negative1humans · 2 years
Enkidu: Hey buddy you wanna go?
Gilgamesh: Yeah I wanna go. Let’s go
Enkidu: Alright let’s go out
Gilgamesh: What about a date?
Enkidu: Yeah come on let’s go on a date.
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chocochococoffee · 11 months
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gilgy... /touches screen
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nils-elmark · 2 years
Gilgi eine von uns
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Forfatterinden Irmgard Keun skabte 30ernes unge tyske hverdags-heltinder.
Gilgi står op klokken 6:30 og gør morgengymnastik inden brusebadet: først det varme og så det kolde vand, mens hun tæller til tredive. Ikke for hurtigt! Hun kommer lidt Nivea creme på øjenbrynene, så får hun et rundstykke med smør og en kop kaffe af familiens egen forfærdelige blanding: 1/4  kaffebønner, en 1/4 cikorie 1/4 byg og 1/4 Karlsbader Kaffeerstatning. Faren i huset får som den eneste i familien et æg, mens han læser op af nyhederne fra Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger om blandt andet røveri i en smørforretning, nye fund af våbenlager og Biskoppen af Leitmetz, som netop var afgået ved døden. 
Sådan indleder den unge tyske forfatter Irmgard Keun sin roman “Gilgi - eine von uns” - der udkom i 1931 og øjeblikkeligt blev en bragende succes. Bogen handler om Gilgi, der egentlig hedder Gisele, men det vil hun først hedde, efter hun er fyldt 25 år. Gilgi, er en af de 1,3 millioner kontormus med stenogram-blokke og Erika skrivemaskiner, der i mellemkrigstidens Tyskland forsøgte at gøre karriere og tjene til livets ophold i det tyske erhvervsliv. Gilgi bliver læsernes rollemodel for den nye unge frigjorte kvinde, som vil tage ansvar for sit eget liv. Gilgi ryger cigaretter og drikker alkohol og da hun forelsker sig bliver gravid (stop her hvis du selv vil læse bogen) vælger hun at forlade sin elskede, rejse til Berlin og klare sig selv, som enlig mor. Som Claire Waldorff sang i en samtidig revyvise: “Raus mit den Männern!”  
Jeg er vild med bogen og Irmgard Keuns måde at skrive på. Hun skriver ikke blot en roman - hun rapporterer fra en virkelighed, som læserne kan genkende og som bliver bragt til live igen 91 år senere. Vi får at vide, at Gilgi bruger Nivea - ikke bare creme. Vi får ikke blot at vide, at familien bruger kaffeekstrakt, vi får at vide, at det er Karlsbader, og de nyheder Gilgi’s far læser op ved morgenbordet, er virkelige begivenheder. Biskoppen i Leitzmetz hed Joseff Gross og han døde faktisk den 20 januar 1931, så faderen i bogen læser formentlig op af Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger fra den 22. januar 1931 - det var en torsdag.
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I et andet kapitel beslutter Gilgi sig for at opsøge, hvad hun tror, er hendes biologiske mor, som bor i Thieboldgasse, der er en virkelig gade.  Man kan stadig på Google følge hendes vandretur fra Domstrasse gennem Köln. Bogen er et eksempel på den strømning, som opstod i 20′ernes Tyskland og blev kaldt “Die Neue Sachlichkeit” - ‘den nye faglighed’, hvor kunstnere og arkitekter skrællede pynten af overfladen og skildrede den virkelighed, de var en del af. Bogen er på alle måder moderne - dengang og idag.
Gilgi gjorde forfatteren Irmgard Keun berømt fra den ene dag til den anden. Bogen blev straks filmatiseret og Keun var hurtig på tasterne og fulgte op med endnu en bestseller roman om Doris i “Das Kunstseidene Mädchen”, der udkom i 1932.
Og så var det hele slut.
Nazisterne kom til magten og Irmgard Keun’s frigjorte unge kvindebilleder passede ikke de nye herskere. Hendes to bøger var blandt dem, der blev kastet på bålene i 30 universitetsbyer rundt om Tyskland i maj 1933 og Irmgard Keun selv måtte gå i eksil i Belgien. Efter krigen tog hun sit forfatterskab op igen, men hun nåede aldrig tilbage til sin ungdoms litterære højde, dengang hun ramte tidsånden mere præcist end nogen anden.
Irmgard Keun’s bøger er over årene blevet genoptrykt og genudgivet, men det eksemplar af “Gilgi, eine von uns”, som jeg fandt i et antikvariat i Düsseldorf og som jeg netop har læst, er den oprindelige udgave fra 1931, som, skjult på et bibliotek, undgik flammerne to år senere..
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messyo5 · 1 year
I think the Epic of Gilgamesh is so silly like yes enkidu was raised by wolves and then fucked fantastically for 6 days and 7 nights and then was head over heels for a harlot and then the harlot took him to the city to meet his Destiny Boyfriend gilgamesh and now Ishtar was like "gilgy boo thang you're gorgeous be my bridegroom" and gilgamesh turned her down bc he's all about that Bachelor Life with My Bro Enkidu and so Ishtar took the rejection like a boss and sent a magic destruction bull down and Enkidu and then Giggly was like "pfft no" and killed the God Bull and then the Gods were not too fond of that so they killed Enkidu and Gilg was like "NO MY HUSBAND- I MEAN MY BESTIE" and sat by his rotting body's side day and night until a worm crawled out of his nose so he was like "THats kinda embarrassing I don't want rhat to happen when I die so let's look for immortality"
In the end Gil did not in fact find immortality and just had a whole important self discovery adventure but that's not really important to the pizazz of the whole ordeal
And all of this was in cuneiform
And also all of these people are at least a little nonbinary. No one is totally cis het that I can 100% be sure of
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zeebreezin · 6 months
Okay so I’m going to get Time, The Healer in about 50 minutes. We’re going to count together to see how long it takes Gilgy Boy to show up this time.
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toskarin · 2 years
Listen, listen, this is going to sound unhinged but in my defence I'm not fully learned in the way of fate series mana lore but your other ask got me thinking. So all magi can mana transfer via sex, right?
If kotomine and Gilgamesh just got over their weird dynamic and "mana transferred" wouldn't that b enough instead of idk... multiple orphan basement. I'm guessing gilgy needs lots of mana to remain corporeal but have you seen kotomine?? Both of them are cowards. Nasu is homophobic
Ty for listening to my Ted talk and semi joke ask
I have to give you an even more unhinged piece of information:
gil doesn't even need the orphan basement.
in the last grail war, he used the grail to incarnate himself. he can sustain himself perfectly fine using only his own body, but lets kotomine do the basement thing anyway because he respects the gesture and likes the free extra mana
it's literally pointless cruelty, which isn't remotely out of line for kotomine
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soufre-de-paris · 10 months
best part of gilgamesh so far is when gilgamesh says, "mom i had this dream of the whole city freaking out over some weird incorporeal power??? what's up with that"
and his mom (an actual cow) says "oh that's your soon-to-be husband. he's gonna show up and be your bff and i'll marry you"
and then the next night gilgy's like "mom i had another dream, there was this axe and it was exactly the same as the other dream but now the incorporeal power was an axe"
and his mom (the cow) says "yeah. like i said. that's your husband. he's gonna show up and be your bff and i'll marry you. we talked about this?"
and then when enkidu actually shows up gilgs brings him to his mom all super excited, his mom (the cow) is like "honey… um. he's poor. and hairy. are you sure you want to marry him?"
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seamayweed · 2 years
got tagged four times, so i thought it was about time i crawled out of the woodwork and did this! thanks, @godotismissingx, @akingyouniverse, @pashminabitch & @idrilka 💙
Rules: Answer all the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Three ships: i'm a seon-ho multishipper but if i had to choose then it would be bangseon (yi bang-won/nam seon-ho, MCTNA); sephcloud (sephiroth/cloud strife, FF7); balthorki (baldr/thor/loki, Marvel/MCU); as a bonus: heavar (heahmund/ivar, Vikings)
First ship: i think it might have been sasunaru lol
Last song I listened to: Labour by Paris Paloma
Last movie I watched: it's still The Divine Fury (haven't gotten around to watching The Handmaiden yet, but i hope to soon! /o\)
Currently reading: not really reading anything right now... though i guess i recently got Fire & Blood by George R. R. Martin. also meant to start reading Gilgi - eine von uns by Irmgard Keun soon beyond the sneak peek i already got (folks, is it gay to call your girl best friend "Marzipanmädchen" and dreamily think of her as romance itself in the era of the "Neue Sachlichkeit" that eschews romance and sentimentality of any kind???).
Currently watching: i gave in to the urge and finally started watching House of the Dragon (hence why i got Fire & Blood). alicent hightower is my poor little meow meow who is surrounded by creeps and has sapphic longing for her childhood friend/first love turned enemy and can do no wrong
Currently consuming: water - remember to stay hydrated, everyone!
Currently craving: savory puff pastries or há cảo 🤤
Tagging @illwynd, @pyrebomb, @argents-huntress, @hedvig-ulrika, @sadviper, @rain-hat, @nubreed73, @lilsjames, @fuckingfeatherine, @blueberry-cheese-pizza, @springkitten, @contagiousrhythminmybrain, @lvsifer, @noona96n, @strandedchesspiece, @bienmoreau, @cumberbatchedandproud, @laireshi, @judiwench, @itsza, @yohankang, @radialarch, @convenientalias, @avauntus and anyone else who wants to do it!
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akihatohnoofficial · 1 year
Gilgamesh thoughts?
gilgy… he’s so moe. i need to throw rocks at his head but also I want him to hold me upside down like he held saber. one of my favorite cgs
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victor-mortis · 9 months
Oc explanation time!
A summary of the curious world they come from:
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It's a world exactly like ours, except these creatures exist. People consider them demons, but they're just supernatural/space warping entities. Some creatures, such as Gilgamesh, reclaim the term and call themselves demons.
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Voice claim: spectacular Spider-Man's green goblin.
Our favorite space dog.
Can change size at will. Don't ask me how, he just does.
Has tried and failed to eat the sun.
Inspired by the green goblin.
Likes to eat planetary systems. His species eats space junk, but gilgy gets ambitious.
Especially considering he isn't quite alive...
(working title that stuck, it sounds dumb ik.)
Sometimes when a creature in the universe, betrayed by its peers, dies it becomes a breath-walker.
They have patterns on their skin. They glow with their emotions/use of power.
Their eyes also glow, and their appearance changes at will. They can be in their original form, or their true form.
Supernatural powers: decaying at will, illusion-ing (brain fuckery), and not needing normal animal needs. Like sleep and food.
Yes, humans have become breath walkers.
My 'persona/ universal self insert' is one. Why? Because it's kick ass that's why. I glow in the dark. 😎
The slush:
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Voice claim: the mystery flesh pit. Though sometimes they can develop themselves enough to speak. It sounds like a severely hoarse john marston.
The slime that traverses space time.
Can appear in walls, on walls, through walls, away from walls, etc.
No rules on formation. He's fourth dimensional.
Loves to eat lemons
He'll eat other things too. Once, he ate a car battery.
The dreamcatcher:
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Voice claim: bubbles the dolphin from the SpongeBob movie.
He eats dreams. Sometimes causes nightmares.
Lanky lad.
Prefers moist environments. Big fan of humidifiers.
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Voice claim: Bart Simpson.
Furry. Big ears. Eats grass.
(created this guy on a plane ride. Dunno what his deal is yet.)
Bones Malone:
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Voice claim: Norman Osbourne. (Not the green goblin, there's a difference!)
Named after that Tumblr post.
He's an actor, has been in several movies.
Part of a larger species called skeletons. They eat flesh sometimes. Recently made peace with lemons.
He gets cold easy. So he holds my jackets.
Loves spider man.
5'10 i think. I'm 5'3 and the top of my head is right where the bottom of his jaw is when i don't have shoes on.
The little guy in his shirt? Teacup. He's chilling.
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Voice claim: Tobias Forge. Maybe.
Gilly suit thing
Bites. Claws.
Loves to smile.
He has eyes but they're usually covered by his leaf fur... Feathers?
4th dimension abilities, able to bend his shape.
What is his deal? Uhngh. Bushes. He likes a good shrubbery.
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
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hiiii gilgy <3 welcome to ubw
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chocochococoffee · 11 months
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two rolls, only kuro and a tile design
then i was able to spark gilgy so all is good
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
ANYWAYS,,, I remember we read the Epic of Gilgamesh in my high school, and the school librarian would come in and read it in this big, booming voice for Enkidu that seemed larger than life. It was also about a goddess called Ishtar getting pissed that Gilgamesh wouldn't be his husband because he was having a great time with his best friend Enkidu.
Owh i read Gilgy back in my 1st year of hs, too (parts of it and the summary, anyway), and right! It was so cool. Having a dramatic reading of it sounds awesome tho!!!! I'm jealous smh /lh
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7-hydroxymitragynine · 3 months
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Y'all weren't kidding about ol gilgy boy being gay
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zeebreezin · 5 months
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Usually I’m mad when I draw your stupid ass within the hour of getting time the healed, but I think Shaw needs some company this week so go ahead Gilgy boy
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carmenvicinanza · 1 year
Irmgard Keun
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Miseria e povertà forse non sono neanche il peggio. Il peggio è che a questa gente è stato sottratto ogni senso di responsabilità. Il peggio è che alcuni di loro si sentono quasi a proprio agio nell’io non posso farci niente, si adagiano nell’idea che la loro miseria sia soltanto colpa di altri come fossero chiusi in una bara. Assassinano la virtuosa consapevolezza della loro pigrizia e imperfezione, lasciano che la voglia di vivere e la forza di desiderare, muoiano lentamente dentro di loro, non possono certo farci nulla. E se l’effettiva colpa altrui copre un minuscolo granello della loro colpa, forse quello è il peggio, quella è la fine, quello vuol dire essere morti.
Irmgard Keun è stata una scrittrice tedesca, autrice di sceneggiature, reportage e una dozzina di romanzi in cui ha raccontato le contraddizioni della società europea prima e durante la Seconda guerra mondiale, concentrandosi in particolare sulla storia delle donne.
Nata  il 6 febbraio 1905 a Charlottensburg, che all’epoca separata da Berlino è cresciuta a Colonia dove si è diplomata in una scuola femminile evangelica nel 1921.
Diventata attrice, dopo aver frequentato l’accademia d’arte drammatica, pagata col suo lavoro di dattilografa, aveva raggiunto anche un discreto successo quando, nel 1929, decise di dedicarsi completamente alla scrittura, spronata dall’amico scrittore Alfred Döblin con cui condivideva la forte critica verso la società.
All’inizio degli anni Trenta, i suoi Gilgi, una di noi e Doris, la ragazza misto seta, la  trasformarono in un caso letterario rendendola una celebrità internazionale. Riscosse un tale successo che ci fu chi gridò al plagio, una donna così giovane non poteva aver scritto un libro di così vivida intelligenza sociale.
Le prime opere già trapelano la spinta di emancipazione che ha percorso tutta la sua poetica, irriverente, istintiva, libera, come ella stessa. La sua critica moderna verso la condizione femminile, che aveva trovato successo e traduzioni anche all’estero, portò alla censura da parte del partito nazionalsocialista. La condanna della messa al bando dei suoi romanzi le costò caro, venne costretta, dal fisco tedesco, a pagare l’intero ammontare delle copie pubblicate anche se giacevano, invendute dal suo editore.
In tutta risposta fece causa allo Stato, per questo venne arrestata e rilasciata dietro un’ingente cauzione. Interrogata e intimidita dalla Gestapo, decise di abbandonare la Germania per un esilio durato dieci anni in giro per l’Europa.
Nel periodo della clandestinità ha continuato a scrivere e vissuto un’intensa e devastante storia d’amore con lo scrittore Joseph Roth. Una relazione fatta di scrittura, passione, forti contrasti, viaggi e fiumi d’alcol, bruciata in un paio d’anni.
Per rientrare in Germania, nel 1940, con la complicità di un amico giornalista, fece circolare la notizia che si era suicidata. E mentre il pubblico di lettori e lettrici leggeva piangeva la sua precoce morte, visse in clandestinità con un nome falso.
L’impeto letterario, spinto da una situazione di totale inquietudine, spinse Irmgard Keun a scrivere due romanzi come After Midnight e Child of All Nations due fotografie della vita in Germania durante il nazismo: un tentativo spietato di immortalare la quotidianità drammatica degli anni di guerra.
Ma le complesse circostanze storiche determinarono in lei uno stato d’animo di disperazione.
Nel corso dei decenni il suo romanzo Doris la ragazza misto seta è stato tradotto in più di sedici lingue e, nel 1960, il regista francese Julien Duvivier ne ha tratto il film La gran vita che ha visto come protagonista Giulietta Masina.
Afflitta da problemi psichici, economici e dipendenza da alcol, ha lavorato come giornalista, ha scritto sceneggiature e si è riaffacciata al teatro, ma senza più alcuna stabilità né professionale né emotiva che la spinse sempre di più verso il baratro.
Dal 1966 al 1972 è stata ricoverata in un ospedale psichiatrico, una volta uscita, viveva in un monolocale con precarie aspettative mentre tutti sembravano essersi dimenticati dell’irriverente scrittrice femminista della Repubblica di Weimar.
Si è spenta, in solitudine e povertà, a causa di un cancro ai polmoni, il 5 maggio 1982 a Colonia.
La critica che l’aveva ignorata per tutti gli anni settanta, l’ha rivalutata negli ultimi decenni e i suoi libri hanno ripreso a essere tradotti in tutto il mondo.
Vorrei una notte di musica e lanterne e danze, voglio tutto, lo voglio subito, me la divorerei questa vita, fino allo sfinimento, come se domani dovessi morire e non potessi godermi più niente.
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