#gluttony peter parker
catchingdaydreams · 1 year
Wrong Summoning
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Peter B Parker (demon) x reader
NSFW Warning
Imagine trying to summon an incubus but you don't have the correct material and summon a gluttony demon instead.
Don't worry he's very gluttonous for the taste of you!
( if it gets popular I'll do part two of just pure smut)
It was a cool summers night. The night was still young, many people were littered along one of the main streets, chasing fun and dancing to the music to various pubs and clubs alike. Rambunctious laughter could be heard echoing outside your apartment.
Your friends loved the nightlife, you though....not so much. No matter how much they try to plead and bribed you tonight it all fell short. You glance back at your window, seeing them hobble to a club across the street, you sighed. Partying wasn't your scene, tired it once and never again. Left a bad taste in your mouth. But you digress. A good book was better than being in a dark lit room, bumping against sweaty strangers.
Besides you had other plans today. You see the only good thing about a club compared to a book was that a book couldn't get you dicked down. Sure you have an entire shelf filled with nothing but erotica and your old reliable toys to keep your horny fill. However, it wasn't enough anymore. No matter how much you read, how much you fantasized, how hard you played with yourself, it only led with two outcomes.
1. You couldn't cum.
2. You didn't feel satisfied no matter how much you fucked yourself silly.
You weren't left with many choices either . You were too shy and meek to really be interested in a relationship. Even when it came to flings you felt awkward about it. Mostly cause you live in the heart of the city's party district and the last time you tried a one night stand with some flirtatious hunk it ended badly. You kept seeing him around to the point you started to freak out that he was stalking you. You really didn't want to be riddled with paranoia once more.
Your last option was stupid, but decided that this somehow was better than the rest.
You aligned a summoning circle with finishing touches. Brushing your timber wooden floors with blood and rosemary mix, you wrote the incarnation that was in the book beside you.
Oh yes you were reduce to this. Summoning an incubus. While you don't really believe in the supernatural, you thought why not. It's not like anything bad will happen. A lot of smut that you read, well not a good source of factual material, was maybe influencing your horny mind too much right now. And if nothing happens, well at least you had your own version of a wild night to tell your friends about , low key going insane and becoming a blood version of Picasso (yeah probably shouldn't tell them that...).
The book beside you, you found it at a little second hand bookstore. You were looking for a new mystery novel when you saw the old thing slip of the top shelf and landed right on your head before falling on the floor. Its pages directly landed on how to summon a lust demon. It was like fate. And you willingly accepted it.
The old book was hard to encrypt. Most of the summoning list was layered in vagueness and rhyming its ingredient and steps. But you think you got the gist of it. You may have substituted some items with things you could easily get your hands on at your local supermarket. You hope the demon wasn't picky that you used your espresso martinie scented candles instead of votive candles, among other things you used.
Your last key piece was lighting up the candles under moonlight. You light each one and read out the chant that was in your book. A slight breeze swept through your apartment despite having all your windows closed. It cause you to shiver on instinct. The flames of the candles flickerd but remained intact.
"Did it work?" You thought to yourself, skeptical at your handy work. "Maybe I said it wrong", You question yourself further. You had to use Google translate to understand how to pronounce the Latin words, maybe you should have used a more reliable translator?
"No didn't work, the incubus is suppose to come out of the summoning circle." You correct yourself, looking over the illustration of the old book once more before trying to summon it once more. And again. And again.
It wasn't working.
You slapped your face, muffling a desperate scream with your hand, you chucked the damn book at the summoning circle. Walking to your kitchen you grabbed a bottle of wine. Not even bothering with a glass you took a swig at it. You sigh glancing back at the contents of your fridge. You had a whole bag filled with pigs blood. 'Great what are you going to do with that!?'
"Your fucking stupid y/n!!! Believing that this was real. Get your damn head of the clouds, now I've gotta spend my Saturday night cleaning blood, chalk and other shit off my floor!" You slammed you fridge shut in anger. The light if the fridge disappeared, leaving you in complete darkness. That's odd, the candles gave off-
You looked over to your lounge room. You had to double take the situation. Your candles were completely out. Not even a wick of puffed out smoke filtered through the air. What was even weirder was that the moonlight no longer shined down onto your floors, despite no clouds blocking the moon. Your room was blanketed in darkness.
You gulped.
Oh it definitely worked.
You look a step into the room, inspecting your room closer.
"Hello?" Your voice was meek, practically a whisper. Yet you were only met by the unnatural coldness of the room. If it wasn't so dark you could probably see your breath. What you also noticed was that the outside music and laughter was pretty much drowned out in complete silence. Not a peep or a creek. Only your heart beat that thumbed through your ear drums.
Just then a ominous red glow came from the summing circle. You relied on instinct pretty much at this point, running behind the couch to hide. You were terrified but still curious, you peaked from the armrest.
The glow from the circle swirled forming ominous red smoke. The ground cracked open with a mighty shake, cries from the damned within bled into your room. A black claw came out first, reaching to the sky before landing itself on your floor, digging it's nails on the wood as it clawed towards itself. It was hard to see the full picture of this beast as the smoke covered most of its body but what was clear was his black obsidian-like ram horns that glistened despite no natural light. His eyes glowed deep crimson red as he stared into nothingness. His mouth opened, giving you a side view of his small but sharp incisors. He seemed lost in thought, like confused as to why he was here. That was that until he stopped and found you .He's eyes felt it bore into your soul, as of he was judging your sins.
You involuntarily gasped as you fully hid behind the couch now. Your skin was riddled with goosebumps, hair sticking on ends as you shake in place.
'Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope ,nope , fuck this shit' you stressed out, clearly having a internal struggle with yourself with the whole situation Infront of you. You regret being too horny that you summoned a fucking demon. And demons are real??? Oh God it's gonna kill you.
You anticipated for the worst.
But nothing happened.
You remained in the same place and so did the demon.
What you didn't expect was a throaty chuckle.
"Heh, sorry about the floor." The demon said with a hint of regret in his tone.
"And it's hard wood too. Damn really gone fooled this up already. Ah we could probably smooth out the scratch marks out. Maybe through a rug over it. If it can't be seen it's not there, yeah ? Yeah! That could work. Rugs bright out a room more-" He kept rambleing on to much of your confusion.
The demon looked about at the couch that you hid behind, taking notice that you haven't said anything or pretty much ignored his suggestions. He could sense he already stuffed up his introduction with you. So he tried again. Properly this time.
He coughed to clear his throat and began to speak once more. " Where are my manners." He clicked his fingers, re-lighting the candles around him, burning even brighter with his magic that it lit up the room, all still be a bit dimly.
"My name is Peter. How can I be of service to you Master" he says placing his hand over his chest as he kneel before you."
Peter could hear you shuffle behind , but still you didn't allow him to see your presence. He was even more confused, tilting his head to the side. He was so confident that you were the one that summoned him, he could feel the summoning pact from you. He looked around the small room . It was certainly a lot different from his last summons. More homely, warm even. He notices that everywhere he looked the walls there littered with books shelves stacked with both new and old books. 'So my master is a reader, huh?' He thought, thinking the likely reasons for his summons tonight.
"You have quite the collection of books don't ya?" He tries once more to start a conversation. " Gosh it's giving me cozy library in the middle of a country side vibes if I do say so myself. Bet you take pride in your collection, I can tell" he gleems a cheeky smile as he glaces some of the titles he hasn't seen before.
You really has no ideas what to say. One moment your terrified of him, then he's saying sorry and complimenting your books. That last part surprised you the most. Most people who you met would bring up the subject but then say nothing else. Your friends thought it was a boring hobby. Made jokes about being an old woman and all that.
You thanked the demon in a whisper.
"No problem!!" The demon chimed.
"Soooo am I able to see you, I mean I can pretty much do my job just right here perfectly fine but I wouldn't miiiiiiinnnnd , seeing my Master". He asked in a playful tone.
You debated over this, he looks scary but seems nice? Kinda awkward but nice. Removing yourself from your crappy hiding spot wouldnt put you in danger anyway. Regaining your thoughts You did make sure to salt the circle to prevent the demon moving outside of it. So even if he could try to harm you, he can't.
You slowly emerge and stand in front of the demon that you summoned. Now with the light of the candles and no fog you could get a better look at him properly. Along with the features you described before , he was tall, like bean pole tall. Certainly towered over your small frame.
He has the classic small black bat like wings on his back and an imps tail. His face featured that of a man in his mid 30s, a bit of scruff and distinct crooked nose. He was shirtless, but wore thin cotton robes. He looked very odd to be a incubus. Certainly you must have gotten the short end of the stick. He wasn't really your type.But you weren't complaining. He looked goofy. Major DILF vibes from him. Certainly was showing it through his dad bod. He was toned but not too much. Has a bit of chub with his gut that looked kinda cute hanging out-
Oh maybe he was your type. Wow okay then. You learn something new every day.
You felt too hot underneath his gaze, you hope that he couldn't see how bush was already forming. Your shyness was already creeping up on you once more as you looked away. The wine from before wasn't helping you.
But the demon kept staring at you. Finally, he broke the silence first.
"Huh?" Peter said out of disbelief, tilting his head the other side.
You looked back at him with confusion on your face. "What ?"
"Oh nothing, I just didn't know my master would look well like you." He says, gesturing his hands to you . This caused you to raise your brow. 'Did he notice your blushing or something. Was there something on your face ?' You thought, touching your cheek.
He took notice of your hand movement, quickly trying to resolve the situation once more
"Ah no I didn't mean it a bad way kid. It's just most of the time it's old men who summon me. Not that I'm saying I prefer that, it was a surprise, a nice one. No ,no you look lovely, oh gosh Peter stop messing this up again." He rambles on with apologies one after another.
It was a sight to see him jumble up with his words. He whole thing was so comical it gave yourself a chuckle.
He pause momentarily, looking back at you once more. His guilty face relaxed at your laughter. He signed out of relief.
A crooked smile was on his face as he relaxed a bit and started to speck without a speck of worry this time. "I'm really sorry can we start again?"
You nodded.
"My name is Peter!" He introduced himself, giving a small curtsy, chuckling at his actions. You matched his laughter. He beemed at your response, his wings flapping with glee as his tail wagged and hit your floor with each thump.
To you he looked like a golden retriever at this moment.
The tension in the room was no longer there. The coldness started to slowly dissipate, as a warmth grew between you two.
"It's nice to meet you" you say.
"Likewise~" he hummed, fiddling with his fingers he continued. "Soooo what gluttonous desires do you request of me?" He gets down to the point now.
Your face was stricken with confusion and he noticed. "gluttonous desires?". You repeat back his words.
"Yep that's what I was summoned for. I am a Glutton demon after all" he chimed, puffing his chest with pride.
You didn't really didn't know how to react. You were literally dumbfounded. Clearly you fucked up big time. You didn't respond to him for quite some time. He notices the stress riddled on your face.
"Master?" Peter called out to you. He grew concerned at your sudden change of expression.
He calls for you once more but you ignored him. You collapsed on the couch, placing your hands on your head you quietly sweard underneath your breath. You drag your hands on your face, hiding most of it from him.
He awaited for some sort of answer. And you gave it.
"I think I summoned the wrong demon" you state, not even bothering to look at him.
"You think you summoned the wrong demon". He repeats back dumbfounded.
Silence once again were between you two. Peter took upon himself to speak up.
"Ah okay not a problem, things like this happen" he says with a convincing voice. He flaps his hand in an 'no worries' movement.
"Really?" You ask, looking at him in shock and relief.
"Well no" He commented.
" Well best no the beat around the bush, you got me curious now. What were you trying to summon then" he asks curiously, a bit too happy about all this.
You really didn't know if you even should say it. It was bloody embarrassing now. You were red as a beetroot and he certainly looks noticed that now. His eyes gleams at you with such delight. He took pleasure from your internal anguish.
"Well...you see...it's a funny story". You start to explain.
"Mmm, oh I love funny stories. Do tell ~" he says, plopping himself down on the floor, his hands cupped his face as his tail once more flickered back and forth.
"But maybe keep it to, 'long story short', it looks like my Master is turning red as hells fire itself!" He snorts at his own joke, wrinkling his face with a wicked smile as he slaps his knee.
You don't know how you could possibly go more red.
"I was ..."
You looked back at him but quickly looked down to the floor. You couldn't see his face right, hes being a right smug bastard.
"You were?" He trys to push for you to continue.
You sighed, shutting your eyes as you spoke next.
"I was trying to summon.....an incubus"
He snorts
And breaks in full laughter.
Peter looked absolutely enthralled by this whole ordeal. He would have never expected a little cutie like you would be summoning a demon of that caliber. He found you too shy and gentle for you wanting to experience raw an untamed lust. But he really shouldn't judge a character by the book. No, this whole meeting with you he found you blushing from ear to toe, first thinking it was out of embarrassment. Now he knows why. And now you piped his interests even more. A bit of him felt flattered that you even thought he was an incubus. His chest swelled with an unknown feeling. Not bad, and not good. It was a pleasant warmth. But he pushed that feeling away fast. He needs to focus on this little minx who summoned him. And oh boy, does he really have a lot to handle at the moment.
Peter wipes a tear from his eye as he tries to get a hold of himself. "Sorry sorry, heheh.. It's just..hahehe" he keeps laughing between.
"Okay okay. I'm fine now sorry. Tell me, you didn't substitute anything, beside the candles that smell heavily right now." He says, taking notice of the candles coffee scents.
"I used pigs blood. Didn't have sage nor Peony so used rosemary and hydrangeas instead", listed.You didn't even bother to look at him. You were too shamed of yourself.
"You're supposed to use your own blood. Creates a greater emotional connection between the incubus and the summoner. Pigs blood is the go to, to call a glutton demon. As for the other item, I have no clue how it affected the summoning but yeah. You botched it missy." He rants.
"I can see that" you sign. "So I'm really sorry but I don't really need your services, so you can just-" you point at the cracks of your floor boards " go back".
"Doesn't work like that kid" he mumbled.
"What!!!" You finally looked at him. "what do you mean, can't you go back?".
"Nope! I am here until a gluttonous desire has been filled. If you read that book correctly you should have known this already, tisk, tisk" He sings, clearly taking pleasure in your pain right now.
Peter slowly gets up from the floor, he stands in front of you as you were sitting, towering over you. He draws back a devilish smile, his fangs protrude out as his forked tongue slowly licks them. You sit in horror. The man before you, who joked and teased you looked down right sinful. You felt small, powerless despite him being caged right now. You gulped as your eyes met his teeth. You wondered how his teeth would feel on your skin, sinking into your neck. You were far too stressed out and humiliated right now, but a familiar warmth spreads down to your groin. You squeeze you legs together as you felt the start of your arousal. God you were pathetic. You hoped he didn't notice, but ooooh this demon did.
Peter chuckled lowly, he was enjoying the sight of ya. Your struggles was so fascinating to him. He never had someone interested in him. Sexually he means. He was always summoned by the power of greed, obsession. Powerful men wanted more power that a mere mortal can hold. Being the demon brought from gluttony, overindulgence was his way of life. And being the selfless demon that he is he doesn't mind sharing his way to others. Certainly doesn't mind when all his Masters, one by one are ruined from it. All their belongings, their pride and worth stripped away by the very thing that they wanted more of. He took great pleasure from it. And in turn kept his own gluttonous desires satisfied.
But now he has an opportunity to try something new. You brought it upon yourself to him on a silver platter. He first thought when he took a look at the situation that he was in was that something on the topic of books was your desire. Your link with him was not completed since you messed up his summoning, so he couldn't get a feel of his masters connection with him. No sense of obsession or greedy need from you. But Peter didn't need any of that.
You were an open book.
You wanted him.
And how can he neny that.
Certainly not when he too felt hungry.He didn't want just a nibble, or a taste. No, Peter wanted to devour you whole. He is gluttonous after all.
"Oooh Master~?" He practically purs towards you. He leans down at much he could with the barrier blocking him. You could feel his breath on your face.
"Were you really that dick hungry that you couldn't think straight with the summons. That eager to be fucked like the good girl that you are, that you couldn't even read the simplest of instructions. Now look at what it left you with. Nothing. Poor baby, noones here to please you, worship this gorgeous body until you cry out to God. Oh but he won't respond to sinners the likes of you love. Your too fucking gone now, tainted by lust."
You whined.
You really should be ashamed of yourself, but the way Peter spoke to your felt so right to you. Your panties were damp, and he hasn't done anything to you yet. You grew more needy for him, from just his teasing alone. You wanted to reach out and touch his pale and blackened skin. But you couldn't.Be damned, you were scared. Not getting cold feet or anything but he wasn't even an incubus. Your mind went a mile a minute, ending up with self doubt and negativity. He was just teasing you? Of course he was, you made a fool of yourself, he's just doing that for kicks.
"You know, I'm a pretty generous fella. I could help you. I believe this gluttonous desire would be more than enough to finish this ritual. What do you say Master~" he drags the last word as of he's breathless. He was getting ahead of himself with his eagerness.
"But your a glutton demon" you state.
"Mmm?" Peter responded, clearly not understanding what was going on with your mind.
"I thought gluttony was when your over eating." You say.
"Certainly not. That's a harmful stereotype". He says in a shocked tone, crossing his arms, he looks away from you, he pouts.
"Ah shit sorry I-I didn't meant tha-"
But then quickly laughs it off, drowning out your apology. "Nah I'm just pulling your leg". He hums as he continues. " Gluttony is overindulgence." he corrects.
"Oh" you responded.
"And right now I want to indulge eating out your pretty little pussy~" Peter moans.
"Oh?" Again is puzzled by your reluctance.
'You're not messing with me, are you serious about this?" You questioned, still not sure if this demon is making fun of you.
"Yes~" Peter purred.
"If you don't believe I can beg fo-" " Ah that won't be necessary" You object but he does so anyway.
Peter instantly drops to his knees with a loud bang. His breath escapes him in a needy whine as he stared right at your with painful want. "Please, please Master let me taste you, I want to taste your pussy. Let drink from your sweet nectar. I can be your good demon for you. So good. If you let me. Use me. Order me master. To feast upon you. Let me devour you until you cry out for no more, to finally be satisfied. Please Master. Let me out."
Holy fuck. This man has no shame. Your left speechless as he just he smirks with such admiration. His body is shaking as if he wants to pounce on you, but the salt circle is imstill intact, preventing him to. All doubt has left your body when you noticed a tent that formed under his robes.
"You sure you aren't an incubus?" You laugh. He laughs back.
"Not sure, you know, might be one on my mother's side. Wanna find out together?"
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ask-screamspider · 1 year
It was scared.
It was *it* at this point, barely sentient. It wouldn't become Kaine for another few months. It had already grown what would become its signature raggedy long hair and overgrown stubble, but the black dye and the contacts were still in waiting, replaced with green goop and its creators broken glasses.
Its creator was in a sad, sad, state. Covered in green fur, eyes a spiraling red, and muttering like a madman.
"It had to work it had to work it had to work it had to work it had to-"
It cut the chant short. It that would become Kaine ripped out its fathers throat and, subsequently, its fathers ribcage. It'd only learn of Uncle Ben later, when it had become they, but the memories of his death reverberated over the two.
A bird landed next to the father and child. It blinked. One last note of Peter Parker and the Vulture's gluttony.
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WBW for Sienna Brooks?? 🖤🖤🖤
full name: Sienna Rose Brooks
gender: Cisgender female (genderqueer later in life)
sexuality: Omnisexual
pronouns: She/her (she/they later in life)
Richard Brooks (father)
Josephina Brooks (mother)
Olivia Brooks (older sister - deceased)
Imogen Brooks (younger sister)
Daisy Brooks (younger sister)
birthplace: Manhattan, New York
job: Member of the Avengers, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
phobias: Death, The Past, Tight Spaces
guilty pleasures: Disney films, rom-coms, children, macaroni and cheese, reality tv shows, Mexican food, coffee, dark chocolate, antiques, red wine
morality alignment?: Neutral Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: both!!
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Sienna Brooks x Steve Rogers
ot3: Sienna Brooks x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff
brotp: Sienna Brooks x Bucky Barnes
notp: Sienna Brooks x Peter Parker
Thank you for the ask @starlit-ocs/@starlit-epiphany!!! 🖤
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darth-caillic · 4 months
world building wednesday + andrea benito — @xoteajays
full name: Andrea Julieta Benito-Pérez
gender: afab
sexuality: Bisexual
pronouns: she/her)
family: Dante Benito (adoptive father), Peter Parker (boyfriend)
birthplace: New York
job: Article Editor
phobias: closed-in spaces
guilty pleasures: British dramas
morality alignment?: Chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard working
otp: Andrea / Peter
ot3: Andrea / Venom / Eddie
brotp: Andrea / Venom
notp: Andrea / Miguel
0 notes
utsugi-ren · 8 months
CoB Typology Analysis 2, Enneagram Edition
Can't sleep so I'm writing this instead LMAO as per the use' you can read Crushed Olive Branch here @crushedolivebranch !
Theron is a bit hard to type, he comes off as a heart type due to his excessive need for approval, but I could also see him being a gut type. Gut types are the anger triad, including:
8s=Externalize their anger (outwardly angry and aggressive, confrontationl, and hates being seen as weak) 9s=Internalize their anger (inwardly angry but doesn't show it as not to cause a scene. Hates confrontation and lessens their needs to avoid it) 1s=Moralize their anger (can be inward or outward, but they need to uphold their idea of perfection which comes from their righteous fury)
I think it's pretty obvious he's a 9, 9's sin is sloth (specifically cognitive sloth) and this is shown in him HEAVILY. He doesn't really care about his own needs, minimalizing them and only thinking about others. Though I think 9 fits him to a T, I don't think gut triad does in general. He definitely is the kind of person who relies on gut instincts, but he doesn't have that much anger. 9s are still in the anger triad, meaning they ARE angry they just don't show it
As for the heart triad argument, he needs excessive approval and wants to be seen as the best, the only reason I believe that this could be wrong is because his need for approval doesn't come internally, but from external sources (his father and Dom), but I'm not too sure on this part LoL I specifically think he's a 4. 4's sin is envy, they want a sense of normalcy and feel like they don't belong. This fits him as well, he desperately craves this sense of "normalcy" that was forced onto him
So my conclusion is he's most likely a 9, specifically a 9w8 (though wings don't really matter, I don't see him as a 1 at all. He doesn't have many morals himself, but he is a protector of the weak and does use his gut instinct often, shown when he blurts out his confession to Dominic without thinking) but he could also be a 4w3? I'm not exactly sure what his wing would be, but I'm leaning towards 3 since he works hard to be a good shadowhunter, and he doesn't seem to use knowledge to cover up insecurities like a 5.
As for the tritype, I'm gonna say 946, I don't see him as either a 7 or 5 fix (not hedonistic enough to be a 7 and not as knowledge seeking as a 5).
9w8s are stereotyped as peace makers, but they know how to stand up for themselves when the time comes for it. 946s are stereotyped as anxious people who don't seem to fit into the idea of normalcy.
Examples of 9w8s include:
Sans (Undertale)
Patrick Star (Spongebob)
Jake the Dog (Adventure Time)
Willow Park (ToH)
Examples of 946s include:
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Legoshi (Beastars)
Willow Park (ToH)
Peter Parker (Spiderman Trilogy)
Mordecai (Regular Show)
Full Type So Far: ISFJ - 9w8 - 946
Dominic is the most heart triad of the heart triads LMAO Heart triad includes:
2s: Need for love
3s: Need for recognition
4s: Need to be someone else
I think it's pretty obvious he's not a 4, he's too overly confident and not envious he's just. Kinda like that. As for whether he's a 3 or a 2, I think 2 is kind of obvious. 2s are often seen as the "helpful" enneagram but that's dumbing it down a lot. 2s are people who give to get, they need love and when unhealthy they full on expect it. This is shown with his entire relationship with Theron. When Theron starts spending more time with Mattias, Dom gets jealous NOT because he actually gives a shit about Theron but because he needs to be loved, and expects it even if he's acting like a little bitch LMAO.
As for the other triads, he's definitely a 7. He's not really the average appearance of a 7, but combined with his 2-dom I feel like his gluttony shows in the form of his love need. He needs to be loved by EVERYONE and the people who don't love him need to admire him for being so attractive. 7s are often egotistical hedonists, which fits him at least somewhat. I wouldn't really call him a hedonist, but he's DEFINITELY egotistical and hedonistic traits do come in the form of putting himself and his happiness first.
The gut triad is a harder subject though, I think, stereotypically, he's most like an 8, but I'm not exactly sure? He definitely shows the outward aggression of an 8, though that's in the form of passive aggression, but he doesn't have the rest of the traits. He has no lust, no motor dominance, he doesn't exactly care about excitement or needing more in the physical realm. Really, the closest reason I think for him being an 8 is that he fits the usual definition of lust to a T. He's definitely not a 1 or a 9 tho so. 8's gonna have to do LMAO
Oh I forgot wing, he's a 3 wing. Not an ounce of 1 in this man LMAO
2w3's are heavily stereotyped, and usually are stereotyped as people who are helpful purely for recognition. 278's are like. Bastards. Idk what else to say.
Examples of 2w3s from PDB:
Michael Scott (The Office)
Misa Amane (Death Note)
Monika (DDLC)
Percy Jackson
Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High)
Examples of 278s from PDB:
Aphrodite (Mythology)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Hooty (The Owl House)
Lumpy Space Princess (Adventure Time)
Beatrice (Umineko. I am putting this one here for me. My queen.)
Full Type So Far:
ESFP - 2w3 - 278
Ok so. Mattias is a bit hard to type. He doesn't have the academic nature of a head type, but he also doesn't have the sensory dominance of a gut type or the accessive need for approval of a heart type. I think, out of all of these. If I had to pick one from each triad, I'd say 4, 6, and 9
4s are people who WANT to be different, they're often individualists and like to be seen as different, but this is because they're heavily envious of others. I don't really know if I see this in Mattias? It's kind of hard, he's not a person who needs to be recognized by others, he's cool being himself, so that takes 4 off the list.
6s are security and relationship oriented, he's definitely not counterphobic, so his need for security would be in developing relationships, which I think fits him best. His academy days were full of him getting into relationships, though we don't know if it's fully for security he clearly needs other people. You COULD say this fits E2 better, but he craves love doesn't need it, if that makes any sense LMAO. Pretty much, 2s live off of love because it inflates their ego, 6s need love because they want to feel safe, and I think the latter fits Mattias a bit more.
I've discussed 9, which I think fits him a bit more than 4, but I don't think it's his dominant. He's definitely conflict avoidant, but 9s are still in the gut triad, meaning they have anger and are sensory people. Mattias is the opposite of that, he's not sensory in the slightest, he even disregards sensory experiences a lot of the time. This is shown when he meets Theron, he doesn't care about training because he's scared. He values his own security and his percieved survival over what actually was happening in reality. It's used comedically, but it's also shown when he's afraid of being "fused" to the rock wall, showing how he's less realistic than a gut triad-dom would be
SO in conclusion, I think he's a 694 or maybe a 692? I'mma stick with 694 for now :P and 6w7 !
6w7s are stereotyped as analytical and anxious people with a hedonistic streak, 694 tritype was covered before, but with a 6-dom instead of a 4-dom, it'd be more focused on security and less focused on identity
Examples of 6w7s from PDB:
Sokka (Avatar)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Edward Elric (FMA)
Woody (Toy Story)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Examples of 694s from PDB:
Killua Zoldyck (HunterxHunter) (Again LoL)
Shinji Ikara (Evangelion)
Kakashi again LoL
Charlie Brown
Alphys (Undertale)
Full type so far:
INFP - 6w5 - 694
Nerissa seems like a cut and dry 1 tbh, though I think 6 would fit her better. She seems more head triad than gut triad, she doesn't really have that much anger and her perfectionism comes from external forces, not internal anger. She doesn't show much anger at all, instead she seems incredibly insecure and anxious, which is head type domain.
Her need for connections is lesser than Mattias, but she definitely uses connections for security. I mean, she ends up "dating" Dom because she wants to seem straight due to fear of homophobia, I would go into this more but I'm pretty sure the evidence I have of this is only on patreon so I'm shutting my yapper LMAO. If u know, u know.
As for her other triads, she's definitely a 1. Doesn't fit the external anger of the 8 or the internal sloth of a 9. As for heart triad, I think 3 is the only one that makes sense. She doesn't have a love need, nor is she overly envious of other people. She just wants to be the best version of herself she can be, which might come off as more 1 (since 3s are more actively looking for praise) but since it's just a fix it works imo
SO I think she's a 6w5 (didn't explain the 5 but I feel like I don't have to. She is not hedonistic at ALL) and 613
6w5s are stereotyped as anxious, but more analytical than a 6w7, and 613's are stereotyped as perfectionists with a need to be the best
Examples of 6w5s from PDB:
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Killua Zoldyck (HxH)
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Guts (Berserk)
Example sof 613s from PDB:
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Dwight Schrute (The Office)
Mako (The Legend of Korra)
Robin (Teen Titans)
Knuckles (Sonic)
Full Type:
ENTJ - 6w5 - 613
Extra Characters that are mainly vibe typed:
Ava: 9w8, definitely. Her sloth is palpable LMAO. As for her tritype, I think she's head>heart, and 7 (just wants to have some sort of fun, doesn't use analysis to cover her fears like a 6 or 5) for head type, and for heart type I'm not sure? I'm going to say 2 due to her wanting to be liked only because she doesn't show the need for achievments of a 3 or the envy of a 4
Already showed examples of 9w8s, but here's some 972 exampls from PDB: Patrick Star-Spongebob, Jake the Dog-Adventure Time, Wendy-Gravity Falls
Full Type: ISTP - 9w8 - 972
Cicero: Honestly, not sure? I'm gonna say 6, seems more anxiety prone than attention seeking or anger based. I would specifically say Head>Heart>Gut, but that's just a guess. Also typing 6w7 (also a guess) and 629
Examples of 629s from PDB: Gretchen Wieners-Mean Girls, Samwise Gamgee-Lord of the Rings, Lean Scott Kennedy-Resident Evil
Full type: ENFJ - 6w7 - 629
Roman: 8, his entire deal is questoning authority like. Classic 8. As for the rest, heart>head, 3>7(purely a guess tho :P) and 7 wing!
Examples of 8w7s from PDB: Tyler Durden-Fight Club, Anakin Skywalker-Star Wars, Gon-HunterxHunter
Examples of 837s from PDB: Zeus-Mythology, Inuyasha, Grunkle Stan-Gravity Fall
Full type: ESTP - 8w7 - 837
Trevor: Honestly, not too sure? I'm gonna say 7, he's flamboyant but has a good head on his shoulder, he likes making jokes but like a healthier 7 he knows when to take things seriously. 6-wing, no way this dude has an 8 wing LMAO. Also gut>heart, and 9>3
Examples of 7w6s from PDB: Spongebob Squarepants, Luz Noceda-The Owl House, Aang-Avatar
Examples of 793s from PDB: Ryuk-Death Note, Ryoji Kaji-Eva, Kensude Aida-Eva
Full Type: ENFP - 7w6 - 793
Kiera: I've gotten a better look at his personality (tho I still think ESTJ fits LMAO) but he's definitely an 8 imo. Definitely gut>head or heart, with heart as his second fix. He wants to be a leader and hates being seen as weak, he's scared that others don't take kindly to his leadership and takes actions to prevent that, along with not afraid of confrontation. As for his tritype, 836 fits I think
Examples of 8w9s from PDB: Darth Vader-Star Wars, Kratos-God of War, Rosa Diaz-Brooklyn 99
Examples of 836s from PDB: Kratos-God of War, Frieze-Dragon Ball, Shego-Kim Possible
Ok that's all, if this changes tones drastically it's cuz it took like. 2 weeks to write LMAO
0 notes
buckysrighthanddoll · 4 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader (college AU)
Warnings: drinking, fluff, a teensy bit of angst (y’all know it’s me lol), swearing
A.N.: This is part two of my Seven Deadly Sins series!!! Read part one here called “Envy” with Bucky Barnes :)
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You were never the drinking type. Throughout high school, you maybe had three drinks. It wasn’t that you were consumed with your bookwork or couldn’t sneak out to parties. You had plenty of opportunities.
It was now the third year of college. You were well on your way to your degree, you had an established friend group, and you had a decent enough social life. But when MJ invited you to a party this Friday, you found yourself feeling nervous.
There were a few parties in college that you attended. Every time you got uncomfortable and left early. Every time you stood in the corner with one or two of your friends from class. Every time you were home by midnight.
This time was different.
“MJ, you know--”
“That you’re a lame-ass who won’t hang out with some friends?” MJ interjected. “Come on, (Y/N), it’s just us. Even Ned is gonna be there.” Before you could even respond, she spoke again. “Peter said he’d be there.”
That caught your attention. You contemplated the decision in your head--the party was this Friday, which gave you today to prepare; however, you had a test at 10:00 am on Saturday.
“Fine. You said it was at your apartment, right?”
“Yes. Be there at 10 to help me set up,” MJ smiled, pivoting on her feet and heading to her next class. You sighed and gave a half-smile at her.
MJ knew damn well that you had a thing for Peter. And, beyond that, she insisted that he liked you, too. It was a load of bullshit, but she wouldn’t change her mind.
Finishing your classes for the day was easy. Today was Thursday, which meant you had Art appreciation, Spanish 312, and organic chemistry. That night, you set up your studying supplies and got to work.
Within an hour, you lost focus. You kept worrying about that damn party, but you logically knew that you didn’t need to. It was a few friends. Peter, Ned, MJ, and her boyfriend Mark were the only people that were supposed to be there. They were all people that you knew and trusted. As long as you didn’t drink, you’d be fine.
“Hey (Y/N/N),” Peter said, making you jump. He laughs, which immediately eases your anxieties. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I left my door unlocked again, didn’t I?” You asked, standing from your desk. He nods his head and sits on the chair by the kitchen counter. “You want something to drink?”
“Water, please,” He responds. He was always so polite, even though you’d known him since sophomore year of high school. The two of you knew everything about each other. He knew about your past traumas and experiences; you knew that he was Spider-Man.
Ya know, the usual.
You got the glass of water and threw a couple of personal pan pizzas in the oven. “I thought you were gonna study for the test on Saturday.”
“I got bored,” Peter shrugs. You sit next to him and rest your arm on the counter. “Figured I’d come to see my favorite girl,” He smiles. He gives one of those small smirks that he (recently) found to drive girls mad, but you simply raise your eyebrow.
“She’s probably in my room.”
At the perfect moment, a fuzzy black cat prances into the kitchen. Her name was Razzle, Razz for short, and she was the cutest damn cat to grace your existence. Peter adored her. There were times when you’d come home from class and see him playing with her on the floor. There were times when Peter would stay the night, and you’d wake up to see a fuzzy black ball on his chest. The scene was so cute that you took a picture (which may or may not be your lock screen, shh).
Razz jumps into Peter’s lap and immediately starts purring. His smile gets even bigger, and he scratches under the cat’s chin (the sight alone makes your heart soar).
“You wanna watch a movie?” Peter asks.
The oven dings, making you stand up to get the pizza. “As long as we can go over the vocab for the test afterward.” Peter groans, but you know that it’s sarcastic. “Deal.”
Peter goes to the living room area and turns on a random movie. You place the pizzas on paper plates and carry them out to where he’s sitting on the couch, his feet propped up onto the table. At least he had his socks on.
Thirty minutes into the movie, you weren’t paying attention anymore. All you could focus on was the way the screen lit Peter’s face; the way his eyes followed every action; the way his body jerked during a fight scene; the way his lips looked so soft and kissable and--
“Is there something on my face?” Peter asked. You snapped your gaze to the empty plate ahead of you. That’s one thing that you loved about Peter--besides his improved spidey-senses, he (sort of) grew out of his awkwardness.
“No, uh, I got lost in thought,” You lied. You grabbed his empty plate and took it to the kitchen to throw in the garbage. Taking a second to collect yourself, you went back to the couch. You scoffed at Peter, who was under a blanket and taking all three spots. “You’re such a dipshit.”
“But I’m your dipshit,” Peter retorted. You rolled your eyes as he sat up, allowing you to sit where his head just was. You plopped yourself down, and Peter rested his head on your lap, lying on his side to still face the TV.
Peter fell asleep twenty minutes later. Your hand was in his hair, softly playing with his curls, and soon enough, the soft snores ensued.
You stayed there for several moments after the movie ended. It was easy to bypass the credits rolling on the screen, especially when Peter was right there. Head in your lap. An arm draped across your thighs. You could see yourself doing this every weekend with him--waking him up, getting to the bedroom, holding each other until the early morning.
It was stupid how much you loved him. He was your best friend throughout high school and college. He was with you through every smile and tear. It was just impossible for you not to harbor anything more than a friendship.
Once the title screen popped back on, you shook Peter awake. He hums groggily and opens his eyes. As he realizes that he fell asleep on your lap, he goes red in the face and sits up.
“I didn’t realize I was even tired,” He says, letting out a breathy laugh. “I’m sorry. I, uh, I gotta get home, though. We have an 8 am tomorrow.” Peter gets up from the couch and makes his way toward the door.
“Yeah, yeah,” You said, standing up and following him. “Goodnight. Be safe, love you,” You added, hugging him.
“‘Night (Y/N/N), love you, too,” Peter responded. He left, and you took that as your cue to get to sleep.
Your classes breezed by the next day. You and Peter’s 8 am class was spent reviewing material for tomorrow’s test, and your ten am consisted of you being a TA for your Spanish professor. She just had you look through papers while she taught about the subjunctive tense.
At your apartment, you texted MJ to ask what you should wear. She arrived twenty minutes later and immediately began searching through your closet. She explained that it was still casual since it was just a few friends, but your usual plain t-shirts and jeans weren’t going to cut it.
MJ picked a tight-fitting shirt with a v-neck. She said that it made you look insanely attractive, especially when paired with the (extremely short) denim shorts that you hardly ever wore.
You decided just to straighten your hair and do basic makeup. It consisted of only eyebrows, eyeliner, and mascara; it was a bit more than your daily makeup, but if you were going to a party, you didn’t want to mess it up.
After getting dinner, you and MJ went to her apartment and began setting up. There was a beer pong table, food set out on another table, and all of the alcohol she could afford on a third table. You put a playlist on her TV screen and then put the remote behind it. It was all said and done within an hour.
You turned on the strip lights right as Mark got there. He greeted his girlfriend with a short kiss, and then he came and hugged you. Mark was a sweet guy; he treated MJ right, and he was great at communication, plus he made an effort to be friends with her friends.
Ned showed up half an hour later, and Peter was right behind him. You already had three shots, but they hadn’t kicked in yet; it was probably for the best because all you could think when you saw him was damn.
He wore a dark grey v-neck shirt and dark denim jeans. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower shortly before leaving, as his hair was still slightly damp. MJ had to hip check you to pull your attention back to the conversation.
“You need to tell him eventually,” She starts. “I mean, he totally has it bad for you, too.”
“Bullshit,” You sang. “He’s my best friend, besides you. That’s it.” You looked at the table and picked up the peppermint schnapps. “Another shot?”
“Using liquor as a negative coping mechanism. Same,” MJ nodded, smiling as she grabbed the shot glasses. “Competitive?”
“Bet,” You answered, pulling out a five from your pocket. She threw down an additional five and called Mark over to call it so that it wasn’t biased.
You both set the shot glasses on the counter and got ready. Mark slapped the table, and you and MJ threw the glasses back and slammed them back down. You won by a fraction of a second, making you throw your arms up.
“Didn’t think you were a drinker, (Y/L/N),” MJ laughed.
“I’m not,” You smirked. You grabbed the money and put it in your pocket, lining up another shot and downing that one too. “But distractions are distractions.”
“You really need a therapist,” Ned laughed.
Within an hour, you were blasted. Although you’d been slightly tipsy before, you’d never been full-on drunk before. MJ was right there with you, Mark was somewhat behind, and Ned was tipsy. Peter, who had slowly been sipping on his drink, was hardly beyond sober.
The five of you were playing Cards Against Humanity in the living room. MJ had the lead, but that didn’t shock anybody; she was declared the friend group’s funniest. You were near behind, though, which was shocking only because you’d thought Ned should be in your position.
It wasn’t like it mattered to you. All that mattered was that you and Peter sat next to each other, thighs pressed to one another, and his arm was resting on the couch cushions behind your head. If you thought that dealing with your emotions was hard when you were sober, then you were in a world of trouble when it came to you being drunk (and him being this close).
Gluttony was not your usual sin. Indulging in vices like drinking wasn’t typical of you. On any other day, you’d throw yourself into your studies, or maybe you’d be planning your study abroad that was coming up. But drinking? That was out of the ordinary.
Tonight was different. You wanted to let loose--to forget about your emotions. But that wasn’t happening, now was it?
After your game was up, you partied some more. You expected to forget about your emotions; instead, you found yourself forgetting how to care about preserving them. A few shots here, some dancing there, and you were more carefree than you had been in years.
Around three in the morning, you were tired. More than that, you had to be up at eight to get ready for your test at ten. You found yourself stumbling to get your things together so you could walk home, but Mark was trying to stop you.
“(Y/N), it’s past midnight in a college city, and you’re as drunk as a skunk. Just stay here,” Mark tried. MJ was right behind him and insisting that you at least call a taxi or an Uber.
“I’ll be fine,” You assured, nearly falling over as you slipped your shoes on. Peter, thankfully, catches and steadies you. He keeps an arm around your waist, which makes your already reddened face burn even hotter.
“I’ll take her home. I’m sober,” Peter says, looking at MJ. “Besides, we both have a test in seven hours--I need the sleep.”
“Drive safe, man,” Mark says, pulling Peter in for a hug. Peter gives MJ and Ned a hug, and then he’s by your side, leading you to his car.
It was a short and silent drive. Thank gods. You weren’t in any state to be talking to someone who you’ve harbored romantic feelings for.
Peter took you inside your apartment. The moment the door shut behind him, he locked it and got to your bedroom. He picked out some sleep shorts and an old shirt for you to sleep in, and he left you to change while he grabbed some water for you.
You sat in bed as he walked back into the room, setting the glass on your nightstand.
“You’re too nice,” You whined. “Aren’t guys supposed to be assholes or something?”
“I’m the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man--I’m not quite like most guys.” Peter smiles and lifts the covers, letting you get under them. Once you’re laid back, you take a sip of your water, and he closes the windows and curtains. He comes back to pull the blankets over your chest. Then, he starts to leave.
“Peter, can you stay the night here?” You asked. He turns to you and gives one of the softest smiles you’d ever seen (maybe it was just the rose-tinted glasses, or perhaps it was the staggering amount of alcohol in your blood). Nodding his head, he gets in on the other side of the bed.
Peter had stayed the night here plenty of times, but he always slept on the pull-out couch in the living room. He never once stayed in your bed with you also in it. You figured it was either out of concern for boundaries or respect.
The truth was, Peter was also head-over-heels for you. He’d told MJ, not that he needed to--MJ was good at reading people, and he certainly wasn’t subtle about his attraction for you.
You were the first person he came to when he became Spider-Man. You were his reason to fight after he got dusted (along with you). You were his favorite person to see after a mission--you’d been at the tower anytime Tony Stark told you that Peter was coming home. You were always there for him. You were it. You were the one that Peter wanted to be with, even if it didn’t work out in the long run.
Once Peter settled into the sheets, you rolled over and cuddled into him. Your head rested on his chest, an arm around his torso, and a leg tangled with his own. Both of you heaved a sigh of relief; this felt good. This felt right.
“Peter?” You asked.
“Yeah?” He responded.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“No, like, I love you,” You confessed, looking up at him through heavy eyelids. “Like, I wanna kiss you and cuddle you like this and hold your hand. I wanna tell people that I’m your girlfriend, and you’re my boyfriend.”
“Baby, you’re drunk.”
“I’ve been hiding this for years, Peter,” You insisted. “It isn’t because I’m drunk. The only thing this liquor is doing is helping me say what I want to say without worrying.”
“If I’m honest, (Y/N), I love you, too. In that same way. But you’re not even going to remember this in the morning.”
“Will you remind me?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Not when you’re drunk.”
“Damn,” You sighed. “Did you set an alarm for the morning?”
“I already have one set,” Peter assured you. “Let’s get to sleep.”
“And Peter?” You called. “Thank you for taking care of me.” He hummed in response.
The next morning, you were shocked that you only had a small headache. You were even more surprised that you woke up next to Peter.
Last night was fuzzy for you. Bits and pieces were clear as day, like winning thirty bucks from MJ. But what happened? Was Peter as drunk as you were? Did you say something stupid? Why was he in your bed right now?
No matter the reason, you found yourself not wanting to leave this spot. You were the closest you’d been to Peter.
The alarm on Peter’s phone rang, making you jump. Then, you grabbed your aching head. Peter awoke with a start before looking down at you. He shut the ringtone off, and then he wrapped his arms tighter around you. His hand ran up and down your arm, which made you feel happy and warm, but why the hell was he holding you like this?
“Good morning,” Peter said groggily. His morning voice was hands-down, the most beautiful thing ever.
“‘Morning,” You responded.
“Want me to put some coffee on for that hangover?” He asked.
“I’m not that hungover, actually,” You answered. “I can go make some.”
Peter nodded his head, so you got up. Three scoops into the filter, some hot water, and a few minutes later, you both had cups of bitter coffee to wake you up. You both started to get ready for the day by brushing your teeth and putting on some new clothes (Peter had to find some clothes that he’d left here last month).
It was going to be a casual and laid-back day; that much was certain. Your body was aching, and your head only started to worsen even after taking some ibuprofen. There were still thirty minutes before you needed to leave for the campus, so you and Peter sat on the couch.
“Did I say anything stupid last night?” You asked, holding onto your mug.
“Only that you loved me and wanted to kiss me,” He smirked.
You groaned and threw your head back. “I’m sorry,” You started, looking him in the eye. “I shouldn’t have said that while I was drunk.”
“Did you not mean it?”
“Of course I meant it,” You said, laughing drily. “Peter, in the seven years we’ve known each other, I’ve felt like this for six of them. I just shouldn’t have told you while I was drunk.”
“Last night, I said that I loved you, too,” Peter said. “And then you asked if you could kiss me, but I wasn’t going to let you do anything in that state.”
“Oh,” You muttered, looking down in embarrassment and setting down your coffee. Peter’s lifted your chin and then cupped your face before leaning in and kissing you. The initial shock wore off quickly, and then you were kissing him back. It was soft and sweet--precisely what you’d have expected your first kiss with him to be like.
When Peter pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours. “You wanted me to remind you when you were sober. Was that okay?”
“More than,” You smiled. You closed the distance again, tangling your hands in his hair. Peter smiles against you.
After the test, Peter took you on your first official date as a couple. He held your hand and bought you a coffee, and you carried a conversation like everything was natural. Like everything was right.
(And, for the record, you passed that exam despite the light hangover).
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gotnofucks · 4 years
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(updated 26 October 2021)
Steve Rogers
Choose :  Steve realizes he can’t let you go when you’re stuck in a safe house with him (dark!steve x reader)
Ball's In Your Court : Steve and Y/n have been playing games for years. But now that Rogers is acting like a little bitch, Y/n throws him a curve ball that will either make them or break them.
Pot of Gold : You went broke and bet your pussy.
Special Training : Steve takes special interest in your training (dark!Steve x Reader)
Nectar: Steve's waited a long time to have you again after the birth of your daughter. (soft!dark King Steve x Reader)
Their Poison : A billionaire, a sorcerer and a soldier walk into a bar. Their only poison of choice is you. (Dark!Steve x dark!Tony x dark!Stephen x reader)
The Airport Cliché : You make sure your love story has the necessary cliché to make it legit.
No One's Bitch: If Steve thought you'll bend to his will, he was dead wrong. This kitty has some claws (dark!Steve x Reader)
Bartered: You were his, despite wearing another man's ring on your hand. (Dark!Steve x Reader)
Renewing Vows: Steve reminds you of your promises as his wife. (Dark!Steve x Reader)
Colour Me Red: Your boss is chasing you like the proverbial hound of hell, and one vibrant shade of red is going to be his undoing, and yours.
Midnight Adventures: He thinks you’re trying to escape him, even though he’d made it clear who you belong to. Though the truth is far more innocuous than that. (soft!dark Steve x Reader)
Lover's Quarrel: You have the powers to resurrect if you’ve been murdered, and a jealous Steve Rogers indulges heavily in your abilities. He would not let you steal his best friend, that was for sure. So what, if your rivalry regularly caused fire and harm to public property? You just couldn’t let the other win.
The Journey to Daddy: Five times you call Steve 'daddy', and one time he asks you to.
In Mind and Heart : When your former supersoldier lover shows up at your door a year later, the last thing you expect him to do is ask for another fuck. You let in him because of friendship, and he refused to let you go because of love. This was not how it was supposed to go. (Soft!dark Steve x Reader)
Murder at the Whorehouse : When Sergeant Barnes assigns you a murder case at the brothel, you didn’t know you’d cross paths with Steve Rogers who was a bigger mystery than the case itself. (Ft. Stucky x Reader)
At His Alter: You fall in love with a man already belonging to someone else. (Priest!Steve)
Condemned To Him: It’s hard to love someone you were meant to hate. But Steve doesn’t care, and he will have your love no matter how much you deny it. (soft!dark!Steve x Reader)
Happily Ever After : Steve won't take no for an answer (dark!Steve x Reader)
Happily Ever After-2 : You are welcomed in your new life, as the bride of Steve Rogers (dark!Steve x Reader)
Post Traumatic Fuck Fest (Steve Rogers)
Please Hurt me (Mob!Steve Rogers)
Peeping Tom (Steve Rogers)
Bucky Barnes
Madness, Thy name is Barnes: You and Bucky put on a show for the team
Night Ritual : You and Bucky have a night time ritual
Lovely Shade of Green : Jealousy is a very good look on your boyfriend
Fallen Together : Bucky and you spend a winter morning in each other's arms
Hide-And-Eat : Nothing stops Bucky when he's hungry for you.
Gluttony is a Sin : You and Bucky put a little something extra in your food and Sam learns Gluttony is a sin for a reason
Promised to Him : You return back to your town after years, hoping to start anew. But faces of the past reappear, set to fulfill promises you had made years ago. (dark!Biker!Bucky x Reader)
To the beat of sin : In the heat of music, you do something that makes Bucky mad. He reminds you of who you belong you, but you have a lesson for him too. (rockstar!Bucky x rockstar!reader)
The Second Coming: You were about to marry the love of your life. You were ready to be happy and determined to be a good wife. But then he returned. Your past came into your life to remind you that he would never let you go, and there is little you could do to stop him. (Royal AU) (dark!Bucky x Reader, ft. Peter Parker)
A Sack of Skin: You had thought burying him would have rid you of him. But he came back to haunt you in the worst way possible. (Dark! Ghost!Bucky x Reader, Possessed!Steve x Reader)
A love there is no cure for (WS Bucky)
Steve x Reader x Bucky
Going Against Nature : Steve and Bucky would change the laws of nature if that’s what would take to make you theirs. or: Steve and Bucky don’t like it when you smell like Peter Parker. (dark!alpha!Steve x reader, dark!alpha!Bucky x reader) A/B/O
Meet the Parents : You're daddies little girl and Peter wants to take you out (featuring Peter Parker)
Murder at the Whorehouse : When Sergeant Barnes assigns you a murder case at the brothel, you didn’t know you’d cross paths with Steve Rogers who was a bigger mystery than the case itself.
•Master of His Own Fate: As far as Bucky knew, fate would not decide who you belong to. Very twisted dark soulmate AU.  (dark!Bucky x Reader, dark!Steve x Reader)
Master of His Own Fate-2
•Their Surrogate : When Steve and Bucky ask you to be the surrogate mother for their child, you couldn’t say no. (dark!Steve x Reader, dark!Bucky x Reader)
Their Surrogate - 2 Their Surrogate-3 (completed)
Bound and Blindfolded (Stucky x Reader)
Stephen Strange
Congruence :  Stephen and Loki want you. You are confused. Wong is an angsty person. (featuring Loki)
Their Poison : A billionaire, a sorcerer and a soldier walk into a bar. Their only poison of choice is you. (Dark!Steve x dark!Tony x dark!Stephen x reader)
Congruence :  Stephen and Loki want you. You are confused. Wong is an angsty person. (featuring Stephen Strange)
Tony Stark
•My Little Girl:  Prince Tony hunts you on the royal hunting trip (dark!Tony Stark x reader)
My Little Girl - 2:  Prince Tony has taken you, but keeping you proves more difficult that he imagined. (dark!Tony Stark x reader, slight dark!Steve x reader)
My Little Girl-3
Their Poison : A billionaire, a sorcerer and a soldier walk into a bar. Their only poison of choice is you. (Dark!Steve x dark!Tony x dark!Stephen x reader)
Peter Parker
Protected : How were you to know who's a monster, who's a savior when they all hide behind a mask (dark!Peter x reader)
Meet the Parents : You're daddies little girl and Peter wants to take you out (featuring Stucky)
Parts of Whole: Steve would see his OTP's ship sail, even from across the grave (ft. Steve Rogers)
Sam Wilson
To Sin in Love: You're forced to choose between the man who owns your heart and the one who owns your soul. (Ft. Lucifer)
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One Day :  Ransom meets sub!reader but she won’t kneel for him
Thirty One Days : Ransom and you are on a month-long challenge. Who will win and what are the stakes?
The Unreformed Rake: Ransom Drysdale is a notorious rake, but he seems to have taken a shine to you. When he plans to make you his, nothing would stand in his way. No is not a word he understands. (Soft!dark Ransom x Reader)
The Fated Mate: Ransom always knew he’d be your alpha. Despite you not presenting yet, he just knew you were meant to be his. No matter how much you ran, you always found him waiting for you at the end of the line. They said it was fated, and sometimes fate was a bitch. (A/B/O)
Sleeping Beauty: He waits for sleep to claim you, so that he can do the same later (dark!Ransom Drysdale x Reader) Kinktober Day 1
Breeding Kink + Housewife Kink w/Ransom
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Golden Cage :  You asked Andy to take your case and he asked for you to give yourself to him as payment.  (soft!dark!Andy Barber x Reader)
Trespassing : You trespass on forbidden land, catching the eye of the creature that dwells within. (dark!demon!Andy Barber x Reader)
No Judgements: An Omega in heat is never fit to make a fair judgement, especially not when her delicious meat of an Alpha is concerned. (A/B/O)
His Responsibility : When you're pregnant and scared, Andy decides he will take the responsibility, whether you want it or not. (dark!Andy x reader)
A Man's World: To advance in a man’s world, you must allow one to own you. He promises you success, as long as you give yourself to him. (soft!dark!Andy Barber x Reader)
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Sweet Tooth : Sheriff, you and his sweet tooth
The Claiming of the Sheriff: You wanted him, he wanted you. But he was too honourable and you were too greedy. So you made the choice for both of you. (dadsbestfriend!Lee x soft!dark Reader)
•Sell My Soul :  You cut a deal with the Sheriff to save your brother (dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader)
Sell My Soul -2 :  Your husbands finds a secret you’ve been keeping and he is not happy.  (dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader)
Sell My Soul - 3 : Last part to the series (soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader)
Drabbles Masterlist
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What's Your Escape : Sherlock could never resist a mystery, especially not one as deliciously wrapped as you (dark!Sherlock Holmes x reader)
Death by Pleasure : Death by Pleasure isn't a thing. Is it? (Dark!Sherlock Holmes x Reader)
A worthy throne (Sherlock Holmes)
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Loving Dodger : Your journey of overcoming your fear of dogs to loving Dodger.
Muse Music : Chris plays for you
Chemical Romance: Chris won't have you running away from him. You're his. He owns your heart, and now he'll own all of you.
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Compromise: Your surrender to him would ensure the safety of the world (dark!August Walker x Reader)
Prometheus: You disappoint August and must make up for it
Pluto is not a Planet (Hades! August Walker)
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To Sin in Love: You're forced to choose between the man who owns your heart and the one who owns your soul. (Ft. Sam Wilson)
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At the Dinner Table: Request: How about Jake Jensen meeting the reader's parents for the first time and since he's an adorkable idiot, chaos ensues?
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Drabbles/Headcanons/Blurbs (Miscellaneous/Multi-characters and fandoms)
When you feel ugly and the boys won't have it (BB, SR, LB, TS, RD, LL, SH)
When Reader is tall and slim and not curvy (SR, BB, RD, LB, AB)
Dick Fingers (very weird ask)
Detention (Severus Snape hc)
Remedial Potions (dark! Severus Snape)
Does your mother know (Hook)
When Reader has anorexia and body image issues (BB, LB, LL)
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mercurysstars · 3 years
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Bucky Barnes
All That Glitters is Not Gold
→ Complete
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happen to be an ex assassin.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Part 19 Part 20
You Are My Seven Deadly Sins
→ Complete
Summary: They just can’t get enough of each other.
Sloth Envy Wrath Lust Greed Pride Gluttony
Series Masterlist 
→ One shot
Summary: It’s not good to try to take things that aren’t yours.
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Peter Parker
The Shadow Thief | Mini Series
→ complete
Summary: What happens when Peter has to work with the girl he hates to possibly save the world.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
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Pietro Maximoff
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spideychelleforever · 3 years
Somehow, MJ had found herself in a multiverse spanning adventure with her boyfriend and what she assumed was the most powerful sorcerer in the world. To be honest, as smart as she was, the staggering enormity of the fact she was traveling through other universes, and the fact that her own - one where she had lived a happy childhood, where she watched VHS’s with her mom and dad all day, where her biggest concern was not getting more applesauce, where the scariest thing was her room before she got Christmas lights hung over her bed - was just ONE universe out of countless others?
It was more than she wanted to really process. So she was doing her best to roll with it.
Peter, ever the eternal spring of happiness and light, even if it was his own coping mechanism, was unbothered, and all he did was smile at her and keep holding her hand and staying close to her wherever she, him, and Strange went. She wasn’t religious, but God bless him? He had a way of trying to make her feel safe, even if he didn’t succeed in it, and it just reminded her all over again how she’d been in love with him since he was a curly haired, baby fat-carrying dork who was friendly to her on her first day of school with him.
But, nonetheless, through the multiverse they went. Seeing all kinds of terrible things, some of them mundane things. She got to meet other versions of herself. One Michelle Jones was a successful, rich artist, who provided her husband with a lot of financial backing for his superheroics. One Michelle Jones was a cat-themed vigilante who had a particularly fiery, passionate relationship with Peter. One Michelle Jones was super fat. One Michelle Jones was Spider-Woman, and Peter was her small, meek sidekick. Another had taken the super soldier serum out of desperation and was now Captain America. Another had been with the Avengers throughout the Snap and the Blip while Peter had still died and came back. MJ lost track of how many Michelle Jones’ she met.
But the one thing they all had in common, which started having a profound effect on the temperature in her chest, was that they all were with their Peter Parker. His exact appearance and personality differed a bit in each universe, but it was still recognizably the same Peter Parker who told her he really liked her on the bridge in London. The same smile, the same hair, the same sweetness. And in every single universe, he loved his respective Michelle Jones.
It started doing things to her head, you know? Seeing the same thing play out in all these different universes. Yes, they had already met a Peter Parker who was with a Mary Jane Watson, and a Peter Parker who was with a Gwen Stacy, both of whom were older than her Peter. But seeing this? That in countless universes, Peter Parker and Michelle Jones were still very much in love despite everything, despite everything she had done in the years prior to the Europe trip that had been done seemingly to sabotage her own happiness?
It was unreal.
And it made her soft.
Inevitably, something went wrong, however. Some enemy from the multiverse attacked and she and Peter were separated from Strange. Their instincts told them to stay put, knowing Strange was the most qualified to find them and not the other way around. At this point, they were in the empty apartment of… themselves? MJ could see pictures framed or on the wall of their variants. It was still recognizably them, but again, there were minor differences.
They were eating some ramen noodle cups when they heard a knock at the door. Eying each other warily, the pair slowly went to the peephole - MJ took point since she was taller, ha - and MJ slowly turned back to him, startled.
“Who is it?” Peter asked.
“… it’s you,” MJ mumbled.
They opened the door, and another Peter Parker variant was standing there.
And another.
And another.
And another.
Soon the apartment was filled with far more than just one Peter Parker. Thankfully, her Peter had a distinctive scar on his cheek from a recent fight with Doc Ock, so she wouldn’t lose track. But being in a room with much, much more Peter than she was used to? That was a lot.
They all talked over each other, trying to figure out what was going on. Talk of portals and villains and where their Michelle Jones was. Soon talk shifted to how long they’d been with their respective Michelle. What she liked to do, what she liked to eat, their favorite memories. So then they all turned their attention to Michelle herself, and asked if she was okay.
This was-a fucking lot. Michelle stared wide-eyed. Attention was never something she was great at. And she still had… issues over the fact that she was getting it from the boy she’d pined after for so many years. And now she was getting attention from all these Peter’s?!?
“No, I’m NOT!” MJ shouted. And soon it was all out in the open. She couldn’t even process how heartbreaking it was to see the pain in each Peter’s face, least of all her own, at seeing her angrily rant and stress about the situation. About how she wanted to forget there was a multiverse, about how she just wanted to go home and live a safe life with her Peter again. It just wasn’t fair, and soon she was sniffling.
No Peter made a move except for her own. The one who had been nice to her on their first day of school. “Can I touch you?”
Through her tears, MJ stiffly nodded, and melted into his embrace, smiling weakly when she felt a peck on her cheek.
“What can I do, to make you feel better?”
MJ didn’t answer.
That is, until he said something that changed her.
“We could have sex?”
MJ stared at him blankly.
Yes, they’d been active before this all started. But… actually, that sounded better than she had expected. Much, much better.
MJ eventually slowly nodded. And she betrayed herself by glancing around the room of Peter’s.
Peter slightly raised an eyebrow, his smile turning a little smug. “Did you have a crazy idea?”
MJ couldn’t answer as she looked back at him.
Peter shrugged. “Well, they’re all me.”
MJ didn’t respond.
Nine hours.
Nine hours passed after Peter affirmed the other Peter Parker’s were all him.
And Michelle Jones had seemingly lost track of everything since then.
Never in her life had she expected to see not one, but at least a dozen nearly identical set of naked Peter Parker’s all ready to pleasure her. To take care of her. To caress her, to tease her, to do things to her that made her feel like a goddess. A goddess of gluttony and lust who was pleasured by all she wanted.
She hadn’t expected to become nearly hysterical. Okay, well, her and Peter’s first time she did get pretty worked up - she’d been wanting her boy for years, of COURSE she got loud, okay?! - but this was different. She’d been hoarse after her nights with Peter, but she could barely speak. She had never expected to be pleasured by twelve times the “old webshooter” than she was used to. And she never expected so many of his toned arms, his thick and muscular calves, his washboard abs, his rock solid chest, to be on her. And she couldn’t get enough.
She was so greedy she surprised herself. She kept reaching and clawing for more, and more, and more. If this was cake she was desperately clawing for more of, she’d be the fattest Michelle Jones variant in the universe - or multiverse, or Omni-fucking verse, whatever. She couldn’t get enough Peter, and even as horrendously exhausting as it was to be in bed with twelve Peter’s, it wasn’t enough. She wanted Peter Parker. She’d wanted him all her life. And she couldn’t be satisfied.
That was, until after four hours of having multiple Peter’s on her - or in her, haha - her original Peter took leadership. How he cooed that he was here to take over, to take care of her, to please her, to love her.
Michelle had lost count of how many times she’d exploded that night, but she wanted to say it paled in comparison to when she got a hold of her original Peter alone.
After nine hours of Peter, MJ was limp. Only her heartbeat suggested she was alive. She’d seemingly lost any motor functions of her limbs, her hair was a massive, wild, huge mess obscuring her eyes. She was sweaty. Her voice failed her.
And despite all this, she wanted more.
But she couldn’t even be active herself if she wanted. She was just that far gone, she couldn’t even cuddle her Peter back, when that was one of her favorite parts of being in bed with him.
She was barely awake when she felt a light kiss, and heard a soft “I love you” from her Peter.
This was right.
There could be countless other multiverses out there, with countless other possibilities, but this was right.
This is for @machiavelien and their recent drabbles 🥰😜💘 hope I did the idea some justice
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spiderxling · 3 years
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NAME or ALIAS: wren AGE: 26 DATE OF BIRTH: september 11th GENDER IDENTITY: non-binary (they/them) SEXUALITY: pansexual NATIONALITY: american SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): english PAST OCCUPATION: doggy day care & pet hotel CURRENT OCCUPATION: photographer (not quiiiite professional yet but getting there)
HEIGHT: 5′1″ HAIR COLOR: blonde (i haven’t made it a fun color in a while rip) EYE COLOR: teal/blueish green TATTOOS: 7 in total, will be 8 next week (6 on my arms, 2 on my legs - i won’t bore you by listing them all but feel free to ask if interested haha)
CHARACTERS YOU PLAY: peter parker (mcu), peter parker (ps4), tony stark, erik lehnsherr, thena, nathan summers, phil coulson MEMBER SINCE: first joined the summer of 2016, took a break near the end of 2020, joined back in at the end of 2021 FAVORITE MARVEL CHARACTER: peter parker (i would put more than one but it would be a never ending list) FAVORITE MARVEL MOVIE: captain america: the winter solider, iron man 3, into the spiderverse, spider-man: no way home FAVORITE MARVEL BADDIE: out of the true villains i don’t think i have a favorite, so i’ll say magneto CHARACTER YOU WISH WOULD ENTER THE MCU: chloe bennet’s daisy johnson, put her in the movies PLEASE
HOROSCOPE: virgo JUNG TYPE: infj ENNEAGRAM: type 2 - the giver MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good (i took a quiz and that’s what i got so im rolling with it lol) SIN: gluttony VIRTUE: kindness MOTTO: -- THEME SONG: forbidden friendship from the how to train your dragon soundtrack
POSITIVE TRAITS: supportive, occasionally funny NEGATIVE TRAITS: falls of the face of the earth when overwhelmed, extreme people pleaser, easily squashed down/embarrassed, very self critical (but i’m working on all of that)
- i have 2 cats (patch and luna) and a snake (adeline) - i graduated with two degrees: animal behavior & psychology. but now i am pursuing nature and pet photography. if you’d like to see my work my photography instagram is @/wrenfeatherphotos - my favorite place in the world is rocky mountain national park in colorado - while i don’t know the exact count, i now have over 100 funkos in my collection - and speaking of funkos, i make customs! if you want to see some that i’ve made you can go to @/funkosbywren on instagram and if you ever want one made... you know where to find me - i love baking. mostly brownies, cookies, muffins, and the occasional cheesecake 
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catchingdaydreams · 1 year
Wrong Summoning
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Part 2' Peter B Parker (demon) x reader
If someone told you that you would be spending your Saturday night summoning demons to get your rocks off you would flat out call them crazy. Telling them they've read too much smut. Now look at you. You're the crazy one, actually performing it. And fucking up too might you add.
The gluttony demon, Peter, was a character of his own. You had no clue how this whole ordeal would turn out like this. But I guess when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And in this case when there's two horny freaks in a room together, why not let them fuck each other.
Peter laid on his knees right in front of you. He really couldn't hold still with how much energy he suddenly had from being this excited. He was too eager, too hungry for this new forged desire towards his Master. His legs buckled as he steady himself in the summoning circle. He really didn't much have room to move anyway. The salt barrier prevented him from pouching on you the moment he could see how much your body craved his. But in reality, he was a gentleman at heart, he wouldn't do anything to you unless commanded. He prefers, yerns for your soft lips to call out his name and beg him to pleasure you. Just the very thought made his half-hard cock twitch and his fangs ache out of desperation. His eyes swelled with utter devotion and curiously for you. Only you. As you fully accepted the situation that your were in. You both were going to have your fill tonight.
He swooned by your caramelized laughter, sweet voice laced playfully questioning if he was an incubus. He couldn't help tease back.
"Not sure, you know, might be one on my mother's side. Wanna find out together?" Peter jests.
Your laughter dies down, steadying your breath, Peter watches your chest rises and falls in a weazy pace. The demon couldn't pick a specific part of your body to look at though, you were just so enticing to him. God, you were just too soft and plump in all the right spots. He knew the first thing he'd do when he was free from his confines was hes gonna smother his face in those breasts. What can he say, he is boob man after all.
His view turned from your bossum to your soft lips, desperately awaiting for your response he craves so much.
And just about you were about to speak.
You nod.
Oh Peter didn't like that. And you could see his lightheaded disapproval quickly spread to his face. You were confused by his sudden change of expression. 'Did you do something wrong?' You thought to yourself. The unknowing expressions you had at your baffled state made Peter chuckle.While he found it funny that your mind was full of filth but mouth was full of cotton . 'He really had to spell it out to you didn't he?' He thought. Oh well, if he wanted you to beg for him, he was going to get what he wanted. With a little demonstration in order.
Peter rearranges himself, removing his knees off the floor causally spreading his legs out in front of you. His robes ride up on his thighs, giving very little to hide how his body was lusting for you. If you didn't notice his painful clothed erection before, you certainly did now. No, he wanted you to know. He was giving you a little... "incentive" to use your pretty little voice.
"Tut-tut, oh Master I thought you wanted this', he moves his hand off his thighs and gestures to his cock before he continues. "Can't fulfill ones desires unless they command it to me out loud", Peter chimes bitterly as he smiles, his fangs shine under the candles light as he slowly licks them. His hand rests above his thigh, gently rubbing it, exposing his skin further. His grin widens as he catches your gaze on his body, an audible gulp comes from your throat.
You hesitate before you spoke. "Please"
You mumbled underneath your breath.
"Please what, mmmm?" Peter coos at you to continue. But you don't. Your face is flushed with embarrassment as you look off to the side. He wonders if it can get any reder. But bit of him, deep down, he thought his teasing might be a bit too much for you. He's no incubus, nor has the powers of one. So he really couldn't feel or feed off your emotions. So he had no really clue why are you this shy all of the sudden. 'Wer-were you a virgin?' Was the first thought that he came to the conclusion. That would explain the change from eagerness to hesitation to play this type of game. Fall into carnal desire. This situation didn't give atmospheric suggestions that you'd be a brat, so there that. He wants this to be pleasurable for the both of you. And if your all shy and uncomfortable to make a move now that would a real pickle. Inexperienced or not, he would make sure that you know he could take care you. Show you as well.
"Oh your so cute when you're shy" He crooks his head to his left. You lightly gasp at his response but still don't make eye contact with the demon before you. "There's no need to be nervous about this. I am here for you. I can be whoever you want me to be tonight. Do whatever you need to, to me , to quench you thirsts. No matter how rough or soft you want it I'll be there with you all the way.
Let me cherish you my dear. Let me take care of you, all of you. God I so badly want you. Master can't you see what you do to me. Ah~ and you haven't touched me yet. My body yearns for me as yours do to mine. Please don't deny this anymore, give into your desires."
Finally, you look at him. Your eyes bore wide and bright at him. Peter confirmed it to himself, you can be reder.
"So, what would you like for this demon to do for you, my Master?" Peter asks, one last time.
"Please fuck me. I order you to Fuck me!" You desperately mewled out.
Peter instantly purred at your quick response. His voice rumbled so loudly that you thought you could feel his vibrations . Your voice was like cherbs music to his ears. His pur turned in a passive growl as he was getting ahead of himself.
'Good girl" he snarled thickly as he looked intensely at his Master. All you could do is wine to his praises, which didn't go unnoticed by him. His cock twitched, becoming uncomfortable with his confined now. He desperately wants to bury himself in your warmth. But he needed control himself, he didn't want to do anything to scare you after all.
All of the sudden, you feel a tingle on your hand. This is something you did read from the book. The back of your hand glows red as your blood rises to the surface of your skin, inking out a symbol. Your first command to demon has seal your fate, to be contracted to them until the demon has completed the order of object. And for you, you were absolutely going to get wrecked tonight. Despite how gruesome it looked, you did not feel any pain. You looked at your hand, softly grazing at the mark that had completely formed. You notice Peter has the exact same mark. It formed that of a spider yet it's abdomen was shaped as a birds-eye-view of a rose. It was pretty, like a tattoo someone could get. And just like that the contract has been binded between Master and demon.
As you glance at Peter, you notice that he's crawling to you, being way too into this, as his face flushed in smugness.
He moves ever so close to you, making his way go the edge of the salt circle. But you don't have enough time to stop him-
Peter jumps back, landing on his ass. Hissing, mumbling a language under his breath that you didn't recognize. He accidentally burnt himself trying to cross over the protective barrier. Blisters bubbles on his fingers. You would have panicked, but as quickly as the burn formed it was healed instantly. Weird typical demon stuff you thought.
"Oh whoopsy, got ahead of myself. Gotta release me to do that. Ah can you?" He waves for you to come over.
You get of the couch and crouch right in front of Peter. Your hand reaches towards the salt circle to swip it to the side. In the mist of it Peter grabs your hand, grazing his thumb gently over it.
"Soft" he whispered, as he got to touch you for the very first time. It was very much welcomed as you shivered pleasingly at how his rough hands felt against yours. You were so tiny compared to him, his whole hand could practically engolf yours. A familiar swelling sensation formed in your gut at your mind was too focused on his long fingers, thinking how great they would feel inside you.
You couldn't help chuckle at his eagerness. The barrier hasn't even fully disappeared and he already has his hands on you.
"Flirt" you playfully say.
"Can't help it, you're just..." Peter stops, unable to forge the correct words. His view still towards him caressing your hand. His craws just gently tickle your skin.
"Just what?" You ask, curious to know.
"Wow.." As Peter looks up to you, you were mesmerized at his soft, gently gaze. He delicately intertwines in his fingers with your hand and brings it to his lips. Peter lightly kisses your knuckles as he continues to keep his gaze at you. He trails them down your fingertips giving one last kiss before he stops.
"Kiss to make it better?" He says, flexing his own fingers out, gesturing you to return the favor to his previous burnt hands.
"It's already healed" you bark playfully.
"Mmm I don't think so" He pout, giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes. But you just roll yours.
"Come on you horn dog let me get rid of the rest of this, then you can have me." You say , removing for hands from the demon, scraping away the rest of the salt. You moved it to the side, finally breaking the barrier. You wipe your hands on your clothes taking one look back at it.
"There so-Ahhh Peter !"
It was a a blur, so sudden. Peter jumped toward you, hugging you in the process. You just managed to keep your bearings from falling backwards on the floor from the sudden impact. His face nests between your breasts. Peter breaths heavily, his hot breath sends goosebumps along your skin. You weren't wearing a bra underneath your low cut tank top, making your body extra sensitive to his contact. You shiver as his ram horns rub against your sensitive nips, causing you to gasp.
"Mmmm nice a warm" He mumbles into your breasts as he tries to burry himself further into you. His body trembles as his tail wags back and forth happily. His horns kept rubbing in the same spot, making you unbearably hot and weak to his touch. A small moan whimpered out of your mouth. As much as you like this, it was a bit overstimulating that it was understimulating at the same. You try to push him off, but he practically built like a wall. He wouldn't move.
"No I live here now this is where I belong" He protests, being way too into this. His hand creeps up to gently kneed into your left breast, minding his claws. Welp , force wasn't going to work.
"I thought you wanted to eat me out? And can't do that when your suffocating I'm my tits right now." You try to coax him.
Peter stops his actions, he mumbles something but you really couldn't hear him among your boobs. It seemed he was contemplating for a sec, before removing himself off you. A toothy grin forms as he hums in approval.
"Well I am famished~."
Peter proceeds to knock the air out of you once more as he scoped you up bridle style.You squeal as he presses your body against close to his. Your face lays next to his chest, feeling hot next to his body heat.
He looks around the room trying to search for something.
"Bed?" He called.
"Down the hall" you point.
Eventually he makes it to your room, gently placing you on your bed. He craws untop of you, gazing down with lust. You can't help admire how he looked. You reach out to his face, understanding, Peter leans in to your touch, cupping your hand on his cheek. You take a big breath before you speak. "Can I kiss you?" you ask, but your voice was soft and unsure.
Peter reassures, "mmm please do so~". You move first. Leaning in to seal a kiss. His lips were soft, and you could help moan under his touch. Peter licks at your lips, causing you gasp slightly before his tongue entered. The odd texture made you quickly pull away, confused on what was in your mouth. Peter snickered at your baffled expression as his mouth was fully open, exposing his ribbed tounge, groves on each side. It looked utterly sinfull. Too close to a toy you frequently use. Peter cocks his head to the side, just as he was closeing his mouth, you smashed yours on his. Your tongue glazed his teeth before wrestle for dominance with his own. Though you never stood a chance, allowing Peter to take the lead, whispering soft praises between breaths.
Peter sucked your tongue, causing you to moan. The kiss was messy. It was hot. Your mouth stuffed with an inhuman tongue made you nearly choke from the shear size and how breathless the state he's leaving you in. You pull back first, leaving small sloppy kitten kisses before needing to take a break. But Peter was relentless. From attacking your mouth, he attacked your neck. Kissing small trails from your neck down to your coller bone. You moan out his name as he kissed your sensitive spot. Making note , Peter spent his efforts there kissing and sucking your skin, minding his sharp fangs in the process. You certainly were getting hickies from this.
In the mists of everything your top ends up in the other side of the room. How did that happen? Who knows, you weren't really focusing on that, too preoccupied by the pleasure you were receiving.
Peter stares at your supple breasts before scoffing himself in them once again. He moans under his breath as be began to suck on one while kneeling the other. His thumb rolls over your sensitive nub causing you to arch your back. You rub your thigh together, feeling the stickiness of arousal becoming more and more yearing for relief.
"Ahh Peter please" you beg. Your squirming knees Peters clothes erection causing him to grunt. He removes his hand from your breast, slowly traveling downwards, reaching into your pants.
His fingers lightly feathered your panties, teasing you in return, as he suck on the neglect tit. His teasing only annoyed you. You huffed in frustration. "Peter" you whimper out. Squirming around to gain more friction but it wasn't enough. You call out for him again, but Peter didn't notice the difference between a call and your moan, and kept up his action.
You grap a fist full of his hair and pull him off your breasts, making him look into your eyes. Peter hissed from the welcome pain, his stutter as his wings involuntarily flexed out. Now you had his attention.
"Fuck Peter just eat me out, God stop playing with my breast !"
"Hehe whoopsy" He chimed, bouncing his body on your mattress as he moves below. You help him remove your clothes, discarding them on the other side of the room. He signs, admiring your nakedness form. You slick was practically dripping out of your pussy. The inwards of your thighs glistened with your essence.
Now you feel too exposed under Peters hungery gaze. Your shaking with desire and shyness as you felt Peter breath ghosts your cunt before devouring you.
"Fuck" you cried out as your demon takes a long stride from the end of your pussy, to your lips, licking to your clit. Peter saviours your taste, his chest rumblingin in satisfaction. "You taste divine, Master" He speaks before sucking on your clit like his life depends on it. "Fuck I love this pussy!"
You buckle underneath him as you grabbed whatever was closest to you. That was in fact Peter's hair. He snarled under your touch, sending vibrations to your clit. By no means it was unwanted from him, no, he delves deeper into your heat. His fangs flare out spreading your folds as sucks. You instinctively squeeze you legs together hump his face, gaining more friction. This man didn't care if he breathes, the only thing on his mind was drinking your essence. His hands rested beneath your plumb as, giving you a hardy squeeze and earning him a choked moan in return. It wasn't long until your first orgasm crashed. You mewed so sinfully to Peter that he couldn't help grind on your bed, help easing his own arousal.
It was bliss. Your body goes slack as you cum. God it felt great. Finally after numerous times trying to get yourself off , you managed to do so now. Albeit with a bit of help from someone. As you lay back, regaining your breath back, you see Peter shift between your thighs.
You didn't even have time to come down from your high until you felt something warm meet your heat. Peter laps up your cum spilling out of your pussy, not missing any drop of it. Finally he delves his tongue right in. Your insides happily accept finally being filled, squeezing around his barbed tongue.
He couldn't take your eyes off ya as your body gave into him, the rush of lust flushed your cheeks as your breath remained heavy and uncontrolled.
Peter slowly lapped their insides, sliding across the slick groves in their wall. Your eyes were closed shut, being too focused on the feeling on another orgasm build up. But Peter wanted you to see how good he was for you.Peter voice vibrated within as he spoke giving a Yelp in repose. "Naughty Master is me eating you out not making you focus, you don't gotta do anything just let yourself go, I'll take care of you~" Peter playful grabbes a handful of his ass, giving it a forceful squeeze before smacking it. "Ah~ sorry" you gasp, opening your eyes to meet with his.
"Nawww not to worry your pretty little head. Just be a good little girl and let go~" he says with a mouth full of your pussy. He thrust his tongue in and out of you. His groves kisses your walls each time. His thumb creeps to your clit, stimulating you even further.
"AHHHH PETERRR PLEASE please let me come ,ahhHH~" you beg, on the verge of another orgasm. Tears began to form as you were on pure bliss. "Of courses gorgeous, cum for me"'. Unexpectedly you feel Peter curl his demonic tongue inside of you. You rock your body as cum once more. This time Peter gives to a break.
He pulls away, breath heavy, admiring his work abusing your pussy. Your slick was all over his mouth, dripping down to his chin. You watched as Peter wipes his faces and licks off the residue from his figures. See him clean your cum off himself made to whine. The lack of contact from him, was bothering you. Peter took notice of this shuffled beside you, resting his hand on his cheek as he laid in silence as he admired you silence. He had a warm smile on his face as his eyes were foggy with such devotion for you. You couldn't help return a smile, your chest still heaving from an out of breath experience he gave you. Looking at him it got you thinking.
This whole ordeal you really haven't touch him, actually touched him. The poor thing has been ignoring his own needs for yours. You really wanted to touch him. Peter could see your curious gaze, making him raise a brow. You started off slowly, tracing your hands over his chest, lightly adding pressure. He took the hint and laid down his back. You couldn't help but bite your lip as you gaze upon his body. Denial no more you definitely like a dad bod. You rake you nails down his chest, causing your demon to shiver. Reaching to this stomach you couldn't help but rub it. Peter blushed in embarrassment at how tender you were being to him. "Heh Master?"
You shush him, continuing to rub his belly. You laugh at how he's wearing his emotions were on his selves, as his tail wags happily. You lean into him, resting on your side, his lead lays below your chin. "Thankyou" you say to him softy, if the room wasn't bathed in silence right now Peter wouldn't have heard your whisper. This was a vulnerable moment between the two. Peter signed, clearly trying to control himself with how good he was feeling right now. Not really sexual at your touch. It was bubbly, nice and warm feeling. "Whaa? No need to-" you interject Peter, you hand slowly travels down to his happy trial, stopping your movement at his robes.
"No I think I do, you didn't have to do this, really. Like you said, I could have wished for more books, and I would have been happy for that. But you wanted to take care of me despite not being your ...well your job. It's nice. This is nice. So thank you, Peter, really."
Peter was speechless. His mouth hang open by the stock of your words. Truly you were a weird one. But in all honesty he would have this any other way.
"Plus this doesn't go away till I'm satisfied, am I right." You say looking at the bond mark you who share. Peter just nods.
Just then you delve into his robes and grab Peter's cock. He trembles at your touch, slowly jerking him off. The amount of precum from being aroused on such a state for so long make you fist him with ease. He couldn't help rut into it, matching your pace. He couldn't take his eyes off this erotic display, nearly cuming as he saw your thumb rub the precum that dribbled from his leaking tip. "Master~" he moans, delirious for release. But as soon the fun started, it quickly stopped. He whines as he is now left to fuck himself with your hand. He becomes desperate, moving more of his body in the air just to gain some type of friction has caused the bed to creek with each thrust. Tears start forming but you quickly catch them. You coo and shower him with praises. Making his brain to mush.
"Oh Peter your doing so good for me baby." You lean down and nip his ear causing him pur whiney. His wings flap and hit the bed lightly with delight.
"It's my turn to play with you~"
"Can I keep you!" he blurts out, unable to register what he just said before it's too late.
You just snort at his confession.
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imsuchmarveltrash · 4 years
Revolutionary (A Stucky x Reader Imagine) - inspired by Badlands by Halsey [PROLOGUE + Chapter One]
“Hello, and I’m sorry: a salutation and a farewell. I don’t have much time. This Times New Roman is gonna fly through my fingertips, like a plague of moths. The hollow black-letter shells crunched into the ground, like the skin of a cicada. And you can do whatever you want with it–keep it to yourself, or let it serve as a warning.
“This city is disgusting; a corpse of what it used to be. The people are filthy, gluttonous: ruled by the power exchange of sex from the hands of the proletariat to the bourgeoisie. The tops of the skylines buzz with the lacklustre enthusiasm. The ground level is caked in dirt and rust and grime, and the people that dwell there awake and rub the filmy layer off their lukewarm eyes.
“There are some here I love, some who fear me, and some who wish I was dead. I didn’t ask for this. No one asks for this. You’re born into it. You grow up oblivious and sheltered, and one day the evil realities of this place hit you square between the eyes, like a perfectly aimed bullet. If this were a movie, I would ride off in some blood red sunset, down a stretch of desert road, into the wasteland that keeps us captive here. But this isn’t a movie. These are the Badlands.”
Chapter One: Castle
These were the Badlands. A singular long-forgotten city that existed leagues away from any other known civilisation. No one knew what happened to the rest of the world, just that as far as your eye could see, all that remained was a stretch of desert wasteland, seemingly endless. The city itself was completely dystopian: a dilapidated ground level filled with squalor and people living in misery. They were referred to as The Proletariat–the 99% that was forced to live off the scraps the government could barely care to provide. That other 1% was what you called the Bourgeoisie. They were the richest of the rich, living lives of excess and gluttony. Yet, the superfluity could never hide the emptiness that never wavered from their dull eyes.
The government could barely care for order. They’d passed few rules of society and as long as they weren’t broken there were never any issues. These rules were:
1.      The Badlands are what’s left of society, you may never leave.
2.      There is a clear line between Proletariat and Bourgeoisie. You cannot cross it. Be exiled if you dare.
3.      Relations between the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie are taboo. People who break this rule will be outcasted.
The government’s biggest concern was keeping the Proletariat separate from the Bourgeoisie. Naturally, people had their ways of bypassing the rules. They met in secret, spoke in codes. That was how you’d become part of an underground circle that believed in equal treatment of all people. The government only acted to keep the people they liked happy. The needs of the rest of the city were never prioritised. The group you belonged to wanted change.
You were a small group–barely over fifteen people. Consisting of people mostly part of the Proletariat, there were few Bourgeoisie members. These included Tony Stark, Natalia Romanova (better referred to as Natasha Romanoff), Loki Laufeyson, and Nicholas J. Fury.
The mastermind that was Tony Stark remained a mystery to you. The government adored him. A descendant of Howard Stark, the man responsible for the city surviving, Tony had both privilege and the weight of rather large shoes to fill. Yet, Tony was treated as royalty, but he couldn’t care less for the system the government had in place. He’d seen too many people  dying in the streets to be able to continue turning a blind eye. Soon after embracing his dissatisfaction, he’d met you, and the two of you formed a pact, vowing to make a difference.
Natasha was a beauty born straight into the government. She’d seen what they were doing and had been appalled. Unlike the rest of society, Natasha didn’t grow up sheltered. Her parents were government agents who helped enforce the ruling system. They wanted her to grow up to be just like them, so the system was her harsh reality from the start.
Loki was the most reluctant of the Bourgeoisie members in the group. He enjoyed his life of luxury and liked being able to have the entire city at his fingertips. He  just couldn’t take the injustice anymore. Not after his brother, Thor, renounced his position within the Bourgeoisie to be exiled to a low-class Proletarian lifestyle.
Nicholas Fury had stumbled into your group by chance, but it was a chance you were all thankful for. He was the right-hand man to Alexander Pierce, the leader of the government’s schema. His desire for equality along with his pull within the government, made him an integral part of your circle.
The Proletariat members consisted of you, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Thor Odinson, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Vision, James Rhodes, and Maria Hill.
You, Steve and Bucky had grown up together. Growing from friends in your youth to something so intricate yet indescribable as the three of you got older. They were your closest confidants and gave you both everything you wanted and needed. Relationships and labels didn’t exist within the Badlands, so you could exist freely with your boys. The three of you had made a pact to follow each other to the end of the line, even if that meant that they were following your lead through this revolution.
Thor Odinson joined shortly before his brother Loki. He’d been a member of high society but had a good heart. He’d spend a lot of his money trying to help those he could within the Proletariat in whichever way he could. This made him highly unfavoured with the government, so they propositioned him. He could either stop helping the Proletariat or be stripped of his wealth and become one of them. The convoluted system somehow gave the government the rights to do that. So, Thor chose to rather be a part of the Proletariat.
Peter Parker was your youngest member. He had a brilliant mind and, together with Maria Hill and Wanda Maximoff, had found a way to hack all of the government systems. There was no special reason for any of them being in your circle, they were only tired of living in squalor.
James “Rhodey” Rhodes and Pietro Maximoff also only joined for the cause. Rhodey because of Maria, and Pietro because of his sister. They were both strong fighters, which you knew you’d need to win this war, so you accepted the both of them gladly.
Bruce and Vision were two of the most intelligent men you’d ever known. They both had a passion for knowledge and, unfortunately, being born into the Proletariat didn’t allow them much access to it. Yet, with what they had, they somehow managed to be incredible at developing the weapons and tools that would be needed to power this revolution. Vision was spectacular with raw materials, having the skill to rival even the most qualified mechanical engineer, whereas Bruce was the Proletariat leading expert in chemical and biological weaponry.
Lastly, Clint Barton probably had the biggest vendetta out of anyone in your circle. Like Thor, he was exiled from the Bourgeoisie. What hurt him the most was that he’d lost his position because of falling in love and the government stripped him from his choice in the matter. Instead, they took his wife, Laura, only minutes after they’d gotten their marriage licence signed in secret. They took her to a government facility, never to be seen again, and had outcasted Clint to be a Proletarian. Knowing the cruelty of the government, he worried for Laura’s life and all that pain changed him, hardened him into the man he is now.
You were chosen as your circle’s  leader not only because of founding the group with Tony and your elaborate mind for strategy, but you all knew that the city would need a Proletariat leader after you overthrew the government. You weren’t self-elected. The group all believed in you. They knew that, mentally, you were the strongest and would be the best person to lead them both through the overthrow of the government and the change in the future. These may have been the Badlands, but this was your revolution.
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gem-morey · 3 years
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Gem Morey -- Character Sheet
when i was a child, i’d sit for hours / staring into open flame / something in it had a power / could barely tear my eyes away
all you have is your fire / and the place you need to reach / don't you ever tame your demons / but always keep 'em on a leash
Archetype — The Trickster Birthday — December 6, 1998 Zodiac Sign — Rising Sagittarius, Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer MBTI — ISFP Enneagram — Type 6; the loyalist Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — (burned) Hufflepuff Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral Primary Vice — Gluttony Primary Virtue — None :) Element — Fire
cw -- mentions of abandonment, prison, homelessness, fire...lmao
Mother — Meredith Sohn (birth mother), Padme Morey (adopted mother) Father — Peter Sohn (birth father), Rohan Morey (adopted father) Mother’s Occupation — Dentist // Construction Company Owner Father’s Occupation — Electrician // Construction Company Owner Family Finances — lower middle class (birth), upper middle class (adopted) Birth Order — middle (birth), second youngest (adopted)  Brothers — Parker Sohn (1994, birth); Dian (1985, adopted), Mazhar, (1988, adopted), Isaac (1992, adopted), Elliot (1993, adopted), Sebastian (1996, adopted), Devyn (1999, adopted) Sisters — Jennifer Sohn (2004, birth) Other Close Family — N/A Best Friend — N/A Other Friends — N/A Enemies — most people lol Pets — the Moreys had some chickens and other farm animals but not really as pets, his birth family had a black lab named Midnight he tried to take with him when he left Home Life During Childhood — Pretty nice? His family was just very Normal and strived to be Normal. They were active in their HOA and had a wide circle of friends they liked to parade their children in front of. That kind of up and coming family that tried to be Perfect.  Town or City Name(s) — London What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — pretty normal and boyish; his parents definitely stayed in the binary so his room was probably blue and had like a sports theme Any Sports or Clubs — played some rugby when younger  Favorite Toy or Game — he enjoys sports and being active Schooling — normal, he actually likes school and reading but doesn’t like being told what to do, so didn’t do amazing Favorite Subject — English Popular or Loner — popular, he was kind of the class clown as a kid; became more of a loner in his teens, people either liked him or hated him Important Experiences or Events — discovering his magic, burning his sister, getting kicked out, getting fostered/adopted by the Moreys, going to jail lol Nationality — British Culture — British Religion and beliefs — Here for a good time, not a long time.  
Physical Appearance
Face Claim —  Charles Melton Complexion — tan Hair Colour — black Eye Colour — brown Height — 6’1 Build — idk like a man?  Tattoos — a few on his arms/shoulders Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — messy or perfectly styled, no in between Clothing Style — casual, not afraid to wear colors and patterns but usually doesn’t  Mannerisms — very fluid way of moving, stands pretty stiffly tho, does not talk with his hands  Usual Expression — 
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — nope, they run hot so have a better immune system  Physical Ailments — nope Neurological Conditions — does a lot of suppressed rage count?  Allergies — citrus Grooming Habits — takes pride in his appearance, so pretty good  Sleeping Habits — either sleeps for 12 hours or 4 hours, no in between, can and will sleep anywhere  Eating Habits — eats a ton bc there was a time period where he didn’t have much food so he’ll eat anything offered to him Exercise Habits —  likes to burn off energy at the gym and by going on runs but isn’t super consistent, works in construction so gets exercise that way too Emotional Stability — suppressed rage and abandonment issues make him volatile Body Temperature — hotter than average (by a few degrees, runs a toasty 100 most days.) Sociability — very good with people actually, lots of internal empathy though he doesn’t usually employ it (will understand why you’re upset about something but be like “get over it”) Addictions — nicotine Drug Use — yes.  Alcohol Use — yes.  
Your Character’s Character
Bad Habits — doing the opposite of what he knows he should do just because  Good Habits — he will kick your ass if you fuck w someone he decides to care about Best Characteristic — loyalty Worst Characteristic — every other part of his personality Worst Memory — the first time he burned someone  Best Memory — uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Proud of — not much tbh Embarrassed by — his family lol y’all embarrass him so much Driving Style — do NOT let him get behind the wheel. he’s wildin’. Strong Points — loyal, ready to fight at all times, smart, brave Fears — being abandoned, depending on others Phobias — none Secrets — that he has a soft gooey heart Regrets — hurting people (unless they deserve it) Feels Vulnerable When — ppl are mushy towards him, so basically any time he’s around his brothers Pet Peeves — people who complain about shit they can easily do something about  Conflicts — wanting to not be abandoned v putting up his walls and being a dick Motivation — doesn’t really have any :/ Short Term Goals and Hopes — readjust to life outta jail and not get sent back Long Term Goals and Hopes — none :( Sexuality — bisexual  Day or Night Person — night Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert that hates people  Optimist or Pessimist — realist/pessimist Greatest Want — to be wanted :( Greatest Need — to let himself be vulnerable and plant some roots 
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OC Introduction
full name: Veronica ”Roni" Maria Stark a.k.a. Wildfyre
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
pronouns: She/her
family: Howard Stark (father, deceased), Maria Stark (mother, deceased), Tony Stark (older brother), Pepper Potts (sister-in-law), Morgan Stark (niece), Peggy Carter (godmother), Steve Rogers (godfather)
birthplace: Manhattan, New York
job: CFO of R&D at Stark Industries, Avenger, X-Man (formerly)
phobias:  losing control, being kidnapped, losing her family
guilty pleasures: Bazillion coffee, cold pizza, poptarts 
morality alignment?: Chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
otp: Clint Barton (HawkFyre)
ot3: Remy Lebeau/Roni Stark/Peter Maximoff (CharmingQuickFyre)
brotp: Tony Stark, Scott Summers, Alex Summers
notp: Peter Parker
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moonlight-prose · 4 years
Writing Update
A wips update because I haven’t done one in awhile and the list has GROWN. Here’s what is coming out in 2021 for y’all.
In progress:
The First Jedi chapter three - Jedi!Finn x Reader Masterlist
Star Wars The Musical: Act Four - Finn x Reader Masterlist
Glotonería (Gluttony) -  Javier Peña x Fem!Reader Inocencia y Pecado series Masterlist
The Theory of Soul Mates - Dark Academia!Peter Parker x Reader
Part two to Aliit - Din Djarin x Jedi!Reader - part one
Balance - Obi-Wan x Reader Masterlist
Champagne Tears - Dark!Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader Masterlist
Modern Peter Parker series
A cool ass Star Wars story that I’m planning with @aaliyasaurus. Yet to be announced.
Black Velvet - Din Djarin 1980sAU
Amor Est Mori - Victorian! Bucky Barnes AU
A regency era Poe Dameron story yet to announced/named.
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buckysrighthanddoll · 4 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x enhanced!Reader
Warnings: angst, character death, anger, more death (of the murder variety), reader painted in a negative light
A.N.: This is the third installment of the Seven Deadly Sins mini series that I’m writing! Read Envy (Bucky Barnes) and Gluttony (Peter Parker) here!
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Steve had to hold her when she found out. Hydra had taken her little sister--hardly a teenager--. (Y/N) was beyond angry, she was beyond desperate, she was beyond anything that Steve had ever seen from his girlfriend. The energy in her veins hummed loudly, the lights flickered in the room (and, according to Tony, the entire tower), and sparks occasionally flickered in her eyes.
He didn’t know how to help (Y/N). She was usually composed and in control of her emotions--with electrical manipulation, you had to be in control lest something horrible happened.
Hydra contacted (Y/N) directly--found her number from her sister’s phone and dialed it at 0433, when she and Steve were in the middle of something. Had it been anybody else besides her mom or sister’s name, she would’ve let it go to voicemail. But her sister was never up at this time, and she hardly called first. So, she answered.
The deal was simple. Her or her sister. Hydra wanted their little soldier back, and if they didn’t get her, they would turn her sister into another one of their creations. And if anybody else came with (Y/N), they’d kill her on the spot. (Y/N) grit her teeth and told them that she would do it, and then she fried her phone in her hand.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked, slipping his underwear and sweatpants on.
(Y/N) was sparking and humming, and she let her control slip. Steve held her, biting back the fear of being electrocuted until she could get her emotions in check. “They have my sister.”
“What?” Steve asked in shock. He grabbed his shirt and threw it on unceremoniously, walking toward the door. “We’re telling Tony.”
“Steve, no,” (Y/N) commanded. “It’s her or me. If anybody comes with me, they kill her.”
“We’re coming up with a plan,” Steve asserted, shaking his head. “Now, come on.”
The lights flickered in and out as (Y/N) and Steve walked down the hallways and to the elevator. Steve went up to Tony’s floor (lucky bastard got a whole level to himself while the rest of the team shared another) and walked in, calling out for him.
The second (Y/N) walked into the living room, all of the lights on the floor turned on. “Don’t you two have some enhanced super-babies to be making?” Tony asked, coming out in a robe while rubbing his eyes.
“We were trying; something came up,” Steve said. His voice was short and pointed due to the urgency of the matter. “It’s (Y/N)’s sister--”
As soon as he mentioned her sister, the lights got twice as bright and began humming--a telltale sign that they would explode quickly.
“Come on, take a breath,” Tony said, coming up to (Y/N) and resting his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me; control it, take a second, then tell me what’s going on.”
So she did. (Y/N) closes her eyes, takes a few deep breaths, and empties her mind--she’s done it a thousand times before; it’s second nature now. She snapped her eyes open and went in to report mode.
“Braxton Novikai found my number and called me. Hydra agent. He was heavily involved in my enhancement. He took my sister captive and said that they’d run their experiments on her if I don’t come back. And if anybody tries to get us out of it, they’ll kill her.”
Tony’s jaw clenched in anger. He knew that (Y/N) had been through too much shit. If she went back, she’d likely be gone forever. She’d never recover from what they’d do to her, from what they’d use her for.
But he also knew that she’d much rather do that than have any harm come to her little sister.
“How can we help?” Tony asked, letting go of her shoulders.
“You don’t,” (Y/N) said concisely. “You let me go, and you never seek me out. Keep my sister safe.”
“Sweetheart, that’s ridiculous,” Steve interjected. “We can’t let you do that.”
“Too bad,” She quipped. She turned her back and went to the elevator.
Steve and Tony shared a look, and then the super-soldier ran after (Y/N). He found her getting into her tactical suit. She knew that the second Hydra got her back, they’d strip her of it and possibly even destroy it, but this was going to be her last shred of humanity. They’d brainwash her and send her on missions, sit her down for a mission report, and then wipe her clean--just as they had done with Bucky.
“(Y/N), please, let’s figure this out,” Steve pleaded. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Don’t you get it?” She snapped. “There’s no way around this. It’s her or me.” She did the last of the buckles and looked up at her boyfriend. The amount of pain that she felt just from looking at him was overwhelming. She wanted to live the rest of her life with Steve. She wanted to retire with him, maybe have a family with a couple of animals. Get a house. Get married. She fully believed that he was it. She didn’t want to lose him. She didn’t know how she could handle not having him in her life in some capacity. But, “I can’t lose my sister.”
“(Y/N). You’re not thinking right now. Let’s sit and--”
“I love you,” She interjected. “I thought that you were the one for me. I still do. But this is my sister. I will always choose my sister.”
(Y/N) grabbed her keys and gave one last look to her boyfriend and then turned to leave. This time, he let her go. He immediately went up to Tony, who was already getting dressed and calling others from the team.
Ecuador was blistering hot this time of year. (Y/N)’s tactical suit clung to her, Tony’s cooling suit material doing little to help the humidity surrounding her. She walked to the base, which was unsuspiciously placed a mile into the forest.
“We knew you’d come back,” Zola smirked upon her entrance.
“Let her go, then you’ll have me back,” She responded stoically.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” He said, circling the young teenager held up by two men. “I thought I said to come alone.”
“I did,” (Y/N) responded concisely. “You gave me the call, and I dropped everything and left.”
“Then why is my radar telling me that there’s a quinjet right outside and four Avengers walking in?” Zola quirked an eyebrow before looking back at the young girl and two men. Right as the doors burst open, Zola gives a command, and the two men inject something into the young girl’s neck, and then they drop her to the ground.
The pure anger that flooded (Y/N)’s veins was overwhelming. She feels her energy surge all at once, emitting a golden explosion while she screams out for her sister. Everybody falls backward before she’s running and collapsing on the ground next to her sister.
It was easy to tell that she was barely hanging on. While men swarm out of the open room’s many doors, she comforts her little sister by holding her close and stroking her hair. She says sweet words as the light drains from her eyes. Tears slide from both of the sisters, and as soon as the girl stops moving, (Y/N) stands up and lets the anger transform her.
Battle cries are the best way to describe the noises coming from (Y/N). She demolishes any Hydra agent that she comes in contact with. Bright golden light is pressed into the men’s eyes, and there are nothing but burned sockets left. Once they’re blinded, she releases her energy into their hearts, making damn sure they feel their death coming to them.
The last one dies, and she looks at her team. Steve, of course, and also Bucky, Tony, and Nat. The air that once inhabited (Y/N)’s lungs left, and she collapses to the ground and cries. She’s broken at the loss of her sister. Nobody blames her.
Steve places a hand on her shoulder. He doesn’t know how to help her--she’s completely broken inside. Steve looks at Bucky and nudges his head toward (Y/N)’s sister’s body. Bucky kneels next to her, but (Y/N) snatches his wrist in her hand.
“Hey, baby, look at me,” Steve says soothingly. “He’s bringing her on the jet with us, and we’re gonna make arrangements. Can you let him do that?”
She looks from Steve to Bucky, who gives her a curt nod. She took a deep breath and released his wrist, and he picks up the body. (Y/N) stands up next to her boyfriend, sparing a glance before following Bucky out to the jet.
When they get back to the compound, Tony contacts the others of the family. (Y/N) walked to her room and started the shower, stripping off the clothing layers that clung to her body.
The water was steaming hot as she stepped in, nearly making her hiss as she steps under the streams. She can hear Steve outside the bathroom door, and she wonders how long he’ll take to come inside.
It was five minutes exactly, and then Steve steps in. He’s in a pair of boxers and nothing else. “Can I come in with you?” He asks.
(Y/N) nods her head, and he slips out of his boxers before opening the glass door. He holds her for a moment, letting the water run over them as he runs his hand up and down her back. He reaches for the shampoo, then the conditioner, and then the body wash, making sure that he takes his time and is gentle with each motion. He leaves light kisses on her shoulders, on her forehead, on her hands.
“It’s my fault,” She mutters once in a while. It hurts to hear it, but Steve lets her say and do what she wishes, whatever helps her.
They lay in bed hours later, no clothing on them, hair a mess, chests moving erratically. It helps her at the moment, but as soon as they lay and say nothing, she’s thinking about it again.
Steve helps her get to sleep, and then they’re making arrangements the next morning with Tony.
“I’m paying for everything; don’t even try to argue,” Tony says. “I talked to your mom last night, and she’s on her way to the compound for legal reasons. Cremation, no burial, keep it small--her orders. We have the front row for her, you, your--”
“I’m not going,” (Y/N) interjected. Tony and Steve fell silent for a moment. “It’s my fault that she’s dead. The attendees aren’t going to see me as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the big sister; they’re going to see me as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the reason she’s dead.”
“That’s not true,” Steve said, placing a hand on her back.
“Yes, it is, and you know it.” (Y/N) stepped away from Steve’s hand. “I could have stopped this. I could’ve stopped her from--” She cut herself off, not wanting to even finish the sentence. Saying it out loud meant that it was true, and (Y/N) wasn’t ready to handle that. She knew that she’d have to come to terms with it eventually, but today was not that day. Healing does not happen overnight.
(Y/N)’s mom showed up forty-five minutes later. The woman’s eyes were red and puffy from crying.
“I want an open casket showing for her, and then I want her to have a Christian burial,” The mother said.
“She didn’t want that,” (Y/N) muttered. “She wrote down what she wanted to have in case she died. Said she didn’t want a showing; she wanted a natural burial under a willow tree.”
“You have no say in what happens to her--if it wasn’t for you doing this superhero bullshit, she’d be alive right now. So shut your mouth and stop pretending like you cared about her!”
(Y/N)’s face was stoic as she looked at her mother—the woman who raised her and loved her unconditionally for her entire life--until now. She looked at Tony and Steve, that same blank expression on her face. “I told you,” She said, sparks coming out from around her. “Mom, you know damn well I cared about her. Yes, her death was my fault, but don’t you come in here like my job is what makes me a shitty person. I assure you that I got that from you.”
And with those final words, (Y/N) walked out of the room. She spent that entire day in the gym with Bucky, Sam, and Nat. She had so much anger coursing through her that she won nearly every spar and split three punching bags.
Steve walked in at seven in the evening, long after everybody else had left the gym. “Sweetheart, you’ve been down here for ten hours.”
“And?” She snarked, taking another swing at the punching bag. Steve came up in front of her and placed his hands on her elbows. “Let me go, please.”
“Only if you come up for the night,” Steve bartered. “And I’m not taking no for an answer.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and took off her gloves, following Steve through the door and to the elevator. “I really wish you’d stop worrying so much about me.”
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
“A typical one.”
Steve sighs as they step into their shared bedroom. “I’m always going to worry about you. I love you, and I know that this is a massive deal for you. What your mom said wasn’t right or fair--”
“But, it was true.”
“You couldn’t have predicted that,” Steve said as he helped you out of your clothes. “You didn’t know.”
“I should have,” She insists, now down to her bra and underwear. Steve starts up a shower for her, and she steps in. “Are you coming in, too?”
“No, I’m going to make you something to eat,” He responded, leaning over and kissing (Y/N)’s cheek. She reaches up and cups his face, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Steve smiles and steps back, shutting the sliding glass door. While he’s gone, (Y/N) takes her time to clean her body. She uses every product she can think of to calm her angered mind. Lavender soaps. Tea tree shampoo and conditioner. Lemon balm sugar scrub. Raspberry shaving cream. It hardly made a difference. Where the anger once resided, sadness moved in.
Steve returned to the bathroom right when (Y/N) turned the water off. He handed her a warm towel--fresh out of the dryer, he said.
He made her some homemade pizza, which was lying on the bed. “They were supposed to send me on a mission tomorrow, but I had Buck take my place.”
(Y/N) snapped her attention to her boyfriend. “Baby, you don’t have to skip out on missions for me. I’d have gone with you.”
Steve shook his head. “That isn’t a good idea. Not when you’re in this state of mind.”
“I’m fine, Steve,” She insisted. “A mission would be good for me.”
Steve swallowed harshly, and then he nodded. “I’ll text Tony. But you have to promise to stay with me.” His instructions were clear. She nods her head in agreeance. He reaches for his phone and texts Tony, but he isn’t sure that his sweet girlfriend should be in the field. Not yet. H didn’t think that she was stable enough right now--not when her sister’s death was so fresh in her mind.
They both had nightmares that night. For Steve, he saw you being reckless. For (Y/N), she saw her sister’s death play out in numerous cycles.
Tony agreed to let you go on the mission. It was a raid, two days tops, and there wasn’t supposed to be any combat. Steve and Tony agreed that doing some intel would be the best approach right now. It was comfortable, distracting, and had a minimal opportunity for escalation.
That was until their cover was blown. The team was at a dinner party when it happened, and one of the assailants recognized (Y/N). Steve used the comms to tell Tony, Bucky, and (Y/N) to get out as quickly and quietly as possible and meet at the rendezvous point. She was in the hallway as a man approached her.
The suited man grabbed (Y/N)’s arm and shoved her into a room, locking the door behind them. When she looked at who was there, she saw six men, all of whom were bigger than she was (and somewhat intimidating).
She wasn’t scared in the slightest. She knew that she could get her way out of this.
“What are you doing here?” One man (who (Y/N) had guessed to be the ringleader of this circus) asked.
“Wow, no introductions or anything,” She tsked. “Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?”
“Now is not the time to be snarky,” Another man said, kicking (Y/N) in the back of the knees, so she was on the ground. She could feel her anger rising--emotional regulation was not on the list of strengths as of late.
“Don’t test me, extra number three,” She responded, rolling her eyes. She knew that it was only a matter of seconds before someone was coming to get her--it was standard to leave the comms on when leaving for an emergency.
The idiots’ leader kneeled to (Y/N)’s level, a scowl adorning his features. “We’re going to get as much information from you as we can, and then we’re going to take you to see your sister again.”
That caught her attention. “Mention her one more time, and you’re dead,” She warned, already feeling the electricity humming through her veins. Her jaw was clenched; her features were cold like steel.
The man chuckled lowly. “What? Don’t you want to apologize to her face-to-face?”
The scream that came from (Y/N)’s throat was deadly. She stood to her feet and let out a ball of energy, which killed the four men standing closest to her. One of the two remaining men lunged at her, but she narrowly dodged the hit and rebutted with a roundhouse. She pulled the knife that was strapped to her thigh and lodged it in his heart and then ran at the second guy (as Steve opened the door).
She doesn’t even notice her boyfriend standing in the doorway as she uses the man’s body to climb onto his shoulders, legs on either side of his face. She grabs the nearby wall and uses it to gain momentum, breaking the man’s neck between her thighs. As he falls to the ground, she hops off and catches her breath.
Steve stands in awe of what he sees. Six men, dead. Four of them with blood coming out of their ears and burning holes where their eyes once existed. His girlfriend, standing in a circle of bodies as if she had hardly lifted a finger.
“Baby…” He trails, trying to meet her gaze.
“Don’t,” She interjects sternly. “I’ll file the debriefing and hand in my resignation from the team.”
She steps over one of the men without a glance, brushing past Steve and leaving him motionless.
She’s stoic on the trip back to the compound. Not a single word. Not a single movement. It hardly seemed like her mind was in her body. She doesn’t even shower before she seeks out Fury.
He doesn’t even have to hear her resignation. After she explained what went down, he gave her two months of unpaid leave. No missions, no team exercises. She wasn’t even going to be staying in the compound for the first five weeks. Fury sent her to Wakanda, where T’Challa and Shuri worked with her to accept her sister’s death.
Wrath worms its way into everybody’s life. Sometimes it’s subtle, others it isn’t. For (Y/N), she was found to be dangerous. She blamed herself for her sister’s passing. She always would. But, with time, she learned how not to let it control her emotions, which were much more even upon her arrival back home. She refused to use her powers; although, she was still a weapon without them.
It was time to let it go. Let go of the burdens, of the bottled up emotions, of the resentment. It wasn’t time to move on, but it was time to rebuild. 
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