#god i hope he apologizes
headacheinahandbasket · 4 months
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So we're driving home and somehow the topic of earthquakes come up. I know Aaron lived through the nesqualli quake in like 2000. I mention the Idaho earthquake that was sometime between 2015-2020. I called it a 7 and Aaron goes off about how a seven feels and I apologize because I didn't actually experience the quake but I know people felt it and I was proud that I knew why there are quakes in Idaho.
Aaron starts getting more upset. Moves on to the fear that mount st Helens would erupt again around 2004-2005 and I told him I was in 4th grade watching the seismometers move, showing activity. Aaron said that they weren't worried about that because mt Rainier grew a lava dome when he was in 7th grade. I said, "no, that was mount st Helens. remember? I just said I was obsessed with it in 4th grade which would be when you were in 7th grade?"
Then, no matter what I said, he accused me of not knowing shit because I didn't live in this area and didn't know the fear he felt. I agreed that I could never know the fear he felt, but it was mt st Helens that had the lava dome. We get home and he changes his argument to "I don't give a fuck that you think the name of the mountain is important, the point of the matter is that you weren't fucking here and you didn't experience the terror"
I told him this was not an argument, this is me just correcting him bc I know I'm right and standing with it. He moved the goal posts when he realized I was right. He started getting so angry and yelling that "YOU DONT KNOW SHIT YOU WERENT FUCKING HERE TO EXPERIENCE THE FEAR WE FELT" then I told him to sleep on the couch. He said "like hell I will YOU sleep on the couch!" So imma go sleep in the garage room because it was unacceptable how he lashed out at me and cussed me out. The "fucking"s were so pointed. And this man thought he could get some tonight. Sorry, you can't get that when you get drunk and then act entitled and enraged ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Damien’s currently getting cancelled on Twitter for *checks to make sure I’m reading this shit right* apologizing for a joke he made five years ago where he mentioned the conflict in Gaza
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hazyupset · 1 year
“… I actually feel happy.“
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@gothic-mothic….. ur narrator…. i hope i did him some justice its hard coloring a man with one color and trying to make him scruffy….
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moss-sprout · 1 year
Fizz: *insults Siren, calling him selfish and pathetic for deciding not to kill himself*
Kappa: Yo wtf, stay away from us. I'm not helping you with anything
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pyramidofmice · 1 year
Sally's apology to John really struck me as a raw, meaningful parent-to-child apology. She didn't dumb anything down, she didn't lie to soften anything, she claimed all of her actions... he was so young, and Sally reacted to his age not by talking down to him, but by finding a way to describe the whole truth so he could understand
Most importantly I think is how she kept saying that John is a good person. Like...she thought she was about to die. And she didn't spend that time asking John for forgiveness or to remember her in a good light. She dedicated her words to making John feel loved. She spent that precious time giving him something to make sense of it all, to heal somewhere down the line even when she's not there
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firefromthegodspro · 6 months
NGL I know its a controversial scene, but I genuinely love the "Adult Kiss" scene from End of Eva.
Like I know some people say it's "Out of Character" for Misato but I ask you how???? Like half the entire series is hammering into you that this woman, despite having at least some form of familial love for Shinji, is entirely willing to toss both it and her morals aside to get him to pilot. Like this woman, multiple times, explicitly ignores the severe trauma piloting inflicts onto Shinji to guilt him into it because "he has to". So no, I do not think its OOC for her to offer an "Adult Kiss" to him on her deathbed if he gets into the Eva. She knows he's desperate for any sort of affection at this point and that it will get him to pilot so of course she'll toss aside morals and decency to do it.
And yes its disgusting, its awful, and that the point. You are supposed to look at this scene in horror and go "what the fuck is going on???" You're supposed to despise her for it, to thinks she's an awful human being, because she's explicitly offering a 14 year old the promise of sex (that she knows she will never be able to fulfill) if he will just get in the fucking robot again and this is a bad thing.
I won't speak to directorial intent because I A: am not in contact with Hideki Anno (despite fervently desiring to pick his brain about Shin Kamen Rider) B: do not speak Japanese so cannot read his interviews unless its through the lens of a (potentially flawed) translator and C: Am too fucking lazy to look up said interviews anyways. But I will say that, whether retroactively or not, Eva is a genuinely good commentary on the "Relatable Angsty Teenage Protagonist" because Shinji is incredibly relatable when he first shows up. Poor self-esteem, absent parents, issues connecting with people, etc. But as the series goes on and Shinji descends further and further to start to relate less and less and start to wonder "Why aren't any of these adults seeing. Why do they seem to miss or ignore the obvious traumas Shinji and Asuka have and why do they continue to push them to do something that only hurts them. Why don't they question the narrative, of why the teens are the only ones who can Pilot or whether its even true or not?"
TL;DR yes Misato is an awful human being, and yes just about everything she does in EoE is entirely in character for her
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
“I hope Varang helps redeem Quaritch—“
I hope she’s worse.
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chocolaminity · 3 months
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I wonder when I'll get to see him again... I want to see him soon.
I hope he can teach me all sorts of things about soccer!
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plushyluke · 10 months
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i 🩷 ashton
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flora-builds-an-ocean · 8 months
Alright, I talked about Izzy being shown compassion and understanding probably for the first time in years, but honestly what's more important in his case it's that he accepted it. He let himself be held tightly by Fang and even held Frenchie's hand?? That's huge. Like, from my understanding of season 1, he was a very proud guy. A part of his anger probably came from being this proud. To go from that to holding back tears while being held by not one, but two people?? That says so much about how insane Ed was acting. Izzy literally laughing him in the face when Blackbeard asked him to kill him - that speaks volumes about what has been happening on The Revenge. Hell, he even tried to kill himself. What kind of a pirate kills himself?
And it's played so well! The internal conflict, the pain, the resigned anger! Izzy has layers upon layers of emotions built up inside him. And no matter what he says, he's now part of Stede's crew.
(But also, his behaviour in season 1 was unacceptable and we need to remember that he's at least one of the reasons for Ed's downward spiral. He was basically Ed's self doubt's voice embodied by a person who probably knew him best at that time)
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bowsnbots · 2 months
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//-It feels as apt a time as ever
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berryblu-soda · 2 months
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local silly goofer was seething with rage and dumped it all in the tags, read at your own risk :3 <- personal stuff, wrote this after the tags, pretty okay now, just got it out of my system, love yall <3<3<3
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inkykeiji · 10 months
Omg touya-nii weak spot is so the back of his neck… I FEEL YOU CLARI…
omg 100%,, he shudders any time you lick along the neckline of his shirt, the softest lil involuntary whimper catching in the back of his throat when you press kisses to the base of his skull and nuzzle into the tufts of hair there; something melty that cracks right at the end, that splits open with uncharacteristic desperation as his head dips lower, chin tucked to his chest, ridges of his spine bumpy and defined and entirely unobscured by hair or fabric. he literally deliquesces if you bite down or scrape your teeth along those last few knobby vertebrae, totally turns to pulp beneath your mouth, compliant and pliable and putty in your fucking hands. and it’s dangerous, he tells you in a bitten out whine that fades into an airy moan, it’s dangerous, anytime he allows you access to this spot, because he thinks he’s willing to do just about anything if it means you’ll keep your tongue laving over those protruding bones for just a moment or two longer.
he loves it when you leave marks on him, almost as much as he loves leaving marks on you, and thinks your own bites and hickeys and scratches are so weak, so cute, and nothing on the level of his own—sweet lil things that fade within the hour, because you’re too frail and small to leave anything stronger, aren’t you?—but when it comes to this spot, he borderline begs you to do your very worst, orders you in that mewling tone to put your utmost strength into the delicate hinges of your jaw and clamp down until copper bursts on your tongue <3
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chaosinstigator · 1 year
oh I’m gonna be absolutely useless at work today
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0809sysblings · 6 months
it is always a little funny to me when people try to make psychologists and psychiatrists out to be the only people ever capable of being able to accurately diagnose mental illnesses and disorders and that their word is law as a way to criticize self diagnosis when like. once i was hospitalized and the psychiatrist there who i had not even known for more than a day tried to diagnose me as bipolar despite me having No history of mania because he.. couldn't really understand why i acted the way i did i guess???
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day 2 of being 21 years old: got so pissed off by ryan mccartans objectively wrong opinions on heather the musicals west end production i literally started crying
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