#give him more friendship-based Pokemon
do you have any advice for dealing with separation anxiety in sylveon? i've tried to do all the things to prevent it from developing (not making a big deal about leaving or coming home, ball & crate training, etc) but despite my best efforts my buddy has started freaking out whenever i leave the house without him.
unfortunately, friendship evolutions can be prone to developing separation anxiety even with training that would normally suffice. you're not doing anything wrong here; it just sounds like your sylveon is a little more nervous and attached to you than usual.
providing enrichment can go a long way towards helping an anxious pokemon stay calm by letting them work out that nervous energy. i find that sylveon really enjoy toys that they can manipulate with their feelers. if you keep a regular schedule, putting your sylveon's next meal into a treat dispenser before heading out for the day can be a good way of giving him something to occupy his time. scent-based enrichment also works really well with the eevee line, and you can actually buy sweet scent infused toys to help him relax. and, while it's not ideal to keep a pokemon balled for an excess amount of time, you can safely ball him for up to 24 hours at a time provided he gets some stretch and food breaks if it's ever absolutely necessary while you're still working on training. i usually keep spicy mayo balled while i'm at work, since she'd be sleeping then anyway, and it's gone a long way to prevent her from being destructive while i'm gone.
i'd also talk with your vet about their recommendations for managing your sylveon's anxiety. while you should absolutely work on training and providing a good environment before asking for medication, your vet can help monitor the process and assess if your sylveon would do well on anti-anxiety medication if training isn't helping.
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nerudebil · 5 months
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Since I lov pokemon so much,I felt like making headcanons(if I can call it that) for ramshackle characters if they had a pokemon parthner. I was gonna include more but I'm too tired to draw today,,,
- I gave her a Scorbunny
- Vinnie 'n Scorbunny didn't rly get along at first(I imagine Scorbunny stealing beans from her cus it wants food too) but they eventually get along n help each other pickpocket others.
-I can see them winning a football match,, and even if they don't,they at least have fun playing and setting the ball on fire.
- Cinderace's(Scorbunny's final evo) reminded me of Vinnie.
-they give each other high five cus they're cool.
- I gave him an Umbreon
- I imagine Stone having Umbreon b4 he ran away(at least I assume he ran away) and became a stinky homeless alcoholic. He had it since it was an Eevee.
-also,, Eevee evolves I to Umbreon during night and by leveling the friendship(key word ***friendship***. I think it'd be wholesome)
-I gave him Smeargle
- i don't have that many ideas on how they could've met,,but I assume they kinda just became friends? I don't think Skipp would mind Smeargle's company,,, I imagined them simply becoming friends cus they're silly n polite lil fellas.
Other characters I was goin to include but ended up not doin that cus hhrrrrpp mimimiimi hrrrrppp mimimimi zzzzzzzz:
-I imagine her having a Lurantis
- Lurantis also looks like a candy/candy store employee. AND ITS PINK!!
- they're lab parthners. I said what I said.
-I barely know anything abt her,so I had to use ramshackle wiki fandom for that.
-i can see her havin a Herdier or Stoutland (the wiki also mentions she's a bodyguard n MAYBE a former officer)
- they're parthners n help each other out in life threatening situations
- they're cool
- honestly?dunno anything abt him either so I had to pull the ramshackle wiki again. But givin him a Lillipup just felt right.
-so silly.
-I wasn't gonna add him to the list,BUT GOD DAMN I'D GIVE HIM A YUNGOOS CUS I CANT STAND YUNGOOS.
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yuri-is-online · 4 days
Weird Yutu thingy but what if Yuu came from the Pokemon world
I believe the support system in the Pokemon world is much better than Earth so-
Single parent with a raging teen-
Add some emotional support Pokemon
And when Yutu comes to his parent's timeline Yuu gets so excited to see new Pokemon (that love them for some reason. Almost as though they were their first trainer-)
Oh Yuu and Yutu would be in such a better place if they came from the pokemon world. Yuu gets a house with a bunch of neighbors and nearby a lab and no one really cares about not knowing who Yutu's dad is.
The pokemon part is a bit trickey though... would they remember Twisted Wonderland? Probably, I couldn't see the magic marshal's keeping the pokemon? But I could also see one of Yuu's team staying with Yutu's dad by accident. Maybe it helps keep the boys who remain alive that much more sane, maybe it stands reluctant guard nearby where the phantom resides, unable to think of anything else to do until it sees Yutu and gets some of its old energy back. This whole ayuu is based off of Fire Emblem Awakening so I have to mention Cherche and her wyvern Minerva... her son Gerome takes up his mother's mount and brings her back in time with him, it's how she recognizes him even before he shows her the wedding ring... perhaps something similar happened with Yutu where he has one of your pokemon and you just know that he's lying to you even before you know he's your son (Gerome's supports with his dad made me so mad because I always S ranked Cherche and Libra because Libra actually learns to speak wyvern in their support chain but that's not reflected in his support with Gerome because it's generic and i wanted to scream every time i read iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. I sort of based Jade! Yutu's attitude towards his dad on those supports though)
But back to nicer thoughts, I always struggle with pokemon aus because half of it is just assigning the pokemon, and then I get super caught up in what region everyone is from and just bleh
Riddle! Yutu has to have a Roselia right? It just makes sense, maybe he has the shiny stone for the evolution all ready to go but it was the last present Yuu ever gave him so he's reluctant to use it. Maybe, if you want some extra angst, when he comes to Twisted Wonderland he still just has a budew because he's not super into pokemon battles but he struggles to raise the friendship level enough for budew to evolve once he's there. He's so upset about losing his parent and budew is trying their best tm but it's not enough until they see Overblot Riddle and finally get on the same wavelength.
The triplets... one of them has to have a Fidough that's just a given. I was tempted to say they all have one? But I like the idea of Yushi having a Swirlix since she's more into candymaking. That's 2/3 fairy types so I was scrolling looking for another one when I saw Sinistea and went "oh that would be cute and the perfect fit for a cafe themed se-" and then I realized I could give that to Yutres. Could. For funsies. But it makes much more sense and is less cruel to give her a Milcery. So Yutu gets Fidough, Yutres gets Milcery, and Yushi gets Swirlix for a cute little fairy cafe set.
Cater! Yutu is trickey, he's big on mindfulness and I was really tempted to give him my favorite pokemon because of that, but he also really likes music... I feel like psychic pokemon sort of fits his vibe? And I am torn between Chimecho and Espurr. Espurr is supposed to have difficulty controlling its power, so maybe Chimecho and Yutu could have been focused on helping one out. Cater is super underrated so why shouldn't I give his Yutu two pokemon, it'd be very cute.
Ace! Yutu is pikachu coded to me <3 They would fight so much because both pikachu and Yutu are little brats but once they get in sync watch out they're super scary. Easily the pokemon most excited to see Yuu again... perhaps all that ego clashing is just something that happened in Yuu's world because pika and Yutu bonded while grieving Yuu. Maybe Yutu never evolves his pikachu because that's how Yuu gave it to him. Maybe Pikachu doesn't want to evolve because that's how Yuu left it.
Deuce! Yutu... there aren't any explicitly chicken pokemon outside of maybe Moltres but there is Togepi who is an egg. Baby Yutu loves his bestest friend in the whole wide world, Delinquent Yutu is sort of embarrassed by them. After he catches a houndoor he stops actively using them in battle... he doesn't hate Togi, he just doesn't let anyone in his gang see them and gets really violent with anyone who might try to hurt them. Probably defends fairy types any chance he gets before stammering out some sort of excuse trying to play it off as someone else's opinions. Maybe his boys catch on and one of them gets the idea that maybe they could like... start using impidimps. Make Grimmsnarl the icon of the gang instead of Houndoom, just cause you know maybe fairies are kinda neat maybe. they all want it to be togi instead please boss we made them a little biker jacket isn't it so cu- i mean badass?
Leona! Yutu is loved by cats and he loves naps. Litleo feels like the most thematic pokemon for him, maybe they were napping under a tree one day and a Munchlax decided to follow him home because sleeping on Leona! Yutu was actually pretty warm and Yuu makes the best snacks. His dad probably didn't appreciate the correlation between him and his son's pokemon but as I have said before, he's very much that dad who doesn't want the cat but ends up asleep on the couch with it in his lap two days later. Except this time it's him feeding all his vegetables to Munchlax.
Ruggie! Yutu is my little dandelion prince so he gets a Hoppip. I like the idea of him coming home with one stuck in his hair and they've been best friends ever since. He feels like the one most likely to take over training Yuu's team, if he had continued living in your world I don't think he would have become a trainer. He would have been happy to have a normal job and maybe never evolve his pokemon, but he doesn't regret taking on the role of trainer in the bad future. It gives him a lot of self confidence.
Jack! Yutu... I will bestow him the honor of giving him one of my favorite pokemon. He gets Cacnea because Yuu remembers that Jack liked succulents. Yutu is very serious about taking care of him and making sure he has the best possible habitat at home. Cacnea is under the impression it is doing the same for Yutu and Yuu, but the stubby little hands it has make helping with chores difficult.
It's really tempting to give all of the Octatrio kids water type pokemon, maybe left over memories from Twisted Wonderland make Yuu think that would be a good idea. But I want to give Azul! Yutu a Clobbopus sosososososo bad. It's such a cute pokemon and I think Yutu would agree that his pokemon is super cute. So does everyone in Savanaclaw much to his annoyance, it's like his pokemon is the dorm leader and not him.
Jade! Yutu feels like a Mareanie guy. Water type since he's a merfolk, poison type because that's pretty punk rock, and it looks just enough like a mushroom to be thematic. I could see one of Yuu's pokemon staying in Twisted Wonderland with Jade... a Shiinotic who helps him at the bar and is the best cared for mushroom out there that Yutu is envious. Why does his parent's pokemon love his dad so much? Why won't it agree to come with him into the past where you are still alive because it insists on staying with Jade, saying that's what you would want?
Floyd! Yutu's favorite pokemon ever since he was a little boy was Sharpedo. He asked, suspiciously politely, to be given one when he was old enough to get his trainer's license. He even made a power point, how cute! The answer was still no, instead Yuu convinces the lab near by their house to take Yutu on as one of those trainers with a pokedex who goes on a journey to collect all the gym badges. He really likes being a trainer, probably would have been the annoying rival to his next door neighbor, definitely picked whatever pokemon was strongest against whatever they picked. He still catches his Carvanha and doesn't hold it against Yuu for not giving it to him, he thinks that was probably for the best.
Kalim! Yutu deserves a Whooper. It's cute, the little face is always smiling and Whooper and Quagsire are such joyful little guys I think Kalim would love them. Oricorio feels like a good choice too because of how much it likes dancing... but I feel like Yutu would have a hard time choosing what form to train because they are all so cool. His dad would be such an enabler, sure son lets have all four! And throw a themed party for each one lol
Jamil! Yutu also feels like a good candidate for a pokemon rival. Sure, Ekans and Arbok feel like good pokemon for him thematically, but I just know he would have a well balanced and thought out team of pokemon he deeply loves and takes great care of. Keeping with the snake theme, lets say he started out with Snivy. Serperior fits Jamil's overall vibe pretty well, it's a beautiful pokemon and very regal. Other pokemon I could see him having are Gastrodon, Clefable, and Scizor.
Vil! Yutu loves to draw but I do not like Smeargle in the slightest and will be pretending it does not exist. I feel like anyone attached to Vil should get a Buneary, it's a cute pokemon with a friendship evolution who has real hate in its heart. It is more like Vil than any poison type pokemon fr fr. I could see Vil! Yutu doing well as coordinator, but being a bit uncertain of who else he wants to add to his team, but catching an evee with the intent of evolving them into... something he just doesn't know what.
I hit the text block limit lol, I should just. Stop being distracted by cassette beasts and get back to writing. Or replay a pokemon game.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 6 days
Im gonn be autistic and yap about what pokemon i think the apple twins would have
This is just pure vibes honest i havent put much thought into this
For dream im thinkinggg
Flabebe, which is like a tiny pokemon on a flower floating around and i just like dream woth flowers
Sylveon, because they evolve when you give them love and friendship and yadayada which fits dream A LOT
Audino, im pretty sure she was a pokemon of nurse joy(?) So 🤷‍♀️
Musharna, this one is just PURE vibes
Ursaring, he probably found it as a teddiursa and now its a behemoth of a pokemon
Sunflora, another flower pokemon 😌
Gothorita, i mean it fits him
Drifblim, im pretty those damn things kidnap children. Fits nightmare because he also kidnaps people
Chandalure, again this is just vibes. The castle is dark anyways you probably need a light
Houndoom, the castle would probably be filled with them along with those papyrus guards (i think he had papyrus guards in canon.....R.I.P literally dust nightmare probably orders them to go guilt trip him)
Umbreon, because i gave dream a eeveelution too (.... i know pokemon teams are like....6? ACTUALLY THAT MIGHT BE WRONG. IM ADDING MORE FUCK POKEMON TEAMS 😡)
Florges, because big garden in castle, also i gave dream a flabebe
Okay additonal pokemon i think they would have not in pokemon teams
For nightmare: Zoroark, Liepard, Darkrai (the fucking nightmare pokemon), mightyena, galarian corsola, banette, sableye, duskull, pumpkaboo, mimikyu, marshadow, polteagheist, cursola (not to be confused with galarian corsola),
For dream: bellossom, jumpluff, shaymin, deerling, serperior, swadloon, cottonee, lilligant, maractus, skiddo, phantump, fomantis, morelull, bounsweet, galarian ponyta, cleffa, altaria, dedene, cutiefly, diancie, comfey,
Killer has a gengar and a nickit
Oh that’s cute. @stellocchia mentioned the Musharna reminding Killer of Color before, and they also mentioned one that reminded Color of Killer but I forgot the name.
I don’t know anything about pokemon, so i probably can’t tell if any of these are actually accurate or not, but they seem to fit based off your descriptions.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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jununy · 4 months
Hiiiii I'm really really curious y u picked each pokemon 4 each of the dbd characters and it doesn't look like anyone else has asked so I was wondering if u could explain it?
hey, yes of course i am happy to explain!!
espurr - has a ton of psychic power they cant control, i feel like crystal would relate to, with her discovering her powers are more complicated than she thought
espeon - suggested by a couple of people on twitter!! espeons give off a mysterious and standoff-ish vibe thats similar to crystal
she was also the first one I drew and posted so she only has two pokemon Q_Q i want to give her more
shiinotic - i imagine niko found one of these bad boys while in the woods where she ran into the sprites. she's also got a mushroom themed green outfit in the time loop ep.
togetic - evolved from a togepi from high friendship, and i think friendship is what niko is all about. she has so much love to give! it feels fitting for her to have a friendship based pokemon!
whimsicott - they are mischievous prank loving annoying as hell pests of a pokemon (per their pokedex entries). i like them as representative of the sprites. someone said jumpluff instead but i disagree because jumpluffs aren't considered pests. i think edwin, charles, and crystal hate her whimsicott but niko loves to snuggle her <3
toxtricity - amped form cause that one gets natures similar to charles (If i had more time i would even map out the pokemon natures, abilities, and move sets they would each have. i played comp pokemon...) toxtricity is also music themed, and has know anger issues, so i think charles would relate to that
scraggy - scrappy little fighter!! also punk-ish. a little guy who gets bullied but will put up a fight. i think charles would love him and want to protect him.
hitmontop - little fighting dude. i like that hitmontop has steadfast ability (incr. speed after flinch), cause i interpret it as getting back up to keep on fighting and protecting those you love, even after getting your ass beat, which is how charles operates.
rowlet - on god, this is purely cause of the bowtie. also i think rowlet would keep edwin company while he reads his books very late into the night.
mimikyu - a lonely pokemon who just wanted to be loved. HMMMM. edwin felt its pain and adopted it into his family.
sirfetch'd - suggested by some people on twitter, cause of the actor being a fencer. but also i think edwin would have a pokemon that would protect him, before he met charles.
polteageist - hes a fancy british boy. i know his ass drinks tea with the pinky out. i think he rescued the polteageist during one of their cases.
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tricerotopicpt2 · 4 months
Alright guys the fable smp pokemon au brainrot is back and full swing because ocie was posting about it so here's a couple of thoughts based on that (warning this post is a bit long 😅)
Ok ok, so it terms of what pokemon people would have and how they got them, here's the thoughts
I think icarus' partner pokemon would be an archeops they got from their dad. Something about the overworld foundation doing some kind of research with ancient pokemon and fable giving his kid one seems right. They'd also probably have a pom-pom style oricorio and a decidueye (something about a ghost type archer pokemon that bird shaped feels right). They'd absolutely have almost exclusively flying types. Charles is just a really high level torchic they got from and trade and cant use.
Rae would probably have an Espeon. It's just feels right for him between it being a psychic type and evolving through high friendship. Going with the idea of him studying psychic and dark types, an inkay could be good for that, but idk if it fits his vibe. I also think that a pa'u style oricorio could be fun because he could totally study its dancing and how that connect with its "psychic energy". Also it could be matching with icarus which is fun. While it's not dark or psychic, a lucario or riolu could also be fun because they literally sense auras. Like. It's their whole thing. A lucario evolves with high friendship, but it also might be a bit to strong for rae to own. Maybe a riolu that evoles later on.
Athena just gets all the fire types. And maybe some fairy and dark types. Their partner pokemon is absolutely a torracat. They deserve all the fire types. Athena could also have a baile style oricorio so all of prince trio can have matching bird guys (maybe I just like oricorio alot. But it's a fire type and it fits and its fun). Just give this guy fire pokemon. And also maybe an alcremie because baking.
On that same note, give Jamie a dachsbun. And some bear shaped pokemon.
Arisanna gets fairy pokemon, specifically I think her partner pokemon is a togekiss because I think the allays being togepi is really fun. Im not entirely sure about what other pokemon she would have tho. Maybe an azumaril because blue. I dont know how vexing would translate over to pokemon au, but vexed ari would absolutely have a tinkaton.
I think magearna comes into play somehow here, maybe Caspian would have it and fix it up. Idk I think magearna is a fun pokemon and could be a fun stand in for Raza. Similar thing with type null.
I think the first pokemon that ven would end of catching is an alolan vulpix. You cant tell me I'm wrong. Its literally a little white fox guy. It's probably the only pokemon he'll have for a while and probably won't evolve. Maybe he gets a ghost type pokemon later.
I'm starting to realize how much alolan pokemon I've given these guys. But to be fair, alola has fun pokemon and I watched the anime for it a lot after they took xy and xyz off Netflix.
I think the world sisters would probably just be besties with some legendaries/mythical. They probably wouldn't catch them, but momboo just hangs out with shaymin sometimes and ocie is homies with phione and manaphy. Or if we wanna stick with the alolan theme, tapu bulu and tapu fini.
I absolutely have way more thoughts, but this is what I'll say for now since I dont want this to be too long 😅. I want to hear more people thoughts on fable smp pokemon au's tho
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typenull · 8 months
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my laios and kabru dungeon meshi pokemon teams (respectively). explanations for each pick and my general ideas of how they would be as trainers below.
spoiler warning!
first up, laios
laios would be a very very dedicated pokemon trainer, and an avid researcher of pokemon ecology. i think he would be in absolute bliss in the pokemon world, a world where “monsters” and people live and work together in harmony. i wanted to represent his dedication by giving him pokemon that are rare, or take plenty of effort to evolve, either by friendship or by extensive level grinding. i also felt like laios would be fascinated by the concept of shiny hunting, and wanted to reflect this in his team.
his pokemon
silvally: self explanatory, isn't it? reflective of his "awesome monster". it’s a chimera that resents humans based on the circumstance of it’s existence. evolves based on love and true friendship. the absolute epitome of laios’s true identity. they are also both legendary and extremely rare, so this means he had to put in a lot of hard work to get a partner like this.
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Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its will was strengthened, and it was able to destroy its control mask.
The final factor needed to release this Pokémon's true power was a strong bond with a Trainer it trusts.
lycanroc: represents the dogs that raised him in his parent’s absence, and also his true ideal “wolf self”. it's my opinion that the wolf head of laios’s chimera form is the one that most concretely represents laios (it’s missing in earlier portrayals of his chimera form, and is the reason he chooses the wolf cloak when he becomes king.). it is also extremely loyal and protective of those it loves, just like laios.
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When properly raised from a young age, it will become a trustworthy partner that will absolutely never betray its Trainer.
pyroar: indicative of the winged lion, obviously, but also a reference to the “main body” of the greek chimera myth. shiny mostly because the colors of the shiny remind me of him more. also male, not just for the mane, but because pyroar is 97.5% female — so this form is very rare! this pokedex entry really reminds me of laios:
The males are usually lazy, but when attacked by a strong foe, a male will protect its friends with no regard for its own safety.
braviary: represents the “eagle head” on his chimera form, and the idea of either a hippogriff or a griffin. braviary evolves extremely late in levels, so owning one is indicative of a lot of time put into training it. and i think laios would really enjoy searching for a shiny rufflet and training it for so long. braviary’s pokedex entries are extremely fitting for his personality, and they even have a connection to royalty, and sometimes even retaliate towards humans:
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They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying.
For the sake of its friends, this brave warrior of the sky will not stop battling, even if injured.
It's thought that people disturbed their habitats in the past, so Braviary banded together to fight back.
Known for its bravery and pride, this majestic Pokémon is often seen as a motif for various kinds of emblems.
hydreigon: not only a dragon, but one with multiple heads! i think laios would really personally resonate with the concept of the hydreigon line. because of this i can imagine himself dedicating himself to raising this “cool” dragon, not just because it’s cool, but because he understands “fighting with yourself/your desires”. on top of all of that, hydreigon have been known to destroy villages and resent human beings:
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There are a slew of stories about villages that were destroyed by Hydreigon. It bites anything that moves.
It's said that Hydreigon grew ferocious because people in times long past loathed it, considering it to be evil incarnate and attacking it relentlessly.
It responds to movement by attacking. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path!
aegislash: it’s kensuke! this pokemon feels like it was basically made for laios, and reminds me of dungeon meshi in general. i mean, just look at these pokemon entries:
Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities of leadership. According to legend, whoever it recognizes is destined to become king.
Its potent spectral powers allow it to manipulate others. It once used its powers to force people and Pokémon to build a kingdom to its liking.
aegislash also reminds me of the winged lion, and is representative of not just laios’s eventual position as king, but also his “idealized” leadership as “dungeon master” over the course of the story.
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now onto kabru!
as a trainer, in accordance to his position as laios's foil, i'd imagine that kabru would focus much less on pokemon battles and pokemon training. much like his lack of skill when it comes to exploring the dungeon, kabru is very people focused first, and i'd imagine his team is not very strong when it comes to battling... but i still wanted picks that would be indicative of who he is as a person. i'd like to think he acquired most of his pokemon not by the headstrong dedication towards exploration and catching that laios would have, but by making the right connections through trading and making bonds with other people. however, the few that he would have found on his own would be extremely special to him.
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his pokemon
stufful: cute and unassuming on the surface, but secretly spiteful and aggressive underneath... it reminds me of kabru a lot. this is also the first in the start of a running theme of plush / toy-like pokemon i incorporated into his team, to represent his childhood being raised by misiril and treated like a "doll". kabru's childhood is something i find very few people take into consideration, but it really changes the way you look at his character...
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A touch from anyone except a known friend sends it into a surging frenzy. It's an incredibly dangerous Pokémon. Its fluffy fur is a delight to pet, but carelessly reaching out to touch this Pokémon could result in painful retaliation.
mimikyu: another contribution to the doll-like theme of his team, but also is a pokemon that i feel is most representative of kabru's personality... someone who just wants to be loved and idolizes and takes after another, hiding behind a cute and nice mask, with an unending well of loneliness and a desire to be friends despite feeling like something evil. kabru talks about how he feels like a monster due to his lineage with misiril in his adventure's bible excerpt, and it's always struck powerfully with me. (as a result i can't stand when people make blue eyes jokes about him, lol.) he spends his entire adventure idolizing laios, just wanting to be his friend... (and secretly hating him.) to me, mimikyu is a perfect partner for kabru.
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A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying appearance beneath an old rag so it can get closer to people and other Pokémon. It has taken damage and can no longer hold the head of its cloth disguise upright. For as long as it lives, Mimikyu will never forget its attacker.
mawile: meant to symbolize kabru's "two-faced"ness, and also just seemed like a type i thought he would enjoy. yet another cute looking pokemon to contribute to his team's theme, as well. this pokemon's dex entries mention how it uses it's cute facade to lure in other pokemon, and i thought that was fitting. i also thought it was nice that the jaws are actually horns, playing back into kabru's self-demonization.
Don't be taken in by this Pokémon's cute face—it's very dangerous. Mawile fools the foe into letting down its guard, then chomps down with its massive jaws. The steel jaws are really horns that have been transformed. It has two mouths. The big jaws on the back of its head can't taste anything, so that's the mouth it uses to eat foods it doesn't like.
espurr: a small and cute pokemon that reminded me of misiril, and kabru as a child. i also wanted to include it in order to make it clear that kabru wouldn't always care about fully evolving or training his pokemon, or using anything considered "strong" - since battling wouldn't be his expertise. this is yet another pokemon that seems docile but is secretly holding back dangerous power. i thought that he would resonate with this pokemon's blank and scary stare.
Though Espurr's expression never changes, behind that blank stare is an intense struggle to contain its devastating psychic power.
banette: next to mimikyu, i feel like this pokemon most accurately reflects kabru's past and personality. once again calling back to kabru's unhealthy childhood, and his treatment as an object. originally being a toy itself, banette holds strong grudges against those who have abandoned and wronged it.
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An abandoned plush doll became this Pokémon. They are said to live in garbage dumps and wander about in search of the children that threw them away. It's a stuffed toy that was thrown away and became possessed, ever searching for the one who threw it away so it can exact its revenge. Resentment at being cast off made it spring into being. Some say that treating it well will satisfy it, and it will once more become a stuffed toy.
buneary: for his final team member, i knew from the outset that i wanted to include a buneary on his team. buneary is the only pokemon to start off with a base 0 happiness -- and as a result is an extremely hard pokemon to evolve! this also pairs well with the unique move of Frustration - a move that is more powerful the lower a pokemon's happiness. this seemed fitting. i wanted to keep it at a weak stage, but i also enjoy that it's a friendship evolution that he could slowly raise. i made this pokemon shiny partially because i just associate kabru with the color pink, but also because i thought it told a nice story. i liked the idea of kabru finding this equally battle-wary but extremely rare pokemon and slowly having it warm up to him over time, as he slowly learns to trust a "monster" he is somewhat wary of himself.
If both of Buneary's ears are rolled up, something is wrong with its body or mind. It's a sure sign the Pokémon is in need of care.
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shhimagiraffe · 8 months
Fantasy High + Pokemon
I was inspired by @candaceaprillee and their art that they made for Hootgrowlithe zine! I had to go all in and make their teams, based off everything that's been released as of FHJY episode 3. There have been more episodes by this point but nothing that has happened since has influenced any changes!
Gang, I thought about this a lot...this is a lengthy post. This genius simply couldn't be contained. There are some that are based on vibes, and some that I dug a little deeper with Pokedex entries. Rest assured my explanations should suffice my reasoning! These Pokemon are not in any particular order btw!!
Adaine's team is just Peak Blue/cool color Vibes. Was not intentional! I picked a lot of spherical shapes and mon that happen to exude calming energy/auras. I do think that, for now, Adaine keeps her Orb Pokemon from evolving because they're the perfect shape.
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Spheal - Spheal is the perfect orb shaped Pokemon. I could not leave it out of the line up. Additionally, Spheals have soft fur and I think when Adaine's having a panic attack that soft fur would be good for grounding. As Spheal evolves it also learns to "identify" things with its sensitive nose, reminiscent of the Identify Spell.
Natu - Another phenomenal orb. While it's no owl, it will evolve into a psychic, fortune telling mon some day. It does have prophetic abilities in this version, but it seems to be more about hopping about and staring at things. Something about that feels right for Adaine.
Gardevoir - Admittedly, Gardevoir did not initially make my list for Adaine. I did get to thinking that since Adaine comes from an extremely rich family (albeit a neglectful one), her parents would want to give her a fancy mon to exert her status. I don't know if they'd give her a straight up Gardevoir as a kid, but in any case the whole line up is fairy/psychic; I thought since the Abernants are high elves that they would lean towards fairy type Pokemon to link back to their heritage. In any case! Gardevoir ALSO reads the future!
Dragonair - Dragonairs have that blue orb in them, plus they exude a "gentle aura," again another helpful thing for Adaine. They're also part of a pseudo legendary line, which is a great match for our legendary oracle. There's something very elegant about Dragonair, and it evolves into a cute lovey Dragonite!!!
Riolu - I originally gave Adaine a fully evolved Lucario, but given that Riolu evolves with high friendship, I don't know if Adaine would be emotionally ready for that. It still gets the same vibes across with being able to detect auras of others. I'm HC'ing that she got her Riolu as part of an official Welcome to the Family gift from Jawbone :') Riolu is basically an emotional support dog, after all.
Feebas - :) Gang :) I'm taking some liberties here. Wouldn't it be angsty and sad if we envision small Adaine, sad and alone, ignored and chastised by her family, off on her own and happens upon a sad little Feebas? And finds comradery in this lil fish that's considered the ugliest thing in the world? She brings home her very first mon she caught herself and her family tears her to shreds for it but she still loves this mon with a bad rap? I'm obsessed.
Fabian's mon consist of a mix of fighting types, dancing vibes, and trauma based dex entries! That's really all I can say so summarize his team. I'm sorry to my boy but he's so fun to play in the angst space with.
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Lombre - My HC is that Bill Seacaster gave Fabian his first Pokemon, maybe as a small Lotad. Lombre, in the anime, is one of Ash's mon that gave him a hard time, and I think that Fabian would have at least one mon that wouldn't completely respect him in the same way. Once Fabian sheds the expectations of his father, then Lombre accepts him and their relationship blooms! Bonus points! Lombre evolves into Ludicolo, a dancing Pokemon!
Cubone - This is my biggest brain idea. Cubone's whole thing is abandonment because of his mother dying. While Fabian's mother is not dead, she might as well be since she's off traveling with Gilear. Even before then! She was emotionally absent in his life. Sure the skull could be from his literal dead father THAT HE KILLED...there's just something about the mother/son relationship (or lack thereof) that's *chef's kiss*
Hitmontop - This Pokemon is purely fighter, but he's got sick dance moves and if this isn't the Pokemon version of Fabian I don't know what is.
Kirlia - Sigh. Okay. So. The dancing theme is obvious. Unfortunately, I think Fabian would be the kind of guy that would sexualize Kirlia's evolution, Gardevoir. I could only hope that he wouldn't fall in love with his mon but JY Fabian has me fucked up with his character development. I originally gave Fabian Kirlia before I gave Adaine her Gardevoir, so I think he'd probably go with Gallade for his evolution? I do think that this mon, whatever happens, would knock some sense into Fabian like Brock's mon do in the anime, hehe!
Bisharp - Bisharp reflects Fabian's initial work with swordfighting and fencing. Its description about leading groups of its unevolved form plus getting kicked out if it loses a battle to become boss.....gives me Fabian's Very Bad No Good Day on Leviathan vibes to me.
Absol - Absol's deal is that it is something of an unlucky charm -- but it can actually warn people of incoming dangers. I truly think Fabian needs a creature like that in his life. He probably wouldn't know how to interact with a mon such as this, but I believe in him.
Fig's team consists of fire types, music based designs, and illusion/trickery Pokemon. I'm realizing that I'm HC'ing that a lot of Fig's mon evolved with her around the time that she learned she's actually a tiefling. I borrowed that idea from Candace, particularly with Houndoom!
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Jigglypuff - Jigglypuff is SUCH a match for Figueroth Faeth, I'm talking pre-campaign Fig. It's cute, it's bubbly, and is fully capable of being a menace. Fig would absolutely egg on her mon to do something like, I don't know, marking up their sleeping audience out of anger. Plus it's a singer so it could be a cute lil back up singer for Fig! Jiggly is also sweet and fitting for Fig because it evolves through high friendship. I know that Fig says she keeps her emotions wrapped up but miss thing would absoLUTELY have best friendships with her mon.
Loudred - Loudred feels right for Fig, especially if we assume that Fig started with Whismur, this shy timid lil pink first evolution that has a piercing scream. It's basically a big speaker as well (even though it would not be ideal for a concert with it being able to level houses...Fig would probably love that though) It is a pretty destructive Pokemon, but if it gets to evolve it'll mellow out some. I don't know Fig will ever truly mellow out, but who knows! Anything's possible!
Salazzle - Salazzle's deal is that she emits pheromones that attract males which I think goes well with Fig's penchant for flirting with random guys. Maybe Fig found her Salazzle while in Hell and wasn't an initial part of her team, as they are found in volcanoes and other craggy places. She's also generally cunt and Fig deserves a member like that on her team :)
Zoroark - I love Zoroark for Fig as it is an illusion based Pokemon that is extremely loyal to those that have good bonds with them (I'm being liberal with this, they're more loyal to other Zoroarks but I think Fig's would see her on the same level). It can transform itself and makes large crowds believe their illusion. It just matches Fig's vibes!!! Could I go into how its first evolution, Zorua, transforms itself to protect itself from danger and that parallel with Fig's transformations to protect her emotional state?? Sure, but y'all get the point.
Houndoom - Houndoom is a given for Fig. It's a demon fire dog. For our tiefling archdevil that occasionally shifts into German Shepherd mode? Yeah, nuff said.
Shelgon - Shelgon's line is based on being so determined and literally head strong to get what they want. There's the obvious trait we see here, which is that hard shell that Fig often comments on. Both creatures are reorganizing their cells to better reflect their true/ideal selves. Plus Shelgon turns into a dope dragon and I wouldn't put it past Fig to love that for herself and her Pokemon.
Gorgug's mon are a majority grass/bug based, which I think works with how he grew up with the Thistlesprings in the tree. I gave him two "new" members of his party to reflect his artificer second class. Pretty much all of them could work for both of his classes!
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Timburr - Timburr's a cute lil guy that absolutely would start out with Gorgug training to be a barbarian and turn into a lil helper with Gorgug's artificer tinkering. Should Timburr be more evolved than its base form? Yes. Do I think the rest of the line is ugly? Also yes. Sorry about it.
Roselia - I needed to reference Gorgug's very sweet tin flower in some way!!! If taken care of, and we know our boy would absolutely would, it releases a calming scent. Maybe this scent helps calm down Gorgug before he enters a rag e outside of battle, or just to help him relieve anxiety at the end of the day.
Rillaboom - Gorgug 100% would have first gotten its first evolution, Grookey, as his first mon. It'd fit in perfectly with the tree, plus it's whole line is about drumming and rhythm!!! What more can you ask of a mon?
Heracross - I think Heracross is Cute. And strong to boot! For a long time, it's the only one that can keep up with Gorgug as far as strength goes. It's described as docile unless it's disturbed while eating honey; a great match for our sweet barbarian!
Rookidee - I'll be so honest, this choice was based off Cloaca Chloe. I originally gave him Beldum, which is literally a hunk of steel. But I thought about it some more, especially with Chloe being a metal bird, and how could I *not* pick a Pokemon that eventually turns into this giant badass steel/flying type Corviknight? Plus, this mon is bold and always up to the challenge of fighting. What better for a creation that goes "I SUCK" all the time unprovoked?
Tinkatuff - I think that Gorgug found this mon while in the Nightmare Forest, or perhaps right outside of it scared and alone. She's figuring out tinkering along with Gorgug and I know this giant/tiny duo would kick so much ass. Will Tinkatuff end up wanting to fight Rookidee all the time? ...Maybe, but I'm sure Gorgug will find some kind of solution for that to be chill with each other.
I had the hardest time with Kristen, because I can't really pin down her personality and ideals in Pokemon. I think it's because she doesn't know who she is currently. I love Kristen, but most of these mon are a read on her.
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Bellossom - Bellossom is one of the handful of Pokemon out there that has the healer ability! It could certainly be the final evolution of a mon Kristen could have had as a cleric of Helio, Oddish. Also, picturing Kristen and Bellossom doing ribbon dances together? That'd be cute as hell.
Cosmog - Cosmog is veeeeery Cassandra to me. It's a borderline legendary Pokemon. It is characterized as taking an immediate liking to anyone who gives it the time of day. Something about the frailty of this mon reminds me of Kristen's current god. And if any of The Bad Kids were going to have a legendary mon, it'd be Kristen. Given episode 4, we might be looking at an evolution soon...
Psyduck - Psyduck is constantly plagued with headaches that makes it constantly confused! While Kristen doesn't get the headaches she doesn't necessarily quite know what's going on and why she does certain things. It looks like this season she's on the ball with battles though so we'll see! I'm also thinking of Misty's Psyduck and how she treated hers...while I don't think Kristen would get pissed off with her Psyduck, I think she wouldn't see its value in her party all the time.
Eevee - The beauty with Eevee is that it simply could be anything depending on its environment. I think, if anything, this mon most reflects her current religion with Cassandra in that nothing is set in stone and that's okay.
Bidoof - Kristen picked Bidoof for the meme. I just know she would have at least one joke Pokemon. And yet...I don't know, Bidoof just works with Kristen for reasons I can't explain.
Quaquaval - This is the gayest Pokemon I've EVER seen. Imagine seeing this guy ribbon dancing with Kristen? SICKENING!!!! On a more serious note, it does take things more seriously especially while training. Kristen needs someone to whip her into shape, take things more serious.
Riz is obviously our crime solving lil goblin kid. Of course, he's going to initially pick mons that could help with a case. But he's also got SUCH a big heart and would wholeheartedly love all of his mon for who they are outside of being helpful. I also just had to go in and do my best to make sure that Riz has a balanced team -- I refuse to think of him as someone that wouldn't have an answer to counter a weak point for any of his Pokemon.
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Zigzagoon - I've HC'd that Zigzagoon as Riz's first ever Pokemon! Found him in the grass while he was snooping around for something, and Zigzagoon are naturally curious and restless creatures, so they became quick best friends. I think they're always side by side working on a case!
Spoink - Ok hear me out...I was thinking about how the Night Yorb happened because of Riz trying to figure out Garthy, essentially creating the Night Yorb for the universe with that bit. So I fell on Spoink with it's orb on it's head. But then I got to thinking...Spoink can never stop bouncing because it will die if it does. And if THAT is not Riz Gukgak I don't know what is. Boy doesn't know how to relax; his literal worst fear is resting.
Rotom - Honestly I think Rotom would be super useful for Riz! I'm thinking with the arcade in Freshman Year, if Riz had a Rotom that encounter would have been a bit easier! It is a little bit mischievous, and while that's not really Riz's steez, I think he'd find it endearing to a degree.
Klefki - I think that Riz would love to collect things like keys he thinks are relevant to a case. The great thing about Klefki is that it will hang on to keys that it likes and I think Riz relates to wanting to hold on to things he obsesses over! I know that Riz trusts Klefki with his keys, in general. It apparently jingles itself at attackers, and the mental image of a ring of keys jingling while Riz hisses in Goblin Mode™ is so funny to me.
Greninja - Greninjas give me rogue energy. By this time in its evolution it's a pro at devising battle strategy and is a sharpshooter like its trainer. Plus you KNOW Riz would have Battle Bond with Greninja, they'd be a great fighting pair!
Golbat - Originally I picked a bat Pokemon to relate back to Riz's goblin race; goblins live in dungeons, bats live in dungeons, fantastic! Plus the teeth and open mouth? Riz and Golbat going toe to toe in hissing games. Ok let's get serious, cutthroat. I feel as if Riz would find kinship with its unevolved form, Zubat, because of how they are perceived as small annoying things (I personally was always annoyed encountering zubats in the games, idk if this is a widespread belief). Bonus: Golbats evolve with high friendship into Crobat! I don't know why I didn't give Riz a Crobat, just didn't feel right I guess.
And that's the end! Hope you enjoyed this deep dive into Pokemon, Fantasy High, and dare I say character analysis??? I don't know, that might be a little generous to my word vomit. Get in the comments!! I'd love to hear other takes and see more discussion!!
Anyways uhhhh stream Fantasy High Junior Year on Dropout and play/watch some Pokemon k bye
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class-1b-bull · 6 months
Class 1B as random things me and my friends have said part 2.
(Once again i got every student but some got a bit more than others)
Not proofread we die like men
Awase: "35 dolla?!"
Tsubaraba: "its worth it for the vegetable titty pad"
Tsubaraba: "ya know like a bussy doctor. What are they called again? Pedestrian?"
Rin: "NO-"
Tsubaraba: "then whats a pedestrian?"
Rin: "a child doctor...."
Tsubaraba: "....i quit...."
Monoma: "i get to go home an hour early because a costumer told me to kill my self."
Rin: "damn. I get to go home because a costumer called me a woman."
Manga: "poggers. I get to go home because I was fired for drawing titties on cyborg."
Komori: "part of me hopes the fnaf movie is bad."
Kodai: "dont speak to me ever again."
Monoma: "I dont check my bank statement because im a bad bitch."
Kendo: "and your hiding from the fact that your in crippling debt."
Monoma: "....... bad bitch."
Shoda: "the tire pressure one."
*ends call*
Shoda: "i sounded so fucking smart" :D
Reiko: "death is starting to seem nice..."
Pony: "i actually just finished playing a dating game where you date the grim reaper! It was super cute. And yea he was really nice!"
Reiko: "not what i ment but okay-"
Manga: "youre honor, that wasent very skibbidy toilet gyatt of you.. you're really giving ohio fantam tax vibes and thats not gonna slide when my venus is doing the renegade."
Kamakiri: "hey... have you tried shutting the fuck up lately?"
Sen: "cool and all but i didnt ask..."
Setsuna: "yea you did. In my dream last night you came up to me and said 'at exactly 2:37 tomorrow, can you tell me your favorite things about the older pokemon games?' And i was like fuck yea! So yea... ya did ask."
Sen: "i fucking hate you."
Bondo: "and i really respect you so im not going to treat you differently based on some opinion that i may not agree with."
Kuroiro: "i think your favorite show is mid."
Bondo: "and im not going to treat you differently for that opinion. Even though its wrong.."
Setsuna: "i fucking will, the fuck you mean its mid?!"
Shiozaki: "how did you even.... get that far...?"
Shishida: "its the only game i play."
Shiozaki: "still i wouldn't expect you to have 100% over a 500 different levels in geometry dash..."
Pony: "a fucking pokemon theme song quiz? I got this shit who dosent know this song. Embarrassing honestly."
(46% correct.)
Pony: "... i am never speaking again."
Tetsutetsu: "i am packed full with so much testosterone that I could fight a horse."
Tetsutetsu: "i mean i would lose but i ckuld fight one."
Honenuki (or pony): "yea bomb threats in school are cool and whatever but do you believe in the power of friendship?"
Komori: "i swear he was flirting with me! I mean i hope he was because I was so red after he did that!"
Setsuna: "i highly doubt a monster from a horror game was flirting with you..."
Komori: "yea yea but did you SEE the way he dragged my corpse away? Hm? Snapped my neck and took me to dinner all in the same night as far as im concerned."
Reiko: "i am now forming a bracken protection squad just to protect him from you."
Pony: "ill make the t shirts!"
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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morninkim · 8 months
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SV Timeskip - Zero Gang + their main teams!
Zero Gang without their Pokemon here!!
explanations under the cut!
Florian's team was built using Red logic of Gift + story-relevant Pokemon:
Skeledirge simply because I picked Fuecoco in Scarlet (it meant Nemona got Meowscarada and I really like Meow for her + Quaquaval for Clavell)
Perrserker's the G-Meowth from Salvatore
Great Tusk is the former Titan (catchable after the Academy Ace Tournament)
H-Arcanine is the H-Growlithe from Perrin after helping her find Blood Moon Ursaluna
Empoleon is hatched from the egg Jacq gives the player in Kitakami
Ogerpon's... well, Ogerpon's Ogerpon lmao
Arven's team is the same as in the base game + DLC, with one change - Mabosstiff is totally okay and healthy, to be clear!! He's just much older now and can't battle as much as he used to, so Arven subs in Snorlax, which evolved from the Munchlax Florian got from Ogre Oustin' in Kitakami. Thought that was fun since it still fits in with Arven's food-themed team and is a small nod to her friendship with Florian.
Nemona's team combines her Academy Ace team with her Special Coach team (mostly just replaces Milotic with Goodra) and adds a shiny Flutter Mane. I chose Flutter Mane specifically because it's the Paradox with the highest usage rate in Competitive Pokemon and I thought it'd be cute since shiny Flutter matches well with timeskip Nemona's color scheme. It also kinda parallels Florian's Great Tusk where both have unique traits (titan/shiny), a high attacking stat (atk/sp. atk) and a low defensive stat (sp. def/def). I just think that's a neat detail.
Penny has her same team as usual since it doesn't change between the main game, Academy Ace, Mochi Mayhem and being a Special Coach. I'm thinking about designing a special Stellar-type Eeveelution to give her, just for fun, but I'll need to brainstorm a bit more for that one. Regardless, I think she'd also have a baby Eevee, just for fun.
also since I couldn't fit him in the main image without it feeling cluttered, here's Florian with Koraidon as a bonus:
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just-a-slytherpuff · 10 months
Snape's Snokemon team
Got inspired to design a full Pokemon team for Snape so here we go.
First off is Serperior: the Regal Pokemon. It's a snake, it's royal, what more justification do you need? I think the Half Blood Prince wouldn't be able to resist that sort of combination. Serperior is definitely the Pokemon he claims as his main one for the sake of appearances.
Second is Paras: the Mushroom Pokemon. I figure Snape originally caught this one for the cordyceps mushrooms on its back, which are known for their use in herbal medicine, and then decided to keep it around. Also, @dastardly-lemondrops informed me that Paras in Legends Arceus are bizarrely aggro and that it would be funny if Snape's Paras was like an angry chihuahua.
Third is Watchog: the Lookout Pokemon. I picked this one because it seems like it would be great for helping him search for ingredients while out in the forest. Plus, I think that with Snape's past of being targeted when alone, he'd love a Pokemon that's always on the lookout for him instead. Because of that, Watchog ends up very protective of him, to the point where Snape tends to only call it out when others aren't around.
Fourth is Golduck: the Duck Pokemon. I figure Snape needs a water-type for underwater gathering and Golduck seemed a great fit for that. It regularly scours the lake for interesting ingredients that Snape can add to his potions. Also, Golduck has telepathic abilities that allows it to pass on knowledge to its trainer that I'm sure Snape would love.
Fifth is Delphox: the Fox Pokemon. With the witch and prophecy theming, I thought Delphox was a good pick for Snape, even if he wouldn't exactly like it. Therefore, I've decided that the reason he kept it around is that it's a shiny that just showed up one day and wouldn't leave him alone. It's very insistent on sticking around and he enjoys the prestige of having a shiny so now he just has to deal with this thing looming over his shoulder and starting all his fires for him.
And the final pick is Crobat: the Bat Pokemon. It wouldn't be a Snape team without at least one poison-type, so I figured why not lean into the dungeon bat theme. I've decided he raised this one all the way up from a Zubat, maybe even his first Pokmon. Also, since Crobat is a friendship based evolution, it would give a hint as to his true nature. People who don't remember him having a Zubat assume he got lucky in finding one, and those who do remember his little Zubat assume he got rid of it in exchange for the final evolution.
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Also: honorable mentions to Inkay, Polteageist, and Shuckle for being great potential picks that didn't make the cut.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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rosalind-hawkins · 7 months
Otogi with 1, 7 and 12?
Thank you for asking! Answers are for this post and I'm still taking asks if anyone else is interested! I've already answered one for Kaiba and would be happy to talk about my other faves. :)
I am going to call him Duke in this post if you don't mind. I'm dub trash and that's his name to me.
1. What Pokemon would you compare this character to? (may be replaced with "what Digimon" or other such monsters / critters if needed)
Ooof, this one was actually really hard! Duke is a pretty complex dude to me, and since there are no dice pokemon, there's no easy answer. The best source of inspiration would be his manga arc to see his core development, where his father was training him up to replace someone else and steal his destiny. As far as symbolism/themes surrounding him, we've got clowns, dice, ninjas, and revenge. I cannot for the life of me think of a single pokemon that really embodies who he is, either in terms of absolute pure canon OR the fleshed-out personality I've interpreted him into.
But what I can do is give you a pokemon team for him that captures some of the story and visual themes surrounding him: Greninja, Porygon, Mime Jr., Gimighoul, Yamask, Pawniard.
Greninja, Gimighoul, and Pawniard are included for the monsters he uses in DM and DDM. Mime Jr because he's literally the son of a clown and embraces a tiny bit of that aesthetic for himself. Porygon because he's a bit dicey-looking and his origins are pretty technical and scientific, something that I associate with Duke based on all the work that went into him creating DDM. Yamask because when he did approach Yugi and the gang at first (they approached him actually, but I digress), it was under false pretenses. Charm and deception are two sides of the same mask and this boy wears them both way too comfortably.
7. What might they appreciate as a gift from someone?
My answer for Kaiba on this one was long, so buckle in! With Kaiba's, I basically went through the different kinds of gifts that would be good for him and who would give them, so I'll do the same here, based off of the different ships/friendships I imagine for him.
Generally though, I think what Duke values in gifts is either the thought and effort that were put in (handmade stuff, or something basic but deeply meaningful) or the kind of gift that is activity-oriented (bro loves hanging out with his friends).
Ryou has a good few options. He's an artist and Duke has always been really supportive of that. He might make Duke some custom resin dice based on his Monster World characters, or custom resin dice earrings based on his Monster World characters. I think the best gift he would give Duke is a piece of art starring all their Monster World characters from the campaigns that Ryou runs, and the whole thing is set up like a fun movie posted. Duke would be so thrilled with it. He'd get that framed and insured and hang it where he'd get to show it off. In the end, it would be some work of art that integrates their shared interests/activities, which makes it especially personal.
Ishizu would, I think, give Duke a modern copy of the Ancient Egyptian game sennet, or maybe a different game that she might have grown up with. He enjoys a challenge and trying new things, and he would also appreciate that it's something personal from her life that she's trying to share with him. Plus, more games are more things to do with friends.
I think all of that could apply to Marik as well. I also think that Marik, as stylish as he is, might have a pretty good grasp on Duke's style and get him some accessories and new nail polish or makeup, stuff like that. (You can't tell me Duke doesn't wear makeup, just look at that eyeliner!)
Kaiba probably fumbles the first time he tries to give Duke a gift. Either it comes across as patronizing or too aggressive, or just somewhat off. Duke decides to take the time to explain that what he wants most from Kaiba is dedicated time with him, so planned vacation it is. Seto says he can take him anywhere in the world, and Duke doesn't care where they go, as long as he is the center of Kaiba's attention.
Hm, time for Joey. Now, here's the thing, I've got a few pretty different Joey's running around in my head, all at different levels of maturity, so bear with me. He might want to take him out to do something special or have dinner at a really nice restaurant—an experience instead of an object, and it's time spent together. When in doubt, or just as a backup, Joey will have some special intimacy planned as well, and that's consistent for whoever Joey is with.
12. What's a moment in canon regarding them that you feel is underappreciated?
Hnnnnnngg I just made a big long post recently with all my Duke Devlin propaganda, because honestly, I think most people do just see him as a pretty face, that guy who flirts with Serenity to piss off Tristan, and the guy who put Joey in a dog suit, and that's it, but he's so much more than that to me. I'll cover some little scenes here that I either think about a lot or that I think are generally forgotten until you go back and rewatch the show.
One moment I think about a lot is that two frames of him making stirfry in Season Four.
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I don't think you'd believe how much of my understanding of Duke derives from that moment? I think about it way too much. He stepped up to cook for his friends, he handles that frying pan with confidence, and from that I think I extrapolated a lot of my more domestic/mundane headcanons for him (like how he always makes sure his partner/s are well-fed and looking after themselves, and that he's generally a pretty responsible guy, keeps his affairs in order, all that jazz).
Another great moment is in the KC Grand Prix Arc when Joey and Tristan step in front of a TV camera and are making fools of themselves and Duke just steps between them and the camera, showing his good side and smirking. I don't think he even says anything, and it's great. It's just a casual "the camera loves me, and you idiots need to stop making yourselves look ridiculous." (Couldn't find a screenshot or gif of this moment, sadly.)
I think the first time we see him in the anime is this scene where he's in an office or apartment above his game store and is just watching Yugi pass by (with unnamed sycophant next to him). It's an almost creepy moment, honestly, and it's the kind of thing that makes me toy with the idea of a full-villain version of Duke.
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As far as the manga goes, I haven't read most of it (I got the first few volumes shortly before my recent move, and they're packed up somewhere still), but I know the gist of his manga arc. Yugioh is full of bad dads, and I think because his dad got cut out of the anime it's easy to forget that Duke's a member of the Domino Bad Dad Support Group as well.
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Anyways, I hope that's a satisfactory answer. I feel like that was pretty long-winded heh. 😅 Thanks again for asking! I do love talking about my boy Duke.
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The Black Bulls and what pokemon I would assign to them.
Part 1
This is just personal preference and from the pokemon I actually know about.
So mostly gen 4 and 5.
I'm also not using starter pokemon or legendaries.
Starting with Asta, I'd give him a Machop.
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Machop is a fighting type pokemon, he's quite small and generally act like quite child like.
I think they'd be a good fit for Asta personality wise. Also these little guys are always training and would be someone Asta could sparr and train with.
They also are at the beginning of their evolution, much like how Asta would be at the start of his journey to become the Wizard King.
That and they get progressively more more muscular which is something he and Asta have in common.
For Noelle I would give her a Swanna.
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Swanna are water and flying types. And at least where I'm from there a symbol of royalty and regality.
They also evolve from Ducklett which I find hilarious.
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If you know anything about Ducklett, they are some sneaky lil fuckers. And I can imagine Noelle having a bit of a hard time when they first meet.
Even being mocked for having such a "disobedient and useless pokemon."
But Noelle, defying all expectations as usual bonds with her pokemon.
And her Swanna is proof of how far they've come.
They can both dance on the battlefield together.
Also Swanna when they were a Ducklett has definitely chased the other Silva siblings and pecked them relentlessly for their treatment of Noelle.
Probably still does it tbh.
Magna gets a Roggenrola.
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Roggenrola is a rock type pokemon.
The reasoning for this is because of a special ability Roggenrola can have which shows its true strength.
That ability is sturdy, it can't be taken out in one hit.
And that just feels so fitting for Magna's pokemon. Someone small that you underestimate because he has a lot of type disadvantages but won't back down no matter the odds.
That and I just imagine the lil guy on Magna's shoulder.
They can be quite cowardly but seeing em get hyped up Magna would be sweet.
For Luck I have to give him a Jolteon.
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Jolteon is an electric type and one of the evee evolutions.
I imagine Luck's had Jolteon since they were an evee. Playing with them and having many... Many battles.
Luck was definitely that guy you make eye contact with on accident and than boom pokemon battle.
I imagine his evee became a Jolteon through either finding a thunder stone on a mission or through sheer will power.
Also one of the special abilities a Jolteon can get is volt absorption.
Where they regain HP from getting hit with an electric based attack.
And tell me getting hit, getting stronger and more pumped from the hit to fight is not Luck all over.
Zora gets a Zorua.
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Zorua are mischievous illusion pokemon who like to impersonate others and cause mischief.
Pretty self explanatory.
I imagine Zora's dad to have have had a Zoroark who laid an egg that he gifted his son
Making Zorua one of the last ties Zora has to his father.
And both of them have a grudge against nobility for it.
It does also lead to a lot of pranks.
Gordon gets a Litwick.
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Litwick is a ghost and fire type pokemon.
Litwick are pokemon who pretends to guide people and Pokémon around by illuminating darkened areas. However, it is actually sucking away their life energy and leading them to the Ghost World.
But Gordon's Litwick doesn't want to do that.
It wants to actually guide others and make friends with them. But given their reputation, they aren't exactly seen as trustworthy.
So you have too lonely dark souls who just want to make friends, finding friendship in each other.
And just the image of Litwick nestled on a table while Gordon uses their light to paint his figures is just so sweet.
Finral gets a Growlithe.
Because if anyone deserves one of the goodest of good boys, it's Finral.
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Growlithe is a fire type dog pokemon.
And much like their real world doggo counterparts, they are fiercely loyal to their trainers.
And for someone like Finral who was disowned, that would mean so much to him.
They are very friendly and sweet doggos, and you know any girl Finral gets a date with would adore his dog.
However, if Growlithe's are also known, if they or their trainer is threatened, they will go feral.
Even if that opponent is far stronger and bigger than them.
And for Finral who for a long time saw himself as a coward, having someone watch his back and encourage him to keep going is something he definitely needs.
Also, I can imagine when Finral goes down in the fight between him and Langris, that Growlithe rushes over.
Licking his cheek and whimpering when Finral won't get up. Before turning to Langris, and going off.
Langris who was someone Growlithe definitely knows and loves, and is now glaring at with the intensity of a thousand sun's.
Staying with his beloved trainer in the hospital, standing guard by his bed.
Also everyone in the squad loves Finral and Growlithe would definitely befriend and protect the other squad member's pokemon.
Vanessa gets a Sewaddle.
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Sewaddle is a bug and grass type Pokemon.
Their sweet lil sassy guys.
And they say hi by booping foreheads.
I imagine they were the only friend Vanessa had growing up with Witch's forest.
And have just stuck together since.
Also, they use a move called string shot that works a lot like Vanessa's string magic.
I imagine them just lovingly bullying Ruby and the other pokemon but they are a sweetheart at heart.
Has also definitely bit the Queen of Witches.
Multiple times.
Henry gets a Jigglypuff.
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Jigglypuff is a normal type pokemon.
Which means it's not affected by Henry's ability of absorbing magic.
Jigglypuff's are very expressive lil guys and I think they'd make Henry laugh and keep him company when he's alone.
Part 2
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galacticfoundation · 1 year
Heya... Mars here. This is a little awkward, but Miss Cynthia seems to think it's a good idea, so... FAQ??
Q: Team Galactic? The doomsday cult?
A: It's not a cult anymore! We've been busting our butts in that court mandated therapy!
Q: Why are you still around?
A: We just want to fix things. The Champion and Cynthia did a really big favor, keeping us out of Forever Jail. Plus, some of us didn't have anywhere else to go. There's only about... 33 of us now?
Q: Why is Mars running this shebang? Wasn't she like, bottom of the totem pole.
A: Rude. But true. Saturn is technically in charge, but he's... not been doing too well. Can't blame him, really. It's a miracle he lasted this long. Jupiter went to Hoenn to work at some space place because we kind of ran out of money. So that leaves little old Mars! Jupiter thinks shes superior still, but I'm not the one with a live in Interpol agent.
Q: What do you even do?
A: Classic community service stuff. Also, working on reuniting stolen Pokémon. And cleaning up the lakes after the whole bomb thing. That was Jupiters idea, by the way. NOT mine. Oh, and about half the grunts have day jobs, for previously stated broke reasons. Saturn does some online coding stuff that I don't understand in the slightest.
Q: Is Cyrus alive?
A: I don't know.
cassini starts another blog, part... 11??? main blog @plasmaapologist blah blah blah. i could use this app to get an autism diagnosis i think
this blog is based on an au of my own dppt interpretation/au. it is canon based but not compliant. ye have been warned. blog will deal with heavy topics from time to time, all will be tagged
- the plot was that of platinum, for the most part
few things to note:
- this blog takes place very closely after dppt. only the events of kanto, johto, and hoenn have happened. asks relating to things in the other games will be answered, but will likely be met with confusion
- the start of this blog is 5-6 months after the events of the game
- charon does not exist. hes stupid and i dont like him. 👎
- lucas is the champion, dawn is the professors assistant
- dawn is probably one of my most heavily headcanoned characters. just a warning ♡
- despite being based on platinum, lucas failed to capture giratina. he later gained the trust of dialga, though their relationship is more of friends than pokemon and master.
- mars and saturn genuinely have good intentions. however please feel free to accuse them of otherwise. (jupiters only acting good to stay out of jail)
reoccurring characters blah blah blah. you know them but i thrust my headcanon upon ye
mars: she/her, 20. main poster. interim leader while saturn recovers. trying her best
saturn: he/him, 26. may occasionally post. not currently acting as leader after a mental breakdown, but still handles finances and does announcements when he can.
jupiter: she/her, 28. currently working at mossdeep space center in hoenn under the very careful eye of interpol. she never actually cared about team galactic, but its keeping her out of jail...
lucas: he/him, 14. current champion of sinnoh. has been helplessly busy since becoming acting champion. someone give this man a break, please. hes got a bit of a hero complex now. enjoys hanging out with barry and dawn when hes free, which often puts him around team galactic when hes with the latter.
dawn: she/her, 13. professor rowan's assistant. a quiet girl with a melancholic side; her real passion is art, but no one seems to appreciate it. has an odd but strong friendship with mars, and likes helping out.
barry: he/him, 14. impatient as ever. does not get why his friends want to help those galactic freaks so much!? why can't we beat them up and put them in jail forever?!?! main goal: blow up beat his father in battle
cynthia: she/her, 34. former champion of sinnoh. trying to enjoy her newfound free time, but she's been tasked with keeping an eye on team galactic. she secretly doesn't mind, and has developed a friendship with saturn. she wants to visit unova sometime soon, but she's just so busy...
professor rowan: he/him, old. early 60s? haven't decided. it's the professor, man. pretty much dawns main family, since her actual one doesn't seem fond of her. he doesn't really like her hanging with former terrorists, but also, doesn't want to control her.
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koraichalcum · 1 year
your friendly trainer's guide to: APEX KORAIDON
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Something to bear in mind: dont catch him. Actually don't look at him. Don't be within 1000 feet of him. It's probably best you're not even around the crater base at all should he be prowling on the outside walls. He absolutely knew you were coming and in fact is probably hunting you as we speak-
But let's say you miraculously survived and even managed to catch Apex Koraidon.
He hates you.
Oh he absolutely hates you.
The worst thing you can do is mistake him for an animal. Apex is something akin to an ancient misplaced being; he has complex thoughts and needs ( though very angry and very proud ) and basically throwing him in a pokeball is calling him less then that. He's both a predator and a dragon with an incredibly intricate culture, rules and even language and he won't tolerate disrespect or being mistaken as Pokemon in the regular sense of needing domestication or friendship.
And he's still going to actively hunt you out of revenge as soon as your guard is down. Apex is a prehistoric predator, the apex of his time and dominant of his species. He was made in a world without humans and that everyday was one to survive. He's not made for domestication, he does not WANT domestication, an easy or kind living, or companionship. He's evolutions perfect killing machine made to take down mega fauna in solitude. He thrives on territorial clashes, fights with mesozoic giants like Tyrantrum and Roaring Moon over kills, and driving out rivals from his hoards, mates, clutches and territory.
In fact giving him offerings, kind words or otherwise is an insult to a proud ancient dragon and will make him two times as hostile. You're calling him weak, a hatchling, prey or otherwise and any proud dragon and predator would sooner die with their dignity then get help like prey.
And whatever you do DONT pet him, or ride him, or any of that sort unless you want to be trampled, thrown off violently or your limbs going missing. Not unless he says so. A dragon's scales and plume are a mark of power. In his time the brighter more battle worn hides and feathers are to be admired and respected. Touching them without permission or needlessly is a backhand and especially if you attempt to touch the softer underbelly or fringe. Same thing with trying to climb him. As said before, he's not an animal or a tool and doing so is saying different. You're going to be mauled.
A relationship with Apex is near impossible and any exceptions are in the extreme cases or by force like a masterball. In hypotheticals the closest one can get for him to consider you an equal rather then prey or an enemy is being his rival where he considers you as worthy in battle. Things like challenges, bets, and competition in ancient dragon culture is venerable, pitching ones own raw power against another. There is no respect for competitors who cheat or use anything else but their actual strength. Yes even the loser in the bet has at least the dignity that they committed with their power only.
Before being driven away from their kill or den of course.
Apex does not owe any one person his attention, his strength, or his nonexistent friendship. Any working together is usually done by force of circumstance and only for that time. His literal ideal life is hunt, rest, breed offspring, protect his den and hoard and then die if not from injury let it be in battle by a bigger opponent. Nothing else and he's happy with that.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
For the friendship headcanons, how about Akari and Rei?
Ooooooh, okay. admittedly, I'm not super familiar with this two, so sorry if these are a bit ooc! Also, I'm going off the npc versions of them here, but I'll try to add some protag stuff too.
From what I can gather, these two are pretty blunt and sassy, but Rei is even more so? When Akari merely implies the how hard it is for a survey corps to go out there, even with a pokemon, Rei over here just goes "uuuuh, you do know you would die out there, right? Even with a pokemon you can just die," Because of this I imagine Akari constanly having to reel Rei in cause he seems to have no filter. She's no better, they're both pretty blunt, but ultimately Rei seems to be even more so. Akari weaves her bluntness with her polite demeanor.
I think this is funny, and based on no context at all, but Akari has a fake galarian accent. She uses it cause she thinks it makes her sound dignified and cool. Rei gives her so much shit for this but the next thing he knows, he's slipping into it himself, which then Akari gives him shit for it. Laventon doesn't have the heart to tell them that their accents are bad lmao.
Rei almost lost a family member to wild pokemon( they were apart of the corps before him actually) and because of that he has a deep wariness around pokemon. Akari was the one that helped him ease that tension between him and pokemon. It was hard, very hard, but over time the he was able to form meaningful bons between them! I like to think akari actaully gave Rei one of his pokemon. Possibly clefairy?
They're both very into fashion! Rei was very insecure about it at first but between's Akari's encouragement and Adaman pretty much being an inspiration for him, he's been growing more confident! The two love having little fashion shows for each other. It usually devolves into them wearing silly outfits and making each other laugh.
Protaginst! Akari, after the main events, would have trouble being within the village. Re understands, but doesn't want Akari to feel so alone. So he offers for the two to go camping together, as often as they can. It would be near one of the settlements so they can be wacthed over. They spend most of their nights just talking about anything and everything. Whenever Akari feels comfortable being in the village, she would have Rei sleepover at her place. ( honestly this still applies to protag rie and npc akari)
Do not be fooled by her politeness: Akari is the master prankster. In every prank war the two had, she has won. Every single time. She is incredibly clever. Rei swears up and down that he'll win the next one, but he doesn't. In general I can see them being a bit competitive with each other. Who catches the most pokemon in a day, who can make each other laugh more, who's laventon's favorite ( its the both of them), etc, etc.
That's all I can think of. Hopefully these are okay!
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