#gimme the juicy details
sedlex · 1 year
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Happy birthday?
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So that explains where one child ended up, therefore leaving the question of where the other one came from.
Do they have cloning in Gundam? Or she just found a random dude and went at it sure that her redhead genes would prevail yet again? Mercury orphan market? Make-a-human biomechanical facility?
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figgyblossom · 2 years
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queencvbra · 1 year
listen. I want to plot things so consider this a plotting call. like this and I'll message you about plots. you don't have to have any ideas already but if you want some inspo here are some things that I am currently brainrotting about and here is my current verse list.
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thankeywa · 2 years
hi babes i hope YOU MISSED MY SUPER DETAILED REQUESTS! so, for a long time now im craving for the “rut”, “heat”, “nest” and other a/b/o dynamics inserted on avatar universe, so i WAS HOPING:
could you pretty please write something about lo’ak and reader (a female na’vi) where they're best friends and both insanely in love w each other – reader already had her "cerimony" meaning she needs to find a partner soon, but lo'ak has been convincing readers parents to decline any mate offers because none of them is good enough for her. one day, reader's heat come and bsf lo’ak comes to the rescue? i need a cocky possessive lo’ak in my life and I KNOW you're the one whos gonna gimme !!!!!
lov u, drink water and stay safe <3
The Right Profile | Lo'ak x fem!Omaticaya! reader (a/b/o smut).
Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers! As always, requests are open. Minors DNI!
A.N= everyone needs to know that every time you send me a request my mind makes me put everything on standby until I get it done. Also, I have a major weakness for a/b/o and I've been dying for someone to send me a request like this, so yeah, your wish is my command. For anyone who wanted the new installment of Star-crossed instead of this, you can send your complaints to @punkrockrogers (I'm kidding, obviously).
Summary: exactly what's in the request but I found some juicy canon info about Lo'ak failing to tame an ikran on his first attempt and almost dying in the process, and you can bet I'm going to use that for this fic. So, our boi failed his driver's test therefore he does not get to smash. Both Lo'ak and reader are aged up (20 y/o). Title from the song 'The right profile' by the Clash. Quotes in this: one is from Avatar 2009 and the other is by Goethe.
T.W= this is going to be A LOT, if there ever were an Omegaverse phd course, I would be teaching that class, so if that stuff is not for you, scroll away now. NSFW: p. in v., a/b/o dynamics, mating cycles (heat, rut), marking, scent marking, knotting, breeding, also possessive!Lo'ak (our boi is a lil ooc in this, I don't condone this type of behavior in a relationship, it's all for the sake of the story, you know the drill, if this might be disturbing to you, again give this story a miss).
word count: 8k
Mini na'vi dictionary:
'evi= child (said affectionately by an elder)
Tsurokx= rest/sleep
yawne= beloved
syulang= flower
Ngaytxoa= forgive me
Oeya= my (possessive)
yìmkxa= banshee catcher
The Na'vi say that every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among the people, forever.
"I do not wish to take part in the Uniltaron without you." Y/n had told Lo'ak, still distraught from the events of that day. His best friend had been the first of their group to manage to tame her ikran, of course, she had. And now she was set to take part in the Dream Hunt before finally taking her rightful place among the people along with the rest of Lo'ak's peers, while he was left behind.
He had failed and almost fallen to his death during his attempt, and now his parents were going to make him wait until he was 'truly ready' before he could try again. His father had thought it was somehow his business to step in and stop him from trying his second attempt at taming the banshee then and there. Lo'ak had never felt more embarrassed, especially because y/n had immediately dismounted from her ikran and run to his aid the second she'd seen the scene unfold before her eyes.
"You have already waited five years for me to complete my training..." Lo'ak dismissed her words. "And I won't be the reason you wait any longer..." Y/n had never said it out loud, but Lo'ak knew it was true. She'd been postponing her rite of passage so that they would have joined the clan together, and he couldn't deal with it anymore.
"But Lo'ak, I do not care about-"
"Well, you should care." He snapped at her, not really knowing where his anger was coming from. Sure, he'd just had what could have been described as the worst day of his life, but something and been simmering inside him all week. And now Lo'ak felt like he'd reached his limit. In a few hours, the young Na'vi male was going to discover that anger was only a prelude to his first rut. "Everything comes easy to you, but it's like you don't even notice! No one ever said we needed to be attached to the hip for the rest of our lives, so why don't you just get over it and do what's expected of you?"
The second he saw the heartbroken look on y/n's face, Lo'ak wanted to take it all back. He hadn't meant to say any of those things, of course he hadn't. She was his best friend, she was the woman he loved, yet he'd passed up his chances to ever be with her twice in a single day. He was petty and weak, unable to own up to his own shortcomings, and now he was taking it out on the only person in the world who would have never judged him for it.
"I see..." Y/n said, her voice laced with grief. For a single, stupid second Lo'ak had deluded himself into thinking she was about to say 'I see you', it was what he wanted to tell her. He'd been wanting to tell her for so long. "I have... been foolish. I thought that maybe you... that we..." Y/n wiped a tear away from her face, and stepped back from Lo'ak when he tried to reach out for her. "I do not need your pity." She hissed at him, feeling that Lo'ak had just rejected her. "You have made yourself understood."
With that, y/n disappeared from Lo'ak sight and into the darkness of the night. By the time Neteyam found him, Lo'ak was already in the throes of a terrible fever. His father and brother took him to a secluded place where he would have been safe, but couldn't do much for him besides that. Moat had said the rut hit Lo'ak so suddenly that he was beyond being helped with any sort of treatment. He had no mate, and neither did he have the right to choose one. Left alone to endure the most excruciating pain known to the Omaticaya people.
A lot could change in a week. Especially when it came to things taking a drastic turn for the worse. Lo'ak, who was still experiencing the occasional violent aftershock from the trauma he'd just finished enduring all by himself, was about to get accustomed to a whole new kind of pain.
"We seek your guidance, Tsahik." Y/n's parents had come to speak to his grandmother, while she was still in the process of checking he hadn't suffered any irreparable damage during his absence. "Our daughter, y/n, does not wish to wait for love to find her. She has invoked the old ways, asking us to choose a mate for her." Another violent fit wreaked havoc over Lo'ak's body, but this time he wasn't entirely sure it was due to the aftermath of his rut. Moat had told him the worst was now behind him. "Cease your whining, 'evi." She reprimanded him. "Only by regaining your strength will you find the way to be whole again." While that statement sounded overtly obvious to him, the look his grandmother gave him made him think she was trying to tell him something more.
"Forgive us, we have come at a bad time." Y/n's mother said, directing her sympathies to Lo'ak. They had always been kind toward him. "Your grandson is still injured, y/n has been heartbroken about it. We have prayed to Eywa every day for your swift recovery-"
"He has recovered." Moat cut her off. "And your daughter cannot force her childish whims on you. She is a woman, a warrior of this clan, she cannot hide behind her parents. We only arrange the marriages of future Tsahik and Olo'eyktan, for they are given gifts by Eywa herself to guide the people. The old ways have brought nothing but suffering, I remember the time when they were enforced all too well. They are only to be invoked in drastic situations, such as the event of a heat."
"We are grateful for your wisdom, Tsahik." Y/n father said. "But that is precisely what we fear... she is already showing signs. Every day our daughter grows weaker. We know she may not survive without a mate, and now it is too late for her to make her own choice."
"Fools." Moat almost spat. "Bring her to me at once-"
Lo'ak was on his feet and running out of the healing tent at once, no longer willing to listen to a single word of that conversation. Mating cycles were usually something that a couple faced together, but he and y/n had waited too long for their rite of passage. In that time they hadn't found the person who was truly right for them, so now y/n was going to force herself to be with someone or face her heat alone, along with the consequences that entailed. And it wasn't like Lo'ak could step up and ask her parents to marry her, he wasn't even part of the clan. Not only that, y/n also probably thought he wanted nothing to do with her.
He went looking for y/n everywhere. She wasn't in her tent, nor was she staying with her parents. Word was she'd gone hunting, and after a desperate search, Lo'ak ended up finding her in his own living quarters when he returned home in the early hours of the morning. As much as Lo'ak wanted to yell at y/n in frustration because he'd been worried sick over her, the sight of her sleeping peacefully quelled his anger. He knelt down to touch her forehead, and let out a breath of relief. Her body temperature hadn't drastically risen just yet.
Lo'ak took a look around and only then noticed y/n had rounded up the entirety of his possessions to surround herself with in her sleep. She had made a bed out of the skins and paintings which used to adorn the inside of his tent while holding on rather tightly to a piece of fabric he quickly recognized as one of his loincloths. He felt himself turn into a deep shade of blue in the face and attempted to gently tug the item out of her grip, but y/n growled menacingly in her sleep, immediately making Lo'ak give up on his intent. He did not wish to wake her. Not when it was clear she'd been so distressed, she'd felt the need to make herself a nest just to feel safe.
"Tsurokx, yawne..." Lo'ak wished her a good sleep, and went to tell her family she'd been found.
Her parents were thankful, and just because Lo'ak was not allowed to catch a single break, it turned out y/n parents trusted him so much they began to ask him his personal opinion on the skxawngs that had already shown up to ask them to be her mate. Lo'ak respected y/n's parents and knew they were only worried about their daughter, but he was running on zero hours of sleep, and the image of y/n curled up in a nest she'd made of his belongings was still too fresh in his mind, so he let his worst side get the better of him. He lied. Something so deeply human, his people did not even have a word for it.
"...I would not even consider Selkath, he is too arrogant to even see past himself..."
"Pantoran is weak, I would not trust him to provide for your daughter..."
"... I have known Skakoan to have used cruel words against y/n. She does not deserve her..."
The more he spoke, the more Lo'ak realized he was describing himself and the way he had treated y/n, not giving a true judgment of his peers. And her parents were trusting him with that information, even though he had absolutely no authority to be judging anyone. But there was no reason to worry, a fresh batch of idiots would have shown up to declare their 'love' soon enough, over and over again until eventually someone was found.
Lo'ak slept on the cold hard ground just outside his tent, barely getting an hour's sleep before the day began for the rest of the clan.
"Showing your worth to the clan, as usual, Su-ly?" A voice Lo'ak knew all too well asked, as he was 'accidentally' stepped on and woken up. Tholothian had never been too shy about disliking Lo'ak, and the feeling was entirely mutual. "Watch where you're going, Tho'lo." He growled as he stood up, certainly not in the mood to be taking anyone's crap. The other Na'vi was also standing entirely too close to the tent where y/n was currently resting, and Lo'ak was about the get real territorial real fast if the skxawng didn't back off. The low rumble in his throat was still there, and Lo'ak was making it very clear he was not to be messed with at that moment.
Tholothian, who thrived off humiliating the younger Sully brother in any way possible, had to take a step back. Lo'ak had been missing for an entire week, and now that he was back, he seemed to have doubled in size. He was taller, his shoulders wider, his once delicate-looking human hands bigger, and his muscles considerably more defined. And his entire demeanor also seemed... different, menacing almost. Never before would he have considered Lo'ak Sully competition, least of all a threat. So he decided to back off, for the time being at least.
What he wanted was y/n, and Lo'ak couldn't claim her. There was no pride in kicking someone down when they had already lost. Or was there? "I was just on my way to see, y/n..." Tholothian gloated, knowing it was a sore subject for Lo'ak. "You must have heard... she is searching for a mate..." The look on Lo'ak face darkened considerably, and it would have been a lie not to admit he was reaching for his dagger to challenge Tho'lo to a duel and see which of them could draw first blood, when y/n audibly called Lo'ak's name from inside the tent.
Tholothian paled considerably when he heard y/n call out to his rival and Lo'ak smirked, basking in the pride he felt at that moment. Y/n was probably waiting inside to give him an earful about disappearing for a week, but Tho'lo didn't know that. "Yeah, man. I heard." He sneered, his cocky attitude back in full swing. "I'd wish you luck, but I think it'd be fairer if I gave you a little advice instead..." Lo'ak lowered his voice and pointed his dagger in the direction of Tho'lo chest. "If you, or anyone of your friends, come sniffing after y/n again, just know you're going to have to get through me first." He snarled, showing a full set of teeth, before heading back inside to see y/n.
"Hey? That's all you have to say?" At least she was still lucid enough to be mad at him, Lo'ak thought. There was still time. Y/n threw the first thing she could find at his head, but Lo'ak managed to dodge it. "Where were you?"
"I was sick." Lo'ak said, and cautiously sat down next to her. He didn't know how else to describe what he'd been through, without inadvertently bringing up her own situation.
"Sick?" Y/n asked, still not understanding why he'd been away from home if he'd been ill.
"I'm sorry I missed your ceremony." Lo'ak said truthfully, the regret clear in his voice, even though he'd just avoided her question. "And the dream hunt, and all of it... the reason why doesn't matter, I should have been there for you."
Y/n hugged her knees to her chest, her worry not subsiding at all. What could have been so bad, Lo'ak couldn't even tell her about it?
"So... you're going to be mated soon..." Lo'ak didn't even know why he said it, other than the fact he was always the one to break the silence and say the things others wouldn't. "Why are you making your parents choose for you?" He asked when she didn't respond. "Y/n you know that's stupid..."
"What? Now honoring our traditions is stupid?" Y/n snapped at him, barely leaving any distance between them. "Weren't you the one who said I acted like I didn't care? That I should start doing what's expected of me?" She threw his words back in his face and Lo'ak immediately understood how the entire insane idea of an arranged marriage had come to her in the first place. He'd made her feel less than worthy, like she wasn't grateful enough to be part of the people, and now she was trying to make up for it, even though it was never true in the first place.
"Y/n... I never should have said those words... I wasn't myself that day, you have to believe me..." Lo'ak implored her, but it wasn't enough to keep the tears from rushing down her face.
"Well, it doesn't matter now..." Y/n kept half the truth to herself. She'd childishly thought that Lo'ak would have tried to prevent her from her recklessness and chosen her himself. But clearly, it had been a fantasy. "Lo'ak, I know what's happening to me... and I'm scared, I don't know what's worse, facing it alone or...or..."
Lo'ak pulled y/n into his arms then, holding her close as he felt her tremble against his chest. "You won't have to face this on your own, and... and I'll make sure you'll be with someone worthy, who'll take good care of you..." His words were like daggers to her chest, because there was no one else she could ever want besides him, yet she understood Lo'ak was trying his best to comfort her. Y/n buried her face in the crook of Lo'ak's neck, breathing in his scent. It was a lot stronger now, and only at that point did she realize so many things about his appearance had changed.
There were two small glands, one on either side of his neck, where his scent seemed to be strongest, and she was suddenly overcome by the need to be covered in it. Y/n began to purr softly, rubbing her face against Lo'ak's neck, not really knowing what she was doing other than chasing after the feeling of comfort and protection that came along with dousing herself in Lo'ak pheromones. "What are you doing, y/n?" Her bestfriend asked, his voice sounding considerably deeper than it had been a few seconds ago. "Feels nice." Was the entirety of the explanation she gave him, without showing any intention of stopping. Not that Lo'ak wanted her too.
He suddenly understood why she'd come to his tent in the first place, and that was to seek out whatever still held his scent, to numb out any feverish symptoms her pre-heat was going to throw at her. Lo'ak knew they were treading a dangerous line, but he also knew he would have given anything to have felt any sort of comfort during his rut, and he couldn't bring himself to tear himself away from her. The type of contact y/n was craving at that moment was completely harmless, yet the idea that she needed to be marked with his scent so badly made a Lo'ak feel possessive in a way he hadn't even known was possible. "Yeah? Is that what's been stressing you out, baby?" He cooed, wrapping her braid around his hand and tugging it softly. "You just wanted to breathe in my scent, didn't you?"
Y/n whined at his touch and nodded feverishly at his words. "Y-yes... I missed you, and I didn't know where you were. I just knew you were hurt..." She rambled, but Lo'ak kissed her temple, trying to let her know that there was no need to worry about him. "I'm right here, I'm sorry I was away. I let you down. I should have been here to help you with your nest. Look at this, you did it all by yourself, huh? Good girl." Lo'ak praised her, letting out a deep-sounding purr to let y/n know how impressed he was with her. Y/n nodded, smiling as she basked in Lo'ak's praise. "I did it for you, I wanted to be here when you got back..."
Lo'ak had to remind himself all he was doing was for the sake of helping y/n deal with how increasingly hormonal and emotional she was about to become over the next few days, and nothing that was saying in that moment held any real meaning. Somebody else would get to take care of y/n, and somehow he'd ended up on the council of people who got to determine who that person was going to be. As long as he kept his own feelings out of it, there was no reason why y/n shouldn't have stayed with him.
"Thank you, baby..." Lo'ak whispered softly and brought her hand to his mouth, kissing her wrist. "I'm going out to get you something to eat now, do you want to come? Or do want to stay here?"
"No." Y/n wrapped herself around him like a vine. "Stay."
"Huh-uh, it's like that, is it?" Lo'ak chuckled, powerless against her death-grip. So he took the opportunity to have a lie down. Unlike y/n, he was missing several hours of sleep. "Well, I'm not going to argue with the woman who has me in a choke-hold... and sleeping will do you some good too..." He sighed, resting his arms around her middle. It didn't take long for Lo'ak to pass out completely.
When Lo'ak woke up, y/n seemed to have been long gone. Someone had also brought him some food and water while he'd been resting. Lo'ak hurriedly ate something, before heading out to look for y/n, but he didn't end up needing to look too far. Moat had been in the middle of examining y/n when Lo'ak showed up out of the blue.
"Ever heard of privacy? Get out of here, skxawng!" Y/n yelled at him, and Lo'ak immediately did as he was told. At least y/n seemed to be once again lucid and back to normal. For the time being. And now that he knew she was alright he really didn't have any other excuse to be around her, so he left.
Lo'ak finally found the time to get back to his training, something he now did in private. It was embarrassing to perpetually remind the rest of the clan of his failure, and he would not ask his father or brother for help. His mother however, was a lot more difficult to get away from. And she understood more than most. "My son, it is clear you are hurting... we have not seen you for days... "
"So? What good is showing my face when I have failed you?" Lo'ak turned away in shame. He did not need anyone to look out for him, not anymore.
"Stubborn! Just like your father." Neytiri hissed at him, bonking him on his head with her bow and not too gently either. "It is clear... that Eywa made you and y/n to be together. Do not treat me as if I do not see. I see you, my son."
Lo'ak broke down as soon as he heard those words. It was true, he had been pushing his family away, but simply because he hadn't thought himself capable of facing them. What would his mother think of the twisted game he'd gotten himself in? What kind of example was he setting for his younger sister? He didn't deserve to be around any of them until he somehow managed to make things right.
Neytiri hugged him, even though it was something they hadn't done in a long time. She had immediately known how strong and independent her youngest son was from a very early age, and she feared that it may have been the reason why, out of all of her children, he'd most often been left to his own devices while she and Jake were forced to tend to the others.
"You have not failed us, Lo'ak. But you must still fight for y/n... and I will help you."
The next few days went by in a blur. If he wasn't training with his mother to successfully pass the Iknimaya on his second try, he was making sure to steer away y/n's parents from any candidates they may have seriously been considering to be her mate without seeming too obvious. If a certain potential candidate began to seem like a real threat to Lo'ak, then he would personally seek them out to politely dissaude them himself.
"If you ever try to talk to y/n, ke-he, you ever even look in her direction or... you just as much as think of her again, I'm dragging you out of your tent while you sleep and leaving you out to die in the forest. And trust me, the viperwolves will finish whatever meat the Thanator doesn't tear off your bones first."
The Na'vi might have been dangerous, but they were a peaceful people. Humans had been the ones to bring war upon them. And Lo'ak had begun to realize just how much of a scary breed he was of the two things. He was now turning on his own kind, on the very same members of his clan, his brothers and sisters. He was cheating and lying to get his way, just like a human would. And the scariest part was, that realization was bothering him less and less as time went on. Y/n's heat was approaching fast, and as a consequence, he was getting more protective and territorial by the day.
While y/n had been able to keep her head in the beginning, only going through a few 'fever dreams', as Lo'ak liked to call them, in a single day and quickly recovering from them, it was now rare to come back and find her to be lucid rather than not. She had a few lulls, here and there, where it was once again possible to get her to have a coherent conversation, but those instances were now few and far in between. Lo'ak would have to seize those opportunities to take her out so she could have a walk, drink or eat something, and show her parents she was still alive. One night he'd even managed to take her all the way out to the ponds for a swim, something she'd always loved, but she was way past that point now.
Y/n slept most of the days off; the nights were the real problem. Due to her body temperature slowly increasing to the point where it was eventually going to be unbearable for her, y/n had taken to refusing to wear any sort of clothing. Which was particularly hard on Lo'ak, especially since her body was also changing in ways that weren't so subtle. As much as he tried not to look, it seemed as if both her breasts and her hips were filling out little by little each day. By that point, he was sure it was some specific torture that had been crafted for him especially, but it all came to pale into comparison when most nights were spent treating the aches of y/n's fever.
"You need to drink some water for me, baby..." Lo'ak would try to encourage her. "I promise you'll feel a lot better if you do..." Y/n was struggling, and Lo'ak was thankful for the fact that after making a bit of a fuss she would eventually listen to him. He couldn't think of a single other person who would've had the same amount of care and patience to make sure she was eating and drinking regularly throughout her heat, and there was hardly any time left before she was completely under the influence. A decision was going to be made whether he liked it or not.
The only problem was that now, he didn’t know if he was going to be able to stand aside when the time came for her to leave. The two of them had gotten somewhat... close during their time together. Close in a way that Lo'ak was certain didn't apply to being best friends. Y/n had suffered a great deal the night her scent glands came in, two on her neck, two on her inner thighs, and one on each of her wrists, and Lo'ak had almost mistaken the event for the beginning of her heat. The sweetness of her scent had him so out of his mind, and he would have torn himself away from her if she hadn't been holding on to him for dear life. "Don't go, Lo'ak, please..." y/n had begged him through choked sobs.
Lo'ak still didn't know if he'd made the right choice to stay, because of everything that happened afterward. He peppered y/n's skin with kisses as usual, trying to bring her comfort, only this time the need to taste and sink his teeth into her was almost uncontrollable. "Y/n, I don't think I should be here..." Lo'ak tried to say, having never felt so at war with himself. Y/n shook her head and caught his lips in a kiss, completely tearing down any ounce of doubt he may have still had. For the time being. The fact that she was promised to another suddenly didn't matter anymore, and the two of them were painfully aware y/n had been dripping with slick from the moment Lo'ak had pulled her into his arms. They were all over each other instantly, reaching desperately for one another in the dark. The sound y/n made when he breached her walls was the most beautiful thing Lo'ak had ever heard, and they fucked so desperately, he was almost ashamed of it afterward.
"I told you, my sweet syulang..." He teased, regretfully having to pull out of her for the second time. "You're not ready to take my— a knot, I mean..." Lo'ak kissed her whines away, only taking a few more strokes before coating her belly will his warm seed. "But I want to try again, weakling..." Y/n huffed, having absolutely no mercy for her spent companion as she climbed on top of him. Lo'ak let out a groan and a laugh at the same time, pulling her in for a hug. "You have come so many times, I am literally covered in your slick... and since you're clearly in the right mind to give me attitude..." he pinched y/n's ass cheek and she yelped, slapping his chest. "You're more than capable to come with me for a swim and... help me clean up all this later..." Y/n had bit him in protest but eventually complied with his unreasonable demands.
In those moments with her, Lo'ak had felt so happy he'd almost forgotten what the future actually had in store for the two of them. Even though now he knew y/n so deeply, both at a mental and physical level, another would be the one to marry her. Another would the one to make a lifelong bond with her, mark her and mate with her.
'Sometimes I don't understand how another can love her, is allowed to love her, since I love her so completely myself, so intensely, so fully. I grasp nothing, know nothing, have nothing but her!' Kiri had once read out those words from one of her mother's old books, since the ability to read and write in English had always been important to his sister. At the time, Lo'ak had made fun of her, saying it was all a bunch of boring nonsense. Now, those words haunted him. Every day. And here he was now, acting in the worst of ways just to hold on to y/n for just a second longer, have every part of her until the was nothing left for anyone else to aspire to.
When he walked into the tent that night, y/n was sitting upright and wearing a large white T-shirt Lo'ak had stolen from the RDA supplies. Lo'ak was happy to see she was doing her best to eat some fruit, and the awkward smile she gave him made him understand she currently had her wits about her. "Moat came by... she said it will happen tomorrow... and she gave me... something to help with the pain. Medicine, I think. She told me... my mate will have to take me away. I can't stay here with the rest of the clan while it happens, it might be dangerous-"
Lo'ak shook his head, raising his hands as he tried not to laugh bitterly at the sadness of the situation. How could she talk about it so calmy?
"I don't want to know, okay?" He tried to say as calmly as he could, but she could hear the distaste in his mouth.
"If you can't even talk about it, then admit what I've known all along." Y/n managed to say in a weak voice. "Lo'ak, I see you... I see you... everything you're doing for me, because of me..."
Lo'ak's ears immediately turned down at the sound of the words he'd been waiting for y/n to say his entire life. His immediate instinct was to shut her out. Now that he wanted nothing more than to say those words back, he knew he was only going to make irreparable damage. He'd justified the fact they'd been having sex in secret because it wasn't uncommon for their people to do so, nor forbidden. The only problem of course was that he and y/n were painfully aware of being in love with someone who couldn't commit to them. They had chosen to live in the most blissful of lies until their time together was up.
Well, that time was now.
"Spend my heat with me." Y/n said, not even posing it as a question.
"I can't! How hasn't that gotten through to you yet?" He asked angrily, hating himself for the way she instinctively flinched at his words. Lo'ak got down on his knees, kneeling in front of her. "Ngaytxoa." He asked y/n for her forgiveness. "Oeya syulang, you deserve to be with someone who has shown enough strength and honor to be part of the people... If we'd only had more time, I... but you cannot face your heat alone, nor will I allow you to tie yourself to someone who is not worthy. Who may never be." Y/n had begun to cry at this point, and Lo'ak could feel that he'd been joining her soon. "An outcast. Someone like me."
Simply put, if Lo'ak had spent y/n's heat with her, got her pregnant, and then ended up dying on the Halleluja mountains on his second or third attempt at his Rite of passage, not to mention the unpredictableness of surviving the Dream Hunt as well, he would have committed the cruelest act of all: giving his mate false hope before leaving them behind forever, all for the sake of getting what he wanted.
"You are... impossible..." Y/n cried. "You say these words, therefore you must believe I deserve to be with someone I do not love when I have already chosen the man I belong to and he has chosen me... do you not understand that would kill me just as much as being alone would? I know you went through your rut alone, Lo'ak... I know you went through that pain and survived, Moat told me. I am willing to take that risk, and wait for you."
Lo'ak looked into her eyes then, and it seemed to y/n he was having a realization. Had she finally gotten through to him? She knew her chances of survival were slim, and she hadn't exactly prepared, but after finding out Lo'ak loved her as much as she did, he would sooner risk her life to be happy with him in the end than choose someone else.
Suddenly he was grabbing her face and kissing her, pulling away just as quickly. "I'll be back by morning... there's something... important I have to do." Lo'ak saw the look of distress on her face as he stood up. In many ways, I would have been their last night together, and he was leaving. "Trust me, syulang, I beg of you. Nga yawne lu oer."
"I love you, too."
And with that, he was gone from her sight.
As he climbed the path of vines and rocks leading to the banshee rookery, Lo'ak wondered if anyone had ever managed to reach the Halleluja mountains past the eclipse in the dead of night. If that person, whoever they may have been, had been so desperate to have made the attempt even though everyone around them had said they were not ready, because it was a question of life and death for them as much as it was for him. After the initial surprise of having made it to the top, he was immediately aware of a dozen pairs of yellow eyes blinking at him in the dark.
Lo'ak immediately whipped out the yìmkxa, swinging it around a little as he cautiously walked amongst the ikrans. "Didn't mean to spoil your beauty sleep..." He said, counting how many of them had already flown away at the sight of him. "There's just one of you I've come to settle the score with, some motherfucker who threw me off a cliff the other day-"
A very familiar hiss came from out of nowhere and Lo'ak now knew he was looking back at his banshee. "Long time no see bro, I sure hope I didn't ruin any late-night plans." The ikran lunged at him but Lo'ak knew exactly what to do this time, and moved without hesitancy, muzzling the creature's mouth with the yìmkxa. "Me? Oh you know, my girl is going through the worst experience of her life--- shit, stop that, man--- where was I? Oh right, I'm supposed to be back home with her, yet I'm out here, dancing around with you. Bet you can't wait to get inside this head, huh? Hope you enjoy all the angst, you mother-"
With a final struggle and a minor chunk taken out of his leg, Lo'ak was able to make the connection. The ikran, his ikran, immediately calmed down and let out a pained sound, that Lo'ak recognized as being directed at him.
"Yeah, well... no worries bro." He sighed from exhaustion and patted the banshee's neck. "Now let's get out of here, I don't have all goddammed night."
By the early hours of the morning, Lo'ak had returned aching from the fight with the ikran and still disoriented from the self-induced high he'd given himself with whatever concoctions he'd found in his grandmother's hut to make himself find his spirit animal. No matter what anybody said, he'd completed his rite of passage and now he was going to tell y/n they could be together. Y/n however, was not where he'd left her. Moat found him soon after, and after reprimanding him for stealing her supplies and acting so recklessly, she told him y/n's parents had chosen Tholothian to be her mate and they had left not even an hour prior to Lo'ak's arrival. The Na'vi, much to his grandmother's protests, immediately set off to find them.
With the sunlight by his side and the ability to fly over the forest, it didn't take long for Lo'ak to recognize Tho'lo's ikran resting on top of a branch and its rider wandering the forest below.
"I thought I told you to stay away from her." Lo'ak snarled, quickly dismounting from his ikran.
"Stay out of this, Sully. The fact that you did the bare minimum this time, doesn't get you a prize." Tho'lo took a threatening stance against him. Lo'ak immediately noticed his bow and dagger were missing, and that he had a large cut across his chest. "Y/n was left in my care and responsibility-"
"She attacked you." Lo'ak accused Tho'lo, charging at him with everything he had the very next second. "What did you do?" He roared with a murderous look in his eyes as he held his knife to his rival's throat. "What could you have possibly done to her to leave you stranded out here, huh?"
"What I have done? What have you done, Lo'ak?" Tho'lo accused him back, sounding all too calm for Lo'ak's liking. "She has clearly chosen you, I see that now. I had known you two were close, but I never thought it went beyond you recklessly amusing yourself with her. I never would have accepted her parents' decision if I had known-"
"The why. the fuck. did she attack you?" Lo'ak growled, actively losing his patience by the second.
"Because she's in a heat, you moron. She won't be with anyone who isn't you now that the two of you have clearly done everything except maybe name your future children...I just wish someone had warned me, so I wouldn't have to be here right now!" Lo'ak stepped back from Tho'lo then, realizing he had just been assuming the worst of someone who was meant to be his brother-in-arms. "She attacked me not two minutes after we were in flight. I thought she was going to kill my ikran so I got us all down to the ground. She escaped of course, but I still couldn't leave her out here... "
Lo'ak nodded, ashamed of all the grief his actions had caused. But he didn't even have time to dwell on it, or make things right with Tho'lo, because y/n was still out there, scared and alone.
"I'm sorry, brother-"
"I'll forgive you when you find her and bring her home in one piece." Tho'lo cut him off, calling his ikran and mounting it. "And I know you threatened others just as easily as you have just accused me. That's what separates you from the rest of the people, Sully. You reek of anger and distrust, toward yourself and others. You are selfish, just like the rest of the sky people. Whatever y/n sees in you... must be the true reason why I'm still willing to call you brother."
After a few minutes of frantic wandering, Lo'ak picked up y/n's scent and it didn't take him long to track her down. She'd hidden herself in a small cave behind the waterfall, a place they'd both discovered once when they were out hunting. The closer he got, the more overpowering the influence of her sweet pheromones became. As he climbed his way up to the cave, mindful of the water cascading above him, he knew she could sense his presence too because she began to call out his name. Lo'ak could hear the strain in her voice and ended up cutting his hands and feet several times on the rocks as he made his reckless endeavor all the way to the safe haven she'd chosen.
He looked up to see her looking down at him, and he made one last stupidly dangerous jump to get her away from the edge. "Where were you? You told me to wait, I waited for you but- you are hurt!" Y/n reached for him, she was shuddering violently and unable to keep herself from crying. Lo'ak knew exactly what kind of pain she was going through, and he had to dissuade her from fretting over his wounds.
"I know, I'm sorry Oeya syulang, I'm right here now. I'm with you..." Lo'ak kissed y/n, making quick work of getting rid of whatever fabric was left to separate them. He let out a guttural sound at the copious amount of slick that gushed out of y/n simply from his touch. "Lo'ak, it hurts..." Y/n begged him, holding onto Lo'ak so tight he was pretty sure she was going to end up rearranging his bones.
"I know baby, you're burning up..." He kissed her neck, feeling how scolding her skin was as she lowered herself onto his cock, taking him all the way with a desperate moan of relief. Y/n seized up around him and coated him with a second wave of slick, high on the feeling of finally having her mate buried deep inside of her. "Fuck--you really needed me bad, didn't you baby?" Lo'ak groaned, unable to even comprehend what was happening around him anymore. Y/n's cunt was impossibly tight and warm, and she was making a complete mess on his lap.
His mate nodded and began to ride him in earnest, her stamina never breaking for a second. Lo'ak was so in awe, he could barely keep up with her. Their moans and whines echoed off the walls of the cave, and Lo'ak knew y/n was desperate to get knotted. "You need to... relax syulang." He kissed her face when she began to whine in frustration. "Might have to fuck you a few more times before your body is ready for me, sweet thing..."
"But I want--" Y/n was beginning to sound completely unintelligible, but she never once stopped grinding down on Lo'ak, challenging herself to take in deeper and deeper every time. "Such a good girl, look at that..." Lo'ak praised her, earning a deep purr which he happily returned. "Gonna make you a proper nest... so my baby can be nice and comfortable while I mount her later, how does that sound?"
Y/n curled up against his chest at the idea, kissing him deeply and coming on his cock for the fourth time since they'd started (yes, he was keeping count), and without much warning Lo'ak began to feel the his knot forming inside of her. She gasped and began to frantically fuck herself back against it, giddy on the pleasure the foreign experience was giving her. Lo'ak gave a a few more harsh thrusts, until his knot finally popped deep inside y/n's walls, binding them together. "Fuck, baby you can't keep moving anymore..." He groaned, blissed out and slightly amused by y/n's attempts to bounce up on his knot while she was stuck on top of him.
Y/n wasn't particularly shy about being loud, but the sounds she made when Lo'ak finally began to breed her made him want to fuck her all over again right at that moment. "It's... it's so much..." She sobbed, overwhelmed by the constant stream of warm cum that was now pouring into her. Lo'ak wrapped his arm around her and made a second connection between them, bringing their cues together. Immediately he could feel how close she was to climaxing again, and he reched down between them to rub her small bundle of nerves while she was still split on his shaft. "Going to cum on my knot, baby...? You're been such a sweet girl, taking everything I have to give you... once I'm done breeding you, your belly's going to be so pretty and full---"
Y/n gave out another high pitched whine and came thanks to Lo'ak's expert fingers. He managed to lull her to sleep after that, while they were still tied together and in the process of mating. Lo'ak found his sleep to be rather light, keeping an eye open for his vulnerable mate and growling menacingly at any noise he heard coming from outside.
When his knot died down he left y/n to get some much needed rest and set out to get everything they needed to stay in the cave for the rest of the week. He knew that his scent was more than enough to let anyone and anything to stay the fuck away from the cave, and that y/n would have been safe. Even though he'd returned with food supplies and other creature comforts to make a worthy nest, y/n was not too forgiving of his absence and jumped his bones the second he came back. After she'd deemed herself sated, they made their nest together, but it was hard to do anything without eventually getting distracted.
Y/n's belly was beginning to stretch out a little already from their activities and Lo'ak was completely mesmerised by the sight of his cum slipping out of her. So much so he could help but hold her down and get a taste. "Lo'ak... w-want your knot again..." she mewled, tugging fiercely at his braids while he drank down the sickly sweet taste of her slick.
"Oeya syulang, I haven't eaten all day, you can't blame me for wanting a taste... " Lo'ak growled softly before sinking his teeth in the scent gland on her left inner thigh, making her cry out. He soothed the wound with his tongue, lapping up her blood. "Now, you're going to have to behave for me a little, or I'm going to eat you out until you're a sobbing mess... understood?"
Y/n was a lot more partial to taking a break to eat and drink something after that. Lo'ak was not surprised when she feel asleep again, and he curled up around her on the makeshift bed they'd made, holding her close to his chest. He immediately woke up when she began to cry next to him a few hours later, not even thinking twice about mounting her from behind as her kissed her shoulders and reassured her everything was alright.
Y/n was the one to link their queues this time, moaning softly as he began to move. "Still hurts if I'm not inside you, baby?" Lo'ak asked, genuinely worried that the heat was still painful even though y/n was no longer facing it alone. Y/n shook her head and tried to find the right words to express what she was feeling, Lo'ak kissed her temple reassuringly, stroking her tail to soothe her. "J-just now... I think... I think I'm ready..." It took a little while for Lo'ak to understand, but then he felt it through their bond. Y/n was at the peak of her heat, and his next load was sure to get her pregnant. "You're happy..." she said, Lo'ak still forgetting that she could probably feel his heart soaring at that moment.
"Yeah..." He laughed, a little choked up. "Course I'm happy... so fucking happy" Lo'ak placed a hand on y/n's lower belly, firmly holding her there as he picked up his pace, pounding into her deeper and deeper. Y/n bared her neck to him then, submitting and asking him to mark her as his own. "Nga yawne lu oer..." He whispered before sinking his teeth into her scent gland, tasting the blood and sweetness there. Y/n cried out his name, feeling their bond deepen even more and the desperate need to mark Lo'ak just the same.
Both of them felt the exact moment when life began to blossom between the two of them when they were lying in each other's arms some moments afterwards. They were holding each other close and tending to the deep marks they'd left on each other's bodies. Lo'ak spent the rest of the night whispering promises and soft nothings to y/n, and she quelled all his anxieties about his wrongdoings or the fact that his child might have inherited his human features.
After all, she'd never cared for the right profile anyway.
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mychlapci · 4 months
I've had a scenario in my head for tfa Optimus for a while.
Optimus - for some reason or another, either before, during, or after canon - ends up in Decepticon custody. I've been reading fics like "House Divided", "The Silver Lining", "Can't Survive With you, Can't Survive Without You", "Of Gutters and Galaxies", "Exorcise My Mind", and "Return Me To The Stars". All stories in which Optimus, in one way or another - whether it be stabbed in the back by Sentinel ... literally ("Return Me To The Stars") or Kidnapped and forced to learn how to properly care for himself, gain self-confidence, and work through his Autobot inflicted trauma through kinky, master/slave, sexual roleplay ("Exorcise My Mind") - he ends up in Megatron's care.
Consider that some Fic Recs for ya.
EITHER WAY! My point being, Optimus in the care of Megatron. BUT!
They both end up pregnant at the same time.
Like, the two somehow their way into a relationship that the Autobots are either completely oblivious to or know full well of but are powerless to prevent, and they have Spectacular Sex. So Spectacular in fact, it gets them pregnant.
Imagine, Optimus and Megatron lounging on Meg's massive throne - easily big enough to fit them both, clearly a love seat - Oppy tucked into Meg's side, abdominal plating and chest plate discarded showing off a big swollen belly full of bitties and full, leaky titties. Legs spread just enough to show off his bare array stuffed full to the brim and drenched in transfluid and lubricant. He's dozing lightly, cuddled against Megatron who similarly has his plating removed and array bared. Though his belly, while swollen, isn't as large as Optimus due to the size difference but those Boobs (UGH gimme). His array is also drenched, but it's mostly his massive spike (more than half the size of Optimus' thigh) laying against his belly angled to show that Optimus had only just pulled himself off, his valve however is dribbling with transfluid buts still certainly glistening with lubricant. They've both softly drifted off into a sleepy haze, nodding off and so out of it that they didn't notice the doors to the throne room opening.
Oops, they forgot that peace meeting was today.
Well if the Autobots didn't know about them before, they certainly do now!
hgrhrhh... tfa Optimus and Megatron knocking each other up, oh lord, that's good. The two of them, having lazy sex on the throne, filling each other up until they're exhausted.
I can just imagine their pregnant bumps rubbing up against each other as Optimus rides Megatron's juicy spike... Once he's overloaded, he pulls the spike out of his twitching valve and curls up besides Megatron.... Megs grabs him and rubs his belly, as his spike depressurizes, feeling so full and comfortable with his little autobot at his side... mhmm The two of them getting caught lounging around, high command bursting in for a peace talk that Megatron swears was supposed to happen tomorrow. They get a very detailed view of both their arrays before Megatron remembers to cover up his, pulling Optimus in so that he's at least somewhat modest.
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atamascolily · 1 month
TBF S4 Speculation: We Could Be Immortal
Urobuchi has said in interviews that Thunderbolt Fantasy Season 4 is going to dig into Shang and Lin's backstories. I'm of two minds on this--on the one hand, I live for juicy details about my faves, gimme all ya got. On the other hand, one thing I genuinely like about TBF is how much remains mysterious and open into interpretation. Character backstories can be challenging, and up until this point, they haven't been necessary for the narrative--I think Urobuchi is a talented enough writer to pull off a satisfying reveal that ties into everything else, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous... and curious.
Because I love speculating, and because there's still a month and a half before S4 starts airing, I'm going to write out my thoughts for the hell of it.
I first came across the "Shang is a fallen god" theory from @jafndaegur's fic "Just A Guy With A Sword" and it's intrigued me ever since. A past history as a martial god of some sort would not only explain Shang's unique skill set, it would also explain why collecting magical swords and preventing misuse of them is so uniquely personal--as a way of atoning for the suffering and destruction he's undoubtedly been privy to in that kind of privileged position. Not to mention that Shang's decision to reject his destiny/role and do his own thing as a (mostly) ordinary human being feels so in-character for him.
I like this idea because it makes Shang, and his emphasis on appreciating everyday life becomes even more poignant and meaningful as a result. It fits into the series' larger themes of the responsible use of power and an emphasis on free will and choice over destiny and fate. Plus, it would delightfully recontextualize the entire series, from Lin Xue Ya's wry comment at their first meeting that Shang has no respect for the divine to Shang's conversation with Bai Lian, an ordinary person who was mistaken for an immortal. Not to mention a contrast with whatever Huo Shi Ming Huang has planned--unknown for now, but almost certainly related to acquiring cosmic power(s). Up to this point, we've only had humans and demons, but there's no reason why Urobuchi couldn't up the stakes even more by introducing beings with entirely new power levels, just like he did with the introduction of the Sorcerous Sword Index at the end of S1.
(Also, as a bonus, this would be a backstory for Shang that wouldn't involve fridging his family or anyone else he cared about; we've had quite enough of that already, thank you very much.)
On a meta level, becoming an all-powerful divinity has been a running theme throughout Urobuchi's prior works, so the idea of someone starting out as a god and then giving it up seems like a logical evolution of the idea, as well as a fun twist. I could totally see him doing it here.
I've suspected for a long time that Lin Xue Ya might not be fully human--his lack of canonical birthday (when even the immortal demons have them!), his incredible genre-savviness, etc, etc, all point to someone who isn't what he seems to be, on top of his general sketchiness. (Depending on how seriously you take the epilogue to Bewitching Melody of the West, it also seems like he has knowledge that he shouldn't otherwise have, again pointing to him as a meta-narrator and authorial stand-in.) As a trickster figure, he echoes the kitsune of Japanese legend (who can take on human form in many stories), and the main Pili series has a bunch of dragons with human forms. [A recent social media post for this year's Dragon Boat Festival also put Lin Xue Ya in the role of Bai Suzhen, the famous "White Snake" of legend who took on human form and fell in love, so, uh, there's that.] Lin Xue Ya's backstory also involves him giving up and turning away from the path of the sword, which in turn could mean that he also gave up on other things as well when he became a wandering thief and rogue whose sole purpose in life is his own personal amusement.
Previously, my one stumbling block with this theory was that Lin and Shang are both opposites and equals in every sense of the word. This is, for instance, the reason why Lin also has to be a Secret Sword Master at the end of Season 1, because Shang is one. In order for them to contrast each other most effectively, they have to be on the same level. Thus, if Lin Xue Ya isn't or wasn't human, then Shang also has to be the same level of being in order for this symmetry to be maintained. Having Shang be a fallen god would satisfy this requirement and then some.
Given that the ending of the series is most likely Shang and Lin walking off into the sunset together as their journey continues, this backstory would also mean they were and have always been timeless and archetypal, with no beginning or end, and the symmetry is also pleasing to me.
Is this where the story is actually going? I have no idea, but this is certainly plausible and I look forward to finding out!
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mostmagical · 8 months
"You are always deserving of love"?! I HAVE to ask about that one ❤ gimme those juicy details pls!
okay SO full disclosure, you are always deserving of love is something I started back early last year when I was recovering from a loss and I was basically just throwing my grief onto the page and seeing what stuck. it was going to be a fic where gabriel falls into a coma and adrien is dealing with a lot of grief and sadness. there was also going to be a lot more focus on his friendships with nino and plagg rather than romance. I'd probably have to rework a few things if I returned to it but I did generally like what I had! I'll put a little snippet under a read more since this answer is getting a bit rambly haha
The tightening in his throat warned him that another sob was coming, and he turned his face up into the water. Rivulets ran down his face and along his neck. How much was from the shower head and how much was from his eyes, he wasn’t sure. His sinuses ached. A pounding from his forehead to the tip of his nose, reminding him of how much his body had already expelled that day. “Hey.” Plagg’s voice. “You need to use some soap or get out. Now.” Adrien sighed, his head dropping down to stare at the drain and the rivers flowing into it. Methodically, he reached for the shampoo. He barely felt as the liquid dripped into his hands, and even as the suds ran down into his eyes, he welcomed the painful sting. Better than nothingness.
ask me about my wips! <3
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apirateslifeforbudgie · 8 months
Look man I'm gonna need all my juicy deets ya feel me? Like I just got to Whole Cake in the anime in my actual in-order watch and seeing the amount of thorough security and patrol units around is insane to me when thinking about the Kid Pirates going there to get her poneglyph.
Like I wanna know how they got past all of that. What went down? From a more recent episode at the end of the Wano arc it seems like they forced the Sweet General they defeated to do their bidding maybe??
Oh, and while I'm at it, I still want my details of how Kid lost his arm to Benn Beckman. I NEED it.
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sliptohk · 16 days
Prompt #4: Reticent
"So what exactly are we hunting?"
Gravel crunched beneath heavy boots as the cohort traipsed alongside the dry riverbed. River and Crater looking anywhere except toward the roegadyn woman between them. Silent offering nothing to discourage that aversion. While some may have questioned the decision of two competing crews mingling before a job, they simply failed to understand the importance of the code. A topic that Ellory would have happily educated them on if they had the misfortune broaching the subject.
None present were so inexperienced as to fumble into that trap. Nor were they so foolish as to enlighten their competitors on just what they may know that the other did not. Only silence meeting that question where it hung by its lonesome self. So after an irritated grumble, Arlette offered another one instead.
"Fine. Then who the hell were those other guys?"
One of the Wretched rose to that inquiry at least. X'lantaa, if Ellory remembered correctly.
"Dunno 'bout those Elements folk, but heard Hear Us Roar ain't never been to Eorzea afore!"
Oliver chewed that over slowly, "Odd choice. Electing an unknown quantity and sending them off into unfamiliar environs? Do they truly seek to win?"
"Probably just thought they looked fierce." The highlander's derisive snort made it clear just what she thought of that. "Consider it an early starlight gift."
"What about that Merciless group?" Ellory made no attempt at duplicity, simply asking while making direct eye contact with Silent. Or at least attempting to. The mass of hair forming a difficult veil to breach. "Any juicy details to air?"
Once again, she found herself ignored. Utterly. Not even a change to the roegadyn's pace nor indication that the shorter woman had even spoken.
Some mercy was had when the lalafel Wanani, walking double-time to keep up, puffed out, "Glory hounds. Heard tell Heribert wants them humbled. Easier to train after arrogance gets worn away."
"Sure talked them up before that humbling." Crater muttered out, as he looked toward the most interesting signpost he had ever seen.
"Gotta prop 'em up before knockin' 'em down! But kinda disheartening! That all we know about the lot of them?"
"They do not seem well-rounded. A coterie of mages in that Elements group. Nothing but melee combatants among the other two, judging by their armaments. While its likely they may simply be over confident in their capabilities, one cannot discount that specificity being selected with some knowledge of the trail before us."
"Can't argue that, Oliver. Might have some crafty bastard scheming away." A loud crunch distracted for a moment as River crushed a desiccated root underfoot. "Or just liked the look."
"Don't much matter what we think. Focus on what ya know." The youngest of them, Hoilan, chipped in, "Terrain and supplies."
"Gonna need plenty of supplies for them!" Ellory encircled the brothers, and the very concept of roegadyn, with a sweep of her arms. They refused to look at her, given how near she walked to Silent, "Keep ya plenty strong for when we humble that xaela!"
It was obvious from the movement of shadow, the sun beating down on the roegadyn woman's back, when their head turned down toward the hyurgadyn. Neither threat, nor emotion, in their voice when they stated plainly, "Avoid them."
Undaunted, she flitted nearer to bump her hip against Silent's thigh, "Only if you tell me why! Do they owe ya gil? Lookin' out for 'em? Gimme somethin' to go off of otherwise I can only assume the most embarrassing thoughts!"
A few of their company chuckled, well-acquainted with just how the two behaved whenever they chanced upon one another. The brothers just pretended they were anywhere else.
"Don't tell me you're just gettin' all protective over your precious cousin!"
A slight turn of the lip, a hint at an indulgent smirk on those stony features tempered by whatever source drove those warning commands.
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potetosaradas · 10 months
They're gonna drop more prickcest lore on us at some point, maybe not right now, but everything Rick and Prime did and said in this episode? The writers are definitely setting us up for something big because they're not gonna include all these HUGE lines that are even more confusing out of context if they weren't going to eventually pull the rug out from under us with more details about the true nature of their relationship. We might have to wait a bit longer for it though which is killing me 😔
100% Anon!
There are so many juicy little details that they could expand on. So MANY delicious prickcest lines. I’m actually not over this at all LMAO.
I am 100% convinced at the VERY LEAST, they worked together closely, i would love for them to be best friends and I would honestly just EXPIRE WITH HAPPINESS if it turns out they were fucking too. DONT BE COWARDS!!! SHOW US THE GAY PRICKCEST. WE GOT TO SEE BETHCEST, NOW GIVE US PRICKCEST ON SCREEN. GIMME A KISS, LIPS IF U WANT TO.
In all seriousness, I need to know what happened in the garage… Im so curious about Prime and how he came to be. I’m dying to see more of Young Rick…
I totally don’t mind waiting though! This week’s episode was so worth the wait, and I look forward to the stretch of time that wll inevitably spark discussion, art and more fics of speculation hehehe. Gotta give the lore some time to breathe, and for everyone to digest the content. My brain, personally, has not stopped turning with all the new implications.
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brownhairedbookworm · 3 months
Relationships, eh? Gimme those juicy details about Monika and Min-Jee!
"Juicy details like what? We live together and I'm teaching her about my powers.'
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wyked-ao3 · 4 months
Okay I gotta know more about The Cursed Boy. Who’s the MC? What’s it about? Gimme all the juicy details ✨
ok I don't want to give to much away here but the main character is Sam Winchester or should I say Harry Potter?
It is going to be loo-ong and it's a crossover kinda my brain came up with this question and this is what started it
Prompt by sleepy brain “What if Sam Winchester died, was sent back in time and reincarnated as Harry Potter with his memories intact?”
Snippet of the beginning below.....its a wip so some edits may be made before posting
Sam Winchester had a bad feeling about today, they had defeated Chuck but he had hit Sam with something just before his powers had been removed, he didn't trust it at all. He was used to being the punchline and he didn't look forward to finding out what this one was. He went to sleep that night and when his eyes opened next, he was staring up at a woman with green eyes and red hair..why was she holding him? Who was she? Better yet, where was he? He moved his hand and saw the hand of an infant, he thought “great just great, why does stuff like this keep happening to me” he just hoped this was a nightmare but he had the sinking feeling that it was not going to be.
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cryosoldier · 6 months
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⸻ @fairesky gets a small thing!
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"yo spike, what's this i hear of you adopting one of the newbies?" if there's one thing about being in this place, it's hearing all of the local gossip and the moment she heard about this, sera decided to go straight to the source of the rumor. "gimme the details, zee, i want all of the juicy details."
she's intrigued on whom exactly zack decided to take on, she doesn't take on students that often lately but perhaps she should again. you never know what might happen and sera doubted that much would remember her after she's gone.
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coldinkteam · 2 years
What does TarTar do and or act like when they feel agent 8 is too close to leaving? Gimme them juicy details!!!
I was just brainstorming this a few days ago >:]
So, as we know, Tartar wants to protect Agent 8 as they are the reborn consciousness of a human, so it ends up very clingy towards then. Agent 8 begins learning the cephalopod language and more about the outside world, which makes it harder for Tartar to lie about literally everything. It tries to convince 8 that going to the surface isn’t worth it, that cuttlefish and the others are lying to them, things like that, but nothing works to deter 8. He cant keep 8 by his side at this rate. He cant use them to aid the reset of the world. It feels it has no choice but to blend them, same as it ever was, despite how much it wishes it didn’t have to come to that…
At the same time though, Agent 8 thought of Tartar as a friend, because it’s the last piece of humanity that they can cling to. In their time of confusion and terror, Tartar was the only one they could understand, only one they could turn to for help. Sufficed to say the betrayal stings just a bit more, ya know?
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yeuphoric · 1 year
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nervously  throwing  this  list  out  there  of  plots  ideas  /  genres  i  am  dying  to  write.  if  you  give  this  post  a  like,  i’ll  dive  into  your  messages  to  talk  about  plotting  together.  or  you  can  shoot  me  a  message  with  what  you’re  interested  in  if  you  want  to  speed  up  the  process  <3
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just  some  things  to  know  before  we  get  to  the  plot  ideas:  a)  none  of  these  have  to  be  romantic !  platonic  equally  welcome. also i only write f/f and f/m. b)  active  and  enthusiastic  partners  appreciated.  i  love  worldbuilding  together  and  coming  up  with  lore  and  little  tidbits  of  info  about  our  plots  and  ships.  the  more  detail,  the  better !
okay,  onto  the  plots :
hollywood  verse.  original  characters  only.  think  a  group  of  a-list  celebrity  friends  who  cause  a  scene  wherever  they  go.  or  a  newbie  paired  with  an  iconic  celebrity  for  a  project  and  either  sparks  or  fists  fly.  a  fictional  band  on  their  first  world  tour ?  i  would  also  love  to  explore  the  darker  side  of  hollywood  too.  cults  and  scandals  and  secrets  and  all  that  juicy  stuff.
animal  crossing  inspired  plot.  just  want  something  cute  and  fun  for  the  summer.  i  go  into  more  detail  about  this  here.
science  fiction.  literally  anything.  colonies ?  spaceships ?  aliens ?  yes  please.  cyberpunk ?  anarchy ?  crime ?  absolutely.  robots ?  technology ?  philosophy ?  i’m  begging.  apocalypse ?  end  of  the  world ?  war ?  gimme.  just  need  more  sci - fi  things.
greek  mythology.  anything.  everything.  historical.  modern.  you  name  it.
road  trip  plot.  an  ex  couple  broken  up  but  have  to  travel  together  for  whatever  reason ?  estranged  family  members  trying  to  reconnect ?  criminal  and  the  hitch-hiker  they  picked  up ?  best  friends  driving  across  the  country  before  /  to  college ?  runaways  trying  to  get  far  away  from  home ?
twilight  /  true  blood  inspired  plot.  cosy  small  town  vibes.  everyone  knows  everyone  and  everything.  supernatural  creatures  roaming  in  plain  sight.  secrets  hidden  everywhere.  freaky  stuff  going  on.  first  loves.  unrequited  loves.  love  triangles.  you  get  the  idea.
historical  /  fantasy.  anything  welcome  but  if  you  give  me  cowboy  x  someone  they  pick  up  along  the  way,  or  a  gang  of  outlaws  mumu  (  rdr2  style  )  i’ll  empty  my  bank  account  into  yours. 
horror  /  scary  plots.  i  don’t  watch  a  lot  of  horror  movies  but  i’ve  had  a  need  for  a  more  horror  driven  plot  lately,  particularly  a  friend  group  stuck  somewhere  and  there’s  something  (  a  killer ?  a  monster ?  a  supernatural  entity ? )  on  the  hunt.
bratz mumu. i have a yasmin and sasha and need a cloe and jade for a fun / camp / nostalgic verse ?
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asylumdwellermoved · 1 year
kylar 🤝 overstimulation
are they getting overstimulated? is reader getting overstimulated are they BOTH GETTING OVERSTIMULATED CMON GIMME THE JUICY DETAILS
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