#gk headcanon
pinkpabli · 8 months
I identify Ogata as transmale in a "i completely rejected my mother's display of femininity and the men in my life taught me that as a man you can get away with everything and do as you please in this patriarchal and misogynistic society" kind of way
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hyper-girlcrush · 4 months
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a visit home.
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 1 year
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dantelionwishes · 1 year
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talk about gap moe......
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madeleine-line · 10 months
Thinking about Ogata, hopelessly in love…
He’s so used to feeling nothing at all, it hits him hard and he has no idea how to handle it, how to explain it or understand it- but even though he doesn’t get it he knows it’s your fault.
He’ll be a bit more defensive around you, a bit snippier than he is with the others but he’s always hovering, walking so close behind you he might step on your heel. He watches you sleep, memorized by every detail on your face.
Grabbing your arms and holding you closer to his chest when walking through crowds.
“I don’t trust you not to get lost, stick with me.”
Whenever he hits a particularly good shot, he’ll pull you aside, wanting you to take a look at it. Showing off in his own, awkward and weird way.
Don’t you dare bring it up though, he’ll act like you’re the crazy one for even suspecting there is something more.
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trickstermelon · 11 months
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Body type headcanonsss
Tanigaki are you free tonight
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dcextremefan · 6 months
The Writer - Gotham Knights Jason Todd x reader - Part 2
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Warning: same as the part 1, by the way, read the last chapter and also use of remedies (do not repeat the same actions as the protagonist, go to see a specialist/doctor when you start to feel bad phisically or emotionally)
After the Red Hood saved you and you posted about it on your blog, you got tons of likes from thousand of people who lives in Gotham. You were laying in your bed moving your legs excitedly and then you received an email. An anonymous email.
Your smile faded and then you send a copy of an archive to this email and closed it, you started to feel your heartbeat go faster and a little bit of dizziness.
"God... for how long will I still do it?" you asked to yourself "what would father do?"
You get up of your bed and goes to the bathroom and looked at your reflection at the mirror, you opened the high balcony and you took a pill. A tear fell of your eye, but you quickly wiped it off with your hand. You grab your notebook and placed on your desk and you finally sleep.
Something you did not notice it's a vigilante who is watching you from afar. Red Hood watches you fall asleep and he enters through you apartment's window and starts inspecting everything.
"Belfry, I've entered into (Y/N)'s apartment" Red Hood informed quietly to not wake you up
"okay... that's kinda weird, I hope we'll never do it again. I don't want us to get reputation as a stalker" Tim has said
"Tim, don't worry. We are just investigating. And Jason, try to find at least some clues about (Y/N)'s life" Barbara demanded
"don't you think that's invasion of privacy?" Dick asked
"what Jason has said to us earlier got my attention. Why would some random thugs assault a normal civilian writter?" Barbara answered
"not just any writter. A very famous writter, maybe they were just after her money, after all she sells books" Tim suggested
"anyway, what did you find, Jason?" Dick asked
"nothing special, she loves drinking a lot of tea and... hmm" Jason stopped "she uses remedies to control anxiety"
"have you checked in her computer?" Barbara asked
Jason went to see in your computer, but it needs password, he buffed
"belfry, her computer needs password" Jason informed
"the one who can discover passwords so easily is Babs" Dick informed
"unfortunately I cannot discover the password right now, but I had an idea. Tim, you with me?" Barbara asked
"you know it" Tim answered
Jason started to search more about you in your apartment and he finds a portrait of you inside of your locker, it's you in a graduation uniform with a woman who is older than you.
"I found a portrait of (Y/n) with a woman who might be her mother. Not only that, she is wearing the graduation uniform and it says 'Chemistry College'" Jason has informed
"wait what? No no no, she always put on her bio that she is graduated at Literature, how can she lie about something like that?" Tim asked surprised
"we'll find out" Jason said
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tsurumiau · 6 months
a silly little post about what racer they'd choose if they played mario kart 8 deluxe (+ some headcanons)
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he'd 100% choose baby luigi . he thinks luigi is MUCH cooler than mario and he chose him as a baby because he thinks he'll go faster if tiny. he also always chooses the jet bike as the vehicle (what can i say it just looks like it goes very fast)
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HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY CHOOSE ROY . i mean look at his sunglasses he's clearly the coolest. shiraishi always gets the WORST items and when he finally gets a mushroom he ends up crashing against a wall or falling off the map
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king boo . she LOVES choosing king boo and screaming BOOOOOO SUGIMOTO IM GONNA EAT YOU when she's behind him (she really does it with everyone but sugimoto is the one who gets scared the most because he genuinely thinks king boo can eat other racers). she just loves feeling like a menace and hitting other racers all the time
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WHAT CAN I SAY they have the same black void eyes and i think ogata relates to him in a very deep way. ogata SUCKS at drifting but he throws bananas, bombs and green shells like a pro (doesn't matter if the other racer is behind or ahead of him)
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tanooki mario because inkarmat told him tanooki mario reminds her of him. he always ends up being the last one because he absolutely SUCKS at mario kart
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100000% CAT PEACH . she's matching with tanigaki. she always drives extremely well and therefore ends up being one of the last ones with tanigaki (but theyre in the bottom 3 together)
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BABY PEACH . he thinks peach is an absolute GIRLBOSS and like sugimoto he thinks she'll go faster as a baby. he can NEVER win against ogata because ogata somehow always has shells or bananas or bombs and throws most of them at koito no matter if he's behind or ahead of ogata
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toad . he didn't really know who to choose but koito INSISTED toad reminded him of toad and he thought choosing toad would be better than choosing the random option. he does NOT know what he's doing and tries to avoid the item boxes because he thinks they're obstacles for some reason. he sometimes ends up going THE OPPOSITE way but still manages to be in 11th place (just because tanigaki is worse)
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this man has his own mii (i made a mii just for him btw) . hes the kinda guy that has studied every object in the game and know how they all work and how to use them to win ... not a menace because hes a violent racer but because he just knows how to play
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HE'S DEFINITELY DAISY . my man ushiyama chooses the prettiest girl and THAT'S DAISY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think he's a pretty average mario kart player but sometimes he stops the vehicle because he accidentally pushes the backwards button (his fingers are too big, he thinks someone threw him a mysterious item that somehow stops the vehicle and he doesn't even notice he's the one doing it)
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he thinks THE GAME gave him the character and he can't change it (he seriously believes he's stuck with mario but no one tells him because they all think he chose mario himself). despite that he's surprisingly good, not because he's a good racer but because he always gets triple red shells and annoys everyone with them
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his brother played wario (he will bite ANYONE who tries to pick wario) . he screams WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH in every jump or gliding part. he goes feral when he gets a superstar and starts hitting all the people he can
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YOSHI !!!!!!!!!!! ironically he SUCKS at throwing bombs and ends up hitting himself with them (he HATES when they're playing battle mode and it's Bob-omb Blast time). he's VERY bad at first but gets better after playing a few times if you ignore him hitting himself with his own items
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DRY BONES . hes a silly guy and picks the silliest guy !!!! a pretty average player methinks ... definitely laughs at every single person that gets hit with a shell but gets mad when hes the one that gets hit
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espikola · 2 years
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niphredil-14 · 2 years
Homemade Pizza
(Jason Todd X Reader) This is a super self indulgent drabble because I have ARFID and love pizza but can’t eat it due to the sensory issues i have regarding slivers of tomato skin in the sauce.
Food related insecurities were always a struggle in the beginning of a relationship. The number of times they’d heard something along the lines of  ‘Wow! I pity any guy that wants to take you out on a date!’ while growing up, and the number of times it had rung true had really increased their anxiety and self-consciousness regarding the topic. It was a big part of their fear in the moment, commuting to Jason’s apartment while the sun had just begun to set. They knew he loved to cook, and though he had been very understanding when they had explained their eating disorder to him, they worried of when he would get tired of being compassionate, of when he would get tired of their differences, of when he would get tired of the burden of them. The fact that their eating routine was thrown off by the date hadn’t made them any less anxious either, and though they knew that it would’ve been alright for them to turn down the date, they didn’t want to. Jason was a busy man, and they didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to spend time with him. So lost in their thoughts, time passed quickly, and the subway doors opened. His apartment was only a block or so from the subway, so it took little time to arrive at his doorstep. He answered their knocks almost immediately, swinging the door open and greeting them with a short kiss on the cheek, waving them in. The fear in their veins shot up when the smell of food wafted into their nostrils. Pizza, a food that they liked, but was never worth the suffering to eat. 
“Before you freak out.” He said. “I remembered what you told me about your ED, and how you really liked pepperoni pizza but couldn’t eat it because of the tomato skin, so I made the sauce myself and skinned all the tomatoes first, so that I could make sure there weren’t any skins in the sauce.” They turned to him stunned. Most people were somewhat sympathetic to their struggles, but that was the first time that anybody had actually gone out of their way for them. “But please don’t feel pressured to eat any of it! If we don’t then my family will be more than happy to reheat it later.” They turned their gaze away from him, and instead landed it on the table he had set. It was meant to mimic a vintage Italian restaurant. A red and white checkered tablecloth laid upon the semi-small circular rustic table he had moved to stand in front of his main window, with a candle lit in the center and a plate laid out on either end with napkins and wine glasses and the whole ensemble. The lights throughout his apartment had been dimmed, and soft Italian jazz was playing on a record player at the far end of the room. They could only imagine the look they had on their face, because of the concern written all across his when he called out to them softly. “Baby? Are you okay?” He questioned. “If this is too much, then I’ll put it all away and we can just watch some TV and cuddle instead.” That brought their attention back to him as a soft smile graced their face and they threw themselves into his arms. 
“No, please don’t put this all away. I love it, I was just surprised.” Leaning up and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, they hurried over to the table and took a seat. He followed suit, and the two sat and sipped on their wine as they talked. The peace as temporarily interrupted when the oven timer went off and Jason got up to get the pizza. In the short time that he was gone, the anxiety had started to creep back up on them They trusted him, and his cooking skills, but that didn’t erase the fear that their eating difficulties would act up and, in their mind, ruin the date. Some of the anxiety subsided when he walked in with the pizza; it looked absolutely delicious, their only worry then was that looks could be deceiving. The rest of their fear melted away with the first bite. A surprised yet pleased muffled moan leaving their lips as their eyes fell shut, utterly enjoying the slice. 
“‘s that good?” Jason teased. Covering their mouth with their hand as they chewed, they responded with,
“I’d fuckin’ die for you, Jason, this is amazing!” 
“Not if I die for you, first.” He chuckled, partially glad that they didn’t get the joke yet. The dinner went by without much talking after that, save for a few short sentences. Neither of them minded much, though, the background music was calming and beautiful, the view just as much so. When they had finished eating, Jason refused to accept any help cleaning up, insisting that they were his guest, and that Alfred had taught him better than that. There was much more conversation during the clean-up than there was during dinner, though the mood hardly changed. Still serene and romantic like it was at the beginning of dinner, and it stayed like that even when they moved to the couch, cuddling with the TV on quietly in the background. 
“Jay?” The spoke, quietly so as to not shatter the atmosphere. 
“Yeah, Doll?” 
“Thank you for tonight, I’m not sure I could explain just how much it meant to me.” Their jaw felt funny moving as it rested on his shoulder, but not unpleasant.
“It wasn’t a big deal, I’m glad you liked it.” They scoffed lightly and lifted their head up, looking into his eyes so that he could see their emotions, and everything they felt that went beyond words. 
“Maybe it wasn’t a big deal to you, but it was the world to me. All my life, it’s seemed like however bothersome my eating disorder was to me, it was more of a burden to the people around me. It’s always felt like I’ve been a burden because of it. I can’t tell you how many friendships and relationships it’s ruined. Even when people were nice about it, it was just them doing their best to ignore it.” They spoke, wrapping their arms around his thick neck, lightly playing with the short stubbled buzz at the nape of his neck. “But you not only acknowledged it, you went out of your way to do something kind for me, in a way that I could enjoy.” A smile made its way onto their face as their eyes shone with unspilled tears. “I really like you, but even if we don’t work out in the long-term, which to be honest, I really hope we do, this will always be a gesture and a night that I’ll hold close to my heart. So don’t pretend like you didn’t do anything important, please. Because you did, more than I think you’ll ever really know.” His hands moved to rest on their waist, as he spoke. 
“You’re not a burden, Sweetheart, not to me.” He said, firmly, despite how quiet his words were. Their smile widened as they shifted forward, slanting their lips against his. Their arms tightening around him as his tightened around them.
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thesandsofelsweyr · 1 month
So I'm wondering. As far as I know GK!Jason is going to therapy and he has started his healing process about all the death and resurrection, and Bruce, and the batfam, etc etc
In case AK!Jay decided to go to therapy, what would be the things in common between him and the GK!Jason?
I've yet to play Gotham Knights so unfortunately I don't know much about Jay's story in that game.
In my 'verse, while he's recovering overseas after the events of the game, he begrudgingly starts therapy, and one of his therapist's suggestions is to pick up some new hobbies. I think I saw on Tumblr that GK Jay knits scarves for shelters? I'm totally stealing this for my AK Jay because the image of Mister Broody Brickhouse hunched over his knitting is beyond adorable.
Unlike GK Jay though, AK Jay doesn't reunite with the Batfam. Yeah, he tolerates Dick popping up outta nowhere with burgers for him while he's on patrol, or Barb's weekly check-in texts that sometimes include dinner invites to her and the replacement's place... that's as far as he'll let his former family back into his life. There are some wounds that will never heal... there are some walls that are never coming down again 😞
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ryokaidesu · 8 months
★ 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 /𝟐 ★
★ 勇作, 宇佐美, 尾形, 鯉登, 月島 ★
★ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: /// ★
★ 勇作 = 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚, 宇佐美 = 𝐔𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐞, 尾形 = 𝐎𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐇𝐲𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞, 鯉登 = 𝐊𝐨𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧, 月島 = 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞 ★
★ 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐲 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐭. ★
★ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟖𝟓𝟔 ★
“𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠!?” 勇作, always fond of His mum’s cooking, knew that it does not matter how good the times may be, there can always be a moment of poverty or needs. War verified this and He was glad, glad that He never wasted no rice or drop of water. Young and still having a long way to learn, 勇作 cannot cook much. With each passing day, He is happy to learn more. Able to cook for Himself or two people at most, there will always be secrets He has not seen through. He admires anyone, who can prepare a fine cuisine or tea – because 勇作 favourite cultural thing is tasting tea. Possibly thanks to His grandparents. His early memory of studying contains getting home, spending His moments at His desk and gazing outside to the grayish sky above. It was His mum who came to call Him to a family dinner. And even if His father was away at the time, the manners that day went to the back. The rice, almost melting on His tongue, first sip of sake behind His father’s back! And His mum, smiling.
“𝐎𝐡, 𝐈– 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭! 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫!” 宇佐美 is the one to be more treated to a dish than treat to a dish someone else. Some may do such because They are scared of His nature or want to be sure not to get strangled in sleep, others, because They like His weird attitude. 宇佐美, however, out of this all just like the fact He gets a free dish. Unbeknownst to many, 宇佐美 might or might not handle the skill of a cook. Everyone can survive on Their own, but who knows? Perhaps, 宇佐美 comes and goes to get food the different way. And 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐮, full of sureness, is not afraid to say that many of You would take Him home. His likeness of food goes towards horse meat, which is quite unusual, and Tsukisamu anpan. Care to combine it?
“𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠...” 尾形, unimpressed, not in particular mood to care nor starving, just comes here and there to say thanks and eat in peace somewhere in the corner. If someone was to mention the food that made His mind go swirl in spirals, He would either kill or snap. The Anglerfish hotpot. The food, tightly tied to 尾形’s life. 尾形’s skills contain cooking to some extent, but one should not really expect Him to treat anyone to a dish. Unless He wants to poison someone or He changes His views and open–mindedness towards people overall. And whatever, whatever – 尾形 likes hunting or getting the ingredients for cooking better than the process. Even when His mother used to cook the same Anglerfish hotpot everyday and everynight, even when 尾形 tried to bring her other animals to use instead, He could never forget. So sick of it, yet loving it much. The only memory of His childhood so vivid, so alive! As if that only moment in His life was the only sane part of Him, that still makes Him human. He might be afraid of tasting it, He might not want to go back.
“月島 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞… 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭!” 鯉登 with His overachieving and prince–like nature had hard times understanding the real endeavor of life. One can get fame or status, one can learn to survive with a gun or a weapon of any kind. But to adapt, 鯉登 had to go through hardship of His family. Blame Him not, for what His father set as another generation standart. The expectations of His rear were more unnatural than what His mother could give Him. And so, 鯉登, left to ameliorate Himself to another step, was left to be taught by 月島. His food skills and mental state especially were to change. And who could tell that the boyish 鯉登 would be one of the few people to actually confess He’s ‘useless’ when it comes to food? Not anymore. Not after gathering strength. And with exploring comes the hold of treasure. To 鯉登, Tsukisamu anpan wass another spark to learn more and more. Soon, we might see Him prepare it in a luxurious state one would never imagine. The taste, the chocolate, the shift of 鯉登.
“𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞.” 月島, the man that was there to get through, take care and finish things when it came to life. That came to taking care of food in the time of need as well. And despite 𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐮 not having the chance to taste anything, there is still the nod to that excellency of work from His side too. Hands that work like a machine, 月島 could go against nowadays Michelin star holders. With His skills and gourmets, there is nothing He would not eat nor try to taste – even prepare! With this comes the irritation when someone is wasting food or preparing dishes in the wrong order. And so, with the classic white rice, nothing can go wrong. Especially not in the hold of 月島. But, be aware when making Egoneri, You might not see it the other day.
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paparitoffxiv · 1 year
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Maybe the guy that needs to be in control of everything and everyone MAYBE enjoys having someone else taking care of him HOW WOULD I KNOW??
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Random HC#8
Vasily: As a sniper I decide whether my prey lives or dies. Also Vasily: *Rushes to the hospital because he drank oli paint water. Again.*
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Your stuff got me thinking: how would boutaro fare if he actually got the huge family that he wanted? Because wanting a ton of kids and having a ton of kids are two very different things. I personally think he’d do fine
Hey anon, thanks for your ask! I love the fact that my Boutarou HCs are centered on him being a person outside of the gold hunt and I’m living for it! Honestly this ask made me think of more content than I had originally planned, so thanks anon 🥺💖 I personally love it when people give me the space to churn my brain for Golden Kamuy, so please expect more content (in line with February I guess hehe….) 
Like before, since Boutarou hasn’t come out (👀 /j) in the anime as per this ask, I’ll be putting my thoughts under the cut! (I had too much fun with this ask and there’s a lot under the cut, I’m so sorry). I hope you enjoy, anon! <3 
Boutarou the Pirate as a Parent Headcanons
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Generally, I think he’d be a good dad! I totally resonate with your idea: it is different to want something than already having it in the palm of your hands. But for Boutarou, I think he’d be a relatively good father because of how long he’s yearned for it and how long he’s planned for it. Again, this is something he’s yearned since his entire family died. He’s had lots of time to really…think about it. He’s passionate about the things he desires, but he’s also…a man that’s grounded with reality. What I mean is, part of his big life goal (maybe even his life purpose at this point) is to have a family: I absolutely see him being logical about things and plan this specific dream out. If he’s willing to do a lot of things for it (aka do crime to achieve this goal), then I’m sure that he’s utterly committed to the idea of having the best family in the entire fucking world. 
Based on his personality, he seems to be a devoted type of man to his dreams; if his dream includes a family, then that means he’s devoted to growing and nurturing that. When Sugimoto and company interacts with him, one can see his passion for life and his dreams, but it’s also veiled behind a calmer visage. I feel like he’d lose the calm exterior and be full on passionate with his trusted partner and his family. He’s absolutely the type to get emotional and even shed a few tears when his partner says that their pregnant/are ready to adopt a new child. 
I feel like he’s a sentimental type underneath that cool exterior. The type of person who would name his children by meaningful names. He’d absolutely name the kids after his lost family (with consent to his partner, of course); it’s his way of connecting his past, present, and future. If his children start to exceed the number of his lost family members, he’d probably ask his partner for name suggestions. He’d be fond of naming them after things that remind him of his partner, his partner’s own family, and himself. 
Very protective, attentive, and responsible of his children! I can see him to be a parent that promotes free thinking and exploration. He’d allow his children to explore and find their way in the world (especially on their island paradise) but with adult supervision. I also see him trying to connect with each child — all of his children are precious to him, of course he’d dedicate time out of his busy schedule as ruler for his family. I feel like his kids would playfully fight for their time with their dad! 
Jumping from the previous point, I think that Boutarou’s the type to still want parental responsibility, on top of being the ruler of their island kingdom. Hence, I can see him making certain daily tasks to be important for family bonding: dinnertime and bedtime for the kids. Boutarou would be home by dinnertime, everyday, no questions asked. He’s happy when he sees his family greet him home and welcome him back: he’s content with washing up for dinner and watching his partner and their brood prepare the meal. Until his kids reach teenage years, he will absolutely tell them stories as a bedtime ritual. They’ll be in one family room where he tells tales of his past (though he changes the name of the “hero”), including the gold hunt. Once story time is over, he’ll kiss each of his children’s foreheads and greet them goodnight as they return to their respective rooms. Boutarou will then shower his beloved partner with love and attention (can’t forget about the wife /gender neutral). 
The kids absolutely love him, and they absolutely hate it when he’s mad at them. Boutarou doesn’t seem to be the type to have a short fuse — he strikes me as someone with a lot of patience. It would take a lot for him to get angry. But his anger doesn’t manifest in shouting or hurtful words, his anger is quiet but somber. Imagine knowing that someone’s angry at you, but they’re not showing it; you just feel the vibe is different, and it makes you absolutely shit yourselves. Yeah, that’s Boutarou. I feel like it really comes out when one of his kids was in danger of seriously harming themselves. He’s still calm and collected when he expresses his anger, but knowing you’ve angered (and disappointed) him makes his family (yes, including his partner) immediately guilty. 
One of the things that makes him angriest is lying. He doesn’t tolerate it with anyone of his subjects, his partner, no less from his kids. He also hates it when his children point fingers at each other when it comes to blaming for an accident or mistake (they learn early on not to do it). I think Boutarou’s scary aura when he’s mad goes full-blown when it comes to lying and pointing the blame. Aside from that, he’s a good parent and he tries modeling good and morally upright behavior to his children — his days of being a convict and a “bad man” are long over. Each day spent with his family and island washes away the years of loneliness and bloodshed. Yes, he’s absolutely committed to protecting his dream with his life. 
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madeleine-line · 11 months
Hello, I hope you having a good day! I was wondering if you could write about boys reaction if some bad guy hit their s/o in the face? With Ogata, Tsukishima and Sugimoto. (GK x Reader)
Of course, sorry for the wait
GK reacting to someone hitting their s/o
warnings: gn reader, violence (obviously)
Ogata would absolutely swing back at the guy and then immediately pull his gun on the guy. He would have this person begging for their life and apologizing before he tells them to get lost. Once the guy runs off he’ll check out the bruise on your cheek, laughing as he pokes at it.
Sugimoto would immediately see red and start going at the guy. He wouldn’t be content to just hit the guy back- no no no. He is trying to kill him. And he would’ve done it to if you didn’t pry him off the guy. He’ll gently tend to your wounds, apologizing for not being able to stop it from happening completely
Tsukishima is a simple man, he doesn’t anything to prove. He just… knocks the guy out before plainly asking you if you’re all right before you move on.
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