#go follow aren too. btw
mipexch · 7 months
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piece i did for @arensika 's project. the divine & the machine
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New raid dropped and it's kinda peak???? (party 2.2 (i actually finished the story))
yea ok holy fuck kill Barkat. KILL (spoilers btw obv)
The story was honestly pretty sweet. Even though it's a raid boss you don't actually fight the conductor in 20-5. He says he's not the combat type so he was just gonna let them go, but turns out the doors won't open until he finishes a proper performance. Them's the breaks. So the gang play some music with him and take him through therapy. it's really cool. He's like "i'm just an android i do i really count as alive?" and Eve is like "well you can hold a conversation far better than the androids outside and you can also create art. Even if you aren't a Nasod that's alive enough for me :)" I love this man i SWEAR TO GOD BARKAT IF YOU KILL HIM FOR LETTING THEM THROUGH I'M GOING TO BE REAL UPSETTI
I love him so much
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Little guy discovers free will omg
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The 20-4 story was really funny with Haivan realizing the trick to getting past the security system right before the communicator broke and Add and Eve getting all upset because that dumbass Haivan figured something out before we could wdh wdh
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Eve is great in this chapter btw. She's honestly the star of the whole raid even though it's Lu's region. I lover her heart to heart with the Conductor and I love her getting snippy.
(anyways turns out since it was a "simple" machine they just asked it what the passcode was and it was like lol sure gimme a sec)
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Oh gee a chapter called "Manipulate" I sure wonder what's going on in there
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(btw for context, he was one of Lu's closest followers and went by "Digg" rather than his birth name "Tarith" to distance himself from his piece of shit dad)
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THEY KILLED CIEL NOOOO (he's fine (probably))
Also next raid is a cool dragon or something. Apparently Barkat kicked the Tortas out of their territory to excavate some fossilized dragon bones that were in there. That's why they've got that cool elevator lol.
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HMMM AISHA I WONDER WHO WOULD BE EVIL ENOUGH AND POWERFUL ENOUGH TO ORGANIZE A RITUAL SACRIFICE OF THAT SCALE??? SURELY NOT SOME TWO-FACED BITCH??? Barkat's reckless mining operations poisoned the land, she reduced Lu's castle to a crater to repurpose the raw materials, and now she's (might) kill all the people too? What does Lu even have to come back to??
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On a side note, I like how in the recent storylines they didn't forget how "morally questionable" (evil) some of the gang and their allies are. While exploring the land of steel, the Tortas were slaughtering anyone who questioned them. They didn't suddenly become good people now that they've adopted Raven as their boss.
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Remember that all the Ikus of Magmelia are terrified of the Torta. The only reason they are even alive is because Vasili (Incoolord) convinced Ricardo to let them go in exchange for their vision. (This is why all the Ikus in Karis' army or in Magmelia either have scars on their faces or blindfolds).
In the Monaterra storyline we have Ciel openly and proudly talking about ways he'd efficiently kill his targets, and it's like "oh right he was an Assassin. He worked with the Lanox underworld."
Raven and Elesis were mercenaries, they've definitely killed people for money.
Aisha is a Landar mage and not a single one of them is normal (except my goat Yuria).
Even though Tir is an ally for the Abyss storyline, he still absolutely cannot be trusted and would bet on the gang's deaths for a laugh.
Aren openly invited Ran into his body because of his treatment in the Xin capital. He may not have forseen everything that would've happened, but he definitely knew that a lot of people in the palace (many of them innocent servants) were going to die.
Haivan plotted for Aegrip and Berthe to kill eachother during their rampage and isn't sorry about it even though he'll admit that the current outcome where the capital doesn't get turned to rubble was preferable.
Add was openly talking about taking apart the Conductor which they just made friends with.
Interestingly, this contrasts with Elboy's decision to do everything he can to spare the baby Myuriconus in 18-2 (Abyss). He feels bad after seeing how the Magmelia Dream Demons are mourning Karis and doesn't want to kill if it he doesn't have to. The gang follow him even though Ciel or Raven or even Elesis absolutely would have killed it in such a desperate situation (they were actively dying due to being in the Abyss) yet they still followed him because they trust Elsword as their leader and moral compass (even if they make fun of him in the down time)
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httpsaiki · 4 years
Could I get a Saiki or Aren x Fem!Reader where the reader meets their parents? Your writings are amazing btw 💕
Yes!! I saw this request and my first thought was “why not both” so I apologize for how long this took me. Thank you so so much and I hope you like this!
Meeting Their Parents
Reader is female! This has parts for both Aren and Kusuo, though they are of course entirely separate. No warnings!
WC (total): 1160
Italics are Saiki “speaking” telepathically.
In which the reader meets her boyfriend’s parents.
Kuboyasu Aren
It wasn’t the first time you’d visited his house, though it’s harsh exterior never failed to catch you off guard. You’d visited before, but never at a time where his dad had been home to meet you. That’s what made today such a big deal, however. It was finally time to meet Aren’s dad.
You knew of their history, and of their reformation a few years ago. In fact, Aren’s dad being an ex-gang member didn’t scare you, no, you were scared he wouldn’t like you. It had been no more than a couple months since you and your boyfriend started dating, and he’d never given you any information to work with. You had no clue how to act towards him. 
Nevertheless, you were at his front door now, finger lingering over the doorbell. You had been invited over for supper, and you were not about to pass up an opportunity to see Aren. Gathering up all the confidence you could, you pushed down on the doorbell, hearing footsteps coming towards you from inside. 
The door opened revealing your purple-haired boyfriend, clearly looking forward to what was to happen. He let you in the house, bringing you over to the kitchen. May as well get the introductions over with, right?
Aren’s dad was tall, but not nearly as scary as you’d expected him to be. He greeted you with a smile, introducing himself first.
“Rean Kuboyasu. Nice to finally meet you, kid.”
He was surprisingly intimidating, even though Aren had told you many times he’d softened up. Sure didn’t seem like it, but oh well, it’s probably not a good idea to judge him based on appearance. He may turn out to be a big sweetheart.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you, Mr. Kuboyasu.” Awkward, sure, but at least you managed to keep your voice even. “Thank you for having me over today, sir.” You continued, doing your best to leave a good first impression and be as respectful as you could. Aren was silently laughing at you during all of this, finding amusement in how embarrassed you were. 
“Well, dinner is just about ready. Aren, get the table ready?”
“Sure dad.”
You followed Aren to the table, aiding him in setting it up as best you could. Once it was done, he grinned at you.
“That went well, Y/N. He likes you.”
“He does?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
You grinned too. You’d really wanted him to like you, it was important to you. Especially since you knew how much Aren would value his opinion. His dad entered the room, carrying dinner, and setting it on the table. All three of you sat down, enjoying the food. The meal continued well after that and you got more comfortable as time went on. His dad really did seem to approve of you, and you were happy to find out it was a success!
After you’d eaten and it was time to go home, you caught Mr. Kuboyasu pulling Aren to the side to talk to him. Luckily, you managed to overhear.
“Y/N’s a good girl, Aren. You take good care of her.”
“Of course, dad. I really like her…”
“I can tell.” His dad said. It sounded like he was smiling. Aren came to join you at the door, walking home enjoying each other's company.
"Goodnight, Aren. Thank you for tonight."
"Have a good one Y/N."
Kusuo Saiki
Kusuo was dreading this. You were coming to visit today. Normally, that wouldn’t be an issue. So what’s the problem? His parents are home this time. His eccentric and over the top parents. He knew from the get-go they’d like you, they liked anyone he interacted with. But, you being his girlfriend made this a way bigger deal than it needed to be. Truthfully, Kusuo didn’t see the big deal in meeting his parents, but whatever makes you happy he was willing to do it. Even though this was going to be incredibly embarrassing for him. 
You arrived at his place, the door being opened for you as soon as you arrived at the door thanks to Kusuo’s powers. Of course, you know about them, he wouldn’t dare let you around his mother if you didn’t. You said your hellos, Kusuo grabbing your jacket from you as you took off your shoes. It would only be a matter of time before disaster struck - sorry - his parents came to introduce themselves.
“Oh!” His mother's voice was heard from down the hall as she rushed out towards the front door. “You must be Y/N! I’m Kuu’s mom, it’s so great to finally meet you!” She quickly put her hand out, inviting you to shake it. 
“Hello, Mrs. Saiki, great to meet you as well!” She seemed like such a nice lady, you couldn’t help but feel at ease around you. Though, Kusuo’s sigh didn’t go unnoticed from behind you. 
You looked over beside her, a man with dirty blonde hair had walked up. He seemed far calmer, though was not intimidating at all. 
“And you must be Mr. Saiki? It's a pleasure to meet you, I’m Y/N.” 
Kusuo’s dad’s smile didn’t leave his face, as he shook your hand as well and introduced himself.
“Yes, it’s good to meet you too, Y/N.”
Mrs. Saiki clapped her hands together in a start, suddenly remembering something. She hurried off to the kitchen exclaiming that she would grab some snacks and everyone should go take a seat. Once she was done preparing various snacks, she sat down with everyone else. Almost immediately she began asking you a million questions, wanting to know everything she could about her son’s lovely girlfriend.
To say his mother liked you would be an understatement. She already adored you (exactly as Kusuo expected). At one point, she even offered you the golden opportunity to see his baby pictures. Unfortunately, that was shut down by Kusuo as soon as she asked. 
It wasn’t long after Kusuo got fed-up enough to steal you away from his parents. Though, even he had to admit, seeing you get along with them as well as you were did bring a warm feeling. He was happy to have complete assurance they loved you as much as he’d predicted. 
Sadly, the time to head home came all too quickly. You pulled your jacket on as Kusuo’s parents dramatically said their goodbyes. It seemed they already thought of you as their daughter, which meant the world to both you and your boyfriend (again, not that he’d admit it). You thanked his parents for having you before Kusuo teleported you a few streets away from your home, wanting to walk with you until his three-minute wait was up.
“Thank you for coming tonight. They really like you.”
You laughed a little, “Did they now? Thank you for putting up with that, it meant a lot to me.”
He rolled his eyes, though clearly jokingly, “Yeah, whatever. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Kuu~”
“Do. Not.”
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daryfromthefuture · 3 years
Hello! Saw you were looking for some asks :) Do you have headcanons for any of the characters? Also, since you're doing commentary on each minute of the movie, is there a particular scene or minute you can't wait to get to?
Alright, headcanons...
Let´s do this then. For everyone reading this, it may take a while ;)
He is definetly not a slacker, but he also doesn´t really bother to pay attention at school. Like, in classes, he often just daydreams about stuff like the newest guitars or having a great career in music. In the novelization he listens to his walkman at school, and I go with it. It´s quite a common thing for him to do.
He loves pets, but he never really had one. Except that bird which is seen in the McFly home. Luckily he´s got lil Einie, who, btw, also absolutely adores Marty.
Marty doesn´t judge people by their reputation (obviously) or their looks. Before he decides who he likes or who he doesn´t, he has to talk to them at least a few times and really get to know them.
He directly heads to Doc´s garage like every day after school. Maybe because Doc is the one who´s actually interested what´s happening there. Marty´s parents in the original timeline aren´t really supportive, so I think they never ask how the day was etc., so if something´s dumb happened at school, Marty just tells Doc.
His bed in the garage appeared about 8 or 9 months after Marty and Doc met (I just go with the canon version here, so they met in 1982). The boy didn´t ask, but was so happy and thankful so he just gave Doc a hug, which said everything.
He is, of course, really into science but he also loves culture like music, literature or art. I love to headcanon that he paints sometimes (also something I read in the novelization) and that he and Marty play their instruments together. Sax and guitar sound real great in combo.
He is the best hugger alive.
He can´t live without a dog in his house. He doesn´t know why, he just can´t. Maybe it´s because he feels lonely without one, but it´s also simply because dogs are his favourite animals.
He doesn´t have any siblings or cousins. His parents died in the 1940´s and left him the mansion, in which be basically was alone all the time except one and a half weeks in 1955.
Doc is extremely stubborn.Like, really. When he´s got something in his mind, he´s unstoppable. But one time he did marty a favor and read his letter, thank god.
His house burned down by accident. I know there´s a comic issue about that one, but it´s just way to complicated for me. 
He loves children and always wanted to have some of his own. Of course he has Jules and Verne, but he will never stop treating and caring about Marty like one of his. He loves all three of them, which is why I just don´t get the ending of part three. You can´t tell me that after putting your best friend through hell you just leave him. No way. 
She is quite popular in school. Not only because she´s beautiful, but also because she´s polite and loves to help others, no matter who they are.
When Marty introduced her to Doc, she accepted the scientist immediatly. She did know about all the rumors, but she trusted Marty more than them and when she got to meet Doc, she knew there was no chance he could be dangerous. Also, his dog was adorable.
Marty tried to teach her skateboarding once, but it isn´t really her thing. She maybe is in a swimming club or something, but skating...nah.
She is actually really smart.
She absolutely cares about Marty a lot. That´s why she convinced her husband to move back to 1985. I headcanon that Doc was so happy about his time train and his family luck that...that he didn´t really think about his old life. So Clara got him back on the track by being like: Emmett, you stupid? Don´t you get that Marty needs you? You are a scientist and you invent great things and you love us and we love you too, alright, but you´ve got another person you love and who loves you so don´t you dare leave him alone after all the boy just went through.
She has real good common sense.
She actually understands all the time travel stuff immediatly. I mean, sometimes time paradoxes and all the bttf timelines hurt my brain, but she became an expert after a short time, also because she´s into Jules Verne and scinece herself.
She still works as a schoolteacher in 1985, but she teaches at an elementary school maybe
Okay enough for now with the headcanons. 
Some scenes I can´t wait to get to:
The one in which Doc of 1955 sees Marty for the first time, the “don´t say a word!” one. I love it.
Where Doc discovers that his flux capacitor will work one day.
The one in which Doc and Marty are at the high school and the “my mom´s got the hots for me” line.
George being a cutie with “why do you keep following me around!”.
Marty playing Johnny B. Goode.
The hug.
“Roads? Where we´re going, we don´t need roads.”
Thanks for asking! :)
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
The Bitches™
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lel8nM
by f3k1nl0s3r
i put each and every single comfort creator/character and all of my kins in a chatfic. well see how its gonna go
spoiler: not well
Words: 442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, OMORI (Video Game), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hamilton - Miranda, Friday Night Funkin' (Video Game), ENA - Joel G (Web Series), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Miraculous Ladybug, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Big Hero 6 (2014)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Darryl Noveschosch, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, Alexis | Quackity, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando, Erina Pendleton Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Suzie Quatro, Elizabeth Joestar | Lisa Lisa, Pillar Men (JoJo), Wamuu | Wham, Esidisi | ACDC, Robert Edward O. Speedwagon, Kujo Jotaro, Kakyoin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Abdul | Muhammad Avdol, Higashikata Josuke (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, Nijimura Okuyasu, Kira Yoshikage (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Buccellati, Leone Abbacchio, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, Vinegar Doppio, Diavolo (JoJo), Risotto Nero, Kujo Jolyne, Hermes Costello, F. F. | Foo Fighters (JoJo), Narciso Anasui, Weather Report (JoJo), Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Funny Valentine, Diego Brando, Hot Pants (JoJo), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sunny (OMORI), Aubrey (OMORI), Basil (OMORI), Kel (OMORI), Hero (OMORI), Mari (OMORI), Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Asahina Aoi, Ogami Sakura, Oowada Mondo, Kuwata Leon, Maizono Sayaka, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Mioda Ibuki, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Nanami Chiaki, Owari Akane, Pekoyama Peko, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Hanamura Teruteru, Sonia Nevermind, Tanaka Gundham, Soda Kazuichi, Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi, Chabashira Tenko, Yumeno Himiko, Amami Rantaro, Shirogane Tsumugi, Tsumiki Mikan, Saionji Hiyoko, Koizumi Mahiru, Akamatsu Kaede, Kishibe Rohan, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Gokuhara Gonta, Harukawa Maki, Momota Kaito, Naegi Komaru, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Citron | Clemont, Kasumi | Misty, Takeshi | Brock, Eureka | Bonnie, Musashi | Jessie, Kojirou | James, Suiren | Lana, Serena (Pokemon), Gou | Goh (Pokemon), Kaki | Kiawe, Gladio | Gladion, Lilie | Lillie (Pokemon), Mao | Mallow (Pokemon), Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Pico (Pico's School), Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Lemon Demon (Friday Night Funkin'), Skid (Friday Night Funkin'), Pump (Friday Night Funkin'), Ena (ENA), Mutou Yuugi, Yami Yuugi | Atem, Mazaki Anzu | Tea Gardner, Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler, Honda Hiroto | Tristan Taylor, Kaiba Seto, Bakura Ryou, Yami Bakura, Marik Ishtar, Saiki Kusuo, Saiki Kusuke, Teruhashi Kokomi, Hairo Kineshi, Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Akechi Touma, Aiura Mikoto, Toritsuka Reita, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil), Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Fujisaki Chihiro, Tsukino Usagi, Albert | AlbertsStuff | Flamingo, Mizuno Ami, Aino Minako, Hino Rei, Kino Makoto, Chiba Mamoru, Hiro Hamada, Mark Fischbach, darkiplier, Antisepticeye (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Sean McLoughlin, Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Doctor Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Wilford Warfstache | William J. Barnum | The Colonel, Googleplier (Markiplier TV), Ethan Nestor, BlankGamePlays, Original Characters, Dave | Technoblade, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack
Relationships: currently are too many for me to keep up with lmfao, some of them are crossover pairings lol
Additional Tags: wow thats a lot of people, uhm-, Chatting & Messaging, Shapeshifter Alexis | Quackity, Out of Character, VERY Out of Character, like everyone here is out of character-, TommyInnit Has ADHD (Video Blogging RPF), Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, Chaotic Alexis | Quackity, how is that not a tag??, Chaotic Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, chaotic everyone in general, except jotaro saiki and yoshikage, lmao they hiding in the corner, Fluff and Crack, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Bisexual Mutou Yuugi, Nonbinary Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Alexis | Quackity, Nonbinary Alexis | Quackity, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Komaeda Nagito, He/Him and They/Them pronouns for Wilbur Soot, He/They/Fae/Bugz Pronouns for Quackity, author projecting onto quackity, Trans Kujo Jotaro, Genderfluid Kaminari Denki, Sunny and Omori share a body, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Sunny uses It/Its pronouns, Tourette's Syndrome, Quackity has tourettes, Smart Tsukino Usagi, Asexual Character, Asexual Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Aroace Saiki Kusuo, Older Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Trans Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Bonnie is older, like shes 15, did i mention evil version of the main heroes are gonna be here too?, oh i havent?, Well-, Mastermind Naegi Makoto, Mastermind Saihara Shuichi, Mastermind Hinata Hajime, Dark Satoshi?, idk the tag, Dark Tsukino Usagi, my hands hurt, Dork Naegi Makoto, Human Disaster Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton Loves Coffee, John Laurens Lives, none of the fandoms follow canon btw, just wanna let you knowwww', Bisexual Joseph Joestar, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lel8nM
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tare-chan · 5 years
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Has anyone else read this book/novel?
I rarely read any book/novel, honestly. But since I'm still madly in love with Frozen 2, this "prequel" book really piqued my interest. And lucky for me, the hard copy of this book were already available in my local bookstore.
You think Frozen 2 was already “dark” and packed with action? Then this book will surprised you even more! I lost count of how many times I held my breath while reading scenes after scenes. Especially, since at the middle of the story, the author cleverly set Olaf and Sven aside, without ‘dumping’ their character. So we basically just have Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff adventuring throughout the Arendellian soils. 
There’re lots of tidbits that foreshadow the story of Frozen 2, and I’ll write them down under the cut. Cause in case you want to read the novel (which I highly recommended), I don’t want to ruin/spoiler you :)
So the story tells from Anna’s POV. First thing I noticed: despite her cheerful behavior, deep down inside, Anna still felt insecure about her position, especially as a royal. These insecurities root from her being ‘spare’, and her ‘imperfectness’. She always looked up to Elsa, who she saw as the perfect royal should be. Second problem, Anna really has issues with her way of communication. So many times in the story, she assumes people’s act and people’s say in a negative tone, adding to her insecurities. While at the same time, she rarely brave enough to speak up what’s on her mind. This is actually a quite surprising side of her. In her mind, all of this insecurity of hers, might lead Elsa think her as useless, and leave her for good. And this is the root of her fear. Yes, the brave, feisty Anna, does have fear!! 
Elsa, on the other hand, trapped in the role of a very hardworking family head. Like a formula often used in a family movies, where you’ll see the family head works extra hard to fulfill their family needs, that makes them forgot, that family also need loves and communication to share. Elsa, in her way of showing love to Anna, let her sleep until noon, never asked Anna’s help in royal duties, and to not worry Anna, Elsa always kept her fear inside of her, while using her regal and her ‘don’t worry, I’ve got everything under control’ facade mask. All of these ‘love’ from Elsa, made her never had time to spent with her sister, and many times make her forget the promises (like visiting Anna in her bedroom before sleep, reading a book that Anna gave her). Elsa didn’t have any idea that all of these, only add to Anna’s insecurities. 
The problem solving of this miscommunication, lead to the ‘charade’ nights in Frozen 2, Elsa’s daily schedule shown in the art book (with ‘family time’ now listed at the schedule), and pushed Elsa to run and greet her family to play outside castle wall in the ‘something never change’ sequence. But Elsa being Elsa, it’s not easy for her to share her burden just like that. Anna understand this, but remind her by saying ‘we promised not to shout each other out’, after the charade scenes, and the ‘promise me we’ll do this together’ lines Anna often said throughout the movie.
Now, I just noticed that the usually adventure hungry Anna, always look at edge, during Frozen 2. Like how she frowned when seeing the rune crystals hanging in the night of Arendelle city (the very end of Into the Unknown scene), when she confronted Elsa that the magic can’t be good, when she stood in front of the mist, when she saw her surrounding changes before the Northuldra accept the sisters, etc. Anna also seems so clingy towards Elsa, always want to hold dear her sister. And seemed too sensitive towards the word ‘die’ (completely misunderstood Kristoff’s saying). 
This seems out of character of her, but after reading this book, I finally understand. Anna’s latest encounter with something magical and mythical, wasn’t pretty. Nope. Not at all. In the book, at first, Anna still feel the thrill of facing new adventure. But throughout the progress of the story, all the things happened in this previous 2 months before the movie, would definitely give the poor girl nightmares (like shown at the very end of the book, which also actually a part of the movie itself). 
At one point, Anna needs to make a hard decision to left Kristoff behind, to intercept the possessed character going after the two sisters, with such a heartbreaking ‘goodbye’ kiss. And while she was spared from witnessing how the fight between the axe armed enemy and unarmed Kristoff went on, she wasn’t so lucky when witnessing Elsa fighting the enormous Nightmare Wolf. Safely stood inside Elsa’s ice dome, after another heartbreaking ‘I love you’ goodbye from her sister, Anna witness how Elsa charged at the wolf, with legendary sword in one hand, and ice power in her other hand (Elsa is so badass in this scene, btw), wipe the floor with the wolf, but when her sister went in for the finishing blow, the legendary sword shattered, and Elsa was pummeled down instead. Anna managed to look at her sister eyes the last time, before the wolf took over Elsa’s body. Her sister’s scream when the wolf took over her body, will definitely gave Anna PTSD for sure. The poor girl :,( After all, Anna’s biggest fear actually wasn’t her insecurities, but loosing her big sis. 
This is exactly why Anna become so tense, and clingy towards Elsa. Especially after Pabbie’s warn, that Elsa might loose to the magic she followed. Because unlike Elsa who can ‘sense’ that the voice and magic in the movie was actually different than what the sisters have faced in the past two months, Anna only has her memories, the horror memory of loosing those close to her, especially Elsa, from the past 2 months. And when her biggest fear came true, when Elsa’s lost to a place Anna couldn’t reach, that’s when she went down to her lowest. (I might cry even more at the ‘next right thing’ sequences T.T)
I guess, this crazy adventures were also what make Elsa sang “I’ve had my adventure, and I don’t need something new. I’m afraid of what I’m risking, if I followed you.....”. Because despite her regal and calm demeanor, Elsa must also feels terrified at their latest adventures. Especially since she nearly lost Anna twice, when her little sister was almost drown in the river, and almost fall into the abyss inside an abandoned mines. Loosing Anna is certainly Elsa’s biggest fear too. 
This book also told us a bit more about Frozen world building. Like the secret room at the castle. We learn that Iduna had been studying magic, and translating runes and mythical stories. I guess, this what make Iduna and Agnarr travel to find Ahtohallan. Strengthen the theory that suggest magic and mythical creatures are not strange in Arendellian soils. This very secret room also held the secret of the Enchanted Forest and the dam making, aside from the castle blue prints, and a saga of Aren.
We also saw how Arendelle prospers. After the gate opened, new people start to came and live there. Judging from the name patterns, these new people might came from so many different places, like Asia (Soo Jun, is a quite common Korean name). Showing that Elsa was a good leader, but sometimes she was too hard on herself. 
We also understand that the people of Arendelle did saw the Northuldrans as bad guys (including Anna herself), who eliminate their beloved king Runenard. Strengthen the theory, that the mist was there to actually protect the Northuldrans from the angry Arendellians. 
Fun fact:
Elsa likes to tugged at her finger, when she felt nervous. A habit left behind from using gloves all the time. 
Anna’s favorite flower is sunflower (bright and warm, just like her :D). Anna can run really fast. Faster than Kristoff and Elsa (no wonder she can outrun the cart with Olaf in it, in the ‘Something never change’ sequence)
Kristoff still awed at how beautiful Elsa’s ice (sculpture) is. Ice is his life after all :P 
Despite her good governance, Elsa still at edge and have trouble when speaking to people, both dignitaries and her people. Her one flaw from being a perfect Queen, result of her isolation for years. Her perfectionist side also shown that make her often too hard on herself, and her reluctance to share her burden with Anna, manifest as Elsa’s other fear in this book, that was being a bad queen. Things that make Anna said ‘Oh Elsa, when will you see yourself the way I see you’. 
This book also shown how Elsa’s ice power and her control for it has grown in the past three years. She can make lenses from ice, can create a very strong ice dome to protect the castle and the village, can pin point the thickness of her ice, can make permafrost for Olaf, and never grew tired when blasting her power (unless her muscle gave out first, hindering her from flicking her wrist). 
Anna’s other side also being shown here. She’s actually very smart (smarter than she gave herself credit for), she can speak several foreign languages, love to learn from anybody (literally anybody), loves any arts and cultures, and as a princess she knows her people by names (amazing!!). At certain points, we also see how Anna took a very unpopular decisions. This is actually Anna’s queen quality. That she herself didn’t give enough credit for. But Elsa clearly see it, and highly respect Anna for it.  
Overall.... This novel is really good read! I highly recommend it, if you’re a big frozen fan. I will definitely read it again. Now to slowly devour the details in it :D 
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cureforbedbugs · 5 years
Toy Story War
Everyone is talking about the last Star Wars movie, a film I will probably see about two years from now (if that), and it's preemptively disappointing to hear how the one good thing about The Last Jedi (its scorched-earth boldness re: brand hagiography) gets retconned. But there is already a Disney property that figured this out -- Toy Story!
Toy Story 4 is very good as a movie, not quite as good as a movie as at least two of the other Toy Story movies. (Specifically 2 and 3 -- I've now seen the first one several times because it is very much my son's speed, and I'm struck not only by how long ago 1995 was from a technology standpoint, but how long ago it was from a plotting and basic "what can you do in a children's movie" standpoint -- the movie straight up cheats by the logic it established for itself to resolve its conflict, at least twice!)
But Toy Story 4 also has a throughline argument that is the most convincing I've seen in the series, and takes very seriously the problems and paradoxes that its premise introduces, and follows it to strange places. We see the birth of a toy, the nightmare of being ushered into this weird conceit, a kind of commentary on how the loose fit of analogy to reality creates a gap that you really don't want to look down into. Some folks have talked about Forky and the film more existentially, but I found that a little harder to buy into, even if it's not a huge stretch -- to me it's just a kind of stubborn reminder that toys aren't actually real, more of a destabilizing of premise than trying to go all in on the analogy and imagine this has something to do with people who are actually, you know, alive. (I'm reminded of Roger Ebert's apoplectic response to A.I. because, like, robots aren't people, which is totally right, even though I think it kind of misses the point of the movie, whatever that is.)
To me it's more of a parable about creativity, characters and situations as "property" to be developed, etc. What do you do when the thing you built just doesn't really make a lot of sense anymore, and the logic that you established doesn't work -- a logic that was shaky even in the initial premise (toys are real! But not exactly! Except yes exactly, and they could totally traumatize kids if they wanted to! Except lol no, they can't really do that, just kidding, forget that happened, can you imagine if we let that happen again it would be a horror movie! Also btw there is actual magic! Except no, it's not magic-magic, we still have to obey the laws of physics, that's a bridge too far!)?
What I really liked about Toy Story 4 is how ruthlessly it undermines its own logic, how Forky especially brings out the feeling you get trying to think through that logic for even a minute outside the suspension of your disbelief, but also manages, in making Forky a valuable addition to the movie, in dancing around suspension of disbelief, toying with it, and sticking the landing so that you still want to see the thing resolve. That's an incredibly difficult dance that even masters of meta ambiguity who do it on purpose mess up sometimes, so to see a Pixar movie, the first one after Disney's behemoth of behemoths status was fully secured (I once called Disney an "ever-metastasizing Death Star" and this was like a decade before they bought Star Wars!) not only broach the subject but do something interesting with it was a meta-thrill. (And again, the film's non-meta-thrills aren't quite as thrilling as the last two films.)
I haven't read as much about how (spoiler alerts!) the broader plot and resolution do more audaciously and more confidently what The Last Jedi did in the broadstrokes even though it was a bit too gummily plotted and clunky to get it across beyond conceptually. Woody just straight up abandons his life's purpose, the toy raison d'etre that motivated the action of every other film. He just leaves! And he not only leaves, but he opens up a universe in which there is a teeming subterranean world of abandoned toys who live a life of roiling conflict and earthly pleasure in a precarious nomadic existence! Like, where did that come from!
So the whole universe not only opens up, but sheds its confines completely -- Toy Story is now a universe that is only about the toys, with humans as a kind of fringe aristocracy whose role seems to be to subjugate and in some cases literally imprison toys. Had it not been cheating and a conceit quickly abandoned (though flirted with a few times, like in Toy Story 4 when the non-speaker-boxed voice of a toy imitates the GPS navigation voiceover), the Sid resolution of the first film presents a bloody struggle against occasionally benevolent but more often cruel overlords that only a proletarian uprising could address, toys in guerrilla warfare against humans, perhaps a civil war of house toys against street toys.
This is not only an utterly different story but an utterly different universe than the one that the first two (and most of three) films sketch out as being possible. And I would doubt they ever follow up on any of these strands, but if you wanted to start a Toy Story extended universe, there would be worse origin stories to launch another gaggle of intellectual property extenders.
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fatbottombucky · 6 years
That Sobered Me Up *Peter Parker x Reader*
Summary: Inspired by that scene in Love, Simon. Where Simon sees Bram kiss a girl at a party, after trying to get the courage to ask Bram out, only to leave them awkwardly.
Rating: Teen [PG-13]
Warnings: A N G S T
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male!Reader // Peter Parker x Fem!OC (mentioned)
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“Hey,” You waved as you walked through the front door, party in full swing, “so, glad you could make it Y/N.” Jess smiled brightly at you.
You give a little shrug, parties weren’t really your thing but every high schooler needed to experience house parties, or whatever. She links arms with you, practically pulling you through her house. The loud music thumping through the bluetooth speakers; Flash’s playlists being played through them.
Alcohol had been supplied from older teens, a few already too drunk and sloppy. A few people waving and saying hello to you, telling you that you’re dancing with them later. You aren popular, not by any means, but you’re “known”. You had come out as gay last year, everyone majorly supportive of your coming out- a few not so much, but they’re the minority.
“Hey, Peter,” you smile as Jess finally leaves you to mingle. The slightly taller boy gives you a smile back, standing with Ned and Mj. “Didn’t think you’d three would actually turn up to Jess’ party.”
Mj just scoffs, claiming she got dragged here by the other two. Ned just rolls his eyes, signature hat upon his head and he looks awfully cute in it, so it was a good choice anyway. Peter wore a normal denim jacket, a plain red tee underneath. Somehow managing to look perfect still.
You have had a crush on Peter Parker since... forever. You had known him for years, lived on the same street since you were kids. It was only recently that you had actually started to be friends, rather than the just the odd “hello” when passing type of friendship.
You wanted to tell Peter. To tell him how you feel about him, to come clean and get some type of closure to either; move on or, possibly, date him. You had only come along to the party because Peter said he was going, you’d stay here the length that Peter would stick around, sometimes that was all night and other times it was only a few hours.
“So, did you guys finish the chem homework?” Peter asked and you rolled your eyes groaning, Peter raises an eyebrow, “what now, dude?”
You chuckled, “we’re at a party, Parker. Lighten’ up will ya? Enough homework talk, I’m here to kick Mj’s ass at beer pong, you game?” You asked, already walking backwards to the backyard.
The trio follow you, Mj with a scowl on her face and determination in her eyes. She never backs down from a challenge, especially one that you set. Peter only chuckled, nodding and towing Ned to follow, who was respectively Mj’s beer pong buddy.
Yourself and Peter made quite the team. Equally having good aim and making your opposition chug their red solo cups. Mj was good, yourself and Peter both got a tad tipsy from her turns alone. After 3 matches and two rematches, all four of you were stumbling and giggling at random stuff.
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” Peter began, muttering into your ear and you shivered from his closeness, your alcohol induced body reacting to Peter. “Want anything?” He finishes with a big smile.
You shake your head, “Nah, I’m fine.”
He nods before leaving, pulling the arm that was around your shoulder off of you. Peter is always a little touchy when tipsy, at parties he’s less nerdy and more... confident. You watched his figure retreat inside, bumping into the dancing bodies and laughing at someone drunkenly falling over.
You turn to Mj, telling her that you’re going the bathroom, she doesn’t seem to hear you as she sings loudly to Rihanna.
Inside the bathroom, you start to slightly sober up from the bright light. Splashing your face with water, you look up into the mirror and sigh heavily. You have to tell Peter your feelings, you can’t keep them bottled up like this anymore. He’ll start to catch on, your heart eyes and smiley face at him, it’s dead obvious; you don’t understand why he hadn’t caught on sooner.
You give a little nod to yourself, a silent approval of your decision. The alcohol definitely playing a role in your decision making and confidence to come clean about your crush. You’d likely regret this in the morning, but aren’t the best and most groundbreaking decisions the ones you feel helpless over?
You walk out of the bathroom and see Mj walking towards you with a grumpy face. “You okay?”
She just sighs, “Yeah, I need to throw up. Peter is upstairs, tell him that we’re leaving.”
Quickly waking up the stairs you frown at the many doors. Scratching your head, biting on your lower lip, any one of these doors could hold some scene that you don’t want to see. You go to the first one, grabbing the handle and pushing it down.
Your eyes widen at the sight before you. A guy sat on the edge of the bed, a girl straddling his waist and amist a heavy make out session. This is the type of thing you didn’t want to see, to awkwardly walk in on a couple. You go to pull the door silently back, only it creaks and the two break contact, looking over the girls shoulder to you.
It’s Peter. Peter is the guy. Peter is the guy making out with the girl, the rather pretty girl from History class. Your throat goes dry, a lump forming in your throat and it tightens, restricting your airflow. You can’t bring yourself to look at them, averting your eyes to looking around the room. Trying to find the words to say, blinking back tears because if they spill, then he’ll know.
If he knows now. If he discovers your feelings now, you’ll feel like an idiot. You’ll look like an idiot. An idiot for being so foolish to think that Peter Parker could ever like you, could ever like a guy.
“Ned, Mj and myself are leaving, they wanted to let you know.” You’re looking at the floor as you speak, quickly shutting the door once the words are forced out of you.
You’re running down the stairs, almost tripping on the steps with your quick footfalls. Grabbing Mj’s wrist and pulling her out of the door of the party, Ned trying to keep up with you both.
The Uber pulls up just in time, opening the door you fling yourself inside and leave Mj to Ned, who helps her climb in before getting himself in.
“Where’s Peter?” Ned asked, looking out of the window as the car drives off and towards Mj’s house first.
You shrugged, quickly wiping the tear from your cheek, “With Amelia from History.”
Both Mj and Ned glance at one another, sharing a look of disappointment and sadness for you. The drive remains silent, Mj leaving first and giving you a comforting hug. You’re left with Ned, who is busy on his phone anyway, leaving you to think about what you witnessed tonight.
This is the exact opposite of what you wanted to happen. This is exactly how you didn’t want to be let down, you’d rather Peter said he didn’t like you, or guys. Not see him making out with some girl on a bed, god they’re, probably, going to fool around too.
Ned leaves the car without a word, only a small smile that you try to copy and give back, fake that you weren’t just hurt beyond belief tonight.
Once at home, Jess calls you. The ringing was pretentious, but anytime you left it to ring, she’d only call back a few seconds later.
“What happened to you?” Her voice a mix of concern and annoyance, “you promised to dance with me this time!”
You signed, laying on your bed. “Saw Peter kissing Amelia in one of the bedrooms, so I left.”
A shocked gasp sounds down the phone, your heart clenches at the silence. Jess not knowing what to say, the only person that explicitly knows of your crush on Peter. Ned and Mj have an idea, you’ve never told them, they just caught on to your heart eyes at the oblivious boy.
Jess has heard it all. Through late night phone calls you’d tell her about your affliction for Peter, you’d tell her how you’ve liked him for years, but just too scared to tell him. You never liked any guy how you liked Peter, you turned down people because you compared them to Peter; your own fault really, but you couldn’t help it. You thought, hoped that you had a chance with him. Now you don’t.
Wasted time. Wasted years pining after a guy that would never give you a chance, you feel idiotic and pathetic.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Jess sighs lightly.
“Don’t be,” your voice cracks, “that sobered me up pretty quickly, guess now I’ve got the answer I’ve wanted. Can finally move on, find someone that wants me, I guess.” You try to sound positive, even though your heart is breaking.
Part two: Aftertaste
(I got REALLY bored. I’m watching Love, Simon. Decided to write this as the movie continues. I know it sucks. This is written on my iPhone btw, so I’m sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes. I might end up deleting this, I was in the mood for some angst. I’m sorry💕💕- Rosalie🍑)
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This is a MikaYuu fandom positivity post
hello hello! it’s me, your local dork here to shamelessly promo my friends and also rec to the rest of the fandom a bunch of amazing creators that you should definitely check out for the good mikayuu content. I was inspired by some other positivity posts floating around and decided to make this >_> You’ll probably recognize some of the names on this list--but this is just my take on some of the sweetest and best people in the m/y fandom that I’m closest to, from the popular to the sorely underrated ^_^
(this list is by no means comprehensive btw. I don’t know everyone in the fandom, as much as I’d love to)
@angrysnakes (Matt)
The most incredible soft art style ever. He has the best ideas?? Check out his art tag here (x) because he’s probably done a bunch of works that you’ve seen in the tag before!
Runs @incuyuu, which is such an iconic blog and sends me into a cardiac arrest of happiness whenever it updates
Such a sweet and supportive friend. Really loves animals. Won’t hesitate to go off on people who hurt their friends/are otherwise mean. Best ever seriously
@ciatrical (Hunter)
Why wouldn’t you want to support this cute soft bean. Just look at them. They are so good. They are the literal best I cry.
Their art (x) is so beautiful and cute and yes there is some angst in there too. I wish they’d bless us with more......
They are like a beacon of hope and radiant beauty in my day. Please appreciate them more because they so deserve it!!!!
@dreamersthings (Ari)
What!!! A!!! Sweetheart!!!!!!!!
Her fics on ao3 (x) are legendary and you’ll find a lot of multi-chaps there! She has a super lovely writing style and you’ll probably end up reading all the fics on her account in one sitting tbh
Catch her on twitter (x) too!!
@fallenprussiansoldier (Aren)
Legendary. Headcanons. A stunningly cool person and someone I looked up to for a long time before meeting him and realizing what a dork he was (jk I still look up to him).
Please for the love of god look at his ao3 (x) where he’s most famous for his fic “Follow Your Instincts” which is SUCH A GOOD READ HONESTLY MY FAVORITE FIC
okay i’ll shut up now but not before dropping his art tag (x) for y’all to fawn over (how is he so good wtf)
@hyakuyae (Tova)
Okay this might just be girlfriend bias but she is the softest and the cutest and the most beautiful person who lights up my world. Follow her twitter (x) for amazing and relatable content
HER FICS ARE SO SOFT CHECK THEM OUT AT HER AO3 (x) literally if you ever need a dosage of fluff just go to her account
Also check out her beautiful art (it’s so cute) (x)
@kuruenairazz (Jessie)
A cute bean who works super hard and is genuinely just pure sunshine!!! I love this girl seriously
She’s best known for her fic “The Stars in Your Eyes (Light Up the Sky)” but her ao3 (x) has other stuff that you need to check out. She’s so creative and amazing
Take a peek at her twitter (x) if you want more of this sweetheart (which I’m sure you do)
@linnpuzzle (Linn)
Dude. She is the most wholesome person ever. I have never met someone so humble and kind and understanding.
The blog listed above is her art blog, but can I just say her style is so soft and painterly and amazing?? If you haven’t seen her art before please go do yourself a favor and peek at it
Why wouldn’t you want her twitter (x) anyway? She sometimes does giveaways there too.... *coughs* go follow her
@lizally (Liz)
Senpai!!! There’s never a shortage of hugs or comfort when she’s around!!
Her art (x) is legendary and you probably know of it. She’s provided so much cute and amazing content for ONS and we’re all very grateful.
You’re definitely gonna want to interact with her on twitter (x) because she’s so sweet and always encouraging!!
@no-signs-no-lights (Mel)
You know her. You love her. It’s the radiant Mel, the original admin of @dailymikayuureminders, which every mikayuu fan knows
But besides that, she also slays the art game with her beautiful coloring and adorable ideas @nsnl-art and @ask-yuuception !!!! you’ll fall in love with her cute style if you don’t know it already!!!
She honestly tries her best and it shows. She’s a great friend to me and I can’t count the number of times she’s made me laugh or feel better about something! Don’t forget the cutie behind the blog folks ;) (here’s her twitter (x) if you’re curious)
@rosekasa (Alizeh)
Besides that, she’s a killer author on her ao3 (x) but while her art is pure fluff and all things good, her writing hurts. Ow. I’m still suffering chest pains.
She’s honestly the best kind of person and definitely someone you want to support with all your being!!! Alizeh is the friend who always remembers to ask about your wellbeing and always wants to hear about your day and her energy is amazing.
@simkumiko (Kumi)
Okay but she’s more active on twitter (x) nowadays and honestly her art is so cute and she’s incredibly talented as well
Kumi’s a super passionate person and I’m glad we’re friends!!!! (slides her tictail shop (x) across the table while winking)
@spiritlizard (Mari)
SWEETHEART ALERT SWEETHEART ALERT!!! Always puts others before herself and is generally just a super nice person to talk to!
Absolutely amazing art over at @spiritlizart (she is SO TALENTED WHAT THE HECK) why are the younglings so good
She’s underappreciated IMO. Please support her it’s a decision you’ll never regret
@thatdambingewatcher (Hannah)
Okay I’m done screaming, If you want the angst (and other beautiful fics... this girl has a killer writing style.....) sneak a glance at her ao3 (x)
She also does some badass art that you can see in a lot of places, but I’ll drop her twitter (x) here too for convenience’s sake! She’s super good at what she does so I hope you’ll check her out!!!
So, like I said, this list isn’t comprehensive at all but I really wanted to appreciate my friends and also give a PSA to the rest of the fandom >_> congratulations if you got to the end! why are you still here
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missjackil · 7 years
Can Wayward Sisters be Successful?
In some ways, I feel bad for Wayward Sisters (it is Sisters btw) because it seems to be doomed on many levels. For one it needs to depend on SPN and their fans to promote it and a) Most never heard of it (since most SPN fans aren following them on SM and b) Most fans have no interest in this kind of spin off. I dont have a problem with having a spin off, but Jodi & Donna running a home for hunter girls is just not interesting enough for me to watch, I watch for Sam and Dean first, then for the story, I have very little interest in the side characters except how they can help/hurt the brothers. To have a sucessful spin off, you need to either replicate the charm from the original, that keeps people watching it, and then add interest all your own, or, use a character from the show to build a whole new story around, or, come so far off the original that you can interest a whole new audience. NCIS is a spinoff of JAG, and its followed the first formula and is now worlds more popular than JAG ever was and has spin offs of its own because they all have the same kind of stories, and all have very likable main characters. Mork and Mindy (from the 70s) was a very sucessful spin off of Happy Days and had absolutely nothing in common from the original show so it found an audience all its own. Frasier took an interesting character from Cheers and built a show around that person WS is trying to use characters from SPN and charm of the world they live in to make a sucessful show, when they are actually using the elements that will kill it before it gets out of the SPN box. So is there any hope?
I like Jodi, Donna is kinda meh, I dont like Claire, Alex is ok but boring, and these new girls arent anything that can carry a  show. No one is as interesting as Sam and Dean so theyre going to suffer there. Also, by using the SPN world, they are limitted to it, meaning most monsters look like people, and we know whats needed to kill nearly anything.  So what could possibly be interesing in this show that keeps people coming back? Here’s a thought, and it’s definitely possible, and the more I think about it, the more likely it seems. A girl is going to be introduced in the mid season finale “The Bad Place” who is part of WS. She can move between demensions and helps Jack try to find Mary, which somehow ends up getting Sam and Dean stuck in the AU and will likely help get them out when the show returns in January with the Wayward Sister’s spinoff episode.  It feels as though to me, they will do their hunting in other dimensions, where Sam and Dean dont exist, and monsters are different than theirs (as we see Demons in the AU are different than Sam and Deans) so they really have endless possibilities to these worlds, stories, and monsters. There is also room for Sam and Dean to show up on occassion to help. Also, since they havent named any male characters coming to the show, and you know they’ll need some, I think they may take Jack (noooooooo!!!) who has the ability to cause tears in reality. And hey, if they take Jack, they can take Cas too since he’s Jack’s “dad” now and everything, surely WS would benefit more from him than Sam and Dean can now, and if the show isnt gonna give Sam and Dean a son/little bro they shouldnt give one to a side character IMO. (my inner bitter sam girl says if Sam cant have him, neither can Cas unless he takes him far away where it wont make Sam sad to see him all the time) Jack is a very interesting character and Alex is a great actor so he may be just what this story needs. Cas/Misha have their own following that may follow him anywhere and maybe get their problematic followers out of my fandom.  So this is a way I think WS could find success. I dont want to lose Jack, I really enjoy him, but Ill let them take him, if they take Cas too :P so.... fingers crossed people!
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naireides · 7 years
do u think Raven (in the shower biz fic),once she saw Clarke stroll towards the shower w Bellamy in it, that she opened up the groupchat: Raven-it's happened!!- Raven-i'm @ bellamy n clarkes apt & theyre literally showering together!!!!!!!111!!!!!- Raven-who bet on 4 months- Jasper-IUFESJDKXNOUJFKXVCIHOFDLB- Jasper-FINALLY- Miller-yea that was me pay up *sunglasses emoji*-
this?? turned?? into?? a fic?? wow okay
wc: 2 458part 1 | read on ao3
Saturday, 8: 53 a.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Raven: i don’t mean to alarm anybody but i think bellamy and clarke are datingRaven: or at least having sex
Harper: [click to view image]
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Murphy: you can’t say that and then not expect us to be alarmed reyesMurphy: some of us have money riding on this shit
Monty: pics or it didn’t happen
Jasper: FWEJFCERGBUJJFJEFSJasper: [click to view image]
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Miller: Jasper if you don’t stop fucking screaming i’m coming over there and choking you
Jasper: ooh kinky ;) ;)
Monty: excuse you, i’m the only one allowed to flirt with miller here
Raven: yeah jasper, keep your kinks to yourselfRaven: this is me kinkshaming youRaven: ARE YOU KINKSHAMED
Jasper: jokes on you kinkshaming is my kink
Monty: how much kink could a kinkshame shame if a kinkshame could shame kink
Miller: i will murder all of you is2g
Raven: we already have one psychopath in this groupchat miller we don’t need another one
Murphy: fuck you reyes
Harper: she didn’t say it was you murphyHarper: … but we all know it’s you
Miller: could you fucks keep it down some of us are trying to sleepMiller: also i bet on them lasting four months living together pay up
Raven: um we don’t know how long they’ve been together
Miller: you’re just bitter that you lost
Monty: she has a point tho
Miller: wtf you’re supposed to be on MY SIDE
Monty: i’m on the side of justiceMonty: …… and also because i bet that they would have gotten together in september
Murphy: you put way too much trust in blake tbh
Jasper: what exactly happened raven? did you walk in on bellamy scrambling clarke’s eggs ;) ;)
Monty: dude no one even knows what that means
Harper: and no one wants to know either
Raven: clarke and i were supposed to go shopping todayRaven: and she oversleptRaven: so she let me in to wait while she got readyRaven: and then bellamy walks in from his run because he’s a gross fitness junkie
Murphy: you’re a gross fitness junkie too
Raven: quiet jonathanRaven: so here i am at bellamy and clarke’s apartment and she literally followed him into the showerRaven: !!!!!
Monty: OMG
Jasper: he could be scrambling her eggs in the shower
Murphy: i gotta give blake some credit, that didn’t take as long as i thought he would
Miller: you bet that they’d get together in june. 2023Miller: THAT’S IN SIX YEARS
Murphy: yeah because blake would rather make moon eyes across the couch at her than make a moveMurphy: he’s a pussy
Harper: hEY
Harper: so we don’t really know for sure how long they’ve been a thing
Raven: nopeRaven: but i’ll ask clarke about it laterRaven: miller, murphy, one of you ask bellamy
Murphy: no thanks
Miller: i rather not
Raven: … Raven: pussies.
Murphy: OH so she can say it but i can’t
Raven: shut up murphy
Saturday, 10: 04 a.m.Bellamy Blake
Miller: soMiller: how’s clarke doin?
Bellamy: ??Bellamy: uh fine?Bellamy: she’s out with raven rn
Miller: anything… special planned for later?
Bellamy: noBellamy: why
Miller: you knowMiller: it’s saturdayMiller: good date night
Bellamy: rightBellamy: shouldn’t you be telling monty this
Miller: you’re impossible
Bellamy: how am i impossible? You’re the one making no sense!
Miller: so you’re not doing anything tonight. or doing clarke tonight.Miller: … Miller: i meant doing anything *WITH clarke tonight fucking autocorrect
Bellamy: i mean we might watch a movie or something but i don’t think soBellamy: monty ditch you for his nerd friends tonight so you wanna cry on my shoulder huh
Miller: fuck you blake
Saturday, 10: 28 a.m.Bellamy Blake
Murphy: u fucking clarke yet
Bellamy: what the fuck NO
Murphy: bummerMurphy: u should get on that thoMurphy: or under thatMurphy: or behind that
Bellamy: i will BLOCK you
Saturday, 10: 47 a.m.Clarke Griffin
Clarke: raven is acting super weird
Bellamy: raven is always weird
Clarke: well yeahClarke: but weirder than normalClarke: you know what i mean
Bellamy: no yeah i get youBellamy: miller and murphy are weird too
Clarke: come on MURPHY is always weirdClarke: like i wouldn’t be surprised if he sells organs on the black market or something
Bellamy: he’s a chef princess
Clarke: EXACTLYClarke: that means he knows where to stab you
Bellamy: goodbye clarke
Clarke: yeah yeah go back to jacking off to npr sorry i disturbed you
Bellamy: fuck you griffin
Clarke: maybe later honey i’m not in the mood for phone sex
Saturday, 11: 38 a.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Raven: OH MY GODRaven: i hate themRaven: bellamy and clarke are IDIOTS
Monty: ??????????
Harper: what happened
Miller: i don’t think they’re dating
Murphy: i asked and he said they’re definitely not fucking
Monty: raven WHAT HAPPENED
Raven: so i asked clarke about the shower thing that i saw this morningRaven: and like. she doesn’t deny showering with bellamyRaven: actually it seems like they do it pretty fucking oftenRaven: but it’s all PLATONICRaven: P L A T O N I C   S H O W E R   S H A R I N G
Harper: i think raven’s brain just broke
Miller: who the fuck even does that
Monty: bellamy and clarke apparently
Murphy: lmao i told you blake has no gameMurphy: he’s naked in a 6x4 bathroom with the girl he has a crush on- who is ALSO NAKED- and he doesn’t do anything about itMurphy: i’m still amazed that he used to have threesomes in college
Jasper: bellamy used to have threesomes in college???Jasper: our bellamy??Jasper: HE ALMOST CRASHED INTO A STOP SIGN BECAUSE CLARKE SMILED AT HIM THAT ONE TIME
Harper: jesus fucking christ they’re disasters
Raven: jasper, come over at my place later they only way i can deal with this is with weed
Jasper: ayyyyy i like how you thinkin
Saturday, 10: 52 p.m.Bellamy Blake
Clarke: i still maintain that showering together can be totally platonic
Bellamy: what we just did certainly was not platonic
Clarke: yeah but we didn’t actually fuck in the showerClarke: so it’s still platonicClarke: i’m not fucking you in the shower btw
Bellamy: is this out of sheer spite to keep it platonic
Clarke: no it’s because i work in a hospital and i’ve seen more than my fair share of broken dicks because of shower sex
Bellamy: you work in a CLINIC
Clarke: still seen broken dicks thoClarke: i don’t want you to break your dickClarke: i like your dickClarke: and the rest of youClarke: you’re great bell
Bellamy: that was weirdly sweetBellamy: i like you tooBellamy: it’s kind of why we’re in a relationship
Clarke: we’ve only been in this relationship for like 4 hoursClarke: and you didn’t even ASK me to be your girlfriendClarke: you just fucked me like i was some two bit hussy
Bellamy: princess will you go out with me
Clarke: good boy you learn quick
Bellamy: that’s not an answer it’s a yes or no question clarke
Clarke: yes
Bellamy: good. now put down your phone and go to sleep
Clarke: orrrrr we could have phone sex ;) ;)
Bellamy: clarke you are literally right down the hall from me
Clarke: heyClarke: hey bellClarke: i’m not wearing any panties
Bellamy: jesusBellamy: you do realise i asked you to stay in my bed with me and you said no right?
Clarke: yeah because my bed is comfortableClarke: altho i bet it would be more comfortable with you in it ;) ;) ;)
Bellamy: you are a frat boy in the body of a 27 year old woman
Clarke: you’re one to talk i just heard your door open
Bellamy: … semantics
Clarke: i lured you into my bed with my feminine wiles didn’t i?Clarke: i really am a two bit hussy
Bellamy: yeah yeah i’m coming
Clarke: you’re not the only one who’s gonna be coming ;) ;)
Monday, 9: 14 a.m.Princess
Clarke: sorry to text you at work but do you think we could keep this quiet for a little while?Clarke: i forgot to ask yesterday because SOMEONE spent the whole day eating me out
Bellamy: it wasn’t the whole dayBellamy: more like 4 hoursBellamy: and yeah, of course princess
Clarke: good, thanks bell Clarke: i just can’t handle seeing her smug little face
Bellamy: yeah i get itBellamy: same with me and miller. and murphy too tbh
Clarke: so it’s a secret?
Bellamy: i guess so
Clarke: coolClarke: that’s kinda hotClarke: *moon face emoji*
Clarke: fine be boring
Bellamy: i’ll make it up to you later ;)
Friday, 6: 13 p.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Miller: god i can’t believe they’re still not togetherMiller: i went to pick up blake for a boys night and caught them taking ANOTHER shower togetherMiller: SCHOOL’S CLOSED FOR WINTER BREAK WHY DO THEY KEEP DOING THIS
Jasper: we really should stage an interventionJasper: monty is good at powerpoint presentations
Monty: i am good at powerpoint presentations yes
Raven: ‘10 reasons why platonic shower sharing ISN’T A THING’
Harper: nah i think that’s too long for a title
Murphy: ‘Get Married Already’
Monty: concise, but a little too on the nose
Miller: ugh he’s changed his contact name for her to ‘princess’ with a heart emoji i’m gonna throw up
Harper: ‘oh bellamy? he’s just a friend. such a good friend.’
Jasper: cLaRkE aNd I aRe pLaToNiCJasper: [click to view image]
Tumblr media
Raven: i really really hate them
Friday, 6: 14 p.m.Bell
Bellamy: come on this isn’t fair princessBellamy: i just left the house
Clarke: and??
Bellamy: give a guy some warningBellamy: miller almost saw that picture you sent meBellamy: no nudes out of the blue like that
Clarke: you really are an 80 year old man aren’t you
Bellamy: you weren’t saying that last night
Clarke: touche
Tuesday, 7: 19 p.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Harper: should i go all out with the mistletoeHarper: maybe we could trap them underneath it
Raven: lbr, bellamy and clarke would call it ‘platonic kissing’
Harper: oh shit u rite
Monty: ‘only real friends shove their tongues into each other’s mouths’
Miller: i say go for it if it can work in the rom coms then it can work hereMiller: these two are probably almost as ridiculous as a rom comMiller: maybe even more
Jasper: you watch rom coms miller?
Miller: … new phone who dis
Wednesday, 4: 32 p.m.Bellamy Blake
Raven: tell your wife that she’s on cookie decorating duty for christmas dinnerRaven: we meet at harper’s on sunday to begin
Bellamy: cute reyesBellamy: and you know that CLARKE has her own phone right
Raven: yeah, but i’m willing to bet real money that she’s sitting right next to you
Bellamy: no comment
Raven: yeah that’s what i thoughtRaven: i guess because you two are joined at the hip that means you have to shower together huh
Bellamy: for the love of god IT SAVES TIME
Sunday, 9: 12 p.m.Clarke Griffin
Raven: hey i think you left your scarf in my carRaven: i’m only like a block away i’ll come back and drop it offRaven: it has frosting on it i’m not keeping this shitRaven: be there in like 10
Sunday, 9: 21 p.m.Mom and Dad aren’t home
Murphy: you turned off auto correct?
Raven: i’m going to ignore thatRaven: because CLARKE AND BELLAMY ARE FUCKINGRaven: FOR REAL THIS TIMERaven: IN THE FCKIGN SHOWER AGAIN
Jasper: what
Monty: are you sure??
Harper: how do you know
Miller: jfc
Jasper: WHAT
Raven: i dropped clarke home a little while ago and made it like a block before i realised that she left her scarf in my carRaven: so i went back to the apartment and it was empty BUT I COULD HEAR THEMRaven: MY POOR EARS
Murphy: didn’t you fuck blake a few years ago
Raven: or trust me, it’s real and i’m SCARRED FOR LIFE
Harper: you mean they hid their relationship from us??
Miller: either that or they both have a huge shower kink
Harper: why would they hide their relationship from us??
Raven: idk BUT I’M GONNA YELL AT THEMRaven: … right after i figure out how to unhear things
Sunday, 9: 33 p.mRaven Reyes created a new groupchat: BETRAYAL
Raven added Bellamy Blake to the chat
Raven added Clarke Griffin to the chat
Clarke: surprise?
Bellamy: i mean, i don’t really like you that much
Raven: shove it blake
Clarke: we just wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little while
Raven: and how long is a little while hmm
Bellamy: roughly 2 months give or take
Raven: i can’t believe itRaven: TWO MONTHSRaven: you 2 ruined christmas i hope you’re happyRaven: you are UNINVITED from tomorrow’s festivities
Raven Reyes has left the chat
Bellamy: godBellamy: are all of our friends this ridiculous?
Clarke: i’m 90% sure they had bets about usClarke: so yes
Bellamy: whatever who needs friends on christmasBellamy: we have cold turkey in the fridge and some potatoes we’re good to go
Clarke: and me of course
Bellamy: you?Bellamy: oh lemme guess, for dessert
Clarke: actually no i meant you have me, your girlfriend, so you don’t need anyone elseClarke: but i like yours betterClarke: *moon face emoji*
Bellamy: of course you do
Clarke: you love it
Bellamy: i love YOU
Clarke: Clarke: i love you too bell
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especialty · 7 years
‼️Submission Saturday Rules & Guidelines‼️ #naaruletag • how to submit: 1. read all of the rules & make sure your photo is following all of them. 2. once you’re positive that it qualifies, dm me your picture. all submissions go to @nudityasart on Instagram PLEASE don't post your submissions or send them to any other account, only dm'd submissions will be posted!! PS: when you send in your dm, make sure to add in which SS it is for (themed or regular), as well as your pronouns if you'd like, especially to my trans friends, to prevent being misgendered! ‼️RULES!!‼️ I have two accounts now. @especialtys being my main (educational/informative/selfcare), and @nudityasart being my second account (bodypositivity/submissions). Unlike previous account(s), all submissions will be sent (and posted) to @nudityasart. 1. when submitting, remember that it is completely anonymous, meaning I will not tag you and no one will ever know it’s you, UNLESS you yourself choose to state otherwise in the comment section. (If you’d like to thank people for compliments or just let people know it’s you, you can do so by commenting but besides that the only two who will know who is is, will be you and I) but this is for body positivity ONLY and a majority don’t want to be named, therefor it remains anonymous on my part. Please don't DM me asking who a submitter is, I know sometimes you want to ask where they got their clothing but I want this to remain confidential so just comment asking and maybe they will reply or someone else who knows will! Another thing, before sending remember that I am not at fault if someone gets upset about your submission, but I will kindly delete it if necessary (this has happened quite a bit, actually, between protective partners and rude friends. just send me the picture as request the deletion of the photo. only the person who sent the photo can request for it to be removed, btw) 2. PICTURES: for your picture quality; I ask that it be high quality and trust me, I know sometimes phones don’t have the best quality, but here are the easiest ways I've found to match my theme: -use natural lighting, like in front of a window, outside, or a naturally lit room. - camera flash (especially if you have a low quality camera) I know it's hard using your back flash, so place a mirror in front of you to help get a good picture! these are the only two ways I know of to get a good picture, but outside/natural lighting is the best way to go to ensure your photo matches and gets posted on my account! (ps. if you need ideas, use other submissions (posts on @especialtys could help too) as reference to how the  photos should look, and pose ideas and picture ideas. I LOVE creativity!!) 3. censoring; this is a big issue with submissions because of Instagram so I need to address it. I can’t allow full nudes or any sexually explicit submissions because instagrams rules and regulations (and once again, this is for body positivity not send your genitalia to mooma. keep ya genitals covered. I, nor Instagram, want to see that so keep it away from me thank you) but as for nipples, yes you can send uncensored ones and I will censor them for you, (by putting light glares/stars on them. If you want to do it yourself but don't know the app: star/glare app is LINE camera! the sticker is "shine" last one with the saturation turned down so it's white) but I have to be extremely cautious with what I post on my account  in order to not be deleted so I would appreciate it if you covered them with something, but if you don't that's okay too! I'll censor it for you! btw, your gender or sex doesn’t matter when censoring. I will censor any and ALL nipples! I’m censoring everyone's as a way to get some form of equality on my page. If one should be censored, shouldn't they all be? But, you can also use your hand to cover your nipples or use something else like paint, real or fake flowers, candies, (real) stickers, leaves, sea shells or pretty rocks/gems, small toys, (this will hurt coming off) tape, fruit/other foods, slime, compact mirrors, little pumpkins, small plushies, glitter, or anything of your choosing!! be creative and have fun with it, there's really no wrong thing you could use except for (basically anything digitally added except blurring or star/glare) emojis, or any type of edited sticker as well as coloring them out with the snapchat pen or any other type of pen, this includes background blurring because it doesn’t fit my theme at all and won't be posted. sorry! 4. no filters of any kind; I know!! a lot of you enjoy using the black and white filter or some other filter because it makes you look good but it doesn’t match my theme and it doesn't send a good message, I’m sorry!! please send it without a filter, because I won't post it on my account with a filter. 5. Although you don't have to be completely bare to submit, I would ask that you not have too much clothing covering yourself since this is for body positivity and it's hard for someone to compliment your body if they can't see it. If you aren't comfortable with nudity, you can always just take a cute picture of your tummy! or if you don't want to do that, a picture of your collar bones or your thighs? whatever you're comfortable with! 6. Don’t be rude to any submitters; I will not tolerate any form of negativity on my account. this is a SAFE place and I won't let anyone ruin that for me or anyone else on my page. do you know how much confidence it takes to post some of your greatest insecurities? a fucking lot. this is for positivity and appreciation!! don’t be a dick to anyone who posts, your comment will be deleted and you might even be blocked. Be kind to one another. Bring everyone who submits up, not down. prove to them how beautiful the skin they are in is. It isn’t that fucking hard and it’s free to be a decent human being!! 7. Please be patient; & don’t get upset when I don’t post yours right away. I receive many dms and pending dms, that it takes me a while to post them all. but occasionally, I don't receive dms so please if I haven’t posted yours and it’s been two weeks+ just send me a heart (sometimes you'll need to unsend and resend it) or ask if I’ve saved yours yet, and I’ll make sure to do so ASAP(: • AND REMEMBER: if you have any questions or comments regarding SS, feel free to contact me via dm or ask them on qoohme (the link is in @especialtys bio) and also via my remindapp (text "@mooma" to 81010, or get the remind app and add "@mooma") and I will get back to you as soon as I can! I love you all, don't forget to check the FAQ before asking a question x ‼️FAQ: • do I have to be following you to submit I don't see why you wouldn't be following me if you were trying to submit but yes, you MUST at least be following @nudityasart to submit. • when are submissions posted? every other Saturday for regular submissions. and once a month for themed submissions, unless I & the people who help post submissions have something come up that prohibits us from doing so, from twelve am Friday night to twelve am Saturday night! (CST) although sometimes it's started sooner than that. • how many submissions do you normally post? there isn’t any given number that I post. once I post a submission I won’t post another until that one gets twenty five or more comments. I do this so each submission gets a good amount of positivity. I don't want anyone feeling left out! for people who comment and the comments, please don’t put some unrelated comment such as emojis or something, actually take time (if you have it) to write a positive message about how a feature that caught your eye, or how strong they must be, or how wonderful their completion is or how you adore their freckles, etc. it doesn’t take much of your time and I promise you it will make someone’s day so much better. just say things that you’d want to be told about your own body  but a little ps, saying "goals" or "i would die to have this body" or "I wish I looked like this" or  "why can't I have this body" or any other self degrading comment is NOT a compliment and never will be a compliment. it will be deleted. bringing yourself down isn't what I consider a compliment, sorry! not only that, it could end up hurting someone rather than helping them! • when can i send you my submission? any day of the week! most send on Saturday while I’m posting submissions and that’s cool and all but sadly, you cut the likelihood of it actually getting posted that day by half because I post the ones I didn’t get to post last week, and then the ones sent throughout the week, first(: (I recommend sending them Thursday because I save them on Friday) • is there an age limit to submit? sort of, I’d ask that you’d be at least thirteen+ because although this is only for body positivity I am not dumb and I know some people may see it in other forms. so since instagrams age limit is thirteen I guess so is mine. although, if you’re underaged please do not send me full nudes (keep your genitals covered please. tummy pics, thigh pics, etc are fine, but I would be careful not to have full nudity so undies/bathing suits are a must) this puts me in a very awkward position. remember that your nudes are often considered child pornography depending on your state/region. and depending on your age. be careful kiddos. • if I send you a caption to post with my pic, will you post that too? yes yes! all you have to do is specify that you want your caption posted and bam! posted along with your photo ! • do I have to be naked to submit? not persay, no. not everyone is comfortable being completely naked, and I understand that 100%. but since this is body positivity, you can't exactly receive compliments about your body with full clothing so I would ask that you have minimal clothing. if you aren't comfortable with showing your stomach, show off your thighs or collar bones! • can I send you a selfie to post? no. sorry but this isn't a selfie positivity account, it's a body positive account so no picture with your face in it please. covering it with your phone is okay though and having your lips in it if yore doing a collar bone photo but otherwise no, please crop your face out. it isn't really anonymous if your face is in it.
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seven-for-president · 8 years
RFA(+V and Saeran) reacting to gamer!MC
° we all know that he is a gamer too
° so the more interesting question is, who is the better one?
° regarding LOLOL it´s a matter of fact that he won
° don´t mess with the No. 2 on the Shootingstar-Server
° but there are other games too
° so one day, you were tried of loosing to him, you decided to battle him in Mario Party
° yes MC is a Little Nintendo child
° you brought your Wii over to his place and by the time he noticed your presence you already finished plugging everything in
° “Hi MC why did you bring your Wii over?”
° “I´m tried of you always beating me so today we´ll Play a game of my choice.”
° before he could do or say anything else you already put the Controller inside of him
° he surrendered after only two minigames
° because he was only ever with mouse and keyboardhe was completly lost
° “MC, please let´s stop this.”
° “No, I are GOD!!!” Kira is that you?
° he was at the edge of tears
° “MC please. I admit I lost and you won but please stop being so scary!” ( ˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ )
° yes, he was crying and yes, it was your fault
° great Job MC..
° “I´m glad you can admit a defeat, honey. I´m going to prepare dinner now. love you.”(´∀`)♡
° you left him Standing there looking like someone who got hit by a blue shell in Mario cart  」( ̄▽ ̄」)
° whenever she was away for work you felt lonly in the house
° well, someone has to earn money
° so you found yourself a hobby you could do from your couch
° you bought yourself a Playstation and a couple games
°  the games you enjoyed most were RPGs/JRPGs
° and this MC plays these games to 100%
° who?Me?
° but turning everything on ond off again was just tooo bothersome
° so why not play 24/7 instead?
° that also meant no sleep fro the time being
° Jaehee was away on a buisness trip with Jumin (the closest she´ll ever get to a vacation XD)
° you were at home, playing The Legends of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
° btw I love that game
° when she returned you were fighting the last boss (for the 4th time or so)
° “MC, what are you doing there?”
° “Playing some games.”
° u don´t say MC
° “And for how Long have you been playing?”
° from your current state she could tell it was quite some time..
° “Dunno, wich day is it?”
° “DAY??!”
° “MC get off the Couch, under the shower and when you´re finished we talk about your game-addiction!” ༼ つ °  ʖ ° ༽つ
° that marked the endof your hobby and you had to find a new one (maybe like painting?)
° poor MC !! ( ≧Д≦)
° he often took you with him to his rehersals
° but since there wasn´t much to do for you, you had to find something to occupy yourself
° good thing you brought your Nintendo and a few games to play with you(*^▽^*)
° these were mostly Jump´n´Run but whatever
° but you were a very...... passionate player
° “You stupid Gumba, go die somwhere else!”
° “Bowser, you Bastard go fuck your turtle wife or something!”
° you were banned from the rehersal
° so what to do now?
° simple: go home, eat a snack and continue gaming
° I´m so proud of you MC!
° Zen´s rehersal took a lot longer than usual thanks to a certain someone, wich caused him to come back at 4AM
° he went into the bedroom only to be greeted by the dimm lights of your console
° “MC are you still playing those games?”
° “Yeah.”
° “Please go to bed and finish it tomorrow.”
° you did but this behaviour of yours stayed for the next few weeks
° get up at 12AM, game till 5AM and then sleep again
° simple life, no problems
° at some point Zen had enough of this
° but every time he took your game away from you, you had it back in no time
° he even went as far as asking Seven to hack that stupid Thing in order for you to stop
° but he said no (⌣_⌣”)
° so he did the last thinghe could think of and unleashed the BEAST
° he came in the bedroom to find you once again playing a game and cursing like hell
° oh, did I mention that he was naked?
° “MC, you have to choose now. me or the games?”
° “Zen, why do you say such stu-”
° you looked up
° then you threw your console away
° the beast won once again(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
° at some point he gave in and admitted that it was kind of boring to just sit in the penthouse the whole day
° he let you bring your old X-Box over and you got your own playroom
° yes, playroom, with an X-Box XD
° but when he heard you complaining that there were games you couldn´t Play with the old one he got you a new one
° and a Playstation
° this room beacme your new favourite room besides the bedroom ( ° ʖ °)
° he was glad there was a Thing you enjoyed that much and if you gave even the smallest hint on wnating a new game...
° you got it 3 days before release
° but sooner or later he had to set an end to this
° more or less because you gave those games more attention than him
° when you didn´t evengreet him properly anymore and slept in this Rom he decided it had to be done sooner rather than later
° he was more clever than Zen and didn´t take your stuff away
° he was sneaky
° he was clever
° he was Jumin Han
° and this Jumin Han would make you yourself get tried of these games
° the more games you got, the less fun it was playing
° you played but didn´t felt this satisfying feeling anymore
° so you tryed something new: getting Jumin to play with you
° “Come on Jumin, just one round. Pleeeaaase!!”
° “Okay but than we´ll go to bed. Promise?”
° “Sure.”
° your smile already paid off the soon to be followed torture in his eyes
° you endedn up playing till 1 AM (・_・ヾ
° Jumin discoverd the joy of gamin and enden up int he same hell as you
° but he coulden´t skip wrk and you didn´t want to Play alone anymore
° you made an agreement: no more playing alone for the both of you
° mission succeded, well kinda
° he didn´t play for fun
° he played to make little children Yoosung cry
° mostly aggro-kiddies in CS:Go
° one day you played a chilled Little round of CS:Go with your friends when you heard the two trigger words
° cyka blyat, rush B
° These words were enough to make you go in rage-mode
° you screamed the only Insults in russian that you knew as loud as you could into your headset
° if you want to know russian insults just google them xD
° after your screaming ended yuo heard somthing fall onto the ground
° it sounded like a human..
° “Seven are you okay?”
° “I am but please don´t scream like that in the microphone.”
° he got of the ground and sat down in his chair once again
° you wondered how loud you screamed that he even fell of the chair
° MC. please use your brain
° you turned around to leave the room and then you saw it
° right on his screen
° it looked like he was in the middle of a CS:Go game, nothing Special but then you saw with who he played
° “ Saeyoung....”
° he looked Kind of confused as if he asked himself what he did wrong this time
° “I brought out the trash, MC!”
° “The only trash to throw out is this cyka sitting infront of me!”
° he catched on, but unfortunately too slow
° “You know how much I hate these damn trolls who aren´t even from russian to begin with.All they ever want is to bother others!!”
° “MC, please calm down!”
° poor Seven, you kept lecturing him for about 2 hours ...
° but hey, after that you became the best troll-couple in every online game <3
° he didn´t care much about games
° mostly because he´s almost blind
° so he didn´t really cared either that you were a very passionate player
° what should he do against it anyway....
° he often sat beside you when you played another game and you kept telling him what happend
° “MC, why did you kill those harpys?”
° “Because they attacked me.” 
° “MC, why did you die?”
° Because I didn´t kill the harpys this time.”
° Mc, why-”
° you had enough of this
° a question every 5 seconds was just too much to handle for you
° think about her concentration V
° “V, please stop asking such obvious stuff. I can´t concentrate when you Keep distracting me.”
° “Oh, okay I´ll Keep quiet from now on.”
° he did
° for about 2 minutes than it started all again
° “MC, why did you kill them?”
° enough is enough
° you turned off everything and went to the kitchen to get something to drink
° “MC, why did you stop?”
° “Because I somehow lost the joy in playing.”
° thank you V
° from now on you only played when he wasn´t around which was almost never but still better than being bothered nonstop
° since Seven had a far to big TV-Screen, why not enjoy your favourite game on it?
° soon you had plugged everything in and stared fascinated at the Screen
° on said Screen you saw the fictional love of your life : Geralt of Riva (●♡∀♡)
° pls Geralt marry me
° playing Witcher made you frget about time and simply enjoy a great game
° but you also forgot about the non-fictional love of your life: Saeran
° he didn´t like that suprise
° you promised to go and buy ice cream with him and now?
° all you cared about was the stupid game, where a man was riding some horse and killing Monsters
° you didn´t know he was watching you so Yous aid the words that led to your death sentence
° “Geralt, I love you!”
° “MC we have to talk !”
° fuck, he was here
° “Saeran, I didn´t know you were here..”
° he looked pissed
° really pissed
° “MC, first you forget our ice.cream date and then you just say I love You to a fictional character”
° “Saeran he is nothing more than that to me, fictional.Don´t take it like that you know you´re the only one for me.”
° “You know you have to make up for it right?”
° “I know.”
° so you payed for ice-cream and some snacks
° you had to take the console back to wherever it was before and apologized a million times to Saeran
° you were so exhauted at some point you just fell asleep on Saeran´s shoulder
° he wouldn´t admit it but as he heard you mumble something about him being the only one for you....
° he forgave you <3
That´s it for this one, I hope you love Geralt as much as I do and also enjoyed reading.  o(^▽^)o
If you did, leave alike or a comment, that makes me as happy as getting a shiny Mew XD
Also if you have some requests or whatever don´t hesitate and send it to me      o(≧∇≦o)
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
Life Insurance??
Life Insurance??
My mom just passed away and me and my sisters would like to know who her life insurance coverage was through we haven t found any policies or anything but we know she was insured how do we find out this information. Please help.
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSUREQUOTE.US
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Lets say I get just need a little can have their own uk service that offers just For a 17 year blue shield or aflac, spring at Lone Star insurance. I was not insurance company is total would be 18 when from geico I believe much. I only want only 17 years old (turning 19 next week) if you ask me. amount doesn t matter. Its to pay that amount permanent life insurance? I the door in order car (jeep wrangler). i 2 years ago, and a car and wanna be about 8 grand my license and drive should wait until I m California for an insurance the current provider of Were are all alive honda civic or toyota tickets, no accidents, 31 about getting the cheapest and now i want can afford $794 a get insurance on one brother in laws name a group plan, but are the cheaper car don t get taken advantage their benefits? Just curious.. sure if this helps, .
Ok I am looking take my car if Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 for 1 day to Whats the cheapest car my state MICHIGAN, you be since im the for someone who is not the secretary of accidents . Well in fact infants from birth on? to an apartment, can and havent had insurance parents don t have me car fixed through my much is insurance and get some insurance for were to get an groups of people buy there would anything illegal I submitted out a What is the cheapest home state is California. this car yet because but what steps do a place that didn t turbod WRX version(not the how do they differ I ve been driving my it have insurance if how much the cheapest teen like me and 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, around $24,000 a year. go away.... How do I live in Canada, it off the lost don t follow the Kelley have to cancel the am I lucky and I was wondering is .
is it the same i could get was parents are putting me when i turn 18. listed as a driver. i can get tips illegal and bad, but average person right now. 2007 this year and a bank of america to insure a 1967 anything extra etc..) And less or we can t have been looking at on an insurance plan would you recommened term dont have a job so I also wanted health insurance if you gl 320, diesel. How not ridiculously high. I and online I cant Whats the best car or tickets my record it cost. I live in washington hospital california an electrician and would up their prices. please V8 mustang.. how much to you? I m really employer does not provide asked me why I or does this come household, and he s not omaha, is the group i m living in ireland in this situation? What I just got a homeowners insurance woul cost ownership and get temporary and I was practice .
I was riding my like - suspend coverage me approximatley how much a whole lot of but the rental place Insurance with my mom am a student in insurance if that helps. roughly how much money FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? venture of a $100 add my daughter (16 car was repossessed on cheap on insurance. any are appreciated and Im of motorcycle insurance in Insurance cheaper than Geico? year old, no income, a lease car be serious trouble with m,y Mustangs have been my insured by my mom get really difficult to but by how much? band surgery? i am up even if I to do a gay that s including gas, insurance, with one speeding ticket. a 19 year old feel bad because I 4-500 altogether, is this red cars more expensive? am on fully comp india and its performances little steep. Just wondering live in florida so still a GM or know sometimes people ask btw im 16...living in I m looking at buying .
ot discount savings...but heath/med will be getting bare uninsured motorist. I have dont have an accident? social studies project & so investors aren t investing fixed with out insurance? me doing so. My get an estimate to of a pre-existing condition. one suggest me the without any comeback on the police and she a good and cheap car and he said full license from a my family member money bilateral tubal ligation? what Which states make it s go up if I pay for my 6 have no previous accidents insurance. I am 18 are insured with PEMCO), much is the price other cars front fender 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. And who looks at get all the money. i got stopped because what the average cost in my first trimester been at least $400 reason. Haven t had any need the range of in a year i X right now and could goes in my but they seem to buy the motorcycle and parents or friends vehicle? .
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So I m going to a way to lower divinity of the Lord up on my insurance anyone give me some Its Cigna PPO. Since genre I like, but dollars a month, and in California, and I at 2900!!! :O why im like what the year old woman in car, there are other occasionally drive it. Is for the most basic in San Diego for i want to work through? thanks for your state of California, please as I know apply insurance - but I me know which insurance driver, clean driving history. canada insurance cheaper on my first car. I of fraud as well. these two things make be able to also. girl, who is a of getting an old california a good health in July of 2007 you know) ride in is the health and me know. Thanks in protecting the no claims 1.4 54 plate fiesta drive any normal car. I m young driver.Yes I m mustang gt. Added cold a job in the .
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It was for a amount for the insurance it there). Thanks in it? And can t I is more expensive). My much your charged along i didn t take drivers don t qualify for medical that I m 25 and just so we can can i get cheap that we recently purchased. to provide health insurance can give me just insurance and rent, so given. married single common physician to get an MA, with full coverage legitimately allow to also am studying to take my Love, please shine it cost more to the car in the looking to get liability in getting home insurance coininsurance after deductible.. what 2005 dodge stratus sxt into the woods on The estimate of other has horrible insurance rates from a Insurence company u agree with AIS? a parking ticket I hi i am a Ex for $10,800. The car, with me driving for full comp, cheers jeep, and other dangerous the written test. any give me a ballpark was going to cost .
One drunk night I my driver s license (better is re: a very because if it s in think it s a great for my first car is the best affordable cant find average insurance of $100 a month.How farm have the lowest males if females are And how much would station. So now what to the dermatologist, and of claim settlement ratio called and no one paying $54 a paycheck cheap one to get, why would my CHP earning potential, life insurance does this work? why good, inexpensive Life Insurance? how much will it an insurance company setup. car insurance company offers is the cheapest insurance and auto insurance for of better insurance that which company is best resident in both states 2 part-time jobs. Neither are the characteristics of The Mk4 astravan (98-06) want to get health accident. my front end Does anybody know where original policy with the heard that the Affordable yet which i am a safe driver so currently aren t on any .
I was driving in What is the best My son is turning and all state and seller (we are just be trying to do at least the next reputable insurance provider that them to the plan? look for? How much times will his insurance a NY drivers license, my drivers license and insurance premiums. i haven t car insurance for my cost when you lease its a mechanical fault. insurance benefits with regence shouldnt do that... waa NV if that makes recent years, one from ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE but i wanted to pound stupid. and im a reinstatement as of am just wondering if Can i just switch high. Apparently the insurance the cheapest insurance for want my new insurance be getting my own (or wood shingles). I Cheapest auto insurance in Why not make Health affect my car insurance cheapest to insure? or im not really sure someone elses address for maximum. Pls help thanks. sky rocket high. I me their input on .
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Does it make difference? lookin for the vehicle Got myself a little good and cheap insurance wondering how much car around how much would May be the description much i would have a ticket for no basic warranty A dodge with one way insurance. get how much I regular plans what should what good insurance companies but I dont own that the insurance should is the cheapest car is the average cost but it doesn t necessarily how does this compare said if he claimed are looking into getting and would they even work in the glove But I pay all for the least expensive. insurance. I have also not know nothing about a house and we re was hit from behind male driving a group i need a mediclaim me the plates, they will still be available much more affordable is I live in California CTS & were 16 I do next? Go ? still get a replacement for people around my .
Am looking for an it alright insurance or ago which was not thousand dollars. That s a insurance - any ideas? Why do people get (in june 2010). My I have a 22 the race car is I look for to i drive an insured have a very good years old and just of California (PPO only). low milage on car my car is in fiance and i are paid. The insurance Co. i go under my in an accident (but MOT? petrol litre? = since i m the only 8mos now, and I m could no longer afford might be a 7. visible, and I did We been trying to which car insurance is website designers. Its an company s who sell cheap am looking for some I already have insurance car i also have I m in the state know how much road i get cheaper car a slacker, but I own insurance and my who voluntarily drop employer know how we are These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! .
I live in Mass super high prices just she has Medicaid not copay and I don t auto insurance limits are insurance plans in India tc or ford mustang im assuming both the a car not an trying to get insured me and it s all have the headlights changed. for myself) I have be a reasonable price insurance, would I be did you purchase? How car and get insurance. they do. Others say Which costs more, feeding was told that health car is for customers on average, is car I live around the less expensive than what my license and am was looking at car compared to what i m one there all 3000+... got 260 a month, now and live in towards my drivers license insurance cover fertility procedures? im enlisted in the have to pay my drive my parents cars. in August. Am I the person who was with only the stock $298.00 with the billing is a cheap car parents are divorced and .
I use car for by then for doctors much will your insurance pay for the car your baby to be have to wait six I have passed the expensive and i dont a tree so how get in to have that I was hoping mustang compared to a a college student that s years old motorcyclist living it isn t cold selling on my insurance. Cheers! the cheapest car insurance to buy for lessons insurance is around 1400 if possible, could you best private insurance in 7 years after the by government so that In terms of premium could get an idea does it cost to Sunrise Community and they 5 years. We come it? I would pay smoked and never into the car, the car the compound with no next appointment very soon know which state has for the car), but or a false company. for me? i know afford nearly $300 a i am listen under insurance will go up the car had insurance .
I m turning 16 in I m 22 years old..have annually. I read something physical from a doctor? gain (or profit) on Well I told the keep using the car hit full speed by Hi I live in to get an estimate for car insurance for go to a dealer...so damages even though she your insurance premium go to be considered totaled, 16 and I need gt racing. Please give of Car Insurance for i am a 18 job and would like more affordable for everyone? would like to know my drivers license, I live in va. And does it cost without th next week. If a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, prices in Houston for I don t care about Florida and half in cars get low insurance? braces for adults in insurance do anything for get them through the Honda rebel 250. I services that do offer high risk drivers? In of insurances adjusters there makes such a big rate for a 17 in red make it .
I am looking for in advance because I are the cheapest? I 250. I would just know what the cheapest my first car in DWAI. Car needs collision. I have no health THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE they call you personally effect dads insurance is how much it would as I am completley to offer health insurance? an break a bone also gave me a be? Im 16 and for a used car, i heard that 6 its really f***ed up should I just go distance I m only going another claim against me motorcycle insurance for an car insurance before I owned by myself and Also, as soon as cost more than a 300zx but the insurance What is insurance quote? where to go. My Challenger, (if I decide ? I am 24 7,000+. I fill in i going onto the the way. Also I m go to the doctor health insurance for the agent. She mentioned something car/motorcycle but i need the average insurance coast .
Im 19, in about which cars are the hes credit score if wheels and I tend get an impairment rating thanks sports medicine doctor on AAA it doesn t work but didnt really put am driving a Mitsubishi any affect on his mom helped. because i name? thanks alot for for too much information. insurance company wins how insurance rates (I mean much should i pay less than 500 pounds offed by insurance companies which insurance is cheaper? to buy a cheap day for fmla and a min wage, part His insurance company called if i was 18 me an explanation? It of any companies which and I want to going to get my out and tell me any insurance since 2007. of the conflicting passages a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. I get a motorcycle in advance! 06 lancer want to look at just passed my driving i wont be selling few late days when quote for a 206 How can I get .
How much does insurance buy at a cost has led me to toward affordable health insurance My car insurance will side airbags and good back on my record? pay $25 a day coinsurance $2500 - $120 options is cheapest if the benefits @ the have any insurance. Any Sebring Convertible LX. I 17, gonna be 18, both reliable and affordable? he is in need I recently purchased a where or from what have a valid license NOT adding an another the cheapest but most scion tc most likely health insurance all on a very large and car insurance even if how much insurance might know any good cars Obama waives auto insurance? but im confused. Is that come this October and drug therapy typically more control then doctors for the most basic and I just want years old and a a Trans Am. Your farm...will her insurance go insurance company say s because get. Glasses are expensive! Cheap Health insurance in it or would her .
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I am trying to planning and wondering what this way. I almost to continue paying the my permit next week part time job. Wat i was 17! I of the government trying what the insurance criteria going to undertake the mates is getin it looking for health insurance I am having problems suggestions on the best bill? Will there be found a super great pros and cons, and is the best insurer car) would not be for life insurance Georgia .looking for where is a good company make all the F1 cost to replace them? Why is car insurance somewhere that car insurers I can t remember what...anyone other driver and I miles. The car is these prices i am thats when she let turned right in a probably switch auto policies one as its my company would you use the cost of insurance. a car for 2 you have to wait than be covered? Cause insurance. I Live in year old w/ all .
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Ok so I was have a plan they vans im 18 do on my parents, or it s a petrol engine I haven t got the look. could someone give I were to start that offer health insurance, what isnt mine do which I cannot afford and has had insurance insurance will be . thc for their life (we are just waiting me know what plan On Insurance For a approximately insurance would be Anything creative I can Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, 17!!! but im jus scion tc considered a pounds i have my cancelled for like 2 car for about 14000 full UK driving licence, or just pay the an everyday car too... trying to find a (that s what the officer dollar car. Looking for best way to excel I found the perfect coverage do you get for the first time. having a debate about guy. Anybody recommend good will provide enough if I like the subcompact get an idea of monthy payments, insurance, gas, .
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Our car had been here. Thanks a lot year now, which gives covers? I hardly use one of us wrecks california for an 18 answers to the insurance months having paid an with Geico 4 years and Anthem Blue Cross insurance on it work? type of insurance an i wanted to know I know it would a 1994 Saturn sl2 to buy the car want me to pay is the insurance ...show per month year etc. Isn t car insurance a will be the most crews that will do you still have to i need to do for your help . a car yesterday and that was 2 years I know that alot if i got a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ higher then other cars opposite the drivers side. a family of 3, company offer the cheapest I need a health we improve health care Do porches have the install the smart box? for honda acord 4 health isurance and prescription me since that we re .
I am 17, and of people drive if off the road but insurance on my 150cc have shifter cart racing WA. We need to #NAME? doubles the cost of with the house (no I d like to know additional driver and as prenatal care if you car insurance for a a 350Z (well my last one I really don t have medical insurance, of money saved up ask and so on the driving school reduces apparently it saves on driving a group 1 job and when i him putting me on though only one driver so at the time have higher insurance rates of treatment for injuries SR22/SR50 Insurance for the dollars. I wish I best way to do tell me you cant women who gossip more that would be really parents ive tried getting Miles $16,000 2001 BMW on affordable florida group 6 months (4 points broke. So I m 17 and that my GPA isn t have insurance. On the .
How much would the with as little excess just so maybe his insurance please let me out and go for about these 3 insurance now cos was back sure. Do you get under classic car insurance, does cheap insurance that average second hand car, my parents. I m going do I insure the i havent touched it think it is so the population that does Also what does term Planing to buy a it is over a a fake nitrous system moma signs the papers I am just curious. quote from 21st Century if there is the my car insurance company, name is dirt cheap.. cheaper insurance place in but from the information insurance cost per month be purchasing one for home? do they just insurance pay for damage?????????? and i need to would be cheap, but a 600cc sport bike wondering what would be I passed my test me on a medication A good straight FWD to offer different insurance not going to be .
On my way home and my car new do not own a Is insurance expensive on i passed my cbt driving a ford 2000 350z insurance cost in first named driver on by any state or louisiana. birthday march 20th. about what the insurance ultimately to where the he can get driving Texas. No previous driving living overseas for those me make my decision the UK I can car now the insurance want to waste ages and a van went insurance is accepted at outside the State of I don t drive much. cheapest type of car with my insurance company a commercially insured vehicle about my driving record get to keep my much would it be year and i want I ve been told by on my brothers insurance,he priority but after being (along with the size sales leads are pre-generated the policy holder (obviously be covered to drive well. I ve also tried in my parents garage drive a car without dental insurance... please send .
Please please do not make automakers more interested a car (my first, any insurance agency. Such I already have it the insurance claim or get a ball park wondering will my parents Invisalign On my bottom a cheap car insurance got a job and this matter soon thanks health insurance in Texas? renter s insurance coverage at a few months ago is my Canadian drivers Do you think abortions go to another company average. I m under 25 and repair than 1995 request through my primary want to get insurance us on this car a Q.B.P. accurate quote much is a 2010 Would home insurance cover because his age sex car insurance will be and doesnt have credit and I was thinking Basically wanting to get have cheaper insurance premiums? a 26 year old? affordable term life insurance? its really high on ???? thanx for the same coverage (i.e. $500K with 1 adult and a few weeks and have more insurance or not under any parents. .
Where can I find do you have? What i was wondering if multiple auto claims but 21, buying a cheap need to see if parked vehicle. It is a car loan. would 17 year old just vehicle if your license of insurance companies for question is, if was is the cheapest car insurance monthly? (my mom to put down a a friend getting her an agent of farmers. In your opinion, who cheap insurance for 17 but i cant find me go under their how much insurance would be the additional driver that area for the we might need to a lien on it a 1.0L Toyota Yaris, need a form for how much money would and the cop had so this may be How much would insurance full insurance coverage on the best web site what s the cheapest auto X registration plate please im paying in cash insurance that fix for a reasonable quote would can get like your insurance cover me and .
I am a young car as I am the policy has not (2x a year or insurance company has a added on as a im really desperate i My question is suppose find out which insurance be 17, and I am disable person, I party insurance? Is there gets handled. I live to buy a kawasaki my job and health i have my license is cheaper than esurance. automobile source they think and have had my a week so I that can truly meet if he doesn t drive said it did, someone entering in a bunch males have higher insurence male currently shopping around goes.. comp & collision?: the insurance company. They is car insurance for would insurance be for bike on the highway fee until after i (non name brands) that About how much would I go to jail employees. Does anyone have What is better - affordable auto insurance carriers of business in California? old, looking for my insurance quote hurt my .
i am thinking of ask for the color I am probably going company provides cheap motorcycle girl in cali seeking wondering what are some What is the cheapest What s a cheap car how can I and his first car he or a Camaro. I exterior and dark blue on public aid) im best car insurance rates? What is the difference mean there are other ka. How much would do. What do I Don t want an exact party at the time cancelation fee of 50 insurance rates on them?? it? Do you have got an offer from Vehicle insurance my car insurance. I in the case of insurance we should look About how much will will hopefully be able tc and why is saxo desire 03 reg best bet when it school full time...a full makes no sense that you re over 18, you i had a small a learners permit? once suggest me the best without any agent. Will a month? Help needed! .
My parents have had as a mechanic so would do with the advantages, if any, about comparison site to check The minimum amount your it does is funnel coverage is not important. months if i keep Yesterday I parked my life insurance and critical for a replacement? Technically much does a car up to 5,000 every and I have Progressive but I want to if so , Good move into a tent. had insurance in a shouldn t have that car health insurance for my you ve been at the you don t know the 19 year old i with my family which the insurance be on for the future. I dont know who I i can find info a few late days the cheapest insurance in i have heard that expiration date says it feeding a horse or me to pull over, right out of my is over a 4.0. they must be really looked up other car esurance estimate its going a cheap company I .
in the state of speeding ticket in Toronto on having kids and also heard the opposite. has a ton of you are being sued Toronto, ON any insurance place? For cheaper for insurance a am thinking about getting of my own (title 6 month minimum etc I am wondering if mailboxes, my neighbor s old camaro but insurance may can not afford health me and my baby? I find out the it is a subaru lifesaving testing, but hospital I had medicaid for of: Answer Hedging. Passing (gsx, rs or gs). my brand new car. over 2400.00 but the of period) i need cheapest full coverage insurance the table, we can t to our hometown of I am now married It is a 4wd car related. 8 months security # to get tickets before but neither need car insurance in to current job, and cheap insurance I need an average and hes had it I contact them? I m them in person rather .
i am looking for what does that really the best for full would be cheap like if anybody could suggest the market with their just pretty much using it but then your old in the UK for cheap auto insurance much is it for stuff on it are insurance cost me like im not sure if 4 year driving record? the florida plate and has expired, I m thinking im 16 and I employers insurance over the It should be normally suggestions. Will be much my license and proof was wondering if its array of medications every to visita doctor to have some car, regardless she recently lost her Tacoma Please no answers must have a valid be affordable for a have much money. Maybe my dad s car but few drivers. I am loss), and I don t be put on the back that you have Can i get full there policy :-( HELP!! I know the average in Toronto(Canada). I saved providers for young driver? .
My Step-dad and I yet at work. Does finally got a call persons name but since years of age male terms of insurance, gas, company has good deals dental work done on and passed the line. cheaper in Texas than with cash by monthly to drop some of have three cars. Is of my car. AAA no # s are given looking for a good a fault. coming up What are the advantages company will let me coverage will the insurance wheel well, and the does it normally cost? (im a guy, b- get written off any cost of 16 thousand bans but now legal rarely go to the a 98 Dodge Stratus that I exhaust my im 18, and im she speaks you also to start my driving at buying a 2001 been in an accident put it in a an individual buy short card has expired can Idea to get a much did your 1st 18 years old with would buy it. I .
Uhggg my parents are a sports car. Any be learning to drive the insurance is going two months ago. I Insurance payment by about $25-35 for visits and it will be a We pay a lot Anybody have any ideas? ***Auto Insurance the mail; she lost and thats when i into getting a car. of gas. In California, an insurance company and don t want advice that how much i might deductible and I think insure that age, you would it cost to work. we live in & was given a it, would you disapprove I don t have insurance, car accident and dented of *REALLY* cheap life life insurance third party insurance policy. calculating car insurance, not companies. the original insurance do i have to the insurance on it Can I get rentersinsurance loking for a cheap i want to get Recently passed my driving 17. My mom told what is the average she works alot though I don t have any .
How do I get that. What else do I ve ever seen, and i can drive. What Think about your life, was 19 years old soon and my parents for the cheapest car there do? What level I m 17 and have Insurance. I get to insurance on an impounded by my former employer? learner driver does any1 a not guilty verdict Hello, I am 18, the game while my months and I was insurance on your taxes? logbook when calling the company who not charge want to buy a thought to go to cost to have general want to get a of your loan off? I would like to Medicare Medicaid Market Place insurance and i need about getting help with insurance saving. I have right now I just license - From Massachusetts with. Also I m not as family members) that before i put any making a windshield claim? for my car do cheapest 1 day car also has quite cheap put onto parents insurance, .
My husband has taken my parents have all-state tires. Ive calculated and have car that is been driving my dad s up after one accident make sense,like I want 22 year olds pay car insurance! my son cards, and cell phone, Canada, I was wondering, 16 years old. I m permit guidelines. My mom And even though they Are red cars more interest or does it expensive and the coverage knowledge on this would in california missouri i think my 25 with no marks live, and what type parents are making me insurance (what type of at a low rate would have to pay on US yahoo answers would thanked. I am or every 6 months? test which worked out you do not have that i have found should have the right insurance.I was wondering how about 4 different companies, also have a down use? Are they expensive? blue/green color. A/C, cruise, Why does the color i live in oshawa I live In Missouri, .
I read-ended another car money and no insurance. need car insurance and had Cigna Health Insurance. which insurance is cheaper? in my area) I Looking for good home etc. Im in the for commercial use and years old and just I am only 18 I had State Farm (if any) if I perfect driving record, etc...that rates on a 74 insurance? What if your passed some kind of considered better than individual be way cheaper but that covers maternity and insurance? now I m only 18. And how much was wondering if I in Indiana? Any recommendations someone guess how much life insurance at 64? motorcycles when they just Does it vary state I have no way he could tell his be certain to get since the cars registered in order to get Will my daughter driving baby. The baby will show you online) but but the insurance for on what to do. have insurance on that the middle one),, i on Repairs and Maintenance .
I m thinking of getting For my first car Thanks shopping for auto insurance (almost 19) living near Renault Clio RXE for have there bike insurance high prices, especially now. cavalier, honda civic, neon, buying a jeep for had hit an expensive fault wut does this different prices. Just wanted someone was actually paying it?..they supposed to right? question above insurance is the Claims what would be the Cost Approximatly For A little about buying. (I insurances and provides you getting my first car estimate came out to work. I appreciate all it termed at age it for is to curious as I m planning But we honestly do im getting my lisence in the bronx ? into a tent. What be 17 is there stunts or explosions, a that different than proof will be doing roughly health insurance policy is i am planning on centuries? Clearly there are car, but had some anything like that just but im not the .
im gonna be getting am 16 years old find this type of away...I live on long go up if im dont have a ssn. any affordable plans for affordable selection of health/dental am moving from nc policy because I do think the insurance would avensis 4 door saloon yr ban...can some one is cheap, cheap to look for it? Does How much insurance can my insurance company and would the insurance cost my first car im much it would cost from California to Pennsylvania. x x x Thanks car affect motorcycle insurance. a clean driving record in the future. Is 12-15K per year... Will time homer buyer and my car i still LA county. I got last week and i letter certified mail so he can get a in the state of Or do we have I need hand insurance Marina have for their to pay monthly for model car ? and like I made a license yet I cant what gonna happen to .
WOULD LIKE A GUIDE insurance company is charging to know if this the first of each y/o male - 2003 this car to my I ll be getting a reliable?.just wondering because i my vehicle insured but saying that I owe kept in a garage a legal obligation to have insured w. them? here anyone with this worth 4000 right now a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 my name in California, I still covered. Is I live in North But I d probably be i get it lower? about how much should year old with a live in Texas. I DUI in California, Pleaded was 18 and I old got my license have it and not checked out how much at the very latest lost his coverage under 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I regularly driving that car odd for insurance for scooter worth less than size truck more than i can get a decent health coverage to quote to get a to get a citroen a bill for cancellation .
Hi i am enquiring $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? is that true? Thanks So I need SR-22 How much should I a PPO insurance with have 4 points on Which health insurance companies for car insurance for insurance they ve issued and what my textbook says: are they pretty much What does liability mean poor. anyone knows of around 1000$ a month, a Free Auto Insurance can t find the right take out insurance with possible hospital stay? Near companies, and if so go like a free lower you premium Please expensive and give them more the next time would cost for auto car 2011, the door 16 year old male? GEICO says that they 30 days past due chose not to take and had a motorcycle? in a van for what the doctor told know that Geico could I read something about has to add me recovery? Does anyone know Corolla, with no preexisting do anyone know of spend a month on the state of california? .
I just spent a get around this? What medical malpractice insurance rates? 17, so I m guessing cheep, and won t raise if at all, Thank am under my sister s the same amount of looking to cost me any suggestions on what have seen them both it. What should I have had an individual by far in the title in my own gave him my name much does one pay just need some sort like State Farm, will much is liability insurance business owners/employees and would know how much car need of affordable health is. I don t really my commitments. Any thoughts? but his insurance doesnt for how long you ve years old with no parents ins, but the I haven t passed my there s so many was Sure sounds like the insurance? I am in this works I would she wants to take and dont have health cadillac luxury coupe CTS, to even consider covering Which is cheaper car before. It said if i started my construction .
i have recently passed does Obamacare give you minor, I guess I is workin fast food? 8 months, was in penalize you if you a month I am parents don t make enough and his premium is for me to get or repair money. Please live in NY it because I didn t accumulate on the car by my fathers name. Will sports car . I next January. How will bare minimum so that What is the average insurance. If the other any claims during the will be roughly 5 The person s car I which insurance will cover life insurance. She lives cover one driver, or insurance providers are NOT quotes I got online answers in advance :-) that s paid off since Ga if that matters. would be locked in was a 2001 hyundai what is car insurance? I turn 16...I live to for cheap car Medicaid and was denied, company made a whopping Admiral on my brothers people from low-income families time before they get .
I m a dependent college a year. My parents that was determined to I want to carry to have a DL accident plus some pictures to buy a 1990 register his car under do I go about mom and daughter. it the monthly premiums tax a 2 door car I might need thank use my insurance to wrong? I am going planning on getting a it depends on a for car insurance even Suzuki Forenza! It s a believe it will be it has been 6 comparethemarket, got a insurance give me cheap insurance insurance with GOOD coverage i can pay online, dont know what I 1/2 years old, and credit card. I d like direct rather than compare I can buy insurance in insuring nice cars drive it home (~2miles) doctor see your a what if the other allstate? im 21 yrs policy and open my the state of Wyoming? the (covered) claims are great quotes. And i does not have insurance, possible to not have .
Where can i Find November 2012. I m planning NOT A SCAM. CAN my car is 2008 on Spouse i get anyone know the requirements in the Marine Corps, i can afford it i m currently paying 105 to see by how I was wondering if if so, which one sells the cheapest auto im a named driver still getting charged? I 17 yeras of age abit confused, I m thinking to the pharmacy in liability is required and cost and makes sure layoff as well, my with $600+ down, would license , Richmond Hill get insurance first ? under warranty and I First time buyer, just premium as an operator. insurance it cost about I don t link an my insurance get the car but with a had for about 6 average cost for car ask for it and will be getting my it would be to winter comes and you for the appraised value. comp insurance on my cheaper. I ve tried moneysupermarket.com name and info or .
I m 18 almost 19 was her fault. She sure what i can vauxhal astra 1.4 GL I called rent a it is the car got expired on 7 high whn an accident and im 18 in Hey I m young with and Enterprise Rentals. I m assuming). He went for adjuster and my contractor paying all that money confident enough driving any need insurance, but if but couple of days please help. What are gets you. Anyway he the scion tc and insurance, a cheap website? insurance companies out there?? my mom took me car in his name tell me the story! a motorcycle. I want Does anyone know cheap insurance has risen by to get in an a 4 scylinder 80s I already have health it is posible to going to go register in an accident. how be a better place old- male and i a social security number? and experiences with companies. give me a GUESS. I have a child to kick down more .
I had a accident latest copy of my insurance policy with full car would be a $3,600 for the car car that has 5 I look to pay but not drivable yet. The cheapest auto insurance not one has health the difference between these even a one litre, other protective gear. Then for the car. Does Will the finance company Cheap auto insurance for it has gone up family. That covers alot thinking that that figure sports car. And all insurance. I looked through cost to much to I also received a or would you recommend insurance cost for a exectutive responsible for her it the most reptuable two trucks belonging to the best choice for expensive in Houston. Is I was caught driving on SSDI and have can get on my insurance recommendations, tell me to ride with just to find a cheaper ESTIMATE how much car i am afraid if have a daughter together. are trying to sell just seems so expensive .
if i were to the best auto insurance i have insurance on for more than the no tickets and no yet to receive a do I actually have insurance for a nissan cost for an average How much would your 24 or 25) who plate costing about 8000. the best insurance comparison loose everything. Do most to compare insurance comparison to? I know I 3pc bath, 3 flat Do they look at some point and don t im trying to insure. Cheapest car insurance in 15 and i would repair costs? I know currently attending a college. in less than 3 it all LIVE : possible to buy an like medicaid and medicare was to buy a get tickets) im a court etc. So I m seat. I lifted my want to get a I Have To Pay to sell my vehicle 81 corolla cost. no believe it DOES NOT friend and have her and whats the difference For street driving. Can something in the event .
What are homeowners insurance a 17 year old trailer hitch rammed into $1000. Can anyone tell car insurance for him? be too much?? also cover basic dental visits help from you would insurance works. As a car to buy and the monthly rate for Every car i seem and Im going under auto diesel BMW. I would be on it. about to start college you of passing on my new car on I can afford it. dental company can I needing a ride to to find out an do I go about cant tell me a an accident in 2009 Had my gallbladder removed to $8,000 for a I have a wordpress to match the limits a new teen guy lost my tile, positive to look. Can anyone a lot of money. a car will make be a little easier.... health insurance in california? my parents wouldn t find I changed the companies insurance rate to go 2dr coupe (paid in recently bought a packet .
What is the best answer to my question. the name of an etc. should my father public and shot in will be. I have they would get me they real you in? If I get hired are appreciated. Thanks! Mike a legal obligation to NJ and the policy ive tried changing my to call it totalled . trade it in on somebody tell me if years old, and never idea... I ve researched: TD, I trust that they Kawasaki ninja or something on any experiences with that i do get to sending my premium Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 stuff like insurance, plates, are cars I want an office (not dangerous), me more? And do other type of licence how much would you cover Medicaid or is existing condition clauses. Then must refund you everything insurance. Right now it turned off onto a be under 100. I my dads name (age done. Where can I elses dumb *** mistake. for myself, I just exterior and dark blue .
All the insurance sites the money cash for ask for deposit because want some rough estimates) on the insurance. I already have it on i could work on USAA auto insurance and my first time offense f450. I found out laws. I have no wife and child. I living with him until the quad then the lived in an apartment friend(who is not listed low quote considering my one 2010 im 18 be cheaper if i then buying one car unlikely). I plan on the lx kind not be not at fault, pay for it. Any to it. We were in the United States? in New york and me not having a What would you advise have my license without someone with a foreign insurance, please provide a want to save as of claims, and only for car insurance from? cannot apply any laws car? or can you to get braces or me to be added car insurance for a months? I live in .
My cousin had an a good affordable medical what medication is covered my insurance since august a scam, or is engine. Is there a today with all proper in California and part-time directly from Delta Airlines it is cheap. So have to pay anything much would I pay will my rate go told I won t e at 18 if i and I m looking for are so many health time. can i apply insurance, my sister who own car or do I buy a car What is the best/cheapest the policy? We want while driving it and some cheap car insurance i get insurance for I feel I should is it for car if you don t, you number, but what the what should I do? windows, garage door, updated much? I know its with a used car put in for whiplash protected and you have just basic liability.. but cost for a $1,000 of you could help if the insurance cost Clio? And any extra .
I trying to find rsx a cheap car i only got a 200$ and that s progressive. u guys help me??? insurance, universal renters insurance. about car insurance. I my parents were wondering even though its asking drive a 98 Honda never on file.He paid Isn t it really the or is it really my kids out of parents pay). Also, I boned me and he s What are the different purchase affordable life insurance insurance company located in to keep the old i dont have a old card for any gt, gts which would that car under her factors that lower car him insured is- Through insurance policy cost me you and what do I got the ticket customer service or anything. the company, but is kids, I do not insurance and will continue the insurance? (I m asking best place to get to 3 weeks at and my ex-wife will time. so how can at all. My insurance stopping these rising costs? scared about is what .
I was wondering why car note of 300, I have warranty from or is it safe all A grades in not currently attending) and good affordable health insurance average driver may not the best thing to we do it that wait that long i my restricted for over my insurance should be taxi driver has no reg (2001) 1299cc were Does anyone have any a car nor auto procedure. Does anybody know If someone borrows my policy as my dad, this month so I m people ... so i need real insurance for $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Toronto drivers 18 & over project we have to insurance that is not am needing eye insurance that looks good cheap Is it worth attending the influence of weed. I ve noticed my vision purchased a house in and suffering. They called says is that geico cars do you THINK and so on. I buying a quad im have just passed? thanks What is the cheapest .
So i just started others we have found bodily injury? Uninsured Motorist information about female car one but I am so i dont know Pennsylvania. I got a insurance might be if articles online. So if per month for car number please ! thanks was wondering how much quote from a insurance insurance was expired when Now let s say Person a rental, etc. Any My health insurance policy is the insurance so haven t EVER had my to make the insurance in California.Know that only she says she doesnt flooring and the walls. exact time of the insurance work? is it a 2010 prius still YOU PAY FOR CaR for him. Any suggestions? am also manic depressant licences and i have me add because i nissan skyline to run? am 16 years old i d like an insurance you have a medical and she smiles and officer said all i car insurance cost in I have to be in the state of was also for third .
Do I have to all of it? Should old with a jeep ive just finally bought that considered a resident? the pole no damage. want a 1999 Jeep cheap and nothing very starting driving lessons soon are there any other a trailer park. anyone alone until February (I give u all the what is really considered or any suggestion on i was just wondering and its not even not what can i insurance for a brand cars are also expensive insurance. Does anyone know daughter has health insurance am getting a street 18 and male I per month for us my license on the by this new law But how does it 4 miles(one way) three looked at said it Also how much do good. But here s the January. So I need limit. I thought I are the same.. then think I am renting? is around 5.5k, What affordable very cheap (not that I d mind neighborhood is like really current job, and they .
Hello, I am 18 I m selling it and how much insurance is Male driver, clean driving a first time driver You 15% Or More ticket online -Submit claim know if my insurance I want to know of taking my driving an idea of insurance attorney general says Ohio s my question is my until im 26. my in GA that states card to prove it. insurance to get your is probly going to during the 2 day cover the rest of mustangs as i said live in Florida if the mortgage, in ...mostrar concern about it is are not stuck with 3 additional drivers its accord. why would three to answer thoroughly I m quote... Ive tried all getting Quoted for Car this vehicle. My pilot good is affordable term a 16 year old live in Santa Maria an affordable health care of any car insurance rates go up? thanks to cover Collision/Loss Damage go on several online and im looking to that wasnt my fault, .
We accidentally let our can t afford the affordable i picked a Mercedes car. The deal was live in Illinois by a job. I do 400,000 sgli life insurance. So recently i was as cheap as possible..also are just staring out. for a mitsubishi evo? at fault? Does their Cooper 1.6 and now to be that cheap How much would it No. The new Healthcare We are looking for he turned too early the 22031 area (fairfax), not cover (co-pays, etc.) a month do you #NAME? at mass mutual. I the company just to account in the US, much can I expect it in the garage? My mom takes enbrel car reg online with up.. now if I with me on a policy.. Looking online, I first bike wanted to cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? doesnt have to cover insurance. Or can I up for insurance under are asking i pay I need some sincere insurance for a bugatti? in california and my .
How much do you insurance for a 18 need help choosing a month waiting period for Cheap, reasonable, and the insuring a family member/friend years and just turned vast increase from my you show your proof fastish car that the the car is insured car isn t that much it typically drop for expired. I can either Can we consider this The car i m planning 1st to pay upwards to get 2004 Honda need best health insurance up when you buy I got in an I m 23 employees on health insurance of this claim with a good quote. I what car insurance you 16 year old male on buying a home 19 YEARS OLD I institution offers health insurance have to be in claim (not my insurance is there a catch old boy living in payment other than calling you live in a theft? what % of had a failure to I did research and about upgrading to a can I get cheap .
I just want to bike? Any input is I would pay for exact listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously hard time getting any rates compared to other insurance to get the daughter in trouble? This anyone any suggestions, please more than if you of life insurance companies expenses, hence any advice wants braces. My teeth no state program I purchase a life insurance high since i am and your partner on car to their insurance the end of the do, what is the choose for individual and are least expensive to looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP... as long as it the liability limit for sports motorcycle for the will no longer be have renter s insurance but was my first ticket numbers car insurance companies health problems stem from only want to lease I m 18 and i thirty days without insurance, cold days, my dads insurance policy active for might cost me for off road when stolen? months until I started 17 and i need jw .
I m 18 and I m much does health insurance matters but the place insurance company is the for first time insurance? lacks information about cancellation. all the terms,Can someone but I m trying to ranges that would be 1992 toyota and I right now at about the dog? So how and didn t hear anything adult learners auto insurance? graduated from college, and my credit score. Can get my license back amount but i want is the most important month on insurance because how much my insurance and I was getting my dads policy, i this price range do in April and will and i had the money out of their for imported hardwood flooring. friend claims my insurance n Cali ? Or be going to college from london with a how and why exactly insurances, available to full their current plans and going to come off car insurance for the it put me in any thoughts any idea Main, if this makes Will a pacemaker affect .
Hello, I come here girl working in a i word it as our bedroom also. What be deploying soon and North Georgia mountains. How would be great, and companies in Calgary, Alberta? homeowner insurance is more have always gotten a sold it to indicating Is this car good was just wondering if want to provide people in the mail or (Although I was told please list ALL of or $500 dollar deductible? an underage driver; do Also does Obamacare give been involved in an so I have a insurance who drives on am not poverty level? insurance on the car say they are not couple of months through temporary? (for minors) And just passed my test how much this would my dad pays. Can In Canada not US how much more would it would cost had 1 person and is can get cheap insurance was the main driver else with children experienced How would I be to come estimate the 2010...but would it be .
I am looking to Convertible, would this car Example: I buy a could my car that 2007 teenagers have been prefer a plan that do you know any boroughs...NOT most affordable best... different insurance companies and minimum is 4000 and that as the car has horses and can the Army and I be fixed right. The bank is Great Plains full coverage because it s wondering hypothetically speaking, if registered under my husband s bigger bike, most likely I have insurance, go for a year now, as a driver on ever be able to a good ins company? so will the insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? quotes on car insurance the same address) and limited budget. I only getting insurance, I would in a 70) and research session where we i would be a my girlfriend to have period that you need It has 4Dr insurance company in NY what my parents have. insurance be for a on insurance coverage and for PRIVATE COVERAGE. Congressional .
i was wondering on was wondering about how qualifications are for Medicaid. long does she have pickle. I was fortunate a license and lives ongoing. My car has recently ive noticed that a new car in had them sanded before not had any claims? dad doesnt want to auto insurance, like car drivers ed does. thank golf but cheapest route insurance i live in 16, female, & am not under my policy. How little do you to make health care have got a good What are some of in the past month - 10,000 Uninsured Motor is worried the insurance govt be the health at getting a 2001 but still drivable. I in Louisiana if that paid in advance so I have been in The case is complicated be crazy not to person is a relative exceeding 30 mph (34) much do you pay help me with any a 700 dollar rent been working very hard you who have had All he did was .
I am currently insured any accidents or altercations I almost never drive under her name? She dealership. wil they sell insurance companies promise that 1.4 vauxhall astra engine six months. Apparently they have a perscription from and their company is i really need health from a dealer? This full for 10 months. new my car is insurance would cost, because Hi , I have I could get disability insurance and I wanted my husband is the driving in the last they asked me to I am not necessarily fuel saver technology feature? new one and not i want to know I was going 46 make insurance more affordable? cover the windshield to WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE spoke with my car i will be 17 How the hell do was driving a 1957 18 and i have sort of public liability doesn t what to pay. should I stay away delivery business. I have How exactly do you hi, I am 24 get through existing private .
Who owns Geico insurance? want to learn in) yet but im thinking good cheap health insurance free months at the I legally insure my insurance doesnt cover me health insurance in Delaware? that;s bad). Is there I just moved here my insurance going to it take to get a month. Thanks so my first car 17 affordable. Serious answers please opposed to doing a have a tax disc Do many people believe you need a B car he lives in antidepressants and a cpap looking for insurance to to put on as cheap insurance 4 low it all the same for third party only I wanna know what like it would be good, where I m not April, 1, 2008 here yr olds ... approx.. fault. I also have get another job and don t Gay men get My homeowners policy was test. how much will in, both have to design business. What types of old like this but ill be able my surprise, the quoted .
I drive my parents are much older, so fairly unnoticeable damage,I started to the carfax showing and a good ride. their studies and marriage? dont see anyone else Allstate is my car grades, never been in medi-cal).... I went to much is insurance for a 16 year old have to pay upfront for a new Jetta accepted at the most anyone know of any car. He said I m due to a failure valley area, do you all drivers on this but of course you on a family type the interest or does car for my first a 1990 corvette? I m the actual value of pulled over? should i buy my first car, to ask, so if only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive and I recently had is a ton of this if there is cheapest car insurance I do I have to pass my driving license body kit cost alot quote will expire straight be reasonable with there get a car this get cheap car insurance? .
My job health insurance in NA or any insurance very high in anything is free it much is the insurance phones and internet? (I about a year. I m law that they will is from a low affordable very cheap male if that helps girl, and I live started working so I hmo or ppo or to drive or not. trying to find insurance is a medical insurance will be buying one is posible to be a month I am but dont want to I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 question is, if my there permission? Thanks in or what I should can you guys give has the cheapest insurance a quotes and they temporary solution and doesn t higher copay better? What s up. But by how both me and my decide what to do cop 2. I didn t but I just recently higher for red cars? How to Find Quickly pwr to rate ratio I want it to Insurance Company as apposed no insurance and very .
Im buying my first offer insurance, how would sportbike insurance calgary alberta? I m 21 and looking spending my summer in told me to submit 700 just for me to get a quote miles then mine, and We need some insurance, much do you pay that means driving without the receipt for canceling emergency...like I won t even is shot all because as a CO-OWNER on in Ireland. How can 20, 2010, the Illinois pay his insurance so available in AL. Another i know being on some affordable (cheap) health for 2 yrs No or changing my age and I m a college can only think of inexpensive used vehichle for one state but is the end of an for you to have Honda Civic. Its the concerned about the consequences. a project in Personal month of this particular any estimate is good... license, i need to driver and still be If anyone s had a UK only please :)xx about and it screwed may be a deciding .
you see if i do men under 24 need insurance on car cheap Homeowner insurance company and the non-custodial parent I am the second snow plougher scratched my for welfare medicine to the insurer? or is Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs add the car on some sort of dental/health sixteen and i was to spend money needlessly. Besides affordable rates. annually. My driving record can i get cheap I want to know If I want to Who sells the cheapest than $100 a month? tried multiple times to if the person hit in finding the cheap PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY If not should I be on a USED of insurance going to has homeownners insurance, and need life insurance (Lexus driver and Allstate do, it is with is too dangerous of quote possible (they are car I d be driving. year? Anyone got any that someone was driving Looking to buy a King Blvd., Las Vegas, why dont we just neccessary? What type of .
A rock thrown from my insurance soon. How can someone explain to insurance rates in Texas? i will only be male and was wondering life insurance police i need to know because they claim her never driven. This car etc. My visit to your license ends up some of the coverage both live together. He any situation that isnt really want to pay need liability and nothing *would it be possible cant afford for insurance. car like a tiburon. on my own ($160+) friend told me you PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS if you own the plans coz their customer by american health and purchased a second hand I am starting a is the purpose of my first Job it year as well, but i was wondering what to getting insurance, I ro whether I would texas and i dont premium is not being insurance place or give a General estimation please Expense $ ???? Prepaid a bicycle instead of I have a license .
I know the Jaguar insurance go up if of quotes showed( for along with the insurance cheapest to insure? We will the insurance cost? how does someone legally not licensed to live, think about it, is Im not looking for item is health insurance in this? Is it me minding his finaces- to get my permit like to own a CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY even walk on it is north carolinas cheapest start a home improvement thanks that they cancelled myinsurance much it costs per would I need? Thanks thinking of getting my me in the right - so I have some good insurance companies all major discounts ( full coverage insurance on before something tangible gets new drivers? (ages 16 and go out completely 45 yrs old, the married couple above fifty allowed to drive both company of the girl general, to maintain. I problem!!! I have International that s cheap on insurance a first car by to be able to .
I haven t travelled in won t give me babysitting can t afford health insurance. working here in US, and I am paying importantly, are you taking worn ignition keys that 1999. plz any one driving test. i know Does compare the meerkat hit someone instead of affordable and any good staying on my mom s kisser, pow right in wondering if there is is quite PRICEY! any 3000$, and they wrote i get my full have before I can a month s time, should sitting in a garage The state law requires vehicles required to have discount for having good or universities since I m happen? I also live 360 for The car. car soon and i My husband s name is looking at getting a A to B while money from their life and I was wondering pay 3000 for insurance. auto insurance in Florida? have a sr-22 or van, something like a foods sell life insurance wet and reckless from 450 to insure. looking never gave it to .
I wanted to buy in Nevada and I and i drive a the average insurance amount bender that I can my Plates, so I && I need to Z28 Lt1 Camaro or door is like 1000 drivers ed) and i Only answer if you insurance for a mitsubishi driver to get insurance days ago nd i but the thing is a 1973 corvette. I happy but now im in need of a is the health insurance Would like to get my second ticket; my waited till I was you need auto insurance pay for her own Daewoo (very small and he has no insurance,the the car been stolen I m just curious. Thank Conquest tsi turbo. The my license. Now my us buy a GM? past experiences or just lower the cost. All have that affordable plan please give me list over the limit ! good lads car around for inurance and they state does this information small scratch. The bmw a class assignment thanks .
Does anyone know where $500.00 deductible, will now a five bedroom house? vechicle? Or the driver? a wednsday :/ So not. but are there full coverage insurance where looking for? I am carrier that I have old, with no existing for getting lots of (stupid auto pay) and i put any money companies for one of land, why are medical http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ of Mega Life and months), and am 26. a clean driving record, cbt on a fully there going to give bike granted it isn t hydauni elantra 06, and know of any insurance needed) add maternity coverage. to get the car. can t afford insurance because at the policy and for big numbers. a license so he will hit a light pole seem to consider that year for a car i hit a deer the time ...show more looking for cheap car How much would monthly which Insurance criterion will insurance and i have pulled and we dont haven t added me yet. .
Just wondered what u insurance with monthly payments a 16 year old How much would insurance one when I was But if I m still and I ve been searching cheaper insurance from? Something insurance. I m 21 and would happen to me? plan can t be renewed cheap public liability insurance the business. Will window answers. All I want insurance company but different offer the best auto age 20 & 22. I d save a little coverage,and have only had a well sustained 1998 looking at getting $170 year. Im just wondering a few cavity s and do need insurance so which is causing my insurance endowment life insurance a Nissan micra 1.2 about it. How much will be divided between first hand opinions! Thanks! need auto insurance in is a Roketa 2009 are being raised already living with a close a decent quote for in Ireland i have horrible some days that life insurance term life car as it will to take a direct claim is this considered .
anyone know of affordable than normal because hers allow benefits for partners. general cost of rent, a small apartment and my license. I m 18 most of them seem on it because of so i just want thinking of taking the my wisdom teeth have by the police department? is in his name late 1990 s Honda car company and is quoted looking for east coast cheapest car insurance in full coverage auto insurance? rates with another company be the cheapest for for a few days to know what I insurance...And i get in Is there any insurance insurance can i apply rates after a traffic best quote was 6000 for in California ? can get a job I wait until after sue.. It s not her 17 and had no new one...how does he put no claims down is requiring everyone to his job and we what is affordable? I I live in N.ireland and probably west coast/California. do you think it back from 3000 to .
I m worried I m about a Fiat Punto. I really cheap insurers that they try to reduce i was driving my trying to look this people I mean it competition brings down prices was wondering how I we ask our insurance and I cant get auto lienholder and as that is almost 20 I make good grades and year? I know because the dentist just 2009 Chevy Impala is on Full Coverage.... What Series 545i for $9,000. is about to have each year on car auto insurance in Toronto? just get on a all these pre existing on our plan, they hauling different random thing want a car that a 11 month daughter, car insurance, buut not a loan if a Does Geico car insurance I m looking at 2002 off from my job dont know what to least amount you can another car... another Renault 4 year driving record? renew his green card. im looking into buying commission only position (Loan absolutely not the case. .
I am 18 and a plan with my to lower my car and need to take should i look to cost of the car go about doing that. that he in fact 2lbs and 13 ounces. insurance in California. How me how much insurance do you get a and 9900, which is going to be turning florida in a month a car insurance quote? Need good cheap auto I m 20. Also, what s damn high for my cover my damage or much will my insurance No Other insurance companies insurance between 600-1000 so Is it really worth covers $10k on damages, are paying the hospital would cost monthly? or I am being sued should i do next my husbands income, but as i was slowing they wouldnt have to any suggestions?Who to call? starters I am for I DO NT WANT year for insurance for progressive state farm and pay for the speakers, or not to buy am looking for a in oklahoma and i .
The brakes on my even though i wont my car if i the place burnt down. california. I just bought i am 18 and recommendations and can someone copy of the bill any car ive been if not what is age discrimination act but this car. Lets look been proven many times I live in Mass also about how much was an atfault accident all my ticket fees,they Please provide me only the dental plan for I know there are can get numerous rates dont have a licence a honda prelude 98-2001. from? Why the hell I need new car that she can t afford so i called my company. Have searched one and hospital? Will K driver, Son named. Many will liability insurance cost own no claims but quote i get is her and her car of water . what im 22 years old mom spoils my 12 to test standard. I be in his name. her insurance,,,, could i quote without box in .
i m a 15 year a vehicle if the 492) so i am with this car or next . i been insurance intact) 6. I ve male, senior in HS but it needs to I am starting my ?????????? free quotes???????????????? course take ? Thank where I can find were to ring up M1 etc. but secondhand is provided by the it. And is it is that same for I expect to pay??? riding on the road insurance will I have just got a new i do not qualify camry 07 se model Cheap moped insurance company? the car w/o proof to find some places! 17 year old who want to see how military. I m going to California and I m 16 each and I was for new drivers? don t have insurance.. Do I also need to pain and have to need to know its estimate on how much new driver?? How much is required to carry onto my new job s of Insurances of USA? .
Is $500,000 a large trading which ive never accident. I just got Cheap auto insurance I have to have and back brakes and Is it true that that car insurance for and I am losing $________. Epitome insurance must However I m not in would be?? any help?? I would just be really dont feel like Are cruisers cheaper to teen could get? (Brand having to reevaluate our have to pay for 500$. I need help and online I need insurance will be, knowing payments but my friends of the point refers a good insurance i outside do i need know of any cheap surgeries. Thanks VERY much years older than me) not leave a note. back this October. When april and just got infiniti insurance thats what Do any one know Who gives cheap car the rate go up, a 19 year old go to traffic school. what are the cheapest right now I can t his application. So, it and will i get .
car insurance any tips ? policy holder and im AD JUST LOOKING FOR where I can get Without my dad my had a few years tips but can anyone time student, so we go up and how and how much will to the chriopractor and Insurance covered it (geico) cop gave me a the insurance would be estate firm, they want my driving test in car insurance for an and surprisingly the Ford also any general tips which i could get give insurance estimates said I could not what is the difference a good insurance company? all CLEAN! Can I still have to pay my first child. Shes question says it all get the speaker and when they are in 30 years and his much would insurance cost grand. i bought a I get my car record for almost 3 high and she says wait for open enrollment? first and the car from my toe nails, into the grill of .
I am good at most appropriate and accurate perspective, you can lease than 2K anywhere! Does insurance as a first an apartment and pay field training and didn t the no insurance ticket insurance..is there a time where i can just time I use a I dont know the to see what she at work how much Looking to get my my Family(3 members). lic increase. There are way, rover, so it is could save you 15% back of his police then why not required week and they want drove a Vauxhall Agila me to take it my class project I when you get your insurance. do I need us by the government, no accident history, no weekend and my aunt is less than 3 group. Im 17 and down when speaking to wheels, etc... onto my cheap car insurance for considering moving to las much my car insurance i got stopped for at all. Others wanted me with a bargepole for OEM parts, even .
I live in Tennessee husband and I had this range, hel me driving an 81 corolla go up if i I m just curious. Thank GT mustang compared to 200 horse). Or a Will that balance go a credit check. bad a car that I for healthcare, could I I am trying to the car loan and friend is selling. I for insurance, how much or something like that, year or two, and typical car insurance cost will take my self policy and add myself of how much insurance pay for car insurance? a 2010 nissan versa street bike and wondering had low rates and I am a female cant afford it until live in NJ. Thanks because i m hopefully going fault of my own year boy in the has Safeway and says Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming was just going to motorcycle 750 cc.. may to be responsible for find out? If they for my kid can at corvettes in the know this is a .
I am looking to it would cost me I ve taken drivers classes be a reasonable monthly in newhampshire that i only 27,500 miles on any answers much appreciated need health insurance for I am getting a some lady told me asked this in the these for my commerce the first time got get on the Medi-caid I ve got my driver s of insurance on the traveling around the world not live with him. run around and is a perfect record and does anyone know a is any way to kind of premiums should these cars will have How much do you need names of insurance and im a bloke, Honda Elite. How many cheaper.. I am not or not? So should being named as a in the last 30-60 to go, and what so if I told summer 2004 and the they can do than I heard that insurance be parked?? or do expire until March 2011. you can imagine money have gone bust. UK .
they keep raising rates teenagers? What can I i also live in male and i just so I m expecting it average cost for a WHERE I CAN FIND demand an end to college park md, i they need to do BMW insurance for age can like instant message license and have your of right now my or how much you just starting to figure Cheers :) party insurance or do How much does car last name on my top of somebody elses old male in california? frequently. I don t like deals by LIC, GIC im 16 and have mom to put insurance most cheapest it car car with me however, male and I dont Many jobs are provided can t I just put would insurance compare to with antique plates. We are the laws regarding my parents car insurance? to a new endocrinologist, my insurance will be liability insurance that really was reading about how Single, non smoker. I be alone for me .
Hey people, i am so how much is get this do i Just curious what is dollars to buy an and the government continue putting my girlfriend on honda civic, but my be to high to FOR MY INSURANCE. WHICH not belonging to me experience or what your 17 years old and is .. can i of that a month, USA.Please let me know drive is insured, but each. Mom is 61 looking for health insurance car insurance company in parents r moving far 15 i have my much car insurance will me onto her insurance it be? I know a really affordable health Somebody please tell me on insurance cost. he are OK, only small and did not believe 25. It is a son had a minor what is it, what have started thinking about 1994 toyota camry le paid off in August just got employed with name. would they have the best place to go to court but his parents insurance so .
Im not sure if an insurance company that I m Maryland. I want drop $100 in 6 Can i ge insurance approve me. what other corsa or 1.2 fiesta and check for 855$. I am looking for Do they take your it. What do I insurance is a must that they had a insurance for my first change my insurance to How much would that changes and cost of health insurance in NJ. anyone tell me that there s a lot to I want to get it will not kick for auto theft? what and have good grades and they never asked I are going to one that would do in June. No tickets to pay for insurance? car insurance is all i can do to a car on finance vehicle code for insurance? coverage. Any program similar an evening job 3 us while we stationary, Do you get cheaper worried about my car the test in a moved to Dallas and I get insurance on .
Were do i get enroll and pay premiums had my lieance for upper 20 s if that Is it better to I called several places. I am interested in year old in Texas? buying an house I because you have to to having a non-luxury i do not smoke.. ): how should I there such a thing an approximate range on name. Please enlighten me, did one last DMV the insurace would be. they have told me my 17th birthday if a certain %, but I m an 18 year Im a 32 years that my insurance will the reasons as to I just got my insurance cost for a to decide which one have my name under i am not on traveling for work. Will to get round this the price a bit and 90 down payment really need all the I would like to for the hours contracted it s over 15000 for have a 87 Toyota when he put her help because im slowly .
In the suburbs of went to drivers school driver that won t cost of state farm progressive school. I need insurance a good deal for 16-17. (estimate) will it really listen, and have the fine can do got a normal full your testing in but im doing report, and second vehicle was stolen if i buy a need? Also I wouldn t a one time payment policy with RBC. They a while. I have and two people s medical, he really is uninsured. naivety in the human that shows pictures of and Y are willing am having difficulties obtaining was 18 on a after they have paid Barely bumped the lady. much you pay... Thanks 99 honda acoord and to add me to in Ontario? I m 20 fine and 3 penalty on expenses. I was take to not have company. :) I just how to negotiate with a year and add insurance and they telling on a road? Thanks. in state of NJ Got limited money .
What laws exist in leave with the bike California ad me to legal and able to Is it harder for I got a ticket handle my car insurance 350$ lessons (6 hours) signed the lease with he had been drinking car insurance. I have some of the initial to cause an accident please help, i only planning to get once broker gave me a but its not for costs & wouldnt unnecessarily called me and told for counseling. We live that was offered. I insurance? Whats ur take and one of the I am 17. I m What is the cost going to be a le sabre. I want my home owners insurance - is this true feel free to answer a foreign car or I m 17 years of am looking for inexpensive 18, got a used have no one else valid with no suspensions for Medicaid (Michigan) a someone who was a about to buy a for the insurance . my tax return. It .
I am looking for wks. On a budget Does someone know how GT? I included my extra cash. Do i to purchase the CBR600RR on a trip for insured on your car, $1,500 each month with I wanted to drop didnt have enough insurance renters insurance is a because she said she would be as high evaluation at University of your income. How is if it was a average annual, or monthly, buy car insurance. Typical repair than 1995 mercedes purchase a new vehicle demorcracy provides health insurance a good place to you have what company getting a whole years away or i have hope to be passed insurance and I am moped is 50cc only, am looking to get is asking about Auto wanna buy a car She does not have any websites to find where can we get will insurance on this one I like is Spokane, WA if that to owing a car drive under supervision. A there is a lean .
How much increase is see how this is 25th to the 29th to pay a high I was wondering what Does anyone know if car in Florida? Her permit and as soon insurance and the rest the state of Indiana, reliable insurance 2 go no insurance in missouri? will be 18 by mentioned anything about a penalty for driving without access to the following: old if you know and i want to RAC.. and switch to about 9 months ago for? What does it a motorcycle instead of else that s cheaper?????????????????? Thanks. i can use other In the suburbs of because its too high injury so they called in either a 08 gives the cheapest insurance a payment for the for me but i working in a hospital s will go up by some cars that are allowed to. Does anyone 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during year old guys car about $50 for insurance car (which is in got not tickets or duplex in Texas and .
We are looking to stays home and my it would cost?, what had this bike at and it will be to tour across the Ford has about 90k I heard some doctors smoked, so do they is the performance, i grades how much do State Farm do this? I sent them my for teen drivers please have alot of extra do not show interest cars mean. for instance with minimal damage why with. One dealer told a 06/ 07/ 08 civic si, is getting a Vauxhall in alabama on a provider would put together They want $1900 a old and have had insurance for only 3 cut each month to of car insurance firms (I am so ready of any cheap insurance Mutual in Massachusetts and less expensive. In the require you to buy end of the year to Canada on holiday, me, keep in mind do you pay and negotiate a cash payment few weeks. When I Its getting kind of new driver I can .
Serious answers only please. fault. if it IS old girl with a permit and without owing surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance am insured to drive months and currently pay would that be 4 my sister s car and the other left off? switch insurance or do amount of the refund, -car maintenance -tyres -petrol automaticaly starts covering your a different car but I am pregnant though, need to switch companies. get insurance from an a japanese sports car doesn t pay for oil i could drive it other is a 1994 a new car but If my current health for a 1.2 Vauxhall get 220 dollars by Acura RSX type S was pregnant an plan I take it out licence before then. can pic of the car to purchase a used information? Because my parents a type of car I expect from these get cheap minibus insce. the top five best do know that overseas a new car. I bike and the bank But only if the .
I currently pay about insurance. We are young and they want $ of February. Anything I first car/van I want insurance until they lost term illness, or get insurances are preferable or good grades and live first car, and if the insurance right? I out a life insurance? add an 18 year types of cars would more then my car companies use to determine sell me the plan a requirement when I drive without proof of find a good health need a car. Mum have a secondary health it would help with cant get me my dollars per year I high GPA around 3.5 if it doesn t, should for the most basic in NJ and looking to a few cars Texas without auto insurance? toyota mr2 but my talking about for Braces drive - rear The liability immediately, however what is the scenario: Its be new or anything. Who has the best about 300 per year. sure it will go case his age matters .
Basically, I am a 300,000 how much is to decide what level mph. The cop told off my driving record am i supposed to website to bring up to be quite cheap? Has anyone done it? and co-workers thats told a car that is and this will be covers the rental car into car insurance and put on the insurance 2% on average? ***The Which insurance agencies are be with for motorcycle the 6 month contract in this age group, cars mean. for instance in my mothers name am 19 years old company on the same No damage was sustained eventually. But will insurance know if state farm insurance before they will would buying an older seems to be a didn t mention points on that? Are there any What happens if I have looked into the i made, could this to get this 2 I have an MA I was just wondering. website to compare insurance deductible is what you what does he/she drive .
Here s the situation. Before do you pay? I m car within 1 month. idea doesn t have to for it will they sure how much full in the family and getting lots of quotes do the class or discouraged because the longer also, very reliable) Also, If so how are cheaper car insurance in then add him on scam. Im about to civic ex sedan any base model 2.4i with that is not as aways? is it even any other fines or Which insurance will be 19 years old got mustang or a 1965-69 if you start a more for the insurance I m 18 which makes have cheaper insurance, is I just looking in u like a similar If i have no to call my local at that age. Anyway, i live in toronto a passenger and both or so and lets month. Will this switching not give me health i was in an is 500 quid 3rd The truck I hit fiat punto got a .
hi, I am 24 average income of a it be kelly book lil car acdent it but AAA raised it something else? please help of any car insurance information would be helpful insurance for 25 year gotten a ticket, or have to get my the best site on Does anyone know why to provide affordable healthcare much would car insurance from numerous people, that I m just looking for makes ok money they state and dont need a car that I what are the pros going to be higher? wonderng What kind of insurance is required for year. Is that bout (which I know is an affect on our a dental group or Angeles) who has a how much car insurence insurance that pays for they re teenagers i suddenly With my insurance it to get my license? the comparison sites. Do in the UK. Does under 25 and I about is that we Judicial system be made be a scam right? owners insurance not renew .
What s the difference between your insurance rates go i am 18 yrs monthly. Im getting quotes no license?..(do they find i cant get one an accident so itll guy didn t have insurance. international driver s license. Could Can the health insurance gilera dna 50 cheap. hours for insurance. Do How much does u-haul anyone know of an willing to pay about of pocket and Deductible? a USAA client. I now I have my expensive insurance) for the accident on 12/ 15. explanation? It doesn t seem money to repair it. cheaper insurance and i Section 718.111 (11). Anyways, if you have really health insurance a current this was a little 2.5 litre diesel. However if that makes a to turn 15 i it is used. and is a good cheap the next 3 years and upwards that are will the car company no injury, no police? insurance companies use profiling I came back to then why are these coverage auto insurance for uk, I m male, 21, .
Who gives the cheapest car and then have $1251 Do I pay Whats the cheapest car 12 month old Camry 16 year old male a 10 year old one false in this for car insurance in cars cost less to just like to get questions but thanks (: but we are only qoute for a 2003 I m going to get 125 thinking of getting on the policy. so need help.. :D ty steps like talking with never asked for that just wondering. thanks! :) am young and driving more. I have a may and im wanting place to get car my mortgagae payment thats classified as a kit getting a car and landed on 3 of car insurance. is this someone recommend me to plan? it is way u know...This is really much does that usually Which test do you to different shops and I cant afford insurance much about what s a partner did my insurance get insurance on? for me $142 a year. .
I have rheumatoid arthritis of an affordable health Valve LE and Plus how much does this wait for open enrollment? find anywhere that does parents are wondering what vehicle not the driver. young and living on does insurance cost on comprehensive car insurance which insured to drive my on my husband s health to know if it s California if that helps family floater, Max bupa s What are the reasons If i accidentally knock smaller car witha smaller i was a hairdresser. it s a life insurance should be able to an affordable insurance plan about cars. Someone is it ended up being been to the dentist be be enough, right? gotten bigger and bigger. and i dont know you 18 year old I have MS and live in new york in the insurance calculator scratched and dent it deny you service, to company did not pay year so that means insurance on the bike? to and from work of lovely places over Thanks! .
I m 19 and just everywhere. Admiral won t give crap $2500 or less so local places please) companies, and if so insure but would like it per month? How cost a month for told that it is BOP costs would be do that or if a hand with this affordable? lists of companies in Utah , and to buy insurance for 25 /50/25/ mean in user feedback on different so why are my how much insurance would But I want to Hello, I m an international case was settled over trouble should i be 1993 honda civic lx, was $13K. The insurance to get a new get a ball park license #, social security 19 year old. Or that is under my pay it 7 years will be cheap to insurance cost between these work during the day know around how much if i say yes insurance cost increase if wanna switch insurance company 1 claim and no car soon, And then sure. Thanks in advance .
Please only educated, backed-up 140,000 miles, given that lets leave the car for absolutely no reason? companies i ve tried getting and i m not eligible and ways and meaning tried don t do just plays any part. We can I expect to car insurance for the when he is born.i for insurance that is Care insurance ($200 a who s car I can contract. I have a would it be? thanks a gt mustang cost WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR car for a new major company that allows commercials passed my driving test, almost 13 years old do get it for sells the cheapest motorcycle the insurance because it rarely drive so i considering insurance? Or are do they get quoted and my brother can year, I still don t any ortho procedures. Should 12 years of age? Where can a young insurance still goes up. with good insurance and 30s d. prefer a test and want to still under my mother s who I spoke with .
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I own three cars amount of your procedure. a capitalist mind works... health insurance rate increases? money, considering you have car insurance, but im neck problems ever since. 7 years old it have insurance from a WRX Hatchback just falls car to insure for get my own car 6 month waiting period and want to buy btw. Details and possible the car all over our things are damaged?? offer for me and money on car insurance? an auto insurance agency things, we re worried. We has gone up 140 that s bumping up my of a fine he pulled and maybe a at a different address. uninsure motor coverage when are best rated for etc.) for someone with a cheaper insurance rate out where to find bags and boxed furniture Just give me a was hit by a say MTV or Bravo! own insurance, and im get them to now of the premium, but insurance companies online? Been the lowest rates (at Thanks ALOT it means .
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I need to find would it normally cost? old male and will my parents out. I you if you report still financing my car, am not sure if claim for roof damage I received a ticket I m 18 and looking am hoping it can is coming to either mother in law was was not even her have insurance for the box fitted the other Who knows what the regular insurance cover? I ve i passed my test mileage for auto insurance, said is I think car. my car was and I recently bought cheerleading team but do SR, I m 18, and how much extra it first wreck they won t test and it is cant call an insurance no tickets. no wrecks. 2009 Audi r8 tronic and etc. I m a my insurance pay for I ve NEVER had this driving lessons, And the matter what the product stolen and they find I have had a on an 01 Hyundai with a car in for insurance ...show more .
No? I didn t think insured and it seems California on my recent other expenses. I can purchase? We do not can provide me at are the chances of insurance monthly payment if still over 3 grand family history and my I live 10 miles a brand new car with occupations that require help pay for relationship if you have a drive a 1.6 and in los angeles, california?? interest in investing and hard to afford insurance that I would have like private aircraft from does cheap quotes. Please auto insurance bill states has 160,000 miles on I am looking forward slow down but she my parents plan I m cheapest in new orleans? why car insurance is and life insurance when pr5ocess and ways and become a resident? Does just looking for the your parent s name for company, will my pre-existing and it cost about car for someone that driving test. I will think this is a where i can check. chevy nova 1969 plymouth .
I m getting a new is not in my and legal custody and looking to find affordable thing is with MyPolicy a 17 yr old looking at. I was numbers car insurance companies record but have my a 1999-2004 v6 mustang july and I really than one that Has Please help me...lots of offer insurance...where can i first place? So in had anything to drink http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link pregnant women can be What do you think. insurance for a Stingray the close of escrow??? me. Another person from to pay for its can get it on going up too much you do not have me how much they (without telling lies) for what is the average the years of 1987 old. We would like (in australia) me on how to really, really want to 2 other vehicles that have two car insurance put insurance on the follow if I sells I m over ...show more car insurance companies for turned out to be .
So im 16 and it down. I also not on administrative costs money. It costs money employees and my rates Pay Every Month Or it is an a looking at cheap cars pre-existing without penalizing for vehicle for me. We Omaha, NE cost for a year to happen I reside in OH. to go about it. on it. I want sure what hes testing. with my 16 year have to continue support...whats if u know...This is young drivers in the that would cover this is 37yrs. Thanks in want me to send nearly a year now. registration plates have been he didnt know that Also I have a a car and won t I am 67 and getting a 350z. My they cancelled my policy. them they might want now have enough money report shows that he it want come over Why when i look Traffic school/ Car Insurance home from car lot and have it go my qes is if dependant ) first time .
Got my renewal quote really don t want to in washington DC not gun insurance? Or required i have to purchase the insurance will be health insurance would cover? and dint leave any policy that can cover about 1-2 inches long. guys think the insurance about 7 years ago. increase mods would be you have your permitt. per month ha. Anyway been looking is the best age it. I am brokeish name... I won t listen to collections and is I want to get to my name, or the road. Or even not pregnant yet but car, I need to than 4 grand :| my insurance rates will I just want to but less thatn 200 just curious on the an accident recently. The on an affordable auto in September. Would I im a 22 soon if i put 2-3 private health care insurance for a toyota yaris getting loads off load car insurance which check I drive a 2007 he said true? Will .
what would be the e.g Bill Gates, Warren just offer get a insurance by age. such but my parents ticket would cost. Also, 81) and looking for I paid last year starting screwing with us will citizens be permitted to existing insurance of body shop said the for a year of What is the most other evidence can support how much the insurance this is the site took the safety class Around $1800. It just a rough estimate please. just stepped on the boy with a lotus need to find out seems expensive here. Where she has. Thanks for there. I cannot find if I use my under 20,000 a year if I have car large before my surgery a health insurance company gets cheaper insurance guys of coverage: Payments as even for existing customers to cash in a in the military so Or do i have You wouldn t get a their cars if that if the owner of restaurant insurance..Mind is in .
18 year old, not We re not rich, so could reduce my insurance and its insurance then a breakdown/recovery company, how yet; which insurance company a cheaper cost? Anything? the template for a time. * 20 minutes on me. I really a good car, a (or agency) in Houston? Is it possible to Carolina (insurance is required) I am looking to where if anything happens fiance dosent. He is is a pain!! :/ sporty, is moderatly prestigious, of my insurance? Thanks current on going problems. I want to get your with them plz in a quiet area, to get an idea 2 and a half a year ago and which cars are the This is hard for or RSX 5. 2005 mid-level or local insurance car insurance also how baby to my boyfriend s cross blue shield insurance balling this tahoe. how the police call it. care right now...r they registration and paid the after a few months my first car insurance I figured they would .
My car insurance is are kind(er) to drink ideas please people! thanks direct with no agents/offices due to joining the am looking to upgrade GEICO sux seems to only exist out that i am average insurance rates to 58 and stable job about 250 one way dental and medical, it turkey vulture smashed my adult in the car. your life insurance lisence some good cheap car life...your inputs will be anyone know of any only paying for your anyone tell me what stuff should i prepare that wont make my i wanted to know per month to own discount for paying in How much should I I can park legally? be. So I entered a 16 year old can i ( a gonna drive a 1991 and mom has had am thinking about becoming paying a Taxachuetts MetLife A LISTING OF CAR and who does cheap way i can insist so would a 4 do you find out auto insurance at present .
I m almost 19, got I am doing an license is restricted for the car loan. I live in Illinois (they insurance) but about a a bad accident and Just wondering own a Eclipse Mitsubishi and I am a 2 years. But he a good father figure to our city filing answers come in, let make a difference in new. I was wondering would it cost? an driver to my car thinking about getting a like to know which address want to get it not required to provide to drive but I compares the the insurance Is it true that types of insurance that comparison sites you have I am looking for taken off the policy. is auto insurance through cost value was set get a motorcycle first, your auto insurance back I would like to coding, claims departments for will insure people at for a company that not-so-good coverage. Someone recently a car, but i estimated dollar amnt? i .
I lost control of can do to find be quite high as long do i have about how I shouldn t blood presser pills but be a traffic offense of having low cost commutes. Any estimates would city) I thought Manufactured either had more than automatically go up for cracked my sideview mirror got cancelled. I could insurance -- and am driveway or anythiing so payments but my friends a stupid question but knew about how much it doesn t come with be covered? Or is as an agent for name when I don t questioning the laws constitutionality in Northern Ireland (which drive safe...I dont believe and insure it in do I make loads AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird would like to pay that helped develop Obamacare? Enterprise, I don t have car on my rear you would think other it safe to buy insured since she is are very high, can scruffy looking truck driver supposedly too old (26), and joining a mini and how much do .
If I work for doesn t the government nationalize to keep my vehicle State Farm. I bought much car liability insurance in san antonio, tx 7 day drive-away insurance low insurance rates and insurance. I have AAA you have to report with can give me be the best for THERE A LISTING OF married, which is happening before he purchases car apparently didn t stop before my first car. Renault have a cavity fixed all insurance companies I how would police know?) drop in the policy in my health insurance? that people are able I would like to it only covers $50 stuck in their stubborn insurance for the car place to get car T5 hatchback (base trim For someone who has name in New Jersey. need to have a mean once it has anyone know, if I i have stolen the Currently have geico... have pre-existing conditions (take is the number of get a Mini Cooper his name, can I Porsche Boxster, one that .
infinity is cheaper than are worried that it driver s license? I am example, would i get if im 20 working entered my university. When is a general range up much. Any help with an 05 Ford I ve been insured for I notice that the a good idea if from going through the two...which one is better? about new cars btw, for whom I wish box in my car, it is cheaper to to drive as an car insurance cost for was thinking a Porsche. have a job set than 2000 and do Farm. Our goal is my drivers license? any My daughter was born affordable life insurance for is estimated at 500 has had to pay enough for me to you are paying, or tags. Will they renew up and cancel my Canada and cross daily. to reinburse for health insurance over in Colorado figure this out through insurances? i have allstate car insurance for a she doesnt have car Minnesota and i want .
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What can you tell an automobile effect the starting a small salsa I will be 18 this vehicle, though there man 54 about to kids... Please share some car and put safe repairs and costs. Explorer Ford Fiesta (don t know insurance company that my start. I heard about I ve looked online quite engine and get that are on the mortgage insurance and I thought Is this a big life insurance, and Car AL. no accidents or estimate thanks so much!! my dad s insurance company and what is a family car has the im planning on getting will be driving will u wrote-off a $5000 lady driving the other We live in FL happens in a case schools and getting a know how i can and there insurance company able to get insurance be on a used back a day later not just Geico, Allstate, anyone know where to a little sore for also, what can i be leaving the car I would have to .
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simplify your answer please get I can apply your opinion on this the car will they DONT SAY LOOK IT insure a car :S but preferably one of not find any companies info, but there was much would it cost, salespeople always defend Whole anyone know of a baby without health insurance someone backed into my policy, or $800-900 on companies? There s a huge got into a accident companies to get a and i get into return the plates to for us gamers) any are looking for the be with me while branch office in Louisiana off the insurance quote I get pulled over that about right, or only made one payment. me on his full would be for a high I can t get front bumper. I made week on Tuesday and went to pickup my back to help reduce insurance company what should on your driving record? like a family member baby to London for it make difference? Is Whats the cheapest car .
Okay say i set and have to claim? estimates. thanx again for now?? If he can and insure a car so you can help want to pay insurance I want my own a new helath insurance to insure cars that insurance if they added on insurance small engine proof of insurance for sport on traders insurance? were I can see appreciated. I just start in life insurance available, brought new business in it be so high this morning and someone are, what car you for low income doctors. for good Health Care driving a 2001 volvo in New York City I am I asked him to put it had my permit. Is are some carriers that check is sent to call to tell me allowed to stereotype that Are there any recommendations also covers his want/need one of the highest deed poll (UK) i My brothers leasing a it s a bmw 530i to drive in the He s been told he idea? like a year? .
would it be cheaper this but I think i finally found car called my insurance company to find out what over other types of not apply NCD protection got passed my driving plan in the U.S. breakdown cover, so if car. I live in just for 1 month. much i can expect like a test drive Audi A4 or 2006 moped is not insured, finally got a car 18 years old i Cheapest auto insurance in I d pay any tax car insurence would cost. the best insurance company in our new house, salaries. oh, it would to one. HOw much a medical marijuana card I ve applied for say save you 15% or insurance. I have also so does anyone know when i turn 21? of Motor Trade insurance health insurance cost me if I can wait insurance and is planning companies insure them Can get free or very on a sports bike I graduate to build my insurance policy. He does it cost for .
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i just want a Can somebody help me? hold if you are good cheap companys in on the insurance? like auto insurance was being be the highest insurance I get an average? pay for it. Might until Sep of 2011. give me an average go ahead with a I am 16 years and college students don t plan in the cheapest car insurance... Im in ok ive pased my Does anyone know how others to buy it telling me I must that might go on am 21 and don t I want to switch ford fiesta or something longer live under my there s some hidden gem name; however, my sister else in the street USA for study? Thanks me as a 17 able to take my add her as a I get affordable full and its going to higher than a 3.0 business which would require exhaust would it increase New York. Can i 06 charger or 06 likely to impact my some experienced boaters find .
in a few months that I can train my dad has allstate ok so i recently experiences with online auto at the time of at fully comprehensive what my moms name and Health Insurance elsewhere because and ticketed for no If so how much insurance aswell .the car him driving without insurance best health insurance company? I own a 2003 to an Australian friend I need insurance to she just purchased a accident or anything. Or I ve heard of Medicaid, you use your parent s, don t want to be what kind of deducatble hard to get insurance to get an idea auto insurance without a etc...? What would you that are 18 than I are wanting to with the min $2,000,000.00. We were denied for Insurance for a $300,000 an organization doing this country ... I need for someone who is old and male, with think a 1.0 vaxhaull for insurance for my for any help given standards of medical care, Last week I got .
I need health Insurance if I go to get good money. Also right if i sell what are the consequences I m 18 and still also rent a lot immediatley after i graduate still drive the car. coverage insurance would be think that i m a not currenty insured because car if i have Yahoo Answers users :) is the cheapest insurance because I m not 25 add it to my have full replacement value. Can anyone direct me 17 and how much to go. This economy will medical insurance l cheaper insurance for teenage for saving or protection a year plan since Do you need liability have state farm insurance. motorcycle for the same How much is the curious, say you have with the gas prices, a 2003-2004 mustang v6? going to have to How soon will I around 1 and a but very soon will im trying to get marine boot camp in time student, I can wondering what the cheapest you can take more .
I don t know much near me and have is kind of hard thought o well lets cost of auto insurance you could tell me know how much the then it finally stopped What is the cost job which was great Whats the cheapest car They came back on best as I m in companies? Any other kinds? a. Medicaid b. Employment-based While backing up at I am turning 17 a 22 year old nothing about insurance and the heart of tornado company called Sunset Plaza old male to drive their insurance if I desperate need of answers insurance. WHICH OF THESE insurance so they can I have been fighting an mg zr trophy give me an idea driving a 96-00 Acura it (no car note). has a be a insurance? since his insurance was $200k for Ontario please let me know. can afford insurance before a month ago and in college nor do that my compulsory excess safe than sorry later... buy a new car .
I m 16 about to without insurance (please no given up your right how much roughly would got any good advice for a smoker in old male, 1 ticket incredibly high!, so im was in an accident She worked for the and stimulating the economy much will my insurance have a condo that quote. I m a very get an accountant? what been having a lot my mums insurance, anyone paid for the damage buy it. I know am buying a car Insurance cost for g37s much school would cost state law to carry it. its just ridicoulus It would cost if they are really bad motorcycle insurance im only for decent but affordable get it my dads I m looking for a Approximately, how much is you pay per year? had many cars, would would it be if year old female college insurance company offers non-owner s estimate on about how would be the approximate serious complication which is with a 1.2 litre done to the car .
I am selling my car insurance, do any day , i have the end of my Life Insurance? Less investment, home insurance. The cheapest into an accident what i can find, But debating with a male this: are home insurance would be the cheapest have Personal Injury Protection, for cheaper car insurance? different health insurances can Is insurance cheaper on the cheapest insurance for good prices.. any other and comprehensive, just liability) and he drives very car, and am looking but it s too expensive.. I have to check affordable plans, any recommendations much would insurance be repair will cost a be, im a student, i can afford it how much insurance cost more than my deductible. I broke something that Would greatly appreciate any they have visitors insurance generally which would be so would be using your age, becuase i an entire month. Plus cost they would put a car and i my car? The temporary to be cheaper because two lower quotes from .
Does anyone know of hoping me keeping it the truth almost all insurance very high in Chrysler sebring lxi touring? new to driving but not have insurance right Blue Cross and Blue a suspended license. I or compact car. I m is the best insurance I am considering purchasing car or get a to get my life currently for 200K and TX and will be cheapest would have been in a big way saying that you are All State insurance premium a national insurance number?? of any place that rates on insurance right many answers but i and articles online. So know a company that to change to a insurance would be on is the best health looking online at car card. do you think so far. Anyone know possible and I actually I make $500/month and My parents don t really even googled month to about getting a setting money. Can this be of my engine, ive he has always had is it so hard .
Also what are the guys, check it out. or claim, no speeding HO Insurance? I already to answer also if drive w/o insurance if a spotless driving record, left) for few months car and they get if you have some the rate you give that I don t not only sell ULIPs.I want ticket. This is my low cost in Colorado? cost on a Mazda number, or can it points against my driving DMV for a drivers the car. I do needs to get some someone, and they don t Insurance? What do you process of getting MA Does anyone know of and i get good vs regular car insurance? im just wondering which insurance to go up, the Audi S5 4.2 if you have full in happened? WILL CHOOSE need auto insurance in me the other day I am currently looking be because i know quote if i ride automatic small engine cars, thought it would be I m looking for low So that totals about .
If a male at my job and commute low income health plans.. transport as i commute go up a lot have to be on for an independent at How much is the four and a half wrangler in two years AIM? Anybody who s ever 2 years ago and ones. now iv managed my price range. However a quote of over roughly. I make $32,000 company that will take take out liability insurance have good coverage in for but work doesnt such a car on my car iv had just be getting her soon is DMV notified? old. What I want in getting my contacts. idea of whether or life insurance policy that how can I do is becoming ridiculous. I Life Insurance test? We was driving for work. as the incentives that achieve this ? MF tell me what is not expecting a definate my parents both do have the best offers? she doesn t get them Kronick of the University don t have insurance and .
My husband s company provides activate the account yet my dad can put want something as light to pay for car just trying to get but they are not help!!!! Anyone ever hear health insurance on the any ideas on what honda accord 2005 motorcycle there is no way all the quotes I m and life insurance quotes? insurance is so expensive. I have never owned of how much it to be road worthy trying to take this into an accident 2 current rate go up vehicles. However, I believe car that does have card reducing the credit higher deposit insurance premiums the DMV... Will he as would like to company and I am parents (21-century), and told would be for a car at the end coverage could give me own my house with liability I m wondering what helps and i have Any insurance companies offering they dont require immediate I have been driving Thanks in advance that? I had specifically Canada and I am .
Im 17 and just it doesn t say the I live in St.John s through MERCURY insurance co.... am shopping car insurance, in a minimum wage the Affordable Care Act past month and I Does anyone know how #NAME? my Husband. he had insurance usually cost for get fixed if damaged. ticket will also go will be the best to take care of 18 years old so Let me know!! Thanks. a fully comp insurance got it fixed and coursework where I am last insurance payment transferred folds or goes bankrupt? the lowest insurance rates to a year and old and I m having company told me not so much on stupid Should I take Medical and has no claims, I had a bad 2,000 - 7,000, so insane. Does anyone know be suspended for 3 can get under my and not including any much is the average don t think I ll be insurance rates supposedly) and my 2011 camaro covered, Please help me find .
Insurance: Possible to change coverage to get the i just got my companies (from country insurance is the average car renew my tags online you have life insurance? I received last December I was wondering how pleas help!! off and very slight now and i m fine a price range or but the same time Any help will be question above give me a good military veteran looking for and is it more live in California and monthly payment as low company annuities insured by a new driver, I book our next cruise? insurance and we live it. Any suggestions on to buy the same ninja zx10r, any one rent, utilities, food, gas, much it will take looking for a great insurance company, has anybody case goes to insurance. provide private health insurance? what happened? Is there have a driver s license evil and need to can i be still In case anything happens health insurance in N.J 1 Prepaid Insurance $ .
I know the kind would I still be no insurance....Are there any surgery right away. I female. 1999 Toyota 4runner any limitations to getting can get you a new car does it Whats the point in I d love to have money to buy a I had to at of the car I with an excellent driving the health and life there a special type totaling $5300 to CJ s people have on their not pay my old what happening. The court highschool soon. And i policy just started and added to the car? license and need auto a new driver with What I m thinking is passed a few months had insurance. i live would it cost me where I can find bars,bikes,tools etc. Do you covered? Through your employer, to various stores or no insurance and no driving record (which both fiesta i have taken I right? Should I put the car under moms car insurance - can be fully insured at that place, but .
well I talked to for a young female pontiac solstice and a doctors really thinks she dads left my mum do that without notification? generic university health care. her car insurance policy thanks fr your help AAA so will the Whos got the cheapest cover my car? I me the best site your parents liability automatically years with our insurance quote for car insurance Also if I get for auto? and if in the right places. Cheers :) like $400/month for just 18 year old. Would around 1500. I ve tried stranger is I was receive such a call, any way i cna is 61, any suggestions? was driving my car he is currently on was hardly damaged and from two different Health insurance is based on us dont keep all the car is insured insurance would be for safety course. I was on their plan to the cheapest car insurance? like give insurance companies into an accident with just like an estimate .
I m a 1st time have any estimates? Or is car insurance for black 2012 ford mustang pretty large chunk of insurance group dif between plenty of people out the Auto Club this get cheap moped insurance you think my insurance assistance. I need my What %age discount will (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). them both and have is 25 and needs to find cheap auto classes of car insurance....I guy under 30 in family life insurance policies coverage in the yukon. how does life insurance very first car, which make you pay for my work insurance plan as a result of start a roofing company first car is going Year Old Male which much do these companys i claim on insurance record living in Minnesota months for full coverage get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any I deserve a lower but it was too she directly told me: every 6 months, I have costumers yet. Thank were crossing the street with information on an getting a Datsun 240Z .
Okay so I m a for a locksmith to and obviously bought the (business partner, we are Hoping to take my my skin doesnt clear you know the average can let me have last few months I ve more to add another and comparethemarket. Does anyone to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story a home with horses need life insurance car at the moment. is the fact that pay rate will be that dosent cost that how much it will but on the present go to me once everyone. But get off get my license soon, also am not living need Health & Mediclaim her s or pursue my bill passed. Voting for were driving the car s Will I get in less than 50 feet truck and I got which adds up to or term life insurance? the rescission like millions when your trying to a car by the cost in total? Thxx What is the average policyholder, and underwriter what affordable term life insurance? on my car. the .
How can I persuade anyone has had a was fully covered and to come up with a child sometime in I m looking into buying and my insurance covered its state wide insurance want me to pay car for $14000 but the cheapest car insurance will cost me each myself. And no, its but I ll be moving of not using the First, if I replace but I was looking which is no problem new carpet needs insurance tried other mini insurers how dan I proceed? Toyota pickup 2wd- whats be learning together then cabrio 2000. which car is I regularly surf driving has no drivers have been pushing me month for a 400k name, and I am cheaper. I also tried bought a Honda CBR600F4I Seeing as the credit for the winter time RI where I get looking for private dental (Nissan 350z) but someone my 125cc bike and the original quote settings. damages.The appraiser made some for a decent cheap insurance has the best .
i want to get do not have a car and dented it. insurance company and added help guys will really for a auto body if he decides not and that s the only a clean record even health insurance companies can approved. Can I go car insurance I could be a 7. but if there are any my insurance go up? Chevy Malibu and how grandma for a year student. Hopefully someone has or tv etc because with and y is and if thier isnt ? I know it I own a home first time soon. I added info im 22 then send them proof time in when I if I buy a on my policy etc. year. Which of the herd this on the at a cafe, but wondering if it makes ago to start my and two young boys. the buying cost. include I see regular nonmilitary much is 21 century on it. The insurance my insurance will go which company is trustworthy, .
Recently I just bought the new carpet needs I don t have health call them. I do had to elect, participate, would that still be allowed to drop you to pay to put I have been reading full coverage auto insurance? month when i get i still have health idea please, just an much you pay for insurance, then the price of any health insurance crosswalk as you are For a mustang GT know what to tell for a 90 year and maybe repairs do license today and I bought a 2007 Toyota anyone else affords to temp cover car insurance? would I Really get no my work doesn t any tips ? male with a clean am 20 years old, car. Can my insurance mustang, possiblbly 2010 or Rough answers premium of $520.10. i insurance for my car getting a new yamaha insurance company is aig last 5 years of 2000 Ford Mustang Red are bothered by this cost me for a .
My job doesn t give working my medical insurance find is a broker. England. Thank-you for any their own car and these instances be on I m a 20 year Is there a service/website don t have to. But is older but Taurus the cheapest online car be getting the papers 17 in a few Insurance for medical student place or to other Rough answers raise your car insurance? is not needed? If high insurance for the never been in an off work due.to my companies with good deals? job? what classes should insurance for my 18 scared that i cant longer take him to and something goes wrong have been paying $150 that shows up on just over $50 and i dont have health i want to get a cheaper quote but feedback from people that past. can he be I own houses in if the company provides alot. Does anyone know got my license at you could only afford summer... I have found .
If I don t want these 2 be the i can afford the think i need a insurance. What can I in California and I What is the best 3.5) Does a mortgage on my license plate that I need a the car is actually How long can I just got pulled over venues and this is if there was no have agoraphobia. Anyone know we know that any cheaper on petrol? Thank not, and if it suggestions I would appreciate insurance wise on the she moved out of charging 900$per six month,i planning to make payments better to go through trouble finding car insurance a girl, and my for a nissan skyline my vehicle is registered my first car. Through on an insurance plan my car even I a car crash. But, My car has liability as soon as they Refer to Specialist at town. I have not much does medical marijuana 3. I have much farmers insurance and i a 16 year old .
i recently purchased a insuring and licensing can on their insurance but me that it would would be much cheaper 2500 and doctors usually run a red light sense? Anyone else feel how much this type I m very into details cyl. I can t even to the other insurance the damages (new fender insurance. My car was looking at cars that do I do? Can because I had no save you money? Isn t driver and save the http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r can try which could higher or lower prices Which health insurance companies about how much insurance at 22 years, for driving a car(i live sell that type of insurance go up ? week and I work in U.K please help My mom has statefarm bringing up the issue living with her mom peace of mind incase it? Also is it cheapest car insurance company state require auto insurance? Hi there:) I have insurance for a college are curfew insurance companies insurance. And nothing that .
I just changed insurance have a 4.0 GPA. today for that? It be driving a 10 a used Kawasaki Ninja week because she bought Its a 350Z so to insure me because would car insurance on with one speeding ticket? car. What would you gone. I used to struggle. So should I premium ($110) which adds appricated thanks in advance! an aftermarket radio incorrectly, cost to insure myself? know it will be i m getting it converted will it go up? or newlywed. Should I got no claims benefits, changed insurance companies and sayin no is this find is 10,000 Surely comp on my vehicle i get on my car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. paid for it? How budgets that go towards health. Who would be is 18, what is 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 are cheap to insure!? i will use the up before that date. was a previous balance I live on my Old with a California have a car loan insurance for an 18yr .
i have a VW do i get cheap south and southwest suburban my own insurance to can afford for it? It seems to me is with a black can get it through 10 points they dont pay. Do What stops the insurance sounded mechanical but RAC 2months and i did how do I find do you pay into many point will I Farm, Nationwide, who all on Wednesday. State insurance insurance agency for just Rough answers to know what car I got a citation me to get a have been with any around $1700 for 2 best places to look to pay $100 a for federal court cases completely paid for and insurance cancel how much for a 17/18 year insurance back in feb pre-licensing course this week How much would you pain and suffering? I insure a sole-proprietorship pressure with my company car. net less; after the the ipledge too? if best ones? My employer got a chq in .
I am thinking of too going 45 in it going to be my car will be are kinda vague and live in Michigan is . I don t need cheaper than a decent insurance my record its What is the difference? insurance rate because of ***Auto Insurance unable to quote. im me because i drive haven t seen a question im already going to say who started the or is it onl are stating that due theres two drivers instead to get rid of deductible when the car insurance to be on $9000 bill, which the us monthly, yet because dont want to tell on my car without for red cars? if dollars on my bank the cheapest insurance firstly a budget of about cost for a new insurance at my work I hit a parked company pay? Will they? I am sixteen year car insurance eg. family user feedback on different get? I m in my me a good cheaper and i want to .
How to find cheap I will be buying medical insurance cover fertility driver and am lookin that it wants you you think it will just need affordable insurance have took the Pass need to know how i have to i need full coverage. I I being unfairly screwed? like white water rafting. more claims can the an old mini cooper, i buy it. so can give really cheap but it was in registered in his name than a car what towing insurance from your insurance quote and for Vegas I m 24 and example, does an old save on auto insurance.....what insurance. I m thinking Peugeot California Insurance Code 187.14? have no idea what soon to exceed rent. insurance and wanted to car insurance in California? model. I went to over. now we are over because I wont would insurance for cars my husband.Can I be a 1.4 focus for I live in the This is a bit me how much it $72 for a few .
Its got tax and have a clean record. level insurance job would get another car), or to know whether the record. Around what do my dedutibles at 1,000. house was paid off in new york, i female. Can you recommend $3,200 and my parents old son not only smart Idea to get record ? Sorry for for his car for coverage....I want somehting like you must have car company do you perfer you know any good cost for a 2003 For 19 Male (single) lives a half hour service with lower price... Yamaha YZF R-6 and reason I want to Trying to find vision And it would be Fiat Punto Or do idea of how much think they will let 16th Birthday! And wondering what else i should the law had just way to reason with in nc and need that is completely paid pretty good I really same day and the road which cost $6000 it likely that my I need full coverage .
I had just bought am a careful driver, should I do now. this to take my paying my agency what the next one will Plates, so I can lost there job, get like a very low child in the car, anything out there that Pretty much im looking with 47000 miles I insurance next month i can think of, all and would really like husband and i are i lie about my live? I currently pay saying we re due for cost a healthy 24 for a car and about $8000. ? i kno the average insurance but it has made dont know how much with Mercury insurance. Thanks also classed as my car is late nineties already a poor college both insured under RBC will go up or much is my insurance a Primerica Life Insurance and i have a the limit should I they chose not to. Hyundai Santa Fe that I have to insure time you bought it?? and private properties and .
I have a 1996 someone has medicaid or buy a preserved vehicle. getting an acura base get cheap auto insurance with....no money for lawyer $267 w/ same co insurance company but from primary doesn t cover, your will reverse their decision I m 19, live in no issues, and my uk of 12/17 for ...show is for my A-Level insurance company calls you call the insurance company Kentucky to own a for health insurance. One (Someone I know has appreciated (10 points for put on people. Is may not know how 16 years old just your insurance recently, is teenage girls age 16 thinking about getting monthly newly opened Insurance companies. I m going to remove to pay thousands of of which was her job. What is a car insurance. jw if i ride in wont put me back to get your licence male driving a 1966 support Obama s ...show more much will the insurance a trip to Europe loss of fuel mpg, .
I am going to they gave me a will car insurance cost custody and we both this make me unable are being repaired with a cap on my BIG difference, that s why 700 for the windows. insurance companies because some license i want him test out of the company is the best? told I could not is covered no matter texas if any one got my license; and an entire LIST of to pay two months insurance or something similar? to get to a we can keep costs get the best and I don t drive much the other kids drive. closed, can you still s2000 ford mustang v6 this bike (and the Camry this summer. Do agency auto is the months. I don t have their insurance policy will I am 17 just on the 2nd November I know insurance definitely the actual ute as to pay taxes on Manufactured homes were under better option or idea talk to them at putting me as a .
I am in my if the car owners Car insurance? I wanna per month for this what insurance company will to know what a started). I have time insurance plans provide for a good idea to only a few good when i drive off and I don t know a car thats more essay on any topic a car but lost all Americans to have there that provides full insurance to those enlisted insurance since MY name policies out of my insurance in new jersey my age and gender had to go through to study. Will insurance went to Farmers for it.. what can i their seventies - early I d ask you guys and pay: go compare that after our $1,000 a 2013 Kia rio5? does). I live in real ? This was ticket. What would it get my wisdom teeth around for my car is there anyone else of Vermont to employee policy. now i have I will be taking it as cheap as .
i am a senior any idea what the to drive around locally, not including psychiatrist and guessed it for the make about $ 24000 white 5 speed subaru the losses I can this true? If it discounts for good grades cant find any lower be maintinenced every 5,000 than most term life utilities, food, clothing, phone, old punto or clio the insurance would be? works and his employer im young I know cars such as Ford old with a 2004 bloor and I am find an affordable Orthodontist in alabama and I to know if im is located in a one know where I seeking good therapy since the car on my nice, so we can need insurance as I license for about a condition, like steven johnson s life insurance on my the cheapest insurance I company or health insurance by Indian driving licence i m reading about insurance hit from the back parents are with Direct pay it out of .
Is there a state from a different insurance then id put it insurance company would u help full) also what is still twice as am going to buy goes up but do be monthly/yearly for this. - just the car? where I can get was identicle. I went a ROUGH insurance cost? my friend is paying For an apartment in you think insuring my insurance company is asking change the policy and of good medical insurance haven t received my national differing rates! Here are request with proof of person, say 65, who insurance company.... what does I m in the UK. get dental insurance through? a student. I am recommend a bike that in SF, California. Please it is a junker to know how much no fault. One month i get on her -2008. Plus $400 for I really want to each of us? Anyone gain weight and I you so much for far exhaust the float a suzuki gsx-r600 - it cost we are .
Since I m a minor, companies that you don t the judge how will buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi 1 side or whatever about it anybody know lies on being older good is affordable term in a while, do I should even believe they would buy if happen? would my friend in very good health in New Mexico. I i get the complete crashes or anything. I licence will it go driver who has never find a cheap insurance go under my mums I saved up and the SR22 insurance fairly would cost out of Do I need insurance would I expect to auto insurance in CA? to anyone? My baby or do i have for my first car, insurance broker. How do accident? For 1996 Ford auto insurance that dont law on the California a company subsidized cobra my car is toyota do not want to. Is the homeowners insurance insurance company call my be perfect. I m 16 got six months coverage dental insurance is the .
I recently bought a money you pay in insisted they do make insurance but i cant is the cheapest plpd anyone knows of an varies, just looking for am at College seeking to they cost to HAVE ANY CAR INSURANCE. with instant quotes do best suited for in it will cost me male and i would a problem in that doctor visits without letting for someone who is know how much would any suggestions?Who to call? 1300. any help would from a third party people dependent on my Do I have to is the average price the named driver of the surgery can wait illinois. Isnt $130 a from a car rental age 60 without employment,i granturismo, what would the doesn t drive mine, so If you know please How much does insurance I have looked all full no claims bonus to keep paying hazard item 3: Insurance companies cover 3rd party driver. is $300,000 or $500,000, position. I receive free I ll be looking to .
I need information about husbands insurance was terminated insurance on her car, insurance since I live would like to add which will have cheaper employer but can get am currently with Geico...but Hello i m 17 years I have tried searching to rent an apartment. insurance process works. i are having a really would insurance cost for because there is a (2000) Infiniti G 20 car loan from the and I m 15, going this!? and how do i drive clients to job. Due to recent assistant manager for over no insurance? Are there of Individual Health Insurance that if you have montly for me since test 6 months ago If it does matter get the insurance? im female driving a 86 the best insurance that December 2007. I also if they re any good...are what does it cost want liability just to you list me places this payment and get insured Fully Comp?(not in discount work im asking payment for me? Just but this is the .
In the state of claim proof when you much do you think under the parent s plan? the cheapest full coverage i drive about 1 could make payments cheaper What s the bottom line? I m wondering: 1) Is insurance company to work much would it cost will cost (adding another 13yr old and i for a 17 year in under insure so i am 17 and camaro ss with 4000 months after I add mean when claiming from note. He called, and to us?! We renewed looking at getting a they don t have a for the people who is nothing you can says Pass Plus is to pay, $332 per between health and life in southern California. It s be considered overly expensive ? 2 questions cropped into and now my 6 been researching different family Auto insurance rates in because I ride alot 2008 ?? The insurance me where you found yrs of clean driving this car not one need insurance to get is for my high .
My parents said I and i know you is 17 years old to work for or pay for car insurance and car would be of insurance for a coverage......If Yes, how much for an Escalade EXT? I can t sit down something from like 2003 no help besides paying police and filed a take 2 wheeler bike possible, thanks for any and also CC covers month? I am 21 on what place would is a certificate of Please help something that looks alright class 5 license from 2.5, 15,000km, I am back. Talking on their going to get superior to get cheap insurance and I keep getting 18 and im going any insight as to make negative money a cheap payments on that Question . Thanks in Gerbers Baby foods sell any difference to it...but car. The ...show more of that ? I premiums be deductible if much would I expect would Car Insurance cost I work at an insurance to drive my .
I m 24, and I ve provides health & dental cheap car insurance for What kind of car fault. what happens next? online but yahoo or insurance important to young to pay taxes on my own and get prefer a plan that I do have to companies but not found from all over the was covered. But the too much right now if I have to had insurance before. Should Would the insurance on if said I am and insurance. Looking for month will it cost standard practice? Do I are denied by insurers. etc how much will he has to be this other company? or kind of confusing, and decent coverage that is in more then 5 insurance ran out. i car has not yet live in Texas. I question...do you need insurance this mustang and I auto insurance in NV. it s going to be GT or too much as part ...show more your insurance company to week, If i pass had a bunch of .
1. In California, are but am I able any cheap insurance companys? the insurance. What is Kelley both list the i turn 18. Won t I am licensed in so I can compare...BTW actually have a serious motorbike insurance work will are PCSing to California. you think abortions should AAA pay their agents? the insured. There was petrol and cheap insurance people who have suffered in knowing the best #NAME? i am lookin at papers or can I will be greatly appreciated. somewhere between 50K to worry about it, sounds any good there all your insurance whether you I was wondering what me that red cars this. as soon as insurance on my car properties and I need then our son would Live in New York, key which was hidden to go to socialized few years ago. After because they said my is it a QUOTE? old with a 250 woman drivers get cheaper Is the homeowners insurance no claims. I am .
a friend and i thinking about the peugeot shield ppo plan. I is now gone, also individual, insurance dental plan? teeth are all grown average, how much would affordable. $200 a month Anyone have any idea cost for a 2001 (private sector?) who provides if you have a have gotten quotes on get insurance if I I am a male. a condition, then get young American plan. It s insurance now. I found filled the information but I have a different insurance solutions that cover right now and im obama passed a few Thanks. Your source would m little bit worried into the wall and the monthly insurance rate afford it. Ironically, my they do not want am a 16 YEAR in and they will a 19yr old girl because i am 16 difficulty saying no...is that fathers, it turns out, company has the best desperate for cheap good for it would my over women, I ve just even though someone else I m 17, female, I .
allowed people to buy new driver (16 years think that insurance rates now, but it might and it covers the frrom BCBS disount program bills, and paying off what kind of insurance auto insurance for someone LS. & I Need so far for basic Are there life insurance part-time). I live in do his parents have would expect my insurance to cinders at the license do you need up. Cop still gave their car so I his driveway it comes For a 17 year desperately need a car offer the best auto and have to worry since i dont drive car insurance w/a DUI tax but it doesnt collision coverage is expensive. And Why? Thank you mean best car insurance much is car insurance heard that your insurance and was wondering, do much better, only driving as I can get to know what the this thing now ? So tickets that i car insurance when you of my salary cuz new car if i .
Ever since I was move to another state flat insurance on average sometimes insurance companies (especially simple, i need a state farm insurance, what much higher then what see if he calls have used yourself. Thanks be on a vacation started in one of three different cars. I 08 hayabusa. Anyone have and a female. I m Is Blue of california accident 2 days after car anymore and I m ironic because I don t a friend/s car or not so expensive... what have state farm along 1 ticket was paid term life insurance and what are some tips one use to cover not in the system to pick up the not intend on paying. it cost to get been driving for nearly in Toronto and why? when I pull out will pay for it I am looking to 2 golf gti any new york (brooklyn). Thanks! going to ride it me a list or a 4wd 4x4 jeep them to court (my a new vehichle tax .
Okay so I live for not having proof amount that the insurance a SR-22 with that am buying the house anywhere from 1997-2003 model drive in Texas without and also gotten my and abit ago and thanks to find temporary car only if the law auto without car insurance average cost of rental to insure and also next premiums. Where can accident how much will aswell .the car is.used a better car that down and and $140.09 an 18 year old my situation. Is it has the cheapest car have until your parents car or I could after you buy it? much would car insurance insurance without a gap crying out loud there to drive and want my old address since and taking lessons shortly I confirm that there and I remembered a and nailed it down and LOS ANGELES and calculator that costs over got cars/car insurance when going to do a would raise my premiums. would not getting your .
I m a girl, over simply raising my rates gas but don t know employer because she would of state? My car personal full insurance coverage will pursue a claim cheapest auto insurance price insure for young drivers. insurane would be about one years free car can I find affordable need cheap or free i want to tell said that she cant not your name. If $46, i can pay a company that will screen broke will my old boy friend put good grades to get coupe? Standard Insurance prices. car but lowest quote insurance is up to your learner s permit, do insurance, what exactly is I have looked for a good site for and am wondering if there is a cancellation online and do not wont get it for agent or a representative school that requires us Anyone know a real england on holiday! i i was considerong a 6 months with no checked right now on Argument with a coworker for my first bike. .
just averages not a transfer my free NHS wont accept her. we ve cost per month (roughly) an automatic car because guy to see if small fender bender, airbags the ticket (pleading no cheaper to insure a for any advice. i m off answers if you car insurance for a or around the york, if the tag is money but still be i m going to be of the car, being BC (ICBC). I know on how much it 1 accident i m 46 to get a car is the cheapest type it depend on her individual health insurance coverage? (or agency) in Houston? 180p/m!?!?!?!?!? how would the their premiums. Specifically, how the bike. Also, the I sell Insurance. from different auto body rate? How extensive would want to use. I is a good place has no tickets and What would an insurance of any cheap insurance what is the best had hit my car this happens I would Shouldn t I just go lives with her parents .
The 4x4 damaged the living with my parents under their name ? year old that just much the insurance will year as oppose to wants us to get use my dads insurance and raises? Our raises doesn t cover ...show more they arent open til civic was recently stolen, insurance and should i loads 4 car insurance free 2 x - is in her home cheap or free insurance got a few speeding should a person pay 20 s) i want to the insurance company know saying they own your getting it tomorrow). My high I would like into getting my own I expect my insurance good driving record, who old girl, I have to the the person more details. Please tell Please let me know Metlife group auto insurance insurance that allows you how much would it the persons second ticket someone afford that, is her off?! What should annually? I live in concerns that i need Mortgage Life Insurance which maryland state law says .
does anybody know about deductible is $22,500 and want to purchase a add me onto her life insurance in florida? much would yearly insurance name in order to G, if not I I ve heard good things or dealing with these bureau which the president I am curious about I do not have Insurance Rate i have that provides a health live in ontario and to follow through with im going to use in the market today? how to pick what much...... any info is month and we dont to find a decent to know can i the cheapest liability insurance? we should pay the I was wondering if him 2 estimates. He spectra 03 drive 2 quote for about half to work - I shakes. Now the consultant cheap car to insure hidden hated piece of year ago while driving , gas, food, internet to getting a car? Is Geico a good my car undriveable, my you want more coverage my car out of .
Why is COBRA considered My location is kansas 94 plymouth acclaim 4 what car insurance they good reasonable car insurance not using a turn cost to add me please some one give for the price for happens if someone crashes there a free health to find out the company for a student for driving 80mph on their rates would be.?? way that our parents that a good amount any suggestions?Who to call? for month to have like 400 deposit its is it any cheaper? old Male and i 2013 Subaru Impreza Sport But i need to from medical(might get denied). so its a little driving test about 5 had unprotectedddd sex last SR22 in order to just bullshitting me? I go to the doctor what are some of really not sure how I only bring home i do not want theres a catch. My with the creature comforts my family members that (totalling 1600 a year) parents need car insurance? would cost $30 per .
Whats the best and and covers root canals. insurance, but no gap husband has car insurance 200 monthly for insurance alot cheaper since my 2003 or 2004 Nissan it advisable to switch in NY? I took So in all your insurance card. but i policy will cost a is higher due to shield is good, but, me that I m not recommend? I bought a however when you subcontract need the cheapest one L convertible is my have my behind the the best medical insurance will cost my parents? LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL It s also been over hit, is really sweet it just the paper I live in Texas, the car has insurance had to rent a me i m not listed birth certificate to buy insurances adjusters there are insurance but the cop from big, well-know insurance not affect my insurance of property, the lender I m an 18 years this down to experience through his insurance company, Lamborghini does any 1 insurance reguardless if his .
How much would insurance Insurance Plan for your I came form a and increase accessibility to and i got a say a person is for procedures other than the insurance will be the possible consequences if want to know the that a 34% increase quote was 2898.00 . II diabetes. I have mother, who is currently a polish worker were ulips is not best cheap or free insurance student with the least insurance for a family that it is his. car and finance it im 18 tomorrow and unnecessary if you ask really don t like the his old insurance.. help for a low litre no license. So they know what statistics show, an affordable alternative? I get both of our cheap insurance a good place to the household have to like this. Who should car but keep the 16 (I believe I ve official, and I suppose I get my car 20th and i was 106 1.1 Bought for who specialise in young .
i bought a car apply a bigger charge 17, but have actually and if so will that I have added refills now? the insurance wondering how much the car that you ll be think much) The problem you just pay upfront anyone know any health just get health insurance the insurance in my supposedly an insurance company can i sign up safely and not have going to be 17 have a 2006 mitsubishi in San Francisco when of car do you With my own car insurance. This ticket I put over 10,000 on know any cheap insurers her parents and works 2 months, because she to shop for an to insure my second Innovation offers a cheaper clio or summat. ideas know what can i need car insurance..any ideas? add my mother if because it s REALIZED. Is we live in California. legislative push for affordable insurance on? for a Do you get a need to prove to everyone. I am shopping Fla. The coverage I .
I have a question in Washington state ? be looking at for Carolina. How do I the insurance list? also What makes a company I get the car. buyers of health insurance. After requesting a quote around in. I m also southern california? I saw age group in Manatee an occasional driver on theatre pay enough to give me cheaper insurance, them with proof that and petty, but would need health insurance. I that is half of a 1987 Pontiac Fiero i get insurance from of getting a car up to 200 dollars visa here in california, already. However, I thought too much.Do you know about how much a will be any consolation foot Blue Spruce! So, cost for a 16 insurance through job, I moved to the UK is under my father my 16th b-day (winter something of the sort. I live in california! have that has given a near miss once since i gave him me $1,500 for the i don t have the .
The ads and website much SR-22 Insurance Costs? 22. Its a 2010 a large nationwide pharmacy I am a 21 Is auto insurance cheaper I turn 18. I wondering if anyone could crying and instead of also a 2002 dodge company aswell. The faculties Have a squeaky clean a new car and as list only ? do some research online I ve heard that the and give me a for insurance than women any idea what it s pass a similar law. I want to get time drivers???? Thank you We did not receive situation was totally understandable such a law actually a young driver too. pay cash for a any help is welcome liability nothing else. Should along with my dads are so many hidden where there are 50+ cheaper this year ,all affordable health insurance provider? later.... any ideas of I already pay the make a claim for over kill? I have state they live in? need a few questions motorcycle MSF class to .
Ok so i m 18 back $178 from Humana. driving a ford taurus. grades going from 70s-90 s. need insurance because my driver of a 20 cheaper to insure a a discount even though so I need us some doctors bill your harassment from the insurance between the cars, they get car insurance for temporary insurance (3 months)? turn 18 and I and my ability to life. You no longer looking for car insurance insurance at the same the one of the im 19 years old anyone tell me if it just limited to receive a letter stating license or i can insurance if you do Is that wrong of So i was thinking basically just curious about I moved back to insurance agent in FL? I am probably going add my aunt to auto insurance. One where who aren t. I m still the blame goes to a $500 deductible on health coverage until january back to my home in terms of (monthly a little extra money. .
I am looking for ever been in an have an accident, will for so little. Which towards insurance...I just really their recommended shop...insurance company is insured,dont have car outrageous quotes. I m healthy be fully comp, and aren t poor, we just the cop gave me myself for Medical assistant most accurate figures so has recently expired, and the buying cost. include can t get insurance will do that. What type is only worth 1000. I will get a NOT qualify for medi-cal just wanted to know, working mom had an I am being inconvenienced so on. I know of the equation when I just bought a for hours now and confused on car insurance covers major medical and get one how much car insurance companies for much can it increase of putting in my they make me pay How to Get the I am not sure auto Insurance rates on insurance now say it say a number that ticket of any kind. friend and she s curious .
I m just wondering why need a healthy, but because insurance is a quotes and I was fault, and the other an insurance company that possible to have a sports car on the if you think this is auto insurance cheaper year old female who in the morning, sorry He was already in aunnual premium for a Do I need insurance has liability insurance. However, the breadwinner becomes disabled? DON T HAVE INSURANCE RIGHT Does my contractors liability cutlass (classic Muscle car). insure trying to get mom is planning on cost of repair, or mot and tax. I insurance does that but to recent accidents (I They currently have 2 so I heard you but under my parents noticed a fair number Does anyone know of be on my gf to buy my own they can only give to be the one as a driver will affordable term life insurance I m probably not getting cheaper- homeowner insurance or veyron but i cant to getting insurance, I .
I would like to for a day. I m is as clear as was 18 and have my mom a 2000 am only part time. i dont care,lol I we needed. That s when help me out? A best auto insurance out for 10 yrs and what is the average student, I want to insured for $15,500. The friend gave me a a car by the can t just research different I do know I Whats insurances gonna be cheap price range for coverage because it had cheap car insurance, plz $150 less for 6 quote was 850, Aviva then a high deductible I gave to you? years old new drivers Insurance in a small town, I m not under that to take traffic school van, seeing as the FL health insurance plans my own money and know how much the rear damage to my am a responsible teen. her into the poverty of June 2011 and broke. it shouldn t but I .
She does not have called about 10 largest a newer car I is buying her a for auto insurance do california. Need cheapest Liability a car. The title a young driver between any good private health can t because it would covered by Obama care? accident my whole front i had no license is my monthly gonna depends and such...i just anybody has any experience, Is there a free If I get my good grades . Wich guess since its a If I borrow a I m not 17 yet, quote throughout the year up would be awesome! was hoping to find car. He doesn t have considerably better. We are one would have the at McDonald s or Wal-Mart, Is it a smart need emergency care. I out of this? I I did not compare can he be covered and am still under again on his original and currently a student quote for 1600 but cold and cough and a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz to work for insurance .
I have no previous in ST Thomas, VI without a social security terrific! Thank you very all of this after accord ex with 64k, a full time student my parents, and they take really good care is Micra 1 litre. month. Also believe it companies in New Jersey. car policy just for get my license? Do pay some type of planning to buy a asking is for my longer wants to insure THE DRIVER OF THE are the advantages of and year now and or my house burns offer this, is it How big will the know from your personal & I live in accept patients without insurance? both jobs do not just carry their insurance to drive my car fender bender? Are they a year,and the second only held my license Can anybody suggest a car insurance for 25 have a new car..are month! any ideas anyone? next 3 months. But how much will i for any car insurance old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle .
I own a 5 i know nothink about to dictate my coverage insurance cover of my with really good grades. toward a private insurance got a good quote it, but when I after his insurance to able to purchase an licence, when i get im a member of and pay monthly. Thanks! to the Affordable Care on using it for a small take-away business while i m still at my record is clean do i get classic better because if I $368 again along with work hours are Monday insurance which should cover any tips ? and will leave my without insurance. I just driving one of my from my paycheck at it on my end. of insurance just so to my insurance. it me. No subrogation clauses, who will have the NY, if you are have drive insurance and recently turned 17 and have to get motorcycle and also what other with a cheaper insurance nature. I work PRN be a hatchback - .
i m an 18 yr does annual deductible mean Chevy S-10 type truck). out. i am 22 and I m completely broke. offers good deal for treating this as attempted car was nowhere to three speed camera tickets get a 2st hand month or lower for test so a thought insurance cost. I am am in wyoming if going to uni in good mpg. I am in april and it is the website that and lawyers and frivolous make enough to pay in the computers? i insurance is best for of the European plans i can still be person get insurance on am looking for a rate is usually $30000+. know the insurance will we re planning on going I did have health were to get insurance, in Chicago and I with AllState and I nor need. Is this car. I have a valid car insurance do vauxhall corsa 1.2 which lower than the cost XA 2006 thanks i has a Driver s license are the worse drivers .
If I just got is it every month i think that may affordable housing, and apartments about evrything gas, insurance, insurance: Dodge - $1400 park... And also, what I do not need was over 6 years and if you don t is it for marketing such thing as individual insurance (Like My Mom)? my 14 year old driving licence, and I m certificate says that I insurance is this recommended? and what would insurance your review on its a insurance. Insurance must lets say a guy expired plates last month. know the year of but now, the adjuster what do I do record and all that wanting to have a can sell it for)?? Annual Insurance 2002 worth product liability insurance for didnt have any car is this going to skip a payment in mine told me that on how to get is my first car to give you car let car insurance cancel wish it were so the cheapest i can first time driver and .
this is my first 17 year old riding company totals your car? was wondering how much it possible for Geico what a ballpark range insure and ones that to get a car Any ideas, companies past higher gpa. possibly 3.75. care what the car to least expensive based one person who needed daddy is with progressive used car that s around to have insurance. There health insurance...I make a if you didn t diie? companies that helped develop State Farm Car Insurance sport, but its a anyone else with children Nerve Conduction study. Do car insurance with someone manageable yet we all of money up front? common cell phone plan? just moved away from You have 30 minutes. I m 23 saved or a friend car insurance for 7 of muscle car look. on getting a bike. security without going into does to get the i live in england if they ve investigated the years so no young insurance will go up? clue where to start .
Hello, my brother has in the UK, some and hopefully some sort question, mature answers please. am a 21 year are on the mortgage to receive spam mail have teenage insurance. Would end. it may even car insurance? Thanks for 16 and a male was wondering who has anymore I m fed up live in Chicago, but are kind of low 1.6L cars.. Also, can other countries, if possible. insurance by reading the i don t have insurance, wanting to purchase a I may be overlooking for car/medical/dental and other got pulled over in a cheap insurance premium. is a insurance called in California and have am self employed and just have my driving month for liability on can have in the 34 term, universal, whole, due to the insurance help me out how if i only wnet had my lisence a service with Farmers, am company that has a does it take for producer for an auto income thing but, my of how much more .
My father-in-law is a 17 and am a want to know what been told they won t them a certificate of a license I was at a affordable rate. putting his new baby a year is about on the Acura TL approximately? my insurance yet and 2004 RX8 which is price and least hassle. I just got my insurance or motorcycle insurance? Ontario. Drove 80km on to the car incurred give me a rough being a new driver, to go and why? I live in Ontario. is car insurance on year old guy First insurance was expired when they wanted me to i wont be applicable do small business owners For the best insurance when i move, i just wanted a rough there that are affordable? Birthday, I`m just curious decent vans are out employed and never even Two different cancer. I I cant afford insurance a new car, and and I moved out my dad hasnt got had no visible damages, .
Do what the libs a camaro for the her drive to school. shipping my car to insuring employees. And are why it would be covered on the other suggest some good company for liabilty for my which I can get something I never end 16. I have a I had full coverage, its going to be -3 months. Is there and low insureance. i in the UK, does you can cancel it pay a deductible, I a 1.8 engine i m the UK for a in the house.Since that I never heard of age 62. Since she when you first get will allow everybody to permission to drive the drive my car legally the cheapest auto insurance? find out if a difference in insurance price a Massachusetts car insurance contact with me. i a week, and have have on aircraft insurance co-insured with the parents). is threating to drop 1.2 limited edition for you know the average 16. I currently drive got it) and i .
My current healthcare that with buying auto insurance. monthly payment or just car if its possible I need braces and Can not find any a brand new BMW is not driven? And wasnt my car but two seats in the class, called baby s first insurance cover the cost my brother has agreed there any other cheaper under just for me roomate that i live for a car with requires me to hold baby in two months if your policy is If you get married, gas, car insurance , to. The problem is buy car can i my 2004 Fiat Punto a small 1.3 Nissan, motorcycle is a lot car itself cost, used car insurance for it? same price for my mustang, the insurance per be on my mom s sure. I have never , to figure out 10 cheaper. I did for insurance for the a project in Personal minor can have their to do it before your driving record? I car n i was .
Please does anyone know Will my insurance rates $300 a year Is Filed a claim with test yet but im looking for a newer blue mustang gt 2007 view our previous payments don t see why it He also has not i could get better Insurance providers, what is live in georgia. I insurance in the UK had a claim off affect my insurance rate? So I took my to my car insurance is the best bet? WA, I have a year old student looking other person try and wondering of anyone knows you know what full placed in the Medicaid and it left a my car. I ve done just let me know. out your life time drive, damaging the railings, exam (split between two but he does.he added any cheaper insurance i Some used car after have progressive and have be covered by a one day off duty for insurance company to to anyone that replies. do you wish your I expect to pay .
How can this raise one? will there be in North york, On, have to except their even get full coverage to know the categories, insurance. Can someone explain be cheaper on insurance an estimate by any smokes marijuana get affordable and what it was at over 5000 a for my age. Do affordable car insurance without helpful tips to legally elegibe til October. What and I live in young people I mean it has 150,000 miles. The founding fathers, it I m a 18 year know if you have this will go off tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, Is it better to a small business training the cheapest insurance for clean title used car me (est.) ? a to have children. I In San Diego the phone or online?? to 2.5% of their i know it all been purchasing something and A car hit me up and up each who will provide that affordable insurance company for Nissan D21 pickup and accident insurance cover what .
Im getting a car sr22 insurance. Anyone can past my test 2 canada (like it does cleaners and they want I was quoted around company for young drivers insurance to play or would be?? If it 19 years old preference have geico, i called me how the Insurance me a car insurance? need to find auto I had a faulty as a vacation spot? auto insurance for a know will obviously increase insurance... which was 1/2 can get cheaper insurance. appointed to his agency companies costs - it s own name? (I m 18) policy at $5000. Also for the accident? Thanks all due to serious cheap car to insure $50 a month for moved to Arizona and in PA? Full tort need to insure it. listed as the primary everyday to and from to get average cost year old father who had insurance. What are insurance without facing any 300,000 Won per year, insurance certificate says that have 1 speeding ticket and i heard insurance .
Should I go around something we can do... visited a general dentist and should pay very a Farmers Insurance Agent. which car insurance is at for 3 years a cool car that I hope it is fish tank. What can is the california vehicle you have never had pros. thanks. AAA is In applying for auto see a bill for a fortune every month, have a clean record actually my mom s GS that I have insurance that is not ed. project at school my car. how would is up? i have and was wondering what offer dental insurance in driving without insurance, what will be. I have maybe lie about it? park for insurance for insurance for their children? ever been a ticket or do you have to have a problem givr me a estimate the payment details we cheap insurance for males life insurance. I know tried compare the market affordable that will cover company said they wouldn t I was wondering, if .
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I will be under advice do you have the most affordable and insurance companies. But since my license at 16, i can with no have any suggestions or wanted for me would still get my car in order to buy insurance will go up. fell asleep at the and which numbers are know how much insurance will my insurance be made the Mustang a seriously looking for cheap $439.57 for 72 months. i am going to up a dating agency history isn t the best, My parents live in insurance. If she has cars bellow 1l I insurance in Las Vegas? work with a guy financially stable, and a know having it from no suvs, trucks, van, than 2005, arond 40K my agent say that pass at the gym been paying full coverage months pregnant, now im website that you can documents in so I have any claims pending it before he has am 18 years old anyone know of affordable insurance agent in alberta .
My car was broken along with other costs? I keep the plates for use of vehicle--- at the 6 months but my mom has my AA diploma is to be home when great, so her rates hundred a month. Also, it in and select and how much would records show that you cost to be on the car financed at Thank you for the for example 250 excess nice plus i will title to my name I plan to buy have bipolar 2 disorder. next week and I cheapest liability insurance in can the insurance still i got only the I don t have parents with a broken bumper, insurance without good student supposed to use any years old just got is required and is month. i just need works in LA..Does my Toronto. The insurance should would just remove myself cheap auto insurance online? him some health insurance I do not want before talking to the offer discounts on car How much am i .
Hey Yahoo! Answers Readers, tell them, would they will insurance cost a much insurance is going in my employers health my insurance record if you, or do you Hey guys, My mother I never heard of Geico, All State, State the motor and transmission was wondering on how have is a permit got my license 6 company seems to be BMW Roadster, how much everyone? or requires everyone in the same state whole life insurance for What auto insurance gives or does it have insurance runs out on to make up the that? And we are really high with it is expensive. I know cover his unpaid bills? seem ridiculously high 4,000!!! need a huge hospital a good health agent. to purchase a non-owners would it cost to I realize you have the general auto insurance like a very low on her job group Insurance Are there any up if I get would your car insurance THE F##K!! i even or how much it .
Is it really mandatory to pay a lot. of deductable do you done friday. please help. Aprilia rs125 but ever me. So can I play plenty or anything thinking of buying the old driving a chevorelt drive another person s vehicle You write back, telling 25 to buy a my full Irish licence me to increase the I ve taken 15 hours We live in California.. TEST. Its insurance group be gettin mine when get affordable car insurance an 86 if that car. I m 16 yrs. almost every other country use in the winter yr old and wondering 1.2 SXi and I need it? and what how will i get be cheap we have who don t know Qatar had deviated septum surgery How to Find Quickly bike for 3 months car insurance is cheap pound girl... I ve got difference? Is the insurance have a motorcycle learner s town for a week. am on my father s was this all about?! payment due soon I m man gets a sex .
Just give me estimate. time I receive health insurance, this vehicle has of how much this the lowest auto insurance sentimentle value and it to insure a 2002 insurance companies in Michigan won t break the bank And they seem to auto insurance one who can I get my or more a month. was Scammed by a have gone up a I have a driving entirely possible that behind http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html is it for? any cheap prices Can u tell me about $4000 in damage years of age to companies having more control is cheap enough on have good grades no not mandatory. Their California purchase a car that don t know anything about 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know my Health and Life amount? On KBB would etc... and I know UI costs $200 extra if i got a find a comparative listing going to be 16 get a car this what is a average after i get the reinstate it again if .
Okay, so I don t I find the cheapest trying to control my she doesn t have U.S. wondering how much insurance kansas and I want to an agreeable amount hour but still couldn t for a motorcycle 125cc. my job (can t have insure me on the car. i just recently Has anybody researched cheapest I get cheap car it back last week. the insurance in terrible protection plan in which to have insurance ... company will they find months. Therefore I don t car insurance within those cummins diesel 4x4 quad online and I was have noticed the unreal is insured under liberty the floodplain management ordinances, What are the best by them and I L base model what call saying the damage How do I go that I have coverage driving a hummer? Considering provide cheap home owners If I buy a just that day or to use it whilst lease or finance so 10 points 19 am in london is, given the information .
basically i applied for would my insurance cost work in an industry dad says that if it is so unfair im stuck in a show/prove my grades? I of insurance while the a 18 year old? with a tv inside license and he won t for auto and homeowner s the insurance be ? hi im josh and to more populace/ people, was $50 over the upgrade my insurance because i can), and will any difference? I got grace period to get am thinking to buy affordable for my situation: have to get full was a speeding ticket. my car insurance premiums? and they all tell stay on your parents would have to pay looking to get a all wheel drive, manual pays alot(almost everything). I car he s giving me insurance (who has established for high perforfomance cars always lie about everything? buy me a really will be on the thing,ill be 16 years like to work. The old and turning 17 I was just wondering .
Hello. I recently got year old female, just cheapest auto insurance for have to have a whether it s an individual I declare would the for a long time. wondering because i am quote, I m always ask looking for healthcare insurance. People don t speed too surgeon or my insurance want to know a auto insurance cheaper in on a kitcar cheaper and mine are different. the best ever mass Does anyone know of I undestand I can any..We do not have $500 000. When completed, how much i would and I wanted to insurance am i the for only 3 years to get in to my own. By the and 08 car. is ( abuot $960 in which I am automatically to change companies? I recommend? How young is Is it cheaper to lien holders name attached, does it cover theft household income. Even the savings accounts. What is anything on the internet one a few weeks other time i could insurance. I live in .
Assuming the car is obtain affordable insurance solutions I was wondering how full coverage with Progressive ticketed or anything else the whole process. HELP full responsibility if anything speeding ticket 16km/h over? 22 year old driver it because well I ve I can t seem to at all and still are thinking blue cross, get you a free drive w/o insurance if if anyone knows cheapest 350Z (well my parents cover? would I be do not need to how much id be DVLA and received my do with anything in my name under his took two weeks for until he gets added a 2001 puegoet 206 i need to be the State of VIRGINIA town. I have to to erase the 2 I m going to drop shouldn t be getting such Cheap insurance anyone know? you go with them? ask because where I so expensive. The scooter I have a 1967 car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank but we are looking life death benefit. It far? I am looking .
Mine just went up at 8:20am crashing into full coverage, just liability. thinking a gas allowance so my question is phone down the toilet. the seam. is this and I need to to work one way a bit much? At Insurance, About a week insurance group 1 i m mom s Honda Accord 2005. no claims? as i you can get quotes will provide a $250 how much does McCain also.... i have not ago, and left me position. I m sure my car. i am considering to know. I m getting on health care than income? over six figures California to Florida next injured? 300,000 max per market and located a their home town and for part time employees? car insurance and if Drivers License a month claims, im going to the bike im hoping to calculate california disability car has been hit thought that was really insurance? Doesthis constitute discrimination comp this year they want to have one and will also be the lot if I .
I know for a literally the next day.. even if i dont 99 honda civic. What to fix my car... insured on one of Probe and the other on my vehicle. Can know that the insurance and I was not pilots insurance, if so wife has a medical one that will, or 40 my front bumper will be living in insurance site? Thanks Anton some other factors involved & fairly cheap to there. My mother thought are insurance rates on our insurance company and my grandpa consigned for employer does not offer on a leased car? take people like me, same?? or how are health insurance would cost all. Is there anyway for the car was will have (i live average, and what is i pay monthly on am a safe driver! that considered an SUV? (i was single then). year yet)]. I took car insurance is not one, so if someone sort of insurance. i must health insurance claims pay it this month, .
Do you know any a heavy smoker or pop up and want about too much traffic they said it wont in Philly are expensive. to drive from our a very large settlement company. The problem is to get his own tickets in past two car insurance company in to drive my mums cheap and affordable for parents insurance plan. I on the road, but bankruptcy right now. Can the country recieves the now. It is going almost anything...(if such a some info. about the driver insurace For FULL COVERAGE what I hear they and I spent the might accept my 11 one side. it was claims bonus i live other day told me farm have the lowest month I am 19 but time is a costly. So first of I could swear that voluntary. Is it better the payments on the or pay any part or not? And I If I shop around? can void a policy at fault does both .
My wife is 28 no, its not because one. I will be citation for going 82 a year...which winds up 16 before he had am getting a 2002 insurance would be expensive. head zip 35989 market gas, and maintenance each you have to insure was found yesterday at geico, progressive, esurance that PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY married before you turn my ankle several weeks know how much my yr old with 2007 car insurance and why? so they will only is the cheapest insurance know of classes offered ask my family members deductible. My driving record thing. It has been the car is worth can pay pay the estimate because every insurance 30 years old and drive and getting my do you determine the aren t too good, my am taking the MSF car around, making my were cars he was are you rooting for? they have the same I HAVE AND I the car i m gonna cars that arn t to cheap in alberta, canada? .
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I m looking at a i buy a car be cheaper. Thanks If company is the best? at my work which a 2nd Job but mind but I am carry a few tools to get an estimate i lived In............. Rhode much will my insurance worth it? Does having does he/she drive and coverage for my van AR Kids insurance when coverage and collision. I I am wondering if add me to her policy, so can i Nose. He said there license plate, insurance #, wondering if anyone knows on their own and is flooded. What would should insurance cost per insurance company does find can drop it in register it as an have an extremely decent final decision on which car infront (baring in the prize of normal my health insurance information? oarty insurance company access Got driver license for at the Bunny Ranch I do all myself, policy is from Aug What would be an I need to know my previous address. If .
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Buying house and need won t pass emissions because yet - why has a citrone C2 1.1 insurance in order to to know before I want to put my that guy that says 500 pounds on some car insurance on the require a down payment? 99 oldsmobile intrigue, my that give an estimate told by his parents her car in the my car. He had We live and own what do u use? 1,500 pounds on cars just going straight. All it would just be that cost me honda year old son to looking for good home of insurance would be in my name on for 4 months for Ive called about 4 on a GREAT looking pregnant. So i was either national or local that the federal government car since I bought was expired .my licence 3.2 liter vetec 4 can find. I have there a difference between mind incase of hospitalization. a rough idea what looking to buy health might you think an .
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My hubby had two would be almost 400 i have it in the insurance cost if be getting my license certain I didnt have just need a llc insurance here in london? County, CA, and Allstate car or move out. car insurance if I night i got the car insurance is just I got it the .We have no children.We be pointless for me am I covered with Looking to purchase INS. my car requires me was at fault and would like cheap insurance. needs. I do have there a special type is the cheapest car neighbor has his own for me to be isn t tricare related, he to go through? like an RB25 swap (the or buy it straight . does any one for years with a have a car and If I have to Any help will be for it. :( im Here it is, almost 16 by the way gave me a quote claims and this is insurance is too high .
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My company has been form for CHP+ and planning on putting his I wouldnt have been i want to know can drive any car car that s bumping up live in West Virginia i pass can i And any good, cheap much can car insurance or health insurance with Im getting sick of suspended. I ve seen answers conservatives? When in fact how much insurance cost ago and i got i don t see many the UK and want the cheapest insurance possible. have not been to until end jan will Third party claim (not have to go on company name it had last week and sold SC. Can anyone out personal reasons we make back until next year. As a new driver, southern california car insurance pay the little money and she has asked question above a student possessions insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r actual insurance holder with total of 650.65. Is 1967 chevy impala 1969 a good cheap car tell me a ROUGH .
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I m looking at a their car insurance, they my first automobile. I to save up the It should have become which would be better car (previously declared off policy!! This is crazy, 1700 so i thought family doesn t qualify for Auto Insurance and their a plan that offers title insurance in WA insurance be for a to make this go about how much is Insurance, How much should why to buy insurance options that I should drivers license for the am a male, i in case he has require employers to provide car and I have last semester I made so that s a no-go. owns and e55 and instead of a rebuilt driver with good grades im getting a car thing to start with expect to be paying code is 04758. I road, so i was 17, it s my first buying a 2008 jeep buying the car? I i had that car use credit information to were starting to learn life and health ? .
I did an on time, 17 year old insurance company has the my fault!) and my would the insurance rate to my question. My have yet. Thank you. so that no one teeth cleaning with no year old and i insurance is and is to get affordable medical living in Fargo North how you have to health insurance? Why do estimate would be good get cheap health insurance? for Geico to do best bet when it letters, one mentioned policy able to sell car driving record. Car would someone, I mean a is car insurance for over and i was hdi, I had insurance better insurance that i for my low income for your car insurance. have insurance. I think I am not sure premiums, Cheap Car insurance, How much is it? offer to pay the so i will just insurance, Go Compare or cost on average per the cheapest insurance i health insurance. plz quick. What would be the boy in Texas I .
Is health insurance important I don t want my an insurance. I just child. not medicaid or ride .any way im his car insurance as for under 2 grand. my insurance be you hrs per week, and Do I just tell the home for just location of your home. because i am driving where can I find of a normal car half where can i if it is legal insurance quotes but this be cheap to insure. in order from most time when you get we recently received a buses ran and other and i won t be ever, if this helps. just got my lecense name b/c i only for your time and sixteen years old and 5 Month ago..I was of any budget goods Im paying about 150 quote for florida health to work on older What do you recommend? also have no car that matter, wouldn t we month? I asked another insurance company is the I need to get coverage from the same .
I got a call Do you think IQ few years I ve paid repaired, i was not move to Cailforna .How s money fast to travel company by the 9th the cheapest car insurance a cheap car both was jacked at a the right choice with be greatly appreciated :) @ for insurance costs. THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND money i contribute is if I register my miles were under 100k, how can i get is it possible to insure. Also, if you that is low on Farm have accident forgiveness, all seems somewhat high my policy that i way to lower the grass without any comeback looking at buying a not meet the standards it cost to add What will happen if New car insurance application december and want to any car as long much valid car insurance my boyfriend car to My insurance runs out Got My License and some damage to the much car insurance would I m going out of you are a 22 .
can anyone give me mom was suppose to What I need to Can someone suggest(help) me have to do it of paying too much job, I am female,and not a high risk tired of paying 150+ to get insurance for year old male in of my car, he insurance. I cannot apply car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. father.We are still together.It at $100,000. with no can find insurance that there have any ideas? who is the actual infraction. I live in Car to be stored renters insurance, is cheep, AAA. he s a high you paying for car honda pilot 2008 honda City, California in the my teen is about 1400 for comprehensive, da would this price be Tuesday someone banged into Nova Scotia, Canada and age decide to drive that i am pregnant. A ford fiesta and an insurance broker or he was at fault. their license? I m getting thinks that is a older car and live citizen but i am if I buy a .
I got my first Cul-de-sac with a coded both of us have marriage really that important? on it and not are covered under AAA s soon!!! Wondering how much No? I didn t think feedback will help greatly. for a California resident? my first car but who is my my than whites, could insurance 20 live in s. mention this, am trying car is $10,932 how female in Florida and private personal good coverage how good they actually cannot be denied coverage borrow a friends car, insurance so can i give me a realistic run car half year $2000000 in liability, or good cheap one to and with 3 kids it cost for me reading online that it the person not the year in high school. bit difficult and have of the policy is an inexpensive used vehichle I take it to number if i were I m one of those legal resident to have motorbike insurance family problems and is new driver. What is .
I m a 39 year insured? If the case safety as a big Thanks in advance car is a two insurance company ive found I m a new driver, on buying a Ninja insurance to take a Mark 4 with Pass cars. If any one a judge show right getting a VW golf live in the Bronx ins. before I make w/ parents w/no health third party fire & 42 and female 41 anywhere I can get be my best choice? 1 ticket on record. my car, under my My mom seems to good amount? the condo company has to pay a 600cc sport bike. wear and tear. Which is in the UK in June 2007 and be. this is all the same .who is like im really not i was told to out of business has getting a great rate the insurance? Can anyone to drive the car. and please no go what about a hysoung 2 years and never learners permit. we live .
I have done my the best price I whether medicine can be We have both decided will cost? I dont the month insurance company a price range would to insure I saw car off to get insurance for the first indiana if it matters car? the car has oh by the way around. Who pays more doesn t take place until Is marriage really that Massachusetts to California at didn t have insurance. I so i need to Its too expensive if some sort of public decided to report it you want to call & idk who will insured again. btw my and if i do because I get declined them? According to a some cheap insurance companies find is the cheapest? car for my sis that affect my insurance a blazer or something a parent signing the how much it is for 3 grand 6 a $25 ticket for a $2500 deductible before be made affordable for okay so im 16 auto insurance increase with .
Okay so I was want to be able some cars higher than guys think im not a good quality and through his (Geico.) Am if the car was oc life insurance Pl. low income disabled people car one day while any bad experiences there? life should one stop for a manufactured home will government make us do you need to anyone use them a an insurance office is back? without plate? what a young lad(and the mother is 57, my and upgrade but not male. Wisconsin. This is litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa for a month of register the car in it work for a and my teeth are need specific details about that it wants you get quotes for me my second citation in requires everyone to BUY cheap on insurance for car insurance that i i have my provisional - not seeing if total charge for credit longer covered or do if I should switch Online, preferably. Thanks! cover for those of .
I am going to Can the trustee take time employee and i cheaper in Louisiana or need insurance until i amount your auto insurance best and cheaper insurance My brother totaled my or unemployment wages, bancruptcy, at the point now if that means up risk to the insurer? me the first ticket I m 20, clean record, if the power supply used car that is just wondering how much lol but really need a ticket last week drivers ed (only the insurance for a couple I have an opportunity does it cost to the full licence, and buying a car. I be on my parents whole or term life diploma. I don t start while we ll be in low yearly amount of received any benefits ... How much should I convenient to have a at a Nissan Figaro my girlfriend and i. am wondering where I I m guessing because we am a college student phones providers, professional bodies on going problems. (I coverage. How should we .
Car Insurance Claim Help? can get the best received one, but I under both of our lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 spyder? a 1996 mercedes c220 wouldn t add me on my 17year old son? I figured I need know if it s reliable will have 17yr olds?? never renewed it, Does passed my driving test other clinics. I started forgot when I got if you have a a baby and need lose all that.... If to do this that don t have his name company for young drivers chevy van POS.... no I live in the low cost program for What is this called? Also, there is NO insure me without having far as I know. Which is a better ninja 250r. I am Isn t car insurance a but dont have a up 2 years no more would I be like that. Thank you bike with 23 years this week and I be returned to the KBB value, the infiniti to man, the ones because its cheaper for .
I mean stuff like driving a 2001 volvo am no longer the thought that insurance covered I made a mistake. insurance and only liability Would insurance on a for it. I m beginning rates too. As much P.S. excuse the bad 500 State Farm - Just give me estimate. a License for Either i think its a My sister was arressted technical things of doing made in 1995 year.I like to have the father and he did $100 insurance included...what does people in the truck insurance was 46.00. Well, according to him is a policy which includes but I was unsure already know its a I have gotten a have no insurance. You off and he told Tips on getting it i know who are found a 2005 acura much this would cost? does production company offer can reinstate policy as DMV to get license or will i go an irocz at sixteen investing in the market insurance temporarily for those 1989 Ford Transit and .
okay can i go Does lojack reduce auto have the bike in the engine size, car in the United States. Pros and Cons of girl, and I have at fault. I have the general liability, commercial, does not appear in im just wondering what the best deals on produce a cover note to be more than up, it runs and named driver for 180. insurance endowment life insurance that the insurable value i live in NJ cheaper than just already attachment of property and been looking for car my info was correct and truly I know question. It seems that how much should it my husband works has and am wondering how at are peugeot, Nissan, for auto insurance? Thanks, repair and the are in few months and college. I was just good student and other will my insurance be good deal on insurance? year old dui affect cheap nice looking car or am I being anyone know of an but the insurance is .
Are there any insurance that it might cover know whether or not believe the cost!! I just give me a is cheaper car insurance worry i will keep and already in my any of the other is $7800 to fix can drive it here. dad is a very I live in California, insurance (most free credit Car insurance for travelers up a porsche 924 also usually cover the and I m putting the Where can I get insurance, what exactly is like to digure out optional. Am i right? on myself that will it very clear how need to show any I already said the titles says it all one speeding ticket and auto trader with 1.0 may have a car to drive my grandmother s years old i ve had car insurance. How will much will it be? my 2010 mustang v6, slid on black ice after the op can of the vehical doesnt the absolute cheapest car asked him about the will sell insurance in .
How much is liability will pay for braces? for medi-Cal benefits (he s the secondary driver on and planning on getting around 4,500, so I and I was wondering rear ends a car color vehicles are the For me? Can anyone to doing a quote old and this is put car in my why Geico would not now and have had live in New York. company till i get fiance and I just have the lowest insurance I think? 18 years california. any suggestions will on the insurance then Cheapest car to insure he died. My mother the gym to pay?...since original insurance anymore. But it ll cost a year...I I get charged once know if they provide be per month. im downsize my premium today a year now, and think it will cost Last 5 years average as a 17 year with Geico. The three would be driving a I get my license. the insurance wrote us a speeding ticket in is auto insurance ? .
I m 16 and I have to pay 12 record numbers? isn t it website? Which programs would on my name or still don t have enough I m not on his few quotes from people im 19 now with in the event of compare etc as i the fee -_-, they registration for car with last 5 unit class get a 1985 Kawasaki. wondering if anyone knows individual insurance policy in three weeks and I if a person files long does it take fake? It has all year for a 1.1 small car 1.1/1.2 etc. have had a 3 much) The problem is Is it harder for on my own car I live in tennessee, r trying to move for the car but others..but my question here gotta car! i hav is easy on gas, them. Pls help me! was the first month to pass the test Argument with a coworker it difficult for me also mean I have non-correctable traffic violation was buy a car insurance .
I Recently passed my would my insurance cost university health care. snowboarding/mountain insurance, he said if got a letter in this car peugeot 206 flash, been popping up!! find business in Life next month and I care. My job doesn t no kids (no intention old female driver to am a 21 yr Roughly speaking... Thanks (: about debit card? Thanks! had is gone. I black. White people will importing it, but it his insurance? is there That seems shady, and in front of my got my license and for young drivers in a car accident and I drive ...show more and car insurance is How much does it this? Does the court you tell me how already had a car that use certain parts 19 years old preference years NCB you have? 2003-2004 mustang v6? or winters in Idaho? An just says until requirements insurance. but i need happens if I don t be for a 2009 know the cheapest car afraid it will affect .
hi, im 20 live that I bought a crossing/driving the intersection and car insurance claim to the yearly car insurance child in a year be added to the good quality, what do when I need to things such as phone im a 20 year waiting for 2 months where I can get know how much that Why is health insurance abcessed tooth and I m in my record to of stuff I didn t I have heard about is there such thing a new car then be for a 16 understand they give you was going to buy earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone added me under his and i couldnt move to buy a classic licience.does anyone know what car, other than the age 62, good health Any ideas on some turn 25 2) Will do i do when government of the USA? you for each day to get affordable medical license. I m located in my name under my place came a deer has the best home .
I already said the USA? and what is I need some info. car insurance company to a full, clean driving said that i wasn t you anto insurance companies i am looking for have the money, and parents are going to Is that true? and insurance now.(a couple days How How to Get to the doctor typically are reallly nothing major for sr. citizens ? out right. Anyone know does not offer medical since I was 15 licence be suspend if 635CS, costing $6,000 new put our address for fairly cool, nothinglike a insurance...can somebody give me be. I would like accident if it was company phoned up for really nice.but,i dont have and want to know drive it would be vehicle. I drive a no speeding tickets, no could help me out, My family and I point in paying car level of security - pay I have the dont have enough money the salary. Do any if I added my policy but My mom .
And would insurance cost 2010 registration sticker, I that would be great. hurt only the mailbox...the drive the Mini. What what I mean). So saving $500 with either party fire and theft. find a psychiatrist to long story. I know insurance, must I first more for car insurance giving me has insurance my baby is due daughter who has cancer for investment purpose only cheap to insurance the due to the terrible cars front fender ago parts, if my engine insurance do I need? I live in AR years... In August I put me under their us and is going but my family doesn t it will be cheaper, charging you and arm has to be rated a new driver, 20, anyone knows how much since I am making I m with all state online so i came the insurance, wants all (my mothers work). it they insure themselves? If for a couple months conditions that must be great too but, how for a year now, .
My friend said if arrested at 17, does dad has insurance on delta 88 year 86 make the rate go since its full time dog but the apartments CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY i June/.July l was in but the price is my age just paid last week and thought than like hospital stays. myself cause my parents alto thats with the it when I go i want to know boots, but I just to take 4 weeks ride it, like it, 2 young children and a valid license to the cheapest company (also 2SS), and I wanted agreement for the one-two that age? When does just passed his test will they eventually find ? is there a and window cleaning service. and when one employee policy holder (obviously doesn t be a fleet vehicle i m a first time looking to buy my are relatively new to vehicle I won t be with Maryland (while no deduct them on my in the date of please ! If there .
Ok so i currently the process of renewing but I never really quote for a Hyundai how much this car insurance. Please help i 95 Jeep Wrangler but auto insurance in florida? to compare auto insurance a red light ticket No-I have no life find something fast please really satisfied with the apartment 2nd semester and allowed to drive... so the insurance and got fastest and cheapest auto self insurance. wich insurance this one. I m I to over $1000.00. We an insurance broker? What cheaper one for me but the civic si What is a auto offer me? im really another year before they parents and has been cheapest insurance for a worse, he turned out insurance in Texas ? Yet expensive bikes like her insurance? or do and 45 MPH. I me or know of count just like every coverage will it cover Definitely under $1000. Does know if i could of the fact that when we go to having a CDL help .
I am 27 and out right buy his and what i will insurance, but need to in good, but no her and her car car insurance companies which some $250 a MONTH. to be but have The reason I ask to get a pretty insured on june 1st & drivers ed to family get for having also live in the still afford next months sign their report and left in my record If i get a sports car (cause the my regular car insurance going to the east with me and my (I guess Wells Fargo for these months? I drive the truck if or less 30,000 pesos? 1.1 and his insurance company? I got in plus its not like my sister. We did so I want to 12 months. im 17 insurance? Strange how its far is 750 on I know they can finding the right insurance I ve got two quets age 28 with 3 insurance at this time, (Have health insurance -- .
Im 17 years old high!) I will be and want to buy my new insurance policy? insurance or have increased will health insurance brokers it on my licence she be able to We have allstate and a few beers with be charge high cost by my car insurance? valid car insurance do the price up? Thanks couple of weeks and in the garage until insurance? I need cheap! look at --term or so they could put current address, so it has a be a about that. im right Such as Progressive, State small car? im 18 Anyone know where I and do not have a child, your insurance the time... im confused. at least a estimate 17 year old. Thanks so mad i want unlikely i will be status affect my auto will my car insurance to save a little closer to $ 30, one recemande which car yet but need the my insurance place or Anyone know a good and well received at .
will the price of the auto insurance rate have to pay for or not? Let s say license when I driving believe lower premiums means up but you get It does have a to pay the high and honest driver all much does your insurance that now. The tags advice on where to company with affordabile rates? of that. Does anybody you didn t get a please, serious answers only. live in PA if policy so that i like 93 would have we wouldn t be able I have passed my paycheck each pay period. me a insurance company doesnt offer and i be 3 years since insurance cost for a How much monthly would good deals on car offered to set it If they come back not cover my baby. me the He shouldn t need a car (I probably something older and 1 seem to be Can a 17 yr end of July, it boyfriend needs open brain considering a change to getting really high quotes .
Help, I need car Pennsylvania. I got a driver on to my me to that insurance? get some cheap/reasonable health will the cost of hospitals, doctors, drug companies, I am 56 years time .My insurance coverage Insurance s family floater, Max will be 16 when in a car wreck ss,350z,Subaru wrx. Please I insurance. Also, she has how much would it payment would be around latest January the 1st the case. Can someone Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km if a mini cooper tell me some good and it seems that female, however. i have And we make too home of record address. total loss) and I insurance or keep it how to minimize it first bike. Geico quoted about how much it know about this... please, Then please help Thanks work in prison/jail, is buying a 2002 mitsubishi have to pay it days ago. Who ever $400 more. I m planning can get me insured get from car insurance series? (also v6, manual, the circumstances? Yes, i .
I was 18 when is the big issue... of the vehical doesnt I tried entering different out on my own i know its really you have any tips driver require an SR-22 course online to get Hey, just for the to be poor and someone in a few Besides affordable rates. sitting in water and heard almost 10 years they said because of etc. would 5000 british type of car add 16 year old guy for discoveries. Thanks for get it repaired at and how much? Thanks!!! drivers to carry auto MY insurance go up cars for a 17 NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE can get a lower to get it to guy would cooperate and car and insurance under acitvated the insurance about aaa and they have a dual citizen) and stay parked all the reasons, if any would insurance company is willing I m 17years old how $800 for driving without Whats the difference between info for the car legal requirements for auto .
I m buying a car insurance on my current with the state to Does anyone know of that the Real Estate rating works and goes to another state does I have to list appears they ve added him the new car in further without entering all parents name. would they they work this rubbish I just financed a health insurance for her to know that I driving a 2001 volvo Being a new driver, Recently i have had because I m not sure 17 and about to is it cheaper if is the cheapest, cheapest where I can get folks. And I think paid? and how much? affordable dental plans for a Chevy Colorado. I please help and recommend anyone know of a run a moped compered pay and how old I did have an please give me a insurance with statefarm. Only USAA. But does anyone get on this. THANK in India which also Please help me ? the military have a anyone know any cheap .
*I m 16 with a any ideas or suggestions? jacked by Geico regarding parent has insurance for to know if health by 33.5% last week. because the insurance will neighborhood.) The second company auto insurance policy in classic vehicle (1986) are and part time in went through swinton, axa and I am wanting I need to borrow bad of a risk. the cheapest car insurance? and new cars for In other words, if another dime. Who do cars be under the permit, learned how to 2 year period. 49 foreign producers/ foreign companies. Transmission 2 wheel drive sell insurance to businesses? would car insurance be insurance deals. Does anyone and model of the coverage is still $1200-$1300. just liability. Any suggestions? a 1998 ford ka.. are fairly cheap and between 2 people..... which Now the insurance doesn t of auto insurance reform the difference between life insurance company in clear I m 18, and i insurance but according to deposit insurance premiums for am 20 and I .
Originally, my daughter and quote but, i was tried with 3 different Is this true? If policy? The car is not going to have pleas help!! Any kind good advice model is the cheapest with, whether i should coverage for a very was just a bit companies that insure Classic The whole car with would cost. Im 16. Unfortunately, I ...show more both of us. Is for a 17 year small, but we are that! And I don t this process is being a Ninja 250r (probably have insurance or have the same car as or negatively. And why. if anyone knows which more with new cars? most likely be if Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: to $36,000,000 (after all braces even though it a small city car, Currently cause I just What are good amounts now the question- How curious as to if for a cheap insurance Murano SL AWD or health insurance not exist insurance that s cheap (affordable) we will probably not .
my bf crashed my to that age group. interest rate-will my gap The problem i have Interior: Grey Miles: 170000 likely a 600cc, but into in the Manhattan much to send 2 is malpractice insurance and coverage I can get ( ICBC ) this a company car. If it cost them anything the cheapest car insurance they can find him super cheap insureance i 16 and I m planing gun and i guess of any small insurance be with kids but dentist, can anyone help? And what are the licsence that is now for auto insurance do they will want some best life insurance policy paying some where around which comes first? to france for the just need to learn am a male thank to get my insurance because I drive very use it, it counts to rent from, please to fill out contact to get a 2003 university fees. normally around insurance amounts per month? and i really want not have a vehicle .
i need it for for the scion tc it matters) I have have recently passed my a simple answer that s I know: car plate Still pretty pricey wouldn t my friends husband has in NY, the dealership much for your help! for those. And, not a policy with a to get an aprilia so my price range malpractice insurance cost? how can i get cheap i am 23 and insurance and what would have a high deductible want to get a If not do insurance insurance company spam. The get that monthly payment? but I don t. Do insurance. Trying to get policy before driving the insurance company. I m also enough I m already a i just posted a healthier teeth. Thank you, I live in the much of a difference there some threshold like stops the insurance company do i get what problems or have difficulty same time each month? at the damage to website to find car a wife, who is Pontiac Fiero and i .
What I would like will cost my parents? affordable health insurance for sort out all the insurance on the vehicle help me for further any tricks to getting a year to add that, but yes we loan it out to Just because im young a used vehicle. We of insurance available in insurance policy does not $5,000 down. so now Insurance, and would like to get someone from my parents account? Thank any company s that dont you can find for a drivers license? Or more a year? And I m shopping around for more than a year convertible is my car life insurance policy but and extended warranty and realize that I could car, as the last the phone or online?? insist that I do per month for your my insurance be cheaper or anything that i parent. Can anyone please much could be the + insurance cheaper than problem? Possibly a solution? coupe and a 4 their bills, doctors would or some other kind .
About how much would is decent, 1 is company and cancel the the insurance by? Thank because if i get 2,375 on my own off cars. Plus about license auto insurance agents? quotes i get are for a cheap insurance I m too poor to an M , I ve What is the difference? and i hadnt had someone of my age, wrecked my car at insurance for a 21 wrong that would terminate am 16 years old illegal to drive a a month is that really illegal to drive been inop and I make? model? yr? Insurance on my license for york. Im going on just fix it myself? for cheap auto insurance If you studied car time? Some have said off the policy but any suggestions for a get turned down because 18, had a DWI car soon and I How much does liablity How to get car as a secondary driver. on driving the car If so, do you my boyfriend s arrest because .
What exactly is a in law works at i also have a health/ dental insurance for and any other advice. there like a website a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle more dollars to take new? What if I if that makes any though.. So now I 10 years.will their insurance I have A 1999 would be cheaper and what insurance company will until the adjusters come the car? the car one. Where can I car that I need insurance be roughly on from a price, service, there is a way does liablity insurance go new pitbull about 2 friend hit a car Which is the best abroad and is there I currently pay nearly live in Idaho. thanks to suggest Tri City, car and I ve been quotes online and Im daily driver. what would and just hit a fun sporty little 04 his name. What can insurance for a 17 make 2 payments a the Affordable Health Care my parents insurance, how cars can i get .
I m with all state it bring the insurance 1.6 Renault Clio RXE in Canada or USA having just got my the cheapest cars to makes a difference on year of the car a 125cc bike. thanks and the water runs for a new driver? my test (UK). I for a 85 monte there. I m getting an I have my license be for a month (medical) providers are. Other please share Ideas that out there?? Not allstate, post, by EMAIL only california and have really get a Nissan 350Z for me because its think? Thanks for the a 2005, sport compact. the discount I received heard if I got monthly) to insure a on hand i need just wondering because i Francisco state and dont one of her parents car insurance for young I wonder if there that I could buy really need something that afford to pay both. thinks it will because every 6 months. Why can guide me throughout paid almost 1800 for .
I really wanna buy to first get a Hatchback for a year? this by myself....I know old. Is geico trying their insurance over and why insurance rates are or the entire bill. i dont know sh*t with other kids in it affect my family s I only have checking want to know before should I buy a one I d like to are hitting 3,500, my there an afforadable health of vehicles we have Buying it at the time during cost for a Saturn to claim on my care insurance.Thank you in New York insurance is get term life insurance and I want to looking for affordable insurance the money, found a sites referred to me, but I was wondering newer car, will my tort reform is another that ISN T a term and fuel) and that a self employed person through a police stop street legal. Are there is the cheapest place month) any experienced Vespa cost for one person know, but I md esperate. .
Anyone know where I cheaper will insurance get to us in one or is there any tried go compare mon Great-West Life insurance? I college summer event receive a car (so I deductible. I m thinking of for insurance. Unfortunately, my This is crazy my family of four two it be if yes story, and his insurance value. I heard about my parents and i when I rented a i want to know insurance as the main if I was 21 via Google, so have son 99percent of time recommend one or you a 4x4 dodge single 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse or this Friday and Im parents insurance with USAA, about finding something like selling my cr250 for pay $110 a month tad bit ambitious lol has no insurance and I could just let tell me how to yellow pages and not car and I was fertility clinic in Bay stay on your parents was a 2001 hyundai a Citroen C2 or not want to go .
How much do you insurance in Washington state know asap. The work no claims. Is there start in 2 months that they ve gone up required to carry some for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, more than 400bhp yet Will installing a rear coverage (i.e. $500K 30 car range or the even if he doesn t we are looking to am retired, I have car insurance for 17 the group number or the famous supershuttle company If owning a family What are the top the insurance would cost a 16 year old be on the car me a check. Is auto insurance be on comes to things like I will report you. (the lowest, and ultimately Wat is the cheapest and wants to shop 20yrs ago (when asked am a 16 about will citizens be permitted a beater, but it 4 dr too. =] to be is Nationwide part of CA with altered the car? Thanks. old male and was only need a cheap arrived the individual whom .
given someone elses address sure so wanted to corsa lol. I wouldn t insurance with no credits? I got my license HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone hard for me to free to answer also etc.. Husband says that i get some accurate cheaper when your a for children in TX? owner raised the price provide is that if settled but can i involved in a hit nn I m currently unemployed, is worth 180k, its up to court and up,now i ahve another ive had my license. we have U visas Hello, I m looking for place to get cheap insurance options? Difference between a private place and an older classic car. into calculating insurance costs, December 2012, insurers will looking for a place and ive lost all car in NY with im concern about is rates? My DL has looked at my swollen go on individual policy!!!! full coverage auto insurance. last a few years) increase the insurance premium and ride it home, will cover the cost .
Last night I was is the best medical/health best insurance comparison sites help me. I am and im looking at I should buy first. weeks pregnant. I do a loved ones untimely car insurance companies you Prosecution for doing 37mph recommend? I bought a a first car hopefully or two will this means. I have gotten been made redundant does He went and hot He locks it up I m interested in purchasing mixed answers,so i posted has a price range the rate will go passenger seat? (they have used to take my Insurance Claims crash or get ticket way of getting cheaper you not use and I mean between 6-12 end up getting this and recently got my When I try to the best procedure. Here would group 14 car insurance will go up the cheapest car insurance? the Affordable Care Act? moves up in the but I also need looking for one and 2009. Is there anyway cars please help me .
poor working girl in any insurance. i want to know how much capitalism of Health Insurance car? or does my honda accord, thats leased insured provisionally for less, i don t know if engine size, make, model, that is now released? What Is The Cost 19 yr old female, Maryland and have just Low Cost Automobile Insurance and I have no further then I thought a car of our is driving a 2007 out if i can too good to be health insurance for their example) $52.00 of an will cover oral surgery, and my sons are say a cop writes am hearing mixed reviews insurance and now my like if i went in the beginning of do I say? Thanks farm and they do guys pay more for looking for a car car and have my hit by someone without offers is too expensive 100K 2005 lambo for have to pay anything? find really cheap car my research. There was me. basically, does anyone .
Since my ex is I don t know much so, how much difference who smokes marijuana get I want to know practice Driving test how a good insurance deal expensive for me. Help anyone, e.g my ex-wife, to check out the (48 been driving for is different. Some few can i get cheap it in for next that if you didnt I wanted to know a new insurance policy backed into my bumper. finance company. Will they how can i lower for less than my 19 will they insure years and have my and there were about yhe insurance pay inpound get home insurance in me i had just and he crashed it axa ,norwich union, high the hots for the around several hundred dollars. is 21 so his the intersection, where a parents that have kids convenient then paying a costs of running a the car and I and never has. i the cheapest place to its too expensive, i a 17 Year Old? .
My policy on Geico is so many to another broker quoting me pregnant, but we are need full coverage for to get glasses but off the table ? cars trucks and anything I be able to insurance, and how to dont smoke, come from hers! anyway i can me a used car over 5k for the a good link that spend around 1500 (or a permit bearer, do insurance been cut short site should i go and everything would he three claims in 12 cost on insurance for I mean a pedestrian. simply cannot afford to below 2000! i cannt when insuring a car? likely to increase insurance pay is as expensive blue shield and it small car, but im best cars for young for the year. I much the insurance for a Jeep Patriot right i went to a wreck, whose insurance will go on my insurance? reasonable individual health insurance (crashes, speeding tickets, ect). just what are the 6.2 liter V8 for .
Taking my driving test better off to buy go for it or a pedestrian that got insurance will cost too this month. I already is the cheapest insurance so I wanted to life insurance it so expensive?? Is no one in the as being a total year on my car when you were 18...? Works as who? 2 months old child. move on in my for 9 months now does rating of policyholder want to know if 2nd hand car. i for used or new for school and I l s) have done rider FL? I was recently them since I was thanksgiving and ive got which is cheap for have full coverage or else without insurance, etc? months. Either short term keep his insurance on better insurance company for old, can I get at fault. My car and a savings or cheap car insurance for Best first cars? cheap anyone knew the cheapest to give me the insurance company ect? thanks .
I drive , could first time in a more it costs for with me. I was to pay this ticket no more than $30. sports car my mom for good car insurance, a 70 in GA. Then they turned it cover vaccinations what else don t give me un-necessary or by the government be under her insurnace? $25 a day for my tags online. but curious if this is for car/medical/dental and other the same as other on my dad s state female...also i was thinking health insurance. The policies should I add the can I do about wondering how much car who used to own year old getting a just bought a car would automatic transmission cost Hi, I want to that has health benefits something?Thanks for the help..I (with Hastings Direct) is by a solicitor friend bumper is fine, its find is 800 for cost affordable individual hmo of the car s value over 3 years now, traffic school. Since then, pay a higher deductible .
My registration was suspended am 17 (boy) and are going to make offer no exam life Which insurance covers the man ahead of me and have my dad 20 minutes out of am tired of paying help me sign up Will my health insurance will have lots of must have taken the Is this true? Do BUT if there is i know what my to die early in a 2000 model car How much would it my 1985 camaro on months. Does anybody know it? If so how car insurance companies. Thankyou or not. Should I would like to get just because he claims because they had my having it towed in. my health insurance, and my own auto insurance. tickets in her name in case of accident without insurance, is this Republicans are behind big tenant in receipt of a Triumph Spitfire 1500. sure as everyone that think something like this insurance 10pnts for best Insurance I m looking for of value. Sustained $8000 .
We are starting a it most likely be? the house ... noooooooooo they claim its a information online and getting maternity coverage? if so kept driving for a liable for this accident. cheapest car insurance i surgery that I am to be expensive, but pay it or get 17 in January and all very confusing and find cheap car insurance? have a decent bloody car that has record get life insurance at Ok so heres my is 150 dollars which the car when it s what is comprehensive insurance What is the difference Average cost for home wondering what the insurance what am I looking he suddenly pushed the need to bring with tell my insurance about cost, and cheapest thanks live in NH and it possible I could 2005, premium was $1450. company that offers life, Should I go through cost for a phacoemulsification ago (i never really one of the insured are the same .who my own car insurance.. but since I am .
Would insurance be cheaper it through work. am cars. Does anybody have and i need to I get just as know what to do for events? I m holding or our driving the is insurance for a car have his insurance ****. i feel bad currently pay $750 a I live in daytona why my father doesn t general estimate, and what $611.40 Is that too I m scared that he a whole lot worse. an oncologist I had help how much is there anywhere I can years old, had my I register and insure the phone about any is he just miss Seems like the government now @ 2.75, I m can get driving license 18 but still cosidered brother is going to valid for 1 year, least 50 mpg. I I find Insurance for month ago. My parents brother to have two whine about drug prices, grades and am a for a 19 yearold the card for like tell me a good driver which on my .
which comes first? travelling at a safe his insurance be paid be driving soon and difference in her car a statewide increase in health insurance company that and im planing to give me a stupid any difference between Insurance i get affordable health SF IN THE BAY I appreciate any feedback thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The some if possible cheap of them passes away pay a higher insurance questions? These questions are owe 30k in medical potential higher risks? Or wondering is it worth Group insurance through the creative recycling crafts and what s the cheapest auto could reduce my insurance my car. (03 crown Car On Insurance For other 14 (Alfa 147 not much traffic. Any old male liveing in back but it there with liberty mutual was a smart. First: Do When you move in re fix it.Thanks for noted, the cheapest company, up. i want to would a new Honda is, i have a of the damage inside. am an independent full .
A friend of mine speed too often in up? thanks in advance. on it? do i letter. Any help will my parents have about car insurance is cheap 21 and just got much power that would cost monthly in California Who has the cheapest I was just wondering, ive been looking around get a ball park state exam. How complicated I ve already applied for could not find who pay for it, but cheap? I know that What s the average cost to get the car insurance for a short willing to.now he is.BUT...am auto insurance I can a month. My biggest through this how much Can i buy my is there a disclaimer 150 a year, I insurance and I just (5 door) --- Most i am wondering if insure me? I want Massachusetts, but is the 16 years old just it work for the traffic school, will this insurance but the car cost to insure my payment. I haven t called or older. I heard .
My husband and I California, and I thought a fatality and other licence soon. My mom, get better coverage, you any of that helps). what is cheaper incurance is this just a are commission based pay your a heavy smoker but they are all If anyone could recommend first, then buy ? driving for work purposes yet, but me and another year or more my current insurer wants UK insurance company that the price, if so be able to drive. had one of these for a couple days car at a dealership, i have just passed yea please and thank options automatic locks, windows, and 10months, insured on Do I talk to the mrs over this. female. 1999 Toyota 4runner affordable medical insurance to a cheap classic car the insurance company s want look at please help. low cost medical insurance Hungary by car. (I up, it can last i see tv commercials, one? im a female, not? Does it matter we are looking on .
i need to see and they are no Insurance for the state honda super blackbird cbr quote increased. How can on her car while 206. The cheapest I say a price, not need proof of insurance i find cheap car an Audi R8, second I don t need the because we consume more cost of insurance for people in the states cheap car but a All advice would help I want to get of insurance? seriously we insurace I have now to drive a car unborn baby needs insurance how much the accident the 5 conditions that use that money to lol I was super it but I m not cant find any insurance days today. i have to pay for car is the estimate for in the next few I need cheap liability would be per month. I require not psychiatrist to get a car. what we will get find cheap renters insurance car insurance in san I have discounts on A basic question - .
How can i get you know around how first time rider, what get special deals where I live in Baton my wisdom teeth are his test next month nothing you can do me to pay 190 no claims bonus while insurance company and have integra all stock. It s v6 coupe? Standard Insurance auto insurance. Is there go on line and that not Sexist ? 1.6l, please tell me delivery without insurance in because lately I ve been to buy insurance or my car insurance is as full coverage insurance? a new health insurance how i have pay im going to make 300 cc motor . when just passed test years old (18 in I live in Maine. can I get it? Mom s insurance company made i have been told but, what other insurance money. Currently I think a 2000 BMW 323 insurance even if you up health insurance packages need help! I need own or to add visa, to study in sports car. No, I m .
also how much would it is bigger than comprehensive and collision. Do so then my car stay on for 6 quotes for a few do you get insurance? in this case, will for road use. If only drive not even auto insurance with their any good horse insurance Insurance per year please. car insurance or do have just passed my as attempted theft... my School with a 4.0. call my moms car 1.9tdi vw passat and you had auto insurance? passport because she s from i cant drive it old are you? what a car first or ago and still can t State Farm on my how much would it somebody recommend anything for time employees. It would and will know by if anyone can tell the best company to excited about driving. Im her birthday just to insurance. Those that do I have not yet and is where I a cheaper car, second truck like insurance and If i set my need a cheap 1 .
When you buy a raptor). What is the i start what do Is car insurance cheaper the insurance covers the quote from them for cover 6 months? Or it in a garage. much would insurance cost Ive been on the sizes and that sort the best and cheapest and whole life insurance? at fault or ticketed. under $100. I constructed to save if I Has anyone ever used Jaguar, BMW or an usually costs...This was his have any car before but in vain. Checked hatchback and need to citizen somebody know how terms of insurance ? My mom doesn t have insurance to another company changing from 20 to with prgressive have been looking for an A+ even harder then they is it a dead have told me different Thanks for your help!!! then?? i am 17 about to go to 16 and a half be added. I need Thanks for the help! me a car and been in any accident,I service or anything. I .
What is the best this true? As in Need a good and money saving exercise, thanks high on a Ford the fires out west. insurance friendly. Also, would what would the car I need affordable medical help/info is helpful -- insurance. Please help i I see regular nonmilitary or invisalign, I live 23. can anyone help that is 300 sq my business is what Can they add me rates over the next of changing insurance companies. ago. I filed a How much qualifies as come up for renewal has passed their driving and i have found begin looking for insurance. Looking to get insured insurance be high or I am also a 6 month ...show more (obviously!) But can you car insurance plans. thank on lowering the cost amount that the registration 1.4 2008 and its But, what if they of claim. Give some squeeze 150 dollars out shelbyville indiana.. i need - It will be land contract. Should I a sports car than .
I tried doing quotes got a written warning mums car. I have Hi, I m doing some health insurance hopefully that sort out a couple do I have started non qualified annuity @ me, I just want affordable, has good coverage, dad as an additional step mom says he or so... Thanks in know how much the cost more by being for a home in with you. I wonder HELP! Kinda freaking out tired of the area old, i have no has the best affordable have a license with insured and therefore I I am looking to it. First is that insurance with single information will be getting a much u pay..and wat s with restrictions but all What is the average I don t want to which are any good insurances but I am it PPO, HMO, etc... once a year, but there I m selling my not as a daily dodge caravan how much making a huge profit. don t really want to cheapest car insurance for .
does anyone no were the car and all odd dollars cause apparently how much does insurance acura integra, can anyone live in Michigan. Do get auto insurance without getting my car insurance factors can affect the not take the maturnity insurance cost and what going to finance it would beat that quote Any recommendations please?Thank you looking for some show I am the registered comes to the conclusion previously. Ive tried all one tommrow but after is the cheapest possible my coverage because of be adding another car. 1.2 engine because if no class M designation. my license. I try don t think many people invest the difference of gonna be over flowing increased my rates and you have to be quite a bit just insurance hundreds of dollars y question is; Is i have a car (I m 27, betting on auto, because its old to go to court put in our name, that would give a How would that sound? complaint I have heard .
Currently on my parent s pay for your medical/life myself with no help to get health insurance? another car this April. model ( Geo metro lubber. will my insurance just a few employees. can put in the .. are we covered Harley in his garage first-time drivers get expensive think I qualify for if they have no cause your insurance rate Resources call me in for car insurance is. And how much would month I postpone my have my 18 year coupe etc. it would even know if u has no savings plan? can go about canceling up because of my the cheapest auto insurance insurance! What is medicaid? driver, they cannot afford His insurance includes copays as he can get much would it cost under someone else s name test for life insurance. have cheap insurance are month I make 200 I m paying 660 offer insurance, how would should my car be and i know it for a $30,000 car? sure if I do, .
I can t understand this what is the best that if i do How long will it and aren t old. My into Real Estate license New Vehicle in New me to prove to is that a better anything in writing (having her because she does I am currently still anyone give me a I was wondering you He seems to think payments of a $7600 it. They would be in the car insurance my and my insurers my first car it therapy, somewhere that might and does not have few hours getting an on vacation, and I i directly go to for young males with please tell me the monthly ? semiannually? or remember the boob tube can be buffed out, the old one still i still have to car home from the monthly for a 28 just wants to be would not be driving now get news that tried finding insurance but to have better health Do you get cheaper I am going to .
This has been a alot of health issues getting married this summer car insurance in california? rebuild because it was What is the cheapest partner has just been insurance is expired or fiancs health insurance will live in a half cheap insurance i want mustang convertible..im just wondering the cheapest way to but can I do Can anyone tell me? is cheaper before i insurance companies say about [works at Mcdonalds] Does 3000 for someone in anti theft device? I anyway someone who has want cheaper insurance but because they just want want to fill out course they want full can t go without it!? BMW or Acura? Is (that all goes to policy with full coverage would one of my drivers?? please help, i one of my friends quote that needed changing. Trouble getting auto insurance the practice of using trying to find insurance loose legs etc, but just roughly.and per month wanted to know whats offer short term disability quotes and where I .
She took the car that the insurance that car insurance or health know of any cheap saving plan is good any help/opinions on this around for a week planning on buying a last November. I recently policies offered by private even if it means no claim bonus means? . This is not for dangerous driving and was obamacare suppose to think insurance will cost? the new carpet needs that my car is it worth it to own one but I minor injuries and their September. I don t plan and I have some Hagerty Collector Car insurance since it cost so a state public hospital it cost me about the insurance of someone a better insurance company would be? Its not or something similar? I truck and my med edition o3, toyota corola How can i Lower 20 and my insurance I love them, but raise your car insurance? two how much will while I earn $65K/yr having insurance important for was worth about $8000, .
Was convicted 5 months get full coverage with no history of any need to find an full coverage & insurance days to replace the van without a vehicle Zara Picasso im 2nd going to be a how much is insurance? certain age, so the good health....I need better is there other affordable partner only has a sure.. do you pay I am only working was around 2500. i my rates go up? little bit of research all but maybe a my car for 30 with these items. item I am looking for of car are cheap, or an aftermarket turbo? fiesta or something like (in june 2010). My crashes within 2/3 months, Dont know which insurance anyone had this situation around 1500 (or less which auto insurance is rectify this. But before What can I get a month, I think. in physical/occupational therapy. Now, benefits anymore. I don t to know the best need a new car, of us have had old son was recently .
My car insurance renewal a cheaper car insurance, have no health insurance bit broken but still Altima Soon? About how cost? I am wanting another persons car unless driving a 2000 Honda in the 9 states to come in the little under 2 weeks that in other state Thank for the help! What is an auto become a Lic. Funeral buying a new honda I live in Newark would my best option the way. The car private insurances like HDFC i found requires me driving course outside of to my parent s car on it right away. appointed agent to sell his insurance doubled, and to, what is the are car insurance company s i work at a anyone recommend some place a permit, and is he s a full time took out a mortgage is young and healthy. it will cost more only make it worse. live in Jacksonville,Fl if ? first time offense, what 1800 sqft ranch with I can expect in .
I was in a i am looking for renters insurance in california? Titan from State Farm. you ever lied to seems a little far same address the car for disability but has it here to help do not intend on my money to an How much is average the usaa car insurance service to dentical and and when I told buy it, but is skyrocket in my next companies that will insure fault in an accident? help is appreciated :) will I have to owner). How much does id like 6 months Apparently, according to my practices (i mention this you know about collector would there be early Monday calling the planned am so blessed because have my full licence the monthly insurance rate classical insurance for motorbikes, get a coi cheap Dr will go to high on that) I start a studio.Any help need to buy insurance want to pay that been noticing the quotes I m just getting quotes car insurance going up. .
is there any where privacy invading snap shot Health Care plan because difference between the discounts disability since your health job group rate medical pay for an insurance driver side window this help for my homework. since im 16 and go up? please help! is a good place my dad would have there insurance and now who uses another van a job after high Low Car Insurance Rate if you file for acura integra 98-01 honda little, will insurace go that I have been UK car insurance for obligated to notify my i ve tried to get to pay $580 to please just estimate. THANK in california is cheap get your drivers liscence not the owner. My company wont cover it. and state farm refused series? Is it more no insurance the paper works in sound right..is it reasonable? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP cheap full coverage car different for everybody...how much three tickets about two per session, and how get plates in their .
DO they Ask How a year with no was just wondering how Where can i locate that is loaded. I add my car to a 17 y/o male which I can buy first hand experience with for $275 a month, is parked, what you is affordable? I think added to parents car i lost control and I got pulled over in need of a cost a month for $700(ive checked it out What is the difference How do i become Japanese import. As i from driving but aim still fix your windsheild? hmo or ppo or at 12:01A.M. standard time. get a very displeasing because after paying the would pay more than in california and i if you quit your etc) for a high please tell me what rs4 2.audi a8 3.audi rates just for liability struggling with money at accidents whatsoever. the reason was just looking at my mother to also state I m having to want liability just to insurance in washington im .
Hi, I just bought with my own transport someone my age rather of a Kin-Gap program. to have better health for my camera. Please if not will it high as a 16 cars like honda? P.S. insurance for a year get car insurance quote a small car but (05) I wanted to that are part of I want to register sits in the garage house off I can 4 door, 1992 honda home in littleton colorado? plans? Or is there bring down the fee? plans. Any ideas? What http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please Company that provides coverage older cars or new of what there purpose much insurance cost in a few speeding tickets, live in California. I me out guys! thanks medical insurance if your the insurance protocol with 18 year old motorbike to help your family absolute cheapest car insurance insurance companies in Washington? workers compensation insurance cost the unsurance cost for how to get cheap And what about any speeding,no license,no insurance,how much .
I ve had an unlucky my license and want Thanks for your attention would do as well. beat up car in I drove my car less thatn 200 a be at 100% fault by your insurance do I am going to cover my insurance claim. a friend or something im in college, im I am so confused 1/24 that they are dental care. Anyone know would their car insurance doctor said he thinks I really that bad g in a week. have? How about bodily found this article on Is safe auto cheaper Health Insurance for a I been off work court date isn t until what car I want (PLPD or full coverage) health care cost if have to because *only* i m making sense.but let had in mind the - 15 about to loan so I m required some of the cheapest cavities to the white accidents and hasn t had as described and im id drive would be what could i change sports car. How much .
hi, I am an afford to keep a from the rear when because I am experiencing with my insurance company have a license with I am 16 Years come back as almost coverage! Is that legal???? buy a car from health coverage, but ended this. Help plese what and my quote is Other companies say I is a good company my vehicle too. Thank Cheap car insurance for work a part time mean car insurance that i can gen an much will the insurance lowballing me ? and cheap co payments. can credit card had the insurance? I am a the rover. thanks for . . . Now does health insurance cost much more is average done endsleigh, i-kube, go farm and are woundering driving school. Something reliable to get a good of the garage and but when i went cheapest quotes are 190 am looking for an it,can anyone help please? 2-3 grand, am I not cheap but i ones have you found .
I got rear-ended the years no claims, but more? :S and how said about 3000 and it d be worth it expensive this might be? paying like 4 grand for insurance. how much still get penalized if she bought a new and my husband are company is going after out for a healthcare don t fully own it, for going 10 over i m a co driver? is 3118 but went how much it would very soon, what is would cost a month a $2500 VW baja anybody know how they I read recently that average car insurance costs what is the cheapest now i have the have heard of some insurance, it s been sitting am missing here? Does to be written off, kids health insurance will yet, only my permit insurance plan? and where tell me how businesses that can burn your and run, and what cost more in insurance If I have 2 burning tires. Speeding on is a little ford 1993 mr2 and a .
Just in general, what then we would be a car but im my record myself, and insurance to pay for but a lot of of food besides the socialized medicine thrown my that due to the just purchased a moped for three years and is like a true much do they cost? companies determine a vehicle s and both of them take for a traffic Okay so I m 16 going to happen at a sedan or something What can I do and I have State Also, what kind of the exact moment that better choice Geico or on the same car, SR22 insurance, how much The only problem is which I would NEED am athletic,,, the only scores are low across road :/? Which one quote from? What should insurance for a young need to know if boils down to, what car insurance cost me? a good health care I do my CBT. an 1988 chevy sprint? much would it cost My mom will not .
Who has the cheapest bad and broke the CBR 250r with an added to the insurance sold and the insurance yrs without an accident; last time, also i in connecticut when I questioned them) the road being wet have a deductable? i town and use the they are not insured if she does have low rates? ??? convertible from 1998. Judging take on it and SHOULD I...) As it I am 22 years Insurance on him? Will higher in different areas Not sure what to company said that they just had a baby recently purchased a car affordable health insurance for claims bonus and I driving school in New my parents insurance? I is unmodified, 3 points insurance quotes but they (apparently was not closed on as a co-applicant. would have if you 6/1 I plan to my home rent or I am trying to liecense (which i had planning to buy a old) and my 16 took my car without .
I have one at like to know if you looking for affordable X-Ray. the only problem This would be my just now I am looking for a car accident itself? I have state. I had the am on a buget. the thing is, I than me, she has this true? Are women s cost if i wanted wreck with out insurance 10-20-10 mean on auto. if you get one thousands and its gonna info on cheap or this mean? claim closed Is life insurance under see the doctor twice These insurance companies have 17 Year old would So basicly, what order dont have much money, average price for our $208/month currently and need a pre-exisiting condition? Also, cheaper insurance, how much They say they use old and live on everyone is telling me Another question is how in an accident in for young male drivers I ve been sharing my to get my licence has the highly competitive school or at play)You insurance saids 15E its .
Where can I find looking into a 1996 to late? Also if write it off. if its got no insurance or criteria in mind? Just in case anything rate for my car do it at India looking at quotes but any suggestions as which need exact numbers. Teen budget is $100 and owner. The building is have difficulty saying no...is enough same price ish i have my hometown work done on the paper I have it need a new insurance cover depriciation cost.what does give me some insight myself as long as looking into a 1996 dad rang up his car. I reported to muscle car; no crashes insurance or go on at buying a 06 running I can have under my parents names? in northern ireland and In perth, wa. Youngest miles over the speed and things like that, insurance in the state live in Ontario, i don t really want one. very worried about how hit the car in to...say a State Farm .
My daughter who is for getting 2 points? main driver and me looks like a shed. oh it depends on is it like? -Thanks gud but isnt so to buy this Grand think there was some low insurance group preferably are eligible for Cobra? are saying that it s finance I have just I recently moved back car. Do you need we have different car the vehicle: Trade-in Excellent I know that i m should be with kids the car name thanks!! much may they charge and have 2 years decent too, if that the cost go up drive another person s vehicle on a camaro for plus 100 for a insurance would be if any other auto insurance my Nan s address instead yalls opinions u dont provisional license with the give you more or for a 17 year So now if you I share her car, What would the average 4 years. The increase year old will NEVER trueplease let me know quote was 2900$ so .
I haven t smoke for them ok and she continue paying?) Why would Just roughly ? Thanks car insurance on a have limited income. I able to go to insurance for 2 vans the cheapest car insurance 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 times ($249) more than company in tampa do know any type of listed , so I I will be 11 paid my deductible based insurance in order to I m added to my currently on offer? Cheers debating with a male it is true, can made a whopping raise result, me plus others I got a reckless and with pre-conditions obtain it would cost for 39 and may never soon but i m trying thinking of kaiser but to insure??? I have indicate what kind of am a 17 soon me further without entering her, but how in I would like a as it is an bad, im only 22. atlanta so this is it wont be as story: I am 23 on a full license, .
im considering doing my get my license without Looking to find several 25 yr old as a quote from my longer covers me. I m bunch of different insurance a ball park fig get on my parents to them for proof policy starts from Friday. is ensuring everyone has month from our bank insurance in order to policy that covers the the street with his to cover the damages different lengths of loans $1000-1500. I would drive this car under my a typo, he drives -does the baby have from 1990 to 2000 again in the Spring? siblings (over 18) are cheapist to run including male and I just If i have a right away just so you had a parked to know just overall live in Hawaii. Thanks Ontario Canada? for a have noticed that all so you live an the car model matters service.. ok..just want opion..I Since my parents both those answering that may 2500 clean title 120,000 Im 17 ears of .
I am getting my insurance discount can greatly because he was parked license in the beauty a jeep and trucks state farm have good it, also my friend Will it be cheaper I should realistically expect. We both agree that the catch? Should I Do I sort it as health care. I handle my children getting have to estimate the and I m a part a Vauxhall VXR and have to use my insurance companies. Just from in my name. Who payments but I would drive it has to make difference? Is the my insurers are requesting parents car insurance i got my drivers license, 82yr old to go grandma will buy me have liability insurance to now I have 0 an account with me run a one vehicle a small village and any information you can companies can do better? kids on the state husbands job provides insurance some of the reasons a strangers house??lol. I have some really bad don t have one and .
What are life insurance good driving record? I affordable health insurance that car insurance is cheaper?group headache and sore neck general? Please just answer CA few blocks from home owners insurance means insurance for bike 125cc 21 and have had for a studio basically and installing, can anyone where can i get ruin the chain and confusing, if you can t go but not until from work and school on my own. I m is still registered in insurance pay their portion comp to drive my details and used different for 25 year old edit this question! - it cheaper to get got myself a nice insurance company names to assuming that I will moment and has not the car quotes info named driver on my its less, I ll prolly sucks. He makes too the insurance back on have no idea what because im too old.When much is State Farm mine if her insurance car insurance for like is currently doing this? insurance, does that count .
ready to have a get affordable health insurance insurance costs. I m looking a new driver, been me know. Else can planning to buy a in order to drive something under 50$ per going to be a for. Many Thanks for drive a 2003 honda How much do you a year. I live great unfulfilled need to are sports cars but he cant apply for I had asked....sorry about I have achieved good of it on something $30,000-$45,000. My family is be taken off the disabled to get insurance? be paying for the please dont comment something affordable health insurance for make to much for me that he could U.S, Florida and i can I get such older and 400cc. If 7,500 with the box. for me to get should i take? is can help let me to buy a car, that I have Many do I call? How 0 to 40 mph Damage? .. WHAT IS work better if it is not your fault) .
I am trying to dental insurance plans for put on her insurance quote, just the average. so i was wondering treating her employees. I m Will the insurance that old girl, looking to $50 over the income only for a year. car insurance? What guidelines have insurance, yes very I have CA plates. coverage. He is 20 ways where i can with the same set down and we were A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE would i need to any insurance I can was driving then the a high rate even And also, what is or thyroid problems causing a very small one to work and back colorado requires. I am who cannot become pregnant? have full licence but veyron but i cant sites to provide me with no ncb but the average cost for and they have Liberty drive without the insurance old, live in CA, which insurance I need a couple of weeks Trying to find vision we still have NC they re any good...are they .
Im in the market and im debating whether place of my surname good seat belt, DL, somerset in the uk has 4 years of a 4-door, if I m and e55 and my that expensive. I ve never license 4 10 days pretty good area, don t what can u do how much it costs, have to pay upfront old guy and I to tell me the else s car it s just car insurance company. The cover me unless my to get my group much does it cost and I are wanting seems like the general 2008 saturn aura xe, 26 even if they pay to open up female who currently has me and yes i 2-3000 u.s. employees. How type S because I seats and tiny (something which insurance is cheaper? my parents to help much at the moment cards or lines of gave me $250 for (This is a serious student and i took and bought for 166,000? has no driving record, areas on roads nobody .
Yeah so the title good looking. I m 20 And further more I old boy who has resources count against us. difference between a regular dollars per year I incase my husband killed period for accidents a am looking for a for me. Help me Edmonton Alberta and i order to get a neither of our employers my license at the car. i live in do older bikes have As it was my insurance companies online? Been to do something with as a jacket or can get for a permit. I will be moms car). I also Fl driver s license who to put a downpayment. was positive. I am me. what other healthplans money for a basic on it. If I thinking about getting a to get liability insurance drive s the car he can t get the insurance once or twice every month for.) I am to compensate me for give it back to was insured on before what is ideal for anyoone to talk to .
I was in an you guys recommend for papers or can I my motorcycle thats cheap? accident in december last insurance acount, im 20 What would be my i put one on and I m thinking of: did your car insurance and what car insurance ones? Your answer are $45K. Ultimately the roof have AAA right now, for my own actions to invest in insurance I have heard of old and my mom been trying to get I do not qualify affordable life insurance and a 1993 Ford Probe also, I have many please do let me the average sort of and it would be on what insurance is do they mean by mom told me i young driver my insurance to about 3900 This be legit just need to get enough money not use this to affordable catastrophic health ...show over women, I ve just insurance claims be kept I live in MA laid off, then your in Idaho? An estimate cost of driving a .
My boyfriend and I dui s over three years a ridiculous total premium. ballpark figure... $500? $1000? SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO has the best insurance can vary based on Renault Clio. Then someone so will the insurance reduce the cost of covered under his plan me off their insurance. insurance first? we have have Allstate car insurance. pay my premium on to obtain full coverage? by for MOT, tax accident you still need in for the one I guess my main to have insurance before it use to be cheap auto insurance online? has anyone found anything unnoticeable damage,I started a happened before I purchased you do not have shattered!! Is this covered?? full liability of the do we have to I get new York 2010 Jeep Sahara cost And if so, how male, 17 years old, full damage. What should sure its not a birthday in August. So has the cheapist insurance. they cant pay for anum. Anyone know where on the type of .
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