#goat nibling
onbearfeet · 2 months
Met a new neighbor tonight, started talking about work.
Me: So yeah, I'm trying to work my way toward something more stable, especially because I have a queer nibling in Texas who might need a place to land.
Neighbor: NIBLING?
Me: Yes?
Neighbor: Is that one of your millennial words?
Me: (wondering what age I look rn because "millennial" sometimes means "kid" and it's too dark to see the gray in my hair) Not ... really? It's a gender-neutral term for, like, nieces and nephews. Like sibling, you know? If you have a brother and a sister, then you have siblings?
Neighbor: Yeah, but what's a nibling?
Me: In this case, it's one of my brother's kids. He has four of them.
Neighbor: ???
Me: One of them is ... kinda figuring some stuff out, gender-wise, so I'm using gender-neutral language for them until they ask me to use something different. Just giving them space, you know? They're a kid, they need some time. So: my brother has four kids, and I have three nephews and a nibling. (Decides not to mention bff's kids, whom I have also adopted as niblings.)
Neighbor: That's...
Me: (smiles desperately)
Neighbor: That's really kind of you. I've never even thought of that. That's a really good way to let them figure it out for themselves, you know?
Me: Exactly! It's not like I can figure it out for them, right? So I'm just holding space for however it shakes out.
Neighbor: They're lucky to have you.
Me: I'm trying. That's all I can do, right?
Neighbor: Nibling. That's a GOOD word.
Me: Yeah, I like it.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
Not the sender for the original ask but I'm sorry I cannot help but imagine an alternative where the reader summoning Rosie is the most angsty teen ever.
They're imagining the stereotypical giant red demon with goat legs and horns- but instead there is just a pretty lady and Rosie is CONCERNED because there is a teenager in the attic of their house summoning demons, not because of any normal reason but because whatever could a child need a demon for? Do they need help? Auntie Rosie will help!
Summoning a demon but instead of taking your soul you just get adopted. If you take this seriously (you don't have to) add as much angst as you wish.
Good evening my dear! Sorry this took forever to get out! It got buried in my drafts
I added a knockoff slasher dude solely to murk the reader because, I don't know as a plot for death?? I don't remember my thoughts when sleep deprived I'm so sorry
Anyways Auntie Rosie supremacy,
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Rosie & reader
This isn't my best work, it was written late at night when I was mildly delusional, death, stereotypical slasher dude, OOC
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You were home alone, sat in your dark and gloomy attic surrounded by lit candles, a book you had stolen from a shady book shop was open in your hands and you had drawn a summoning circle in red paint from the dollar store.
You took a deep breath before reading out the incantation written in the book, fully prepared for something grotesque to crawl out.
Wind came forth swirling around you as the circle glowed, the sound of the wind was almost deafening, you could feel your sweater clinging onto your skin, each loose thread itching your skin
You tried your best to ignore it as you continued chanting as something rose from the circle.
Once you had finished the spell you shut your eyes as the wind winded down.
"Oh my! You're quite young aren't cha'!"
Your eyes opened as you looked up, instead of some grotesque creature with blood and horns hanging off of it, was a lady,
Her skin was gray, she was dressed in early 1900's fashion and her eyes were pitch black, like a endless void.
"Are you going to say anything or are you just going to sit there with your mouth open catchin' flies?"
She said with an eyebrow raised.
"I, shit, I'm sorry I wasn't expecting someone so pretty? I was expecting more-"
"Well aren't you a charmer! Allow me to guess, You were expecting someone more demonic looking?"
You nodded, "Yeah,"
The woman tilted her head ever so slightly,
"Well aren't you going to introduce yourself?"
This felt like a trap, what if giving your name to her would give her control of you like a fae? Probably not, but what if it was?
"Likewise, it's a pleasure! You can call me Auntie Rosie!"
"I'm [Name], nice to meet you?"
"Auntie Rosie?"
You weren't expecting the creature you summoned to be a pretty cannibal named Rosie, let alone for her to adopt you as a surrogate nibling, telling you to call her Auntie Rosie and nothing else.
She had to leave soon after you summoned her because she had 'overlord duties ' and 'A town to run' but she told you to summon her again soon.
And so you did, the next time Rosie tutted at the messy attic, saying that you should tidy up the area more if you were going to invite guests over, she asked you to grab some cleaning supplies.
You snuck down into the hall, leaving Rosie alone for a moment, you were as quiet as a mouse as you tiptoed past your sleeping suspected serial killer of a godfather, managing to make it to the kitchen to grab a few cleaning supplies and a broom before sneaking back.
Rosie hummed as she began moving boxes around, shaking her head at the amount of dust and other things that littered the floor.
"I'm back, I got a broom, dustpan, and some Clorox wipes," you say as your head popped up from the entrance,
She said taking the broom,
"Good! Now let's make this place suitable, this much dust is horrible for your health! Horrible!"
You nodded, placing the remaining objects onto the floor and carefully picking up the boxes.
"You organize those pesky boxes dearie, I'll start sweeping."
The attic completely changed from gloomy to more refined within the day.
The boxes were stacked up forming a small wall with some free space behind it, the floors had been swept and sanitized (aside from the summoning circle) the candles were replaced with fresh ones, that book that summoned her was placed on one of the boxes.
Rosie had gone back and asked you to summon her back within the hour, bringing back some furniture with her.
She brought a smallish table, two fancy looking chairs, and a rug.
Rosie said as she sat in one of the chairs you in the other, drinking tea, you didn't know where she had gotten the tea from or when it got into your hands.
"Now that makes this place far better, far far better don't you think?"
You didn't like tea all that much but it felt rude to not drink it.
You wondered if it would kill you as you took a sip,
You glanced around at the open space, honestly it was overdo, you had been sleeping in there for a couple of years now and hadn't gotten around to it.
"Yeah, it feels less stuffy for sure,"
"As it should, now that's settled why did such a lovely young lady like yourself want to summon a demon?"
She asked setting her teacup down, getting straight to the point, you choked on your tea, clearing your throat you looked anywhere but in Rosie's void-like eyes.
It was silent for a few minutes,
"It's a long story, but basically parents went missing, moved in with my Godparents, Godmother went missing, Godfather started being suspicious, pretty sure he killed them, can't prove it and I think I'm next." You said in one large breath,
"Well shit, I wasn't expecting that, that's a very messy situation,"
"Auntie Rosie dearie."
"Yeah it is Miss Rosie,"
"Sorry Auntie Rosie."
You sat in silence for a moment, you fiddled with the hem of your sweater, did she believe you? Honestly you didn't particularly believe it yourself it was all suspected.
The attic felt gloomy again once Rosie left, you were once again left alone.
"Would you like me to eat him?"
"Par- Pardon me?!"
You let out a sigh before moving to one of the boxes pulling out a throw blanket and covering the circle, no one aside from you really came up there but couldn't hurt to be cautious.
You moved to the small space behind the boxes, you open another box pulling out a few two sleeping bags, layering them onto each other and placing a pillow on it, opening yet another box you pulled out a thick blanket, you laid on the sleeping bags, curling up into it and closing your eyes until sleep came for you.
A routine began, you'd carry on like normal, going to school, working shady part-time jobs, shoplift storage safe foods at large corporations like target, and go home before your Godfather finished work, sneak back into the attic, and depending on the day summon Rosie.
Rosie was concerned to say the least, you were young, not even a proper adult yet, and you were summoning cannibals in your Attic!
Not to mention how causally there was a whole missing people who were probably was murdered thing going on, would more detail go into that? No.
Rosie truly became an Aunt to you, bringing you trinkets, hyping you up, asking if you wanted her to eat your Godfather, after all that is what you originally summoned her for, but you didn't want to risk getting moved to a different area and having to redraw the circle to summon Rosie, what if you do it wrong? What if you never see her again?
So she didn't do anything to him, listening to your decision.
You would sometimes steal or buy something you think she'd like, and give it to her during her visits, she'd typically adore it whatever it was, because it came from you!
The two of you would have tea, give each other updates on life, and the afterlife.
It was nice, but like all nice things, it unfortunately came to an end.
You ran up the stairs, throwing your backpack at him to knock him down the stairs as you pulled out the attic ladder and hurriedly climbed the ladder up before kicking down the ladder to the attic, like a slasher protagonist, you hastily moved a few heavy boxes over the hatch.
He came home early, and when you walked inside the house to sneak upstairs into your attic, nothing was said, so it was concerning when he grabbed his murder weapon of choice and bolted off after you.
You just needed to summon Rosie and everything would be alright, they couldn't hurt you if Rosie was here,
You shakily pulled out the lighter that stayed in your pocket as you heard your Godfather shout your name, banging on the entrance.
Lighting the candles you scrambled to sit beside the circle, closing your eyes you began the summoning.
The wind began pushing as per usual,
The banging got louder, you could hear one of the boxes fall,
Just a few more seconds, and Auntie Rosie would appear, just a few more seconds and you'd be free, free from this lunatic, you could get a proper job that wasn't suspicious, probably go to collage, make proper friends that you could tell Rosie about with pride, you could give Rosie gifts that weren't stolen or cheap.
Just a few more seconds that's all you needed.
The hatch flew open, his eyes widened, no words were spoken, you didn't even get the chance to defend yourself when the murder weapon of choice, which was a machete because of course it was, stabbed into you.
Rosie appeared, smile dropping the moment she saw you on the ground, blood leaking into the Attic floors, the attic that she had helped you clean up, that she spent time with you in.
Rosie's eyes locked onto your godfather, bloody machete in hand, her mouth opened, revealing her razor sharp teeth.
Blood was splattered across the walls, Rosie wiped blood from her mouth with a handkerchief before kneeling down next to you and gently lifting you up into her lap,
Your eyes were glossy, and blood covered you.
You smiled up at her as she gently brushed away the hair from your face.
You tried to sit up but couldn't,
Rosie rubbed your back, trying to make you comfortable, unsure of what she could say to soothe you, you were dying and she could do much to stop it.
"Yes [Name]?"
"Auntie Rosie?"
"I,-" you take a painful breath, your last word privileges being revoked
"Shh, it's alright don't strain yourself, Close your eyes and rest dearie."
She said pulling you closer, rocking you gently in her arms until you breathed your last.
The door opened to the empty Emporium, Rosie sat in a chair writing down a grocery list,
"I'm sorry but the emporium's closed now!" She shouted over not looking up from her list.
"Auntie Rosie?"
Her head snapped over, eyes filling up with tears as she saw the very child that had died in her arms months ago, the child that she had adopted as her own, standing in her emporium with a nervous smile on their lovely face, the child she cared for had ended up below with her.
"[Name]? Oh my stars! my dear [name]!"
She got up from her seat, rushing over to embrace you, wrapping her arms around you as tears gathered up in your eyes.
"I missed you Auntie Rosie."
"I missed ya too Darlin', now-" she broke the hug and held your shoulders
"Let's get you settled in shall we? Are you hungry? I think we have some leftover pinkie fingers."
"I forgot you were a cannibal."
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Rosie had prepared you a room, far better than the attic, because it was a legit room, with proper insulation.
You were staring in a mirror taking in your new appearance when Rosie knocked on the door,
"Sweetheart may I come in?"
"Sure! Come on in''
Rosie walked in and placed papers in front of you,
"Be a dear and sign these please"
"is this a contract for my soul?"
"Close! It's adoption papers, sign them."
Good evening folks, I crave sleep, also my apologies this was requested ages ago and I just now got to it, hope you enjoyed even though it's messy, I just killed off the reader the angst isn't that angsty
I wrote the angst first then everything else
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lavenderbright · 5 months
please share your pye and idaea headcanons
SO GLAD YOU ASKED. i think about space goats way too much
he was around 9-10 (or the nomai equivalent) when the vessel crashed. grew up on ember twin, didn't undergo the quantum trials until he was already an established adult
privet is the older sibling and they would both die for each other
he is THE top mechanical engineer in the Eye project. this is why he was asked to work on the sun station despite his obvious stance against it
he also worked on the construction of the orbital probe cannon, black hole forge, and high energy lab
used to get made fun of as a kid for not understanding sarcasm and social cues :(
has always been somewhat combative and contradictory. no one was really surprised that he didn't like the sun station idea
cannot stand the heat. was always jealous of the nomai who lived on icy brittle hollow. the first thing he did as soon as the sun station was built enough was install the universe's most powerful air conditioning
halfway through the construction of the sun station, idaea had a slight breakdown. he wondered if what he was doing was Reckless and Immoral and started having doubts. at one point he seriously considered sabotaging the construction of the station to make it fail on purpose, but ultimately decided to have faith in his clan and continue as planned. he only ever talked to privet about this
when the sun station failed anyway he blamed himself, wondering if he subconsciously messed up somewhere along the line. he was pondering how to make it up to pye and the rest of the project for his shortcomings when the interloper cut that thought process short
was born a few years after the crash. she is the oldest of three children
she was absolutely dogshit at any literature or history based coursework in school but was a prodigy at physics and mathematics. she breezed through the quantum trials like no one's business
got along with virtually everybody. was friends with her peers, impressed the elders, and was great with kids
spoiled the hell out of lami and laevi whenever she had the chance. she loved her niblings so much. she was the one who told them about the "other way" to get into the statue workshop, much to phlox's displeasure
had a big fat crush on ramie but had no idea how to express it or even identify that what she was feeling was romantic attraction. coped with it by making up excuses to do science with her in the high energy lab. (ramie guessed that pye liked her, but didn't reciprocate and never brought it up. on the other hand, poke actually had a crush on pye, who had literally no idea)
you know when pye said that she was only calculating shuttle trajectories to the sun station as an exercise? yeah that was just to get yarrow off her back, she was definitely planning on trying
she absolutely hated that she couldn't crack idaea. genuinely wanted to be friends with him at first but gave up after the 75th annoyed glare. however, she always admired his work. she studied several of his inventions and publications in her higher education
was never known to cry over anything. failed experiment? that's how you learn babey! seriously injured? walk it off! only cried twice in anyone's memory: the first was when lami and laevi were born. the second was when the sun station failed
volunteered to explore the interloper before yarrow could even finish his sentence. she really needed a distraction
her last thought was that she really hoped poke would get away in time
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thoroughlychance · 1 year
Ok so maybe I invented a gravity falls au.
Long story short, my brain said “Dipple and Maber” instead of the niblings and, while I’m not going to name them that because that’s stupid, I started wondering what would happen if I shuffled things around. Also, I don’t know what to do with Fiddleford so if anyone has ideas, let me hear them please.
This is swap!gravity falls. Including my art, which is mid (except dipper that’s a good dipper)
TLDR main swaps are Dipper/Mabel, Ford/Stan, and Wendy/Soos
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M’sorry if the formatting is weird I did this in my notes app~
Dipper = sweater vests, braces, fashion, confidence, unicorns
Mabel = collared jacket, hat, nerves, brains, science
Soos = lesbian badass with a motorcycle and lots of knives. She’s just here cause it’s a decent job, and she only steps in when needed, but she is very protective of the kids.
Wendell = Dedicated & loyal teen who always does his best but he’s a little stupid. Also he has daddy issues. Crush-crazy bi dipper falls in love with Wendell. Wendell’s teen group is the outcasts, but in a very nerdy losery way. This includes Robin the band geek, Timmy the programmer, Kate and Bee the chess players, and Tabitha who could probably be cool and popular if she wanted.
Candy & Grenda = swapped, so little skinny candy does martial arts and big loud Grenda is a gaming streamer with glasses.
Ford got kicked out of home for being a freak, Stan dropped out of college, Ford fought his way through college with loans and scholarships and has a couple PHDs. Ford came to Stan’s tourist trap 30 years ago (which Bill helped build) to talk to him, Stan let him set up a lab in the basement, went down there after being manipulated by Bill and freaked at how big it was, fight, Stan turned on the portal and ended up falling in, now Ford has to run the shack and try to stabilize the portal so it can open a double-sided gateway for Stan to come back, also he convinced everyone that wym ‘Stanley’ it was always ‘Stanford’ and actually now he’d rather go by his full name or just ‘Ford’ thanks.
Ford = Grunkle 1, loves them kids, enthusiastic, uses mystery shack for money, curious, bullheaded, feels super fuckin bad about what happened, tries not to cuss in front of the kids but isn’t a very aware guy
Stan = Grunkle 2, immediately falls in love with the kids, very creative, fighter, a bit scared of being emasculated tbh, nemesis with Bill, total sailor’s mouth
Bill = what if Bill’s the same except he’s a fucking square? You fucking square.
Waddles is a cute lil round goat that Dipper fell in love with and stole, and there’s also a big silly pig named Gompers around
The kids have a lot more fun toys from the start because Grunkle Ford isn’t gonna tell them about the portal, but if his kids want magnet guns, they’re gonna get magnet guns.
Stanley wrote the journals, they’re just accounts of the weird shit he’s run into over time in Gravity Falls. Ford is using #3 to try to derive scientific information about the anomalous nature of the place, but Stan is so Not A Scientist ™ that it’s hard. Mabel finds journal #1 and it’s full of hastily drawn pictures and warnings like, instead of a scientific name and approximate diagrams, it’s “what the fuck is this??” and “fuckin huge!” And Mabel is adding more scientific/helpful labels, Like the gnomes (all girls) are in there as “annoying little shits” “punt them” “if there’s too many to punt, hide.” To which Mabel adds “LEAF BLOWER - VERY EFFECTIVE” and “CAN STACK TO BECOME LARGE CREATURE”
Ford is too chaotic for a journal so he just has stacks of binders full of BS. And again, he doesn’t tell the kids about the lab downstairs or the portal or anything, but he’s 100% willing to give them stuff, and he’s become a chronic liar over time in order to run the mystery shack, signing legal papers and taxes as Stanley but having people call him Stanford.
Anyways, the portal incident happens as normal, and when Stan comes out of the portal he absolutely punches his brother, but the response is “Okay, I might deserve that, but so do you” “Fair enough.” And a reciprocal punch. “So does anyone else know about your secret lab situation?” “Oh, just… the entire US government?” “WHAT?!” And suddenly Stan is the doer and Ford takes a backseat like they did as kids, when Stan would make all the friends for them and beat up the bullies and Ford would do his homework.
The “Billpocalypse,” as Stan so aptly named it, occurs when Mabel starts getting a lot of attention from both Grunkles for being smart and creative and Dipper gets upset and runs off, then gets tricked on promise of being “smarter.” Stan, as always, stands up to Bill and has problems for it, and when the bubble around the town gets discovered, claims that he knows what’s causing it and how to destroy it, not wanting real-scientist Ford to get captured or anything. Dipland is full of candy and unicorns and everyone is equally smart, and Mabel breaks him out by explaining that her intelligence would be useless without his creativity, confidence, and enthusiasm, and the world needs him to save it. The Bill solution is the same, Stan has a metal plate implanted in his head and can’t let Bill in cause he’d discover that Stan was lying, so they swap and Ford gets his mind erased… for like a week, then he’s fine. Show ends with the grunkles going on the road trip of their dreams together in an RV they tricked out.
Thoughts? Feelings? Opinions? Fiddleford ideas? And ofc I welcome anyone else to draw/write for this, I’d love to see more.
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lo-destroyer-of-gender · 10 months
Elias, nibling goat cheese and rasberries with a charcuterie fork: You see, Martin, it's about class, appreciation, and the principle of the matter
Martin: It's food, Elias, eat it. With all that gawking, you may as well post it to your instagram.
Tim: I has this wine while I was getting police records. Dont ask why the wine was involved.
Sasha: Is it "char-cút-er-ee" or "shar-cút-er-é"?
Jon: *just fucking losing it in the background*
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
Jayr Faun
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2 art posts in one day? It's like I planned this. (I did.) Blue Guard AU link here, Sunniva Sinoe here.
They is around the same age in all the pictures, top left is them tired of their bosses, Hettie Cutburn and Belos's bull shit, top right is their in work as an emergency/first responder, they can do some big time, inpressive healing, and they knows their way around potions and with animals, and the bottom is their arriving into a therapy session with one of their patients after doing some first responder work. They always wear that yellow glove.
Gender: nonbinary
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Sexuality: Trixic (they are attracted to women, I used that correctly, right? Please tell me if I didn't and I can fix it), asexual
Age: 44, same age as Sunniva Sinoe
Species: Caprine, a species of goat like demons
Coven: Healing Coven
Position: Emergency Responder, first responser, personal healer of the Blue Guard, therapist
Palisman: taken upon joining the coven, has a little Blossom Bat therapy animal and a Swamp Cat.
Family: Disowned/deceased parents, Emersyn Faun (fraternal twin sister (she is mtf trans btw)), Skoldolfr (adoptive father), Sunniva Sinoe(Wife), Filomena Sinoe(mother in law) unknown child with Sunniva, Hunter(speculated son), Lyre Faun (nephew/nibling, Emersyn's child), Urani Faun(neice, Emersyn's daughter (also mtf trans)) .
Jayr Faun is an emergency responder and a first responder for both emergencies and things like sickness. They are also a therapist, they help people with trauma and do a lot of stuff with traumatized/abused kids, they are heavily against child abuse/any abuse in any form. For obvious reasond, they hate Terra. Belos also gave them the position of a personal healer for the Blue Guard. They has a twin sister, Emersyn Faun, who is a very skilled beast keeper, she helps them by finding animals that would make good pets/emotional support/service animals for people.
Jayr Faun is a Caprine, a species of goat like demons native to the knee. Caprine are the inspiration of mythic Saytrs in the human realm because some crossed over a while back and were memorable. Caprine have hoofed feet with sorta goat like legs and tails and they only have four fingers because goats are even toed. They have hair all over their body like a goat but it's short and insulating without being very long. Caprine can climb up very steep slopes, like 89 degree angles, just like goats, but they can climb better than goats because they have hands and fingers so they can grip on cliffs better.
Despite all the work they do, they is underpaid. They hardly get anything for being a personal healer(which is money that would be given directly by Belos and he doesn't like them) and while their emergency/first responder work does pay a decent wage, they get payed only when they go out into the field(not based on real world research, if it is true, it's coincidence) their therapist work doesn't pay as much, they doesn't charge that much because their patient's need the help. And the green in their hair is natural.
More about Jayr under the cut⬇
Brief summarization: Jayr Faun is a Caprine healer, the personal healer of the Blue Guard. They have a twin sister and escaped from their abusive parents with her, they went to St. Epiderm as a healing prodigy. They got together with Sunniva Sinoe and started a therapist office. They have two therapy animals, a bat and a Swamp Cat named Peat. They suspect Belos of child abuse and neglect, and try to help give Argi(Blue Guard) and Hunter someone else to trust and positive experiences.
There's more stuff that applies to them but you'll have to see the Sunniva Sinoe post for that, I don't wanna write it out again, that's why.
Jayr Faun was born as one of two twins with their sister, Emersyn Faun, in small town located on the Knee about 6 years after Belos's rise to power.
They were born to not the best parents and had a very rough childhood.
When they were only 9, Jayr and Emersyn decided to run away from home to get away from their parents.
They were alright for a while living on their own, since they're Caprine they could eat almost anything, but when they were 12, they were chased by people their parents hired to return them.
They got cornered and had to fight the hunters, they got away but Emersyn was hurt and they had to find someone to help them with the wounds and the situation with their parents.
Jayr got Emersyn to a local healing coven office and got in but the place was very busy because of a sickness that was particularly bad during the season and they were told that that there wasn't enough space or healers at the time. Jayr was very upset because their sister was dying if she couldn't get in and they went past the office area to the care section to find a doctor that would listen to them.
The security there was sent after them but they evaded them and found a doctor with a patient. The doctor was very alarmed that Jayr got past security and tried calling security.
Upon seeing the patient, Jayr noticed what was wrong and causing the illness, a parasite that lived in the Knee that Caprine aren't effected by the same way but can still get and cause some minor discomfort, so they cast a spell to get rid of the parasite and healed the damage caused by the parasite very easily.
The doctor was shocked but asked Jayr if they could do that for the other patients, Jayr agreed on the condition that they treat their sister right away.
It was agreed, Jayr healed the patients from their parasites and Emersyn was taken care of and was healed to the best of the ability of the healers.
Jayr and Emersyn were allowed to stay at the hospital for free and while they were staying, Jayr's skill with healing magic started to show, since they got bored, started wandering around and healing witches and demons.
One of the security personnel, a canine bipedal demon named Skoldolfr, noticed that the twins were very distrusting and suspicious of everyone, and he wanted to know what was going on with them and if they needed any help. Emersyn was the more trusting of the two and told Skoldolfr what happened with them and their parents.
Skoldolfr took proper action, with consent from both twins to have them removed from the legal custody of their parents and get them into a new home.
Skoldolfr was a beast keeper and used beasts in his security work and also breed some animals to be pets, service animals and stuff like that.
During their stay in the hospital, Jayr's healing started to become more well known as people started learning about this 'healing prodigy' living at this small town hospital. Emersyn also started showing a lot of skill with beast keeping.
A scholarship scout heard and decided to see this supposed prodigy.
They were impressed by both Jayr and Emersyn's abilities and offered them scholarships to St. Epiderm, with the approval of their parents.
Skoldolfr stepped in and took care of the things that would be given to their parents so they didn't have to confront them.
The situation with Jayr and Emersyn's parents got sorted out and they were removed from the legal custody of their parents and Skoldolfr became their legal guardian with their consent and they were able to live normal child lives away from abusive parents and finally go to school, which they never had before at 13.
Emersyn and Jayr both had different ways of dealing with their trauma and stress and overall overwhelming situations, Jayr just goes cold, mildly passive aggressive and reserved before and especially after panic attacks, it's their defense, where Emersyn shuts down for a bit after a panic attack and is avoidant to her problems.
Once they started going to school, Jayr kept up their self defensive attitude, since St. Epiderm wanted it's healing coven students to be able to focus through all distractions.
While Jayr was very skilled with healing magic, they also had an interest in other types of magic, their main interests were in potions, which went along with healing better, and illusion magic.
They also developed an interest in the mindscape and how brains and minds worked in general, they wanted to learn more about how to help people with mental illness and how they could use their experiences to help others.
They were already a great healer for physical wounds, so they wanted to be a healer for the invisible, mental wounds.
And they also play a pan flute cause Caprine are Satyrs and that's what they do.
During their time at St. Epiderm, Jayr ran into Sunniva Sinoe as they were doing some secret mixed track magic stuff. Jayr didn't trust Sunnie at first and was cold and reserved towards her.
Jayr kept running into Sunnie and started getting to know the odd witch, they both learnes about each other and how their respective environments and pasts impacted them, and gradually, Jayr allowed Sunnie to be their friend.
Then Sunnie kept visiting a lot and it embarrassed them a bit, mostly cause Skoldolfr and Emersyn teased them about their 'secret' girlfriend.
Jayr was acquaintances with Raine Whispers while they were both at St. Epiderm and they met again when Jayr went to Hexside as a exchange student for a year, the year after Edalyn Clawthorne had dropped out.
Jayr was at Hexside to get hands on practice for their Psychology studies, and they began to work with people who had dangerous, damaging encounters with the owl beast.
While at Hexside, they made acquaintance with Darius Deamonne through Sunnie, and made friends with a pair of Palisde enrolled at Hexside, Platina and Sapi.
Platina and Sapi became good friends with Jayr and helped them strengthen their illusion magic as neither cared much for the coven system since it didn't effect them.
Jayr studied their Palisde friends biology and the way they differed from most other bi pedal demons, with permission, and their culture, since they found it very interesting and fascinating.
Jayr was drawn away from the propaganda of the coven systems and grew skeptical of it with their new Palisde friends influence, they mostly became skeptical of the coven sigils used since they couldn't work on Palisde, the sigils were useless and backfired with the natural defensive systems of a Palisde considering it a threat and destroying it. This led Jayr to believe that there was something sinister about the sigils, since the Palisde had a natural defense against magic sucking or draining elements, they were suspicious of sigils.
By the time they were ~17, they had started to date Sunniva Sinoe.
Jayr finished their year at Hexside and graduate with acceptance into the Healing Coven for further training before getting their sigil. They were 18.
stuff I'm not super sure about.
Between studying with various healers and visits with their sister, Jayr was working towards their goal of having a therapist office and way to help abused kids.
Jayr had their offical coven joining ceremony where they got their sigil for the healing coven when they were 21 and started to do more of their therapy work, they are really amazing with kids and very trustworthy to kids.
They were also put on as an emergency responder because their healing skills are so good that they can get near death and critically injured patients to a non life threatening condition very quickly and without really having to look at what's wrong, they have a special intuition with healing that is very hard to find, Hettie Cutburn has a similar level of healing intuition which is why they are a coven head, and so Jayr started getting sent out for emergencies a lot.
Their natural healing skills and intuition sent them through the ranks of their coven very quickly than the average new healer.
When they were 23, Jayr and Sunnie got married and went on an awesome honeymoon. Jayr moved Sunnie's house.
They had a good year together. Emersyn had joined the beast coven at the same time as Jayr joined the healing coven and helped Jayr's therapeutic office by providing therapy animals and helping kids get emotional support animals. And Emersyn was expecting.
Emersyn's wedding present to Jayr and Sunnie was Swamp cat. Her name is Peat. They mostly kept as a pet but sometimes Peat comes into the office.
Emersyn had her kids, she had identical twins, twins and multiple babies aren't uncommon for Caprine.
The next year everything went to shit because Pyrite suddenly appeared outside of Sunnie's house, critically injured and bleeding out.
Jayr had just gotten back from a big emergency that they were needed for and was absolutely drained from it but they still tried their hardest to heal Pyrite and kept trying even though they didn't have the energy to properly heal and started causing damage to themself.
Sunnie made them stop and tried to heal Pyrite, Jayr told them what the problem was and how she would be able to heal the worst of the damage, Sunnie tried her best but Pyrite was poisoned and Jayr hadn't been able to pick up on it due to their exhaustion.
Pyrite gave them a warning about Belos that Jayr found similar to the warnings she'd gotten from Platina and Sapi, before he died.
It was super rough after Pyrite died, Jayr put all of the blame on themself for what happened and not being a good enough healer and Sunnie was also beating herself up but also upset that Jayr was blaming themself when it wasn't their fault at all and things were just really bad.
Intensive therapy and family help ensued.
Three years after Pyrite died, Sunnie and Jayr decided to have a baby! They were ~27-28. They are both asexual so they conceived an embryo with magic.
Darius and Eberwolf became coven heads that year so there was lots of celebration.
Sunnie found out she was pregnant very early cause Eberwolf told her, and when Jayr found out they were really excited and happy.
They got to tell Emersyn and Skoldolfr and everyone was happy for them. Emersyn gave them help from her knowledge of her own kids.
It was okay for a while, but then Jayr was sent out to deal with a sickness outbreak and when they got back, they found Sunnie gone with very little trace left behind.
Jayr followed what trail they could until it went cold without them being able to find her. They were very upset about it and eventually having to go back to work.
They were more upset when Filomena(Sunnie's mom) told them that she'd be leaving the Isles because they weren't safe for her anymore and left Jayr in the Sinoe home.
Jayr, who felt uncomfortable living in the big house alone, decided to leave and started living closer to their office near the castle.
Things were quiet for the next ~2 years, they were 30, they kept up the same routine of therapy sessions and going out on ER work. During this time they were upset and might have reveled in some less than fully legal things for coven members.
Then Belos went off and came back with an injured baby Palisde he claimed and called Silver(it's Argi/Argentiesum).
Since Jayr understood and was more knowledgeable about Palisde biology, it was decided that baby Silver's health would be intrusted to Jayr.
So Jayr was in charge of this little baby's health and doing that brought them to working closer with Carlyne again, they drifted apart after Sunnie went missing.
Two more years went by, Belos left and came back with a kid again, this time a 4 year old witchlet who he claimed was his grand nephew but gave no explination on how. (It's baby Hunter :D)
Belos had Jayr treat the kid's injuries since they are one of the best healers.
When Jayr saw Hunter, they were immediately reminded of both Sunnie and Pyrite. They treated his wounds and gave him a frog plushie since he was pretty upset and needed some comfort.
After Hunter was healed, Jayr startrd wondering about his origins and since Belos claimed Hunter as his grand nephew, he was four years old, and Sunnie, who was highly suspected to be Belos's niece, disappeared pregnant about four years ago, Jayr wondered if Hunter was actually Sunnie, and by extension their child.
They doubted it a bit since Hunter didn't seem to have any Caprine traits but they still though that Hunter was Sunnie's kid, and Sunnie's kid would've been their kid regardless of blood relation.
So they kept an eye on Hunter even though it wasn't part of their job.
Jayr continued their work as Argi's healer and started living in the castle to make it easier. When Hunter and Argi started to interact and hang out with each other, Jayr was able to keep a closer eye on Hunter.
Over the next few years, they kept doing their work and taking care of Argi and sometimes Hunter when Belos allowed it. Belos didn't want Jayr and Hunter to interact much so they didn't see Hunter unless they were babysitting for Carlyne or he was injured.
They became increasingly suspect of Belos and his behaviors and activities around and concerning Hunter and Argi, since they would get unexpectedly hurt for no reason, mostly after being with Belos.
Jayr started putting two and two together and came to the conclusion that Belos was hurting them, intentionally or not, they didn't like that.
As the kids got older, Jayr started talking and having a less than professional relationship with them, Jayr wanted to make it so they weren't alone with what Belos was doing to them.
They came to the correct idea that Belos was an abuser, and they were very upset about not being able to actually do anything because they couldn't just accuse the ruler of the Isles of child abuse, that wouldn't work and no one would listen, so they had to do other things to help them.
Since their contact with Hunter was very limited, they mostly worked with Argi and constructed a trusting relationship with her and tried to help Argi as best they could.
When Belos had Argi start training to be an assassin/hit person/spy, Jayr healed Argi after missions but, due to inconsistency when Argi got back and how old wounds were, some left scars instead of being fully healed.
By the time the human came to the demon realm, Jayr was very suspicious of the Day of Unity and everything Belos said, they heard of Raine's failed rebellion and was involved in healing the injuries the resulted from it.
They confessed their doubts and suspicions to Emersyn, who validated their thoughts and gave them support in trying to help Argi and Hunter.
Alright, that's where I'll leave it. Sorry for the long post and possible confusion. Bye!
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fruitgoat · 2 years
Maybe broke into the pig/goat enclosure to find my niblings (in law)’s pigs. Superb pigs. Looked very tasty. My potentially illicit opening of gates was somewhat undercut 10 minutes later when the rodeo 400 feet away got done and the pens where suddenly flooded with people. I broke in first people! I didn’t wake up all the sheep and goats and pigs. I showed respect.
I’ve returned home and my hair smells like both fired sugar and manure. Which is to say, it smells like the county fair.
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the-evil-pizza · 6 months
there's one of my cousin's aunts that is bothering her SOOOOO much for the fact that she didn't baptize my niblings (context, interfaith family, christian and muslim and they want to just make the kids experience both faiths and then decide for themselves what the heck to do. We all celebrate both religions's holy days together! it's fun and how religion should be to be a good experience imo)
whenever they call her out she's like "noo, i'm not critiquing you i'm just worried for the kids" MIND YOUR BUSINESS, SHUT THE HECK UP! We all have always a great time making sure the kids enjoy both cultures, we all partecipate because we love our family and we want to do it together and respect each other's important days.
This is also the woman that, mind you, every single Eid complains about the goat as if she's literally not from a family that made salame as a funny hobby since she was an infant.
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create-a-character · 1 year
God okay, I keep thinking about this post. I'm now fully at the point where I can't fit all my thoughts in the tags! So! Making my own post to add to when I have the urge. :^)
Artie is the "thinks a mile a minute" type with more compassion than sense. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania as the late bloomer bullied kid contributed to his awkwardness, but being parentified by a neglectful dad and the sole sibling to stay with him in the divorce didn't help.
As a sensitive, gawky kid, forums and MMORPGs quickly became Art's preferred method of socializing with humans. This is how he bonds with his eventual bestie(/long-standing crush), Juniper. Art's generally always preferred animals, though. The critters in 4-H Club and various strays he'd rescue didn't tease him for being too intense or weird. Unsurprisingly, he was eventually diagnosed with ADHD after being shipped back to his mom.
Car: Disorganized with clear effort to keep it clean but very "out of sight, out of mind". Mostly the front is cleared, but looking under the seats could qualify as a treasure hunt. There's a tacit understanding with everybody he gives regular rides to that Arthur's car is a perfectly reasonable place for a lost item to end up.
The console is a mystery box of wonders! There's always dry pet treats in there, usually little knick-knacks he's found or been given, and often cool rocks from recent outings. It can be a real grab bag, though. You can usually find a fresh pair of socks in there. The one thing you will not find in there is condoms, because the ONE time he thought it would be a good idea, his mom found them while getting a ride and her side of the family was asking when they'd get to meet the new girlfriend ("or, or! boyfriend! Or theyfriend, maybe??"). For months.
There's a lovingly kept bottle of nice lotion taking permanent residence in the console. Like a handmade spice and cedar goat milk creme. Juniper got it for him at like a farmer's market once, but it's become Arthur's favorite little indulgence since. He almost always has a beverage in the car, too. He strikes me as a 99¢ Arizona man (much to Juniper's great judgment).
Very importantly, Arthur also has those organizing pockets thrown over the back of the seats. It is consistently stocked with snacks and spare meds/first aid supplies, because he doesn't trust himself to not have a dedicated place for these things. This also serves as great nibling bribery, because who wouldn't want to be babysat by your cool uncle who has a candy pocket in his car just for you?
Phone: You KNOW he's got one of those heavy duty cases rated for like, a 5-story drop. Potentially with a water-safe piece that he always misplaces. The case is still in rough shape, and the screen protector is consistently cracked or scratched around the edges. It's clear he tries to take care of it, though! It's surprisingly clean and has a grip. He's just clumsy.
There are set custom backgrounds for all the important chats. Usually it's be based on a fictional character or theme he associates with that person/group. Like, in-game screenshots of somebody's MMORPG character, somebody's pet, etc. Arthur means to but forgets to set things for people like coworkers or whatever. His lock screen would be something sentimental, but safe. Like a photo of his fave chicken during a sunrise.
Arthur's home screen, though? THE most stupidly saccharine picture of him and Jun. Like a candid shot of them 'just hanging' as bros do... which is to say, them hanging off each other in the same chair. Looking at each other like it's a Renaissance painting depicting the passion of everyday love or something. Arthur loves this homescreen because it's a nice compromise for the intimacy he wants with Jun but thinks he can't. Juniper is vocally delighted that Arthur is sentimental even in private, but privately wonders if this is friendzoning. Both of them brush off the "omg is that your boyfriend? 🥺" questions this homescreen earns, and the fact that they really do just look at each other like that all the time.
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buginateacup · 3 years
Sometimes I feel like my life is one long explanation of “I like caring for people. I do not want to be responsible for caring for them” when it comes to the “when are you having kids” question
I also have two hands. Doesn’t mean I have to learn to play piano.
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onbearfeet · 27 days
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So someone dumped an orange kitten in Goat's neighborhood and Goat's mom (my sister-in-law) spent two weeks fattening him up enough to FINALLY trigger a trap. Now they're arguing about what to name him.
My brother, who spends way too much time on the Shittiest Man You Know parts of the internet, wants to name him Gigachad.
One of my nephews is lobbying for Megatron.
Goat doesn't like either of these options and I am, as always, Team Goat.
So I have discreetly pointed out that Goat's mom, who has final say, loves all things David Tennant and ESPECIALLY Good Omens. And this little guy's fur is the color of S1 Crowley's hair. So ... Crowley? Antony? Perhaps the letter J?
Of course, this does mean he'll need an angel companion...
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majormeilani · 5 years
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jump hug
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
What was Ford’s reaction upon returning from his 30 years of isolation with the fauns? Like, how did he react to Stan’s and Angie’s kids and everything he missed?
Much like when Angie came up to help with the research, Fiddleford planned on easing Ford into things when he came back. But also like when Angie came to help with research, those plans to ease Ford into things completely failed. He's brought back to the shack and is met with his fully-grown son Tate, as well as multiple sets of great-niblings (not just Dipper and Mabel, but also Emmett's daughter and Junior's kids).
Ford...doesn't react well. Honestly, when he realizes he was gone for 30 full years, he probably has a full-blown panic attack. He's missed so much and feels like he has nothing to show for it. During those thirty years, he just partied with the other fauns.
Once he calms down a bit and comes to terms with how long he was gone, which probably takes some time and many glasses of whiskey, he goes overboard trying to catch up on everything he missed. He wants to meet all his new relatives and reunite with the old ones, and learn about the current event type stuff he missed, too.
Ford is very intimidated when he actually does get to see all of Stan and Angie's kids, because all of them, minus Caleb, are almost exclusively carnivores. He's spent thirty years with other fauns. He's not used to being around carnivores anymore, so his goat instincts are screaming at him to run away the second he sees the Stangie kid squad.
He's also surprised that Stan and Angie have even more kids than when he joined the fauns. After their second clutch, Stan and Angie were fairly insistent on no more kids. Not only were they worried that a hypothetical third clutch would be even bigger, but Angie also had issues laying all the eggs, so they wanted to end there. Ford asks Stan about having more kids and Stan's just like "Eh, these things happen." That being said, he was surprised, but he was also thrilled. He loves being an uncle.
Stan, Fiddleford, and Angie eventually tell Ford to slow down a bit and try catching up on things more gradually. He reluctantly does so.
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thoroughlychance · 1 year
More Gravity Falls AU art!
Swap!Dipper and Swap!Mabel arriving at Gravity falls at the start of the summer and swap!Mabel reading the journal with Waddles. (Wobbles? Bobbles? Should I name the goat something else if I’m swapping it with Waddles?)
Headcanon the niblings have never been to GF before but Ford comes around for holidays and such and he’s their favorite relative. He loves the kids’ creative spirit and curiosity and is subtly trying to get Mabel to really pursue science.
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Stanley wrote the journals so they’re not exactly scientific (and they’re low key full of cuss words) but they still list most/all of the anomalies in the area and Mabel wants to learn about them. Also yea it’s a nice looking rich blue journal, he kept trying to use scratch paper and regular notebooks but they kept getting torn apart during ✨anomaly drama✨ so he finally cracked and got fancy sturdy ones.
Note: I welcome and invite anyone to make art of this au, I posted details yesterday, I just love the idea, feel free to share in this world with me!
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enide-s-dear · 3 years
Hello! For the WIP Ask game...
Do you have "night"?
I do!
The sound of cloven hooves on stone was all but drenched by the heavy night rain. In any other situation the much longer-limbed elk would have left the chamois far behind but in these stony outcrops it was the elk who struggled to find footing, huffing after the nible footed goat. It did not let itself get left behind though, even though it was all but heaving with exhaustion. The mounts rivalry was almost as strong as their riders. 
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.X
Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
AO3 link
Mabel, though a bit salty that her uncle would send her away from battle, quickly saw the chaos raining down on Earth and formed her own plan: find dipper and work together to save the world. Simple enough. So she used Gompers the giant goat to gallop across the valley and through the woods to Thebes, where a big goblin was smashing buildings and weirdness was torturing the Greek city, creating an apocalyptic atmosphere.
Mabel remembered where her brother’s house was and heard an old man yell as Gompers approached. She stopped the giant goat and gasped at who was at the entrance. In armor and a red cape, someone who looked a lot like her Grunkle Ford was staring at her with brown eyes that matched her own.
Stan smiled nervously and stepped forward. “Hi… Mabel, ri-...”
“GRUNKLE STAN!” Mabel cheered with tears streaming down her face and she jumped down into his arms, knocking him to the ground, but Stan just laughed and hugged his newfound niece. “I can’t believe it! I get to meet you! Hi! I’m Mabel! Hi!”
“Well, hey there, pumpkin.” Stan greeted as he hugged her and petted her long brown hair. “Grunkle, huh? I love it! Alright, lemme look at you.” He gently held her by the shoulders and grinned at the blushing muse. She glowed golden, her skin a slightly bright hue than his thanks to being immortal. “Holy Hera, you’re beautiful. You look like Ma, bless her soul. Wow… just, wow.”
Mabel brought him into another hug and whispered, “Thanks. I… I never thought I’d get to see you.”
“Mabel?” Dipper said weakly as he leaned against the doorway.
Mabel and Stan gave him their full attention, still completely ignoring the devastation taking place around them, and Mabel cried freely as she looked at her twin. “DIPPER!” She got off her knees and ran to him. He graced himself for impact, but was happily brought into a tight hug that lifted him off his feet. Clearly she had some god-like strength, too.
“Mabel… it’s great to see you…”
“I missed you, I missed you, I MISSED YOU!” Mabel yelled happily and sat him on his feet. She looked back at her great-uncle, who was on his feet and joining the niblings, and she reached out a hand for him and held Dipper’s hand. “Look at this! We’re a family again! So… how do you like each other?” She asked excitedly.
Dipper shrugged. “Fine.”
Stan chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re not still… mad about me not telling you, are you?”
“Wait… oh.” Mabel said and let her boys go and took a step back to let them talk.
“I’m just…” Dipper gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead, his head grazing over his birthmark that looked like a kitchen dipper. “I don’t understand. Why? Why didn’t you ever tell me? Were you… Are you really that ashamed to be family?”
“No.” Stan quickly said. “No, Dipper, I… I’m proud to be your family. I am so proud of you, hero or no hero. I… I just didn’t know how to tell you. I almost did when we first met, when this scrawny but strong and smart twelve-year-old came to my doorstep, desperate to become a hero only so he could have a family again, but… I decided you were better off not knowing. You were already dealing with so much, knowing you had an uncle who was a total failure didn’t need to be one of them. 
“I’m sorry.” The old trainer of heroes said woefully. “I wish I had told you. I wish I had been more honest with you. But… kid, it doesn’t matter if I’m your uncle or not. Nothing’s changed. Not really. I’m still so proud of you and I’m still gonna do everything I can to make sure you two aren’t ever separated ever again.” Stan swore, pointing at Dipper and Mabel. “Even if it happens tomorrow or thirty years from now, I swear it’ll happen. But no matter what, you’ll always have a family, Dipper. We’ll always be a family, god or no gods, blood or no blood.”
Dipper let this soak in, then sighed and swayed a little. Really, if it wasn’t for everything going on, the big reveal probably wouldn’t have been as devastating, it was just a lot at once. “Yeah… Yeah, we will…”
Mabel’s smile dropped at seeing how pale and sickly he looked, and she rubbed his shoulders and was much more gentle with him. “Whoa, hey, what’s wrong?”
“He traded his strength away to that Bill guy.” Stan informed.
Mabel turned to look at the big goblin tearing up the city. “I’m guessing that’s why.” The young muse cracked her knuckles and grinned excitedly. “And here I thought I was gonna miss a fight! Stan, you look after Dipper, I’ll handle Ugly.” And she ran down the street for the monster.
“Mabel, no!” Dipper called after her, stepping towards her, but he tripped over his feet and Stan had to catch him.
“Easy, kid, easy. Your sis can handle this.” Stan reassured. “Check it.”
Mabel ran past people who were trying to get out of Eight Ball’s way. She slid to a stop at the town’s circle and whistled loudly. Eight Ball looked down and laughed. “A little girl?! Aw, what, are you gonna dance for me?”
Mabel growled and sneered a sly smile. “If it’ll make you happy… let’s dance!” And she pulled out her duel sword from either hip and plunged them into a green foot that was almost as big as her.
Eight Ball yelled and kicked up, sending Mabel up in the air. The goblin quickly swatted her and she was thrown against a stone wall and slid down painfully, but she staggeringly got up and resumed the fight.
“Ouch! That’s it, pumpkin, shake it off!” Stan coached.
Dipper pulled himself away from Stan and moaned, “I gotta help her…”
“Kid, you’ll die without your strength.” Stan said firmly and made Dipper sit down on a step of their home. “Just breathe and rest, okay? You’ll get your strength back in twenty-three hours.”
Dipper held his head. While so weak and in pain, it was hard for him to think. His mind was so stuffed and so full but so low on energy that he was driving himself insane, but those words created a clear path of thinking, and he shot up as an idea came to mind. “Or if you’re hurt.”
Stan raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah.”
“The deal’ll break if you’re hurt.” Dipper explained and looked around. He saw Pacifica guiding children into a house where they would be safe, and he whistled. “Paz! C’mere!”
The blonde woman looked ashamed, but did as she was told. She slowly approached the scowling old man and the weak young man as she nervously played with her hair. “Listen, I…”
“No, you listen. You owe us a favor.” Dipper panted, weak from the effort of whistling.
“Uh, okay.” Pacifica agreed.
“Punch him.” Dipper said, jabbing a thumb at Stan.
Pacifica shrugged. “Okay.” And she gave him a sharp left hook.
“GAH!” Stan held his cheek and rubbed. “Woman! That hurt!”
“Good!” Dipper laughed, his color instantly returning and his stance getting stronger, grinning with pride over his own cleverness. “You got hurt! The deal’s off!”
“YES!” Stan cheered and punched his shoulder, having no effect on the young hero with god-like strength. “That’s my little conman! NOW GO BEAT UP THAT GUY WITH YOU SISTER!”
Dipper nodded and ran off into battle. 
Mabel was doing a very good job of fighting off the monster, but the fight was at a stand-still. At one point the muse was in the clutches of Eight Ball, both hands trapping her as she squirmed and pulled. “I’m gonna bite your head off!” He roared.
“LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!” Dipper demanded, grabbing a lit torch, jumping off a tall building, and smacking Eight Ball in one of his weird eyes with the fire.
“GAH!” The monster dropped Mabel, who recovered by doing a flip and landed perfectly with a bend of her knee. Dipper jumped down beside her and they both smiled proudly at each other, only allowed a moment before eight Ball had recovered and roared, but one sly glance at each other and the fallen god and the young muse were ready to do battle.
They pounced on the goblin, Dipper throwing punches and Mabel using her duel swords, and they fell behind a large mountain with the beast. Stan and Pacifica gasp, the battle out of sight, and three voices yelled when large rocks from the side of the mountain fell. The audience ran closer, but stopped as they heard rustling. Preparing for the worst but praying for the best, Dipper and Mabel slowly emerged, a bit dirty but healthy nonetheless.
Stan hollered with joy as his chest swelled with pride while Pacifica clapped politely. “THAT’S MY KIDS! Alright, alright! I’m so proud of you guys!”
Dipper and Mabel grinned, but the brother looked up at the dark clouds seriously. “Bill’s still out there…”
“OH NO!” Mabel smacked her forehead. “I almost forgot! More monsters were attacking Olympus! Grunkle Ford needs our help!”
“You two go help Sixer.” Stan said and jabbed a thumb at the broken city. “I better help these guys out, tell the press what’s going on, the usual stuff.”
“You sure?” Mabel asked. “We could use your help.”
“Nah, you don’t need me.” Stan chuckled. “You both just took on a monster with your bare hands like it was nothing! Now go save the world!”
Mabel and Dipper grinned, excited to kick that demon back where he belongs, and the muse whistled for Gompers. As soon as he arrived they got up on him and galloped for the home of the gods, ready for Round 2.
“What’s our status?!” Ford asked his best friend.
“Everyone’s bein’ turned t’stone!” Fiddleford yelled as an eyebat shined a beam down at him. “Even me!”
“NO!” Ford threw his last bolt at the eyebat, but it swerved out of the way and scooped up Fiddleford’s frozen body.
Ford looked left and right, waiting for an idea to come to him, but he was too clouded with anxiety and worry that he failed to notice the huge, now three-dimensional demon behind him. “Fordsie, I’m home.” A shrill voice sang.
“Bill?” Ford breathed, his eyes narrowing in anger and he shook with rage. He should have listened to Mabel and knew he was behind this. He growled like an angry bulldog and tried to throw a punch, but with a lift of a finger Bill had total control over Ford’s body and made him float lifelessly in front of him.
“Well well, looks like you truly are as dumb as you look. Tell me, did you really think such a powerful being would ever be friends with a six-fingered monster?” Bill laughed evilly and moved two arms close, creating lava and ice to work together to encase Ford in a stony prison. “This dimension is mine, Sixer, and it’s all thanks to you.” He said as Ford climbed and crawled to try to escape, but was steadily being encased, like quicksand. “Now all I need to do is make sure those brats stay out of my way.”
“NO! NO!” Ford screamed. “NOT MY KIDS, YOU CA-…” And he was completely covered.
“I’m the one giving orders now, Freak.” Bill sneered and sat in his new throne the eyebats had made for him, made entirely out of gods and goddesses. “And I think I’m gonna like it here.”
“Don’t get too comfortable, Bill!” A voice yelled and Bill turned red and left his throne to see behind him.
Bursting on top of the mountain, Gompers carried Dipper and Mabel, who hopped down and scowled up at the mean triangle.
“WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?! No, no no NO!” Bill roared. “Eight Ball had ONE job to do! UGH! Henchmaniacs, TAKE THEM OUT!”
The twins nodded at each other, agreeing to the plan, and Mabel gave Dipper some cover by hopping over the monsters and attacking the eyebats, stabbing them like they were meatballs. Dipper quickly hurried to the throne made of stoned gods, and used his god-like intelligence to know which god to pull loose.
After a quick analysis, Dipper gently pulled out a dark-skinned goddess with a red dress, the goddess of summer and romance, one by one all of the victims were unfrozen and the throne fell apart. Freed and ready for battle, gods pulled out their weapons and helped Mabel attack the monsters now that all of the eyebats were dead.
“YA HOO!” Fiddleford hollered and smacked little Teeth with a banjo. “Thanks, Mason!”
Dipper grinned and quickly climbed over the large pile of rock. At the top, he tore the prison apart and freed Grunkle Ford. The men had a moment much like Stan and Mabel had, simply looking at each other, until Ford blinked his eyes dry and put a six-fingered hand on each of dipper’s shoulders. “Thank you, my boy.”
Dipper felt like throwing up, but in a good way. He and Ford looked down at the glorious battle of gods defeating the monsters, and they quickly joined in.
One by one as monsters were defeated, Dipper used his super strength to pull them behind them, gathering unconscious, sagging bodies until he and Mabel were at the entrance of Olympus with their gain. Mabel swiped the Golden Rope of Truth from the goddess of summer and romance and the twins worked together to tie up the minions in a heap, and Mabel held them still while Dipper kicked so powerfully they flew all the way to the ocean and down through the little hole in space-time, which sealed instantly.
Mabel pounced on her brother, who scooped her up and hugged her tightly as everyone cheered over their victory. Ford was by their side, ruffling their hair and smiling with brown eyes full of love. “I’m so proud of you both.”
Dipper could feel all his dreams coming true, but a shrill voice rang through the dark clouds as a golden triangle fled. “Thanks a ton, freaks! But at least I got one swell consolation prize! A friend of yours, who’s dying to see me!”
The three gasp over fear of losing their missing family member forever. “STAN!”
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