#get your shit together yall someone spent hours making those things
variksel · 2 years
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have started to notice that podcast fandoms have huge problems with art theft and its nagging at me
i dont think fans of shows, especially podcasts, realize that when you save art from tumblr or twitter or whatever and then repost it without credit, youre still stealing art no matter if you claim its yours or not. its so incredibly annoying to spend hours on art that you really like, only to have it be reposted without any mention of your name anywhere by some tiktok or tumblr user making a meme collab or an aesthetic board or whatever. i get that these characters dont have canon faces that you can use but that doesnt mean you can just take other peoples work and pretend you dont know how reverse google image searching works.
if you dont have credit, then dont repost the art. its real fuckin simple. ive seen way too many edits or meme compilation makers try to squirm their way around this and i think its because they know its bad to do and they dont wanna steal art, but that doesnt mean you can still do it you annoying lil shits
id v
[ID: A two-panel meme showing two men at a dinner table. The first man, labeled "tma artists," sets down a plate labeled " 'please credit us when using our art' " in front of the other man, who is labeled "tma fans." The second man throws the plate away, now labled "art credit". End ID]
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prettytoxicrevolver · 8 months
Halloween/Autumn Prompt List
Hi!!! Welcome to my mish mash of a writing prompt list!! 
NONE OF THESE PROMPTS ARE MINE!!! I took my favorites from other lists and compiled them all together. 
Feel free to request for whoever and feel free to add a plot or just send a name and a prompt!! Happy fall yall!! 
“You have a leaf in your hair.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.”
“You’re scared of that, really?”
“That’s your favorite candy? You have shit taste.”
“Promise not to laugh at me if I scream.”
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don’t know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel.”
“It says take one, love.”
“Well…you grabbed my hand first.”
“Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?”
“I spent so long in the darkness I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
“Nice try. You’ll have to work harder to scare me.”
“I know you’re trying to be scary, but you’re just way too cute.”
“I couldn’t find a costume, so I just decided to go as your [partner/bf/gf].”
“You’re a scaredy cat.” / “I am not!”
“Boo!” / “You were scarier with the mask off.”
“What are you supposed to be?” / “It isn’t obvious?”
“Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”
“That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“Kill me now and put me out of my sugar-fueled misery.” / “I told you to slow down.”
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.”
“There’s literally one candle flickering mysteriously. In what universe would I go over there?” / “Is that…a no, then?”
“Oh no. You are not wearing the same costume as me! You can’t!” / “Well I did.”
“Ooh very scary!” / “That’s not part of the costume, dumbass.”
“You could have been a prince(ss).” / “Well, I wanted to be a(n) [insert costume] instead.”
“Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
“You look so stupid.” / “Well, that was the idea since I dressed as you.”
“What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”
“Carving pumpkins is a lot harder than it looks.” 
“The Frankenstein movie is an absolute insult to Mary Shelley’s novel! I can’t believe you would suggest we watch it!”
“I spent over an hour raking up all those leaves. If you jump in that pile, you’re dead to me.”
“You’re gonna have to work a lot harder if you want to come up with a Halloween prank that will actually scare me.”
“You haven’t really lived if you’ve never camped out in a graveyard on Halloween night.”
“It’s alright. It’s just another power outage.”
“Wait, you seriously don’t like pumpkin pie?”
“I love moments like this. Just curled up by the fire, listening to the rain.”
“The only thing I plan on doing this season is reading through the complete collection of Edgar Allan Poe’s works.”
"what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
"i really appreciate that you're getting into the halloween spirit, but it's ten in the morning. please turn off the slasher films so i can eat my breakfast in peace."
"ah, you've made the mistake in thinking that just because this is a couples/family costume that you get any kind of say in it. you don't, actually.”
"i love you, i swear i do, but we're not wearing matching costumes."
"you're like the toughest person i know! am i really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
"come on, if there was ever a time for me to be superstitious it's definitely now."
Tailgating at football game
Baking a pumpkin pie
Visiting an apple orchard
Visiting a pumpkin patch
Carving a pumpkin
Making caramel apples
Corn Maze
Decorating for Halloween
Costume shopping
Buying couple costumes
Baking Halloween cookies
Haunted house
Watching a scary movie
Halloween photoshoot
Setting up a haunted house
Masquerade ball
Going trick-or-treating
Handing out candy
Telling scary stories
Halloween/Murder Mystery Party
comforting the scaredy cat amongst them
laying wide awake at night after watching a horror movie that left them unnerved
Cuddling under a blanket 
Lazy days in 
Flannel shirts 
Cold hands 
Steaming mugs 
Bear hugs 
Pillow forts 
Sharing blankets 
Log cabin 
Mischief Night 
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haik-choo · 4 years
request:  hiya :)) if it’s not too much can i request some hcs of waking up next to the karasuno first years? thank youuuu 💞
a/n: this is literally such a cute concept <3<3<3 omF i think they’d all just be so grateful for having someone like you eojhgeoriughero,,,,also only yamaguchi and kageyama are aged up lololol hinata and tsukki are still high schoolers 
@dearkozume because you wanted me to tag you in posts!!! <3
-tsukishima, yamaguchi, kageyama, hinata
tsukishima kei. 
most likely it’s a sleepover at your house, because he doesn’t want akiteru walking in and embarrassing him by bringing up how soft he’s being with you lololol
it’s 11am, and he hears birds chirping, and decided to open his eyes, expecting to see his shelf of dinosaur figurines like every morning. but instead, he sees you gently closed eyes and slightly open lips. 
his eyes widen a little, before he reaches over to put on his glasses to get a better look at you, his movement stirring you awake. the first sight you see is tsukishima reaching over you, but instead you clamp onto his arm and tug him down so that he falls onto you with a small ‘oomf’
“i can’t see, you idiot”
“i didn’t ask if you could see baby <3 you blind mole rat <3″
you both just lay there, his body half on yours, half off. normally he’d get annoyed at someone clinging to him, but your gently smile and rosy cheeks just make his mouth close. 
he can’t get over how lucky he is to have someone who can deal with his personality with just as much fervor. he sighs, readjusting his grip on you and snuggling his head into your neck, a rare action
“we can stay for a little longer. i guess” he says but really he was never going to get up to leave in the first place 
and he gives you a little kiss on the side of your neck before falling back asleep and you both wake up at like 3pm <3 <3 fuck normal sleep schedules 
yamaguchi tadashi.
wakes up thirty minutes before you do to get up and brush his teeth because he hates having bad breath lololol so he’s not looking at you the first time he gets out of bed,,,but when he gets back into bed he settles down and gets cozy to spend the next few minutes just, staring at you
likes watching you scrunch your nose in your sleep. if you have any freckles or moles or whatever homeboy WILL draw a constellation of them in his head. he just loves noticing small details about you because he’s so detail-oriented 
you can feel his gaze penetrating your fucking soul so you wake up, and the first thing you see are his soft green brown eyes and the freckles that are dotted around them
“hmmm, tadashi, you’re so pretty” you’d say, and no matter how many times you say it when you wake up next to him he just COMBUSTS it’s so CUTE GO D
but the sleepiness makes him so much bolder and he just says whatever is on his mind “baby, you are so much prettier. like an angel” cue you giggling and turning to completely face him
and he’ll just lean in and kiss your forehead while his hand his like tucking hair behind your ear or some shit. and then he moves his hand down to yours and lace your fingies together <3YES SIRRRRR
“you smell like mint, baby, let me go brush my teeth and i’ll be back” “okay, be back soon <3″
and when you come back and snuggle with him in bed, the next hour is filled with aimless talking and scrolling on your phone and sometimes....other stuff ;) 
kageyama tobio. 
it depends on the day who wakes up before who. sometimes you’ll wake up before him because he has practice late or a really exhausting game, and other times when he’s not that tired when he goes to sleep he wakes up before you because he wants to workout or eat. but, most times you wake up before him
and today is one of those days. your eyes slowly pry open, the open curtains (tobio forgot to close them) made it painful, but you could bear it. especially when an extremely cute setter was laying next to you, stomach pressed on the bed with his arms under the pillow, his sleeping face positioned towards you
he always has an intense expression on his face, and when he’s sleeping it’s one of the only times you can see that tension and emotion dissipate into angelic beauty 
every once in a while he’ll grunt and roll back his shoulders, and so you always ends up giving him a shoulder massage. you gently reposition him for his head to be in your lap, and you just softly press down on his shoulders and he ends up waking up.
he’s used to the sensation, so he just hums and enjoys your hands kneading his back. mornings are very quiet with him, neither of you feel obligated to say anything, so you don’t. he’ll sometimes detail what happened at practice the other day, but most times he just has his eyes partially opened, relaxed
kisses your legs very softly whenever he’s ready to get up, making you smile softly as you thread your fingers through his hair one last time
“thank you, my shoulders really hurt,,,,,,but,,,,,” “but what tobio” “i,,,,wanna eat” “*sigh*”
hinata shoyo. 
yall always have sleepover’s at his place, and every once in a while natsu will join you, but this time she was spending the night at her friends house and his parents were out with their friends for an outing and you had him all to yourself <3
you definitely always wake up before him because boy is he a deep sleeper, and he doesn’t naturally get up until like. 12pm probably, every morning is a struggle for this poor baby
but this time, the sun has just risen, it’s probably only about seven am, but the light woke you up, and damn, you’re glad it did. the sunrise shining in from behind his orange mane makes it seem like he’s an actual angel
and his long eyelashes are so pretty, his mouth is open and probably has a little drool on the corner of it, there is no blanket or cover anywhere on him, and he’s sprawled like a starfish, one hand barely gripping onto your shirt
you can only stare at him for a few minutes before all of a sudden his eyes SNAP open and you nearly have a heart attack because he wakes up screaming “I’M GONNA BE LATE OH MY GOD DAICHI WILL HAVE MY HEAD” and it takes like a while minute for him to realize that you’re next to him and he’s not, in fact, late for anything
he breathes a sigh of relief and plops down next to you and kisses your cheek “sorry about that lol” 
the next like. three hours are spent with you attacking his face with kisses, only taking breaks to scroll on your phones for a while
will literally be the big spoon and rest his chin on your shoulder and rub his head against your neck and watch videos with you <3
“i wanna wake up like this every morning” “screaming about a murderous daichi?” “....nevermind”
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imaginesofeverykind · 4 years
Snowed In || Joel Miller x F!Reader
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(Its ironic because this smut is 6k words so it didn’t do that quickly AT ALL LMAOOOO) This took me too many fucking days to write, its so hard to get into smut mentality like holy fucq
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Request: Can I request some Joel Miller fluff (mayyyybe some smut?) I could totally see getting snowed in with him 😏🥰
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: S M U T and S W E A R I N G annndd implied age gap but its not stated (reader is probs like thirties or older) AND you guys being the biggest pain in the ass for Joel :)
Also @ me stanning how yall interract with each other because the banter is highkey lowkey fun lmaoooo
“Ah, shit!” You cursed loudly, your feet stampeding desperately in thick snow while increasingly aware of the group of hunters — that managed to get the jump on you — were probably still tailing you. Your hands clamped down harshly on the wound you bled profusely from, droplets of crimson blood stained the snow with each step.
“Joel!” You shouted in desperation, approaching the lookout as you internally prepared yourself for getting blasted by the old man for being reckless — or better yet, leading the hunters to the lookout. You didn’t want to linger to long on those thoughts, not while you quite literally had an arrow protruding out of your side.
It wasn’t the first time you’d inconsequently been impaled by something or other, and it most certainly wouldn’t be the last. You had at least hoped that the impending snowstorm worsened and covered your blood trail quicker than you were making pace.
Breathlessly, you lean against the lookouts outer walls, scanning the area for potential hunters. Luckily for you the progressively heavier snowfall deterred any prospect of human threats. You rap hard and heavy on the metal reinforced door, holding onto your side as a wince escapes your lips.
“Joel! For fucks sake… Open the damn door!” You gritted, the bite of the cold air finally hitting the wound you so desperately tried to keep covered. It was incredibly clear that the older man was tactful and cautious, having been on plenty of runs, watches and patrols with him opened you up to his reserved nature.
However, it was getting ridiculous considering the urgency in your voice that now of all times, he decided to cautiously approach.
The door was pulled open, after a succession of noises that were no doubt the barricades being moved. Joel poked his head out, looking around before settling on your hunched figure, “what the hell did you do this time?”
You rolled your eyes, pushing past him as you yearned for the warmth and safety of the lookout, “I’m great — thanks for askin’.” You stumble over to what was once most likely a bar, the remnants of liquor bottles and on tap beer seemed to be a good indicator of that.
Readjusting the barricade, Joel finally makes his way over to you. Concern wasn’t a typical expression he showed to anyone other than toward Ellie, seeing it flicker across his face as he approached you nearly knocked you off the stool you sat on. It was brief but you absolutely noticed it.
“You mind fillin’ me in on what happened out there?” His brow was raised as he gestured to your wound. He was taking his time to gather the gauze and alcohol to patch you up, but he was acutely aware that if it was something to panic about he’d be much quicker.
Joel had known you for a while, in the time you two spent together on patrols he knew that if anyone could handle an arrow through the torso it was most definitely you. He admired your grit — although he’d never admit it, you were one of the only people whose company he enjoyed.
“Pissed off some fuckin’ Hunters… Don't think they liked me killin’ one of their buddies,” your words staggered with intermittent shallow breaths. You eyed your companion as he almost deliberately slowly made his way in front of you with the appropriate supplies needed to patch you up.
His hardened personal walls had attracted you like a moth drawn to a flame, from your first meeting to now, you had been determined to understand the mysterious man who just so happened to also be your neighbour. “Old age really must be gettin’ to you old man — leave me to just bleed out why don’t ya?”
“If it was serious I’m sure you’d be dead ‘lready.” He retorted, unphased by your not so subtle jab at him. And there it was. That little playful glint in his eyes that you’d only witnessed a handful of times prior, it proved to you that he wasn’t completely closed off and coarsened by the shitshow life turned out to be for him.
You scoff at him, a smirk grazing your lips as you make good use of the whiskey beside you, “well ain’t I lucky to be accompanied by someone so concerned about my life,” you took a swig of the bottle, hoping that the smooth liquor would ease the pain permeating from your side.
He chuckled at the harshness in your voice, “concerned? That’s a funny way of puttin’ it… C’mon by the fire I need a better look at this.”
Looking back at him stunned, you pulled a face that was somewhere between shock and delight, “did I just get two jokes from Joel Miller? In succession? You get bit or somethin’ while I was gone?” You eased yourself off the stool and slowly staggered toward the fire, obliging Joel’s request.
You propped yourself up against one of the weathered armchairs, time had not been kind to the piece of furniture as seen by the cracked leather and copious amount of stains. Before getting too comfortable, you shrugged off the outer layers of jackets you typically adorned to protect yourself from the harsh winters around Wyoming.
The flannel you had over top of the long sleeved thermal shirt you wore was unluckily pinned to your side by the arrow, it used to be a dark blue with green accents — now it was almost black with the pooling blood soaking into the fibers.
Joel was looking at you in thought, memories resurfacing of Colorado and reliving his own time having been impaled due to Hunters. Although the arrow stuck inside you was practically a small scratch in comparison to the metal rebar he intimately came to know.
“Starin’ won’t get this arrow outta me, Joel.” You huffed, taking things into your own hands as you pull off one of your gloves, “here —.” you stuffed it between your teeth and gripped onto the arrow tightly before pulling it out. Your muffled cries of pain had thankfully been mostly silenced by the glove.
“Jesus christ, what in the hell are you doin’?” Joel kneeled down by your side.
“Fast trackin’ the healing process — not… so great… of an idea…” You mumbled out breathlessly, your shaky hands completely covered in blood. Your bright idea of taking things into your own hands backfiring, as you grew progressively light-headed.
Now Joel was slightly panicked and annoyed that your recklessness and impatience always seemed to get in the way of his own brooding and thoughtfulness. “Do you even think before you do things? I ain’t here to babysit you goddammit.” He grumbled, wiping away at the wound so he could inspect it.
You airily laughed, feeling tired and exhausted, “babysit? I’m the only person who’ll deal with your bullshit on patrols, cowboy.” Your limbs started to feel incredibly light and numb as your words became more slurred.
You weren’t wrong in that aspect, but what you weren’t aware of was the fact that you were most often paired with Joel on patrols because the man had asked for it, not because of the excuse Tommy told you; ‘everyone has a hard time with him except for you’.
His nimble hands made quick work at the suture needle and stitching, you only wincing when the needle pierces through your broken skin. He was careful and calculated while he patched you up, grateful that you had been quiet for just a few moments as he paid your back the same amount of care for the front.
By the time he had finished, you had long drifted off in a sleep. He was regimented in making sure you were breathing consistently and every fifteen minutes or so, he would wake you up to ensure you weren’t going to die on him.
After two hours of nothing out of the ordinary coming from your peaceful state, he let you rest peacefully undisturbed.
When you woke up, you weren’t too sure what to expect. Pain was one thing you anticipated… And the pain didn’t disappoint. Perhaps it was because you woke up in a completely different position and place within the lookout than when you fell asleep. No longer by the fire downstairs, but in the makeshift bedroom loft beside a smaller fire.
The headache that thumped through your head was arguably the most painful feeling that was occurring in your body. But that didn’t stop you from slowly rising up, a hand instinctively placed over the wound as it twitched in pain. Sounds of distant guitar chords echoed through the open area, you hadn’t even taken notice that Joel brought his guitar when you two left Jackson earlier in the morning.
Not that you were really paying him much attention earlier in the morning, freely exploring your own mind and memories. Something Joel envied in you was your ability to be so free spirited, despite the apocalyptic fuck fest that was everyday life. He initially chalked you up to being naive and foolish, but the time he’s taken to get to know you had informed him otherwise.
You hesitantly remove the mound of blankets on you and start your attempt to get up. It was a struggle to say the least, your thumping headache and aching wound made it quite the difficult feat to pull off.
All effort aside, you finally carried yourself slowly down the stairs, nursing your wound and instantly missing the warmth that the fire at your bedside provided. By the dimly lit interior it was well and truly deep into the night, which made you wonder how long you’d been asleep for.
Judging by the stillness of the atmosphere, that also meant your earlier encounter with hunters didn’t attract unwanted attention to the lookout.
Joel was seated by the fire in an amicable state, he was seemingly unaware of the fact you’d woken up or even noticed you had seated yourself on the armchair closest to the fire. His eyes shifted toward the movement, surprised to see you had made your way down the stairs without so much as a voice of complaint.
“You sure you weren’t a country singer before this? I’m getting some Billy Ray vibes… Bitta Keith Urban too..” You smile at him, admiring the way the firelight bounced off his features, the scene before you looking like some cozy cottage fantasy.
He put his guitar aside, if he was amused by your joke — you didn’t see it.
You tilted your head to the side, trying to gauge his mood based off the evident shift that occurred between you falling asleep to now. He appeared to be annoyed (not surprising) and closed off more than usual, which meant that he was most definitely not in the mood to be talking.
But you didn’t care, because you had just woken up and felt like enlightening Joel’s darkened front with some excitement at least. “What’s got you in such a delightful mood, country boy?” You shifted your weight off the wound, alleviating the slight pain that kept pinching every so often.
It became apparent that you weren’t going to leave him some peace unless he relented and indulged your attempts to getting him to talk. If he was stuck with anyone else in this situation he’d be visibly more perturbed, it was either dumb luck or fate that the two of you happened to be paired while this already shitty situation got worse.
“Storm came over while you were sleepin’... Get cozy ‘cause we’ll be here for a while.” He gestured lazily to one of the windows, which upon further inspection was completely shadowed from the snow fall, not because it was incredibly late.
You groaned, following up with a sigh, “fuck I’m bored just thinkin’ about bein’ stuck here… Wish I brought a book.” The throwaway statement managed to crack the hard exterior of Joel, earning the slightest chuckle which in turn boosted your ego. Getting that man to express emotions beyond anger or annoyance was something to be met with like a lifelong skill, high risk and low reward.
He reached over to his bag, “might not like it, but if it’ll keep you quiet for a while… here —,” he pulled out an old leather bound book, the spine had been cracked and the pages barely held together due to decades of weathering. You met his outstretched arm halfway to grab a hold of the book, the weight of it unexpected but you caught it nonetheless.
“Lovecraft? I meet a lot of people, but you are by far the strangest man I’ve met.” You mumble out loud while you appreciate the cover and embellishments decorating the edges. You hadn’t intended for him to hear you, but of course he did.
“Figured Ellie might ‘preciate it…” He trailed off, stopping himself from saying a word too many in fear that he gave away too much of an inside peek at his inner thoughts. Upon hearing him you looked up, surprised that he even mentioned his surrogate daughter — considering your observations of the two had been particularly volatile as of late.
You thumb the raised lettering of the title and look at him, his eyes were sad which contrasted his stature. You weren’t one to pry, despite being impressively curious by nature, “kid’s got a gnarly taste in pop culture… I was out on a run and saw one of them comics she likes… y’know she has those hoarded all over Jackson, yeah?”
His eyes flickered over to you, he was trying to get a read on you and sense any plausible reason why you’d bring up Ellie. He knew you weren’t one for ulterior motives but he didn’t like discussing a whole lot about the young girl with many people, no matter how much he enjoyed your company.
“What are you doin’?” He pressed, turning his body to face you front on with his hands clasped together between his knees.
Your eyebrows knit together in thought, unsure what prompted such a serious question and change in demeanour, “Uh… making conversation?” It seemed like an obvious statement, you refrained from being too direct just in case it provoked him further.
“Right…” He merely uttered, standing up from his position on the couch and moving toward the bar. You looked at him with confusion, unsure where the outburst came from and why it even happened in the first place. It wasn’t the first time you’d brought up Ellie in conversation but now it seemed like it was a soft spot for him.
“Okay… I’ll bite — um… what the fuck?” You strained your neck to face him, not wanting to move your entire body to prevent unnecessary pain, “did something happen between you two bec—“
“Y/N… Don’t.” His voice was low, almost like a guttural growl to fend you off from pressing further.
You threw your arms in the air and shook your head, “jesus fuck, Joel you’re a real asshole sometimes… You’re so broody and temperamental I feel like I'm walking on eggshells just to talk to you… Y’know not every person is out to get you.” The words hung in the air for a moment while you started to move yourself off the chair, wanting to have your own space by the upstairs fire.
Watching you struggle to get up from the armchair admittedly did break the tension Joel brought into the room, he sighed loudly to set aside his pride as he slowly shifted toward you, “don’t move… Let me change your dressings over.”
His voice barely made it to your ears, but hearing them made you loudly groan and sit back down, “jesus fuckin’ christ — I cannot deal with you right now,” you mumbled to yourself. Despite Joel being notorious for his outbursts, they rarely featured up front and centre like tonight; particularly around you.
But when they did, it was exhausting to deal with to say the least. Given that almost every time they occurred, you never knew the exact reason why. Things would be much easier for the both of you, if one participant was just that little more vocal.
“Just give me the shit and I’ll do it myself, take your bullshit energy and fuck off over there.” You pointed to the bar where he previously stood, very blunt in telling Joel how much you didn’t want to fight with him knowing you both were snowed in together for who knows how long.
Being as direct and as blunt as you were had been one of the many things Joel came to admire about you, feeling a tangible sense of guilt for blowing up at you like he did. He knelt down beside you, motioning for you to shimmy forward into the light of the fire better.
You huffed in response, not making eye contact with him as you pushed yourself closer to the edge of the chair.
He was careful and delicate once again, inspecting your wound after discarding the used gauze. You found it exceptionally difficult not to look down and watch what he was doing, mainly because you were inquisitive by nature but you couldn’t help but be fond of his closeness.
One of his fingers grazed the carefully done stitches, prompting a wince from you, the action almost snapping you out of your angry facade, “you definitely weren’t a fuckin’ surgeon in your past life, huh.” You call back to the conversation you had earlier, an attempt to help ease the tension between you two.
“And you weren’t no comedian, either…” he bit back, attaching the dressings on the exit wound.
“So you go from grumpy to jokey just like that?” You raise a brow, fully aware you were rattling the cage at this point, but him even cracking a retort of the sarcastic variety was enough of an indicator that he was trying to make reparations.
He taps your thigh and motions for you to turn so he can start on the entry wound, “I ain’t too good at this whole… People... business,” he admitted, stating it like it wasn’t already overtly obvious to any conscious person with a functioning brain.
“Oh what? You’re joking, right? You are such a people person,” you mock, turning your head down to give him a playful smirk.
His eyes met yours, a glint of something you weren’t entirely sure of just yet. Returning his gaze back to changing over the final dressings on your back, “that was uncalled for,” he murmured, pretending not to notice the smile present on your lips.
The simple fact that he admitted to you outloud seemed to be a step in the right direction and for that, you were incredibly grateful.
“How long do you think we’ll be stuck here for?” You ask, feeling Joel's fingers lift from your skin as he finishes patching you up. Missing the sensation it made you feel. You turned back to face him properly, not expecting him to still be seated so close to you, not that you minded at all.
“Hopin’ that we’ll be out by tomorrow… Worst case scenario, we’ll be here for a few days.”
You throw your head back over dramatically, “be stuck inside here with your grumpy old ass — what fuckin’ atrocities did I commit to deserve this?” You jest, smiling even wider seeing the light amusement evident in his eyes, “ah! I’m so close to getting you to laugh, one of these days I’ll get you, cowboy.”
“Definitely weren’t a comedian…” He reiterated, a content smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
The thought of a comeback was completely lost on your part as you simply admired his features up close. From when you first met to now, his hair had grown out longer which you thought looked nice on him, even if it would hang over his face just that little bit.
His hazel eyes were your favourite feature of his, and in the orange glow from the fire they seemed all the more alluring.
It was a happy silence, one filled with just the two of you trying to read each other and guess what the other was going to do. For someone so direct, you were quite talented in not telegraphing intended movements or motions. It made you a hard person to pinpoint which both intrigued and infuriating someone like Joel who was quite adept in reading people.
You were the first one to break away from the stillness, taking the book you were given to pass the time, “as much as I’d love to stare into your dreamy eyes all day, I’ve gotta book to read and a whole lotta time to kill… Thanks for being a shitty nurse… did better than what I could, anyway.”
Joel stood up, giving you ample space to shift. He holds out a hand for you to help yourself up, which you take thankfully. Your throwaway compliment didn’t go unnoticed by him, nor did the way your eyes scanned his features moments ago. He lived through life long enough to know what look you were giving him.
It was a look he’d often see you give him, whether it was subconsciously or not— that, he was unsure of. He was always apprehensive when he saw your eyes darken the way they did, but it was his own inability to allow himself to get close to anyone that caused his uneasiness.
You looked at the man standing before you, his face crinkled in thought as if his mind was elsewhere. You felt a compulsion to ask what he was thinking but weren’t too sure how far that conversation would get before it got messy… Despite his change and attitude, the man was notorious for switching in an instant and you knew better than to prod him too much.
Then again… your favourite pastime was exclusively getting under the man's skin.
“What’re you thinkin’ ‘bout there cowboy? Thinkin’ mighty hard about somethin’.” Being much taller than you were, you ducked to meet his thoughtful gaze. His internal struggle barely showing in his face, only being tossed aside the second his eyes found yours.
That had taken you aback, your eyes growing wide as a slight tinge of red dusts your cheeks. Naturally, unable to process compliments or situations like these, you turn to jestful remarks as a way to assess the mood, “should I be concerned? If it’s about who's gonna eat who when starvation starts settin’ in, I would ‘preciate it if you didn’t carve me up.”
“Can you stop talkin’ for just five seconds,” his voice was low and eyes scanning your features.
Intrinsically, you keep talking to fill the void of silence as you aren’t completely sure how else to alleviate the tension, “well… I can consider but —.”
You hadn’t got very far in your smug retort, cut off by the man's abrupt and unexpected decision to shut you up by pressing his lips to yours. It seemingly came out of left field and only took you just a moment to reciprocate, pushing all astonishment aside.
For someone who sported a rough exterior, you were pleasantly surprised at how gentle Joel was, caressing your face with his calloused hands so delicately. You discard the book that was once in your grasp, trading it for his firm chest while you gripped onto his shirt.
Pulling away, you bite down on your lower lip as you look deeply into his eyes. You considered uttering a witty remark, but the look he was giving you was one of warning. And as much as you would love to find out what would happen as a consequence of speaking out, you were content in continuing whatever had already started.
Your hands trail up to the back of his neck, leaning up to press your lips back onto his. This time with a little more desperation, you swipe your tongue on his lower lip, prompting a short but low growl from your companion. One of his hands was pinned to your *good* side, the other remained on the side of your face.
The feeling that pooled in your stomach, matching the hammering of your heart would almost make you concerned if you weren’t in the safe grasp on the man you’d shamelessly pined after.
Despite the hunger and desperation on your part, Joel was still pleased at going at his own pace; which was painstakingly slow. Savouring the moment you two were sharing, as if you were going to disappear in an instant.
“Gotta say — didn’t peg you as the romantic type,” you whispered breathlessly, eyes never straying from his darkened hazel ones, your hands stroking his firm torso, “but we’re gonna have to speed things up.” You brush your lips against his, hovering daringly close while your hands eagerly undo the buttons to his flannel.
He didn’t seem at all bothered by your impatience (it was typical of you after all), but it was bothering him how much of a tease you were being. Far be it for you to not be a pain in his ass even in an intimate manner. Your soft hands kneading his bare chest — which was ripped, you noted to yourself mentally as he shrugged his flannel off.
Your fingers trace the outlines of numerous scars present, regardless of his age and living in a dangerous time for humanity. The healed wounds did little to impact his figure, instead sprinkling slight imperfections across him as if it were to keep him humble.
Joel dips his head to your jawline, trailing small wet kisses down your neck and nipping at some skin to earn the slightest little noises from you. Oh how that made you feel. You squirm in his hold, squeezing your thighs together in an attempt to provide some friction to appease the wetness between your legs.
There was little to no hesitation as he pulls your shirt up over your head, surprised at your bare torso. Sure, you both had seen better days but the scars from knives, bullets and arrows were telling of the journey you’d gone through to get to this point; including your most recent addition.
The warmth his hands provided while they trailed over scars and rise of your breasts left your skin tingling. You notice his eyes wandering over your features, knowing he wasn’t judging your looks merely pondering over what story was behind which scar. You’re confident in that sentiment, considering you felt the same way whilst you thumb the scarring on his collarbone.
“You good?” You whisper, your breath hitching as the pad of his thumb grazes your pert nipple. This man…
“Just takin’ in the view.” His voice was low, prompting a smile from you. The man was a hopeless romantic at heart, that was clear enough — any other time you’d gladly lap it up happily, but right now you needed something a little less idealistic. Desire possessing you further (it seemed like you’d have plenty of time together anyway.)
You press your lips back onto his feverishly, trailing your hands down his torso to his jeans. The bulge in his pants growing more in response to your hand giving him a sensual squeeze, he moans into your mouth which is enough of an indicator for you to start undoing his belt.
His hands cupped your breasts progressively harder, taking in your nipples between his thumb and finger. The sensation pulsing downward enough to make your toes curl and thighs clench. You could’ve fucked him there and then, pleasure pooling inside you.
“Sit down,” You ordered, pushing his chest toward the couch to which he obliged, enjoying the fact you were so eagerly prepared to take charge. As a man of tradition, he’d typically lead but found it incredibly arousing to heed your demands and listen. You’re quick in kicking off your shoes and discarding your jeans, welcoming the chill to the air as it cools down your burning skin.
The sight of him on the couch, shirtless and showcasing the tent pitched in his pants was so remarkably inviting you couldn’t wait a second longer, straddling his hips and bringing your lips back onto his as you begin grinding down on his bulge. The friction alone was enough to bring moans of pleasure from both of you, you tugging at his hair harder the more aroused you became.
He pulls away, running his hands up and down your sides - vigilant in not wanting to knock your wound - before bringing his lips to the valley of your breasts, ensuring to leave short kisses on every indent or raised section of scarred skin before settling down on one of your nipples. The free hand that wasn’t anchored at your hips, was kneading your other breast.
A whimper tumbles from your lips, grinding your hips harder against his. You bring a hand down, frantically trying to undo his pants all the while feeling the euphoria coming from just merely grinding him. Yes it had been a while since you felt this good.
He lifts his hips up, giving you enough space to yank down both his jeans and underwear. The feeling of his cock flush up against the thin material of your panties caused you to gasp and grip onto his shoulders tightly.
Both of you moaning at the absolute bare minimum of stimulation of your most sensitive areas. His cock throbbed the second the tip rubbed up against the dampness of your panties, it being far too long since he partaken in anything sexually charged in quite some time. The same goes for you.
Now it was Joel’s turn to get impatient, bringing one hand up behind your neck while the other dipped down into your panties, his fingers stroking your wet slit. You jolt forward at the feeling of his fingers circle your clit, the sensation pooling desperately as your hips buck, riding his fingers.
His calloused fingers seemed to hit the right spot with every roll of your hips, it made you wonder how his lips would feel and tongue would feel if he seemed to be making you feel this good with his fingers alone.
“Fucking hell, Joel.” You cry out, resting your head on the crook of his neck, leaving small love bites along his collar bone. His scent of eucalyptus mixed with wood was ever so welcoming, the aroma that drove you insane whenever he stood a little too close.
Your high began to climb, grinding your hips more desperately against him while he expertly finger fucks you until hitting the right spot, sending your body rigid as your walls close in and around his fingers, pulsating while you ride your climax out.
“Eager, are we?” His breath tingled your ear, even though you weren’t looking at him you could tell he was fashioning some smug smirk. You laugh breathlessly, sitting upright and sliding off your panties.
One of your hands closes over his length, pumping painstakingly slow, all the while watching his eyes roll to the back of his head. Your soft hand wrapped around him felt leagues better than the familiar roughness of his own. His hips bucked to help quicken the pace you had set, to which you smirked and pinned him flush against the couch.
You kept on pumping his throbbing length, positioning yourself more comfortably on his lap. He leaned his head back, lips parted to let the soft grunts pass through while you continued to torment him slowly. If his fingers felt that great, you were eager to find out how well his cock felt.
You position his tip at your entrance, not wanting to torture the man or yourself any longer, sinking down onto his cock while his length stretches you out. Whimpering in sync with his growls, neither of you moving momentarily as you simply bask in the pleasure.
He thrusts his hips up first, a strangled moan escaping your lips as you meet his pace. Your lips brush gently up his neck, stopping just shy of his ear lobe. The faint mewls rolling out of your mouth sending him further into bliss with each roll of the hips, ignoring the painful irritation emitting from your wound.
His hands were anchored firmly to your thighs, fingers digging hard into your skin which would no doubt leave bruises in the morning. You nip at his ear and neck before returning your lips to his, muffled moans stifling out from the both of you with each sloppy kiss.
The sounds coming from you were near on pronographic, coupled with the quickening pace of you riding him, every insatiable thrust filling you more with a desire you weren’t aware you needed until now.
You dreamed of similar scenarios such as this with Joel, but the meager fantasies had nothing on the real thing. How his lips felt on yours, the way his hands caressed every part of you with care yet also commanded it, the way he made you dripping wet without much effort and most of all; the way he felt deep inside you.
He threw his head back, choked breaths preventing him from rasping out the words needed as his climax began rising. You noticed his staggered breathing and picked up the pace, gripping his hair tightly coaxing a guttural moan out from him.
One of his hands squeezed the back of your neck while the other clasped your breast roughly, his hips became rigid while a series of moans filled your ear just as you feel his cum spilling inside you. He slumped back into a comfortable position panting heavily, eying you in your incredibly typical perky demeanour.
You pulled yourself off him, his semi-flaccid member flopping out of you. Thankful past you had the forethought to pack rags, you rifle through your bag to clean yourself up, “you’ve got a surprising amount of stamina, cowboy,” the compliment earned you a smug smile from him, pride being an aura on Joel you never thought you’d see.
“If I’d have known this is all it took to shut you up, I would’ve done it sooner.” He states, as if thinking retroactively would change your ability to annoy the absolute life out of the man.
Tossing him a rag lazily, you chortle at the idea of thinking Joel - of all people - could be someone to get you to stop your antics forever, “Oh you knew — don’t lie to me mister. You just like to see me suffer in silence.” You were as transparent as one could be, yet your intentions were almost always misread as you did well to keep it muddled. Joel was a perceptive man, often finding you hard to read to the point of irritation for him, but - as you anticipated - he figured you out slowly but surely.
“I just like to see you silent,” he retorted, finally moving from his position to clean himself off, “but you ain’t wrong…” A man of his age knew a thing or two about what your not-so-subtle looks meant (even if it took him longer than usual to realise what you were actually wanting) and knowing you for the time he did also meant the possibility of things going south between you two went higher. He respected you too much to commit to something that might eventually be taken away from him in an instance — or vice versa.
“I’m never wrong, actually…” You confidently state, eying him with the same smug smile he sported only moments ago. The arrogant stature you held broken with a grimace as you clutch your injured side, “maybe a little bit wrong… probably shoulda let you lead there…”
He merely shook his head, allowing a chuckle to audibly sound which always felt you with a sense of satisfaction. The man shrouded in mystery was finally opening up to you more, that alone was a privilege you couldn’t be more proud of.
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rightsockjin · 4 years
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Summary:  Jimin spent all of his time practicing for the performance at roller rink on skates. And he means ALL of his time. He was a little frustrated to say the least. Won’t someone lend him a hand? Or possibly... a mouth?
Genre:SMUT! Tiny fluff if you squint.
Warnings: HARD BLOWJOB YALL! Female oral receieveing and giving. Partially public. Slight Exsobitonist. Sexual activities in a public bathroom. Loud Jimin! Slight soft Dom. Mentions of “ruining” reader. Little experiences reader. Panty theif! Gagging. Oppa!
Word count:4,444
Author’s notes: I’m so soft for Jimin:( This turned out much sweeter than I intended but I'm not at all mad at it.  Its kinda cute and I'm down for it.
 Jimin’s pants were long and wide at the bottom so that his skates would be partially covered by the fabric. It wasn’t necessary. It wasn’t like his boss was harping him about wearing bell bottoms. On the contrary, he usually got reprimanded for his choice in pants because it was out of uniform, but Jimin thought that it gave him a little umph! It made him look like he was gliding across the roller rink. He looked ethereal. At least that’s what they had told him. Duh its jimin
        But, he thought as he looked at you as your mouth bobbed up and down on his shaft and soft moans caught in your throat, there was no way he looked anywhere near as majestic and ethereal as you did under the fluorescent lights of the food stand.
        His toned thigh muscles clenched as you sucked your cheeks in and pushed your head even farther down on his shaft. A high pitched moan was ripped out of his plush lips. A little bit of drool embarrassingly dripping from the corner of his mouth. His thick hand was placed gingerly in your blown out hair, every once in a while tightening and guiding you up or down.
        A little bit of saliva dribbled down from your mouth. You noisily slurped it up. Normally, you would try to keep it down in a place so public but after Jimin had performed his elaborate routine, the entire place emptied and the cameras couldn’t see behind the counter and had no sound, so you weren’t worried.
        “Fuck!” And it seemed that neither was Jimin.
        His feet were covered completely by the dark jeans, his green and white bomber jacket hung on the back of the metal chair that squeaked every time he jolted against your hold. And Jimin was one of those men that like to thrust up into your throat. You gagged as he thrust particularly hard into the soft part of your throat. The muscles constricted around its more than average length.
        “Yes baby right there,” he groaned, forcing past your reaction. His hips flush against your lips. You squeezed your thumb in your hand, a hail mary that you had read about somewhere on the internet that was supposed to stop you from gagging too harshly but Jimin’s erection was too hard and too thick for it to work.
        Slightly disappointed, you tapped his thigh so he would let you up for air. Jimin held you for only a second longer. Then his hand let go of your head and he situated his ass back on the squeaky chair effectively pulling a good amount of his erection out of your mouth. You pulled your head up the rest of the way. He slipped out of you ungracefully, coated in your spit, gleaming with the purple and blue of the lights.
        Not wanting to pause his rising pleasure, you wrapped your hand around his shaft and gave a few experimental pumps. It was slick. Despite how much your throat hurt after how deep he’d pushed his member in your throat, you couldn’t help but salivate at the sight, wanting to take him back in and make him make those pretty noises again.
        “uhgnh, damn it, Y/N that’s it. How are you this fucking good at this? Even your cute hands feel better than anything I’ve ever had before…ngh…yes fuck.”
        Jimin panted, his chest rising and falling exaggeratedly. Like he’d just finished one of his four hour long rehearsals and the song he’d chosen was fast and his choreography was  extremely difficult. You had been there before, your mouth watering and your panties soaking through. There was a sort of allure that Jimin had when he was dancing on his skates. A grace you could never hope to replicate and damn it all to hell if it wasn’t the sexiest thing you had ever witnessed.
        Now you got the chance to do all of the nasty things that you had dreamed of. The fantasies you had on those numerous days watching from the side lines. Park Jimin was wasted on a place like this. If only he would audition for a company of some sort. But that was a conversation for another time.
        “Don’t stop,” he breathed, his eyes closed slightly, his lips hanging open.
        “Jimin,” you whimpered, collecting the precum from his tip on your thumb.
        “Yes baby?”
        With what looked like a great deal of effort, he raised his head and looked down at you. Your smirk was confident. Ready to please. And who could blame you when you had Park Jimin in your hands?
        Your eyes locked on his, you made a show of sucking the precum off your finger. It was salty, like the popcorn that sat behind you under a lightbulb to be kept warm even though no one ever bought any. Who wanted salt when they were sweating?
        “Are you teasing me?” He asked, his smirk mirroring your own.
        You shrug, tightening your hold slightly on his penis. It twitched in your hold and he bit his lip, holding back what looked to be a painful moan. You planted a soft kiss on the underside, letting your tongue roll on the same little section before you popped off of it.
        Then, with a cheeky smile you said, “Maybe.”
        Jimin laughed deep in his chest. His whole body convulsed. You jerked your wrist and twisted slightly as he chuckled. Almost instantly, he choked on his own laughter, his muscles once again tightening. His dick twitched in your hand. What you would give to ride him right then and there on the loud ass chair, but as it was, you were kneeling so the cameras couldn’t see you. It would be too suspicious if they caught you on tape.
        “If you would have told me you were this good, I would have fucked you months ago,” Jimin said through clenched teeth as you experimentally licked the tip of his dick like the Lollipops that you always bought from the snack stand so you could have a brief conversation with the sexy roller skater when he wasn’t on the rink.
        “I’ve had lots of practice,” you joke, your lips partially on his member.
        Jimin opened his mouth to say something but suddenly, he straightened, his back ridged and his eyes wide. Without hesitation, he yanked his green and white bomber jacket and threw it over both yourself and his exposed sex.
        Your heart began to race as you heard heavy footsteps walking up to the candy counter. You were caught. There were no if’s and’s or but’s about it. Would you get arrested? Would Jimin lose his job?
        You didn’t dare move. You forced all of your consciousness to your hearing, hoping you could hear anything that would tell you in how much trouble you both were, but what you heard made your blood run cold.
        “Great job today Jiminie,” a nasally voice that you would recognize anywhere said. It dripped with honey that to you felt tainted with what could only be described as bitterness.
        “Hey! Jess! I uh…you too,” he said, moving the chair farther under the counter. You shuffled back on your knees awkwardly, careful not to hit anything and give away your position.
        Jess. So that was her name. The many practices that you’d attended had been plagued with her as well. She was Jimin’s partner after all and, to your dismay, his ex-girlfriend.
        “Well we do make a good team,” she gushed. You scrunched your nose at that. Sure, she was a graceful dancer but she was a shit person. Any time you had tried to politely compliment her on anything she did, she’d shut you down by simply ignoring you and you had noticed that she tended to do this to any girl that spoke to her.
        “But then again, we have a,” she paused and you imagined her biting her lip and pushing her boobs together in that knotted crop top with the flouncy sleeves she’s worn for the day to entice Jimin, “special understanding of how our bodies function together right…Jimin?”
        You growled under your breath, Jimin shifted uncomfortably also understanding what Jess had meant.
        “Y-yeah, ri-right,” he laughed trying to defuse the tension he clearly felt. Just then, you realized that you still had his very much erect member in your grasp. This was your chance. She had hers and whatever the reason be, you were not going to let it slip through your hands.
        You gave his erection a solid tug. His reaction was instantaneous. He jumped in his seat, the chair scraped against the concrete floor. His legs began to shake. You imagined his pretty lips formed into a surprised ‘o’. His puffy eyes wide.
        “Got you thinking, huh?” Jess said, her voice smug. You rolled your eyes knowing that no one could see you.
        Jimin’s member hardened even more. Rock hard, maybe even painfully so. A smile tugged at your lips as you leaned in and blew softly on the sensitive skin.
        A hand found its way to your head once again but this time, he was pushing you away from his sex instead of onto it but you weren’t going to give up. The material of the jacket slipped over your hair smoothly letting you get closer towards your goal.
        “Ha, yeah uh Jess so you think we could-ah,” you licked a thick wet stripe from the base of his dick up to the tip. He was leaking like crazy. Begging you, basically, to suck him off.
        “Wow Jimin,” Jess breathed clearly thinking that his reaction was for her and not for your skilled tongue, “I didn’t realize you missed me that much. Hey,” she said conspiratorially as you licked another strip up his shaft, “why don’t you and I take off of work for a bit. No one’s around…I can take care of you if you are…up to it.”
        Without even giving him time to think over her suggestion, you opened your mouth wide and let his penis fall back in where it should have been this whole time.
        Jimin hissed from above you. A tiny, almost inaudible moan, vibrated in your throat as you closed the seal and sucked wantonly. A vein in his cock pulsed against your tongue. Jimin’s legs fell apart as if to give you more room. He’d already started to buck his hips slightly into your open mouth but this time you were determined to see it through to the end.
        “Sound like a good idea? You don’t have to say it Park Jimin. I can read you like a magazine. Meet me in the men’s room in five. I have some naughty things planned for you.”
        You let go of his erection and grabbed onto his thighs so that you could pull the last inch of his length into your mouth. Jimin tensed so violently as your gag reflex kicked off once again. It convulsed around the sensitive tip.
        “Shit,” he nearly yelled. From the annoyingly sweet giggles, Jess thought that was for her as well. You found solace in knowing that it wasn’t. Knowing that the reactions he was having were solely for you and the things you were doing to him.
        It was only when the footsteps had faded and in the distance you heard a door close a little too loudly that Jimin pulled his jacket off your head. The sight he was met with was nothing more than what he considered pure heaven. Your nose was flush against his hips. Your hands wrapped loosely on his thighs. He pulled your hair out of your face so he could more clearly see your features and were it not for his experience and many a night masturbating, he might have cum right then and there.
        Determined to keep his mind on you and not on the quick fuck he could have in the bathroom if he chose to, you began to bob your head again, this time making sure that his tip hit the soft part of your throat every time. Jimin opened his legs wider still, nearly flat to the back of the chair, to give you more room to work.
        You would have smiled had your mouth not been preoccupied. Quiet, delighted sighs rang in the air with the sound of a song that you hadn’t heard before. The lights in the roller rink dimmed slightly and a disco ball dropped down. This, you only knew because you’d seen it happen enough times in a day.
        You reached under your chin and cupped his balls in your small hand, steadily massaging them. Instantly, you felt them constrict in your grasp and Jimin’s hips, which had been lightly bobbing in time with your head, stopped entirely. You had little to no warning as he pushed your head down onto his disco stick and hardened more in your mouth. You hadn’t even thought it possible but his length fell heavy on your tongue and the inside of your cheeks. Your eyes watered as a shot of cum was pushed down your esophagus, then another and another and possibly one more. You weren’t sure. You’d zoned out so that you could stop yourself from fully barfing on him and weirdly enough, it had worked. As the last stripe of hot cum hit your throat, you pulled your head off of him and sat back on your heels, your mouth full.
        You waited patiently for Jimin to catch his breath. He was sweating slightly. The heady scent of his cum and sweat was doing wonders for your libido. Finally, with heavy lids, he looked down at you and without hesitation, you opened your mouth. Filled with his white seed, you displayed your mouth full before you winked, closed your mouth and audibly swallowed it whole.
        “You’ve got to be joking,” he groaned, covering his pretty face with his ring clad fingers, “fuck you’re so hot. Get up.” He instructed.
        You tilted your head to the side like a lost dog but he gave you no further explanation. He took one of the hands resting on your jean clad legs and gently pulled you out from under the concession stand. Now that you were out in the open, you felt a little bit self-conscious about what you had done.
        Quickly, Jimin tucked himself into his underwear, still as hard as could be, and buttoned his pants. He tossed his jacket over his shoulder, his hand firmly grasping yours as he led you towards the bathrooms. Panic took over as he neared the separate restrooms, thinking he might make you have a threesome with that awful girl Jess, but with a quick wink in your direction and a shrug, he b-lined for the women’s restroom and locked the door behind him.
        Your heart calmed slightly, glad that neither you nor him were going to go to the men’s room. That is, until he turned to look at you with lust dripping from his eyes. His bulge strained against his tight jeans. All for you. The white of his shirt had become slightly patchy in some areas due to sweat. The chain around his neck hung between his pecs, his nipples clearly erect. He was sex incarnate.
        “What are we doing in the bathroom Jimin?” You asked innocently, hoping for what could only be described as the opposite of such.
        “Fuck, Angel,” he laughed taking a couple of steps towards you, his heeled boots clicking against the tiled floor, “we’re here for your turn.”
        Your doe eyes widened. Heat flushed your cheeks and excitement filled your veins. When you had propositioned Jimin earlier that day, you hadn’t thought it would lead to anything. You weren’t even expecting him to reciprocate or to even remember your name, but life was full of surprises and you had clearly done something really great in a past life to be standing there, in a roller rink bathroom with the king of sex himself, offering you a chance to fall apart at his tongue.
        “I’m going to ruin you, Angel,” he whispered, taking your cheeks in his hands and rolling your head on your shoulders. You let him maneuver you, too weak to think for yourself. He pushed your back onto the sink which had a barney purple rim around the outside that served as a table. Before you could sit yourself though, Jimin took his jacket from his shoulders and set it down as a barrier between what would soon be your bare ass and the sink table.
        “What a gentleman,” you joked, placing your hand over your heart and blinking rapidly at him.
        “Always,” he joked, squatting down so he was face to face with your jean button. He glanced up at you, making sure that you were okay with what was about to happen. You nodded eagerly, his hands working of what seemed to be their own accord to unbutton and unzip your bell bottoms. He grabbed onto the part of the jeans that began to fan out then tugged roughly.
        You held onto his shoulders and let him maneuver your pants off of you. Your heeled boots didn’t put up much of a fight. He neatly folded them and placed on the baby changing station for safekeeping and again you were struck at his thoughtfulness.
        It was when he turned around that you froze realizing that you had picked the most unsexy pair of underwear you owned. They were pure white, and high waisted like the pants you had been wearing. A tiny little bow sat right at the center of the elastic that was holding it in place. You blushed, wishing you could go back in time and tell yourself to choose literally anything other than these granny panties.
        Jimin stared at your choice of undergarments for what felt like years. His expression was blank, like he couldn’t quite make up his mind about what he wanted to do or say. You sighed, dejectedly pointing at the door. Your head down so you didn’t have to see the lust melt away from his body.
        “If you want to go with Jess instead, I understand.” She was more experienced than you were, and she had been right about one thing. She knew how Jimin’s body worked and while you had found your way around him fairly well earlier, you felt he might have more fun with someone who knew what they were doing.
        “Are you kidding me? And miss unwrapping this pretty little present? Angel, did you wear this just for me?”
        In one step, Jimin was before you, his thumb and forefinger tilting your chin up to look him in the eyes. A devious look present in his brown irises that you couldn’t place.
        “You don’t think they’re…”
        “Not even a little bit. I told you, Angel,” Jimin began, his hand traveling slowly down the valley of your breasts until it reached the elastic of your panties, “I’m going to ruin you.”
        Then he bent down, wrapping his arms around your thighs and carrying you up and onto his bomber jacket. He positioned you so that you were close to the edge to make it easier for him when he kneeled down.
        Without warning, he leaned in and took a deep whiff of your core. Humiliation thrummed through your muscles. You fought your instinct to close your legs, wanting to enjoy what he was doing.
        “Shit you smell good… and you’re so wet,” he said, more to himself than to you but the praise made you feel a little less self-conscious about the situation, “I wonder if you taste as sweet as you smell.”
        His lips pulled over his white teeth. He planted soft, open mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs as he hooked two fingers on the elastic of your underwear. On pure instinct, you pushed yourself up off your butt, holding your weight on your palms so he could slip them off your body. He balled them up and tucked them into his pants pocket with a cheeky smirk.
        “Ready for me, Angel?”
        You barely nodded before he’d leaned in, and with his eyes locked on yours, licked a thin line up from your entrance all the way to your clit. Maybe it was all the tension from before or the fact that you were inexperienced but his tongue felt like a mixture of all the good and bad things in the world. It was wet and warm and shot a spark of something equally pleasurable and painful into your stomach.
        “Eugh, fuck you taste just like honey,” he commented, diving in once again, this time flattening his tongue so it covered more surface area. Your legs convulsed at the sensation. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. It was smooth and yet somehow rough. Wet but not unpleasant. He did it again, pushing it harder against your folds as It got closer to your clit which you could feel pulsating with the need to be stimulated.
        “How does that feel, baby? Good? Is Jimin oppa making you feel good?”
        You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as he flicked his tongue a couple of times over your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your muscles burned with need. You wanted -no- you needed more.
        Jimin sucked the top section of your lower lips into his mouth and a loud kiss noise echoed in the restroom.
        “Answer me, angel. I need to know that what I’m doing feels good.”
        “Ngh- yes,” you whimpered, trying to keep your legs open as he rubbed the middle of his tongue on your clit over and over again. The pressure was building quickly. You wouldn’t last like this. And maybe that’s what he wanted because next thing you knew, he chuckled against your pearl then clamped his plump lips around it. You felt him pull your legs over his shoulders rather than saw him because the pleasure was too strong, too pure for you to keep your eyes open.
        You locked your heels behind his head as an obnoxiously loud moan was ripped from your throat. You felt two of his fingers push your slit open only to circle your sopping wet entrance. The anticipation was killing you. You needed to be filled.
        “Please Jimin oppa,” you begged in a high pitched breathy moan, “please touch me.”
        A guttural groan vibrated against your clit. You saw stars behind your eyes as Jimin plunged two fingers into your wet opening. He worked you open slowly, his tongue and lips never letting up. Your toes began to curl and uncurl in your boots. Your thighs were shaking on his shoulders as you got closer and closer.
        “Oppa,” you gasped, “I’m about to- ah,” and it happened. You could only see white behind your closed eyelids. You could feel Jimin’s fingers relentlessly pushing in and out of you at a good pace to help you ride out your orgasm. Over stimulation set in so quickly that your head spun and your body twitched. Your legs flew open trying to push him off of you with blind gestures and groans and moans.
        Jimin got the message and pulled his lips off your sensitive skin and slowly pulled his fingers out of your entrance. He stood, towering over you. He brought his fingers up so that you could see them and spread them wide like your legs had. Thick strings of your arousal clung to them, falling into his rings.
        “Wanna share?” He asked, sucking his index finger into his mouth and licking it clean. He moaned erotically, like it was the best dish he had ever had, then held out his middle finger to you. Hesitantly, you opened your mouth wide enough for him to slip his finger in between your lips.
        To your surprise, he had been right. You did taste sweet, almost like honey with a little bit of musk or something you couldn’t place. You greedily sucked all of your essence from his finger before you let him pull it out of your mouth.    
        “That’s a good girl,” he praised turning the fossette on and quickly washing his hands, “did you like it, Angel?”
        “Mhm,” was all you could manage as he turned over and grabbed your pants. He began to slip them on each of your legs when you realized that he hadn’t put your underwear back on. You pointed this out to him, with curious confusion and he only laughed.
        “Those are mine now. What am I supposed to do the next time I need some help and you’re not around? Be a good girl and pull your pants up for me.”
        You weren’t exactly happy about having to forgo your undergarments, but a part of you found it incredibly hot that he wanted them so you sucked up your pride and stood, pulling your pants up and buttoning them. It was slightly uncomfortable, especially since you were still a little sensitive from your orgasm but when Jimin placed his bomber over your shoulder followed by his hand, you didn’t remember to care.
        You smiled up at him, and he smiled down at you. A gleam in his puffy eyes, made you want to ravage him again.
        “Next time,” he whispered in your ear, “I’ll show you what I can really do.”
        Next time. There would be a next time! Jimin unlocked the bathroom door and opened it at the exact same time as the door to the men’s room opened. Out came a very confused looking Jess, her shirt unknotted and her hair seemingly disheveled. When her eyes landed on Jimin’s arm around you, her features turned to anger.
        In a burst of confidence, you reached into Jimin’s pocket and pulled out your white panties. You waved them around like a flag, smirked at her shocked expression, then tucked them back into his pocket so that they hung out slightly. You wrapped an arm around Jimin’s waist before you sent a wink her way.
        Jimin only chuckled as he walked you back to the main lobby. People were starting to come back to the roller rink. Jimin sighed, pushed the underwear farther into his pocket and clicked on the giant outdoor sign as it had started to get dark.
        “I’ll call you later, okay, Angel?”
        “You better,” you confirmed, turning to leave as the first customer opened the door.
        Jimin greeted them with his usual greeting as you walked out into the night, “Welcome to Dynamite Roller Rink, what size skates can I get you?”
Read the rest here!
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Read into Me Chapter 5: Romeo and Juliet
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Words: 2,955
Warnings: Swearing, slut shaming, bullying mention
Tag List: @divinity-deos @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina​ @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary​ @banjino-in-the-hole @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @unusuallchildd @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @alwaysstressedout @linkispink1995​ @asharpkniffe​ @a-big-ball-of-idk​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​
After that afternoon, you spent practically every day after school with Steve, either in his bedroom or the library. It was weirdly nice. You didn’t always talk; mostly you worked in silence, Steve answering English questions or doing work for other classes and you doodling. You’d finished the sketch of Steve you’d started in his bedroom the same night you’d started it. You were actually quite proud of it; you’d managed to get the shadows on his face to make his face look hollow and strange, not beautiful like it usually appeared. And yes, you were comfortable with calling him beautiful. You found a lot of your subjects beautiful, they all fit into an easy collection of strong, attractive faces that could be found in Hawkins. Hawkins Most Beautiful: the collections of portraits labelled themselves.
Steve called you fairly often as well; usually on the days when you didn’t meet up he’d call so he’d have someone to keep him company as he worked. He seemed lonely to you. From your conversations, you learned little of his supposed friends, but you learned a fair bit about his family. Both his parents were rarely home. His father worked in the city and kept an apartment there, keeping him as far away from home as possible most of the time. His mother was home more often, but kept her hours in certain places, leaving him home alone most of the time. So it seemed, he was ignored past the age of twelve. You sympathized with that, your own parents weren’t exactly present, albeit for different reasons. He asked you a lot about Samantha, which didn’t bother you; you could talk about her far more than you could yourself.
“I can’t honestly say that I even really know her…” Steve laughed. You were sat in his bedroom one evening, the sun setting in creamy red swirls, ominous strawberry pieces in homemade ice cream. Sweet and yet worrying for reasons beyond you for the time being. You were sat at his desk, leaning back in his desk chair, turning left and right. Steve was sprawled out on his mattress, feet kicking beyond him casually, his papers spread out in front of him.
“Yeah, she doesn’t really associate with some of your friends. Tina isn’t really our biggest fan…” you replied, smiling softly. The memory of Samantha dumping a miniature carton of chocolate milk on her head in the seventh grade flashed through your mind, her shrill screech making you chuckle.
“Oh yeah? What’s up her ass?” Steve asked, turning onto his side to look at you fully. He looked incredibly posed and uncomfortable, his head placed in his palm and his ankles stacked neatly one on top of the other.
“They used to be best friends, before I showed up. Once I was on the scene, Tina decided that I was someone to bully and Samantha decided that she wanted to be my friend. They fell out because of it and Tina started bothering both of us. She stopped once we were in middle school.” You explained, pulling one of your knees to your chest.
“Tina’s a bitch…” Steve muttered, shaking his head solemnly.
“She’s got such a thing for you.” You chuckled, watching as his face coloured. You continued “Vicki too…they want you so bad.”
“How’d you know?” Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. His face was still pink, it was almost adorable.
“Oh my god, they spend every class with their heads so far up your ass!” you linked your fingers together and pulled them under your chin. You batted your lashes at him with wide eyes, starting into an imitation of Tina “Oh…Stevie, tell me more about your basketball game…oh Stevie you’re soooo strong!”
Steve pulled the pillow from the head of his bed, throwing it at your head. “Oh shut up!” he groaned. You caught the pillow, chucking it back at him, smacking him square in the face.
Steve was great to hang out with. But that sort of friendship didn’t seem to transition outside the privacy of his bedroom. In school, the rules of social interaction began again. Steve returned to the arms of Tommy H and Carol, whose attentions flip between him and Billy Hargrove, and Samantha kept you busy with her questions, her arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders, squeezing you tightly into your side. And every time you passed Steve, she cracked a joke in your ear that turned you beet red.
In truth, it was clear that Samantha did not believe you when you told her that nothing was going on between the two of you. She had already decided that the pair of you were in some sort of torrid affair of Shakespearian depths. She seemed to earnestly believe that it was some secret, clandestine romance was happening behind closed doors. You didn’t really understand what she was imagining; it didn’t make sense to you. Steve was far too obviously interested in other people to be doing anything with you. You tried to point out all the girls who hung off his arm whenever she tried to embarrass you about it, but she didn’t see it.
“What you’re missing,” she said through a massive bite of cafeteria shepherd’s pie “Is that all those girls pay attention to him, but he doesn’t pay attention to them.”
“If we were having an affair, don’t you think that I would tell you about it? I tell you everything anyway.” You retorted, rolling your eyes at her.
“You didn’t tell me about Byers until I weaseled it out of you. That’s what I’m doing right now.” Samantha replied with a shrug, mushing her meal together with her plastic fork until it was a disgusting shade of brown, golden corn accenting the pile.
Talking about Jonathan Byers wasn’t fair and she knew it. In short, there was nothing to talk about. You’d had a small, teeny tiny practically nonexistent crush on the boy a year prior, but it was very clear that he didn’t like you back. Samantha had gone to Tina’s party in October, right as your crush was subsiding, and she’d told you that he was all over Nancy Wheeler. You’d had your suspicions about it, but hearing that he’d gone after someone else’s girlfriend and rejected you along the way hurt. Even though you weren’t interested, it still hurt. Samantha was still annoyed that you hadn’t told her about it until it was over, and since it was the only source of knowledge she had on your comatose love life, she brought it up all the time, much to your chagrin.
“All I do with him is sit in his room and help him study. And when I say help him study, I mean literally help him study, we do the chapter studies together and discuss the stupid book.” You said. That wasn’t the whole story; you talked a lot about life and listened to music. You were confident in saying that you were friends by now. You’d almost met his mother twice, both times in passing, and that seemed pretty important to friendships, when their family knew who you were. Still, it didn’t break into school. Steve stayed with his clique and while you tried to stray from yours, Carol or Tina would always scare you off before you spent too much time with Steve. It didn’t take much to scare you, a mere gaze could send you packing, and those two had been mastering the annoyed sneer since the fifth grade.
“Yeah, well you don’t see what I see…” Samantha muttered, turning her attention away from you and onto the loud clique at the centre of the room. Billy Hargrove was show boating, as usual, with Tina and Macy practically drooling onto their lunch trays. Vicki was trying to get Steve’s attention, her thin, spidery fingers gripping onto his wrists, speaking animatedly into his ear. Steve wasn’t facing her though; his whole body was turned away from her, and directly towards your table. Samantha noticed how he watched where you went, it’s why she thoroughly believed that something was going on beyond the surface, something even you might not realize. She knew what a person looked like when they were love struck. Often times, from the outside, it was easier to see when someone was in love with someone else before she could catch onto who actually liked her. She’d watched the women she yearned for fall in love with boring, lame men enough times to have mastered the signs of how men fall for girls. And Steve showed all the non-verbal signs. She couldn’t get a full read on you yet though.
Tommy had caught onto to Steve’s strange behaviour just as fast as Samantha had, although he wasn’t nearly as impressed. You were simply not worth the effort. Not by a long shot. You were fucking lame-never at the parties, never at dances, never at the lake on the weekends. And he knew you had money, you could afford to do all those things, you were just too much of a pussy to show your face. That was fucking pathetic! He knew his friend better than anyone else and a chick who couldn’t hang was not the girl for him. Steve liked fun girls, girls who could turn up for a last minute thing and not be weird about it. Nancy Wheeler was the farthest Steve needed to go on the preppy nerd scale, and that bitch ended up being a massive slut! Like nobody expected that shit. But Tommy knew that you didn’t have any surprises up your sleeves. Despite the fact that you never talked, he knew that you were plain about who you were. Everything was on the surface, and what he saw was not worth his friend’s time.
“Steve, buddy, I’m gonna go get another milk, walk with me.” Tommy motioned him over. Steve followed blindly, if only to get Vicki’s cold, clammy hand off him. Tommy had seen The Godfather one too many times and seemed to believe that he was some sort of small town mob boss, but Steve didn’t really mind following along with him flights of fancy. Usually they were pretty funny.
Tommy wrapped an arm around his taller friend’s shoulders, lowering his voice from the onlooker’s ears. “Listen, buddy, you gotta tell me what’s going up with that Y/N chick I mean you just keep staring at her it’s freaking weird, dude.”
“Y/N? She’s my writing partner for Lawrence’s class, she’s cool…” Steve replied, turning to catch your eye as they passed. He smiled at you, giving a short wave, which you returned with a small smile.
“She’s cool? That all?” Tommy pressed, stepping into the line and grabbing a carton of strawberry milk and the largest chocolate chip cookie in the basket. He unwrapped his arm from his shoulders, letting him go free for the first time in the conversation.
“Yeah, I mean she’s nice, what else do you want me to say?” Steve knew that was being a little defensive, but he didn’t like being questioned for his choices in friends or girls, he never questioned Tommy’s choices and he made the worst decisions most of the time. Carol was no prize and he didn’t say a word about her.
“You fucking her?” if Steve had had anything in his mouth, he would’ve spit it on the floor. Tommy didn’t even turn to look at him, paying the lunch lady in change.
“Jesus, dude, no.” Steve cried, recoiling from his friend. Tommy needed to get hit and while he didn’t have cause to do so yet, he firmly believed someone was going to do it soon.
“Hey, no need to freak out, it’s just a question.” Tommy pulled his friend back in, slapping his friend on the back. Instead of simply heading back to their lunch table, he pulled him to the side, standing next to the hot grab and go table, next to the cartons of fries.
“Now, the way I see it, you have something great going for you.” Tommy began, cracking open his milk and taking a long swig, leaving a milk film on his upper lip. “Vicki Clarke is a fucking babe and she’s begging for it! She’s all over your ass and she’s hot as hell! But you’re blowing it by spending all your time staring at some freak of nature instead. You could have a smoking hot babe at your beck and call, but you’re wasting your chances here, you see what I mean?”
“Not at all, dude.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest, looking over his friend doubtfully.
“Look man, I’m just trying to set you up for success here. Because that girl,” Tommy pointed at you slyly “Is not interested. If she was, she’d be over here, acting like Vicki is. But she’s keeping herself planted at that table with that goth freakazoid.”
Steve had no idea what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, to deny having any feelings for you, but that wouldn’t mean shit if he kept watching you. And Tommy was right, there was a girl there who wanted to listen to whatever he said, who chased him down. Vicki was there and you weren’t. So he swallowed his words and went back to his table.
“Hey, Steve…” Vicki drawled. There was red lipstick on her teeth. Steve didn’t say anything about it. It didn’t make her ugly. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, letting her rest in the crook of his neck. Vicki seemed over the moon by it and it gave him something to focus on other than catching your attention.
Samantha frowned, turning her attention back to you. “What’s Steve’s opinion on Vicki Clarke?” she asked.
“He didn’t like when I told him that she had a thing for him, why?” you retorted, flipping through the college magazine in front of you. You still hadn’t chosen anywhere to apply and applications for the major schools were due in the winter and community colleges needed their applications in for the fall semester in by the end of June at the earliest.
“Well, he doesn’t seem embarrassed now.” Samantha hooked a thumb towards the couple. You looked once, narrowing your eye to scrutinize the pair.
“Eh, that seems about right…” you murmured. You wouldn’t deny that something about it hurt. But you ignored the pain until returning home from school. As always, you called before making any moves. It was the polite thing to do, even though Steve had made the plans to meet up with you after school the night before.
The phone was picked up after three rings. Steve’s car was in the driveway, not his mother’s, so you knew who would answer. “Hello?” his voice sounded anxious and breathy, maybe even annoyed.
“Steve-o, we still studying? You wanna go grab food at Hula Burger?” Steve had introduced you to the burger place in Carmel, a little mom and pop shop with the best Cajun fries in the county, at least in your opinion.
“Oh shit…” Steve muttered “Y/N I’m sorry I-I kind of made plans, can I take a rain check on the burgers?”
“Oh…yeah, sure I guess…some other time…” you said softly. You wouldn’t try to hide the disappointment in your voice. The pain you felt in the pit of your stomach returned with abundance, not exactly sore and angry pain, but more of a black hole opening up there.
“I gotta go, I’ll see you tomorrow, ‘kay?” Steve asked. He was already running late. He was supposed to pick up Vicki in twenty minutes and he still needed to shower. He had genuinely forgotten about his plans with you and he felt like an ass for doing so. He did want to hang out with you, but a date was a good step after being decimated by Nancy. He wasn’t super into Vicki, but it was still exciting to go out with someone new.
“Sure…” you hung up after that. You stood from your bed, dropping your book bag at your feet. You were used to spending afternoons alone, that wasn’t strange to you. Just because you’d spent a few days with a boy didn’t mean that he was yours to hold back from his life. You could’ve pulled a fit and tried to make him hold true to his word, the way your mother used to act towards your father. But those memories made you sick, you didn’t like that behaviour. But you also didn’t like being cancelled on. It wasn’t a feeling you were used to, not from friends at least. Samantha never really cancelled on you, she always made sure to tell you when she was busy and not agree to plans. She’d never cancelled on you for a date, even when she was dating Keith the creep she always put your friendship on a different level than him. Of course, she wasn’t really into Keith, she came out like a week after they started dating and broke up with him after kissing Jessica Klein at a house party, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that Steve had ditched you and it made your heart hurt.
You couldn’t help but watch him run out of his front door and into his car. You watched it pull out of his driveway and out onto the road. It was clear to you now, Steve was more interested in passing English than he was in being your friend. Vicki Clarke was the girl to pay attention, no matter how he acted around you.
So why pretend like he was your friend at all?
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a-libra-writes · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Arthur Shelby
Hey yall! Im gettin into the swing of writing for Peaky Blinders. If you have any requests for preferences, imagines, alphabets, fics - please send them my way!
(Psst Arthur is my fav, best boi no one can convince me otherwise. Ok alfie is a close second but we arthur squad on this blog)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He's less "affectionate" and more "lovingly clingy". Arthur adores your attention and wants it all the time. He's holding your waist while you cook, having you sit in his lap at the bar or pulling you into his embrace on the couch … and of course kisses are a part of this package. He just feels off when he doesn't get his daily dose of affection from you. While Arthur would understand if you weren't in the mood or busy, he'd (im)patiently wait for you to be available. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As loyal and protective as he is, Arthur isn't always the best influence as a friend. He'll be a bit gentler and try to censor himself with a woman, but once you really get to know him, he's comfortable being himself. While he's initially on guard with strangers, it's easy for him to appreciate someone who is kind and understanding. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It's pretty obvious that he's the bigger cuddler between the two of you. He can't get enough of the safe and comfortable feeling of your embrace. When he's feeling tired, he'll rest his head in the crook of your neck, and when he's particularly upset he'll want to rest on your chest. The bed is probably the most comfortable place to cuddle, but a settee in front of a warm fire suits you both well, too. His hold is loose unless he's upset - then you might need to ask him to be a little gentler. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He tries not to dwell on it, but Arthur has wanted a family for some time. It's hard to keep those domestic thoughts from knocking when he's spending time with you. As for cooking and cleaning, he's … pretty shit at both. He'll try, but don't expect much. He still likes to hang around the kitchen when you cook to talk with you and hand you things.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d try to be quick and blunt about it, detached - like Tommy always is - but Arthur would struggle to look you in the eye and string the right words together. Afterward he’d have to hit the drink and coke hard to get the awful, swirling emotions out of his gut, and to drown out the way your face fell.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He got attached to you quickly, so it’s not a surprise that he’d start thinking about marrying you just as swiftly - not helped by Tommy and Finn encouraging him to do it already. He knew it was too soon to ask such a thing of you, and the two things urging him toward this decision were complete opposites: On one hand, he loved you already, on the other hand, there was a twisted desire to “keep” you before you could “get away”. The possessive thoughts made him feel guilty, but not enough to try and feel out what you thought of marriage. Of course, he’d always have a voice telling him he didn’t deserve such a thing with you to begin with, but that was often pushed aside by his affection and jealousy. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Arthur tries, he really does. Sometimes he touches you so lightly, it’s like he thinks you’ll break, other times he holds far too tightly and kisses too roughly. There are happy middles, of course, but a lot of it just depends on his state of mind at the time. Sometimes he gets carried away with a positive or negative mood and you have to remind him to not hold so tight.
Emotionally, Arthur tries just as hard to speak to you with nothing but affection, but on days when his head is swarming with awful thoughts, he’ll end up raising his voice or breaking things around the house. You don’t stand for it, of course, and he does eventually come down and apologize. He normally speaks to you like you’re the only, loveliest girl in the world, since that isn’t far from the truth for him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves it when you initiate hugs, and not just when he’s spiraling - just whenever you feel like it, because you love him. The unconditional affection just immediately distracts him from whatever he was doing, and he wants to cling to you and keep you there for longer. Getting a hug from behind or the side is fine, but he’s going to turn around and pull you into a proper one. 
He likes totally wrapping you up in his wiry arms, keeping you firmly in place by holding your waist or your back. His body will lean into you, and when you’re alone, he’s probably the one who will start the swaying. When his mood is more turbulent, he pulls you roughly to him and squeezes you tightly, like you’ll float away if he doesn’t keep you here.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Arthur tells himself to hold off on saying such a thing even if he feels it early into your relationship. He doesn’t want to scare you off, because let’s be honest, he’s still surprised you want to see him after every day. But being the emotional man he is, he can’t stop it from tumbling out. It’d probably happen when you two were just spending time together, the sun hit your hair just right, you looked up at him with a sweet smile, touched his arm and … said something totally innocuous, only for him to blurt out those three words over you. 
A fun fact he doesn’t remember - one time he was nearly black-out drunk, and while you helped him stumble home, he “confessed” to you several times with varying degrees of success. It was almost cute, although you were positive he wouldn’t remember. You had an idea of his feelings, anyway, it’s not like he’s subtle. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh boy.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s nothing against you. He’s just a jealous man, and there is zero logic to it. It’s a pure emotional reaction and he feels it hard. More than once you’ve pulled Arthur away for getting aggressive with a man who was simply making smalltalk. It doesn’t matter how many times you scold him (you’re so beyond comforting this insecurity), it’s like a knee-jerk reaction with him. Much of it comes from his fears of losing you, which you understand … But it doesn’t mean you have to tolerate and allow it. If he even tries to scowl while you’re just chatting with a man, you firmly tell him to knock it off. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are often quick and messy; he likes giving several at once instead of one, long one. If he does it to your neck, you can get quite breathless, especially when he’s holding you and saying something sweet. Arthur likes your lips a lot, he thinks they’re just so soft and even lovelier with your favorite shade of lipstick. Your neck is a close second, but even if you’re bare before him, he’ll keep getting distracted by that smile. 
Any kiss you give is a good one, but for the longest time it was the kisses you’d give to his cheek and jaw that would take him off guard and fluster him the most. It was such a basic gesture, but one he hadn’t experienced in … Well, he can’t recall. You’d be stopping by the shop to say hello, or on your way to leave the house, and you never forgot to kiss him hello and goodbye. The gesture was nothing short of intimate to him. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Arthur is initially awkward with kids, but he does what he can. He’s hopeless if you hand him a baby, even if he likes it when they look at him, and he isn’t always sure how to talk to them. He’ll end up talking like he normally does, just a little more censored. If the kids are older, he falls into a natural older brother and even fatherly roll, teaching them things they prooobably shouldn’t know at their age. 
With his own children, he’d be far too indulgent, something you tease him about several times. Lord forbid if he has any girls because they will be both spoiled rotten and absolutely overprotected. He’d want to be a much better father than his own was, and would look forward to teaching his son all sorts of things,  … and his daughter, if she asked, because he can’t say no to her. Yes, both he and the kids were in for an earful once you found out he was teaching them how to fight and defend themselves.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s not a morning person, period, end of sentence. Good luck getting his ass up anytime before ten, and if he’s been drinking or out doing god knows what, make that before noon. Even when he’s up, he’s grumbling and stumbling here and there as he gets ready. You’ll probably have to make sure his tie is straight and he doesn’t forget anything (his sleepy, appreciative smile is very cute).
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
More often than not, he’s coming home drunk off his ass or reeling from something he had to take care of. He gets home at ridiculous hours, and you aren’t about to stay up all night. You wake up briefly when you feel his arm wrap around your waist and pull you close, mumbling sleepily and smelling of alcohol and streets the whole time. If you’re actually up when he’s back, you make a point to point him to the shower, and then it’s nothing but snuggles and maybe something more. Arthur does prefer to get home early, and he really tries, but … well, business is business. He also prefers being sober when you welcome him back and curl up with him. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Once you have his trust and he feels comfortable speaking with you, there’s really nothing stopping Arthur’s floodgates. When you’re curled up on the couch and he’s resting his head against your warm chest, taking in your scent and your heartbeat while you run your fingers down his back, he’ll literally tell you anything. When his dark moods are taking over and you calmly hold him and talk him through it, it’s easy for him to be more honest with you than anyone else in his life. This is doubly so when he’s drunk; although much of that is rambling and saying how much he loves you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Well, you can probably guess how easy it is to set off his temper - the exception is you can’t say and do far more than anyone else can, because he just can’t imagine being legitimately upset with you. This is why you’re the go-to person when he gets set off, even before you two were a couple. The Shelbys  dubbed you as their “Arthur handler” before you knew it. The thing is, you could probably “get away” with a lot when it comes to Arthur; he adores you and thinks the best of your intentions.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Arthur is a bit of a mixed bag on this. He’s not great with specific preferences of your’s, like what you prefer for dinner and your taste in books, but he has good intuition for situations that make you upset or happy. As an example, Arthur would be very aware of any phobias you have or trauma you’ve suffered and would make a point to avoid triggering it. If flowers will put you in a better mood, you’ll sure as hell have them in your house when you come home. If Tommy decides something he knows you won’t like, he’ll try to talk to you first and ease you into the idea. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It’s hard for him to pick just one, but a serious moment to consider was also a turning point in your relationship. You’d known the Shelbys for some time and were on well enough terms with them, but you were still surprised when Tommy called for you to look after Arthur for a few days. He’d had a terrible episode - you weren’t given the details - and you spent hours gently soothing and talking to him. He actually opened up to you far more than he had anyone at that point, and it didn’t hit him until later how unafraid and non-judgmental you were. It was in your living room, you had gotten him some tea and were speaking softly while rubbing his back. You didn’t make him feel weak or blamed him for anything. You just listened, and he couldn’t help but compare you to an angel in that moment. He wanted to see you the next day, even if he still wasn’t in a great headspace, just to talk to you and make sure it really happened. You really did comfort and hold a sorry bastard like him. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He was always protective when you were friends, and once you’re together, it’s even moreso. Arthur wouldn’t bring up you learning to use a gun, but if you expressed even a little interest he’d offer to teach you, at least the basics. He’d feel comforted just with a knife strapped somewhere to your leg, anything worked, even if he kept assuring you that you’d never have to use either weapon. You don’t doubt for a second that he’d throw himself in front of a gun for you, and in uncertain times he’s had men posted outside your home. 
Arthur wouldn’t expect the same level of protectiveness at all from you. It’s his job to keep you safe, and truthfully, putting yourself in danger for his sake would only make him feel panic and guilt. But you emotionally protecting him, and sticking up for him around others, that would just get him flustered and grateful. He’ll never get tired of hearing you talk about how much you trust and love him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Well, honestly, sometimes he forgets things you were supposed to do together because Tommy kept him out all night, or he got too drunk and passed out at the bar … …. And he knows your anger is justified when that happens. When he actually does remember, he tries to plan things out for your birthday, somewhere nice you two can drive to and really enjoy yourselves. 
He actually doesn’t need a reason to buy you things. If it’s pretty and shiny, and something about it just reminds him of you, he’ll buy it without thinking. He likes spoiling you, even if you’re the sort of girl who doesn’t really wear jewelry or fancy clothes, he can’t help it. Flowers and sweets will also be given to you in equal measure, just because. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
You both know he has plenty of them, you don’t even need to ask him if something’s gone wrong because the look of guilt on his face tells you enough. Arthur really does try to be better with you, and he’s leagues better than he was - as Tommy will often tell you - but the pain he picked up from war and his upbringing are just etched too deep, at least, he thinks so. He at least tries to keep you from seeing his worst side, but that just makes him all the more grateful when he comes home a complete mess and you’re there to comfort him. 
The drinking is a problem, the cocaine - ooh, you’ve have words about that with John and Michael - the slips of control and anger … It’s a lot, and no one blames you for being tired, least of all Arthur. So when his mind is clear, he tries to be his best for you and show you how much he loves and appreciates you.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
There’s always been other things on his  mind other than his appearance; he looks after his personal grooming and wears the same nice clothes as his brothers, but he also tends to get absolutely filthy and bloody from his brawls. At least he knows to wash up before beelining to see you. Arthur does like it when you compliment him, though, and he makes a point to buy any ties and coats you’ve bought him. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’d absolutely be lost without you, and he knows it. In his darker moods he thinks that the only thing keeping him alive is you. If you left him, or worse - something had happened to you - he’d be in such a dangerous state that Tommy would be seriously worried and would try to intervene. If that means dragging you back and trying to calmly ask you to reconsider being with Arthur, so be it. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You don’t remember how or when you two picked up this habit, but you began to enjoy mindlessly driving around. You’d chat while meandering around Small Heath, and if you saw something interesting, Arthur would pull over and you both would take a look. You’d end up finding interesting parks or tucked away cafes; one time ended up in a bizarre art gallery that the two of you tried very hard not to laugh at. This became a little tradition whenever you’d visit a new place: Drive around and just see what you stumble upon. A silly side effect of this is anytime Polly and Tommy would bring up a restaurant or store on the other side of town, they’d be dumbfounded as to how the hell Arthur knew about it first. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He sleeps like a total log, especially when he’s drunk. He’ll still be holding onto you, since that’s probably how he fell asleep, but his grip is fairly loose and it’s easy for you to wiggle out of it if you’re cramped or too hot. Without you, he doesn’t sleep nearly as well, often waking up in the night and tossing and turning. He forgets how much he likes your comforting presence until he has to sleep without it. 
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evanstanhoney · 4 years
A Different Place, A Different Time.
a/n: in this Shawn isn’t necessarily ‘Shawn Mendes’ but he is a musician.
summary: you’ve been friends for as long as you can remember, and shawn finally reveals some regrets. 
⚠️warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, its adorable yall
word count: 1.9k
You had known Shawn since you were kids. And every since you can remember you’d had one another. You made a vow after a very dramatic and traumatic prom night, that you’d always have each other. That no matter what you could always rely on one another. 
That only lasted for a short while after that. To no one’s fault of your own, it’s just what happens when you graduate. When you grow up. You had gotten so busy with your new life in a new city with new friends that you didn’t make time to text or call as you should. Sure you kept in touch, called him on birthdays and when big things happened, you’d comment on how proud you were of him on whenever he posted about a new gig he booked at whatever bar in town. But it wasn’t the same.
Shawn would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt. You’d been by his side since you two were six years old. You played together, cried together, made music together. Although you weren’t very good at writing or singing, he insisted that you come over and sing with him. So after college when you decided to move back home, the first person that you called was Shawn. You weren’t too happy about moving back in with your parents, but the city you were in for school was too expensive to live alone and you figured it would be better to come home, save your money and get a new place once you’d saved up enough. It wasn’t ideal but it was a plan at least. And for consolation, you got your best friend back. 
Shawn was over the moon when you’d told him and even showed up at the airport with your parents to pick you up. It was like all that time apart from one another never happened. You were right back in the swing of things. Right into your old traditions, the conversation was never stale and you finally had your best friend back. You forgot what it felt like to be with someone and not feel judged, to be able to fully be yourself. You loved your friends from college and wouldn’t trade them for the world. You made memories that would last a lifetime. But nothing ever beats spending time with Shawn looking out at the city lights at the top of the hill of your little town. 
“Can I ask  you a question?” He asks, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two of you. 
“Why’d you leave?” 
It was a question he’d asked himself many times in the few days after you’d moved cross country. When things were really bad and he felt extra lonely, he’d ask himself, and selfishly he’d wish you’d just come back home. Wished for things to be as they were. At the same time, he was so proud of you. You were doing something that you’d always dreamed of doing, you were getting a job in your dream career and he couldn’t have been happier for you. 
“Well, I had to go to college Shawn. Not all of us can sing like an angel and get paid for it.” You joke, nudging him with your shoulder. 
“No, I mean. You could have stayed here and gone to a school like what, an hour away. Why’d you leave.” 
“I don’t know. I just….wanted bigger things I guess.” you tear your eyes away from the city and take a look at your best friend. In hindsight, those ‘bigger things’ weren’t worth what you had given up. You were terribly homesick most of the time you were gone, and in the first few months you were convinced you’d made a major mistake, but you were happy. Well, content. Eventually. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder how life would be different.”
“Different how.”
“If I didn’t’ do music if you’d have stayed here. What life would be like.” He says nibbling at his bottom lip. A nervous tick he’s had ever since you could remember.  
“Probably pretty boring.”  you laugh trying to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t working. 
“I don’t think so.” 
Shawn shakes his head and a sad small smile comes along, “I think I’d be happier. We wouldn’t have drifted apart.” he looks up at you, staring right into your soul and there’s something in his eyes that lets you know how sincere he was. That he meant every word.“I’ve missed you.” 
“Well I’m back now,” you say giving him a sad smile. 
“Yeah, I know,” he says leaning running a hand through his hair looking out over the city. He takes a moment and he mumbles something under his breath you don’t quite catch before he’s turning to you again. 
“You know when you told me you were leaving, I went home and cried. Spent two days listening to that ‘Sad Boy Hours’ playlist you made me.” He says letting out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. “Listen, I’m going to tell you something and, I need you to promise me that you won’t freak out, or be weird after because that’s the last thing I want. You mean so much to me and I don’t want to lose you again.” 
You already know where it was all going. You knew what he was going to say because the truth is you felt the same. You hadn’t realized it until you’d moved back home. You couldn’t figure out why you’d felt like something was missing in the years that you were away. Why you couldn’t fully settle. 
“Shawn I -” 
“Just let me say this - please.” you nod your head encouraging him to go on, and your heart began beating out of your chest, “I’ve known you pretty much my whole life, and you mean so much to me. We’ve been through so much together, and when you left, I felt like...I don’t know like I wouldn’t see you again. Like things would never be the same again. And  I know this sounds stupid and dramatic, but when you left it felt like I was losing a part of myself. I mean up until then we’d spent nearly every day together since we were kids. We were so close and then you just left, it just....” the words came rushing out, and he wanted to stop them as soon as he started because all you’ve done was look at him hardly blinking. 
What he didn’t know was that you were just trying to process everything. That you were trying to wrap your head around the fact that he felt the same way. That he missed you just as much, because somehow over the years you’d convinced yourself that he was fine. That he didn’t miss you. He was a musician for crying out loud. His days were spent writing music and performing at dive bars at night. He didn’t even have time to think about you. But apparently, you were wrong. You were very wrong and your heart wanted to explode. 
His shaky hands reached out for yours, interlocking your fingers together. A gesture that on its face meant nothing, you’d held hands many a time before, but now something so small seemed so intimate. “And we had to grow up, and it was inevitable that things were going to change, I get that. But...I never expected it to hurt as much as it did. Not talking to you every day, or not having our movie nights.” 
“Shawn -” 
“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love you. And I’ve loved you for a very long time, and it wasn’t until you left when I didn’t have you that I finally realized it. And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, but the only thing I ask is that you let me be there for you because you mean the world to me. I’ll be anything you need. If it’s just a friend, I’m okay with that. But I couldn’t keep it a secret anymore, I just...I had to tell you.” 
He lets out a deep breath, the weight of it all finally off of his shoulders and looks down at his hands. He doesn’t regret it like he thought he would. The short silence that followed his confession made him a little anxious 
“Can I talk now?” you ask, making him look up at you, and your sporting his favorite smirk making him smile back at you.  
“Yeah, sorry.” He says through a chuckle. He moves to remove his grip on your hands but you pull them back lacing your fingers together and he admires how small your hands are wrapped up in his massive ones. 
“What I was going to say was that I know.” 
“I know how you felt because I felt the same. I feel the same.” You squeeze his hands a bit and he looks up at you with soft eyes that only melt your heart. “God the number of times I’ve thought about prom,” you laugh
“Oh god -” he sighs through a chuckle.
“I’m serious. I think about that night all the time. And the promise we made to each other and I part of me has always felt guilty for breaking it because I left. I left you behind and nothing felt right after. The whole time I was away, Shawn I thought about you constantly. And I just - I didn’t have it in me to call like I should or come back for visits like I should because I got scared that maybe it was just...puppy love. But I know that it wasn’t. It’s not. I love you, Shawn.” 
“Holy shit.” He smiles, and you can’t help but chuckle at him. You move a little closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his.“So what, are you my girlfriend now?” He smiles looking down at you admiring the city. 
“Why don’t you take me on a date first, how about that?” 
“Does this count? As our first date?” 
“Sure. If you want it to be.” You smile up at him, and you see his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips a few times. 
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers too scared to ruin the tender moment. You bite at your bottom lip before nodding profusely. He brings his hand up, cupping your cheek and gently bring his lips to yours. It’s soft and sweet, and everything you’d ever imagined it would be like to kiss Shawn. Your lips move together perfectly like they were made one another. He pulls away after a moment, with two quick pecks, resting his forehead against yours. 
“You’re a good kisser, ya know.” He jokes with a smile. 
“Your not so bad yourself.” 
“Thank you.”
“For what?” 
“Just...Making me happy. I feel like the happiest guy in the world right now.” he confesses, pressing his lips to your forehead. 
“So, what do you think would have happened if I hadn’t have left?” 
“I’d’ve gotten to kissed you a lot sooner.” He smiles and you smile back at him with a dopey lovesick grin, happy to finally have gotten your best friend back.
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Tag list: @outlandishnerd @justanotherfangurl272 @itrocksmysocks @turtoix
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bubbl3sworld · 4 years
The hardware store (Belch Huggins x black! reader)
She groaned hearing her name get shouted through the house, it was her second day spending the night at cousin Mike house, or farm rather. And so far, she hated it. She slip the covers over her face, trying to ignore her grandfather shouting her name. Just when he stopped, footsteps were heard leading up to the room she was sleeping in. She balled herself up further in the bed, hoping for no one to come into her only safe space.
It wasn’t until the door creaked open was her cover blown
“I know you’re up Cuzzo” It was Mike, you could tell by his voice. 
Y/n removed the covers, sitting up slowly. Her eyes dragged up to his face, giving him an annoyed stare. “What does that man want now?” She asked reaching to fix her bonnet only to feel that it wasn’t on her head.
 “It’s on the floor” Mike points out smiling, “He wants you to go get some things from the hardware store since you can drive” She leaned over to pick up her {color} bonnet. “Mike you don’t got no friends to take you? Back home I always got a ride somewhere” She shakes off the bonnet before putting it on the dresser. “That’s what happens when your home schooled” She rolled her eyes, ‘It’s not my problem he’s a loner’ She thought 
“Well, it sounds to me that you and granddad got personal problems. Tell him I’m still slumped” Mike sighed shaking his head seeing the girl’s head hit the pillow. “Come on Y/n, you’re lucky enough that granddad ain’t making you work” She grumbled curses under her breath, damn that man. “The least you can do is run into town!” “Goddammit Mikey, Fine! Give me like, an hour. I wanna shower” Mike nods, leaving the room for her to get ready. “God I want to go home already” She got up and opened the dresser drawer to grab a shower cap
“Listen hear girl, you only going to the hardware store!” 
Y/n hums as she skillfully laid her edges with the toothbrush in the bathroom, barely hearing the old man yell at her. She knew she had more plans then just to go to a damn hardware store, like seriously. If she wasn’t going to be confined in the house, the least she can do is explore. 
“Are you listening to me Y/n!” Y/n sits the toothbrush on the sink, grabbing her black bandanna and walking out the bathroom. She laid it across her edges and went into the kitchen. “Of course granddad” She replied, sarcasm hinted in her voice. “Now what am I exactly going to the hardware store to get? Sum bolts or sum?” Leory shook his head at the girl as he handed her the keys
“My tractor needa oil change, I need you to go grab oil, spark plug, and a wheel” Y/n eyebrow furrowed at the mention of a wheel. “A wheel? Like a Wheel Wheel? The wheel for that big thing?” Leory nodded much to her annoyance. “Grandad, how am I supposed to get it in the back of the pick up?” She whined. Leory laughed, dismissing her by waving his hand. “Figure it out girl!”  Y/n walks out, grumbling to herself. How the hell is she supposed to get that big ass wheel in the back of the truck? She walks outside to the driveway, unlocking the door and starting up the car. “Hey Y/n!” She looks over her shoulder to see Mike running over to the old truck. “What do you want brat?” She teases with a smile, her smile soon dropped seeing him rubbing the back of his head. “I forgot to say, If you see a blue trans am stand clear. You do not want to get in their path” Y/n rolls her eyes, putting the her foot on the brake as she shifts the gear into drive.
“You think I’m scared of some white kids? Boy please. I’ll be back!” Mike backs away from the truck, watching her pull out of the driveway and down the road. 
Y/n spent the first hour searching for the store, Leory didn’t even give her any directions to the store. “At least this town is nice” She shrugs as she circles the block once again. A honk behind her made her check her rear mirror, only to see the car pulling up next to her. She looks over to see a man rolling down his window, she was hesitant to do the same but did follow suit. 
“Aye, you lost?” Y/n blinks, getting a good look at what she could see of him in his car. He was wearing a band tee and a yellow hat, he also had a bandanna that matched hers on his wrist. “Yeah” She finally replied leaning out the window. “You know where the hardware store is ‘round here?” The boy chuckled, clicking his tongue in amusement. “I’m actually headed there right now, you down to follow?”
“Hell yeah” Y/n cheered seeing him take his foot off the brake and move forward. This might be easier then she thought
As the strange boy in the blue car promised, he lead her to the hardware store. She missed the place by a mile given where it was at. Y/n parks the car, taking the key out of the ignition. She got out to greet the boy who led her to the place, to at least say thank you. But she saw him already walk in the store, she sped up to meet him. 
“Hey!” She smiled tapping him on his shoulder. He turned around and looked down at her, man he was tall. “You seriously walked off before I could thank you dude” That word felt funny coming out her mouth but she rolled with it. “I mean, It’s the least I could do after seeing you aimless circle the block” He chuckled, the both of them began talking and walking together
“Oh, so now you throwin shots?” She laughed as she watched him look up on the shelves. “If the shoe fits princess” Her heart slightly jumped hearing him call her that, but yet she was slightly freaked out. “Oh shut your mouth” He laughed as he turned back to her. He scanned her up and down before his eyes landed on her shirt. “You like Metallica?” Y/n looks down at her shirt, she forgot she had this old thing. 
“Yeah, what about it” Y/n questioned as they walked to the next isle. “I didn’t know that someone like you likes that type of music” She rolls her eyes at that sentence, somethings are too good to be true. “What? A black girl like me can’t listen to ‘your’ type of music?” She said doing air quotes, the boy rubs the back of his head. “I never really said that, but alright” “But you were implying it” She counters. “What’s your name, white boy?” “White boy?” He questioned picking up a pair of pliers. “You’re white, are you not?” She teases glancing at the shelf, her eyes landing on a big jug of oil. 
“The names Reggie, but my friends call me Belch” He watched as she picked up the jug of oil, a confused look appearing in his eye. Why would she need that? “Oooh! We friends just like that?” She grins holding the oil container in her hand. “Why they call you Belch?” An evil grin spread on his face, he leaned down to her to ear, Y/n backed away at this. “The hell you doin?” She asked slightly irritated. “Damn! Calm down, Does it look like Imma hurt you?” He saw how the girl gave him a sarcastic stare. “The sixties weren’t that long ago” Y/n started to walk out the isle, Reggie trailing not far behind. 
“Seriously, You asked why they called me Belch! I was gonna tell you!” Y/n rolls her eyes, how stupid does he think she is? “What? Were you gonna burp in my ear or sum shit?” Reggie fell silent, he cracking a half smile that made her laugh. “Oh my god, You seriously was gonna burp in my ear?” “What? Noooo I would never!” She couldn’t help but smile seeing him on the verge of laughter. “Okay, maaybe I was” “Asshole” Y/n shot back, reaching up to press his hat over his eyes. “Don’t do that!” He moved her hand, she laughs backing away. 
“You know where the spark plug isle is? I need one for a tractor” Reggie was a bit taken back by that, a girl like her is a farm girl? “Yeah uh, Next isle over” He said taking her over to the isle. “You a farm girl?” “Hell no” She quickly dismissed. “Im spending the summer with my cousin who happens to live on a farm” Y/n looks up at all the spark plugs lined up. “You a white male, pick which one would work for a tractor” “Just because I’m white doesn’t mean I know how tractors work but” Reggie reaches up to grab a plug, “This might work” He looked and saw how full her hands were with the container. “I’ll hold it for you” He reassures making Y/n smile.
 “So, Are you gonna tell me your name or what?” It went over Y/n’s head that she didn’t tell him her name. “I’m Y/n, I thought I told you my name earlier” She shrugs as they walked to the cash register. “Nah, I was hoping that you tell me sooner” Reggie smiles as they placed their things on the counter. “Hey, Can you ring me up one of those tractor wheels?” The cashier looks behind him grabbing the wheel and rolling it on the floor. “Get that for me Reggie will you?” Y/n said as she pulled out the cash her grandfather gave her. 
The two of them walked out of the store, Reggie rolling the wheel for Y/n all the way to the truck. “So tell me Y/n, You in a gang?” Y/n coughed, that question caught her off guard. “You do know that the black bandanna doesn’t mean your gang affiliated right?” Y/n watched as Reggie puts the wheel in the back of the truck, strapping it down to make it secure. “Not true” He said pointing to his black bandanna. Y/n rolls her eyes, of course the white boy thinks he’s gang affiliated. “Boy please, You ain’t White boy Rick” She cackles, “You probably have a close group of friends and yall probably started calling a gang” She saw how he rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes were avoiding hers. 
“Which, May I add, isn’t what a gang is. But you do you boo” Y/n walks over to him, smiling. “Thanks for your help today man, I had no idea how I was gonna get that wheel back there” Reggie lets out a laugh. “It was no problem, I was wondering why a girl was going to the hardware store” Y/n rolls her eyes, of course he had to talk about that. “I know stuff about cars” “Oh really?” Reggie challenged. “That Blue car over there, what type is it?” Y/n looks over at his blue car, squinting her eyes. “I don’t know the breed of cars, the hell I look like? You?” She laughed seeing him roll his eyes. “But I do know how to change a tire!” 
“Good enough for me” Reggie shrugs. “So, Are you gonna be in town tomorrow?” Y/n thinks, Mike did ask her a day prior to take him to hang with his friends. “Most likely, Why?” She asked, she leaned on the side of the truck. “How about I show you around town since your from the city, or at least I’m assuming” Y/n smiles, nodding quickly. “Better than sittin in the house doing a whole lotta  nothin, I’ll meet you here around twelve!” Reggie grins, “Yeah! I-I mean” He coughs, trying to die down his excitement. “Yeah, I’ll see you here” Y/n started to get in the truck, closing the door. 
Reggie had moved away and when she pulled out and went her own way, he mentally screamed. “Hell yes” He grins going to his car, he couldn’t wait to tell the guys. 
“What’s with your sudden change of heart and taking me to see my friends?” Mike watched as Y/n went through the closet to pick out some clothes for tomorrow. “What? I can’t just be a good cousin?” Y/n smiled throwing a shirt on her bed. “I didn’t know you actually had friends, like seriously I’d thought you were some loner weirdo” Mike crossed his arms, “Are you trying to throw digs at me? Like you aren’t the one who listens to heavy metal like you’re white?” 
“Music has no race, Mikey” Y/n hums picking out a pair of shorts. “I may or may have not met someone, and they wanna take me around town. Mind ya damn business” “Your business IS my business” She rolls her eyes. As she went through her closet, she could only think about what Reggie really had in store for tomorrow.    
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femmeharringrove · 3 years
merry christmas yall have the first chapter of a fic i completely forgot about
It’s Christmas eve, and Steve hasn’t slept in at least three days but that’s fine.
It’s not, not really, but those are the two words the boy has learned to live off of: that’s fine. It’s the motto of complacency, his father said once, after hearing it on the radio. Steve was just twelve at the time and already knew then that his father’s opinion wasn’t worth shit. Steve isn’t complacent, thank you very much. If he has to label himself, he thinks chill is a better word. He’s a chill guy, he’s the most chill person he knows, and everyone loves a chill person so it’s fine.
It’s stupidly early and he’s on the stupid green sofa in his stupid big house and he feels like shit, which is a surprise to exactly no one. The living room is a mess – he should clean it, he thinks vaguely, but he doesn’t plan on making a move anytime soon. If his parents were coming home he’d do it; can’t have them knowing their son’s become a wallowing slouch as of late. But they’re not coming.
His mother called yesterday, trilling over the line in her unnaturally pitched voice about how Prague was just beautiful this time of year and she wished he could be there to see but someone had to hold the fort down and speaking of they just won’t be able to make it back for the holidays but how would he feel about driving to Cincinnati on New Year’s Eve to join them at one of his father’s business socials that would be fun right? And Steve just listened because what else could he do?
He hadn’t been expecting them, anyway. The family hadn’t celebrated Christmas together in four years.
And in those four years he’d had options. Tommy’s family was happy to have him over, he spent many a holiday with the Hagans and then he’d spent that one truly merry Christmas with the Wheelers, and it was fine, but now he’s got none of that. This year, it’s him and the big empty house and he sort of hates it but it’s fine, thanks.
Steve watches the shadows on the wall shift with the rising sun and feels some vague sense of relief; it’s easier to breathe when the sun is out. That’s what’s been bothering him, really. When he does sleep, his dreams are plagued with darkness and cold and danger, and when he wakes up it’s still darkness and he feels like he can’t breathe. Those nightmares have gotten worse, infinitely worse over time. It’s easier to avoid sleep altogether sometimes. And he has no obligations this holiday season, no parties to appear at or houses to crash, so he can afford the heavy circles under his eyes this year.
It’s fine. It has to be fine, so it is. Even if it isn’t really.
Hawkins got snow last night. Steve drags himself up from his seat and meanders to the back door, eyes gazing out over the endless white carpeting the ground outside. He used to love snow. Now anything cold makes him uncomfortable. He hates the winter, makes him think of the dark Upside Down.
Or that damned Soviet Union and their officers and their cold, cruel faces watching on as he tells them he’s not a spy.
Had that really been this year? It feels like a lifetime ago. It feels like just yesterday. He tears his eyes away from the snow and pads into the kitchen in search of something warm. Coffee? Definitely coffee. He waits in the kitchen while the dark beverage brews and since he’s here he figures he may as well get some food into his body. Steve can cook – it becomes a necessity when you spend most of your childhood devoid of parents – but he doesn’t really want to cook. Takes too much energy, and he’s not willing to put said energy into that. So he goes with toast, because you can never go wrong with toast, right? He even slathers the bread with copious amounts of butter. It’s not the most fulfilling breakfast, but he likes it well enough.
The coffee finishes brewing and Steve spills a good bit of his father’s whiskey into it before dunking three spoonfuls of sugar in and retreating back to the couch. He grabs the remote on his way over and drops himself gracelessly on the cushions before pressing a button. The screen flickers to life and he chugs half of the hot beverage, flips through channel after channel before settling on some feel-good holiday movie. He hates these movies, he really does, but if he’s lucky it might be enough to lull him to sleep for an hour or so.
Steve used to love Christmas movies. He watched families on television gather together and enjoy one another’s company, children waiting for the magic of Santa Claus while parents shared tender moments under mistletoe. It was everything a younger Steve had desired in a holiday. Even when he had his parents home for Christmas, things had been different. Their home was filled with strange adults, co-workers of his father’s and social acquaintances of his mother’s. Santa Claus never came to visit him – his parents would simply give him a gift or two gathered from their trips abroad. He used to enjoy it, but as he got older the presents got less and less interesting, less personal. He went from wishing for those perfect movie-esque holidays to resenting them. That being said, they have their appeal.
Even now Steve can’t help but get a sense of warm comfort and joy radiating from the film, a warm sensation wrapping around his chest. It’s a strange comfort to him, in spite of his bitterness. There’s something inherently warm about holidays, and yet Steve finds himself feeling cold. He wonders idly what his parents are doing now, if they’ll remember to call tomorrow. The boy sits and sips on coffee and wonders and he’s right about the movie because he ends up dozing for a little bit. He dreams of families and caroling and trees and the whole scene takes on a peaceful, golden haze. Something almost physical wounds around his body like a cat rubbing along his frame in a form of greeting. It’s the nicest dream he’s had in a long time.
Which is why, when the doorbell startles him out of his dreams, Steve feels like he’s capable of murder.
The boy is so confused at first he doesn’t realize it’s his doorbell. When the incessant ringing gets accompanied by an even more incessant knocking on the door, Steve groans. The warmth seeps away and he heaves himself up from the couch. The mug is drained of its remaining lukewarm contents before he sets it on the coffee table. Footsteps land heavy as he stomps his way to the door, yanking it open and preparing to bite off the head of whoever dared to disturb him so early on Christmas Eve of all days.
His face morphs from a snarl to a look of surprise. Dustin grins up at him, oblivious to Steve’s previous anger.
And he’s not alone, either. El is there, too, brown eyes sparkling at him, arm tucked in Max’s as they flash him identical grins. On Dustin’s other side, Will’s smile is something more timid than the rest of his co-conspirators. Steve’s shoulders drop.
“What are you dipshits doing out here?” he snaps playfully. “Not you, of course, Will.” Will’s smile widens while Dustin and the girls make faces of protests.
“Hey!” Dustin squawks indignantly. “I’m your favorite, that’s not allowed to change!”
“Oh yeah?” Steve’s hands settled on his hips. “Who rang the doorbell?” El’s hand shoots up. “Uh-huh. And who started knocking?” The younger boy shares a guilty look with Max, who kicks guiltily at the ground. Will blinks at him in innocent confusion. Steve smirks. “So, every single one of you played a role in waking me up from my nap with the exception of Will. Little Byers is now my favorite.” Max groans and Dustin makes another scandalized sound, while Will and El both try to hide their giggles. Steve feels a mix of fondness and frustration as he watches them; that seems to be his default emotion around these damned kids. Shaking his head, Steve opens the door wider. “Okay, okay, now why don’t you all come in so I can figure out what I owe this visit to?”
“No need,” El responds, her laughter dying down. That amused happiness never leaves her face, however. “Will you have dinner with us?”
“Mom and Hopper want you to join us,” Will adds. “You can help out with the tree and everything.”
“And baking and cooking and shit, because Hop and Mrs. Byers aren’t the best in the kitchen,” Max finishes, and even though Will makes a small attempt to protest he and El share a knowing shudder. Dustin bounces on his feet slightly as he looks up at the older boy.
“Plus, if you say yes I can ride back to the house with you!” He grins broadly. “Whaddya say?” Steve blinks.
What does he say?
It’s a nice idea, sure. He loves these kids, feels safe with the two adults in question, and spending the day with them promises to be interesting at the very least. But if they’re all there, he has little doubt about Nancy and Jonathan being there too, and he’s really not mad about it anymore but there’s a little bit of awkwardness lingering between the trio. And even if he did go, those lovebirds will have each other. The party has each other, Hopper has Joyce.  Steve is bound to be left out eventually. He knows it’s not on purpose, of course, but he knows how this goes. How many times has it happened before? And he’s already a little bit pissy this holiday season, that truth isn’t likely to make this any more enjoyable.
But eight pairs of eyes watch him expectantly, hopeful looks etched onto their faces. Steve’s gaze shifts past them, down the driveway and he finds Hopper’s truck waiting at the end and he doesn’t have to see the man to know he’s also waiting for an answer.
He doesn’t like disappointing people. He’s chill, Steve goes with the flow as a matter of principle, and this is where the flow seems to be leading. He makes a show of sighing, theatrics making the kids smile even wider.
“I shouldn’t –“ A series of pleas and protests interrupt him and he has to work hard to keep from smiling. Damn, Steve should have run off to New York or Hollywood and becoming an actor, he’s good at this. “- Oh, alright. I guess I can come for a little while. Dustin pumps his fist into the air as the others grin widely. Dustin rushes to the Beamer and Max isn’t far behind.
“Get your keys, Harrington, let’s get moving!” he shouts. Steve can’t help but laugh.
“Hang on, you little gremlin, I gotta get real clothes on! And do my hair!” The two set on riding with him dart back over and duck under his arm into the house, and Steve waves Will and El off. “Go on, you two, don’t wait for me. Tell Hop I’ll bring the little devils with me,” he orders. Both nod eagerly before setting off back to the car. Steve sees them off before turning back into the house. Max is in the living room, face wrinkled into something resembling disgust.
“Jesus, Steve,” she says, “Do you ever clean this place?” It has gotten pretty bad over the past month or so. Steve tries not to wince at the judgement he feels radiating off of the redhead.
“Never, it’s a point of pride at this point,” he teases instead, and she makes another face, nose crinkling before she rolls her eyes and makes a snide comment about messy boys. Steve reaches over and ruffles her hair, reveling in her giggled squawk of protest. “Oh, be nice, Mayfield. It’s a holiday!” Dustin’s footsteps thud down the stairs.
“It is the holidays, so I know you got me a gift, Harrington,” he states, eyes narrowing. “Where is it?” Max perks up in interest now, spinning from the curly-haired kid to the taller boy, eyebrows arching up.
“Oh, uh, presents? Yeah, um -” Steve smiles sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck. Dustin’s eyes go wide.
“You forgot?” He marches down the rest of the stairs. “I can’t believe you, Harrington! Party members are supposed to get gifts for other party members! How could you forget?”
“Steeeve,” Max whines, head falling back dramatically. “I can’t believe you!” And she shouldn’t. Neither of them should. Again, he’s sure he’s missed his calling in life with the whole acting thing. Of course he got gifts for them – tucked safely away in the trunk of his car. He doesn’t plan on outright putting his name on them, but he’s sure the kids will figure it out tomorrow morning, which ones he leaves for them.
Chuckling at their antics, Steve hops up the stairs two at a time and dives into his room. How did this become his life, dealing with more barely-pubescent teens than any nineteen-year-old should? Steve’s shower is quick, and he styles up his hair before digging out an ugly sweater his grandmother had gotten him four years ago. Back then people were convinced the boy would go through a growth spurt; he did, but he hadn’t beefed up in the way everyone anticipated. The sweater still remains baggy on his slender frame, but he wears it nonetheless. Jeans are hastily yanked on and socked feet are shoved into sneakers before he trips his way down the steps.
Max and Dustin are anxious by the door, and he grins at them as he approaches the hall closet and grabs a coat. He hears his keys jangle softly in the pocket as he pulls it over his shoulders.
“The two of you have no patience,” he teases, watching them dash out to the car. He follows at a slower pace, amusement tugging at his lips. The kids are practically buzzing with excited energy, urging him to speed up, and they clamor into the car the moment he gets it unlocked, Max beating Dustin out for the coveted shotgun position. The younger boy pouts at Steve in the rearview mirror. Steve smiles right back at him. “Don’t look at me, she won this round, buddy.” Max’s smile is smug next to him, and Dustin scowls before slumping in the backseat. Steve shakes his head. “Alright, everybody buckle – even you, slouch potato,” The kid’s sulking is immediately replaced with a displeased squawk, and Steve doesn’t bother to hide his pleased smile as he eases out of the driveway and out onto the road.
It’s an easy trip; Steve exits Loch Nora and cruises down Dearborn. From there it’s a turn onto Maple and he has Max dig out cassettes from the glove box now. Wham! sings about holidays and heartbreak as Steve drives carefully past the Sinclair home, then the Wheelers not long after. He’s sure the occupants of both homes are either not there or too busy to be peering out of curtains in search of their kids’ babysitter, but he doesn’t want to risk having them see him do anything remotely reckless, and so he adheres to the laws of the road. Once he turns onto Cornwallis Street, he relaxes, speed inching up as he goes. Dustin’s previous sour mood has all but evaporated and he talks in that loud way of his, leaning up so he can get a look at the two people upfront. Max is just as chatty, and Steve is happy to let them converse, offering small hums here and there to show he’s listening.
He’s not really listening, but he doesn’t need them knowing.
Whiskey eyes try to focus on the road as he makes another turn, this time onto Kerley. It’s been five months since Hawkins last had to fight off monsters. Five months since the mall went down in flames. Five months since the Soviets and their needles and their gate.
He has nightmares still, about the room and the faces and the pain. Sometimes Robin’s there, panicked eyes screaming at him to help. Other times he sees Dustin, the kid looking betrayed as the general smugly tells him about Steve’s slip-up in his interrogation. Some nights he has dreams that leave him feeling physically cold. Those are the dreams he can never remember – whenever he tries, his head aches in a sharp sort of way that quickly has him leaving the whole thing alone. Even now as he thinks about it a dull throb warns him against it just behind his eyes. His thoughts wander further as the Beamer rolls onto Mirkwood.
Robin thinks he needs help. She may be right. Two weeks ago he almost had a full-blown panic attack in the back room of Family Video after seeing someone who looked eerily like the so-called doctor that ended up tugging his fingernails out with horrific ease. Even Keith had been surprised, awkwardly giving him the rest of the day off. Robin, bless her soul, tried talking him down, but ultimately she just held him while he sobbed frantically. Every day after that she gave him this look and he felt like he was suffocating under the weight of her pity, the cold force of her concern, the bitterness of her remorseful anger.
He still isn’t sure how he knew she was feeling all of that so clearly. Steve’s not great at a lot of things, but he’s always had a knack for reading a room. You learned how to do that after witnessing your parents have screaming matches almost every night they actually spent the night in Hawkins; he had to decide whether the tension in the air was manageable or too electric for him to safely involve himself in. When you struggle up the social ladder of high school, you learn how to read people and earn their favor. It’s his thing, always interpreting. It’s been five months since that little quirk seemed to get more sensitive. He doesn’t exactly know how he feels about that, or if it’s a good thing at all.
Steve slowly tunes back into conversation as he turns off of Mirkwood and makes his way down a simple dirt path. From what he can tell, Dustin and Max didn’t quite miss his additions to their conversation during the drive. Easily the two chattiest people in the Party, the older teen’s convinced they could talk for a week straight, without pause, and never notice the lack of anyone else’s input. It’s impressive, if you ask Steve. Max’s electric blue eyes catch his for a moment and she grins widely. She looks for all the world like a normal girl, not like someone who’d almost lost her brother on the Fourth of July.
The Beamer finally comes to a halt. Steve laughs as the two kids scramble out of the car and rush up the driveway. He takes a moment to turn the ignition off and now he’s suddenly feeling rather hesitant.
Why did he let them talk him into this?
The boy slumps in his seat. He should go home. He should crawl onto the couch in the living room and hide under blankets the rest of the night. The kids would not be particularly pleased with him, he’s sure, but he’ll make up for it with the gifts in the trunk. But if he leaves, when is he going to have a chance to leave those gifts for them? He certainly can’t come back tomorrow, and after that he’s just going to feel bad. Up ahead, Dustin’s head tilts as he looks back at the car.
“Harrington! You coming?” Steve hesitates, waves the kid off, and as soon as Dustin turns again he drops his head against the wheel.
He really, really should leave.
The door is slammed shut with a nudge of his hip, and Steve trudges his way up the driveway. Joyce is at the door, all smiles as usual. In spite of his doubts, the boy can’t help but smile back.
“Steve! I’m so glad you came,” she greets, pulling him into a hug as soon as he gets near. Steve settles in her hold for a few brief moments before tugging away reluctantly.
“Hey, Mrs. Byers. I would have brought something with me, but -“ Joyce cuts him off, gentle hands waving about dismissively.
“Oh, none of that,” she chides, “And it’s Joyce, honey. Besides, you can still help in the kitchen.” Her smile turns almost sheepish. “Hopper and I could use an extra hand.” Both of them are stellar single parents, but Steve knows for a fact that neither can cook to save their lives. Steve’s been mastering the art since he was thirteen, he’s gotten quite good at it. He nods at the woman as he slips past her into the house and for a moment he’s overwhelmed by how homey the place looks.
Wrapping paper, string lights, and other festive odds and ends litter the floor. Hopper and Jonathan seem to be in the process of setting up the tree in a corner. A holiday record plays loudly, barely heard over the roaring chatter of the kids yelling and running around. It’s chaos, the very best kind. He’s surrounded by the inherent warmth of it all and the lingering trepidation melts away quickly as Steve lets his shoulders relax.
Eleven notices him first among the kids, and is quick to slip out of a confused Mike’s grip to greet him. Her hug is warm, and Steve holds her tight, one hand rubbing her back as he returns her embrace.
“Hey, kid,” he chuckles, ruffling her hair. Eleven beams up at him.
“You came,” she proclaims. Now Steve lets out a full laugh.
“Well, of course I did! I couldn’t just not show up. Besides, you and Will left me with the little hellions, remember?” Will comes next, shy smile creeping across his face as he tucks himself easily against Steve’s side. Steve pretends to give him a scolding look. “Had my ear talked off the whole way here thanks to you.” Will knows for a fact the older teen isn’t even remotely upset with him. The attempted glare melts into a grin and the boy relaxes, his smile growing easier as his slender arm squeezes around Steve’s waist, then retracts as he backs off. Lucas, already trapped on the ground with Max and Erica, waves in greeting. His teeth flash brilliantly in his bright grin and Steve tips an imaginary hat in his direction. Not too far off, Mike nods in his own greeting, gruff in his usual manner but maybe the holiday magic is working because there’s something unusually friendly about the gesture. Steve returns it in kind.
When Nancy makes her appearance, she falters at the sight of him and Steve’s body almost flinches with the strangeness of it all. Her eyes blink once, twice before she gives him that sad smile.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Steve’s answering smile is painfully awkward.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t planning on coming. The kids roped me into this last-minute, you know how it is with them.” He becomes distinctly aware of Jonathan eyeing them from across the room and clears his throat.
Yeah, maybe this is a little bit of a mistake.
His escape comes in the form of Hopper, the man’s burly arm falling across his shoulders in a gruff greeting.
“Glad you decided to show up, kid. You’re the only competent chef in this house,” he jokes, but it isn’t really a joke. You’d think a couple of adults would know how to cook a decent meal – well, Joyce can cook a decent meal, but it’s just that. His smile is only slightly less awkward as he’s guided into the kitchen, tossing an odd sort of goodbye to the girl as he goes. Joyce gives him a relieved look as he enters the kitchen.
“Steve, do you think you could help me with this soup?”
He’s kept pleasantly busy after that. Between helping with Joyce’s mushroom soup, letting Dustin peel carrots for the pot roast, taking that job away after the kid hacked apart the vegetables beyond recognition, and attempting to restore some general sense of order to the lawless land of the kitchen, Steve barely has time to think about Nancy or Jonathan or the yelling all around him. He hardly pays attention to the pleasant buzz filling his body as a result of the warm atmosphere. It’s dark by the time all the food gets finished. He’s oddly proud of himself as he looks at the spread of food on the table. It’s nothing fancy, but beef and soup and biscuits on Christmas Eve isn’t a bad idea if you ask him.
He can sit at the table with the rest of the adults. There’s space, and Joyce asks him sweetly if he’d like to sit with them. Steve feels decidedly more comfortable on the living room floor with the kids, however.
And that just seems to be the bulk of his problems sometimes, doesn’t it?
Steve Harrington is almost twenty years old, and he has nearly no friends his own age. To top things off, he also has no idea what he’s doing with himself currently, his past haunts his sleep and his waking hours, and his future is all but nonexistent. He peaked in high school and his life has been in a steady decline ever since. But it’s not all bad – at least he’s got the tragic honor of babysitting the six toughest kids in all the world.
And they aren’t even kids anymore, are they? They��re creeping up on their fifteenth birthdays, all of them. Dustin’s is less than a month away already. Steve can’t believe it. They were kids just yesterday, it feels. He was a kid just yesterday, wasn’t he? Monsters have a funny way of forcing you to grow up, he supposes. And they’ve truly grown, his kids.
Eleven’s curls bounce as her head swivels back and forth to follow their conversation, smile warm and genuine as she leans against Steve’s right. Dustin’s always by his side, the little snot. He looks so happy all the time, his eyes crinkling around the edges as he talks animatedly on his left. Mike’s grown so tall, it’s crazy. Coltish legs are folded awkwardly under him as he sits by Eleven’s side. Lucas rivals Mike in height, though he looks significantly less awkward as he leans up against an engaged Max. She’s cut her hair recently; it’s not a bad look, though he knows she wants to grow it back out again. Something about her is tinged with a bitter sadness, something that makes Steve’s throat choke up in a most peculiar way. He gets it, though; Billy’s brush with death wasn’t that long ago, and she’s still struggling with her grief. But she’ll be alright, he knows. Billy’s getting better, her friends are too stubborn to allow her to struggle alone, even if Billy isn’t their favorite. And on Mike’s other side, simply enjoying the moment, sits Will. He’s grown too, but he’s kept much of his quiet mannerisms. He catches Steve’s eye and smiles a little wider, an action Steve mimics.
Sometimes, the calmer Will Byers is the one Steve claims as his favorite. In all truth, he doesn’t have a favorite.
He has different relationships with each kid, that’s all. His relationships with some are weaker than others, weaker than he liked them to be. Some of them share a bond even Steve can’t explain. But the one thing each relationship has in common is the boy’s love for each and every one of them. There’s no favoritism, even if he tells them otherwise. There’s no choosing, none of that. Each of these six kids have Steve’s whole heart.
It’s Eleven who catches him staring next, and she must see the fondness on his face because the smile she gives him is soft and tender and knowing in its own way. Eleven took to him surprisingly quick; he didn’t quite understand it yet, but he was glad the kid felt so at ease with him.
He’s dragged into the present by Dustin very suddenly collapsing against his side, snorting in laughter as Mike stares at Lucas, offense clear on his face.
“How do you not like the Beastie Boys?” he questions, and now it’s Steve’s turn to snort.
“No one likes the Beastie Boys, Mike,” he chuckles, trying to ignore the appalled look the younger teen gives him. “It’s just what you listen to when you reach the teen rebellion phase.”
“I’m not rebellious!” Mike huffs. Steve’s sure Karen Wheeler would beg to differ.
He doesn’t want to spend the night. Joyce already has her hands full with all these kids, and he doesn’t want to add on to that, so he goes out to the car once the kids have all gone to sleep in the basement and gets his sack of presents and he’s going to leave after giving them to Hopper, but Joyce stops him, a curious look on her face.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” she questions. Steve feels awkward now, shifts his weight from one foot to the other.
“You’ve already got plenty of people spending the night, Mrs. By-“
“None of that,” she cuts him off with a wave of her hand. “You’ll have to come back tomorrow anyway if you leave, you’re having dinner with us.” Steve doesn’t remember agreeing to that, but now he doesn’t have a choice. Hopper, setting a gift under the tree, grunts in agreement.
“She’s right, kid,” he confirms as he stands straight again. “Can’t get out of this one, the kids won’t leave your door until you come back with them. It’ll be much easier on everyone if you just stay.”
And he doesn’t want to because this is their tradition, this is something they’ve been doing together for years as one large family and Steve isn’t really a part of that, so he wants to give them space, but Joyce is already dragging him back inside with the gifts, then she’s off grabbing blankets and Hopper busies him with the task of wrapping last-minute gifts until he forgets wanting to leave.
The couch is his for the night. Joyce gets him some of Jonathan’s clothes and even kisses his forehead and wishes him a merry Christmas before retreating to her room for the night. Hopper wishes him a good rest, and he understands because it’s already ass o’clock in the morning and it’s only a matter of time before those kids come barreling up the stairs to yell about their gifts. The living room is dark, aside from the gentle blinking of the string lights on the tree. It’s a silent night, indeed. He feels warm, and not just from the blankets tucked in close around him.
For the first time in three nights, Steve sleeps. He’s blissfully without dreams.
It lasts barely five hours.
The basement door is opened quite aggressively, and a cacophony of feet thud in before he hears a loud hushing sound, followed by the loudest whisper he’s ever heard.
“Dudes, Steve’s asleep!” one of the little shits hisses. Steve’s fairly sure it’s Dustin. He prays they turn around and go back downstairs for another hour or two.
“Shut up, he’s gonna hear you!” a girl’s voice hisses back, and she’s impossibly louder than the first kid – undeniably Max, Eleven would never whisper that loud. Jesus, who taught them how to whisper?
“Both of you shut up, let’s just get to the target,” a third, quieter voice butts in, and they’re just quiet enough that Steve can’t tell who it is, which tells him it’s either Mike or Will. He’s betting on Mike.
He knows what their target is. Steve takes a moment to contemplate. Either he lets them poke around the presents until Jim or Joyce come in and stop them, which will definitely result in loud protesting and a permanent end to his rest, or he can get up now and get a little bit of sympathy from at least Will for them waking him up. Either way, he’s awake now.
He hears someone poking at a box and goes with the latter.
“Aren’t you little shitheads supposed to wait for your parents?” he groans, eyes peering at the group blearily. All six of them freeze.
“Abort mission?” Lucas whispers to Mike.
“Abort mission,” Steve confirms before the other kid gets a chance, sitting up and stretching. Eleven treads silently over to the sofa and finds her way under his blanket to press into his side.
“Merry Christmas,” she hums, as if she has nothing to do with the early morning shenanigans that roused him. Will joins them on the sofa, and it’s clear the other four are trying to decide how to best fit themselves on the piece of furniture with their babysitter. It’s about to get very cramped, he realizes.
“Yeah, yeah, bah humbug,” he grumbles in reply, but no one misses his fond smile.
Joyce makes her appearance thirty minutes after that, and of all the things she expects to see on a Christmas morning, this was decidedly not it. None of the kids on the couch notice her upfront, too caught up in their giggles and hushed conversation. Steve looks tired, she notes, but he’s not as pale or tired-looking as he was yesterday. He may not be her kid, but she worries about him nevertheless as if he was. Shaking her head slightly, she pads further into the room.
“I hope you all didn’t wake Steve up,” she tells the younger teens as she reaches the sofa. Guilty looks are shared and a few mouths open in hopes of explaining themselves, but Steve beats them all to the punch.
“They didn’t,” he covers, smiling softly up at the woman. “I was up before these hellions tried getting into the presents.” Joyce doesn’t believe him, not for a second, but she leaves it alone as she leans down and gives Will and Eleven kisses on their forehead. Max gets one next, followed by a gentle ruffling of Mike’s hair because he gets fussy about kisses. Lucas smiles as he gets a kiss, and Dustin responds in kind. Even Steve gets a kiss, and he smiles in spite of his surprise.
“Thank you, for keeping them out of the presents,” she tells him as she straightens up and sways off towards the kitchen. He thinks about going to help her, but he looks at the kids sprawled out on the sofa with him and he just can’t bring himself to make them get up, so he stays put. They whisper back and forth about present predictions (Dustin makes a passive comment about some people forgetting to buy presents, Max makes a face at Steve and it takes serious effort to not laugh), and by the time Joyce returns with coffee the six are practically bouncing with restlessness. Their excitement is downright infectious, Steve feels their giddy joy in his bones, his stomach twisting in a good sort of anxiousness. Hopper shuffles in soon after, makes his way directly to the kitchen and gets himself a mug of coffee. He brings an extra one out for a very grateful Steve. Mike makes a face when the smell of caffeine reaches his nose. Lucas doesn’t have to smell it before he gets that disgusted look on his face.
“I can’t understand why you drink that stuff,” he states. Steve inhales the warm smell, sips on the drink (and he’s got to give the chief a thanks because it’s got just the right amount of cream and sugar – not too much, but just enough to take the edge off of the bitter taste), and pauses for added drama before forming his response.
“Lucas, my friend, let’s revisit this conversation when you hit nineteen.” He rests the mug on top of Eleven’s wild curls and revels in her giggled protest.
Outside, the sun is just beginning to poke through the darkness. Steve glances towards the window, watches the black sky turning into blue, and couldn’t help but feel that maybe, maybe, this Christmas isn’t going to be so bad after all.
In an attempt to distract the gaggle of children from the glistening presents under the tree, Steve finally nudges the kids off of him and makes his way to his feet, and he stretches out his body with a few, satisfying cracks in his spine. He’s getting old.
“Hey. You little gremlins want hot cocoa?”
They do, of course they do. And they follow him like a line of duckling behind their mother as Steve trudges into the kitchen. They sit in a row and happily sip on the warm drinks as the brunette then sets about making breakfast. Joyce rubs his shoulder and says he didn’t have to, but Steve is happy to do it, he likes making himself useful. Besides, he’s good at this, the kids love his pancakes. He even whips up scrambled eggs and slices of wonderfully crisp bacon. The smell draws a bleary-eyed Jonathan from his room. He looks surprised by Steve’s presence, but offers a small smile.
“Merry Christmas,” he offers, ruffling Will’s hair on his way by. He pours himself a cup of coffee, and Steve smiles back at him.
“Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too.”
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Rare ~ Matthew Tkachuk
A/n: Hey yall I love selena gomez. That’s all. This is just a short one so sorry about that but I just liked ending it where it was. More coming soon. Enjoy
“Matty I’m home!” I called out into the apartment slipping my shoes off. I hung up my purse and walked through the place. “Matthew?”
I wandered around until I got to the patio and saw him sitting outside on a beach chair. I took a minute to just stand there and admire him. Recently he was starting to make me feel kinda dumb for just wanting to look at how hot he was. To be honest our relationship was at a really rocky place right now and I didn’t know why or what changed.
I decided against going to talk to him and just went to get dinner ready instead. I put on some music quietly and started cutting up vegetables for a stir fry. I opened a window when it was time to cook everything so that it wouldn’t get too warm in the kitchen. I didn’t think of the fact that Matt would be able to hear everything inside until I heard the sliding glass door open and shut.
“Hi Matty.”
“Hi baby. I didn’t know you were home.” he said coming over and giving me a kiss on the head.
“I got back a little while ago. You looked so calm and relaxed that I didn’t want to bug you.”
“Eh, it wouldn’t have been that much of a bother.” he said shrugging and smiling at me.
“Wow thanks.” I said rolling my eyes, just as sarcastic as he was. “How was your day?”
“You’re gonna give me attitude like that and then ask me how my day was? Really?” he asked crossing his arms. Making me scrunch up my brows in confusion.
“What do you mean attitude? I was being sarcastic. Like you were.”
“I wasn’t being sarcastic.”
“Then that is definitely not any better and you deserve attitude for that.”
“No I don’t!”
“Matt you literally said me coming out to say hi ‘wouldn’t have been that much of a bother’.” I said mocking his voice.
“Yeah because it wouldn’t have been a big bother.”
“But it still would have bothered you if I had. So clearly I made the right choice by just staying inside.”
“Babe this is ridiculous. Stop fighting, because I’m sick of it right honestly.”
“So am I but how am I supposed to react when you blow shit up for no reason? I know everyone else let’s you do whatever you want Matty but I’m not. I know you hate that but fuck dude.”
“No one let’s me do anything I want what are you even talking about?!”
“Nothing, nevermind. I’m sorry.”
“Whatever, I’m done fighting. I don’t want to fight with you anymore.” he walked out of the room and I just finished dinner quietly. 
Pretty much as soon as our mini fight was done all was forgiven and back to normal. That’s what really bugged me, was how fast it went from bad to okay and the fact that I just had to go with whatever was happening. We were sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones together until late into the night. I was getting restless sitting next to my super gorgeous boyfriend though. I was watching him more than the show by that point. I was sitting in a perfect position to just lean forward and connect my lips to his neck. Which I did. He didn’t react right away, or at all until I moved his shirt and started leaving a mark under his collarbone. 
“Whatcha doin little vampire?” he asked smiling squeezing my ass for good measure.
“You just looked so hot baby, I can’t help it..”
“Oh really? I’m just that hot huh?” he asked with a cocky smirk.
“You know you are.” I said pushing him back to lay down on the couch making him laugh. I crawled over top of him and straddled his waist going back to his neck. He grabbed my hips and pushed me down onto his growing erection groaning in my ear.
“You gonna go down on me? Take my cock in your mouth so good?”
“Please let me..”
“Always baby. Go ahead.” he shifted his hips to let me pull his pants down just enough to free his dick. I didn’t have to do much and it didn’t take long until he was finishing in my mouth. “Go wait for me upstairs baby. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Okay.” I smiled and gave him a kiss before going up to our shared room. After about 10 minutes I heard him talking to his friends on xbox live and knew that he was absolutely not going to be coming up to finish what was started downstairs or even just to come to bed for a long time. I laid in the bed and was just frustrated with how things were going. I couldn’t even get him interested in sleeping with me anymore. That was the last thing we really had at this point. 
It wasn’t until about a week later that I decided to try something to get Matty’s attention. I spent the entire morning walking around the apartment with just a pair of underwear and a bralette on. He completely ignored me. While that felt like shit he told me on his way out that Johnny and Elias were coming over after practice so I decided to try and make him jealous. If he still got jealous there had to be something there right?
By the time all the boys got back I was laying on the couch watching some home improvement show. They were loud and joking around until they got to the living room and saw me.
“Hey boys! How was practice?” I asked, giving them smiles.
“It was good.” Johnny said.
“Hard.” Elias added looking at me.
“Not the only thing hard.” You heard Matthew mumble grumpily.
“What was that Matty?”
“Nothing babe.” he said rolling his eyes coming over and laying on top of me to give me a kiss. He got up and pulled a blanket around me before sitting up on the floor in front of me. I put my fingers in his hair and started giving him head scratches while they set up their video game. Matt let them go first and he just sat with me. I put my leg over his shoulder and he kept giving my calf small kisses until it was his turn. Pretty much at that point and for the rest of the night he just forgot I existed. The other two boys didn’t and it was nice getting some male attention but it wasn’t the attention I wanted. Eventually I just went upstairs and waited for hours with tears in my eyes. After a few hours he came up, crawled into bed, gave me a kiss on the back of the neck and pulled me close to him before falling asleep immediately. I laid there for a while before I shifted around and woke him up by turning on the lamp on my side of the bed.
“Babe? What the fuck are you doing?” he asked confused, rubbing his eyes.
“Can we talk please?” I asked quietly.
“It’s the middle of the night, can it wait?” he asked rubbing my arm softly. I broke into sobs and shook my head. His expression relaxed immediately and he pulled me towards him in a hug. “What’s the matter (y/n)?”
“Do you still love me?” I asked not beating around the bush.
“What? Babe of course I still love you! Why would you ever ask that? What’s this about?”
“Recently things have just been really hard. A lot of fighting, a lot of going to bed angry and alone, a lot of just not feeling very appreciated. It feels like you don’t care.”
“I’ve been making you feel like that? For real?” he asked in shock. I just nodded and fresh tears spilled down my cheeks.
“It feels like you’re getting ready to leave.”
“Baby no. Don’t think like that.” he held me closer to him and smoothed out my hair.
“I’ve always felt like you were it for me Matthew. I love you so much and now it just feels like I’ve been aiming too high and it’s not something you want, like you’re getting sick of me being around or something.”
“That is not even close to true. (y/n) you’re the only person I’ve ever loved. You changed me remember? I never thought I’d ever love one person, let alone love someone this much.”
“It just seems like you’re getting really sick of having me around all the time. Like I try to be there for you after a game and you’re annoyed. I try to help you by doing things around the house but you get annoyed. I try to go to every single game possible and you get annoyed when I miss one. It seems like anything to get annoyed with me for you just take it and run. I’m trying my best Matty. Not a lot of people would try this hard..”
“Baby nobody in their right mind would try this hard. That’s why I love you. You don’t care that it’s kind of crazy to want to be with me and try to make me better, you stick around and do it anyway. I know that you’re special and that I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I know I don’t do anything to help with the fighting and stuff but I just wish things were going smoother. I just get so mad when I do things for you all the time and you don’t do the same. It’s not fair. I’m there for you and I support you through everything and then you get upset with me and I just explode. I just feel very unappreciated. There’s no reason we shouldn’t be succeeding right now.”
“I agree. I’m so sorry that I ever made you feel like I didn’t appreciate every single thing you do for me and every single sacrifice you make. I get so angry and stressed out and I’ve been taking it out on you instead of putting those emotions somewhere more useful.”
“I don’t care if you take your anger out on me in ways that aren’t screaming at me and leaving me alone all night.”
“What do you mea- Oh! Oh..you little..” he just groaned and smiled throwing his head back. “Don’t make me think about that right now. I’m trying to be serious.”
“I’m sorry Matty.”
“I feel awful that I’ve let you go so long to the point where you blew up in the middle of the night.” he said frowning, playing with my hand. “What can I do to fix it?”
“I don’t know Matt..”
“How about we start going out more? Like going on dates again? Once or twice a week when I’m home or something like that. Just us two and we can talk and just be together one on one?”
“That sounds like it would be nice.”
“Yeah and I can start helping more around the house so you’re not as stressed out. I’ll even start going to the team therapist again if you want.”
“Matty that’s a lot of promises.”
“And I intend to keep every one of them babygirl.” he said softly bringing my face to his in a soft kiss. “You’ll see. I mean what I’m saying. I know how special you are and I would be a complete idiot if I didn’t listen to you seriously right now and do something to change how you’re feeling. I’m not willing to lose you. It can’t happen.”
“I don’t know what to say..thank you baby. I thought this was just going to be another big fight.”
“Absolutely not. I’m never going to fight and argue with you about something this serious. I never want to hear you sound so broken and sad because of me ever again.”
“I love you.” I said laying back down on the bed with him.
“I love you more.” he said kissing me again. “You’ll see baby. I’m going to turn this around.”
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pinballwitxh · 5 years
relative - spencerxoc (request)
I just wanted a story where the reader is early 20s and Spence is like almost late 30s. Maybe hes had a long 1-2 year secret relationship her knowing the team would 1 be all up in his business and 2 they would have something to say about her age. So spence and reader are all happy and in love and they have an amazing and idk romantic night together with love making and the next day or the team over hears a phone convo...or maybe he goes to visit her and the team follow him to see what hes hiding and find the girl...dig up all the dirt they could find on her possible and finally go to him and say that shes not right and way to young and beautiful for him or some dumb shit (just trying to protect him so like not super mean about it but still a huge wtf moment.) So like after they go to him about everything hes like "not only are yall wrong but you are also to late. Asked her to marry me last night. And shes perfect for me type thing. Also maybe you could stick a moment in there where reader is suprised and very upset for Spencer that his friends think he couldnt pull someone like her. Maybe she stands up for him. (requested by @dontworryaboutme-period​)
a/n: sorry this took me so long, lovely!  here is your much awaited fanfic and i am trash at taking requests i am so sorry.  i changed up a bit of the plot but i hope you like it!  thank you for being my first requester, i had so much fun writing this. :)
summary: age is just a number and spencer reid is determined to prove that to the team when they discover his secret relationship with a younger woman.  he knows they’re looking out for him but he will not lose the girl he’s fallen head over heels for.
warnings: PASSIONATE smut, some cursing
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The movie had just ended and Spencer could not even remember what they were watching, seeing as they had spent the last hour of the film kissing and touching one another.  Soft moans carried through the apartment as she palmed him through his pants, taking his bottom lip between her teeth.  They were briefly interrupted when the Netflix film stopped playing and the trailer for a new film queued up.
They pulled away and chuckled at the disheveled state they were both in, hair strung out in all directions and lips chapped.  Spencer leaned over and turned the television off, “That was a great movie,”
“I really liked the part where you grabbed my ass,” she responded with a wink.
Spencer laughed, “Maybe we should move the sequel to my room?”
“God, you and your puns,” she said with a smile.
Quickly she pulled him up from the couch and nearly dragged him down the hall to his room, causing him to laugh at her neediness (which he had to admit turned him on quite a bit.)  They nearly collided heads as she yanked him onto the bed towards her and attacked his lips again.  His hands became tangled in her hair and she moaned at his slight tugging.  
“You sure you can stay the night?”
She pulled away quickly and nodded, “I’ll just have to leave a little earlier than usual to make it to my nine o’clock class,”
Spencer kissed her forehead, “How’s school going this semester?”
She pulled him down close to her, “Same old, same old, you know how it goes.”
“Considering I haven’t been to school in twenty-two years sometimes I don’t remember how it goes,” he chuckled, kissing into her neck slowly.
“Don’t be a smartass, Spence.  Not all of us are as intelligent as you,” she sighed as he ran a tongue over her sweaty skin.
He grinned, “I thought you said my intelligence was, oh,” he paused to think, “If I remember correctly I think you used the word sexy?”
“Shut up and fuck me, Doctor Reid,” she growled, tugging on his hair so he could look her in the eyes.
He could feel a chill run down his spine at the hunger in her bright eyes, so he complied.  His hands found their way under her shirt and stopped at her breasts, massaging them slowly.  She arched her back and her eyes slid shut, reveling in his touch.
He peppered kisses all over her neck as he pulled her bra to the side, rubbing his thumb over her hardened nipples.  His erection was aching now and he pulled away to slip her shirt over her head and threw it to the side, her bra followed shortly after.
It nearly made her come undone right there as he stared lovingly at her exposed chest and stomach, running his hands all over her body.  Hastily she tugged at his shirt and begged with her eyes for him to take it off.  Soon, both of them had shed all of their clothes and her legs wrapped around his waist tighty.
Spencer groaned at the feeling of her slick arousal on his enlarged member, taking her mouth into his once more.
For a little over a year now they had been together but it never failed to turn her on like it was their first time.  She figured part of it was the adrenaline rush they both got from such a secret and taboo relationship, it made them feel like two hormonal teenagers sneaking behind their parents’ backs.  
Part of her wished they could tell people, though.
Spencer lined himself up with her entrance and took her smaller hands in his, intertwining fingers.  Slowly he slid inside of her, eliciting two loud groans of pleasure from both of them. Her back arched and he leaned down to suck on her nipple lovingly, his tongue swirling around her swollen bud.  
He began to pump in and out of her as he squeezed his hands around hers.  She couldn’t contain the longing moans of his name when he fully sheathed himself inside of her, grinding against him.  He pulled away and smiled down at her adoringly, “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered close to her ear.
“Faster, Spence, please,” she moaned back.
Soon the sound of skin on skin mixed together with their moans, sweat beading on their foreheads and making their bodies shine in the moonlight pooling in from the window.  Spencer pulled away to watch her body bounce underneath his, his erection twitching inside of her at the sight.  Her hair fanned around her like a halo and her lips were slightly parted in pure ecstasy.  
He began to pound harder into her, holding her hands by her head as he picked up the pace.  She began to whimper at the increasing heat between her legs and the feeling of his cock inside of her.  Spencer let out a small cry as she clenched around him, slick for him.
“I’m so close, Spencer,”
The doctor let go of her hands and buried his face into her neck, pumping even harder with louder slaps of skin.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, crying out in pleasure at the new angle and speed.  Her legs curled around his lower back as they began to tremble.
“Fuck,” she growled, “Keep going, baby.”
Spencer moaned quietly against her neck, eyes closed as he focused on his sense of touch against her.  She began to rock her hips against his, nearly sending him over the edge.  He liked to relish in their time together so he stopped himself from getting to that point.
“I love you,” he whispered gently.
She let out a pleasured cry, those three words bringing on an entirely new feeling in the pit of her stomach.  Her hands tangled into his curled locks as she neared her climax, clenching tighter around him.
“I’m gonna cum, Spencer!”
His thrusts became harder and faster as she tightened around him finally, her warmth spilling over his cock with sloppy sounds to accompany it.  She cried out as he continuously pounded into her while she climaxed, her orgasm seeming to be never-ending.  Tears slid down her cheeks from the intense pleasure and million other feelings she was experiencing.  
Her thighs were covered in her slickness as he finally pulled out, immediately hiking her legs over his shoulders and diving down to her swollen and aching core.  She shivered as she felt his tongue at her entrance, lapping up her juices and sucking hard on her nub.  He always enjoyed cleaning her up afterwards, which brought on so many new senses and feelings that made her shiver and moan even more.
She whimpered slightly as he pulled away and hovered over her body.  She took his throbbing cock into her hand and began to pump him rather fast.  His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his lips remained parted as he moaned quietly.
“Right there, keep going,” he whispered.
She smiled lightly as his moans became louder and his erection twitched in her palm.  He leaned closer to her and placed a hand next to her head to steady himself.
“You gonna cum for me, Spencer?”
“Yes, oh God yes,” he whispered.
His hips bucked against her hand as he twitched one last time before spilling himself all over her belly and chest.  He cried out as he came, his hips sloppily bucking against her as he rode out his high.  Her hand slowed to a steady stroking as he panted, sweat dripping onto her own glistening forehead as he came to a finish.
She placed a hand on his cheek, stroking slowly over his lips, “I love you too, Spencer.”
Spencer strode into the office with his usual cup of coffee in his hands and a smile on his face.  He was usually one of the first ones in the bullpen so he got to enjoy his alone time before anyone else arrived.  His phone buzzed as he sat down at his desk.
<Ugh, class was cancelled and I didn’t know until I got there.>
He chuckled to himself as he typed out a response.
<At least you have some time off now, right?>
<True, I would have gotten donuts for you if I had known ;)>
<You’re the best, I’ll see you at lunch?>
<Usual place?>
<Sounds good, have a great morning off.>
<Love you>
“What’s got you smiling like a maniac?”
Spencer jumped at the sound of Penelope’s voice in the empty office.  He looked up at her with startled eyes as he cleared his throat, “Uh, they just released more information on the upcoming Comic-Con,”
Garcia’s eyes widened, “Really?  I thought they weren’t doing that for two more weeks. . .”
“W-well it was a lovely surprise, to say the least,” he stammered, turning to face his desk and begin some paperwork.
“I have a feeling you’re lying to me, Doctor Reid,” she said as she sat on his desk beside him.
“N-nope,” he responded.
Garcia rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless, “Fine, keep your secrets.”
“No secrets to keep!”
“Whatever you say, Boy Genius.”
Once it was nearing lunchtime the team had finished most of their paperwork and had received a new case from JJ.  Once the meeting was over, Prentiss approached him with a coy smile on her face, “Who’s the mystery girl that called you twice earlier?”
“What mystery girl?” Spencer responded quickly.
Prentiss laughed, “Are you seeing someone?”
“No way!” Tara exclaimed from behind Emily, “I really thought she was crazy but from the look on your face, I’m not so sure anymore.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Spencer said with a small, attempted smile.
“You work with profilers, Reid, no use in trying to hide this girl from us.” Rossi said as he approached the small group.
Spencer’s heart was racing inside of his chest, he had kept up this facade for so long and he could feel it beginning to crumble.  He knew that if they knew the truth, they would be concerned and he didn’t want to find out their thoughts on the whole situation.
“She’s just a friend-”
“With benefits?” JJ said with a wink, causing his face to flush.
The team let out a small, collective cheer at the very obvious blush on his face.  Matt clapped his shoulder, “Who’s the lucky lady, huh Spencer?”
“We’re just friends, nothing more,” the doctor responded sheepishly, ducking out from under Matt’s arm.
“A pretty young friend, too!”
Spencer spun around, startled once more at the sound of Garcia’s voice from behind him.  She looked up from her folded hands in what seemed to be shame but also curiosity.  
“Prentiss gave me her name from the contact that popped up on your phone earlier so I did some research, just to see-”
“Really, guys?” Spencer asked in frustration, “That’s such an invasion of privacy.”
“I know and I’m sorry, but we just wanted to know!”
“And what did you find out?” Spencer asked heatedly.
“Well, I uh,” Garcia paused, “She’s pretty young, Spencer.”
“How young are we talkin’, Spencer?” Adam asked as he stood from the table, gathering his things.
“She’s a college student-”
“We’ve been together for a little over a year,”
The team went silent at Spencer’s abrupt confession, clearly all unsure of what to think.
“This is exactly why I never said anything,” he turned to Garcia, “And wasn’t planning on saying anything until I wanted to.”
Garcia looked away in shame, “I’m sorry,”
“Well now you all know,” he sighed, “And I know you’re going to tell me she’s too young and that I should leave her and-”
“Spencer, college kids don’t even have their foot in the real world let alone know where they want to go,” Prentiss said pointedly, “Dating someone that young could pose some serious complications in the future, especially when she graduates.”
“She might want to move to California, hell even leave the country to pursue a career and future!  They have so much life to live at that age and half the time don’t know where they want to end up,” Tara said, “Whereas you, you’ve got a stable job and income and have your life figured out, you’re years advanced in maturity.”
“All of you are wrong, we’re happy together and want a future together,” Spencer said with a glare, “Yes, she’s in college and she’s young but she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.  If you all can’t accept her then I won’t be bringing her around and introducing her to any of you.”
The group was silent for a moment as he calmed down, running a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh.
“I think I’d like to meet her,”
Spencer turned to JJ who placed a hand on his arm, “If she makes you happy, then we’re happy for you.” she turned to look at each member of the group pointedly, “Age is just a number, right?”
Everyone slowly nodded their heads with gazes to the ground, obviously somewhat ashamed at the attack they had pounced on the doctor.
“Age is so relative, I don’t see why it should matter,” Spencer said.
“And it doesn’t, not if the both of you are happy,” Garcia said, raising her head to meet Spencer’s eyes, “I’m really sorry I did that to you, Spencer.  You should have been the one to tell us on your own terms,”
Spencer nodded, “It’s okay, I guess it was better to say something now than later.”
“I mean it’s already been a year, when do we get to meet the lucky gal?” Rossi said with a small smile.
Spencer squeezed her hand gently as they approached Garcia’s small house in the town, “Don’t worry, they’ll love you.”
“Are you sure?  It didn’t sound like they were too fond of the idea of us-”
“It doesn’t matter,” he paused at the doorstep to take her face into his hands, “I love you and you love me, that’s what matters, right?”
She smiled up at him, “I really do love you, Spence.”
He kissed her forehead, “I love you, too.”
Upon entering the house, Garcia let out a loud squeal of excitement at seeing the couple.  She enveloped Spencer in a bear-hug and swayed side to side, “Y’all are so cute I can’t stand it already!”
She pulled away and gazed at Spencer’s newfound girlfriend, “And you are gorgeous, my friend!  I’m Penelope Garcia, Spencer’s favorite coworker,” she said as she pulled her into a tight hug of her own.
“I’ve heard a lot about you!” she chuckled beneath Garcia’s tight hold.
“All good things, right?”
“Of course!”
Spencer smiled on at her as she interacted with each team member, she even accepted a glass of wine happily from Rossi and struck up a conversation with Prentiss soon after.  JJ smiled at Spencer from across the room and approached him, “She’s wonderful, Spence.”
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cryoculus · 4 years
Lunaris [5/11]
*casually changes the chapter count* yall didnt see A THING
!! ALSO !! Trigger warnings for graphic depictions of gore at the latter half of the chapter. Just thought I’d put it up there. 
Chapter Title: Full Moon Pairing: Yokai!Akaashi Keiji/Reader Word Count: 3,543
"This week's lunar eclipse was reported to be a total eclipse! The shadow of the sun will engulf the moon completely—what a sight to see, indeed!"
"Bah," your grandmother scoffed through the sound of sautéing ingredients as she switched off the TV. "News channels poison the minds of people, anyway." 
You gaped at her incredulously from where you sat on the dining table. "Oba-san, I was watching that!" 
The older woman tutted at you as she transferred the leftover rice from last night onto the frying pan. "You know eclipses are a bad omen, and these people intend to say otherwise."
"Ba-san, not everybody lives by the Tsukuyomi traditions—"
"Do you want some sukonbu flakes on your gohan?" 
"I—yes, please."
When your grandmother was done cooking breakfast for the day, she laid out two bowls of gohan, each topped with a raw egg in the middle. The scent of the freshly fried rice wafted to your nose, and you immediately forgot about your prior sulking because of how delectable your food looked like. As you reached for the soy sauce to encourage more flavor, however, your grandmother took your hand in hers, shooting you a stern look.
"Don't go out on the night of the eclipse," she said. "It's been a while since I've last seen one, but it always preceded misfortune."
Confused, you asked, "How long ago is 'a while', oba-san?" 
Instead of humoring you with a proper answer, she merely chuckled at the inquiry as she sat down right across from you. "It doesn't matter. Just stay in the house, alright? It's a good thing it didn't land on the day of the festival, itself."
Knowing it would be no use arguing with her, you exhaled a sigh of defeat once you've dripped enough soy sauce onto your food. The snap of wooden chopsticks rang in your ears as you let anticipation swell in your chest. Was it just you or was the egg yolk seemingly glittering in the morning daylight?
"Thank you for the meal!"
Japanese Literature was easily your most favorite subject because of two reasons. 
The first was that you were already familiar with most of the topics listed off in the course module already. Genji Monogatari was one of the first books your grandmother had given to you as a child, and she'd be the one to help you out with understanding the difficult words. But even if you've spent a majority of your life with your nose stuffed in books and manuscripts snagged from the shrine's old storage room, there was still a lot more to learn—about the vast, hidden truths of the world that still eluded you. 
That's where the second reason came in. 
"The moon goddess, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto, was born from the right eye of the creator, Izanagi-no-Mikoto; while her brother, Amaterasu-omikami was born from his left eye," your teacher drawled out the facts you already knew from the pocketbook in his hands. The disinterested set of his brow was clue enough of how much he would rather be doing anything else other than spitting out excerpts from Japanese mythology in front of high schoolers. 
It was last period for you, and even though you were normally motivated to listen despite your teacher's apathy for the course, you were feeling the fatigue you've accumulated from training slowly catching up to you. Fukurodani was a powerhouse when it came to its sports teams, and the reputation that you had to uphold was a heavier burden than getting remarkable official records for future reference. Though Coach Yamamoto was usually lenient, he'd already transformed into his demon coach persona at the beginning of the week. 
But after you've zoned into your own thoughts for a good twenty minutes, your teacher managed to yank you back into attentiveness when he'd tackled the topic of yokai. 
"In more popular literature, yokai were commonly depicted as grotesque creatures that consume human flesh," he began, "but there have been several tales that told of those able to take on the form of human beings; making it much easier for them to prowl across the land unnoticed." 
Hm. Sounds like a certain, unsuspecting second year to me. 
"However, even though they use deception as their means of getting by, those yokai still revert back to their true forms under specific circumstances. For children of the first Tengu, they are quite susceptible to rain. Once it begins to pour from the heavens, their disguises wear off at the snap of a finger." 
Your brows knit together in curiosity. Akaashi was one of those shape shifters, then. But if that tale applied to all shape-shifting yokai, what could Akaashi's trigger be?
Shaking your head, you proceeded jotting down the assignment that your teacher began scribbling on the chalkboard once he's gone over the topic. It wasn't something that should warrant your interest. Strictly speaking, you weren't even friends with Akaashi. You were just someone who'd managed to figure out what he was. That was all there was to it.
Yet, a few hours later, once you'd gotten your fresh taste of your demon coach's training regimens, you found yourself waiting by the school gates.
As you bounced impatiently on the balls of your feet, jamming your hands in the pockets of your track jacket to distract yourself somehow, your gaze darted every now and again at the other students that also stayed behind for club activities. There was still no sign of the volleyball team. 
In hindsight, you could have just hung around in the gym, waiting for them to finish. Bokuto's admirers did it all the time, so why couldn't the captain of the track team do the same? Ah, right.
You still couldn't bear to look Bokuto in the eye after he'd asked you to go with him to the lunar festival.
How on Earth could you face him eye-to-eye after that? Why would he even ask you, of all people, in the first place? You've been giving Itsumi the cold shoulder for the past few days, too. How dare she tell the ace to get a red kimono when your favorite kimono was patterned after crimson cherry blossoms?! 
You didn't know how your instinctive reaction to Akaashi's voice would reflect on the way you supposedly saw him as, but in your defense, you were surprised by how he addressed you. The setter was donned in his school uniform, and he didn't have the air of someone who'd just gotten out of volleyball practice.
"A-Akaashi," you stuttered, hoping it wasn't glaringly obvious that you were waiting for him in particular. "You weren't at training?" 
His brows were raised with subtle curiosity before he shook his head. "My class has a production coming up, and it costs about seventy percent of our final grade. Coach Yamiji allowed me some time off." 
"Oh," the word tumbled pathetically from your lips, before you cleared your throat. "I-I see. You're quite diligent, huh? I mean, for a yokai blending in as a—"
"(Surname)-san," Akaashi interrupted warily, and you were immediately struck by the awareness of how loud your voice was. Getting his plea, you toned down your voice a couple of notches lower.
"I still find it kind of interesting, you know." Chuckling, you folded your arms across your chest. "From what you told me, I think you're someone ancient. You could track down whoever has your heart in no time and you wouldn't have to subject yourself to mundane things like that." 
Akaashi merely stared at you with the same, navy-eyed gaze before his line of sight darted around the vicinity. Then, he beckoned you to come closer. When you leaned your ear next to his face, the setter whispered, "(Surname)-san, I would appreciate it if you didn't disclose such information out in the open." 
"It's not like anyone's listening," you argued, pouting at him. "By the way, I have something to ask you." 
"Does your curiosity have no bounds?" He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. You'd only noticed it now, but there were traces of fatigue on his face that you would've missed if you hadn't looked so closely. You almost felt bad for cornering him like this, but...
"Can you show me your true form?" 
Something flashed across his eyes, but it was gone just as quickly as it surfaced, and now Akaashi was just staring at you like he was just done with your demands. 
"You know, I only ever meet extremely infuriating humans one after the other," he told you, dragging a palm across his face. "But it seems like the gods are subjecting me to the punishment of handling both you and Bokuto-san at the same time."
You snorted out an ugly-sounding laugh, covering your mouth to somehow stifle your giggles. "I told you, you didn't have to do any of this kiss-ass shit. You could just—"
"You wanted to see my true form, didn't you?" 
The tone of his voice had dipped into something more serious—one that you're unused to hearing from him when you were talking alone. Before getting to know Akaashi as well as you have now, he had just been the apathetic vice captain of the volleyball team. But from the short time you've spent with him, you figured that there was certainly more depth to his personality than he was letting on. 
Yet now, he's talking to you just how he would address any other student in Fukurodani. Your smile receded slowly. Somehow, you didn't like that.
"Yeah," you replied with a lackluster intonation you hadn't meant to make. The last thing you wanted was for him to think you actually...cared about the way he talked to you. You didn't, and that was that. 
With a sigh, Akaashi tilted his head up so that he was glancing at the sky. You noticed that he did that a lot—looking up at the heavens like it gave him answers you didn't know he was looking for. 
When the yokai met your gaze again, no longer did you see the soothing, gunmetal blue of the human whose skin he wore like it was his own. Deep, vermillion eyes bore into you so intently, you could feel him gazing at your very soul—bare, and without any chance of deceit.
"Meet me at the cemetery on the first night of the full moon," he said, voice almost sounding ethereal in your ears, like his voice wasn't his at all. "I'll show you what you want to see so badly."
A few days passed since that strange encounter with Akaashi, and you haven't heard from the yokai since. Every time you tried getting a glimpse of him from outside the gym, it was either he was always out of sight or he just wasn't there to begin with. You'd even asked Kazuto, who turned out to be classmates with Akaashi, a thing or two about the said setter, but it seemed that he's called in sick for the past few days because of a nasty cold.
Yokai don't catch colds.
Nonetheless, you found yourself thinking of him less and less as the lunar festival drew closer. Your grandmother insisted that you focus on training for the track meet instead of concerning yourself with the preparations no matter how much you protested. 
"You're only young for a brief time, child," she had told you. "It's your last year in high school, so you better enjoy the festival with your little friends before you all head your separate ways. Leave it to the monks and volunteers to work behind the scenes."
Seeing no point in going against her wishes, that's exactly what you did.
"Hey, (Name)! Over here!" At the bottom of the stairway that led to the Amatsuki shrine, you saw Itsumi and Kazuto idling by as your vice captain frantically waved her hands to get your attention. Overlooking the secondhand embarrassment, you picked up the pace of your descent. 
Once you've managed to join them, Kazuto whistled out loud. "Looking great, cap!"
The compliment urged you to look down on your own get-up. You looked just as you did every year whenever the lunar festival came around, since you've always opted to wear the cherry blossom kimono that used to belong to your mother. But Kazuto was probably talking about the moon pin your grandmother had insisted on styling your hair with. 
It was designed to look like a branch of a sakura tree dipped in silver with a crescent moon embossed in the middle. You had no time left to ask where she got it from and why she gave it you since you were running a bit late on your agreed meet-up time with the team.
"No flirting with senpais, Kazu," scolded Itsumi as she playfully smacked the younger boy across his back. "But he does have a point, though. You look spicy tonight, (Name)!"
"Sumi, I worry about you sometimes."
Wading through the throng of visitors in the courtyard was none other than Bokuto, himself. His grin was as bright as the lanterns strung above the venue, the golden lights shining down on him like he was the most important person out there. Or maybe that was just because your rose-colored vision was specifically catered for the said ace. When he'd managed to squeeze past the crowd, he breathed out a sigh in relief, wiping a sheen of sweat off his forehead.
"What do you think?" he asked, twisting around to show off his outfit. "I kind of had to compromise with the hakama, but the haori's red, just like Furukawa said—"
"Bokuto-san," you breathed, feeling your heart flutter at his effort alone, "you look great."
The ace blinked at you like he wasn't used to receiving compliments on the daily. It was probably just the lanterns messing with your eyes, but was he...blushing?
"So do you," he laughed. "I didn't know we were matching!"
"I didn't either," you replied, shooting Itsumi a narrow-eyed glare, to which your best friend responded by incessantly tugging on your wrist. 
"Come on, you idiots!" Itsumi hollered as you let her drag you to the concessionaire stands. "Last one to get to the goldfish catching booths will treat everyone to candied apples!"
"I forgot how enjoyable these festivals really were."
Your ears perked up at the sound of Bokuto's voice. Sparing the ace a sideways glance, you sighed out a long breath as you propped your chin on top of your knees. "I'm glad we managed to remind you, then." 
The two of you were seated on the stone steps just under the torii gates that led up to the shrine. Most of the festival's visitors have already gone up to see the shrine elder's (in this case, your grandmother's) annual performance of the lunar dance. It was dedicated to Tsukuyomi herself so that the shrine and its followers would see good fortune for the months ahead. Itsumi and Kazuto have gone ahead of the both of you, but you'd insisted on staying behind for a while.
But you didn't know that Bokuto would like to keep you company, too.
"Something on your mind?" he wondered, inching a bit closer. "You've been kinda distracted."
As you trained your gaze on the younger visitors that were still trying their hand at catching goldfish at the kingyo booths below, you breathed out an airy chuckle. "Sorry. Was I that obvious?"
"Not really," he said. "Call it a gut feeling." 
"Gut feeling, huh..."
Your gut was telling you right now that you were forgetting something...something important.
But when you turned to glance at Bokuto once again, his mouth was perked up in a lopsided smile that sent a flush of heat crawling up to your cheeks. You've always found his honey-eyed gaze endearing, and knowing that he had his eyes trained on you? Under the light of the moon? The shoujo manga protagonist in you practically jumped—
Meet me at the cemetery on the first night of the full moon
"Bokuto-san," you mumbled as you shot up to your feet, startling the ace as you shot your gaze up to the sky. The moon was in perfect form today, shining oh-so brightly in the sea of stars. "I'm sorry. I have to go. I-I'll... I'm sorry."
You forced out the sound of Bokuto calling out your name from your mind, pushing down the guilt that might fester for later. Your wooden sandals collided with each step in a way that sounded like cannons in your ears. Your heart was beating abnormally fast, just like when you're trying to best another runner at a track meet. Akaashi, who's been missing in action for days now. Akaashi, who looked like he was losing his grip on his own sanity the last time you saw him. Akaashi, who was probably waiting for you at the top of the hill.
You had been the one that coerced him into this agreement, yet it slipped your mind?
When you made it to the shrine, you caught a glimpse of your grandmother's lunar dance in the blink of your eye. She faltered in her movements for a split second. Had you not spent your entire life watching her practice every year, you would've overlooked it. But it seemed that she'd noticed you darting through the audience even if you were cloaked in the darkness. You already knew you were getting a thorough questioning later, but that was at the bottom of your priorities right now.
There's something wrong, you thought. I don't know how, but something's wrong.
You pushed the gate to the cemetery back without care for the rust that coated your fingers. The foreboding was rooted deep into the pits of your heart, and you couldn't placate yourself no matter how many times you told yourself it was probably nothing. Even if you were running out of breath (which terrified you because it took a lot to make you breathless in training), you called out to the yokai.
"Akaashi!" you called out, placing your hands by your mouth to articulate your voice louder. "Are you here?"
The moonlight spilled onto the cemetery startlingly bright, illuminating the gravestones in place in a way you hadn't seen them before. As you passed by your parents' graves, muttering a quick prayer in the process, you began trekking further into the area—towards the forest that you were told to never set foot in. 
The shade of the trees seemed thicker, they loomed higher than you thought they would. At the corner of your eye, you would see the shadows scuttling about, only to be met with nothing but a leaf wafting in the air when you turned around to look. The fear factor was maxed out at this point. But even if your mind yelled for you to turn around, and that you shouldn't even be here, your heart told you that you were exactly where you're supposed to be.
After a few minutes of blindly walking in the darkness, you saw the light of the moon once more as you emerged into a clearing. In the middle of it all, kneeling in a pool of blood, was Akaashi.
Or at least, you assumed it was Akaashi. 
The humanoid creature had its back turned you, like it was preoccupied with something else. Its naked skin was as white as the snow that coated the shrine grounds on the first day of winter, but the mop of unruly hair on top of its head resembled Akaashi's. With blood roaring in your ears, you slowly flanked the creature from the side in attempt of getting a better look. But the sight that greeted you was something that would be burned in the back of your mind for eternity.
It—Akaashi—had a pair of horns jutting out from his forehead, tinged the same hue as his ivory skin. In his taloned hands, he had a carcass so mangled, you could no longer identify if it was an animal or not. His lips were caked in the same blood that pooled beneath him, as deranged, crimson eyes glossed over with the ecstasy from feasting on his meal.
A scream bubbled in your throat, but you knew better than to announce your presence just like that. This was what you wanted, right? To witness him in his true form? You were the one who asked for this and yet...and yet—
The sound of a twig snapping underneath your sandals echoed in the vicinity like you'd just set off a land mine. You could no longer hear him tearing the flesh from its bones, as Akaashi slowly turned to look at you. 
Those weren't the eyes of the kind-hearted yokai you thought he was.
They were the eyes of a killer.
Someone was screaming as you bolted out of the clearing and back into the cemetery. They were still screaming when you nearly tripped on your own feet as you ran down the hill. 
You'd only realized it was you when you barged into the shrine's foyer just after your grandmother finished the dance, weeping inconsolably in her arms for reasons that you would continue to refuse to let them know of in the days to come.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
[breathes in]
i’m so fucking happy with this ending
it’s such a good happy ending this is truly what the gays deserve i’m just happiness in physical form rn
i don’t even know where to start but i’ll try to make this as chronological as my brain allows me because my memory do be sucking
i’m gonna put a keep reading because this shit will get loooooong kjshfkf okay let’s do this
so.. we start with PETE EXPOSING NON(T)’S BRAT ASS!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES THATS MY BABY THATS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
kao’s mom being a fucking badass and telling her BOSS how to do shit. i love her yall I LOVE HERRRRRRRR
also kao’s mom telling kao that she wasn’t the most amazing person ever was so cute because you can see kao’s light bulb turning on sjfkhsgsh please i love them
yes i will say i love x after every single one of these u can’t stop me
from the teaser i thought kao would dashi run run run to pete’s house but thankfully he took a taxi lmao
at least he didn’t run there because he had to run from pete’s house (or may i say, mansion) to the POOL my man is a whole athlete oh my god
also a beautiful parallel to the scene from ep1 (i noticed there’s a lot of parallels in this episode we stan character development and repeating things just so the viewers can see how consistent the couples are)
the kiss from that scene............... beautiful amazing gorgeous idk many words in english to describe how i felt while watching and how i feel about it
to that i think we cut to sunmork but i don’t remember what happened because of the kiss KJHFKSL SORRY
anygays i rlly like how this whole episode is sun being a clingy bih and mork gay panicking while trying to act like a confident gay when he knows that sun outconfidentgays him i love them lmao
okay after that i think it’s petekao having food with their parents all together and god i looooooove this scene
pete’s dad being the lgbt ally dad all of us lgbt fellas with homo/transphobic dads wish we had will never fail to make me soft i love that man pls be my dad too
also kao’s mom :-(( i love her she respected her son’s decision on not coming out until he was ready even though she already smelled it (reminds me of my mom lmao) and was always there for him even when kao didn’t say anything :-(((((((((((
petekao bickering will never get old i swear i love every time they do because that’s so..... men it makes their characters more real
i know there’s a lot (not that much because i admit this episode was kinda short?? idk maybe it’s just me) between that scene and this one but THE SQUAD EATING ALL TOGETHER AGAIN!!!!!!!! AND THEM TEASING PETEKAO!!!!!! PLEASE I LOVE THEM
pete literally not knowing how to stop the audio and broadcasting live TO THE WHOLE COUNTRY that time when he told kao he loved him through the teddy bear...... peak pete culture
the fact that ppl love them and they have a whole hashtag on twitter makes me soft because usually when someone is famous in bls the fans hate the other part of the couple but in this one??? oh no honey we stan petekao in this household hate is not allowed it’s actually prohibited illegal
okay let me backtrack a bit skjfhsjf
OH YES I FORGOT!!!! manow wanting to talk with mork was so weird when i saw the teaser for the episode but after seeing them talk i was like oooooh okay i understand
sun saying “what’s your girl saying to my boy” is probably one of my favourite lines of this drama KLHSJFLF
rain reading their lips fskjfjsf and when mork said “fuck you rain” HIS FACE SKJFHKSJSLFJ HE WAS SCARED SHITLESS but also the end of this scene was so cute i love these three
i just did a bit of skipping through the episode to try and actual make an order out of this mess and the petekao+parents thing comes now,,,,,, anygaYS
then it’s more teasing between sunmork blah blah
then MORK SPEAKING THE MF TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! quoting the actual dialogue “it’s my choice to tell or not tell anyone. i should get to decide”
rain had good intentions but it doesn’t mean that it was right of him to do so
okay this got serious,, sun going to rain’s bed with not one but Two pillows when barely two people fit in that bed.... oh to be that iconic and carelessly gay
back to petekao because we will never get enough of these two (which is why i’ll probably watch the our skyy episode tomorrow just to cry over these fools)
it’s so weird to see tay being like this after watching him being himself in other things like the live lunch and taynew meal date and other things i’ve randomly watched during this week to retain myself from finishing this series in a night ksfjhsfkshlks
also kao helping pete shave and pete being like do u like my moustache or should i shave it for u my lord SFHKFJ the domesticity and just the feeling of two idiots being in love i love them with my whole heart
kao staying at pete’s house because it’s both of their first days as interns and kao!!!!! he works for pete’s dad!!!!!!! pete’s dad accepted him into his company!!!!!! i love them
also the bickering between those three sjfkhs “hello im pete im from thailand” “that’s all you’ll say today” THAT WAS SO FUNNNY SKJFHSKFHSFJSFL
okay so the squad eating together is right after this but i already talked about it ksjfhsfh next!!
idk if it’s a big time skip or a small one but guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANOW AND RAIN ARE DATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY STRAIGHT BABIES YES I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AAAAAAAAAAAAA
manow is so pretty and rain is so cute they’re both so lucky my bisexual ass is crying
pete being “angry” at kao being so handsome,,, a mood
but also.. pete being possessive was h*t
there i said it and i don’t regret it
random but i will miss kao’s annoying ass saying “about aboyz” sjfkhsfh
pete being like “i will have to give u more love bites (ffs gmmtv just say hickies we are all at an age where we know what love bites are) so no one flirts with u” and kao being like “bitch try me” sjfhksfj i’m loving bratty kao
also that scene turned into furry kao real quick KJHDKJFSHJF
okay now it’s: mork’s birthday party time!!
rain and manow arrive first and are the cutest couple around because the two main gays haven’t arrived yet (being gay AND punctual? not possible)
sun and rain fighting in the kitchen was peak siblings culture skfhksjf
mork being ready to leave his own birthday party with a stranger who also plays pokemon go just to have a battle................ dumbass bisexual energy
said stranger is eARN FROM 2GETHER!!!!!! FILM IS IN THIS TOO!!!!!!!! first the girl who plays yuri in yyy and now film who plays earn in 2gether is here too??? damn wlw keep winning (also headcanon: theyre dating/seeing each other because LESBIANS periodt)
okay petekao arrive and wont u guess whats their present for mork,,,,,, the mf TEDDY BEAR and kao rlly says that they should use it since theyre so lip sealed lmao
rain and manow literally gave mork a present not for him but for sun im- i love these two
also sun being a whole koala and being a horny bitch is so funny sfhskfjskl my man has his priorities set
their last scene is so cute :-(( poor rain will have to live with this until he moves out sjfhksjf
oh boi the ending is near hhhhhhh
kao teaching his class an equation that ends up in i < 3 u is the most kao thing i’ve ever seen
pete being like “u haven’t spent enough time with me lately >:-(” was cute jhkfjs my man is needy of kao and i understand that because have u seen kao? exactly
kao teasing him with not having forgotten the cup this time and pete being his possessive self was.. splendid
every reference to something that happened with non(t) hurts but also i love how they just tease each other because they know that now their relationship is stronger than it’s ever been and that nothing and no one will come between them
the scenes they show during the last last scenes :-((( BOYFIES!!!!!!
and i love how they decided to end the show with them holding hands in public
i would explain why i do but it’s 6:26 am and i’ve been writing this for at least half an hour already and my laptop is heating up a lot and im sweating because it’s hot in here so get down on the floor pipiipipipipipipi
kdjhkdfhs sorry im not sleepy this is just my brain without a filter it’s just gay shit and a big repertoire of songs
god okay that was my opinion on the last episode of dark blue kiss...........
needless to say that i will eat every bit of content related to petekao after this because writing this i already miss them and i can’t wait to watch our skyy tomorrow idk where but i will
i really really REALLY liked this drama and it’s one of the two bl dramas (not counting the untamed) i’ve given a full 10/10 rating on mdl because it’s THAT good
everything about this drama is just.. chef’s kiss i love it i will probably rewatch it when my plan to watch is empty but it’s a pretty long list so.. hopefully i’ll ignore that and just rewatch sjkfhslf
i’ll of course watch kiss and kiss me again just for the petekao, the squad and rain scrumbs because i’m sure that the petekao compilations don’t show everything
but yeah im just.. i love this show it’s been a rlly long time since i started writing this but i’m still happy because it’s so good and truly gave us a good happy ending and i swear i cannot emphasise enough how important good happy endings in lgbt media are!!!!!!!!!!
anygays im hungry and ready to submerge myself in the dbk tags, see u all tomorrow for my our skyy petekao episode version of this,,,,,
till then, stay safe ! bYE
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boat-dock · 4 years
“Knowing You is for the Better” chapter 14
Long time no update... sorry guys. this was surprisingly hard for me write and I’m still not completely happy with how this turned out but I hope yall enjoy!
Today’s the day. Hope had spent two weeks dealing with an anxious Raf, a worried Landon, and her budding relationship all while trying to do school work and keep the school safe. To say she was overwhelmed and exhausted was an understatement, but today finally arrived. Visiting day. 
Keelin, Freya, and Nik should arrive within the hour and everything has already gone to shit. To be fair it started yesterday when the twins got sick. Josie swears that she’s not actually sick, that Lizzie’s sick and she just feels the symptoms because of twin magic, whether that’s true or not they have both have been shut up in their room to recuperate since yesterday morning. Hope stopped by and brought them breakfast first thing this morning and Josie is very adamant that she will still be able to join her for family dinner tonight. 
Rafael’s father, Walt, decided to surprise his son and come to family day so they could spend time together, so now they had another player in this already confusing game. Landon, on the other hand, was convinced that he was going to lose the only family that he has but instead of talking to his brother about this he kept it all bottled up so he always looked like he was going to vomit. 
Hope liked to think that she was good in high-pressure situations, she literally fought monsters for a living, but something about this situation was just too much for her.
She was waiting in her room, absentmindedly tidying, but with her supernatural hearing, she could here Raf pacing around downstairs. She made her way to her mini-fridge and pulled out a blood bag, she’d skipped her dinner last night and now she was hungrier than she was comfortable being in a school filled with potential food. 
Her ears and nose prick up as she senses her family arrives downstairs, her instincts say to rush down, but she wants to give Keelin and Raf a chance to get to know each other without her around, so instead she walked at a forced slow pace out of her room and downstairs. 
The school was filled with strangers. Parents, siblings, and grandparents roamed the halls, those who were aware of who she is, eyed her warily as she walked among them, she wanted to shy away but her pride kept her head held high and a classic smirk on her face. 
She rounded a corner and found her family standing in the halfway mingling politely with Raf and his father. Hope paused, still unseen so she could watch them. Keelin was smiling brightly, her hands moving as she talked and Freya stood slightly behind her with Nik asleep in her arms. It was still early and they had been driving through the night so she isn’t surprised that the young boy is still asleep, though she is sad that he isn’t awake to greet her.
Slowly she moves forward, hoping to seamlessly appear without drawing any attention or interrupting them, but of course, things never go quite as she plans. Landon spots her over Keelin’s shoulder and smiles while motioning her forward. Heat flares on her cheeks as eyes flick to her and she slumps as she makes her way to them. Freya quickly gives her a tight awkward hug as they work not to disturb Nik and Keelin presses a kiss to her cheek. “Hello, young lady,” Hope recognizes the man who speaks vaguely, she’d seen him briefly when he dropped Raf off at the school months and months ago, but she’d never been introduced to him, “ Who are you?” there’s a charm to him that she can’t deny.
“I’m Hope, sir,” she answers, politely, with a small practiced smile. 
Freya cuts in,” this is my niece, Walt, she goes to school here too,” he grins and shakes her hand firmly. Raf visibly tenses next to her. This is what she’d wanted to avoid, she feared that her presence would make this entire situation much more awkward. People were beginning to swarm around them, Kaleb and his sister were nearby but Kim seemed more interested in Mg than him. 
They stood there making polite tense conversation as long as Hope could stand it before she tried to excuse herself. Her family, however, was having none of it, “ What about Josie, where’s she?” Keelin asked shooting her an embarrassing look. Hope’s cheeks flamed as she did her best to explain the whole magic twin sickness situation. 
Freya scrunched her eyebrows, “ well that’s a shame,” Nik shuffled in her arms but remained asleep, “ maybe she’ll feel better later and can join us for supper.” 
“Hopefully,” she answered, then turned to make her leave. 
A loud clash rings through the hallway and Hope snaps her attention toward the noise. Across the hall, a man had shattered a glass case holding their many second-place trophies and he sliced his palm open on the jagged piece. The smell of blood filled the air and Hope goes light-headed for a second. She was still drinking human blood unlike the rest of the students here but still the smell of blood so fresh hit her hard. All the other vampires around felt it too. 
As her eyes went dark and veins snaked down her face, Freya gripped her arm with a vice-like grip. Blood roared in her ears as she yanked away her eyes flashing dangerously golden.
She snapped back into herself, fighting back the bloodlust like she’d been trained to do by the many vampires in her family with their many years of experience. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, backing away. Across the room, Kaleb was holding Mg back and forcing him to get under control. Many of the students were experiencing similar things but none of this seemed to be completely losing control. The man was ushered away before anyone even had a chance to question how or why he broke the glass. 
When she turns her attention back to her family she is met by worried eyes, “ How long has it been since you’ve eaten?” Freya questioned clearly distressed by how easy her niece lost control. Her mind flashes back to the discarded blood bag in her room that she abandoned this morning so she could handle drama. 
Before she could answer Keelin cut in,” How long has it been since you’ve shifted?” both of her aunts were worried for her for completely different reasons. But she couldn’t blame them, she hadn’t been taking good care of herself recently, choosing o focus on others instead. 
Hope took a deep steadying breath, “ I’m sorry,” her words were slow and calculated,” I’ll go upstairs now and eat and I’ll go for a run tonight I promise.” she must have spoken louder than she intended while trying to escape the spotlight because she is overheard by Kaleb and Mg. 
“Upstairs?” Kaleb called in a joking manner, “ why would you go upstairs when all the blood bags are in the kitchen?” the comment was innocent but it was exactly the kind of thing that nobody needed to notice. Dr. Saltzman was aware that Hope was drinking human blood, but honestly, he couldn’t do anything to stop it, her family was insistent that she needs to be at full strength at all times. No bunny blood for her. Her normally skilled facial expressions must have faltered because Kaleb’s face changed as he realized that his comment had actually uncovered something.
Mg’s eyes narrowed at her and she sucked in air through her nose. “Why do you have blood in your room Hope?” he asked much more serious, borderline accusatory. Her walls flew up and she prepared to defend herself. 
“Oh my god, your drinking human blood aren’t you?” Kaleb said his voice in a low whisper. His temper flared as he recalled what he was put through after he had been caught doing the exact same thing. When she didn’t answer he took it as confirmation and his eyes nearly rolled back into his head as he spoke,” Of course you are, why would the great Hope Mikaelson have to follow the same rules that the rest of us do.” 
It was a fair jab. To an outsider, it would seem like she was allowed to do anything she wanted with little fear of punishment. She was going to try and salvage this situation but Freya spoke up before she could,” My niece does not need to explain herself to you,” she said with the calmness of someone who knew that she was one of the most powerful beings in the room. 
Mg scoffs loudly, “ Not surprised,” 
Hope’s lack of food and shifting was affecting her and her temper was running thin. Her hands twitched at her side as she struggled to keep herself under control. “Of course I have to follow rules here,” she nearly growls,” they just aren’t the same rules you have to follow.” her own privilege in the eyes of the other students was not lost on her but there was very little she could do about it. 
“Like what?” Kaleb said smugly, arms crossed in front of him in a way that infuriated her.
 Her mind was spinning as she spilled all the things she was never supposed to tell the other students, “ Oh I don’t maybe me having to live here under a fake name for most of my life, or maybe its the fact that for me to even attend this school my mother had to make a deal with the mayor saying that seventy-five percent of my family couldn’t set foot in the town.” she rambled.
“And you’ve been so good at following that rule,” Kaleb shot back motioning to Freya. It’s true that all of Hope’s remaining family had been on campus recently but that didn’t stop her vision from turning red.
“We decided that rule was stupid because the mayor shot me,” she screamed,” he murdered me, right there in those wood, in case you’ve forgotten.” her words sank like stones as the lights flicker above her. Whether it was her magic or Freya’s she was wasn’t sure. The two vampires stepped back, put off by her fury and lack of control that was so unlike the Hope they knew. 
“What?” Freya growled, she seemed calm except for her stormy eyes. Keelin stepped in and removed a still sleeping Nik from her wife’s arms, she recognized how quickly this situation had gotten out of hand and she knew how Freya was going to react. 
The secret Hope had worked so hard to keep was now out in the open and if she didn’t rectify it quickly her entire family would soon know and the streets of Mystic Falls would run red. “Freya I can explain,” she spoke trying to regain some kind of control. 
“Mathew Donovan shot you,” she stated plainly but the lights once again started to flicker. Hope knew what was going to come next. The mayor would suffer some kind of painful death that would get covered up as an animal attack or something else equally ridiculous, but no one would be able to do anything about it.
“What’s going on?” Raf mumbled behind them as Walt glanced around warily. This was not how this meeting was supposed to go. If she could get Freya alone she could try and calm her Keelin would still have time to get to know Rafael and his family. 
Nik lifted his head groggily and mumbled something Hope couldn’t quite make out, but Keelin shushed him and he fell back to sleep with ease. “Please calm down aunt Freya,” Hope pleaded,” he doesn’t deserve to die for this.” 
“Oh but my darling he does,” Freya responded. Hope might not want any more death but her family was dead set on eliminating anyone who posed a threat to her and now Matthew Donovan fits straight into that category. “And he will.” Hope was now used to hearing her family speak of death and killing as nonchalantly as they do but the other people here were clearly unnerved by this. 
“Alright let’s take it down a notch,” Keelin interjected, placing a hand on the back of Nik’s head,” I shouldn’t need to remind you that we have small ears here.” Nik, of course, was her way out of this. 
Hope stepped quickly and took Nik into her arms, reveling in the way his little arms wrapped around her neck. “Freya let’s go upstairs and put Nik to bed and then we will take a walk and talk about this calmly and like adults.” she seemed calmer now that her attention was on her son, but Hope doubted it would be that easy. 
They left the stunned group and walked silently up the stairs. As much as Hope tried to block out all the sounds around her, her supernatural hearing didn’t have an on and off switch. As they walked away her ears lingered on the conversation below between Keelin and Raf. “Do you think Hope should have special treatment?” Rafael asks.
Keelin hesitated before answering,” I think that Hope’s enemies have infiltrated this school to hurt her before and that she always needs to be at her full strength to protect herself.” Raf didn’t respond.
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namuyoung · 4 years
caramel macchiato || knj
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pairings: namjoon x reader
genre: fluff uwu, barista!namjoon, bookworm!namjoon, university!au, f2l!au
word count: 3k words
desc: what do you do when your usual barista is the person you meet every day at your university?
a/n: helo yes i mad this thing like, out of pure boredom(??), cause like yEa i am just a mess and a bag of anxiety so yeehaw :^) also!! i’m really sorry if it’s sappy and bland cause lit’s my first ff :’D
"hhhhhhh,, i’m so sleepy” you mumble to yourself as you shut your alarm clock off
you took your phone that was charging overnight on your table side to see the time
“08:02 saturday, 22 september 20xx”
seems like you don’t have any classes today
you know what that means
you went to the nearest cafe that was only a few blocks away from where you study
you’re new in your university,
being your first semester here
and you are cool as a cucumber B)
just kidding
you are scared as sHIT--
and you can feel the outstanding weight of anxiety on your back
but you’re lucky that taehyung is in that university
taehyung is your best friend that you met during high school
he’s a good guy and he’s always there for you :D
and you wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts taehyung in anyway  (ง •̀_•́)ง
but anyway
last week you asked taehyung if there was any cool cafes near your university
and taehyung told you a neat cafe that served the best caramel macchiato 
and you loved that shit
and so you arrived in front of the cafe
you pushed open the glass door and you were greeted with the smell of java beans
the smell of coffee made you drowsy and high
or maybe it was the cute barista greeting you ;)
he seemed like a big dork with his turtleneck and square-shaped glasses
but he looks cute anyway
so you went up to the counter and he’s smiling and u swOre u saw a dimple forming on his cheeks
can this guy be any more cute
“hello! welcome to moonchild cafe! what would you-- wait, have we met before?”
the barista suddenly questions you as he focuses at you
he knows you?!
is he from your class??
he looks like he takes biology tho
seems like a big nerd so he’s probably a smart guy
“oh, i’m sorry?? but do we go to the same university??” you blurted out of surprise, still puzzled by his sudden question
“that’s it! you’re the new student from chemistry class! y/n, right?” 
i mean you were right about one thing
that he was smart
he sat at the very front of the class
and when you entered he smiled at you
so he must be a good guy
“yes, i remember you as well. you sat at the very front of class, didn’t you?”
the barista chuckled as to how you remembered that fact about him out of all the other things
“look, i’d love to talk, but there are other people behind me waiting as well” 
you spoke up and the barista looked at the line of customers behind you
“oH riGht of course! what would you like?” he quickly took out his notepad  and a black sharpie from his apron.
“venti caramel macchiato, two pumps vanilla and a dash of cinnamon. oh! don’t forget the foam and a drizzle of caramel on top!” 
he jotted down your order and told you the price
you payed him and waited at a seat by the glass window
he made your order in such a quick motion without any type of mistake
i mean he has been doing this for so long
it’d be embarrassing if he messed up
he basically had a master degree in making coffee
after a few minutes, your coffee arrived on your table
you took a sip of your caramel macchiato
and holy sHIt-
it was the bomb.com
it’s so good tho???
like the gods of caffeine had blessed your drink
but then u noticed a note on your cup
“kim namjoon, 2nd year. hope to see u at uni! :)”
you can help but chuckle at how adorable this guy was
your cheeks flustered everytime you took a sip of your coffee
and now classes are starting
and you are frustrated
and you are tired
philosophy is sO bOriNG thO :’(
not to mention that you have taehyung beside you poking every second you try to focus
you were this close to choking him in the middle of class
but you decided to spare him
and choke him outside of class
“oW hEY i am sOrry okay??? now can u let me go? :((” taehyung pleaded for mercy as u let him go and walked with him to the cafeteria
“i sweAr to gOD if you do that again i WILL cut your dick off >:((” you say as you sigh
“i promise!!” tae answered batting his eyes as innocently as he can
if you have other classes with taehyung you are sure he is definitely paraprosexia to you.
tae may be a morosis at times
but you loved him anyway
cause he bought you lunch!!
as u were both eating together and talking about the classes you guys took, someone caught your attention
you saw namjoon outside the cafeteria under a tree reading a book
seems like he’s reading a book about stephen hawking’s theories
“hey tae, do you know anything that guy over there?” you asked as you pointed towards namjoon’s direction
“oH yea, his name’s kim namjoon. he’s a philomath. all he does is read and does science-y stuff. he always works part time at moonchild cafe.” tae answered while munching down on his lunch.
a philomath huh
he must be a big introvert 
but he’s such an extrovert when he’s working!!
he’s probably a good guy!!
and you’re gonna find out!!
cause now you are right in front of him
he looks away from his book only to see you smiling at him
“y/n!! what bring you here?” namjoon beams up and closes his book
you sat a few inches away from him, hugging your knees to your chest
“i saw you and kinda wanted to talk to you, y’know?” you answered honestly
faint pink tinted visibly on namjoon’s cheeks, feeling touched over your comment
you guys talked for a while until it was time for class :((
but u guys walked together cause you both had chemistry after this!!
so then it became a daily routine for both of you now
going to chemistry class together and sitting next to each other
then every evening you would stop by moonchild cafe to have your regular caramel macchiato order
venti caramel macchiato, two pumps vanilla, a dash cinnamon, foam on top and a drizzle of caramel
sometimes as you do your assignments in the cafe, you would see namjoon sweeping the floors
or even see him interacting so well with the rest of his customers
your hearts goes so s o f t for this guy 
then after work, namjoon would study with you and even help you with your assignments, especially in chemistry
you even introduced taehyung to namjoon so that they could even hang out and be friends
despite on how different those two were
and you were even acquainted with namjoon’s brother, seokjin :D
seokjin even gave you the nickname pancake
cause you immediately fell in love with seokjin’s pancakes
seokjin owned a restaurant just across the cafe namjoon worked at
so those two would go home together after work hours
you really liked having namjoon around!! :)
taehyung and you were watching a movie at his apartment
yalls were watching a horror movie but instead of being afraid, both of you just made fun of every single move the ghost does 
bzz bzz
“hey y/n, isn’t that your phone?” tae said when he saw your phone vibrating on the table
“oh yea, imma go get it real quick” 
you got off the couch and reached your phone
it was a message from namjoon
joonie: hey y/n! are you free tomorrow? 
you: yea! i am, what’s up?
joonie: well, i wanted to go to the art museum with my hyung, but he had to bail on me cause he had to work.
joonie: i was wondering if you’d like to go with me instead?
you’re heart’s beating pretty fast right now
“taEHYUNG OH MY GOD” you screamed frantically that scared taehyung to deAth until he fell of the couch
“the hELL Y/N WHAT’S WRONG?!” taehyung said as he got off the floor, walking to your direction
you shoved your phone to taehyung and he read the text message namjoon sent you
taehyung shrugged and started to type out a message
“whaT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KIM TAEHYUNG” you screeched as you attacked him to get your phone
“i am hELpinG yOu-” taehyung finished typing “-and sent.”
you pushed taehyung on the floor (again) and looked the text taehyung sent at namjoon
you: of course joon! i’d love to go with you! send me the place and i’ll see u there xx
...“taehyung you are fucking dead”
so now you are in front of the place namjoon told you about
you looked at your watch 
are you too early?
you both promised to see each other at 11:00
yea you are too early
after rummaging your wardrobe for like, almost an hour
you wore a lemon turtleneck and a pair of jeans with matching black boots and sling bag.
you even wore a beret cause you think people at the art museum wears this(??)
dammit y/n you’ve been watching too much dramas
you turned around to see
not the nerd namjoon
but the
hot hot namjoon
hot namjoon
he wasn’t even wearing those boxy glasses of his
he’s wearing skinny jeans, a white tank and a red plaid shirt unbuttoned
dear lord do not let any nose bleeding to occur at this very moment
“namjoon?? i almost didn’t notice you there!! gosh you look so,, different” 
admit it hun you are in complete awe
look u can even see a bit of his abs
fuCK nO diRTy thOugHTS
“is it a good different or a bad different?” 
u can see that he looks insecure
but he shouldn’t!!
bOi he be looking like a greek g o d
“of course good different!! i think you look great joonie! :D” 
namjoon isn’t sure why but his heart is going doki doki for you ;)))
(spoiler: he likes you)
so you guys spent your day well!!
both of you went in the art museum 
but you didn’t really understand what was so fun???
cause you weren’t much of an artsy person
but you looking at namjoon awing at every painting makes you soft inside <3333
*coughs* i mean he himself is a masterpiece too *coughs*
afterwards,, you guys went for ice cream!!
namjoon bought you mint chocolate even if he didn’t like mint 
but cause he knows you like it so he just has it too!!
(he chugged a couple bottles of water to wash off the toothpaste sensation in his mouth)
some people even mistaken the both of you as a couple
you blushed every time someone makes that comment
namjoon becomes very flustered seeing how red you can be 
you two were just adorable :(((((
so you made your way to moonchild cafe
but you don’t see namjoon???
but you ordered your usual anyway
when it was given to you, it didn’t taste the same way namjoon did it for you
you wondered where namjoon went
i mean, he never misses work??? before?????
so you assumed that maybe he wanted to focus for his studies today
so you went to your university
and you saw taehyung
you asked taehyung if he had seen namjoon today
but taehyung only shrugged it off
“nah y/n, i haven’t seen him, what’s up?”
something’s not right :((
after philosophy, you went to his usual spot where he reads
just a tree
nothing else
he wasn’t even in chemistry class
ok now you are being paranOid
you tried texting and calling him like a million times
no answer :((
after all your classes you went to moonchild cafe back
still no joonie
you looked at jin’s restaurant
it’s closed
the doors were chained up
you were on your knees in front of jin’s restaurant
without realizing it, tears started forming on your eyes
taehyung’s here comforting you at your apartment
as soon as he finished his phone call with you saying that you needed him, he bought two tubs of mint chocolate ice cream to help cheer you up
taehyung’s hugging you closely and allowing you to cry on his shoulder
“he....he just left tae....i thought we had something tae...” you muttered out, still in disbelief
tae caressed your hair and told you everything will be okay
“thank you for buying your coffee here! have a nice day!”
you say as your customer gave you a tip
you decided to work as a barista as your part time job
something about making coffee just makes you feel a bit better about yourself
you were working as a computer programmer as your full time job
but what’s cool about it is that you were able to work at home, and at night
so you can do extra cash in the morning brewing coffee
you as a javaphile just can’t get away from caffiene
the bell rings implying that there is a new customer
you smiled at the customer and kindly asked what he wanted to purchase
“venti caramel macchiato, two pumps vanilla, a dash cinnamon and foam on top...”
you recognize this order
he looks up from his cap and opens his mask
“...oh, and don’t forget the caramel drizzle on top, please?”
oh my god
you were completely speechless
he could only smile faintly
“are you busy after your shift?” he cooed, awaiting your response
you can’t believe this
there’s so many thing you want to say to him
“oh my god like you disappeared for like 4 years and you never contacted me at all or even tell me anything about it so what the hell was that about and i fell for you for no reason only for you to leave me and shut me out so yes i am free”
“...it’s 4.99$ sir” is what you said instead
“oh, r-right.” namjoon payed his drink and sat at a table a few tables away from the counter
namjoon was devastated that he left you
and now he feels stupid for even showing up
especially since he never told you anything
i guess he was just afraid of being rejected by you
but leaving you felt even worse
when namjoon’s drink arrived, he saw a few scribbles on his cup.
it was your address with a little note you wrote on it
“i’m free after 6, come to my apartment if you want to talk, xx, y/n”
so now namjoon’s in front of your door
“hey y/n it’s me namjoon! haha, you know, the one that left- no wait, that’s stupid” namjoon blabbered at himself
you then open the door of your apartment
“o-oh, hey y/n.” namjoon finally muttered out some words
“hey namjoon. long time no see?”
“oh, hahaHaAH, yeA, right...” 
you allowed namjoon inside your apartment and sat on the couch, you being a few inces away from namjoon
there was a moment of silence between the both of you
the quiet atmosphere is just causing the situation to be more and more awkward
you knew that someone had to break this silence
*deep breaths*
both of you spoke up at the same time
both of you apologized
and you insisted namjoon to start talking first
namjoon took a deep breath and finally started talking
“y/n, first of all, i truly am sorry for disappearing out of the blue. i really wanted to tell you, but i guess i just got scared”
you kept your reaction blank
“i was really afraid if you would’ve hated me if you knew i had to move away. hyung got a promotion to work in the us and he found me a spot for university, so i had to move out.”
“yea, well congrats. i am very mad at you for just disappearing out on me joon. it was great.”
that’s a lie
you don’t want to be mad at him
it hurts you doing so
“i’m really sorry y/n. i thought that maybe not telling you might make it less hurt, but i couldn’t bare the fact that i was far away from you.”
namjoon saw your eyes change
“what do you mean?” you questioned him
“i mean, i can’t help but really like you y/n. the further i was from you made me realize even more that i really like you”
is he for real
he likes you too????
and it took him this long to tell you
“i get it if you still hate me, but i hope that we can still stay as frien-”
his sentence was cut off with your lips on his
his lips were soft and it tasted like the caramel coffee he had earlier today
namjoon was surprised by your action, but he immediately kissed you back, placing his hands on your waist
the kiss was sweet and tender yet needy, as if you guys were yearning this moment for so long
after breathless kisses, you decided to break the kiss
“you have no idea how long i had to wait to hear you say that to me”
namjoon couldn’t hold in his joy and wrapped his arms around you tightly
“i’m so sorry y/n, i won’t leave you now, i promise” he says as he pampers kissed all over you
you accepted his hug and embraced him even more
your apartment door was opened
“hey y/n, i finally bought the groceries that we were supposed to buy this saturda...”
taehyung stopped his sentence as he saw you and namjoon cuddling
“see y/n? i told you he’ll come back for you.” taehyung winked towards namjoon and goes to his room
“wait, what does taehyung mean by that?” you asked namjoon, absentmindedly
namjoon smiled and kissed your forehead
“i had the help of a friend to help me keep track of you, so that i can find you and finally tell you in person”
“tell me what?”
“that i love you.”
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