#ghoulcy week 2024
dawllick · 4 months
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You know when he tells her stories he is adding flare to it lol
Lucy gets stressed and impressed lmao
Ghoulcy Week Day 2 Stories
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feralghoulie · 4 months
Note: First fic on Tumblr, Wahoo! Participating in Ghoulcy week. May 20-26, 2024. Credit to @GhoulcyWeek on twt for promps!
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Prompt: Forced proximity (Day 1)
Summary: Trapped in quite a small closet. The Ghoul takes advantage of his situation. Ravishing the looks of Lucy in her blue Vault Suit.
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Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) X Lucy Maclean
Slick Blue Suit.
The stomping of boots was heard right outside the barely closed closet. Raiders squatting in the house you two had stumbled upon.
The closet was unbelievably cramped. The ghouls back against the wall, his hand held tight over Lucy's mouth. His opposite hand holding her tight to his body, her ass perfectly fitting into the shape of his crotch.
The ghoul knew he could very easily wipe the Raiders out with just a few shots. Lucy herself questioned why he didn't jump out. Guns blazing.Though he couldn't pass up the opportunity to grind his hard cock against her blue leather suit.
God did he fucking love the way her suit hugged every single one of her curves. Watching with still breath every single time she bent over. Anytime she had managed to hold off a raider or two, even just stomping on radroaches. Every single move she made, made his cock twitch.
Every thought he had. Filthy. Deep desire to ruin her smooth skin. Her sheltered mind. Holding back every single urge to drive his cock deep into her hardly touched, tight pussy. Absolutely destroying her sense of innocence.
Playing out in his mind, his scarred fingers pressing the pallette of her tongue. Gagging her as his fingers slide through her slick folds. Hearing her beg for more, knowing he was corrupting her sweet mind.
"What a dirty little girl you are, huh? Imagine what your dad would think. His little girl gettin ruined by such an old disgusting man like me." Her pussy tensing from his words.
His mind was quickly interrupted by the sudden sound of rapid creaking floor boards. More Raiders had entered the room.
Subconsciously he had been grinding up against Lucy's ass. She had tried to adjust from the tight grip he had on her, but was too scared to make sound.
He didn't care if the Raiders would bust open the closet. He could handle them. As long as she thinks she's in danger, he could get away with taking advantage of her.
Listening to the conversations of the Raiders, hoping they moved just a little further.. he grew impatient. Slipping his gloved leather fingers into her mouth.
She tried to make a disapproved squeak, but was too scared to alert them. He pressed his bloody leather fingers flat against her tongue. Pushing them very slowly back. Just enough to not let her gag.
She didn't attempt to bite down. Just still, trying not to make noise.
He adjusted the hand that held her close. Cautious, he managed his belt. Trying to undo the buckle. Undoing the button, and slowly rolling down the zipper. Slipping his pants partially down, he sighed in her ear.
He freed his aching hard cock, and pressed it directly against her blue suit. Cold against his warm flushed shaft.
She lightly bit down on his finger, not enough to cause pain. More so to alert him to stop. He didn't abide. Leaning into the shell of her ear.
"I suggest you don't act rash. Don't want to alert them, do ya?" He said in a low whisper.
She shook her head in defeat.
"Good. Now you're gonna take this. Whether you fuckin want it or not. And I'm sure ya do. I see the way you look at me out in that wasteland Vaultie."
He said grinding his hips against her ass. His cock rubbing against the meat of her ass and the arch of her back.
"I bet I make ya quite wet. Watchin me choke those men? Hm?" He said rutting his leaking cock faster. His fingers exploring her mouth.
"You don't know a single fuckin thing about this wasteland... I'll teach ya. This is rule number one honey."
He said removing his fingers from her mouth. Both his hands grabbing at her waste. Giving himself a better angle.
"I always get what I fuckin want." He drew out slowly. His voice so low it drew out a deeper southern accent.
Precum dripped down her backside. Giving him a wet friction. Holding back his groans, his straining his breath tickled her ear.
Her thoughts were spiraling. So morally conflicted with herself she felt emotionless. Her body felt like it was on fire. The way he held her sent waves of pleasure through out her body. Being used like this was something she never expected to enjoy. Paired with the fact that if they were caught, she would more than likely be the one hurt.
She couldn't focus on one thing. His voice was sending shocks through her soaked pussy, while the Raiders were sending panic through her heart. All she could do was focus on silence.
The ghoul could feel his release building up. Biting down on his lip to hold back curses. His grinding thrusts were becoming sloppy. His breath unstable in her ear.
As he felt himself reach his peak, he held her hips tight against him. Shooting massive ropes of cum against her back. Sliding down slowly as they set. He rubbed his cock in his own mess. His shaft effortlessly sliding around.
Letting go of her waist, he took a swift wipe of his load, and brushed it against her tongue. Forcing her to taste his spend. Twisting and pressing his finger inside her mouth.
Leaning into her ear, he whispered.
"You're in for a world of trouble sweetheart. I ain't letting this sweet of a girl go."
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ghoulcyhearts · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout (TV 2024) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul/Lucy MacLean Characters: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul, Lucy MacLean Additional Tags: Ghoulcy Week May 20-26 (Fallout TV), Ghoulcy week, Oneshot, Drabble, ghoulcy, Not Beta Read, Nothing of mine is ever beta read lets be real here Series: Part 2 of Ghoulcy Week Summary:
Lucy gets Cooper to open up, little by little
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wubblesred · 4 months
Ghoulcy Week 2024 Day 5 SFW
Hello vaulties, i'm back with more ghoulcy week content. The prompt of the day is man's best friend. I had a lot of fun writing this one. Hope you will like it. Good day and good reading. English is not my first language so again sorry if some words or phrase look weird. This will also be posted in French.
Dogmeat felt good with her new masters, they were atypical but very affectionate. Lucy spoke to her all the time, adressing herself as Mom, while the other who was quieter she called him Dad. Mom always laughed when the man grumbled to be called that. Together they formed a strange family but this pleased the animal.
Mom kept telling her that she had a sister called Janey and they were looking for her. Mom would even whisper in her ear when Dad slept that this was their most important goal, even more than discovering their origins. It was apparently important to Dad which meant it was important to Mom. These two had a hard time admitting it but there was a lot of love between them.
Dad made Mom believe that he was silent but he also spoke to her while Mom slept. He talked about his life before, about Janey but also a lot about Mom. What he felt for her, what he thought about what she had done in the day. All the secrets that Dogmeat could not communicate and that she would not want to say anyway.
The human and the ghoul really adored her, they always had attentions towards her. Caresses, kisses but also food. To show her gratitude and love, Dogmeat protected them whenever she could. Humans, cockroaches, bugs nothing prevented the dog from defending her parents.
Dogmeat sometimes think of her old life and former master, he would be in her heart for life. She likes to think that he would be happy to know her so happy and pampering. Her days are more busy than before. No more races on the spot but huge grounds, not one master but two which meant twice as much love. Life was beautiful and Dogmeat was eager to find Janey so that she would become even more beautiful.
Mom and Dad had left her with a pinked hair ghoul while they disappeared up the stairs. When Dogmeat tried to go, the lady had stopped her and brought her back towards a bowl of water. Despite the kindness of the woman, the dog was longing for her family, she wanted to cuddle up against them to sleep, cuddling nice and warm as usual. In the morning, Mom and Dad had come back for her, they seemed tired but had huge smiles and they both smelled like each other. It was funny.
Since that day, Mom and Dad were always glued together, they laughed more and were more tactile with one another. Dogmeat liked that, she was really eager to find Janey and complete their family.
Certainly they were an atypical family, two humans, a ghoul and a dog but in view of the outside world it was more the fact of considering themselves as a family that seemed strange to others. Yet if people saw the love they were carrying as Dogmeat perceived it, they would have no doubt that they were a family. The best family a man’s best friend could've asked for.
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The second chapter of “Lazarus Ain’t got Nothing on me, Sweetheart” is *done* but I feel like it needs to be beta read before I post it. Is anyone willing?
This is the first already posted chapter:
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sugarbymoonlight · 4 months
A Treacherous Road
((‘standing in the middle of a gun fight’ just to act like the last sense of justice for morale in blue and yellow, ‘my old colors..funny’ he chuckled at the irony, back in a world he once believed in he might’ve believed in her but that man he knew was dead now and that world is buried in ash))
Following In Your Footsteps(Prologue) Old Colors (Chapter 1) Flush of Hearts (Chapter 2) Guilty as Sin (Chapter 3) Vegas Territory (Chapter 4) The Offer (Chapter 5)
AO3 Post Thread for my Ghoulcy Fic. Please enjoy, I have so much planned for these two. Thank you for reading. :)
Update: Chapter 5 is now up on AO3. This chapter is really all about The Ghoul gaining more respect for Lucy, I really enjoy the idea of him liking her because of the good things shes done. Talk is cheap for him, he wants proof someone is who they say there are and he gets that with her.
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beauty-4-thebeast · 4 months
Ghoulcy Week Day 2
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Prompt: Blindfold
I used the prompt metaphorically, Lucy being blindfolded by the Ghoul against some aspects of her upbringing to learn to survive. I hope that counts. I know everybody expected some spice but oh well.:)
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acapelladitty · 4 months
friction and harmony
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Lucy Maclean
Summary: One cruel incident pushes Lucy over the edge and a fight with Cooper turns physical in a way which changes their dynamic forever. (4.7k words)
(warnings for: blood, gun violence, first time sex, biting, rough sex, heavy petting, unprotected sex, arguments, verbal cruelty, desperation, physical violence, mutual orgasm, mild foreplay)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Keeping close to the fire as the approaching night stole the heat from the air, Lucy couldn't stop her racing, disjointed thoughts from playing the earlier days events with Cooper in a grim and repeating loop. With every passing moment, she could feel the annoyance in her chest roiling anew and her mouth set into a tight line as she recalled her role in the violence.
The handkerchief coming away from his lips stained with fresh blood, the old man who had introduced himself as Mr. Daniels glared at it distastefully as he recovered from his coughing fit and returned the filthy rag to his inner pocket.
"Nasty bit of business." Mr. Daniels muttered, mostly to himself, before glancing back at the pair who stood with their caps in hand. "But anyway, what was my offer again? Oh, yeah. Twenty caps, three vials."
"Seems reasonable."
Casting Lucy a withering look at her audible enthusiasm, Cooper clearly disagreed with her naive assessment.
"I could make your fine ass walk to the next town over and get me five vials for half that." He was quick to counter, crossing his arms over his chest as Cooper split his attention between Lucy and the obvious tremble of the old mans limbs as he struggled to bring his lit cigarette to his lips. "So let's re-assess the situation here."
Mr. Daniels shrugged with a nasty cough as he cleared his throat of phlegm. "Can't do any better than that. Got shit to buy and shit to pay off."
His face sunken and pallid, the old man was clearly unwell. Most likely dying, if the bloodied handkerchief was anything to go by, and Lucy felt a swell of pity in her heart as she listened to Cooper continue to argue his point without care or mercy.
"Ain't asking for the deal of the century here, but I ain't some dumbass vault dweller-"
"Hey!" Lucy interjected defensively.
"- who don't know how these here exchanges work. I'll give you fifteen for three. Final offer."
Unable to rise from his chair due to whatever ailments were afflicting him, Mr Daniels pointed at a rusted metal box which sat off to the side of his chair as he caught Lucy's eye and nodded to accept the ghouls spoken offer.
"Go look in there, Miss. You'll find what you and your ghoul friend need."
Nodding with a wide smile, Lucy diligently walked over and opened the container. Inside lay a handful of vials of the lurid yellow drug which she had quickly come to discover Cooper needed to delay the inevitable and prevent himself from turning feral. What made up the odd compound, she had no idea, but it was almost the same consistency as rad-away if it were developed in a completely off colour.
Cooper's golden rule of being side-tracked by bullshit was a beast of his own making as ensuring a constant supply of this stuff had proven to be their biggest time waste as they traversed the wastelands. Not only that, but a low supply often left Cooper in a hell of a mood as his already short temper existed on a knife edge to make him snappy and irritable.
Returning with the goods, Lucy handed them off to Cooper who accepted with a grunt. Something strange played on his leathered features and it gave Lucy pause as she glanced quickly between him and Mr Daniels but she shook it off as they concluded their deal.
Cooper spoke first, with Lucy following closely.
"Thank you, Mr. Daniels."
"Yeah, thank you! We really appreciat-"
Lucy's words cut off into a horrified gasp as the back of Mr Daniels head exploded in a shower of blood; viscera and brain quick to decorate the wooden boards behind his chair.
"No! Cooper!"
Unapologetic, Cooper had the grace to at least shrug out an explanation as he held her eye.
"Like putting down a sick dog, darlin'. Better to go out while the going's good and before the scavengers come to take you piece by piece."
Stalking over to the container which Lucy had taken the chem from, Cooper ignored her horrified spluttering as he tipped the entire box into one of his larger pockets - the clink of the vials a welcome distraction from the stare he could feel burning into the back of his skull.
"You killed him! And now you're," Lucy paused, so aghast that words failed her for a moment, "robbing him too? He didn't eve- we're better than this."
Fixing the edge of his hat so it would stay more comfortably atop his skull, Cooper refuted her point with a single tilt of his head.
"No, we ain't."
So, Lucy had fallen into an old, tried and tested punishment which she found worked wonders on Norm and others who had annoyed her down in the vault.
The silent treatment.
Since returning to their makeshift camp, she had not uttered a single word to her companion, making a point of huffing and looking away every time he caught her eye. Thus far, nothing had come of it but as dinner finished cooking on the fire, Cooper finally addressed her directly.
"As much as I'm enjoying the peace and quiet, sweetie, are you gonna sit there with that big pouting lip tripping you up all night or are you gonna pull your weight around here and plate up? Ass jerky is off the menu for little girls who won't do their chores."
In no mood for his nasty teasing, Lucy shot him a sour look as she remained stubbornly quiet.
"Don't eat then." Cooper shrugged. "See if I give a shit. I've got food, silence, and enough chem to blow your tits clean off. Life is good for a ghoul today."
Unable to let that slide and ignoring the heat of hearing him refer - crudely mind you - to her chest, Lucy dug her heels into the ground as she remained seated on an upturned barrel.
"What you did was wrong."
"Oh, she does speak." Feigning surprise, Cooper had the gall to place one hand over his chest as the other dropped a piece of meat into his mouth - his lips chewing at it noisily.
"What you did was wrong." Lucy repeated. "That old man wasn't a threat to us and you killed him."
"Bleeding heart, vaultie." Cooper barely refrained from an obvious eye-roll. "What would you rather do? Huh? Leave him for the next people to come and harvest the good parts that were left of him? I did him a kindness and you're too blind to see that."
Taking the insult in stride, Lucy was is no mood to back down on this as she met Cooper with an equal level of venom.
"You were a monster today."
"Oh, you're the monster, sweetie. Had anyone else found that old coot, they wouldn't have been half as nice. A quick shot to the head is a better death than most get out here. And I get some extra sauce outta his stash. Win/win, vaultie."
"Your chem isn't worth killing people for, Cooper." As indignant as ever, Lucy's arms came to rest on her knees as her gaze bored into his own - attempting to make him see her point though sheer willpower alone.
Chem was a sensitive subject for Cooper and his dependence on finding the drug had led him into acts which would make the average person, even in this shithole world, recoil in disgust. But without it, he would lose what little part of himself remained and, with that, his only chance to find his daughter and punish those responsible for fucking the world up as much as it was.
"We need those meds." Cooper growled, frustration at her utter refusal to see the necessity of his actions making his temper flair. "Unless you fancy your chances at taking me on when the last of my marbles goes and I become a real monster. See me as I am now, vaultie, and imagine how my turning would go. It ain't gonna be pretty."
"I'll do what you need me t-"
"Is that right? Will you put a bullet between my eyes without flinching? Carve me up like a fresh piece of meat with my own damn knife? Cut off my head like you did that other sorry scientist fucker?"
With nothing to say to that as a queasiness enters her features, Lucy fell back on her earlier argument.
"You didn't have to kill him."
Her comment on his need for chem having kicked the hornets nest of his attitude, Cooper slowly stood from his seated position as he towered over her - his words low and clipped, full of a warning that she was too stupid to ignore.
"If I turn, then no amount of batting those big eyes at me is going to stop me ripping you to shreds when I'm feral. I've already got quite the taste for you, sweetie. I'll seal the deal with a smile."
"Yeah, but you didn't have to KILL him!"
Lucy also stood to her feet as she held her hands on her hips and the air between them sizzled with tension as neither proved willing to concede.
"And when I'm done," Cooper continued with fire in his tone, "and your little dumbass is lying there torn and lifeless with most of your insides on the outside, then I'll send the pieces that are left over to your cowardly dear old daddy. See how he likes seeing another of the women in his life in bits."
As angry as he was, an immediate regret washed over Cooper as those final snarled words snapped free. In that same moment, Lucy froze and the indignant expression which curled her features slipped into something slack and almost lifeless.
The silence hung heavy for a moment.
Striking quicker than a cobra, Lucy's hand lashed out in the space between them and Cooper felt the hot sting of her slap as it rocked his head to the side and pulled a surprised grunt from his lips.
Instinct taking over, Cooper responded in kind as he used his much larger hand to shove her chest roughly, pushing her away with enough strength to knock her flat to the ground; her ass colliding with the dusty landscape in a solid, painful sounding thud.
Lucy howled the word as if it were a battle cry, scrambling to her feet with a graceful sweep of her body as she flew at him like a hellcat. Her lovely face twisted in anger as she attacked, the dark locks of her hair whirled around her shoulders as she pounded her fists against his chest.
Angry, sure, but even in her anger, Lucy Maclean was no fighter and the lack of impact that her blows were making did little to settle her mood - if anything they only served to whip her into a greater frenzy.
"You piece of shit! I hate you! Hate you! Hate that stupid hat, and coat, and your shitty rules and-"
"Then fuck off and find someone else who'll put up with your shit. I don't need your help to kill your daddy."
Halting her fists, Lucy's furious gaze - even more beautiful in its passion - blazed in Cooper's face and despite the sting of his own anger, he couldn't help but fight back a smirk as the adrenaline of their argument caused heat to lance through his groin.
"You would be dead without me." Huffing her hair out of her face, Lucy hurled the words like a fist, casting up her choice to save him for the first time since the event took place.
Matching her energy, Cooper couldn't help but retort with his own act of mercy.
"And I could have left you to be used and sold as a breeding bitch to some nasty fuckers who wouldn't have treated you half as sweetly as I have. Another fair exchange between us."
"I hate you!"
"Now, why the fuck should that matte-"
Her breath hot against his face, it took Cooper a moment to register the feeling of Lucy's lips on his own as she smashed her face against his. The taste of her flooded him in an instant, a sweetness which he hadn't sampled in decades as her hands clung to the edges of his coat desperately, her closed eyes the polar opposite to his own wide-blown gaze.
Stunned into silence, Cooper allowed her to explore his mouth as his body relaxed into her own - memories of his unexpected voyeurism and accompanying decision making him slack and pliant.
If she wants this, then she can have it.
Consequences be damned.
Lucy only pulled away when he bit at her lower lip, the sharp pain bringing her to her senses as she snatched her mouth away.
"Ow. That hurt."
Her eyes blown and lips looking as plump as ever, Cooper cannot even pretend to be considering his options as he takes in her wide features - so easily wearing the arousal and anger which powers her.
Oh, fuck this.
"Plenty more where that came from, sweetheart."
Cooper snatched her close, chasing her kiss with one of his own as he pressed chapped lips to her much softer ones in a quick, filthy kiss.
Lucy pulled away first this time with a muted moan as she brought her hand up to his face and stroked her fingers along the ridges of his cheek. "Do you want to have sex with me, Cooper?"
"Fuck, darlin', don't think there's a man alive who would say no to that."
"You did."
Hissing as her chest brushed his own, Cooper disregarded the accusation in her tone.
"Things change. You should know that better than anyone."
"Let me see it." Lucy breathed with a considerate hum, her hands lowering to graze his lower stomach where his filthy shirt tucked into his pants. "I've thought about it, you know, how it might look. How it might feel in my hand, or inside me."
Momentarily concerned this woman may actually kill him with her shit, Cooper held back a groan at that confession - her lustful advances catching him off guard as he gathered himself enough to match her boldness.
"I ain't disappointed you yet."
Fumbling with his fly to pull his cock free, Cooper was quick to tug along the full length to ensure that nothing would catch in his slacks as he fucked her. But his movements were cut short by Lucy's hand knocking his own free as she wrapped her soft fingers around his cock.
"Oh, it's so," Lucy glanced down between them with a flushed grin as she sought out the right word to use, "thick. Okay dokay. I can do that. But none of the others have been this thick."
Deciding then and there they he would fuck her very brains out if it were the last thing he did, Cooper's chest puffed out slightly as he took in the praise with an elevated sense of male pride.
"Touch it then, darling. Get a good feel for it before it's hollowing you out and making you scream."
Bold as brass as her chest pressed flush against him, Lucy did as told and rolled her fingers along his length, mapping out every ridge and mark which marred the livid flesh. Imagining how good it would feel inside her, she buried her moan into his chest - a childish glee making her grin wide as she stroked him.
Wanting to keep his own hands busy, Cooper slipped his fingers in the space between them as he trailed his hands down her collarbone and into her dingy tank-top. She was warm and so fucking soft beneath his fingers that he exhaled steadily, his hands cupping her breasts as they slipped with her bra.
Unable to wait much longer as she called to him like a siren, his hands tugged her tank top and bra down until he were capable of freeing her tits; each breast as perky as the other as they quickly peaked in the warm air, the hard nipples surrounded by a lovely patch of darkened skin that made his mouth water.
Her skin was smooth, only the slightest hints of grime and filth messing up the perfect canvas and Cooper pushed her backwards enough to be able to bend and drop his head to her chest, the movement forcing her to release his cock. A fact he didn't care too much about as he latched his lips to the swell of her left tit, his mouth licking across the grimy skin as his blunted teeth pressed just enough to make her shudder as she pushed herself harshly into him.
"No biting anything off." Lucy gasped, only the slightest tinge of worry leaking through the lustful pant.
"Not making any promises, darlin'." Cooper answered, his voice strained as he fought the urge to do just that.
Just off, to the side of her right nipple, sat a single dark freckle and he was drawn to it like a moth, sucking the skin around it with a harshness which he knew would leave a livid mark.
"Damn, Cooper." Lucy hissed and he growled into her skin as her hand looped around his neck, fingernails digging into the sensitive skin at the nape.
"Watch those nails, little kitten. Ain't easy growing back skin."
Remaining hunched, Cooper's shoulders shuffled his leather duster free as he dropped it to the floor to provide some padding against the harsh ground. Lucy followed his lead, allowing him to pull her down as her hand returned to, and then refused to drop from, his cock - fingers circling the base of his length playfully as they fell to the floor.
Feeling painfully overdressed, Lucy quickly rolled to her back to pull her pants off - the blue fabric slipping free to a messy heap as she quickly readjusted to her previous positioning. Splaying her knees on either side of his hips, she teased the tip of his cock with her clothed sex for a moment before settling down, her ass pressing against his lower stomach as she straddled him.
Lucy sighed; her focus dropping past her exposed breasts to the prone ghoul below her, Cooper's hungry eyes splitting their attention between her face and chest as he gazed up at her.
"You sure about this, Lucy Maclean." Cooper asked, his cowboy hat balancing precariously atop his head as he reclined it back. "Cause it's cruel to tease a man like this if you wanna back out."
"Mmm-hmm." She responded with a hum. "I've been thinking about it for a while, Mr. Ghoul."
"Oh, I know that, darlin'. I caught quite the interesting little show last week in that storage unit."
Gasping at the reveal, Lucy rolled her hips atop his groin, her ass brushing his cock as her eyes widened.
"You saw me?"
"Coat in hand, sweetheart."
"So you knew."
In place of a response, Cooper offered a wolfish grin which was in equal parts guilty and unapologetic. Moving with a fluid roll, Cooper reversed their positions - placing Lucy flat against his coat as he pressed his heavy body down atop her.
"If we play this game, we play by my rules."
Exhilarated by how easy he handled her, his strength making her head swim with possibility, Lucy hooked her fingers within the band of her panties as she raised her groin enough to slip them past her ass and drop them off to the side.
"Okay dokay."
Fully exposed, Lucy reclined against the softened leather and some part of her knew that Cooper wouldn't be stripping off in a similar fashion; a fact which made disappointment bloom in her chest. The few glances of his skin she had snuck as they travelled told her that his entire frame was as vividly corroded as his face and hands and she wanted to see it.
Wanted to feel it under her fingers and her lips as she trailed herself across his body, exploring every roughened inch with a wicked curiosity.
But she understood his hesitation and she pushed the thoughts aside with ease as she gazed up into his eyes, the whites stark against the shadows of his sunken skin and she shivered at the intensity that poured from them.
His hand immediately dropping to her inner thigh, Cooper teased the skin there as he trailed his fingers up, ghosting across her slit as his digits brushed through the soft, dark curls which sat prettily to frame her cunt.
Lucy widened her thighs, encouraging him to slip his hand lower and it was an invitation he accepted with enthusiam - two fingers pressing between her slit to feel the growing moisture there, the digits coming away wet with her arousal.
"Soaked already, sweetie." Cooper teased, enjoying the flush in her cheeks. "Is that how all you valtuies react to the touch of a real man?"
"Cooper," all business as she quickly grabbed his fingers and used them to masturbate herself, her body jerking as his roughened skin grazed her throbbing clit, Lucy tightened her grip of his neck and hissed her demand, "shut up."
Amused and painfully aroused by her sheer boldness, Cooper filed away this side of her for future consideration. He may tease her, hurt her, make her feel like shit for her ignorance of how the real world worked, but here like this, he would treat her as an equal to see where the game led.
Adjusting his positioning, the lower half of Lucy's leg was quick to snake around his body as he dragged the blunted head of his cock across her glistening slit, the softness of her drawing a languid groan from Cooper's mouth as he coated himself in her slick - foreplay the furthest thing from either of their minds.
Jerking his hips forward in one fluid movement, Cooper was immediately grateful for how desensitised his skin had grown due to its various abuses as the wet heat which enveloped his cock was almost enough to have him shooting off then and there.
"Fucking hell." He swore, teeth biting into his lower lip as he buried his cock so deeply that his balls pressed against her ass. It was a violent thrust, animalistic and determined and Lucy Maclean met him with her own ferociousness as her nails carved fresh, sharp crescents into the skin of his neck.
The sudden fullness was overwhelming after so long of having nothing but her own fingers and Lucy basked in the discomfort. It was pain and pleasure mixed into one, and it only grew more intense as Cooper quickly set a brutal pace; his cock hammering in and out as his groin bumped against her ass with every thrust.
Incomprehensible sounds escaped Lucy at the sudden assault, a desperate mixture of muted pleas, whines and groans which only served to encourage Cooper to exhaust himself as he chased the pleasure which he has denied himself since her first offer to fuck him.
The cool, controlled façade long since abandoned, Cooper gnashed his teeth as he dropped his mouth to her neck - biting up her creamy skin as he craved a simple taste, his tongue licking free the developing sweat which their desperate fuck created.
Sparks of pleasure alighting across her skin as the length of his cock brushed against the nerves deep within her cunt with little effort, Lucy worked herself hard as she clenched around his cock to pull him as deep as possible. She had always liked it on the rougher side, the sensation of discomfort she found herself forced to endure eating her as Cooper's punishing pace glanced off her cervix and made her breath come in short, chaotic pants.
"Don't hold back, sweetie. Let me hear it."
A low cry broke free of Lucy's lips as she took his advice and Cooper responded by burying his full length within her in one particularly savage thrust which made her cry rise in pitch as her wide eyes met his own, her arousal blazing as her pupils dilated and lashes fluttered
Cooper snapped his hips forward and every thrust drew a fresh whimper from Lucy's lips as her orgasm quickly approached the point of no return, his cock and overwhelming presence making her writhe in place. With a slight shift in angle, the band of arousal within her shattered and pleasure rocketed through Lucy's nerves as her fingers clawed desperately at the thin fabric of Cooper's shirt.
"Cooper. Cooper, oh my go- Cooper."
Her lips wrapped around his name like a prayer, alternating between a blessing and a curse and he swallowed it up with a feral grin as he felt her come around him. Her walls clenching and fluttering, the pull of her muscles as she wordlessly dragged his cock deeper was enough to have him growling like a feral beast as he neared his own release.
Breath shuddering and balls tightening as he sank himself as deeply as he could, Cooper buried his orgasm in her neck as his teeth locked around the sensitive juncture where Lucy's neck met her shoulder. Sucking a livid mark into the skin, he felt his release flood her, mixing with her own as he cupped her left tit with his hand and squeezed roughly.
Cooper stayed there for a few seconds, enjoying the tight heat of her cunt until it was almost painful against his overstimulated cock and he pulled free with an obscenely wet noise which furrowed his brow at just how filthy it sounded. He was quick to drop his body to the side of her, most of his frame laying off the leather duster as he allowed the lady to keep the sweet spot.
"Wow." Lucy breathed out, puffing her hair from her lips as she shuffled her panties back up to cover her ass - the sticky discomfort of her soaked cunt unable to be fixed until they stumbled across some spare water to wet one of the rags which Cooper carried. "That was," she paused to seek out the best wording, "amazing. Cooper- you were- well you were great."
Ego inflating at the easy praise, Cooper's sweat-slicked body fought him every step of the way as he tried to hide how out of breath he was.
"Went easy on you this time, vaultie." He crooned, his gaze flicking to his sewn finger as he spotted the droplets of her release which had coated his fingers as he pulled his cock free. Bringing the digit to his mouth, he took a small taste and hummed with deep satisfaction as the sweet tang of her flooded his mouth. Immediately deciding he would need a better sample the next time they fucked, Cooper allowed her to respond to his teasing as he tilted his head to meet her eye.
"Holding back on me, huh?" Freshly fucked, Lucy's expression was wild yet sated, dark hair falling across her eyes as she stretched her arms overhead before tucking her chest back into her bra. "I won't break from a little bit of exercise, Mr. Ghoul. I can handle it."
Taking the opportunity, Lucy curled her body into his side, the warmth of his skin seeping into her exposed arms as she siphoned some of his heat to stave off the sudden chill. His only movement coming from his hands as he tucked his cock back away in his slacks, the length still coated in her mess, Cooper couldn't shift the shit-eating grin which stretched his lips as he raised one arm to act as a pillow for his head.
"Oh I doubt there's much you can't handle, Lucy Maclean."
Smiling at the way his accented vowels rolled over her name, Lucy tucked herself more deeply into his side and allowed herself to relax - excited for what was to come now that she'd finally satisfied her curiosity about what kind of lover her ghoul companion would be.
A damn good one, as it turned out, asshole behaviours aside
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
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andstillkeepsinging · 4 months
Untitled Ghoulcy Drabble
So, I haven't written much lately because I've been a Sad Girl TM, but this morning I wrote this in about twenty minutes for Ghoulcy week. I initially wasn't going to post it, but you know, why not?
Rated probably PG, it's sappy, not spicy.
Ghoulcy Week Prompt #1: Cold Wasteland Nights
He calls her “Little Sunshine”, because that’s what she is – a big ol’ ball of warmth and glow making her way through the Wastes. It’s no wonder that her name means “light”, when he thinks about it. She lights up every dark corner of this bleak world, and that light has even managed to sneak a little ways into his heart. 
Not that he’d let her know. It’s still early days of them traveling together, and she’s still a little bit in shock from finding out the daddy she knew and loved all her life was nothing but a megalomanic monster. But Cooper will be damned if he sees that light go out on account of a piece of shit like Hank MacLean. 
They’re settling into camp, a routine they’ve now honed to perfection. They can’t risk a fire out here in the open, so when his eyes pick out the way she’s trying not to let her teeth chatter from the cold, the ways she’s holding herself, trying not to shiver, he heaves a sigh. 
“Get on over here, sweetie.” Lucy looks at him, those big eyes wide in the semi-darkness. 
“For what?” 
“You’re shaking like a leaf and your teeth are rattlin’ so loud you’re gonna lure in some critters. Get your ass over here where I can keep you warm.” 
For a moment it looks like she’s going to be stubborn about it, and he rolls his eyes with a sigh. 
“Come on, Sunshine. It won’t be that bad, I promise.” He lifts one arm, beckoning her. “Come on in out of the cold.” 
And she does. She moves to his side and tucks herself there, an audible gasp leaving her when she feels how warm he is. “How are you so hot?”, she asks without thinking, and the blush she gets when he chuckles is worth the feel of her cold fingers burrowing into his pockets. 
“Radiation is a kind of heat, girlie, and I’m chock full of it. Lucky for you that your favorite ghoul would rather have a girl around than a damn popsicle.” 
Lucy smiles at that, and lays her head on his shoulder. “Well, it’s nice. Thank you.” 
Nobody has thanked him for anything in the better part of two centuries, and here comes Miss Lucy MacLean to be grateful for some shared heat. He doesn’t deserve her, but even if she’s not technically his to claim, in his heart he knows she’s got him well and truly fucked. 
Lucy’s eyes are closed now, wrapped completely in his arms, her head settled against his collar bone so she can rest for a minute. “I promise I won’t crowd you all night.”, she whispers, and her breath against the skin of his neck makes him shiver for an entirely different reason. 
“Don’t worry your head none, now.” He pulls her in closer, wrapping her up tighter. “Just shut your eyes and get a little rest while you can.” They sound like orders, and she obeys like they are, closing her eyes again and letting herself relax, letting his strength hold her up. 
As she dozes off, he thinks to himself that while he may run hotter than hell with what’s working through his veins, it’s Lucy who’s really keeping them both warm.
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ghoulcyfics · 4 months
god and the devil in the red land of the sun by sortilegious
summary: “mark my words, lucy maclean,” cooper says, sliding a finger down the edge of his blade, “you and i are going to reach an understanding before the night is through.” explicit / oneshot / no warnings apply
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dawllick · 4 months
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Happy Ghoulcy week babes 🌸
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klouwolf · 4 months
My finally Ghoulcy Week fic! Can’t believe I managed all 7 days!
Prompt: a test of loyalty.
Sneak peek:
“Did you say your daughter’s name was Janey?” Norm asked and Cooper’s head snapped back to the screen.
There it was, the green letters jumping out of the screen, Janey Howard.
Norm pressed on her name and one of the pods in the distance lit up white.
She was here.
Cooper’s knees buckled and he would have fallen to the floor if it hadn’t been for Lucy’s hand in his. Euphoria flooded him and he turned to pull Lucy into a fierce kiss. She didn’t have time to kiss him back before he was jumping down the platform and sprinting towards the illuminated pod.
His boots pounded on the metal floor and his breath came ragged. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and everything else around him turned to a blur. This was it, everything he had suffered and done to survive had led to. How many times had he played this moment in his head?
He had found her, the words pounded through him, he had found her, he had found her, he had found her.
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ghoulcyhearts · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout (TV 2024) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul/Lucy MacLean Characters: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul, Lucy MacLean Additional Tags: Oneshot, Drabble, Ghoulcy Week May 20-26 (Fallout TV), Ghoulcy week Series: Part 4 of Ghoulcy Week Summary:
drabble based on the prompt for day four of ghoulcy week, finger for a finger. title insp by bite the hand by boygenius
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hollymartinswrites · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fallout (TV 2024) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul/Lucy MacLean Characters: Cooper Howard | The Ghoul, Lucy MacLean, CX404 | Dogmeat (Fallout TV) Additional Tags: Ghoulcy Week May 20-26 (Fallout TV), Deathclaws (Fallout), Canon-Typical Violence, Blood, stories and confessions, Confessions, The Ghoul is an act Summary:
My entries for Ghoulcy Week 2024.
Chapter 1: SFW prompt: stories and confessions In which a side of the Ghoul is revealed to Lucy.
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wubblesred · 4 months
Ghoulcy Week 2024 Day 7 SFW
Hello vaulties, back with the final of the ghoulcy week. Day 7 prompt is a test of loyalty. It is also a bit linked to the previous days prompts. It feels so weird that this is the end. This was so much fun. I hope you enjoyed passing this week with me and hope there will be one again next year.
English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes. This will also be post in French.
It had been almost an hour since the haughty brunette had taken Lucy to their overseer. Damn it, his wife had barely opened her eyes when they pulled her out. Cooper was spinning around the room like a caged lion. Not even a week married and already the universe was trying to take away one of the only things that was worth it on this earth. The questions kept running through his mind, but one in particular kept coming back. What if Lucy chose the vault and not the ghoul. He did not know what he would do if she did.
Lucy had barely woken up and recovered from almost dying that Birdie had caught her and brought her to the overseer. She just wanted to find Cooper and get them both back on the road. But these morons wouldn’t listen and preferred to play the pseudo heroes.
“Look, Gucy, I know we have a tumultuous past but you helped this vault and we want to help you back. So I ask you again, do you want us to take care of this ghoul?"
“For the hundredth time, no! I appreciate your concerns, but as he surely points out, he is my husband and I want to leave with him.”
“Lucy, I come from the surface, I know the wasteland better than anyone else here, ghouls, and especially if this is who I think it is, are dangerous. You don’t marry them.” was Birdie’s remark while kneeling before the young woman, speaking to her as one would speak to a child.
“Cooper and I are connected in a way that no one else could understand. We understood it by traveling together, our souls call each other. I know from an outside perspective, it sounds crazy and you must think i'm totally nuts. But all I want to do is be with him. I don’t want to end up with the same problem we had last time, so let us go. Thank you so much for saving me, we’re even so let’s not talk about it anymore.”
The former vault dweller was uncomfortable talking about her feelings. She had not yet fully spoken of all that she felt to her husband and now she had to unpack everything to strangers. She knew very well that their story was absolutely crazy only Lucy felt it deep inside her, the ghoul and her were bound in an even deeper way than they thought at first. The soul of this man called to her, resonated and merged with hers, everything opposed them and yet together they created a magnificent harmony that Lucy never wanted to stop.
After another dozen speeches on the safety and dangers of the wasteland, Benjamin and Birdie agreed that she could return to her husband and even insisted that they take food with them. It was a long time and Lucy really hoped that Cooper didn’t slaughter anyone while she was away, but more importantly she hoped that he would still be there.
It seemed like an eternity since his wife left and everyone refused to give him any information. Still confined in the decontamination room, the ghoul began to slowly lose control mentally and physically, his vials were in Lucy’s bag posing next to him. It had been several days since he had given his medication to the young woman, a way of proving to her that he trusted her completely. Now he even refused to take his dose if it was not prepared by his wife, a behavior quite simply childish but one he continued to have just because it made Lucy laugh. It was her way of making herself useful to her husband, she said. God, he missed his little killer, he wanted to hold her so tight, feel her softness. So absorbed in his thoughts, he did not pay attention to the door that opened and did not realize the presence of someone until the latter jumped at his neck. Immediately recognizing Lucy, he hugged her and shoved his head into her neck.
Suddenly, a coughing fit took the throat of the ghoul, signaling to his wife that it was high time he took his dose. In no time, Lucy grabbed her bag, took a vial and injected it into Cooper’s spray bottle before giving it to him. When he recovered, the young woman explained to him that they just had to wait to receive supplies and then Benjamin and Birdie would walk them out and they would resume their journey.
After a strangely warm farewell from Vault 4, the spouses resumed their initial route. Lucy tried to apologize for slowing them down but Cooper stopped her immediately, it was only his fault for putting his wife in such danger. He added that he would have understood if she had wanted to stay there, away from him.
“Hey, first of all we’re husband and wife and two I love you, I wasn’t gonna leave you like this because we both forgot that radiation affects me more than you.”
“You had the security of a vault again. A semblance of a normal life.”
“My normal life is you now, Coop. And it wasn’t my vault. If I have to live again in one it will be vault 33 with my brother, Dogmeat, Janey and you. Besides, Norm’s gonna freak out when he sees you, it’s gonna be fun. I go to the surface for a few months and I will come back married to a ghoul with a child and a dog, he will understand nothing.”
“I think he won’t be the only one shocked to see us arrive, doll.” Could not help but add while laughing the ghoul already imagining the indignant faces of the many inhabitants of vault 33.
"Would you really come with me there to live?"
“Everything I did yesterday and today doesn’t prove it to you? I’ll be ready for anything as long as it allows me to be with you. As you said so well, my life is you now.”
“So it’s decided, let’s go find our daughter, pierce the mystery behind our existence and go home.”
To seal this wonderful deal Cooper decided to put a kiss on his wife’s lips before taking her hand and continuing their long journey towards their home.
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Chapter five is out! There’s some surprises here 👀
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