervix every time. He lifts his head and smashes his lips against yours in a messy kiss. You swallow his groan as he quickens his pace, snapping his hips into you.
“Fuck, daddy!” You moan in between kisses. “Right there!”
He thrusts one more time before you two come together. Your release mixes with his and slowly drips out of your cunt despite him not pulling out. Mingyu doesn’t move, instead he places gentle kisses all over your face while praising you for being so good for him.
Finally, he rolls you over so you’re on top of him. His cock slips out of you, and you mewl at the feeling of his cum leaking out of you.
Mingyu presses a gentle kiss to your forehead as his hands slowly rubs down you’re back. “I meant it when I said you can come to me when you need help.”
You don’t have the strength to lift your head to look at him, but he can feel your smile against his chest.
“I might just take you up on that, daddy.”
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002
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toomuchracket · 1 year
scary movies (birthday party!matty x reader fluff)
day 3 of promptober75! this is less about scary movies than it is about the two of them musing on romance. but they do watch bones and all! i don't think there are any spoilers, but don't yell at me if there are please lol this isn't proofread. yeah, this is just a cutely weird little fic about some cutely weird people. i hope you enjoy!
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"baaaaaaaabe, hurry up. i miss you!"
you can hear the pout in matty's voice, even from the next room of the hotel suite. picking up the bowl of m&ms in one hand and the open bottle of champagne in the other, you pad back into the bedroom. "how can you miss me? you've been with me the whole day."
"i always miss you when i'm not right beside you, no matter how long it's for," matty replies, sitting up on his knees on the bed to carefully take the bowl and bottle from your hands. the way his stomach muscles shift with the movement makes your knees run the risk of shaking. "the night before our wedding is going to be hellish for me. are you sure we can't just stay together? al green it?"
"baby, it's tradition."
"peer pressure from dead people, you mean."
"fine, another reason, then. oh, here's one - absence makes the heart grow fonder. you can't argue with Classical poetry."
"try me, babe."
you sigh. "matty, sweetheart, love and light of my life, sole occupant of my head and heart… it's only for twelve hours of our lives. and we will literally be on the same floor of the same building. it'll be fine!" 
matty quirks a brow.
god, he's stubborn. you inhale deeply before you talk again. "alright. i'll wait until the bridesmaids are asleep and then we can sneak out together for a walk. but i'm not sleeping with you at all - in either sense, actually - regardless of how crippling your separation anxiety is."
"i can work with that, darling. thank you," matty smiles and leans up to kiss you.
before he can, though, you place your index finger on his pretty lips. "not so fast, healy, i have a caveat: i'll only do it if we can share a cig."
matty rolls his eyes, and nudges your finger from his face with a quick head movement. "should've seen that one coming. christ, fine. one cigarette, and that's it. don't want any rattling coughing fits during our vows."
you giggle, leaning down to kiss him; the speed with which his face softens afterwards is comical, almost cartoon-like. "thanks, angel."
"mmm, can't wait to marry you," matty murmurs against your lips. "nor can i wait for you to get into bed with me so i can cuddle you the way i've wanted to all day."
"point taken, baby, just let me…" your face screws up as you reach around to unclasp your bra through your (matty's) t-shirt, before pulling it out from under the soft material and launching it towards the open suitcase in the corner of the room. relief palpable, you climb onto the bed and grin at an enamoured matty, now sitting against the plush headboard and swigging champagne. "freedom at last."
"you know, i'd gladly do that for you, sweetheart," matty smirks, tugging you onto his lap with one arm. "in the name of feminism, and all."
"as much as i commend your attempts to champion the gender, baby, i'll pass," you smile, enjoying the tiny moan that slips from your fiancé's lips as you weave your hands into his hair. "because i know if i let you do that, your hands are gonna end up on my tits, and then we'll never get anything done."
"oi, that's not true," matty frowns (cutely). "we'll get each other done. and i know you enjoy that. as do i, my god."
his lips attach themselves to your neck, making their way down; your insides begin to liquify, but you fight through the slight haze of pleasure and stand your ground. "yeah, i really do enjoy it. but, baby, there's other stuff i enjoy doing with you that i wanna do too, yeah? like… watching this film we agreed we were gonna put on tonight."
matty groans against your skin. "must we?"
"yes. you promised me, matty," you say, as firmly as you can with his lips still attached to your collarbone. "we watched the irishman yesterday because you wanted to, and you said we could do bones and all today. it's only fair."
"a romance film about cannibalism," matty mutters to nobody in particular. "it's foul, that concept."
"well, fair is foul and foul is fair."
"macbeth. shakespeare. can't argue with him. anyway," you say, shuffling around so matty can lean back against your chest. "can i put the film on now?"
a deep sigh, one that seems to drag itself up from the depths of matty's soul. "depends."
"it depends," matty begins dramatically. "on if you're going to spend the rest of the day thirsting over timothée chalamet or not."
"you know, i seem to like him a lot more in your head than i do in real life."
matty hums, appeased. "sick. go on, then, stick it on."
you press a kiss to matty's temple and snake a hand across his torso to hold his own. matty brings it to his lips, and the contact seems to release a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. "thank you, lover."
the beginning of the film passes without much incident; that is, until the first lightly gory scene. you wince a little at the sound of cracking bone, but you're nowhere near as bad as matty, who almost upends the bowl of sweets resting on his lap and vigorously shakes his head as if it'll erase the memory from his brain. 
once it passes, he reaches for the champagne on the bedside table and takes a long drink, before passing the bottle to you. "maybe you'd better hang onto that, darling."
"alright, baby."
despite both of your respective silences,  and although you can't see matty's face, you can picture the disgust colouring his features from the way his head tilts against you as the film progresses. he doesn't speak until the film's main villain is introduced, reaching back for the champagne with a "creepy fucker, that one"; this sentiment is built upon at the shot of a james joyce book in said fucker's residence. "oh, christ, he really is suspicious."
despite your own discomfort towards the happenings on-screen, you grin at matty's assessment. "i mean, yeah, baby. but i think the lurking and creeping kinda gave that away already."
"well, obviously. but that book's an extra layer of him being an absolute wrong'un."
you giggle, wrapping your other arm around matty and resting your head on his shoulder. with a happy little huff of air through his nose, matty turns slightly to kiss your cheek; the two of you stay like that, cosied up in a tableau of casual domestic intimacy. it's sweet, for a while, and comfortable - matty even rips the piss out of you at a particular scene involving timothée chalamet and a cornfield, touting it as "your dream movie death, babe". 
(he's lowkey not wrong.)
the sweet moment breaks somewhat, though, as the film progresses and matty gets increasingly more grossed out. with every drop of blood spilled, every jumpscare, every mere mention of the "eating" driving the plot, the muscles in his limbs loosen and contract back into tension, soundtracked by a chorus of gasps, gulps, groans of disgust, and the odd "oh for fuck's sake" when things get really horrid. in spite of your own discomfort at some of the gore, you can't resist fucking with your fiancé a little bit; amidst a silently fraught moment for maren, the protagonist, you lean right next to an unsuspecting matty's ear and crunch a handful of m&m's in your mouth. he practically hits the ceiling in fright, and pinches your thigh with a "not fucking funny". but he doesn't let go of you at all, however grumpy you make him, holding you like a lifeline throughout. in fact, by the time the credits start rolling, matty's fully squished his face into your ribs to get away from the gore on screen, thumbs rubbing your thighs so quickly to try and calm his noticeably thumping heart that you fear he might accidentally set your skin ablaze. 
despite his terror, though, you have to hold back a laugh. "matty, sweetheart," you say, trying with all your might to keep your voice steady. "were you scared of that movie?"
"no, just unnerved by it," comes the clearly- untrue reply, muffled by your cotton-mix-clad chest. "like, they were just constantly eating raw? really? mingin'."
you can't hold back a derisive cackle now, though. "you're freaked out at people eating raw meat? you fucking hypocrite!"
"i wasn't eating people, was i?" matty protests.
"i don't know, i think you ate with it at finsbury."
matty scoffs, but you feel him smile against you. "you're a right weirdo, sometimes, you know that?"
"and you're a scaredy-cat, you know that? honestly. can't even handle a bit of cannibalism in a movie. pussy."
your fiancé pulls back from your chest to look at you, and you regret your words immediately as soon as you see the shit-eating grin on his face. "well, you are what you eat."
an immediate facepalm. "i can't stand you."
"that ring on your left hand suggests otherwise, darling," matty kisses said ring, then presses little pecks up your finger to the tip. "and look at that - you can be romantic and kiss fingers without wanting to munch on them. this film is nonsensical. i mean, i get it's some metaphorical thing about loving people for who they truly are, but jesus, the cannibalism isn't half disgusting."
"hmmm, i don't know," you muse, twirling matty's curls around your fingers. "i think there's something romantic about it. the ending with maren and lee, at least."
matty peels your fingers out of his hair and moves to face you, his beautiful face contorted into the most bewildered expression you think you've ever seen. "are you on something right now?"
"i'm serious! it's romantic, if ill-advised. and messy."
"sweetheart," matty shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "politely - what the fuck are you on about?"
you smile. "well, it's all about desire, and lust, yeah?"
"yeah, i get that, but…"
"so, it's just needing somebody so much that you, well, you consume them in their entirety. and also, like," you continue, pushing your slipping glasses back up your nose. "there's an element of closeness to it, too. how much more intimate can you get than having your lover being broken down in your digestive system, literally fuelling you the way their love does so emotionally? oh, and devotion! giving yourself up to your lover like that to sustain them? you're together forever. yeah, it's disgusting, but you can't deny there's a romance to it, matty, you really can't."
he looks like he wants to, though. "but it's so violent."
you roll your eyes. "says the man who wrote a song about the idea of cracking his girlfriend's skull open, just so he could know exactly what she was thinking. and i thought that was sweet, and romantic."
matty opens his mouth as if to disagree, then closes it and shrugs. "actually, you've got a point, darling," he smiles almost shyly, tracing patterns in the bare skin of your shin. "i wrote that about you, you know."
"you did? aww, baby," you coo, pulling your fiancé's face towards you so you can kiss all over it. "i had no idea!"
"oh, come on, babe, who the fuck else would it have been about?" matty scoffs. "used to daydream about being so intimate with you like this, just hearing you think out loud, as unedited as you'll ever get."
you smirk. "bet you didn't think the thoughts would be about the inherent romance of cannibalism, huh?"
matty laughs, leaning in to kiss you slowly, deeply, passionately. "no, but it doesn't matter. i love you regardless."
"i love you too. and i promise i won't try to eat you, baby."
"nor will i take a heavy object to your skull, sweetheart. however," matty smirks, shuffling down the bed to rest his head in the gap between your legs. "i would quite like to eat you in a slightly different sense, if you'll allow."
"oh, go on then."
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ladymarycrawley · 2 years
You make it feel like Christmas- Mason Mount
Request: I was thinking something like you and Mase got recently engaged and you are in your little love bubble still but now all his family is coming to spend christmas at yours and Mase’ house. A lot of fluff and family time where Mason has a really special present for you, a Cartier bracelet ❤ (as requested by that angel of @raremasey​ )
Warning: as the request says a lot of fluff lmao (His Lapland reel helps making the atmosphere even better!)
Tag list: @masonxomount​ @chelsealover​ @masterclassbaby @johnstonesfc
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Christmas is a holiday that is meant to be celebrated with all your loved ones, eating and opening the presents you got for each other. That year you were chosen as the guest for all the Christmas celebrations and what made it even more special was the fact that it was you and Mason's first Christmas as fiancés since he asked your hand in marriage a couple of months ago.
"No Mase, I have to go. I still have to get the beds ready in the guest room, packing all the presents…"
"Come onnnn, it's 5 minutes only" He whined, squeezing your hips tighter. He was so clingy getting out of bed was always a rather hard task, especially on those cold mornings when the world outside seemed so unwelcoming with that biting chill that would welcome you once out of the bed.
You sighed and gave in, letting him hug you way too close to his chest.
"I also have to cook the whooole dinner" You closed your eyes hoping some spell would hit all the groceries in the fridge so that they would cook themselves so that cooking them wouldn't have been your problem anymore.
"I'll help you" Mason muttered with his lips pressed against your cheekbone.
"Really? Are you feeling okay?" Cooking wasn't exactly one of Mason's greatest skills, he was a disaster to be fair so him offering his help was something you weren't quite used to.
"Yeah, I'll just follow what you're saying, it can't be that hard I guess"
You giggled, turning on your left side to face him: he still had that adorable just woken up expression on his face, his dishevelled hair, his slightly swollen eyes. He was perfect and he was yours and not to be too cheesy but with him and his joyful personality it felt like Christmas everyday to you.
You leaned forward to cup his face and kiss him right on the lips.
"You'll be like my Xmas elf"
"That's so romantic" You both giggled before sharing another kiss. "Come on, let me go"
Mason finally let go of his grip on you so you could go and start preparing all that had to be done before the arrival of your boyfriend's family. You loved them to pieces so you just wanted to give them the best Christmas ever, making them feel at ease in your own house as they did everytime they would welcome you to theirs.
As you got up Mason couldn't resist the urge to squeeze your butt, making you wince and giggle.
"Don't do that in front of your family"
"I'll do even worse"
"Don't you dare" You chuckled walking away from your shared bedroom.
If Mason, at the beginning of the day, thought that you two could have made the most out of your day together as it wasn't something that happened very often, he had to change his mind when he saw you speeding away from one corner of the house to the other to prepare all the things that had to be ready before his family would join you.
You knew your day would've been hectic but you didn't imagine it could have been that hectic: you only stopped to eat something quickly and then started running around the house again. 
“We can’t even eat in peace??” He asked, rather annoyed, as he saw you getting up and bringing your plate to the sink to wash it in a hurry and then go back to your Christmas duties.
“You can take all the time you want to eat, babe. I still have to prepare the bedrooms and check if I have all the presents” You said leaving a kiss on the top of his head.
Mason liked Christmas time a lot, that year even more as he got to spend it with his favourite people in the world, that is to say you and his family, so he really was looking forward to all the memories you would have made together but he didn't like seeing you getting that stressed over something that should have been joyful and not that frustrating.
“I already told you there’s no need to impress anyone. The presents you bought are fine, they’ll love those”
“I just saw the cutest thing for Summer! Look” You got closer to him, ignoring what he had just said, to show him a princess castle play tent, with lights and all.
“She doesn’t need this”
“That’s perfect! Jaz and her can enjoy some mummy-daughter time in there, that’s so cute!” You didn’t think twice and pressed the buy now button to get the most perfect gift for what had now become your niece too.
“Thanks for caring about my opinion, that moves me” Mason giggled, reacting sarcastically to the way you didn’t take into consideration his point of view.
You giggled, placing your head against his.
“Sorry babe but we don’t have much time to see all the presents in the world and then decide”
“Yeah but it’s like the fourth present you buy for her??”
“The third actually” You corrected him, slightly bitter.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry then”
“Would you mind washing these dishes while I go check the other gifts?” You asked him as he was already standing before the sink.
“Sure, hun” The love you had for that man couldn’t be described as it was so strong. As a thank you gesture you placed a kiss behind his ear. “But I want to see what you got to the others as well”
“Okay” You giggled as you left the kitchen to go and take the list you made to make sure everyone had their own presents. “So…”
“A paper list?? Who are you?? Santa Claus’ assistant?? Or Santa Claus’ in the flesh??”
“Ha ha you’re so funny, Mount. Now shut up and listen”
You started listing everything you bought for Tony, Debbie, Jaz, Lewis, Summer, Poppy, Harley and Stacey hoping your soon to be husband would have agreed with your ideas, stopping when your eyes felt on his name as his presents should have obviously been a surprise.
“How much did you spend to get all these things??” He asked you, blurting his eyes out in shock. He was more than happy that you cared so much about his family but he didn’t want you to waste all your money on such things: he was perfectly aware of the fact that you didn’t earn as much as he did (since your job was much more humble than his which made your paycheck way lower) but never he didn’t made you feel bad about it as, if it was for him, he would have bought you the whole world and making you leave your job once and for all.
“It’s none of your business”
“Y/N you didn’t have to use all your salary for my family. A present each would have been more than enough”
You rolled your eyes, putting that paper away.
“What did you get me?” He asked in a childish tone, making you chuckle.
“Nothing” You stepped closer to him, bringing your hand to scratch the back of his neck.
“What do you mean nothing?”
“I’m your gift” You smirked before capturing his lips in a loving  kiss.
Mason smiled against your lips.
“That doesn’t count”
“What? You’re being kinda rude!”
“I’m not! It’s not fair you bought my family hundreds of present and not even a single thing to me”
“I’ll give you my present when you’ll give me mine”
“What if I’ll give you mine in the bedroom later?” His kinky joke made you blush, earning a cheeky smile from him.
“You should wait for Christmas day at least”
“Nope, I want the whole family to see what I bought you”
He laughed wholeheartedly, looking at you leaving the kitchen to go and resume your work.
“Where are you going??” He shouted at you.
“You’re wasting my time, Mount!” You shouted back at him, checking the cooking book your mother gave you to write down a draft of what would’ve been your Christmas menu.
“Oh is that so? You should have thought about it a couple of months ago, love!”
Those little banterings were one of your favorite things in your relationship, it felt as if they brought you closer and made everything even funnier.
“Your bank account was more appealing”
In a matter of minutes you found your fiancé glaring at you and you couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of laughter.
“You little…”
That was the moment when your little wrestling game started off, where you would try to playfully fight him off your body as he would crush you with his weight. 
“Let me go!!”
“Not before this!” He started inflicting you his torture which consisted in tickling you until you started crying ad screaming for him to stop and have mercy on you.
He got up from the floor taking you with him in his arms, pressing his lips against your forehead.
“What’s next on your Christmas to-do list?”
"The presents for Poppy and Harley!" Mason brushed his hand over his face desperately, giggling.
The day before the long awaited day, Christmas eve, finally arrived and to say you were stressed was an understatement: you kept looking at the clock to check how much time you had left before all your guests would grace you with their presence that should have happened later that day.
"Where the fuck is that fucking -"
"Y/N calm down hun"
The last thing you needed was him saying pointless things at you such as calm down, he wasn’t being helpful at all.
You got your head out of the cupboard you were looking in for the mixer you needed to make a sauce for the roast you were thinking of doing as part of the Christmas menu for your guests.
Perfectionism has always been one of your most prominent personality traits so that being the first Christmas lunch you would have hosted at yours, you just wanted to make everything impeccable. But at what cost?
“I’ve been looking for it for the last hour and I needed that for -”
“I know but calm down, I’ll help you with the cooking”
“They’ll be here in a couple of hours and I still have to take a shower, get ready and -”
“Babe, look at me” Mason took your face in his hands to force you to look at him in order to instill some calm in you who were clearly having a hard time. “Everything’ll be alright”
You let out a loud breath nodding at his encouraging words.
“You already made a good impression on them, they already love you so you don’t need all this tension”
Even though you knew Mason wasn’t exactly a chef in the making you let him help you prepare the roast turkey as well as the appetizers you planned on doing. The pudding was almost ready so you had one less dish to think of at least.
You were so grateful for him as he never failed to show you his endless love and support, helping you to stay sane in that case.
"See? I'm already husband material" He stated quite proud of himself while cutting the veggies into tiny pieces.
That line made you blush and smile widely, he was right: he was more than ready to become your husband and you couldn’t wait to call him that.
The way he made you smile warmed his heart so he let the knife fall on the chopping board to come and wrap his hands around your waist, hugging you from behind and kissing you, a soft and meaningful kiss against your temple.
"I'm so proud of you, it will be the best Xmas ever"
"Well, I hope so"
The Mounts arrived at yours in the afternoon, bringing some food Debbie cooked for you all to eat for dinner. You were buzzing to meet them as you got along since the first moment you met them, they've always been nice and caring to you.
Among all, the one who was the happiest with having you there was Summer who ran in your arms as soon as they entered your house.
"Auntie Y/N!!" She hugged you as tight as she could, showing you all her love and how much she missed you.
"Hey baby! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too"
"You have a lot of things to tell me, missy"
"Yes" She took your hand in hers and pulled you towards your big sofa to have a sit and have a chat with you.
"Look at her, it looks like she found her old friend" Lewis noticed, making everyone laugh. Needless to say, Mason was so happy in seeing two of the most important people in his life being that close. He couldn't wait for the moment you would have your own children. 
That encounter was also the first one between you and Stacey and her babies, Poppy and Hafley, since they lived in Australia and meeting them hadn't been possible till that day. It was emotional and intense.
After sharing a much needed dinner where you could catch up on what had been happening in everyone's life lately, you all went on talking with your warm tea in your hands as the fireplace you wanted so badly to have in your house gave the perfect atmosphere. 
Mason sat next to you, attached to your hip to be fair, laying kisses against your temple, stroking your thighs covered in black tights lightly, squeezing your hand in his and raising it to kiss your knuckles every now and then. All those gestures didn’t go unnoticed to his older brother who didn't miss the opportunity to make fun of him for how clingy he was.
"Hey bro, no one will take her away from you, you know that, don't you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Let her breathe for a moment, you're so clingy" 
Mason turned crimson while you tried to giggle the embarrassment away, gently stroking Summer's hair, who was sleeping in your lap.
"Shut up, leave me alone"
"He's just in love, Lew"
"Thanks mum"
"You seriously make me wanna puke sometimes" Lewis muttered, loving how good you're making him feel but loving to mock his brother as much.
"So…I'm gonna be an uncle again soon enough"
You and Mason glared at him as Jasmine, Debbie and Tony widened their eyes moving their gaze from Lewis to you.
Mason then let out a laugh, brushing his hand against your stomach. 
"Maybe it's already here"
"MASON" It was time for you to blush in embarrassment, batting your fiancé's hand away.
"What? I guess that's how things will go"
"There isn't anyone in here at the moment" You snapped back, making your brother-in-law crack a chuckle.
Soon after Jaz got up to take Summer to bed and you all followed her to go to sleep too, not before making sure everyone found their own bedrooms and asking them three times at least if everything's okay and whether they needed something.
You let out a loud sigh when you closed your bedroom door behind you, raising your gaze to find Mason's, who was smiling.
He walked closer to you, placing his hands on your hips and pulling his lips closer to your ear.
"I can put a baby in you if you want"
"Mase!" You tried not to laugh as you pushed him away from your body. "Not yet"
"Oh come on! That would be a good Xmas present"
"You're crazy" You shook your head, before leaving him there to go to your ensuite bathroom.
"Yes, crazy for you"
"Stop it" You giggled, locking yourself in the bathroom. 
When you got back from your night routine, ready to have a good night of sleep, you cooed as your eyes caught sight of Mason who had fallen asleep with his phone in his hands, his head dangling.
You got closer and gently tapped your hand on his shoulder to wake him up.
"Mhh? What??"
"Put on your pajamas and get under the blankets" You sweetly instructed him as he nodded and sighed heavily.
The truth was that he was too lazy to get changed so he just took off his hoodie and put himself under the blankets, wrapping his arms around you, making you giggle as you kissed his forehead. 
"Nighty night"
"Goodnight, my love"
The next day, Christmas day, you woke up to his gentle caresses, his fingertips dancing along your neck and shoulders, brushing your locks behind your ear. Those gentle touches made you feel like the most loved person as his cuddles never failed to make you feel special, like you were the only girl in the world.
You tried to suppress a smile that, sadly for you, he noticed so you couldn’t go on faking being asleep to enjoy his cuddles in peace.
“I know you’re awake” He whispered cheekily, leaning forward to kiss your nose.
You let out an annoyed grunt that made him smile as he pressed another peck on the spot between your eyes.
“Merry Christmas, babe”
“Merry Christmas”
You spent a good while in silence, your foreheads against one another, your noses brushing as you stayed there with your eyes closed, revelling in the quietness of your own room before the loudness of the day ahead would have started.
But that peace didn’t last long as you heard someone cracking your door open, followed by the sound of a lively tiptoeing on the floor.
“Uncle Mase?” That was Summer who was probably doing her tour around the house to wake everyone up as the day she had been dreaming about for the whole year had finally arrived.
Mason sniffled looking down at her and smiled lovingly.
“Hey baby, happy Christmas. Do you want to come here?”
Summer nodded happily as Mason took her in his arms so she placed herself between you two to get her beloved cuddles: all the gentle touches and kisses were for her now.
“Let’s go see what Santa Claus brought us!” She jumped out of the bed, eager to go and see her presents, dragging her uncle along.
"Auntie Y/N, come on!" She nearly yelled at you, making her silly uncle laugh.
"Come on auntie, get up!" He said, doing a perfect impression of his niece hence getting a middle finger from you. 
Once you find the strength to leave the comfort of your bed, you walk downstairs to find everyone already sitting by the fireplace, ready to open the presents. 
It felt so good seeing everyone enjoy what you got for them, especially Summer who would have liked to spend the whole day sitting in that pink tent, playing with the dolls you gifted her.
As for Mason, you bought him a vintage watch making him whine about the fact that he didn’t like you spending all that money for him and then you thanked him a thousand times when you saw the designer bag and the aquamarine necklace he got you.
"Here's another thing for you"
"What? You know what I told you about presents"
"Said the one who bought ten presents each!"
"And they were all good presents!" Debbie stated, making you smile as it meant you did a good job in trying to please everyone. 
Mason handed you a little red shopping bag that read Cartier in it and you widened your eyes out in shock: you still weren't used to him spoiling you with luxury goods, no matter how many times you told him he didn't have to spend all that money for you.
"Open it"
"Mason, for God's sake…"
"Wait for what's inside" Jaz urged you, wiggling her eyebrows.
When you finally opened the red box finding the golden bracelet there was inside you breathed out, shivering a little for the emotion of the moment. 
"Are you crazy?? You didn’t have to buy me this!"
"Shut up" 
"Don't tell me to shut up"
"Why, Mase? I've told you so many times you don't have to buy me expensive things" You whined fiddling with your newest piece of jewellery as you couldn't stop looking at its perfect shape and golden surface. "You already got me a bag, that necklace I saw in the window the other day…and now this"
The Chelsea midfielder tilted your face up, placing his hand under your chin as you were met with his loving smile.
"I'm serious, Mase"
"I'm serious too, Y/N. I love you and I want to give you all the presents in the world, I want to spoil you cause you're always so supportive with me and I just want to give you small things that can make you happy, or even happier"
"But I'm always happy with you"
"Shut up" He hissed on your lips before kissing you, his hands placed at either sides of your face by way of hiding you, not to let anyone of the present spoil the little moment you were sharing.
"Guys, we're still here you know"
Mason threw a cushion at Lewis, making everyone laugh.
"Take a closer look at it"
You looked at him with raised eyebrows, clueless about what he was hinting at. He smirked and gestured for you to move the bracelet around to look better at the inner part of it. When you realised what he meant you gasped, as joyful tears started staining your face: he had engraved such a simple but meaningful declaration on it and, from now on, you would have worn it forever.
"Mase I - you -" No words that would have come out of your mouth would have been enough to thank him and express how you were feeling.
"Yeah, I love you too" A toothy grin appeared on his prince-like features, as he pulled you in to kiss your forehead, a long and loving kiss.
Mason himself was already a gift for you so you didn't need him to spend any extra money for you, he was your happiness and you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your Christmases with him.
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
The Next Step. | Kim Doyoung (M)
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↳ Prologue: “We’ve been together for a long time. I think we should take the next step. Will you marry me?” + “Maybe…”
↳ The Summary: Doyoung and you have been dating for seven years and recently you gave your boyfriend a big talk about marriage. Doyoung suddenly goes on one knee and proposes to you.
↳ The Warnings: Proposing marriage. Fiancée Doyoung! Fem reader. CRACK. Wholesome fluff. Ahem spicy suggestive smut at he end. Nipple and boob play. Kissing. Marking. Teasing.
Recently EVERYONES getting married and you can’t shake the feeling off that god is giving you a sign that it’s your time to get proposed to. Everyday you’ve been speaking about marriage with your boyfriend hoping he takes small and quiet hints from your convos but you doubt he is listening. At this point you lost your anticipation because it’s been a week and a half and your sweet loving but easily distracted boyfriend has not gone on one knee for you.
You hate to break it to yourself but maybe you won’t be getting married anytime soon. Which, honestly is alright if he isn’t ready yet; but you really want to speed this thing up. You wish to be married to the love of your life. What if he doesn’t feel the same way? It might honestly kill you physical and mentally.
Now you’re walking side to side with Doyoung in the backyard watching your shared hyperactive puppy to run around and play with the both of you, you would be throwing the disk and waiting the dog to catch it. Doyoung on the other hand seemed rather distant and absent minded.
“Doyoung why don’t you throw that tennis ball to Rosie?” You question suddenly but instead your boyfriend lets out a soft chuckle brimming through the cold breeze despite it being sunny this early in the morning.
He clears his throat until he suddenly goes on one foot and your eyes widen at the sight, seriously right here? You drop your hands immediately and stare in absolute shock. Doyoung was on his knees holding out a small jewellery box with the most beautiful ring you could ever lay your eyes on— as his loving eyes stare at you waiting for you to answer or give some type of reaction. But you stood still and covered in nothing but shock.
You always told yourself you want to get proposed to. But why are you suddenly second guessing everything? You blame your anxiety, you couldn’t even move your legs and your mouth has seemingly lost its purpose to speak.
“We’ve been together for a long time. I think we should take the next step. Will you marry me?” Doyoung’s voice brings you back to reality as you stand fidgeting in your pockets of the jacket. Your voice coming out hoarse and timid.
“M-maybe.” You stammer without a thought. MAYBE? Did you just say maybe to your long term boyfriend to his question? Yes you did. You want to bury yourself six feet under with a coffin truly designed for you and your dumbass.
Doyoung looks at you with confusion. “Maybe?” He repeats back and you don’t reply turning around to focus on the dog. He stands up as he sighs, you just know he’s about to scold and give you the biggest lecture of your life. “Y/n what the hell. You’ve been hinting about marriage to me lately and when i finally propose to you, all I get is a maybe. What do you mean Maybe?”
“You caught me off guard! I need to have a think about this.” You reply back with a slightly raised tone as Doyoung looks at you questionably.
“I caught you off guard? Right okay not like you’ve been hinting to me to get on MY knee, Y/n and flash the ring at you.”
You frown slightly. “I need time.”
But all the man said to you was a nod. “Okay. Okay take all the time you need.” He reassures you as he rubs the back of his head.
That day you never want to relive it because the walk back home was so awkward and tense, none of you spoke to one another and Rosie, your shared dog was in the middle walking as if she were your child wondering why her parents have fought. On the way home when you get there it was rather a distant space between you two as well. Doyoung spent his day upstairs. You spent your day downstairs.
He didn’t approach you unless needed to be, which would be ‘I’m taking the shower’ or ‘I’m going out’ so you don’t have to worry and you would do the same such as ‘I’m cooking will this do?’ Or ‘Hey i’mma buy something from the shops you want anything?’ And that’s it.
Doyoung really wanted to talk to you. As much as embarrassed he was for having such a dull reaction from you, he would never regret proposing to you; he knows how you like to overthink things and that’s exactly what you’re doing here. There’s a reason why he hasn’t proposed earlier and that’s because you aren’t desperate for marriage but now the day has come you’re probably cherishing the last days of you and Doyoung’s relationship where you’re more free. But if he’s honest being married to you sounds like he’s already married to you. I mean, seven years dating you and no marriage? It kinda sounds like permanently married to you already. Nothing would change except the fact you’ll be taking his last name and you’ll eventually have kids with him.
He can’t lie though. He’s frustrated. He’s frustrated with you especially. He wants to marry you and be with you, but the ‘Maybe’ really annoyed him.
When it became night you were already in bed tucked in waiting for your boyfriend to come and sleep. Doyoung softly checks if the doors are locked and windows are shut. He makes sure the dog is sleeping with you guys on the bed, because he knows how much Rosie hates being alone in a dark and black room; coming inside the bedroom he closes the lights and walking in the darkness with only moonlight shining through the curtains a little he makes it inside the bed and tucks himself under the duvet and blanket you share with him. That night you couldn’t sleep and neither could Doyoung.
You stay wide awake staring at the ceiling and Doyoung doing the same. Your lips are dry and you subconsciously lick them as you ponder nervously about the proposal. You want to say yes. But how will you tell doyoung that now? You practically rejected him in the worst way possible and he must have all the confidence shattered. You wish for yourself to slap the past self you, because you could’ve said anything but what you said.
You’ve always been the unserious type so you slowly turn around to face Doyoung in which he was already staring back at you, laying on the side and watching you back. You flash him a playful smile suddenly.
“So…when do i get my ring?” You playfully lean closer to his face as Doyoung scoffs lightly at you trying to crack a joke to get rid of the heavy tension; it worked in your favour though. The tension was gone and Doyoung welcomed your joke, reaching his hand over caressing your cheek and brushing the soft silky hair behind your ears. You bite your bottom lip watching how beautiful your boyfriend was, truly you realise how lucky you are to have him.,
Doyoung teasingly adds. “Hmm, I dunno Y/n. I come with the ring.”
You smirk. “That’s the best part, you come with the ring.” As the gap closes he felt your soft lips caress the top and softly pull him into a loving kiss, feeling the way your cold hands print themselves on his jawline to pull him even closer to the deeper kiss, your body crawls on top of him and you can’t help yourself but get physically and mentally excited by how much your boyfriends hands were roaming to feel your. Doyoung would be reaching his hands down your back, tracing them with the ticklish feeling of his fingertips running down your spine, down to your waist the more the makeout increased, and then reaching to your round ass he groped it tight. You let out a soft squeak and a haunting giggle before going back to kiss him heavily, this time with more passion and less softly.
He smirks darkly at you, tugging on the hem of your shirt and the waistband of your shorts. Pulling apart and demanding to you.
“Take them off. Now.”
You obey at his words as the shirt and shorts instantly come off and become scattered on the floor. Along with his own clothes joining them, you were left in panties and boxers, nothing else on. Doyoung didn’t hesitate to bring you to lay down as he goes on top of you kissing down your neck and your chest spreading them with red marks and edging you with the nipples, hearing a gasp from you felt rewarding and he can’t help but firming for more noises to come out of you.
You grip the pillows behind your bed as you bite your bottom lip watching the way your boyfriend’s mouth travels lower to your pelvic bone and right above your soaking pussy as his warm breathing hits the edge. He smirks looking up at you.
“You never answered my proposal question, actually.” He said suddenly and you widen your eyes. He was right. You didn’t give him an answer yet.
“So what will it be, Y/n. Yes or a maybe?” He stated seriously and you squeeze your thighs with a laugh of disbelief. Doyoung really knows how to get a hand on you and you wish he used that hand to pleasure you instead of taunting you with marriage right now— but you knew he was playing his cards right.
You let out a soft groan. “Seriously Doyoung.” And your boyfriend nods, quite serious about this. “I want to be with you even in marriage, of course I’m serious baby. Now will you answer me so i can fuck you quicker?” He tells you with a half lingering joke and you let out a snort.
“Ugh you’re unbelievable. Yes. Let’s get married Doyoung. I want to be with you too.”
He smiles at your answer, feeling happiness overwhelming as he pulled you into a sweet kiss. You return it softly but quickly break it, embracing him.
“And I’m sorry for such a terrible answer earlier, I shouldn’t of even second guessed in the first place.”
Doyoung let’s out a soft hum as he returns the embrace around your bare body, spreading a kiss on your shoulder and the crook of your neck. “Don’t worry about it love. I’m happy you were thinking this through. It’s what I love about you, always wanting to make the right decision.”
“It’s a big step in a relationship. So I’d rather have you think about it than completely reject me.” He tells you again and you can’t help but cheese at how understanding he was.
Both of you are ready for The Next Step.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! REBLOG AND FOLLOW ME FOR MORE FICS IF YOU ENJOYED
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youngbuckisms · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could do a reader and Darby allin and reader is at reader and Darby home watch an AEW Dynamite the reader is pregnant and then the reader goes into labor and then Darby tells Tony Khan that he wants to leave Dynamite to be able to be there when the baby is born?
sorry I don’t know if you wrote this kind of stuff
Wouldn’t Miss It For The World (reader x Darby Allin); drabble
Word count: I forgot
Warnings: pregnancy, going into labor
Notes: Never wrote a pregnancy drabble as far as I can remember, or really anything like this? So, I apologize if it’s not that great. Didn't proofread this one, so defiantly some mistakes, but I hope you enjoy!
In all fairness, you weren’t due for another 2 weeks. Both you and Darby thought you had time and Darby was able to wrestle this match to tie off a feud, then come home for the next couple of weeks to help with the baby. But life has a funny way of throwing thought out plans out the window and leaving both you and Darby scrambling.
It was shortly after Dynamite had started when Darby got the call. With his match being second, he had time to gear himself up, adrenaline already pumping, and mind running one thousand miles a minute. He assumed you called to wish him luck or ask something quick, but hearing that your water broke had left his breath hitched in his throat.
“Shit .. just stay calm and I’ll be there as fast as I can, I promise.” As much as you wanted to keep him on the phone, you had to go to the hospital and couldn’t exactly wait for Darby, even if the show was only an hour away.
“I love you. I’ll be there, I swear.” Darby spoke in a reassuring tone, but you could still hear the panic lingering in his voice, the worry he wouldn’t make it.
As the call ended, Darby was left to run around the building to find Tony. Always there when people didn’t need him, but never around when they did, it seemed. He knew his match was starting soon and he would probably get hell from the locker room for missing his match, but it didn’t matter in that moment.
“Tony! Shit, been looking everywhere.” Darby panted softly, not realizing just how out of breath he was from running around, probably looking like a mad man to people he passed by.
“Darby, you’re supposed — ”
“I know, I know! My fiancé just went into labor and I have to go if I’m going even think of making it in time. Thought you could figure something out if I found you sooner, but couldn’t find you anywhere.” Darby relaxed a little seeing Tony’s face shift from confusion to a more sympathetic expression. Unexpected things happened all the time, in people’s real lives and on screen, he could understand. Still, Darby’s heart pounded, rattling his ribcage as the anxiety and panic ran through his body.
“Go ahead and I’ll find something to fill the time.”
Putting his hands together and giving a slight bow of his head as way of saying thank you, Darby was quick to run out of the building, leaving his things behind. He would text Moxley as he drove, asking him to get his bag and board for him for him to take at the next show — a quick apology sent directly after. He wasn't even sure if Moxley had responded or agreed, but it wasn't as though he could turn back back.
The one-hour long drive felt like twelve, his fingers tight on the steering wheel the entire time as he used the inside of his jacket to wipe off the facepaint he already had put on. It didn’t get all of it, of course, but it was much better than walking into a hospital with half a skull painted on. He was already going to a hospital in ring gear and only a black jacket now covered in white paint covering his torso, it was the least he could do to look presentable.
Of all the people you texted or called, Darby was the first to show up, clearly ignoring any speed limit signs and running the risk of being pulled over, but he was there.
"I thought you weren't going to make it." You spoke through heavy breaths, spotting your fiancé who was ring ready rush to your side the moment he knew what room you were in.
"Wouldn't miss this for the world, Y/N. I promised."
He was with you the whole time after that, his hand in yours, letting you hold on tight enough during your labor that he swore you could have broken his hand, but that didn't matter all too much to him in the moment.
A night of stress, one the two of you would never forget for a multitude of reasons. But for Darby, the most memorable part of all of it was being able to hold your baby girl for the first time, blue eyes turning glassy as he kept her so close to his chest as if he was afraid of her leaving his hold. You got to wake up to the side, Darby sitting beside your bed with your girl, a permanent smile on his face.
"If there is a next time, you're staying home with me for at least a month before my due date." You spoke, bringing Darby out of his thoughts, piercing blues staring at you with that big smile.
"Already thinking of next time?" He teased, getting up so he could carefully hand over your little girl.
"If." You argued, but Darby only chuckled quietly under his breath, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. He didn't plan on going anywhere for a very long time, that was for sure.
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katyawriteswhump · 9 months
The Highwayman, the Stableboy & the Christmas Bride (Stobin/Minor Steddie)
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles Day 17--Platonic Stobin Day. When Robin is forced into an arranged marriage, she and Steve take drastic action...
WC: 939. Rating: T.
CW: none really. Tags: Historical AU. Minor Steddie. Crossdressing. A bit silly.
Lady Roberta burst into the stable-block, petticoats trailing in the muck. She flung her arms around Steve: “It’s horrible enough that I’m marrying a man three times my age—and that he’s a man! Why does it have to be at Christmas?”
“I suppose Lady Buckley was trying to soften the blow.” Steve rested his cheek on her hair, rubbed circles on her back. In all their years of friendship, he’d never seen her so distraught. “Surely Lord Hootenanny’s fortune cheers you?”
“I couldn’t care less.” Robin sniffed hard, in her wonderfully un-ladylike manner. “Maybe you can become his stableboy and leave with me?”
“I suppose you’ll still require a snot-rag, but… uh…” The tremble in his voice betrayed him. She peeped up, wiped her eyes—pushed his hair from his brow and gasped. 
Damn. He’d wished to conceal his latest bruise.
“What happened?”
“Your fiancé’s boot collided with my face. Apparently, his stirrups weren’t shiny enough. I don’t think he’s going to want me.”
The determined jut of her chin was as distressing to Steve as her tears. “We must run away. There’s no other choice.”
“You say that every week. We’ll be caught, and you’ll have to marry him anyway.”
 And I’ll be flogged to within an inch of my life. Or, just as likely, hanged.
“If we don’t run, we’ll never see each other again. I’ll miss everything about you—even the stink of the horses. You’re my best and only friend.” Her head sank to his shoulder again. “But I don’t want you getting hurt.”
I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. Or of you living in the power of that violent bastard.
He groaned softly. She was right. They had no choice.
After midnight struck, he scaled a rope to her window. She threw up the sash, and he scrambled through. He thrust at her the bundle he carried, which had made climbing harder than usual: “These riding britches should fit you fine. You got the gown for me?”
She gestured to some crinolines on her four-poster bed. “There you go—one of my maid’s. I adjusted it myself.”
While she changed in her closet, he slid the gown on. It slipped straight down and puddled around his boots. “I see your legendary needlework has not improved,” he grumbled. She emerged, looking delighted and dashing in her britches.
As she pinned the gown about him, however, her hands trembled, and terror gripped him too. Lady Roberta would hopefully pass for her twin brother under the shadows of night. Her rogue of a brother was often seen sloping around with serving wenches—hence Steve’s heinous disguise. The plan after that, nevertheless, was fraught with even greater danger. 
Riding together on her brother’s horse, they made it through the village. Steve cursed the skirts that forced him to sit before her, side-saddle, with the pommel gouging his thigh. Once into the forest, a full moon lit their path, ensuring they remained vulnerable prey to pursuers from Buckley Towers, or…
Robin gasped, hastened their trot. 
“What is it?” asked Steve.
“Pursuers. Only one, mayhap. We can out-speed them.”
His heart lurched miserably. “Are you insane? On a steed carrying two? Sweet Jesus, I feel my neck stretching already.”
“If we die, Steve, I vow we die together.” 
He clung, white-knuckled, to the saddle. Robin pushed into a gallop. Their pursuer proved not only faster, but knew the terrain better and overtook them. Soon, a vast stallion and its rider blocked the track, silhouetted against the moonshine. Could this be a henchman of Lord Hootenanny, who would flay Steve alive on the spot?
“Get out of our way, or I’ll blow your brains out!”  That was Robin, who’d whipped out… “I stole one of Papa’s duelling pistols,” she whispered.
“Maybe you should first ask if I be friend or foe?” came a reply that set Steve’s heart hammering more excitedly than ever.
“This is your last chance!” Robin sounded desperate, out of her mind. “Let us pass, or—”
“Robin, no!” He grabbed her arm. Her shot flew wide. The blast and recoil sent them tumbling from the saddle of the spooked horse in a cloud of choking gunpowder. They landed in the mud, in a tangle of his petticoats. Ow, ow, ow! My ribs! The whalebone corset had been a terrible idea. His ears rang with the crack of the pistol, and the sound of a familiar laugh.
“Stevie, my lad, I thought it be you. Why are ye banged up like a doxy?”
“You know him?” asked Robin; damn, he was glad she was alright. “What’s a doxy and why are they banged up?”
“He wants to know why I’m dressed like a whore.” Steve took Eddie’s hand, who dragged him to his feet. Steve offered Robin the same assistance but found her scrambling up, unaided. “Meet my lover, Robin. Hellfire Eddie.”
“The infamous highwayman?”
“One and the same.” Steve turned to Eddie. “I didn’t think you’d get my message so soon.”
“My spies act fast,” said Eddie, slapping Steve’s padded derriere.
“Not in front of a lady!” seethed Steve.
Lady Roberta, however, looked pleased as punch. “Can we join your gang? Oh my goodness, I can become a notorious highwaywoman!” She flung her arms around Steve and smacked a kiss on his cheek. “Steve, this is singularly fortuitous. Our lives can start over.”
“Till we ALL get hanged,” mumbled Steve.
Eddie insisted Steve rode with him, rather than Robin, for the journey back to his thieves’ lair. 
“Then out of that ridiculous finery,” husked Eddie. “You know I like to wear the petticoats when I plow ye.”
Thank you for reading :)
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shrinkthisviolet · 14 days
Iris and Wally for the character ask thingy? :)
Iris West-Allen
favorite thing about them
She’s so tenacious, I love her for it! And her strongest superpowers are her belief and investigative skills—I find that inspiring
least favorite thing about them
Her “three list” in s1
favorite line
“It’s okay. A girl’s gotta be her own hero every now and again” and “All the information I have on Black Hole will be immediately released…so tell your friend to stand down.” That’s our girl, standing on business!!
Iris & Cisco, my sunshine twin babies 💞
Westallen, Westhallen, Barriscowest!
random headcanon
She and Caitlin became friends post-s1 via bonding over losing their fiancés. Caitlin found the grieving process much easier this time around—not because the loss hurt any less, but because she had someone who Got It, who knew exactly how she felt and didn’t try to placate or soothe her. Iris, for her part, was ALSO glad to have someone who let her feel her feelings without trying to placate or soothe her—it felt good. They smashed more than a few things together to let out some of the pent-up grief…and by the time Iris was ready to move on with Barry, by the time she and Caitlin had that talk, it came from a woman who knew exactly how Iris felt, exactly what her hesitations were, and encouraged her to go for it anyway
unpopular opinion
Apparently even liking her is an unpopular opinion lol but here’s one: song i associate with them
song i associate with them
Seeing Green by Nicky Minaj!
favorite picture of them
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Look at her!! Adorable 🥰 and this is one of my favorite hairstyles of hers
Wally West
favorite thing about them
How considerate he is! It’s not a trait the show often showcases, but he worries about Iris enough to go to the hospital and sit by her bedside even after they fought, he’s racing specifically to raise money for his mom’s medical bills, he wants to be a hero to help people (not just because he thinks it’ll be cool to have powers—when he thinks there’s a chance of him not getting powers, he specifically says “So you think, just let it go? Give up on wanting to help people?”), etc. He’s got a bigger heart than people give him credit for!
least favorite thing about them
I love him, I do, and I don’t fault him for being mad that Barry proposed to Iris out of fear (nor do I blame him more than Barry, as some morons do), but…he should’ve confronted Barry privately about that. Maybe with Iris, but not with everyone else
favorite line
“I'm fast, really fast. I might even be the fastest man alive. And when I'm running, there's no greater feeling in the world. I can move through the city like a guardian angel, protecting people who need me.” Speaks to that need for speed that he’s been chasing since s2…and calls back to when his biggest disappointment of not having powers was feeling like he couldn’t help people!
Wally & Barry and Wally & Iris ofc
Wallylinda/Wallinda!! They’re canon in my heart idc
Hmm well I don’t like Wally/Jesse, but I like them platonically, so…does that count 😅
random headcanon
Wally is absolutely the fun uncle who indulges Nora and Bart’s every whim, no matter what Barry and Iris have to say about it. Nothing too unsafe ofc, moreso things like sneaking them sweets late at night, or letting them stay up past bedtime…or taking them for a little time travel spin in a fully controlled environment, Barry, I’d never let anything happen to my niblings!
unpopular opinion
People being more mad at him for revealing that Barry proposed to Iris out of fear than they are mad at Barry for proposing that way in the first place is absolutely wild. Obviously Wally should’ve confronted Barry privately, not in front of anyone, but don’t act like he was more in the wrong than Barry
song i associate with them
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic!
favorite picture of them
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He's so confident and happy here 🥰
character ask game!
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haleyheart0197 · 1 year
Klaus Mikaelson smut: You're Mine.
Warning this smut will include Car sex, Spanking, forced movement, degradation and praise, and overstimulation.
Who does he think he is, Tyler dancing with my fiancé yes you heard me right Atari will soon be a Mikaelson. It took me everything in my power not to rip his head off. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Rebekah ask "Nik are you alright." I look at her and snap "no Lockwood is drooling over what's mine." She looked over to them and commented "oh well if you want I can go get her." A devious idea popped in my head I looked at her "Yes please do and tell her we are leaving." She looked confused but didn't dare question me and went off to my little toy pup.
I'm dancing with Tyler when all of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around and it's Rebekah "Hey bekah what's up." " my brother says you are leaving." Confused at first I look over to Klaus who doesn't look happy then I connect 2 and 2 together and realize.... Klaus is jealous "thanks girlie." I turn to Tyler and say "later jerk looks like I gotta go." He looks at me and says "okay fine, is Klaus jealous." " Of course he is." I hear Rebekah laugh well because we all know how Klaus can get, I give him one last hug and leave.
When I reach Klaus he already has my bag and coat in hand and says "let’s go." geez who spit in his bourbon. We get in his car and he starts speeding towards our house not even putting on his seatbelt "Jesus Klaus slow down." "Slow down!! love incase you haven't realized I'm a little upset." "Oh I realized Klaus what is your problem." " my problem IS Atari is that you were a little to close to Tyler tonight and I didn't like that." I start chuckling and that was a bad move "what is so funny Atari."" You are so jealous, Tyler is like a brother to me I've known him since we were kids he's just a friend and newsflash if I wanted him I would've left you a long time ago."
Klaus stomped on the break and quickly turned into an empty parking lot. I mentally slap myself way to go Atari you fucked up again. He takes off my seatbelt and tells me in a dangerously calm voice "get in the back seat." Knowing Klaus is furious I don't hesitate and make my way to the backseat. "Take off your underwear and shoes now." I take them off then Klaus joins me he moves both seats up to give him some space to move around.
Klaus spread Atari's legs opened and ran his middle finger up her folds causing her to let out a sharp gasp “who made you this wet love.” Knowing full and well that he was the reason for her wetness. “You did.” She said quietly but Klaus didn’t like that grabbing her dress and ripping down the middle he said “what was that.” “You did.” She said a little louder “I did huh.” Causing a shiver to run down her spine. Grabbing by her arm and roughly turning her body around so that she was looking out the back window, his hands started tracing her back and thighs until he reached Atari’s ass cheeks he slightly squeezed them then he lifted his right hand and brought down on her ass with a hard smack. Atari gasped and moved forward before she could collect her thought he did it again on her opposite cheek. He did this over and over and over again until her ass was burning red. He traces his fingers on his handprint and says “my art.”
Satisfied he plunged his cock into her pussy causing her to scream out in ecstasy no matter how much they fucked she was always shocked by his thickness and length. Klaus didn’t start of slow no not at all he fucked into her with such force the car was moving a bit. “Who do you belong to.” He asked pulling her hair harshly so her back was pressed against his front. “You.” He slaps her ass “I’m sorry what was that.” “Oh god. You daddy.” “Not god sweetheart just the devil in disguise.”
He’s words alone making her moan. He felt her clench around him telling him that she was close speeding up his pace he wanted her to cum. Atari’s legs started to shake a bit clamping down on him she spoke “I am gonna cum.” Nik responded with “come love make a mess.” And she did coming on his cock she was a little wobbly but Klaus was no where near finished.
Flipping her around he got her on her back. Forcing himself back into her slick he started drilling into her “who do you belong to?” “Oh god you Klaus, I belong to you.” “That’s a good little girl.” Taking her legs spreading them until the soles of her feet were touching the windows. The new position aloud him to go deeper making it impossible for her to even form thoughts the only thing coming out of her mouth were whines and whimpers. “Look at you all fucked out.” Atari tried to speak but couldn’t wrapping his hand in her hair he pulls her in for a kiss a scorching kiss that leaves them both wanting more the most obscene sounds coming from them both when Atari cums for the third time. As Klaus slows down she flips them so that she’s on top and starts bouncing on his cock.
She keeps a fast and steady pace Klaus not knowing where this side of Atari was coming from but he did not hate it. This obscene look of them together their bodies moving in sync with love. His cock started to twitch inside of her making her go faster. Clenching around him he came with such ferocity that his legs trembled triggering her own climax but she wasn’t done with him. “Love I would stop that unless you want me to cum agai-“ cut off by her consistent movement the vein in his neck was slowly popping out “thats the whole idea daddy.” She didn’t stop his grunts getting gradually louder until he came again inside of her. A little shocked he asked “what was…. All that about l-love.”
She giggled “oh daddy, I was just showing you that I love you and only you.” She peppered his neck with kisses and then said “besides your mine.”
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kassies-take · 1 year
If You Let It Out
<Prev || Part 5 || Next>
Sam: you need to eat
You: I’m fine
Embry: so I can’t see Jake or Quil
Sam: not yet, it’s for the best
Jared: sorry bro. But you’ve got us.
Paul: it’ll get better, we’re practically superheroes of the reservation. Quasi-immortality. Enhanced healing
Jared: enhanced senses, speed and strength, phasing
Sam: warmer body heat, tougher skin, protectors of the tribe
You: *bitter and scoffs* pack telepathy, loss of friendships
Paul: we all lost friends (Y/n)
You: says the person with his best friend of 7 years next to him. Jake and Quil can shift and when they do the golden trio will be back together *rolls eyes* whoop dee doo. *gets up and exits the back door*
The Pack: *looks at each other*
Emily: I’ll go *follows you out* Sam always said running makes him feel better
You: I’m tired of running. Physically and mentally. I just ughhhhhh *punches a tree*
Sam: *gets up and moves Emily behind him*
You: I’m not going to hurt her Sam
Sam: I get that you’re angry
You: I’m not angry. I’m frustrated! I wanted to get Leah answers! And now that I have it I can’t tell her! Some best friend I am, hanging out with her ex-fiancé.
Sam: look I feel guilty for hurting Leah but I can’t help who i imprint with.
You: you don’t even know the half of it… there’s no rule book that your imprint has to be your lover! I don’t care how guilty you are you moved on, or you were allowed to anyway.
Sam: she’ll be okay
You: God did you not hear anything at Jake’s! She’s tormented, heartbroken, devastated, grief stricken. She lost 4 people in her life that were her life line! She’s drowning in an ocean of sorrows and instead of helping her we’re supposedly on a beach singing about being protectors, WATCHING HER DROWN. *turns away to take deep breaths*
Emily: what do you mean 4 people?
Sam: *immediately turns to Emily*
You: *flinches and closes your eyes*
Sam: (Y/n), what do you mean 4 people?
You: *clenches your fist and shakes*
Sam: *alpha voice* (Y/n)!
You: *winces as your body involuntarily kneels and tries to fight the command*
Sam: *alpha voice* Tell. Me.
You: *digs your nails in the dirt* She. *bites your tongue and tears form* She was pregnant for god sakes! She was going to tell you… but you showed up first, shifted.
Sam: we didn’t break up for another three weeks
You: but there wasn’t a relationship, was there *glares up at Sam and stands* she told me she didn’t want to tell you until she started showing. Which made sense she didn’t want to get you hopes up, then you show up breaking her. And that pain she felt, the stress and heartbreak caused her to have a miscarriage. *grits* So while you sit here on your high and mighty throne with your perfect life, she’s broken and I’m forced to watch. *shoulder checks Sam and shifts into the forest*
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edenityy · 4 months
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( chapter five ! )
"It's wonderful that your mother allowed you to attend the ball!"
Standing close to the refreshments table are Leah and Elizabeth, the pair adorned in extravagant dresses for the occasion. After hours of begging, Leah proved it worth it when her mother finally caved in. Elizabeth herself followed a similar strategy, though Francis seems slightly more lenient at the idea than Vivienne.
The young Barrett is dressed in a powder blue dress made of some of the highest quality fabric, bringing out the color of her eyes. Numerous small details surround the skirt as the top half is accentuated perfectly by her corset, followed by a pearl neckpiece that compliments her skin tone. Many eyes attach to her, capturing her every move through the ballroom. Brown hair also falls across her shoulders, curled at the end, and put up in a half up-half down style.
Despite having previously been upset that her mother wasn't going to be debuting her this season, Leah now appears reluctant due to the attention she gathers, "Yes.. Amazing, isn't it?" she fights back a sigh, opting to pick up a glass and sip at the liquid she's unfamiliar with.
All Leah and Elizabeth are capable of hearing is the immense chatter that fills the room, nearly drowning out their voices if they don't speak loud enough. Not far from the teenage girls stand their mothers and surprisingly, Edward, conversing while chaperoning the pair through the night's endeavors.
"Just look at all the beautiful dresses!" Elizabeth sings, hands tightly clasped together as she observes the other women in the room. Carrying herself away from Leah, she darts around the ballroom to begin interacting.
Watching her friend practically disappear before her eyes, Leah fights back another sigh, "Wait up!" Discarding the drink in her hands, the brunette begins to chase after her friend, unable to hear Edward attempting to call her back.
"I was going to ask to her dance.." Edward says with a look of defeat.
"You'll find the chance." Vivienne smiles, taking a sip from her glass of lemonade as she watches her daughter run off.
Across the room is a different story, Ciel wears a pink and black dress to disguise himself, utterly regretting all of his decisions. Trudging through the ballroom with an eye out for Viscount Druitt, he can't shake his disdain for his current situation.
"I really do not want my fiancé to see me like this.." Ciel's mind flashes to a vision of Leah, already picturing how she would react to seeing him in such a way. The thought of the shock, then gossip surrounds his brain in a thick fog.
"That head-piece is so exquisite!"
Sebastian and Ciel turn their heads at the speed of lightning to the sound of an all too familiar voice, eyes immediately settling upon the blonde and brunette pair. In between the two women, Elizabeth compliments any lady she comes across while Leah attempts to keep her on a leash and drag her away.
Glancing ahead of her, Elizabeth's eyes light up at the sight of Sebastian trying to whisk Ciel away, "That dress that girl is wearing is so cute!" she yells, but her voice dies down when the Phantomhive can break the line of sight within the large crowd of people in the room.
"Hm? Where did she go?" Elizabeth asks while turning her head every which way.
"She must have seen something that caught her eye. Or wanted to get away from you. Most strangers don't appreciate being chased.. even if you have good intent." Leah folds her hands near her abdomen, subtly messing with the fabric of her gloves.
Ducked behind a table, Ciel and Sebastian are mere feet away from Leah and Elizabeth. There's a tall and extravagant cake between them, which unlikely catches the eye of his fiancé, "Why are they here?! Anyway, let's go to where the ladies are.."
"Oh Elizabeth, look at the cake! It's beautiful." Leah muses, admiring the intricate details that surround the dessert.
Shifting her attention from the task of trying to find the mysterious woman, Elizabeth is just as content at the sight of the cake before them, "It is! We must have a slice together when they cut it!" She nods.
"I— I couldn't.." Leah breathes out, placing a hand lightly above her stomach with knitted brows. Even though she's thin, she can never shake the insecurity she developed during childhood, learning she was bigger than other girls.
"How strange.." Sebastian whispers, "For your fiancé and cousin to be here, it is quite unexpected."
"Regardless of the disguise, if we meet.."
"You'll be found out."
Ciel's face fills with panic at their words, "If he discovers me, I won't be able to investigate!"
"Further, everyone here will find out that the young lady is you," Sebastian replies with a monotonous tone.
Sheer dread overcomes the Phantomhive, "If people find out I'm dressed like this, it'll be the ultimate humiliation for the Phantomhive family!" Ciel tries to hold his voice back from a shout, "If it comes to that, I'd rather die! Anyway, we cannot.." he trails off.
"Viscount Druitt is so handsome tonight!"
"His light golden hair is like gold thread!"
Viscount Druitt stands confidently a few meters away, conversing with guests. To no one's surprise, women speak of his looks from any corner of the room.
Reluctantly approaching the man, Ciel tries to keep his composure and act as he would a lady. As in copying how he sees Leah act. Unluckily for Ciel, he's barely able to get a word into the Viscount before the dreadful voice of Elizabeth emerges from behind him.
"Ah! Found you!" Elizabeth calls out, starting to approach excitedly.
Barely an inch behind her, Leah is tugging on the girl's arm and trying to pull her away, "Stop chasing people! Can't we get a snack or something?" she huffs.
Cursing under his breath, Ciel is quick to dart off and away from the pair, "I was so close too!"
"The girl in front! Please wait!" Begs Elizabeth, nearly unaffected by Leah's attempts to drag her back.
It's an annoying game of cat and mouse, with an extra player to intervene. Ahead of the girls, Sebastian leads Ciel through the people. But not far behind them, Leah rolls her eyes at Elizabeth who never seems to know when to give up.
Hand in the air, Sebastian waves over a butler, "Gentleman, please give a glass of lemonade to those ladies." he says while whisking Ciel away, pointing in the direction of the young Earl's fiancé and cousin.
Elizabeth holds initial confusion at the sudden offer of lemonade but Leah appears more than pleased, giving her a chance to catch her breath after the brisk walking to keep up with the blonde. Holding the glass between her gloved fingers, the Barrett girl hides her unstable breathing to take large gulps of the liquid while Elizabeth merrily chats away to more women around them.
Unfortunately for Leah, her break is short-lived when Edward quickly approaches her from behind. Gently grazing a hand past her shoulder, the older boy smiles widely, "May I have this dance?" he asks.
Fighting back a startled gasp when Edward suddenly appears behind her, Leah gives a lopsided, but soft smile, "You may."
Walking towards the dance floor, Leah gives one last look in Elizabeth's direction as they leave her behind, only praying she doesn't cause the unidentified lady any more trouble. But while distracted by her friend, she hardly notices that she brushes past Ciel who stands tightly next to Sebastian.
Guiding Leah to the dance floor, Edward takes her right hand in his left and places his free hand around her waist, leading the two of them in the dance. The dance is a classic waltz, one of the first dances that many learn. Following the music, their steps move in sync and Leah's dress skirt flows with her movements, her unlowered hems freely brushing across her ankles and calves.
"I'm glad I caught you in time. I thought you'd spend your entire evening chasing after Elizabeth," Edward chuckles, twirling the shorter girl in his arms.
Keeping her eyes trained on his, Leah smiles. "I was preparing to. Balls are a lot less fun than I thought they would be.." she complains.
The brunette's words earn a chuckle from Edward, both of whom barely notice Ciel and Sebastian just a few feet away from them. Somehow Elizabeth doesn't either, fixated on her cousin in the pretty dress yet is incapable of recognizing him. That could be explained by Ciel ducking his face out of their view whenever he can.
When the song ends and everyone returns to their original states, Leah lets go of Edward and returns to Elizabeth's side, brushing her shoulder past Ciel's and muttering a quick apology. Approaching her smaller friend, Leah's brows knit together when she realizes she is just staring off into the distance. Or more so, a particular boy in pink.
"Elizabeth?" Leah calls out, lowering her head to come between the blonde and the form her eyes are fixated on.
Blinking in surprise, Elizabeth looks up to meet the blue eyes that bore into her green ones, "Oh, Leah! How was the dance with Edward?" she asks.
"It was alright.." Leah shrugs, "What are you looking at?"
"The girl in that beautiful dress! I still haven't gotten to talk to her.." Elizabeth leans to look past Leah's shoulders, "But here's my chance!" The blonde announces, setting off with a pep to her step.
Leah sighs in irritation as Elizabeth begins to approach Ciel, currently in an uncomfortable conversation with Viscount Druitt. 'That girl never knows when to give up.'
Ciel himself is practically shaking in his shoes, knowing of the two familiar figures who are quickly closing the distance. In a quick matter of luck — aka, Sebastian — Ciel's initial worry of his life being over is somewhat reassured in a matter of seconds. Watching the butler wearing a masquerade mask slam down a cupboard between Ciel, Leah, and Elizabeth, he hides his surprise at the demon's sudden plan.
"The ball is at its peak, so at this time, may all the gentlemen and ladies watch this magic performance I shall do with this cupboard!" Sebastian announces. "That gentleman," he shifts his attention to Lau, "Can you assist me?"
Lau's signature smirk paints his face, "Me? Why of course."
Leah and Elizabeth both watch in amusement and wonder, eyes sparking with sudden interest.
"This is an ordinary cupboard. I will now enter it."
With the rest of the guests enamored by Sebastian's display, no one notices Viscount Druitt and Ciel sneaking off away from the party.
"After I go into the cupboard, tie it up tightly with these chains," Sebastian explains to Lau, handing the chains over to him. "And then these swords will be used to pierce this cupboard."
Drowning out the last of the explanation, Leah finally racks her brain to recognize a familiar face. "Is that Lau?" She questions, furrowing her brows before looking to her left to see Madame Red. 'I suppose Ciel didn't come after all?'
As much as the Barrett enjoys being in her thoughts, the train is quickly interrupted when she is brought back to hear Lau make exaggerated noises while impaling the box with Sebastian inside. The guests all look with utter shock and worry at multiple swords stabbed into the cupboard, a smiling Lau to accompany it.
"He suddenly went from the top?!"
"He really did it without restraint!"
Lau, who seems entirely proud of his work, sparkles, "Alright, let's see if he's alright?" he suggests.
Taking the swords out of the cupboard and undoing the chains, the door to the cupboard ominously begins to swing open. Everyone watches in silent worry before bursting into shouts of surprise when Sebastian steps out completely unscathed.
"A miracle!"
The room is filled with sounds of applause, replacing the previous silence that could be cut by a knife. Stepping away from Elizabeth, Leah slowly walks over to Lau and Sebastian who she can now see.
Clapping cheerily, Madame Red has the smile of a happy child, "That was quite impressive, Sebastian!"
"Sebastian? If everyone else is here, then where is Ciel?" Leah questions, tilting her head.
"You can never be too surprised with that boy! I'm sure you're glad to be here though? How was your first ball?" Angelina gives a smile to the young Barrett.
"Well it's not my first.. but honestly. Never again." Leah sighs. All the attention she received, even without having to interact with anyone, was enough for her. Then following such a hyper Elizabeth around all night? The brunette is more than glad her mother chose to not debut her this season.
— ౨ৎ —
"What's the meaning of this?!" Ciel shouts, slamming down the latest newspaper. "The Viscount didn't go anywhere last night!"
It is another day in Ciel's townhouse, but not a particularly welcome one with the latest news. Around the room, the aristocrats are stationed in different spots of the room, holding the newspapers to observe the headlines displayed in bold words.
"If the suspect could not carry out the murders.. it's an impersonator.. no, it's possible there were others from the beginning." Lau speaks, standing in front of a bookcase.
Madame Red furrows her brows, "Meaning the Viscount isn't involved?" she asks.
"I have to come up with something again.." Ciel sighs. "We have to narrow it down. Sebastian, organize the list." The blue-haired teen demands.
Sebastian places a hand on his chest, "Your humble servant understands."
Later that same night, thunder and lightning crash around the townhouse. Leah and Madame Red sit around a small table, Ciel in his lounge chair a slight distance away. The trio are all wearing their sleep attire, paired with simple robes wrapped around themselves.
"There are four and a half million people in London alone. During the season party period, there's be even more." Ciel groans, smacking the papers on his left with the back of his hand. "If we relax the requirements, the pool of people increases even more."
"You're still working?" Leah questions, tilting her head to which her untied hair follows.
"Leah. Madame Red."
"Sometimes you don't need to work so hard." Madame Red smiles, holding up a box with the design of a chess board on the front. "Want to relax a bit and play this?" she asks.
"International chess, huh? It brings back memories.." Ciel says.
"Is that so? Because Sebastian was coming, I got this out from the attic!" Madame Red muses. "Come! Take a break! Take a break!" Angelina chants, pushing some papers off of the table.
"Grell, please prepare some tea!"
"It's already late so I've prepared herb tea made from wild roses," Grell explains, placing a cup in front of each aristocrat before pouring them a cup.
Hesitantly picking up her porcelain, Leah sniffs at the liquid before bringing the cup to her cherry-tinted lips. Taking a small sip, she recoils in her chair at the salty taste, spitting it back into the cup and placing it back on its plate.
"That's repulsive.." Leah sighs, leaning back in her seat.
"This tastes bad!" Madame Red shouts, "Why is herbal tea salty?! And you call yourself a butler?! Do it again!" she demands.
Grell shakes in her shoes, looking at her master, "Even so, I'm still a butler!" she tries not to raise her voice in response.
The red-haired woman lets out a breath of irritation, not bothering to listen to Grell's continuous apologies. Turning in her seat to observe the butler clad in black, she leans a head on her hand, "That butler of yours, whether he's capable or just a workaholic.. that's not much?" she questions.
"This is nothing," Ciel states in response.
"Since he's so capable, you should just make him do the investigation on the Viscount instead." Madame Red suggests.
"That is my 'power' and 'hands and legs'." Ciel holds up a horse piece, "Sebastian is merely one of my chess pieces. It is not possible to move the chess pieces without me, the person behind it. If I won using a free moving piece, that would not be to my credit." Ciel says.
Placing his horse piece on the board, he snatched up one of Angelina's pieces. Madame Red seems to be slightly surprised that her nephew has managed to snag another, trying to think of a new strategy.
"The one who gives the order will always be the master. Without my command, he will—"
Poor Leah has begun to tune out the conversation, eyes flickering closed out of utter boredom. The sound of the rain doesn't make her feel any better, slowly lulling the teenager to sleep in her seat.
Minutes pass before anyone has noticed Leah fell asleep. The first to notice was Madame Red, checking on the girl in her odd silence after she made her turn on the board.
"She fell asleep?" Angelina questions, which prompts Anna to walk over.
Glancing down at the chair, the maid sighs as she observes the sleeping brunette. Hair slightly sprawled across her face, parted lips, and faint breathing is displayed, all while sitting in an uncomfortable position.
"I will have her moved," Anna bows, "Please enjoy the rest of your night."
Before Anna has to chance to attempt to lift her mistress out of the chair, Sebastian places his papers down to walk over, "Allow me." he leans down to pick up the young Barrett.
"My, she's lighter than I thought she would be.." Sebastian says in surprise, fighting the urge to begin throwing her around from how little effort it would take.
Anna glances up at the butler, "Yes, she has a habit of not eating. It's been more noticeable over the years." she says, now walking with Sebastian toward Leah's designated room in the townhouse.
Most of the walk is silent, a silence that can't seem to decide if it's a comfortable one or not. Anna's dull personality makes it hard for her to entertain conversation, rather than choosing to focus on getting Leah in bed. Thankfully the townhouse isn't as big as a mansion, making it easy to reach the room.
Moving ahead of Sebastian carrying the young lady in his arms, Anna opens the door for him and stands to the side as he shuffles inside. Adjusting the girl in his arms, Sebastian pulls back the blankets and lays her beneath, turning back to Anna.
"Goodnight.." Sebastian smiles, walking out the door.
Approaching the sleeping Leah, Anna hardly pays Sebastian any mind as she prepares her mistress's items for tomorrow. "Goodnight."
— ౨ৎ —
It's only a matter of months before a multitude of people are gathered in a chapel to attend the unexpected funeral of Madame Red, the air filled with sadness and tears. Leah stands close to the coffin, observing Angelina who now lacks color with a blank look.
However, underneath her tough exterior, the girl is fighting back the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes. "I feel like you understood me in a way.. Even if we didn't speak much." her voice wavers, swallowing the lump in her throat.
Just as Leah lays the flower in her hand beside Angelina's head, the doors to the chapel swing open, prompting everyone to look back. Ciel stands front and center, Sebastian behind him to the side holding a hat to his abdomen with a solemn look.
"Ciel..!" Elizabeth exclaims, standing a few feet away from the coffin herself.
Releasing a breath through her nose, his fiancé watches as he walks closer with a crimson dress slung over his shoulder, "I knew you'd show up eventually." she gives a sad smile.
Leah steps back from the coffin, giving Ciel space to say goodbye to his aunt. Watching as the Phantomhive sits atop the podium holding the coffin up, she watches warily when Ciel swings the dress on his aunt and gently touches her face.
"You know white flowers and subdued clothes do not suit you. What suits you is passionate red. The color of licorice burning in the Earth." Ciel leans down to place his face closer to Angelina's, "Aunt Ann."
Just as Ciel finishes speaking, red flower petals begin to flood into the chapel. Everyone looks up and around in surprise, gasps filling the room while Sebastian stands outside with a carriage full of petals. Aiming her head up, a couple fall on Leah's head and face, causing her to release a small giggle.
Pulling away from his aunt's body, Ciel gives her one last look, "Good night, Madame Red."
Leah, Ciel, Sebastian, Lau, and Anna all stand by Angelina's grave. The young Barrett stares down at the touched dirt, solemnly holding her hands together to give silent remorse. Beside her, Anna keeps a hand on Leah's shoulder in comfort but makes no further moves.
"You did not inform the Queen of Jack the Ripper's true identity?" Lau asks.
"I did not think it necessary." Ciel replies, staring at the headstone, "After all, Jack the Ripper is no longer in London."
Looking up in confusion, Leah turns to Ciel with knitted brows, "Who was Jack the Ripper?" she questions.
Meeting his fiancé's eyes, Ciel feels the sorrow pouring from them. Unable to break the truth, he decides to leave her in ignorant bliss. At least for the time being.
"Do not worry about it.."
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Clavis Lelouch. It's your fault that I can't stop lusting. Premium End.
His POV.
Clavis has finished his work. Now he can finally see MC. On his way to her room, the prince remembers sweet moments with MC.
For example, the moment when he saw the girl peeking at him and his brothers.
Clavis realized that MC was sensitive to what Luke and Nokto were saying. Clavis could see from her shadow that she was upset.
He decided to let it be known that he could see the girl.
MC comes out of hiding. But no one is surprised. Clavis puts his arm around her shoulders.
Clavis: MC, we are the bride and groom who love each other with all our hearts, right?
Clavis: It's time to make it known. Shouldn't we talk about our love in front of our brothers?
He knows that the "shy" MC is against putting their relationship on display, but her protesting reaction is also very cute.
Clavis never gets tired of watching MC; the more he watches, the more he wants to see again.
The girl promises to tell of her love for the prince, but only when they are alone.
(The difference between Tsun and Dere is always cute, but rarely shown in public.)
After this, the heroine runs away.
He goes to her room. In his thoughts, he says very many times how sweet she is and how he wants to touch her.
After the kiss, Clavis gives her cookies in the shape of a rabbit, which he baked himself.
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(Even if you pretend to be strong, I know you feel alone.)
The prince worked with unprecedented speed to see MC as soon as possible.
In the garden, he saw a girl with his brothers Luke and Jin. She was talking about spending time together with Clavis.
The prince couldn't resist seeing her reaction, so he hugged her and kissed her on the temple. He then led the girl away to her room.
MC: However, the people in the castle don't seem to quite understand my feelings for Clavis.
MC: I've thought about it. I wonder if I shouldn't be more "frank."
According to the girl, confessing her love will make the prince happier.
She should talk more about her love for the prince in front of other people.
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(I want all of you now.)
But he has a job waiting for him. However...
Clavis: But I am lusting because I am happy. Be prepared for tonight, okay?
In the hallway, he hears Luke and Jin.
Luke told them that he saw MC eating sweets in the form of "monsters," smiling and happy.
Naturally, Jin and Luke, knew that MC was in love with her fiancé. Clavis stops, but the girl takes priority.
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(I need to hug you as soon as possible.)
Upon entering the heroine's room, the prince lifts her up and lowers her onto the sheets.
And kisses the girl.
(As for me, I'd like to be commended for enduring this long, right?)
Clavis tells me he's seen Luke and Jin. And it seems while his fiancée was eating homemade pastries there was a look on her face that said how much she "loves Mr. Clavis."
The heroine admits that she hadn't seen the prince in a long time, so she missed him a lot. And the sweets reminded her of him. MC notes that her fiancé looks happy.
Clavis says everyone already knows how much the girl loves him. And whether she's a tsun or a dere, she's full of love for him.
MC is embarrassed by this fact. But her expression only amuses Clavis.
He can no longer hold back.
Clavis's lust level is - 100.
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ihearthoonie · 9 months
YN anxiously glanced at the clock above Mr.Choi's balding head. In less than ten minutes, she would be flying out of that door toward the main library, which, to her good fortune, was on the other side of the campus
She honestly, considered bailing on Yunjin's idea. But, if she bailed, she knew hopes of this wedding would be in a box, shipped to her mother, and smashed with a hammer.
And then her mom would smash her head with said hammer.
YN swallowed dryly, once again glancing at the clock. Her classmate, Jimin, noticed this much.
" You look ready to go more than usual today," Jimin mused. Wiggling her brows, she continued, " Got a hot date?"
" Nope, though that would nice!" YN replied, matter-of-factually. " But today I have important business to attend to!"
Jimin snorted. " Important business? Like what, renting an ice cream truck and riding around campus blasting Lemonade?"
YN shook her head, making sure to file that idea down. " As tempting as that sounds, no! I have to meet with Yunjin and everyone to find a wedding planner to help me plan my mom's wedding.”
Jimin's face morphed into pure shock. " Wait, what? Your mom's getting remarried? I though you said that she said she would rather jump off of a cliff into a pit of king cobras that get married again."
YN nodded. " That's what she said," she clasped her hands together, batting her eyelashes for effect, " But I guess true love's arrow finally pierced her heart."
Jimin shook her head amused at YN’s theatrics. "Have you met her fiancé yet ?"
YN put up one finger. "Just once when I went to the house to pick up more of my stuff.” She squinted her eyes in deep thought, “ I think his name is Paul.. Matt.. something like that,” she shrugged,” Eh,I don't remember."
Jimin sighed.
"And now you have to plan the wedding for your Mom and whatever his name is?"
" Yes ma'am!"
Jimin sighed again, deeper and more disappointed. "May the odds be in your favor, my dear."
YN kissed three fingers on her left hand and tried to touch Jimin's face, to which Jimin swatted her hand. YN went to try again when suddenly her teacher's voice cut in.
" Class dismissed. Don't forget your final drafts are due next week!'
YN immediately stood up and began packing her things with lighting speed.
" Love you, Jimin," she said, rushing down the steps, " I'll fill you in later!"
Jimin's goodbye rang out behind her. " Good luck, YN! Tell everyone I said hello!"
YN kept running, giving a thumbs up to her as she bolted out of the door. Dodging students came naturally to YN, since she usually did so to avoid the campus police.
( Now pause. Let's not be mistaken, she's a good kid. Twenty-two, straight A's, currently ranked fourth in her university, great friends who loved her, and a stable income from a job that has yet to fire her. But unfortunately, she took after her father when it came to common sense. For example, during her first year, she rode a hot pink golf cart around campus in a unicorn onesie to prove to Beomgyu that she was, in fact, not chicken.)
But apparently, her skills were getting rusty. She hadn't had any time to react before she slammed into a boy carrying a mile-high stack of books. Yelping, both came crashing down to the floor, books splaying everywhere. YN immediately sprung up, used to falling due to past experiences ( one of which happened last week).
But the boy did not fare the same. He remained on the floor, rubbing his head, still dazed. It gave her time to get a good look at him. She noticed his black hair was slightly messy as a cowlick stuck up from his head. His wire-rimmed glasses hung haphazardly from his face, barely hanging onto his pierced ear. When his cat-shaped eyes opened, they reminded YN of the tapioca at the bottom of the milk tea she made at work. She could stare at them for hours and hours and not get tired. His voice, revealing his tiredness, brought her back to reality.
" Are you okay?" His tone was seeped in worry, like it was her on the ground slightly buried in a pile of books and papers.
" Yeah, yeah, I'm fine! But are you okay? Can you stand? I am so sorry! Let me help you clean up!"
She quickly kneeled down to pick up some of the books, distracting herself from some of the titles so she didn't blatantly check the stranger out.
"How to a Run Medium-Sized Business: For Beginners, Stressed Out: Essays Submitted by the World's Most Stressed Out People, How Rude!: The Ultimate Guide for Handling Rude Customers.. poor guy," she thought to herself.
As she did so, another set of hands began picking up organic chemistry and advanced calculus papers with her handwriting on them.
" You seem to be in quite the hurry, so you can leave this to me!"
She waved off his request, smiling, " No, it's alright, most of the papers are mine anyway. And besides, my friends most likely expect me to be ten minutes late!"
" It seems we both were on our way to see friends," he responded kindly," As much as I would love to stay, I have to make sure they don't burn my apartment down- so let's finish quickly!"
Speedily, they continued, sorting books and papers and giving each other their respective property.
" Thank you so much for your help," the boy said, bowing as best as possible with twenty books.
" It was no big deal, it was my fault anyway, which again I'm sorry for," she responded, slightly embarrassed, " I'll let you get going! I don't want your apartment to be in flames because I kept you too long."
" Don't be sorry, it was an accident! I'll catch you later, yeah?"
Then, he showed her the warmest smile she had ever seen in her entire life. She could have sworn her heart stopped when she saw his dimples pop out. Her mind became a blank canvas, painted with only thoughts of this boy.
" Sure, " she managed to reply without stuttering.
He smiled again, killing YN's heart once more, and turned to walk towards his hopefully still-standing apartment. YN was thankful he was going in the opposite direction. He would have come face to face with her deep blush.
After his boba-shaped head disappeared,  she remembered why she was running in the first place. Sighing to herself, she began jogging once again. She sure hoped that Hanni had decided to bring extra Baja blasts for everyone.
She was going to need one to calm down her raging heart.
prev | m.list | next
03: May the odds be in your favor, my dear
OR in which the daughter of bride has been tasked with planning her mother’s wedding and falls in love with the cute wedding planner
TAGLIST: (OPEN) send an ask or ask in the comments
TAGLIST: @idyllic-acid
a.note: and so the first meeting has happened! by the way, I practiced picking up fourteen books instead of twenty, just to see if the idea of carrying at least ten books made sense.
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aajjks · 9 months
this moment.
right here.
this is why you’re so head over heels for your fiancé. every word he says has your blushing and smiling like an idiot but what can you say? you really are the luckiest woman in the world. despite you being underweight and sick as a dog, he’s still kissing you and treating you like a princess.
his princess treatment continues on for the rest of the day as he takes you to lunch, then after lunch, you both get jaemin and put ji-ae up to speed with your health. like the sweet woman she is, she helps as much as she can by taking jaemin to her house or coming over to help you with the two month old.
just as jungkook promised, he stayed home and took care of you. he cooked everyday, fed you while you worked, stay on top of your medications, and helped you relax by running bubble baths for you and treating you like a baby despite you being a grown adult.
within 2-3 weeks, you were back to 100% and rocking a new cut, a much shorter cut but no matter the length of your hair, you were still pretty. jaemin is now three months old and you’re able to fit in your wedding dress again.
“kookieeee!!!” you yell for jungkook who is downstairs feeding jaemin but before he can get to you, you’re rushing down the stairs after hiding your wedding dress back in the closet.
“i can fit my wedding dress!! we can finally have our wedding!!”
Jaemin and Jungkook both get startled with how loud your voice is but as soon as he hears the excitement in your voice, he’s smiling like an idiot, “ahhh Jaemin do you hear mommy?” He coos to his son, rubbing his cheek.
And when he registers your sentence, he stands up, with jaemin in his lap, “WAIT REALLY YN???” he tries to go up to you, but before he can, you’re right there on the stairs, so he waits for you to come down,
And you have the most gorgeous smile on your face. It warms his heart a lot because it’s been so long since he last saw you smile like that. “Oh Princess calm down a little….” His eyes get wide, and as you rush down the stairs.
“AWW YN I’M SO HAPPY WE COULD START THE WEDDING PREPARATIONS RIGHT AWAY!!” And as soon as your fiancé says that, you hear your three month old son giggle.
And this time you’re both surprised because it’s his first time giggling like that. IT IS A PROPER GIGGLE AFTER ALL.
“OH MY GOD YN DID YOU HEAR THAT?” Jungkook coos, kissing Jaemin on the cheek before you snatch him from his father.
And you pepper the baby with kisses- this view and view is the best view of all time. “I HAVE GOT TO TELL MAMA! AND YOU SHOULD TELL YOUR FRIENDS!” Jungkook goes in for a kiss- while you hold the baby, so he tries to keep it pg and short.
It’s gonna be so much fun. And you want to know why? It’s just not because that he’ll finally marry you and you’ll be his forever.- but because of the fact that your health has improved a lot- A LOT. it’s like you’re back to normal and that is the best thing about this.
He’s finally getting hope that you’ll get better and you’ll really get to spend the rest of your lives together.
And of course, the wedding has to be the best wedding of the century.
“Ynnnnnn I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!” he wants to twirl you around- and of course yes his shoulder has healed almost 90%.
Of course, and he’s going to invite all of his friends and your friends- his paternal and maternal family, and if you have any, of course, they’re also going to be invited and he’s going to make sure that they all make it.
He is So glad that your life is finally going back to normal, and normal is something you both rarely get to experience for long but he’s going to make sure that this time your happiness will last forever.
And nothing or no one will be able to interrupt it for you guys.
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authorautumnbanks · 10 months
How To Tame A Sorcerer: Side Stories (7)
Main story
Side stories
"Who are you again?" Totosai asks, scratching his head that somehow still has a sliver of hair on top of it. His big bug-like eyes narrow as he tilts his head to the left and then to the right. He circles around Kagome, pausing to scratch at his head again. "The Kagome, I know, should be dead." He circles back around and crouches down, mumbling to himself about imposters and his memory loss.
"Totosai, it's me," Kagome stresses for what feels like the 100th time since she's walked into this cave. How the man has stayed hidden up here is a mystery to her. Eh, how Sesshomaru can keep an entire estate in the clouds hidden is even more impressive. "Sesshomaru, can you just tell him?" she asks, exasperated with how much time they are wasting. It took for freaking ever to get here even with Sesshomaru's speed and it'll probably take twice as long to get back home.
And she planned on cooking dinner tonight. Take out it is, or maybe Satoru and she could just sneak out somewhere. He doesn't seem to care one way or the other if the food is ready when he gets home or if they go out to eat.
"This is the priestess. Stop wasting our time." Sesshomaru sits down on the floor, one arm propped up on his leg as he scrolls through his tablet. A sight that she still cannot get over. Sesshomaru just makes everything look so regal, it isn't fair.
"But-but that priestess was human," Totosai splutters, rearing back from her.
"And so is this one."
"Aw c'mon, it's me. You really think Sesshomaru would vouch for a fake?" Kagome crosses her arms. If he won't believe her, then at least he can believe in Sesshomaru. That seems to do the trick, as Totosai sucks his teeth and nods to himself like a maniac. His head bobs up and down as he rocks on his heels.
"Well, I'll be." Totosai leans in. "Blink twice if Sesshomaru is holding you hostage." Totosai's eyes widen, and they are far too big for such a narrow face. Sesshomaru throws a pebble at his head. A trickle of blood flows from the wound and Totosai runs to the back of the cave, crying, "Awful, mean-spirited, demon."
"I see he hasn't changed over the years," Kagome quips, following the sounds of Totosai's wailing. The inside of the cave is a weird mix of modernism and feudalism. It's as though Totosai couldn't decide which era he liked more and meshed the two together.
"Unfortunately," Sesshomaru says from behind her. Kagome glances back over her shoulder and Sesshomaru is still scrolling and clicking away on his tablet.
"If you're ever too busy, Shippo can always come hang out with me," she offers.
"That fox is always with your mate. He's been slacking off from his duties."
Huh... interesting. Satoru hasn't really mentioned Shippo.
"Go away!" Totosai wails. "Take that damn dog with you."
Sesshomaru steps forward and gets blocked by Kagome's arm. She shakes her head. "It's okay, Sesshomaru isn't going to throw any more rocks. He'll be busy working on whatever it is he does on his tablet. You know, I still don't know what you do for a living."
"Crush the meager souls of humans with my financial superiority," he says, deadpan. His lips don't even twitch.
O-okay then... he could have just said he ran a corporation, but to each their own.
"Right. Anywho. Sesshomaru will keep his hands to himself." Kagome makes herself comfortable across from Totosai. The back of the cave has a couch, which is super nice because she did not want to sit on the hard floor if she didn't have to.
"Hmph. What do you want, then?" Totosai tilts his body away from Sesshomaru as though he is expecting a response at any moment.
"I want to make a locket for my fiancé. Can you do that?"
"I prefer to make swords..."
"He doesn't need a sword. Satoru doesn't use swords." At least she's never seen him use a sword. The few times she has seen him in action, Satoru always uses his fists or shoots some kind of beam from his hands.
"Satoru?" Totosai tugs at his beard.
"Her mate is Gojo Satoru," Sesshomaru says without looking up from his tablet.
"Gojo!" Totosai exclaims. "He's nearly worse than this dog."
"Don't compare him to this Sesshomaru."
"So... can you make the locket or not? I can pay whatever price." Kagome leans over, blocking Sesshomaru from Totosai's view. Why does everyone have such a negative reaction to Satoru? He's not that bad. Maybe a little rough around the edges, jokes around a lot, but he's a good guy. It just takes a minute to find the goodness buried underneath all the sass is all.
"Hmm, I can. I'll need a locket of your hair. Teeth don't grow back for humans." Totosai says and snips off some of her hair before she has a chance to say yay or nay. Well, okay then.
"We'll stop at a salon on the way back," Sesshomaru says. "Or else your mate will have questions."
Kagome runs a hand through the choppy parts of her hair. She did need a trim, but a warning would have been nice. "Well, uh, thanks! What do I owe you?"
"Nothing." Totosai squints at the hair in his hand then back at her. "Who are you again?"
"Kagome," she replies, gently, because maybe from all the blows to the head, Totosai has trouble remembering people. "When should we come back?"
"Three days." Totosai sighs loudly. His whole body - not that there's much to him - slumps forward as he assesses the locks in his palm. "Teeth are better material," he bemoans, casting a glance at Sesshomaru.
"No." Sesshomaru stands, still swiping away on his tablet. "Let's go."
"Worth a shot," Totosai mumbles and waves them away. Kagome bumps her shoulder against Sesshomaru as they make their way to the entrance. Her now choppy locks itch the back of her neck. She'll probably get some looks once they get back into the city.
"Why not buy him a gift?" Sesshomaru asks, only after they make it out of the cave. "I know he can afford it."
"This feels more special. And he'll have a part of me with him when he's working."
"He doesn't need protection."
Kagome stops mid-step. Is Sesshomaru actually complimenting Satoru? She looks up at the sky. No pigs flying. The sky isn't parting. She must be hearing things.
"What are you doing?"
"Wondering if you just complimented how strong Satoru is."
"His strength is the only reason why I acknowledged him as your mate. Had he been a normal human, this Sesshomaru would have disposed of him."
"What? You would have killed him if he was weak?"
"Rather by my claws or another, a weak human cannot be by your side. I don't expect you to fully understand." Sesshomaru flicks his hair back.
"That's so..."
"You attract trouble. At this point, it must be a skill."
Kagome grumbles and resumes walking by his side. "Strong or not, I still worry about him when he goes to his missions."
"Because I love him. You protect the ones that you love."
"Hn." Sesshomaru pivots and heads back towards the cave. Kagome throws her hands up and follows along after him. All this walking back and forth is making her hungry. From his corner, Totosai pouts.
"Who are you again?" Totosai asks, a bead of sweat trickling down between his large bug-like eyes. Sesshomaru ignores the question, reaches into his mouth, and rips out a fang. Still bloody, he tosses the fang to Totosai's feet, grabs Kagome by the arm, and walks out of the cave.
"Ooh, you have someone you love?" Kagome asks once they are out of earshot.
She rolls her eyes. Fine, he can keep his secret for now. She'll find out one way or another.
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