#tw decay mention
dead-weight-vents · 2 months
(TW: intrusive thoughts, compulsions, death, decay, bugs and usual 4n4 stuff)
I don't even have a goal, I just... I already have intrusive thoughts telling me that eating dooms the people around me, and so far a lot of them did happen the more I ate. I'm not having as many compulsions or spirals when I do starve and drug myself with Benadryl. When I first got really bad with my ED that compulsion to not eat was accidental made me a "fairly good" anorexic. 
That whole, "no food make your body pure" from other anas while my own organs were rotting from the inside out, really fucked with my death obsession in a way.
At one point I was so starved that I developed this delusion that I was haunting my own body. Like I already should have been dead a long time ago. I only drank red drinks and I became obsessed with maggots and flies. The idea and process of decomposition itself. I kept spiraling the more I restricted to the point I believe my mother was planing how to kill me but I couldn't admit it to her because if I did she would skip planning and just kill me right there. 
I mean I lost over 25lbs in just half a year even with several recovery attempts during my last major relapse. But I was also fatter than I am now and I'm no longer 15-16 years old anymore. I'm 18 and idk when that random adult metabolism and and even older feeling of complete organ shutdown kicks in.
Some days I'm so miserable I want to just end it or at the very least become permanently comatosed. Other days I'm really happy and restricting is a default act but a distant thought. I still want a happy life, I'm willing to take the possibility. I think this is why I call this my "slow suicide" because I don't know if or when this will kill me and If I get thin enough for recovery I might take it. its just the only way I don't think about killing myself in a very serious way everyday is by doing it like this.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
trick or treat!
actually dont mind the treat gimme a trick >:)
ghostboo has lived in the mansion longer than any 3 of cbenchtrio ever have combined. he sits around and all he does it sit in a pool of ever growing decay. the bed is ruined and the floors are stained with pools of rot left by this sake of moving maggots. the only thing he ever does is wander the halls and groan and moan and bemoan and complain. "why don't they visit? why doesn't anyone care?"
he doesn't even bother listening when he's called by caimsey. secretly(or not so scecretly, it's very obvious, clear as day), ghostboo is thriving in this rotten world he's made for himself. he's happy. he's here. he's alive and feasting on the life that was stolen from a helpless child, the same one from who he stole his now sagging, colorless face.
it's so good, being dead.
he feels so good.
he feels so free.
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kandi-fox · 4 months
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a -freak [link] gender related to the End from TMA and being a freak! can also relate to the End and freaks, being an avatar of the End and a freak or any combination of the two
note: freak does not have a negative connotation here unless the user wants it to
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[image ids in alt text]
a -loser [link] gender related to the End from TMA and being a loser! can also relate to the End and losers, being an avatar of the End and a loser or any combination of the two
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[image ids in alt text]
a gender under the genderweirdo [link] system related to the End from TMA and being a weirdo! can also relate to the End and weirdos, being an avatar of the End and a weirdo or any combination of the two
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thedecayingapplefiles · 2 months
[⚠️ tw: sewerslide mention/implied ⚠️]
Part Twenty-Two
Sweetiebelle ran, unable to look back as she came to the stop at the edge of a cliff. She was panting heavily, tears pouring down her face.
She just lost everyone close to her. The infected were right. They should have given up hope. There was no way they could win. Sweetie just wanted to see her friends again. She wanted to see her sister. Fluttershy got to see her friends at least.
Sweetie took a step back, one of her back hooves slipping slightly off the side of the cliff.
...This could work. She wouldn't give those monsters the satisfaction of killing her. She'd let them starve.
With a deep breath, she backed up fully, air whipping past her body as she fell. Her eyes closed, images of her best friends and her sister flashing in her mind. She smiled to herself. She'd see them soon.
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The infected ponies have won.
But without a food source of magic, they would be forced to starve, just like Sweetiebelle thought. So in the end... Sweetie had found a way to defeat them.
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maestro-of-clockwork · 2 months
From even before you were born, you are not only brought into this world, but you are of the Earth itself. When you die and are lain to rest, eventually your body returns to the Earth: every atom, every piece of your molecular structure meshes into the ecosystem of this planet.
Of course, you already know this, do you not? You are familiar. You are aware. Why, they teach you this in school! How wouldn't you know?
I feel as though many of you are forgetting something, though. A piece of information that too many of you overlook:
All of you were doomed to be oppressed by my influence. You owe your existence, even as a thought, to me. You can choose to ignore it to spite me, but in the most obscure corners of your consciousness, you know that I am right.
Even after your consciousness and awareness dies, I will continue to have a stranglehold on you. What separates the situation is that, while you are alive, you have the misfortune of being cognisant of this.
You have the misfortune to realise that you should be thanking me for everything you know and love...or everything you know and hate.
Isn't it wonderful to know that, beyond your surface knowledge of who I am as a person, I am in control of your lives in more ways than you could possibly fathom?
And, even if you were already aware of this, isn't it wonderful that I am generous enough to give you the reminder?
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rpdepartment · 1 year
all this time, i've felt like my time to go would arrive
that ɪᴛ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ʟᴀsᴛ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ           i've been decaying
                                                                   moldy scaffolding                                                                       ritual strangling
                             no matter what i try, ɪ sᴇᴇᴍ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʏ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ
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Well, another day another wiki hunt agonizing over and examining in-depth the 16-bit sprites in sister location to determine the rate of decay and exactly how much of michael is left after the scoopening as part of my own efforts to reach a design that blends his rotting appearance with something that can adequately pretend to be a normal human enough to suit my specific horror-related tastes. TW for a rather thorough examination of the stages of death and body decomposition below the cut
Tl;dr I have done way too much research on this and also draw scooped!Michael as a decaying corpse more often you cowards (/lh)
The scooping machine was created to remove animatronic endoskeletons (as well as collect and hold Remnant), which by design are all interconnected to the chassis judging by the blueprints for the Funtimes. The human body is similar, but joints and muscles and organs and blood vessels and various bodily systems can be severed from the rest much more easily than metal wires and beams, especially by a device as blunt and crude as the scooper’s arm. It stands to reason that there are some elements of a human body that would be more inclined to break and tear under that sudden amount of force rather than be pulled out. This is also supported by the visuals of Ballora getting scooped in Night 4, where at least one eye and part of the endoskeleton jaw can be seen after falling still as the scooper finishes its function.
Michael in multiple cutscenes (including the ending) has evidence of teeth, as rotting as they are, suggesting that there is enough of a skull left for teeth roots to still be intact, though the lack of lower teeth suggests that his jawbone was a part of his skeleton that had gotten scooped. It’s also possible that after Ennard had snatched his body they may have removed additional pieces left behind to make more room inside their new flesh suit, including parts of the skull they were unable to fit their endoskeleton head into. They could also have kept some of the skeleton more intact and simply snaked their wires around them to make piloting the body around seem more fluid and believable. I’m not sure exactly how knowledgeable a bunch of animatronics who have hardly ever seen the outside world would be about embalming practices, but it’s not unlikely that they would want to at least try to preserve their means of access to the world for as long as possible. They definitely wouldn’t take too kindly to flies and maggots infesting and devouring their host. Unfortunately there’s no concrete evidence for where Michael lives in the US so environmental factors that affect the rate of decay are hard to determine. Walking around openly in the daytime, though, definitely would not help to slow the decomposition process, Ennard.
The stages of decay set in quite normally for a week-long time period, although I also suspect that the body didn’t break down as fast due to the lack of digestive bacteria that would further accelerate the process of putrefaction. There’s also the contention of the large gaping cavity in the center of the torso which would allow whatever putrid gases to escape freely rather than bloat within the body, although Michael still has the signature greenish hue of decomposition during the cutscenes. I also think that the blackened eyes can refer to the process of corneal clouding and deflation which happens after death, though it’s also reasonable to assume that Ennard had long since removed his eyes completely.
Fun fact, thanks to my own morbid fascination and tendency to go down deep wikipedia rabbit holes: during putrefaction there’s the possibility of the formation of a substance called adipocere from the decomposition of body fat that can act as a natural embalmment cast and preserve features long after they would have decayed. It’s possible Michael, either before or after Ennard vomited themselves out of him, could have some form of corpse wax present, but given Ennard’s rather flippant nature towards their host body it’s rather unlikely. Still interesting to learn about, though.
Michael’s ourple-ness can be seen as both a nod to his relation to Purple Guy and an artistic representation of his body in the beginning of advanced decay, where the remaining body tissues blacken and internal organs liquify and dissolve. Since Michael has no internal organs left, I doubt there would be as much of a rotting corpse smell that’s caused by gases released during the active and advanced decay stages as a result of anaerobic bacteria breaking down the body’s organic matter. Still, it’s no wonder he’d gotten a pink slip for bad odor.
Another fun fact: if hair is kept dry enough, it can stay attached to the body for centuries. This is mostly attributed to mummies, which were embalmed in a very hot, dry environment, so sorry Michael but it looks like your locks would not survive unless it happened to be a particularly dry heatwave during the time you were forced to be out and about.
Although I highly doubt this and there’s no active evidence for this theory, just my own overactive brain, something about how haunting works in the FNaF universe may contribute to his continued existence beyond just being a remnant continuously out for blood. There may be some kind of supernatural effect that “freezes” the body or structure a spirit haunts at the moment the ghost enters, preventing it from falling apart and becoming unusable before the ghost’s mission is complete. Extremely unlikely, but theoretically plausible. Or perhaps Michael’s sheer rage and spite is strong enough for him to forcibly put himself back together for decades Dabi heroacademia-style. Who knows.
With all of this out of my system I’m now going to be going back over my old scooped!Michael design and properly corpse-ifying him this time. Might share some of the results here afterwards, if that’s anything.
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the-jane-prentiss · 7 months
Death us but a moment, my friends. Yet the consuming things that squirm and writhe are there forever, climbing over your decaying carcass, turning your feeble flesh into a work of art.
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confuseddipshit · 1 year
sorry for the lack of a cut, mobile tumblr isnt as fancy.
as promised, here it comes
⚠️tw: gore; mentions of death and decaying; mentions of body fluids and body horror; unhealthy relationship with emotions.
⚠️cw: proposital grammar inaccuracies (use of "its", "ones" instead of "one's", etc; use of lower case in beginning of phrases/ paragraphs)
-> let me know if i missed something.
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within the confinement of a ribcage, deep down inside the flesh and blood and bones, emotions are laid down, left to rot. the entire purpose of this abandonment was to be able to think properly, freely from the influence of feelings and their fangs, biting and scraching for crumbs of attention, while reason is torn to shreds under its claws.
of course, how wrong could one be to leave the decaying residues, with its pungent smell and gooey texture, inside ones own cage, and hope for it to go away? hope for the maggots to not find their way through ones chest, right into ones heart and, consequently, thoughts.
nothing is created, nothing is destroyed; everything is transmuted.
the once tamed and controlled emotions, now seem to crawl their way from their grave, digging up like the goddamn devil, skin raw in the places where it still clings to its torn, atrophied muscles; eyes bloodshot, at least the ones that are still inside its socket or swinging from its optical nerve; tongue out, swollen and green-tinted, collecting the yellow infection and dark, rotten blood that flow from its wounds.
no longer tamed, no longer soft; now, those emotions come in waves, angry, with bloodlust stares, gnarling at ones attempt to run and hide, teeth bare as they get closer; one cant hide from what is inside one.
the pale greenish tone covering their gums is noticeable, to this distance. the more one runs, the closer they get, loose limbs eventually dropping to the ground from the force they use to keep chasing, to stay on the hunt.
if the effort was made, their helplessness would be seen; "why did you abandon us", "why did you wound us", "why did you leave us to rot". like children in the absence of a responsible adult, the translucent eyes silently begged for answers; comfort, at least.
theres no comfort in the face of a creator that runs from its creation; theres no peace in knowing your monster is free, let out by your own hands, except from the relieve of not holding it back anymore, not burning your hands in the rough rope and chains anymore.
when your hands are no longer sore, remember; you are the one to deal with the destruction they left behind.
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hope you enjoyed, feedbacks and notes are appreciated; see you next time.
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funbonded · 8 months
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[ ⋆ ] ❝  Fearless ?! Fearless ! Such an ugly word . Such an ugly thing it is to be without FEAR .  ❞ The mechanical panda meanders around the word , almost rolling it around like a marble lodged into his head cavity .
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❝  What is life without FEAR to lose it ? Is that not why you little lambchops come here ? To this desolate place , for just a fleeting moment praying for self - preservation the video games just aren't doing it anymore now are they ? !  ❞ He prattles . ❝  No , no ....but you see , Cassie , I'm not a video game . I'm very much real . I only want to give the audience what they desire ! Consternation ! DREAD ! DEATH ! - I like to see how quickly they change their minds when death stares them right in the eyes .  ❞
At that the animatronic cranes down , upper endo spine slithering oddly like a snake as he twists the end of his head , snapping downside - up , killers eyes meet with hers as his face plates burst open . Intimidation . A laugh . He moves away . Back to circling . ❝ ... In my game everyone wins because everyone gets what they wanted ! ... Tell me, Cassie , are you afraid ?  ❞ / @curseofbreadbear starter
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
religious ctommy lovers i have brewed agony for you all
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avian-alchemist · 1 year
📖 (Black @ whomever)
I never would've thought it possible to feel this way about another person. I've liked people before, but never like this.
She is so special to me. I worry writing her name would put her in danger, considering the people she has to deal with are the type to retaliate when someone's got 'unapproved happiness.'
Truth be told, I worry about what happens once my time as a living being is up. I've looked into methods for how I might extend my time here for her, but I'm not sure I want to subject her to seeing my body rot once it can no longer maintain itself even if my soul remains in-tact.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Decay AU | Matter of Survival
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It’s not commonly known to even the Watchers of what Isabela Madrigal’s gift are fully capable of until pushed to the extreme. As most Isabela’s live a mundane life in her respective AUs, even those living in the Watcher AU don’t go to the same extremes as the one working in the field such as Decay.
Isabela’s gift is an huge part of her identity that she's connected to consciously and unconsciously. The plants can react to her mood and she can get a feel for what plants need by touching them, even with the loss of her arms, the protheses had magic which still enabled her to use that side, just not as intently so she tends to use feet to get that feel. It’s well known she can conjure not only plants from her hands, but also pollen and even enlarged plant spines which can give her natural weaponry at a moment’s notice. 
In an extreme state, when injured then the plants act subconsciously to aid her in keeping her alive. This can vary depending on the type of injury and how bad it is; this is reflected in the state the recovery teams find her in.
Bad injuries result on a complete concealment and full dependency on a tree-based life support. Her body is still shown through the bark to allow for recovery but entirely encased under a wooden and sap shell. Her body is at a deep hibernation state and injures do not increase and otherwise in a stasis state but biological needs of oxygen are delivered through the tree’s system.  She cannot be easily moved like this, so treatments would have to be on-site.
Other Injuries less extreme but still crippling can result in a lesser version of a plant support. Moss is the typical go-to in that state; growing over her body and clothes; protheses untouched typically but it leaves her in a much more docile and vulnerable state to conserve energy. She can be picked up and moved in this state for treatment. If need be, she can induce a complete concealment if rescue isn’t possible for a while.
Both states do have defence mechanisms. most cases any attempts to break through the outer casing, sap is the next barrier that’s quick to fill the breaks of a casing, spines and thorns would erupt across moss. Typically another Isabela would get into this fine to help move the plant matter and aid treatment. The mechanisms were in self-preservation, in the event animals were attracted to the smell of blood
Decay first use this after her accident in attempting to leave. With her armed pinned and broken, unable to escape, moss grew along her back in the patch of light which helped keep her alive until Pariah and Wanderer recovered her; the damage to her arm couldn’t be saved given how long her arm was trapped and amputation was the only viable option.
Decay didn’t go into full concealment until after she lost her other arm, unable to stem the bleeding herself, her body took care of it and encased her for the first time until she was located and treated.  When she also took the blade to her throat; a catastrophic injury but this method kept her alive until the Watcher Julieta and Watcher Isabela were able to find a way to treat her as the injury wasn’t simple; they weren’t on the clock as they would have been while she’s like that but recovery would take a while before they’d install her new vocal implants.
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cecropiasilkmoth · 2 years
I gave myself a gaping, festering wound, unfeeling as I took the knife from his back and plunged it into my chest-
And it wasn't until infection set in that I realized it wasn't him I wanted gone but myself- 
Putrid thoughts taint my soul and I rot a little further every time he turns his gentle gaze my way-
I clutch my stomach and vomit maggots onto the carpet from my bleeding heart.
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queer-ghosts · 1 year
I genuinely think i might've not made it to 18 if it wasn't for MCR
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @kingsmedley​ asked: — ⚅
⚅ — 😢 (sorry lol) — ⚅
Dream a Dream Meme
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma found himself holding a bowl of deep black liquid. Tea, he reminded himself, and he was taking it to his grandparents. They were sick, and they needed the tea. His eyes panned up to the ceiling of the hallway. The same as it always had been except... Except there was a black sort of mold growing over its surface, and spiders seemed to crawl from cracks and holes. Was this place in such disrepair?
He crossed into a room and saw his grandparents both sitting across from each other on either side of a hearth, and he noticed that the tatami around them was rotting and splitting away. He went down onto his knees between them and passed the cups to sit before them, slow and steady movements. There was a deep sense of dread growing within him as he gazed down at the cups he was putting in front of them, as he studied the stagnant tea within them, and the splits along the cups that held it. As he settled there, he suddenly became aware of a sense of great danger. Something was in the house, and it was going to kill them. They were already so sick, he didn’t want something to kill them.
But he tried to ignore the feeling, even though there were now tears in his eyes, and he reached up to gently grip his grandmother’s thin shoulder, “Hey, it’s time for your medicine, Gran. Com on, let’s get this all drunk up, okay?”
His grandmother stared dead ahead, but she wasn’t looking at her husband. Her eyes were dull, and her mouth was drawn, and her lips were dry and split. She looked like a husk that had been left without its soul for ages, and she didn’t respond at all to his voice. Dry ashy skin and a frame brittle and thin, she was more sick than he remembered. Hanekoma struggled to get her to respond to him, but she never did. He moved then to his grandfather, who had a similar visage as his wife, and attempted the same. Again, he was met with silence and a terrible musty stench around him, as if he were rotting from the inside out. Hanekoma was feel desperate now, as he moved between them and lifted the cups to their mouths. As he tried so hard to get them to take the medicine made for them, even though he grew more and more concerned of its contents with every passing second.
There was suddenly a terrible roar of thunder outside, and the house groaned under heavy wind and sheets of rain. And the smell of mold filled out deeper, and its black fingers stretched out over the household, and Hanekoma looked up to watch it only to realize there were patches of roof that were no longer even there, where rain poured in and soaked the tatami. And the pressure of that imminent danger became deeper and deeper, that sense of dread began to suffocate him. And suddenly it was there, banging on the walls, screams of pain and terror behind him.
Hanekoma wheeled back around to see what had happened and found blood in place of his grandparents. Just in the moment that he had been turned around, looking at the rain coming into the house, that intruder had gotten them both, and there was nothing left behind but the stains on the floor and a distant wailing of his father crying for his parents. Begging to know why Hanekoma hadn’t done more to save them. He couldn’t even see his father or understand where he was in the house, but the beams were creaking under the weight of the storm and the chaos was driving him mad. And why hadn’t he helped? Why hadn’t he been there? He’d been right there! It had all just... happened so fast.
And then suddenly he was opening his eyes into the darkness, and the weight was still heavy in his chest and there was still the prickle of danger on the back of his neck. He sat up and wrapped his arms around himself as he tried to gather himself, tried to get the stench of mold and the memory of his grandparents’ faces out of his mind. He understood immediately that it had just been a nightmare, that there was nothing really wrong. But it was hurting him so bad for some reason, and he was still so afraid. He cradled himself as tears poured out, and he lamented how much he missed his grandparents, and how he wanted to be held by someone so badly. He was aware suddenly of the imprint on his arm, and he leaned over to one side to feel closer to that imprint. And he sobbed quietly to himself, trying to find comfort in his Ancestor’s last memory. He felt so alone and lost in that moment, and he didn’t know what to do other than to just try to ride it out. Tomorrow would be another day. Everything would be fine. Surely...
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