#give her a sword and some daggers and watch how she ends everyone in that arena
sunshinelivesforever · 5 months
Jude Duarte would win the Hunger Games.
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last-ofthe-realones · 30 days
I need a place to yap ab my demon slayer ocs and I've chosen tumblr as my victim so get ready
Say hello to Kei Igarashi (born Kei Imamura) and Jun Igarashi. I'm gonna give a brief over view of their backstories as well as a few fun facts.
Without spoiling too much, this story begins with Kei being adopted by her aunt when she was an infant. Unfortunately, Keis aunt was alone in raising her as her husband was murdered shortly beforehand. Her and Kei lived together on a rice farm in peace, where Kei displayed signs of having an unusually high Iq and agility. One evening Kei's mother (her aunt) left her to watch the farmhouse while she investigated claims of demons living on their farm in secret. Unfortunately for Kei this would be the last time she sees her mother.
Kei spent several days attempting to maintain the farm in vain as she's only 7 years old at this time. One night Kei was woken up to a demon standing over her, watching her sleep. After a short scuffle, Kei ended up burning her home to the ground but ultimately overpowered by the demon. Moments before she was consumed, she was saved by a mysterious man with a sword.
This man was Tarō Igarashi, a demon slayer. Out of pity Tarō took Kei to his home, the Igarashi mansion where she met his wife and child, Momoe and Jun. Little did the Igarashi family know, Kei was carrying a disease that cause Momoe to fall ill. Shortly after Kei's arrival, Momoe succumbed to her illness and passed.
Tarō was so overcome with grief and fury that he threw Kei out of the mansion die in the wild. Or at least that's how it should have gone if he hadn't found Kei in the courtyard the next day gripping onto a hairpin so hard her hands began dripping blood. Kei explained that she dropped the hairpin after Tarō kicked her out and she snuck back in to get it. Tarō was so impressed with Kei breaking into their impenetrable mansion that he decided not only to let her stay, but that he was going to train her to become a demon slayer along with Jun.
So if you didn't guess already, Kei is going to be my main focus of the story. Dont worry though I will give my boy Jun some love I just need to flesh out his character more.
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Since Jun and Kei were taught by Tarō, they both use smoke breathing which derives from Flame breathing. However, both of them have very different fighting styles and utilize their breathing forms differently
Jun is transgender (ftm) and bisexual w a male preference. Kei is a lesbian (I'm projecting)
Both Jun and Kei fight w 2 weapons. Kei uses one normal sized sword and one that is almost sawed in half(its closer in size to a dagger). Jun fights w 2 swords but they can be combined to form one large one. No I cannot draw so I can't provide an example.
My story takes place during the events of the demon slayer anime but they won't have much interactions w Tanjiro (as of right now)
Jun is 27 years old during at this point in the story and Kei is 25
Jun and Kei will be able to speak on this page! Ik there's not a lot of ppl following me but if you ask a question directed to either of them, they will answer in character!
Kei will always write in Orange and sign off with a♡. Jun will write in blue and sign off with☆.
Dont be afraid we won't bite!
Speak for yourself.
Well I won't bite..
DAMN this post was longer than I thought it'd be sorry there's so much. Unfortunately this only scrapes the surface of what I have in store for them but luckily for everyone I'm inconsistent and will probably write their lore in lil drabbles.
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From the Ashes story plotline pt 2/2
since i don't know if or when i'll get back to this story, someone did ask if i could give the basic plot of it so here's the second part
what a surprise to get back from the sky to find rhaegar targaryen standing in the manor's courtyard. you don't quite believe it when you land. you think it's even a mirage or the permanent fog creating an odd affect. but it's your silver prince. your husband. your rhaegar. you can't imagine the how different you look to him. no longer that fearful little girl. he's not the same either. a huge ugly scar running vertically across his otherwise beautiful face. the two of you just stand there staring at the other. you're uncertain. will he be disappointed? he makes the first move and walks up to you. further rendering you speechless when he drops to his knees and you see the tears in his eyes.
cue me taking a line from httyd2 "You're as beautiful as the day i lost you" you don't have time to remember how he'd felt about lyanna or the pain he caused you. you allow your heart to do the thinking and collapse into him. i had a sweet smutty idea for reunion sex 😅
barristan and ashara dayne find prince visarys and baby dany. along with ser willem darry all travel to sunspear
reader's group and rhaegar's leave asshai. latilth is still fairly young and can't fly for long periods like kushul can so they have to stop. . . you guessed it, yi ti. when cersei's prince hears of azor ahai reborn in the city with not one dragon now, but two, hieu is eager to invite prince rhaegar targaryen and azor ahai reborn to his palace. cersei's practically salivating. this was it, she'd be able to get to reader and finish her off. her and dritan plan to lure you away and kill you during the party. while at the party, a majority of the darkin and rhaegar's men remain to keep guard over the dragons. reader, rhaegar, rhiannon, inniros, griff and loviisa go to the party. she immediately spots cersei when reader is introduced to prince hieu and his imperial harem. at some point reader does pull away from the party when she tries to follow cersei. she's trapped in a room by cersei and dritan whom she is equally shocked to see there. he has a jagged scar "courtesy of your brother". reader and dritan sword fight. he's strong but he can't fend off the flames that melt his skin. when he's caught off guard that's when lightbringer skewers right through dritan. this is the first time reader has killed anyone with her own weapon. she's distracted by this and doesn't notice cersei come up behind her with a stiletto dagger thoroughly coated with poison. she gets one slice in before inniros' shadow stops her. rhaegar and the others barge into the room. cersei is taken prisoner. she has one more trick up her sleeve and it's for rhaegar. honestly i didn't work out the detail of how cersei would get close enough to poison rhaegar, but she manages to do it and kills him 🙃
once back in volantis and everyone reunited, a funeral pyre is built for rhaegar. a trial is held against cersei in the temple. tywin refused to save cersei from the fate of reader's execution blade. reader turns out to be pregnant. discovers this before setting sail for westeros. utterly devastated the entire voyage but rhiannon, jaime, inniros and tyrion are there to support reader through such troubled waters. also a new plan of attack is developed when they get to storm's end and call upon rhaegar's banner. robert baratheon encourages reader to take the iron throne since she carries rhaegar's heir. bunch of arguments that reader shouldn't join the rest of the men in battle since she was pregnant. she refuses to stand by. reader has two dragons after all. ashara and barristan show up at storm's end before they were scheduled to set out to king's landing via black water bay. little viserys and dany with them. lyanna watches over them (she's due to give birth to who will be jon baratheon). kushul easily takes out aerys' fleet and archers with his flames. Latilth, with reader atop, smashes through the great hall of the red keep. jaime, ned and robert lead an army on foot that had fiery hands, darkin, dornish, northerners, etc to take the city. reader slays aerys and becomes queen of the seven kingdoms.
several months later, reader gives birth to triplets: Vaegon, Rhaenyra and Maelor.
now what happens with the long night? that was supposed to be in the third book of the series i was planning (paradise of light and shadow) but honestly can't imagine that i'll get to it now 😅😂
anyway yeah, that's what i had planned for 'from the ashes'. i got burned out from even writing out the bare bones. this fic could have gone up to 100 chapters easily.
one day i may return to it. but for now this is the best i can give you 🙃
if you have any other qustions about it or want me to elaborate on certain parts, let me know 😊
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hel-phoenyx · 4 months
Nicomaque and Andreas belong to @soupedepates, Hei, Wren, Ocean, Sora, Maria Suzanna and Augusta to @noa-de-cajou and Natsuki and Fyodor to @corneille-but-not-the-author
I'm already beginning to feel tired. But Livia is too happy about that little outing, and Hope started smiling for the first time in months when I mentioned the idea of that general children-of-former-Ultimates playdate.
To be fair, it wasn't my idea. It's just that we, by pure coincidence, have a tendency to put our children in the same school and daycare, and today it's one of the events of said school. The school fair. And since I am trying very hard to be a good parent, and to give a safe space for children that don't have that luxury, I had to invite several people I didn't want to see.
It's for the children, mine as much as theirs. And because it was my idea, I have to assume the consequences.
So I swallow both my pride and honor, and sit down on the bench next to the only parent no one wants to approach but everyone needs to keep in check. Always for me the ingrate tasks.
"Don't make such a face, dear," Nicomaque laughs while putting out another cig. "I'm starting to think I am unwanted here."
"You are. Andreas isn't."
Said Andreas is currently running around the playground with Hei, Livia behind them holding one of those fake swords they sell at the fair. I'm sure Sachiko bought it for her because Thibault would find it too sharp, too violent, too dangerous for our little eight-years-old nightmare. She almost caught up to Andreas, who seems to have even less endurance than Hope. It may be the paleness of his skin, or the faint dark circles under his eyes, but it makes me wonder if he's taken care of properly.
Thinking about it, probably not. The one that knew how to left some time ago.
The father of that child chuckles, eyes locked on the playground.
"That is very rude, Blondie. Do you like me only for my child ? Didn't take you for THAT sort of people."
"I know what word you had in mind, and trust me, I didn't go from afraid of children to fucking pedo, thanks. I just want to make sure Andreas is supervised at least for a moment."
And I'm not the only one. Thus, explaining Augusta's presence, that is throwing daggers through her eyes at us since the beginning of the playdate. Maria-Suzanna is currently building a twig and pebble fort, probably to help defend against the assaults of my terrible daughter. I am not idiot enough to think the glaring of her mother is only for my current bench buddy.
She never got exactly why I stayed. I'm sure she had a lot of opinions in her mind, cowardice, weakness, evilness being the most common words, especially after what he did to Elvira and Fyodor. I don't intend to tell her I don't know.
Nicomaque is still smiling, even though contrary to me, he avoids this part of the playground like the plague. I am not in the right mood to turn the knife in the wound, especially with children present, so I don't make any comments.
A sigh escapes his lips.
"Come now, I am perfectly able to watch over my child."
"Me when I lie. What time did he go back to your house yesterday ?"
"That's just having freedom."
"Freedom at that age is the occasional allowance and the ability to go out alone with the certitude you're gonna be safe and someone is backing you up. Not being up doing you-know-what and hang out with you-know-who."
"I don't want to hear anything from the sheltered child."
"Maquo, sweetie, we were both raised in isolation and control. The only difference between us is that you were a product of emotionnal incest and I ended up tossed aside when proved useless."
That remark makes him shut up. About time. Livia is running towards me, with her cousins and Hope behind her. Andreas is following, albeit shyer. I think he's not used to so many children with temperaments such as the van Heels'.
"Papa, papa, can we get bubble waffle ? There is a stand held by Sora nearby, and I've been DYING to eat some !"
Hope is signing with her only arm something that looks like "me too" in arab sign language. Apparently she's not the only one interested, because the words "bubble waffle" is making my niblings vibrating with excitement, other children such as Wren, Ocean and Natsuki are joining the crew, and far away Maria Suzanna is looking at us with expectant eyes.
I guess Augusta told her to stay away. Fair.
Turning away from the deadbeat next to me, I smile.
"Do you intend for me to pay for all your little crowd ?"
"Well auntie Mareva said it's your turn to open your bank account, whataver that means. Can we, can we, can we ?"
Andreas looks towards me with glimmer in his eyes. He doesn't even spare a look towards his father, probably because he knew he already has his permission.
Nicomaque is not even affected by that lack of acknowledgement.
My heart can't help but tighten. In what world will that child grow up ?
I get up, with victory shouts of all the crowd.
'Alright, you little cockroaches. Let's get you something to eat, and me too for that matter. You want something, Nicomaque ?"
"Never gonna pass an occasion to eat the Ultimate Chef's food, especially if you're paying. Bring me a beer, while you're at it."
"Sure," I say, with absolutely no intention to comply. "Let's go, children, time for snack!"
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jynrso · 11 months
on second glance
hi all! i'm back with a new installment in this series, though it feels like i'm destined to be writing all of these oneshots out of order. chronologically, this one takes place before exorcism i've shifted the timelines slightly – the gang doesn't find out that astarion is a vampire until after the goblin camp in this one, so they still all think he's human just about now read it on ao3!
Astarion smells her before he sees her. 
Even with his darkvision, the night’s haze obscures the forest around him. With clouds covering the light of the moon, there are more shadows than usual, leaving more hiding places for a predator like him. Using it to his advantage, he’s already taken down a deer and gotten his fill from its blood, leaving the rest of it for nature. 
Despite never truly feeling full, he’s eaten enough tonight to clear his head some. Without the burning need to feed at the forefront of his mind, the urgency of his current dilemma returns. Nearly a week has gone by and he hasn’t yet figured out the best path to make himself invaluable to the group. Without a clear leader, he’s floundering, unable to decide who to try and endear himself to, ensuring that they won’t leave him on his own when Cazador comes. 
Shadowheart had been his first choice, especially with how vocal she’d been about their course of action so early on. But her hatred of the githyanki is a problem, especially since he’ll need her sword against Cazador. Lae’zel has no patience for his antics (he’s tried), Gale lacks the necessary drive to lead, therefore making him a less-than-ideal choice, and unless he wants to constantly risk getting third-degree burns, Karlach is out. Wyll might work, up until the monster hunter figures out that he’s been sleeping with a bloody vampire!  
And Tav? He’s long since realized Tav isn’t a viable option, either. As good as she is in a fight, she rarely gives her opinion on anything and doesn’t seem to care about fostering relationships with the others. She has very little, if any, sway within the group. Anytime he returns to camp, he half-expects her to be gone, having decided that striking out on her own is better than sticking with them. 
(Well, that’s what he suspects, anyway. He can’t fucking read her, not like everyone else –– though, after coming to the conclusion that seducing her would be useless early on, he certainly hasn’t put much effort into learning her.) 
So maybe his first instincts had been correct. Shadowheart, then, and if he can seduce Lae’zel on the side, that’ll get them both over to his side. But gods, that’s a shaky plan at best –– at least he doesn’t think Gale will kill him if the truth comes out (his attempt at manipulation and the whole vampire spawn thing), just look at him like a kicked puppy dog, so maybe that’s––
He growls, running a hand through his hair as he paces. He’d thought a hunt would clear his head and magically provide him with a viable solution but all it’s done is left him more agitated. Even though he’d taken down a deer, he’s still hungry, a never-ending, aching pain gnawing at his gut.
And when he smells blood in the air, hot, fresh, and human, his feet are already moving in that direction before his brain catches up with his body. 
It’s only once he manages to shake off his bloodlust and get a proper look at the woman leaning against the tree in front of him to realize that it’s Tav. 
Tav, who never speaks her opinion out loud unless asked, and even then, she says very little. Tav, who’s lethal with her twin daggers and rivals his lockpicking abilities. Tav, who he finds watching him more often than not.
Tav, who’s currently bleeding from a wound in her gut. 
He stands there in the shadows for a few seconds, just watching her. She hasn’t looked up yet, her head dipping down to look at the hand pressing against her injury. Her hood obscures most of her expression as she pants against the tree, her muscles tense and strained with effort. And with the amount of blood he smells. . .it must have soaked through most of her shirt by now. 
He could just leave her here. It would be too easy to take a few steps back and sink back into the night, no one the wiser. And it’s not like leaving her to her fate would affect their little group; as effective as she is in battle, she hardly contributes anything else –– they’ll be fine without her. 
All the same, he muses to himself, the more the merrier when it comes to taking down Cazador. Considering the threat his master –– former master –– poses to him, it surely would be better to have more people to throw at him than less. 
But before he can make up his mind on what to do with her, she glances up, looking straight at where she’s standing. Her eyebrows furrow, mouth parting slightly before she questions weakly, “ –– Astarion?” 
Well, that solves his little moral conundrum. 
He supposes he could still walk away now but in the event she survives and makes it back to the group, it won’t help his already poor reputation. While he doesn’t need her to live specifically, he needs to garner enough goodwill in their group that they’d be willing to help him to permanently break free of Cazador. 
“My, my, it looks like you’ve gotten yourself into a little spot of trouble,” he says smoothly, stepping into the clearing. Her eyes flash as he comes flowers “Hasn’t anyone told you that it’s dangerous to be out after dark, my dear?” 
Tav grunts, shoulder pressing harder against the tree in an attempt to keep herself standing. The movement jostles her wound, more blood flowing out of it. At the smell of it, Astarion’s nostrils flare; had he not eaten earlier in the night, he’s not sure he would have been able to keep his composure. 
“I’m not the only one. . .out after dark,” she replies pointedly, though it clearly takes her some effort to keep her words measured and firm. 
He clicks his tongue, finally closing the distance between them, but doesn’t move to touch her. It’s both purposeful and due to uncertainty; having rarely touched anyone without ill intent in decades, he’s unsure how to help her properly, even if he hadn’t been undecided on what to do. 
Leaning forward enough where their foreheads are only a breath or two apart, he purrs, “No need for me to worry –– I am the danger in these words.” 
Eyes narrowing, he huffs out a breath (and it sounds suspiciously like a laugh at his dramatics, making him frown, affronted). “Noted.” 
Now that he can get a better look at her, he observes the way her gaze shifts uneasily from his face to the forest beyond, how her free hand strays toward the dagger at her waist. Based on her body language, he realizes with widening eyes, it’s clear that she thinks he might do something to her, to hurt her while she’s alone and vulnerable. 
(He doesn’t know why that offends him; after all, he’d just been contemplating leaving her here to die a few seconds ago, but he has no intention of getting his hands dirty, especially not now that she’s recognized him.)
“That’s a nasty little wound,” he comments mildly. Likely caused by a dagger or arrow, if he has to guess. He doesn’t yet offer his help, nor does she ask for it; rather, he stares down at her, almost like a predator, but she’s far from prey. Even hurt as she is, the look in her eyes tells him that even if he manages to take her down, she’ll get a few good shots in before she goes. 
“A glancing blow,” she mutters. 
It’s far more than that and they both know it. But even with his darkvision, he can’t tell just how bad it is under her layers of clothing, only that it’s still bleeding sluggishly by the scent alone. He continues, pressing further, “You’re not the type to take ‘glancing blows.’”
In the numerous battles they’ve faced in the past week, she’s managed to get through each fight with only minor cuts and bruises. Like him, Tav tends to stick to the shadows, coming in with a well-placed blow when an enemy’s back is turned. It’s not like her to be in the middle of the fray like Karlach or Lae’zel, who usually end up needing more healing than the rest. 
He’s beginning to put together a picture in his mind of what might have happened. He figures the most likely scenario is that someone took her by surprise –– she’s too quick to get stabbed in the gut in a head-on skirmish. 
Instead of responding to his probe, she shifts uncomfortably and changes the subject. “Just. . .” she trails off, then shakes her head slowly. He watches as she clenches her jaw in anticipation and steps away from the tree she’d been leaning up against. One hand remains pressed against her stomach, and he watches as her expression briefly reflects the pain she must be in. “Point me in the direction of camp.” 
Astarion scoffs. “As if you’d make it back to camp without my help.” 
He has no doubts that she could do it, albeit much slower on her own, but he’s quickly come to the realization that this chance meeting provides him with the perfect opportunity to hold something over her head ––  if he plays his cards right. He helps her now, she helps him later. In the circles he suspects she’d run in before the nautiloid (small crime rings or bands of petty thieves), then life debts, even half-assed ones like this one, are as good as gold. 
But she doesn’t take him up on his implicit offer. Instead, she stares at him for a few seconds, brows furrowing, and then sets off on her own in a random direction. 
Infuriating woman! 
It’s the correct direction, too ––  damn her all to hell. 
But he’s never been one to let a chance like this go so easily. He cuts her off before she can get too far, hands out in front of him in a mockery of a gentlemanly-like manner. “Really, darling, I must insist. You’re looking positively ghastly bleeding out like that. I doubt you’ll make it twenty steps before collapsing.” 
Tav once again considers him, blinking once, then twice. He doesn’t like that he can’t judge what she’s thinking; other than the haze of pain settling more heavily over her features the longer she goes without proper healing, he can’t parse out a damn thing. 
“I’ll manage,” she grits out finally. 
Gods, maybe he should have just left her–– 
“Well, I’ll just leave you to it, then!” he says in false cheerfulness, doing his best not to let his irritation color his tone. “If I see your corpse on your walk back to camp, I’ll make sure to drag it in with me!” 
(He won’t be doing that –– it would take far too much effort.)
She doesn’t say anything in response, just continues on her path in a slow, lumbering stride. He lingers ––  just in case –– and his patience is rewarded. 
“I suppose. . .if you’re just going to follow me all the way to camp,” she says finally, interrupting his train of thought. She swallows and closes her eyes briefly as she finishes, surprisingly rational,  “Then you might as well make yourself useful.” 
He grins, feeling slightly giddy at the prospect of his small win. Already, he can see their future conversation playing out in his mind: Hello, my dear, remember that one time I helped you when you were bleeding out from a gut wound in the middle of the woods? Well, I have a small issue –– minuscule in comparison, really –– that I could use your help with, now. Have you ever heard of the vampire lord, Cazador Szarr? 
He gently tugs one of her arms over his shoulders, wrapping his other one around her waist. As he does it, he feels her body tense underneath his touch, all of her muscles rigid and stiff. Even though it must make things more difficult for her, she doesn’t lean on him too heavily. 
As they begin to walk, he steers them a little out of the way, going in the “right” direction. It’ll take them a little longer to get back to camp on his adjusted route but he can’t have her thinking she’d be able to do this on her own, after all. 
The journey back is a slow process, with fumbled, clumsy steps. Despite his invitation to help, he’s barely carrying any of her weight. He doesn’t want to push her any further but he’s feeling rather useless here. 
Though he doesn’t really care what happened, curiosity gets the better of him. In an attempt to fill the silence, he asks, “Now, are you planning on telling me how you’ve gotten in such a state?” 
She remains silent for long enough that he gives up hope she’s going to answer him. When he finally huffs in irritation, she mutters, voice tinged with what he believes is a hint of embarrassment,  “Goblin camp.” 
Now that isn’t the answer that he’d been expecting. He’d assumed ––  well, he’d just thought that she’d run into some unsavory types and had been caught unawares, not gone off on her own to the bloody goblin camp.  
“Was this morning’s visit not enough for you?” He asks incredulously. Their camp is far enough away from the goblins to limit suspicion while they plan –– and argue about –– their method of attack. There’s a part of him that’s surprised she’s made it this far with that kind of wound. “Hells, how are you not dead in a ditch somewhere?” 
She pauses, then says vaguely, “Took a potion,” which doesn’t fucking answer either of his questions.
“Fine,” he hisses, growing increasingly more done with the situation. He doesn’t even care anymore, he just wants to drop her off at camp and be done with it. This ‘hero’ bullshit is exhausting. “Don’t tell me.” 
Once again, she huffs out a break; he’s beginning to wonder just how much air she has stored in her lungs to do that so frequently, especially considering how she’s started to lean on him more and more the longer they walk. 
“I. . .poisoned the goblins’ drink this morning,” she rasps, voice low. He blinks, thinking he’d misheard her; he hadn’t seen her do it and it’s likely no one in their merry band of misfits had either ––  how had he missed that?
She waits until he’s helped her maneuver over a fallen tree before continuing. “And since no one could make up their fucking mind about a plan –– “ 
“ I had no part in any of that,” he interjects smoothly, because it’s important to him that he sets the record straight on his lack of involvement. 
She ignores that. “So I went back. . .and finished the job.” 
“And –– what?” he questions, tightening his grip around her waist when he feels her slacken against him. As he speaks, he jostles her slightly to keep her awake –– after all, it’d look bad on him if he’d returned with an unconscious, bloody Tav in his arms. “Someone got a lucky shot in when you tried to assassinate them?” 
“The drow.” 
“And I hate to question your abilities, my dear, but I have to ask: did you finish the job?” 
Underneath her hood, he can just make out her scowl. “ Of course I –– ” 
Before Tav can finish, she stumbles, knees giving out. Astarion veers sideways with the sudden force of her weight dropping onto him, just barely managing to remain standing. But the same can’t be said for her; with a hissed curse, she weakly tries to push herself up and falls once again. 
The thought of leaving her behind once again enters his mind but he’s quick to push the thought away. If he were to leave her now, with her blood all over his shirt, it would look very suspicious. They’re close enough to camp that he’ll be able to manage to carry her dead weight over such a short distance –– besides, he can’t just deny himself the chance to play hero just feet before the finish line. 
And maybe there’s a part of him that’s looking at Tav in a new light. She’d effortlessly solved a problem that the rest of the group had been bickering about all evening, unable to come up with a conclusion that they all agreed on. That’s. . .more than he’d expected, based on his previous assessments of her. As painful as it is to admit, he might have misjudged her, believing her silence for indifference or passiveness. 
With a grunt of effort, he scoops her up off the ground and into his arms, bridal-style. He picks up the pace, moving much quicker now that she’s no longer slowing him down. “I don’t know why you couldn’t have waited to go back until tomorrow,” he mutters under his breath, not expecting her to reply. “Because then I wouldn’t have to lug your deadweight in the middle of the fucking night––” 
One of her hands reaches up and grabs the front of his shirt, doing her best to hold on despite the way he jostles her. She still remains stiff and rigid in his arms even though it makes it all the more difficult for her to hold on; she’s seemingly so disgusted by him that she can’t stand to be in his arms even when he’s helping her. 
“The kids,” she whispers. 
But his anger dissipates when she speaks, turning into yet another shocked exclamation, “The –– what ?” 
“Tiefling kids,” she tries to clarify. “Better take care of it now than. . .” 
“Oh, you’ve got to be joking,” he swears in annoyance, gritting his teeth together at the sheer stupidity of her actions. She’s gone to all of this trouble, almost bloody died, just for some kids? He’d thought she’d had some sense, but clearly, he’d misjudged her! 
But her words jog a few memories in his mind: how she’d bought all of those fake magic rings without blinking an eye or how she’d let one of them pickpocket her. And when she’d disappeared for an hour –– gods, she must have gone down to the damn kids’ hideout Shadowheart couldn’t find the entrance to! (He’d seen it, too, of course, but had simply been amused by her growing annoyance with the lack of answers from the grunting kid in front of it.)
Yet earlier in the day, she’d shown no sign that she cared about the refugees in Emerald Grove. When asked her thoughts on what they should do next, she shrugged and said talking to Halsin was their best bet ––  nothing about how they needed to stop the druids or kill the goblins to save the bloody tieflings! 
By then, however, she’d already had her plan in motion and had told no one. By that point, the drunk goblins had probably just begun to feel the effects of her tampering. A slightly hysterical laugh bubbles up in her throat at her ingenuity and discretion. If he weren’t so irritated that she’d managed to pull the wool down over his eyes as well, he’d give her a round of applause for solving their goblin problem with some poison and a few well-placed blades. 
Wyll’s on watch when he crosses the boundary into the camp and immediately jumps up at the sight of them. By the time he begins to set a now-unconscious Tav down on the closest bedroll, the rest of their party is blearily stumbling out of their tents at the commotion. 
Shadowheart reaches them quickly, kneeling down next to Tav with a healing spell already sparking at her fingertips. She barks at him as if he’s somehow at fault, eyes widening as she takes in the state of their companion, “ What happened?” 
He holds up his hands, eyes widening in mock dramatics. “Before you start, I had nothing to do with this.” 
Karlach arrives just as quickly, close enough to him and Tav that he can feel the heat radiating off her body against his back. At his words, she frowns. “Well, that’s not suspicious at all.” 
“Somehow, I have trouble believing that’s true,” she mutters in response, pressing her hands against the wound in Tav’s gut as she begins the healing process. Blue light illuminates the darkness of the night. 
“Now, Shadowheart,” Wyll cuts in. “Astarion did bring her back to camp. Why would he do that if he’d caused this in the first place?” 
“Though that isn’t to say that the heroic rescue thing wasn’t a trick,” Wyll continues, his voice still light but his eyes are narrowed in suspicion. Maybe he hasn’t made the best impression on the other man. “
Astarion splutters. In any other situation, he’d back the other man up –– but not when he’s the target. “Now listen here––” 
“All right!” Gale interrupts loudly, clapping his hands once and cutting the pair of them off. A beat later, he summons up a ball of magelight to illuminate the dark around them. “Let’s let Shadowheart work without the sound of bickering, shall we? Then we can all get back to it.” 
Despite Gale’s little intervention, Astarion scowls, crossing his arms in irritation at being made the villain when all he’s done is try to help. ( This is what he gets for sticking his neck out for someone else!) 
There are a few minutes of tense silence as they all stand around waiting. When Shadowheart pulls back Tav’s ruined clothing, giving them all a first look at the injury. It’s not exactly the glancing blow that Tav had described to him but once all of the blood and dirt is cleaned away, the stab wound isn’t as bad as it’d first looked. There’s no exit hole and the bottom of the puncture is jagged and rough, leaving him to wonder if she’d pulled out the blade almost as soon as she’d been stabbed with it. 
(And if the thought of her pulling the dagger out of her body only to kill the drow with the exact same blade brings him a bit of pleasure, well ––  no one has to know .)
Shadowheart stays silent as she works; her healing magic and Gale’s magelight illuminate the space around them but no one speaks, despite him watching Lae’zel open and close her mouth in impatience. 
When it’s nothing more than a puffy, pink mark on Tav’s upper stomach, the cleric leans back on her heels, sweat beading on her forehead. “The wound is mostly closed,” she says, exhaustion coloring her voice. “The dagger –– and I’m assuming it was a dagger –– didn’t hit anything important. Tav likely passed out due to blood loss but she should be fine in a few days.” 
The atmosphere of the camp eases significantly once she says it. As Shadowheart stands, a bit wobbly on her feet, the attention turns back to him. 
Already anticipating yet another barrage of attacks, he speaks swiftly before anyone can even open their mouths. “Tav was already bleeding when I found her. Without me, she wouldn’t have made it back here alone.” 
“And just what were you doing up so late?” 
“Is it a crime to go for a walk in the middle of the night?” Astarion exclaims, throwing up his hands. “I couldn’t sleep so I went to clear my head. Should I have asked permission first, dear Shadowheart?” 
She scowls in response and he takes that as a sign to continue. “Like I said, I found Tav a ways away from camp. She was in bad shape so I didn’t get all the details but. . .” he pauses for effect, eyebrows furrowing as he plays up the severity of her injuries in an attempt to gain more goodwill for himself. “ Apparently , our little silent thief here just took out the entirety of the goblin camp.” 
There’s a moment of stunned silence before Gale asks, rather eloquently, “She what?” 
“Yes, yes, I know! I was surprised, too,” Astarion placates. “She told me she was sick and tired of all your arguing that she took it into her own hands.” 
Lae’zel, for the first time, speaks up instead of glaring silently. “So the istik has cleared the way for us. Good. Now we can focus our attention back on the creche.” 
At the gith’s proclamation, Shadowheart rolls her eyes and ignores her entirely. “Did she say how she did it?” 
Astarion hums, waving an errant hand. “Poison and blades, that sort of thing. She was rather mum on the details –– for obvious reasons, of course .” 
He doesn’t know why he omits it but he says nothing about her reasoning, how her main motivating factor to do so had been to ensure the tiefling kids’ safety. (Later, he’ll tell himself that the less the others know about her, the better –– he can’t have any competition when trying to manipulate her, after all.)
Wyll rubs a hand over his face, staring down at Tav with an inscrutable look on his face. “We should let her sleep,” he says finally. “We can talk more about this in the morning when she’s awake.” 
The prospect of them trying to get answers out of silent, stubborn Tav is a delightful thought.
“We should revist the goblin camp as well,” Gale adds. “Not that I don’t believe in her, of course –– just to cover all of our bases. But that can wait until tomorrow.” 
Gleefully, Astarion watches them all stare down at Tav for a few more seconds, practically seeing the gears in their minds turning as they realize their initial assessment of the other rogue likely had been incorrect. Slowly, everyone turns back to their tents
“I’m going to clean off,” he announces no one in particular, propping his hands on his hips. He feels he might as well since they’d all attacked him for “taking a walk” earlier. “I certainly can’t trance looking like this.” 
With silence as his response, he heads down to the nearby river, eager for a bit of distance to finally put his thoughts in order. 
Kneeling down at the riverbank, he scowls at the way his white-ruffled shirt has now been stained with Tav’s blood (especially with all the work he’d done to keep it clean when drinking from the deer). He moves to tug it up and over his head but as he does, his attention is drawn to the dried blood on his hands. 
Thou shalt not drink of the blood of thinking creatures.
But Cazador isn’t here right now –�� it’s just him, the river, the ache of hunger in his stomach, and the blood on his hands. And if he’s able to walk in the sun without burning. . .
Almost as if in a trance-like state and anticipating punishment at any moment, he raises his hand up to his lips; his tongue darts out to taste the blood and the dark, heady flavor of it immediately bursts into his mouth. 
It’s unlike anything he’s ever tasted, even dried and old –– like an aged brandy mixed with a hint of spice –– and he wants ( needs ) more of it. Before he knows it, he’s licked his entire hand clean of her blood, a wild desperation to his actions. When he runs out, palm clean and glistening, he groans deep in his chest, desperate for more. 
Desperate for it straight from the source. 
His mind whirls with his reassessment of her character. Tav’s one of those stoic, silent types –– but underneath all of that, he suspects there’s a heart of gold. She clearly cares for children, so much so that she’d risk her own life to save them. 
It won’t be difficult to mold himself into a closer mirror now that he’s seen a different side of her (though, hells, he’s not looking forward to being kind, especially not to people who can’t even save themselves). He’ll get her talking more, try to dazzle her with random acts of (eugh) heroics. That, combined with a slow increase of physical touches, will have her eating out of the palm of his hand in a matter of few weeks. Once he gets all of the pieces into place, she’ll be begging for him to take a bite out of her. 
As a new plan begins to form in his mind, Astarion’s lips curl up in a smile. 
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btpbyalison · 10 months
There aren’t enough words to fully explain how much I love shooting weddings.
I am incredibly selective about which ones I shoot. And I’m thorough in the planning process. This includes a dinner a week or so before the big day to go over everything. Alex & I took care of that the Monday before the big day.
Jason Squared and I arrived in Hannibal on Thursday night so I could get settled in. My myriad of battery chargers were set up, and I cleaned my gear. I learned quickly I would find Mark Twain…aka Samuel Clemens EVERYWHERE.
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Friday morning we headed to the Rialto to check out the space. I knew I wouldn’t get to see it before the ceremony, so this was necessary. A girl’s got to have a plan. Again. I'm thorough.
The space was being decorated for another event, but I got what I needed. All my favorite things would be doable. 
After I went mural chasing, we drove to Brandon’s chosen park, I made a plan for the big day and a timeline. I knew if we were to get sunset shots, I would have to stick to the plan. I needed the wedding party to be on board.
Then came the rehearsal at Central Park. The fall leaves were gorgeous, and the bandstand created the perfect backdrop. 
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The wedding party learned I didn’t play, and realized why I was brought in from Saint Louis. 
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Then it was time for dinner. We ate. We drank. The Mother of the Bride gave the best speech describing Alex and Brandon’s love. 
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Their love is a sweet one that started during the Pandemic. Alex thought she’d give Facebook Dating a try, and only messaged Brandon. Brandon told her, at that moment, he was listening to what would be their recessional song "Renegade" by Styxx....which she had referenced in her profile. Listening to this story on the wedding day, I knew it was just magical enough to be true. Brandon couldn’t make that up. And he sure wouldn’t lie about it.
He proposed on a Bingham family trip to Ireland. The wedding reflected that trip: a ring-warming ceremony. A guardian of those rings, complete with a Celtic sword and dagger. The wedding was so "them."
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To add another touch of them, there was a ring bear. Roar.
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I sure fell in love with the bridesmaids.  They understood their role.
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To be frank, at times, the groomsmen drove me nuts. But they wormed warmed their way into my heart by the end.  
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Alex has two sets of parents, and both of those guys at the first look. Then the moms. Y’all.  C'mon!
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Watching Rob, Alex’s Dad, officiate the ceremony, warmed my heart to no end. He loves that girl.
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And Brandon sure does, too. This is the moment I lost it.
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After the “I do’s” we made our way to Riverview Park. A spot special to Brandon, and it provided an absolutely BEAUTIFUL view of the river.
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The wedding party played along nicely as I did my thing making sure to capture the magic that was the day.
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Then we partied. Boy, did we party. Brandon & Alex hadn’t practiced the first dance at all which would be to “Satellite” by Guster.
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Rob & Alex boogied to “Sweet Child of Mine.”
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Brandon & his gorgeous Mama Veronica swayed to “Mama Said.” 
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The cousins opened the dance floor with the Cupid Shuffle.
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And the dance floor was hot for the rest of the night.
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Alex’s Mama is one of my dear, dear friends. One of my besties. So, I have had a front seat to this love story from the beginning.
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I remember when they found each other. Everyone knew Brandon was it. I would hear stories and say, “That’s not boyfriend stuff, that’s a future husband move.” I feel like we have talked about this wedding forever.
And here we are. They are married. The day was absolutely spectacular.
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So many sweet memories. Then some memories that will make for great stories. Who knew it would take my going to a Hannibal wedding to witness a homeless man crashing a reception? And, to top it off, the Best Man dropped his pants and got down next to him.
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Just another Saturday in the life of a wedding photographer.
Congratulations to one of my favorite couples.
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Getting to capture this day was an honor. I laughed. I cried. I danced. I drank far more tequila than I’m used to these days. And I ended the night forever grateful for Aunt Charlene.
I’m incredibly thrilled for you two. Remember a good debate makes things fun. But, sometimes you do have to just go to bed after an argument. You can be right or you can be happy. Keep things sweet and respectful, as you already do.
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Love you both. Big. 
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am-i-sans · 1 year
dnd adventures 27
dans and frog go to the library to do research and we see kyris, aka karen 2! she looks like absolute shit. shes writing and shit gotta go spy on her. one of the books is some sort of notebook about magical artifacts.
dans uses the hat of disguise to look like a librarian halfling. he walks over and asks if shes finding everything ok. she says she does. dans says she looks frazzled and she should sit a moment. dans makes her some drugged tea oh no.
frog goes wtf and goes to get the others.
cam tells undyne that dans tori and frog probably went to spy on steve. undyne is like wtf why, he knows were fuckin here. also inferno is out of eeby deeby. AND charmed lol.
frog shows up and tells them the cult lady is at the library. undyne has to tell cam this is a different lady. frog says hes disguised as a librarian they think and talking to her. undynes like 'why didnt he kill her?' cause their in public?! undyne says they will wait outside in case dans gets in trouble.
dans and karen have tea. he talks to her to make her guard go down. it works! they finish the tea so he goes to get more and drugs. he bumps into the gang lol. he waves them off and goes to get the stuff.
dans explains if he kills karen her body joins steves ranks. frog yells at cam for charming inferno and suzy xD dans is prepping the tea! tori is still following steve. she drinks it and is getting sleepy! dans says his name is Fildo. she says she misses her gf oh no. she passes out!
dans starts going through her stuff. shes researching artifacts and cryptids and stuff. dans looks in the scroll and it has a location. dans takes all her stuff and research and shit. also her magic stuff. dans also puts the cultists notes and the map of the sanctum in her pockets. he also gives a noted location of where they buried karen.
the dnd session started saying how fucked up what dans did lol.
off to find tori! but we dont know shes a fly lol. she has to find us. she lands on frogs shoulder. blobbo is on the other shoulder and sniffs tori. she flies into an alley and goes back to normal.
as they greet her, suzy is no longer charmed! she tackles cam enraged! inferno is not charmed either. cam is so dead lol no ones helping them. suzy says cam cheated. undyne stops inferno cause fuck him xD puts him in a headlock.
suzy sits on cam and wont get off unless cam gets her up without cheating. cam offers to let her beat them up later when they leave. she agrees. steve fuckin walks past us the fucker. so the market is free now cool.
cam starts haggling now cool. the shops got trickets and knick knacks. a guy selling weird potions. test your luck on the potion! inferno and frog get one each. inferno grows a second set of horns lol. frog's is hidden! moss wtf tell us. frog and inferno buy another oh no. undyne and dans are just watching. you can also get a random item in a bag cool. undyne grabs one.
undyne got a sword! she tosses it lol. she grabs another one. a hat! she gives it to frog. frog puts it on but we dont get to see what happens. it stops you from seeing a certain species of finch? inferno gets a chalice that looks eldrich. he chugs it. he suddenly is aware of everyones heartbeats. inferno gets some cat bones in a charm?!
undyne gets a glove cool. tori got a gross dagger made out of a big tooth. frogs potion gives them silver freckles! also frog is trailing sand lol. undyne goes to find cam oh no. inferno gets another potion. looks like ink. his veins become visible and black ew.
suzy walks up eating a chicken wing. she just grabs a potion and chugs it. she gets paler and her scars fade away. undyne somehow rolls high and finds cam. she gives cam the glove lol. inferno gambles again. an eye opens on the end of his tail its functional omg.
cam shows up and is like wtf. undyne tells suzy to stfu and lifts her away. fuck it dans is gonna take a potion along with cam! cam sprouts feathers on their elbows! dans got 2 effects! hes perceived as chaotic evil via magic (hes still the same not evil or anything) and his toes turn into tiny angry snakes? hes confused.
undyne also got a random item again. a handheld gong cool. it sounds like a wolfs call. inferno drinks again. and tori joins in. dans snakes try to bite frog. infero is poofed and his legs turn into frog legs! tori's eyes appear hazy and she can see past magical darkness for the next 3 days.
undyne yet again pulls an item. an ebony key? inferno also pulls. small pouch of sparkly dust. prevents you from getting lost lol. undyne yet again. bronze dagger! lightinging damage! dans got an item too, bone charm. cam drank and got scars.
inferno gets a ribbon and it makes you immune to seduction attempts lol. frog hands tori a potion. 'dont worry about it' MOSS. frog got some perfume and attracts fey oh no. suzy is spraying the perfume in her mouth lol.
dans got a greying paintbrush. inferno got a bead that can be used once and makes a bunch of oil oh no. cam yanked the feathers out like a dumbass and now their hurt. and they drink a potion and can only hear loud butterfly wing flapping. frog tries to get undyne to drink. success! undyne has nothing happen cause theres no celestials nearby. inferno yet again. philter of love! welp hes charmed by tori.
undyne went eeby deeby. inferno is happy. frog says its time for an inn.
we stop. im so fuckin tired. dnd took too long we got way side tracked. im tired. gonna sleep. eepy
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biskael · 1 year
“ when I was young, birthdays didn’t matter — in fact, I didn’t know they were celebrated for many years. ” a pause, gloved fingers laying out the few crudely wrapped gifts she could think to give him; despite her nimble fingers she is atrocious when it comes to wrapping paper. “ i'm not sure how old you are, quilge, and it doesn’t really matter to me. we share this day — a cosmic bond stronger than blood. ”
and thus, they should celebrate by doing what it is they do best … inflicting pain.
when he pulls the paper and tape from the gifts, he will find artifacts recovered from dig sites in exotic locations — a jagged sword and a blackened dagger, both give off a strange forbidding aura; the locals had deemed them cursed, had refused to touch them. the last (and most important) item is an amulet, reportedly used to lock away an ancient monster — a gift: some unknown terror for him to tear limb from limb. “ I do know that you love to hunt, quilge. now I am no fighter, but watching you kill is a treat all its own. happy birthday, let’s enjoy it, shall we? ” 💕
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" YOU CAN BE FAR TOO KIND TO ME , DOKTOR BECKETT , " the hunter says as he quickly does away with the wrappings . laughing slightly behind his darkened mouth . of her gestures , of course , whether small or grand , he was nearly indebted for . the woman was a genius . very much reminding him of another brilliant woman he'd held in such high regard . how everyone he had ever cared for didn't hide their darkness , so much as they'd displayed it openly . or , let it command them , consume them , much like himself . the kinship of bloodshed demands its own rite to be had by those who share it .
the weight of any blade is far too familiar in his grip ... except , as he tries both of these , they feel strangely light as he gives them both a trying thrust . forged of a metal long forgotten , perhaps ? he cannot name how or why , but what he can is how prone one is staring at the blades themselves . how the eye cannot simply be wrenched away so easily . and that , even in his eons of immortal longevity , its bloodthirst far outweighs his own . the tip of the dagger , in particular , looked perpetually stained a tarnished ruby , despite its age . and the sword's blade , though crooked and worn , gleamed brightly against its own darkened shadow : the morningstar in the abyss . a rather strange impossibility . he dare not use these upon anyone he cherishes . with certainty , these are only to be brandished against an enemy .
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" i won't question wherever you found such ... oddities , my dear , but , they are especially wonderous . " and both are so carefully sheathed . " do tell me more about them over cake . but , before that , " he'd added , and procured the little amulet from its velvet pouch . while not in a style he would personally adorn himself in by choice , the stone inlaid within it was truly gorgeous . a viscous purple , catching the light gently . " since the final ending of the war , all has been ... rather quiet these days . both a welcome moment of reprieve and a source of annoyance for myself & my husband . a quest certainly sounds entertaining , especially if there's danger & violence to be had .
thank you , maude . and thank you for your companionship . happy birthday to you , as well . "
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sukiekagamine · 2 years
Aemond speaking his family's love language
My headcanon, because my attention span doesn't allow me to write a long fanfiction
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1. Words of affirmation: Aegon
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Aegon lived his life buried under expectations, wine and whores. Everyone wanted him to be something he was not, and he gave up trying to get his father's or grandsire's approval. He had long believe that no one had love for him and he's a disappointment. All he ever wanted was to have someone saying that they cared for him, loved him, are proud of him, but not even his mother answered with what he wanted. At first, Aemond was furious with his brother's nonchalant attitude
But when he saw his brother's hungry gaze at when Alicent told Aemond that she loved him, or when Helaena laughed at Aemond's gesture, Aemond finally understands. So he voiced his heart to Aegon at any moment that he could.
"My sword falls by your side, brother."
"You will have Storm's End, I'll do anything to give you that."
"You've gotten better at ruling. The smallfolk love you."
"You've fought fiercely. You're a true dragonborn."
"You've done well."
"I love you."
2. Acts of service: Alicent
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Alicent had a lot of responsibilities. Her duty to the dying Viserys, her duty to her father, and her duty to the realm. She had to learn politics, the laws and uphold the kingdoms on her shoulders. So of course sometimes she would forget to take care of herself. But its fine because she had her son for that: Aemond would wake up everyday making sure that her serving girls knew their jobs, prepare her carriage everytime she needs to travel somewhere, preparing her tea and cakes whenever she works late at night. He would volunteer to handle some of her work to ease her stress and absolutely fret over her when she showed any sign of tiredness or sickness. Whenever Alicent said You don't have to do this, he would reply You've taken care of me alone my whole childhood. It is my turn to look out for you.
3. Quality time: Helaena
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Helaena is seen as a freak by others. All she does all day was to play with her bugs and let out strange unrelated words. Her mother tried to connect with her to no avail, her father barely knew about her existence, and her older brother was too drunk to care. She didn't like being touched either, so she spends most of her time alone. Other than the times her younger brother approach her with a new bug that he found somewhere, and they would sit in a quiet spot in the woods, looking at insects and playing with them all day. Aemond was patient. She didn't want to be touched, she didn't enjoy talking, but he didn't force it out of her. He simply watched how she handled her bugs and learned her way, taking notes of them for her and rake the library for books to help her preserve them in the castle. They would spend long afternoons with each other in silence, she caressing a bug and him sketching it out into her small notebook. Helaena never said it outloud, and Aemond never knew it, but she felt the most peaceful when she was with him.
4. Gifts: Daeron
They didn't grow up together. Daeron was sent to Oldtown when Aemond was too young, and they only saw each other twice a year. But Aemond was strangely attentive to Daeron's words everytime they met, and he always had spontaneous gifts for his brother. Daeron could simply say that his saddle for Tessarion had a slight malfunction and his brother Aemond would ask for the best craftsman in Kings Landing to make him a brand new saddle in the latest design. Daeron could simply say that he loved a Kings Landing streetfood that he couldn't find in Oldtown, and Aemond would go out into the city himself to buy some for him. He could say nothing, and Aemond would send him things that he saw that reminds him of his brother: history books, a beautiful dagger from Essos, a thick fur cloak from the North. Daeron had cherished each and every gift, feeling as if he was surrounded by families.
5. Physical touch: Jaehaerys and Jaehaera
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People were afraid of Aemond's scar and sapphire eye. Especially the ladies at court, and oh, children. Babes would wail in his presence, children cowered behind their mothers as he approached. It didn't matter to Aemond, it definitely didn't hurt, no. They were nothing but strangers to him, and Jaehsera and Jaehaerys were the only children that mattered. The twins were really Targaryens - they had the blood of the dragons in them, and had no fear. They didn't flinch when Aemond took off his eyepatch, instead, they babbled and reached out to him from their mother's embrace. They seemed to enjoy Aemond more than any of their wetnurses, always giggled and touched his face with their little hands. Sometimes, they refused to be let go from Aemond's arms - they would cling onto his neck from both sides and scream when anyone tried to pry them away, and Aemond was in charge of putting them to sleep those nights. When no one was looking, he would rain kisses onto their plump cheeks, smiling when they squealed and giggled. He would hold them so tight into his chest, one on each arm, and feel their faces pressed into his neck as they fell asleep. Aemond was never the one to express his love freely, but for them, for the two little suns of his life, he would be just as soft hearted as any uncle. For each of their little kiss, he would return with ten more.
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shooter-nobunagun · 1 year
Deep Sea’s Rune
//I got stuck, then I went and wrote too much so it’s split (again)
“Oh gods, I knew this was a bad idea...all ‘f ye owe me after this—that is, if we survive...” 
Adam did his best to ignore the dire mumblings of the surgeon, but even he had to admit they’d walked right into this one. Of course the Lady Florence wasn’t actually dead. Of course she’d be hostile towards their group; what else was new.
“Look, once this whole fight’s finished, just name the echoes and they’re yours, alright?” Adam muttered, though he had a feeling no amount of payment would be satisfactory. “An’ yeh, maybe we shouldn’t have bothered her...but something tells me it wouldn’t have made a difference.”
“Yeh, tell me about it...” Hunter shot back, but said no more on the topic as the battle reared to life. Lady Florence’s weapon sliced through the air much faster than even a whip, forcing Adam to fight defensively—the Stakedriver was much too slow to risk a parry, and even Hunter’s dual blades had difficulty in keeping up with her speed. Tell was doing his best to snipe her from afar, but their opponent was skilled enough to simultaneously dodge the shots, while keeping Sio at bay as well. The Rakuyo was in its dual blade mode—a saber in one hand and a dagger in the other. Even with the odds of 4-against-1, the ‘ghost’ was more than holding her own.
“Damn, what is she—some kind of demon?” Adam asked sarcastically, though in all honestly she might as well be; in this dream-space where things may very well not be real, in a nightmare that never ended and the dead never truly died. “Keep pushing—we can’t give her a chance to recoup!”
Slowly but surely, they were gaining some ground. Tell’s barrage of arrows finally broke through her defensive swipes, and Sio managed to get in a single riposte—sending the lady flying onto her back as the girl ripped a savage blow through her. 
“Hah! Take that!”
The huntress held her guard as they all watched the body with caution. Surely that hadn’t been enough to take her down, not with the way she’d fought. But it had to have at least weakened, her, right? Sio’s fingers twitched as Lady Florence started to push herself up; the blow certainly seemed to have done damage, yet her demeanor was still eerily calm. She returned Rakuyo into a single weapon again and—to everyone’s shock—plunged the blade straight into her chest. Blood splattered everywhere, but it was the encircling flames that really sent Sio into a panic. The self-inflicted damage was intentional—and the huntress realized to her horror, it only made Florence stronger, much in the way the Chikage sword required the act of seppuku to unleash its full potential. Though, she wasn’t aware it was possible to combine both blood and fire elements.
“What! But Rakuyo wasn’t designed to utilize blood?!” A shockwave formed with crimson sliced through the air, as Sio barely managed to stave off the fatal damage with a last-minute dodge. “I thought Lady Florence abhorred the use of blood—that’s why Rakuyo was designed the way it is?”
The air streaked with the warm copper scent of blood—particularly once Lady Florence started unleashing her true capabilities. Each blood slash also left a trail of flame in its wake, making it difficult to get close without the risk of secondary damage. 
“Adam! Let me take the lead!” The hunter stared for a moment, the girl’s blood-red eyes glaring through the darkness. “I can stagger her with my attacks—then when she’s down, go in for the kill!” Her eyes gleamed with ferocity, but to Adam’s relief there didn’t seem to be any frenzy. Just pure, unadulterated battle-lust.
No matter how much he wanted to believe was hunting for a greater purpose, Adam couldn’t deny the thrill he felt during battle. And frenzy or not, he knew Sio felt the same, deep down.
Perhaps they were kindred spirits after all, his consciousness mused, though it only mollified his conflicting feelings a touch. Yet the way they were so in-sync during battle, not even relying on shouts or signals to cue each other...Hunter once joked they might be telepaths, able to communicate with just their minds.
Maybe not minds, but spirits...
He gave only the barest of nods before the huntress took off. She could do it...had to; there was no alternative. If she faltered her timing or couldn’t read their opponent correctly, there would be no second chances—not even his speed would allow him to reach her in time, should anything go wrong. He had to place his faith in her...just as she did him.
‘Adam, I trust you with my life, now...’
Adam didn’t even think when his body automatically rushed forward, just as Sio’s blunderbuss fired with perfect timing to bring Lady Florence to her knees. The girl leaned backwards just as his Stakedriver swung overhead, the two of them flawlessly exchanging positions before Florence could recover. Her Rakuyo only managed to raise once, before Adam fired the stake and it sunk into her chest with a wet, muffled squelch. For some reason he expected it to be much harder; that his attack would be met with some resistance, but the way his blade sank into her so easily reminded him that human flesh was still fragile, undying corpse or not.
“...I know what you did to them... The ailing wards of the church. It’s not your fault. The nightmare held them, and now they are free. But what about you? Have you profited at all?”
He stared at Lady Florence, at that bloodied face and eyes that never blinked while she grasped his shoulder with a surprising amount of strength still. Before Adam even had a chance to retaliate or parse her words, an arrow flew right past his head, so close it snipped a few strands of his hair and planted itself dead between Lady Florence’s eyes. The corpse lost her grip and fell backwards, finally still.
“...Is she...was that it?” 
“Look, at this point as long as she’s not tryin’ ta shank us all I’ll take it,” the surgeon grumbled. “I just want to get outta here before she starts comin’ back t’ life or some other shite.” Hunter pointedly avoided the body and began tending to their wounds, while Sio slowly walked over to the chair where Florence had sat in.
The chair was worn and stained with dark, old blood, but upon the seat there was a curious dial. It was about the size of her hands, and upon the surface was two hands and various icons, looking almost like a clock—except where one would expect numbers, there were instead familiar symbols, almost like the runes they carved to gain knowledge...
“Whoa...what’s this?” Before Hunter could admonish the girl to not touch anything, she picked up the dial. It was heavy and the metal worn, but it didn’t feel cold at all; rather, Sio felt a faint warmth emanating from it, as if it carried with it all the hopes Lady Florence used to have.
“Lass, what did we just say about not picking up random objects?” Sio could only smile sheepishly as the surgeon raised a stern eyebrow, but luckily nothing happened.
“Sorry...but, look at this dial! It kind of looks like the Astral Clocktower, don’t you think?” She held the object out. “Look, don’t these symbols look just like the runes we use? I wonder what that means.’
“You’re right; this hand’s pointing at Guidance, and the other...the Beast’s Embrace...” Adam frowned, his brows furrowed deeper than they already were as he studied the dial. “But why point at those runes?”
Tell came up and took the dial from Adam. “This is a Celestial Dial...and as you said Miss Ogura, it is connected to the Astral Clocktower, in a manner. Perhaps the runes are telling us something about this nightmare.” He turned the dial over in his hands. “After all, it was Ludwig who discovered Guidance...” Tell closed his eyes, as if reliving a lost memory. “I remember, when he told us about it, his discovery of this rune along with his holy moonlight sword; when Ludwig closed his eyes, he saw darkness, or perhaps nothingness—and that is where he discovered the tiny beings of light. Ludwig was certain that these playful dancing sprites offered "guidance"; that they could empty him of his fears at least in the midst of a hunt.”
“What about...the other one?” Sio asked timidly. Though the transfusion had cured her and saved her life, still whenever she heard anything to do with beasts her blood ran cold, and she couldn’t help the shiver of fear.
“The Beast’s Embrace: after the repeated experiments in controlling the scourge of beasts, the Embrace rune was discovered. When its implementation failed, the "Embrace" became a forbidden rune, but this knowledge became a foundation of the Healing Church. It is said those who swear this oath take on a ghastly form and obtain accentuated transformation effects, especially while wielding a beast weapon.”
Adam’s eyes narrowed at Tell’s description. “A rune discovered by Ludwig, who went mad and we defeated in this nightmare, and one that lets a hunter embrace becoming a beast...is that its way of saying what awaits those here? That we’ll all end up just like Ludwig, nothing but beasts in the end?” His silver locks shook fervently along with his head. “Tch; I don’t believe that bunk for a minute...”
“But, M...Mirza, he...” Shivering, Sio gulped her fears down and forced herself to stop shaking. “That’s...what he wants, isn’t it? The whole reason he gave me that eyeball, and told me to come here...was to see if I’d pass this test. If I can resist becoming a beast...”
“Well, we’ve already done it with the transfusion. At least fer now,” said Hunter, “so I dinnae think we’d need to worry ‘bout that. We should just focus on gettin’ outta here alive.”
The huntress nodded. Forget about Mirza and his twisted games—she’d already proved more than once she could handle herself, no matter what this nightmare threw at her. Taking the Celestial Dial back from Tell, Sio held it up against the giant clockface of the tower itself, trying to see how the runes matched. As she angled it so the hands were aligned, both the dial and clock tower itself came to life. Everyone spun around as the large hands rumbled, then creaked as they slowly moved downward, showering the group with dust. Sio watched in amazement as the miniature hands on the dial moved as well, until they were both aligned. After the large hands stopped moving, a single opening appeared at the bottom between the hands, just enough for a person to get through.
“So that’s the secret...the dial reveals what the Church hid all this time, with Lady Florence to guard it,” hushed Tell, as he studied the opening and the corresponding position on the dial. “The Deep Sea rune...”
“What is it?” The huntress glanced curiously at the archer, who was studying the symbol. “Does that rune mean something?”
“The Deep Sea: a secret symbol left by Caryll, runesmith of Byrgenwerth. This transcription of the Great Ones' inhuman voices depicts downreaching currents. "Deep Sea" grants augmented resistance; great volumes of water serve as a bulwark guarding sleep, and an augur of the eldritch Truth. Overcome this hindrance, and seek what is yours.”
Seek what is yours... Once more, Sio felt the stirring in her soul, an invisible string that tugged her along this strange and twisted path. Even though she didn’t quite know yet how it would end the night, it just felt right.
“Didn’t realise we’ve got ourselves quite the scholar,” Adam muttered just within earshot of Hunter, as they all climbed through the now-revealed opening. “I don’t know; he’s saved our hides numerous times for sure, but I don’t like how he knows all this. Even more than us; an’ we ain’t rookies like Sio.” The silver-haired man narrowed his eyes as he gazed upon Tell’s back. “He’s already admitted he’s looking for a truth, whatever that is...but there’s something else. Something he’s not telling us.”
“When has anyone ivver been forthcomin’ in this profession,” retorted Hunter. “An’ speakin’ o’ which, you an’ Ogura...” Adam nearly groaned in frustration but held it back just in time; the surgeon wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily, after all. “Dinnae think I’ll just forget so quick...what was up with all that?”
“I, I...” Adam looked around nervously, not wanting anyone else to overhear—especially not the huntress. “...Look, I didn’t mean to—”
“—You didnae mean to what, run yer mouth off when she clearly meant t’ keep that dream a secret?” Hunter finished for him sarcastically. “...Are you seriously doubting her feelings? Tha’s what this is all about, isnae it?”
It took all his years and experience as a veteran hunter to prevent himself from just slamming a fist into the nearest dilapidated building. Adam hadn’t even realized how wound up he was, until he noticed his breath was coming in ragged pants. “She...I just don’t know. I don’t bloody know what to think anymore...” Next to him, the surgeon said nothing—only let a out a long, deep sigh.
“...Well, I did warn ye. That bein’ said, you got yourself into this, so I can only pray you have enough decency left to take responsibility fer it.” The surgeon gave him a surprisingly sympathetic look. “Though, I have to admit I am a bit surprised yur havin’ second thoughts at this point. I mean, before all...this, ye were...well, I could tell ye were quite taken with her.” Hunter rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Why now?”
Adam didn’t want to admit it was mostly because of his own insecurities; that for the first time, he’d found someone he truly cared about and wanted to be with, for more than just an occasional night. “...Y’know, there was a time where I couldn’t give two shits what someone else thought about me, even after a roll around the hay. But with her, I...” Despite the entire situation, Adam felt himself blushing. Admitting to Hunter that yes, he was in love with Sio Ogura and felt hurt at the possibility of just being friends with benefits...was a touch embarrassing.
Luckily, the surgeon seemed to sense the mood. “Och, yer actually fallin’ in love, eh?” Adam blushed heavily, too flustered to do anything other than pull his balaclava higher to hide his face. “Alright, well let me ask this, then; what makes ye think the lass doesnae feel the same? ‘Cause from where I’m standin’, it seems pretty clear she’s besotted wit’ ye.”
“I...I’m not sure; maybe I’m just reading too much into all this. But, it’s just...” Adam’s grip tightened around his weapon, “...She’s so afraid of that possibility; of being impregnated by some eldritch being...what if, this whole time she was just...” Adam had to swallow first, before he could answer.
“What if she had me marked from the start?” 
He half-expected to get clocked in the head by Hunter’s blades, but no blow came. Instead, the surgeon seemed deep in thought, even as the group trudged through the abandoned fishing village. “I know that sounds wretched, but...I can’t help it. Back when...when we were alone in the hall, and you an’ Tell were scouting, she...seemed to come on so strong. Even though I tried to dissuade her—because she needed rest at the time, not some romp around the sheets—she was so...insistent. Like she was desperate...”
He thought Hunter had simply decided not to answer—and certainly, a surprise ambush from around the corner by a few diseased fishermen forced him to turn his attention outward. Tell and Sio took point, the archer using his Bowblade as a sword for once while the huntress flawlessly backed him up with both her Blunderbuss and Rifle Spear. Adam watched her closely during the fight, to see if she was still suffering from any lingering effects of the blood transfusion or any potential kin. But it seemed Hunter’s work was solid, as the girl fought just as hard as any of them. Afterwards, when they were wiping up the gore and checking for anything valuable, he studied her again. There didn’t seem to be any traces of the frenzy or blood poisoning, which mollified his feelings—but only slightly. At least she was safe, for now...
“Is something the matter?” Adam nearly jumped out of his skin as the archer somehow made his way to the veteran’s side, all without Adam noticing. “Apologies—but you and the surgeon have been rather subdued.” Tell gave another glance between the man and the girl, who was now silently cleaning up her own weapons. The archer looked on for a few more seconds, before he tipped his hat down slightly. “...I see. Are you still concerned for Miss Ogura’s condition? She was quite capable during that last fight, if that’s what you’re worried about. Or,” Adam nearly dropped his gun at Tell’s follow-up, “...is there something else regarding the girl?” 
At that point Adam almost wished he weren’t the leader and in charge, because he sorely wanted to just toss everything onto the ground and throw a tantrum. Was it really that obvious?! Then again given how quickly everyone else caught on before anything had even happened, Adam supposed he’d just have to accept that perhaps he wasn’t as good at concealing his feelings as he thought.
“...It’s that obvious, huh?”
The archer made some sort of muffled cough, which was as close to Tell laughing as Adam had heard so far. “Beg pardon, Muirhead. I did not mean to make light of the situation...” Adam merely grunted, “but silence can speak volumes, you know.” The archer’s voice held a bit of sympathy. “Perhaps this isn’t my place, but if you wish to speak about it, I’m willing to lend an ear.”
Tell acted as if this was all quite routine; that they were merely commenting on the weather instead of trekking through a dangerous, abandoned village full of mutated creatures and who-knows-what-else horrors caused by the Nightmare. Still, as Adam stared in disbelief at the offer, with Tell standing and looking a bit bemused, a part of him latched onto it.
“...Actually, I would. Take you up on your offer, that is,” Adam quickly looked around, as if afraid of being overheard, but Sio was now mercifully engaged in some small talk with Hunter, farther up. “I...appreciate it.”
“Certainly.” The archer nodded. “I assume this has to do with your relationship with her. Miss Sio Ogura.”
Adam heaved a deep sigh. “Yeh...heh, when is it not...” He rolled his eyes. “Sometimes I think I must’ve been insane to pursue such a relationship, especially in a place like this...”
“Hm. Perhaps, but we shouldn’t entirely disregard what the heart wants, for the sake of logic.” Adam looked on in surprise at Tell’s response. “After all, in a world that increasingly inhuman...I believe holding onto our humanity, those feelings that sometimes bring hardships, but also give us strength...are what truly separates us from the real beasts.”
“Yeh...I won’t disagree on that; but the real issue is, I’m not so sure she feels the same way...”
“Interesting. What makes you say so?” Again, the archer asked the same question that Hunter posed. Adam was beginning to think perhaps he really was overthinking all this. And yet, that doubt remained, no matter how many times he argued with himself. 
“I...It’s just...during that time, she seemed so desperate...like she was willing to do anything to avoid the fate from her dream...” Again, Adam relayed the huntress’ fears and her rather unusual behavior. “Don’t get me wrong; I don’t regret doing it at all...and, I know she wanted it as well...just, I’m not sure as to the why...”
The archer nodded, taking in Adam’s words with a careful ear. “I see; I can’t claim to know the girl as well as you and Hunter do, but I don’t think she would have done that purely for utilitarian reasons. Of course, that being said...all humans can be influenced, to some extent, by their emotions. If it was, as you said, driven partially out of fear from her nightmare...would that still change your feelings towards her? Would it make a difference if she wanted to be with you both because she loved you, but also because she wishes to avoid birthing a surrogate?”
Adam found himself unable to come up with an answer. His mouth gaped wordlessly, his heart wrenched in his chest as he tried to come up with an answer. Were her reasons really that important to him? Maybe he was the one who was being too emotional, in all this.
Before he could come to a conclusion however, shouts of excitement from the other two caused him to once again push those thoughts way, and raise his guard. Adam looked up just in time to see the huntress dodge a flaming skull spell, then fire back with her gun. His eyes swept across the horizon as he saw its caster, a fishwitch, hunched over and sitting right in front of an old well.
“Never a dull moment, ‘ey?” Hunter commented sarcastically as Adam threw a molotov, which gave them just enough seconds for the surgeon to lop the witch’s head off. “So much fer takin’ it easy here...”
“Adam! Hunter! Watch out!” There was barely a moment to even catch a breath before a terrifying roar deafened his eardrums. Hunter jumped and nearly lost his footing if it hadn’t been for Adam’s grasp. The two turned towards the sound of water splashing as one very large, very aggressive man-beast came charging towards them. It was enormous, easily towering more than ten feet tall yet ran with surprising speed, especially as it dropped to all fours. Its head was swollen and deformed until the eyes were barely visible—if at all—but the worst was its gaping maw filled with rows and rows of teeth, just like a shark’s. All the blood drained from Hunter’s face as he stood there, frozen in fear.
“Oh lord, what in the name of all that is good and holy—”
“Hunter! God damn it, man!” Growling, Adam pushed the other man out of the way and brought up the Stakedriver just in time, its blade now lodged between the shark giant’s jaws and Adam swore his bones vibrated from the impact. This beast was strong. Even with his strength he was barely holding it back; for a second Adam feared the blade would be crushed as the monster roared and shook its head, nearly tearing his arm out of its socket. The hot, fetid air that blew out of its mouth each time it screamed was enough to make him more than a little nauseated, and that wasn’t even counting its truly grotesque appearance: aside from the grossly oversized head and maw, the entire body was sprouting what appeared to be barnacles or coral along its tough, leathery skin. Again it screamed in fury and tried to knock him down with its webbed hands, but this time Adam turned the Stakedriver so it went directly down its open throat, and fired the charged stake. A different sort of scream this time, as the beast howled and staggered backwards while slimy, green blood splashed across his face. The blood smelled even worse than its breath, and Adam barely avoided heaving as he backed away as quickly as possible, to put distance between him and the giant.
“Adam! Behind!” Tell’s voice shouted through the air and he immediately ducked on instinct, just as a barrage of arrows flew over his head and straight down the shark giant’s throat, before it could recover from the charge attack. The final arrow was followed by a well-aimed molotov, which felled the beast at last as the bottle exploded in an impressive cloud of flames.
“Adam! Adam, are you alright?” The soft touch of her fingers against his face was a surprise, but not unwelcome. For a second she seemed like her old self, those maroons wide and and anxious as she checked him over for injuries and wiped up that disgusting blood. “Hunter’s alright too, I mean he’s pretty shaken but he’s not hurt at least—” Her voice stilled as Adam reached over, as if on automatic, and placed her palm against his cheek. Her hand was warm. Her fingers, smooth and slender, were a welcome sensation against the chapped skin of his face. Sio seemed lost in a trance herself, those fingers now tracing the hard lines of his jaw, then slowly underneath his chin as she drew them closer; until he could see the fine lashes along her eyes, and smell the comforting scent of her hair.
“...You’re not hurt, are you?” He asked quietly. She blinked and the spell was broken, the girl now shaking her head shyly as Adam let her hand go. 
“No, we were at a distance, but you and Hunter were at the front...” Her breath hitched as if she wanted to say something more, but Adam let her go before that happened. Both of them strode over to the surgeon, who downing a large gulp of something from a flask he’d produced from his vest.
“Hunter, what the hell happened there?” As much as he didn’t like admonishing his partner, and even though he knew the surgeon constantly bemoaned about his lack of skills, it wasn’t like him to freeze up like that--not anymore. “I know you don’t do ‘front-line’ combat, but you’re no rookie, either...”
“Wha’ happen’d? Ye saw fer yurself mate! That, that...thing! T’was nae like anythin’ else we’ve seen ‘round here; dinnae you start wit’ me on what I should an’ shoudnae ken...what, you tellin’ me you’d be able to handle that monster all on yer own, bein’ ambushed like that?!” Hunter replied testily, and Adam felt a tad guilty. “This whole place gives me th’ creeps... ‘s long as we get outta here in one piece, tha’s more than I can ask fer at this point...”
“A’ight fine, fine...I get it.” Sighing, Adam could only pray the rest of their time here would be up soon. Between his emotions, the deranged beasts, and the constant stress of the unknown, he’d be lucky if none of them ended up with a nervous breakdown. “You stay back with Sio then, and me an’ Tell can take point.” Picking up the Stakedriver, he was about to head off when he realized the huntress was nowhere to be seen.
Oh bollocks. Despite the exhaustion a rush of adrenaline started flooding his system again, as Adam desperately scanned the landscape. Did she just happen to go further ahead? Or was she getting herself into another kind of trouble? Not for the first time, Adam found himself vacillating between being worried and being exasperated with the girl. 
‘Sio, I swear to god if you’re running off on your own again...’
Thankfully, it seemed ‘running off’ only meant looking down the well. As the trio of men caught up with her, the huntress was peering intently down its depth, as if looking for something.
“Aye, sumthin’ down there tha’s got yur fancy, lass? Ye didnae drop anythin’, did ye?” Hunter asked as they attempted to see what she was looking at.
“Ah, no...I didn’t drop anything. Rather, there’s something down there that I think will help us...” Sio’s voice trailed off, uncertain if she should tell them her plans. On one hand, if that really was what she thought down there, it would greatly increase their strength. On the other, if they knew what she also saw down there guarding said thing... She could hear Adam’s voice in her head right now, berating her about taking unnecessary risks and reprimanding her for forgetting their goal of ending the night.
Next to her, Tell was once again sighting down the well with his monocle. “...I see. Well Miss Ogura, it certainly would be a boon, should you obtain it. However, you must doubtless overcome a difficult obstacle first...” He gave the girl a pointed glance, to which she turned away in guilt.
Adam was getting irritated by the two’s cryptic speech. “Alright, just what the hell is so bloody ‘useful’ that’s got you staring down a well?” Without even waiting for a response he edged his way between the two, peering into the dank, dark depths. “What th’ hell...” 
Something gleamed faintly in the murky atmosphere, a hilt of sorts and a shaft... Adam couldn’t make out the details, but given what Sio and Tell had said, and what he knew about the girl’s penchant for exquisite weaponry...
“...Let me guess, there’s somethin’ unique down there that you’re keen on acquiring, yeh?” A wordless nod, the girl looking almost sheepish if it weren’t for their current surroundings. “And given everything else in this place, it ain’t gonna be easy to get to...”
Alright, just take a deep breath and remain calm. There were times when Adam was reminded that the girl was really still a novice huntress, despite her skills. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he took a deep breath, which calmed his nerves. Somewhat. “Is this weapon really that valuable? You’re already quite skilled with the Rifle Spear; is it worth changing it out and then spending resources to upgrade another weapon?”
“W, Well, that may be true, but it’s not like my Rifle Spear works for all situations,” Sio argued back, “and besides, I know what I see down there—it’s another Rakuyo! Just like Lady Florence’s weapon...except I hope this one doesn’t require blood.”
Rakuyo, the famed Trick Weapon forged from her homeland, the Land of Reeds. Sio knew early on that her dexterity was her greatest strength—and while the Rifle Spear was competent, and its trick mode suited her love of firearms well, if they really wanted to make it out of here alive they’d need all the advantage they could get.
“Look, I know it sounds like a bad idea—and yeah, it probably is,” she muttered under her breath, “but if we’re going to end this nightmare, then I’m going to need all the strength I can get. Rakuyo is one of the best weapons for bringing out a dexterity fighter’s strength; I promise, if we can get it, I’ll be of much more use on the front lines.”
The way she said that sent a stab of fear in his heart—’on the front lines’. Though true, that was something he’d been trying very hard to avoid. “That’s—” he glanced at her with a retort at the ready, but the second he saw her fierce gaze Adam knew it was pointless. Hadn’t she argued with him countless times, how she didn’t want to be treated like a mere newbie? That she could hold her own and then some—hadn’t he seen and admitted that first hand many a times now? Both Hunter and Tell were looking at him with puzzled glances, as if asking why he was still holding back at this point. Faced with the other three, Adam only let out a single, long sigh, and gave his head a slight nod. “...Fine. Then we might as well do it now, rather than later; we don’t have time to waste.” He pushed past the trio and started to climb into the well, but was pulled back by a quick yank of his coat. 
“What now!” 
“Adam, you can’t just jump down there!” This time it was the huntress who admonished him, her face looking surprisingly stern for someone who’d been apologizing just minutes earlier. “Didn’t you see what’s guarding it?” 
Sio raised an eyebrow, and now Adam felt himself blushing with embarrassment. Here he was lecturing the girl about throwing herself into danger, and now he was about to do the same. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... 
“That shark giant you two fought off earlier; there’s one at the bottom, no doubt because they know Rakuyo is a valuable weapon,” spoke Tell, who had been sizing up the situation down the well. “Though, it looks a bit different than the one we killed. I’d be extremely cautious if I were you; we can’t assume this one will behave the same as the other.”
Next to him, the surgeon turned pallid once more “Lass, ye cannae be serious? Takin’ another one of those beasts on down there in that cramped space...it may well end up becomin’ our grave.” Hunter shuddered at the thought. “I mean, if ye really want ta, I s’ppose there’s nae choice...”
“That won’t be necessary Hunter,” Adam cut him off. “We won’t be able to all  maneuver well in a tight space like this, so Sio and I will go down. You an’ Tell stay back and provide support from above—and make sure nobody else decides to drop in on us.”
“But Adam—”
“—No ‘buts’, squirt. You want that weapon, then I’m going with. There’s no way we’re gonna let you take that monster on by yourself.” Adam’s tone left no room for discussion, and though Sio was grateful for his support despite the tension between them, a part of her was still worried about how well they’d be able to fight down there.
‘There won’t be a lot of room to move, so honestly, Hunter’s Blades of Mercy would be better than the Stakedriver...’ But she also knew the surgeon might very well keel over in a dead faint if she forced him to accompany her, and so maybe it was better to have Adam’s stubbornness instead.
Just before the two of them were about to climb in, he felt a faint tug at his sleeve. He turned his head to the side and once more was struck at how young she seemed to be. “Adam...thank you.” Before the other two could see, he gently reached over and closed her smaller hand in his, giving a gentle squeeze.
“You can thank me after we get yer Rakuyo. I just hope you know what you’re gettin’ yourself into, Sio.” Adam replied gruffly, but rubbed her fingers one last time to let her know that in the end, he would always stand by her. “Now come on; let’s get in and get out.”
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
Can you write one where the Rogers is assigning a new recruit to each avenger for training? Loki gets the new girl and he’s irritated thinking she’s just some normal human that hasn’t a clue how to fight properly because of her petite size. When it comes time for them to spar, she gives him hell. She fights with swords and is very skilled in the art. He says something to piss her off and she ends up blasting him away with powers she never told anyone about. Loki realizes what she is since he knows the magic she used. She’s part light elf but being half human she was abandoned and left to die just like Loki was. They end up bonding and work together on the team.
A/N: I hope you like it! I didn't focus a whole ton of them working together, but I feel like you get the point. It's a bit longer than my other one shots.
The Moon And Her Darkness
Summary: Y/N, the newest avenger, starts her first day of training. An unimpressed Loki’s doubts are proved to be wrong when she reveals herself to be stronger than he knew.
Word count: 2744
Warnings: angst, dick Loki
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Your blood pumps fast through your body as you stare at the raven haired god. Ever since you joined the team, he’s been giving you dirty looks and eye rolls. You tried to not pay attention to it since you know of his past (and have been warned by Tony), but as the newest Avenger trying to prove herself, you find yourself longing for his approval.
It has been a week since Nicky Fury showed up at your home, extracting you from it, and throwing you into the lion's den you called the Avengers. You never signed up for it, but given that you were on the government’s radar for a long time, you’re not surprised. A couple mishaps here and there made them take you on their own terms. They’ve decided that having super powers is not something to be normalized and that you couldn’t live like a normal civilian.
Although you want to be home, the Avengers have already shown to be a great family. Nat and Wanda have already taken you shopping while Steve gave you a tour of the tower. As far as the others, they have been out of sight. Bucky avoids everyone, Sam with him because they’re glued to the hip, and Tony is somewhere else working on new technology with Bruce. Clint? Thor? Who even knows. You’ve been thankful for the attention they have given you.
Except for Loki.
You remember the attack in New York and you won’t lie when saying that approaching the god is intimidating. He stands with great pride and power, it’s hard not to feel small, but when he stares at you the way he does, it’s harder. He doesn’t stop looking at you as if you were a rat he found in a sandwich. Disposable. Replaceable. Disgusting. You don’t expect much from the God being that he’s only staying here out of punishment for the attacks, but you had hoped for a little something more. Even a prank or two.
When Steve told you that you were going to start training, you expected hand to hand combat like the rest, not whatever involves Loki being in the gym at the same time as the two of you. He hasn’t said a word, but just stared at you as Steve goes over some basic disabling techniques and defense. Most of it is already burned in your brain from your childhood, being a warrior and all, but you still manage to learn some new things.
But learning as to why Loki is there, that still remains unclear. Everytime you throw a punch or try to block one of Steve’s, Loki scoffs at you and rolls his eyes. He looks completely relaxed on a bench in the room, yet he could not be looking at you with a more tense gaze. He looks worried, as if you’re going to get beaten to a pulp.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” You yell at him.
Panting, you block Steve’s last hit and turn to the younger Odinson.
“Oh, don’t sorry me. Cut the crap, Loki. What’s up?”
“I believe the sky is.”
You grab a knife off the wall and aim it in his direction, startling him slightly but not even shocking Steve.
“You stare at me with daggers in your eyes and judge my every move. You have yet to even talk to me since I joined the team. What do you have against me, you ass?”
“Shut it, Steve!” You yell, quickly aiming the dagger at him before returning to Loki, “You. Talk.”
“It’s just pathetic, that’s all.”
“Pathetic? You’re calling me pathetic?”
You start to charge at Loki, but Steve quickly wraps his arm around your waist, holding you back from gutting the god.
“Y/N, I wanted you to spar with him after me,” he cuts in.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because he's a skilled fighter who matches your level.”
“Oh, so I spar with the tricker who decides I’m too pathetic to fight. He’s going to teleport or some shit and stab me like he does with Thor.” Loki’s eyebrows raise at the mention of Thor getting stabbed. “Yes, I’ve heard the stories. I’m not that naive, Steve.”
“I won’t leave you alone with him. I’ll be here to watch and guide.”
“What do you know about fighting with me? I have magic beyond belief” Loki asks the both of you.
“I know more than you think,” I spit, turning back to Steve, “Can we do something else?”
“Well, you coud-”
“I am not sparing with Loki.”
“Okay, then how about weapons? Whatever one you want to start with?”
Loki scoffs again at the mention of you fighting any other way than hand to hand combat. He’s lucky you’re on the same team as him or else you would have decapitated him by now just because of annoyance. How can a man so attractive be so obnoxious?
You walk over to the wall of weapons were Steve and quietly discuss which ones you’ll practice with. He recommends knives so you can spar with Natasha when he’s gone, but the swords are more up your alley. They remind you of your childhood, the weapon of your people. Some days, you miss them, but you know they are fighting their own battle that is too dangerous for you.
Picking up the swords, Steve warns you he is not good which makes Loki laugh again. He has the right to this time because how do you practice with a man who doesn’t know what he’s doing. You can’t last ten minutes with Cap before you’re tired of his flailing. He’s really not good.
“Loki, you wouldn’t happen to know how to use swords would you?”
“I have some experience. Asgard knights and Valkyrie used them, we were forced to learn.”
He stands and takes Steve’s sword from him. Turning to you, he smirks, taking you in. Your frame looks so small compared to his, nothing but a mortal. He’s never admit it, but he finds you slightly adorable, in a helpless baby sort of way. You take proper stance and stare at Loki dead in the eye, determined to prove him wrong.
The two of you run at each other, swinging at any unblocked area you can, yet never hitting. He blocks your swing, pushing you back but not down. Looking up at him, you scream and run, thrusting your sword towards his neck and legs. He blocks you again, but not without stumbling. Before he’s able to get up, you land a blow right to his chest, knocking the air out of him. He hooks his foot around your leg and flips the two of you over so he hovers above you, sword to throat.
“I’ll admit it, you are good, but not great,” he laughs.
He stands up and walks off, setting the swords back on their holder on the wall. You gradually stand up, fury in your bones for the way he speaks to you.
“You… are irritable!” You yell.
Right before Loki gets to the door, he turns to face you. Steve rushes to your side.
“Y/N, stop. He’s not worth it.”
“Oh, he’s not worth it, alright,” you mutter to Steve, “He’s not worth the pride. The praise. Whatever the ‘glorious purpose’ he thinks he has. He’s just an insecure little boy who needs to prove himself over others, make them feel small so he feels superior. Just a bully.”
“I’d watch your tongue,” Loki warns.
“Or else what? You’ll challenge me to a words competition? See who has the best insults or can sound like the biggest douche because I think we all know who would win! Another check mark for your book of things you’re better at than ‘midgardians’ or ‘mortals’ or whatever degrading nickname you think of next.”
Loki’s chest heaves in anger. You’ve never seen someone so angry or heard anyone yelling at you with concern like Steve. Nothing he says registers in your head as Loki’s daring looks fill your mind. You’d almost be scared if you didn’t know he’s full of empty threats. Just a scared little god boy.
“You imbecile, think you can scare me?”
“Actually, I think anything can.”
“I can take words from someone who does not know me, but to be called a coward is not something I take lightly.”
“So what are you going to do about it? Huh?”
“Nothing, I don’t waste my time on people like you.”
“Oh, people like me? Because the great Frost Giant Asgardian is sooo superior.”
“Don’t you ever say that.”
Loki rushes to your side, grabbing you by the throat and lifting you up against the wall.
“Loki, stop it!” Steve yells.
“This is not about you, Rodgers. I suggest you leave before getting in the crossfire.”
“I can’t do that. The safety of this team-”
“Is your priority. I know you are honorable, but I highly suggest you leave.”
Steve hesitates at the sound of you gasping for air. You cling onto Loki’s hand, tightly wound around your throat. His veins pop out of his hand like a dehydrated man. Steve looks back at you, eyes now closed to focus on your breathing.
“Put her down first,” Steve orders.
“Fine, always have to be the hero.”
Loki sets you down and your body goes numb. Everything hurts, your throat swelling. You gasp for all the air you can, feeling it go down your throat and enter your lungs. It’s fresh, comforting, healing. Leaning your head back against the wall, you barely open your eyes to see Steve by your side.
“Are you okay?”
Not energized enough to speak yet, you nod your head and place your hand on his shoulder. Steve looks over at you with worry before turning back to Loki.
“Leave, now.”
Loki turns to walk away, but doesn’t. He stands there to listen to you and Steve. At this point, neither of you care. You’re too focused on not dying.
“Can you breathe?” Steve asks.
You nod your head.
“I can get you help. We have a hospital room.”
“No,” you choke, “I’m fine. I just need a moment.”
Steve nods, but doesn’t listen. He gets up and leaves the room, rushing down the hallways to get a nurse, leaving you alone with Loki.
“Why haven’t you left?”
“No reason.”
“Please, just go. I’m tired of fighting. You’ve done enough.”
Loki turns to look at you. You look weak, but actually weak this time. The purple tint to your skin is fading as your lungs self regenerate as you keep breathing. Gripping onto the wall behind you, you stand up. Your knees are weak, making you wobble as you do. You’re not lying. You’re tired of Loki. You’ve barely spoken to the man and he’s made two attempts on your life in ten minutes. Sure, you teased him, but doesn’t he deserve it for being an ass.
“Weak.” He mutters.
That was the last straw. You look up at him. He stares at you as if the devil himself has entered you and your eyes glow bright red, but you know what is wrong. Holding out your hand towards Loki. A glow erupts from behind you, bright yet dark. It’s dark blue like the night sky and Loki watches it in awe. In seconds, Loki’s body is flung through the training room doors, blasting him into the wall of the hallways. He feels his rib breaking, his head hitting the wall. He yells out in pain as you slowly approach him, the anger seeping through.
“Never call me weak.”
Loki flips his head up to look at you, shock running through his body. At the sound of his body collapsing, the other Avengers come running forward. They look upon the sight of you towering over the trickster god with a look they’ve never seen before. Ethereal. Godly. You look as if you’re a queen staring at her peasant handmaid. Anger. Controlling. Power.
“What the-” Bucky mutters.
“You,” Loki gasps.
He struggles to stand as the team tries to help but he refuses. You two locked eyes but nothing was said. “You’re an elf.”
Everyone looks back at you with confused faces, but you don’t say anything. Your body goes hot at the mention of the word ‘elf’. The fire inside you fades out as anxiety places it, waiting for Loki to continue.
“I knew if someone was here to figure it out it’d be you,” you whisper.
“Light elf yes?”
“Yes, moon elf to be exact.”
“How are you here? Aren’t the-”
“Yes, they’re away. I was left to die. Our town got ransacked, everyone fled. No one stopped for me.”
“Then how are you here?”
“The Air elves. They got word of what happened and came. Found me. Took me back, but-”
“You weren’t suited. They found out.”
There’s a moment of silence between you and the god. His eyes shine with sadness, tears coming to the corners. He looks at you with great pity as the wall inside you breaks.
“Can someone explain what’s happening?” Steve asks.
“Can you tell?” You ask Loki.
He nods, “Yes. Y/N is a moon elf, a tribe of light elves. They’re as high up as Asgard in the nine realms, powerful warriors. They’ve been at the center of every creature out there. People have been after them for their weapons, gems, and wealth. A landmark for every thief and warrior in the universe.”
“My town was destroyed when I was a little girl. Nobody wanted me because I was a child. I was a burden to them.”
“She was left for dead to be found by the Air Elves. Another tribe. Not as powerful. But they didn’t want her and there’s only one reason why they wouldn’t want a moon elf. She’s a half-breed.”
“Moon elves are the only ones who tolerate them. Half human, half elf. Considering many of them come from moon elves, they’re not despised, but Air Elves.”
“They dropped you off on Midgard to be picked up by someone else. I assume you hid your powers?” “I had to. I acted out once when I was little and my parents freaked out. They sent me away. I lived in a orphanage before some group took me, trained me, helped me hone in my powers. They saved me.”
“Until you got to old and left.”
“Didn’t know where to go. I became a waitress at some back alley bar, lived above it in an apartment with my manager. Lived paycheck to paycheck.”
“Nicky Fury came to me. I was on SHIELD’s radar and they wanted me on the Avengers.”
The room goes silent. Throughout your talking you missed the way Loki got considerably closer to you. You practically stand right under his nose. Loki raises his hands and places them on your shoulders, getting your attention. You two look each other in the eye for a long moment.
“I am… so sorry.”
You feel the tears forming in your eyes as Loki pulls you into his chest, holding you by your waist. The team watches in awe as the closed off god embraces you. Slowly, everyone leaves you two in the hallway. An hour goes by as you cry in Loki’s eyes.
Eventually, Loki picks you up bridal style and brings you to your bedroom. He helps you get dressed for the night and settled in bed before you grab his hand, making him turn back to face you. His eyes are no longer riddled with anger or hatred, but kindness and pity. He looks at you like you’re a little lamb to be protected.
“Yes, darling?”
“Stay with me?”
He nods before undressing and getting in bed with you. He pulls you close, your head leaning on his chest, and places an arm around your waist.
Every night goes on like this. No matter what happened in the day, even if you two got into an argument, Loki always found his way back by your side in your bed. You would have never expect it from how he treated you at first, but after the last few months since you met him, you find yourself growing closer to the god.
Loki slips into your bed for what feels like the 1482nd time. Resting your head on his chest, Loki pulls you close to his body.
“Goodnight, darling.”
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swordofpevensie · 4 years
Here are some random thoughts of mine about Pevensies and Golden Age (Part III):
• Queen Lucy peels fruits with her dagger.
• Most of the Queen Susan's dresses have low backs because she doesn't like it when her dresses stop her movements.
• High King Peter breaks so many things in Cair Paravel because he thinks he can fix things without getting help and sometimes it ends up with accidents. One time while he was trying to fix the chandelier, it fell down from the ceiling and there were glasses everywhere in the ballroom. Queen Susan was really mad.
• Queen Lucy and King Edmund are excellent farmers and they grow delicious fruits and vegetables. They have huge garden that only belongs to them and they spend time together there for hours.
• They still visit Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and have dinner with hem. It is now very hard for them to fit in but they still eat with the beavers. They talk for hours, share memories, have fun and laugh. Kings and Queens feel free and childish when they are with the beavers.
• Narnians living in Cair Paravel sometimes see men leaving King Edmund's room.
• And female fairies leaving Queen Susan's room.
• High King Peter trains baby centaurs sometimes. Because he gets on with babies/children very well, baby centaurs love him. He teaches them how to use a sword. When they duel, he tests their limits but always loses on purpose.
• King Edmund is loved by forest fairies. The fairies think King is respectful and so lovely. They offer him their special food, they give him flowers, they teach him their magic. King loves them too. He always listens to them, solves their problems, and protects them.
• No one can dance in the way Queen Lucy does. When she dances, the ground that her bare feet touch glows. It is hard to see what she is doing because sometimes she can dance so fast. But it is impossible not to look at her when she dances. From time to time, her hair colour changes while she is dancing.
• Queen Susan adores baby animals and she spends time with them. When a baby is born, she visits the family and brings so many gifts for the baby.
• Speaking of the gifts, Queen Susan is actually very generous to everyone and is an excellent gift giver. She always find what you exactly need or wish to have.
• All of the water fairies watch when High King Peter swims. Well, the reason is not hard to tell.
• Queen Lucy throws tea parties for satrys. Sometimes her siblings join them too. She herself prepares the food for the parties.
• Kings and Queens eat too much. Their bodies change and grow, therefore they are always hungry. Narnians are surprised while watching them eat. They eat so fast and too much. Their favorite foods are pie and anything that involves potato.
• Queen Susan has natural solutions to every kind of physical problem. You have an acne? Here, take this cream that she's just made. Your skin is dry or oily? Here, she has another cream for that too. There is a wound on your arm that is itchy? Don't worry, Queen is here.
• They exhange their crowns. Queen Lucy mostly takes High King's crown. King Edmund wears Queen Susan's. Queen Susan wears her sister's and High King takes King Edmund's. They like it when people are confused when they see the youngest wearing the biggest crown.
hope you like it! please tell me what you think. ♡
requests are open.
love, andrea. ♡
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Saw your requests were open, hope its okay if I make a small one. Princess!Reader x Knight!Levi where Levi has to go on mission away from the princess and the day he is supposed to come back somebody attempts to kill her.
C/n: love it! I live for Knight Levi. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Lessons. (Levi x Reader)
“Checkmate! I win!”
“Princess, this is checkers.”
Y/n laughed as Levi rolled his eyes at her. “Oh whatever. I really want to learn chess.” She says. “I can ask one of the royal advisors to teach you.”
“Don’t you know how to play?”
“Yes. But who is going to protect while you learn?”
Y/n smiles at her knight as he looked around the room. “Do you really have to go? Why don’t you just stay here? With me?” She trails off at the end and Levi looks back her. A small smile forms on his lips and he shakes his head. “They need me, princess. I need to protect this kingdom and you.” He says and Y/n sighs. “Well, when you put it like that...” she places her chin on her palm as she looks down at the checkers board. Levi stares at her and sighs. “I’ll be back in a week. Have some time by yourself. Away from me.” It hurt him just saying that. “No. I like spending time with you so it isn’t a nuisance.”
She looks up at him and smiles. “Who’s going to be here while you’re gone?” She asks, getting a hit serious. “Another guard. Floch Forster. You know him? Brown hair?” He says and she nods. Y/n gets up and starts to walk to him. His armor on and ready as she touches the handle of his sword. “Be careful, okay?” She whispers as she keeps her head down. Levi nods. “I will.”
The next day, Levi left his princess’s side for the first time in a while to go with the army to the neighboring kingdom. Y/n watched him leave from her balcony and sighed. She missed him already. She had grown attached to the grumpy knight who protected her since they were teenagers.
“Princess.” A voice calls her and she turns to see a man standing by her door. “I’m Floch Forster. Your new knight.” He says and she nods. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”
“We have met before. I’m not sure if you remember. But it was at a ball a few weeks back.” Floch says and Y/n nods her head. “Yes I remember.” Floch smiles. “Good.” The ball he was talking about, Y/n couldn’t forget. It was the night Levi and her almost kissed. Y/n had a little too much of champagne and Levi fell victim to her drunk antics. But she really wished he would’ve allowed her to kiss him.
The following days were a bore since Y/n normally spent talking Levi’s ear off about the book she read or talking about the people who visited her father and how they were the fakest people she had ever seen. Now, she just sat quietly in the garden and read her book. “Is something the matter, princess?” Floch asks and she faces him. “Yes. Why?”
“You’ve just been quiet lately. From what I heard, you aren’t like that with Knight Levi.” He says and Y/n smiles. “Well it’s just hard adjusting with him not being here. But it’s just a few more days. Then you are relieved from babysitting me.” She gives him a smile and he chuckles. “But I quite like attending to you, princess.” Floch smirks and Y/n smiles a bit uncomfortably. He means well but Levi is hers. She wouldn’t want anybody else but him to be this close to her.
Levi stood next to Erwin as he furrows his eyebrows. Erwin picks up on his mood. “Everything alright?” He asks and Levi looks up. “I don’t know. I’m getting a..weird feeling.” “It’s probably just the jitters.” Levi nods in agreement but that feeling stayed with him ever since he left Y/n back home.
Today was it. Levi was coming home. After a dreadful week, all she wanted to do was to see him. She never wants to be apart from him again. Floch was good but something about him just made her feel uncomfortable. The way he stared at her, asked her way too many questions, flirted. It was things she definitely wasn’t used to.
Was came back saying that Levi and the rest have been delayed on the road and will be back in the night. Since Y/n had something to attend to the next day, she decided to wait to see him tomorrow, insisted by her mother.
Changing into her nightgown, Y/n slips under the sheets with a smile on her face. Tomorrow, the first thing that she’ll see will be Levi’s face.
A dark shadow lurks the hallways as it makes its way to the princess’s chamber. The light of lightning and sounds of thunder echoed through the palace. A covered face of black and dagger in its hand, it opens the door. The princess lays in her bed, open and vulnerable as the assassin makes it way to her. ‘One stab. Straight through the heart.’ The orders ring in its head as it stood next to her. A shame. The moonlight made her look gorgeous but this was needed.
As the assassin moved to stab her, Y/n turned around into a more comfortable position, completely avoiding the blade. The sound of material tearing woke her up. “What the..” she turned and the assassin covered her mouth. Her screams muffled as the assassin got its blade.
‘In times when someone has you pinned down and your arms are useless, use your legs. With all your might, push.’
Y/n kicked the person and pushed them off of her as she yelled. “Help! Somebody help!” In a flash, her knight in shining armor appeared at the door. Hair wet and armor soaked. “Levi! Please!” She reached for him and he grabbed her and pushed away. “Run Y/n! Go to your parents!” He yells and Levi fights the assassin with his drawn sword. But Y/n didn’t leave. She stood and watched as Levi fought. The assassin was quick but Levi was faster. Levi and the assassin were in a sword lock and Y/n took the opportunity to take her foot rest and throw it at the man, avoiding Levi.
The person felt o the ground unconscious and dropped the dagger and Levi looked at her. “I thought I told you to run away.” He says, out of breath but relieved. “You know I’m not good at following orders.” She smiles and Levi shakes his, chuckling.
The king and queen along with servants entered her room and Levi held the assassin’s hands behind his back. “Let’s see who this is.” Levi takes out the mask to reveal..
“Floch?” Y/n says and everyone gasps. “Take him to the dungeon. And notify me when he wakes up.” Levi orders and the men take him away. The king and queen search Y/n for any injuries as she assures them that she’s fine and they Levi saved her.
Finally left alone, Y/n smiles at her savior. “Not the way I hoped in welcoming you back.” She chuckles and he walks to her. He stands in front of her as he cups her cheek. “I’m just glad that you’re okay.” He whispers and she looks at his lips. “Can I..give my savior a reward?” She asks and he nods, knowing what she was going to do.
A soft kiss is laid on his lips as her arms wrap around his neck. Levi hums against her and pulls away. “I’m never leaving you again, Y/n.” She smiles as he nuzzled her neck. “I second that.”
“But hey,” she pulls away, “I kicked Floch like how you taught me!” She smiles and Levi ruffles her hair. “You got good aim too, brat. If I didn’t know better I thought you were going to knock me out too.” A pinch on his cheek results in Levi hugging her.
Lessons like that always stuck.
“Marry me pwease.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
The Blacksmith: Chpt. 3
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[Gif Found on Pinterest]
Pairing: Dimitrescus x (Fem!)Reader/Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You are a human, a human who is in charge of the armory; polishing, blacksmithing you name it. You are strongly valued by the Dimitrescu family, specifically one that has strawberry-blonde hair. She’d always come visit you whenever you’d be working on a new piece of armor or weapon.
Warnings: Fight; ends slightly bloody, Fluff at the end
A/N: So, I’m obsessed with armor n such and hearing that there’s an armory when you fight Cassandra.... So, we are making a story about a Blacksmith falling for one of the Dimitrescu daughters!
As Daniela kisses you, she shoves you into the armory room.
“Daniela- what are you doing?!” You ask, standing up
Before you could reach her, she shuts the door and locks it from the outside. You bang on the door, calling for Daniela to explain what the hell she had just did.
“Dani!” You scream, “Please don’t do this! Let me out!”
You could hear gunshots ring throughout the castle as you sit on the floor with your knees up to your chin.
“I’ll make sure she won’t be touched mother,” Daniela states
Daniela’s words echoed through your mind. Why couldn’t you do the same for her? You’ve worked with fire and metal all your life, you’ve been taught the basics of sword fighting... So why couldn’t you be up there with Daniela and the rest of the family? Your mind suddenly goes to the kiss you and Daniela shared before she shoved you back into the armory. It felt real, genuine, soft. Despite your chapped lips Daniela still made the decision to kiss you. You didn’t think the youngest daughter; who was the most delusional of the three sisters, fell for a human like you.
Whomever wields this blade shall be worthy...
That thought echoes in your mind as well, changing your course of thoughts. You look to the closet where you had shoved the actual sword meant for you your legs spring upward and run towards it. When you opened the door, there it was, along with a whole outfit and some armor you had made in your free time. Your hand reaches for the armor and then to the sword.
“Please,” You beg to the blade, “ I beg of you.... Please lend me your power. Someone I love is in trouble and I need to protect them. And I don’t know if I can’t do it without your help. So please! Grant me your power!!”
The same brightness from the morning had shone in front of you. An unfamiliar face appears before you.
“You have unlocked the power of your ancestors my child,” He says, “May the power be used for good.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, when you opened them; a bright and brilliant flame reflects off of them.
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Alcina and Heisenberg stagger backward as the enemy trespassers began advancing toward them. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela were the last line of defense as they could not physically be outside. However, when they noticed their mother and Heisenberg unconscious they began to worry as they watched the enemies come into the castle.
“You three are quite ravishing,” one of the male enemies says, “We’ll deal with her first then work our way over to you
He first motions to Daniela, then to Cassandra and finally over to Bela. 
“Like hell I would let you lay as much as a finger on my sisters,” Bela snarls, standing in front of the both of them
“Blondie’s got a mouth,” he says, mockingly, “A shame. We prefer ours to bend to our every will.”
With a wave of his hand, Bela’s eyes change from a golden color to a deep blue color. She turns to her sisters.
“Bela?” Cassandra calls out to her older sister
One of the other enemies looked at Daniela. He begins walking toward her. Cassandra began being backed into a corner by Bela who was mind controlled.
“The little red head is cute, I claim her,” He chuckles lowly
Reaching under her dress, she takes out the dagger you had made for her. In an effort to get him away she raises the blade and it grazes his cheek.
“Little red head has spirit,” He chuckles once more, “I like it..”
“Don’t you dare... Lay your filthy man-hands on my daughters!!” Alcina screams
However, they already have. However, before one of the enemies could even get a touch of them, an arrow enters his forehead. Everyone in the room had looked into the direction of the arrow but before anyone could process hat happened, another arrow flies into Daniela’s direction and it enters the guy’s hand.
“OW! We have another one?!” He asks
As quick as the first arrow had come, another had shot out, at the enemy who was mind-controlling Bela
“Bela!” Daniela and Cassandra catch their eldest sister in their embrace
The three sisters along with the two lords turn to where the arrows were coming from and noticed a crossbow sticking out from the top of the second floor. A third arrow shoots past the daughters and hits the enemy that was passing Lady Dimitrescu and Heisenberg. You stand up to reveal yourself donning your own personal armor and outfit. 
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You sling the bow against your back and leap off of the second floor balcony and land on the main floor.
“It’s rude to interrupt a family meeting,” You say
“Y/n?” Daniela blushes
You only smile at her before the enemy trespassers walk past them, facing you. You reach down and began drawing the longsword you have created. Heisenberg regains his consciousness. 
“My apologies my liege,” You call out to Heisenberg, “But, I’m using this.”
The trespassers begin charging at you.
“Y/n!” Daniela yells
Daniela wanted to come to your rescue however she was immediately held back by Alcina.
“No, let me go! Mother please! Y/n!!” She screams
In a quick move, you raise the blade and make one single slash before letting the blade slowly fall at your side. The trespasser that had charged at you split apart in mere seconds, disintegrating as soon as he hit the floor.
“Rot in hell,” You growl at him
You lift your armored arm and the trespassers’ nails chipped severely. He staggers back in pain, clutching at his wrist. As he was distracted with his fingers, you swing your blade and decapitate him. 
“Who-Who is this... kid?...” He asks before ‘evaporating’ away
Before you advance on the last of the enemies, you swing your arm around Daniela’s waist and pull her close; kissing her in the process. Even though the was still holding the dagger you had forged, you weren’t phased by the blade itself.
“Are... Are you my knight in shining armor?” She asks, blushing a deep red
“I could be princess,” You tease
Before you could look over, an enemy gives you a cold, hard punch to your cheek. He attempts to sink his claws into your exposed flesh. He knocks the blade out of arms reach; you were almost defenseless. However, he lets out a scream before his own blood clogs his own windpipe. Daniela uses her dagger and throws him off to the side, off of you. She helps you up and immediately follows her sisters to Alcina and Heisenberg.
“My Lady, My Liege,” You call out to them, rushing to their side
“You-you saved us,” Heisenberg states
You immediately unbuckle the longsword from you and attempt to present it to him. However, just as you present it to him, he puts his hand over it and puts it back down.
“It suits you,” He smiles
“And my daughter has- taken.. A liking to you,” Alcina sighs, Bela helping her up
“Has-has she now?” You ask
“Daniela,” Alcina calls
Daniela immediately perks her head up to look at her mother.
“Do what you must with y/n,” She sighs, “I need a drink...”
Daniela lets out a squeal and immediately jumps into you, making you fall backwards. Your arm wraps around Daniela’s midsection and covers your face in kisses.
“How did you manage to kill him Daniela dear?” Alcina asks
“Y/n made this for me,” She says, presenting it to her mother, “I asked her personally.”
“You made this?” Alcina observes it closely
You nod, catching the dry in your throat.
“You are to make two more for my other daughters,” Alcina requests
You nod enthusiastically, “As you wish my lady.”
“Daniela darling,” She looks over to her daughter in your arm
“Watch her... Carefully,” Alcina requests her youngest daughter
A few days after the incident, you helped Heisenberg forge his own blade along with forging Cassandra and Bela’s garter blades. You go to the same maid that had helped you make two more garter’s. Just as you watch her off with the same lace and fabric you had given her, a fly lands onto the back of your hand, no form of drawing blood however, its legs wrapping around your finger.
“My lady,” You smile, holding the fly up close to your face
“I thought you weren’t talking to her,” Daniela appears from her swarm of flies
“My lady, are you somehow... Jealous?” You tease her, walking up to her, “She’s helping me make the garters for your sisters love. Hold up your arms real quick... Like this.”
As you raise both of your arms, seemingly stretching, she does the same. You motion for her to interlock her fingers. She follows the same. Feeling bold, one hand quickly pins her interlocked hands against the stone wall and the other snaking around her waist. Daniela lets out a slight high-pitched squeak.
“Besides,” You whisper, seductively, “I would... Much prefer... Your company...”
Daniela tugs on your shirt and pulls you in for a searing kiss. Your hand travels down against Daniela’s leg and she hooks it around your hip. From the humidity of the burning fireplace, Daniela begins stripping off her dress before the door swings open.
“Is our blades done yet?” Cassandra asks, bursting in with Bela in tow
“Almost, I’m waiting for the head maid to bring back the lace garters. She’s the one that put together Daniela’s garter,” You explain, “I’m also waiting for the gems to set.”
“Ooooh can we see them?” Bela asks
“As much as I would,” You sigh,” They’re setting and it would be best if they aren’t touched. Any slip up would result in me starting over.”
You finish Bela and Cassandra’s blades before the nights end. Before you return to your quarters for the morning, a fly lands and clutches your finger, gently pulling you into its direction. You smile as you humor the fly and begin having it drag you to where it wanted you to go. The fly somehow magically busts the door open and you’re flung into the bed. 
“You’ve stayed away for too long,” Daniela sighs as she buries her head into the crook of your neck
“I’ve only been gone for a few hours my love,” You kiss the shaved side of her head, “The head maid had to make two garters so it took her longer. She wanted them to look as perfect a she had made yours.”
You look on the nightstand and see the garter blade; The lace sewn over an elastic and fabric base with the blade cover sitting nicely in the lace slot. The Dimitrescu family crest is visible through the lace slot along with the dazzling blue-green gems you had managed to place in the dagger’s handle and cover. That’s how you exactly made the other two. Only, Bela had red gems and Cassandra had Yellow; matching their gemstone colors on their chokers.
“Hey, kiss me?” Daniela asks, yawning
You turn yourself over so that you’re hovering over her. Your hands gently cup her face as your head dips down to meet her lips.
“As if you need to ask my love,” You smile
Daniela lets out an adorable giggle as if she was in one of those Grimm princess fairy tales. Only difference is, she was able to get her happy ending.
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐠
"You're more powerful than you think, Y/n. What's he gonna do? Splash you?"
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 4,321
warnings: none?? some violence but nothing gory
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story click here
a/n: i can't believe I actually posted this on time. i hope you guys like it!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
Atticus leans against a tree, his hands in his pockets as he gives the wood nymphs a smirk that made you want to throw up. The three girls that stand in front of him giggle, nudging his shoulder playfully at something he said. You couldn't hear much from afar, but you doubt it was that funny, the girls just entertaining him because he's handsome or whatever. You scoff softly under your breath, turning away and sharing a look with Lou Ellen, who's scratching the backs of Ambrose's ears. The two of you rolling your eyes simultaneously before you turn on your heels.
While talking amongst themselves, your older brothers are huddled together, the three of them with furrowed eyebrows, serious stares seemingly deep in conversation. As Ernest takes a moment to look up from their circle, you meet his gaze. You don't fail to notice the nervous smile he gives you as he lightly jabs Alabaster in the ribs with his elbow. Furrowing your eyebrows, your steps become hesitant as Alabaster halts mid-sentence, his scowl fading into a friendly smile.
“What’s up?” You ask hesitantly. It was clear you had interrupted something. James and Ernest look at Alabaster, waiting for him to respond to your question. Alabaster shakes his head,
“Nothing. What happened? Got bored of watching your brother flirt with the wood nymphs?” He jokes with you, and you smile, willing to look past the strange tension between them.
“Not bored, more like I couldn’t stand it anymore,” you say, making your brothers chuckle.
“Dude’s got game,” Ernest nods proudly as he shrugs. You cringe,
“Gross.” Lou Ellen giggles as she joins you, her arms wrapping around yours. “Anyways, what are we doing to pass time today?”
Capture the flag was probably one of the activities you hated most at camp. Especially when you were playing on the same side as the Ares Cabin. None of you were strong sword fighters or archers, only relying on your powers in battle and this deemed you guys as not useful by Clarisse’s standards. This meant you and your siblings were always stationed at the same side of the forest where you rarely got any action.
Alabaster hums, his hands shoved in his pockets, “I was actually thinking that we should take over the game,” he suggests, and your eyes widen in surprise.
“What? Clarisse will lose her mind if we meddle with the game.” You really didn’t want to deal with her. Because of the run-ins you've had with her in the past, you preferred to stay out of her way because then, for the most part, she’ll stay out of yours. You were slow to anger, but when you got riled up about something, you raged. And in terms of Clarisse, she just knew how to get you there. Alabaster rolls his eyes,
"Yeah, well, we always lose because Clarisse takes the same approach every time. She has us tossed to the side as if we're useless. I'm serious; let’s prove ourselves. You can get the flag, Y/n. Take down Percy, and we'll cover you."
You shift, exchanging looks with your brothers. Not only were you surprised at Alabaster wanting to jump in the game, but he was also assigning you the task of taking down the other team's main defense. Alabaster was hands down your most powerful sibling at camp. Though you didn’t have a cabin, there was an unspoken agreement that he was the representative of the Hecate children. He’s been studying the longest and has taught you almost everything you know. You weren’t sure why he was putting you out there when he could do a better job at trapping Percy. Though Alabaster has praised you for being a quick learner and dedicated to your studies, you didn’t quite see the potential he obviously saw in you.
"I don't know… me against Percy? I don't think I'm the best one to put out there," you gradually begin mumbling your words as Alabaster’s face hardens at your self-doubt. He scoffs, looking off into the forest as he shakes his head,
"You’re more powerful than you think, Y/n. What is he gonna do? Splash you?" You gawk at him, not sure if he was discrediting Percy's powers or if he was truly ignorant to what he could do. You haven't seen Percy do much in person, but from the stories you've heard about what he's done on his quests, you couldn't act like he wasn't powerful. Your brother’s chuckle at what Alabaster said, and Ernest nods,
“You got this, Y/n. Remember, our powers are almost limitless; it all depends on up here,” he says as he taps your forehead with his index finger softly. “Your mind can be your sidekick or your downfall.”
You smile at the reminder and nod. Your siblings have always been your biggest motivators when it came to your magic. There are only 8 of you, so you guys are a tight-knit group, always encouraging each other to excel in your abilities.
Though you guys are all around the same age, you look up to your brothers the most. Alabaster, Ernest, and James are the most knowledgeable ones out of the bunch. They were usually the ones giving demonstrations of spells and potions, passing you notes from their book of shadows. James taught you and Atticus how to control your magic when you were angry, Alabaster taught you most of your defense magic, and Ernest just had a way of being able to lift everyone's spirits. They believed in you, you all believed in each other, and you couldn’t ask for a better family.
Still, with their words of praise and advice, you were still hesitant about going head to head with Percy. You didn’t want to disappoint them, though, not wanting to seem scared or weak.
“Okay, fine." Your siblings chatter excitedly, Alabaster smiling proudly as he pats your shoulder.
“Atticus!” Alabaster shouts, interrupting whatever your brother was saying to the wood nymphs.
“Come over here.” Alabaster chuckles as Atticus's shoulders slump. He looks at the girls he was talking to, smiling at them before dismissing himself.
“What is it? I was on a roll,” he says, playfully annoyed.
“They’re sending me out as bait,” you say dramatically as you frown. Atticus furrows his eyebrows,
“Uh, what?” You laugh at his reaction, Alabaster side-eyeing you with a smile on his own face.
“What she means is she’s going to take down Percy, and we’re gonna handle the guys around the flag. James, Ernest, and I are gonna shadow travel as far as we can, which is maybe a little before their last line of defense, okay? You, Lou Ellen, Sage, and Alice are gonna deal with the Apollo kids,” he says, the 7 of you listening attentively. You shift on your feet; head cocked to the side as you raise your hand.
“If you guys can shadow travel closer to the flag, why don’t you guys end the game?”
“Because it’ll piss Clarisse off even more if it's you,” James smirks, and your jaw drops,
“Oh, now, you’re really throwing me into the line of fire, huh?” Your face is straight as your siblings laugh, and you cross your arms over your chest. “I don’t know why you guys are laughing. I don’t find this very funny,” you retort, looking away to hide your smile. You couldn’t deny that you wanted to see Clarisse’s reaction when she realizes it was you who got the flag.
“When you have the flag, and it’s time to run back to the pond, you have to become ethereal,” Alabaster says, and you blink,
“What?! I just learned how to do that! And I did it at night,” you say, a little panicked. “I don’t know if I can hold it for long and-”
“You’ll do it,” Alabaster cuts you off, and you take a step back as Ambrose whines in displeasure. He definitely wasn’t giving you a choice, and it bothered you. You were grateful for his belief in you, but you really hated how nonchalant he was, considering you could get hurt. “Ready?” He asks the rest of the group, moving on from your concern and your jaw clenches. You feel unprepared, but it seems like it didn’t matter, so you didn’t bother saying anything else.
“Whatever,” you mumble, and you walk past your siblings, your familiar trotting close behind you. Before you disappear in the trees, you hear Atticus say something about not being sure if you should go out there alone before Alabaster shuts him down.
It didn’t take you long to arrive near the pond. Dodging the twigs and leaves on the forest ground, you get as close as you can, hiding behind a tree. You cautiously peek over the side to see if Percy was by the pond as he usually was and to your surprised, the pond is unguarded. You consider making a run for it but something about this felt too easy. Why wouldn't he be at the pond? A high-pitched whine comes from Ambrose’s lips, snapping you out of your thoughts and you quietly shush him, not wanting to get caught.
“Looking for me?” A familiar voice says, and you turn around fast finding Percy a few feet from you, his sword up and ready. The Percy you were met with in the past week or so always had this friendly glint to him. But right now, his eyes were clouded with determination. You feel your heart beating hard in your chest, but you maintain a pretty good poker face as you pull the dagger that’s strapped to your thigh in one motion.
You were by no means a strong sword fighter. Like everyone else, you attended a few classes initially, but it didn’t take you long to realize it wasn’t your domain. It didn’t come as natural for you as the other campers, and you hated when you weren’t good at something right away. After many defeats, you gave up, deciding you’ll excel in your magic so you can depend on it instead.
Your strategy was to go head to head with Percy with your abilities, not like this. Before you could adjust your plan, Percy makes the first move, lunging toward you. His movements were fast and strong, and you were struggling to keep up from the start. You grunt as you manage to defend his attacks, not confident enough to go for a hit because you weren’t sure of your timing. You had to think fast. There was no way you'd be able to win in this sword fight. So you did the last thing he'd expect, you ran away.
"Hey!" Percy calls after you, and you can hear the confusion in his voice. He looks around, not sure if this was some way to distract him or if you really gave up on the fight.
You turn around when you’re about 10 feet from him and you quickly shove your dagger into its casing. Electric green orbs form at the palms of your hands, and you swallow as concentrate on the tug in your gut. Your eyes meet Percy’s, the other now understanding what you were doing once he sees you form the orbs in your hands. He smiles, accepting the challenge as he caps his sword before shoving it in his pocket. His fingers spread out, his arm extended on his sides. He takes a deep breath as he channels his energy, and before you could send out your first attack, you see the water from the pond behind him rising in a thick controlled stream.
As he sends the stream right to you, you felt like everything went in slow motion. Your pulse is loud in your ears, and you focus on your energy, grunting loudly as you send out a thick green beam right at his water. You squint your eyes as you feel droplets splashing on your face from where your magic met his stream. There is a loud hissing in the air as the intense heat from your energy evaporates the water on impact. You’re out of breath by the time Percy retreats, his eyes darkening as he formulates another plan to attack.
Not letting him muster something stronger than what he did before, you begin throwing energy orbs at his feet rapidly, watching the heat burn the grass as Percy jumps back every time.
You had a new plan now, and as ridiculous as it sounded, a part of it was to get him in the pond. Most people would want to get him away from the water, but that would be too easy of a solution, and he’d be expecting that strategy. You had decided that you had to use his powers against him. Just as you planned, Percy eventually jumps into the water with a cocky smirk and you bite your lip. Don’t mess this up.
You close your eyes, feeling a tug in your core as you imagine yourself teleporting behind Percy. When you open them, you’re met with the back of his head, and before he can look around for you, you kick him behind the knees hard. He groans, falling forward into the water.
"Sorry!" You mumble as you jump out of the pond. The water begins to rise around him, and with the most confident voice you can muster, you shout,
“Incantare: Conglacio!" Your arms spread up in front of you, toward the pond. Almost immediately, the water that was risen suddenly becomes frozen solid around Percy. He grunts as he tries to move, quickly realizing that he was trapped in the ice from the knee down. You weren't sure of the extent of Percy's control over water, and you take into consideration that he may be able to change the temperature of it, but you don't wait to find out.
You speed past the pond, Ambrose racing after you, and he barks loudly. Not wanting to make the mistake of ignoring his warnings, you look up and you see campers from the Apollo cabin settled on the branches already pulling back their arrows.
“Where are they?” You mutter, hearing the whooshing noise of the bows being released. Anger and annoyance swirl in your chest at your sibling's late timing. You were already on edge about this whole plan. Now that you’ve taken down one of your big hurdles, you were determined to finish this game, not wanting to feel like a fool for trying if you failed.
Your orbs glow green with the returning of your aura, and you shout angrily as you abruptly stop running. In one quick motion, you extend your arms beside you with clenched fists, blasting a veil of your energy like a force field. The force sends their arrows in the opposite direction and manages to knock a few Apollo campers off the trees. You didn’t knock all of them, but it bought you enough time to run as they tried to regain their balance. Halfway through, you hear shouting and groaning as your siblings take down the rest and bind their arms behind their backs with magic.
You run past the Apollo cabin's defense, and soon, you arrive where the flag is. James and Ernest entertain the two disarmed Athena campers that were guiding the flag, fighting them with their hands while Alabaster tied up a couple of other campers in the trees nearby.
“Grab her!” One of the Athena campers yells, his partner lunging toward you without hesitation. You manage to dodge his attempt, the other grunting as he falls from the force that didn't meet your body.
The moment you were close enough to snatch the flag out of the ground and you hear your brothers cheering you on as you sprint back. Your mind races, not sure when you should attempt to become ethereal, and you begin to worry if you’ll even transform at all. Soon, you're greeted with your answer as you catch sight of Mark, one of Clarisse’s brothers, sprinting toward you, and you curse under your breath. Mark will take the flag from you and run back with it himself and you couldn't just let him claim you win. It was much earlier than you wanted, but there was no other choice.
You let out a rough breath, and you focus hard, recalling what you felt the night you transformed for the first time. A gradual tingle becomes more intense as it starts from your fingertips and from the tips of your toes. The sensation creeps up your arms and legs until it meets together in your stomach and as your core vibrates, you smile, knowing you’ve succeeded.
Your siblings shout at you excitedly from the sidelines, the moment you transform, laughing and taunting Mark while he makes useless attempts to grab you. You focus hard to maintain the vibrating in your core as you approach the river, afraid that you will lose your hold. As you get closer to the pond, you lock eyes with Annabeth as she, Percy, and a few others are waiting for your arrival.
If you weren't ethereal, she would have tackled you straight to the ground no problem, but as expected, she ran right through you. The other campers attempt to catch you after Percy sends out a thick slash of water that would have grabbed you by the waist and up in the air.
“What?! How are you doing that?!” Annabeth shouts, and you don’t say anything as finally get to the other side of the pond and you stab the flag in the ground. Your muscles and chest burn, and you double over, hands on your knees to catch your breath. The satyrs blow the horn and at the sound of it, echoing through the forest, signally your triumph, you manage a ragged laugh.
The distant cheers of your siblings become louder as they appear from the trees, running to you. The energy in your core disperses as you turn back to normal, but you don't have much time to recover. The moment your brothers approach you, you feel yourself being picked up and tossed in the air.
“Guys! Please,” you choke through your laughs, squealing when they throw you a little too high for your liking. You look over to your right, seeing Percy smiling, silently congratulating you as Annabeth was pink with anger.
As your brothers put you down, you notice Malcolm showing up a few seconds late with your team’s flag in his hand. Behind him, Clarisse stomps towards you with a few of her friends following beside her. You had to admit, it was kind of satisfying being the one to get the flag, but if looks could kill, you’d be dead.
“Uh oh,” you mumble as she approaches you, your siblings huddling close beside you protectively, and even Ambrose stands in front of you, growling deeply.
“You messed up the game!” She accuses, and your head jerks back,
“Are you joking? I won the game. Mark was barely halfway by the time I was running here.”
“It doesn’t matter! He would have made it.”
“He really wouldn’t have,” James points out, and Clarisse snaps her attention to him.
“Either way, you guys were supposed to stay on the north side of the forest! You freaks have no place in games like this, anyways.”
“Bold of you to say considering we won the game for you,” you say through a clenched jaw, your eyes glowing as you feel your anger stirring in your chest. You hated when you and your siblings were outed in the camp. Being called freaks or avoided because people deemed you guys as too dangerous without giving you chance, angered you the most. It just wasn't fair.
You laugh, not from amusement, but from disbelief. At this point, you didn’t care, you were at a high after your win, and if Clarisse wanted to fight about it, you were up for it. “Is your pride that wounded, Clarisse? Maybe you aren’t as good as you think you are,” you walk up to her, ignoring Atticus's hesitant calling of your name.
The way Clarisse’s eyes darken failed to intimidate you in your furious state. You guys were practically nose to nose, and in the reflection of her eyes, you can see your aura illuminate wildly around. As Clarisse draws her sword, you smirk, ready to blast her into the trees the moment she decided to move.
“Girls,” Chiron’s voice booms through the silence as he walks through the trees, and the both of you look over. He doesn’t say anything else, the tone of his voice being enough of a warning.
Atticus gently pulls on your arm, and you unwillingly back down. Clarisse scoffs, and she pushes past you hard causing you to stumble back. Atticus catches you from behind, letting you regain your balance and you rub your shoulder, looking back to watch her storming through the forest.
“You did well, Y/n,” Chiron praises, and you smile at him before he goes off to announce the winning of your team. Everyone except for the Ares Campers and the opposite team cheers loudly, excited to have fewer chores after a streak of losing. Soon the team crowds around you, and your siblings start telling a dramatic interpretation of what you did forcing you to chime in here and there as some of the things they described were a little off from the truth. You smile, listening to their chattering, and eventually, you fall behind the crowd as they begin talking about something else. Suddenly, a hand rests on your shoulder, and you look beside you, Alabaster with a proud look on his face.
“I told you you’d do it,” he says teasingly.
“Yeah, yeah.” You wave your hand, lightly nudging his hand off your shoulder. The last thing you wanted was for him to start his ‘I told you so’ speech. “I get it, you believe in me, and whatever,” you joke, and Alabaster laughs,
“I’m serious, Y/n. You’re-”
“More powerful than you think. I know.” You finish his sentence as you shift on your feet. “I guess you’re right,” you admit, mumbling under your breath.
“What was that?” He asks as he leans closer as if he didn’t hear you. You nudge his shoulder and scoff,
“If you missed what I said, then too bad!” You declare as you walk ahead of him. You hear his laughter, and he decides to let it go as he returns to walk with your brothers, Ambrose happily trotting behind him.
“Y/n!” At the call of your name, you turn around, Percy jogging over to you. You giggle, amused at how sweet he looked after being able to intimidate you during the game. “I can’t believe you apologized after kicking me."
“I felt bad,” you admit sheepishly, making him laugh. “How did you get out of the ice?” You ask, playing with the hem of your shorts. He hums,
“It took me a while to figure it out, but apparently I can change the temperature of the water,” he explains, and you nod.
“Yeah, I figured you might be able to. I won’t be using that again,” you say playfully, and Percy smiles.
“What you did was really cool,” he compliments, and you feel your cheeks warm up. Out of all the praise that you’ve heard just now, Percy’s made you feel different. “I have to look out for you now,” he nudges you.
“Yeah, you better watch out, Jackson. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve,” you warn him, and you take in how he gleams at your banter, making you smile even more.
“I’m looking forward to it. I’m just happy that you can’t trap me in my own element; that would have been embarrassing.”
“I’m kind of bummed about that. It would have been funny if I did, though," you tease and Percy scoffs playfully.
“Y/n!” Alabaster calls on you and the other waves for you to come to him. “You have to rest,” he says shortly. You couldn’t read the expression on his face, but he didn’t look too pleased. You frown and nod, disappointed that your conversation was cut short with Percy.
“I’ll see you later,” you smile softly, and Percy nods.
“Yeah, same,” he says, returning the smile before you turn around to join your siblings back to the cabin.
masterlist taglist:@xxyrr
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Meet Me In The Hallway (3)
Pairing: Sky x reader
Summary: Stella is losing patience and when you follow Sky into the forest to find the Burned One, she lets part of your secret slip as a warning. 
Tagging: @grey-girl @intoanothermind @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody
Series Masterlist
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“I thought I saw you leave Sky’s room and then I thought… That can’t be true. Y/N wouldn’t be stupid enough to do that when they know what I know.”
You really hate Stella. Slowly, you turn around to face her preparing yourself for the venomous smile she no doubt has plastered on her face. Barely anytime has gone by but you’re already getting very tired of having her threaten you.
“Silva is hurt. He needed someone to comfort him. That’s all.” You’re dog-tired wishing for a peaceful sleep but Stella has other plans.
“If Sky needs comforting, I will make sure he gets it. Not you.” It baffles you how she claims to care for him when all she does it look after her own needs. Frankly, you don’t care who gets to comfort him as long as he’s not alone. You’d give up just about anything to make sure he’s happy but Stella seems to think it’s him who should give up everything for her. 
“Are you really that selfish you’ll put your own happiness above his?” you dare ask tired of her games. 
“I’m going to give you one last chance to fix this,” she starts completely ignoring your question. 
“I have to stay away from him. I get it,” you interrupt her about to turn around and walk away when she stops you. 
“I want you to convince him to go on a date with me. He’s been too occupied sulking over you to show any interest in me. I want you to make him realise that I’m the obvious choice.” She must’ve lost her mind. For a whole minute you simply just stare at her taking her words in. She wants you to convince Sky to fall in love with her. In the middle of everything going on with Silva. Is she completely mental? 
“Did you hear me or do I need to repeat myself?” In an attempt to act unbothered, she checks her nails but you see right through her. All the insecurities and abandonment issues shine bright in the dark and you briefly pity her. Everyone has heard the rumours of her mother and the way she’s been treated, but you came from a horrible life too and you didn’t turn into a bitch. 
“I heard you.” 
“Great. You can tell him I’ll be waiting in my room.” She walks past you not even bothering to ask how Silva is doing. Despite your need for some proper sleep, you decide to head down to the greenhouse. Mr. Harvey is adding a fresh coat of the herb mix to Silva’s wounds. 
“Sky is sleeping,” you quickly say to easy Silva’s mind. He sits back down revealing the pain he’s in. 
“Can I help with anything?” you ask needing something to occupy your mind from what Stella asked of you. How can you focus on that when Silva could be dying? 
“Maybe you could cool me down again? It really helped me rest.” You oblige placing your hand on his forehead and channeling just the slightest magic into the palm of your hand. It’s an instant effect when the ice hits him. Slowly his skin returns to a normal shade rather than the hot red it was mere minutes ago. 
“Thank you,” he whispers lying down on the table again. It must be really bad if he’s so willing to show weakness. In the time you’ve known Silva, he’s never shown weakness about anything. You know it would be a different story if Sky were here though. He’d never want Sky to know just how much pain he’s in and you can’t blame him. It would crush Sky. 
“No problem. I can come back in a few hours to do it again?” You look to Mr. Harvey for signs whether that’s a good idea or not. He gives you a quick nod before continuing his work. You mean to head to your room but you spot a blonde boy who’s sneaking out the backdoor. 
“Are you kidding me?” With a sigh, you follow him outside realising that he’s heading straight for the forest. 
“Sky, where are you going?” you ask and the sound of your voice stops him dead in his tracks. 
“I’m going to find the Burned One that got Saul. I can’t just sit around and do nothing.” He’s not looking at you. Probably because he knows you’ll try to talk him out of it. 
“Please stay. Marco is out looking as we speak and I’m sure he’ll find it.” You’re desperate to keep him protected within the barrier but you’re always painfully aware of the fact that Sky is one of the most stubborn people you’ve ever met. You’re not sure you’ll be able to convince him especially now that you’re broken up. 
“I’m not waiting for someone else to save him. Saul is all I have left.” It’s a brutal reminder of what you took from him when you ended things and it tugs at your heartstrings just how badly you hurt him. 
“Then I’m coming with you.” If he’s going out there, you need to be there too. You’d never forgive yourself if something happened to him and you had the chance to stop it. 
“You’re not going with me,” he says as if he has any say at all. 
“If you’re going, I’m going. Package deal, remember?” It’s something you started saying after Riven kept commenting on the fact that you never went anywhere without each other and up until recently you never have. He doesn’t look pleased but he also doesn’t say no. He just hands you a small dagger for you to hold onto to. You grab hold of the water drops lying on the grass and freeze them before levitating them in the air. 
“I think I’m good.” He takes the dagger back without a word and proceeds to the forest. It’s a long trek but you don’t complain. You asked to be here and as much as you hate the uncomfortable silence that’s formed between the two of you, you’re glad you’re here. There’s no point in the search because it’s impossible to figure out what direction the Burned One headed but all you can do is keep a lookout and hope you get lucky. 
“Stop,” you whisper grabbing hold of his sleeve. He stops moving but you feel the shiver in his arm where your fingers grazed his skin. 
“Sorry,” you mumble letting go of him. A little further ahead, you see something move. Sky pulls out his sword and you channel your feelings ready to freeze it in place. It’s not the first time you and Sky has worked together, but it is the first time it’s been outside of training. 
“I freeze, you stab.” He nods hardly moving a muscle. You direct your power at the Burned One freezing every part of it to keep it from moving. You hold it in place feeling the fire inside of it trying to beat your ice but as you see Sky run towards it, you feel more motivated than ever to win. He stabs it right through its core and when you feel its resistance die out, you let go of control. It falls to the ground officially dead. 
“We did it,” you say out of breath. How you haven’t passed out from sleep deprivation yet is beyond you but it’s catching up to you now. 
“I’ll call Silva,” you say ignoring the need to fall asleep right here on the ground. It takes two rings before he picks up shouting about how irresponsible you are for taking off and hunting Burned Ones yourself. He doesn’t say thank you, but you know it’s hidden between the lines. 
“He’s definitely feeling better,” you say once he’s done giving both of you an earful. He demands you both return to school at once and now that you’ve killed the right one, you can oblige easily. 
“Thank you for coming with me,” Sky says on your way back.
“Of course. I know what Silva means to you.” This time the silence is comfortable almost as if nothing went wrong between the two of you. But Stella’s ultimatum is still weighing heavy on your mind. 
“Can I ask you to do something without any questions?” you ask him right before you reach the barrier. 
“What is it?” he asks but you need him to promise you before you tell him. You know he’ll never agree to it otherwise. 
“Promise me,” you say pausing just before the barrier. From here you can see the school and the students training out on the grass as if it’s just a normal day. But to them it probably is.
“I promise.” 
“I need you to take Stella on a date.” His glare might just pierce you from pure anger. 
“No questions. You promised!” He’s about to protest but stops himself. He’s a man of his word even if he hates it right now.
“Fine.” He starts walking leaving you behind. The second people spot you, they stare at you like you just arrived with the circus. 
“Is that them?”
“Do you think it’s true?” 
“Are we in danger?” Everyone is whispering and pointing fingers making you feel incredibly uncomfortable. You notice Musa not too far away and head over to her. 
“What’s going on?” Before she has a chance to tell you, a first year taps you on the shoulder. A bunch of girls are watching from afar making it obvious that the first year in front of you is here on a dare. 
“Is it true?” she asks continuously looking back at her friends. 
“Is what true?” you ask confused ignoring the sneaking suspicion you feel. 
“Is it true that you’re a changeling?” 
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