#god people please read books
marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
the listening/reading comprehension- where is it?
dress history researchers: corsets and stays are not universal torture devices that render basic physical functionality impossible. most women did not tightlace to extremes in their everyday lives. fiction and pop history distort the realities of those women's lives and how they wore their corsets to play into popular misconceptions partially originated by men both fetishizing and demonizing corsets when they were more common.
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 11 months
I’ve been exposed to waaaay too much taylor swift lately, so I went for a walk on the anti tag to cleanse my mind. I’ve seen a lot of commentary about her racism / privilege / climate crimes etc, which is all extremely important ofc, but also, like…
She’s boring. SO boring. The music, the lyrics, the ideas, everything, it’s just the most basic stuff you can imagine, just beige all around.
I get being basic but, like… at least Starbucks drinks have some semblance of taste.
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karda · 29 days
dads in jail again and he likes fantasy books so im looking for some to send him but amazon is fucking unusable . never add "for men" to a search you get this shit
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spideysatan · 18 days
the theory instagram started to worry about is that pen and colin will not end up together (not in this season at least). and like, im begging people to just use their brains a little, just, a, little.
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silverstark · 5 months
I love how both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng embody “a sword in one hand, a flower in the other.”
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
Book recs: many worlds, portal fantasy edition
A typical portal fantasy follows a human from our world who steps through a portal into a magical land (think of narnia). But there are many fun variations of this trope! Sometimes it's the magical people who come to our world; sometimes we get to follow people who have returned from their adventures and are seeking for new meaning; sometimes our world isn't involved at all. As might be assumed, most portal fantasies are fantasy stories, but some lean more toward magical realism, others toward sci-fi. It's a fun spectrum!
I'm separating portal fantasies from alternate timelines/parallel worlds type stories (which will get their own rec post soon-ish). I also generally do not include stories where the character travels to fairyland/land of the dead/etc as those feel like a genre of their own to me, but the lines between them sometimes blur and this is, obviously, a subjective list.
(Titles marked with * are my personal favorites)
Other book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books
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For more detailed info on the books, continue under the cut.
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The Magicians (Magicians trilogy) by Lev Grossman*
You may not have heard of this book, but you have probably heard of the scyfy series of the same name that crashed and burned a few years ago. This is the book it’s based on (pros: it doesn’t end in the same way; cons: it doesn’t feature the juggernaut ship of the show in any major way). For the uninitiated: features what is essentially a (secret) magic university for tormented geniuses. When he finds magic isn't enough to grant him happiness, main character Quentin goes digging into the truth surrounding his favorite childhood books searching for meaning, and finds out that the magical other world they describe might not be so fictional after all.
Stray (Touchstone trilogy) by Andrea K. Höst*
Young adult told through diary entries. Including this as a portal fantasy is a bit of a stretch, but essentially: Cassandra unkowingly walks through a wormhole and lands herself on another planet, where she has to survive on her own until she is rescued. Soon she finds herself embroiled in a war between creatures from dreamlike other dimensions and the people who saved her. Skirts the line between scifi and fantasy (it has psychic space ninjas!), but generally feels mostly like sci-fi. Absolutely fantastic worldbuilding.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan*
Young adult. Kids who can walk between our world and a magical one get recruited into a magical school that trains them either to be fighters or sort-of diplomats. Our lead decides that fighting is stupid and that he’s going to peacefully solve every conflict ever, all while being the most delightfully obnoxious little brat possible and getting incolved in the most bisexual love triangle imaginable. Very good, funny, and heart-felt coming of age story.
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NPCs (Spells, Swords, & Stealth series) by Drew Hayes*
This one only counts as a portal fantasy on a technicality and on the fact that I love it and this is my list. Follows a group of DnD players whose characters immediately die, forcing them to make new characters, and, parallel to their adventures, a group of NPCs from the fantasy world who find themselves forced to take the place of a party of recently deceased adventurers. The two parties do cross path on occasion, but there aren't actually any portals involved as all characters (mostly) stay in their respective world. A fun and light-hearted adventure that turns a lot of the expected tropes of the genre and of character archetypes on their heads.
The Time of the Dark (The Darwath series) by Barbara Hambly
1982 classic. Medieval history student Gil and biker Rudy are complete strangers, but when they get mixed up with a wizard from another world the two must work together to survive and get back home. Fairly traditional fantasy with its fair share of issues, but! It has cool swordswomen, creepy lovecraftian monsters and also mammoths!
The Twelve Kingdoms by Fuyumi Ono*
Young adult, light novel. Yoko Nakajima is a regular high school student, or at least she was one until a strange man showed up in her school, swore allegiance to her and whisked her away to another world. As the two get separated, Yoko is stuck on her own in a strange world, hunted by humans and demons alike as she travels in search of a way home. Absolute high point of isekai literature, with an incredible main character and really cool and unique worldbuilding (also available as an anime, however I have yet to watch it and can't speak to its quality just yet).
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Peter Darling by Austin Chant*
Novella. An older Peter Pan returns to Neverland after years spent in our world, only to find that everything is different. Before he knows it, he finds himself working with his lifelong enemy, Captain Hook. Very gay and very trans, with interesting takes on toxic masculinity. Made my heart ache in the best of ways.
A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
Young adult. A retelling of beauty and the beast, where 'beauty' is a girl brought in from our world to a fantastical one and the narrative focuses a lot on what actually happens to the kingdom when the royal family suddenly disappears, and whether it’s even possible to fall in love with someone you know is deliberately trying to seduce you to break a curse. This is part one of a trilogy, however I'm only really recommending the first book as the second did not work for me at all.
The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials trilogy) by Philip Pullman
Young adult/middle grade, fantasy but has a lot of sci-fi aspects as well. Already well-known and for good reason, the His Dark Materials trilogy starts as what seems a pretty typical fantasy with some cool unique aspects (everyone has a soul-bound animal only they can speak to as their best friend!), and soon veers into a truly one of a kind story. It has magical portals, it has strange worlds with equally strange inhuman creatures, it has physics, it has god murder, it has gay angels, it has tragedy, and it’s very much worth your time.
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Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children series) by Seanan McGuire*
A tumblr favorite, the Wayward Children novellas feature a school open to children who have returned from adventures in other realms and now have trouble adapting back to regular life. Some installments are set in our world, others follow children as they have their otherworldly adventures. The main characters vary between books, but are generally pretty diverse with among others asexual, trans, intersexual and sapphic leads. Both funny and dark, it takes a closer look at the trauma many endure growing up different.
Otherside Picnic (Otherside Picnic series) by Iori Miyazawa
Sapphic light novel with a surreal and episodic horror vibe. Following the directions of an urban legend, university student Sorawo finds her way to a reality populated by horrifying creatures from ghost stories and modern urban legends (of which I'm sure you'll recognize many). Here she teams up with fellow explorer Toriko, both to both find out more about this strange world and to help Toriko find a missing loved one. Also available as a manga and (one season of) an anime.
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
Young adult. Brody is dealing with a lot, but it all gets a little easier when he meets Nico, who shows him how to access Everland, a magical land where he feels less out of place. But when the doors to Everland start disappearing, Brody must choose which world is really home. I'd categorize this less as fantasy and more as coming of age with a fantasy slant. It's also very gay.
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The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Surreal and fairy tale-esque, The Starless Sea is stories within a story, following graduate student Zachary as he finds a strange book which, in-between other tales, tells a story from his own childhood. Trying to find out how this came to be, Zachary gets involved with a pink-haired woman and a handsome man who are doing their utmost to protect a strange, otherworldly library available only through magical doors. It's a book hard to put in words, but which I once described as "romantic without being a romance while stile having a love story at it's core", and which can be summed up only as "an Experience". It's also quite gay!
The Memory Theater by Karin Tidbeck
Listen, there’s a whole bunch of Swedish portal fantasies I read growing up that I'm dying to include here, but I'm not because they’re not available in English. The Memory Theater however is available, and is very good. Two children who were stolen into an otherworldly realm that wants them dead fight return to earth, and are followed by one of their captors across universes. The story has the feel of a dark fairy tale, and their captors, while not fey, are very reminiscent of them.
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow*
Historical young adult, more magical realism than fantasy. In the early 20th century, January is living under the care of her father's employer while he travels the world searching for valuables and secrets. But both her father and her caretaker are keeping something from her, something about her own family's history. When she one day stumbles upon a strange book, one that speaks of other worlds, she finally sets out to find the truth. However, there are those seeking to stop her and destroy the doors between worlds, no matter what.
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The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher*
Horror rather than fantasy. After having divorced, Kara moves to stay with her uncle and help him run his museum of curiosities, until one day she discovers a hole in the wall of his house. The hole leads to a strange bunker, and beyond that, a dark and dangerous world beyond her understanding. In the company of a friend, she goes to explore this world, but quickly comes to regret her decision to do so.
The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood*
The sort of portal fantasy you get when all the worlds connected by portals are fantasy worlds, and none of them are ours. The portals themselves become simply a part of the worldbuilding that the characters use to travel between fascinating places, and it's all really cool. It follows Csorwe (lesbian orc assassin whom I love), who grew up in a cult, indoctrinated as a child sacrifice to a god. But on the day she was meant to die, she instead chose to follow a powerful wizard and train to become his loyal servant and sword. Aside from being an excellent fantasy, it's also a close look at the hard path of unlearning indoctrination and the search for love and validation where you'll never find it, and learning to live for yourself.
Odin's Child (the Raven Rings trilogy) by Siri Pettersen
Norwegian (vaguely Norse mythology inspired) young adult. Fifteen-year-old Hirka grew up thinking she simply lost her tail to a wolf attack, but one day she finds out she never had one: she's an Odin's child, a human, sent from another world and rumored to spread rot and ruin wherever she goes. To keep her secret safe, she goes on the run, but there are forces hunting for her, wanting to use her in their war. This reads mostly as a fairly typical epic fantasy, with the portal aspect not playing a major role until the second book.
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The Barbed Coil by J.V. Jones
1997 classic. Tessa is a young woman with little going for her, until she stumbles upon a strange ring that transports her to a magical and dangerous other land. Here she meets Ravis, a mercenary who takes it upon himself to protect her, and discover her own special abilities, which she must use against an evil king whose mind has been corrupted and taken over by his crown, the Barbed Coil.
Skeen's Leap (Skeen trilogy) by Jo Clayton
1986 classic. While most portal stories are fantasy, this one has a distinct sci-fi flavour. Skeen is master thief wanted in a myriad solar systems, until her spaceship gets stolen and she's stranded on a backwater planet. Here she hears rumors of ruins leading to a strange other land. Hoping for treasure enough to get her off-planet, Skeen goes in search of this place, but finds herself stuck and unable to get back. This one has a unique, almost stream of consciousness prose that takes a while getting used to, but rewards you with a one of a kind experience.
Inkheart (Inkworld trilogy) by Cornelia Funke
German middle grade/young adult, in which the fantastical other worlds are those told of in books. Young Meggie's father has the ability to, when he reads, bring things and people out of the books, or put other people into said books. However, once having done so, he knows of no way to put anyone back where they belong. Now, years after he accidentally brought the terrible villain Capricorn and his henchmen out of their book, he and his daughter must evade them at all costs or be forced to bring further horrors out of the page and into the world.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows
A teenage girl accidentally follows a worldwalker from her world to a magical realm on the brink of civil war. I believe this on has both a major polyamorous relationship and ace/aro characters?
The Sleeping Dragon (Guardians of the Flame series) by Joel Rosenberg
1983 classic. A group of college dnd players find themselves transported to the magical realm they previously thought just a game.
The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba
Webnovel. After having been transported to a magical world, Erin decides to, rather than become a warrior or a mage, start running an inn.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them: The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele, The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay, Child of a Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica, Spellsinger by Alan Dean Foster, The Shattered Gates by Ginn Hale, The Awakening by Nora Roberts, Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.
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the-holy-ghosted · 20 days
absolutely sucks when youve gone out of your way to watch as many movies as possible and find interviews and read books from your favorite actor and yet all anybody knows about you is the guy who spam reblogs and barks in the tags of pictures of him. its a shame. none of you know i am even less normal than you already think i am
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acaciapines · 3 months
i read dog boy by hornung weeks ago and man. im still thinking about this book. as a therian it just REALLY hit home, and. my god. that ending. heartbreaking! but how else could things have ended.
god i adore this book. i'd recommend it to anybody who has read and enjoyed my otherkin works--its about an orphaned russian boy raised by a pack of feral dogs and oh boy!!! does it scratch all the right itches!!! its heavy and it doesnt pull its punches but its just so effective, gah.
please read this book i cannot keep spiraling about it in my own head--
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fortunatefires · 9 months
I was trying to wait patiently for chalice of the gods on libby but then someone on tiktok said there's a mark of athena-esque "no one touches her" moment and I'm fucking foaming at the mouth because I want to read it so bad ahasadjdkj
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cream-and-tea · 11 months
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gnawing on them btw
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
someone: jkr is horrible-
me: yeah, i completely agree with you there
someone: -which is why you should stan uncle rick rick riordan instead :)
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#rick riordan critical#PLEASE take your head out of your ass#rick riordan is not as bad as jkr but posing his books as the ‘more diverse’ and acting like he’s a great awesome ally to minorities#is just. incredibly naive#piper with feathers! unhealthy age gaps in relationships! the only gay character (at that point) suffering constantly and then being outed-#in front of a complete stranger! incredibly shallow and often misogynistic portrayal female characters! general insensitivity and ignorance#of other cultures! a transphobic portrayal of a genderfluid person who gets called a slur by one of the GOOD characters! shallow and ableist#portrayal of adhd! ableism in saying his characters don’t have push because they’re ‘too strong’! no physically disabled characters!#his incredibly lesbophobic response to people saying reyna reads as gay to them!#this is literally just the tip of the iceberg#rr is NOT some woke intelligent savour he’s a grown ass man who doesn’t have people of the cultures/groups he’s writing about to check if#it’s harmful or incorrect or stereotypical!!#he’s a rich cishet white man with a victim complex when people call him out on his shit.#rr stans don’t interact with me i do not want to hear it#tbh the only reason why he’s ‘better’ than jkr is because he doesn’t have her level of influence#god. shudder. i don’t want to think about that#dove talks#hi it’s 4pm and im so angry.#will admit that anyone saying percy jackson would beat harry potter in a fight is 100%#like we can agree on that one.
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emileesaurus · 2 years
I can't think of a way to point this out that doesn't sound phenomenally gross, because it is: the IWTV show has made specific and very crass references to Claudia's (physically 14 year old) genitals in all three episodes she's featured in so far. Two of them were spoken by Lestat! I hate it here! 🥲
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dreamytfw · 1 month
"Your ship would be nothing without Desti-"
Shut up
Shut up!!
Shut! Up!!
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dearreader · 2 months
something is not right about a 26 year old adult picking fights with 14 year olds and lying about people being racist and antisemitic and suicide bating because they rightfully called you out and you like the drama
#THIS ISN’T ABOUT SWIFTIES#kelly babels#not going to say who cause i have them blocked#but oh my god finding out what this person is saying about my friends/mutuals#anyway on the off chance that person finds me#hi! the fact that you’re nearing 30 and are so knee deep in drama cause you love it#and posting genuinely idiotic and wrong comments about your fav and others is genuinely awful#your tales are worse then the guy in my comic books class who said the jewish coded characters were german and were being discriminated#against for starting ww2#you’re dumber than kaylors who still believe taylor swift is in a lavender marriage with karlie kloss#you’re genuinely one of the dumbest people i’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing your comments#and please note: i graduated with a degree in english literature and didn’t semesters full of classes listening to men give awful opinions#i’ve read a creative writing piece about a man’s penis getting so big he has to be wheeled around in wheelchair#i have been a fucking swiftie since i was 13 and fought directioners and was in the trenches of 2016#i have been to hell in back and have seen every awful take possibly imagined on literature#and i’m here to tell you that you’re takes on your fav and the source material are worse then all of that#congratulations! you’re a fucking idiot and have been hyper fixated on this series longer than me and i know more than you#i honestly just feel bad for you :( to like such a complicated and well written character but unable to understand him at a base level#save
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mayalutara · 10 months
What sorts of things or aspects do you like to get to know about a character and their story? Like, if you were to make some sort of form or layout, what criteria or questions would you ask?
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I swear to god it is impossible to exist for more than 3 consecutive minutes in this fandom these days without wanting to murder someone
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