#tmr high school
mystic-writings · 7 months
remember the nights | newt [remastered]
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PAIRING — newt x thomas’ step-sister!reader
SUMMARY — after her father’s engagement, y/n moves from new york city to the small town of woodstock, where she befriends her step-brother thomas’ group of friends, and easily finds a second home within them. among the crowd of rowdy teenagers is newt, an intriguing boy who seemed to catch y/n’s eye, and who quickly becomes the boy that would end up making her final year of high school unforgettable. 
WARNINGS — friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff, angst, etc. — each chapter will have separate warnings
WORD COUNT — 31,989
NOTES — AHH ITS FINALLY HERE!! i've been waiting for so long to do something like this and honestly despite how cliche and trope-y this fic is i love it to death
EXTRAS — town map | reader's house | brenda's house | newt's house
PLAYLISTS — youtube | spotify | apple
read on Wattpad | read on Ao3
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chapter one — new beginnings
chapter two — parking lot introductions
chapter three — mickey's diner
chapter four — the willow tree
chapter five — late night shenanigans
chapter six — stargazing
chapter seven — bright lights, big city
chapter eight — saturday
chapter nine — suspicion
chapter ten — the bonfire
chapter eleven — o, atlas, pt. i
chapter twelve — o, atlas, pt. ii
chapter thirteen — welcome distractions
chapter fourteen — a rom-com happy ending
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taglist: @heliads @ghostofscarley @badbatch-simp24 @virginia-peters @third-broparcelicito @lamolaine @yes-fangirl-things (open!)
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miryum · 2 years
Hello, Bottom (Newt x Reader)
Another high school AU where Y/n always calls Newt “bottom” due to his locker that’s below hers. One day, after years of pining and fretfulness, he finds confidence from deep within and sasses back.
“Hey, bottom.” You comment, rifling through your locker. 
Newt huffs and rolls his eyes. You laugh as he slams his locker door. “God, I hate that you call me that.” 
“Well, you are, aren’t you? You have the bottom locker.” 
Newt stands and leans against the wall. “I always enjoy these conversations of ours. Gives me something to look forward to in between classes.” 
“Glad I could be of such service.” 
Meanwhile, Thomas and Minho stand by the wall, waiting for Newt to finish with his things. 
“It’s nice he’s talking to her.” Minho shrugs. “Remember the two years he couldn’t say a word so it was just awkward silence whenever he had to squat down beneath her?”
“Yeah,” Thomas chuckles, “that was funny. But I would’ve thought he’d have the guts to ask her out by now.”
“It’s Newt.” Minho counters. “He’s like, the most passive person ever. He overthinks everything. What if she says no?” He mimics Newt in a bad rendition of a British accent, “What if she doesn’t like me back? Then it’ll just be awkward and she’ll hate me and it’ll be so embarrassing!”
“Okay,” Thomas says, “but Y/n’s gotta like him back. Who else makes funny sexual innuendos at their locker neighbor? I just ignore mine.” 
Newt walked over to his friends, an odd pep in his step. “Hey guys,” he chirps, “what’s up?”
“The sky.” Thomas says while Minho, at the same time adds, “Not your relationship with Y/n.” Thomas lets out a loud laugh and high- fives Minho. 
Newt huffs and rolls his eyes. “Bug off.” 
“She’s friends with Sonya.” Thomas offers, “Can’t you just ask your sister?”
“No!” Newt shudders at the thought. “That would be too embarrassing.”
“But then you would have a definitive answer.” 
“I guess,” Newt sighs. 
“Well I don’t know much about girls,” Thomas says, “but why don’t you just ask her out? You guys already talk a lot; it’s just the next step.”
“Ugh! You don’t understand.” Newt whines, clearly frustrated. “I like her too much to put our friendship on the line.”
“Friendship?” Thomas frowns. “What friendship? You guys are just locker buddies.” 
“We have History together!” 
“Do you guys talk in History?”
Newt groans then admits, “Sometimes. Not all the time… but sometimes.” 
“Just try to be more confident next time.”
“I’ll try.” 
“Hello bottom!” You greets. 
Newt lifts an eyebrow, Minho’s words coming back to him. A shot of confidence races through him. “I can assure you, I am not a bottom.”
Your mouth falls open and you can’t think of a retaliation. Slowly, you shut your locker and look down at the boy who is smirking up at you. 
Newt chuckles and stands heart- beatingly close to you. “You heard me.”
“It’s a busy hallway. Please repeat it.” 
“I said,” Newt breathes, “I am most certainly not a bottom.”
You took a deep breath. “Anyway to prove it?”
“How about I take you out Friday night and I’ll show you?” 
“I have been waiting so long for you to ask that.”
“Really?” Newt blinks, taken aback. 
“Yeah.” You smile, “You’re really fun to hang out with. Not to mention cute.” 
Newt smiles back, blushing slightly. He glances down at his feet before looking up and meeting your gaze. “I’ve had a crush on you for over three years.”
“Are you kidding me?” Your mouth falls open. “I’ve liked you for three years! Why didn’t we go on a date sooner?”
“I… have no idea.” 
“Well, I gotta get to class.” You say, “I’ll see you Friday?” 
“Yeah. I’ll see you Friday.” Newt grins. 
After a moment of standing still, not wanting to leave Newt, you reluctantly step away. “Bye.” You wave to him, joining your friends as you head off to class.
Newt floats over to Thomas and Minho, the latter who says, “You idiot! I told you she liked you!”
“Yeah, you were right.” Newt’s lovesick smile never faded. “She likes me.”
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thirtyminutebreak · 1 month
"i don't believe in God, but i believe that you're my saviour" { newtmas fanfiction, thomas' pov }
{ A/N : possible tw? don't read if you're triggered by religious talk. also if anyone knows how to put italics on this app let me know im struggling!!! title from sailor song by gigi perez. PLS be easy on my this is my first fanfic in nearly a year! }
He was a Catholic.
I was an Atheist.
I didn’t really think of it when we met. We were in class, sat next to each other as the teacher played a video of the biology of a frog. Neither of us were really paying attention. He looked at me.
“This is super lame, huh?” I chuckled. He was charming, blond hair and deep brown eyes. My eyes darted down to scan his figure. I spotted the crucifix on his neck, mentally scoffing. I never understood how anyone could get such comfort from something so unreal. I didn’t say anything though.
“I’m Newt.” His name rolled off his tongue beautifully, accent thick, piercing through my ears. It was odd to me, but again, I kept my mouth shut.
Weeks passed and Newt and I spoke frequently. During class we exchanged phone numbers. I remember that night we texted for hours. We stayed up late. I stayed up much later than him, thinking about the conversations we had, and about his beautiful eyes. His eyes told stories. Mountains surrounded his pupil, a starry night sky as if it were painted by Van Gogh. I shook my head, closing my eyes and trying to sleep, yet all I could think of was blond hair.
One day, Newt and I had a sleepover. I entered his home, greeted his mother with a wide smile, exchanged ‘Nice to meet you’s with her and was escorted to his room. He seemed excited to have me. It didn’t seem as though he had much company over. I noticed he had inherited his mother’s blonde hair. That night, Newt leaned over his bed on his knees. I sat on the opposite end of it. He had a rosary clutched between his hands as he mumbled soft words. He opened his eyes, smiling widely.
“Do you want to try?” I felt conflicted. Praying to a God I didn’t believe in didn’t feel right, but I kept an open mind. Newt walked over to my side of the bed and instructed me to get on my knees. I complied. He placed the rosary between the two of our hands, lacing my skin with the purest intentions.
“I believe in God, the Father almighty…” Newt whispered gently, eyes squeezed shut. My eyes fluttered shut as well. I felt at peace.
Another time, he invited me to Church, and I agreed. Entering a Cathedral for the first time was wonderful. He opened the door and bowed, signaling for me to do the same. He dipped his fingers in the holy water font, signing the cross. I copy his movements. I see women with veils covering their hair, a Priest reading a verse as I’m ushered into a pew. Newt stood beside me, listening to the Priests words and sitting down. I watched as Newt received his communion. I sat down when everyone else did. I leaned on my knees and for the first time, really prayed. I prayed for God to give me a sign that this was what I needed.
The next few sleepovers go the same as the last. Playing some games, talking, praying the rosary.
This was different; too different.
I sit with Newt, hands clasped together around a rosary, softly caressing the beads while we prayed a decade. Newt leans in, making eye contact with me while he prays.
“Hail Mary, full of grace…” I lean in too; we’re breathing the same air now. Our bodies close. Newt closes his eyes, I do the same, except I lean in further. Our lips press together gently, and Newt freezes. I feel like a sinner, like I just ruined our beautiful, sacred connection. Fear shoots through my body as Newt slowly leans back. His eyes are wide with shock, with fear, with confusion.
“I should go.” I state, standing up and running out of his bedroom, past his mother who carried a plate of fruits, past his family dog, past the painting of the Holy Mary on the wall. I slip on my shoes, and I run. I run and run and keep running and even when I can’t anymore, I keep running. I’m a sinner. I started to believe what Newt had preached to me for months. Maybe there is a God out there, but it isn’t one in my favour. I try to forget the blond strands of hair, the brown mountains in his eyes, the cheeky smile, the stupid accent, and the rosary I accidentally ran away with. I pocket the rosary. I keep it forever. Newt texts me a week later, nothing more than a mere:
“Hi.” I felt horrified. I lost my best friend. I hoped he didn’t lose his religion with the loss of me (and his rosary). Religion was the only thing I had left of him. He never even texted for his rosary back.
“Hi” I texted back.
“I think we need to talk” He replied.
“K…Come over?” I typed. He was here in ten minutes, panting loudly with a few beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. It was normally a thirty-minute walk anyway, and he ran it. I had his rosary in my pocket, waiting for him to ask for it back, though I secretly used it to pray for him to come back to me every night. I opened my front door to him, and he smiled gently at me. The same soft, meaningful, pure smile he always smiled.
“Tommy?” He whispered. My heart ached. Was I his first sin? The thoughts wouldn’t stop running through my head, filling me with such deep dread, like I’ve never felt before.
“What you did wasn’t bad, Thomas.” Newt frowned, eyes welling up. I knew this was new for him, to be kissed, especially by a boy.
“We didn’t sin.” Newt nearly choked out. It was like he read my mind. I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand anything about this.
“Your religion is just so...hateful, Newt! Why would love be a sin, why should our love be sinful.”
“It isn’t.” I saw his eyes, full of sorrow. What I said hurt him. His religion was very dear to him. Very, very dear to him. He was very, very dear to me.
“It isn’t a sin, Tommy. It’s just not. God loves us…He…He wouldn’t let this happen if this was sinful. He wouldn’t hurt me like this; He wouldn’t hurt us like this.” Newt sobbed, and I pulled him to my chest. Maybe he was right. It felt wrong, praying to a God I didn’t believe in, but for Newt, I’d do anything. He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, his eyes full of emotion, more emotion than normal. They were full of woe, but also full of hope. Hope and love. Newt pulled me into an innocent kiss, soft and passionate. It felt familiar, like home. For once I had a sense of belonging, and who better than with Newt?
“ God does love us, Thomas.” Newt said, voice a bit panicked, like he was begging me to believe it. I just stood there in silence, holding onto Newt, hoping that I was comforting him.
thirtyminutebreak on a03
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Hi ppl who are nosy and want to know ur grades so they can judge how smart u are are annoying as fuck
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star--anon · 16 days
book Thomas was honestly a little judgmental (which is so fun to read)
imagine a "big herd of students, only one internship spot" AU where Thomas and Minho are project partners, except Thomas has that same judgy energy
Thomas isn't very interested in team projects, so he picks Minho, who he thinks is an idiot.
Thomas doesn't think very highly of the kid who is well-known for smoking weed and sneaking alcohol
he tells Minho that he'll work on the project by himself, and all Minho has to do is get sober whenever they need to present their research together
Minho, who is an extremely capable student when he's not high, thinks it's kind of insulting.
But he's hungover and Thomas looks cute in that orange sweatervest, so he just nods and says, "Whatever you say, pumpkin."
he does eventually get himself sober, not because Thomas wants him to, but because the other students in the program are getting jealous of Thomas and consistently act hostile towards him
meanwhile Thomas is completely oblivious (he's kind of a zombie considering how much he works, so he's given a pass for not noticing passive aggressive remarks from the other students)
while Thomas stays up for days at a time, practically living in the library, Minho grits his teeth through the cold turkey symptoms and scares off students who keep trying to sabotage Thomas' research
Thomas doesn't realize what's going on until he finds Minho fast asleep in his kitchen one morning, snoring loudly.
(one of the students convinced Thomas that their papers were meant to be handwritten, and he only found out it was supposed to be typed the day before it was due)
(he decides to just wake up early and get it done)
(Minho overhears him freaking out about it in the library and spends his night breaking into Thomas' apartment and typing up Thomas' 10k-word paper himself)
Thomas drapes a blanket over Minho’s slumbering body and then goes out to buy some stronger locks
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maze-mind · 3 months
A little thing I like to imagine about high school lover boys Thomas and Minho.
It's Thomas' birthday. For his birthday, he and Minho went out to a movie theater, then hung out back home.
The funny part about this is when they playfully tease each other— and Thomas ended the session jokingly with, "We're *totally* gonna start dating in like, a year."
A year later, it's Thomas' birthday again, and yes. They start dating. Minho confessed to Thomas on his bed, gave him a quick kiss, and obviously didn't remember what Thomas had said a year ago.
But Thomas gets this sudden realization, and he gives a dramatic gasp. In his most convincing voice, he says— "We're like— getting married in a year, right Min?"
(And Minho is just so confused because he doesn't even remember what he did yesterday, let alone what Thomas said as a joke a year ago)
I just like the idea of Thomas either sulking on his birthday because it doesn't happen, or Minho taking this to heart and proposing next year, being fresh out of high school. Either one is cute to me xd
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mazerunnermusical · 2 years
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And it shows when we stand, hand in hand, make our dreams come true.
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what-even-is-sleep · 3 months
Back in my era of pretending like sleep doesn’t matter
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cinemacrypt · 3 months
So so so fucking angry tonight
#mars says stuff#EVERYTHING IN MY PERSONAL LIFE IS LEGIT FINE I PROMMY#IM JUST SO SICK OF THE ZIONIST MISINFORMATION AND MILQUETOAST APATHETIC DEMOCRAT BULLSHIT THAT#I FEEL COMPLICIT IN BC I WORK FOR A RADIO STATION AND I HAVE TO PUMP OUT NEWS PROMOS#AND ITS THE ONLY JOB I HAVENT BEEN FIRED FROM#AND IM SO FUCKING SICK OF THE RAMPANT TRANSPHOBIA AND ESPECIALLY TRANSMISOGYNY#EVERYWHERE I FUCKING GO AND TO HAVE OTHER TMASC PPL BE LIKE 'LMAO THATS NOT REAL AND IF IT IS ITS NOT THAT BAD THESE CRAZY BITCHES'#WHEN I SEE IT ONLINE AND IN PERSON EVERY FUCKING DAY AND IM NOT EVEN THE ONE IT EFFECTS#AND I TRY TO ENGAGE IN MY COMMUNITY. THERES A JUNETTENTH EVENT IM GOING TO TMR TO TRY AND SCOUT OUT SOME LOCAL ORGS#I CAN VOLUNTEER FOR TO TRY TO MAKE THINGS BETTER IN MY COMMUNITY#but tonight i just feel shitty and small and ineffectual and hypocritical and angry and cowardly#AND EVERYONES LIKE OH DEAL WITH THAT ANGER CONSTRUCTIVELY THATLL HELP#MOTHERFUCKER I USE IT AS FUEL TO MAKE ART. TO PLAY MUSIC. TO TRY NOT TO FLUNK OUT OF A SCHOOL THAT I HATE BC OF THE INSTITUTIONS IT UPHOLDS#and i never have enough after my bills are paid to donate to all the gofundmes both here and in palestine i want to help out#im just so fucking mad. but im also 5'3“ and awkward and chubby and I cant fight and all of my friends tease me for it and it comes from a#place of love and im not mad at them. i just wish i could kick someones ass tonight. some fucking bigot i could put all my rage behind#and just keep hitting and hitting until the fucker stopped moving. but i cant do that. both not physically and also bc i Might Lose Everythi#ng#ill delete this tomorrow#time to watch some shitty youtube videos and eat something and get high enough that i dont feel so fucking mad#just consume my way out of it lmao
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whats-it-mean · 10 months
just had to explain to my dad how difficult it is to come out because he went "just tell them each seperately and then you dont have to ruin our family dinner??" i do NOT have it in me to come out five different times to tell each family member seperately. no thank you father
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mystic-writings · 5 months
remember the nights | chapter fourteen — a rom-com happy ending
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WORD COUNT — 2,841
WARNINGS — pure fluff, weddings
NOTES — i can't believe it's already over :( well, not really bc this series will always live in my head, way into their college years, but for now this is the end <3
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
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Ever since your Uncle Mark started staying in the guest room and wedding prep picked up even more, your house was never quiet. Between final food tastings, organizing the tables and stationary, plus the horrendous amount of extra schoolwork you were dealing with due to a new semester starting up, life never slowed down. 
Things at school got better, so long as you ignored Newt in any way, and focused on your college applications and spending time with Brenda. Plus, your uncle Mark made sure to spend all his extra time with you, since you hadn’t seen him in two years. 
He and Maggie’s brothers got along well, and made the house extra vibrant as everyone got to know one another over game nights and dinners. The very first night you’d met them — Maggie’s brothers, George and Dean — they embraced you lovingly, claiming that Maggie had always wanted a daughter. 
Valentine’s Day started with a bright dawn and a calm air, and you could tell even with the cold that it was a beautiful day for a wedding. The day started early, at around 5am, with Maggie shaking you awake, offering you a toasted waffle and travel mug of coffee. The house was void of men and instead filled with the women of the bridal party, all running around and getting ready in different parts of the house in order to have things done on time. 
Everyone had their dresses in different places, and you and a woman named Sarah did each other’s makeup in your bedroom by the desk before taking turns getting dressed and finding your purses, accessories, and proper coats. 
Maggie was already on her way to the church in just her makeup by the time everyone was ready, leaving you to lock up the house and pile into one of the three cars occupying the driveway. You texted with Brenda, Harriet, and Sonya on the car ride, talking about the reception happening later on. 
You and Thomas were allowed to bring your friends to the reception (with Brenda and Jorge being the exception, as they were invited to the ceremony), something that your parents agreed upon not long after they told you about the proposal. Since the bonfire, though, the group was shattered, and you really only talked to the girls for now. Thomas was inviting everyone else who wanted to come, though, so you’d see everyone there, anyway. 
One thing you did notice, through the bustle and stress of the wedding and finals, was that your friends had been acting odd, to say the least. Thomas was the same, but every one of your friends were exchanging an unsettling amount of smiles and glances — not just the girls, but Gally and Minho, too. You’d even asked them about it one day, but they all refused to give you an answer. 
You shook the thoughts from your head and texted the girls to update them on where you were. They were all excited for the wedding, and you were, too. Everything about this day had felt spectacular so far, and you couldn’t wait to actually see Maggie and your dad get married. 
The church was empty for now, but you and the girls all filed into the bridal suite, where Maggie sat, pinning up her hair into the most elegant style you’d seen. Since her hair was neck length and wavy, it was difficult to get her hair into a style that looked nice. However, she managed to take some strands from the front to frame her face, while still having the majority of the upper half of her hair pinned back with pearl beaded pins, her waves still flowing free. 
You almost cried at how wonderful she looked, before realizing it was up to you and two other bridesmaids to help her into her dress. 
If you hadn’t been emotional before, you definitely were now. 
Maggie looked like she’d stepped right out of a fairytale. Her bodice and sleeves were mesh, patterned with intricate lace, her skirt made of silk with a slight volume to it and lots of movement. The lace pattern bled into the skirt, blending well with the silk and forming it into a cohesive piece. 
Everyone’s compliments overlapped as you took her hands in yours, the both of you smiling widely at one another. 
With a gentle squeeze of your hands, and a knock on the door from her brothers, ready to walk her down the aisle, Maggie sighed. “Well, ladies, I think it’s just about time I got married, don’t you think?”
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The ceremony was, to say the least, perfect. 
Out of the entire bridal party, you were the last to walk down the aisle, with Chuck and Thomas on either arm, all three of you beaming like sunshine. 
Your dad, along with everyone in the church, welled with tears upon Maggie’s entrance, both  of her brothers on her arm. Everything went without a hitch, and you must have ran through a pack or two of pocket kleenex. You’d never be able to replicate the joy in your heart when your dad finally called Maggie his wife. 
To no one’s surprise, the reception started strong and continued to stay that way. The hall looked absolutely amazing, with round tables and white wicker chairs, beautiful flower centerpieces. In the few-hour long break between the ceremony and the reception, Sonya, Harriet, and Brenda’s attitudes have kicked up in suspicion, but all things considered, you simply brushed it off. You had a lot more to worry about today than their behavior, and one of those things was your speech. 
All of your friends sat at a table near the front, watching your uncle wrap up his speech. Thomas and Chuck were going to do one as the best men, but didn’t quite know what to say, so they passed that duty onto Mark. One of Maggie’s friends offered to do the same for you, but you had already started with an idea, and this was too important to pass off. 
With shaking hands and messily written index cards, you stepped up to the microphone next to your parents table, smiling at the people around you. You kept your eyes on Maggie and your dad, though, for the most part. 
Clearing your throat, you leaned into the mic and began your speech. “I know that there’s a lot of people here who might not exactly know who I am, but I’m very glad to be here to share this day with all of you. I’m the daughter of the groom, and my name is Y/n. I want to start by congratulating my dad and Maggie, who I can say, deep in my heart, I know were meant to be together. Sure, it took them a while, but I guess finding ‘The One’ takes time, right?” You took a deep breath, adjusting the cards in your hands, finding that you didn’t need them any more. “I’ve only known Maggie for about four years, but she’s one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. I’ll forever be grateful for all of the things she’s helped me and my dad through, and for always being there. Maggie, you and your boys have changed everything in our lives, and there won’t be a day that I won’t be thankful for that. You showed my dad how to love again, and you didn’t hesitate for a second to share that love with me, too.” 
You were only looking at Maggie, now, eyes wet with tears and a smile stretching your face. “And it’s because of that love and dedication that I am proud to be here today, with all our friends and family, and be able to call you my mom.” 
You watched the emotions change on your parents faces and laughed lightly. “I can only finish this off by saying that I hope that everything the both of you want out of life comes to you, and to tell you that I love you both to the moon and back.” 
Quietly, you stepped away from the microphone and walked over to an already standing Maggie, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“I love you so much, honey,” she whispered, kissing the side of your head. 
You squeezed her tight, tucking your face into her neck. “I love you, too, mom.”
After you let go and sat down, you glanced over at your dad to find him trying his best to hide his tears. He hadn’t been doing so well, considering you could see the shine of tears building on his waterline. 
Dinner and cake came after the speeches finished, both of which were delicious — you made a mental note to personally tell Jorge how good the cake was — and made you heavily consider taking seconds, despite knowing you would pay for it later with a stomach ache. 
Soon enough, the dance floor filled with people, and you searched out your friends to spend more time with them. 
You found them easily, the seven of them clumped into one corner of the room, just by the hall’s main entrance. They greeted you warmly, talking over one another about the food and the speeches. You told them everything about your day so far, and how proud and elated you were that the wedding finally happened. It was only when you were getting into how hectic things had been at the house that Gally’s phone rang, and suddenly the whole group went quiet. 
He stepped away, answering the phone and nodding like the person on the other line could see him. Everyone was looking at him, cheeky smiles on their faces as Gally came back, tucking his phone back into the pocket of his slacks. 
“What was that all about?” You asked him. 
Gally smiled at you, something he didn’t do all that often, a playful gleam in his eye. “Wanna go for a drive?”
“Why?” Your brows cinched as you dragged out your question, glancing between everyone as a slight chill ran up your spine. 
“He’s got a surprise for you, that’s why.” Brenda nudged you. “Just go, I promise it’ll be worth it.” 
You looked between everyone wearily before following Gally out to his car, not bothering to grab your coat. Your heart was racing with every step, the anticipation and confusion building in your head. Brenda said it was worth the trip, but you just didn’t know what was going on. Not to mention everyone’s odd behavior…
After driving around for a few minutes, Gally pulled into the school parking lot. A light flurry of snow had begun to fall, dusting the grass and pavement, and slightly impairing your vision as you looked around from the passenger’s seat. “Gally, why are we at the school?”
The boy looked up from his phone with a smirk. “You’ll see.”
Not a moment after he finished his sentence, your phone pinged from your dress pocket. Your heart stopped when you pulled it out, reading the new message in your notifications. ‘Come to the willow tree’
It was from Newt.
You looked up at Gally, who’s smile widened as he nodded toward the field. 
“He’s waiting for you,” Gally said, and you had to remember how to breathe. 
With one final, reassuring nod, you exited the car, bracing against the cold as you raced to the willow tree. Through the flurries, you made out Newt’s figure by the tree, and stopped yourself from running any further. 
Once you were able to move your legs again, you took it slower, walking through the thin layer of accumulating snow, picking up your dress to make it less likely for you to trip. With every step, you could make out Newt’s figure a little clearly, and it made the ache in your chest grow larger. 
You came to a stop under the tree’s canopy of dead leaves, providing some protection from the snow. Newt was wearing a black suit, and you couldn’t deny how great he looked in it. He was still staring at his shoes and picking at his fingernail when you stopped walking, almost as though he hadn’t heard you approaching him. 
Gripping the sides of your dress, you found the courage to speak up. “I thought you didn’t want to see me again.” 
Newt looked up from his shoes with a smile. “I lied.” 
“But that’s what you said, isn’t it? On Christmas. When you slammed the door in my face.” 
“I know what I said, and I’m sorry,” Newt sighed, stepping a bit closer. “I was a prick for saying it, too. I never should’ve done what I did, you didn’t deserve it.” He took a breath, running a hand through his hair and tucking a hand into one of his pockets. “Ever since the party, Sonya’s been telling me every day how upset you were. Hell, everyone was, and it’s been driving me mad ever since, because I hurt you, and I’ve never wanted to do that.” 
Teary-eyed, you opened your mouth to speak, but Newt continued. 
“I don’t care what Tommy thinks about us being together anymore. But I want us to be together. Hell, the only thing that kept me quiet about how I felt for so long — that stopped me from asking you out when we hung out together on our own for the first time — was how I thought he would react, or if he would disapprove of it. But I don’t care anymore. I love you, Y/n. More than anything. Staying away from you for so long has been killing me, and I can’t stand it anymore.” He stepped closer again, leaving only a few inches of space between you. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to follow you outside when you came to Mickey’s with Brenda. To apologize for what I said, for leaving you that night. To—” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “—to kiss you bloody senseless.” 
You stared up at the boy before you, the one you never thought would talk to you again, in awe of his words. After the bonfire, you never believed that Newt would say something like that to you, let alone plan something as intimate as this was. You blinked away tears for the fourth time that day and realized there was only one thing you could say at the moment. 
“So do it. Kiss me.” 
Newt closed the distance between your bodies, pulling you into him by the waist and pressing his lips to yours. Elation filled every inch of your body as you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him as close as you were able, pouring all your love into the kiss. You felt one of Newt’s hands snake up your neck, palm splayed over your jaw as he tried in vain to pull you closer into his body. 
You wished you didn’t need air to breathe when you were forced to pull back, lipstick smeared on Newt’s swollen lips, and likely on your own, as well. But you still had one question to ask. 
“Why now?” You asked, smoothing the hairs on the nape of his neck. “I mean, after everything, why now? You spent two months pretending to hate me, so what changed?”
“The jacket.” Newt told you. “Sonya practically forced it into my hands after you left, and then she yelled at me for half an hour about how big of an idiot I was being, and how wrong it was for me to keep treating you the way I had been. After that… I sat on my bed for a while, holding the jacket and thinking about how right she was. About how much I missed you. After that, I knew I had to do something, so…” 
“So you planned all this?” You said, a coy smile spreading on your lips. “Just for me?”
Newt smiled wide, laughter bubbling in his throat. “Just for you, darling.” The nickname made your heart skip a beat, and your smile widened. “You shouldn’t be so surprised. You  saw what I did for you in New York. Making elaborate plans to see you happy isn’t anything new.”
Without another word, you pulled his head down to kiss him again. You couldn’t fight the smile on your lips as you kissed Newt, reveling in how amazing it felt to finally be able to kiss him. Just as you were pulling away, a thought crossed your mind. “Wait. What about Thomas? And our friends?”
“Did you not hear a word I just said?” Newt laughed. “I don’t give a damn what Tommy thinks. I only care about you. And our friends have been in on it for the past week, love.” 
You smiled bright at the boy holding you, pulling him back into another searing kiss. 
Under the canopy of the willow tree, on the greatest day of your life so far, you got your movie-screen happy ending; and everything that happened to get it was entirely worth it.
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series taglist: @heliads @ghostofscarley @badbatch-simp24 @virginia-peters @third-broparcelicito @lamolaine @yes-fangirl-things (open!)
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miryum · 2 years
Snack Saver (Newt x Reader)
You know the drill folks, it’s fic dumping time. I have three coming out right now (all shorter than I would like them to be) and a request I have yet to write.
Warnings: fluff that I crave, reader being in theatre (can be high school or college) and being a upperclassmen 
Newt sat at his desk, engrossed in his maths homework. He had to finish this and then his history homework, along with studying for science. 
Just as Newt was getting into the zone, his phone pinged. He groaned but left it on the other table. Soon after, his mind forgot about it and dove back into his work. However, his phone soon pinged again. Then again. Then it started ringing. 
Sighing, Newt twisted around and grabbed it. Seeing the caller ID, his frustration lifted a bit and he answered it.
“Hello, love,” Newt said to his girlfriend.
“Thank god.” Y/n breathed, immediately making Newt’s heart race in concern. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing!” Y/n laughed slightly at his concern. “It’s just, I’m at theatre practise…”
“I know. Do you need anything?”
“Yes, actually.” Newt could hear Y/n’s anxiety from the other side of the phone. “It’s a late practise; we end around six pm. And I forgot to bring snacks. I was wondering if you could drive over with some food?” Newt let out a little chuckle, which Y/n took the wrong way. “Or you don’t have to!” She quickly backtracked. “I’m so sorry! I’m sure you were doing more important things and I just thought-”
Newt shook his head, even though Y/n couldn’t see it. “No, love, it’s okay! I’ll bring a couple of snacks. It’s just… I love you.”
Y/n, confused but happy, replied, “I love you too, Newt. Thank you so much! I’ll wait outside the school for you.”
“No need. I’ll come in and finish my homework so I can give you a ride home.”
“You don’t need to do that.”
“I’m your boyfriend. I don’t need to, but I want to.”
“Thank you, Newt.” Y/n said, sounding genuinely thankful and relieved. 
“You’re welcome. Bye.”
Newt scooped up his homework, binders and textbooks weighing him down. He then went to the kitchen, grabbing some snacks he knew Y/n would love. Loading it all into his beat-up car, he coaxed the engine into starting and headed down the road. When he reached the school he had only left an hour earlier, Newt piled up all his things and trooped inside. Y/n was waiting for him outside the auditorium, her foot tapping nervously. “Oh, you’re here!” She rushed towards him, grabbing the food out of his hands and ripping open a package. 
“Love the food more than me?” Newt chuckled.
“Right now, yes. But thank you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Y/n reached up and kissed Newt on the cheek. 
“Be very hungry,” Newt answered, trying to sound as serious as possible.
Y/n laughed and led him into the auditorium. The other people in the play were sitting about, taking a break before the next scene. The couple was greeted by a chorus of, “Newt!” and “It’s Y/n’s boy-toy!” 
Y/n waved them off while Newt called out, “I’m only here on a snack emergency!” Some cast members groaned at the response while others laughed. 
Newt settled into a seat next to Y/n’s backpack as Y/n gave him a peck on the lips before running towards her friends with her pile of snacks. 
During the next couple of hours, Newt hardly got any school work done as he sat, memorised, at his girlfriend. His pencil was poised over his paper, never fully completing a thought, but he didn’t mind. Newt was happy simply watching her perform. Y/n came to life while she was onstage, as he had told her many times before. When Y/n wasn’t rehearsing, she sat next to Newt, head on his shoulder as they quietly conversed, occasionally sneaking a kiss or two while some freshmen looked on with jealousy. 
After Y/n’s rehearsal was finished and she had said her goodbyes, Newt shouldered his backpack and led her to his car. “Thank you again, Newtie,” Y/n whispered as they walked, Newt holding her hand gently. 
“Anytime. If you need anything, at any time, call me. It could be midnight or halfway around the world, and I will always be there for my love and forever partner.”
“Really?!” Y/n looked at him, wide- eyed.
“You think I would ever give you up?” New shook his head, chuckling. “Never.”
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magicwithineleteo · 1 year
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pixellangel · 11 months
i cant tumblr today gang i have been at school since 7am and i walked almost 14k steps throughout the day. being a haunted house tour guide is so fucking tiring dude
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i was in platform heels this whole time. i am in such pain and i am going to sleep asap *faints dramatically onto my bed*
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mayoiayasep · 1 year
hi. question. is it like. helpful to get diagnosed with adhd like does it end up restricting your legal rights and make you unable to do stuff that you would be able to do while being undiagnosed
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ne0nlightzz · 1 year
Try to actually write and get requests written and posted along with the next part of my fanfic written and posted before monday cuz i need to get back into writing and i haven't updated since may? Nahh- Lets try to plan and figure out a draculura sweet 1600 cosplay even though the deadline for that isn't till like October 1st-13th and stress and fixate on random side projects instead- also i put on these fake nails i bought cuz they had hello kitty on them i literally cannot function or type correctly and have stabbed myself in eye like 7times- i hate this experience why did i do this to myself:\\
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