#god. okay. i might have to do a reread soon
acaciapines · 6 months
i read dog boy by hornung weeks ago and man. im still thinking about this book. as a therian it just REALLY hit home, and. my god. that ending. heartbreaking! but how else could things have ended.
god i adore this book. i'd recommend it to anybody who has read and enjoyed my otherkin works--its about an orphaned russian boy raised by a pack of feral dogs and oh boy!!! does it scratch all the right itches!!! its heavy and it doesnt pull its punches but its just so effective, gah.
please read this book i cannot keep spiraling about it in my own head--
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zhounauts · 1 year
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crown prince!lee heeseung x f!reader // warnings: cursing, fainting (?) part two series masterlist
a/n got inspo for this after rereading this reincarnation webtoon i used to like a lot, these reincarnation stories are lwk a guitly pleasure of mine so i was like why not write one
+ is this even considered an x reader??? like heeseung hates u oopsie lolz
anyways enjoy (hopefully)
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YOU WOKE UP WITH AN EPIPHANY , to give the two leads their happy ending. despite the fact that you had woken up in a stereotypical reincarnation manhwa, the author was far from stereotypical. not only did she have a strange almost concerning obsession with her two main leads, but she was also a goody-two shoes rule follower who told you that the original plot of the story and every single event must be followed and copied to perfection.
unfortunately for her, you said fuck that, had knights take her away and put her in a mansion on the outskirts of the kingdom where she wouldn't be able to reach you. so now, instead of scheming devious, nefarious acts against the female protagonist you now took advantage of your personal chef who worked relentlessly at your constant requests to try all the fancy dishes you could've never afforded in your previous life.
"the audacity!" rina, your maid suddenly exclaims, holding a letter.
"i can't believe this! my lady, this is outrageous! how can saintess sora write and send something so shameless!? " faye your second maid exclaims.
"hm?" you ask, focusing on the blueberry cheesecake in front of you, "what happened faye?"
"the saintess sent an invitation for her tea party! she wrote, 'countess i know we are not on good terms because of the crown prince, but the other ladies and i hope that you will join our humble tea party, and put aside your grudge'" you chew on the cake.
"oh, okay,"
"OKAY!?" the two scream.
"m-my lady! how does this not bother you? she is being disrespectful and using the fact that she has the crown prince's affections despite you are his soon-to-be wife!"
"oh, that's true," you shrug, "what can i do about it? if he likes her better okay then, i don't want to marry him anyways," rina collapses into faye's arms.
"my lady! rina are you--"
"with all due respect, but my lady, back then you would've done something! why the change of heart now?"
"well. . .he doesn't like me?? like it's pretty obvious, and i was just naive and uhm, craving for male validation back then or something like that i guess. it doesn't matter to me anymore,"
". . ."
"besides, his highness prince jay is more my type ,"
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after calming down your fainting maids, you had reassured them that you would go to the tea party and give the female protagonist, saintess sora, a taste of her own medicine for the disrespect she had sown you. (you were not planning this at all)
so now here you were, a week later getting dressed for the pain-in-the-ass tea party. "my lady we will dress you up to be the most beautiful at the party!" your maids exclaim.
"that's really. . .not necessary you know? i'll wear one of the dresses i usually wear," rina starts to lecture you, before a knock interrupts. faye rushes out of the dressing area, to open the door.
"your highness!" she exclaims, bowing. you peek out from behind the dressing area and head out.
"my lady you are not ready--"
"your highness, a pleasure to have you here," you say, bowing.
"y/n," heeseung addresses coldly, "are you attending sora's tea party?"
"yes, your highness,"
"she was telling me she was worried you would reject her request, due to your dislike for her," he says, narrowing his eyes at you bitterly. you stare at him unimpressed.
"my apologies, your highness, if i offend you by saying this. however you and saintess sora seem to be mistaken,"
"my lady don't--"
"i literally don't give a shit,"
"oh dear gods," rina mutters, and she collapses.
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a/n lemme know how it was 😋😋
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Okay my rant for today is going to go into somewhat of a triggering topic which is abuse and normally I try to just be very vague about the more heavier things on Lore Olympus when ranting about them just so I don’t have to say the actual words or acts or anything but unfortunately for this rant it’s going to really be hammering into the more abusive side of Hades because this sort of situation between the fans have really been irking me badly.
I absolutely hate it when fans try and say that Hades is not abusive and all of his behaviors are just justified and excused because of all of the things he’s been through. The main argument I’ve seen with this topic is that he’s not an abuser because he’s never abused Persephone or Minthe or any of the women he’s been in a relationship with and honestly this sort of mindset is so incredibly flawed and sort of ignorant in the nicest way possible since abuse comes in many different forms believe me I know. You can be verbally abused, emotionally abused, sexually abused, and more it’s not only domestic violence and I just wish more fans would be aware of that and not just count domestic violence as a valid type of abuse (which granted I completely get and in no way am I saying that it shouldn’t be something that’s a form of abuse that shouldn’t be validated).
That way of thinking just makes no sense at all, if abuse only mattered in intimate relationships then abusive parents, teachers, counselors, etc wouldn’t be considered or validated at all. Just because he doesn’t hit women does not make his actions any less abusive, we’re talking about the man who constantly talks down on and willfully uses violence on those who cannot fight back. He has no problem exploiting his own citizens and cutting off their resources and transportation between realms at the drop of a penny and he definitely does not care about the well being of those who have to work for him. He’s an abusive asshole and his actions are absolutely heinous and incredibly distasteful.
Honestly this just makes me ask the question of why, why is Rachel even putting these elements in her story anyways if she’s not going to address it or try to explore these disgusting aspects of our very society. I’m sorry y’all but I do not believe that she doesn’t believe in half of the things she writes about, normally if someone does not agree with problematic elements in their story they’ll make it a point to try and point out its flaws or at the very least show people that “hey, please do not glorify xyz” you know? Like there’s evidence of the creator actively going against the things that they don’t agree with yet Rachel has never come out to say anything. She doesn’t address any of these problematic choices in her own story and instead of actually doing things with them she just keeps them in the story for no fucking reason. The nymphs (who are the lower class might I add and also make up the uncomfortable fantasy racism) should not be sexualized and used as objects for male pleasure. The satyrs and other non gods that live amongst Olympus and the Underworld should not be shown to be in hostile situations by their bosses for literally no other reason other than a few laughs. Persephone should not be sexualized by Rachel every other fucking panel, can we please talk about that soon because it’s getting fairly obvious that Rachel is just using Persephone only to be ogled at and heavily sexualized. The age gap never should’ve happened because again Rachel herself makes it a damn point to remind everyone that Lore Olympus is literally just a “cute” minor x adult fanfic, the whole thing reminds me of lolis and how people defend that shit by saying that they’re adults. And even more stuff but that would be about 400,000 words long at this point.
Anyways, I just want to end this by saying I’m not terribly angry at fans I’m just disappointed and honestly kind of annoyed I wish they would actually reread the things that they’re supporting and defending and actually start to think about what the comic is saying instead of just blindly going along with it. Another point is I do not believe Rachel is the best person and I’d love it if we could finally hold her accountable because I’m sorry but if she genuinely sees no problem with half of this stuff and she’s spreading it around in her award winning 4 million reader comic while there’s an entire fucking community trying to tell her how absolutely harmful and shitty the content is (that she keeps ignoring for a fucking reason might I add) I don’t find myself having much hope that she’s not a bad person, and maybe I am wrong although I genuinely don’t think I am because normally with good people you don’t have to keep wandering and convincing yourself that they’re good since they do that for you by their actions and how she’s been carrying herself these past years have not shown me otherwise.
Edit: With this rant though I do not want to incite any harassment or bullying Rachel’s way because that’s nowhere at all where I was trying to get when I said she needs to be held accountable. Harassment and cyber bullying is genuine asshole behavior and something I really don’t tolerate and besides there’s better ways to hold Rachel accountable that doesn’t require that kind of stuff.
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
fic/general updates bc i've been so quiet here, feel free to mute my yapping tag if ur just here for the brainrot posts idm one bit <3
dog coded fic ch4 is like 1/3rd done but it's a heavy one so it's taking me a bit aaa bear with me
I MADE MY FIC TAG SO SEXY i added moodboards to every single one. was this entirely self indulgent and unnecessary and an act of unintentional procrastination? yes. did it bring me joy while writing angst? also yes so
i have like 50 asks waiting for me again and I'VE READ THEM ALL OKAY and i've been losing my mind over them oh my god special mention to the anon leaving brainrot for my curtbuckbucky club au... you don't understand what you've done to me. i've almost opened a new doc so many times. i have Thoughts about what you've said and i will voice them and get back to as many other asks as i can soon!! just need an evening to lock in and sit down and reply, and there are so many fun prompt reqs to write too <3
i feel so fucking bad– i have not responded to ao3 comments or comments on my fics etc here for over a month and i reread them all so often and never want to seem like idc bc i DO they mean everything to me, literally the reason i stay motivated to write 😭💗 so i need to also sit down and go thru and reply to all of them, i just get overwhelmed by the love and sit there smiling like an idiot and then i feel the imposter syndrome and tell myself i'll reply later and the cycle repeats JDSGK <3
this week's gonna be pretty busy for me so i might still be a bit quiet, but after that i'm hoping i can get back to more regular brainrot in between writing my fic >:) me treating this like a job HSDGKJ jk i have so much fun here i rly do miss yapping all day :') anyway i think that's all, been making some edits too but i keep getting sidetracked before i finish them and i rly should be focusing on yad(iym) regardless smh! justice for pining bucky fr. but yeah if i'm ever not posting as much, just assume i'm either busy irl or focussing my energy on fic writing bc i'm so serious when i say every minute that i'm not busy irl is spent on these stupid men i'm literally plagued with thoughts of them 24/7 fml
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mysteriouslover1516 · 2 years
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I need your help
The young mechanic's breath quickened as his lock screen showed a text from MC, help with what? Was she starting to suspect him?
Uhm, you do remember that we have a paying customer in here?
Technically he wasn't lying, but maybe if he delayed the conversation she would forget? Highly unlikely.
Yes, I know
Richy sighed, might as well get this over. She wasn't gonna let up.
He is actually in the restroom right now, so if you hurry up...
Thanks Richy
A small smile tugged on his lips, as always sweet and polite. Ugh.
Can you think of anything to tell me about a "Jennifer" from Duskwood?
The phone nearly slipped from his hands as he read the text, how did MC know about Jennifer? And why was she asking HIM? Did she know his connection to the case? Oh god, this could be potentially bad and very catastrophic.
Quite a few things
I think I know three people with the name Jennifer in Duskwood.
He was bluffing, of course he was bluffing. He could feel the sweat on his hands starting to accumulate, how did she know about Jennifer???
It has something to do with the Duskwood Forest
Richy tugged on his hair, he knew EXACTLY what MC was talking about. And he was horrified, terrified, completely PETRIFIED.
You couldn't be talking about the girl that was found dead in the forest back then
Taking a deep breath, he reread the text he sent, honestly it sounded pretty calm, he hoped MC wouldn't be able to see through it.
To be honest I don't know yet
Okay, so MC didn't know everything about the circumstances involving Jennifer. This wasn't so bad after all, maybe....
I totally forgot about that. The whole town of Duskwood was up in arms at that time, as I am sure you can imagine.
He shook his head as if it would rid the awful memories from his consciousness, the guilt, the pain, it was inescapable.
What else can you think of?
As far as I know the killer was never found. They soon came to the conclusion that he wasn't from here and it didn't take long until Duskwood returned back to a state of normalcy.
Killer. He wasn't a killer, and neither was Hannah or......Amy. He hesitated as his inner demons waged war inside him, was he a killer though? Did he ultimately kill Amy by bringing her to the brink of suicide? He squeezed his eyes shut, willing the thought to release him from its torment.
Was there anything that indicated where the killer was from?
No, there was nothing. The three teenagers had buried the only form of evidence, the body. Richy had stolen the paper on the AMC Gremlin all those years ago, made it disappear. There was Nothing.
Well, I guess I don't know that much about the old case after all
What a piece of bull crap. He knew everything about Jennifer's death, as much as he wished he didn't. He wasn't innocent, the invisible blood on his hands still tormented him. Jennifer was dead.
But you know how people are. There are nicer things to think about than the thought of living next door to a murderer. And Jennifer wasn't from Duskwood either. So this makes the theory even more plausible.
Richy paused, the beginning question once again entering his mind. Why was she asking about the incident? About Jennifer?
But you don't think that Hannah has something to do with what happened back then, do you?
Unfortunately I do
He swallowed hard, if MC made the connection between Hannah and Jennifer, she would ultimately discover Amy's involvement, which would place him closer and closer to the burning flames.
Well I hope not.
"I wish not, I wish she didn't. I wish none of us did." He whispered underneath his breath, fist suddenly colliding with his desk. He didn't ask for this, why was this happening to him?
That happened at least ten years ago. Mmh, I think that's it. I don't know anything else.
I don't know anything else, that was one of the most bogus statements he had ever made in his whole life. He knew a lot about the incident, he knew too much. He wished it could have been different.
That was actually more information than I expected.
Chewing on his bottom lip, his eyebrows furrowed. Wait a minute.
Talk to you later.
Hold on real quick, why did you ask me that?
Was MC asking him this because she already suspected him? Or was she asking him this because of her subtle but at the same time obvious growing feelings for the mechanic?
Because I have a hunch that it might be getting me closer to Hannah
A small chuckle managed to escape his lips, was she messing with him? Or did she really not understand what he was getting at?
No, no, that's not what I meant. Why ME?
I like you
Richy's heart skipped a beat, she had finally said it. His mind raced, it was both a dream come true and a nightmare at the same time, what an oxymoron. MC had fallen for the culprit, for the man behind the mask. And he had messed up, by falling for her as well. Damn it.
I like you too, MC. A lot. Adios
He quickly logged off, needing time to think and reorganize his thoughts. The plan had to work, it was GOING to work, and then he would shoot his shot with MC, it would all work out.
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baflegacy · 8 months
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
i might put the fanfic writer recommendations under a read more bc i Might go into a tangent so for fic recs i have:
doesn’t matter what comes true (i was born for loving you) by PicassoWithAPencil
‘till apathy do us part by nort
the kintsugi kid by Kileykao
someday soon by stackofhay
maybe my animals live in your zoo by creepysounds
this is just like. an incomplete list of fics that i go wild over and if enough people are interested i will Definitely make a longest list of all the smosh fics that make me go !!!!
fanfic writer ask game
(fic writer recs under the cut!)
OKAY SO. i loveeee love love a ton of writers in the smosh community esp ones that write my babies (amangela) BUT i will only list three bc i fear we’ll take forever if i dont
so first of all: PicassoWithAPencil aka @zillaphoneswag god the way she writes amangela is just So Good it makes go insane. the writing is just so intimate and realistic that i can picture the scenes like if it was a movie?? amanda and angela’s characterizations are so so layered and they write the conflict in such a way that it. Really Hits you.
next is halfwheeze aka @tommybowefuneralattendee . man oh man do their spommy shaymien fics change my brain chemistry so bad. such a way with words that i Have to go reread specific parts or paragraphs for just how good the writing is!! the writing is all so soft and loving in a way that makes my chest hurt, like you can actually feel the fondness and admiration the characters have.
and of course who can forget @jovenshires . my fellow spommy/amangela brainrot and niche ship enjoyer. if there’s one thing to really admire about katie’s writing is her absolute skill in worldbuilding. like yea iwks is a Monster and i am in awe of how katie wrote that but even the canon/canon compliant fics have their own worlds and intricacies that all feel so real!! her writing really pulls you into the world and its so good.
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Hi! I just found your account and I basically binged all of your dami fics (i have a problem i know.. dami is a little guy ok) and LOVE THEM
Your dad au got to be my favorite and all your supersons/jondami fics are such a joy!
Question for your fic "The crown found in rose thorns".. was Damian almost killed accidently BY jon or by defending jon? Since when i read it i got a little bit confused might reread it again just to make sure tho
Also were the hunters going for Jon because he was doing magic or because DAMIAN was doing magic? Since the notion that damian has and can do magic seems like a hint/foreshadowing but i might just be reading too much into it bcz the fact that jondami were close as kids but NONE of the batfam know of jon tells me they met in secret
And what could make them get closer but doing magic together? I kinda imagine damian's magic to be kinda beautiful and thats what entrance Jon a lot. Jon saying that damian's magic doesn't have to be death magic just.. seems like smth.. after all, life and death always comes together and Damian has basically experience a "rebirth"
again i might be reading too much into it. I know this isn't one of your really big fics but its very interesting! (and i always love jondami) and i'm curious if you can share anything to us about it :D
haha oh god all I write is damian that must have taken you FOREVER 😅
also I'm a SLUT for talking about The Crown Found in Rose Thorns, okay haha. It's secretly a favorite despite not being big or popular. I have plans in my head of the next few sections, but I'm still trying to figure out the order, how I want to go about it, etc so writing hasn't happened but I'm hoping I break my block soon!
Damian was injured by defending Jon! The 'hunters' were anti-magic/Zod and his army. While Damian has the ABILITY to do magic, genetically, I don't plan on having him ever do so. HOWEVER, the 'magic in his blood' thing IS the reason Ra's is a threat to him, for similar vessel-y things to canon I guess you could say.
So, Jon and Damian weren't necessarily close as children, they just met that day of the event. (Though Damian did have a habit of sneaking out to "mingle with commoners" etc) The batfam don't know Jon from the past, but they know OF Jon. Or at least, Bruce does. Alfred told Bruce of the boy in the woods that he saw when they found Damian, but that's about it. Bruce knows of Alfred's belief that it was because of Jon, but he has his doubts, since he didn't see Jon for himself, so is kind of under the idea himself that it was because Damian was his son that he was attacked. You know, normal royal family problems. That's also what all the siblings assume. They probably don't know about Jon at all.
Also I don't remember if I ever said anywhere - but Damian doesn't remember the day he met Jon. The injuries he sustained gave him amnesia of the entire day, so he knows that it happened, but doesn't actually remember. The injuries were also from being trampled by the horses, mostly. Thats why he's on a road when Alfred finds him.
I promise I'm working on the next part haha. Or at least, I'm thinking about it a lot 😂
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hello dear! so for the asks game:
1. My favorite fic of yours: favorite choices and rough surfaces
2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: a close call but chapter 4 of careless whisper has my heart
3. The best character you've written for: sam and bucky I'm not choosing. you write them both perfectly
4. The best ship you've written for: sambucky duh
5. A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to: none obviously. (can you say the same, a? can you?)
6. Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics: TOO MUCH. bucky's monolgue from ch4, they chase the sun like i chase you sunshine, it was dangerous, they both have their scars, sam stopped caring about those a long time ago. how do you think i notice all those little recurring details
7. What made me the most emotional after reading: I don't recall exactly the chapter but you should. it's the careless whisper chapter thay physically pained me I couldn't reread it again immediately. also ch4 again and deadly kiss. you make me cry a lot a
8. What I like the most about your writing: man i fucking love it all. your attention to details, your descriptions, your poetic lines. your deep understanding of the characters, how you say soo much with one simple line. how you set the scene wonderfully, foreshadowings and callback. i love everything
9. A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting: obviously careless whisper
10. A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them: sarahrhoedy. i never even considered the possibility but now they consumed me
11. Something I wish/hope you write: god I hope you don't take this as pressure but it's gotta be the soulmates au
12. A fic of yours that i've re-read: so many deadly kiss, i replay every embrace, I'm blanking but you know the ones. i think i reread most of them anyway
13. If i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else: to anyone who'd listen. uhh i think i did before yes
14. A fic I didn't expect to like so much: favorite choices obviously. and you know why! but dammit that fic is a masterpiece and i adore it so much. made me tear up
15. Aquestion I have about one of your fics: hmmm I always ask the questions as soon as i think of them. let's seeee. do you think you'll make a playlist for careless whisper and share it with us? both songs you used as titles and ones that remind you of it.
okay that's it now if there are typos ignore them im sleepy. byeee <3
hey! hello! omg! I can’t believe you answered all of them omg 😭
not even gonna tag the fics because that’s basically all of them, so instead gonna tag my ao3.
from this list
I don’t even know what to say, I just keep rereading every answer and beaming. Gonna try to say something anyway tho!
2. Chapter 4 of careless whisper also has my heart. The confrontation scene between Sam and Bucky especially is very important. Also I was really happy with the song choice and how it’s echoed throughout the chapter. (I go back and forth between how I feel about my writing in the chapter, but it’s always special to me and ultimately I’m happy with it)
5. No you can’t say that! Have you read my ronarry stuff? No, you didn’t. (Okay and neither can I, but not the point)
6. gonna cry actually. brb
7. That would be chapter 5! I very vividly remember you reading it for the first time and our very emotional conversation afterwards. (Sorry for making you cry a lot)
8. (another crying break) omg you have no idea how much this means to me. thank you so much baby <333
10. sarahrhodey for the win!
11. one day. i promise. it deserves to see the light of day
14. it’s still absolutely crazy to me how much you like that fic. i didn’t even think you’d read it and you not only read, it’s one of your favourites now. man
15. I think I might, yes. Maybe towards the end.
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Ahem! So for the Fan Fic Writer Asks: 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 (hehehehe), 25, 26 (hahaha), 27 and 29! 😇
[guy grabbing startled cat meme] YOU!
okay, fiiiiiine (thank you 😂💖)
2. Do you read/reread your own fics? honestly, not that much? it depends a little on how i feel about them. if i'm satisfied with them, i might. but often rereading my own stuff makes me realise there's a bunch of small stuff i would like to change with hindsight, so it's easier not to. 😂
3. What's your favorite fic that you've written? damn. i guess it might be some of my earliest terror stuff, anchor up to me or and stay awhile. personally i don't really... have favourites very much, i see good bits and flawed bits in everything, but those were fun to write and people were extremely kind about them when i posted them, so that was a lot of fun overall!
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write? so many. most of them, probably. that said i don't like to fully give up on an idea! but i have several fitzier gdocs sitting around that'll never go anywhere, including: half-epistolary modern au where jfj sends postcards to francis from around the world (initially to annoy him) over years while francis dates, gets engaged to, then splits up with sophia, and james globetrots to avoid his own loneliness, until they gradually become friends and then get together
rest of these under a cut, god damn
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? not really, i think. or if so, only positively. i've gotten some super lovely comments on some of my fics, and i never really expect that, so it's always a happy surprise. and a couple of them have got podfic, which is also absolutely wild to me.
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP/s? sorry, no! i have a shittonne of character playlists, but i don't tend to make playlists for fics!
17. - already answered!
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? actually, no! i don't think that's ever happened. but i don't tend to write very heavy angst either.
26. Is there something you've written that you would never want your family to see? i mean.. most of it? don't get me wrong, my mum is great and knows that i've written fanfiction since i was a teenager, but the idea of showing anyone in my family my writing is embarrassing as hell lmao, that shit's private
29. Share a bit from a fic you'll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. rip, there are so many to choose from. here's some disembodied angst of james ross missing his boyfriend!
he steps outside and tilts his face up into the chill breeze. the night is clear, the air sharp with a late january cold snap. overhead, millions of pinheads of light flicker and twinkle against the black, occasionally winking out of existence as a cloud drifts across the heavens, carried by winds far stronger than the gentle stirring of air which cools his cheeks. the grounds are quiet, deep and dark and still in the early evening. a dusting of snow covers everything. it is new, and as yet unbroken by any human tread, reflecting the light of the moon like a fresh sheet of paper. against it the leafless trees and the shadows cast by the light streaming from the windows behind him are black as pitch. 
his hands soon begin to ache – he has not brought his gloves. he puts them into his pockets. it is not terribly cold – when he glanced at it, the thermometer which he has had mounted beside the window read 23 degrees. unusual for england, certainly, but not true cold. nothing to speak of, really. his feet begin to go numb in his shoes, but it is not too bad; not yet. 
idly, he picks out orion, then auriga, following it down into taurus. canis major, half hidden by a tree, is yet easy, sirius clear as a beacon. turning toward the north, there is ursa major, then the northern cross – cassiopeia takes him a few moments, but he finds it at last, almost directly overhead. 
are we looking at the same stars? 
they’ll be up all night and all day, now, these same constellations; circling tirelessly about the central axis, never dipping from sight.
“i say, what on earth are you doing out here?” 
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Can I pls request a day in Joker's life while taking care of baby Ellis from your previous work? I keep rereading that particular writing of yours because of the delicious angst 👌 I'd like to see how he takes care of his baby while leading a circus troupe and caring for his sick wife at the same time, while actively having to follow the Baron's orders. Just pile on the fluff and angst as much as u want to. Thank you ❤️
ohohoho what a compliment! <3
listen, y'all are supposed to say angst me mommy when you request shit like this... but... I guess I'll let it slide ;P
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JOKER’s days start earlier than ever now.
The one solace is that he gets to sleep in the same bed as his wife and wake up next to her in the morning. He gets to roll over, pressed against her, and give her a kiss… cuddle with her for a precious few minutes before the day truly begins. He gets to murmur that he loves her so much, lips painting those words onto her skin, because sometimes he worries that with all the hours he spends away from her, she might not know if he didn’t say it.
He gets to rise and greet his little baby, who’s nearing three months old now. Still just as darling as the day he was born. Although (Name) is getting stronger as she recovers on the treatment plan that the Baron’s doctor gave her, most of the time she only gets up for a few minutes to feed Ellis in the morning.
Joker likes to let her sleep in. He gets up before sunrise, and it’s not fair that she should have to do the same.
Thankfully, Ellis is much less fussy after eating breakfast… and Joker has learned, the hard way, not to bounce the infant on his knee for at least an hour after he eats. (To be fair, Peter also learned that the hard way whilst trying to get Ellis to stop wailing after feeding him a bottle. The fast-paced, busy nature of being a ringleader means that his child has been briefly left with each of the other troupe members at least once, so at least he’s not the only one who’s been spit up on.)
Once he’s made sure Ellis has a quick bath and is wearing clean clothes, it’s time to head over to the fairground. The small bag he carries during the morning is packed fast ― a few nappies and safety pins, a can of Mellin’s that the Baron oh-so graciously provides, a bottle, and a toy in case Ellis needs entertainment.
Then comes the hardest part; leaving (Name). Despite the fact that he’s only going to be gone for the morning, he’ll come home for a brief tea and to drop Ellis off… it still hurts to leave. It feels like he sees so little of her during the day. He almost wishes he didn’t have to go run the circus. One of these days he’s just going to say fuck it all, leave one of the others in charge for a day, and spend the whole morning here at the manor with his wife and child.
He perches himself on the bed with Ellis cradled against his chest in his good arm, and leans down to give his wife a kiss. A soft murmur of, “’Ey, darlin’, I’m off tae work wit’ Ellis now, alrigh’? I’ll be back this afternoon. Love ye,” falls from his lips against hers.
She returns the sentiment with a groggy smile and gives him her usual reply of, “Mmh, okay, sweetheart. See you then. I love you more.”
It kills him to leave. He does anyway… only after carefully tucking the covers back around her to replace how he moved them when he got up. The baby bag is slung over his shoulder, and he looks down at Ellis. “C’mon, wee lad. Let’s let y’r mama sleep ‘n’ we’ll go start our day. Get tae see all y’r aunts ‘n’ uncles.”
With that, he slips out the bedroom door and through the estate’s back exit, and he heads toward the fairground.
By the time he gets to the mess tent to grab a bite, the rest of the first-stringers are nearly done with breakfast. Thank God he gets to spend a short while with them before the hectic rush of the day sets in, or else he’s sure he’d never survive till afternoon. As soon as he sets the bag down and takes a seat, his free hand starts to dig in to the plate the others have fixed for him. “Mornin’, all. How’s ev’ryone doin’?”
As his family all mumble variations of, “Jus’ fine, not bad,” Freckles squeals and reaches over to take Ellis. “Aaaaah, y’ brought the baby!! Oiii, Ellis, sweet boy, c’mere ‘n’ spend some time with y’r Auntie Freckles while Papa eats!”
Sitting next to them, Wendy reaches over to ruffle Ellis’ little mop of auburn hair. “Joker, y’ gotta tell this kid t’ stop growin’. ‘e was jus’ a li’l, tiny thing, then we turn round ‘n’ ‘e’s gettin’ so big already.”
Peter beside her scoffs. “Oi, yeah, at this rate ‘e’s gonna end up taller’n us. Tell ‘im t’ cut it out; I don’t need someone thir’y years younger’n me towerin’ over me like some giant!”
“Aw, would y’ shut y’r yap? It’s big enough t’ make up f’r the rest’a y,” Freckles giggles, leaning down simply so Ellis can grab and play with their hair. “We should be ‘appy ‘e’s growin’! Look at ‘im, ‘e’s jus’ perfect.” When the baby coos and laughs at them, with a fistful of their hair in his hand, they look up at the ringleader almost pleadingly. “Oh, my God, Joker, I want one!!”
Joker has to pause to take a drink so he doesn’t choke on the last bite he took. God, they’re so funny… and yet, he knows they desperately want to start a family like he has. He almost feels bad that he ‘beat’ them to doing so. “Hah! Well, then, ye better find a beau an’ get busy, Doll, ‘cause that one’s mine!”
Dagger nudges Freckles in the ribs with his elbow. “Yeah, I think (Name) would ‘ave somethin’ t’ say ‘bout y’ takin’ ‘er baby!”
“Oh, yeah?” The fact that Ellis tugs on their hair apparently doesn’t dissuade them from wanting to keep him. They just grin bigger. “Bring ‘er ‘ere, I’ll fight ‘er! Winner takes ‘im!”
Everybody shares a laugh, and soon it tapers off into more subdued chatter as the meal is finished. It’s a welcome few moments before the day begins in full.
Joker lets Freckles keep holding the baby, making sure they’re fine to watch him for a few minutes as he makes his morning rounds. Of course, they don’t mind a bit. They’re probably disappointed they don’t get to spend more than a few minutes with him.
Things are always bustling in the morning, bright and full of activity when he walks around the tents. The second-stringers are heading to get breakfast now that the first-stringers are done, and the rest of his little family are practicing or getting ready to do so. He sees some of the newer members hurrying back from the mess tent, food in hand, to gather round Jumbo; as he often does during downtime, he’s started to play his harmonica.
Maybe he’s become soft, too soft, after Ellis’ birth, but Joker lets himself linger for a moment. He puts a hand on the newbies’ shoulders and sings along to the harmonica’s tune. Makes a few puns, gets a couple of laughs. Smiles at everyone. As much as he considers only the other first-stringers, his wife, and child his real family, he’s started to feel more and more like a father to the new members, especially the young ones.
After all, every single one of them was somebody’s child once. Don’t they all deserve to feel loved and protected like that?
His heart leaps into his throat when he thinks about his own baby. He remembers what he must have been thinking when he agreed to the Baron’s deal after Ellis was first born; Joker feels everything so intensely, just the hint of a future grief trying to raise his little boy without his wife was more than he could bear. Because Ellis is his, because (Name) is his, he can’t help but feel like they deserve all that love and protection more than anyone else.
Is he selfish for thinking that? Is he, or is that how everyone feels about their wives and children?
His voice trails off before he knows it, mind haunted by the shadow of future grief replaced by a future in which he’s eaten alive by guilt.
Soon enough, he disappears, shaken by his own thoughts, and collects his baby from Freckles. They give Ellis kisses on the head and pout when they have to relinquish him. The infant giggles in response; tugging a few strands of their hair in his little hand.
As Joker takes Ellis back against his own chest, he looks at Freckles. He hopes they get their own baby someday, someday soon if they meet the right person, and he prays they don’t make the same mistakes he’s made.
The day passes as normally as any day has passed by this point. Joker is sure it’s funny to watch him rehearsing whilst holding Ellis. Although he never moves around too much like this, it must be a sight to see him moving and pointing and gesturing with his bad arm with a baby nestled up in the crook of his good arm.
Not only that, Ellis makes all manner of little baby sounds. Which, while quite normal, are amusing additions to whatever Joker himself happens to be saying. In one breath he’s suggesting a change to the trapeze routine, and the next, Ellis is laughing at the sight of Peter missing his cue in such a way that his hat hits Wendy in the face. (Really. It’s entertaining in itself that not even a troupe full of troubled circus performers can resist laughing along after a baby starts to laugh. Even Peter and Wendy join in laughing.)
Despite the fact that his work is never really done, Joker has to leave shortly after they’ve all had tea. He’ll be back for the evening show, but now that Ellis has been fed, he’s been awake for long enough to start fussing because he’s sleepy. So it’s back to the Baron’s to put the baby down for a nap. Several hours of being fawned over and cooed at is tiring when you’re not very old, after all.
Besides… if Joker doesn’t go back for a short while, he won’t see (Name) again till he crawls into bed after midnight. He needs a few moments with her.
Thankfully, his darling wife is awake by afternoon. Even though she still gets tired easily, she’s usually regained some of her strength after being able to rest in the mornings. She’s not so weak anymore that just feeding the baby drains her, at least, and that means she’s in better spirits. Once Joker puts Ellis down, she’ll be able to stay up to watch him for the rest of the day.
Seeing her always perks him up. Just being able to kiss her and hold her in his arms for a couple of minutes is enough to get him through the rest of the day’s drudgery. Her smile, the sparkle of her eyes when she looks at him, the loving way she cradles Ellis before Joker sets him down in the crib… he still doesn’t know how he got so lucky.
Even though he wants to stay, he forces himself to slip out. One last kiss for his wife, one last kiss to the crown of his son’s head, and he has to head back to the fairground. If he doesn’t, he’ll just get greedy enough to not leave at all.
He’s at least resolved to get through the night once he returns to the circus. He keeps his memories close, and they drive him.
The show is a success. It always is. They all make sure to give the audience something spectacular to look at… and despite the fact that they’re certainly not getting rich, they manage to scrape by. They survive, they earn just enough so that no one has to go hungry. If nothing else, Joker can be proud of that.
Everyone is tired by the time night falls, but the first-stringers still have more to do. They all leave Snake to watch over everyone else, and they gather a short distance away from all the tents.
They all make their last adjustments — Freckles grumbling as they fidget with their parasol, Dagger trying to work out the kinks in his bad leg, Peter and Wendy quietly bickering in the affectionate way only siblings can. Joker’s almost unaware he’s been lost in thought until suddenly Beast is tightening his scarf like she thinks he’s about to catch his death of cold.
“Y’ need ta get some sleep,” she sighs.
He tilts his head, and he’s certain the smile he gives doesn’t meet his eyes. She can see right through it, at least. “Oi, I get ‘s much sleep as the rest’f ye lot.”
She scoffs. “No, y’ don’t. Ellis ain’t old enough t’ sleep through the night, which means you ain’t sleepin’ through the night. Y’re the only one’a us who’s got a baby. Wish y’d let (Name) come back ‘ere with ‘im. Maybe the two’a y’ might get some sleep if we take turns watchin’ ‘im at night.”
It’s painful for all of them. Beast feels guilty, too, he knows that; she also misses (Name)’s company. He knows everyone would be happier if she could have stayed here, especially after giving birth. Things just… didn’t work out that way. There would have been none of her staying here with how sick she got after Ellis was born. She might have died.
And now that she’s getting better… can he even bring her and Ellis back here? Everything is so different, so much worse.
“Soon,” he says softly, even though he’s not sure he means it. He gently brings Beast’s hand down, a silent reassurance that for right now, he’s fine. “She’s startin’ ta feel better… maybe she can come back soon.”
Beast huffs, and her eyes soften, and she shakes her head, and that’s the end of it. Distractions won’t serve them right now.
When they move into the streets, Joker notices that he still hesitates. Every move he and the others make, it puts him in physical pain. To do the things they’re doing, the things the Baron orders them to do… fuck. It makes him hate himself more than ever.
Least of all because if he doesn’t follow orders, then that’s it. His life is over.
If he talks back, if he shows regret, if he does anything that implies he’s questioning his ‘father’… then the Baron will cut off the medicine that’s been helping (Name) to recover. And he’s so done with Joker’s second guessing, he’s been threatening to pull out every little bit of security he’s affording the entire troupe.
If he doesn’t do these things that make him sick, his wife will die. His family will wither. Any chance at saving anything that’s meaningful to him disappears into thin air.
Once they’re all done for the night, once everyone else has returned to their tents, Joker has to stop on the way back to the Baron’s manor. He has to brace himself against a building and struggle to catch his breath.
He doesn’t know whether his body is trying to make him vomit or cry, but whichever it is, tears of strain and sorrow burst to life at the edges of his eyes regardless.
His throat is raw by the time his body decides to stop tormenting him. So his voice comes out raspy as he settles into bed, murmuring, “Jus’ me, darlin’,” when he puts his arms around (Name). He could barely look at Ellis upon walking into the room, his sweet baby fast asleep, after everything he’s done tonight.
He worries about both of them when he isn’t here. But they both seem alright, and his wife was just awake enough to be waiting for him. She rolls over to greet him, to kiss him goodnight, to snuggle in against his chest.
And he holds her, as tight as he possibly can without hurting her. Like she’s the one thing keeping his head above water.
He never sleeps well these days. He closes his eyes all the same, tired from the weight of this life he’s been living.
Tomorrow, he has to get up and do it all over again.
He knows he’s going to wake up more exhausted than he is falling asleep now.
His mind taunts him. How much longer can you keep all this up, Joker?
He doesn’t have an answer.
He just buries his face in (Name)’s neck, tells her one more time that he loves her, and lets sleep take him.
For the millionth time, he knows he will wake up to unanswered prayers.
At least, he thinks, he still has his family, his wife, and his child.
So for the millionth time, because of them, he prays anyway:
Please, God. Let things be better in the morning.
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seasonal-writes · 10 months
"Soon enough, Scar stops counting. He stops giving tips and corrections, moving off the floor to re-engage with some conversation with Grian. Jimmy can’t hear it, and to be fair, it’s the last thing on his mind. He focuses on trying not to lead. Because of course Tango is leading, which feels awkward in Jimmy’s feet. It’s annoying how Tango hasn’t changed facial expressions once. It’s annoying that he’s so weirdly level-headed and great at this. Jimmy can’t win. "
There is still.. hostility. There is still frustration. That wasn’t going to disperse, but maybe he could indulge it. Jimmy could take part in that casual tension, for now. He deserves it, he thinks. He was about to be forced into a life of this, after all. He could be immature, just this once."
I've been meaning to reread Golden rings Soon but I saw your post and my brain exploded with the dance scene. The Jimmy in here. Mwah chefs kiss
OOOH YES THE DANCE SCENE!! oh my god, okay. so.
if i remember correctly, i believe this was a scene i'd written wayyy back before i even thought about posting this fic. and 100%, i just wanted a dance scene where they were really snarky and playful with each other. (it has the energy of a scene from a rom-com called "The Wedding Date" where they're dancing but stomping each other's feet and quietly bickering the whole time. i'd say that's probably a direct inspiration for this scene, now that i think about it.) also worth noting, i believe, this is the first time they've been this close in the fic. like, physical proximity-wise? do with that what you will. i also LOVE that you mention Jimmy in this chapter, because i.. i had such a good time. there are, in blatant honesty, only a few moments where I think i actually nailed a very huffy version that falls into proper characterization and this is one of those times. specifically "He could be immature, just this once" is a HUGELY AU-based characterization, i will say, because jimmy is like. the good prince who does what he's told and had to force his way into the light and thus that means being mature and proper and whatnot. but i just DIG this lovely little moment of the tables turning, just allowing himself to be like the more rabble rouse-y and childish type. this is also proven further in, too, because he goes with the prank idea! also, jimmy getting partially knocked off that same 'proper' pedestal by not being able to lead the dance, by the way. he's always been taught to lead, because of course he is the prince and he has to lead but in this case, he doesn't have to. and tango won't let him. and that is VERY annoying, haha. i like to think, if this were from tango's perspective, he'd be just. very amused by how frustrated jimmy gets. yeah, i just am very tickled by all of that, now that i'm looking back at this scene. as a whole, this chapter is just jimmy indulging his own urges to be a little chaotic shit purely out of a "might as well, who's gonna say something?" mindset. <3 and i love that for him. i think that's kinda all i have to say about it! thank you for sending in a scene <3 i really love this part and it was fun to revisit, honestly.
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charliespringverse · 1 year
iwbft – saturday: a brief summary of my annotations
all highlighted quotes: 80
· ouch/ow/owie: 5
· real/felt/relatable/so true: 1
· aroace: 0
· ☹/☹☹/☹☹☹: 3
'I'm not! It's just... you're more fragile than ... than ...' 'What? than you and Lister?' — i'd say it's a fairly even split tbf
I just realised ...that... there's nothing happy or good in the world... nothing that is truly good or truly happy...' — everyone in this book would benefit from some therapy
'Happy birthday, Jim, Happy birthday, my guy, Love from Lister and Ro, Your best pals till we die' — I LOVE THEM !!!!!!!!
'You were the only person apart from Jimmy and Lister who saw me as normal,' — agony x
I want to be more than this. I am more than this.' 'You are. You always were.' — i need to be shot
"Why, yes, hello, I am here, and I've just split up with my boyfriend. I'm single and ready to mingle.' Rowan shouts "Too soon!' from the kitchen. — would die 4 them
Wait, she's sorry? But this was my fault, wasn't it? — i mean she's not been Spectacular this week
And the three of us laugh. And I imagine this must be what it's like to have real friends. — god i could actually sob over this line. i cross fingers they remained besties post-canon
You're part of my truth.' He blinks. 'You're part of mine too.' — makes me feral
'Do what? What could I possibly do to you that's worse than what you're doing to me?' — FUCKING OW?
You don't have it, do you? I ask her with my eyes. She shakes her head at me. — nonverbal communication sets my brain on fire (/pos?)
Are we all going to be trapped here forever, kept still by in- decision? No one doing exactly what they want? Wouldn't be much different to being back in the band, would it. — my feelings are hurt
'You're only nineteen. Not dead yet!' 'Nineteen years too old.' I laugh at him but can't help hearing the slight sincerity in his voice. — THERAPY. PLEASE.
For a moment I think he might want to kiss me again, but instead he just presses his head into the crook of my neck, nestling his cheek on my shoulder, and wraps his arms round my shoulders. He smells vaguely smoky, and a little of alcohol, but he feels so warm. — they ♡
It's my fault that Lister is gone. He's been hinting at not being okay again and again and again. — i find it v interesting the way jimmy's claustrophobic narration puts the reader in the same self-absorbed position – like the shit that seems obvious in a reread slips by at first
'Choose, then,' says Jimmy. Stay or go.' — parallels innit
'We'll find him,' she says to me as we run, and it's like a real- life angel has promised, a real-life angel knows exactly what is going to happen for the rest of time.' — she sees him as a holy figure until she knows him, he views her as such After knowing her
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raemanzu · 1 year
Good Omens Fanfic: The Gospel of Crowley (Chapter 14)
“What are you doing out here?” Jesus echoed hoarsely.
He looked awful. His skin was chapped and cracked, his hair tangled and beard untrimmed, eyes bloodshot and sunken.
“I came to yell at you about being a martyr, actually,” Crowley seethed, barely able to hold himself back from reaching out a hand to steady Jesus. “Didn’t think the dying part of your plan was going to happen so soon.”
Jesus sat back on his haunches with a stifled groan. “I’m not dying,” he croaked.
“Well you look like death,” said Crowley. “Or getting there, anyway. Take it from me, I know the guy.”
An AU where Crowley and Aziraphale end up a bit more involved in Jesus' life than they intended. Begins around the Nativity, hits upon various points in Jesus' childhood and the rest of his life and death. Kids have always been easy for Crowley to interact with, but what about the literal son of God?
-deep breath, opens mouth and screams about Season 2- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Okay so obviously watching it made me go and look at this fic again and I had this chapter almost ready to go already so ... just took a couple edits! Bam. Here you go.
Enjoy the feels hahahaha would you like some different pain to distract from your pain?
Now to figure out what I was gonna do next and how it might need to change re what we learned in the new episodes... hopefully it won’t take me an eternity to write the next chapter lol
Thanks to everyone who has read and reread and waited so patiently! And especially everyone who’s left such sweet comments.
           It was usually easier to fly, coming back toward Nazareth from his travels, but most herons don’t carry souvenirs. Crowley was in too good a mood even to mind much the choppy gait of the donkey he rode in on (its lead rope tied to a lead mule’s saddle, of course. No animal in its right mind trusted Crowley to lead them, nor did he for that matter). As the party he traveled with forded the river Jordan, and he caught sight of the familiar outlines and colors of Galilee’s landscape, an unfamiliar feeling of pleasant anticipation arose—almost like coming home.
          It made little sense. He’d been flying back and forth all over Israel for the last several years, doing his part of the mostly-unspoken plan to help pave the way for Jesus’ revolution to go as smoothly as possible. He’d returned here and gone again so many times that it should have been unremarkable. But something about approaching on land, like a human, seeing the details of the landscape up close rather than from above, etched the impression of the brush and sand and rocky fields into him like a leaf’s veins beneath an artist’s parchment.
          Hours later, when he caught distant sight of his tree on the road to Nazareth, he felt the weak ache of a grin on his cheeks, and couldn’t bring himself to stifle it. There on the horizon was the proof that things could be—had become—better.
Read it on AO3
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atherix · 2 years
Went back to reread Midnight Summers and the Fae King’s dialogue hits so different after the snippet but also after a simply thinking about Scar’s possessiveness over Tubbo (his claim, his prince, his son—Scar tells the Fae King that he can’t have him) and applying that same possessiveness to the Fae King. I am now in the emotional hospital. I feel like I connected two wires and shot straight power into the veins. (Because the king raised Scar, more than any other grandchild Scar is HIS PRINCE)
YOU! You get it!
(warning you got me RAMBLING and SPOILERS for basically everything past Midnight Summers)
That same protectiveness, that desperate "anything to make sure he's safe" feeling Scar has about Tubbo? That's how the King feels about Scar, only he isn't trying to be human about it at all, nor is he thinking about how Scar is half human and might want to live the way humans do (because if Tubbo wasn't basically human in the eyes of supernaturals, it probably wouldn't have even occured to Scar that Tubbo might want to live as humans do). Well, the King is thinking about how Scar is half human actually.... about how it's killing him. But ya know.
It's just something I'm really looking forward to showing in the future- the King genuinely loves Scar, the way Tubbo is Scar's Prince Scar is the King's Prince. He's shit at showing it, but that's because what Scar remembers of his own father- his very human father who gave up his own life to save Scar- is a very human way of showing love. Cub showed Scar affection in the way he remembered it being- after they knew each other a while and Cub, a literal child his age (and therefore malleable), adapted to it. Scar does not understand Fae affection. In fact, he's downright afraid of Fae affection, stubbornly pushing his more dangerous and possessive instincts aside to express his love towards his son (and even his partners) in a more human way, the way his father showed love.
hfdhsjfds basically Scar learned human love at a very young age and it means he's not very good at identifying Fae love, because he always compared the way others (the King, his mother, Cub, etc) acted to the way his father did, and just hjfdhjfjkdk god I love things like this. The King's love is dangerous and possessive without that layer of human that Scar buries his own Fae-ness with, and it was only seeing the Fae love Scar carries towards Tubbo (rather than the human love towards Grian and Mumbo) that made him realize Scar isn't his child anymore. He's an adult with his own life and his own child, and therefore his own choices.
Letting Scar go so soon after getting him back wasn't easy for the King, but he realized it was for the best. Besides- this way Scar will actually keep in touch and he won't spend 15+ years wondering if he's okay hjfsdkjfkds-
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Gemma rescues Phoenix AU: part 1
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch
So... I was rereading an older part of the series and got carried away with an AU. This is entirely not what I'm meant to be doing right now but ah– oops? Oh well.
This is the start of an AU that diverges after Crucifixion part 1, where Electrocus doesn't come to rescue them. Instead, Kai's retired mentor stumbles across them months later.
CWs: aftermath of crucifixion, past impaling, restrained, ambulance, near-death experience, immortal whumpee, past non-con stripping (non-sexual), implied resurrection
Gemma hums as she slams the van door shut behind her and adjusts her satchel. From what she's read, this shouldn't be too hard a job. They're losing water slow enough that it's not pouring out into the street, it's just the abandoned warehouse that for some reason is still standing.
She thinks the Hero League might've owned it once, well before her time.
Anyway. From the documents alone, this doesn't look like too hard a job. But documents can lie.
She unlocks the warehouse. Or, well, doesn't, since it isn't locked. That's not too unusual, this part of town isn't well cared for, but she feels an eery prickling down her spine, one she came to rely on during her time as a hero. She enters warily, turning on her torch – the sun doesn't really reach in here.
The far end of the warehouse where the dripping pipe sound's coming from is partially in shadow, and Gemma frowns at the outlined form. A crucifix? Why would anyone put a crucifix up in an old warehouse? Complete with a model body too.
Wait. Something... something else is dripping. Not just water. It's dark and slow, like treacle, maybe she imagined the drip. But that stench. Metallic and dirty. She tenses. Something's wrong here.
Then there's a hoarse scream and the body arches forward slightly.
Oh. Oh god. It's a person, and they're alive.
Gemma runs forward, pulling tools from her satchel, switching back to her old hero mindset. She can't lower the cross on her own, she'll have to remove the victim.
She wishes for a moment that she had Morfydd's vision, or Lian's elemental powers, or Kai's telekinesis. Any of them would be useful. But wishing won't do any good now, and she pulls out a small saw. Already their vision's glazed, but she can see a small frown in the bright light of the torch.
"This might hurt. I'm sorry."
She cuts the ropes holding them to the cross and then carefully saws through the blood-drenched wood by their left wrist, making sure there's enough left to keep the nail in. The amount of blood loss caused by removing all four nails would be disastrous. The wood's soft and bad quality, starting to rot, and it's an easy break. This isn't the best environment to keep wood and she's grateful.
They scream again as their arm falls down to their side, voice cracking, and Gemma does her best to ignore it, cutting through the rest of the wood in quick succession. As the cross sways in the rope harness holding it upright, the victim falls forward and Gemma catches them, looping their floppy arms around her neck. God, they're so light. How are they so light?
They're barely conscious now. She pulls out her phone and carefully dials 999, hands slick with the victim's blood. They whimper quietly in her arms, and she wishes she could just take them to the Hero League medics but she's retired. She can't even get into the building anymore.
"Which service do you require?"
"What's the nature of your emergency?"
"I've got someone here who's been crucified. I've taken them down, they're alive."
"Location?" Gemma rattles off the address of the warehouse. "Are they conscious?"
"Just about."
"Okay. There'll be someone there as soon as possible, and I'm sending out police as well. Are the puncture wounds open?"
"No, I just cut them down, didn't remove the nails. Lots of blood loss though still."
"Right. If you can get somewhere easily visible for the paramedics and wrap them in something warm."
"Right." Gemma hoists the person further into her arms and strokes their matted hair as she exits the building. There's a spare fleece in her van that she hasn't been wearing and she drapes it over them, sitting down in the cab. It's warmer than the cool March air which must be biting for the barely-conscious person on her lap.
Then she takes her first proper look at the person she's rescued.
They're young. Really young. Their hair's matted, the ends bloodied, and they're barely wearing anything. God, she wasn't expecting someone quite so young. This is brutal.
"Hello?" asks the 999 operator, making her jump almost out of her skin. "Have you done it?"
"Yeah. Yeah. They're a kid," she says quietly. "Or maybe not quite, but they're very young. God. I didn't get a good look inside, it was too dark, but they... god. I'm sorry, I..."
"It's okay, you're doing an excellent job. This isn't the sort of thing you expect to find. Talk to me. What were you doing here?"
"Investigating a water leak. I'm not sure what it was in the end, I didn't have a chance to check." She looks up at the sound of sirens. "I can see an ambulance. Is that ours?"
"I expect so."
"Well, thank you. I'm going to go now." She cuts off and stands, waving shakily to the approaching ambulance with one hand. She hasn't been this freaked out for years. Hero training and years on the job made sure of that, but... not today, and she's not sure why.
The ambulance pulls to a stop and the paramedics jump out, rushing over to them. Gemma meets them halfway, the kid whimpering breathlessly with her movements.
"Bring them in and lay them on the bed. Crucified, you said?"
"Yep." Gemma brings the kid inside and one of the paramedics starts strapping them down.
"No. No, please... please no." They start bucking slightly and Gemma rests her hand on theirs.
"It's okay, it's an ambulance, no-one's hurting you. Easy, kid."
"Nononononono," they whisper hoarsely.
"Shit," murmurs the paramedic. "I'm going to have to sedate them. Do you know if they're allergic to anything?"
"I don't know them at all."
The paramedic nods and busies himself with a syringe, and Gemma comes to a decision. She already knew she wasn't leaving the kid until they were safe, but surely if someone had reported them missing, if they were looking, they'd have been found by now. That warehouse wasn't exactly hidden. Which means that it's likely no-one is.
She hopes to god she's wrong.
If she's not, though, if the kid really has nowhere to go, she'll take them in. At least while they recover from whatever surgery will be needed. With her credentials as a retired hero she can do that.
Someone snaps their fingers in front of her face and she looks up.
"We need to leave now. Are you coming with us?"
She looks at the kid who, even unconscious, is practically glued to her hand, and nods.
"Great. Strap yourself in then."
Gemma moves her hand slightly to sit down and the kid follows it, nuzzling her, desperate for the touch. Not sedated to complete unconsciousness then.
She almost smiles at the movement, heart melting. Yeah. If this kid has nowhere to go, she's definitely taking them in.
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thembosupreme · 1 year
Hi, okay, I fear this will be very random, but you ARE the person who has written 'Daleks in the Desert', right? Otherwise, please just ignore this ask and forgive my confusion.
If you are, let me just start by saying that I adore the story and I am incredibly sorry (and confused and shaking my head at myself) that I still haven't started reading the second part. But I recently reread the first part and it is still so beautiful and I love it to pieces.
Well, what I actually wanted to talk about is that @doctor-who-oc-tournament is still looking for ocs for their competition. At least I think so? They were 2 days ago. And I remembered your story, obviously, because Koschei is my favourite of all dw ocs I have encountered so far.
Now, Idk if that is anything for you, don't worry if it isn't, but I would definitely vote for them if you wanted to nominate them. Just, there is a rule not to send in incarnations of the Doctor or Master and tbh I am still not 100% convinced Koschei ISN'T the first incarnation of the Master. So that might be a problem if my cautious hunch is right.
Anyway, I hope I have reached the right person and I hope you don't mind the ask. Have a lovely day!
HELLO MY DARLING!!!! My favorite reader oh my god, you did find me ✨😭💕. I just looked at the Bracket blog bc that sounded so fun and the submissions just closed 😭 but i’m gonna watch it anyways lol. Thank you so much for being so sweet and supportive all of the time and I’m so glad you love Koschei as much as I do.
I’m not gonna give away who they are but I will say they aren’t The OG Master, and I’ve taken a break from writing their adventure but i’ll be back on it soon.
I’m so glad you found me!!
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