#giving the judges versatility
aqpippin · 7 months
wip wednesday —
sipped her like an old fashioned
Tia turns on her bar stool to survey the hotel bar, casting her eye over the other patrons, and when she doesn't see what she’s looking for, turns back to her drink.
The bartender puts another espresso martini in front of her, then gestures down the bar.
“From her.” Tia looks over at the woman - tall, blonde, milky skin and perfectly carved cheekbones. She raises the glass toward her and takes a sip.
Not a minute later, the same woman is casually sliding onto the empty barstool next to Tia, “can I join you?” The accent makes her stomach flip.
“Of course,” Tia says politely before indicating to her drink, “thank you for this.”
“You’re not from here?”
“What on earth gave it away?” Tia replies with a soft smirk.
The woman smiles at her - bright, open, nothing to hide, “are you on vacation, then?”
“Mm-mm, here for work,” Tia replies after a short sip, “I live in London.”
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malaierba · 3 months
every two years i look back to myself two years in the past and go. yikes. mental illness. cant believe i didnt notice? luckily after that experience i am wiser therefore it will never repeat-- (/happens again)
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mixelation · 28 days
How about... Akatsuki partner ships ranked? 👀
yeah okay. worst to best
6. Pein/Konan - Look, they have the devotion thing down. You want angst? They have angst, and also a vaguely punk rock aesthetic that seems like it shouldn't exist in universe, which is at least visually interesting. However, Kishimoto forgot to give either of them personalities. They both appear to be the same flavor of Mildly Morose. You would think being leaders of a terrorist organization aiming to end the world's magical military forces via snatching up all the weapons of mass destruction for themselves would make for an interesting power couple, but it just..... doesn't? This ship is bereft of content because even the most versatile shippers don't know what to do with it.
5. Kisame/Itachi - Listen, I know this one will be controversial. I know this one has some very dedicated fans. And I am here to inform those fans that this ship is boring. Look. You just have to accept it. It's okay. Do you know how much MinaKushi I write? I'm not judging you. Sometimes you just want something boring and unchallenging. Their canon dynamic is largely Kisame just doing whatever Itachi wants, and fans are usually too cowardly to let Itachi act insane enough for the dynamic to be interesting. This ship is for people who think black pepper is spicy.
4. Orochimaru/Sasori - I wanted to rank this one higher. Do you know how potentially insane this ship is? Do you understand? Do you know how many nonconsensual surgeries of third parties this ship involves? The stolen bones? The crimes against humanity? The fall out and betrayal and obsession? This should be the greatest, most insane ship of all time. But I've read how it's written. This ship will only disappoint you. Only pain lies here.
3. Tobi/Deidara - This one also seems like it should make for a deeply insane ship, and yet is rarely delivered on. Their canon dynamic is fun, and also its implications turn completely mind-blowingly bonkers post identity reveal. Like what is Obito even doing here? I can only assume his crush on Deidara was just strong enough he got distracted from taking over the world for like six months in order to harass him. Cannot rank higher because fanon Obito is too annoying to read for more than a couple thousand words, and people who ship Deidara with men keep turning him into a sad little uwu bean. You will find some fun things, but also you will find the most annoying OOC content on the planet.
2. Kakuzu/Hidan - They! Are! Married! Bizarrely, the pair that have the most cooperative and supportive on-screen dynamic, which gets them to second place. Unfortunately fans think Kakuzu's entire personality is scamming people for money, and not even in a fun Ed Edd n Eddy way. Also Hidan is usually just like. Protestant with extra steps. How did this happen? We don't know. Fortunately there's a least a small amount of good content out there for them and their married life. They're happy. Hundreds are dead, but they are having a good time.
1.Sasori/Deidara - Genuinely confused about how this one won first. Like I like this ship, okay. It just seems like it shouldn't be number one, and yet here it is. They have a well-established canon dynamic that's a little bit spicy but also leaves room for cooperation. They're both small pretty boys so fans are less determined to sort them into the gender binary of "dark chuckling sex god" and "sad precious uwu bean." There's a wealth of content that doesn't suck and even maybe sometimes gets a little interesting. You will have to read the most cardboard, unnuanced dialogue about art, but it's not like canon was churning out high quality dialogue there either.
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chainsawmascara · 9 months
Figuring out where every companion fits in my Suddenly A Thing art school au doodle world is. Going to be interesting.
God's favorite princess who started it all is in general fine arts. She loves charcoal, painting feels like a necessary evil but it's secretly what she's always wanted to do.
Lae'zel is clearly in metalworking/sculpture.
Astarion is in textiles, specifically embroidering and fashion design/history. He has an entire brand built in his head. He works at an upscale fashion store part time. He judges EVERYONE.
Wyll???? Wyll's studying art history and debating going into curation. He's a trust fund kid and his father is deeply disappointed THIS is what he's doing with his college fund. He spends free time in the dark room. Darkroom photography has no place in the world these days, but he loves the classics and waxes poetic about 35mm film and its versatility - he does some oil painting over certain photos for flourish. It's phenomenal. He doesn't think it's that great. Everyone disagrees.
Gale is. Gale is the english major from the sister university who decided a double major is a good idea (it isn't, he is suffering) and hurled himself into abstract/surrealism. (It works very well in his favor when tara steps in his paint and walks on the canvas. He had a three hour anxiety attack and decided he did it on PURPOSE.
(Part of me wants to slam him into dark room photography and i will not elaborate. Maybe he sneaks in to hang out with wyll. He cannot be good at everything but he NEEDS TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING. He's a recurring subject of wyll's work.)
Where the FUCK do i put karlach. She's on a roller derby team outside of school. But what does she DO. She's in there somewhere but WHAT DEPARTMENT.
Dammon shares classes with Lae'zel bc that's The Most Obvious Thing. He's a natural.
Isobel? Pottery. Aylin doesn't go here. She's just The Girlfriend also on the roller derby team and hangs around.
Rolan is obviously into impressionism. He's the manet of the school, trying every artist's style in a desperate attempt to find his own despite cal and lia both knowing he HAS his own style and it's GORGEOUS but he just can't see it himself.
Alfira is also in the textile department. Astarion hates everything she makes. She plays music at local clubs on the weekends. Lakrissa is her bartender girlfriend who studies sequential art.
I need to keep this going, I'm on to something here.
But where the FUCK do i put KARLACH.
Edit: 9 fingers is the drug dealer. I went to art school, i promise you there are so many gatherings based solely around that, she'd be there constantly. Jaheira and Halsin are figure study models. Jaheira probably has her hand somewhere else in the school, she'd definitely have something to do with installation pieces, I'll get there let me cook on that one. Minsc is. Fuck. I need to figure that out. We're GOING SOMEWHERE HERE, WE'RE MAKING THIS HAPPEN.
Someone is in the jewelry department it's someone it's SOMEONE maybe lae'zel dips into it bc metal casting NO IT'S MINTHARA. MINTHARA. YES. I WILL JUSTIFY THIS WHEN IT'S NOT 2AM BUT TRUST ME IT'S MINTHARA. Intricate wire wrapping with gem stones she gets from 9 fingers, she has 5000 tools for it and no one realizes how violent whitesmithing tools are but I've BEEN THERE TRUST ME and the wire wrapping gives big spiderweb vibes, it's perfect, i love it, yes, she's in cahoots with astarion on a future design house and the bickering is CONSTANT.
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shuttershocky · 8 months
what do you think of shu, new sui kid on the block? i like her design. the colors are very tasty looking :)
Shu's design is my favorite among the Sui siblings so far, very impressive given how much Ling was made to appeal to my personal tastes.
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It's the Roberta in her eyes (same artist). Can't help but be charmed.
I also love that her whole theme is agriculture. All the Sui embody an artform. Nian does metalwork, Dusk does painting, Ling does poetry, and Chongyue does martial arts, but Shu's art is agriculture. Not to embody an Asian stereotype here but I love the respect towards rice farmers.
Now as for her skillset, Shu is a Guardian Defender, a bold choice when Saria has so thoroughly dominated the Guardian class (or just ground support units in general) that the last 6 star Guardian, Blemishine, steered clear of Saria and played a funky DPS/Sleep/Defensive Recovery support role just to be able to see play.
Shu on the other hand, returns to focusing on heals and support utility, meaning she'll actually be encroaching on Saria's turf. Let's look at her skillset.
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So from her first talent, we see that Shu goes all in on utility, compared to Saria talent 1 bulking herself up with +ATK and +DEF stacks, or Maria's talent 1 letting her attack sleeping enemies. The "rice fields" give HP regen instead of heals (which means it heals unhealable units like Musha or Juggernauts) which greatly extends her versatility, and granting shelter to allies hiding in her sowed times is a nice bonus, but what I really value about the talent is that she sows the 4 tiles around a healed ally as well, meaning you can get great coverage on a map.
Her Talent 2 is kind of a meme. The Max HP and ASPD effects are really easy to get which is great, but the SP and ATK buff applied when four of Shu, Nian, Chongyue, Dusk, and Ling are all in the team is kind of a meme imo. That's 4/12 slots taken for a meh attack buff and a 0.25 SP/s increase, which is lower than the +0.3/s provided by Ptilopsis (although Shu's appears to work on all SP recovery types which is nice). The Sui siblings don't really have all that much synergy with each other (in fact Ling would rather fly solo to have as many deployment slots for her summons as possible) so trying to force the Sui buff by having 4 deployed seems to me like you will just be griefing yourself half the time on harder stages.
Now for her skills
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S1 looks to be the exact same thing as Saria's and default Nearl's. I think Saria's S1 will remain the most valuable version of this since Saria stacks both ATK and DEF on herself over time and this S1 is mostly used to make a Guardian act as a tank. Shu's regen and shelter from ricefield tiles would have to be crazy high for me to consider her S1 when I already got both Saria and Nearl on S1M3.
Shu's S2 is interesting, it's basically an upgraded version of regular Nearl's S2 (which no one uses). I need to see the numbers on the boost to Talent 1 to properly judge this skill, but for now this could potentially open up new strategic options (due to being a ground unit-based shelter buff). It's manually activated and heals two at a time which can be a pain in the ass vs just using Saria's S2, but I'm looking forward to seeing how much it buffs her sow tiles.
And now for Skill 3.
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Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker, you aren't allowed to leave. The bonus ATK and ASPD for allies inside her range is a buff no other Guardian can provide, but the really cool bit is teleporting enemies who have stepped on a Sow tile back into it if they end up walking too far.
I'm going to be honest, I have no idea if that is insanely broken for crowd control or if it's just a big meme, as you need to heal allies to plant sow tiles (so you can't plant ahead of your units to make an unescapable trap without using an Operator to create the Sow tiles). It is weird and creative and a very different take on Saria's S3 also being AOE crowd control and heals though, so I like it and can't wait to experiment with it.
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Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are all separating factors in a horoscope, but it is Rahu that makes it most difficult for a person to identify themselves with the traits of a given planet in their lives. The full awareness of it comes to them only around Rahu maturation (age 42). At the same time there is an overidentification with the Ketu planet.
So the person can easily admit to but be internally dissatisfied through their Ketu but be unaware how much they have already developed in their Rahu and be secretly more skilled there than they, or anyone else, can realize.
This can be easily summed up as many planets are ruled by 2 zodiac signs. Naturally, the state of the planet will depend on its condition in one’s chart. The condition will also become extra intense if a planet is in the same house as Rahu (even the loosest conjunction as it is the sign dispositor that matters). That can easily become contradictory, as I can prove to you with the example of my chart.
I have Rahu in Sagittarius, but I have Mercury conjunct my Rahu and Venus loosely too if you adapt the Bhava Chalita interpretation. That creates an interesting contradiction where I use my Ketu skills to channel Rahu. Since Jupiter is the Divine element in every one of us, I tend to always underestimate my gifts, spiritual, creative, intellectual. It takes other people praising me a lot to realize that I can actually handle more things in life than I think, and I have achieved and manifested so much versatility. But my default comfort zone is to just say “I study a lot”.
Below I will give you a brief list on how this will manifest for each Rahu in general.
Aries and Scorpio will make Rahu oblivious to one’s qualities of Mars and overly rely on qualities of Venus. The person will underestimate their own drive and courage and contribution and ability to set a life direction and give credit, attention or even command to others, before realizing their own leadership and active action abilities.
Taurus and Libra will make one’s Rahu unaware of their Venusian skills, thinking they achieved it all through grit of character as there is an over-reliance on Mars, but in reality they have developed more softness and wisdom of natural laws than they know. That connection to people and nature has transformed them as they learn unity instead of division.
Gemini and Virgo are said to be the best points of Rahu as influence of Jupiter on Ketu is so lucky. However, these people tend to take their skills for granted. They often receive so much they think they’re just lucky and they don’t notice till way later that they have actually practiced a lot of things and developed a lot of experience in what they have aptitude for, and thus they have reached a certain substantial worldly level of achievement purely by their own means.
Cancer and Leo Rahu share the trouble of developing their royal divine masculine or Feminine side, as their comfort zone is Saturn, the practical, neuter planet that judges everything by results only. What these natives don’t understand is that there is an inherent magic and kingly and queenly qualities inside every man and woman, that are inborn and deserve to be claimed without needing work or pain.
Sagittarius and Pisces Rahu overly rely on their intellect to problem solve life, as they were most probably praised for these abilities naturally and encouraged to develop it since childhood. What they don’t see is how much more courage it takes for them to develop faith, when no one ever told them that it’s a good idea to have it, and God and Destiny are very real forces operating within our lives. Sometimes you just have to leave something to fate and it doesn’t mean failure, and all of us are more lucky than we even know. Rahu there underestimates the luck factor in life. They also underestimate their divine creativity, that comes from the heart, not the mind.
Capricorn and Aquarius will make Rahu project a lot of their issues on parental figures, as the Sun and the Moon represent the Father and the Mother. Depending on other factors in chart, that can be blame for delay in progress or gratitude for their parents’ help, even a guilt or inferiority complex, that makes them erase their long patient hard work. What’s lacking is the acknowledgement and appreciation of one’s own skill in long term building and overcoming obstacles.
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weirdstrangeandawful · 7 months
What is whump?
I get asked this question a lot so I figured I'd just make a post about it! I doubt a lot of people will see this since I'm a small whump blog but at least a few people will have a quick reference.
The short answer is that whump is a fictional genre of media. Like any genre, it's difficult for one person to entirely characterise but I'll do my best.
Whump is a fictional genre focused on the experience of pain. This can be physical pain or emotional pain. The pain could be acute or chronic. The focus could be on the recovery from the pain or on the pain itself. It's a super versatile genre!
Some frequently asked questions:
Okay, but how is this different from hurt/comfort?
This is a complicated question (hard to entirely characterise an entire genre, eh?) and it really depends on the writer. For me, hurt/comfort is a subset of whump where the comfort is required whilst whump is the larger, overarching genre where comfort is not an absolute necessity, but many others have different opinions!
What is a whumpee?
You'll often hear writers (especially prompt writers) in the whump community refer to characters as 'whumpee', 'whumper', and 'caretaker'. These are placeholder names like your good old A, B, and C. 'Whumpee' refers to the character experiencing the pain (literally 'the one being whumped'); 'whumper' is the (optional) character causing or contributing to the pain; and 'caretaker' is the (also optional) character helping care for the whumpee and alleviating the pain.
Why would I support someone who thinks people should experience pain?
Pain and adversity are facts of life. In fact, many of us as whump writers and readers engage with the genre to cope with pain and adversity in our real lives. It's important to remember that whump is a fictional genre and someone's interest in the fictional themes portrayed really aren't a reflection of what goes on in their real life. The name 'whump' may be contemporary but this is definitely not a contemporary genre (Shakespearean tragedies anyone?) so there is no use criticising its existence. If you don't like it, that's okay! Scroll on by and block the #whump tag if you need to. Like many artists, we're an accepting community and won't judge. In fact, we probably understand better than most that there is too much pain in the world and not everyone wants to read about more of it.
What's the difference between whump and BSDM/kink?
This is a complicated and very individualised answer. The oversimplified answer is that BDSM and kink are explicitly sexual/sensual whilst whump is not necessarily related to sex. But that is extremely oversimplified and doesn't cover all or even most people's experiences with either whump or BDSM/kink. The most generalised answer I can give is that whump is an overarching genre whilst BDSM and kink are individualised cultural practices and activites. But even that needs nuance and context to understand and apply. For me personally, I don't like combining the two because I experience them in very different ways, but that's just my experience!
Edit: I realise that I was not clear in the above answer. BDSM and kink are absolutely not inherently sexual at all. In my personal experience, I've found there to be a lot more overlap between BDSM/kink and sexual experiences than with whump but this is not true for many and maybe most people. No one person is qualified to answer this question.
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jessepinwheel · 2 years
my very serious writing advice for people who are trying to write more morally complex characters is to stop caring about their morality and focus instead on their individual motivations
it’s hard to articulate exactly what I mean, but the essence of it is basically: when a character does a murder, not only do I not care about whether they’re justified in doing so, it’s straight-up irrelevant. a character’s moral standing from some nebulous universal standard has no bearing on the plot or their interactions with other characters and has no use in the story for me as a writer. what does matter is why the character thought they were justified and then if it comes up to other characters, what they think about it.
you can obviously think about your characters’ morality but it’s not your job as a writer to interpret your stories for your readers and tell them how to judge your characters. your readers can see the evidence for themselves and draw their own conclusions. your job is just to understand why a character is motivated to act in a certain way and have it make sense
focusing on character motivations is a much more versatile framework than trying to give them specific personality traits or moral alignments, and frankly more useful to understand why a character would do a certain thing instead of just what they do. that way when something fucked up happens and your character starts acting differently, there’s an actual logical reason for it that isn’t you forcing characters to do things because it’s what’s required to make the plot go
when you write your characters with the understanding that people are not static and they act differently under different circumstances, complexity in character and morality follows naturally.
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kazuyummy · 1 year
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OPE OPE NO MI ; this versatile devil fruit allows the user to manipulate both living and inanimate objects in a specific space in a multitude of ways, including but not limited to - swapping the objects' positions, levitating them, scanning them, or dissecting them without causing harm to the target.
😈🎃 kinktober 2023 devil fruits collection
info: afab!reader
cw: body / knife play (no gore or harm - just law's powers), oral & penetrative sex, mentions of genitalia, degradation
wc: 1.9k
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"alright, which one of you has been spreading unsavoury rumours about me to the straw hats?!"
it's a dead giveaway when you, shachi, and penguin burst into laughter and law's dark glare cuts across the room.
“i - i didn’t think he’d actually ask him!” shachi wipes tears from his eyes as you watch the confused straw hat group discuss law’s… capabilities with his devil fruit from afar. the three of you run behind bepo, shrieking with laughter.
“lighten up, cap! we never said you did suck your own dick with your devil fruit powers, just that you could!”
“you’re not making things much better…” bepo shakes his head at penguin as law continues to stalk over to you. while he’s certainly annoyed, he doesn’t seem to be as upset as he usually is when it comes to pranks played on him. maybe it’s from hanging out with the straw hats? while he complains that they elevate his blood pressure, you do catch him being less uptight during celebrations like these.
“you two, i’ll deal with you later,” he points at your accomplices - then his eyes slide over and catch yours. there’s a sort of glint to them that your intuition is giving you funny feelings about, and you’re not sure exactly what those feelings are. in one word, you’re off of the ship deck, now losing your balance on the wooden floors of law’s quarters - “room.”
you steady yourself on his desk, looking up to see your captain’s ominous smile. heart racing, you stammer out,
"cap-captain! you can't actually be mad about that, right?"
"no, quite the opposite, actually," an menacingly wide grin stretches on his face, "i was delighted to hear that you’ve been thinking… such thoughts about me."
your laugh is nervous - breathless, even - as he removes his hat and saunters closer to you. certainly not the reaction you expected - usually he gets more flustered, his signature scowl finding its way to his face eventually, but not before that cute blush that spreads to the tip of his nose paints him. panicked, you dig your nails into the wood behind you,
“i’m so sorry, captain, it was just a joke -”
“a joke,” he’s still smiling, but with a deadpan voice.
“yes, a joke! c’moooon, there’s no way the straw hats actually believe -”
“a joke,” he repeats, harshly this time. you flinch. “i suppose every time i’ve caught you in just a towel in the hall in front of this room is a joke, then.”
“captain, wha -”
“and that every time you glance at me when you’re flirting with that pervert cook and you think i’m not looking is a joke, huh?”
he inches closer and closer, caging your back to his desk as he looms over you and you struggle to return eye contact.
“or how about the time you spilled water on your white shirt in front of everyone, hm? you don’t think i’m an idiot, do you?”
“no, of course not!” you’ve never seen law like this - eyes almost manic, and you’re not sure if you’ve pushed him too far. besides the teasing, you had at least respected each other before this, to the point where you’d go so far as to say he enjoyed your company and definitely valued you as a crewmate! and yet, despite your fears, you can’t help but notice how close he is to being pressed up against you.
“you wanna know what i think is a joke?” he growls, breath fanning your ear as he leans in past your face, “how stupid you are for thinking you could get away unpunished with such obvious bait… and how stupid i am for falling for it.”
he pulls back to judge your reaction, and it’s as expected - eyes wide and frantically scanning him, lips parted, plump and kissable - but he stops short before meeting them, a gasp hitching in your throat.
“i’ve had enough of your teasing. you know exactly what you’re doing, don’t you?”
when your eyes finally find his, your mouth slowly twists into a coy grin that you can’t seem to hide,
“how can i help it when i’m around you?”
his lips are rough and punishing on yours as he lets out his pent-up frustration. you try to gain ground by stepping forward, but he picks you up with a bruising grip and seats you on his desk, still kissing you like his life depends on it.
“don’t think you can play innocent with me anymore,” he says between rough panting, “you just wanted my attention, didn’t you? little brat.”
“you’re being awfully bold, captain,” you let out a low moan when he starts kissing down your neck, tattooed knuckles gripping impatiently at your thighs, “what’s gotten into you?”
“i wasn’t lying when i told you it gets me excited that you were thinking of my cock. you wanna find out what my powers do then?”
you tilt your head questioningly, playfulness dancing along your features and enticing him that much more. he follows up with,
“do you trust me?”
without a doubt you do, and when he unsheathes his sword and slices you at the waist, there’s only a small skip of your heartbeat as you prepare to let him do what he pleases.
the feeling is neither pleasant nor uncomfortable - rather, it’s not much of a feeling at all besides one cool, dull pulse along the area he cuts into.
what ensues is what feels the strangest - it’s not as if either half of your body feels any lighter, and you’re able to control all your limbs, albeit with a bit of clumsiness. law returns to kissing you, shedding both of you of your clothes until you face him bare.
“want to test out your little theory for yourself?”
you forget what he’s referring to until he places your lower half sitting on his desk and your upper half on the chair so that you come face to face with your dripping pussy. you gawk at him, expression questioning, are you really going to make me do this? he juts his chin forward and begins to stroke his cock,
“go on, i won’t fuck you until you make yourself cum.”
with your arms still on your torso, you’re able to reach out hesitantly and spread your folds. you lurch a bit in confusion as one half of you leans forward and the other back, and you bring your tongue out to lap at yourself.
would eating yourself out feel more like eating out or getting eaten out?
you finally had the answer - both, oddly enough - but maybe that was just a consequence of law’s powers.
"that's it, darling," law purrs at the sight in front of him - your wetness dripping down your chin and lips circling around your clit. you’d masturbated before, sure - but having never eaten anyone out before, you’re being experimental, bringing your fingers into the mix and plunging deep into your core. you think of how you’d want someone else to eat you out - how you’d want law to eat you out. building up to a steady rhythm, finding all your sensitive spots - you find yourself moaning his name into your own pussy.
“you’re so fucking hot,” he growls, standing up to grab your hair and push your face further in, “do you know what you do to me? how much i’ve imagined this?”
“mmhf, captain -”
“captain,” he scoffs, and his gravelly voice sends you closer and closer to orgasm, “you know how much it turns me on every time you whine captain at me?”
you’d giggle if you could, because you have noticed how much it pushes his buttons - but you can’t, not while you’ve brought yourself to your own dizzying release, legs thrashing but pulling yourself closer all the same. you’re sobbing his name into your own clit until he hastily places you back together, impatient and needing to fuck you.
“don’t think that was much of a punishment with how good it must’ve felt,” he muses, licking your taste off of your lips as he picks his sword back up, “so how about this for all your teasing, brat?”
the blade finds your neck this time - again, no pain and just a shiver down your spine as he brings your body to his bed.
“why don’t you watch first?”
it’s a strange sight, seeing your headless self be bent over and the sensation of him plunging into you making its way to your brain right away. your hands grip the pillow in front of you as you arch your back low, and he looks over to see your blissed-out eyes when he places a firm smack on your ass.
his hips dig into you, lithe fingers wrapped around your thighs as he thrusts himself in and out at a frantic pace.
“pussy feels so fucking good. is this what you wanted? for your captain to fuck you and fill you to the brim?”
you want to bite a pillow, stars in your vision and tongue lolling when he continues to roll his hips. so, so deep.
“answer me,” another smack to your ass, “you wanted to be a little fucktoy for this cock, yeah? s’that why you’ve been teasing me?”
you garble out a yes amidst your moans, but it doesn’t seem to be enough for him as he grabs you by the hair, placing your head under the both of you so that his balls hit your face every time he sheathes himself into you.
“tap twice if it’s too much,” law grunts, but doesn’t let up. your eyes are rolling and tongue reaching forward, licking and kissing at his sack.
“fuck - fuck i’m gonna cum in - ah -!”
he slams his thighs forward, and you’re finally able to take him into your mouth, sucking gently as he drains himself inside you, nearly trembling while you feel his thick cock pulsing inside of you. he stays for a moment before releasing himself, some of his seed dripping down onto your cheeks as you lap it up eagerly.
“that’s my good girl,” he chuckles, and you swear if you weren’t so disoriented when he places your head back onto your body, you’d be ready to go again just from hearing him saying that. you both flop down on the bed.
“hey,” he rasps, with genuine concern in his voice, “that wasn’t too much, was it?”
you roll over with a lazy smile,
“remind me to play practical jokes on you more often, captain.”
he lets out a relieved sigh, handing you some water and going to his washroom to prepare some towels for you.
“i mean it. you really are such a little brat.”
“and you’re more of a freak than i expected, captain.”
law scoffs, “looks like i didn’t punish you enough, princess. i won’t be as kind next time you pull some shit.”
“as long as you don’t give shachi and penguin the same treatment.”
he groans, but lays behind you, strong arms bringing you close to his chest. those two - and the rest of your crew, for that matter - might be wondering where you are right now, and with your luck, could be banging on law’s door any minute now. but you leave that thought until it happens, for now content to drift off to sleep in your captain’s arms.
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author's notes: i think law's a bit ooc cause he's a slow burn kinda guy but i NEEDED to get to the porn lmao. a bit of a longer fic than expected, since i got this done so late - but the other ones are in progress and should be coming soon! no guarantee they'll be as long, though. appreciate your patience as i get back to writing and posting, and hope you enjoy the rest! 😈💜
dividers by benkeibear
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yaniiiiism · 2 months
" ͏͏i like it . ͏͏" ͏͏ -h.js ✿ !
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pairing : han jisung x fem!reader
info : short fic , oneshot , post-uni / uni au , humor , kinda fluff (?) , very rushed , drabble ?
persona : jisung as a subby , (good) pathetic , cute , sassy , flirty , little dumb , playful , giggly guy, who's a part of a dance crew of 7. [what he rly is BAHAHAHA] + fem!reader as a bossy , sassy , sarcastic , pretty girlie who is also a part of the dance crew of 7, being the leader.
word count : 719
warnings : plz be prepared for babygirly to flirty jisung ty <3
notes at the end !
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Mm, Thursday, the month of July, and.. rain. Today was the evaluation for a competition; which happens twice a year.. yada yada yada, get selected. The theatre room filled with the buzz of multiple dance groups, waiting for their turn to go perform.
Sat in the middle of the front row.. well, was the new judge, who seemed to be pretty scrutinising. On the stage, were the crew WannaB, performing their routine, their moves in sync as you lead.
When the music stopped as their performance ended, the judge stood and began to call out names, selecting dancers to sit out and watch as the others performed again. This process repeated twice until only you and Jisung remained on the dance floor.
The crew had exhausted their choreographies, and the tension was palpable; you stepped forward.
"Could we have a minute?” You ask, breath slightly heavy.
The judge nodded, granting you a brief reprieve. "One minute." You turned to Jisung, your eyes sharp and focused. 
“What are we doing? We’re out of routines,” Jisung whisper-groaned.
“We’re doing 'What Is Love?'" You state, implying to the song which you, very nicely knew that Jisung adored. After all, you both always practiced gg dances after everyone leaves the studio.
Jisung’s eyes widened in disbelief. "What? y/p/n, are you serious? There’s no w—"
The judge, his patience wearing thin, calls out. “Hello? What are you guys doing?"
You sighed, gritting your teeth before turning, “Lazing around like a sloth." You retorted. "Patience, please? With all due respect, of course.”
The hall burst into bits of laughter, including security. Though, you could make out the tiny smile escaping from the corner of the judge's lips.
You crossed your arms while turning back, your expression unyielding, rolling your eyes. "Come on, Ji, just channel your inner Jihyo or something. I know you've got it in you." You shot, to which Jisung responds with a glare. "What? It’s that or nothing. Now quit being a baby," Without giving him a moment to respond and complain about it, you turned on your heels.
A little too quick, though.
You stumbled slightly; to which Jisung's hands immediately went to your waist, steadying you. His breath fanned against the nape of your neck, "Smooth move, boss." He whispered, smirking, your cheeks flushing a dark shade of red.
You cleared your throat, glancing at him but not being able to make eye contact. God. You then informed the staff to play the music.
Soon, the music began. Through the corner of your eyes, you could see the way Jisung hesitantly moved, barely keeping up with you. To that, you shot him a wide, threatening glare, and he knew he had no choice but to step up. With a deep breath, he finally let go and danced with the same enthusiasm he had when you practiced alone.
Your performance ended to a round of applause, and were finally allowed to retreat backstage. The moment both of you were out of sight, you turned to Jisung, frustration bubbling over.
"Holy Christ, Jisung, you idiot!" You bantered, lightly smacking his bicep. "What were you thinking out there?"
"Ouch-" He groans. "Please, don’t 'Holy Christ' me," Jisung mocked your tone, rubbing his arm. "What the hell did you think? I would dance to a girl group song in front of the whole room?”
You shot him a glare, “It’s called versatility, Ji,” you huff, “Plus, we ended up eating it anyways.”
He pouted, “You are so paying f—”
Before he could say another word, you grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss. You did not know what in the world went over your head that made you stare at his pretty lips for a bit too long, then kissing him. Jisung, taken aback, was twisting internally. The suddenness of it left him breathless, his heart racing as their lips moved in sync. When you finally pulled away, you were both left gasping for air.
“Fucking god, that was hot.” Jisung breathed out, heavily, causing your cheeks to flush.
“You’re impossible,” You mumbled, your ears burning as he looked at you with a slight smirk.
"You know," he said, his voice slightly breathless, "you're kinda sexy when you're bossy like this,” He murmured, his hands snaking to your waist. “I like it.”
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𓇼 𓂂 ㅅ 🌱 𓈒۫  ○   𓇬  
。゚✿ author's note !
AHHHHHHH right this was my very first work online.. tbh idk how i feel abt it atp, the more i read it the more im cringing- plus this was wayyy too rushed bc i kid u not this was actually a dream i had during my beauty nap !!
plz lmk if yall liked it - im very open to feedback <3
i also have a looot of other drafts which ill post soon.. theyre all skz ㅠㅠ
WELL then thank you for reading, i appreciate it ! ✮
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might I request some headcanons for the rise! boys with an S/O who was born and raised out in the country? I just love the idea of country! reader x city boys (especially since the todd scouts episode)
please, and thank you <3
Rise!Boys with Countryside!Reader
Relationship status: Can be read as romantic or platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Leo being dumb as always, Some aspects described here may be different from the countryside in your countries, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: Honestly for the last few days I was just thinking about this idea, because I live in the countryside myself, and now at least I have a better excuse to write about it, lmao. Enjoyyyy!
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◇ Leo respects your down-to-earth mentality and your ability to find joy in simple things in life.
◇ However, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows right away.
◇ When Leo first met you, he secretly judged you and thought that because you come from the countryside, you seemed boring and uncultured. LOOK AT YOURSELF, LEO.
◇ He tends to subtly highlight your lack of knowledge and city life experience whenever it comes up in conversation.
◇ He secretly compares his urban lifestyle to yours and sometimes feels superior to you.
◇ He might occasionally come across as insensitive and indifferent to certain issues and circumstances you've encountered or witnessed as a person from the countryside.
◇ However, over time, some of these things have lessened or faded away. All thanks to Dr. Feelings
◇ He finds your passion for nature and outdoor activities adorable.
◇ He appreciates how the ethics of hard work and practical skills can balance out his more carefree and humorous nature.
◇ It slightly shocks Splinter, but whatever, lmao.
◇ He admires your sense of adventure and willingness to try new things, even though you come from a rural background.
◇ Leo loves hearing your stories about life in the countryside and thinks they make you even more charming and interesting.
◇ He believes your close connection to nature and respect for animals are endearing.
◇ But if he ever catches you talking to animals or imitating them, you'll get the "weirdo" label.
◇ But he's a bit of an ignoramus himself, bringing up this one scene:
"Wow, [Y.N]! I didn't know you had a swan!"
"...Leo, that's a goose..."
◇ He enjoys hearing about your tight-knit community back home and loves learning about your rural traditions.
◇ Leo appreciates how your ability to adapt quickly and be resourceful in unfamiliar environments can help him broaden his perspective and become more versatile.
◇ You'll have to train him in this at Raphael's request.
◇ Sometimes he'll want to visit the countryside, especially if he's feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of being the new leader and after a Kraang invasion. Then, climbing onto the roof and stargazing is a must!
◇ He doesn't quite understand all the talk about plants, but if you have orchards, he'll pick every fruit to try.
◇ Please, give him homemade cherry juice, HE'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH IT.
◇ Raph finds you incredibly interesting.
◇ But he's not sure if you're up to date with modern technologies and practices. Despite your exposure to television and the internet, he sometimes doesn't think you have a broad understanding of them.
◇ Besides finding you fascinating, Raph is somewhat surprised by your accent and way of speaking because he's never met anyone quite like you.
◇ Of course, he doesn't make fun of it if you have such an accent.
◇ Raph is genuinely curious about the history of your hometown and the people you know.
◇ He appreciates your rural atmosphere, and the lack of city knowledge doesn't bother him. He actually likes it when he guides you or explain things.
◇ However, he can get irritated sometimes when he asks you a question, and you respond in a way that's clear to you but not to him.
◇ Usually, you use rural slang if you have any.
◇ And sometimes, he can be impatient when trying to explain something to you, and you don't understand. This is where his anger issues come into play, but he's more likely to take it out on himself than on you.
◇ Sometimes, he'd like to go on a trip to your countryside and meet the people who shaped you, but because of the ‘whole situation’, he'll have to settle for the area around your home and fields.
◇ If he manages to find a moment, he'll come. He'll gladly let you guide him and explain everything.
◇ He'll probably start bragging about the skills he's acquired from Todd's training, whether they're useful in your parts or not.
◇ He thinks your conversations with animals are cute and will start talking to them himself.
◇ Except the goose will start chasing him, wanting to nip him.
◇ Plants aren't his strong suit, but like Leo, he'll start picking some fruits from your orchard, asking for permission beforehand.
◇ He loves walking with you in the forest, especially in the approaching evening. That's when he feels the most masculine, protecting you from potential wild creatures.
◇ Despite everything, Donnie respects your connection with nature and finds it admirable.
◇ However, despite his ultimately good memories of Todd's teachings, he wasn't that inclined towards topics related to the countryside until he got to know you better.
◇ Donnie might sometimes underestimate you because of your former rural lifestyle and simplicity (using the phrase "common sense tells " literally), considering you now live in the city. However, he realizes that you're equally intelligent in your own way.
◇ He really appreciates that you're willing to listen to his explanations about his new devices. Bonus points if, in subsequent conversations, you remind him of potential solutions based on previous information.
"... And you know, I think when you combine this with that, it could give a good result-- Donnie, what's with your face, are you crying?"
"No, I just looked at Leo's face and felt disgusted!"
◇ He has definitely been moved by the fact that you haven't completely ignored him.
◇ Donnie finds your rural lifestyle and your knowledge of plants and animals intriguing.
◇ You'll probably drag him to the countryside for a few days if he pulls another all-nighter due to his ambitions.
◇ Expect some grumbling of discontent, like that of a five-year-old.
◇ He won't complain about the lack of Wi-Fi; after all, it's the 21st century, and some households have internet. Instead, he'll complain about the weak signal.
*Donatello rocks back and forth, watching a spinning loading wheel on YouTube*
You: *visibly wtf*
◇ If you have animals, you'll likely enlist his help.
◇ He's one of the few who won't think poorly of you when you start talking to the aforementioned animals in his presence. Whether you're having a small talk with a cow or imitating a passing duck, he'll probably do the same.
◇ He'll boast that he can communicate with animals using sign language to impress you.
◇ The Weird Duo.
◇ Ohoho, if you have orchards or gardens, he'll be thrilled!
◇ He loves botany, so ever since he saw the first cherry tree, your conversations always start with botanical topics and curiosities.
◇ In my country, such competitions are rare, but while watching The Incredible Dr. Pol, I noticed that there are frequent contests for the best-grown vegetable/fruit, etc. Expect Donatello to help you with that.
◇ And he might accidentally overdo it with his assistance, hah (those worms from the end of season 2)
◇ Donnie partly considers the peace and quiet of the countryside a welcome change from the city's hustle and bustle and all the stress it puts on him.
◇ But in the long run, it's not for him. He misses the excitement of the city.
◇ And he laments the lack of interesting attractions nearby.
◇ He appreciates your unique straightforwardness. I don't know how it is in rural areas in other countries, but where I come from, people from the countryside can be incredibly direct and won't hesitate to say anything. This meshes perfectly with his Dr. Delicate Touch persona.
◇ Mikey often teases you about your rural roots, but in a typical friendly manner. You, on the other hand, have permission to tease him back. No mercy.
◇ He really enjoys your accent and dialect if you have one.
◇ Mikey finds your accent adorable and charming.
◇ Michelangelo likes listening to your childhood stories from the countryside.
◇ Michel finds it cute when you use rural sayings and expressions.
◇ Every time you crack a joke or make a wisecrack, Mikey laughs and finds it endearing, even if others don't always get it.
◇ Honestly, he's probably the least judgmental of the four, but he still has his quirks.
◇ Mikey can sometimes find your lack of refinement due to your rural upbringing slightly annoying, especially if you're too slow or don't understand something.
◇ Mikey might find it frustrating when you're afraid or hesitant about new experiences or things you haven't seen before.
◇ BUT, that doesn't mean he won't help you get acquainted with new things; he'll just have to push you as if you were learning to skateboard for the first time.
◇ Oh, and Mikey once taught you how to skateboard.
◇ You fell off the vert ramp.
◇ Anyway, he seems to have some strange attachment to forests and the areas around them, which is why he wanted to go there almost immediately when he heard about your upbringing.
◇ And when he got there, he was thrilled with everything.
◇ Starting from the decoration of the house, through the fauna and flora, to the atmosphere of the place itself.
◇ If he had an art block, this place would definitely unblock it. So, be prepared for frequent visits from the youngest of the turtles.
◇ He thinks it's cute when you talk to animals, but yes, he'll tease you about it a little too.
◇ He'll probably offer to help you with fruit or vegetable picking.
◇ He'll definitely start calling you "pumpkin" or "wild goose," whether you have them with you or not.
◇ He's not a big fan of homemade foods like juices, etc. The kid is used to mechanically processed food.
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Camila “Rosa” Flores🌹
A beautiful woman who owns her family bar. It used to be owned by her Aunt and Uncle. And now she has taken over. Everyone had called her “Rosa” because of her love for Roses. Since that’s the English meaning for Spanish. And also, a secret messenger for the Mexican Special Forces. For she is the eyes and ears for them in case she sees or hears anything that is threatening Las Almas.
🌹 Name: Camila Flores
🌹 Alias(es): Camila, Cam, Rosa, Mila (mee-lah), Flores, The Secret Messenger
🌹 Gender: Female
🌹 Age: Early 30s
🌹 Birthday: November 4th
🌹 Nationality: Mexican
🌹 Place of Birth: Mexico (North)
🌹 Home: Las Almas, Mexico
🌹 Spoken Languages: Spanish (main language), English
🌹 Sexuality: Heterosexual
🌹 Occupation: Owner and the Manager of the bar
🌹 Eye Color: Brown
🌹 Hair Color: Black
🌹 Height: 5’8”/170 cm
🌹 Scars: No Scars
🌹 Face Claim: Eiza González
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🌹 Color: Red
🌹 Food: Tamales and Enchiladas
🌹 Drink: Margarita
🌹 Flower: Roses
🌹 Hairstyle: Putting up in a high ponytail (during work time) and putting her hair into a braid (when she’s out of work)
🌹 Myers Briggs Type: ENTP Rosa is a very welcoming lady. Whenever you enter her bar or when you bump into her somewhere in the streets. She would ALWAYS give that big and brightly smile while saying hello to you in a cheerful voice. And gives you kisses on both cheeks as a greeting. She loves to meet newcomers coming into town. Rosa would gladly take you out on a tour of the lovely home of Las Almas. If it’s safe though.
🌹 Inventive: She has her talents from her father and the help from her older cousin of creating something out of scraps and even knows how to fixed cars and other engineering work. She has a thing for machinery and stuff. That’s why her bar is not that old looking because of her building skills.
🌹 Creative Mind: She has a very creative mind of decorating things. So her bar is always changing whenever she feels like it needs a makeover. And has many ideas of making it look FABULOUS. She even has ideas for the uniforms for her workers. (And they can’t deny it that they LOVE her ideas)
🌹Versatile: She can adapt to many new things really well. Like if you teach her how to sew a dress, she would GLADLY learn it from you or anyone else! She won’t even complain about it!
🌹 Flirtatious: She has a really good charm and looks to swoon any men that sees her. (Blessed by her mother’s AND her grandmother’s genes. Lol.)
🌹 She has a habit of asking many questions before letting that person even ANSWERED the question. You know, like, Pinkie Pie in MLP (IF you know that show. Don’t judge me.)? Yeah, like THAT kind of energy but not like TOO much.
🌹 She has that small temper when it comes to things that is not done right. When you do one thing that she told you NOT to do. You will get an earful from her. Good luck.
🌹 She sometimes and may have always been…getting into other people’s business without their consent. Like, she’s a curious woman and would just slide in out of nowhere just to get some TEA. (She’s like that during her secret messenger time trying to get as much information as possible before reporting to the Los Vaqueros. But when it comes to drama. That’s for her to know. Lol.)
Skills and Abilities:
🌹 Fighting Style: None
🌹 Weapons: Break-Action Shotgun (kept it under her bar counter in every corner)
🌹 Distinct Weapon: Colt Pistol (always strapped around her right thigh where her black stocking is at)
🌹 Special Skills: Distracting the target with her charm and flirtatious to make sure that they won’t look away from her. Even have the skill of communicating with the target. She can lie and tell them great offers that she had in mind for the deal.
Jorge Flores (Father, Deceased)
Aurora Cruz Flores (Mother, Deceased)
Victoria Flores (1st Older Sister, Alive)
Sofia Flores (2nd Youngest Sister, Alive)
Liliana Flores (Youngest Sister, Alive)
Jacinto Flores (Uncle, Jorge’s Brother, Alive)
Jolanda Beltran Flores (Aunt, Jorge’s Sister-in-Law, Alive)
Abel Flores (1st Older Cousin, Jacinto’s Son, Alive)
Selena Gabriela Flores (2nd Older Cousin, Jacinto’s Daughter, Alive)
Alfonso Flores (Youngest Cousin, Jacinto’s Son, Alive)
🌹 She is the 2nd Eldest of her Siblings and the only one who was very inspired of taking over her Aunt’s and Uncle’s bar place.
🌹 Her and Victoria used to get along just fine. Until the night of their parents being unalive by one of the cartel members. And Victoria had put her blame and anger against their Aunt and Uncle for their selfishness on money. So she left Las Almas having had enough of this betrayal. Lose all contacts with her family. (It saddens Rosa really.)
🌹 She really loves arts and crafts so she usually paint, makes pottery, creating necklaces and bracelets. She just LOVES it! She even loves it more to do it with her younger sisters and cousins.
🌹 Rosa got that title called the “Secret Messenger” from Alejandro. For being able to pass down the intel from one of the cartel without being caught. As she brought that information to Aly.
🌹 Her handy skills was taught by her Older Cousin and her father. For she was very inspired by it. 
Rosa was born and raised in Las Almas. She lives in a house with her parents and her three sisters. And she is also close with her three cousins, who lived next door. Living with their parents as well.
Most people know them by helping out everyone in Las Almas. By fixing their cars, their home, fixing broken pipes. ANYTHING. They are like the handyman. Rosa was very inspired by them and wanted to try it too.
So her Older Cousin, named Abel, teached her how to fix things. Even her father agreed to teach her as well. She got a hang of it and started helping her father and her Uncle whenever they go somewhere to assist people.
She usually goes with them after school.
She loves her family very much. And she would do anything to help to provide money for them. One day!
Rosa’s beauty was also very mesmerizing. Even her older sister, named Victoria. She always looked up to her seeing her beautiful face and body. Should thank their mother’s genes.
These two would always do each other’s make up and fix each other’s hair. It grew them so close even along with their other two younger sisters.
She even enjoys being with her cousins’ company as well. Her, her sisters, her cousins, her parents, her aunt and uncle. There’s nothing that she could ask for more.
Until before the day of the Son of La Araña incidents.
Rosa, who was in her 20s on that day, had found something suspicious with her Aunt and Uncle. Because of hearing her father arguing with her Uncle. Saying something about a “BAD IDEA” or “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO OUR FAMILY?! PUTTING THEM! PUTTING US IN DANGER?!”
She heard that last week. Not even Victoria knew about it when she told her older sister. But the two had a feeling it’s not good.
So on the day of the La Araña, when the Mexican Special Forces had found the Son.
Rosa, her sisters and her parents made sure to lock everything up during that time. Afraid that they might get into a crossfire.
When everything calmed down. They thought that they were safe.
But are they?
A few days passed after that incident. When during the middle of the night. Rosa was sleeping with her younger sisters, even with Victoria before jolting awake to hear their mother’s scream.
Victoria and Rosa told their younger sisters to stay while they ran down.
And froze to see two men, who had already shot their parents, pointing their guns at them.
Victoria put Rosa behind making sure they wouldn't shoot her. And before the two men could shoot, they were already shot and stabbed by their Uncle and Abel.
The sisters were relieved to see them but questioning what was going on. And that’s when the Uncle had finally told the truth which leaves them and even his son in SHOCKED.
The Uncle had explained that they have borrowed money from the Son of La Araña. Helping him to secretly give out drugs and in return is the money.
BUT when he saw how close they were getting caught and being afraid of putting their family in danger. He and the Aunt decided to spill out the intel to the Mexican Special Forces to STOP him. And begging them to spare them and their family for they were trying to get money.
After telling the truth, Victoria had fumed up with anger and started lashing at her Uncle. While Abel tried to calm his cousin down.
Even Rosa was upset since they have LOST their parents. And because of her kind heart, she forgave them. But not Victoria.
She started to plan to leave Las Almas with her sisters but to her surprise…Rosa and their other two younger sisters don't want to.
How could they not? Las Almas is their home. It’ll give them great pain to leave.
So Victoria just left without giving a proper goodbyes which leaves Rosa with an aching heart. But she stood her ground and chin up as she helped her Uncle to build a bar.
An idea that he has the whole time ever since he assisted La Araña.
Building up a bar and named it “Pequeña Rosa”. Wanting to name it after Camila’s nickname. Knowing her love for roses and her parents always calls her that as well.
Her Aunt and Uncle started to run this place while taking care of their family, along with Rosa and her sisters.
And that’s when she met Alejandro and Rudy with their Los Vaqueros coming in to have some drinks. She heard them talking about the cartel and even that new person called “El Si Nombre”.
She knew that was the person who had killed her parents. So she started to walk over to their table and make them a deal. She had offered them that she would assist them. By giving them intel from anyone who she sees or hears.
Which they’re having a hard time believing that an ordinary female citizen would give them the INTEL.
And she showed them though. For she had found a group of the cartel members just sitting in for some drinks in her new bar.
And overheard their conversation about the deal for one of the drug traffickers. She also told Alejandro and Rudy that they will be back here. So she planned on luring the men into a VIP room where they will wait to take action.
Which they succeeded.
Alejandro was very pleased with Rosa’s help. So in return, he’ll provide them protection for her family and will clear out her Uncle and Aunt’s record of them ever working for the Son of Las Araña.
And that’s when her Uncle decided for her to take over the bar. And let her continue on helping Alejandro and the others while working in the bar. And he knows very well that her parents are so proud. 
The Colonel also introduced her to Aly and her brother, named Karlos. Whenever Rosa has the intel, she would straight up call Aly or her brother.
And from that day, Alejandro had called her the name that only he, Rudy, Aly and the other Los Vaqueros knew her by.
“The Secret Messenger”
Tagging these peeps for I promised them that I'll tag them when I'm done creating THIS pretty lady!
@welldonekhushi @deeptrashwitch @justasmolbard
And also, I want to say thank you to @alypink for helping me to understand about the Mexican Culture and creating this woman! I really appreciate it a LOT! Thank you, pele! Thank you so MUCH!
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femmedaraya · 1 month
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I wanted to start a series explaining some of the different work I did on my Talald cosplay, how it won Journeyman at ACen, and how you can use some of these techniques for your own competitive work! In this post we're breaking down how I built my boot covers. This is less of a tutorial and more of a build log with tips.
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I found these ankle boots at a thrift store. They had a couple decorative straps which were easy to cut off with a craft knife. The heel's a comfortable height and an unobtrusive color, two things that provide great versatility for a wide range of boot covers in the future!
Try to keep in mind the shape of the toe when shopping for cosplay shoes. A round or pointy toe would look out of place with the curly tips l'd be adding to the top, so I made sure to pick a shoe with an almond toe.
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Taping the boot! There are plenty of guides on how to do this; I got a friend's help which made it a lot easier. Personally I like doing my plastic wrap and tape a couple inches higher than I want the boot cover to go, just in case.
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Fabric! Not much to this one. I made a separate pattern for the scallops at the top so they were all the exact same size and shape. These covers were made of the same neoprene as the dress, which is a pretty stretchy fabric, so that extra bit of wiggle room made it easier to translate my taped-up boot into a flat pattern.
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I'm a stickler for making sure my seams lie flat. You can't iron neoprene, but since it's a double layered fabric, you can hand sew through just one layer on the inside. If you're doing something like this for a contest, MAKE SURE TO SHOW THE JUDGES! They're going to appreciate all the tiny things you do to make everything "just so."
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Using a durable fabric for the bottom of your boot covers adds a lot to their longevity. This is the same cotton canvas I use to structure my corsets. I added these hot glue squiggles to give them some grip for my goofy little antics—might try using silicone caulk next time? By the way, that’s not a raw edge at the bottom of the canvas but a selvedge. Using the selvedge there makes my job just a little easier since I don’t have to hem that section.
Thanks for reading to the end! Next time I'll be talking about snaps and closures.
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allwormdiet · 8 days
Arc 5: Hive, Concluding Thoughts
Boy this arc had a little bit of everything, huh?
Okay, lemme go back through my posts for this arc, that interruption in the middle of the blogging put a fucking hole in my recollection
Somer's Rock was a neat sequence, as much as I hated having to put up with the fucking Nazis seeing the disparate factions of the city come together in service to the city's stability, and then of course it's immediately undercut by the fact that the bulk of those factions are immediately planning to use this alliance to seize greater power for themselves. Way to show that the system works and then immediately show that the system is ripe for exploitation and abuse.
I think at this point I've settled on the idea that the Merchants are, at this point, bit players who haven't warranted much attention until this alliance business. Maybe they'll matter more down the road, maybe they won't, but they're little fish in a medium pond and the Undersiders have sharper teeth than they do at this point, which is saying something. Still stupid as fuck that the leadership are all getting high on their own supply, but I guess when you're the cape you get to call the shots.
Once that's settled, we come back around to Taylor's civilian life, and god. Fucking. Damn Emma Barnes. What is up with this girl where she feels as diabolical as the fucking villains? Her dad can't be the only thing, obviously it's not great that he's threatening a criminal trial in order to keep his daughter from consequences but if he was a catalyst for her change it would've been well before high school. I guess Sophia is the only variable that we know about, but Sophia doesn't seem to give that much of a shit compared to Emma, so what gives?
The entire meeting with the school is fucking agonizing. The system is failing Taylor Hebert at every step, if anyone with authority did anything to back her up she could've been so much happier, but of course that didn't happen. Like, no fucking wonder she found her solace outside the system; there's no place for her inside of it.
Maintaining that Mr. Gladly ought to die screaming, hope that manifests
I like most of the team-up that we get to see, obviously Kaiser and the fucking Nazi twins are lousy to deal with but at least two of them got their fucking asses whooped by Lung, so silver lining
I like Newter, little nervous about the drugging people thing but as long as we're keeping things consensual (outside of fights, I mean) then no complaints. Kicked fucking ass during the fight, too, that was rad. Labyrinth is hard to judge given that she wasn't super present, but her power's neat and I'm glad they got her out of the asylum. Sundancer has a fucking sickass power and I'm sad that she's having a bad time with her team, be nice if she could just ditch them or something if they're such a bad time. Coil's mercs are fucking hardcore, where did he even find a guy who could still perform marksmanship with a busted leg?
The raid on the warehouse was cool, another great display of Skitter's power and versatility
Oni Lee is a terrifying son of a bitch, that fight was tense right up until Skitter figured out how to crack his power and coordinate the others to take him down. She's a natural leader when she's given the opportunity, it's a shame she's been so isolated for so long.
For all that Taylor has gripes about the extra effort to save Newter being a waste of time, she didn't know about his disease immunity and she probably wouldn't have felt good about herself if she'd skimped out on the extra sanitation.
Also, interesting to see that Taylor has a reason, however small, for being so weird about drugs and drug users. I just thought that was her being judgmental, and... okay it's still partly her being judgmental, but there's more going on.
And then there's Lung. Holy fucking shit, Lung, you only had fifty guys under your command before Bakuda went on her recruitment drive and you only bothered to take the Docks? Dude you could be putting up numbers across the entire city if you wanted to, so what's going on that you don't want to? Is it contentment? Can you be content when you've apparently conquered multiple other gangs?
Setting that all aside, this motherfucker puts on a hell of a show when he's fighting. Lung gets the absolute shit kicked out of him, gets impaled repeatedly, gets cooked to shit by the power of the Sun in the palm of your hand, and it takes Newter's hallucinogen to actually topple him. He straight up has them all dead to rights before Taylor snatches victory from the jaws of defeat, that was going to end so fucking poorly otherwise.
The eye thing is. Okay so I still don't know if that's Taylor's inclination, Lung's luck, or both. I don't know if Lung is gonna get to stick around for long after a defeat this thorough but maybe they'll keep gouging them out when he's in the Birdcage, I dunno. Meanwhile I suspect that Taylor is only going to move onward and upward when it comes to inflicting bodily harm on people, but if eyes continue to feature... I dunno, it'll be telling at least.
And then more hangtime with Rachel! Learning more about her, how she thinks and operates. God willing between the fight and these revelations Taylor figures out how to smooth out their interactions and actually be, like, friends. The thing with the jacket was cute.
And then with the interlude there's two big highlights. First and foremost is obviously Gregor the Snail, which. I like his vibe. I like his vibe a lot. He seems like a very cool dude to hang out with, and I feel bad that he has to put up with so much shit as a "monster cape." Fucking shit luck on that one, hope his life gets easier at some point.
Second is what I'm guessing is Cauldron. Not only bottling up powers but selling them, or else distributing them to their own ends, and using human experimentation to refine the process without much care for what happens to the victims. Not comforted at all by the fact that they apparently can just give people retrograde amnesia, that's a fucking alarming power for a parahuman to have and I shudder at the abuses they could get away with as long as that's in their toolkit.
...Man. Buying yourself a superpower. That's fucked, is what it is. All the benefits and you don't have to suffer immense trauma.
Hoh boy, okay, no use speculating on that much longer. Arc 6 next, and once again utterly goddamn flummoxed at what's supposed to come next. Coil maybe? He's been properly introduced and I know he's going to matter more down the road, so maybe this is the point where he starts gaining further prominence? That can't be the entire arc though, there's gotta be more going on than that, but fuck me if I can predict what it is.
Only one thing to do if I want to find out.
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prof-peach · 1 year
Having real fun reading through the backlog of the blog.
I keep wondering if this is the kind of place my trainer would randomly book a tour to. She requires her chair for regular locomotion but has been working on getting a more versatile model. She can be carried by most of her team but would much rather roll herself.
I can't imagine a lot of the island has easy paths for wheelchairs though. That said, she did manage the Hoenn region, though Sinnoh and its unreasonable amount of mountain defeated her. Do you think anyone knowing her physical limitation would try and talk her out of coming?
I can also picture her seeing Peach wrestling a 'mon and pointing it out to her Machoke, going "I told you I wasn't the only one!"
She is also pleased by the don't-send-10'yo's-on-their-own stance. She went through an academy that taught much the same skills (when her parents couldn't talk her out of wanting to do her trainers' journey) and left at 16 with two pokemon, a treeco who picked her, and a Machoke from the school who wanted to make sure such a student was ok.
The Island prides itself on being accessible, theres ramps everywhere, elevators in any buildings allowing public access to higher floors, the hotel is its own buisness but accomodates for this too, rentable mons who can help folks around, and almost everywhere is wheelchair acessible, including any doors being power assisted.
Not only do we at Dotaku deal with A LOT of footfall, we handle a lot of older clientel above and beyond the youngsters, and to top it off, pokemon with disabilities move around the different locations too. The island caters to that, you can even get up to the top of the mountain for the view if you wish, it's been carefully carved out and planned so anyone can visit and have relative ease getting about, though we do advise anyone going up that hill with mobility issues at the vesy least take a pokemon with them to aid should they become tired. We have plenty that are happy to help if visitors dont have a pokemon strong enough too.
You can book a tour with any facility individually if you like, or do a day tour. We have staff leading them regularly, giving visitors informed details about various pokemon and locations. Or, if you prefer to venture alone, its all acessibe and open to the public. There are some buildings of limits but those are clesrly sign posted and overseen by staff and pokemon to make sure no one wanders in and gets hurt, ot ends up in a secure area they shouldnt be.
Dotaku is just one big island park, catering to all. Phone the head office for further details, we have great members of staff always ready to help clear up any questions you may have, and you can even book any specific events ahead of time.
During the summer we have cook outs, independant vendors with hand made trinkets, the kite flying festival which is quite something to watch if not partake in, the migration of the swellow that'll come by, theres lapras sightings this time of year cose to the shores, and at the end of summer the Jumpluff move off the island to go inland for more tame weather, quite a beautiful sight to see so many catching the wind to go home, usually I'll fly with them to the mainland so its a good time to see a handful of dragon types on guard duty. Theres a fair where you can buy local produce, partake in friendly battles to earn some neat reward items, three contests, one for beginners, one is a costume one anyone can enter, and the other is more professional for those who want a challenge, each judged by telented guests who come in from all over. If you need a break our daycare can offer your pokemon respite, theres a groomers on site so a new hairdo might be on the cards too, or just a massage to ease tension. Water based sport is avaiable, with small canoes, boats and gear available to rent if that appeals. Theres the odd talk on pokemon care from our experts, and opportunities to ask questions and dig deeper into some of the pokemon the island handles. Dont forget the dock side fair, if you just want to eat junk food and play some arcade games with your pokemon, more than reasonable to take time for that, grab lunch at the cafe, or just chill out and watch the waves while listening to the Dewgong laid out on the rocks.
On wednesday you can challenge the professors, staff and rangers, we try to give an evening to guests who want to battle us for the fun of it, but none of us use our core teams for saftey reasons, and will pick pokemon based on whoever is close at hand and willing, could be anything. If you win you can get a ribbon bangle, which some enjoy collecting much like badges, though they hold no weight in the league.
Other staff are more than free to fight with their true teams, so predicting their strategy may be easier, but I never will, and will refuse a proper battle with my core group should someone request it, I say this now to save any dissapointment.
I'm sure you'd see me from time to time, but summer is the busy month, plenty to do, so don't mind me if im run off my feet, I do try to show face whenever possible but work comes first. Best bet is to keep your eyes on the skies, youll see the flash of orange and yellow of my dear charizard Boa ferrying me around, and probably get a sense of where I may end up in the day. If you spot Val wandering around, I suggest NOT trying to pet her, many have made this mistake, many have been bitten. Every localised sign has stickers on them reminding people of specific pokemon not to approach or pet. She's on every sign.
Any visitor is given a saftey breifing, and all areas have signs for people to see the rules, as some locations dont allow flash photography, loud noises, or touching of the pokemon.
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inventors-fair · 1 month
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I Have No Idea What Other Copy Puns There Are It Is 12:49 AM Please Give Me a Break
Congratulations to our runners-up this week: @khyrberos, @xenobladexfan, and @nine-effing-hells!
@khyrberos — Warren Broodmaster
When I first read the flavor text I covered my face and laughed. I love the flavor, as well as the abilities making it a really explosive card. My main critique is the the second ability needs to be designated as landfall like in Iridescent Vinelasher, making it too complex for standard with three different non-evergreen keywords. I also am slightly wary of the fact that it could swing games, but the 7 mana entrance gives me just enough doubt to not hold it against the design.
@xenobladexfan — Littjaran Ripples
Sometimes you just have to give it to a big dumb blue card that promises to get scarier the longer it's on the field. I really like the finagling with the text to make it work well in a way the player will understand, even if it's a tad clunky.
@nine-effing-hells — Entreat the Masses
Hell yeah, another entreat card for the supercycle. This is effectively a more versatile Clone Legion, but that double X means that you're going to be having a rougher time copying your opponent's board if you didn't draw it this turn, which I think accounts for a rarity drop. The only reason that this isn't a winner is because I'm pretty sure you make your entries in MSE and you didn't use the cool miracle frame. Yeah, it's superficial, but sometimes you need to make tough, inane choices as a judge.
General commentary will be worked on at least a little tomorrow. If you're impatient (and by impatient I mean don't want to be beholden to my terrible terrible ADHD like I am) feel free to reach out in the #fair-talk channel in the discord server and I'll let you know my thoughts there.
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