#go goa
lelifeholidays · 1 year
GOA is incredible ✨ But have you been to these places? .Video by: @droneshotsgoa . #goa #goadiaries #goatourism #goatravel #beachlife #gogoa #southgoa #northgoa #anjunabeach #dji #djiindia #dronephotography #goabeach #trending #trendingreels #goatourism [Goa Travel Places, Unexplored Places in Goa, South Goa, Goa Drone Shoot, Goa Drone Photography, Drone Shots Goa, Indian Travel]
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upskillmarketing · 1 year
Digital Magic in Tourist Destinations
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, digital marketing, including the Best Digital Marketing Course in Goa, has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses in various industries, including tourism. Tourist destinations worldwide are increasingly adopting digital marketing strategies to attract, engage, and retain visitors. The numerous advantages of digital marketing in tourist places are evident through its ability to effectively reach and engage with a broad audience. By leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and interactive campaigns, destinations can showcase their unique attractions, picturesque landscapes, and exciting activities, creating immense interest among potential travelers.
One of the key factors contributing to the success of digital marketing campaigns lies in its targeted approach. Utilizing advanced data analytics and tools like Google Analytics, tourist destinations gain valuable insights into their audience's preferences and behaviors. Armed with this knowledge, they can tailor their marketing campaigns to resonate with specific target demographics, such as adventure seekers, families, or cultural enthusiasts. As a result, digital marketing ensures that the right message reaches the right people at precisely the right time.
A significant advantage of digital marketing is its cost-effectiveness when compared to traditional advertising methods like print ads and billboards. Digital marketing offers a more economical alternative that provides measurable outcomes. By investing in search engine marketing (SEM) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, destinations can allocate their budgets more efficiently, focusing resources on campaigns that generate the most traction. Additionally, social media platforms offer a cost-effective way to engage with potential travelers, build brand loyalty, and encourage user-generated content, further amplifying the destination's online presence.
Interactivity is at the core of digital marketing, enabling destinations to engage with their audience in real-time. Through social media platforms, tourist destinations can directly communicate with tourists, addressing queries, comments, and feedback promptly. Such responsiveness fosters a positive image of the destination and demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction. Engaging content, including live videos showcasing events and behind-the-scenes experiences, can build anticipation and enthusiasm, inspiring travelers to add the destination to their must-visit list.
User-Generated Content (UGC) has become a powerful tool for influencing potential travelers' decisions. Digital marketing empowers destinations to leverage UGC by encouraging visitors to share their experiences, photos, and videos on various platforms. UGC serves as authentic and unbiased promotion, sparking curiosity among prospective tourists. By incorporating UGC into their marketing strategies, tourist places can cultivate a sense of community and inspire wanderlust, attracting even more visitors.
Personalized experiences have become a vital aspect of modern travel. Through digital marketing, tourist destinations can offer customized itineraries, promotions, and recommendations based on individual preferences. Utilizing data-driven insights, destinations can curate personalized content and offers, fostering a deeper connection with potential tourists and increasing the likelihood of conversion.
Digital marketing provides valuable data and analytics that allow tourist destinations to measure the success of their campaigns accurately. Metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, conversion rates, and social media engagement provide tangible insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies. This data-driven approach enables destinations to adapt their campaigns in real-time, making improvements and optimizing their efforts for better results continuously.Digital marketing has become an essential tool in the tourism industry, with tourist destinations worldwide embracing its potential to attract and engage travelers. By adopting advanced strategies and techniques, destinations can create compelling campaigns that captivate audiences and transform tourist places into thriving destinations. Embracing the advantages of digital marketing allows these places to flourish in the digital age and make a lasting impression on tourists from around the globe.
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polygraphish-art · 1 year
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the brainrot is still strong you know the drill
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chrliekclly · 2 months
How did you get your job on sunny? I really wanna go into the entertainment industry.
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iv told th story b4 but i got onto th show bcuz i just happened to b n th right place @ th right time
was working on smthn completely different nd drunk on th camera truck during one of our wrap days me, the DIT, nd the loader wer talking abt fave tv shows nd when i said tht always sunny was mine th loaders just like "oh lol funny im the 1st AC on that. i can get u some days if u want" ???
so i...did some days...then i did a season...and now im core crew i guess
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celestial-sapphicss · 18 days
peaceful property is SO FUN i have not laughed so much in a long time
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lateseptemberdawn · 3 months
would bts be bts if even a single one of them was missing? the answer is no, and here is why.
saw a comment just now on lost mv about rm being the secret behind bts's success and that just sent me to the previous similar claims about taehyung and jungkook and that just led me to think that bts really would not be what it is if it weren't for all seven of them. like. each and every one of them brings something so crucial and fundamental that it becomes impossible to imagine bts to be what they are now without even a single one of them. and since i like to dig through personalities and characteristics, im going to thrive making this post so lets get into it:
Namjoon: Obviously the leader and a damn good one at that. he is the brains of the group. the fact that he knows english is itself a great reason for their establishment in the west but of course its much more than that. his writing and composing skills are no joke, first of all. his mature perspective on life and people helped a great deal in sort of identifying exactly what take to have on any circumstance. he knows emotions, is damn good at identifying them in himself as well as others, which becomes helpful in pinpointing what their fans want and expect. i wouldn't say he's a saint, i wouldn't say any of them are, and i suppose it'd be hard to be Good and Humbled after the heights they've touched but, he's very good at projecting himself and his team as well. his leadership skills are so refined you can tell its inherent because the way he takes stands and also makes sure all the members are represented is honestly a treat to watch. i wouldn't call him the backbone of the group because that's the next member we will be talking about.
Seokjin: He is the backbone. recent weverse interview offered a damn good insight to his mentality and i have to say, it's beyond whimsical or naïve. in today's day and age, and even before, especially for a korean man, to have that much confidence and self-assuredness that manages to not be toxic or overly forced onto the others is a fresh wave of breeze in a world where men are desperate to be noticed for the smallest of things. his maturity differs greatly from namjoon, as i think their foundations of their life philosophies are separate from each other. while namjoon is more of a worldly-wise guy, seokjin is more into the self aspect of life, and both of them combined are a very healthy ideologies to grow up around. seokjin may have had moments of suffering and self-doubt, that is not what i'm insinuating, but the fact that he's grown past those phases in such a beautiful way is inspiring, not only to the fans, but especially to the younger group members. he is insanely good at handling the member's separate personalities, even better than namjoon who i think is more tied around the professional aspect of their personalities. this is not to say that he doesn't know them personally very well, of course he does, but it means that he probably doesn't know best how to interact with them on a more personal, nuanced level, which i think we will all agree, seokjin is a genius at. ("what if he flings it?" "then he flings it.")
Yoongi: Yoongi, of course, the musical genius, he brings in passion to the group. I will admit i dont really know all that much about the fundamentals of music, but i know enough to know that Yoongi is definitely a genius of the field. while i think that namjoon is more of a lyrical genius, yoongi sure knows his way around words as well. but his strength is definitely in composing. and he's insanely talented at that. his early passion in rapping and his emotional connect to it fueled his rage and his need to be successful at it, and i feel contrary to what it seems like, he is the type to not let go of his dreams no matter what. i feel he is someone who picks his battles for the long haul and never ever thinks of quitting, no matter how hard it gets. that tenacity i think he shares with every single member on some level but in different ways. i think namjoon is more practical and reasonable in his pursuits, and jin is more self-studying, but yoongi seems like someone who, if has decided for himself that it is something he needs to do, will simply jump into it headfirst, and no matter what else he might need to do, he won't hesitate in doing that, will simply try until he gets it. being such a musical genius, he knows the musical strengths of his group mates. he identifies and values each aspect of bts, theirs strengths and weaknesses, and knows how to work through them. he not only recognises their specialties, but also encourages them greatly, resulting in the betterment and strengthening on bts as a muscial group.
Hoseok: Hoseok is the perfectionist. a very strict one at that. he does not play when it comes to professionalism, especially his field of it, and that's helped the group in strengthening this other aspect of idol life. of course, dance is one of the main things that makes any kpop act famous. and hoseok is definitely a huge part of the reason why bts is known for its choreographies. hoseok is serious when it comes to dance and synchronization and being absolutely perfect on the stage and in front of the camera. its not that he does not tolerate mistakes, but that he has that leadership quality of knowing who to push, when to push and just how hard to push them. but hoseok comes with dual benefits, because he is of course the sunshine of the group. hoseok is perhaps the best at compartmentalising, at distinguishing his personal life from his professional one, because he snaps the moment he recognises the need to slip off his professionalism. he is an incredible person to be around. that is evident in his compact relationships with the members. he shares a special friendship with each and every one of them, they all trust him to share their time with him and he shares a sort of playful comradery with every single one that it is always a treat to witness. he brings in that flavour of friendship that brings life to the group as a whole, because his closeness with every single one of them separately, in couples, triplets, quadrats or quintets or all seven of them together is the exact same: it brings playfulness to the front, a sort of easygoing, casual, free atmosphere that tells that he is someone who is a great friend. he brings in discipline as well as that humanness that needs to be tied together in order for anyone to reach anywhere in life, that bts has thruough hoseok.
Jimin: While hoseok brings in the professional aspect of dance in the group, jimin brings in his own separate flavour to it. one that, in my opinion, is the richest out of all of them. similar to hoseok, jimin too is a perfectionist. his perfectionism, however, revolves more around himself, as in he strives and strives to be the absolute best version of himself that he can be for any bit. he seems like someone who compartmentalizes in the extremes, as in he completely immerses himself in the environment he is in. his artistic vision appears to be rigid to him, it can maybe get him in his head, and that is perhaps why he gets lost in it sometimes. his solo does mention getting lost in feelings, going crazy in his reaching, and while they may not be autobiographical, it still says something about him. his personality is more loving and pure, he is caring in a way that seems angelic, knows himself and in that also finds it easier to know others, similar to seokjin. jimin brings in the heart of bts. he is simply full of feelings, but he is articulate and knowledgeable in navigating through them. his addition in the group is his loveliness and his exquisite talent. not only is he an exceptional dancer, but his voice is simply a whole other thing all together. his range and tone is so unique and vast, that bts manages to seamlessly transcend musical restrictions. his vocals are no joke, he is also a good enough rapper, was almost trained in it as well. what jimin brings to the stage when the performance is on is something that only he can bring. he sets the stage in sensuality without even trying, he expertise in the dance forms brings bts that all-rounder status with a depth that would not be possible without jimin.
Taehyung: The face of bts, no doubts at all. he is the one that brings in the crowd in bulks with a single blink of his eye. and i wish i was exaggerating but from my own experiences and almost experiences and judging by what i was listening in the fast-growing fanbase during boy with luv era, i really am not exaggerating at all. its not just his face either. or, perhaps it is, but it's not just his face that does all the work. his personality is such that it just sticks out. not always in the best way, we all know he also has the most haters out of them all as well, but the point stands; he attracts. with the least efforts, he becomes the crowd magnate that if nothing else, makes bts known at the very least. his position in the group has always been dynamic, from the very beginning to even now. being a hidden member, not having any main positions; sharing the visual position with jin, sharing the vocal positions with jungkook and jimin, no separate training to get him into the dance line-up, not enough training in being a rapper -- taehyung has had to prove himself to earn any position at all. but he has achieved his own place in the group in the same effortless manner that he does everything else. and that is what beings in the charisma. while his singing or dancing or visuals or rapping are incredible in themselves, it's no secret that he has grown to betterment. unlike jimin or hoseok or yoongi, taehyung seems to do things simply because he wants to do them. and he seems to be the type to want to be Good at what he does. he is also perhaps the one member in the group whose personality has changed the most over the years out of all of them. that makes him dynamic, it makes him captivating because he does not remain constant and seems to hold parallels inside himself. his uniqueness contributes immensely to the factor, because it doesn't take long to recognise that taehyung is far from being the average person you meet, in fact, he is nowhere close to it. he is smart in a way that he keeps hidden. perceptive in a way that is surprising every single time he lets it break out. he is effortlessly perfect, and he makes it known. he is in control of how he is perceived and that makes him clever in a way that keeps people on their toes whenever he shows up.
Jungkook: The pure, sheer, talent. he is the one that is born for it. the one that can do it all, and can do it all well. like the younger sibling in families, jungkook too is the handyman of the group. there is nothing else to say, he simply really was born to be jungkook of bts. it helps that he is insanely humble and incredible grateful for bts, because that makes him the fuel that that keeps the group running. he lives for bts, not for himself, but for this life. and while that is problematic on a lot of levels, it seems like he sort of is getting the hang of what it means to be a human. it is understandable, since he was recruited at a very young age, and that is also what contributes to him being theoretically perfect. every group needs undiluted talent, talent that can be molded into whichever vessel that is needed, and in bts, that talent is brought in by jungkook. he was acknowledged and acclaimed for it in the beginning itself, he is known by being perfect, and that ideal, the ideal of perfection in all its forms, thats what jungkook symbolises. his perfection comes from not only his born talent, but the fact that he puts effort behind it. him having perfect pitch is what he is born with, but he has trained himself in such a way that he can reach any vocal range at all. he has an energetic body, but he pushes himself to drive that energy out in every single performance to the point of near collapse. his perfection comes from his efforts, his efforts come from his humility, and that comes from keeping the truth of his talents to himself and keeping to work on them. he has never been one to sit idle, or be satisfied, or held himself back. when he gives, he gives in full. and perhaps that is the he is the one that feels the most amongst all of them. his gratitude towards the fans is what keeps them loyal like he is. he never fails to mention his fans for his success, never takes their support for granted, and despite being not as good as namjoon at voicing his feelings, he has such a face that reveals it all. his devotion to his fans is one that is rare to see anywhere else, and that's what maintains the hold bts has on its fans. jungkook is humble to a fault, but the fact that he is learning to think of himself is another beautiful thing entirely.
thus bts would definitely not be bts if even a single one of them wasnt part of it. brain, backbone, passion, discipline, heart, face and talent. even a single aspect goes missing, and you don't have bts. its another thing that they definitely would not be here if it weren't for bighit to push them in the west specifically with its insane pity-gaining and story-selling since the beginning of the formation of the group, but that's a whole different matter all together. bang-pd certainly had no good intentions for the boys individually or even separate from being idols who work under his company, so it makes me not want to call him or the company the soul of bts, but when you really look at it, i guess it wouldn't be too far off the truth to say they sort of did end up selling their souls to the company with its own selfish goals so it would somehow in a twisted way make sense. but anyways, yes, bts is bts because of bighit/bang-pd as well.
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gatheringofaccounts · 21 days
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about to defeat an orthrus in persona 5
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onlytibki · 1 year
yelling about OPLA into the void
Zoro was in Goa Kingdom.
ABSOLUTE PEAK SHIT: Zoro's hightailing it out of Goa, getting lost in the forests surrounding the city, and he and Luffy end up nearly bumping into each other every step of the way.
But every time, just before the interaction, something happens to send one or the other in a different direction--Looney Tunes shit like Luffy falling into one of his/his brothers' old pit traps.
Zoro saying "okay so it's north from this waterfall" and consulting his compass and immediately heading up the mountain (which is Absolutely Not North)
Luffy sees some weird stranger in the distance and is about to go say hi when a boar takes offence at his presence and Luffy forgets everything else in the name of lunch.
Zoro sees some weird stranger in the distance and decides to go and... well, make sure THEY know the way to Goa, HE'S not lost, after all. But some of the trees moved, I guess? He coulda sworn the guy was like fifteen feet away but he just went around a tree (pulled a full u-turn, in reality) and lost him. Oh well.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
#big mom just giving birth here on the battlefield.....#do i comment on the incestuous relationship between clouds made of the same soul??? no?? okay...#oh jesus.... goodbye kid and killer.... nami needs to get up there and take control of zeus and i am so serious#HER SKILL IS SO POWERFUL AND SO PERFECT FOR THIS FIGHT AGAINST BIG MOM BUT BECAUSE SHE IS NOT PART OF THE STRONG TRIO SHE GETS STUCK WITH#THE B LIST VILLAINS!!!! LKKE WHY DOES SHE NEED TO FIGHT ULTI?? OKAY THAT WAS MEANINGFUL BUT THAT COULD END THERE!!!!#SANJI GO FIGHT PAGE ONE!!! SOMEONE TAKE CARE OF ULTI AND LET LUFFY ZORO AND NAMI TAKE CARE OF KAIDO AND BIG MOM!!! I AM SERIOUS!!!#big mom is inside the castle.... maybe i will get my wish granted (kinda...)#kid and nami against big mom.... maybe sanji can join... i can see it so clearly.... come on now.....#if namo knew armor haki she would have gone up there and taken zeus and dealt with prometheus and his sister wife. let the others w/ big mom#fucking hawkins... end him killer.... calling him domesticated lmao... end his pathetic ass#using conqueror's haki on the weapons..... also zoro having it too.... the flower petals symbolism..... OHHHHHHHHH#nani indeed...... BREAK THAT MACE!!!! YEAAHHH!!!! law is completely baffled#KAIDO GOT SENT BACK!!!! LETSGOOOOO AND THE OG INTRO MUSIC QUICKS IN!!!! law just saw god again....#he said fuck off i got this.... omg.... he is either gonna nearly die and doesn't want them to follow or doesn't want to worry about them#while he fights and they try to defend him.... no other explaination (apart for 4 the plot reasons)#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1028#luffy king of everything that was such a slay#they changed luffy chiquito's design....#i was gonna say luffy swimming...... but he can't yet akdhajsj#yasopp taking care of everyones children but his own...... i see how it is....#WHY WOULD SHANKS STAY IN GOA IF NOT TO TALK WITH GARP WHO LIVES THERE!!! I AM TELLING YOU SHANKS IS IN KAHOOTS WITH THE MARINES!!!!#i was thinking about shanks scar... and thought it might be from buggy with his three knives in between his fingers you know#but it is too small... like the knives would take more space.... but maybei might be reaching and it is from buggy and not like a little paw#or little hand.... however much distrubing you want to paint it....#shanks is testing little luffy's intelligence... he knows his weak spot already akdhjasj#uta calling herself a diva.... ajshaksn might this be the reason luffy was so inclined to having a musician since the start???#episode 1029#that was like a perfectly realistic relationship between an older smartass girl and a younger boy lmao it was spot on
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parcai · 5 months
the crazy part is i wouldn't even have 2 buy one if my estranged relatives weren't pussies. sold all our family swords when my parents were babies, like wtf is wrong with u.
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I look at him like he is the stars , but he is too busy playing his guitar . I smile at him like he brightens my day ,but he just smiles back and walks away. I repeat his words in my heart, thoughts of him filling my mind. He merely greets my presence,his hair tousled by the wind,under the moon his pale skin shined .
Perhaps it's what was supposed to be . Him being the star shining brightly in the sky and me the wandering sailor looking for his sight . Perhaps it's exactly how it was supposed to be . Touching the star was never possible. But here I am still looking for him , my heart wrenching for him and my mind saying
বড় ইচ্ছে করছে ডাকতে,
তার গন্ধে মেখে থাকতে,
কেন সন্ধ্যে সন্ধ্যে নামলে সে পালায়।
তাকে আটকে রাখার চেষ্টা,
আরো বাড়িয়ে দিচ্ছে তেষ্টা,
আমি দাঁড়িয়ে দেখছি শেষটা জানলায়।
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padfootastic · 1 year
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just gonna drop this here no context
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starrysharks · 1 year
it's been months and i still don't know how to start off reassassination
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Dragon really said Crocodile would raise Luffy with biases? Like he didn’t hand Luffy right over to his father, the most biased marine ever?! Man I hope Crocodile goes right for that man’s dick the next time they meet.
Dragon didn't care about Luffy being raised with biases he cared about Luffy being raised with biases being raised by Croc would give him. He knew Ace was being kept on Dawn near Goa one of the scummiest places in the east blue and knew Garp would keep Luffy on the same island. Luffy being raised near Goa meant he would most certainly notice the terrible people there and most probably join the revolutionaries of his own will. Since Luffy, like Dragon and Garp, can't be forced down a path, only influenced. It's the safest way to manipulate Luffy toward the RA and Dragon wasn't expecting Shanks to get to Luffy first
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oh no anya what have u done
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just-1-scorpio · 2 years
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So Ollie has a cactus that he named Frosty
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