#gets me everytime I love zombie aus
donniehere · 6 months
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pairings: ot5!txt x reader. (separate.)
genre: apocalypse au, light angst, fluff.
warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of death, mentions of cannibalism, gore, apocalypse, zombies.
synopsis: the world is ending, humanity has entered a worldwide crisis, and you're stuck with them.
this quite literally inspired me to plan a whole fanfiction :3
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↬ The both of you were neighbors, and you were the one to let him inside your apartment three days after the crisis began, and from then on, you continued on fighting back to back.
↬ He doesn’t trust anybody. You won’t get to save anybody when it comes to him, bitten or uninjured. It will be just you and him.
↬ Acts fearless around you, when he’s actually a coward and seeks your comfort nonstop.
↬ Despite the fear that consumes him when a flesh-eating monster is ahead, he continues on protecting you, making sure you’re safe and uninjured, which you appreciate.
↬ Every night, one of you keeps watch so that the other can get some deserved rest.
↬ Everytime the both of you move from one location to another, he makes sure he has some sort of physical contact with you. Whether it’s interlocking his fingers with you, or having an arm wrapped around your shoulder. He cannot risk losing you in this already fucked up reality.
A high-pitched scream escaped your not-so hydrated lips as you landed harshly on the floor, a zombie climbing on top of you, attempting to bite the flesh of your face.
Your eyes fell shut instantly, embracing the upcoming painful death that never actually came. You felt the zombie’s corpse resting upon your body and slowly lifted your eyelids. The monster’s head was now detached from the body and Yeonjun stood above you, a metal bat painted in blood held in his hand.
His breathing was heavy and sweat rolled down the side of his face. “A-Are you okay?” He questioned, arm reaching down to help you up. With a groan, you pushed the corpse off of you and shakily took his arm and he lifted you up. You huffed as he pulled you into a tight hug, you hesitantly wrapped your arms around him too, embracing him back. Tears began streaming like a river down his face, “I thought I lost you..”
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↬ You both liked each other and he finally planned on confessing his feelings by taking you on a date to the beach. However, the date you’ve been dreaming about was ruined by an apocalypse, and the both of you struggled to survive. Thankfully love was the biggest hope.
↬ You broke into a weapon shop and stole some guns and knives in order to protect yourself. Let’s say.. you were unbeatable, despite the first-time struggle.
↬ You both learned how to defeat the zombies and decided on helping as many survivors as possible. And not too much later, you already established a large group of survivors who assisted you in fighting against the cannibals.
↬ While he’s harsh on the others, he is extremely soft when it comes to you, completely melting into your touch and words of affirmation.
↬Before every fight with the zombies, the both of you share a goodluck kiss, and promise to return alive.
You watched as Soobin instructed the survivors on how to handle a zombie, raising his voice at them whenever they failed. You felt bad, but they were quite useless if they didn’t know how to fight. After the training, Soobin came up to you, and fell right into your arms. “Don’t think you were too harsh?” You mutter, hand raising to brush through his nested hair.
“They have to be mentally strong to survive, anyway.” He exhales, arms smoothly wrapping around your waist. He lifted his head from your shoulder, lips pressing against yours sweetly. He pulled back and stared passionately into your eyes. “I’m happy you’re still standing beside me.”
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Two bandmates who goofed around at the beginning of the apocalypse until realization finally hit you, and then you began appreciating each other’s presence. The rest of your band was tragically turned into brainless monsters, and you were left with no option but to murder them yourself, since Beomgyu was mentally incapable of doing so.
Regarding to that, if you’d like to survive an apocalypse with Beomgyu, you’ll have to be the one taking the lead and making sacrifices, he’s just unable to fight face-to-face with a zombie.
Shares his food with you. Whether it’s a full meal or a little snack, he still makes sure to share his food with you as a way of thanking you.
You have those little moments where you bring up memories and experiences you’ve shared together before everything began— more like, ended. You eventually end up crying in each other’s arms.
A year after the apocalypse began, you both finally returned to the band’s shared apartment and surprisingly, Beomgyu’s guitar was still there. You agreed on carrying it with you just in case, and you definitely praised the old decision.
Two survivors sat on the top of a towering building, eyes glued to the starry night-sky. Beomgyu’s fingers danced along with the guitar’s strings as you gently bobbed your head to the sounds. You felt a weight lifting off your chest. “You look beautiful, even when you’re covered in blood and dust.” Beomgyu chuckles. You roll your eyes, thanking the gods that the darkness was keeping your flushed face hidden from Beomgyu’s sight.
“You should be thankful I’m capable of protecting the both of us.” You mumble, an exhausted exhale escaping your lips.
“I’m always thankful.” He smiles, earning a small grin from you too. “You know, moments like these make me realize that despite the fact that the world is ending, everything might still be okay, as long as I’m with you.”
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Best-friends who met thanks to the baseball club, and found themselves surrounded by bitten squadmates. Thankfully, you were returning from a competition when everything went down, so you were still wearing the gear and were handicapped.
The both of you stood strong against zombies, but Taehyun made sure to lead the way. He was always the one to check the hallways first, always the one to risk his life for you.
Is very protective of you, and never abandoned you. Will insist on fighting the zombies for you if it means you leaving uninjured.
You found a group of survivors in the school you were stuck in, and whenever they would spit at the both of you for being outsiders and not trusting you, Taehyun will stand up for you.
Words of affirmation. I repeat. Words of affirmation. The both of you continued on comforting eachother whenever needed, which is probably the only thing keeping you sane right now.
The rest of the students were already asleep, while the two of you volunteered to keep on watch for tonight. Taehyun was sitting down on the freezing cold, you laying between his legs, his chest pressing against your back. “Say, do you think we’ll make it out alive?” You questioned out of the blue.
“Who knows?” He sarcastically replied, not taking you seriously. His expression changed when you turned to look at him, tears falling from your eyes. “[Name]..” He calls softly.
“I’m sorry.. I couldn’t help but overthinking everything, and realization suddenly hit me. We might not make it out alive..” You choke on your own words. “Taehyun—“
“We’ll make it out alive, so stop worrying.” He directed a deep look into your glistening eyes. “I don’t care if we’re humanity’s last survivors, I promise the both of us will survive.”
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You were a nurse in a hospital, and he happened to run into you after searching for medical supplies for his friend, who apparently was injured. After you took care of his friend’s wounds, Kai dragged you along with them and kept you safe.
He has experience with video games of that kind, so he wasn’t exactly afraid, just stressed. He didn’t want to lose neither you or his friend. Unfortunately, a zombie had defeated his friend and Kai tried killing it, but got injured as a result.
You mostly took care of meals and the medication, while Kai fought. You were always concerned for his well-being, but he always gave you that short peck that calmed you down.
His love language is gift-giving. Every time he goes out in search of survivors or any sign of hope, he returns with a small gift just for you, warming up your heart.
He always finds a way to make you laugh through the harsh world, which you loved most about him. The way he could light up an entire dark world.
Kai had just returned from another mission which ended up with his arm getting scratched. You sighed, carefully treating his wound as he hissed at every slight touch. “You should be more careful.” You worriedly beg him.
“I can try..” He spoke with a soft smile. You had no idea how he was able to smile through the pain. “Also, I brought this with me.”
Your eyes jerked downwards to see what he was holding. A standing white flower. You were surprised. How come that flower is still alive?
“It was so beautiful and was outstanding amongst the dead field.” He raised his hand, giving you a full view of the beautiful flower. “It reminded me of you, since you’re able to standstill even during the strongest storms.”
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DISCLAIMER: This post is pure fiction and doesnt reflect the idols' actual behaviour and personalities.
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bellgraves · 3 days
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Phillip Graves x fem!reader 🩷
This is part 2 of my Graves Purgatory AU!!!
This is for @shadowcompanygirl 🥰
I hope you will like it!!! ❤️
You run along Shadows through old prison building. Graves was leading your team. He gave you a sign to stop.
"Listen everyone. We need to get to Stronghold. Plane with exfil will be waiting there for us. Be careful. Konni and those infected creatures are everywhere. Watch your back." Graves instructed you.
"Stay close to me." Graves whispered to you.
You only nodded and prepared your gun. You continued to run. Just when you left the prison, you have been attacked from all sides. Bullets where shooting from the roof by Konni mercenaries and zombies tried to bite you.
You were focused to shoot down the snipers, successfully you took all of them out.
You turned around, when you saw a soldier stabbing Graves from behind with knife.
You shooted him, but it was too late. Graves was lying on the ground, blood pouring from his chest.
"Oh god, oh god, please stay with me Phillip!!! I'm sorry...I'm sorry I was too late to save you " you where sobbing, trying to stop his bleeding, hands squeezing on his chest.
Graves was just lying there looking at you. He caressed your cheek with his gloved fingers.
"I'm fine darlin'. It's nothing. When I will see this bastard again I will make a execution on him. " Graves smiled.
"I killed him. But he managed to hurt you..." You turned your head to look at the body of the soldier, but he was not there.
"I'm sure I killed him! Bullet on his head! Where..." You stopped your sentence to look at Graves shocked.
His blood started to flow backwards, straight back to his chest. It was like invisible threads stitched his wound. He got up on his feet, and took his gun from the ground.
"Goddamn, this shit hurts everytime. Like it's real or something." Graves murmured, massaging his neck.
You looked at him in pure shock, eyes widen.
"How...Why..." You tried to speak.
"We are dead, darlin' did you forget?" Graves laughed.
The realization hit you. Yes. That was the truth. You all died and that was a purgatory.
"Let's go baby, we must finish our mission. Only then we will have time for each other." Graves grabbed you by your hand and you run together into the Stronghold.
The plane was already there. You saw Shadows still fighting with other soldiers. You were sure, you saw face of Captain John Price being punched by Graves, but the chaos was overwhelming around you.
"Hurry!! We're almost there!!" Graves urged you.
You entered the plane, Graves jumped just behind you, and started to put codes in his tablet.
The plane started and rose high in the air. The Rebirth Island exploded, nuked to the ashes. You saw how fire ate everything. It was a hellish sight.
"We did it darlin' " Graves smiled and pulled you closer, hugging you.
The plane took a turn and started to slowly fall down. A ladder opened for you, and Graves helped you to exit the plane. You were above a big ship.
The ship was not floating but standing still on a water, in the middle of nowhere. When you looked closer, the water was also still, just like a glass.
You get into the ship, and the plane flew away.
You and Graves were finally alone.
You found a room with a bed, and not wasting any time, you start to tear apart your clothes to finally feel each other.
You made love for hours which actually could even be for eternity. You felt the love that you have for eachother, and merging of your souls felt incredible.
After that, you were lying on the bed, embracing eachother. Graves slowly caressing you back, looking at your eyes, trying to devour the moment.
"You look exactly, like I remembered you. You still even have your scar on your cheek." You said and gently touched his face.
"That's my trademark isn't?" Graves chuckled and brought your palm to his lips to kiss it. "And you look beautiful and fierce. Just like I remembered you."
"I want us to stay here forever. In this ship. In this room." You said.
"We can't baby. We will be back on the Rebirth Island soon again. But we will be back here." Graves tugged you closer to his chest.
"How do you know that?"
"I remember sometimes, but sometimes I forget. It's difficult to explain. All I know...it's like coded into my soul... That we must finish the mission, take them all down, so we can exfile and get into this ship. " Graves sighted.
You noticed that something changed outside the window. It was not day and not night. Strange lights were flickering changing colours, from pink to blue, to red, green and yellow. Even there were colours, that you couldn't explain with words and that you have never knew that existed.
"I don't want this to end. I want to stay here. With you." You hid your face into the crook of his neck.
"This will never end my love. We will always comeback here." Graves kissed your forehead. "I just want you to know, that I love you so much. I love you beyond death and life. That's why, we will never seperate. We will always be together. This is the only right that we got here."
"I love you too Phil... So much." A tear has fallen into your cheek.
"I know baby. I know..." Graves wipped your tear with his kiss.
You noticed that colours outside, changed into more dark, more grotesque.
"Phil...I'm scared..."
"Don't be scared darlin' . I'm here with you. I will always be with you."
You and Phillip kissed and you closed your eyes. You felt like deep sleep is taking over you. Everything went silent and dark.
Then in the darkness you suddenly heard huge explosion. You opened your eyes. You were lying on the ground. Earth quakes was shaking everything around you.
Different soldiers where running and screaming orders. Some of them were fighting zombies, other were fighting merceneries and Task Forces.
You recognized this place. Rebirth Island.
You got up and you saw a burning tank, with Shadow insignia. You run into it, and you saw Commander Phillip Graves coming through fire.
Graves killed with single bullet in the head a zombie which fell into the ground.
"It's....you? Really you?" Graves asked.
"It's me.. I heard you calling me. I heard calling of your heart". You reply.
You hugged each other.
"Come darlin'. We must finish the mission. So we can be together. Alone." Graves grabbed your hand and you run towards the prison building.
The End
I apologize for any grammar mistakes!!!!
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misguidedasgardian · 1 month
Wildcats (Part XX)
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XX. I want it
Summary: Your adventure in DC continues.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injures, mentions of domestic violence, kissing, longing, angst, fluff, heavy kissing, implied intercourse, blueballzzzz (we are not getting any yet, sorry), WARNING, scenario were suicide was commited (implied by situation and walkers), talks about periods, A FIST/KNIFE/AX fight!, hopefully entertaining! someone being shot, might miss some important warnings, but you know what this is about
Notes: Alright, the mission is heating up! I’m super pumped with this story that I have been neglecting all my others, AND… I might be writing another part of “The course of Nature” because I got too inspired. ANYWAYS a thing that wasn’t even in my plans is getting more chapters then I even expected! like WHAT? I got so inspired!
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“I’m really sorry”, you whispered, as you accommodated your head on Daryl’s chest. You had found refuge in an office building near the smithsonian, you were excited to see the city center tomorrow, but still, you found refuge before sunset. Rosita and Abraham were a couple of offices down, but you could still… hear them. You had eaten the food you had brought from Alexandria, still not finding anything in that category to take back home. But the office building was empty except for a couple of walkers on the first floor.
“You said that”, he said, caressing your shoulders and back softly.
“I meant it”, you whispered. You felt extremely guilty for lying to him
“I said its fine”
“I don’t want to break your trust”, you said
“Ya’ didn’”, he whispered into your temple, “I pushed ya”, he said, “I wanted to keep ya safe, lockin’ you up in there”
“I get why you did it”, you said softly, “but you had been avoiding spending time with me alone”
“I know”, he mumbled
“I thought you were regretting kissing me that day and… I wanted to go away a few days so we could have some perspective on things”
“No need no perspective”, he said with a chuckle, “I wanna be with ya”, you let out a breathy chuckle, relieved.
“Oh good! I wanna be with you too”, you said, squeezing his torso with your arms, and cuddling more into him. 
“I remember all thing ya said to me”, he whispered, “that I deserve to be loved, and cared for, and that I belong with y’all”
“Good”, you said, feeling happy tears, a tingling in your nose. You pressed a kiss against his clothed chest. He placed his fingers on your chin, raising your head so he could kiss you slowly, gently, passionately.
This was going too fast, you believed, you were questioning yourself a lot, but… fuck it, the world has gone to shit, and everytime you said goodbye to someone, might be the last. Daryl wanted to be with you, you wanted to be with him, and that was all that mattered, you only had today, you couldn’t take tomorrow for granted.
You moaned softly into the kiss, as you took your hand behind his head, and caressed his soft locks. 
Was this it?
He grunted into the kiss, grabbing into you tighter, his big hands touching your back, and your sides, not letting them wander to more interesting places. Your hand sneaked through the open buttons of his shirt, finding his skin so warm, it was soft, but it had ridges, scars you’d guess. 
You were so warm yourself, especially in your lower abdomen. Daryl could turn you on with just looking at you, or talking, or just… standing there. It was a bit embarrassing really… 
You wanted him so bad…you unbuttoned the third one of his shirt… to feel more of him. 
“Wait”, he said, and you stopped in a second, you looked at him with curious eyes
“What’s wrong?”, you asked him
“Not ‘ere”, he said softly, caressing your cheek with his hand, “home”, you only smiled and kissed his cheek
“Alright”, you whispered, “sorry, I got carried away”, you admitted, 
“Besides, I think Eugene is watchin”
“That little creep”, you laughed. 
“Sorry”, you heard from behind the door.
“Sleep”, he said, kissing the top of your head, “I’ll watch”
“Promise you’ll wake me to relieve you?”
“Sure”, he said, you were accommodated by his side, allowing him free movement but close enough that you could feel him. You felt a bit of uncomfortable wet panties… but well… you couldn’t do anything right now.
You understood it, he wanted to be home, safe, it was a bit reckless to do it here, like… well… like Abraham and Rosita. Especially if it was going to be the first time of the two of you. It had to be special.
. . .
“We should… send someone”, murmured Rick, watching his clock
“You said 96 hours”, said Michonne, “they still have little less than 72 to go”, she giggled
“I shouldn’t have let them go, and Eugene is missing”, he said, looking at the road from the highpoint in the gates. 
“He is with them for sure”, she said, she looked at Rick with a raised eyebrow, “you really underestimate her”, she asked him, entertained, “you realize she killed two men the second night we ever met her?”
“That was circunstancial”, he said, shaking his head. 
“She lived alone out there for months”, Michonne said, “they will be fine, if anything, Rosita and her will keep Daryl and Abraham safe”, she said with a laugh, grabbing his shoulder, “we have bigger concerns now”, she murmured. Rick frowned.
“I never thought I’d found a huge canyon filled with walkers”, he said
“Maybe they find something good in DC”, muttered Michonne
“What? a nuclear weapon?”, mocked Rick
“Let’s wait for them”, she said, “until we figure out what to do”, she muttered.
. . .
“Wow”, you murmured, it was quite impressive, and surreal, the huge monument to Abraham Lincoln. That severe-looking man sitting there, looking down at you. 
The building had been kept mostly intact, some graffiti here and there, but mostly intact. 
“Let's keep moving”, you said to the team, this was an indulgence, and so far in your trip you haven’t managed to secure any of the five items. 1.Intel, 2.Medicine, 3.Weapons, 4. foods, 5.Clothes and others.
You looked like tourists as you passed by the White House, this did look like it had received some damage, as you started to see remnants of the military all over the park that led from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol itself. 
So far the mission has been going well, but… you needed something to show for it. So you were going to the CDC, it was insanely close, at least in the map. 
But you didn’t even to get out of the truck, the place was completely destroyed, it looked like it exploded
“Just like the one in Atlanta”, muttered Daryl, who was not impressed. He expected this to happen. 
He had his doubts about this mission, he came along first and foremost to make sure you were safe. He thought this was a huge waste of time, he knew the probabilities of the CDC being destroyed, and he didn’t understand the importance of ridiculous papers that nothing could do for you right now. But again, something might come out of this trip.
“We went to the CDC in Atlanta”, he said, “ a couple of months after everything went to shit, there was only one guy there”, you stopped the car to listen to him. “he was done, lost comms to everybody else, said they gave up”, he mumbled, “these buildings blow themselves up when something goes wrong”. That made complete sense. 
“Well, we tried”, you said, putting the truck in motion again
So you continued to the next item in your list, a huge shopping mall. You needed to get at least a couple of decent meds to make the trip worth it. Or at least some clothes… or canned goods.
You got the truck all into the parking lot underground. A couple of dozen walkers were roaming around, coming rushing to where you were driving through. Abraham got ready to jump out of the car, instead you stopped him. 
“Hold on tight”, you announced, as you hit the accelerator, coming straight for them, and then you turned quickly, turning the truck around and sweeping a bunch of them. Luckily all your people were inside the truck, and you managed to incapacitate a dozen at least of the walkers. 
“Badass”, muttered Rosita
“Thank you! I love driving!”, you said cheerfully, and now you jumped out of the car to end the rest, and finish off the ones who laid broken on the floor. 
The underground entrance was all closed up with shopping carts, chairs and clothing department stores accessories, for the dead, it was impossible to sort out, but not for you -living people-, you climbed over pretty easily. 
Clearly people had been holding up in here, so you tried to not get your hopes up, as you came across the supermarket. Some walkers grunted towards you, but only three, Daryl took one as you took another and Abraham shot the last one. The shot rang through the store, you heard some other grunts from afar, but nothing mayor.
There were some things missing in the hallways, but the canned aisle still had much to show for it, to your relief.
“Let’s go to the shopping part of the mall”, you commanded, we pass by on the way back to the truck”, you commanded.
You sneaked a peak at them, and they seemed pleased and happy, and you therefore were happy and relieved. Eugene walked a few steps back, looking at everything with doubting eyes.
You were relaxed now, you had food, somewhat assured, you were going to be great, you were going to be great…
You heard more grunts, but as you walked towards the open space of the shopping mall, the one with all the mechanical stairs, you found… what happened to all of those who had been cupped up in here. They had ended themselves by jumping off the higher floor, they were seven of them. 
“Heads up”, you called, with your ax, you started pounding a metal SALE sign. It resounded everywhere, but no grunts or others could be heard near.
“Looks like we are in the clear”, muttered Abraham. 
“Now it's the time to split”, you called, “Rosita, girl’s shopping trip, guys, you know what to do, we meet here in two hours”, you said.
“Yes boss”, you didn’t want to micro-manage, so you let them decide the minor details of their safety concerns, as Rosita smiled at you.
“Let’s start at the top and go down from there”, you said happily. You found the stairs and climbed swiftly to the fifth floor. 
Daryl watched you leave with a frown, and then looked at Abraham and Eugene.
“Let’s start here, meet the girls in the middle”, he said
“Yes Boss”, said Abraham, entertained.
They started on the first floor, going through the different stores, not many useful things, Abraham took the time to end the walks that were smashed on the floor, and Daryl thanked him, he couldn’t stand the grunting sometimes. 
They entered a clothing store, mostly fashionable things that couldn’t be too useful, but they grabbed some shirts.
Eugene begged them to stop by an electronic store, so they mounted guard as he went inside, mumbling something about radios and signals.
Just across the hall, stood a jewelry store, one of the fancy ones.  Abraham walked towards it, and Daryl, thinking he was onto something, followed him.
“Ever thinkin’ about settling down?”, Abraham asked him. Looking at the rings trough the shopwindow, Daryl just looked back at him, a month ago, he would have said, fuck no, that nothing is settled, and it kept being true, everytime they thought they were doing alright something else happened… but, against all odds, he immediately thought of you
“Yeah”, he said with a soft smile. Abraham smiled at the archer
“As you should!”, he said, pointing with a finger. “That one’s a firecracker, why don’t you make an honest woman out of her, uh?”
“Is not good timin”, he whispered against the glass. It was insane, he knew you since so little ago, and yet, you had lived together so many things… you had connected in a way that was insanely different from anything he had felt before…
“I don’t know if you noticed son, but the whole damn world came crashing down on our goddam asses, when the hell is going to be a good time?”, he asked, “we make it”, he said, he broke the glass in front of him, where the most luxurious rings were. “I’m taking one for my missus”, he said gingerly. 
“IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?”, you asked, pointing, Rosita followed your sight and smiled
“YES IT IS!”, A completely untouched underwear store.
“The girls are gonna love us”, you said with a big smile.
“The boys too”, she teased, as you cracked the window and managed to open the door. 
You grabbed everything made of cotton or seamless, as it was the most comfortable, in all sizes so anybody could take them 
“You should grab a special one for Daryl, if you know what I mean”, muttered Rosita with a wink
“I don’t think he is into this sort of thing”, you said, looking at the most… intricate pieces. “You should grab some for Abraham”, you teased back
“I already did”, she mocked back. You kept looking through the store, you took some bras too, you had spent some really uncomfortable weeks out there, especially when the wire in your bra tried to stab you in the heart, you couldn’t even trust your underwear… 
“I feel like shit for even looking at this stuff”, Rosita murmured, the store also sold perfumes and creams and other objects of more of an… intimate nature, “we should be scouting for medicine or food”, she said, and you were not gonna lie, that was on your mind too.
“I’m done feeling guilty for enjoying the little things”, you said with a soft smile. “we should enjoy them while we can”, you took some candles, a body lotion for massages, and a perfume. “After all the rot, we deserve something nice”, you said. “at least, that smells nice”, you said, and she nodded grabbing some things for her too, those were going into your personal bag.
Alongside a set you liked…
Then, right across, there was a pharmacy
“See? back on track!”, you said. You raided the shit out of it. As you had grabbed a cute looking bag from the intimate store, and you filled it to the brim with medicine. 
You grabbed hygiene products for the ladies. 
“Grab those”, said Rosita, pointing at some tampons. 
“Haven’t gotten mine since like a year”, you mumbled. referring to your monthly bloods
“Me just last week, but before that, months”, she muttered. “Well, nutrition and…well… stress has a BIG role”. she said, and you just nodded, grabbing some alcohol 
You grabbed some condoms too, just in case. And you grabbed everything you could get your hands on, but you were being smart, you grabbed antibiotics, antiallergics, and all the generals.
This was a gold mine, it was so strange to find things that haven’t been raided, and you were so relieved, because your mission was becoming a success. But you didn’t want to claim victory yet.
The situation was getting heavy, so you started packing everything.
First mistake in your mission, you should have gotten another vehicle before getting all the goods. With Eugene in on it you hardly believed you could fit half of it, you will need to hijack something soon.
You kept searching through the upper levels of the mall, scavenging, in the sports store you got some good comfortable first layers of clothes. And then, in a corner of the third floor, you found a little gold mine
“Oh!”, you pointed at Rosita, a Japanese Store, which sells all types of candy and… instant ramen, “those could go a long way on runs!”, you said quickly, she nodded, they tools pace, but they were very light, so it was worth a shot.
“I’ll go check the store in front for some thick jackets”, she said with a soft smile, and you nodded, if you could find a box, you were golden.
You entered the store and you couldn’t believe it, they had your favorite flavor! roasted pork. You found a  box in the back and started grabbing ramens with both hands full. Your favorite flavor, because it was rare and you were the scavenger so…
Scavenger’s choosing
You had already filled a box with them, taking them out of the shelf, when you saw movement in the corner of your eye. You turned quickly, hand in your holster. 
As you did a 180 degree turn, you came face to face with a huge silhouette, a mask was hiding the identity of what you could assume was a guy. SO close, you wondered how the fuck he manage to sneak up so close to you without noticing
“Hey!”, you managed to say, you grabbed your gun in a quick movement, dropping the ramen in your other hand. It was a mere second, he moved so quickly, it was extremely odd for someone of his size. He kicked your gun out of your hand. and then he turned and slapped you across the face. 
You were barely processing what was going on, you were going to grab your ax then, but he put his closed fist in front of his mouth and blew. A red dust came flying into your face. And you immediately started coughing 
“Sriracha!?”, you screamed, as your eyes started burning, “what the fuck is wrong with you?!”, your eyes burned like hell, preventing you from seeing how he grabbed you, and threw you against piles of boxes. You let out a short scream as you felt how bland food inside those packages turned to mush under your weight. Oh now you were angry. 
The man was running towards the door of the store, in your anger, you threw yourself at him, grabbing him by what looked like a military jacket, you couldn’t quite see yet. You grabbed on what you could, like a freaking koala, as you started throwing hands in the hallway, not letting him get away. 
“HEY!”, you heard Rosita scream. She ran towards you like a spitfire, she dropped to the floor in a second, sweeping him off of his feet, making drop to the floor and you with him. You managed to hold onto him to subdue him. Rosita threw herself at him, but he kicked her far, making her slide over the slippery tile floor. He grabbed you from your jacket, dropped you to the floor as easy as you were some rag doll, and then let his fist drop to your sternum, stealing all of your air.
“Motherfucker!”, you cursed.
“Come at me!”, Rosita called, and you both witnessed how this dude ninja jumped himself from the floor in a single movement, making you drop your mouth to the floor. 
Rosita squared out to him, inviting him to a fist fight, you managed to regain your breath, standing from the floor behind him.
You grabbed your ax, Rosita grabbed a knife, and this guy grabbed fuckin nunchuks that were hanging from his belt
“What the fuck?”, you whispered to yourself. You triangled with him, he was with his back to the glass railing that led to the emptiness five floor down
You wanted to communicate with Rosita, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him for a second, this guy was like ninja.
Rosita attacked him first, she was a fine wielder of the hunting knife, but this guy was again, a freakin’ ninja! He managed to perform some sort of a Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kick, making Rosita lose the knife as quickly as she wielded it. Then, he pushed her so hard she broke an entire shop window of a crystal shop
You threw your ax at him, but he quickly evaded it, it flew through the air, and dropped five stories down. Why would you do that? Well, you didn’t think you were gonna miss…
He was looking at you, you were looking at him, both standing still. But you had one more weapon on you. You grabbed the knife. You were no expert in hand to hand combat, but you threw yourself at him nonetheless…
You tried to stab him, grabbing the knife like a stabber in a slasher movie, playing with it, as he blocked you one hand, you dropped the knife to grab it with your other, you almost caught him, but he was so quick, like a freaking cat. 
Let’s just say, he kicked your ass. 
You didn’t even want to see the bruises that were going to be left on your skin after he hit you with the nunchucks. You just felt yourself losing your footing, falling against the window railing that cracked under the pressure. An immense feeling of dread/vertigo filled you when you realized. He grabbed you by the neck, making your back bend in an incredible angle, your head on the very cliff. He wasn’t choking you, he just wanted to push you, his masked face over you. You tried to grab his neck back, but he was wearing a field military uniform, and a thick mask, you could squeeze him, and you could remove his mask either. It wasn’t even a costume or anything, it was like a black ops thing, something you’d see in a war video game.
You heard your name being called from below, you tried to see the guys down there, but you got incredibly light headed 
“CLOSE YOUR EYES!”, Rosita commanded, and you did.
Then Rosita appeared behind him, breaking a freaking crystal base on his head. you felt the pieces dropping on your face and falling over. He released you, stumbling backwards. Rosita grabbed your jacket and pulled you towards her in a single movement, saving you from the cliff. 
Now that this person was stumbling a bit stunned by the hit. You and Rosita threw yourself at him, full on sprinting, you pushed him, the three of you falling into the crystal shop. Glass breaking everywhere, a noise that could draw walkers from ten blocks away. the three of you stood up in the middle of the chaos, this was personal, this guy tried to throw you over a railing.
You grabbed the next big thing that you could, it was a glass sculpture of a cat, Michonne would have loved it, and you threw it at him with all your might. 
He evaded it, turning towards you, grabbing you and throwing against a 4-shelf rack filled with crystal knick knacks. 
You were amazed nobody was bleeding, as you destroyed every single thing in that store, throwing punches against the stranger. IT WAS HIS TURN TO END UP UNDER A SHELF, as you grabbed one that was behind him as he fought with Rosita and you threw it over him 
“Where’s your gun!?”, she asked, as you could catch your breaths for a second as he tried to pull himself from under the wooden shelf.
“Somewhere in the ramen store”, you whined, you were hurting all over, but nothing was broken or bleeding, so you guessed you were fine.  
You placed yourself on Rosita’s side, and both raised your fists, preparing for like… the fifth assault, as he still fought against the shelf. This man broke through the shelf like it was made of paper, and threw himself at you in a desperate attempt. He pushed you both through the showindow, falling into the hallway again. This time, the wind had been knocked out of you both, you stood up whoever you could, helping each other. But he had other plans…
He pushed past you, grabbed the box filled with roasted pork ribs ramen, and ran away so quickly that for a fraction of a second you believed you had hallucinated the whole thing. 
“Pendejo!”, cursed Rosita, helping you up
“What’s that guy’s problem?”, you asked, wiping the pieces of glass off your clothes. 
Abraham and Daryl appeared in the hallway, running
“Ya alright?”, asked Daryl, appearing with his crossbow up, checking the both of you, “who the hell was that!?”, he dropped his weapon, and he grabbed your chin softly, to watch your face, making you look at him, “Are ya alright?”, he whispered
“He kicked our asses”, you whined, now feeling the bruises you were NOT going to look at. 
“We got some good licks in him”, said Rosita, smiling widely. You fistbump her. Now that you both had survived it, you could actually laugh about it. This wack job just wanted some ramen
“The ninja left the building”, said Eugene, appearing through the emergency stairs, he looked positively traumatized. 
“Your ax almost took his head off”, said Daryl with a concerned whisper.
And it was true! It took everything you had to retrieve your ax from where it had landed, nailing itself deep on the tile and the cement underneath. This was some good ass ax. 
You grabbed everything you had scavenged and gathered everything on the first floor. You had so many things now you didn't know what to do with them, especially when you got to a store that sold a lot of denim. 
You scavenged all the stores in that damn mall, that you spent the night, -a very comfortable night- in the bed and mattress section in a huge departmental store. 
You searched for some privacy, you tapped and shaked everything in you, and still small pieces of glass kept dropping from your person. 
When you moved, you could feel them, bruises on your sides, your ribs, he got some hits in your arms… you were “lucky” it had been so close to him, he didn’t manage to get some really good punches in, not enough space to gain traction for the hits. 
You grabbed some ointment from the pharmacy, placing yourself in front of a mirror.
You could barely raise your right arm, now the adrenaline had passed. Daryl appeared through the mirror, behind you
“Let me help you”, he said softly. you nodded. You didn’t had the energy to concern yourself with small things, you just stripped from your jacket and your shirt, leaving yourself only in a sports bra.
He hissed when he saw them, you did too. 
“Bastard got you good”, he whispered, you hissed when the cool ointment couched the skin of your side, but he was gentle and kind, an amazing feat with those big hands of his. “are you sure ya alright?”, he whispered. You barely nodded
“Yes, we got off easy, that dude was like a freakin’ ninja”, you whined. 
“Dude attacked you both for some ramen?”, he asked, almost chuckling
“I can relate”, you said with a chuckle, “after all I fought him off for those, they are really good”, you laughed, he chuckled. being done with applying the soothing cream, he dropped a kiss to your naked shoulder, you turned around to meet him. looking at his beautiful eyes. “Thank you”
“You’r surreal”, he whispered with a soft smile. You felt your cheek heated, your vision got a bit blurry with happy tears and you laughed nervously
“I’m very real Daryl Dixon”, you said, a bit embarrassed. He kissed you softly, considering you had just gotten the beatin’ of your life. 
You slept cuddled in the bed next to the rest of the group, so no funny business, but it was sweet, as you felt him next to you, as he couldn’t touch you much due to your bruises. 
And in the morning, you hit the hardware store. 
“Is that transparent tarp?”, you asked Abraham, he looked at it, checking it
“Yep, thick and uncut”, he said, winking at you. You chuckled.
“I want it”, you said, “I saw Reg’s plans for a greenhouse, and that’s how we do it”. You should have made a list, because you were grabbing things randomly. 
“Yes ma’am”, he said.
“Found a siphon, to get gas out of cars!”, said Rosita from two aisled over
“We’ll take it!”, Daryla actually found arrows for his crossbow. 
“How are we going to take all these things?”, asked Rosita, as you had gathered a good pile of things you needed. 
“Good question”, you mumbled
“I can go out there”, mumbled Daryl, “get a car”
“Not alone”, you said quickly, looking at him, he nodded. “we gather all the things, go for a vehicle outside later”
And that’s what you did. 
It was already midday on the third day. Being inside the mall made you forget about the outside for a while, but the sun was shining and you felt optimistic. You were not concerned for the military ninja, you were five, or at least, four fighting bodes and he was one, so you decided to just let him go, it was better if you never saw him again
That ramen-stealing bastard. 
You stepped onto the streets, they were still pretty clear but with a bunch of trash in it, weird, as it was the only one, the others were pretty cleared….
You were near Constitution street, one of the most popular ones… the centric one…
“We need to get a big ass vehicle”, said Abraham, as he stepped into the street.
it all happened in a second, in one he was there and in the next, he was on the floor, being dragged by a cable. You all jumped like springs into action, Rosita and you tried to grab his arms, as he was being dragged through the streets.
The sound of a whirring, a mechanical pulley or something was pulling him, it was a trap.
The thing stopped on the other side of the street, and it was tangled good around his ankle
“Abraham!”, called Rosita, he was moving rapidly.
“IT'S A TRAP!”, he screamed, enraged from the floor.
Daryl grabbed your ax you passed him and snapped the metal cable
“TAKE COVER!”, you commanded, and Daryl and Rosita helped Abraham jump towards the closest building, away from enemy eyes.
Immediately they lowered in the lobby of an office building, to check his injury
“It’s fine”, he grunted
“Stay alert!”, you commanded, grabbing your gun, “we need that rifle Rosita”, she pointed and through the scope. 
Eugene checked the wound as Daryl helped him get out of the metallic tangle on his ankle.
“I’m fine!”, he said, freeing himself, his ankle was fine, not broken, it didn’t even break his skin.
“I don’t see anyone”, said Rosita, still pointing and checking the building in the other side of the street
“Could be an ol’ trap”, muttered Daryl. You took a long breath. From one moment to the next, everybody was looking at you.
“Are you alright to keep moving?”, you asked Abraham
“Yes Ma’am”, he said quickly
“Alright, we need to find and hijack a vehicle, a big vehicle, we move through the lobbies of the buildings, away from the open until we see one”, you said assertively 
And that’s what you did
With a trembling Eugene you almost ran down the street, from lobby to lobby, trying to gain more terrain as you progressed, but again, there were no more signs of anybody, no walkers, no snipers, no military ninjas, no anything.
You all stopped in a building in front of a huge esplanade, where more rests of the military stood, and there, sitting gingerly, a huge jeep
“I want it”, you said, the four of them looked at you, and you pointed right ahead, at the military vehicle. 
Was it a Hummer? It looked like a special edition Hummer, but bigger.
“That thing consumes more gas than…”, started Abraham. 
“And I want that too”, you said, pointing at a huge wagon, with tall railings made of thin metal tubes, it could be able to transport things, animals, or even people who misbehaves, stood in the other side of the esplanade, “We are going to fill it up with all the things we are going to bring home, and then carry it with that thing”
“That would be a High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle”, muttered Eugene, “or HUMVEE for short”
“I don’t care what it's called, it's cool, and I want it”, you said with a wide smile. 
“Yes ma’am”, said Abraham with a smile on his face, adjusting his gun ready to shoot at whatever might come at you.
“We go first, you cover our asses”, you muttered to Rosita and Daryl, you looked at Abraham, who just nodded at you
You both walked together towards the vehicle, you must have looked badass.
“This vehicle can work anywhere, anyhow, the wheels don’t get flat, and they can work with different fuels, this vehicle will work like a charm for us, especially if we connect the wagon”, he said excitedly as you were, and you felt weirdly validated.
“Great, that is what we need”, you said happily
He wasted no time in opening the front, where the engine was, to check it
“Light it up!”, said Abraham as you discovered the vehicle was indeed open. You sat behind the wheel and started it. It ran like a charm, almost too good to be true, the tank was a bit empty, but you could siphon out of any cars around, really. You had enough to get somewhere. At least back to the shopping mall
Once it was running, Daryl, Rosita and Eugene came, all with weapons in the air. You looked around, you were surrounded by two big buildings, one right next to you, and the other on the other side of the esplanade.
A battle had been fought here, there were bodies… or rather… skeletons in some places, rests of bullets, a small fight… and on the other side of the long esplanade, that must have been a plaza or some sorts, was another big vehicle that you recognized immediately due to the shape of the back
“IS THAT A WATER TANKER?”, you asked excitedly, looking at the big truck ahead 
“Let me guess…”, mumbled Daryl
“I WANT IT!”, you all said in unison. You had a big smile
“With it, we can have water wherever, or gas, or anything!”, you said excitedly, “we NEED it”, you said with a smile. “We could fill wells! we could take water to whomever needs it! we could…!”
“We get the picture”, said Rosita with a wide smile.
“This is like Christmas”, you said excitedly. 
“I’ll attach the HUMVEE to the wagon”, said Abraham
“I’ll help him”, said Eugene.
“I’ll go check it out”, said Rosita
“We’ll cover”, you assured her, looking at Daryl. 
It was open, just like the HUMVEE, inside there was a corpse, blood splattered over the copilot’s window. Daryl took it out as Rosita opened the front to check the engine.
“You know how to drive this thing?”, Daryl asked. 
“I can drive tractors, once a friend taught me how to drive a truck, but I forgot a bit”, you mumbled, “but how hard can it be, right?”, you asked joyfully, “I’ll check it around”, you said, there was a metal stair welded to the side, so you climbed to the top, to check if there were holes in it, or if it was clean at least. 
It was clean. You looked around and you couldn't believe it, this city was almost untouched, maybe a couple of herds formed and left the city, but this was great, you could come back…
“Looks like if we can hijack it, we can take it!”, said Rosita, “looks good!”
“That’s great!”, you said with a wide smile. This was actually great. You could breathe more easily, this was going great, you were going to be set for months! the whole of Alexandria, you were pulling your weight! you were…!
A shot rang through the air at the same time you felt a lightning bolt hitting your shoulder from side to side. You actually felt like your arm had detached, or rather, had been ripped from your body. 
You heard your name being called but your body, your mind, had been gripped tightly by adrenaline, as you didn’t even feel when you landed on the street below. The impact throwing you out of the top of the truck
You had been shot
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ACN: I think this must have been one of my favorite chapters to write! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writting it! jeje
taglsit <3 @crazyunsexycool @capricxnt
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connie-banana · 1 year
Do you ever think about how Jane Austen decided that the prettiest, loveliest and kindest Bennet sister, who marries an equally lovely handsome man who just happens to be really rich and falls in love with her at first sight, should be named Jane?
Because I do.
And then I think; if one of the most famous authors of all time can put a blatant wish fufillment self-insert into her greatest work, maybe fanfiction writers can do whatever the hell they want.
And then I think about 15 year old edgelord me - who spent way too much time in forums making fun of people who wrote about their mary sues falling in love with Legolas and Draco Malfoy - and how she should get over herself and stop being mean to people who enjoy things because she's jealous of them.
And I think about that other 15 year me - who was terrified about what people in school would think about the fact she wrote fanfiction and that it wasn't even any good - and how she will never see, or indeed think about, anyone she goes to school with ever again in 3 years time, and maybe she shouldn't waste her youth worrying about what people think about her hobbies.
And then 35 year old me - who worries that she's too old for any of this now, that there's more productive things she could do with her time and she isn't even a good enough writer to become a published author - thinks that life is too short and too stressful to feel embarrassed and guilty for doing something that makes her happy.
And then I remember that zombie apocalypse Kastle fic that I read in one go, which was the best piece of writing I read all year and I sent to everyone I know.
And that story about Captain America and Thor going to Dennys, which I reread everytime I feel down and have stored on my phone for just such an occasion.
And that ongoing 1977 Gwen Stacy AU fic that made me cry the other night.
And I also remember that Sansa Stark two shot I wrote, which made one girl reach out to me privately to say it had helped her.
And then I think that maybe I can write.
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hadtochangemyurlquick · 11 months
it's really late but here's the fic recs for clextober!!!
Day 1: Spirit Week! 
who are you wearing? by geralehane (@geralehane)
is your classic halloween soulmate au that, thanks to the quality of the writing, hits extremely hard everytime. for a simple concept i have layed awake at night thinking about it.
Day 2: Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice 
A Bit of Clarity by Aphrodites Law (@aphrodites-law)
is a sweet fall themed supernatural au that I'm sure we all know and love but is always worth giving a shout out. everyone begins to get visions of their past lives and it's a coffee shop au. If you like soulmates, read this asap.
Day 3: Annual Fall Festival 
the river's deep (but I swam it) by isawet (@sunspill)
i love isawet's one shots and this collection of halloween prompt fills written in 2017 is some of my favorite that they've done. highly recommend to anyone who wants to stay in the halloween spirit. mostly modern aus and all absolutely perfectly bite sized while still remaining filling.
Day 4: Magical Nights 
oh where do we begin? (the rubble or our sins) by the_crownless_queen
this is one of those lost in the clexa tag one shots that i always think gets overlooked. i always wished they would continue it, but even as a one shot it is so fantastic to think about and adore, and absolutely worth the read.
Day 5: The Other Side 
breathe into my lips the life i do not have by ur_the_puppy (@ur-the-puppy)
ur_the_puppy's ability to put 40k words into one chapter and still have it be not only coherent but heart wrenching and gorgeous is unparalleled. this one follows clarke in a haunted house, falling in love with her roommate. would highly recommend if you need to cry and also feel joy but in the way zadie smith defines it.
Day 6: Vampires vs. Werewolves 
bleeding love by geralehane (@geralehane)
you know, i try to avoid reccing the same author twice in a rec list, but i could not decide between these two, and i gave up. especially since i'm supposed to be doing a reading rn lol. i can't telly ou how many times ive read this goddamn story and lost my fucking mind. it wouldn't be possible, honestly. young vampire clarke and elder vampire lexa fall in love. trust me.
Day 7: Free Day
Shifters by DreamsAreMyWords (@dreamsaremywords)
damw is fairly (and rightfully) well known in the fandom for specifically their ability with craft in the fantastical genre. I like to pick less well known fics for my free day and i have to say, this one is entirely overlooked. i love a zombie apocalypse and this is a total twist on the genre. the line "birth is always violent" has stayed with me not as just a powerful line but as a mantra to remind myself that becoming will hurt but is worth it. would highly recommend you move it up your marked for later lists.
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mariatesstruther · 9 months
okay hear me out modern au where Tommy and Maria first meet in a club in their 20s and they bump into each other while dancing and just start dancing together and they just hit it off but in the end they both forget to give each other their numbers so both of them go back to the same club the next week to hopefully meet each other again (also Tess and Maria definitely go clubbing together because I love them as best friends)
cowboy!!!! yes yes YES i LOVE this. and u could extend this meet-cute into like a whole thing where tommy and maria keep trying to meet at the club and exchange information, but something gets in the way everytime!!!! kid emergency!!! bar fight!!! cocaine bear on the loose!!! zombie apocalypse—who knows????
im thinking the first time, tess drags maria to a bar she likes because she’s been trying to get the attention of this hot dilfy guy at the bar, but he’s always tailing along with his friend. by tess’s design, maria and tommy meet and and hit it off and dance (to maria maria by santana) the night away. they fall in love and decide they want to go home together, so maria goes to the bathroom—but joel randomly comes up and is like “tommy, hey sorry selena’s mom called, sarah had a nightmare and she wants us both to pick her up, we gotta go” and in true miller dad-uncle panic they BOLT. by the time maria comes back, tess is like “idk dude, mine got a call so they had to go. seemed like an emergency. bummer” and they assume thats that
on the flip side: everythings okay with sarah, but after tommy and joel tuck her in tommy’s suddenly just like “fuck—fuck!!!!!” and joels like “what? what???” and he’s like “i didn’t get her number :(:(:(:( fuck” and so joel’s like “it’s okay, i see her friend there all the time” and so tommy’s like “omg :D do you have her friends number?” “well… no” “joel… what the fuck man.” so they make a plan to go back next week with the hopes of at least seeing tess and getting maria’s number from there—tommy also wants to get tess’s number for joel, but he doesn’t need to know that
little do THEY know, tess and maria are already plotting for next weekend. they show up to that bar looking fine as FUCK—they quite literally turn heads walking through the door. of course the miller brothers are there, sitting in a booth all the way in the back and waiting, making eyes. tess and maria are not shy, so they start making their way over. unfortunately, some drunk asshole decides to try to get handsy with tess on her way there—which results in her punching him in the face, which results in him trying to punch her in the face. she dodges, of course, but it starts a full-on bar brawl that the miller boys jump into without hesitation (joel manages to tackle and land a few good ones on og drunk asshole too so. slay.). none of them get arrested or anything, but they definitely don’t get eachother numbers on account of joel and tommy having to duck the cops
so i guess they gotta keep trying ;)
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bruh-anator3000 · 2 years
I saw your writing slump post (and I absolutely love your Viktor headcanons, by the way), so how about a zombie apocalypse au where the reader gets bitten and Viktor uses science to help?
So like, im in love w u. Thats such a good idea. Thank u for giving me a prompt, made it extra long just for u <3 <3
Viktor x Reader Apocalypse
Warning: blood, zombies, pain, reader wants to eat Viktor (not in the fun way), no use of y/n, no specific gender :)
Tbh Viktor was certain he'd be the first to go, especially since he's very melodramatic and constantly sacrificing himself for you
He knows his time is limited regardless of the fact a zombie break out has occurred in the Undercity - something with a defective line of shimmer contaminating the user's blood stream
The zombies are endless and soon enough, they fins their way into Piltover
Jayce and Mel assured you their place would be safe, that they had plenty of room and guards to keep working on a cure with Hextech and remain unaffected
That paradise lasted about 2 weeks before the guards were outnumbered
You and Jayce are pushing up against the door, trying to keep the zombies out for as long as possible as Viktor tried something he was certain will work to cure the infected
Time, never on your side, had ran out as the undead beat the door down
Vials go crashing all over, all of Viktor's work, gone save for the notes
Its a miracle Jayce can even see you under all the rotten flesh that grab at you, much more so the fact he picks you up and hauls you and Viktor out
You all find a small abandoned store, good enough to just sit and recollect from all the running
As Jayce checks in with Mel, Viktor checking and rechecking their stock, furious he lost all their progress
You begin to feel... odd
Saliva starts to build as you watch one of Viktor's thin and nimble hands dig through your bags
A deep hunger planting itself in you, and you begin to wonder what it would feel like to sink your teeth into his soft skin
To feel the gush of blood and crack of bones snap into your mouth...
"Are you okay, love?" Viktor places one of those tempting hands on your knee, eyes glowing with worry
Your shoulder begins to throb, pulsing even, and you slide your shirt collar down enough to look
Green forms around unmistakable bite marks, yellow-ish red puss forming near the edges
Yep, you had gotten bit
And your shock seems little compared to the way Viktor stood when you said such
Jayce and Mel seem to scooch a few feet back but Viktor is at your side in an instant
He apologizes as he pours rubbing alcohol on it, muffling your cry with a kiss as he wraps it tight
You try to push him away, saying theres no hope for you
Stubborn as always, he doesnt budge
He even says there may be a way to help
However, that help is in the Undercity and could already be dead
Viktor takes his chances regardless, he'll spin the wheel of death if theres a slot that keeps you alive, no matter how unlikely it truly is
By the time you reach Singed's cave, the infection has take most of your arm
There's no one around, just vats of green liquids, and a plethora of purple vials
Viktor sets you down on what you assume is an autopsy table and immediately gets to work
It will be a little more difficult- more risky without his old mentor around but Viktor is nothing if not determined to keep you safe
He digs through vials, flips through his notebook and mumbles curses to himself everytime he hears you grumble or groan
He can't bare to loose you, he simply can't
Finally, he finds a tube with a label that reads 'uncertain'
Could be contaminated, but its less of a chance then all the others labeled 'diseased'
He apologizes once again but does not wait for your comfort of 'It's alright,' large needle contraption digging deep into your shoulder
You both wait with baited breath, hoping the purple will outshine the green, or at least slow its growth to your collar bone down
When it doesn't, Viktor yells out, furious before throwing a satchel of rune blocks down
In record speed, he's created a similar hexcore to the one that was in the labs months before the breakout
He grabs your arm and forces your rotten flesh to the orb, begging it to work
Scream all you want, Viktor is only focused on the result
His chest may tighten, his vision may haze as his guts yell 'dont do this to them!'
But he has to try to save you
He just has to
In a light more blinding than the sun, you're both sent to the rocky floor beneath, wet from the puddles that steep in craters
As you push yourself up from lying on your chest, a loud and prominent thunk sounds beneath you
Your arm, the one that was rotting minutes ago, is gone
Green replaced by deep purple, no longer painful or numb but stronger, tight to your bones
You look towards Viktor, wanting to ask what he had done but voice fell silent upon seeing him
Eyes wide, and smiling for the first time in months. He's smiling!
At his theory being proven right! At your arm! At you!
You're no longer dying, no longer rotting with this new unexplained steel of magic made arm
He laughs and runs over to you, falling besides you and kisses you passionately
He no longer fears he will lose you, a fearful pressure he has been carryong around forever, even before this apocalypse had started
His leg, now your arm, both in peak physical condition, no negative karma, and both still alive
That's all he need to know
Soon enough, with this technology, Viktor could save the world
But right now, all he could focus on was holding you
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freakurodani · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
lmao i haven't even written 5 fics qjshajshsjs thank you tho <3
however if anyone is interested ive got 3 (active fics) on my ao3 <- here (READ LIGHTS CAST SHADOWS I BEG OF THEE)
i do spend time writing for my comic for my atla zombie au
and well. maybe not a recommendation but i find this soo funny i wrote a realistic akaas/hi x rea/der fic (x readers y'all keep having ur fun i just. have strong beliefs about akaashi) (he IS the freakurodani after all)
anyway, fic under the cut, never before seen outside of the discord server
You were really excited when Akaashi-kun agreed to get coffee with you. He’s in one of your literature classes. He seemed so focused and his contributions during lecture were always astute and poetic. You fell for his thoughtful composure and cool charm. When you found out he was in the study group you joined, you were beyond ecstatic. After a few weeks you finally got your courage to ask him to coffee after class, since you’d noticed he always has this big thermos of it.
“I have been meaning to cut back,” He said after you pointed it out.
“Oh, well… If not coffee.. maybe we could grab lunch?”
“No, meaning to do something and actually doing it are two things completely. Coffee is fine.”
So you started your date with high hopes. You’d gotten your beverages in this cute little cafe you scoped out prior to asking. You guided Akaashi to a table in a corner. You were chatting about that day’s lecture, the assigned reading that you admitted you only read about three quarters of.
“Hmm. Give your everything, everytime. And if that isn’t enough, give more.” He replied. Shame prickled at your cheeks and when he noticed, he grimaced. “I just say it, because I found you quite capable and your work intelligent. I think it would be a shame if you wasted your skills even a little bit.”
Your face was still burning, but this time for a much more lovely reason.
You thought you had this in the bag. You thought you had him. Then, his phone chimed, and it was all over.
Akaashi’s face softened like it never had before. His eyes, which you always thought looked keen and intelligent, turned doughy. It was just for a moment, before his brows pinched and mouth flattened forcefully. He looked up, then around frantically. His ears started gaining color when you had the wherewithal. to follow his gaze.
A man, a student considering his hoodie, with a wacky hairstyle was pressing his face against the storefront window.
“Akaaaaaaahshi!’ You heard his voice warble through the glass. He was waving and you watched in abject horror as you cool, collected, Akaashi-kun, hid the bottom half of his face in his scarf before waving back.
“Excuse me, Y/N. I’m sorry to cut our meeting short, but I have…” He wasn’t even looking at you, not tearing his eyes away from this mystery fool to even meet your face to tell you he was leaving. “Business to attend to.”
“It’s fine,” you say. Because what the hell else are you supposed to say?
Akaashi gets up, rushes to the door where he’s greeted by his friend.
“Oh hey! I didn’t mean to interrupt your date, Akaashi,” the man said, having the audacity to look guilty.
“Don’t mind, Bokuto-san. It wasn’t anything that important.”
And the door closed.
You lay your head in your arms, and start listing the pros and cons of trying to ask Akaashi-kun out on another date.
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ash-arts-a-thing · 1 year
(Putting myself on anon cause I'm a big baby hahaaa)
I gotta tell ya, I FRICKEN LOVE your Zombie Pikmin ideas/art stuff it's always such a delight to see your art of Zombie Olimar pop up on my dash! I've always loved horror/monster aus and ZOMBIES- zombies are always such a fun concept to play around with and you do it incredibly!! I wanna draw fanart of them I am so hooked on it!!!
Anywho- what you're doing is awesome, you're awesome and can't wait to see more of your art, Pikmin or not I am here for it!!! ☺️
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Not me legit tearing up while reading this, like I’m 🥺🥺 thank you, fam!!! That means so much to me, you have no idea I’m so happy you love them!! Horror is something I’m constantly passionate about!! I’m pretty sure I’ve never done anything for my own type of zombie content before, but seeing all the nice comments about it and people like you coming to my ask box and telling me it’s good and specifically asking for it? I cry!! I big cry!!!!
I appreciate you so much and I totally get being nervous, everytime I go to respond to or talk to anybody anybody online I rethink what I’m about to say like 50 times, trust me when I say I totally know how you feel! I have anon on for that exact reason, never feel bad about using it 🥰
Also fam, FAM, you have no IDEA how much I would LOVE IT if you drew fanart of it!!!!! If you do please be sure to tag me if you post it or you can just send it to me directly if you want, either way I’d love to see if you’re comfortable with sharing!!!
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ess-presso · 2 years
hi ess <3
miss taylor: dancing with our hands tied, blank space, & treacherous <3
ty for the fic rec <3 i love texting fics sm i eat em up everytime. here's one for u, operation: toebeans by moonymoment (cute lil wolfstar fic, they fuck around with minnie and shes so tired of them)
chatting <3
id love to see a massive colonel sanders statue irl. it would definitely be significant enough for people to make pilgrimages to it & in fact i think id visit it myself.
fuck san francisco (im sure its lovely) i hate it there (it looks kinda cool tbh). sadly we've already broken best friend code cause she lives in a different city for uni 💔💔 havent seen that bitch since the beginning of january and im losing my mind. but its fine i think i get to see her this month🕺
ah yes the only two requirements to date someone: be hot and funny. (no but fr thats it. the bar is so low)
hozier <3333 (yes canadian money smells like maple syrup!!! just the notes though not the coins. i wish the coins were scented too)
now for the jesus/judas au..... i think peter simply has to be judas. but for jesus i wanna say james because judas revealed jesus' identity = peter revealing james & lily's location (although sirius as jesus would be funny too with his long jesus-like hair & the way he kinda came back to life via escaping azkaban)
american harry styles scares me fr.
fuck seagulls like actually. they always steal my food at the beach while im swimming and i cant swim back in time to stop them. theyre public enemies around these parts.
oh god. an eighteen year old dating a fourteen year old while he has another gf...... so fucking gross. (someone free both those girls rn. actual leonardo dicaprio behaviour)
i got anne carson's sappho fragments book for christmas & i was gonna go ahead and annotate it but now i feel like i should wait until i have someone to annotate it for. or maybe ill just annotate it and then i can give it to my person when they come along <3
ur def right im the opposite of final girl material but i am impulsive and stubborn so i will explore the church if its the last thing i do. (it will be the last thing i do cause im gonna end up getting myself killed)
six cans of monster can cure anything & i truly believe that. even a horrible hangover.
philosopher's stone>>>> sorcerer's stone sounds so bad anyways. im glad canada isnt quite dumb enough to get the sorcerer's stone treatment.
all of my halloween costumes are pretty lame tbh. i was a bee for my first bday (hence my nickname) but ive been a witch, vampire, zombie, ghost, etc. nothing special really
u should definitely tell harvard. theyd be too stunned to deny u entry its foolproof.
i loved blowing things up in chem. truly my only motivation to go to class.
using music apps based on our fav colours thats so real of us.
i may not have gotten wingstop but i did see florida (jumpscare)
joey in season one <3333
infinite bag of money thats a great idea how did i not think of that.
u will be banker one day. im manifesting this for u.
tumblr will forever be the superior social media idc. this website is untouchable.
oh god that guys a mummy's boy...... freud would absolutely lose his mind. a field day.
i understand u. like sometimes ur drunk self has a mind of its own and will do random shit. ive cut my hair drunk and woke up very confused but at least i managed to not botch it!!!
love in the dark is SUCH A JEGULUS SONGGG oh my god. adding to my jegulus playlist right this instant.
omg listening to music while looking at art>>>>>> perfection. makes u feel so peaceful and cool fr. (WENDYS!!! i love wendys so much.)
ur completely right id rather be having a horrible time with liv than be somewhere nice with someone i hate. doesnt matter what we're doing or whats happening it'll just be better if shes there.
i love that taylor likes 13 like yes girl me too. but 13 is actually a lucky number in italy so my family has always liked it!
oh god james and lily im so sorry......im just glad i wasnt born in 1981 or else id be highly suspicious that im the reincarnation of one of them.
american and canadian accents are super similar unless we're talking southern united states or far eastern canada. they literally sound irish over there no joke.
drarry <3 i just love the angst. so many possibilities for them.
jily & jegulus <33 ur right, jegulus for the fics (theres just SO many good ones) but jily for the ships theyre just so sweet.
after that guy i swore to never watch a movie for someone i like ever again. (also mainly because most of the time the movie is SO BAD!!!!) but yes its so cute when ur watching something with someone and they tell u all about it <333
we kinda did have a lot of paint lying around! it was mostly just lil kid art sets with crappy cheap markers and pencils but they were fun. if i was lucky i was allowed to use my parents fancy stuff.
it was genuinely so funny like i wish i couldve seen the sock fall from the audience's perspective i bet it was ridiculous.
literally ezra/aria. it was so gross but at least it wasnt real.
rude old people make me so mad like how have u lived so much of ur life and still carry so much hate in u......get a life old lady!!!!!!
hermione & harry <33
its true dramione fics are better. romione fics are usually just as bland as they are in canon. still cute tho.
tote bags!!!! love em. and omg a pride and prejudice tote thats so cool. i have one with constellations all over it i love it sm. (but also tote bags make my shoulders hurt so bad i swear im gonna get scoliosis one day)
wireless headphones till i die!!!!! how am i supposed to clean my room while watching netflix or something with wired headphones. how am i supposed to cook with wired headphones.
omg a 2! alexa play lover by taylor swift. (im a 5, apparently the investigators. i do love solving a good puzzle so ill take it)
red nail polish 4ever. looks good with anything i swear. my fav is a dark wine red and its just perfect.
wait thats so funny. it sounds straight out of an episode of friends or something. (glad everyones okay!!!!)
THATS SO CUTE!!!!! AHHHHH! top tier gift fr.
also a top tier gift. signed copies of ur fav books + unabridged podg + museums???? a flawless gift.
THE EMMA QUOTE OHHHH MY GOD!! i love that quote so fucking much. those are all so good. quotes that make u feel completely unzipped are the best always.
that poem is so good wtf. "i fear no fate (for you are my fate my sweet)" WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! IM UNWELL.
i wanna visit the lake district so bad ohhh my god. it looks so nice. the air looks so crisp there.
the locket that is so cute im crying!!!!!! i have a pic of liv and i from when were like 3/4 grinning at each other and ive wanted to put it in a locket forever so u have inspired me thatll be her bday gift.
tigers are so cool thats an excellent choice. king of the jungle fr.
horror movies & romcoms thats so real of u. the duality of man. & horror movie adrenaline rushes are unlike anything i swear.
not picking between jily and jegulus REAL!!! theyre both so perfect.
answering qs!
im not allergic to anything! (that i know of. so far so good.)
i totally believe in fate, at least to the "everything happens for a reason" degree. i think people need to just live their lives and let things happen cause we cant control everything and it would be impossible to even try. if its meant to be then itll be.
i accidentally fucked up a really good friendship a while ago by not being there for someone when they needed it (to be fair we were both going THRU it so i didnt realize) but we both moved on & they had moved to a different school so we drifted apart eventually. shit happens but theyre happier now so thats good.
i wake up bright and early (its 12pm.) i gracefully get out of bed (i sit on my phone for half an hour before dragging myself out of bed) i go brush my teeth and do skincare (i do brush my teeth but i definitely dont feel like doing skincare) i go make a nice nutritious meal (i make a coffee and some toast if its a good day) i do a wakeup workout (i sit in bed and drink my coffee) i get dressed for the day (im not changing out of my pjs) i do my makeup (im not doing my makeup) i head to campus for my class (my class is online. i stay in bed.)
spiderman or thor!!! ive never read any of the comics so this is purely based on their movies but peter parker i love that man. and thor is a dumb idiot i love him.
i think id switch lives with either elon musk or jeff bezos so i can give away all their money to charity or to pay for important things that they can afford like solving world hunger. i think id also love to switch lives with timothee chalamet like what goes on in that boy's head hes so funny sometimes.
(like which pre-existing fic do i wish i was the author of?) i wish i had written just lovers by zar (also intermission by zar) just because that fic is a masterpiece and to be the author of such a work of art would be an honour.
i wish i had written the iliad and the odyssey cause it would be cool as fuck to be as iconic as homer. (also since homer mightve not actually existed id love to be that much of an enigma too. keep em guessing)
ive never been in love! ive liked people but it never gets past that. i guess im just waiting for the right person to come along. but also, in a way i think i fall in love with everyone i meet. some people are just so cool and ill carry that memory of them forever.
i dance and sing a lot when im drunk. i get loud in general but i will karaoke the shit out of whatever is playing. also i get giggly cause everything becomes funny for no reason.
the worst fight liv and i have had is so dumb, she called me telling me that she was having people over at her place for her bday. i said i wasnt sure if i could make it bc i had 4 papers due that same weekend but i would try bc i obviously wanted to be there for her bday. she called me back a bit later sobbing saying she wanted me to be there and that she was mad i might miss it, i started sobbing because i felt bad and because i was overwhelmed, i told her okay, id be there no matter what, she said okay. we hung up and then she called me back 10 mins later completely fine and we both apologized for the dramatics & everything was fine and i managed to write my 4 papers in time so i could go. (uni and exams were kicking both our asses & we both had a breakdown cause neither of us had slept in like 2 days at that point lmfao)
probably either stargazing and seeing sirius & regulus & that comet, or when i last saw liv in january - we got coffee and walked around a lake for like 3 hours and talked shit abt the bitchy people from high school. it was lovely.
jegulily yes! ive never read any jegulily but i wouldnt mind reading some at some point. again, james has two hands!!! plus i think their dynamic is so fun.
i actually dont watch a whole lot of romcoms so i had to look up which movies would be considered romcoms and from that search my favs that ive seen are: enchanted, easy A, mamma mia, & 10 things i hate about you!
i also dont watch a lot of horror movies but i was fucking OBSESSED with IT in 2017 like fully obsessed. my entire personality was from that goddamn movie.
qs for u!
piercings vs tattoos?
whats your fatal flaw?
if u were any emoji which would u be?
whats ur love language?
fav superhero?
fav fic of all time
fav disney/pixar movie?
whats ur preferred method of annotating books? (like do u add random commentary or do u add deep analysis & thoughts?
what do u think ur animagus would be?
fav aesthetic?
do u prefer to stay in to watch a movie or go to the theatres?
fav day of the week and why
whats your literary archetype? (fun lil quiz, i got the ruler)
thats all for now <3
bee my darling <333
(first apologies for replying late.I seem to have a knack with doing those kind of things. but now I'm on half-term break , exams are over, so I'm mostly a free bird !!!)
miss Taylor -
dancing with our hands tied - JEGULUS - 'I loved u in secret'. that's all. secret love is theirs , they own it . also also , this is so regulus's line - 'I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us'. HIM HIM HIMMMM.
blank space - all the women - I simply couldn't choose between them and since this song is very very female rage to me , I'll say all of them. especially Marlene , because if she's one to sleep around , you just know she was shamed for it.
treacherous - WOLFSTAR - I just really feel the vibe of sirius being like 'I'll follow you home' and remus thinking that the love he feels for sirius is treacherous !!!
chatting ----->
nah imagine being under that statue and you see boxes of free kfc just hanging around . colonel the redeemer would be gods child fr.
everything in the us looks either cool or dangerous. SHE BROKE THE BFF CODE. yta divorce immediately. lu lives like five minutes away from me and it's to and fro from there like everyday. I see him all the time and I haven't even thought about the possibility that one day I might not see him everyday. like that's not happening. peace to u bee , u brave for not tearing the fuck up.
nah fr where are my hot and funny little bitches/bastards. like bro come here and kiss me on the mouth and take me out and we can get married in like an hour.
hosier is bae baeeee. (that's so fucking cool. and I think the coins should so smell like maple syrup. it's fucking unjust that they don't. sue Trudeau.)
Peter = judas and James = Jesus (and I so see ur point with the sirius looking like Jesus parallel. like James (if he was alive) would've so made some jokes about that.
TALKING ABOUT HARRY STYLES - please tell me you saw him at the brit awards yesterday. please. I was in fucking tears when I saw. like broooo he mentioned Zayn??? my boy Zayn ???? my directioner heart is healing for real. (and lewis Capaldi is probably the only person in the world who can among to get the band back together. he has the power.)
I get chased by them whenever I'm at the beach and they've stolen chips from my fish and chips before and it's so fucking annoying like genuinely I wish they'd go fuck themselves.
no genuinely someone should arrest that guy. fucking hate him. piss bag.
ahhhhh annotate it and then buy a new copy for your person and annotate with shit like 'made me think of u' and everything I would cry my fucking eyes out if someone gave me that.
nah bee a nun gonna fly in and drop kick u in the face (now laughing at this image)
it did not cure my hangover ! it made it worse !!! and the worst part was that lu was also hungover so he couldn't work his magic with his hangover potion. and he also emptied his insides out (he threw up) and I was his sick nurse and made him soup and everything. (he was so out of it it was funny as fuck)
canada is smarter than the use for sure (free healthcare and gun control for one.)
bee as a bee oh my god that's so cute (and those costumes aren't lame they're classics)
fr Harvard is so calling.
blowing things up is so so fun. I used ethanol in class recently (there was a big boom) and it was very funnn.
yes pink and green stay winning always >>>
ew not florida ewwwwww.
joey is just bae. I love him so so much. (his funeral fit stays banging.)
I'm just smarter than u bee , let's face it.
update on the banking thing - he said no. he just doesn't like powerful women.
tumblr is so bae , like vanilla extract is so funny to me now
freud would love to dissect that boy fr.
cutting your hair drunk ??? and not botching it ??? you are the chosen one. I bow down to your brilliance.
THE MOST JEGULUS SONG TO EVER JEGULUS. yes yes u must add it. can't believe it wasn't already there in the first place.
it is so perfect. such a vibe honestly. (Wendy's slaps hard. but it wasn't square so I feel betrayed.)
bad times with your best friend so that ten years in the future you can look back and laugh on how stupid and dumb you were.
ahhh no my family has always considered 13 bad luck. but I don't believe it so 13 stays winning <333
can't tell the difference fr (Irish ??? never knew that that's fucking weird (in a good way))
DRARRRRRRYYYYYY the angst is unmatched. unmatched I tell you.
jegulus fics are so so so good I eat them up like soup. and jily is just - perfect. I love them. I love it so so much.
no because those kind of movies are so weird. it annoys me so much. (but watching stuff with someone who's obsessed with the thing you're watching ??? like whatttt. it's so sweet. eg Lu's fucking obsessed with sports and shit and he knows I'm just not - so he always always explains shit to me like when to cheer which team we support and everything.)
I would feel so proud if it was me and I was allowed to use the fancy paints. like so so important and everything I would love it so so much.
I can imagine it now. sock falling in slow motion.
yes thank fuck for that.
get a life of their own frrrr. high time considering their lives are just about to end.
herm and harry are my darlings honestlyyy
yes yes romione is so cute and awesome but I don't personally like fics about them fr.
OH MY GOD A CONSTELLATION TOTE ???? honestly you're so fucking awesome it's fucking coooolllll.
WIRELESS HEADPHONES 5ever fr fr. could never deal with the wires when I'm doing stuff.
LOVVVVERRRRR. ( a 5 ??? that's awesome !!!)
mine's that kind of red or a classic bright red. love them classics and everything I love it <33
it really really really was. (we're all good but we have matching scars now ! hey - tattoos right there ???)
no I loved it so so much I love it so fucking much it's cool as fuck. prize present <33
I'm literally the best friend ever he should bow down to me and my excellence. (no but I just got him all his favourite things and bro got super emotional and everything. )
YES I FEEL SO UNZIPPED WHEN I READ THAT SHIT I FUCKING LOVE IT SOOTHES ME. those kind of confession quotes will always be so dear to me.
YES YES U GET IT. favourite poem ever <33
the air is super crisp and everything feels mega real up there. like I am hyper-aware of the fact that I exist.
yes yes a locket like that is so so cute. she will keep it close to her heart trust <333
horror movies & romcoms have my whole heart. rom-coms come first , but horror movies are a close second. (and horror-coms are lovely too !!!)
jily and jegulus are amazing. top-tier always.
reviewing your q's -
god bless u and ur immune system. the chosen 1 fr.
fate fate fate. I believe in destiny and fate and I love it because I really truly believe that I could bump into someone and fall in love. like it could so so happen. It will happen. manifesting the fuck out of it.
friendship break ups make me so so sad. like damn you don't want me anymore???? sad as fuck. (glad you both are doing good now !!!!)
WHAT A FUCING MOOD. same though. I think it's something in the air when I'm getting ready for school. like I get ten times more slugger in the morning I'm getting up for school like I really curse the fuck out of everyone and their mothers.i do it so often.
Peter Parker always <33333. I love them so so so much.(tom and toby and ANDREWWWWW)
(yes yes that's what I meant !!!) I so so need to fucking read it I swear I'll do it. I'm going to do it as soon as I have time honest.
homer is iconic you're so right. keep them guessing always and forever for reals.
I fall in love every time I look in the mirror. no but if we're being honest - me neither. I feel like it's coming though. I love love and I want to be in love too. (meeting the best people and carrying the memory of them forever >>>)
NO HONESTLY. man wearing hat ???? funny as fuckkkk.
not being able to go places because you have exams is so so so fucking annoying. like exams can go to hell (she cried for u ??? that's so sad and honest and sweet honestly best friend GOALS.)
talking shit about bitchy people with your best friend >>>> especially because it's always the darnedest things too and the best friends we have would never expect it and it's always so funny to shock them.
I honestly don't really mind jegulily. I think it's fun , and I might read a couple fics here and there but they'll never be my OTP. I love them , but jegulus and jily stay winning alwayssss.
'I hate the way I don't hate u. not even a little bit , not even at all.' my heartttt. and also Cameron is amazing and needs to be appreciated more.
q's -
now I love piercings (want at least 3 in each ear) but tattoos because to me they can hold much more meaning than a piercing. like it would be amazing and they just .... do stuff piercings can't. piercings still slap though.
loyalty to the people I love. like I've said this before , but I'd absolutely go feral if anything untoward happened to the people I love. i would genuinely fuck the aggressor up. like I genuinely feel like I saw a ten foot tall hunky muscle guy slap lu once , and I was there , I'd get so mad I'm pretty sure my sheer anger would scare him the fuck away. but I'd do it even if they were wrong. like if he says the sky is purple in front of people he doesn't like , then the sky is mf purple until we get home then I ask him what the fuck is going on.
the raising a single eyebrow one. I'm always making that facial expression. (I used to hang out with some pretty sus people and the things they used to say ..... shiver.) and of course the love heart ( where is my pink love heart , apple ?????? where is it ????) simply because I am a hopeless romantic.
acts of service !!! I will always do something like that for someone I love. like you need the groceries ??? not a single word more I'm going rn. also also love love giving gifts. like I really think them out .
SPIDERMANNNN. I love all 3 of them so so much I love the fuck out of them they're my favourites always always.
oh my god I couldn't possibly. but I could. (for each ship I have 1 or 2)
drarry - mental , temptation on the warfront.
jegulus - absentmindedly making me want you
dramione - wait & hope , isolation
wolfstar - of memories and milk thievery , lessen my load
nottpott (harry x theo nott) - rendevouz receipts , lethal combination
btw lethal combination is by the same author as the one who wrote the atlas six !!!! I love it so so much !!1 (nottpott is a guilty pleasure ship)
7. my favourite Disney movie is tangled always always <33333 unmatched. Pixar - UP (I fucking love it. it made me cry so so hard, I love it so so much)
8.i do both. like I have clear post-its , and sometimes I jot my notes down there , other times I have annotated the fuck out of them on the pages. in my copy of Gatsby , I have the word 'gay' written next to a lot of the times nick talks about Gatsby (maybe I'm biased but he was so in love with Gatsby.)
9.i'd love to be a black cat. mostly because I hate how they're said to be bad luck. like they're so sweet and cute and I just love them always. they're amazing. (plus being lazy and thinking they're better than everyone ??? so me honestly.)
10. dark academia !!! I so so so wanna live like that like it's the dream I love it so much. everything about it. the outfits , the scene , the vibes , the feel , the feeling that if I fall in love with someone , it'd kill me to be without them. I just LOVE it.
11. cinemas !!!! I love cinemas so much the vibes , the popcorn , the snacks I've snuck in , the way people clap when famous actors come onto screen >>>>
12. friday !!! end of the week , game night , no alarm to wake upto the next day . Friday has it all always. very dear and near to me <333
13.the lover !!!! no one was surprised by this honestly. it's very literally me. I am very much an idealist always looking for love wherever I can find it !!!
q's for uuuu -
which 1d member is your fave ?
top 5 Taylor songs ?
top Shakespeare quote ?
fave Shakespeare play ?
fave modern family character ?
style vs ootw?
cruel summer vs dress ?
fave tay tay lyric ?
controversial opinion you have ?
famous person you hate (not an obvious one like Kanye or John Mayer we all hate them they don't count) ?
sickest burn you've ever given ?
sickest burn you've ever got ?
moment when you wanted to slap liv's face the fuck off ?
moment you've been horrendously jealous ?
(beee beee beee I love u tonnes. sorry I've been so bad with replying. I'm so going back to normal after this I pinky promise. come back soon <3333333 I missed u!!!)
0 notes
brunchable · 2 years
Chapter 5 (PT 1): Turning Page || Royalty!S.S. x Royalty!Reader x Royalty!T.H.
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Words: 12.2K (HEHE) Genre: Period Drama, Love Triangle, Royalty AU, Jealousy. Pairings: Stephen Strange x Reader, Tom Hiddleston x Reader. Warning: Sugguestive scenes A/N: Story has no set/final plot, just going with the flow. Thank you to all the read my stories. I love reading your thoughts so let me know what you want to see next. This is Part 1 of Chapter Five :D I just hit 1K followers a day ago but I was travelling! vhbjlkdfb Thank you guys so for reading the fanfics on here! I would just like to say that I value each and everyone of you eventhough I forget to reply to all of the comments. I love you guys. Thank You!
Darkness, dense and oppressive—that was the captivity in which the Daevas had been imprisoned for such a long time. Nothing but darkness, which should be enough to lull them into an everlasting slumber, should be their fate. Nothing should ever wake them, and their Dark God, Chthon, who was placed to sleep along with them and is bound in a single location, which is Mount Wundagore.
While Baron swept his palm around in a circular motion, he flashed a sly grin that just reached the corner of his mouth. Foolish people. He thought by himself with a chuckle escaping from his mouth.  In the pitch blackness, crimson eyes that were only dimly lit watched Baron's every move. They served as the Daevas' eyes and senses. Hisses of an eerie intensity reverberated, and then another. They appeared from everywhere and out of nowhere at the same time. When Baron heard the hissing coming from the shadowy beings who dwelt in the darkness, he pounded his staff on the ground to get their attention.
Baron spoke in a calm voice, "Great things, take time—do not be impatient," and the red eyes moved all at once to gaze at him, even though they couldn't actually see anything and depended on the vibrations of movements, “Do you agree that we should begin this path to salvation slowly?”
He inspected his surroundings as he made his way towards the throne that had been vacant for thousands of years. These demons of the night are more than capable of tearing him to pieces if they so choose—however, he was the chosen one. The time for exacting vengeance on those who were responsible for what had been done to his God would arrive at the appropriate moment in due time. Never would he forget the pain and dishonour of driving away magic. As for those who came against him, he would make certain that each and every one of them pay at his mercy.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
After being introduced to you and Stephen, Tom and Andrew returned to their barracks before being taken for a quick orientation around the palace. Andrew made sure no one was within earshot before addressing his older brother.
"Would you be so kind as to tell me about what that was?" Andrew blocked his brother’s path and narrowed his eyes. He was referring to the way Tom looked at you the moment his eyes landed on you.
"What are you talking about?" Tom scrunched his brows and stepped aside to keep moving forward towards their allocated barracks. Andrew pivoted and blocked his path again. Tom halted again, his lips thinning.
"Oh I don't know—I can start with the starry-eyed looking glazed zombie you were when you laid eyes on the Princess?" Andrew tapped his chin while sarcastically reminding his brother about it, "I don't know if you noticed—probably not—but the Prince looked like he wanted to devour you ALIVE." Andrew whisper-shouted.
Tom sighed in defeat and looked around before making his reply, "It was her—" Andrew gave him a confused look and Tom clicked his tongue, "you know? The beautiful woman I came across in the forest that one time."
Andrew closed his eyes and groaned. Great, just great. He thought. Tom hasn't shut up about that beautiful woman he met at the forest, the only time he probably stopped mentioning it was probably during his sleep or when he's too focused on his tasks—heck, Andrew wouldn't even be surprised if Tom even spoke about you in his dreams. You've got him hooked like a fish out of water. 
"I told you she was beautiful," Tom shrugged. 
"Yes. She very much is—I could feel my eyes dilated when I saw her as well. . . but she isn’t the reason why we're here." Andrew was so passionate about reminding his brother to get his head back in the game that he placed his balled fist in front of his own lips, "You're going to be spending a lot of time with her so please, brother, please, keep it professional. She's betrothed, she's off limits."
Tom studied the desperate look on Andrew's face. Ah, that's right, you were betrothed—he forgot about that though it was the first thing that they mentioned. However, Tom couldn't just shrug off what you said to him in the forest.
'They treat me as well as they're able.'
He remembers the solemn look on your face and in the way your voice spoke when you said those words. You didn't specifically mention who you referred to but he could guess that you referred to Stephen. The indifference between you as you both sat in front of the King was something that was so obvious. Stephen seems like a man who doesn’t know what he wants and the problem is Tom now wants what he has.
“You’re jumping into conclusions, brother—I’m nothing but an admirer, is it wrong to admire the Princess?” Tom asked in his defence. 
“I’ve seen that look of yours before, Tom. You might be a tough warrior, a great leader—but I know one thing for sure. When it comes to love, you’re easy to fall and easy to break.” 
Tom squinted as he peered over Andrew’s shoulder’s, “Hey look over there.” he pointed.
Andrew furrowed his brow and looked over his shoulder and that’s when Tom made a run for it to go to his barracks without his brother. Andrew turns back around and finds Tom missing. He sighed and looked up into the sky, “Hecate help us.”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Stephen sat in the infirmary while the scratches and wounds he received from the hands of your brother were treated by you.  The frown that he'd been wearing ever since the Lieutenants had been introduced didn't disappear from his face at any point. When you delicately wiped on his lower lip with a white towel, he hissed, the skin that was around it felt tender.
"Oh, don’t be such a baby. You wouldn't be sitting in front of me right now if you hadn't gotten into a fight with my brother." After he wrenched his head back away from you, you responded harshly and sighed at him. You could see that he was thinking about something else, almost as if he was drowning in something that he couldn't easily put to rest. "What are you thinking about?"
Stephen assumed an upright posture and shrugged,"Nothing," he said after an extended pause before continuing, "You appear to be familiar with your Lieutenant."
Stephen looked at you intently, as if waiting for you to make a mistake; nevertheless, you kept your composure and shook your head while saying, "I'm not familiar with him." Whichever way the truth, the fact remains that he was a stranger to you.
Stephen's eyes remained narrowed as he continued to stare at you, and he eventually said, "Well, if he's going to be stuck with you the majority of the time. Now you will. He was smiling at you like you were something special.” He scoffed.
"Was he? I didn't notice," You aren't sure what he's trying to prove, but the way he was behaving got you a little bit irritated, and you accidently pressed the towel down rather firmly on his lips. If he was trying to make you feel less offended by his behaviour towards you by using some kind of reverse psychology tactic, it wasn't working.
“Sorry,” You removed the towel from the wound and cleansed it in a basin filled with warm water while saying, "Never pick a fight with my brother again unless you want to be a cripple for the rest of your life." You circled back around to the topic of him and your brother.
“I did not start that fight.” He spoke out in his own defence.
"No, but you made a contribution," you say, removing the water from the cloth by squeezing it and then folding it twice before going back to Stephen and moving his hair away from his forehead in order to wipe the dried blood from that area.
He maintained his silence and gave you permission to carry on attending to his wounds. The void that had been in his heart was slowly being filled. However, he was unaware of it, or his subconscious refuses to acknowledge that it is true. He couldn't help but fixate his gaze on the young beauty standing in front of him. His first thought—what felt like his first thought about you in a while, formed so slowly in his brain—was that you looked like a goddess. Your eyes were big and piercing and feline; your hair was jet black, combed to a glossy sheen, parted sharply, and flowing all the way down to your thighs; your lips were cupid's-bow charming; and your head was leaned to one side. You had skin that had gently seen sunlight, and wore no expression at all. You had no boundaries, all you knew was to shine, and live without any walls around you on every page.
You noticed the deceiving lustre in his eyes that you had to look away, and when you looked back at him, his gaze hadn’t moved and was still focused on your face, as if to say: So you looked away and you’ve come back, will you be looking away again soon?—which was why you had to look away once more.
Everytime he looked at you, you felt brighter inside, and you yearned to keep his attention, to hold his gaze. You sensed his gaze falling upon you time and time again. Though your heart still breaks at the knowledge that he can’t reciprocate your love for him, your heart pounded more than it should and your cheeks picked up a seemingly perennial red tint. You wondered whether he thought of you as a mere wife to produce his heirs or there was something special to that look he shackled you with.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare, Prince Stephen?” You finally called him out before your nervousness began to eat you up.
“I was not staring at you,” Stephen denied in a hard tone and averted his gaze elsewhere, “Where else am I supposed to look?”
“I’m almost done, just hold still,” You held his shoulders and brought him closer to you, your pregnant stomach brushing the side of his arm. You felt his hand press against the lower part of your abdomen that stuck out. The gentle touch of his palm on your stomach caught you off guard and you lightly jumped back.
Stephen took his hands away and lowered his head, “I’m sorry.”
“Please don’t think that all is well between us just because I am tending to your wounds, Your Highness. I’m only doing this as a gesture of penitence on behalf of my brother.” You informed Stephen who only clenched his jaw.
“Is it not enough?” Stephen asked, “I sent you the finest flowers, presents, gave you the space you needed to get away from me, everything and everyone—including my father seems to be against me—It is for certain that me and Christine aren’t meant to be. And now you won’t allow me to feel my child who sleeps in the comfort of you? What more could you possibly take away from me?! What do you want?!”
“I want it to stop hurting!” You snapped, “No amount of flowers or objects will ever take away the sorrow you’ve given me. You told me no more secrets, no more lies! You said you wanted this to work but you came running back to her? You want to know where it hurts? Right here,” You seethed, harshly pointing towards your heart.
“Right there is where it hurts. All the time, day in, day out, every night. Even in my dreams. There’s no escaping it. It hurts because I gave my heart to you and you successfully deceived me into thinking I finally had yours, but no, you’ve left me hollow.”
"If you really think I had no ounce of love for you then that child wouldn't exist." 
"Please—as much as I love this child, it wasn't conceived out of love. It's because their father can't live another day without fucking." You threw the towel on the table beside you and shot him a furious glare before storming out of the healer’s room, slamming the door behind you. Your fingernails dug into your palms but didn’t notice as you marched through the empty halls to go to the courtyard from some fresh air. You felt glad that your anxiousness wore off now that you’re out of his sight.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
Engagement Ball – 1 year ago
You took a look around, searching for a stealthy way to enter the hall. You and your Fiance were being honoured at a ball, but you had no clue how you could possibly maintain your discretion, particularly in a Xarean style dress as outrageously revealing as the one you were wearing. You silently muttered an expletive as you saw that every eye was focused on you as you passed. Your sinful figure didn’t help matters. The antechamber was just as dark and gloomy as the façade of the building, and it was filled with opulently dressed aristocracy milling around. Like a prison.  A jail that has wreaths of evergreen and holly hanging over the entrances and candles burning in gold candelabras throughout the institution. You are quite sure that you saw some mistletoe as well.
Peter craned his neck to find the herald. “There he is.” He pointed to a short, squat man with a wig and scroll who stood beside a large archway. Music and laughter poured from the room beyond. Another servant appeared to take your cloaks. Though you held on to yours for a second too long, the servant succeeded in tugging it from your hands. Feeling naked, you watched it disappear with a sense of helplessness.
When Peter pulled you toward the herald, however, you dug in your heels. “I’m not being announced.” 
“But the footman said—” 
You jerked out of his grasp. “I don’t care what the footman said!” 
“Princess, the King insisted—” 
“Darlings.”  Lady  Lazarescu spotted you and smiled wide, looping her arms through yours and Peter’s, “Let’s not make a scene, hmm?” Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to smile and nod at the eavesdropping aristocrats. 
You tried to get away but the herald had already spotted you as well and urged you, along with Lady Lazarescu, to come forward and be announced. The trumpets played and the herald stomped his staff twice on the marbled flooring, “Ladies and Lords, with great privilege, I announce the arrival of Princess (Y/N) of the Xarean Empire, future Queen to our Crown Prince Stephen of Eltham.” 
Before the curtains were drawn, Lady Lazarescu stepped aside and gestured for you to put on a smile. You sighed out of frustration and pulled a small smile as they drew the curtains open, revealing you beside Peter who assisted you in going down the stairs. The sea of people bowed before you, your eyes searching for Stephen.
The white marbled floor shone brightly in the candlelight, and iron chandeliers were suspended from the ceiling that had beams in it. A merry melody was being performed by musicians in the corner of the room close to a very tall pine tree. There was already dancing going on, but the majority of the visitors chose to socialise with the royal family while sipping champagne and milling around the room's periphery. You can tell that the aristocrats who are standing next to you have been drinking for quite some time since their speech is slurred and quite loud.
Scoffing, you marched past them through the room. You scanned the sea of black coats and sparkling gowns for Stephen, spotting his black hair at the far end of the ballroom. A group of admirers surrounded him, though the young woman clinging to his arm drew your particular attention. Your heart plummeted. Anxiously awaiting my ass. Even from a distance, you could tell the woman was beautiful: delicate and feminine; her porcelain skin and brown hair shone in the candlelight. She shook with genuine laughter at something Stpehen had just said. Uneasiness flitted through you.
This could only be one person. One boring, docile, wretchedly inconvenient pipe dream. Peter followed your gaze, wrinkling his nose in distaste when he too spotted Stpehen and the chestnut-haired beauty.
“Please tell me that’s not who I think it is.”
“I’ll come find you later.” Your eyes never left Stephen’s face. Peter knew better than to follow this time. You’d just descended into the ballroom when another man stepped in your path. Though you’d never encountered him this close, you recognized his flawless complexion and hooded eyes at once. White silver hair styled to perfection, he wore more diamonds on his crown than were in looked like your entire vault. King Pietro Maximoff. Damn it. You didn’t have time for this shit. 
Even now, that stupid cow was probably sinking her claws deeper into your fiance—reminding him of her beautiful lips, and smile, and eyes, and laugh— 
“That is quite the dress.” His gaze swept up your body lazily, and he smirked, arching a brow. His thick accent surprisingly adding to his appeal.
“Your Highness.” You dropped into a curtsy, clamping down on a slew of more appropriate honorifics. He eyed your breasts appreciatively as you leaned down, and you straightened at once. Bloody pervert. 
“Your name.” It wasn’t a question. Was he not paying attention?
“Princess (Y/N) of the Xarean Empire, Your Highness.” 
His grin widened in delight. “You're The Xarean Princess? My apologies, I didn’t expect our barbaric King to have such a stunning daughter.” He actually threw his head back and laughed. The aristocrats nearest you paused, eyeing you with renewed interest. 
“Oh, I’ve heard all about you.” His golden eyes sparkled with glee. “Tell me, how exactly did you trick our little Eltham Prince into marrying you? I’ve heard the rumours, of course, but everyone has their own theories.” 
You would’ve gladly broken a finger to break one of his other appendages. “No tricks, Your Highness,” You said sweetly. “We’re in love.” 
His grin faded, and his lip curled slightly. “How wretched.” At that moment, the crowd shifted, revealing Stephen and his many admirers. The chestnut-haired cow reached up to brush something from Stephen’s hair. Your blood boiled.
The King’s brows rose as he followed your gaze. “Love, huh?” He leaned closer, his breath warm against your ear. “Should we make him jealous?” 
“No, thank you,” you snapped. “Your Highness.” 
“Call me Pietro.” As he moved aside, his smile changed into a vicious one. You raced right past him, but at the very last second, he grabbed your wrist and planted a quick kiss on the back of your hand. You were fighting off the impulse to crack his fingers, “Come find me if you change your mind. We would have fun together, you and I.” 
With one last, lingering look, he sauntered off, winking at one of the women who hovered nearby. You scowled after him for a moment before turning back to Stephen. But he and Christine were gone.
Because Stephen was so much taller than everyone else in the crowd, it didn't take you long to find them at all. Christine, being the Leetch that she was, continued to grip tightly onto his arm as they approached a door that was partly obscured by two evergreens. You followed in their footsteps as best you could. To your dismay, and maybe to your trepidation, they continued to be entirely absorbed in one other as they walked out the door without looking back. You made to slip through after them, but a hand caught your arm. You whirled around to face the Duke, Christine’s father.
You stood motionless, rooted to the spot like the evergreens beside you, as he began to pace. “Where do you think you’re going? Let our Prince enjoy this small pleasure away from your corruption.” 
At the words, your confusion morphed into something sparkling and icy, and became more intense. As though you were the one who was responsible for setting up this premarital arrangement. As if you were the one who ought to feel embarrassed about yourself. You protruded your chin and moved forwards until you were in an inappropriately close proximity to his gaunt face. "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, but you need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror. When you go to Hell, Lord Palmer, you'll find that liars and hypocrites have their own designated area. Perhaps I’ll see you there.”
He stared at you with wide eyes, but as you moved away from him, he didn't make any attempt to follow you. As soon as you entered what could only be a kitchen, the savage delight that had been pulsing through your veins abruptly disappeared. It was empty. However, you soon found that a cold air was biting at your flesh, and you realised that the door on the other side had been left ajar. The thin space allowed the wind to whistle through it. You inched it open a little farther, seeing Stephen and Christine standing in a barren herb garden. The dark fragments of sage and rosemary were covered with snow. You moved in closer, but the wind was so loud that it was difficult to make out their words.
“I’m sorry, Christine.” Stephen cradled the woman’s hands on his own. She held her shoulders stiff—angry. 
You shouldn’t be here, the small, disapproving voice at the back of your head warned. This is wrong. Private. You’re breaking trust. He’s the one breaking trust. 
“There has to be something we can do,” Christine said bitterly. “It isn’t right. Maybe we can make a petition,ask your father for an annulment after. Surely the King wouldn’t keep you trapped in a loveless marriage.”
Your stomach dropped to somewhere below your ankles. 
Stpehen stroked her fingers with his thumb. “Once my father’s decision is set it’s hard to change it.” 
“No. . .I’m sure I could arrange a meeting—” 
“Christine,” he said softly. 
She sniffled, and you knew instinctively it wasn’t because of the cold. “I hate her.” 
“Christine, you . . . you didn’t want me.” Your chest constricted to the emotion in his voice. At the pain. 
“I always wanted you,” she said fiercely. “This wasn’t supposed to happen. I was angry, heartbroken, and I just—I needed time.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, and you saw her face clearly for the first time. She had gorgeous high cheekbones, big eyes that resembled doe's eyes, and luscious lips, “But I don’t care anymore, Stephen. I don’t care if it’s selfish. I want to be with you.” 
You watched her press those lips to Stephen’s cheek and felt sick. Suddenly, you didn’t find their love letters funny anymore. He pulled away before she could move to his mouth. 
“Christine, don’t. Please. Don’t make this any harder.” She paused, lower lip trembling. Her next words were a direct blow to your chest. 
“I love you, Stephen.” She clung to him, pleading. “I’m so sorry I pushed you away, but we can still be together. We can fix this. You’re just engaged. Speak to your father again. He’ll send that whore to her Kingdom where she belongs, and—” 
“She isn’t a whore.” 
You leaned forward as Christine pulled back, frowning at something she saw in his face. “She’s a delinquent of a Princess, Stephen, she framed you. She—she doesn’t deserve you.” 
Stephen gently disentangled himself from her arms. “Christine, this can’t continue.” His voice was low, resigned. “Whether or not you like her, you told me that my duty was for this Kingdom. I will honour it.” 
“Do you like her?” Christine changed the subject, eyes narrowing. 
“It doesn’t matter.” 
“It matters to me!” 
“What do you want me to say, Christine? She’s my future bride. Of course I like her.” Christine rocked back as if he’d slapped her. 
“What’s happened to you, Stephen?” 
“The Stephen I know would abhor that woman. She embodies everything you oppose—” 
“You don’t know her.” 
“I obviously don’t know you either!” 
“Christine, please—” 
“Do you love her?” You held your breath, fingers biting into the doorjamb. There was a heavy pause. Then—
“No, I don’t love her.” He exhaled heavily, looking down. “But I think—I think maybe I could—” 
“But you said you loved me.” She withdrew her distance from him gently, her eyes widened in shock and pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks, “You asked to marry me! Me—not her!” 
“I— Christine, I do love you. But (Y/N) . . .” He sighed and shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt her.” 
“You won’t hurt her?” At this point, her sobs were more heartfelt, and streaks of colour began to appear on her formerly white cheeks, “What about me, Stephen? We’ve known each other since we were children!” Her tears soaked her bodice, ruining the black silk. 
Stephen’s hands hung limp at his sides. “I’m sorry. I never meant for this to happen.” 
“I’m sorry too, Stephen,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry I ever met you.” 
You slowly backed away from the door as numbness spread over your body. You have no right to be in this place. This moment hadn’t been meant for your eyes. Back in the ballroom, you stood apart from the crowd, your mind still reeling. Stephen loves her. Disgusted with your own behaviour, you shook your head. Of course he had. He’d said as much in his stupid journal—which you never should’ve read—and even if he hadn’t, he was a young, attractive man. He would’ve had his choice amongst any number of women. The thought rankled more than it should’ve. The image of Christine's lips, or any lips, pushed to his face, performed the same thing.
Christine reappeared a few seconds later, cleaning her face in the most stealthy manner imaginable. Before anybody could question her, she quickly bowed her head and made her way to the antechamber of the hall. When Stephen emerged again, you forced the knot in your throat back down and swallowed. As you watched him look everywhere for you, you considered going after Christine. 
After hearing what you had, how could you possibly face him? After discovering what it was that he'd given up? Do you love her? No, I don’t love her. But I think—I think maybe I could— Could what? Love me? As soon as you heard the phrase, panic began to grip your throat. Stephen was able to pick you out of the crowd just as you were raising your skirts in an effort to depart the ballroom and go towards the exit.
As his blue eyes met yours and expanded, you fumbled through an uncomfortable wave while regretting your newfound insecurity. He began moving on while simultaneously avoiding the numerous nobles who sought to stop him and congratulate him along the route. He did this by gently excusing himself from the situation. When he finally got close enough to you, you adjusted your feet while being vividly and cruelly aware of your heart's pounding rhythm, your tingling limbs, and your heated skin. His hands clamped securely around your wrist.
“You look beautiful.” Your blush deepened as he looked at you. Stephen's admiration was almost, in contrast to King Pietro's haughty appreciation. . . respectful. A person has never looked at you like that before.
“Thank you.” you breath caught, and he tilted his head, eyes searching yours in silent question. You looked away, embarrassed, but then Princess Wanda, King Pietro’s twin, chose that moment to swoop down on both of you. She didn’t bother with pleasantries. You’d met her a couple of times during special events, she was a bit reserved at first, but after she warmed up to you, she was a bit more chatty and open. She knows you and Stephen’s brief history since that’s usually the subject during your high-teas.
“Tell me, who was that lovely woman you were with earlier? Your sister, perhaps?” You glared at her pointedly, but she ignored you. Subtlety had never been Wanda’s forte. 
“Oh—er, no,” Stephen said. “That was the Duke’s daughter, Lady Palmer.” 
“Close personal friend?” Wanda pressed, narrowing her eyes. 
“You could say that,” Stephen answered woodenly. But Wanda didn’t bat an eye. 
“Wanda.” you forced a smile and reached for her hand, squeezing it mercilessly. “I think I’d like a little time alone with the Prince. Have you seen Lieutenant Isaac?” 
She waved her other hand behind you dispassionately. “Probably beating his chest and challenging that other soldier to a duel.”
You looked back to where she waved. “What other soldier?” 
“The pompous one.” She pursed her lips in concentration, but she needn’t have bothered. You knew exactly to whom she referred. 
“What happened?” 
“Oh, the usual male condition. Lieutenant didn’t want the other playing with his new toy.” She rolled her eyes. “I swear, my female lovers never get into such a jam.” 
Your grin was genuine now, “Perhaps you should go referee.” 
Wanda studied your hand clasped around Stephen’s, and the feverish complexion of your cheeks. The way he stood close. Much too close. Her eyes narrowed. “Perhaps I should.” 
She stepped forward to embrace you, but Stephen wouldn’t let go of your hand. Shooting him a glare, she hugged you regardless—awkward, but fierce. “I’ll see you later,” she murmured in your ear, “Let me know if I need to castrate him.” 
Stephen watched her leave with an inscrutable expression. “We need to talk,” he said finally, “Somewhere private.” 
You followed him silently and fearfully to the same herb garden where Christine had her heart broken. You made certain to lock the kitchen door behind you this time. You didn't need an audience for whatever it was that he wanted to say, even if you had a sneaking suspicion that it would hurt like a bitch. He dragged a hand through his raven hair in agitation. “(Y/N), the woman you and Princess Wanda saw me with, that was—” 
“Don’t.” As a precaution against shivers, you coiled your arms about your waist. Your tolerance has reached an all-time low. You would never have to go through that horrible conversation again. Only once hearing it was sufficient, “You don’t have to explain anything. I understand.” 
“I do need to explain,” he disagreed. “Look, I know we were engaged under less than ideal circumstances. But, (Y/N), I—I want this to work. I want to be your husband. I know I can’t force you to want the same, but—” 
“I do want the same,” you whispered. 
His eyes widened, and he took a tentative step closer. “You do?” 
“Yes.” He smiled at your answer, then—truly smiled—before faltering slightly. 
“Then there can’t be any secrets between us.” He hesitated, as if searching for the right words. “The woman you saw was Christine. You read my letters, so you know I love her. But—but nothing happened. I promise. When I came with my father, she immediately found me and. . . She insisted on being right by my side the whole time. Just now, I took her out here to discuss the shift in our relationship's limits. I told her I didn’t—” 
“I know.” You inhaled deeply as you braced yourself for the coming conflict. 
He frowned. “How can you know that?” Because I’m a shit person. Because I didn’t trust you. Because she is everything you deserve, and I am your enemy. 
“I followed the two of you out here,” you admitted quietly. “I . . . I heard everything.” 
“You spied on us?” Disbelief colored this voice. Feelings of fear ran through you. Whether you were shaking from the cold or your own shame, you had no idea.
“Old habits die hard.” 
His brows pinched together, and he drew back slightly. “That’s not how I would’ve chosen for you to find out.” 
You shrugged, attempting a bit of your old swagger, but it fell flat, “Easier this way though.” 
He looked at you for what seemed like an eternity; you began to wonder whether he would ever break his silence. You shrank back from his scrutiny, “No more secrets, (Y/N),” he said finally, “No more lies.” 
“I . . . I’ll try,” You whispered. It was the best you could give him. 
He nodded, slow and understanding. “Let’s go back inside. You’re shivering.” 
“Wait.” You grabbed his hand before he could turn, your heart lodged firmly in your throat. “I—I want to—” Make a complete and total fool of myself, “I want to say sorry—for everything.” You squeezed his fingers, your own stiff and aching from the cold. 
“Christine was right. I don’t deserve you. I made a real mess of your life when I came into it.” His other hand came down on top of yours. Warm and steady. You were probably taken aback when he cracked a grin.
“I’m glad you did.” Your blood warmed your freezing cheeks and you found it difficult to look at him.
“Right," you cleared your throat, "well, then . . . let’s go back inside before I pass out from hypothermia.” 
When you went back into the ballroom, the party was in full swing. You snatched a champagne glass from a passing servant and chugged it down in one go.
Stephen eyed you incredulously. “You drink like a man.” 
“Maybe men can learn a thing or two from women.” you waved the servant back and grabbed two more flutes, passing one to Stephen. He didn’t take it. “Relax, Prince. Enjoy yourself. This is the best champagne money can buy. It’s an insult to your father not to drink it.” you scanned the crowd with feigned boredom.
After a few periods of time, a scrumptious warmth crept over your whole body. The music, which had been a dull and uninteresting waltz before, was sounding much better now. Livelier. You just drank the third glass in one go.
“Dance with me,” Stephen said abruptly. 
You looked at him in bewilderment, “What?” 
“Dance with me.” He stood on his feet and threw your arms around his neck. You tensed, glancing around, but he tugged you down determinedly. You complied. Stephen stooped slightly, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You laughed. You both looked foolish as you bent and strained to fit together, but he would not let either of you go even though it was obvious you were uncomfortable.
“This—this isn’t the proper way to dance.” You said and lifted your chin to look him directly in the eyes. 
“Of course it is. This is our party. We can dance anyway we want.” Stephen shrugs. You chuckle inwardly.
“I—I don’t usually do this—” 
“(Y/N), if you don’t dance with me, I’ll go and find someone who will.” His grip tightened on your hips. 
“No, you won’t.” 
“Then the way forward is clear. We dance.” 
You blew out a breath and closed your eyes. “Fine.” 
As nervous as you’d been to dance, you proved yourself capable within moments, moving with unnatural grace for someone who hasn’t gotten much dancing lessons her entire life. Stephen had a few missteps of his own. He would have said it was because of your dress, but it was just him being clumsy. Focusing was impossible for him. His hands were strong on your waist, and he couldn’t help but imagine them . . . elsewhere. His blood heated at the thought.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
That night, the tension in our room was so intense that it was physically painful. In preparation for your upcoming wedding, which would take place in one year, the King had ordered the two of you to spend more time alone together at Autumn shore. You were lying in his bed, and Stephen could hear you shifting about in the darkness. Your breathing was first loud, but gradually it became more quiet. You made another change. Effortlessly rolled over onto your side then your back. Then to the other side, then your back, and finally your side again. Attempting to maintain silence at the moment. But you were none of those things, and Stephen was listening to you. In a never-ending loop of repetitions. You were starting to send him over the edge. You had finally made up your mind to bend over the edge of the bed, your blue-green eyes finding him in the shadows. Your tresses are now scraping all over the floor.
When Stephen tried to sit up on his elbows too soon, your eyes immediately went to the spot on his chest where his nightshirt was hanging open. The fire erupted in his gut as he questioned, “What is it?”
“This is stupid.” You scowled, but Stephen was at a loss for why you were so irritated, “You know you don’t have to sleep on the floor?”
Stephen eyed you suspiciously, “Are you sure?” 
“First things first, I need you to quit staring at me like that. Yes I am sure, its not a huge thing, really.” You rolled your eyes before scooting to make room for him, “Besides, it’s freezing in here. I need your big-ass body heat to keep warm.” 
When Stephen was still unwilling to move, you coaxed him by patting the place next you, “Oh, c’mon, Stephen. I don’t bite . . . much.” 
Stephen swallowed hard, violently blocking out the image of your mouth on his skin. He got onto the bed in a careful and unhurried manner, giving you plenty of opportunities to change your mind along the way. There was an unpleasant pause of quiet that lasted for many seconds.
“Relax,” you finally whispered, though you too, laid stiff as a board, “Quit being so awkward.” 
Stephen almost laughed. Almost. As if he could’ve possibly relaxed with you so . . . so close to him. The bed, which usually was King sized, has been replaced to a smaller one. Half of Stephen’s body jutted out into empty space. The other half pressed into you but he didn’t complain. After suffering through yet another agonising minute of silence, you eventually turned towards Stephen with your breasts brushing against his arm. His heart rate soared, and he clenched his teeth in an effort to bring his intrusive thoughts under control.
“Tell me about your parents.” You asked, and just like that, all his thoughts of intimacy fled.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
“There’s always something to tell.” Stephen maintained his firm fixation on the ceiling. Even though there was once again complete silence, you never stopped watching him. He couldn't help but cast a glance in your direction—at the enthusiastic, wide-eyed look you have on your eyes. Stephen groaned and shook his head in frustration.
“My Father and I don’t get along well, ever since I was a child. He’s always been too hard on me, probably because that’s how his father was to him. Mother wanted to have more children but Father said one son to inherit the throne is enough—if I had been a daughter, then my father would keep trying for a son but that wasn’t the case.”
You stared at him, horrified. “Marshall Wong was more of a father to me, he taught me plenty of things, first magic—as you already found out—but then I hit a growth spurt.” The side of his mouth quirked up of its own volition. “He began training me as a Sorcerer knight not long after. I claimed my spot when I was fifteen. It’s all I’ve ever known.” 
You rested your head on Stephen’s shoulder, “Claimed your spot?” 
Closing his eyes, he rested his chin on top of your head and inhaled. Deeply. “There are only two hundred mythical Eltham rings. It limits the positions available. Most serve for life. When a Sorcerer Knight retires or dies, an underground tournament is held. Only the winner may join our secret ranks.” 
“Wait.” When you stood up, Stephen's eyes immediately blinked awake. You looked down at him with a smile, your hair playing lightly across his torso, “Are you telling me Peter beat out all the other contenders?” 
“Peter isn’t a Sorcerer Knight.” Your grin faltered at Stephen’s reply.
“He’s not?” 
“No. He’s training to be, though. He’ll compete in the next tournament, along with the other initiates.” 
“Oh.” You frowned now, twirling a lock of hair around your finger. “Well, that explains a lot.” 
“It does?” You nestled back into him with a sigh. 
“Peter is different from everyone else here. He’s . . . easy-going. Open-minded.” 
Stephen bristled at the insinuation, “It’s not a crime to have principles.” 
You ignored him. You made a path down the collar of his shirt with your fingertips. Stephen coughed and cleared his throat, doing his best to ignore the little movement. However, your fingertips had a really warm feeling to them. In addition to this, his shirt was paper thin.
You didn’t speak again for several moments. When you finally did, he wished you hadn’t. 
“And . . . and Christine? Do you continue seeing her up until now?” All remnants of humour withered and died on his tongue. Stephen continued to fix his attention on the ceiling. In spite of the fact that you said nothing, your fingers continued to trace his collar. Coaxing. Waiting. He let out another sigh.
“You saw the letters. We . . . tried maintaining our courtship.” 
“Why?” You asked and felt Stephen stiffened, immediately wary. 
“What do you mean why?” 
“Nothing. . .” You murmured. Stephen would’ve given up his Sorcerer’s ring to end this conversation.
You sat up, fixing Stephen with those unnerving eyes. “You were going to marry Christine.” 
“Yes.” Stephen tore his gaze away from you and back toward the ceiling. A snowflake drifted in from the window, “Growing up . . . Christine and I were sweethearts. Her kindness appealed to me. I was an angry child. She tempered me. Begged me not to throw rocks at the constabulary. Forced me to confess when I stole the communion wine.” A grin tugged at his lips at the memory. Your eyes narrowed at his words, but you wisely said nothing. You sank down until you were pressing against his chest, and as you did, you lightly touched his exposed collarbone with your finger. In its aftermath, heat exploded all over his flesh in addition to everywhere else. Stephen repositioned his hips such that he was facing away from you while muttering a profanity.
You burrowed deeper in the blankets as the wind picked up outside.
“Are you cold?” Stephen asked.
“A little.” You reply and Stephen inched closer, lifting his arm. 
“Will you accept an olive branch?” He asked and you swallowed hard, nodding. He pressed you up against his chest and clamped his hands around the small of your back. You were transformed back into a piece of wood in an instant. Small. Tense. Unyielding. Stripped of your prying questions, it was almost as if you were . . . nervous.
“Relax,” Stephen murmured in his low baritone voice against your hair, “I don’t bite . . . much.” 
Quiet laughter rumbled through his chest. You hardened your body as much as was humanly feasible. You have no reason to be concerned. You undoubtedly heard the tumultuous beating of his heart, and you quickly realised your advantage.
“Was that a joke?” You teased and Stephen’s arms tightened around you. 
“Maybe.” When you said nothing in return, Stephen pulled back to look at you. Another smile tugged at his lips. And, suddenly, he recalled your first night together. 
“You don’t have to be nervous, (Y/N),” Stephen stroked your back, forcing yourself to remain still as you wriggled against him, “I’m not going to try anything.” 
A noise of protest escaped you, “Why not?” 
“I seem to remember you threatening to cut me open if I touched you without permission.” When your eyelids began to close, Stephen cocked your head forwards, cursing inwardly while simultaneously praising himself. When he felt a little catch in your breath, Stephen leaned in closer, his lips coming dangerously close to yours. "If you don't ask me to touch you, I won't."
Your eyes flew open, and you pushed him away with a snarl, “You can’t be serious.” 
“Oh, I am.” Stephen smirked again and settled back against the pillow, “It’s late. We should sleep.” 
You looked at him with a fiery glare in your eyes. With understanding. With a degree of resentful adoration. Stephen, feeling victorious, watched you sort through your thoughts and saw how each feeling manifested itself on your beautiful face.
You scowled at Stephen and smiled sarcastically, “It appears I underestimated you.” 
Stephen raised his brows, “Just say the magic words. Ask me.” 
“You’re an ass.” 
Stephen shrugged and sat up, “Have it your way.” In one fluid motion, Stephen lifted the hem of his shirt up and over his head. 
Your eyes flew open incredulously, trying not to lower your gaze, “What are you doing?” You grabbed his shirt and threw it back at him—which he caught and tossed it all the way across the room. 
“I’m feeling hot, aren’t you?” 
“You—you— Get out of my bed! Get out!” You shoved Stephen, probably with all your strength, but he didn’t budge. He only grinned teasingly. 
“This is our bed.” 
“No, this is where I sleep. You sleep on the—” 
“Bed.” Stephen brought his hands up to his head and clasped them together. You stared at him in disbelief, your gaze darting between his arms and his chest. Stephen's smile became wider as he fought the impulse to flex his muscles. He also recalled the day he saw you watching him through your telescope and said, "I've got a knot in my back from training for the last two weeks. I've had enough of lying on the ground. This is our bed, and from now on I'm going to sleep in it. If you'd want to join me, you're more than welcome to do so; if not, the bathtub is still available.”
You opened your mouth angrily and closed it again. “I— This is— I am not sleeping in the—” 
Your eyes darted around the bed, clearly searching for something to impale him with but your eyes only landed on a pillow. Whack. You raised your hand for another one but Stephen caught it before you could hit him again, trapping it against his chest. Clamping his lips together to keep from laughing, “(Y/N)—lie down. Go to sleep. Nothing has changed. Unless you want to ask me something?” 
“You better sleep with one eye open.” You yanked the pillow from him. 
Stephen chuckled before turning away. “Good night, (Y/N).” 
“Shut up.” You fell asleep long before Stephen did.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
"There you are," Tom's smooth silky voice interrupted your thoughts, "May I? Princess?" He looked pointedly at the space beside you on the marbled bench.
"Mister Tom," you referred to what you called him when you first met him, "You may."
"I was expecting I'd see you again but I didn't expect to meet you again in this way," He chuckles softly and takes the seat beside you.
"So did I," you lightly nodded, "I thought you were being taught your father's trade? Why is it that you're now a soldier?" 
"Well," Tom clasps his hands together, "The Kingdom I lived in has been invaded and I've come here to seek refuge."
As you were informed of the devastating information, you let out a muffled gasp, and the emotions on your face became more serious. Since you haven't received any information of an invasion, you are now curious about the location of his previous home. If the Kings were aware, then they have done an excellent job of keeping the population in the dark about it.
"I-I'm so sorry to hear that," You paused, "May I ask which Kingdom?"
Your eyes widen. Eivengard? The mysterious land, a place where the trees come to life and magical animals lurk, is home to people who are said to use magic even today, despite the fact that no one has ever provided definitive evidence to support this claim.
"Eivengard? The mysterious Kingdom? You lived there?" You asked Tom fascinated, "Can you tell me more about your home? What was it like?" 
Tom smiles at the way your eyes sparkled with curiosity as you turned your body to face him, "I don't mean to brag but It’s going to take more than words to describe its beauty, I would have to take you there."
A small smile stayed on your face, "Really? Is it true that the trees there are alive? Can you describe the Enchanted forest to me?"
Tom nodded, "The age of the magical woodland is incalculable. It reeked of age.Its earthy scent was caused by the centuries-long process of branches breaking off in the forest, falling to the ground, and decaying in silence. The composting, organic smell rose up in waves like a mist. Every towering tree that I had walked underneath brought to mind a vigilant watchman or a stoic guardian watching over the groves.  If you decided to venture deeper into the tangled heart of this primaeval forest, you'd hoped that it would reveal its dark secrets.
The more you ventured into it, the more mysterious and bewitching it came out to be. Huge roots sprawled out over the ground and twisted in a manner reminiscent of the broad backs of aquatic monsters. The vegetation grew dense and lush, creating an arch of enchanted-looking greenery over your heads as it spread out. The arthritic and twisted branches of the tree were dropping its abundance of nuts onto the walkway below. Briars, brambles and berry trees flanked the trail, making it impenetrable on either side. 
There is a wide glade, where the trees fell away, revealing the bespeckled sky. During the evening the last of the morning’s stars glinted like silver pin pricks, luminous and bright. The ore gold moon would hang quietly in the distance, casting a honeyed sheen over the trees.When I was younger, I used to sit with my back against the trunk of a tree that had been struck by lightning and watched it fade away. And as if on cue, an avian aria would erupt from the knot of trees. The solitary songbird was soon joined by his beaked companions, creating a symphony of song.The song has a wistful quality to it, as if it were an elixir for the spirit. The woods' honeyed aroma would wash over me, and I'd let myself be lulled to sleep by the reassuring warmth of it."
You sat there with your mouth gaping as Tom's words painted vivid pictures in your mind of the amazing things he saw in the enchanted forest, "Wow. I, too, want to experience that.”
"Well you're going to have to come to Eivengard with me—when it's safe, of course." Tom's grin grew wider as he saw the expression of amazement on your face; it was unlike anything he'd seen before, "I forgot to say this when we met; You are breathtakingly beautiful, Princess."
You elicit a shy laugh and look away slightly, "How many girls have had the privilege to hear that come out of your mouth?"
"Only yours."
Stephen, who was in the corridor on the upper level, discovered you and Tom engaging in a conversation in the courtyard. The man's jaw clenched and his blood began to boil as he heard the sound of your gentle laughter rebounding from what Tom was saying to you,"Unfamiliar, my ass. Is this how one acts when you're unfamiliar with someone?"
"There you are Sire!" Luke, Stephen’s appointed stylist for the wedding, ran to him and bowed, "You are to be fitted with a uniform for your wedding next week, please come with me."
Stephen switched his attention back to the courtyard, which is where he had last seen you and Tom before you disappeared. His chest tightened up at the idea that the other man had whisked you away to a place where you would be alone yourselves. He couldn't shake the notion that he should go seek for you, but he knew that coming with Luke was his only option at this point.
"Your Highness?" Luke glanced at the direction Stephen was facing. 
"Yes, yes. Lead the way." 
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
Stephen stands at a platform with his arms stretched wide as the tailor measures his body. Andrew and Ben sat on the sofa in his room while Stephen complains about how it was stupid for you to have a male ward when, clearly, they now decided to also train women, “I know that look from a mile away, he’s definitely have feelings for her.” 
“I don’t understand why you’re getting upset, your highness. Isn’t she getting married to you?” Andrew asked politely, causing Ben to chuckle at his question.
“They’re engaged and that didn’t stop him from running back to his ex-girlfriend when he realised the weight of his responsibility,” Ben answered and received a death stare from his cousin, “What? I’m just stating the truth. You don’t know what you want—You should’ve just been honest with her and told her you were confused instead of telling her what you told her.”
“Wait. . . can we just rewind because I am confused. So he told her that he felt the same and then he changed his mind and chased after someone else?” Andrew furrowed his brows while trying to understand the whole ordeal between you and the Prince.
“Correct.” Ben replied.
“Wow, that's cold.” 
“Both of you do know that I am right in front of you?” 
“Yes, we do.” Ben smiled, “And we don’t care—Now I’m actually curious on how you’re going to write your vows for her.”
Andrew’s gaze flicked towards Stephen who was thinking rather deeply, he needed to make it sound convincing not only for you but to all the people who will be invited. Stephen sighed heavily and caught Andrew’s gaze.
“I honestly don’t know, I can give it a try after this, but I can’t guarantee how convincing it’ll be.”
“Just write something from the bottom of your heart,” Andrew shrugs.
“Why don’t you grab a servant nearby to scribe, let’s get this over and done with.” Stephen adjusted his posture, trying to stay still to not get pricked by the needle. Andrew went out to find a servant and called in the first one he saw. 
“Your highness,” The servant girl lowered herself to a curtsy.
“Yes, yes—grab a pen and paper and write down the things that I’m about to say.” 
“Yes, Your highness,” She immediately grabbed a pen and paper on one of the desks and anticipated for the Prince to open his mouth and say something.
A few minutes pass by and Stephen still hasn’t said a word, “That’s a real tear jerker, cousin.” Ben slowly clapped his hands and shook his head. Andrew on the other hand pressed his lips together to prevent a laugh from escaping his lips.
“I’m thinking alright?” Stephen snapped at Ben, “Okay. . . (Y/N), of all the people you've met and places you've visited you ended up here—with me. It is a very powerful and humbling fact.”
“Are you serious? That sounds like a eulogy,” Ben grimaced as he interrupted Stephen’s train of thought.
“You will be the clouds and I will be the sky. You will be the ocean and I will be the shore. You will be the trees and I will be the wind.” 
“For the love of God, I almost threw up—Are you writing her a song or what?”
“Why don’t you write it then!?”
“It is kind of hard to write a vow when your heart isn’t fully set on her.” Andrew shrugs.
“And is yours set on someone?” Stephen asked the younger man, who nodded without hesitation, “Good, write one for me then.”
“You can’t be serious right?” Andrew chuckles. His smile faded when Stephen only gave him an expectant look, “With all due respect, Your Highness, that is your vows to her, it has to mean something to you.”
“I’m sure whatever you write will be the exact same as how I feel.” 
“No it's not.” Ben opposed.
“Well it’s either write me something or both of you will have to listen to the pathetic lines I could think of.” 
Andrew and Ben looked at each other, “How long does it have to be?” Andrew asks.
“Make it straightforward and concise. I don’t want anything long.” 
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
The last time you saw Stephen was during your argument—both of you have been preoccupied with preparing for your wedding and the only time you’d see each other was during breakfast, but even then, you didn’t speak with one another. 
Today was the day that Alcina arranged for you to try on wedding dresses, shoes and jewellery—of course, Tom was there with you. Each time you came out from the dividers wearing a white dress, he always had this wide-eyed, slack jawed expression. Air whooshed from your lungs, and the entire Hall seemed to fade away, going silent as you stared at one another. Your heart thumped heavily as your hands spasmed open and then closed. He was staring at you, but so were the Ladies-in-waiting. Asha, particularly, noticed how Tom looked at you with heavy admiration.
As you turned around to face the mirror and admire the dress, Tom came closer after noticing the healing scar on your arm, his eyes lingering on the corner of your mouth, “You were hurt,” It wasn’t a question but a statement uttered in a hard-as-granite tone. “You can be assured that will never happen again.” 
You became rigid as Tom's gaze collided with yours through the mirror and remained fixed on you. Even though you knew that he couldn't see your eyes through your veil, it still seemed like he could since his gaze was penetrating, as if he could see not only through you but also into you.
You made an effort to shrug off the emotion, but the more he maintained your sight, the stronger the sensation became. You attempted to ignore it. It had to be his eyes, specifically the colour of them. Indigo has such an unusual and beautiful shade. While gazing into their eyes, one's mind may wander to many other places and times.
“Alright, Lieutenant, allow our bride to admire her beauty not her scars,” Alcina gently pushed between you and Tom and he broke eye contact and pivoted toward the entryway. Your breath left you in a ragged exhale, your heart hammering as if you were running across the hills. 
“That was…intense,” Asha murmured. 
You blinked, giving a shake of your head as you turned to her. “What?” 
“That.” Her brows were lifted, “You and Sir Thomas staring one another down. You two were engaged in a rather heated one on one just now.” 
You could feel warmth creep into your cheeks. “He’s just doing his job. . .”
Asha lifted her brow, “Oh really?” 
“Yeah, of course.” You smoothed your hands over the lap of your dress. 
“So, he was just making sure you’re still alive and—” 
“Breathing?” Both of you were surprised by Tom's suggestion. He had moved with the stealth of a trained guard and the silence of a ghost, and now he was standing a scant foot from from where you were standing, “Since I am responsible for keeping her alive, making sure she’s breathing would be a priority.” Your shoulders stiffened. How much had he overheard? 
Asha made a poor attempt to smother her giggle with the back of her hand. “I’m relieved to hear that.” 
“If not, I’d be remiss in my duty, would I not?” 
“Ah, yes, your duty.” Asha nodded in scepticism, “I’m sure you can accomplish your duty over at the couch there Lieutenant, let us help the Princess choose a wedding dress. . . you know, for her wedding?” 
Tom chuckled at the lady emphasising the word ‘wedding’ twice, “Of course.”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
“I would like to spend the rest of my afternoon in the garden, call for my mother also, please.” You told Asha, “Prepare some tea for me at the gazebo—I’m craving scones and jam, so please give me a fair amount.” You kindly requested from Asha who nodded.
“Right away, Princess. I’ll tell the chef.” 
“Care to join me, Lieutenant Hiddleston?” you asked, even though he would be joining you regardless.
You left the room to head over the garden to have some tea. You glanced over at him as the marble staircase curved. He had one hand rested on the hilt of the sword at his waist. 
He looked over at you then—more like he looked down at you, even though you were a step higher than he was. He was still taller, which seemed unfair. One dark brow rose, his gaze questioning. 
“What?” You asked, heart seizing as you lifted your foot but not high enough. You tripped. Tom reacted fast, curving his hand above your elbow, steadying you. Embarrassment flooded your system as you muttered, “Thank you.” 
“No insincere thanks are required or needed. It is my duty to keep you safe.” He paused, “Even from treacherous staircases.” 
You took a deep, even breath. “My gratitude are never insincere.” 
“My apologies then.” It wasn't necessary to see his face to know he was grinning, and you could guarantee the world was better for his smile. Silence reigned after you reached the second-floor landing, and he had become silent. You went downstairs, through the hall, and out the stairs to the gardens by turning to the left. Tom walked all the way to the end of the hall and opened the large oak doors, touching your shoulder with his arm. Before proceeding up the tight spiral staircase, he waited for you to arrive. The space was drenched in natural light thanks to the ovular windows.
“Watch your step. You trip and fall here, you’re likely to take me out on your way down.” 
You huffed, “I won’t trip.” 
“But you just did.” 
“That was a rarity.” 
“Well, then, I feel honoured that I bore witness to it.” He retorted back and a giggle elicited from your lips. He was speaking to you in a way no other person did— besides Asha. Not even Stephen had been so…familiar. It was as if you had known each other for years instead of hours…or days. The comfortable way he was talking to you was disconcerting. 
You take your time admiring the newly watered plants under the sun that often shines warmly. You wander down the perfectly laid cobblestone paths that lead between the brightly colored plants with Tom patiently following behind you.
“What’s your favourite flower?” Tom asks, noticing how you’d stop from time to time to admire each time as you walk by. 
“Snowdrops.” You answered easily.
“Why’s that?” 
You slowed your pace so that you’d walk side by side with your Lieutenant, “Because it’s the first flower to bloom at the end of winter—it also symbolises hope.” 
“Do you want to know a story about the Snowdrop then?” Tom asks and you look up to him with the same curiosity, “Legends has it that the snowdrop flower was born out of an angel who fell in love with a human girl, seeing her heart broken and shedding tears—he wanted something to comfort her in her despair, the angel picked up a snowflake, throwing it up on the Earth to cheer her up. As the snowflake shattered, it became a symbol of new beginnings and of hope. And everywhere the snow landed, snowdrops grew.” 
“Wow, he must’ve loved her so much. That’s quite a short love story.”
“Thank you, I just made it up.” He said proudly.
“Well aren’t you quite a story teller? Have you ever thought about becoming a writer?” You tilted your head and he offered his hand for you to hold as you approached the small staircase of the gazebo.
“No but now that you’ve suggested it, I just might.” He chuckled while pulling the chair out for you, “Are you aware that you will be heading to Autumn shores tomorrow?”
“Yes, I am aware—I also heard that there won’t be any carriages?” 
“Unfortunately, no. The King doesn’t want to catch any unwanted attention, therefore you will be riding with me. But rest assured that I will be riding gently, so as to not hurt the child you're carrying.” Tom left a fleeting glance on the stomach you didn’t bother to hide. 
“Who else will be travelling with us?”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
The fact that you were expecting meant that travelling would take at least one day longer than usual. You embarked on your journey surrounded by Stephen, Andrew, Ben, Oscar, James, and Asha, in addition to eight other Royal Knights.
After travelling for a few hours to Autumn shore, you no longer need to depend on your imagination to understand what Tom had meant when he stated that you would be riding with him. 
There wasn't much room to move between the two of you. Although you sat up straight and tried your best to ignore the sensation of Tom's arm being wrapped around your waist, the pace was challenging. Even though it wasn't a full gallop, the rigid stance rapidly became difficult and painful since you weren't accustomed to the way a horse moved this slow. With each passing hour, you inched closer to Tom until eventually, your back was plastered against his chest, and your hips were cradled by his thighs. At some point, the hood of your cloak had slipped off your head, and you chose to go about without it, in part because you were curious to feel the breeze on your face.
And in part due to the fact that each time Tom bent down to talk to you, you were able to feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek. You'd be correct. This was completely unsuitable for a woman who was engaged to be married. Or, at least the way it felt to be held by him felt inappropriate for you.
Stephen, in the meanwhile, was overcome with an overwhelming sense of wrath, which he characterised as a burning sensation in his gut and a sensation that he swore made him feel his temperature increasing. Despite the fact that it seemed like a living, breathing entity was attempting to claw its way out of him, he became entirely indifferent to the experience. He merely galloped out on his horse, glaring viciously at the man who was behind you while simultaneously observing how at ease you seemed to be in his arms.
Stephen squeezed so hard on the reins of his horse that his knuckles became white, yet he was oblivious to the fact that he was doing it. It disturbed him that you were so familiar, and he felt a wave of envy coming on that threatened to sweep him away. Growling possessively, he was already having a hard time restraining himself from acting on the notion of shoving the guy back and stealing you away from him.
Ben's eyes darted between you and Stephen, and he took the executive decision to block his cousin's vision in order to prevent himself from becoming more agitated. "Stare much harder and you could just wind up murdering someone," Ben warned his cousin.
Stephen overcame his reluctance to turn away and once again resisted the desire to declare out that you were his and to voice his ownership of you. He was well aware that Tom's clear sentiments for you would not be altered in the least by this fact.
An ugly, insidious feeling crept into him and he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “If I do, I order you not to stop me.” 
Tom should hear the conversation and discreetly chuckled to himself. It was not hard to notice the way Stephen looked at him, he'd been at it for hours—he was just acting as if he didn't see anything.
When Ben found a suitable spot to spend the night to rest, he made a gesture with his fist for everyone to stop “We camp here, the sun is setting.” The commander dismounted his horse and the rest followed. Before Tom could have the chance to carry you down, Stephen made his way towards you and pushed himself in front of the other without being discreet about it. 
Stephen assisted you off the horse with so much care before turning towards Tom who simply backed away, looking unbothered. You felt worn off and Asha came to your assistance, leading you to a tree stump to sit down on.
“She’s carrying my child, I hope you understand.” Stephen addressed Tom quite arrogantly. 
“I understand fully my Prince,” Tom replied but shakes his head, “I’m just a bit wary that you might hurt her, and I can’t allow that.” Tom uttered without thought and by hurt, he meant emotionally.
“Hurt her? I'm not going to harm her. You, on the other hand, I'm going to destroy—if you don’t back off.” Stephen seethed closed in on Tom who stood his ground unfazed, both men sizing each other up, faces inches away from each other.
James who smirked at what was unfolding blocked your line of sight. You were already stressed enough, he thought that you didn’t need to see that.
“How are you feeling?” James asked, fixing away your stray hair that fell on the side of your face and removed his jacket, draping it over your shoulders.
“I’m just tired.” You weakly sighed and smiled at your brother. Your back was slightly hurting but you didn’t want him to worry. James glanced and noticed that Andrew and Ben had pulled Tom and Stephen away from each other. He then squatted down in front of you.
“Can I?” He asked to touch your stomach.
You nodded with a tired smile, “Of course.” 
“Have you decided on any names yet?” James asked and gently placed his palms on your lower abdomen.
“Stefan for a boy and Sersei for a girl.”
“Does it have to start with an S?” James creased his brows, “Stefan sounds awfully like Stephen—I like Sersei though, it’s a beautiful name.” 
“Stefan means victorious and that’s what I want him to be.” You told James as-a-matter-of-factly.
“And what about Sersei?” 
“Sersei means bird, I want her to have as much freedom and have high ambitions.” 
James casts you a proud gaze, “Well then, I can’t wait to meet my future niece or nephew,” James leaned closer to your stomach and whispered, “Make sure you take after your mother okay?” 
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
Deep in the night, Stephen struggled to sleep—mainly because of the little ordeal he had with Tom. During dinner, they didn’t stop glaring at each other, their negative energy and tension so strong that it became awkward every time someone made conversation. He tossed and turned in his make-shift tent. Unlike everyone else, you got to sleep in a proper tent with your brother keeoing an eye on you.
The fact that he could hear Ben and Asha, probably making out, thinking that everyone was asleep was beginning to drive him insane. Tom who was trying hard to ignore them as well, placed his satchel over his ears in an attempt to block out the noise.
Behind Ben and Asha, Stephen sighed softly in his pretend sleep.
“We can’t do this here.” Ben’s strained whisper echoed too loud in the silence. Despite his words, Asha grinned and pressed closer—everywhere—until his own hips rolled in response, grinding her against him. Slowly at first, then faster. Ben lay back on the icy ground, his head drooping as his eyes remained tightly closed and his breath came in short gasps. His throat started to groan, “Someone might see us.”
Asha responded by tugging at his belt. Ben's eyes widened in anticipation as he stretched into her touch and savoured it. “Let them,” she said, each breathing a pant. Stephen wanted to throw up having no choice but to listen to this so he sounded another loud cough. 
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No.” Ben's fingers curled tighter around her hips as he sat quickly forwards, pressing her lips to his.
Stephen coughed again, much, much louder this time. Ben didn’t register it. With Asha’s hand slipping into his undone trousers—her tongue hot against his—he couldn’t have stopped if he tried.
With an aggrieved sigh, Stephen pitched upright and interrupted loudly, “Hello?! Yes, pardon! As it seems to have escaped your notice, there are other people here, trying to SLEEP!” In a low grumble, he added, “Though clearly those other people will soon shrivel up and die from abstinence.”
Tom, who had his back turned toward the other three, had to make himself laugh silently as his shoulders jerked up and down and his stomach ached, tears leaving his eyes; the fact that he had to keep himself quiet made the scenario much funnier than it already was.
TAGS: @elicheel @sherlux @stanny-uwu @soiopathicdetectivekid @gaitwae @shit-post-things @seasonofthenerd @patbrdac @evelynrosestuff @singhfae @severuined @lovecleastrange @samisubi @mochuchi @faithinhome @ohchoices @junkertown-princess @sigyncevans @dragonqueen89 @the-royal-petals @hiddlechive @peachypie97 @bobateadaydreams @lykaonimagines @strangeobsessed @calsjack @strangeions @crowleyspett @goldencherriess @jyessaminereads @fandom-lover-4 @tis-vereon @rbymoon @siredlust @allie131313 @jjssttnnxcoleyyy @fantasyfan4life @thegardenerofeden @glitterylokislut @naughtyry @withalittlehoney @mayotsukia @strangesweetheart @omgstarks @azenpal @cemak @huntress-artemiss @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @iobsessoverfictionalmen @keistange @tong-hg6606
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can you do yandere funtime freddy x reader fluffy au of where he puts the reader in he chest cavity and he says how much he loves to feel y/ns slightest movements deep within him please???
Would you like more nausea with that? I put this in concept format for now. Maybe I'll make it a short at a later date. Sounds delightfully disgusting.
Yandere! "Fluffy AU"/Zombie! Funtime Freddy Short Concept
Keeping Darling In His Chest Cavity
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Vague Yandere-like behavior (Mostly just twisted content), Sadism, Gore, Blood, Disgusting descriptions, Darling is put IN Funtime Freddy, Blood mention, Not for the squeamish
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- This definitely sounds like something Funtime Freddy would do, especially in the "Fluffy AU".
- The AU is still developing the more I write for it but it is heavily implied Freddy was an attempt at getting a living mascot for Fazbear Entertainment or whatever it's called in this AU.
- Funtime Freddy was one of these somewhat successful attempts that died, being brought back for research.
- Leading to extreme nightmare fuel deep in the facility he was created in.
- A favorite thing of his would be keeping you in the disgusting chest cavity he has.
- He already keeps his plush 'Bon Bon' in there.
- Why would he not keep you?
- Thankfully he allows you to breathe...
- But you could care less as you're being psychologically scarred the entire time.
- Everything feels too warm.
- Too squishy and gurgling.
- Your attempts at escape feel pleasurable to the bear.
- You wiggle and push against his Frankenstein'd flap, but he refuses to let you out until he wants to play.
- Often teasing you the entire time.
- "Keep moving like that Cupcake and you may get me too excited~"
- Everytime he takes you out of what feels like his stomach, you're so damn thankful.
- Begging and doing whatever you can to get the beast to listen to you.
- You'd do anything to stay out of that Hell!
- Anything sounds fantastic to the bear.
- Expect him to use your fear to his advantage.
- "But Cupcake! You always look so wonderful covered in blood! Bon Bon thinks so, too! Yet... you said anything? All for me? Let's start talking then, darling!"
- There's no winning.
- You're either forced into some other grisly fate...
- or put back into the cavity where he feels you belong.
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ellemany · 2 years
Yokye Week #6 - Apocalypse / Good Omens Au
Words: 500 (non-edited)
 Yoru basically jumped with the ring of his phone. Even though the hell legions were always noisy, a human ring calls a lot of attention.
 About five other incubus turned to him, looking suspicious. 
 Yoru smiled awkwardly. He thought he changed that ring a long time ago.
 - You know how it is. Humans always want our attention, even at the end of the word. - He picks up his phone, seeing the image of the last creature that should be calling him at that moment. He dismisses the call, sending her a message.
 "Meet me at the tree"
 Yoru pressed his lips and looked around. A few demons were still paying attention to his movements..
 Yoru signed, swinging his head with horns. Something exploded next to the legions, calling everybody's attention.
 He hoped that nobody notice that it was a "miracle" of his while he was sneaking away from the formation.
 In the human world, demons and angels must hide their true form. But a whole transformation lends quite of a time so Yoru keeps his armor and parts of his form, such as the wings and horns. He assumed that nobody would care with a half dragon boy messing around since the world was ending.
 Skye had the same idea. It had been a long time since he saw any part of her seraphin form. The six wings were closed behind her, with the feathers moving by the wind. And there were two eyes on each cheek. She hid the others.
 -You're frightening. - He said, approaching her.
 She looked at him, giving a corner smile.
 -You're too… - Her completely white eyes passed by him, nodding. - Cool armor.
 He analyzed the shining sword on her hand, so pure that made him want to give a step away.
 -Cool sword… - He muttered, looking at her with his completely black eyes. - So… Why did you call me?
 She turned herself to the horizon, looking far away.
 -That two idiots are delaying the final battle… - She snuggered. - I thought it would be cool to wait for it together.
 Yoru wanted to laugh. They've been enemies since he fell. A strange type of enemies because everytime they meet they just… Chat. What often gets too philosophical. After all, she represents Love while he represents Luxury. It was obvious that sometimes they meet. Whispering at the same ears.
 -Okay… - He stood by her, holding his hands behind his back. - Not afraid that I stab you in the back before the time comes?
 -Naah. You wouldn't. - In thousands of years, he never tried that. She knew what she was saying - And even if you dare, I will win it anyway.
 Yoru smiled, raising an eyebrow.
 -Yeah, you wish.
 Skye laughed, making her cheek eyes close. It was really… Interesting.
 -Oh yes, happy Apocalypse day. Hope that your defeat be fast.
 Yoru rolled his eyes.
 -Happy Apocalypse day. Your defeat will be slow and painful.
+ Bônus: Ok, this bonus will be bigger
I'm missing Good Omens (The ineffable husbands interactions are my everything ) but a little bit afraid of the new season (I'm the type of person that saw that news and got like "Is it really necessary?")
And I didn't want to write some usual Zombie Apocalypse Au so I combined business with pleasure
Skye is a Seraphim, one of the highest ranked angel (this means she is really badass). In some traditions, Seraphims are represented as the angels who spread the love and the message of the Lord. For this Au, Skye is a type of Seraphim whose work is based on making people falling in love, in the most pure and essencial kind. She is also responsible for maintaining this feeling between the persons, advising them to forgive and keep patience (and Lord knows how this is essencial for a durable relationship)
Yep, she is basically a cupid.
Yoru is a Incubus, a type of demon who invades persons dreams to have sex with them and suck all of their energies. It is ligated to luxury. His job is to avoid that people fall in love, closing them in disposable relationships, with superficial sex. If he fail in this task, his job is to ruin the relationship.
So yes, because of their jobs, Yoru and Skye meet multiple times over the centuries. One is the voice who says that someone is unworthy of love while the other is the one who says that they're worthy.
(What voice you have been hearing most?)
Skye and Yoru aren't really the Crowley and Aziraphale of this Au. In fact, that two dorks are Breach and Sova, respectively.
Gabriel is an exclusive character from the show and I don't really remember if Beelzebub is in the book but, anyway, Sage is Gabriel and Chamber is Beelzebub (yes)
Famine is Reyna, War is Fade, Pollution/Pestilence is Viper and Death, of course, is Omen
The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of this World and Lord of Darkness is Raze, and her friends are Jett, Neon and Phoenix.
That's all folks
Thx for reading (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
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I was adding onto the DSMP Actor AU post, but it turned into Wilbur musician AU, haha rip me, and I only know SBI anyways so here’s a separate post. (It goes back to actor AU at the end.) It’s hypothetically still in the same universe though, and obviously inspired by it. If anything’s phrased weirdly, it’s cuz this was originally an addition to that. 
tbh I kinda adhered to their IRL careers too much compared to the OP but whatever it’s fine. 
Also frick the “Dream SMP” for not having a better title lmaooo
Wilbur is an indie artist really on the come up
Your City Gave Me Asthma was pretty good for a first release, popular with both new fans and fans of his acting.
He had starred in a short mystery/thriller-ish series that started off disguised as a normal sitcom: Chilly in Lincolnshire {Editor Wilbur ARG}
It had a prominent release because of Jack Massey’s involvement and previous fame, but production was abruptly scrapped before it tied everything up with a bow on top, so to speak. It’s still unclear if this was actually planned in order to tell the story the way they way wanted. 
Even before that, critics had mixed reviews, either applauding the storytelling and acting or calling it “irrationally confusing, an amateurish attempt to box unconventional storytelling into a conventional medium.”
Also SootHouse was a sitcom that achieved a cult following during the two seasons it ran before cancellation. Either you’re a fan or you’re never heard of it, and people constantly forget Wilbur was in it. 
(He was a few other old shows on his resume too. Wilbur always focuses on the newest project, so everyone always forgets about what he was in before.) 
Maybe I Was Boring EP was initially just bonus tracks on his website, but his fans liked it so much he gave it a wider release
In between, he had a few comedy songs go viral on youtube. Everybody was so confused when they realized it was the same Wilbur as musician/actor Wilbur. He laughed about it in an interview, saying “How many Wilburs do you know?” 
That’s when it came out that “Wilbur Soot” was actually a stage name. (”Ha, fair, only one.” “Make that zero-- my name’s not really Wilbur.”)
He kinda disappeared after that?? Didn’t do anything, really inactive on social media. It was semi-confirmed that he was both working on his mental health and prepping some stuff (music, auditions).
But anyways he just released a series of singles, combined into Digital Love {E-girl trilogy}-- he’s transformed his image yet again, but this time he does take ownership of all his past ventures.
The release of Digital Love bridges the end of SMP Earth and the beginning Dream SMP. 
But before that there was MCC and the other stuff.
They are shows where celebrities team up do stuff-- you know the type 
but Minecraft Monday is still inexplicably Minecraft Monday. Some Youtuber just managed to get all these up and coming celebrities to play a Minecraft tournament. 
And that’s where the Sleepy Bois (minus Tommy) met IRL so that’s where they meet here. 
SMP Earth, like Minecraft Manhunts, is also a former show they were on. I’m going to call it World Domination. Don’t @ me; I know that’s trash lol. 
They and the Dream Team met up because of their shared fanbases and were even talking a crossover, but it didn’t really work that well for the stories so they scrapped it
They make a non-canon cross over episode anyways {no IRL equivalent, I think}
Everybody loves the cons. Everytime there’s a con, five friendships are made and eight ideas are created. 
Techno backstory time
He’s done a lot of long running, though not exactly popular, serials and sitcoms: Blitz, Survival Games, and Sky Wars. 
Winstreak: 1000 {Bed Wars 1000 winstreak} was so popular they made a second season, but it never got as big as the first. He worked nearly exclusively with Hypixel Studios. 
He was doing lots of random content for their new Sky World universe {Skyblock} -- the small studio was big on experimentation -- , when a fictional documentary, The Great Potato War, went proper viral. 
They made two sequels WHILE he was doing those celebrity team challenge shows and then World Domination, and they were actually good sequels.
Got a reputation for being shallow and a sell-out, but he makes a joke of it so much he gets away with it and constantly self-promos.
Also a kinda scary to work with for the first time because of how single-minded he can get, but once you realize how socially awkward he is it’s okay.  
Now that’s he’s in a lot of stuff with worldbuilding, he practically has the wikis memorized. 
Tommy mainly did limited series and movies before World Domination, where he met the SBI.
He’d had been a fan of Wilbur for a while, and was super star-struck at first, but got over it really quickly in his Tommy style
He still is a total fanboy at concerts and whenever a new music video drops. “I’m friends with the guy! I know him, Wilbur Soot!” “Tommy, you’re famous too.” “Yeah, cuz I’m practically in the video!” “No--” 
Wilbur takes Tommy to one of his concerts and he’s so hyped the entire time, especially to go behind the scenes and on the stage. 
Sometimes he gets stressed about the pressure of being a child star, but Techno, Philza, and Wilbur promise to stand by him and they make him feel protected 
One time Wilbur’s drunk and almost hands Tommy a drink before swearing and going, “You’re a bloody child! You can’t have that! God, what would Philza think?” Tommy’s not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. 
Philza laughs at the story and actually lets Tommy try a little in a more controlled, responsible situation. Tommy texts his mum first, and then hates the drink anyways. (”This is rubbish! I am a man, but I’m not drinking this!” Techno: “Alcohol is disappointing. I drink orphan’s tears instead.” “Techno WHAT--”)
Philza had been the star of a zombie apocalypse show: Golden Core 
He did canonically die to a child zombie in the movie version. Yes, they made a movie version of the TV show, because the Golden Core franchise actually has had many other shows {other hardcore series}. 
Everybody tries to get the child zombie props near him because of that (they’re puppets)
He’s done a lot of other things, like in the original actor AU post, but none of them came close in popularity. 
He gives the rest of the SBI the knowledge he’s gained from being in the biz for so long. 
There’s also a running joke about SBI meaning “Spy Boys Incorporated” and them starring in a comedy spy movie
The fans would very much actually like this to happen. There’s so many fanons for it (maybe I’ll write one....) 
Back to the DSMP. Maybe I’ll call it Dreamland or smth. 
Wilbur constantly asks Tommy if he’s okay after any difficult scenes
Especially when they were hanging out together a lot in the exile arc.
All the brother scenes were cut because Wilbur kept breaking down and crying in them.
Sometimes people actually ask Techno and Tommy if they’re actually brothers. Tommy tries to go along with it half the time on the basis of “it’s be funny,” so there’s a subset of casual fans that genuinely don’t know. 
After Alivebur was killed off, Wilbur was going to leave the show to concentrate on his music
But he missed the SMP and hanging so much that he just showed up on set one day saying “I’m a ghost now,” and everyone just rolled with it
Alivebur was so popular that, seeing that Wilbur was willing, they decided to bring him back for Season 3. He’s been avoiding doing heavy scenes, but he still seems really invested and like he wants to come back to the show.
Wilbur talks with Techno about writing and lore a lot
it’s one the few times Wilbur actually seems like the older one
Wilbur attempted to get a D&D group going in the cast, but the show was already close enough, with the amount of improvisation they can get by with
Tommy’s Pigstep cover happened, but the background was Philza clapping barely in time with just Wilbur on bass instead (and of course Techno’s “BAHP”s)
It was a charity stream. They had put on their costumes (clothes only) for a previous goal. 
This one was simply called “We rap.”
Some people were almost disappointed that Tommy was the only one actually rapping, but he was so funny it made up for it. 
Okay I spent the whole morning on this and it got way too long but I think I’m finally out of ideas. sorry haha hope you enjoyed! ^_^
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saintobio · 3 years
Just read chap 11. Saint you've got some mad skills. The way you worded and paced this chapter... Giving details for every small thing, kept us in the loop, I am surprised to manage to fit it in 10K words. Applauds must not stop for this
Also, I don't know about others but seeing Gojou struggle and desperate for yn's affection and warmth gave me a sense of justice(?) Like he is finally reaping what he sowed and I know it affects yn but life's not fairytales and unicorns. I wish yn's circumstances were different but it makes me happy and proud that our female lead is putting herself first at every point. I love the mental debate in her head everytime she faces Satoru even though it can be fucking exhausting. I tend to prefer a more rational and level headed protagonist, like Navier (OUH THE RESEMBLANCE IS UNCANNY NOW) so I'm crying proud tears for our selfless but (now) slightly selfish yn.
Also, a sneak peak into Toji's POV made me realise that it is best they share an only platonic relationship. The advice of getting under another man to forget one doesn't really help here and yn needs to live a hermit life to balance out all this chaos in her life. I do wish if you could have a spin off drabble where Toji and yn ends together but only if you're comfortable. I'm a Toji simp since Sn so I can't accept the chemistry between Toji and yn go unexplored.
ALSO NAOYA SAYING HE IS READY TO DO THE DIRTY WORK?!?! I don't know if I can handle more plot twists. Our GojouxYN ship never had a smooth sail and it seems like it has to end up sinking. 4 chaps to go and we have so much turbulence left to brace for. I don't know if I love or hate that fact.
Jk, I fucking live for this high life. I am so glad I found your account. Someday I will pluck the courage to read Wastelands (I cannot digest zombies and apocalyptic au) but know that you will always have me as an avid reader and fan of your work. Love you loads ❤️ P.s. sorry for this long ask.
Anonymous said
Naoya— I had some suspiscions when I looked at the theories about the plot twist. I knew the Naoya X Stepmom idea would really make me say "Wtf!?". Hah I must admit I forgot about Mei's love for money for a bit there hahah
Welp now I can tell why you couldn't express your agreement on my previous ask about Gojo's dad 😅 He does give off that selfish vibe that even if he adores his side pieces he'll only favor those of his own blood, although discreetly/twisted.
I'm honestly nervous that the two (Toji x Y/N) are starting to think about each other, although their thoughts are still on the platonic side, I can't help but feel that Gojo's chances of getting Y/N back is already at the critical level of 10%.
I know he's sincere with everything now but I can't blame Y/N for not believing his actions at all. Heck I would've started not believing every affection he's shown the moment he declared that I will never be in his heart 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully he'll get through the "veil" she has started to build around her to keep him away 👀
Ohohoh it's evident that she isn't pregnant ( I eat lies for breakfast JK 🤣) but in case she is when Ieiri checked it's probably someone else's, maybe Naoya has something to do with it. He did say he wanted to meet her and to leave the dirty work to him. He seems like he's gonna help Toji get Y/N 🤔 Like she's gon be beneficial for their group, too, yk. But oh well, too late, Y/N saw the scenes at the hospital already and has assumed the worst, oh man, and to think he's been annoyingly sweet throughout this chapter 😅
Also, I wanna trust Ieiri honestly but if she ever reveals that misstres is indeed preggo I have a feeling she's threatened by the fact that mistress might potentially harm Y/N knowing her heart condition but again I hope she's a wise and strong as I see her.
I'm honestly glad like 🥲🤧 that he said those things to Sera, that's a HUGE step hun. But now I feel bad because there's a lot of misunderstandings in their relationship then add to the mix that the mistress lied to baby trap Gojo and Y/N seeing all that and running away without confirming anything 😢
@bakugousmrs said
Okayyy I was luckyy the ask box is still open!! Okay first, does Naoya really like the bitchest of the bitch or he just enjoy her 'evilnesss' or he has an older woman kink idk what's its called, maybe he's messing with the Gojous and now he's planning on meeting Sera? And on the last part I think Sera would make a huge mistake by getting other man to impregnate her to keep Gojou with her, I just hope it's not Naoya oh goshh,🤦‍♀️ I can't express my anger! And Toji!! He knows the scandal oh myyy! This whole chap had me confused and dazzin'. And I just HOPE!! Y/n is in a better shape despite this whole chap eveen tho its hopeless!! Save my babyy Miss Ai!!!
Anyway This is another Chapter!! That gives me motivation to look forward every week!! The reason I want to livee augh!! I'm addicted!!
And Gojou you better fix this or else 🙂🔪🍆= 🍠
Anonymous said
okay this has nothing to do with this chapter (an amazing chapter as always tho!! holy shit your writing 😩😩 the emotions THE PLOT TWIST AJDJDJ IM-)
but ever since you mentioned that getou owns a lot of nightclubs i’ve been thinking: imagine all the shady business he could be getting up to. and the even more i think about it, suguru really does seems like he could be such a shady person under his cool facade. not that he’s a bad guy or anything but he could definitely be up to some illegal stuff without anyone knowing or suspecting a thing. i imagine that he owns some pretty high end popular clubs in the city and makes deals with gangs and crime syndicates to let them use it as a negotiation point or hang out space in exchange for information on certain people and the plans or movements of other business and upperclassman that he’ll need to be wary of (getou 🤝 naoya and their gossip king skills) i also imagine that this is where sukuna fits in; hes an important member of a pretty big crime organization—the underboss and he’s become somewhat of a friend / partner of suguru (ayo spin off writers 👀) they met because sukuna is trying to secretly overthrow the current head of the crime organization hes apart of and form his own gang. he comes to the nightclubs pretending as if he’s just observing rivals to get anything off of them to report back to his boss but in reality he’s trying to recruit and get other members to defect. suguru could have seen it from the start what sukuna’s true intentions were and made a deal with him, telling him that he won’t out his secret and will help him too with funds and information of his own if he’d take on a job to ‘take care of’ a new nightclub owner rival of his, one that was rapidly growing and becoming more successful than him—normally this wouldn’t be something that getou would particularly make a big fuss over but if you throw in a fiancé!y/n into the mix and a threat against her life because his rival is a ‘too cocky arrogant fuck that sends him anonymous threats even though suguru knows it’s from him’ as well as the fact that y/n’s mother—the ceo of a popular magazine company is having an affair with her husband’s rival who happens to be the head of sukuna’s crime syndicate—the very one he’s trying to kill, posing as a businessman to hide his true occupation. suguru promises that he can get y/n to get as much dirt and secrets as she can for him if he can do the job. (bonus is that sukuna ends up having a soft spot for y/n and develops feelings but it’s unrequited because she’s in love and is ready to marry suguru.)
Anonymous said
at first it was very easy to defend sera, because i UNDERSTOOD where she was coming from and why she was upset. i was able to put myself in her shoes cus ik damn well i’d be more upset, but that was in the beginning.
once it got to the later chapters it was so clear that she doesn’t even love gojo, and only the idea of him. i mean disregarding his trauma and not letting him open up because she’s selfish and thinks only her problems matter. wtf. like that’s when i could no longer defend her and realized her reasoning was fucking pathetic.
as for gojo, it’s nice to see that technically he didn’t choose sera first in that last chapter but rather chose the mc first by wanting to end things with sera, but gojo needs to speak tf up so he can clear shit. #proudgojoapologist JK LOL, i like seeing him suffer even if it’s nothing compared to what yn is suffering. i just think he’s a terrible communicator but do i blame him? no, i mean look at how he was raised.
as for yn, maneeeee! i think by putting up those walls between her and gojo she’s hurting herself way more. yet, it makes sense why she’s doing it but it’s obvious she still cares for him and she needs to put down these boundaries and let him know how much he hurt her. i really hope things get better for my home girl cus shit.
living off those toji crumbs fr, yn buying him a gift <33 i fr love their friendship ;)
anyways this chapter was amazing made my friday >>, as always take care of urself :o)
@selenelle said
The conclusion of this capter is that Hoela issa good fuck. (For science purpose the qn is what kind of rigorous practice did she went through prior to the marriage that she got Naoya slept with her...) (((Also young stepson look at your mum she's embarassing))))))))
Anw I had the same exact thought about Naoya's description of her being "not passionate about her old work" just right before you narrated it. I'm proud of my BSc in Management my education didn't fail me. If I were her I'd just secretly plot with someone from the legal team and change the death will and you know... work around that area (however you want to interpet this). Or plot with other major shareholders. Or if all of the shares belong to the family (which usually isn't the case bcs the financial risk is too high) I'll push the company for IPO instead and well... plot.
This is why we don't marry people just because of their looks *sigh* bright mind can take your empire far but sexy body won't (it was an advice given by my prof to the male students when we talked about Korea chaebol and Japan zaibatsu keiretsu).
Also it can't be just me... does Naoya ship Toji with y/n?!?!? Idk what other dirty work they're planning to do but Naoya sire I know you'd do it in a heartbeat but like I wanna request it just to emphasize it once again: make sure four of them suffer. You're a sexy smart man you know who are the additional two 🙈
Me thinks it's no longer Sera x Satoru = Stupid2. Now it's Stupid4.
Anw Saint once again good job with the new chapter!!! I enjoyed it my jaw literally dropped and I enjoyed the previous chapters as well the plot building was *beat drop*. (You see the rhyme heheh)
Have a good week ahead and stay healthy!!
Anonymous said
WHY WOULD THAT BITCH BLAME MC FOR THE REASON GOJO CAN'T BE WITH HER AND THE BABY??? LIKE GURL, SHE EVEN SAID/THINKING OF MAKING MC PAY??? the audacity of this homewrecker is above from what the highest number could be. Actually I've been reading SN skippingly because I am just waiting for it to end so that it would be one hell ride of emotions but I can't help myself because of Sera and also because of the asks I've been reading ; A ;
Anyways, quick analysis with what the current situation. Ughhh how do I explain it? (I'm running out of words, english is my 2nd language) Sera is confirmed to be pregnant, which is expected because Satoru intended to that so- but ugh, my symphaty goes to the child. Imagine being used as a trump card by your mother just to get out of what her current life situation is. I just can't see Sera as a loving mom or what, she's just kinda off to me and also makes me shiver imagining her like that with a child.
Toji, ah yes king, you are one heck of a rare man bb. And for Naoya, you cunning bitch I'm rooting for you to ruin their lives.
Anyways, I'll be waiting for SN to end (which is near, right? ) damn these asks I've been spoiled but hey other's theories of SN were fun to read. You are such an amazing author, you really wrote every character meticulously even tho I can throw my hands to Satorou and Sera ( THEY ARE EVEN BOTH AN S, WHAT A LUCK)
Anonymous said
omg am i the only one who hates mei mei? i hate canon mei mei and i hate her in here too pls. i know a lot of ppl want gojo and sera to get exposed but i dont think people understand how it could affect yn also.. everyone is always frustrated telling yn that she needs to leave her marriage and just divorce gojo but it’d be incredibly embarrassing on her part as well like having your marriage fail after less than a year? and all bc of a mistress whose worth isnt even half of yours? its basically a lose lose situation unless gojo gets his act together.
and SERA FUCKING SERA. i hate that bitch with a passion. i knew gojo was finally going to break up with her and that she was going to babytrap him. from the way u said she was panicked, she’s obviously not pregnant and was just finding excuses. and not her calling yn ‘ugly’ like BITCH u want my wealth, status, husband, and sense of fashion like cmon now ur a FAN pls
i loved satoru this chapter and my heart has been aching for him recently. i literally dont wanna hear any more gojo slander bc he literally tried to break up with sera and they would have if sera was normal! yeah he fucked up but theres nothing we can do abt it anymore. i genuinely applaud gojo for realizing his mistakes and trying to fix it by ending it with sera. i really like how gojo is desperately trying to win yn back and i wish yn would just give in bc i really miss them and i want them to be happy together but the timing of everything is just not going well for yn and gojo :(
amazing chapter as always. loved to see that toji basically thinks of yn 24/7, it gave me butterflies. team gojo still though. really hoping sera isn’t pregnant so gojo can just leave her behind already, but from the way u said shes gonna start dressing like yn im thinking shes still gonna be w gojo :(
Anonymous said
first off, what the fuck naoya????? i am still reeling from that revelation. i was still slightly sleepy while reading the chapter but shit, that part woke me tf up. i’m shocked but not surprised 🥴 def in character for the stepmom to do that. i love tho how naoya pretty much confirmed that gojo’s dad would still prefer to hand the company over to someone of his own bloodline, wc means that that snake’s plans still won’t work either way. on another note, i don’t like the way naoya left toji’s office… man’s planning smth and i’m scared.
so, we’re gonna be having another gala event. i wonder what will happen there 🤠 it was kinda sad seeing satoru and y/n’s dad talk to each other and refer to one another as dad and son bc we know satoru’s actually being genuine rn. and i’m sure satoru appreciates having a father figure like y/n’s dad, who seems to rlly care abt him. such a shame that that image will be completely shattered once they do find out abt how satoru treated y/n tho. like i know he had it coming, but i can’t help but feel sad either way
and finally, just when things seem to be getting smoother, ofc satoru, sera, and y/n just had to be in the same place at the same time 😩 i wonder tho if sera’s rlly pregnant. i feel like it could go two ways—either she rlly is pregnant and she will blackmail satoru with the baby, or she’s convinced she’s pregnant when she actually isn’t. her reaction in the bowling alley when satoru mentions that they have her checked up together makes me think she claimed to be late as a spur of the moment thing. or who knows, maybe she was bluffing at first but it turned out she was indeed pregnant 🥲
thanks sm for this wonderful chapter ai! i always look forward to sn fridays (or saturdays for me shsjsjsk) bc i find it such a great way to start the weekend. hope your weekend will be wonderful as well! 🤍
@x-avantgarde-x said
In regards to the Zenin. Naoya, my dude, what the actual fuck?!? Even if I cannot quite point out what my feelings about him are, much less what I think about his affair with Satoru’s stepmom 💀, I would gladly let him know that he doesn’t need to get out of his way to stop the companies from merging (at this point my poor Y/N has endured so much that I cannot phantom the idea of her at least! Not bringing up a divorce). And even if I doubt he has any intention of helping us (that good looking bastard), I was crackling when I read his and Toji’s last interaction.
And Toji, sweet Toji, what is there left to say about my man that we haven’t talked about already? I’m honestly so glad that Y/N has such a sincere and kind person by her side, someone who truly wishes for her happiness and is willing to help her get to it. Please, and as he talked about how if she had waited a little longer to get married to Satoru she would have infinite numbers of men asking for her I couldn’t help but think about if he would be one of them? Just love my man so much, I’d willingly give him as many babies has his dilf heart wishes for🥰💖
Anonymous said
I feel like people really get blinded by love, that they blame everyone aside from their lover, judge them, accuse them, and just despise them? In S*ra’s case , she’s very manipulative, toxic, blind, possessive??, immature, AND PATHETIC she can’t handle rejection? then I wonder how she would handle it if everything comes crashing down, and karma serves smh.
Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and lots of love🌸🌸🌸
Anonymous said
Sera is LYING through her teeth. You can absolutely tell from the reactions and the panic that settles when Gojo says he needs a test for proof. I’m just afraid of what she could have possibly done in the 6 days until she was “free”.
Also, the way I smirked at how juicy it was to find that Naoya and Gojo’s step mother are having an affair. So THATS why the two appeared one after the other during the auction. Oh Saint, you’re so spicy and so dramatic I love it.
Sometimes I try to read so deep bc I know you don’t write anything without reason that I’m creating scenarios out of absolutely nothing and other times, I miss some blatantly obvious hint you provided! Always keeping us on our toes!
I had a feeling Gojo chose to follow after Sera to come clean about his feelings. Now that the tables have turned, I am unfortunately very sympathetic for him. But only because I know his intentions are good but I can foresee things going even more downhill for him.
One thing I do trust is for reader to still continue the merger. I feel like something will happen. Like a glimmer of hope. Reader is only doing this bc she doesn’t believe Gojo is genuine. Because he’s broken her trust. They are on absolute different wavelengths and the timing is so poor. But if Gojo is ever able to shy away his pride for even a minute and finally bear his true feelings, I think reader would latch onto that hope.
So I guess even if I’m sympathetic, beat Gojo down. Cause more drama he can’t handle so he can finally bare his bones and be his true self to his wife.
Anonymous said
Chapter 11 was shocking… the tea was spilled. I have been thinking about this for a while, but Sera truly lacks self awareness on how big the consequences are if she stays with Gojo and could possible be pregnant. Like if she just stops thinking for one second about her relationship and focus on the bigger picture. The business relationship between the Gojo gorup and Creston would be strained and the chances of Satoru becoming CEO would be slim and/or Satori wont be CEO at all due to the affair,Satoru dad would probably make Satoru step down, the merger wont go through, Gojo group stocks would go down, media scandal=bad PR, and any business relationship with Creston and the Gojo group would not work due the to affair. Y/N family would be heartbroken and pissed because if they knew that Satoru was having an affair and that he was treating y/n like crap they would think that its their fault. They trusted Satoru; and y/n family would feel betrayed and guilty. Since Creston is the biggest financial group they have a lot of power. Eula thinking that there are other business that would deal with the Gojo group sound so ignorant, even Naoya knew this. Like Creston is the biggest financial group in all of Japan. The other “business” that Eula mentioned could have had business relations with Creston and if the affair or any scandal were to come out that involves the Gojo group, other business would be hesitant or not do any business deals with the Gojo family, due to their scandal and fear that Creston would not work with any businesses that have worked with the Gojo group , if the affair and possible pregnancy of sera comes to light. Y/N family would be pissed and devasted by the affair. and the scandal would put a bad reputation towards the Gojo group. Eula and Sera truly lacks self awareness on how big the consequences would be due to how narrow minded they are. Both eula and sera are only focusing on themselves and not care/lacks self awareness of their actions. I hope this make sense and sorry if this was too long😅😅
Anonymous said
SAINT!!! love the new pseudo Hmm…. May I ask what gojo was specifically looking for in y/n’s phone and when he did, what did he find? 👀 bc my girl y/n is clean, you cheater don’t be labeling her as something to your level. Also, has he recovered the missing pic of y/n or is it gone and lost forever 🥲
But… I do give him props for trying to break the relationship with sera and being honest with her about not only his feelings for y/n but his need for her. He never stated that he needed her for the company, he stated he just needed her to be sane. Question: are we still in gojo’s redemption arc has it ended….?
…… I don’t think sera is pregnant, based on her actions of hinderance. I’m sure she just said she was pregnant without really checking bc she was scared of gojo really leaving. And she didn’t think gojo would ask to get proof. But knowing you saint, I don’t think you wouldve kept up or put the pregnancy foreshadowing for so long if it wouldn’t be something important. Bc baby trapping would be the best way to keep gojo no matter what. And if she doesn’t have that, and just simply works with naoya… idk if it’ll have the same desired outcome that sera would want.
AND lastly…. Naoya is no longer good boi for me. Duke ergi will forever be the best boi. But woah mistresses in this au are legit crazy HAAHAH
Okay really last thing (between me and you, it’ll be a secret) can you promise me that there will definitely be a gojo x y/n sexy scene. I know tou said there will be an emotional sexy scene, but I need it as a promise that you’ll have it. Bc I’m starting to pity him so much and sigh the boy is trying but nothing ever goes his way. Like literally all his life nothing really works out for him. He tries to hate y/n and he utterly fails, he tries to now be honest and love y/n and he’s failing even harder in that.
@denjisheart said
This last chapter was mwah. So good!! Honestly the progression and pace of this story is so wonderfully written, Saint, that I get so excited each time a chapter comes out. I kept replaying You should be sad by Halsey the other day bc it was reminding me of SN.
If I could’ve shown you a picture of my face when the little twist of Naoya was revealed? But also, I’m definitely curious as to why he 1. wanted to know the name of Satoru’s mistress, 2. why did he say “Leave all the dirty work up to me”. Like I know where my kind is going considering SN!Naoya is some playboy, he may even try to sway Sera a certain way but the question that lingers for me is why? Is it to stir the pot? For the sake of the Zenin’s? Eula? Either way I’m watching him like: 👁👄👁.
Toji thinking about how his wife would also find YN admirable is something I found super sweet. As well as how much he admires and finds the hood in YN, he truly wants to her to be happy and it’s still so contrasting to the happiness Satoru wants for YN. For Toji, it feels like he wants YN to be happy bc she deserves it and because he likes to see her happy. With Satoru, though he feels like he’s trying, there still a strong underlying selfishness in his actions. He is trying to sweep things under the rug as if he wasn’t unjust and cruel to his wife to deserve the cold shoulder and harsher treatment he’s now getting. He may be ready for the love that YN was giving but YN is no longer ready to give the love she once did.
And bumping into Satoru and Sera at the doctor!! The way I let out an excited silent scream 😭 You write angst so well, and I absolutely love every twist and turn you include both big and small. I said it before but you’re an amazing writer Saint and I’m so excited to see where this serious would go and where other series would possibly go! Out of curiosity, would you consider writing for a new fandom or are you happy with the fandoms you have currently written/write for? Either way I look forward to it! Have a great weekend! ♡
Anonymous said
No bc it’s been like 10 minutes since I read the new chapter and I can’t I literally can’t, like my emotions are all over the place and I feel like at this point gojo isn’t redeemable in y/n’s eyes no more bc him getting sera pregnant is the last straw and is the excuse she needed to leave that pathetic excuse of a marriage bc wtf, she deserves so much better and I feel like naoya is trying to get Toji and y/n together bc he said he was gonna do all the dirty work or wtv and honestly idgaf about gojo anymore wait maybe just a little bit but like mf now realizing actions have mf consequences, and lord idk like gojo was real about to end things with sera as he should but then she was to be a bitter bitch and ruin things for them and I just have no sympathy for her, like girl needa gtfo she lost he doesn’t want her but she doesn’t wanna accept that and I I feel like if she is pregnant she doesn’t even want the baby, she just using it as her triumph card bc she doesn’t have anything left so in conclusion SERA CAN GO FUCK HERSELF 🤚🏽
Anonymous said
Sera I know you not pulling the Oh I’ll kill myself if you leave me and the iconic I’m pregnant last minute 🙃 and did anyone see the “oh I’ll never find anybody like him” but she was only worried about his money? smh these hoes so selfish 🙃🙃🙃 I’m glad gojo finaly trying to dump her ass for real. I’m glad she’s experiencing a portion of the pain that y/n felt like girl you was talking all that good shit before but now n got look at who he wants 🤗🤗 I just KNOWWWW that y/n got that gorilla grip talented kitty that got gojo dreaming 😭😭😭 got that man wanting to be around her all the time. Plus she actually cares about him and not just his wallet.
And I HAD KNEW THAT THE STEPMOM WAS A SNAKE BUT SHE A BIGGGG SNAKEEEE I HOPE SHE GET CAUGHT. And a question Saint. Does Gojo’s dad actually even love him because it’s looking to me like he’s just a tool to him and nothing more. It looks like he loves Yuuta way more and gives no fucks about his blood son 😥 regardless of what I’m glad that Gojo is trying to be a bit different from his father! I mean I’m still (a bit) mad at him but at least he’s trying🤣. I almost fully for gave him when he said that he didn’t want to be with sera anymore. Like before I go to bed tonight I’m going to re-read that sentence over and over. That sentence has watered my crops, fed me and gojos imaginary children, Cleaned my house, and gave me so much pleasure. Just to imagine her anguish and sadness brings me so much joy. I can only hope and pray that she’s not actually pregnant and maybe she’s just late but I feel like that is too good to be true. I can only dream that we get some gojo x y/n babies but that’s only possible if y/n is willing to give him a shot. But I would be unsure if I was her too because he really hurt her. ughhhh Saint your killing me with these bomb ass chapterssss😫😫😫
Anonymous said
Okay so Saint, first Ilove you. Second, I love you, third I LOVE YOU EW LMAO THAT CHAPTER WAS PURE ADRENALINE
Theory ahead, I really think that sn won’t have that much of a tragic ending. Sera isn’t preggo, not with gojo’s child at least. And I think that Shoko will play a decisive role is pinpointing that she is, somehow, lying.
Then again, I’m pretty sure that the trio/quartet (naoya, eula and Mei Mei +/- s*ra) will end each other, or Toji will get worms out of naoya’s nose about their plotting !! But gojo will eventually end up knowing about everything and s*ra isssss going to trash sooner or later
But girl, your writings are crazy, there’s something I’d like to suggest ! You gave us the opportunity to try and guess a plot twist, could it be acceptable for you to do that more often ? I really enjoyed discussingor reading debates about it on the discord server !!
And again take care of yourself, take breaks whenever you need them, feel free to reach out to us for support or whatever on the discord server, the persons out there are really amazzzzzzzing (shout out to you girls < 3 )
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hiii hi thank u everyone i’m sorry i can’t respond individually :((( but thanks for sending ur messages through <3 i have read every single one of them
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lillian-nator · 4 years
The Prince Of The Antarctic Empire Au (PAE AU)
The Prince of the Antarctic Empire
BASIC INFO: Wilbur is 18, Techno is 22, and Philza is 28, Tommy is 5. (At the start).
It all starts when Wilbur finds this kid on NewFoundLand territory, and this kid - who is like 4, mind you - is beating the shit out of some Zombie’s
Like he is using a cobblestone sword - but is just like, messing these Zombie’s shit up.
Wilbur, being the responsible adult he is, goes up to the boy - who is like extremely thin, and seemingly weak - and asks him if he wants to have dinner at his house.
The kid says yes - after a lot of negotiation - and, after Wilbur gives a brief introduction of himself, the blonde boy introduces himself as Tommy.
During this dinner, Wilbur tries to get the boy to open up about himself, but he is extremely untrusting of adults - specifically tall ones who find him in the woods.
A few things Wilbur learns about Tommy:
He is 5 years old, but he knows he looks younger
He doesn’t remember having parents - he was pretty open about it when Wilbur asked him where his Parents were - but he knows that they either left or died, he has been alone for two years.
He doesn’t want to intrude on Wilbur; multiple times he declined the offer to ‘make himself at home’ or to ‘check out the bathroom’ or ‘the guest bedroom’
He is acutely aware of his surroundings. He also has insane reflexes - Wilbur guesses that these two facts are a factor of him being alone from such a young age.
Several times, Tommy caught something that would’ve rolled off the table - Wilbur knew that these things were out of eyesight for Tommy, but he still reached out his hand and caught them without looking away from Wilbur - also, more than once, he moved his leg away just as Wilbur’s dog would’ve ran into the boy. 
Throughout the little chatter that Tommy offers, Wilbur Soot notices one more thing - the kid is funny. Really, really, funny. With the small remarks, and comments, and rebuddles, he can tell that this boy bounces off really well with Wilbur’s sense of humor.
For some reason, he finds himself laughing with this 5-year-old boy more than he had with his brothers mere nights before.
Wilbur Soot notices one more thing during dinner.
He has fallen in love (platonically you fucker) with this boy - and he won't let go.
Between his small giggles, and bright smile, and blue eyes. Tommy’s demeanor, or the way he can make Wilbur laugh, or the way Tommy held Wilbur’s hand when they walked back to his house -
Wilbur had found his little brother. He wanted to take care of and protect this kid for the rest of his life. Wilbur wanted to make Tommy giggle everyday, and teach him everything Wilbur knew about the world, he wanted to keep the boy safe - it seemed like Tommy needed that the most, the kid had been alone since he was 3 -
Wilbur Soot, whether TommyInnit liked it or not, was going to raise this kid.
That night Wilbur sat Tommy down for a small talk, that basically went like this:
“Hey, Tommy?” Wilbur drawled, looking at the blue-eyed boy, who had been sat on the floor next to Wilbur’s dog, Fluffy. (I know that’s Techno’s dog, and I know that Wilbur’s dog is PeeDog - but that’s a bit weirdchamp to put in a story.)
“Yeah, Mr. Wilbur?” Tommy had automatically answered while petting Wilbur’s dog - who had also taken an odd liking to the blonde.
“Would you like to stay the night?” Wilbur stated a small smile growing on his face.
“No - no. It's okay. You don’t have to. Really, Mr. Wilbur -” He had stopped petting Fluffy in favor of looking at the man alarmed
“No, Tommy. I want to help you.” Wilbur started, voice soft. “How about, you stay here for tonight, and then tomorrow morning, we will go from there okay?”
“I - Okay.” Tommy confirmed, looking up at Wilbur with more hope in his eyes than Wilbur thought was humanly possible. Tommy longed for a home for so long. The problem was that every kind adult he met, reminded him of a lost memory of his parents - he was filled with regret, and sorrow everytime someone offered him a home.
Wilbur though, Wilbur was different. Wilbur was young, and rendered all of his abandonment issues useless - Wilbur made Tommy feel safe. Tommy felt as though Wilbur wasn’t going to leave him.
Over the next two weeks, Tommy really warmed up to Wilbur.
He couldn’t tell all at once, but overtime, Tommy really trusted him, and Wilbur caught onto this.
He could tell in the little things Tommy did:
Like how he stopped asking every time he wanted to use the bathroom
He stopped picking around his food before eating it.
He would wait for Wilbur to wake him up at 8, instead of waking himself up at 6 am.
He wanted to start helping around the house - this made Wilbur’s heart melt.
The first time Tommy asked to help doing the dishes, Wilbur almost died right then and there.
Wilbur had to teach Tommy how to dry the dishes while he sat the small blonde on the counter.
If a small step stool appeared in the kitchen the next day - nobody mentioned it.
The most heart-warming:
Tommy had started calling Wilbur “Wil”
It happened a 10 days after Wilbur took Tommy in, the two of them were having dinner when Wilbur asked Tommy to fetch him an extra plate.
Wilbur often forgot that he had built the house to suit a 6’5 man’s needs and not a 3 foot tall child’s. Even with the step stool, Tommy struggled to reach the glassware.
A small “Wil, can you help me reach?” was heard throughout the house.
A large, goofy smile formed on the elder’s face, as he went to go help the younger. Tommy called him Wil - not Mr. Wilbur - not even Wilbur: Wil.
Of course Wilbur did help Tommy, he went over and lifted the boy up by the waist and put him on Wilbur’s shoulders. The boy then grabbed the plate with ease, giggling as Wilbur bounced back to the table.
Two days later Wilbur came up with the nickname “Toms” as it seemed fair. While “Tommy” was technically a nickname, Wilbur wasn’t sure if the boy would answer to Thomas - so it felt right for Wilbur to make up his own nickname.
Tommy secretly, really really, liked the name. It made him feel special - and hey, if it made him really, really happy, to know that someone cared about him enough to give him a nickname, he wasn’t gonna go telling people about it.
And if Wilbur noticed that Tommy smiled a little brighter every time he used that nickname, he never brought it up, he just made sure to use it a little more the next day.
  SO, on the 15th or 16th day of Tommy staying with Wilbur, Wilbur’s brothers happened to stop by.
Wilbur should’ve seen it coming sooner or later - really. He missed the meeting they were supposed to have last week, he hadn’t come by to the Antarctic Empire like he was supposed to, he hadn’t been returning their calls. He was uh - he was busy.
He was with a certain blonde.
Philza, and Technoblade landed the plane on the shore of NewFoundLand - about 40 feet away from Wilbur’s house - that August night, and obviously they were worried for their brother. Wilbur though, Wilbur had other issues at hand:
He had been showing Tommy his guitar. The blonde seemed to have a fascination with musical devices, and Wilbur tried in every way he could to get his eyes to light up, or for Tommy to frantically ask questions about it. It honestly reminded Wilbur of himself - Tommy’s need to learn and soak up the world around him.
“And this Toms,” The older man watched the boys eyes light up in delight with the mention of the nickname. “This is the E-string.” Wilbur had plucked the low-sounding string to Play for Tommy. The blonde stood up from his seated position on the floor to get closer to Wilbur, and examine the guitar strings.
He carefully picked Wilbur’s fingers off the string with a look of pure curiosity on his face. His small fingers plucking the low note his eyes grew wide and slightly startled when the music came out.
“But I thought you said this one was ‘E’ Wil?” Tommy had pointed to the thinnest string on the guitar.
“You’re right Tommy. That one is E. That is High E.” Wilbur pointed out the thinnest string, using Tommy’s finger to pluck it, with an affectionate smile playing on his face. “And this is low E.” He used Tommy’s hand to pluck the other string.
“Why did they name two strings E? That’s stupid.”
Wilbur laughed, “I wish I knew Toms, I wish I knew-” He was cut off by the sound of a plane landing. Wilbur’s smile faltered for a second before standing up from his criss-crossed position on the floor, and holding out his hand.
“We are going to meet some people Tommy, okay?”
Tommy nodded with a weary smile, but he trusted Wilbur wholeheartedly. He took a hold of the brunette's large hand, and headed outside with him.
The two brothers pushed each other over as they got out of the plane, loudly laughing and yelling “Wilbur, you’re not dead are you?”
Before they could see Wilbur coming out of his house they heard a very distinctive voice yell, “No, I’m not dead. I’ve been busy!”
Technoblade spoke up this time, “What could you have been doing that you missed your trip to the greatest Empire in the World?” He snickered - whatever Wilbur had been ‘Wilburing’ for the past few weeks, Phil and Techno would tease him relentlessly over it.
But when Wilbur came out of the small wooden house with a 5 year-old trailing behind him - they were surprised.
Phil’s eyes widened at the small mess of blonde hair that appeared behind his brother. His mouth formed an ‘o’, as he met his brother’s face with knowing eyes/ He automatically kneeled down to the boy’s level. At eye level, Phil’s dark blue eyes were met with bright sky-like ones.
He smiled warmly at the young boy, who had been hiding behind Wilbur, holding onto his hand for dear life.
“Tommy, these are my brothers. Philza Minecraft, and Technoblade - the King of the Antarctic Empire.”
“Your brothers?” Tommy questioned.
“Yeah,” Wilbur said with a soft smile, he net down to get to Tommy’s level leaving only Techno standing. “These are. You wanna say hi?”
Slowly Tommy nodded, going in front of Wilbur, with the ladders hands on his small shoulders.  
Phil spoke up first. “Hey Tommy! Is that right?” Tommy shyly nodded his head. “I’m Phil. I’m Wilbur’s older brother. It’s nice to meet you.”
To Phil, he was seeing a younger Wilbur. Sure, Wilbur had brown hair, and deep doe-like eyes, but they were two in the same. The blonde clearly trusted Wilbur - clinging onto him for dear life. Wilbur was such a cute kid, could probably get away with anything if he wanted to, he was so sweet, and innocent - and anyone wanted to help the poor kid.
Looking at Tommy and Wilbur, it seems that history was repeating itself, as all Philza could see was himself with a younger Wilbur.
“Hey.” Techno had followed Phil’s lead and introduced himself to the kid.
“Hi” Tommy finally said to the pair.
Wilbur looked between Tommy and his brothers, before scooping Tommy up and over his shoulders. Resulting in the former erupting in a fit of giggles and squeals. “Come on guys,” He nodded his head to his brothers. “I have a lot to catch you up on.”
Later that night, Tommy had fallen asleep in Wilbur’s lap. The ladder holding the small boy in a protective grip against his chest, while the other two questioned him.
“So you just found him?” Techno questioned.
“Yes! We’ve been over this - he was fighting Zombies.” Wilbur answered, acting annoyed.
“How many were there?” Techno grilled.
“I don’t know!” Wilbur faked exasperation, but quieted down when he saw Tommy slightly stir. “Like five or six.”
“And he was keeping them off him? All by himself?” Phil asked in a worried tone.
“Yes!” Techno’s eyes widened. “He was beating the shit out of them Phil, and with only a cobblestone sword.”
“This kid? Really? He’s so small.” Techno asked curious, his eyes scanning over the small blonde.
“Yes, really.” Wilbur put a hand in Tommy’s hair, as Tommy buried himself slightly deeper into Wilbur’s neck.
“Why can’t you just give him to the orphanage? You know the ones towards western Canada?” Techno suggested, no emotion playing on his face.
Wilbur had to stifle a gasp, as Phil and him had similar looks of horror on their faces. “Tech” Wilbur scolded.
“Techno, Wilbur’s already grown attached to him, besides, the boy likes it here, we can’t just give him up.” Phil tried to reason with the young king.
“Whatever.” Techno scoffed. “Doesn’t mean I have to like him.”
“You didn’t like Wilbur, when I first brought him in, and look where we are now?” Phil reminded the pink-haired man.
“This is different.”
“Sure, sure it is.” Phil laughed, leaving to go get another coffee. “Whether or not you like it. Tommy is a part of our family now Techno.”
Techno just sat there.
“Yeah,” Wilbur sighed, getting up to bring Tommy to bed. “I’m not letting him go.”
SO, guys. Later today I will be putting some shorter stuff on world building. Anyone is free to write in this AU if you want. Otherwise, I think as “(this is home)” is closing, I will be starting up this AU, and I will be writing this and my You Said Family Went to War AU from now on - once I finish the final chapter of “(this is home)” 
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