#ghostboo negative
sunlitmcgee · 2 years
honestly what was even the point of ghostboo's character. spew suicidal ideation and make people feel bad for feeling sad when a character suffers?
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tvstaticsystem · 1 year
I think more people should make fun of Dream, for enrichment. - Philza
i think we should make a holiday where we just make fun of Dream, as a treat!! -Ghostboo
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tubboscored · 1 year
nobody look at me i wanna think about the ghostbur ghostboo parallels especially in how they are treated by those left behind .....
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sys-cafe · 1 month
Hiya! Could we get a headmate pack based on dsmp!ranboo/ghostboo w/ some sort of fungi/death and cryptid related theming? doesnt have to be source-adjacent at all. if not that's 100% cool, and ty in advance ^^"
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🦴 Cryptid/Death/Mushroom Themed Ranboo Headmate Pack 🦴
🌿 Name: Ranboo, Boo, Rot, Grim, Mist, Azrael, Ghost, Crypt
🪻Pronouns: they/them, thxy/thxm, death/rot/shroom/grave/grief
🧺 Age: around 17-19
🩹 Species: enderman, ghost
🪵 Genders: nonbinary, genderqueer
🐾 Xenogenders: anomalyic, crypticcoric, voidcattic, cryptidcatgender, mothmanic, morsic, liminalic
💐 Sexuality: gay nwlnw, cupioromantic, demisexual
🌿Role: n/a
🪻Source: dsmp, Ranboo
🧺Sign Off/Proxy: -🪦🌑
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🩹Likes: going on walks, flowers, doves, candles
🪵Dislikes: rain/water, loud noises
🐾Kins: deer, cat, moth
💐Hobbies: sewing, cooking,
🌿Music Tastes: goth music taste :3
🪻Aesthetic: dark cottagecore, witchcore
↠ pos: understanding, clever
↠ neu: quiet, calm,
↠ neg: prone to isolation, apathetic,
🪵Comforting Thing(s): cloudy skies,
💐Description & Details: can be invisible. sneaks up on people and scares them jokingly. long nails.
🌿Appearance: art by ArtRaychu on Twitter
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ꕀ Cranberry 🪻
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
I’m thinking a lot about the start of the stream yesterday and c!Philza’s need to be able to move on from the dsmp.
As somebody who is immortal, regret has to be an inevitable part of life. And not getting caught up in that regret to an extend that it drags you to ruin is important. It’s something we see Phil do very effectively, always dealing with the problems at hand and the things he can actively solve as a way to deflect his negative emotions.
But both other people and traveling seem to be important components in this equation.
Phil has lost both.
Phil misses the Syndicate, and he misses his friends and family. He is staying out of obligation alone (take care of the animals, make sure they’re okay).
And it’s keeping him from deflecting and instead we see more plainly than ever how hard he’s struggling; something he usually tries to keep under the surface - not sleeping, losing track of time, being jumpy and distracted. Regret has become a constant (he’s talking about Wilbur and how much he really loved that nation, he’s talking about Tommy not needing him because Phil will mess things up, he’s wondering where ghostboo is, he’s trying to convince himself things will get easier).
He has nothing to distract himself with. (”there’s no enemy at hand”)
He’s alone. (”it’s quiet here now”)
Yet he seems unable to move on.
Not until Kristin comes and gets him, and tells him he can move on, he should move on.
It’s okay to move on. It’s all going to be okay.
(And when Kristin says that, Phil trusts her)
I’m just saying I think she saved him in more ways than one.
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life-winners-liveblog · 7 months
Let's keep it simple. Name, occupation (as in what limbos about and what they do), motive and the amount of peeps are in there. I'll figure it out from there!
Much love!
Me! (Flutter)
Ok let's see! I tried to organize it a bit.
Names: Ghostbur / Ghost-Wilbur.
Nicknames: Ghostie (by Glatt) / Blue dolt (by Schlatt) / casper the friendly ghost (by Rev) / friendly neighborhood ghost (by himself).
Limbo: A run down, dark, cold, humid and mossy train/subway station.
Personality/Info: Happy, airheaded, kind, childish, naive, has difficulty with dealing with negativity and sometimes ends up trying so hard to avoid it that he makes bad decisions or says condescending stuff by accident, likes blue and has a pet sheep called Friend.
Motive: Bring joy to others, help his loved ones and be there for them, make up for Alive-Wilburs mistakes.
Name: Glatt / ghost Schlatt.
Nicknames: Annoyance (by Scott) / pale imitation (by Limbo Schlatt).
Limbo: Doesn't have a Limbo just crashes at Schlatts when he's bored.
Personality/Info: He litterally doesn't care, he's flirty, he's mean, just does what seems fun in the moment. Chaotic neutral. Likes to smoke...a lot.
Motive: Relax and have fun even if at everyone elses expense.
Dead Schlatt
Name: Schlatt / Dead Schlatt / Limbo Schlatt.
Nicknames: Everyones least favourite asshole (by Glatt), Drunkyard (by Scott).
Limbo: A gym, that's it.
Personality/Info: Like Glatt, but worse. Drunk a lot of the time. Flirty when drunk. But also. Violent when drunk. He is currently passed out after Scott hit him with a wine bottle. Surprisingly good at manipulation.
Motive: Fuck with people and drink the pain away I guess. Be revived no matter who you have to hurt to do so.
Name: Boo/Ghostboo/ Ranboo's ghost.
Nicknames: Boob guy (by Tommy), Ran (by Aimsey).
Limbo: Doesn't have one, just goes around the Limbos and messes with everyone else.
Personality/Info: When he died Ranboo was split in mind and Soul/Heart, Boo is the mind. He cannot feel unless in extreme cases and even then the emotions vanish in a short time. Good actor, acts happy as it logically makes people more likely to not dislike him. Acts like Ghostbur a lot, probably to mess with people. Gives golden apples to people as gifts...also to mess with them.
Motive: Mess with people, observe others, get his husband back.
Names: MD / Mexican Dream.
Nicknames: ...
Limbo: A dark window-less classroom.
Personality/info: Friendly, chill, sociable, not really observant, calls everyone dude or maaan. Probably smokes weed. Has a girlfriend named Mamacita.
Motive: Make friends dudes, just chill.
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alienssstufff · 1 year
[9] worst part of canon The DSMP Limbo aaaaaa
The introduction of Limbo had a chance at bringing interesting ideas of death and the afterlife to the server and yet not only is it never properly expanded upon (in a way that makes sense to everyone) - but it's honestly just a ploy to write angst for no reason. Why is Limbo to everyone a place for suffering, if Limbo is a purgatory why is the depictions of Limbo on the DSMP always negative and the worst situation ever? What's the universe's point in making your character go through all this pain and suffering? Just say they all went to hell atp... everyone on the dsmp goes to hell when they die idfc.
And the ghosts too - how do ghosts even exist on there? Why doesn't everyone who permadies get a ghost? Why is Ghostbur and Ghostboo's personalities so different from their alive-selves and Ghlatt's isn't?? Why are Ghostbur and Ghostboo able to freely roam the server whilst Ghlatt is stuck in the gym cave? Why did Wilbur say c!Wilbur and Ghostbur are two different people? why the fuck the one thing that will 'end' (?) Ghostboo's life is if he does a mf broadway song-and-dance and where do ghosts go when they die... DOUBLE LIMBO??? .......HELL 2????
I literally could write a better concept of DSMP Limbo and afterlife dont quote me on this than these dudes get ur facts straight
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i dont post finale neg on my own blog because it makes me sad, but. i feel like as well as all the bigger issues everyone talks about. the finale kind of took c!tubbo completely out of character as well. like, his whole story was he started out very trusting, and then became super reserved and "tough" and "logical" to try and protect himself and those he cared about, and then his arc was kind of him trying to find a happy middle ground and make a home and a life for himself.
when the finale happened, he and tommy had barely spoken in months. in fact the last major interaction i remember them having in lore (correct me if i'm wrong) is tommy coming up with a plan to kill dream and it ending horribly, with ghostbur getting murdered and wilbur revived and tommy getting screamed at and then banned from the prison grounds. ranboo and tubbo were both upset by this, neither of them wanted wilbur back and wilbur was consistently pretty awful to tubbo even after his revival. he and tommy never really talked about it or hung out after that point.
tubbo has a family. he has a child and a home and a lot to lose. ranboo died in dream's prison escape, but it was sam who did it, not dream, so there's not much motive for revenge. tubbo and tommy had been relatively distant for a while. clingyduo's last 2 attempts on dream's life had been horrific events. i genuinely cannot bring myself to believe that tubbo would blindly follow tommy - who he had not seen in months and then found him doing drugs in a basement and clearly not thinking straight - into another plot to kill dream.
i think he would sit tommy down and try to talk him out of it. i think he'd tell him to at least plan when he was sober. i think he'd ask him to come back to snowchester and they can sit and eat something and discuss their options. i think - if it really came down to it - he would genuinely rather physically restrain tommy himself or even let tommy go do his plot to kill dream on his own, rather than risk leaving his now orphaned child alone in a house to die.
i do not think tubbo, at the point in his life he was at in the finale, would just go "yes of course tommy to the ends of the earth i'd die for you any day" and not question a single thing
to be entirely fair, wasn’t ghostboo looking after micheal in canon? he was there when they took him home. so micheal wouldn’t have died, but yeah he would have been orphaned.
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How do you think the memory plot could've worked?
I think it wouldve worked as a psychological horror kinda thing, like looking at your best friend in the eyes and having a great time yet you feel something weird in your stomach, it isn't right, he is your best friend yet whenever he says your name you can't help but cry.
also, I'd feel like it should be solved and they should all get their memories back and maybe a catalyst for this action could be cwilbur, he was in utah when the explosion happened so he was unaffected by the explosion, but off course, seeing a nuclear explosion happened where your brother lives all over the news papers, would inspire him to go back.
someone else who I think could fit as a team for helping the rest of the server gain their memories back are ghostboo (has a better memory than ever now that he's dead) and maybe something could happen where everyone on the server disregards them as crazy while they try their best to get them back to who they were before, and I think this would be a really good opportunity for cwilbur to get a bit more character development.
like, imagine him trying to gather memories and stuff that was important for his relationships with others and realizing that he has had more of a negative impact on people than a positive one and he has a conflict on wether continuing to try and help everyone on the server get their memories back or leave them as they are so that theyre happier and don't remember all of the damage he did to them but decides to keep on trying to help people because last time he saw tommy, he left him behind and look what happened thanks to that, he's ready to actually do things to be better instead of just saying sorry and moving on.
im still trying to think of what i would do with ghostboo and the characters with memory wipe, but i think this is part of the main plot premise for what I think couldve been done to make a good season 2 and PLEASE if anyone has any ideas or corrections send them to me because ive been working on this premise since november but i feel like now more than ever its the best time to flesh it out and try to make something good out of a pile of garbage.
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Limbo-boo was, instead, Ranboos heart, he feels all emotions extra strongly and has an even worse memory then Ranboo did. He is mostly shown crying in pain but as the heart he also feels anger, happyiness, love and more.
When I said Ghostboo doesn't hold on to emotions I should have specified that: when Ghostboo starts feeling his emotions are drained from him and brought to Limbo-boo.
This is the second reason why Ghostboo acts all happy and stuff even if he is apathetic: to prevent even more negativity from going into Limbo-boo.
so he just experiences extreme emotions and feelies because that is literally how he was made.
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yogsandchaos · 3 years
Now I’ll admit I haven’t really been keeping up with the lore, didn’t watch the streams, the jokes on my blog about it makes that clear. However with what information I do have and as someone with memory issues who felt really seen by ranboo’s character having to take notes on their friends and stuff I do want to say him suddenly getting his memory back after dying is just, it feels off? Like a very major disability was just kinda snapped out of existence? A disability that barely ever gets any representation let alone representation of it not being the worst thing in existence and that one can live a full life with it without needing some cure?
Like yes it’s better that he can remember things but it feels, cheap, like someone gave him a miracle cure for his disability and it’s really disheartening as someone who also has memory issues that the character who made me feel comfortable with the fact I would really benefit from a ‘memory book’ of my own and that didn’t make me some creepy stalker got ‘fixed’ especially because it was from dying. Along with the thought that I would be a completely different person if I could remember everything and be unrecognizable is a really scary thought?
Fuck I dunno I just didn’t see anyone talking about how this might be kinda ableist in the same way a more visibly disabled character being miraculous healed after death would be? Especially if they keep it so he no longer has that problem when he’s obviously resurrected. Not saying you can’t enjoy ghostboo, but it rubs me the wrong way.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
trick or treat!
actually dont mind the treat gimme a trick >:)
ghostboo has lived in the mansion longer than any 3 of cbenchtrio ever have combined. he sits around and all he does it sit in a pool of ever growing decay. the bed is ruined and the floors are stained with pools of rot left by this sake of moving maggots. the only thing he ever does is wander the halls and groan and moan and bemoan and complain. "why don't they visit? why doesn't anyone care?"
he doesn't even bother listening when he's called by caimsey. secretly(or not so scecretly, it's very obvious, clear as day), ghostboo is thriving in this rotten world he's made for himself. he's happy. he's here. he's alive and feasting on the life that was stolen from a helpless child, the same one from who he stole his now sagging, colorless face.
it's so good, being dead.
he feels so good.
he feels so free.
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thedialup · 3 years
I gave away our giant mansion without asking, AITA?
I [18?] have recently decided to give away me and my husband's [18M] giant shared mansion without asking to a person I met yesterday [20N]. This is because after recent struggles with our relationship (getting into conflicts with his former coworker's [21M] new country, me exploding, my death, etc) we ended up never moving in. Also, he has moved 26,000 miles away from here because he wanted a fresh start and did not want to live with me in my house. This may be due to the fact that two of my neighbors [22M], [3000M] helped blow up his country. Also, we are not sure if we are still married due to my unfortunate death a few months ago. Additionally, our son [3M] now lives in a hole in my wall. Seeing that we had this giant house that went to waste, I decided to give it away to my friend who I had known for two hours. AITA?
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whomstdvelynt · 2 years
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from the doodle request thing I did a bit back: c!tommy, ghostboo (both requested by @nightmarefox15), and c!tubbo (requested by an anon) :]
they r just Silly Little Guys:tm:
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ppace762 · 3 years
I am eMoTiOnaL about lore
-Sam what the hell dude why’d you kill Ranboo? What was the reason? What was the reason?
-Ghostboo like being dead, is he okay?
-Will Techno really get dream to revive him?
-”Technoblade isn’t always right.” Yes so true thank you tommy
-Quackity character development we love to see it 
-I am SO READY to see c!phil neg on my dash
-I better not see anyone say c!Dream has changed- No he hasn't
-When dream said “Hello Tommy.” my heart legit sank
-How did Ranboo lose his two other lives? What did Enderwalk Ranboo do to get himself in prison?
-Two canon deaths in two days I am NOT OKAY
-I’ve got so many VODS to watch
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starlyte-writes · 2 years
So y’know how c!Ranboo’s limbo is the whole split situation but the Ranboo we know is the one that feels and he’s somewhere in limbo?
Imagine this is his limbo: He is alone in some kind of contained room with no doors, no windows, no cracks of any kind. He wakes up there alone and afraid, and suddenly he is hit with this overwhelming rush of emotion, this intense need to cry. So he starts crying. He keeps crying, the tears burning his face as they drip to the floor until eventually, there’s a puddle.
The emotion subsides, he stops crying, but soon it returns, and he’s forced to cry again. Over and over again he feels this sadness, this anger, this betrayal, this urge to cry his sorrows away without even knowing what he’s sad about. And the more he cries the more the tears add, never drying, coming together until there’s a thin layer of water on the floor, burning away at his feet.
The thin layer rises to his knees, then to his hips, and it’s slowly ascending up his stomach the more he sobs. Everything hurts. Everything burns. He needs to stop crying but he can’t because everything is miserable and all he has is a book with little to no answers.
So he sits there, waiting in pain, praying he’s revived before the water rises to the top, and he’s burnt away, fading into nothing.
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