#give me!!!!!! the deleted scenes!!!!!!!!!
restlesspazzi04 · 9 hours
here are scraps from chapter 6 + explanations on why they were scrapped!
Scene 1
This was a deleted section from the conversation with Paige and Michael:
Michael just nods in response, letting Paige continue. “I think I’m in love with Azzi.” The verbalization shocks both of them as the words slip out of Paige’s mouth. “And I don’t think she loves me back,” Paige slurs out, hugging her knees for comfort. 
“What makes you think that?” Michael asks a little quieter this time. 
“I just don’t think she sees me like that. I can’t really explain it.” 
Michael hums lowly, continuing to listen. 
“I’m not good enough for her,” Paige pauses for a moment before continuing, “And I don’t think I ever will be.” 
“I think you’re being harsh on yourself.” Michael chimes in finally, “You should talk to Azzi about this. I think you would be surprised at what she has to say.”
“And ruin my relationship with my best friend? No way.” Paige scoffs, “Plus, I can’t give Azzi what she wants… or what she deserves. It wouldn’t be a good idea to tell her.” 
“But are you happy with what you are to her? Are you happy seeing her with other people?”
The question made Paige stop and think. Was she happy? When Azzi had told her about the girl she had hooked up with, Paige had gone on a mini-rampage, finding random girls to sleep with every chance she had. She had chalked it up to being in college and an unlimited population of girls who wanted her (which was true still), but she would be lying if she said Azzi hooking up with someone else didn’t influence her choices. It had hurt her more than she anticipated and that hurt terrified her. 
“It doesn’t matter what I feel. I can’t lose her. If I told her right now then we would have to date. And if we dated that means we would break up. And if we broke up, well- well then our friendship would be over and I don’t know if I can handle that.” 
“Why would you have to break up? You’re dooming a relationship before it even starts. What’s the point of that?” 
Paige shakes her head, “I’m not dooming anything, I’m just being realistic.”
“Or you’re projecting your commitment issues.” Michael cuts in quickly, causing Paige to have a mildly offended look on her face. 
“I do not have commitment issues!” Paige exclaims. 
I didn't want Paige's first verbalization of loving azzi to be in this chapter (aka want it to be a bigger moment)
I thought the outward mention of her commitment issues was too cliche and scrapped that
just not well written and flowed awkwardly to me idk
Scene 2
This scene jumped from multiple places such as the beginning on the basketball court and the bathroom scene at the party:
“We would get to spend three years playing together, that’s one.” Paige says, counting off her fingers, “We would get to hang out at any time, go to bars together, and just have more freedom. I mean I love Katie and Tim, and my parents are good about letting us sleep over, but let’s be honest we always have to end shit early, and that’s just two. I got like three more.”
Paige takes a step closer to Azzi, in her face now. 
“Three, we would be teammates and you know how well we worked together in Team USA. We are like Curry and Thompson. See? I even used an NBA player you knew. That’s just how well I know you.” Paige says with a shit-eating grin on her face, warranting a tiny shove from the brunette. 
“Four, I want you to meet my friends. I just know you would get along with everyone. Why would I not want the best team for you? And you would love Geno. He’s a tough coach and I know you like that.” Paige just smiles, resting both her arms on Azzi’s shoulders. 
“And five?” Azzi asks a bit quieter when Paige doesn’t respond for a moment, just staring at the younger girl with a flirty smile.
“We could be as loud as we want,” Paige says while maintaining eye contact, only breaking it once to glance down at Azzi’s lips. 
“Oh yeah? Is that why you want me to come? I didn’t realize my Mom telling us to quiet down while playing Fortnite was so annoying. I’ll ask her to back off.” Azzi says while feigning innocence, not wanting to play whatever game Paige was playing.
“Yeah, it gets really annoying when our hangouts get interrupted. I mean we’re just two girls tryna have fun, what crime are we committing by laughing too hard?” Paige says, playing along with Azzi. 
“I guess I just have to come so we can laugh into the night together,” Azzi says while leaning in for a kiss. 
it lowkey killed me to take this out because i liked the way i wrote it but i just didn't have a use for it
kinda forward and i wanted paige's reasons for wanting azzi to come to uconn to be less superficial? if that makes sense
her actual list will be revealed later in the fic
Scene 3
This was the original ending to the fic, i just didn't like it that much:
“Do you remember that party we went to before you committed when I asked you to narrow down to two schools?”
Azzi looks at her, confused, “What does that have to do anything?” “Just trust me. Do you remember that night?” Paige says, still unsure of where she is going herself. 
“Yes, you were being an asshole… what does that have to do with anything?” 
“I made of list of every single reason I wanted you to come to UCONN, but I never told you because I was too scared to tell you how I felt.” 
Azzi looks back curiously now, wanting to know more.
“And I thought about sending you that list every single day leading up to your commitment because it was driving me insane"  
“But I realize now, that I can’t do this anymore with you. I can’t sit and hold back every single time we talk about something serious because it’s been years of this back-and-forth and it’s driving me insane.” Paige pauses for a moment before continuing, “I’m not going to tell you what to do because that’s up to you to decide. But if you're genuinely asking me if I think you should get married to Ben, I'm going to say no."
I initially wrote this with the intention of this being the moment Paige tells Azzi she shouldn't get married, but it felt way to premature and i just didn't like the level of impact it would've had to the plot
I didn't like most of the wording
too much blatant flashbacking, felt unnatural
this is a slow burn and this would simply be too much progression when it hasn't even been a full 24 hours of them being resolved friends again (aka wtf was i thinking)
And that is the totality of the deleted scenes i will be sharing thank you for reading :)
also if you've made it to the end, i have a one shot coming out soon on tumblr so watch out for that !
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thesunfyre4446 · 21 hours
I remember when the scripts for deleted scenes were being posted and Team Black was praising Daemon as father of the year for awkwardly saying “Let’s have you with us for now” to his daughter he had not seen in years even though he lived like a 1/2 hr - 1 hr fly away.
They are now pissed that this season will explore Baela’s feeling distant toward Daemon and Rhaena feeling resentment that Baela got to live with their Grandmother while she was left alone on Dragonstone with the “Braedy” Bunch. TB built a fantasy in their heads of “Girl Dad” Daemon and of Rhaena being Rhaenyra’s “favorite child” because she gives her handmaid Rhaena hand me down dresses and jewelry.
We’ve seen no evidence of Daemon being a good father or a good stepfather. We have seen Rhaena’s distressed being ignored by him because he can’t be a grown man about her not having a dragon. We have seen him hang back in the shadows and not show any concern towards his daughters who were just in a fight that ended in another child losing an eye. We saw him only step forward to (according to the script) to try and Attack Alicent from behind and to see about Rhaenyra’s wound.
We’ve seen this blood purist hate his nephews and niece who are all dragon riders that look like the picture of Old Valyria because they have a Hightower mom. Yet people believe he actually cares for Rhaenyra’s Strong sons who are more Andal than Valyrian?
While we DO see Aegon’s pride in his children. His subtle acknowledgement of his daughter who he knows enough about that he knows she has an aversion to touch like her Mother. We see him show his son more attention than both his father and his uncle have ever shown their children. We see Daemon help Rhaenyra steal his daughter’s birthright, while he see Aegon show enthusiasm in training his son to be King.
We saw Daemon not come to Rhaenyra’s aid when she was calling for him while painfully delivering a malformed stillborn baby. We never see Daemon grieve this baby, we do however see his fans say that he’s grieving the loss of the baby to excuse him abusing his wife, being a dick to his stepson and plotting the murder of a toddler.
We will however be seeing Aegon’s anguish, grief and pure unrestrained rage over the murder of his son.
yep. that's the thing that gets on my nerves anon
they've just decided that daemon is a good father despite one of his children literally saying "father ignores me", despite him not even bothering to check on his daughters after they were in a fight, despite him making rhaena feel useless because she has no dragon. we see him looking at her in silent judgment and her looking hurt. at least aemond had alicent for support when he didn't have a dragon... poor rhaena.
we never see rhaenyra interact with her stepdaughter, she invites them to join the family at the table in ep 10 - wow! congrats on not excluding your stepdaughters !!!! best mom evehhh!!! we do know, however, that she planned their marriages with rhaenys behind their back, not even bothering to ask for their consent. you'd expect rhaenyra "i do not wish to get married" Targaryen to at least let her stepdaughters know before she marry them off. we have 0 evidence of rhaenyra being a good stepmom.
and yeah, daemon is obsessed with valyrian blood and bloodlines. this man cannot even be bothered with his own children and i'm expected to believe that he gives a fuck about the strongs? he was literally angry at rhaenyra for "neglecting her roles as queen" AKA looking for her son's body.
and as for daemon as a husband... i don't think anyone's claiming he was a good husband to rhae and laena but he's horrible to rhaenyra as well. he ignored her when she was screaming in pain for him, he physically assaulted her !!
so we have daemon who ignores his children when they're bleeding, openly prefers one twin over the other, assaults his wife, ignores her when she's in pain and i'm supposed to think that he's a family man?
BUT when aegon takes his son to the council meeting, gets angry at one of his most powerful allies for snapping at his son (not really i love tyland and that scene was adorable), looks at his son lovingly and proudly, knows his son's fav games, gently taps his daughter's shoulder (idk if she doesn't like touch like hel, she just looked happy minding her own business), immediately can tell his identical twins apart WE'RE wrong for calling him a good dad? as far as westerosi standards go , yeah, i'd say he's a pretty decent dad.
and then they really try to bring up half a sentence from a TGC interview conveniently leaving out the parts where he says that aegon wasn't an absent father & he loves his kids very much lmao
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aannonn · 2 days
had the sudden urge to talk about this scene
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something something
"i will let you live, freedom in your hands, just help me animate and you're free to do whatever." offer of peace..
something something Second casually rejects
"no. i dont want to." offer of living peace.
something something about the way they don't care.
something something about the way they refuse.
something something about the way they deny the chance to have freedom.
something something about the way they are willing to risk their own life.
something something about the way they don't seem to want to live.
something something about the way they-
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-prioritize their friends' lives over their own life.
You are trapped, locked in a tight box with no way out. You are completely vulnerable, unarmed, and much, much smaller than the human who created you. You are about to be deleted, forever and all eternity. You don't want to be deleted, do you?
Suddenly, a text. Suddenly, an offer. Suddenly, a chance for freedom. Suddenly, a chance to live.
That would be good, wouldn't it? You are free. You are alive. Freedom is in your hands, and you can do whatever you want whenever you want, as long as you don't destroy anything and help the human with his animations. Wouldn't it be good? Wouldn't it be cool?
And still… You decline it.
You threw away the opportunity you had - the only and possibly last opportunity you had to be free, to live.
…All because you couldn't visualize a world where you wouldn't be with your friends. All because the mere thought of having to live with the freedom that was given to you so willingly hurts, because your friends didn't have that same opportunity. They were gone before they even had the chance.
What is there to live for? Your friends are gone. There is nothing else to live for.
...Something about the way Second didn't even hesitate- They were risking their own life because they didn't want to live without their friends; They were terrified to be deleted, but after c!Alan's offer, now they didn't even seem to care anymore ; Freedom? Give me my friends back then I will think about it.
I guess this is another thing that shows how much Second was willing to sacrifice just for their friends, even if it costs their own life
argshws thinking about this - Second cares about their friends more than they care about themselves - lowkey hurts awargshhwswsh gosh Sec
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Alright, we talk a lot about Luke, but not enough about Nic and her personally. I
I beleive this tik-tok was intenational lol as well as jack's stories of her new photos. She's too smart to just post random stuff and then deleting it. I would never beleive she was like not like not on tik-tok, watching every single post after premier with that blue dress on his gf instead of reactions to the mirror scene lol.
She has also said she doesn't believe in love. Girl, fr? And she hasn't been in love for 9 years? The way she's working, very hard. I am totally rooting for her here, yeah. I get it! Tbh, she just doesn't need the partner to be happy, but at the same time I like... But isn't everyone sometimes longing for the feelings and intimacy? She is very 'put it together' person. She comes of as a strong person also, she is ambitious and career-driven, but at the time I feel like sometimes she is tensed. She works not-stop, and it's pure speculation or just the vibe, but the way she does projects and pr. I could be wrong, but it's almost she doesn't allow feeling to come to her head instead she dives deep into other things. Again I could be wrong, but sometimes she's a bit workacholic, u know haha Like she could works 7 days a week, no rest. And it's inspiring, yeah, but if try to analyze here a little, you know. Why do people work this much?
Maybe, she was dating smn, but with her insane schedule and the way she's touching Luke in the last interviews. I don't know.
The only impression I get that she hides her blind spots very well, and her whole bubbly self is just the cover, and not all people can crawl inside and really get what it's in there. She guards it. She needs someone kind and soft enough to cherish her. And I feel like during filming Nick and Luke shared something real and very emotional, and she allowed herself to open up. And that's why she's that grateful. I think as every woman out there with curves had at some point of her life a point, where she learnt how to love her body. And all these scenes, she mentioned she was a bit terrified, but then, the way she spoke about experience with him. It gives the sweet aching, because he really tried to make it comfortable for her. She mentioned the way how open they were in communicating feelings and ideas, how he wouldn't crash her with his weight during that sofa scene and how easy it was, because they laughed through it and discussed every detail. And like every other bridgeron actor saying that all that scenes were heavily choreographed as stunt, and she's just 'well, we improvised, cause it's not like do this and do that' .
'I don't have relationships like that with anyone in my life'
'unique bond', 'as almost we've been through war'
Well, Is it beaucse she let her guard down with him during filiming? It's just interesting, because I just really see the diffirence of her behaviour with other co-stars. Although, she is warm, but not that much, and as I said for her it's not really that easy to let any person see she's not that confident inside, as she seems to be.
He respected her, he made her feel safe during all of that. And it's beautiful, because things like that, when you trust the person like that and they saw you like that, it's just a lot. Yeah, some would say 'it's just work', but from her interviews for her it was empowering experience. And he was a part of it. And that's why I am again can't comprehend, how this man from her perspective(she is literally praising him every time she gets a chance, people are saying she's like that with everyone, but nah, it's like a lot with him again) is the same guy, who is still going through 'fboy' phase. Because Iistening to his interviews, his passion for Colin, and well-spoken and attentive he is, I believe Luke definetly respect and get women the way, that fuckboys don't. It's all so confusing for me. Cause I do see Luke through her eyes, and she's just very caring and loving, while I also see how Luke is in real life with his decisions, and I'm like? It's like Nicola doesn't see the perspective, does she? Or maybe we don't? Or just maybe he's in fact very diffirent with her and treats her as a something precious. Maybe not in a romatic way (yet, delulu again) , but in a sense of 'She's Nic', Almost like, she is divine, and she's not like the other woman. Like you know the way he looks at he, listens to her attentively, how responsive he is, and how behaves around her during interviews is almost like he puts her very high, and enjoys the way shines, reflecting her energy and feeling easyness and calmness around her. Almost, like his mind is always in montion(ahdh, hi), but when she's around, it's like starting to calm down. It's like they are in bubble, especially if they're just chatting only two of them. And that's not the dynamic I can see with other people from both of them. All of that thinking making me feel delulu things, but yup. That's the reason I also think L is just confused
Love this, thank you for sharing!
We don't consider N enough and why she views L the way she does.
Because right now it is very hard to reconcile the man we see with the one we saw on the press tour and the one she brags about.
Too many people have been quick to judge her for supporting L recently but we have to remember they have a bond that we have only had a glimpse into.
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drowned but not dead
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deedala · 2 months
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Ian x Mickey in 10x03
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azuries · 2 years
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platonic madwheeler platonic madwheeler platonic madwheeler platonic madwheeler platonic madwheeler platonic madwheeler platonic madwheeler platoni
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lylethewaterguy · 2 months
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Slides my crack ship across the table for your approval
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iwasbored777 · 8 months
I know this wasn't necessary for the movie's plot but it should've been in the movie I'm crying 😂
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missingn000 · 1 month
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hey all! i wrote a what-if character study & action fic for if king fought sanji instead of zoro during the raid on onigashima. i'd really love if you gave it a read! thanks so much!
happy reading!
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makesomehistory · 9 months
The way Henry is enjoying it.......
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pippin-katz · 3 months
Don’t mind me, just mourning over the deleted scenes we still have not gotten for Red, White & Royal Blue; I’m totally fine 🫥
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widowswinter · 1 month
i don’t know if my beloved @theoryofwhatnow ever posted this on here so i’m gonna share it.
pardon the quality - i did try to enhance it, but it made the audio go janky so just left as is.
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year
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S&B but make it book quotes (5/?)
“You know what he plans to do, Ivan.” “He plans to bring us peace.”
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majachee · 1 month
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Sokka's face shape eludes me... very hard to translate it into my round, chubby art style for some reason...??
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kingeomerofrohan · 1 year
recently rewatched the trilogy, extended of course, and am now starving for any lord of the rings content… found this video and it is AMAZING !
we all must form a fellowship to hold peter jackson accountable to the ‘25th anniversary edition’ !
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