#give me a fluffy happy ending for these hoes or else
snappleapple · 3 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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silverdelirium · 3 years
hi! can you do one where draco and the reader are married (don’t make them old please make them like the married rich pretty milf and dilf couple), and they have a daughter. anyway, draco is out because of work/something else (it’s up to u) and the reader is with their daughter and they get into a small fight and the daughter says something really bad/hurtful to the reader (her mother) and the reader like gets sad (make it bad so it can be dramatic😏) and when draco gets home he finds the reader like crying (smoking too bc a milf smoking is hot but if you don’t want to add it it’s fine) and yeah basically the rest is up to you :)) ily hope ur well and fine. <3
thank you hoe @selenesheart for helping me with the title ily
warnings: anxiety, lowkey panic attack, insecurities of being a bad mother, mean child, smoking, angst w a happy ending
draco’s hurried steps were heard echoing across the hallway as he rapidly made his way downstairs, cussing his boss out under his breath for calling him on a fucking Sunday. the same sunday he was about to spend basking in the love of his wife and child, all expectations now turned to mush.
“i’m sorry i have to go, my love. call me if you need anything, okay?” spoke draco, tone soft as he held your face in his hands, giving you one last sad smile before pressing a sweet kiss on your lips.
you gave him a feeble nod in response with a reassuring smile, watching him storm off in long strides, still swearing in hushed whispers and with a flick of his wand, he was gone.
you instantly took notice of how intense the atmosphere got around the manor- almost scary. deadly quiet with your four-year-old toddler still asleep and big curtains blocking any sunlight from coming in.
it almost caused goosebumps to rise on your arms as if the universe was already warning you of the day you were gonna have to deal with today.
maybe the first bad thing to happen today was being woken up by draco’s phone going off like crazy with calls of his boss and endless text messages of his colleagues.
it didn’t matter though, you had other things to worry about. your toddler was already walking down the stairs with a sleepy stare as she made her way to you, immediately taking notice of how there was no trace of draco, and looking around for any signs of her father.
“hi there” you greeted, giving her a sympathetic smile when she asked for draco, her small body already wrapped around your torso. a small sigh with a brief explanation of a work emergency was given to her. her sour mood amplifying a tenfold for every word that left your mouth.
she stayed quiet for a moment, and just as you started beaming at the thought of calming a daddy’s girl- she sobbed heavily in your ear, clinging hard to you but still screaming for draco.
a grimace found its way to your face along with a sorrowful expression as you shushed her down, tracing your fingers down her spine; a small trick you always did to relax her in days like this.
her sobs quieted down but she still cried silently in your shoulder, hot tears rolling down her face that had you questioning whether you should call your husband or not, the thought accompanying the insecurity of being a terrible mother who can barely keep her child tranquil.
after a few minutes of letting her pour all her emotions out, you made a path to the kitchen and sat her down on the barstool, wiping her tears away as she huffed in what seemed to be an angry expression.
“would you like some breakfast, baby?” you spoke, tone soft and slow as to not aggravate the situation.
“i want daddy”
“he’s- he’s not here right now” you tried to reason, watching as she took a deep breath but said nothing.
you turned around to head for the stove. but your ears caught a small murmur of “you’re the worst” coming from none other than your daughter.
a thunder-struck look adorned your face, blinking back the tears that found their way to your waterline.
ever since you found out you were pregnant, the anxiousness of being a not good enough mom had filled you in seconds, thinking of the worst scenarios possible throughout the pregnancy. draco was always there to ease your nerves a bit, yet, never quite pushing them away completely.
and jesus- did that simple three-word sentence stung painfully at your heart.
you stayed frozen in place for a few moments before taking a deep breath and quickly collecting yourself, continuing your errands around the kitchen as you made an effort to ignore the way your hands became clammy and heartstrings were pulled harshly in your chest.
the rest of the day went painfully slow, your daughter completely ignoring you and just curling up on the couch or playing in her room, always slamming the door in your face whenever you attempted to talk to her. your back also aching from having to do all house chores by yourself. every once in a while getting a text message from draco, rushed typos of “i love you” and “i’m gonna be there soon”.
the clock read 6:07 P.M and you held the cigarette to your lips with shaky fingers, tears blurring your vision as all the frustration from today came crashing down at once.
sobs rocked through your body as you inhaled the smoke and blew it out past your nostrils. warm, thick tears not coming to a halt even once.
your cries muffled every sound around you. not taking notice of draco who was now frantically searching for you, already finding your daughter safe and asleep on the couch. yet you were nowhere to be found.
it took one look at the cigarette package on the dining table for draco to locate you. he knew about your anxiety and how bad it got when triggered.
his heart ached and fists clenched at his side as he turned to his baby girl, snuggling her deeper into the thick fluffy blanket before making his way to the porch where you sat with a hand to your sternum, big clouds of smoke fogging the air around you.
“oh, baby” he sympathized, not giving you time to react as he enveloped you in a big hug, feeling the way your curled your fists on his shirt and sobbed quietly, taking ragged breaths every once in a while.
after a few minutes of taking shallow breaths, you pulled your head back from his chest, just enough to stare at his face, his bright grey eyes running down every feature you had, almost like he was studying it.
“what happened today?” he whispered, closing his eyes and connecting his forehead with yours.
you released a breath through your nose and lit off the cigarette on the small table next to you before explaining every small detail from today to draco, a few tears escaping at some points.
once you were done, draco removed his head from yours, pulling back and displaying both of his palms on your cheeks, observing your tear-stained face made him ache with sorrow.
“my love” he started “you are the world’s greatest mother to ever exist, a bad day with your child does not define your abilities as a mom. she loves you, we all do. you don’t know how fuzzy she gets when you’re not here.”
his words made a small smile crack through your lips, buzzing nerves slowly weighing down after every syllable he spoke.
“we would all be doomed if it wasn’t for you. every parent has a bad day, do not beat yourself up for it, it happens to the best of us.” he finalized, chest swelling with pride once he saw how you were full-on beaming, puckering your lips like a silent sign for a kiss which he gladly provided.
“i love you” you mumbled against his mouth.
“i love you more” he responded.
🏷: @spencervera @methblinds @marrymetheonott @adrianscumslut @wh0re4blaise @turn-to-page-394-please @fredshufflepuff @malfoysbiitch @saggyb1lls @selenesheart @metaraxia @dracoslittlesluttyprincess @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dlmmdl @fleursbabe @riddleswh0r3crux @lolooo22 @darlingmalfoy @littlemissnoname13 @i-love-scott-mccall @underappreciated-spoon-321 @steveharringtonswhore @dracosafety @dracoscum @riddleswh0rekrux @laceycallisto @slytherinbabess @lostaurorax @alexavolturisblog @s1ater @marauderswh0re1 @starless-starkov @black-rose-29 @tattooedkermit @purpleskymalfoy @emma67 @mypainistemporary @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @lissa-duh @paniicing @rav3nclawwhore @yagamigf
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some-kindofgnome · 3 years
for auld lang syne
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“And then I woke up in the hospital alone, and I saw the doctor alone and took a taxi home alone. I went to physical therapy alone and saw my counsellor alone. Whatever you thought, Katsuki, whatever you believed made me spend six months staring at my phone and thinking I’d ruined everything.”
It’s time for your agency’s extravagant New Years’ Eve party. But after a little sabbatical, there are some things you’re not ready to come back to. 
characters: katsuki bakugou x f!reader
wc: 7.2k
warnings: smut (18+ please!) aged-up characters, pro hero!bakugou and pro hero!reader, mentions of injury, near-death experiences and gunshots, smoking, drinking, angst with a (filthy) happy ending, me being a whore for glamorous new years’ parties
notes: This fic has been dragging me across the coals since Christmas- I could not get it out of my head, despite how much work I knew it would be to get it out on time. Still, it feels supremely worth it. I have a metric ton of love to give to @hoe-doroki​ for beta-ing this mammoth on such short notice (I dumped it in her lap at 4am) because she really helped me whip it into shape. As always. 💖 
Happy New Year, everyone. 
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“Won’t be long now.”
Anxiety bleeds into the already-nervous voice of your driver, muffled by the plexiglass divider that separates you. You’ve been sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic for the past four red lights, barely inching toward the intersection with every green.
You’re well past fashionably late at this point. You’re sure that the commissioned driver’s fearing for his job at this point, knowing exactly how long ago you were supposed to have arrived at your own party.
But you couldn’t care less. The longer it takes you to get there, the better. The vodka you’d downed neat, standing over the bar cart in your polished apartment, sours in the pit of your stomach. And the fact that your outfit barely allows a spare breath isn’t exactly cooling your nerves, either.
You’re draped over the door, resting one elbow on its edge to cushion your jaw as you lay your forehead against the chilly glass. Outside, the crowded traffic casts a golden warmth over the bluish urban night, betraying the slow swirl of fluffy snowflakes that drift lazily into the street.
Tonight has all the makings for an ideal, albeit bitterly cold, New Year’s Eve. But if it were up to you, you’d be watching all the wonder unfold from the comfort of your own bed.
You’ve been away long enough, though, says your agent. It’s time, says your manager. You stay away from the spotlight for too long and we’re going to forget about you, says the Internet.
The glittering gold fabric your stylist presented you with would’ve swelled your heart on any other occasion. He knows your taste to the button. And after breaking into exhausted sobs at your first fitting together, you’d been able to tell him that the outfit was perfect.
At long last, the glossy windows of your agency loom outside. You push the backseat door open before your driver can even kill the engine, stepping out as gracefully as you can muster and pulling the folds of your designer coat demurely closed around your glamorous party clothes. You’re greeted by swaths of flashbulbs and determined shouts of your hero name, and suddenly the practiced gracious smile that you’ve always saved for the cameras is stretching your lips one more time.
You used to love something about this. But you’ve almost never had to face it alone.
Inside, the party’s taken off without you. Your coat’s taken before you can even see who’s hands are slipping it deftly off your shoulders, but by the time you’re ushered into the elevator and sent all the way to the top floor, you’re already sweating with the anticipation of all that’s waiting for you.
The doors open to a rush of guests, each noticing you simultaneously and pushing in to greet you.
Arriving late does absolutely nothing to dissolve the grandness of your entrance. Your attention is immediately pulled in a handful of different directions as celebrities and dignitaries and politicians shake your hands and congratulate you. People you’ve never met are telling you how good it is to see you on your feet again and, despite the overwhelming distractions, you can’t stop searching the crowd.
You don’t want to let yourself search for somebody in particular, but you spot him long before your shame catches up with you.
It’s not a glimpse of his mussed hair you catch, bobbing through the crowd. Nor is it a slip of the edge of his suit, the most devastating shade of midnight blue you could have possibly imagined.
Your eyes, like magnets, are drawn right to his crimson gaze. Lightning shoots through your chest, and you look away so fast you nearly pull a muscle in your neck. You cast your gaze immediately to the red-faced MP in front of you and let yourself stare. Still, from the corner of your eye, you can see the way he lingers, still facing you.
You haven’t seen Katsuki in months. Luckily, your ability to multitask has not faded, and you make easy small talk with the mayor and his wife while you sense him, in all his midnight splendor, disappearing into the crowd again.
A close call. Too close, in fact, not to warrant a drink. You excuse yourself kindly from the mayor’s attention, cutting through the glamorous partygoers until you reach the bar at the center of the room. It’s crowded, but you grab the bartender’s attention quick enough and order the first of many glasses of Dom Perignon.
The agency knows how to spend, for a special occasion.
It’s while you’re trapped at the bar, waiting for that imperative first drink, that he corners you. You spot him an instant too late, sidling between two dancing couples and crossing the short distance between you. There’s no way to skirt subtly away from him now. Instead, you lean more fervently across the bar and immerse yourself in an intense examination of the liquor, shelved decoratively behind the working bartenders.
He hesitates—possibly for the first time ever—but you’re determined not to watch as he searches for the right way to bridge the silence. You spot the way he stuffs his hands into his pockets, and when he finally speaks it’s low and sharp and bitter.
“That’s a nice dress.”
He has to lean too close to make his voice heard, speaking low and gruff to you in a way he never used to. You’re too anxious to care whether he sees the way you close your eyes to dull the fervent ache that flares in your chest.
He’s not allowed to say things like that to you. Not now.
“Listen.” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, pushing ahead.
In the throes of closeness, it’s easy to pick up the tremor in his voice. That kind of shake used to scare you. It’s the way he’s always spoken to you when he’s keeping his temper at bay in public.
He’s opening his mouth to say something else, something deeper and far more expository perhaps, but your champagne arrives with no moment to spare. You pluck it eagerly from the bartender’s fingers with an exceedingly gracious smile and turn quickly in the direction you swear Katsuki’s not blocking.
“Watch it.” He grabs your wrist to keep you from sloshing half your fresh champagne down your front. His touch sears hotter than you’d dreaded, and you can’t stop yourself from flinching at the rough brush of his calloused fingers over your tender inner wrist.
“Don’t run off,” he insists, squeezing your wrist just a little tighter. Your entire body is drawn tight like a bow, but you’re not actively searching for an escape route at this point. Sensing this, he slowly unwraps his fingers, dropping your hand and letting you down half your drink in a couple of parched gulps.
“You look…” you start to say, letting your eyes wander his immaculate form one more time. Whoever cut that suit for him knew his shape well. It fits perfectly. Contrasts his golden hair like the night behind a harvest moon.
Absence has not culled your feelings for him. Especially not when he comes back to you like this.
You take another long, slow sip, ignoring the way Katsuki’s brows shoot toward his hairline when you nearly empty the glass. His gaze darts to the narrow flute in your hand, the prints of peachy lipstick that mar it.
With your heart beating a touch slower, you try again.
“You look good.”  
Katsuki rolls his eyes.
“I can’t—” he starts, shaking his head as his eyes swim the crowd. “I’m not doing this.”
“What?” Your stomach drops. When he looks at you again it’s dead straight, burgundy and blazing in that way that used to make you molten.
Now it makes you want to cut and run.
“I’m not gonna fuckin’ play nice, like this,” he pushes. He takes a step toward you, letting your name—your real name—fall from his lips as tender and soft as a prayer. “Explain to me why my agent had to tell me you were gonna be here tonight.”
“Katsuki,” you plead quietly, backing away from him a touch. “I don’t want to—I can’t. Here. Please.”
For a million other people he might press on. He might get angry and demand an answer, threaten anything it takes to solve the puzzles in his brain. For you, his strong jaw ticks and he shoves clenched fists back into his ironed pockets.
“Let’s just,” you begin, “make it through to midnight, okay?”
“Fine,” he bites, but he doesn’t like folding to you. He gets you back by clearing his throat and extending you a palm, drawing the attention of the people around you. They turn, charmed by the agency’s finest reappearing as the duo they’ve always adored.
There’s a glint of something in his eyes as he gives his chin a little jut toward the dance floor.
“Dance with me, then.”
You’ve been to hundreds of opulent agency spectacles together. Charity benefits, galas, holiday parties and the like have always been studded by your presence. But no matter how many times you’ve entered the party together, you never managed to get him onto the dance floor. Despite your whining and pleading and fussing, he’s never ever let you drag him out there.
So this feels like a particularly low blow. But the orchestra’s struck up a dreamy rendition of The Way You Look Tonight and there are too many people watching for you to turn him down.
Instead, you down the rest of your champagne, set it on the bar behind you, and slip your hand defiantly into his.
His fingers close gently around your palm and he gives it a lingering squeeze that turns your blood to venom.
You’re already racing through a complex plan to survive this attention as he walks you onto the dance floor. Some of the other couples pause in their swaying to send a smattering of applause over the crowd. You can feel the winning smile tugging at your mouth, forcing you to swallow the panicked ache in your chest.  
Katsuki pauses at the center of the dance floor and pulls you slowly closer. The low dip of your gown places his warm hand on bare skin when he settles it in the small of your back, and you’re sure he doesn’t miss the sharp little suck of breath that you’re not prepared to hide.
He does not try to speak, so you’re silent as you settle a shaky hand on the shoulder of his perfect suit. He’s as perfect a dancer as you’ve always known he’d be, and he leads you into a smooth little sway that’s easy enough to navigate in your precarious gold heels but sweeps you into the music like a scene from years gone by.
“Hey,” he grunts a few bars in, ducking a little closer as his fingers press into the bare skin of your spine. He pulls you against him, forcing your tense body against his. The gentle dip of his hairstyle brushes your temple as he leans forward to murmur in your ear. “You’re holding your breath.”
You deflate against him, letting your eyes fall shut. When you take your next careful inhale, your head is filled by the heady, smoky scent of him. Your heart pounds so forcefully it’s practically blinding you. But above all else you hate yourself for still feeling all of this, after so many months of promising to force it away.
Katsuki knows you well enough not to try and trap you in conversation in public. But he doesn’t pull back any further, continuing to hold you flush against him, letting your soft cheek brush his with every couple of steps.
Despite your best efforts, you’re drowning in him: the strength of his touch, the fluidity in his movements. His thumb strokes the base of your spine with an easy rhythm that you’re trying hard not to notice. It’s becoming too much. He’s holding you closer than a colleague should, tucking his nose too attentively against the side of your head for a courtesy dance. You’re overthinking too many of the signs. You’re letting yourself believe what should have been thoroughly dashed to pieces so many months ago.
It’s when tears well behind your glittery eyelids that you put a stop to it.
“Katsuki, I—” You can’t finish, pushing yourself sharply away from his chest. Whatever expression of dreamlike peace that had touched his eyes fades quickly as he sees the telltale wet sparkle in yours, and he reaches for you an instant too late.
He calls your name softly, fingertips brushing the edge of your upper arm. But your tears are spilling over and you’re backing away and you cannot be here anymore, not when people are starting to see.
“I can’t do this,” you plead. “I can’t pre—I’m sorry.”
With a final shake of your head, you turn and hurry clumsily from the dance floor, pulling up the beaded skirt of your heavy gown and sweeping, as quickly as possible, to the glass doors shut tightly against the imposing snow on the terrace.
It’s bitterly cold, nearly fifty storeys up, and the wind whips mercilessly past your bare arms with biting chill. You can’t stay out here long, but it still feels better than the alternative.
With shaking fingers, you dip into the tiny bag you’ve been wearing over one shoulder. You’ve stashed exactly one emergency cigarette in its silky depths. You haven’t smoked in weeks, but something told you that tonight would beg one.
You have to back away from the railing to even light it in the wind, but you’re barely two puffs in before the door behind you opens carefully.
It’s the last person in the world you hoped for. And the only one you can imagine finding you out here. He’s got a glass of something neat in each hand—amber in one, clear in the other. He spies the cigarette in your fingers and his soft, concerned expression melts into a scowl.
“You’re still smoking?”
You take a defiant drag, blowing the smoke in his direction. The wind catches it, carrying it in a sharp curve back over your head. Katsuki licks his lower lip, but you can tell by the way his nose twitches that he’s trying not to chuckle.
You nod toward the whiskey in his right hand. “How many of those have you had tonight?”
“Not enough,” he quips. He nods toward the cigarette. “Put it out.”
“You don’t get to order me around anymore.”
“I said put it out.”
Your livid soul wants to defy him. You’re craving the conflict that inevitably comes when you both dig in your heels. But you’ve got no energy left to fight, so you flick the smoke dejectedly onto the wet pavement and crush it under one delicate pump.
“Better?” The attitude cuts cruelly through your voice. Katsuki just pushes the other glass into your hand and you know that it’s gin before you even have to smell it. You roll your eyes.
“The healthier alternative,” you snarl, but he’s finished with your games.
“Come inside,” he prompts. “You’re gonna lose your nose out here.”
“I’m not sure that’s your problem any longer.”
“What the hell’s wrong with you? Why are you talking like that?”
“Like what? Katsuki, I wanna hear you say it.”
He’s throwing back an irritated slug of his drink, but he bristles, gesturing wildly with the cup.
“Like we’re not gonna be partners anymore.”
His voice is punctuated by a horrible, involuntary sob that breaks from your lips. He’s always been able to read you so well, picking up on things that you’re not even ready to acknowledge. But he’s right. That is how you’ve been speaking, because you can’t even imagine standing next to him in a photo right now, let alone letting him take your life into his hands.  
Katsuki moves forward, shocked by your tears, but you hold your empty palm out straight and, like he would only for you, he relents.
“Because I don’t think we can be anymore.”
“Shut up. Look at you. You’re fine. You look…” his eyes cast briefly over your form, “fine.”
You clap a hand protectively to your abdomen, remembering the painful tug and knowing that he’s missing the point.
“That’s not why,” you snap through your tears. “That’s not even…close to why. Katsuki, don’t be dense.” Your voice is breaking because you’re about to say it, the thing you couldn’t even bring yourself to feel as you were zipped into your gown earlier tonight. And if you’re going to say it, there’s no point in doing it with gusto.
Might as well go out like the whimpering fool you are.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you whine, “because somehow, despite my best efforts, Katsuki, I fell fucking in love with you, so hard, and you knew I did, and so you…you don’t. You don’t, and I’ve ruined everything, and that’s fine, but I—”
He pulls your name from the very depths of his chest. If you were expecting fire and brimstone, you’re met with an even more harrowing sight—soft, somber, remorseful Katsuki, looking at you like he’d stop the world on its axis if it would make things better.
The memories are too easy to reconjure, and the sunshine of that sticky summer afternoon that changed everything lights up behind his gaze.
There was a crime syndicate you’d been uprooting for months. An underground hideout tucked well away from the prying eyes of hero society. A stray spray of bullets—bullets, of all things, finding the gaps in your shattered armour and nearly taking you from him.
You’d been sure. Both of you. There were too many shots. There was too much blood. The hideout was too well-hidden for anybody to find you in time. Your vision was bleeding out around the edges, and you saw Katsuki cry real tears for the first time.
In a slurred heap of breathless prose, you’d unloaded everything. The most important secret you’d ever kept from him came spilling from your blood-tinged lips.
You were glad to go, if it meant you never had to lose him. Glad to be the one to selfishly leave him behind. You were going to be okay if you never had to face a world without him in it. Because—and you’d choked this on a fresh wave of blood and ungraceful spittle—you’d loved him as long as you’d ever known him.
Six days later, you woke up alone in the ICU. And that was the last you’d seen or heard or known of the man who’d once promised to have your back, always.
Katsuki silently finishes his drink. His cheeks and nose have flushed deeply from the ruthless chill, and he turns to give the city one last glance before moving toward the door.
“Come inside,” he gruffs. Deep shivers have broken out along the column of your spine, but you wrap your frigid arms around yourself in protest.
“I’m not going back in there.” Not like this.
“Idiot,” he snaps softly. “Look at you. You’re gonna die for real if you stay out here.” He tightens his jaw and slams the empty glass down on the windowsill. Then he looks at you with all the lights of the night blazing in his crimson stare.
“Let me take you somewhere quiet. No one’s gonna see.” His chest rises and falls with a deep breath and he reaches carefully for your arm. “I promise.”
Even with a breaking heart, you’re a fucking sucker for him. Your voice is teary and pathetic but pinched by cold.
He slips an arm around your shoulders—making your chest lurch—and you duck back inside. Immediately he takes you to the wall, putting himself between you and the rest of the party. With the breadth of his chest he shields you from prying eyes that grow drunker by the minute.
You skirt the edge of the party, making it to the stairwell door on the opposite wall. Somebody by the bar looks up just in time to see Bakugou tugging fiercely down on the handle, but you slip onto the fluorescent-lit landing and the silver door falls shut behind you without consequence.
You’re turning around to grab for the door that isn’t closing fast enough as he slips through it, colliding gently with his chest. Bakugou grabs your wrists to stop you, and for an instant you’re nose-to-nose, smelling him and the whiskey on his breath and the faint odour of paint that never quite faded from the concrete walls.
If not for the tears leaving streaks in your makeup, you might let yourself believe he’s lingering in front of you on purpose.
You pull from his grip and turn back toward the stairs before either of you have the chance to imagine more.
Your office is at the end of the hall on the next floor down. It’s a corner office studded with windows, far too lovely for someone who spends as much time in the field as you do. But you’d worked hard to make it a personable space, with plants and artwork and a couple of very comfortable guest chairs in emerald velvet.
Katsuki rolls his eyes every time he has to wave off the odour of your favourite scented candle, but you’ve caught him admiring what you’ve done with his office, too.
Now, the space is too tidy for either of your tastes, a little dusty from so many months of neglect. You’ve been out of commission for six months, and nursing a heartbreak far too immense to allow any casual visits to the agency.
He closes the door behind the both of you. Locks it, just in case. You’re already pacing across the rug and perching on the edge of the desk, gratefully taking some of the weight off your aching feet.
He keeps his back to you for a long moment, fingers lingering on the brass doorknob. His shoulders bob with a deep, harrowing sigh.
“You were dying.”
He turns around, and in the quiet dark of your office his eyes are lit up with a deeper fear than you’ve ever seen in him. He comes toward you and sits in one of your squishy little chairs, steepling his fingers and settling his elbows on his knees.
“You don’t–” he shakes his head and lowers it, pressing the heels of his hands to his forehead. “You don’t understand. You weren’t making any sense.”
“I was,” you bite back, gripping at the edge of your desk. “I meant everything I said to you, Katsuki; I remember every word.”
He flinches. He looks so sorry it’s starting to genuinely scare you.
“And then I woke up in the hospital alone, and I saw the doctor alone and took a taxi home alone. I went to physical therapy alone and saw my counsellor alone. Whatever you thought, Katsuki, whatever you believed made me spend six months staring at my phone and thinking I’d ruined everything—”
“That’s not it,” he demands, straightening. “You didn’t. I did.” He slapped a hand against his chest, the dull thud reverberating through your own heart.
“You said those things and I didn’t believe you. They couldn’t have been true. Not when I’d spent so much fucking time wishing they could be. I couldn’t tell myself you felt that way about me. I couldn’t hope. Not when I’d come so fucking close to losing you so easily, I—”
His voice breaks and he looks away, and you might be crazy but his chin gives a telltale little shake like he’s holding back tears.
“So you thought it would be easier to what? Fucking ghost me like a bad Tinder date?”
That hurts more than it should. You’ve seen Bakugou at his very worst, bleeding and soot-streaked and showing you feelings he never means to. For a very brief period in your lives, you believed yourself to be special.
“Don’t play the innocent,” he snarls. “You never talked to me, either. I had to find out from my fucking manager that you were outta the hospital.”
“So you never thought to drop by? Bring some fucking… flowers?” You can feel the venom filling your mouth and you’re not altogether certain you’re strong enough to swallow it this time.
“And tell you what? That I was in love with you and, maybe I heard you wrong, but you said something while you were dying in my fuckin’ arms and I was hoping for some goddamned clarification?”
“Yes!” You sob, the word ripping itself from your chest and landing wet and heavy on the floor between you. “That! Anything would have been better than radio fucking silence. Katsuki, I was sure you hated me.”
“Well I fucking love you, okay?” He rises from his chair, taking one step forward. It lands him almost right between your thighs and you hate how close he is, but you have no power to pull away. He cups your jaw in strong, gentle fingers, forcing your eyes to his.
“I fucked up,” he presses. He leans down and presses his forehead to yours and this time his proximity is on purpose. You drink it down in eager gulps.
“I missed you,” he murmurs. Despite your tears and the ache in your heart, you give a wet little laugh and nuzzle your nose against his.
“I missed you, too.”
He takes your hands and pulls them both to his chest. And for a long moment you just sit there, curled over one another in the dark and growing accustomed to the idea of being okay again.
“Did you just…” you start after a long moment of silence. His eyelashes flutter against your cheek as he tucks his cheek against yours, but the grin that pulls your mouth is enough for him to stand back and look at you.
“Did you just admit to making a mistake?”
You’re laughing at your own joke before Katsuki can even roll his eyes. But he’s scowling good-naturedly and tugging himself against you by the hips.
“C’mere, you brat.”
He’s leaning in to close the distance between you when muffled chanting from upstairs makes you pause. You tilt an ear toward the window and light up, easily recognizing the five, four, three, two, one as the magnitude builds.
Bright flashes of gold and red light up the sky outside your window in a brilliant display. And all at once the lingering ache drains from your chest and you shoot Katsuki a fond little smile.
“I guess it’s midnight.”
“We missed the fireworks,” he notes, nodding toward the window as he edges back toward you.
“Not really,” you confess, and the first real big smile breaks through the pain when he steps up between your knees again, nice and tight and deliberate.
He cups your jaw in one hand again, settling the other palm on your knee, where it peeks through the golden slip of your dress.
“Happy New Year,” you whisper, eyes falling shut. You hear the way he smiles, that bare little chuckle that used to make your heart light up like stars.
He leans in and kisses you without another word. It’s soft but firm and so loving, so much better than any brush of the hand or lingering glance. Better, even, than the way he danced you into a stupor upstairs. This is yours and nobody else’s.
And you’re not letting him go anytime soon.
You let the kiss deepen as naturally as you can, dropping your jaw and letting the bare press of his tongue roll against your teeth. You reach up and grab his jacket by its lapels, hitching him even closer as the fireworks die out behind you.
He’s not backing down, either. Katsuki draws his hands from your body to unbutton his jacket, shrugging it away easily without breaking the kiss. He’s pressing his mouth to yours in long, lingering spells, tasting you eagerly while his hands have to stay busy. But as soon as he can he’s touching you again, teasing his fingers under the slit of your dress and brushing them over your bare thighs.
“Katsuki…” you whine into his mouth, turning your head to gasp and fill your empty lungs. He finds the next bare patch of skin, kissing down the side of your jaw. He finds your earring where it lays against your tender neck, sucking the crystal into his mouth and giving it a gentle tug.
“Fuck,” you gasp, and he grins into your skin.
“Don’t tell me you’ve had enough already.”
“Not a chance,” you growl. There are millions of questions flooding your subconscious. But years of tension and desire spiral more fiercely between you. It’s energy that demands release. And you don’t want to wait another second.
“God,” he groans hard, collapsing gently into you. As he presses forward against you, the twitching swell of his erection pushes into your bare thigh. You slide your palms down the meat of his chest and find his mouth again, kissing him with searing intent.
“Look at you,” he rasps into your mouth, gripping hard at the weighty skirt of your beaded gown. “You’re a goddamned vision in this, you know that?”
You pull back to look at him, raw sexual energy briefly dispersed by his tender confession. For a long moment you sit there, panting at each other, remembering how much this is about to mean.
Fuck it. If he’s in, so are you.
“Help me get it off.”
You slide to your feet, pushing him back a couple of steps to accommodate you. As soon as you turn around he’s sliding a palm up your side, thumbing at the fabric to find its zipper.
“God damn,” he growls, leaning in to kiss a path down the column of your spine. He drops to one knee as he works the zipper down the back of the dress—sitting low, thanks to its open back—letting his mouth trail all the way to the waistband of your underwear. All the while, you brace a palm on the edge of your desk, trying your best not to implode.
This is more attention than you ever could have prayed for.
He peels the thin straps down your arms and shoves the whole mess to your feet. You’re bending down to unbuckle the straps on your heels, but he stops you with a hand on the back of your thigh.
“Leave ‘em on.”
His voice sends a sharp pang of arousal through your entire body. When he stands, trailing his fingers all the way up the back of your naked thigh and over the swell of your ass, the arousal disperses into a dull ache that settles in the pit of your stomach and throbs incessantly.
He digs his fingers into the flesh of your hip and turns you to face him. Your nipples are already peaking in the chill of your office, and he sucks a deep breath through his teeth as he slides his palms up your tummy.
There’s puckered scar tissue and new ridges on your abdomen, but there’s no pain when he traces brushes over them.
He pauses, looking down with dull shock tugging his brow. You’re holding your breath again, watching him circle the roughest part of your new scars with one tender thumb.
“It’s okay,” you plead, cupping his cheeks and forcing his eyes back to yours. There’s pain littering his gaze that you’re determined to dissolve, and you lean in to kiss him until he’s groaning into your mouth and drawing his hands toward your chest.
“God,” you breathe, goosebumps betraying you as they race beneath his fingers. Katsuki watches your face as he dips his head, pushing your breasts together and laying kisses between them.
“Please,” you whimper, reaching forward and settling a hand over the front of his pants. You palm the shape of his cock through the pressed wool and he flinches, biting gently into your tender flesh.
“Katsuki,” you pant, squeezing and rubbing the hard swell in a gentle, heady rhythm as you set your ass on the edge of your desk again. “I need you.”
“Jesus,” he curses, dropping his hands and reaching desperately for his tie. “You’re gonna fuckin’ kill me before I even get my cock out, sweetness.”
It’s the dirtiest thing he’s ever said to you. And it shows. You’re a shivering, lustblown mess already, but the petname that falls from his lips is enough to make you whimper.
He shrugs out of his shirt and pushes you further onto the desk, dropping to his knees in front of you and pushing your thighs apart with strong fingers.
“Always kinda wanted to do this in here,” he confesses with that cocky smirk that’s always made a hummingbird out of your heart.
But Katsuki doesn’t give you too much time to swoon over his pretty words, kissing a path up the inside of one plush thigh and nipping at your sensitive flesh. He helps you brace your heels against the rug and lift your hips, peeling your underwear off and rucking it down your knees. There’s something very naughty about the way it feels to settle your bare ass on your polished desk.
But there’s something even naughtier about the way it feels to have Katsuki on his knees in front of you.
He pushes your thighs apart again, harsher this time, and settles your knees over his shoulders. You’d like to ride the wave of self-consciousness that threatens to crest when his breath ghosts over the folds of your heated sex.
He pushes higher for a moment, taking your sides in his hands and drawing lovely little kisses down the rough length of your scar. You push self-consciously at his head, making him pull pack and settle a hand over the flesh instead. He tilts his chin up, shooting you a look so filled with guilt and sorrow it nearly shatters the moment.
He wasn’t there for the pain. And as he kisses back down to your hips and thighs, you let yourself hope that this will be enough to make up for it on both sides.
But then he leans in and licks a long stripe up your cunt and the groan that echoes from his chest makes it hard to do anything but cum on the spot.
“Fuck,” you sigh wantonly, letting your head fall back as you brace your palms on the wood behind you. Your fingertips dig into the surface and he settles into an easy rhythm, slipping his arms under your thighs and tugging you tight to his face.
He’s not shy with his voice, either, grunting and sighing into your pussy with every stroke of his tongue. The noises double your pleasure almost immediately, coupled with the obscene slurps that vibrate all the way up your spine.
It doesn’t take long at all for him to find that tender little spot, the perfect direction from which to swirl his tongue against your clit. It’s obvious in the way your legs go tight around the sides of his head, the way you shiver and cry and clap a hand to the back of his head.
He grunts hard into your body when your fingers rake through his hair, harder still when your tense thighs press the narrow points of your heels into the flesh of his back.
“Katsu,” you whimper, already fucked out and tender like you’ve never been for him, “I’m gonna cum. Fucking shit, I-I’m gonna…”
He takes your warning like a hit, leaning more fiercely into you, keeping his rhythm with intense precision. Later, you’ll try not to think about why he’s so good at this. But right now, all you can think about is the way your pleasure rears up and crashes over you, sending loud gasps and breathy mewls of ecstasy from your chest as you squeeze his head and pull his hair and roll your hips shakily into his persistent mouth.
“Jesus Christ,” he snarls, sitting back on his haunches and swiping a palm over his flushed lips. He looks up at you, rubbing your thigh with one free hand as you come down panting from your ecstatic high. Between his legs, his cock juts obscenely down one thigh of his suit pants, and he palms himself shamelessly as he gets to his feet, taking in every inch of your pleasure-soaked self.
“You’re gonna make me cream my fuckin’ pants someday,” he chides, fumbling with his belt and impatiently shucking his pants. His undershorts follow closely, and you’re barely on your feet again before he takes you by the shoulders and turns your back to him.
“C’mere.” He slides a hand under one of your thighs, hitching it gently onto the edge of your desk and coming up tightly behind you. The brush of his knuckle against your ass proves that he’s stroking himself, and the tip of his stiff cock leaves a little print of wet precum on the back of your leg.
“Please,” you moan, still hazy and shaken from your first orgasm. Still endlessly needy, though, when Katsuki’s involved. “God, baby, just fuck me already.”
“Fuckin’ hell, you can’t say shit like that,” he groans, twitching behind you. “It’s like you don’t know how fuckin’ sexy you are.”
He braces a hand on your bare hip and then you feel it, the tip of his drooling cock pressing up between your slippery folds. It’s enough to make you whine and arch your back, wiggling your hips impatiently against his.
It’s enough to make Katsuki lose it.
“Shit,” he growls, gripping the fat of your hip and pushing forward, sliding home with one smooth thrust. He bottoms out inside you right away, buried perfectly in your belly and making you feel every inch.
“Baby—” you start to breathe, but he doesn’t waste time. Katsuki reaches around and lays his palm flat on your sternum, pulling you back against him. He keeps his other hand braced on your hip for leverage, dropping his mouth to the crook of your shoulder while he starts to thrust.
All you can do is keep your knee planted on the edge of your desk and try not to scream as he fucks you in steady, long thrusts, lapping and sucking all along the side of your neck while his hand roams over your chest and thumbs your nipple. Whatever hairstyle you’d left the house with has come long undone by now and you’re sure that if your makeup wasn’t smudged before, it’s certainly not going to survive the drool and sweat and heat that he’s forcing through you with every push of his hips.
The slap of his body against yours fills the space, punctuated only by your harsh pants and quiet whines of pleasure. Katsuki’s fingers dig harshly into your hip, gripping you tighter each time he anchors himself back into your fluttering cunt. Your walls are clamping ruthlessly around him, but he doesn’t miss a beat, slipping that free palm away from your nipples and down your belly to strum rhythmically at the swell of your stiff clit.
“I love you,” he grunts breathlessly behind you, and the raw truth behind it brings a rush of warmth to your chest you can’t ignore. You turn your head sharply towards him, pushing your forehead to his and feeling every beat as his breathing becomes laboured.
His body’s growing tight behind yours, his thrusts losing some of their impeccable rhythm as his brow knits against yours. He’s concentrating hard—holding back, you realize—and you reach down to cover his hand that braces your hip, giving it a relenting squeeze.
“Baby,” you plead. “Let go for me, baby, I can feel it.”
“God,” he mutters. “No—fuck, gonna make you—with me, sweetness.” Your body is clenching in preparation for your own climax already, and the fact that he can even pick up on it shouldn’t surprise you.
“I’m there,” you promise. “I’m there, Katsuki, fuck, just cum for me. Please.”
His arms tighten around you, seizing you hard against his heaving chest. You lean forward and seal your mouth against his, kissing him as he loses control and cums with a shout that echoes at the back of your throat.
He grabs your ass in one hand and fucks madly into you, spurting warm handfuls of cum into your belly and biting down hard on your lower lip. The erratic twitch of his fingers on your still-aching clit and the warm release inside you is enough to bring you to another tight, simpering little peak—not as powerful as the first one, but just as significant.
He stays behind you for a long moment, pinning you to the desk while he goes soft inside you. Finally he peppers kisses down the back of one shoulder and steps away from you, already smoothing his hair and taking in the image of you, in nothing but your heels, dripping with his cum.
The first of many, you let yourself hope, as you turn to carefully face him.
“I guess we missed the countdown,” you quip, reaching for your discarded panties. Navigating the strappy thing seems a great deal more complicated now that it’s not Katsuki tearing them off you.
He smirks at you in a way that does not make it easier to concentrate on the task at hand. Especially since he’s watching you struggle, easily buttoning himself into his now-creased shirt.
“I didn’t miss a thing.”  
He’s already half-clothed by the time you get your underwear on again, stooping to collect your delicate dress from the floor and thumbing the sequins that pepper its surface. His smirk has dissolved into another pensive look as he examines the cloth.
“If I’d known,” he tells you, pressing the scratchy fabric into your hands, “I never would’ve—”
You lean up and push your mouth to his, soft and loving and just enough to silence him.
“I know.”
Once Katsuki’s got the rest of his clothes on, he helps you carefully into your dress and gets behind you one more time to help you zip it. He can’t stop kissing you even for a minute, peppering his lips over your back, neck, arms. He turns you around and takes your hands, kissing the backs of each palm with devotion that, if you stop and think about it, you’ve seen in his eyes a thousand times before.
“You’ll make it up to me,” you promise good naturedly, letting him slide his arms around your waist. He looks at you again, diligent and honest.
“I will.”
You slide your hands up his sleeves of heart-stealing midnight blue, smiling so big it ought to hurt. You tilt your head toward the door, giving your chin a little jerk as you squeeze his biceps through the pressed wool.
“For a start,” you say, daring to lean a little closer while he’s still feeling tender, “how about another dance?”
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navegandoaciegas · 4 years
Fic Recommendation list #2
Check out my first list if you’re interested (and 18+)
Some are light, some are dark. Most are smut. Be mindful of the warnings.
Mostly Bucky Barnes. Lee Bodecker and Sam Wilson too.
I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did 🤍
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📌 Twice Bitten | by @cherienymphe Hands down the best fanfiction I’ve ever read, from the plot to the characterization of Bucky and Steve, and every other little detail. I literally felt like I was watching a movie.
📌 Promises | @giorno-plays-piano Dad’s bestfriend is always a huge yes. Poor reader just latches onto him after a string of tragedies. Dark, hot, and surprisingly sweet.
📌 The House of the Rising Sun | @cryptidcasanova The descriptions in this story are so vivid that I could literally feel New Orleans’ humidity on my skin. Cryptid Bucky is mysterious and hot af. 10/10 would give him my name, let him drag me in a swamp and sell him my soul.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
Also check out her Sam Wilson x Reader story: “Love Potion no. 9”. I love the magic atmosphere, and I love dark Sam with all my heart. (Part 2 here)
📌 What You Can’t See | @honeyhan-123 Delusional, obsessed Bucky gets me every time. Suprisingly sweet for a dark fiction. Very accurate description of the conflict between the reader’s mind and body.
📌 Breeding kink | @softboibarnes I love yandere, dark Bucky, especially if he’s scheming and creepy af. Hot smut as always.
📌 The Wrong Idea | @mypoisonedvine I’m slowly becoming a Lee Bodecker hoe: something about chubby Sebastian, probably. Rough yet sweet. The daddy kink is the cherry on top.
📌 Push, Pull, Pressure | @darkficsyouneveraskedfor Another great Lee Bodecker story. Very vivid setting, many asshole men, absolutely irredeemable Lee.
📌 The Thrill of the Kill | @nellblazer Absolutely unhinged, psycho Bucky. Badass reader. The story is written in the first person, so if you’re very much into that, you’ll love it. And even if you’re not, you’ll love it anyways because it’s so good. And creepy af.
📌 кролик | @mariessecretfantasies I love sensory deprivation, and I love this story. You wouldn’t expect the Winter Soldier to be as caring as he is in this one, but he is, and so he gets my heart and...other parts of me.
Not really dark but... just being safe.
📌 some of them want to get used by you | @youtastelikesugar Darkish, brainscrambled Bucky owns my heart and my whole being. I love a good story of obsession, what can I say. Not completely dark because the obsession is reciprocated. The smut is steamy and the ending is sweet.
📌 Voyeurism Drabble (Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers) | @sweeterthanthis Hottest smut I’ve ever read. I am a slut for voyeur, dark-ish Bucky, and exhibitionist Steve and reader. Also has a sequel that includes double penetration. I need to lay down a sec and catch my breath just thinking about it.
📌 mutual | @buckycuddlebuddy Yes, I have a problem with voyeurism, and another with creepy Bucky, and I feel no shame. I wish my neighbor was as hot as Bucky, tbh. Very hot if you’re into this kink. Check out Elif’s kinktober masterlist. Many great, steamy stories you’ll love.
📌 The patient in room 212 | @constantwriter85 Very original story, I’ve never personally read anything quite like this in the Bucky fandom. Bucky’s inner monologue is the best thing ever, second only to the amount of pining and fluff.
Also recommended: Where I belong. Short and sweet. Bucky is very good with kids in this, so be prepared. (Pt. 2, 3)
📌 Lose Control | @navybrat817 Words can’t even begin to describe how hot this story is. Possessive Bucky is something else, I swear, and so is the raw, passionate sex he has with the reader.
📌 thoughts and actions | by @ballyhoobarnes Bucky has a stutter and is super shy and the concept itself makes me all soft. This one is my favorite out of her librarian!Bucky masterlist, but you should read all of them!
📌 my sweet girl | by @sunmoonandbucky Heartbreaking but so, so sweet. It’s a story of love and mental illness. I don’t cry easily when it comes to fanfiction but I bawled my eyes out for this one.
📌 Abstract | @suntrastar Moody, broody Bucky is everything. Very fun, lighthearted story. I love the reader too much.
📌 All Good Things | @sagechanoafterdark I have a thing for Ghost!au, and in this one, the ghost...kinds comes back to life. Very interesting story, very original too.
📌 pictures of girls | @subtlebucky Hot and cute at the same time. If Bucky Barnes asked to take my nude photos for a class, I’d say yes. No hesitation. No questions asked.
📌 All of You | @moonbeambucky Heartbreaking but so, so sweet. Bucky is so used to being tossed away like he means nothing that it’s the reaction he always expects. Fluffy, happy ending.
📌 It’ll last longer | @angrythingstarlight If you’re gonna have sex in a photo booth, make sure you have a Steve Rogers with you. Public sex and hot af smut.
📌 Zoom Meeting | @tuiccim In a time where most of us work or study from home, this fic is basically... all of us horny hoes dreams come true.
These amazing authors put a lot of time and effort into writing their stories. Please make sure to reblog and comment on their fics, and show them your appreciation. Reblog this list too so that it can reach as many people as possible. 🤍
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broadwayandnetflix · 3 years
a fluffy fic where he takes you out to a fancy dinner. picks you up at your house & meets your parents, driving to the place, all that pizazz- and more if you decide to write! Im a big fucking sucker for the romantics as you can see LMFAO.
Meet The Parents - Bo Burnham x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: Fluff! Slight bit of Angst.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: picture this as like his what tour cause it fits up with the college timeline hoes. also, I hope you like that I added an airport, cause rom-com shit amirite? I’ll stop. wooooooo this is so long. I hope y’all like essays cause fuck.
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It had been too long since you had last seen your boyfriend, Bo. The two of you had met in college at NYU briefly before he dropped out to pursue his comedy career.
Of course, you have been supportive. Why wouldn’t you be? You just really missed him, especially when he went on long tours, you in school, and him touring the world.
The two of you kept in touch. Bo often taking the time to call you before or after a show to hear your voice and call himself down. You knew what they did to his anxiety, and not being able to hold each other was difficult for the both of you.
He’d do the same for you, without a shadow of a doubt. Especially when school was stressing you out, and exams and essays were becoming a pain in the ass to handle. Even if it was just little funny texts or messages, he helped you.
It’s what you did for each other. You were a team, even if it was states away from each other. Except, luckily for you, his tour was ending soon. Or it should be, judging by the tiny calendar of dates that he gave you.
It was nearing Thanksgiving Break, and it just didn’t seem applicable that you’d be able to meet up in time. Given the short week window and Bo riding down from nearly a year of touring.
So you didn’t say much, as you packed your bags for the week and left for your home state.
The airplane ride wasn’t that bad. You wished that you had Bo beside you, cracking jokes to calm the inevitable way that your heart would jolt when you went up in the air. Unlike Bo, you absolutely hated flying.
Earbuds in, you strolled into the airport a tad bit jet-lagged and went to grab a bite from a small coffee shop. Slipping the cashier a twenty, you walked the airport in search of your luggage.
Through a sea of people, you trudged, already feeling fatigued and just wanting a nap. You didn’t even realize that you were gonna run smack dab into someone. That is until their hand shot up and held you steady.
You laughed pathetically and cringed quickly, going to apologize, hoping that the person who caught you would just keep moving on. Except, they still stood in front of you, silent as ever.
“Hey man look I’m so sorry, I’m just so tired I didn’t even see where I was going.” you mumbled before realizing just who you were speaking to.
You froze, staring at the man in pure confusion. How was he here when he was supposed to still be on tour? You rubbed your eyes, wondering if he’d still be there when you reopened them.
News flash, Bo was still there. Fuck.
“Holy shit,” you murmured, realizing your hands were still full with your bag, phone, and lunch.
God, you were gonna cry; this wasn’t happening. He looked so fucking good, the glasses, the hair.
He watched you quietly, a soft smile resting upon his lips. While you clumsily pull on his arm to get out of the ongoing traffic of people around you, preferably a spot with a place to put your stuff.
Your tall boyfriend lumbering after you unbeknownst to you, trying to compose himself. It had practically been months since he had seen you last, and you had never looked more beautiful.
Once you set them down gently, you practically ran into the man’s arms. His bags gently fall to the floor as his arms are securely wrapped around you. Nearly lifting you off the ground.
The two of you rocked gently in the embrace, completely lost in each other. Bo resting his head on top of yours, pressing soft kisses upon your head. Tears softly pour down your cheeks and onto his shirt. Giving him enough time to wipe them away and plant a soft kiss against your lips.
“Bo, what are you doing here? I thought you were still on tour.” you sniffled, still wrapped up in his arms.
“Managed to make things work, I wanted to see you. Or I was gonna try and surprise you at the gate, but you kinda…ran into me.” Bo smirked, looking down at you.
“Well you definitely surprised me, man I really missed you.” you said quietly.
“Honey, you don’t understand how long I’ve waited for this moment. I swear my agents are probably sick and tired of me talking about you.” he exclaimed, causing you to smile.
This long-distance was really starting to get to the two of you; of course, his tour was gonna be over soon. Except, especially two different states away from each other, it made your heart hurt.
Moments like these, you wanted to just pause the time and exist in them forever. It seemed like between the two of you, you were running out of time. Just how much time exactly?
It was almost as if he could sense the hesitation as he swept up his bags and yours in the process.
“Just realized, we’ve got places to be.” he chirped, and you eyed him curiously.
“Like where?” you said, grabbing your coffee and bag from the coffee shop.
“Patience is a virtue my dear.” he tuts and slips his hand between yours. “Now, where’s your luggage terminal?”
It was roughly a forty-minute drive from the airport to your place. Bo had rented a car for the next couple of days, so it was smooth sailing from that point on.
Bo behind the wheel, and you are sitting in the passenger trying to figure out what music to play.
It didn’t help that you were in the car with a comedian, as whatever song you picked, Bo would pretend to critique it. Only sending you into a fit of hysterics.
“Oh okay, well you pick the music then!” you cried, pretending to stare daggers at him.
“I’ve got something for you, it’s this brand new artist I found while on tour.” he grinned, looking over at you briefly before focusing back on the road.
“His name is….Bo Burnham I think? I could be wrong? He was good-“ he said nonchalantly before earning a quick swipe to his arm from you.
“God, you look cute when you’re angry. You’re missing out on that Bo Burnham guy, he’s got potential.” he said.
“I hate you.” you giggle before finding a more comfortable position in the car.
“Oh shit you know what I just realized?” Bo yelped, causing you to slightly jolt in your seat.
“Isn’t this the first time I’m meeting your parents?” he asked, causing you to slightly stiffen in your seat.
Technically, yes. It wasn’t like your parents didn’t know, it’s more so that there was never really a good time for them to meet. You wondered what they’d think, dating someone who dropped out of college to pursue comedy.
Not that your parents were judgmental. They wanted you to be happy, as any parents would. You just were worried if they wouldn’t respect and love Bo as much as you did. It had been close to two years at this point; what else did you have to lose?
“You are right, oh dear god. I wonder how that’s gonna go, hopefully well, right?” you ask, more so to yourself than Bo.
“Oh please, I’m great with people’s parents. Plus, they raised you, I’m sure they are great people. Babe, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” he reassured before continuing on the route.
It wasn’t long before he pulled into your family driveway, pulling the car into park, quickly placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“You ready?” he says quietly, looking at you sweetly.
You eyed the front door before looking back and meeting his eyes, nodding, as he leaned in to give you a quick kiss.
God, you missed those.
“Here goes nothing.” you smirk before slipping out of the passenger side and gather your bags.
Bo now follows suit as you knock on the door, his taller frame towering over you. One hand pressed on the small of your back, holding you steady.
The front door opens with a swing, with your mother greeting you at the door. A firm grin upon her lips as she rushes out to hug you, your father appearing behind her.
“Oh I’m so glad you were able to come home! We missed you so much!” she exclaims, squeezing you tighter.
Before giving you a slight nudge and knowing look towards Bo, who had remained oblivious, while he shook hands with your father.
All of you gather inside your house, Bo taking control of the conversation when acceptable.
Sitting down at the kitchen table, your parents are engulfed in his stories and laughing at his jokes. All the while getting to know the man that you loved so much.
Bo was pretty much a natural when it came to impressing others, and you knew it wasn’t gonna be an issue with your parents.
The two of you answering almost any questions, Bo excitingly telling the story of how the two of you met.
“Oh I almost forgot, I need you to do me a favor.” Bo murmured when the two of you had a moment to be alone.
You looked up at him in confusion before he mentioned something about dressing up nice. A knowing look upon his lips before giving you a slight wink and walking off towards the guest room.
There you stood, gaping like a fish in wonderment at what he possibly could be planning. Slowly walking into your childhood bedroom, looking for anything that would meet his description of nice.
You settled for something that you wore to a formal gathering that still managed to fit you. Giving yourself a quick look in the mirror, you left your bedroom to find Bo standing there.
You had to hold back a gasp; the man looked rather handsome in a dress shirt and pants. His hair was nicely done, and his hand gestured out for you to take.
“Bo what is all this for?” you exclaim, as he only smirks and leads you towards the front door.
“Shut up, I’ve been wanting to take you out for months.” he says as he opens it and leads you towards his car.
The man practically doing the whole nine yards, all the while you looking at him in pure wonderment. Of course, the two of you had been on dates prior, but never like this.
You had to practically stop yourself from grinning as he suavely got into the driver’s side of the car., Giving a quick glance over at you unbeknownst to you, trying not to melt at how gorgeous you looked.
“Where are we going?” you ask as he starts the car slowly pulling out of the driveway.
“You ask a lot of questions my dear.” he says, keeping his eyes focused on the road.
“Oh shit is this my execution?” you smirk as he dramatically nods.
“Babe, how the hell did you find out? Who told you? Was it my manager? I knew she’d rat me out!” he exclaims.
“You know I had to be certain, you did make me dress up all nice and all.” you play along, grinning ear to ear.
“Oh well, I can’t give away the entire surprise so zip it with the questions sweetie.” he quips as he continues the drive.
It’s not long before he pulls into a fancy Italian restaurant, way out of your usual pay range. You could feel your stomach do somersaults, giving the man an incredulous look.
Bo simply grins as he gets out of the car, rushing over to open yours for you. Eyes wide, still staring at him like he was fucking insane. He shakes his head and carefully pulls you out of the car.
“Now no complaints. Or whatever you plan to do. I’m paying, I’ve been wanting to treat you like this for over a year now. I’m doing it, and I’m gonna enjoy doing it.” Bo huffs, all dignified.
You simply nod in disbelief before he slips his hand within yours. While he enters the restaurant, he mentions his reservations to the hostess, and they seat you at a table.
Once the butterflies subsided in your stomach, you took the attention of the man in front of you. Never had anyone done something like this for you. You were trying to not look like a genuine fool with the smile you wanted to express.
You knew he was the one for you, but the way that he had looked at you. The pure adoration in his eyes and how he had planned everything, you were practically melting.
“I love you.” you whisper, wondering if he could hear it.
He did.
Bo looked up from his menu, a blush now practically kissing his cheeks. He dimples, rising at the declaration before reaching across the table since he was large enough to kiss you gently.
He was quick enough as the waitress came over to take your order. That goofy lovesick grin still plastered across his face as he straightened up in his seat.
The two of you ordering whatever looked best on the menu, clinking glasses when they arrived and looking dreamily into each other’s eyes.
“Man, I missed you. Like I know I say it a lot, but I mean I did. Going on tour is….well it’s lonely. I know you’re still in school, but sweetie. When I’m done, you’ll be sick of me. I promise.” Bo said insistently.
“No I won’t, I’m sure it’s gonna be the other way around. I don’t know if I say it enough, but I really am proud of you. I am so proud to call you my boyfriend, to call you mine. I don’t mind waiting.” you say quietly.
“How did I get so lucky?” he paused, eyeing the plates of food that were coming your way.
“Thank NYU, they did all the work.” you joke, thanking the waitress before digging into the meals.
The food was excellent; it was incredibly worth the price. Even if it was steep, the dinner was lovely. Bo is cracking jokes and telling you his favorite fan encounters that have occurred since his tour began.
It was hard to believe that the man who was often so quiet and shy could be so loud and brave enough to yell at hecklers. Except you could believe it, you had obviously been to one of his shows.
It made your heart begin to flutter at the fact that he wasn’t afraid to be himself around you; it made you feel secure.
The way his stage presence dominated the scene, it was practically impossible to keep your eyes off of him. No matter the situation.
Even now, his eyes glimmer while he tells you whatever story he had dug up. This was his passion, and you reveled in it all.
The night went well as the two of you caught up, knowing it would be quite some time before he’d meet up with you again. As he too had Thanksgiving to celebrate with his family in Massachusetts.
You shared a nice dessert, and he left a rather hefty tip simply because he could. Bo never made it necessary to note that he had money, but you knew he was excited to spend it.
All the while, you spent the night in a dizzying smile. Not giving a shit whether anyone knew it or not, even in the parking lot. The two of you waltzing messily towards the car, giggling and sputtering like a bunch of fools.
He was your fool, and you were his, who knew how long you’d have with him for now. You were destined to make the most of it.
Even as the ride home dwindled and you knew he’d have to catch a flight soon. You weren’t surprised or shocked even; days with him tended to be like this.
As the two of you reached your front door, Bo carefully leaned down to a comfortable position and kissed you softly. Not desperately, just tenderly. As if by the time he’d kiss you again, you’d simply wouldn’t be there.
His lips grazing yours, hands pressed carefully against your cheeks. You reciprocating all the while leaning into him in a warm embrace.
When you finally pulled away to catch your breath, he gave you a look that you knew all too well.
“I’m not saying goodbye.” you whisper into his arms.
“I’ll be back soon don’t worry.” he murmurs into your embrace.
With one last kiss on the forehead, you watch as he walks back to his car. Judging by the way his schedule worked, you knew he’d be back sooner than he would in the past.
Yet, with the soft ‘I love you’ said between the two of you couldn’t help but shed a tear and just hope that the next time would last longer.
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believeitseeitdoit · 3 years
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Back To School Night
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: cursing, fluffy as hell, overload of cuteness? Don’t read if you don’t like happy endings
Summary: you’re setting up your school classroom when your boyfriend Bucky comes to support you and save the day
This is an un-beta’d Drabble, solely to be read for a smile and maybe some happiness, be kind or go away
You’re sweating like a whore in church as you set up the last of the chairs for your classroom. Every desk had a team logo and every chair had 4 tennis balls on the bottoms to prevent that horrid scraping noise. Your class theme this year was secret agents, and you used the old SHIELD symbol as your continuing logo. Each group was given a team mascot, a different avenger, and your desk was set up as the director’s office. You were insanely proud of how much work you had accomplished and put into this new adventure, finally getting your own classroom and students to teach, you hadn't stopped smiling for a week after you and Bucky had found out you got the job.
Climbing off the floor and dusting your knees off, you shoot a text to Bucky showing him your handiwork and get a thumbs up in response alongside an update on the meeting he’s in with Fury and Sam.
Bucky: I swear if Nick compliments the bird man again on his plans, ima slap a hoe.
You burst out a giggle at your boyfriend’s text lingo, and fire back a simple memo.
Y/N: Darling, murder is illegal, even for dead not dead ex assassin current hero super soldiers 😘.
Setting the phone back on your desk, you take stock of what else you need to be ready for the open house tonight. The interactive board is queued and your presentation bio for the families is ready, you have deodorant and your freshen up bag in your purse so you don’t actually look like a pig, and your work clothes are…. SHIT! You internally screech, you had left the other bag full of your nice clothes in the garage when you left this morning. Fuck fuck fuck, you continue to scold yourself while formulating a plan of how to get the rest of your room ready and get yourself taken care of in the next… hour?! Shit fuck shit damn it aghrrrrr FUCKKKKK ME!
You slap a palm to your forehead and decide to just roll with it. Quite honestly, leggings and a t-shirt in late July is not unheard of, and the parents might even appreciate your casual demeanor…. your boss is kosher, but you still worry about the impression you could make shine you have only been a substitute for her before now.
Instead of dwelling, you decide to speed through the finishing touches on your room; door decorations first, then the string lights in the reading corner, little airplanes and origami hanging from the ceiling tiles last. A few taps to the smart board bring up your classroom friendly Spotify and you get to work as The Lion King original soundtrack chimes through surprisingly decent speakers. The SHIELD logo and your handmade heli-carrier ramp lookalike instantly reinvigorate your spirit of setting up, and you sing along to the Disney tunes while you tack up the lights for a soft fairy glow.
Due to your rather pitchy and obnoxious rendition of “gonna make a man out of you”, you didn’t hear the knock at the door. So when Bucky slid up behind you and wrapped you in his arms for a hug, you screamed bloody murder and elbowed him in the gut.
“Ahh! Fuck what the- Bucky god damnit what are you doing?! You scared the hell out of me!” You run to pause the music and chastise your soldier for his sneaking.
“Doll, I did knock, but you were a little preoccupied getting ready for your Idol audition” he chuckled as he looked around the room.
“This looks great Y/N, your kids are gonna love this. I am so proud of you for finally getting your dream.” He wraps an arm around your waist and his vibranium hand in your hair to angle you up to meet his gaze.
Those eyes are more electrifying than a lightning strike, and a thousand times prettier, you can’t help but be sucked in by them. You smile and push up onto your toes, going in for a chaste kiss.
“I couldn’t have gotten this far without you baby, you have been there for me every step of the way. Now I have one question, can you reach up and fix that banner?” You look above him and notice a team symbol is out of sorts, conveniently the Falcon team.
Bucky chuckles and shifts the cardboard back into its frame, “Sam’s doesn’t deserve to be level, he needs the shift. Oh I came here for a reason, here you are my lady.” He picks up the bag you hadn’t noticed during your curse-scapade.
“Thank fucking god, omygod Bucky I fricking love you so much baby, I can’t believe I forgot it this morning I just had so much junk in the truck already and it slipped my mind.” You profusely thank your boyfriend and go to kiss him again when the intercom buzzes.
“15 minutes until open class night begins faculty, please be ready at your doors in 15 minutes!” The secretary calls out in her cheery voice, reminding you of your current debacle.
“Shit, ok, um I’m gonna change, can you just shut the door please? Stand guard or something so my principal doesn’t get an eye full of my sports bra or my boyfriend?” You run with the bag of clothing to behind your desk and quickly strip down the sweaty items and spritz a bit of smell good on between changes.
Bucky can help but smile at you and laugh as you fall sideways onto your ass trying to shimmy your work jeans on. The tight merlot dyed denim hugs you in all the right places, but in July your sweat does not help anything. Sparing you some bruised pride, he scoops you up and sets you onto the desk so he can help finish getting you ready.
“Doll, arms in the sleeves. I’ll button while you fluff your hair out of that ponytail and I grabbed your dry shampoo so use it. No greased pigs in the heli-carrier please.”
Bucky jokes with you while buttoning your sleeveless blouse.
A handful of minutes later, you are toeing on your ‘Jesus sandals,’ a knock off pair of Birkenstock’s that you love to wear for school. Bucky smiles from your desk chair and gives you a wolf whistle.
“Ya know what’s missing in this room?” He asks as he stands to hug you and walk to the front of the room by the doorway.
“What did I forget?!” You reply frantically, looking around for something else missing.
“Nothing love, I just think you need a sign that says Mrs. Barnes instead of Miss Y/L/N.” Bucky states casually as he pulls two items from his pockets.
You look into his hands and find a custom SHIELD office tag labeled “Mrs. Barnes” and a velvet box.
“Are you fucking serious, James Barnes? I just put on mascara!” You start to whimper and try to hold back the tears of joy.
“Soooo, is that a yes? You gonna be my wife? Make me the happiest man on the planet?” He asks impatiently.
“You bet your super soldier fine ass I am Bucky. But I’ll warn you, you’re gonna be coming to every school event from now on.” You wink at him before reaching up for a passionate kiss to seal the deal.
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liquorisce · 3 years
High School Years, Ch 3: aftermath.
pairing: eren x mikasa (SnK)
rating: M. (nsfw)
Summary: for eren and mikasa, love was easy; they'd loved each other forever. but physical attraction? that's a whole other story.
read on ao3 | chap 2 | chap 1
The morning after the… “confrontation”, when they walk to school, they hold hands. It's a new dimension of their ‘relationship’, and the thought of calling it that, of calling Eren her ‘boyfriend,’ is something that makes her feel so many things.
“So um,” she begins, squeezing his hand a little bit, soft pink dusting her cheeks, as he turns to look at her questioningly. “... Are we going to tell the gang?”
For the briefest moment he looks confused, but when he sees her shy expression, not spelling it out because she doesn’t know how to say it yet, his eyes widen in understanding. “Ah that you and I...,” he colours, just a little bit, because it wasn’t until the words were literally at the tip of his tongue, that he realizes he doesn’t know how to say it either.
She’d said it last night, called him her boyfriend, and it did things to him, making his heart constrict with a nervous kind of excitement. Because he was Mikasa’s boyfriend, and that was something of an honour.
But another part of him, the part that recognizes what it means for a high school kid, just finds it completely lacking, he doesn’t want to announce that he’s ‘dating’ Mikasa Ackerman, the word simply does not do it justice. And he sure as hell doesn’t want to hear her name in the gossip rings, from the mouths of shallow, boring girls who have little better to do than keep track of their high school reality show or from the dirty whispers of teenage boys who can’t control their hormones (if Eren is one of them, he doesn’t acknowledge it).
“... Maybe we could just keep it quiet? Just for a little while…” He watches her expressions searchingly, and she does that thing that she does, hides into her bangs when she doesn’t want him to see what she’s thinking and he panics, just a little.
“Hey, listen,” he stops her by the wrist, before they round the corner onto the street of their school.  “... It’s not that I want to hide it,” he whispers, resting his forehead against hers, because god forbid she thinks he’s embarrassed or ashamed or anything short of absolutely ecstatic, “You know that, right?”
She closes her eyes and she lets the waves of insecurity pass her by. Surely, there was nothing more to worry about. He’d made no secret of the depth of his feelings last night. “Mm-hmm.” She feels his minty breath cool on her lower lip and she reaches up to press her mouth against his. It’s tentative, the way she does it, reserved and shy but completely incomparable. It’s like everything she does, he thinks breathlessly, as he deepens the kiss. There’s no one like her.
She threads her hands into his already messed up hair, breathing harshly as she breaks away from his kiss. “I don’t mind,” she agrees, “... I think I’d like it to be just between us for a while…”
And because he’s so grateful that he’s in love with his best damn friend, who knows him and understands him like nobody else, he kisses her again… just because he can.
They know. He doesn’t know how they know, but they fucking know, and he mutters unhappily under his breath, “... fucking vultures, the whole lot of them.”
Armin smirks, not unsympathetically. They’d mutually decided to tell him (rather, he spotted them holding hands, and he’d almost cried in happiness), even though Eren had been somewhat sour about it, sulking when Mikasa had pointed out that they obviously needed to tell Armin. Eren was a brat, and a jealous one, especially where Mikasa was concerned, so despite having ample proof by now that the kiss between Armin and her had meant nothing, it remained a sore topic for him.
“Isn’t it easier this way? At least now you won’t have to stare down all the boys queuing up to ask for her number in the cafeteria.”
“... That’s not the point,” Eren sulks, even though he knows Armin has a point (he always does), the phenomenon he’d described was a canonical and frequent event that he actively loathes, because Mikasa was quite free with her personal details that way.
( It’s high school, Eren , she’d told him exasperatedly one day when he’d actually brought it up to her, if I don’t give them my number they’ll get it from someone else anyway. Besides, the block functionality is quite useful .)
Somehow Eren is fairly certain that knowing she was in a relationship wouldn’t be enough to deter potential suitors (/ fanboys) and as they walk towards their class, he spots the best example of this crass behaviour in none other than his horse faced friend chatting up his girlfriend, who seemed to be fairly liberal with her smiles.
Armin watches the scene from right next to him and snorts, barely able to contain his laughter. “... You’re so transparent, Eren.”
“Clearly the news hasn’t reached everyone,” he clears his throat, tearing his gaze away from the beauty and the beast, trying his best to remain civil and not scare his girlfriend away in less than 24 hours of them being, you know, together .
“This is what you wanted,” Armin reminds him, clapping his shoulder sportingly, barely able to contain his grin.
She tugs nervously at her hair, feeling ridiculously exposed despite the fluffy maroon scarf around her neck. She hadn’t been prepared for the events of yesterday, be it the emotional confession, or the heated kisses, or the possessive nips at her neck.
She certainly wasn’t prepared for the self consciousness that came with the marks he left on her, and had absolutely no knowledge of the make up skills required to cover it. (It hadn’t helped that it had taken Armin less than two minutes to spot the hickeys.)
But what she was least prepared for, is how almost everyone seemed to know, without her even having to open her mouth, and how they all seemed to have an opinion.
… Aw, but I was really counting on him getting back together with Krista… they were so cute…
… I wonder how long he’ll stay with this one…
… wait, Mikasa Ackerman? Aren’t they like practically siblings or something? Ewwww~
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to gag, or if she wanted to hide… or both.
She doesn’t hide. Because Mikasa Ackerman is a class act and despite feeling completely torn up listening to bitchy people talk about her like she does not possess hearing, she goes through the day looking outwardly untouchable.
But after trudging through the entire day of listening to absolute bullshit rumours and whispering, she’s pretty sure she feels a migraine incoming. Groaning to herself, as she takes out her notebook from her locker, she finds herself face to face with a chirpy voice that she once hated.
“... Hey,” Krista says, with a small smile. “... rough day, huh.”
Mikasa nods, it’s not that she dislikes the cute blonde in front of her (not too much, anyway), it’s just that today was not the day she wants to be visually reminded of her existence. Because watching her, in her white miniskirt and pink sweater, perfect blonde hair and her perfect smile, is reminiscent of all the days she hid in her room with only her insecurity for company.
“So um,” Krista begins, because Mikasa can be comfortable in her silence, just looking at Krista questioningly. “... Everyone’s talking about it, basically,” she blurts out, unable to help herself.
“And if you want to know whom to smack, it’s Hitch, because she says she saw you guys holding hands outside school and making out, and she snapchatted it to the whole world, because that’s what she does and,” - Mikasa’s eyes narrow and Krista takes a deep breath.
“Look, I just wanted to reach out, and you know,” she clears her throat, like it was obvious what she was doing here. Mikasa just looks blank, feels blank. “... Like, I don’t want it to be awkward or anything, between us,” Mikasa is genuinely confused at this point, because there didn’t have to be an us, between her and Krista, their social circles were comfortably distant enough to have as minimal interaction as possible. “... You seem like a great person, and honestly, I’m not even surprised you guys ended up together. It was just a matter of time, I guess.”
She smiles earnestly as she says this, and Mikasa finds herself liking the short blonde despite herself, and offers a smile back. “... Thanks, that’s sweet of you.”
“And um,” Krista offers, completely casually, “... I could lend you some concealer if you wanna… you know, cover that up.”
“Snapchat!” Sasha wails theatrically, “... I can’t believe this is what our friendship has boiled down to.”
Mikasa has the grace to look guilty. “Explain to me, bestie ,” Sasha can be quite scary when she has her manic face on, “why, I had to receive a snap from the school’s number one hoe, informing me of the fact that my best friend had finally hooked up with her absolute thirst trap of a roommate.”
She doesn’t have much to say to defend herself, she simply slinks lower into her seat. “... I’ll buy you lunch for a week,” Mikasa whispers, defeated.
“Oh you better,” Sasha declares, still fuming. “... Snapchat, are you fucking kidding me…” She turns around once more, sizing Mikasa up deliberately. “... What about that time I walked in on you guys, in the kitchen, and he didn’t have a shirt on?” Sasha narrows her eyes accusingly. “... Were you two already…? Did you lie to me back then?”
“No! God, no,” Mikasa vaguely wonders why she sounds so defensive and apologetic about her own love life, but she remembers that Sasha is upset and for what it’s worth, she loves her like a sister, so she says, “... I swear, there was nothing between us then. It only happened, like… last night.”
Mikasa blushes as she says it, and the twinkle returns to Sasha’s brown eyes. “You must tell me everything,” she commands, and despite her sighing and blushing and giggling, Mikasa does exactly that.
He waits for her as they walk back from school. This is new too. Well not entirely, they’d walk back together, the three of them, Him, Mikasa and Armin, everyday in middle school, but high school had brought them different routines, and a distance that he was happy to get rid of.
“So…” he says as he slips his fingers between hers. “So much for our plan to keep it quiet.”
She burrows her head into his arm, “... everyone knew. Literally everyone.” After a minute, she adds reproachfully, “The hickeys you left on my neck didn’t help, either.”
He grins despite the glare she gives him. Embarrassing or not, he didn’t regret it one bit, not the moments that led up to those anyway... the way she’d found herself on his lap, fitting so perfectly in his arms, and against his mouth. The way she’d gasped when he’d let himself explore the sensitive skin on her neck.
He understands her situation, but god, there was no way he’d apologize for the sheer sensation he’d felt in that moment.
Tugging at her scarf to see his own handiwork, he can’t help his disappointment when he sees only a faint outline of them on her pretty skin. “... I see you’ve covered them up.”
“Ah,” Mikasa grins, “... that was your ex, actually.”
She feels him still, letting go of her hand for a brief moment. “... What?” Eren blinks nervously. They don’t really talk about his ex, not much more than they did yesterday anyway, and he wishes they’d never have to, not now that he knows perfectly well how much it had hurt Mikasa.
“You… um, spoke to her today?”
Mikasa nods, “... She came by to say hello, yeah.” And because Eren looks extremely uncomfortable at the thought, she giggles and tells him, “She says she didn’t want things to be awkward between us.”
Eren groans, “... this sounds like the teaser to every high school drama ever.” But despite his sarcasm, he was worried because despite Mikasa’s unassuming popularity in school, she lived her life outside of the cliques, the gossip rings, the drama… and Krista, sweet that she was, was somehow always in the thick of it.
“Don’t worry,” Mikasa says sweetly, “... if you want me to tell you that we had a catfight over you, prepare for disappointment.”
He grins in relief and asks, “... Is it so wrong to indulge in the fantasy of you fighting with another girl over me?” And because he can’t help himself, he adds, “You’d win for sure, Mikasa.”
As long as she can remember, Mikasa had been in love with Eren. It wasn’t complicated, or confusing for her, she’d loved him and she’d always known it.
When she was younger she had less trouble expressing it, they played together all the time, and she shared her toys with him, her sweets, and promised his mom she would take care of him when he got into trouble.
During her darkest days (after losing her parents), he would look after her, keep an eye out for her, tuck her in sometimes and sleep by her side when she had nightmares. Back then it was easier to ask for his attention - Eren could you stay with me, she remembers her 12 year old self asking, sniffling in the night, with no inhibitions, just a young girl asking for comfort from the boy she shared everything with.
(He’d given her everything she asked for graciously, fussing over her in his own way, watching over her even when she didn’t notice.)
It’s the ‘how’ that increased in complexity, the way she wanted more and more as the years went by, until the point where her love for him was a complete stranger. It was frustrating when she first realized it, when she realized she looked at him more often than usual… when she realized she wanted him to look at her too.
Growing up they’d watch movies together, and she’d often wonder about the way the hero kissed the heroine at the end of the movie, and wondered if someday Eren would kiss her like that. Most of all she wondered if Eren thought about it too.
When he started dating, that became amply clear to her - he thought of kissing, and to her unfortunate attention, it became clear that he thought of much more too. Those months were incredibly difficult for Mikasa because not only did she have to go through life like nothing had changed - ostensibly nothing had, not between them - but she had to police every indiscrete thought when he walked around after his shower without a shirt on, she had to control her gaze every time it fell on his beautiful mouth, wondering exactly what it would feel like against hers.
And for the first time in the longest time, Mikasa could no longer love Eren the way she always had, openly and without shame, she could no longer ask of him his care and attention.
But it feels like overnight so much has changed, she can barely comprehend it. Eren is so generous with his attention (his love), she wonders if the last couple of years of distance was the doing of her own imagination.
He is so free with his touches, sometimes gentle on her waist, sometimes tender on her face, sometimes rough in her hair (this excites her most of all). She no longer has to wonder if he’d ever kiss her like in the movies, he kisses whenever he damn pleases, and it always, always takes her by surprise. And it is so much better than she has ever imagined.
He saunters in as she prepares the tofu carefully, and because Mikasa is a perfectionist in everything she does, she’s concentrating completely on flipping each piece at the perfect moment when they turn golden brown.
But because Eren finds literally everything she does impossibly cute, he wraps an arm around her waist and kisses her gleefully on the cheek. It has the desired effect, she gasps, dropping her fork, and he catches her in an open mouthed kiss.
He manages to distract her for a good couple of minutes until she smells the tofu becoming decidedly darker than golden brown. “Erennn,” she whines, “... my tofu is ruined!”
“I’m sure it’ll taste wonderful,” he says because she’s an excellent cook, but also because he’s slightly affronted that by the way she pulls away in complaint.
“Please. Go sit,” she swats him away, making him pout adorably. He does as he is told and waits till she plates the food minutes later, and he’s pleased to say that he was absolutely right, it did taste wonderful.
But he’s more eager to eat up as soon as possible and finish what he tried to start a few moments ago.
“What are you going to do after dinner?” The answer he wants to hear is I’d like to make out with my boyfriend , but just as he expected, Mikasa’s mind is on a slightly different wavelength.
“... Hmm,” she eyes him suspiciously, “... I guess I’ll finish cleaning up and read the latest chapter in English Lit before bed, and just drift off to sleep. Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” he states innocently. “... I’ll help you clean up.”
He changes the topic before they have a chance to linger, and does good on his promise to clean up as fast as he can. It’s ridiculous the way he’s acting, and he doesn’t understand it himself, but he can’t seem to help himself. He can’t seem to stop looking at her, can’t seem to stop craving her, whether it’s the closeness of her body or the taste of her lips, and he’s pretty certain the way he’s acting right now is downright embarrassing, but somehow since its with Mikasa, he feels emboldened.
Or at least that’s how he’d felt until recently. Of late there’s been just the slightest amount of doubt that’s crept in. He finds himself wondering if it’s just him who feels this way, this inexplicable urge, and he wishes that she’d be the one reaching for him more often.
“Thanks, Eren,” she murmurs, breaking him out of his intense internal monologue, when she reaches over and brushes a chaste kiss on his cheek. It warms him instantly, immediately making him want more.
He dries up and follows her out of the kitchen, and as she turns into her room, he grabs her wrist and says, “... Mikasa, wait,” and when she flips her head to look at him, he nestles her against the wall and whispers, “... I just wanted to say goodnight,” before kissing her full on the mouth.
For all that he internally complains about her not initiating their kisses enough, she responds beautifully to him, opening her mouth to him, and slipping her tongue inside, gasping when his fingers slip under her shirt, brushing softly above her ribcage. She slides one hand around his neck and the other clutches his shirt, pulling him so close to her, he revels in the feeling of her body pressed against hers.
He doesn’t even know how, or why, because he isn’t thinking when he’s kissing Mikasa, just going with it, running on the sheer feeling of it all, because he just gives into her - but she’s got both arms around his neck and he’s pressing her so firmly against the wall, tongue shameless in its exploration of her mouth, he slips one of his legs between hers.
She likes it, likes the pressure between her legs and she finds herself moving against him, grinding almost, embarrassingly, and she doesn’t even register consciously, until she feels him hard and pressed up against her thigh. She makes an embarrassing noise, something between a gasp and a moan, and suddenly his eyes snap open, all too conscious of their position.
She feels him twitch against her, and she can barely breathe with the excitement of it all, the newness… the feeling. He looks at her like a different person, green eyes heady and searching, holding her in a heated gaze. But in the most crushingly confusing move, he steps back and whispers “good night,” before turning towards his own room.
Quite frankly, she doesn’t know what to do with herself. Any more of that and she would’ve melted into jelly all over the leg that was between her thighs. And instead of pursuing that intense, boneless feeling, she finds herself catching her breath alone in the hallway with a confoundingly novel ache between her legs.
He watches her at the tennis court the next day; he drags Armin with him.
He’s never cared much for the game itself, only knows the basic rules because Mikasa’s been playing for years. She has a practice match today, against Jean, and he’d claimed he’d only wanted to see ‘his girl’ crush that horse face to the ground.
But the more he sits next to Eren, the more Armin feels decidedly uncomfortable. “Oi, Eren,” he says, when he’s fairly certain he’s had enough. Eren looks at him annoyed for being distracted from the game. “... What?”
Armin pinches the bridge of his nose before speaking, because how does he say this politely? “... You’re staring.”
“Don’t huh me! You’re literally ogling her,” he hisses under his breath, “... it’s embarrassing, so please stop.”
He feels his face burn as he splutters, “I, I’m just watching the-,” he’s quite literally red by this point, “... Armin, what the fuck?” He just wants to hide, and so he hides his face in his hands.
He was right, he was staring, and he knew this because his mind had memorized the way she looked in that outfit, white tank top low cut and body hugging and giving him an excellent view as she moved. And he didn’t even want to comment on the way those shorts hugged her curves and how it flowed perfectly into her long, glorious legs.
If he could kick himself he would.
“What’s going on with you?” Armin asks, after he gives Eren a moment to recover from absolute mortification. Hesitating, he says, “... This isn’t the first time I’ve caught you staring at her like this recently.”
He looks at Armin helplessly, because he doesn’t know how to put it into words. “You can talk to me,” Armin coaxes him, “... you do embarrassing shit in front of me all the time anyway,” he supplies helpfully.
There’s conflict in his green eyes as he considers just how to say it, if he wants to at all. He’s still not a hundred per cent over the fact that Armin was Mikasa’s first kiss and if anyone could hold a (pointless) grudge it was Eren.
“However if you still choose to not talk to me about Mikasa because you are hung up over a stupid drunk kiss, then that’s completely fine with me too,” Armin says, reading Eren’s mind cheerfully.
“... You didn’t have to bring it up,” he says sullenly. Armin rolls his eyes. “... You’re thinking about it anyway, so I might as well talk about it.” He’s known him far too long to not understand the very simplistic nature of Eren’s thought processes.
“... I can’t stop looking at her,” he confesses, deciding to gloss over the discomfort of their kiss and focus on the main problem instead. “I hadn’t noticed,” Armin quips dryly, and Eren glares at him - so much for ‘ You can talk to me, Eren.’
“I’m losing my mind here, Armin,” trust Eren to always be dramatic, without fail, “... You can make fun of me all you want, but everytime I look at her, I,” he inhales sharply. “... God, I feel disgusting. It’s Mikasa for fuck’s sake.”
And It’s Mikasa whom his friend had always been slightly unhinged for, but Armin thinks better of saying this.
“... I feel like I just don't know how to look at her respectfully anymore,” and he says
this almost choked, so distressed, that Armin tries very very hard to suppress a laugh.
She wishes she hadn’t done it.
In a rare moment of weakness that she now regrets, she had given into Sasha’s ever curious inquisitions into her love life. And by love life here, Sasha was explicitly digging for the good stuff.
Mikasa waits patiently for Sasha to return from her high pitched look of disbelief.
“... What do you mean you haven’t slept together yet?” Sasha asks, a bit calmer this time, but still urgently distressed about the matter.
“We just… haven’t,” Mikasa explains rather unsatisfyingly.
“So… do you like, want to wait or something? I thought you’ve been in love with him since forever…”
No matter how much she’s accepted that fact herself, it still makes her blush when she hears it out loud. “... It’s not like, I want to, um, wait or anything,” she confesses. Because she’s found herself thinking of the same thing every night since the time Eren had her against the wall, pinned against him and his hardness. It’s almost like it created a monster out of her, a monstrous desire that has her eyeing him out the corner of her eye whenever she gets the chance. It makes her seek him out more often, seek him out after his workout, after his shower, innocently, by accident of course, and she’s ashamed of herself.
“... You just need to jump him,” Sasha says, with the utmost seriousness. Like she knew anything at all on this subject. “And boy have I got the perfect thing to help you.”
Mikasa Ackerman is a huge fan of Marie Kondo. It was one of the curiously annoying yet cute things about her that Eren has an impressively large list of.
She’s watched the Netflix show more times than he can count, follows her on Youtube, and once he’d seen her pray to her room or some shit before she started cleaning. It mystifies him, and he doesn’t care enough to understand more so he just goes along with it.
Today she’s decided she has way too many clothes and she will only keep what “sparks joy” in her, so she’s strewn out her entire closet and demanded in the sweetest way that he helps her with her mission.
(She throws in the offer of trying out all her outfits before she throws them out, and Eren is horny for a fashion show or the moments in between so he readily agrees)
“... I’m not sure about this one,” she says, eyeing herself in the green dress critically.
Eren’s eyes bulged in disbelief. “... You’re kidding, you look like a fucking goddess, Mikasa.”
She blushes happily with the compliment, but Eren isn’t exaggerating. It’s a slinky strapless number which was incredibly short. And it had a slit. According to Eren, the slit could not be emphasized enough.
“... Your legs look incredible,” he says, providing her the only decent compliment he can muster. The rest he does his best to convey with eyes.
“... It just doesn’t feel like something I wear usually, you know… so I don’t know if it sparks joy...”
He resists the urge to roll his eyes, “Well, you should wear it. C’mere let me help you spark some joy,” he says, playfully pulling her down into the pile of clothes that made a poofy bed on the floor.
She giggles, settling over him happily, and for a moment his sappy little heart feels like it’s going to explode. He’s pretty sure her giggle is his most favourite sound in the whole world.
“... You’re insane,” he breathes, relishing in the way she feels on top of him, his hands sliding up her legs and resting just beneath the hem of her dress (just beneath her ass). She kisses him sweetly, tongue flicking gently on his lip and making him groan softly. His hands brush past her ass, caressing ever so softly as they come to rest on the small of her back.
She deepens the kiss, and he grabs her hips roughly, angling her mouth onto his in a way that suits him, gives him access and he sighs into her mouth. The view of her on top of him, is unparalleled, her thighs around his hips and her chest heaving temptingly with her harsh breathing. He closes his eyes and captures her mouth again before he makes a fool of himself in front of her again.
But she has her hands in his hair, and she’s pressing down, grinding down against his crotch, and he can feel himself pulse at every brush of contact, and he groans knowing fully well that there’s no way she can’t feel his length brush against her legs.
He doesn’t want to stop, or run away, because he’s ridiculously turned on at this point, and unwilling to let go of her, so he simply turns her around and pins her beneath him, taking advantage of the way she squeals, to slip his tongue into her mouth and taste her.
It’s so tempting having her beneath him like this, so he gives in and slips his leg between hers again, eager to have her rub against him like she did that day, with the faintest hint of a moan, like he hasn’t been able to forget.
His fingers entwine with hers and he stretches them above her head, wanting so much to just kiss her senseless, but they collide with a cardboard box and he spares a glance at it, in annoyance.
Until he squints and actually sees what it is. The label alone makes him blush, not to mention the contents that he could clearly see under the transparent plastic covering.
Mikasa looks up, dazed and a little bit disoriented from what was possibly the most intense make out session she had ever experienced. “... Eren?”
“Babe,” he rasps, choked, “... are you trying to tell me something?”
She follows his line of sight, and wants to hide, wants to die, wants to erase this moment from her very existence.
Her Sensual Pleasure kit, he reads, his mind effectively going numb as he comprehends the contents: a vibrator, a blindfold, some pink fuzzy handcuffs and what looks like a generous bottle of lube.
Somehow even though she forgot about this ridiculous thing, having stuffed it into her closet to forget all about the ridiculousness on her friend’s face when she gave it to her, it seems to have stumbled out into the light of day at the worst possible moment.
If she could murder Sasha and get away with it, she would.
“... I-It’s not what you think, Eren,” she mumbles, cheeks red and panicking, even though she has absolutely no idea what she wants him to think.
“I assure you,” he manages, “... I’m not really thinking right now, Mikasa.” Sure enough his mind had somewhat short circuited, barely able to handle the pressure of having his extremely sexy girlfriend beneath him and somehow simultaneously having discovered what appeared to be her sextoys .
Gingerly, he reaches for it, and he almost gasps, because the box had been opened and fiddled with. “Did you actually…”
He looks at her face, and it’s the colour of a tomato by this point, teeth biting her lower lip nervously, and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or if he is even more turned on.
“The vibrator, Mikasa, did you…?” His voice is so hoarse just imagining, it superseded any fantasies he’s had up until this point. “... Eren,” she whines, embarrassed, hiding her face in her hands.
“Please for the love of god, Mikasa, please just tell me, baby,” he’s pleading because he really needs to know at this point. He needs to know if he’s been going to bed in the room besides her without the potent knowledge that she’s been using this to relieve herself at night.
When she nods, just ever so imperceptibly, he’s pretty sure he’s going to combust. “... What did you think of when you were using it?” His voice sounds like a stranger’s.
She looks conflicted, looks unbelievably embarrassed, but he’s pretty sure he isn’t imagining it when he hears the faintest whisper from her saying, “... you.”
But that isn’t going to cut it, because he’s spent countless nights with a raging boner and raging guilt, as he jerked off to the most tantalizing moments he’s had with her… and he barely ever manages to look her in the eye the next morning. So he has to, no, he needs to know that he hasn’t been the only one in this absolutely ridiculous situation.
He kisses her hard, teeth grazing hers, mouth eager and greedy, and she responds to him with equal fervour. His head drops to her shoulder as he kisses her bare collarbone. “... If you knew how many times I’ve touched myself thinking of you, you wouldn’t be able to look at me the same again.”
His words are a deep, throaty confession that he whispers on her skin, and it brings a tingle down to her spine and all the way to her toes. She thrusts her chest upwards against him subconsciously.
“... I think of you too, you know… all the time,” she confesses, forgetting the very meaning of inhibition. It’s hard to remember it when he looks at her that way, heat burning from his verdant eyes, his grip firm against her hips. She doesn’t want to; doesn’t need it, if it means she can be this close to him.
“... Do you think you can show me?” he whispers, barely thinking through his requests through his lust-filled haze.
He sees her hesitating, contemplating, and he finds himself praying as his fingers inch up the dress and dig into the curves of her ass, lips delicate against the tops of her breasts.
“Only if you show me how you touch yourself,” she murmurs, and he can feel himself twitch in excitement.
She backs up against her bedpost and slips out of her panties, and Eren is absolutely, positively certain, he has never seen anything more appealing than when she slowly, deliberately, hikes up that beautiful green dress and spreads her legs.
He’s so lost in the sight before him, he forgets what he’s promised until she says, steel eyes determined, challenging him almost, “... your turn, Eren.”
He shucks his pants off gracelessly, he couldn’t make it look as artful as she does even if he tried, but he’s happy to be free of the restrictive material as he springs heavy and erect at the sight of her. “... Could you um, pass me the lube,” he asks, and she does, but not before squeezing some onto her own hand.
It’s hypnotic how she rubs it into herself, wet, and pretty and pink, and he jerks into his hand, slick and wanting, as he whispers, “... God, you’re beautiful.”
His words only serve to enhance the needy pressure between her legs, the tingling feeling that her slow circular motions were only making worse. She picks up the vibrator and turns it on, pressing it to her nub, the way she’s done a few lonely nights by herself, wishing it was him against her skin.
It’s different this time, because even though it’s her and the silicone toy, Eren’s gaze is like liquid fire on her skin, dark and licentious, and almost greedy. She throws her head back, shivering with pleasure and gasping.
“... What did you think of when you played with yourself?” He asks again, and this time she knows he wants a more specific answer.
“Your fingers,” she mumbles, and she finds the pleasure makes her startlingly more honest. He could ask anything of her, and she would tell him.
The idea, the thought of it, makes him twitch happily in his hand, and he jerks erratically, feeling an unbelievable urge come over him. “... Did you get wet thinking of my fingers on you, Mikasa?”
“Mm-hmm,” she nods, blushing prettily, high off the vibrating sensations. Without planning to, he crawls over between her legs and kisses her deeply, murmuring on her lips, “... then let me touch you, baby.”
It was her who was being stimulated, but he nearly groans into her hair at the feeling of her soft wetness, the way it feels against his fingers, the way her arousal coats him so eagerly.
“... I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he murmurs hoarsely, rubbing delicate circles across her nub, diligently favouring the area she had favoured mere moments ago. “Then why didn’t you,” she gasps at the last syllable, at the sudden intrusion of his long finger having slid deep inside her.
“... Sorry,” he says, sounding far too turned on to be sorry, “... you’re so wet, Mikasa.” He’s in awe, almost reverent of how warm she is, how easy.
She hangs on to his neck now, teeth grazing his neck, whispering, “... I want you, Eren.” Her breath is warm and damp and he’s unmistakably certain of what she asks.
“... Are you sure?” He asks, panting, hoping to god she’s sure, because he’s so ready, he’s been ready for a long time now, and he can barely control himself from leaking onto his own hand, when she says, “Yes.”
He makes sure she’s comfortable, or as comfortable as she can be on top of her clothes, and he commits everything to memory, the way she looks beneath him, the way her breasts heave when he pulls off the entirety of that dress, the way her nipples stiffen against his warm kisses. “... Please,” she whimpers, when he takes his time with her, taking the peaks of her breasts into her mouth and teasing ever so slightly with his teeth.
“... I can’t help it,” he rasps, “I want to touch you everywhere, you’re so pretty, babe, I,” -
He chokes, cut off, by the feeling of her delicate hands circling around him, pumping slowly as she guides him to her entrance. “Shit, Mikasa,” he curses, closing his eyes as he feels the sensation of her warmth against his tip.
It’s not his first time, but he feels like a stumbling virgin, murmuring desperate things as he feels her sheathe him completely, pausing only to pay attention to her comfort. Barely coherent, he asks, “... you okay?” She nods quietly, and his eyebrows furrow, looking at her questioningly. “Feels… so full,” she manages, with a feeble groan, and he can’t help but grin at how irresistible she is.
“... That’s because I’m supposed to fill you up, babe,” he whispers, not caring how far gone he is, because he slides out just a little only to spread her legs for him again, and slide back in. He tests the rhythm carefully, watching her expressions for any sign of discomfort, but the way she squeezes her eyes, the way she throws her head back with a gasp, just makes him lose whatever little control he had.
“Please tell me if I need to go slower,” he tells her, but judging from her reaction, from her moans, she only seemed to be egging him on.
It’s too much, he thinks, too much for him to possibly handle, not with the way she bucks her hips, and definitely not with the way she clenches needily around him.
And in a moment that he’ll probably never live down, he groans, “Fuck, babe, I’m going to,” - barely realizing with some consciousness to pull out of her tight, wet, core, and spills onto her stomach.
Mikasa’s never seen him make a face like that.
When he opens his eyes, she’s looking at him in wonder. And he’s looking at the mess he’s made on her stomach, and even though a small part of him only feels arousal at the sight of that, today he just feels like a massive asshole. “Shit,” he curses, not happy with how this played out at all. He reaches for the panties she’d so easily discarded and mops up his sticky release, mumbling, “... God, I’m so sorry, Mikasa. This was your first time, I can’t even believe,” -
“Eren,” she interrupts, because she doesn’t have time for this, his self-derision can come later. “... I, um…,” she clenches her thighs together, and he suddenly realizes that he hadn’t yet completely fucked shit up, he could still make her feel good, and that’s all he wanted.
He settles himself between her legs and spreads her folds open for him, feeling a familiar twitch at the pretty sigh in front of him. “I’ll take care of you, baby,” he whispers earnestly, before she feels his mouth on her folds. He kisses her like how he kisses her lips, like he wants to consume her, and if she thought it felt good against her own mouth, it felt only a million times better down there. He’s generous with his tongue, probing circling, sending her into a frenzy that only he could have managed.
She threads her fingers into his hair, gasping his name, prettily, holding on to him as she rides wave after wave of pleasure against his tongue.
When he lifts himself up and looks at her, he grins, his mouth shining because of her juices, and she closes her eyes swearing to herself that she will never forget that sight.
He collapses next to her, this time of a happier countenance because somewhere in his mind he’s judged this to be a fair exchange, and because Mikasa knows him so well, she can’t help but giggle.
“I’m not usually like this,” he asserts, once he’s caught his breath, and she’s barely managed to catch hers. She raises an eyebrow at him, amused. Trust Eren to be bothered about the unnecessary mechanics of his ego, barely minutes after their first time. “... I swear, next time I’m not going to let you go unless you have at least three orgasms. Minimum.”
“I guess I’ll have to hold you to it, Eren,” she murmurs, chuckling. “And before you freak out about the other thing; I’m on birth control, so don’t worry.” There’s silence, remarkably guilty silence, because he hadn’t thought about it, and that’s ridiculous because he’d never done it without a condom before, and if he ever feels like the biggest idiot on the planet, it’s at this moment.
“... I fucking love you, Mikasa,” he says sincerely, thanking the gods and this insane goddess right beside him, and this time she can’t help but laugh out loud.
a/n: edit: two whole weeks after posting ao3, i finally got around to putting this on tumblr.
to all those who have been on this journey with me, thank you so much. it's been so fun with these guys in the hsy verse.
i can't believe the story is over; i'm not ready to let go. going forward i may or may not right 3 more chapters each focusing on armin, historia, and jean respectively. i'm still mulling over it :)
i've recently been made aware that some people who read my stories are minors and i should be more mindful. so the note below -
i'd just like to clarify that it's fairly normal to be 18 yo in senior year of high school (at least where i'm from), which is when this last chapter takes place, so i did not feel the need to write age anywhere. i just want to clarify this; im no one to lecture any body on the appropriate age to be sexually active - as long as the person who you're with treats you respectfully and honours your consent. and respect your own limits and body.
HOWEVER I WILL ABSOLUTELY TAKE THIS MOMENT TO LECTURE YOU ON THE USE OF BIRTH CONTROL - PLEASE USE CONDOMS. please discuss birth control or std prevention with a sexual partner. DO NOT BE LIKE EREN AND FORGET JEEZUS. i'm 27 when i'm writing this so the last scene was just meant to be funny, especially his unbelievable sigh of relief when he finds out she had the foresight to be careful.
anyway, see ya and if it might interest you pls check out my mikasa stripper au ;) i'm very excited about it.
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nomimits7 · 4 years
Dream walkers | 2 kinda?
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Title: Dream walkers
Genre: Yandere if that’s what this is called
Pairing: BTSot7 x reader
Warnings: Mental health that’s deteriorating is described. THIS IS NOT A FLUFFY FIC!! READ WITH CAUTION. I kind of have no idea. Yandere behaviour. THIS KIND OF DAYDREAMING IS MY OWN INTERPRETATION. The illness mentioned is real but by no means have I done any research on it.
Summary: when illusions you dreamed up to help cope with the loneliness, one day disappears because of your own foolishness. You thought there was nothing else left for you in this world. But as you’re lying on the shower floor and the world slowly fading around you, the last thing you expected to see are a pair of combat boots and sneakers belonging to those you somehow dreamed up.
First part
A/N: I have no idea... Oops I guess. Impulse is real and it apparently leads to shit like this. This just a drabble and very ( I mean extremely) short... 
That day in the hospital they made you promise to never try and take away the only light they had in this dull world. They told you all about their Idol life and how they stumbled upon your beautiful mind. They even dared to tell you how much they craved you.
It wasn’t suppose to feel normal, you knew this, yet here you were smiling at their confession. It was beautiful to see their cheeks turn pink at your laughter. You instantly fell in love with them just like before, but your smile didn’t last. You knew you would have to return to your lonely life soon. Your cold apartment would never be the same without their presence there. their real presence.
It was indeed scary to think hoe depended on their company you have become. You might be addicted to them, if that is even possible. They could feel your shift in mood even before your face showed it. They knew why, but they had no idea how to address it. It was easier in their dreamed-up appearance to be direct. They would never fear any repercussions. But now… even if they craved your raw emotions they knew they wouldn’t be able to handle any eruption of emotion while in the same room as you. Things could get messy.
Your emotions got them high. They even perfected the act of riling you up right before they had to perform. The unexpected amount of raw feelings gave them a rush like no mundane drug ever could. Not that they ever tried any, they just knew it would never be able to compare. Luckily the doctor came by to discharge you.
“Miss Y/N? I would like to ask you a few questions in private if that is okay?” his gaze momentarily shifted to the seven idols that lounged around the room.
“Oh, you can talk to me with them in the room. We’re close and I am probably going to tell them any way so why not directly from the source?” You answered with a slight smile. Seriously, what could be so confidential?
“Very well. When they brought you in, they mentioned you sometimes would daydream? I took the liberty to do some tests while you were asleep, and I have found that you have a severe case of Maladaptive daydreaming. By severe I mean that it could be life threatening if you are not monitored daily. Mind if I ask what you do for a living?”
“I’m a writer. Why?” came your reply
“Well that explains it a bit. You can use your writing to ensure that you would never daydream to the extend that you begin living in your alternative universe. Simply put, you’ll have to at least allow yourself to write once a day to get some of that creativity out. Now that said, if you ever do fall into a lucid daydream the best option to get back to real life would be either to end your story, or via something that would almost be like a rude awakening. Good luck my dear, unfortunately there is nothing else we can do for you”
With that the doctor left. You sat in your bed for almost five minutes before a small scoff fell from your lips. What the doctor didn’t know was that you had somewhat suspected this. But you had to admit, it can get dangerous quickly. Especially with your very much alive and active mind.
“Y/N? Wh-Why don’t you move in with us? We could keep an eye on you. Besides it would be weird going back to our dorm without you. We miss you baby…” Jimin spoke up. Eyes hopeful as the rest of the members nodded their agreements.
Your heart felt like it would burst out of your ribcage. You have never felt your heart swell so much with adoration. Tears brimming your eyes as you hastily look over to Namjoon for confirmation. What you failed to notice was the visible intake of breaths. Your sudden spike in emotion was unexpected to say the least. None of them could wait to get out of there and keep you away from anything and everyone.
You were theirs and theirs alone to share laughs with, to pull pranks on, to cuddle with, to love unconditionally… to fuck like there’s no tomorrow. They intended to make you theirs in more ways than one, but for now they needed to get you out of your shitty apartments and safely into their dorms.
The fact that you barely had friends was just an added bonus that would ensure a smooth transaction from one place to another. The only problem they had at this stage was to contain their need to ravish you right here in the hospital. Luckily your attention was else were and you failed to see their inner battle.
“Only if you want to little one. We have more than enough room and we’ll be happy to have you. I could even get arrangements made so you could travel with us when we leave for events or tours. Luckily your work comes in the form of a laptop. What do you say little dove? Will you move in with us? Will you allow us to never let you go again?” Namjoon asked while tilting his head slightly to the side.
You would never know what your live could have been like if you have said no. You would never know how unnatural their behaviours truly were. You had no idea how much they played with your mind to make you agree to things no normal person would ever agree to. All you knew at this moment was that you wanted to move in with them. You wanted to see them and feel them every single day of your life. Nothing else mattered in more than that.
“Please” your reply sounded almost desperate. But the smile that grazed their lips was worth your vulnerability. It was worth they pain in your wrists to get to this point. It was worth cutting all other human interactions with.
“Please what angel?” Seokjin asked as he came closer to run his fingers through your hair. His eyes locked on yours with such intensity it made you feel small.
“Please let me move in with you. And please don’t ever let me go again” Your voice was almost softer than a whisper, but it was loud and clear to them. Finally, they have finally found someone worthy of their possessive behaviour. Someone willing to give up everything for them.
“Never again baby. Let’s go home” Hoseok said as Taehyung carried you bridal style out of the room, never to be seen by the public eye again. Why would they want to share such treasure when they finally had you all to themselves?
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jiminrings · 4 years
uu abt homebound au, what goes on with racer! hobi and jk?? i guess this is kinda a request? thanks ilysm :")
homebound: koo’s pov
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a lil homebound special that’s in jungkook’s pov and u get to see what’s going on in his noggin :D
glimpse: kook’s a protective best friend, hobi is a hyung that he never knew he needed, aND he just needs y/n as his forever emotional support shoulder :D
wordcount: 3k
notes: aHHHHH first of all i love you too!!!! write that down pls
this is a spin-off because earlier, i made a drabble from a request about jimin and y/n’s tough love relationship as crew chief x crew member!!! i loved making that piece they r so dynamic :D
read homebound the fic!!!
it’s not easy being jungkook
ugh yeah he kNOWS he’s handsome and talented and charismatic but gOd this is getting out of hand now
he has to save your ass
well not literally your ass,.,. it’s your thumb this time
he’s met you like what?? two months ago and you’re already a handful!!! LOOK AT YOU
“g-googie pLEASE just h-help me i can’t do it mYSELF!!!”
if only two months ago, jungkook was pulled from basketball practice and shoved into the empty-looking gymnasium AND sat in the front instead of the back right next to you
if only he hasn’t opened his mouth and told that he liked your softball uniform aND coincidentially found a fellow athlete that lit rally only joined sports for the uniforms.,.,..
if only he didn’t reciprocate by saying that he joined basketball for the fluffy warmers.,.,..
he wouldn’t deal with you calling him urgently and sAying it’s of a great emergency and that he had to sprint from the other side of campus grounds to where you were
you wouldn’t be right here sat on the ground, hand outstretched for him to mend as he’s only giving you a sCOWL of disbelief
ok fine
jungkook doesn’t regret you being his best friend but he dOES regret having a weak spot for you
“didn’t i specifically tell you NOT to play softball and take it easy for awhile???”
“and now someone was being a big dummy and then dISLOCATED her thumb and she’s made ME run all the way to the field because she’s tOO scared to pop back her dislocated thumb and wants ME to do it for her!!!!!”
you are Insufferable
u really are
he can’t help but feel agitated ok
he’s just so stressed and he almost got a near-flunking store at the calc test awhile ago and he studied!!! he studied for THREE hours and he was about three wrong answers away from being failed!!!!
meanwhile you sleep at that class and you bARely even studied because last night you were just calling him up to ask if you were down drinking some shots with you and then yOU pass????
also also!! his basketball coach has been extra tough on him lately and he isn’t even doing anything wrong!! he passes the ball and how come it’s HIS fault that the one he’s passed it to doesn’t make a score???
how is it hIS fault that this guy was an utter dUMBASS
on top of that, the pit crew training is taking a massive toll on his body and this particular time,, it’s jungkook’s only few breaks
and you just hAD to dislocate your thumb and be scared shitless of popping it back
hold on
are you uh.,...
are you crying
jungkook’s flustered a tON because uhHHh he’s not exactly the best person when it comes to these things
there was one time when jungkook added so much wasabi underneath your california maki to the point that you were CRYING
and sue him he didn’t know what to do
everyone in the restaurant thought the two of you were a couple and now there’s a LOT of angry stares aimed towards jungkook and that makes him sweat a little
that one buff guy who’s chopping the squid even sTopped what he was doing and that makes kook audibly gulp
jungkook was a tiny bit intimidated and so he did the next big thing
panickedly threw the packet of tissues to your face :D
lmao he’s gotten a lot better since then
“okay, okay, i’m sorry for yelling at you :((“
god he should know better
i mean you are in physical pain already and you don’t need him yelling at you now, do you??
after all jungkook did have this one big splinter on his thumb when he was doing something stupid aND although you were angry and amused, you didn’t yell at him
ok fair
he’s setting his things down and he had to coax you to give him back your hand because u retracted it when he yelled
“on the count of three, okay?? one, two....”
you’re already wincing and jungkook has to be swift with this when he doesn’t want to prolong your pain
aLTHOUGH this reminds him of how you have to distract him from the pain when he has you pluck out some of his eyebrow hair so they don’t form a unibrow
“two.... you’re still not — two.,..., you’re the one who’s supposed to adjust not me...,.,. t- yO IS THAT MIN YOONGI???”
that shit hUrts
min yoongi is an especially good trigger point for you because jungkook, cannot, and especially cannot stress to how you have a crush on that guy sO bad
he’s a racer ok sure
ehhhh his skills are so-so
honestly he doesn’t even know if this yoongi guy is actually great at racing,,, maybe it’s just his family name that gets him where he’s at ya know....
“don’t joke with me like that! i’m telling you, jungkook — one day i’ll work with min yoongi.”
he snorts at that as he’s holding your hand up, checking to see if there’s any bruising or the sort
he wants to make sure nOw that you’re okay and not have anything else pop up later because he doesn’t want you ruining his alone time again
“yeah. mhmmm. sure you will.”
uGh where would you be now without jungkook
what was LIFE before jungkook
you’re that grateful for him
jungkook’s been avoiding you a liTTLE and you’ve been noticing it but you just didn’t prod into it
the dish was that he thinks he likes you
it’s just this roulette going on in his head
do i like y/n OR have i just been so starved from affection and companionship that i immediately the nearest person to me as someone i love?????
aha it’s the second option :D
you and jungkook fight a lot tho that’s no surprise
it could be over on the most stupid things ever for discourse and well as sensitive as you were, jungkook was even mORE sensitive
one time he cried when not only you gave him the silent treatment, but also literally pretended that he was iNVISIBLE and even got some people in on it
yeth it was a petty fight over stubornness and a sorta petty solution bUt it did give you some peace
what made it even worse was because you befriended these new guys!!!
the kim line!!! jin and namjoon and taehyung were quite the eye-catching trio over on their department and you kNow that jungkook was annoyed by them
actually they were very likeable and jungkook’s just annoyed at them for no apparent reason
and when you ignore jungkook for the whole day AND have the kim line over on your lunch table,,,
when kook offers you a tray of the best batches for your cafeteria food and even a fresh cold carton of chocolate milk,,,,
then pretend you didn’t even hEAR him nor SEE him when he was holding up the tray for you,,,
he absolutely cries because w-why are you :(((( i-i-ignoring me :(((( please d-don’t :((((
fighting and crying has been at an all-time low ever since that particular one
he was so frustrated that he didn’t even notice jin patting his back and he bARELY even knows jungkook
namjoon’s acting as a shield so no one could see that this guy was absolutely Losing it
taehyung’s trying his best to shove some tissues underneath jungkook so he could wipe them down
but this time
tHIS time
it’s jungkook who doesn’t know what to do
it’s you who’s crying so painfully that he’s sure not even the kim line could help try and fix
“he’s just sO — yoongi is uNBEARABLE!!”
oh it’s him again huh
jungkook wasn’t sure at first on how he’d process the news that yeah sure the two of you were the ones chosen to be the victors of the program
but it meant that the two of you were gonna work for different teams and now that just doesn’t make any sense.,...
sure he’s happy because he gets to work for jung hoseok!!!! the racer he’s in awe with and thank god because he didn’t want to work with-
ew he’s shuddering
min yoongi
yOU’RE the one who’s working for him and well!! you should be happy!!! why are you CRYING
jungkook was so nervous meeting hoseok for the first time
he wanted to please everyone so bad it wasn’t even funny :’)
he’s bought four boxes of donuts for his fellow pit crew members alone
hoseok was special special
he gets his OWN dozen and on top of that, kook even made him a crepe cake
from s c r a t c h
that was the most time-consuming jungkook’s ever spent in making food and he is pOsitive that he doesn’t ever want to subject himself to that again in his life
( with the exception for jung hoseok of course hehe )
jungkook’s kinda burnt himself on the pan atleast three times and he was a sweaty mess by the end of cooking it because again
wHO has the time to make crepe cakes????
deadass even bought a lil cooler with him just because he wants to impress his boss even more :)))
:))) tiny lil ice cream cups :)))
“hi!! nice to meet you, i’m hoseok!! why are you holding tHAT big of a bag??”
jungkook was starstruck for sure because wow jung hoseok was kIND???
normally being famous and being kind don’t exactly belong in the same sentence
but uHHhh his idol is right here in front of him being polite and cool and not coming off as snobbish??? wow
“for you, sir — uH sir jung?? uHm-...”
“oH! no, no-...”
“ho — sir???”
hoseok was just meant to tell him that it’s cool to drop the sir thing because he’s working with him not for him
poor kook was so nervous that he called his idol a hoe :(((
“aH, calm down!! it’s okay!! lol you seem cool anyway!!! you can just call me hobi-...”
that sounds SO precious omg
jungkook was about to bow again for the nth time but then hobi over here added something to his sentence
“... -hyung”
now listen
hobi doesn’t have a brother in his family and gOd something about this younger guy in front of him,,,
he’s read jungkook’s forms and he’s younger than him and he’s iNTIMIDATINGLY large but he just looks so innocent y’know
it reminds him of nemo in a big vast ocean but maybe that’s just because he watched finding nemo last night and was emotional
but look!!! jungkook!!!! he wants to protecc this guy from the world and he looks so eager too!!!!
if you squint hard enough u could see jungkook’s fists in his sides clenching from being so happy
“hey, hey. c’mon, don’t cry now you’re gonna get uGly!!!!”
okay that did not help
jungkook’s rubbing circles on your back as you try to recollect what happened awhile ago at work and how yoongi was an absolute asshole
he’s tough on you and you don’t know why!!!
on top of that, your crew chief jimin is aLSO tough on you and you don’t know why either and it’s just!!!! why does everyone hate me!!!!! when i am just!!!!! bREATHING!!!!!
“want me to put in a good word for you for hobi-hyung? he could pull some strings then work for him instead... with me..... the people are a LOT nicer too...”
hobi knows about jungkook’s friendshio with you and he wasn’t really bothered to how his pit crew member is best friends with a pit crew member for his main rival :D not really :D
in fact he was even endeared!!! asked a lot of questions too because jungkook hOW do you contain yourself?? you’re so competitive and you’re not even the oNE who’s racing between us two???
“oh that’s easy hyung!!! y/n and i just kinda trashtalk each other for every game, then on free days we’re all cool!! :D”
“is that.... is that healthy..,.,.”
hobi wants to take you under his wing if that was possible
your contract and perhaps min yoongi are the only variables stopping you
he’s never said this to anyone but he dID make a semi-empty joke to yoongi once that y/n will also be working for him next season before he could even blink
and yoongi normally looks stoic but hobi swears that he must’ve flipped a switch aha :D
he looked sO infuriated and angry at the mention of your name and “working for me” that he actually thought yoongi would lunge at him
“it’s okay i guess :(( don’t wanna give up just yet :((“
“mHmmm okay whatever you say, sport :))”
jungkook praises you a lot for your dedication because if that was him?? he would’ve bitch-slapped yoongi in a second and quit right then and there!!
he cares for you!!! a lot!!! no one could ever take up your spot as his emotional support shoulder
he’s perfectly content with his job that he’s in!!!
hobi teaches him about things he’s never known before
practical life lessons too!!!
jungkook’s now equipped with the knowledge of how to make bread taste like french toast wITHOUT even making it like french toast
he now knows how to drift!!! like aCTUALLY drift!!! :D
hobi even taught him some tips about making the best use out of your car’s gas and how to nOT cower when it’s blinking that you’re about to run out
aHA jungkook’s still a little bit panicked whenever he sees the light blinking but then he’d remember hobi in his mind looking at him dead-straight
“you’re one of the buffest guys i’ve ever known, and you’re rattled at a tiny light blinking at you?”
you could still go for 50 km tOps with a blinking gas notice on!!! you’re nOT gonna believe jung hoseok the racer??
jungkook may be content with his job rn
but of course he’s still looking out for you :D
you’re much happier and giggly these days,,, yoongi and his character development being the causes for it
but every now and then aha :D
jungkook likes to relish over the fact that yeah yoongi may be over him in terms of seniority :) but that’s hIS best friend that he’s dating :)
he may just want to spook the guy sometimes
yoongi’s minding his business as he brings over lunch to kim kradle again, chopping up your cheesy tonkatsu for u when he makes the mistake of lifting his eyes
jungkook’s casually munching on his own meal that yoongi’s aLSO bought for him :D giving the older guy a thumbs-up and it makes yoongi smile
right before when jungkook’s eyes flicker from him and to you and his thumb is nOW resting daintily on his neck as he wiggles his eyebrows
yoongi will take care of you for sURE
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julemmaes · 4 years
Pas des crêpes // part one
James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs modern au
Boooy I’m so excited to write this short story, I can't wait to write Matthew and Lucie’s part, it'll probably be the longest part. Anyway, enojy this corner of paradise cause I have yet to decide if they’re all gonna be fluffy or if I’m gonna put some angst in the thomastair one (cause I can’t help myself).
Word count: 4,766
The epic music was coming out of the speakers at such a high volume that Cordelia wondered how they were still on good terms with their neighbors. As the credits ran down the screen, she heard someone stand up on the other side of the couch and then the lights went on.
Thomas, sitting at the foot of the armchair Alastair sat on, grunted and Cordelia found herself blinking, trying to get used to the light. One hand landed on her knee and she turned to James, covering her mouth with one hand while yawning. Her boyfriend smiled at her with slightly red eyes because of the last three hours spent watching TV and was going to ask her if she wanted him to kick everyone one so she could sleep peacefully, she knew it, he asked her every week when it was movie night, but he was beaten to the punch by someone else.
“Guys?” Matthew asked, who was lying on James’ other side. He had not moved since the beginning of the film and Cordelia seriously thought he was dead, and after he had spoken she was still not so sure of his physical state because it seemed that he had just swallowed a lemon from how hoarse his voice sounded. Lucie, who looked just as puzzled as her and was sitting on the carpet in front of them, turned to look at him and, seeming amused, she giggled, “Oh, my God, were you crying?” she asked stunned, but with a playful tone.
All the heads snapped in his direction and Christopher was about to comment, the grin on his lips the only sign that it wouldn’t be nice for the boy, when James put his arm around Matthew, completely forgetting Cordelia, who nearly fell to the side to the sudden lack next to her. “ Don’t you dare insult him. Math has every right to cry over this movie. It’s tragic.” He said in a threatening tone, daring anyone to open their mouth.
Matthew shook him off and with a pout that would have made envy to a five-year-old child he murmured, “I wasn’t crying.”
Lucie completely ignored him, leaning his chin on his brother’s leg, stretching an arm and pricking him with a finger on his chest. “ You don’t want us to make fun of him, because you were crying, too.”
Cordelia restrained a laugh, looking at the expression of pure bafflement on the boy’s face. It was true, James cried for almost everything they watched, whether it was a cartoon, a tv series or a documentary about how basketball balls are made. “ How dare you?” he brought a hand to his chest, pretending to be shocked, “Me? Crying for a movie? Never.” he said shaking his head as an evil grin appeared on his face, very similar to the one Christopher wore a few seconds earlier, “The only softie here is Matthew.”
“Softie?” Thomas asked laughing, “What, you cry for movies and you’re eighty now?”
Lucie burst into laughter and sat on her knees, crawling towards Tom, leaning against Alastair’s other leg, who watched them all very quietly but had a big smile on his face. Cordelia exchanged an amused look with his brother, who rolled his eyes, knowing full well how it would end.
“For real, Jamie, who still uses softie?” asked her sister, ready to shoot the next arrow, “I would have used things like wimp.”
“Or pussy.” retorted Thomas, always laughing.
“Whiner would have been fine too.” Christopher stepped in and stood up to turn off the television.
“Wussy?” Alastair asked, trying to get involved. Thomas turned to look at him and Alastair’s smile grew even more, until he turned into an even more childish pout than Matthew’s when his boyfriend answered him, “No, too simple.”
“And pussy that is literally the word from which it comes is not?” asked Alastair in a huff, receiving as a response a simple hit on the knee from Lucie.
Cordelia stood up, having an epiphany, “Mollycoddle!?”
“Mollycoddle!” they all screamed together and then burst out laughing. James and Matthew were sitting on the couch, arms crossed on their chests and heads hidden between the shoulders. Both had an expression of deep sorrow.
Cordelia laughed louder, when James looked directly at her and tried to look even more upset by arching his eyebrows and almost completely hiding his eyes.
When everyone sighed and wiped their tears, they were all looking at each other, hoping someone would propose what to do. When the silence in the room became too long, Lucie and Cordelia looked at each other again and it didn’t take long before they burst into a fit of laughters again, bend in two.
“When you two are done being bitches,” said Matthew, putting his hands on his knees, a general uuh rose from the room. “Then maybe we could go get something to eat, because I’ve been starving since the beginning of the second part.”
“You mean before or after you started crying?” Christopher asked him with a strange twinkle in his eyes. Cordelia carried one hand to her mouth, blocking it with the other, to prevent herself from laughing again, fearing she would choke. A warm hand landed on her back and turned just in time to smash her lips against James’s. She broke off almost immediately, not wanting to embarrass anyone, but at least the smile was back on his face. She was used to the touches and the small displays of affection from him when they were with their friends, but kissing was more rare, especially when Lucie and Alastair were present and they never failed to make them notice.
She lost herself for a few seconds in that amber look, before returning to  the conversation– more like the quarrel– between Lucie and Matthew.
“If I wasn’t so hungry, I’d spill all the noodles on your head.” he was telling her.
“Ah yes? Can you even cook them?” she answered him sticking her tongue out. Matthew shook his head, wrinkling his eyebrows, “Yes, you dumbass, everyone knows how to make noodles.”
“Too bad though, that we ate the last portion last night and that there is nothing in the fridge.” said James scratching the back of his neck. Matthew let himself fall back on the couch, making an exasperated sound, “Jeez, this is the worst day of my life.”
“We could always go to the grocery store at the end of the road and come back here for a noodle party.” proposed Chrisopher, always with that strange glimmer in his eyes. Cordelia raised an eyebrow, curious to know what was making her friend so cheerful. Not that he wasn’t happy normally, but that pompous behavior was different than usual. He seemed more relaxed. She shrugged, she would have thought about asking him what was going on in his life tomorrow.
“Or, you could go back to the holes you crawled out of and let me and my beautiful lady here take our-” he stopped himself eyeing the clock on the wall, grumbling before continuing with whiny voice, “Four hours of beauty sleep before we have to wake up for work.” He looked at her hopefully, and she nodded smiling sweetly at him.
He heard Lucie snort and Matthew snapped up, “I can’t believe you’ve become such a softie.” said the boy while a grimace of disgust appeared on his lips. “Bros before hoes, Jamie. Bros before hoes. It’s that simple.”
Cordelia saw Alastair shaking his head amused and Thomas getting up, giving a hand to his boyfriend and the other to Lucie to help them stand up. They both accepted and nearly all three of them fell back when Thomas put too much effort into raising them. They were all too tired lately, maybe they should have taken a break from everything and go on a short holiday.
In the meantime, James was smacking Matthew over the head, telling him to stop being such an idiot.
“Come on, Math, I’ll buy you all the noodles you want.” Christopher said, offering him an arm. Matthew sighed resigned, interwining his arm with that of his friend and leaning his head on his shoulder, “Now that you and Grace have become serious, you will leave me too.”
Cordelia’s head snapped to Lucie’s direction, and when she saw that her friend was also shocked, she realized she wasn’t the only one who didn’t know what they were talking about. She turned to Christopher, clearing her throat, “Kit?” she called drawing everyone’s attention to her. She opened her arms, putting on a lost face, “What the hell are you talking about? When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell us?” she said gesturing with one finger between her and the only other girl in the room, who with just as much disappointment said, “Yeah, when were you going to tell us?”
A sound very similar to the cry of a dog whose tail had just been stepped on left Christopher’s mouth, which turning red scratched his chin, looking thoughtful. Finally met the look of the two girls, “Tomorrow?” He hesitated, implying that he had never thought to speak to either of them the next day.
“I can’t believe it, you’re telling me everything.” Lucie said covering the distance between her and the young Lightwood in a few seconds and taking him arm in arm on the free side. She looked over her shoulder at Cordelia, who was now amazed, even more shocked that she wouldn’t be part of that gossip session so juicy that the idea of sending her nap with James to hell was starting to form in her head. She was going to tell her friends that they couldn’t talk about it without her, when someone hugged her from behind and her boyfriend’s familiar smell filled her nostrils. She calmed down visibly, but was still shocked by the news. Grace. With Christopher.
“Don’t think you dodged a bullet, Kit. I’ll stop by your office tomorrow for lunch and you’ll tell me all about it.” Cordelia said. A tone that left no room for reruns. “Actually, I’m supposed to be with Grace at lunch tomorrow, so…” he left the sentence unfinished, apologizing with his eyes. They all turned to the door when they heard someone sighing dramatically and Matthew appeared from behind the wall, wearing his jacket and passing Lucie’s coat to her. She gave him a grateful smile, but looked away quickly, as if she were embarrassed.
Interesting. Cordelia should have talked to Lucie as well.
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Math said in a more dramatic tone than was necessary, “You are teaming up against me and finding love under rocks, as if it’s nothing, while I,” he brought a hand to his heart, holding the fabric of the jacket between his fingers, as to suggest how much this thing hurt him, “I’m alone. And I will never find my soul mate. Or eternal love.” He concluded by gasping, closing his eyes to amplify the whole. Cordelia heard James giggling with his nose buried in her hair, but she barely noticed.
She noticed, however, the color that lit up Lucie’s cheeks. Yes, definitely, she should have talked to her as soon as possible.
“Cut it and get out of this house.” Thomas said, passing by hi, to reach the coat rack and start dressing up.
The others imitated him and after several hugs and kisses and promises to talk about secret loves, James and Cordelia found themselves alone in their apartment and drew a breath of relief. The house was so quiet without their friends, but she did not mind, that calm peace…
“As much as I love them, I don’t mind this silence."Jamie whispered in her ear. She smiled, turning in his arms and holding both hands up to cup his face, "I was thinking exactly the same thing.” He smiled kindly at her and the weariness in his eyes made her melt. He was so cute when he was tired. She pulled hersel up, pushing her body against his, and then they were kissing. It was a slow kiss and not at all rough. He was stroking her hair and her hands slipped around his neck. He moaned in the kiss and when she parted her lips to let him in, their tongues clashed.
That was them. James and Cordelia. Two bodies in tune with each other. It was James who broke the kiss, but only because Cordelia’s stomach growled so loudly that he was forced to pull away in order not to laugh in her mouth. He looked at her amused, “Do you want me to call the others and ask them to bring us noodles? I’m sure Matthew would threaten to commit suicide, but I don’t think they’d let you starve.” Cordelia giggled thinking of a desperate Matthew staggering around saying he had become the slave of the group. She shook her head, pressing her forehead on his chest, “No thanks, I’d rather eat something else.” she whispered. “Plus, I want to spend some alone time with you, it’s been a long time since we spent a night together. Just the two of us.” she concluded glaring up at him.
“All right.” he laid a quick kiss on her lips, before breaking away from the hug. “What do you want to eat?” He asked her on his way to the kitchen.
Cordelia brought a finger to her lips, thinking, “I don’t know.” “How about cookies?” James asked, stopping without any notice, making her slam against his back.
“I don’t think Mr and Mrs Shaw can handle any more noise tonight,” she said, passing him, tapping on the phone to look at the time. 2:56 a.m. She opened her eyes wide, man, it’s late. She looked at James, thinking of suggesting him to go straight to bed. She would eat at breakfast tomorrow morning. But as soon as her eyes landed on the boy’s body in front of her, her mouth dried up. James was reaching for the flour on the top shelf, and the visible part of skin under his shirt blocked the words in her throat. He turned and noticing her look slowly moving from his behind to his face, he put on a smug little smile, “Seeing something you like?”
She shook her head just as smugly, “I’d say so.” James’ eyes shone with a new light. The grin never leaving his face.
That joke exchange took place at least once a day in the Herondale-Carstairs house. Normally in the morning, when they were getting ready together to go to work and ended up wasting time in more interesting activities. The presumptuous air on both faces fell as fast as it had appeared.
“How about making your famous crêpes? I haven’t eaten them in a while and I’m josening.” He proposed taking the other ingredients from the fridge. Another yawn took over and Cordelia imagined herself already wrapped in the blankets, warm… “Or maybe not. Do you want to sleep, Daisy?” He asked her by laying the eggs on the table and approaching her, worry imprinted on his face, moving a rebel strand from her face and pinnin it behind her ear.
She melted in his hand, closing her eyes and savoring his touch “Mh-mh. Pas des crêpes pour toi.” she said to him in French, smiling. No crêpes for you.
She heard James laugh, and then his hand was no longer on her cheek, and he was moving around the kitchen again, putting back everything he had needlessly took out.
“Go put your pajamas on, and I’ll be right behind you,” he said with his back towards her and opening a shelf at the bottom. She nodded, dragging her feet on the ground and heading for their bedroom. She didn’t even realize she was going to go into the bathroom to take his make up off.
It had been a really long day and she just wanted to sleep, but she also wanted to talk to James, to know what happened today, to ask him about Christopher and Grace… and maybe mention Lucie and Matthew, see if he knew anything.
Suddenly she felt less tired, like when you go to a sleepover as a child and the only thing that keeps you awake is the desire to know everything, everything, everything.
She slipped under the covers, on James’ side, so that when he came to bed his side would already be warm, and closed her eyes for a second trying to rest in the time she was waiting for him to join her.
She felt a hand touch her cheek, “Daisy?” opening only one eye, she was embarrassed to see that she had fallen asleep. She got up on an elbow, about to apologize, when she saw that James was holding a tray with two steaming cups of hot chocolate on it and a yogurt muffin (rigorously prepackaged). She looked at her boyfriend and the emotion squeezed her throat, he was looking at her with so much love in his eyes. And the smile he was giving her never failed to swell her heart every time.
“Thank you.” she managed to get out despite everything. She wasn’t as emotional as she normally was, but on that day, she was completely exhausted and he must have noticed, because it wasn’t something he did so often. He had done it two or three times when they had just started dating, but then he had stopped and Cordelia had believed that he had finally woken up and realized that she was not worth all that effort. Clearly, she was wrong.
He waved her to move and when she was in her half of the bed, he laid the tray next to her and sat cross-legged, holding his cup up. He blew into it, looking at her from above the rim of the cup and took two long sips. She was still staring at him incredulous.
“I know you’re tired, and you just want to pass out so you don’t ever wake up again, but you didn’t have lunch today, and before the others showed up, you barely pinched a sandwich.” He told her by putting down the cup and passing her the muffin. She accepted it reluctantly. So Ihe had heard her when she came home and ran into the bathroom to take a shower while she screamed that she was starving.
She twisted the muffin in her hands. She gave it a little bite and then a bigger one and then another, until she finished it and her stomach thanked her and took the chocolate, tasting every sip. When they had finished everything, James took the tray and brought it to the kitchen, coming back shortly after with a dazzling smile on his face.
He threw himself on the bed next to her, bouncing and laughing, getting as close as he could and taking her in her arms, kissing her hair and waiting for Cordelia to settle down with an arm around his chest and her head on his shoulder, “So, what did you do today?”
“I don’t want to talk about my job, I want to know about Kit.” she said, leaning her chin on his shoulder and looking him in the eye. He looked at her in turn with an unreadable expression on his face, then sighed, “Okay.”
“A while back, we found her at the gym. She came over to say hi to me, but then I had to go away and she stayed to chat with Kit and one thing must have pulled the other ‘cause four days ago he came to the tavern and told us that they had gone on a date. Three times, if iI gotta be honest.” He said everything out of breath, turned around to see her reaction, thinking he’d find her at least a little annoyed by the fact that he hadn’t told her he’d met Grace, but Cordelia was looking at him like a child watching their favorite cartoon. He raised an eyebrow as a sign of question.
“And then?” she asked him curious.
“And then, what?”
“What did they do, where did they go. Whether he asked her out or she. I want the details James.” she said, giving him a little bump on the chest, then squinting at him and lowering the tone of her voice, “If it bothers you that they’re dating.”
“No, it doesn’t bother me. Grace and I have our history, it’s true, but Kit is really happy and she seems to be too, from what little he told us.” he said without changing his voice, “And anyway, I have you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “However, I don’t have the details.” he said, stroking her arms. It was amazing how he couldn’t get his hands off her, it was like there was a greater force pushing him and he couldn’t fight it. “You’ll have to wait for Christopher for those. O Lucie. She seemed very inclined to extort every little thing from him.” Cordelia pulled herself up slightly.
Given that the subject was introduced by him, “About Lucie,” she said.
James put his head on the headboard, “What about my sister?”
“Didn’t you see how she and Matthew look at each other?” she asked getting to the point. For a moment, a shadow seemed to pass over James, but it left so quickly that Cordelia thought she had imagined it.
“How do they look at each other?” he asked her without even looking her way. “I don’t know, it seems to me that there might be something between those two. They’re not telling us everything.” she moved away from the hug, staring at the ceiling. James did not answer her immediately. In fact, he didn’t answer her at all and she thought that maybe he was tired too and must have fallen asleep, but when he turned around to check on her boyfriend, he was standing there looking at the wall. A deep frown in his face.
She touched his forearm with her fingertips, and he jumped, as if awakened by a trance, “Everything’s alright?” she asked him worried, “I didn’t mean to imply anything, if it bothers you to talk about your sister and Math we can change the subject, or not talk at all.” Cordelia thought she had gone too far. Maybe she had touched a sore point, something he didn’t want to think about.
James must have sensed that change in her tone, because he turned to her, shaking his head, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I’m worried. For Matthew.” he sighed. Cordelia waited for him to continue, not wanting to force him to share anything that he didn’t want.
“Sometimes I think he’s really joking when he says all that stuff about love, that he’s gonna be alone forever, but then I find him watching your brother and Tom or Anna and Ari. Or us. And he is… he seems so miserably sad. And maybe Lucie is not the best person he can have beside him.” he turned to look at her and Cordelia was taken aback when he saw his eyes shining with tears. She pulled herself closer to him and now their legs were touching, intertwining. “Not that my sister isn’t a good person, I just don’t think she’s right for him.”
“I don’t think Matthew is serious when he says those things. Not as often as you seem to think at least.” She said, brushing his cheek to calm him down. “And maybe Lucie is exactly what he needs right now.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because lately, Lucie’s been telling me how this whole growing-couple thing in the group is starting to weigh on her. And with Anna finally together with Ariadne…” she left the sentence unfinished. James looked at her, surprised to hear such a thing. “Maybe if they really like each other, they might try to go out sometime, see where this thing takes them.” She proposed, trying to understand how the idea made him feel.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” he replied, carelessly passing a hand through her hair, untying her long locks.
“Of course, I’m always right.” she said proudly, stretching her neck to kiss him. James closed his eyes, breathing in that touch, thinking of all the times when, while he had been with Grace, he had looked at Cordelia from afar, wondering what her hair smelled like or whether he would ever be able to hold her hand in a situation other than those in which she was forced because they had to ‘Ring Around the Rosie’ with Alexander.
“What are you thinking of?” she bit on his lips.
“Back when I was with Grace.” he said. Cordelia immediately detached from that kiss, with an expression between confused, amused and ‘you’re joking right?’. She sat up and crossed her arms.
“Wow.” she said laughing, “And here I thought you were thinking about how much you love me and how beautiful I am.”
“No, Daisy, not like that.” James reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, “I was thinking about when I struggled to be with you, but I couldn’t do anything because I had to stay with Grace.” he said, moving her so that she lay on his body, interlacing their legs together once more. Now they were chest to chest, and Cordelia felt every point where her body touched his.
“You didn’t have to do anything, James.” she said with muffled voice, looking at him from under her eyelashes with her chin resting against his chest. His hands began to move slowly on her back, drawing circles under her shirt. “That relationship was born only because of the circumstances Grace was in before. It wasn’t true love, as you always say. She didn’t really love you either, it was just childish affection growing with the fact that you were her only friend. That’s it.”
James opened his mouth to reply, but Cordelia’s fingers landed on his lips, “Stop it. I know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh no Daisy but I’ve been so bad, I left her when she needed me the most, I’m a horrible person, boohoo’, no Jamie. You knew it wasn’t right to keep lying to her, and she knew it too.” she concluded, moving her finger to caress the frown formed between his eyebrows. “Among other things, now we are all much happier.”
It was true. They had been together for two years. Two years when he and Grace had been in love, or so hey had believed at least. Grace had stayed isolated from the whole world until she was eighteen years old and had managed to ran away from that house in ruins, but her only friend had remained James and what everyone else would recognize as simple affection for a friend, to her it seemed love. James had agreed to start a relationship out of sheer compassion, as he had only once told his sister, and after a while he had convinced himself that he loved her, too.
But something had changed when the Carstairs had returned to London, he knew it because every time Cordelia was in the room, Grace ceased to exist.
For a while he had managed to ignore all the alarms, but after a few months of falling asleep in bed with his girlfriend, hoping that there was someone else in his arms, he couldn’t make it anymore and had cried in front of Grace, apologizing for the way he had behaved, for lying to her all that time. Grace had hugged him, comforting him, telling him that he had the right to fall in love with whoever he wanted, that it was not something he could avoid, accepting that whatever was between them, it was not love.
The smile on his lips warmed Cordelia’s heart, “You’re right.”
“I told you I was always right.” she smiled at him. James laughed and the movement of his chest made Cordelia slip sideways. He kissed her forehead, keeping his lips to her head, while with one hand he stretched out behind him to turn off the lamp on the bedside table.
When the room was dark, Cordelia drew a heavy sigh of relief and letting herself be lulled by her boyfriend’s arms, she closed her eyes.
And just before Morpheus could kidnap her for the night, she heard James whispering in her neck, “Goodnight Daisy.”
current taglist, if you want to be removed just tell me in the comments below
@tyherondaletrash @clara-sm @cordelia-carstairs-owns-me @tessaherongraystairs @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @thecerridwen @stitch-kiss @alastairlightwxod @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff 
Pairings: Calum Hood/Male reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Requested: by anon
this is really cheesy but, i would love a blurb about calum bringing his boyfriend around the rest of the band for the first time. seeing all of their reactions. obvs they know about the boyfriend but have never met him.
Trigger Warnings: Strong language, alcohol
A/N: I’m taking a little tiny break from Hogwarts!sos to post this little blurb for all of the guys in the fandom that want a lil imagine. I felt super honoured to get this request and I hope you all enjoy it.
Your phone’s perched in your hands, the screen displaying some random twitter thread so that you can pretend to be busy. Luckily, the Uber driver’s feeble attempts at making conversation with you fizzled out after just a few minutes, leaving you to fret over tonight’s party in silence. 
Meeting your boyfriend’s best friends had been on the horizon for a while, ever since Calum had officially asked you to be his boyfriend around a month ago. However, the fact that you’d been anticipating the meeting, isn’t making your anxiety any less crippling.
Perhaps your nerves would be more understandable to most people if you were about to meet your boyfriend’s parents or immediate family. Although, Calum’s band are the closest thing he has to family here in LA. Michael, Luke and Ashton have always been like brothers to the Maori man and that made tonight all-the-more important. Your boyfriend has proudly proclaimed how close he is to his band on numerous occasions throughout your relationship so far. In fact, Calum has unintentionally made tonight feel like a whole lot of pressure, to the point where you’re sure he’ll break up with you if his friends do not instantly love you.
Your mind’s racing with all of the possible outcomes of the party, the vast majority of them ending very badly. It’s entirely possible that you could screw up so badly that you’ll end up alone by the end of the evening. You’re so caught up in the terrifying prospect of being dumped by the sweetest guy you’ve ever dated, that you don’t even notice the car has stopped moving. It’s only when the driver clears his throat and announces, “this is it, man…” That you realise you’ve arrived at Calum’s house.
“Oh!” You splutter, hastily shoving your phone into the pocket of your jeans. “Thank you…”
The Uber driver nods politely at you in the rear-view mirror before you scramble out of the car. A light in Calum’s hallway flickers to life as you swing the car door shut behind you. Duke’s little bark echoes down the quiet driveway before the front door opens.
Calum looks effortlessly beautiful as always, framed by the light in his hallway as he picks up his dog. His latest buzz-cut seemed to have taken away the last of the blue hair dye he’d been using lately, leaving what was left his natural black. The style suited him so well and it gave his simple outfit, made up of skinny black jeans, heavy boots and a stylish white shirt, a kind of edge. The sight of your boyfriend looking so handsome seemed to put your nerves a little more at ease.
“It’s just me, Duke…” You giggle as you make your way over to the house, faintly aware of the cab driving away behind you. “You silly boy, c’mere!” You reach out for Duke, the little fluffy pup helping you to temporarily forget just how much you’re dreading the rest of the evening.
There’s an undeniable fondness in Calum’s eyes as he hands you the tiny dog. “He’s gonna get fur all over your shirt…” He smirks, dragging his eyes over your body for a moment the way he always does. It still brings butterflies to your tummy when Calum subconsciously licks his lips as though he’s remembering what you look like beneath the skinny jeans and simple black shirt.
Shrugging to mask your mess of underlying feelings, you cuddle Duke close. “I didn’t realise you were taking me to meet the queen, Cal.” You quip. “I don’t think your friends will think less of me because I love cuddling your dog.”
Your boyfriend conceded your point with a thoughtful nod. “That’s true, they always leave here covered in his fur, too.” He giggled, pecking a kiss to your cheek as he stands aside to let you in before closing the front door behind you. 
“Are they all dog people, then?” You inquire, trying hard to make a mental checklist of things that you can possibly make small talk about.
“I guess so.” Calum replied, “Well Mike and Luke love all animals really and Ashton tolerates Duke because he knows I love him so much.” 
Adding ‘talk to Michael and Luke about pets’ to your mental list, you ask if Calum’s ready to leave.
Nodding, the bassist grabs a leather jacket from the coat hooks near the door “I just need to pee and then I’m ready to go.” He pecks a quick kiss to your lips before disappearing into the downstairs bathroom.
Keeping Duke close to your chest, you wonder down the hallway towards the kitchen, hoping that keeping your legs moving will stop your brain from racing through more, possibly tragic, outcomes of the night ahead. “Have you got any good advice for me, boy?” You ask the pooch, nuzzling Duke’s head as you pause to look at a framed photo of Calum and his best friends perched proudly on a side table. “I bet you didn’t have to worry about them liking you, did you?” 
The tiny dog wriggles in your hold, urging you to put him down. “Fine, you impatient little pup.” You sigh as you crouch down to let him go. “I thought I could count on you for some good advice.”
Duke barely gives you a second glance before scampering off into the kitchen towards his water bowl. “Guess I’m back to worrying on my own...” You sigh, getting back to your feet and picking up the photo to look at it a little closer. It’s a fairly recent picture, taken within the last year if Calum’s shaven head was to be taken into account. The crowd of people and the flurry of balloons in the background of the photo suggested it was taken at a birthday party or something. It’s obvious by the way the four men have their arms slung casually around each other’s shoulders and the easy smiles on their faces, that they were incredibly close friends. There’s no way that anyone would get away with hurting one of them whilst the other three were around to protect them.
“Ugh don’t look at that…” Calum groaned, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. “I look gross, I only have it on display because it was a gift from Luke and he’s a sentimental little hoe, he’d cry if he thought I didn’t like it.”
You giggle, trying to keep your fingers from trembling as you place down the photo. “So Luke’s the sensitive one, got it. Any more pearls of wisdom before we go?” There’s a hopeful note in your voice that just couldn’t be fully held back.
Gently spinning you around to face him, Calum smiles encouragingly. “Stop worrying.” He groans softly, cupping your cheek in one of his large hands. “The guys are gonna love you as much as I do.”
It’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever get used to hearing such an incredibly beautiful man saying that he loves you. You melt into his touch, allowing the soft gesture to calm you. “But what if they don’t?” 
Calum’s eyes sparkle with love as he pecks a fond kiss to your lips. “If they’re dumb enough to overlook how amazing you are at first, we’ll just meet up again another day and hope they see you for the treasure you are.” He explains, resting his forehead against yours.
“You’d do all that for me?” You ask, still finding it hard to believe that Calum Hood thinks this much of you.
Your boyfriend nods, “I’d do anything for you, but even those idiots will be able to see how incredible you are, trust me.” He placed a kiss to the end of your nose before pulling you towards the front door. “They’ve been texting me all day saying how excited they are to meet you so I’m not gonna keep them waiting any longer, c’mon.” 
As much as you’d love to stay within the safe solitude of Calum’s pretty house, you know that there’s no point in delaying the inevitable any longer. You allow your boyfriend to lead you outside as you both yell goodnight to Duke before Calum closes the door and locks it.
“I think you’ll enjoy tonight.” Calum smiles as he leads the way onto the street. “Ashton’s parties are always fun, although, you should be prepared to drink your weight in tequila.” He laughs nervously. “I swear he won’t rest until he has to send someone out to the supermarket for another bottle.”
Ashton’s house is only a very short walk away, you know this because Calum’s boasted about how happy it makes him to be close to one of his best buddies more times than you care to count. “So your best friend’s gonna get me hella drunk, huh?” You smirk, loving the way that Calum loops his arm around your shoulders as the two of you make your way along the street. “That wouldn’t be by your instructions by any chance, would it, Hood?”
Gasping in faux offence, Calum hugged you close. “You do a great job of that on your own usually, babe.” He counters.
It’s not really a lie, you have been known to take a shot or three too many on occasions. “I’m definitely no worse than you, Mr I’ve-only-had-six-beers-three-shots-and-a-couple-of-double-whiskeys.” 
Calum plants a kiss to your forehead, giggling a little at your expert retort. It dawns on you suddenly just how much you smile and laugh when you’re with Calum. It’s hard to think of another time in your life that you’ve ever felt this happy, safe and content. 
As you turn into Ashton’s drive, the two of you still giggling, you realise that tonight doesn’t have to be that daunting at all. Calum loves you, against all the odds, he adores you as much as you do him and at the very heart of things, it doesn’t matter at all what anyone else thinks.
Of course that brief moment of clarity and resolution melts away into a fresh flurry of nerves when Ashton appears in his doorway. “You made it!” He chimes cheerfully, stepping aside for the two of you to enter. “I’ll just grab Lu and Mike so that you don’t have to do the whole intro thing more than once.” He smiles at you brightly before turning to Calum. “Go and get your man a drink, Cal! We’ll meet you both in the kitchen in a just a sec.”
As Ashton disappears into his living room, Calum takes your hand, leading you towards the kitchen at the end of the spacious hallway. 
The drummer’s house is bigger than Calum’s, the hallway and kitchen alone seem to be the size of the entire downstairs of Calum’s luxury home.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” Your boyfriend asks when he catches you admiring the sweeping staircase leading up to the first floor. “He has a mini recording studio too, y’know.”
You nod, recalling Calum mentioning it on one of your earlier dates when he’d talked about recording their latest album. “Yeah, very…” You reply. “I hope I can get a full tour later.”
Calum smiled, apparently happy about your interest in his friend’s house. “I’m sure Ash would love to show you around, he’s very house proud.”
The kitchen wasn’t as empty as you expected when you entered the large tiled room. There’s a little group of women hanging around one of the counters, each of them offering Calum a brief wave when they notice him.
“Do you know them?” You ask, starting to feel nervous again at the prospect of being the only one that doesn’t know everyone else at the party.
Calum shakes his head. “Not really… I think the girl with the red hair is in Ashton’s yoga class, I’ve seen her leave the gym a couple of times when I’ve met Ashton for coffee after his workout sessions. I don’t really recognise any of the others.” He leads you over to one of the counters near the back window before grabbing a couple of the red paper cups that are stacked neatly next to an impressive range of alcoholic beverages and mixers. “What do you want to drink, babe?” 
You quickly scan the labels of each bottle displayed on the counter before ultimately reaching for the Jack Daniels. “My old favourite, please…” You reply, handing it to Calum.
As your boyfriend pours the drinks, you survey the room carefully. From what you’ve seen of the house so far, it’s pretty minimalist, there aren’t many decorative items. Everything in this room at least, seemed to have a function and a purpose. You wonder if that’s a conscious decision that Ashton’s made or whether he just hasn’t had the time to fill his house with things he finds interesting or pretty.
“There you go, gorgeous.” Calum chimes as he hands you the red paper cup, now filled with JD and cola, before draping his arm around you again to pull you into his side. “Y’know, I heard you talking to Duke earlier… I had no idea you were that nervous about meeting my friends.” He confessed, placing a kiss to your forehead,. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, I promise, they’ll absolutely love you.”
“You don’t know that for sure.” You pout, taking a sip of your drink. “What if they think I’m too much of a dork, or not fashionable enough, or too boring, or just not right for you…”
Calum cuts you off with a soft kiss which you instantly melt into. He holds you close for a long moment before finally whispering “There’s no such thing as ‘too much of a dork’, plus you can never be dorkier than any of my friends, I’m literally the only cool one.”
Giggling, you allow Calum to kiss you again, melting away more of your anxiety. You were interrupted a second later by someone clearing their throat. You pull away hastily enough that a little of your drink spills over onto your hand. You barely get a chance to wipe it on your jeans before you notice that you’re suddenly surrounded by the rest of your boyfriend’s band.
“Put him down for a minute, mate!” Michael smirks at Calum, clapping his friend on the shoulder fondly. “How are we supposed to get to know your new man if you’re attached to him like a fucking limpet?” 
“Yeah, keep it clean, lads, we don’t want Ashton’s party turning into a huge orgy…” Luke quipped, “not this early, anyway!”
You laugh, your cheeks blushing with embarrassment at being caught making out with Calum. It’s not the first impression that you’d hoped to give.
“Ignore all of these idiots…” Ashton sighs, shaking his head. “I’m Ashton, by the way, the only one of Calum’s friends that matters.” 
“Ugh, would you listen to him?” Luke huffs indignantly as he nudges Ashton’s hand out of yours. “Our Ash has such an inflated ego. The truth is, he’s much less fun than me and Mike, so don’t listen to him.”
Another chuckle escaped you as you shake Luke’s hand finally introducing yourself to the group before deciding that the best way to get on their good side is to compliment them. “Calum’s told me a lot about all of you…” You begin, still trying to fight the anxiety threatening to overwhelm you. “I don’t think any of you sound less fun than the others.”
“Ooohh, what stories has he been telling you?” Michael asks, his green eyes twinkling with mischief. “I promise that any embarrassing things he’s told you about me aren’t true! I’m the absolute fucking king of elegance and grace.”
Despite the fact that you’ve only been with the band for a minute or so, their individual personalities become abundantly clear and you instantly understand why each of them mean so much to Calum. The way your boyfriend regards his friends with such a sincere fondness is enough to let you know that you’re in the presence of three of the most important people in his life. That prospect doesn’t seem as terrifying now that you’ve met them, though.
“If you believe that, you’ll believe anything!” Calum interjects, pulling you into his side again, a silent display of his love and support. 
“Wow, the rhythm section are really coming for us tonight, Mike.” Luke jokes as he turns his attention back to you, his caramel coloured curls falling into his face as he turned his head. “I hope you’re not gonna be following your boyfriend’s example, mate…”
Before you have a chance to reply, Michael muscles his way in between you and Luke, sliding an arm around your shoulders as he did so. “You definitely won’t be on Calum’s side when we tell you about how he cheats at like, every game ever, computer games and board games alike… He’s a fucking sore loser.”
You already know this fact, having been told as much by his sister, Mali, when she’d insisted on speaking to you after you’d accidently walked in on her FaceTime chat with Calum a couple of weeks back. “So I’ve heard.” You reply, side-eying your boyfriend in mock disgust. “I guess that’s why he’s refused to play anything with me so far.”
“Yeah, it’s ugly, bro.” Luke confirms, his face set into a pretend-serious expression. “It might undo all of the hard work he’s put into making you think he’s the sweetest guy on earth.”
Just as Michael opens his mouth to add to Luke’s statement, Ashton cuts him off. “Well there’s no time for games tonight, this is a grown-up party. I know that's hard for you two dorks to process but if you harass my V.I.P guests anymore, I’ll throw you both out.”
It feels nice to be addressed as a V.I.P by the party host and you smile thankfully. 
“How come Hood gets to be a V.I.P?” Michael pouts, “Since when did you love him more than us?”
“Since forever.” Ashton replies flatly, “He’s much less annoying than you and the bread stick, now go and get my good tequila from the liquor cabinet so we can really get this party started.”
“Why don’t you get your favourite to do it?” Luke asks sulkily. 
Calum shakes his head, a smug expression on his handsome face. “Because I have a date.” He replies, “You know the rules…”
“Actually, that’s a good idea.” You cut in. “I want to hear more embarrassing stories about you, without you interrupting every few seconds.” Your sudden burst of confidence surprises the whole band, including Calum who merely blinks at you in disbelief for a long moment.
“You want me to leave you alone with this lot?” Calum asks sceptically, apparently still worried that you’ve lost your senses.
Nodding firmly, you gently untangle yourself from Calum’s arm and nudge him away playfully. “That’s what brothers do best isn’t it? Embarrass one another?”
Your boyfriend visibly melts at your words, his dark brown eyes sparkling with love at the way you just described his best friends as his family. “I guess so…”
“I like you a lot!” Michael grins fondly at you as he tightens his arm around your shoulders. “Are you any good at playing bass? I think it might be time we replaced Calum.”
Tag list: @clffrd​ @byxthexway​ @afuckingunicornn​ @painkillerash​ @moonchildsblack​ @calumbbyyy​ @h0tsos​ @valentinelrh​ @sexgodashton​ @megz1985​ @myfalsedevotion​ @aulxna​ @honeyedlashton​ @tea4sykes​ @ghostofmashton​ @fairyintheglass​ @cashworthy​ @cashtonasfuck​ @opheliaaurora23​ @5sosnsfw​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf​ @myloverboyash​ @easiercake​ @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @malumamongmen​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​
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combat-wombatus · 3 years
uHm if you do these and if you want to do it I’d love a bnha matchup <3?
• my name is Aubri, I’m bi but prefer MHA boys tbh. I go by she/her, too.
• I’m a very Gryffindor person. (Sorry if you don’t know Harry Potter - 😖)
• I’m a June cancer, and I have ADHD and anxiety. My anxiety can be literally crippling somedays, but it’s gotten better overtime.
• I’m a bit of a class clown and usually just a clown 🤡 but that’s irrelevant. My teachers all hate me but like school-wise I do well so we have a love and mostly hate relationship 🤧
• I’m usually the ‘entertaining’ friend, in elementary the popular kids would invite me to play games with them because, “you’re funny” and it was like the biggest achievement ever 😭👍🏻 then they’d ignore me but that’s another therapy session
• I’m usually made fun of by people for being ‘weird’ and ‘insane’. Like all through elementary everyone thought I’d be a criminal when I grew up JUST BECAUSE I HAD UNDIAGNOSED ADHD - I hate it here 😐🦶🏻
• I’ve always been super into crime stories/true crime (where my anxiety comes from, I’m always worried about a pesky serial killer just killing me. It’s usually being kidnapped tho lmao) so I knew and still know like all these murder facts and sometimes I’d just randomly be like;
“Hey did you know it takes 12 hours and 2 days to dissolve a body in acid?”
“If you bury a dead deer over a dead body you buried deep in the ground, when police dogs sniff it and people dig they’ll just think it was the deer and won’t dig any farther.”
• So maybe people had a reason to be scared of me and think I’ll be a criminal someday, i dunno.
• I love love love reading and writing, and also debating. The things I’ve wanted to be when I grow up are basically: Dog shelter worker, actress, FBI agent, politician, and a writer. But usually I just want to do something that makes a positive impact on people. Like i wanted to be an FBI agent to solve crimes for people. I wanted to be a politican so I could actually help a lot of people. The entertainment industry also seemed like a way to make people happy. Idk, but then I decided I couldn’t be a politican at 10 because they were all corrupt and to be one I would have to be too. 😫🤌🏻 we love some good childhood angst
• the only subjects I’ve ever excelled at are ELA and Social Studies aka History, and Math I can’t do to save my life. ELA comes easy for me and I usually don’t have to work that hard and/or get too stressed over it. But I always get the meanest teachers for some reason. For example, one time I did my final essay for like 30% of my grade in 30 minutes the day it was due and I got an A+ 🦟🦗🦟🦗
• Uhhh id describe myself as a pretty loyal friend, I’m a ride or die type of girl. A story from my childhood that summarizes it pretty well is when I was in 2nd grade my friend wet her pants and she didn’t want to go to the nurse for it alone so I peed my pants so I could go with her and she wouldn’t have to be alone. Like, you know, a professional problem solver
• and I have genuinely attacked people for fucking with my friends but don’t snitch pls 🕳🏃‍♀️💨
• But also just anyone, people at my school tend to come to me with their problems for me to either help solve them by reasoning, or just to confront the other person like the bad bleep I am 😈😈
• I also have a huge daydreaming problem, it’s literally maladaptive daydreaming. So paired with my ADHD I don’t get shit done like ever.
• I have really high empathy levels I guess, like I always say hi to everyone I see on the street, especially if they look sad 😔 I’ve done it ever since I was a little kiddo.
• My fashion sense is very much a preppy/alt style. I wear those ripped tights and fishnets, I also have the MOST BIZARRE JEWELRY- like who allowed me to buy the gummy worm glittery earrings, hmmm???????? and those Mary Janes???????
• But I love crew necks and pleated skirts so I always obide by the National “hoes dont get cold” policy 🇺🇸😫🦅
• I wanna move somewhere someday, I don’t want to stay in America for very long
• I can speak Latin, French, and my native language which is English.
• My music taste varies, but my all-time favorite artists who all of their music they’ve ever put out has been my favorites are, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, and Conan Gray.
• I no-joke have a sign in my front yard that says;
In ✍️ this ✍️ house we ✍️ don’t ✍️ worship Jesus ✍️ but instead ✍️ Melanie ✍️ Martinez
• My favorite shows are MHA (duh), The Promised Neverland, and Malcolm in The Middle.
• and I’m not going to tell you what I prefer in a partner, because that ruins the fun 😤
• but I will say I cannot be friends with someone who doesn’t really make me laugh. Like I’m used to doing most of the talking in convos but if you’re just boring I’m sorry it’s nothing personal but no thanks 😐✌🏻
• About my physical appearance, I have fluffy n curly brown hair, but when it’s in the sunlight it looks sort of brown but golden yk?? It’s shoulder length :) I have bleach blonde streaks in the front. I like wearing eyeliner most days, too. I’m pretty average size/ on the skinnier side. Kinda high key inscure abt my body bc I got flat shamed in elementary EVEN THOUGH I HAVE TIDDIES NOW- whatever 😤🙄. I also have crystal type blue eyes, and I do have fairly big eyes. But, like, not weirdly big. A good big. My cheekbones are ALWAYS PRESENT so sometimes I get called a Tim Burton character but it’s cool ig ☠️☠️ oh and I’m kinda short. I’m 5’3, even though my doctor said I’d be 5’7. I feel like I was either tricked by the doctor or someone just stole my destined height while I was asleep. It’s probably cause I didn’t keep an eye out for Selener 👁 😔😔
• I’m a definite night owl, like all of my energy comes at night which really sucks cuz I can’t do much since everyone else is asleep.
• My love language is touch starved so I’ve never figured it out ✌🏻😗🔫
• but I am an attention whore so idk 😏
• I’m a huge introvert with social anxiety. It isn’t as bad as it used to be cuz I used to not be able to like go to restaurants but now I’m much better.
• I’m a huge history person, mostly like sad history LMFAO. Uh but a lot of my hyperfixations have been on history. Some examples are The Roman Empire, Julius Caesar himself, Anne Frank, The Titanic, the Black Plauge, Helen Keller, Marie Curie, Slavery in the US, Joan of Arc, and just a lot more. I always love talking about these things if someone would let me ramble to them but no one ever does 😖 it also got to a point where for all these subjects I’d go to the library and try to find a book on them but usually I’d either have already read it or I’d read it and know all the information.
• I’m super into Greek Mythology, I have 7 books filled with the stories, I’m going to Greece maybe this summer to see it’s history, and named my hamster Aphrodite but we call her Aphie. I also will talk about this forever and ever if you let me.
• My favorite color is yellow, my favorite food is literally nothing I never have an appetite, my favorite planet is Saturn, favorite song is Tag Your It by Melanie Martinez atm but it changes like everyday.
• Music is a huge safe-space for me if I’m feeling down or having a panic attack. It calms me down n is overall my coping mechanism 💃🏻💃🏻
• Biggest fear is spiders, even looking at one gives me a panic attack and I cannot sleep at all for that night, adding to my insomniac ass 🧎🏻‍♂️🏌️‍♀️
• I’m mature for my age, I don’t exactly like hanging around kids my age and I get along better with older crowds.
• i don’t like conventional dates, (I PROMISE IM NOT TRYING TO SOUND ‘QUIRKY’ AHAHA) I kind of like having a best-friend type partner more so dates that aren’t as romantic as like the movies or a fancy restaurant suite me better. My dream date is playing Monopoly on my bedroom floor 🦧
• Also I hate getting gifts. End of story. If someone gets me a gift like awe that’s nice but never again, I’d prefer to get you one. Especially in a romantic partner 😐 i keep a journal of my friends’ interests and hobbies so I can get them the perfect gifts for their bdays and Christmas’s. Been doing this ever since 4th grade.
• Though I don’t have much actual experience with relationships🧍🏻‍♀️
• I’m a huge believer in ‘family isn’t blood, it’s who you make it’ because I have a pretty shitty family life and my childhood has been trash. My friends are my family to me.
• Also if my friends don’t like my romantic partner ✨ GOODBYE ✨. Sorry girlie, bros before hoes 🦨💨
I was going to put more but I’m so so sorry for how LONG AND COMPLICATED THIS IS- idk if this is a autobiography or a matchup at this point 🤦‍♀️ don’t feel pressured to do this and if matchups aren’t open IM SO SO SORRY LMAO uh yeah ilysm 🦎🎂🧃
🥺 i’m so sorry bby but matchups are closed ;-; my 100 follower event was over while ago (i guess i should’ve specified that in the asks i answered LKSAJHFLKJAHDS SORRY IT’S MY BAD) but you sound so cool?? i had a lot of the same hyperfixations interests (heLLO helen keller was badass AF and the roman empire was messed up but still v cool, anne frank was awesome too) i also may or may not have wanted to be a politician when i was younger alskdjfhalkdhj but now i’m just 🧍🏻‍♀️ lost and anyways you’re amazing >.< love u lots and don’t forget to drink water and eat a lil something hehe :p 
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dalamjisung · 5 years
moving words ✾ han jisung
genre: angst, fluff
word count: 2155
pairing: reader x han jisung
description: this was a request by anon. They wanted me to write a fluffy cuddling with jisung and y/n being scared of storms :D But me being the extra hoe that I am did a little spin on it. Anon, I hope you like it! (if you don’t feel free to request again and I’ll do it right LOL)
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The first time it happens you have to remind yourself that the thunder outside is not the enemy. Neither is the rain. The lightening is an alarm, illuminating the inside of the dark house. Time to wake up. Wake up Y/N, wake up. The power had been off since the beginning of the storm, and you are not quite afraid of it– no, not really. The feeling was different. Constricting. A heavy weight on your chest. Jisung had called you a couple of hours ago, telling you he’d leave the studio soon and go home for some cuddles, but the clock ticked and time passed and he wasn’t home. So yeah, you weren’t scared of storms. You were scared of what storms did. The slippery roads. The foggy roads. The inability to get out of your house and look for your boyfriend who should’ve been home already. You felt trapped, and just like any animal in the wild, you panicked once the feeling settled in. 
With shaky hands, you picked up the phone, calling him yet again. Voice mail. Try again. Voice mail. Voice mail voice mail voice mail– 
“AH!” You shout, once the lightening crackled in the sky. Tears were flowing out of your eyes like rivers, and now you were truly scared; scared of thunder, scared of rain, scared of the dark, scared for Jisung. You sob in your hands, refusing to raise your head, refusing to accept that this was happening to you. It had been so long since this last happened; you were probably a teenager still. Even though you were alone, you were a little embarrassed. 
What kind of grown woman weeps like this because it’s raining?, you think, trying to convince yourself that it’s okay; that everything will be fine. You hands, still shaking, pull on your hair, trying to make your brain focus on something else other than the loud noise outside. You were almost calm enough to walk to your bedroom, almost calm enough to stop crying, when the door opened with a loud bang. Now, you knew that it was Jisung; you could hear his footsteps– and yes, you were whipped to the point that you recognized his footsteps– but the loud noise made your heart beat rapidly all over again and you started feeling sick.
“Y/N?” You hear him calling and relief washes over you. “I hope you don’t mind, I just came in. I rang the doorbell but no one seemed to be-”
“Jisung!” You shout from the living room just as another lightening cracks the sky. “Help me! Help me help me help me-“
He runs to you, only to find you under a blanket; tearstained face, shaking hands gripping the ends of the couch. His heart breaks when he sees you, and you hear a gasp falling from his mouth. 
“Babe,” He slowly comes closer, trying not to scare you more than you already were. “What’s happening? What’s going on?”
“I don’t know…” You say, and it’s not a lie. There are so many feelings trapped on your chest at the moment that you are not sure which one was the trigger for this. “I don’t know, Jisungie, I don’t know.”
“Hey hey hey,” His arms go around you, over the blanket and you feel even more trapped. You can’t breath, and you quickly push him back, getting rid of the soft barrier between you two, before placing yourself on his lap, allowing him to hold you. “It’s okay, love, I’m here now. I’m here.”
“What took you so long?” You croak, breathing harsh and difficult. “I was so scared that something happened to you and-“
“Shhh,” He whispers on your hair. “I’m sorry Y/N, I should’ve called. Changbin hyung asked for help on a last minute project and it took longer than expected.”
“Idiot.” You mumble and he chuckles. The vibrations can be felt through his chest and you snuggle closer to it. “I was scared…”
“I see that,” He rocks you on his lap, the repetitive action calming you down. “I’m sorry. Was it the rain? The dark? I know you don’t like the dark but-“
“It was everything,” You whisper grabbing fistfuls of his t-shirt. “Everything was too much. The dark, the rain, the thunder. I felt trapped, and I couldn’t breath right and you weren’t here, and I guess I just… spiraled.”
“Oh love,” You look at his face and his eyes are tight shut, mouth in a line, nose buried on your hair. “I’m so sorry. I promise to text you if I’m late again.”
“Thank you.” You say softly. “I’m good now. I’m better.”
“Nah,” He says and carried you to your room. “I think you need some cuddles.”
You chuckle, allowing him to snuggle into you all night, thanking all of the divines for giving him the password to your apartment. 
The second time is almost a couple of months after, right as you and Jisung came back from celebrating your 8 months anniversary. You two had just parked the car when the first thunder cracked. Your boyfriend looks at you worriedly, eyes wide and hands finding yours in a matter of seconds.
“I’m okay,” You smile. “I’m okay, you’re here.”
“That’s my girl,” He mumbled with a shy smile and you both go to the elevator. He lived in the fourth floor with his friend Hwang Hyunjin, who promised to be out of the apartment tonight, allowing you two to have the place to yourself. 
As you guys enter, he goes straight to the kitchen, gathering snacks even though you two just came back from dinner. “Babe!” He calls. “I think there are some of your clothes on my room if you wanna change into something more comfortable.”
“Okay!” You call back chuckling. You both new that you’d just go ransack his wardrobe yet again and he’d love it. You walk into his room and a thunder echoes. You heart picks up again, but you remind yourself that Jisung is just a few steps away, you could walk to him if you wanted to. And another lightening cracks.
You think you hate lightenings the most; the somber light they create makes you feel dizzy, heart too fast for you to breath properly. You t-shirt was already gone and you had only a pair of his sweatpants on when it hit you; strong like a train straight to your chest and you moan in discomfort. Not again. You didn’t understand what was happening; in the past months there were several nights in which it rained heavily, but you didn’t feel like this. You sit down on his bed, curling into a ball, trying to make yourself as small as possible. This couldn’t be happening; not on your anniversary. The thought of ruining the celebration makes you even more anxious, your chest tightening, and the world outside shutting down. You don’t even register your boyfriend coming into the room.
“Y/N,” He calls softly, once again walking to you slowly. “What’s happening? Is it the same as-“
You just nod, again and again and again, hopping he wouldn’t make any more questions; and he doesn’t. Almost as if he understands your pleading eyes, Jisung crawls into the bed, completely unaffected by the fact that you had no shirt on, and brings you to his lap, repeating the same rocking motion as he did the first time this happened. 
He’d whisper sweet nothings into your ears, telling you how beautiful you looked, and how he was there for you, whenever you needed him to. 
Babe, I’m here.
I love you, Y/N.
We’re okay, yeah? Just you and me. 
You were okay. 
Just you and him.
  The third time, because everything this important in life comes in threes, was the worst time. You were back in your apartment, alone. Those were the times you wished you had a roommate; but you didn’t and you were about to call the neighbors– two boys from Australia that always brought you boba tea. As you walked to the shared wall you had with their living room, you hear it. The noise that has been haunting you in your nightmares. A fucking lightening. 
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” You shout and you are sure you look crazy. At this point, you truly believe you might actually be crazy. This was beyond fear; it was phobia. 
You hear someone knocking on your door. “Y/N?” You never felt this happy hearing Felix’s accent. “Are you alright?”
“Felix,” You shout back, already feeling the same way as you did before; no air, constricting chest, shaking body. You could feel it happening inside you, and you hated it. “Felix! 2576!”
It took him a minute to finally punch the correct code, but when he did he ran to you. “Oh my gosh,” He gasps. “Are you okay?”
“I hate this,” You mumble. “I hate this I hate this I hate this!”
“Shit,” You hear him mutter under his breath before he shouts for his roommate, Chan. 
Once both of them asses your physical state, they ask you simple questions such as ‘can you breath’ or ‘can you get up’ but you shake your head to all of them, not really unable to do any of those things, just unable to focus on their words.
“Call Jisung.” You manage to gasp in between sobs. Tonight is crazy and is one lightening after the other, thunders following right after. “Please.”
It takes him about ten minutes to get there because he was already on his way, according to Felix. He said that your boyfriend made his way over when he heard the first thunder, but that he was caught in traffic right now. You shut your eyes tight, focusing on breathing to the rhythm of Chan’s pulse, which you could feel as you grasped his wrist with all the strength you had in your body– so honestly, not that tight. 
“Y/N,” You hear Jisung’s voice, aired out, probably from running up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, but you can’t see him. You refuse to open your eyes just yet. “Oh shit! Thanks guys, thank you so much.”
“No problem, mate. We’re right next door if you need something.” 
You hear them leave. You hear Jisung loudly make his way over to you, probably on purpose so that you wouldn’t scare when he finally brought you back into his arms. 
“Babe, I don’t like this.” He whispers in your hair, and you want to say, to tell him, me neither; I hate this. But you can’t stop sobbing. “I hate to see you like this; you look so pale, love, so scared. I hate it.”
“I’m sorry,” You mumble, because for a second, or even more than that, you felt guilty. You felt embarrassed and guilty and everything in between. “I’m sorry Jisung, I’m sorry.”
“No, Y/N, it’s not your fault. I just-“ And she sighs, clearly frustrated. 
You are scared. You are scared that this phobia will never go away; you’re scared that one day you’ll be on the street and it will start pouring and you’ll be alone; you’re scared that one day you’ll be alone because Jisung got fed up of this stupid stupid-
“Move in with me, Y/N.” 
You stop for a second. Everything stops for a second and you just stare, wide eyed and gaping mouth, at your boyfriend. He blinks, calmly, and quickly chuckles. 
“Of course, I’d be the one moving in here,” He says smiling. “But I don’t mind. I quite like your apartment. I’ll help with the bills and we can clean together on Sundays. I can make you breakfast before work and I can finally come home to someone that is not a sweaty dancer eating Cheetos on the couch.”
He is whispering now, almost as if already imaging this new life you two could have. Would have.
“And the best part of all,” He turns you to him, hands on your waist, and kisses you quickly. “I’d be here all the time. I wouldn’t have to make you wait anymore, I can just be here. With you.” “With me…” You whisper, joining him in this fantasy world. And it really does sounds amazing. “are you serious? Did you really think about this?”
He nods, eyes looking at you fondly. “I have. Let’s do this, yeah?”
Your breath hitch. Together. 
“Let’s do this, love.” You say, smiling, finally smiling. 
Maybe this is what you needed all along; to just not be alone anymore. And you were sure that there would be days in which you would pat yourself on the back for agreeing with him, and there would be days in which you wished he’d never even suggested this idea, but you couldn’t wait. For all of those days to come; good or bad. If it’s with him, it’s perfect. 
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shushy101 · 5 years
If you're accepting prompts, genderbent Plance w/body paint. Do with that what you will
yes [ quick note , tried to make lances name fit with spanish names because well , hes spanish , but i failed miserably because all the websites i went to were so incredibly hard to use . same for pidge nsjfjehfhr . and for the sake of lance ill genderbend allura too , so it doesnt complicate shit more ]
strongish language because they would . or maybe not . stuff gets kinda frisky friskers tho . just like two lines . nothing too hardcore .
dia de muertos - the day of the dead ! aka , our beloved lancita's favourite time of the year . she has multiple , but we shall forget about that for the sake of this story !
" so , basically , we paint calveras - i mean skulls on our faces . " lancita said firmly . she pulled out a palette of presumably , body paint , out of literally nowhere . she pushed a container that was already on her sink towards pidge that had brushes of all kinds . . " so you mean ... you don't know how to translate shit to english ? " pidge snickered , slapping on as much white pigment as he could , because that was what lance was doing . " no , i just didn't remember the english word because i'm a spanish idiot kid , give me a pass , katien . " she had a proud look on her face , smugly smiling as she picked up more pigment from the palette . " fuck you for use my legit name , garden hoe butt . before you comment on my censoring , i don't want shiro walking in and scolding my dumb butt . " lancita just snorted and continued to look into her bathroom mirror and paint on colours with a thick , fluffy brush .
" so you paint the white first because the majority is white , " the tan female explained . " i knew that , doesn't take much effort to think , not like you'd know , " pidge half-jokingly said , which his compainion picked up at lightning speed . she punched pidge lightly , smiling widely . " i hate you for a good reason , " she laughed , fixing up pidge's face because it was splotchy everywhere . " this seems more like a act of love than hate , " pidge smiled , blushing just a teensy bit .
lancita , however , was very clearly flushed . through the layer of white , pidge could see a thin veil of pink . he noted how cute her ears and neck blushed bright against her tan , sun-kissed skin that was somehow still as tan as ever even in space . he despairingly noticed that she didn't brush his cheeks with her thumbs out of affection when he said that sweet thought , because of the white that could smear onto lancita's skin . that did not spark joy . but it was nice while lancita's hand cupped his ear and pushed her hand into his dense , slightly curled hair .
" there , fixed you up . try not to be so heavy handed , this isn't a game for pushing buttons on killbot phantom , " lancita joked , trying to not acknowledge her blush that heated her up . " such sugarcoated words , " pidge said dryly , who then gave up on white and switched to black . lancita smiled , and any sliver of annoyance and anger was lifted off pidge immediately . whoever could be angry at those beautiful , crystal blue eyes ? it was like ocean blue , but not as blue , but not as light as light blue . it was somewhere in between .
" earth to kat-face ? " lancita laughed , pidge quickly snapping back to painting his face , nervously rubbing his legs together , a big fat rosy blush overtaking his senses . lancita just smiled , with her nice perfectly white teeth showing and absolutely stunning eyes glowing . which was horrible in pidge's perspective because he was desperately hoping his peripheral vision was on his side , but not today sisters ! he cussed under his breath gently , wishing that one day he would wake up next to her and lancita would not open her eyes to greet him for the sake of his confused self . they were friends , explicitly friends , just friends , no benefits .
lancita pressed on the black pigment on her eyelids , humming under her breath a random tune that she thought pidge would like to hear . it just made the sides of her already slightly tilted up lips tilt even higher . she was just happy that she knew pidge liekd hearing her voice , just as much as she liked hearing him . he was so good at coaxing her back to sleep with his pretty lilting voice when she had nightmares , pressing his face into the crook of her neck to try and make her relax . and he made her feel so incredibly soft and secure when he hugged her . sure , pidge was not much taller than her , but it was nice .
she dully noticed pidge's nervousness , since she was so intent on finishing up her look to checl on the sugar skulls chilling in the freezer . he was shifting in his seat , legs pressed together . a little flaring thought said to her that she was the one who caused this , perhaps he liked her , but lancita quickly pushed it away as hormones overreacting .
" hey , lancey-lance , is this okay ? " pidge looked at her , trying to comprehend if it was the right way to draw the borders or not . besides , he wanted her to paint on his face again . lancita sighed happily , feeling good that pidge asked her for help . she turned to see a pretty good job , and told him she would fix up his little mistakes . and just to try and insinuate something , she added , " perhaps you do make a rather charming companion after all . " yes , she wanted to sweet-talk her way into his heart because goddamnit , she was straight up thirsty .
this , firstly , earned her a gentle pushing back of her long , brown hair and a soft tinkling laugh . he also had put down his paintbrush and took her decorative comb that pinned back her hair and repinned it into a bun , gently running his fingers and untangling some hair . " your hair always smells so very nice , " which pidge did not mean to say that out that loud . lancita just took his other hand that was placed back on the table and squished it a bit harder than she should've . pidge just wrapped his arm around her , the other one going around the front of her curvy waist . he leaned on her head and hated that he was feeling real fucking hot and burning everywhere . he was pretty sure lancita was too , judging by her blushing down her neck and ears so much she tensed up under him .
lancita fought the urge to just pull him closer , just to feel him and know he's alive , that he'll talk to her and tidy up her hair and play videogames and everything else in between . perhaps she was irrationally swayed and attached and most definitely too sentimental about him . besides , she could just ask in a long-winded way on how to deal with it to him and let him assume it was alluran . she faked the whole " i like alluran " thing as a decoy after she realized pidge was honestly way cuter and so , so much hotter than he was . it went from zero to one hundred real quick .
she tried her best to not rush it , but ended up doing so anyway and slapped on some red , matte lipstick so people would not turn their attention the trash edges at the bottom . lancita turned her attention and body to face him so she could fix up any of his mistakes , a tad bit roughly cupping his face that was so close she could nearly just kiss him . she did her thing , trying not to get distracted by his wonderful hair that cupped his face so perfectly . his brown eyes that were tinted with amber and honey , and how nice the light reflected off it .
pidge tried to discreetly pull her closer so he could kiss her because he would like to be covered in red all of a sudden . lancita did not seem to notice and started to put her brushes away , and started keeping everything at a rapid fire pace . so pidge took this chance to fluff up his hair in a somewhat neat way and lean closer to her cheek . " hey question , do i ever get lipstick ? because i do like the colour of your lips . "
he tried desperately to be smooth to get that red colour on his lips from hers , and lancita being the absolute nerd for romance immediately took it as a note that he wanted to get in her pants , or more correctly , pajamas and eat her whole .
so she , out of impulse , decided to get frisky and pushed her hand up his shirt . she took that it was a good move since he had , in retailation , pressed his lips messily against hers and the hand around her waist went downwards .
shiro was questioning why it took pidge and lance that long to finish up their body paint . he quizzically touched the chilling sugar skull in the freezer , astonished that it did not fall apart at his touch , tapped the sugar skull again and it promptly fell apart . " uh . well . oh dear . " shiro stared , blinked twice , and called for hunk , who called for keith , who called for alluran , and they decided to go to lancita for advice on what to do now .
thhey were greeted by smeared body paint and lots of red , which shiro then took to the birds and the bees .
Edit : to clarify about the whole complication of allura and lance thing i personally thin kthat lance isnt bi , so genderbent lance isnt bi
Another thing is my crappy writing style please kill it
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sundaynightnovels · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! To raise funds for their adventures, your OCs are posing for an Out of Season calendar! Who is which month? How do they pose? What do they wear? What props/animals/things do they pose with? Who takes the best pictures? Who is least photogenic? Whose pictures need the most editing? Who has way too much fun with it?
omg you really have the most thought-provoking questions!!! like. okay. just gimme an hour or two to brainstorm about this.(an out of season calendar though like that’s the most useless thing and i’d totally buy it)aldskjsakldjslkajdklsajdlksaj you are killing me here!!!! i don’t even know how to start gajjlskjdflk let me give this... a shot. since i only have 9 characters, some months might not be represented / two months might be represented by one character! 
this is going to be quite long, so i’ll put it under the ‘read more’ tag, but y’all should read it anyway! it’s fun!! also, there’s a lot of food in it!! && chinese festivals (or something like that)! 
January - February: TENGokay so january + february is basically about new beginnings right, like january is the western new year and february is (usually) when the lunar new year takes place. it’s also close to the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which once again is about new beginnings, and i think teng is all about that. he’s all about giving people chances and bringing them into his home and abode and presenting them an opportunity to start anew because he’s so full of love (which, incidentally, february is also the month of love! -- which, yknow, doesn’t necessarily bode well for teng because... he has no... romantic landscape... in sight)& teng has a lot of fun with the photoshoot! he’s not particularly photogenic and he has a dad bod (or, yknow, a teddy bear bod) but he owns it! the photoshoot is as cosy a setting he can make it, with big fluffy teddy bears all around (and he is, of course, King bear) and low tables with lunar new year snacks and scented candles and fluffy pillows. he’s just seated there, settled among his nest of pillows, wearing, garishly, the ugliest, flashiest, most ostentatious red he can find (he doesn’t have the best dressing sense, and yknow, he just has to dress in as bright a red as he can for the lunar new year). it’d be a beautiful, cosy, warm setting, if not for the fire of his clothes setting the pillows alight. he’d also probably be trying to act cool. but he’s not good at it. and he’s doing poses like lying across the pillows with a ‘come-hither’ look in his eyes while ‘sexily’ chewing on a piece of love letter with scattered petals of peach blossoms thrown over his body... so basically a little like the ‘american beauty’ cover page. it is not nice. there is a dire need to edit his photo, but no one knows where to even begin.i would advice you to tear out his pages and not be haunted by whatever he’s trying to pull. (why would you do a cosy home setting and try for a seductive pose??? with lunar new year snacks????!!! what are you thinking!!)
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(for reference, photo of love letters on a white plate for lunar new year)
April: ZHEN 
okay so april might be the official season where the flowers and plants bloom and everything, but it’s also ‘Qingming jie’ (which is incidentally during this period. it’s usually from 4 - 6 april). Qingming jie is basically like a chinese memorial day??? or it’s also more commonly known as tomb-sweeping day, which is when families visit the graves of their ancestors to take care of the graves and sweep the graves and place offerings at their ancestors’ gravestones etc. 
and this is pretty significant to zhen because, surprisingly, she values these kinda stuffs! she is really closely tied to her roots (wherever they may be), and... well i can’t really divulge more because yknow, spoilers ~~ ... actually, are they spoilers if they’re not really explicitly mentioned in my wip?? okay nvm. still!! so yes she’s quite tied to familial bonds and kinship, even that weird relationship she has with lu, so this is kinda important for her.
she might have put in more effort into the photoshoot if the money all went to her instead of being, yknow, split between so many people, so instead she doesn’t put much effort into the photoshoot at all. she’d probably pose on a couch with a bunch of snacks on the table as she holds up a remote control to watch TV and her leg propped up on the armrest / on the table in front of her. all she does to take the photo is stare directly into the camera, unimpressed, until she hears the shutter click, and then she goes back to watching TV... ahem pretending to watch the TV.
or she might hold a pan up like she’s ready to pummel the cameraman in his head for suggesting that she put more effort into this fundraising, damn it!
May: JIA
i did a quick google, and May seems to have a lot of celebrations / memorials for independence movements and war stuffs and things like that, so i thought that May would be a great month for Jia! Jia’s a fighter and she’s strong and courageous and passionate, so i think it matches her pretty well.of course, Jia would put in a lot of effort to this calendar. after all, it’s earning her money isn’t it, and money is important. jia might’ve thought about freeloading off of the rest of them, but seeing their terrible efforts at the photoshoot (especially teng’s), she’d probably come to a very apt realisation that yknow, things are going to fall apart if she doesn’t help them out. since may is the month of strength, she’s going to dress as someone of power and strength! she’d go into the forbidden city for the photoshoot (no green screen for her!) or, if forbidden (ha) she might go to the heng dian TV studios to use their forbidden city set to take her photoshoot. she’d get everyone else to help. she might dress like an empress of the qing dynasty and make zhen and yu(f) her handmaidens (because the empress is still a strong position of power), or she might dress as a more iconic warrior figure like zhuge liang, though she’d have to find a different set for that because the forbidden city wouldn’t be the right backdrop for that photoshoot. if she goes with the zhuge liang idea, she’d probably march straight into the place where he had his most victorious battles and get everyone else to play the fallen soldiers while she stands tall with her sword in hand. she’d probably hire a real horse too.her expenditure would far exceed the budget and the fundraising ain’t going to cover enough to pay for all of her costs. 
June: YU(M)
June is the month for the dragon boat festival! it commemorates things like fealty and filial piety (got this direct from wiki, thank you) and there are a lot of ritualistic things like making zongzi and dragon boat racing! so that’s fun!whats not fun however is yu(m) -- sorry, jun’s exact words. yu(m) is a fundamentally boring guy (jun’s words) who can’t do anything remotely exciting or do anything other than be a flower pot in the background and make occasional grunts as comments (jun’s words) so he needs something fun and exciting to at least use as a setting for him to murder with his very presence (jun’s words)
yu(m) is probably made to pose with a dragon boat. on an actual river. and made to be actually rowing the boat. and has to drag along, physically, like five other boats behind him (which is where the camera crew is unfortunately forced to be seated in). while avoiding handfuls of zongzi that is being thrown at his head (on the pretext that jun’s trying to feed the fishes). needless to say, this photoshoot is also a mess.
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(for reference: photos of zongzis, which is made of sticky rice, so you should know how bad having one thrown at your head is)
July: YU(F)july is the month of harvests, and harvests are the symbol of the hardworking, and who is the most hardworking of them all? Yu(f)!!! and will she work hard for the photoshoot??? well she might if she thinks it’s important, but she probably doesn’t and thinks it’s just a hassle so really, the photoshoot is less of her posing and more of the rest of the cast pulling and dragging and tricking her into entering the studio and forcing some clothes on her (knowing zhen, she’d force her into some farmer’s garb complete with a straw hat and a shovel and hoe set while jun throws dirt at her face to make it ‘more realistic’) and then her attempting to escape while the rest struggle to take some photosthis photoshoot is a mess. there’s dirt on the camera lens (courtesy of jun’s attempt for realism) and there’s real grass splattered all over the ground and yu(f) is obviously furious but even she can’t fight against 8 people shoving her to the studio and pushing her back into frame whenever she tries to escape. she ends up looking like a very disgruntled farmer. probably because her crops are fighting back against her. probably.
August: SHOU
shou’s probably going to kill me for this but yknow what??? this calendar is a team effort and i’m not the only one putting him up for august!! the rest of my OCs are too !! guys, back me up on this!!okay so august is the month of the hungry ghost festival. ha. yes. and well, he’s a gatekeeper in-charge of tending to the veil between worlds, isn’t it?? and the hungry ghost festival is when the veil is thinner / when ghosts can pass in-between the two worlds (okay, please do not be confused, the hungry ghost festival is a buddhist thing and my story’s setting is not buddhist, so this festival / custom doesn’t exist in my wip!! in case you get excited about all the ‘crossing of veils’ talk! this is just for the ask’s sake!) so yea, basically shou seems to be a right fit for this, especially with his grim reaper garb.(shou doesn’t appreciate this comparison. he likes to think of himself as butterflies and daisies rather than creepy and ghostly) even if he doesn’t like the concept, he enjoys the shoot! he’s never been on one before! he lets himself get dressed in black robes and the overly large black hat in a setting that looks as miserable as possible, with the smoke from burning incense wafting into the studio and like food offerings for the dead scattered around him. this is the most successful shoot, surprisingly. shou doesn’t accidentally set anything on fire, except after the shoot when he trips over a candle and falls over his feet and his cloak gets singed. but other than that, it goes surprisingly well!
September: LU
september is the time for the mid-autumn festival, which is about celebrating the full moon (and shou would argue that this here, this , is the month for him!) and it’s a time of celebration and games and most importantly, food. (yeah, lu stole this month out from shou’s longing hands. for mooncakes and tangyuan and other sugary treats!!) lu basks in this as well. he acts like the master of a house, with trays of chinese desserts on either side of his seat (or what he’d refer to as a throne). behind him, hanging from ceilings, are beautifully-crafted lanterns that light up the otherwise dark night. There’s also a full moon hovering in the distance.it’d be a great photoshoot, except that lu is too busy stuffing his mouth full of food. he’s chewing on a lotus-paste mooncake while frantically trying to stuff a tangyuan into his mouth at the same time, and the soup dribbles out from the corner of his lips while his cheeks are bulging and his fingers are still trying to grab at the cup of tea sitting on the table.no amount of photoshop can save lu’s face at that very instance.
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(for reference, first photo is a bowl of sweet tangyuan, second photo is a mooncake)
October: REN
so i googled and saw that opal was the gemstone for october, which could signify faithfulness. also, the western horoscope for the month of october is the libra, which is about fairness and harmony, and all of these characteristics sound like something Ren would advocate for.
he’d let himself be guided on the shoot. october is also the season of autumn, so... if they were nice, they’d let him be dressed in some really nice fall fashion clothes with the orange-red leaves scattered all around him. that is, if they were nice. instead, they’d probably put him in what they consider... modern autumn wear. which is...well. imagine american beauty again. the actual american beauty photoshoot, not teng’s horrible rendition of it that no one asked for. yes. ren fights back. he fights back fervently because like, there are probably a lot of ants in the leaves and things like spiders and webs and dirt and all sorts of rubbish and also he doesn’t want to lie beneath a blanket of twigs and dead leaves completely naked for this photoshoot!!!as with yu(f), he cannot possibly fight against the power of 8 other people, especially when the 2 most malicious ones are directing his struggle (ahem, zhen & jun, ahem).there are probably a lot of gaps in the... blanket. and a lot of physical fighting. and a lot of screaming.
the photoshoot results in something that looks more like a man drowning in quicksand rather than the glorious beauty of autumn. (it’s better that way)
November - December: JUN
because he’s the cold prince isn’t he. HA. no. he just thought it’d be the safest option. all white from the snow, yknow, so that he can wear his usual black outfit.HA. like the rest would let him off this easily.jun’s good-looking, yknow. there’s not much that needs to be done for his face on photoshoot, if they wanted to have a nice peaceful little photoshoot with pretty pictures for their calendar. they don’t even have to do much photoshop, except to slap the names of the months over his face or something. it’s easy, isn’t it? if they wanted good money, they could just stick with that, isn’t it?yea, right. 
you know the white walkers? from game of thrones? those ghastly looking figures of horror with their ribcages sticking out from beneath their skin??? yea, that. somehow the rest of them decide that it’s perfectly logical to blow their budget on things like make-up and costume and expensive sets to force jun into one of their outfits (where, yknow, you cannot see anything of his handsome face at all) and pose (does he even need to pose? these people are basically frozen) while staring icily at the camera.
he doesn’t fight against their antics. it doesn’t matter. he’d already inflicted all the damage he wants to them, nothing else that they do to him can faze him.
this particular photoshoot is an utter waste of money, even more than that of jia’s ridiculously authentic photoshoot. and you don’t even get to see jun’s face!
OKAY so this was really absurdly long but yknow what?? i had a lot of fun!!!! thank you for this and omg i’m sorry if you didn’t expect this massive word dump, but i hope you enjoyed it anyway!!
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noisyquokka · 5 years
4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 16, 19 and 20 for skz, bts and Monsta X💕
:0 woot okay girl I see you!!!
Stray Kids                             Biases: Woojin, Hyunjin
Who threatens their title? Who is your bias wrecker?
Low-key all of them 😂 Uh but Minho and Chan because they’re both serious hoes!!! Felix is a close second
First impression of them.
Woojin :’) I knew from the start that he was a whole teddy bear! But I was also oddly intimidated by him??? Like I’m not sure why cause seriously look at him! ;-; Maybe it was those broad shoulders 🤷🏻‍♀️
Hyunjin gave me shy-boy vibes at first? And I guess I was half right? Like, I literally just wanted to scoop him up and give him all the cuddles and love in the universe! And then I heard him laugh… lucifer came for me that day!
The sweetest thing they have done.
Does… does existing count in any way, shape, or form?
Something they did that made you laugh.
Omg so normally when I hear an idol speak English and they’re not fluent, I just smile because I know they’re trying and I think that’s super cute? But with Woojin, I can’t help but giggle! His English is literally one of my favorite things and I giggle every time I hear it 🤗💞
Every time I think of funny moments, I think of the time Hyunjin wanted “a safe show” and they ended up giving him a blanket 😂😂 my brain failed me on which show this happened on so please lemme know since I’m sure someone remembers!
Favorite performance.
Hyunjin’s Cover of ‘Attention’ 😳💀
Woojin’s ‘I am YOU’ FanCam MCOUNTDOWN my boy’s such a fluid dancer and his singing!!! 😭 if Woojin’s voice is the literal stars, please take me there!
If you had the opportunity to tell them something what would it be?
I’d tell both of them how thankful I am for everything, how much they’ve changed my life for the better and how much I appreciate and commend them and the rest of the boys for getting up every day and working as hard as they do to entertain us and live their dream. And that any doubts they have may be normal, but they’re such a beacon of light in a dark world and we really need that right now.
A concept you would like to see them do (again)
Bro, I wanna see a cuter concept than Get Cool, ngl 😏 I mean, we’ve seen a mainly go hard/serious Stray Kids from the beginning. I’m so ready for a super playful song that still screams Stray Kids!
Do you have a mutual who shares the same bias?
Uh I know @visualgiggles biases Hyunjin 🤔 I don’t really know which mutuals bias whom unless they’re posted in their bio’s or I’ve seen them talk about their bias. So I’m at a loss honestly lmao
BTS                                       Biases: V, Jungkook
Who threatens their title? Who is your bias wrecker?
Yoongi and Jimin! I’ve always had a soft spot for Yoongi, so naturally, he wormed his way as a main wrecker 😅 and Jimin, sweet sweet Jimin!! Who said it was ok to be cute and fluffy one second, and a sinful and smirky little shit the next?!
First impression of them.
Taehyung gave me flower boy vibes at first 😂 but I also thought he came across as super mysterious and suave because literally, the first 2 MVs I saw were DNA and BS&T. And then I thought his nose was super cute, but y'all this doesn’t have shit to do with first impressions. I just wanted to add that in 👀
Anyone else get instant fuqboi vibes from Kookie or is that just me? I mean, maknae’s can be sinful little shits! And then he’s Busan born and them genes kicked in quicker than I could run! But I quickly found him to be a cutie pie who can be savage towards his hyungs and that’s just pretty wholesome!
The sweetest thing they have done.
Tae + kids = the most adorable content ever!!! I absolutely love seeing him interact with children! And his love for ARMY comes in at a close second :’)
Y’all gonna be like tf?? But I think Jungkook teasing his hyungs is super sweet! Because you know that’s one of the many ways he shows his affection and adoration towards them. So while it’s funny and hilarious, it’s also super fucking sweet! To me at least
Something they did that made you laugh.
When BTS were on Ellen for the second time and ended up getting spooked, and the expression on Tae’s face afterward had me cackling!
When Jungkook mimicked Jimin’s dancing in Blood, Sweat, and Tears! I literally crack up every time I watch that! 😂
Favorite performance.
I had this one before just because I love Go Go and this was such a look 🙌🏻 but I was looking at Taehyung fancams a few days ago and came across this one from the Love Yourself Hong Kong concert and 😭 he’s so happy why’s he such a baby for I love him!!!
Euphoria is literally one of my favorite songs, so I couldn’t help but look up fancams after a few months of it being released. This is my favorite performance so far
If you had the opportunity to tell them something what would it be?
I would thank them for introducing me to K-pop. I mean yeah, I was the one that came across the genre, but they were my first taste of K-pop and for that? I’m super thankful because as cheesy as it sounds, it has changed my life! And I enjoy the feel and concepts of K-pop music more than western music.
A concept you would like to see them do (again)
Something like ‘Just One Day’ or ‘Go Go’ would be cool to see again! Although I feel like we got a bit of Go Go with Anpanman? I just enjoy soft and playful/colorful concepts!
Do you have a mutual who shares the same bias?
I’m not sure honestly! I haven’t had many of my moots or followers talk with me, hence I’m clueless as to whom biases whom 😂
Monsta X                              Bias: Wonho
Who threatens their title? Who is your bias wrecker?
I.M and Shownu ;-; who gave them the rights to make me feel emotions I’m about to throw hands!
First impression of them.
I’ll be honest. At first, I thought Wonho was sooo intimidating! Kinda like Woojin in a way? And I don’t really know why I thought that way because he’s such a dork and a sweetheart and thinking about what it was that made him intimidating just gives me a headache 🙃
The sweetest thing they have done.
Blessing us by playing with children! Like, oh my gosh 😭 can you imagine him as a father!!! I literally melted 😩
Something they did that made you laugh.
It’s honestly super hard to choose considering every time I hear Wonho laugh, it makes me laugh! The man’s a giggly baby boy and I live for his giggles uwu
Favorite performance.
‘Play It Cool’ MCOUNTDOWN Can you believe the duality of this man! And his moves are so fluid I literally love this performance!!!
If you had the opportunity to tell them something what would it be?
That he’s handsome so I could hear him laugh and see his beautiful heart-stopping smile :’) it’s really just the simple things I want in life…
A concept you would like to see them do (again)
Hard to choose, I love all of the concepts so far. I think Shine Forever or Jealousy was my favorite tho 👀 dark haired Wonho kills me ok bye
Do you have a mutual who shares the same bias?
I’m not sure actually! If any of my mutuals or followers bias Wonho, hit me up. I don’t have enough people to gush about him with ;-;
Ask me about my biases! (I’ll still take some questions if anyone wants to send them in 🤗💖)
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