#gn reader x negan smith
ravenraverequests · 8 months
hi! my name is raven <3
welcome to my blog!
all are welcome!
I write mainly for rick grimes & negan smith!
I do x readers (smut, suggestive, and non-smutty). i do gender neutral readers, but love to do transmasc readers as well! ever had a really juicy good x reader idea but struggle with writing? feel free to send me a request with as many details as you want! i’ll try my best to get it out quick if approved.
general rules:
-no “dead dove” material. i will do very dark themes but not graphic rape or rape between reader and main.
-i do most kinks as long as everything is safe, sane, and consensual and all participants are willing. if you aren’t sure if I’ll write a kink, just message me! there is no judgment here as long as it is not immoral.
-i add tw warnings if necessary, but if you want any specific content warning just ask and it will be there!
-proshippers dni
-bigotry or harassment of ANY kind will not be accepted on this blog. you WILL be blocked and reported. all readers of any ethnicity, religion, sexualities, and gender are welcome and accepted on my blog!
-please be patient with me. some works may come out faster while others may take more time. writers block and personal life and all that can interfere. just be patient with me and i will make your request the best i can!
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river13245 · 6 months
All I Wanted Was You
Warnings: ANGST, Rick being an ass, CHEATING, Daryl being protective and Negan being an ass and flirting at wrong times.
Series maybe (pt 1)
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Rick had always been a man who usually knew what he wanted. It was part of the reason he was the leader of your group. He always took charge and made big desisious after thinking about it long and hard. It was something you admired about him.
It was one of the many things that made you fall for the man. The way he lead everyone through all the troubles that had came your way. How he cared for Carl and Judith and always made sure people were okay. Its was admirable how he cared for people.
In fact there was a time when he was sure of you. He had developed feelings for you many years ago and he was very sure that he wanted you. So when the two of you finally got together it was amazing. As amazing anything could be in the apocalypse. He would fall asleep next to you and you even woke up with him in bed. Some days he would be up early and heading to go do things he had to do. But on the days when he would sleep in late, with only the sheet covering your bodies. Those were the days you really just let yourself pretend there were no walkers. Just the two of you and your family happy and safe.
With the both of you being a couple, it was something people could tell if they paid attention. Either holding hands or taking care of eachother. When shit went down he would always try to protect you, or look for each other afterwards. You would do the same for him. People just knew.
However that all slowly began to change after about two years into the relationship. At first you kept making excuses for him. Saying it was because she was new and he had to make sure she wasn't a threat to anyone. That he had to show her around. Help her train and make sure she knew the rules and everything.
It started the day that Michonne joined the group. At first Rick was still right beside you the whole time. A bit weary of her because he didnt know her and she was new. He didnt want to make the wrong decision but he ultamitaly decided to let her stay.
You and the group were a bit hesistant at first. But when she slowly began to help people with things around town. Everyone started to get along better, letting her feel welcome. You even went out of your way to talk to her and invite her on small trips.
Everything was fine, or so you thought. But after a while Rick started to become distant. He would wake up in the morning and instead of staying in bed and wrap his arm around you. He now gets up and throws clothes on and barely even kisses you goodbye.
There was one morning when you had wanted to spend some time with him. Make the both of you some food before starting the day but he had decided to take a quick shower and start heading out. You were trying to have a conversation with him but he was giving you rushed answers as he put on his boots.
You walked up to him and grabbed ahold of his arm and made him look at you. "Rick what is going on. Why are you in such a rush?" you asked and he looked at you "Just have to go on a run with michonne and Daryl. We gotta try to find more weapons"
He seemed to be telling the truth so instead of starting what you knew would be an argument you nod. "Alright I love you" and with that he begins to walk out the door saying "love you" and that's only one of the things that makes your chest hurt. He always said "i love you too" never just two words. The other thing was that he didn't even look at you when he said it and left without a kiss or anything.
This wasn't the Rick you agreed to be with. But maybe he was just going through things he couldn't talk about. All you knew was that he is the man you want, you've been in love with him for years. Carl even liked you and that took a bit of work because he wasn't a big fan of opening up right away But you two were close now.
It had been five months since Michonne had entered the group. You hadn't seen much of her but you haven't seen much of Rick either. Deciding to spend time with Maggie or Dary to fill your time. Maggie had been your best friend since before the outbreak happened. Both of you adjusting to this new life. She was even your number one supporter when you and Rick had gotten together.
The both of you had been on patrol just making sure no walkers were coming. It was a slow day so the both of you were talking for a while and she could sense that something was wrong. "okay what is going on? You're being off"
A sigh escapes you and you begin to vent. Telling her about how rick has been acting and about the fact that he's almost always out. And when he's not he comes back and he is quiet. Nothing like the man you fell in love with. Even Maggie is confused because that is weird behavior from him.
But then you go and try to defend him. "But I know he's been working a lot. He goes out on runs alot with Daryl and Michonne and comes back just really tired"
As if you had summoned him. Daryl comes around the corner looking sweaty, probably just coming back from hunting. "what about me?" he asks and so you say "You and Rick have been going out on runs a lot with Michonne"
He looks confused and shakes his head "No I haven't. Only runs I go on, im alone or with Carol" Now its your turn to look confused "what do you mean? Are you trying to tell me that Rick has been alone with Michonne for months now.?"
Maggie grabs ahold of your hand and you scoff and stand straight up. Brushing yourself off "I am so sick and tired of this. I thought he liked me...well loved me. He wanted ME before she came along. But that's just life right, there always is another person someway somehow"
Daryl looks guilty even when he has done nothing wrong. Maggie pulls you into a hug while Daryl rests his hand on your back. You don't cry but you just stand there for a moment before pulling away. "Daryl i'm going to go on the trip you all are taking. I'm going to go kill Negan with you all"
Maggie nods and Daryl smiles "alright. Go get some sleep cause we are leaving tomorrow" you nod and walk back home and once again you go to sleep alone. Rick was gone when you woke up which is probably best since he didn't want you to go on the trip with everyone. But you are anyways.
You end up getting ready, putting on a thick shirt and made sure to have a bag and some supplies with you. Weapons were always around you so you made sure they were loaded before making yourself a quick breakfast. You were in the middle of eating when you hear a knock. "come in" you say and in comes Daryl.
"we gotta go. You're riding with me on the bike" he says and you nod. He always seemed to know exactly what you wanted. Just knowing you don't want to be near anyone besides him and Maggie right now. So when you guys walk to everyone , he gets on the bike before holding out his hand and helping you get on.
Once you guys are on and ready is when Rick walks to the group. He gives his pep talk, one that you weren't listening to at all. Your hand still in Daryl's squeezing it. Rick looks around and notices you and he gives you a look basically asking what the hell you were doing. But you look away from him and tell Daryl to start the bike.
Everyone leaves and some go separate ways. You were always with Daryl, he seems to want to keep you as close as possible to protect you. The both of you talk during the ride because its how you cope with nerves. By physical touch or cracking jokes. So he just listens and laughs at some of the things you say.
When the two of you get there Rick tries to talk to Negan. He walks out and they walk up to each other. You were beside Daryl who has a hand on your arm. Rick and Negan are arguing and having a contest on whose dick is bigger. (not really) but it's what they are acting like. Seeing who will make the first move, however when Negan turns and looks at you he smirks.
You had only ever seen this man one other time and that was when he killed Glenn. However he seemed to recognize you and he runs his tongue across his teeth and smirks. "well well well. I see you brought me a little surprize. Why don't you come on out darling"
Daryl grips onto you but you turn to place your hand on his chest. "its okay Daryl. Let me do what I've gotta do. I've gotta get you all out of this, no matter what I have to do" He gives you a look as you pull out of his hold and walk out into the open.
Rick looks at you "what the hell are you doing?"
Walking up closer but giving space so your farthest away from rick as you can be. "Doing what I have to" you say with a monotone voice. This earns a chuckle from Negan "woah Lovebirds aren't singing this time. Trouble in paradise?"
This makes you and Rick both look at him. Negan holds up his hand in mock surrender. "look just let them go. Most of these people have families to get back too"
At your words one of Negan's followers holds up the gun and aims it at you. You freeze in your spot but you don't look scared, in fact the only one who reacts is Daryl. He starts to walk in front of you but Rick holds his hand out to silently tell him to stop. Rick doesn't even look phased and thats what causes your chest to ache.
Negan had quickly looked at the man who was aiming at you and said "now we don't go around shooting people who hasn't really done anything to deserve it. Especially such a pretty one" The man lowers it and you seem to be able to breathe a bit more but he aims it at Rick now and that's when you stand in front of him. Shielding him from the bullet if they were to shoot.
You look straight at negan "Look enough with this fake flattery. It will get you no where with me. If you want to get anywhere with me, you will let them go. Rick has a family to get back too, Daryl he has Carol, Everyone has someone waiting for them, especially kids." you pause to breath for a second before deciding your next choice of words. "haven't you ever had a child or someone you cared about. That you would do anything to get back home too."
A muscle in Negan's face tenses and you already know the answer. "then let them go. I'm sure your a reasonable man when you want to be" you try to flatter him just a little before he speaks "And what about you huh? What do you have back there waiting for you?"
He steps closer to you which makes you look up at him. Not backing down from whatever he was trying to do. Which was intimidate you. "Absolutely nothing. What do you have waiting for you? Just a bunch of people who follow you cause they are scared of you. Does anyone really hope and pray that you come back?"
Negan grips your jaw which makes you wince but you remain eye contact. You knew you struck a nerve and that was the point. "You better watch how you speak to me. I may not have someone hoping that I come back, but it seems to me like you also have no one. Not even the man you love seems to be worried about you"
Now he had hit a nerve and you grip onto his leather jacket and pulled up away from you. Just enough so that you could swing at him. Your fist hits hit jaw and he chuckles at that. "don't ever speak to me about what I do or don't have. That is none of your business"
Instead of negan retaliating from you hitting him. Instead he grabs your arm and pull you close to him. Then he looks out at everyone saying loudly "we will let them go. Go back to their people, but i'm not going empty handed" His grip on you tightens and you groan. "ill be taking y/n. Back with me so now I have two of your people"
Negan looks down at you and you glare up at him. Obviously not happy with the arrangement but you knew how this was going to go. Before you stepped out of alexandria. The first time you met Negan he had seemed fascinated by you. In fact you had yelled at him in front of everyone and even killed one of his people after he killed Glenn. And when he didn't kill you on the spot. That's when you knew he wouldn't.
However when Eugene had left and joined their group. Is when you made your own plan, you would get on the inside too. Fuck some shit up on the downlow. Eugene had been your best friend, the both of you being inseparable and when he left is when you knew you had to go through with the plan. And here you were.
So when Negan looks down at you and asks "Who are you?" Everyone knew what he wanted the answer to be. Maggie gasps and everyone's eyes are on you, Even Ricks. If this is what you had to do to get his attention, you didn't want it. Taking a deep breath before saying "Im Negan"
This is when everyone was aloud to react. Negan loved a crowd reaction, he loved the attention. Especially when he got what he wanted. Daryl tried to grab you but Rick pulled him away "what do ya think yer doin" he asks and you look over at him. Tears threatening to fill your eyes but you look at Rick.
He looks confused and a little disappointed. There was no love in his expression, their hasn't been for months now and so you looked back at Daryl. Who looked pissed and hurt and something else you couldn't quite place. Maybe desperation. "Im doing what's best"
When Rick had finally gotten Daryl inside a car and he stopped fighting. He runs to Michonne, his hands on her shoulders and arms. Checking for any bruises or wounds and when she reassures him shes unharmed. You can visibly see the sigh of relief he has, as he pulls her to him holding her close.
That is what you had been missing for months. Thats whats been missing in his eyes when he looked at you. Now you knew why, Its because hes been giving all of his love to her.
You must have looked as awful as you were feeling because Negan places his arm around you. At first you think he's going to flirt or joke around but he actually just pulls you to him and begins to walk the both of you back inside. He doesn't say anything, for the first time he has nothing to say.
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
first meeting (part 2) kisses! (part 2) sharing a bed (part 2) you’re almost a victim… (part 2) your first time together is…your first time let’s get kinky (part 2) y’all accidentally adopt a child (part two)
tommy gets jealous - thomas hewitt x reader
mine - thomas hewitt x reader (nsfw)
good one - thomas hewitt x reader
The Walking Dead
birthday (negan)
dating negan
The Boys
dating billy
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loganlostitall · 9 months
Rating: 18+ for sure
Word count: 1.7k
Characters: Negan Smith, adult gender neutral reader
Setting: Riverbend, season 11 episode 13
Content warnings: light spoilers!!! Be mindful of your own knowledge of the show. Oral sex (M receiving) and also references to oral sex (gn receiving), cum swallowing, spit/drool, slight mention of typical TWD violence, very brief speculation of Negan being dead ig?
Summary: you were in a relationship with Negan before he disappeared without a trace after Maggie took out the Reapers and found Alden. Just when you’re wondering if hope of finding him again is lost… there he is. And he’s very excited to see you.
Author’s note: I literally have no idea where this came from lmfao. I haven’t written in months and suddenly after listening to TDOPOM this little idea popped into my head and I couldn’t banish it so I sat down and slammed this out. Considering that there’s things I’ve had started since September, that’s a huge feat for me lmao. Anyways !!!
No beta, I’m gonna die with my errors like a man 🫡
NSFW under the cut
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How long had it been, exactly? Whatever the amount of time, the true answer to such a question was too fucking long. Initially, when you left the Commonwealth a few days prior to venture further than your previous run in search of “resources” (also known as: your missing boyfriend; that you fully suspected everyone was too smart to believe you were looking for anything different, but continued lying to them anyway to avoid any emotional conflict) you hadn’t exactly… expected to actually find him. A piece of you had started to wonder if the time would come where you sunk a blade between a pair of vacant, milky eyes you’d despised and then adored.  
And so, you certainly were taken by surprise when one hand snatched your arm and the other covered your mouth just as it had fallen open to loose a scream. Catching the barest glimpse of familiar ink etched across the skin of your assailant’s arm, tears stung your eyes when you realized with nausea sinking low in your gut that you weren’t ready to take him out. Brain not even acknowledging the relieving factor that the fingers touching you were warm. 
In your searching for him, he found you. How poetic. 
Those same hands hadn’t left your body since. Like right now, one at the base of your skull; fingernails repetitively scratching your scalp, ever so slightly. 
“God fucking damn, I’ve missed this. I mean, I missed you too, of fuckin’ course I did, but this? Fucking incredible.” The slew of complimentary expletives were muttered through grit teeth, and between unsteady huffs of breath. A pinched groan followed immediately after the thick words. He was going to attract walkers; as flattering as it was, that was the first thought to come to mind and on instinct you retaliated what he had subjected you to not much earlier by slowly grazing your palm up the planes of his stomach, over his chest, and to his mouth... which only served to inspire another moan. 
His head bobbed side to side with some dazed form of a nod and he flashed a tired—but still as gorgeous as usual—smile when he pulled your hand away. “Okay, okay, I’ll shut the hell up,” he sighed, much quieter though clearly without lack of restraint. Pride resounded through you with every flex of his jaw.
The phantom sensation of your back being pinned flat against the tree where Negan’s is now was still very prominent, though the only evidence to show for it was the glisten of his lips and the smudges over the fabric of his jeans that clothed his knees. A dull throb resonated between your thighs when you lowered your eyes to admire the very proof of his head being nestled there not very long ago, and the hum when you smirked around his cock gave him no choice but to bite down on his fist and keep quiet. 
With that, you returned to the task at hand or, rather, at hand and mouth. Hollowing your cheeks, you sunk down until the head of his dick nudged against the back of your throat and did absolutely nothing to fight the gag that sounded as a result. A long time ago, in an entirely different life, things like that had bothered you. Everything about your performance needed to be perfect, until Negan. He liked when you struggled to accommodate him. Got off on it. 
The vein along the underside of his endowment jumped and you did not hesitate to flatten your tongue and press up against it, curl the tip, and drag from end to end of the hypersensitive stripe beneath Negan’s skin and revel in the shiver it drew from him. 
Scrunching his eyebrows together, he whispered, “Fuck,” and even such a short, succinct, single syllable word seemed to knock the breath out of him. His mouth thinned into a straight line, lips all but disappearing, and the back of his head made an unceremonious collision with the bark behind it. The grimace that found his face was short lived, because that was the moment you decided was perfect to bring a cupped palm and fingers to his scrotum. They drew up instantaneously upon being touched.
He was close already. Aw. He really did miss you. 
A heavy glob of saliva rolled out between his cock and your lips when they crowned over the glans, but you simply sucked in a gulping breath and followed it with your tongue rather than fearing the quality of your performance. Smearing your drool down the length of his shaft would surely ease the glide of your mouth for whatever little remainder of time there was here. You would tease him about this later, but given that Negan cumming fast was a rare occurrence, it would mainly be playful bragging. 
The practically hypnotic motion of his nails carding through the short hairs where your head met your neck ceased abruptly after deepthroating him once more, and you would have mourned the loss if not for the heavy lidded, glazed over, hazel brown eyes that truly appeared to be doing nothing less than memorizing the way every feature of your face looked when your lips were stretched around him. You pushed up on his balls and squeezed, just barely bordering outside of the threshold of pain for him, and the hissed ‘awfuck-’ was your only warning. 
Never would you have believed that you could miss the taste of a man’s cum, and yet here you were, realizing how fucking happy you were to be tasting him, swallowing everything down like some sort of elixir. Hardly an easy task around something in your mouth, and repeatedly ramming down your throat due to him holding you in place as his hips jerked, but you were more than enthusiastic despite it. All you could do was squeeze your thighs together, breathe through your nose, swallow, and allow yourself to be used for the first time in what had felt like the longest six months in your entire life. Suddenly you couldn’t remember a single sweet thing that had ever tasted better than Negan Smith.
Though logically you knew it wasn’t a very long affair, the limited intake of oxygen disoriented you enough that you couldn’t quite tell how much time passed before the grip on the back of your head relinquished and a now softening erection retracted from your mouth. You drank air into your lungs as if you’d been under water and dropped your hands, both of which had a tacky mixture of drool and precum connecting them to your lips and his skin, all while holding eye contact even though his own gaze was trained upon your swollen, sticky mouth. 
After a moment to collect himself and gather his bearings—both literally and figuratively because he tucked himself back inside of his boxers but didn’t pull up the zip, Negan offered out his hands for you to grab hold of and help you back onto your feet. There were matching patches of dirt on your knees. As you started to bend down to dust yours off, a finger hooked beneath your chin to raise your head once more. He wiped the light, streaky eyeliner you managed to score from Princess off of your cheeks; and afterwards brought the hem of his black t-shirt to your mouth that was no more than a mess of goop but that wicked tongue of his peeked out from between his teeth as he cleaned up the mess. 
“So goddamn hot, baby,” Negan rushed forward to steal a kiss, which you happily reciprocated and that same tongue followed shortly after. You could still taste yourself in his mouth. Certainly, his own flavor lingered behind as well. The groan that fled his mouth to dissolve into yours was answer enough. “Fuckin missed the taste of us. Swear my dick could get hard all over again just from this shit.” His hand dropped to your own jeans that you’d secured back over your hips after you came, just in case a situation arose and the both of you had to be able to run quickly. Bypassing the zipper, Negan slid his fingers past the waistband and dipped into your underwear to gather what remained of your excrement and his own saliva, raising it to his lips to lick his fingers clean. There had hardly been enough time to suppress a moan before his mouth found your neck and you rolled your head off to the side, giggling in the process, to allow further access. 
Unfortunately for the both of you, upon looking towards where you could only assume Negan had been taking shelter, your eyes fell to a sight that meant things would have to cease for now. 
“…Is that Gabriel?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, forgive me Father or however the fuck that goes.” 
His mouth had only ceased its assault on your throat long enough to mumble the words against your skin, sending a chill through you and raising goosebumps all over you that would have to go ignored. Much to your chagrin, Gabriel and Aaron were approaching the building that Negan’s new group resided within, and perhaps it was paranoia but a little skepticism went a long way since the dead started walking.
While half-assedly shoving his face away from yourself, you asked, “What are your new men like?”
“Not very nice,” he answered with a shrug; failing multiple attempts to dodge your hand until deciding he would settle for kissing your palm instead. Would have been endearing under any other circumstance. 
“Negan Smith!” 
“UuugghhhhUUUUUUHHH fine!” He blustered overdramatically, tossing his arms up over his head with a heaving sigh and roll of his eyes just before zipping his pants back up, and then yours after. You wiped your hands on his pants as he began walking. 
And, even despite the current circumstance, after all the time you’d spent missing him, you couldn't help but smirk at his grumblings about no amount of Hail Mary’s or Our Father’s being repentance enough for what he would do to them for giving him Blue Balls as he guided you around the building for safe entry. 
Like he hadn’t cum already. If you made it out of this, which you could never be sure of anymore, it seems like you were going to have a lot of sucking up to do. 
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This one-shot was actually a massive challenge for me because I’ve always found it almost completely impossible to write something so short because I try to pour everything into my writing and drag it out.. which really makes me worry that this is horrible/boring 😭
Anyways, hope it’s not and people find it decent. I won’t be doing much x reader stuff because I have an OC and an entire story planned out for him when I find the time, but there will be a few ! :)
Idk who else to tag other than my loyal bffs @murdadixon @hopefulatrocity @lanadelnegan 🥰 besitos para mis bebés
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hellfireswhore · 1 year
Insecurities Negan Smith would love would be…
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Tooth gap
It was the first thing he noticed about you. He thought it was kinda cool at first. But when he started taking a liking to you, he would catch himself trying to make you smile so he could see your tooth gap!
Eye bags
He finds them so hot I’m not lying. You would be minding your business and he’d look at you and just admire your eyes. He thinks it makes you look like a bad ass, HIS BADASS
Wide rib cage
He likes how it makes you look like you have strong upper body, even if it isn’t technically how it’s work, but that’s how he sees it! It makes you appear strong and independent, and he loves that about you.
Big forehead
HELLO? AN EXCUSE TO KISS YOUR FOREHEAD?? Negan would always kiss your forehead as a hello or goodbye. Also, he likes putting his big hands on your forehead when you are laying next to him in his arms. A little odd but it’s comforting, like he’s protecting you.
Long face
Again, makes you appear like a baddie. He has a big heart for people with this facial shape. He likes a person that brings him a lil intimacy. Even though you may appear the opposite on the inside, he’ll still appreciate you.
A/N: I made a negan version! Sorry for the inactivity I’ve been kinda overworking myself lately
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redcoralpot · 2 years
Every cinthean and lesbian TWD fan looking for x reader fanfics
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mx-pastelwriting · 11 months
Kinktober Day 30: Choking
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Negan Smith x GN! Reader
Summary: Choking you as he fucks you into the bed.
Warnings: Smut, Choking, Rough
Kinktober Masterlist
Minors do not interact!
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Pressure of fingers and thumb dug into your neck, causing your head to turn to mush as Negan's words in the background fueled the pool that continued to fill your stomach as he fucked you raw.
Resting his forehead against yours, he looks into your rolled and watered eyes as he cures your name, angling himself to rail your overwhelmed body into the bed. The sheets hugged you as they moved with his command, "Fuck, look at you." He comments on your state of pleasure at seeing his effect.
Quickening his thrust as if he were ready at the sight of you mindlessly moaning, Kissing your cheek and neck as he moans, coming to his end. The pressure on your neck tightens slightly, quieting your moans as you cum with him. Softening his grip but staying, he kisses your lips roughly, claiming what's his.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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Taglist: @sweetbutpsychobutsweet @ursawastricked @christynalou @k3nmakyan @xo-c0nnie @the1redrose @delusional-13s-blog @cvnt4lyfe
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 5 months
Your Time (TWD One-Shot)
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Negan Smith x GN!Reader / requests are open / 18+
Summary: You reminisce over your relationship with Negan and look towards the day to come. Based on the prompt "memory."
Fic type: reflective smut lite, violent in nature, extremely deranged relationship, these hoes do not be healthy in the head
EVERYTHING: @winchxters (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
TWD: @nervoussystemss (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Aw, come on, babydoll, don't play coy with me," Negan's lips spread into a smirk, his eyes boring holes that felt as though they were digging right down into your soul. "I know you love it when I play the big bad wolf."
He was right, of course. Negan was always right. Before the sky fell and the world turned entirely to shit, you'd considered yourself a decent person. Maybe even a good person. But that was before and this was now.
Negan had found you a year or two into the shit. He'd found you curled up, covered in grime and ready to take out the Achilles of the next person who looked at you wrong. Negan had seen past that, as he usually did. He saw past the right now and into the what-can-be of a person. It was one of his many talents.
He'd seen you for what you were. A bloodthirsty killer with a thing for reassurance and praise. Negan knew he could use that. Sure, you'd tried to fit in for a while. Be the goody-two-shoes who baked for the soldiers and wore cute cardigans (not that cardigans had anything to do with being sweet. You could certainly still kill a person in a pastel cardi if you pleased).
Eventually, though, you grew bored with your own charade. You'd spent a good long while out in the muck, killing and maiming and stealing from other survivors. Your fingers began to itch for an outlet and once Negan was made aware of this little urge resurfacing, he was sure to provide you that sweet escape.
Traitors, thieves, enemies. He let you at them all. You were his best investigator, and yes, while you were severely fucked in the head, you were his. He was yours, too. Negan loved your ferocity, your drive. He loved that you were unapologetically violent and cruel, and you made a pretty match for his Saviours leader personality.
Now that wasn't to say you were always itching to rip someone a new one (and sometimes literally). Like Negan, you needed a break here and there. You could be sweet, caring, and more than affectionate when you were in the mood. Just like Negan. It was one of the reasons you both got along so well, from what you could tell.
The couple who decompress with cuddles together after ripping a prisoner's fingernails off stays together, after all.
"Maybe," you ventured, walking your fingers over his bare chest as you both looked up into the stars. God, he was so... firm. So strong. He was perfect for you. You didn't need him to protect you, and you both knew it, but it felt nice that he could if you wanted him to. "I had fun tonight."
"Me fuckin' too, darlin'," Negan replied, a rumble of affection emanating from his chest. Fun could mean a lot of things, but tonight, fun meant having fucked each others' brains out while the latest batch of fuckwits cried over the loss of their friend about eight feet away from you both. Morbid, yes, but also, very hot.
You pinched at Negan's nipple teasingly, giggling at the way he swatted your hand with a hiss.
"Don't be mean, doll." He pulled you closer by the hips and planted a hot, wet, open-mouthed kiss on your lips. He forced himself to pull away for a moment. "We got work to do tomorrow. You ready for that?"
You nodded, rolling your hips over his groin. Negan sucked his lower lip into his mouth, eyes glinting with heat. "Play the damsel," you relayed, grinding down on him again in harsh circles. "Get inside, scope the place out and sneak out after dark."
Negan's fingers flexed on your hips, his hips rolling up against yours now as well.
"Uh-uh," he tutted. "I think there's something missing from that plan of yours."
You pouted, bringing your hips to a halt. "Don't kill anyone."
"That's right, baby. Don't kill anyone. Your time will fucking come, sweetness, don't you worry about that."
If nothing else, you knew Negan to be a man of his word. If he said there'd be time for your hobbies, you sure as fuck believed him.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
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Hi, I'm Roadkill Remi! I love all things weird and love writing fics that don't make a lick of sense.
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⚠️ -Minors DNI
🫁 - Still in the works
>>Uncle!Randy MasterList<<
300 Event
Kinktober '23
Requests are currently on pause
The characters I write for are not limited to the ones below.
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Looking for a request I wrote?
It's down here!
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The List (Randy X Gn!Reader)
The Bar (College!Randy X Gn!Reader)
See you again... (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Not Perfectly Perfect (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't stay awake. (Randy X F!Reader)
Bullshit (Randy X F!Reader)
I won't allow it (Uncle! Randy X F!Reader)
Lost in the '90s (Randy X F!Reader)
My boy (Randy X F!Reader)
Like Old Times (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Drunken Away (Randy X F!Reader)
Thigh Riding (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Brat (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Sooner rather than later (Randy X F!Reader)
Stupid decisions, Stupid consequences (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Director (Randy X Reader)
Too Dumb To speak (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Riding Randy. (Dilfy Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
Searching (Poly!Stu and Billy X Succubus!Reader) ⚠️
Experiment (Randy X Reader)⚠️
Impatient (Uncle!Randy X Reader⚠️
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I want your video (Randy X Gn!Reader)
They're all dead (Stu X Gn!Reader)
Salty Tears (Randy X Gn!Reader)
Don't tell mom (Uncle!Randy X F!Reader)
Subway Cars (Mindy Martin-Meeks X F!Reader)
Catch Me (Billy X F!Reader X Stu)
Glances Exchanged (Tatum X F!Reader)
Crimson (Randy X Reader )
Till Death ⚠️
Our beginnings ⚠️
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Randy was the third Ghostface ⚠️
Randy With Queer and/or Trans reader
Randy with Sleepy Reader
Scream With Alt. Reader
Randy X Ghostface Reader
Uncle Randy Holiday
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Please don't kill me, Mr.GhostFace
#2 ⚠️
Sequel to Please Don't Kill me- I wanna be in the Sequel 🫁
#2 ⚠️
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Love Sucks (Randy Meeks X F!Reader) 🫁
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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"I wouldn't imagine breaking your no underwear rule" (Billy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I can't lose you again! Can't you see that?" (Randy X F!Reader)⚠️
"I don't know how to touch you..." (Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
"I have to admit. I'm very... possessive.". (Ghostface!Randy X F!Reader) ⚠️
Non Scream Fics -
DuctTape 1 (FP Jones x F!Reader) Riverdale
Rhymes for your Mind(B RadXReader) Malibu's Most wanted
A better man (Negan Smith X F!reader) TWD⚠️
424 notes · View notes
living-dead-author · 5 months
Hail Mary: Negan Smith x GN AFAB reader smut
I have a thing for Priests and also Negan. Today is Jeffery Dean Morgan's birthday also so perfect unintentional timing for me. This one shot is 18+ do not read if you are under the age of 18
Content includes: Pre season 7 Negan, Age gap (reader is mid/late 20's Negan is in his 40's), dub con in the beginning if you squint, spanking, reader orgasms from clit stimulation, praying while being spanked and stimulated, praise, pet names, some aftercare, maybe ooc Negan, not proof read
You step into the makeshift confessional booth in The Sanctuary. A couple of priests being here, one of them Catholic, has helped you retain your faith throughout this hell on earth. You shut the door and make yourself comfortable. 
“Forgive me father, for I have sinned.” You say, waiting for a reply, but you don’t get one. You can see the priest on the other side of the booth, but you decide to go on with it anyway, you need to get this off your chest. “I’ve sinned minorly and one sin that I think is bigger. A couple of days ago I stole a needle and thread from a bunkmate of mine to sew back up a sweater I have.” You pause, waiting for any kind of reply, but you don’t get one. You sigh and keep going. “Then about a week ago I lied and said I don’t have any experience watching children when I do. I only said that because I knew I was in no place to watch over someone else’s child at that time.” 
You pause again, moving a hand up to the cross necklace around your neck. You shut your eyes and continue on. “I spoke back to someone in a position above me. I apologized and they forgave me. I purposefully avoided some people because I didn’t want to speak to them, and I um…I’ve been having some very sinful thoughts.” You say, pressing your lips together tightly. You sit in silence with the priest on the other side of the confessional.
“What kind of sinful thoughts?” Your eyes quickly open and you know that the other person in the booth isn’t the Catholic priest here, it’s Negan. You feel your body get frozen with fear. Your hand grips your necklace tighter as you bite the inside of your cheek. “Don’t keep me waiting now.” He says in a bit of a playful tone, but all you can hear is how his voice has boomed before. You take a deep, shaking breath before you continue. 
“There’s a man here. His name is Warren. He’s an older man, barely old enough to be my father. He’s been very kind to me since we’ve met and I um…I’ve been having thoughts of what it would be like to kiss him. Thoughts of what it would be like to have him touch me in pleasurable areas. I um…” You hesitate. Knowing that the man who’s basically a god of his own here is listening, it's hard to find the right words. 
“You what? Come on now darlin’ don’t leave me hangin’.” He says in that same playful tone. You can tell he’s smirking behind that wall, getting aroused by your words. The problem is, you’re getting turned on too. You swallow hard against a lump in your throat and you speak. 
“I touched myself to the thought of him. I um…I had an orgasm too. I just couldn’t stop myself. It felt so good and those thoughts of him made me keep going.” You hang your head a bit lower as you hear him chuckle. After a brief silence he speaks again. 
“I know what you need. Now, you’re going to say five “Hail Mary’s”. But you’re going to have to finish them while I give you a bit of corporal punishment of my own.”  He chuckles again and you feel your face flush pink. The thought of him spanking you gets you wet and oh lord you’re biting your bottom lip to keep in your excitement at the thought of that. “Now, you’re going to come out of the booth and walk with me to a better place for this to happen. Somewhere private.” 
“Yes sir.” You say, slowly standing up as you fidget with your hands. It feels like eternities as you open your door and step out of the booth. Soon you’re looking up at Negan from where he stands. He’s got a huge grin on his face as he grips his bat, Lucile in one of his hands. He takes his other hand and firmly grabs your bicep. 
“God can forgive you for this, you’ve just got to take your punishment.” He says with that wide grin on his face as he leads you out of the makeshift church. You walk with him down the hallways and up some stairs, getting curious glances from people passing by as you try and hide your own growing excitement at what’s to come. 
Soon Negan takes you into a room with a couple long folding tables lined up together. You can assume this is a meeting room. 
“Now, bend over the table in whatever way you please and drop your pants.” He says, his tone teasing and excited as you do as you’re told. You hear him lock the door as you undo your belt and drop your pants and underwear, feeling the air hit your wet cunt and throbbing clit. You bite your bottom lip as you feel his gloved hand run over your bare ass. He sets Lucile down on the table next to you and he speaks. “Five Hail Mary’s. Remember that.” You stay silent, biting your bottom lip before he delivers a small smack on your rear, making you squeak and jump slightly. 
“Hail Mary, full of Grace, the lord is with thee.” You say as he rubs his hand over your ass before spanking it again, this time a bit harder in a deliciously painful way. You jerk slightly with the shock and pain but you continue on. “Blessed art thou amongst women-” He spanks you again, making you let out a soft noise and jerk again, “And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” 
“You’re doing so good for me darlin’. Keep going you’re almost done with the first one.” He says in a sweetly mocking tone as he spanks you again, getting another jerk and moan from you before you continue on. 
“Holy Mary, Mother of God-” Another spank, this time you don’t jerk but you bite your bottom lip and moan before you go on. “Pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.” He delivers another spank and you moan again. Negan starts to rub your pink rear.
“Oh you’re being so good for me. So obedient. Now, keep going.” He says, spanking you again, this time a bit harder. You moan louder at the harder spank and you shut your eyes before continuing. 
“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord it with thee.” He spanks you again, at that same, harder rate and you moan, taking a breath before you continue. “Blessed art thou among-” Another spank, “women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” He spanks you again and you whine out in pleasure at the perfectly painful sensation. “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us-” Negan spanks you again, your hips buck forwards and he quickly pulls them back. 
“Come on now, be good for me. Be good for God.” He says in that same teasing tone before you continue. 
“Sinners now, and at the hour of our death, amen.” He spanks you again before rubbing your bright red ass. You feel your clit throbbing as your slit grows wetter and wetter. “Hail Mary-” You can’t even get the third word out before he spanks you harder than before, earning a loud, gasping moan from your mouth before you’re able to recover and continue. “Full of grace, the lord is with the.” Another deliciously painful spank hits your red ass and you moan again. “Blessed art thou among women-” Another spank and you’re barely able to take how turned on you are, your poor clit is throbbing at how badly it needs to be rubbed. “And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray-” This spank hits you right in a sweet spot and your knees bend down as you moan loud and long. 
“Do you need to stop?” Negan asks, that smug tone wearing off a bit as he grips your hips and helps you stand. You shake your head and moan again, biting your bottom lip before you continue. 
“I’m fine. Pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.” Negan spanks you again, but this time it’s softer. You rest your entire upper body against the table as Negan starts to rub your aching, red, rear. You take a deep breath and continue on, only two more to go. “Hail Mary full of grace, the lord is with the.” As you continue on he just keeps rubbing your rear, his hand slowly moving towards your cunt. “Blessed art thou among women, and blesses is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” You take another deep breath and moan as he starts to rub your aching clit. You start to grind against his fingers as you pant out the last of your fourth prayer. “Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.” 
Negan chuckles as you grind against his fingers on your clit. He leans down and whispers in your ear. “One more to go darlin’. Now Once you finish this last Hail Mary, I’m going to let you cum. How does that sound?” He asks in a smug, husky tone. You bite your bottom lip so hard you swear it’s going to bleed but you nod your head. You take a deep breath and start your final Hail Mary. 
“Hail Mary…full of grace…the Lord is with the.” You say, your tone getting shakier and your words spaced apart as you feel him rub your clit in the perfect way. “Blessed…Blessed art thou among women, and…blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” You’re basically moaning the words now as he keeps rubbing your clit perfectly. “Holy Mary…Mother…Mother of God…Pray for us sinners, now and…at the hour of our death, Amen.” You finish, your hips moving with his fingers as you feel your orgasm getting closer.
“Oh yes honey. God has forgiven you now.” Negan says, his pleasure evident in his tone as he keeps rubbing your clit at the perfect pace, almost like he knows exactly how to make you cum. 
“Oh Negan please~” You moan, your fingers trying to grip the plastic table you’re laying on top of as your body gets overtaken with pleasure. You pant and moan as your orgasm finally comes. You raise up your hips and you hold your breath as he keeps rubbing your clit, making you ride out your orgasm. Once you’re breathing again he moves his hand out of between your legs and he goes back to rubbing your sore ass. 
“You did such a good job darlin’.” He says, his tone still smug but you can tell he’s trying to sound more genuine. “Now, I’m going to get you set up in a room of your own. It’ll be small, but I promise ya that this won’t be the last time you’ll be cumming because of me.” He says with a chuckle, that smug, teasing persona coming back. “Now your pretty little ass is going to be sore for quite a while. So I think you should let me take you back to that room so I can properly help you recover.” You know that it’s not an offer. But lord if you knew that getting in Negan’s good graces would get you your own room you would’ve done this a lot sooner. 
“Thank you. I appreciate this.” You say, pulling your pants back up, carefully doing your belt and turning to face him again. He wraps an arm around your waist and he walks you out of the little conference room. You wonder what other benefits you’re going to get from going to him for your confession. 
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KITCHEN ROMANCE (oneshot/drabble)
(negan smith x gn! reader)
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⋆★ word count : 258
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ abt : you and your new husband enjoying each-others company while you cook dinner for both your families <3 (au! you’re not in the apocalypse <3)
⋆★ extra : its really short sorry abt that, but hope you enjoy anyways !!
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You and Negan have been together for about five years now, but your newly weds. And you want to celebrate that. So you’ve decided to invite both of your family’s over, but before they get here. You’re just enjoying each-others company and getting to know each-other in deeper ways. you’re enjoying calling him your husband too, that’s definitely a perk. You spend the day preparing a meal together, chopping vegetables, seasoning meat, and sipping glasses of wine.
As the food cooks, you turn on some music and dance around the kitchen, laughing and joking with each other. The tension between you is electric, and you can't help but steal kisses whenever you get the chance.
Moments like this is what makes you love life, just being care free with the man you love in the comfort of your own home. No worries, because it’s just you two and you’re the only ones that matter in this moment.
When the food is ready, both of your in-laws come flooding through the door. As you eat, you talk about your hopes and dreams for the future, sharing stories about yourself and your families and other things too.
After dinner, your families leave. You both curl up on the couch together, watching a movie and holding each other close. As the night wears on, you realize that you never want this moment to end. You want to spend the rest of your life with Negan, cooking in the kitchen, listening to music, and enjoying each other's company. Enjoying this happiness forever
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masturbucky · 2 years
Hi :D
My name is Daniel or just D, my pronouns are he/they, I'm from Ukraine (russians dni). Spent almost three silent years in tumblr but yeeeaaahhh, as you see it was only a matter of time til I speak on my own shit. I have no idea what I'm doing, by the way. :D
I enjoy dark fics, fun shit, sometimes fluff and of course smut (I'm 20!), there will be like tons of random things. i will do x readers/my OC only. Fem readers, gn readers, transmasc readers.
Will write for characters:
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (MCU)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
Chris Beck (The Martian)
Steve Kemp (Fresh)
Kyle Spencer (AHS)
Denji (Chainsaw Man)
Nick Fowler (The 355)
Frank (Endings/Beginnings)
Dayton White (Logan Lucky)
Joe Goldberg (You)
Love Quinn (You)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Silco (Arcane)
Jinx (Arcane)
Keigo Takami/Hawks (BNHA)
Eddie Brock/Venom (MCU)
Din Djarin (Mandalorian)
Donnie (Rottmnt)
Carl Grimes (TWD)
Negan Smith (TWD)
Probably will add more/change with time!
IF YOU HAVE ANY REQUESTS, IT'S ALWAYS OPEN! I do not guarantee that I will write it, but anything that is for mentioned earlier characters and that is not including the things below, I'll take it!
What I WON'T do:
Angst related to cheating
Break-up angst
Death of mentioned characters and/or reader/oc
Anything related to russians or russia in general
transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, racism, xenophobia in any way and shape (except for russophobia, as I mentioned we hate russians there, so I might from time to time remind you that<3)
Probably will add more/change with time!
Send me a request, I'm bored and I'll probably go insane if I wont write something :p
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ficnation · 1 year
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
♥️ To Do List ♥️ 1/31/23
Hi everyone! I wanted to give you guys another, updated idea on what I have planned to post over the next week or so.
Just a reminder that my requests are opened and I have updated my character list and masterlist so give it a peek :)
Let me know in the comments which ones you guys are most excited for!!
-Liz :)
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Requests (next few days):
Fluff Request by @sweetashoneyhoney; Steddie x Reader; Summary: Do you want to write some steddie x reader fluff for your favourite reader? Pretty please💕
Smut Request by @hellooitsrose ; Spencer Reid x Reader; Both of them being virgins/inexperienced and super awkward but cute and flustered and mumbling and apologising and just in awe of each other
Angst Request by @drewmorg4n; Negan Smith x GN!Reader; Summary: hii, for your angst night could you do Negan Smith with unrequited love? preferably male reader or gender neutral. any prompt is fine :)
Angst Request by @rockwyn; Maddy Perez x Reader: Summary: hi, can u do a request where maddy got jealous of something and ended up shouting at the reader (soft) which made them cry.
Angst/Flirty Request by @rafesbae01; Rafe Cameron x Reader; Summary: 8. 'I really don't like you.' - 'And I really don't believe you.' Friends to lovers.
Scheduled (within the next few weeks)
February 3rd, 2023: Oneshot Request by @bringinsexybackk69: Daryl Dixon x Wife!Reader Summary: Daryl and his wife were separated at the fall of the prison bit the Reader manages to escape with Glenn. When they end up upon Abe and his crew, reuniting, they form a group looking for the rest of their family. At Terminus, once all the fighting is over, Daryl and Reader reunite.
February 23rd, 2023: Anon Smut Request: JJ Maybank x Reader; Summary: "JJ Maybank smut with best friends to lovers? Maybe they get super high and they get into mischief?"
First Part January 23rd: 'Cruel Summer': JJ Maybank x Reader Summary: JJ Maybank makes it his personal job to see that Topper's older cousin is given the full tour of all that the Outer-banks has to offer, including his way of life.
First Part January 23rd: 'Read It and Weep': NFL!Rafe Cameron x Journalist!Reader: After the journalist reader gets tackled on the sidelines by wide receiver Rafe Cameron, they quickly become enthralled in one another and can't seem to let each other go.
February 25th, 2023: JJ Maybank Unrequited Love Oneshot: Every time the reader and JJ have had feelings for one another, it's never been reciprocated. Until it is.
Starting March 1st, 2023: 'The Chain' Multipart Series: Summary; The Mandalorian is tasked to take on a high risk, high priced bounty, an escort, who he later realizes isn't wanted for the right reasons and takes it on himself to see that she's handled properly.
March 2nd, 2023: Spencer Reid x agent!reader; Summary: "After Reid gets out of prison and they're interrogating Cat, it comes out that she's pregnant with Reid's child. Following a big blow up, the reader has some words with Spencer but also with Cat."
March 16th, 2023: Aaron Hotcher x teacher!reader; Summary: "The reader meets Aaron at Jack's parents teacher conferences and he's heard all about Jack's 'cute teacher' through Penelope who's done snooping and also through Jack who's completely infatuated with her. When he gives her his personal number to reach out to him regarding Jack when he's off on a case, does she take it as an invitation to reach out to him or does she not?"
Eventual (TBD):
'Lights, Cameras, Action' Oneshot: Rafe Cameron x Camgirl!Reader Summary; Rafe falls in love with his most recent camgirl that he's been going to when he craves human (electronic) interaction and affection. Simple as that.
'Him + I' Multipart Series: Bodyguard!Daryl x Mafia!Reader Summary: Daryl is entrusted with protecting his bosses daughter which, in all of his years of working, is proving to be one of the most difficult jobs he's been given. Not because the job is difficult but because she is difficult.
'Breathe Me' Multipart Series: Bucky Barnes x Therapist!Reader Summary: Bucky's difficult part and sharp attitude makes their sessions difficult but his therapist gets right through to him with some 'unconventional' methods.
'Daddy Dearest' Oneshot: Negan Smith x Reader AU Summary: Strictly for the pleasure of @ncllywrites, this lengthy oneshot is about the situationship between Negan Smith, a CEO in New York City, and one of his many assistants. Of course he goes after the one girl who doesn't fall at his feet, making it his personal effort to win her over by any means necessary.
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Boarders by the lovely @delishlydelightfuldividers
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres
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holy-hysteria · 1 year
-Master List-
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Don’t see one of your favs on here? Send me a request and I’ll write for them!
The Lost Boys:
“I’m Here for You, Doll.”
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Poly! Lost Boys:
Lost Boys x GN Reader
House of Wax:
Bo Sinclair:
Breakfast || Bo Sinclair x Fem! Reader
Vincent Sinclair:
Coming soon…
Lester Sinclair:
Coming soon…
The Brothers in High School
RZ! Micheal Myers:
Coming soon…
OG! Micheal Myers:
Coming soon…
Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
Thomas Hewitt:
Coming soon…
Bubba Sawyer:
Coming soon…
Black Christmas:
Billy lenz:
Coming soon…
Billy Loomis:
Coming soon…
Stu Macher:
Coming soon…
The Boy:
Brahms Heelshire:
Coming soon…
Coming soon…
The Walking Dead:
Rick Grimes:
Coming soon…
Daryl Dixon:
Coming soon…
Negan Smith:
Coming soon…
Stranger Things:
Billy Hargrove:
Coming soon…
Steve Harrington:
Coming soon…
Eddie Munson:
Coming soon….
13 notes · View notes
multimuseficreblogs · 11 months
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· all horror · all slashers · all paranormal/supernatural · all zombies
*coming soon*
𝚖𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚝 · all mike schmidt · all mike smut · all mike fluff · all mike angst
· all izombie · all clive babineaux · all blaine debeers · all liv moore · all major lilywhite · all ravi chakrabarti
· all the last of us 𝚓𝚘𝚎𝚕 𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 · all joel masterlists · all joel miller ·  all joel smut ·  all joel fluff ·  all joel angst · all joel x gn reader · all joel x male reader 𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛 · all tommy miller
· all the walking dead · all daryl dixon · all negan smith · all rick grimes
· all znation · all 10k
↳ be mindful of your own triggers with these fics!! they include very heavy topics including violence, blood/gore, cannibalism, torture, smut with serial killers/paranormal entities, non-con, murder, ect. some of these fics may not have proper warnings listed so just be mindful of this!
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