#girl vs mother
luvrxbunny · 4 months
not horny!
so i’m gonna rant about my brother
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here’s a list of things he’s done. now on top of that, he’s my older brother and when my parents divorced, my mother started working a bunch but my sister was still too young to take care of herself. so my brother and i kinda had to take over except my brother did not step up at all and used the freedom to sneak himself a phone, get social media (against my mothers rules at the time) and i ended up basically being a single mother to my little sister in 4th grade
i’d make sure she showered, i’d make her dinner and lunch box, i’d make sure she got her homework done and check it before bed and i’d make sure she gets dressed in the morning and make her breakfast— my mom knew i was doing all this but also assumed he was helping, he was not
on top of that my mom got stressed about the house being clean and so i took on a lot of those responsibilities as well! i was in a really bad place and i felt like if i wasn’t useful enough then my family wouldn’t love me anymore so i tried to take on any responsibility i could.
by sixth grade i was still taking care of my sister but i also started sweeping and mopping the house, doing all the dishes aside from his, and the laundry
so i kinda blame him for me not getting a childhood and all this happened before “ran away” on my list (it’s chronological)
so then there’s everything that happens afterward. and my mom recently decided to get in touch with him and make my sister and i hang out with him every weekend… just with everything completely forgiven
and it pisses me tf off because i wasted a lot of my childhood because of him meanwhile he got to live his life AND be the problem child. and my mom currently treats him better than she treats me so it feels like i wasted my whole fucking life for her approval when apparently all i needed was to be a royal fuck up to get it!
i’m going to fucking college because it’s what she wants meanwhile he’s a dropout with no intentions to go to college
he brags about all his friends— how some of them have been to jail, are accused sexual and physical abusers and she feels BAD for him???? and then get MAD at me for not wanting to be around him.
so she says she’ll hangout with him one on one if it bothers me so much (she said it so fucking sarcastically tho) but now i’m like… so you’re choosing him over us?? after everything we’ve done to make your add happy. my sister and i clean the house almost everyday trying to keep her happy
my poor sister knows how to pour alcohol so that it doesn’t foam because she does it for my mom just to keep her happy. like it’s all so fucked up
sorry for my LONG ASS rant guys ily all for giving my a little safe space
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upsidedog · 10 months
god the scene in season one where jonathan comes home to joyce and lonnie on the couch drinking together is harrowing. it makes me want to cry just thinking about it, your brother is dead, your mom is horrible mental state and is now also introducing your abusive father back into your house. what a fucking nightmare.
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bonefall · 8 months
longtime dc fan and i think a lot of people are angry because alex is obviously one of the most culturally relevant instances of misogyny in media. that being said being more culturally relevant doesn’t mean it’s the worst instance of misogyny and i think bumble definitely experiences more profound misogyny in the way the actual content is presented, if that makes sense
I get you, and that's a charitable way of looking at it.
I think what's rustling my jimmies is that like, there was a couple of WC fans being mildly dismissive of Alex in that note minefield, after dozens of comments of "fuck you how could you let the fridge woman lose" and "Bumble didn't deserve to win ANY rounds" and "how could A CAT experience misogyny." But then WE get blamed for the toxicity because THEY were butthurt that the Funny Cat People have the 'audacity' to win something they feel entitled to.
Like, we've gotta be endlessly charitable as we get openly insulted because they're upset about Alex losing, a very well-known and culturally relevant character with a legacy so massive we have a whole term named after her. But condemnations of "She's just a cat, letting WC into this poll was a mistake, Bumble can't even be a victim of misogyny" only started coming around once I started talking about it.
as if it's OUR fault people got passive-aggressive or even OPENLY aggressive towards us, and that we're "just as bad" for retaliating
But like you said, it's not a "Most Culturally Relevant Misogyny" tournament, it's a "Canon Misogyny Victims" tournament. And you're not even supposed to give a shit that Bumble died. The fat, woman abuse victim is beaten to death by a dictator, and your takeaway is meant to be, "It's so sad that Clear Sky is being blamed for murdering her, now they're all preparing for self-defense against a homicidal maniac, oh nooo :("
And I think that DOES make her deserve the win here! Alex is a MARTYR. Everyone with a brain agrees what happens to her is bad. It happened in her canon because it was bad. We talk about her and keep her memory alive. Bumble gets dismissed entirely out of hand because she's "just a cat in a kid's book" as if that doesn't make it worse, and as if the kid's book didn't treat a domestic abuse survivor like a moron for even asking for help.
Anyway, just to reiterate, I love DC fans. It's not all of you guys. Alex was done dirty and deserves justice-- and it's even kind of a shame that all she became is "The Fridge Woman." I haven't even heard people talk about how she was a wary, responsible person who was still ready to rock with Kyle's new weird glowstick powers, or that she was a journalist, or that she just got brought back in another edition as a Green Lantern only to be revealed as an illusion and re-absorbed back into Kyle's mind. Nope. Even her fans just remember her as The Fridge Woman.
#She wasn't even ONLY brought back as a green lantern btw she also came back as....#full disclosure I'm not a DC fan this is from My Best Friend + Wiki Education#...as a cool ass evil zombie black lantern#Only for Kyle to have to put her down like Old Yeller#Because he can't handle her Zomgirl Swag#How cunty of me would it be actually if. IF. Bumble sweeps the whole tournament and I go back and write whole essays for--#how each one of her opponents were worthy adversaries and explain exactly how deep the misogyny of canon went against them#Bones ''King of Women Appreciation'' Fall#Especially Chichi actually. If it had been Alex vs Chichi I would have gone to bat for Chichi.#Chichi was done dirtier than Alex. And also I would go PRETTY hard for my girl Android 18#And ACTUALLY? One of the WORST victims of DB's misogyny? Don't @ me? Gine. Goku's mom#Behold my race of evil monkey space soldiers and how their violent nature has been exploited by a galactic capitalist dictator#Look at how in-depth I go to suggest them overcoming their battle-centric nature and show how in a different context this can be--#--applied for heroic ends#Watch the death of my main character's father and show how his last thought was comforted only by visions of how his son would one day--#overcome the dictator and avenge his death#Only for that to have been subverted because Goku didn't actually give a shit about revenge. Frieza simply threatened his friends.#NEVERMIND!! HIS MOM COULDN'T HAVE BEEN BLOODTHIRSTY BECAUSE SHE'S WOMAN#HOW CAN YOU FEEL BAD FOR THE DEATH OF A WOMAN. A WHOLE PLANET. IF HER HUSBAND DOESN'T LOVE HER AND SHE ISN'T A PERFECT LOVING MOTHER#SHUT UP SHUT UP. GINE KILL THIS MAN#10000 GUNS IN GINE'S HANDS#ouuugh and her husband saved her sooo many times on their expeditions because she sucks and thats why they fell in love :) PERISH. DIE#BAD TORIYAMA. BAD.#JAIL FOR TORIYAMA 10000 YEARS#And Saiyans apparently didn't even really develop romantic bonds between mates but nuuuuh#Gotta have these two be a perfect husbandwife pair with their little nuclear family#Anyway. Aromantic Vegeta with Bulma as QPR partner and coparent be upon ye#stop teasing me by retconning romantic feelings into ur aromantic alien species to ship them im a shaking chihuahua.#also ur all lucky we're not going to be facing Sakura in the next round guys#Sakura is my fucking white whale
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prettybaby-inc · 1 month
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saltygilmores · 11 months
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stray-tori · 1 year
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fragments of memory
bonus: the individual drawings
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friendly-jester · 1 year
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popcorn-plots · 3 months
the pros and cons of my parents knowing I'm pan:
they do support me and it's awesome
i get to point out all the hot girls, gays, and theys and get no judgement
BUT I literally can't do anything with a friend without being questioned like I'm a person of interest in a murder case and I think it's hilarious
"toby, who are you hanging out with?" "uh... just a friend?" "are they a girl or a boy?" "....girl?" "is this a platonic girlfriend date or is it an actual date?" "platonic." "are you sure?" "yes." "are you lying?" "no, this person is literally aro/ace and my best friend--"
but then with guys, she's like "yep, go right ahead. don't have sex but other than that do whatever you want"
like... mother?
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henrysglock · 4 months
I also have to laugh that if Henry had the "Is that why you don't have any friends?" and "Friends? What friends?" lines in the same situations...if Henry had gone off on Patty the way Will goes off on Mike in ST3 and then gone home to smash the attic to bits...the fandom would be using all that to double down on him being a "psychopath" because clearly they display a lack of compassion, understanding, and empathy for loved ones while also displaying jealousy and rage issues (/s).
But when it's Will, it's "he's upset because people are treating him more delicately after 1983" and "he's just a boy, he's lashing out because he's hurt, how sad" and "Slayyyyy gayboy!! Get her ass. He's just telling the brutal truth, lmao. Can't fault him for that, El was purposefully excluding him."
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clownfiish · 1 month
In retrospect it’s so funny that the entire plot of AFTG hinges on the fact that Mary never thought to mention that college exy is run by the mafia.
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castaccio · 10 months
I know people dislike the implications of Shadows of Rose, but consider:
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The spirits watch over Rose for her whole life. (Read Left to Right)
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arggghhhsstuff · 1 year
Here's your reminder that straight up trashing on lily evans because you prefer james in a mlm relationship is Not Okay and deeply rooted in misogynity. She is a fictional character whose only action was to protect her son with her life. She did nothing wrong; she just saved her son by loving him. That's literally it. That's all we know about her. That and the description made by remus later in the books: a loving and kind woman. Now if you don't like her character, that's fine, I don't care. I don't necessarily agree with you but I won't come at you either. But don't you dare shit on her just bc she's a woman getting 'in the way' or your favorite mlm ship because that's fucked up on so many levels. And don't get mad at people calling out your behavior, because it is misogynistic.
I think many people in the fandom aren't ready for this conversation, but it has to be said: This fandom is deeply, deeply misogynistic. It has a problem with female characters, not matter the era we're talking about. They are ignored, underestimated, left out in favour of male characters. It's not a mistake or an oversight: it's decision, a choice made by writers and artists to not focus on the girls.
Like, do you know how hard it is to find a fanfiction where a woman is the main character? And it's even worse if she's in a wlw relationship. I don't think i've ever read a 'marylily raising harry' fic, when we have dozens of fics where harry is raised by wolfstar or jegulus. No hate against those, they're great, but come on. Don't tell me you don't see a pattern here. It's the same as everywhere else: people just don't care about the girls. It's exhausting. It's fucking exhausting and I'm sick of seeing the same bullshit over and over again. Like. I am a queer teenage girl. I would like, too, to see myself represented by and in a fandom constituted (mostly) of queer individuals, just like me.
But no. It's like the world is not aware of the existence of lesbians. They exist! They are very much a real thing and would like fics where they are represented, for fuck's sake. The worst part is that I'm not even surprised; angry, yes, and disappointed, but bot surprised. It happens every time.
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mag200 · 11 months
i do get why lorelai is hesitant to trust jess and fears that he could hurt rory, but i've always thought if she was able to let go of that i think they could've really understood each other. they have so much in common, although coming from different backgrounds - lorelai grew up in a very rich, hyper-controlling household and jess grew up in an obviously poorer, negligent household, but they both dealt with it and reacted to their situation in similar ways: lashing out as teenagers, getting into trouble, being very comfortable with conflict and speaking their minds, dropping out of high school, both very independent and needing to be independent - they're both extremely intelligent and witty, have a similar sense of dark humor, and make similar pop culture references. (i think the show loves to make a big deal about dean not understanding lorelai & rory's references so that they can explain it and look soo quirky but jess would simply have gotten it.) and then as adults, both lorelai and jess find their way on a path that no one else planned for them and are very successful at it. i can understand lorelai's position early on and why she's so protective of her daughter ofc but it'll always make me a little sad that she didn't have a little more empathy for jess when they are really so alike.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Guy who always puts on sunscreen when he can, reciting all the risks that sun exposure could pose to an individual Vs. Girl who says “I am Vulcan, I do not require sunscreen” much to the aforementioned guy’s dismay.
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dagmartoons · 11 months
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ngl when i first noticed erik in the back there wearing a hat my first thought was "omg hi jigen!" lol
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my-dreams-posts · 8 months
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