sevens-evan · 1 year
For the prompts, either 19. it made me think of you, 24. just really needed a hug sort of hug, or 15. bed warm
v4 v5 era sadness and Also beacon bees just for you since i put off answering this prompt like a week lol. also i don't know why i chose to write this in past tense i managed to confuse myself with the tenses halfway through. getting less literate as we speak. if the tenses don't make sense at some point please respect that i have not written past tense in Years
Blake got sick once, at Beacon.
She hadn't exactly had a lot of time to go get her flu shot while she was running missions for the White Fang in the months before her matriculation; it was honestly a bit of a miracle it hadn't happened sooner. Several nasty viruses had already swept through the dorms by the time Blake finally got hit, not long at all before the Vytal Festival. In hindsight, she was grateful it wasn't any sooner. She would've hated to try to handle hiding her ears from her teammates at the same time as trying not to cough her lungs out or pass out every time she sat up too fast.
At the time, she was just irritated it was happening at all.
The first two days, Blake could pretend to be fine. By the third day, she excused herself from class when she found herself getting dizzy in her chair and slunk back to the dorm in defeat. She'd found it empty, of course, and barely managed to drop her things on the floor and take her bow off before the need to lie down overwhelmed her.
Drop her things, take her bow off, and crawl up into Yang's bed instead of her own, that is.
Hours later, when Yang returned from class, Blake was just awake enough to notice, unable to sleep between the shivers wracking her body and the sweat beading on her forehead.
"Blake," Yang said, setting her own bag on the chair by the desk. "You good?"
"Blake..." Yang reached up over the side of the bunk bed and set her hand on Blake's forehead. And, okay, maybe Blake was a little overheated, since Yang's skin actually felt cold against hers, and Yang is never, ever cold. "You're burning up. You gotta get out of those blankets."
Blake shivered at the very thought.
"I know you are." Yang's voice took on a tone that Blake had never heard before. It reminded her of the way Yang often spoke to Ruby. Not quite maternal, but almost uncomfortably close to it, considering the nature of her and Blake's relationship. "But you've got to cool off some, okay? I'll get a cold washcloth for your head." Blake groaned wordlessly in response, half-listening as Yang left the room and the tap ran in the bathroom.
"Okay, scoot over." Yang was already back; Blake must've dozed off for a moment. Blake flopped herself to the side, aching all the way, and let Yang climb up and squeeze into bed beside her, sitting up, back against the wall. Yang found Blake's forehead with the washcloth like a homing missile, making Blake flinch at the freezing cold water, even as it felt paradoxically good despite her trembling.
"What are you doing in my bed, anyway? You could've fallen if you're this sick." Yang's fingertips pressed the washcloth down against Blake's forehead. The pressure felt good—soothing. Blake didn't have the energy to lift her head and encourage it, but luckily Yang didn't seem inclined to stop.
(Later, Blake would blame her presence in Yang's bed—and her honesty in this moment—on fevered delirium.)
"It's warmer than mine."
"Warmer?" Yang repeated. "It's the same bed."
"You have nicer blankets." That much was true; Yang had replaced the blanket Beacon provided each of them with a thick comforter, and over top of that, a handmade quilt from home that was wonderfully heavy pressing down onto Blake.
"Speaking of which." Yang's hand finally left Blake's forehead, much to her disappointment. "You've got to let some of this heat out." Blake groaned in protest, but allowed Yang to tug the blankets away from her body, letting fresh air in to draw the heat of the fever out. It was cold, and hot, and uncomfortable, but it wasn't as bad as it could've been, not with Yang there beside her.
(It's this that Blake thinks of, months later, when she picks up some kind of sickness on Menagerie and sweats it out in her childhood bedroom. Her mother brings her water, and ice, and pets her hair back from her sweating face, and it's lovely, it really is; Blake had missed her parents and the way they took care of her, is grateful that they still take care of her after everything, but Blake lies there and aches and thinks about Yang. Yang's always-warm hands, cold on her feverish skin, and the fact that there is no universe where Blake will feel them exactly like that again.)
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yangsbandana · 1 year
Have you thought about how like, the bees scene gave us everything we wanted but not quite in the way anyone expected. The way the whole fandom was like "blake should say it first cuz of her past abuse." And here we get not quite that, but Blake already knows what they're both thinking, so she coaxes Yang to say it, knowing what it is. Blake saying it back immediately so Yang has no time to worry or be scared that she doesnt love her backn I am deranged it's actually a perfect scene for this alone. The way it addresses both sides of their trauma with how it played out AAAAAAAAAAAAA
no but you're so right it literally was everything like,,,, i never could have predicted it but i'm so happy with it
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n7punk · 9 months
This isn't really a suggestion, but knowing that you've watched bachelorette, have you ever thought about a catradora bachelorette au?
... i really can't tell if this is a joke or not
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I know nothing about all about Eve, but you should do an au of it
i was literally just trying to forge one in my head but i think the only way it really works is as an unhinged catmeleon au
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 months
The game from that post that's like "dude is mad cuz he picked a male only party and the game called him gay" is Dragon's Dogma 2, it's very fun if you like action combat and exploring!
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Two
Paul and Ringo cabaret duo au NOW!
Their collective bitter humor about the fan mag. I think George probably appreciates Paul getting into this sort of shit with him. Even if it is only on a surface-level. A reminder that the Beatles fame journey (something that's been hellish at times for George, enough to give him PTSD and other issues for the rest of his life) has not left Paul unscathed. That Paul actually does have feelings, however buried they may be.
Could even be that the appreciation comes out in the form of "I think your beard suits you. Man." Does the tacked-on 'man' mean a sort of "no homo" type qualifier? Or is it just an added endearment. I know we don't think of George as particularly inhibited, but it was the sixties. And of course Paul loves the compliment and has no idea what to do with it.
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Can you all please thank Mal as he hands you your tea next time? Not that hard, guys.
Ringo's voice is so sexy. And I love how supportive Paul and George are of this very stupid song. If either of them had written it, they'd tear it to shreds, but it's Ringo, so we laugh along and enthuse about the sentiments behind the lyrics.
The communal bitching about EMI's treatment of them. As they should.
Oh goodness, it's the "Paul has an embarrassing crush" moment from that iconic post of @jeremy-hillary-boob He totally does and you should say it. "I never used to know what it meant". It's giving "girl pretends not to know how to hold her golf club so the hot guy will touch her".
I have a theory that some of their covers ~matter~ and "What do you want to make those eyes at me for?" Is the first one for me.
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Okay this look right here that John is giving Paul? Not to, like, out myself as never having experienced pure love except from my own child or anything, but the only other place I've ever seen that look is on my one-year-old's face when I come get him from his nap. So ... "A lovely little baby, John was"
"If this boy dies, you're gonna cop it." Peak older brother behavior. He's joking, but he's also deadly serious.
In love with John trying to sing out of his range. He's trying so hard, you guys.
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"Everybody had a hard year. 'well, I'm not sure, actually. Put [good year]." Same, John. Isn't it always that way? Hard. And good. He's such a genius lyricist. He just captures the human condition with such specificity.
Lol at Paul correcting John on the key of his own song (yeah, yeah, gimme some truth is secretly a colab but it's still a John song)
When they put a piano in front of Paul and John's instantly like "uh-oh, red-alert my beautiful boyfriend might not get captured perfectly from every angle" vs a year and a half later when he's bitching about Paul having too much screen-time in Let it Be. Well, you were part of the problem, babe.
I love George's way of teaching his songs. Whereas Paul was shouting key changes and counts between phrases, and John doesn't even bother to give any of that information, George is just softly singing "E, to F sharp minor. E to A." Beautiful. John and Paul, take notes.
Wonder if I'll get through a day without calling Paul a whore. Probably not.
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John being instantly self-effacing after suggesting that genius little let's enhancement. "My mind can blow those clouds away" is actually much more original and thought-provoking, but John just makes fun of himself. Like. Just own it. You're John fucking Lennon!
The George/Paul convo (George talking, Paul hardly flinching) is so painful actually. Because from the outside, Paul's avoidance looks so condescending and unfeeling, but avoidance feels much more like 'Shit fuck shit dodge the fight, go around, don't react, don't engage, don't start something' and i really feel for both of them.
Let John do Help for gosh sakes!
"Not bad though. Good try, that. Johnny."
The part where Paul is looking just so exhausted, and he's actually letting it show, and then he sees the camera on him and hurries and tries to do a cheeky little Beatles head-shake and smile. But then he's really just too tired (and high) and he looks away and rubs his eyes. It was like watching an old circus bear. Those poor things.
And of course John's head snapping up like a little gopher when Paul says his name
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hiphiph00ray · 9 months
Tips for the femmes <3
Don't wash your hair every day, it'll dry it out. Try to wash every other day.
Shampoo your scalp and condition the ends for really shiny hair.
Take more naps, bad bitches get to sleep as a little treat.
Vaseline is literally a cure all, no further comments.
Even if it takes a long time, It's so important to find the perfect shade of foundation/concealer. TRUST.
Literally always have chap stick near you. (Also helpful if you need something to do if you're awkward)
Green tea is literally a life saver, helps with cramps, migraines, stress, skin, bloat, etc...
Invest in a good skincare routine, It's so worth it to have go-to products
Steps for shaving: Wash, exfoliate, (I double exfoliate), use conditioner to shave but not to much, wash again.
Anti-perspirant deodorant is NOT worth it, gimme that aluminum poisoning <3
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.2
First Part Next Part
This one is a bit less headcanons and more of just a little compilation of times Guy has interrupted their streaming, and Chat being Honey's chaotic posse
Guy tries his best. He really does.
But when it's his day off, and Honey is streaming, he gets needy. This boy needs attention and love, and Honey leaving him all alone to play games with strangers is just too cruel. How could they just abandon him like this?
Y'know how sometimes when you're bored you'll randomly go to the fridge to look for something to eat even though you're not hungry? That's Guy. But with the door that leads to the room Honey is streaming in.
He'll be scrolling through social media and then boom suddenly he's standing outside the door.
It's like when you shut your pet out of the bathroom when they try to follow you in.
So without further ado, here are the times Guy has interrupted Honey, and made their chat go wild.
It started small. Guy would stay in the living room, and just blow up their phone with texts, begging for them to come out and just give him one little kiss to hold him over.
Of course they eventually told him to knock it off before they put their phone on silent
Then he was sitting outside the door and sliding notes under. Bonus if the camera is set up in a way that can sort of see the bottom of the door, so Chat is the first to notice and point it out to Honey.
They look over at the chat to see it blowing up like:
Bae, ur dog need u 😅🤣
Is that their roommate??
Tf is going on
AYO 😂😂😂😂
can u play minecraft
🤨 hey what the dog doin 🧐
Chat knows he's a puppy at this point
They turn around to see the little pile of notes scattered there; next to Guy's fingers which he is wiggling around under the door.
"Goddamnit, Guy-!" They shout, but there's clearly no venom in their words. A laugh had slipped out before they could stop it, and they crouched by the door.
The notes were all cute little things like,
"I ♡ u"
"come gimme kiss :("
"want smooch -3-"
"end the stream I need you >:("
So let's say from the angle the camera is set up, the stream can see about half of Honey as they're crouched by the door. They reach up to the handle and crack open the door.
Chat can't see Guy, Honey is blocking him from view.
They can't be heard speaking, but when Guy laughs, everyone in chat fucking melts because baby boy has the sweetest fucking laugh in the world holy shit
Arms can be seen wrapping around Honey, though their arms stay by their side, and it last for about 3 seconds before Honey places their hand flat on Guy's face and shoves him away (affectionately) while also calling him a dumbass.
They shut the door and return to their stream, not very happy that Chat saw that.
What did I miss??
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Okay bitch, u got 5 seconds to explain urself 🔫🔫🔫
Anyway, they beat Guy's ass later that night but in the good if ykwim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honey's little fan base is having a lot of fun theorizing their relationship with their faceless (yet adorable) roommate.
Chat loves bringing him up to get Honey talking about him. The way their eyes go soft are one of the top reasons most of their fans think they're dating (which they're not wrong, but Honey has yet to confirm nor deny)
Sometimes Honey will even bring Guy up on their own, but it's always the most random ass shit.
They were doing a chill stream, one where they just kinda played a slow game (like animal crossing or Stardew valley) and wouldn't really talk much, with lofi music in the background.
Not as many people watch those streams, but it's okay. Honey likes to play relaxing games from time to time, and they only really can if they're streaming it.
Off the cuff they just go, "Guy told me he wanted to start an Only Fans."
They started laughing after they realized they said it, even more when chat went from being really slow with only a few donos here and there to BLOWING UP
Honey explained that Guy was, in fact, not actually going to start an Only Fans.
They had told him that he was gaining popularity among their fan base and Guy had made the comment as a joke.
However the stream got more rowdy as more people joined only to find the current topic of conversation being whether or not Honey's faceless roommate should start an Only Fans.
Most people were like "yes, please" but Honey was (suspiciously) quick to tell them that it wasn't going to happen.
It only took about 20 minutes for the stream to go back to how it was, calm and slow.
Until Honey, once again, made a random ass comment along the lines of, "what if me and Guy started an only fans together?"
And then it was round two.
Honey loves fucking with their chat.
Guy started getting bolder as Honey living with him became the new normal. He was always finding new ways to invade their stream while keeping his face hidden.
He started watching their streams and eventually decided he wanted to see them blush
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HoneysHeaven: guess who ;)))
They stared at the message for almost a minute before placing their head in their hands and going "Jesus fucking Christ"
Chat never caught on to this one until much later
Like, a few months of this "HoneysHeaven" donating just one dollar and saying things that seemed to throw the streamer off their rocker.
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HoneysHeaven: you look so cute today ^^
"Shut up."
*chat proceeds to get angry that Honey did not accept the compliment and aggressively assures them that they are very cute*
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HoneysHeaven: who is Sebastian and why are you flirting with him :(
Honey smirked, "he's a video game character."
HoneysHeaven: but why are you flirting with him :(
Gotta step up ur game HH
Bro is simping HARD
Poor thing
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HoneysHeaven: your fans are being mean to me :((
"hey, you kids play nice."
"I don't trust this ratty ass cat-"
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HoneysHeaven: can you come show me how to run the dishwasher pls (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠` ; )
"Guy, I swear to god, I've shown you how to run it a hundred times already!"
HoneysHeaven: I'm sorryyy (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
what the heck just happened??
Honey leaves the room to show Guy how to use the dishwasher for the upteenth time, and it certainly won't be the last.
Guy snuck in a few kisses there, being incognito in chat was fun while it lasted
If we circle back to our lovely theorists within Honey's fan base, we will see that they have been having a field day.
People are 98% sure that there is/was something romantic going on between these two. It's very obvious to see how flirty Guy is, and Honey has their moments.
Most think Guy has an unrequited crush on Honey, while some think it's reciprocated but not acted upon.
Very few think they're actually dating simply because of the way Honey acts. It seems like they're not interested in anything romantic.
Another small few think they're just good friends, and they're the kind of people that get all pressed about "why can't two people with a good relationship just be friends anymore," and blah blah blah.
One time Honey was having fun messing with their chat, just kind of sitting back and watching as they discussed amongst each other who Guy was to Honey.
They had fun dangling their love life in front of their fans like bait, especially because it made them feel all warm inside when people pointed out how painfully obvious it was that Guy was head over heels for them.
Did you put a ring on it yet? Cause if you don't, I will <.<
"hey, hey, calm down. He's taken."
Honey laughs, "none of you even know what he looks like."
All the good men are taken >:(
Hold on now, it's 20XX, it's what's on the inside that counts
Mama always told me not to judge a book by its cover
My mama also said not to judge a book by its cover, and lucky for me, I can't read 🥰🥰 Hand him over 🔪 /lh /j
I simp for the invisible man from Hotel Transylvania, my powers are beyond your understanding
"All of you say that, but for all you know, he could look like a toe."
Jokes on you I'm into that shit
*people with foot fetishes have entered the chat*
"okay, I regret being born. I think that's enough internet for today."
Drama doesn't usually break out, but when it does Honey still finds ways to have fun with it.
"no, I did not show Guy how to run the dishwasher like in that scene from Ghost... Tf?"
Damn that would've been hot tho
DAMMIT Boo you missed your chance to seduce him 😩😩
I'm gonna draw that later 👀
What scene from ghost? What's ghost?
Oh God, guys, please don't make this weird
Babydoll, we can get you some flirting lessons if you want 😜
Ah yeah just gotta do the lip bite and the chin rub 😉😉 say some pickup line and he's all yours
LMAO won't be too hard he already down BAD
"how it do baby gorilla" *bites lip*
They're just friends, will you all chill out??
Honey, laughing, "who said we were just friends?"
Ayo 🤨🤨🤨
Hiiii I love you and your content 🥰🥰💕
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I will sell you my soul please tell us what that means
"does it have to mean anything?"
You... You are evil 😑
My therapist is going to hear about you.
Some people want world peace, but [Honey]... [Honey] just wants to watch the world burn.
"y'know... Guy has brought it to my attention that some of you have been drawing fanart of us. Which is sweet, but it's also weird because none of you know what he looks like..."
Oh shit we're in trouble
How are people drawing him when they don't know what he looks like??
"Now, I'm not saying that it's okay to ship real life people. Because it's not. It makes most people uncomfortable."
Now I'm uncomfortable we don't usually get serious talks
I'm deadass actually kinda scared rn
Yeah same here I think I peed a little
Wait you peed?
"I mean, I don't really mind it. The only weird thing is that some of you are drawing Guy without know what he looks like so it doesn't at all look like Guy," Honey laughs, "the fanfiction is pretty weird though, maybe cut it out with that stuff."
What is wrong with everyone here
Wattpad is going down 😈😈
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So you're okay with the fanart? Is Guy okay with it too?
"yeah, I'm chill with it. Guy is too, he thinks it's cute."
Awwwww 🥺🥺🥺
I fall in love with a faceless man I don't know even more everyday
I stg if you don't date him-
Give him a kiss from all of us 😘
This isn't too much right?
"maybe I will kiss him, but it hardly seems fair to do just one for the thousands of you."
I'm going to die
This is killing me
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HoneysHeaven: woah does this mean I'm gonna get thousands of kisses <.<
I am so painfully single ouch
HoneysHeaven: so can I come claim those kisses now, or...?
HoneysHeaven: :(
"oh my god- just- ugh," Honey hides their face away from the camera, clearly flustered, "just go away."
Yeah, their fan base is 99% sure they're dating.
(I'm gonna have to cut this off here, I'm real tired but I had a lot of fun writing this. The chaotic chat clearly got away from me a few times lol. I will do a part 3, because I definitely still have more 😉)
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legacyshenanigans · 11 days
"Not to be a fuckin bitch, but-"
Is one of my FAVOURITE conversation openers of all time. If I get a message like that,
Tell me baby girl, be a bitch, go on, gimme that delicious, piping hot tea.
Feed my soul.
Rant and Rave
Whats got you seething?
Let it out, tell meeeeee.
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from-izzy · 4 months
things/aesthetic you associate with your moots please!
anon! this is such a fun ask! thank you so much for this one!! 😍
i'm doing the ones i've talked to enough (dm and/or on gcs) for me to (somewhat) answer this ask (sorry if i missed you or gave you something that doesn't suit you 😭) also limiting to fifteen (15) things or else we'll probably be here all day oop---
my obsession with alphabetical order strikes once again!!
honestly this became more of an appreciation post but 🥺
my child, cute round glasses, colourful heart shaped balloons and parties, 'i just go with the flow', energiser, miffy, light blue jeans, photobooths, wanderlust, 'paris! it's no longer just europe now', ice skating, falling gracefully despite being sick and swamped into 'sewer water' 😭, bakeries, caffeine in the form of daily matcha, doesn't like me as much as i thought she did
black and white (with a splash of red), dynamic hair colour changes, black sleeveless satin dress, but also oversized monochromic shirts, a glass of wine one on hand, blurred pictures, mirror selfies with flash on, eyeliner wings, but also fruity and lovely, same age but so mature, 'guys it's due today and i haven't started', 'i knew you would come back with time' (🥺), juvenile, no emojis at all, sarcasm (not) detected most of the time (i'm gullible ok 😭)
my hyunjae bestie!!, bows and croquette, pink and white, picnic with flowers, toro inoue, spring breeze, texting and chatting during school times, 'i'm bored' (talking about class), thirteen-hour time zone difference (and my body clock makes it worse), 'sunwoo is cute!', but also 'hyunjae!', but also sleep >>> anything (including hyunjae 🙄), sexy brain (please gimme those braincells), going around in circles, 'why do you do this to yourself? sleep!'
honey bee, distorted purple and white aesthetic, gilmore girls, late deep night talks, love and patience, three-leaf clover (shamrocks), the grinch filter, being a huge menace to society but still lovable so it's hard to really tell her off, in reality i love her more than she loves me, but i still give her silent treatment anyways, 'naur', economics and crying, missing the bus and then blaming it on me, black cat, izz instead of izzy 🥺
chaotic sibling energy, my no.1 bitch, casual night time walks, fearless, freedom, making videos during said walks, lovesick puppy, ohmyface by silichmasha on instagram, side eyes, selfies with a slightly tilted head, sometimes cutely gaped open mouth other times closed (either way it makes me wanna squish her cheeks most of the time), 'izzy i have tea! well...not really tea! actually no it's tea!', talking late into the night (well...the morning), sunlight and blue sky seeping into her blinds, 'come get unready with me!'
pastel purple, pastel pink, pastel blue, basically fairy floss, innocence and beauty, supportive and real, very shy, long white dresses, flowers all around her dancing in the wind, but is also very funny, drawing reactions, sometimes talking in all caps, sometimes talking with lower caps, all the time very cute, sitting down at the beach and watching sunsets
pink and white, scarfs and gloves, long-sleeved shirts paired with short skirts, long drives with dynamic playlists changes, and would ask her friends to go and make sure they have a great time, jamming out to a playlist at 3am (but she has a healthy sleep schedule so), that one friend who knows what to do, not afraid to express herself 99% of the time, the other 1% is just the world being mean, will always be a white cat, 'izzy i'm so proud of you', words of comfort, head pats!!, artistically talented, eric sohn's soulmate
soulmates (but lives in the wrong country), ireland, loving mother vibes, but also tired mother vibes, sunrise vibes but specifically orange and yellow, hard worker, faith in god, quiet art museums but also bustling concert halls, turning bitterness in life into a lesson that can never be replaced and is always thankful for the opportunity even though the period of that life was hard, mental and physical resilience through crazy back to back schedules, videocalling on the bus/train on the way home, 'so/saur', my favourite purple jacket, music and piano are forever ally's vibe tbh, 'if i missed your call, i will always call you back'
crying when seeing a friend, headphones all day every day, classy look, black top with light blue jeans, vintage camera film filter, journalism (it really does suit you), 'YEAH YEAH I GET YOU!', crying about uni (same tho 😭), gaming for hours, specifically valorant, my infj bestie, acoustic guitar vibes (ykwim?), 'you're so valid though', a distinct unique accent, jacob bae's partner
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mintbees · 4 months
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okay check it (on instrumental of think you the shit (fart) by ice spice)
hoes pressed like bombyx spillin tea but still liking my pics in balenciaga dissing my fits like your shoes youre a flip floppin ass bitch my sweaters cashmere yeah you know they hand-knit my verses like velcro you know that i stick (yuh) gimme the sciccors ill cut into you bitch (snip snip) they mad cuz i cut into they bias (snip) i got autism bitch i aint lyin your fits aint shit stop tryin only couture you have is that bush, this aint margiala girl get out the room
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megan thee stallion if u need a ghost writer im available
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yangsbandana · 2 years
I too have not watched anything from icequeendom, but I am loving how every single RWBY media outside of the main show is just going "Bumbleby speedrun 100%"
god so true,,, remember the rwby dc comics,,?,,,??,, absolutely bonkers insane.
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n7punk · 4 months
Yeah, in yugioh, yugi moto, who is a child, Is possessed by the spirit of an ancient Pharoah who was really good at dueling, the possession is because of a necklace yugi has, with a large golden pyramid. This Pharoah looks like an older yugi, and when he possesses yugi, yugi looks older during said possession. This is not the only possession in the series.
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group chat happenings w @berriedtea @gimme-tea-bitch @woppy42
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r7iverett · 7 months
local red bean thing finds the wiggly boi
wiggly boi!! :3
also the simplified lore is. Under the cut because
it is
even though it’s simplified
local red bean beast thing wakes up
“I just woke up why do I have to do a puzzle”
breaks a bridge almost immediately
gets crushed, called a beast and is forced to fix said bridge
runs an errand for someone it doesn’t even know
gets crushed by a fucking robot
finds out that the city it’s randomly awoken in is being taken over by capitalism
watches some “eli” dude basically get kidnapped
(optional) ruin a tea party for a rock and play hide and seek with it for some reason
(optional) goes through a parkour course and gets a mask you can bark at the locals with
goes into this weird swamp area with hooks, ELASTIC LEGS
saves two people it doesn’t even know
(optional) toast land.
(optional) honk a horn, no more music
dance dance revolution against a robot
el bunko.
explosive pinecones
holy shit an intruder
flower maker hat.
go through a painful process of getting back to the damn village you started at
rain. Boom pow lightning
(optional) get some a r m s
oh you want a break? No. Run
listen I know you wanted to drink that champagne but the power’s out. Go fix it moron /aff
lake time- oh it’s being drained. Fuck
wiggly thing encounter
oh my god retro video game segment
“follow the worm” bitch you are in the walls
obnoxious puzzle time!!
oh. that’s a lot of wiggly things
green caps worm who probably drank radioactive waste
well shit. you got caught.
for the fourth time can I get a break. I don’t wanna fight lava robot
green radioactive-waste-eating wiggly thing ernie how did you get here
“we aren’t getting paid. Fuck you”
kick. No more capitalism
box. Questions. Angy. Score that probably has no meaning.
end of game
(optional) sob because of ending
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full fic masterlist
most of these are over 1000 words, stand on their own, and are posted to ao3. any major warnings will be stated.
here lies keith kogane -- felled by accidental innuendo [ao3]
it might be crazy but it aint no lie, baby (bi bi bi) [ao3]
spies, sneaking out, sobbing, and other such stressors [ao3]
the butterfly effect ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 [ao3] [ongoing]
fuck bitches, get money (or something like that) [ao3]
panicked flirting is still flirting (shut up, pidge) [ao3]
you crazy-assed cosmonaut (remember your virtue) [ao3]
light pollution in my mind [ao3]
ten minutes on the clock (twenty years on my mind) [ao3]
take my tea with formaldehyde (for my feminine side) [ao3] 
monkey boy [ao3]
a mother’s love ch 1 ch 2  ch 3 [ao3] [ongoing]
i’m talking to a memory (calling can you hear me) [ao3]
we’re not broken (just bent) [ao3]
you can always find me (in our favourite little memories) [ao3] [MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH]
dancing in the mirror, singing in the shower [ao3]
baby, you’re my stability [ao3]
mr. snuggles [ao3]
the tarantula hawk wasp incident [ao3]
i’m just a holy fool (baby it’s so cruel) [ao3]
baby, you’re my lightning in a bottle [ao3]
land or sea, i’ve got the power (if i just believe) ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 [ao3]
i hope some day i’ll make it out of here (even if it takes all day or a hundred years) [ao3] [GRAPHIC DECRIPTIONS OF A PANIC ATTACK]
if there’s something weird (and it don’t look good) [ao3]
blow (this place about to) [ao3]
hey baby (i think i wanna marry you) [ao3]
i’ll go get a ring (let the choir bells sing) [ao3]
is it the look in your eyes (or is it this dancing juice) [ao3]
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss [ao3]
i can’t decide (whether you should live or die) [ao3]
patito [ao3]
smackdowns and fistfights (and other such forms of affection) [ao3]
sorry daddy (but i’m not that easy) [ao3]
i know you love me (wearing nothing but your boots) [ao3]
chocolate chip chivalry [ao3]
if you’re ready (like i’m ready) [ao3]
a night you won’t remember (i’ll be the one you won’t forget) [ao3]
how much is you paying (i don’t speak broke boy language) [ao3]
no one will know (oh come on) [ao3]
you’ll never be alone (i’ll be with you from dusk ‘till dawn) [ao3]
he might not look like he gets bitches (but honey that dick was 11 inches) [ao3]
cats and charms [ao3]
young love murdered (that is what this must be) [ao3]
love, gimme love, gimme love [ao3]
walk, walk, fashion, baby! [ao3]
eighteen (crazy) ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 [ao3] [ongoing]
bug boy [ao3]
spendin’ my money (i’m outta control) [ao3]
hey, brother [ao3]
rhinestone top (tits peeking out) [ao3]
dumb dog (why aren’t you following me) [ao3]
save a horse (ride a cowboy) [ao3]
nails, hair, hips, heels [ao3]
what if i lose it all pt 2 pt 3 [ao3] [ongoing]
broken bones and stone-brick homes [ao3]
you turned around (and you stole my heart) [ao3]
i only got one thing on my mind (you) [ao3]
i’ve never been a natural (all i do is try try try) [ao3]
if you wanna be my lover (you gotta get with my friends) [ao3]
i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to. [ao3]
come here. let me fix it. [ao3]
i think you’re beautiful. [ao3]
do your worst (’cause nothing’s gonna stop me now) [ao3]
i can’t help falling in love with you (would it be a sin) [ao3]
you know i’m drunk on love (nothing can sober me up) [ao3]
is it so bad (if you don’t get what you wanted?) [ao3]
how long will i be with you? (as long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand) [ao3]
give up your dream of going away (forget your sailors in galway) ch 2 [ao3]
when you get older your wild heart will live for younger days (think of me if every you’re afraid) ch 2  ch 3 ch 4 [ao3]
i know you get me (so i let my guard come down) [ao3]
how long will i hold you? (as long as your father told you) [ao3]
i’m in love (with a fairy tale) [ao3]
like you made it to 48 (and still made my birthday cake) [ao3]
i see your face (when i close my eyes) [ao3]
this is the part of me (that you’re never gonna ever take away) [ao3]
you’ve got me stuck where i’m sittin’ (lookin’ at your eyes) [ao3]
tell a hater kiss both cheeks (ciao, bella) [ao3]
he’s into superstitions (black cats and voodoo dolls) [ao3]
you look like you can handle what’s under my hood (you keep sayin’ that you will, boy, i wish you would) [ao3]
and with every step together (we just keep on getting better) [ao3]
i will grind you to sand (beneath my louboutin heel) [ao3] [MATURE & VIOLENT THEMES]
to the town of agua fria (rode a stranger one fine day) [ao3]
maybe something happened in a past life (didn’t make it over 25) [ao3]
you would not believe your eyes (if ten million fireflies) [ao3]
but i’ll know where several are (if my dreams get real bizarre) [ao3]
take my name out of your mouth (you don’t deserve to mourn) ch1 ch2 [ao3]
got the neighbours yellin’ (earthquake) [ao3]
such a shame (you don’t put up a fight) [ao3]
all i want is to fly with you (all i want is to fall with you) [ao3]
if it was raining you would yell at the sun (pick up the pieces when the damage is done) [ao3] [SUICIDE IDEATION & ATTEMPT]
i’ve been running with the wolves (to get to you) [ao3]
hey, hey, you, you (i know that you like me) [ao3]
i like shiny things (but i’d marry you with paper rings) [ao3]
on a neighbourhood street (where the little kids play) [ao3]
if you knew (what i still got in my closet) [ao3]
i’m everything (they said i would be) [ao3]
i’ll put you down slow (love you goodbye) [ao3]
i’ll make the choice to hear that voice (and do the next right thing) [ao3]
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