#give me feedback i beg
hobartshopping · 2 years
Introduction to my boreo fic
on ao3
i'm super excited to share this on tumblr (which, btw, i have no idea how to use) as i originally got the idea from 2 tumblr users on here!!!
It's basically about what would've(should've) happened if Boris never lost the painting as collateral, and instead kept it to give to Theo on his wedding night as a gift, original post here:
Chapters published (so far):
Old friend
(in progress) Will you be my...
If you're interested here's the link to start reading!
for any other little updates, drawings, edits, and just my socials in general, my twitter as @/starcourtboy and my tiktok as @/quantumfart)
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ai bots mixed with the lack of comments on fic nowadays is.......very discouraging
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xhanisai · 11 months
hey lads if you’re not gonna comment on a fic you enjoyed, at least leave a kudos man
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A Night In Cairo
Chapter 2
Indiana Jones x Gender-Neutral Reader
Content warning: Mild panic attack
You’re a Intern at Marshall College in Bedford Connecticut and you work with Dr.Jones, but he sucks at his job and is never there and is always behind with work making you get the short end of the stick. Then he drags you on a trip to Cairo with him.
I don't quite like how this chapter turned out,  I mean I posted it on a03 and I've been wanting to rewrite it but I want to see how it does on here and maybe I will maybe wont! And please give me feedback and tell me what I could do better next time! I hope y'all enjoy!
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link to Chapter 1
Link to AO3
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When Jones said the morning you didn’t think he meant 5am. Now you're in his car as he’s driving you to god knows where. You two are sitting in awkward silence. It feels like the silence is lasting for eternity.
So many different thoughts rush through your head while you look out the window at the passing scenery trying to distract yourself. Dr.Jones still hasn’t told you why the hell you are going to Cairo. You’ve never even been out of the US! You had no idea how to pack or prepare for a trip like this! And Egypt for your first trip? This is all way too overwhelming. All of your anxieties and nerves Eat away at you as you sit in the passenger side seat. You need to start asking questions.
“So uh… Dr.Jones-“ He chuckles and lightly waves his hand in the air.
“Please cut it with the formal crap, just call me Indy.” You look at the older man with slight surprise. He's never acted this friendly towards you, he's always been really professional. Maybe he's acting so differently because you two are out of the office? So many thoughts are racing in your mind.
“Um alright Indy-” You grimace slightly saying his first name, it feels weird. “Could you tell me why we are going to Cairo and especially at such a short notice? I mean I've never been out of the US before let alone being on a plane!” You spiral into a rambling mess asking a million different questions at once. Indy sighs. 
“Hey calm down ___ it’s going to be fine.” You shoot him a confused look. What does he mean? It's going to be fine?. He basically kidnapped you and is now taking you to a foreign country! 
“I received an invitation from The Museum Of Cairo to one of their fancy Banquets after I returned an artifact that I found last time I was there. We fly in tonight. The banquet is tomorrow night and then we leave straight away the next morning. ” Indiana says nonchalantly. There's a long pause between you and him.
“And you kidnapped me because…?” Indiana jeered at your comment.
“Hey! I didn't kidnap you! This was all just a little last minute…and I brought you with me because they gave me a plus one and….well…” He paused and had an embarrassed look on his face.
“You don't have any friends?” Indiana's eyes widened and he scoffed at your smartass remark.
“No! because you're my intern, I just thought it would be a good experience for you. and it's nothing too intense, it's basically a vacation if anything you should be thanking me!” This conversation didn't make you feel any better about this damn trip, at this point you don't think anything can. The rest of the car ride fell into the awkward silence once again.
Soon enough the car pulled up to a terminal. As you exit the car, you realize this is your first time on a plane. As you both entered the cabin a short stewardess in a blue uniform with red lipstick greeted you telling you to enjoy your flight. The cabin was pretty spacious with comfortable looking seats and plenty of amenities. Both you and Indy’s seats were vertical from each other with a small table in between. You take your seat closest to the window. Looking around you there weren’t many other people on the plane. 
“Wow, this looks expensive..” your eyes landing back on Indy as you take your seats, the older man chuckled, taking his hat off, placing it down on the table and grabbing a book out of his carry on.
“This is all paid for so enjoy it. We’re gonna be on this plane for about 10 hours.” 10 hours? You could feel your anxiety start to build as the information settled in. What are you going to do? You started thinking of different ways to cope with your anxiety but it just feels worse. The stewardess walks up to the middle of the isles addressing the passengers. 
“Hello, everyone!” She announced with a high pitched peppy and somewhat languid voice.
 “Welcome to your flight to Cairo! This is going to be a long journey, so please make yourself comfortable! If you need anything or have a question or concern during this flight, please don’t be afraid to ask me or one of my fellow stewardesses. We will be taking off very shortly, so sit back, relax and thank you for flying with us, we hope you have a pleasant flight!” You would be lying if you said her voice wasn’t annoying.
The plane slowly started to move forward, as the aircraft moved the tighter your chest felt and the more knotted your stomach got. Gaining speed the cabin rumbled, gripping the armrest, your body felt tense and numb with your anxiety growing more. The plane lifted up from the ground, it felt like you were sinking into your seat while your stomach dropped. You desperately try calming yourself down but failing miserably the feelings of panic were too overwhelming. You look around for something- anything to help. 
Indy couldn’t focus on his book with your heavy breathing in his ear, it was almost getting on his nerves, but he couldn’t be upset about it. It would be hypocritical of him. There have been times where he’s gotten nervous on planes. This trip was also pretty last minute, and it’s your first time flying..dammit now he’s starting to feel bad. You’ve done so much for him and have worked really hard your whole internship, the least he can do is try to comfort you. Indiana placed his book in his lap with a sigh and turned his head towards you. You are staring at the ground with your hands tightly clutching to the armrests of your chair. 
“Hey.” He says in a hush but commanding tone, Indiana isn’t used to comforting people so he was trying his best not to sound too awkward or unnatural. Your eyes were glued to the ground; it felt like you couldn’t speak. There was a pause and you managed to let out a small ‘hm?’ trying not to sound too anxious. 
“Hey, can you look at me?” He grumbled a bit, you snapped your eyes shut and tried to calm down just feeling more overwhelmed. Indy exhaled- he didn’t mean to say it like that he’s just not good at things like this. You deserved better. Indiana gently placed his hand on top of yours. You open your eyes a bit taken aback. This time he spoke more softly.
“Hey ___ it’s going to be okay.” Your hands slowly let go of the chair. That was the first time he’s actually called you by your name. You turn your head and look at him. His face is different. You’ve never seen this kind of expression on him before. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed, his eyes look at you with worry and concern. A part of you wanted to look away or at least somewhere else but the way his glasses framed his eyes made it almost impossible. Indiana slightly squeezed your hand snapping you out of your daze.
“I promise. It’s okay___.” He’s never acted like this before, and it’s kind of nice. There was a pause of silence and you just looked at him, it wasn’t uncomfortable- it was the opposite, it was oddly comfortable? 
“Do you feel better?” He tilted his head to the side waiting for your answer. 
“Uh yeah, I do feel a lot better thanks.” You pulled your hand away, his touch was starting to feel like a little too much. Your face felt warm but you definitely felt better than before. Indy had a small smile on his face.
“That’s good, I was worried.” He then picked his book back up. 
“Try to sleep, it’ll help time pass by.” Indiana suggested as he started to read his book again. He was right, maybe you should try to sleep. After not being able to sleep last night and having a panic attack, you’re pretty exhausted. You shut your window and lay your chair back, there’s nobody sitting behind you, so you have quite a bit of space to lay back. You then prop your feet on top of the table and then your head against your chair. You didn’t realize how heavy your eyelids were until your head hit the cushioned headrest of your chair and soon enough you were out.
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icetobes · 7 months
little max pov n things
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anonymouslyanidiot · 3 months
the homosexual urge to make a stupid animatic with a like,, a 2012 song with dave and jack for the shits and giggles.
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swiftfootedachilles · 9 months
So excited to see what you post for kinktober this month!!! I know you said it may not be much but I love your writing and will love every single work you post!
i have wonderful news for you then 🫶🫶🫶 The Submission and Will That You Bring Me by snowypatches aka me
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creative writing class. the assignment was persona poems. so i wrote mine from the perspective of a girl who got knocked up by a priest and then murdered him. and all of my peer reviews are like “you are so brave for sharing this” “i hope the process of writing this helped you process your trauma” “stay strong girl”………bestie yeah i have some religious trauma who fucking doesn’t but This Is A Persona Poem ! i did not, in fact, just confess to murder in the community college class discussion board!
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just-absolutely-super · 10 months
speaking of feedback, the other night i did capcom's mmbnlc survey and highkey begged them to port the mobile games
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caught-in-the-filter · 9 months
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thechaoscryptid · 1 year
2, 3 & 12 from the writer asks!
Aaaa you always ask such good questions, thank you!
(ask me about writer things!)
Do I plan each chapter ahead or write as I go: Both? Both is good.
I plan in that I usually know two or three of the basic plot points, but not exactly how the narrative is going to reach them. I'm a plantser at heart! Occasionally, I'll have to reassess the plot points if the chapter/story becomes unwieldy, or if during the writing process I have another better idea of how things will go, but (for first drafts especially) not having a dedicated outline really helps my writing flow more organically.
Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic: The vast, VAST majority of my creative process involves letting an idea marinate and spinning around like a rotisserie chicken tbh.
Getting it down on paper usually goes really quickly (if I have time/energy to sit down and actually focus). I'm one of the people who can see things like a movie in my mind's eye, so by the time I've let the idea sit for a while, I can basically watch this whole video in my head and just write down what I see.
This week I actually sat down and write a whole bunch of notes for a piece I've been pondering for FIVE YEARS, and while it's now changed from the original fic idea into original work, it's still been really easy for me to just go "okay, so XYZ happens and here's how I want it to look."
How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you: It impacts me more than I want to usually admit, I'll be real. Feedback/support is something I've really struggled with for a while, and especially during the last few years as my reader engagement has plummeted. There's a lot of frustration that comes with knowing my work is SO much better now than when I started, but feeling like I can't get the time of day about it.
However! I've also learned that engagement on a grand scale isn't really where I find REAL value in feedback. As I've done more beta reading and editing for people (as both a mod and just between friends), and in turn had it done for my own work, I've realized I find a lot more value in having those personalized conversations about writing.
It's much more fulfilling to go to a trusted beta reader with a list of questions about how the work has impacted them and have a dialogue about the CRAFT rather than hearing "I liked this!" from someone I don't know at all (though that is nice to hear, pls continue doing this for your writers lmao).
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0rph1x · 2 years
okay tumblr dot com give me masc names. go on. anything u think would suit me.
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hmm i need peoples opinions
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chicomecoatl · 2 years
Fuck wireless headphones fr tho
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kavehayati · 2 months
I can’t believe that foetus paimon found a way to drag a whole ass 6 ft adult man by the hair 😭
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swiftiephobe · 2 months
forgot to log in to genshin on my bday and missed the cake for the first time since the game started and there's no other way to get the cake for this year so i will forever be without it 😭
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