#gladers x high school
dreaminginpastels · 2 years
Hi Daniella, first of all your blog is one of my favourites and your writing is really lovely 😊
Second, I have an idea for a fanfic, would you like to write a female! x reader for the maze runner with Newt? . In which the reader is a Med Jack and one night during the bonfire Newt enters in the fight circle and gets hurt. And as the reader is the only one who is sober enought to take care of him, she takes him to the Med Jack hunt. But Newt drunk to much and confess his feelings for the reader, without realizing.
Sorry if is too long or specific, I would understand if you don't have time to do it
Anyway your blog is fantastic so keep going ❤❤❤
second chances
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pairing: newt (maze runner) x fem!med-jack!reader
summary: newt injures himself in the fight circle, leading to drunken confessions about his favourite med-jack
warnings: brief mentions of insecurity and allusions to previous attempts at self-harm
reader pronouns: she/her (by request)
word count: 980 words
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*✧ maze runner masterlist | main masterlist | ask | taglist ✧*
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You are well and truly surrounded by idiots. You figured that your explicit medical instructions would have been taken seriously given your status as one of the only med-jacks in the Glade, and the fact that it didn’t take a genius to realise that any physical activity on a broken leg was a dumb idea. Yet here you were, watching one of the most sensible Gladers drunkenly step himself into the fight circle. It seemed that Gally’s special drink had disarmed Newt’s senses, he even winked at you as he wobbled towards his opponent. You rolled your eyes.
You had to admit you were conflicted. On one hand, it was clumsy and stupid for Newt to be risking the leg that you had spent months monitoring as he healed from his…injury. But on the other hand, you knew what misery those months had been for him, and knew that he needed these nights of bliss, bonding with the other Gladers and feeling like the teenage boy he was. Recklessness was a typical theme in the Glade after all.
The two of you had bonded significantly over those months, sharing much more than time as you both adjusted to life in the Glade. A second life for Newt. This developing closeness hadn’t gone unnoticed by the other Gladers. Minho in particular found joy in teasing the both of you daily, constantly whispering to Newt and giggling. You found it adorably annoying, which summed Minho up perfectly.
As if you had summoned him with your thoughts, Minho’s drunken rambling reached your ears across the Fight Circle crowd. “Hey, y/n, don’t miss your loooover boy in the ring! He can’t impress you if you’re not even watchingggg.”
Your scoff drowned out in the sea of oohs and aahs and kissy noises. These boys were unbelievably annoying at times, but you couldn’t help but laugh. They meant well, and if some high school love drama was their cup of tea, then so be it. You liked making people happy. Your state of reverie is so strong that it takes you a moment to realise that the teasing noises have morphed into gasps and groans. You can’t see anything between the distance you’re seated from the Circle and the group of boys now crowded around it. Minho’s voice, moments ago light and breezy from the other side of the Fight Circle, is suddenly sobered and panicked as he breaks through the crowd and runs to you in lightning speed. “y/n, help! It’s Newt!”
Before you could process what was happening, you found yourself kneeling over Newt’s body. As his eyes looked up and met yours with a sheepish grin, you let out a frustrated breath. “Y/n, it’s you! So great to see you, you know I-“
His quip died is his mouth, replaced by a sudden wince that brought you back down to Earth and to the injury you hadn’t yet assessed. “What have you managed to do to yourself this time, dear one?”
He sighed. “Worth a shot. I think I sprained my wrist when I fell.”
You nodded, calming down as you realised that Minho’s drunkenness added to his exaggerated panic. Helping Newt up carefully, you begun to escort him to the med-jack hut, eager to get him away from the teasing jeers and whoops that faded into the distance as the two of you followed the well-trodden path.
As you tenderly bent his wrist backwards and forwards to check his level of pain, you shook your head fondly at each goofy drunk noise he made in response. What a silly loveable idiot.
You paused. He looked up at you with those sweet innocent eyes. “What were you thinking, Newt? Why would you do something so reckless so soon after your…while you’re still recovering?”
His eyebrows furrowed like an eight-year-old being told off. “Because Minho told me that if I want y/n to know how much I care about her then I need to start showing her, and I thought she’d think I was…I don’t know, cool, if I won the fight. She probably thinks I’m pathetic because I’m always limping about and…she helped me so much when I hurt myself and I don’t want her to think I’m weak. I really love her and I want her to know how much she means to me.”
You were surprised he didn’t flinch as your heart shattered. How could this beautiful person ever for a moment think he was weak? Let alone in your eyes. You were about to respond when his eyes widened, “Promise you won’t tell y/n!”
Chuckling at how adorable he was, confessing his feelings about you to you without realising, you grabbed his uninjured hand and caressed it softly. “I promise I won’t tell her, Newt. But I want to tell you a secret in return.”
He leaned forward eagerly, “Yeah?”
You smiled, leaning closely against his ear and whispering, “y/n really likes you too. You should definitely tell her how you feel. I guarantee she feels the same.”
A big toothy grin appeared on his face, and his eyes twinkled. “R-really?”
When you nodded, he muttered resolutely that he would ask y/n out tomorrow.
The next morning, Newt bashfully approached you as you ate your breakfast, pulling up a chair with his uninjured arm. “So…I noticed the makeshift cast on my wrist and I can’t help but ask…. how bad was I last night?”
“You confessed to me that you have feelings for me, and made me promise not to tell myself.” You chuckled, amused by his progressive eye-widening as you answered his question. “You know, I had no idea that Gally’s special drink could make you forget that I’ve been your girlfriend for three months but hey, here we are.”
Head in his hands, Newt slowly looked up at you. “I’m gonna be making this one up to you for months, aren’t I, darling?”
Smiling fondly at your precious boyfriend, you tenderly put a hand on his cheek. “Oh, absolutely”. He softened, matched your loving smile as you pulled him in for a gentle kiss.
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a/n: hello beautiful nela (@nelabelievesindragons), thank you so much for your kind words. you always know just want to say to encourage me! I hope you’ll forgive the delay in writing this for you. this was an absolute pleasure to write - I loved the prompt (you always send lovely ideas) and the twist popping into my head was so satisfying.
it's so lovely knowing this was your first ask before we were friends, I hope that I did it justice. I remember being so excited to get a newt request (I adore him). hopefully this eases the pain of reading the death cure! 🤍
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
HI i love ur writings for minho so much oh my god they keep me thriving. i was wondering if you’d be up for doing like a modern highschool au with minho where he keeps trying to ask the reader out, and she keeps saying no because she thinks it’s joke, until she confronts him and he gets all serious and tells her it’s not a joke and then there’s a little bit (a lot) of spice at the end🤭🤭
Ooo okay okay, my first AU story, this is definitely going to be a bit different.
Again, assuming fem!reader because pronouns used in the request.
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SUMMARY: See above. Fem! Studious! High-school! Reader x Popular! High-school! Minho.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, the American education system which I simply do not understand or what is taught in American classrooms, spicy content, terrible teenage flirting, kinda of insecure reader, guilty pleasure high school drama tropes, I do not condone Minho's constant questioning of the reader- no means no, guys. No Glader slang here, folks- they ain't stuck in the Maze now.
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You are not a popular person.
Not that you mind. You have your small circle of friends and staying out of the typical teenage drama really is a blessing, especially during your Senior year.
It's not like you're disliked, you're just not someone most people pay attention to, and you like it that way.
You get to focus on your studies, your family and your close friends, which is more than enough to keep you happy.
Well, it would be if you weren't kind of a hopeless romantic. No matter how many times you tell yourself you don't want a boyfriend and that you don't need one, you spend a lot of time fantasing about what it would be like to be in a relationship. Like going on dates, having cute inside jokes, meeting your partners parents, and... other things.
In typical horny teenage fashion, you do spend a lot of time thinking about the more intimate parts of your desired relationship. But, alas, you simply do not have anyone interested in you, nor do you have the time.
(You totally do have the time; you're way ahead of your classes and are passing with flying colours- but you tell yourself that.)
Except that's actually not quite right.
"Dude, I am totally fucking up this titration, are you gonna help me or not?" Gally mumbles from behind the desk of the chemistry lab. How Gally and Minho got into AP chemistry is beyond me, and the teacher, and the whole entire class.
Probably to do with them cheating on their mid-terms. But that's irrelevant.
"Minho, dude," he shoves his friend, who has been casually leaning on the desk staring off into space, as per usual.
Well, not into space exactly.
"What? Huh? Oh, right, yeah." He clears his throat. "Acid in the... tube thing and we put that in the base and bang, shit changes colour- it ain't that hard."
"It's an acid-base titration."
"So, we're seeing how much base it takes to neutralise the acid- the acid goes in the beaker!"
"What's the damn difference?"
Gally pauses.
He does not know.
"Whatever, the titrate is already in the shitty tube and now we gotta drip feed it in."
"Sounds like you know what you're doin', then." Gally frowns at the boy.
Maybe it wasn't a smart idea for them to both cheat when the only thing they have in common is being friends with Siggy (aka Frypan, the groups best, and only, cook.)
"Yanno, maybe if you didn't spend half your time staring at your nerd crush, then we might actually get past this with a C."
Minho glares at his friend. His crush on you is very much a teasing point in his friend group.
It started when he was struggling with an equation in Sophmore year. He'd just sprained his ankle after a training session with the Track-and-Sprint team and was particularly stressed about it. So, anything remotely out of his academic field was bound to make his day worse.
It's not like Minho is dumb. He's actually incredibly intelligent. He has a great memory and can understand people with little to no effort- anything scientific really isn't his thing though.
So, when you felt bad for him, watching him anxiously tap his good foot and spin his pen in his hand, you slipped him your answer sheet. He was stunned, especially since you'd never spoken before. But, when you smiled at him, giving him a reassuring nod, he never really got over it.
"Shut up, man."
"You know, actually, that's not a bad idea."
"Yo, (Y/N)!" You perk your head up, flashing a concerned look at Harriet, your lab partner, as Gally shouts you. "Could you help us out? You're like smart, right?"
"Gally! Dude-" Minho whisper-yells at the boy, ducking into himself when you respond.
"Uh, sure," you walk away from your perfect set up to the chaos of the boys'. "What's up?"
You stand with your hands behind your back, looking between them. "Minho," he nudges his friend, "tell the girl what's wrong."
Minho blinks. "Well, uh, I don't know- you're the one who said there's a problem."
Gally scoffs. "The fucking thing won't change colour- ain't it meant to go pink?"
You glance between them, suddenly feeling very small.
You're not popular, which means guys like these have often teased you or do things like this because they think it's funny. It's gotten better over time with age, but you still feel like the scared little freshman that would get teased by older boys.
"Well, did you put the phenolphthalein in the beaker?"
They both blankly look at you. So, you pick up the small, dark bottle. Shaking it at them, you open the bottle, letting the liquid fall from the dripper and into the clear acid, which immediately turns a bright fusia.
You pull your lips into a thin line as they both stare at the beaker, no thoughts behind the eyes.
"Ah." Gally says after a couple of seconds.
"Yeah." You respond.
"Uh, thanks," Minho awkwardly stands up properly from his leaning position over the lab table.
"No problem."
You turn to walk away, but as Gally makes shifty eyes at his friend, Minho finally takes the hint. He's been crushing on you forever, he might aswell do something about it.
"Uh, wait, hold on," you turn to face him as he walks around the desk. "I gotta ask you somethin'."
"I'm sure your titration's fine, just don't pour it too quick or the results will be wrong."
"No, uh, not that." Gally snorts, not at you but at Minho's awkwardness, but it still makes you feel very insecure. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out maybe, sometime?"
"Hang out?"
"Yeah," Gally laughs, covering his mouth and turning away, "Gally, shut up, bro." Minho is quick to snap at him. "Like... a date, maybe?"
You scoff, anger swelling inside of you. This isn't the first times it's happened, but probably the worst because you actually like Minho.
Sure, he hangs out with douchebags like Gally, but you thought he was cool. Say, you may even have a slight crush on him. He's handsome, funny, and, for the most part, kind.
Well, you thought he was at least.
"Real funny, asshole."
You walk away, returning to a very confused Harriet.
Minho stands in stunned silence. He's never been rejected before- nevermind like that.
Gally bursts out laughing.
"What just happened?" Minho asks no one in particular, visible confusion washing over him.
"You just got fuckin' rejected, bro! Ha!"
"No, that was weird." He's never heard of anyone being rejected like that before.
"Well, try again, then, pretty boy- it's nice to see someone knock your ego down a peg." Minho gives a sarcastic grin to Gally before shoving him. "You gonna help me with this damn titration, now, or what?"
"Dude, what was that about?" Harriet whispers as you immediately go back to your third reading.
"Minho just asked me out." You state, matter-of-factly.
"What?" She says a bit too loud, making multiple heads look at her. "What?" She repeats, quieter.
"It was a joke- Gally was laughing the whole time. I hate guys like that."
"Are you sure?" You glare at her. "I'm just sayin', I didn't think Minho was that typa guy, that's all."
"Yeah, neither did I."
You scoff before she smiles at you.
You finish up the lab session, and you're quick to leave, meeting Sonya and Aris at the door as you all share history together.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" You keep walking, ignoring Minho's voice from behind you. "Yo! Hey! Wait!"
"What?" You snap, turning around suddenly to face him, making him jump as Sonya and Aris exchange glances.
"Did I, uh, did I do something? 'Cause back there you-"
"You think you're funny, huh?" Harriet butts in, defending you. "That's a sick joke, yanno; give it up now before you become even more of a dick. C'mon." She grabs your wrist, pulling you away from him, your other friends left even more confused.
Later, in the cafeteria, Minho sits with his friends, silently picking at his food.
"Okay," Newt finally breaks the tension, "what's going on? Why are you sulking?"
"He got rejected by his long-term crush," Gally sneers, earning a glare from Minho.
"Holy shit, (Y/N)?" Teresa leans forward in her seat. "You actually asked her?"
"Yeah, and he got completely rejected."
"What? Why?" Thomas pipes up.
Minho shrugs. "She called me an asshole and walked away. Tried to talk to her after, and Harriet dragged her away."
"What?" At least three people ask.
"Yeah, so, that's three years of my romantic life wasted."
"Nah, man, you gotta ask again," Frypan says between mouthfuls of his homemade pasta, which is worlds better than the cafeteria food.
"Keep askin', you'll either get an explanation or she'll say yes."
"I don't know if I agree with that," Teresa mumbles.
"Yeah, me neither," Newt mutters, and Frypan shushes them.
"Trust me, bro, chicks dig a guy that doesn't give up- ain't that right, Gally?"
"Oh, yeah," Gally agrees, sarcasm dripping in his voice. "That'll work."
And, for some God forsaken reason, Minho actually listens to this.
So, every day, for the next two weeks, Minho asks you out.
You think it's some kind of unruly on-going inside joke, and Harriet is practically frothing at the mouth, ready to rip Minho to shreads the first chance she gets. Minho, at the point, would just like a reason.
Not that he's owed one. But, Teresa and Newt's voices of reason keep getting drowned out by the other dumb boys, so he's still going.
That is until you have literally the worst day ever.
First, your Mom's car broke down, and she normally drops you off at school on her commute to work, so you arrived at your first period late. It also means she can't pick you up, it's not like you can't drive, but you don't have your own car, and now she doesn't have a car either.
And now it's throwing it down.
You then dropped a whole beaker of hydrochloric acid down your leg in chemistry. Which meant you had to borrow Sonya's PE shorts because you can't wear dangerous chemicals all day.
Then you left school- forgot you were tutoring Winston for extra credit, and had to run back to school, soaked, to spend another hour there.
Unbeknownst to you, Minho has extracurricular activities being captain of the Track team- which is taking place inside the hall because of the weather.
So, when you're walking through the parking lot, dressed like a drowned-rat and Minho pulls up beside you, you've just about had enough.
"Piss off, Minho! I won't tell you again!"
He slowly drives alongside you from his beat-up, old range rover, the window rolled down but he still has to shout.
"Okay! Okay! Dude, you're drenched, wearing shorts, okay? I'll give you a lift home-"
"No way- I'll walk."
"You're gonna get sick, man- I'll shut up and just take you home, alright? I'm not letting you walk in this- I'll feel like a dick."
"You don't already feel like a dick?"
He groans, tapping on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable- I didn't mean to. But the weather's shit, and you can't play top-student if you're off 'cause you're ill."
You pause. He makes a good point. You turn to look at him, sighing. He puts the hand break on when you start to walk around the side of his car, dumping your bag at your feet as you open the door.
"What's your-"
"I'll give you directions."
The ride is mainly in silent, with some old-school songs playing on the radio. Minho taps the steering wheel to the beat of "Eye of the Tiger" to try and distract himself from the awkwardness.
Your phone buzzes; it's Harriet calling you.
"Shit," you mumble.
"You good?" Minho asks you.
"Yeah, Harriet's calling me- we're meant to be figuring out our history project tonight but I forget to tell her I was tutoring."
You swipe across, pressing the phone to your ear. "Hey, man."
"Dude, you were meant to call me half an hour ago- we gotta brainstorm."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm just on my way home, now."
"Did your Mom sort her car then? Doesn't sound like you're walking through a storm."
"No, I, uh..." You trail off. "I got offered a lift, I'm fine, I'll be home in like five minutes."
"A lift? Off who? Sonya has work so she couldn't of?" You hesitate. "Dude?"
"Uh, Minho, he caught me in the rain and offered to take me home."
"Yeah, I know-"
"You're fucking with me, right?"
"Look, it's fine, I'll call you when I get home."
"You better." You hang up the phone, taking a deep breath.
"Sounds like she doesn't like me," Minho attempts to say.
"Yeah, I wonder why."
"Do you have a problem with me, or some shit? 'Cause I thought we were cool and then you just started acting like I was a dick."
"Because you are a dick!"
"What?" He looks at you for a second before returning his eyes to the road.
"Doesn't matter; pull over, it's my house on the left."
He does as he's told. There's no car in the drive so your Mom must've managed to get someone to take care of it- which means you've got an empty house.
Thank God because you're going to need to de-stress after the day you've had.
You immediately get out of the car, slamming the door behind you. But Minho is quick to follow you.
"Hey!" He shouts as you march up your front door steps. "Hey!" He grabs you wrist and you turn around, pushing him.
"What's your problem?" You shout. "I don't get why you think this is so fucking funny! Like, sure, have your one dumb joke where you ask out the freak to make your friend laugh! But why keep going! What's the point? You don't have your little audience now, do you? What? You gonna call them after and tell them how much fun you had pissing me off on our little drive? Or is it the fact I got in your car to begin with? Is that the joke, hm?"
Minho stands there, in the rain, his brows furrowing slightly as he takes in what you've said. It's an expression you've never seen on him before, but you don't plan on sticking around to find out what it means.
You turn, fumbling with your keys to unlock your door, managing to push it open.
"Wait, what?" He stops you in the door, and for some reason, you turn around.
"You thought it was a joke?" His voice sounds sincere, almost sad.
"You and Gally were laughing at me-"
"No, Gally was laughing at me," he sighs, dropping his head. "He was laughing at me."
"What? Why would he-?"
"Because I've had a crush on you since I was fifteen. Ever since you gave me those damn notes, a-and I guess I never got over it. I just finally got the courage to say something and Gally thought it was funny- for some reason, I don't know." He takes a deep breath. "But I- shit," he throws his head back, letting the water wash over his face. "I was never joking."
You don't know what to say. It's like your body relaxes, your shoulders dropping as you shuffle forwards.
"I get it, if you don't like me- and I'll leave you alone now. Teresa gave me some lecture on how to treat girls," he lets out a soft chuckle, "Newt sounded like he was gonna rip my head off. But I was never joking, (Y/N)- I really fuckin' like you."
"I don't get it," you mumble. "Why would a guy like you like me?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're... popular. Everyone loves you- you're hot and athletic and you could get anyone you want. I don't get it."
He smirks, his shirt is starting to stick to him thanks to the rain and his hair is starting to flatten. "You think I'm hot?" You glare at him. "Right, yeah, not the point, sorry."
He takes in a deep breath. "How could I not like you? You're pretty, and funny, and passionate- and you try so hard and you help people whenever you can. You're... incredible."
"You barely know me."
He scoffs. "Maybe. But I think I've paid more attention to you than I have any of my classes. I know you're good at science, but you hate physics, even though you're good at it. But I know English is your favourite subject. I know that you became friends with Sonya and Aris because Harriet made you after you sat next to her in history. I know the only class you've ever skipped is PE, but I don't know why 'cause you'd actually be pretty decent on the girls' basketball team. And I know you're tutoring Winston after school because he doesn't shut up about it half the time."
He pauses. "I know about you- but I want to know you."
You're completely stunned. The fact that he's paid so much attention to you, and knows all of this makes your stomach flip and your heart rate speed up.
When you don't respond, Minho sighs, rubbing his forehead with his hand. "Sorry," he mumbles, "this is dumb; I'll leave you alone."
He steps away, turning around when you step forward. "Minho," you grab his wrist, making him turn around to face you fully. "I, uh, I have a crush on you, too."
He blinks. "What?"
"I thought you were cool, and I think I was only so upset that I thought it was a joke... because I actually like you, too?" It comes out as more of a question as you avoid his gaze. But when he doesn't say anything, you look at him.
He's smiling. It's a genuine and earnest expression. "Yeah, you actully-?"
"Just shut up and kiss me," you don't know where the surge of confidence came from. Maybe you can't take this sappy talk anymore, or that Minho looks too good being soaked wet through.
Stepping closer, he brings his hand to your cheek, brushing his thumb across your lips as your faces are inches apart. Finally, he leans in, closer the gap and kissing you.
Your hopeless romantic heart can't take it. Kissing the popular hot guy in the rain after what was basically a love confession? It's like something straight out of a movie.
He breaks the kiss for a second, eyes fluttering down at you before his kisses you again. This time, it's hungrier, pushing you back as you grab his shirt. Pulling him back and into your house, he slams the door behind him as you drop your bag on the floor with a heavy thump.
Almost immediately, he grabs you again, pushing you back into the wall of your hallway. You hum into his mouth, his hands coming to your waist, yanking your body closer to his. You're both damp and in uncomfortable clothes, but neither if you could care less as you drip on the floor.
Feeling more bold, you pull on his bottom lip with your teeth, making him grunt slightly before your tongues brush against one another.
Make out session is quick to become more heated as you graze your fingers over his abs through his shirt, which is sticking to him like glue. He senses your want for more, moving one of his hands to lift his shirt (struggling because wet clothes suck) before firmly pressing your hand to his mid-drift.
He breaks the kiss, his eyes flickering as you gently touch his bare skin, your eyes on his chiselled form. He sucks in a deep breath, his chest rising and falling.
It's almost like a drug. You're barely doing anything but he's never felt like this before. It's not like Minho is inexperienced due to a few hook-ups at parties. But, this is new.
He's literally getting drunk off of your touch. And you can tell.
Having Minho reduced to putty in your hands sends a flush of heat to your core. Dangerously lowering your hand, you brush against the V line poking out of his tightening trousers.
He mumbles your name, a rasp to his voice, almost like he's in some kind of pain as he speaks into your mouth. He dips towards you, but instead of kissing you, his lips come to your neck.
You exhale, the air shaking at it leaves your lungs. He moves lower, your free hand coming to back of his neck and playing with his wet hair.
When he reaches your collarbone, your phone starts buzzing again.
Harriet, again.
He pulls away, raising an eyebrow at you as you pull your phone out of the baggy pocket of the gym shorts. "Sorry," you mumble, "I gotta..."
He nods. "Yeah, go ahead."
You inwardly cringe as you pick up the phone.
"Bro, are you alive?" She says the second the line connects.
"Yeah, I'm alive, Harry- I'm home now."
"Great, well I was thinking we can do out project of the Battle of the Somme, or maybe-"
"Wait, I'm, uh, I'm a bit busy- can I call you back?" You definitely have to have that interesting conversation with her, but hopefully you don't have to do it in front of Minho.
"What? Why? Why do you sound like you've ran a marathon? What's going on with you?"
"Look, I'm fine. I'll call you back."
"Wha-" you hang up, taking a deep breath as you lean back against the wall.
Minho chuckles. "We should, uh, probably take things a bit slower."
"Yeah," you clear your throat, "you're probably right."
"So, about that date- you down?"
You smile, nodding. "Yeah, that sounds great."
"Cool. I should probably get your number, huh?"
"Yeah, that would be smart."
You exchange numbers, making some small and slightly awkward small talk when the door opens.
Your Mom, who looks like she's just had the worst day, freezes. Her eyes flickering between you and Minho.
None of you say anything for a good thirty seconds as your mother takes in the scene of her daughter and this random boy dripping in her hallway, both clearly flustered whilst Minho's shirt is still slightly raised.
And where are your pants?
"Hi, Mrs (L/N)," Minho gives an awkward wave to her.
"I can explain." You say.
"I don't want to know," she brushes past you, going further into the house, leaving you be.
Both you and Minho exchange looks before bursting out laughing.
Maybe Minho wasn't joking, but you have a feeling that this specific moment is definitely going to be in the future.
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This was actually very fun to write, and I actually got to use my actual science qualifications to use for a change. It's nice to change up things now and then.
I hope you guys enjoyed :))
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gladerscake · 6 years
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Gally - The Quarterback
Gladers x High School AU
Part 1
(Concept suggested by the lovely @newtieparker )
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heliads · 4 years
Newt Masterlist
Teasing - Drabble
Not Realizing Newt Was Crushing On You Would Include.. Headcanons
Foxes and Hounds - Based on this request: “Bridgerton AU. Reader, the diamond of the season, is the Duchess of Hastings. She wants to marry someone who likes her and isn’t after her money. Newt needs to marry to save his family’s reputation because his sister Sonya was seen alone with her fiancé Lord Aris before they were engaged.” Bridgerton AU
wckd is good / part two - Based on this request: “modern day AU one-shot where Newt is Venom and the female reader is Spider-Woman.” Marvel AU
What You See - Based on this request: “mordern au!newt whos readers classmate and reader fell for him because of how cute he is and they sit next to each other in class and reader keeps catching newt staring at them and its because he wants to ask them out” Imagine
Overnight - Based on this request: “during bonfire night reader had too many drinks from Gally, accidentally confesses to Newt. Newt gets flustered but reader is too drunk to go back to their own hammock so Newt carries reader and end up sharing a hammock.” Imagine
Survivors - Maze Runner x Hunger Games Crossover
Looking Up - Maze Runner x Top Gun Crossover
What It’s Like - Based on this request: “newt x reader where they’re in an established relationship in the Glade and during a bonfire night the boys ask newt questions about what it’s like to date reader. newt answers with the utmost sweetness. Reader overhears and fluff ensues!” Imagine
there is no other version of this story - Minho may be protected in the Safe Haven, but he’s never felt more alone. Newt is growing to realize that he will never exist in the Glade without something driving him away from peace. It is difficult to miss the one you love when you are separated by time. Based on the quote ‘someone has to leave first. this is a very old story. there is no other version of this story.’ Minewt Oneshot
Monopoly at Midnight - Based on this request: “modern au newt x reader? the gladers are playing monopoly and it turns into an all-nighter because Minho refuses to let anyone stop. during it, reader, being sleep-deprived, confesses her feelings for newt. in the morning reader doesn't remember but newt does and he confronts her?” Modern AU
Waking, Dreaming - Based on this request: “Newt x fem reader. The characters are high school students. Y/N and her parents move because her father got a new job. She joins Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally, Alby, Teresa, and Brenda’s friend group. Thomas and Minho are on the boys’ basketball team. Sonya and Harriet are on the girls’ soccer team. Thomas is the valedictorian.” Modern AU
And We Will Try Again - Thomas thinks that watching Newt die will be the worst day of his life, and it is. It’s still the worst when he wakes up just to have to live through it again, and again, and again. He may not understand the time loop, but Thomas does understand this: having to lose Newt so many times is going to kill him. Newtmas Time Loop AU
Trouble and Consequence -  Based on this request: “newt fic with prompts 3 17 25 (‘You know, for a jumpscare to work you have to actually be scary,’ 'From the bottom of my heart, what the fuck,’ and 'Tell me you love me. I need to hear it just the once.’)” Imagine
The Jacket - Based on this request: “Prompts 29 and 33 (’You can say what you want about how you look, but [character]’s jaw literally dropped when they saw you, so clearly something is working.’ and ‘Is that my jacket?’) with Newt from TMR” Imagine
Who Could Stay - Based on this request: “Robin Hood AU, Newt x fem reader. Ava Paige is King John. Janson is the sheriff of Nottingham. Reader is Robin Hood. Thomas, Minho, Gally, and Chuck are the Merry Men. Newt is Marian. He’s a nobleman who the reader falls in love with.” Robin Hood AU
Dating Newt Would Include... Headcanons
Trials of Love Potions - Based on this request: “maze runner AU with the gang at hogwarts! newt x reader where they're both in hufflepuff. in potions they have to make amortentia and they smell each other” Harry Potter AU
Monstrous - Based on this request: “Newt x reader? Y/n has powers like Scarlet Witch, she’s made by WCKD. She was thrown into the maze. She trusted Newt the most. They never knew about her powers until Newt was going to kill himself but he got saved by y/n?” Imagine
Stuck Together - Based on this request: “Newt and Reader don't get along, deep down they care about each other, however they do think that one hates the other. One day they get stuck alone and share a moment, Newt asks why she hates him and Newt kisses her.″ Imagine
Choices - Based on this request: “Newt x Reader where they meet at wicked and then she escapes with newt (who doesn't have the flare) and they get to the safe haven and then they get together” Imagine
Alive - Based on this request: “reader’s the one that runs to help Minho in the maze at night. When she comes back, Newt is furious, because he was SO worried that he would lose her; he starts scolding her, but in the middle of the argument he sobs on her shoulder because he thought he would never see her again." Imagine
A Matter of Confidence - Based on this request: “Newt (tmr) where he likes reader but doesn't know what to do about it or how to deal with his feelings. Then he sees reader with someone else and he gets super sad. She talks to him and he admits what's happening″ Imagine
Safe and Sound - Based on this request: “reader is the first girl in the Glade. Some of the boys there were disrespectful. Newt is the sweetest of them all and the one she grew most attached to. She's everything to him but he doesn't think his feelings are reciprocated." Imagine
All This Time - Based on this request: “Newt x Reader where they're in the glade and reader comes up and is the first girl and everyone's kinda shocked and all and then Newt slowly falls for her but soon reader catches feelings too” Imagine
Some Use - Based on this request: “Newt: The reader is introduced to Ava, and Ava takes a liking to the reader. She gives the reader “special treatment” but it’s just a plan to get information out of the gladers and to use her. Ava tries to use the reader a a test subject but the boys & teresa get there just in time. Imagine
How to Overcome - Based on this request: “Newt x reader in which she feels guilty over everyone they couldn't save and he comforts her? This is after they get out of the Maze or reach the Safe Haven. Newt is alive.” Imagine
Good For Now, Good Forever - Based on this request: “platonic newt & lesbian reader? just them being snarky smart dumbass friends together” Oneshot
Hope For The Best -  Based on this request: “Newt x Reader (TMR) // The reader gets the flare but so does her brother minho and newt panics” Imagine
Hoaxes and Hearts (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) - Based on this request: “AU one-shot where Maze Runner characters are in Shadow & Bone. The pairing is Newt x female reader. Minho is Alina Starkov. Thomas is Mal Oretsev. Y/N L/N is Kaz Brekker. Teresa is Inej Ghafa. Newt is Jesper Fahey. He is Y/N’s boyfriend and a member of the Crows. Gally is the Darkling. Brenda is Genya Safin.” Multi-Part Grishaverse AU
The New Girl - You’ve been able to rely on Newt being there for you since the day you stepped foot in the Glade. Just when you’re about to gather up your courage and tell him how you really feel, another girl shows up in the Box. Imagine
Men and Tea - Based on this request: “newt fic with her using the “I like my men like I like my tea” and everyone’s staring at her until she says “hot and British” and newt is just like “hey I’m British” and she’s like “yeah i know” and he’s all blushy, flustered and cute?” Imagine
The Sting of Avoidance - Based on this request: “Newt x reader: they’re together and instead of thomas st*bbing himself with the griever needle, she does it instead and he gets worried about her” Imagine
Midnight Reassurances - Based on this request: “newt lives AU where him and reader have always had a thing between them but aren’t sure where they stand. one night he asks her to stay the night with him because he has nightmares of cranking out and they confess to each other?” Imagine
In the Long Run - Based on this request: “An AU where Newt is immune to the Flare. Fem reader ended up in the Glade soon after Alby and Newt. She became a runner/ the third-in-command, and she and Newt started dating.” Imagine
Being Miss Misery - Based on this request: “a fic with newt based off mr perfectly fine by taylor swift” Imagine
Never Trust Your Friends - Y/N might have feelings for Newt, the newly arrived blond runner. Newt might have feelings for Y/N, the second in command who’s been in the Glade longer than anyone except Alby. When Minho and Alby assign them both to work together on a project, they’re sure it won’t end well. Imagine
Rainstorm - Y/N and Newt have been best friends ever since she arrived in the Glade. However, she might find that her feelings over the blond boy have changed, especially after the events of a rainy day. Imagine
Into Thin Air -  Newt doesn’t know what to think after Y/N disappears one night in the Scorch. She’s nowhere to be found, until a few weeks later she shows up with the girls from Group B. The only problem is that she can’t remember who Newt is, and all Newt can remember is how much he loves her. Imagine
Are You Happy With Him? -  Y/N is a Med-Jack in the Glade, who happens to be dating Gally. Newt happens to be completely in love with her, but he may have more of a chance with her than he’d first thought. Imagine
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Can you do a newt au?
Day 11: Character A is pretending to be their friend’s lover for the sake of the friend’s family. Character B is said friend’s sibling.
Pairing: Newt x Reader
A/N: this is going to be a modern college au in which the gladers are the said siblings
❄ ❊ ❄  ❊  ❄  ❊
“Come on, Y/N,” Minho pleads with you.
“Absolutely not!”
“Please” he starts to beg, hands clasped together. “It’sonly going to be my family and the Gladers.”
His group of friends from high school call themselves ‘the Gladers’. You’re not sure why— you vaguely recall him telling you about something to do with a school team.
“Wait- is Newt going to be there?”
“Uh…” That response in itself is enough to make you groan in defeat. “You’ll still come though, right?”
“Minho, he hates me!”
“He does not!”
“Yes he does!”
You feel that it’s fair for you to assume that the guy hates you for no reason seeing as you’ve never done anything to him— or at least that you can think of. It’s frustrating because he seems so happy and cool around literally everyone but you. Whenever you’re around, it’s all one-word replies and averted gazes.
“Please, Y/N, he’s my best friend—” You shoot him a glare with daggers in your eyes. “O-Other than you of course- look, you’re both my best friends, and it would be great if you can get along- for me, please- I’ll owe you big time for this!” The way Minho is looking at you, you can make it through one night to help your best friend out. He really needs this.
“All right, whatever, just text me the details.
"Trust me, Y/N, Newt definitely doesn’t hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you dismiss him, not believing that for a second, but he’s never looked so relieved and you’ve always wanted to meet his family— however you had imagined it under different circumstances.
You just hope you won’t regret your decision.
❄ ❄ ❄
By the time you and Minho arrive to his family home, the party is already in full swing. Food is laid out on tables and counters, the smaller kids are running around, the gladers are taking shots with some of Minho’s uncles, and his parents and aunts are quick to grill the two of you with questions.
In fact, they didn’t even let you inside until you kissed him under the mistletoe that hung over the front porch. You simply pecked him on the cheek, like you have many times before.
You love your best friends family, but how are you supposed to proceed after this? What are you supposed to do for the next family event? And what happens when one of you actually starts dating someone and then you’re reintroduced as his best friend? You and him clearly didn’t think that through. As you watch him goofing off with the gladers you decide that it’ll have to be a problem to deal with later on.
“Minho!” His mother calls out from across the room. “You need to move your car!”
“You are definitely not in any condition to be getting behind the wheel,” you state, watching him hiccup with a glass of Gally’s moonshine in his hand. He chuckles in agreement, and almost stumbles in the process of rummaging for his keys.
“Thanks, Y/N, you’re the best girl-friend ever!” He slurs, laughing at his own pun as you head out, not bothering to put on your coat.
Gritting your teeth at the cold leather seat freezing you through your pants, you move his car so that his aunt can leave, waving goodbye to her as she drives by. You’re very temped to stay in Minho’s car, long enough so it can heat up and you can just bathe in that warmth for a bit before returning inside to play the role of his significant other.
But you don’t. You leave the car and try not to slip on ice as you make your way back in, however a tall figure stands in front of the door and doesn’t move out of your way.
Given the sub-zero temperature and how the said tall figure has been going about his usual routine of ignoring you in social interactions but then glaring at you, it’s fair to say that him standing in your way irritates you.
“Hey Newt,” You don’t bother to hide the annoyance in your voice as you try to non-verbally cue him to move out of the way. But he doesn’t. “Okay, what the hell is your problem?!” You aren’t sure what snapped inside you, but you get along so well with the rest of the gladers that it’s just too frustrating that you’re not being treated like the rest of the group. At this point, you just want to get to the bottom of whatever the issue is. “Why do you hate me- what did I ever do to you?!”
“N-Nothing—” He blinks a few times, taken aback by your sudden outburst.
“Oh really?” A small part of you kinda feels bad because he looks like a deer caught in headlights— completely helpless in an adorable way, his big brown eyes hitting you in a soft spot you didn’t know you had— but that’s not the point here. “Then why is it that you can’t even look at me in the eyes- or-or say more than two words to me? What did I do to make you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you,” he says in a voice so small you have to do a double take to make sure you heard right. “I-I’m sorry if I gave you that impression- wow I-I’m so embarrassed- and surprised Minho hasn’t told you.” Your pissed-off expression quickly turns into a puzzled one as you try to decipher what he’s going on about. “I don’t hate you- it-it’s quite the opposite, actually.”
“Newt, what are you saying?”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, simply giving you a shrug and a sheepish lopsided smile as he nervously scratches the back of his head.
“I suppose I just don’t know how to act around you- I know it sounds like a load of klunk, but—” You don’t wait to hear the last of his sentence before cutting him off by capturing his lips with yours.
You’re not quite sure what came over you— maybe it’s the spirit of Christmas, the mistletoe you had just noticed has been hanging over your heads, or your plummeting body temperature begging you to get warmer, but you’ve managed to take him by surprise yet again tonight— as well as yourself. He doesn’t respond at first, standing frozen and shocked with his eyes wide, and you pull back before he gets a chance to.
You watch him, trying to gauge his reaction as your panted breaths cloud the air in front of you.
“Wh-what was th- why- did you—” he stutters, still completely shocked and frozen.
“Th-the mistletoe—” You gesture upwards to the hanging branch, and his gaze follows.
“Ah, r-right,” He nods nervously, still not knowing how to feel about what just happened.
“D-Did you really mean what you said before- a-about not hating me?”
Seeing that he’s not the only nervous one here, a small smile curves his lips. He slips a hand around the back of your head, his long fingers lacing through your hair, and he leans down to connect his lips to yours once again. His mouth moves slow, but insistently and— holy shit you’d never had imagined that Newt of all people would be the one leaving you breathless under the mistletoe.
He pulls back only a little, his hand still supporting your head and you can still feel his long eyelashes skimming your cheeks. After catching your breath, you allow your eyelids to flutter open and melt into his gaze.
“I’ve sort of been wanting to do that for some time now,” he admits, biting his lip.
“Then why didn’t you tell me sooner!” You slap his arm, and he seems stunned at first, but then a sheepish grin replaces the shocked expression. “You let me think that you hated me for two years when we could have been dating!?”
“I’m sorry, love,” he chuckles as you roll your eyes.
“Well, better late than never I suppose…”
With that, you grab him by the collar and pull him into a bruising kiss before smoothing your skirt and heading back inside.
Entering the party the once again, you and Newt try not to give anything away, and spend the rest of the night stealing glances that would have the rest of the gladers raising their eyebrows if they weren’t too tipsy to notice.
Minho stumbles his way to the upstairs bathroom where he assumes no one else will be, and opens the door to reveal your lips attached to Newt’s jaw, and his hands pulling you tight at your waist while you're sat on the counter.
You and Newt break apart, stumbling and you brush yourselves off— as if that would make this scene any less awkward.
“When I said I wanted my two best friends to get along I didn’t mean like this at my family Christmas party!”
You and Newt share a sheepish glance; he can’t wipe the goofy smile off his face and his hair is sticking up at odd angles, and you don’t even want to know how much of a mess you must be.
Looking back at Minho, you raise your hands, shrugging, “Uh, we can call it even?”
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Glader Royale P6
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I kept hold of his hand for dear life as we ran I don't think he was able to follow us "Sorry I didn't know what else to do I was so scared of him finding us" I began "I'm sorry I made you leave everything there all the food all the weapons" I cried
"Its okay, It's okay, we're both safe what does it matter come on, I have another place I know...it was Minho's place but... since" he began "Come on we will be safe there" He says tugging my hand so we went off through the forest it took almost all day it must have been almost the whole way across the map when we got there the sun was just about rising it was a little I think medic centre we snuck inside checking the place over it had beds and a big bathroom with still running water a bit of food stocked up but not much once we knew the whole place was empty we barred the one door and began sorting things out we found a couple weapons keeping them by the beds for security I got my little notebook crossing out Minho the list getting so much shorter now till newt came and sat across from me
"Newt?" I ask him
"What is it y/n?" He asks me
"Are you just protecting me because you can't win without me?" I ask him
"What no! are you just staying with me because you can't win without me?" he asks "I mean I know gally's a prick and all but you could win with him easy" He began "I mean even Thomas has more chance then-" He began but I moved closer and kissed him to shut him up till I pulled away
"I want to stay with you... I feel safe with you" I smile snuggling close to his chest "what about me? you could win with any other girl any of them would happily win with you" I tell him but he smiles kissing my lips as softly as I kissed him till he pulled back
"I don't want to be with anyone else, I've loved you forever y/n ever since our first-day Alby used to make fun of me for stareing at you in math class" He blushed "If I have to get stuck in a high school murder competition... I'm so happy I got stuck with you" He smiles and I giggled giving him a little kiss until I heard a voice again
"B19 and B6 Harriet and Brenda are now dead" the voice giggles
"And there were five... two girls, just you and Sonya now they're gonna be looking for you" He explains "Knowone can win without one of you," He tells me
"Well I'm spoken for" I smile cuddling him tightly and he smiles cuddling me tightly too nightfall came quickly likely they sped it up more time in the dark means quicker death as not many of us are left now we checked all the windows and the door and had a little of the food from our bags and got tucked up in bed I smiled at him as we laid in our bed and he smiled right back at me "Newt?" I ask
"yeah?" he answers
"Did you want to come lay in bed with me?" I ask him
"I uhhh sure" He blushed even in the dark I could see it as he climbed out his bed and into the side of mine close to me "Your sure you want me-" He began
"I trust you newt" I smile giving his lips a kiss he smiled into the kiss pulling me closer to him I moved almost against him till we pulled away he fixed some hair behind me and smiled
"Y/n... can I be honest with you?" He asks and I nod "When I first saw you running from him I... I did think about protecting you to win" He admits "For a second, I was a little worried you'd kill me honestly" He blushed "And When you took your uh... your shirt off I Uh, and when you said you trusted me I uh... I have to be honest y/n I thought about kissing you" He blushed "And back at my safe spot I- I wanted to kiss you" He smiled
"I know, I figured you did...I was sure if you did I would kiss you back" I giggle
"Dam it... I should have" he laughed
"I was worried when you took me to your place afraid you would try to... force your winning on me" I stutter
"I would never y/n," He told me "I mean I uh I thought about it... with your permission of course" He answered
"Newt?" I warn
"Okay..." he sighed "when you took your shirt off... and said your trusted me... I mean, of course, I got a little, you know what boy wouldn't!" he complains
"Really?" I giggle and he nods a little sheepish "I thought of it to"I giggle making him look at me a little surprised "I mean really newt? I had my shirt half off saying that, you don't recognize a green light when you see it do you?" I giggle
"Really?" He asks a little shocked and I nod cuddling him tighter we sat quietly for a little while till newt spoke up again "Y/n... honestly" He began giving my head a kiss "If we were not on a huge bloodsport competition with camera's everywhere watching our every move" He explained "When we where out there together" he smiled "I would have happily fucked you" He laughs making me giggle too moving to kiss him soft lips
"what are you waiting for then?" I whisper
"You- You mean you'll let me?" he asks and I nod he quickly kissed me and I kissed him back a little excited as his hand crept from my back to grab my arse he muttered a soft moan into my mouth as he did his other hand sliding up my body to grab one of my breasts softly gently rubbing his hand around it "If I knew how good you where I would have done this years ago" He smirked
"I heard something!" a voice yelled from outside
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fireworkscenes · 5 years
Are you a fandom nerd in need of a ✨study playlist ✨?
You’ve come to the right place!
I’ve basically made Spotify playlists using soundtracks from shows/movies and assigned them to different characters to help me tackle my workload. I’ve been using them a while and thought I’d share them with y’all.
These often help me to get in the mood to study or feel a certain way about doing my work
(For my non-brits, where I’m from we often say stuff ending in -ing with more of a shortened ‘n’ sound so channellin’ = channelling)
channellin’ thirteen - (x)
For my Thirteen stans out there, I hope y’all are still surviving while we get paid dust during the hiatus
Thirteen is curious, inventive, excitable, creative, kind and kicks ass
The Series 11 soundtrack is full of twists and turns with beautiful tunes that capture all the different nuances of both her personality and adventures with Team TARDIS
When we get the s12 soundtrack it’ll be added on :)
Listen to this when you want to really throw yourself into a project, I often love to listen to it when I’m doing sketchbook work for my photography class or making flash cards as it really makes me concentrate
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channellin’ rey - (x)
Star Wars stans I know y’all are on that Ep IX hype so this is for you
Rey is a confident, badass and intelligent character that holds an intense amount of power
The Star Wars soundtracks complement her adventurous and persistent spirit
Listen to this when working on a challenging topic or piece of homework for some high energy and empowering background music!
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channellin’ spidey - (x)
Peter Parker is a kind, caring, quick-witted nerd that is always up to the challenge. He is constantly wanting to do more and learn more and his counterpart Spiderman is constantly wanting to help the neighbourhood using charming and clever ways to keep people safe
Sidenote - This playlist isn’t just Spiderman, it’s full of some of my fave scores from a range of the films
Listen to this when you’re doing hardcore revision and want to feel like a superhero. Battle through that homework! Those string pieces will make you feel incredibly uplifted and ready for anything. 
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channellin’ newt - (x)
Calling the remainder of the TMR fandom cause I have no idea if you’re still out there
Newt is resourceful, brave and clever. He is the backbone of the team and is constantly supporting the rest of the gladers. He’s a born leader and certified badass.
The TMR soundtracks are full of tunes that make you feel ready for action and like you want to achieve something
I highly recommend this playlist for that final push when working on a long project, it really makes you want to work hard - especially the Maze Runner theme tune! 
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channelin’ hermione - (x)
*cue Hedwig’s theme as I burst through the door in my ravenclaw cloak*
Hermione is a powerful and inspiring character, kind, caring, clever and always ready for her exams. If y’all are going to channel any character every in your school life be a Hermione.
This is by far my longest playlist as it has all 7 film soundtracks + the FB soundtracks so enjoy living out your Hogwarts dreams for like 2 days straight
This playlist is just great when you want to sit and study for the day (take breaks though, you won’t be productive if you sit and work for like 6 hours straight). When put on shuffle you get a range of music styles that all blend together to help you push through your study. If you listen long enough it tends to fade into the back encouraging deeeeeeeep focus.
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I hope this has helped at least one person! I use these playlists often to help me focus but everyone works differently so don’t worry if this isn’t for you. 
Good luck with all your studying! Go smash it! I’m gonna jump back into the TARDIS and go do my homework now. Byeeee!
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millerbenny-moved · 6 years
late night feelings (minho x reader)
a/n: so this is basically a modern high school au where minho’s adoptive parents kick him out of the house and he comes to terms with some feelings he had been pushing away. also this is my first time posting an x reader fic so yeah! here we go trigger warnings: very brief mention of abusive parents, however it doesn’t go into any detail word count: 1,467
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You’re sitting at the dinner table when the doorbell rang. It’s almost ten in the evening and had been storming all day, so the sound chiming through the house came to your surprise. You find yourself staring at the front door instead of opening it, trying to think of who could possibly be on the other side. The doorbell rings again.
“Y/N are you gonna get the door?” your mom calls from the other room, finally getting you to rush over to the door and pull it open.
Minho stands in the rain, soaked from head to toe, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. His hair is stuck to his forehead, no longer being pushed up into his usual hairstyle and he shivers slightly on the porch.
“Minho! What are you doing? Did you walk all across town in this storm?” you ask, grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside. Before either of you say anything more, you close the door and turn back to Minho. He had placed the soaked-up duffle bag on the ground and was focused on you, eventually moving his gaze to the floor once you refused to look away.
“My parents kicked me out.” You can barely hear his whisper. “I didn’t know where else to go.” He opens his mouth to continue, but you interrupt, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you. The rain had chilled Minho to the bone and he was still shivering in your grasp. Water drips off his hair and down your spine as he hugs you back, the rainwater that soaked his clothes seeping through your own.
Minho had always come to you for help since the first time he visited your house for your biology project at the beginning of the school year. You knew he had a rocky relationship with his adoptive parents—they never seemed to care until it became a problem for them. They’d then take out whatever anger they had about it on Minho in return—and you were the only person he trusted to vent to. Things were always bad, but you never expected them to take things this far, especially since Minho didn’t actually do anything wrong.
“I’m so sorry, Min,” you whisper, pulling away and letting your hands slide down the sides of his arms, rubbing them in hopes of warming him up.
“Hey, Y/N who was at the—” Your mom stops talking once she enters the room. “Minho! You’re soaked, let me grab you a towel...or maybe two.” She rushes out of the room and Minho’s lip curls up a little.
“I’m really sorry to barge in on you, Y/N, but it’s late, and raining, and—”
“Minho, you don’t need to apologize. You know you’re always welcome in our home.”
He manages a smile and your mom returns with a few towels, wrapping one around his shoulders and handing him the second. Minho says a quick thank you before drying his hair, running his fingers through it in attempt to give it back its usual shape. You grab the damp towel from him as he bends over to remove his shoes and his soaked through socks, his hands shaking with every movement. It was hard for you to tell if it was from the cold or the anxiety of being kicked out of his own home.
Your mom gives him a few instructions: go upstairs and take a hot shower to rejuvenate his body; leave his wet clothes in the basket and put it in the hall, so she’ll remember to wash them; and most importantly, get a good night’s sleep in the spare room. Minho digs through his duffle bag for a pair of clothes that managed to stay dry during his trek across the city and excuses himself, disappearing up the stairs.
You hear the water in the bathroom shut off and wait by the door of your room you left open ajar, resting your head against the wall. It didn’t seem real that Minho was kicked out of his parent’s apartment. With all they put him through in the past year, you knew things were bad at home, but you never imagined it would come to this.
Footsteps sound in the hall and there’s a soft knock on the door, the force pressed against it pushing it open. Minho stands in the doorway, looking down at where you were sitting.
“Expecting someone?” he jokes, his smile leaving his lips as quickly as it appeared. “You didn’t have to wait up for me, it’s getting late.”
“Well,” you start, stifling a yawn, “it seems like you want some company.”
Minho sighs, sitting on the edge of your bed and falling back, staring up at the ceiling. You climb onto the bed after him, crossing your legs and watching your best friend’s brow furrow. Each breath he takes was shakier than the previous and you place a hand on his arm, rubbing it slightly.
“You gonna be okay?” you ask, trying to figure out what was going on inside his head. Minho had always been honest with you, telling you what happened at home whenever things went wrong. It was probably for the better that he was no longer wanted in that apartment; he wouldn’t have to deal with abusive parents, whether it be verbal or physical.
Minho sits up, wiping away tears before they could fall. He leans his head against your shoulder, his gaze focused on his fingernails.
“You know, after everything that happened in the Glade, I was so happy to be adopted. I still got to see the other boys at school, I was finally living a normal life. I had a family.” He pauses, pulling his knees up to his chest. “I should’ve known nothing could’ve replaced my Glader family. It was too good to be true. But now they have their own families and their own schedules. I hardly see them.”
You hum in response, resting your head on top of his. “So, this isn’t about your parents, is it?”
“Well, I hate that they’re such slintheads, projecting their shucking high school failures on me and reliving their past through my actions, but I really just miss my friends.” Minho then sat up, looking at you wide-eyed. “Not that you being my friend isn’t enough!”
You smile. “No, Min, I understand. But, have you talked to them about this?”
His shoulders slump. “Not exactly.”
“Maybe you should. They can’t know how you feel without you telling them. No one can.” You brush Minho’s hair out of his face.
“You always know how I feel,” Minho murmured.
You laugh, reaching out and placing a hand on his knee. “Yes, but I’m not one of your Glader boys. Just talk to them! Explain everything that’s been going on and how you feel left out. I know for a fact that Newt at least will understand.”
Minho looks down at your hand and smiles, placing his own overtop and gives it a squeeze. “What did I do to deserve you, Y/N?”
“Nothing too out of the ordinary. Just call me your guardian angel.” You give him a playful shove and he returns it, only pushing you a little too hard. Minho reaches out to stop you from falling backward but only manages to fall with you. He moves his hands to the side, pressing them against the mattress to keep his weight off of you, but doesn’t move away.
Minho smiles, this time it being completely sincere. “You’re the best guardian angel a guy could ask for, and I didn’t even shucking ask in the first place. You were just too stubborn to leave me alone.”
His gaze falls down to your lips and moves his right hand to cup your cheek. Knowing where things were going, you place a hand behind his head, pulling him closer to you. Minho’s lips press against yours, the both of you smiling into the kiss, and when he pulls back the smile is still there. You can feel your heart swell in your chest as you stare at your best friend, his dark eyes glistening with more happiness than you’ve seen there in a long time.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a while,” he whispers, making you laugh.
“Took you long enough.”
“Well, I did have some other feelings to sort out first.” Minho presses a quick kiss on your forehead and rolls to the side of the bed, swinging his legs over the side. “I should let you get some sleep. Don’t want to deprive my guardian angel of her beauty sleep.” He stops when he reaches the door, turning to get one last look at you before leaving the room. “Not that you need it.” 
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gladerfamily-blog · 8 years
Graduated high school so i can finally keep up with this blog wohooo!! Thought I would have 0 followers tbh so thank you for staying! I’m very sorry for my hiatus but I had to concertrate on school! A bit of an update, leaving from Australia to the UK to audition for drama schools so I’ll still be busy but I’m busy making edits rn and will have some fun fun maze runner scheduled posts! Also 18 rn and so far almost broke because I spend too much on food and hating but loving life at the same time. Also just watched Good Will Hunting and currently an emotional wreck because Robin Williams . HAVE A LOVELY DAY FOLLOWERS!!! Tierney x 
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
I love your writing :)
Would you be able to do a male reader X newt oneshot? There isn't a lot of representation for the male readers in this fandom despite newt being canonically gay haha
Idm about any specifics, I'm just desperate for male reader material
Thanks :D
Omggg yes I can absolute do that. It's really sad that Newt doesn't get enough written about him with men, and I am more than willing to provide some much needed content.
Also, yes, I know I have a lot of Minho requests to get through, but I just had to write this.
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SUMMARY: See above. Male!Track-hoe!Reader x Newt. You've always had a thing for Newt, but when the new boy Thomas arrives and you watch Newt slowly grow interest in him, suddenly you realise how much he means to you.
Based on the movie for simplicity's sake. Thomas and the other Gladers don't know Thomas' name yet, but I do and I'm using it to make this easier to read.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, sappy shit.
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Newt was the first person you'd ever spoken to. Obviously, that isn't literal, but for someone with no memories of his previous life, it was what you were going off of.
You showed up like every other boy. You woke up scared shitless in the Box, got dragged on the Tour with Alby, and spent the Bonfire questioning your existence.
So, nothing out of the ordinary.
But when Newt held out his surprisingly strong hand out to you and said, "It's alright, Greenie, you're safe 'ere." You knew he was telling the truth, even if you were still stuck in the grease-filled, feet-smelling Box.
And he was right.
Life in the Glade is a bit hit or miss. If you get a good job and find the right friends, then it's basically paradise on Earth. If you ignore the constant looming threat of Grievers and the reliance on supplies from the Box.
You're one of the lucky ones.
With a pull towards gardening and a natural with plant life, being a Track-hoe seemed like the perfect job to you. And it's not anything to do with Newt also being a part-time gardener. Not at all.
Other Gladers notice your level of skill dropping when he's around, also helping with the pruning. You can't help it- it's hard to ignore Newt. Especially when he wears that tank top with the too-big armholes.
He's not the type you thought you'd be attracted to, but he is. His blond, floppy hair and deep brown eyes pull you in every time he looks at you. And he looks at you too.
He really looks at you. And you are exactly the type he expected to be attracted to.
It's just a small crush for you, though. Nothing important. Just a simple attraction to a cute boy that you live with, and teenagers aren't exactly known for their rational feelings. So, that's all it was for a while- a dumb school-boy crush.
But, it doesn't help that Newt is well-liked. He's one of the few people occupying the serene place that most Gladers can't say much bad about. He's always level-headed and reasonably nice to Greenies- not to mention he's the second in command, so he's a man in power too. A man in power who doesn't use it to take advantage of those around him.
And he's nice to you. Some people in the Glade can be confrontational and harsh- probably due to the sucky environment you've spent the only life you've ever known. But Newt isn't. He makes sure everyone is okay and doing well, but it always feels like he takes extra care of you and makes an extra effort to talk to you.
Despite being in some form of denial, your small crush began snow-balling pretty quickly.
Though, you knew not to get your hopes too high, especially with all the pussy talk that takes place around the Glade. Ironic, since no one there has ever even seen a girl. But when Newt drunkenly confessed that he's not into girls to Minho one night, which made its way back to you, you couldn't have been happier.
You were grinning like the Cheshire cat for a week.
You actually had a shot with Newt. The boy who you'd been crushing on from the second he opened his mouth. And you actually have a chance with him.
That was until Thomas showed up. Flying out of the Box and making his immediate escape, you saw the amusement in all the boys' faces- Newt included. Newt had this slightly crooked grin that could make the heart of any man melt, and it's something you don't see nearly enough of.
It only doubled when Thomas tripped over his own feet and went tumbling into the ground.
After a short visit to the Slammer, the new Greenie was dragged around by Alby. Which is where he met Newt.
You couldn't make out what was happening or what they were talking about when Alby first introduced them to each other. But the way Newt's face lit up and Thomas looked over his shoulder to catch another glimpse of the boy made you feel something new.
It made you angry- frustrated almost. A new source of possession and a further want to be close to the pretty leader figure.
You were jealous. All it took was one good-looking Greenie to show up, and bam, you'd become territorial. Even though you had no grounds to stand on. You thought it was just a small insignificant crush. But with how it's completely affected your day in one swift motion; it doesn't take a genius to see your genuine feelings.
For a second, you thought you'd imagined the whole thing. Had Newt just been treating you like everyone else? Were you making up everything to make yourself feel better? Was it all nothing?
Which led to you sitting at the Bonfire, a couple of feet away from all the commotion, a drink in your hand as you sit on the floor, facing away from the crowd. Your stomach flipped when Newt had chosen to join Thomas instead, who didn't even know his name yet.
It made sense- he's new and he needs the extra guidance. It was the same hospitality he'd graciously offered you, which somehow made the whole thing worse when Newt started playfully showing him around.
"Alright, shank," Gally startles you when he puts his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look back and face him, "What's going on?"
"What?" You blink at him. Gally is the last person you expected to notice something is wrong. "Nothing."
"You've been moping around all day, kid- we can all see it," he sighs, crouching down from behind so he's level with you. "The Track-hoes are sulking that their best man is buggin' out, and I'm already sick of hearing all this klunk about fixing the planters- I don't need anymore shuckin' tree-huggers moanin' 'round here."
You scoff at this. "Yeah, I thought it was unlikely that you have an ounce of emotional intelligence in there."
"Ha-ha," you smile at him and his sarcasm.
Unbeknownst to you, Newt is watching from a distance. His eyes occasionally falling on you, sitting by yourself between giving Thomas a run-down of the different jobs. But when Gally walked over, he froze, watching you smile up at him and seem to actually enjoy his company.
It's perplexing, really. Why would anyone enjoy Gally's company? How could anyone possibly enjoy Gally's company?
Newt seems to be experiencing some jealousy issues himself. I mean, he has been a bit neglectful today, but it's no different from any other Greenie Day. And Gally talking to someone isn't exactly strange either.
But it's you- you're hard-working and spirited; something he's always admired. You enjoy spending time with other people and bringing smiles to people's faces. Newt will be the first to admit he wasn't nearly as fun to be around before you arrived.
You're quick to tell when something is wrong with him or any of the other Gladers, and it's a nice change to have someone that actually cares around. Newt's always gravitated towards you- how could he not?
You brightened each other's days. So why the fuck is Gally now brightening yours?
"Seriously, the shuck's goin' on?" Gally pushes further, grumpiness becoming more prominent in his tone since he didn't originally intend to end up having an actual conversation with you.
You open your mouth to speak, but your eyes flicker to Newt, whose gaze immediately returns to the Newbie upon making eye contact.
"Ah," Gally nods his head, sucking on his teeth to hide the smirk forming, "lover boy not paying enough attention to ya?"
"What?" Your eyebrows fly up, feeling embarrassment burn in your throat under Gally's accusatory stare. "No! It's not like that!"
"Is it really?"
"It's not!"
"I don't believe you," his blunt nature comes to display and you glare at him. "You want me to kick the Greenie's ass for taking your man?"
"What?" You blink, stunned as Gally's smirk grows. "Gally, no."
"Oh, yeah, I think that sounds like a great idea," he stands up, arms outstretched at the sides as he walks backwards, straight into Thomas, who trips slightly. Gally easily makes it seem like the whole thing is Thomas's fault and that he walked into him.
You scramble up, not quite hearing the start of the commotion, but it doesn't take long for another wrestling match to ensue.
Thomas manages to pull a surprising stunt, even managing to impress the stone-faced Minho, but he is quickly knocked down a peg when Gally absolutely floors him.
"Thomas!" He shouts, hurrying to get to his feet, "I remember my name! It's Thomas!"
Well, that was it.
Everyone and their mothers took to congratulating Thomas. Newt included as they do that weird handshake hug thing that boys do.
Gally shoots a guilty look your way.
That did not go as planned.
Instead of joining in, you sigh. How could you have possibly been this delusional? Of course Newt doesn't like you- I mean, he's got plenty of options here. It's not like you guys are the only gay dudes around.
You decide to call it a night, walking away and to the safety of your hammock. You kick your shoes off and climb in, pulling your hood over your eyes and pulling at the worn drawstrings. You snuggle deeper into the unstable resting place, trying to swallow your own emotions.
"Hey, have you seen (Y/N)?" Newt asks Minho, noticing your sudden lack of presence.
The Runner has a drink in his hand and has been watching the both of you for a while now. From overhearing what Gally said and watching Newt send you some longing glances, he's figured something is going on, just from tonight alone. Minho is known for his observant nature. It's part of his job, after all.
Not to mention, you're all Newt talks about. And he's getting really sick of it.
"Yeah," he takes a sip of his drink, not taking any means to elaborate further as Newt sends him a confused look. The blond raises his eyebrow, expecting more than Minho's willing to give.
"Why are you asking?"
"Because I want to talk to him? He's my mate? The shuck's got under your skin today?" Minho scoffs at this.
"Me? What's got under your skin, shank?" Newt blinks at him, getting more confused by the second.
"What are you talking about?"
"You need to tell him how you feel-"
"Dude, it's obvious- even shuckin' Gally can tell. And if you weren't too busy making eyes at the Greenie, then you might have noticed something."
"Noticed something...?" Minho flashes his friend a look that says, 'dude, you can't be serious.'
"What are you tryna say? I don't have all day, a'ight?" Newt's not dumb. He can tell what Minhos trying to imply, but he doesn't want to jump to any conclusions if he's wrong.
"You dumb shank," Minho barks a laugh, dropping his head, "you really gonna make me spell it out? He likes you, slinthead. (Y/N) likes you, and you're acting like an oblivious shuckface. Get your klunk together, man."
Newt doesn't know what to say. He's just been told that the boy he's been crushing on for months likes him, too. Sure, he had a hunch, but he never wanted to act on anything, just in case he'd been reading things wrong.
"He's in his hammock. Go do something about it for a change." Minho stands up, downing the rest of his drink in one gulp and slamming the glass back on the small, wonky wooden table. He brushes past Newt, leaving him to process it all on his own.
Sometimes, Newt wishes he could be as forward as his friend. Minho's right. He knows for sure now, so it's not like he has any excuse not to act on it.
Maybe it's about time he did.
Sleep had decided to avoid you tonight. Maybe it's the fact that there's still loud chattering from not that far away, and you can see the dancing flames behind your eyelids. You just want to sleep and ignore all your feelings.
"Bit early for you, ain't it?" You almost tumble out of your hammock as Newt's smooth accent reaches you, scaring the everliving shit out of you. "Woah! Easy!" Newt jumps to your assistance, grabbing the hammock and stabilising it. "You good?"
You push your hood back, eyes flickering up at the boy, whose crooked smile sends butterflies into your stomach. The faint light from the fire leaves flickering pattern across his skin, making his almost look hypnotic.
Yet, when you open your mouth, you just end up being a bit of a dick.
"Bored of the new Greenie already?" Shockingly, Newt chuckles. It's a rare sound that seems to immediately wash away any negative feelings you've been experiencing.
"Uh, no, Thomas still has a lot to learn, but I'd rather spend my free time with you." Newt casually leans against the beam that your hammock is tied to, his hands in his pockets.
It's a simple gesture, really, but his soft words leave you thankful it's too dark to see your blushing expression.
"Is that so?" You just about manage to mumble out.
"Yeah, unless you wanna spend all night wittering on to Gally?" There's a tinge of annoyance in his voice that makes you raise your eyebrow.
"What?" He copies you as you tilt your head.
"Have you got a problem with me talking to Gally?" The question comes across as cautious, like you don't want to step on any toes. Why would Newt care if you'd been talking to Gally?
"What if I do?" Newt seems suddenly confident, like he's been provided with a piece of information that has made him more ballsy.
Of course, he actually has. But you don't know that.
"Dude," you laugh, kind of awkwardly as you try to get your brain to catch up with the situation, "you almost sound jealous."
"What if I am?" He crosses his arms, looking down at you as he reads your expression. You look at him, eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. You don't know how to respond, so he sighs.
"Can I ask you something?" Newt had managed to steal another glass of moonshine before coming over to you, probably another reason for his forward nature. That, and Minho's impatience and his own- this has been going on for long enough.
"Uh, sure?" It comes out as more of a question than an answer.
"Do you like me? Like, do you have feelings for me?"
And there is is. You suck in a sharp breath, eyes immediately flickering away from Newt's. Oh God, this is actually happening. Being honest feels too real, and rejection is still a fear, despite Newt's slightly flirtatious tone. Lying could cause more problems and hurt him, or you, in the long run.
So what do you even say?
"What if I did?" Is all you can scrounge up the courage to say, simply repeating Newt's earlier attitude.
"Well," he scoffs, "well, if you did, then I'd just have to ask you to be my boyfriend, wouldn't I?"
Your head snaps back up, mouth agape, and Newt snorts, rubbing his face with his hands before letting them flop to the sides as he stands up straight.
"Are you serious?" You mumble, "'Cause if this is some kinda joke then that's really shitty, dude-"
"So, you do like me?"
"Well, uh, yes-" you groan, "of course, I like you. How could I not? But you can't just come over here and ask me this klunk and expect me not to freak out? Did someone put you up to this? Or did Gally say something, or-?"
You get cut off as Newt takes your face into his hand, forcing you to look up at him. He leans down slightly so his face is just in front of yours.
"Alright," he says, "maybe I could've phrased that better," he clears his throat. "Will you be my boyfriend? I'm asking you to be my boyfriend- not as a joke, okay? I really like you, and Minho told me you like me too and- and I just had to say something."
Your face burns as you attempt to keep breathing like a normal person. He's so close. And he's literally confessing to you; how are you supposed to cope under these conditions?
He notices your hesitation, feeling like he's putting too much pressure on you and that he needs to give you some space. But you lean forward, a split-second decision taking over as you press your lips to his, trying not to fall out of your hammock in the process.
Newt freezes at first, but he quickly recovers, kissing you back as you feel him softly smiling against your lips. It's perfect.
His lips are surprisingly soft, and he moves them with care, trying to keep himself calm. The kiss continues to be sweet, but it's still full of feelings that you've both been avoiding for months on end.
You have to pull away before you, or Newt makes the kiss even more heated. Mainly because you don't want to move that fast, especially in a place as tight-knit as the Glade where everyone knows everything. But also because you haven't answered his question yet.
Your foreheads brush against each other, as you both pull away. You can't stop the grin that's creeping across your face.
"So, I'm takin' that as a yes then?"
You roll your eyes as you take his hands in yours, feeling his rough skin from labour against yours.
Part of you can't believe this is happening. It feels exactly like some fantasy you'd have and then you'd wake up again. But that's not it. Newt is right in front of you, staring at you like you're the only thing in his life that matters. And it makes your blood pump and your brain feel fuzzy.
It's definitely more than some childish crush. Hell, it might even be more than just having feelings for him. But that doesn't matter, you'll worry about that later.
"Yes, Newt, it is. I'll be your boyfriend."
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Ayeeee, I've finally written a Newt fic. Like I said before, there isn't nearly enough representation of Newt's canon sexuality in the fandom, and it's sad to see such a brilliant character getting a part of their identity removed.
Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what to write for this one since I am very bad at vague requests, but I figured an actual story was in order here instead of just headcanons.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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gladerscake · 6 years
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Minho - The Runner Up Prom King
Gladers x High School AU
Part 1 Part 2
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gladerscake · 6 years
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Thomas - The Teacher’s Pet
Gladers x High School AU
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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